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No. 92122
Previous thread:
>Weeb from Switzerland who rose to viral fame by her "dolly" looks, lolita dresses and circle lenses>OG cringe content>Controlling mother who operated her Youtube channel, who she eventually "escaped" from and started a new life in Japan>This had steadily nosedived, from nonsensical babbling videos, quitting youtube to become a cartoon character Malice.exe, then quitting that to start a "business" (while suspected to be a sugar baby), making a few sponsored Youtube videos and collabs, then quitting that to start an OnlyFans. It's basically a mess of announcing new projects before abandoning them weeks later.>Interspersed with drunk karaoke livestreams, posts about her mental health, advice for fans, and opening fanclubs which she stopped updating after a week>Suspected of being an escort or sugar baby due to a Paters profile, posts about painful sex, and frequent taxi selfies. Some sugar daddies include mysterious "managers" like the infamous Ken (pic related) >Casual Manaki slandering posted on Instagram, including implying he was a pervert and or had threesomes with crossdressers>Now divorced, or maybe still living with him, nobody knows>Takes pictures and video in kawaii broom cupboards, and reposts old photos so nobody is sure where she resides>A popular pro-Venus sympathetic Youtube video garnered her many new fans, due to only focusing on the Margo escape story and glossing over all the recent eventsCurrent:
>Started an OnlyFans to be a creative free individual, instantly swarmed by perverts. Dropped her first sad nude within days, rather than leading her perverts along with implied nudes and lewds for years as is current practice.>Most of her female fans are appalled, shocked and disappointed, expressing such in hundreds of Instagram comments which she dismisses>May be revealing an intentionally pedo pandering side to herself, by posting that she had wanted to do this (this being posting nudes on OnlyFans) since she was a child, dubious story about manager Ken being involved in assualt of a minor, accompanied by swiftly deleted photo of a child on her Instagram, and intentionally shooping her face to look more childish>Frequently posts about what a deviant she is, first nude includes a caption in Japanese about being a cum-dumpsterLinks:
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 92133
>>92131She made up a "joke" about Manaki being a sexual predator towards school girls on public transport, spoke about a young boy being sexually assaulted by this "Ken" and now claims she's had these sexual thoughts since she was of kindergarten age.
I'm sure it's just a kink of hers.
No. 92154
>>92150but that's the thing, there's nothing new here
venus hasn't posted anything in days and 1 maybe 2 people are selfposting to fill up their time with old drama and tinfoiling
we can be sick of this shit, it's not whiteknighting or defending venus
No. 92157
>>92145No it came mainly from some fucking retard on pull who posted their pathetic theory on there which someone then saw fit to repost here, the sooner they really do "crashandburn" the better!
Anything to talk about should really come from facts relating to what Venus does herself, not post after post of speculation coming from this one idiot on pull.
No. 92159

These threads are all over the place, so confusing, the old one is still active and still able to be posted to, and now there is a new one that has been discarded, and now this 2nd new one.
Wouldn't it be better to delete the discarded 'new' one and just concentrate on this one now? And lock the"Sugaring" one so it can't still be posted to?
Anyway I hope people will stop going on about the pedo speculations unless there is something actually concrete to go on, like I said earlier in the old Sugaring thread, imagine the outcry from the screaming snowflakes if Kate Bush were to release "The Infant Kiss" now instead of back in the day, the outrage that would ensue and the accusations, and towards the acting in the film that this video is based on, "The Innocents", which is actually an excellently acted ghost story and a classic film, this would not be 'understood' in this day and age, and the word 'pedo' would be being thrown around everywhere by the sort of people who are saying it about Venus.
No. 92190
>>92173>>92171>>92170>>92169>>92167Well, sorry to disappoint anyone here who was hoping that this 'Peter' guy was me, but nope, I'm a woman and don't subscribe to Only Fans as not interested in paying for nudies, even of Venus.
I don't know why anyone would think anything I said was indicative of this Peter guy anyway.
No. 92192
>>92187yes, going back to switzerland would be the best for her, even tho her family there isn't that keen on her, but it's where she grew up after all and where she doesn't need a visa or something. she could also come to germany and work here, she speaks the language after all. anyone still have the video where she calls her gandma or something in switzerland and the person tells her in german that they all dont want anything to do with her anymore?
and you're right with what you wrote about margo, she may be batshit crazy but at least venus seemed protected, healthy and had a clean social media presence
No. 92195
>>92192Will people please stop with saying she should go back to Switzerland. It's not going to happen, not unless she suddenly does a complete u turn and decides to, and I can't see it happening.
how many more times are people going to say, "She should go back to Switzerland, get a 'proper' job, etc,". It's not going to happen, And if it did, we wouldn't be here talking, gossiping and speculating about her.
No. 92197
>>92194Well I thought that was next :)
Such beautifully written though. Honestly, I don't know what to make of art with the viewpoint or made by creeps. Sigh.
No. 92206
>>92203who's kato
>>92205>doge meme>in 20209gag is that way, sir
No. 92239
Moving on, just looking at the caption on Venus only fans page, (not the pix, can't see any of them) but the caption where she says she will post Friday, I think she may be saying a week Friday. It's just the way it's worded made me think that maybe she meant a week on Friday, meaning a week from then, so that would mean from next Friday not the one just gone. If that makes sense, or maybe I'm reading it wrong, dunno, but if that's what she intended, would explain why she posted nothing yesterday, that people are going on about.
No. 92269
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Not much of a stretch to think she just ~might be into kiddy porn after casually posting about “giving head to a baby” and sexualizing her 5-year old self. Who the fuck does that unless they’re a perv?
Weenis been dropping sly sneaky little hints about what she’s into for a long while now, posting/deleting and then disappearing/ignoring questions about what the fuck she was referring to. Like this from last year along with many others.
These latest little outbursts fit the pattern.
“fuck me hard daddy”
No. 92277
>>92208She made that video in an attempt to make Margo look bad for some random reason (as if Margo already didn't look bad). She put red makeup around her eyes, didn't edit out her eyebags to make a distraught looking thumbnail as clickbait to prey her audience's kindness, she faked her shaking and put her hand close to the camera so you could see it. Basically, she used family drama because she knew it would get her views and money and continue the
victim/pity narrative. She doesn't deserve pity for that. Why can't you people see the manipulation? She talked about the house her dad was selling or something after the grandma trash talked Margo a bit and the grandma,(who obviously is older and has trouble understanding) thought she was just calling to get stakes in the house, given Venus contacted them suddenly to use them as content for her Youtube, and she ended up hanging up on V.
No. 92278
>>92273that's the problem, there is no milk
you've just been bored at home for 3 days and wrote yourself a story using old ken drama
>>92272no other comment was of any interest since the last time I posted about it, the only thing they are really doing now is posting stuff very similiar to
>>92276 meaning they're lurking in here too.
it's been 3 days, there's no obligation on her part to post every day if she scrapped her schedule, others on OF post irregularly.
and she won't lose any money because everyone has already paid, but she'll probably receive her first monthly balance from all the subs and tips so far over the next few days
No. 92280
In regards to the pedo stuff, I don't think there's anything wrong in discussing the possibility, so long as it's not paraded around as fact. I'm pretty sure Venus is making up this hypersexual stuff for money, as she usually does and deleted her comment because she has a blog post that proves she was lying, along with drawing attention to possible pedophilic tendencies. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if she watched loli hentai where underage girls were violated by tentacles, monsters etc, which wouldn't make her an outright pedo but it's still disturbing.
Also, about her super entitled, above everyone else comment in regards to "real" jobs… if that's how she feels, then why did she throw her vtuber manager under the bus and blame him for being a bad manager and malice not working out? She literally said he was a bad manager because he let her post the content she wanted. Bitch, don't you want "creativity and growth?" This is a direct contradiction, as with her vtuber manager, she had full control over her content and "creative" endeavors. She's such a fake.
No. 92286
>>92285All of my posts have been saged, and
>>92273 was my first post remotely about the conversation unless you want to count
>>92267 for the “rori” comment. I’m sorry anonymous culture is so confusing to you and that you’re acting like an enraged retard over people having a discussion.
No. 92294
>>92293I didn’t say YOU were a WK, just that the OF milk brought out WKs. Learn to fucking read.
>>92292Why? This entire thread has been shit from the start. Mods should lock it.
No. 92297
>>92294>>92293Do you really need to defend your honour as anons?
>>92296They have given up. I would too if I had to deal with these kind of people.
No. 92300
The mods came to ban the spergs but they didn't autosage the thread?
>>92298At least you tried.
No. 92305
>>92192>at least venus seemed protected, healthy and had a clean social media presenceYeah, "clean" videos like this, the one where her mom filmed her at 12 or 13 pretending to be a bunny and moaning, and the Nico streams where she's in a Japanese gym uniform/bloomers.
Stop this Margo revisionism. She made Venus the horrible person she is today.
No. 92313
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Because she deleted most of this from instagram and ICYMI, here is the full caption where she talks down to people who have boring, noncreative ‘real jobs’ and says her therapist approves of her posting topless pics.
No. 92350
>>92346Maybe she's already having regrets after posting her topless picture.
Seems like she is/was going through a manic phase. Regret will probably strike when it's over, maybe it already is.
No. 92365
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The Decline of Venus, shown in pictures.
No. 92370
>>92368She peaked at image 3, how sad is that?
Not saying in a pedo way. At that time her career was rising, she had good quality photos, there wasn't a lot of scandals yet, her mom and her got along enough that they could make videos.
Honestly if she embraces her lewd side she can take off again with OF
No. 92372
>>92365Ngl this is pretty sad. I've been following her since her early YouTube days and seeing the fucked up mess she has become is a real shame. Doesn't pay to have a spoilt and
abusive childhood while doing nothing actually productive to be the better person later on in adulthood.
No. 92376
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Found this. Despite everything I still feel bad for her-not surprised shes like this with the upbringing shes had.
No. 92397
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I wonder what NiceJewishMama would think of all this.
>>92277Don't forget that Margo then "rivaled" this with her own video calling the same grandmother, pretending to be the police and threatening her. Name a more iconic mother / daughter duo.
No. 92411
>>92368Thsi is so sad… honestly she should have stayed with Margo, this girl is unable to support herself in any way.
>>92408Not sure if they even know and even if, there is not much they can do. Margo kept them away from Venus so they are complete strangers to her. She doesn't care, they simply don't matter to her.
No. 92437
>>92425why didn't she comb her fucking hair
why is she doing this (bpd)
why is her comments section filled with retards
>>92427i said this last thread but all she needs to do is call up daikichi amano and get to work at genki-genki
No. 92440
>>92425the boo bye bye boo shit at the end lol.
she just trying to reinforce herself she did the right thing. i can't believe the comments i read under the video tho.
No. 92448
>>92443She’s already pretty close to looking like “the dumbest slut ever” with her crappy edits and substandard “lewds”.
That said, I think she deserves to lose more followers. She’s throwing her established fanbase down the toilet for what is probably a symptom of a mental break.
No. 92450
>>92444I just wanted to mention this. She barely looks into the camera, always down like she doesn't people to look into her eyes. Everything about this video shows how ashamed she is. I guess she tries to flight forward but she is really desperate to keep her ~uwu kawiwi weenus angelicus~ persona alive while thotting on OF. Homegirl knows that there is no return from this and that she has to make this work somehow because this direction is her future now. She also never liked that many comments of a video. Everybody is cheering her there while on Insta people are tearing her a new one lol.
Some e-thots can make it work because they are into it or can act like they want to be your "Internetgirlfriend" but not venus. Fuck, even dumbass Moo could tease her cucks for two years and get mad cash from then until she went full nude. What an idiot.
No. 92452
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degree in clinical psychology? seems legit… 0.o
No. 92465
For those doubting the pedo pandering, another piece of evidence for the pile
New video, only one minute in, she says
>I always wanted to do something like this>My family is into slutshaming (Er, we'll just ignore the high heels and etc videos and streams Margo made her do huh)
>didn't lose my virginity until I was 18, no 19>So I just spent an immense amount of time>For most of my childhood and youth I was thinking about porn (indecipherable)She might say plots, this video is just as garbled as usual. She also suggests losing virginity at 19 is super old, or maybe that she spent an immense amount of time looking at porn, it's a shitshow whatever she's saying.
Wo, I thought anon above was joking but the next part is literally this post
>>92446 No. 92466
>>92425She looks so uncomfortable and awkward talking about this awesome thing that she supposedly is really super into…if anything, she looks guilty.
19 isn’t an unusual age to lose your virginity, yes women watch porn, no you’re not the only one. I stopped watching because it was cringy.
If she lost her virginity at 19, then why is she behaving just now like she only discovered dick? If she wants to drop all the kawaii stuff, if she’s not interested in that anymore, then there were a million other ways to gradually cultivate a more mature image, she didn’t have to open her legs to the internet on day one (or film the video about her talking about her sexual preferences with a plushie on their lap, and her stupid kawaii mannerisms).
No. 92473
>>92466>If she wants to drop all the kawaii stuff, if she’s not interested in that anymore, then there were a million other ways to gradually cultivate a more mature image, she didn’t have to open her legs to the internet on day one I think he hasn't really realized yet that managing an OF will be mentally taxing and she'll eventually have to put effort into it if she wants to make money that way. Personally, I think she's way too naive and blinded by the recent attention and dosh she's gotten.
She didn't choose to put out more mature content on her Youtube since she already knows that it's gonna be work.
I'm not too familiar with Venus, but that's the impression I got from reading about her / watching her videos for some time now.
No. 92480
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>>92460You mean people like this UNDERAGE person?
No. 92481
>>92443>>"I always wanted to take a picture looking like the dumbest slut ever" I heard that as the dom-est slut ever. She’s said she’s into BDSM in the past. I wonder if she’s been doing porn for awhile now and is just now coming out into the open with it. She just happened to have a leather dog collar with “Venus” on it, a leash and furry handcuffs handy for her OF debut, I bet she has more.
All this time I’ve been wondering what she does all day every day with no job, school, family or friends…turns out she’s been watching porn, a lot of it. And possibly making porn too.
No. 92486
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“I eat the booty like a rabid dog”
No. 92495
>>92491So what?
>>92493Go back to PULL, honestly. Going "yes yes" to a few questions where she's trying super hard to appear comfortable with being sexual doesn't mean she loves it.
No. 92506
>>92425I knew the comments would be "ur body ur choice" and all that other feminist bollocks
I dont care if she has an OF.
But what else is she doing with her day?
Many girls who have cam jobs or whatever else DO other things. You can take a pic of your tits and yes, make money.
But what else? Because I am not being horrible here, in 10 years time from now, tit pics aren't going to benefit her future.
Sorry. But…
No. 92507
>>92492Its also a meme to talk about it, say you watched it, joke that people should watch it..etc. Have you guys never been on the internet until today?
Venus being hypersexual as an adult going after adult males to get them to give her money does not make her a pedo. Those guys however paying her to look childish are.
No. 92509
>>92457>not gonna moralfag>proceeds to moralfagDo you get this
triggered when people compare child stars to their fucked up adult selves? It's to show how far she's fallen, so not showing her innocent side would defeat the whole point.
No. 92512
>>92492One video on YT: "Boku No Pico (Full Length PG-13 film)"
It's just a quite boring, usual type of Japanese anime, which many people like, no way are they all pedos just for liking this.
I also watched, endured, the resume in 13 minutes of it, posted that here if anyone can be bothered to watch it, actually from what I recall hearing about it before, I thought it was a love story about a precocious 8 yr old girl who was determined to get with her 32 yr old teacher, or something like that and it was meant to be a comedy, really not into all that anime thing, pretty boring to me, but can't see, in any stretch of the imagination that real pedos would be that interested in sitting there watching this for hours on end. Honestly!
>>92512Plz note, to avoid confusion, the title of the video "Boku No Pico (Full Length PG-13 film)" is not the video I posted, I just posted the title of that to show that it is rated at PG 13 which it would hardly be rated at if it really was some sort of cheese pizza for a
real pedo to jerk off to!
No. 92516
>>92508>I am not convinced, she herself says that her family was prudish and she wasn't allowed to express her sexuality blah blah. I think she is just being spoiled, self-centered and entitled.I have to really disagree. For most of her life her sole caretaker and role model was her mother, Margaret Palermo (>>>/pt/666399), who's a physically and emotionally
abusive, mentally ill, possible hooker who's a notable lolcow herself. The years of abuse have been well documented on this site, though I'm embedding a video that summarizes the whole thing (which I might get banned for posting, but w/e).
I honestly don't know how anyone raised by Palermo could wind up normal or well-adjusted.
No. 92517
>>92458She ended up this way because of Margo grooming her toward it since childhood.
Leaving was a good choice because Margo is crazy and
abusive, but Venus didn't seek help, so she ended up completing the programming regardless. Margo didn't take much issue with pimping her out to Mr. Yan, for fuck's sake, and she wanted her to be with Manaki for the marriage visa.
I don't get how you're not seeing this.
No. 92518
>>92466adding to the virginity thing, she replied to the comment (sorry, can't screencap at the moment)
>It's not a bad thing, I'm just annoyed at myself that I spent such a long time wondering what d3ck tastes like just… ew
the thing she liked so many comments and replied to bunch just shows she's really insecure about this and needs reassurence. But I don't agree with the "boo she looks so uncomfortable" comments. She's as awkward and weird as usual, nothing special
No. 92519
>>92516Correction: Agreed that Margot is a narcissistic/
toxic mother and she has abused Venus - albeit I believe in ways that are not sexual (except for some controversial videos that might bait pedos - in the tones of Britney Spears's that coming of age magazine cover)
No. 92524
>>92512>>92514Are you the same person who posted
>>92159 across this
and the last thread, with multiple long-winded posts? Why are you so defensive about anything to do with pedophilia? Leave already. Your posts aren't even funny, just off-putting and vaguely creepy.
No. 92529
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>>92520She won a "modelling contest" from Bodyline, and Margaret sent 16 year old Venus off to Japan on her own to do photoshoots with them.
Mr. Yan, at this point, already had a reputation for asking his models to marry him, and he reportedly insinuated that she should get married to him so she could get a visa for Japan. When asked what kind of girl could win Bodyline's contest, Mr. Yan replied "Pure".
Other shit happened in that time, but it's a bit too long to go over. She uploaded a whole video about it, they responded with a story of their own accusing Venus of being a fat liar with bad body odor, etc. Just a mess.
No. 92533
>>92529Thanks Anon, this is some news for me to process. That being said, I do remember the said contest from that episode "My Strange Addiction" I'm a Living Doll. It seemed they put some effort into it and Venus was super excited. Also, it is not uncommon for cosplayers etc. traveling to Japan as contest winners, I remember Anzujaamu won a cosplay modeling contest but it was probably just a show up at the Tokyo Game Show. I will give the benefit of the doubt though, perhaps Margot wouldn't have sent her if she knew - besides Venus says she taught her to defend herself, then they wouldn't bash him and spill his dirty laundry if this was okay with Margot as well. Bad parenting, yes, but it might not be intentional. A lot of models go through shit at a young age too, unfortunately, but it is not like their parents knowingly send them off for them to be abused.
No. 92535
>>92517Despite everything she's fucked either way. We can't keep going back to her childhood. She's 23 for fuck sake. She's in charge of her own life now, she wants to do grown things, so treat her like she's grown.
If this OF thing all fucks up and she starts crying about it in another two months time she will ONLY have herself to blame. No one else forced her to sign up to OF. She wanted to do this, let her make her own mistakes. When it goes wrong I'll have no sympathy.
No. 92538
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>"Boku no Pico? Boku YES Pico"
Uhhh… Kinda worrying…
No. 92549
>>92507This. Boku no Pico is just an old ass offensive meme from before the internet was so pearl clutchy. I don't think she actually likes it, she was just joking. So many underage PULLtards in this thread screaming pedophilia for even just placing two pics together.
The hentai she mentioned though is not even hentai, it's just snuff gore manga. Weird choice.
No. 92552
Honestly my dudes, wtf are you all watching?
creeped out>>92549Venus said she likes the said hentai for aesthetics only.
No. 92589
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>>92588just say you're a newfag, it's ok
No. 92592
I've seen a lot of armchair psychologists throwing around diagnosis and while Venus is certainly suffering from some sort of mental illness I haven't really seen anyone mention that she is most likely suffering from Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD).
I used to know someone who followed the exact same pattern as Venus. She had divorced parents, an overbearing mother, was raised as a secluded wonder child, basically consumed nothing but anime and smut.
Every time this girl would meet a new group of people she would entirely warp her personality and behaviours into whatever would give her the most attention from them.
Not long before I had met her she was hanging out with the lesbian crowd on campus and had 'come out' as lesbian to them. Then after meeting me she dumped all that and created a new persona to appeal to me.
Meanwhile her online persona was very uWu and she ran a fairly successful tumblr blog around that, along with another gore tumblr and anorexic porn tumblr (these came a bit later).
Did I mention that she was also studying under a scholarship? Well she had an argument with her mother, dropped out of university and started working as a stripper to support herself. Well, support herself wouldn't be the right word as stripping became her new persona.
One thing led to another and she was doing escorting and flying abroad to do porn.
Oh and just like Venus, this girl thought that any normal work was below her, she had awful personal hygiene, and despite the uWu kawaii fashion and dolly make-up she would wear in public, when she was at home she'd be holed up in her (unwashed) bed eating snacks and flicking her bean to lolis on 4chan.
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking behaviors, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriate seduction and an excessive need for approval. People diagnosed with the disorder are said to be lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious.
People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation. They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 92599
>>92595A lot of behaviours may be similar but they are not in fact the same.
>>92597There is a difference between growing up sheltered from real experiences and having your only contact with sexuality come from hentai-smut.
>>She is a low self-esteemed girl who grew up sheltered from sexual shit anhdthat literally lead to this.>>Dont try to diagnose her.You are doing exactly that yourself.
Seriously, if you've dealt with people dealing with HPD it is extremely easy to recognise their patterns of behaviour and what is driving them.
I've worked in education for a long time and spent a lot of time with mentally ill and mentally unstable students from Autism spectrum, BPD, HPD, Schizophrenia to Bipolar and even states resulting from drug abuse. I'm not handing down a medical diagnosis but she is very clearly exhibiting everything that come under HPD.
(armchairing) No. 92613
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Hairwashing is for losers stuck in boring noncreative “jobs.”
No. 92627
>>92624she would have done better with dudes if she maintained the uwu front. The type of creeps who are into her don't even like sluts they like 'd-do you guys like this?'. She's supposed to
be innocent but instead she tried for hehe i relate to you guys because i'm nasty and predatory too. Well i dunno it still worked i guess
No. 92635
>>92425She's even promoting her OF on YT. How gross and opportunistic and a big, giant, girthy finger up her fans asses. She will sell out and lie, anyday if it means 800 subs at 6.99. Also, what happened to not knowing what it's like to be horny, said in the slander video? Now it's "I fantasized about porn but was slut shamed guyssss, I'm still a
victim of control, my mommy didn't let me be a slut as a little kid/teen, but before that she was "forcing" me to show off my tights, make a boob thumbnail, go to Mr. Yan etc". And let's not forget the bra blog post she made –where she said buying bras is 'sooo shameful'. Why did she write that if she was truly into porn & being slutty? Was she just pretending it was shameful, so she cold seem "retarded/cute", like she said? She can't even blame Margo, because Margo urged her to accept her "puberty" bod, as she said. Yet now she says she was a
victim of slut shaming. Always the fucking
victim and despite evidence against her, none of her indoctrinated fans question all the contradictions. That said, she's definitely pretending to be
hypersexual, for them sweet OF bucks. I can't believe even anons on here believe she's a rabid sexual due. She will not give this up and continue to play up this sexual deviant act, like all her other acts, until she gets rich, then she'll dump her OF. Or die trying to get rich.
>>92448>he’s throwing her established fanbase down the toilet for what is probably a symptom of a mental breakNo, it's due to her greed for money. 800 subs means like 5k before OFs cut and taxes (which she probably isn't reporting).
No. 92641
>>92516That is a disgustingly biased video that Venus had Primink upload, just like she had Sora whiteknight her ass in one hour long stream. She even emailed Vexxed, but he never publicly said what she wanted. Probably make a video on her. So take that garbage video that was already posted before and your white knight self to KF and pull where you can worry about poor sexually repressed/slut-shamed Venus who was simultaneously sexualized.
>>92517>she wanted her to be with Manaki for the marriage visa.Yet venus said her mom said she'd delete the youtube if she married Manaki. Then she said she was forced to marry him, when she was slandering manaki and lying to make up a second abuse story. It had nothing to do with justifying visa fraud she was complicit in and blame shifting. Just like the pregnant comment. It was to blame shift. True or not, Venus deliberately revealed that (and probably played up a random, insensitive comment Margo made to her one time as a joke) to blame shift and take heat off herself at the time. Why can't you get it into your head, that she's a lying, manipulative snake, as bad as her mother, who plays up her "struggles" and "trauma" and contradicts everything when convenient. I knew the 'it was all margo' fags would come pouring in.
>>92529more proof she's lying about dreaming of being sexual as a child and a
victim of slutshaming. Remember her "life long dream to own a media/advertising company" when she was parading Gaku Kitano's business as her own? Back when she needed to sell the "hard-working, girl boss image."
No. 92642
>>92411>Not sure if they even know They def know. After Zsu deleted her first insta, she made another using the name of her dogs and continued making jabs at Margo. She said something like "only cows are found in the fields with mushrooms" when Margo went mushroom picking. She was most likely translating Ferenc's posts too. Ferenc seems to have deleted his insta or changed names. He had a lot of posts bashing Margo and even one rant that included venus.
>>92422Zsu kept making public posts, rather than dm her. Why make public posts asking to skype? She probably wanted to piss Margo off and got a high when KF idolized her. She's just like Marge/Venus – grown ass adult ranting and making jabs via social media. So is Ferenc. They're all the same. Also, venus started the isolation talk after pull/Kf kept assuming she was isolated. I bet she doesn't have a therapist, she just reads KF and steals what they say when it suits her.
No. 92643
>>92641>more proof she's lying about dreaming of being sexual as a child and a victim of slutshamingDon't forget the homeless prostitute comment that
traumatized her and was
too difficult to talk about uwu. If sex work really was her lifelong dream, then you wouldn't think the prospect of resorting to sex work would have bothered her as much. Or was she just pretending to be traumatized to demonize Margo, since it was convenient at the time?
No. 92647
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No. 92661
>>92365 Anyone else here miss the ¨old¨ Venus? She used to look more cheerful and now she always looks so sad. In her latest video she sounded sad and drunk.
>>92647 Her once again trying too hard. She needs to just stop. The only people supporting this, as she likes to call, newer version of herself are idiotic teenagers. All of her older fans are calling it out for what it is.
No. 92668
>>92652forget Venus not even being in Japan, she wouldn't even be posting if she were even SUSPECTED of a crime here. Japanese police don't play when it comes to foreigners and crime. They jail people and can hold them for a long time with no contact to loved ones. There was a story a while ago about a Finnish girl who got taken in for supposedly having drugs (all false). There had to be a whole online campaign to get her out and the embassy got involved.
I can't believe people would even entertain Margo's delusions. Not even trying to defend Venus, but that shit just wouldn't fly in Japan. If Venus were involved in a crime of that nature or even anything close to it, she wouldn't be posting.
No. 92675
>>92673THIS! Anyone who actually believes that woman is equally nuts. Yes, some of her accusations came out as the truth, but Manaki isn't dead nor did Peenus kill him, for fucks sake.
Also this thread has become so annoying, stopp bitching about your stupid assumptions and get over yourself!!!
No. 92678
>>92674youre not keep the thread on topic, we were on getting track before your margo crap. the current topic is venus went topless in the sloppiest way possible, and is desperately convincing herself she isnt a trainwreck. shes building an ‘uwu dirty before diapers’ persona full of lies and contridictions because she has zero sex appeal and wants quick money she will probably spend on stupid shit, most certainly not therapy. she seems to have no friends irl since shes so invested in wow’ing her teenage fanbase.
thats the current topic. now venus is claiming she will post again on OF a week from now. Will she this time, idk, brush her hair?
No. 92679
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No. 92682
>>92524I wasn't trying to be funny, just sick of seeing the word "pedo" thrown around by screaming snowflakes with absolutely no basis for it except in your own fevered imagination.
people who watch these boring as fuck animes might be retarded but it is no way 'proof' they are pedos , I've even seen people accused of being that just cos they watch Sailor Moon for fucks sake! Real perverts are hardly out there jerking off to cartoons.
Are you one of those morons who see it everywhere? Until Venus admits to something like that herself or is accused of something, I don't want to see idiots constantly throwing that accusation around at her, she may be many things to complain about, but I don't believe that about her, and people saying it are just doing it to sensationalise, and I'm not the only one here sick of seeing it.
No. 92689
>>92650The weird thing is definitely the fact venus bothered to go through ancient Instagram posts, and change the Manaki tag to a fake account she made.
I wouldn't take Margo seriously though, when Venus was sick in hospital about a year ago (iirc) Margo was speculating Manaki poisoned her. It was an eating disorder and stomach problem due to weight loss surgery that put her in hospital. Marg just makes up whatever she feels like, sometimes it'a true simply because she can make a decent guess at what Venus is doing as they share similar personalities.
No. 92697
>>92694I did the tour through these threads (reverse downfall) and you're right, it was two years ago. I have no sense of time, clearly.
>>>/w/30581So we've gone from "Manaki poisoned Venus"(2018) to "Venus killed Manaki" (2020) in unverified claims by Margo.
No. 92701
>>92697Samefag, you can reallly see how much bullshit her "I was a sexual deviant this whole time" act is if you read the end of
>>>/snow/286133 thread circa her hospital visit, look at the photos and Instagram posts from that time. Fuckin' where Venus. She's just uses whatever trends she can latch onto to make the easiest money possible. Her story will change again once the simpbucks run out.
No. 92703
>>92698Please, just pay the 6 bucks and stop bumping the thread, thirsty incels
Sincerely, literally everyone else in this thread
No. 92727
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>>92679As I said it's nothing milky, not even a bad picture
No. 92729
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>>92728The comments too aren't that interesting either as I said, but they're all pretty similar, so here are the ones Venus liked.
The main thing people are wondering about is what she's going to do with the paintbrush.
No. 92733
>>92729The only thing I can really contribute to this is she has made over $5176.80 or ¥551,315 in her first month.
That's adding up all the tips and removing OF's 20% fees, but she will have an unknown amount of tips in her DM's from guys like MK, and not accounting for any chargebacks.
No. 92736
>>92734why just not shop it out? or is she too lazy to do that?
>>92728 her nose edit on this one is ridiculous. She turned herself into Mikan
No. 92743
My guess is Venus is playing up this hypersexual deviant act, in the hopes she can become the next super rich Belle Delphine, then when she gets enough money, she'll drop the act and do whatever tf she wants, maybe even give up being on camera. It's pretty obvious she didn't dream of this since kindergarten. Did she say that hoping people would think she was sexually abused? This OF stuff is just her 50000000th new persona. It's possible in middle school or teenage years, she liked hentai or loli or regular porn, but obviously that's not something she'd share with her family… no kid does. They fap privately and that doesn't make her a
victim of slut-shaming/sexual repression, and this also contradicts her "not knowing what being horny was" when she needed to sell the forced narrative to her audience. So maybe some of the suggestive content she posted with Margo was actually what she wanted, which would vindicate Margo to quite an extent. But then she went on her own and continued the kawaii stuff. Margo shared notes where she said her dream was to be famous for being cute and make 6 figures. Was she genuinely interested in the kawaii stuff, or did she continue it because it was trendy and made her lots of money? There's also her blog post. Was she pretending bra shopping was
sO sInfUl and acting shy/retarded because she thought it was cute? And that's what she wanted to be seen as, or at least act that way to make money/build a brand? Or was she genuinely not interested in that stuff and growing up and is just selling her 975959949 lie at this point?
>>92674Venus even said she emailed Margo on her brain scan post to use it for pity points, yet anons still don't believe she even emailed her and marge is making everything up. I believe her when she says venus emailed her about mental illnesses in the family, which may have had something to do with the psychopathy Marge claims is on the fathers side of the family, but "killing" Manaki is waaay too far-fetched. She most likely pissed off/screwed over the wrong sugar daddy, Manager, Ken or whomever and needs an excuse at worst. I doubt she'd email Marge just out of curiosity or because she needed family history for her (fake) therapy sessions. I do genuinely think she is a sociopath however. She's as money hungry, fake and sensationalist as the Paul brothers and they admit to sociopathy.
No. 92744
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>>92734the scar is lower than that. you can't see it unless she takes off her panties
No. 92745
I'm curious, why are anons like
>>92732 &
>>92512 being banned for mentioning pedo pandering? Isn't that what she's trying to accomplish with her pictures, photoshopping to look like a baby, holding teddybears, looking kawaii and innocent etc? Seems like a legitimate issue and not just sperging?
No. 92748
>>92744>>the scar is lower than that.She has more than one scar. She’s had 3 major abdominal surgeries, the weight loss one where part of her small intestine was removed, a second procedure to clean out the infection from surgery #1 and a third to reroute her stomach and other organs after the sutures from surgery #1 split open. Many scars. Hence the bunny (at least until she figures out how to edit them out.)
Look at the awkward way she’s holding the bunny over her lower abdomen.
No. 92749
>>92745Pretty much
>>92746It offends them to think that poor widdel weenus is a disgusting pedoshill who baits nonces with poorly photoshopped pictures so they ban anyone who discusses it
No. 92764
>>92727>>92728Queue sperging about how these photos aren't lewd enough, claims that Venus is evil for editing her face and holding a bunny, and that she needs to have a HD camera shoved up her asshole while she's in a contortionist pose ASAP, or else her simps will see the light and she'll be rendered homeless.
This is boring to those of us who aren't attracted to her, not to dumb, horny men, lmao. They will keep paying for content like this, and the topless picture will keep them hopeful for a long-ass time even if she never delivers nudes.
No. 92770
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>>92716Nothing new or interesting, except of one picture. It is likely that most of subscribers going to quit next month
No. 92779
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Her fans are so dumb. Brainwashed by her years of lies. I feel sorry for the really young ones who are victims of her though. First her mom "forced" her to be sexualized. Then it's her mom forced her to act 'super childish'. Then she didn't know what being horny really was because her mom never taught her. Then she dreamed of it since kindergarten. Then she was a victim of slut-shaming by her family. Then her mom forced sexual pics. Then Manaki was abusive and evil. Then she lives in his apartment again. Ridiculous. I even doubt her first abuse story now. She just makes shit up when it suits her narrative and to deflect from her own shortcomings, then changes it. She's just trying to manipulate her young fans, preying on their emotions so they don't unfollow her. Once again, she's proven that money comes before all. She will doxx, pander, manipulate, toy with emotions and expose children to her sex work – anything so long as the coin gremlin gets her shiny coins.
No. 92782
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No. 92790
>>92783Typical Weenus in a nutshell though. Always the
victim no matter what. Nothing is her fault, it's everyone else's fault. When she doesn't get her way, she throws a tantrum like a toddler and spins everything around to make her look like the hero. She's a narcissistic cunt.
No. 92799
>>92797Also she told everyone she has 800 OF subs because being seen as poor is her biggest fear. She said that once, so she flaunted that number to her audience. Being seen as poor
triggers her. She's a greedy sack of shit. Back when she was escorting and room hopping, I remember her flaunting a years old dior palette and a LV scarf one of her sugar daddies or Ken probably bought her
No. 92805
>>92801i really dont understand why people keep taking ANYTHING this manuplative cunt says as truth, or even just possibly. She is always always lying, always making up a narrative where shes always a
victim. shes now crafting a persona for OF. simple as that. she knows there are pedos amongst her simps and doesnt care; at least two from her livestreams confirmed to be crossovers from HIMR discord, fantasizing kidnapping japanese schoolgirls to rape them. i think their names are david and caesium, they were the ones giving her the most money. so venus figures pandering this shit = more money, and adds in empowerment for the tumblrina crowd so both crowds have a reason to stay. Its all about money now. sex sells, sad sells, broken bitch sells.
No. 92810
>>92805if you read the rest of what anon said, you'd realize they don't believe it
>>92800Actually it does. Tell your audience how many subs you have is telling them how much you make before tips and since no one asked her, she was obviously showing off so people can know
No. 92824
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off topic, but how do we know she's still at manaki's flat?
we haven't seen much apart from the walls and the bed really, it could be anywhere.
i've been comparing her room tour video with her current backgrounds and except the bedside table, it looks nothing like her old room. maybe she managed to find a new place that's just as cramped as the room at manaki's?
if you compare these two, the bedside table is still there, but the desk is missing. the posters are different. the door is on the opposite side. that shelf unit she has with the easter deco wasn't there before. it looks like she just bought them to create some storage space on an empty wall.
No. 92834
>>92832Par for the course for shitty sex workers. Most sex workers do lives or private shows. Venus is only selling sets of pics bc I bet she can’t handle not using all the filters and choosing the perfect shot.
Most guys shell out money to SWs for a personal experience or to interact with them over live. But Venus is too chicken shit and her ego is too fragile to do these things bc you have to have a tough skin. Guys will come into your chat just to be mean in hopes of getting a rise out of you.
Main point: this is lazy af and any guy could find superior lewds from a someone with less “fame” and resources for their sets.
No. 92837
>>92801Since she didn't move to Japan/Korea until she was a teenager, she can't have been exposed to much porn/hentai before then as she was born in 1997 in Switzerland/lived in Germany, UK, etc, not Japan. The sexualization/pornification of the western internet is new. Western internet in 2002, when she was 5 aka kindergarten was very very slow, there were no streaming platforms, and there wasn't sex positivity/people becoming SW straight out of school as of now. There's no way a 5 year old had easy access to hentai on western internet 2002. Nobody even had mobile internet until about 2010, when iphones became popular, she was 13.
She's rewriting the past for the convenience of her simps.
No. 92838
>>92835It's here, this thread is infested with scrotes
>>92425So all the milk gets buried under "any new pics pls post"
No. 92841
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What is this editing?? The right side of her face looks like a perfect sideways obtuse angle or like the fucked up SM Crystal animations
No. 92844
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>>92841First thing I thought of, shes going for boxhead mode
No. 92864
>>92743>>92548>>Someone SENT that to her. Hows that her fault and everyone knows what BnP is. She's not a pedo for knowing what it is and jokingSad to say there are some moronic snowflakes out there who think that sort of thing
is total 'proof' of someone being a pedo! smh lol
>>92732>>To me, pedo panderers, who willingly contribute to the issue are just as bad as blah blah on & on, I thought pedos liked
real children, not young but obviously grown
women, that alone would put off a real pedo, just stop with the nonsense. So boring.
>>92733>>The only thing I can really contribute to this is she has made over $5176.80 or ¥551,315 in her first month.I hope she's going to have the sense to save up a lot of money quick and earn enough to buy herself somewhere to live, so she won't have to rely on anyone else for a home, she won't be able to make money when she's older, unless in very rare cases i suppose some could, but most couldn't, it's a young person's market.
>>92738>>No wonder she looks down upon normal jobs when she can make that much money for snapping a couple photos a week posing in underwear. Fuck, I have a normal 9 to 5 office job and make way less than that.Which i suppose is why so many people are raging at her, you can hardly blame her for making money this way if she is able to. Not everybody would have the nerve to, but that is not her fault, but she doesn't need to look down on people who don't have the nerve to do it.
>>92743>>the Paul brothersWell, there's an idea for her, she can go to the suicide forest and discover Manaki's body.
>>92792I think everyone wants to see that, they are a match made in Heaven, or Hell.
>>92793Dunno, that video with Margaret and her being interviewed where the interviewer woman was being really rude and Margaret said she's rather Venus was into being a living doll that to go out getting drunk, and it was stated quite definitely that the doll thing was all what Venus herself wanted to do and that Margaret just supported her in it. I guess we may never know the full truth.
No. 92865
>>92805That Caesium guy was the one who turned up at HIMR's house and his mum let him in, while the sister was in the other room with a phone ready to call the police.
David used to donate money on Venus live streams urging her to eat more and more s;picy food, but I don't recall him being memtioned in connection with HIMR. I doubt any of the fools who say stuff about schoolgirls etc, would ever have the nerve to do anything in real life.
No. 92871
>>92869So people who hate her are willing to spend money on her pictures, with making her less valuable? Oh well, makes sort of sense I suppose.
Getting to the thumbnail of her latest video, I'm surprised she allowed that very unflattering close up image of her face to be shown, where she is looking perplexed at her titty pic, her mouth looks so ugly in that and she looks quite old in it, not the type of look she wants to portray at all I wouldn't have thought. It's almost like she does the opposite of what she intends to do at times, like she's deliberately self sabotaging.
No. 92881
>>92848Oh yes, the old “she’s just going through an edgy teen phase bc she wasn’t allowed to by Bad Mommy” excuse. She’s even bleated this herself on her instagram, probably after reading it here or on PULL. It’s bullshit. She’s about to be in her mid twenties and won’t be able to depend on gullible fools like you believing it much longer.
Smearing and spreading lies about her visa hubby while at the same time leeching off him isn’t “a phase.” Scamming her way through life while putting the least amount possible of effort into it isn’t “a phase.” It’s her being a
toxic leeching liar, just like her mommy.
No. 92882
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she's trying way too hard and obsessing with this sex/perversion shit.
No. 92883
>>92832Remember that she was dirt poor before this, except when some of her Yt vids did relatively well and she got some extra cash. That's why she was leeching off Mana and probably Ken and Gaku Kitano etc. This is her first month of making good money. It may not last though. Once simps get enough pics or get bored since there are only so many nudes you can post before it gets dull, they might unsub. Only the hardcore ones will stay so her income is pretty uncertain atm.
>>92848>>92773how do you know she "was never allowed" to have that phase. Even with her mom, she was fake af on camera. Who knows what she was like off camera. Such a lame ass excuse, and not all teens even have these edgy phases. And let's not forget she's had years after leaving (during her teens) to "have that phase"
>>92851Exactly, and exploiting the 'empowerment' card
No. 92886
>>92864>I thought pedos liked real children, not young but obviously grown women, that alone would put off a real pedo, just stop with the nonsense. So boring.Then you probably have no morality or integrity either. Pedo pandering, which is a legitimate issue (just because you're lazy and want easy money) is wrong and disturbing. Clearly shows she's a sociopath, if she's going to act as pedo bait and has no problem exploiting inappropriate things for money. She is as sociopathic and cold as Daniel (HIMR) – no wonder she admires him. And yes, fuckers like that are just as bad by contributing to the issue, and not only that, exposing their young fanbase to it and manipulating their feelings to keep them subbed. Yeah, merging a fanbase of underage kids and creepy older pedo guys is totally okay. If you think it's fine, then there's something wrong with you. Go back to KF or Onlyfans, whiteknight.
>>92881Exactly!! I can't believe anons think doxxing a child's sexual abuse and using it to bolster your own fake abuse story, making up abuse stories left and right and exploiting them for money, smearing your husband, cheating on him, pathologically lying, leeching and using others, exploiting and manipulating your fanbase, faking mental illnesses, faking personalities and making an OF and all the other shit she's done, is all just "some edgy phase she was never
allowed to have". Anons just can't seem to accept she's a shit person. It's not a phase.
(stop) No. 92888
>>92885Everyone was 20 at some point but majority of people don't end up in sex work while finding their true self lol
She's just a lazy dumb bitch trying to be edgy, nothing more than that.
No. 92900
>>92897Isn't doing horrible awful? Best content? Are we in the same Venus thread?
I don't know about you but posing nude while calling yourself a cum-dumpster isn't really an achievement but oh well, standards I guess.
No. 92906
>>92904if shes seeing a therapist then she needs a better one. especially one that deals with stunted personalities and porn addiction.
Personally i think you can still like lolita stuff and be an adult, Just be mature and normal. But thats something venus cant do because she has mental illness and attention starved. She doesnt know how to do anything normal.
No. 92935
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It’s not enough to blur and filter her face into oblivion, this idiot chops off half her lower face to give herself a pointy little chin but leaves sharp corners in there. Yeah, that’s some quality content all right.
No. 92939
>>92935shes going for the hentai manga girl next door look, point features are a must! forget the proportions
even in the recent video she made she posted the erotic manga she likes and it seems like shes trying to look like the characters (massive eyes pointy features super tiny mouth) i think she sees her self in them.
also looked into the manga artist venus claims to like, draws lots of guro and nazi comics as well. hm, kind of weird, but im not shocked.
No. 92941
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>>92928She used to wear Lolita clothing, then when normies started finding out about her and judging based on the name of the fashion, she and her mom doubled back and started saying "This is NOT Lolita, this is Venus' own special fashion - Dollita", kek.
No. 92942
>>92897Anon, this new thing will have her in another year or so on Pornhub. She'll be a spunk dumpster for old salary men and then probably in a ditch somewhere if she carries on too.
But I can picture her leaning towards 30 with some host club boy's hafu baby, living in a shanty apartment, playing with herself on camera all while ageing like curdled milk, no friends and just wasting away behind a camera.
No. 92943
>>92941Anon sounds like one of the normies to not know that she started the whole dolly thing by getting compliments her mom and her said on the streets when they'd go out like this.
>>92942Whats with the obsession about hafu kids? Do you realize how shitty you sound? Its a fucking child. She's not out there trying to get kids because she's fetishizing Asian babies, anon. You're looking way too far into the future about her. She might do porn eventually or touch herself, but you make it sound like she will within a year be doing BDSM chained to a toilet JAV. She won't have to do that shit when half nude photos alone are raking in tons on money is just a week and a half.
No. 92949
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I found this screencap of her responding to a Tumblr ask back in 2012 or 2013. I thought it was interesting, considering we're still unsure whether she's "always wanted to do this" (but was slut-shamed by her family) or not.
High likelihood her mother took that photo, by the way.
No. 92953
>>92949Margo and her were jumping on trends if it made them money, o matter what it involved. I personally wouldn't say that's proof that she wanted to do provocative stuff since little. They were chasing the cash, just like now, whether it was Margo's idea or Venus'. Margo def took the photo though. And (to humor venus' recent assertion), if Margo was willing to take photos like these and take her bra shopping, then how, exactly was she a
victim of slut-shaming? Was Margo supposed to take full on nudes of her underage daughter or what
No. 92962
>>92931Needless, longwinded explanation coming up for those willing to believe Venus' ridiculous lies.
There was plenty of porn in 2002, but you couldn't just hand a child an ipad or a phone and one hour later they accidentally wandered onto some porn site, which is very possible now without parental locks. Everything was disconnected, search sites were shit, internet speeds were shit, there was no Youtube or Twitter or easy ways for people to fall into sexual content. (These things appeared around 2006 when Venus was 9, not kindergarten)
You had to use only a laptop or desktop. So a child online pre 2010 (no smartphones/ipads) would have to manually look for porn on a desktop pc/laptop, no chance of accidental discovery via social media, literally would have to type or whatever - which is not something any 5 year old back then would intuitively do - or know what to look for. Or dream of being a porn star. All things she has said/posted/implied in the last week.
If somehow she knew all about it and was interested <10, that would mean Margo had littered the house with porn stuff and led her to these, at the time, non-intuitive sites. Remember she didn't go to school or have friends either, her only contact was with family (again according to her)
So the implication she was downloading hentai at 5 years old suggests Margo led her to that, refuting the slut-shamed stuff. Remember the internet was so slow then watching videos was not particularly viable and would take a long time to download a short clip.
For Venus' claims to be true she would need either to have read (at 5) hentai left around the house, or left unattended for many, many hours in front of a computer/laptop all day to allow her to download and watch multiple porn movies and be thinking about "porn plots" all day.
In summary, nothing Venus says adds up and she changes her story depending on where the money is coming from. It's pretty obvious she's lying and only coomers want to believe this story. A child, who only contacts family and has no life other than that, somehow intuituvely loading up porn sites in 2002 on the tortoise-speed internet and downloading porn all day? It's pretty obvious what kind of people would be invested in that story being true.
Source for Twitter/Youtube
>Jack sent the first message on Twitter on March 21, 2006, 9:50 p.m. It read, "just setting up my twttr.">After opening on a beta service in May 2005 was trafficking around 30,000 viewers a day in just months of time. No. 92970
>Even in the 90s it was easy and Id be shocked if venus never had something like Limewire installed in the early 2000s like everyone did.>In the early 2000sSo when she was 3-5 years old she was astute enough to download a filesharing program and search through the text results to find the specific porn terms she was looking for?
Imagine being this invested in the concept some internet girl watched porn at 5 years old in 2002.
No. 92971
>>92966Yeah but one hentai image accidentally discovered =/= spending hours intentionally downloading multiple movies to be obsessed with "porn plots" and even dream of becoming a porn star at 5.
She can barely string a sentence together yet people take her nonsense as gospel every time.
No. 92978
Everyone is being strangely literal about her claim that 'I wanted to do this in kindergarten'. To do 'this' doesn't mean upload from her smartphone to Only Fans dot com on the internet.
It means be an adult/'glamour' model ogled by men. it's not a new phenomenon is just part of "venus spielerin! venus fotomodel!"
>Margo shows toddler venus actresses and models: Look you vill be famoos like zis. Venus sees or Margo shows something like a page 3 girl Margo: or like zis too
btw does anyone know if a toddler referring to themselves in third person like that is weird or that normal?
No. 92986
>>92978It's the "ogled by men" part that makes people pause, I think.
Every (girly) little girl wants to be a pretty model/actress/singer or whatever, but they're not thinking about being thirsted on by males. They just want to be glamorous and lovely.
Venus already has had a share of everything a little girl would dream of (being a living doll, pretty clothes and hair, travelling the world, having an audience, even singing), so the glamour part is out. She's already done it.
For her to say this in reference to something like OnlyFans, on the other hand, is either her dishonesty and insincerity leading her into unintentionally saying something very unfortunate, or she accidentally revealed something a little bit more sinister about her upbringing. Either way, she deleted the comment, so she probably knew how bad it sounded.
No. 92988
>>92987It’s really not that deep,
>>92987. Weenus wants fast easy cash. That’s it. You’re overanalyzing this and armchair diagnosing. She’s a lazy grifter like her mommy. It’s in her DNA. End of story.
No. 92992
>>92978This seems the most accurate to what actually happened. Page 3 and Glamor models were very popular/mainstream in the 90s-00s, especially in Europe.
I think some people want to believe it was a lot more sordid than that, for their own nefarious reasons, but that sounds a lot more accurate to what Margo would do. She was treated as a literal doll to help get Margo rich/famous, classic stage mom.
If it was as sordid as Veenus implied it would've meant Margo was grooming her for cp/child prostitution, which didn't happen, and conflicts with the also bullshit uwu slutshamed narrative.
I don't doubt kids nowadays have much greater access to explicit content, it's kinda a problem, but things were very different 18 years ago.
No. 93003
File: 1589345451934.png (8 KB, 316x161, 344342.png)

>I love your money so much ❤️ Thank you for the comments on the new video!!
No. 93009
>>92992She didn't say her mom fed her pron and shit. She basically said that there was stuff her mom wouldn't let her get involved with and yet she was underage and already had dudes sending her creepy shit and probably not all of it involves how adorable she is. Look at the NicoNico livestrea she had that one time. Everyone on there was harassing her to do lewd shit aside from those praising her. She probably had that constantly. She said nothing about her mom grooming her for CP or anything like that. She's literally just doing OF.
>>92988>armchair diagnosingYou didn't seem to read anything. No one was diagnosing her with anything here.
No. 93015
>>93009she said her FAMILY slut-shamed her. And I wouldn't be surprised if she starts saying she was groomed, just like she took isolation, infantilization, age-regression and various mental illnesses straight from KF/Pull/lolcow, then claimed her imaginary therapist said so.
>>93010You clearly haven't been following venus or you're a whiteknight
No. 93017
>>93015If she wasn't allowed to try and be sexy and Margo would yell at her for it, it makes sense though that she would be slut shamed by her because she wanted to do stuff outside of being a living doll and making her mom money. We rarely, rarely have photos like
>>92949 throughout her younger, under Margo life. It actually falls in line with what she is saying. She didn't say that she was beat or anything malicious because of it. Her tone in the videos kinda sounds like that, but nothing she actually described is traumatic. She explains having to hide interest in skimpy clothing and sex.
No. 93024
>>93017Margo took that picture and it's a sexual picture. How is that "hiding her sexuality/interests?" or slut-shaming? And as someone else mentioned, Margo took her bra shopping too and 'urged her to accept her puberty body'. There was no slutshaming going on. Venus made up this whole hypersexual act to manipulate people, as usual. If she really was interested in hentai or fapping at some point, of course she'd hide that from her family. Every damn kid does and they don't cry slutshaming afterwards. A narcissistic always makes themselves the hero or the
victim of their imaginary story. She's a liar.
No. 93029
>>93024It could be like this. Margo forced her to pull the living doll shtick and wear slutty clothes to get views and money because it benefited HER. But when it comes to Venus's actual sexuality like dating, wearing sexy clothes for herself, Margo forbid it and called her a slut.
Remember that interview where she covered Venus's ears? I can't find it now because it seems to be deleted but I'm pretty sure there was a part where she said girls who wear short clothes are sluts and whores or something like that.
No. 93033
>>93029If she admit to dreaming of being a slut all her life, then how is she being "forced" to wear slutty clothes for views? You'd think she'd looove doing something like that and having her mom be okay with it. And the blog post venus wrote still contradicts that, as that had nothing to do with their youtube and was part of her personal life, not camera one. I don't buy this new act when she:
1. has consistently demonstrated she's greedy as hell
2. has consistently lied
3. has consistently fabricated personalities when convenient to suit her agenda
>>93030Venus didn't wear the dolly stuff she wore on camera at home. She picked her own clothes. She had a bunch of normal clothes, along with dolly for youtube and some sexy stuff. Even the french interviewer where margo covered her ears asked if she always wears dolly clothes, and margo and her got pissed and claimed she did (bs) when there were so many pictures of venus wearing non-dolly normal clothes. She had her own sense of style after leaving. She enjoyed lolita/dolly/kawaii fashion for years after leaving Margo. That style wasn't forced on her. And it was only recently, when she got with Kitano, that she changed her style. She wore the dolly shit literally for years after leaving Margo.
No. 93036
Even the PULL users can see through her bullshit!
from pull
>the kind of person who is ok with "pedo-baiting" aka helping normalize and even glamorize the sexual grooming and abuse of minors, is someone that has nothing to offer for me to follow.
>What are the messages she is sending to her young fans?
>1. ANYTHING is fair game if it pays your bills.
>2. Youth, thinness and beauty are the only things that matter for a woman, get them even at the cost of your own life.
>3. There is a timeline you are supposed to lose your virginity, a type of (non-granny) underwear you are supposed to wear etc.
>4. It's either you exploit men (Manaki) or they exploit you (Ken).
>5. If you lllloooooove someone ( a sexual offender), their crimes keep you awake "some nights" and you don't go to the police because "love".
>6. Normal jobs are boring, why not show your naked body instead?
>7. If something doesn't work, instead of trying to improve just lie, pretend it never existed and move on to the next thing.
>8. Kids fantasize about sex and you can sexualize teddy bears, toys, children's accents and speech patterns and take pictures looking like you are 12.
>If I had a young daughter I would install parental control filters so that my child doesn't ever see pedo content or Venus content bc it's damaging, worthless and whoever associates with pedos and doesn't call the authorities is a sick corrupted individual.
No. 93046
>>93034>because people, like you, want to insist its something else until you are happy with something she saysstop projecting
The point is she didn't want to be a slut since kindergarten and is lying with her reason for starting OF. But she's not changing that reason. Her reason for OF. She gave her bs reason for doing it, so your first sentence makes no sense. What she is changing is all her past narratives when she's done cycling through those manufactured personalities, and as a result contradicting everything she ever said in the past.
No. 93063
>>92943Because she fetishises asian people, dickhead. It’s obvious.
All these weeb fuckers on this site try and end up with Asians. Venus definitely will and she’ll just end up making the poor kid think its in some kind of anime. She’s insane.
No. 93064
>>93039I don’t even care if it’s slut shaming to be quite honest. Anyone who has to joint OF as a long resort in career choice is just at rock bottom.
Unless you’re some kind of big shot porn star or nude model, okay. I get it.
But when you’ve been jobless since your teen days, no education or skills. Think you're reliving Japanese cartoons by moving and dress up like you’re ten. It doesn’t really help her matter including years of grooming by her mother only to develop the same bitterness and crazy mentality as her.
It’s worrying.
That isn’t being a girl boss in my opinion and to be fair that term is becoming overused. The wrong girls are using it to benefit themselves and twist the situation so they can’t be called out. It’s a load of BS.
Venus’s life isn’t and never will be success with the way she’s going.
No. 93068
>>93017Nah. She wasn't shamed for her sexuality. She wasn't hypersexual and she wasn't forced. What likely happened is Margo thought showing some cleavage/sexy stuff would get more views/money and venus was probably like, "mOrE mOnEyYyYy? Count meee in!", rather than being vehemently against it like many believe, all without actually being hypersexual, just like now. No shaming, no porn addiction, no forcing involved. Maybe some of the sexual stuff back then was even Venus' idea (if I'm to even believe a semblance of what she's saying), but not due to some sexual repression. Just money as the motivator. Both her and her mom are greedy as hell. New way to make good money discovered. New persona to justify the switch. No hypersexuality. It's not that deep. Venus likes to make these claims to distract from her own shortcomings and for shock value.
If we're to actually believe her ridiculous claims that she's hypersexual since childhood and always wanted to be a slut, then Margo is vindicated quite a bit, the girl in bed with the Korean guy was Venus, she lied about the horny claim, her pater ad was real and she escorted and the claims she cheated on Mana (though we know she had pater and Ken while married) and tried to fuck her managers/friends/friends partners etc are also probably real then if being a slut was always her dream. She can't be a
victim in every contradictory narrative.
No. 93069
>>93061the anons who keep non-pedo sperging, denying she is pandering & trying hard to silence any discussion are more annoying than anything the cow in discussion does
you'd think it's venus with how hard they try to silence discussion
No. 93070
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>>93061>>93063>>93066funny how she just looks like a baby in her sex pictures and not her usual edited ones. yeah it's just her fetishization /sarc
No. 93071
>>93061she may not be a pedo (and no one here is saying she is), but she
is a panderer and you can pretend it's "fantasies and projection" but what's actually fantasy and projections is what you just said. if you don't like anons discussing it then leave or at least stop trying to fucking police the thread and what people can discuss, especially when it's relevant to the cows new Only fans edition
(move on) No. 93073
>>93072Exactly. And if you object or show concern, you're labeled
anti-sex worker. There's nothing empowering by posting nudes. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it if you're not exploiting/pandering/lying etc like Venus, but there will never be anything glorious or creative about it either. Just lazy girls who want quick money attempting to glorify themselves as doing something worthwhile. You're not. You're just showing off a body. Nothing glorious or empowering there so stop pretending like you've done some amazing deed venus, or that you're special for doing it
No. 93074
>>92368>>92365Why would you even include the first photos in this?
People who make time lines of camgirls that include their literal baby pictures in with their nudes just look like sick fucks who have "corruption" kinks. Leave the baby photos out of it and keep your fetish on /d/
No. 93075
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No. 93076
File: 1589372503727.jpg (186.76 KB, 1080x1080, 20759990_1250904371706000_7585…)

>>92928She wore lolita in 2018, she posted pics with lots of Angelic Pretty and Baby the Stars shine Bright.
>>92770She looks like a facetuned Margo in this one
No. 93077
>>93070Eew. That pic is so uncomfortable to look at. But it's not surprising. Venus is aware that she has some creepy perverted dudes who are interested in CP-like content, especially in the Japanese fanbase, so no wonder she's catering to them. Probably why she got so many subs so quick. There's a market for this nasty shit.
>>93075eew so she's still going to force this crap upon her regular fanbase that only followed her for her kawaii stuff. did she get a photographer or is it just one of her friends/manaki/sugar daddy?
No. 93080
she even threw a tantrum and sent her followers after Matnaki when he
dared to ask her to not wear Lolita outside
No. 93082
File: 1589376249029.png (169.43 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20200513-222306(1).…)

Did she removed her OF account
No. 93085
File: 1589377087808.png (140 KB, 656x856, Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 9.37…)

Looks like she's inspiring her copycat fans to open their own kawiwi OF, too!
No. 93087
>>93081>>93074I just want to say, the early pictures were used because she was made into a public figure, even back then. The first one is from when her mother had her act as an extra in a movie.
I had to look up what /d/ and ''corruption fetish'' was to know what you were on about. I kind of understand, but to make that association on first view to begin with, it sounds a bit like you're projecting, ngl. Would be nice if you guys would keep the latent hentai obsession and sperging to yourselves.
No. 93099
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>>93030>> I’m glad to see her wearing, outside of content, more adult clothing. Stuff that actually suits her age You mean her jammies that look like she’s worn them for days? That’s the “more adult” clothing you’re so glad to see?
Lol. She’s a lazy dishevelled greasy slob 90% of the time.
No. 93105
File: 1589384950301.png (275.16 KB, 483x547, 2020-05-13_1049.png)

>>93070Ugh.. wtf.
Btw anyone getting aroused from this should see a therapist.
No. 93108
>>92902>> our society is very sex positive now and we have to kowtow and okay any and everything sexualThere was a time when you could be looking for something innocent and some necrophiliac site would come up or something equally gross or embarrassing, nowadays it's like Snow White or everything suitable for 8 yr olds, it's gone far too much the other way now, no happy medium anymore, and as for the control freaks constantly hiding behind the smokescreen of 'child protection' and seeing perverts everywhere they look, it's just got ridiculous now with all the screeching truamtised snowflakes seeing pervs everywhere. The point I made way back was totally missed, but if Kate Bush were to release certain of her songs today, the outcry from these idiots would be deafening, and no doubt she'd be called out as being 'suspect' in some way.
Oh for the days when artistes were not afraid to push the boundaries, there needed to be some guidelines in place, but it's just gone too far in the other direction now, I mean, come on, even stupid rubbishy animes are being dragged into this evangelising by the moral crusading brigade.
People like kawaii cute looks, get over it, it does NOT mean someone is a pervert just for that.
(stop) No. 93109
>>93075I wonder if that's Manaki or one of her newest flings dress shirts.
Honestly, though, I never would have seen this coming years ago when the living doll thing blew up. It seems like a lot of the cutesy dolly girls settled on selling pics of themself on some donation platform or attempted hoping on some D for a free ride.
No. 93120
>>93118yea looks like a love hotel to me.
u know its great if she found out porn is work she wants to do but fucking pleeease block all the underage fans if you're not gonna make another safe insta. i mean thats what pornstars do when they encounter a minor simpling on their content.
No. 93182
>>93181it's more likely she doesn't want her instagram to be reported and closed down if linking it is against the TOS
Her current story and youtube video is about OF, she's not quitting now
No. 93193
>>93187YouTube flags only for children content and you most tag it only for children. She doesn't have to tag this at all outside of content being uploaded to YouTube now due to the updated ToS. You can label with
TW stuff in the comment section, but overall YT doesn't flag creators for not labeling already non-children direct content. If her followers are following her new videos, they need to be taken to their parents. It's not Venus's responsibility to block and manage kids who find her content. They will always be able to find her content with a Google search.
No. 93197
>>93131For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that the people who say shit like this repetedly are a salty minority of simps mad that they're paying $7 for this shit, but too obsessed to just unsub.
>Y-You better give up something GREAT this time, Venus! Or we-I mean they will stop paying!Simps are going nowhere, lmao. They don't need or deserve anything that takes tremendous effort whatsoever.
No. 93213
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>>93211Keep fanticizing, anon. Weenus was very clear in the disgusting shit she posted about that kid and there was no misunderstanding or “language barrier.” Hard to accept for a WK I know, but it is what it is.
No. 93217
>>93086Right. And then we're supposed to praise her for flashing her tits online, as if it's some form of empowerment because she's a
victim who finally found her rEaL sElF. Not anti-sex work, but sex work is just that: sex work. Not some tool of empowerment where we have to praise every soul engaging in it, especially when some of them lie and bait and berate 'normal' jobs like Venus or scam like Belle Delphine selling bath water. Like I'm supposed to pretend she's a strong independent women or some shit? When she's just lazy and entitled and not creative enough, dedicated enough nor skilled enough to do a real 9-5 job, so she posts low quality selfies and shitty sex work content instead.. and that somehow deserves congratulations or an 'I'm so proud of youuuu!' bullshit
>>93153What this cow should have done is just make a new account for it. But she's too fucking greedy for that and would rather promote it on her main accounts. Even if she made a new account now that she has at least 800 subs from promoting it on insta and youtube, I will still never forget that she cared more about money than integrity. I know a 13 y/o who follows her. Venus is a fucking asshole. You'd think the doxxing of the kid would be the last straw and no one would be defending her, at least not on her gossip threads.
No. 93218
>>93215yeah it disturbed her soooo much, that she stayed with her sugar daddy for money – I mean lOoOoVeEeE! Just like she married Manaki for a visa – I mean, lOoOoVeEeE! And yeah, she
is pandering on OF. Stop whiteknighting her. Just go to her fucking SM and idolize her with the rest of her braindead simps
No. 93221
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>>93085With a low followers lol
(offtopic) No. 93222
>>93218yes and for the millionth time in the same instagram story the next image was of her packed bags, she left him for this.
I wasn't defending her at all, I was joking because of all the excessive vitriol and trying to equate shitty photos as equal to real pedophiles abusing real kids and committing real crimes as multiple posts in here have done.
or even that it's some kind of super calculated move on her part, you're giving her way too much credit, venus isn't that smart and isn't even bothering that much (as per the 500 posts about her laziness)
Anon is reading into everything too much because you're bored.
No. 93226
File: 1589416004110.jpg (399.92 KB, 810x1491, Screenshot_20200514-082615_Chr…)

Now she's going into streaming at OF
No. 93233
>>93082I'm getting the opposite, no YouTube, only OnlyFans.
>>93075That's very clearly a love hotel, not a regular hotel. Doesn't really mean much as it's cheaper to rent one for a few hours rather than getting an overnight somewhere.
No. 93236
File: 1589421406524.jpeg (335.57 KB, 1129x1105, CD724F01-D48C-4136-832F-ABBABC…)

>>93222>>the next image was of her packed bags, she left him for this.Sorry but no, she did not leave the SD over his story about “giving head” to a baby (which only bothered her some of the time, not all the time and wasn’t enough to make her leave.)
No. 93237
File: 1589421605457.jpeg (243.51 KB, 845x993, 6BD4A986-BD43-4025-89DB-140673…)

Here is her list of why she left- the kid is not mentioned. (The SD “controlled her finances” and did not make Weenis’s “mental health a priority.’)
You might want to get your WK story straight next time, WK.
No. 93256
File: 1589429313495.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1242x2196, 1588729628455.jpeg)

1000 members
$6.99 / month
80% cut
$5592 / month for shit tier photos
I can see why she is doing it,
No. 93258
File: 1589430344833.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 958x1280, 140520.png)

>>93255because everyone who doesn't agree with your tinfoiling is a WK and the mods are WK too so just keep attacking right?
>>93256that's just the minimum amount, the current total for the base + tips is $6360 or ¥673,481
newest picture
No. 93261
File: 1589432722102.jpeg (77.42 KB, 284x500, B55A2278-5835-498D-B2F4-0A4396…)

This was already mentioned in the UK weeb thread but this seems like a more appropriate place. Venus is friends with a girl called Piper (Tsuruko on instagram) and it seems they’re memeing her whole only fans thing because Piper’s boyfriend (who is also friends with her) is making nonstop jokes about it, he comments on all her only fans-related posts and posted a story talking about buying it. (m0ri.59 on instagram) even made a reference to a hentai in one of her posts related to a woman joining prostitution or something, but I can’t find the comment, she has over 1K+, will post it if I do
No. 93268
>>93266you can, I added up all the tips on the posts and took away OF's 20%, whatever she got in her DM's so far is unknown.
I mentioned this last time but forgot this time, sorry.
No. 93270
File: 1589436043090.png (Spoiler Image,92.03 KB, 973x153, ok.png)

>>93269sure, here's the biggest one for example, not all posts have tips.
No. 93274
>>93272this is true but recently some OF accounts have been closed and the models are unsure why and nothing has been explained to them.
Some singers or whatever use the site like patreon just to make regular videos or musical requests, so they suspect they're getting rid of their 18+ content, but that would be business suicide.
No. 93282
File: 1589440939242.jpg (107.38 KB, 1212x384, asd.jpg)

>>93242sorry for posting this again, but i don't see many similarities between her old room and the current place she's staying?
they're both very tiny, but look at the walls and the furniture. or the position of the door behind her. apart from that bedside table thing, nothing looks the same to me.
maybe she re-arranged her stuff and that's why it looks different, but from what we saw so far she could be anywhere really.
it just seems like she used to have more living space.
No. 93292
>>93282it's the same door at the start of the video before she goes in as this picture
>>92727(and before you say the handle is on the wrong side her pictures are flipped on OF)
No. 93295
File: 1589444997876.jpg (101.28 KB, 1200x353, space.jpg)

>>93292but look at the distance between the doors and the walls.
also, show me a recent pic where you can see the desk, or any of the shelf units she used to have apart from the bedside table.
No. 93298
File: 1589447035199.png (950.08 KB, 1209x760, 1.png)

>>93295>>93296>>93297I hate that you made me do this, but it is obviously the same door.
Her room is just different after 3 years like most people.
No. 93305
>>93303the surgery was pretty expensive.
margo should've bought a house somewhere but nope instead of investing their money they spent it all on fucking starbucks and restaurants. i remember they posted photos from expensive restaurants like twice a day. moved around the globe, bought stupid kawaii shit.
No. 93308
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>>93261I found the post he commented on, and the hentai he was referencing. Found some redditor who explained the plot, and, after reading it I can see why that idiot thought it would be so edgy to comment that under a picture of Venus in lingerie.
No. 93321
File: 1589454574124.jpg (405.64 KB, 720x1195, Regrets.jpg)

>>93308After she looses virginity to him, she becomes his bitch and decides to sleep with people for money. At one point before she turned into his bitch and turned into a greasy gyaru-chan ( when she only started wearing nice dresses and wearing nice makeup) her father rapes her because she reminds him of her mother and because she started sleeping for money, so he decided that shes a hoe n thats what she deserves.
Long story short, guy who took a virginity from her and turned into a huge abuser forces her to pay off his money debts in a bar by fucking with people. They both are drug addicts. She becomes addicted to drugs and sleeps with everything that moves, and eventually she gets gangbanged by a lot of people and gets killed while being pregnant. Her very last "dream" while she was dying was her, looking all nice and normal, walking in the park w her daughter and talking.
She also gets bullied by her classmates somewhere inbetween for being a whore.
Its popular only because people are shocked on how fucked up it is but remembering that theres WAY WORSE stuff that japanese people make… It's only tip of the iceberg.
No. 93324
>>93303If she had any sense, which is debatable, she would make sure to save as much money as she can from what she's making now from her only fans, so she can buy herself somewhere to live, an actual house of her own, so there is no rent to find, she won't be able to do only fans for ever, not unless shes an exception, I don't know if there are any people on only fans posting this sort of content when they are much over 30, but then it's not a world I really know anything about, but didn't Belle Delphine make a fortune from it and that is why she has disappeared now? If Venus is sensible, she could set herself up for life with this, I think young women may make a good bit of money from this sort of thing, and can live off it for a while, Cotorich disappeared from YT for yrs then reappeared again in recent times, probably because money started running out, and she is way older than Venus I think, so Venus could really set herself up well and make a lot of money, and she could still go on longer to make money in future, but only if she uses more filters as she ages, like Cotorich obviously does.
The latest OF picture of Venus in the purple light, is actually good quality and looks quite professionally done, I wonder if this is a proper photographer who took it?
No. 93335
>>93324Yeah, no, people like this aren’t sensible. There are many reasons people
don’t get into SW, but one has to do with dignity. Acting like Venus is slaying because she makes $6K a month to call herself a cum dumpster is ridiculous. Money is not the end all be all of existence, and not everyone values it so highly (or is desperate enough) to perform a job that ensures that a certain segment of the population will
never respect them.
No. 93337
>>93330She tore him a new asshole on social media with her "he was
abusive like my mom uwu" story, so what's the best way to not deal with her retarded fanbase? Disappear from it completely, at least on accounts he knew he would be harrassed on. Without a doubt he's still in her life, but without the online presence attached to it due to her efame.
No. 93340
File: 1589466478712.jpg (224.84 KB, 1275x599, Venus Stream.jpg)

Stream lasted for less then 5 minutes, Venus was wearing a mask, said she wasn't feeling well, thanked everyone, fans ate it up and wished her to get well soon. No way of knowing if she really was sick or just lost her nerve.
No. 93343
>>93340Hahaha Mikey in chat.
>"I can only stay for 15 minutes before I head to work."Don't worry bro, you didn't miss a thing. She finished up early just for you.
Sad, I guess we will see if this becomes a trend of "I feel sick so no new pic this week guys".
No. 93365
File: 1589479116241.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 995x828, 2020-05-14_1258.png)

>>93321>eventually she gets gangbanged by a lot of people and gets killed while being pregnantshe gets beaten badly, yeah, but she actually kills herself with and overdose of heroin during which she has her final dream
(derailing) No. 93374
>>93372As cliché as it sounds, videos about Japan, the culture, travel, places to visit etc would have worked. She already did a few videos when she used to take her camera outside and vlog. People enjoyed it, especially her fans who want to know more about the country.
But here we are, she can't be fucked with YouTube anymore because that requires her to actually be more creative and do work, so instead she became a thot-and being a thot isn't difficult.
No. 93382
>>93340This is just the beginning of the end, this girl isn't capable to even commit to something she allegedly wants to do (it's a lie, we all know she's short on money). Still she will abandon her OF soon like everything she tried so far because it's connected with actually getting up, getting ready and be somewhere on time = WORK!!!
But this time it will be even worse as there is no easy way to unclick your nudes and take back that you're a cum-dumpster who want's to look like a dumb bitch. I give her 2-3 Weeks from now until she realizes that she hit rock bottom and there's no return from here. Internet never forgets.
No. 93391
>>93340Did this dumbass take our advice to do a live stream?
>>92834 I’m guessing the mask is to hide her potato nose and probably nervousness. Her controlled content is bad enough. Live Venus is just sad
No. 93412
>>93395I think she can turn back. It's not too late. She has been on a weird ass discovery journey but she can always go back, she always does.
She needs to go back to Europe, marry someone who actually loves her, and get a very good therapist.
No. 93417
>>93412What can she turn back to? Her YT career? It is so unlikely that she will strike gold again. The dolly trend which is her whole gimmick has faded over the years. I fail to see what has she bounced back from, because she has been spiraling for years now.
She will never leave Japan unless the country deports her. The country attracts people like her who think living in a closet is glamorous as long as they live there. Also she will never find anyone who genuinely loves her. You can see red flags on Venus from miles away. No one who is looking for a healthy relationship will touch that shit except those desperate simps. She has nothing to offer besides her fucked up body.
Venus will never change until she hits rock bottom. Most people generally learn and move on that way, but who knows with Venus?
No. 93418
>>93412>>93413This has nothing to do with where she is living. How would that make her suddenly not want to make an onlyfans? There is nothing wrong with her honestly doing this and she has nothing to lose from it besides kids who want her to remain 15 uwu for their aestethics watching on YouTube.
>>93395She's not 15 anymore. What brand is there to protect with her old face dolly persona with an audience of girls who refuse to want her to do anything other than entertain what they want to see because its in 'her best interests'. There is caring about what your fans say and moving on and she has a bigger demographic with male viewers now and it's naive to think that all her female fans will leave her because of this. It's been 2 weeks. Relax, anon.
No. 93441
>>93438okay grandpa
how about this; if your relative/crush/whatever has an onlyfans with nudes then maybe try just not fucking looking at it if you dont want to see it like a normal person? gonna hatefap to your granddaughters nudes? no? okay then theres no issue.
No. 93485
>>93441>j-just don't look! no issue!NTA, but sorry. No matter how much you say this kind of thing on the internet, it will never be normal or acceptable in the real world to be a porn star.
That shit ruins lives and opportunities of all sorts, and her real name and face is attached to all of it.
No. 93506
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No. 93508
File: 1589553298621.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1242x1879, 741BDF5A-8FB0-4B6D-8855-6C7D9B…)

These pics are so bad lmao u can’t see shit, theres 8 pics but a lot were repeats just zoomed in ?? LMAO
No. 93509
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No. 93510
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No. 93511
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No. 93514
>>93508>>93509>>93510>>93511kek at these pictures. So try hard lmao
Btw, who is taking the pics? Manaki?
Wouldn't surprise me if he is some sort of suitcase pimp of venus.
No. 93527
File: 1589556925149.jpg (113.73 KB, 1080x737, 20200515_113432.jpg)

I think I found the infamous Peter from Toronto in the comments. This is what grandpa does with his retirement money. 1/3 posts.
No. 93529
File: 1589557145390.jpg (295.93 KB, 1080x1573, 20200515_113414.jpg)

No. 93536
>>93534and I like to add to my post that I'm pretty sure that posts like
>>93520 and
>>93521are still him posting here.
No. 93538
>>93526I think she is trying to recreate one of the hentai doujin covers here, this kind of pose is common around djs and it's laughable on how bad it looks IRL.
>>93527> I like this new Venus and I joined your OnlyFans.Of course you like this new ''Venus'' because you can shameleslly stroke your disgusting peen to it, gross. Mens brain will always be a cumbrain no matter of age.
This whole.. 'i am such a degen, guys, i am such a perfect pervy waifu uwu!! not like the others!!uwu' act is idiotic… I think basic bitch 'softcore uwu w pastel pink stuff n pwushies' would fit her more.
No. 93551
File: 1589564643442.png (16.84 KB, 605x103, 1.png)

>>93527looks correct to me, matches up with this
No. 93552
File: 1589565173037.jpg (25.95 KB, 400x400, Venus-Angelic.jpg)

Hate to say I told you so, but I was here five years ago and I can remember being dragged over the coals for advising caution on the jubilant mood that followed her estrangement from her mother. Many of us said the moment she left her mother that it wasn't a cause for celebration. That in all likelihood things would get worse. That she was in a "marriage" with an oddball guy who essentially stalked her and whose language she didn't speak fluently. In a country with no support network of her own, no qualifications, limited language ability, complete dependency on a spouse she barely knew and so on.
I hate doing the told you so routine but really, some of us did tell you this would happen. You responded (and I remember the threads well) by reee'ing about how she was free now, things would get better for her because of her kawaii asian husbando, how we were all just debbie downers. It honestly makes me think a lot of you are fundamentally naïve.
The best thing for Venus to do would have been to go back home and get a formal education of some kind. This insipid Japan and Korea veneration would be funny if it didn't lead to people in their twenties unironically stuck there in virtual prostitution, as single mothers to boot.
All of you who cheered along are nothing but enablers. I'd expect it of PULLtards who want nothing more from life than to marry some Asian dude and live in a matchbox apartment in Seoul or Tokyo all their lives, but those of you who are older ought to take some time to reflect on this whole affair. Not even trolling here, I'm being serious.
No. 93555
>>93412>marry someone who actually loves herI think she still has time, but there's a Catch 22 in that the more she engages in self destructive and damaging behavior like this, the harder it will be for her to ever go back and find someone who was comfortable with her essentially whoring around in Japan for years. That being said, Applemilk managed it, so I don't see why Venus can't. Both of them had similar mental issues too.
In general I just want the whole weeb J-Vlogger trend to end. It's boring as shit and I'm nonplussed as to how anyone still follows it. No, I don't care about you and your ugly-ass Hiroyuki Nishimura looking boyfriend doing YouTube's 5,000,000th Meiji Jingu vlog.
No. 93556
>>93552You're not on your own, I said the exact same shit.
It was too good to be true. A weird man she doesn't know, running away to somewhere she barely knows, language cant speak properly or fully and nothing to her name except Youtube and a passport.
Everyone was gleeing with cheer and joy. Some said "Oh but at least she isn't with her
abusive mother! It's better a stalker than that!" How? That's as BAD.
I knew from the beginning of her fame it'd end badly. No proper home, weird mother, weird way of living, but just this girl in general is freaky. I find her weird and I cannot see why everyone likes her. She's the kind of girl in class that would giggle at a cloud passing by at the window and collect ants in the sandbox. She's odd.
Like I just laugh now. I really do. I think she IS in touch with family back home but she just wants to stay there in Japan. I wouldn't be surprised if her dad was sending money to her to keep her.
Thing is, the doll trend died out years ago. Venus lost a lot of viewers and her ideas came to an end. The new rise of teenagers now aren't into the kawaii doll thing. Some are who are mini weebs but most want the Kardashian trash thot life.
Venus is doing just that and since OF is now a thing she had to trend hop. I mean she's a lazy shit anyway and doesn't want to do much. So it's no surprise.
But it's no life, the way she lives. I can't understand how and why people can be happy for her living this new… life.
No. 93558
>>93555To be fair, I still like some of the weeb Youtubers. Some are actually not bad because of their person's personality it CAN be bearable.
But many girls who were into weeb stuff wanted to get to Japan in the hopes of starting off a Youtube career when the rise of living doll trends appeared. Now it's died out, I think what has happened, Korea took Japan's place?
Now everyone wants to go to Korea because of Kpop basically. That's the only reason why.
I think other places are becoming more popular now anyway. I know Bali and the whole "I bought an apartment in New York!" thing is happening more and more for views.
Japan is still popular but it's had its course in my opinion.
No. 93559
>>93556>How? That's as BAD.It's worse actually. Much worse. What happened to Venus was she was taken away from an overbearing and
abusive mother figure who, at the very least, provided some sort of structure to her life (however flawed) and placed into… nothing. Just a complete vacuum in a completely alien country.
I still for the absolute life of me cannot fucking understand why so many of these people are obsessed with staying in Japan though. I mean I get the appreciation for Japanese culture but living there, on your own, off of OnlyFans scraps, with absolutely no real close friends or support network. How are people this atomized even created? It boggles my mind.
No. 93561
>>93558The last J-Vlogger I actually liked was that half-Japanese guy, half-White guy who has a wife, children and a job over there, and he makes videos on things like the state of the housing market, how Japanese schools in what is considered a "poor area of Tokyo" work, and so on. His videos were well made and informative.
The Rachel and Jun-tier ones can eat a bag of dicks though.
No. 93564
>>93559It's the glorification of living the anime girl dream I guess that other lazy weeb bitches want to live.
I've been to Japan. I love the country, it's lovely and I would like to go back. But I just generally like the country, I don't read manga or any of that shit.
I think these girls all want to out do each other in some way and Venus just makes out she's living the dream, still makes out she looks like her shoops and it's just… even fucking Dakota Rose sorted her shit out and stopped with the shoop. She does it a little but not too badly anymore.
She just seems to be living a normal life and doing job whenever she gets them now.
But Venus… oh christ. She's sunk low.
No. 93565
>>93561The normal ones like that, now I can bear.
But people like Rachel & Jun who like to show off their interracial marriage and will probably flaunt their kids because they're "so exotic" just piss me off.
Sharla In Japan. She's just cringe.
No. 93566
>>93559>I still for the absolute life of me cannot fucking understand why so many of these people are obsessed with staying in Japan though.Because you're considered a failure if you return back. Especially when they had no intention of doing so when they moved in the first place. See: Simply Kenna/cozykitsune and her failed rebrand and humiliating return from her 2 second weeb dream of having an entertainment visa in Japan.
But also, for a lot of them, they have nothing interesting worth watching if they move back home. Without Japan they're just shitty vloggers forced to do kawaii makeup tutorials or pastel wig hauls.
No. 93567
>>93563>Taylor RIs she the gold digger who married the ugly dude or was that Sharla? Honestly, they're all so interchangeable I end up forgetting.
>>93564>She just seems to be living a normal life and doing job whenever she gets them now.None of them are normal lol.
>>93566Why not just learn a skill of some kind then?
No. 93571
>>93565It's not even the flaunting of the interracial relationship. Their content is just so damn boring. There are a thousand other people who have done tours of Tsukiji and its breakfast restaurants before you. Vastly better ones too. How are you getting a million plus views for that shit?
If they produced interesting, well made content on a variety of subject matters I'd get it. But it's literally just shit like: "Me and my husband go and eat at a teppenyaki restaurant in Ginza #toyko #teppenyaki #amwf"
>Texan in Tokyo>Sharla in Japan>Rachel and JunHow many others are there like this? Like was said, they're all so interchangeable…
I also find it really unsettling how many of them will go there for a few months and end up getting hooked up and married within that same time period. It happened to this old video games vlogger called Samtron who used to be popular years and years ago.
>>93570 it's this guy. He seems really cool. No attention whoring, just interesting topics.
>>93558Yeah, it doesn't even need to be focused on Asia. I also follow a woman who teaches at a rural school in Russia, and a guy who built a log cabin in the Canadian wilderness from scratch. There was also a guy who restored an old Mediterranean Taverna on a Greek island who was fun to follow, but that was many years ago. YouTube has lots of interesting channels who don't really get much attention.
No. 93637
>>93273Tbh, I think HE could do way better than Tsuruko. Pip is a massive bitch, like Venus, just without the crazy. Idk much about him tho. But good for him. Venus has proven herself to be a massive cow. Not everyone has to jump on the empowerment bs bandwagon, though if it's
all he's posting about, then it does seem kinda obsessive.
No. 93645
File: 1589599573786.gif (56.67 KB, 480x368, giphy-downsized_s.gif)

Why was this the first thing I thought of when I saw her latest post?
No. 93669
>>93639>Someone who doxxes a child sexual abuseNot disagreeing with the rest of your post, but I've seen this particular line a lot, and from what I've seen: She posted an extremely filtered/blurry image of her trying to hug some kid, didn't identify who he was or dox him, posted a now-gone IG story making the allegations toward "Ken", then deleted the photo she took of herself with the boy. We don't know if she was making it all up, we don't know who "Ken" or his ex was, we don't know who the child was.
If she was telling the truth, it was disgusting to casually talk about such a heavy topic the way she did and then act like it wasn't really a big deal, but "doxxing" is a very exaggerated term to use in this context.
No. 93725
>>93702why is there always someone bitching about pull here. sorry you banned, downvoted, denied approval or whatever, but no one cares. this thread has newfags due to raids, reddit, pissy pull users and fangelics coming here for free OF shit; its 2020. make the thread better than moaning about it.
its been 10 days since Venus went topless. Shes made decent money off of this ill give her that, but I hope she puts that money to good use. She doesnt seem to understand the value (dumbass surgery that almost killed her + bitching that manaki was rightfully pissed, drinking for days, etc), given her almost zero educational background.
i legit cant think of a productive way for her to spend it due to her hot mess background; getting her own place is stupid since OF is not stable. i have no idea how she could get started going to school in japan, but she has zero discipline and can barely stick to one idea for long so she wouldnt even commit. she has zero interest in going back to europe since shed have to start fresh. she needs therapy but lied saying her therapist is ok with this shit, so she clearly doesnt want to. what is she going to do with this money??
i dont think she has high self-esteem (strong filters to look half asian) so i hope she doesnt try something stupid like plastic surgery in the future.
No. 93751
>>93725Venus will probably put some cash towards the gas and electric to keep her wifi a flow. But other than that? I doubt she will use it on anything wise.
She never does.
Remember when she ran away at first and then weeks later she had a room dedicated to anime, toys and hamsters? That's what she doe with her money. Piles of random kiddish clothes and dolly dresses.
I get okay people waste money but this girl will just piss it away. She'll be in new dresses, downing bottles of wine on her next live stream and saying how she's lesbian for only today and then tomorrow she'll be riding a salary man's dick.
Don't even root for her at this point.
No. 93752
>>93719She shoops.
But yeah, she looks a fucking wreck.
No. 93754
>>93571I think it draws attention because you have Asian men who fetishise white women. So they'll be interested in seeing this become a reality and give them hope.
You then have white women, you always get the "I love others cultures" never attractive, nerdish, doesn't put much into their appearance like Rachel and you'll be the ones like Venus who fetishise Asians for the cutesy appeal and anime.
So they get together, white girls and asians. One is using the other for status and to show off to his other asian peers and the other just wants a visa or to show off how cultured they are or to relive anime.
It's sad but true.
It's like how black men and black men get with whites so their kids look lighter and have looser hair because of the black community being colourist as fuck.
But the joke is when asian and white people reproduce and the asian parent usually hates how asian their kid looks. Usually happens with the asian woman and white man ratio mostly. I find it hilarious.
No. 93770
>>93741Looks like it may be someone called Akane
Araragi. Googled her, she looks like an attention-seeking trashfire.
No. 93780
>>93755yeah, a new iphone, possibly going to the nail salon every two weeks, buy more wigs and props for the photos she is taking. pay bills. get some other surgery done. go to expensive restaurants once covid is over.
i can't see her sitting on some savings, she's more likely to spend it all on stupid shit.
No. 93786
>>93782she definitely should. if she can that's the way she should go because at the moment i don't see anything else for her. without any background, education or connections i doubt she could find anything 'normal' if you know what i mean.
however, i would imagine these companies would look for someone who actually looks good in real life and not just on the photos. venus edits her shots SO MUCH you can hardly recognise her. i would expect these companies to look for models who look good without any editing. i doubt they will pay extra money for someone just to edit her photos / videos lol while they could easily find a naturally gorgeous looking european girl somewhere else.
i don't think companies you mention would use snow or meitu for their professional work lol.
No. 93811
File: 1589650854097.png (Spoiler Image,392.12 KB, 356x464, eww.PNG)

>>93770Yepp, she's definitely someone who would participate in Weenus cringefest.
No. 93816
File: 1589652374448.png (345.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200516-200531.png)

Looks like she approached Venus first.
No. 93820
>>93510Am i the only one who gets the impression venus can't pose right? In this photo set, she seems like she ain't moving at all. Probably why there is zoom in duplicates too.
I wanted to talk about the trash camera work too. The photoset screams amateur. Who thinks she got wasted that night and had sex with the camera person lol. It would explain why she was "sick" the next day for her stream.
No. 93821
weenus and akane cringefest… yay…
>>93820I agree, she has no sense of posing or like basic thoughts of what will look good she just tries replicating what ever she sees in her erotic mangas. I still look at that candle in the mouth picture and laugh. Not sexy at all.
No. 93823
File: 1589653685685.jpg (Spoiler Image,405.56 KB, 2048x1433, fish_pose.jpg)

>>93817>>93816>>93815>>93812What's going on here?
"good quality and HD sets"
"Her content is very spot on and she is able to afford different venus and photographers all the time. "
What's all this whiteknighting for? Her photo-sets on insta are just as cringey, some perhaps even more than Venus. Her posing is horrible, too. Not to mention she only has 87 patreons…
She may have 100k followers on twitter but she hardly get any engagements even close to 1/10th of that. Are they bots or disowned accounts?
Do you guys hate Venus that much or you guys actually guys or something?
No. 93824
>>93823calm down anon. shes just like any e thots.
what the other anons are saying is that compared to venus, she looks more confident and assuming in her SW, has way better quality for instance in her photosets. She also seems to not shoop as much too.
still cringe but venus is cringier.
No. 93827
File: 1589654491208.jpg (Spoiler Image,138 KB, 1080x719, akane.jpg)

>>93823No one is whiteknighting her anon. She does have higher quality sets and unlike a lot of thots she hasn't gone out much to get new stuff, but her selfie sets are better than anything Venus has put out even with her photographer for the love hotel shoot and how many times do people need to explain to you anons that buying bot accounts is nearly impossible anymore as the AIs for socials delete them in less than 24hrs now. This isn't like early 2000s bot buying.
No. 93955
>>93848Thought I'd seen this already but I hadn't.
That was so depressing… I don't even like Manaki but how the hell can Venus insultingly insinuate that HE is a neet hikikomori as if she's not a shut in mess too?
The yakiniku bit might be a little plausible because I swear he did ask her to buy yakiniku in at least one video they did together but even then she probably hugely exaggerated.
No. 93977
File: 1589714041175.png (19.95 KB, 628x135, headpalm.PNG)

Is there anything this girl can do right?!
No. 94000
>>93811Oh no, I don't like the look of her at all.
She looks kinda course somehow, sort of rough.
Venus looks more delicate, unless she is wanting to go for purity and innocence being contaminated and tainted by someone rough and hard looking, I guess being a masochist she probably would, but this girl does not look hot, just streetwise rough, not sexy at all.
No. 94003
>>93830And I really don't want to have to see any more images of that horrible looking hoe.
I sincerely hope Venus never collaborates with her on anything. I can't see how it would do any good for Venus' career at all to be involved with somebody who looks as coarse and rough as that, unless it is to show how hard and unattractive she looks compared to Venus, I may not think Venus is the most wonderful person and I sure don't but she looks way better than that hoe.
No. 94031
>>94019Your post summarizes how far Venus has fallen, wtf
It's mostly women under 20 watching her videos…
No. 94035
File: 1589736100455.jpg (509.1 KB, 1080x1080, Inspiring Venus.jpg)

>>94031I feel very empowered and inspired by this video, sex work is work, this is good Youtube content, demeaning yourself is fun
No. 94046
File: 1589736755757.png (102.68 KB, 1440x562, Youtube.png)

Here is a lovely comment someone left under her latest video.
No. 94048
File: 1589736849059.png (152.97 KB, 1102x866, guess who.png)

>>94036>>94036It wasn't Manaki
No. 94101
>>94017If I have to see another “she’s an adult! She can do what she wants” comment
I’ll scream
What adult wears a child’s uniform? Ugh fuck off
No. 94111
>>94053you realize she's a creep too
>>94051she's scammed ppl too. they're perfect for each other. remorseless greedy sociopaths.
>>94043they essentially funded this bitches life all the time she was making good money on YT. Telling them to just get over it is ridiculous. venus just slapped them in the face with a massive fuck you, after spending years PRETENDING she cared about them and loved them, to mask that she just wanted to manipulate them and brainwash and play with their emotions so they stay subbed for as long as she needs them
No. 94122
>>94116>no one is white knighting ManakiThis is a lie, I've been in enough of these threads to know that.
>>94118>he helped her escape MargoImagine being this delusional. Her life actually became significantly worse after she left her controlling mother.
No. 94125
>>94037Exactly. Don't forget she spent years manipulating them, pretending to care/be relatable and exploiting parasocial relationships etc, for money, but now these younger fans are just expected to drop their idol? It doesn't work that way. It's not hard to create a second IG and YT and put that inappropriate shit there, as well as tag it 18+. But again, money above all for the coin gremlin and mixing an underage audience with pedo creeps doesnt bug her at all. She even told her kawaii interested fans that there will still be kawaii content when they were pondering unsubbing, just so she could keep her viewers. Scum is too nice of a word for her.
>>93955Right. She even admitted to being a neet herself, right around the time her and manaki had seemingly split but she hadn't announced the divorce yet. she's clearly a manipulative narc and is projecting. Also, I bet "forced" to buy him food, was just her husband asking if there was anything to eat or hoping his wife would get off her ass and actually cook for him after he came home from a long ass shift of physical labor (something venus has never known) from his REAL job. I think venus is aggrandizing and spinning the narrative once again.
No. 94126
File: 1589752304940.jpeg (293.17 KB, 1820x1124, 8D61763D-43B0-4069-A295-19EF31…)

Fun DIY with a condom, you guyz!
She has a shit ton of makeup and false eyelashes slathered on. Looks like she was drunk when she did it.
No. 94129
>>94112I do think he's a weirdo but at the same time, what started as a creepy dude infatuated with his idol, ended up being a dude who seemed to genuinely care about her, as did his family. He didn't just dump her when she got too old, like scum like onision and went on to another young girl or something. Plus venus is just sooooooooo much worse than him, as
>>94118 said and calling out her slander as lies when there is proof what she said can't be true, isn't wk-ing him. It's just like how venus seemed so much better when she slandered margo to her audience (i say slander because i really dont know how much of what she said was even true given she likes to embellish so called "abuse" to flat out make it up). it's the same with manaki now, except i highly doubt manaki is some horrible evil manipulator. creepy and weird yes. but not some evil abuser the way she painted and continues to paint him as.
No. 94130
>>94122>> Imagine being this delusional. HNothing “delusional” about it. Manaki was her mark just like that lonely old Japanese guy was Marge’s mark a couple of years ago. Weenus conned and manipulated him into falling for her ‘poor little abused girl’ act and providing her with a visa, an apartment and a meal ticket in Japan. In return she lied to him, leeched off him, spent her days sitting on her ass drinking, cheated on him and smeared his name all over her SM.
Those are just facts, not “delusions,”
No. 94131
>>94129>He didn't just dump her when she got too oldIs this your standard for what a good man is?
Look, Manaki held on to Venus not because he particularly cared about her, but because he felt he'd obtained a trophy by marrying a semi-attractive waito girl who had been pursuing/stalking for months. He knew full well he'd never be able to do any better than that as he's an average looking person himself at best.
Venus is a dumb slut. Her mother was a controlling psychopath. That doesn't mean Manaki is the literary foil to both of these characters. He's just another peculiar, potentially predatory and highly flawed character in this ridiculous spiraling drama. End of discussion. He wouldn't be cut nearly as much slack as he is if he weren't Japanese and if 90% of the people who obsessively follow Venus' life aren't the sort of people who think any Japanese man is a prize.
No. 94135
>>94129Yeah he was such an evil abuser that's why she came back to him after her couch surfing days when her friends/sugar daddies had enough of her and SHE's the one slandering him all over SM – not just hers, but Kizuna's and Sora's etc
>>94131And yet he cared for her, put up with Margo's verbal abuse and stalking, pleaded with venus not to get her surgery, took care of her after her surgery, paid her bills, took her on dates, bought her stuff often, as seen from their date videos, dealt with her selfishness and emotional issues for years and god knows what else. That doesn't seem like what someone, who just wanted a gaijin trophy wife would put up with for years if they didn't genuinely care. And yes,
>>94132he was an instrument in venus' visa fraud. She even admit that by saying she was a better gold digger than her mom.
No. 94136
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>>94131>> he felt he'd obtained a trophyYeah, this is the “trophy” Manaki ended up with- a greasy unwashed drunken lying leech who publicly humiliated and smeared him. Lucky guy!
No. 94138
>>94133>Actually Venus was doing not that bad after escaping her MotherWhat's your standard for "not [doing] that bad"? Not selling nudes? By that standard all sorts of hideously mentally ill people are not doing badly. Refer to
>>93552. I remember those threads. The narrative was that now she'd left her mother and "found a man who loves her" (let's ignore how stupid it is so many of you assumed this in the first place), she'd be able to live a happy life. Well, guess what, it turned out Venus was deeply mentally ill herself, and was now stuck in a country with a dependency with a man she didn't even really know, with no education, no skills, no job opportunities, no social support network, no family support network, limited language ability and a tenuous legal status.
I also remember the videos her and Manaki created when they were together and Margo had left. It was like watching two small children pawing and playing with each other. Totally bizarre behavior. Is this what PULL considers normal, in their warped mindset? To anyone with experience of relationships, it was obvious they were LARPing intimacy. I doubt they even had sex more than two or three times. This is why I think most of Venus' supporters and defenders are mental children themselves. Because they actually look at those early videos with Manaki and think that's what actual intimacy and love look like. Like I said, it honestly defies belief how someone's development can be this arrested.
The same people who are trying to damage control and retcon this are the same enablers who urged her to stay on in Japan with her knight in shining armor to begin with. The rational advice to Venus was always to go back to Europe and get a working education of some kind. Why can you not understand this basic fact?
No. 94142
>>94035This whole exchange just goes to show how unnatural her Satan fappening urges are.
God, can't believe ppl are paying her for crap content.
No. 94143
>>94139what's your point? you're just enforcing some incredibility one-sided and nuanced narrative and then dismissing all contradicting points with: what's your point? You can't say with certainty that Manaki defended her, cared for her, was concerned with her physical and mental wellbeing and all the other points stated and dismiss it with: gaijin hunters just put up with that, but still don't actually care for said person. Like who would actually believe that? How utterly retarded.
>>94141She manipulated her fanbase. Demonized her mother probably worse than what margo was really like (not to defend her as she is batshit), then paraded manaki around as someone she genuinely loves and "boyfriend goals". Obviously her young audience would fall for it. They were manipulated by her. But again, I doubt manaki is some evil abuser. He's just some dude venus never loved and got with for a visa, but she hid that fact pretty well. I never defended venus and saw through her bs shortly after she left margo. but I don't blame pull and KF (god kf is particularly annoying) for falling for it. she rode the ultra-
victim narrative and she rode it hard.
No. 94145
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>>93848Found this buried comment of hers from that video and honestly I felt second hand embarrassment
No. 94148
>>94143>gaijin hunters just put up with that, but still don't actually care for said person. Like who would actually believe that? How utterly retarded.Yes anon, it's totally inconceivable that a man would put up with dysfunctional behavior from a woman he felt was out of his league, especially if she came from a racial group he felt was more attractive than his own. That's never happened before. And there's absolutely nothing in Manaki's behavior towards Venus that suggests him fetishizing her for her dolly looks.
>They were manipulated by her. I agree, but the broader issue for me is that it's mostly unpopular, dysfunctional young girls in the first place who idolize people like Venus and establish Japan as the spiritual El Dorado I mentioned earlier. I'm harsh with these people because they need a huge reality check before they go down the same path (or worse). It's that simple.
>I doubt manaki is some evil abuserNobody ever claimed that.
Also. KF never fell for it really. It was mostly PULL.
>>94146You didn't need to know "what Venus was like as an individual" to know her marrying this man she barely knew and staying in Japan forever with limited language skills, no scope for job opportunities or skill learning, no education and no support network was a bad idea. That's the point I've been trying to impress upon you from the outset. There was only one way this was ever going to end, and the only way you can think differently is if you genuinely believe that staying in Japan in and of itself should somehow have been a goal for her.
>>94147He's not as bad as Venus wants us to believe for sure, but he's also not someone who "just wanted to love her" as his budding fanbase here and on PULL want us to believe. Venus, Margo and Manaki are all deeply flawed people for different reasons. The problem with this story is that people have dramatized it to such an extent over the years they've created heroes, villains and foils. Manaki as savior is a part of this narrative construction.
No. 94153
>>94143Agreed, but just want to point out that he could see her as a trophy wife
and simultaneously care about her. So the other anon arguing that seeing her as trophy wife = not caring about her is moot. I get the feeling that they didn't stay together for too long though. They were probably more like friends/roommates as Venus' alleged friend claimed, but Manaki cared about her enough to not divorce her as she would have to leave Japan then. Seems he cared either way. I have no idea what's going on now. First Manaki is seen at Venus' meetup. The days later, Manaki is an evil abuser. Then they're getting divorced. Then they're good. Then Manaki is a pet that needs to be euthanized, according to Venus. Then they're happily married. Then she continues to trash him on other users platforms. Then they're living together. I can only assume Venus needs a visa and Manaki is nice/doormat enough to continue the sham for her sake. If she's living with him again, I assume it's due to covid & Venus unable to find sugar daddies to couch surf. It should be noted that Venus is the one who continues to slander him on SM. He hasn't said a word about her. I doubt he's perfect, but that does say a lot about him.
No. 94155
>>94153He's an introverted otaku, of course he'd try and hold onto any woman. Let alone a white one. Again, nobody is arguing Manaki was or is "
abusive". Just that he wasn't some knight in shining armor, and if you do believe that, you probably need to stop hitting the anime and idol groups as hard as you are.
No. 94157
>>94148>And there's absolutely nothing in Manaki's behavior towards Venus that suggests him fetishizing her for her dolly looks. She has no dolly looks. One look at her IRL and he would have known his kawaii living doll wasn't a living doll at all.
Manaki has done too much for Venus for me to see him as solely fetishizing her without an ounce of genuine care.
>Manaki as savior is a part of this narrative construction.I do agree with this, but I also believe he cared about her beyond fetishization. To believe otherwise is just oversimplification imo. But to each their own.
No. 94159
>>94157>To believe otherwise is just oversimplification imoWe really have no way of knowing, but my money is on Manaki divorcing an average look Japanese woman in a heartbeat if she pulled that kind of shit on him. Likewise with any man who had more self esteem than an awkward otaku.
For me it's more about the open question of "what sort of man openly follows western dolly girls online to the point of meeting up with them and giving them gifts?" Not a normal man, even in Japan, for sure.
No. 94162
>>94160>The issue is that there was no 'good idea' at her disposal. What about going back to Europe?
>She would have no opportunities, support network, etc. no matter what she did. She does have family and friends in Europe, we know this because in older videos she talked about them. After the Manaki marriage and Margo split she ex post facto started revising her story to suggest she had no other alternative. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
>marrying a caring doormat is probably one of the least bad options available.No it fucking isn't. Not even a pinkpill/GC type but it's never a good idea to be dependent on a man you barely know with no guaranteed income or marketable skills of your own. Jesus Christ how old are you?!
No. 94163
>>94162Just to follow up on this, it really does boggle my mind to the point of consternation that somebody could follow Venus' story and still suggest: "Yeah her marrying this guy and staying in Japan indefinitely doing essentially nothing was the best option."
Am I speaking to people who can take a step back and look at this whole car crash rationally, or am I speaking to people who also consider being able to live in Japan on a spousal visa a dream worth aspiring to?
No. 94167
>>94159We don't even know how long they were together as a genuine relationship. Maybe Manaki realized early on she was trouble (and dumped her just as quickly as he would an average Japanese girl) and they just paraded a sham relationship for years, for the visa. So he could have dumped Venus rather quickly, but agreed to stay married since they were on good terms. Or they had a genuine relationship for a long time. Or they just fetishized each other. Can't say. He's not a hero, but I don't think it's fair to say he just fetishized her as a trophy gaijin throughout their years together and that's it. Believing that is as oversimplified as believing he was a savior.
>>94162Going back to Europe would be
problematic as well. She had no skills, not even high school and I've heard healthcare isn't free there (Switzerland). Would the YT channel, her only source of income, have thrived there, enough for her to be able to pay hotels, until she finds a place to rent, then pay said rent, future schooling, healthcare and mental care etc. She looks down upon normal jobs and those working them so she'd have no intention of getting one and has no skills nor professionalism. Could she have even succeeded at a real interview? Leeching off of someone else who already provided a move-in ready place for you, so you don't have to stress looking for one and just live comfortably as a housewife, while you attempt to build your YT empire, hoping you last 3 years for that PR status seems like the safer (and easier/lazier/cheaper) option to me. Depending on someone like that is obviously
problematic in case things don't work out, but she could always go back if that happened. That said, going back to her family would be a mistake too (and being dependent). Ferenc and Zsu have both shown themselves to be like Marge. And Venus consistently claims she "was isolated", so what friends there? (Though I believe the isolation claim is just BS she read off PULL), but nonetheless, any friends she had there in childhood are obviously no longer her friends.
I do agree that PULL (and KF) shouldn't have deified Venus and Manaki and vilified Margo to the extent they did. They should have been concerned with: what if V+M relationship doesn't work out? And they were also okay with visa fraud, as long as Venus seemed cute and nice enough. Clearly Venus married for a visa, indicating she wasn't really interested in him romantically (which she later confirmed but her word doesn't mean much anymore), so that's a redflag. Then Manaki married due to infatuation. Well, he
dated due to that, given he didn't want to marry her and said it was too soon, but she needed a visa/wanted to live in glorious Japan & leave Margo, so he caved. What happened after is anyone's guess, but as I previously stated, I think he cared beyond fetishization, and I think Venus tried to love him, and at worst, just pretend for 3 years to get her PR and dump him.
No. 94177
>>94167>I've heard healthcare isn't free there (Switzerland). Beyond a nominal fee it is. If you're a Swiss Citizen (it's hard to obtain for foreigners) there are all sorts of perks, subsidized educational plans etc. Switzerland treats its citizens extremely well, don't believe a word that comes out of Venus' mouth about the country.
>Could she have even succeeded at a real interview?I mean if this is the standard we're operating under then she may as well just kill herself and be done with it because, if you feel she was predetermined from a teenager onwards to never be work in a normal job, then her life is fatalistically going to get worse and worse as time goes on.
>Leeching off of someone else who already provided a move-in ready place for youWhat you're describing here is Venus' inability to delay gratification for future time orientated goals. It's fine to illustrate this as a more comfortable seeming option immediately. But it certainly wasn't the rational or right option, not now with hindsight, not even back then.
>>94169>then it seems to me he didn't really want his dream gaijin trophy doll waifu after all. I'll repeat my question:
What kind of normal man fixates on foreign dolly vloggers enough to want to meet a teenage one and begin "courting" her with gifts?
No. 94185
>>94145Yeah it sounds cringey, but Japanese humour can be kinda sexual and cringey. Sora makes the same kinda jokes.
Some people like it.
No. 94195
>>94194Most of the Japanese men marrying Filipinas are old fucks who are buying de facto mail order brides, as far as I understand it.
The interracial marriage rates between Japanese men and White women is low because most White women aren't attracted to Asian men. If White American women looked at Japanese men in the same way they do Italian or Spanish men, then that would be much higher.
No. 94201
>>94200>and was a ticket to japanWhy is this a good thing unless you're a giant weeb? Nobody has ever provided me with a cogent example of why she couldn't make use of Switzerland's generous subsidized welfare and educational policies towards their own citizens beyond "yeah but that would take a lot of effort! she's been in Japan a long time" etc etc.
The right choice was for her to get a fucking education in her home country. Fight me weebs.
No. 94204
>>94201Sure it was the right choice, but did you really expect her to do it? She was like 18, lived with an overbearing mother who did all adult affairs for her. Now she's expected to give up a Youtube channel which made 80K at one point and go to her home country, somehow have enough money and knowledge to sustain herself with a minimum wage job, find a place to rent, afford schooling and all the other adult things she's never done, suddenly, on her own. Someone as inept as Venus wasn't going to go through all that trouble.
Obviously, she should have gotten educated and not relied on a visa hubby, as that would have helped her grow as an individual on a personal and professional level. Hell she could have even went to Japan - provided she could secure another visa - get educated and live there independently. It doesn't have to be Switzerland, it could be any country, including Japan, if she could get a visa in a non-fraudulent way and go independently, get a real job or education. The location is irrelevant. It's going on her own and overcoming real world, independent adult challenges that matters, Japan or not. You're arguing a weak point. Yeah, we know not doing YT and living a normal life is better and more stable. And when people say Manaki was a ticket to Japan "as if it's a good thing", it is because without him, she would have needed to get an education and immigrate as a skilled worker or on some business visa, so he provided her lazy entitled ass the easy way and did her Nippon-chasing ass a favor.
No. 94207
>>94204Your entire point rests on the idea it's ok to continually engage in instant gratification behavior, rather than delay gratification for future gain.
>The location is irrelevant. You are also wrong here. The location isn't irrelevant. Venus and Margo is essentially a "what if a cow had a kid" story. Margo was and is a mentally ill cretin who was obsessed with Asia and Asian culture too. They even lived in a Thai Buddhist Temple in Switzerland for a while together. Venus has simply internalized this facet of Margot's dysfunction/illness in her own obsession with Japan and wanting to remain perennially a child.
It is 100% a vital step on her journey to get away from Asia and go back to Europe. As it is for many other cows because it represents an important transition in growing up and becoming a normal, functional member of society. In this sense it's actually a variant on Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" (we can call it the "autist's journey" perhaps).
Nothing good ever comes of these people staying in Japan. Nothing good ever comes of these people wanting to return to Japan under false or often illegal pretenses. Japan is a physical and geographical representation of their stunted development as a human being. That's why it is so important Venus, and those like her, leave Japan behind.
The only people Japan is good for are those who are there on skilled work visas, working in areas like software, engineering and so on. For the rest, this entire board is a testament to the fact it's a time sink that sucks them in, arrests their development and in some cases even causes them to regress and become even less independent.
Leave. Japan.
No. 94211
>>94162>What about going back to Europe? To do what? Switzerland is one of the most expensive places to live in the world, she has zero skills with which to earn a decent wage, and who knows if she kept in touch with her childhood friends. Her extended family on her father's side doesn't give a shit about her, and the country her other side of the family lives in is relatively poor and becoming an authoritarian shithole. Living in Japan on a spousal visa is parasitic, but chances are that it's better than living in poverty towers in Yurop.
If you're familiar with the concept of "loser back home", it's pretty clear what Asia has to offer Venus and the other low-skill Westerners who live there.
No. 94213
>>94194i agree with the other anon, marriage rates don't always equal to attraction. I'm pretty sure many japanese men prefer pale white euro women than they do tanned SEA women. Japanese men indeed do prefer their own women, just like very other Asian country.
And I believe that manaki MUST have something to gain from this, otherwise I also find it extremely odd that the only reason he's still putting up with her bullshit is just because shes a white uwu kawaii princess.
No. 94215
>>94211Look at the balance sheet here: Compare the level of support the Japanese government would give her as a PR versus the level of support the Swiss government gives its own citizens. Are you American? Switzerland provides educational subsidies for people exactly in Venus' position. Again, don't take what she says about her homeland at face value because it's usually crafted to save face.
>other side of the family lives in is relatively poor and becoming an authoritarian shithole.Hungary is a middle income country and its GDP growth over the past few years outstrips most other Eurozone competitors (5%+). It's not a shithole and I have no idea why you are calling it authoritarian. Because it didn't allow migrants to enter during the 2014 migrant crisis? Or because it doesn't allow trans HRT stuff? By those standards Japan is even more "authoritarian". Again, I really wish you wouldn't just listen to what Venus says about Switzerland and Hungary and take it at face value.
>>94214The overwhelming majority of people on OF make peanuts. Don't let the few success stories fool you. She's desperate precisely because her YouTube revenue is dwindling.
No. 94233
>>94228Agree, however, she didn't leave to Japan to escape Marge. If that was the case, she could have romanced any guy from any nation and depended on them. No. For her, it
had to be Manaki because he was Japanese and he was a Japanese national; thus her dream of showing off herself in Japan came true. It was an added bonus to ghost Marge.
No. 94238
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>>94000>> She looks kinda coarse somehow, sort of rough. Venus looks more delicate,Lol, did you say “rough”? I got “rough” for you, right here. Weenus looks just like Margo in a wig without her usual ham-handed filtering.
That’s what I would call “rough.”
No. 94246
>>94194It's much more common for Asian-American/Asian-Canadian guys to have white girl fetishes than actual Asians, that's true. But it still happens.
>>94195>The interracial marriage rates between Japanese men and White women is low because most White women aren't attracted to Asian men.Bingo.
No. 94248
>>94235oh my god this again lmao
>is this even legal?? showing lingerie to a poor adult boy, he was traumatised right in front of usbut anon don't men look at
>no you don't understand he's Japanese. he must be protected dumbest shit i've read in my life
No. 94263
>>94238Granny face much? That is a rough screenshot eh. I don't get why these j-vloggers costhot etc put so much effort into shooping their nose so small to then appear in a video and show everyone their real nose shape.
Am i the only one who thinks she'd look nicer without the weeb haircut? and maybe grow back her natural hair. It's a brown color and it would suit her complexion better.
No. 94279
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Ah yes. She posted this and added “menhera” to her bio. Seems Venus is learning that horny men on the internet have 0 patience and is gonna try to pull the uwu I am a fragile bby with brain problems card to delay work. She didn’t consider the amount of harassment that comes with that job I guess
No. 94280
>>94263You’re not… I legit thought this is some mature 40+ woman with a sex toy. It’s mind boggling how she looks so worn out at age 22-23. Probably the botched stomach surgery isn’t helping.. This saggy anorexic look isn’t “in” anymore even amongst Japanese..
I have no problems with her being a sex worker. I hope she can monetize on these old men and pull herself together financially, then maybe, maybe she will be able to invest in her mental and physical health with some of her savings.
No. 94282
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>>94000NTA, but I checked her Twitter to see what you meant, and what? This girl looks more youthful, "soft" and healthy than Venus does without heavy editing. Even in the photos of her in glasses without makeup, she doesn't look "rough" at all.
If they actually do collab, everything will probably be behind at least 4 filters just so the results of Venus' alcoholism and Margo genetics don't ruin the shoot.
No. 94283
>>94065Well yes, I think so too, but unlikely in forseeable future, what with the corona thing an all, and Danny boy being fixated on Mila, that we all know he would lose interest in and get fed up with if he were with for any length of time, like when she was holed up with him and his family, but yes, He and Venus would be a match made in Heaven, or Hell, or Weeb Fantasy Land, or wherever, but yes, I would like to see that too.
No. 94284
>>94279She ain't it. Her insta is so… weak and uncolorful with so mediocre pics and content. she always looks non-enthusiastic, she is the least sexy person and that is because the doll look is very passé and bleak.
She will be fine for a little while because she is new to the industry and gets most of her money from her fans, but at this rate, considerating how little she posts on insta and OF, she will hit a wall soon. And making shitty hotel tour vids won't help.
Check how much other sex workers and even simple ethots post per day even if It's only an insta story or twit. All venus does is probably oversleep.
No. 94285
>>94279Looks like the "I'm actually a great big whore and I love it" mania has worn off.
The good news is she discussed this with her therapist and they gave it a big thumbs up so I'm sure there won't be any panicked back-pedaling and regret at all.
No. 94289
>>94017The thing that kept annoying me in that video was that she didn't have her damn mask on right! Those masks usually have a flexible metal strip that you're meant to press down over the bridge of your nose to make them fit properly, but either she had some really cheap ineffective mask with no metal strip, (not even sure if they are sold without them) or she was wearing it upside down, and the amount of time she's lived in japan, she should really be familiar with how to wear a face mask!
All I could focus on was the gaping gap in the mask above her nose whenever she turned sideways and then it started slipping further down her face.
FFS at least wear the fucking mask properly!
>>94076She had a video on her YT where she was in a bath wearing a schoolgirl uniform, she said she had a fetish about it. No idea if the video is still there and not motivated enough to look.
No. 94292
>>94238Her features are more refined and more delicate than that typical hoe tho.
>>94282And that picture confirms it. Unattractive, coarse features, typical hoe.
No. 94293
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>>94292>refined and delicateAre you trying to bait people into insulting Venus, or do you just resemble her and are trying to cope?
There's nothing "coarse" or unattractive about the other girl, especially when your point of comparison is pic related. Delusional.
No. 94294
>>94293I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, Venus, even in unflattering pictures still has more delicate and refined features, the other one has big rubbery lips, and generally courser features, much darker skin, which she can't help obviously, but it all adds up to Venus having looks more appealing to many people who prefer paler skin and smaller lips, because it looks more refined and delicate, and therefore more attractive. But as I said, obviously in the eye of the beholder, to each their own I guess and for those who like those sort of coarser features, there's no shortage of them to choose from.
(autistic lip derailing) No. 94295
>>94035Looks like a cheap mask. Some of the masks, even in Japan, don't have the metal bender but instead a cheaper version of it like bendable plastic or whatev. I's not as effective and anyone with an european style nose with a tall bridge ends up looking like venus here
>>94289Venus' face is kinda huge but she could have consider a more flattering mask thb. Or straight up not wearing one would've been fine since it isn't like they were with other people in that room. Even people the people on Japanese tv don't wear one. They just distance a lot.
No. 94297
>>94295samefag here.
sorry i mixed up the position of the posts in text.
No. 94298
>>94294Refined from what? Centuries of potato farming and beer chugging? It really does sound like you relate to Venus and are trying to cope ("big rubbery lips", as if any society thinks Venus-level thin lips are attractive, kek).
Anyway, the other girl is a hoe (and so is Venus, though she's flabbier and more rough), but she's also two things Venus will never be: part Japanese, and a human who showers regularly. I'm not seeing the coarseness you refer to, but to each their own.
No. 94299
>>94284>All venus does is probably oversleep.Aren't there people who have a thing for watching girls sleep?
If she's at the level where she's posting nudes and dripping candle wax on herself, that might actually be the easiest path for her.
She can literally get paid to sleep, and not have to do additional prep work trying to be "sexy". Two birds, one stone.
No. 94300
>>94294yeah i mean akana is half black so it's more fair to say her and venus aren't comparable.
but beauty aside, and i think what other anons are trying to explain here, is that akane looks healthier body and face wise. and this without filters too.
venus might have more of that ”healthy shine“ going on if she ate normally and didn't drink as much.
but i guess ana looking girls are also a big search in porn.
No. 94305
>>94299That's a good point anon, but Venus without makeup and greasy hair and no filters isnt something i'd wanna watch sleep lmao
That said she'd still have to prepare herself i.e. take a shower which is obviously still far from what shes capable of.
No. 94306
>>94298I don't relate to Venus but I wouldn't mind looking more like her, at least I'd certainly rather look like her than the other girl, and no I do not find great big lips attractive at all, and I'm well aware that aspects of society admire massive lips, as in the hideous trend in botox fillers, though I honestly thought that ugly trout pout look had died out now. And I don't believe that all cultures admires big thick lips, which many of us do not find attractive at all, just course looking. But I think we have agreed to each their own.
>>94303Not racist, just don't like big thick lips, just a personal preference, plenty of white people have big rubbery lips and not all black people do, so don't try to make anything all about race.
No. 94307
>>94305She did a video of herself in a sleep cafe once, and that was a very popular video.
If she wanted to do OF with little effort, there are apparently people who only want to see feet, so she could do that with no problem, it wouldn't matter about her makeup or if she was wearing any or not, she would only have to film her feet.
No. 94308
>>94300>venus might have more of that ”healthy shine“ going on if she ate normally and didn't drink as much. >but i guess ana looking girls are also a big search in porn.I think even her ana state is over, honestly.
She's definitely not fat, but she seems predisposed to packing pounds on easily. Plus, her face is naturally doughy and seems to just wither with lines and wrinkles rather than becoming more defined with extreme weight loss/age/poor health.
She's kind of out of her element trying to compete with some of the girls in the "e-thot" scene (especially the Asian ones who already fill all the criteria she's trying to without needing to over-edit their content), but maybe her name alone can carry her for a while.
No. 94309
>>94306Don't know what you are on about. You keep calling her coarse. What is that even supposed to mean?
Whether you find her cute or not is a matter of taste, I personally don't but that girl has much softer facial features than Venus. Venus passes for a 40 year-old without Photoshop.
No. 94310
>>94294Aren't you a bit racy?
Also, thin lips being globally more attractive? Uh, live in a cave much? White girls rely on fillers to be more sexually appealing
No. 94311
>>94310I dealt with all these points just now, Just scroll backwards & you'll see.
Also, Venus appeals to the anime world, and thinner lips are the order of the day there. Personally I think there should be a happy medium, neither too thick or too thin, non existant is not attractive but smaller lips can look cute and pretty, whereas big rubber lips that look like they might swallow you up, might appeal to some, but I remember the comments a friend of mine used to get about her lips because they were thicker than average, like stick her to a window, stuff like that, so it's not true that globally big thick lips are always considered more attractive.
No. 94312
>>94306Having prominent lips is typically considered a feminine trait in most cultures, while paper-thin lips are seen as the opposite.
It's not just fillers, either. Red lipstick and lip glosses have been traditionally used to make that area of the face plumper, healthier and more noticeable to the eye for a long time, and it holds true today.
Very thin, dull lips are often associated with old age, masculinity, or even dehydration. It's just not considered a pretty trait to have, sorry.
No. 94316
>>94292sounds like you’re just racist lol, Venus looks like aged milk. Other girl looks youthful. I don’t want to wk. anon not only does venus have flaccid skin her lips aren’t even that cute they are just v shaped and thin and she has an overbite or it looks like it at least.
Venus is not cute. Not refined at all. Lol.
No. 94327
>>94000this sounds like peter in toronto lmfao.. who the fk writes like this on lolcow? no one
venus is ugly as fk without filters, she looks 40 when shes only 24
No. 94332
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There was a discussion about Venus editing herself to look Asian in her photos. I have to say her fans provide as much hilarious content as she herself does.
No. 94343
>>94294>> even in unflattering pictures still has more delicate and refined featuresYou seem to be under the impression that Weenus’s highly edited and blurred selfies are what she really looks like. She does not look like that irl. Those pics are a nonexistent fantasy fictional character she perpetuates online and the gullible masses (like you) fall for it.
>>94293 and
>>94238 are two examples of what she looks like minus the filters. Not “delicate” or “refined” but old and beat
No. 94356
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"Wow, I've grown so much" Sure Jan.
No. 94358
>>94294Anon you need to take your racist spergout to a white nationalist forum like storm front, I’m sure they will find you and your opinions more relatable. Do you have a saggy obaachan fetish or something?
The other girl, while not being the most attractive girl on earth, has much more youthful looks compared to Venus. Her body is ripe and firm, has a nice plump ass, skin looks okay and doesn’t have a sallow saggy face.
I can’t believe people still find the anachan aesthetics attractive in 2020. Venus is sagging like a grandma, and I can’t bear how she edits those paper thin lips even smaller. It’s not cute.
No. 94360
>>94358Let's not feed the troll.
>>94294Bye Peter! Get lost, no one likes your racist pedoass
No. 94368
>>94356"You guys practically raised me."
They sure did. Well done, team. 10/10
Turns out, living your life by the comments section might not be such a good idea.
No. 94373
>>94228>I take it you haven't been paying attention to the news…What news? They gave the PM the emergency powers same as in many other countries dealing with covid.
Again if you're going to criticize Hungary for being authoritarian then what does that make Japan? East Asian countries are way more authoritarian on matters like immigration than even Hungary is.
No. 94375
>>94273>She's better off being a lonely thot in Japan.Why?
>>94266>Y'all are acting as if Europe is just waiting to welcome uneducated nutjobs with open armsShe has Swiss nationality.
It is an objective fact she would receive more benefits from the state for education in Switzerland than she would in Japan. You can't argue against this. If your position is that she needs to get an education and learn a skill, then she's better off in Switzerland.
No. 94379
>>94375People need to come to terms that Venus will never get better. All this talk about her going to Europe is holding onto a very faint hope she will get her life back to together.
That isnt going to happen. Manaki or her shady ass manager would need to report her so she gets deported. She will never willingly go back.
No. 94380
>>94379>People need to come to terms that Venus will never get better. All this talk about her going to Europe is holding onto a very faint hope she will get her life back to together. I kinda get that. And I've never argued otherwise. What annoys me are the people who claim that, even if she hypothetically could move back there and start learning a skill, it wouldn't be the right thing to do.
They're just fucking weebs and it really incenses me anon. It's like they live vicariously through Venus and any acknowledgment that Japan has been bad for her mental health is somehow bad for them too.
No. 94391
>>94294Surprise surprise, person who thinks a cute black girl looks "rough" and "streetwise" - (idk who this chick is but she's a fuckin' weeb, the opposite of streetwise) then expands on that thought to complain about her skin color and "rubbery lips"
You're a racist, we get it.
No. 94410
>>94376Is the other thot selfposting or what is going with anons whiteknighting her? Where did her name and pics even come from? The whole thing is sus
Imagine genuinely thinking this is someone to wk kek
>>93811 No. 94431
>>94380why tf does it matter so much to you whether she goes to switzerland or stays in japan? as if location is going to miraculously change anything about her personality or general capability of living a decent adult life? location matters nothing if she spends her days closed in a room with eyes glued to her comment section.
also learn to sage your feelings
No. 94447
File: 1589845824962.jpg (149.47 KB, 738x736, 2020-05-19 015024.jpg)

After all, she should've just gotten back into lolita. It's a stretch but I could sort of imagine her as a model for smaller brands - it wouldn't earn her as much as literally selling nudes to crusty pervs, but it could've saved her at least a crumb of her leftover dignity.
dropped pic
No. 94448
>>94294Venus isn't even that attractive by white girl standards. Go to any continental European city and you'll see dozens of prettier girls on any major street at any time of day. Genuine "stacies" and "beckies" (hate using femcel lingo, but hear me out) don't get into low self esteem hobbies like dolly lolita. They don't go to Japan and marry sexless Japanese otaku either.
In a way Venus is an example of white worship because she wouldn't be looked at twice in places like Zurich, Geneva, Budapest or the Baltics.
No. 94452
>>94447You could “imagine her as a model”? Please.
One, she’s incapable of showing up any place on a regular schedule (or even bathing, washing her hair or putting on clean clothes on a regular basis) and two, her face is busted irl.
No. 94459
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It must be weird trying to find your identity after 17+ years of being told who you should be and have millions of others expect you to be a certain way
It's a recipe for an identity crisis
No. 94466
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>>94462Just preferred the look of the new one I guess.
>>94461Calm down, what are you even on about?
No. 94484
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>>94459>>Being stuck at home is boooringLike this bloated greaseball never holed up in her room for days at a time wearing the same dirty clothes and not showering long before Covid hit. This is nothing new for Weenus (and it’s not because of Covid-19.)
No. 94492
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she looks like she’s takin a piss haha, also is she in the same hotel? I’m wondering if she has like some deal going on. Or am I an idiot and that’s her apt? Looks like a hotel regardless.
No. 94499
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No. 94503
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>>94492>>94500Second this. What an oddly masculine outfit choice. I know she's larping as a ~dirty girl~ who stole her salary man's shirt but this just ain't it.
No. 94510
File: 1589882151126.jpeg (530.75 KB, 3464x1727, A629CBD7-3F6E-45A4-8B47-80AF1C…)

I just can’t believe the amount of face editing she does, how can she claim to be her happiest and truest and most confident self right now while turning her face into a completely different looking person? That’s not what a confident person does Weenus
No. 94515
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No. 94516
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No. 94518
>>94516lol queue the akane girl, what happened to her old schedule.
No. 94526
>>94516God this is the wrong kind of content delivery plan. She is never going to keep any subs at the rate she is going.
She has been up and running full since Friday with 4 horrible photos that happened to coincide with a LH your video. A uwu iM sIcK gUyZ 5 min stream.
She is already talking about June plans? There will be pitch forks soon with only one frumpy nood pic so far (and that was 2 weeks ago).
No. 94531
>>94499I've noticed virtually every single white girl vlogging in Japan, Korea or China does this:
>Apply tons of foundation>Fiddle around with the white balance or exposure settings on webcam/camera>End result is a massively overexposed picture of her face, where imperfections are hidden behind a sea of obscuring lightIt's always weeb/koreaboos who do this too. And for some reason none of the Asian incels who make up their target audience notice it. They'd call a completely average looking woman a Goddess provided she follows the above steps.
No. 94552
I wasn't going to deal with this anymore, but peeps are still going on about it and
wanting to talk about it, so I'll say this and then no more talk from me about this subject.
>>94312>>94316>>94317I said that I don't like big rubbery lips, not that I liked lips that just resemble a straight line. Get real. Don't misinterpret what I said. I like lips that look pretty, like a kind of bow shape, not non existent ones, or big fleshy ones. neither of those two extremes looks nice, obviously some people are going to like big thick lips like some people like people that look like they have none.
Like I said, I had a friend who used to get fed up with comments like, just stick her to a window so she doesn't wander off and get lost, the meaning being that the suction from her big lips would hold her in place, she never thought it was funny as it wasn't her fault for having big lips, her sister on the other hand, has non existent ones, just a straight line for a mouth, they used to say that one was given all the genes for lips while the other was given none, the thing is that one was considered less attractive for having such big lips and the other was considered less attractive for having such thin ones there was no lip there at all, but if they'd had an equal amount each, both would have looked much better, but that was just something that stayed with me from growing up, but it is one example of neither extreme being attractive, which is where my happy medium came in.
And the thing about Venus, she has always tried to look like an anime character and that is why she edits her face into that V shape, and anime characters have the v shape face, massive eyes and tiny lips, and that is the look she seems to go for. but nowhere did I say I liked non existent lips, only that I don't like big thick ones, and that girl does not look anything , so I don't know why she is being talked about like she does.
>>94327So does Peter in Toronto not like thick lips either? LOL
>>94336And here's another one! Can we just agree that people have different tastes when it comes to looks? You might think the other girl looks better, She doesn't even look black anyway so don't know what you're all going on about with that, she looks more like one of the darker skinned types of SE Asians that so many Chinese look down on as 'peasants', Venus definitely looks more refined in that respect. And I'm a woman and straight, just for the record.
And I hope Akane doesn't get to meet Venus , I think if venus wants to do a shoot with another girl it should at least be someone similar in attractiveness and type. But, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it could work, who knows? it's just my -unimportant- opinion and Venus will do whatever she want to do I'm sure.
>>94343Already dealt with, and imo , she still looks better than the other one. but it's boring now and can we stop talking about it?
>>94358And another one…
Since when has preferring medium size lips to blubbery, or non existent, been racist??? Not finding big blubbery lips attractive is not racist, it's just a personal preference, as people of all races can have big blubbery lips, ffs, what the fuck is wrong with people who think like this and play the race card, isn't it a bit insulting to the people you think you are defending? Assuming that someone of a certain race has got to have big lips, when this is not the case at all.
>>94360Fuck off, not a troll and not peter either. WHY is it that someone cannot have a mere different opinion and like something you don't like without being called something they are not? Everyone has different tastes and like different things, which is just as well or there wouldn't be enough to go round if everyone liked the same thing, people don;t all like the same thing! Please just everyone get over that fact and move on.
>>94376THANK YOU! I'm trying to move on from talking about this, but people just want to continue with it.
>>94391See above, and move on.
>>94410Exactly! And, ugly as sin. Nothing whatsoever to do with her race, whatever that may be, she is just ugly, Or at least she looks ugly in that picture, and the others I've seen posted in here, and yes, good point, why are so many of them here? And why all the wking of her?
>>94412I haven't participated at all since yesterday, it's so many others going on about it and won't leave it alone now. I'm just replying to the wrong accusations they keep coming out with.
>>94457No, as I said before, she doesn't even look black anyway, she just looks like one of the low class darker skinned asians that Chinese people look down on and regard as peasants, because they look rough from being out working in the fields all day, rice picking. Stop insulting black people by thinking this ugly rough looking bitch is a typical example, she is not.
>>94459And yes, I agree, this picture is not nice, she has edited herself to look worse than she does in real life, and no I do not like lips that look as thin as this, I hope this is the last word on the subject and that I have made myself clear, because I don't know how clearer i can make it. But yes, horrible picture of Venus.
>>94464Unbelievable! No, I mean she looks like a peasant who works in the fields all day, nothing to do with what race she is, people who look coarse and rough, don't look like that because of race, You really are stupid.
If lolcow mods don't want me talking back to people who are talking shit, then tell them to shut up about it too. because it's just ridiculous now.
>>94484Now see, this is where it really is just in the eye of the beholder, because I think she looks pretty here, despite looking a bit sweaty, her features still look nice.
>>94492Is she trying to look like a man here? Or maybe a chick with a dick? Either way, I don't like it.
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No. 94566
File: 1589908129800.jpeg (857.21 KB, 1125x1770, 58A2B188-98F9-4267-B899-54E46D…)

This showed up in my notifications page
No. 94568
>>94552>>her features still look nice.Lol her features in the (non-edited to oblivion) pic at
>>94484look old, beat-up and goblin-like. And also just like her mommy. Not even remotely “nice.”
No. 94603
>>94595Also, keep in mind that Youtubers generally have to watch what they're saying in their videos because YouTube's algorithm may detect and demonetize videos with unsavory content. That's the reason why so many Youtubers self-censor when talking about rape, drugs and other sensitive topics. They don't do it to appease Tumblr tards who get
triggered by everything, they just don't want to lose their income.
Anon does have a point though, V keeps bragging about being a lesbian and a pervert but she looks ashamed every time she does something lewd.
No. 94626
File: 1589924158065.jpg (12.67 KB, 600x341, FXLThSZ.jpg)

>>94595maybe she should either drop the act or make her youtube vids restricted, shes making plenty off of only fans, she must be really greedy.
No. 94654
>>94626>>94603you can have plenty of depraved thoughts but expressing them outside of typing them in real life or even worse publicly is hard
I couldn't do it easily either, could you?
No. 94679
>>94101look up nanchatte. it's a thing people do without it being a fetish.
>>94139sadly true, because they know it's unlikely they can ever get another chance with a white girl.
>>94185the weird thing is, venus is clearly only attracted to asians. yet most of her simps seem to be white, so they would have no chance with her anyway.
No. 94749
>>94654I understand that this girl likely has no friends she can tell about all the salarymen she fucks for money, but not everything you do needs to be on the internet. If you don't want to talk about your fetishes, just fucking don't. If you're not interested in women, don't call yourself a lesbian. If you only drink for attention, don't call yourself an alcoholic. I don't have an issue with her not jumping straight into hardcore porn, I just find it hilarious that what she says never matches what she does. Classic BPD.
Plenty of women with conservative upbringings or body image issues don't have their "sexual awakening" until later in life. There is nothing really unusual about that. But maybe wait until you figure yourself out before you launch a porn career.
No. 94780
File: 1589974657243.png (150.3 KB, 1006x1081, Venus' tip menu.png)

No. 94782
>>94780what happened to bdsm weenus? where is the bondage, anal, wax, binta shit now?
oh wait the only bdsm weenus knows is wearing puppy ears and a leash, and mimic hentai anime covers.
No. 94815
File: 1589982534447.jpeg (147.48 KB, 750x749, B7EE9852-8EAF-405A-AA27-D57BFC…)

venus does follow this girl. guess she can’t make friends her own age. sad she doesn’t block minors from seeing her nsfw themed posts, she should know better than this
No. 94817
File: 1589982957391.jpg (361.63 KB, 1080x1222, venus.jpg)

She posted her tip menu on her instagram too.. She literally has so many underage followers, I'm really worried about this being normalised among them to the extent that she's trying to normalise it. Sex work is fine, yea, but she's really pedalling it to her young audience..
No. 94818
>>94796it might be high for some normal person doing it, but no matter what we think of her venus has 1000's of YT and IG followers so she is known by people, so it's pretty cheap.
I've seen some IG women that paywall 30 second bikini videos on OF for $200, plus you still have to pay monthly to even see them
No. 94820
>>94806>potentiallyMore like
definitely. Every other OF thot gets their nudes leaked & internet fame doesn't protect her from that- if anything it makes it worse than if she was a random small town girl doing it. Instead of just admitting she needs help and putting work into her life she's using the 10+ years she and Marge built her name up just too destroy her image and future permanently for quick cash.
She's gonna end up scrubbing toilets in a train station by the tine she's 30
if she's lucky after she does all that shit she promises in her OF.
No. 94828
>>94827How does that work? Don't his parents have social media too?
All they'd have to do is search her name on IG to see what she's gotten into.
No. 94836
File: 1589986623531.png (35.81 KB, 1002x132, Capture2.PNG)

"I never actually had “that” of a guy in my mouth before"
No. 94843
>>94780She’s a full-on prostitute. Probably works in a soapland already. Not from this OF list alone, but it’s obvious by how all over the place she is with her “creative ideas” and increasingly trying to push envelope. Of course, it was obvious with that Paters profile what she will do for money and that this isn’t just her wanting to be more sexually open or comfortable as a woman. To jump so quickly from lingerie pics to topless to sexual fetish requests that will actually put them in contact with patrons(sending underwear or boob prints) is ridiculous for someone with “no experience”.
Hate to bring up the the Wicked Witch of the West, but Margaret was saying a long time ago that Venus had been working as a hostess about a year or two after the marriage. This would be coincide with the claim Venus and Manaki were living like roommates by then. After seeing all this, I wouldn’t shelve it as crazy Margaret talk, especially since Venus was accused of cheating repeatedly. Like, what better place to meet potential sugar daddies and hook ups than as a hostess?
>>94787> 1. Shes still married to her simpShe is, because that is the only visa a person like her can be on if they are publicly a sex worker. You’ll see foreign woman-centered sex services that clearly state on their recruitment page “must have permanent residence visa or spouse visa”. Women on student visas/working teaching gigs have been busted for secretly doing less than what Venus is. A spouse visa allows it unless it is proven to be done without the husband’s knowledge. That’s how the other cow, Sere, was so open about her services and did not get in trouble. If you meet the bare requirement of living in at the same address and the other spouse does not object or cares to report you, most of the time it will not be questioned since it is a seen as a personal matter.
>>94827I believe this is what is happening. His parents cared so much for her and I don’t see how they would be the least bit okay knowing was going on. The rumor was that they were already upset when they learned about her manic Instagram posting and bad relationship with Manaki, but I don’t see how any mother would allow her son to keep supporting that same wife who was now doing sex work and advertising herself as a cumdumpster
I believe he is hiding what is really going on from his family since the previous issues were so humiliating. Like an extreme case of tatemae because imagine him having to tell his parents additional news about how much further Venus had fallen and how that reflects on his failure as a man when he was already so low in society. Yes, Japanese are typically non-confrontational but not when it comes to family and they will want to protect their children like anyone else. Maybe Manaki is trying to save Venus from having her ass beaten by his mom?
>>94833Yeah, my in-laws and other older people I know in Japan do not use Instagram or Twitter. At most, they’ll use Line but they tend not to enjoy or understand those kind of platforms. Likely that Manaki’s parents received information second-hand or only through his former accounts.
No. 94846
>>94817She's actually willing to send back her "used panties" to simps who pay for the photos she's worn them in.
Weenus couldn't stoop any lower at this point.
No. 94847
>>94817Jesus, I hope any losers who order the panties know what kind of product to expect.
That shit would probably get seized by customs as a biohazard.
No. 94851
File: 1589990813496.png (406.57 KB, 670x380, main-image1.png)

>>94843>You’ll see foreign woman-centered sex services that clearly state on their recruitment page “must have permanent residence visa or spouse visa”.I was wondering about exactly this scenario. Venus may already be escorting or working as a hostess in a shady girls bar. Sometimes those girls will travel for an hour or more on a train to work at a bar in a different prefecture, to avoid being recognised by locals from where they actully live. It is plausible that Venus could already be taking part in actual sex work, not just Onlyfans. Japan has many thriving red light districts and there is 100% places specifically 'offering' foreign/caucasian/hafu girls working there and Venus would fit that group, pic related. I would suggest who anyone who has a decent grasp of japanese could take a look at some japanese sex work sites, or girls bar sites maybe in local cities to Venus area. You could actually find her pics working somewhere.
It could kind of slide under the radar if it was all in Japanese and venus maybe went under a different pseudonym, instead of the usual 'Venus angelic'. Most people in Japan don't know her so it would be easy to remain largely anonymous there if she used a different name.
No. 94876
>>94780So “drool” is a fetish? Really? Ew. Actually wasn’t she drooling in one of her previous OF pics? She ran with that one right out of the gate.
People joked in the past about Weenus selling her used panties and now she’s actually doing it. And advertising it on her IG no less. She’s going hard after that SW $$.
This “tip menu” is exactly what marge used to do when trying to monetize Weenus (not nudes/porn but auctioning off a dinner with Venus, signed pics etc.) Everyone was shocked and appalled at evil mommy exploiting poor Weenus but now it seems like she may have been fully complicit at the time.
I bet marge is jealous at all the $$ she’ll be raking in with this shit.
No. 94878
>>94817Seems like you can now pay Venus 5$ for 12 pictures of her crying and drooling at the same time, what a time to be alive
Also she didn't even check her list, pantyhose is listed there two times lmao
No. 94891
>>94817Anon I beg you to use your brain. Either sex work is totes okay in which case there's absolutely no issue with it being promoted to young girls as a viable career path, OR you admit sex work does have consequences such as being a washed up whore no one will ever respect again, and it's not 'work'.
If she keeps this up Venus will get her insta flagged. Would be a good thing for any underage girl who somehow still follows her.
No. 94932
>>94923It's like some kind of bizarre Marilyn Manson music video tribute shot by angsty art students.
Dub over "Nobodies" and it fits right in.
No. 94937
>>94923this is so awkward, its like she has the candle in her mouth and shes like "okay I guess people like this"
How I feel is equivalent to looking at a nude woman or male in a medical text vs how I feel looking at a woman or male in a "sexy video"
No. 94952
>>94914It reminds me of
>rip my stocking>oh no you ripped my stocking (crying)from Lost in Translation. It's a good idea to negate requests for hardcore porn by pretending to be uwu so innocent, but nothing is linear in terms of what she claims to have done.
No. 95029
>>95026what did they say in the comments?
also: the thread is almost dead. can anyone do a new one?
No. 95031
>>95029The comments are split between negative expressions of disappointment, positive compliments, and white-knighting. It seems every post she makes gets a more and more negative reaction which is understandable being that they're generally crap.
Lishka: Aaaah it’s better than I could’ve imagined! (I think this person is female and underage).
Ohaknz Ohal has written a little story in the comments and wants to teach Venus blowjobs.
foodgeek320 is the resident white knight.
Wuzzle, exphen, nukes and eddie are all disappointed.
DonBanano is calling her out of her bs contradictions.
And Vishal says "This video is shit" with a sick emoji for good measure. I don't disagree with his assessment.
(this is an imageboard, post caps.) No. 95042
>>95038What? This is an imageboard. Either post screenshots or don't post at all, no one cares about your stories and opinions on Venus' subscribers. If you don't post caps then your account of the comment section might as well be creative writing.
I swear all the newfag males who invaded this thread as soon as venus started her OF are a testament to how pathetic you need to be to obsess over a washed up cow's sexual content despite there being free porn two clicks away.
No. 95056
Sadly I think the influx in hopes of the freebees.
No. 95062
>>95059I genuinely don't get why you'd single out that part of anon's post as "insulting", and imply that only westerners with a "whitewashed" view of life would think 13 year olds don't belong in sex work. Do you believe children enter that industry voluntarily, or that it's a good thing?
Point blank, there's no reason for Venus to be promoting this bullshit to her younger fans. She could easily just make a different page for OF shit, but she probably won't, siince she's both lazy and greedy for engagement.
No. 95072
>>95031Lurk more, try to integrate even a little bit.
Typing out comments with usernames and giving your personal opinion on them is the weirdest thing I've seen in a while. This thread is a mess.
No. 95094
>>94921Are you actually missing the issue or being deliberately obtuse? The issue is the "bait-and-switch" and how it speaks to Venus' lack of moral conscience.
Both things can be true at the same time:
1) Venus is a selfish POS for knowingly exposing her underage audience to her adult content.
2) Parents need to monitor their kids' online activity.
She probably should've just created a new identity/persona/account and kept it separate.
No. 95095
>>95094Thanks anon. Couldn't write it better.
Aren't those other anon just trying to win an argument or something? by saying her fans can unsub + parents' fault? They are missing the actual point being that as a sex worker, no mather how long they've had underaged fans for, it should be now on their conscience to flag younger audiences when they see it, or classify their content as not for younger audience, as adult content is generally 18+.
No. 95123
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>>95119Loser scrote acting like he's a godsend to the thread. Picking and choosing so they can try to control the thread. Mod needs to ban the incel and to either autosage these threads or give out unsaging bans. This is ridiculous. Most comments are absolutely positive. I don't know what anon is talking about there being some people not saying its good. You can tell who the fans are for signing up only to log in to bitch about the content and who is actually there to support her. I'm not going to bother posting comments because it 99% praise. It's typical simp praise. I don't remember seeing these posted. Sorry if there is a double - i did scroll the thread
No. 95125
File: 1590093979684.png (1.04 MB, 699x940, 25.png)

>>95123She also has a cute video actually of her taking off a jacket in a bra. I don't know how to record and you can't just save files on onlyfans. I'm trying to google it to see if it is somewhere unless scrote-chan has means of uploading it, but they seem to be posting the ugliest stuff she is posting to control the thread.
No. 95162
File: 1590102886901.jpg (85.18 KB, 829x787, Untitled.jpg)

>>95125Haha, when you zoom in, it's horribly apparent that not only has she done the usual sandblasting of her face in Photoshop, she's also cut her head out, made it larger (presumably to look more petite / like a child) then pasted the tiara back on top.
No. 95168
>>95154She looked really nice when she did that wardrobe swap thing with her friend years ago where she wore some proper human being clothes.
Trying to squeeze into those Asian 'cutesy' outfits makes most Western girls look out of proportion unless they're built like a starving orphan.
If she's in the audience-alienating mood, now would be a great time to shake off the sex offenders and try to model for regular suckers as an adult woman.
No. 95183
File: 1590107247905.jpg (536.55 KB, 634x808, WeinersAngelic.jpg)

>>95166I don't know, it looks pretty clear to me.
No. 95185
File: 1590109367974.jpg (40.38 KB, 700x700, 403.jpg)

She should really really consider taking higher quality pictures, is like she doesn't like more money or something. Or maybe her visual culture is just very low.
>>95095>>95098>>95094You people keep arguing like your subjective moral views hold any kind universal truth. Showing sexual content to minors is not going to automatically fuck them up.
If lol Venus choose not to make another account for their nude content may be because is more profitable that way, because she don't give a fuck or because she doesn't consider that showing nudity to their underage audience is inconvenient to them.
My point is that your moral code is subjective and only valuable to you and people who hold a similar standard to you.
No. 95194
File: 1590114305641.jpg (114.76 KB, 1080x1069, Screenshot_20200522-032443~2.j…)

>>95123What happened there?
No. 95203
>>95185Are anons not allowed to state their subjective opinions and voice their disgust, though?
Imagine if someone replied with this in response to anons saying it's gross when she lets her period blood show on camera.
"You people keep arguing like your subjective hygiene standards hold any kind of universal truth" with that image, lmao. It's like you're taking this personally. I have to wonder why.
No. 95206
File: 1590124479133.jpeg (158.01 KB, 750x941, D36E589B-CD26-49C3-B962-9C9725…)

This editing job is really sloppy, even for her. How do people not notice this shit?
No. 95222
File: 1590139539924.jpg (173.14 KB, 1080x767, Screenshot_20200522-191901__01…)

>>95185Ntayrt but
>Subjective moral viewsKek, you can stay away from my kids anon