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No. 707439
Amina du Jean is a former black weeb with a flopped idol career and is now working as an escort in London while living off her fat, middle aged, cuck boyfriend.
- Recently someone posted in Angela's thread calling Amina fat and the next day Amina tweeted 'I'm the fattest I've ever been but also the happiest.'' Safe to say she lurks Angela's thread and probably Micky's too.
- Recently self-posted on Lipstick Alley and posted on twitter crying about ‘’harassment’’
- Tries painfully hard to cling to relevancy by constantly bringing up her flopped idol career in Japan
- Thinks she's an expert in Japanese culture and won't stop tweeting about Japanese society and news with her misguided, irrelevant commentary.
- Tries to push the ‘luxury life’ aesthetic even though she’s admitted doing sex work to support her and her boyfriend living in London and that she books budget holidays and travels with cheap airlines.
- Constantly posts about how much she hates white liberals talking about black issues and makes fun of 'woke' people and SJWs in a cringey attempt to appeal to her edgelord, neckbeard, white male followers.
- Tries super hard to sound intelligent and seems oblivious to how obvious it is she's repeating things she's heard from others but doesn't understand.
- Blames racism for why she flopped in Japan ''they would rather have a white girl who doesn't even speak Japanese!!1!'' but contradicts herself by saying shit like 'I never had a problem in Japan becuase I'm not that dark and very feminine'
- Boyfriend recently bought 500+ followers but they're all Russian bots. Kek.
Notable Things/Timeline/TL;DR:
> Was part of a cringey maid cafe in Detroit with fellow cow Micky
> Flopped idol career consisted of a few small shows with other foreign weebs, being featured on an NHK documentary that mocked her singing and Japanese skills and joining and quitting a low budget idol group before they even debuted.
> Participated in a Japanese competition 2 years ago, only got a participation trophy. Bitched for ages that she lost because of racism and blamed white girls who ''can't even speak Japanese''.
> Still brags about said prize TWO whole years later as evidence of her ~LegIT IdOL StaTUS~
> Tried to pander to lolicons an pervy idol fans on twitter, 4chan and reddit for YEARS by saying dumb shit like ''i don't even understand sex uwu''
> Lied about doing a non-sexual gravure shoot (like lEgiT idOls dO) but the video got leaked and turned out to be a softcore porn video.
> Had tantrums at fans for calling her a hypocrite and un-idol like even though she lied about the contents of the video.
> Denied doing sex work while she was living in Japan but was exposed by other idol wannabes that knew her while living in Japan
> Quit Idol activities and started making shitty vlogs
> Tried to have an affair with married neckbeard YouTuber Ben from the Amazing Atheists circle of friends. Got mad when she realized he was talking to there girls. Tried to make herself the victim and posted a 'callout' of him to Reddit. Got dragged by users and had her account banned.
> Stopped making shitty vlogs and moved to Uk for 'studying' and to live with her middle aged boyfriend.
> Got exposed as an escort on 8chan and PULL.
> Ignored it until people started speculating her British boyfriend is her pimp. Then she posted in her own PULL thread telling people her BF isn't her pimp (no sus at all)
> Blamed Angela and Micky for exposing her sex work and made a call out post which featured a screenshot of Micky shit-talking her hair, links to old lolcow threads and anon hate.
> Threatened a lawsuit against Micky and Angela. Didn't follow through with it. Social Media links Sex work profiles:[redacted] No. 707446
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No. 707447
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No. 707453
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Blatant self-post: would she even find the post about the post if they spelled her name wrong? It doesn't make sense.
She said people on thsi sit have been harrassing ehr for years but posts no proof except this thread that was made only 6 days ago by new accounts, and it only has 3 posts.
No. 707491
>>707470This. The moment she (or her friend) wakes up and sees this thread, it will be derailed with "NO MILK NO MILK NO MILK FUCK OFF VENDETTA-CHAN", accusations of OP being Micky or Angela, spam-reported and finally locked, even though actual farmers have agreed on /ot/ that this girl is a snowflake all her own.
I wonder if we'll ever have a lolcow thread about her as long as she or her WK(s) are lurking.
No. 707516
>>707453I looked her up on LSA and there are no "harassing" posts. Most people are either neutral on her and think her gravure video is gross/cringy, or just have no idea who the fuck she is. The most anyone's done or said is talk about drama she had with something/someone called LLAG. The earliest posts (from 2015) are all people saying they support her. Harassment where, lmao?
She has such a victim complex, I swear.
No. 707568
>>707491I think most of the "OMG VENDETTA!!!" posts are her and her pimp. She's mentioned this place before indirectly when an anon in the wannabe aidoru thread said they didn't like her faking her voice higher pitched, she sperged out on her Tumblr about people thinking black women can't have high voices and aren't feminine.
I don't understand why she even gets WKs if they aren't her and her pim- I mean, "boyfriend". How is she any different from the other pedo-pandering chicks on the farm? But what do I know, obviously I'm totally Micky, Himeka, Bibi and whomever else with a vendetta.
No. 707662
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For reference this is her boyfriend/ speculated pimp.
She said in her PULL thread he's not involved with her sex work but is supportive of it. she's either lying about him not being her pimp or he's genuinely massive cuck.
No. 707722
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I don't even know if she actually enjoys being an escort but this could just be a way for her to maintain her uwu pure image while being an escort. Kinda sucks if she doesn't actually like escorting and is only doing it for cash.
No. 707725
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>I moved to UK for studying
No. 707749
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>>707722Is there any proof she's actually going to a school in UK?
My theory is she met her 'boyfriend' online and he told her he could get her a job as an escort and she agreed which isn't hard to beleive because her idol career was failing. She moved to UK to do sex work for this guy but used 'school' to get a visa, same way she used it as a reason to do idol stuff in Japan. Nobody would give a visa for sex work, it's not a legitimate job anyway even if it's not
technically illegal.
There's no reason she couldn't finish school in Japan.
Only reason I think this is becuase when it got exposed and people speculated her bf is her pimp she made posts in her PULL thread asking people not to say that stuff because she doesn't want him to get in trouble.
Maybe I'm wrong but if this is true he could go to prison for trafficking.
No. 707775
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Why does her twitter bio still include shit she was doing in Japan 2 years ago?
No. 707781
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>>707771It's not like she did sex work by herself. She worked for agencies. You expect us to beleive nobody in her agency told her to use condoms with clients so she doesn't get pregnant?
No. 707807
>>707798please re-read the posts.
she made out like her miscarriage was due to her lack of knowledge and inexperience of sex at age 18-19
in a seperate ask she said she started escorting at age 18
this is what we call be a messy inconsistent bitch,
she didn't say in her original post 'i had an accident with a client becasue my dumb ass went into sex work while i didn't understand sex' Like previous anons said she's fucking autist and probably didn't know what she was doing at the time but was definitly a sex worker as she has admitted. So it's safe to assume this 'accident' was her own fault for becoming an escort whithout thinking or fully understanding
No. 707817
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Y'all gonna mess around and get the thread closed because you can't ignore whiteknights. Just ignore them so we can post Amina milk, eventually they will go away. They're trying to start arguments on purpose kek
Anyway. I wonder how shitty she must have been that even her professor tried to ruin her. Maybe she fucked him?
No. 707820
>>707807I just don’t understand why she would publicly come out about it and lie at the same time. Why bring it up in the first place? it just feels like a bit of sensationalising a random post from like over a year ago. she isn’t an idol and has been open about sex work so I don’t see why she would lie about this.
>>707806just googled but according to March of the dimes almost 25-50% of pregnancies end up in miscarriages. it’s super common anon. doesn’t really make a difference with the thread but I just personally can’t see having a miscarriage as a huge scandal.
sorry for long post but just trying to get clarity.Has there been any updates with the reddit neck beard guy as well? I think AA left that podcast and shit hit the fan but I’m wondering if the guy spoke on Amina.
No. 707824
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>>707815Nope she tweeted this about it. Notice how she keeps out the bits that make her look bad. Like the fact that she tried to fuck him while he was married. Or that her account got banned becuase she got so much backlash on her 'callout' post for being a whiny bitch and painting herself as the victim.
No. 707834
>>707771to clarify, i didn't suggest it's not her fault. i was criticizing interpreting the "I didn't understand how sex works" as "what is sex? tehee uwu" cuz i don't think it's obvious that she didn't just have risky sex like a dumbass. americans dont even have proper sex ed. being a sex worker doesn't negate that duh, sex work itself is a risky sexual behaviour.
jesus this thread is moving fast
No. 707835
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>>707830She still has to take an L on this one because damn I can't believe she fucked this guy, single or not. He looks like he smells like mold.
No. 707836
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>>707817I feel like she posts cringey stuff like this to make herself feel better about her flopped idol 'career'. She literally posts something similar to this every few days.
No. 707845
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She tweeted about a date with her boyfriend at a cabaret show. Her boyfriend tweeted about it as well.
I didn't think anything was weird about it. Then I saw a tweet on her sex work account. She had an 'afternoon session' and then went on a date with her boyfriend after…. I understand he doesn't mind her job but that is some next level cuckery.
No. 707854
>>707835jesus lmao. does she have a thing for fucking the dirtiest, ugliest, rankest men on the planet?
>>707842it looks like the only people she hangs out with are her pimp/bf or old men she's gonna fuck. it doesn't seem she interacts with anyone at uni.
No. 707856
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>>707853she complains about London all the time. Just like she complained in Japan.
No. 707879
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>>707874>domination doesn’t include sex I thought You think men are paying all that money to not get their dick's wet?
No. 707882
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her boyfriend seems like an embarrasment
No. 707884
>Constantly posts about how much she hates white liberals talking about black issues and makes fun of 'woke' people and SJWs in a cringey attempt to appeal to her edgelord, neckbeard, white male followers.Plus this:
>Blames racism for why she flopped in Japan ''they would rather have a white girl who doesn't even speak Japanese!!1!'' but contradicts herself by saying shit like 'I never had a problem in Japan becuase I'm not that dark and very feminine'Tells me she's a self-hater like RPC who'll eventually turn into a token black Twitter conservathot, but the twist will be she's a weeb, ~so smol~, and a prostitute.
>>707879Well shit, I thought dominatrixes just stomped on these loser's dicks and balls, I didn't think they were fucking them. Nta by the way, lmao. Apparently there's some who give the coochie away to these men, eww. I think there are some dudes who do pay for women to beat them up, I'd rather do that instead of fucking them, yuck!
No. 707995
>>707980And we're supposed to beleive any of this because?
But let's play along. How did you even find out about who she is? Did you know of her before or did she have a reputation after she arrived?
No. 708009
>>707995Internet friends for years and she reached out to me when she learned I was at the uni she was going to. Anyway, people were wondering if she actually studies or did study in England and I dropped my answer. I’m gonna peace out because even when people have answers they were asking for it is never good enough.
>>707988I should hope not jfc
No. 708029
>>708009Clearly you didn't use the short time spent at uni well because this is an
image board and what that entails is if you want to come over here and make claims, then bring your evidence too.
Nobody cares about your relation to her or even knowing of her unless you can fetch the receipts, people specially do not give a single fuck about your opinion of her when all you're doing is caping for another miserable internet attention whore turned hooker.
No. 708046
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She's gay4pay now.
No. 708059
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On her website she has affiliation badges. She really expects people to beleive she made all these connections in such a short amount of time without the help of her 'boyfriend'.
No. 708130
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It annoys me that people only know of her becuase of her history with Angela and Micky. Putting that drama aside she's still a massive lolcow.
Her pseudo intelligent tweets while literally being a hooker, her ugly ass boyfriend/pimp, the pictures of her that she's uploaded herself after saying she wants a professional/academic career! What a poor misguided sheep.
No. 708154
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>>708149She's known for her nasty looking skin.
No. 708180
>>708168Yeah, I know she can't help it, but hers is really quite bad. She could probably fade it with some exfoliation, topical acids, or dermarolling or something.
Anyway, this is devolving into nitpicking and OT shit now.
No. 708190
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Apparently she's been doing sex work even before she went to Japan.>>708141I'm guessing her plan is to use her real name(Aminah Camara Johnson) for her professional career, continue using Mimi Fawn for her sex work, and Amina du Jean for everything else and hope her employers doesn't find out.
No. 708200
>>708190So we can assume most of the shit she said in regards to dating, sex work, making it in japan/getting features through hard work was lies.
She's dumb as a rock if she beleives she can have a proper career after this. She's not been subtle with her sex work at all. I bet when her sex work twitter follower account exceeds the follower account of her main one she'll act like the ~classy~ escort aesthetic was her persona all along and completely forget/cover up her idol past.
It seems like she's still clinging on to shreads to clout she has from her idol days for now.
No. 708203
>>708196She had drama with one of her professors when she was going to school in Tokyo.
>>707817 Probably one of the reasons she left school too.
No. 708210
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>It seems like she's still clinging on to shreads to clout she has from her idol days for now.Yeah. Still clinging.
No. 708222
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>>708190Her 'private' facebook page.
No. 708224
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>>708190She posts pics like this. With her face showing and her info easy to find. She's not serious about having an academic career at all.
No. 708230
>>708220She looks genuinely happy here. Compared to her recently, now she just looks dead in the eyes.
>>708228She's been shooping her pictures lately to look more "exotic" compared to her simple shoops back when she was in Japan in which she just lightening her skin.
No. 708233
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>>708230It's true. Her escort site also describes her as 'exotic' as well. Pretty sure it's her pimp/boyfriend forcing her to fit some aesthetic he knows other creepy old white men will enjoy.
No. 708247
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>>708233>"exotic fairy">My unique exotic lookThere it is again. Does she write this shit herself?
No. 708265
>exotic fairy>slave/masterSo empowering!
And it gets worse
>intoxication playWasn't she tweeting 'fuck Cosby' a few days ago. I guess it's ok if you pay for it.
No. 708271
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>>708266These are recent
>>707446 No. 708284
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>>708266Her face went downhill along with her idol career.
No. 708343
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>>708319She was even worse when she lived in Japan. Still holds a grudge against Japan because she feels she didn't get what she deserved.
No. 708352
>>708342My post was to
>>708328 to stop derailing the thread by racebaiting.
No. 708359
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If you look at her old posts online and what she's doing now it really is Too funny reading them
No. 708365
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No. 708370
>>708352I'm not racebaiting or attempting to derail, that's exactly what that anon implied. Amina has shitty skin. Acting like it's racist to acknowledge that because you're under the impression that most black girls have shitty skin is retarded and racist in itself.
>>708354No, it's a mess because wks like you shit up the thread with your whiny, unsaged posts.
No. 708373
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When she used stolen money from her parents to run off to London and live with her pimp
No. 708387
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No. 708390
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>>708343She's not entirely wrong though? If you are a relatively tall, thin, white woman you can get modeling jobs pretty easy regardless of how attractive you actually are. Maybe not with higher end brands, but a lot of indies and alternative brands will take just about anyone. White beauty is definitely idealized, whereas while there is some fetishization of black beauty, it's way less commonplace. She is right though, that being black set her apart and was basically her gimmick. Would she have fared better as a white girl? Maybe, but I still don't think she'd reach any real amount of fame beyond the same shit we've seen girls like yukapee achieve.
No. 708422
>>708401Not arguing with you there, anon. A lot of weebs are like that though, they are just delusional and caught up in their weird, teen, weeb dreams of "making it in Japan". Even the white weebs are guilty of it when they would often have a much better life outside of Japan with more opportunity/less barriers.
>>708396I do think out of any of the American black girls in the "kawaii" communities, she probably fared the best chance of getting anywhere. She is petite and has fairly eurocentric features. When it really comes down to it though, it seems all foreign "idols" end up just being gravure idols. Has any other black idols seen any success? Or white ones for that matter? I suspect that a lot of it has to do with the fact actual idols are generally supposed to be the sort of "girl next door" ideal which foreigners obviously don't fit into.
No. 708429
>>708422I always thought Japan was lowkey making fun of non-Asian idols, even the models like look at
>>708390 that bitch is fugly. With the Japanese idols/models, however, you'll almost never catch them looking haggard as fuck, they have them looking cute while the foreign idols/models are usually ugly or weird looking.
>>708426Yet she markets herself as a smol exotic fairy uwu~ It's really embarrassing. Not to mention she has been gaining weight quite a bit, the Detroit black weeb scene seems to be cursed.
No. 708437
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>>708422Sage for same fag but I'd like to add I know there's a meme that all black girls are big, fat and ugly but let's be real there are plenty of cute black girls but why would they choose to have modeling/entertainment career in Japan?it would be a waste of time for them when they can make better money in the west. Amina is average at best so her only at fame shot would be working as an idol or in a maid cafe.
No. 708449
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>>708430Okay, is slender/slim acceptable terminology for you then, anon? I'm not saying she's tiny, just that she was pretty slim at the time in comparison to most of the other "aspiring idols" we've seen come out of the black girl kawaii community.
>>708437I agree with you 100% really. I don't think she's particularly anything special, but just in comparison to the others who were trying, she was kind of the best off? Even so, she saw very limited success.
No. 708457
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>>708449>>708449She's s lot bigger than most Japanese women
No. 708483
>>708457And? I'm just saying she was slim at the time which is evident in the picture I provided? She is taller than most Japanese women though, yes, as the average height is 5'2" and she's 5'6". Hardly a giant though. Many Japanese models are around that height too.
I'm not even a wk as is evident in my other posts
>>708390 but ya'll are determined to make it out like she was beastly in size or something. She was smaller than most of the kawaii black idol wannabes is my only point?
No. 708506
>>708486There were a handful posted in the aspiring idols thread last year.
>>356089I think Angela even talked about wanting to be an idol at one point, but I'd have to dig around for receipts.
No. 708753
>>708748Should’ve saged that anon. That’s hardly tea.
Btw is this thread in autosage?
No. 708758
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Sure Jan.
No. 708770
>>708768>jrcachThis guy was relevant 6 years ago and had shit with nearly every young teen weeb. Why are you even bringing him up?
>Micky / AngelaShe probably fanned the flames but they keep bringing her up. Micky was also the driving force in the BGAK shit that happened
>Ben/RedditThis is actual milk. But if you look around the subreddit a bit more, Amazing Atheist and Paulsego girlfriends both backed Amina up and throw shade about Ben to this day. It was cowardly of her to do an anonymous callout post but led to his podcast ending so it was low key Machiavellian lol
>Fighting with sjws on twitterThis is a hard reach. Please provide screenshots that aren’t whiny tweets from 2015. If anything she seems sjw herslef
Nobody is an attack dog. It’s just obvious it’s the same lot of three or four people who keep pushing for her to have a thread. This time around the thread had doxxing which is probably why it’s autosage now. Just accept Amina is an irrelevant hoe and keep it moving. Besides being an escort which we’ve known about since 2016 there’s nothing interesting about her anymore. Stop trying to make fetch happen fam.
No. 708799
>>708795Not everyone lives on Lolcow/PULL like you do. Calm down troglodyte.
No screenshot needed.
>>>/snow/141886Amina posts were banned on the website due to the crazy amount of samefagging. They autosage the threads because they aren’t allowed in the first place.
No. 708845
>>708799This is a banned thread from two years ago. A lot has happened in that time and this thread is evidence of it.
This reminds me of people defending Kavanaugh, your fave is NOT on trial. Relax.
No. 708849
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>>708841There's a public twitter with a photo of her face and real name she hasn't deleted.'s a photo of her and real name here too.
I'm not the anon asking for proof, btw.
No. 708851
>>708841You contradicted yourself.
>That Facebook account that was posted is also new and hasn’t been posted here before. It’s not public information if it’s a private acc If this is a new account that hasn't been posted before than unless you have proof it was Angela you don't know who leaked it. How would Angela have found if it's private?
No. 708873
>>708799>>708804>Amina posts were banned on the website>the topic is banned.Nope. Check the rules. I know you don't, since you keep purposely not saging so you can "quickly post", but check. That never happened. This is
not a banned topic, and it never has been. The threads were locked for infighting, ie what you've been trying to cause all this time.
Guys, don't fall for Amina's baiting.
No. 708883
>>708876Read the rules and stop making things up. Previous threads don't "prove" that the admin banned discussion of this cow, the rules do.
If this was a banned topic, you would know for sure if you read the rules, and this thread would be locked.
The only samefag I can detect ITT is yourself, honestly.
No. 708887
>>708849you found this by a google search after this thread had doxxing. That’s retroactively saying it’s public when it’s a dead twitter account from almost 7 years ago. Why is everyone here so intent on doxxing?
>a lot has happened since this thread topic was bannedIf that’s so why has at least 4-5 threads within that time been autosaged or locked due to samefag vendetta and lack of milk. Also if so much has happened why are anons still posting random twitter rants from 3 years ago? The only new milk ITT is the Reddit fiasco which happened over a year ago and the flimsy human trafficking conspiracy theory which has zero legs to stand on.
No. 708899
>>708879All I know is, there's a reason the admin didn't list Amina's name as a banned topic all these years, despite the events of previous threads. It's because shitposting, samefagging and infighting spurred on by the subject herself (or her friends) destroyed them, not because we're not allowed to discuss her.
If her name "mysteriously" appears there soon and this thread goes bye-bye, we'll know for sure she's been lurking, shitposting and defending herself (and that something's up with her and a mod or farmhand, I guess) which will basically prove her to be a cow, anyway.
No. 708904
>>708895>2 years agoYou haven't been here long, huh? I'm not going to help you by explaining why that post wouldn't really apply today.
In any case, read the rules.
No. 708908
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Amina's private facebook got found out becuase she's sloppy with her privacy. She posted this to her main account publicly.
No. 708909
>>708902It’s already in autosage for a reason before any “infighting”.
Look at
>>>/snow/311758This thread has zero infighting or people defending her yet it was locked and autosaged almost a day later. It’s because it’s the same 2-3 wack jobs who keep trying to force drama and keep uploading tweets and Facebook posts from 2015. Obvious vendetta
No. 708910
>>708903I did. Nothing I've said is incorrect. Linking to previous threads proves nothing for a myriad of reasons you're clearly ignorant of.
This thread would be locked and the OP banned if it was a banned topic, not just autosaged. Read the rules, and if the subject's name is suddenly there, everyone's point will be proven.
No. 708911
File: 1539188440756.png (895.9 KB, 554x813, 00354693.PNG)

>>708908And then posted the same photo on the same day publicly to her private facebook.
No. 708920
>>708909The thread is auto-saged what more do you want?
If this thread was samefagging and vendetta the mods would've deleted instead of auto-saging it. It really is just autosaged because of WKs spamming the thread and bumping it too much.
Everything Amina Wks say Angela and Micky do to get their threads taken down is what Amina fans are doing right now to get this thread locked. Infighting, spamming, samefagging. The irony.
No. 708927
>>708920The thread was autosaged last night and yesterday there was no infighting.
Also stop ignoring things like this
>>>/snow/311758Where a thread was locked because obvious vendetta and there’s zero infighting. Stop ignoring that thread above.
No. 708928
>>708918Yes they were. That's all there is to say to that. Doesn't mean this thread is vendetta alone. Read the thread summary it's pretty honest.
People are lying about WKing AMina and acting like they just care about da rules!!! You suddenly care about rules and order on plenty of other threads are shitshows.
>>708924There was literally no doxxing, everything posted in public information easy to find if you google her name.
No. 708933
>>708930>new infoShe’s been open as a sex worker for over a year wnd it’s been posted here since 2015. Literally nothing in the description is new besides the Reddit thing.
If there’s new milk why is the entire thread filled with tweets from years ago and an old music video?
No. 708934
>>708154Looking at that photo and comparing it to
>>708449 and
>>707786, could she have been bleaching her skin in the past?
I'm a light/brown skinned black person, and we do tan and get lighter depending on weather, but the absolute state of her skin, the corpse-like tones and all the patchiness has me wondering. It's clear she's using a very pale foundation there, too, which makes me wonder if the uneven patches were worse on her face at the time.
If she really was bleaching, at least she stopped before she went full Dencia. East Asia and its fixation with pale skin can be rough.
Also, I think we should just ignore Amina and the obvious Amina WKing about this thread being "a banned topic desuu". It's going nowhere, and its only purpose is to stop us from talking about her and start arguing with her so she can go to the admin and say "Look what a shitshow this thread is!". By now, we all know her tricks.
No. 708944
>>708938That's not race-baiting. Skin bleaching has nothing to do with a specific race (it's something people from all races that have dark-skinned people do), and everything to do with colorism and culture.
No one is saying this because she's black (I'm black, lmao), but because of the weird color-changing.
No. 708955
>>708949>Race related discussionsNo, race-related arguments aren't allowed. There's a difference.
If we weren't allowed to discuss anything to do with race and culture, we wouldn't be allowed to have a tradthot/alt-right thread or Asian culture thread because of their very nature.
I'm leaning on what
>>708947 said, so this will be my last reply to you on this. Read the rules, and don't try to twist them.
No. 708959
>>708956That was locked I meant.
This thread had a shit ton of infighting and wasn’t locked or sage
>>>/snow/356089 No. 708963
>>708956Amina's had shit tier threads full of vedetta posting? Ok. When did these happen? 2-3 years ago? Ok. Does that mean this thread is the same? NO.
This thread hasn't had any trouble yet aside from auto-sage bc of WK samefagging. Accusations of doxxing and racebaiting are coming from Amina WKs. This all honestly just makes her look bad tbh. I'm surprised she's still pretending she doesn't know about the thread when she clearly does.
No. 708966
>>708957LMAO. He's her boyfriend/speculated pimp not her sibling.
>>708959>>708964Amina WKs always have the same MO. They come into the thread spamming it with accusations of old milk and vendetta and when they get told to fuck off they're like
>i just care about da rules!!1! Right…
No. 708970
File: 1539191209401.png (829.85 KB, 726x668, 65890076.PNG)

>>708933Everyone says she's been open about her sex life but I disagree.
She posts vague pro-sex work comments on her facebook page and has only publicky admitted to being a sex worker since her shit got exposed on PULL and 8-chan, I don't remember her mentioning it before this happened.
She was never open about her sex work in Japan until the expose happened. Her miscarriage story happened before she ever said anything about sex work. That's why so many people in the thred are wondering if she got pregnant from a client rather than a 'partner' like she said at the time.
For reference she posted this on her sex work twitter but not on her main accounts. She's still milking her failed idol career in Japan on the rest of her accounts and doesn't mention her sex work publicly.
She has no problem showing her face on her sw profiles but doesn't want to act like that on her main profiles because she know it will alienate all the fanboys she made during her idol career and she doesn't want to get dragged by her fellow black weebs for sucking white dick for money now. It's obvious and she looks really fake.
No. 708972
File: 1539191426596.jpeg (93.13 KB, 511x611, 45DC514A-90E8-4A4B-B2E9-B553EB…)

To those saying the last thread was locked because of infighting you’re wrong. The main poster and OP of this thread has admitted to having a vendetta (photo attached) and namefagged her PULL account in the last thread
>>>/snow/158747Stop saying “infighting by wk!!!1” is causing sage.
No. 708984
>>708980The poster said she was the biggest poster of Amina. Similarly, the same poster in this thread misspells common words “beleive” instead of “believe” and thred instead of “thread”(same as this thread and the last one). She also makes these mistakes on PULL a lot and was recently online at the same time which was the case last time know you’ll yell coincidence but you gave yourself away by admitting you have a vendetta in the last thread and openly identifying yourself by namefagging. Really fucked yourself there.
No. 709011
>>709003>>709005These photos are in reply to the anon that asked where did Amina say she 'wasn't that dark'. She loves to imply that she doesn't look like an average black girl.
>people tell me i have eurocentric features and i'm not that dark~It's obvious humble bragging and trying to imply she's some how different and more exotic than other black girls. The fact that she uses the word exotic to decriber herself on her exscort website is cringe but not surpirsing given how she's spoken about herself in the past.
No. 709022
File: 1539193657223.png (127.8 KB, 1242x734, 1494115555078.png)

>>709015IKR. The only reason anyone bought up her skin is becuase she has literally said things about not being dark like 'other girls' and implying no other she's the only black girl to make it in Japan becuase of her 'non-threatening' looks.
Go in any of Amina's old threads and CTRL + F the word dark. Anytime someone mentions Amina's skins being darker in candids than it is in her edited selfies wks start sperging about how ''not dark'' she is.
She's been called out by people for that stank attitude.
No. 709025
>>708994I really don't look at Amina and see European features. A slightly thin nose bridge doesn't make a person look Eurocentric. This
>>708284 doesn't read as European to me, or even "exotic".
I feel like what they mean to say is, she looks prettier than most of the other wannabe black idols, but they conflate being pretty with being white or part-white (something that pretty much all semi attractive black girls can relate to being told, even if they can trace back their ancestry to a specific African group and aren't white at all). If a black girl who's better-looking than her had stepped on the aidoru scene, all this about her "looking Eurocentric" probably wouldn't have happened.
No. 709076
File: 1539198663640.png (5.09 KB, 596x194, 93573900.PNG)

She's given different answers about her height the last couple of years. She said she was 5.5 when she was in Japan. I doubt she grew 3 inches in the lst 2 year to become the 5'7 she says she is now so she probably lied about that. Anons think she is 5'6
>>708426>>708428>>708483I assume she's exagerating about being 5'7 because she only said that on her sex work profile.
No. 709085
>>7090765'7 - 5'5= 2 inches anon.
she's probably 5'6 and at 125 that's pretty thin. still don't get why this is considered tea though. isn't there ~hot new info~ about her?
No. 709134
File: 1539201758384.jpg (180.67 KB, 967x1200, 1501500574206.jpg)

>>709114She'd lose easily, but to be honest, it wouldn't even have to be a biracial girl. Imagine if this girl,
>>708437 or
a girl who's a Skai Jackson lookalike (very petite with a baby face and big eyes like Japan likes) had gone up against her? It'd be over. She was just lucky most (if not all) the black girls who were in that scene back then were a hot mess.
No. 709155
>>7091005'7 125lbs is on the lower end of a healthy weight anon.
she obviously gained weight now and is fatter.
>>709134implying japan isn't anti black as hell. sometimes i wonder if y'all live in lala land
No. 709158
>>709155No one is saying Japan isn't anti-black, just that Amina isn't anywhere near attractive enough to beat out black girls who are actual knock-outs with cute faces, no matter how much she starved herself and squinted into the camera. She isn't a 10/10 by black standards (or really any standards), she's just not as facially challenged as, say, Himeka. It's the hard truth.
In the same way, Beckii wouldn't have made it if another white British girl who was actually very cute and didn't have a beak nose had gone viral at the same time.
No. 709206
File: 1539206724539.gif (946.9 KB, 500x300, 1436320582797.gif)

>>709199RIP. It seriously feels like all the attractive black weebs are into fashion and/or cosplay, not dancing.
If competition had been even a little bit steeper than Teya or that girl from Italy, Amina would've had to throw in the towel, go home, and she probably would've vendettaposted or pretended she somehow did better for years after the fact, lmao.
No. 709275
>>709271Why do you keep bringing up weight when she was skeletor levels of thin here? she’s obviously tall in Japan though
>>709263>2015Where is the new milk I was promised? So far all I’ve seen is spam/derailing of unrelated girls and debates over an inch of height. what’s the point of a new thread if it’s the same shit from 3 years ago?
No. 709278
>>709275No one promised you anything. The thread's on autosage, anyway, so quit mini-modding. As long as it pertains to the topic at hand and their actions and claims, it's fine.
If you're so pressed about the direction, either stop derailing and hide the thread, or post your idea of new milk yourself.
No. 709281
File: 1539211390722.jpeg (150.19 KB, 595x789, 8F2AE421-DE6A-439A-9C99-3E1F04…)

Finally found the old blog post I was thinking of(there’s more by Angela). Why are they so obsessed with her height? 5’6-5’7 is normal unless you’re Asian kek No. 709285
>>709284This still isn't a banned topic, and no one has "spammed" with anything. If three posts are spam, what have you been doing all day in here, in Micky's thread
and in Angela's thread, kek?
No. 709315
>>709271She’s not 5’7, that’s got to be a lie. I met her last year and she couldn’t have been more than 5’4 (assuming she wasn’t wearing heels). And I find it hard to believe she’s grown that much in a year
I don’t get why you’d lie about being tall though, isn’t being tiny something an aidoru would want?
No. 709322
File: 1539214338653.jpeg (72.03 KB, 1024x530, 93648304-F96B-4BA1-93BD-2CAE7D…)

>>709215her ass looks gross
No. 709331
>>709327Why are black anons so obsessed with skin tone and being ~biracial~
It’s really weird
No. 709334
>>709330She hasn’t been in Japan for over a year so I’m asking why her height is such a huge issue in this thread and it’s really reminding me of what Bibi said earlier.
Someone at 5’6 125 will be an XS and be slim. Another girl at 5 feet 126 will have a thicker set body probably won’t be fat but will have more pudge. That’s the biggest thing with height and weight difference. “Bone structure” has no relevance it’s more about muscle tone and height.
No. 709339
>>709334The point is she's a fucking liar and it's funny that this is coming out. She lied about her height making it shorter (she said 5.5 at one point) when she was in Japan and now she's a ~classy~ escort she's lying to sound taller at 5'7.
And adult woman doesn't grow 2 inches randomly.
No. 709344
File: 1539215335723.png (964.83 KB, 552x698, 764853940.PNG)

>>709334This isn't what 125 pounds looks like. Especially not at 5'7
No. 709353
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Kek Amina looking like a transgender woman next to a Japanese girl
No. 709354
>>709347>>709340You're both wrong.
Short people can't afford to be fat. 200lbs at 5'0 is obese. 200lbs at 5'7 is only slightly chubby or thick/bbw if they carry it well
No. 709357
File: 1539215604465.jpeg (48.03 KB, 322x188, 7972ED87-DDF3-47A7-8AF4-9FDEAB…)

>>709353Why didn’t you upload the entire picture anon?
No. 709366
>>709363They literally cropped it so that only the midget girl was showing. Same with the screenshots of her saying “I’m not light skin” and “big noses are beautiful” yet anons are saying she hates black people. It’s really getting pathetic lmao. Someone must’ve been
triggered by Amina in the past
No. 709370
File: 1539215989585.png (73.96 KB, 1242x499, IMG_4904.PNG)

Her date thought she was a man kek
No. 709371
>>709366Derailing. Nobody said she said she hates black people.
Those screenshots show where she's said stuff like 'i'm not considered dark by most ppl' and 'i have eurocentric features'. Plus she literally calls herself exotic on her escort site.
This shit sounds hilarious and cringey as fuck ecuase she looks like a regular black girl.
No. 709373
File: 1539216145248.jpeg (92.19 KB, 591x386, 0A41883F-C7E3-4315-81CE-596662…)

This vendetta is so obvious
>keep race baiting with skin tone, posting other Kawaii black girls
Some black people are “in the middle” anon. Stop warping screenshots for personal vendetta when we can easily read them lol
No. 709377
>>709367Then why did you say “this isn’t 125”
Yeah because she gained a shit ton of weight now. Why are you listing shit from years ago?
No. 709378
File: 1539216281321.jpeg (103.77 KB, 397x563, 820D2F35-40EC-4A5B-BA55-4DA07A…)

>>709367She looks pregnant.
No. 709381
>>709361Stop making exuses for Amina being a fatty-chan
Short women can put on a few pounds and instantly look chubbier becuase the weight isn't distributed very far.
Being tall and fat just makes me think especially as a woman jsut means you're a slob.
No. 709386
File: 1539216497099.png (89.03 KB, 1242x619, IMG_4905.PNG)

So wealthy but still wearing those Aliexpres wigs
No. 709389
>>709384Where did she call herself exotic outside of her escort website which is nearly on every sex or porn website of non white women?
Where did she say “I’m not that dark” because in the screenshot everyone can clearly see she said she was never bullied for being darker like other people were. Why are you so color struck anon?
No. 709393
>>709384samefag but someone sent her an ask saying
>your nose isn't flat and wide….can't say that about msot wanna be aidoru'She didn't call them out on that anti-blackness, took the compliment and then said
>i think if someone has a big nose but determination they can still make it thoughShe's so delusionally arrogant about her looks
No. 709400
File: 1539216858127.png (19.54 KB, 724x144, 34858.PNG)

All the anons saying she isn't that fat must be Amina or her boyfriend.
She seems to have a complex about her weight now. She keeps reminding everyone of how she used to be SO tiny and using her past eating disorder for sympathy points so people don't bring up how fat she's gotten.
No. 709410
>>709406This lol
>>709405Stop WKing. She's a fatty chan now, accept it.
No. 709415
File: 1539217464068.jpeg (150.95 KB, 1024x615, 1F48D774-4F3A-4E0A-B28F-7F2D03…)

>>709406this is average anon. I know you’re trolling though. probably gonna day she’s bigger than the photo too. feels like subtle cow tipping because anons know she’s a former anorexic and trying to get a rise out of lol
No. 709432
File: 1539217916698.jpeg (227.27 KB, 389x384, 13CEE840-D89D-43FA-91A1-F6E8C1…)

>>709415Aside from the bust, I don't see much difference.
No. 709454
File: 1539218980140.png (19.82 KB, 717x174, 767980.PNG)

Guys calm down. She's self aware of how much she's let herself go.
No. 709455
>>709371It's funny that the WK seems to believe we're all the same person just because we don't go along with the LARP that she's some rare exotic black beauty with Euro features. I posted two other girls to demonstrate that Amina definitely isn't cream of the crop ~*second only to a biracial girl*~ as far as black women go, and now I'm "race baiting", obsessing over her skin tone (even though I never mentioned it in this context), a spammer and a vendetta poster.
She needs to get over being average. Being surrounded by obese Detroit trash seems to have inflated her ego.
No. 709479
File: 1539219871542.png (17.83 KB, 717x115, 895035.PNG)

>>709471not skinny enough apparently
No. 709490
File: 1539220205760.png (57.43 KB, 715x327, 48796384604.PNG)

>>709484Keep cropping stuff? I explained what the tweet was in
>>709482Didn't think it was relevant to include the original tweet with the person's twitter handle on it but here it is since you care so much
No. 709496
>>709464She must've felt (and been treated) like a giant, dark monster, and it probably worsened her ED. I don't even want to think about how the agencies must've picked her apart while smiling in her face.
I wouldn't be surprised if her only source of confidence anymore is secretly telling herself that she's still better-looking than all other black girls, even if that's not really true until she chooses to move back to the armpits of Detroit, or some other low-income place full of haggard hambeasts. She puts on a PC face with comments like "Ugh beauty standards", but it'd explain why she still thinks it's realistic to call herself "exotic". Didn't Angela do the same thing on her escort page? Insecurity is a bitch.
No. 709512
File: 1539221197914.png (491.8 KB, 721x524, 7590.PNG)

>>709507She brings up her stuff in Japan every chance she can.
I'm also shocked she even posted this to her sex work twitter, clients could easily search for that and find her main account. She really doesn't care about her privacy lol
No. 709522
File: 1539221449817.jpeg (161.56 KB, 1184x414, 72453A0D-0EF3-47A2-A4BE-F52B29…)

>>709490But just last year she said every man was telling her to gain weight? Now they were telling her she was too fat?
No. 709531
File: 1539221649007.png (536.72 KB, 632x721, 6457832940548.PNG)

>>709512Yes, she keeps doing this lately. I wonder if she regrets moving and becoming an escort.
No. 709581
File: 1539223300045.png (21 KB, 721x190, 4567232890.PNG)

Says the girl who had private tuition in aJapanese and went from studying in a foreign country on her parents money to radical pro sex work SJW.
No. 709584
File: 1539223367226.jpg (50.09 KB, 1242x268, IMG_4894.JPG)

>>709581Not to mention she also used money that she wa supposed to use for school to find her flee to London lol
No. 709596
File: 1539223863586.png (3.09 KB, 651x79, 44983132944.PNG)

From Angela's thread. Amina and her WKs must be so mad.
No. 709686
File: 1539230821111.jpg (38.77 KB, 737x469, IMG_4920.JPG)

She claims to be living the high life but you can tell she's broke just by looking at her wigs
No. 709733
File: 1539234388809.gif (401 KB, 200x200, shoo.gif)

>>708952Amina just go away
No. 709855
File: 1539243270128.jpeg (86.09 KB, 613x416, A6F3AA59-D55B-432E-A702-C97804…)

>>709526>bashing JapanEasily looked up her name on twitter and keyword”being black” came up. If my Japanese serves me well she’s saying that her personal insecurities held her back and not so much for racism.
No. 709856
File: 1539243404949.jpeg (74.39 KB, 640x326, 5ED4210B-9B90-4B18-8904-E98464…)

>>709855I guess since the whole human trafficking conspiracy was bullshit now it’s resorting to cropping shit out of context and making stuff up.
In this other tweet about Japan she said she wish she worked hard enough to get known as a great singer and idol rather than just “black idol”.
Having a healthy criticism of Japan isn’t being bitter dumbasses. People like Shiena who have nearly nothing bad to say about the place are frightening.
No. 709982
>>709853OP pointed out how much she contradicts herself in the thread summary.
She shit talks SJWs yet always complains about racism in Japan. Shit talks twitter activists but goes on and on about sex work advocacy. She shit talks white liberals talking about black issues but is always sharing her opinion on Japanese shit like she's an expert when she hasn't lived there for like two years now.
No. 710011
>>710007Even if micky or himeka didn't dox her it would be super easy to find things out about her because
1. Her stage name and real name aren't that different
2. She posts about her idol and gravure stuff on her escort page. With a quick google search they can find her parents info etc
3. She posts about her family online
She's doing an awful job at hiding her stupidity lol
No. 710019
>>710011I googled Amina du jean parents and nothing comes up. Just admit the old twitter account and other shit was found because Angela doxxed her.
Im getting tired of the black knights in Angela and Micky threads mentioning Amina obviously trying to start shit and derail.
No. 710021
File: 1539266465836.png (21.8 KB, 717x172, 678987.PNG)

>at the very least stop sperging about her weightThe white knights need to stop sperging about her ED, which by the way she's been tweeting about non-stop the last few weeks, what a coincidence. Imagine being
triggered becuase you got called fat on the internet, lmao.
No. 710023
>>710019Amina. You're making it super obvious this is you.
She does a sloppy job with her privacy. Her real name, school in Japan, escort profiles, 'private' profiles are all easy to see and connect back to her.
No. 710030
>>710026What are you on about? She's been tweeting about her ED ever since she started getting fatter and now in this thread her WKs are saying the same stuff. Like anyone on if going to feel bad about calling someone a fatty-chan just becuase it's
triggering to them lmao
No. 710036
>>710031This is obvious vendetta posting because you know she had an ED and is likely to get
triggered. Basically cow tipping at this point. She gained weight but it’s vendetta levels of delusion to say she’s obese
No. 710037
>>710034Bibi doxxed her in 2016 and Angela retweeted that post two months ago after amina’s Facebook callout.
The old Amina twitter account is from 7-8 years ago before she was even doing the weeb shit. The dox shit was on Lolcow and only a year ago but the twitter account can’t be found unless you’re looking for it.
Stop trying to whiteknight Angela on the low and keep bringing Amina up in other threads. It’s obvious you’re the one spam posting now
No. 710038
>>710036I don't care if she gets
triggered. Lol
Amina put down the fork and stop stuffing your face with sweets.
No. 710040
Go to the Kawaii black girl drama thread where Amina threatened to serve papers to Micky and Angela and Angela wrote a huge obvious steaming vendetta blog about Amina on her tumblr and reblogged her sister who dox her.
No. 710043
>>710036It's not vendetta to say she's got fat. That's a fact.
If she get's
triggered it's nobody's fault except her's for turning into a fatty chan.
Nobody said she's obese, calm down.
No. 710047
>>710042Never said the tweet was in response.
Said she's been talking about her ED recently and it's a coincidence to see her WKs saying the exact same thing. Such nitpicking. Reread
>>710030 and
>>710021 you retard.
>her ED, which by the way she's been tweeting about non-stop the last few weeks
>She's been tweeting about her ED ever since she started getting fatter and now in this thread her WKs are saying the same stuff. No. 710052
>>710036She will only get
triggered if she lurks in teh thread. By from the way she tweeted about a post about her on Lipstick Alley
>>707453 it's obvious she googles her own name and seeks out people talking about her. Pathetic.
No. 710054
>>710047Amina's ed was
triggered by being around thin, tiny Asian girls all day and now that she's not in the environment she let herself go . NOw that she's in the U.K. There's no pressure on her so I doubt she will go back to having ed.
No. 710064
File: 1539268188958.jpg (157.78 KB, 801x1200, IMG_4910.JPG)

Has Amina ever worn a decent wig?
No. 710073
File: 1539268693416.png (925.73 KB, 631x838, 53478920.PNG)

>>710064The answer is no lmao
Pic is recent
No. 710089
File: 1539269770597.jpeg (508 KB, 1005x1328, B8C5CA6E-E336-46FF-AC1A-B2E2B7…)

>>710037For fuck's sake stop sperging about doxing already.
>>708190. You wanna know how I found out her real name? It was on her public page years before Bibi/Angela's 'doxing.' Someone called her 'Aminah Camara Johnson' and later she admitted her real name is 'Aminah.' So I got curious and googled the name and stuff like google+ and twitter came up with her photo attached, so I figured that was her real name. Amina pretty much doxed herself. Her real name was already publicly available since she was 16~17 because she was careless with her privacy. didn't post her private facebook, though. That was some other anon.
No. 710100
>>710086Earlier in the thread an anon posted a screenshot of her private facebook and then people said that it must be Angela that exposed it becuase she doxxed her in the past but that's not true.
I knew what her private fb page was before it was posted in this thread because I have her as a friend I could see the private account because her main account came up as a mutual friend.
It's only after it got posted in this thread that she unfriended the account from her main account. The add friend option on her private account doesn't come up for me anymore.
It's kind of stupid she had her public main account as a friend to her private account. She had the same name Amina/Aminah and posted the same pictures so it was obvious this was her side account. I never friended her becuase I thought it was a friends and family account only and didn't want to invade her privacy.
It was kind of Amina's own fault. I hope she doesn't make her main account private becuase of this tho
No. 710214
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>>710100Lol I never understand people who can fuck their lives up this badly
No. 710348
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Every time she gets into something it becomes her entire identity. She can't even do a class assignment with out going ion about muh empowered sex work
No. 710508
File: 1539297742338.png (132.35 KB, 1242x618, IMG_4926.PNG)

I wonder how many guys she's fucked by now?if she's been doing this since before she moved to Japan then she must be in the thousands by now
No. 710851
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I wonder what Amina back in 2011 would think of herself now…
No. 710984
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She looks enormous compared to everyone in this photo
No. 711037
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At least she's good at it.
No. 711389
File: 1539381435865.png (61.29 KB, 1241x527, IMG_4948.PNG)

>>711371So now Amina was trolling when she told people she's never done sex work and she's a virgin despite the fact she said she's being doing sex work even before she moved to Japan? it was a joke and it wasn't a lie. Just was just prank Bro.
No. 711424
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>>711389>over a year agodo you know the exact date and time she first lost her virginity anon?
I’ve attached a screenshot for reference. In the first ask she said she was a Virgin for life and in the second one she mentioned Jesus so she’s taking the piss for sure. I really think you may have autism anon. You’re so stuck on the fact that she wasn’t a pure aidoru. it’s getting super cringe
No. 711437
>>711424This question I was posted after she did miss id and after she got into chick girls. Amina claims she had a miscarriage during the miss id competition. Can you explain how she was still a virgin when she answered that question?she must be pretty dumb because she's awful are covering her tracks kek
And the guy she's talking about in that screen cap is that dude she ran off to London with.
No. 711444
>>711441NAYRT, but
>C-Camming isn't REALLY sex work!! Cope, Amina.
No. 711452
>>711446Anon was proving that she did, in fact, do sex work, regardless of her claimed virginity. Look at your request here:
>>711425 and read
>>708190. Reading is essential.
She demonstrably lied about 1 of 2 things. The second one is likely pending to be revealed.
No. 711453
File: 1539386846905.jpeg (139.05 KB, 565x694, 34789D04-66D3-42B3-A5C6-CC73A1…)

You have a problem anon.
No. 711458
>>711445why do you keep cowtipping anon? Don’t say you haven’t proof is just posted. You can lie and say it was someone else but I’m pretty sure nobody else gives this much fucks about a failed weeb flop.youre the same person who posted the last thread and openly admitted you’re the only person making these threads. also the same anon who keeps saying she
thinks she’s better than everyone and how much of an idiot she is and keep bringing up school as if that matters in the adult world. call me a wk if you chose but you need to work a few personal things out.
No. 711463
File: 1539387440084.png (80.61 KB, 1242x551, IMG_4950.PNG)

Uwu pure virgin desu
No. 711465
File: 1539387569350.png (35.98 KB, 1242x450, IMG_4951.PNG)

>I've never had a bf
Lol just why lie?
No. 711476
>>711465>Do you have a boyfriendWhy do you keep changing things when its right there?
>>711461Call me Amina if it helps you sleep at night lol. I just dont think people on the internet should automatically be privy to someones sex life because they're mildly relevant public figure. Plenty of gay celebs lie about being straight for understandable reasons. Not saying she's a celebrity lmao. its just a bit sad considering you've made this thread at least 4 times with it being locked and all the new "milk" you've provided here has been random tweets from 3-4 years ago that you've saved and an old twitter account from 2011. if she shit talked sexually active people or sex workers i could see your point but because she didn't admit to having sex and now she's telling the truth you're still mad? i thought the whole thing with aidoru was their image? plenty of them make funny quips about not having a bf but I'm sure at least half have fucked at some point. why is having sex something the public have a right to knowing?
No. 711482
Just hide the thread, Amina. It's doing nothing but steadily decreasing your mental health. You've been ITT for days and hours refreshing to argue about things that are plain to see.
No. 711490
>>711486>European noseI still can't believe she tried to push that meme when everyone can see what she really looks like
>>709686, tragic wig and all.
No. 711510
>>711508>blah blah everyone's jealous of me and an insecure black girl!First of all I didn't even mention your skin tone in that post because I know how
triggered you get over it. Calm down Amina.
No. 711511
File: 1539389066108.jpeg (47.11 KB, 199x275, 5C3C8A47-2832-4572-B3D4-A70456…)

>>711507Mikaila. Stop. You told on yourself. Remember when you threatened the mods by saying you’d kill yourself if your thread wasn’t deleted? And suddenly in Angela and Micky threads Amina’s name is popping up the same day you post this? This is so obvious girl
No. 711512
>>711504I even think Keke is a compliment for her, honestly. She even looks a little Blasian and "exotic" (by AA standards), which Amina would kill to be.
>>711508NTA, but who's talking about skin color right now?
No. 711519
>>711511Where in that screenshot does Micky say she posted ITT? She's a cow, so she's always getting into it with people. It could be about that girl who she chickened out of fighting at a con, or one of the people who clowned her in that "leaked nudes" fiasco. Why are you being paranoid and obsessive?
Also, who is supposed to be Micky ITT exactly? Everyone but you? You're accusing multiple people now.
>And suddenly in Angela and Micky threads Amina’s name is popping up the same day you post this? This is so obvious girlThat was you, though. You spammed about Amina's thread so much that a farmhand literally said to stop in Angela's thread. What are you doing?
No. 711522
>>711516I said by AA standards. By African standards (I'm African), Keke could pass for Igbo mixed with San or Xhosa IMO.
No one said black girls can only be pretty by being mixed (except Amina when she claimed to be "exotic" and went on about people saying she has "Eurocentric features").
No. 711542
>>711541A meme that says nothing about threads is proof? You're the only one derailing by bringing Mucky up to begin with. Just quit. Or don't, and keep digging this hole deeper.
I'm looking forward to your sockpuppeting in the KF thread, too.
No. 711566
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>>711558>she acts like a stuck up bitch and belittles themyou sound hurt anon
No. 711804
>>711719>Isn't that Azealia Banks? Lmao, just like anon said in
>>711500. Amina on suicide watch after reading that thread.
No. 712033
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>>708247>exotic fairy>pretty baby face>elite exclusive luxury escortwhere
No. 712040
>>711985>"omg this is like perfect blue!youre obsessed with my virginity!".Huh, Perfect Blue? Sounds just like:
>>711566 >>711557But she wants us to believe she hasn't been sperging all over this thread, and in Micky and Angela's threads about herself.
No. 712084
File: 1539465374255.png (174.42 KB, 1242x1630, IMG_4965.PNG)

>>712033>exotic. Looks like any typical black American girl. Her shops do look exotic though, I'll give her that. I wonder how her clients feel when they expect to get someone with caramel skin, almond eyes , with smooth skin and who is skinny but they get a chubby brown skin girl with spots all over….she's pretty much scamming people at this point. That's probably why the idol thing didn't work out because clients saw she looked nothing like her photos online.
No. 712095
File: 1539466768546.png (83.9 KB, 1242x456, IMG_4966.PNG)

>>712040She's definitely in this thread white knighting herself lol
No. 712110
File: 1539468407436.jpeg (93.92 KB, 561x708, 04079772-FA5A-4F80-BFD5-92E06F…)

>>712107>black>shit English>koreaboo>no life>has admitted vendetta>laughing stock of PULL>has name fagged here and got temp bannedWhat a coincidence
No. 712140
File: 1539469648707.png (238.94 KB, 1242x1462, IMG_4967.PNG)

Lmao pure waifu right?
No. 712141
File: 1539469741419.jpeg (135.89 KB, 529x277, 01CBFD51-34F3-497E-8BA0-B21B8D…)

>>712108Yeah she looks better without the 'exaggerated smile with eye squint' thing.
No. 712178
File: 1539473021569.jpeg (185.72 KB, 900x1200, B2E6A0BD-7A38-470A-9705-A7699E…)

>>712144I vaguely recall her saying a long time ago that she has trouble with facial expressions due to aspergers or something but is working on them to look more natural.
Clearly, she hasn't worked on them at all since there is very little improvement.
No. 712390
>>712372Isn't taking things literally one of many symptoms of autism? Figures you don't understand hyperbole and its role in chan culture, I guess. All these things contain a nugget of truth, just like when people clown Himeka and Micky, but I guess when it's you, it's a special case? Hm.
I can see this thread is hurting you, so you should stop coming back here.
No. 712396
>>712394Shouldn't you have been asking yourself that question back when you kept sperging about them here, posting screencaps and conspiracy theories about them, and spamming about this thread in theirs until a farmhand threatened to ban you?
It's too late to play "S-Stop derailing", and you are the last person who should be telling anyone that. Good job ignoring all my points since you know I'm right, though.
No. 712402
>>712401I don't think she can ever fully accept that people who simply know of her and have seen her antics might not like her. She says it's impossible because she's been "laying low", but she never stopped broadcasting her life on Twitter and proudly announcing that she's a hooker (and doing the same sort of cringy BDSM shit as her sworn enemy with that Benson creep), so that's bunk. It's kind of sad that she can't handle it.
At the very least, she's no longer even denying it's her when people outright address her as Amina ITT, lmao.
No. 712408
>>712403to white men black women are ~exotic~ y’all just are anti black and associate exotic with being mixed. if a blonde white girl is in japan she’s ~exotic~. Pretty much every black escort defines themselves as exotic. just how they say “ebony” which is fetish af. it’s not that big a deal y’all.
https://www.exoticvivian.comhttp://london-ebony.comLooked up top black escorts and these came up. All described as “exotic”. someone can be super dark Sudanese and be called exotic or Latina and be “exotic” or Ethiopian and be “exotic”. in the porn world pretty much anyone who isn’t a thin white girl is gonna be classed as exotic. it’s race fetish as hell but if that is the world someone chooses to be a heux that just comes with it. Also black women are less than 1% of the population in England. Don’t let these youtuber fool you. lots of white guys in England have black fetish and see them as “exotic”.
No. 712409
>>712408I know nobody will follow up on this and change the subject and just yell Amina/wk but it’s obvious someone has an agenda. at first she was being pimped out then she lied one inch about her height then the entire thread was “former fans who got angry she
gaslit them”. If you’re easily
gaslit by someone you stan and it makes you so
triggered you spend years to tell the world how about they hurt you, you have serious issues. with all the old tweets that would’ve had been saved years ago and cut and chopped to be taken out of context it’s very obvious it’s an agenda
No. 712415
>>712408>>712409Amina your autism is showing. You've literally linked to escorts you follow on your sex work twitter. They did it and you copied them, we get it.
Call your yourself exotic to appeal to the white man race play fetishists nobody is stopping you but you can't make everybody like, agree or respect it. Your average black woman wouldn't call herself exotic but obviously you're selling yourself so you have to market yourself. It's understandable but still cringey and nothing you say is going to make anyone on here agree with it.
I don't understand why you think there is an agenda behind this thread. It's literally just people talking shit online. I know your lil autist brain is trying to process HOW this could happen to you because you think you've been so logical and calculated with your actions over the years but you haven't. You've made mistakes, you've been sloppy, you've doxxed yourself, you've lied and not deleted the evidence. And now that you've quit being an idol and lowered yourself to sex work people don't have to pretend to give a damn about you anymore. You're just another whore on the internet. Why wouldn't there be a thread about you?
No. 712420
>>712415>Just another whore on the internetSo why is a certain individual so insistent on repeating this thread despite it being locked and banned a few times. Google Amina du jean 4chan or 8chan and you’ll see the same person over the span of years trying to tie in Amina’s full name with porn or sex work even when literally nobody cared. The main anon ITT admitted to being a former stan so why are you refuting the vendetta? she admitted it.
stop yelling paranoia when literally everything other people ITT have been saying is easily backed up. her full name didn’t keep coming up until Angela doxxed her(fact), Notorious PULL tard admitted to having a vendetta/being a former stan/came here to WK herself(fact). Same PULL tard started the “pimping” rumor on PULL and when nobody cared there came here(again fact). It’s not paranoia when certain individuals have a proven track record of doing certain things.
>inb4 more than one person can hate Amina!!11Yes I’m pretty sure plenty of people don’t like her. How many of them are going out of their way to purposely tie a full name/hoe name/stage name and post it on every bird imaginable until it sticks?
No. 712423
>>712420*on every thread.
Also look at this PULL thread and nearly everything users have said here was also said there. Unless you’re saying those are al sock puppets too?? No. 712428
File: 1539505833381.jpeg (136 KB, 609x823, FD9AAAAA-370A-4741-8C01-DF4757…)

PULL user proof btw. she magically appeared and happened to be “just browsing” when someone mentioned her.she admitted to having a vendetta and when she got called out she started namefagging. she’s online on PULL whenever this thread is active with samefags and is known on PULL as a huge cow. shit talking is one thing. Repedeatly trying to tie someone’s name in to something when it won’t stick or otherwise wouldn’t have been found is an agenda
>>>/snow/158747 No. 712433
>>712420>>712423>>712428Amina shut the fuck up. You sound deranged. You're mad that people know your real name and keep bringing up your sex work when you've posted about these things yourself. It's not a huge conspiracy you're just another messy, fame hungry girl on the internet and now your actions have come back to bite you. Take responsibility for yourself.
Don't deny it isn't you posting because you've typed the same and used the same arguments in all your posts. It's like you've saved info on anyone that ever talked about you on the Internet and you really think outside of these 3 people nobody would dare say anything about you.
Everyone notice how anytime there's a thread or call out on Amina she posts about it, like the Lipstick Alley thing but she hasn't publicly posted about this thread because it exposes her so bad lmao.
No. 712446
>>712428The person in that screencap doesn't even type like any of the posters ITT. If you really thought this would do anything but make you look even more crazy and obsessive, your autism must be heavy.
There's at least 2-3 people frequenting this thread (4-5 if you count Micky and Angela) mocking you, and I know because I'm one of them.
No. 712619
>>712606If you care that much go through her Facebook until you find it, if she didn't delete it.
>inb4 you promised me milk!No one promised you anything kek
No. 712773
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It's weird how her boobs can be saggy but small at the same time.
No. 712787
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No. 712793
File: 1539554615734.png (303.79 KB, 1242x1791, IMG_4989.PNG)

She's apparently rich and high class but can't afford a decent wig or weave. It's confusing to me.
No. 712794
File: 1539554407031.png (331.83 KB, 1242x2007, IMG_4988.PNG)

she really loves the word luxury
No. 712803
File: 1539556093797.png (321.09 KB, 1242x2001, IMG_4990.PNG)

So ~luxe~
No. 712809
>>712793She probably thinks she's prioritizing by spending her coins on other things. She hasn't learned yet that a cheap wig/weave is one thing you can never, ever get away with and look good.
I mean, ideally, she'd take care of her actual hair (inb4 she calls this comment "anti-black" in nature) since she obviously can't be bothered with finding a good wig/weave, but I guess that's too much of a hassle when you're busy hoeing.
No. 712814
File: 1539556760871.jpg (763.61 KB, 1500x1543, IMG_4993.JPG)

>>712809I've seen bitches working at McDonald's with better wigs. Step up your game Amina. She will spend thousands on a purse but won't spend anything on losing weight or fixing that rat nest on her head.
On another note, Amina start eating something other than macaroons and other sweets because you getting larger and larger.
No. 712828
File: 1539557324096.png (196.35 KB, 1116x1159, IMG_4995.PNG)

>>712823She's does it on tumblr too. She really wants people to believe she's rich and classy.
No. 712831
>>712826>be autistic>take everything literally>still don't understand figures of speech or hyperboleAmina, stop. You are the only confirmed,
actual autistic idol stan in this thread.
No. 712837
File: 1539557756784.png (365.81 KB, 1242x2041, IMG_4992.PNG)

It's like I'm reading a fan fic written by a 12 year old
No. 712840
File: 1539558187827.png (130.13 KB, 1032x690, IMG_4998.PNG)

>looks mixed race
I bet she was thrilled to read that.
No. 712842
>>712840I wonder if she realizes she only looks mixed race to actual anti-black racists who think black women can only look one certain way.
She probably does, which is why she got mad and called it "spam" when a full black girl who's 100x better-looking than her got posted ITT.
Anyway, friendly reminder that this is what she looks like:
>>709686 >>708284 >>712033Mucky literally looks more mixed race than she does, and I bet that burns her up inside.
No. 713465
File: 1539630964351.png (190.21 KB, 1224x1186, IMG_5007.PNG)

>believes in self improvement
>gets angry about any constructive criticism
>has declined in looks and personality I only two short years
>seems to have done nothing but make poor decisions since leaving her mother home
>is proud of herself but has done nothing admirable or remarkable
She lives in a fantasy world.
No. 714242
File: 1539711874751.png (215.27 KB, 1242x1191, IMG_5015.PNG)

I wonder does she ever talk about anything other than idols, sex work,politics and how sexist/racist Japan is. Idk why people think she's some expert on the idol industry because she never even made it past the front door. She never debuted or had to deal with the things idols have to deal with.
No. 714427
File: 1539730678309.jpg (20.11 KB, 261x320, IMG_3736.JPG)

i turned my phone alittle and ngl I laughed, all the infighting aside this thread has been funny as shit.
(But micky i know u lurk and u still a troll too, peas in a pod)
No. 714589
File: 1539741965968.png (372.24 KB, 1202x1643, IMG_5022.PNG)

The wig is still on life support
No. 716025
File: 1539876408321.jpg (79.87 KB, 720x960, 44281388_2225053017771300_3605…)

I'm sure she lurks here and saw all the posts dragging her wigs. I don't know why she lightened her skin so much
No. 716793
>>716183Considering she sounds like a broken record when talking about them along with the fact that she knows shit about anything makes people get tired of those wide range of topics.
I'm so over her idol talk as well. I remember when she tried being successful on nicodouga but failed miserably even with the help of world otaku mate. When she was on what are you doing in japan? she reached out to them instead of being discovered like every other foreigner because she's not eye catching enough to be discovered. And her whole miss id debacle was hilarious. She inflates her japan career so much but in reality literally no one knows who she is. She talks of working with ex Hello pro managers like that means shit. She just needs to move on and accept that she failed not japan was too racist or didn't see her potential.
No. 717546
>>717232>arguing with fansScreen cap please
“Miss educated” why do you bring up her intelligence or lack of it in every thread. She’s not that bright but it’s just a weird subject to focus on so much. There’s plenty of SJWs and wanna be intellects on social media. Keekihime was rude as hell to Japanese fans and European fans alike. She’s still a semi popular cosplayer now and nobody cares. I’ve seen keekihime be 10x more rude than I’ve ever seen Amina be. You admitted earlier ITT that you didn’t like her because she “treated you like every other weeb.” when you fangirled. She’s moved on from the aidoru stuff and isn’t even a youtuber or anything. Why do you have a grudge still anon?
No. 717860
>>716846Is there proof of this? I'm pretty sure around that time she mentioned her parents giving her money to go to school in Japan. But my point still stands that she didn't work hard for anything to get there. I absolutely despise people like Keekihime and the other idol failures but at least they put in some kind of hustle to go to Japan. People jumped ship fast with world otaku mate and the only people left were her and a few uggos. If they did fly her out it's because they had no other semi attractive people to advertise with. She pulled very little views and comments on her broadcasts
Also, both Aly/Slly and Kelsey are as untalented and irrelevant as Amina so bringing them up doesn't really do much.
>>717546Nta but she fronts as an educated person. She wrote "essays" wrought with grammar and spelling errors about cum tributes and hikkikomori. She whined about balancing school and idol work. Her general attitude in her tweets scream "unlike all those other dumb idols I'm super intelligent look at my social commentary about a country I barely understand"
No. 727691
File: 1541540052458.png (21.46 KB, 724x177, 45331384_10217552906564187_492…)

She still lurks the thread. This tweet is obviously in response to
>>726737 No. 727827
>>727691She definitely lurks.
>>714139 was tweeted after the anons in this thread started saying 'if she's so rich why can't she afford a better wig.'
No. 728354
File: 1541634501270.png (7.69 KB, 1844x119, 45720657_1083443998490335_2318…)

Amina tried to cover her obvious self post by deleting it.
>>726737 said her life in London is shit and she coincidentally tweets about all the cool stuff she has planned and why she's been so boring recently. It comes across a little defensive.
No. 728418
>>714242She doesn't have anything else going on in her life to talk about, does she? No friends, no life, spends her days wking herself on the internet, uggo ass pimp/cuck boyfriend with whom she's probably with just so she has a house to stay.
I wonder if she hadn't stirred so much drama earlier, if she would have anyone standing by her now, at least. Micky still has orbiters, Angela had Kitty (albeit they seem like they're not on speaking terms right now) but Amina has nobody. It's sad because she could quit sex work, seek a better place to live than with someone who sees no problem in the dangerous lifestyle that is sex work (in which she could end up dead in a ditch at the drop of a hat if she gets unlucky or careless around johns) so long as she's sucking his chode, get some friends and some real life experiences.
No. 728630
File: 1541673968400.png (662.21 KB, 727x693, 45720657_1083443999490335_2318…)

>>727691I can't take anything she says about studying seriously when she posts shit like this on her other account. Considering that she failed at TUJ you would think she would take school more seriously this time.
No. 728634
File: 1541674379215.jpg (619.04 KB, 728x717, 44943432_306626619940111_39073…)

Pic related. This is half the fucking month wasted being a whore and it's not like she doesn't have money becuase of her rich bf. It's only a matter of time before she tweets about failing school again. She has all these oppurtunities and just wastes them for no reason.
No. 729855
>>728630>>728634She looks cute in these, IMO.
not much milky, though.
No. 730457
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Y'all remember when Amina tweeted about being blackmailed by her professor at TUJ? She wrote an article about it and posted it on her facebook. Peep that she didn't make the post public tho. She's still trying to save face. I hope someone calls her out on the fact that she DID do sex work in Japan and there are reciepts that show she lied about it. No. 730458
File: 1541944341996.png (13.33 KB, 597x165, 45720657_1083443999490335_2318…)

Pic related
No. 730676
>>730457I get the feeling that the real reason she didn't go to the police was because she was afraid they'd find out she was doing sex work on student visa and get expelled/deported.
You'd think that after experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, blackmailing, and who-knows-what-the-fuck-else she'd wisen the fuck up and realize sex work is not a viable career choice, yet here she is, still a whore and proud of it. So much for thinking logically.
>>728634Didn't she mention before that she has to do additional year of uni because her idol activities(and probably sex work) was keeping her from studying? She never learns.
No. 730911
File: 1542026302415.png (400.63 KB, 575x428, 24356789008745745865.PNG)

>>730596She's not admitting she wrote it though. She must have told this guy to not mention her name when he shared it and she wrote it under a fake name. She knows she'll get dragged that's why she's not being very public about it or attatching her name to it. But she's so pro-hoe right.
No. 730912
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>>730676She doesn't take repsonsibility for anything in her life. Why would you not research the kind of birth control you're on epecially as a sex worker. But of course it's not her fault. She's a victim as always.
No. 730957
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>>730911Weirdly, she shared it on her twitter and it has the exact vending machine episode she mentioned before, her same dislike of hosts, and her usual snobby and pretentious writing style. What was even the point of leaving her name out of the article? Anyone who knows her, would immediately figure out that it's her.
No. 730975
File: 1542043331738.png (13.31 KB, 594x172, 45772534_2236161276660474_2468…)

People already know it's her so there was no point trying to lie about it. How long before this comment gets deleted lol
No. 731579
>>730457The worst part of this entire article is how she acts higher than thou even through text. Like, it's a serious subject yet she can't help but diss the guy who agreed to help her for being a nerd. And finishing the thing with "mAyBe yOu sHoUd cHeCk uR wHoRePhObIa" instead of like… a note on how sex work is dangerous? Not because people hate prostitutes but because of the lack of autonomy you have when you surrender your body to others, like for example, her professor lording her escorting over her head because he had access to her body through her escorting ads.
It's so weird, self-absorbed and counterproductive to continue saying this is purely because of social stigma and not because she literally gave him the cheese and the knife with her "profession".
No. 732023
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>>730752when did she say it was empowering anon?
>>728634If she had a normal part time job as a student wouldn’t she be working two or three days a week still? How is that milk? Maybe you should email her teachers anon and make sure she’s attending each and every lecture.
No. 732037
>>732004>>732007>>732023Samefag but ok.
She's not as open about her sex work on facebook because she still has weeb orbiters from her aidoru days. She posted the article under a fake name with the caption 'you may know who wrote this' not 'i wrote this' and set it to friends only status. She says she's pro-hoe very publicly but not that she is one
Being gay isn't a choice retard. Choosing to do a dangerous and illegal job in a foreign country on a student visa and being careless enough to not protect your identity IS a choice and a stupid one lel
Anon never said Amina said sex work is empowering they were making an assumption about
your her cuck boyfriend
No. 732061
>>732044You just outed yourself as the same obessessive whiteknight that's been following the thread for weeks becuase you keep saying the same shit.
>veNdEtTA / no milk>but the old threads!!1!>this MUST be micky/angela/pulltardsWhy are you still bringing up the past threads? We're talking about tweets from now not tweets from years ago, keep up.
No. 732068
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looks like she's getting married in february, and plans on having a baby in 5 or 6 years.
she's also visiting Japan next year with her boyfriend and plans on having a 'fan meeting.' I wonder how many people will show up
No. 732076
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>>730676Called it. She's gonna flunk out again bc she's 2 busy hoeing. Mom & dad must be proud huh aminah.
No. 732078
>>732040Autism speaks
Her obssession with trying to disprove everyone in facts she provided herself is hilarious though.
No. 732082
>>732046''Whoever this person was had leverage on me as a student, as a migrant and as someone in the entertainment industry''
I have no sympathy. What did she think would happen? She should have thought about all that before she made such a poor decision. Aren't autistic people supposed to think logically?
No. 732107
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On her way to becoming a hambeast yikes.
No. 732138
>>732061It's Aminah herself. She checks this thread obsessively, despite it being autosaged. She's always here to defend herself, post her own Tweets to "debunk" claims, accuse everyone of being the other two cows, or that one PULL user, insist there is "no milk" when most posters ITT disagree, etc.
It's almost Kiki-tier. Actually, even Kiki was better. At least she didn't try to derail her own threads for weeks/months.
No. 732150
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>>732138Yeah, it must be. I think she's a genuine narcissist with the way she always has to defend herself even when there is facts and receipts againts her, like her own tweets. That plus how she can't beleive that anyone other than Micky or Angela would dare post anything against her.
She's becoming worse than Micky. She's got too fat to fit into her clothes to the point where the shits are literally tearing but of course she won't admit that and instead blame the brand for being cheap.
No. 733766
>>733343> She has no fansLOL this. She still has lots of orbiters from her idol days but she's not as popular as she used to be. She has a really low interaction on her social media too.
I think at this point she should give up the idol image becuase it's kind of pathetic she's trying to stay relevant for things she did over 2 years ago. Her Mimi_Fawn account for escorting is totally cute ngl but she's way too prideful to give up the idol image and just be honest about where she is in life now, no matter how much she claims to be ~pro ho~
No. 735733
>>735708Amina please go get help. Instead of samefagging your threads why don't you focus on your pimp bf who needs you to keep funding his lifestyle while you ILLEGALLY prostitute yourself in the U.K.
You need to keep up that luxe lifestyle you're trying so hard to portray.
No. 735782
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>>735578She definitely lurks here becuase after this was posted she made her sex work account private.
No. 735784
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>>735782too late for that when pics like this are already all over the net sis
No. 736244
File: 1542896573965.png (1.26 MB, 1254x807, 785458789065624324.PNG)

She changed her twitter pics to 3 year old photos from when she was in Japan. She must really hate how fat she looks now
And she's engaged to the cuck ew. Her life is going in such a downward spiral. I wonder if she's pregnant or just using him for a visa for when finishes studying?
No. 756493
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> Participated in a Japanese competition 2 years ago, only got a participation trophy. Bitched for ages that she lost because of racism and blamed white girls who ''can't even speak Japanese''. > Still brags about said prize TWO whole years later as evidence of her ~LegIT IdOL StaTUS~This is funny because she bragged it about yet again yesterday. It's like that's her only accomplishment in life. also posted this video and holy kek she look awkward and uncomfortable. Does she honestly think this is sexy?
No. 762851
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>>735733It’s like a real life version of Emergence lol
No. 770319
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Amina was quoted in an article about maho. So tired of her acting like some "idol insider" she was barely an idol in the first place
No. 770469
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>Yesterday, a bunch of cops came to my home and university to inverview me. My haters and netouyo had contacted them, making a false claim that my husband was abusing me. We're okay but getting checked by cops was sooo scary. I hope the netouyo's mental health gets better<3
>I don't do idol stuff in the UK but since the times I've been doing idol activies, I've had this one American hater. When I was an idol that person would send tons of mail to my jimusho. Since I'm not an idol anymore that person is now bullying my husband. Poor thing.
She actually believes netouyo called the cops on her kek.
No. 783552
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>most women are whores like me
>poc men are more oppressed than the women they partake in oppressing
No. 785701
>>735782I'm guessing there's no one who can post her sex work tweets, huh?
She should have had them locked sooner, but she was too desperate for an audience. Now her name is attached to all this and is bound to bite her in the ass later on.
No. 786584
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I find it hilarious that her main blog has become a pseudo-intellectual "sex work" defense shitfest. She sounds so uneducated and ignorant in every pro-prostitution tweet she posts.
No. 786974
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>I lived in Japan for a long timeShe was there for like what, 1~2 years? The Dunning-Kruger effect is real kek.
>>786584Her defending sex work comes across as really sad and pathetic if you consider that she's likely only doing sex work to afford useless brand-name bags. She's so shallow.
No. 787565
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>>787379Amina did you really have to get me banned though?
No. 787620
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>>787565>sperg>bad English >does this every three months>7 hours ago I live for the times that farmers become the cows themselves.
No. 787668
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You can see the look of regret in her eyes as she fucks an old white man twice her age
No. 787670
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No. 787671
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No. 787672
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No. 787709
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At least she's appreciative of all her parents help
No. 787712
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No. 788059
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…yeah I don’t see this getting out of autosage any time soon…
No. 788143
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>>788142>>788142Forgot the photo
No. 923825
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>>923234Another one. You can search her name on twitter and empowerment and sex work and there’s loads of tweets like this one. It’s obvious she has some job with some charity or something because she tweets about travelling in Europe with them. This is beyond hating amina at this point it’s obvious you’re just screeching pink pilled talking points.
>>921333>it’s all over googleBecause you single handedly posted her real name here got mad when nobody cared when you kept trying to bump the thread and moved on to lipstickalley, PULL, 4chan. This isn’t even milk at this point and somebody keeping to themselves isn’t that weird.
No. 1080572
>>1080243Sorry, I should have clarified that this is past information.
I have no idea what she’s been up to for the past 2 years, but I heard that she did divorce her husband and move back to america and she is living with other people. She has a new boyfriend too.
I had a quick look at her twitter and it seems this information lines up. No idea what else though.
No. 1150418
>>1078469you knew her in Japan…and just so happened to know her UK boyfriend's best friend…and also knew a guy all the way in America who she knew…
cool story