File: 1523512902997.png (289.04 KB, 318x419, 58A1BA56-D53A-4462-B063-A47613…)

No. 553256
Recent story:
Seems to have had a couple of plastic surgeries in Korea. Especially new boob job. Still being rather on the quiet side but has started to post on TAG again, possibly trying to gain new customers.
Also works at an icha kyaba at the moment.
http://ichacaba.comUnclaimed rumors of working in a soapland too
Has had yet ANOTHER BABY this time with a host club owner who wont claim the child and is dodging Sere. Leaving the child document less and legally without rights in Japan or anywhere.
Claims to have moved from rat-den but still seen stomping the kabuki and shinokubo streets. Toyboy has officially gone MIA and has no been seen or heard from in 6 months..assumed broken up.
Shopping her fatty self to oblivion and living a lie, her visa status still questionable
Instagram: - Tokyo Adult Guide:
Jennifer Maddingly No. 553753
>>553739The old threads started when she was throwing money around at host clubs, buying glass dolphins and being milky.
Even if someone was a vendettachan you cant deny that this girl is a trainwreck and it has gone beyond vendetta now.
No. 553842
>>553677>>553739While there might be some truth to this. I'm fairly active in the Lorena threads and I've never met her or any of the people involved with her. Additionally, I don't live in Japan, have no interest to, and definitely have no interest being a hostess. I just think her bizarre obsession of living and becoming successful in Japan, to the point of ruining her own life, is absolutely fascinating.
You really can't deny that Lorena isn't a complete mess. Or are you here just to whiteknight her?
No. 553843
>>553739Melissa and her boring lifu
At least lorena has something going on
No. 553911
>>553873Whatever you say, anon. Is it really that hard for you to believe that not all the anons in these threads are desperate weebs like Lorena and her circle?
You sound like you are just here to whiteknight this thread into oblivion, or to try to derail things onto other random weeb hostesses. If you'd like, just go make a thread for them or post into the gaijin gyaru thread?
No. 553925
File: 1523578149900.png (61.02 KB, 1782x309, boytoy.png)

>>553256So I guess this post explains Lorena's situation with boytoy. Is she seriously looking for a new guy to be her "pet"?
Also, looks like her and Gaya are getting along just fine. Gaya both liked her posts in the thread as well as gave her input. They are seemingly still friends. Maybe, Gaya and her pimp/husband is who she is staying with if not her new indies musician boyfriend?
No. 553933
File: 1523578487002.png (95.97 KB, 1017x512, what.png)

>>553925Sage for samefag, but here's a couple other funny/recent posts she has made to TAG recently.
>yummy big boys No. 554000
>>553968>>553985Who cares? There are other ways to view even when banned?
>>553677>>553739>>553873>>553968>>553985Who even is this? Clearly all the same anon. You don't seem particularly keen of this thread or grammar for that matter.
No. 554069
i am also in the "don't live in japan, just enjoy the drama" category. It's like watching those trashy Knocked up at 16 or My 90 Day Fiance type reality shows, but it feels more "real" because it's not on tv… it's fun to watch a train wreck. thread was interesting because two people wrote in defense of Sere; any idea who they might be?
That said, I do get worried her Insta is getting more and more negative – the "kill me" name, the calling herself Gomi[Trash] and Menhera[Mental health girl]. She makes posts like "shinitai" (wanna die) a lot more than she ever did before.
Even attention seeking aside, she sounds severely depressed and self medicating through drugs and sex instead of healthy options…
There is at least one infant/todller that is sometimes in her care, and for the safety of that child alone Sere's behavior is kinda terrifying
No. 554125
File: 1523589833412.png (81.17 KB, 1794x281, loan.png)

>>554049>what is autocorrect>>554069Interesting thread! It's funny how offended Gaya got and began singing her praises saying that Lorena has "saved her life". Her English is pretty horrible too, my favorite line is where she goes on to spell "access" as "assess".
One guy commenting goes on to say that he had once loaned Lorena a substantial amount of money. I wonder how often she has to take "loans" from her clients in order to pay bills, rent, island hop, etc.
No. 554187
>>554069Ikr. Just looked at seres current insta profile and it says
155cm trash human.
Mental trash princess.
Can't turn this into money.
Suffering (mentally).
I like liquor.
Let's fight!"
Girl is going crazy for sure now
No. 554189
>>553968Maybe, but the dude running it is so incompetent that I'd have trouble believing he's smart enough to figure out which IP addresses to ban.
This is the same dude who tried to cover up some shady shit, only to have Google index the entire thread exposing the entire thread for anyone who cares enough to look.
No. 554192
>>554184It's possible. There's definitely someone who keeps making saged posts trying to start infighting and derailing. They seem to be gone for the night, but their english almost seems too good to be Lorena or Gaya. Grammar is pretty awful though, so maybe?
>>554069>>554187I can't read Japanese, so I had no idea that's what it said. Wow. No wonder she's getting physically removed from host clubs. Is she coming unhinged?
>>554189I think that anon was the same one trying to call this a vendetta thread and derail/infight. I'm pretty sure she was just trying to scare me off? But even if I did get banned or Lorena got my IP, who cares. It's a shitty Tokyo prostitution forum. That's still pretty hilarious about him getting exposed though. Weren't they outed for faking their reviews and such?
No. 554258
File: 1523602697037.png (920.7 KB, 591x595, hm.png)

>>554247None of them are particularly attractive, but who I am really curious about is that tall, blonde gaijin chick in the back that she made an obvious effort in covering the face of.
No. 554472
File: 1523629594498.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, B23F56ED-6DEB-4FCA-AA20-A98E4B…)

On drugs again lorena?
No. 554646
File: 1523647393606.png (1.26 MB, 640x1136, 9449EC2F-2C63-4AA0-87B5-0E1FA7…)

No. 554734
>>554258idgi, the place listed here is shown on a real estate site as being available to rent$1500 US monthly rent, $12k upfront deposit to start renting, and it's a tiny spot with just enough room for a bar and one burner (assume they won't be selling much food there).
TBH, I could totally imagine at her height, and with a backer, that somebody was willing to invest in the teeniest tiniest 'snack bar' possible with the highlight being that they have a gaijin lady. Or that a few friends together could put up enough $$$, especially if some are Japanese nationality and have access to credit (credit cards, small business loan, whatever).
Anyone know more about credit in Japan and feasibility of this? I'm thinking "shot bar entirely in Sere's name" is basically impossible, but "one or more of those sketchy drugged out looking dudes she's always seen with opening a bar and letting sere work there" doesn't seem that out of the ordinary
No. 554811
>>554269Aw, I was hoping it was someone we would know of. I've poked around and she seems to be a promotional model, like Akari seems to be, not a hostess, as I was expecting. I'm curious as how Lorena got in with these girls as they don't seem to be cut from the same cloth. Akari and her general group seem fairly conservative, old fashioned, and for lack of better words, very normal? She doesn't seem to do anything particularly risque and seems to mostly work as a coach and promotional model for various brands. I wonder if Lorena is trying to network her way out of prostitution and into a promotional career? I can't imagine she'd do very well though, in Japan, considering her excessive and hard to cover tattoos.
>>554472>>554646Are these new or old? Isn't this the busted indies jewelry maker she was foolinf around with when boytoy first dipped out? Has he returned or did she retire this guy for the indies musician guy?
>>554734Weird that it shows a status that it's available to rent. The photos seem very outdated from what we've seen of the inside a while back though, so maybe the listing just hasn't been updated in forever?
Lorena definitely doesn't have the type of visa to be a business owner in Japan, if she has managed to secure a visa at all. She definitely has someone who is the official "owner", but I don't beleive anyone really knows who. Anons previously suspected it was under boytoy's name, but with him MIA lately, it's pretty unlikely it was him. Maybe it's Gaya's husband or a client or something? She already has a history of having clients giving her "loans" it wouldn't surprise me if she has them involved in other shady business dealings.
No. 554858
File: 1523660622186.png (127.67 KB, 1759x748, ad.png)

>>554849>The elevator opens and she steps out. The people all watch as she glides through the room. She stands out like a diamond, sparking in the dimmed lights. She radiates luxury and grace. A tight white dress covering silk embroidered lace. Skin soft and sweet. She smells irrisistible. You can tell she’s beautiful even with closed eyes. Her soft hands slip into yours and she leans in to you. Your heart beat quickens as you look into her big beautiful eyes…
I'm dying, anon. Did she seriously write this about herself? It's like a terrible fanfiction written by a teen. Also, despite all her best efforts, she still managed to misspell "irresistible".
She finally had enough of us mocking her "ass like a coke bottle" though and has updated it to be "body like a coke bottle" as well as claiming college degrees. Seems like she's been lurking here as these are all things we've relentlessly brought up as of late.
I also appreciate that she claims all photos are accurate even though she has included those very photoshopped ones. Never change, Lorena.
No. 554912
>>554894Oh shit, I didn't even catch that one.
>sparking in the dimmed lightsLorena, please. We're supposed to believe you have an international business degree when you don't even know how to work a spell check?
No. 555002
File: 1523670431149.jpeg (995.79 KB, 1078x1519, 3A9B1287-1B76-4C94-9D19-65469A…)

Whis this bitch kidding hahahah
No. 555038
File: 1523672310900.jpeg (170.83 KB, 750x1245, 4BC2E869-FA59-4B65-8862-239C9E…)

Her photoshop skills aren’t getting better either. You can see how she tried to make her ass smaller….
No. 555164
>>555002Even with the heavy editing this still looks so bad.
>>555038You can also see where they distorted the line of the stocking to the right via the shit Photoshop.
No. 555242
File: 1523688023966.png (1.01 MB, 842x724, yeahokaylorena.png)

>>555002>>555213>photos are accurateWho is she kidding?
No. 555295
File: 1523694414587.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, 7ABE1A2F-9F2A-46D2-B8C5-77AFB8…)

No. 555313
File: 1523697008402.jpeg (133.66 KB, 640x768, 654B1E41-5163-44C0-93DC-641FD8…)

She calls herself god?! Wtf
No. 555327
>>555313Sage for translation
(Its a screenshot of Tanzaki Toshimitsus post about his birthday event at his bar)
Today is my birthday event. Were waiting for everyone at Royce with ponytails(wtf lol)
My Co-workers get Influenza way too much.
BAR Ippatsu’s Kaminaga Maria
BAR Fakestar’s Kamisama Sere
By coincidence Maria’s real birthday falls on the same day as my birthday event so we celebrated with an original bottle, Thanks!
Sere, thanks for coming two days in a row!
No. 555767
>>555654I think it's supposed to be the outline of a geisha's face/hair, but it mostly just looks like someone drew on her with a sharpie while she was passed out drunk.
I'm honestly surprised she hasn't had her tattooist friend do some cover-ups or at least fix up all her horrible, blurry, and half finished tattoos. I'm assuming she hasn't since the tattoos she already has have hurt her "business" considering how they're often seen as pretty undesirable in Japan.
No. 555782
>>555778Sure. But Gaya has already had to defend her against dudes on TAG who said she was undesirable due to her tattoos/look. I'm sure there's been plenty of Japanese men who have passed on her for more "pure" looking women as they are plentiful in the business and just as accessible as she is.
Her only real drawing point is that she is foreign and can speak English. So for traveling men who can't manage enough Japanese to hire a Japanese speaker, or for men who are looking for gaijin hooker. Otherwise, her competition is generally going to have a leg up on her.
No. 555891
File: 1523761658798.jpeg (420.16 KB, 640x1018, F02A2566-669A-486D-A2A0-DC5524…)

>>555767Bitchhh you must be Sere or her tattooist friend cause look what Sere just fucking posted. NOT A COINCIDENCE CUNT
No. 556000
>>555891Calm down. While that is pretty spooky, I'm not her. I'm surprised she didn't have her fix them sooner, like when she was literally living with that chick in Australia.
Lorena and/or her goons have shown up in her threads before though, I think. They're English is usually pretty telling and they tend to white knight her.
No. 556021
>>555891Nice try Sere but as long as you're in Japan, "fixing" them won't do anything. You'd have to get RID of them to become more popular.
Oh well but we've had this topic before, these days she's only hunting for non-japanese clients anyway. Apart from the work at the ichakyaba. But luckily those places are very dark and customers drunk as fuck
No. 556026
>>555571Umm if you're talking about kyabajo maybe, but that's definitely not the case with "normal" people?
I work at a Japanese company and people behave like fucking adults. Someone might be called menhera behind their back but nobody would be proud of it.
She's just really going for the broken psycho girl thing now. The Japanese might find it kinda amusing, because it's not common to have a blonde gaijin walk around calling herself gomi menhera. They'll laugh at it saying "this gaijin has the most hilarious vocabulary".
But usually, if you have someone calling themselves garbage mentally disturbed princess at 30 ( if she was 14 it could be an emo phase ) with a line that says "let's start a fight" on their online profile, you'd stay the fuck away from that shit
No. 556039
File: 1523781781584.jpeg (161.76 KB, 640x1045, E24DB8D2-2B48-4B3D-BBEA-043E48…)

She fucks customers in her dirty sex kyaba too lol
No. 556081
does she want to attract foreign customers like that?
No. 556087
File: 1523792392526.png (412.01 KB, 420x420, edge.png)

>>556026> "this gaijin has the most hilarious vocabulary".pretty much this. that's the only thing she has going for her with this schtick.
No. 556338
>>556039this was ichakyaba, not regular kyaba lmao, can u even read the whole TAG thread?
>>556021she's not working there anymore
No. 556629
File: 1523835424125.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.02 KB, 634x1070, 55A4ADDD-DB7A-423D-9852-1FF9C3…)

No. 556850
>>556843Do you actually believe what you are writing? As if Lorena has a house, come on. And stop bringing Shiena to this thread. She has her own ffs
>>556840If you call using photoshop being in good shape lmao
No. 556891
>>556843This reads exactly like Gaya's choppy ramblings when she came to her defense on TAG.
Whose house is she staying at then? She can't own a house on her own.
No. 556925
File: 1523866619764.jpeg (Spoiler Image,118.77 KB, 750x764, 7D314681-A3CF-4F3F-B59F-97551F…)

No. 556954
>>556925While this is definitely one of her better attempts at editing her photos, that waistline is clearly fake. We've all seen the recent candids and her waist is nowhere near that pinched in. It also looks like she's changed the shape of her nose and plumps up her lips quite a bit.
>>556926The outline up top almost looks like flower petals or maybe the tails of a nine tailed fox? You can still see those weird, awful squiggles all over her lower back though. She easily has some of the worst tattoos I've ever seen.
No. 557002
>>556925she's really short right? most really short people don't get such a super defined waist.
(i said most not all, before you attack me)
No. 557594
File: 1523935498345.png (491.62 KB, 883x585, whereyourkidatho.png)

>Always forget my hair irons when I travel. Oops
I think you meant, "children" Lorena.
Seriously though, where is her kid at. Did she seriously dump him off somewhere while she's visa hopping?
No. 557671
File: 1523943027777.jpeg (426.73 KB, 640x1039, 0C592F22-F1C7-43A9-800D-EE4FC9…)

Yes shes in Korea lol. K-road and all …doesnt take a genius to figure that out
No. 557709
File: 1523950198174.png (528.71 KB, 480x612, lipfillers.png)

>>557673She def got her lips done. She's one step away from having anus lips right now, but maybe the swelling will go down?
No. 557711
File: 1523950470643.png (Spoiler Image,184.6 KB, 475x595, shoop.png)

More incredibly shopped photos of Lorena. You can see where the windows in the background are pulled in at her waist.
No. 557751
>>557736why can she do that all the time?
also RIP third visa child. seems like your mother doesn't care about you
No. 559028
File: 1524079256964.jpg (57.36 KB, 640x640, tS8ptp1.jpg)

shame on you lorena
leaving your child for days
No. 559645
>>559638She was definitely pregnant looking around the right time for it to be her child. She has shown that she has no qualms about having children, often, even though she actually has little interest in being a mother.
Gaya is pretty much obsessed with her, maybe Lorena guilted her into watching the kid, or left her some money to keep cycling him through a 24hour service.
No. 560652
File: 1524220319231.jpg (22.46 KB, 640x359, eZd4Fs5.jpg)

seems like she is already back.
she is visa hopping for years now
why japanese immigration?
No. 560911
File: 1524250878460.gif (25.16 MB, 728x910, pNHsmk6.gif)

No. 560992
Instead of filming yourself at kirari, take care of your child
No. 561017
>>560911What is she even doing with her hands here? It's cringy enough when you seen young weebs post shit like this, but when it's a 30+ looking mom of three… just stop. She's so incredibly try hard.
Also, what's up with her wonky tongue piercing? Does she have on in the middle and off to the side randomly? It makes it look like an accident or like she had one that didn't heal correctly.
No. 561451
>>561377can't remember
he also said she sexually harassed the stuff lmao
No. 561632
File: 1524343030846.jpg (34.41 KB, 640x359, 2zsdHJJ.jpg)

poor host
his face says "help me"
No. 561995
File: 1524375058701.jpeg (513.23 KB, 640x1075, 474244F6-7A4A-45C4-B4B7-FC3311…)

How is she not embarrassed posting pics like this haha. Bitch these guys arent your friends
No. 562084
>>561995yeah hosts love mee and they're my frieeeends
guess she thinks like that lmao
No. 562087
File: 1524396615879.jpg (25.18 KB, 320x400, lmao.jpg)

"i totally care about my kid, look!"
No. 562287
File: 1524422409363.jpeg (88.44 KB, 640x325, 43F0B41A-57A4-41C2-A782-3DC76E…)

Find the joke
No. 562305
File: 1524423845732.jpeg (353.76 KB, 640x979, BDE9DBFF-5DCA-421C-B3D7-DBC651…)

No. 563177
File: 1524502700861.png (953.58 KB, 1104x714, burp.png)

looking disgusting as always
No. 565100
File: 1524653740737.png (1.33 MB, 1135x867, hoe.png)

wtf is she wearing
No. 565108
>>565100"work" illegal working as prostitute
you don't pay a shit. your victim does
No. 565743
>>565100>>565678Tbh, I'm more amused with the fact she's wearing those awful 2012 tumblr garters, thigh high boots, and what looks like a tie with that outfit? Is she trying to go with an avril lavigne look or something? Her outfits are always so bad.
>>565142She still has the kid, but that's probably only because no one else is around to take him from her. Her first child was adopted and cared for my her parents, who don't allow her to see him and the second child is in custody of the father, her ex husband, who also doesn't allow her visitation. The father of this child is avoiding Lorena, as it was seemingly just a drunken host hookup that led to the pregnancy. She was posting all over various forums trying to get him to contact her and she even got physically removed from the club he works at for trying to confront him. She seems to be working on finding him a step father now though. Given her current living situation, her hanging around the nobody studio musician, and trying to portray herself as more than just the usual street prostitute.
No. 565926
>>565100She is masturbating in this picture. Or at least staged it that way. Didn't you read the fucking caption?
"Rubbing a quick one out before work. It's so refreshing!"
To "rub one out" is English slang used almost always only by men to talk about masturbating.
This is so gross, I have to bleach my eyes… Lorena, you think you're edgy, but really just crass.
No. 566189
File: 1524747406316.jpeg (515.45 KB, 640x652, 6D3BF1E5-6303-4987-A9FC-4E8976…)

No. 566816
>>566809$100 to go to a tiny, dingy bar to party for only two hours with a bunch of nobody prostitutes?
Also, kek at the $10 off if you bring your own wine. Are they worried they aren't going to have enough to supply their own party?
No. 567903
File: 1524914786986.jpg (74.73 KB, 640x799, EMWwf8P.jpg)

that photoshop
No. 569026
File: 1524996852286.jpeg (211.24 KB, 750x1019, 0845350A-4FB0-4308-BEF7-34D555…)

“hermes” bag but her old ass nicotine stained nails are hanging on for dear life, good lord!
No. 569928
File: 1525080242554.jpg (55.46 KB, 640x427, wydPAni.jpg)

No. 569938
>>567903vs the worn-out reality
>>569928 No. 569988
File: 1525089031971.jpeg (258.6 KB, 640x855, 1A4A932F-BC04-42CB-9581-9B0AD1…)

Lorena is a psycho
No. 570204
File: 1525108946111.jpeg (98.72 KB, 639x597, 4294B495-BD00-4DAD-BCCD-2A36E8…)

Yep psycho
No. 570460
>>569949>>569955tbh the bigger mystery is the fact that the bar is listed as being available to rent.
Maybe a Tokyo based lolcow could call the number up and pretend to be interested in renting (not actually go there in person, just innocently ask) to see wth is actually going on there.
>>569057THIS. Holy shit that is a small living human who has no clear parents :/
No. 570531
>>570427Nether does this person
>>569942 it seems kk
No. 570533
File: 1525131397834.jpeg (441.93 KB, 640x1080, 2D0C87B0-599F-4D8D-8537-C53553…)

Is anyone going to mention here hideously bad cover up tattoo?
No. 570897
>>570859It can‘t be helped
She is tacky
No. 571337
File: 1525214623109.jpeg (138.2 KB, 631x1077, A2E73151-9AFD-4A3E-BE35-1FE11C…)

Posting pics of her new vibraters ew
No. 571366
File: 1525216359168.jpg (62.08 KB, 702x721, sere.jpg)

>>571357It's hard to say how she's managed to stay off their radar. My best guess is that she's fucking someone, somewhere, that is helping her get by all this time? I don't know who, or how though, but maybe someone at the specific airport she's been going through? She's definitely been doing something to sneak on by all this time.
I mean, it's even plausible she has some Yakuza connections by now considering her clientele and her line of work, as well as where she has worked. A lot of Yakuza require a cut of the money being made though too. They have been known to sneak people across borders for sex trafficking, it might be how she's getting by.
Photo is her with one of her yakuza clients.
No. 571675
>>571659Are you kidding? She's had clientele who are yakuza and she's an illegal prostitute in kabukicho, which is the red light district of Tokyo. She's on the yakuza radar for sure, and probably has to give them a cut of her money. The yakuza are notorious for running sex trafficking and moving gaijin in and out of Japan for profit. The lower level yakuza she's dealing with are hardly glamorous, mostly just trashy thugs.
Even hosts and indies jrockers have been known to have yakuza ties.
No. 572028
>>571959You sound stupid. Being a call girl means you deal with crooks and thugs. Of course she deals with low level or even mid level yakuza, it’s nothing to be jealous about unless you’re a low level piece of meat yourself.
Are you trying to say she’s not a prostitute?
No. 572031
>>571659This is a bizarre argument.
Whores and gangsters go together in all cultures, I’m sure Lorena is looked down on for being gaijin but it’s not like they won’t use her up and throw her out just like every other whore.
No. 572109
File: 1525298070478.jpeg (513.02 KB, 640x998, 8A4985F9-36FF-4988-84F9-97315B…)

Had a good laugh
Model and beautiful woman
No. 572269
>>572077Literally the photo right here
>>571366 is one of them.
>>572043I don't think Lorena has any serious connections or relationships, but it really wouldn't surprise me if she was trading favors with some of her more shady clients.
>>572057Probably a client. Maybe she's been banging someone at the embassy? Who really knows. She has had a client openly talk about loaning her a large sum of money already and we all suspect she pays Cody with sexual favors for his tacky jewelry. There are likely others.
No. 572339
>>572077What stories and ideas are delusional, anon? The yakuza are a multi level crime syndicate. I'm not saying she's sleeping with mob bosses, but rather that she's been seen rubbing shoulders with yakuza thugs before, as well as has taken a photo of one with his head between her legs.
Japan is notorious for it's sex trafficking issues, which is big business for Yakuza. It's not unusual for people to be illegally moved in and out of the country for this purpose either. (For reference:
I'm not saying this is the case here, but that it's possible she could be using her "job" as a prostitute to get favors from people who are capable of helping her through Japan's borders. I'm not, by any means, saying it's fact. But we've seen her around yakuza thugs and it's well within their business.
No. 572340
>>572306Different anon…but random images of guys with lots of tattoos is proof? Okay…lmao
I know that Show guy and he isnt a yak hes a kickboxer…
No. 572349
>>572339I’m with you anon. I don’t even get this particular nitpick. You have to be willfully ignorant to deny the connection.
Stupidity is not charming but whatever, I guess.
No. 572361
File: 1525318866939.png (892.94 KB, 930x597, k.png)

>>572340Yeah, Show's friends all seem like upstanding, totally not yakuza types. Where would anyone get the idea he could possibly be affiliated with yakuza in any way. So… weird…
Also, doubtful that you "know" him, anon. Any of us can google his name.
>>572349The nitpicky anon seems like someone who has only seen yakuza portrayed in movies. Why in the world would scuzzy lowlife criminals be "too good" to associate with an equally as scuzzy lowlife prostitute?
No. 572464
>>572361fat doughy gangsters
what a bitch society
No. 572469
>>572461>>572463>>572464Should have known it was you this whole time, spergy anon. Good to see you've come back. Have you visited her bar lately? Any wild Lorena sightings? Or are you just spazzing out about how you "know" this other loser guy now?
I wonder how close to her inner circle you actually are. You always seem to come here to derail, but don't know how to use the forum otherwise, including how to sage.
No. 572482
>>572469Lol think what you like. Me and>>572464
arent even the same person lmao. Im the OP of this thread and the thread before this…Ive never been to Lorenas bar or even live in Japan anymore. You do realise the world is big enough for people to know other people right?
No. 572486
File: 1525334921009.jpeg (145.34 KB, 633x912, A67FFDA1-6E57-4158-A982-CBAD42…)

While yall are bitch about who if Lorena knows Yakuza. Can we just take a moment and talk about the fact that shes taking drugs like Spice while around her 1 year old child? This dirty bitch needs this kid taken from her
No. 572589
File: 1525346689768.jpg (192.93 KB, 1080x1078, 5oGT18W.jpg)

No. 572592
File: 1525346970326.jpg (155.4 KB, 1080x1350, 4mBvPxz.jpg)

No. 572626
>>572589 She looks like "Melissa" from those theories about Avril Lavigne.
>>572594I doubt she's actually using it though. What dumbass would eat spice? (Note the Insta picture of her talking about it on her couch)
She's most likely just saying it for attention because if she was using it, you would barely be able to shitpost considering that its effects are stronger than normal weed which either makes you really slow/lazy or alert/hungry/jittery depending which kind you take. I'm not taking a stab at you, anon, but that's just by taking a look at her lifestyle rn.
Back to main points though. Where'd the baby go while she's out partying and taking drugs? Probably still in 24hr care?
No. 572640
File: 1525354669366.jpg (77.45 KB, 600x400, avril-lavigne-melissa-vandella…)

>>572626but only her hair
No. 572673
File: 1525357727672.gif (17.5 MB, 728x910, PBlRhvI.gif)

No. 572732
>>572594So now you meant to say all along that duh she hangs out with yakuza? surejan.gif
Btw hon, eating spice is a stupid way to get high off of it. She’s already in Asia, why not just buy the JWH straight from a dealer?
I feel like the main poster in this thread is an angry twelve year old who isn't too clear on how the world works. Yes, Lorena is an idiot, but the things you’re sperging about are all really dumb and embarrassing.
No. 572839
>>572784>what is gravityWhen you lay on your back, your boobs flatten against your body. Your stomach looks more concave, as well. That is why this pose is so popular among pro ana.
You have to be 18 to post here.
No. 572954
>>572339Are you fucking retarded? That is an edited photo of someone else you dumb shit.
Just because she has pictures with yakuza because there is probably a connection between them and one of the JAPANESE WOMEN in the photos does not mean Lorena is in any way affiliated with them. She just happens to be there.
You all are giving her waaaaay too much credit with having possible "connections" to the mafia.
No. 573421
>>572361That guy on the left looks like one of those gangsters that you see in anime. Usually the loud mouth.
Is anyone really surprised that she's involved with the yakuza? I highly doubt that she's involved with anyone high tier, only the low tier dudes that the higher ups don't even care about.
No. 573435
>>572589KFC on paper
how classy
No. 573977
File: 1525478464694.png (751.75 KB, 566x589, shooped.png)

>>573968She's been going really wild on the shoops lately. She used to just use heavy filters, but now she's desperately pinching in her waist/warping her butt bigger, etc. non stop.
Even her clothed pics. Just look at how warped the lines on the wall are behind her. They aren't like that in the 2nd pic she posted from this same spot. Also, good god, she forgot to make her feet smaller along with the rest of her body. They look hilariously huge here.
No. 573981
File: 1525478570730.png (432.02 KB, 915x445, lolok.png)

>>573977Sage for samefagging. But here's a bonus pic along with an amusing caption of her bitching about her new boytoy asking her to make breakfast. She's definitely living off some new dude.
No. 575008
File: 1525608405598.jpeg (332.66 KB, 640x645, 34386412-1D4A-4B5C-A7D8-C6FB41…)

No. 575307
File: 1525640817880.jpeg (403.22 KB, 640x640, 69E83FE7-7B2C-4FF1-A8C6-39E5AC…)

No. 575633
>>572954Go to Shiena's thread. The guy is one of Shiena's customers. If you look on his instagram he tagged Shiena in a picture. She is all gross and haggard looking with straight hair and a pulled down dress while he is laying in her lap.
I think he may also follow Lorena on instagram. He definitely follows Shiena and she follows him.
No. 575690
File: 1525676464390.jpg (163.01 KB, 720x923, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-59-59…)

>>575682Just go to Shiena's thread.
No. 575693
File: 1525676637004.jpg (175.31 KB, 718x1058, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-54-03…)

Shiena was also hanging out with the Bar Royce guy around the same time as Lorena. He posted the picture with Lorena the day after he posted the picture with Shiena. I'd say they were there on the same day but his jacket is different in the pics.
No. 575700
This is the blog post with Shiena: is Show:'m not sure why there isn't one with Lorena. She was on his instagram and there's almost always a blog post for each picture collage.
No. 575702
>>575694I think it is very likely that they are still friends. Shiena never unfollowed Lorenas old account and Lorena reached out to her in a comment on her art account.
It could also simply be that their associate circles are really close because they both escort. I know someone is going to say that it's because they both work in Kabukicho but their mutual acquaintances are guys who hang out with AV actresses, escorts, soapland girls, and high ranking hostesses (like, they own their own clubs kind of rankings).
No. 575703
>>575700post with Lorena from 01/10 mentions her bar. He also says she works at a soapland.
No. 575775
>>575702Yeah because Lorena only hangs out with those types but those type also hang out with regular kyabajo just like anyone else in Kabukichō.
But Shiena isn’t seen with any other escort girl nor Lorena for almost a year.
Best you have is they went to the same bar on separate days.
No. 576115
File: 1525728922564.jpeg (285.69 KB, 640x743, 52F9791B-E7F6-447E-BA05-D501B6…)

That‘s not the couch ?!
No. 576318
File: 1525741938467.jpeg (61.76 KB, 640x224, 48EB6C22-BCA6-4D6C-A31E-9AD6F6…)

>>576115What are these tags though haha
Im guessing her knew fuckboy is tall
No. 576447
File: 1525749958014.jpeg (758.79 KB, 640x975, 19AEA82D-EBC9-49D6-AB12-229BDB…)

Also wtf is this mess that literally is always licking lorenas asshole
No. 576577
>>553677yeah, and I wish they would actually add to the discussion.
>>553925so she is a prostitute to fund her lifestyle. she doesn't care about the money. this woman is nuts. a knew a few pros like her but to move to an expensive country is crazy.
>>553933shes a pro. she will say anything to start a conversation.
>>573091nayrt but I was going to call bs. but spice is from Russia and the middle east. there are a lot of Russians in east Asian whoring. so I guess spice is in japan. I think she is talking about a spiced drink, however.
>>572361how many times do we have to tell you that isn't shiene. stop posting this pic. these people have too much money for her like
>>573421 wrote. they are too tough. lets all agree to stop posting this pic. I wonder should I report it.
No. 576681
>>576115Did she finally take out her nasty af extensions ?
She still look nasty af but slightly more masculine? W/e just nasty.
No. 577324
>>577279personal trainer? isn't that a guy just working at a gym?
that ugly yushi guy. no taste in men. and for that she is paying money
No. 577741
>>577558Most average people can afford a gym membership though? She might also be going as a guest if the person she is going with is a member.
I don't think she's making a lot of money or anything, but with her working at the soaplands it's probably a more steady income than her previous traveling escort hopping hotel room to hotel room, taking the train to get paid sort of deal she had going on previously. Not to mention the fact that she's obviously living with whoever the "fuckboy" is that she keeps bitching about. Maybe he doesn't make her pay rent and she's boning him to stay there. Who really knows.
The sad part is, this is the closest she has been to being a semi stable person? She hasn't abandoned her latest kid (yet), isn't getting physically removed from host clubs, she even sort of fixed her frankenstein titties and attempted to cover that awful doodle on her back. She's hardly what I'd call "successful" but this is probably one of the least bleak chapters of her life. I wonder how long it's going to last until she manages to fuck it up like she did her first marriage?
No. 578029
>>577957My bad, I guess this one is not a soap, but a kyaba? sure what this second one is? she is listed as working at both of these. Then on top of that, she has made this post…
>>556039Discussing having sex at the kyaba. She also made some post on TAG talking about working at some place that exchanged tokens for sexual favors? Which sounds like a soapland. I'll have to see if I can find that again though.
No. 578081
>>577757>>577948>>578050Thats not how it works in Japan..A child born to a forgiener and Japanese national in Japan out of wedlock has to have the father recognise the child(sign birth certificates etc saying its his) before birth otherwise the child loses all eligibility of being recognised as a Japanese citizen. That is why is was after that host lol…The time limit is way over for that poor kid.
This is a good example of this law No. 578091
File: 1525957447166.jpeg (214.7 KB, 640x1094, 28D38D46-7A3D-4AFD-9D28-63C871…)

>>578081Seems theyve updated part of the law though…still the kids fucked though lmao
No. 578312
File: 1525981671319.jpg (75.09 KB, 1080x1350, XMhPReX.jpg)

No. 578642
File: 1525996975288.jpeg (160.86 KB, 640x1097, B37447C3-0119-4DC7-96DF-371DEF…)

No. 578680
>>578642Unless she still has her Aussie citizenship (because you do lose them as you can’t do dual citizenship when you’re an Aussie)
The kid gets nothing. It’s also a lot harder when it’s not from the UK or America.
No. 579046
File: 1526016091965.jpeg (181.92 KB, 640x1003, F9C2ED96-2A44-4874-9328-6EAC1A…)

Lookslike shes working at miss universe deriheru a lot
No. 579049
File: 1526016205056.jpeg (198.88 KB, 630x1048, 03049F3A-7052-4DC8-8F85-FC9471…)

>>579046Translation: Today Maddingly-chan is coming to work wearing cute feminine clothes! She here from 11pm till last
No. 580986
>>580044Honestly, I kind of get the vibes that offline, her kid is somewhat like a accessory for her. He's a cute hafu baby (desirable, not like her first Aussie baby). Maybe that's why she keeps him styled so femme too? I really doubt she'd want to keep the kid if it weren't half Japanese. Maybe she's still holding out hoping he'll help her stay in Japan somehow. Or that she can con someone into claiming him?
She may have gone after the one host, but I wonder how many others she had tried to con by telling them it might be theirs? She is a prostitute after all.
No. 581471
File: 1526236379955.jpg (111.02 KB, 1080x1350, C9quLRq.jpg)

did she photoshop her tattoo?
No. 581837
>>581145Do you not know how to sage or reply, anon?
>>581471By the looks of it, she photoshopped everything. Everything looks really washed out and fuzzy. Look at all that hair damage though.
No. 582176
File: 1526274702560.jpeg (434.09 KB, 750x790, 015BD73E-2C47-4097-A172-549D08…)

Her granny eyebags. Even filters and makeup couldn‘t cover them lol
No. 582253
>>581071She really would need a valid and real visa..
"If one of the parents is a Japanese national, the baby automatically becomes a Japanese national. If both parents are non-Japanese, the baby needs to get a status of residence to live in Japan. But either way, the first thing you have to do is to submit the application form for a Birth Report to a city / ward office which deals with the area in which you live within 14 days after the baby has been born.
If you fail to register a baby’s birth in time, you can be penalized."
No. 582266
>>582254Also I read this article about the situation her baby is in.
Japan’s Archaic Civil Code and the Plight of the Unregistered: No. 582315
>>582266"unregistered persons were denied such social services as enrollment in National Health Insurance"
So she is basically depriving her child of all the necessary vaccinations the child needs. This so fucking pisses me off because these things are actually FREE, so make sure her child is vaccinated isn't going to cost her shit (well, you do have to pay into health insurance etc which…)
"In Japan, prenatal and neonatal care is carefully monitored."
Fucking THIS, where and what the FUCK was she doing? If we have proof she was dicking around and getting her tits bodged up, she must have done none of this, damn even I was sick of prenatal check ups WEEKLY.
No. 582958
File: 1526340835619.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1349, shoop.png)

>>582742Why is she so bad at shopping her pics? Her backgrounds are always super warped. kek.
>>582855Can't tell if that's just a really awful contour attempt or if the dark circles under her eyes have just gotten that bad.
No. 583061
File: 1526345162327.jpeg (40.85 KB, 155x274, 343FF091-6B2F-4EF0-8633-55DCAC…)

Her new fucktoy taking her pics
No. 583073
>>578029From the second website ("jo kyoushi"/"Miss Universe"), here is a little manga explaining exactly what happens therein. It's in Japanese but even without language skills I think the reader can figure out what kind of place it is: Honestly I'm not sure why the idea that Lorena has sex for money would even be in question at this point. She's fairly open about it.
No. 583096
>>583073more information - she is listed as a New Staff (新人) and her number of Repeat customers is "increasing". Maddingly, 22 years old
Home country: Australia
Hair and eyes: Pink hair, grey eyes
Personality: Bright and cheerful
Previous job: Currently working as a porn actress
Why did she start working here: Because she was interested
Charming points: Soft breasts and butt + Good at blow jobs!
Hobby: Fashion
Her "type": Nice people
First time [having sex]: 17 years old
Thoughts [on first time having sex]: [blank]
Sexiest part: Breasts
Favorite sex position: Doggy style
Favorite [sex] play types: Cunnilingus, 69
[I am too lazy to translate the cherry-picked "Customer Reviews", but will do so if there is interest]
Available for the following [sex] options:
Wearing a costume, take home her used panties, ripped open pantyhose, vibrator egg, garter+fishnets, peeing, watching masturbation, vibrator, electric vibe, golden shower
No. 583332
>>583061Don‘t think that‘s him
That‘s a poor host who had to take lorenas photo
No. 583392
File: 1526377252771.jpeg (153.05 KB, 626x729, 622F131A-1791-45A1-9CC1-60E8FC…)

Wtf is she wearing
No. 583430
>>582543 Ok so it isn't actually free free, but you aren't given a massive out the ass bill to pay there and then on the spot for vaccinations.
If she was LEGALLY in Japan she would hopefully be paying something to keep that kid healthy and I am not talking just food and a roof over his head. But shes not and thats why this kid is going undetected… shameful.
No. 583802
>>582266Found a brief news clip on it too a "mukosekisha" (undocumented) child can't : get national health insurance (including subsidized vaccinations), can't go to public school, can't get married, can't get a passport, can't vote, can't open a bank account, can't get a seal (Japanese equivalent of one's personal signature), can't buy a house or car etc etc…
The woman in the story was born to Japanese parents but since they both remarried the child wasn't put on either family register.
She couldn't go to school until 5th grade – and then she could only go to some special school for undocumented kids. She works at a general goods store her friend runs and is a single mother.
Bright future for Sere's child…
No. 584579
File: 1526448933087.jpeg (106.27 KB, 634x804, FCE5C728-14B2-46CC-8C9D-9F28CB…)

Swamp monster
No. 584601
File: 1526451394456.jpeg (130.56 KB, 634x804, 38DC458D-C647-4D6D-A463-3735D8…)

That shoop again
No. 585117
>>584031wew this blew up
Anyway yeah the woman in the video is 100% Japanese blood, the reason why she wasn't registered in her case is because her mom wanted to maintain custody of her, but her mom remarried quickly after divorce. Japan has a weird law where if a couple divorce and the woman gets pregnant right away, it's still assumed that the child was conceived during the marriage and as such the ex-spouse is legally required to be listed as the father. So the mom just didn't record the child b/c she didn't want to share custody with (or lose custody to) her ex husband.
Nothing to do with race or immigration. It's more about the legal framework of Japan. In the US you get a birth certificate at birth which serves for the purpose of identifying yourself, getting a passport, getting a driver's license etc. regardless of who are listed as parents. In Japan you need to do an extra step and if you can't or won't do it, then you are undocumented even if you are of full Japanese descent
No. 585138
>>585117In the case of Sere's child[ren?], this is relevant because she also chose not to register him[them?] because she was unmarried when the child was born so the child wouldn't qualify for Japanese citizenship, and she didn't want to register the child as a single mother, most likely because she doesn't have a proper visa to remain in Japan so the child would be deported.
If she can get a Japanese man - any Japanese man - to acknowledge her child as his own (regardless of actual paternity), and the judge buys the story (sometimes they ask for a DNA test, other times photos and whatnot are sufficient), then her child can get a Japanese citizenship and if she maintains custody of the child then she can apply for a proper visa, probably teijuusha (long term resident) visa.
It's a long shot but basically her only chance to legitimize her continued stay in Japan.
Sere must realize she won't be young forever (she's already beginning to show signs of aging due to her heavy drinking/partying), if she can get a resident visa and eventual permanent residency or citizenship in Japan through her child, and then guilt trip the child to caring for her as an adult (traditional Japanese culture states that children esp. sons will care for their aging parents), that would be basically her only way to survive once she is too old and haggard to draw in clients.
No. 585539
>>584463If she truly cared about her child, she would have gone back to Australia and at least had him registered as an Australian.
She's been peddling that pussy for years now, abandoning children left and right. He's just a cute accessory she created with an ideal host specimen by her standards. Maybe she's hoping he grows up cute so she can try to be one of those stage moms.
>>584579She looks kind of trans here, esp in the face. I wonder if she's going to start getting "that" look as she ages and continues to get plastic surgery.
No. 585841
File: 1526534953528.jpeg (33.4 KB, 326x451, 7912C7A2-7319-46DF-A40D-522DDB…)

>>585539The next ryucharo lmao
No. 585933
File: 1526549330463.jpg (146.97 KB, 1080x1920, fugly.jpg)

no lorena, it's cheap hoe style
No. 585942
>>585933Why is it half these foreigners in japan always look like title shit? Venus, Dakota, ect ect they all look like they either need a good wash or a decent wardrobe that fits them better. Instead of clothes too short, too tight or skanky looking.
Is it me or are the most decent looking weebs from more Europe? (I know Venus is) but say peachymilky for example?
The majority just look horrid. How is this classy? Fake bag, skirt up her hole and a tiny top with a birds nest set of extensions on her nut. Jesus Christ…
No. 585973
there is a legal office in the vort building.
guess it's about marriage No. 586302
>>585942Your examples of foreigners wearing clothes that are too short, too tight, or skanky looking is Dakota and Venus? Dakota tends to dress like some kind of hipster granny most of the time, in loose fitting clothes to hide her shape. Venus rarely wears revealing clothing, usually opting for casual lolita looking outfits. There are so many other examples you could have chosen that would have made more sense.
>Is it me or are the most decent looking weebs from more Europe?Either your fetish is showing or this explains your shit English, anon. Peachmilky is just another greasy weeb who abuses filters and constantly has her tits out on stream.
>skirt up her hole and a tiny top with a birds nest set of extensions on her nut.What.
No. 586357
File: 1526581258877.jpeg (185.77 KB, 559x991, 73DAB550-0939-4667-A8D5-FECADF…)

Whats host club is she hanging out at now?
No. 586398
File: 1526583206415.jpg (48.99 KB, 1080x607, hxvcFdX.jpg)

look at me i'm friends with yuuushi
(and spending tons of money)
No. 586417
>>586398Who is he? He looks kind of horse faced and has a gummy smile. Boytoy was ana garbage, but at least he had a cute face.
>>586357She looks so old lately. The wrinkles under her eyes are so intense and her hair is extremely frizzy/damaged.
No. 586420
>>586417just host trash
also lorena checks her lolcow thread 24h and hostlove too
No. 586823
File: 1526598865474.jpeg (116.51 KB, 610x923, 7D5F0CAA-F4AD-42D8-9AEC-D0CFE0…)

Old but didn‘t have seen them before
No. 586829
File: 1526598996481.jpeg (Spoiler Image,60.69 KB, 609x406, 528147C8-0870-45F0-B420-EF8D16…)

No. 586830
File: 1526599029011.jpeg (Spoiler Image,75.24 KB, 609x407, 5EB1B4FC-8883-4DD2-8539-81B850…)

No. 586831
File: 1526599052212.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.85 KB, 611x911, F4823FD9-F855-4DE3-A0A5-E4E08F…)

(spoiler needed)
No. 586832
File: 1526599077336.jpeg (Spoiler Image,63.59 KB, 609x407, B0F683AF-A055-4137-8276-9B6914…)

Acne ass in action
No. 587101
File: 1526620804416.jpeg (82.02 KB, 640x665, D4917C59-E507-4202-A6F1-012416…)

>>585933>>587050Seems weve stumbled on where she lives guys..The vort apartment layout matches that of what we can figureout in her pics and from the front of the building you can see there are some residential houses out the back..she must be in a back apartment facing that house she seems to hate lmao
No. 587169
File: 1526634610695.jpeg (87.14 KB, 570x935, 9317A21D-A4E2-47E3-88CA-FEE455…)

LMFAO someone posted this in the hostlove thread! That fucking photoshop
No. 587173
>>587169Is she now advertising herself as being hafu?
That says "Blond half almost foreigner"
No. 587174
File: 1526635794345.jpeg (355.89 KB, 640x990, C375705D-54FF-4E87-BADA-1486FF…)

That‘s where she went to
No. 587202
File: 1526640340987.jpeg (39.47 KB, 390x520, BFCE6C78-4DEA-40EC-8043-CFF79D…)

No. 587224
>>587174How do you know it's this specific business she went into? It seems like there will be many businesses in these buildings?
>>587165>>587101Just for example, here are two VORT office buildings: No. 587237
File: 1526644933528.jpeg (211.11 KB, 750x835, 4D44A30D-9698-4A93-BEA5-678A32…)

Is she serious with that shoop?
No. 587267
The building has only4 floors
That‘s where she went to No. 587819
>>587237wow this outfit would look super cute on someone else
like anyone else
No. 588637
File: 1526758260844.jpg (46.24 KB, 640x799, x06Pu45.jpg)

No. 588638
File: 1526758351104.jpg (57.93 KB, 750x937, ELKcjLi.jpg)

damn she looks bad
No. 588818
>>588712This is an office building
She is living in meguro
No. 589088
File: 1526798237619.jpeg (238.62 KB, 750x993, 6110FDB0-C996-4DEF-961B-E7BB34…)

Someone is hurt
No. 589213
File: 1526818250437.jpg (65.12 KB, 750x750, SMtmYGm.jpg)

the only bedcover she got
No. 589216
File: 1526818402702.jpg (44.8 KB, 1024x1821, mzCtg2s.jpg)

gross as always
No. 589695
>>589649>>589583The idea that Sere could be living in a regular apartment/house, especially in a nice neighborhood, is kinda absurd. Japan is incredibly strict and even regular gaijin(foreigners) who have proper visas, regular jobs, etc sometimes get rejected for housing.
As an undocumented, fuuzoku(sex worker), single mother, AND foreigner, Lorena is literally the least desirable kind of tenant from a Japanese landlord perspective. Literally the only way she could be any worse is if she was Chinese or Filipino (I don't condone racism but Japanese landlords are racist af).
Like it can be hard to rent an apartment as a single mother even if you're a Japanese woman with a proper (sei-sha'in) job because the stigma is so high.
On top of that, there's no way her child can go to a proper nursery/daycare (hoikuen) either. Probably at an unauthorized daycare or baby hotel.
Her life is interesting from a train wreck perspective but in all honestly it's sad. She's literally at the bottom of Japanese society
No. 589840
>>589649Sharehouse makes wayyyyy more sense because she can't possibly be renting a house for all the reasons everyone has said.
Her room honestly looks like a hotel room and if it weren't for her comforter being there, I'd say it was. There are SO many sharehouses that look like what she's living in. Especially in Meguro.
No. 589849
>>553256She should just post a house tour or at least a room tour.
I'm not convinced that the pictures in the mirror with Hermes bags are in the same house as the pics with the white sofa or these new bedroom pics. Like, the layout of her house doesn't make any sense and it's weird how she pics one location then switches to another without posting from the original one again.
No. 590091
File: 1526895029697.png (276.67 KB, 302x483, kimo.png)

she lives in an apartment
her victim is renting the place and she pays
No. 590125
File: 1526900538008.jpg (371.51 KB, 1900x1180, sere.jpg)

>>590096You should have seen it in motion… yikes.
Pic is side by side shoop discrepancies from her two accounts
No. 590480
File: 1526937467506.png (318.2 KB, 309x489, kimo.png)

No. 590835
>>590091>>590096That's what happens when you yoyo diet and have three illegitimate kids. kek.
>>587237>>590125>>590137Did you guys see the part where she was trying to enter a model search? No wonder she keeps tagging her shit with "model". I'm kicking myself for not screencapping the story she posted with the contest.
My fav part of her shops that she always forgets to make her feet smaller with the rest of her body so they end up looking hilariously huge.
No. 591240
File: 1527014823064.jpg (66.66 KB, 1080x1080, U8iGGl0.jpg)

No. 591812
File: 1527070062702.png (306.17 KB, 1212x2097, IMG_8628.PNG)

She's working at Miss universe now too
No. 591824
File: 1527073573003.jpeg (40.26 KB, 500x751, 38C71CED-D3BF-4037-BC81-30B9D4…)

>>576447she looks like what dakota would have looked like if she had never gone the way of kawaii uguuuu barbie desu
No. 592712
File: 1527162477370.jpg (264.45 KB, 1080x1349, dclfkKQ.jpg)

that photoshop
No. 592929
File: 1527188453205.jpg (203.96 KB, 1080x1920, QYwQFIm.jpg)

it goes downhill with lorenas mental health
No. 592943
File: 1527190206222.gif (1.24 MB, 1080x1349, deshoop.gif)

>>592712i dont follow this thread but i laughed at the wonky lines. here is a shitty deshoop. Tried to quickly straighten the lines.
No. 593436
File: 1527233609643.jpg (106.6 KB, 750x936, 1QYj3l7.jpg)

No. 593821
File: 1527279939465.jpg (58.71 KB, 750x750, 6gpe4z3.jpg)

again at club sense
No. 593831
File: 1527281146544.jpeg (564.13 KB, 640x1013, 34F1D252-4EF1-46D9-8744-C243BC…)

>>593821Shes such a creep
No. 593833
File: 1527281297104.jpeg (734.22 KB, 750x936, 79E6EAF8-FE77-4875-8E29-667930…)

She looks like a drug addict…. I remember how she pitied the girls at hostlove for going to host clubs, and how she never goes there and how pure she is… if you lie, lie better, if you photoshop, photoshop better you’re bad in anything lorena
No. 594070
>>593836would explain her weight loss
ok she still doesnt look like her shoop at all but is definitely a little less chunky than before
No. 594251
File: 1527327726876.jpeg (175.43 KB, 640x839, 4C087392-C07D-4B80-8637-C4C309…)

Can confirm shes build like a fridge
No. 594270
File: 1527332321982.jpg (824.29 KB, 1080x1349, fixed.jpg)

>>592712The thing is, her body is nicer without the photoshop, pic related - fixed the shape according to the warp.
No. 594289
>>594270that shoulderis still bizarre tho
She has a pretty face and afaic a nice enough body, it's a shame to shoop to this extent
No. 594297
>>594289she looks like fridge
her face looks haggard
No. 594586
>>594579it is her
she also posts on hostlove all the time calling herself beautiful lmao
No. 594736
>>591558anon "under the table" just means it's not paid for at the establishment. it has nothing to do with when/where it's discussed.
>>591769you translated it poorly, you shitty weeb.
No. 595017
File: 1527409051570.jpeg (62.08 KB, 640x329, 4322719E-483C-4322-B3F7-0E5DE3…)

Wtf lorena wrote again how beautiful she is
No. 595024
File: 1527410245584.png (656.54 KB, 466x598, bigfoot.png)

>>592712>>592943You guys forgot this one. Back at it again with the bad shoop and the giant feet.
It's funny that she has now taken to trying to blur out the backgrounds to cover how warped her shooping attempts have made them.
>>594270You didn't deshoop enough. She's more blocky than that from the front, though now that she's had the lipo and fixed her boobjob she does look better than she used to at the very least.
>>594289 She shoops her face anon. Refer to
>>553256 which still has a filter over it and she's wearing a ton of makeup. She isn't hideous, but I'd hardly say her face is above average? She could have probably been attractive once if she hadn't followed the path that she did.
No. 595026
File: 1527410814951.jpeg (78.34 KB, 400x545, 02BE7A49-181F-4CC4-AA9A-E993A4…)

No. 595031
File: 1527411190286.jpeg (154.25 KB, 750x1132, 71FC937C-4A5C-4404-9C71-45D518…)

No. 595110
File: 1527429420743.jpg (103.17 KB, 1080x1349, tqOdRnc.jpg)

the horror continues
No. 595312
File: 1527449793391.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.66 KB, 350x196, wy3KbOz.jpg)

No. 595739
>>595312Why does it look like she's screaming?lmao
Doing porn is one thing. But having porn of yourself out on the internet where you look this ridiculous and ugly ( wasn't her best time then, ratty plastic extensions and weight gain), idk what it'd do. Maybe kill myself. She must have been on drugs when that was filmed.
No. 595863
File: 1527512909765.jpg (77.97 KB, 1080x1080, aAxa3Lf.jpg)

it's from her prettyxwreckless account and an old photo but who is that?
No. 598351
File: 1527751701502.jpg (139.67 KB, 1024x996, lorena.jpg)

>>597452>>598112It's okay guys, she just had a migraine.
No. 598455
File: 1527773797383.jpeg (298.64 KB, 640x700, 5CE59992-F937-45DF-A85F-C87B02…)

Wtf is this bahahahaha
No. 598510
File: 1527782464435.jpeg (746.97 KB, 750x1224, 124BAEFB-AF1F-4A14-B4CF-D1F7B9…)

>>598455Wtf is THIS… she‘s disgusting
No. 598935
>>598918I’m kinda surprised
Most Japanese look rough as fuck too
No. 599059
>>599015Well, pregnant foreign residents who have a proper visa/resident card are supposed to attend the regular checkups every 2~4 weeks, just like any pregnant Japanese woman would, and fill them out in the Mother-Child Handbook (boshi techou).
Sere has none of that so probably she went to few, if any check ups… so sad… part of the only reason I keep following these threads is because I feel badly for her children and keep hoping there will be some sort of positive resolution (I'd consider her parents/ex husband caring for the other children reasonably favorable)
No. 600301
File: 1527968163603.jpeg (146.24 KB, 640x759, 29E23E00-AA15-4A80-961B-C98D17…)

Lol proportions all over the place
No. 601646
File: 1528113615127.jpg (98 KB, 1071x1339, gtyYbqY.jpg)

wtf it's so blurry and fake
chinese shoop level
No. 602357
File: 1528206768354.jpg (81.45 KB, 960x960, ibcIJuY.jpg)

that photoshop
that hilarious pose
what the fuck is she wearing?!
remembers me of dakota.. no fashion sense and photoshop like hell
No. 602687
>>602357At least this time her feet are a relatively normal size? Her butt, hips, face, etc. have all been shooped to hell though.
Also those ridiculous, over the top, heels, with what looks like dingy looking workout pants? Top model. I think she's just having some kind of early midlife because she's about to 30?
No. 602714
>>602357This outfit is
triggering me. How can someone look at a pair of workout pants, heels with butterflies on them and a puffy sleeved crop top and think, OH THIS WOULD MAKE A GREAT OUTFIT.
No. 603179
>>603161Yeah, but compared to:
>>601646>>595110>>595031>>595024>>590125They are less ridiculous in size than usual in her recent shoops.
No. 603433
>>603179Maybe she's going for the foot fetish market :/
Anyway, I'm still mostly concerned about her undocumented child that's in her custody at least part of the time. It's dumb and probably I'm just being hormonal but I love children so much and sometimes when I hear about a child in a bad situation like this it keeps weighing on my mind. Probably the main reason I keep coming back to this thread.
Other posters suggested that she leaves the baby at a 24 hour unlicensed nursery, but even for those they would need the mother child booklet and whatnot?'s an unlicensed baby hotel in Ikebukuro that allows people to drop children off pretty much any time of day or even permanently full time there. It has no play ground, only provides 2 meals a day, the activities are mostly "free play" or "napping", and the few pictures are heavily cropped (seems like they might be hiding obvious problems like overcrowding or sanitation). But even this place requires you have documents for the child.
No. 603435
>>603433At risk of creeping a bit too hard, I think I found the baby hotel Sere would use (if she is indeed using one). There is one in Shinjuku that is cheap and shoddy like the one linked above but doesn't say anything about documentation. They also listed the age of caretakers, and their employment, and the age of the children and there's one 2 year old under 24 hour care with a 29 year old single mother in the "food and drink industry"…
Could be a coincidence as I'm sure there are many Japanese single moms that would fit the boat, but despite the perception, it's really not THAT common to have a 24 hour unlicensed nursery that allows undocumented children to stay there indefinitely. Demand for spots in daycares is already through the roof especially in Tokyo, so most can afford to be picky, especially with the stigma against evening workers.
No. 605118
File: 1528467447344.jpg (70.9 KB, 1080x1350, 4V6sG93.jpg)

lmao that shoop agai
No. 605639
>>605118What is even going on with that dislocated shoulder and that bowed out, misshapen forearm? Everything else is hilarious too. Her head is huge, her proportions are all over the place, her face is so white and glowing compared to the rest of her skin.
>>605119If you look at her neck, you can actually see a ghostly line there from where she shooped her jawline smaller.
No. 606680
File: 1528625575231.jpg (92.34 KB, 1080x1341, FMft6o3.jpg)

the shoop continues
No. 610469
File: 1528985901715.png (328.47 KB, 311x503, L7rKQ-qB6ZbRxSMDKNO.png)

that doesn't make any sense
No. 610751
>>610469She's calling a crow a murderer, flipping it off, and threatening to kick it? Can anyone translate the Japanese?
Lorena has drank/drugged herself stupid?
No. 610777
I've seen this special
duck moving
No. 611164
>>610777>>610853So bizarre. So it reads something like…
I've seen this special
duck moving (house)
I wanna kick you in the fucking face!!!!
Holy shit, she's legitimately gone mad. Why is she harassing this poor bird?
No. 611591
>>610469>>611164the second line says "I saw that special"
pretty sure she means 'special' as in "NHK special' (documentary series)
probably a documentary about crows affecting the duck population.
No. 611677
File: 1529087661635.png (516.85 KB, 597x657, gross.png)

another gross and shooped photo
No. 611683
File: 1529088397180.jpg (112.65 KB, 1080x1920, VNQkI3Z.jpg)

No. 611728
>>611683Another porn?
>>611677She got her frankentitties fixed yet they still look botched.
No. 611780
>>611728They look better than before but wayyyyy too far apart.
>>611767For a moment I legit thought the strand of those extensions down the left side of her chest was a plastic surgery scar
No. 612246
File: 1529135516118.jpeg (49.89 KB, 750x422, 60FE4208-3176-4543-B2F8-CB3A47…)

>>612192She posted a caption like you don’t deserve me and someone replied like!
No. 612404
File: 1529162191332.png (355.35 KB, 577x591, shooop.png)

No. 612523
File: 1529174639603.jpeg (398.76 KB, 621x877, 73DF2A6D-4F87-409D-9B8C-A47590…)

Outside ikebukuro kirari lmao
No. 613064
>>613060She shops her face thinner, pointier chin, bigger eyes, etc. So she accidentally stretched her hand out in the process. Similar to how she somehow always stretches her feet so huge in her shoops when she makes herself thinner/taller. She's a mess.
I wonder how long this weird russian barbie photoshop "model" phase is going to last?
No. 613071
>>613064I wonder whats next. So far she has had a gyaru phase, hostess, host/dansou, highclass escort, pornstar and now model. She is hilarious.
When will she realise she is just trash
No. 613957
File: 1529319921226.png (1.09 MB, 1232x636, gross.png)

yep, she totally lost it
No. 613979
>>613972The one where she is sucking in her tummy and standing awkwardly to pretend she has a thigh gap…. Embarrassing.
Cellulite is hard to get rid of and a lot of women in their 30s have it, so fair enough touching up your pictures. But shooping yourself to hell and back and going that far to pretend you're ridiculously slim when you're not…. thats another story. She has real identity issues.
No. 614102
>>613533hi newfag
>>613957>working on my warp linesyou need a lot more work…
also why is she trying so hard to warp her face into a shooped asian? Everyone can tell right away she's not asian in the slightest??
No. 614382
File: 1529361028502.png (561.44 KB, 806x596, wideload.png)

>>613957>>613960>>613972Does she really think this video is evidence she isn't shooping? While she has lost the baby weight, it's obvious she looks nothing like her shoops. Look at this mess.
No. 614398
>>614382She blurs/defocuses the background of her pics a lot like in
>>613957 it’s an old trick that instagram models use. You shoop yourself skinnier, pulling the pixels on the image twords your waist to make it thinner, then you blur/defocus the background and around your body so the wavy lines, blurring, and pixel pulling are less evident due to everything in the background, and the edges around your body, being blurred to high hell .
She could’ve just used a solid color backdrop like white or black, would’ve been less obvious tbh
She looks a lot thicc-er and meaty in this pic. And her waist and legs look thicker. Not in a bad way. But definitely not as skinny or as thin as she’s shooping herself to be. Don’t know how she thinks that proving anything.
She probably edits her videos like kota used to, or using the snow app, then cropping your video to not include the “snow” watermark.
No. 614645
>>614398Good grief.
mediocre rage mode This used to be a entertaining a super-milky kind of way, but the power of the milk has faded and we're reduced to talking about instagram insta-shit and 'shooping. Can we please get back to the real milk. Insta-shit isn't insta-milk! It's just like those other insta-gossip-shit-sites where girls are gushing and backstabbing each other over who shoop'd it better. I over expressed it for the milky goodness. Go look at other /snow shit. up your game. seriously.
I'll shoop the shit that comes out of my ass and make it look better than her. There. It's a relative comment to the whole theme we've go there.
No. 614690
>>614398Thicc is on fashion right now so girls be flaunting that ass and thigh anyway
With her comments its clear she frequents here as much as people check her page
No. 614764
>>614690Thicc is not in fashion in japan though
Rail thin is still the thing here and she's trying to go for that in shoops but then outing herself as overweight in videos lmao whatever she is brain damaged
No. 615384
>>613306Let's talk Sere's child
Ok, real talk a child is not someone you can just let alone for awhile, particularly a small baby/toddler. So is the child at daycare? or what? Even legal Japanese toddlers have a hard time getting a daycare spot. There are literally hundreds of thousands of 待機児童(taiki jidou= children who need a daycare spot but didn't qualify for one). So I'm not so persuaded by this "oh she just leaves the tot at daycare" argument.
Who the fuck is caring for that child? I don't give a shit about poor quality photoshop or host club drama, but the idea of a small child being abused (left alone all day) sickens me
No. 615457
>>615384We discussed it already but unregulated 24h 'daycares' exist in Japan, some specifically to serve the needs of sex workers: about this though: she went for a visa trip to Korea and the kid is unregistered so no passport. It would have stayed in one of these places for days.
No. 615739
File: 1529486594080.jpg (70.56 KB, 1024x1821, QbdMkmV.jpg)

in her new instastories.. is she on drugs the whole time?
also gambling lol
and who is that guy?
No. 615746
>>615457Not many things fuck me up as much as child abuse.
>The toddler's death is, sadly, not an unusual case. According to figures put together by the Cabinet Office, nine children died in fatal accidents in baby hotels in 2015 alone. In March this year, 14-month-old Kento died at the Kids Square Nihonbashi Muromachi center in Tokyo, less than a month after his parents began to use the facility. In the same month, a six-month-old girl also died in the middle of the night at the Kamata Children's House in Ota City, a ward in Tokyo.Both of the girl's parents were in full-time, permanent employment, and had not been able to find a place in public childcare by the time their parental leave was over. They found Kamata Children's House online and paid the 24-hour nursery more than 60,000 yen ($570) a month. Two members of staff were working at the center at the time of their baby's death; neither possessed any childcare qualifications.
Ot but if another Australian would be willing to adopt sere’s child would that be difficult?
No. 616019
>>615746>Not many things fuck me up as much as child abuseSame… same :( I'm already in tears over the ICE thing in the States and now this
>>615828God, how sad is it that the best outcome for that child would be for Lorena to abandon the child (safely) or pass away? According to Japanese law, a child whose parents are stateless or unknown will become a Japanese citizen. Then the baby would be institutionalized in an orphanage with very little chance of adoption/fostering because Japanese culture frowns upon raising children that aren't of your own blood descent. Plus the social stigma from being hafu. But at least they would have a chance to go to school, eat properly, etc.
No. 616229
>>615746>>616019What also worries me is that not only could there be physical abuse and neglect, but what about sexual abuse? That scares the shit out of me. I'm sure there are sickos who work at the unregulated daycares. And this dumb bitch is also working around people with questionable morals.
I hope her kids get taken away or she does the right thing and give it away to Australia/Japan wherever where it has a chance.
No. 616238
>>616227She's also never been spotted out in public with her child. It is super unlikely that Lorena could (either financially or because of the daycare's policies) be able to leave this child at a daycare for weeks at a time while she goes to Korea to visa-hop.
Plus she must have a few friends who have haffu kids who she could babysit.
No. 616253
>>616227>>616238The first video with the kid in a Pooh outfit is from January 22, 2018.
This means that she was probably pregnant as early as January 22nd, 2017. She would have been pregnant by March 22, 2017. If the kid was a year old then she would be been pregnant around January, 2016.
The first post on her new account was on March 27th, 2017. She started going to the gym with a waist trainer in June.
In July, 2017 She posted that picture in the flight attendant costume where she is quite skinny plus those naked pics in the hotel room.
She went to Korea in August 2017 and appeared to be escorting there while she visa hopped. No way she wouldn't have been showing heavily by then. She couldn't have gotten plastic surgery if she was pregnant and she would have been showing too much to lie about being pregnant.
Assuming the kid was a year old in that video, Lorena would have gotten pregnant between January 2016 and March 2016. She stopped using her old IG on May 16th, 2017.
She looked pretty heavy on November 13th, 2016 in that mirror pic with the pink shirt and scarf. I'm not sure she looks pregnant though.On November 28th, 2016 she looks really skinny again in the black cord with the grey fur thing.
Plus she was hanging around with Shiena in 2016. Not sure Shiena would have wanted to hang out with a pregnant Lorena nor could Lorena have been escorting enough to pay for Shiena to hang around (meals, shopping, host clubs, etc).
I just don't think this is her baby.
No. 616364
>>616321I agree. If we look at the evidence.
+ Lorena posts pics on IG with a haffu baby
+ Lorena complains on hostlove and other places about the father of her baby not claiming the child so it has no visa
+ Lorena has abandoned two children before
No Baby
- didn't look pregnant during the time she would have been
- visa hops a bunch which would mean leaving the child somewhere in Japan
- got plastic surgery when she would have been pregnant
- never seemed to stop drinking/partying for any period of time
Most of the evidence of this being her baby comes directly from Lorena. We know she is a pathological liar, lurks here, and is obsessed with the attention she gets from her drama. The no baby evidence is logistics problems and taken directly from looking at the timeline taken from Insta pics (not pics where she is trying to convince us she has a new baby). I don't think there is any way this is her baby.
Besides the attention she's getting since this baby situation is like half the thread, she might also be getting sympathy from other people by playing up being a single mother.
No. 616566
>>616542Where is the evidence of her being pregnant? Please point to the pictures where she looks pregnant. They form exist.
Also, she could have told him it was her child. She's a liar. She lied to everyone. Why wouldn't she lie to him?
No. 616567
>>616542Also, she only said that she was thrown out of a club and posted a bruised picture. She could have gotten the bruises anywhere. Maybe she did get kicked out of a club? She's psycho so it's not surprising
Also, like…she could easily have been posting on those forums for attention or even trying to extort the host.
You're taking Lorena's word for everything. This is a woman who abandoned two children. The first she abandoned to go live out weeb fantasies in Japan and the second Because it couldn't get her a visa. Making up having a child is way easier than giving birth to another one to try to get something. Why is that hard to believe? Shouldn't it be way harder to believe that any mother could abandon two of her own children?!!
No. 616656
>>616610You do realise a lot of what's posted here is pure speculation based on ig posts? There is no explicit proof she was pregnant and gave birth in a hospital. It's possible but her bullshitting everyone as well.
Also Cody Sanderson asking her about the kid on her ig seems curious to me. I don't know, it all seems fishy.
But no matter what's the right story, she's crazy anyway. If it's her kid it clearly has a shitty life and if it's not, it's insane how far she'd go for online drama.
No. 617663
>>616794Yeah. We don't know why she had the first baby. The second one was supposed to be an anchor baby. The anchor baby thing didn't work so it wouldn't make sense for her to try again…especially with a host. Plus like how would she possibly know whose baby it was since she's an escort? She picked the host to target him for something. That doesn't prove she ever had a baby or was even pregnant.
Seriously…where are the pictures of her when she looks pregnant? Anon already went through the instagram timeline of her pics and there wasn't any indication she was pregnant. Especially because you can compare a lot of pics with the same ones on other people's instagrams and you can clearly tell she wasn't pregnant during 2016 or 2017.
No. 617796
>>617662This isn't tumblr and women do do things like that. There are even cows on snow and pt who do it(Raven Sparks in pt for instance). Men can't get pregnant so why would I say that men do it too?
Sere is a known liar and shady as fuck especially when it comes to kids. I'm just saying that it wouldn't be beneath her to do something like that ffs.
No. 617916
File: 1529659560384.jpg (43.96 KB, 1080x608, NvBnDxL.jpg)

where's the shoop?
No. 617917
File: 1529659623337.jpg (67 KB, 750x1334, lmaaaao.jpg)

No. 617918
>>617917She seems extra aggressive these days. Is it the drugs or something?
Funny she says this now. Her old boytoy was anorexic.
No. 618057
>>618040>>618042Why are her friends impressed? This isn't even impressive.
"She's doing it in stilettos!"
Unless she moves the foot that the band is under, it doesn't really matter what she's wearing on her feet.
No. 618118
>>618042What the FUCK this is actually inside kirari, I can't believe it.
For everyone's understanding: kirari are the hooker "cafes" where girls sit on sofas with a magic mirror in front of them. The men behind the mirror can see you and pick you for a talk, but you can't see them.
Too bad she's prob scaring all Japanese away with her loud and crazy behavior
No. 618943
File: 1529746995119.jpg (121.43 KB, 810x1440, WnF2sMX.jpg)

gross as always
No. 618945
File: 1529747146593.png (455.06 KB, 587x687, lmao.png)

she really thinks she is pretty lmao
No. 618967
File: 1529750343534.jpg (271.44 KB, 1080x1350, F6poSre.jpg)

lorenas calves are disgusting
No. 619113
File: 1529769023830.jpg (127.82 KB, 810x1440, bvQ4SM4.jpg)

No. 619731
>>619728Not that anon, but what?
> She's only glorious on this site, because people here idolize her. Outside of cow/pull, she's a nobody.You make no sense even in regards to the post you were responding to? Also, learn to sage?
No. 620470
>>618040>>618042Both links are broken, if you're direct linking instagram stories, I suggest you download them with and then upload them here
No. 620818
File: 1529921370280.jpg (113.75 KB, 1080x1040, 6McdDdx.jpg)

wtf wearing a ribbon around her neck
No. 621787
File: 1530008902260.png (287.33 KB, 303x485, fugly.png)

No. 622556
File: 1530072428538.jpeg (122.21 KB, 750x669, 815C62A5-B0FA-4808-B990-907E0D…)

She really only has this one bed cover….
No. 622888
>>622799Lol that photoshop on her ass..
Also wtf since when is she in a band? Lmao
From failed kyaba>whore>failed host>failed porn star>whore> to failed rocker!
No. 622894
File: 1530122279867.jpeg (398.95 KB, 640x782, 422B9D54-AC40-48B2-B7EE-8CF0E7…)

Im literally crying tears of laughter. Her ‘bands’ photoshoot. Shes hit the next level of 2edgy4u 14year old
No. 622989
File: 1530129410113.jpg (106.41 KB, 300x450, 277_6.jpg)

No. 623009
>>622894Why does this delusional chick think that she is entitled to a career in hyper competitive fields like modeling and music despite having no talent and barely mediocre looks (despite having a lot of surgical enhancement)?
What drives this level of narcissism?
No. 623026
>>622894Even if the band was somehow amazing, nobody is going to support a trashy foreign prostitute with 3 kids, 2 of which officially abandoned.
I’ve seen some Japanese band with a white girl singer who was MUCH classier and actually educated, but she eventually disappeared because newsflash japan doesn’t actually give as much of a fuck as you think they do.
No. 623142
>>620818She looks like a non passable tranny lmao
I bet ppl think she's okama when out in the wild
No. 623261
>>622799What suddenly happened to that tiny waistline she always shoops? Did she forget or was this background too difficult to warp around and hide? Also, look at those unfinished concrete walls? This looks more and more like a sharehouse every time she posts pics of it.
>>622888Yeeees! Her new phase? I thought she was trying to "model", but I guess a terrible music phase is even better to witness as it unfolds and flops.
My favorite part is that they are all posing, dressed like this, in some public lobby. You can literally see a bright orange advertisement banner right behind them. Her bandmates all look like washed up old dudes too. I wonder how many of them are hosts or ex hosts?
No. 623644
File: 1530210042198.jpg (128.97 KB, 810x1440, RCiNw9r.jpg)

thank you for my shitty live kamisama <3
No. 623977
File: 1530240357969.png (475.78 KB, 922x595, 4dc.png)

>>623970She's been hanging around with one of the members for a while now, he seems to be her new boytoy? No idea who he is outside of this band, however, seems like a regular nobody.
No. 623978
File: 1530240466874.png (460.31 KB, 933x598, studio.png)

>>623977Sage for samefag. This was posted roughly about two months ago by her.
And her in the studio. Looks like Lorena is their vocalist? Hilarious.
No. 624188
>>623958Not really, it's basically "Look upon me with favor" so that works in this context.
>>623954It's Inari-sama, the fox god.
No. 624262
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ahahaha infront of kirari
No. 624264
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No. 624288
>>624285No. 1 at her deriheru escort job
What an achievement
No. 625112
File: 1530332454911.jpeg (447.92 KB, 640x862, 7E7608A3-14CB-4818-BC45-F12C67…)

>>623261The guy on the far right is this dude. A known druggie and thief. Hes a failed bkei band guy too lmao
No. 625194
>>625184It's not that difficult to get photos with bands, esp if you are in a band or working in media. Hard to say if it's an actual connection or just a chance photo.
>>625157Welcome to lolcow. I'm indifferent to swarovski myself, so it's just whatever. I don't recall it being particularly cheap, just tacky?
No. 625319
>>625309Some shitty pop punk band that has gained some notoriety via a couple of their songs being featured as videogame and anime theme songs. They peaked a few years back, but their newest release hasn't seemed as well received.
They aren't a huge deal, but I could see why they would seem like big fish in a small pond.
No. 625362
File: 1530351379910.jpg (304.44 KB, 1080x1350, Iy5Z02N.jpg)

she looks trans
and again..that outfit..ew
No. 625393
>>625157hello summer
>>625173i lol'd
>>624262"let me just blur the whole background as if no one could possibly know my usual hangout spot"
No. 625815
>>614645other workers and japanesse people would give us milk. they seemed to have left.
>>616566I don't think its her kid. I don't think she lives in a share house. I think she is couchsufering and that kid belongs to her Japanese friend. the background of her pictures up top look like she lives in a corner. sure she could be living with a guy taking pictures with his kid but I just don't think she is that wanted in japan. from reading t.a.g, host sites, and this other site– her and alice seem to only get European clients.
No. 626011
File: 1530407429434.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180628-135047.png)

>>625362Her extensions are nowhere near her actual hair color. This looks so vad, even after all of the heavy editing. Can you imagine what she looks like in these without it?
Also can we take a moment for her belly button.
No. 626068
File: 1530414690770.jpg (723.63 KB, 1007x2071, 20180630_171052.jpg)

Her weight loss is very apparent and good on her, but damn that loose skin!
No. 626333
File: 1530456095586.jpg (121.5 KB, 1080x1350, lbUkcw2.jpg)

the shoop continues
No. 626884
>>626011 That belly button looks so so so sad… it looks so aged, and in b4 anyone rants at me about the fact she had kids… YES I KNOW
>>626068 Oh goodness… and that is when she is STANDING. I am not one to hate on body type/shapes because I have been pregnant but damn fuck her arrogance and belittling others for their body… when her body unshopped looks like THIS…
No. 626976
File: 1530532481300.jpg (101.31 KB, 768x1365, 0prbEm0.jpg)

what's wrong with miss piggy?
she sticking her tongue out every video wtf
No. 626982
>>626976Shes obviously working out a lot.
Good for her… If only she invested as much time in taking care of her children as she does in taking care of herself.
No. 627534
>>626976>>626982While it's good that she's trying to upkeep a healthy form, her lifestyle still isn't healthy so it's for the wrong reasons. She's still drinking, doing drugs, and selling sex? I guess good on her for not wasting the money on lipo and ballooning back up like Momokun though?
I feel like her new obsession with fitness, modeling, and a music career is all due to her nearing her 30's. She knows her looks are fading and she's desperately trying to hold onto them, get famous, succeed in some way, etc. She doesn't have that much time left before she's too old to be doing what she's been doing.
No. 628171
>>628061There is nothing to admire. People like lorena are narcissistic. They can be the most horrible person or have a fucked up life (in lorenas case it’s her own fault) and they still think mighty of themselves. You don’t want to be like this, maybe it goes well at the beginning but give her a few more years and her life will be a total disaster.
I also won’t call it ‘moving on’, she fucks up her life more and more without noticing it
No. 628232
>>628219look at her boobs here
>>611677you could fit your whole fit in there. natural big boobs would have spread out over her chest more instead of half hanging off the sides. just another bad boobjob
No. 628377
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>>553256Looks like sere has resorted to selling cheap nudes on Tokyo Craigslist
No. 628576
>>628549 it legit looks like she is gurning. She makes a shocked face before sticking her tongue out and it all happens sk fast honestly i feel
triggered watching that
No. 628672
File: 1530719383728.png (607.36 KB, 591x657, fat.png)

yeah ugly af
No. 628841
>>628672Asexpected she still has a pouch lmao
Also she looks so old and busted in that video
No. 629677
File: 1530826023047.png (400.67 KB, 557x354, sere01.png)

>>628672Still using filters as always though, her face is super smoothed out. Funny how her waist size almost doubles in the unshooped pics too.
>>628841How old is she actually again? She looks so old in the face now. That video was telling.
No. 630156
File: 1530882046112.jpg (104.3 KB, 1080x1920, BY04ZCI.jpg)

lorena = trash <3
No. 630253
>>630156is this girl self posting
also what is コード does she mean コーデ
No. 631055
>>630784>>630808>>630849Yes, if you already have a phone or pay out right for a phone you can sign up for a plan. As the anon said before.
You just can’t finance a phone. Like spread out the payments for a phone over a certain amount of time. They do a “credit check” (I’m on my spouses plan, they ran a check on him). I’m on a spousal visa. We couldn’t get financed our first try, year later finally got it.
Sorry for the lack of grammar. Lol, think I went off in a tangent a little sorry ADD.
No. 631537
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wow another couch
No. 633518
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>>632962Posting a few caps of this mess.
No. 633519
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>>632962My personal favorite. What was with that weird facial twitch she does halfway through?
No. 633520
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>>632962The Kiddie pool in question. Her kid's probably crying because mommy is taking up the whole pool taking sexy boob-grabbing videos for her IG when he wants in the pool. kek.
No. 633720
File: 1531305746145.jpg (127.79 KB, 810x1440, uk5smnB.jpg)

her apartment is a mess..
poor guy and kid
also wearing shoes inside is a no go
No. 634090
>>633842No, I think it's her tiny bedroom, but with the door open that leads out to what looks like the kitchen? We've seen the countertops in a previous photo.
While the room outside her's looks okay, her room is pretty typical for her. Barren, yet cluttered, full trash can, cheap plastic bin full of her things that she brought with her from her old place with her last boytoy. But hey look! She got herself a tiny pink shag rug and a framed Japanese ink block of gay sex? Upgrades! I wonder if her bed is still on the floor and if she's still using those old, awful floral sheets?
No. 634173
Her new victim is renting an apartment
No. 634228
File: 1531382244597.jpg (92.3 KB, 1080x1350, 1viyyJJ.jpg)

where is the china shoop?
No. 635847
>>634214i only have one pair of sheets and i wash them during the day when i don't need the bed like a normal person.
stop reaching.
(no one cares) No. 637000
File: 1531664016901.jpg (100.95 KB, 1080x1350, fPW4FoE.jpg)

new shoop style
No. 639970
File: 1531914589671.jpg (109.52 KB, 810x1440, 8rvdosA.jpg)

lorena does the "ask me a question" on insta
No. 640259
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No. 640595
File: 1531961583853.jpeg (246.64 KB, 750x1217, 008EF9B8-6C9A-4FAE-A598-CC13C5…)

No. 640759
>>640595LMFAO as if she has the mental capacity to trade in any stock market, plus which market would she be trading on? She has to have valid Japanese banking accounts/ID and pay taxes to use stock services here even forex apps. If it's in aus accounts then she would need to be paying taxes in aus.
Fucking liar just say you're an uneducated hooker lol
No. 640880
>>640595So she's straight up lying about her sex work now? We all know it's been her main source of income since forever.
The fact she thinks her "insta" lie is believable when she only has 583 followers is just beyond hilarious.
No. 642619
File: 1532118701895.jpeg (491.64 KB, 750x740, 55E85BCD-8039-4571-AA6B-C3262B…)

Businesswoman and high class escort
No. 642625
File: 1532118905709.png (3.55 MB, 750x1334, F336EDA9-28F6-4176-B1B9-CF07AE…)

No. 642635
>>642625 Oh god
Can she just go to a therapist and shut up
No. 642918
>>642619Yo tits rocking out like that people will look, especially if they think your not looking.
(Not saying anyone deserves it, or anything.)
No. 643165
>>643164Okay. Her latest IG story seems to confirm what is actually going on.
She is at a BBQ with a lot of people and the kid. It looks to me like the place they are eating and the mixture of people indiciates that they are all in a sharehouse.
This could be her kid or just the son of someone in the sharehouse. I am leaning toward the second.
No. 643177
>>643164She plonks the kid in 24h care.
As discussed, there is zero she can gain by getting paternity recognised for a borrowed kid. It makes no sense.
No. 643884
>>642625That guy is straight up making a disgusted expression at her though? He looks like he's judging her more than checking her out. She's so delusional. She's a heavily tattooed, fake blonde, skimpy dressed, foreign girl posing in the middle of the street.
Also, topkek at "preditors".
No. 643886
>>643884‘I have three degrees’
No. 645582
>>645562What a waste of money.
Buying followers is so lame. What exactly is she trying to accomplish? It's not like she is someone who is even internet famous. She's just an old bogan prostitute with too much plastic surgery and an completely unwarranted ego. She's not a model/musician/tarento/artist/etc.
No. 647373
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No. 647666
>>647373I can't believe she actually went as far as to buy 15k+ followers after we made fun of her follower count. It's really funny how desperate she is to keep this facade that she's some rich, young model/entrepreneur living in Japan when she's just a cheap 30yo prostitute.
Anyone else remember when she posed with that stranger's luxury sports car that one time and claimed it was her new car? she's not even a very good liar.
No. 647870
File: 1532604425882.jpg (48.68 KB, 751x1335, ok92uPy.jpg)

No. 647897
File: 1532607396599.png (4.04 MB, 750x1334, A002C6A3-62AC-44AA-BB53-94694D…)

Tries to pick a fight with a cheap bikini online shop lol
No. 648370
File: 1532646903296.png (110.85 KB, 1080x336, IMG_20180727_011224.png)

No. 648662
>>648370Can afford to buy IG followers, yet cries about a missing plastic rhinestone on a shitty overpriced bikini. Their swimwear is $100+, so she's probably just trying to scam some money back or get free product/credit by making a huge deal about it. She might be able to buy followers, but this bitch can't buy class.
>>647870Did she post this recently after this
>>647666 ? Lorena already has confirmed herself to lurk here, but I didn't realize she checked in so often.
No. 649268
>>649201>>649227Can you be anymore cringey?
>>649058She's a sex worker, of course she has a real job.
No. 649412
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No. 651513
I have literally had Japanese police tell me "We don't really concern ourselves with gaijin
like you, we're more focused on ajiajin*, they're the ones really causing problems here"
*gaijin means "foreigner" but it is used to mean "white people"
*ajia-jin means "Asian" but it is used to mean "Chinese and Korean people" (maybe Filipina Vietnamese etc too) . Don't ask me how the fuck Japanese people think they're not Asian.
No. 651514
asterisks messed up
No. 651726
>>651670Omfg this is insane!! How did you find out about this article?
For those none Japanese speakers, it says basically shannon wong a canadian citizen has been arrested for fake marriage. To some guy she met at a cosplay convention..they married june 2016
No. 651853
File: 1533028238049.jpg (103.07 KB, 1080x1124, MxeO06h.jpg)

meanwhile lorena postet about her problems
No. 651969
>>651726If I was Lorena, I would be worried that Shiena might start trying to throw other girls under the bus to get a lighter sentence.
Save yourself Lorena! Start dishing all the dirt you have on Shiena before she tells immigration all about you and your businesses and whatever lies she could make up.
No. 653528
>>653278They both knew about the fraud wedding and didn’t say anything. Lorena was also the witness and Katie may have been another legal witness.
Shani also knew about it in 2016 but didn’t report. The cops are following the digitrail and closing the net on these girls……
No. 653571
>>653552Who is this retard that keeps cowtipping in all of the weeb threads?
Do it yourself or stfu
No. 653580
>>653528How the hell would you know this and where is the proof? Stop making shit up.
I highly doubt Sere or Katie were witnesses and they won't be required for questioning, it does not work like that. They police usually take all forms of contact (tablets, phones, computers, etc.) For evidence, so they other girls may pop up on their radar when they check her phone and social media accounts.
No. 654233
>>651973the witnesses are there just to confirm that both parties to be wed are of sound mind (sober, not drunk/on drugs or mentally unstable)
i don't believe they are accountable in case of a fraud marriage
No. 656682
File: 1533419990849.jpg (86.55 KB, 1080x1080, NcHagKn.jpg)

the shoop continues
No. 656779
>>656682I just cant get over how terribly she dresses
Also kek at her posing in front of kabukicho love hotels for this pic
No. 657505
>>657176A lot of woman fail to comprehend what some guys will stick their dick in for bragging rights.
Also tattoos on woman here are associated with being a lot of men will just pump and dump but wont take a relationship seriously
No. 657922
>>657856How many girls are these? Maybe 10 out of thousands of white people in japan? Gosh go back to your weeb circle, there are plenty of ‚normal‘ foreigners in japan, more than weebs.
Agree with that anon that it‘s thanks to porn and russian prostitutes that some japanese man might think white girls are easy.
No. 667557
File: 1534585015249.png (1.23 MB, 640x1136, 93F658B4-C854-49CC-978C-681B73…)

The dude in the background lmao