File: 1534277602990.jpg (4.77 MB, 2598x4807, munchieupdated.jpg)

No. 664518
The confetti club are fans of the legendary milky Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks. The fans are almost as milky as the cow herself; the facebook group is full of speshul snowflakes, transtrenders, landwhales and munchies.
-The Party Kei facebook group was cowtipped and had an epic meltdown, which resulted in all of the groups closing.
-The confetti club advises members to not post to the board in order to try and stop the drama, but a few people do anyway and get doxxed.
-Jill's bff Courtney creates a group just for party kei. Jill is made admin
-The confetti club facebook group is once again shut down due to lolcow
-Thread is full of Jill's retarded followers trying to get in on the action to seem ~edgy
-a UK Kawaii group was created, which is run by CJ. CJ is a retarded landhwale, who defends Melanie Martinez because she totes isn't a rapist because she doesn't have a penis. These are her exact words. The group consists of only her posting.
-The very expensive gift that was sent to Jill for her bday by the confetti club is opened and Jill is obviously indifferent to it. It's clear she'll never use any of the items.
Notable members:
Bonnie, an autistic land whale, exposes the group to porn, and gets banned. She is now back under the name Veronica.
Eliza plans a trip to stalk Jill, get a shitty tattoo just like Jill by the same artist. Gets called out for it and has a melt down. Leaves and rejoins group multiple times. She then organised a fundraiser, in order to get Jill a Betsey Johnson purse. She mostly posts in the clinic about her totes real ~anorexia despite being 80 pounds overweight.
Lizzy (an old admin) changes name to newt so she can be a fake boi. She's morbidly obese, but still chooses to wear crops tops. Cries about being misgendered constantly. Uses a cane for munchie points.
-Sofia Mehlitz (queen cow) set up a go fuck me due to the fact her 'parents were kicking her out for being queer.' She's a nobinary asexual snowflake. Her story was mostly lies, but people donated anyway and submitted her story to the Ellen show. Her parents found out about the go fuck me, forced her to take it down and are apparently actually kicking her out for real now. Despite claiming to have no money to move, her wardrobe is full of lazy oaf and other expensive brands. She is now posting underwear selfies to rebel against her totes abusive parents. Sofia pockets the money from her Go Fuck Me, but hasn’t used the money to move out. Confirmed scammer. She wants to change her major from engineering to fashion so she can skinwalk harder.
Anabelle (sunshineandspoons) is a major munchie, who had to come out to her family about ‘needing’ a cane. She claims to have 15 chronic illness and is always on the verge of death. She’s totally adjustable though, which means she gets to do all of the fun stuff she wants to do but can’t do anything else because muh illnesses.
Brittany (Alisin) the middle aged tranny predator.
Some recent milk:
Anabelle continues to be a massive munchie, having recently made her insta public again. She is a confirmed little, with her even boasting that she can be little constantly as she’s on disability. She claims to struggle with eating, despite being a land whale, and boasts about how she was going to be admitted in order to have ‘support’ with meals. However, she claims she left the hospital only hours after being admitted as she panics around sick people.
Eliza has apparently been admitted to a psych ward for a minimum or 3 months, but won’t say why. She was milking this for internet points for weeks.
Sofia has started dating a fake boi, who is just as pathetic as she is. She hasn’t mentioned her totes abusive parents or her being ‘kicked out’ since the go fuck me incident. She finally meets Jill at a con.
Darrelyn, a die hard skinwalker, is moving to Japan to be a model – despite being only 5’4.
Confetti Club Main Page: Kei group: Kei UK: Club Clinic:[[Archived[Archived Copy] Copy]
Uk Kawaii thread:
>>>/snow/5036242nd thread:
>>>/snow/5661293rd thread:
>>>/snow/5661264th thread:
>>>/snow/603980 No. 664584
File: 1534284394029.png (165.94 KB, 720x1127, 20180814_230353.png)

Anyone know what drama happened this time?
No. 664876
File: 1534306450250.png (1.45 MB, 1412x2020, Screenshot_20180815-010423.png)

dollar-store Jill skinwalkers are particularly hilarious because Jill is so dollar-store shitty cheap quality herself.
No. 664879
File: 1534306568058.png (3.7 MB, 1440x2316, Screenshot_20180815-010457.png)

Sage for samefag. They always look special needs, jfc.
No. 664964
File: 1534317014366.gif (965.44 KB, 500x480, second thoughts.gif)

>>664879Imagine going out in public like this.
No. 666146
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No. 666292
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No. 666397
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No. 666636
File: 1534465123748.jpg (4.66 MB, 2853x3264, this.jpg)

saw this on on the harajuku fashion instagram page. jills fans are delusional…what about this is even remotely party kei?
No. 666785
>>666636On the IG page for Tokyo fashion, she even states her style is called "Neo fairy."
Jill and her fans are morons and think anything rainbow is party kei.
No. 667126
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No. 667132
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I love how she's trying to make her waist look smaller with the placement of her hands..
No. 667136
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Holy fuck those tattoos
No. 667139
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No. 667502
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No. 667558
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No. 667699
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because being trans is a fashion statement
No. 667780
>>667699You're in a basic ass blue shirt, shorts and have a bicycle pin on your snapback. Can't even dress "Party kei" but they want to keep pretending they're so kawaii and different. It amazes me how people love to just butcher fashion.
>>667126Because all colorful printed on clothing from China matches.
No. 667851
>>667699I always laugh when I see her glasses, they're like $5 on zenni. I know because I used to wear the same pair. Everything about her is just cheap as fuck.
I do admit she kind of has a nice smile in the lower left pic though, if her teeth were whiter.
No. 668032
>>668021Ntayrt but nitpicking is definitely a thing, and how bright someone's teeth are is pretty nitpicky unless that person is a model or something.
Saged because this is a fucking boring conversation all the same
No. 668401
File: 1534710592633.png (64.4 KB, 720x464, 20180819_212922.png)

No. 668636
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That isn’t a filter she drew that stuff on her face and went out shopping like that
No. 669147
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God I don’t get any of these girls.
No. 669747
File: 1534878957724.png (806.5 KB, 720x1222, 20180821_201519.png)

> needed chocolate
No. 669977
>>669747Those famous fucking cross eyes.
Please get off the internet and get on a treadmill.
No. 670260
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What’s with these girls and creeping on their exes
No. 671116
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I found her personal, where she is far less of a munchie
No. 671122
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>>671116 she used to be so pretty? Why do the confetti cult always devolve as people kek
No. 671123
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>>671122 she had potential
No. 671125
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Her boobs are so far apart
No. 671369
File: 1535044502814.png (58.95 KB, 720x479, 20180823_181355.png)

This is a middle aged man
No. 671684
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No. 671730
>>671685Grandma Kei at it's finest
But seriously, this doesn't look like mori kei much less party kei. I think some of these autists just think anything other than jeans and a t shirt is alternative fashion.
No. 671808
>>671685if i were a transman i'd seriously hate these people. she's not even trying to hide her very visible rack and dresses in literal women's clothes but thinks having a lesbian haircut and calling herself by some snowflake name makes her a trans man.
also, those clothes are absolute ass. even my dead grandma had a better sense of style than this absolute trainwreck of a human being.
No. 671855
>>671808Sadly lots of those people populate the trans comm (about 99%) and give the real ones a bad name.
As a biological girl it still pisses me off to see that snowflake shit. If you don't try to pass i ain't calling you a he or a she
No. 671869
>>671855personally i'd understand if a trans person is in a situation where trying to pass in public would put them in real danger (due to family/household situation, risking their job, generally a situation where their safety is compromised bc of the area they reside in) but still asks me to use the correct pronouns, i'd respect that.
but that's not the case for these fuckwads. they're women who dress in typical women's clothes, wear make-up and feminine accesories then yell at you for thinking a person with breasts, feminine qualities and feminine clothes is, god forbid, a woman.
No. 671928
>>671122>>671123Holy shit, she used to be so pretty! Wtf happened? I feel like all the ~bodyposi and ~i love my curves uwu shit is because she's upset over looking like a fat fuck when she used to be model tier almost.
>>671125This is disgusting, why would anyone post this on social media? If I took a picture and it ended up as unflattering as this, I'd delete it straight away.
No. 673272
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>I would like to say before I get lots of hate comments, THIS WAS INSPIRED BY PIXIELOCKS!!!! she has been a big inspiration to me and I loved her idea of making a pastel dresser. Sorry if this offends anyone but I just wanted to share making it
>offends anyone
how… how could you be offended by a dresser? i get what she meant but at this rate someone could probably come along and say the video did, in fact, offend them
No. 673452
>>671123It's so weird to see her like this, like I know it's her but she really seems like an entirely different person. She carries herself so much differently and seems far more confident and happy and healthy.
Must have been before she magically came down with a million conditions.
No. 673691
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No. 674651
File: 1535412812530.png (51.13 KB, 720x425, 20180828_003318.png)

Fucking kek
No. 674690
>>674674Newt makes me horny
I'm sorry I couldn't even type that with a straight face
No. 674890
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When you want to be Jill so bad, you actually try to turn your mother into hers.
No. 675069
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Big meanie bosses
No. 675246
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Why do they ask the cult about everything? As if any of them are capable of earning a scholarship
No. 675316
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No. 675318
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>>675316How much do yo want to bet this is considered bullying to the confetti club?
No. 676375
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Why do they always wear clothes 9 sizes too small?
No. 676600
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No. 676773
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The seven reacts on this blow my mind.
No. 676780
>>676375Her poor crotch. Wow.
Just buy bigger shorts. You can get cute shit in all sorts of sizes nowadays. Your vag will thank you.
No. 677375
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No. 677965
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No. 678286
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When they can keep a job they wreck it
No. 678635
>>678604yeah, this is one of the things I don't really have a problem with. mostly. they look tacky and juvenile as hell, but is you're allowed to dress how you want at work, that's what people do.
i'm allowed to wear ratty old tshirts and patched up bibs to work, so I do. the clientele is mainly hipsters, so it's not an issue.
Claire's main customer base is kids and tweens, so dressing like an overgrown kid won't always be seen as offensive to the eye.
that these people dress like this at all is the mind boggling part.
No. 678656
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>>678287Looks like her teeth and fashion is always like that
No. 678681
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No. 680030
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No. 680230
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Just checked the page for today's milk and what is this outfit? Does it even count as party kei looking like an old mcdonalds fry box?
No. 680329
>>678286When your idol is Jill your goal in life is to be a manager at Claire's accessories.
She has a pretty face but why didn't someone get her braces??? When I was a kid my teeth were a tiny bit crooked and I never smiled as a result. I envy the confidence tbh
No. 680548
>>680500Another UK anon here, NHS dentists in the UK will give free braces to under 18's even if teeth are even slightly crooked.
My dumb ass was too scared to have a couple of teeth out in preparation for my braces and now I'm forking out £4k for invisalign.
Like you said I highly doubt any of these have ever been to a dentist. Otherwise with her weird front tooth they definitely would have got that shit fixed when she was a kid.
No. 680677
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Ah yes, deities often take the form of anime characters. This is common knowledge.
No. 681017
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No. 681121
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When cows collide: thelillolita feat. sunshineandspoons.
No. 681125
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>>681124Annabelle's ddlg fetish account.
No. 681151
>>681124this is so creepy.
fuck kink shaming, pretending to be a kid and getting sexual gratification out of it (or the inverse) is nothing short of disturbing.
No. 681229
Yes, she may look like a kawaii trash goblin but thats simply because she is just so into the uncoordinated mess that is party kei, you are all baka-chans!
No. 681395
I'm screaming the poor neighbours
No. 681398
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No. 682390
File: 1536251212450.jpg (1.66 MB, 2560x1896, 18-09-06-09-18-25-415_deco.jpg)

confetti club member with her very own skin walker
No. 682453
File: 1536258938537.png (336.53 KB, 512x2048, PicsArt_09-06-02.34.02.png)

>>682390>>682391They don't follow each other but here is some related accounts and their pfp and names together (it's just so weird that they have the same emojis and everything)
No. 682464
File: 1536260183145.png (173.27 KB, 1774x1072, ellietellonym2.png)

>>682453iirc they used to be friends/go to school together, both have a name that can be nicknamed to ellie (supposedly) and the other girl completely copies the other ellie girl…it's a very bizarre thing, and the two having the same name surely doesnt help kek. i find the other girl a bit annoying because she sends herself asks on tellonym with the same speech patterns and they always can be summarized with being told she's a "tiny smol kawaii loli dolly real life anime girl" and she couldn't even be slick enough to change the speech patterns at all, for example:
No. 682465
File: 1536260265929.png (82.09 KB, 932x1116, ellietellonym.png)

>>682464Here's questions about the other ellie girl, they both seem like cows in their own right though
No. 682469
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No. 682625
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No. 682737
>>681124What really gets me, aside from how disgusting this is, is how open these ddlg skanks are about their fetish. Like I thought a big part of bdsm was consent, including not subjecting people to your fetish by flaunting it in public? I'd say these ddlg bitches are ignorant, but they know enough to ree about "it's between consenting adults!!! It has nothing to do with children!!!" Disgusting fucks.
I also can't believe that this cunt claims to have 15 illnesses debilitating enough that she doesn't work, has to use a cane, and checks into the hospital every week, yet here she is wearing the fetish trash she bought with her disability check, going out in public like this, and with plenty of energy to party with friends, no cane in sight.
No. 683717
File: 1536396712216.jpg (361.67 KB, 1080x837, 20180908_044612.jpg)

Cheeky skinwalker also did that obnoxious kiss thing Jill did in her wall painting video. She's so creepy.
No. 683976
File: 1536432986143.png (572.59 KB, 720x904, 20180908_195546.png)

Please don't tell me he goes to work looking like that
No. 684030
>>683717The editing style and transition is the same.
Also take a shot every time she says "I love it sooooo much"
No. 684421
File: 1536488030059.jpg (1.41 MB, 1080x1345, ----.jpg)

>>682391She looks like a less disgusting Binkie Princess. I searched everywhere but can't find it, but I swear Jess has taken this exact same picture with the same hair and ducklips, and this chick looks EXACTLY the same.
No. 685111
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No. 685113
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No. 685116
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No. 685118
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No. 685439
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No. 685835
File: 1536666539811.jpg (103.68 KB, 720x1072, FB_IMG_1536666499665.jpg)

That munchie accessory
No. 686130
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No. 686132
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No. 686516
File: 1536756394432.png (93.76 KB, 720x633, 20180912_134614.png)

Bella made her account private
No. 686710
File: 1536779584130.png (635.14 KB, 720x928, 20180912_201240.png)

No. 686788
File: 1536786671973.jpeg (82.92 KB, 528x960, DA282A23-360A-41B3-952F-4F337B…)

>>686710I cannot figure out what dessert this fucking is.
Frosting in a pan???
No. 688283
File: 1536956099846.jpeg (338.89 KB, 1633x2048, C56621B1-D091-4861-8090-A6C485…)

She needs a new expression. The deer in the headlights is making her look special
No. 688831
File: 1537027364256.png (732.92 KB, 720x1228, 20180915_170213.png)

Bella is public again
No. 688844
>>688831Well I was enjoying my lunch until I saw the picture of her in her in the middle left. RIP appetite.
How could someone post this publicly to the world and be okay with that?
No. 689273
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No. 689276
File: 1537081305482.png (1.4 MB, 858x767, Capture.PNG)

>>689273Bitch, you've got an eating disorder
now. Humans aren't supposed to be as fat as you are. Your friend gave you some good advice. Take it instead of busting out the fat shaming card, come on.
No. 689278
File: 1537081427193.png (16.5 KB, 428x157, Capture.PNG)

>>689276Getting defensive already
No. 689302
File: 1537085277447.jpeg (154.4 KB, 640x866, E9BDB7C5-29F7-42ED-8942-89A5E4…)

… what.
If she’s not a close friend then who cares.
Also she comes from an entirely different generation where women had to be skinny and petite, and had to diet.
Why are you listening to her?
These girls are so sensitive and defensive, it’s crazy.
No. 689672
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No. 689679
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No. 689680
File: 1537128765275.png (2.15 MB, 922x1144, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at 5.12…)

No. 691849
>>691713Person in the yellow dress is Sofia(?)
She was featured confetti club member at one point. She's the one who started the gofundme to move out of her opwessive non queer household despite evidence all over her socials to suggest otherwise and is/was a bit of a Jill skin walker
No. 693668
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Ah yes, this classic clinical issue
No. 693700
File: 1537557642038.jpg (59.77 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1537557626862.jpg)

No. 693964
File: 1537586705386.png (46.58 KB, 493x465, 3423532535.png)

>crying because youre too fat/cheap to get some brand's clothing secondhand
No. 694009
>>693964Just get a standard outlet wardrobe that fits you well and stop trying to be kawaii unique. You'll feel better and more confident about yourself if you have several flattering outfits you can throw together at a moments notice.
Snowflake gotta snowflake
No. 694256
>>693984There are not.
Many university students are struggling, tired and wearing bin discount clothes. The quality and self care gets even lower during exams. Just shows she's only looking at herself and her own delusional life rather than caring about the struggles of others.
And she's shopping second hand…who the fuck hasn't found something they loved without it being in their size? That's just not having great luck. The sad thing is they worry so much about aesthetics, but look atrocious and can't even comb their hair properly.
No. 694277
File: 1537638595042.png (122.09 KB, 720x782, 20180922_184935.png)

No. 694293
File: 1537640509006.jpg (76.06 KB, 540x960, 42373615_2143985889197594_3473…)

No. 694338
File: 1537646834333.jpg (679.75 KB, 1080x1677, 20180922_140546.jpg)

No. 694339
File: 1537646893655.jpg (148.39 KB, 1080x470, 20180922_140629.jpg)

No. 694350
>>694277i can reassure you on one thing: if you're the person in this picture
>>694293, then absolutely nothing outside the sumo district in japan will fit you. i weight 56kg and was able to find plenty of clothes my size in japan without problem, mostly medium sizes. if you really can't live without nihonland's magical kaweewee clothes then lose some weight before the trip to at least fit an L size.
i can't tell if she's upset that she's fat or that japanese people are, in general, a lot skinnier than her. if it's the latter then lmao, very reasonable to expect a country you don't even live in to tailor to your body size. obesity is the exception, not the rule.
No. 694356
>>694345Seriously, you can’t be mad at an entire culture for not catering to your body size when the whole country is predominantly skinny. What is this girl expecting? She’s better off buying desserts out there.
>>694277Is the same as
>>689302I don’t understand why she keeps choosing hang out with a bitter 70 year old.
No. 694679
>>694277Maybe she should stop being a piece of shit and cut ties with someone she obviously doesn't like? And older women aren't used to the obesity problem we have now and don't have any insight into "body shaming." They honestly think that you're damaging your health and beauty when you're overweight. They're right too. Just too outright blunt about it.
And she's begging for people to tell her that Japan accommodates a fucking US size 16?!?!?! Is she nuts?! She's going to the country and she doesn't understand they not only don't have insanely high obesity numbers like the UK and US, but are also structurally smaller. Like most confetti morons, they're overwhelmingly delusional and sheltered.
She is right however. Not everyone in Japan is a twig. Many are health weights.
Please tell me that some anons have responded proving the 70 year old ignoramus wrong.
No. 694721
>>694655>>694468Actually, I do! Its baffling to see her on here and it really does explain a lot.
-She's always looking on "Kawaii XDDD" websites in class. She's at a private art school right now, and looking at previous threads?? I seriously still have no fucking clue what she's majoring in.
-ALWAYS trying to talk over people
-Ass kisser.
-Terrible at her craft, wears kawaii!!!!11 white to our figure classes and complains about the heat
-Cannot do makeup or her hair to save her life. She looks the same every day
-Dorm is as messy as that one picture!!
-Forces the kawaiiuuu wuwuuw shit into all of her art and refuses to put her pieces up for critique.
She's just wasting so much money, she spergs about pusheen and wore a pusheen poncho into class and had the nerve to attempt to tell me how to dress myself.
TLDR: i don't know how shes in art school, she acts like she has some form of tardation, and fakes her personality
No. 694817
File: 1537691820082.png (519.82 KB, 662x947, 20180923_091006.png)

No. 694840
File: 1537695707646.jpg (60.19 KB, 355x583, 20180724222658.jpg)

>>694277 plenty of clothing stores that carry this girl's size… in Ryogoku, that is
No. 694895
File: 1537707088223.jpeg (297.62 KB, 750x893, 64A4C423-1627-472E-B378-99F544…)

Didn’t she JUST say in a different thread that her eating was fine? Now here she’s talking about eating $40 worth of junk????? I’m livid
No. 694901
>>694895lol and yet she said here
>>689302that she only eats ice cream and cake occasionally and 90% of the time is super healthy, right.
no one that size eats healthy 90% of the time everyday
they do however eat 40-50$ of lollipops 90% of the time everyday
No. 695022
>>694903I was just gonna say…
Maybe she thinks she’ll get a cab or something the whole time….but jfc just walking up a road gets you out of breath? Your not going to make it in Japan. Plus there aren’t many places to even sit down outside because tokyo has almost no benches. This whale gonna be sitting on the sidewalk ground heavy breathing.
No. 695032
File: 1537718888484.jpg (54.17 KB, 504x511, qwedda.JPG)

she has autism.
well.. good for her.
No. 695234
>>694895WOW how the hell do you eat $40 worth of junk food? thats like 20 bags of potato chips. thats…160 servings and 25,600 calories…… there isnt enough sadness or weed in the world to make a normal person eat that much. she must be exaggerating, right?!
also, if dancing makes her so happy (and i cant imagine that she can go out dancing but cant walk to the corner store), why did she spend it all on junk food? jfc this womanchild
No. 695239
File: 1537731646445.jpeg (32.55 KB, 360x433, C3D5B71E-69DE-4037-A9AB-79AA9E…)

>>694895oh anon, you forgot the best part. attached image for this post….
No. 695249
>>694277lmao stop hanging round with this old woman if she's so mean
>>694895what's the money that her best friend was like 80
No. 695333
File: 1537739538561.png (99.97 KB, 491x349, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 2.51…)

No. 695348
>>694277>>694293Stupid fatasses need to understand that people in Japan arent twigs, they are just smaller/more petite in general. Even chubbier people in japan dont handle a candle to what someone considers chubby in the west.
It's hilarious to watch them cry and demand Japan caters to obesity though.
No. 695353
>>694895I always found it ironic that fat people can never spell 'lose' and use 'loose.'
>i wanna lose weight but binged on $40 worth of junk foodjfc
No. 695367
File: 1537742094554.jpg (117.83 KB, 322x425, fattychan.jpg)

ofc she's autistic
No. 695424
File: 1537746067864.jpg (27.97 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1537746059839.jpg)

No. 695620
>>695529Hoooooly shit no one cares.
Im never going to get my time back.
No. 695708
>>694895This whole flip-flopping and lying about habits thing is pretty common with people who are really overweight and feel guilty or ashamed by their habits. I had a friend who was well over 300 lbs and she would insist all the time that she hardly ate, that she worked out all the time etc. but it was more than obvious that it wasn't true.
She needs to go talk to a therapist about these problems instead of asking randos on Facebook to pat her ass.
No. 695950
File: 1537808936510.png (134.4 KB, 720x921, 20180924_180836.png)

And she's back to bragging about looking like a child
No. 695973
File: 1537810529800.jpg (18.31 KB, 480x652, 40868956_938084899731232_81118…)

>>695950Her idol is Nicki Minaj, I guess she wants her big bloated fake ass, then? Jk, she wants to keep her loli body, but she's going to have to do something about her boobs. She's always hiding her chest as they don't fit her loli aesthetic.
No. 695980
>>695973>>695950she doesnt have a shild like body wtf is she getting on with? so because you have no hips thats makes you childlike? what when how?
also she gotta let them boobs free they must be suffocating being pushed in like that, poor things
No. 696152
File: 1537827264426.jpg (64.27 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1537827261757.jpg)

No. 696781
File: 1537912118875.jpg (86.91 KB, 720x900, fupa.jpg)

that fupa
No. 696963
File: 1537925923314.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1658, CD70C55B-EE62-4178-A7DF-5DE6EC…)

No. 696966
File: 1537926050542.jpeg (656.03 KB, 1242x1102, DA0A2A03-8B1C-4F48-86B9-041B5D…)

No. 697352
File: 1537969258637.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.62 KB, 720x960, Yellow nails.jpg)

These nails look like my 80 year old, smoking aunt's. She never paints them but she grows them long on purpose and they also smell like urine. This picture was the ultimate cringe for me and Idk how anyone commented positive anything.YUCK
No. 697862
File: 1538005762371.jpg (110.52 KB, 720x960, munchieaf.jpg)

what is it with these retards and their munchie accessories
No. 697878
File: 1538006519198.jpg (326.14 KB, 517x595, gofuckme.jpg)

>>697862 she has a go fuck me
No. 697887
>>697878Why are they always begging for handouts? Why are they always 'trans disabled queers' ?? Why any of this?
It's embarrassing.
No. 697902
>>697891Maybe it's different in the States, but up here, you can make up to a certain amount a month on disability that's non-deductible off your cheque. Definitely not $2500… but considering she's only gotten $35 in a month, I don't think that's gonna be a problem.
Still. I imagine any money they make they don't claim. So I guess your point still stands.
No. 698016
File: 1538016657860.png (777.8 KB, 868x580, Untitled.png)

eyebrow cringe
No. 698782
File: 1538082128243.png (88.64 KB, 720x512, 20180927_220131.png)

Oh no did this poor pastel bby order a pink microwave from Britain like her idol?
No. 698819
File: 1538085521773.jpg (54.26 KB, 688x960, FB_IMG_1538085520401.jpg)

No. 698873
>>698016those tags tho … #lesbianfashion #lesbianstyle
don't try and drag lesbians down into your pastel swamp, pink kappa
No. 699206
File: 1538114527044.png (1016.62 KB, 1836x686, gloria.png)

Gloria (same girl as
>>695333 and
>>695529 ) freaked out on the main CC group, admins had to make a post about it. Hopefully she's still in CC clinic and makes a post complaining about it.
No. 699208
File: 1538114604049.png (185.1 KB, 501x527, 34234.png)

>>699206& heres the admin post that it caused so those who arent in the group can see
No. 699347
>>699206"I'm not interested in knowing about your day. I have work in 9 hours and I'm done here"
"so you're a selfish brat"
holy shit
No. 699380
>>699373I think a lot of them might be non-diagnosed and that both the self-diagnosis and """fashion""" are for attention and snowflake status.
I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria wasn't actually autistic and just using it as an excuse to be a bitch, because she's referencing specific symptoms to excuse her behaviour ("autists can't identify when you make fun of them" ; yet she's doing the opposite and assuming a friendly comment is mocking ?).
Another explanation, if most are actually diagnosed, is that the group accepts inappropriate social behaviour, over-sharing, lack of self-awareness and other things autists or people with learning disabilities might do/have, so they don't get shamed out of the group when they act weird.
No. 699470
File: 1538152724745.jpg (105.68 KB, 508x182, wot.jpg)

what does this even mean
No. 699894
File: 1538182734532.png (607.38 KB, 720x1135, 20180929_015851.png)

No. 700289
File: 1538243195543.jpg (53.17 KB, 719x1280, FB_IMG_1538243158148.jpg)

Imagine feeling compelled to take credit for this shitty photo and editing
No. 701375
File: 1538354289010.png (518.29 KB, 500x863, 769879879798.PNG)

only in the confetti club would someone mistake lisa frank for anne frank
No. 702037
File: 1538435462635.gif (906.81 KB, 300x262, natural rhythm.gif)

>>702001wew look at her go
I was beginning to think she didn't make videos that don't clock in at under 15 minutes
No. 702345
File: 1538466169439.png (313.5 KB, 720x1118, 20181002_084235.png)

An update
No. 702452
File: 1538484382493.jpg (8.79 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr_20181002133334706.jpg)

Gloria is a proud recipient of New Zealand's tugboat.
>Gloria can't work bc autism.
>Gloria cannot work bc she cannot talk to people verbally yet Gloria has 3 self proclaimed jobs: uchoob insta & depop.
At least one of the three jobs she listed is solely based around talking to/at fucking people.
Gloria doesn't want to work unless she can become famous instantly without any actual work being involved. Fucking snowflakes smh.
No. 702463
File: 1538486213937.jpg (28.09 KB, 600x450, Sailorfat.jpg)

>>702452that pic reminded me of pic related, she was featured on ED once but her page has dissapeared and now the image is only being used on the cosplay page.
Anyone know who she is? I wanna know what she's up to now.
No. 702592
File: 1538498604000.jpg (663.43 KB, 1080x2220, 20181002_124104.jpg)

>>702576She has her own fb group called head wraps and hugs. The name calling was deleted because shes admin but heres a screen cap of her group and some of her posts. I hope I'm doing this right? I've never shared pics
No. 702594
File: 1538498651982.jpg (877.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181002-123946_Fac…)

Heres a screencap of another of her posts
No. 702596
File: 1538498707859.jpg (514.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181002-124231_Fac…)

Proof shes Admin
No. 702732
File: 1538509184026.jpg (3 MB, 5312x2988, 20181002_143357.jpg)

>>694418back again, were in a demo, and she literally smells like spoiled milk. It's making me sick.
No. 703316
File: 1538586173705.jpg (575.45 KB, 1062x1841, Screenshot_20181003-125325_Bra…)

I guess this is a party kei etsy seller. Funny that Jill never profited much off her own made up style.
No. 703953
>>702506What exactly IS the head wrapping community? Like why is it such a thing that there's a whole community for it? What is the head wrapping done for?
Not attacking just curious because i really don't know
No. 704270
File: 1538680104524.jpg (48.75 KB, 720x825, FB_IMG_1538680107842.jpg)

No. 704336
File: 1538687540188.png (101.94 KB, 720x741, 20181004_221145.png)

Who calls themselves vinyl jfc
No. 704395
File: 1538692943342.png (29.91 KB, 498x312, Capture.PNG)

Ageplay girl that thinks she looks like a child might drop out of college (isn't it sad that "ageplay girl" can apply to more than one person in this group?)
No. 704397
File: 1538693029291.png (11.2 KB, 420x99, Capture.PNG)

>>704395And everyone's favorite creep is in the comments. I guess it's confirmed that he did indeed go to work at Walmart dressed like a toddler.
No. 704406
>>704395That post seems vaguely suicidal
>leave permanentlyYou should report it to admin. Incidentally, are you using a browser extension to make it pirate-themed?
No. 704454
>>704395Well college isn't for everyone, especially kawaii delicate lil uguu fairy princesses
maybe she should start a patreon like her idol pixie
No. 704462
>>704336>film schoolwhy does everyone in the cuntfetti club seek useless degrees when they dont have the creativity or talent to utilize?
>wanting to exploit rape victims for craft collegekek
No. 704485
>>704458>wouldn't it make sense to just try another program that suits her skills better?What skills, tho? Like all this chick does from what we've seen is talk about how some random person totally walked up to her and thought she was a preteen (doubt), or how she's sooo smol and fragile, uwu. There a degree for lookin' like a smol preteen?
>>704399She has an obsession, in general, with looking as underage as possible. It's why she squashes her boobs in on a regular basis as she thinks it will make her look like an underage girl.
No. 705061
File: 1538778226046.png (141.49 KB, 720x996, 20181005_232151.png)

Anyone catch the drama around this?
No. 705064
>>705061no idea.
now u need to wait til posts are approved tho.
No. 705753
File: 1538885002804.jpeg (255.43 KB, 750x998, 29496436-1158-438E-9855-EEF32B…)

No. 705755
File: 1538885030716.jpeg (313.74 KB, 750x835, DC55B852-3F44-4621-B98E-5D888C…)

No. 705756
File: 1538885063563.jpeg (173.18 KB, 750x604, A264D5D7-B417-4D35-9682-C56A6E…)

No. 705757
File: 1538885086274.jpeg (154.87 KB, 750x432, DF05DCAD-9954-4035-9C04-4F9F17…)

No. 705794
File: 1538894054570.jpeg (553.05 KB, 1242x1886, 19794487-6B0C-4F95-B3DA-54C7C6…)

This one is a untruthful and nasty munchie, just wait anons
No. 706270
File: 1538954506721.png (351 KB, 720x988, 20181008_002126.png)

Another day, another go fuck me
No. 706273
>>706270everything is a priority to them. everything. they're so disconnected from the real world that they don't even consider FOR A SECOND that top surgery when you're """uber broke""" is something you could postpone until essentials (food, water, bills, etc.) are covered for good. no, top surgery is more important than paying bills or getting food on the table, i guess.
they're ALWAYS broke. they're ALWAYS trans queerplatonix black afrolatinx disabled magically unable to work folk who just NEEEEEEEEED the money for non-essentials. and you always have to donate to them specifically because of how opressed and marginalized they are, which is why they wear their sexuality/gender identity like a bracelet. these people are a fucking disgrace to the actual black, queer and trans folk who had to fight for their rights to work and exist as everybody else, instead of sitting on their whiney little asses on tumblr dot com and the cuntfetti club begging for money.
No. 706455
>>706312It should be up to the medical professionals to refuse irreversible cosmetic surgery (like top surgery) to under 21s. Or people who obviously aren't mentally able to decide, like everyone in the confetti club.
The fact that it's all on the patient is crazy. The average person knows nothing about the human body, health and hormones and it shouldn't be up to them to decide to undergo these treatments.
Trans stuff is akin to a hyperchondriac turning up and insisting they're ill, and here are the surgeries I'd like performed.
No. 706481
File: 1538976130953.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1597, 1A62FA74-450A-4F1D-BEF3-8906C2…)

When you don‘t have a boytoy to kawaii-ify so you use your brother. Because, you know, skinwalking.
No. 706875
>>705753>i'm non binary
>sometimes i wanna be more masculine, some days more femineSo, like everyone on the planet? Gotcha.
These stupid weebs make mountains out of molehills. It's so sad to see so many genderfluid special snowflakes complaining when their issues arent an issue at all.
No. 707082
>>706305I am non-American cisscum, but wouldn't it make sense to get an estimate? Then you'd know how much you'd need to save.
To jump right to begging is y i k e s tho.
No. 707244
File: 1539064846875.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1760, D4D7DA29-5C74-4193-B8EE-7750C7…)

No. 707977
File: 1539120551818.png (60.11 KB, 720x438, 20181009_222839.png)

No. 708199
File: 1539129401165.jpg (550.61 KB, 1280x1968, DIG062493_1._SX1280_QL80_TTD_.…)

>>707244>>707950Here is black Canary fo anyone wondering what the source of the cosplay looks like
No. 708207
File: 1539129707968.png (431.69 KB, 336x595, Capture.PNG)

No. 708213
File: 1539129832672.png (48.64 KB, 430x563, Capture.PNG)

>>708207Girl brings kink backpack to school, someone comments calling itt "weird ddlg shit," girl doesn't automatically seem repulsed at the idea of someone thinking she's into ddlg, mod gives original guy a warning.
No. 708440
File: 1539138613048.jpeg (291 KB, 750x962, 19B0632B-63B1-4DF8-A340-7C3310…)

If this is true why would you contact him? Why are you still friends?
No. 708469
>>708440Far be it from me to govern what others find traumatic, but this doesn't sound like assault to me, just the typical weird confusing sex stuff that happens in your teens. It's understandable if she feels guilt or shame in not being more firm and assertive regarding her body and sexuality, I'm sure we all do. However, it sounds more like it's a her problem than anything he really did to her. If she wants to talk it out with the guy privately then I guess that's okay, but the term "confront" has an aggressive connotation.
She should probably go talk to a therapist about it before accusing someone of sexual violence to their face.
No. 708520
>>708469… how is being groped and touched against her will not assault? or harassment, at the very least?
because… it IS. these people are all lazy, entitled, ugly, flaky, histrionic twits but that doesn't really mean anything in this case
harassment or assault doesn't need to be full-on Weinstein etc. to not be okay.
No. 708567
>>708440She said she never said anything to him about it. = her fault.
Dumb teenager boys don’t get it unless you actually say something about not liking it.
She then says after she “walked/pushed away and he stopped” = he finally got it and didn’t continue because he understood she wasn’t into it anymore..or ever.
It’s not like he forced her to continue. This could have stopped a long time ago if she just would have said something. It’d be a bigger deal if he continued to grope her after she said “no”.
No. 708828
File: 1539181551766.jpg (627.11 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20181010-152358_Fac…)

(1/2)What is it with confetti cunts and having to upload multiple images of such mundane shit?
Probably a nitpick but god why do we need to see 4 different images plus a video of this completely unnoteworthy piece of cheap plastic?
No. 708829
File: 1539181777833.jpg (48.15 KB, 579x960, FB_IMG_1539181513210.jpg)

>>708828(2/2) also jesus another pigsty hoarder in the confetti cult imagine my shock
No. 709506
File: 1539220849908.jpeg (274.24 KB, 750x931, 3804BE32-0146-428C-8BD1-93F267…)

“Abuse” girl where? He just wants to dump you for being immature
No. 710081
File: 1539269314219.jpg (327.2 KB, 515x589, jfc.jpg)

so she's gone from i'm not fat my friends are just mean!! to 5 minute work outs to fat acceptance?
No. 710405
File: 1539290505000.png (691.67 KB, 720x1043, 20181011_214118.png)

Fuck off with the made up labels
No. 710406
File: 1539290590721.jpg (65.95 KB, 720x1296, FB_IMG_1539290573094.jpg)

He's still cringey af, but at least he's doing more to pass..still tragic tho
No. 710420
File: 1539291195115.jpg (105.59 KB, 720x888, FB_IMG_1539291178836.jpg)

The combination of patterns is a mess
No. 710540
>>709309If you're ftm trans why the fuck are you doing pinups with your tits on display?
It's a wonder even the Confetti Club doesn't call her out.
No. 710561
File: 1539303105229.png (237.36 KB, 818x570, Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 5.09…)

what is a heteroromantic bisexual?? a straight person who wants to feel included during pride month??
No. 710566
>>710561my bf and i are looking to experiment and have a threesome will u join us?
its okay if youre a girl im heteromantic bisexual (:
No. 710734
>>710405>demipansexualIt's OK to admit no-one wants you. You don't need to hide behind one of the fakest and most desperate labels there is amongst the lgbt hangers-on club.
>>710561And a challenger appears. JFC.
No. 712583
>>709224Which is hilarious give their obsession with reusable versions of straws.
I don't know why people just not take photos of their filthy homes. Is it to show that they are super sad or something?
No. 712891
File: 1539565226063.png (253.02 KB, 720x1040, 20181015_020038.png)

No. 712892
File: 1539565350481.jpg (39.26 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1539565348403.jpg)

>>712891 his shirt says swag kek
No. 712894
File: 1539565363351.jpeg (302.87 KB, 602x783, A0DA9906-AAB4-4D6B-BA25-A5E9DD…)

Not posted in the confetti cult but she is a member. Family portrait
No. 713014
>>712894Cursed image.
Can you imagine being the photographer trying to shoot this? I don't know how they managed to keep a straight face.
No. 713064
File: 1539590485705.png (114.07 KB, 275x274, chrome_2018-10-15_02-56-09.png)

From Newt's insta. She actually could be very pretty if she dropped this fakeboi shit and acted like a normal human being
No. 713503
File: 1539633656710.jpg (82.83 KB, 720x960, 44109318_2218653925084194_7248…)

No. 714103
File: 1539693332849.jpg (53.92 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1539693333435.jpg)

No. 714719
>>714245Feel the same. When im feeling fat, i watch 600lb life or come here.
I got nothing to cry about.
No. 714882
File: 1539769628758.png (406.63 KB, 953x545, Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 8.16…)

>>710081this person is just so odd
No. 714961
>>712954It's a space for retards of any age, anon. Quite a few of them aren't teenagers but like to pretend they are, and that's before we get to the ageplay bitches. And I haven't seen anything suggesting the other members have any problem with it. I imagine he posts there as reinforcement of his self-image and knowing that it is an extremely protected 'safe space'.
But sure, go off.
No. 715202
>>714882Look like Madonna.
Bitch where? You look like a redneck who needs to wash their ratty hair
No. 715596
>>714882thirty. six. cans. of. pop.
also, smoking gives ya cancer but nothing bad could possibly ever happen from slamming down an entire box o donuts.
i just don't understand.
>>710405>demipansexualteh fuck's this even mean? i'm a queerass mf but don't understand any of this. am i just not up on what the hip kids are saying?
like is it pansexual but also demisexual? panromantic? maybe she should just join a convent. then she can be married to jesus but still secretly in love with the other nuns, and never get laid. idk.
>>714103my clearly unpopular opinion: she cute. she's chub and the cosplay is cheap, but she still cute.
No. 715603
File: 1539827469376.jpg (44.64 KB, 596x628, ed7.jpg)

>>714882> a little bit fat> a little bithoney…
No. 715638
File: 1539830098334.jpeg (105.02 KB, 720x960, 11EB290B-D76D-4EBF-9611-9AD8F9…)

Gloria just looks so offputting
No. 715639
File: 1539830129167.jpeg (187.81 KB, 720x960, 82EF0EDC-82F5-4513-AA6C-3D402D…)

Her “fashion” as she calls it
No. 715640
File: 1539830199005.jpeg (81.92 KB, 750x314, 6D903292-ECEE-4BC5-A814-B05AC6…)

A furry who doesn’t know to act around people there’s a shocker
No. 715649
File: 1539831686057.jpg (31.11 KB, 582x388, 1550437150-the-drew-carey-show…)

>>714882She's looks like a less eyeshadowed version of this.
No. 716104
File: 1539884567449.png (628.49 KB, 720x1224, 20181018_184247.png)

A confession page kek
No. 716106
File: 1539884672992.png (816.34 KB, 720x907, 20181018_184445.png)

No. 716424
File: 1539910823776.jpg (89.36 KB, 556x564, 42756357_611471862588770_85671…)

No. 716537
File: 1539918725250.jpeg (270.89 KB, 750x964, 1BE5B84C-8A72-4B19-9584-5017B3…)

No. 716538
File: 1539918749398.jpeg (123.99 KB, 750x360, B79830DA-6D47-4FF6-A78F-E821EC…)

No. 716543
File: 1539918925262.jpeg (138.1 KB, 852x852, 95E7136C-E549-4A8E-B67C-78184C…)

Gloria spam 1/3
No. 716544
File: 1539918947684.jpeg (158.73 KB, 720x960, 14F4298A-CCF3-414B-9B03-DAE297…)

No. 716547
File: 1539919024993.jpeg (187.73 KB, 960x960, 433F9BC9-7C32-4488-8938-88DF07…)

No. 716603
>>716543Is this the clown someone a little earlier compared to whatshertits from the Drew Carrey Show? Mimi?
Cuz damn. She looks pushing 40, which, for the Confetti Cult probably means she's somewhere in her early 20's.
And ALL of these people leave the house looking the way they do thinking they look good.
No. 716606
>>716547why the hell is she posing with her pants pulled down and shirt pulled up? Is she trying to be sexy for some bizarre reason, or is she just showing off her totally rockin' bod?
I'm all for being comfortable in one's own body, but come the fuck on, at least dress to suit your shape. Is there any flattering way to dress when you're shaped like a chicken legged snowman?
No. 716771
File: 1539943475355.png (91.3 KB, 720x570, 20181019_110247.png)

No. 716939
File: 1539965357169.jpg (561.2 KB, 960x1280, 18-10-19-12-02-59-567_deco.jpg)

Sorry for shitty collage in advance, on mobile if that wasn't already obvious
But a few things on this one, does her body looked shopped at the waist to anyone else?
Also, putting together a slideshow on being cute (kek) and professional(???) while working or in school? Seems like those things are contrasting to me.
No. 717179
File: 1539991167754.jpg (43.86 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1539991163474.jpg)

Why do they all live in such filth
No. 717990
File: 1540110557713.jpg (58.19 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1540110299687.jpg)

Why does she constantly clench her jaw
No. 718284
File: 1540152872225.jpeg (173.59 KB, 750x1165, 2E107D46-1DF4-4BC1-ACDB-D30B7E…)

I guess we’re selling traced line play avatars on redbubble now for some reason
No. 718461
File: 1540174092761.jpeg (133.18 KB, 750x693, CD54E02D-26A9-487B-88A2-C73EAE…)

A jump scare ruined her day
No. 718463
File: 1540174215590.jpeg (325.68 KB, 750x1014, 0A3C750C-27D8-49D4-ADCB-A16B18…)

No. 718465
File: 1540174231673.jpeg (243.84 KB, 750x762, 81960783-DF15-4DDD-8A4D-28E43B…)

No. 718470
File: 1540174395091.jpeg (206.24 KB, 960x960, D74CED60-F476-428F-AAE3-81CADA…)

Incoming Gloria dump
No. 718471
File: 1540174410152.jpeg (152.31 KB, 720x960, 6B54C037-6C80-4307-A620-E31585…)

No. 718472
File: 1540174422715.jpeg (49.35 KB, 525x525, DB5900EB-E896-4477-9256-B584AD…)

No. 718474
File: 1540174467575.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.3 KB, 960x960, 96DEAF02-075E-4AF1-B2F7-0D83DA…)

Spoiler for Gloria butt
End dump
No. 719054
>>719016Adult responsibilities is a
trigger I can’t
No. 719504
File: 1540310022834.png (193.11 KB, 720x1130, 20181023_165229.png)

No. 720626
File: 1540436895805.jpeg (118.57 KB, 750x814, D8E23FFD-7011-4955-93C7-AFDAF3…)

Bad experience = ptsd
These people need to stop
No. 720627
File: 1540437114812.jpeg (128 KB, 750x937, 8A9F27C6-9772-4878-B94F-D74A92…)

Eliza is back 1/2
No. 720628
File: 1540437132467.jpeg (85.48 KB, 750x329, A72AA6CE-0000-4F7B-9B44-AED5C4…)

No. 721294
File: 1540511042060.jpg (131.3 KB, 522x436, bitchrly.jpg)

why can't these cunts hold down jobs
No. 721336
File: 1540514591244.png (10.55 KB, 470x96, Capture.PNG)

>>720642A convenient excuse as to why she can't do that
No. 721728
File: 1540580036848.jpg (69.2 KB, 520x179,…)

why is everything 'toxic' to these people
No. 721946
>>720626This is NOT the kind of thing you ask Facebook about!!!! Why do I have a suspicion that she will never go to a doctor but will self-diagnose based on Confetti Club comments just pleeeaase don’t honey.
Sometimes I think about joining this group to try to help people like this but I feel like comments like mine will probably get me booted for not being understanding or something stupid.
No. 722361
File: 1540663820003.jpg (78.79 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1540663834334.jpg)

No. 722848
File: 1540749330715.png (503.76 KB, 720x1041, 20181028_175352.png)

Why are the most basic of tasks such great triumphs for these retards? Congrats u wore a wig uwu well done so proud of u!!
No. 723069
File: 1540770629031.png (42.23 KB, 720x244, 20181028_235035.png)

Eliza commented on Jill's bpd post on Facebook
No. 723348
File: 1540823905457.jpg (52.85 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1540819023625.jpg)

This is becoming overweight individual with poor fashion taste living in filth
No. 723442
File: 1540838300905.jpg (71.94 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1540838312286.jpg)

So unfortunate looking
No. 724016
File: 1540932401459.jpeg (205.96 KB, 750x1156, 8B0348AC-D28C-4953-BBDA-17A3A3…)

She and Mickey match in tacky outfits
No. 724148
>>724070yes, and it seems like a natural progression. The only people sticking around now are ok with stuff like '
trigger warning: etsy' and being completely fucking useless at even basic stuff. After their original meltdown and then the hardcore safe space bullshit, only literal tards would have any capacity or interest to be in it now.
No. 724507
File: 1541013387868.jpeg (183.24 KB, 640x748, 5B6B9427-DFE5-45FA-8F40-53F6C1…)

I hope they do, just so it’s easier to avoid them.
No. 724617
File: 1541029277669.png (478.56 KB, 456x566, Capture.PNG)

Hoo-wee. Why do they all type like morons?
No. 724878
File: 1541080325600.jpg (57.29 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1541080328891.jpg)

Cursed proportions
No. 724889
>>724876lmao me too
>>724878I really do not understand how people can look like this like is it caused by some kind of chromosomal abnormality? does she ever worry about snapping in half like a twig?
No. 725006
File: 1541102435956.jpeg (108.91 KB, 750x485, 8D72049B-DFCA-45C3-AB70-E65730…)

Can’t these girls just google cute images or something?
No. 725123
>>724894Was just thinking the same thing
>>725006That's called life?? You get over it or get a better job by going to school, working hard, etc.
My gods, how much do you wanna bet these people have mundane lives with nothing else to do but complain?
No. 725124
File: 1541118212513.png (161.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181030-185304.png)

To be fair, the majority of them are truly fucked in the head.. Gloooooria is clearly a psychopath, closely followed by this sperg… referenced as attached 1/2
No. 725277
File: 1541149441870.jpeg (125.75 KB, 720x960, 15251465-7399-4DF0-AF63-2F3E52…)

Old Gloria, semi passable
No. 725598
File: 1541201596604.png (129.84 KB, 719x887, 20181102_233323.png)

I'm being abused because my mum won't let me buy lazy oaf!!!!
No. 726076
File: 1541278251238.png (421.23 KB, 720x1132, 20181103_205116.png)

That didn't happen
No. 726828
File: 1541390834471.jpeg (174.26 KB, 750x835, A93BDEE1-1046-4E5F-9964-BE24B3…)

Eliza is now a they/them
No. 727091
>>724878Images that you think were photoshopped but weren't.
How does your body gain weight in this way? What am I looking at?
No. 727462
File: 1541511148335.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181106-143202.png)

what the FUCK are those shoes
No. 727690
>>726561Your post isn't a question, and
>Then everyone on the bus clapped!tier lying on the internet stories will always be funny.
Sorry you got posted.
No. 727693
File: 1541540176820.jpg (39.88 KB, 562x750, FB_IMG_1541540150059.jpg)

I can't believe there are middle aged people in the group imagine being a weeb all of your life
No. 727694
File: 1541540340022.jpg (51.43 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1541540385411.jpg)

No. 727695
File: 1541540425308.jpg (45.09 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1541540434801.jpg)

Can you even be part if the cult if you don't take filthy mirror selfies?
No. 728914
File: 1541717797135.jpg (108.54 KB, 721x960, FB_IMG_1541717805667.jpg)

That moustache
No. 728943
>>727506Agreed. If she has any hope, she'd leave the group never to return. Despite the shoes being outdated and the ears being weeby, the whole thing is passable. I mean wearing cat years as a head band isn't exactly the same as the autistic messes we see floating around. The sweater and skirt pairing are actually cute and she's able to create a waist despite her size.
>I'm getting into this pastel worldGirl stay in blushes and neutrals if you lurk here. Even skinny girls look like garbage in pastel puke or rainbows, fat girls have no chance. Dead on Arrival.
No. 729717
>>729704She asked for people's opinions but when she didn't get what she wanted, she got rude. typical.
That song/video are trash
No. 730045
File: 1541870093661.jpg (160.07 KB, 511x451, Untitled-12.jpg)

No. 730048
File: 1541870274407.jpg (163.53 KB, 514x412, nb.jpg)

…so she goes to a psych ward and comes out nb? are we sure she didn't go to some hippy retreat and just called it a psych ward?
No. 730050
File: 1541870409175.jpg (46.54 KB, 750x750, 45664025_1985741405057429_3466…)

>>730048 she looks like every tumblr nb attention seeking twat out there
No. 730286
>>730047Cultivating hug boxes like this is how you end up with a community full of pedos, speds, and rapists.
>>730050She looks like Poot
No. 730356
>>730250I think it's pretty easy nowadays, I know Tumblr used to have guides on how to get hormones for ~*non-dysphoric transfolk*~, I image you just have to tell the doc that you hate your tits and want to be a slutty yaoi boy and they'll give you some hormones.
>>729704Did anyone recommend her any actual J-pop bands, like at least AKB48?
No. 730535
File: 1541959788896.jpg (50.74 KB, 720x849, FB_IMG_1541959585202.jpg)

This girl isn't quite a land whale but jfc what a meaty fupa
No. 731003
File: 1542049155893.jpeg (211.77 KB, 750x598, AB0262C9-DB8D-4907-AD3A-56EF8E…)

Figure this would be better here than in jills thread. Becki (Jillian’s “con mom”) is begging for money on Facebook, again. I’m surprised more people don’t talk about her tbh, from begging for money routinely for luxrury items to asking people to come visit her so they can clean her house. She’s a god damn mess.
No. 731125
>>731003I got a PS4 Slim for under $210 last year on black friday/cyber monday, so i dunno where this bitch is buying.
Also, begging people for money when you can SAVE IT YOURSELF by working two jobs for a luxury item is trash.
No. 731145
File: 1542064382037.png (427.17 KB, 750x783, image0.png)

>>731125It might be because of the canadian prices. Unless you're also Canadian. She also claims in her gofundme that she works two jobs.
But throwback to the last time she managed to e-beg money around the same time as well. Peep that disgusting pringles can just chilling as decoration in her home. No. 731154
>>731003Becki, be an adult, put it on your credit card and be in debt like the rest of us.
>>731145If having 2 jobs isn't enough to be able to save money, why doesn't she try to get a better job? This women is in her thirties and can't figure out how to survive without begging strangers and facebook friends online.
No. 731543
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No. 731715
File: 1542146959513.png (23.59 KB, 448x277, Capture.PNG)

No. 731728
>>731003You want a non-essential item you can't afford to pay in one lump sum so you borrow money from strangers and then promise to pay them back.
A credit card. What you want is a credit card.
No. 732818
File: 1542324222715.jpeg (55.17 KB, 750x239, 05BE7E05-D34A-4014-BB1B-2C6FB0…)

No. 732820
File: 1542324256880.jpeg (174.41 KB, 750x647, 7D179C5C-1082-42B7-A7E5-847D23…)

No. 732861
File: 1542326836619.jpg (199.09 KB, 493x479, gab.jpg)

isn't this the same girl that just took an authorised holiday? the same girl who let a room to a banned customer?
No. 732937
>>664518I got banned for being critical of someones makeup
Its been a good run guys
No. 733236
File: 1542384291513.jpg (335.45 KB, 492x1146, Untitled-20.jpg)

can't prove she has eds? this sounds like shes self diagnosed her joint pain as eds when actually she's just fat kek
No. 733270
>>732861>I'm suffering from severe depression right now>right nowYeah, that's totally how it works.
>>733236>My friend died on campus so they should just let me cut class whenever I wantWhat?
Also, how does one get diagnosed with an illness they can't prove they have in the first place?
No. 733321
File: 1542395982560.jpeg (269.09 KB, 750x1189, 1F9D5FB9-EB58-47E0-A40C-ECDA75…)

No. 733325
File: 1542396148685.jpeg (256.94 KB, 750x947, BF2B3F66-6EA3-4C0D-ADBB-A55DFB…)

No. 733330
File: 1542396455678.png (145.19 KB, 720x1026, 20181116_192740.png)

'As a wiccan'
No. 733341
>>733238it was fine for a while, until it really started getting picked up by munchies and people who use it to end arguments.
now it's shit and associated with such.
No. 733554
File: 1542432172929.jpeg (51.42 KB, 664x750, 20F80EEB-3697-415F-8917-3177C9…)

>>733330it doesn’t look like she really photoshopped any scars out…….
No. 734378
File: 1542577634698.jpg (48.59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1542577599607.jpg)

No. 734403
>>733236My guess is that she self-diagnosed herself with EDS. When she went to her university's disability center to talk about accommodations, she cried about her sooper severe ~EDS uwu~ but since she doesn't have an official diagnosis from a doctor, they can't help her.
I know not every university is the same, but I found the disability center at my school to be very accommodating and professors are very understanding as long as you're communicative. She's probably just upset because she expected to get a free pass to do whatever the fuck she wanted because she claims she has an illness (with no medical documentation to back it up.)
No. 734749
File: 1542643688655.jpg (58.31 KB, 565x106, sof.jpg)

it's been a while since sofia has been posted, but here's a kinda update? so she created a go fuck me because totes so poor and must leave home immediately…but now she's almost dropping 500 bucks on concert tickets? She calmed down for a while after being cowtipped but now she's back on her bs
No. 734750
File: 1542643818162.jpg (87.45 KB, 589x133, sof2.jpg)

>>734749 it looks like she did actually go to college (possibly the same one as jill?)
No. 734752
File: 1542643967341.jpg (54.78 KB, 579x116, sof3.jpg)

>>734749 she's a girl dating a girl (fake boi) but is totes so oppressed so quirky
No. 734756
File: 1542644337664.jpg (91.07 KB, 583x177, sof4.jpg)

>>734755 dropped my pic oops
No. 734757
File: 1542644435453.jpg (75.01 KB, 598x118, sof5.jpg)

>>734749 sorry for my sperg but this girl is still a cow. Ace with a high sex drive? uh huh thats totes how it works.
No. 735038
>>734937Is she trying to sound like Alexa Poletti? Alexa has a naturally high/cute voice that this girl seems to be trying to mimic.
Also my inner weeb cringed at her calling the moogle a "cat"
No. 735273
File: 1542731518033.jpeg (347.51 KB, 1178x1698, 991D6D4A-D1E0-444F-8B5A-E1BDEA…)

Claudia yo cameltoe, though
No. 735424
File: 1542745027488.jpg (46.42 KB, 493x138, Untitled-13.jpg)

potential drama?
No. 735801
File: 1542816467748.png (62.68 KB, 720x426, 20181121_160716.png)

Here we go
No. 736418
File: 1542919202206.jpg (153.1 KB, 511x261, Untitled-17.jpg)

you changed your gender like a week ago shut up
No. 737033
File: 1543021412301.png (540.95 KB, 450x873, Capture.PNG)

>it just fit my wrist
No. 737341
File: 1543084314035.jpeg (124.58 KB, 750x421, 7FF3F950-DF03-4241-97E0-B5E2F3…)

Some people didn’t like my hair it’s the end of the world!
No. 737845
File: 1543137415280.png (600.63 KB, 680x1099, 20181125_091548.png)

The fuck
No. 737897
File: 1543147922225.png (79.95 KB, 720x601, 20181125_121023.png)

No. 738009
File: 1543166142905.jpg (34.48 KB, 720x703, FB_IMG_1543166067573.jpg)

…wearing pronoun badges at work??
No. 738317
File: 1543207130564.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, B13661E5-3D5E-4AEB-8CD2-610F55…)

>>737897You forgot the best part. Her profile picture
No. 738319
File: 1543207256991.jpeg (160.63 KB, 960x959, A58A1DCA-2F1F-405C-83A2-67A3FB…)

No. 738561
File: 1543258438531.png (649.08 KB, 720x1012, 20181126_185145.png)

No. 738619
>>738561thin-lipped white girls in these ugly pastel wigs
trigger me.
No. 738727
>>738009fucking pathetic.
>>738334It really is so dumb. You're at work. if a customer 'misgenders' you, what will you do? yell at them? Have fun getting fired. customers dont give a shit half the time. they want their stuff for cheap and to get the fuck out.
No. 739878
File: 1543428913139.jpg (324.58 KB, 1080x1267, 20181128_111402.jpg)

No. 739882
File: 1543429114713.jpg (505.71 KB, 507x554, Untitled-19.jpg)

why can't any of them keep jobs?
No. 739912
>>739893of course she was doing her job; she
said so, didn't she?
how could you doubt one of these paragons of honesty, motivation and reason?
No. 739993
File: 1543438383769.jpg (68.73 KB, 494x152, Untitled-41.jpg)

No. 740033
File: 1543441628861.jpeg (876.87 KB, 1229x1891, 1FC4462F-D8D6-4131-8F4A-426A8A…)

What the fuck is wrong with her tongue, has she never brushed her teeth?
No. 740079
>>739993the confetti club is a mess in general but in particular, I just don't know how Eliza makes it through day to day life
shit, at least Gloria has fashion and modern dance
No. 740757
File: 1543527287828.png (416.14 KB, 720x1025, 20181129_213411.png)

>demi boy
No. 740804
>>740757former tumblrfag here. it's a (made-up) gender which basically translates to "i want to be percieved as a boy, even though i'm not dysphoric enough for T, while also being percieved as something else". it's the most solid crutch special snowflake cis girls use to feel speshul.
it's not the most retarded variation of transgenderism tho. i used to follow an autistic girl on tumblr that identified as "magigigirl". i can't even explain what it is because when i google it i get no results on it. i think she made it up herself to feel extra speshul. jfc i used to tolerate this bullcrap.
No. 740812
>>739882"i feel feminine on some days and masculine on others".
i'm sick and tried of fakebois throwing this around because it really reveals how stupid they are and how much critical thinking they lack. first of all, this isn't a trans-exclusive thing and you're not fucking special, CIS PEOPLE EXPERIENCE THIS, IT'S -NORMAL-. i'm a cis girl with a p*ssy, sometimes i like feminine clothes over masculine clothes, sometimes it's the opposite, it depends on your general mood and energy. just because i wear a hoodie and get a dyke haircut doesn't fucking mean i'm a boy now, i'm still a girl with "masculine" clothes. i can still wear clothes that don't """align""" with my gender and it doesn't mean i want to change my pronouns and my name and obliterate my genitals. also, what the fuck are butch lesbians then? are they "secretly men" because they're women and they don't dress feminine? according to your tumblr logic, they are i guess!!!
they're so retarded and consumed by tumblr logic they can't fathom that not wanting to be 100% feminine all the time always doesn't mean they're trans. being trans goes beyond that. i'd be really fucking offended if i were a trans person who has to deal with so much bullshit on a day-to-day basis and one day i saw these attention-starved autists who want to be opressed claiming to be trans on the grounds that they don't feel comfortable in feminine clothing. bitch just wear a hoodie and leave your tits and your pussy alone. sage for sperg rant.
No. 741122
>>740033I used to have these tongue issues. The part on the left becomes inflamed (I got it across the whole thing) by flavorings and preservatives and stuff. Probably why I mainly eat mild food now and don't get any reactions. It's like the tastebuds are parting and swelling in reaction to the chemicals.
I wouldn't take a selfie with my tongue out after that happened though. Just confetti club things.
No. 742589
File: 1543785942770.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1676, 20181202_212442.png)

No. 742756
>>735133I know this is old, but GOD I don’t think I’ve ever heard whinier voices in my life. Combined with their sore losing rant, I couldn’t even finish the vlog.
And as other anon said, Lindsey’s skinwalking is hitting unsettling levels.
No. 743631
File: 1543947715881.png (252.28 KB, 448x581, Capture.PNG)

"I know last time I posted one of these keychains I was informed that they were made of real fur and was made aware of the animal abuse that goes into making them, and I claimed that I wouldn't buy them again, but I couldn't help myself because I just absolutely needed this tacky keychain and financially supporting animal abuse is just so ~aesthetic~, pls no bully uwu"
No. 743638
>>743631I hope I don’t sound too PETA here but I don’t understand why she’d buy a keyring of a cute bunny when it’s made from real fur. Surely you wouldn’t buy something with that design if you didn’t like animals, but you also wouldn’t buy something made from real fur if you
did like animals?
No. 743645
>>743631That's just such an unfortunate colour combination and you can actually buy keyrings similar to this which are not made of real fur.
It's just tacky.
No. 744819
File: 1544125102891.png (395.01 KB, 452x518, Capture.PNG)

Same person that bought and posted the rabbit keychains. Is this a literal child? Because they've got the 12-year-old attention seeking down pat.
No. 745011
File: 1544149688639.jpeg (181.15 KB, 750x998, 4C7B7F40-97DE-4DEF-8EAD-48B5C6…)

Two for one. One girl is sad boo hoo. And Eliza doesn’t want to go into a room to fetch something. How do they even function?
No. 745012
File: 1544149818924.jpeg (191.06 KB, 750x1043, A9E5525F-76E0-484D-92D6-212C02…)

Worries more about alachol than her own family.
No. 745260
>>743631A .10 second ebay search comes back with a plethora of knockoffs that look exactly the same, are made with faux fur, and are only $5.
The real fur ones are the same price as a lot of the fake fur knockoffs. Stupid me for thinking any of these people would spend more than $10 on literally anything.
I hugged my bunny after reading this No. 747481
File: 1544543821829.png (270.88 KB, 632x603, gross.png)

not from the fb group but pixie retweeted it on her twitter.
the haircut makes her face look like an egg, holy crap
No. 747556
File: 1544555130508.jpg (616.98 KB, 1076x1523, Screenshot_20181211-190407.jpg)

You begged to go you attention seeking brat
No. 747641
File: 1544565015573.jpg (63.08 KB, 540x960, 47682919_2009453549143731_3638…)

No. 747675
File: 1544568626380.png (119.69 KB, 1120x995, 1527453183897.png)

>>686788It's tubby custard!
No. 748103
File: 1544638161135.jpg (54.4 KB, 781x960, 47687624_10217856687312656_308…)

No. 748178
File: 1544644401141.jpg (205.75 KB, 499x578, tranny.jpg)

No. 748620
File: 1544722613056.jpg (39.53 KB, 720x960, 48077532_10217862598820440_848…)

No. 748831
File: 1544742397983.jpg (75.31 KB, 768x960, 38200154_1752317318197943_4994…)

>>748472Maybe this is just a particularly good shot of her, but she actually looks like a decent/average model when styled properly. She just butchers herself completely with the tacky attempts at fairy kei and her whole kawaii uguu act.
No. 748832
File: 1544742397994.jpg (75.31 KB, 768x960, 38200154_1752317318197943_4994…)

>>748472Maybe this is just a particularly good shot of her, but she actually looks like a decent/average model when styled properly. She just butchers herself completely with the tacky attempts at fairy kei and her whole kawaii uguu act.
No. 749012
File: 1544771143217.png (357.58 KB, 505x717, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at 11.0…)

how do these people survive? you literally just….put them on….maybe they're asking how to style them…but…FIGURE IT OUT?
No. 750142
File: 1545016336932.png (27.23 KB, 450x286, Capture.PNG)

Looks like the mods are totally cool with cheap rabbit fur being posted and fawned over in their group.
No. 750251
File: 1545063429712.jpg (274.23 KB, 720x908, 20181217_161630.jpg)

No. 750253
File: 1545063496357.jpg (187.81 KB, 720x1035, 20181217_161752.jpg)

I vote Eliza for the next confetti cunt thread picture
No. 750254
File: 1545063700307.jpg (55.98 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1545063669108.jpg)

No. 750259
File: 1545063837882.jpg (45.04 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1545063678212.jpg)

No. 750340
File: 1545075895431.jpg (36 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1545075846225.jpg)

No. 750404
File: 1545086258647.jpeg (637.46 KB, 750x1105, 8C53555A-594E-4278-8D06-F3C41F…)

Anyone know what happened?
No. 750850
File: 1545181767866.jpeg (Spoiler Image,114.83 KB, 750x406, 1BF68D9C-1D50-48BB-835E-1C5457…)

Buy me stuff wah
No. 750851
File: 1545181807173.jpeg (57.61 KB, 750x277, C1A07395-A7F2-4A71-A458-1B8D75…)

Didn’t mean to hit spoiler on last pic my mistake
No. 750861
File: 1545183386155.png (343.07 KB, 497x531, Capture.PNG)

This person's carer needs to reign her in. She posts incoherent babble to the group way too often.
No. 750939
>>750253I looked this place up and the website immediately have me cult vibes, you can just smell the christianity based psuedo-science. Further digging confirmed that this is the case. As far as I could gather the founder is a pastor parading as a doctor.
Seems really weird that a confetti club member would be looking to Jesus to sort out their mental health.
No. 750946
>>750939I find it really weird that Eliza's mother goes along with all this. If I'm not mistaken she's currently at an upscale holistic healing resort outside of Fairbanks.
Somehow I doubt insurance would cover all of her alleged longterm stay there.
No. 751210
File: 1545247458171.png (271.84 KB, 451x758, Capture.PNG)

You guys prepared for the pearl-clutching shitstorm?
No. 751213
File: 1545248014354.png (11.36 KB, 420x94, Capture.PNG)

>>751210Looks like this was the only comment to show up before the post was deleted. Poo.
No. 751229
File: 1545251509689.jpg (413.57 KB, 707x943, 20181219_203057.jpg)

No. 751268
File: 1545257528767.jpg (353.72 KB, 720x1081, 20181219_221122.jpg)

No. 751272
File: 1545257856070.jpg (369.21 KB, 720x1113, 20181219_221701.jpg)

Using her boyf as an accessory just like her hero
No. 751548
File: 1545310154313.jpg (193.92 KB, 720x1016, 20181220_124851.jpg)

No. 751549
File: 1545310704307.jpg (165.07 KB, 715x715, 20181220_125756.jpg)

No. 751570
File: 1545318275811.jpg (53.03 KB, 308x546, article-2525716-1A2C6DEE000005…)

>>751272Haven't heard anything from her in a while
No. 751867
File: 1545359966099.png (409.9 KB, 536x587, Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at 11.0…)

No. 752045
File: 1545401190046.jpg (179.49 KB, 508x422, cc.jpg)

ah yes, dressing like a pastel retard is deffo a cure for mental health problems
No. 752046
File: 1545401500188.jpg (89.25 KB, 892x960, 48380709_2190230494570172_7505…)

No. 752087
File: 1545407740070.jpg (87.7 KB, 768x960, 48380146_10217920559349417_726…)

No. 752267
File: 1545431636215.jpeg (27.02 KB, 275x220, 3F5A1D03-104A-49B8-B81C-DC12B3…)

Anyone from the Pixie thread here to discuss Tracy Xia (Jill’s ex bestie) and her /pol/tardness?
Tracy’s always struck me as the type to think she’s better than other girls because she’s ~Azn uwu~. It’s no surprise she’s now with a Nazi, the alt-right fetishizes the hell out of Asian women.
No. 752278
File: 1545432681715.jpeg (104.43 KB, 779x623, C6292F9B-4639-40CC-9F7B-BD26DC…)

>>752273Her Instagram handle is magical_asian, really gotta milk her asianess when it benefits her, but can talk shit about immigration when her parents migrated from China. In the Pixie thread, someone else said that Tracy volunteered for Faith Goldy, a neo-Nazi Canadian politician.
I’m interested in seeing the pics of her with her boyfriend’s Nazi flags.
>>752274I have no idea, but here it is re uploaded.
No. 752339
File: 1545442555721.jpg (216.66 KB, 2048x1362, 20863631_1527997143917742_1689…)

>>752278>account is now on privateSo does she lurk or what?
She looks average with filters, but actually she's got a wide farmer face and a fridge body kek
No. 752341
>>751867is this walmart
god i fucking love american culture
No. 752372
>>752339So much for master race, kek. I forgot if it was her or Kenzie who were confirmed farmers. It was probably Tracy.
I wonder if her nazi boyfriend is the same guy Jill fucked
No. 752500
>>752452Yeah, I myself am not Asian but I’ve had Asian girl friends go alt-right to appease to nazi men. Once they come out of their high, they realize they were being stupid (sometimes at least). Tracy is known to do whatever makes her popular. If you search keywords in Pixie’s thread and type “Tracy,” you’ll find the posts where her ex friends publicly bash her on Facebook and say that she’s known to use everyone at cons to build a social presence. I guess she’s also known to kiss ass to win cosplay contests if I remember correctly. Tracy has always identified as conservative, wonder if that’s another reason why her and Jill + company dropped her. Though they seemed okay with her beliefs before all the drama happened so.
>>752467Yes, it’s her kek she was relevant in Jill’s life when Jill was 19 maybe even 18 and Tracy looks a bit younger. She was probably 17. Not like the othe other gurlz uwu
No. 752508
File: 1545470040633.png (4.04 MB, 2208x1242, FD8DFF1D-E35E-4306-88D4-DFF57F…)

Rewatching Jill’s Halcon vlog, and Tracy introduced herself like this.. even screamed “OPAI!!” as she grabbed and bounced her boobs (at least that’s what I heard her say). She seems like good milk potential, we need the anon that follows her on Instagram to post screenshots.
No. 752627
File: 1545498226524.jpeg (149.07 KB, 750x1102, 578A17A0-0C10-4138-A276-8CFB65…)

Since IG anon skipped out on posting screen caps, I requested to follow, got accepted and here y’all go.
German ww1 flag.
No. 752630
File: 1545498699751.jpeg (137.39 KB, 750x1092, 7D7D4B56-8D0D-4C51-85D0-CF1800…)

>>752628North Korean flag
No. 752631
File: 1545498733137.jpeg (142.6 KB, 750x1086, 4BD9FB82-938C-4FAC-9774-DB18E0…)

>>752630Stance on gun control
No. 752633
File: 1545498858392.jpeg (195.55 KB, 749x1113, B4D1F558-80C7-4875-A6CB-059AA4…)

>>752632Edgy Muslim post from Tracy
No. 752634
>>752633haha oh my god what the fuck
thanks for getting in this is amazing
No. 752638
>>752627Holy shit anon thank you for doing the lord’s work, this is fucking embarrassing.
Sorry for the incoming blogpost but I used to be involved with this cute girl who ended up becoming a nazi by virtue of her new boyfriend. This girl’s boyfriend also left his nazi flags at her house. What is it with these dudes taking their stupid flags over lol imagine having a relationship so boring that it revolves around white supremacy.
This isn’t even a “difference in political opinion” like Tracy is a full blown /pol/tard now. All of those edgy posts are so unnecessary for her basic bitch captions. No one needs to show off their politics that much. And for what, 5 likes?
Girls like her are so annoying. Literally their whole personality is depdendent on their boyfriend and
his beliefs. I wonder how her cosplay community deals with her
No. 752642
>>752627>>752628>>752630>>752631>>752632>>752633Jfc I could already tell this girl was annoying from that con vlog but now it's glaringly obvious she's one of those sheltered Asian kids with fob parents who is now lashing out due to her trad household and anime influence. I've met so many Asian girls who do this exact thing and constantly talk about boobs as if they're trying to fit in with this idealized white girl narrative they have.
That sounds spergy but I really hope she lurks and feels bad knowing that this is exactly what she's doing. (and I'm actually a big fan of pixie but hate her fans, this chick, and kenzie lmfao I feel that speaks for something).
No. 752806
File: 1545527916056.png (111.89 KB, 721x455, reach.png)

she does needs help tho
No. 752807
File: 1545528114936.png (113.08 KB, 719x532, nukeddd.png)

poster from the pixie thread yesterday, thanks for carrying things on. I'll post a couple more but I don't want to get caught, I need to be there to report her shit when it gets really racist like pic related.
No. 752808
File: 1545528169835.png (307.02 KB, 829x326, hoe.png)

No. 752809
File: 1545528192319.png (614.02 KB, 821x400, wha.png)

No. 752810
File: 1545528258560.png (210.28 KB, 829x398, nuke.png)

>>752808this was today btw, around when removed anon was posting
No. 752817
>>752807>>752808>>752809>>752810This actually fucking disgusting it’s one thing to be Chinese and self-crit/point out the bad parts of your own culture, it’s another to be this completely fucking edgy. How was Jill ever okay with this? Surely this isn’t new.
She doesn’t even live in the U.S lmfao
No. 752825
>>752817Jill has always been fine with other people's
problematic behaviour as long as it doesn't directly affect her.
No. 752848
File: 1545533155053.png (124.46 KB, 615x775, fuckingwhat.PNG)

this was… a trip
No. 752862
>>752848What a loser.
>no quick and painless way to dieShotgun up the mouth is really hard to screw up.
No. 752884
File: 1545536465260.png (522.81 KB, 444x583, kjkgjl.PNG)

No. 752888
File: 1545536600934.png (479.07 KB, 435x545, gjhkg.PNG)

Twenty eight?? and she dresses herself like that?
No. 752892
File: 1545537046831.png (426.78 KB, 444x523, iuhpih.PNG)

No. 752999
>>752972She’s 24.
Maybe I’m a dumb bitch but like….. leave? She’s 24, if parents are upsetting for you then move out.
No. 753587
File: 1545679886491.jpg (54.46 KB, 720x960, 48382776_10216224845587047_343…)

No. 753589
File: 1545679962424.jpg (73.22 KB, 720x960, 48370395_10213803904787539_139…)

that rat tail
No. 753590
File: 1545680033175.jpg (71.17 KB, 720x960, 48408255_10216389399741010_872…)

No. 753719
File: 1545695408887.jpeg (Spoiler Image,18 KB, 718x427, 1DB28374-4D8D-4500-8ACC-F13849…)

>>753590God why do her proportions look so bizarre? The shape of her legs looks… wrong. And the way she just stands there towering above the camera with her blank stare reminds me of the creatures from outlast.
No. 754070
File: 1545791981774.png (29.71 KB, 628x225, justfuckingdojuryduty.PNG)

in today's instalment of 'confetti club clinic members cannot handle adult life', jury duty is bringing about panic attacks.
No. 754155
File: 1545815480884.jpg (424.6 KB, 720x1043, 20181226_090938.jpg)

Half of the group are bragging about how many gifts they got and the other half are complaining about their gifts
No. 754179
>>754163People who complain about the gifts they are given at Christmas are the worst.
Also girl, make some friends … or at least a friend. That shit is sad
No. 754180
>>754163People who complain about the gifts they are given at Christmas are the worst.
Also girl, make some friends … or at least a friend. That shit is sad
No. 754181
>>754163People who complain about the gifts they are given at Christmas are the worst.
Also girl, make some friends … or at least a friend. That shit is sad
No. 754188
>>751210I actually agree with this confetti cunt and I'm black
sage because it's been a week
No. 754265
File: 1545841389068.jpg (344.15 KB, 720x1003, 20181226_121553.jpg)

No. 754289
And CC delivers on the Christmas depression. This time can be difficult for stable, social people so the fragility of cc members would be a trip.
>>754265 This takes the cake. She's talking about privilege while having internet access and being part of a group that focuses on a style of dress to form identity. I'm more impressed by the lack of self-awareness than she is at the lack of privilege. Yes, people often don't understand posting something fun can be interpreted as privilege. Or maybe they do? It doesn't mean you just hide your shit because it hurts a poor person's feelings.
>>752848Maybe I'm nuts but I feel kinda bad for this person. She's obviously mentally ill enough she has a team of medical support, so putting down your kid is fucked up no matter how old they are. I mean, if your kid is fat, just give them some health advice and leave it alone. She could move out, but the mother could also not use her as a punching bag if she's nice enough to allow her to live there. Maybe it just reminds me of Pixyteri, where her mom would enable her to be a woman child but then put her down all hours of the day. Some parents have a sick co dependency issue with their kids and then do nothing but put them down.
No. 754349
>>754289If this were a young person, I'd feel bad for them. They are, however, quite old enough to either get a job and move out, or get on assistance if they're too mentally ill to work and move out.
She's choosing to stay at home. If her mother is abusive, that's awful. I feel for her. But considering the tiny shit that sets these nutbags off, and their utter inability to cope with anything, this horrible abuse could very easily be something as simple as her mother suggesting she eat better and work out.
I genuinely dislike doubting claims of abuse, it goes against my grain, but in terms if the Confetti Cult, I just can't help it.
No. 754356
>>754289If this were a young person, I'd feel bad for them. They are, however, quite old enough to either get a job and move out, or get on assistance if they're too mentally ill to work and move out.
She's choosing to stay at home. If her mother is abusive, that's awful. I feel for her. But considering the tiny shit that sets these nutbags off, and their utter inability to cope with anything, this horrible abuse could very easily be something as simple as her mother suggesting she eat better and work out.
I genuinely dislike doubting claims of abuse, it goes against my grain, but in terms if the Confetti Cult, I just can't help it.
No. 754725
File: 1545943499717.jpg (292.09 KB, 720x913, 20181227_204416.jpg)

No. 754767
i like how she says they don't hate her but uh girl maybe think on that
No. 755517
>>754767Seriously, anon. I feel like giving her advice than bashing her…
>>754742Just another reason to bitch and complain. They're just full of envy and don't actually have an issue with privilege, just that they wanted more toys on Christmas too and it's not fair.
>>755486Plenty of people just say they won't be able to make it and the Judge is really, really nice about it. CC's are absolutely sheltered.
No. 756660
File: 1546229432789.png (869 KB, 750x1334, 9EA63DA9-CB84-46E9-9307-C16B0E…)

they’re becoming self aware
No. 757362
File: 1546372321880.jpg (202.62 KB, 720x702, 20190101_195134.jpg)

And the saga finally ends
No. 757746
File: 1546440316677.jpg (164.34 KB, 720x667, 20190102_144314.jpg)

So she gets mad when people sexualise her but shes fine showing porn to minors?
No. 758471
>>757746Dear Veronica,
That's not how that works. People look at it and think it's a fetish. You're dressed as a porcelain doll, of course people will assume something.
No. 758481
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No. 758482
File: 1546543530761.jpg (67.03 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1546543532838.jpg)

No. 759598
File: 1546704928401.jpg (108.25 KB, 720x499, 20190105_161433.jpg)

>>758387 how hard is it to do your job?
No. 759722
File: 1546723677354.jpg (266.26 KB, 501x593, Untitled-22.jpg)

dear god
No. 760109
File: 1546799521698.jpg (6.33 MB, 3508x4961, elizathreadpic.jpg)

No. 760955
File: 1546962790611.png (958.18 KB, 640x1136, 168D96A8-13A3-400C-BD61-D373AF…)

I’m speechless
No. 761364
File: 1547013627118.png (172.66 KB, 262x320, Untitled.png)

>>761054>bare handsi'd fucking hope not
No. 764694
File: 1547426781473.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x1800, F2179D9A-87E2-48B4-9AC9-B7D2C2…)