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No. 1414378
A confession, whether it is insignificant or not. We'll be there for you. Barring trannies and their ilk, of course.
Previous sins:
>>>/ot/1387246 No. 1414667
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the male body interests me more so then it turns me on. I'm not going to lie, when I see an attractive scrote whose PEAK to my attraction this is how I see him (not the outfit). Fat or super buff.
No. 1414764
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I don't play genshin impact and I would never start that game (even as a degenerate weeb myself), but I think this stupid dog looking bitch is so cute. Honestly I am already pretty cringe all around so I'm not gonna admit to likin this weird little freak on any of my social media but man… I think I'm a furfag or somethin. Should probably go to the shrink…
No. 1414775
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>>1414764i normally hate female gazey male characters but damn, the genshit guys are so goddam hot. I love the tummy on this slut.
No. 1414903
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that guy is not a shota though. I am sorry i am not into disgusting roided manwha guys who look like pic rel, i just prefeer twinks.
No. 1414908
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I want to fuck my Sim so bad, every time I play with him I get the heartbeat in my cooch sensation.
No. 1414918
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I only recently learned that sage comes from sageru/下げる despite using image boards for more than 10 years. All this time I've read it as seij and have never questioned the origins before.
Go back to twitter
No. 1414929
>>1414553Kek everyone here has agreed with this for years. Bi men are absolute sex addict degenerates
>>1414588I remember you writing this the other day or so in another thread lmao
No. 1415037
>>1414887so are half the husbandos on this site kek
>>1414991who said anything about porn?
No. 1415159
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>>1414775superior underage husbando
No. 1415160
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having greasy hair will ruin my mood for the entirety of however long it lasts while having freshly washed hair feels like picrel
No. 1415236
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I love my bf deeply and he's genuinely the sweetest guy I know, but I just cannot help thinking a guy I used to work with and fantasizing about being in a relationship with him. Pic unrelated, I just love vintage Japanese ads
No. 1415432
>>1415321I'm not inexperienced, I slept around when I was younger and then I've had 2 long term relationships but I've been single for a while now and I'm feeling like this. Looking back I wasn't attracted to my partners. I've a healthy sex drive which helped but I can't say they sparked much in me. I was using people as an outlet without really feeling true attraction in the moment. But I never questioned it. I thought it was normal att. Its strange to be years into being sexually active and have that realisation hit you. That something was always missing.
The older I get the less I'm able to just have sex without that genuine attraction. I'm getting older.. so my dating pool of men is getting older. The average man my age looks like shit. I developed a crush on a celeb in the last couple years and I feel dumb but I'm like.. oh this is attraction. Finding that in person seems unlikely. Its like this one in a million thing. I know alot of younger women are adding labels to that sort of thing now, treating it like a form of asexuality-lite but I really think men just don't look after themselves and then we're taught to overlook attraction because 'but hes nice' As if there's something wrong with a woman wanting and expecting both in a partner.
Overlooking attraction was my default before.. never worked out well long term. No matter what high drive I have.. you end up up having some uggo scrote take it out on you that you don't go nuts for him anymore. My guy, I never went nuts for you in the first place if I'm being honest.
No. 1415748
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I would wear this shirt. And I hate because it's shameful to put on make up like DV victim. Esp when you're doing it at a concert for moid artists
No. 1415845
I played Sengoku Rance for like 200h and enjoyed it.
>>1415718That too. I didn't have any colds the last 15 or so years and no pains though so I never saw the point of going. But I got the covid vaccines as well.
No. 1415880
>>1415834I’m like 99% sure he’s autistic, his cadence is so strange and inhuman like he’s been hit on the head as a child or has some sort of acute brain abnormality. It’s not just because he’s some ungodly amalgamation of bonglish and Romanian, he
triggers my innate biological instinct to detect retards.
No. 1415893
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She's cute and interesting in a dumb way, I don't hate her I used to dislike her but can't remember why. Regardless I think she's cute as well as the black girl whose name I can't remember from /w/ you all know the one. Yes she's chubby and badly dressed. But not ugly
No. 1415895
I once threw my back out whilst doing a very big poo.
>>1415789I mean, who hasn’t been there in the year of our lord, 2022
No. 1415970
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>>1415934You are so sweet anon! I'm sure we'd get along well.
No. 1416036
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i went on an hour long walk back from the city. i did not eat or drink anything because i wanted to save money and eat healthy. got really hungry around halfway back and saw somebody's uber eats order. the bag looked worn and i went to check it. the date was last night. it was the next morning. i went through it quickly and picked out the donuts. walked away fast and ate them on the way back home.
No. 1416079
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i took a long nap last night after a drive from the city. I did not eat or drink anything because I've been saving money and want to eat healthy. Got really tired as soon as I got into the house but I ordered Uber Eats.I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. I ran downstairs and I saw the bag it looked worn and I check it. I quickly saw that 5 of my donuts were gone and I'm still crying and depressed about it.
>>1416036 No. 1416107
>>1415748These shirts are so cool actually I love them.
>>1415854Me and you.
No. 1416120
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I think my ex’s ex is a closeted BPDchan and the craziness he experienced with her ruined our relationship because I wasn’t pulling insane shit on him and it ironically freaked him out
No. 1416245
>>1416216You might just have CPTSD. There’s a surprising amount of overlap especially if you haven’t gotten actual trauma focused treatment. If it was the ‘tism you would still see a lot of symptoms even when you’re not
No. 1416308
>>1416296You have the wrong nona. Maybe you should log off and take a break.
>>1416304What do sensitivities have to do with trauma and PTSD of any sort?
No. 1416367
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I'm tired of denying my love for 2000s kawaii goffik emo styles. I'm nearing 30 and finally dressing how my 12 year old weeb poorfag self wished she could have dressed, if only she had the money and confidence to do so. I REFUSE TO DENY HER ANY LONGER!!!
No. 1416426
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nonnie, every word you said is true for myself as well. live your emo dream!!!
No. 1416785
>>1416752>>1416757Oh nona, I feel you. She probably was utterly bitter herself. I admire your honesty. If you showed any incipient talent back then no doubt she mistreated you. Some people should never be around kids/be teachers.
No. 1416809
>>1416785Thanks anon, I really appreciate the response. I think the old hag was bitter but she was also mad that my parents didn't have extreme wealth to donate to the studio. I knew so many girls who were not that good but treated pretty well by her generally because their parents were filthy rich and would donate a lot to the dance company. My parents were upper middle class before they got divorced but we didn't have that much to donate.
>>1416782I can't relate to you at all anon, my family is dysfunctional as hell and my mom is MIA with severe narcissistic personality disorder so I love when I get a boyfriend and his mom is a semi-normal (non-narcissistic) person.
No. 1416821
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>>1416700lmao since when are posts like these bannable on /ot/? i hope the farmhands get in a tramway accident and spend the rest of their lives as quadruple amputees
No. 1416839
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I dont consume ''male porn'', but I enjoy the aesthetic of old porn magazines and i think the models used to be really pretty in comparison to modern porn actress
No. 1416844
>>1416832No it wasn't. It hasn't been allowed since at least 2017, which is when /ot/ came about iirc.
>>1416839There's no such thing as male porn or female porn, anon. It's all for males and so were the old porn magazines.
No. 1416927
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I think I’m a recovering BPDchan but the Quiet/Discouraged subtype so no one ever fully noticed
No. 1416954
>>1416816when i passed the car i hit on my way out of the parking garage, the car looked like it had some slight damage tbh.
i kept driving and now i'm wracked with guilt but i've decided to take the risk and not say or do anything, mostly because i'm a non-confrontational pussy. i didn't get a long look at the damage because i panicked as soon as i saw that there was any damage at all, but i'm hoping their car was already dinged…idk… there are definitely cameras so if the person wanted to report it they could and i'd probably get caught. i guess we'll see.
No. 1416994
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I would like to listen to a BL drama CD with Makoto Furukawa playing the seme just to hear him moaning like a slut in my earphones before going to bed, I'm not doing it only because I don't know which one to pick and where. On top of that I know just enough Japanese to keep up with stories but not enough to fully understand everything and that and the sometimes ridiculous and annoying music would ruin it anyway.
No. 1417010
>memories of back in the day when Hikaru midorikawa and Jun Fukuyama had some roles in BL. What a blessed time it was.
No. 1417093
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The other day i stumbled accidentally on porn of some cute nerdy twink and an older woman(who didnt look like a hot milf, she looked super old) larping as son/mother and it turned me on. I fell down a rabbit hole of this specific twink actor who mostly makes porn with older women were he gets femdomed and i am really enjoying it. My non-porn streak is over and i fear my newly found coomer self, help.
No. 1417205
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The man who raped me is now in active danger.
I cannot wait to see his face.
No. 1417210
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>>1417205Lol this reminds me of when I had my ex's Facebook login still and immediately started antagonizing all the local gangsters and drug dealers I could find
No. 1417212
>>1417142If you knew her you would absolutely know she's insufferable. She has literally no female friends because she is too much of a pickme to have one and it's literally her life's mission to "rescuing" scrotes. It makes me sick
>>1417202lol wtf are you talking about?
No. 1417681
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I just found out that kakashi nenpo got remade this year, which made me nostalgic about the old site. I checked it out and was a bit disappointed with myself for not being very excited about it and I ended up browsing some of the old threads here on the farm and I saw picrel that made me realize how far the site has gone on. I'm sad that I can't find staminarose any-more on the archive and look back on that too. I have changed a lot for the better since then and I know that there aren't always happy memories there. However, I just can't help but miss it.
No. 1417802
>>1417782Been there (without the bragging) Its nice til you suddenly break up and then you're in crisis mode with no plans of your own. It was one of my lowest points. I didn't see it coming and didn't have family to fall back on so I was legit going to just kill myself in a panic. It wasn't just a break up.. it was like my life fell apart. Felt like the end of the world. All while he was nudging me to move out quicker. I'm falling apart and hes like.. yeah can you leave already lol. I didn't see the skewed power dynamic that it had created til I was out of there and thinking straight again. On reflection things were never as rosy as I thought att. He had the power to make me homeless at any time so when we argued I was the one generally giving in to him because that was in the back of my mind. That's not power that I ever want to give a guy over me again. That's just my shitty experience with it. Tough lesson learnt. I clearly wasn't thinking far ahead. I hitched all my bets on us lasting. Meanwhile he'd planned the break up for a while and let me think otherwise.
He got a new gf who is totally reliant on him, met her suspiciously soon afterwards too. I just cringe thinking back to that period of my life. The rose tinted glasses had me blinded.
No. 1418110
>>1417139>and she's married to an ugly hapa moid from a poor family.>I hate how my parents let her and her scrote are draining our family of money. And I feel like it's so embarrassing to have someone so poor in the family.i know this isnt about me but this is such an eerily similar description of my brother im scared this is what they think of him even though im just as jealous as you are of your sister that he got to enjoy life and such etc. he's a hapa moid from a (newly) extremely poor family kek we literally can't help it, but he can because he has well paying jobs he just spends it on his car (well our dad's but he's not with us anymore) and expensive clothes that don't last and that you could literally find for a tenth of the price just not in a prestigious area. i cant safely go to uni because he doesn't want to drive me because "gas is expensive" and he literally turns into a demonic zombie if anyone wakes him up… but he can drive just fine to another city to meet his gf and stay with her family who is currently studying to be a psychotherapist… feel like im looking into his near future as his gf's family is asking him to get engaged.
mostly im pissed because for his graduation he got a whole PC setup that he built himself so crazy expensive, that he still uses to this day meanwhile for mine i got poverty and starvation. and tears kek. i literally had to eat only zucchini and eggplants for months on end meanwhile he was with his gf or ordering something online. he spends 0 on my sick mom and i and everything on himself and his gf it literally makes me want to rip my hair out but i don't even hate her at all i just feel envious that she's provided with things she doesn't even need or asked for and neither of us ( my mom and i ) will ever have anytime soon
or he has a literal suicidal breakdown because it's "too much responsibility" and we're "always talking about money" like duh you're not the one eating scraps for days on end so you can enjoy yourself wtf but whatever as long as someone is happy honestly she's so sweet and does deserve that treatment im just envious.
No. 1418736
>>1418730same anon and it’s been much longer for me. i could fuck if i wanted but body issues won’t let me that i had to stop drinking and shaving to avoid losing control and just doing it.
my therapist is a moid and even if he wasn’t, i could not tell what a coomer i have become, i am too ashamed. i wish i had someone to talk about it.
No. 1418908
>>1418815Diff anon but I once dated a guy with a son from a previous relationship. I never imagined I would go near anyone with a kid. But I was at a low point and he seemed like a good option otherwise. I told myself that the kid is entering his teens and is only a 'weekend kid' so I rationalized it not being such a bad deal. I didn't rush to meet him either because I didn't want to be some fleeting presence in a childs life. I made great efforts to get to know him and click with him before we made any big moves like me moving in. If the guy had his way he would've rushed it immediately. Insta-family. That was the first red flag. Seemed off to me.
It wasn't ok. Him entering his teens was not a good thing. It was a nightmare. I was nice as can be. I was understanding of the fact that it must be hard to have split parents. I was mindful of that. I was patient. He started acting out in passive aggresive ways… every time he acted out and I even took it well.. I still got it in the neck from the dad. I was the bad guy no matter what. It wore me down. Nothing was good enough. I was miserable living there. Dude didn't give a fuck because he just wanted to be seen as a cool dad. His cool dad approach did more harm to his son than anything. He was lacking in alot of areas that actually matter to a childs wellbeing. It was all about appearances for him. He liked winning the kid over in superficial ways while doing fuck all. Behind the scenes he was STILL fighting with the kids mother. The same woman who provided most of his care. I wish I'd never bothered. That kid is going to grow up and treat women like shit most likely too. All that give, the compromises, the understanding of their struggle and you get totally taken for granted. You're the bottom of the totem pole because women are expected to be ever patient, loving and caring and to take on all the burden with a smile. After we split he immediately shacked up with someone else and the kid lost his shit at the very sudden upheaval. I felt for him. Taking a step back it was gross to me.
Men are so vocal about how they hate single mothers and how undatable they are.. at least mothers actually raise their kids and put the emotional work in. I felt like I was responsible for everyones emotions while I lived there. It was all on me while the guy sat back and left me to it. Never had my back when a teenager as big as me was acting out. We weren't a team. That kid would have a more stable life without the back and forth. His mom was doing a decent job and then the dad was teaching him bad ways and in the long rin introducing him to a string of new gfs who he chewed up and shat back out after a while. What a role model to a young boy. I hope the stability of his other home (with mom) cancels that out. That he doesn't become this woman user.
No. 1419412
>>1419387I understand the feeling!! I looove cleaning my ears with an ear pick. I have some bamboo ones but I bought a plastic one in Japan and I swear the little scoop at the end is smaller and so much more comfortable than my other ones.
I also like watching ear cleaning asmr videos too but I'm a bit picky about them. It really feels so good and comforting, and it's like an extra fun prize when you pull out a bit of earwax. Unfortunately I clean my ears everyday (or really it's just a quick scratch) so my ears never have any earwax sigh.
I want a girlfriend who will let me clean her ears kek. I do it for my mom sometimes and it feels like something between a massage and trust exercise. I swear someone else cleaning your ears makes it feel 100x better, but my mom complains my ears are too clean so she doesn't do it for me anymore.
No. 1419416
>>1418740Yes. Absolutely.
>>1418744lol I don't even watch them. He left her. She is super emotionally
abusive and most of the shit he (the kiddo) does is most likely from her. But nice try!
>>1418815>>a literal slave please touch grass
No. 1419466
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i've cow tippied in the paste
No. 1419730
>>1419416The way you defend him and believe his "my ex was emotionally
abusive!!" bullshit kek good luck with the little scrotes, be sure to beat them nicely
>most of the shit he (the kiddo) does is most likely from her. But nice try!As if scrotes don't literally beat, rape and muder their mothers even if they're kind and supportive all their lives. Nope, his issues are a woman's fault!! Poor little scrote
No. 1419911
>>1419885Sorry for samefagging but I find it funny how everytime I tell my parents how I’m feeling they’re like
>don’t you understand you’d make my life worse if something were to happen to you Ah yes, of course. It’s about how you feel. I said I want to end my life because you’ve made every second of it insufferable (which could’ve been avoided if you’d simply not been reproducing), and of course it’s about you and how you feel. Right. My mistake, for thinking that how I feel would mean anything!
No. 1420254
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I hope the government of my shit country closes everything due to an outbreak of covid so my parents can stay here for longer, I missed them so much, and they missed us as well, but everyone has been too busy (including myself) and we haven't had any time to actually sit down and talk about other important shit that matters.
We just want them to stay here for a month, but mom needs to go back to work in another continent.
>inb4 wow what a bitch lots of people died
I know, most of my family members died during the pandemic, I don't care anymore tbh.
No. 1420443
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I wouldn't mind having a house husband, provided he really did all of the cooking, cleaning and whatever else there is left to do in a household and is attractive. Too bad men tend to grow resentful if their wife or girlfriend makes more money or is more successful than them and are more likely to cheat the happier they are lol.
No. 1420520
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Western christians all register as retarded woman-hating cultists to me. How are you in a 99% atheist country believing in a man turning into wine or something. There’s gotta be something wrong with your brain. Introverted neurons that won’t co-operate with the others. I’m fine with Christians normally, but there’s just something inherently demonic and PLASTICCC about western ones. Like they learned about god from a Walmart storybook for children and got really into it because they always secretly wanted to stone gays. It never reads as genuine love, they ALWAYS have cia psy-op vibes.
No. 1420539
>>1420520i agree but
>99% atheist countryhuh. i know atheists are more common in modern times but i don't think they're the majority
No. 1420557
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It pisses me off an unnecessary amount whenever someone tries to trash on Violet Evergarden while claiming Clannad is a masterpiece. Yes, Violet Evergarden has it's issues (such as the age gap between a couple of characters) but it has such a good balance of a post-war world about people facing their grief and learning to move on with a sense of hope without hitting you over the head with WAR BAD and because of the slow start where they set up Violet's character and the world around her, the emotional moments feel well-earned because it helps you see her grow. While Clannad just feels very manipulative in how they try to push these forced, over the top sad scenes. On top of them looking like bug-eyed kids while pregnant.
No. 1420639
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i have a new hobby and it makes me feel like such a nerd to be one of the first people in my country to get into it, some of my friends find the results of my hobby pretty fascinating and "mind-blowing" but im sure that if i went on to explain the whole technical side of it they'll just instantly get bored and stop talking to me for a while.
No. 1420918
>>1420902i wholly feel the same way. men disgust me and when i walk by one i'm always worried he's eyeing me up like a piece of fucking meat and it's actually nauseating to think about. i wish i could do something horrible to them when they look at me. maybe i'm just paranoid, but my experiences with men have proven to me that i should absolutely be disgusted when i'm close to one.
i'd say this is why i'm glad to be fat and ugly but since men are willing to fuck a literal hole in the ground it isn't very reassuring.
No. 1421236
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I find myself only attracted to Caucasoid man(not just white but also mena and afghan) and other then Caucasoid men, like I don't find myself attracted to east asian, african or dravadian men at all
No. 1421250
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>>1418130>she's actually dating a single dadYou bitches never learn
No. 1421313
>>1421304nta but she never said that
she couldn't do it, just her bf. i doubt most women in general wants a guy (or anyone else) who farts in front of them tbh, didn't even know that was considered prissy
No. 1421748
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When i was a teen i was obssesed with Brenda Spencer and i though she was the coolest girl ever and wanted to look like her. I even had an edgy donut steel that was inspired by her.
No. 1421862
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I actually don't care if my mom dies and tbh I can't wait for it to happen, it will be a massive closure and the end of an abusive era for me. Fortunately I don't live with her anymore and haven't for 3 years but she is the cause of so much suffering in my life and partially why I'm held back in so many areas today - mentally and emotionally, that is. I try my best to work on things myself and improve my life but it can become annoying sometimes when I remember that she's still on this earth when she doesn't deserve to be, in my opinion.
She is a huge narcissist, and I also know for a fact that I won't get any apology or acknowledgement of her wrongs before she dies. She just doesn't see anything wrong, and because she was the victim of abuse once in her life she has now permanently adopted herself as a constant victim and a sweet old woman who can do no wrong.
The nail in the coffin for me was a few years back when I told her I would take her shopping at 8pm, because my car was fucked so I only drove when the traffic was nonexistent. She said okay we'll go at 8 - and then before 6pm she starts literally throwing a tantrum and raging because she wanted to go now and I told her no, and gave her a valid reason for it (my car and the fact I said we will go at 8). Instead of understanding me and coming to my level, she actually kicked me out and told me to fuck off - she locked the door behind me.
I wasn't even allowed back into the house until I apologised to her - even though I didn't need to as I did nothing wrong. I still had to say sorry as I had nowhere else to go, and I feel like a fucking mug for it. She is a horrible, horrible woman who has caused me to have 0 self-esteem and such a negative image of myself as a woman, and I know that she hates it that I'm nothing like her. I try and use that to motivate myself because I know I'm a kind human and I can accept and admit when I've done something wrong even if I can be stubborn sometimes.
I hate her so much, nonnas. She wouldn't even pay £40 to get her cat vaccinated for an entire year - yet she demands my brothers to drive her shopping or to the airport to see her perverted scrote boyfriend who isn't even allowed to see his own grandchildren. Why would you be with a man like that? She doesn't even work and spends all her money on pointless material shit but she can't even vaccinate her cat - that's why I stole the fucking cat and now he's on PetPlan, he gets yearly vaccines and good quality wet food, and he is so loved and looked after even if we don't have a lot of money. I don't like kids so he is like my baby to me kek I would go without food to feed that cat. It's not hard to be a nice person and improve yourself, I just don't understand why she is like this. Her scrote boyfriend even shouted at her son(my brother) in the street for absolutely no reason and she didn't even stick up for her own fucking son. She is spineless and will do anything and ignore anything as long as she gets her trashy spain holidays and stupid clothes for her obese body.
Sorry, guess I went on a vent but tldr I can't wait for her to disappear off the face of this earth. I felt bad about feeling this way at first but the more I look back on my life, the more I acknowledge that I was a victim of a narcissist and so were my brothers. It hurts me more, because you'd think a woman would care for her own daughter in a special way, but nah. She kicked me out for the simple reason that I dared to assert a boundary and just say no - I want her off this planet the same as I want my male abuser off this planet. When she is gone, a weight will be lifted - and you know what maybe people will call me a heartless bitch like they always have, but they didn't live with her for 18 years, they didn't know what it was like, and for that I'm not sorry. Go to hell!
No. 1421885
>>1421862I had a dad who ordered all his kids to move out at 18. Fair enough. I knew his feelings on that so I made plans and I struggled at first but managed. Fast forward a bit and I had a bf who would make a scene and act likes hes throwing me out of our place over the dumbest petty shit. Just like that, on the spot. Knowing I had no fall back. I moved in with him short notice and I wasn't on the lease so it fucked me up that he had this threat to dangle over me over any little disagreement. He was the one who wanted me to move in. I gave up my own lease to join his, then he never added my name to it. My nerves were in bits while I lived there. Walking on eggshells. We'd have a phase where we'd get on well.. and then it'd repeat again. At least I could eventually get out of there and be 'fuck scrotes and their shit' I can't imagine what its like to have a parent be so petty as to pull that get out on the spot shit.
I hope you have a chill home life now. Trying to rip away someones home security to win an argument is such a low blow.
No. 1422010
>>1421895A few years ago I was pretending to not be mad at my dad. I barely talk to him. We live far apart but even in posts on here while venting.. I was bending over backwards to mention his childhood being rough and that playing a role. Thats true but it doesn't mean I have to push myself to forgive him while I'm still struggling with the effects of it. Faking forgiveness isn't the answer. I was walking on eggshells as if hes going to read what I write on here, why? lol. Even in places where he'll never hear me I was afraid to be frank about my anger. I was the same way in therapy talking about him. Full of excuses on his behalf. Stockholm syndrome. His feelings trump mine.
I don't want kids so I know I won't keep the cycle going in that respect but even in my first relationship I caught myself negatively affecting my partner. I was like a bpder. Didn't recognise myself. And I knew it was because I was mirroring my messed up upbringing in a way. That was a wake up call. I don't know how people have kids and still blissfully ignore the fact that they're feeding into a cycle of misery that will still be there after their own death. Thats the mark you left on the world. Multiplied trauma. How do people live with that and not try to change? My dad was
abusive for 2 decades and one single time in his life (at 70) he said that maybe he was too harsh on me growing up. That was it. That's as much reflection as I've ever seen in him.
I know forgiveness can be great for lifting the burden off your own shoulders but you can't fake it. If you're not there then its better to not try and fake it. One of my main pet peeves with alot of religious types is the push for insta forgiveness. I think they really believe its that simple. Its not. That's faking it. Pushing your own feelings down, the lasst thing that will help anyone. And with my family that's the root of it. People staying in denial, staying quiet. Putting on a forced smile. Abuse thrives in that environment. This got long kek
No. 1422084
>>1422067Kek is it the same anon
>>>/ot/1415750 >>>/ot/1415821
>>1417139 No. 1422100
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My Nigel is out hiking and being fit all day and I'm still in bed with my cat.
No. 1422534
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Sometimes I express opinions here that I don't actually hold, kek
No. 1422551
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when i was a teen there was a guy that really liked me (never liked him back) and i used to incite him to do homosexual stuff because i was a fujoshit. He sent me several ahegao faces while he was wearing his friends glasses(i only like guys with glasses), he stuck a finger up his ass and also he sucked his friend's cock. Now he's larping as a chad tradtoth but i know what he did.
No. 1422566
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>>1422551You are so mean lol kudos to you
No. 1422951
>>1416448 I'm an immigrant to Australia and I find a lot of the way people interact with the indigenous here performative. Constantly acknowledging traditional owners (when none are present, and that acknowledgement does nothing). Warnings on the news when there are images of dead people (seems to be only Aboriginal dead, though, which is weird because if it's about respecting the dead so as not to anger a spirit, surely that extends to all dead?).
In the city the other day some blue-haired libfem screaming about Iran or whatever said that she acknowledged that the land she was standing on was stolen and colonisation continues. Well if her POV is that colonisation continues and the land is stolen, how come she doesn't move? If Aboriginal people came together and said unianimously that they want everyone in this country to leave, would the lefties leave? No, they wouldn't, so what's the point of saying such things? "We acknowledge we are mean nasty colonists, let's all feel guilty about it, but we're still never going to leave". If Aussies want to help the 3% of aboriginals left here, give them their own self-governing state or something, let them live how they want to in their state and be done with it.
No. 1423060
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bumping for porn
No. 1423595
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People have been mistaking me for Grimes on like fucking 4chan and other anonymous types of social media since 2014, i don't know why, I was just some underage idiot posting my dumb autistic opinions on /mu/ and people would say oh yeah that's clearly Claire.
Even nowadays I get >hi grimes ' ed
sometimes, i don't know if i laugh about it or be pissed off, hell, maybe Grimes hasn't even ever been on fucking 4chan maybe it always me, that'd be pretty fucking hilarious.
No. 1423775
>>1423693He won’t tell me, I feel like he’s from a major city but which one? Idk.
>>1423686>>1423655>>1423649I know, it’s bad. At this point I’m milking it a little for the gifts. But nobody irl wants to be with me or around me, so some of us just have to take what we’re given. Inb4 “it’s more dignified to be alone” yes it is, but dignity < having any kind of support over the last ten years
No. 1424065
>>1423786>>1423787>>1424041Don’t worry, I’m well aware it’s not a real relationship. I would just get friends or a proper relationship but as I said before, nobody likes being around me. I really try to get on with people too.
>>1423926He says so
>>1423943I’m 30, he’s 31.
>>1423818I’ve tried to do that but he is the only person I can talk to. I’ve come to accept that it is what it is.
No. 1424248
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>>1415748For some reason the I never interpreted these shirts as them trying to dress up as DV
victims. I just thought it was supposed to be the scars/bruises from everything they’ve ‘killed’
No. 1424295
>>1424255I don’t know what he does. He is gentle now, after my suicide attempt, but he never used to be. I think he feels guilty, because before that we used to get into cycles of him sending me horrible messages and then apologising and being very kind every couple of days. I remember crying a lot and apologising constantly for whatever he’d decided he hated me for that day.
I’ve not seen a picture of him. He says he has black hair and brown eyes. I don’t know much about him at all. He bought me an expensive gaming laptop and all kinds of things for Christmas and birthdays. I don’t get him anything because I don’t know where to send it. He bought me a Nintendo Switch when I got out of hospital. I get Switch games and sweets mostly, and when Danganronpa Deluxe came out he sent me the collector’s edition. I don’t send nudes or anything anymore but I used to, years ago when we’d sext.
No. 1424403
>>1424065>>1424295>Don’t worry, I’m well aware it’s not a real relationship. I would just get friends or a proper relationship but as I said before, nobody likes being around me. I really try to get on with people too.You need to figure out what this issue is because…
>I think he feels guilty, because before that we used to get into cycles of him sending me horrible messages and then apologising and being very kind every couple of days. I remember crying a lot and apologising constantly for whatever he’d decided he hated me for that day.…he is absolutely going to start doing this again. And you won't be able to drop him, just like you weren't before.
Seriously, try therapy, online therapy, track down any old friend you had and is willing to talk to ask them if they would tell you what's going on with you, whatever.
Also, seriously, if you are willing to sext and send nudes to a guy in exchange for emotional support, you can absolutely find a guy is willing to just be nice to you and not emotionally abuse you in exchange for nudes. It's not that hard. Sign up for Tinder et al, swipe right on anyone who doesn't disgust you, and what you are looking for is guys who love to text with you, but always come up with a reason they can't meet in person. There you go, that's your guy. And these guys just love to be text boyfriends so you it's highly likely you won't need to send nudes. If he turns emotionally
abusive, drop him and go back to Tinder.
No. 1424976
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>>1424965Me too
nonnie!! I love stupid humor so much
No. 1425959
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After peaking, I've found it really difficult to have any empathy for males such as when I see a news article of a man being murdered or assaulted. Like I just don't care, I'm aware that's probably not a controversial thing to say on here kek but it's like my brain or heart doesn't produce any sort of emotion to it anymore. If it's a young boy it's different but for grown men I'm just like…eh whatever, who cares? I see a lot of responses that gush over a male victim and I just don't understand it. The male in questioned statistically would have watched porn and got off to videos of exploited women. Almost every male does that these days, so why should I have empathy for them?
It's completely opposite when it's a woman or girl though, and I do know that they are often targeted because they are female which breaks my heart. Men are often just killed or attacked because they're all violent chimps with no self-control or empathy for others. I fear that if I discuss this anywhere else on the internet that I will get a bunch of comments calling me an evil femcel bitch or amber heard or whatever they're calling women with standards these days.
No. 1426370
>>1425959>>1426361Same. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking "ha ha, good." when I read about a male
victim. Except for children, if something happens to a little boy I still feel very upset. But once they go through puberty all males turn into evil misogynists so my empathy is gone.
No. 1426594
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>>1426590>not using that hatred as a motivation to get shredded as fuck and crush moids with your bare handsyou are, indeed, a weak faggot.
No. 1426620
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>>1426590Do you spend a lot of time on moid-infested imageboards? If so, stop it. When I frequently browsed 4chan in high school my internalized misogyny was at an all time high, and I knew that I had to stop looking at that shit if I ever wanted to respect myself or fellow women. Stop looking at that shit and stop spending time with moids who talk that way, you are being brainwashed.
No. 1426661
>>1426645Tbh I rather look like that.
>>1426650I don't know, I think it's just me. One day I just looked at a woman and thought "huh, looks like a gay man" and I haven't been able to unsee it since. Like an intrusive thought. I know we're the default but I can't help it
No. 1426674
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>>1426661Huh, so it does sound more intrusive/automatic and not like you necessarily believe it 100%. Look into thought-stopping techniques like this one. Good luck!
No. 1426707
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I feel like I'm watching myself flush my life down the drain again despite my ample opportunities and supports at the moment (including therapy and medication), and I don't know why I can't stop it. I always have things to talk about in therapy and my meds have leveled me out a lot. I feel like I'm about to make a huge mistake. It is just so easy to do what you've always done and settle for what comes naturally rather than fighting it. I'm too scared I will not be able to recover from the potential pain and consequences from failing at functional change. I let other people erode my self esteem my whole life and now I am in cognitive dissonance purgatory, unable to trust myself to survive in challenging new circumstances despite all the appalling and humiliating things I have survived (and done to survive) to get to this point. I guess I'm just tired. I don't want to keep going if I inadvertently condemn myself to irrevocable, permanent failure to thrive status because my resources, energy, and will to live simply run out in tandem. I guess it's good I care how things turn out.
No. 1426827
>>1426764incredibly true and based. I hate when men play the
victim, they always use the ''suicide rate'' and 'alimony' excuses, which is their own fault.
No. 1426926
>>1426764I just hate how many of them have to take out a bunch of innocent people with them. I watched a video lately about a pilot who took 155 innocent people down with him because 'he was depressed' Seeing so many men in the comments sympathising with him and being like… yo lets not judge him… I guarantee they'd judge the fuck out of any woman who dared pulled that shit. There'd be no using depression as an excuse. She'd be vilified. But of course men have this special form of depression thats soo super serious compared to any mental shit a woman goes through. We wouldn't get it. I'm sick of seeing this 'one rule for us and another for you' in response to mens depression or mens acts of violence when they're depressed. They love the
victim status. Only a man can go on a killing spree and still somehow be the biggest
victim of it because his feelings were hurt and thats the only reason he lashed out, poor guy just needed a friend!
Imagine the collective pain that the murder of 155 people creates. The knock on effect of that. People likely losing multiple family members all at once. The loss of parents, parents burying their kids. People who've fought illnesses or maybe survived their own suicidal thoughts only to have their lives taken from them. Like go overdose in a room by yourself. The theatrics of male suicide are whats most telling to me. Even men who don't murder others often do it in a fashion where they fantasize about their loved ones finding their body and them being riddled with guilt for any thing they ever did to them. Its not depression. Its like a sick game of emotional punishment directed at others.
No. 1426953
>>1426940are u doing better now
No. 1427511
I was seeing this moid and we were hanging together in public and he was telling me this story about how a future teller approached him and looked at his hand and said he was a dog in past lives. I was entertaining his bullshit and he kept asking me to touch his neck because he said it felt like there was a collar if you touched it, I kept refusing but finally did it and then he fucking bit my hand and barked in the middle of the night in public as loud as he could. Not even a fucking WOOF but a chihuahua YAP. I swear to god I got so embarassed to even be hanging out with him, imagine being seen in a date with him, my god, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die right there. Why oh why did I give him a chance for starters.
>>1427404>choosing a profession because she wants to be seen as sexy by other peopleTake off the programing stripey socks queen, time for the horse piss injection.
No. 1427527
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>>1427511>finally did it and then he fucking bit my hand and barked in the middle of the night in public as loud as he could>chihuahua YAPI'm sorry nonna this man sounds so unhinged but I'm creasing at the way you described this, i had such a clear mental image of him going YAP and birds flying off in the distance or a stock sound effect of a cat yowling KEK
No. 1427597
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>>1427527>>1427571You two would be glad to know we ended up making out that night. He jizzed his pants while we were kissing, I grabbed my things and left.
Never talked to him again, seeing him in college between classes feels like a fever dream. No, he was not handsome.
No. 1427648
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>>1427630My fucking sides. It's okay nona, say three Hail Dworkin and all will be forgiven.
But seriously, we need to imbue little girls with higher self esteem or else many more girls will fall to the trap of being bit by a dogkin and then still giving him enough rope to witness the horror of him jizzing his pants.
No. 1427716
nonnie, I literally cannot right now this is fucking gold. You did okay. Although you totally missed out on hissing at him during passing.
No. 1427747
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>>1427741this gif will never get old
No. 1427759
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A friend from highschool reconnected with me, and she's telling me that she remembers my advices dearly, but I seriously can't remember a single advice that I could've told her back then.
Oh my god, I was such a pickme, I hope it wasn't anything bad, I seriously can't remember a single thing, like I can remember some nice memories and even some bad ones, but I can't remember every single waking minute of my school days.
No. 1427767
>>1427759Hopefully you told her to not have sex until she was married and saved her from a world of scrote agony
>>1427630Oh, sweet nonita..
No. 1427802
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I hurt my hand some months ago and now I'm receiving therapy and have a thumb splint and the only thing I'm worried about rn is "ahora como me voy a hacer la paja?"
No. 1427806
>>1427154i am his first girlfriend, i was his first kiss. it's strange, because he can be equally as lewd as i am. he is very curious and wants to figure out what makes me feel good, what makes him feel good. tbh, he's better than my previous partners who were experienced.
i can't wait to have sex with him when he's ready. i don't think it will be full of lust, but love.
god i love him im such a cringey fucker No. 1427921
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I’ve begun to try to get out of my shell lately, and try to be a go getter. I don’t fail miserably, but there’s always so many hiccups every time. I just have accepted that this is who I am because I have put so much effort into acting normal and still having it be a facsimile. Sisyphus’ rock type shit. Anyways
>at this art event today compiling info on booths for some work I have to do
>see this gallery from Tokyo that has some artists I like
>decide to ask the gallery attendants there for any details
>one of the guys there is extremely handsome
>I am nervous but intrigued
>there’s 3 gallery attendants and I make eye contact with one of guys standing around so I decide to ask him questions (the art comes first)
>he tells me his english is bad and that I’ll have to talk to hiroshi (changing his name)
>vaguely points to 2 guys sitting
>”who is hiroshi?”
>my autism is activated as we go back forth 3 times with me asking who hiroshi is and him vaguely pointing again
>hiroshi waves his hands around I guess he heard us
>cute guy is across from him scarfing down fries
>he’s tipping the carton back to get the crumbs and this makes me swoon for some godforsaken reason
>say hello and ask hiroshi if there are any highlights he wants me to talk about (I give tours)
>he proceeds to talk about some of the works
>his english is good but I feel like I’m torturing him
>I’m so nervous that half my focus is on not combusting and on what he’s saying
>he starts flipping his sentence structures like in japanese grammar
>solving puzzles in my head because it sounds so weird in english
>you could probably cook an omelette on my back at this point
>the first gallery attendant is now near us to check up on things
>on the verge of evaporating
>start to wrap it up to be considerate of hiroshi’s time and thank him because he did give me a lot of valuable info
>I can’t even bear to look over at the cute guy because I’m still embarrassed anyways
Fucking hate being a weaboo
No. 1428364
>>1428320I've had a similar experience. Personally I've had
some sort of self-confidence despite everything so I never viewed my natural self as ugly but my previous awkwardness, lack of good proper styling, and being a late bloomer definitely made me a target for bullying and for others to see me as "ugly". I got myself right about two years ago and people no longer view me that way. At the beginning, I shared the same feeling of being in a strange world and having a hard time getting people who were in my old situation understand that I understood what they were going through. Eventually it got to the point where I just said "fuck it" when it came to them; either they connect with me about it or they don't. Some people truly just like to wallow in their misery and the ones that don't want to connect over it usually fall into this category so I let it be. That's on them, no one else.
No. 1428375
>>1428349I tend to push away the memory of him
eating me out specifically because it embarrasses me a lot, but I happened to remember it and wanted to savour this moment by sharing it anonymously. I also just needed an outlet for it because this act specifically makes me feel overwhelmed
No. 1428799
>>1428789i used fiverr.
>>1428794yeah, but the classes had nothing to do with my degree. i just didn't want to write a ten page essay on something that wasn't relevant to what i would be doing in the field
No. 1428910
>>1428606>straight women are more sexually aroused by the female formA straight woman can objectify the female form sure like the way straight women get turned on by women in porn but it’s not real sexual attraction. She would have to be a bisexual.
What you’re looking for is basically a futanari, it’s a woman who has a dick (and pussy). Because she’s a woman, she has every mannerism, personality and socialization of one, only she has a dick. A true and honest girl dick. She’s also a fantasy creature that doesn’t exist irl.
I know troons call themselves futa and dick girls referencing the hentai concept but they are fundamentally different. They are men, possessing male dick, failing to imitate female appearance and personality. They unfortunately can’t give you what you’re looking for.
No. 1428946
>>1428923It’s so true. I have had multiple instances of friends and associates (not even close) whom I assumed to be full TRA status. But only in one-on-one conversations that they start saying things like “sometimes I feel like women are getting spoken over” and “it’s not fair (in regard to sports, scholarships, diversity hires)”. They’d share some unpleasant experiences with troons even if using the PC language. Idk maybe I subconsciously give off
terf vibe that some women tune into.
But one thing I know for sure ain’t nobody in my life uses this stupid site kek
No. 1429090
>>1429009>but they all end up joking about my appearance unprovoked like I'm a punching bag and were sometimes cruel to meI've experienced the same. It's like more attractive women keep you around to vent or make themselves look more beautiful with moids but in reality they have this deep hate and disgust for ugly women for no reason. They can't help making random jokes and casually insult you. I've had "friends" that would suddenly tell me "haha you're becoming even uglier" or "anon are you a man or a woman?? I can't tell haha" while chatting about completely unrelated stuff.
Either that or they'll insult other ugly people (with similar features to mine) in my presence and then they'll go "omg no you're soooo prettyy" in the fakest voice ever.
Tbh I've given up on having female friends because they're all prettier kek. Moids are awful too so I'll just be alone I guess.
No. 1429099
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I just tried eating my dog’s treats. It was okay. Kind of like a savoury digestive biscuit/cracker. The problem is that my mother saw me do it when I thought I was alone. Jesus Christ. I haven’t heard the end of it. My retarded little brother keeps barking at me (the barking is not a symptom of his retardation, he is making fun of me). My mum keeps calling me a greedy bitch and laughing at her own joke because teehee anon, get it? Bitch? Well, let this greedy fucking bitch eat her dog treats in peace.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to have so little curiosity for the world around you. How can you be so literally averse to learning, to be so wilfully ignorant that you cannot comprehend seeking out a new sensory experience firsthand? Even plants spread their roots and search for heat and light in the void, so what does that make you if doing so seems like a ridiculous idea? Intellectually you are plankton. You are moss. You are stupid little microbes under my microscope.
This is exactly like the time I pressed a strange light switch under the desk at work. I told my supervisor and she said very seriously, “I have worked at this petrol station for twenty years and I have no idea what that switch does.”
Well, it turned out it switched off all the fuel pumps off and called the fire brigade. I got fired from that job, but to this day I still occasionally think, “Linda, how did you do it? Twenty years and you never even asked anybody about it? You weren’t tempted to give it a little flick at any point? What is your life like? What happened to you?”
Anyway, I ate dog biscuits but so fucking what? I eat worse things all the time. Eat whatever you want nonnies, God is dead.
No. 1429168
>>1429099Don't listen to anyone else who is going to reply to you - you're based.
First of all, everyone has tried their cat's/dog's treats at least once, out of curiosity at least. They're just to scared to admit it.
Second of all, you did Linda a favor by actually finding out where the switch to turn off the pumps/call the fire department at a fucking gas station is. It was dumb of you to flip the switch without asking anyone first but ultimately the blame is on her.
Third, people are too closed minded about food these days. Sure i technically eat baby food, but its just the fruit varieties which makes it into a pleasant applesauce-type snack, just with other fruits so it has more variety. I get shit on for this all the time jus because its labelled baby food, but its just blended fruit. Dog food can be eaten, it just doesn't taste good, but some survival experts say it good to have in places where you might get stranded, since you will only eat it when you really have to.
Yeah, people really lack curiosity imo.
No. 1429190
>>1429099Your mom is mean. I said I wanted to eat a dog biscuit when I was a little kid and my mom read the ingredients and gave me one. You're right, it tastes like a very dry biscuit.
My coworkers ate cat food the other day. Hilarious as hell, I was going to get in on it because they were hesitating and being pussy but both almost threw up after the first bite so I'm glad I didn't.
No. 1429274
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I did it you guys. I don't know how I did, because I'm a huge NEET; I've been a FUCKING NEET for years now. for so long, A NEET. but I spontaneously walked into a really fancy bar and expressed interest and fast forward several weeks here I am, with ZERO experience, ZERO connections, MINIMAL resume with MANY YEARS EMPTY… simply by walking in and acting like I knew what I was doing… I got this job, at a fancy fucking cocktail bar that talks about notes, the nose, rice polishing percentages, etc. I have no GODDAMNED idea what I'm doing. no experience. I repeat: none. my first shift is tomorrow, I'm barbacking. please. send help
No. 1429384
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>>1429099i used to eat dry cat food because my parents barely fed me lol. i actually began to kind of like it, probably a starvation induced trick idk. my fave was Purina one. salty!
sad part is if my parents ever caught me I'd def be in trouble for "stealing cat food" instead of them being concerned and asking themselves "why does my emaciated child feel they need to steal handfuls of kibble"
No. 1429641
>>1427975Late reply sorry; men visibly leer at her all the time. I know personally they don't have standards because they'll have a crack at whatever woman they can find but when it comes to Stacies they seem to want to telegraph to everyone that they are eye fucking them. Some of them wait until she has walked past to crane their neck or make gross faces but none of them seem to give any fucks about who else sees them and seem almost obsessed with performing creepiness as obviously as possible. She could be wearing trackpants and a hoodie, I don't even get what there is to look at sometimes.
Walk down the street… men yelling out of cars.
Go to a club… can see them staring in the mirror behind the bar.
Hire a plumber… he grabs her on the arse in her own home.
Church? Even the pastor made a pass at her when she went to him about her mum having cancer and now she can't bring herself to go back.
I've been under the illusion that certain male friends/acquaintances were fairly normal and civilised only to find out through Stacy that they are mega creeps.
Her dating stories are just as bad. My theory is that they resent that her looks have a hold on her, plus she is actually intelligent and professionally successful, so they feel like they constantly have to bring her down a peg. I've watched even the most ordinary of men neg her. The more insecure they are, the more
abusive they get. All the shit on the internet bagging on "simping" is just making scrotes worse.
It's not like I just hang out with a bunch of troglodytes and then one Stacy. Lots of my friends are attractive at a Becky level and men have been creeps to us all but as we got older it dropped off noticeably. Next year Stacy turns 40 and they still don't leave her alone.
Anyway that's my long fucking book report on how Stacies show us the horrifying true nature of moids underneath their thin veil of civility. Remember this when any man tries to make you think their subpar behaviour is your fault. You could be everything they say you should be and they'd only treat you worse.
No. 1429790
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I thought that saying that someone was “navel-gazing” was synonymous with “cock-sucking” (because who is staring at anybody’s navel for any amount of time unless they’re in that position?)
Turns out it refers to picrel and and means something quite different.
No. 1430152
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I never watched Love Live because I had an idea pretty similar to it when I was like 13 and felt betrayed when I found out it already exists. I've been working on the universe recently again, and it's fun.
No. 1430169
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Last night I stayed awake til 2am cleaning up a forum I used to moderate in 2008. No one's posted since 2011, but it was overrun with spam, and I wanted to make it nice again. It was a sweet, husbando-based community for girls and I loved it. (Before "husbandos" were even a thing.)
No. 1430214
>>1430030I'm fucking lying, his kid is a fucking monster.. I've never met anyone at that age be that stuck up, strangely egotistical, and also absolutely down to hurt my animals. Will keep on doing it. Will sit on them, throw herself on them no matter how often I say "no! this would hurt you too." and its always, always a "no I don't think so"
Don't care what you think you little shit, a no is a no. Don't sit on my dogs, don't strangle them, don't keep on pestering them. The amount of time it took to tell my partner that while it might be his child's fault, my dog would end up dead.
How do you politely say "you're raising your child to be a psychopath, not to exclude the possibility she already is"
I'll go feral the next time she smacks or sits on my dogs again.
No. 1430289
>>1430214>and its always, always a "no I don't think so"That kid is old enough to do time-out for backtalk or whatever other discipline your nigel does. (He
does reprimand her when she behaves like this, right?) You're the adult, it's not appropriate for her to talk back when you set boundaries.
No. 1430387
>>1430378Ignore the retard
nonnie it's so obviously bait kek
No. 1430851
been keeping this secret inside for weeks and need to let it out desperately or at the rate i'm going i'll give myself a brain tumor from the pressure of it all so here goes: I can feel myself falling for someone. but I already have a boyfriend, who i love more than anything and have lived with for years. like we share a life and have a big future with plans and everything. what I have with this new person isn't "love" because i don't know him well enough and it may very well even be a delusional "limerence" of sorts if that even is a valid concept, but I can't deny anymore and pretend it's just his little crush rubbing off on me and making me feel validated from the attention… like, it's real. it's bad. haven't felt this strong about someone, especially on like an emotional chemistry level, since i first fell for my bf all those years ago and had that "love at first sight" instant crush. this feels similar, but also very distinctly different.
i have to mention the situation with my bf though. which is that we have not had sex or even done ANYTHING beyond lightly making out and snuggling in almost three years. maybe more. like literally cannot remember needing to fish out a condom or even doing any kind of oral or foreplay since fucking god damn COVID. and i'm someone who has wondered if i'm asexual, because of how much lazier and more vanilla and emotional romance-based with sex than my other friends, but damn even I have my limits and my needs. i straight up feel like i'm in heat or some shit. and i'm the girl!!!! like, isn't it usually supposed to be the brainrot overly horny moids who ruin shit from wanting too much sex? I don't even want a TON of sex! just, like, we're humans and we love each other and i'd like to cum every once in a while and make him feel good too. and i have been open and honest with him about this, to the point where i am sobbing and begging for him to get therapy or help for the issues that are stopping him from being romantic with me (it's not like an ED type of thing, but it would be TMI to go into full detail but it's not an issue with the sex lol it's mainly just a combo of us being super super busy and stressed financially, his insecurities, and him being hyperfixated on his work and his art and projects and just straight up forgetting he can fuck his gf i guess.) because i am terrified to lose him to us drifting apart for no good reason as a couple. we can't survive like this, it's like we're bestie roommates that kiss. kiss SOMETIMES. not even often.
i only mention all of this to give you an idea of how like, sexually deprived, weakened and malleable i probably am emotionally to where i am finding myself turning to this new guy and confiding in him more and more.
the new guy hasn't like officially confessed anything yet but it is SO obvious, and i've got a touch of the 'tism so that's really saying something that even I picked up on that. I always hear that saying that's like if you as a woman even slightly suspect that a man is into you, it means he's 1000% into you. I believe it. and it's not helping to know that even if he never makes a move he clearly thinks i'm extremely attractive and also appears to very genuinely care about me emotionally, my opinion on things, and when our opinions differ it's still fun to talk about and he doesn't have super cringe moid opinions too often, is fairly self-aware, which is rare and good. he's so much fun to talk to and i don't feel that way about men ever, unless they're gay or, again, my boyfriend. the trouble is that I don't know his true intentions if he WERE to pursue something. then there is the obvious problem of I'm in a fucking relationship already with someone I care for deeply and cannot lose over stupid boredom, AND THE REAL KICKER!!!! is that he is my best friend's ex. like my veryyyy very best friend of over a decade who does not like this guy and would even possibly view me even continuing to be FRIENDS with him as a betrayal. i love her but she can be very intense and severe and I just know if she finds out, even if she forgives me and we talk it out, we will never be as close and she won't feel like she can trust me as fully and that would really break me I think just as much as if I were to lose my boyfriend forever. even more maybe, i've known her for longer.
oh, AND my bf knows this guy too. he's not really "new", we all went to the same high school and they're old friends who drifted apart and moved away. so now you see the tangled complicated web i've trapped my dumb bitch ass inside of. and you see why i can't tell anyone who is involved, anything, about how i am feeling. because every person i'd usually confide in is directly fucking involved.
god idk. has this happened to any other nonnies before? what did you do? what would you do if you were me? is it possible to have strong, but very different from each other, but true, feelings for two people at once? does that make me poly??? (fuck that cringe bullshit tho lol poly people are always the weirdest weirdos) or am i just bored and dopamine-deprived and autistically mistaking my newfound platonic fondness for a more exciting romance? i don't want to lose any of these people but it feels like i am destined to have to lose at least one and i don't think i can handle that, it'd kill me. seriously though I feel really strange about this. there's a massive guilt, obviously, given all the circumstances. but I also have this feeling of being very annoyed that I am made to feel "guilt" over a natural emotion that I can't control, especially when the circumstances weren't very fair to me either (hi no sex for years), so no wonder I ended up having these feelings for someone who FINALLY shows that they're interested in me as both a person and as a woman.
I'm already imagining impossible retarded fantasy scenarios where I leave and go back to our hometown to be with family for the holidays (this is true, and the bf is likely not going to be able to come because of work, another broken promise that is upsetting me lately…) and somewhere along the line give my bf an ultimatum, like, break up with him and tell him he needs to change if he wants me back and i'm going to extend my stay with family until you sort your shit out. and then of course because this is my imagination, i end up meeting up with the new guy while newly single and he's hotter than he is irl and so am i and i'm better with my words cuz this is MY fantasy scenario, and a newfound exciting fun holiday hallmark channel fling of sorts blossoms. but i have gotttt to snap out of it. because why would i wish a difficult drama-filled scenario upon myself? why would i not want to be there for the one i love most during his time of need when he's been there for my struggles through the years? but then again, it's like, there's only so many years of cycling through the same conversations over and over without him ever making good on his promises to be better for both of us.
I feel so powerless. I get depressed and then I get insanely bubbly and happy and then sad again over the course of a day, every day now, and idk how much more of it I can take. I don't recognize myself right now, I feel like I'm watching some dumb character in a melodramatic YA show on like the fucking CW make horrible choices and like i'm yelling at the tv stupidly, knowing that she can't hear me and that the script was already finalized long ago and now i just have to sit here and watch it unfold. I am so, so totally fucked.
No. 1430866
>>1430851Not completely the same (the guy I fell for was in a foreign country I was living in at the time) but the stuff about your boyfriend all lines up. I was vulnerable and this person love bombed me VERY sneakily like looking back he did so very well, let me come to him, etc. I ended up moving in with him and staying in foreign country and after the first night of me living with him, the insults and gaslighting began. Me in like, instagram fitbess model level of fit and he started calling me fat, picking on my thigh muscle as though it was unsightly, talking about the many beautiful women he had been with or who wanted him. I stayed with him for about six months before things got so bad (sexual abuse and purposeful mental/physical weakening by making me spend hours a day of my free time walking in the brutal summer sun and then not letting me eat til nightfall.) he tried to isolate me from my friends and family. He bled me dry financially. I escaped literally in secret with help from my mom in the form of a plane ticket. It took me years to even process what happened to me, and my self-esteem was completely shattered. I still struggle.
I know this is like a horror story and your guy is prob not an evil legitimate narcissist waiting to ambush you, but just be wary. End things with your partner, but don’t jump into things with the new guy until he has shown you his true colors. I also think dating a friend’s ex (why does she think he’s a bad person btw?) is not super kosher but that’s just me. How good of friends are you also? Just don’t make the mistake I did, it can cost you so much more than you think. (Sorry for yuck blogging)
No. 1430885
>>1430851It's hard to not project myself into this story because it matches something I experienced right down to him being the friend's ex part. Like the other anon that replied, it ended badly.
I think your feelings come from being starved for intimacy and noticing the other guy's interest has piqued yours. There are a few red flags over him though. The emotional roller coaster you're on, the fact that he is your friend's ex and would know that's a little taboo, and if he knows you have a boyfriend too… I don't think this has just randomly happened tbh. I think he has picked up on signs of vulnerability and the challenge of snagging you despite the obstacles is what he's really attracted to. He might even believe he really has a crush on you but once the challenge is over he will lose interest. Be very wary of big statements or promises for the future designed to win you over.
It doesn't sound like you've talked much to your nigel about your relationship issue. You really should. If you can't sort it out with your nigel, you should stay single for a while before moving on and maybe try to not hang out with the vulture circling around the carcass of your old relationship.
No. 1430991
>>1430727It’s half just me doing a bit and half not being able to un-think it tbh
But also wow a chronically online person on lolcow what a concept
No. 1431130
>>1430851Been in a similar situation (his libido was killed from medical problems) and he refused to deal with it to the point he demonized sex and accused me of only feeling lust after him and not love when I would beg for any sexual contact after 6 years, destroyed my self esteem and made me feel like
I was rapey for even
asking (and we wouldn't do anything anyway and I would never force myself on him)
Unless he's willing to work with you anon it's not worth staying in the long run. He has to compromise.
No. 1431156
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my boyfriend has a cuck and “small penis humiliation” fetish (despite him having an average-sized dick), but i love him too much to break up with him for it
No. 1431221
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Even after getting hurt a bunch I still want to find a nice Nigel to build a life with but the moids I connected deeply with always seemed to freak out over the intimacy and drop me as soon as things got real and the ones I kept at arm’s length because it was obvious they didn’t actually care about me as a person would have definitely married me even though they treated me like shit.
No. 1431225
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I'm dealing with severe limerence towards a married coworker that was probably triggered by some stressful events + my anger at my own failing marriage. I feel like I can't think straight and there's literally no way I can avoid contact. tf I do? I don't mind tanking my marriage tbh but this could sabotage my job- even if I don't embarrass myself by making a move (I can't even say that I won't because I feel manic and like my brain has been hijacked), I can't think straight and have probably been acting weird. How do I break this horrible spell? Someone please advise
No. 1431297
nonnie, I wish you were here to dump ice water over me so I'd come to my senses. The problem is that there are some upcoming social events and I can't rub enough brain cells together to remember why making a move is a bad idea even now as I try to snap out of it and am afraid of how I'll act even with self-restraint. It's like someone swapped my libido with the world's most pornsick scrote's
No. 1431306
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I somehow know 2 different guys who trooned out and know each other. I used to date one of them (years ago, pre-trooning) and last night I drunkenly messaged him talking shit about the other one, deadnaming him and said he looks like crap and doesn’t look feminine at all and this morning I woke up to a huge long message about how trans people are “literally being killed when they just want to live and exist, and society unfairly calls them groomers and pedophiles, and he already lost family, his last relationship and friends because of it” and he no longer wants to be my friend because I’m an awful person.
I felt like an asshole this morning but kinda don’t care. I’m only worried if he decides to tell everyone I’m a terf or twAnSpHoBiC because I’ll lose a lot of friends but I also don’t give a fuck. Kek
No. 1431317
>>1431297be strong
nonny, let's count some ways it could go horribly wrong together
>you make a move, it works out and you both ruin your marriages together, the trust is never there because your relationship started out on bad grounds, what's stopping him from doing the same to you?>you ruin your marriage but he wants to make things work with his wife. You become a mistress, just a secret to a cheating scrote>you get together but he's different outside of work than you expect. Things end terribly and you're stuck seeing and being around your ex every day unless one or both of you transfer or leave>your coworkers find out and you become the center of work gossip, people never treat you the same >HR finds out and one or both of you gets fired/moved to different departments, coworkers find out again and you, again, become the center of work gossip>etc, etc etc.The list goes on and on and on! It will affect your career in every aspect in the future if you go through with this, don't do it.
No. 1431357
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my husband takes care of our kid more than I do and I kinda feel bad, but not too much because I take chronic pain meds while still cleaning and cooking.
No. 1431365
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I know the general consensus is that you attract what vibe you give off and I think it may be true. Most guys who approach me are creepy looking and I can only conclude that maybe I am too.
No. 1431414
>>1431382chickens are a lot to care for but they make lovely little friends. my family had some when I was a teenager and my little sister trained them to do tricks. backyard eggs are the last thing I gave up before going vegan because, well, I knew the eggs came from the happiest little poop machines ever.
anyway, I've been feeling similarly anon. I love cooking and trying new recipes but can't see myself going back unless it's like lab grown meat or freeganism or something. tbh I'm really close to taking up dumpster diving with the way food prices have shot up. already eating a diet of rice, potatoes, and beans, so there's not a lot of room for further penny pinching.
anyway, wishing you luck with any future chickens.
No. 1431415
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i yelled at two people today and i'd do it again
No. 1431457
>>1431414That's super cute actually, a friend of mine has chickens and they are indeed so cute and soft, I love them. I don't miss meat or fish at all honestly, I actually enjoy vegan meatballs and such more on their own (probably because they taste exactly like the ikea ones lol) but in dishes it almost never works (like trying to make filling or something). I mostly just miss cheese and eggs, so delicious but oh well..
>>1431417I have this so much, my grandmother never cooks anymore because she knows I don't eat anything. She always feels guilty about not having any food to offer, I'm thinking of being 'vegan' except for eating eggs and dairy at family events. I don't mind saying no thank you when visiting friends but I can tell my grandma really feels bad about it, she thinks it's an eating disorder because my cousin went vegan when she had one (she's okay now luckily).
>>1431448I would but so many male chickens are gassed, ground up alive etc. on the day they're born because they're seen as 'waste'. So many cows are sitting in one space all day, they chase and scream for their calves because they are taken away from them the day they are born. I know I'm just one person but I don't want to contribute to that. I have some second hand leather boots for when it's cold out and no desire to wear suede, real fur etc. It's the least of problems but still annoying when you want to buy something and it's wool or silk or something.
>>1431415Absolutely based.
No. 1431539
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>>1431517Not to be that person but yesterday a ten year old boy shot and killed his 44 year old mom in the face over her not buying him a vr headset. After he killed her, he ordered it online and asked when the package was coming instead of worrying about his mom. So yes its getting higher than 1% now No. 1431550
>>1431539Holy shit that's messed up. I saw in the article that the big sister is 26 years old, so I'm gonna bet his parents were too old to have another kid and he was born legit fucked in the head because of his geriatric parents. According to another article I saw that, just as the sister said, his therapists were very concerned about the boy and the family put several cameras in their house to look after him and check whenever he'd lose his shit all by himself.
>>1431547Same, no way I'm taking that risk, I'd rather die a virgin.
No. 1431563
>>1431463Ayrt, I get what you mean but there are many people working in meat factories as well, some have to go to therapy after because of what they see every day. Of course big clothing factories with children working in them for 3 ct per month is awful. I personally thrift most of my clothing but some vegans are only in it for weight loss reasons and buy 5k worth of shein every year. Like you said, it's impossible to be completely ethical but trying to be as ethical as possible is still something I want to do.
>>1431469Thanks nonna, I just can't get over the fact that I'm contributing to animal suffering (in my mind even if the animals were raised in good conditions, they're still either killed or exploited). I'm not sure about farmers in my region, I know there used to be a farm that sold backyard eggs but that one is long gone. It's whatever, the only reason I posted this as a confession is because a lot of vegans go nuts if you tell them you don't feel 5 million times better and it's mildly inconvenient. They're most of the time completely unwilling to talk about the downsides of it and blame the rest of the world for 'participating in animal abuse', like people think about it when they cook/eat meat or cheese or whatever. I can honestly see why people think it's culty.
No. 1431581
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>>1431550>Having a kid at 34 is old>44 with 10 year old is a geriatric parentDo not blame all moid failures on mothers, they find a way to fuck their own lives up anyway.
No. 1431627
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>>1431594kind of. he does a LOT of stupid shit that people either let slide or work with/around. i have no idea why. however, he is very manipulative and pushy. he will also claim someone's concerns are "totally their own fault and they're just misunderstanding what's going on lol ~ x3"
anyway what's happening currently is ultimately happening because
nobody told him to fuck off earlier…so like, their shit is wrecked (or in the process of getting wrecked) and they're attacking one another instead of him – the retard that suggested it to start with.
>what kind of hobby is thisthink of it as collaborative storytelling. he thinks up some uh, extremely autistic and contrived things. i'm like the only one who's gone "wow that's kind of retarded" instead of "oooo wow that's so unique!"
No. 1431629
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I love it when other women are unapologetically really into something–in fact, if it's a bit cringey, even better. I find it very endearing and cool. It feels like we're taught to feel shame over what we're into and seeing the ones that completely defy the system are heroes, I don't give a fuck if I'm dumb for saying so, kek.
No. 1431634
>>1431629agreed nona.
whenever i express my interests and get passionate as a woman i feel like people see it as a farce or some performance. as if women are only capable of liking things for moid approval. i wanna unapologetically rant about german cinema and not have a guy feel like he just needs to add his two cents
No. 1431640
>>1431632I just checked and yeah you're right, the mother was 44. And it's funny how some of you have no reading comprehension. I made that guess about both parents, not just her, we all know how old men like to have kids in their 50s and are then surprised their kids are slow as fuck, come one now.
>>1431638I just checked and you're right about her age. I didn't see the mother's age. And I said it's unlikely because women are less and less likely to have kids at 18yo, given the daughter's age.
No. 1431657
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>>1431641I'm sorry you're having a hard time, nona. Do whatever you need to do to take good care of yourself and let any other people that you trust to help you out. I know it's scary to be vulnerable, but even telling one person irl will take the pressure off of you. An old saying is "if it's mentionable, it's manageable". I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1431697
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I am so tired of living. not cuz i’m depressed but bc i’m lazy & hate having to be an adult. hate my parents for forcing me into this shit. credit scores, rent, dating, bills, working.. it’s just all so ANNOYING. I don’t want to die necessarily but i’m not as afraid or running away from death as other people are lol. maybe i just want to be a tradwife living in the forest frolicking in the flower fields with my bffs.
No. 1431732
>>1431547Just so you know, you can always send them away if they become a threat to your life upon displaying violent behaviour towards you. Not enough mothers are open to doing this because it makes them look like horrible people, but it's completely
valid and it needs to be normalised.
No. 1431733
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I'm sad Kevin Samuels is dead because I used his videos to learn how to manipulate rich scrotes
No. 1431772
>>1431735#1 Get comfortable with talking less. (This is good life advice overall, not just in securing the moid's bag.) This makes the moid think you're what they would call "humble." More importantly, it gives you time to observe and listen to the moid unfettered, learn what he wants, likes, fears, etc, all things that you can use as leverage. The less you talk, the less he knows about you. The less he knows about you, the more room you have to work in. Imagine how much easier it is to manipulate a person if they know nothing about you but you know everything about them. Men love talking about themselves, all you have to do is ask them questions. If a man doesn't answer questions, do not waste your time, he is hiding something dire. Make eye-contact, ask simple questions, give simple, positive responses.
#2 Scrotes are visual entities. Tying back into talking less, they will assume your personality based on what you look like, if you stay quiet (read: give them a reason not to,) they will continue to. Look up "Liz Lisa 2012" and dress like that. Wear short dresses, tights, ballet flats or block heels with round toes (never pointy toes, never stiletto heels, never sneakers), a
little bit of modest gold jewelry,
small purses, headbands, """""""natural""""""" makeup, and your hair down. To a moid, this reads as feminine, respectable, modest, and well-to-do.
#3 Get comfortable being a yesman. Don't argue with moids; you wouldn't argue with a child. If your moid critiques some stupid ass movie you don't give a shit about, you say, "Ohhh, clever." Once again, the less you say, the better. Men don't talk like we do, if you keep your shit simple, they will take you at face value.
#4 Relax your face. They think they can read you by your face alone. Keep a soft, friendly face and smile whenever they look at you. A "real" smile makes you squint your eyes. This will also play into what they think your personality is.
Bonus points: Live at home (they think no boys are coming over), mention that your parents were always over-protective but that you understand because having a daughter must be scary, don't have cats or
large dogs, straight up lie and say you've only had two boyfriends before (they will not believe it if you say one), straight up lie and say your parents wouldn't allow you to date until you were 20, do not straighten your hair.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be silent around scrotes, it gives you all of the leverage. The less you say, the less they will make shit up in their head about you. It will make them think you don't have a complicated internal dialogue. Men genuinely think that you say everything you think, because that's what they do.
No. 1431852
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Going through almost empty streets and malls in those magic morning hours between 8am and 10am makes me a teny-tiny bit less worried about the depopulation our rich overlords seem to be focused on.
No. 1431946
>>1431942Quoting myself. But whenever I see a retard go "ugh! why isn't more anime about ADULTS :(" or "omg! why isn't this female character in a manga aimed towards YOUNG BOYS fleshed out and well-written? animanga is SO
problematic" I get irritated. Stop watching it! Stop reading it! Go back to whatever dumb shit you came from, please. Stop funking up discussions with your biased, uninformed nonsense. Stop twisting JP culture to fit your dumbass western norms (e.g. calling okama characters trannies), stop mistranslating shit so normalfags can understand it better, just take a moment to do some research before you share your stupid ass thoughts.
Oh man and the fucking retards who only recently found out what yaoi/yuri are. I hate, hate, HATE them the most. Yurifags especially because they're always that weird subset of moralfag wuluwuhs. I could slide the good shit into their DM's or whatever whenever I see them whine about all yuri being ""uguuu moelolishit"" but they're so pretentious and whiny with their complaining that I can only pray they kill themselves.
No. 1432005
nonnie. My childhood was sad, lonely and overall not a great time and I definitely get jealous when I see young girls with good moms and good hobbies/having lots of friends to do stuff with. It's one of those things that you can't really admit to people irl unless they've gone through the same thing as you because otherwise you just look really bitter and weird to harbour some resentment towards children.
No. 1432009
>>1432001>I hate children because they remind me of my own loveless and insufficient childhood when I couldn't connect with my peersi had a severely
abusive childhood, and i haven't felt like this. but seeing untraumatized autistic kids in a healthy and supportive environment makes me feel like it's actually something worth protecting
No. 1432027
>>1432025>>1431996>selfish giftsthis. is he getting these for you or for himself? it seems like the latter to me. i don't think gifts like these are bad all the time, but pretending like he's doing it
for you is just not true
No. 1432378
Sometimes when i am bored i like to read the co comments on allkpop because the commenters all sound retarded, unhinged, delusional and ESL.
The comments on this particular one too are milky. No. 1432384
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>>1432378I've been reading through some kpop critical threads since yesterday lol
No. 1432391
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>>1432378>this article hurts my feelings so im going to report it to hybe or the policeHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
No. 1432393
>>1432388I'm actually quite glad the kpop threads got banned, the twitterfags it lured in were unbearable
and I barely even know anyone from 4th gen, so it's going to be uninteresting for me anyways lol. But I'm also thinking the celebricow threads should be banned, so maybe I'm not one to talk.
No. 1432395
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>>1432393tbf i want the threads to stay up so when 3rd gen men start getting caught up with hookers just like 2nd gen men did we can post about it here nd discuss it.
>the celebricow threads should be bannedatleast you are fair lol.
No. 1432582
>>1432555Going by that logic if a woman in a relationship is getting used for her body either way she might as well get money out of it.
Not that I think this doormat shit
>>1431772 is worth talking proudly of.
No. 1432585
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I like to cyberstalk my ex gf and old friends from school just to see how much they've changed (usually for the worse) over time. Turns out the nerdy fakeboi cosplayer I used to be friends with in middleschool is now a wannabe insta baddie currently in rehab for addiction, and my ex is now a terminally online genderspecial. Whew…
No. 1432599
>>1432582A relationship. a true relationship is different then,
>I'm fucking this guy and doing everything I'd do in a relationship but only for moneyI agree, you aren't getting over on a man using sex in exchange for anything. He's getting what he wants, you are getting what you want. It's purely transactional. Now i think things change in a relationship, but women who think letting men fuck them for money or whatever are "getting over on him" or "Using him" are wrong. both sides are getting something out of it. True manipulation is not even showing a nipple and getting what you want from a scrote.
No. 1432702
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I understand why people ship real human beings now. I want to see them kiss, sudden urge to read a gay football romance, reccomendations would be appreciated please and thank you.
No. 1432751
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>>1432702They went crazy today
No. 1432880
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I suddenly started getting "positive" male attention at work which has made me more confident to my dismay. Because I'm more confident I guess I feel more comfortable being myself and boy, am I an unbearable person. I didn't know I was like this. Or maybe I'm not and it's an outcome of scrotoid attention? point is, lately I've lacked tact, been disrespectful, rude, just outright gross. To me at least, the moids are still orbiting. I had my first experience at white woman jealousy and felt good instead of sad. I'm really ashamed of my attitude and left the work groupchat at an attempt at some damage control. I don't want to say something low-brow again. I want to be more lowkey like before. I don't talk much in person and I want to keep it that way. The groupchat was my downfall. I hope everyone forgets in a few weeks with me being my usual friendly irl self.
No. 1432910
>>1432880Moid attention will dry up and your self-esteem will go with it if you rely on it for validation.
Also, moids stop orbiting real quick as soon as they get pussy. Don't be that person and reel it in.
No. 1432913
>>1432910That's a good point. It's just I'd never gotten attention solely because of looks before. These guys don't know me well, wouldn't even say I'm acquainted with them.
>Also, moids stop orbiting real quick as soon as they get pussy. Don't be that person and reel it in.Absolutely not. I don't like any of them. Though I wouldn't be surprised if people there think that of me at this point while I'm still a KHHV kek.
No. 1432926
>>1431772>mfw this is all how i already am, no larping neededlmao
anyway wasting this much thought and effort on moids is straight up retarded. money hungry people who will stoop to this for a handbag or whatever are absolute weirdos.
No. 1432927
>>1432926>mfw this is all how i already am, no larping neededSee now that's gross. You actually believe in acting like that? You aren't doing it for money or cars or anything?
Anon asked, I explained. I genuinely feel really bad for women who just let moids fuck them and get literally nothign out of it.
No. 1432929
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please the progression, i'm going to start watching football more.
>>1432750it's the chemistry and the eye contact like
>>1432752 said.
No. 1432937
>>1432927i mean dressing modest/feminine, letting the other person talk, being a sad doormat yesman, and having overprotective parents who didn't let me date until i was 18. i don't choose to act that way, that's just how i am.
>I genuinely feel really bad for women who just let moids fuck them and get literally nothign out of it.i'm not having sex with random moids. i've had 1 boyfriend lol. but i imagine what women who do that get out of it, is.. sex. do you think women don't enjoy sex too?
No. 1432943
>>1432937I also have one boyfriend.
Do you genuinely believe you don't deserve anything for letting a moid fuck you just because you're "together?" What do you think that means to a moid? Do you think males are capable of emotions on the level we are?
You should wring everything you can out of any scrote. They are not worth any amount of you. I don't know why anyone would waste their time on one that can't provide you with whatever you want. If you
only want sex, I imagine you must have some sort of disorder.
No. 1432949
>>1432943>I imagine you must have some sort of disorder.from the obvious sociopath kek.
i don't have a desire for anything but companionship. that is what one gets out of a relationship. your view of sex as some sort of product is bizarre. i don't want to spend my time around scrotes i don't even like for material things i don't care about.
No. 1432951
>>1432949>i don't have a desire for anything but companionshipYou should have friends for that, not a moid.
I'm sorry but your view of sex, relationships, and males sounds like what a teenaged American might believe.
No. 1432964
>>1432951idk what you do with your friends but a friendship and a romantic relationship are typically not the same.
>>1432957>seeing that most men have zero EQ, humor or charismai get along great with my bf, we have a lot in common. but i agree 98% of moids i've met were boring and unlikeable and repulsive in their unbridled misogyny.
now imagine spending all of your time around that and getting used sexually by that because you don't want to get a job.
No. 1433096
>>1432705He's already there, he fucks trannies.
>>1432752Meh. All i feel from that photos is a faint testosterone sweat smell. Drawings are prettier.
No. 1433737
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i actually have a paralyzing debilitating fear of bugs. i put a front to it in front of my friend not because she would make fun of me but because she's also really afraid of them and i'll just scare her even further. its worked somehow as exposure therapy with bees and wasps im not afraid of them at all anymore, but if i see a cockroach or beetle or centipede spider etc i genuinely feel chills in my bones and like my legs are about to give out on me.
right now i cant go to the bathroom because there was a giant thick spider, not those dust looking ones, running about in there which my cat was trying to play with like a toy, bless her. don't know whats happened after i just let them to it now im in bed trying to sleep it off until tomorrow. hopefully both the spider and this memory is gone from my mind by then. i shook like a cartoon character when i saw it kek
that said my second confession is that i love tormenting my friend with photos of disgusting bugs or bugs on people to scare and disgust her because i find her reactions hilarious.
No. 1433753
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Until I was like 14, I thought that the only way lesbians could have sex was through scissoring/tribbing. also ot but I remember watching 'sex education' on Netflix years ago and found it weird that the show acted like the only way lesbians could get off was through scissoring iirc. Like they don't even consider oral or fingering or anything
No. 1433766
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Last year I had a massive crush on someone despite being with my bf. I didn't act on it, physically or verbally, but it almost felt like limerence with the way I was obsessed with this scrote for months before it suddenly dropped off. I don't know if he liked me back but I wasn't even interested in that, I feel like my brain just attached to the idea of someone and it was very self-deprecating in the way that I considered myself too ugly for him.
I don't even know why it started and I felt guilty the entire time - I still loved my bf, but it was like most of the space in my brain was occupied by this scrote who came into my life.
I still think it was a "test" of sorts - at the time, I hadn't found lc or hadn't peaked and was still a bit of a pickme, so I had a very rose-tinted view of males in general. As soon as I found stuff like this, my "crush" on this moid soon disappeared and my head felt normal again. I think the entire thing was a manifestation of my low self-esteem and BDD as I felt very insecure just thinking about how this moid would never fancy me back anyway - idk, I don't know wtf happened. I'm happy about that actually, as looking back he was a massive degenerate kek.
I've never told anyone about it, and the other day I found an old notebook of when I would write stuff about my crush and this moid in particular. It was unhinged, and just not like myself at all. I couldn't ever tell anyone irl about this as they'd take it in a completely wrong way, like I was unfaithful to my bf. Perhaps I was in a way, but I never even flirted with this guy. It was really weird, and it almost doesn't feel real looking back on it, because now whenever I think about said moid I cringe in disgust both at him and myself. Overall, I do feel like a massive nobhead for it, even though I don't think I'll ever truly understand why it happened.
No. 1433786
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depressed and about to drink a whole box of these in one sitting. It's zero calories so it won't make me fat.
No. 1433856
>>1433842this might be a good idea. I'm afraid there might be some kind of spy app embedded into my system that'll pull down if I reset and download from backup.
the phone will fluctuate gigabytes when it's not in update mode, which is extremely suspicious
it only started behaving abnormally early this year when it was about maybe a year and a couple months old, and that's not normal
held out and said it's a weird coincidence and it's only acted stranger and stranger. you know if someone's watching me I wish they'd just say something already. this is so stupid
No. 1433998
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some of my grandest infight moments were when i was sick with a fever unable to sleep for days. good times.
No. 1434059
>>1433905Hmm I might try it
>>1433886I did delete some apps and replace the battery recently, it's still being weird
>>1433894Battery sucking sucking down very fast, restarting, sometimes when I was discussing very private stuff, the location and camera badges would randomly turn on even when they weren't supposed to, and its made a startling beeping sound when I was not watching or streaming anything. The storage space will also fluctuate gigabytes at a time. I replaced the battery a few days ago and it's still having space issues and sucking down fast despite everything. fucking weird
I'm starting to sound like a plain schizo tbh but it is weird that I replaced the battery all of a few days ago and it's still behaving this way.
No. 1434222
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I don't wanna be a virgin prude anymore, I wanna be slutty! I'm considering transitioning into a tease first just to play it safe and test it out. I'm aware of how this makes me sound
No. 1434231
>>1433838>>1434059>>1434059Is it an apple phone? iphones are so fucking retarded. Granted, I have a 5se that is 9 years old now but I have been dealing with my phone doing the same for a while now. I feel like updates really change the phone and add the to battery drain. When I had my battery replaced it never fixed the issue (at all, literally a nothing procedure), leading me to assume that the phone just is not battery efficient anymore. Storage also acts all weird with me, and I’m not sure why. If I go to my settings and try to look at my storage, it crashes and boots my out of settings. Always. The only thing that doesn't happen to me are restarts while having private convos, but I do have my phone restart at dumb moments, or falsely die. Like it dies, but I just hold the buttons as to restart and it comes back with a way higher battery charge. I wouldn’t say it’s a coincidence, but that’s just because I don’t believe in coincidences. The convos situation could also depend on what you’re using to message with. Whatsapp is not safe at all. I am pretty tech illiterate, so I’m not sure how someone can fully get into a phone. I’ve done a hard reset on my phone recently, starting from scratch, and that hasn’t done anything (it restarts way less though. And as it restarted my phone would glitch out into these brown, red, and green lines and dots. It still falsely dies though). I bet your phone is not as geriatric as mine, but if it’s apple they do like to shit directly into a phone and sell it, so. I’m sorry if that doesn’t help though nonna. I don’t have any real solutions.
No. 1434358
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>>1434314avoidant attachment style. its there for a reason nona, lets keep protecting ourselves from pain and scrotes
No. 1434549
>>1434249I haven't been the shitty ex but on the other side of this I feel like one of the main lessons I needed to learn in dating is to grow a backbone and leave sooner. I used to cling to memories of back when things were good (those magical first couple months lol) and then I'd end up stuck in the sunk cost fallacy later on. I always had some bs excuse to stay.
It takes two to drag out the misery, even if one partner is the bigger asshole.
No. 1434573
>>1434231it's an 11 and I've only had it since late 2020. I tend to update my phone every few years. my 7 bugged out towards the end of its life, but not like this and not this early
>>1434313maybe it is. my prior models lasted me years before they bricked and the only weird one was the 7
i'm sure it's just schizo behavior and maybe this model is more erroneous than the others? it's due for a replacement when I graduate next year anyway
No. 1434576
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I’m 9 years older than my bf .
i cannot wait to take his virginity
No. 1434580
>>1434551i was sleeping with a guy a few years ago and i was under the impression it was exclusive. one night walked in on him at my friends house cuddling a girl we knew and he eventually admitted that he was house hopping because he was homeless but only at womens houses, and sleeping with every girl. he had slept with like 20+ girls in the time we had been sleeping together (2weeks) i contracted chlamydia and gonorrea. he never got tested and i had to publicly post he had it because he didnt tell any of them. if you didnt know, both of them left untreated in women can lead to infertility (not in men luckily for him!)
No. 1434608
>>1434580I am so sorry nona. I never had to deal with anything as terrible as that, but the first time I ever had sex with a guy, I basically was pressured into doing it without a condom. I did convince him to use one at first but he pulled the "it doesn't feel as good" and "i'll pull out, it's okay" and I bought it. It's a miracle I didn't get pregnant or contract anything since I wasn't on birth control at the time. He was very cute and I was young, naive, and desperate for a crumb of attention.
I think about it a lot, the fact that he really didn't want to use a condom. There was a lot of stuff after that, mostly him getting upset at me because I was upset at him from a combination of being depressed but also upset at feeling like I was used.
I can't see myself ever settling down long term with a man. I'm bisexual but I'll never admit it, because men take it as a sign to weasel their way in, that they'll be "the one who changed me." They are disgusting creatures, God's mistake.
No. 1434721
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>>1434580Was he also a 15 year old Swedish bass player/prostitot in the Black Stones in Japan?
No. 1435415
>>1435381Brave of you to admit
I think about plucking my dogs 6 cowlick hairs that stand out from his forehead. I won't cuz it's dumb to cause my dog pain for aesthetics
No. 1435436
No. 1435456
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i want friends too, i lied. i hate being alone. i'm just too scared of being hated and used again. and i don't have anything to offer but years of unprocessed avpd. not self-dx'ing, but avpd best describes the pain of my social life.
No. 1435527
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>>1435435Why did you have a screenie of your own post? One of the selfposters in the caps thread HMMM? Repent, now.
No. 1435615
>>1435456>>1435465>>1435608Same. Always wanted to have close friends, am a friendly person despite everything, I get along well with the (not very close) friends/classmates I do have.
I got bullied a lot for basically existing wrong, then moved abroad and had the misfortune of dealing with racism/xenophobia for a few years, then got diagnosed with mild tism. Complained about it on lolcow once and got called an NLOG for saying I wish I could be like normal girls. Now I just assume people either find me annoying or talk to me out of pity.
No. 1435616
>>1435527NTA but I always fear my caps are read as self posts when I cap them right after they are posted on the front page of /ot/ etc. I just live on this site and see the funny posts often ok
My confession is that like 1/3 of the caps thread is my caps. I even try to change up my theme in the caps sometimes to not be as obvious
No. 1435710
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Idk if this is too bland for this thread, but when I crochet, I like listening to (and occasionally watching) children's shows as background noise. It honestly makes me feel dumb in a way cause why am I more entertained with Blue's clues (one with steve and joe in it) more than shows appropriate for my age, (mid 20s)? I also occasionally listen/watch little bear, charlie & lola, Max & Ruby, and Arthur etc. cause I like to larp that I am living a stress free life in these shows dimensions lol. I also watch other stuff but its mostly kids shows that put me in a calm mood. I kind of think it's cringy in a way since i dont want it to be labeled as ~regressing~ or something. I just like mindlessly wholesome shit. does anyone else do the same?
No. 1435801
>>1435710We are the same, sometimes I watch
Bluey comps on youtube to relax, even though that's way after my time and I can't even pretend it's nostalgic to me. It's very cute
No. 1435974
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I think I watched too much cartoons as a kid and my brain modeled itself after them, like for example when I read a book and a hill is mentioned I immediately picture something like picrel, even if it's from a realistic setting.
No. 1436490
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Today, I joined in with nonnies in accusing a poster of being a scrote, but I was also accused of being a scrote in a different thread.
No. 1436509
>>1436494im glad I'm not the only one who feels like that
>>1436501She is right and she should say it.
>>1436505He's friends with them because he has similar viewpoints as them and relates to them.What's so annoying about them? What subcategory of Twitterfag do they fall under? Since they're scrotes I have very low hopes.
No. 1436520
>>1436509I guess by annoying twitterfags I just mean they are those super online type of people. The younger friend is basically an egirl but with designer clothes instead of cringe tiktok fashion, and the older friend is a nonbinary sjw but doesn't look like one. They both have rich parents and it's super obvious in how they live (they just party a lot and dont have jobs or skills or talents) and their conversations revolve around regurgitating twitter memes or talking about who they want to sleep with.
My bf is not at all like that when he's apart from them, but when he's with them he falls into that type of humor and it gives me the ick. His other friends are all fairly successful, intelligent, interesting people with cool careers, but he never hangs out with these friends.
No. 1436661
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i actually do this btw
No. 1436710
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i am finally gonna indulge myself in lesbian sex. i will once and for all do it. first woman to make the move on me on tinder is getting it. im going for it. lesbianons dont hate im just visiting. little vacation. pussy vacation.
No. 1436746
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>>1436737I dream of peace still.
No. 1436768
>>1435725You should do some research on this because I've heard of other people doing it. I remember a documentary about several people who spin. One was a woman who did it so much over a long period that she wore a spot into her floor.
It's odd, but I hope you continue to make your brain happy with i.
No. 1436812
>>1436790Actually he acts pretty normal (hsts) so it makes me feel psychotic. Save for
the possibility that he intentionally pissed all over the women's toilet but I have no proof it was him
No. 1437227
I yearn for the love of a man but I don't think ill ever allow myself to indulge. All my life I've never found any man worth pursuing whether it be their looks, personality, who they hang out with, actions they took, ect. My harsh standards have saved me so much regret and troubles. The thought of allowing someone who is capable of causing immense physical harm to women to being the gender raised to think emotionally neglecting themselves is the best thing to do is insane. I thank god that celibacy is possible and that I have kept my most sacred physical and spiritual self away from the sullied hands of men. I cannot fathom how entitled they can be when it comes to women despite all the harm they cause us. I don't care if your father took care of you when you had no one else or that your nigel buys you flowers every day, the typical male behaviour has most definitely leaked out in your presence before, there is for sure a switch in his head that can trigger him, you may not be the one to flip it but the chance that you or another person does, hell is what they will give, no matter the consequences.
If I ever convince myself that I found the "perfect man", I pray that I wake up to reality before its too late or, that I at least can make it out out unscathed.
No. 1437291
I am truly becoming misandric (is this how you say you hate men?).
I never liked them very much, but it seems I may be hyper-focused or something.
I like to hear podcasts about people's stories. It's often about how much men con.
They marry solely for pessoal benefits. Actually I truly am starting to think men are unable to express any unrelated sentiment to self ones.
They explore and abuse, mentally, physically and financially ANY person they can (that includes their own friends, parents, SOs, kids). ANYONE.
At work place, as I raised through hardwork, I noticed how much low effort, lazy and barely competent they are with extremely few exceptions.
I feel like I've been blinded my whole life, and my contempt for man, even the ones who never did anything directly to me, raises every day.
I feel disgusted most of the time with my coworkers for no reason, just because they are in the same room as me.
Idk, maybe I should get some help?
No. 1437401
>>1437208you can always tell, then it branches off into semi-serious indepth conversation with someone going-
>but pee pee is poo poo, so why don't you pee? Just do Poo poo, it's not hard to poo instead of pee. Just sayingit's making it obnoxious in this bitch
No. 1437502
>>1437476I'm weird, I used to lurk Lipstick Alley fucking heavy. Then I started to only get my news from Celebricow.
Now I only get my laughs and random news on people I don't know on Lolcow, while lurking LSA for urban news. Then going to Kiwifarms for retard idiotic scrote news.
Strangely I think I'm outgrowing them all. The more I look into the void, I realize we are all just cattles and cows, laughing at other cows. I like no one really
No. 1437513
>>1437510I want a website to embrace me in it's warmth, I want to put into the pasture with cows of all colors and sizes. I want to smile and be happy. I want to be sucked into the void where no bad things may enter; if they do we shall all laugh and squirt milk, be happy.
Instead I'm sitting in warm piss I wish was the milk of my sisters.
No. 1437835
>>1437822Women with dyed hair: literally just expressing themselves and having fun n scrotes demonize them bc they hate anything that doesn’t cater to their dicks
Straight men with painted nails: trying to lull women into a false sense of security that they’re not like other guys! They’re sensitive and cool and understanding! Except they totally aren’t and just like all other scrotes are just saying and doing whatever they think will get them the most chances for sex
No. 1437857
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Just having some unhinged fantasies. I wrote it all out but deleted because too much cringe.
No. 1437907
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>>1437822Scrotes assessment on women are retarded while women’s are on point. A male wearing nail polish is attempting to signal that he’s not like other males, he’s in touch with his feeeelings, totes smashing
toxic masculinity, he’s artistic and alt. He’s performative, a slut and gaslighter.
No. 1438274
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I used to hard and fast cut people off because I felt like I was such a bad person and was doing them a favor before things “got worse” but now that I’m on the receiving end of it I am devastated. I really hated myself so much that I truly believed that these people would barely blink an eye if I was extremely friendly one day and then completely avoiding them forever the next. It’s a really sad way to live and I feel really bad about all of the good people I hurt doing this.
No. 1438686
>>1438663It's hard since we both live with someone, plus the situation has the potential to get extremely awkward because we both know that we have unresolved feelings for each other (and so does everyone else now i guess).
>>1438673In that case, I'm a sleezebag too- we're mutually acting like pieces of shit. I was always one of those people who was adamantly anti-cheating but it's hard to be in a situation like this when your actual partner hasn't been pulling their weight and you've stopped having romantic feelings for them.
No. 1438735
>>1438697>>1438703Breaking up with someone who's dependent on you and who you've built a life with is way easier said than done. I also understand why so many people coast in shitty marriages now.
>he sounds like more of a sleazebag in this because at least you've managed to do the right choice and not proceed with it, and he's the one who initiated, and what's even worse he did it in publictbf he didn't
explicitly proposition me but it was all but implied. It was pretty shocking but we were also all drunk.
No. 1438763
>>1438742I know it’s hard but if you feel like you’re at a dead end with your husband then you will be much better off divorcing. Yes you’ve built a life together but it’s not one you want. Have you told him how you’ve felt at all?
Getting involved with your coworker is a terrible idea too. The excitement of an affair is probably causing your judgment and the fact that this guy is pulling hardcore moves on you while you’re both married, coworkers, and IN PUBLIC says a lot about his character. Honestly sounds like if you leave your current husband for this guy you’ll eventually end up in the exact same place as you are now just with a different scrote.
No. 1438767
>>1438750Love is the world's shittiest drug,
nonnie. Next to PCP of course.
>>1438759>>1438763>>1438764The problem is that I recently told all of this to him and he's had a come-to-jesus moment where he appears to be making tangible changes. If this weren't the case then I probably would have slept with the work scrote. Might be too little too late though.
No. 1438831
>>1438767He isn’t anon. He’s pretending to. People can’t change. The second it’s comfortable and you’re not leaving he will go right back to the easy shit he was doing before. I hope for your sake I’m wrong, but don’t stay on the hope he really “gets it now”.
Don’t sleep with your coworker. Don’t shit where you eat. Etc though
No. 1439025
>>1439013I'm feeling quite emotionally sensitive and depressed which is rare since I started these, probably because I started my period… So I'm tempted to just take a potential double dose because it won't hurt me. I took one so far because my calculations (done several times) came to the conclusion there was one extra as well which means I forgot one pill one time lol. I guess I should get a pill organizer thing because my memory is so bad. I also know for sure it should be out
yesterday (I'm scatterbrained, prev post I said tomorrow for some reason) because I got a refill reminder notice from pharmacy yesterday or the day before (lol memory) and thought oh weird I have a bunch left.
No. 1439041
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I think my ex was a male pick me and me calling him out on it takes one to know one killed our relationship. I still miss him though
No. 1439082
>>1439056nta but 50k/yr is not exactly philanthropist level income,
I'm kinda confused by how her post is a confession or what exactly is wrong.
No. 1439087
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I have strange feelings for my manager that aren't exactly romantic or sexual, but really strong nonetheless. I really hate it, but at least I've pinpointed that I don't want to fuck him. I think we just have similar kinds of autism that make me want to befriend him really bad. Nearly all of the people I'm close with were from mutual friendships, so having to befriend someone from scratch is completely out of my comfort zone. I wish he wasn't a moid.
No. 1439182
>>1439154Good night to you too! I usually drink a lot of water mixed with a bit of an orange juice after getting drunk, but as I age, the hangovers are brutal nonetheless. And the fluids only makes me wake up during the night to piss lol.
Thank god i don’t have to go to work until Monday.
No. 1439304
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I go to the shelter to adopt the oldest, dyingest dog they have about twice per year. Depeneds on how long the dog lives after I adopt it, I only keep one at a time.
I feed them cheeseburgeers and take them on walks and we go to the park and the ocean and shit.
My last dog just died a coupkle days ago and I'm just gonna drink until I can go be wit hthem all again.
I've been a drunk since highschool, I never wanted to be here at all.
I'm tired of everything and the only pople who could ever love me are the ones who were already abandoned by everyone else.
Dogs are better than us. I can't keep taking care of them though,
I hope I did right by the people who love me and I'm sorry.
No. 1439319
nonnie i hope things get better for you
No. 1439546
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>>1439043Basically picrel but the genders reversed. He didn’t NLOGuys me but he loved doing these big romantic gestures for me but got insanely uncomfortable when I reciprocated. He gave me flowers and paid for everything and was constantly saying ‘yes’ to everything I asked of him even when it was super obvious to me he wasn’t being genuine.
No. 1439553
>>1439549something about some industry being harmful to her mental health, and all these jobs in between being horrible, and how lucky she is to be a streamer, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
feels awkward
No. 1439614
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>>1422551>>1422651Its true, both those men were and my name was Albert Einstein
No. 1439817
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>>1439614I mean I'd say the second story is a little believable(though we can never know) but the first is a mix of a fujocoomer fantasy and early tumblr era "bigot got humiliated and everyone clapped" energy
No. 1441053
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i used to save pictures of boobs on the family computer as a teenager
No. 1441080
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I want everyone I have beef with to explode and die
No. 1441521
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I'm desperate for online attention but I'm ugly and camera shy so I can't post thirst traps. I'm also talentless so I have no art or writing to post. I also hate people and I refuse to butter myself up for the most active/popular people in my fandoms… sigh I know it's for the better because if I where more active online I would end up as a cow which I don't want to. but I want to just once try to get any form for online attention. Just to see what it's like
No. 1441704
I date confident, blow-hard mysoginists because I don't have to talk to them. I hate talking to people. I prefer to be unknown, that's why I post on lolcow and not Facebook.
I hate myself, I know anyone who replies to me is just going to tell me I'm disgusting for not having self-esteem, but I already hate myself so you may as well save it.
I hate everything and everyone. If I was braver, I would kill myself, but I'm not. It's easier to just pack up my backpack with all my consoles and some clean panties and go sit at a man's house gaming while he takes care of me. I don't care what my mom thinks about it, I took care of her my whole life, now it's my turn. I appreciate her letting me keep some of my shit in her garage and letting me sleep there when I'm not dating anyone, but at the same time, I earned that privilege at the cost of my childhood, pubescence, and young adulthood.
How are you supposed to be normal when all the money you made until you were 25 went directly into her bank account? When you dropped out of college because she kept telling you how expensive it was and that the family was collapsing? When you gave up every relationship since middle school because it "scared" her?
I'm done, I quit, I give up. I don't want to work anymore or talk anymore or see anyone.
Why shouldn't I do the easiest thing now? For whom? Not me, I don't care anymore, it never mattered.
It's so easy to just disappear into games while someone else handles life for me. I put in my time, I'm ruined now. I have no willpower left.
No. 1441772
>>1441726What could there possibly be? I've already seen around the curtain, there's no point.
The purpose of success is to benefit others, if you already know that no one actually cares about anyone, then why try? I think a good life is for someone else. I just want to sleep all of this off like a bad dream, it'll be over eventually
No. 1442707
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Since gaining my grown woman body I noticed I do pick me shit like wearing clothes like like pic related i front of my friends bf. Why am I like this.
No. 1443697
I eat paper.
I have done so ever since I was a child, with my first taste of it being toilet paper. Now, toilet paper (unused, of course) has such an incredible taste—the melt-in-your-mouth, sweet, candy floss kind. It really is one of a kind. When I chew on paper, I ascend to a second realm of existence—a higher plane of sublimity—upon which the colours are lurid beyond the spectrum of the Babylonian plane (yes, our normal plane; the plane in which I wrote and submitted this post and in which you have read it), the sounds far richer and euphonious, the inhabitants more transcendent and connected than on our plane. Indeed, this phenomenon is more often summoned by toilet paper, though it is not my favourite. I prefer paper towels, particularly the brown ones that my school offers. I have a hard time describing the taste without just saying that it tastes papery, but it tastes exactly as you might think; in effect, it tastes how it smells. The closest comparison I could make for anyone who has never tried paper is that it is quite savoury, like a meat. On the other hand, the second kind of paper towel—the ultra-absorbent kind from the grocery shop—can be a hit or miss. I had a taste of Bounty paper towel, and it was an absolutely exquisite sensation; it disintegrated well in my mouth and tasted very fragrant, like a fruit. Printer paper is a no go for me—far too rough and unpleasant in texture, and the flavour does not compensate much for it.
I don't know why I continue to eat paper, but whenever I come across it—say, after washing my hands—I can barely resist the urge to inhale the aroma, and once I have caught a whiff, the inclination to shove the damned thing into my mouth is far too great for my willpower, and I resort to chewing until the whole thing has been swallowed up. If you want to call it pica, go right for it—but the experience one receives out of masticating on a piece of paper, and the wisdom granted through the endeavor to the second realm and self-reflection, is more worthy than a thousand medicines and 'professionals' alone.
No. 1443714
>>1443699'Pica'—nonsense, neu-psychiatry drivel!
>>1443703No, of course not. It tastes and smells like paper.
No. 1444000
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Still love my ex, still want to be with him, I think he broke up with me because he got afraid of getting too close emotionally and just snapped. I’ve done all of the emotional heavy lifting post breakup and while he was very receptive to what I’ve had to say, he said he’d reach out once he was ready but couldn’t even be fucked to wish me happy birthday. Not even just a ‘hey I’m not fully ready right now but Hapoy Birthday still’ so I’m going on a date with another moid even though I said I’d be alone for awhile too. He’s probably found some broken bpdchan he can focus on instead of his own problems anyway