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No. 567471
Summary from PULL:
Problematic “goth girl”, always posting drama then deleting later. Dated Tyler (Online personality Zalvid) super weird dramatic breakup along with more deleting. Dated Connor (Probablyconnorward) for about 2 weeks right after Tyler and broke up with him, more drama.. super rude to anyone who disagrees with her or just outright blocks everyone. Changes her hair once a week, smokes cigarettes and is super rude to anyone who says anything about it. Also posts controversial statements about killing herself and depression only to delete it all again.
Links: No. 567622
>>567490>>567540She dates people and colors her hair a lot guys!!!
I am interested in the skinwalking tho, where's the milk on that? I know who Layla is but idk who Ashley is
No. 567635
File: 1524880100168.jpeg (547.3 KB, 672x1000, B4162DA9-008C-4639-80BB-3A2DA2…)

layla’s rose tattoo
No. 567931
>>567797>>567851literally nothing is happening on her instagram, what is milky here? some generic captions and song lyrics ("I am doll parts", really?)? creepyyeha corset harness and choker necklace? suburban z-tier art school bathroom selfies?
so fucking basic and recycled from every other instagoth teen.
i was surprised to see the 100k+ followers, but then again, there are LOTS of teens on instagram. only a teen would be fooled by the paper-thin, regurgitated facade of a personality. But she doesn't belong here.
>>567473>>567483>>567471samefag or selfpost tbh. omg she dyes her hair, smokes, and listens to a popular band!
No. 585962
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No. 613340
File: 1529252653107.jpeg (248.29 KB, 1242x919, 37CD5AF9-EB4D-4EE1-9ECD-587BD1…)

sooooo edgy…..this girl tries so hard, it’s cringey af
No. 613656
>>613340yeah she's a cringy tryhard teen, but no1curr. she's a suburban art school student named fucking "ashley".
nobody cares about her basic ass
No. 740967
>>740809No one cares about this basic irrelevant Ohio teenager. She is boring, and a copy of many other edgy instateens.
No milk.
No. 884426
oh! i guess it has been going on for awhile (gets undress finger herself) (in the shower)
No. 885765
File: 1572276882831.jpeg (794.94 KB, 1125x1601, 24BD37B7-2FB1-4922-AD67-A19CDE…)

>>885327she really thinks her followers are stupid as fuck.
No. 911640
File: 1577699962605.jpg (408.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191230-095135_Ins…)

meant to sage - I hope it's okay to start posting in here - shes had drama the past few weeks. consistently shaving and changing her hair like she was manic. then started posting herself using poppers and that shes moving back to New York (where all she did was party) despite making multiple stories about how she was abusing drugs and wasnt using them anymore months ago. she got mad when people called her out on instagram about the poppers telling them to get a life (or along similar lines). then she posted this today saying shes going to rehab
No. 911641
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No. 941167
File: 1583379007385.png (390.39 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200304-222706.png)

Is it a surprise when the psycho writes garbage like this? She makes a public account and posts her daily life and is then shocked when people actually care about her. I mean some of these idiots even draw pictures of her and dress like her…real hysteria and psychosis. I never knew there was a hate page…bitch deserves a little bit for her drama and lies.
No. 941179
File: 1583380586401.png (426.3 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200304-225349.png)

Yo, she waz going on a temper tantrum about her porn businezz. Lol, like what…her posing nude? You a ho bitch! Now you look stank nasty!
No. 941181
File: 1583380856852.png (1.33 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200304-225416.png)

Yo, this skank looks like a dude in drag. You sure this isn't a guy?
Jesus…butch hair? Anti-guy? What is next, dyed hair and hairy armpits lmao?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 959767
File: 1587023570424.jpeg (190.16 KB, 750x1074, 820B4E02-205C-45A0-8BB1-3B99CA…)

looks like someone’s noticed at least..let’s see how quick she takes it down so that her followers can continue praising the zomg MCR queeenn111!!
No. 960237
File: 1587081245235.jpeg (186.78 KB, 640x805, 88FE4F46-487A-401F-954B-02C1E6…)

Saged for non milk but she’s getting a lot of comments at the moment (she deletes them pretty fast) criticising her for the very public drug use
Also Idk how residential rehab + her multiple hospitalisations works in the us but I’m assuming her mother/family paid for it, must suck to waste money like that
No. 966885
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>>966622>>966645here you go.
there's not much really just her roommates and ugly bf. she said she wouldn't be using it anymore because ppl started calling her out on her drug use.
No. 968640
File: 1588552609104.jpeg (262.8 KB, 640x638, EF9D119A-A697-402B-B219-AE0CC9…)

She got a stick and poke done on her forehead/hairline
No. 968643
>>968300Saged for samefag but iirc he was incredibly
abusive to her mentally possibly physically too (strange bruises + she alluded to it) , she posted some screenshots awhile back of him texting her and telling her she was worthless and how she should kill herself I think she also said something about when she moved back to Ohio she had to get friends to go with her to get her stuff from wherever she was staying in NY bc he was threatening her
No. 968732
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also… her leg. really kind of sad to see where she is considering she was in recovery with her mom in jan
No. 968846
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>>968836She did say that she'd known him for years, pic related
No. 968902
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in response to someone asking about her face tat. the story keeps changing lmao
No. 969006
File: 1588629951850.jpg (423.81 KB, 1080x1872, Screenshot_20200504_230602.jpg)

>>968902Her art, she's also not posted any art for a good few years
No. 969601
>>969032whats up with all these egirls getting face and neck tattoos when they barely have any other ones, are they retarded?
who is doing their tattoos willingly?
ot but this cupofjasmien girl on ig got a neck tattoo in quarantine, wtf is going on
No. 970116
>>969006lmao yes! she live streamed herself getting the face tat and one of her orbiters said they hoped she was taking care and she replied "well yeah I am but you know how it is when you're bipolar, like I have bipolar and substance abuse issues so!"
the livestream was so weird as well, this girl doing her tattoo kept singing along to the music interrupting her - even ashley looked uncomfortable. lost my mind tho when the girl said "yeah I'm shaking really bad because I dont usually sing in front of people" while she was still halfway through doing her tat!
No. 975758
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Her relapse is a joke to her. Unbelievable
No. 977528
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Dolltears is such a sheep, especially when it comes to Ashley. Literally just wants to suck as much fake confidence and ye ol’ goth points as she can from her at this point. They made this video of themselves pretending to know the words to this Christian Death song (which in itself isn’t milk) but they start the video after the first part of the song and in the very first verse it literally says “Burning crosses on a n*ggers lawn”
No. 977531
>>977528As if she’s not
problematic enough lul
No. 978656
File: 1590363494356.jpg (Spoiler Image,351.84 KB, 1080x1887, 20200525_003830.jpg)

oof shes kinda getting to Luna levels huh
No. 978849
File: 1590413767698.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 750x1334, 3C77550F-D230-480C-B083-753220…)

she’s got her coochie out on her finsta, looking drugged out as hell
No. 978850
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No. 979443
File: 1590524049054.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200526-130621.png)

What drugs y'all think she's on now a days? Her roommates don't seem to support her sobriety at all
No. 979557
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"No, I'm just copying her everything"
No. 979665
File: 1590547233917.jpeg (512.91 KB, 750x1214, F17F4796-414F-4A34-B07F-2B362A…)

apparently she’s sober now, i give it a week
No. 979666
File: 1590547337258.jpeg (205.86 KB, 750x968, 7633B43A-A42F-44F0-86C9-7BFF35…)

and breaking news, alcohol is no longer a drug because it’s legal! i find it hilarious she claims to be an alcoholic when she has no idea what that even means
No. 979707
File: 1590553897220.png (778.92 KB, 1118x1147, Screenshot_20200526-213050.png)

I don't find it shocking she's owning up to the alcohol but I'm sure there's more. She's been posting the alcohol for quite some time now. Her and dolltears were annoyingly drunk on a live and got off shortly after someone called her out for lying about her sobriety to her fans
No. 979710
File: 1590554740718.png (335.1 KB, 768x768, Screenshot_20200526-214321.png)

Imagine putting these on your body forever.
No. 979714
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No. 979773
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>>979665>>979665This was from earlier the same day
No. 982675
File: 1591149099186.png (457.95 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200602-185026.png)

The lack of self awareness hurts
No. 982678
>>982677i'm sure creepypeepeepoopoo's reputation will be wounded by this
anyway white girls and any girls can put up pictures of themselves without
>Y-YOUR SILENCE IS DEAFENINGthe left needs to shut the fuck up
No. 985278
File: 1591733568698.png (660.6 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200609-131002.png)

>>981272It's been over a year since they broke up for whatever reason and her page is still covered in him
No. 985279
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Also I found this gem. Whether these were prescribed or not, it seems like she's promoting drugs here to me
No. 998837
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not worth making a new thread but since these two are pals; did anyone see dollltears' story today?
No. 998838
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No. 999941
>wanders off tipsy to drink more with strange men>goes home with them, goes downstairs with them>says "don't rape me" but not "I think there's been a miscommunication" or anything else>was groped while drunk in a stranger's basement & ended up only losing her phone and walletidk this cow but she can't be this brand new. She could have been brutally raped and murdered, but that was hardly anything. No strange man
just wants to give you free booze.
No. 1008833
>>1008430Love how her and vivadrag both use their mental illness as an excuse not to work and be a productive members of society, as if the majority of workers aren’t also mentally ill. I wish I had a BPD diagnosis so I could use it as an excuse to sit around on my ass at my parents house doing drugs and being a
toxic slob
No. 1009240
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Does anybody know why she keeps doing such weird faces and poses?
No. 1009241
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No. 1009246
File: 1595077005164.jpeg (477.23 KB, 750x996, 9B8E7B3C-DBE9-47F1-A725-9EA306…)

>>1009245agree, she looked great here
No. 1009247
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No. 1009260
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also does anyone in her house own a mattress cover kek
No. 1009261
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No. 1009341
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glow down of the century:(
No. 1009408
File: 1595097402161.png (2.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200718-113359.png)

Because killing your brain cells is so quirky and cute lmao
No. 1009411
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No. 1009413
File: 1595097491183.png (2.4 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200718-113436.png)

No. 1009447
>>1009434So meth and heroin are normal for kids too huh? They know what a mattress cover is. I'm not the one posting the compare pics of Maddie but don't take it so serious it's a forum. They make
valid points about how her appearance has changed pretty drastically
No. 1010101
She wasn't just fighting with her mom about not having a job, she was begging her mom to buy her food.
Her mom tells her no, that she'll purge it anyway, which could seem harsh (at least her insta comments seem to think so)
but it's SO clear she had been begging her mom to buy her food way before the videos started. You can even hear her sadly say she wants food AGAIN even after that.
Maddie has been relapsing with her bulimia, even posted a photo of her purge knuckles and keeps talking about losing weight so its clear what her intent is with this video.
She wants to be disordered so bad. It's not exposing a toxic household that's reinforcing her ED like her and her 12 yr old fans think, its exposing her childish ass behavior and proving that her mom is fed up with it too. How is she 18 years old?? She acts so painfully childish. She really has no job? She has an onlyfans but any money shes getting she seems to just spend on alcohol, drugs, walmart clothes and binge food instead of contributing to her supposedly IMPOVERISHED HOUSEHOLD??
And I'm kind of nitpicking with this last part, but she just really irritates me acting all PC when she recently posted a photo of Bin Laden on her spam, calling him Serj Tankian who is Armenian. It was an old ass bottom text meme so it seemed ironic, just very ignorant. When i told her the meme is offensive she deleted it, and then posted blm posts to her main accounts story. That just didn't sit right with me. I have screencaps but idk if anyone gives a shit. But yeah I truly cant imagine where she will be in 5 years, she seems to revert back to her 16 year old self instead of growing or learning?
No. 1010119
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I miss the old maddie
No. 1010234
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i think its a bit wrong that everyones calling her ugly because of weight gain. she's anorexic, for gods sake. i think its great thats she's gaining weight. whats different is the green chunky hair, the perm, the far apart brows, the overdrawn lipstick, all that. to say she looks better as a stick is kinda awful. yes, i do think she looks better two years ago, but her body just looks so fragile.
if you find the thin legs hot, whatever. but i just cant get behind it. the whole goth aesthetic of a skinny scrawny girl is pretty unhealthy, especially for young girls who look up to maddie. i know that, two years ago, i was battling a pretty serious ED and used maddie as inspiration. im better now and ive changed now, but thats not a place anyone should want to be in. and im just glad she's gained weight.
No. 1010238
File: 1595255895217.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3464x3464, BA3A141B-1D1F-4288-8DD6-73B2F9…)

Obvious weight gain in the pic. For the better.
No. 1010275
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^ Sorry, posted without the pic.
No. 1010579
File: 1595319410263.jpeg (574.25 KB, 750x985, 0088A301-F72A-4A79-9266-14EA72…)

Is this a reach or are these track marks on Maddies arm?
No. 1010855
File: 1595378407801.jpeg (23.87 KB, 273x204, 6A7C128A-687B-461D-89CA-2A9380…)

a photo of track marks. compare it to maddies. similar?
No. 1010890
File: 1595383037384.png (3.16 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200721-185519.png)

Why was she in hospital?
No. 1010942
File: 1595394745720.jpeg (504.46 KB, 2048x2048, 8BDCC829-22D8-489B-B284-01BA47…)

>>1010892 Maddie was posting pics with track marks about 12 weeks back. A couple of people mentioned it in the comments but no-one disputed or denied anything.
No. 1010944
File: 1595394960393.jpeg (421.03 KB, 2048x2048, 43B6C68F-63AF-42D3-A433-C9393F…)

>>1010942And comments from these shots. I feel bad for her. Having all this stuff on the net at 18 is horrible - it’s like she’s told herself she’ll never amount to anything so it doesn’t matter, but this stuff is going to have a lasting impact on her future.
(derailing) No. 1010995
File: 1595413611879.jpeg (649.98 KB, 2048x2048, F7F79ED8-6294-4EB7-82CF-1AF033…)

sorry for samefagging. forgot to attach pic(
No. 1011040
File: 1595426758503.jpeg (1.21 MB, 4096x2730, B0BDD10F-242C-445D-8201-2B249A…)

One last thing about maddie. She's definitely reading these threads and taking notes. She's started to straighten her hair, and she's posted pictures on her spam that are very similar to her old pictures…
just thought i'd say this(offtopic)
No. 1011093
>>1010944Ot but I gotta drop some junkie knowledge here. I'm clean but have spent many yrs as an actual IV heroin/meth addict. No, none of these pics look like real trackmarks. The discoloration/visible veins are not necessarily a sign of drug abuse, could be from hospital IVs or nutritional deficiencies or just being pale. I have discoloration on my veins from iv use and it is very different from what's being posted, in no pics are there any actual needle marks (fresh or healed) on any veins and no abscesses/missed shots/dark spots under the skin. In the pic these comments came from, I looked for a good min trying to find wtf people were calling trackmarks - if you mean that spot on the side of her arm, no trackmark makes a huge ass super dark wound like that, think abt it it's a tiny needle prick going into your skin, not a massive circle like that. And most of the "evidence" I've seen is in weird spots like the extreme side of her arm/elbow and wrist area, there is a good vein on the inside wrist and some people have a good one on the outside elbow but the spot doesn't match where she had that weird mark and these are hardmode veins, very hard to hit, no idea why she would and doubt she could while all the easy obvious veins look untouched in her pics. If anything looks like she is trying to give off that impression when it's not, which brings me to my next point.
If she were an actual addict who truly knows what it's like to be a real heroin or meth addict, who ACTUALLY is destitute and has nothing like she claims, she would not think this shit is cool or aesthetic. I cover my arms up everyday even in 90 degree weather and so does every addict, clean or not, that I know. It's mad disrespectful to glorify heroin use or IV drug use when you're a kid living in your parents house with no expenses who I GUARANTEE does it very rarely, if ever, and has never experienced serious addiction or been at rock bottom. No one who has lived this life acts like that, it's not fucking cool at all. Long rant I'm sure yall don't care abt but for those speculating or sympathizing- don't. She knows what she's doing, those pics look like self harm or straight up makeup purposely meant to look like what a non addict thinks IV use looks like and her try hard posing in unnatural ways that put her arms in the forefront of the shot outstretched with a clenched fist to make her veins pop. It's so obvious and cringy. She could easily clear this up anytime if she wanted (and believe me a real addict would, bc it's fucking EMBARRASSING to have everyone you know think you're a junkie loser) but she wants the attention/fake addict clout. Pathetic. Hope she reads this and realizes what glorifying drugs for aEsThEtic looks like to a suffering addict.
File: 1595457790643.jpg (905.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200722-234231_Ins…)

>>1011175she put a ridiculously long story up earlier of her being shitfaced in the middle of the day, ended it on saying she doesn't give a shit if people bully or mock her, then said she has no talents or skills so 'who cares anyways'
No. 1013261
>>1013115It’s not vivadrag fault; it’s Maddie fault. No one made her take these drugs, she could say ‚no’.
I know two of them are
problematic as hell but tbh i tolerate vivadrug more. At least she isn’t so whining, she seems more confident (might be fake confident but who cares). Her life is a mess but at lest she enjoys it. And Maddie…well its’s just sad to watch; she’s like energetic vampire, sucks joy out of everything with her ‚i wanna die and i hate myself 24/7’ attitude
No. 1013955
>>1013261Well first of all I didn’t say it was Ashley’s fault that Maddie has a drug problem, I said that Ashley has been enabling it. No, it isn’t Ashley’s fault, but her presence in Maddie’s life isn’t making it any better.
Also, just because Ashley doesn’t post about her misery doesn’t mean she isn’t just as sad as Maddie. It just means that Ashley is better at keeping her life private. Ashley has her own problems that are completely
valid and it seems like she struggles with addiction A LOT considering the rehab and constant relapses. BUT. That doesn’t give her a free pass to enable other people’s drug problems! And she is. Even by posting about how she “just gave a girl mdma through her ass LOL” or “just slept for 20 hours on ketamine XDDDD” she is sending the message that ~drugs are no big deal, they’re wild and fun~. And her impressionable followers, including Maddie, will see that and internalize it. No, it isn’t Ashley’s FAULT that anyone has a drug problem, but she is still responsible for the messages she puts out and for enabling the people around her.
Anyways, I’m not interested in who anyone “likes better”. I had to unfollow both of them because they’re equally unbearable and awful. But despite the fact that they BOTH suck, I can still recognize that Ashley has a responsibility as Maddie’s older, more popular role model. And she’s failing.
She shows up in Maddie’s life once in a blue moon, parties and does drugs with her, spam posts for a few days about how much she loves Maddie and then disappears from her life again for months. And then Maddie is left posting videos from their weekend together lamenting about how it was the best time she’s ever had in her life. And then she’s miserable until the next time Ashley decides she’s worth her time. Ashley bombs Maddie with all of this attention(and drugs) and then leaves her on read for months, making Maddie anticipate her next visit even more. During which Maddie will abuse substances to chase that high.
And it’s not Ashley’s fault that Maddie idolizes her, but how she handles that is her responsibility. It’s not fair that Maddie has put this kind of pressure on her, and Maddie needs to stop putting her on this pedestal for sure. It’s not healthy for either of them. But I still stand by the fact that in their friendship, Ashley is hurting Maddie more than Maddie is hurting Ashley. They are both
victims with problems, they are both bad for each other, but Ashley holds the power here.
No. 1014215
File: 1595995907057.png (1.7 MB, 1440x1439, Screenshot_20200728-192430.png)

No. 1014238
File: 1596001514248.jpeg (189.69 KB, 399x446, CDC6CB18-4837-48FE-B773-889AC4…)

Wtf with these faces
No. 1014246
>>1014243lol at this maddie wk
she has health issues because she is a junkie and anachan who doesn’t want to get better even tho she had multiple rehab opportunities to do so
No. 1014981
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No. 1015293
File: 1596228569144.jpg (756.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200731-214301_Ins…)

No. 1020966
File: 1597100528218.png (3.23 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200810-155955.png)

Ashley got new rodents to abandon in 6-9 months /: if you're reading this Ashley rehoming animals is horrible to do them and you ought to do it sooner than later for their own well being.
No. 1026912
File: 1598069655931.png (2.22 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200821-211354.png)

She's drinking again, that not talking about drugs stuff was so short lived lol
No. 1028492
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No. 1030502
File: 1598693594571.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1586, Screenshot_20200829-212746.png)

bf of 5 months
No. 1030535
File: 1598705385740.jpeg (166.11 KB, 749x831, B1870042-8608-4496-A2A1-42D92C…)

>>1030526he used to be chad, not sure what happened. Here’s an old pic from an account she tagged him on a while back. Shame.
No. 1030546
File: 1598707478063.jpeg (Spoiler Image,572.73 KB, 750x1294, 3D984BD1-AC64-4CA6-976A-C0D4FD…)

he’s so gross. i hope they actually do get married just for the milk , but ashley’s so boring lately i don’t even know if it would be worth it
No. 1030548
File: 1598707530154.png (Spoiler Image,980.76 KB, 750x1334, F1689A86-1F4A-4677-AC89-E1981D…)

is this what you want for the rest of your life ashley?
No. 1030595
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and now they're engaged
i mean as long as they're happy….?
No. 1031071
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No. 1031302
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>>1030502Ah yes, proposing after 5 months. This was surely a well thought-out decision, and I’m sure their relationship will last for YEARS to come!
>>1030546>>1030548He literally looks like the fat neckbeard meme.
No. 1032744
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The live she posted today was genuinely funny to me ngl
No. 1032949
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"I thrive, I'm living my best life" girl lmao. Also people that have been together for years have a way stronger foundation than you and your puppy love so get out of here with that comparison. Cute that you'd think that is real when you're always in a rush in your realtionships but I guess it's clear to everyone but you because "when you know you know". I give it two years TOPS.
No. 1033020
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No. 1033076
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No. 1033084
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>>1033076This post and her previous post are only 19 hours apart, I honestly can’t imagine what their families or household is going through right now. Hopefully someone takes Ashley out of there ASAP before something similar happens to her
No. 1033089
>>1033076Man. Apologies for adding to the moralfag dogpile since I don’t even follow this cow, but I imagine this is going to destroy her. How does someone kill themselves four days after proposing? Suicidal people don’t make plans like that, unless some mania was afoot. Maybe it was an unintentional OD and she’s saying he “killed” himself, which is still technically true I guess.
Regardless. That’s awful. Hope she isn’t left alone right now.
No. 1033116
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He just posted this last week. Shortly before a bloody picture of them cutting each other up in bed.
She really needs to get out of this scene if she wants to get better. It's probably not the first or last time someone she knows is going to die young. This druggy shit is funny until it's not.
No. 1033129
>>1033116A leftover crack fan? Dead of an overdose golly gee no waaay it's not like they glamorize dope howwww could this happen.
But really, I sympathize with her that's horrendous and I pray she gets tf away from there and these people.
No. 1033141
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Im not talking about the people having opinions on their 5 month engagement. Im talking about these people.
No. 1033158
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This is all happening so fast
No. 1033192
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I really hope she’s getting all the support and help she can right now, that there’s people, friends or family at her side. this is heartbreaking and has happened so fast
No. 1033197
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Not trying to be dramatic but I'm worried about her. There's nothing we can really do, but it's something I wouldn't wish on anyone and I can't even imagine her mental state rn. Finding your partner like that and then losing them in the same day, I'm not being condescending here; Ashley please see a therapist for this trauma. This is so horrible and I'm so sorry that this happened. Everyone hold your loved ones, call them, say you love them and value them.
No. 1033248
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This is really tragic. ODs are super preventable and just sad ways to go. So young, too. One of her friends or family members need to extract her from that house and watch her closely ASAP. She looks shattered in her last few stories.
No. 1033256
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I know with social distancing obviously people are cautious but how are her friends and family just letting her be alone? Or at least is seems like she’s alone
No. 1033269
>>1033196Agreed. He seemed like a gross creep. I have no respect for men who physically abuse their partners during sex. As much as it sucks to lose someone you care about, he was clearly
toxic and she'll be better off without him in the long term. It's a long shot, but maybe this will be a wake-up call for her an she'll make a serious attempt at getting clean.
No. 1033274
>>1033270so if he choked her to death, it's fine because it was consensual? you bdsmfags really do have pea brains.
It's not like he deserved to die, but writing eulogies here, on a gossip site that was dunking on him being ugly and gross, is pathetic. Okay, a person died. You don't have to post how sad and tragic this is. She won't magically get help right now because an anon on lolcow told her to. You can't do anything here, if you have the power of doing anything irl do it privately but chill with the crying here maybe?
No. 1033291
>>1033265>suicideHow the fuck did he overdose in the other room without her fucking noticing at all? She sounds like she clung onto him for the whole of their relationship, but she'd just leave him nodded out for hours and not even check his pulse? Sounds more like dumb junkies being dumb to me.
>>1033203>the sex was consentualLmfao so was his overdose. Nobody forced him to put drugs in his system and kill himself accidentally. If Ashley deserves to be choked out, this guy deserved to die.
Kinda irrelevant but in this pic
>>1030502 he legit looks like all the psychos who use the 50 shades defense for murder.
No. 1033334
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>>1033333off topic but nice quints
No. 1033433
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This is the only place I've seen people say this. So either some simp is sending her screenshots or she's stalking the thread. Either way how pathetic to worry about people talking crap when thousands are kissing your ass right now lol.
No. 1033490
>>1033482Its funny how they pretend to know these people,truly gross
toxic bitches
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ashley’s followers be like “are you okay” as she posts her sewerside note
No. 1033549
>>1033545I have no investment in this conversation, I just noticed you said
>No, I’m not a newfagAnd then neglected to tag the post you were referring to…
No. 1033571
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>>1033558Alrighty then.
>>1033567Hey autist, I just got here but nice tripple post. You managed to tag an anon who's agreeing with you, and my singular, innocuous post twice. Top kek.
No. 1033578
>>1033567the users here are women, and every time you post in this thread without saging your post it just bumps it to the top of the front page, drawing the attention of
more people to read it and post in it. i understand seeing red over people posting insensitive and gross things about someone close to your friend who has died, but this is not helping and will only drag out the situation, which will ultimately hurt your friend. being reactive and impulsive is only going to prompt people to say inflammatory things to bait a reaction from you, which will hurt ashley more to read while this situation is still so fresh.
(i don't really read or post in this thread fwiw)
No. 1033584
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No. 1033602
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No. 1033694
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At the very least her fiance’s mom is trying to get a hold of her. I’m going to assume that others are as well, hopefully everything is okay. But I’m worried because if she’s at home then it’s pretty likely she has access to whatever drugs they had on hand/that Jacob OD’ed on.
I really hope she hasn’t done anything to herself. Imagine being her mother and losing a SECOND child to suicide. That is absolutely tragic.
We come here to talk shit but that doesn’t mean that we all think that they deserve to suffer or die. It’s okay to show a little empathy in a time like this.
Addiction is a fucking mountain and recovery isn’t linear. Relapses will happen but this time it just went too fucking far. If she makes it through this I hope this is a true fucking wake up call for her. If she doesn’t get help for her substance abuse IMMEDIATELY this time around then I really think that there is no turning back. She needs to really double down on recovery this time or she will die.
No. 1033783
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No. 1033812
>>1033808I’m not sure if they ever officially said why they broke up but it seems to me that Simon wanted to get clean but Ashley was still really into partying/making getting sober hard for him. That is PURELY speculation though.
Also for people wondering where her roommates are, I don’t know how many roommates she has but I’ve seen one of them posting about being with their family. I would assume a few of them are with their families/friends for support and such. It would be hard to go back home knowing your friend just died in it. I hope Ashley wasn’t there all alone, but that would explain why it took so long for anyone to contact her.
(If her roommates did leave her alone in that house tho that’s kind of messed up. It seemed like they were all friends who went out and did stuff together, you would think that at least one of them would try to stick around and make sure Ashley’s okay. But at the same time, this is a hectic and sad situation and maybe they did offer help and Ashley refused. I know that if it were my friend in this situation I would stick close to make sure they were okay,but maybe they weren’t all as close as it seemed. Whatever though, I don’t blame anyone for how they’re dealing with this)
No. 1033814
>>1033467Maybe if she didn't want people to say that he was an abuser, she shouldn't have posted about him nearly killing her. Obviously it's tragic that the guy died so young, but he was clearly enabling her substance issues. We can feel bad that the dude is dead and also find him to be a shitty boyfriend.
>>1033339>Imagine dying and your gf’s porn with you in it is the last thing you leave of yourself on this earth.I was thinking about this, too. When looking at the last few pictures of him, his family probably had to see that gross picture of Ashley under his beer gut sucking his sad dick. This whole situation is why it's fucking retarded to overshare about your sex life online. Now everyone mourning him has to see his weird dick and know that he got off on strangling women.
No. 1033820
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No. 1033870
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This makes me so sad. She didn't deserve this.
No. 1033872
>>1033812Yeah and on her twitter she was ranting. I think they got inna big fight about her wanting to sell nudes etc. He was also saying stuff about how dumb e-girls are. He follows her in IG again, so i hope he can help her.
I feel so sad for her! She must be broken right now after surviving, and fucking up her arm and leg. I hope she"ll get the help after this.
No. 1033879
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>>1033877Yes, also here's this
No. 1033881
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>>1033879Maddie posted this to her story maybe 3 days ago, hasn’t mentioned anything since, might be why her and Ashley haven’t been really friends for a while, she hasn’t mentioned anything about her especially since Ashley’s lost her fiancé and tried to kill herself either.
No. 1033888
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No. 1034019
will all the obvious newfags
please read the fucking rules before posting. stop posting about your personal lives. use the sage function if you’re not posting milk. discussion posts should be saged.
No. 1034039
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am i the only one who finds it really weird to post hours of instagram stories literally hours after finding your fiance dead???
it reeks of attention seeking to me. she was actively posting pics statuses and stories to both facebook and instagram about how sad she is and just about jake in general. makes me really uncomfortable… i get everyone grieves in different ways but why post shit like this when your fiance just DIED.
No. 1034743
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Ashleys mom
No. 1034998
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found on the close friend story of one of her old friends
No. 1036337
>>1036257did u just say bozos? fucking kek grandmachan
also you sound schizo, not hard. this thread can be so funny
No. 1036366
>>1036290It's this guy
>>1033876He's desperate for attention again.
No. 1036404
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>>1036371>y’all are equating me doing what almost every one of maddie’s friends have done to her to me being so awful Congrats autist, you're so degenerate you completely missed the point.
No. 1036835
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I dislike Ashley but im glad her mom hasn't given up on her.
No. 1037018
>>1036997Alot of people with mental health issues actually get suicidal/self destructive when things seem to be going "too well" for them.
Not saying that was what happened but just because he was engaged and had a support system doesn't mean he wouldn't feel suicidal and act on it, men are also more statiscally prone to impulse suicide than women.
No. 1037091
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No. 1037096
>>1037024Ok I get you. but where were these supposed physical values that apparently people are saying he shouldn’t kill himself if he had? No one said that. And he had none of those things per this thread. Only one anon said if he had a new fiancé and, so it seems, a decent support system why suicide? Which is a
valid question when you come to talk about that shit in your thread. It would’ve died if she just disappeared instead of coming here and “saying her peace.”
No. 1037292
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forgotten after your 1 week in the hospital?
No. 1037310
>>1037135>This thread was brought up to me by jake a lot Subtle attempt to imply this thread was a contributor.
Every post you've made has been so manipulative, totally discounting the anons who've been defending you. Typical that the only responses we're "graced" with are addressing the negative.
No. 1037313
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>>1037300"the new Instagram is actually so I don’t get a bunch of attention….. but ok"
posts it for everyone to see
No. 1037340
>>1037329>>1037338Majority of anons were wishing you well, worried about you, and defending you against that retard theif. You can't control other people so you're going to have to accept the bad. You can however control your access to this website. You put his death out there, and now people are talking. It's the unfortunate reality of the internet.
This is such a classless thing to say
>>1037332I agree with this anon
>>1037335 stop engaging with the thread and people won't deconstruct what you're saying and probably lose interest. I hope you overcome your struggles, and take real accountability for your past actions. Have a nice life.
No. 1037351
>>1037330> I take responsibility for oversharing in the past but I literally don’t do anything anymore I stay out of the way.posts 300 stories on ig hours after your fiance died, posts statuses on fb, changes fb profile picture 3 times.
that behavior is so gross to me. who is on social media divulging the death of a loved one literally hours after discovering them dead???
No. 1037359
>>1037352yeah the majority of posts have been saying it was a tragedy with the exception of some shitty people saying he deserved to die because he was an addict or shit person whatever.
i dont think he deserved to die for any reason. i do however think ashley is a gross person who loves to glamorize her mental illness and edgy lifestyle. she thinks its so hot and different to be the most traumatized person to ever exist and i find it gross that she looks to be blasting her fiances death online in endless posts as another way to seem like she has the worst life ever.
get a grip and take a step away from social media. find a way to stop pitying yourself and expecting everyone to find you to be "so traumatized no one could ever understand". shit's old and just plain sad.
No. 1037375
>>1037363I never post anything implying that I’m “cool” for having mental illness. And once again I never said I’m the most traumatized person
you don't need to explicitly say or even "imply" either of those things to do them. if you really don't see how your "omg i'm so traumatized no one could ever understand my trauma no one has ever gone through the kind of trauma i've been through" type of posts on social media don't show you as someone who thinks you're special because of your trauma then you are wildly out of touch. take a break.
> It’s just that if people are doing and saying these things they obviously have not experienced anything like it.well when i lost a loved one i would have never post endlessly on social media about it on the same day ig happened. so by your logic that must mean you've never gone through losing a loved one.
No. 1037390
>>1037363Yes, you have glamorized mental illness, drug use and sex work; you're not helping your younger audience, you're showing them that being a mess is edgy and cool. Stop trying to pretend otherwise, we all know it and you're really not stupid enough to be unaware of that.
Other than that, I think the other anons need to shut the fuck up and crawl back into their holes, this is getting out of hand. She doesn't have to be your favourite person, but her boyfriend just died, which is one of the worst things that can happen to a person – cut her some slack!
Ashley, I hope you can manage to get off social media and get clean, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It will get better, but you have to be concious and work for it.
No. 1037571
>>1037321Read the posts more closely. No one said he "deserved" to die. What they're saying is that they don't have a ton of sympathy for the guy. It's sad when a young person dies unexpectedly, obviously. From our perspective though, the dude gave off bad vibes. Maybe he was a nice guy, but he
did cause you physical injuries, and he
did enable your drug problems. We were basically saying we didn't think he was a good boyfriend, not that we thought he "deserved" to die.
No. 1037754
>>1037371big rant here.
i only just found this thread because a while ago (if this actually is ashley commenting on here) and i commented on your live of your new rats "are you gonna abandon them too?" (probably tbh) and you dm'd me like two days later, a total random irrelevant follower of yours, saying "don't believe what you read on the forums". and hey ho i found this thread and holy moly. I only saw that much of the dm because i couldnt be bothered to read the rest and deleted the dm. the thing is people like me followed you for years, looked up to you and thought "cool goth bitch nice umproblematic". I knew drug stuff was happening a lot the last few years because clearly you were high as shit on stories, and clearly you also had a huge influence on younger people like maddie who is completely fucked up now, lying about "being kicked out" and "Kidnapped" for money for drugs. What im saying ashley is you had a platform where a lot of impressionable young teens looked up to you. the last vid of you and your fiance is you giving awkward head and there's a discussion thread on tumblr of underage girls saying that it made them uncomfortable and you dont care about your platform. we all know you hopped on the onlyfans trend because you failed as a model and wanted ez money. Youre irresponsible, you only care about getting high and lying to look cool. as for your fiance… yes that was tragic but how did you let him do it? did you know he was taking dangerous doses drugs, because you must have if you were together 24/7? that's irresponsible of you, no matter how you look at it. and if he hung himself or other, why weren't you with him? a lotta details not adding up. and before you say, the reason we're so invested is because you put all this info out there. you made a mockery and a shitshow of yourself and you get upset when people dont like you? you really need to grow up, put down the opiods and get a life and a job. be a normal teen/adult because its clear youve been deprived of one. and apologise to those whose lives youve fucked up because the trail is apparently long .
No. 1037787
>>1037770Not gonna touch the rest because it’s all facts. “Where were you” is a val1d question. This head wants to make this shit public, you’re gonna get questioned by your followers. She’s a head. Probably passed out from too many drugs and her >fiancé
either “killed himself” even though he had quite the support system and a new fiancé to look forward to. You make your life public, especially if you’re a dumb ho with a thread, you’re gonna get talked about. She had support from her mom. She didn’t need to post to the internet “because she was alone in that house with no one” you have ~vivadrag mom~ whose been blowing it up on social media talking about YOU to YOUR followers since you needed all that help and support but couldn’t let them know you were okay. Dumb druggie bitch.
No. 1037797
>>1037791No, that’s not my point. It’s a
valid question from dumbass underage followers. It’s going to be asked if your in “the public eye” also where’s the narcan? She hasn’t made it clear wether it was suicide by hanging/something or lose or drugs. So I repeat when you’re in the public eye it’s going to be speculated and questioned
No. 1037818
yeah. I was a huge fan of her for years and reading this entire thread just makes so much sense. she's saying yall are reaching but youre not and i think shes frustrated so much personal stuff about her got put on the internet. if youre a 13 year old girl who follows alt people on insta youre heavily impressionable at that age. Advertising her sex tapes, clearly high and posting ket memes is gonna make an underdeveloped brain "hey i want that too that looks fun". some of the comments here are pure hatred and i understand that too. i feel sorry for her but i also think she deffo needs to step up and fix herself. as a former addict myself, and as someone who had addict friends and 90% of the time they try to get clean just for the sake of those around them (example, her first time in rehab in like feb i think), they have no real intention on getting sober unless something traumatic happens and sets them straight. getting back on substances starts small too, like coffee 5x a day, then nicotine, then weed, then pills like xannies, then back to harder stuff. after seeing her and others like maddie in a state on their accounts im grateful i only ever was an alcoholic. (not that anyone here cares but i only got sober because a friend fell from a rooftop being faded asf). as for the anon calling me dumb for apparently saying that she shouldve been jakes keeper- no, but it's weird how they were together all the time and then suddenly he was gone. ive had addict friends go through this too. too faded to tell how much they took, or too f'd up to see how depressed their s/o really were. never asked the right questions. and thats on ashley. she knew he was struggling. did they seek therapy? did they stop doing drugs for more than a few months? the come downs from something as simple as coke are seriously hell for someone without any mental health problems. anyone knows that. not saying she was responsible for his death, but she just didnt do the right things and now she has to live with that. maybe now she'll fix herself.
No. 1037841
>>1037791>>1037797exactly and it's not even just that she's in the "public eye" but that she herself chose to share on every social media that she found him dead hours after??? if she just didn't blast it for the entire internet to see there would be no milk or speculation of how he died or any of this. it's just funny she has the ultimate
victim mentality it's so pathetic and sad.
also it seems like an accidental OD imo too. you know damn well if there was a suicide note it would have been blasted on her story or she would have alluded to it in some way to make herself look respectful or something like "there was a note but i won't share bc that is just sooooo personal but just know that there was a note" type of shit. she probably didn't find him until after because she was high off her ass and nodded off too. sad story all around but hopefully she gets the help she needs and actually gets off social media. doesn't seem likely to me but who knows.
No. 1037852
>>1037841Has anyone thought that maybe the case really was that she supplied and they both got fucked up but she was too fucked up to care what was going on or just being negligent and let him die with/without realizing it and instantly jumped to posting a million stories about his suicide and “finding him” to claim she was innocent in all of it because she internally felt guilty? Or because she was worried there could be a case of some sort? Also how can she know it was suicide without a note or something? How can she say she woke up and found him dead and he killed himself without any word of a note/symbol? She’s posted so much about it but this is the thing that doesn’t make sense to me. I believe in some capacity there is more that she knows than she’s letting on.
Tinfoil af but ?
No. 1037859
>>1037849>>1037852yeah exactly there is definitely something more that she is not disclosing. imo something to do with drugs.
also the fact that she was engaged to the "love of [her] life" after 5 months when she has called every bf she's had the love of her life/soulmate is just tacky and shows how immature she is.
and her stories before he died? anyone notice literally every time she is asked a question pertaining to the length of their relationship (i.e. how long have you been dating? engaged after how long? etc) that she would say 5 months but ALWAYS had to follow up to say "but i've known him for 5 years"? she was so obviously insecure and knew how dumb it looked to get engaged after dating someone for less than half a year lmfao. then at the same time she went on to say that "people who wait years to get engaged well 'when you know you know' so if it takes you years to feel ready for engagement then the feeling was never there". like girl how insecure do you need to be to every time need to make sure everyone knows you didn't JUST date 5 months you also met him 5 years ago!!! while at the same time trying to shit on people for actually learning how to be in a healthy adult relationship before committing to marriage lmao.
she is so tacky and it's so annoying how she obviously thinks she's better than everyone in every way. the most traumatized.. the most damaged.. the most addicted.. the most in love.. also the most humble!! she doesn't glamorize drugs or her mental illness guys!!!! she just has been posting showing how cool/edgy she is when she does drugs and how traumatized she is on social media for years to nOrMaLIzE iT!!!!! her comments on here are hilarious too
No. 1038032
>>1037849He seemed pretty upset by the people commenting accusing him of abuse and made a few remarks about it in the live, it was a really stupid thing on her part to have posted about that "BDSM gone wrong" shit, what did she EXPECT people to think? Of course people were freaked. Does TMI even fucking exist anymore to some people?
I feel like this definitely influenced his decision if it was suicide (doubt, still tinfoil it was accidental OD) maybe guilt or shame? I mean you'd feel bad enough about almost killing your partner by accident without them telling the whole world (even though it was retarded to choke her out in the first place)
No. 1038057
>>1038032This man had no qualms having his face exposed to the world in her gross ass edgy porn, you think these junkies havent done worse things to each other accident or not that never even reached the internet? Not a single thing points to him committing suicide out of the blue but everything so far screams OD, Ashleys insistence the
moment she found his body of claiming it to be voluntary screams of druggie paranoia and guilt cause she doesnt wanna seem responsible for using with him resulting in his untimely death. Ash claims abuse as a kink and he equally got off on it, he was just being defensive the same way the cunts claiming rapeplay is “twauma pwocessing” do cause everybody loves to roleplay a badguy but doesnt wanna appear or be treated as one irl/online.
No. 1038319
File: 1600064592620.jpg (172.97 KB, 790x1186, 20200914_021943.jpg)

First post, sorry if I did something wrong. Image edited to protect the ex I know
That guy actually was pretty abusive towards exes. They've admitted he uses trauma bonding against partners. I wouldn't be surprised if that also happened with Ashley. Leaning towards the OD theory too because she's been connected to so many. Still sad, but own your bullshit if you're going to make it public knowledge online.
No. 1038338
>>1038319>That guy actually was pretty abusive towards exes. They've admitted he uses trauma bonding against partners.Where did you get that information from?
As for his death, my theory is that she was nodding out and fell asleep while he shot up or took more fent or whatever they were on, which killed him (unintentionally). I don't think it was a suicide, unless there was a note.
No. 1038526
>>1038319lol @ the idea of him overdosing to "trauma bond" with Ashley and her ass fucking it up. It's just my insane tinfoil, probably not true, but I believe it more than the story she peddled here.
"We were totally sober for months, just got engaged and everything was great, but MENTAL HEALTH IS A BITCH and I'm going to imply anons killed him with mean words" ok. Suicide is confusing and tragic, losing someone to an overdose is just tragic. Assigning blame to random anons in a thread, saying that they're the reason he killed himself seems insane and manipulative. if she'd just said he'd relapsed and taken too much, died as a result of being clean for weeks, I would have believed it more.
I was on the fence about it being a suicide, but her coming to the thread convinced me it wasnt. Guilt-trip anons over "harassing people with mental illnesses" and "how disgusting we are for shittalking about someone who committed suicide" seems petty as fuck.
In the first post where she mentioned it, it definitely sounds like he OD'd
>>1033020 - found him with no pulse and not breathing, rather than hanged, or covered in blood from self harm.
No. 1038575
>>1038531 Im pretty sure Ashley has had her ass chewed multiple times for playing with guns and having absolutely no
trigger discipline nor care for the people around her.
No. 1038584
File: 1600099929129.jpg (259.61 KB, 1079x782, Screenshot_20200914-121135_Fac…)

Not to double post but I find it RICH that she feels the need to post these crackhead ass selfies right after her man dies, she attempts suicide, and is on her way to rehab. She loves attention. Whatever takes away from her guilt.
No. 1038978
>>1038584I know you could say this for literally any cow, but Ashley seriously needs a social media detox. Any therapist worth their salt would tell her that. She needs to focus on the real world now more than ever.
Some anons have tried to argue that BDSM is 100% normal and safe, and while I disagree with that, I think there's more to this situation than "BDSM bad" or "BDSM" good. I really don't think Ashley is actually into it on a sexual level; it seems more like she's just mentally ill and self destructive. If she was otherwise a normal, well-adjusted person, I don't think the fetish would be cause for concern. But when Ashley already has so many self-destructive habits, it's hard not to view the BDSM as just another manifestation of that. Ashley says she liked Jake because they were "compatible" in that way, i.e. he was happy to enable her. Tell me anons, wouldn't you rather have a partner who has your best interests at heart than one who enables (or even participates in) your unhealthiest behaviors?
No. 1039245
>>1038584This is why no one should feel bad for her. She’s literally taking thot pics in a hotel on her way to some treatment center. She is LOVING this. In her mind, her life is now the MCR song she always dreamed it would be.
It obviously shows how seriously she takes this shit too. I hope there’s some investigating, and if she was the plug or at least provided him the OD dosage… I hope she goes the fuck down. Fucking crackheads.
No. 1039251
>>1038338The ex I know has discussed it with me. From her stance, the entire relationship was formed from trauma bonding and he was generally shitty to her. Enabled drug use she didn't have before or after him. Sorry that convo was already deleted so no screens.
>>1038504Trauma bonding isn't two people bonding because they have similar trauma. It's an abuse technique were the result of cycles of abuse with intermittent reinforcement of reward and punishment creates powerful emotional bonds. Tinfoil, but I wouldn't be surprised if the engagement was one of the rewards in his cycle.
No. 1039351
one of her boyfriend’s friends said that he was barred out 2 days before passing, so i think it would be pretty safe to assume his death was caused by an OD, accidental or not.
with all that being said, i do hope she actually takes recovery seriously this time. she knew she wasn’t supposed to get into a relationship before a year of sobriety, because at the first sign of conflict an addict would end up using. and getting with a drug dealer on top of all things wasn’t the smartest decision. she got overly attached to him, possibly even codependent, way too fast. also, talk about consent all you want, but something about people who struggle with self harm using BDSM (specially knifeplay, which he posted pictures of) to ‘get off’ just doesn’t sit right with me. the whole thing wasn’t sustainable and as much as she loved him, i don’t think they were ever good for each other.
plus, as someone who has dated an addict before, drinking doesn’t work for them. they convince themselves it’s not what they had a problem with so it’s fine, but that leads to getting pissed every day and then back to drug use. she needs to be responsible about that too and stop lying to herself and everyone else.
she has lost many people due to addiction (hers or otherwise), and that is not something to wish on anyone, but she needs to learn how to build healthy relationships with others and herself, and that can’t be done while she’s still using and surrounding herself with people who are also using. i do genuinely wish her the best, but there are many changes that need to be done if she truly wants to get better.
No. 1039854
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sage but does anyone else thing a big reason why she liked him was because he looked like fat gerard way
No. 1040350
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Cow crossover. Do her and Nika know each other?
No. 1040383
File: 1600356313952.jpeg (120.46 KB, 1124x1046, 1C7A5E79-CF46-4D70-AE3A-D1E79E…)

pretty sure her "new" insta is @damagednerves
she posted it on her vivadrag story lol
those other ones are some old alternate accounts or something
No. 1040557
>>1040383If she doesn't come back to her vivadrag account eventually I'll be really shocked. She's spent so long soaking in the internet attention, it's hard to believe "lolcow haterz" drove her off the internet for good, at least that's the narrative she's running with right now. The public internet is "too
toxic" for her yet she chooses to read here consistently lmao.
No. 1043306
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At least his friends are seemingly making it by?
No. 1043955
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Went through her old Twitter and yikes.. also reading this forum all the way I don’t get why she insists he killed himself but won’t give the reason of death, I do feel terrible that she confirmed he visited this page, guy probably felt guilty about her airing out the fact he accidentally harmed her to the point of a hospital visit. Idk, I know she’s probably dealing with a lot of guilt but let this be a lesson that she shouldn’t tell the internet everything(newfag)
No. 1049611
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No. 1049616
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No. 1049619
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No. 1049630
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No. 1049745
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>>1049611>>1049616>>1049619>>1049630omg this is so funny all 4 screenshots are the same as the exact 4 i took (with the exception of this viva mom one).
she is such a clown
>>1036987>Just letting you guys know before I am locked away for a long time to heal>>1036996>you won’t have much more to post about me because I’m done with the whole vivadrag thing a whopping 20 days before she is back with the "whole vivadrag thing" and back giving her mom an on-brand viva mom shout out. why is this whole "viva" thing so cringey lmao
No. 1049749
>>1049745At this point it seems she’s grown up being more comfortable speaking to strangers than to those close to her, which I, and probably many others can relate to. I don’t think she’s a clown for coming back to continue speaking openly about her life and what’s she’s been going through. Especially in her situation, she may need to talk but not really have anyone there to talk to or to comfort her and knowing she has access to a platform where probably hundreds will interact with her and show support for her in this time, is, I’m sure making her all the more tempted to come back.
Also who cares that she posted about her “viva mom”? I know she said she’s done with vivadrag but maybe this will be her evolving vivadrag into something more healthy and honest for herself. Also if my mother was anything like hers, I’d be screaming from the rooftops about how thankful I am to have a parent that will stand with you through so much.
I know nobody will care and probably call me a WK, but I honestly just see all this is a coping method for her and she’s allowed to have that.
No. 1074403
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No. 1074432
I knew this would end up on here because I just posted about it. I am putting this all out publicly so I understand now why people speculate and blame. I know why y’all hate me. It’s ok. That’s why I’m trying to step away from everything. I made the new account for people that like me, if ya don’t. You don’t have to follow. If you want to to keep up with me and talk about my life on here, cool too. I really am taking responsibility for my life. I’m doing really good things now that I’m really excited for. I’ll answer some things you can believe me or not! I do drink socially. I don’t plan on ever taking drugs again. What’s different is I was misdiagnosed most of my life and now I’m stabilized on the Meds I always should’ve been on. I got w jake because I’m codependent. Didn’t want to be alone. Tired of hooking up with randos because I was so heartbroken by my breakup w Simon which happened because I was too stuck in complacency that I would change or stop using. AnywAy I stayed with jake because in my mind, no one would ever like me as much as him and even though I was treated badly I didn’t deserve any better. He was also a drug dealer, I was sober until my friend died and then bam. Moved in w him. Relapsed. I loved it because I got everything from him for free. Yay! Lol. Sarcasm. Anyway I was told if I ever snitched he’d kill me. “Shoot you right between ur fucking eyes” and shit. He proposed 4 times I always said no. I always contemplated leaving because I was so miserable but that’s never what I put out online because of course I needed to look like everything was a ok because I didn’t want people to look down on me. Posted so many awful things on Instagram like dear lord. I remember, about 5 days before getting engaged I told my girlfriend, “jakes ordering fentanyl. Do you think he really loves me if he knows I was addicted to it?” She said hell no, come move in with me. Leave him. In my mind I couldn’t handle the idea of there being fentanyl and me not doing it, so I did it for the first time that year since I had been sober. It was supposed to be one time, turned into every day up until he died. Why I thought it was suicide was because that night, he was so sad that 1.he almost killed me by choking me during sex and I got sent to the ER because it was actually an overdose as well. And he said he hated himself for ordering it for us, and 2. He couldn’t forgive himself for forcing himself on me a couple times while he was fucked up.
He broke down to the floor that night before he died telling me over and over I’m going to kill my self he was trying to grab his bottle of KPINS that would kill him if he mixed with fent. I grabbed him and talked him down. He asked me to hide the bottle because he wanted to kill him self. I wake up, house is torn apart, purse emptied. Kpin bottle gone, and empty . There were about 30 it was a brand new script. Fent lines on the table.
Later on I find out from his family his entire life story was a lie, so the person I fell in love with wasn’t him at all. He lied about every detail.
Anyway, not excusing myself anymore. I’ve been a terrible person most of my life but I’m genuinely getting it together my way. By changing what I do. I can’t expect progress if I don’t change. And with being medicated for the first time in my life I actually value myself, pretty cool.
No. 1074481
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No. 1074511
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why is she so embarrassing
No. 1074542
File: 1604460372794.jpg (76.6 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg)

>>1074481the faggy little fat baby hands
No. 1074551
>>1074481it wild to me how ppl saw this & apparently didn't see any red flags? what
idk how commenting on this shit works fyi don't yell at me
No. 1074594
>>1074432I just hope the next person you’re with isn’t another guy who is into drugs and is attracted to the idea of hurting women. Honestly imo, a man being attracted to their girlfriend when she’s in pain has something wrong with him. A normal person shouldn’t want to hurt the person they love. He clearly didn’t care for your mental (e.g. bringing you drugs, threatening your life) or physical (choking you to the point where you go to the ER) wellbeing. It’s satisfying seeing your sobriety bring you some lucidity.
>>1074460>Just od again.Way too harsh, come on.
No. 1076820
File: 1604718302143.jpeg (209.31 KB, 750x1105, B10C1847-097C-42D5-A2D3-1AAFEE…)

Saged for irrelevant/old milk but yikes her ex’s friend posted this a while back after he died and wow just even more to show how bad Ashley’s old friend group was
No. 1077470
File: 1604788241397.jpg (143.85 KB, 1080x1302, 20201107_172501.jpg)

She deleted the recent one lol
No. 1077806
File: 1604820310153.png (7.22 MB, 1125x2436, A14A662D-8629-465C-9214-8B384E…)

back to only fans and sex work because not having a car means you can't do ANY other job.
also i am not against sex work but the way she acts above it like "well i said i wasnt going to but i have no other choice" comes off super demeaning towards sex workers
No. 1078368
>>1076821>>1076820Wow, so he was a cheater too. Gross. This girl has no shame admitting it either.
>>1077806I feel like she definitely isn’t in a healthy mental space and if she starts doing OF shit she’s going to regret it. I wonder what her new Connecticut bf thinks of it?
No. 1078401
File: 1604904697674.jpeg (481.6 KB, 726x1204, 4C72AC32-FA72-4F7C-8B15-A8CA8C…)

She’s talking about how’s she sober and giving before and after
No. 1078402
File: 1604904738989.jpeg (278.27 KB, 687x1291, 54740370-812F-464B-8D3B-2A126B…)

Notice how the before and after was when her dead “fiancé” was in the picture now he’s not and she’s sober
No. 1078407
>>1077806>demeaning towards sexworkersIn what world is selling asshole pics to strangers and or your body online not a "last resort"???
Coomers have ruined an entire generation if sex work is somehow now a prestigious profession kek
No. 1081994
File: 1605327350364.png (4.24 MB, 828x1792, D76C6ABA-5D0C-47C8-84E7-A87343…)

Now ash says the story about relapsing was just a joke… but like girl why is it even remotely funny when you’ve been consistently struggling trying to prove you’re getting better with your little diary entries about your new coping skills
No. 1086031
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>>1085962some ppl never learn
No. 1086089
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No. 1086198
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No. 1086210
File: 1605799666809.jpeg (116.88 KB, 750x1210, 0405A73F-D5AC-49C2-BBE6-DB7AE7…)

Been hanging out with her a lot lately pupils so large you can see the them through a video, pretty sure they’re both on it
No. 1086292
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>>1086207Various caps from her story defending herself
No. 1086293
File: 1605806800691.png (1.31 MB, 1328x1067, Adobe_20201120_062413.png)

This morning
No. 1086304
File: 1605807975960.png (1.63 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2020-11-19-09-43-26…)

posting about simon all of a sudden
No. 1086312
File: 1605808446728.jpeg (318.24 KB, 750x1304, 2AE240D9-86D1-4D24-A2E3-E6989F…)

simon (her ex bf) passed away
No. 1086355
>>1086344Lmao lilia is right but she needs to stop name namefaging. Respect? Topkeke.
>watch yourselfGirl go suck these dumb girls clits and their dead bfs dick somewhere else
No. 1086472
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>>1086470Forgot the damn cap, sorry!
No. 1086504
File: 1605826473320.png (177.56 KB, 1440x1207, Screenshot_20201119-143946.png)

>>1086460Post caps or don't post anon you're bumping the thread.
No. 1086506
File: 1605826507259.png (413.75 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201119-144328.png)

The offending comment
No. 1087061
>>1087058I don't really recall him being
abusive but I thought I read on her story post breakup he just didn't support her online sexwork and egirl persona. (His messages seemed harsh but idk how she talked to him) Also drugs and mental ilness would be just a lot of fights I guess.
No. 1087134
>>1087058I don’t remember her saying he was
abusive. I do remember her posting some angry texts he sent her during their breakup but it was just him mocking her for being an e girl. As far as I can tell they broke up over lifestyle differences/her sex work/their drug addictions. Simon followed her Damagednerves account and was also tagging him in memes recently, so it’s safe to assume that they made up and became friends again.
No. 1087442
File: 1605913341977.jpg (377.51 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20201121_000029.jpg)

y is maddies nose so red? and only one side?
No. 1087692
File: 1605943290316.png (Spoiler Image,3.56 MB, 750x1624, B9953F4B-19DD-4A77-8F18-83E4CF…)

"Someone I was close to just died. Im gonna post a picture of him grabbing my tit and caption it Lol!!"
No. 1087803
File: 1605965125990.jpeg (307.72 KB, 640x816, 6B7264A4-986E-4DAC-810C-D6237E…)

Considering this was posted back in September I’m going to assume it was an overdose
Also this thread is full of vendetta types “Who cares that some loser she dated died I hope she kills herself too!!11!!” What happened to just posting milk? it’s just shitting up the thread otherwise
No. 1088847
File: 1606073787355.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201122-113312.png)

"uhhh.. I don't remember my live last night. I don't remember anything from last night. So if you could dm me and tell me what I fucking did that'd be great." This bitch is so hilarious.
No. 1088848
File: 1606073830464.png (2.12 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201122-113258.png)

It's because you're dreadful IRL
No. 1089011
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>>1088954Maddie is in hospital. Quick better take a selfie so everyone knows!!
No. 1089765
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Anyone else feel weird about vivadrag suddenly posting on main again after the influx of attention she got from Simon dying?
No. 1089770
File: 1606167363970.jpeg (199.74 KB, 828x1215, 792936F5-C028-4A1E-84D7-D606E7…)

the narcissism persists. Can’t take a break. Bad news is good publicity. It’s amazing seeing her life become a dumpster fire. Karma’s got her number.
No. 1089827
File: 1606170728362.jpeg (822.35 KB, 828x1224, 6E9EAF22-5245-46EC-90C1-756F31…)

she’s on a roll now
No. 1089831
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the extreme “heart shaped face” angle and shooping the bridge of her nose into oblivion
No. 1090183
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Is she stupid or just stupid? The only reason she got robbed because of ashlee she was hanging out with. All she did was Ebeg afterwards not go to the police or anything, no sympathy for both of these dumb crackheads
No. 1091855
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i love how obsessed she is with this thread LOL
No. 1091861
File: 1606362132675.png (5 MB, 1125x2436, AFB47D19-994A-453F-869A-ECBC01…)

why is ashley the most annoying self-absorbed person in existence lmao. "omg i dont remember this at all" ok girl.
also earlier in her stories she speaks about how she agrees that she has such a "strong soul" because if she went through what she was going through now when she was younger then she would have killed herself but now the thought of killing herself had not even crossed her mind so she's doing great. really?? she was in the hospital from her self proclaimed OD suicide attempt literally 2 months ago.. girl keep your weird attention seeking stories straight
No. 1091868
>>1091861she's a classic narcissist, obsessed with herself and "proving the haters wrong." i can imagine her refreshing this page many times daily.
insensitive as fuck to "xDDD" away the fact that she tried to kill herself on drugs after her "
abusive ex fiancee uwu" ODed. the guy she decided to run away with now is 100% gonna have a "he was
abusive the entire time" story whenever they eventually break up. it's just a ticking timer when she pretends to be clean on IG when she's tweaked out the whole time
No. 1092085
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Shes not even canceled lol people have to actually like you first. Insulting her followers and trying to get Trisha of all people to pay attention to her. And pornstar????? Cracked out pictures of your hairy muff and sucking 3 inches of dead fat gerard way for only fans is hardly considered being a pornstar. What a fucking loser.
No. 1092189
>>1092085she is not a pornstar, she's shilling nudes and videos for cheap on onlyfans, that doesn't make you a pornstar lol
and of course she wouldn't care about trisha being a racist, homophobic weirdo who claims she's trans and has multiple personalities within a year
No. 1093047
File: 1606512691892.jpeg (287.87 KB, 828x645, F721E64F-90EF-4217-9983-E088FB…)

-Pay for her nose lol XD
-“I don’t even use filters on my posts anymore” re: indiscernible features in an outdoor photo
-remarks on her skin after rehab, of all things
someone is TriGGerD! and pitifully insecure. Whatever would you do without your phone?(XD)
No. 1093911
File: 1606604304106.jpeg (328.87 KB, 1124x2203, D041C15B-076F-494A-9D7B-169316…)

can she do 1 single thing without having to post it to social media?
No. 1093993
>>1092483Ashley conditioned Maddie from a young age to idolize her and has her wrapped around her finger. She ignores Maddie for months and then comes back into her life and basically love bombs the fuck out of her which keeps Maddie wanting more. Ashley is an island in Maddie’s miserable life and I think Ashley knows that. Maddie is still friends with Ashley even after her roommate ROBBED her(and then Ash stayed friends with him!). Ashley can always fall back on Maddie when the rest of her friends hate her. I think if Maddie got clean she would distance herself from Ashley and realize how shitty of a friend she is, but that’s pretty unlikely.
I would be impressed if Ashley helped Maddie get sober, but that would be risking her most loyal simp so she probably won’t.
No. 1094180
>>1094018YES!!! It is and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who sees it. It’s fucking gross.
Ashley can go on about how “there’s nothing weird about being intimate with your friends!” but that doesn’t fucking apply when you met your friend when they were a fucking child and you were an adult. And Ashley only being 2/3 year older than Maddie isn’t an excuse because there is a HUGE difference between the mind of an 18 year old and a 16 year old.
She’s disgusting for that.
No. 1094955
>>1094713Yeah, I wouldn’t really call it grooming. Maddie was already doing drugs way before actually hanging out with Ashley, although I don’t doubt that some of that may have been influenced by Ashley as a way to be more like her/gain her friendship. The relationship they have is
toxic as hell and Ashley does leave Maddie out to dry and will wait on here when it convinces her only, constantly - but this ain’t grooming, ash keeps her around because Maddie will probably never grow a back bone and call her out or end the friendship, but what intention or reason would she have to groom poor old mads - it’s a power play dynamic but not the definition of grooming
I think y’all give her too much credit that she made Maddie the way she is but Maddie was already this way, already a nobody BPD druggie
No. 1098051
File: 1607008599334.jpeg (259.34 KB, 828x1442, 81DE8D8B-FBC5-4EB6-AEC6-F33465…)

guess who’s going back to inpatient?
No. 1100498
File: 1607210248494.png (9.36 MB, 1242x2208, 0F6C624D-AB35-47DB-A328-8DC69C…)

…. so right back with people that do drugs and rob ur “friends” lmao. Just when she seemed to be getting her life togethet
No. 1100901
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No. 1100928
>>1100901I feel like these girls are just fucking with their followers at this point. 10 pounds??
REALLY hope she gets woken up at inpatient and drops the fuck out of Ashley
No. 1101060
File: 1607265513126.png (3.68 MB, 750x1334, 292357EF-F894-4A0C-A44C-733A65…)

maddie just posted a bunch of stories and posts whining about how shitty her friends are, and since she doesn't really seem to have any friends besides ashley, this is probably about her hanging out with that guy lmao (maddie also deleted most pictures of her with ashley from her main)
No. 1101068
File: 1607266094668.jpeg (235.86 KB, 750x1179, DA8936F4-6491-49F8-8FDD-E14B3F…)

>>1101061they are still up i think, but on her spam account dolllfears. it was just that one story, this post, and another story of her just whining about how she always loves people so much yet never gets anything back, all very vague but still pretty clearly about ashley
No. 1101441
>>1100901I don’t know much about Andy but from what I see they seem like an actually good friend to Maddie, I see real friendship when Maddie posts with Andy and it makes me happy.
>>1101068I never thought I’d see the day, is the veil finally lifting? Is Maddie starting to see how bad of a friend Ashley is? I also saw her post about needing to get sober, which like you never know if she really means it, but the very fact that she acknowledges it is a good start.
I can’t believe that Ashley is still friends with that dude. Did she not say that her roommates fucking stole her stuff when she OD’ed? Also lol if she starts hanging out with that Saph bitch again, relapse incoming. But don’t worry guys it’ll be different this time. So fucking trashy
No. 1101550
File: 1607290971259.jpeg (1.07 MB, 750x1359, 23A54C01-FA34-4CD5-86FE-DE3648…)

She deleted the photos, really hope Maddie finally sees she’s a shitty fucking friend and person. Really hope viva drag ODs. It’d be a cool site to see(a-log)
No. 1101893
File: 1607304609055.png (1.94 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201206-172725.png)

>>1101518What do you mean anon? Ashley is a stellar friend / human being. Clearly she puts others above herself. See? The drugs are going in someone else's asshole, how sweet of her to do for her friend!!!
No. 1102053
>>1102016That’s the thing though. This dude is one of the roommates that Ashley said stole her stuff when she ODed! He HAS robbed her.
But whatever, he enables her drug habits and porn career which is clearly what she wants. I guess it’s just too hard being in Ohio with her loved ones who pressure her into not ruining her life. Boo hoo
No. 1102075
File: 1607327702682.jpeg (80.92 KB, 750x1322, AB9205BB-CB77-4F19-9A5B-8D5525…)

She finally disabled vivadrag. Too much negative feedback from that picture with her drug-enabling ex-roommate? Big yikes.
No. 1102098
jake actually told me to fuck her when we lived in dayton because she was a rich goth girl and i automatically said no because she was a child in my eyes, y’all niggas are NUTS
No. 1102911
File: 1607437359071.jpeg (934.87 KB, 1125x754, 925A51CA-4DC0-4729-8511-E7C4D1…)

she put the pics with ash back up. oh Maddie, when are you going to learn?
No. 1102945
File: 1607441467179.png (863 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201208-122640.png)

No. 1102984
File: 1607445866186.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 9D38B4A7-B058-476F-B228-522A27…)

Kek she looks like shit
No. 1103035
File: 1607451565955.png (3.47 MB, 1125x2001, 95305B3B-D24E-40EA-B5ED-82326B…)

>>1102945She really just thinks her own relapse is funny. Smh
No. 1103232
File: 1607467616185.jpg (181.67 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_20201208-173628_Fac…)

Anything Ashley does should not surprise anyone, ever. Shes legally retarded.
No. 1103273
File: 1607471063749.png (278.87 KB, 1440x1312, Screenshot_20201208-154221.png)

She left ohio to film content according to her old roommate here so it's her own fault if she's sad Jesus Christ
No. 1103304
>>1102095Robs someone
But has 2 degrees and isn’t broke
No. 1103409
File: 1607483090972.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201208-184612.png)

She's so heated about not smoking weed but does fucking opiates and meth lol.
No. 1103441
File: 1607486372640.jpeg (519.68 KB, 750x1043, B0A02E77-AF70-471D-A874-753D44…)

Clown shit
No. 1103452
File: 1607487930580.png (3.23 MB, 750x1334, AEEC443D-F6B1-4BB3-ABAF-01FBF2…)

maddie looks fucking retarded also fuck vivadrag they both deserve to get raped and fuck the nigga that robbed her
No. 1103493
She and maddie were posting on her story reading the threads and Ironically calling the people posting in it crackheads and saying she was “sober” (it’s probably still up on her story at time of posting)
I guess they skipped over the guy who Ashley loves to hang out with posting in here admitting they he robbed Maddie and accusing her of lying about her sexual assault
>>1102095Also from the stories both she and Maddie are drinking + her posting about smoking weed so only “sober” from hard drugs I guess
No. 1103568
File: 1607507531096.jpeg (43.64 KB, 731x414, 370DE75E-A07E-440D-989C-6D8316…)

No. 1103641
File: 1607523598918.jpeg (Spoiler Image,93.69 KB, 750x889, 9C70BC9E-D0BC-47C7-B3FA-0D1DF2…)

She looks like a child…
No. 1103709
>>1103698I didn’t come here to spread hate you dumbass, I came to see what people were saying. And the majority of it isn’t
valid criticism but insults and bullying.
Calling a normal woman’s body a “child’s body” just because she’s slim with small breasts and describing it as something pedo’s want is what’s pathetic.
No. 1103734
>>1103709Most of this thread IS
valid criticism, those idiots constantly read it and yet they still do drugs and do nothing else with their lives than posting everything they do so they can later be crying “Its my life boo hoo none of your bussiness”
No. 1103809
>>1103572Honestly looking up vivadrag lolcow doesn't take much time. Her crap pops up for me on insta/Facebook and she makes it really really easy considering what a dumpster fire she really is. You act like any of us spend hours obsessing and writing here lol. Takes like 30 seconds to screenshot, come on here, and laugh.
Anyway. Who posted this on insta? I never got around to following her new account or Maddie's.
No. 1103985
File: 1607549819621.png (724.42 KB, 1351x1248, Screenshot_20201209-133246.png)

I forgot to post this last night. She removed most of these ramblings sadly so you can't view them at the time of posting but trust me they were hilarious.
No. 1103987
File: 1607549856432.png (894.14 KB, 1310x1601, Screenshot_20201209-133302.png)

No. 1104105
>>1103987>choosing to spend your night with friends reading a thread about your drama >isn't your first time either>going so far as posting stories about you reading it and laughing* >acting above it and unbothered* until the reality of your narcissistic behavior slaps you in the face>extreme embarrassment ensues>abort abort >act like nothing happened >do more drugs and forgetvery normal and charming behavior as usual.
No. 1104316
File: 1607588165091.jpeg (123.95 KB, 750x733, 1B612B0B-9839-446D-895F-CB2A0A…)

yeah, sure maddie, getting mad at your "friend" for hanging out with the guy who robbed you is totally just bpd behavior. it's scary how ashley manages to manipulate her and how fucking naive maddie is
No. 1104318
File: 1607588703800.jpeg (172.03 KB, 750x711, 3C963AFF-4E35-4E71-B44B-EB92A1…)

it's all fun and games until ashley decides to drop maddie again, which is really just a matter of time tbh. then maddie's suddenly back to getting fucked up alone in her room, complaining about how she doesn't have any friends and how much her life sucks on her stories. amazing lifestyle, really
No. 1104331
File: 1607590750529.jpeg (140.07 KB, 750x563, 5282F603-BD76-4648-BB9A-59C0AC…)

No. 1104337
File: 1607593187994.jpg (1.11 MB, 2160x2160, photocollage_202012101304069.j…)

A collage of the original designs on toopoor that ashley took for herself. I get using other people's tattoos (or styles, etc.) as an inspiration for yours but skin walking to this degree feels super shameless and uncreative to me.
No. 1104423
>>1104337Well like so many alt girls do have tattoos above their knees, rose tattoo was very very popular like 3-4 years ago
I dont think she is copying toopoor, these symbols are just super popular and almost every alternative girl has something like this tattooed
No. 1104545
>>567471>>1104423>>1104434>>1104461>>1104467>>1104468>>1104534they all want to be copies of each other there now you two retards can shut the fuck up.
mods please auto-sage we're tired of this thread being bumped to the top when it's only children sperging about toopoor
No. 1104575
File: 1607629982783.png (80.59 KB, 1440x566, Screenshot_20201210-115206.png)

Maddie is a perpetual victim
No. 1104579
File: 1607630225679.png (230.11 KB, 1440x1331, Screenshot_20201210-112532.png)

>>1104575>So many dudes approach me like thisOkay so get off omegle then? Lol it's 2020 you are 18 what the hell are you even on there for. Attention? At 18 you could not force me to waste my time there, maybe at 13 though lmao. Maddie and ashley are mentally stunted and it shows daily.
No. 1104693
File: 1607640181120.png (89.72 KB, 1440x702, Screenshot_20201210-142112.png)

Not her old roommate (sapphire) joking about ODing after losing multiple friends to drug overdoses..
No. 1104973
>>1104918I wouldn’t say that she’s posted her cuddling in bed with I think two different guys in the past month or so and kept posting about how excited she was to meet some guy, spammed her story when she did
If anything I wouldn’t think she was in a relationship probably just casual sex since she was posting stuff about using Tinder
No. 1105159
File: 1607712830047.jpeg (649.13 KB, 750x912, A3CD186A-4D86-4675-BC13-2B4D8D…)

>>1104693Nobody is going to wear a shirt with her ugly tweaker face on it lol, she literally looks like a retard because of all the brain cells she’s killed huffing duster or whatever.
No. 1105518
File: 1607740647942.png (2.79 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201211-183502.png)

She's moving to Las Vegas, I wonder how she will be able to afford that with no job & no education. She's probably planning to run off with some random man she found off of the internet again.
No. 1106738
>>1106317God no wonder she’s so fucked with her mom enabling her so much
Don’t forget her mom is most likely the one who paid for her multiple rehab stints and hospital visits (also throwback to publicly massively talking shit about her mother multiple times bc her mom votes republican lmao)
So not only are they going on holiday to Vegas in the middle of a pandemic, her mom is happy to get drunk with her daughter who massively struggles with addiction, what a great way to support your daughter
No. 1106895
File: 1607908355166.png (226.66 KB, 1440x773, Screenshot_20201213-171156.png)

Her account is back and she lost a thousand followers
No. 1106942
File: 1607911854224.jpeg (Spoiler Image,197.89 KB, 827x1414, 822D54BF-3B9C-4BC1-B2EA-9CB027…)

very cringe
No. 1107329
File: 1608042541513.jpg (99.78 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20201214-221156_Ins…)

Hot take but her mom really is an enabler and it makes you wonder why she has two kids who are fucked up. One committed suicide and Ashley is just gestures at entire thread lol
No. 1107353
File: 1608045440979.jpeg (503.44 KB, 640x973, 24F8AFC4-2DF5-46EB-B45A-5C67D9…)

>Flies out to vegas for a holiday in the middle of a global pandemic keeps pulling mask down on plane to take photos
>complaining about things being shut and having nothing to do
>taking photos mask down with random maskless street performers defends it by saying she couldn’t drink with her mask on
>”who wants to meet and hang out!!1!!”
Genuine dumb bitch tier behaviour Ashley you’re going to get covid better hope to god you aren’t having family over for Christmas otherwise you and your enabling mother are going to spread that shit like wildfire
No. 1107379
>>1107329Of course she is. You can't be like Ashley and
not come from a broken home. It had to start somewhere.
No. 1107468
File: 1608054138624.jpeg (87.83 KB, 750x387, C2D2BCAA-C772-45EB-9E5C-B95D05…)

"so many people were doing the same!!" is she seriously using that as an excuse to not wear a mask during a fucking pandemic
No. 1107662
File: 1608066005562.png (2.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201215-125740.png)

The entire 17 minutes she was live last night she did not wear that mask properly NOT ONCE. Disgusting and selfish!! You are a narcissistic nightmare who needs to value other people WAY more.
No. 1108847
File: 1608184887284.jpg (236.64 KB, 1440x1440, photocollage_2020121622020597.…)

No. 1108879
File: 1608191915360.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 3235690D-7ADF-4483-829F-BE3E96…)

she also deleted all the pictures where she was clearly around other people/in crowded places because even her fans were calling her out, also wasn't she drinking and smoking like the whole time? it always annoys me so much when people think smoking/drinking is more important than keeping the people around you safe, but i guess you can't expect too much from someone that thinks its a good idea to go to vegas during a literal pandemic
No. 1108888
File: 1608193024439.png (2.76 MB, 750x1334, A49399E0-FFAF-4246-9D0E-911DE1…)

so she's saying she didn't do anything wrong and always wears her mask where she has to, but then literally seconds later she's admitting to being ignorant and blames it on her being in rehab? i love how she's already been out of inpatient for quite some time, yet pretends she hasn't heard about anything regarding covid since then. like we literally live in a time were it takes two seconds to google shit like that and the fact that she didn't do any research on the pandemic before deciding it's a great idea to go to fucking vegas just shows once again how inconsiderate and self absorbed she is
No. 1109307
File: 1608243134656.png (226.29 KB, 1440x1366, Screenshot_20201217-140806.png)

Posting this for when she inevitably reads / posts here again lmao
No. 1109952
File: 1608324366338.jpeg (871.33 KB, 1242x2045, 62E108E2-CC86-49B8-B19C-30EEAB…)

She looks strung tf out. Captioning this picture “i looked cute” like nooo you look like a dayton crack addict
No. 1110025
File: 1608329342534.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.77 KB, 600x641, FED33514-AA71-4183-BF49-589BEB…)

>>1109952Ashley’s barely 21 and Maddie’s 18 right?? Why do they both look like they’re in their washed up 40’s “I just wanna look as cool as I did when I was younger before all the cigarettes caught up to me” phase?
Literally every new picture of them reminds me of Lindsay Lohan’s drugged out mugshots now, they look horrible
No. 1110057
File: 1608331279817.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, E1653B6C-9B16-4BE5-930E-452DF9…)

>>1110028Maddie’s having a meltdown
No. 1110082
File: 1608333956071.jpeg (136.13 KB, 750x1334, 3FCDE8EE-10DC-44CA-A2E7-2357D7…)

what you need is an education but you couldn’t even get through high school, you aging wasteoid
No. 1110096
File: 1608334796754.jpg (781.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201218-223425_Ins…)

oh man
No. 1110102
File: 1608334990130.jpg (689.39 KB, 1440x1440, photocollage_20201218154146186…)

Her story right now makes me wonder where her immediate family is while she has a break down and gets drunk on the internet in front of strangers
No. 1110107
File: 1608335255148.png (2.22 MB, 750x1334, E51F24F5-3238-463C-8EE0-819B54…)

>>1110058she's already deleted that, so much for "i dOnT eVeN cArE"
No. 1110114
File: 1608335864588.jpeg (311.29 KB, 750x827, 67A46EEF-B4F0-41DF-8EF5-750139…)

i really hope those sexual experiences weren't with ashley but i don't know anyone else it could be. really fucking creepy to sleep with a girl that identified as straight up to that point, is utterly obsessed with you + would do anything for you and that you also groomed and fed drugs to when she was literally a minor. also why does maddie feel the need to share every single thought on her instagram, is she not aware that most of her followers are probably only following her bc how much of a trainwreck she is and not because they look up to her? this is just sad to watch at this point
No. 1110187
File: 1608340155825.jpg (Spoiler Image,840.58 KB, 1080x1920, 20201219_010718.jpg)

bruh. she went to pee and forgot to pause the and you could hear her arguing with her mom, and then she came back and started getting naked whilst still live. ended abruptly after she turned around
No. 1110230
File: 1608345723187.png (175.23 KB, 1440x1219, Screenshot_20201218-183711.png)

>>1110218This is why she was so fucked up today on her lives. Idk, this is really embarrassing for her but I hope she gets the help she needs. Mixing alcohol and pills is so unsafe and stupid.
No. 1110243
File: 1608346638343.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 2550x1700, notevenonce.jpg)

don't do drugs kids
No. 1110266
File: 1608348163283.png (Spoiler Image,733.01 KB, 1440x1348, Screenshot_20201218-192028.png)

Mom .. please come pick me up I'm scared lmao
No. 1110269
File: 1608348457321.png (43.41 KB, 1440x295, Screenshot_20201218-191922.png)

No. 1110353
File: 1608356583341.png (8.04 MB, 1242x2208, 9BB517DE-0B35-46B8-8376-D01DBC…)

She was just live again. Absolutely wasted. She responded to the stim comment saying “Aw thanks for saying I’m stunning” lmao
No. 1110403
File: 1608367858762.jpeg (42.62 KB, 750x257, A6D87A38-E85E-4AAD-96F6-A1C47C…)

>>1110150i can't help but laugh everytime she talks about lolcow, like girl, did u forget you came to this thread yourself to talk shit about your "friend"?
No. 1110583
File: 1608399287294.png (111.04 KB, 750x1334, B572116C-E020-4D3D-A1DF-F6747D…)

“I don’t care I’m just going to post whatever I want I don’t give a fuck anymore”
See you back with a drunk live in a couple days sis lmao
No. 1110612
File: 1608401320861.jpeg (170.72 KB, 750x473, 31ADD981-C317-47F6-ABCD-162730…)

i feel like i've heard her say stuff like this over a 100 times and she never actually learns lmao
No. 1110805
File: 1608415869162.png (650.89 KB, 750x1334, 6B108E3C-CCDC-47E2-A39D-23C2C8…)

No. 1110814
File: 1608417167215.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, E10E0E43-A572-447A-97A5-76F00E…)

>>1110805who pays 1000 dollars for an instagram account..but if anyone is actually dumb enough to buy it, i wonder how long it will take until maddie is whining about not having her main anymore like she did when she was locked out of it
No. 1110817
File: 1608417628783.png (2.32 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201219-143851.png)

I hate everything I'm so 3edgy5u I'm the most emo emo that ever emoed. Did I mention I'm pink punk alt person? I'm so different and cool, move along normies
No. 1110818
File: 1608417678942.png (98.18 KB, 1440x672, Screenshot_20201219-103202.png)

No. 1110825
File: 1608418403437.jpg (495.11 KB, 1440x1440, photocollage_20201219145153919…)

I hope she actually gets the help and follows through with it
No. 1111031
File: 1608437463285.jpeg (441.76 KB, 1242x1439, AE8DA553-C3D5-4F4A-B98F-B9B931…)

Going out during a pandemic, as if you can’t just get drunk with your friends in a home? I wanted to like her really bad but she hasn’t shown any redeeming qualities.
No. 1111076
File: 1608445466295.png (1.38 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201219-222239.png)

I can't tell when she's joking or when she's genuinely being a whore
No. 1111101
File: 1608449207762.jpeg (663.93 KB, 750x1317, 61664A82-489B-4FDA-A862-D26171…)

So she talks about how she follows Covid precautions and brags that "Her and her friends were in a restaurant without masks" yet they're all hanging out.
I never gave a shit about her but if you're gonna see a bunch of people during a pandemic you can fuck right off. ESPECIALLY when she was talking about how she follows precautions.
No. 1111117
File: 1608451459440.jpeg (41.31 KB, 427x623, 61664A82-489B-4FDA-A862-D26171…)

My sleep paralysis demons when I start to fall asleep
No. 1111965
File: 1608572769016.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 7878B8DA-E85A-4FC5-9958-0FE3F3…)

No. 1112143
File: 1608584309448.jpg (297.15 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20201221-151346_Fac…)

>>1112142Sorry. Got distracted. Heres the screenshot lol
No. 1112167
File: 1608586414829.png (154.3 KB, 1440x985, Screenshot_20201221-133052.png)

She dropped out of high school senior year, I don't think she ever got a GED. She's never had a consistent job other than her sex work and she's selling her clothes for money right now for more clothes? Ashley get a job you're so pathetic.
No. 1112168
File: 1608586475795.png (241.56 KB, 1440x1668, Screenshot_20201221-133024.png)

This is 100 percent fake as well for attention kek
No. 1112333
File: 1608599564528.png (2.77 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201221-170959.png)

Shes keeping the account, big shocker lol
No. 1112457
File: 1608616250296.png (739.43 KB, 750x1334, B4AA0FB4-2E0C-443E-9E17-6BD7F7…)

Honestly hilarious that she’s selling her cheap ass mall goth clothes just to keep herself afloat lmao honey no one over the age of 16 wants this shit
No. 1112496
File: 1608627591129.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, 38921413-6C12-4D46-A8BA-F49394…)

she deleted this a few minutes later, sO uNbOtHeReD
No. 1112718
File: 1608665716679.jpeg (120.28 KB, 750x1165, 47026EB2-6781-4A81-817E-58CB4E…)

Its still up
No. 1112721
File: 1608665899295.webm (618.2 KB, 640x800, 132311807_1265543143827563_329…)
No. 1112741
>>1112721these two really get off to being
toxic and reckless on social media, Ashley keeps saying "omg no don't do that" while smiling and staring at the camera. weird narcissist ass shit
No. 1112768
File: 1608670767849.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1440x1706, Screenshot_20201222-125731.png)

I was not expecting to see this shit today and sadly I have lol, she's posting a lot of blood. Ashley don't post this go to the fucking hospital or whatever you need to do but WHY THE FUCK did I need to see it?? Nobody wants to see your gross mouth wound!!
No. 1112846
File: 1608676963069.png (2.64 MB, 750x1334, 0D9F79A3-BB2D-4570-96D0-FFD3BF…)

when did she work at a salon?? did she even go to school for that?
No. 1112879
File: 1608678575409.jpeg (31.64 KB, 242x209, 82988B43-2B11-438A-9BAC-6A5599…)

45 fucking stories
“Get a hobby” lol
No. 1112976
File: 1608686821046.jpeg (284.37 KB, 763x1226, 107D11BB-EE89-462D-84B7-A77BEC…)

>I’m okay now, I just did it for the attention and shock value. Real engagement
> “Just me putting that out there,” lolcow!
> hair excuses = keeping up to date on this thread by the hour
And for my next attention grab, I’ll wound myself or use someone’s death to boost my ratings!
what else do you do when you’re painfully average, dumb, and desperate?
No. 1113371
>>567471>>1112846Ashley, if you wanted to do drugs and party you could have just waited until college to go crazy as most people do.
Then you would have the ability to work a job that pays more than 15$/hr and have a future
being a Dayton junkie with 100k Instagram followers won't be quite as appealing when you're 40 and not cute anymore
No. 1113490
>>1113377They may be over their peak now
But imagine when they’re 38, wrinkled and severely aged by drug use with no future career or income
No. 1113494
File: 1608752436892.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1494, 81D83817-F317-45E4-82C2-2CD6DC…)

her skin looks crusty af
No. 1113749
Seems like some anons wanted a new thread so made one!!!