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No. 900756
A thread to discuss Shane Dawson and all the milky youtubers he hitches his wagon to, the ongoing Jeffree/Shane saga, as well as past and future projects. Previous series/collabs include:
>CONFRONTING MY HATER (Bobby Burns)>SWITCHING LIVES WITH TRISHA PAYTAS>EXPOSING A YOUTUBER - GRAV3YARDGIRL>The Truth About Tana Mongeau>$10 Million Celebrity Mansion for a Day (Kathy Griffin)>The Secret World of Jeffree Star>The Mind of Jake Paul>Investigating Conspiracies (Brittani Louise Taylor)>The Return of Eugenia CooneyCurrently:
>The Beautiful World of Jeffree StarShane and Jeffree promised drama and have completely failed to deliver anything other than a 7 hour long commercial for their overpriced, underwhelming “Conspiracy” makeup line + sob story about Shane being poor. Shane continued to scramble to actually produce any content despite having over a year to plan the series, Jeffree continues to lie and backtrack about what they said and promised for the series. People are complaining of sub-quality products (hair in palettes, pans arriving unglued, etc). The series concluded after 7 episodes, despite the initial claim that it would be 9 episodes. Dawson's Crew/Additional Collaborators:
>Jeffree Star: Scary cosmetic alien, horrible person (>Ryland Adams: Fiance (>Morgan Adams: Fiance's sister (>Andrew Siwicki: Cameraman & Editor (>Garrett Watts: Big tall friend (>Kati Morton: Questionable therapist (>Nathan Schwandt: Jeffree's gay for pay kept manRequired Reading: "A comprehensive list of Jeffree Star's many controversies"
Instagram: @shanedawson
Thread #1:
>>697489Thread #2:
>>843231 No. 900757
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>>900756Jeffree's recent bullshit
No. 900760
>>900757I missed this thread!
I love how Jeffree looks like fucking DEATH on wheels and he's talking about 'The truth"
also why lie about this? What a dumb ass, no one cares.
No. 900763
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Stolen from GuruGossiper, Could Nate look higher?
No. 900781
>>900767Just like with his relationship the more Jeffree lies and tries to convince people of shit, it makes me believe he's trying to hide something.
I 100% believe he/ Nate probably are high ass fuck 70% of the time and not only on weed.
No. 900789
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>>900761Thank you, I agree. I saw it and I knew it had to be the one. This was also a strong contender, but it didn't have Shane in it.
>>900769>I think he honestly believes none of his audience knew him before he started makeup.Eh, I think this is a bit of a stretch. Maybe his current fans weren't alive back in his Myspace days, but it's not like he's ever tried to hide it. If anything I think he'll try and pull a weepy "I was never ACTUALLY drinking I just made it look like I was to seem cool because peer pressure uwu but I never actually did it because I'm soooo much stronger than peer pressure uwu"
No. 900954
>>900789iirc that is his explanation for it all. In some older video of his he talked about "posing with non-alcoholic drinks" and making jokes about drinking/drugs for the sake of "image".
Not exactly super believable considering the entire scene/lifestyle he came up in.
No. 901152
>>900757I thought Jeffree didn’t drink alcohol because of his mommy issues
No. 901484
>>901161I think the issue is that his credibility isn't the best. The drinking is something that wouldn't be shocking either way, whether he genuinely never has & pretended for a long time, or if he did and now pretends that he didn't. Neither are shocking or scandalous things, but who knows which is true with him.
But more than anything it's just such a boring non-issue lol, like nobody really cares either way
No. 901908
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I'm starting to think he does these tweets whenever Nate is caught looking at women J didn't pre approve. But he needs to prove to the twitter sphere how in love and sexual they are with each other.
No. 901916
>>901908I wonder what is the percentage of the day that Nate isn't blasted on some drug out of his mind. I bet more than 70% of the time when they fuck Nates under the influence of something.
Either way no one cares what you rub on ur unimpressive bodied boyfriend. Only stans care. At this point, it comes off as a teenage boy telling his horny friends about the sex he NEVER HAD.
I've never believed LESS someone fucked their boyfriend then I do Jeffree because it always seems like an ad for their relationship. Now it's an ad for their relationship & his make up, which makes it DOUBLE fake. Their sex life seems boring ass hell.
I'm not buying it Jeffree. Im just waiting on that "Leaked" (not from Jeffree, I swear!!) sex tape to come out, to further prove unprovable.
That Nate sometimes sticks his dick in Jeffree. Shocking I know!
No. 902210
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It's a fucking color twitter naming the color of the decade but of course he has to flex how big and bad he is. I can't wait for his next fuck up where even the uwus of Shane won't do anything. He barely got away with the Tati and JC scandal
No. 902566
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what trash seriously.
No. 902592
>>902588I feel the same but it's another example of Jstar being an asshole to people, which imo deserves some attention.
Anyone who buys his shit is a dumb ass, but the way this dude talks to people is fucking gross.
No. 902644
>>902642What are you talking about? When J* does it he's being "real" when other people do it, they are just being assholes.
Duh, different rules for J*. (/s).
No. 902645
>>902210He didn’t barely get away with it people were still kissing his bolt on tattooed ass, even after falsely accusing a 19 year old of being a predator and harassing his kid brother online.
Anytime you mention that or his racism, or anything else negative about him, his rabid ugly fans will just say “he can’t relate skksks sis oop”
I hate how Shane made that documentary on him , it just excuses his grossness by showing him in a “more vulnerable light” his fans are troglodytes.
A video of Jeffree beating a starving kid could surface, and his fans would be like “moood” or “that child was
problematic anyways, I heard they were homophobic”
No. 902758
J it's generic as fuck tattoo designs probably just copy pasted from whatever shops freebie list
No. 902897
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>>901161>>900954I call bullshit on this because this was probably the only time in history where not drinking/partying gave you more street cred than drinking/partying did. Being xXxSTRAIGHT EDGExXx was a HUGE part of being a Myspace scene queen. There's literally no reason why this reasoning would have made sense given the context, if he was really never drinking he would have only gotten MORE attention if he shoved that fact in everyone's face with those sharpie X's on his hands. That's like, Myspace 101.
>>902645>he can’t relate skksks sis oopHit the nail on the head.
No. 902913
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>>902566>>902572>>902567This is so fucking stupid for so many reasons. First of all, if you get charged $20 for a postcard of the Mona Lisa that should cost $0.20 the museum shop doesn't get to go "fUCK YOU how fucking dare you insult DA VINCI it took him YEARS to paint that". It's about the product itself, she didn't even say they were ugly she just said they were small? It has nothing to do with the artist and he knows it, he's so full of shit. Second why on earth would he show that message to the artist? So you go out of your way to make the artist feel like shit for something they had no control over and that's not rude and disgusting, Jeffree? He's blatantly throwing the artist under the bus here.
>>902210He's truly an undiscovered level of deluded and narcissistic, he should be studied in a lab. He literally thinks he owns universal concepts, like the time he almost destroyed that one (small, not even US-based) youtuber's career because she used the word "approved", or the time he posted a picture of someone else's car accusing them of copying him and didn't even cover the license plate. The owner of the car was a rapper and called him out for it. Since it's cropped Jeffree's original caption read
>Look at my knock offs… I told ‘em knock it off No. 902916
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>>902913(samefag) besides that, it's not even remotely close to the shade of his Blue Blood palette?
>>902210For those keeping track at home, here's a list of things Jeffree apparently owns that we're never allowed to say or use or reference because he will sue you for stealing his intellectual property:
>the adjective "approved">blue>pinkHis lawyers must see his name pop up on their caller ID and just immediately heave a sigh and think "How do I explain to this person they cannot legally own the color blue and we can't actually bring legal action against that 4 year old for using a blue crayon in his coloring book"
No. 903012
>>902913Didn’t he get pissy when people posed next to his pepto i8? Maybe I’m remembering wrong.
>>902916Don’t forget the time he shaded LimeCrime for their lip shade “teddy bear”(?) because it looked like his ~iconic lip shade androgyny.
His ego is so inflated, it’ll burst soon enough. He’s not untouchable. He will slip up. He will always have asslickers that will say “he’s learning! He’s new at this! We all make mistakes!”
“This is a learning process for us” has been his go to line for the last couple of months, since shit keeps happening with every launch.
Bitch you’ve been doing this for like 5 years. You’re allowed to make these mistakes in the beginning. Not 10 eyeshadow pallets and 5 mystery box releases later.
No. 903537
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>>903026That's how makeup is made…….
>>902916One of the colours of the palette seems similar to the colour of the year. But he's a dumbfuck if he thinks he can own "approved" and colour names.
>>902913He's so trashy.
No. 903716
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>>901122Ninja's wife (Jessica) is a big fan of Jeffree Star. Her and her friend dressed as JS and Shane for Halloween this year, also Jeffree and Jessica hung out because she subtly @'s big names to get into the non-gaming "in" crowd. She's a little cow-ish in her own right, but this isnt the thread for that, it's just pretty annoying to see women worship this fuck.
No. 903722
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>>903716also the costumes just because
No. 903745
>>903716Real shit, I feel that some people don't take people like jeffree serious, they are clowns to them, just that gay stereotype, so when they spout nasty, misogynistic, hateful things towards women & our bodies (which a lot of them do) then people laugh it off like, "haha silly Qween…yasss" but don't see it as they would if a straight man said the same fucking thing.
It's so easy for people to forgive and ignore shit Jeffree has done because of 1- Some of the shit he's done targeted groups they aren't apart of in the first place. IE Racism and how he'd be homophobic ass hell towards Fem men.
And truth be told, a lot of people have accepted some of the
toxic behavior Gay men like Jeffree show towards women as fucking normal. There's a difference between dark humor and just constantly attacking. Some of the same people defending & stanning people like Jeffree, would jump down a straight man's neck or a woman's neck for this behavior in a minute. Shane & Jeffree have often made women the butt of their jokes or butt of their content, especially Jeffree.
Without us there would be No Jeffree Star, without us Nate would be head over heels in love with Jeffree too.
The hate Jeffree has for women or anyone who does anything that he feels is attacking his insecure ass runs fucking deep.
No. 904799
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Not sure if milky enough for unsage but Shane won a award for the massive commercial.
No. 905104
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No. 905105
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Yikes. All I can see is crackhead, and those teeth….. Extremely unflattering.
No. 905140
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>>905104Who does he think he's kidding?
"Just because theres pictures of me drinking alcohol DOESN'T mean that I actually drink alcohol!"
No. 905145
>>905104Why does he care so much about people thinking he's lying about alcohol? It makes me feel like he's hiding something.I cannot be convinced him and Nate aren't on multiple drugs, so maybe Alcohol isn't his drug of choice?
He's weirdly respectable about this as well, I wonder why? Also "I live my life so openly" aka, "I talk about my boring ass run of the mill sex life" Which in 2019 going on 2020 isn't unique Shayna, I mean Jeffree.
People are more open about sex than ever before. I truly don't see what he means by "Open" because he only talks about sex, his purchases and make up. He doesn't seem to have much of a life, outside of "Sex", buying shit that he uses as props to floss on the teenage girls stanning him and…make up.
He doesn't have any real friends. Nate's the most interesting thing and for ALL the wrong reasons. Jeffree right now is less interesting then he was, when he was yelling racial slurs and broke. At least then the fucker seemed to have something human about him, even if it was hateful and Angry. Now he's just a shell of a person with money, fame and nothing else to talk about or offer, besides makeup, plus he's STILL hateful & angry. He's an ugly, goofy,
problematic, reject Kardashian, but without the huge family and friends. He's just so stereotypically "rich older white gay man, trying to act like Paris Hilton" He's slowly losing whatever it was that made people like him.
I feel hell for Jeffree is being "canceled" and being alone with his money, Nate and everyone who matters calling him out or dismissing him. It really bothers Jeffree that people don't like him & talk shit, which is why he lashes out. He wants to be idolized.
>>905105Jeffree is such an odd-looking person. He looks like both a manly looking older woman in her 40's with bad botox and is afraid of aging, but she looks older instead of the 25 she wanted to look, it made her look 50. He needs to let the blonde hair DIE.
but at the same time, he looks like a very awkward 12-year old wearing a mask and butt pads.
No. 905328
>>905105This is like. Basic white bitch taking a photo on a strangers car before they show up and get yelled at.
It’s so trashy. Money really can’t buy class.
No. 905368
>>905328isn't this the same car that he claims he brought for Nate?? And it's boring, Jeffree is rich, blah, blah, do something interesting dumb ass.
If Jeffree ever got an reality show it'd be SO fucking boring.
No. 905626
>>905429Not trying to defend him but I work at a home depot and almost all the bubble wrap is pink. I've seen green and clear before, but this is a nitpick lol
I agree though, he's probably going to make his new house fucking ugly.
Reminds me of how Kelly Eden makes everything look tacky when she paint it pastel.
No. 906679
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I know it's a jokey post, but this made me laugh.
No. 907137
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No. 907191
>>907162I believe so. In that interview with Trisha, he said Nate decided to delete his Instagram because weird DM's but we all know why the Instagram got deleted and who deleted them. Jeffree has been working overtime trying to shove down our throats how much Nate loves him and how perfect they are.
I'm starting to feel he's trying to convince himself tbh. Someone on GG had a small recap and it seems like he was answering questions about everything that was discussed here and there. Seems we ticked him off. I feel things aren't good with Jeffree & Nate, which is why he seems so bothered by the comments people make about them. I would not be surprised if they got engaged or something, because Jeffree's all about image, and his image includes, being this boss bitch, with the hot "straight" boyfriend that everyone's jealous of.
He's so insecure.
No. 907376
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>>906679God, gross. Is he trying to be Katya? Except when Katya wears absurd ugly clothing it's her schtick and it's charming.
>I know it's a jokey post, but Is it a jokey post? It seems exactly like the bullshit he honestly believes about himself. Between this and
>>907191 I swear to god he spends 50% of his time obsessively searching for and involving himself in drama, and 50% of his time bragging about how busy and uninterested he is.
>>907191>because weird DM'sYeah, I bet it was weird DM's, DM's Nate was sending to anything with a pulse that wasn't Jeffree probably. So what, Jeffree's got him drugged and chained to the wall now with no access to the outside world? (I mean we know he's drugged all the time anyways). I
almost feel bad for him.
>Seems we ticked him off.Good. We've been a lot better over here, but the Makeup thread was so clearly overrun by cronies. I bet lolcow/GG/BGC drive him insane because he can't individually threaten or buy out the people on there.
No. 907531
>>907376Everything we were saying here and on GG he adressed.
-On GG people spoke about the "weed buiness" he said Nate owned, on the interview he said "it's in Nate's name" (Yeah right)
-He talked about how Nate HATES being called gay for pay
and he said that he's not attracted to gay men, which is probably why he hates we call Nate "gay 4 pay" because he doesn't want the word "gay" next to any man he's fucking.
He came off very insecure & bothered, but he basically confirmed he read GG because the weed shit, Gay 4 Pay and Nate's deleted instagram has been ALL the talk over there for the past few weeks.
The funniest thing is, he's trying to convince GG & LC of this relationship, when NONE of us will believe it and care that much. Those weird Dm's were Nate 100% hitting up bitches, or Jeffree saw people in his Dm's and got upset.
No. 907533
>>907531I think those DMs were from attractive girls on ig. Then Jeff got his feelings hurt because nate
is gay for pay and knew he can't stand against a woman that nate would want.
No. 907729
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No. 907731
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>>907729Shane is fat and I would not have sex with him
(nitpick) No. 907842
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>I’m ready for what’s next…
Is what’s next…..2010? Honestly this shit looked trashy 10 years ago, no one tell him about Super Bass or he’ll try and accuse Nicki Minaj of going back in time and copying him, somehow.
No. 907864
>>907842>>907852Anyone else sensing sadness from Jeffree? Usually, I sense anger, bitterness, and bullshit, but nowadays, every time I see him I just feel like his ass is sad.
Imagine coming all the way up (with the help of others and shitting on them) just to end up being super-rich and sad.
Also speaking of Nicki, Jeffree says he's going to go back to music. Which to me shows his ass is getting bored. I feel for years he's been doing a bad Nicki impression or "ghetto" Lady Gaga impression.
He also said in that interview that Nate's in aviation school. Which is fucking scary because he's always high. They both seem to be bored and just doing shit. I do think Jeffree was passionate about music and wanted to be this big deal, but I feel he's just doing shit, trying to feel something.
>>907376That interview was a bad move IMO. Especially how he kept talking for Nate. It looked like he was lying and defending shit because he knows it's true. Jeffree wanted Nate to be the way he is, He wanted a kept man IMO.
I have no idea why NOW years later, it bothers him people think he's gay for pay, that he's cheating, that he's a sugar baby to the point where Jeffree has to address it. People have been saying that for years.
I feel this shit all started with Nate and that Instagram. I would not be surprised if they get engaged or something drastic JUST so Jeffree can stick it to the minority of people who dislike him and aren't believing his shit. I think the criticism has been a little more louder then usual and it's getting to Jeffree.
Also, maybe Shane's rubbed off on him. I would not be surprised if Jeffree and Shane fell out because when Jeffree seems sad and off, he usually starts some drama.
No. 907935
>>906679I love how his response isn't "I have a man" or "I'm taken" it's, "I'm busy, here's a picture of me in front of a car looking bored as hell, fuck off"
>>907921Has Jeffree ever said their relationship was open? To me it seems open on Jeffree's side (he's flirted with people who weren't Nate on camera) but not on Nate's.
Jeffree could easily shut down all the speculation by just lying and saying it's open.I mean, I don't think either are faithful. I feel the threesomes aren't to spice things up but it's something thats required for Nate & Jeffee. They seem bored of eachother tbh.
I think something happened, and I feel Nate cheating or stepping out had to do with it.
No. 907985
>>907864I noticed it, too.
Like a lot of people, J has hit the top and has realized money, and having gobs of it, does not make you happy if you have nothing useful to do with it. It just makes you a target for people’s greed and envy.
I love designer clothes as much as the next person, but it’s not a replacement for fulfillment.
No. 907990
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>>907935I feel like he must have, when years ago Nates nudes got leaked because he was texting them to other random people, but I can't confirm if he ACTUALLY said it. I think he assumes if he just tweets "omg we're having soooo many threesomes" people will just assume it's an open thing. I mean, he straight up said he would pay Garrett's rent if he fucked him in the original Shane series so….???? I think what it is is that it's open, but the problem is Jeffree gets really jealous and butthurt when Nate wants to fuck women, and Nate doesn't give one single fuck what Jeffree's up to. He's probably desperate for Nate to be jealous of his constant harassment of other men.
>To me it seems open on Jeffree's side (he's flirted with people who weren't Nate on camera)This is what drove me so crazy about the JC ordeal. I'm not a JC fan by any means, but how is a single virgin 19 year old kid flirting with guys who are his own age who seem to be questioning their sexuality "a predator" and "a danger to society" but a 33 year old man openly sexually harassing every man around him regardless of sexual orientation, offering to pay their rent for sex, keeping a 25 year old straight man essentially locked and drugged in his house for being straight (also paying for Nate's family's every need so of course Nate can't leave), who wrote a song about fucking straight guys (aptly named "Straight Boys") NOT predatory? I remember there was a clip from the original Shane/Jeffree series going around where Jeffree offered Andrew a macaroon or something and then just talked about how big his mouth was and how he could fit sooo much in his mouth while Andrew was eating it, and the response from people sharing it wasn't "hey what the fuck" it was "teehee isn't Jeffree so silly!"
I mean, even if you just use the Dolan twins as your control here. Look at the difference in video content:
>Jeffree: 33 year old man dresses straight teenage boys in his clothes, buys them expensive gifts, makes them take off their clothes so he can paint their bodies in his house where he constantly brags about having threesomes and fucking straight men and doing drugs>Not a predator, a kween uwu yaaaaas
>James: Teenagers hanging out together, buying each other gifts, doing each other's (face) makeup (with their clothes on), doing dumb teen shit like going on road-trips together (albeit what dumb teens with millions of dollars would do)>A predator, a danger to society No. 908005
>>907990Not to mention Jeffree just straight up admitted he didn't like gay men, I said this elsewhere, but I'd LOVE to hear Jeffree's reasoning for not being attracted to "gay men' I promise you it'll come off predatory, fucked up, egotistical,
problematic, like a fetish etc.
This is a man who said, ""I don’t hang out with gay people really. Most gay guys are like women, they’re fucking annoying. There is so much drama and cattiness. I stick with the “bros.”
So, lets read between the lines. How is that not self-hate, homophobia and fucked up, also sexist as hell?
by no means do I like or stan James, but the sheer amount of SHIT Jeffree gets away with is fucked up. let alone he went on TRISHA'S podcast. Remember how the trans community lost their shit about Trisha? I hate that bitch too, but I love how Trisha and other people get held responsible for their bullshit.
but not Jeffree and Shane, it's funny how no one has a issue with jeffree or shane for being cool with Trisha who LGBTQ+ had a huge issue with.
No. 908087
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>>908076Buys and moves into that huge house and litters his island with trash food. I know this is likely a nitpick but if I had his kind of money, I’d have a fucking chef cooking me 5 star meals all day everyday. Not chicken quesadillas from Taco Bell and Red Bull.
No. 908103
>>900756It's such as status thing, no couple needs that much space, literally just a massive empty house
>>908087The interior is so nice n it's just going to end up selling like bong
No. 908191
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>>908005>I promise you it'll come off predatory, fucked up, egotistical, problematic, like a fetish etc.You mean like this?
He hates women and he hates gays, I think because he doesn't fit in either group. He doesn't fit in either group because he doesn't want to because he thinks he's better than both. That's why it seems so obvious that he was the one pulling all the strings behind Tati and James, because he was hoping they'd destroy each other so he wouldn't have to get his hands dirty. He's a massive misogynist and homophobe, I don't know how brainwashed twitter girls can fawn over him so much.
>>908082>>908076>>908103>It's such as status thingThis. His other house wasn't even fully decorated, what's he gonna do with even more rooms? Doesn't seem like they want kids, literally is every one of his dogs just going to get their own room? At least Shane and Ryland had the "we want a family" cover for buying a giant unnecessary house, and at least they have friends/family to fill it with.
He's like when you find the rosebud cheat in Sims when you're a kid and just buy every expensive item just because you can but then your house looks stupid and the game's not even fun anymore.
No. 908215
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>>908198God, can you imagine what a dream collab that would be? I genuinely think of all the cows on this site they may be the closest in terms of pure milk volume. (Jeffree's just smarter/richer than Gurg so he's been able hide it)
>>907892Found it when I was trying to find a good new thread imagine on twitter. I just….couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm glad other anons are as haunted by it as I was.
No. 908330
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Jeffree is no longer wife to Nate?
Since when?
Couldnt find a screen of his previous bio but I think he only replaced wife to Nate with 'Mom of 4 pomerians'
No. 908333
>>908330good catch, it could be nothing but, that is kind of weird…
I bet as soon as this is posted he'll make a post or change it back.
No. 908384
>>908354He's dragging it out and making it seem like he is so humble for 'cleaning for days' and last vlog showing Nate packing clothes into boxes to move. Yeah he shows some assistants helping here and there, but he would have had removalists and cleaners doing the majority of the work. I feel sorry for the person who buys the house next. It's not just a matter of painting over all the pink, but they'd have to remove all the pink customised garbage throughout like that horrible satin quilted wall.
Also despite being cleaned I bet it smells of dog piss in some rooms for sure.
No. 908422
>>908384Who would buy it? It’s got that pink vault in the middle with his logo on the floor.
The only good content would be seeing someone take a sledge hammer to it.
No. 908440
>>900756Money can't buy taste, that satin wall literally looked so cheap n nasty.
Hope he doesn't pull some shit on this nice new house with all its old wood n shit, just running round ruining fucking nice furnishings
No. 908441
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Yikes. Everyone in the comments is just talking about how they haven't gotten theirs yet either or Jeffree's blocked them or customer service has just been full of shit. At least he's got his big new shiny empty house!
No. 910211
File: 1577387791083.png (793.34 KB, 605x814, cel6c25ebm641.png)

Interesting that when someone initially mentioned that instead of remedying it he instead immediately publicly bullied the person and threw the artist under the bus instead of taking an accountability?
>>902566 >and the person responsible has sadly been let go Honest to god if you told me that what he meant by "sadly let go" was that he pushed a button and a door to a fire pit opened up below some poor employee, I would 110% believe it. Even when he's pretending like he's taking accountability for his actions, he's really just throwing other people under the bus? Throwing all the blame on a scapegoat and then "sadly letting them go"? Like you own the company, you don't actually have to let anyone go. You're not going to get any praise or sympathy for choosing to fire one of your employees on
Christmas Eve (Scrooge style, very nice) over a mistake that could have been fixed weeks ago if you actually listened to what your
fans were telling you instead of immediately blocking and mercilessly bullying them. Even if some poor employee did make a mistake, it's no one's fault but his own.
No. 910372
File: 1577401634051.png (707.25 KB, 1050x604, mm.png)

Marilyn Manson's newest Instagram post …
No. 910378
>>910211Honestly he says someone was "let go" every month at this point.
He most likely doesn't do shit about it besides making a tweet and just saying he does to look like a #bossbabe
No. 910562
>>910211How many issues is that now in just the last couple of months?? But of course, it’s not J’s fault…It’s so-n-so’s fault.
If he spent more time in his warehouse and actually managed his company, he would catch these mistakes.
How did no one notice? How are 1000 units missing? This employee didn’t steal them…so where are the 1000 units that didn’t end up in boxes? If you have a finite number of mystery boxes, all supposedly having a very specific item, where’s that item? Am I missing something?
No. 910820
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No. 910838
File: 1577509153030.jpeg (205.55 KB, 1067x1846, EMVBuyhVUAEJPmM.jpeg)

>>910562kek, good point. Judging by twitter a few days ago, people who ordered anything on Black Friday got emails that their products wouldn't ship until like the 20th (if they even got shipping info) because they were still waiting on product to get in, so he was literally overselling all his shit anyways. Here's a cap from twitter of someone getting their order just outright cancelled because they didn't even have the stock.
Not sure when the mystery boxes went on sale, but I would guess he sold them without having the stock thinking it would come in later, and then when it didn't he had to send the boxes out anyways knowing full well that it didn't have the item in it (because what would be the point of a Christmas Mystery Box if it arrived well after Christmas, that could have caused more of an uproar) and is now trying to ret-con that there was some big mistake. When really he probably never had the actual stock in the first place, because notice the tweet doesn't say he's actually going to get the people the product, he's just going to refund them.
It's the equivalent of submitting the wrong paper online at 11:59 PM so it looks like you had it done on time, and then being like "Oh no, oops! What a crazy mistake, here's the correct file!" when your professor emails you 10 hours later when you've actually got it done. Dumb lying freshmen bullshit 101.
No. 910842
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>>910838>>910841From what I saw on Twitter, people were ordering things and then later being told they were actually pre-orders. Seemed like a lot of "Wait since when is this a pre-order?" (these are caps from people complaining after the 20th that they had STILL not gotten any shipping notice)
No. 910843
File: 1577510063264.jpeg (97.17 KB, 720x936, EMRRjNqXUAAipZh.jpeg)

Just dumping a few other twitter caps because none of these are even consistent with what they were promising. Notice this one sent on 11/29 says "10 business days" and later emails from Customer Service say 11/29 orders ship on 12/19.
No. 910844
File: 1577510430414.jpeg (159.57 KB, 828x1792, EMVFW7RWkAMsicN.jpeg)

>>910843Can you imagine buying something on December 1st and then being told after that money was in Jeffree's pocket that you wouldn't actually be getting it in time for Christmas? I'd be livid. No fucking way he had any of the shit he was selling in stock. Why else would it possibly take that long?
No. 910878
File: 1577518824940.jpg (1.5 MB, 1426x2429, Screenshot_20191228-023850.jpg)

No. 910902
>>910878>I can't wait to make more things I'm passionate about.Passionate? About what?
Couldn't be makeup, since he never uses it. He only hoards tons of it in his not-as-big-as-jeffrees makeup room.
Couldn't be his "I'll never do this again" merch collection.
Making money seems to be the only thing he's ""passionate"" about.
No. 910923
>>910820this is just gross as shit and I'm SO sick of men like Jeffree saying and doing this, but because they are fem men, it's not hateful & people should'nt find a issue. I really really really hope Jeffree DOES NOT think that he's making anyone but the dumb white teens who follow him jealous.
All that money, all these ass kissers, a brought boyfriend, a huge house, and every single day he has to remind us how happy he is, how much money he has, how nice his cars is, how much sex he has etc. etc. etc.
Jeffree we don't believe you. Happy people don't behave like you. It's bitter and cold at the top, Fake too. No amount of weave, ass implants, "Nate" or cars will fix the anger, depression, unhappiness and bitter bitch that is ur heart.
He's So basic at his core. I'm just waiting on him to have a sex tape "leak" just so he can show us that Nate LOVES to fuck him.
He wants to prove so much shit to his haters and it's going to bite him in the ass.
No. 910991
it's still killing me that in a conversation with Trisha who made the LGBTQ+ so mad with her trolling, Jeffree "dark place" Star, can sit there and say, "I'm not attracted to gay men" and "i'm not into group sex" ( i guess threesomes aren't group sex to Jeffree)
I'd LOVE to know who Jeffree sold his soul to for infinite passes for
problematic behaviors and LIES.
>>910960I kind of feel like a gay for pay pornstar is STILL too gay for Jeffree, I feel he's finding completely straight men in the wild, throwing money, NDA's and whatever he can and having them fuck him, because he said he didn't fuck people they knew.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jeffree was chasing married straight men, and was getting off to stealing something from a woman, even if he knows his money is what has the power, not him.
Honestly, he sounds bored with Nate. Maybe Nates too "Gay" for him now or something…who the fuck knows.
No. 910993
File: 1577558402201.png (248.98 KB, 305x453, passionate.png)

>>910878Christ. At least when he says he's spending time with family I believe him, Jeffree was tweeting about hanging out with family and how important it is and it's like ???? bitch who? Nate's family who is obligated to hang out with you and listen to you talk about fucking him because you pay all their bills?
>>910923>this is just gross as shit and I'm SO sick of men like Jeffree saying and doing thisIt just feels even grosser because we all know how much he absolutely abhors women. It's probably his complete lack of respect for women that makes him think he can say shit like that. It's like a member of the KKK tweeting a picture of their car and going "This matches the color of my melanin!"
>I'm just waiting on him to have a sex tape "leak" just so he can show us that Nate LOVES to fuck him.Don't give him any ideas anon, since he apparently reads here.
>>910960That sounds about right. Or it'll be like "SEE GUISE we're tooootally poly, THAT'S why Nate's been fucking other people and isn't here right now! I'm totally chill with it because I'm so cool and "non-confrontational" and definitely don't have him chained to a radiator in the basement with his phone just out of reach!"
No. 911001
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Glancing at Shane's twitter and Jeffree could really learn a thing or ten about humility and accountability from his business partner (I'm assuming, since Jeffree's twitter says he's "Co-Owner of Killer Merch"). Look at this apology vs Jeffree's "apology"
>>910211 for essentially the same situation (except Jeffree only "apologized" for one tiny part of why people were mad, he didn't apologize for the lying and misleading and late packages or cancelled orders).
>I hope they know this is not on Shane in any wayWe been knew fam, we all know he's sitting at home guzzling root beer and counting stacks of money in a ripped unwashed shirt and not ACTUALLY working or having anything to do with the business in any real way because he's worked soooo hard this year and deserves a break u guise :(((
No. 911127
>>911104TBH I think he's more salty Gaga went to Nikki than him. Kesha is low tier LGBT bait after all Gaga is the queen though for LGBT baiting.
Also this just dropped
No. 911226
File: 1577604552214.png (157.17 KB, 668x646, mm.png)

>>911127He doesn't want LGBT folk though, he hates the gays. He doesn't want gay men because he feels threatened by them (see: James Charles, Manny, Ryland, etc). I doubt lesbains want much to do with him, I can't imagine they appreciate a 6'1" man running around talking about his "pussy" and his "clit". He's obsessed with straight men but undoubtedly any genuinely straight man would want nothing to do with him. People of color don't want anything to do with him (except Petty Paige who is currently lodged all the way up his ass) because of his racist past.
His target demo is straight white girls. They're the ones he feels the most superior to and the least threatened by, and they're the one who scream "yaaas kween" every time he does something unforgivable because they're deluded enough to think that supporting JS gives them "woke" points.. You know who he
has collabed with in the past? RPDR Queens. You know who are the biggest fans of RPDR? Straight white girls. Honestly, his best bet would probably be like…Billie Eilish or something. Whatever teenage white girls are into these days. The cast of the Office? idk.
>>911104God, you're right I bet he's steamed. Can you imagine? Beloved sexual abuse survivor Kesha, icon of women's rights vs beloved….50 year old dough man who blew it with multiple women who are now sexual/domestic abuse advocates, contributed to the death of internet sweetheart Keanu Reeve's girlfriend back in the day, who just seems to also hate women in general. The teens'll love it! To be fair Jeffree and MM look like they could be related what with the refusal of eyebrows and all.
No. 911877
>>911867Unless it's making fun of the mentally disabled I don't know what the joke is?
How can a guy who posts like twice a year even use the word "passionate"????
No. 912310
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No. 912311
File: 1577868118713.jpeg (537.18 KB, 2048x1366, 70187161-8895-463B-9973-DD67FD…)

>>912310Compare to this he retweeted. His cheeks look like they’re full of straight up cement, horrifying.
No. 912331
>>912310I'm not going to lie, I almost thought this was one of those reddit posts about someone who is recovering from an illness and this wasn't even Jeffree Star.
I was expecting to see, "This is Connor, He was diagnosed with "X" 10 months ago. For the first time in months, he was able to get up, put on makeup (from the Shane X Jeffree Star collab) and dress as the person he looks up to most, Jeffree Star!!, please show him some love!!"
I did NOT think that was Jeffree. This is a horrible look. He looks like hell.
No. 912390
File: 1577895798568.jpg (59.84 KB, 522x683, Capture.JPG)

People are finally doing something other than sucking his dick on twitter.
Inb4 Shane starts crytyping tweets in order to shut down criticism.
Full tweet thread: No. 912431
>>912413Jeffree always looks like he's in a costume. He cannot think these looks are sexy or well put togeather. Jeffree thinks just because something costs a lot that it looks good.
He literally looks like a clown. He's either throwing everything on at once, or walking around looking like a rich 80 year old man who skin burns easily so he covers up with tacky expensive sweat suits.
Poor Nate.
No. 912484
>>912413>>Gonna have one suite transformed pink for "classic Jeffree" - seems to be where his youtube video stuff will be>>Ten bedroom home, people mentioned to be living here in the video: Jeffree, Nate, Madison, Jeffree's mother, live in security.>>Sixteen car garage>>Redoing the pool to be baby pink, ew>>Says most of the home won't be pink themed this time around, said something like "I don't want another Barbie dream house" - gold, black, opulence themes>>Has another building on the property - will be made into a "Beauty Barn">>Full gym, full spa, sauna room, meditation room, multiple kitchens, wine cellar (jokes about weed cellar), his and her sides of the bedroom suite, full theater, secret pinball room, etc etc>>Going to make a brand new vault in this mansion - "The Fortress"Shane was really annoying in this video, yes it's bigger than your mansion but… you still live in a fucking mansion yourself. Kept saying it "feels so home-y" ugh. I've never understood home this big, no one needs something this big. It's so gaudy.
No. 912491
File: 1577913580408.jpeg (43.47 KB, 800x450, the-og-screen-shot.jpeg)

Macklemore's Thrift Shop echos ominously in the distance]
>>912431>Jeffree thinks just because something costs a lot that it looks good.Hit the nail on the head. Literally all he wears are track suits? You could buy that shit for $20 at Walmart, what's the point? Why else would he buy a giant empty house for two people that he doesn't need? Unless Nate convinced him to buy it so he'd have more rooms to hide from Jeffree in?
No. 912501
>>912491it’s because he’s a rich person who grew up poor. it’s why he wears the tacky logo’d tracksuits instead of something more tasteful. it’s literally what poor people think luxury is.
he flaunts his money and himself like he’s a character rather than an actual person.
No. 912957
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It's 2020 now, haven't we been done with this "omg so quirky so clumsy so randum I love food!! so relatable xDD" rich blonde white girl shit since like, Jennifer Lawrence?
No. 913063
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>>913017God, all I can think of the Baron from WWDITS. The resemblance is already jarring.
No. 913084
>>913017>is to cover up all his self harm scars and still feel luxurious or something to that effect….so…like….clothes? He’s just describing the concept of clothing?
Reminds me of when Kojima was getting backlash for creating a bikini-clad woman who was unable to speak and his reasoning was like “you fools! once you understand her tragic backstory you’ll understand why she gotta have her tiddies out and not be able to speak” and then it was just some anime bullshit about a super power that she absolutely could have worn less revealing clothes with. Like, just say you like wearing your jammies all day cause they’re comfy Jeffree, no one could fault you for that.
No. 914510
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Gross, I guess this is shane's new make up channel. The joys of being a rich, white gay man on youtube. You can literally do close to ANYTHING but still have people throwing money, chances and love ur way.
No. 914518
File: 1578355433166.png (28.27 KB, 483x332, Capture.PNG)

I guess we are all wrong, Shane "plays" with makeup daily and loves it SO SO much. I love how he's going to pretend to like make up. Like this makes it all grosser.
Why not just go, "Hey, I became "friends" With Jeffree Star I saw the "buiness" side of it all, and I'm interested in building my own make up brand"
Why does it have to be this manipulative bs when he knows like we all know people are going to buy it anyway.
All this, "i love make up I swear!!" bullshit is so phoney. Shane doesn't even seem to shower but he loves makeup which is an Extra step?
A man whose too depressed to groom but puts make up on himself or others? Checks out.
No. 914525
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No. 914561
>>914541they got into a relationship and then got maybe fake married for views. I think they live streamed it and maybe ppl paid? for it. Its all the normal nonsense those kind of people do.
It seemed very fake but the relationship was apparently real enough. They were hooking up and hanging out anyways without the label. Obviously Jake who has cheated on all his gfs would cheat on this one, and Tana was "ok" with an open relationship which only validated his cheating. She got hurt because he fucked his ex that he claimed was shitty to him.
Also party girl was into drugs a lot and struggles with it now, not surprising.
No. 914568
>>914561no shit we all know that, I meant like post-wedding/whatever happened recently to prompt this video
>I think they live streamed it and maybe ppl paid?>She got hurt because he fucked his ex that he claimed was shitty to himYou don't even seem like you know what you're talking about? Which ex? Erika? Alissa?
No. 914734
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>>914639>>914642Im not sure what's going on. I don't know how long his insta has said "Survivor" either. Nate's brother had some health issues that Jeffree & Nate commented on a minute ago, so hopefully he's okay but maybe that may be why?
No. 914776
>>914734>>914754The "Survivor" part appeared shortly after their dog's passing. The mom/wife lines were replaced with "Scorpio" and "Survivor". Later on he added "Mom of 4 Pomeranians" back.
It may be pom related, may be something else. But timing-wise, it was around that period.
No. 914811
>>914518>>914527>I'm not in the mood to post>After a series I tend to gain weight, spiral, and hibernate for a couple of months>hahaWow it's almost like when you spend all of your time with objectively terrible people and sell your soul for money it turns out to not be worth it because you hate your life? Why doesn't his best friend mental health advocate uwu Kati tell him to get off his ass and go to a psychiatrist because this is very clearly a mental health issue? Oh wait, is it because she can't then exploit him for a video?
>>914734>>914754>Nate's brother had some health issues that Jeffree & Nate commented on a minute ago>I think it's most likely something to do with his mum. Jeffrree has said how shes been really sickHuh. But why would that make Jeffree the "survivor" in that scenario? Like he survived….someone else's health scare?
>>914809Wait but doesn't he hate his mom though? Didn't he claim some other woman was his mom for years? Or am I mis-remembering something
No. 914955
>>914518Wow the deflection. Interesting how in the "documentary" he made a point to show that he was trying to improve on his health by starting diet and exercise again, and also how happy and excited he was for the future with Ryland and improving his finances. Soooo…now you're just going back to being a sad sack of manchild after the cameras stop rolling? Shane is so fucking phoney.
Oh and you conveniently missed the point of that post - you were getting shit for not doing any looks with YOUR palette. Soooo passionate about this product and yet no effort is put forth into utilizing it in a creative way to inspire your followers. But your depressed and fat so that shouldn't matter lmaoooo what a twat
No. 915185
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>>914925>>915116LOL. Really? Because after Shane's series #1 he claimed in a video about his "dark secrets" that they did in fact reconcile and are now pretty close even… And then followed up the story in some video(s) afterwards.
And then there was this tweet also.
Would be pretty ironic, if the GG story were the actual case though.
No. 915597
>>915192I mean, he hired his aunt to pretend to be his mom in pictures etc.
In older videos he often complained about his "bitch mom" or whatever he called her and said that his grandma raised him.
No. 915633
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It seems like at some point Shane changed the thumbnail and titles of at least one of his videos. Why though?
("The Failures of Shane & Jeffree" or whatever it was called is now "The Ugly Side of the Beauty World" with a new thumbnail - I think "The Dangerous World of Jeffree Star" is new as well.)
No. 915755
File: 1578613590330.jpg (47.88 KB, 604x464, 6cd4f35f76_69600992_o2.jpg)

>>915597What do you mean he " hired" i think he's uncle and aunt where the only family he had for awhile , he's real father committed suicide when he was a little kid , if I remember correctly he's mother was some kind of crackwhore , he used to say awful things about her in the my space era
No. 916191
>>916051>>916071Oh okay
Yeah idk much about weddings and the only one I’ve ever been to was a Christian wedding and nobody was really segregated since it took place at church.
No. 916281
>>916032>>916051>>916071Agreeing with anons who are saying they were sat together because they all know each other because duh but also adding the caveat that I would absolutely try and keep youtubers away from my friends and family if I was ever in that scenario.
I have a friend who's a youtuber (<500K) and I'll usually stay with her and her husband (also youtuber) at conventions and stuff. I can definitively say that sitting at a table with even one youtuber is a nightmare. Being a normie at a whole table of them? That shit suuuuucks. Striking up small talk is a nightmare because they're all too self-obsessed to remember how to talk about anything other than themselves/youtube/twitter. And they're never really interested in talking to anyone they can't network with anyways. So, quarantine them off for sure.
>>916191>>916260nta, but I think when anon says "segregated" they're just talking about a seating chart. Poor word choice for sure though.
No. 916417
>>916313Remember anon, all churches are cults filled with pedos
Why else would anyone want to get married at a cerimonious place where a preist would be
No. 916447
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This video isn't clickbait. Only watched the first minute though. Didn't cry or seem sad at all with the few seconds I saw
No. 916469
>>916453I'm not getting how Nate doesn't have enough privacy or downtime? All Nate has is Downtime, he's barely on camera and everytime he IS, it's because hes taking a picture or JEFFREE WANTS HIM THERE.
I wonder what will become of Nate?
Why did Nate/Jeffree delete his Instagram? What happened in Bora Bora?
What will Nate leave with? Does he keep his family home?
And the most important, WHEN WILL PEOPLE START HATING NATE. I can see the drama channels just waiting for Jeffree to give the go to start calling Nate a fucked up gold digger.
No. 916472
>>916466well, Nate's NOT going to have any privacy now unless he gets the fuck off the internet, because Jeffree stans are going to be out for blood.
So if Nate does have a lady friend or whatever, he better just stay off the internet.
No. 916479
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>>916455I saw this on Twitter but obv there's no receipts
No. 916487
>>916479I've seen this a lot of places, I really hope it does not turn into, "Nate is cheating" when it seemed like they haven't been togeather in an while.
Truth be told Nate deserves Peace, he does not have the power or control that Jeffree has. Jeffree could have people hating the ground he walks on if he wants too and Nate knows that. Hopefully, what Jeffree says is true and they are cool.
No. 916518
>>916516I would not be surpised if they became a throuple. That'd be the ugliest throuple/couple on youtube tho, no doubt.
jeffree "loves" to fix people, so maybe he'll make Shane shower.
but we have to remember, Jeffree "Gay Male" Star isn't into "gay men"
And Shane's bisexual but in an gay relationship, feel thats too gay for Jeffree.
He wants to be with a man whose only been with him and who he has to serve doeses of pussy and weed to deal with it.
gasp a gay man that may actually be into Jeffree.
No. 916521
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Saged because it isnt milk but jfc
No. 916560
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Of all the monstrosities going on around the world, and you choose to make #PrayForJeffee try to happen? His fans are delusional. Saged for no milk, just stupidity
No. 916574
>>916479That wouldn't surprise me if it's true though. He's straight and comes from a family that's from a conservative state. Finding some pro 2a gf is more up his alley.
>>916518Nobody will ever ask him on this too. He doesn't like gay men and doesn't want to date them. Yet except straight men to date him, a man. And still be considered straight.
Moving forward, I can Jeff being Shane's sugar daddy while Shane kisses his ass and praises him. Don't think they'll ever be in a relationship, just a trio
No. 916608
>>916447Ugh. This thumb nail just kills any sliver of sympathy I might have been able to dig up. Makes me not even want to watch it.
Hugging a teddy bear, wearing a full face of make up and “ugly crying”? Please. It’s all been dragged out for views, money and so people will buy his next gaudy launch of make up.
No. 916670
File: 1578788052251.gif (4.57 MB, 368x460, screenshot.gif)

This is why no one takes youtube or Jeffree serious.
No. 916672
File: 1578788262176.png (500.93 KB, 644x358, Capture.PNG)

Tag yourself, I'm the dog kek
No. 916675
>>916672I'm the bear struggling to get away.
>>916447I honestly can't believe this is a 17 minute long video that says nothing besides "we broke up." (Wait, I can believe it).
No. 916717
>>916714Are you taking an anons sarcastic post seriously…. yikes.
>>916577Nates into transgirls? Is that how he viewed J? Secretly, of course. Because J would never actually want to be a woman, he hates them way too fucking much. But he literally dresses and tries to act like a woman all the time.
No. 916811
>>916577the mannerisms of this girl fit jefree to a tee. I like how all the comments are just slamming her, but nate was being sus as fuck. Literally why would you keep follow/unfollowing them?
I thought they were a literally nobody but it turns out she hangs with Tana Mongoose and the big youtube cliques.
No. 916889
>>916856I cannot be convinced he was into Jeffree. I feel at best he has/had a fetish for transwomen/ladyboys, Jeffree probably told him that he could find a threesome partner, he may have choosen this person because they look/act similar to Jeffree & Jeffree shut that shit down, and this person put it on blast.
I 100% believe that Nate's going to be with an woman. Nate is clearly bisexual,and Jeffree knew he leaned more towards women, which is why he was giving him women. I just don't think he'd be with a man or Jeffree in a relationship had Jeffree that upgraded him from the very beginning.
Because Jeffree was NOT broke when him & Nate met, he just wasn't rich yet.
Jeffree claims before him Nate had NEVER been into men & I feel like it probably pissed Jeffree off that Nate was looking at this person.
TBH maybe a transwoman was as close as Nate could GET to the real thing, because he knew that possibly Jeffree would let him fuck a trans person alone but not a woman.
Someone said that Jeffree would sit in the room and watch Nate fuck women, but then he said they'd never had a threesome with a woman in that interview, when I could swear Jeffree has said that.
But it's Jeffree's fault people are suprised that Nate's not 100% straight (even though he's fucking a MAN) Nate never said he was straight, it was Jeffree. I think Nate just doesn't like men like that or like Jeffrees fetish for straight boys, he had a fetish for it.
No. 916894
>>916717>Nates into transgirls?Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge. That's why I don't think their relationship was fake, they're just both weirdos. Pretty sure Nate is the one who pushed for the threesomes and J* is so desperate for someone to love him, he'll do anything.
I have a feeling J is going to go full Yoko and do anything to get Nate back. And if Nate can't be convinced, J will start a smear campaign against Nate.
No. 916898
>>916894I still think it's fake. Nate could be into transwomen (which Jeffree isn't) sexually and not be into Jeffree. The dude looked miserable with Jeffree. I feel Nate felt trapped, both his and Jeffree's name is on his families home still, I'm not buying Nate owns ALL of the weed buiness and I wonder if I can find it if I looked.
I do kind of believe Jeffree started the threesomes for Nate because Jeffree did let it slip he's not into "group sex" and he said they'd NEVER had a woman in a threesome.
This sounds like him lying because he's ashamed that he had to have threesomes with women for Nate, and threesomes ARE group sex.
I think in the beginning he brought women for nate, but as they grew farther apart Jeffree brought men for himself.
No. 916914
>>916910If you ask me, someone needs to tell Jeffree what "Straight" means. Jeffree wanted Nate to be gay for HIM and give up women completely and I feel when Nate didn't, Jeffree tried to do what he could to keep him. If Nate used to only date women, but stopped to be with Jeffree a man, then in Jeffree's fucked up mind that made him "Straight but gay for me"
I remember Nate used to like a bunch of women's posts on Instagram.
No. 916915
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No. 917011
>>916670Their whole break up seems staged. They’ve been broken up for weeks but suddenly he goes silent for days to draw up speculations and now he’s uwu so sad look at my tears and don’t forget to swipe up /crycrycry
He’s just doing what he does best, staying in the spotlight. He’s got a new launch coming soon I imagine, and with all the shit that’s been happening with their company (messy pallets, false advertising, scandal scandal scandal) and people being rightfully pissed off about waiting 2 months for their order, he’s drumming up sympathy so his fans will forget about everything that’s happened, and focus on their break up.
Literally nothing seems to be changing between them? J is still supposedly going to see Nate and visit his family? They’re going to remain close? Yea ok. and I’m sure banging on the DL.
Watch them get back together this summer. Or J post vague shit about them or pictures like he did with nate’s back yesterday.
J is planning something and this is all the beginning. I’m curious if he will announce something BIG in the next week or two. Probably some docu series ~in the crazy life of Jeffree Star!
No. 917021
>>917007I said Nate is bisexual though? The person he was lusting after, I heard Jeffree sent a message to them saying they weren't their type, So I kind of feel like they've been fucking transwomen for a while. Who knows if Jeffree ever let Nate near a real woman?
Either way they are both idiots with fetishes and Nate's been liking pictures of women for a while now on instagram before.
No. 917051
>>917041I think it's in Nate & Jeffree's name, the family home that is. What other houses does Nate own?
Does anyone know the name of this weed business Nate owns?
No. 917090
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I got this from one of those tacky sites but this is what Jeffree was saying about the "Nate being with another woman" rumor, this was why Nate was at his house and why Jeffree posted the picture of Nate being a "Dog dad"
"“Also him and I both felt like it was necessary to show that he is actually at my house today, because there are a few media outlets reporting that Nathan is in another city with another girl”
And IM LOVING how this dude goes from, "We are proud dog dad's" too, "Another woman" so quickly. No. 917092
>>916910Nah, I think he genuinely just likes trans women. On his new insta he's mutuals with a trans sex worker and busy liking pics of her ass.
>>917023Maybe his new face doesn't cry.
No. 917093
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>>917090Here's the rest-
"“I’m like, you guys, do you think me and him want to date anyone else right now?
Do you think that’s on our minds? I’m on day 10 of crying my eyes out. So, that’s not what we’re thinking about right now. This is really rough. so I just wanted to put the records straight because people aren’t going to disrespect him, you’re not going to disrespect me…so I’m going to go say goodbye to him, he’s going to go say goodbye to the dogs, and I am going to take a big hit. ” No. 917094
>>917092It's funny he's going, "Do you think we want to date anyone else?"
And meanwhile Nate's liking pictures of ass he'd like to fuck.
No. 917114
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>>916894I've thought this for a while too but I didn't want to seem like i was defending their relationship as totally legit and romantic. I wonder if Nate was a porn-addled bisexual stoner who thinks traps aren't gay and whose sexual preferences have been made broader and weirder by porn and weed. He's too shy and normie to have some flamboyant sassy personality, which suits jeffree's needs just fine because he can act like nate is this super hetero jock that jeffree won by being speshul. Sometimes it seemed like Jeffree would insist on things like "i don't fuck nate he only fucks me!" or "nate likes women and ME" to protect nate's straight ego, but what if it was just to protect jeffree's ego? Maybe if Nate turned around and called J daddy and asked to be topped, J would be disgusted and refuse. Like a guy who loves desperately chasing girls around but then runs as soon as the girl returns the enthusiasm. Nate seemed trapped and miserable but he had a mlllion reasons to be other than being completely straight. Maybe he was once attracted to the younger, edgier Jeffree Star when he looked like pic related but was too stoned and tempted by money to really consider if he wanted to stick around for jeffree to become an aging man with botched plastic surgery and a watered down LA beauty guru personality.
No. 917161
>>917114Nate said that he was into trannies and ladyboys, before, so I have no idea why Jeffree made it seem like Nate went "gay" for him. Nate said that he had "thoughts" about it but where he was, there wasn't anyone like that. TO me it sounds like a hook up that went too far. Jeffree has always wanted a public "Straight" boyfriend. His dumb ass knows that any man in his Dm's is NOT straight, but he felt because Nate had never been with another man, that meant Nate never has been ATTRACTED to another man.
Like you said, Nate probably saw some old pictures Of jeffree, Jeffree was verified at the time, so he wasn't some nobody and he wasn't BROKE like he'd have everyone believe. Jeffree owned his buiness and probably had been talking to investors or probably had some already.
Jeffree probably threw himself at Nate & Bragged about what he had, because nate was just some skater who didn't have much, they met up, fucked, jeffree wanted Nate to move in, probably was telling him about all the money he'd make, what he could do for him etc. Nate moved in, Jeffree's buiness picked up and he immeditly started showering Nate and his family with gifts.
I don't think Nate looks at transwomen as anything more then a fetish, I don't think if Jeffree hadn't become very rich and didn't help Nate out before he became very rich, that nate would've stuck around. Jeffree made sure that as soon as he had money he trapped Nate. I do think Jeffree had to give Nate women and whatever he wanted to keep him because Nate seems like a fuck boy tbh. I think Nate knows he was just apart of Jeffree's image and he never wanted to go public with Jeffree.
But nate would've been a fool NOT to take the oppounity that Jeffree gave him and his family.
Right now if thats his real instagram, he seems like he's on a search to fuck whoever will let him and over the years whenever people accused nate of these things, it was always about sex. Jeffree always made it seem like a threesome thing, because JEFFREE hated that people felt Nate was anything but straight & gay for jeffree.
Jeffree has always had a straight boy thing, so I don't think Nate's afriad of his sexuality, I just think that Jeffree would'nt feel special if the guy he dated, liked transwomen. I can see Nate settling down with a woman if any will have him. I think what people tend to forget is jeffree isn't just a gay man, he's a very rich gay man who throws money at people.
So it's not crazy a bisexual man whose preference is women, would stick around someone like Jeffree. I do NOT think they are or were ever truly in love in a tradtional sense. I think they both loved what the other did for eachother.
Jeffree even said he's going to take a "hit" and I think he's talking about his image. Like who says that about a relationship? Jeffree has always tried to control Nate and seems like Nate's trying to get out of his control.
No. 917188
>>917161Very well said. This really seems like the most likely scenario. I dont think Nate was gay for pay, as in, doing something that did absolutely nothing for him sexually for pay, but I do think he was Jeffree's adoring true love dog dad for pay.
It's partly Jeffree's fault that the gay for pay rumor was so common. Sure some people straight up don't believe in male bisexuality, but anyone who does wouldn't necessarily have been suspicious if jeffree didn't exist on nate being fucking jeffreesexual and otherwise straight kek
No. 917331
Oh and apparently Nate unliked that Trans Pornstar's picture, LOL, I guess Jeffree told him to cut that shit the fuck OUT.
The more I look into Nate the shadier he becomes, I kind of want him to stay with men & transwomen, I hope no woman tries to clout chase thinking that Nate is going to be a decent man, who will take care of them.
He seems like an asshole, whose a cheater. Just like Jeffree, so I guess it makes sense why they were together so long, not only the money and the image, but they are just two assholes.
Nate's not really hot anyway, so the gays & trannies can have his scrub ass, don't nobody want what Jafar has touched except for clout chasing weirdos.
Plus I'm still not sure Nate truly OWNS anything. I can't find the weed business he owns, I think everything is still either in Jeffree's name or both of their names and Jeffree is STILL speaking for him.
They'll be back together soon
No. 917351
>>917332Jeffree says so many things, and people can just lie online(and often do), screenshots or imma say heresay.
There is no proof of Nate being into women, only being a tranny chaser(Jeffree relationship. That tranny on youtube he kept adding and removing on snapchat and IG. And the asian tranny pornstar that he follows mutually) I rest my case. He gay. Specifically a chaser, how embarrasing for Jeffree lol.
No. 917422
>>916525I don’t think he and Garrett were ever actually “hanging out” though? Jeffree wanted to fuck Garrett obviously, but I highly doubt anything ever actually came of that. Garett’s into guys like Andrew, Jeffree is like, the polar opposite of Garrett’s type.
Honestly always kind of wondered how much Jeffree had to do with Garrett seeming to distance himself from the Shane gang?
>>917331>They'll be back together soonNah, no fucking way. Just look at all of Jeffree’s previous “friendships” even. That dude doesn’t just burn bridges, he burns the entire city down.
It’ll be interesting to see how quickly the internet forgets him calling JC a predator, now that JS will be back on the prowl for young straight men again. And now he won’t have Nate as his cover for blatantly sexually harassing any man that enters his line of sight. Let’s not forget he had to pay the drama channels to say “it’s ok for Jeffree to say that about JC even though Jeffree has only ever displayed predatory inappropriate behavior to straight men because he and Nate are in LOVE, it’s different!!!”
>>917334Thanks anon. He also says some similar things in an older video where he talks about Nate (speaking for Nate that is, because of course Nate hasn’t corroborated any of this narrative or spoken for himself) I think the video is called “The Truth About My Relationship” or something. Same old spiel about “he didn’t even know designers you guys, therefore it’s all real and he loves me!”
No. 917426
>>917422Garrett did a podcast a while back where he talked about not really being impressed by the LA lifestyle and flexing and stuff like that. That is Jeffree's entire personality so I don't think he'd ever go there.
>>917351I could be wrong but I think his dick pics were leaked by a woman. I think he's bi.
No. 917466
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>>917427>>917161>>917351>There is no proof of Nate being into womenI mean, Jeffree himself says that Nate only ever dated women before him and always referred to him as "straight"? Why does it really matter anyways? He just seems like a dude willing to stick his dick in anything, which doesn't really need a fancy label. Let's just say "pan" and move on? The only person who was really trying to label it was Jeffree, and that was only so he could make sure EVERYONE knew how special he was "
Nate was totally 100% straight except for me you guys!!". You'd think if he was so butthurt by people calling Nate "gay for pay" he'd realize that he was the one painting that picture. But I guess being "special" was more important to him than Nate's image.
>>917426>Garrett did a podcast a while back where he talked about not really being impressed by the LA lifestyle and flexing and stuff like that. That is Jeffree's entire personality so I don't think he'd ever go there.This seems about right. The only reason I ever watched Shane in the first place was because of how much I liked Garrett, so I'm totally biased here but he seems like he's just genuinely a sweet nerdy dude, which Shane always gave him shit for. Between that and Shane constantly talking about own ed and bdd and Shane also basically ditching Drew, I think it was a pretty unhealthy friendship for Garrett. People have always been begging him for more videos, if his priorities were money and fame he could have just made more videos more frequently (instead of one every few months). Shane buys a $3 Million house and Garrett still basically lives in a shed in someone's backyard, so "the LA lifestyle and flexing and stuff like that" seems like a pretty obvious Shane (and probably Andrew for selling his soul) reference. Plus to back away from Shane and the group when he's bigger than ever? I think if he wasn't so clearly in love with Andrew he would have more or less totally cut them off by now.
Anyways, this turned into a Garrett appreciation post somehow. Here's a video where he made a Harry Potter PS1 costume that he only posted on twitter. He easily could have made this a whole youtube video and gotten that $adsense
No. 917473
>>917466Plus, I really think everyone (even Shane) views Jeffree as an entertaining rich freak. Someone you gawk at and watch, but you don't really want to have around or be around for to long because that's all he is, rich and a show.
>>917469I don't put it past Jeffree to not lose his shit if Nate does something he doesn't like. Jeffree may have loved Nate, but we've seen how nasty he can be when he feels betrayed.
I don't put anything past someone whose as Nasty as Jeffree, I stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt when he pulled what he did with James.
All it took was for someone to say James was talking shit, then Jeffree pulled out all the nasty things he could find to say, to ruin him.
Nate may not be able to say anything if he's under an NDA, plus Jeffree has always spoken for Nate so I'm not really, expecting Nate to say much.
Also people have been saying for years the relationship is fake and have given reasons why. I post a lot in this thread and I'm not thinking the relationship is fake or became fake because I want fuck boy nate, because thats what i feel.
No. 917476
>>917473james is direct competition to jeffree and has a huge fan base, not the same as nate. and apparently nate
has done some unsavoury stuff before but instead of exposing him jeffree just said their relationship was perfect etc. i see where you’re coming from but he has nothing to gain from dragging nate, not even followers or money the way he could get from dragging legit anyone else
No. 917478
>>917476While they were together Nate did somethings that could be seen as not so great (and so did Jeffree), but they aren't together.
Jeffree still seems to very much worried about what goes around about Nate and how it affects him, because he was just losing his crap about the "Malibu" rumor.
I feel if Nate does something Jeffree doesn't like and it hurts his feelings Jeffree's going to act as he has to everyone who does things he doesn't like and hurts his feelings.
In fact, he has more reasons to lash out at Nate, someone he's taken care of for years if he feels betrayed because it's a matter of the heart.
No. 917482
>>917466God Garrettis such a cute dork.
I always liked how him Morgan/Andrew vibed together.
I hope Andrew isnt a lost cause but you never know. He probably gets paid decent to do half ass work, so I don't see him worming himself out from under Shane's stomach anytime soon.
No. 917887
>>917466I love Garret and Drew but I never really got the impression that Shane intentionally neglected them or was disrespectful in real life. They both have their own issues with mental health and they are way less comfortable socializing other YouTubers or celebrities. Drew shows up in Shane’s stories once in a while so they’re still friends.
People still arguing about Nate’s sexual orientation? Lol. He’s simply a gynephile, that type of bisexual that’s into women and feminine-presenting males. As long as he’s “the man” in the relationship, he’s good. But now Jeffree is just too big and powerful compared to when they met, so maybe Nate kept feeling more emasculated over time and left behind. I know he was constantly stoned but he never seemed excited about anything or showed much of a personality. Just going along with his mommy Jeffree. I think he did like Jeffree but things went very fast and he was in over his head. I 100% believe all that threesome business was just to get Nate to stay longer.
There were lots of rumors that Nate was already chaser even before meeting Jeffree so don’t expect that dude to settle down with a nice normal girl and have a family anytime soon, though. He’ll get back in younger trans girl DMs.
No. 918086
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>>917880I was wondering when she was going to try and claw her way into all of this in her usual unprofessional way. How has she not lost her license yet?
>Kati also specializes in ED stuff but is fine doing a video with a girl clearly relapsing?But also just seems pretty bold of her considering Kati's involvement with the Jaclyn/Eugenia shit, remember? (Had to go back to the previous thread to find it, cause I already forgot). I wonder if they had to wait for the heat to die down on that before collabing? Timing just seems really random. You'd think Eugenia's mom would throw a fit.
>>917964>>918050It's just nitpicking at this point, it literally doesn't matter? Can we just move on?
No. 918087
>>917880>>918086Looks like she they also did this one last week
>How To Help Someone Struggling With Mental Healthlmao ok Kati, ok Eugenia.
No. 918215
>>918087Blogpost, inb4 b& (which I'll accept, I feel this is on-topic and adds some insight others may not have from personal experience).
Honestly, I don't have a problem with this video.. Yeah, I agree, Kati's intentions may potentially not be the most pure (who knows, we're not in her head), but between this and the make-up video (which Kati was obviously not feeling but seemed to do her best to make Eugenia feel good lol), it appears that Kati is trying to be a positive, mentally healthy influence on Eugenia and improve her mental state. I agree with a lot of what was said in this video as someone who suffers from treatment resistant depression due to epilepsy.
I wasn't born with it, I developed it in my mid-teens, and there's only so much venting about a permanent situation one can do. It's a terrible condition that doesn't go away and usually gets worse the more seizures you have. To others and to my family, I don't wanna talk about it 24/7 (or have it be my identity).
But just because I don't wanna talk about it or may be in a reclusive episode (or am not feeling well health-wise), distant and depressed, like Eugenia and Kati said in the video, doesn't mean I don't want basic human contact and love. It got to a point where my parents were literally asking me everyday how I was feeling every time they saw me (which was 20+ times a day, it became suffocating), and that got incredibly frustrating and annoying so when I asked them to treat me normal and have normal conversations with me like everyone else, and to please stop approaching the situation like this, as if I wanted to talk about it, I'd bring it up; They took deep offense to this (despite me being polite, explaining myself, and explaining how it's a constant reminder that brings me down, nothing personal) and decided to stop caring/asking about me/my life altogether, along with not speaking to/engaging with me period, to this day.
Just reaching out and being there for someone, spending time with them and letting them know they're loved is important, helps give them the strength to move on in life, and I really agree with this video, especially a few parts like this 5:54:
>"People don't always need someone to talk about what's happening, we just need someone to be there. Even if you don't have the right words to share with them, you can just show up, and a lot of people need people to just show up for them".I agree with this immensely tbh, and I don't see the harm of this video. Therapy is incredibly important, but if someone is emotionally drained and has no energy to open mental wounds that are incapacitating them because of their situation and feel like no-one will understand or be able to help, you can't just stick them in therapy (in my experience), while they're in a situation/episode like this and expect for it to work. They need to be shown love, feel loved, and thought of. Those are the things that give people the strength to go to therapy and tackle their demons or attempt to get better: "I'm not worthless; people care about me, if I don't want to try for myself, I at least owe it to those who unconditionally love and care about me to get better, and be the best person I can for them".
No. 918317
>>918117>>918215I think you may be missing the point why this collab weirds some people out.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with being a mentally healthy influence to someone, especially someone being that deep in denial of their actual situation. Splendid, IF Kati INDEED has the proper means to be helpful to someone like that.
However, the weird part is that after that whole 5150/rehab saga, Eugenia completely cut Jaclyn & co off and called them "bullies" and shady people or some other nonsense for setting up the intervention, when it's been proven that Kati HERSELF was part of that same group who set it all up. So her ex-besties are all "bullies" and Kati somehow isn't? Logic? And like another anon mentioned, how come Eugenia's mom ain't mad this time around?
No. 918365
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I know blind items are just rumours kek but we're all speculating anyways. I mean the women part is obvious but the racism part is interesting.
No. 918856
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>>918365God, obviously just pure gossip but could you imagine? If Nate turns out to be the only one in the entirety of the Youtube makeup/drama community to have any principles? What a dream that would be. Jeffree's probably got him up to his neck in NDAs either way.
>>918622>>918696>The only reason it's not in public eye anymore is Shane 'redeemed' him>because everyone knows he isSpeaking of his notoriously shady behavior….are we safe here to talk about how it's not at all unlikely he was the one fucking with Nikkie? It just seems perfectly plausible to me, it totally fits his MO. He doesn't need money anymore, literally all he cares about at this point is having dirt on people and being the one and only center of attention. It's clear he can't stand the idea of having "peers", his insistence that Nate was ONLY gay for him and his attempt to destroy JC are proof of that. The YT Beauty thread immediately filled with deflecting and defaming spergs the second Jeffree was brought up as a possibility, as per usual. Besides, without Nate or Shane around or any of the other relationships he's destroyed, he must be running out of people to feel he has power over all alone in his giant empty house. Not saying "it could only be Jeffree!!" or anything like that, but you'd be stupid to not consider him a suspect. Who knows if we'll ever actually find out, but it'd be hilarious if it did turn out to be him, because that would mean it totally backfired on him and now Nikkie's the center of attention instead of him and his breakup.
Pic unrelated, just very stupid.
No. 918857
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>>918856Full pic. I'd say he looks like he's spiraling out post-breakup, but he literally wears his dumb tracksuit (PJs) everyday anyways. I wonder if he's trying to pull a "Shane depression robe" moment though. (He's wearing the robe in another pic he posted the next day too)
No. 919027
>>918985The owners sister also made comments about the trans thing 'not being the only thing she's hiding' I think it's likely too faced, though it's be total career suicide.
J* is shitty, and he probably did know about Nikki being trans, but seeing as he's in the LGBT community I cannot see he'd gain anything at all from publicly 'exposing' her
No. 919033
>>919027I also don't think that Jeffree blackmailed her. Why would he want to expose her when he's getting the most attention right now because of his breakup? (Well, was) If he blackmailed her, then into not saying anything right now so he can stay #1 drama subject.
If Too Faced was the one blackmailing her, then Jeffree's partly at fault because he was the one starting that fight.
If he didn't go public about Nikki's contract, without her permission, that Too Faced sibling team wouldn't have gone crazy.
I think after that Nikkie learned her lesson to not trust Voldemort.
>>918857Covered in minks, fuck this guy. Having a cruelty free brand doesn't mean shit if you're wearing fur.
No. 919056
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did yall see the post showing that that coat is made from real fur
No. 919078
>>918946>homophobic afFuck off
Tho i agree that discussing his sexuality is fruitless since it all falls down to the individual, us saying our own opinions will only stay as our opinions
Also its boring as fuck
No. 919139
>>919033Ah, that’s right, so all paths do lead back to Jeffree in the end. I agree on the TooFaced stuff since that’s now come out, I’ll have to reread the history of that, but what exactly would be their motivation there? Like, just to keep her quiet about shitty contract stuff? I would kind of assume the contracts and legal stuff she entered into would keep that door closed, was the contract about to end or something I wonder?
>>919027>but seeing as he's in the LGBT communityAgree on the TooFaced theory, but Jeffree is definitely not in the LGBT community, he just looks like someone who would be. Dude hates everyone except for straight white men, and his fanbase is mostly straight white girls. That and historically most of the people he’s started feuds with have been LGBT
>James Charles>MannyMUA>Gabriel Zamora>Nikita Dragun>Jerrod Blandino>And other smaller gay youtubers(or women or people of color, basically anyone outside of his beloved young fit cishet white dudes).
>I cannot see he'd gain anything at all from publicly 'exposing' her>Why would he want to expose her when he's getting the most attention right now because of his breakup? (Well, was) If he blackmailed her, then into not saying anything right now so he can stay #1 drama subject. I mean, again I think it’s probably TooFaced but just for the sake if argument: that’s not how blackmail works? The point was that Nikkie was never supposed to do this if all went according to the plans of whoever was blackmailing her. The blackmail would have been
>do x or else we’ll expose your secret that you’re trans!not
>expose on your secret on your own terms in your own way that you’re comfortable in, or else we’ll do x!That’s what I mean about it completely backfiring on whoever it was. She completely destroyed that leverage and gave herself a giant sympathetic spotlight by doing it herself. This is honestly the worst possible outcome for whoever it was.
Besides, there’s never any real rhyme or reason to Jeffree’s drama. What does he get from turning James and Tati on each other? What does he get from destroying little youtubers who pose no threat to him in any way? What does he get from destroying his own fans on twitter who then grovel and beg for his forgiveness? He just can’t stand the idea of anyone being even remotely as successful as he is, and I think he just does it just for the thrill of fucking with people’s lives and feeling superior to them. He’s got all the money and success and attention in the world, I think that’s the only thing that gets him off anymore otherwise why not just fuck off with all his money and live a private life? It’s why he’s always constantly bragged about married straight men and celebrities wanting to fuck him, he needs to feel superior to their wives and the concept of women.
The only reason he pulled the Nikkie/TooFaced shit in the first place was because he already hated and was feuding with Jerrod Blandino, he didn’t do it to defend Nikkie’s honor or anything like that. He just wanted more ammo and saw Nikkie had it so he stole it from her and probably got her into this whole mess in the first place just so he could feel superior to TooFaced for one more day. If Jeffree wasn’t the one to do it himself out of boredom and post-breakup loneliness then he’s probably energized and raring to go to jump into another fight with TooFaced now under the guise of “defending Nikkie uwu”
No. 919306
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I don't know if this is nitpicking or not, but this strikes me as so weird. When most people want to tweet a silly thing about what they're eating….they post a picture of it in their hands or in their cart or something, anything that shows they have it IRL. Who the fuck tweets a google imagine stock photo of that shit?
It just all feels so weird. Like the "cookie dough" and the "robe"
>>919056 the teddy bear
>>916672 the single tear
>>916670 it's like he's an alien masquerading as a human going through a breakup and he's trying to mimic what he's seen but he's not quiiiiite getting it.
It feels equally as weird as him posting a picture of "Nate" from behind not showing his face, as "proof" he's at home with their dog children uwu and not out fucking around while Jeffree's out of town post-breakup like all the gossip says. Even if it is Nate at the time Jeffree was saying it was….did he have someone stationed inside the house to make sure Nate was there? Like who took that picture and sent it to Jeffree if it was taken while he was out of town? They couldn't have taken a picture from the front or even with the dogs since they're claiming he was being a "dog dad"? It just all feels so extra phony, even by Jeffree standards.
No. 919322
>>919319he's white trash of course he only eats shit.
im surprised he doesn't eat straight out of a can.
No. 919355
>>919306This seems like a holdover from his MySpace scene days when most of the kewl kidz swore they only ate sweets.
At the time, a young Shane Dawson probably thought "now why can't I do that???"
No. 919720
>>919704LGBT ≠ part of the LGBT community
Just like being a woman doesn’t automatically make you a feminist or being black does automatically mean you’re in the NAACP or BLM.
You can be a woman and be misogynistic, you can be black and be racist, you can be gay and be homophobic (just look at any politician heyoooooo). Jeffree has straight up said he doesn’t like gay men, and at this point he’s really spent more time trying to destroy people who do represent the LGBT community than helping in any way. He just gets credit for it because of his appearance despite doing very little to further the plight of LGBT people (unless Shane has a camera pointed at his face).
>And what does being gay have to do with the black community lmaoNothing, I was just reminding you that he hates black people as well. They are both minorities though. His interests much more closely fit the demographic of a Trump voter incel than anything LGBT, because his only interests seem to be attractive cishet white men ages 18-24 and 24-34 who smoke weed (and he fits everything in that category was well except for the “het” part).
Go back to sperging in the Youtube Beauty thread, we’re not interested here.
No. 920083
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Nates Instagram says he’s in Michigan. Which is definitely believable because his story is of snow. Makes me wonder if they’re really over. 1/2
No. 920084
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No. 921464
>>919306you're being autistic and yes it's nitpicking
a quick google search showed those products just got announced. He's not making a post like "i am eating these right now" it's "i am looking forward to eating these in the future"
No. 921470
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>>921399They go over the most interesting part that they showed for the original vlogumentary the person that broke into their yard. And then some bloopers.
To be fair this actually something that is scary.
No. 921475
>>921399watched it and it’s really not worth it
It’s just deleted scenes from his series and it just exemplifies how money hungry he actually is
the only real point of interest is the home invasion - some guy is lurking around their property and bangs on the windows in the house. the police arrest him and find him carrying a bag full of drugs. It’s mostly just Shane freaking out and going “ohmygod” as usual, then goes into him buying a new security system.
To break it down, it goes through:
- the home invasion
- bloopers from the first two episodes (mostly talking about expensive things like private jets, money, and sucking j* off)
- a rejected face palette idea
- going through a whole box of PR from fenty and adding up the retail value of the products (over $1200). Shane of course mentions that he’s on a ton of cosmetic brands’ PR lists now.
- bloopers from episode 3 & 4. j* is gross & creeps on the Dolan twins and also shades Kat Von D.
- more stuff about Morgan and they literally play the same footage of j* preaching about how fake everyone is and how he hates partying and drinking and is such a good boy. just mostly talk abt how most beauty gurus are rude entitled social climbers. and apparently morgan hangs out with Tana now - great influence Shane!
- Shane has a “beauty room” now full of (assuming) free products he got in PR that’s bigger than most people’s collections.
- dramageddon. literally just shows a thumbnail of Tati’s follow up video to Bye Sister and Shane tells all the beauty gurus to shut up.
- talk about Jaclyn Hill’s lipsticks and how it’s so bad. j* sucks his own dick some more about how he handles business so well and is much better at handling things than other top beauty gurus.
- turns out Shane mixed carmine into the shade he mixed himself and it had to be reformulated so that’s why it’s so ugly but it’s vegan.
it wasn’t so much a “deleted scenes” reel so much as it was “ppl are calling us out on stuff and we need to cover our asses but here’s some clips of j* saying weird things in between”
No. 921733
>>921475>footage of j* preaching about how fake everyone is and how he hates partying and drinking and is such a good boy.Yeah sure, he had no problem doing these things when he still got invited to parties and brand trips.
Truth is, no one likes Voldemort and he simply just doesn't get invited.
He's legit just that dumb bitch from highschool, that always had to nag about everything anyone said until no one liked her anymore.
"Pffft, I don't care about your stupid party. I hate parties anyway" No. 921909
>>921733He's litteraly the hoes that complain about hating drama but are the ones causing all of it
Its pathetic
I really wish he wasn't able to find a platform where he could have millions of yes-men who praise all the fucked up shit he does
No. 923576
>>923230I mean, not sure if recently but they definitely used to. Kinda makes sense, they're both idiots clinging to Shane for relevance.
>>923097>will his thread ever be revived/remade?…no? We already have this one and the Beauty Youtube one why the fuck would we need THREE Jeffree threads? (Though don't even try to bring him up over there unless you want to get harassed). Jeffree has no life outside of Shane now, and Shane barely has one outside of Jeffree, so this IS the Jeffree thread. I don't see why we couldn't talk about vintage Jeffree milk, just sage it maybe? I certainly don't object to anything that makes it so he can't continue to sweep all his old bullshit under the rug.
No. 928250
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Shane’s back to making dollar store-Alex Jones videos but not on his main channel
God I hope shaneglossin becomes his infowars channel kek
No. 928319
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Shut up, Shane.
No. 928558
>>928552Lol its literally just a bunch of clips of fatasses screaming about how the ice cream machine is broken, does shane realize that its mainly just a meme about how much everyone complains?
I know his conspiracies were always shit but at least before he also knew that they were as well, just like the other hour long conspiracies series it became shit when he started taking it serious and thought he was uncovering real conspiracies when half the stuff he covers is obviously fake and the stuff that might hold any reason for realness is just stuff that no one would care about
No. 928722
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>>928618because it RUINED his life anon!!! Really some "Welcome To My Twisted Mind" shit huh.
No. 930314
>>929890>>929968Honestly I doubt this. Adderall/Meth/Speed is a big time appetite suppresser, if he was abusing Adderall we'd see a rapid and significant weight loss. He'd be like, 90's thin in no time. (Which is when everyone was doing Speed as a "diet" pill)
I also have a hard time believing he'd be getting SO little done for so long if he was abusing adderall. I feel like he'd be churning out a series every other month if this was the case, instead of sitting on his ass 10 months out of the year. Xanax? Maybe.
No. 930325
>>930314Over time after the initial weight loss with adderall, when you’ve been abusing it for years on end it’s pretty common to gain weight.
Users will binge thousands of calories(usually fattening food that’s full of complex carbohydrates) after a come-down. After the initial honeymoon phase with the drug, the initial improvements it had are no longer there and the user’s physical/mental health vastly deteriorate. They stop exercising and become lethargic and once a tolerance builds high enough, the appetite suppressant side effects subside (same with meth), no matter how much they take, they can eat/sleep on it etc. (not to blog but, I’ve witnessed people gain weight due to prolonged use/abuse of prescription amphetamines firsthand)
Iirc Shane admitted to being prescribed adderall in a vid or two from 1-2 years ago so it’s very possible.
No. 930911
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>>930907Interesting timing, because this was posted in BGC just a day ago…I wonder if someone knew this was going to be released today? (I don't follow him so ignore my tinfoil if he announced the date himself). But, apparently he at one point was going to do a line called "Lipstick Nazi"? As per usual with irrefutable Jeffree receipts, it didn't really take.
Considering this was his Myspace days find it much more likely that this was just him trying to be an idiot edgelord than an actual Nazi. But that doesn't really make it any better imo, truly unacceptable and his blatant racism doesn't help. Unreleased or not, how stupid do you have to be to think this was ever a good idea? Someone with a single brain cell or a 3rd grade education must have informed him it was maybe a bad idea, but not before he bought the "lipsticknazi" domain. No. 930913
File: 1581444132103.jpg (650.62 KB, 2154x2579, fya2w7stgzf41.jpg)

>>930911Sorry, samefag but I just noticed the
>Take anything. You die.That's so fucked up. Here's the ~wacky tabloid graphic~ from BGC. Leave it to BGC to think "Jeffree said he wasn't racist but UMMM he's lying??" is a necessary part of the argument.
Sauce: but Does seeing the "BOY" milk make anyone else nostalgic for vintage Felice Fawn milk? She was the first one I remember being called out for wearing BOY logo stuff.)
No. 930916
>>930325also afaik it doesn't make food inedible/repulsive necessarily, it just makes you not hungry, so someone who's emotionally addicted to food like shane might not stop eating just because he has no apetite, no?
>>930911agree with everything you said. nazi jokes were fairly common with scene kids because they had the same edgy shock value as other gore imagery scene kids used. using it as a registered brand name shows some next level delusion though. did he think that because he and his little circle "get it" enough people around the world will "get it" and want to buy it too? very childlike way of thinking
No. 930929
>>930911I agree it's more of him being an edgy idiot entrenched in Myspace era alternative culture and "anti-PC" humor than anything considering actual nazis would have him killed for being gay, but it's clearly an extremely stupid, thoughtless, and callous move to make as a public figure and as a potential branding move. Obviously also adds to the argument that he is or was racist, did and said racist things without caring and it wasn't just in the heat of the moment one time he was being bullied. Racist epithets were his reaction because this type of thing was his whole mind and persona at the time.
A lot of impressionable and dumb edgy emo and scene teens were like that during those years, but he was already an adult.
No. 931112
>>930907so much about this launch is ridiculous, it just reeks of cash grab
also: soft touch plastic (mirror) and the gigantic ('slim'?? in what world) velvet box are going to get filthy lightning-fast even in a well maintained collection
No. 931268
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>>930911…has anyone pointed out that this might not be Jeffree star? Are those for sure him in the picture? Because two seconds of googling taught me that “Lipstick Nazi” was the name of an edgy MySpace-era band (you can listen to their song “pink monster” on YouTube still) and one of the members is named Steven Joseph / Steven Brite and dude looks just like jefffree, like skinwalkiing him. Are those pics maybe or Steven? Cause LipstickNazi is definitely a band, I don’t see any proof that was a brand name for makeup..
Pic related there’s also quite a few more on google of Steven
No. 931271
>>931268Those photos are definitely Jstar. I remember these from MySpace days. And there’s other photos of him with that same make up look (blue eyeshadow, pink contour) that you can quickly find on google.
I don’t ever remember lipstick nazi being a thing- not defending him at all. I can’t stand Jstar lol. But these look like tacky terrible photoshops. I’m curious if they are actually legit or just some weird smear attempt.
I’d love to see him finally get what he deserves, but I don’t think this is it. Going to take a lot more than some cringy edgelord images with swastikas.
No. 931279
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>>931268>Because two seconds of googling taught me thatNo it didn’t. If you google “lipstick nazi” they don’t show up anywhere. I even googled “lipstick nazi band” and scrolled a few pages, they don’t show up anywhere. Even if you look up “lipstick nazi” on youtube to find the song you’re talking about there’s only one result and it’s several videos down with less than 2k views. That song was posted on youtube in 2011, and the website archive is clearly from 2005 and earlier and even then all of the comments on the song are accusing him of ripping of Jeffree.
Even if you google “lipsticknazi” what actually shows up in two seconds are that all the top results are Jeffree, including this livejournal fan page from 2005 that distinctly calls him “the lipstick nazi”.
No. 931281
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>>931279And if you go back even farther on the website archive, it specifically says it all belongs to Jeffree and he goes as fas as to define himself as lipstick nazi. (Sorry for
mobile caps)
By Jeffree standards, this is a pretty sad attempt at diverting/a scapegoat. You definitely would have had to have done quite a bit of googling to come up
with that one or already know who that dude was. But by all means, take it to Reddit though, they’re the ones who brought it up.
>>931271>But these look like tacky terrible photoshops. I’m curious if they are actually legit or just some weird smear attempt.Nope. If you look at OP
>>930911 the web archive link is posted for the “lipsticknazi” domain, those pics are archived on the site from 2005. Helluva long game for someone to shoop pics of Jeffree 15 years ago (when Jeff was apparently using the moniker of lipstick nazi) only to reveal them now. Also we know he lurks here, and has used the “idk seems fake/definitely shooped” defense before in the face of evidence, so don’t give him or his cronies any ideas.
No. 931417
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No. 931418
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>>931417He's having a nightmare
No. 931430
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What jeffree really wants
No. 932477
File: 1581790604675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,173.2 KB, 827x1368, EQ0dU-WX0AE2LAp.jpeg)

Say goodbye to your career, Ryland.
No. 934195
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uwuwu don't you dare to criticize anything about me or i cry uwuwuwu
No. 934309
>>934298Yeah it’s shitty but he’s a grown ass adult man who has been on YouTube, behind a camera, for years. Oh no some one called a middle aged adult man fat. Woman get criticized for their looks all the time. They didn’t even say it to him, they made a
valid comment on the situation. Dude needs to grow a pair, people suffer through a lot worse daily. He is extremely blessed with what he has and is still crying about stupid shit.
No. 934327
>>934195This manchild has more money and support then 95% of the population to get his health, mind and shit togeather.
He finds ONE mean comment out of a thousand sucking his small cock and whines about it. I don't give a shit about his eating disorder, so the fuck what? He could actually DO something about it.
He has more then the average person. I know he's human, I know it's harsh, but there's people everyday with mental illness, eating disorders etc. who no one gives a fuck about.
But this youtuber whose worth millions, is putting a commenter on blast for criticizing him? If they find this comment, no doubt this person is going to feel worst then Shane has ever felt and get attacked because they made a slightly
mean comment about a millionare.
I have zero sympathy for someone who has more then enough to attempt to help himself but does nothing and wants his dick sucked verbally by tweens, teens and young adults who deal with worst shit then him.
not to mention these dumb asses spend their last sometimes in "Support" for shane. Fuck him.
No. 935432
>>934195The thing about this is like, yeah that is like an undeniably shitty thing to hear over and over but the problem is he doesn't ever do anything about it? I hate when people whine about something and make no effort to fix it. Especially in someone like Shane's case where he has all the free time and money in the world to do something about it and still choses to whine about it on twitter instead.
What's stopping him from making a lifestyle change? He has money, time, resources, and Ryland seems to be at least moderately active (he talks about going to the gym/yoga and walking the dogs all the time in his/Shane's vids). So like…..just turn off your phone and get out and fucking walk your dogs once a day? If you're going to sit on your ass and watch youtube all day do it on an exercise bike or a treadmill? Not like he can't afford it.
Also I totally agree with this person, it's not just Shane's fault because everyone around him enables him, he's just in an echo chamber. Even Kati uwu Morton who is supposedly an expert in ED would rather use him for views on her channel than actually get him the help he clearly needs (though she had no problem doing the same for Eugenia too). And his followers enable him with this shit too because you know if he gets 9.7k replies 90% of those will be
>omg no ur perfect!!!!>u deserve a break :((>omg no ur right u should drink 75 sodas a day, u deserve it!!!>31 year old man who doesn't bathe or change clothes for weeks on end uwu 2 precious 4 this world just a babie uwu No. 935455
>>935432I think him being in such a privileged position might be one of the reasons why he doesn't seem to make an effort to get better.
Other people who suffer from mental illnesses have to make a living by working on a regular basis, so they have to function and in order to function they have to make much more of an effort to take care of themselves.
He can afford to just not work for months, he doesn't have to leave the house if he doesn't want to, he's, as you said, surrounded by yes men and people who enable him and he has all the time in the world to ruminate and to partake in unhealthy behaviour.
I get that it makes him feel uncomfortable to show himself on video. But I think having a regular (upload) schedule might be much more beneficial long term for him, mentally and physically, even if it might make him feel worse initially.
But that won't happen because he doesn't just have a small circle of enablers but literally millions of people who do that.
His privilege might be one of the reasons why he won't ever get better, ironically, whereas others can't afford to take care of their mental illnesses because they lack the resources.
Also him being mentally ill and the behaviours that come with that are kind of his shtick, because it's soooo ~relatable~ ME OMG lol xD, so maybe that's stopping him as well. His fans love him for that, they don't want to see him get better even if they take pity on him, simply because it's entertaining to them.
No. 935543
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Sage because this thread doesn’t really care about Eugenia anymore but Shane is a piece of shit for this. He’s probably one of the only people that could get her help/give her tough love in a way she might listen but he chooses to publicly enable her. Again I know she’s a dead topic but it sucks that in the near future we’ll wake up to a news story that she starved herself to death at age 25
No. 935549
>>935543This is such a nitpick. Whatever she wears won't make a difference, that's completely true. Shane is just trying to be nice about her efforts.
If he's not trying to encourage recovery behind the scenes then hes enabling, but this tweet isn't it.
No. 935785
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>>932477Shane responded to us again kek
No. 935828
>>935785this digusting piglet with his tiny shrimp dicklet has childern/teens following him and he seems like he's getting off to the fact people "felt" Ryland was waiting for his tiny dick to enter him.
The reason Ryland has to fart that way, is because when Shane's jerking off to
shady porn and eating cheetos with cum covered fingers, Rylands getting his asshole blown out by huge black cocks.
All jokes aside, fuck Shane, he's gross, no one cares about ur sex life. No one thinks you and Ry are going to last more then a year or so married.
You are a fuck head, who is thristy for validation every moment of ur life.
No. 935842
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>>935785it's cuz we're not REAL FANS u guise
No. 935852
>>935785I have a theory Shane hates Ryland and is always trying to embarrass him. Be it with his awful thumbnails, horrible insta photos or the bullying him and Andrew do to Ryland thru editing. Altho I think Andrew actually prefers rylands company and Shane just pays him.
Shane is
toxic and insecure
No. 935894
>>935852>Altho I think Andrew actually prefers rylands company and Shane just pays himWell yeah could you blame him? Imagine if you had to stand downwind of and be locked in a room editing with someone who refused to bathe or brush their teeth or change their clothes and only ate Chipotle and shitty diet soda, and that dude is your boss. Not only that but then you're forced to hang out with Jeffree all day every day who does nothing but blatantly sexually harass you and talk about cum all day. Morgan is somehow lazier and whinier than all of them combined, and every time Andrew and Morgan are in a frame together their fans spergs out about them secretly dating (which is an insult to Andrew imo). Ryland's the closet one to a human being in that house and even then he does shit like this
>>932477As much as he's probably getting paid now I'm sure Andrew misses when Garrett was around and they were all just making those fun silly low-stakes videos together. Everything Shane makes him do now opens him up to criticism and hate from the internet, and he and Garrett are clearly genuinely friends who enjoy hanging out together. (good for Garrett for backing off tho that was clearly an unhealthy relationship)
No. 935920
>>935497Fucking lol'd, bless you anon I needed that
>>935852Is there an actual date on their wedding? I'm surprised they're not already milking a wedding planning series for the wedding of one of the biggest YouTubers of all time, but I'm sure they will soon
No. 936972
>>933845Its interesting to note how everytime shane says 'I love you' to ryland he never replies with an 'I love you back', he either just ignores it or continues the conversation.
I would get it if he was camera shy but he's clearly not and loves the attention. Idk its just really sad and painful to watch everytime it gets ignored lol
No. 937710
>>937398it was really sad to see how excited and proud Ryland was to show them the outfit he had spent days creating, only for them to mock him pretty harshly and look unimpressed.
talk about unsupportive future husband…
No. 937818
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why am i not surprised these are what Jeff’s fans are like? damn bitch just buy the hot topic one to replace it they’re the same thing anyways
>>937686oh yeah? good for him, i’ll have to check that out. garret was the only one worth watching in that group anyways, i hope he’s doing better mental health-wise
No. 937822
>>937818When you put more value on your shit make up than the well-being and positive upbringing of a child that you brought into this shitty world.
I bet good money that iPad parents her toddler more than she does.
No. 938021
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How mad do you all think Jeffree is that Nate's posting his first thrist trap? I would say Nate looks better, but he has such a HUGE head. Nate's also seems to be a chaser and everytime I look at him, I think of that rumor that his brother and he fucked Nikita togeather.
I just find something so slimey and gross about Nate. Seems like such a fuck boy, but he did fuck jeffree for years so makes sense he's kind of gross.
No. 938074
File: 1582848273037.jpg (54.18 KB, 724x425, tttttt.JPG)

>>938062Just a rumor from Guru Gossiper via reddit, probably not true, kind of feels true. Mainly because Nate is a chaser (seems to have a fetish for transwomen) and Nikita is very very very thristy. Probably not true but everytime I see Nate I think of him fucking Nikita with his brother which makes me feel kind of sick.
However, Nate does seem kind of gross so i could see it happening. Nothing confirmed tho.
No. 938691
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Shane still follows this guy
No. 938778
>>938074>slapped balls with his brotherCursed visual
Idk if it's true but I can see nikita suggesting it
>>938691Ew why
No. 938852
>>938074r/bgc is an absolute pile of shit i wouldn't trust anything that comes from there
>>938783some conspiracy theorist far right incel who thinks muh jews and moslemics are ruining western culture. the usual dropped on the head as a baby retard stuff.
apparently shane said he follows him for his 'conspiracy theories' but literally all of his 'theories' are 1) stupid as fuck 2) misogynistic/racist/whatever. what more would you expect from shane though
No. 941333
>>938852>>938778>>938074agree that bgc isn’t the most reliable but tbh all of that sounds totally believable
can you imagine how angry jeff would be if both his ‘straight’ boyfriend and his ‘straight’ brother had a threesome with an lgbt person that wasn’t jeffree? if NIKITA was the one a ‘straight’ guy wanted to fuck when jeffree was right there? being fuckable to ‘cishet’ white men and making sure everyone knows it is the only thing jeffree cares about in life
i can’t imagine there would be anything that would make jeffree more insane than that because it ruins his ‘perfect cishet bf that is definitely straight and only fucks me because i’m so special and irresistible to straight men uwu’ narrative that he’s so obsessed with
also jeffree goes so far out of his way to call things fake news or shooped when there’s rumors about him or people show receipts it’s sus that he wouldn’t do that if this was a rumor going around
because he has no problem calling it fake when it’s a rumor nate is with another woman (bc that still fits his narrative) but he would definitely go out of his way to make sure something like that was buried as deep as possible because even the rumor of nate being anything other than 100% straight ruins it
idk, the more i think about it the more believable it seems
No. 942352
>>942031This was probably the most boring series he has ever done
Litteraly nothing happened except him talking about the weight gain comment and showing off belonged shit, it was so boring
No. 946532
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few days old now, but apparently shane is claiming that he (& in turn, his little group + j*) already HAD the coronavirus a month or two ago. just reeks of having to insert himself personally into another situation …
No. 946535
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>>946532as far as I know it doesn't look like j* has commented, which you'd think he would if there was reason to believe him AND his assistant were previously infected
No. 946559
>>946536there is a rvp. it tests for:
Influenza A
Influenza A H1
Influenza A H3
Influenza A 2009 H1N1
Influenza B
Respiratory Syncytial Virus A
Respiratory Syncytial Virus B
Parainfluenza Virus 1
Parainfluenza Virus 2
Parainfluenza Virus 3
Human Metapneumovirus
Human Rhinovirus
Adenovirus B/E
Adenovirus C
No. 946639
>>946559Yes, there are tests for some of the more common of the viruses that have circulated recently. But there are 288 possible subtypes of influenza A and B alone. There are an unknown number, but at least hundreds, of coronaviruses that can infect humans (SARS and MERS were both coronaviruses, for example).
I know the mods don’t want medfagging, but repeating Shane Dawson’s dangerous misinformation is extremely bullshit.
No. 948769
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>sending appreciation and support uwu
>everybody be kind uwu
>they deserve so much love right now uwu
Wow you know what I'm sure they need even more? Money. Shane has a fuckton of money now, so why not make some donations my dude?
What's even more embarrassing is even JEFFREE has donated money and been charitable in the past. Shane really still tryna play this "i'm poor :(((" bullshit and act like tweeting "everyone be kind" is really all he can possibly do and his work is done. Why even bother posting shit like this when you actually have the means to donate and help people?
No. 948770
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Also I wonder if Jeffree is finally realizing he has no friends and has alienated everyone in his life now that he's locked up all alone in his giant empty house? Maybe he's having A Christmas Carol-type journey?
No. 948772
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>>948770…..or more likely his brainwashed fans ran to tattle on someone, he wasn't even tagged in the tweet
No. 952649
>>952497In the vid, it's mentioned that Nathan helped create the lipstick shade named after him. I wonder if JS will have to address this. It will make him look even more dishonest because I'm sure he will say Nathan never had a say in the lip color, and they did it for the views.
I mean, I can totally believe that a dude who never wears makeup would not give a flying fuck about making a specific "terracotta nude" lipstick color, but it's just going to make JS look even more dishonest.
It's clear to anyone with half a brain that JS gets off on controlling people he claims to care about with money.
No. 952671
>>952497Everyone knew the car was always his. he up and sold nates old car without telling him, he bought the car to match his latest launch.
it was always jeffs car. a toy for nate to borrow inbetween getting high with only the little dogs for company.
No. 952900
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Typical Jeff trying to distract from his personal drama.
I suppose he can’t do another sale because everyone broke and staying at home. Might as well give away some of his millions.
No. 952931
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>>952900Well it worked because he was trending on twitter and all the tweets were e-begging.
No. 953065
>>953052It confuses me because Jeffree himself used to be adamant that Nate was straight even when they were boning. When people would question him on that I recall Jeffree saying "people are not ready for that conversation" as if it's some kind of deep lgbt thing and not the fact two guys boning means the exact opposite of straight.
He can't blame Nate for going after girls when he would push the "nate is straight" narrative so hard when they were together.
No. 953079
>>953065hard agree, anon. it’s like jeffree and his fans have collective amnesia about how much jeffree used to brag about his “straight except for me” boyfriend, nate.
it’s also almost like all of these people, even ones in the LGBT community, looks down on bisexuality… why are fans freaking out over a supposedly straight man going back to women after jeffree??
but then again we already know jiffy starburst and his cabal are homophobes.
No. 953093
>>953079i'm glad you agree anon, i honestly thought i was the only person who remembers the "my bf is straight" saga that jeffree would hard push.
Whatever his sexuality is, at the time of Jeffree it wasn't straight. Is it a fetish like James Charles? Gay men going for the straights and brag about how they can "change" a man. If so this must be a huge hit to Jeffrees ego.
I feel sorry for Nate. He cant move on with his life and find happiness with someone else without Jeffrees fans going rabid, has Jeffree told his fans to not go after him? I dont recall.
No. 953169
>>953052Doesnt he only fuck trannies tho?
Just proves Jeffree wasnt some “unicorn”, since hes a chaser kek
No. 953173
>>953065It's Jeffree fault. Nate said that he liked men in makeup before. Nate has been caught up (not sure if it's true) in some transwomen Dm's (remember that ugly tranny who made a video about nate looking at his nudes?)
Nate follows transwomen with dicks on his instagram, they are all sex workers. At best, I feel Nate has a fetish for fem men/transwomen, which makes him bisexual.
He's the type of man who has no issue fucking a man, but I think he wants to have serious relationships with women. He only follows transwomen who post thrist traps or porn, then the women he follows are all attractive normal women. That sounds like someone who does not see the same sex as anything but a way to get off sexually.
I have no idea how you could look at a man, who was fucking a flaming fag like Jeffree for YEARS and go, "he's straight! He's been straight this whole time !He's beenusing jeffree!!" when even after Jeffree, Nate follows porn accounts of transwomen with dicks.
My opinion on them will always be, Nate just wanted to fuck Jeffree, that was his goal in the beginning. Jeffree wanted more, Jeffree throws money and gifts, so even if he wasn't rich, he wasn't broke and he probably told Nate all types of shit.
IMO if Jeffree never became extremely wealthy shortly after him and Nate got together, at best they'd been fuck buddies but Nate would've never dated Jeffree for years.
The fact people are upset a man Jeffree said was straight, like wosmen is so fucking retarded. What is up with the LGBTQ+ community? Why is it that dudes want to fuck each other but are afraid of calling it gay, and you can be "Straight" no matter what you do sexually. It comes off homophobic as fuck, i have no idea why so many people don't see that.
No. 953174
>>953169I don't know if he fucks trannies, but he's shown attraction to them. Yes imo Nate is a chaser. He's someone who views gay fem men/trannies as a fetish, I don't think he'd date a tranny tho.
he's bisexual, at best Pansexual. I just think Nate is porn sick and gross, he'd fuck anything but it's painfully clear by all his interaction with transwomen, it's 100% sexual.
Which tbf, most chasers are this way. They fetishize trannies, they don't date them.
No. 953178
>>953174(same anon) I also do feel like maybe Nate was able to fuck trannies but not Women. Maybe that was why Jeffree never flipped out about that one situation with that troon making the video. I could see Jeffree letting him get off with transwomen or threesomes with transwomen with dicks but not allowing him to talk to/fuck real women.
regardless, Jeffree seems pissed Nate moved on or is doing better then he is.
No. 953216
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anyway, I forgot to post what i unhid this thread for in the first place, Jeffree getting mad at a child for calling him "spoiled"
No. 953316
>>953216This is 100% lies. Jeffree is lying as always.
Jeffree was always rich, maybe not as much as now but he always lived a comfortable life.
Before he was a makeup guru he was popular on myspace,would do photoshots for clothes, he would even go on tour and had music videos.
No. 954534
>>953216He had funders and Kat back then to help him.
His brand isn't even his, he's just the face of it. Selfmade my ass.
No. 958075
>>958038Seems like every time the new dog gets his balls removed, Jeff wants a new one.
Also those names…Dominatrix ? Dessert? I get he wants to stick with D names but really?
No. 958108
A few days ago Morgan posted this:
Anything for views, huh?
>>958075>here you go, dominatrix! Catch the ball; catch it, catch it! Attagirl! No. 959048
>>958433But they are all painfully gay. If they were straight looking guys maybe but they don't look like Jeffree's type.
then again, you may be right.
No. 959967
>>958075He could of picked way cuter dog names that start with D.
Dizzy, Duke, Delilah.
Anything is better than Dominatrix. What an edgelord!
He might as well call his next dog Dickskin or Disease.
No. 964130
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time for Jeffree to paint himself in the best light in regards to Dahvie
No. 964145
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>>964130Is he gonna try and pretend this interaction didnt happen when he had thousands of preteens following him kek?
No. 965093
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So what's the tea with Jeffree and Ian Watkins (in case you don't know, Ian is a convicted babyfucker)? No. 965129
>>965093i would absolutely love to know what the
fuck is this about because this has the potential to really fuck jeff's reputation up. i'm surprised this is the first time i've even seen this
No. 965155
>>965129Ol Jeff seemed to just make shit loads of sexual jokes towards fellow musicians, many turning out to be predators.
There was also this video I watched today where he was aware of and possibly contributing to a revenge porn website
No. 965213
>>965093>>965129>>965155There was a video of watkins blowing a guy-I remember it was posed on some celeb site cant remember which. I dont know about the rest of the tape (it may have been an orgy?) so maybe jeffree is referring to that.
The reason it may be significant is because after watkins was convicted of grooming, people started asking if this is something he did on tour as many LP fans were very young (as was I) and given jeffree has been shown to look the other way on this with people he tours with if its true that watkins did this its more evidence of a pattern of behaviour that he actually doesnt give a shit about grooming except when he can use it against someone hes pissed off with.
No. 965439
>>965410sorry for exposing you to this, anon
>>>/ot/436372(hope i linked it right)
search for ian watkins in this thread. he's a confirmed, convicted babyfucker
the fact that jeff was casually tweeting at him about wanting to be in a sex tape is giving me all kinds of red flags
No. 966887
>>966859Allegedly he has already been found thirst tweeting a 17 year old at some point, back in the day. No one really covered it, save for one or two "tea" channels.
He's basically untouchable because of his relation to Shane at this point.
No. 967231
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Imagine just going to your hugbox and throwing your partner under the bus because of one disagreement
No. 967305
>>967231This is just bantz, anon.
On an unrelated note: this youtube demon is having a baby? Poor little shit.
No. 967980
>>967317I'm following it, is there anythin on the beauty guru thread or does it belong here better?
Also, Jeffree should havr his own thread already, evety week is a new drama from this dude
No. 968346
>>965726j was known to work the boys on the warped tour circuit but cory was legit bi and they made out on stickcam before for the laughs/fangirls, iau was a band gossip site before the revenge porn really took off they were just making fun of the open secret that was jeffree fucking scene dudes, they would have posts styled in the same way with known groupies hit lits.
he forsure is a creep but I don't know that this is what people think it it
No. 971236
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Has he ever mentioned wanting to write a horror film before
No. 975114
>>971236Shane buddy, who hurt you?
Oh, right…
No. 975127
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>>975112Shane is getting cancelled again and Shane/Jeffree fans are going apeshit in this hashtag
No. 975142
>>975140Same shit as always. For his past racist videos, being friends with
problematic people like Jeffrey Star and Trisha Paytas.
No. 975143
>>975140Old blackface videos, saying the n-word, calling something “ghetto”
Some people are using him as an example of why cancel culture does not work though
No. 975157
>>975127They cancel him like every month jesus christ. Can we cancel Jstar too cause he's more
No. 975473
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>>975452Just putting aside the shade names and pandemic stuff for now, are there not other palettes that offer pretty much what Jefferson offers except with less repetition and at a more affordable price? Literally every shade looks like it was duplicated (except for the black one). Got this picture off of reddit and even though I can see differences in the hues, the shades are still incredibly similar.
blowin' smoke eyeshadow palette from colourpop looks like a way better palette for grays and/or a gothic look rather than what Jefferson put out
No. 975958
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Personally speaking, I think Lime Crime's take on grey neutrals is the best out there.
Also it's funny how JSC actually started by copying "edgy" makeup brands back in the day like Lime Crime and Sugarpill.
No. 976381
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Why tf are jeffree's stans so fucking cringy and make out like hes been through several wars or something?!
No. 978444
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I wasn't sure if I should post in the general YouTube thread or Shane and friends, but Tana Mongeau started an onlyfans. I can't wait for people to start accusing her of scamming yet again.
No. 978489
>>978480she's also mates with Riley Reid.
doesn't suprise me one bit.
No. 978755
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>>978444Is she gonna shoop the hell out of her nudes like she does with her insta pics?
No. 979470
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>>978755That's one of her prettier pics
No. 984215
>>984207Shane never helped Eugenia. He just wanted to get views. He didn’t bring any awareness to her situation with her
abusive mom and made everyone think she was getting better when she wasn’t.
No. 984634
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Our Nubian queen is sure being quiet in these trying times.
No. 987021
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>>984634Fucking KEK and he is “speaking up”
Seems so performative tho given his past.
No. 987375
>>987155Its weird when you think about it because other youtubers/influencers have been in scandals or lost their careers for a racist tweet they made when they were 15.
Yet shane has been making extremely racist content on his YouTube like making a literal ghetto blackface character which lasted for many years including calling blacks monkeys and the n-word.
Jeffre star outright hates everyone who is not him because he has said homophobic, sexist and racist things. Like talking about how he is not a gay man because they act like ''women'' and women are catty. And how he was arguing with this black women on the street and told her that he would throw acid on her to make her skin lighter, when he got exposed for his racist messages towards jackie which was n 2018, and predatory behavior towards underage boys.
Conclusion: White gay men are the most privileged on youtube and get away with alot.
No. 987404
>>987375>Conclusion: White gay men are the most privileged on youtube and get away with alot.This. Every drag queen and gay male i've seen is extremely
problematic but they get away with so many things women in any race or sexuality would never because 'gotta protect my gay males ' and 'yassss queen.' It's so gross
No. 987591
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Since I predicted the events of James Charles downfall by Jeffree and then his rise up again months before it happened, I predict that the 3rd huge fight will happen between Jeffree and Shane + co.
Especially since they've been exposed lately to be plotting against JC months before Tati dropped her video. And now that Trisha's DMs leaked about her being afraid of Jeffree, how he body shamed her a lot. The end of this "friendship"is only near. Though I don't see Shane having a spine to start it
No. 987642
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>>987630It's like watching a group home of special needs adults. They can't even do any interesting crimes for our amusement fucking lame.
No. 989339
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Shane released the The Demons In My House video on YouTube, idk how to attach it but its easy to find
From the name of the title it sounds like they're bringing back the spooky boi squad but I'm doubtful since its not "serious enough" for his channel
Also what an unfortunate picture to use he looks like such a butterball who's chin is melted into his neck
No. 989397
>>989339It's hilarious that he quit tik-tok because the zoomers aren't buying in to his fake persona. The only thing that makes it sad is that it's
valid criticism and he still turns a deaf ear to it.
No. 989581
>>989397this x1000. it makes me so happy knowing that despite the autism of the previous generation, a lot of zoomers are aware if not hyper-aware of fake personas and when they're being sold something/deceived. hopefully this will finally mark his descent into irrelevancy as his underage viewers grow up and he continues to get called out for having a career founded on being the poster boy for "
problematic misogynist/racist white gay guy". maybe in the next decade we'll hear of his irrelevancy fueled drug binges
No. 990271
>>990222Is this the "not tea just disgusting but you have to wait until I maky my video to find out about it" that the lame ass drama channels like Creepshow is tweeting about?
Like just spill it then. You dont need to make a monetized video if you found something "so disgusting" about him. Like I'm over this culture of hyping up shit that's supposedly so scandalous just to make a buck from it on YT. Ffs they all think they're better than the cows they obsess over and scrutinize when they actually are/become the cows themselves.
No. 990492
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Since he deleted those, his tweet response to people questioning his involvement in the takedown of JC
No. 990493
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No. 990494
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No. 990497
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No. 990498
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And finally this
No. 990544
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>>990534B-but anon! He's an EMPATH
>Did I warn James about the video? No. Why? For reasons that I will never discuss. Sounds like a personal vendetta to me. Me thinks the reason why is this next sentence:
>Do I think he was a young egocentric power hungry guru who needed to be served a slice of humble pie the size of the fucking Empire State Building? YES. No. 990591
>>990547Shane's whole advertising campaign for his cash grab beauty products was on the back of tearing down James Charles. People on watched his gay beauty world series for the drama Shane, Jeffree and Tati created. Yea maybe Tati did make the video for her own pity party but I guarantee the reason Shane and Jeffree hopped on the bandwagon was because James was their direct competitor. Retarded stans may overlook that and go with whatever narrative Shane tries to spin but normal people that don't have the memory of a goldfish will remember the allegations they pushed about James. The disappointment of all the hype for that insight into beauty gurus which turned into a hours long commercial for their product. They only went silent after it came out both teams (James and Jeffree x Shane had deals with morphe who probably told J star cosmetics to shut the fuck up about slandering an influencer they also in business deals.
How funny that Shane can't get established on tiktok. Guess he didn't get the memo no one feels sorry for millionaires these days and he's out of touch
No. 990641
>>990636And apparently there's a talk on Twitter that all big drama channels are hinting at: something completely disgusting and career destroying is coming out about Jeffree. Every account who knew about this info said they can't share it for legal reasons. That they need a "permission" to share it.
Probably explains why everyone is suddenly distancing themselves from Jeffree. we will see
No. 990657
>>990544>>990547What i dont understand that jeffree and now shane have both been saying "I was told behind the scenes some really DARK DARK STUFF about James that i can't say publicly"
If it's that fucked up why wouldn't you blast it all over the internet or get lawyers involved?
This 19 year old boy did something so dark and messed up behind the scenes but Jeffree, miss queen drama himself, refuses to share deets and now shane is hinting at it. It's all suss as fuck and just comes across as Jeffree trying to get rid of the new young competition on his terf, James after all does everything jeffree does but better and for a younger audience.
No. 990803
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>>990564It’s so satisfying going into Shane’s twitter replies and seeing him being held accountable… ever since dramageddon, I’ve wondered why no one was telling him these things.
No. 991311
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>>991307>posting a video and not the capsPost the caps faggot, the only thing I've seen is him calling her a rat
No. 991318
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Fucking love all of thiss I wish I could post the crab emoji repeatedly but emojis are banned
I've been waiting for Shane Dawson to be canceled for like ever. I love how he's making such a victim out of himself "I can't take all this negativity uwu" headers
Who thinks Ryland will leave his fat crusty ass cash cow now that he's being canceled
No. 991374
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>>991311are you retarded? it took me all of 2 seconds to find this on google.
No. 991490
>>990647That is EXACTLY what went through my mind when I read him stating he has 'never' been involved in YT drama. Like, dude, the fact that Onion's Shane-hate campaign was majority covered and perpetuated by Grease himself doesn't mean you are completely drama-free as an individual. I would still say all the Onion shite counts. And then there was the Bobby Burns situation which I would also describe as YT drama Shane was involved with as he inserted himself into that (due to a video that made some very good points about Shane's stupid as fuck 'conspiracy' videos, may I add.)
To echo a couple of other posts, I am also pleased to see people turn on Shane. I have been sick of all the 'uwu he's a precious naive baby!!! You deserve to DIE for criticising him!!' that came from his fans and drowned out all criticism for years. But the point that the backlash post-Jake Paul just kind of…went away is also good and I just hope that doesn't happen again.
No. 991807
>>990492>>990493>>990494>>990497>>990498this manchild types like a highschool girl, wtf so embarrassing.
when is he going to drop the whole poor me act. it's extremely pathetic coming from a grown ass man.
I doubt this drama will bring him down but oh boy do I sure hope it does
No. 991819
>>991807Agreed. Honestly, it's just as bad when he speaks, the false empathy and forced laughter.
But no, he'll never go down in flames. The insufferable ones always find a way to stick around for eternity.
No. 992257
>>991881oh dont get me wrong I love to shit on the onion, he is a horrible person and deserves all the bad things happening to him, but this was before the onion became the awful piece of shit. yeah like
>>991888 said its not about being a bad thing but more on Shane's character if he did this to shreg imagine what he did to other friends of his, like Shawna Malcom (the black girl he called "nigga Bitch" in one of his sketches) I bet he fucked her over in some way or another but I doubt she is ever gonna talk since she is trying to make it big in hollywood and is landing some minor roles so yeah she is probably scrubbing everything clean. If he did this shit to the worst youtuber (onion) he could easily do it to anyone (shawna), shane is a two faced cunt who tries to play saint "uwu pls im too sensitive I cant deal with this stress"
No. 992330
>>992257I get where you are coming from and for the most part that is a good point, but Onion has always been a piece of shit, as his early internet presence shows - as in, pre-youtube. He just wasn't the tits-out bonkers trainwreck he became over the years.
But, yeah, Shane has definitely not been what he tries to portray himself as. He has too many shady pals to be able to claim the """ sensitive empath """ title without at least SOME scrutiny, regardless of how many tween girls he's managed to fool. Plus he's just always been annoying as shit and all this is entertaining to finally see.
No. 992461
>>992364I remember that.
I think a lot of people who knew about him before his foray into makeup have always known he was a pretty horrible person.
I was an angsty preteen during that MySpace era and have distinctive memories of him in some sort of early 2000s video chat being pretty vile to everyone else. Even then he had an inflated ego because he was infamous within a small subculture. And he definitely threw around racist words at that time.
I think the zoomers or people who were unaware of that subculture have given him a lot of free passes because they probably don’t know about sticky drama or any of the crazy shit that happened then. But I remember feeling surprised the first time I saw him reappear as a millionaire beauty guru.
No. 992697
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I wonder why are they panicking so bad right now and trying to gain sympathy…
is someone going to expose them? A lawsuit? What is it that set them both off?
No. 993567
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No. 993594
>> was an old blogging website Jeffree used under the username "Cunt"
Liam McEvoy does a better job going into detail the disturbing things Jeffree used to post.
No. 993894
>>993861lmao if they compiled all of shane's blackface including the shanaynay character that video would have been atleast a hour long.
''The word of today is……NIGGA''-Shane dawson
No. 994055
>>993842Wow even taking the blackface out of it, he's incredibly unfunny. How did he not die off like Greg.
Their skits are the same. I mean I guess he stopped doing them but watching them now is like uncanny. He was never funny.
No. 995737
>>995043half of this excuse is a lie because i too was in that period and no it wasnt like that in comedy or youtube.
I watched alot of youtubers in 2009 and their humor was completely different compared to shanes, their humor was normal and and a little edgy meanwhile shanes humor was vulgar,gross and shock-value.
The only reason why he was even watched then is because all his titles were false clickbait and because of the shock-value.
>>995031He started making videos in 2009.
No. 995747
>>995108You are giving shane way too much credit.
He just saw that she was trending at that moment and made a video about her for views and money just like how he did with jake and the others.
>>995638 said, he even said on a podcast (before the documentary) how she does NOT have a eating disorder and that she is fine.
No. 995797
>>990579Never said that
but going uwu James never did anything to direct h8 or "he's only 17"
doesn't justify any of those accusations, Shane a J* are shitters that need to go away, but I also hate when people are entirely absolved of shitty things they've done, multiple times, with flimsy excuses
On another note, I never understood how Shane managed to stay as relevant as he did.
No. 995804
>>995797>>on another note, I never understood how Shane managed to stay as relevant as he did.From 2009-2014 he made clickbait shock value videos.
From 2016 and present he latched up to whatever relevant youtubers there are for his own gain.
Thats how he remained relevant
No. 995910 is disturbing but this guy posted a video of Shane meeting fans on Omegle. He finds a young girl who gets excited then keeps asking her to twerk. She DOES IT and Shane's mom is sitting there the whole time supporting his actions and even says "good girl" to the underage girl being told to twerk by a grown man she admires. This actually makes me feel sick.
Same dude reported that Shane is removing videos from his channel.
No. 996102
Shane does have some weird pedo tendencies.
I mean all his old videos were filled so many incest and pedo jokes to the point where its not normal. Infact i dont even think i would call those jokes because they cross a huge barrier.
>>996079Shane is and has said that he is bisexual so he has no excuse for his behaviour.
No. 996114
>>996102explains his 12 year old looking boyfriend
wanna bet they role-play?
No. 996134
>>996130I'm very interested as what this "very bad thing" James has done for Shane, Tati and Jeffree to all say the have "more info behind the scenes" but can't say it publicly because of legalities and not wanting to stir up more drama.
If whatever this 19 year old kid at the time did was as bad as what they're letting on, it would have came to the surface, either as drama or a lawsuit.
imo i think jeffree is just saying this to save face, he is the epicenter of that entire drama and everything comes back to him, he's latched onto Shane and will drag him down kicking and screaming if he has too, but together they thought they were "untouchable" because of money/fame.
No. 996654
>>996644So basically his apology is "I have anxiety, I'm apologizing now because my highlights reel is trending, I should have lost my career for this but here are all the reasons I shouldn't"?
No. 996711
File: 1593221825856.png (418.29 KB, 1034x746, Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 9.35…)

Have y'all seen this? I dont know how to archive the videos but this is absolutely disgusting and idc how many white Stans can absolutely forgive him. we've known what he was for years. monsters can have anxiety too lol No. 996763
File: 1593224646591.jpg (114.78 KB, 800x619, 20200626_222234.jpg)

Shane's face when he logs onto the internet and sees all the people he's manipulated into blindly following him for years turning against him
No. 996782
>>996688OT but this reminded me of an article I saw a few days ago talking about how Mel Gibson asked Winona Ryder if she was an ‘oven dodger’ at a party in the 90’s. Literally everyone in the comments was saying how people grow and change and they say things they don’t mean, and in the exact same comments made shoplifting jokes.
These people are literally brain dead if they’re saying that Mel Gibson isn’t that bad because he made a few off color Jew jokes.
No. 996847
>>996688>>996673The fact that she is a woman might be a strong reason why people were harsher with her. The videos they were attacking her for have been privated for at least a couple of years so it's not like she was profiting off them either.
No, they shouldn't have been uploaded or even made in the first place. She should probably have addressed the issues with them earlier instead of doing it when she is called out. But people are not pleased with her apology but has no answers when I ask what else she is supposed to do, and this has happened a few times before whenever a famous woman is in hot water. But people have been trying to go after her for YEARS for petty or made up things (I'm a sucker for reading youtube comments).
What actually makes me disappointed in her is that she is apparently friends with Shane and J*, I thought she was better than that.
No. 996887
>>996711Apparently the 12 year old in question was his cousin, which somehow makes it better for some of his brainless fans, as if incestuous child grooming never fucking happens.
I even saw these fucking troglodytes saying this was just "sex education" as if he was just explaining the basic idea of where babies come from in very general terms, and saying something about not letting anyone pressure her into doing anything that she is not comfortable with. No, this piece of shit was an adult man talking about blowjobs and shit to a 12 year old girl. Fucking repulsive.
No. 996899
>>996847Are you talking about Jenna?
She wasn't really getting cancelled. There might have been a few here and there that were upset but the general consensus is that everyone was okay with her. Most people are upset that she is leaving but very proud and accepting of her apology video. Idk where you are getting that people aren't pleased with it
No. 996909
>>996661>>996686I don't like Shane but I do want to state what I took from his podcast when I heard it back then not out of context. He was commenting on the fact the 6 year old girls or maybe she was younger idk, looked sexy in her Instagram pics. He was commented on the aesthetics the parents were putting on this six year old and how she was posing. He was implicating the parents making a 6 year old pose sexy. I never assumed it meant Shane wanted to fuck the 6 year old or thought the 6 year old was sexy just that she was styled by her parents and her whole Instagram account was odd because it was obviously a child pushing a more mature style.
His blackface was embarrassing at the time, even if other content creators were making the same lazy jokes.
No. 996917
>>996899I don’t get it either. Everyone is blaming cancel culture for Jenna leaving but nobody was really talking about her old videos or calling for her to be ~cancelled. She’s seemed over YouTube for a while and found an out.
>>996909Shane is cherry-picking that one specific instance so he doesn’t have to try to explain his way around pretending to jack it to a child or asking kids to get naked on camera. He doesn’t need a devil’s advocate.
No. 997092
I’m still not over the fact that Shane did the ice bucket challenge with his dick out, posted a video with the reflection of his genitals clearly visible in the bucket’s reflection
and left the video up for hours even while people were commenting on this and probably contacting him about it directly… yet everyone seems to have forgotten about this.
>>996661I think he has benefited a lot from Onision’s vendetta against him. Greg is an insane narc and clearly projects his own faults on the people he hates, so it’s easy for people to dismiss his accusations as innocent jokes that Greg twisted and blew out of proportion. He’s so universally disliked that there’s a tendency for people to immediately take sides and jump to the defence of anyone he makes videos on. Usually they’d be right.
No. 997345
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Jaden & Jada Smith are calling him out too.
Is he's actually getting cancelled this time?
No. 997393
>>997390I don't know anon, the Smith family calling you out is pretty big.
I actually have some hope it's going to finally happen this time. And of course, like
>>997388 said, J* next.
No. 997398
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>>997393Samefag, I think this is Willow's bf.
No. 997433
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Cupcakke disassociating herself from Shame.
No. 997445
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James Charles liked the Smiths' tweets.
Looks like Shane's not getting that redemption arc from him lol.
No. 997496
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>>997445GOD this is so fucking funny. Add “Shane Dawson cancelled by Will Smith’s whole family” to the 2020 Bingo card.
No. 997498
File: 1593311338975.gif (953.6 KB, 500x281, neo-yokio-3.gif)

When Jaden Smith calls you out, y'know you're officially fucked.
No. 997525
File: 1593315089127.jpg (71.67 KB, 992x663, eh.jpg)

The comment section of his apology video is flooded with "Depression and anxiety isn’t an excuse to sexualize children, Shane."
The dislikes seem to be growing as well.
No. 997629
>>996887That was mind blowing to me too, he even calls that a "family moment" in his 'apology.'
He quietly tries to downplay everything, his strategy seems to be "oh god sorry, sorry, I'm suuuch bad person :,((((, oh but this was actually kinda excusable because of this reason."
He's very clearly just making the sounds he thinks he needs to make to appear worthy of sympathy, but it's obvious he feels like he's being persecuted unfairly.
>>996811Yeah, he really really is. I bet he thinks of himself as cute too…
No. 997633
File: 1593328632521.png (254.31 KB, 902x625, shanepedo.png)

So Shane had another skit channel that he shared and it stared a puppet who is supposed to be 8 years old.
Link to the worst video(
TW puppet makes joke of dad sticking his penis in her mouth when she was 3) cause you know jokes thread to the twitter convo about this. No. 997649
>>997643>she's a fucked up depiction of an over sexual little girl because she was constantly molested and raped by the adults in her lifeholy shit WHAT
they should also burn
No. 997657
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Did his entire channel get demonetized?
No. 997668
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>>997657He apparently deleted a bunch of videos from his main channel too, maybe that's why?
No. 997735
>>997643I’ve seen a lot of shit on the internet in my time and this is truly up there as some of the most disgusting content I’ve ever seen: the fact that these Fine Brothers cunts have made a career out of working with children since is seriously disturbing. I am almost entirely convinced after seeing this that all three of them are real life nonces.
Content warning: they’re going into graphic detail about child molestation and rape here. Shane instructs the puppet to masturbate for him and then her “uncle” puppet discovers this and rapes her as punishment. What the FUCK. No. 997817
File: 1593355178689.jpeg (126.96 KB, 750x1054, 2A4CCC46-1837-4D77-9F23-6ED405…)

Seeing all this old shit come up has me thinking about how much of it I saw when I was a kid. How has he not been seriously under fire until now?
Thread: No. 997826
Gotta say, it’s really satisfying to see so many people finally echoing the sentiment I think a lot of us here were arguing last year of like “hey it’s pretty fucked up that these 30/40 year olds are bullying a teenager and destroying his life and making serious criminal accusations based on literally nothing, even if that teenager is James” and “jeffree 100% did this, here’s 10,000 receipts of his bad behavior” that would cause the Jeff-cronies to swarm in and sperg about how we were all JC-stans because of using basic elementary school level critical thinking about the situation
Also I know this thread hasn’t been the most active of all time, but I do wonder how much lolcow (these threads and the Beauty Guru ones) played into this? Even though we were swarmed with Jeff-stans too it does feel like this was one the only places you would stand a chance of criticizing him or posting receipts that he couldn’t have deleted or hidden or attack you personally, being anonymous and all. He brainwashed his legion of fans for sure, but I honestly think too many people were just too scared, which is totally reasonable seeing what he did to other people (his own fans even)
Like this dude in particular
>>993594 feels like a farmer to me. At one point in one of his Jeffree videos he says he used to be one of those voices defending him, and he also echos basically the Jeffree attack MO and some other concepts that I feel like were pretty openly discussed and established here. Makes me wonder if he was one of the Jeffree farmers. Good on him for finally coming to his senses.
No. 997912
File: 1593367195642.png (Spoiler Image,307.16 KB, 828x1792, DF1F9554-2C1A-405C-9C85-530CF7…)

>>997909Interesting… I wonder as well if the rumour is true about J
forcing nikkietutorials to come out as trans. Hopefully is J gets called out next.
No. 997945
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>>997909So James is a predator again?
No. 997965
They could've responded with any type of answer. A few of the answers were more racially charged. Aside from Treyvon's answer, Steve's answer to Jesus was that maybe he wouldn't be crucified if he was white. Nikki said that MLK shouldn't have gotten a day. I agree with
>>997956 in saying they could've said anything else or just passed. They unlisted their apology video and also said that everything was taken out of context. The video itself is just 5 minutes and was pretty much explained at the beginning/in the title.
No. 998168
>>998002only one of them is actually associated (the cock in a frock) the other two will jump on literally anything they can use for their retarded culture wars
>>998035I don't know why or how people stopped viewing Blaire as anything other than a lolcow but it's tiresome
No. 998195
File: 1593396522604.png (607.09 KB, 2048x1449, Screenshot_20200628-220024.png)

Aged like milk
No. 998281
>>998226From my understanding, the point of Blaire's callout against Jeffree is that he's using an alleged SA
victim's testimony to blackmail James and get people on his side instead of urging the
victim to report him.
IMO, Jeffree wanted someone else to leak that information so he could keep his hands clean and Blaire being Blaire took the bait. And if it's true that there's a credible voice memo accusing James of sexual assault, she ended up doing the same thing as Jeffree: using it as drama fodder. What a mess.
No. 998330
>>997431Will Smith agressively tries to makeout with his own son in public (let alone what goes on behind closed doors), basically the pot calling the kettle black. This is just a relevancy/virtue signal from that family, but who knows maybe the celeb worship will equate to Shane getting cancelled
slightly more than the norm.
No. 998335
>>998195Samefag but it should be
>Stop stop shoving your tonge down your son's throatThat being said it's Shane and if he was aware of the multiple instances he'd surely condone them in a heartbeat
No. 998497
>>998495I watched that clip in the last two days ( had no idea it even existed before ) and it actually shocked me.
It's disgusting. The child is so obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable.
No. 998677
>>998637Having someone else manage your diet, and having live-in staff are different things. And you're missing the point: anon was saying this person has the resources to be better than the blob that he is.
Personally I think it's all for PR, people always go for the "no makeup, recently cried, I'm too hurt to self care :,((((((((" look when they want people to take their side, and Shane is just perpetually in that mode.
No. 998791
>>998775its the only video on youtube with the full clip of shane?? who hurt you
>>998677>>998785my point was that shane is just a pathetic mess who couldnt help himself if he had an entire staff of dietitians. none of these cows could
No. 998807
File: 1593468341376.jpg (92.17 KB, 640x710, ajv91owskw751.jpg)

Not sure if this is that interesting, but it's from his book, apparently.
It doesn't sound like an event that actually happened, but if it did, it seems like a really bad move to type it down and put it in a book.
No. 998888
File: 1593477499706.jpg (55.89 KB, 595x401, notsure.jpg)

>>998878Perhaps this one? Not sure.
No. 998968
>>998807>coonlikeWhat the fuck? God this is the clringiest shit I’ve ever read. I hope someone tries to find this so called “black friend” of Shane’s from school. Wasn’t he whining about how he never had friends in school in his video where he was exploiting that murder story anyways? How the murderer was the only guy in school who didn’t bully him or something? Which one is it?
>>998357I know he gets a lot of flack ITT but I feel bad for Ryland too. Ryland seems like he just wants to be a trashy suburban soccer mom with a mini-van and kids, but no matter how shitty Shane has been he won’t be able to leave without people claiming he was a gold-digger all along. Even though let’s be real, Shane doesn’t seem like he’s ever actually been a supportive or good partner in any way, and even less when he was giving all of his time and attention to Jeffree. Ryland clearly wasn’t happy throughout all of that, I would rate Shane much higher on the gold-digger scale given his relationship to Jeff.
Also I think it’s funny that people are trying to claim Morgan unfollowing Jeffree indicates some hot drama, when Morgan and Jeffree never seemed to have liked each other? She was never subtle about it, I’m pretty sure she didn’t even follow him in the first place until Shane pushed their ham-fisted friendship plot.
I think Shane was the only one who ever liked Jeffree anyways. I think Garrett bailed when Jeffree came around for several reasons, Morgan had to stick around because of Ryland (and because she has zero content without them) but she made it pretty clear she wanted nothing to do with JS. Ryland was clearly getting more and more unhappy/threatened with Jeffree’s presence in Shane’s life. I think Andrew is just too beta and glad to have a job to ever step away or speak up, but I bet they’re all missing the Garrett days. I bet someone will make a “Shane Gang shading Jeffree” compilation sometime soon, there’s definitely examples of it.
No. 998975
File: 1593490641051.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.22 KB, 1241x1565, Ebt7Mu5WkAEyMWV.jpg)

Shane's making a top tier joke here, pretending to 69 a dog.
I feel like I need eye bleach.
No. 999002
>>998984Yes please, anon! If you could confirm page 206
>>998807 it would be great too.
No. 999146
>>998984Nta, but I'm reading some of it online and within the first few pages there was already
>decided to order Chinese food and I would have sold my fat soul for some orange chicken. After we ate pounds of greasy GMO-filled cat meatLike, lol. I'm pretty sure there's worse stuff in there.
No. 999155
>>998856What I don't get is he said he used this kind of humor to help deal with things that happened when he was young. So has he ever come out and outright said he was molested himself?
I know a certain percentage of abused kids (typically boys) go on to have some fucked sexual feelings for kids where they want to essentially switch roles and be the one in control.. messed up to think that could either be what's happening here or he could just be hinting at past abuse as a get out of jail card. 'I use humor to cope'
No. 999210
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No. 999211
>>999150Maybe I’m naive, but I can’t believe Shane used racist slurs, black face, and sexual jokes with children and animals as props, but hasn’t been deplatformed.
Twitch will ban people at the drop of a hat, even with a lot of their users being edgy or blatantly racist. YouTube is supposed to be a family friendly woke platform, but never demonetized some of this crazy shit and won’t remove Shane from the platform.
They really need to sort out their shit if they’re supposed to be a “safe environment”
No. 999216
>>998975This is nasty as fuck. Why would anyone do this and then post it online for the world to see?
>>999146>decided to order Chinese food and I would have sold my fat soul for some orange chicken. After we ate pounds of greasy GMO-filled cat meatHe is actual racist garbage. I hope he gets dragged for everything
No. 999229
File: 1593530008679.jpg (137.35 KB, 651x722, yeah.jpg)

>>999146Samefag who's still skimming through his garbage, can confirm it anon
>>999002It's not in his second book, it's in his first one.
No. 999239
>>999203He sent his whole child army audience to support a literal puppy rapist but was too much of a coward to even address it and tell his fans that he took that video down because the guy in question is a dangerous predator who they shouldn't support. Much easier for him to quietly take his video down and pretend like he never supported him.
Who gives a fuck about the 14 year olds who spend all their money on his dumb merch/palette right? In Shane's mind he owes his audience 0 even though he lives in the richest place in the US in a million dollar mansion. In his mind it was his "creative genius" that gave him all that money and opportunity and not immature teens. That's why he's so obsessed with making shitty movies even though no one has ever said Shane was a good director… ever. The docuseries shit he did inflated the ego that was crushed with the "not cool" reality TV show where he looked like a moronic fool and now he's (was) back to thinking he's the greatest thing that ever graced the creative platform.
He should have kept doing "squad" videos with his dumb friends and kept his mouth shut instead of becoming the abirator of the "beauty community" and J*s PR person.
No. 999241
>>999177I give a shit about him clarifying it. It's happened to me too and I know you either come out with it or you don't. The fact that he will so publicly vague-mention it is what bothers me. It's too serious of a subject to make vague references to it. He's staying vague so he won't have to fully commit to the lie imo
Any time a woman mentions sexual assault in their past people are pretty quick enough to want details to verify it.
No. 999286
File: 1593534128038.jpg (109.48 KB, 499x651, yikes.jpg)

This is the part where he's describing getting a haircut and the hairdresser ( Destinee ) takes off a little too much.
He's such a sensitive soul ladies, I just can't.
No. 999287
>>999286To clarify: this is what his
very sensitive soul was thinking about the hairdresser.
He only replied with "sure" - he called it the "no balls disorder."
No. 999296
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What gets me about his shitty jokes is that kids were reading this content.
No. 999312
>>999307He was also 26 when he published this book. This wasn't "humour from 10 years ago".
>>999299>Does Shane have no filter at allJudging by everything that's coming to light, he doesn't.
No. 999338
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No. 999344
>>999319can't watch, what does she says?
this is really Shane's end lmao
No. 999346
File: 1593538949892.png (23.69 KB, 737x214, karmageddon.PNG)

He's melting down on Twitter, too.
No. 999360
>>999349hes so dramatic and annoying lol
is he finally going to get cancelled
on another note–tati isnt a fucking saint either playing the
victim and crying that she was manipulated, but i hope as she goes down she drags both shane and jeffree down kek
No. 999370
>>999349This guy is unbeleivably dumb. Dumbass should have hired a lawyer and a publicist last week- or last year.
All these people treat their careers like teenagers fighting over who is on who's top 8 on myspace.
No. 999383
>>999369Tati basically starts the video crying and saying how she was victimized by Jstar and Shane into making her infamous "Bye Sister" video
She states the Jstar and Shane visited her and "poisoned" her mind into turning against James Charles, and that they kept showing her "evidence" that he was a narcissist and sexual abuser. Shane apparently manipulated her faith and told her he was an "empath" when she mentioned that she had been assaulted
After she made the video, Jstar and Shane both ghosted her, and she claims that her mental and physical health declined to the point that she couldn't support a pregnancy despite fertility treatments
She also alludes to fears for personal safety, hence her reason for moving away from LA and also hints that she has evidence compiled with a legal team regarding threats against her personal safety (unclear if this is directly from jstar and shane or batshit fans)
Basically she blew the whole barn door open, pointing directly at Shane and JStar for manipulating the drama and being terrible people
Honestly I think she's victimizing herself too much, she's a 40 year old women cleaning her hands of any blame despite the fact that she tried to wreck a 19 year old's career over snake oil candies, but she's bringing Shane and Jeffree down with her
No. 999407
File: 1593541023084.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 828x1792, 2905329B-736C-4A3E-81AE-69748A…)

^ forgot to post pic
No. 999410
File: 1593541222396.png (47.21 KB, 748x490, 3.PNG)

This made me LOL
No. 999413
File: 1593541321359.jpg (1.64 MB, 878x7506, Tati's video summary.jpg)

>>999387Here it is in Jpg
No. 999425
>>999419he 100% is going to try and drag shane down with him, i cant wait for them to start trying to rip into each other
would not be surprised if JC made a video to get a slice of that sweet sweet drama pie, so we might actually see a huge house cleaning that's been overdue
No. 999466
>>999458she's just rambling playing
victim trying to "get her life back" by taking no accountability and shifting the blame to jeffree and Shane.
i could care less though, just enjoying watch Shane lose his fucking mind over it kek.
No. 999467
>>999349he's having a legit breakdown lmao his "uwu i'm sensitive" mask is finally slipping
wonder what jeffree is up to right now, ah to be a fly on that wall
No. 999475
>>999465She might be going overboard imo but when you consider all four involved have multi-million businesses on the line because of this drama, it's a lot of money lost. I mean shane just got perma demonitized, people are dropping Jeffree's makeup more and more as time goes by, Tati's youtube took a huge hit aswell as buisness sales, same boat for james too.
idk putting myself in her shoes with the sheer amount of profit lost because of this, i'd be a lil scared too. As much as i dont want to admit it, Jeffree is a very big powerful man with a lot of connections, as well as being dominating - personality wise.
No. 999477
File: 1593544808354.jpeg (394.73 KB, 1185x1983, AD604EF7-64CB-48D1-94B3-31FC12…)

No he didn’t
No. 999481
File: 1593545151031.png (66.26 KB, 759x612, well i mean.....png)

No. 999485
>>999466exactly, she's irredeemable just like the rest of them
she even mentions in her video before she posted "bye sister" she was concerned that JC, a 19 year old was alone in a foreign country high rise hotel and implied that she was scared he would jump/hurt himself from the backlash, and shane told her JC was a narcissist and wouldnt do that
she said that trying to paint herself in a good light but think about it: she thought that doing this may cause someone to kill himself and went ahead and did it anyways, only how to cry on camera about how it hurt HER.
Fucking disgusting, the lot of them. JC is
problematic af, but I do feel a tiny bit bad for him after all of this has come out.
No. 999494
>>999480except being angry at someone for potentially being an abuser doesnt justify the fact that she specifically thought her actions could've driven him to suicide, and she still went about it anyways
if he was truly an abuser and a danger to society, she shouldve gone through the proper channels and reported him and supported his
victims, not made a fucking video with her all dolled up knowing it would drive traffic to her commercialized youtube channel
No. 999497
>>999211He hasn't been deplatformed until now because dumb white girls watched him and ate his and Jeffere's asshole and too many of them still do. Only until a sizeable group of them started following BLM just to trend (and not for actual justice) did they start paying attention and stopped ingoring this obvious shit stain character.
Better late than never I guess.
No. 999501
>>999495literally was posted
>>999407>>999496exactly, i hate how shes pushing the narrative that she had nothing to gain from doing that video and she was a manipulated
victim through it all, and her blind fans are supporting her like she didnt specifically shill her vitamins and gain millions of followers
No. 999504
File: 1593545670061.jpeg (183.18 KB, 828x477, CA4036C0-F861-46E2-B779-8B0692…)

Shane’s fantasy torture victim tweeted this.
No. 999520
>>999502I really doubt he will at this point he's defended him this far also money is involved
>>999503you what?
No. 999530
>>999349I watched this like 5 times already, I can't stop laughing at all of his "oh my
goooOoOoOOood" oh my god oh my god
No. 999545
>>999407Why does this balding fail twink bring up age? There isn’t much of a difference between 30 and 40.
He mad because he had to put up with a nasty pedo red faced fat fuck for years and now he might be cut off.
No. 999556
No. 999575
>>999557he had long relationship with a woman and came out as a bi
>>999567kek perfect
No. 999578
>>999572that tweet is bullshit, tati is a lot of things and not a saint but she isn't homophobic lol
people are so quick to scream things like homophobia, but i cant see how she was even remotely homophobic at all either
No. 999593
>>999590but Jeffree Epstein is literally predatory to straight, and gay, guys.
It's not a lie.
Is calling him out for being a nazi also homophobic for you?
No. 999594
>>999590except she mentioned that jstar showed her soundclips of JC supposedly being predatory? i know people are quick to jump on the homophobic bandwagon and she very well may be lying, but there is literally zero evidence other than people reaching that tati is a homophobe
theres hundreds of other things she deserves to get backlash for, but i highly doubt being disgustingly homophobic is one of them
No. 999608
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D’Angelo Wallace made a pretty damning thread about Jeffstein. This sociopath is faking a 103-year-old grandma to visit as the world burns around him. No. 999611
>>999605This isn't my tinfoil because imo it sounds too crazy, but i saw a few tweets about how shane made a video on deepfakes a while back and that included voice clips. They tested it out and it sounded close enough for them to believe it could have been the original person speaking.
I guess some food or thought?
No. 999612
>>999582I always thought it was J
. There were rumblings saying he was involved but not the ring leader… however, I wouldn’t be surprised if J involved other people to cover his own tracks. J* HATES business competition (evidence to what he did to James Charles) and would want to discredit anyone he can.
No. 999634
>>999626oh? my bad, from the way she talked in her video it really seemed like she was talking with the alleged
victims directly and harped on that the memos were legitimate
No. 999641
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and to think, this all started because Shane wanted to show how cutthroat and crazy the beauty industry is. I hope he’s enjoying it
No. 999660
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Trisha is defending Shart on Twitter, implies he might suicide himself over this
No. 999662
>>999660amazing how when tati was concerned about james potentially committing suicide over the "hey sister" video shane coldly said "he would never because hes a narcissist" but now the tables have turned and he's trying to spin the story to his favor
obviously it would be very sad if it did happen, but its quite hypocritical of him and his friends to suddenly be climbing out of the woodwork using a defense that he himself dismissed as unimportant
No. 999676
>>999666i think the general majority hasnt been defending james though, everyone admits the dude is far from a saint and is highly
problematic on his own, and the focus now is just the entire group (tati, jstar, shane) are all trash too
the whole trash heap should just go down in flames, and knowing jstar he'll try to take as many of them down with him because he's a disgusting petty excuse for a human being
No. 999680
>>999407It’s so obvious that Tati’s statement was prepared with the help of a lawyer professional meanwhile these idiots probably still haven’t consulted a lawyer. Fucking idiots giving her more ammunition to sue their asses lmao
I really hope someone has juicy allegations from Shane’s tinychat/omegle/chat room days because I am 100% sure that he did some fucked up shit back in those days after watching the videos already compiled.
No. 999693
>>999676NTA but he's gotten a lot of people on his side after this whole thing was revealed to have been an orchestrated effort against him. The general consensus is that a bunch of adults ganged up on a 19-year-old (which is also an adult, so I don't really understand this line of thinking) to take his career down with lies. People seem to have selective amnesia when it comes to his own history of egotism, bigotry, and general predatory behavior toward straight men.
I agree, though. They should all burn.
No. 999715
>>999691thats all conjecture though, and her attorney involvement is more so for her personal safety allegations (she alludes to the fact that someone is threatening physical harm to the point where she moved twice and hired security)
this all likely is because of business moves, and it doesnt make jstar or shane any less shitty, and everyone knows morphe is a shady, crappy company with shit products and even shadier morals
i just dont like how she seems to be trying to wash her hands of her direct involvement, crying about how she was gaslit and manipulated into starting this whole thing, and trying to point fingers saying they used her as a pawn to get rid of JC because of business decisions or jealousy
Jstar is manipulative, but he is no where to the level of "evil genius businessman" that she's trying to paint him to be. the guy gossiped, is a total piece of shit, but tati neglects to mention that she is also a gossip drama queen and not just a poor one sided
victim who blindly believed his silver tongue
not to mention, the woman is almost fucking 40 years old, she doesnt have rocks for brains and definitely couldve thought through his "manipulations" and made her own decisions. she made the decision to make the video and call out james, and now is trying to scrabble back public favor because people are realizing she's also an awful hag by blaming shane and jstar who are in the public limelight for being shitbags
at the end of the day she put out a video that she admitted couldve caused a person to kill themselves, and still consciously did it. jeffree or shane never held a gun to her head and forced her to do it, she did it out of her own will despite all the posturing she's saying about being manipulated
No. 999763
>>999715I think that’s an important point: for her to acknowledge that she’s worried that James will kill himself and then post the video anyway is unconscionable. I know she mentioned it to paint Shane in a bad light, but that light shines on her as well.
Still, maybe I’m simple but I do feel for the woman. You can tell she’s embarrassed. It blew up in her face for absolutely nothing and then to find out that J* (allegedly) owns a piece of Morphe who is now releasing vitamins. I think she felt like she could abandon James because she would have Shane and Jeffree to back her up and then they just left her to deal with all of the backlash herself. She thought she could play in the big leagues and then realized she was completely outclassed and now she’s sitting here looking like the dumbest bitch alive. It IS so fucking embarrassing. I wouldn’t be able to show my face to the internet again if I were her.
No. 999776
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???? im so confused???
what the hell does any of this mean, is she trying to say that Shanes racism and pedophilllia and Jeffees racism and just shitty personality are okay because there 'gay men'????? I hate bread tubers
No. 999787
>>999782thats fucking stupid, she's a cunt too and deserves the backlash. she doesnt get to wash her hands and play
victimdon't bring your "omg queen" bullshit into this, she's just as shitty as the rest of them and doesn't get a pass because she's a woman
No. 999793
>>999750Good find. I noticed how he said "
we have 75 stores opening this year"… a little telling.
The 1st documentary Shane did with him was so fucking long I don't remember if this came up, and I didn't watch the 2nd one because it was even longer. But I can't remember Morphe being mentioned in the 1st doc when he was talking about all of his investments and supposedly revealing how he's so rich? Despite talking about several other business investments he had. Did it come up in the 2nd doc? If it's missing from both that's also pretty telling that he would rather people not know the extent of his involvement with the company.
I'm really curious about this because a significant financial and business incentive makes a lot more sense than Jeffree just being jealous/insecure/fame hungry/cruel/a cartoon villain etc. He is also all of these things don't get me wrong. But the business component would seem to tie a lot of stuff together.
No. 999804
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>>999691I'm on the bandwagon on J owning Morphe to and extent. I would like proof of true. Makes you wonder how many other BGs have been fucked in this regard.
No. 999813
>>999793In both documentaries it always seemed like Morphe was a separate collaborator that was only as involved with him as they were any other person that they put on the storefront.
Someone one pointed out that Jeffree figured out that he, as a person, would only last so long in the spotlight. To compensate for this, he started to invest in other people's brands and personalities with killer merch. I suppose this method extended out much further than we thought.
No. 999866
>>999642gay dudes turning out and fucking underage dudes is ALSO old as the hills. all gay guys know that when you're young you get paid, when you're old you pay out.
gay-december is the norm for gay men.
No. 999870
>>999864I honestly hope they all including tati get a slice of humble pie in the size of the f
*ing Empire State Building and leave the platform. But cancel culture only works on people that care and feel shame, so they'll probably be ok in a few months.
No. 999875
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>>999856>>999851You can kinda see it in the Trisha screenshot where she quote tweeted it but this is the full note that Britanni tweeted earlier today. Not really sure why she thought it would be a good idea to get involved kek
No. 999878
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ot but shane really does look like an old slob in the demon video i just took a screenshot of the video and that's the filename, what the hell is going on
No. 999883
>>999875His nice actions don't cancel out his extremely weird behaviour around children and animals though, nor do they excuse anything else.
It just means he wasn't shitty all the time.
No. 999888
>>999875look i do think this is a sweet thing. doing something kind like that without being asked is cool if you're on the receiving end. but it's not charity if someone can see you, it's PR. that's why all these giant companies endorsing BLM are so disgusting, they're only doing it in the hopes of making $$$ which makes it empty bullshit.
every YT influencer with a following does this so that people can bring it up at some point when they need to catch shine and say 'omg look how wonderful so-and-so is!' yeah no lol
No. 999890
>>999875She's saying this after he treated her
abusive relationship as a "conspiracy" in a silly video, let his cameraman laugh in her face while she was telling her story and then made her cry by putting videos of her and her
abusive ex on the tv while filming her reaction. Sad she's still supporting him after all of that.
No. 999922
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>>999346Can someone make this into a banner? holy shit
>>999407>>999410Ryland really on some highschool girl shit with this rant
No. 999925
>>999915I REALLY doubt shane is going to kill himself. he's disgustingly rich and can afford to never work again while still living comfortably, and he hardly ever makes videos as it is. even if he did get completely pushed off of youtube (unlikely) he would be totally fine.
he also has a ton of dedicated fans that will defend his greasy ass no matter what. I think he'll probably fuck off for another 6 months and then come back making the exact same low effort content as before.
No. 999930
>>999915Completely agree with this
>>999925 ( linked the wrong post )
I don't see him doing that either.
No. 999937
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I can't find the original source of the uproar because Twitter is a mess, but apparently Will and Jada Smith are trending right now about something with them having an open relationship? Coincidence maybe, but it sure is interesting that everyone who comes after Jeffree/Shane has some big info publicly revealed about them (especially right after Tati releases a video where she says JS has dirt on everyone, and JS has bragged about it himself multiple times)
No. 999944
>>999787>she's just as shitty as the rest of them and doesn't get a pass because she's a womanThat's just not true anon. Is she a predator? No. Has she repeatedly threatened people weaker than her with violence? No. Made rape jokes/songs? No. Nothing, not even a measly racist tweet from the 2000s.
Not liking her and James is fine, but quit it with that "just as bad" shit. Today I saw several popular tweets who roped her, Trisha, Gabbie Hanna and several other (female) yt together with J and Shame. That's why they got away with their shit for so long, because people downplay their literal crimes and degeneracy while cancelling others for way less. Most youtubers are money hungry and fake, but the two of them are on a whole other level of awful.
>>999660It's pretty obvious that Shane is Trisha's only friend (at least she thinks he is…) of course she's holding onto every tiny shred of hope that he's not a horrible person. What she wrote sounds as if she's mostly trying to convince herself of that.
No. 999947
>>999915Shane is over regardless because of all the other shit that's going down with him, but despite how juicy and enjoyable this situation is, I think he'll be able to wiggle out of it if he goes hard on the "I was a
victim of Jeffree too!!!" angle. If Tati and the others really come through with receipts, I don't think he'll have another option. Not that it absolves him of anything but to me it's clear that something really shifted when he became friends with Jeffree and I think Jeffree is using and manipulating the fuck out of him. Shane is using him too, but still. This isn't going to be any tipping point to suicide because he'll be able to skate by simply by not being as utterly villainous as Jeffree is.
No. 999952
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In the live he screamed at Tati "I WAS MOLESTED!!!" and yet in his book…
No. 999961
>>999952omg thank you for this new info anon! but i really wish you wouldve highlighted the last sentence only because this paragraph where he is just jerking his childhood self off…i did not need to be
victim to lol.
No. 999971
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>>999952>I really did have a beautiful face.K
Also, wtf is his obsession with being molested/date raped? This is the second time in the same book he's implied that only "attractive" children/people get assaulted. Fucking weird nonce.
No. 999973
>>999944thats the thing, who the fuck cares, she's a piece of shit, albeit slightly smaller than jstar and shane
i hate this narrative of "omg shes not AS bad so queen" or the previous anon's "im gonna support her bc cis female girl power rah rah"
why cant we just admit theyre all garbage and throw them all out, its not like the yt industry is lacking beauty gurus
for every shitty tati and jstar there are dozens of smaller, unproblematic gurus who can provide similar content but yeah, go ahead and screech that you'll support tati just because she's slightly less fucked up than the other two and because you're "pro-female"
No. 999980
>>999975So, basically he had sex dreams sucking off men.
Went to therapy about it because it felt very real and he knew what it would feel like before sucking his first dick.
Then therapist says it's because he had repressed memories.
Wow look at that, it's like those satanic panic histories.
No. 999987
File: 1593567369759.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.36 KB, 1225x745, wtf.JPG)

was going through joffrees likes and found this kek
No. 999998
>>999990except the anon did? they literally said theyll support tati because they're "pro female" as if thats a fucking reason
>Tati is definitely spinning things to make herself look better, but being pro-female I just hope she out spins both these cunty queens and comes out clean, score one for the cis female.just because one pile of shit is slightly smaller than the other pile of shit doesnt mean they dont all stink to high heaven
im not downplaying how fucked up jstar and shane are, nor am i making tati out to be some fucking demon, im just saying people like that other anon need to fucking stop saying any of these shitheads should "come out on top" and "ill support them just because im pro-gay/female/etc"
that fucking sheep mentality is the whole reason people like jstar and shane get a pass and get to that level of depravity, people give them the ok and support because "omg gay king!!"
No. 1000005
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>>932477i knew this would bite him in the ass everyones tweeting this at him lmfao
>>999902hi dangelo! it's not so ballsy to give up your terrible art career after getting absolutely shitted on by 4chan and jump to the drama community like a parasite looking for a new host. please find an actual hobby
(hi cow) No. 1000013
>>999998We have mega milk today and all you focus on is some side characters possibly getting treated slightly better than lowkey pedos because farmers are biased towards
No. 1000014
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>>1000002is she actually a meth addict? what in the hell did she do to her face
No. 1000017
>>1000010ok where are people getting this idea that tati is homophobic? there is literally zero evidence other than that one person who keeps screeching that tati calling james a predator means she's homophobic because apparently that means she thinks "all gay men are predatory"
is there other evidence that im missing or do all these anons screeching that tati is homophobic just have shit for brains? tati is a manipulative snake who's selfish and cries
victim, but i really cant see how she's homophobic. theres literally a hundred other things to hang her over and yet people keep zeroing in on this weak ass argument that she apparently hates the gays
No. 1000018
>>1000002trish's 30 min tati video tldr:
- plays the age card cos tati is older than her
- said she would never turn her back on shane
- says tati should be investigated for saying james is a predator despite the fact she never used the world predator
- plays age card again. she's nearly 40!
- says shes distracting from blm
- we're in the midsts of a pandemic and all tati cares about is herself and this video
- says what shane did isnt criminal theyre just jokes
- says the words sexual predator over and over again even tho tati didnt use those words
- why take the video down if youtube asked when you should have taken it down anyway
- she didnt need to cry through out the video
- i can apologise rn without crying because im a grown woman!!!
- she said the tab screenshots were fake when they werent
- shades jeffrree and mentions shit that happened in vegas
- has mentioned breana taylor SO many times?
- says we should stop being shitty people in private, but then gets annoyed at tab for exposing shitty things she did in private
- keeps saying how its fine shes
problematic because she admits it??
- breana taylor name mentioned more
- age card again and again and again and again
- says people cannot be forced to say stuff under duress lmao
No. 1000020
>>999966>>999975So either he was mocking someone who said they were an assault
victim, or he was ready to drop "I was molested!!" as an excuse for his bad behavior (just like Jeffree taught him) literally at the drop of a hat. Both are terrible.
>>999981Man I'm gonna miss this OP pic though, I hope someone's good at summing shit up quickly for the next OP
>>1000000still counts
No. 1000022
>>1000018kek ofc trisha has to insert her lardy irrelevant ass self into this drama
>omg ur distracting from blm>makes a 30 minute video regarding a topic that literally does not involve her at allwhat a fucking trashbag, i hope jstar or shane takes her down too
No. 1000027
>>1000023im not defending tati, but JC has said over and over that he likes "chasing straight boys" and made jokes about turning straight boys gay, im not condoning her comment but it's not surprising she said that considering she was apparently shown predatory audio of JC hitting on a guy, and he surely made those comments around her too
that doesnt make her homophobic. sure, she shouldnt have said something like that, but if she's telling the truth and actually was shown (fake) audio, she's just stating what she heard
No. 1000038
>>1000022Wasn't the drama around J
and her the catalyst for his recent re-cancelling? And the main reason Shane and J wouldn't be solid allies anymore
No. 1000040
>>1000017I don't think anyone is calling her a homophobe or someone who is generally homophobic. But she did play into homophobic stereotypes by being so irresponsible with her accusations about James and the way she talked about them, like
>>1000023 said. She may not have done so intentionally or knowingly, and honestly I think she didn't, I think she's just a clueless liberal straight woman who didn't bother to think about the implications of what she was saying. But it is fair to say that parts of Bye Sister had homophobic subtext.
No. 1000041
>>1000038In this video she talks about that and confirms Jeffree was an asshole in Vegas.
She also implies heavily that the thing Tati is worried about coming out is that she is racist. Wouldn't be surprised.
No. 1000049
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>>1000022>>omg ur distracting from blmby holding whiny millionaire white men accountable for their long persistent history of racism and blackface? sure trish
>>1000040I mean shit, if she wasn't a homophobe before she probably is now. Pic related, screenshot from Tati's video
No. 1000050
>>1000025i hate this fatass.
i can't believe they would just admit to flashing children on tinychat? and i've noticed in all these dropped vids shane repeatedly refers to 12 year olds and 11 year olds. if he's really a pedo than that could be his preferred age range.
No. 1000057
>>1000053rich white upper class devout christian woman supports trump? im sure twitter is going to be so surprised
if that's the best "blackmail" jstar has on her, im going to be sorely disappointed
No. 1000066
>>999693It's the age and mentality.
It's like if someone the same age as them were to date JC. People would that weird and a clear power dynamic. JC wouldn't be in the same mental age range as them. Also it's 3v1.
I will say at least it does seem like JC as calmed down and be less thristy publicly. Maybe because I'm in the same age group, I'm more willing to see him grow
No. 1000077
valid to call him out for harassing people. Harping on about how he supposedly tricked straight men is unhinged. You can't trick straight people into thinking they're gay. It's just not a thing. Some bisexuals or bicurious dudes have buyer's remorse is all.
No. 1000082
>>999475I don't know, Jeffree used to leak nudes of rockstars back in his MySpace days on that revenge porn website, Isanyoneup?. He has a history of blackmailing and has admitted on video of collecting dirt on people to "keep their mouths shut". I'm sure this video has been linked before somewhere and should be taken with a grain of salt, but it's worth a click through.
>>999518I don't think Jeff ever trafficked any kids, but there's supposed witnesses to him "hooking up" with a 14yo fan back in his MySpace days among other things. Hopefully he implodes and his facade breaks apart like some kind of blackmail filled pinata so that people can finally stop being afraid of speaking out against him. I'm sure he isn't the only one who has dirt.
>>999750Good catch, anon!
>>999952>>999971KEK. I'm sorry, but thank you anon. Shane is such a massive narc/nonce that it extends to wanting to fuck his younger self.
No. 1000085
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its crazy im trying to find the evidence but i cant..YET but in doing so i found out so many people unsubbed from Tati after she initially started hanging out with jefree and she received so much backlash for it she had to address it. It aged like milk LMAO
No. 1000104
>>1000099It's definitely harassment but these dudes wouldn't be trying to cancel an unattractive woman (aka someone they similarly don't wanna have a sexual convo with) for saying the same shit. They just wouldn't, they never do. The selectiveness of who is getting cancelled and how it's being blown out of proportion matters.
I hate that I'm speaking in favor of that narcissistic teenager bc I don't even like him but if you think that he isn't being singled out in a very spec ifific way then you're either straight or too pinkpilled.
No. 1000106
>>1000103She DID say Jeffree and Shane were telling her shit about James before she made the video. That 100% framed the way she saw the situation since she was getting new information from people who hated him and wanted her to see him a certain way.
So is it homphobia? Or someone telling her some shit and her going, "Well I ALSO remember him being weird towards this guy once, huh"
No. 1000115
>>1000111I believe had Shane and jeffree not added fuel to the fire the video would've just been about vitamins or Tati would've made a post calling james out.
I truly believed those two wanted someone mad at James to be the one to make the video so their hands could be clean, but then Jeffree with his rage hate for James could'nt help but spit some hate for James publically.
Tati was just the bitch dumb enough and who had a issue with James so they used her to plant seeds, so Jeffree could slide in and attempt to ruin James.
No. 1000120
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Any bets on what Jepstein is up to right now? His grandma isn't real and his latest Instagram is a repost from January.
No. 1000122
>>999787dumbasses with 2 brain cells love to compare women who are annoying/stupid with men who are LITERAL PREDATORS and say they are the same thing
either you're a scrote or a pathetic pickme
No. 1000124
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lmao he stopped the ig live when he heard Tati was starting to talk about him saying that James was too big of a narcissist to kill himself
No. 1000134
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>>1000124This mf shaped like Walter
No. 1000135
>>1000122It's not the same thing but I'd argue that people who buy Tati's innocent naive "I was trying to make JS a better person" bullshit has even fewer brain cells.
She fucking knew what she was doing when she did Bye Sister. She knew it would be so fucking devastating that she literally feared for JC's life.
And she did it anyway.
No she's not a predator but she's far from innocent here and buying into her "big heart charity guru" thing is part of the problem. She's not innocent, she's not naive, and her problem isn't simply that she loves too much.
Deflecting onto JS and SD doesn't absolve her. Nobody held a gun to her head.
Cancel all of them.
No. 1000142
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>>1000084>>1000076I can't summarize all this shit but I tried to make a slightly more interesting version for OP use
No. 1000151
>>1000136I get you've never seen this happen but hot dudes get unsolicited messages from random people constantly on insta. So do hot women. It's not a complicated thing, it's mainly an attention whoring platform and people treat others with little dignity and just shoot their shot in the DMs with no sense of self consciousness.
>>1000142God that "i didn't fuck my cat" tweet was so amazing, I hope gets completely ruined soon.
I'm curious to see what Voldemort will do, he tends to wait things out but Shane is an impulsive ape so I feel like Voldy is gonna throw Shane under the bus after the latter reacts too hastily. They can band together and abuse the homophobia angle potentially but it's not really as big of a problem compared to how these two have abused their power, used slurs, made
problematic content, and manipulated the entire conversation around this shit community. I don't see "but Tati sort of dislikes gays" being a good enough distraction.
Hope Voldemort just opens the floodgates and sinks everyones careers but then he potentially remains the only survivor which isn't that great of an outcome. He is easily the worst person in that community.
No. 1000168
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>>1000142Needs to have Ryland’s “DON’T FUCKING TREY ME” and “TRY” tweets
No. 1000173
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Keemstar says Shane and Jeff are planning a video.
No. 1000176
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>>1000173oooh dis gunna be good i can taste it
No. 1000186
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When is Shane's new documentary set to release? He can get the Kati therapist quack to "evaluate" him and tell him how everybody is wrong but him, he's an uwu precious bean
No. 1000190
File: 1593577531610.png (879.77 KB, 744x1014, sd2.png)

>>1000142>>1000168Wasn't sure how long I had until someone made a new thread, here's an even worse version
No. 1000196
>>1000188exactly lol
the only women who send nudes to strangers are either fake or send the kind of nudes that you don't wanna see
No. 1000212
>>1000126I agree with pretty much everything she says here. The only thing I'd say is even if Tati actually wanted to take more accountability, I doubt her lawyers would let her if she's planning on taking them to court. Wouldn't that be like….implicating herself or admitting guilt?
I'm not sure that I believe Jeffree is a part owner of Morphe though that seems like something people would have dug up by now. But then that seems like a really odd thing to say if it's not true, since her statement was so carefully crafted by lawyers? idk
>>1000207Nah, we'll never hear from him, Jeff probably buried in NDAs when they broke up
No. 1000224
Instead of making a new thread, please use the currently existing beauty guru thread to prevent the overlap between both the existing youtuber general threads.
youtube general thread:
>>>/snow/980242youtube beauty guru thread:
>>>/snow/806516 No. 1000244
>>1000196>send the kind of nudes that you don't wanna seethat's the point you idiot lol
the point is that no one woman would get cancelled over sending some risqué/sexual comments to a guy just because he doesn't find her attractive, but because it's a gay guy they'll be like "ew a fag interacted with me he's trying to turn me eww PREDATOR!!!"
No. 1000258
>>1000256That beautytube thread is usually dead, and when it's not dead it's almost always Tati, JC, or JS related. Migrating this drama there makes sense. Idk why you guys are resisting this so hard. Once that thread reaches post limit a new thread theme can be proposed but there's no point in having several different dead threads for the same damn topics.
What's interesting about JS allegedly owning half of Morphe is that Shane's products got dropped due to the pedo drama. Is there a rift between JS and Shart then?