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No. 781130
-It's Black Friday
-Toxic Tears + Jake Munro
-Adora Batbrat
-Sebastian Columbine
-Kat von D
-Drac Makens
-Angela Benedict
-Erin Micklow
-Dre Ronayne
-Avelina de Moray
-and countless shillstar hauls
Last thread :
>Antivaxx KVD gives birth to Leafar
>Snowy Lowther no longer goff
>Sebastian still faking asexuality
>Adora still parties and whores out, posts Insta lewds, possibly slept with Coalcandy
>Bish0p enters the ring, claims you don't have to like goth music a la old Snowy
>IBF, TT and Jake are haul whore sellouts and some fans finally notice
>TT and Jake get £1k on a stream
>TT "can't" lose weight, finally works on attic, gets trapped under a hoard pile
>Jake deletes hate comments to "protect" fans, tries to profit from Stan Lee's death, dresses eDgY again, makes more bad music
>IBF possibly moving to Scotland
>IBF takes hiatus, returns with shit apology + reveals got kicked from Germany. Divorced visa husband Matthias, now pretends to be surprised when visa revoked.
>IBF claims to have "secret plans" she'll only tell patrons
>Drac Makens split with "super hot" native American bf
>Angela continues to jack off to the 90s
>Avelina tells person they aren't goff enough to buy her bags
>Erin still isn't punk
>Dre is still emo
No. 781162
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This thread is perfect!!
Anyway, lumpy is back to begging again. I would LOVE to know what they spend their money on. How does one beg for so much all the time?!
No. 781173
>>781162OP here. Thanks, first time making one.
>>781162Bet she browses daily and Tweets her finds to beg. Do her fans take the bait? I know some already buy stuff off her huge wish list.
>>781164Title is "toadstool makeup"? Thought it was salami or some shit
No. 781190
>>781164She must have filmed this AGES ago but she had the same makeup look in a video from several months ago. How lazy is she? WTF does she actually do with her time?
>>781173kek I thought it looked like a rash with pus filled warts to be honest
No. 781233
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>>780544Well Ibf replied
>I didn't get married to get a residencyYeah, sure Jan
No. 781242
>>781238Ruadhán 1334 made a video about her (this one) and Ibf replied on that video.
>>781241It's still there, change the settings to "recent comments" and scroll down.
No. 781245
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>>781241it's still there. it doesn't have much interaction on it other than like 2 upvotes and his comment back to her, so it's not at the top. here's his response to her if anyone cares, kek.
No. 781276
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Does she not fucking realise that that tweet was for Manchester?!
No. 781288
>>781256In my opinion he's completely on point. Except for the part where he talks about her "maori neighbors" and "living on stolen land" I have no idea what he's talking about. if he's saying she's automatically racist for living in NZ then yeah he's fucking insane.
>>781233Okay, how long til she reports him, sends her legions of tween fans to come harass him and destroy his internet presence? There are already lots of new comments on his video from crazed fans insulting him without making any rational defense of her.
No. 781308
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No. 781309
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No. 781310
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>>781308Had to go check some more comments and they're hilarious.
He's shameless in his begging still.
No. 781321
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No. 781326
>>781309lmfao this is great! even randoms who have no idea who he is think he looks like a total prat.
>>781310fuck off jake. Bam was actually entertaining at least. What does Jake do, go do laundry? Holy shit send him the $300,000 NOW people!!
No. 781329
>>781233>I was cheated onOwl and Nadia, or Matthias and someone else? The way its said, sounds like Matthias, but with who?
>didn't get married for residency >relationship was awfulIf it was so awful why'd you marry him? Yep for fucking residency.
>>781308Jake needs to step out of his ass kissing fans bubble more often. He really does look bad. Kek I wonder if it was him who asked EMP to step in in the comments.
No. 781333
>>781329Matthias cheated on her ,the funny thing is everybody know it , except her , she just realized when it was to obvious, but it doesn't matter they are friends now, all the situation wass really weird , because he was the one who wanted to marry so quickly apparently, she of course accepted ,and he seemed very serious with the relationship at the beginning, he even took her to meet his family as soon as she moved to Germany , I believe they really do loved each other at the beginning of their relationship , but or course they didn't know each other at all.i don't really believe she planned marry him to stay in germany, otherwise she wouldn't get divorced and she could easily forgive him for cheating on her, or date another German guy to marry, she is just a very selfish person who does everything she wants and justify it be saying " you should do whatever makes you happy" because she cheated on Barnaby when she meet Matthias .
No. 781380
>>781378I read the blog post and the way she talks about this ex is the way she talks about Matthias. She moved to another country to be with him and he was emotionally
abusive and broke her trust.
She was defending her mother because I guess the ex from Scotland was saying that her mother interfered with his employment at an orchard. After IBF and Matthias broke up her mother was trashing him on his art page saying that she was going to make sure he'll never be able to show his face in the art community again. Her mother is known to do things like this.
No. 781391
>>781173>salamican't unseen lol. she could've added a little mushroom to tie in with the inspiration.
>>781308semi rhetorical question but what's the deal with the finger in the mouth pose? the one on the bottom right is also super classy.
>>781310dude can't even make interesting vlogs on a regular basis, who in their right mind is going to give him $300k to show off his laundry, gym, eating and skating between bitching about how there's no scene and blahzy blah. the fucking delusion.
No. 781400
>>781361>>781361 That's a lie , because even when she was married she still talked to Barnaby and Matthias knew, and they didn't break up because of that, he cheated on her , actually many people knew he will constantly talk to another women when she wasn't around,at first they where kinda in bad terms , but know they are "friends"
>>781376In her Tumblr someone ask her about her sexuality and she Said , she believes sex is important in a relationship because of closeness, but otherwise she conciders herself asexual , she also mention in her old vlog that her ex boyfriend used to think she was frigid because she didn't want to have sex with him, her mother even took her to a psychologist , who told her mother there was nothing wrong with her , she then says she didn't want to have sex with her exbf because she Wasn't attracted to him anymore ( because he was kinda an asshole) also she mentioned on her Tumblr that sometimes sex is painful to her because of her endyometrosis
No. 781431
>>781391He needs to show his tryhard painted teeth. Can't even be a tryhard right though, it's pretty sloppy, same with his painted hands.
>>781411A few anons have said IBF was msging owl and Matthias found out. Some also said Nadia found out. Where is this info from though?
If it's true I don't blame Matthias for cheating. I also wonder what mental gymnastics IBF gave her doormat to agree to this.
No. 781439
>>781431There is no info, it's a total rumor stated by an anon on the last thread who claimed that it was all part of some master plan to move Owl out to Germany, although like
>>781346 said that plan doesn't even make sense.
>>781329she's talking about Matthias cheating on her, which her mom also said.
No. 781492
>>781288I'm guessing his comment about he Maori people are to the accusations of her being racist? I'm not sure but aside from that, he was pretty on-point and it's nice that someone isn't following for it. As for the inevitable legions of fans swarming him, if they can't properly refute him and only resort to "Lol you're ugly" or "lol you're jelly", he's going to be just fine because her sycophants probably deep down know IBF may have some secrets or things she doesn't want them to know.
>>781298He seems a bit unhinged at first but he did make a lot of fair points calling her out on certain things and I think writing someone off just because of how they look is kinda petty.
>>781305Same, like Angela it does seem like he experienced an eventful life and has some things of substance to share as opposed to another haul video.
>>781395Most of her fans are high school aged, normies, or mallgoths who never outgrew that trend who are not young adults and are the same people who say you can be goff without liking the music lol.
No. 781516
>>781492I agree, I quite like the guy and he's right about pretty much everything. The only negative comments are calling him ugly/fat/etc and that's just… well, we know when someone has to resort to personal attacks they have no argument, right? Like you say they can't even refute anything he says.
I'm unsure about IBF being racist? but supposedly a lot of people were complaining about immigrants in Germany in whichever video IBF moaned about her revoked residency. Also she has a video about lightening your skin which I never really paid much attention to at the time but seems pretty fucked up in hindsight
No. 781557
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No. 781578
>>781500Yeah some people use mental health as a cop out cos its harder for others to disprove. But hauling mountains of free Shillstar is not depression, that's laziness.
If she really wants to talk mental health, she could use her platform to do it positively (she has anxiety) but no.
>>781557>YT wannabe>clothes all end up in the atticYep that's Jake. Kek people who don't even know him have sussed him out easy. Shows how delusional his fans are.
No. 781649
>>781622This is Facebook sjw level retarded.
If you have that argument, any form of body augmention is fucked up. Lip injections, implants, ect. go back to tumblr and have a cry about other people,you’ve never met, doing things with their body that has no impact on you. Has nothing to do with “defending” her.
Not the same annon but I whiten my skin and get my freckles removed (you can with laser).
No. 781670
>>781581Glorious! Some people are commenting on ToxicTubs too
>>781661She really said this?
No. 781685
>>781654You’re a moron and obviously are young. You can lighten your skin with laser and wearing sunscreen. You don’t need to use bleach to lighten.
Maybe you drink some though to end your stupidity?
And any sun exposure is worse for your skin, just fyi.
No. 781693
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What is this? And how does she insist she’s goth?
No. 781701
Skin lightening/tanning is common.
IBF apparently offended by dark skin is racist.
IBF painting herself clown white when she said in an old advice vid not to do that, is stupid.
The end.
>>781693She's had legit model experience but poses and dresses like this. She and Kelly Eden could be sisters.
And I think she just hangs onto the label cos she's used to it, and it got her known on YT like the what not to say to goths video.
No. 781708
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No. 781711
>>781500And see I think you may be right. It seems like she's only ever active if she's dating someone. It makes you wonder if she thinks she isn't an interesting person unless she's dating another Goth guy. I mean to be fair, seeing the kind of content she's made in the last year, it really showed just how vacuous and vapid she is since she never bothered trying to make content that wasn't about shilling clothing or makeup. Depression or not, you can still talk about things that aren't related to what clothing you bought.
>>781516Yep pretty much. The only flimsy thing he said was the racist thing but other than that, pretty on point. And if you can't even refute anything of what he said in the video and instead just resort to ad hominem insults of his appearance, that means you already lost.
> But hauling mountains of free Shillstar is not depression, that's laziness.A little loud for everyone in the back lol Exactly. Even if you are suffering from depression, that doesn't mean you can't change content up a bit.
>>781606I'm curious though, wouldn't all that skin bleaching have some negative side effects? I can't imagine what she'll look like as she ages, probably like the reverse of what happens when someone over-tans (Reverse Tan mom lol) lol.
>>781661If she really did that, what a bitch thing to do.
>>781693The sad thing is that dark cute looks can work but she sucks so much at pairing things.
>>781701Honestly the only way I see her dropping the label is if some big YouTuber (or just a YouTuber who knows what they're doing and can be entertaining) puts her ass on blast about what a big poser she is. This kinda happened back in 2017 on Cemetery Confessions' podcast back when they did something called "Goth Inquisition" and there was one episode where they were talking about "Goth" YouTubers and they just went hard on her lol I think Kaya ended up seeing it and whinged about it on her Instagram or Twitter (can't remember).
No. 781727
>>781708What on earth are these two doing? Who pays for this? He now just looks like some bagged up mess!
>>781711Where was this with tt and cemetery confessions? I mean it really didn’t stop her or her leech from using the label and becoming youtube alternative adverts- I mean, goth adverts
>>781712“You don’t belong here!” - forgets to sage.
Yeh good one, dumb cunt
No. 781753
>>781708am I the only one who thinks he saw how popular social repose had gotten(for god knows what reason - ew) and tried to mash SR + Manson together?
it does not look good on him at all.
No. 781773
>>781693I showed this to my older sister who has no experience with any alternative subculture;
"she doesn't look like a goth? She looks like an idiot."
(no1curr) No. 781776
>>781693It's funny because she and so many other fakes push the whole "as long as you LOOK goth then you're goth" bullshit, but how does she explain this monstrosity of an outfit? "Oh, it's ok, goths are allowed to like other things and wear pink and…" sure, but for someone who bases goth on looking the part, honey this ain't it and you know it. I
really think she wants to branch out and wear pink and "kawaii" stuff all the time but then that means she'll likely lose subscribers/patrons and all those free clothes from Shillstar and witchy subscription boxes despite having absolutely no interest in it. She's never had any originality and just copies whatever is popular at the time, she probably wants to skin walk PeachMilkyTea and Kelly Eden kek. It's the same with Jake, first going for a Casey Neistat vibe with his boring videos and now copying MM and Social Emopose
No. 781826
>>781708Never occurred to me he goes outside like that. More =/= better, Jake. At least learn how to apply liquid latex before bathing in it. And where did you learn to coordinate outfits from, Kaya?
>>781776This. Snowy and Bishop said it an at least they do their own advice. Kaya rarely does now.
There's nothing wrong with dressing kawaii, stop forcing something you're not onto yourself. It's unhealthy.
No. 782000

>>781727I'm currently at work but I believe it was this video posted in 2017. I'm sorry I can't give you an exact time frame at the moment but maybe someone here may have seen the video and will be able to give an exact time stamp. All I remember was that it was during the "Goth Inquisition" segment. But you're right, it didn't stop her but it's just an example of people not afraid to call out her bullshit lol
>>781736Well what do ya know? Looks like some people do have sense. Sorry IBF, looks like you don't have as much grasp on people like you think you do, it's starting to weaken.
>>781776Then she should fucking wear Pink then. God this girl lol. Yeah she'll lose subscribers if she started being honest with herself but she can always start over and build a new audience that will like her for who she really is (LOL). It'd be better than living a lie lol.Jake is a lost cause who won't get the memo until he has a concert crash and burn.
>>781793At least Caligo is cute (well in my opinion) and can pull it off and seems to know how to do these looks tastefully lol. Jake just looks gross… Well I mean, that's probably the point but it's not gross in a cool way, more like a cringe way.
No. 782016
>>781708all the editing on this and gmhe doesn't notice the long, baggy layers make him look stumpy as fuck lol.
so he's apparently going to be putting out vids on a regular basis, can't wait to see what kind of ~content~ he comes out with before he slacks again.
No. 782153
>>782104yup, this time he wa busy with that music video and was all up himself b/c it got 10k views on facebook. couldn't suffer through him rambling about where the inspiration for the song came from, he's shit at storytelling and says he filmed it late at night so that's why he sounds tired. like, you don't have anything else to do, how hard is it to set aside some time to sit and talk to a camera.
anyway, there's another music video and trip to barcelona coming so i don't see him keeping up with a regular upload schedule.
No. 782192
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What even is this lipstick look? and those lip piercings?? bad all round
No. 782199
>>782153He shouldn't bother. His "vlahgs" are so boring, if you've seen one you've seen them all. People usually film interesting stuff, but Jake thinks
he's so interesting that daily chores are film-worthy.
Jake vlog shot game:
>post office/laundry/gym>complaining>fake deep ramble about nothing>eating>plugging his band or patreon>"please subscribe please" kek>>782192She's trying to copy Jake of course. His is worse.
No. 782244
>>781233lol she's so angry and her response is pathetic. She knows it's the opposite of what goth stands for to be so materialistic but she still does it because she can't be bothered to get a stable job.
>>781245Thank god he keeps calling her out. I don't understand why people think he's insane? He reminds me of Mikenactor a bit, I like him.
No. 782266
>>782244He comes off kinda insane cos of the random racism point and how he seems a bit overly
triggered at times.
But yeah it's good people are realising IBF's bullshit, he also called out TT (but in like one sentence).
No. 782281
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“This is one of my favorite pictures of myself” god she sounds so narcissistic in the video. And what’s with the one boob?
No. 782355
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>>782339Yeah and the way her mouth moves really doesn't help
No. 782387
>>782359I hate it. I like Dorian. But I hate this. I don’t agree at all.
Toxic tears isn’t goth plain and simple so she shouldn’t be in the gothic community at all. Black Friday’s attitude sucks. No one cares that she gets free clothes but all the whining and complaining and the really bad decision making is what is putting everyone off. She needs to get off her ass and work a stable job and stop leeching off of everyone.
No. 782415
>>782016How much you wanna bet it'll be more Haul videos? lol
>>782244I agree. I think people are just mad because someone actually put her on blast and is not backing down from it. No one has really called out IBF before so this is a first and not many of her fans know how to process this lol
>>782266Yeah it's really the Racist thing that has no merit unless there is something we're missing. And yeah, I wish he tore into TT a bit though it would've been out of place since the topic of the video was IBF. Kai Decadence kinda called her out too saying she's not a real Goth so I think more people know she's full of shit but just don't say anything.
>>782281This is probably the look Kaya secretly wants to sport lol
>>782387I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was bothered by this video. Dorian was way off base here thinking it all came down to jealousy and bitterness because IBF and TT get free clothes. Why can't a rant video just be a you know, RANT Video. Other than the Racist thing, he was pretty much on point and I'm glad he came off more aggressive and no nonsense because if he just kissed her ass, she wouldn't have even watched nor would she have seen that yes, people are literally getting tired of her bullshit.
As for
Toxic Tears, she's not "Goth" or even "Gothic". She just needs to get out and go to the Kawaii community that she so desperately wants to be in. That or actually take some off and actually get into Goth music to be a Goth or get to reading some Gothic Literature, Film, or look at some Gothic Artwork (Actual Gothic artwork, not dark artwork). The resources are all there.
No. 782438
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God, Dorian is such a kiss ass.
No. 782439
File: 1551502336932.jpg (33.13 KB, 654x238, pleasevalidateme.JPG)

Some ADVANCED fishing for compliments from kaya here.
No. 782453
>>782435That's true. I search for new Goth music to add to my collection every few days and I've come across a shit ton of Goth bands whom's videos hardly have any views (which sucks because a lot of these bands are damn good) but I also keep in mind that a lot of people who watch IBF's content aren't Goths but just "normies" passing by.
And eh… I dunno about that. Making hundreds of video hauls for Shillstar helps nothing, the brand isn't even Goth, it's just a bunch of Dark occult shit. Where's the Goth band memorabilia? lol Not even so much as Bauhaus or even The Cure shirts or bags lol. I get what you're though anon and it's fucking sad. But this is why I'm glad the dude made that video putting IBF in her place, she had it long coming.
>>782438> LitaFaerieSo fucking what? She could've still done the DIY outfit when she got home and showed what she found and what she was going to do. LAZY ASS. And I wouldn't be calling her that if she had like a real job or something but she doesn't, she has all the time in the world compared to someone working or going to school.
>>782439Oh shut the fuck up you tard, if you really LOVED them so much, you'd actually spend your own money on it instead of subtly (kek) asking for handouts to "review" them. If she actually is buying this crap with her money, I'll retract but last I heard, she was getting sent this shit to review on her channel.
No. 782460
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>>782359Good thing there are still smart people in the comments
No. 782461
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>>782438Me: (continues eating popcorn)
No. 782467
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No. 782469
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No. 782470
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more begging….
No. 782471
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plenty of things about IBF are being discussed, this was a classic…. oh, no one is looking at me…. oh….. please bitch you always wanted people looking at you. that orange wig was an insult to not only non goths but was an embarrassment to people who've been in the scene for years. what a spectacle. where do we begin?
No. 782505
>>782469>IBF's non existent fundraising for the Sophie Lancaster foundationWhen was that? Don't think we've talked about it.
>>782359>YouTube spotlight featured me without asking, and 4chan descendedSame with this
>>782475>someone linked me to lolcowKek
No. 782520
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>>781708It's so weird, he thinks he looks like Manson but he looks like this normie makeup youtuber I watch, makeupbyjaack.
No. 782528
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No. 782552
>>782505I think this was back during the Goths for Sophie calendar that was done back in 2017. I remember there was a stint going on where the director of the project didn't want to include IBF and
Toxic Tears in it and they got pissy about that. Then when one the calendar came out and people were sharing it around to spread the word of the organization, IBF didn't participate and it just seemed like a selfishness that she couldn't take a very short time (like 5 seconds) to tweet or mention the movement.
I mean yeah, she probably didn't want to do it because she wasn't included in it but as someone who supposedly cares much for the Alternative scene, you would think she would've put that aside to help the cause of one of the most infamous cases of being assaulted and killed for being Alternative.
>>782540I'm watching it right now and yeah, I'm not seeing her expand on his "good points".
No. 782585
>>782530Dorian made that mukbang style video lately where it was 1 in the morning and she was laughing (manically I thought) at her own story of how complicated it was to collect a pizza, and she then ate and talked about puking, opiates, heroin, how she hadn't taken her meds, more puking talk in bulimia mentions.. more drug talk. I know she's animated but I've never seen her quite so manic
In most of her vids I agree with her on certain things. I just wonder how well she is doing at the moment. Said she still has a sleep schedule of sleeping during the day and getting up at night. I thought she would've stopped that when she stopped the heavy drinking a while back?
If I'm right she's said any pronouns are fine
No. 782722
>>782711Let's check out together
2019 - 1994 = 2000 - 1994 + 19 = 6 + 19 = 5 + 20 = 25
Yes, seems so she is 25. She had birthday few days ago BTW.
No. 782733
>>782412>I'm not trying to sound mean but she looks really old, at least in this picture. she looks like a straight up porn milf. could be the way she does her makeup.Strong makeup brings such associations, mainly because people who were in their late teens and early 20s in the '80s are at "milf age now" and many still follow at least partially the way makeup was done in the 80's.
But back then it was may young people were doing it, now it's the way of "the old folks" as they aged.
Many people my age also associate big teased hair on females with "mommies and grannies" mainly because we have seen them typically on women aged as our mothers and grandmothers who were or still are continuing to sport such hairstyles. It's in big part the matter of contextual perception, in some just highlighting of facial features that are typical for aged face.
Try watching movies from the '40s. You would probably add around 20 years to the age of most of youngest actors who were in their early 20s at the time just based on the way they dress.
(blogposting) No. 782736
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No. 782737
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>>782736And for the last hashtag this might be what it's about. Don't know the date, found on google images (hence crap quality)
No. 782753
>>782439someone called her put in yt comments about not being honest that she is sent the box for review. i don't watch those vids so can't comment as to whether that's true, but she could have handled the criticism with a simple statement.
>>782461>>782467>>782470>>782471nice to see ppl bringing these things up in a constructive matter but they'll just whine about ~bullies~ b/c it's easier than making changes.
>>782520at least this dude can apply makeup instead of smearing everything and slapping on liquid latex.
No. 782797
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>here's how I put together an outfit video
So you're saying you put calculated thought into the awful combinations you post?
No. 782811
>>782797little advice - yes goths are closer nowadays (and
possibly smaller) than were years ago - yet do not extrapolate problems of the USA scene to whole globe - as it's hard to say that white supremacism is a problem among for example Indonesian or Japanese goths. Right? Also European post Soviet region goths differ a lot to the West both in regards of mainstream culture and goth subculture. Not like there are not common problems everywhere, but I personally find term "problems of the gothic scene™" to be
problematic because of how widespread goth is around the globe among nations where you hardly meet people of different skin color than yours and I don't mean white skin here. It's some form of indirect ignoring these scenes and claiming that only the fragment of the scene you are most familiar with is the most important and matters the most.
No. 782818
>>782802Agree. What happened with IBF was (is?) lightening in a bottle
>>782811I think you meant to reply to me, if so, point taken, you're right
No. 782820
>>782818ahh yes, post
>>782811 was intended to be a replay to
>>782800 No. 782852
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>>782677Im just watching her goth on a budget video and its funny people are leaving comments like this when its the exact opposite of what she does in this video. Well I guess she was being honest about her own feelings? Kinda awkward as kat blaque is in the comments section too lol.
No. 782864
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No. 782871
>>782733I didn't mean how much makeup she was wearing, but rather HOW she does her makeup. "Strong makeup" could mean a lot of different looks. for example, you wear a ton of makeup and have it look like you're not wearing very much at all, it depends on how you do it. I just mean the way she puts on her makeup gives her that stretched out botox look.
>>782581I don't know exactly what you mean about "mature" but I watch a lot of youtubers who are 25-30 and they certainly don't look as old as she looks in those pictures
No. 782877
>>782852Kat Blaque has gotten on the Goff train because she's been going to Industrial clubs and thinks liking that stuff while dressing i black is making her Goth lol. I wouldn't think much of it because if she doesn't get into actual Goth music and people don't consider her a real Goth, she'll just complain about it and move on to something.
>>782871Maybe it's the way she does her eye makeup that seems to be distracting?
No. 782885
>>782852It could be sarcasm. But yeah Dorian's advice to plus size people was basically just "lost weight"
>>782864>goddardcould that maybe be Jake's real last name? also what is puncuation
>>782877Yeah, I think it's the eye makeup.
No. 782890
>>782885>It could be sarcasm. But yeah Dorian's advice to plus size people was basically just "lost weight"Let's be serious - what have you expected? Advice to everybody else to gain weight so XXXL would become the norm?
What's wrong with advice to someone on loosing weight here? If you can't fit in regular clothing range - then you should seriously think what to do with that fact sooner or later. Even (European) alt brands offer size range that allows lover levels of obesity.
So if you can't fit into clothing because of amount of your body's fat reserves you are on serious health risk. Telling that is way better than telling someone who is having this body fat level that it's perfectly sane to leave things as they are.
If you are way taller or more muscular/athletic (you do a lot of weightlifting or other sports) than average people and within sane body fat level it's a whole different story. You can be even anorexic and find almost zero clothing with height around 7 feet. But let's be honest - it's unlikely that it's what was meant in the video.
No. 782893
>>782890everyone knows being morbidly obese is unhealthy. however, losing that amount of weight can take months, even years to lose. that doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to wear clothes that they like in the meantime.
also it's kind of shitty to bring it up and then just be like "the solution is to lose weight". like, no shit? if that's dorian's best advice then they should have just not addressed it.
No. 782898
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>>782885Goddard is Jake's real surname. In one of the Japan vlogs someone is holding a sign with his full name. he received this comment too kek
No. 782911
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>>782753>at least this dude can apply makeup instead of smearing everything and slapping on liquid latex.and heeeere we are having this conversation agaaaaain….
koz u 'no alt iz all bout purfekt meyka', u aint alt if ya smear fingz or yer aylayna iz not strayt
No. 782992
>>782877She probably thinks bdsm is goth tbh she has at least 4 recent videos on it. kek are we gonna have to ad her to the list of alt cows now? She seems to be trying to jump ship like sh0eonhead is.
>>782893I agree, especially given the weird tangent she went off on in the video.
>>782895>It's not like someone was called an inferior lesser human being here.kek someone didnt watch the video.
No. 782996
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>>782992Quick google search already yields stuff, she's getting into the clothes. Clubs too, but also for clothes apparently. Wonder how it started.
No. 782999
>>782996She thinks the matrix is goth lol (no shade I love the matrix but its not really goth)
>Clubs too, but also for clothes apparently. Wonder how it started.Shes trying to distance herself from her "woke, sjw" past. This
maybe to do with the blowback from the transracial debate, despite it being like 3 years ago shes done many follow ups on it and seems tired about opening a can of worms.
No. 783000
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>>782919exactly, i think some anons just want to reeee about poking fun at their makeup. it's not a personal attack on the entirety of alternative ppl, just laughing at particular individuals who also have shitty attitudes while trying so hard to suit themselves to labels.
anyway, is this a reference to her being posted here?
>who has time to care about whatever nonsense they're whining aboutwhy you tweeting about it then?
No. 783017
>>782992>kek someone didnt watch the video.Yes, I watched it with eyes wide shut and ears plugged with bee-wax.So time stamp please. Thank you in advance for helping me overcome my mental disabilities.
>>783000I just simply see it as extending lack of sympathy for his action on literally everything he do. Possibly even the way he eats his cereals.
No. 783028
>>783017There's only one part where she talks about it-surely if you watched the video you don't need a timestamp sperge-chan. Also
>>782893 already outlined it.
>Thank you in advance for helping me overcome my mental disabilities.kek, sarcasm only works when its not true anon. You're a lost cause,thanks for the laugh though.
No. 783059
>>782895I get what you're saying anon and I agree. A lot of alternative brands already go up to sizes like "4XL / XXXXL" and if you still can't fit in sizes like that then it's absolutely time to make a change or learn to DIY the clothes that do fit you. It's not the responsibility of a company to cater to extreme sizes that surpass even a big size like 4XL.
Sometimes people need a wake up call. It's like those fat activist who complained about how Plane seating and how they couldn't fit in the seats and were demanding they make them bigger and it's like, are you serious? The plus size clothing thing is no different because even if these companies would try to accommodate morbid obesity sizes, they would most likely charge more for it because of the extra materials and time that need to go into mass producing them.
>>782992>She probably thinks bdsm is goth tbh she has at least 4 recent videos on it. kek are we gonna have to ad her to the list of alt cows now? She seems to be trying to jump ship like sh0eonhead is.I have a feeling you're right about this LOL She probably does think BDSM is Goth and she's going to be in for a rude awakening if she actually doesn't bother getting into what Goth actally is about and she becomes
Toxic Tears 3.0 (2.0 is Dre Ronanye lol).
>>782996And so it begins…
>>782999>MatrixMatrix is really just Cyberpunk, not Goth.
As for her trying to get away from the SJW stuff, I mean cool for her but if she doesn't actually educate herself on Goth and does what so many of these other people like
Toxic Tears, Dre Ronanye, and Hello Batty do, she's going to be in for a bad time.
>>783000>Who has time to care about whatever nonsense they're whining aboutObviously you do. She honestly thinks most of us spend all our day on this site and don't have real lives outside this place? Maybe for her considering she has no job nor does she go to school and just lounges about all day but that doesn't really apply to the people here. It only takes like a few seconds to a minute or 5 to read and post a comment on the board.
No. 783096
>>783090Yes, being overweight (even few kg) is something that should provoke sane actions leading to losing excess fat. Since when is that sentence untrue? Or what is your problem here? Ask your doctor, they would recommend the same as Dorian did - losing weight. Why is that so
problematic suddenly? No one is promoting anorexia so far or something going counter medical-science. Heck, even alt-medicine would recommend the same.
No. 783109
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>>782893Tbh the video was useless and just an excuse for herbs to prance about. The comment section is better for recommendations, this is just a sample but there were loads more with links etc for finding goth for all types of people.
It just seemed like herbs did this to seperate himself from the itsblackfriday/
toxic tears drama and kind of one up them but it just came across as disingenuous as more recent comments are starting to call him out. A real shame because I did like him.
No. 783130
>>783120Ok, now i get it. you folks are just
triggered by weight issues. Isn't it?
(>gets banned for anachan posting, continues IMMEDIATLY when the ban expires) No. 783172
>>783096Because when you simplify it like that, "you overweight? lose it!" you suddenly force people into this tight spectrum of weight that is deemed "healthy" and that's how eating disorders begin, and then they end up weighing the grams they gained and counting calories to keep the weight the way it is, and lose the "excess".
The world does not revolve around the bodies that are deemed "good" and everyone else bad. The doctors and blood tests will tell someone if their body can cope with the extra weight.
The truth of the matter is that Dorian is NOT the person to talk about plus size clothing, especially in Goth, where it can be harder to find nice outfits. And what sucks is that there are very few plus size alternative people who at least discuss clothing because you don't need to be a certain body type to discuss music and bands.
Anyway, man I dislike Kat Blaque. I feel like she is the uber aggressive feminist that makes you shake your head and cringe. In an old video about blackface I said that I wanted to cosplay a tan character but I don't tan anymore (and don't want to put my skin through tanning for a cosplay) and asked if it would still be blackface to wear tan foundation/fake tan and she almost executed me in the comments. I am weirded out by her recent obsession with BDSM and the goth stuff. People usually dabble in aesthetics and subcultures when they are 15, not 28, yikes.
No. 783188
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No. 783195
>>783188lol savage. I love how she destroyed her remaining reputation by being a dumb anti-vax activist instead of keeping her bs to herself.
>>783190Do you really think the goff queen takes a bus?
No. 783197
>>783000If Kaya's fans can find lolcow pretty easily, so could she. More than likely she googles her name sometimes, and it's been speculated she lurks. So why is she posting this now? Why is she posting it at all if she used to be active on PULL?
>>783195Yeah how dare someone suggest Kat takes the peasant wagon? Imagine her trying to just fit that down the street though kek.
No. 783199
>>782862Uuuuuuuh why is Jake trying to be more like Social Repose, a known dickhead and
abuser of women?
No. 783226
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lol I'm getting serious adorabatbrat vibes, but maybe she was always like this?
No. 783235
>>783083I wonder what would happen if someone actually publicly called her out on this? I'm pretty sure most of her fans don't know what "PULL" is so they'd probably be lost until someone explains it and they do some digging.
>>783090I haven't watched the video to be honest but if that's what she was saying (overweight in general) then okay, I retract.
>>783096>No one is promoting anorexiaExactly. If people were, people like Eugenia Cooney would be celebrated and revered as "ideal" but she isn't and she gets just as much criticism as someone like Amberlyn Reid.
>>783109To be fair, this comment did highlight what I suggested (altering clothes o your own) so at least there are people who do this or at least know they can.
>>783172>especially in Goth, where it can be harder to find nice outfits.Say what? How? You do know that most Goths, especially back in the 80s didn't buy pre-packaged Goff clothing, they made their outfits on their own with the help of cheap clothing you could find anywhere and go from there. Accessories were the key component to giving that dark flair to something that appeared basic. I get what you're saying but it's not the end of the world if you can't afford the expensive clothing.
>Anyway, man I dislike Kat Blaque. I feel like she is the uber aggressive feminist that makes you shake your head and cringe. In an old video about blackface I said that I wanted to cosplay a tan character but I don't tan anymore (and don't want to put my skin through tanning for a cosplay) and asked if it would still be blackface to wear tan foundation/fake tan and she almost executed me in the comments. I am weirded out by her recent obsession with BDSM and the goth stuff. People usually dabble in aesthetics and subcultures when they are 15, not 28, yikes.Well what do you expect? She's an SJW and most of them are insufferable lol. And Goth stuff? Yeah no. She hasn't exhibited anything of Goth to be honest, just BDSM. Until she starts talking about her discovery with some Goth music (acual Goth music) will I ever personally go "Yeah, she seems to be doing some digging into the Goth scene". I think she's only doing this ever since she started being open about her polyamory and follow her kinks. I eally hope she's not jumping onto the Goths are kinky stereotype because if she's actually linking Goth and BDSM as the same, oh dear…
>>783197Maybe she's lurking because her name has been dragged in the recent IBF drama, many people calling her out as a poser and she wants to see what others are saying lol
>>783199Because Social Repose has left Youtube (supposedly) and Jake is thinking he'll be the next Social Repose. I mean why not? Both are shitty people and make shit music. Why not?
No. 783254
>>783235I'm anon that mentioned goth outfits, and where I live, "goth clothes" as in, stores that cater to alternative tastes, are SO overpriced. They import everything and charge a ridiculous markup. Now yeah, you can order clothes from the internet, but it depends where from due to customs, and will it even fit? And as much as I enjoy a good band tee, I'm sick of stiff unisex tees with no shape. Two of my prized possessions are two Metallica clothes, a Master of Puppets soft slouchie hoodie from H&M and a black album soft cotton tee that's actually designed and cut for a female shape. It's so comfortable and flattering. 10/10 would not exchange.
I just shop around at "normie" stores and buy the black pieces. A lot of women in my country who are alt just buy black regular clothes and wear accessories. The fancier, decorative outfits are reserved to those with the money to afford them. Surefire way to spot a summer goth where I live is long black simple cotton dress, black sandals and ruby red or pitch black hair. Usually with an ankh necklace or a choker.
Unsure if it's cultural but here we have a really understated goth mentality. Piercings and coloured hair aren't necessarily indicators anymore. Rock radio stations are popular, and black is a super popular color regardless of your style.
Apologies for blogposting I just find it interesting how various countries or cultures tackle the alternative styles especially on a daily basis and not when you're at a goth club.
(blogpost) No. 783295
>>783226What bothers me about 'herbs' is that she often acts like she has some sort of wisdom in her vids. This is a 35 year old who still lives at home and has no day job? She must have the most enabling mother on earth.
She has gone through a series of addictions and obsessions and she never really recovers from any of them because she has no real responsibilities in life. She can drink heavily, do whatever drugs she's currently on, choose to be nocturnal, and she always has the security of living at her moms. She has no idea what being an adult is like.
Most 35 year olds have rent/a mortgage, a job, bills and have to run a house. And at 35 most people have had those things for 15 years already.
No. 783300
>>783295wow, I didn't know she was jobless, but yeah I agree with "often acts like she has some sort of wisdom in her vids." She does come off as an elitist now which is a bit of a contrast to some of her old videos.
Also shes apparently trying to lose another 20lbs. I remember seeing in an old thread but can't remember saying she would rather die than be fat, is she really over her disorders?
No. 783307
>>783300She makes no secret of the fact that she sleeps all day and rarely leaves the house so she can't possibly be working?
She goes in circles with these destructive behaviours, it's not long since she was drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels every night. She only stopped that because it was causing her to gain weight! Not because she wanted to live a productive life..
Imagine living in a house with your mid-thirties child that stays up drinking all night.
And who can afford a full size bottle of JD every single day when they are jobless? I think there's alot of enabling going on at home
No. 783308
>>783226It kind of looks like pro ana progress…
They have said they were in a pro ana websites and brags about her old extreme skinny photos are still shared in pro ana forums
No. 783309
>>783295she has said that she was diagnosed with aspergers
of course that doesn't excuse her of not taking responsibility and be an adult
No. 783313
>>783309I'm aware of the aspergers and wonder if maybe that's how she gets away with it?
Cos most parents wouldn't put up with that 'live in your house and sleep all day, drink all night' lifestyle
No. 783367
>>783000>>783009>>783083Man, I REALLY wish someone would have taken screencaps of her fat shaming on PULL.
>>783059>Dre is Toxic Tears 2.0At least Dre knows how to dress herself.
>>782862Wow I feel kinda bad for Jake now, his mum sounds like a sociopath.
No. 783410
>>783367i saw dre tweet about trasha payta and "love when [she] cosbounds" so fuck her.
>>783386of course she denies, can't let ppl know she was one of those losers with no life talking shit on the internet, then she couldn't whine about comments on her for asspats.
No. 783420
>>783254>>783295Yeah in a way, she's like Chris Chan only not as insane or mentally inhibited. honestly the only real advice I could see her giving is about drug addiction but anything else and it's a bit of a stretch.
>>783254That's interesting though for me, seeing someone dressed in black and having pitch black or red hair is really not enough for me to determine if the person is Goth or just simply darkly-inclined. I guess I've bee let down too many times whenever I saw people like this around and when I'd ask them about Goth music, they wouldn't know any of the bands I mentioned but certainly knew the cliche Industrial stuff lol. But that's just me haha.
>>783307I feel like maybe Dorian has some sort of side job maybe? Like maybe she edits documents for people on the side or something to earn a bit of spending money and she wastes it on her booze.
>>783309Agreed. As someone who does suffer from autism, it's definitely not easy to deal with and my job is very customer service oriented so it can really drain me but we just gotta try to work through it. But I could forgive all of that if she actually did something? Even something as simple as freelance, it's better than lounging about and sleeping all day. With her DIY skills, she could easily start an indie clothing shop and sell some DIY clothing.
>>783357Oh okay lol Nevermind then. Well whatever the case, are her posts still even on that site?
>>783368LMAO Point taken.
>>783386Eh that's what these people tend to do. Cover up and deny their pasts. I hear Shoe0nHead does the same thing covering her tracks.
No. 783424
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>>783386She either changed it or deleted it. Do you remember what/who she posted about?
No. 783445
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No. 783446
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Kaya's no saint
No. 783455
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>>782192when you are the moon
No. 783465
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No. 783479
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I remembr back when TT was a PULLfag, she was OBSESSED with Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova
No. 783535
>>783465Read your old fat shaming posts Kaya,
you're fat because you're stupid kek
No. 783625
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>>783614kek! also spotted this while attempting to find any of jake's old fat shaming posts. old but gold.
No. 783633
I love how the person said the "hater" had "vile tiny boobs" when kaya herself always had tiny breasts. Nowadays with her awful figure + awfully cut clothes + never wearing a bra she has what I would actually call "vile tiny boobs", they look kinda gross as if she is an overgrown 12 year old whose breasts are just starting to show, looking like two tiny fat lumps that haven't got a breast shape yet, different from a adult woman's small breasts. I thought these were gross even when I had them myself hahahah
No. 783673
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Adora's been with Sireplague again.
Got any milk on those two?
No. 783681
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So they're that desperate to do 'their job ' when their internet was down…
No. 783684
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No. 783688
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No. 783689
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does anyone know where Jake used to work?
No. 783690
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how is it that Kaya used to be able to mix goth and cute styles together but completely fails now.
I think she looks lovely here
(sorry for picture dump..going through Jake's tumblr, back when he was actually attracted to Kaya)
No. 783691
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I bet he can't do that anymore
No. 783697
>>783479This actually looked pretty good, especially in comparison to her appearance nowadays. It had a sort of gothic faerie aesthetic.
Nowadays, she literally looks like the sort of person who would make fun of her on PULL but also skinwalk her at the same time.
>>783688 would post about how
>>783690 and
>>783479 "isn't that pretty and is kind of a poser and a snowflake?? idk just my two cents".
No. 783700
>>783614A+ anon. We need more memes in these threads
>>783689Looks like a call center or do you ask for the specific company?
No. 783716
>>783673On her Instagram she's been visiting Sireplague's sisters birthday party. That's kind of serious :O
Bit young, ey…
No. 783724
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>>783705Yeah both him and kaya did call centres, probs cos they got to sit down. Don't know if both did the same one. Kaya did British Gas.
>>783703I think it's also:
-she likes pastel and not goff anymore.
>>783690 this is creepy cute and works. Most of her goff outfits work. But she wears pastel with goff forced on cos she fears losing subs and maybe Jake. Pic related.
-in denial of weight cos of her fat shaming. She needs to accept her new body/face type. For someone who modelled and did this
>>783479, how did she get here?
No. 783742
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>>783684The chubby face paired with the hat makes him look like the lovechild of Billy Corgan and Joji Grey.
No. 783770
>>783724Kaya also worked at paypal at one point, and it paid pretty well. I think that was the job she had that she said was making her miserable and quit. She never said why it made her miserable though. I think that might have also been where she met John.
No. 783775
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No. 783776
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No. 783797
>>783684… LOL This… Is just too perfect.
>>783690Goth isn't the word that comes to mind when I see this but yes I will agree she actually looked good here. Not sure why she sucks styling herself now but part of the problem is because she doesn't or won't dress for her size.
>>783703Pretty much all this. It's the weight gain especially that totally destroys her look she's trying to shoot for. Her potato shaped face especially.
>>783724See as tacky as the outfit on the right is, I feel like it could possibly work if she actually were thinner. She has not body shape at all and it just… Looks unflattering. And she got there because she got complacent once she got with Jake lol
>>783727Yeah and now they're swarming Ruadhal's video with the downvotes lol.
>>783770Didn't she also work at Sephora? (Or some store)?
No. 783904
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This is not milk, but Kat Von D released a new eye shadow palette obnoxiously called vegan, with equally obnoxious shade names to match. To quote a comment on themakeupnews Instagram:
"ughh polio never looked so pigmented".
No. 784041
>>783904i know she just had her goth vegan baby but did she even try with this? none of the shads really stand out and seems like they could be found elsewhere.
>>784019rme so hard when she said she wanted a space to relax from "work". it's not that hard to film/edit videos, especially when you choose to do it. also, idk if she's always said this at the end, but when she was talking about patreon, she mentioned it's a way to tip creators for the content they create, lol. i thought the point was to reward ppl, but she's only got the one [discord chat, whoopdedoo] and doesn't seem to offer anything special for the page, just the same vids that are already posted on youtube.
No. 784043
File: 1551928199251.png (459.4 KB, 1440x2216, 20190307_030427.png)

Such a self-important cunt. Boo hoo feel bad for me I have dental pain because my hygiene is awful. Dont look at the loser having a seizure, Pay attention to me!!!
He boils my piss.
No. 784086
how much of a narcissist do you have to be to try and down-play a woman's seizures.
(and i mean maybe go see a dentist earlier???)
No. 784094
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Oh so since Germany kicked her out, it’s now a shitty place?
No. 784141
>>784043But never mind the poor woman having a seizure, MAH TOOF ACHES! What a waste of oxygen he is.
Replace seizure with "stabbed" or "shot"
>this woman came in bleeding all over the place from being stabbed multiple times and collapsed in the waiting room (she was fine), I had to wait an hour for her to regain consciousness (again, she was fine) No. 784161
>>784019when she says she lies on the ground of her attic and watched netflix all I can imagine is a beached whale.
she has a sitting room with a couch and a bedroom but she'd rather lie on her dirty cold floor
No. 784163
>>784043I wonder how he paid for that root canal?
do they get free dental in N Ireland because it can cost up to 600 euros for one of those in the republic of ireland
No. 784169
>>784019Omg lol! I thought you were making these things up because that's like an exaggerated list of things she begs for from time to time. My ESL ass also didn't know you call these bags to sit on "bean bag" so I thought of an actual bag of beans.
Sometimes I wonder if the begging is more subconscious with her because all she thinks of are materialistic things so of course she talks about them.
>>784043Jake is such an entitled idiot. I got a root canal myself when I was younger and it takes a long ass time for the pain to become so bad that you can't take it anymore. It's his own fault for not going to the dentist earlier. I'm actually surprised that this is a case for an emergency and that he got the surgery so quickly.
No. 784176
>>784163Not sure, but here in the UK there are training hospitals where you can get treated for free if you can't afford a dentist.You just have to wait hours.
Although dental care is free if you're on benefits so….
I reckon if he had to pay he would have moaned about it by now
No. 784199
>>784019Kaya: I need to save for Japan but it's so hard
also Kaya:
I want a big beanbag chair
I want new eye shadow palettes
we're going out to eat and then frozen yogurt and then we're going to a bar
Her entire video was her talking about what she wants, she's actually worse than kelly eden
No. 784237
>>784043>>784169it's absolutely hilarious how he plays it up. i know people think root canal treatments are made of PAIN AND SUFFERING but this mentality doesn't really help anyone. take care of your teeth and seek treatment immediately when something feels off. it doesn't even need to hurt to call an appointment.
it's not a toothpick Jake you absolute wiener and they defo didn't drill into your skull. it's called a file, it stops in the apex, and your face is rotten.
No. 784258
>>784043Jake and Kaya probably don't go to the dentist cause its not free when you're not a child lol
City hospital in belfast is notorious for wait times, well the whole NHS is in a state, of course someone having seizures is more important than the chubby goth holding his fucking cheek.
No. 784263
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>>783716Sireplague posted another picture of him and Adora on his Instagram.
No. 784287
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No Kaya we don't, because you're too scared to talk about the music and would rather create and share pop music playlists instead
No. 784320
>>784043>woman having seizure and being wheeled out in a wheelchairThis dickhead:
>uuugh how inconvenient for me!!!!I hope Kaya splits with him long before this insensitivity becomes an issue. Can you imagine her giving birth or something and him whining in a corner somewhere that it's taking too long
No. 784333
>>784331oops, meant to post that as a reply to
>>784316 sorry
No. 784336
>>784320Thank goodness they decided not to procreate then.
>>784311It’s really rich for her to condemn “online bullying” when she used to gatekeep as well. So she gained empathy since she got fat? I think not. Most “hate” comments about her is about whining, e-begging, and scamming her fans anyway not just her lack of appreciating goth music.
No. 784337
>>784311I decided to take one for the team and watch it at 1.5 speed and it still seemed like it'd never end:
-She said she's going to try growing mushrooms for some reason (???) but now now, takes ages to actually start the video ("I'm at my limit" "Don't comment if you're going to hurt my feelings uwu" etc)
-Says she hates drama, drama forums, drama videos, etc "It's all trash" "I spend so much time avoiding this stuff, I don't want to know" (fucking hypocrite, we all know you were on PULL 1.0)
-"Unboxing videos and hauls are sent to me by the brands, that's not something I'm trying to hide, I'm not being sneaky about it"
-"I'm turning down companies about things I like because they wouldn't fit into the channel, because people would be nasty about it"
-"You don't have to watch haul/ unboxing videos if you don't like them!!!1!""They're either for the purpose of reviewing or for inspiring people, leave people alone if you don't like them!"
-"There's no right or wrong way [to be goth], there's never being one single way to do it" "I don't care if you think I'm goth or not, do you even know what music I listen to on a daily basis?" "This is not a channel about goth, about a directory of bands etc." "YES, I do like listening to goth music, yes, I generally identify as a goth, but I don't HAVE to share every interest I have on this channel or educate people about goth"
-Randomly talks about reviewing albums and how she can't do that because she knows nothing about music terms, "I'm not a musically minded person"
-"I like the music but I can't actively participate in it, while I can in fashion, I can put together outfits or modify clothes" KEK
-"Have you seen me? Half the time I'm dressed in pink frilly stuff, I can't tell you ~how to be goth ~"
-"I'm being made to feel like a bad person because I receive stuff I like"
-Stresseds that she
hasn't seen any videos or
anything critical about her it's just "comments being sent her way"
-"I can't believe people have never met me but hate me just because I make videos online"
-"I'm trying to self improve and be better, but the nastiest comments come from the goth scene, it's
toxic" "Kids come to me for advice not knowing what to do because people are being dicks to them" "You don't KNOW where someone is mentally! People may even kill themselves!"
Fuck me, this got really long.
No. 784339
>>784311Smh she will never understand, will she? She clearly doesn't like the music. We all know her favourite music is pop and probably some emo or metal. Liking a couple of songs by SoM doesn't a goth make, Kaya. She's admitted several times she doesn't like the music and didn't recognise some well known goth bands in her stupid "What kind of goth am I?" video or whatever it was.
>I like goth music!>I don't have to make videos about the music!>I make videos about things I like!topkek
>>784336Exactly. She was probably calling Ruadhan all sorts while watching the video, but tries to put on this act that she's sweet and wouldn't say a bad word about anyone. Her old PULL posts, her blog posts and the way she interacts with anyone who criticises her on her social media shows she is nothing like the "Hello lovelies!" facade would imply. She's just fake through and through. She also said she gets "young goths" coming to her for help because "older goths" have been nasty saying they can't be goth. This is either a straight up lie, or the "older goth" just simply said they can't be goth without liking the music.
No. 784340
>>784311>>784316I really wish we had screenshots from Kaya's PULL days. she's such a hypocrite it's hilarious
>Say she hates drama, drama videos AND DRAMA WEBSISTES AND FORUMS>apparently there's some drama youtube videos about Kaya?? >talks about her unboxing videos getting a lot of hate>complains all the time about no companies want to work with her because she's a goff and then admits that she turns down a lot of opportunities>puts off doing unboxing videos because she's afraid people will be mean to her>spends a couple minutes defending herself that she's goth, explains that she never talks about goth music because her channel isn't about goth things (????)>"you don't have to have a skill to participate in fashion"yeah you have no skill at all when it comes to fashion Kaya.
No. 784361
>>784043I had really bad tooth pain once (had to have my tooth pulled) and it was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, it made my neck and ear hurt and I cried from the pain. But if someone were to have had a seizure in front of me I would still acknowledge that their problem is more urgent. The thing I don't get is, why does he post stuff like this on the internet for everyone to see? He has to know it's going to make him look like an ass. You keep thoughts like that to yourself, boi.
He is human trash. I can't believe I used to be a patron on patreon and bought his shitty album on iTunes. The irony is that in the past he has complained about Emilie Autumn & Alissa White-Gluz being assholes/entitles and asking why Emilie has fans when the truth is he's no better than they are. Oh yeah, and he called Alissa arrogant.
Hello pot, meet kettle
No. 784362
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Lately IBF has been going around on Twitter liking tweets like these. All the tweets she’s liked never once mention that goth is formed from music, not clothes. Yet everyone seems to rant on about clothes. Think someone’s a bit butt hurt about what goth is.
Still, why doesn’t she and others call themselves gothic? Gothic is different from goth
No. 784373
>>784095Agreed OP. She's just ass hurt that once her sham marriage fell apart, the German immigration council was not going to give her an exception to stay in their country because contrary to what she thinks, she's not a celebrity and must follow the rules just like any other person.
>>784141> this woman came in bleeding all over the place from being stabbed multiple times and collapsed in the waiting room (she was fine), I had to wait an hour for her to regain consciousness (again, she was fine)Kek too good.
>>784166I would think her fans have some sense if none of them have bought them these things and she keeps bringing it up.
>>784287Tell it OP, Tell it lol. Kaya is such a dumb bitch, people are catching onto her BS and more people are starting to call her out on it. She knows she doesn't listen to Goth music, she never talks about it. With all the free time she had, she would've by now but she hasn't because she doesn't like it but oh wait, she has time to gossip and dish about pop music instead. Gimme a break you fat poseur.
>>784329And Kaya won't leave him because she's a boring person with no personality, tangible aspirations, or a life. As bad as Jake is, they deserve each other to be honest. I used to feel sorry for Kaya but the more I learned of her, the more I started to feel less sorry for her.
>>784331> >references Ruadhan's video and responds to what he said about her, while claiming to have never watched the videoJust fucking say it. You watched the video. Stop playing stupid, it's insulting to your fans lol.
> claims to listen to Goth musicLOL Oh and I'm sure she name dropped a few bands that she listens to?
> claims the Goth community is "toxic"Oh honey, it's not
toxic, it's just that they don't put up with poser behavior. It's one thing if you're a newbie who's trying to get into it, there are plenty of people out there who will lend a helping hand but if you exhibit that you aren't interested in the music and care more about looking spoopy, they will call it out for what it actually is.
>>784336Thanks OP. Is she really this dense? The victimhood complex is strong with this glutton for punishment. The hate she gets is not just for being a poser but being a big complainer who won't take the initiative to better her life and instead, expects to be catered to without putting in the work for it.
>>784337> "This is not a channel about goth, about a directory of bands etc." "YES, I do like listening to goth music, yes, I generally identify as a goth, but I don't HAVE to share every interest I have on this channel or educate people about goth"She needs to shut that hole in her face when it comes to this. No one is saying that she has to make videos on these things but it's the fact that before she came out saying she doesn't enjoy Goth music in 2016, she would always dance around it whenever someone asked about what music she liked. Then she backtracked and said she doesn't like talking about the music because "Elitists will come for me uwu" but the truth of the matter is that if she actually named actual Goth bands (Goth, not Industrial or Metal), she would be just fine and elitists would not be coming for her.
The fact that she can gush on and on about 90s pop music and other non goth bands yet can't even spend at least 3 minutes talking about Goth music tells us everything we need to know.
>>784339>I like goth music!>I don't have to make videos about the music!>I make videos about things I like!And it's stupid because you don't need to be a music whiz to talk about music you supposedly like. Angela Benedict talks about the music without going into full detail of them and it's enough to get the point across that she likes it.
The fact that she didn't even recognize a lot of the Goth bands in that video you metioned ("What type of Goth am I"), bands that are pretty much the gateway that everyone knows when starting out is just… Sad. And again, telling.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure the "Young Goths" who go to her are the people who are just like her who want to be Goth but don't like Goth music and when an older person who is over the bullshit is straight up with them, they cry elitist and run to the queen of poserdom herself for comfort lol
>>784346Maybe the name "
Toxic tears" is fitting for her because she is
toxic herself and whines a lot.
>>784361Because he thinks his fans will kiss his ass. And I hate to say it but as asshole-ish as Emilie Autumn is, at least she has some talent unlike Mr. Discount Bargain bin Marilyn Munrow lol.
>>784362That Katt girl who responded said the most cringiest thing you'd expect to hear when someone asks "What is Goth" lol
No. 784420
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Slight OT but apparently bishop does live streams with some DDLG in it. At home she can do whatever, but why tf on camera?
>>784398>when something doesn't go her way, she brings up her depressionIBF does this too. Lets them whine/get asspats. Even if they do have it, using it like this is shitty.
TT also uses it to be lazy - "I feel down a lot, makes editing so hard~"
1) unboxings aren't hard to edit.
2) if it's true, isn't it a sign to change? If it's a lie, find a new one, this one's wearing thin.
No. 784435
>>784420bUT MaH dEPrEsSiON GuYs
Age old excuse. Yep, just blame all your “struggles” in life in your “ mental illness” . Meanwhile she sloths about in a pile of chip crumbs crying over people calling her out for not liking the music.
No. 784458
>>784398Yes!! If TT's so sensitive to the few hate/criticising comments she gets then social media really isn't the right field of work for her. And implying a comment could be the reason someone kills themselves is really gross and manipulative "Hahaa!!! you can't criticize me because I have depression and I might kill myself!!!", Having depression doesn't make you immune to criticism Kaya.
As a side note, I've been watching her for a few years now but i've gotten progressively more tired of her whole demeanor lately. Unboxings of subscription boxes are extremely lazy, stale content and she knows it. Spooky Box Club is a huge rip off (you can find most the things from it on AliExpress) but she still promotes it to her viewers, THAT'S why people are annoyed about the continuous unboxings.
No. 784481
File: 1552039028286.png (132.96 KB, 1440x556, 20190308_095231.png)

Oh look, another "goth" YouTuber who's channel is nothing but unboxings and hauls saying this on toxic tears video, Color me shocked.
No. 784494
>>784481WHY is goth "whatever you want it to be?"
Is punk whatever you want it to be?
Is hip hop whatever you want it to be?
Genres and music subcultures have different names for a reason, because they're -shocking- have a set of characteristics to them. The most basic one is liking the music of the musical subculture.
At this point I'm getting pissed with these bitches. THEY KNOW, they just want to bend the subculture to fit their need for fitting in something alternative to seem special. Bitches, you are NOT goth, you are basic ass normies who are dressing kinda darkly-ish, and in TT's case, not even this.
Stop it already, it's getting more ridiculous by the day. Why do they want sooo bad to be labelled "goth", of all things? It's like they fight tooth and nail to be included in something they don't even understand! Where do these people see that being goth = cool?
Because frankly, the media always portrays goths in the most pathetic way, like we are ridiculous, silly, immature, etc etc
Goth is NOT whatever you want it to be. Apart from your life, nothing is whatever you want it to be, you spoiled oversize toddlers. They ignore almost 40 years of history and a VERY rich -and diverse!-
musical catalog just because "but I wannaaaa! I'm a goth toooo! You can't stop meeee!"
No one's gonna stop you. You aren't goth, no matter what you say 1000 times. Keep whining and making yourself look more stupid by every fit. Kaya's new video is pathetic. She is pathetic. And Kaya, since you read everything people say about you: nothing you say will change the fact that you don't listen to the music and you know it. Besides that, no actual goth would ever fight this hard to be recognized as a goth. It's even kind of embarrassing sometimes, like when normies are like "sooo, are you a goth?" And you don't wanna be associated with the stupid mainstream stereotype and you're like "eeeeeh… kind of"
No. 784499
>>784481>goth is whatever you want it to beif that's the case, what exactly is the point of calling it "goth"?
I guess, to me, goth means sitting in my underwear all day watching netflix. because why not?
No. 784519
>>784279True that. But in her defense she does look their age.
Her oldest daughter is 15, and considering Adora's age (45/46) she could have kids the same age as the
boy she dates (IF she does).
No. 784527
>>784518That only makes her remark re: "goth is whatever you want it to be" even less
No. 784545
>>784532 but not everyone likes clubs? I consider myself Goth and I listen to the music, but I don't go to clubs, goth or otherwise, because I find the atmosphere to be stressful, and I don't like dancing and I don't drink so there's not much for me to do there anyway.
Similar thing with festivals, I would enjoy the bands but all the crowds and people would make it too stressful for me, and I can't really afford it anyway.
I agree that if TT doesn't like the music she's not goth, but I don't think it should be required to attend clubs.
No. 784579
this came up in my recommended videos and thought it was interesting considering all the talk about how wearing/owning killstar [and like brands] doesn't make you goth.
>>784331when will idiots learn if you truly don't care for what others say about you, you don't have to constantly post it, you'd just go about your life and let them say what they will.
>>784494well said. wearing a studded jacket without listening to punk and participating in the scene doesn't make one a punk, nor does one have to wear that to be punk if they do the other things, so idk where kaya and others got the idea that a certain style of dress and spooky interests or whatever makes you goth if the music isn't part of the deal.
No. 784590
>>784481Eugh this chick. I've seen her channel before and did a browse through it. Nothing but haul and unboxing crap, no mention of Goth music (even in her playlists) and yada uada. Yeah of course she's going to say the classic ignorant "Goth is whatever you want" bullshit. Fuck off with that nonsense.
>>784494100% anonymous. These bitches just need to accept they aren't Goth and move on. It' not the end of the world to nor be Goth, everyone is into different things. I don't know about this chick but TT clearly has some interest in Kawaii so why can't she just go there. She's already exhibiting interest in it so why the fuck not? Because clearly "Goth" is just not for her (and he many others like her). Because guess what Kaya, you can fart around with this nonsense all day, you will never be embraced by actual Goths because they see you for what you really are and it's not elitism neither.
>>784532 Exactly. These two assholes bring absolutely nothing to the subculture. Crappy, boring shit-tastic haul videos of crap items doesn't do anything tangible for the scene.
No. 784603
>>784518What gives me more pleasure is that she can cry "gAt3KeePers" all she wanta but she KNOWS the truth. When she's alone listening to spice girls and she reads these comments she knows.
>>784519There's nothing wrong in daring someone younger than you if they're both of legal age and share the same interests and values, tho?
>>784545But if you consider yourself goth, listen to the music, participate in it in some way even if online (discussion boards, downloading and listening to music, etc) you are a goth. Not everyone likes clubbing and that's ok. I myself moved cities and still haven't found the goth events were I am and it doesn't make me any more less goth and neither do makes you. Hell, I have a lot of health problems that cause me pain so I attend like 1 out of 5 events or less if I'm feeling particularly bad.
The point
>>784532 is trying to make is that if one (in this case Kaya and Jake) doesn't participate in ANY way, be it listening to the music at home, producing and/or consuming content related to goth or even going to clubs that play goth/goth related music or any goth event they are not goth. Neither kaya or jake have fondness for any aspect of the subculture apart from the things they claim to make them goths. That's why they HAVE to claim everything they do is goth, because otherwise, they have no relation to the subculture. They don't even dress goth, they're just alternative. People wouldn't talk this much about them if they were just living their lives as alternative people.
>>784579>>when will idiots learn if you truly don't care for what others say about you, you don't have to constantly post it, you'd just go about your life and let them say what they will.Yes! This! The more they fight to be included more obvious it is that they don't belong and that they care a loooot about what people say about them.
>>784590I think Kaya is just emotionally stunted in her early teenage years. When she was a teen being seen as goth was something that made her feel liked, beautiful, special. She never actually grew up and developed a real life of her own, with real interests, real music taste, etc so she clings to what she thinks is a goth aesthetic. When really, all that matters is listening to the music, participating a bit and dressing a bit alternative. Music is the defining point. In her mind she has so much to prove by dressing in black, having her house decorated in a spoopy way… if you came to my house you wouldn't guess a goth lives here, because one of my interests apart from goth is vintage decor so it's all midcentury-ish
No. 784617
>>784481I'm beginning to think of this as the gentrifying of goth because it shares some of the same features. From the decoupling of the clothing from the music to the overpriced, cutesy, BRANDED "spooky" ware - not to mention the onslaught of movies and tv shows that share some of the same aesthetics, it's not surprising "kids" think goth is whatever you want it to be. At least Shitstar is cheaper than Heavy Red, and neither is "goth" to me.
The irony is, all shilling puts real goth subculture (music) even further outside the mainstream than ever. Fine with me.
No. 784647
>>784311Does anyone else feel like TT kept reinterating that she knows things people say about her because they are direct comments to her or people have told her what’s posted and it’s NOT because she has read them on anywhere
>Cough cough cough I dont read lolcow cough coughSuspicious.
Tin foil hat but she is wearing the same makeup as
>>783479Sorry Kaya but I think you did read these comments on lolcow because you are most likely on here all the time.
No. 784650
Not by a Goth YouTuber, but I found this video talking about 'gatekeeping' in the subculture: tweet from Angela Benedict is shown around the 4 minute mark.
No. 784666
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don't know if this would be the right thread for this but does anyone follow samhaimtheone? the dude that looks like a clown. I was lurking her ex gf's tumblr (rottenmorgue) and came across this post from december. see some milk potential, she's kinda nuts as well.
No. 784667
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No. 784679
>>784647>>784649"Oh I don't read these forums but people tell me what people say on them"
1-of course both she and jake do.
2-even if they just know what are being said here without looking ot up themselves they're still pretty informed! If people tell them everything in details, they get pissed, rant about it and try to prove things to us then they're keeping up with "teh dRaMa" pretty closely.
The same as if someone just read aloud to her hahaha Kaya, you're pathetic pathetic pathetic. And if you feel like it all affects you so much that it escalates your depression to the point of having a fit publicly and threatening to kill yourself, you should seek a therapist, it'll help you. Also, go to a psychiatrist and treat your depression once and for all, not all meds make you gain weight, some even make you lose weight as a side effect. Girl, you're a able bodied 20 something, you can still turn your life around, stop making internet the central focus of your life. We are here criticizing people but it's in our spare time, we have lives. Go figure your life out kaya, wake the fuck up
No. 784727
>>784603> What gives me more pleasure is that she can cry "gAt3KeePers" all she wanta but she KNOWS the truth. When she's alone listening to spice girls and she reads these comments she knows.Which is sad because I actually do like a few Spice Girls songs (90s kid LOL) but I feel confident listening to them because in the back of my head, I know I listen to and enjoy plenty of Goth bands
> The point >>784532 is trying to make is that if one (in this case Kaya and Jake) doesn't participate in ANY way, be it listening to the music at home, producing and/or consuming content related to goth or even going to clubs that play goth/goth related music or any goth event they are not goth. Neither kaya or jake have fondness for any aspect of the subculture apart from the things they claim to make them goths. That's why they HAVE to claim everything they do is goth, because otherwise, they have no relation to the subculture. They don't even dress goth, they're just alternative. People wouldn't talk this much about them if they were just living their lives as alternative people.Agreed so much with this because it's true. A person who is really into Goth won't feel the need to label everything "Goth" (when it isn't). When I think about the Goths I've met in person, they don't label dark things "Goth", they just say "Dark" or "creepy", not "Goth". That is the final step of becoming a Goth in my opinion. Learning that Goth is music and not just dark things and when you learn to stop calling dark things Goth.
> I think Kaya is just emotionally stunted in her early teenage years. When she was a teen being seen as goth was something that made her feel liked, beautiful, special. She never actually grew up and developed a real life of her own, with real interests, real music taste, etc so she clings to what she thinks is a goth aesthetic. When really, all that matters is listening to the music, participating a bit and dressing a bit alternative. Music is the defining point. In her mind she has so much to prove by dressing in black, having her house decorated in a spoopy way… if you came to my house you wouldn't guess a goth lives here, because one of my interests apart from goth is vintage decor so it's all midcentury-ishYeah I think you're right which is funny because even when I see her old photos, "Goth" was not the word that comes to my mind, more like "Rivethead" (did she even listen to Industrial Music?) But yeah considering that she did a bit of modeling and was getting revered for it, she never felt the need to actually develop into a real person with real interests and that is really a shame. I can only imagine how she'll be when she hits her mid 40s. And that' funny about the "spoopy" home decor as if you were to step in my home, you wouldn't be able to tell I was into Goth music as I'm actually a bit of a video game nerd lol.
>>784617> At least Shitstar is cheaper than Heavy Red, and neither is "goth" to me.True that but honestly when it comes to dark fashion, Heavy Red has the better items lol.
And seeing how so many new Goth bands barely breaks views on YouTube because no one really talks about them is kinda sad but at least it keeps the mainstream at bay.
>>784650Useless video. It's pretty obvious this chick doesn't know what actual Goth is nor why actual Goths found SSSniperwolf's caption idiotic.
>>784716Kaya and Jake being that delusional about health is hilarious. American portions too big for her? Hm… Yeah no because if they really were on top of it all, they wouldn't look the way they do currently.
No. 784731
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she's a saint… im not sure how i feel about this 'non' goth fan. it's just so typical isn't it.
No. 784749
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Even my edgy 14yr old self would’ve cringed at this “poem.”
No. 784775
>>784603This. When poseurs™ cling to goth but know they don't qualify, they overcompensate with material stuff and discrediting anyone who susses them out.
I'm into a few genres of alt music that have distinct clothes and don't see this shit there. What is it about goth?
>>784727>did she even listen to Industrial MusicShe used to dress industrial/cyber, but I bet her music taste was the same as now.
>>784749They're like 14 year olds in love for the first time and oversharing it all. Reminds me of Drac Makens and her "super sexy bf!!" that she left. How long til they get sick of each other?
No. 784790
>>784775They think that label "goth" makes them more interesting. Usually because they have nothing else to offer, and in their minds, dressing goth automatically makes them spooky and mysterious, and maybe adds some probability of a complicated backstory. As some anons above said, it's just a teenage mentality. Some tend to never overcome it.
Also presence of goths in media influences that a lot, as it seems to me. Stereotypically goth characters rarely listen to goth music and just "act goth". In my youth a lot of people knew about goths thanks to news and media, but everyone asked what is goth and why we dress black, no one had a clue that it's about music.
Poseours and generally uninteresting people who just want to seem like they are interesting do not care about the point of anything, they only want to scratch the surface.
No. 784799
>>784682Didn't they go to LA in 2017? And she only thought to upload this NOW? Lazy lazy lazy.
I like that she said "this is why America has an obesity problem" about the pancakes, but still ate them…
>>784727>>784775So true. Fake "goths" feel the need to be OTT with their look and home decor to counter any criticism. Like they think it makes them immune because LOOK HOW GOFF ME AND MY HOUSE IS!! I WOULDN'T GO TO THIS MUCH TROUBLE IF I WASN'T A TRUE GOTH™
No. 784822
>>784590Keep in mind that The Haunted Bat doesn't consider herself Goth. She's a "Halloween Enthusiast" (in her words) and her videos are about Halloween. I know she does a lot of hauls, but she did have a series not long ago about making a Halloween themed doll house, and she does crafting videos and pet videos on occasion.
If she's not a Goth then she doesn't need Goth music.
No. 784888
>>784731Because the only people who would actually say things like this are normies and young impressionable baby bats lol.
>>784775> She used to dress industrial/cyber, but I bet her music taste was the same as now.Rh you're probably right LOL
> This. When poseurs™ cling to goth but know they don't qualify, they overcompensate with material stuff and discrediting anyone who susses them out.I'm into a few genres of alt music that have distinct clothes and don't see this shit there. What is it about goth?
I think it's because Goth got so much misappropriation in the media for over 2 decades.
>>784790> Also presence of goths in media influences that a lot, as it seems to me. Stereotypical goth characters rarely listen to goth music and just "act goth". In my youth a lot of people knew about goths thanks to news and media, but everyone asked what is goth and why we dress black, no one had a clue that it's about music. Hit the nail on the head. That's why it's so common to hear people say things like "Oh, but I ACT Goth". What is "acting" Goth? Goth is not a personality. That was one I heard a lot when I was in high school with the Mall Goths.
>>784799> "LOOK HOW GOFF ME AND MY HOUSE IS!! I WOULDN'T GO TO THIS MUCH TROUBLE IF I WASN'T A TRUE GOTH™Yep pretty much lol Over-compensating is very true with these people. Notice how with the exception of Friday, most of the people who do this are the people who aren't into Goth music. Most true Goths I've come to know don't go overboard making their house look like some dark fantasy room.
>>784822Oh okay, thanks for the info. Halloween Enthusiast… Kek okay. So long as she's not calling that stuff or what she does "Goth", that's fine by me but her little post on Kaya's video is still cringe haha.
No. 784918
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Imagine getting dressed from head to toe in black lace just to go to IKEA
No. 784958
>>784918look how tiny the chair looks compared to her massive frame kek
I'm guessing she's looking for a comfy chair to lie down on for her attic
No. 784959
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the art crookedglasses made for Kaya really doesn't capture her weight
No. 784970
>>784918How else will people know how uber goth she is, anon? Not by the music she listens to, that's for sure
>>784959kek I thought this too
No. 784988
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>>784918Pretty rich of Kaya to like this tweet when she literally dressed head to toe in lace just to hang out at ikea.
No. 785007
>>784988Isn't that the point of the tweet, though? That Goths see expressing themselves through fashion as a big part of the subculture, even the ones who say it's
ONLY about the music, and that dressing the part is actually important as well as the music. I know that Kaya's trying to use this as 'instead' rather than 'as well', so she's being stupid with that, but it doesn't mean she's having a go at Goths for wearing elaborate clothes, so wearing a lacy outfit to Ikea doesn't make her a hypocrite.
That pastel kawaii stuff however… Not remotely Goth (or Gothic or darkly inclined or whatever) and not flattering either.
I feel like she's torn between wanting to be this bubblegum pink kawaii type person, and wanting to hang on to her dark persona. She doesn't seem invested enough in either, though - at least not enough to be really committed to either of them. I wish she'd pick something, and then get into it properly, but she seems to only have a surface attachment to most things (witchy aesthetic, Goth, kawaii, Harry Potter, etc.). I don't think her fat chav boyfriend helps with that; I get the feeling he invalidates her interests, like if she gets actually excited about anything, he shoots it down. No specific thing has
triggered that, it's intuition or something. She's obviously depressed, and would rather try and get validation from the internet than therapy, but I think there's something else going on. I kinda feel sorry for her, but the constant whining and veiled begging is annoying. She has vague glimmers of actually interesting content (gardening, DIY projects, decor), but can't keep a good upload schedule on those things, and always prefaces her videos with whining. I actually like her little terrarium, am curious to see how her garden improves, etc. and I think hobbies that need constant maintenance like a garden are good for her, and at least get her out of that stuff hoarder house and into some fresher air and sunlight. It's just interesting to note the pointed absence of Jake in those situations. It's THEIR house, THEIR garden, but it seems like it's only her that's interested.
No. 785016
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I'm itching just looking at this.Those bell bottoms look fucking ridiculous with platforms.
No. 785031
>>785016She looks like a lace monster. What part of different textures doesnt she understand.
Gothic or not, nothing irks me more than someone spending all this money on clothes but can’t put themselves together to save their life.
No. 785059
>>785044Decked out to her is probably all that pastel vomit she does. This is "toned down" in comparison. Still badly co ordinated though.
A smaller top would've worked better. She says she hates her tummy (and does 0 about it) and hiding it just makes it bigger.
No. 785309
>>785254Didn't see the video yet, but at thia point Angela seems fixated with this subject. Geez, weren't you the super old 90s goth who knows everything about the scene? Focus on that, stop feeding and caring about internet drama, for fucks sake. Wasn't that the reason she thinks (and so do we, kek) she's better than the majority of the other "goth" youtubers?
I'm losing interest in you, Angela.
No. 785337
>>785219No, not necessarily. When paired with the right top and shoes, they can look quite nice. Like platforms can look great with bell bottoms but only if they are about like 2-3", not mega stacked like what Kaya is wearing.
But then again, this is all subjective and I'm a fan of vintage 60s wear lol
>>785309That's a bit harsh. Just because Angela has more substance within her compared to Friday and Kaya doesn't mean she can't give her opinion on this kind of stuff. And besides, she kept the video short and didn't drag on about it. And if anything, it gives us insight to what she was feeling before she started making videos about Goth. I find it interesting (and relieving) that she followed her gut instinct and didn't fall into the haul sponsor crap trap.
No. 785381
>>785016this would be so much cuter if the top wasn't frumpy in the mid section…you can be larger, and still wear slim cut/slimming clothes that flatter the silhouette of ones mid-section…
I feel like TT is very afraid of TRYING.
No. 785388
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A sub that doesnt like humiliation? Sounds legit
No. 785688
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not sure if she's been brought up in earlier alt cows threads but HarperLeighHollywood…… i guess i don't have any WILD milk other than having a mutual friend confirm she shoops herself much thinner than she is + jumping on any stereotypical sPoOky GiRl trend. she sells satin robes that are str8 out of aliexpress with a damn rhinestoned spider for way too much money and they're so trashy. she also posted a pic with her hubby using corpse paint then talking about lords of chaos and deathgasm. (as someone who is actually involved with black metal, i was offended.) i'm hoping someone has more milk here. something has always seemed so incredibly false about this woman.
No. 785702
>>784311Quickly reading before heading out so will get back to my point later on with a timestamp…
Is it me or did she vaguely acknowledged in this video that she used to take part in the drama but it’s all in the past?
If so, I find it to be a little too coincidental given the latest discussions on here about her PULL days and receipts of her being a jerk to others on Tumblr. Looks to me as if she’s avidly following the discussion and trying to foreshadow any potential accusation/doing some stealth damage conctrol.
No. 785764
>>785688So like 80% of "dark" people on instagram
>>785702It baffles me how these people never learn that the best way to deal with this is to simply ignore it entirely. Explaining yourself about shit you read people talking aboit you on gossip forums only causes more drama as you're giving more things to people talk about and dig up about you. Oh Kaya, you are dumb as fuck! You should just shut the fuck up and either work on getting fit and producing more interesting content or hop into the body positivity train and give up youtube and focus on gaming for real and develop your game streams.
You can't have all of these things at once, you just look like the most vulnerable, imature 25 year old that has ever lived.
No. 785789
>>785702Right, I’m back!
Rewatching the video and she says at 3:15/3:16
“I don’t like drama forums. It’s something I grew out of many many years ago”
So, she can’t really escape the fact anymore that she was part of the problem and still is by still visiting those “forums”. She knows what’s going in on here and like another anon mentioned, her and Jake made it very obvious that they are no strangers to our little conversations on here.
No. 785914
>>785810P sure some of these altcows lurk anyway, I've seen a few YT comments trying to notify IBF and Angela.
Toxic Twosome definitely read.
No. 785986
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I don't know, but he has drastically changed his look. Again. No. 786114
>>786043Thank you for this anon. Even if Dorian is copying others, it's music and this stuff should be talked about and encouraged so newcomers can finally learn what Goth truly is about and learn about what Goth music actually sounds like.
>>785982Yeah I noticed that he seemed to have deleted all his videos (or hid them) which sucks because he was a pretty decent channel. Though seeing this…
>>785986I think I may have an idea of why he deleted/got rid of his old videos. This is going to sound presumptuous since I don't follow him on Instagram but I feel like the reason why he deleted his older videos is because he's not confused about his gender anymore? He said he was some "Genderfluid" "non-binary" type of person in a few of those videos but I also remember he was pretty young (19 or 20). He's been quiet for 2 years on his channel and I feel he did some self-discovery and accepted his born sex and doesn't identify as "non-binary"/"genderfluid" anymore (kinda like what happened with that Roly person on YouTube who dropped the label a few weeks ago).
Now again, this is all presumption, I don't follow Thilda on social media so if he still is identifying as that, please do correct me and I'll retract but it's just that seeing his new look (which looks great for him), I can't help but feel this is what happened and he's trying to be embrace who he is now and may come back to YouTube later when he's ready.
No. 786142
>>786043Are you dumb or are you Dorian? You can only pick one. Anon said that DORIAN was clearly trying to be a shitstirrer with this video (which I don't even agree with). It's super positive that she is teaching people about newer goth music, but she IS involving herself in each and every latest goth drama.
>>786114He just changed his style from grufti to generic dark "goth" on instagram. I bet a finger that soon he will drop goth altogether
No. 786168
>>786142Thank you anon that's what I meant.
> but she IS involving herself in each and every latest goth drama.I have never seen dorian talk about goth music before(and apologies if I am mistaken) and given all the shit going on the timing and previous videos it does come off as stirring. I cannot deny posting it here with glowing reviews could also be seen as suspicious given this is a lolcow thread which is meant to be for milk, not a how to be goth thread but I originally meant what you said, involving herself in all the latest drama.
>Are you dumb or are you Dorian? You can only pick oneLol debatable.
No. 786204
>>786120> "nonbinary clubkid"Oh… That's a shame but eh, just give it a few more years and he'll either drop it like these people usually do or may end up being trans all along. Because this nonbinary thing is nothing more than youth adult fad but that's a discussion for another thread lol
>>786142> He just changed his style from grufti to generic dark "goth" on instagram. I bet a finger that soon he will drop goth altogetherYou really think he's going to drop Goth? Eh, I could see that happening but hey, at the very least he can look back and say he went through an actual Goth phase since he actually did listen to and enjoy the music compared to an ex-Mall Goth turned "normie" who says they went through a "goth phase" when they didn't lol
>>786175The only issue with Dorian is that she groups Goth and Industrial as one in the same. I remember bringing thing up in one of her clubbing videos when she called bands like Psyclon Nine, Nine Inch Nails, and VNV Nation as "Goth music".
>>786179Maybe but it's not like music was not discussed in YT Goth, it was just by smaller channels who don't do haul videos lol Accumortis who is not as active talks about music quite a bit and has even made a few Goth EPs. There's also Sweeney Deville who has talked about music as well.
No. 786412
File: 1552533614033.png (705.56 KB, 696x911, wp_ss_20190313_0003.png)

Toxic twosome are back in Barcelona. Expect a 5 part series from Jake of mostly him talking, and a haul from kaya plus a "lost vlog" a year later.
Do they still want to move there?
No. 786505
>>786412but we have no moniiii give us some moni for doing nothing except being goff
I have no fucking clue how they pay for this. Maybe use your money to clean your musty clothes and disgusting and filthy house…
No. 786557
>>786515Doesn't her dad live in Barcelona? Her and Jake probably only had to pay flights and spending money, but I'm sure Daddy will be treating them both.
Also to receive benefits they'd have to prove they were unemployed and seeking employment. They're probably registered self employed, because if they claimed benefits but Kaya goes on the BBC as an YouTuber she can hardly cry unemployed uwu
No. 786615
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My god, she has put together a tasteful outfit.
No. 786668
>>786639>>786654I saw people talking about her husband’s neck tattoo which is a Hindu swastika as one of the reasons
But he also has a Star of David and look, that man ain’t no Jew
It’s innapropriate but I don’t think it’s nazi material
No. 786671
>>786639She used liquify or smth similar to push her giant nose in and it made her whole face get super squished
>>786670Better than all that pink frilly horrific shit. She has to prove that she's super goth now so expect more "dark" outfits for a while
>>786654Next time you post, write "sage"(minus the quotes) in the email field, please
No. 786690
File: 1552600424304.jpg (82.27 KB, 579x112, gross.jpg)

>>786670your icon is showing. it's not that hard to crop a pic, why do ppl keep doing this.
anyway, i think she looks nice, i like the tights and she didn't pile on a bunch of tacky accessories. but this tweet is gross, sharing stuff like this is weird to me. like, she could've just taken her makeup off, it's not like she posts pix of herself while traveling so why would it matter if she was wearing it or not.
and oh look, it didn't take jakey boy long to not keep up with a stated video upload schedule, but like another anon said, we'll get a bunch of boring vlogs from the trip, i predict lots of pointing at things, comments about the weather and bitching about having a cough which he's already doing on twitter.
No. 786725
>>786588Sorry but he's a "he". Until he starts saying he's transwoman, I wouldn't indulge in that nonsense but that's just me.
In other news, looks like Snowy came back to YouTube and has hopped aboard the Goth community is
toxic train (tbf, she didn't say all of it was) because It'sBlackFriday &
Toxic Tears were finally called out on their bullshit.
No. 786738
>>786670Bet this is Jake's pic since it's not shopped. The outfit is tasteful, but should've worn longer shoes. These ones make her legs look stumpy.
>>786725>the community wasn't this bad when i started YT, now its worseIf by worse you mean calling out poseurs' BS, yes, as said poseurs are more popular now. Dgmw people can like whatever the fuck they want. But when they start throwing labels around and misinforming people about a whole subculture that already hasn't got a great rap, well.
Snowy is friends with that Sweeney Deville guy I wonder what he, and other alt YTers for that matter, think.
No. 786758
>>786738> If by worse you mean calling out poseurs' BS, yes, as said poseurs are more popular now. Dgmw people can like whatever the fuck they want. But when they start throwing labels around and misinforming people about a whole subculture that already hasn't got a great rap, well.Snowy is friends with that Sweeney Deville guy I wonder what he, and other alt YTers for that matter, think.
Exactly, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this for what it is. That's really all it came down which was just people having enough BS with these posers and wanted to finally speak up on it (mostly
Toxic Tears though it started with Freya).
And exactly, like whatever you like but the moment you try to twist something that is already established into something it's not, expect to be called out at some point. Is it me or is it that the people who are taking offense to this "drama" are most likely people who may also be like these posers and feel personally attacked when these people get called out?
As for Sweeney Deville, I wouldn't be surprised if he sides with Snowy because he doesn't want to be seen as an elitist and will say what the general audience wants to hear of "Who am I to say who is or isn't Goth". I just know it.
No. 786778
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>>786725One of the comments under Snowy's video, come again Libby?
No. 786894
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>>786827Yeah they’re not exclusive but Prayers is a Luciferian Latino who has never expressed interest in Judaism or Buddhism apart from using their symbolism to make edgy art and get shitty tattoos.
No. 786895
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>>786894ok, and the point is?
No. 786921
>>786738>>786758Sweeney seems off to me? I don't know, he's dating that "pastel goth" girl and wears a shit ton of Killstar
>>786740why would you even go out with no eyebrows?? kek
No. 786930
>>786909 I meant to reply to
>>786725 , sorry (I'm new here lol)
No. 786975
>>786821Oh God another one. I actually gave him the benefit of the doubt and skimmed the comments section to see if someone mentioned if he liked the music? A commenter did ask and he only responded with "I listen to the music." You see my problem with this is when they're vague. Like okay cool, have any particular favorite Goth bands? Care to elaborate a bit? People will elaborate their favorite Pop Punk, Metal, and Rock bands but as soon as someone mentions Goth, unless the person actually looks like they're into the actual Goth scene, they keep it vague. But hey? Maybe he'll surprise us but considering how he's using Jude Bishop as his little inspiration to getting into Goth, I'm very doubtful.
>>786909And that's fine and dandy, good for you. I respect genders pronoun as well but only ones based in reality. I will call transwomen by "She/her" and transmen as "he/him" but I don't do the "They" crap. Anyway, I'm very off topic, discussion for the gender critical thread.
>>786921> Sweeney seems off to me? I don't know, he's dating that "pastel goth" girl and wears a shit ton of KillstarOh does he? I don't follow Sweeney on social media and only saw his videos but when I actually think about it, I remember when he did this one video with his friend about materialism in Goth and a lot of what they said was so off-base. So if he really is a little off, I wouldn't be surprised. But at least he doesn't make a myriad of haul videos and does make some at the very least, engaging videos to invoke discussion.
>>786967You're right, the comments section is a shithole full of milk.
No. 786979
>>785986Thildas Beinhaus is a town child, he recently discovered Berlins(germany, capitalcity) club life and totally soaks it up.
There is a "gay clubkid we are such dark goph hipsters fashion" scene which totally fits on his new looks.
Very SM Hipster gaygoph.
His old style came from his town life.
In the more rural or more south german citys/towns the goth fashion tents to be more on the romantic goth side with lots of lace and velvet.
Berlin and the north is sporting a more modern and london based looks.
No. 786980
>>786873Basically 3/4 in depth description of how badly Ami James treated her and that the note wasn’t written by her. Ami supposedly just wanted to get rid of her because he felt threatened.
Then the last few minutes are about how all the anti-vaxx rumors aren’t true, she was reading about vaccines online, got paranoid but she has now talked to her pediatrician, let them explain everything, and now she has learned to not tell anyone about their choices. (Which to me just sounds like ‘We still won’t get him vaccinated but we’ve learned from our mistakes and won’t tell anyone’.)
No. 786986
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>>786821>>786975He didn't touch this one.
Also, he's friends with bishop and she's helping him get into goth - and her idea of goth is you don't need to like the music (even tho she likes some herself)
>>786980Yeah "I'm not anti vaxx" my ass. She's just pretending not to be for damage control, but will quietly keep Leafar unvaccinated. That's even worse.
No. 787000
>>786958Being polite is not a rule or requirement of the boards(on the contrary, kek) but saging is. Go on and you're probably going to get banned on 1, 2, 3.
May I sugest you go to PULL? People there care about being polite and shit
>>786895The point is that punks did this shit in fucking 1970s. Nowadays people know better than trying to shock with swastikas. Besides, 70s punk who did this shit were not in their fucking 40s or 50s like Prayers. Boring
>>786921Yes! I have the same impression as you, he just knows how to dress and is pretty
>>786903Oh my fucking god, Nazi von D! YOU said you were anti vax, who are you correcting?
>>786979I always saw him as a confused kid, heavily influenced by everything around him. Makes so much sense now! That's why I think he'll drop goth altogether: because it's all just phases, different flavours of dark aesthetics. When he feels like dark fashion is not edgy anymore he'll dive head first into drag queen, alien, glam, whatever he likes the aesthetic. Live and let live, if you ask me. As long as he doesn't start spreading misinformation about the subculture and the music, he is free to experiment with whatever he wants to, no one
has to stick to something their whole lives, and we can't really expect that from a 20 year old
>>786980I don't like her but I can believe Ami forging the whole thing with the note, I have read several people say he is an asshole of massive proportions.
>>786821I don't even watch these kids saying shit about goth anymore. Fuck them, give it a uear, tops and he'll have went on to the next phase.
>>786994No one cares about Emily Boo here. And do you know that being constantly sick can be because of a chronic disease, don't you? Why would you think it's because binge drinking? And why be annoyed someone has health issues? Stop making shit up. Argh, not those 16 year olds again
No. 787027
>>787000Yeah I believe kat about the whole Ami thing too, he always gave me the creeps
Even in the show he was always unnecessarily rude to everyone, including customers
No. 787037
>>786738>Snowy is friends with that Sweeney Deville guy I wonder what he, and other alt YTers for that matter, think.>>786921>Sweeney seems off to me? I don't know, he's dating that "pastel goth" girl and wears a shit ton of KillstarSweeney would definitely side with Snowy. His video with his friend about the social classes of goth was such bullshit, they just repeat the same thing over and over. Moaning about Killstar whilst wearing Killstar. Makes no sense. If you go to his channel you can see that he recently subscribed to that Ruadhan dude too who was hating on TT and Freya so that shows how he feels about the whole situation really.
He's not with the pastel girl any more either afaik. Looks like she dropped him and got with some druggy punk dude who owns a tattoo parlour.
No. 787055
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>>786895And your point is?
Is Prayers trying to be a subversive as a punk kid in the 70’s? Is he wearing nazi chic on stage to stick it to the man?
Prayers has permanent tattoos of the swastika and the Star of David which he confirmed is what they are and says he got them to reclaim the symbols. By what right? That’s all we’re asking.
>>787027Also, didn’t Kat accuse him of sexual assault in the vid? It’s one thing to be an asshole and it’s another to be an
abuser. Do we think he’ll address the accusation?
No. 787085
>>787064What are you doing here if you don't even know who siouxsie is? How do you follow why we're criticizing poseurs like
Toxic shits, jake etc etc
>>787055I find it hilarious that he has a swastika and a star of david tattoed in order to supposedly "reclaim the symbols". How are you gonna reclaim a symbol that was never yours? He's not a Buddhist or jewish. Of course he just wants to shock people, exactly like Sebastian Columbine is totally mot named after the Columbine massacre and alleges it comes from a flower of the same name. Sure, Jan.
Talking about sebastian, she dyed her hair bright green some weeks ago but now deleted every trace of it. Which she had done earlier when she got her sides shaved. She's looking like a soccermom now
No. 787097
>>787087Someone asked her that on instagram some months ago, according to her, she just hid everything temporarily so people would focus more on her band than on her personality while they were on tour or something.
My guess is that she wants to distance herself from the goth youtuber thing and all the drama surrounding it lately. Smart move for someone who wants to be a public figure through some kind of work or art they produce. Take a note, Kaya and Jake
No. 787108
>>787055Kat did accuse Ami of sending her a dick pic and of grabbing her breasts
I don’t think he’s going to address it at all
No. 787173
>>787108I can see it being forged, even by the studios because reality tv is shameless. But she also shamelessly chose to talk about the easily explained shit. Totally ignoring dating a known neonazi, her current husband also being into Nazis, I think there was another nazi in her life that I can't remember…
Like I'm not one to say your friends' opinions always reflect yours but it's a little different when it comes to nazis. Especially multiple you dated
No. 787181
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>>787173Lemmy from Motörhead collected Nazi memorabilia if that counts. Birds of the same feather…..
No. 787183
>>787181Collecting nazi memorabilia doesn't count. A lot of people like to collect morbid and macabre pieces of history, I know a lot of people who do. Collecting this shit is very different than dating actual neo nazis.
>>787173I agree with you! She only addressed this one thing because it was the only one she could explain! As for prayers "being into nazis", I don't think he is, he's more into causing a fuss showing the symbol only to say "actually, it is an ancient symbol of peace" bla bla bla. He's a pretentious 13 year old edgelord in the body of a 40 year old. Prayers' only goal in life is to be as edgy as humanly possible, just look at him
No. 787214
>>787191You're not the sharpest tool in the box, are you? I'm not saying me or "my friends" collect nazi shit and that everyone who does is 100% not a nazi. Of fucking course there are neo nazis who collect nazi shit but I'm stating that there is a whole community of people, in the world, not "muh frends", who collect weird, macabre, morbid things from history because of the macabre factor. One of these things, among several others, is nazi memorabilia. That doesn't make one a nazi sympathizer, sharing their ideals does.
Does collecting shrunken heads make one a native warrior? Does collecting memento mori photography make one a victorian photographer?
I, personally, would think someone who collect nazi memorabilia is shady too and would be weary of them, pay attention to see if the ideas match the collection, but my whole point is that collecting alone doesn't prove anything, you know?
Now, regularly engaging with neo-nazis like Kat von D does sure is telling of her ideas.
No. 787225
>>787214Whoa, did I touch a nerve or what?
“I, personally, would think someone who collect nazi memorabilia is shady too and would be weary of them, pay attention to see if the ideas match the collection, but my whole point is that collecting alone doesn't prove anything, you know?“
So why are you arguing so hard and throwing insults? Sure his collection doesn’t prove he was a raging neo Nazi but most people would rightly still speculate. KVD considered Lemmy a really close friend and a mentor so I think it is worth mentioning that he collected Nazi memorabilia.
No. 787228
>>787225Yes, the nerve of explaining things to people who didn't know about them hahahah! If you get this affected by one paragraph explaining collecting to you… you sure is a sensitive person
I am arguing that while I think KAT VON D sure is shady because she hung with actual neo nazis among other things she did who showed nazi like ideas, Lemmy was just a collector who didn't show any nazi affiliation or ideas, as
>>787223 said.
Calm down, we're all agreeing here. You just learned that there are people who collect weird shit because they like the weirdness/creepy/rareness of the things, yay!
No. 787430
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>>787173kat dated/was engaged to jesse james who one wore a german soldier's hat [pic related] while he was dating sandra bullock. he cheated on her with ~tattoo model~ michelle mcgee, who did a shoot wearing a swastika armband. fuck the lot of them, stupid adults trying to pass it of as being 'edgy' or 'shocking' knowing full well what they're doing and how ppl will react.
No. 787463
>>787430it's unrelated but it always tickled me how insistent Sandra Bullock was that she knew nothing about Jesse's passion for Nazis, meanwhile during their marriage she went out of her way to play up her distant German heritage
very Kat von D when you think about it
No. 787557
>>787364Lol this bitch who cashes in on shitty overpriced handbags bc she puts youtubers names on it???
Cmon. This cant be real. Comedy this gold cant be real.
No. 787642
>>787418Yep, she's not even a Goth so her opinion isn't really relevant and of course she's going to suck It's Black Friday's ass considering they worked together and she needs to keep that cash flow from that purse coming lol.
I just find it hilarious how a lot of these "Goff" YouTubers are taking such offense that someone finally called out IBF and TT out on their nonsense all while missing the point why a lot of people are done with them thinking it's because "LOL U JELLY THAT YOU DON'T GET FREE GOFF CLOTHES uwu"
>>787460This is why I always stick with Sinister Soles, never had a problem with them.
>>787619Her crap band was not even a Goth band. It was a try-hard Symphonic Metal band.
No. 787770
File: 1552863541514.jpg (31.71 KB, 319x480, blogger-image--1556615271.jpg)

Going through TT's old blogs I can't get over how much she has let herself go. I know we always say this but wouldn't it be good if she sorted her weight, got rid of that leech Jake and got some self esteem.
No. 787791
>>787765I think
>>787766 kinda pinpointed the reasons why but also because she was less active compared to Kaya & Friday. But yeah, she has done claim to be Goth but is actually a Metalhead, she's made it pretty clear she doesn't enjoy Goth music and it's just as annoying but because she's less vocal about things and doesn't upload as frequently, she tends to fly under the radar.
>>787769I honestly think she looks pretty but only with some of her looks. Others are "eh". At the very least she knows how to pair things that puts her a step above Kaya lol.
>>787771LOL that is pretty sad. So then it's obvious he's not been and hasn't been into her for years since she let herself go so drastically if you say he used to share/post her photos a lot.
>>787782Holy crap anon, that is her (just looked her up). She uses both names and while it seems she put on a little weight, I just recognize her face, it's one you don't really forget.
As for thoughts well… I mean being a Satanist isn't a bad thing so I mean, whatever floats your boat? However when I think back at the kind of content she made during her "Goth" days, I can't help bur feel she would be just like Kaya because while I was a baby-bat during the time I discovered her channel all those years ago, I can't recall her actually talking about actual Goth music and she called HIM a Goth band (they aren't). She did do a music spotlight video for Voltaire but honestly… I would need more to go on then him because he's fairly known in the geek world.
Nonetheless it looks like she moved on from YouTube.
No. 787806
>>787782Holy shit that's definitely her. Good find anon, I've been wondering what happened to her for years.
Satanist stuff aside she looks exactly the same and I'm surprised no one else had found her until now. She's pretty cute actually.
No. 787813
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She used to have a more defined face and a hairline that made sense
Now she's a balding potato
Sage because no milk.
No. 787847
>>787813Wow, she was so pretty. I can understand why she has been feeling so bad for some time now, things changed so much. Even if she didn't lose weight she could immediately look way better if she started doing her eyebrows like in this pic and not that cartoonishly short brows, if she fixed her hairline and dressed in a less childish way. I believe she is still completely fixable, if only she realized all of this on her own… but she ignores all these other things and puts all the blame for her bad looks on her weight. Even if she did lose a ton, she'd still look bad dressing in the same sloppy way, putting together outfits that don't go well at all, looking like she's always dirty, face proportions all fucked up because of brows and hair…
Oh kaya, I don't even like you, was never a fan, but I gotta admit, I feel bad for you. Just wanted to go all Queer eye for the straight guy with you, you're in need of some help
No. 787861
>>787806It seems like she may have reappeared on the internet in the last few years so it's most likely because she really did disappear off the internet for awhile and wanted to be forgotten. I wonder why though because even though I think she would be one of those "Goth is a mindset" people, she actually wasn't that bad.
>>787813My animosity to her aside, I agree with
>>787847 she actually used to look quite nice. It's just all the more shocking how much one can change in a few years.
Couple all her weight gain with a boyfriend who isn't into her and is onto lusting over he next thing (Kelly Eden), it's pretty easy to see why she's so miserable and probably hides behind all the clothes.
No. 787985
File: 1552945127835.jpg (55.42 KB, 540x960, 52942937_10216462091517320_394…)

Surprised I haven't seen this trainwreck on here. This is Kady Eva but she goes by Kady Rae atm. Her life is full of oversharing about all the sex she has, she's bulimic and brags about how hot and skinny she thinks is, she hops in and out of relationships in the span of a few days and moves in with these guys but then blasts them when the shit inevitably hits the fan, she has two young kids who she parades these guys in front of while bragging about how much and how loud of sex she has because according to her she is a sex addict, she does home tattoos on herself oh and did I mention she brags about having bpd? Her timeline is a mess of "look at how hot I am", "being thin rules", "stop hitting on me gawd everyone wants me" and "my life sucks again". She's so up and down there is so much milk here and everything is public. She's also a fan of shooping herself to add fake freckles on every single pic
No. 788000
>>787985I've seen this cow before. She calls herself Gothic because she listens to Marilyn Manson. Recently she was bragging about how she was going to puke herself thin so she'd be extra sexy this summer. Great role model for her kids kek

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788013
>>787985At least you know her kids will end up being fucked up like her. Why do people like this breed again?
Anyway, I had a thought about IBF. The only video she’s released in months is that pre recorded skin care thing. However she’s in NZ and has been for months, she has internet and a good quality phone, she could readily record something but doesn’t. Fairly sure she’s not posting anything because of the whole goth drama. I’ve never once heard her say you must listen to goth music in order to be called a goth and I have never heard her say the opposite either. Is she hiding till it all blows over to come back as queen of the goffs?
No. 788020
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>>787813I agree that she used to be v good looking, she's always seemed to be obsessed with good just she can't eat all she wants without the weight gain now! No. 788040
>>788013The thing though is no one (or at least most) are not criticizing her for Goth music but rather because in the last 3 years, she hasn't shown any Goth music on her channel and instead, farted around with a bunch of senseless haul videos. The personal life thing is the only other thing I've seen her criticized mostly in the comments about her sham marriage (marrying for resident and possibly guilty of tax fraud) and possibility of racism.
But I don't know why she's so scared, most of her simple-minded fans lack critical thinking and are defending their goff queen so she has nothing to worry about.
>>788020Yeah I heard that she used to eat junk all the time and was living off of her fast metabolism but obviously it started to wear off and since she didn't change her eating habits or at least limited the amount of junk she ate, it started to affect her body. Couple that with depression and a sedentary lifestyle and it was only a matter of time before she balloooned up.
No. 788100
>>787985I'm extremely interested, could you give us some prints? This cow has potential!
>>788013>>788022>>788040I think she's just tired of all this and has absolutely no patience for being in the public eye anymore. She's probably trying to figure out what to do with her life now that everything has changed so drastically, she's back home and probably will be marrying mr owl soon, if they didn't already. My guess is that she'll post less and less and before 2019 ends, she'll quit YouTube and focus on being a writer or something else she has done before like decorating shopping windows or put her film degree to some use. Maybe she'll grow up.
>>788020I can't get over these pics of Kaya, she was so pretty! It makes me root for a recover because she must be miserable with her looks now. I can't make any sense of the fact that she looked older, more put together, mature and elegant when she was a teenager than she does now. Why???
No. 788108
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I find it quite amusing that when Kaya retold this story in her Goth Tag video, she changed Marilyn Manson to the Cure.
When I had a look at her VampireFreaks account on the wayback machine, she mysteriously stops filling in her 'music' section around late 2010/early 2011. Funnily enough, this is when Tumblr was taking off and the goth community on there was at its biggest. Given that she links all her social media on any given platform, she obviously got called out by actual music fans who clicked her VF link and saw that she had the same generic taste as every other kid on there:
"Aero Smith, AFI, Aiden, Antic Care, Bon Jovi, Bowling for soup Blood Hound Gang, Cheap Trick, Combichrist, Cradle of Filth, Dead or Alive, Death Stars, Dope Stars Inc., Europe, Gold Frapp, Grendel, Hole, Jack off Jill, Jeffree Star, Kern Kraft, Malice Mizer, Marilyn Manson, Murder Dolls, Pink Floyd, PPK, Prodigy, Pulp, Queen, Rammstein, Reel Big Fish, Scissor Sisters, Shakespeare's Sisters, System of a Down, Tatu, The Eagles, The Gossip, The La's, Wednesday 13."
All your gothic rock and post-punk faves, amirite?
No. 788127
>>788100>I think she's just tired of all this and has absolutely no patience for being in the public eye anymore. She's probably trying to figure out what to do with her life now that everything has changed so drastically, she's back home and probably will be marrying mr owl soon, if they didn't already. My guess is that she'll post less and less and before 2019 ends, she'll quit YouTube and focus on being a writer or something else she has done before like decorating shopping windows or put her film degree to some use. Maybe she'll grow up. Honestly I wouldn't mind if she did this. Perhaps with this "drama", she sees that sustaining a "career" on YouTube just isn't very feasible for the long haul as people can learn certain things about you that you may not have wanted to have known and could possibly expose you which would hurt your livelihood (Patreon). Really, she wouldn't have to worry about this kind of stuff if she just treated YouTube as a side gig and had a normal source of income and a general life.
>I can't get over these pics of Kaya, she was so pretty! It makes me root for a recover because she must be miserable with her looks now. I can't make any sense of the fact that she looked older, more put together, mature and elegant when she was a teenager than she does now. Why???Yeah she was actually pretty and she could get back somewhat there if she buckled down and stayed focus. She's still young so she has the energy and capacity to get the ball rolling. But I will say this though, she shouldn't think that if she loses the weight, people will start thinking she's "Goth" because she's pretty. It doesn't work for ReeRee Phillips and it won't work for her neither lol.
>>788108Oh wow anon, I had no idea kek. And the thing is it's fine to like these bands but if you're calling yourself "Goth" yet you don't listen to Goth music among these bands, you're not a Goth and it's just obvious she's not into the music because if she was, you would've seen Goth music somewhere in this listing but nope, just your run of the mill bands you saw with mallcore kids. I'm betting that the reason she thinks she's Goth is because she liked/likes Jack off Jill, Malice Mizer, Rammstein, & Wednesday 13 but as we all know, these bands aren't Goth bands.
No. 788144
>>788100Her profile is wide open, honestly its a goldmine. There's so much there its easier if you just go stalk her. Theres actually a hate group already dedicated to her but its secret so I haven't been able to get in to it yet

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788187
>>787813Kaya is a prime example of a cow that peaked at 20 and it's been pretty much downhill since then.
She needs to find a way to redefine herself that isn't exclusively through her appearance, as that's long gone.
No. 788192
>do you know what bands I listen to>do you know what my favourite band isyes kaya, yes we do.
>>788100>. I can't make any sense of the fact that she looked older, more put together, mature and elegant when she was a teenager than she does now. Why???I wouldn't go that far anon, she wasn't elegant by any means but she looked better put together and had a more interesting style(s) than just the pink vomit she insists on now. and I would say it's pretty common for teenagers to dress more mature, but in her case she wants to stay young forever so dresses more and more immature as she ages
No. 788274 is curious place where you can bash every political option as long as it's not communism, because when you do you suddenly break rule
>2, No politicsAnd yes fuck Nazis, and Commies too. Both groups are equally dumb.
No. 788308
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What is this? Why has he painted his neck black?
No. 788318
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>>788308Hes just copying Manson.
No. 788327
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>>788308>>788316>>788317>>788318It's quiet popular in harsh industrial circles. Or at least was.
No. 788342
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In that post they mention that they are planning to visit Barcelona often and take Spanish language classes, once Jake gets an Irish passport.
.. Isn't he English or Welsh? How on earth does he think he's entitled to an Irish passport. Unless his grandparents are Irish?
No. 788366
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Did any one is this so they
Wont there fans to pay for there life style if they moved out there how long do they think this going keep paying they just biggest ebegging on earth
>>788342 No. 788400
This shouldn't be called Altcows. It should be called
toxic tears and black Friday because no one wants to talk about any new cows, just them.

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788409
>>788400Mainly this. I am dying for milk from the new cow but people only replied "her facebook profile is open, theres plenty there"
Ibf's and TT's are too and here we are, endlessly talking about them. IBF isn't even active anymore
>>788366I don't understand what they said at all but regarding the screenshot: Jake is stupid as fuck. Even if you're making money from your online work amd getting paid in dollars, the local economy will always affect you, since you pay bills, buy necessities, etc in the country.
>>788308Have you realized that since the last time they've been called out as poseurs jake is trying so fucking hard to look edgier and darker?
>>788297I really fucking doubt it that this is conceit. People who brag like this are almost always the most insecure, with the lowest self-esteem. She knows she is pretty enough to gather some compliments and admiration on the internet so she probably tries to convince everyone that she is WOW, gorgeous so that she feels better about herself. Validation
No. 788422
File: 1553049049989.jpg (7.16 KB, 225x225, 78757536556.jpg)

>>788318kek. Manson only started doing it to hide his triple chins. Jake probably does it so his face doesn't look pumpkin-shaped (and for ~edgy brownie points~ of course).
No. 788426
>>788342>we're totally doing something we won't drop after a month>music music music>Ireland sucksHe writes the same caption with each pic, just diff contexts. And he's been dressing edgy for a while to make up for that chav phase a few months ago. (He's still a chav, but now in black clothes)
>>788400It's cos they're popular, but agree w
>>788409 the new cow is milky af. Seems like Adora but cranked up to 11.
And can we bring Bishop back? She has a thread but pretty dead.
No. 788428
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>>788335Yes, and today there’s a new one of her and Coalcandy . Seems like he has graduated and she went to Switzerland to celebrate. She posted a set of pics and said she liked the last one best. Either this is some high level trolling, or she’s finally hooking up with him.
>>784263I get the impression Sireplague and His wife have split up. He and Adora always seemed super flirty, but this time he seemed kind of gloomy and made a comment about needing friends or something.
No. 788447
>>788297Her upper lip just makes her look like a man.
Her kids are going to end up orrery fucked up, if not already.
>>788439The fuck kind of a thumb nail is that? It’s a sad day when Jakes content and overal look is better than kayas.
No. 788460
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>>788409There is nothing pretty about this, anon. From the fake freckles to the same stupid ducklip she pulls in every single pic, she's fucking gross

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788484
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>>787769I think Reeree is gorgeous, especially with blonde hair.
>>787755we go easy on her because she isn't scummy like kaya and jake (at least that I'm aware of). she doesn't incessantly e-beg or act entitled and actually seems to appreciate her viewers. that being said, I still don't watch her because I find her videos kind of boring.
No. 788518
File: 1553069011155.jpg (237.39 KB, 1438x673, Screenshot_20190320-032831_Fac…)

Bitch needs her own thread. Theres milk for days here

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788538
File: 1553075738145.png (141.85 KB, 1033x443, screenshot comment.png)

these comments just keep on coming
No. 788607
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I'm wondering will Jake answer this
>>788342 No. 788639
>>788628With the Good Friday agreement, all born on the Island of Ireland are entitled to an Irish passport. Not all of those within Northern Ireland are British or UK nationals, many hold an Irish passport and are Irish despite NI being "in the UK".
With Jake though, he's hoping that he can apply for a passport through the notion of "Naturalisation"(No Familial or Marital links, just living in "The State" for a long time), which is lengthy and expensive. No where online do I see if Northern Ireland counts as "the state."
I find it a little insulting he wants to claim for an Irish passport. All he does is spew shit about how he hates Northern Ireland. Besides, if he plans to skip off to Spain he would lose the right to that nationality very quickly from what I can read.
No. 788651
>>788484Are you out of your mind? Reeree is ugly asf! She can look ok all "gothed" up but in this pic she's looking the worse I've ever seen her look.
>>788518I'm sure her dogs are literally hunting down her dildos because they are smelling them. Animals love weird, "dirty" smells, urgh. I imagine she doesn't wash her dildos before storing them so she's basically telling everyone on the internet that her pussy smells bad and she let's her dildos all funky. Gross gross gross grooooossss
>>788538I remember I laughes out loud when she and Mathias reacted to some of these dumb 40 years of goth this and that, when they saw the trad goth revival (or something) look she said "I like to think I had an important influence on that" and in the deathrock revival mathias said that they were taking inspiration from him. That's pretty much what united them, both think of themselves as uber trad goths
>>788639So from this we can conclude he is just dumb as fuck.
>>788439Gothic vacation. Imagine if we went around deeming everything we do, as actual goths, gothic stuff. Gothic litter box cleaning, gothic sock washing, gothic working out, gothic cooking rice…
No. 788705
>>788439>i wanted a swimsuit so i told killstar, they sent it with a hand written noteNo wonder she's so spoilt.
>i bought a towel ages ago, bc they didn't sponsor me back thenWow want a medal. Plus why does killstar still sponsor her, she openly treats her hoards like trash?
>>788697Kek this cow has milk for days.
>omg I'm so rebellious cos even bAd GuYs can't stand me>I'm the apocalypse, i only date freaks>but i don't want to date>my therapist said soulmates aren't real>but-but love is beautiful, i want love and i want it magic and special No. 788764
>>788720I don't understand how these cows are so proud of themselves for cheating at weight-loss. Diet and exercise and then you have bragging rights

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788768
>>788720The fucking shoop on that stomach!! Calm down.
There’s no milk on her other than being a horrible mother and self absorbed.
Can’t we put her in her own thread?
No. 788774
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>>788768While I'd love to see her on her own thread, I disagree that there's no milk. The relationship hopping, narcissistic personality, blatant lies, drug use, and a mom that is exactly like her, all paraded in front of her kids? She also ebegs and has been on a rager about why do so many people follow her but no one gives her money to help her out when she needs it (followed by her showing off her new snake and a car). She posts here and there about wanting people to buy her things, plus she's another self-labeled "goth" who completely isn't. People have been posted for way less milk than this cow has and I say she deserves to be shared
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788777
File: 1553133381920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.55 KB, 711x879, C2C424EB-442A-44CD-A706-8E4DE7…)

Context: Jackie Cruz from OITNB is the new face of a kvd beauty mascara and people are rightly up in arms about it.
It’s hilarious that KVD claims that the matter about Rafael’s daughter is a private and intimate issue when it’s her own husband that spread this info around in articles, interviews and stuff.
No. 788790
>>788774So this adult and parent shares everything on the internet, and exaggerates most of it, like a tween who gets ignored at home. This is hilarious. "i almost am never intellectually stimulated" we can tell.
>>788775>running theme of those types of cows being in the "goth community" I wonder what it is that attracts them in?Cows like Kady might think, since its an alt subculture "normal" rules don't apply so they can be freely milky there.
Cows like Kaya and Bishop use goth looks as a personality to pretend to be interesting.
>>788777Kat, where did the person you're replying to bring up Nazis? So bringing it up by yourself seems off.
No. 788809
>>788705They still send her shit because they couldn't care less how she treats the outfits after she makes the haul videos, that's what matter to them, the exposure they get from this videos
>>788715Why is it weird to see mother so in love with their looks? Why specially mothers? I'm not even a mother but find it really weird someone thinks this way.
>>788774Oh my god, this bitch is so delusional! She's one of the best altcows we ever had. She reminds me of Raven.
I think she doesn't need her own thread, posting her here seems appropriate, she's a new cow, people have to be interested first before she gets moved.
It's hilarious that she thinks she deserves people sending her money when she doesn't even produce any content, even if it was shitty like TT, IBF, etc
>>788777Whaaaat? Is there any mention to nazis or germany in this person comment… am I crazy?
>>788778Yes!!! Give us all the Kady Rae possible, I'm already more interested in her than the same old cows. But people, let's try to be careful, her instagram account is private, so if a lot of people start requesting to follow she may be tipped and close all our access to the milk
>>788802This bitch is super fucking proud of her daughter, who is a child, acting like a catty, petty, ratchet adult. Imagine how this child feels about the other children in her school. You shouldn't feed this kind of thought on children that have absolutely no idea of the difference between "I don't really like this colleague" and "hating a bitch". Why is she even telling this child about her boyfriends' exes? If she is asking is because Kady always tell her. God, I hate her already
>>788775Because they like the dark look, don't know that goth is a subculture, think it's just being like one of the characters that are mistakenly presented as goths
No. 788827
>>788809So mentally ill attention seeking bulimic edge lords are attracted to goth because…they like the dark look? Thats a half arsed assessment if ever I saw one and pretty detrimental, the community deserves better than that.
>>788790Now you say it I agree,this seems more like it although different in ways I now understand the connection between them and adorabatbrat, dorian and the others.
No. 788829
File: 1553145851200.jpg (1019.64 KB, 1438x2186, Screenshot_20190321-011625_OGI…)

>>788778She's a scratcher too. I've known this trainwreck for years and have been waiting for her to pop up here. Her wall is so full of guys that she thinks she loves you can't even tell them apart. She freely bashes people for doing exactly what she does, and she blames BPD for literally everything. She's a mess
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788831
>>788809That pic was about kadys mom stalking kadys newest conquest's ex gf like a snotty child, and laughing at how "epic" her mom is for insulting a girl they don't even know

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788849
>>788428Adora finally hooking up with him? She just strings him along because she enjoys him being so obviously into her. Her Fb said he sent her the ticket to come visit him in Switzerland. Who does that if not having ulterior motives? He is definitely going for her!
Sireplague divorced last year. They made a big official statement about it. They sure have something going on! She seems popular lol
I'm hoping for Coalcandy tho
No. 788902
>>788849Adora needs to grow up, stop trying to be a teenager, stop whoring around, and work on caring about someone else for once. Her children would be a good start kek

(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788908
>>788409>Mainly this. I am dying for milk from the new cow but people only replied "her facebook profile is open, theres plenty there"Ibf's and TT's are too and here we are, endlessly talking about them. IBF isn't even active anymore
Well me personally, I don't really use Instagram and Twitter so YouTube is the only place I'm on and in the alternative side, IBF, TT, and Jake are the ones who are brought up a lot within the scene of how great they are for it from their mindless fans who will eat up anything no matter how dumb.
>>788538What video was this on? Nonetheless, I'm happy more people are speaking up and getting out of the kool-aid.
>>788651> I remember I laughes out loud when she and Mathias reacted to some of these dumb 40 years of goth this and that, when they saw the trad goth revival (or something) look she said "I like to think I had an important influence on that" and in the deathrock revival mathias said that they were taking inspiration from him. That's pretty much what united them, both think of themselves as uber trad gothsLmao I remember that comment she made anon. It was so inflated, as if she did. The Trad Goth & The Deathrock revival happened in like 2009-2010+ when there was an influx of new Goth & Deathrock bands coming out onto the Goth scene. THAT is what inspired that, not them.
No. 788912
>>788827That's exactly the point: the community deserves better than this but they don't care, don't know, and it's okay for them to auto include themselves in something that is NOT at all what they think it is. Or do you think they are really into actual goth? They pretty much think goth = dark edgelord.
>>788829I bet the scratch work looked
great after 8 hours of almost passing out from the pain. Especially when you're doing solid black work, that requires pretty insistent scratching of the same place so that it looks solid, with no places where the ink is weaker than the others. Imagine how this black looks after it's healed.
>>788908The first deathrock revival was earlier than that, in the early 2000s, when it got that "classic" shredded pantyhose, lime green, neon purple, eyeballs on huge deathawks look. It kinda merged with Horror punk in this point of time, which was super popular up until 2007 than disappeared of the face of the earth
No. 788941
Hold up anon. She might be onto something. I pretty much exclusively listen to goff, but I have enjoyed some Fuck The Police every now and then, occasionally some Cardi. But I recently heard Twerk by City Girls FT. Cardi B and I broke my back to that shit. Shit is straight
FIRE. I now consider myself rap goth. If you are a rap fan who disagrees with me, you are an elitist, gate-keeping neo-nazi. Rap is whatever you make it, uwu.
>>788187Kaya's a weeb. I think she wants to do sweet Lolita but is kinda fat so she hides her fatter bits in black which is automatically goff, as we all know (thankfully the cows have educated us evil elitist boolies).
No. 788969
>>788484kek she looks awful here! Her boyf/husband was cute though.
>>788651Well Kaya did do the "goth gardening" shit so it does seem like she just slaps "goth" in front of anything and everything she does. It just screams insecure poseur
>>788675the line is off center AND angelina's is natural as a result of having full lips, not fake filler ones. what a dumb cunt.
No. 788994
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>>788984I hope so because we don't need more people like this in the world
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 788996
>>788983R/thathappened for literally everything she posts. They're full of cliché edgy stuff. Does she wake up with a mental check list every day? "Oh haven't pretended to be a ###rebel in a while, better do that"
Wonder if it's just for posts or if it extends to how she acts IRL too…
No. 789012
>>788974No, it was a joke. Did you think I was serious? Damn.
>>788984I think most of the cow's kids are going to be "normies" and actually have legitimate interests unlike their parents who're only pretending to be alternative to mask how boring they actually are.
No. 789018
>>789012Nta but rap goth uwu is real – the Bishop girl, and her friend mysadboiaccount who gets personal goff guidance from her.
And yes Bishop likes some goth songs too, but her whole "schtick" on social media is omg haha I'm not like other goths they hate me idgaf #edgy.
Her whole persona is based off other people's opinions and shocking them but she also turns around and says, but i don't care what you think! Wut?
No. 789021
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Someone's having bad day
No. 789065
>>789021Perhaps this is horrible of me, but am I the only one who would like to see Jake and Bish0p date? They're both mallgoths and attention-whores, they'd be a great couple.
>>784494>Stop it already, it's getting more ridiculous by the day. Why do they want sooo bad to be labelled "goth", of all things? It's like they fight tooth and nail to be included in something they don't even understand! Where do these people see that being goth = cool?Because frankly, the media always portrays goths in the most pathetic way, like we are ridiculous, silly, immature, etc etc
I don't understand the obsession either. Goths don't like them, and we have nothing in common with them. I also noticed none of the cows have goth friends. They mostly hang around other poseurs while sperging about invisible elitists.
No. 789080
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Oh look, she’s coming back. Wonder how long it will take for her next video
No. 789082
>>789012For it to be joke, being funny is a requirement.
Anyway, yeah, they're probably going to be normies because they'll associate being alternative with being obnoxious like their parents. But wouldn't it be great if one of them grew up to be a proper goth, or an "eLiTisT"? Kek
>>789021Jake, you have depression, this is one of the number one symptoms. You did not have a bad day, you always act like this, today you were so unbearable that you finally noticed. Go along with Kaya seek some treatment, for fucks sake, your lives will improve, you dumbasses!
No. 789088
>>789065>Because frankly, the media always portrays goths in the most pathetic way, like we are ridiculous, silly, immature, etc etc
>I don't understand the obsession either. Goths don't like them, and we have nothing in common with them. I also noticed none of the cows have goth friends. They mostly hang around other poseurs while sperging about invisible elitists.Have Goths been talked about in media in recent years though? I don't watch TV anymore so I haven't been up to date with news and the only "Goff" trend in media I saw was years ago when Buzzfeed did those "dressing as Goth" videos (eugh… The cringe was strong with those lol).
And you're so right, I noticed that these "Goffs" don't have any Goth friends nor do they seem to hang around other Goths. For
Toxic Tears & Jake, it's obvious that they don't because actual Goths will see them for the poseurs they are though with It'sBlackFriday, I think it's because she knows if she's seen with other Goths, the attention wouldn't really be solely on her as much.
>>789080Question: "What did you do with all the money that you got from your first wedding that your fans donated?"
I'm curious to see what people are going to ask but it's probably just going to be vanilla stuff.
No. 789130
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It finally happened
“Goth model” with sweatpants…
No. 789134
>>788912>The first deathrock revival was earlier than that, in the early 2000s, when it got that "classic" shredded pantyhose, lime green, neon purple, eyeballs on huge deathawks look. It kinda merged with Horror punk in this point of time, which was super popular up until 2007 than disappeared of the face of the earthWhich only proves that it was 00s >>deathrock remake<< rather than >>revival<<, dang they even sound distant from 80s USA goth bands.
>>789130Not bad photos actually.
No. 789220
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>>789065>am I the only one who would like to see Jake and Bish0p date?…They'd make a great couple.Sure, if he's into DDLG. She said in anoher q and a "ddlg is me and how my relationships work."
No. 789258
>>788902That old bitch will never stop being dumb. That’s what she lives off. I wonder what the fuck she does for a living, she must have gotten a lot of money from the divorce. She got to keep the old apartment anyway.
It’s oretty obvious that she has been banging Simon all this time, who knows, maybe that’s why the husband divorced her. To me it seems so weird that they’re always taking these trips together, that have been to Simons parents summer house ( with her children even), that she’s always posting these things implying that they have something going on.
I don’t think he’s doing all this for friendship and even if it was at first, i doubt that this bitch visiting him in his dorm is just there as a friend.
Adora is fucking ridiculous, 46 year old bitch who has never even had a real job and thinks banging dudes 25 years older is cool. Poor kids who are starting to grow up to see the shitshow that her mother is.
No. 789361
>>789313Holy shit that skin… that hairline… that blown out terrible tattoo
I’m speechless, this is so bad
No. 789364
>>789361I expected nothing less. 100% trailer trash edgy kid.
Im not a tattoo artist but I've done some stick n pokes on myself and even they're better than that muddy mess on her arm. fix yourself up girl, damn.
No. 789376
>>789313How does this bitch think she’s gods gift to mankind??
Blech, and the amount she talks about sex… it’s a fucking nightmare.
No. 789378
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>>789369If you think that's pretty you need to get your eyes checked
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 789399
File: 1553339209373.jpg (359.43 KB, 720x1226, 20190323_220321.jpg)

I think if Avelina wants to be goth or talk fashion… lose the biker style and learn how to spell fuchsia. Fucking hell.
No. 789407
>>788342He can't just fucking go on holiday, he has to
>booking another trip as soon as we get home>need to learn Spanish to really communicate with the localsHe really wants to move to every country he visits huh. They don't want you Jake
No. 789438
>>789378Yeah, she looks awful in this pic but in others she looks good, so idk
>>789384Oversharing AND lying
>>789399I hate this "ungoth" shit. There's a lot of goths who have a biker-ish style, in a more 80s, 70s way. Avelina look more like early 2000s trash hoe who dates a biker dude
>>789408Completely agree with you. She's only super latina when it's convenient. Dude, not wanting to give your newborn every new vaccine for the flu is okay, but for fucks sake, the really important ones are not a matter of choice! Fucking measles, mumps, etc etc etc your child will die, you stupid fuck
"I'm not telling anyone if I'm vaccinating or not" WTF? WHY vaccinating your child has to be this polemic?
No. 789440
>>789271caps for those of us who don't have fb?
>>789408watched a few reaction videos and comments were all over kvd trying to imply that her 'latina heritage' meant she couldn't be anti semitic, lel. then trying to throw ami under the bus for assaulting her. like if that happened it's shitty but that story had no place among the other topics. her not being able to look at the camera was such a huge red flag she might as well have just released a statement instead of doing the video.
No. 789445
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Just seen that he only back from hoilday now he's off looking for money for other shite video for band so he with two other fools doing 12 hour but look price he wants it's get crazy everytime these people who gives this needs help good god his music and band are shite
No. 789452
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Reactions to Jake's photos
No. 789453
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No. 789454
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No. 789455
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No. 789456
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No. 789484
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>>789449oh, thought there were ones related to the striped sweater pix. this one on ig gave me a good laugh.
No. 789521
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No. 789530
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No. 789589
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>>789531Unfortunately no, but here's another pic of her swearing that all she gets are guys hitting her up. I have a whole series of these "stop hitting on on me" posts
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 789592
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Bitch can't even make up her mind. First she dogs on people who jump from one relationship to another until she does it, then suddenly it's not ok to judge
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 789606
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>>789594It's because they don't want to admit they were wrong.
PS over on Bish0p's thread, she opened a p.o. box and people apparently want to send her dildos.
No. 789612
>>789543It always makes me laugh when alleged goths talk about "healthy". Your entire ur aesthetic is thin, pallid and near dead or undead. Looking unhealthy is ENTIRELY THE POINT.
This person also makes me sorry for fat or not-emaciated goths, of which there are many.
No. 789671
>>789530Hang on, want to post some context?
That ser_sully isn’t jake and the killstar photo is jake.
Why post this reply and what even was the reply about/too?
Just some random ass comment out of nowhere
No. 789874
>>789611Heh, just a regular dude's foot, wide but not chubby. Does anyone has photos of the viking god? I'm dying to see him, if he's anything like Drac's native american warrior god…
>>789612Just by reading you say "your aesthetic" it nakes it pretty clear you're not one. Unhealthy, maybe, but it's definitely not a part of the aesthethic to look impossibly thin and white, you look undead by putting makeup on and some ragged clothes. If you meet actual goths, those whose lives don't depend on or are exposed to death on instagram you'll see that there's all kinds of people, of all sizes, colors, etc. If someone thinks someone has to be white or thin to be goth it's not a goth thing, it's an asshole thing.
>>789811>>789805I'm sick of this too. Goth became contaminated with this obssession with perfection spread by social media. But when almost every 16 year old on instagram is looking like makeup artists it was kinda impossible for goths not to be affected by it, goths are regular people too hahah It feels like since winged eyeliner and bold colors became common, the standards became much higher, and now in order to wear
any makeup you have to blend like a pro and your wings must be not only huge but as perfect as like someone glued a piece of plastic on your eye, not a microscopic smudge on sight.
No. 789942
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>>789874Dude has some serious problems. He's BPD and always makes long posts publicly about how he's going to kill himself because he can't get her back. I watch his profile and so far he's reposted the same videos and statuses but hey he's still alive even though he says he's on his way to die and don't no one go look for him. Here's a pic of a shitty tattoo Kady did on him kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 789969
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No. 790021
>>789686comments have been deleted and i don't remember what ser_sully originally said, but someone replied that he looked like a crackhead b/c he's skinny and he came back with that ramble.
>>789942>why 50 seriousppl can do what they want but how much of a tattoo will be seen when all that hair grows back lol.
No. 790046
>>788651>>788969>kek she looks awful here!>Are you out of your mind? Reeree is ugly asf!yes, I'm sure you both are stunningly beautiful, you probably put victoria's secret models to shame. that must be why you spend so much time on an anonymous message board taking shits on people who have never done anything to you.
>>788778>>788400>>788409this thread has been milkless for ages and devolved into utter shit. it is just a bunch of insecure fags circle jerking over how much they hate the cow's looks (especially kaya's). kaya has never even been that milky, jake is much more milky than kaya imo. and even when there is IBF drama people care more about commenting on her weight, age, bad makeup etc rather than the actual drama.
No. 790127
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Deleted comment on Jake's new video
No. 790135
File: 1553500656317.jpg (111 KB, 673x885, german_grufti_80s.jpg)

>>789874>I'm sick of this too. Goth became contaminated with this obssession with perfection spread by social media. But when almost every 16 year old on instagram is looking like makeup artists it was kinda impossible for goths not to be affected by it, goths are regular people too hahah It feels like since winged eyeliner and bold colors became common, the standards became much higher, and now in order to wear any makeup you have to blend like a pro and your wings must be not only huge but as perfect as like someone glued a piece of plastic on your eye, not a microscopic smudge on sight.Big, or even better to say HUUUGE wings were mostly popular in German scene (but even then there was no obsession with making wings look damn stencil even like nowadays. In the most photos it even looks like not giving a damn about it being even was a part of actual intention put into makeup). For some reason they later were incorporated into that 00s artificially created "USA Deathrock style" that actually has very little to do with actual 80s USA look despite everyone young enough to DON'T remember how goth looked in USA back then pretend it's a real representation of the past and proof of how oh how USA scene was so unique. kek
This is some strange act of a collective amnesia.
And this is how we ended with German makeup trends mixed with British Johny Slut style clothing and USA horror punk trends of the 00s imposed to be a unique thing that "originated in the Souther California back in the '80s"
No. 790210
>>790046lol why are you even on here then? The whole point of this message board is to "talk shit" about people.
>I'm sure you both are stunningly beautiful, you probably put victoria's secret models to shame.oorrr we just don't think reeree is as attractive as she or others think? your argument is as retarded as "you must be jealous!" shit. Nah hun, we just don't see it
>>789874His IG is @itsmyboyjeffy I believe
Kaya's NINETEENTH witches moon unboxing and she STILL doesn't know what anything is. Where does she hoard all this stuff she has no interest in? Why does she even fucking bother?
No. 790291
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>>790210That's her current lay. The fake suicidal one is Tyler.
Yep, her kids are screwed. Why do these cows think it's ok to have loud sex and parade men in front of impressionable children?
No. 790381
>>790293Short answer, yes. It was back when American Horror Story's Coven was popular and every basic chick or goff chick was suddenly into Witchcraft.
>>790376He fucking wishes LOL There's good Metal and then there's ass metal, his is he later.
No. 790382
>>790210Uhhhhhh, I never said anyone was jealous of Reeree, that wasn't my point.
>we just don't think she's attractivethat's fine, but people were saying she looked like a pig and ugly asf, not just "I don't think she's attractive" which comes across as needlessly mean spirited and bitter.
>the whole point of this website is to talk shit about peopleI thought the point was to follow the trainwreckage of people's lives as a consequence of their bad decisions/lack of self awareness etc. not take nonstop screenshots of people being like 'look at how bad her double chin is' 'look at how bad her acne is' etc.
No. 790386
>>790293I thought witchcraft was still a trend, especially thanks to harmony nice.
>>790376Except there are emo bands that are way better than his.
No. 790408
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Disturbia Clothing posted this promo shot that looks like child porn, and then deleted 10 minutes later it when people got angry at them. Now they’re deleting comments on the new post mentioning the old post. This isn’t the first time they’ve posted something “controversial”.
No. 790463
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>>790376Over on the Bishop thread.
No. 790573
>>790137The German scene is online. We just do our gossiping in German. When IBF was featured in a German documentary a few years back, there was plenty of chatter about her, same thing when she and her husband split.
IBF is the one who isolated herself in Germany. AFAIK she didn’t make a single close friend in either city that she lived in.
No. 790626
Ruadhan 1334 posted this in response to ofherbsandaltars and the recent youtube goth drama and personally I think its enlightening.
>>788912Why are you arguing with my post when you agree with it then?
No. 790630
>>790573I meant interact with scene outside Germany. Not that you don't contact each other.
I have been barely seeing Germans on English language speaking goth forums/chats etc trough about a decade. And these from many other non English speaking countries as well. It's kind of understandable because of language barriers (many Europeans actually suck at English, but things are getting better with latest generations).
It makes Anglosphere kinda alienated. They barely know any bands outside of their bubble. Especially new ones. I would dare to say that most goth music is nowadays created outside English speaking areas. Yet they pretend they are the dominant force in the flock, despite that they are not. They however do have the widest international "reach" due to English language. Just notice how most of myths and nonsense about goths originated in the USA. I see a lot of valuable materials online written in German in contrast to a lot of misleading English language garbage.
No. 790645
>>790630Absolutely! I think part of that comes from the fact the German scene is huge. Add the Austrians and the Swiss and we basically don’t have to speak English if we don’t want too. There are lots of German online groups.
Also true that many new bands are popping up all over the world. Have a look at the bands announced for WGT this year; they list where they’re from and they always manage to pull in bands from all over the world.
So the only-English-speaking perfectly-contorted YouTube cows can spout off all the nonsense they want to. Real goths from around the world are rolling their eyes.
And to keep this in topic, did anyone notice that IBF is giving a talk on “How to be a successful youtuber” at a comic convention in the USA next week. I would love to be in that audience for the chance to ask “So just a handful of videos per year and a lot of I boxings is all it takes, cool, got it! And btw where are your pets, you monster?!”
No. 790716
>>789258Whoa, you got it in for her!
Sounds bit jealous.
Who cares about age these days? I think the young boys are weirder. Do they have mommy issues kek Adora looks fucking better than me tho, and I'm just 24!
A rumour says she's rich. Like inherited money and good with stocks? Would make sense.
Did her husband divorce her?! How you know? Is this fact?
No. 790721
>>790626It's been some time since I know of Ruadhan's existence through reddit's r/goth. There's not a lot of space to nonsense over there and he seems to know his shit music wise. With that being said, I'd like to add that he acts like a know-it-all even among other know-it-all types and loves to go to the last consequences to win an argument, if you've seen any where he's involved, it lasts forever and the subject can change like 25 times. He's not a cow at all, but he sure looooves the drama! I would be actually surprised if I found out that he's not posting here since the beggining, I bet that being here was exactly what made him start doing videos on the subjects we talk about. If you are on r/goth you know that the way he writes is pretty recognizable!
Ruadhan, I know you're reading so I want to say something: try not to involve yourself in any and every drama that surfaces in this pathetic youtube "goth" community, of course you have the right to give people a piece of your mind, especially when everyone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about is doing it, but don't turn yourself into one of those scenesters, you're so better than that, dude. Don't be like Angela, who had interesting content, but once she started "responding" to every drama happening she couldn't do anything else and now she's insufferable, she does nothing but try to say "I'm a real goth and you're not, here's why! Let's defend actual goth!". So she now adds precisely nothing to the internet branch of the goth scene. Talk about goth shit and you'll be one of the only ones who matter
No. 790724
>>784822>Keep in mind that The Haunted Bat doesn't consider herself Goth.Actually she does as she says in this video and talks about her feelings of goth from the music to fashion. I just assumed shes not talked about here because shes not a goth cow as far as im aware.
Anyway I'm actually posting this here because she touches on the recent youtube goth drama involving goth cows here so thought some anons would like to watch.
No. 790878
>>790862Didn't watch it but I knew she was going to puss out and not grasp why people are starting to hate her channel, even the ones who used to watch. "Cult mentality"? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. You're content is just bad Kaya and an actual Goth doesn't even need to say that, anyone who visits and looks at the uploads and watches like at least 3 of them will get the picture. Back to back hauls are monotonous and boring.
Why don't you actually talk about something that's actually important that isn't whining and has actual substance? And get off your high horse, people don't need to have "Cult mentality" to know when something is bad or boring. You've been doing the same crap for like 3 years now, of course people are going to tire of it because unlike other channels that actually do things other than hauls, they're content never tires because they have something new to talk about. Get in the program Kaya and stop being a delusional sack.
No. 790961
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>>790810Mind you I'm not saying I disagree with her opinion in these videos. My point is to show you that she grabs every chance she gets to involve herself in a current drama. Always going on with the same rants and the same jabs at the same people. Like, we (mostly) agree, dude, move on.
(Some videos are not watched or half watched cause I don't always watch on my phone)
>>790818Yeah, you're completely right, "nonsense" was absolutely not the word, there's a lot of it there. I meant it in the sense that people at least try to diacuss interesting things that are relevant to the subculture there, instead of just celebrating endless haul videos, "goth is whatever you want it to be", metal/emo/wtvr bands etc.Bit yeah, they're so far up their own asses that all the discussions soon become nonsensical, all of them trying to prove that they know more than the other citing more and more irrelevant info to the subject as they go and it lasts forever. It's actually funny. So, my bad, bad choice of words, you're right!
No. 791086
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Slight tin foil but have I found the dude Jake is skinwalking now, apart from Manson?
Funnily he also happens to be the friend of Bish0p, Jake's biggest fan.
No. 791088
>>790725this! before killstar it was lipservice, tripp, etc and ppl legit looked down on you or called you a posuer for not wearing head-to-toe name brand stuff even if you were into the music and supported the scene. clothes, hair, makeup, accessories and so on are only part of being alternative, not defining features, and these idiots act like the look is all you need without realizing that's what the issue is.
>>790862multiple ppl having the same opinion is cult mentality, lol. guess admitting not everyone enjoys the same shit over and over is too hard.
No. 791173
>>791115Not confusing at all, just another one of "those" people who thinks "Goth is whatever you want it to be". Nevermind that it's always been a music-based subculture and it even says it in it's literal definition.
Might as well apply this to any music-based subculture. Metal is whatever you want it to be.
No. 791224
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>>791181Jake has literally half bleached his hair for the past 10 years what are you talking about
No. 791268
>>791173Yes, I know, I was talking
about the video. No need to be so anal.
No. 791304
>>791215>>791181>>791224I think Jake is just trying to be more like his past self. Maybe inspired by this dude doing everything he was known for 10 years ago, but I don't think it's skinwalking
Also the obligatory: not WK, jake looked bad 10 years ago too. Maybe less than now, but still pathethic.
No. 791349
>>791339The cringe is real. Wtf was this? What was the point? It immediately becomes irrelevant when they mention clothing brands, especially Shillstar which has nothing to do with goth. Disappointed to see Accumortis, Radically Dark and Miss E on there, the rest are either total fakes or metalheads wearing dark clothes or black thinking they're goth (looking at you ReeRee, Emily Boo and Avelina)
TT's delivery doesn't even feel natural, like she's reading off a script she found on the internet. It's also highly arguable that The Cure were "the first goth band" but we all know Kaya's knowledge of goth kek
No. 791367
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>>791339Ok just call it A-Z of alt then. Or instead of just wanting the more popular alt YTers in your vid, reach out to the smaller goth channels?
No. 791373
>>791367>this video is not exclusively made only for those in the subcultureLmao then don't title it "goth"
>the video is also for those interested in the subcultureSo you want a vid titled goth that includes not-really-goths to help newcomers, and not to just say ~it can be whatever you want~?
I know the media already confuses people into thinking "goth's whatever you want" by showing it a lot and just in fashion form (which they do way less to punk and metal btw).
But c'mon let's not confuse them ourselves?
No. 791374
>>791367FUCK OFF "mumma g0Th" fuck the fuck off. You KNEW it was gonna piss people and thats exactly why you did this. And to pander, of fucking course
For real, nowadays I get more and more pissed about these people, especially because they steal our look, every new "trend" in the actual goth sub gets stolen buy these assholes, Im seeing more and more poseurs with mullets nowadays.
Back on track: they steal our look and go around acting like stupid immature cringy cunts, making people think we are all like Richmond in real life, saying that kinda shit being 100% serious
Man, I must be getting old and bitter, but I just don't appreciate being """""represented"""" by a bunch of retarded edgy airheads.
Sure, look outrageous and edgy to shock people, it's fun, yada yada yada, but have something inside your fucking head. Even those who enjoy the shock value have to have a better reason to it than "but everybody is doing it! I saw these cool clothes and badass hair on my fave youtuber, I want to have it too!1!!one"
No. 791381
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Jfc!! How does this cunt STILL have Patreon’s?
Nothing has been posted
No. 791418
>>791412Do wonder what’s happening with her apartment and her belongings since she isn’t a resident. I do believe she said she’s only going back when the big Goff festivals are on so she can goto them and then leave?
Why can’t this generation of adults get their shit together?
No. 791435
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>>791367Why not "DhaAarkhHhHhHh A-Z" then? For clickbait of course and stirring intentional controversy in community IMHO. I can't imagine any slightly different reasons.
No. 791468
>>791381>long video gap>"so sorry ive been gone but i needed a break, I've been kicked out of my home, my visa marriage failed">another gap>"woo guys im in america"Please let it be that you got some of your shit together in the second gap then, and America trip is to relax before returning to YT.
As for her Patreons maybe she's telling them the "secret plans" that also added to her long break, even though all fans deserve to hear it.
No. 791474
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>>791468Doubt it cos most of the posts are vids already on Yt and patron only live streams.
There's only a few "secret" updates like this one (pic) and one a week ago just titled Not Good. Maybe she also reveals stuff in the livestreams idk.
No. 791554
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This is why she’s in NJ
No. 791555
>>791339this is no doubt the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
also when are we going to grow out of the idea that liking shitty cheap costume jewelry and Halloween is a personality trait. I’m tired.
No. 791556
>>791268Yeah I know. I didn't mean it in an anal way, just an "eh" sarcastic way lol.
>>791349Holy fuck anon you're so right. Way for them to miss the mark about "Goth". Halloween is not a Goth thing. Killstar is not a Goth brand. Elvira, Lydia Deetz, Adams Family, etc, they aren't "Goth" characters, they are "Gothic" characters and you'd think a Goth would know the difference between the two. Mary Shelley was a Gothic literature icon, not a Goth icon. And people need to stop associating Victorian with Goth, Victorian was it's own thing and not a Goth thing.
Yeah it's a shame that Accumortis took part in this cringe video but at the very least, he did say something factual about Goth. And Radically Dark didn't call that book a "Goth" book and called it "Gothic".
And of course Kaya is gonna go on and on about Robert Smith. How much you wanna bet that she only likes the Cure's hit singles most of which were't their Goth songs with the exception of "Lovesong"? It's just something I've noticed with a lot of people who claim to be obsessed with them but when you ask them for their favorite songs, they 90% of the time only mention their classic hit songs from the mainstream.
>>791367To be fair, Accumortis isn't exactly a big channel and neither is Radically Dark or Miss E but I agree with you, they maay as well have just called the video "A-Z Alternative". Stop calling things Goth just because it's dark because that video only had like 4 actual Goths in it and most of what they were saying has dick all to do with actual Goth.
>>791373All of this.
>>791374Well just take solace that at least they featured one person who actually talked about the music (Accumortis). It's just a shame it was bogged down by all this other nonsense shit the others were spouting.
>>791377That's pretty pathetic that he couldn't get into Goth fully (HAH) until he saw an attention whoring, overbearing edgelord. And honestly, I doubt he listens to actual Goth music and just listens to Metal or Sound Cloud Emo/Rap shit.
>>791395Agreed. Just give it another 4-5 years (being generous) and they'll move on to something else and they'll say that they had a "Goth phase" (HAH). However I do think the subculture online scene is getting a tiny bit better as we have a small few people who do talk about the music and that's at least something.
>>791412Just watch, if she really is just fucking off and not taking care of business getting all her stuff shipped, she's going to make a new Woe is me video about how she lost everything she owned in Germany and will start asking for donations that she knows her gullible fans will give (Like the wedding scam money). I mean if she's still getting Patreon money for doing absolutely nothing then that just shows the kind of sucker mentality her fans have for her.
>>791435Honestly I hope this doesn't become a drama and that the real Goths who watch that video just laugh about it and move on. Because the drama will just feed a lot of these people's annoying egos.
>>791436Because she's GOFF QUEEN and she can do no wrong uwu
>>791474For the sake of maturity, I hope so because it's gonna be sad if she's that much of a scatterbrain to not get important matters dealt with first and foremost.
No. 791565
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>>791556>And people need to stop associating Victorian with Goth, Victorian was it's own thing and not a Goth thing.Let's go back to Art Nouveau and Art Deco again? Jokes aside it's mostly USA and UK thing to puke Victorian everywhere.
>>791554LOL, USA and their over the top advertisements
No. 791662
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>>791657It’s on her Facebook profile.
No. 791684
>>791662Why does she feel the need to stalk freya's every post, comb through all comments and defend her every move? No wonder freya wanted to escape NZ.
Not a good way to treat your pet though, especially if they're showing distressed behaviour. While she's off partying in the US.
No. 791768
>>791339Fuck's sake, the way ReeRee speaks I swear she's a troll like John Laclean.
I don't comment much in this thread because being a really old person who was doing the ol' coffin dance in clubs back in the 80s (and never changed, except no clubs or dance now), these fuckwits in this thread legit make me want to take a rope into the woods and hang me from a tree.
This video - so much ego in such a short video. What a bad idea that was. Amusing though.
Ruadhan's the only one I like. He's relatable unlike these dicks. Where did it all go wrong? Got to say, thanks for the lols Jake. I don't watch his content but the stuff on here is at times golden.
As you were. Just had to share my musing about ReeeeReeee's affected accent.
No. 791770
>>791374 I doubt she did this to piss people off, she first announced this collab before the whole drama started anyway.
She doesn't seem like the kind of person to want to cause drama either.
[saged just in case]
No. 791832
>>791662Hm, this is actually pretty sad. I wonder who takes care of the cats now, as the person in the comments seems to have thrown in the towel…
The mother really sounds like a histrionic bitch.
No. 791850
>>791565>Let's go back to Art Nouveau and Art Deco again? Jokes aside it's mostly USA and UK thing to puke Victorian everywhere.Lol yeah I have noticed this as well that it's mostly Europeans and Americans who do this nonsense.
>>791567I think we all know the answer to that lol. But you're right overall because doing haul video after haul video is such a huge accomplishment lol
>>791574Euuuuugghhh… And see, it's okay to be new to Goth, we all start somewhere and you know what? Fine, if you're intially drawn to Goth because of how Goths looks, that's fine too but oh jeez… Did he really just say "TrapGoth"? Get the fuck out of here.
And what's very frustrating is that it's obvious he hasn't done much research on something he claims to care about otherwise he wouldn't need to muddle about with where Goth came from and how it started. He said it's been months so there's no excuse that he couldn't do a bit of reading, it would only take him like 5 minutes tops. I mean for fuck's sake, he really said Germany is what Goth originated from. Are you kidding?
And of coruse most people in the Goth discord were not going to be having the "Goth is more than music" argument because it's not true, music has always been the core thing and without the music, there would be no Goth. And yeah there was fashion that spawned in Goth but it's not the kind he's most likely thinking of as the real fashion came from actual Goth musicians and no it's not Cradle of Filth neither and Gothic Metal is not Goth music, it's Metal.
I dunno man, this is the kind of thing I was afraid of seeing with all this misinformation spread about Goth as it infect clueless young people and when they get into actual Goth communities, they can't handle certain truths.
>>791768Yeah the video is shit but I assure you that at least 2 people there (Accumortis & Radically Dark) are actually Goth and know what they're talking about. Check out their YouTube channels and you'll see that they are not the ego-maniacs that most of the others are.
>>791770Maybe not but this is the chick who said "Goth is what is inside you" or some bullshit in her "Goth snob" tag. Are you fucking serious? lol
No. 791878
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I swear emily boo and laci green could be twins, they have the same face.
No. 791948
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Not milk here but…
Jake/bish0p/clown makeup is already a thing?
No. 791957
>>791895“What music should you listen to to be goth?”
Stupidly phrased question in this tag.
Should be;
Do you need to listen to/ like Goth music to be Goth? Yes.
Do you need to listen to/like all types of Goth music/ all the Goth bands? No.
Can you listen to nonGoth bands too? Of course.
No. 791958
Do you have to parrot (a.k.a. ripoff ) same few looks like 90% of community who actually dress up does? No. And you better don't do that. We see enough clones at events and online already.
>>791948I was kinda wondering how long would it take for more or less this style to come back to popularity after good few years of "dark toned normie makeup". I wonder how wide would be this trend.
No. 791959
>>791958on the other hand
>>791948 looks kinda close to what is popular in Netherlands/Denmark area alt scenes
No. 791989
>>791957Yes anon. That's the question that stopped the tag from having any semblance of legitimacy because Goth is a music based subculture and it's not an opinion, it's a fact. But yeah, you don't need to like every Goth band or all Goth subgenres.
>>791965So would you prefer it more if she spoke in her more natural voice?
No. 792160
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Look who's in video
No. 792171
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where is she??
No. 792172
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No. 792173
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is this her trying to prove that she hangs out with other goffs?
No. 792214
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Jake new video comes out on Monday all those emos are in it and this is what there fans paid for .
No. 792240
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>>792220>>792226I'm wondering to what part Jake has saide that no other band has ever done video like this but it more like Manson video of early days .
No. 792242
>>792182To be honest I think she looks a lot better in something that actually defines SOME shape, than a literal black saggy sac.
she isn't small or petite but at the very least she's in clothes that don't "muffin top" or cause weird rolls in bad places in these pics. it's not the best outfit ever but way more structured/shapely than her typical "hide everything but my head and hands" outfits
No. 792246
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Just seen this his hair is blue with other guy from band .
No. 792280
>>791556>And honestly, I doubt he listens to actual Goth music and just listens to Metal or Sound Cloud Emo/Rap shit. >>791850>Did he really just say "TrapGoth"? Get the fuck out of here. Even better, he makes sound cloud trap/screamo rap. Bishop mentioned it + wore his merch in her newest vid.
Link: Have we got a new cow on our hands? Cast your votes.
No. 792402
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TT complaining about people stealing her tattoo when she pretty much ripped it off to begin with herself
No. 792403
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No. 792405
>>792226I wonder if jake mentioned it and she didn't like the idea of him finding a thin, tall gothic girl to do the pole dancing so she made him let her do it instead
>>792265She wore something similar at London Edge so she can't even be creative and try something new
>>792269which is funny because she claims to hate the association between "goth" and "bdsm" kek
No. 792408
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Jake's "music video" looks super original
No. 792442
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>>792408So true look at this it's same .
No. 792496
>>792280Holy mother, that stuff sounded awful. And they think this shit makes them Goth? Nothing Goth about this stuff at all. Yep, this "Trap Goth" is the Mallcore & Pastel Goth of the late 2010s, not actual Goth.
And I feel that the only way this guy will become a cow if he joins TT, Jake, and all the others who whinge about how people don't think they're actual Goths.
>>792405> I wonder if jake mentioned it and she didn't like the idea of him finding a thin, tall gothic girl to do the pole dancing so she made him let her do it insteadI wouldn't put it past that to be honest. He could've just got Bishop to do it lol.
>>792408What more do you expect from a Marilyn Manson wannabe? Looks just like the "Tainted Love" video lol.
No. 792510
>>792477or just dropping sugar
you can lose weight pretty fast by just not eating few pounds of sugar a week
>>792490She actually looks pretty OKish. Not that far from medically considered safe body fat level.
No. 792513
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Just seen this just 21 hours we get to see this so epic shite video .
No. 792557
>>792171Good for her, this makes her body look like a body and not a blob like her other clothes suggest. She does the classic thing of hiding fat in big clothes and looking fatter in the process.
>>792408Damn the sinilarities. Not just ripping Manson off anymore, it's low key skinwalking. Wonder how the actual song will sound.
>>792280Yikes. There's many methods of screaming but he's chosen a strained and muddy "amateur" version - one of the unfriendliest to your voice and not worth this struggle cos it sounds bad. Not even in the edgy way. Just bad.
>>792496>And I feel that the only way this guy will become a cow if he joins TT, Jake, and all the others who whinge about how people don't think they're actual GothsHe did that when talking about joining r/goth, and not being let in after saying it can be what you want not and just music. Elitist meanies!1
No. 792596
>>792173First time posting so apologies if I screw it up yada yada
I actually think she looks really hot. It’s a major improvement on the vile pink tat she normally trots out in. If she’s loosing weight and looking sexier maybe it’s a sign she’ll drop jakes sad ass and start seeing someone new and better.
She doesn’t have the body of a child so when she dresses more adult (and I don’t mean BDSM adult but just clothing more appropriate for a woman) she can look really good.
No. 792646
>>792557> He did that when talking about joining r/goth, and not being let in after saying it can be what you want not and just music. Elitist meanies!1Whelp, time to add him to the list lol
>>792596Eh beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they ay because "Hot" isn't what I'd ever use to describe Kaya, far from it. But I agree that when she's not dressing like a 12 - 16 year old, she can look okay. Still not a Goth but okay lol.
>>792644Exactly this. Look at what happened during the Ruadhan 1334 debacle. He laid out some truths about her and her fans kept sucking off her ass and saying anyone who was calling her out on her nonsense were jealous.
If having your money stolen in a wedding scam and used to travel instead doesn't wake people up, nothing will. The only thing that would alter and distort her her bubbly sweet image is if actual tangible proof comes out of her making fun of her fans and the racist implications comes out.
No. 792651
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IBF is looking a bit unfortunate lately.
No. 792656
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At least one of them is aware of this blatant rip-off.
No. 792664
File: 1554116714325.jpeg (548.71 KB, 1242x1786, 738DA24E-7340-4FBB-B0BD-4E1F89…)

Ahhh yes. Your miscarriage fit perfectly in to the goth drama that your apart of.
The horse looking cunt is a bigger leech than jake
No. 792665
>>792651Shes always looked like that. She just knows how to control her camera angles and lighting, can’t control someone else’s shots though!
>>792656How have NONE of jakes fans noticed this? And what was he thinking completely ripping off something so known? He’s starting to skin walk real hard lately
OT; does anyone else think that Kaya is starting to get salty that jake is getting more attention for his oh so Goff looks that her?
No. 792702
>>792664 I’m the most horrible person in the world for saying this and I appreciate I’m going to hell but lord I couldn’t care less about a 7 week miscarriage. I get that it’s not nice but seek the comfort of your family and children and proper networking places, a big YouTube video sperging about how it’s “actually important” just screams attention and validation seeking. I seriously swallowed down my vomit when she posts about wanting Angela to contact her “SEE WERE FRIENDS GUYS! I HAVE A FRIEND” fuck off and DM her then horsey.
IBF abandoning her cats in a different country and not even attempting to get them home safe to her is a much bigger deal imo. Those poor little critters, sage for blog but I could never leave my pets like that without proper care.
No. 792730
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So we have this amazing video at 10pm good god need get headache tables ready
No. 792741
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I know it's fools Day but hell this should not be on pole
No. 792755
>>792702No, I agree.
>i want to share my miscarriage to prove I'm above the drama i just made a video about! Not cos i want to help others going through the same thing.Agree about the cats too. She's partying while they're trapped in Germany. That also tells me she didn't finish packing in Germany but dropped it cos of the festival. Priorities.
>>792730They're hyping this vid more than they did any of the others, plus lots of props and all the goths they could find (even though "we're the only goths in Ireland!!!"). But no talk about the song itself. Overcompensating, "proving" their goffness, or both?
>>792714Yep Jake only "needs" TT for followers, TT needs him cos of her low self esteem etc. If she wore more of these outfits, got more confident, she could leave his ass.
No. 792774
>>792741Cuh-rist. This looks awful. Maybe that's the thing, if the video goes down badly they can pass it off as an April Fools joke
>>792755They're not even goths though. Wearing all black, smothering liquid latex on yourself and wearing freaky contact lenses doesn't make you a goth. In their case it makes them fake insta poser gofficks kek.
No. 792796
>>792702Nah, I'm terrible. My first thought was, "I doubt you can tell you have twins at 7 weeks."
I don't want to dismiss the miscarriage itself but working at a Mental Health clinic, we'll have clients disclose a miscarriage at less than 6wks and then describe in great detail that it was developing twins and the gender. You want the validate the pain but not the attention seeking.
No. 792810
>>792785Controversial opinion but I like this cover…or at least I would if jake didn't ruin it with his awful "singing". Its not only that hes tone deaf but hes also singing slightly faster than the track which is really noticable. Also didnt reconise kelsey in the beginning she seems really awkward and wooden here which is a surprise given shes done this routine before and wasnt as awful.
Should we be surprised kaya is barely in it? Tbh its a shame because personally I thought she looked great in this style of goth if not a tad overexposed. Saying that the overall sleaze factor of the video does it no favours.
So personally I thought great potential with bad execution, they didnt need so many people there and would have been better if it was just kaya and a few others.
No. 792815
>>792812No I agree, the only thing I liked about it was the track itself minus jakes "singing". I think its a shame they decided to go with that idea for the video because they could have had a good video is what im saying.
>>792813The original manson video was cringy too not sure why they felt it was a good idea to copy.
No. 792823
>>792785I actually do not want to watch this at all. But his life is a trainwreck and I need to watch it.
Also to everyone on about the miscarriage. There’s a reason why no one announces a pregnancy till after 12 weeks, the first is always a miscarriage and 6-8 weeks is common. Some don’t even know they’ve been pregnant and miscarried.
Horse face is just trying to be a saviour and gain followers that way. That in itself is fucking disgusting and she knows it.
No. 792824
>>792785Jake needs to develop his vocals more, and timing is a bit off? Instruments weren't bad though.
As for the video, as well as MM ripoff it's obvious they crammed in as many goff things as possible, to prove their edginess and to rush to use the bigger-than-usual budget. Ofc axed was kaya to have more room for it all.
Stellar thumbnail by the way kek.
No. 792826
>>792824His timing is well off how can he be a lead singer ffs.
What was the budget for this video do you know?
No. 792828
>>792826Dk exact numbers but i do know it was fans' money that boosted it. The
toxic two obviously can't save up extra themselves, they're lazy and impulse buy junk.
No. 792829
>>792785This IS an April fool's day joke, right?
Looks like a really boring student Halloween party.
How awful.
No. 792836
>>792827I can just imagine him obsessively refreshing the page. Wonder if he did that when he "modelled" those clothes too.
"i delete comments to protect you guys" No Jake, to protect your ego.
No. 792843
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>>792828At the end of the vid he says, with a weird ass close up of his black teeth, some people called Chris and Leandra also partly funded it.
He also said the band itself has a patreon now and a ring as merch.
>>792827Yeah you can tell (pic)
No. 792848
>>792755> They're hyping this vid more than they did any of the others, plus lots of props and all the goths they could find (even though "we're the only goths in Ireland!!!"). But no talk about the song itself. Overcompensating, "proving" their goffness, or both?Why do I have a feeling that this song is either going to sound like that soundcloud rap/emo shit or his shit-tastic nu-metal? I just for-see this being a trainwreck lol
> Yep Jake only "needs" TT for followers, TT needs him cos of her low self esteem etc. If she wore more of these outfits, got more confident, she could leave his ass.Eh true, if she had sense she'd dump him before the inevitable but even if she did dump him, that wouldn't fix all her problems if she doesn't take from it and further improve herself.
>>792785Yup shit metalcore. The music video made no sense and LOL, yeah Kaya barely in it. All I can say is we now have a new theme song for the little teenage mallcore kids to jam to. Nothing Goth (obviously) about it and this is not going to give them the cred they're thinking of getting.
Can't wait for Bishop and her little fanboy to get in on this lol.
>>792807Yeah the girl's acting felt so off and she looked like she looked very out of place. And yes, all the wannabe Goffs aplenty.
>>792810>She looked great in this style of Goth if not a tad overexposedEh she looked more rivethead than Goth. Whenever I see slut-wear with the huge mega platform boots, "Goth" isn't what comes to my mind but Rivethead/Industrial dancers, all she's missing is the leg fluffies lol.
>>792813The hands moving is most likely to look scary or creepy but he just can't pull it off.
>>792824I think you're right anon. I'll be fair and say that as shit as the video was and Jake's awful singing, some of the instrumental bits weren't that bad. The backing keyboard hooks were kinda good.
>>792827Of course he is lol. Can't handle some negativity.
>>792838She's cringy herself though so I mean… lol
No. 792864
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>>792852[double posting because the site wouldn't allow me to delete]
An arrangement (or "cover") of an arrangement still uses the same source material and is subject to intellectual property law regarding the source material. song is credited to a total of 10 writers. But two of them — Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II — control 90 percent of the songwriting royalties, a remarkable split that reflects the value of evergreen song catalogs, and of the negotiating leverage their owners have when pop stars come seeking permission.
In an especially speedy turnaround, the deal for “7 Rings” was decided a few weeks before the song’s release in January, when representatives for Ms. Grande and her label, Republic, brought the completed song to Concord, the music company that has owned the Rodgers and Hammerstein catalog since 2017. Concord requested 90 percent of Ms. Grande’s song, and her representatives accepted without further negotiation.
Ms. Grande’s song “wouldn’t exist in its current form were it not for ‘My Favorite Things,’” Jake Wisely, Concord’s chief publishing executive, said in an interview.
No. 792874
>>792848>this song is either going to sound like that soundcloud rap/emo shit or his shit-tastic nu-metalYeah that genre is popular right now, sadly, and all the normies and "trapgoths" are like woah this shit is so d33p and g0th
>Can't wait for Bishop and her little fanboy to get in on this lol.Was just gonna say. Slight OT but curious if Jake knows about bishop, she has said she's big fan of his channel and his "music".
No. 792880
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Hello all,
I never see something on Larissa Ulrique. But honnestly i think there is some new milk here. If youdon’t know her check her instagram.
She think shés the right new goth queen bût honestly new poseur will be more right.
This is collector: speaking the superficial goth blogswhen you fullfill your feed with tons of makeup and jewelry 🙄
And shés still crying about how people want to take her in photo in parties, or said fashion is definitely not her preoccupation.
I laugh loud !!
No. 792929
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Oh yes! Some good goffick milk. Jake is deff deleting comments! Hope he got some sleep since posting LOL
Soooo a cover of one song and video ripoff of another song. Points for originality. Although I guess they were going for obvious and ironic, to bad it's so badly produced. Question for the more musically talented farmers. Is Jake actually tone-def? I'm waiting for bish0p thirst now.
God…. IBF abandoning her pets in Germany. Here is the thing, Germany has good animal protection and care. I doubt any animal would be down right abandoned on the street. Still… it's your pet, if you loved it at all you'd do anything to have it back in your life. If my dog and cat were staying even with my sister, safe and happy and warm and fed, I'd still miss them like crazy.
No. 792932
>>792931The other dead giveaway that the anon is a European, most likely German is the use of accent marks in place of apostrophe’s. The keyboard set up is different because German doesn’t use apostrophe’s frequently.
Larissa doesn’t seem to be all that milky although I have heard some gossip about her not getting along with IBF and her soon to be ex husband. But that was all offline afaik.
No. 792937
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>>792785Kelsey's Ariana impression makes her sound like she has down syndrome or something
No. 792938
>>792937doubepost but how did Jake pay for all those extras? I know he flew Kelsey out for the video and gave her a place to stay but I'm sure she'd want some actual money.
also lol kelsey is a professional dancer and even she can't dance to that shit music
No. 792940
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edits his girlfriend out from most of the video but keeps lots of footage of the bunny girl
No. 792950
>>792880She seems a nice person - rescuing rabbits and pigeons. Looks like the jewellery is a business he runs with her husband. Idk, she just doesn't seem pretentious and doesn't do the plastic weekend goth tacky brand shite that the "new goths" do.
I can't see anything milky. She's pretty authentic to me.
No. 792951
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She was looking so good on her IG posts and then they did her dirty by putting her box body out there like that? Damn.
No. 792960
Nah, I don't think she's a cow. Larissa resques animals in need and seems to be authentic (not only because of the animal resquing thing). The only thing I can't stand about her is her almost constant 'Become vegan! Live vegan! Vegans are 20% better than everyone else!'
No. 792985
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I think Kaya looks ok in the video, it's just a shame Jake had her do "sexy" dancing beside a much skinnier girl
No. 793977
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We really need more milk on this bitch. I was enjoying her cringe. I can't stand her! She thinks she is so hot but she relies exclusively on this stupid filter to have fake freckles like an idiot and overly shooped pics. Everything about her is horrid and we need to see more
No. 794008
>>792857Eh I wouldn't say all of them do. IBF for example, she doesn't seem to wear them that often. Angela doesn't seem to wear them neither.
Keep in mind, I'm talking about the uber mega-platforms that are like 3-4"+, not the ones that are like 1-2".
As for your question, I don't consider most of the Altcows mentioned her as actual Goths. I don't consider Angela Benedict a cow so it doesn't apply to her and with IBF, I think she's a Goth but a very shallow one who lacks any substance or depth. The rest though, yeah not Goths.
>>792874> Yeah that genre is popular right now, sadly, and all the normies and "trapgoths" are like woah this shit is so d33p and g0thYep and like usual, they will never understand when actual Goths just shake their heads in annoyance to these people thinking this shit is Goth music (It isn't).
> Was just gonna say. Slight OT but curious if Jake knows about bishop, she has said she's big fan of his channel and his "music".I'm pretty sure he knows of her at this point since he's a fame whore and she did get featured in a popular video. It's only a matter of time before they talk talking if they don't now.
>>792938Pretty sure they got the money from both their Patreon supporters/donations and possibly from parents.
No. 794043
>>794012She's claimed to be a goth yes and has pics of herself with goth princess and other eyeroll titles on them kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794076
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No. 794129
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>>794076Whats with the hammer?
No. 794146
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No. 794209
>>794189Sympathy from sad little strangers who worship her.
I wonder if she’s gone to see her cats yet.
No. 794249
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>>794153>>794212I disagree. I was one of the people who asked for more on her. It's nice to see other people on here. Right now it's all Ibf and Kaya. It's boring. What is there to say about Kaya anymore? She has a douche boyfriend who uses her. She has bad skin. She's fat and dresses badly for her body type. She ebegs.
Kady parades different men around her young daughters. She says she's been raped hundreds of times but still engages in sex with random guys. She over shares. She's skinny (cause she's a proud bulimic) and thinks she's a goth princess. She's a scratcher. She proudly talks about having loud sex in front of her kids, getting drunk and getting high. She ebegs and is a hypocrite, bashing others who think their followers owe them anything but she's ok bashing her own followers for not helping her. And let's not forget all the posts about how hot she thinks she is, with her features completely obscured by that stupid fake freckles filter. This is the kind of cow we're here for but all anyone wants to do is talk about the same old people. This bitch has plenty of milk and she's exactly the same as the others on here. She doesn't get a free pass. Her profile is mostly open too so there's a lot of dirt on her ripe for the screenshotting
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794286
>>794276I can see that. I guess I'm just desperate for new milk kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794292
>>794269That poor cat looks like he missed her so much. She doesn't deserve them
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794407
>>794321>>794309Plenty of screenshots have been shared already, even the one with her and the guy she's currently banging laughing about having sex and her kids having to hear them. I don't want her so it's not a vendetta, I came across her not too long ago and fell into pit of her cringe and knew that she belonged here
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794482
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Actually died. But does anyone know why this guy has it out so hard for ibf?
No. 794483
>>794309Nta but chill anon, this is an altcow general thread, new cows can be introduced and posted here whenever anons choose to. If you’re going to use words like “vendettachan” at least have a reason for it besides “no milk I’m not personally here for it” bc they’ve posted enough to get other anons interested.
No. 794517
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>>794482I'm conflicted about Ruadhan. On one hand: Some excellent points. On the other: Seems like he is just milking it(pardon the pun)for the attention at this point. Honestly Friday is such a mess so I'm enjoying this either way.
No. 794542
>>794482Pretty much what
>>794495 said. I remember in his IBF rant video where he did admit he used to like her back before she moved to Germany so I'm guessing he caught wind of her fakenesss and is not afraid to call her out.
No. 794547
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Honey this isn't the first time you've embarrassed yourself and it won't be the last.
No. 794549
>>794547It's really stupid how she's putting all this blame on Germany implying it was not a good place to live. Bitch, you didn't put the work in to truly assimilate with the culture (Didn't bother learning to speak the langue fluently to converse with others, go out and explore, etc). Germany wasn't the problem, it was you.
And I seriously don't feel like all the problem falls on Matthias neither and I'm not even fangirl of his neither but thinking logically, we've really only heard her side of the story and not his.
No. 794550
>>794549* Didn't bother learning to speak the language fluently to converse with others
Sorry typo lol
No. 794564
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>>794483>If you’re going to use words like “vendettachan” Were you
triggered>>794482Maybe HE'S the real vendettachan kek, I'm all for it
No. 794594
>>794552Another anon, and I want more Kady Rae too
>>794551That's what I don't understand about these cows: if it bothers them so much that people judge them, why do they expose themselves this much? We have to agree that the number 1 requirement for one to be a cow is oversharing, because if none of them gave us so much to see, we would never know they were fucked up people who do a lot of shit. I mean, if your life (and you) is this fucking mess, that you live in the verge of a mental breakout, you deal with life in the worst way as possible, fucking things up one time after the other, maybe don't update people on every little thing you do, think, feel, etc?
I'm not saying something like "if you have an instagram you're up to get bullied online and there is nothing you can conplain about it because you pit yourself out there", not at all!
It's specifically the oversharing, the constant updating of very personal issues that then they feel uncomfortable when people discuss, often saying something like "this is not the whole story, my mental health has being etc etc and I don't want to talk about it bla bla bla". So don't discuss your divorce openly, so don't discuss your low self steem openly, so don't discuss your miscarriage openly, and so on
The level of sharing of these people makes me kinda terrified. Imagine you having to justify, explain yourself to a huge number (it goes beyond followers or subscribers, because there's people who doesn't do these things but look anyway) of people, who doesn't know you at all, every little detail of how and why you fucked up something. No wonder they're always depressed, it's such an unnecessary pressure to put on yourself. No money in the world is worth that, and it's not even like they are millionaires, it's just a bit of YouTube/patreon/twitch etc money enough to live off of your subscribers' curiosity and blind admiration
No. 794613
This is Kady. So a friend of mine told me to come check this out because I was being talked about. You don't know anything about me. I'm a good mom and a good person and idgaf who doesn't agree. There's no law against having great sex within earshot of your kids. WHEN I was having random hot sex I still thought of my girls and made them wait in the car. They didn't come in and they weren't left alone at home. I do tats and I'm amazing. Lots of shops want me. People who talk about you are either jealous of you or they want you. I'm not gonna change anything just because you're obsessed with me, I'm used to it. You're nothing but a bunch of losers and I'm used to having secret groups of people who have nothing better to do than talk about my life so whatevs. Don't hate me cause you ain't me
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794646
>>794613Whew, a lot to unpack here.
But a question, if loads of shops want to hire you (let's say I believe you, which I mostly don't - there are people who get work off scratchers so it's not impossible), why not take them up on the offer? You would not need to beg for money online if you had steady income from working in a shop.
No. 794650
>>794630Have you seen her posts? This sounds exactly like the up herself cow usually writes. I'm not surprised she came here to "silence" and "correct" us
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794662
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I think it's her. I got two screenshots that fit. Kady, your not a good person or a good mom. Your a delusional trainwreck. You seriously need to get a grip. Your not pretty, your not goth, your not a tattoo artist, your nothing but a fake over the top slut
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794664
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>>794662Other screenshot. Tell me how someone else can know your raped before you know? Your so full of it
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 794671
>>794664This is so fake it hurts. She's literally implying that she's sooooo hot that she gets raped all the time. Like…..girl you wish
Feel ABSOLUTELY terrible for her kids, imagine having this skank as your mom who constantly posts about her 'anonymous' snatch smash adventures
No. 794719
>>794664>>794671I think she means like when you get raped while passed out and you don't know, but then someone tells you after.
I would NEVER blame a rape
victim, but if she was raped so many times she lost count, where the fuck is she getting drunk/high and passing out? Maybe it was better to drink and use drugs among trusted people or with at least one person you trust.
It's really sad that she feel this need to be so overtly sexual to feel in control of her sexuality, even trying to pass being raped for the nth time as no big deal, "taking it so well!". It screams "I was sexually abused as a child" and this is a way for her to cope. She tries to be so sexual and so edgy before anyone can think anything sexual and edgy about her that she has no control of.
Kady, I think it's good you are, in some way, open to talk about these taboo subjects but there are healthier ways to do it, talking with people who went and go through whatever you do in a more honest way. You don't have to share everything with everyone in this "im so badass" way. You're a grown woman, try not to expose yourself so much online for the sake of your children at least. Have you thought about the authorities checking out your posts? Do you think youll seem like a good mom to them? No, theyll take your daughters away from you
No. 794740
>>794719I doubt this is what happened to her, but like, it can happen. I've been assaulted more than once, I struggled a lot with alcohol problems as a teenager, along with sexworking, there were plenty of times where I changed my mind and told them I couldn't do this, please stop, etc, and they either forcibly kept going or pressured me into it, coercing is still assault.
THAT being said, the way she words it sounds so fake. The whole "FUCK I got r*ped again!!" makes it sound like it's something so little, idc how much you're desensitized to it, like, if anything, it shows little respect for other
victims, I can't even read the word without feeling sick and panicked (why I censored it, I have a chrome addon that censors it as well.) It's just.. weirdly selfish and does make it sound fake.
No. 794779
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So Nadia and Matthias are friends on FB. Not sure if milk, but it's interesting. I wonder what really happened with ibf and him. He posts his new gf on fb a lot more than he did with ibf.
No. 794786
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I actually know Kady and have been friends with her for along time. I should have known she'd eventually be on here somewhere! She hasn't been abused, she's a "hypersexual". She puts herself in unsafe and shitty positions, I don't know if she really is oversexed or not but tbh I think it's all bull. She used to be a really nice person when she was fat. Then she started throwing up, lost weight, and thinks she's hotter than everyone else and then suddenly she's a sex addict and all this other stuff, she wasn't like that before she lost weight and now she thinks she has something to prove or something idk but she's a shitty person now. She doesn't care what effect her whoring has on her two young girls, she laughs and thinks its hilarious and it'll help them grow up to be just like her and open about how much fun sex can be and somehow that will make them empowered or something dumb like that. She also doesn't think about how they feel seeing her multiple boyfriends walk in and out of her life and its not just that but she moved in with these guys, breaks up, and moves out again then repeats that with different guys like thats not going to seriously mess those girls up, not having a steady man in their life?
No. 794856
>>794836I actually wish there was proof of this cheating besides hearsay from friends of theirs. Screen shots would be nice from either Nadia or Mat as we have never had any. Only some anon saying they saw it on mats end. Oh and we’ve only had Nadia post random quote lines on Instagram pics.
>>794792Fair sure they’re talking about kady. And I agree. She sure seems hungry for attention and this would be a fine way to get more. Every time she’s brought up, there’s no real milk other than she’s an attention seeking whore and a fuck awful mother. It’s all public too. Just more attention to her so she can say “ugh, I’m soooo popular that there’s an entire hate group bitching about me, just cuz I’m sooooo hawt and they’re jealous”.
Legit don’t need that shit.
If she’s scammed people, stolen, lied, there’s milk!
Also I’ve noticed a LOT of new people here. Type “sage” in the email field if you are providing milk or just go read the rules
No. 794865
>>794856I’ve read the rules and I’m still baffled. What exactly qualifies as milk?
>>794858And now extra confused about sage
No. 794869
>>794858Yeh was a typo. Sage when not providing milk. Milk is drama, so to speak. And actual drama, like scamming, caught red handed and so on. Do provide screen shots.
Cringe of flabby old alternative sluts is not milk.
>>794865This comment, not milk. So you need to type in sage to the email field. Or, simply real the damn rules.
No. 794870
>>794865Simply put: if you do not nring anything new, if you're just replying to someone or commenting your opinion, then you write "sage"(minus the quotes) on the email field.
There's a thingy that hides all the saged posts, people use it so they can read only new information and not a lot of opinions and speculations.
We could go on forever about what qualifies as milk but long story short, "milk" is what our cows produce. Which is? Cringey shit, scams, etc etc. So, if you don't have NEW milk, sage.
I swear I've explained this like 10 times just in this thread. This is the last time. The next one I'll just go like "SAGE YOU CUNTS" like some of our adorable anons here
No. 794884
>>794870Got it. Thanks!
If the rules were written so succinctly, I would have understood the first time.
No. 794911
File: 1554461634901.jpeg (355.27 KB, 640x971, 9D41211A-FB70-41D3-97A5-48532C…)

I guess with Kady around Karen is only runner up as mother of the year. (from IBF’s Instagram)
No. 794922
>>794911I want them to be specific. What makes him an
abusive narcissistic bully? What happened? You can’t just say that about someone without some clarification or proof especially with IBF being “high profile” with rabid stans and Matthias keeping mum about the whole situation.
No. 794939
>>794927Same. They're painting Matthias as this bad guy but yet we haven't heard his side of the story. He probably has his reasons for staying quiet. Maybe what they're saying is true or maybe something else happened. But then again, Matthias doesn't seem like the kind of person who wants to get E-Famous and because of this, he prefers to keep his private life away from the Internet.
Because if he was trying to get e-fame, slandering like this would really hurt his reputation.
No. 794975
>>794911Why does IBF's mum feel like she needs to answer all the questions, she wasn't dating Matthias. And if he was such a
toxic narc bully maybe IBF shouldn't have married him. But it it was her call. Yes Freyja doesn't seem to have great judgement but mummy doesn't have to coddle her all the time.
No. 794982
>>794856Here's some Kadymilk. have to catch it fast because this guy deletes his posts and then repostes his drama over and over again. Right now his profile is full. He goes on suicidal rants about her but repeats himself constantly
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 795069
>>795041Yep I remember it well. In all of their FB pictures together her mum would be commenting that they're a nice couple, etc etc… always singing his praises. They break up and as you say suddenly he's the bad guy. None of us truly know what he was like and whether or not IBF has been feeding lies to her mother about him to make herself out as the
victim, but her mum needs to stay out of it - it was IBF's marriage, not hers. The woman is in her 30s not her fucking teens.
No. 795071
>>794982First of all, if a person deletes something all the time - THAT is the reason why you should take screenshots, not because we are lazy or something.
Second - am I the only one who feels this Kady stuff kind of forced? She is a stupid cow, yes, but I see no point in discussing her there. She doesn't produce any content aside from shitposts about sex on her fb, and if you wash off her make-up she instantly becomes just as anybody else on fb. Better nothing than this imo.
No. 795084
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No. 795087
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No. 795095
File: 1554492849663.png (2.16 MB, 1869x981, da.png)

good lord
I guess I didn't look properly at Kaya's outfit in the music video or maybe it was because it was lighted dimly but these outfit is not flattering at all
No. 795117
>>795071So,kaya's looks and shitty boyfriend and black Friday being mad that she has to leave Germany are less milky than a drama queen who has sex with strangers and leaves her kids in the car, overshares and lies about being raped? And possibly came here to stir us up?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 795144
>>795087LMAO that is the perfect "MFW" picture.
jokes aside if it weren't for the black-neck her eye makeup was actually pretty cool. eyebrows could be better but her eyes themselves aren't bad.
at least she's trying to get out of her comfort zone? she should hire a personal stylist to help her realize what shapes/cuts work for her though
No. 795155
>>795117This right here. I feel like the whole Kady thing has been a massive self post from the very start.
She keeps getting pushed in here and for what?
The same shit of her being a horrendous mother and flabby slut bag? Just so she can then get a clit boner over more attention?
Then there’s people coming here not saging shit with no milk, no anything.
Nah. Fuck that. I refuse to give that flabby old cunt more attention that she’s clearly desperately seeking
No. 795171
>>795155I wouldn't doubt it. I'd personally prefer if she and Bish0p had their own threads (well, Bish0p does), something about them makes me nauseous lmao
>>795155I don't mind the crumpled skirt either, anon. I'm personally tired of the perfect manufactured goth look everyone (exaggerating here, but still) seems to have these days.
Perfect eyeliner, perfect smoky eye, perfect black lipstick. Topped with basic Killstar. Angela Benedict's style by some anon's standards is pretty basic, but it's still obviously goth as she puts her own twist to it. These other people are either clones of IG poseurs or IBF. Kinda sad, tbh.
No. 795189
>>794975>>794939Why is it so unlikely that Matthias actually is a
abusive, cheating narcissist?
Because IBF has her own share of assholism and narcisism among other erm… qualities, it doesn't mean that Matthias is authomatically a good guy who was just caught by bad bad Friday.
I can believe he was an emotionally/verbally
abusive cunt to her once the novelty wore out and he grew tired of her because she has a lot of mental issues and must be one of the least fun people for you to live with.
Of fucking course they bonded over thinking of themselves as better than other goths, super extreme looking "trads"(they don't even look like trads but ok, that's what they think, they've acted and said so in videos). That guy is so annoyingly smug, he thinks he's the hottest shit to ever be shat. Once he began to live with her, he probably didn't think of her as someone on his "level", especially with her aseduality thing.
Long story short: they must have thought they were two birds of the same feather but animosity began to grow when it was steadily proven wrong. He started to cheat on her(several anons claiming to be from his local scene told lots of accounts) and be an asshole to her because, well, have you seen him? He likes to be as assholish as possible. I bet IBF loooved that, because she's this way behind the scenes, until it was directed at her kek
No. 795228
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Both frightsummers and Ruadhan had to disable their comments, due to the backlash.
No. 795287
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>>795226yes and yes. she hid the actual amount of $ she's making because ebeggers know deep down how disgraceful they are
No. 795288
File: 1554542954328.jpg (189.87 KB, 1736x986, 0pOUYEF.jpg)

Did anyone notice in Kaya's vlog that every time she "sits down" shes pretty much laying down really awkwardly? Is it because her skirt is so tight it would break?
No. 795303
>>795302you're welcome.
I have to keep pausing this video because my eyes can only roll so much.
No. 795308
>>795292I can't help but feel bad. She's 32 and has less certainty about the future than she should. Yes, most of it was due to not wanting to live in NZ and other questionable decisions but still…
with that said, it's quite stupid to be an open book on the internet. However, it can't be that bad when all your stans and mommy will be there armed with their keyboard to fight anyone and engage in flame wars.
>"I'm gonna make a video about how to handle hate" LOL she's acting like ruadhan made a 4mil view content cop about her and no one was on her side
>>795300Some people on here have speculated that Freya's mom is overbearing af and to get as far away from her as possible, she moves to countries on the opposite of the globe (i.e. Scotland, Germany)
Wedding late November and December this year, huh? I wonder if Freya's going to ask the same people who donated last time to put up the money again. That'd be really shitty of her considering she didn't issue refunds (or do anything to make it up to those donors) and she's getting more patreon money these days
No. 795370
>>794998I actually like this YouTuber and she's a breath of fresh air from all the Killstar whores we have. She actually makes videos that are relevant to the Goth subculture ad it's just nice to have someone doing that as there aren't many who do.
>>795041I can't remember but that's only because I never followed IBF on social media but I can believe it when someone flips the switch just like that.
>>795089Wasn't Vox a Youtuber as well? Like she was going for that whole Marilyn Manson thing? I feel like I've heard that name before on YouTube.
>>795189I guess I'm just not fully able to feel it because like I said above, we haven't heard anything from him. It's good to get both sides of the story when it comes to things like this.
But I guess this is going to be one of those things there won't be a clear concise answer to.
>>795228FrightSummer's video wasn't even hateful, it was just an honest look at the situation but of course IBF's ass-licking fans who can't think for themselves are going to not understand sensibility because their Goff Queen is getting critiqued.
>>795300>>795301 Nailed it lol. It's because there aren't many Goth or Dark Alternative events that happen in NZ unlike in other parts of Europe. That's most likely the main reason why she tried to scheme her way into Germany and the UK.
>>795308It's hard to feel sad for her because she brought most of these problems on herself. If she wants to move out of NZ so badly, she needs to do what any normal person would do. Get a job, save the money up until you have enough to afford a couple months rent and for moving. I mean yes it's a long process but it can work. If IBF actually worked or saved her money from 2014-2018, she could've had enough to get a head start instead of trying to use a guy for a Visa.
And yeah, Ruadhan's video was getting skewered by her stans, the dislike ratio surpasses the like ratio. His video didn't even go that hard on her, he could've really dug in deeper.
> Wedding late November and December this year, huh? I wonder if Freya's going to ask the same people who donated last time to put up the money again. That'd be really shitty of her considering she didn't issue refunds (or do anything to make it up to those donors) and she's getting more patreon money these daysHonestly yes. I see her making a video e-begging for money to marry "the love of her life" (or something like that, anything that'll guilt her viewers). I don't think anyone really remembers her first wedding scam (no one really brings it up outside of here) so they'll donate large sums of money again and history may repeat itself (She doesn't end up marrying him and uses that money to either travel again or to actually move somewhere else).
No. 795408
>>795292When she was talking about how she wants stability in her life, I just rolled my eyes because getting stability is totally doable. It's not easy and will suck but it's possible. The only reason it seems fleeting to her is because she doesn't work a real job or doesn't seem to be saving a good portion of her money she gets from Patreon. I mean hey, maybe she is but if she were, she would've had enough money to start.
At the very least, at least she did something right putting her cats up in a cattery while she's off partying.
No. 795421
>>795292She filmed this before going to US and before divorce was final which have all happened now, so why's she posting so late?
As for stability that's harder with a "not normal" job and her country- and husband-hopping. Oh and her mother breathing down her neck (I agree she could be partly why IBF hates NZ). But it can be done.
But Freyja doesn't do anything to figure out she wants. Instead she runs to the next man/country/party then when its over she's back to square one and all she does about that is complain. Oh but that gets her more pity + patrons so maybe there's no incentive to change.
No. 795431
>>795428Scotland? What for? All main goth related festivals are happening in Germany (GPP,WGT,ML,A) and Poland(CP,RtTB), minor one in Czech (PGT).
Evertyhing in a proximity of about maybe 700km max from each location. Moving outside this area makes not too much sense.
Whole UK has Whitby at best. Also Brexit. Unless being from NZ brings her advantages.
Scotland makes really no sense here, unless someone wants to buy a spoooooky castle to live among misty highlands full of absolutely nothing.
No. 795522
>>795500Just type in
toxic tears drama her video pops up
No. 795536
File: 1554609537745.jpg (107.4 KB, 711x381, 20190407_134808.jpg)

According to hate and judgemental people who make things up…. We don't have to make anything up. You video yourself for us all to watch you and your disgusting behavior. It's all there. Let's also refer to one of the things she said in this video when asked about the NZ mosque bombing. The only thing that 'bothered' her was the blaming afterwards. Ummmmmmmm what about the victims who were killed and THEIR families? Her head is so far removed from basic humanity this is all she had to say about it. People died. I think that is pretty bloody important. Ffs.
No. 795553
File: 1554616694762.png (909.13 KB, 750x1334, 4958E0C7-63B4-4026-B24F-96CFAB…)

I feel like IBF is the kind of person who would be unhappy no matter where she goes. If she does eventually move to Scotland, I bet she’ll find something wrong with it too especially since the only thing motivating her to move there is nostalgia.
No. 795581
>>795431What? Scotland has a lot of alternative people, plus a lot of places she could put into vlogs, since she doesn't just go to gigs but also historical places. Also she could easily get trains to London where they have tons of gigs, and things like that. Glasgow gets a lot of amazing bands play there. they have nightlife, and I am sure in Edinburgh too - but I don't know about there - my friends mostly live in glasgow area (I am not scottish, I live in England)
I know she went to the festivals, but she also used to go to gigs, so maybe she isn't feeling like doing festivals so much anymore, they are probably too much work for her.
No. 795582
>>795581Glaswegian here. We don't want her fat arse walking around with a selfie stick here thanks. I hope her visa doesn't get approved and she's forced to stay in NZ, if not MO better watch out she'll be hunting for another goff husband kek
>>795474That's old news
No. 795583
>>795581Edinburgh actually has a pretty great little scene. It's no London, but there are a couple of regular club nights going at the moment. Plus, having Glasgow so close doubles what's on offer.
I'm mostly wondering how she's going to afford rent since Edinburgh has been getting pricey the past few years.
No. 795612
File: 1554646597391.jpg (835.6 KB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_20190407-101217_Chr…)

>>795553as if she made an effort to learn the language, and is blaming that for lack of friends, boo-fucking-hoo.
here's some nightmare fuel ~fanart~ jakey boy retweeted. not trying to be rude to the, uh, creator but this is the sort of thing you keep to yourself.
No. 795613
File: 1554649769364.png (20.76 KB, 386x213, sb .png)

Ouch. Just took a glance at Freya's socialblade.
No. 795626
>>795582Old news or not, someone was asking about it on the thread.. and
toxic keeps doing the videos talking about the drama acting as if other people are nasty and she is actually the nasty one kek . TT is discusting
No. 795634
File: 1554657445118.jpeg (473.3 KB, 828x1522, E94B7519-6E9B-4FA0-94D1-C8AA7F…)

So, Dorian found a literal rat corpse mummified in her bedroom and decided to share it on Instagram
I don’t even know what to say
I always knew she was messy but this is just gross
No. 795669
>>795634A mummified dead thing. How gothic.
Gross to think how they shit everywhere and piss on food and she didn't notice.
No. 795673
>>795671I'm trying to look for how it'd smell, but can't find anything other than "musty". I don't think it'd smell of decomposition because that can't be ignored (had dead rats stuck in a shed at work and, fuck me, the smell of death).
Found this though. Her room is obviously damp af:
>this type of mummification occurs in damp/wet conditions, but another way in which nature preserves human and animal tissue is through extreme cold and dry conditions. That was about how natural mummification happens. I doubt it's cold enough for the other option to happen.
No. 795685
File: 1554678589113.jpg (23.79 KB, 190x255, buried in socks.JPG)

>>795676Nope. She wrote this. Out and out proud of being a filthy pig.
No. 795701
File: 1554682150518.png (3.86 MB, 1792x828, 48E366E6-72A2-4897-86E1-CA59A0…)

>>795686Is it just me or is Kaya’s balding spot getting worse?
No. 795749
>>795686This is actually kinda cute and worth doing.
I miss this; goths taking every-day stuff and making it their own instead of just buying the spooky version from Shillstar.
No. 795781
File: 1554711301130.png (272.27 KB, 720x502, wp_ss_20190408_0001.png)

So TT's getting more creative. Jake meanwhile.
No. 795788
>>795582Fair point. Maybe I shouldn't be giving her ideas.
>>795583 I didn't want to say if there was or wasn't for sure because I don't know Edinburgh very well, but good to hear! Yes, the rent is an interesting point. I think it would be very likely she'd have to flat share (or like others have speculated, a new hubby lol)
No. 795799
>>795686I mean… on the one hand, it's good she's doing something relatively "creative" and not just haul after haul (but I guarantee these will be uploaded soon kek), but on the other hand it's just… boring. It seems like she only did it because she's going on a dumb, uber gofffficcckk graveyard picnic (cringe) and wants something for that. It will get lost in her hoard pile after
nitpicking but I don't like the spider web lace she added, it kind of clashes with the inner gray lace imo
>>795781Spoiler that shit anon
No. 795865
>>795802Exactly. I never really liked her. Especially the gender stuff… the transman, who doesn't transition and presents completely as a woman. Fuck off with that.
And the fact that she shits these ass-kissing drama videos and always finds a way to show off her unattractive body. How the fuck does she want control the online goff community in a way when she's not even bothered to do the laundry?!
No. 795881
>>795292Her downfall is so fucking weird, honestly. Went from making decent videos all throughout 2014-2016 then sometime around 2017-onwards it was haul upon haul upon haul. Again, this is her fault. Should've never alienated your main following just to pander to normies and kids going through an emo phase.
>>795865Yep, her fakeboi phase turned me off on her too. I always found the whole thing creepy, what grown woman wants to be an eternal teenage boy? Dorian's starting to remind me of IBF. There's just this "aura" of fakeness surrounding her these days. With IBF it was hauls, with Dorian it will probably just be her copying other people's videos.
No. 795911
File: 1554756352972.jpg (56.8 KB, 426x492, Uo8pZR4.jpg)

When you can't control the camera angle… from Dark Side of the Con
No. 795912
File: 1554756408065.jpg (132.6 KB, 592x587, WGlT613.jpg)

She looks so awkward
No. 795969
File: 1554766766598.jpeg (440.37 KB, 1242x1748, 38014522-73BB-4D50-AC41-F3FE48…)

Aaaand now she’s in Germany. At least she’s getting her shit together
No. 795971
>>795881>Her downfall is so fucking weird, honestly. Went from making decent videos all throughout 2014-2016 then sometime around 2017-onwards it was haul upon haul upon haul. Again, this is her fault. Should've never alienated your main following just to pander to normies and kids going through an emo phase. FFR. She used to be decent. She used to be worthwhile but then she started pandering to normies, Mallcore kids, and kids going through an emo phase and became a hollow shell of what she once was. It's sad but like you said, she brought it on herself and now that we're getting other worthwhile Goth content creators like that Cadaver Kelly lady and most likely others to come, she's going to be losing relevancy as the months-years roll by.
> Yep, her fakeboi phase turned me off on her too. I always found the whole thing creepy, what grown woman wants to be an eternal teenage boy? Dorian's starting to remind me of IBF. There's just this "aura" of fakeness surrounding her these days. With IBF it was hauls, with Dorian it will probably just be her copying other people's videos.That's so true. I never bought into Dorian's whole "Transsman Genderqueer" nonsense. Doesn't even try to be read as a guy so she can just fuck off with that attention whoring. It's sad because like IBF, I used to like her content but she eventually became as annoying as IBF. Honestly thinking about all the old Goth content creators like IBF, Dorian, and Sebastian Columbine along with the Darkly-Inclined
Toxic Tears, it feels like their losing their torch as we've gotten newer more worthwhile content creators Goth or Darkly-inclined. Angela may get into drama but at least she doesn't let it consume her and she kept making interesting content (IDC, I like hearing hear stories). Cadaver Kelly is talking about the music and she seems to have varied things to say going off of her classism video. Accumortis & Kai Decadence share/talk about music. Skullgirdle & Ruadhan 1334 talk about all sorts of things. I mean… There just is more interesting stuff being made and these older people are losing relevancy little by little because they don't actually make anything worthwhile to the community.
>>795911I mean I knew she had a little weight on her but that's really surprising. She really knows her camera filming angles, I'll give her that.
No. 795991
>>795685What the fuck. Her dog was REALLY old, like ancient for a dog. Theres no way he could have caught a house mouse.
Like I get it, I've found mouse corpses in my house. I have four cats and I live in the woods. It happens. But Dorian lives in the burbs and has no pets. And that thi g was mummified…. that is some Hoarders level grossness. Lay off the BPAL and hut some fuckin detergent.
No. 795995
>>795881>yep, her fakeboi phase turned me off on her tooherbs is literally the reverse of a fakeboi.
>>795990100% what I was thinking. Doesn't wanna keep making content but wants to keep the paychecks.
No. 796003
File: 1554773898910.png (209.04 KB, 683x735, Screenshot_2019-04-08-14-32-55…)

Apparently mice are an ongoing issue.
But so is Dorian's slovenliness. Had it really been 19 years since she last saw her floor?
No. 796062
File: 1554788960816.jpeg (339.97 KB, 640x894, C85FD5CE-3E8F-45E5-BBB2-5C73D6…)

IBF’s cats are back and one went to visit Matthias. A friend of his asked if the cats are also being deported.
No. 796083
File: 1554800779398.png (432.76 KB, 720x556, wp_ss_20190409_0001.png)

>>795911She's always looked like that in candids anon. This was 2(?) years ago at a fashion walk, looks the same as now even though she's claimed to be working out. At least she doesn't complain like TT.
No. 796176

Responding To Haters The Happy Way, Ft. Graveyard Cats!
Of Herbs and Altars
66,059 subscribers
Published on Apr 2, 2019
Ponderings I've been pondering for a year now, but it seemed an appropriate time, after a few recent messages & emails about 'So & so's talking shit about you!' - mate, if I consider them a relevant individual, I'll message them privately for a civil, grown-up discussion, but in general, I'm on YouTube, & that means someone is aaalllways gonna be talking shit about me! I've got many better, happier things to do than chase down every irrelevant randomer, or clout-chasing troll - if they reeeaaally thought their opinion needed to Make A Difference, they would message me privately, or tag me on Instagram. Those who don't, are very clearly nothing more than bored, bitter little people, being eternally angry because they've got nothing & no one left in their life. I've been there, I've done that, & it's a cruddy place to be; no one happy spends hours of their day on hate, turning into a walking bad vibe & repelling everyone around them - I highly recommend climbing out of that sewer of bitterness, getting healthy, finding some self worth, getting out of the house, gaining a few Nice Hobbies & a purpose in life that brings you genuine joy. 2017, I was a miserable hate-filled raisin, & I wanted to die. 2018-19, I've got ideas coming out of my ears & endless stuff to do & new memories made & the best writing I've ever done, & I want to live forever & ever :3
What are you gonna look back on, when you're old? Do you want memories & photographs of beautiful days out, a shelf of books you wrote, a busted up guitar to play songs you learned on…or do you wanna be an abandoned, lonely, twisted up nobody? Hatred keeps no one warm at night - pity those who are consumed by it… Briefly. But then, go & eat a bowl of ice-cream, stroke a dog, spark up a fattie, & use this mood-altering internet to watch something that brings you joy :D
Anyway, this was the first jolly Graveyard Adventure of this sunshine season! I hope for many more very soon - keep shining, sun! :D
No. 796216
>>796176I'd love to know what happy pills shes being prescribed, she gets more and more animated and jumpy with every vid
That and she's a wise old expert on everything despite being autistic, a social hermit, unemployed, an addict to nearly everything and 35 years old but still living in her childhood bedroom with no mention of ever wanting to grow or move beyond that. That's not hate either, that's just pointing out reality. She's hardly in a position to make advice vids
No. 796245
>>796234Her mother must be one hell of a soft touch to not urge her to move out and get a job and some responsibility for herself. Is she just going to enjoy her perpetual childhood for as long as her mom is alive and enabling it?
That is not a fulfilling life for someone in their mid-thirties, can't be nice for her mother to see she's been at a developmental standstill for the last couple decades either.
No. 796272
File: 1554841489818.png (148.23 KB, 375x787, QuickMemo _2019-04-09-14-56-26…)

>>796116You're right. She's shown pictures of herself from the late 90s-early 00s where she's obviously a girl. Her fakeboi phase ended pretty quickly considering she no longer spergs about "I'm a boy!! I use they/them pronouns! Or he!" sis is always calling herself a she and her, and dressing more feminine on top of that. Here's her old NetGoth profile. From Jenny to Dorian.
>>796245I think her mom is just enabling her, only because of Dorian's history with mental illness and self-harm. How long can you blame mental illness? She needs to get a therapist and better her life. It seems pretty depressing to sit in a filthy room where you can't see the carpet, enjoying the scent of decomposing rodents.
>>796176Pretty obvious she's talking about Ruadhan here. He made a video saying Dorian has been trying to get into drama for months, and that she's been watching goth YouTuber's videos to get ideas to copy their own stories.
No. 796276
File: 1554842199587.png (958.3 KB, 1200x1920, 1466732761155.png)

>>796272In her genderqueer/transitioning videos she says she was a tomboy and when she masturbates she imagines being the man. She also thinks having a dick would be cool. She's definitely a biological female.
Her family seem well off, so I'd say they're enabling her. That sort never throw their kids out.
No. 796346
>>796245In a way Dorian reminds me of Chris Chan only not as socially deficient. Both are in their 30s, still live at home with an enabling mom, no job or side hustle making some sort of income, and don't have intentions of moving out
I'm not saying that Dorian or anyone should feel ashamed for living at home with their parents because if the parent is okay with it, it shouldn't be a big deal. I think the problem is when the person doesn't do anything to at least support themselves a bit from getting a part time job or even doing some semi-lucrative side hobby. I know Dorian writes music so she must have some sort of music inclination and could possibly make music for others while getting paid for it.
I dunno, I just feel like if you're doing nothing when you get to that age, it's a lonely depressing life to live.
>>796272> Pretty obvious she's talking about Ruadhan here. He made a video saying Dorian has been trying to get into drama for months, and that she's been watching goth YouTuber's videos to get ideas to copy their own stories.I can believe it like when she made a video about Columbine. I never watched that video so if I'm wrong, please do correct me nuy I fail to see how the Columbine thing would've impacted her that much considering she lives in the UK. I can't help but feel she only talked about it when people like Ruadhan and Angela talked about their experience with it what with being around at that time.
No. 796374
>>796346Columbine didn't even register as a "goth thing" here in the UK. Nothing's ever given the subculture any reason for negative attitudes in that way. It's like saying all the Norwegian death metal murders affected the UK. It didn't.
As for Herbs, she seems pretty materialistic, or at least she likes having money to buy makeup, outfits and accessories. If she moved out, she'd have to start spending her benefits on detergent and energy bills.
No. 796484
File: 1554897663418.jpg (Spoiler Image,526.5 KB, 1440x1666, Screenshot_20190320-031912_Fac…)

Just leaving all the Kady screenshots I had saved here since the thread is about to be closed
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 798772
File: 1555616602137.png (884.69 KB, 1080x947, 20190418_204133.png)

No. 799985
>>797126 Who says everything she does has to be fashion based? At least it's different from all the hauls.
[saged cuz no milk]
No. 800216
File: 1556194765628.png (350.04 KB, 750x1334, 5E20C9F2-DAEF-4146-913C-5EBC99…)

And his young fans need to pay for it?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)