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No. 1533248
>>1533227When you train as a midwife, you literally see first hand what happens when you smoke whilst pregnant. The baby literally can be born with a gray hue to their skin and is most likely to be a still birth or be born with severe health problems. They literally waste the time of midwives and the doctors by the fact that they refuse to listen to
valid advice, i honestly wish they were sterilised. They are also the kind of women to treat their children like shit is they had intellectual disabilities or even if they were able bodied, they would abandon their children to go party.
No. 1533455
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Don't know if this exactly belongs here, but there was a violent mentally-ill MMA fighter named Jon Koppenhaver(aka War Machine) who nearly beat his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend to death after she had left him for abusing her, well he actually got married while he was in prison and has a son, his wife actively posts on instagram.
like how fucking retarded do you have to be to marry a violent meathead in prison and then bare him a son and further spread his genes. is the account she runs
No. 1533628
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>>1533624I'm on a mom app and it is rampant with weed addicts. This example in particular is grim.
No. 1533657
No. 1533722
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Y’all heard about the tradwife who saran wrapped her baby and he got taken by cps kek
No. 1533736
>>1533455what the fuck. he should still be in jail for what he did. I'm disgusted in both of them, that kid doesn't stand a chance if his dad is an
abusive almost-murderer and his mom is stupid enough to marry and have a child with such a man
>>1533657you can delete, retype, and repost your replies for 30 minutes after posting, anon
No. 1533739
>>1533722Lmfao what
>>1533736I'm lazy.
No. 1533890
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>>1533888>my kids will never have any kind of tech>they will watch TVSomething doesn't quite fit there
No. 1533896
>>1533894How old are you
nonny? Sounds like you’re being parentified. Good for you to ur mother is truly retarded for giving her a fkn smartphone. That’s how kids get raped and abducted.
No. 1533910
>>1533905Lol sorry that I don’t want my kids to melt their attention span.
Kids don’t NEED technology to fit in and it’s not abuse to not give them internet access, they can use school and library computers to complete homework. Kids need to nurture IRL friendships.
This may shock you but kids have been raised for centuries without tiktok
No. 1534103
>>1533979This lmao.
I’m an expert in childhood education with 3 degrees on the subject. Thanks for your concern though.
No. 1534257
>>1533891>i feel like this isnt as bad as being made out certainly not enough for cps to take himno it is very bad for the child's mental and possible physical health, cps is right.
>>1533756>their idea of a joke to cope was to wrap him up temporarily and sort of dance him around like holding him up and bouncing him around on the bed and putting him down, like to temporarily give him a makeshift straight jacketeven securing a small child in a blanket and shaking them about like a joke is horrid parenting. binding a child in a weighted blanket alone can stress them out and that material isn't as uncomfortable or as restrictive like saran wrap is, but then they also shake him and laugh while he can only cry? fucked up, shouldn't be allowed kids.
No. 1535052
>>1534267I judge every single parent who does this. I went to an ice cream shop and a group of people, left their baby carriage with a sleeping toddler right by the entrance and just walked off to look at the menu.
I kept my eye on the kid, but who does this?? holyshit, so glad it was a safer area, but that is massively irresponsible.
No. 1535149
>>1535052I worked at a gift shop in a mall for a couple years while going to college and this happened a few times. Once a couple left their baby in the stroller at the front of the store during Christmastime when it was super busy. I basically stopped doing any work and just stood there keeping an eye on the baby until they were done. I swear to god at one point a woman was walking by, smiled at the baby, and said “oh she’s so cute I could just steal her!”
Also one time a woman came in and handed me her baby (not in a stroller or carrier) and said she was going out for a smoke. I was the only person working so I had to help customers while holding a strange baby. I was like 19 and had zero experience with kids.
No. 1535155
>>1533905the vast majority of obese people are not coming from households without sugar and junk food. Disordered eating from a super healthy household maybe, but this is just wrong. Kids are not social alienated because their parents won't give them soda. I grew up in the south and the only people I know who stayed skinny into adulthood are the ones whose parents actually made them eat vegetables.
>It's much better to teach them the dangers of tech>it's much better to teach them the dangers of (junk food)which is exactly what parents who don't let their kids exclusively drink chocolate milk do, they explain that the sugar isn't good for them and that junk food will make them feel sick. I'm sorry for sperging about a single sentence I just hate the narrative that "omg you won't give your kids junk food" somehow means the child is going to grow up fat and have a disorder. Any parent with disordered eating, both the almond moms and mcdonalds moms, are going to increase the likelihood of disordered eating in their children, but that has nothing to do with not letting a kid have a bowl of sugar for breakfast.
No. 1535283
>>1535227Most parents are definitely unprepared, but the worst ones are the ones who think they're competent parents yet they set their kids up to failure through their entire lives. I'm thinking about
abusive parents of course, but also poor parents and parents who don't know how to budget at all so they live as if they're poor, parents with too many kids who make the older sisters co-parents, parents who have kids while knowing they're too disabled to raise them properly, and religious parents.
No. 1535333
>>1535282I introduced my daughter to a computer as soon as she was old enough to sit in my lap and look at the screen. At the time I had an old desktop that ran Linux. I bought a drawing tablet and keyboard for making music. I was able to use the tablet to help teach her to read and write. She found using the tablet to be a lot of fun so it was easy to get her to copy me. If I drew a letter of the alphabet, she would then draw the same letter and we would say it out loud. As she got older I taught her how to use creative software. She's six years old now and loves using the computer but she uses it as a tool and a creative outlet instead of a pointless time sink. I don't own any iPads, tablets or even a television, so if she wants to access the internet she has to use a desktop which I have full control over and she has to use Debian and free software.
It's not that technology is bad it's that parents use it because they can't be bothered to spend time with their own children. Another issue is computer literacy among parents. Even if they have good intentions, if they aren't aware of the dangers or know how to control what the computer can be used for, any child is just going to do whatever they want.
No. 1535392
>>1535333We have a similar approach to you.
The nonnas on here acting like preschoolers will be delayed because they cant use a tablet are insane. Using a tablet is brain dead easy. Babies and toddlers need to use their hands and bodies and work on their motor skills. They dont need to use a tablet.
A TV or desktop is fine for educational content.
No. 1535428
>>1535282Being literate with technology doesn't have to be achieved through youtube kids and tiktok and other overstimulating content.
I work closely with elementary school aged kids and they've shown me all the youtube videos they watch and games they play. Some of these roblox games that are insanely popular with young children have shocked me with how shamelessly they're designed to be nothing but gacha/gambling mechanics, numbers going up and flashy overstimulating visual and sound effects. As many dopamine spikes as quickly as possible, to maximize addictiveness. Honestly it reminded me of pachinko parlors in a sense. It appals me how many kids play these games for hours a day. Even if parents limit the game time of their kids and quickly scan if the game isn't wildly inappropriate, their first impression of most of those games would be that it's cute and harmless. Much the same as many of those notorious youtube kids videos.
Unless you're able to prewatch/play everything they're going to to make sure it's fine, I'd say it's best to keep them away from that stuff altogether and let them become tech literate by exploring educational or just simple fun websites, or using software to create things like
>>1535333 said.
I agree with her and also think that teaching your kid to use a desktop like that will already give them a huge advantage in tech literacy over children that only ever use tablets or iphones. User interfaces have become so simple that these kids never learn how to do even the most basic troubleshooting to fix anything with more steps than having to press a big button saying 'fix it'. Kids nowadays are way less tech literate than they were when I was a kid, even though computers and the internet were a much smaller part of daily life.
No. 1535464
>>1535283It’s more like people who have kids are narcissistic on average.
I’m someone who wants to have kids because I think motherhood (sans patriarchy) is so beautiful and that I have a lot of love to give. I wouldn’t try for a baby but if it accidentally happened I would love my child with all of my heart. But this level of emotion is so rarely talked about when I see people talk of their children. As if they hardly felt so much love for their kids before they were born and prob just had kids to check off a life milestone. The best example of parents who hate parenting are those who use surrogates and nannies. Why even have a kid if you refuse to raise them yourself? They have to be more narcissistic on average, there’s no other explanation lol.
No. 1535613
>>1535464i definitely think a lot of people just have kids because it "looks good" to have a family, its all about outside appearances with people who ignore their kids mental health issues, let their husbands or sons abuse and rape their daughters, abuse their kids, and dont give a shit as long as it stays behind closed doors, but then theyll freak out if their daughters need to go to rehab because they start using drugs to cope with the trauma because it makes them "look bad" its absolutely disgusting, especially when its a woman enabling the abuse of her daughter. a mothers one job is to love and protect her daughter.
abusive moms make me want to a log so bad.
No. 1535709
>>1535674The reason why you hear scandals about catholic priest raping children is because the Church is being seen as some holy enitity that can't do no evil, while muslims are rapists by default…plus there's a light "tolerance" veil on Islam because if you dare to criticize it you're a racist bigot yadda yadda respect their culture yadda yadda it doesn't matter if an adult can get a 10 year old pregnant
nonny, it's their culture!
No. 1535789
>>1535778Yeah it shouldn't. Even if a child is genius, skipping grades will be so bad for their social intelligence and after a while, not fitting in with the people in their class/year will make stunt their success.
>>1535787Children need to have fun anf socualize with other children, taking them and forcing them to mature faster will lead to mental issues and socialization failure later on.
No. 1535809
>>1535787Ayrt and I'm saying this as a child who skipped a grade, the retards even made me skip it in the middle of the fucking school year, I got bullied for being a bit weird, whereas with people my age we were on the same maturity level. It depends for people of course, it would have probably been better for
>>1535795 but I personally didn't even feel bored in class.
>>1535789This is exactly what I was talking about, let's also add I was a military brat and never stayed longer in the same place than 3 years, I was socially retarded until high school at least.
No. 1535875
>>1534289Honestly, where I am, whenever kids behave like that you know their parents are Russians.
>>1535166This is so blackpilling. Honestly at my work, all the kids who are glued to their phones and ipads (four year olds basically) look so unhealthy, pale, ghoulish, etc. The kids who don't have any and who actually walk next to the parents instead of sitting in the shopping cart are so much more lively, adorable, friendly, talkative, curious, etc. An actual world of difference. I told my friends and they were like 'maybe the kids on their phones are autistic' like yeah, they probably
developed autism from being deprived of real stimulation. Also autistic kids shouldn't be forced to be on a tablet all day either.
>>1535266Exactly. Only one girl I saw was watching Spongebob, otherwise it's the most random shit, or even TikTok.
No. 1535962
I'm so tired of people telling young women that they'll change their minds about not having kids once they're older, as if acknowledging that you're not fit to be a parent isn't a much more mature decision…
>>1535227Adding to this: it feels like 99% of parents nowadays believe their kids are gifted and can do no wrong (and the others don't give af, there's seemingly no inbetween).
I remember my friend telling me that her little sis was told to go to a school that offers a special "genius" class because her grades in primary school were so good. Meanwhile my friend and I both were even better yet got treated like total normies. She was only like 5 years younger than us.
And now I'm training to be a teacher and parents unironically fight over a B with me… When I was young and did shit in school both my teacher and my parents would scold me, yet now all parents think their offspring is super gifted and everything is others (my) fault. They're so shameless and disrespectful, texing me all day and even phoning our headmaster about tiny issues, because "I know my son! He would never…?"
I don't think kids should feel scared of teachers or other adults but it seems as if binging overconfident/rude/violent social media stars or game characters really deleted any bit of respect in them.
Add to this parents telling already headstrong kids that they shouldn't let anybody "bully" them… I'm so scared of getting a bullying case in my class, I feel like I would be powerless to defend the
victim against those parents and kids.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to add another thing: I see more and more boys of primary school age who are so addicted to gaming that they're shaking while in class because they're nearly getting something like withdrawal symptoms from not being able to be in front of their screen during school hours. So many talk about being online all night meanwhile I had to be in bed at 8 til I was 14 kek
No. 1535971
>>1535956There's a sad correlation with how many of my peers have 'autistic' kids, some labelled by professionals others given the title by parents and who spent those years of conception fucked up on a bunch of substances.
Genuinely I know this bitch who smoked the entire way through her pregnancy to deliver a smaller baby. She's a terrible mother and I had the misfortune of knowing her through an ex. I would spend time with her daughter and she was genuinely bright, just lacked attention. Her mum would openly call her autistic and dumb. She wasn't even preschool age and I was helping her write her name. She did the r backwards and I still praised her and her mother berated the two of us. Like some kids don't stand a chance. Nature vs nurture indeed.
No. 1535990
>>1535828I had issues connecting with kids in general as a kid because everyone was treating me like a massive retard and an easy target for not being white and for being way shorter than everyone my age because of some medical issues. So at this point skipping a grade wouldn't have changed much imo, so I might as well have done it if it means being bullied a bit more but for 4 years instead of 5.
>he got bullied and beaten up countless times because he wad so weird.>because he wad so weird.Not really similar to my situation, since I wasn't acting weird, I just looked different. And not even in a weird way. I had autistic classmates in middle school and they were super violent and ruining lessons all the time but losing their shit unprompted, so if the kid you were talking about was like that too I can see why he was bullied. Not that he deserved it but it's way more predictable.
No. 1536973
>>1536960Nta but anyone who is treated like a genius by their parent probably grows up to be absolutely insufferable.
Interesting how all the school teachers itt say that kids are getting worse. Is it just social media or also the general quality of people who are having children today? Ik smart parents make bad kids too but look at the birth rates in developed countries and how formally educated women are less likely to marry and have kids.
No. 1537012
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I am scared to put my son in school because little kids will parrot things they've seen on their mom's phone who 9 times out of 10 has no clue what their kids are watching, they'll say stuff like "choke me" or "daddy" along with random "sussy baka" "sus" "L" I hate how little kids talk these days . I don't remember using slang when I was like 5 or 7 but I hear kids as small as that say stuff with weird gaming phases or internet terms. Also the new thing obsession for kids isn't Spiderman and Elsa it is Poppy Playtime, Friday night Funkin and Gacha. Why do I see little kids walk around with these ugly, scary dolls? They're gross. You let your kid watch stuff with this and even got them a littledoll? Gross.i hate huggy wuggy my boyfriends nephew had a birthday party and they got a cake of this ugly fucking doll(?)
No. 1537022
>>1536960Make a ten-hour long Youtube video about shitting in a toilet and make it go viral, problem solved! Seriously though that's frightening, they must spend hours caked in their own crap at home while their parents coo about their autism genius child.
>>1536973I know a lot of people who left teaching about 3 or 4 years ago, some had been teaching for decades and some were new but they all ran for the hills at the same time. The pandemic definitely made it worse. No routine, access to games and videos and the internet at all times of the day, no chance to do group activities that didn't involve a screen. I don't think kids are developing ADHD or autism because of screentime either, they're just so socially retarded and addicted to the internet that they end up displaying similar symptoms. So many of them will get a diagnosis for a condition they don't have and medication they don't need.
No. 1537210
My aunt had 3 kids, her mom died, her husband beat her, her sons (her daughter was in nursing school), and tried to rape my father and I. And instead of divorcing him, she begged for him to stay, they still divorced, her mom died, she takes a trip back to Indonesia (born & raised there), comes back to America and decides she'd abandon and neglect her youngest son, the only one still living with her while she's very rich, and decides to blow all her money on mass quantities of meth with him having no family to live with. His GF's family took him in and it's been 2, maybe 3 years now and I haven't heard anything from him. I know he really wants to be a soldier but holy shit I'm just glad he isn't dead. He just turned 18 in September.
No. 1537524
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>>1535333>Debian and free software.lmao
No. 1537564
>>1533237My cousin smoked while pregnant and had a baby with moid over twice her age. Her child is a complete vegetable and she's millions in debt from the amount of health issues her kid has.
It seems to be a weird trend too. Everytime I see some story about a woman having insane complications during pregnancy the dad is typically an old moid
No. 1537581
>>1536960I was a "child genius" that was in gifted classes & things like that.
I wasn't fully potty trained until I was 6, and only started to get the hang of it at 4 because my grandma my parents moved in with soon after my birth screamed at me for peeing in the bathroom and demanded I went outside like an animal. We moved out soon after.
I also barely passed high school with a 0.5-1.0ish GPA because the gifted classes and my parents never taught me how to study and I ended up having 6 different mental disorders, including autism, depression, and anxiety.
I wonder how many other kids who pissed themselves had that issue.
No. 1537767
>>1537752Same. I was born in 2002 but by the tail-end of elementary I was starting to miss out on school activities because I didn't have a phone so my parents were forced to scrounge one up for me.
It's scary to contrast 9 yo me who only had a few dsi games with today's kids. It feels like we're hurtling down a cliff
No. 1537893
>>1537752I was born in 2003, but was glued to a screen by 2009, playing flash games, virtual worlds, The Sims 2, and internet-less console games like Jet Set Radio. I still voluntarily played outside and did shit like snail races and playing with snails in dollhouses. I really liked snails. Until I developed a severe fear of plants and "dirty" things and things along those lines. Then I seldom left the house and had to get a tard wrangler so I can do the bare minimum of functionality at school. No shock I was an Autist with severe OCD.
I didn't have a phone until middle school, said phone was exclusively for contacting my parents, but I still ended up getting groomed because I didn't listen, but compared to the kids of today I ended up pretty unscathed because my parents taught me net safety after realizing their fuckup. Although, it's kinda sad that's the case. I hope that TikTok really does end up getting banned here because it's done nothing but harm people younger than me.
No. 1538067
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>>1537752>the whole issue with kids and tech so weird, mainly because of how addicted they are to itI don’t think it’s that different compared to when people would watch televisions for hours every day.
No. 1538170
>>1533970That seems like some pedo shit
nonnie, hope hes just retarded and that those babies are safe
No. 1539233
>>1535956As a former nanny I have to wholeheartedly agree. I've had a 5 year old that still needed to be wiped because she couldn't do it herself.
Last kid I looked after was an 8 year old, almost 9 that still needed to be physically washed by another person (me) as he couldn't wash himself, couldn't tie his shoes, couldn't brush his teeth and had quite a lot of cavities for someone so young, had lots of difficulties reading and writing, had full-on rolling-on-the-floor toddler tantrums, needed to be accompanied to the toilet, constantly asked for help for the most basic tasks such as grabbing a dish from its drawer, and could not play by himself.
He really didn't know what to do with himself, a house full of toys and games and he couldn't come up with anything to entertain himself with if nobody was there to entertain him, other than turning on the television or his tablet. That I found the most appalling thing. If you had to leave him for 5 minutes for a bathroom break, he would just wait outside of the door and tell you to hurry because he was bored.
His mom is a wealthy single mom, he had nannies his whole life but she wished to remain in charge of his education so we were not allowed to do anything other than entertain him. I wonder if she ever realized the gravity of the situation.
No. 1539293
>>1539249Several reasons: people who wouldn't have been diagnosed before (no special needs, weird but acceptable) now are, society more than ever loves to encourage women to have kids with old scrotes (an older father makes autism way more likely), and in my opinion high functioning kids might have been better adjusted decades ago when they would have been pushed to socialise more and wouldn't have had constant access to mind-numbing technology.
I also think lots of non-autists have awful social skills nowadays. I'm an older student in a class of mostly 18-20 year olds and sometimes I can't believe how weirdly anxious and inappropriate they are (and I'm autistic myself). A lot of them overshare about their mental illnesses to get out of doing presentations/group work, and most demand the lecturers walk them through the most basic tasks that you're supposed to know before starting this course (how to unzip a folder, how to find a file you downloaded, how to export to pdf etc). I don't want to sound like a boomer shitting on the new generation because it's not really their fault, but I do think technology and the internet have fucked up parts of their brains.
No. 1539326
>>1539249Probably isn't helping that we have men screaming from the rooftops about how women need to hurry up and have kids early to guarantee healthy offspring.. but then they want to normalize 10/15 year age gaps. Having a mother who is in a lower risk age category won't magically cancel out the increased risk from the man.
There's even results of studies that show an 'age disparity' between the parents in itself shows a spike in rates of autism.
No. 1539424
>>1539326Old women have higher chances of losing pregnancies because female body eliminates bad pregnancies but since men's sperm doesn't do that, old men can conceive kids easier compared to older women although the kid will more likely to have genetic disorders. Also a young woman is much more likely to be able to get pregnant and therefore give birth to an autistic child if she sleeps with an old man compared to an old woman sleeping with an old man. That's why old men keep forcing young women to marry them, they know they can't have kids with women their age.
Men who couldn't get married young usually already carry some weird defects or mental disorders in their dna like autism so combining it with expired sperm results in bad chances for a healthy baby.
No. 1539441
>>1538067Can't believe no one is mentioning the difference in accessibility. Back in the day, you could only watch TV during down time in the home, so kids still had school, extracurriculars, etc to use their brains at. Now we have access to the entire internet almost all the time regardless of situation.
I'm friends with a highschool teacher who told me about the last time he subbed for a gym class, it was a free day (bc he's not a gym teacher) and like half the kids were just sitting in a circle sharing tiktoks. Its a ghetto school so they didnt have a ton of sports equipment but it seems like imagination just isn't an option nowadays.
No. 1539499
>>1539468Yes, and while I'm NTA I still got very serious ankle injuries that never healed right and got screeched at for having athsma and panic attacks by every gym teacher I ever had, so while kids do need exercise, the least the teachers can do is make it more accessible for injured and ill students without placing them with the disabled kids. Even further, the physically disabled and mentally disabled should be separated and not share a class together, I've seen a lot of very bad things happen with that.
I also went to a ghetto school, the same as a famous singer so they always hyped it up as her school when I was probably one of the only people who knew who she was because she faded into irrelevancy by the time we were in Kindergarten in the late 2000s. And they never fixed anything up, there was fucking mold and asbestos everywhere, all the tech was from the mid to late 2000s, curriculum was a mix of common core and outdated shit, they put a lot of effort into health classes, gym classes, and nothing else. But, the aforementioned problems with injuries and being told to walk off torn ligaments was undoing all the good in that area.
No. 1539752
>>1539725For the most part, it was fine. Sports are sex segregated, locker rooms are sex segregated, games are played with both sexes on both teams, and the teachers try to make it as equal as possible. The teams I was on mostly lost due to my permanent ankle injury mentioned in an anon above making running impossible without risking tearing or breaking it again.
The biggest problem with public schools having gym class, is that the teachers consistently insult, talk shit about, and compare students. They get very pissy and angry, and mald if you have any sort of disability or injury, blaming you for it or forcing you to exercise even if you have a doctor's note saying you can't run or participate. I had walking pneumonia in 7th grade, with a note saying I needed a week off gym, and the teacher discarded it and said I had to do it anyways. Fucking bullshit I hope he gets a heart attack
No. 1539880
>>1539468In understand anons above because I know a lot of schools have jerk
abusive gym teachers and shit equipment with health hazards (that was the case for me too) but I was personally thankful for that hour of exercise because my parents couldn't care less about sports and never spent a dime to make me do activities outside of school. I remember being amazed when the school had some special program going on and they would call professionals to make the kids try various sports like dance and martial arts. Gym class was genuinely the only occasion I had to experience running around and having fun despite the gross place and shit classmates.
No. 1539953
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>>1537012>sussy bakaThis is the worst slang ever created, even worse than "cunny".
>>1539578The internet has become a disaster that gets worse with each year. I feel bad as an adult doll collector for all the little girls who watch adult-backed toy videos, it has to absolutely fuck their mental state to see people getting a whole new product line, $300+ worth of stuff all at once. I don't see how this can lead to anything except women and girls fixated on hyper consumerism long after the American economy has died. People should be learning to do more with less, but everywhere you look it's shein hauls, TEMU hauls, aliexpress hauls, Dollar Tree hauls.
No. 1540066
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I don't know if there's any other brazilians that browse these threads but did you see this girl talking about how her dad abandoned her when she was 4, left her life for 25 years and then later tried to go to court to force her to take care of him? Because "he's her dad" and he deserves it? Thankfully I think the court denied it but in Brazil you're obligated to take care of your aging parents, even if they were shitty, abusive, not present, etc. Boomers in her comments telling her to be a better person (boomers are never the better person) and that god is watching, or something. God didn't watch her dad do a typical scrote move and nope out of her life? Spergout but I'm sorry I don't think there's a worse breed of baby boomers and gen x than brazilian ones. So fucking uppity and narcissistic. They treat everyone else like shit because they know nobody can lift a finger without the law (also run by lead brain damaged boomers and senile silents) slamming them. The men and the women. Aunties have a severe case of old pick-me and feel the need to "humble" or set on fire the self esteem of even female infants.
I don't know why so many in the older generation have this deranged fantasy of fighting for the right to beat children and feeling the need to force their children that they either abandoned or treated like garbage their entire lives to take care of them. Does it feel good? Does it feel good to treat your own family like shit and then turn around and force them using the law to change your diapers?
No. 1540067
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>>1533237FYI, this is a lie smokers tell non-smokers so you don't judge her for being so selfish that she's hurting her baby.
No. 1540088
>>1540066My grandma's parents were shit and her sister 'took care' of them by letting them both rot in their own filth and feeding them once every couple of days (just like they raised their kids, how cute! My grandma moved them to a care home though, and never saw them again), so you're welcome to use that story on any narc aunties who need to be reminded that this technically fell under the category of 'taking care of your parents'. This was in the 1930s but you don't need to mention that.
>>1540067I worked with someone who smoked throughout both pregnancies and nearly lost the first one because of it. Doesn't plan to stop, smokes around her kids, doesn't care that they have a million health issues because of her, plays the
victim whenever someone brings up vaping as an alternative. I moved jobs just before the pandemic, I wonder if she's even alive.
No. 1540254
File: 1680552454471.png (59.51 KB, 1360x854, seems sus.png)

>Arguing with a guy about the safety of children taking puberty blockers
>He refuses to read to any of the studies I provide and claims that they are 100% safe and that all children on blockers have their bone density monitored every two weeks
>there's no way that's true.png
>Check his posting history
>The guy is in twoxchromosomes arguing that age of consent shouldn't be eighteen and that the issue of sex with children "gets messy so fast" and has a lot "of grey areas"
Every time nonnies.
No. 1540293
File: 1680555697904.png (310.3 KB, 828x1792, 75A00C13-9EB3-4021-9588-9FFC89…)

druggies should not have kids inb4 i’m a stoned and it makes me a better parents yeah sure
she even details in the vid how she explains to her kids how using weed is actually good lmao
No. 1540655
>>1540650 Teachers were worse than the kids sometimes honestly. We had the sweetest girl in our year who had selective mutism, she was like the only girl that didn't get bullied. In a french lesson our faggot of a teacher called on her for a question, and when she didn't answer, yelled at her until she cried. The whole class was telling him to stop and he just carried on.
My friend also had a math teacher who would drop pens and make the girls bend down to pick them up. Another of the math teachers was fucking one of her students and trying to bribe the class with sweets to keep quiet. Kid would've been 13/14 at the time.
No. 1540866
File: 1680630742942.jpg (31.7 KB, 800x450, bb.jpg)

>>1540738Always here to do my part. We all need to shame men until they learn how to behave.
No. 1541366
>>1539493I hated sports for the longest time because of how gym was taught. We mostly played volleyball and I wasn’t into ball sports even though I was a good at other sports like tennis, the teacher would always scream at me and put me on display for not being able to throw a ball in a certain way. I was shaking crying trying my best and to this day I avoid team sports because I start to sweat and get anxious. The teachers would always bully students they didn’t like.
Also gym class should not be marked on performance imo. Short kid is not gonna jump as far as a tall one, fat kid or an asthmatic aren’t gonna be fast. It should be a fun way to exercise and introduce kids to sports and students should all get A unless their behaviour is bad.
No. 1542614
File: 1680861313712.png (Spoiler Image,2.19 MB, 828x1792, 213721A1-905C-410A-80A3-94C376…)

This is the opposite of appalling parenting, this is such a great act of love.
Bet the little shit didn’t breathe the wrong direction after that. Sick of kids thinking they can abuse and waste class time.
I’m a teacher and childhood education expert and I can tell you with fidelity that this is absolutely the right thing for her to have done. So creative I love it. Educational success and good behaviour is entirely up to parental culture.
No. 1542658
>>1535052i once went to this huge food festival with some few friends, we were eating at some table and it was super crowded when we suddenly saw a little boy about 4 yours old wandering around sobbing, looking super scared and lost. We asked him if he knew where his parent were but since he was so young he couldn't speak that well. The food festival had this band playing so we carried him to this band and asked if we could use the microphone to find his parents. After announcing that this little boy was lost his mother who was located very close towards the stage calmly walked to use with like an emotionless face. She didn't hug him or even look relieved to see him. It was so fucking weird I don't even remember if she thanked us for helping her child. I still think about it a lot because we just so happened to help him but he was probably wandering around for so long and what if some creep kidnapped him? And especially the reaction of the mother who just seemed to not give a fuck and not even comfort her child after finally finding him. Why do parents take there kids to huge events like this? This event wasn't for kids either, they had a lot of beer stands also ect. Like I understand that kids are fast and you can sometimes lose them, but it's the fact that she didn't even bother to search for him or maybe didn't even notice that he was gone.
>>1535266My sister gives her son who is 3 years old always her phone to shut him up. He mostly watched youtube videos but often it's in english and that is not the language of our country. He barely can speak and sometimes I wonder if it is because of the huge amount of english youtube videos he watches while his parents don't practice speaking with him a lot. I know kids can be bilingual but I don't think this is the right way to do it. He already knows how to skip to the next youtube videos and how to pause it ect. He also broke my sisters phone when he got angry, but then what can you expect giving your phone to a toddler? Even though he throws phones multiple times on the ground they still give it to him because they don't know how else to silence him when he cries.
No. 1543412
>>1539442I hate the way that this kind of age gap has been normalized. Every person I know who is in a relationship where the age difference is 10-15 years are always absolute freaks.
I had an acquaintance that was 20 when she got pregnant by her boyfriend who was 13 or 14 years older than her. He knew her since she was 16 as she was working in a nearby restaurant that he visited often. Her child is now 3 or 4 years old and has severe epilepsy as well as problems with his lungs and heart. He collapsed at the kindergarten and had to be admitted to hospital. His mother rushed to the hospital with no trace left of her boyfriend and father of the child. This poor child had to be examined an entire week due to his weak and critical conditon. After begging him to visit his child as he was scared and confused, he came for 10 minutes and dropped of their clothing. He ghosted her the rest of the week because of "work" which is funny because he still could go out with his male friends to the bar or play video games till late night. She is still today with him till this day and and nags him to finally propose to her as he already promised to do it earlier but postponed it every single time. Another fun fact is that he already had another child with a situationship and left their asses not even paying child support once. She knew this and still decided to have a child with him. He is a raging alcoholic who destroys their apartment and cant controll himself. It even goes so far that her neighbors believe he is abusing her and offer help. Imagine telling this someone and not even consider breaking up with him? Why do women do this to themselves? How is this something that was not predictable? I understand that she is the
victim in the situation but holy fucking shit how can you even want to stay with this man after he ghosted you and your sick son in the hospital? Another silly fact is that she gets a lot of money from the government to support herself and her son but keeps spending money on designer stuff and gets herself the newest apple tech stuff there is instead of doing something for the child. Some people really dont deserve to be parents.
No. 1544451
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I can't with my parents. like I'm trying to be a responsible older sister to my young brother, I recently went through his tablet after he left it in my mother's room. To my disappointment, I discovered videos about 'animan memes', 'rude Karen #7061 gets owned' and some coomer weeb videos about anime's that he doesn't even watched
I do my best to be a good sibling by removing certain videos and not forcing my political views on him. While I have no problem with him enjoying Roblox, Minecraft, and Mr. Beast videos, there are some videos out there that corrupting him and cause him to become upset when I intervene. I understand his frustration, cause he's a kid and he doesn't like people messing with his stuff, so I can excuse him but what I can't excuse is my parents passivity. They would rather let him rot his brain than deal with his crying. When I expressed my concerns to my mother, she just wanted to rant and accused me of insulting her by implying she didn't raise my brother with proper values. It's frustrating because she always makes it about herself and doesn't take responsibility for the situation.
No. 1544494
Semi-related, but I started working at a school and the way some of these adults on staff act towards children who aren't always happy disgust me. First, we walked into a room where some unruly children go and asked how the staff was doing, in front of all the children, one staff member said "Alive!" We then witnessed a child about to throw a chair at another, the child stopped, but another adult burst into laughter, basically enabling future behavior. Minutes later, we walked to another room and a child was crying, he walked up to his teacher, she looked at us and said "oh god" rolling her eyes. I'm just so appalled how these adults are so dismissive to children's mental wellbeing, like right in front of their face too.
No. 1544495
Semi-related, but I started working at a school and the way some of these adults on staff act towards children who aren't always happy disgust me. First, we walked into a room where some unruly children go and asked how the staff was doing, in front of all the children, one staff member said "Alive!" We then witnessed a child about to throw a chair at another, the child stopped, but another adult burst into laughter, basically enabling future behavior. Minutes later, we walked to another room and a child was crying, he walked up to his teacher, she looked at us and said "oh god" rolling her eyes. I'm just so appalled how these adults are so dismissive to children's mental wellbeing, like right in front of their face too.
No. 1544496
Semi-related, but I started working at a school and the way some of these adults on staff act towards children who aren't always happy disgust me. First, we walked into a room where some unruly children go and asked how the staff was doing, in front of all the children, one staff member said "Alive!" We then witnessed a child about to throw a chair at another, the child stopped, but another adult burst into laughter, basically enabling future behavior. Minutes later, we walked to another room and a child was crying, he walked up to his teacher, she looked at us and said "oh god" rolling her eyes. I'm just so appalled how these adults are so dismissive to children's mental wellbeing, like right in front of their face too.
No. 1544497
Semi-related, but I started working at a school and the way some of these adults on staff act towards children who aren't always happy disgust me. First, we walked into a room where some unruly children go and asked how the staff was doing, in front of all the children, one staff member said "Alive!" We then witnessed a child about to throw a chair at another, the child stopped, but another adult burst into laughter, basically enabling future behavior. Minutes later, we walked to another room and a child was crying, he walked up to his teacher, she looked at us and said "oh god" rolling her eyes. I'm just so appalled how these adults are so dismissive to children's mental wellbeing, like right in front of their face too.
No. 1544498
Semi-related, but I started working at a school and the way some of these adults on staff act towards children who aren't always happy disgust me. First, we walked into a room where some unruly children go and asked how the staff was doing, in front of all the children, one staff member said "Alive!" We then witnessed a child about to throw a chair at another, the child stopped, but another adult burst into laughter, basically enabling future behavior. Minutes later, we walked to another room and a child was crying, he walked up to his teacher, she looked at us and said "oh god" rolling her eyes. I'm just so appalled how these adults are so dismissive to children's mental wellbeing, like right in front of their face too.
No. 1544761
>>1544505just turned 12 a few months back, but he looks older then he is.
>>1544723Their Gen-X not boomers
No. 1544790
File: 1681073132052.png (82.16 KB, 978x870, Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 22.42…)

>>1544766One of the game adds he was seeing was something like this. It showed a husband walking into his wife with another man in the shower. He's really into Pokemon so he's probably seen Pokemon furry porn.
The most retarded thing is that the parents are super protective regarding certain things, but then completely neglectful regarding others. He's like 8 now and they won't let him have WhatsApp on his phone, but he has free Internet access. Given his personality, I'm genuinely worried that he'll get into porn early and turn into a rapist or child abuser as a teenager. If I had a kid, I wouldn't let them alone in the same room.
also to clear up this
>>1544769 is another anon kek
No. 1545062
File: 1681104736794.png (434.63 KB, 1136x716, Screenshot 6.png)

>>1544790>>1544451My cousin's kid is a bit older than some of the other kids (she's 14), but she's been in front of a screen since she was 3 years old, and probably every day since. I once went through her youtube account out of concern, and at first glance, the videos seemed innocent enough - some Roblox and Gacha videos, and cake making videos. But it was honestly just as bad as what boys are getting recommended. The Gacha videos were shit like picrel, all had to do with topics like death, rape, and sex. The cake making videos were basically mini-storytimes read by some sort of AI, and also filled with messed up content. And then there were some really adult dating both games (m/m and m/f) that were like as
>>1544790 described.
It seems as though Generation Alpha is being systematically conditioned to accept messed up shit on a mass scale.
No. 1545127
File: 1681119546947.webm (1.01 MB, 576x1024, account managed by mom.webm)

found this account calling out trashy parent 'content creators'. if you want to hate everything i suggest watching a few dozen videos No. 1545151
>>1545127Good, these people need to called out more
also does anyone have that Youtube video where a man proves that most watchers of "family content channels" were mostly adult men?
No. 1545810
>>1545127reminded me of creators like DaddyoFive, who profit from their child abuse, this kind of content should be outright banned and result in youtube contacting cps on you
there was a woman that covered this way better (outdated now technically) but I can't recall her name, sorry about that
No. 1546270
>>1533237my piece of shit mum smoked whilst pregnant with my half brother and she makes up fake health issues with him to keep him sick to get money from the government
>>1533633my parent's "free parented me" aka neglect and leave your kids to fend for themselves and do whatever they want with no repercussions and no guidance. My dad would yell at everyone who dared try to discipline us. My dad would scream in my grandmothers face if she told us to stop doing something.
Now I've grown to up not know anything about life. I have no idea what to do and how to navigate through life as an adult. Cos they refused to send me to school, I'm a literal retard both academically and socially. I feel like I have brain damage.
No. 1546990
>>1546012Let us not forget that kids born late in the year are a lot more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD for the simple reason that they act more "immature" compared to the rest of the class, when in reality they can be almost a whole year younger than their classmates born in January so of course they're more likely to seem more immature. A single year can make a huge difference in childhood in terms of development.
The opposite is true too, an over-performing student may also just simply have been born earlier and have a more developed brain while at that point in time, making them seem smarter than their peers born almost a year later. In reality if you checked the "dumber" ones a year later they'd match the "smart" one. I even saw first hand how a young boy got reprimanded for being too childish for his age and his inability too stay focused lead people to suspect he had ADHD. Turns out he was just tall for his age so people assumed he was 1-2 years older, he was just acting his age.
Naturally both dumb and smart kids exist too but I always keep this in mind when dealing kids who are said to be either smart or dumb.
No. 1547009
File: 1681294223585.jpg (59.01 KB, 801x800, Ideal-Body-Fat-Percentage-Char…)

Do the parents want their kid to have major health issues? it's already unnatural for an 8-year-old boy to have visible abs, but it's even worse for a girl, cause the fact is women and girls require a higher percentage of essential fat. This could put her body in survival mode, which is dangerous and unhealthy.
No. 1547012
>>1547009Girls and boys can have similar % of body cause they haven't hit puberty yet. Where you seen a prebuscent girl with a developed body type?
Well, I on other hand gate to see so many fat kids. I also noticed that it's going on for the last 5 years or so. Never seen them before. But know there is a lot of chubby kids. What the fuck is going on?
No. 1547024
File: 1681296620267.jpeg (50.93 KB, 1770x317, 7D8F72E7-01AE-42D2-A33F-90230C…)

Comment under a video reupload of daddyofive abusing his son.
No. 1548809
>>1547008in the UK august are the youngest and i’m august
it’s nice knowing i’m basically a year ahead of everyone due to my birth being so late in the academic year….
No. 1550169
File: 1681573551356.webm (486.03 KB, 320x412, JTjrQBSNYQSKb71W.webm)

whatever the fuck this shit is.
No. 1625324
File: 1688580423220.jpeg (404.24 KB, 640x767, 44834363-6E5F-4E75-9012-16536B…)

Totally inappropriate and outrageous to place this responsibility on a toddler, wtf
No. 1626044
>>1625324This shit is traumatizing for kids. Seeing your mom have "panic attacks" is similar to seeing her drunk. You instinctually understand she's out of control and is not available to take care of you. And that if something bad were to happen, she might not be able to protect you. It's scary.
Seeing her sobbing face is such a pathetic look, get it the fuck together and cry in the bathroom like all the other moms.
No. 1638792
File: 1689860747634.png (242.61 KB, 403x413, Screenshot 2023-07-20 2.46.13 …)

This woman thinks her 15 year old getting pregnant is causing undeserved judgement. Not making your teenage daughter get an abortion is not only bad parenting but its child abuse wtf a 15 year olds body is not ready for that
sort of trauma
I guess these sorts of trashy families serve a role through a functionalist lens, someones gotta serve me fries
No. 1649889
File: 1690788951183.jpeg (355.53 KB, 640x847, 089DA16A-51B9-465E-8F28-011C75…)

>>1638792Allowing teens to keep a pregnancy is child abuse
No. 1649936
>>1638792This is stupid, you can't force abortion on someone. Idk why abortionfags are so mental and I've seen you guys post about how some women should be forced to abort but like, get fucking help.
It's a bad scenerio but the abortion also has bad effects on a womans body, you can be left infertile or have issues with your period blood getting stuck inside because of adhesions forming which means super painful periods and blood draining back into your abdomen. These aren't healthy and you shouldn't advertise abortion as a riskfree cute little operation.
No. 1650000
>>1649936You are far more likely to encounter fertility and scarring issues after childbirth, and many more, compared to risks associated with abortion.
Abortion is better in every literal way for your health.
No. 1672638
File: 1692690359920.jpeg (416.15 KB, 828x888, IMG_4902.jpeg)

just say ‘i need drugs to tolerate my own kids and go
No. 1683474
File: 1693493752013.jpeg (602.14 KB, 828x1093, IMG_5156.jpeg)

i feel for this woman but why do people have to record their meltdowns and share them it’s a really sad feature of our generation and i don’t understand it i don’t get the drive to humiliate yourself like that
No. 1917766
File: 1710010220084.mp4 (10.53 MB, 480x854, XLrN2ZF.mp4)

Does this count?
No. 1917790
File: 1710012102284.jpeg (2.01 MB, 1284x2164, IMG_2744.jpeg)

This is like level 200 pick me
>refuses medications for pain
>focuses on doing a full face of makeup while having contractions and no worrying about taking care of her body to give birth
No. 1918072
>>1918058There are women who feel that way, but it does not mean all women who talk about going through labor with no epidural are bragging or whatever. I found the vid and she even had an epidural before. Again, there's reasons to not have an epidural.
You just can't win. If you don't have an epidural, you're trying to be better than other women. If you have an epidural, you're a pussy and not crunchy enough.
No. 1918117
>>1917826I think some of you take someone else's personal decisions way too seriously and internalize them when there is no need to. Nothing is pickme about not wanting to take drugs to give birth, it seems like you're projecting your own preconceived notions because you consume too much content online. You know nothing about this woman. Being offended by that or calling it "bad parenting" is retarded.
>>1917790>not worrying about taking care of her bodyYou dont even know that. You bitches are crazy.
No. 1918211
>>1918091do you understand how pain and blood pressure works? High blood pressure can cause a stroke, having an epidural can lower your blood pressure and drastically reduce the chance of a stroke. There are still risks of stroke of course but epidural absolutely does cause less stress and therefore less complications,the%20mother%20and%20her%20baby.
this is especially true for women with pre-e btw, your blood pressure is already skyrocketing, receiving no pain management for it will basically give you an inevitable stroke
No. 1918214
>>1672638eh, if it actually helps more power to her at least
>>1649936early term abortion is just a miscarriage essentially. It's bad but not as bad as going through one of the most traumatic things your body is going to go through. The infertility relating to abortion studies only ever applies if the abortion is done on the DL and typically done by people who aren't doing the procedure correctly. I know a woman who had to have a hysterectomy later on in life because she had a forced abortion as a black market clinic at 14 in the 90s
No. 1918243
>>1918242>>1918240I'm not the anon who called women pickmes for not getting an epidural.
>To you the risk of not having one outweighs the risk is getting one, but to someone else it may be the oppositethe issue is that women are fed A LOT of biased information throughout their pregnancy. Plenty of women do choose to not get epidurals because of some stupid reason like religion, their husbands told them too, etc. Like remember the teen mom who almost DIED on live TV because her bf kept demanding her to not get the epidural because of "possible complications"?
No. 1967911
File: 1713380627416.png (409.81 KB, 1424x1266, Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 20.02…)

The children of family vloggers are growing up and starting to speak about their experiences now.
No. 1970882
>>1917790How the fuck is this woman a pick me? She seems to be busying herself with concentrating on makeup to alleviate her pain. Which is completely normal.
I dislike pick me’s but people have been throwing the word at the most mundane situations.. You have to make a choice during birth anon, whether it’s epidural, no epidural, c section, vaginal.. women get judged either way and it’s very anti-women.
No. 1970891
File: 1713526277528.jpeg (692.63 KB, 1290x2352, IMG_4062.jpeg)

This seemingly rich woman keeps featuring her teenage daughter on her reels and moids leave disgusting comments under them. She doesn’t give a single fuck about it.
No. 1970893
File: 1713526344459.jpeg (230.85 KB, 1290x2214, IMG_4061.jpeg)

>>1970891Disgusting comments
No. 1970976
Has anyone got any experience with ADHD medications on children? This 12-year-old kid I'm tutoring is on it because some teachers said that he was forgetful and would zone out in class, his mom got super stressed out and immediatly brought him to a psychatrist. Of course the fucking psychiatrist immediatly suggested ADHD and he passed the tests and got his diagnosis. It was really confusing for me because when I'd teach him, even for 2h straight, he was always doing his best to stay focused and didn't struggle that much. I'd even say he's pretty advanced language, writing and memory-wise, and understands everything pretty quickly. He does have moments of zoning out but kids in my countries have very long days and he has extra-currical activities 3-4 times a week on top of that, so it's not that surprising. I noticed he eats a shit ton of sugar and I know it doesn't help with attention span, but thankfully he doesn't have tiktok and the parents are pretty restrictive with screens. Anyway, I can't believe he has a real disorder, or anything to warrant being put on medications, but I supported the psychiatrist at first visit because I naively thought they would investigate his personal life and see if something was off (he lacks parental attention and is pretty stressed out in general for his age). Also, the diagnosis should've helped him in school because it would justify his behavior to the teacher that were villifying him. Instead, he was put on medications a month later, and I can't believe this tiny kid is currently taking amphetamines legally and the parents couldn't be bothered - I understand that they trust medical professional, but psychiatrists in my country are more like careless drug dealers. They were so reassured to get the diagnosis like, 'Oh, my kid had a problem but now I have a paper that puts a word on it and a drug to cure it! Parenting done!'. I don't even want to judge them because the mom takes care of everything and seems burned out but I feel sad and almost responsible for encouraging this, naively thinking it would help him in school and could start a program where he has more time to finish his assignments(the teachers suggested it themselves). But the school baited us and only one teacher really gives him additional time like promised, because the others think ADHD is a meme (they're not that wrong) and life's unfair after all, so let school be unfair early on. I can't talk to his mom about it, I don't want to get her defensive and I know it's not really my place either way - I already warned her about medications and she was against it at first, then a few weeks back just mentioned casually that he started taking it -. I'm almost wondering if I should subtely stress them out about side effects disguised as naive concern to make them stop that shit themselves. So, anyone knows kids who were on adhd medication early on and took it for some time? How are they now? I try not to worry too much, maybe it won't mess him up, but I can't imagine how psychostimulants on a kid still developping can be good.
No. 1971035
>>1970976My husband did and won’t let our kids be medicated for something similar if it arises. He was wild but needed discipline and his parents listened to the drs who shoved drugs at him. It made him worse in some ways.
Wild that the narrative about pushing ADHD meds on kids 20 years ago is bad but now it’s positive again.
No. 1973640
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No. 1989455
File: 1714761623259.mp4 (4.34 MB, 480x854, yoH05cK.mp4)

that poor baby girl
No. 1990251
File: 1714819727965.png (75.86 KB, 767x579, 1714666982103.png)

repost from the fakeboi thread
>TIF has sex with men and didn't realize she could still get pregnant
>still took testosterone which the baby was exposed too
>baby girl comes out with likely signs of reduced IQ and autism
No. 1992264
>>1991262Yeah I agree she shouldn’t be, but you know he doesn’t actually have her best interests in mind. He’s worried about her “becoming a hoe” or some dumb shit like that.
But yeah if I have a daughter, she’s not wearing heels at such a young age.
No. 1993638
File: 1715072998239.mp4 (2.74 MB, 480x854, 2mTwepf.mp4)

this is criminal neglect.
No. 1993716
File: 1715081263690.jpg (151.82 KB, 1025x1000, 1000000218.jpg)

>>1991262Nta but these are just princess costume heels, I don't even think they're more than an inch, kids like playing dress up it's not weird and it's not even remotely close to adult women's heels
No. 1993764
>>1993751You are correct, but she's not a bad mother
>>1993762You are right in your sentiment, but you're exaggerating
No. 2003766
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No. 2057180
File: 1718872457396.mp4 (13.44 MB, 576x1024, xxC13aY2JLAjDiyD.mp4)

>we don’t teach our kids anything
I can tell
No. 2095041
File: 1721294592591.mp4 (2.15 MB, 480x854, 7N4T0iI.mp4)

That is so messed up.
No. 2095401
File: 1721322285351.mp4 (1.33 MB, 480x710, ld4fB93.mp4)

No. 2095601
>>2058140That happens after kids too. It’s trashy.
>>2059741It doesn’t matter if you keep your kids away from tablets they encourage use in the schools. Talking to the principal doesn’t help either. K-4 doesn’t need to use tablets to learn. We had computer time when I was in school (90’s) for 15 minutes and then we rotated but trying to get young kids to learn from a glass screen stunts their development and activates their dopamine signals which makes them stupid and addicted to “smart” tech.
No. 2096373
>>2096360It literally ruined an entire generation. It makes me fucking angry thinking about it. I'm angry at the parents that thought this was normal and let it happen and even encouraged it so their kid would shut up. I have no pity for them nor I think they're
victims. They were stupid on purpose. I hope all parents that gave their kids an ipad rot in hell.
No. 2096792
File: 1721432356206.jpg (273.05 KB, 1480x1200, bad parenting.jpg)

(wrong thread)
No. 2098201
File: 1721568138700.mp4 (3.93 MB, 360x640, GgZSww3.mp4)

>"charging your kids for rent"
No. 2098219
>>2098201People like this are so fake.
Either admit you don't want to spent any of "your" money on your own fucking kids, or admit you're broke and disguising it by teaching them 'lessons' like needing to save up dollar bills over several months in order to get a new pair of mid shoes.
Bet these are the same parents who preach no obligation to their kids after they hit 18. Gross fucking faggots. If there was no camera to show this off, they wouldn't be doing this.
No. 2098226
File: 1721569186681.mp4 (6.17 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

>>2095041They do this and then act righteous when their daughters are stripping or on OF, or living with an old man. Then in a few years they get sad when they don't get visited and don't have interaction with any grandchildren.
No. 2098236
>>2098201this could be fine if they hadn't included clothing… don't teach your kid to exchange money for basic care, clothing is widely understood by everyone to be the parent's responsibility and even children understand that.
it's hard to teach kids about money because they come away with weird ideas. this is kinda extra but it's not horrible except for the clothing thing.
No. 2098251
>>2098219>>2098236Tell me if I'm understanding this wrong but they're only putting 2 dollars a month at most towards clothing, right? Those kids really aren't paying for their own clothes, they can't be.
I don't really see a problem with this honestly. Plenty of kids do chores around the home without anything in return (which is completely reasonable). These kids get a few dollars for their chores and then give it back to learn some things about money and spending. They're clearly not worse off than other kids who just do chores around the home for nothing in return.
No. 2098266
>>2098251yeah they're definitely not buying their own clothes with a dollar kek, but it's more what is symbolizes that I think could be an issue. housing and clothing is too much of a basic necessity for a kid that a parent has to provide, no exchange is supposed to happen there. this could breed completely unnecessary resentment in a child's mind and damage your relationship with them for no reason.
gifts is also a weird one because you can't buy a gift for yourself from your parents, then it's not really a gift, honestly confused by that one. the eating out one is a gray area because that should also just be a fun thing you do as a family occasionally, but it is frivolous so whatever.
No. 2098296
>>2098272Someone mentioned it upthread but it's wagie mentality. They think they are demonstrating virtue by trying to prove to others that they don't "spoil" their children.
Rich people do no such bullshit.
No. 2098365
>>2098201This has to be fucking fake. I'm assuming the children are really young since we're talking about a $5 allowance and it would be so fucking messed up by piling unnecessary problems on them like this when they're entirely dependent on your caretaking and income. Who the hell goes through this retarded amount of trouble just to "teach the kid the worth of money" anyway? More likely when they'll move out they'll either have extreme money anxiety because the parent isn't there to manage their funds or start overspending because there's not a stingy parent watching over their shoulders all the time. If you really want to teach your kid about working for money you're better off just giving them allowance for chores to save up or having them get a summer job to afford something expensive for themselves.
>>2098266>housing and clothing is too much of a basic necessity for a kid that a parent has to provide, no exchange is supposed to happen there.Exactly this. A child is too young to earn their own income and they can't be expected to pull their own weight at home financially. It's fucked up to tell kids that they're not entitled to housing and clothing but have to "pay" for it, even if it's "symbolic".
No. 2098378
>>2098226Even if this is a skit it's still so messed up to think that people have kids and just abandon them the moment they graduate high school. Many of my friends come from families where they had to start paying rent after turning 18 and I can't comprehend parenting like that, if you only consider kids' value in monetary gains then don't have children. If you're only tolerating them until the moment your legal responsibility ends, again,
don't have children. They didn't choose to be born into your family. It would be so much easier for many people if they could live free of rent at their parents' place and focus on college studies without having to worry about bills and put the little money they possibly earn aside for paying off student loans or as a nest egg for their own apartment etc, but overly cynical wageslave parents believe giving their children a head start in life is "spoiling them". I know during my uni years I spent many nights worrying about money because I had to spend my days studying at school and nights writing essays and doing homework, I could only work during holidays trying to scrape up enough savings for the upcoming period while living in a shitty shared flat with a room mate from hell.
>>2098248>also building no generational wealth to pass down ("fuck you I got mine" boomer types who spend every single penny they earned on frivolous expenses before they die out of spite).For real though, boomers inherited all the wealth from their silent generation parents whose property value skyrocketed during the last 3 decades and then blow it all on luxuries leaving shit for their children while bragging about being "self made".
No. 2100788
What do nonnas think of mom shaming? Personally I think we need more of it, after taking a dive into r/shittyparenting, where people on facebook openly discuss how they abuse their kids, and all the comments will be like “you got this mama” or “you’re doing great mama”, when the op is an actual dumpster fire human being. If you call bad parents out they claim their being mom shamed, meanwhile the term was created to talk about how women are shamed for getting a c section, formula feeding, living their own life while having kids, and more. Ironically, the abusive types who post crazy shit online mom shame the women I listed above, and then go post videos of their children feeling normal childhood emotions (aka tantrums) and no one calls them out for fear of mom shaming. And then they brag about being good parents while screwing up their children. If I ever have kids I’m personally going to shame boymoms, and other terminally online toxic mothers because I couldn’t care less what those types think of me and they deserve it. Regular ass moms living their lives deserve so much better than having to put up with women like I mentioned in their communities.
No. 2100792
>>2100788Also rip sorry for double posting but we 100% need to dadshame as well. Dads are way worse than moms most of the time but I wonder how often boy moms and other
abusive moms have a husband behind them who doesn’t give a shit about stopping their wives wrecking their children. If men actually parented maybe moms wouldn’t feel as overwhelmed and then seek internet rabbit holes to cope or give their children ipads
No. 2126824
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No. 2127042
>>2126824why do some people have fucking kids if they’re just going to be mean to them. if i witnessed that in person i’d “accidentally” throw my ice cream in that faggots face
>>2127039i think you’d be amazed at how cruel some parents are just for the purpose of “teaching” their kids “lessons”
No. 2127046
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>>2126824This is what men do to little boys to turn them into fucking assholes. And the cycle continues
No. 2130035
No. 2130161
>>2057206Stockholm syndrome. She's trying to replace the "void" left by her old cult with a shiny new one.
>>2095401> Milk dispenserWhat the fuck, I hope that thing gets cleaned properly.
No. 2130171
>>2098201> Elaborate consoom binders and plastic shit > it's for the children's fucking single digit pocket moneyI just know these parents are absolute demons (in a bad way) when it comes to making plans, group projects and "owing favours." The type of people who would force you to Venmo them £2 for a borrowed hair tie because of "muh principles."
>>2098226This seems fake but the scenario is depressingly common. A lot of parents don't seem to realise that there's a middle ground between a bootstraps pulling achiever and a NEET, and for some reason they refuse to acknowledge that there's an adjustment period once the kid leaves school? Like why don't you HELP your kids get a job if you're that eager? Most of them do it for selfish reasons too like you said, they're just bored and don't care whose couch their kid crashes on as long as they can party or w/e.
No. 2130210
>>2130138>>2130163No it's not, not in the way you think. Moids don't do this to later use the moidlets sexually, they typically do it to make them "real men" and project on them. In many cultures, fathers take their son to a hooker as soon as they're like 12 years old. This is, in the father's mind, to put him "ahead of the game" and give him all the sexual opportunities the father didn't have. The father is going to watch the son's dick for the rest of his life and openly salivate at his girlfriends (many such cases). Same idea as being obsessed with your son's dick looking like yours and circumcising him as a result.
Tl;dr letting sexually mature moids be a permanent part of the family unit meme was the most degenerate thing humanity has ever done. All evils stem from it.
No. 2130285
>>2130138>>2130163my thoughts exactly but that wasn't why he did it. this
>>2130210 is spot on. he probably thought it'd be a funny thing to do
No. 2140285
>>2140276She says that the cat dislikes her husband, so he probably snidely ignored her needs because she's not his pet. Anyway this article pissed me off.
>It was clear to friends and family that Lucky, like most or all cats, was only intermittently tolerant of me, much less lovingOh my god shut the fuck up you didn't deserve this cat.
No. 2141064
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this mother is sending her daughter to school recording her walking into the building with cheerleaders giving her judgmental looks while greeting her. I feel so bad for the daughter because I can tell she’s gonna get bullied by those girls, but her mother doesn’t seem to care at all. parents need to be socially aware or else their children are going to get bullied. you can go on her account and see her replying to people telling her to delete the video. She said she knows her daughter is gonna get bullied, but she doesn’t care because she’s expressing herself authentically not realizing that bullying effects teen’s mental health all the way up to adulthood.
No. 2179043
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No. 2225039
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No. 2225044
>>2225039I understand what they're saying to an extent but my
god, that is such a tone deaf and idealistic way to describe this
very real fear.
No. 2230969
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No. 2231032
>>2230969"humane animal sacrifice"
What practice is this referring to? People with a cannibalism kink who want to be eaten?
No. 2231291
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>>2130210MY uncle's deadbeat dad took him to a hooker at ELEVEN years old, he told his mother (they were separated). His mother took him out of school in the middle of the day and drove three days to go live with her parents. My uncle spent years only sharing his ordeal with other female relatives because the males would congratulate and make youre so lucky jokes. All for his own daughter (my cousin) to call him sex-negative for not having appreciated the work "of a sex worker just trying to survive"
No. 2280887
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parents giving their kids retarded named
>in 2012, 146 newborn girls in the United States were named "Khaleesi", the Dothraki term for the wife of a khal or ruler, and the title adopted in the series by Daenerys Targaryen No. 2294347
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>>2286948reminded me of this gem
No. 2387966
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imagine making your own children pay rent during a cost of living crisis
No. 2387991
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No. 2417754
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