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No. 548305
20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/542328The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Recently:
- Fans are still tweeting at her expecting their goddess to save their impulse bought pets' lives, but Taytay has better things to do!
- Bought THREE new Satanic Leaf Geckos, who are super fragile!!!
and have very specific care needs.
- Plus point is that apparently these geckos were wild caught, not captive-bred.
- Posted a picture of her holding one of these fragile creatures and insisted 'she stayed still while I was moving her so I snapped a picture' when people asked her about it
- Jonny tweeted that Taylor was coming to his tour for the first few days and then meeting him in Vegas and 'ending the tour with daddy' puke emoji
- But wait, she just got three sensitive geckos with very specific needs? No worries! She has not one, not two, but three experts who will come to her house three times a day to check in on them and her fish!
- Also has been putting off editing her videos because muh invisible illness and joint pains.
- Flirting with someone called Karizma on twitter (handle @callmekarizma), the guy asked her to adopt a kitten with him in LA.
- Said guy has apparently been called out for doing bad things like: singing about mental illness and romanticizing it; sexually harassing women especially minors and generally being manipulative and abusive. ( if interested, check this thread: ) Taylor just can't keep away from trash.
-Got called out for buying wild caught animals
-Brought a monitor, but claimed the store lied about its species
-Followed Jonny around on tour. He was arrested for breaking a mic, but the charges were dropped. She immediately flew home that night
-Got a shitty new tattoo
-Said she's has new videos to upload for her new channel that's focused on her mental illness.. couple weeks ago.
-Bought a monitor lizard for a month before uploading a video of him saying he's a black throat which is actually a rough neck! now, she's trying to make things up so she can keep him
-Gets called out on smoking around animals, doesn't care
-Makes a video on the monitor situation, which isn't an apology. Gets called out, so simply disables the comments. Tries to deflect the situation by talking abut captive v wild bred
-Continues to be ~edgy af on twitter. Jokes about drug use.
-Has run out of any original video ideas. Makes video of her snakes 'doing stuff'.
No. 548363
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Why the fuck did she retweet this person mocking the yelp review? This is pretty much solidifying she has an outside porch/balcony/whatever area
No. 548474
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This was posted in the last thread but isn’t it bizarre she posted this caption with “I can’t make money off this now lmao”
Obviously people with YouTube as they’re only job do it to make money, but she posts so infrequently it implies to me it’s the only reason she’s doing it anymore
Like lol…. why would you bitch about not being able to make money off videos when you spend weeks away goofing off from making videos…..
No. 548560
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Whoever called that she took Jonny with her was right.
No. 548612
Just got caught up with Taylor milk and I have a lot to address.
First, I can't believe she won't go to college but spent 14k on enclosures that aren't even upgrades? If she went to a community college she could easily get an associate's degree for under 14k.
Now, on to the animal Care criticizing! Seeing she doesn't vacuum or clean but has two cats is gross. Are her litter boxes on carpet or hard floor? Does she have hard floors at all? How many litter boxes does she have? She should have three litter boxes minimum for two cats, and that's basic cat owner knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if she has one litter box. If her litter boxes are on carpet, she probably doesn't see all the litter the cats kick out of the boxes (covered litter box or not, cats WILL kick litter out of the box onto the floor). If her boxes are on carpet she is less likely to notice litter being kicked on the floor so she doesn't realize she has to clean it. In order to keep a sanitary floor in a small apartment with multiple cats, one must sweep or vacuum once-twice a day minimum (at least spot cleaning around/under the boxes) and mop at least weekly. This is just the bare minimum to keeping a clean floor with cats, depending on the location of her litter boxes and how many she has. Knowing that, the fact she probably hasn't vacuumed but let her snakes on that floor is disgusting. I doubt she even moves the boxes to clean underneath them. I would honestly love to see her litter box set up.
Last but not least, I know that ragdoll sheds like a motherfucker. They're somewhat long haired and white. By the time Ghost is full grown, Taylor won't be able to turn a corner without seeing a white furr ball somewhere. I'll admit it's cute, but we know this bitch won't be able to clean/sweep/vacuum enough to accommodate for that breed of cat.
TLDR: She can afford college but is lazy, I want to see her litter box locations to understand how dirty her floors actually are, and she doesn't realize the extra clean up that comes with owning a ragdoll cat.
No. 548695
>>548687Furs too long to be that.
We know the craigslist seller she got the cat from, where they claimed it was a ragdoll too.
No. 548744
>>548742I think the only reason she says he's a ragdoll mix is because it would be even more unlikely to find a purebred ragdoll in an adoption centre so she tried to make her story a bit more believable by saying he's a crossbreed.
I think that's the reason why Taylor said it, rather than because she actually thinks he is. But i guess he could be a crossbreed, or just a badly bred Ragdoll considering she got him from a backyard breeder off Craigslist.
No. 548786
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Not milk but anyone else remember when taylor still used to look like a normal healthy human being with normal and healthy lips? Lol. The difference is so evident. I‘m honestly confused if she just never noticed how much the drugs and her unhealthy lifestyle have changed her appearance or if she‘s in denial..
No. 548850
>>548841It doesn't matter how many litter boxes she has if she has dirty litterboxes or puts air fresheners next to them. We know how she keeps her apartment so her litterboxes are probably too dirty for the cats to even shit in them anymore.
And she leaves her lipstick and hair extensions all over the floor her cats probably pee/poop on.
No. 548870
>>548864There's nothing wrong with her skin in that picture. It just isn't filtered to hell.
That image is also from 2017 feb. Way before Jonny.
No. 548890
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So it's now her snake and she's not keeping the name Lego that Jonny gave it?
No. 549000
>>548890Are those the same flowers Gus was on?
>>548990This dumb bitch could have easily gotten a full bred ragdoll at a shelter, but it would probably be an adult. For whatever reason, she NEEDED a kitten. "Wanting a kitten for Nemo to be friends with" is no excuse. I'm sure being around an adult cat would be just as stimulating for him? I've gotten multiple "designer" breed cats that I paid nothing for because I rescued them as adults.
She has no excuse for: A) wasting money and B) ripping a cat away from it's mother at a young age. She would have gotten more respect taking in an adult cat that needed rescuing and she could have found a ragdoll. It's not hard to find a rescue animal that matches the breed you want.
Ghost= example of Taylor shopping, not adopting, and impulse buying.
No. 549018
>>549000Yeah you'd be surprised how many expensive breeds end up in a shelter… Surprise people who will buy breeds from backyard breeders often don't give a shit about the animal itself and will abandon it when it becomes inconvenient.
There's even rescues that specialize in special breed cats INCLUDING KITTENS
No. 549025
>>549000 She shouldn't have ANY cats, she leaves them so frequently for traveling.
Neither male cat is neutered yet. She lied about getting them fixed. Both should be fixed by now and she would have certainly posted about it.
She's the biggest hypocrite to preach adopt don't shop, Ghost is her posterchild for her double standard. She can't blame that on mental illness,that's just her being an absolute hypocritical malicious person.
This also tells me that if something happens to where she can't keep the cats anymore, she will dump them off at a shelter where they will be killed. She has a massive audience and could easily reach out to people asking for them to take the cats together. WITH PROOF that the cats are rehomed. There are plenty of people who would be willing to do a meet and greet with Taylor, even a home check to ensure they would be safe. Owner surrenders are killed in every shelter across the U.S. They're not given a fair chance like cats who are found and brought in by animal control etc.
She has no morals, lives in filth, starves hr animals to death, literally, and impulse buys animals only to starve them or stuff them into the wrong enclosures.
Instead of preaching about her mental illness on the internet to manipulate others into sympathy, she needs to rehome all the animals and check herself into a mental health institute for a while. The animals don't deserve to suffer just because she can't handle her psychopath self.
No. 549076
>>549067 If someone can post it, that would be great. It should be somehow used in one of the thread title photos. Seriously, this kitten would not have died if she hadn't used her as an accessory and actually fed and stimulated her. We saw that Nemo was underweight through the first part of his life with her and ended up with triangle face, swollen belly and hair falling out. No matter how she puts it, those ARE symptoms of neglect with kittens and that's all on her. She fucking starved those babies and doesn't feel an ounce bad for it. They deserve justice.
Everything she did to those kittens, was on purpose. Because she knew what she had to do and didn't do it for them. She's a beast.
No. 549145
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In regards to the monitor, I went to her Instagram to see if the mark on the snake looked like scissors and saw the monitor picture and went to read it. I don’t know if this was posted or not so I’m going to sage it.
But judging from this JC’s intent is to keep it and I bet you that’s all the green light she needs to keep the monitor.
No. 549150
that public comment is for her fan's benefit so that she can be like "see I was concerned!!!" So transparent and fake.
Obviously the decision to keep him was made over a month ago. So damn irresponsible.
No. 549178
>>549164this comment is a small example of everything bad about her. shes 100% abusive. shes abusive when it comes to animal care, when it comes to romantic relationships, and when it comes to familial relationships. she reads this thread and completely ignores it bc of all the "baboon lip" comments, but also ignores genuine adivice when it comes to animal husbandry. in the general pet youtuber thread emma lynne sampson commented so she coukd discuss herhusbandry and get opinions from others so she could research hoe to optimise her husbandry, thats 1000x more respectable than taylor. taylor really seems to think shes too good for criticism. she needs to realise theres a difference between someone criticising u and hating on u, prople just want whats best for her animals. there is ALWAYS ways to improve your animals life, always. with the jonny thing, yeah shes hurting his victims feelings, but shes not threatening their lives. her animals are in an awful situation, jonnys exs are wonderful beautiful women who are thankfully moving on w their lives. but taylors animals are always facing a life or death situation, theyre in dire need of help
No. 549189
>>549145>>549145It’s wild to me that both of them are so deluded that they seem to think the reason we don’t want her keeping it is anything other than the fact that
it’s going to turn into a behemoth and murder all your animals and possibly youBut it’s like they want to keep him to…. spite us? I guess?
No. 549235
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if this doesnt show what kind of audience shes marketing herself to idk what does.
first tweet says ""I legitimately just witnessed… at a bar…. a guy…walk up to a girl….and use the line “so… do u play any roblox?” and it work and the girl say yes and they’ve been talking for 20 minutes now"" (wow relatable teen humour !1!l)
it has more than 2 times the amount of likes a tweet abt dog in a life or death situation has. its so fucked, id have given her credit for retweeting this if it werent for the fact that she panders to 12 year olds who want cool weird quirky pets, it practically doesnt matter that she retweeted bc her audience doesnt give a shit about animals in need, they only care about "cool" animals like ragdoll kittens and expensive ball python morphs, its so gross what shes ended up promoting.
No. 549242
>>549235It's not so much her audience's apathy that bothers me, it's more just the "talk about animal rights when it's convenient" sort of thing that she does. She'll retweet an article, but like we saw with the panda article, she can't be fucked to do any more research or try to post links for people.
And with this one, since the shelter is in the SA area…she should know the name, right? Why not give the name so people immediately know where to go?
Even the pitbull video she did….there literally wasn't a single factual piece of information in there. It was just her rambling and being vague about "pitbulls get a bad rap" but not explaining how it started, or why, or what the current problems are, or even ways people can help or resources they can look into.
Also her mocking PETA is hilarious because I can guarantee you she gives so little of a shit that she doesn't know a single fucked up thing that PETA has done (and trust me there is a
long list)
She just knows actual animal rights activists hate it, so she should too
No. 549289
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She’s definitely desperate for money.
No. 549320
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No. 549324
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Is the original price really 50$ because that’s crazy.
No. 549325
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>>549320I get that this piece of shit isn't actually worth $50 and the whole illusion that it's being marked down in price is supposed to entice people to buy it, but what the fuck.
I wouldn't even pay 15$ for this
No. 549338
>>549320Fuck you Taylor, Your Hedgehogs are all living in too small of enclosures inside your closet. You don't even bother to trim their nails. Get a job cunt, you peddle your crap but won't take care of your animals.
Anyone know if her most likely overpriced products are made in China? Would be interested to know how little the poor people making her shit products get paid to create replicas of her animals that she neglects.
No. 549345
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No. 549346
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This is the Bindi one she posted a while back. If it weren’t for the four legs, I’d assume it was an insect of some sort.
No. 549349
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No. 549371
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>>549043The end of that video gives me serious marina joyce vibes… I just watched it like 20 times, and omg, why is she blinking so fast. Her face twitches several times and that thing she's doing with her arm reminds me of the muscle tension you get on coke or stimulants. She seems confused and disoriented as well. So IMO, as someone who's seen a lot of both, either she's having a mental breakdown, or she's on drugs. Probably coke. There's no other reason to be acting that high strung.
Plus, in some of the shots of that video, her hands are literally shaking.
No. 549375
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No. 549376
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No. 549377
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No. 549386
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No. 549415
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No. 549440
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A Wild Hand in Face Taylor appears
No. 549444
>>549430 lol seriously! Where did she even get a $950 "lid" most tank hoods aren't that expensive, maybe with a SUPER advanced lighting system but those are usually separate…
Hey Taylor you know you can manage to keep fish from jumping out with a $10 sheet of glass from Home Depot that they'll cut exactly to size for free right there, right?
No. 549452
>>549445Ironic, taking into account that she only buys designer things (and animals)
And no, Idubbbz sadly won't do a content cop on her because apparently he only does content cops on girls he doesn't find atracctive (ex.Tana)
Besides he doesn't know much about animals so the odds wouldn't be on his favor.
No. 549454
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No. 549455
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No. 549461
>>549458He said it a Podcast retard.
I invited you to search for your own.
No. 549472
>>549455 Jonny throwing some fat shade towards Taylor. Lmao he could have said anything there but chose Walrus, fucking hilarious. She has really been picking at her face.
>>549459 Taylor doesn't consider starving animals as neglect, especially kittens.
>>549468 Several hundred.
No. 549505
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He’s actually fucking gross like what is he doing with his tongue?!
No. 549524
>>549386wowie, so not only is she about to go to LA, she's also gonna be gone for at least 6 days in Florida later this month.
she's such a worthless piece of shit.
No. 549541
>>549507Babies can't be on the front seat.
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics her stans will do when she disappear for over a month to justify leaving her pets that long.
Obviously no matter who take care of them, won't do it properly because is almost impossible to learn the habits of each animal
My bet is Mama Taylor will take care her pets on this trip (that's why she agreed to visit her cause I don't see another reason if not for personal gain)
If people who are far more experience than her have losts( and they know they will probably have) when they go on vacation for a week I wonder if she will be lucky enough (again) to not have one
I hope she doesn't, it isn't the animals fault they have for a owner a brat who can't decide what is more important to her, her pets or her rapist man toy
No. 549543
>>549250Honestly some people just can't live on a healthy diet while vegan. If she has serious diet issues with whatever, and can't even be bothered to get fresh fruit and veg for her animals, there's no way she won't end up with anemia or something of the like (I have personal experience with this and it honestly sucks because there's no way she is going to have the ability to go vegan/vegetarian for a good while after fixing such issues, it'd require a ton of planning and effort).
The best she can do is cut down on products, just like Em has but even that may be hard if she isn't cooking by herself/eating take aways and ready meals.
There's a lot of shit Taylor does that is questionable when it comes to animal welfare but the point is that not everyone can change their diet so easily.
No. 549582
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This creeps me out
No. 549583
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whos she annoyed at this time
No. 549586
>>549582What the actual fuck is this mess?
I agree that this is borderline creepy lmao
No. 549592
>>549303The way adsense works for youtube is that you won't get any of the money you make from videos you upload this month until sometime next month.
But yeah… I honestly don't get why when she's on a 'role' she doesn't just schedule her videos for a weeks time so she has a more consistent upload schedule rather than just uploading them one after the other and then disappearing.
No. 549604
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> “I’m going to be kind and not respond to hate with hate :)”
> immediate passive aggressive comment about how pathetic someone is
She’s so unselfaware it’s astounding
No. 549605
>>549583Worm lizards… Taylor the educator, everybody. Kek. I wonder if she’s aware of legless lizards? Is she thinking reptile = lizard? The reply by that Nikita shit is just as fucking stupid.
Quick question from a noob, does Taylor have any irl friends? Likes women she hangs out with at all, tweets to, etc… her insta doesn’t have any pics at all of her with any friends going back to 2014. I know there’s that pregnant friend but how friendly are they? How did they meet? And why would she be essentially hired help to look after Taylor’s reptiles?
No. 549650
>>549643lol Meat eaters always get so
triggered when someone says the word vegan.
It's already been established that Taylor was likely only saying things she thought her stans would want to hear. Not to mention the fact that if all of her conditions are as severe as she says and to be believed; she likely couldn't even do a vegetarian diet, let alone a vegan one.
No. 549767
>>549649Not everything other petyoutubers said is aim to Taylor
Solidgold always preach about research and take care of the animals until they die (even before Taylor fuckups)
I'm lost, did Taylor even mention she is gonna be vegan or was vegan? (Which I don't see why is a mandatory requirement btw)
No. 549784
>>549763Thats true. She obviously won't go vegan which does not surprise me lol
But out of curiosity I did some googling about EDS (which is what she has) and veganism. I didnt really see anything saying it wasnt recommended. Some people who have EDS and experimented with veganism say they felt worse (less energy, tummy trouble), but a bunch of people didnt experience these things and also said they felt tons better and even had reduced pain since red meat and dairy can cause inflammation. Seems like a mixed bag but nobody said it was a bad idea to try.
Everyone is different but I believe a vegan diet or one with less animal consumption is attainable and healthier for most people. Especially with the supplements, vitamins, and alternative meat products we have today.
Sorry for blogging/ranting
No. 549786
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>>549767she mentions here shes trying to be vegan but since then has been eating animals. its kind of hypocritical to eat animals and also claim you love them and want to save them (eg. "rescuing" all those turtles). a balanced vegan diet is arguably the healthiest diet and is considered a safe diet by the nhs and american health association (i think thats what its called i could be remembering wrong). being vegan with eds isnt an issue, when you have eds its important to understand good nutrition tho, having a good diet can really help some peoples symptoms. its really just another example of her not caring as much about animals as she says she does. she did post on twitter about the issues in the fishing industry once tho so ill give her credit for that (not trying to white knight but ya know)
No. 549791
>>549786Stop pushing your ideologies or use Lolcow for your personal agenda
You should see Emzotic's video about liking animals and not being a vegan
She hasn't make a big deal her transition to veganism (as far as I know) so it makes sense she didn't make an statement about why she give up on that diet or so.
No. 549797
I have been arguing that there's no way she would have a healthy vegan diet but the main point is this.
>>549784This is why I said some doctors don't recommend it for whatever reason. Essentially we all react to things differently so she would need to try it but in this case I doubt it would go well as she probably doesn't cook fresh food.
No. 549801
>>549791theres no agenda people are only stating facts, shes a hypocrite. noones kissing petas ass and saying "cows cry owo stop sucking their tits".
>>549797theres nothing healthy about her entire lifestyle lmao. between doing drugs and dating an abusive rapist shes not healthy psychologically or physically. getting heart disease from eating meat is probably the least of her problems tbf
No. 549802
>>549797She barely give her pets fresh food, how does people expect her to go along with a diet that requires a little effort?
>>549793I think she always had her pupils like that.
No. 549803
>>549801People say she does drugs but we literally only have speculation with few images that may come close to proof.
Her small pupils are mainly down to lighting in pictures that look good, I haven't checked which picture you're discussing tho so eh.
No. 549808
>>54979Well obviously she wont try because she doesnt care, we know this, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt just because you have EDS or whatever. Especially if you are passionate about animal welfare, the environment, or your health. She absolutely could get the proper vitamins and nutrients while still being vegan. Tons of people do, whether or not they have a medical condition. She will not die or be permanently changed by trying a new diet. In fact she would probably feel better. Again lots of people with EDS who are vegan/vegetarian, have said that they feel better and weren't effected badly.
If anyone is that concerned, they should consult their own personal doctor rather than reading blanket advice on the internet.
Also Em's video was a load of crap full of excuses that are either untrue or mighty easy to work around.
Not trying to push ideologies but I would hate for someone with similar issues to read here and think they can't try being vegan. It is possible and has lots of good consequences.
No. 549811
>>549807Ngl PETA protest are normally good and have a decent impact.
I wonder who cares for their cats while they're away? I reckon they get left in the bathroom with a large quantity of food/water and maybe have someone check up on them like once a day…
No. 549818
>>549808Again your are pushing your ideologies,just because you are saying you aren't you do lol
The only thing relevant about Taylor and veganism is she try to being vegan probably over a week and realize she is way to lazy for that (if she can't even upload consistently how do you expect her to follow a strict diet and check how many calories her food has?)
And since Johnny probably always have munchies for being high all the time,they order whatever fast food they feel like.
No. 549829
>>549818its relevant to taylor because shes supporting an industry full of abuse, and that is the leading cause of deforrestation in the rain forrest leading to a major loss of biodiversity, while claiming she cares about animals. just look at her retweeting about "save the pandas and their environment" while ignoring the negative impact her diet has on animals and the environment. stop getting so
triggered about veganism, this is all relevant to taylor because it shows shes an idiot and a hypocrite.
No. 549831
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>>549830its in response to this
No. 549841
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This made me lol
Taylor will never have the balls to accuse a bad breeder because they are always her get away to excuse her shitty practices
What Emma did was sad (leaving the gecko) but THAT'S how you manage those situations
You don't go around giving money to bad breeders and whinnig pity me points when the poor animal die.
No. 549906
>>549829for fucks sake, she also promotes improper pet care and impulse buying animals. what makes you think that she cares about animals at all? how do you expect her to tackle bigger environmental issues when she can't even spread a simple message of proper exotic pet care?
also, you are virtue signalling right there. you are not a superior animal lover/environmentalist because you are vegan. issues like this are rarely solved by being so radical.
No. 549911
>>549902 NONE of her animals are bonded to her. Her cats would forget who she is quickly enough if they were rehomed together, she doesn't spend enough time with any of her animals traveling all the time. So that's just more lies on her end.
I don't fucking care if she thinks her Monitor is bonded with her, she can't keep it, she has cats and it's inhumane to keep that Monitor in a tiny ass enclosure in an apartment complex with said cats, plus nowhere to keep the Monitor when it gros, and also posing a risk to other tenants.
She needs to be reported to the Animal ASPCA.
Keyword here is inhumane to KEEP IT. Put it together Taylor, you fucking delusional, uneducated slutty bitch.
No. 549929
>>549917 That Monitor was pretty pissed anyway at her in videos, hissing like a fucking Raptor from Jurassic World. I want it to take off her fugly frog flipper hand and put a deep gash of a hole in her cheek. It will take that get her to wake the fuck up how inhumane and selfish she is for impulsively hoarding a lizard of this magnitude near her other animals.
How long until she tweets out one of her unfixed cats was ripped to shreds by it.
What's next? Is she going to get a Crocodile?
I truly believe she wants animals to be as miserable as she is, it's all about power and how much she can control the life of another and get a rise out of people by how many lives she controls.
No. 549935
>>549906thats why veganism was brought up. its another example of her not truly caring about animals well being, because shes addressed that she apparently doesnt like the meat + dairy industry but continues to give them her money, because she really doesnt care that much. and its not a wild statement to say if someone voluntarily eats meat they dont love the animals theyre eating lol, dont get so
triggered by anons on the internet just move on my guy
No. 549942
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Is that just a bunch of shit in the enclosure in the back?
No. 549948
>>549942 Yes, poor snake looks like some empty water dishes too but not sure.
Why is her hand so fucking fat JFC. It's looking like the Hamburger glove anamorph thing on the Hamburger Helper box, gross.
No. 550081
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No. 550082
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No. 550090
>>549935No one likes the meat or dairy industry and yet we all continue to give them our money. It definitely doesn't mean we don't love animals, or even the animal we're eating.
Also, for the love of god, piss off with your "don't get so
triggered." It's. a. discussion. board. You're no better than the assholes who tell people to avoid a Taytay-related topic.
No. 550099
>>550081Animals go to the bathroom, of course, but it is really telling that she didn't bother to clean her enclosure BEFORE posting photos.
I'd not want any animal's shit in any photo I post.
Her snide reply is just trying to hide that she's too gross and dirty to even think that would be a problem.
No. 550118
>>550086Yes it smells so bad.. but i guess that's why she had that air freshener..
Such a nasty girl.
No. 550162
>>550090"i dont like the meat and dairy industry.. but ill still give them my money which helps fund them"
"im paying for animals to be abused and killed but i love them so much!"
okie dokie man theres no logic anywhere in ur blogging there but lets just discuss taylor on this discussion. board. shall we
she really is gonna get ecoli or something, keeping her snakes in close proximity to their feces and handling them isnt a v good idea lol
No. 550204
>>549289lol guess we're not getting a video.
unless by "early monday" she means before 12PM, which i sincerely doubt given her fucked up sleep schedule
No. 550299
>>549942Nevermind the shit in the enclosure, the GTP tank doesn’t have a snake in it anymore? It also has an empty water dish, and GTP need high humidity.
We may have another dead animal to add to the list…
No. 550301
>>550291It’s really obvious that youre wagging and dragon and it’s not a good look to be promoting yourself on lolcow.
Saging doesn’t mean you can blog post, self-promote, or veer OT this goes for all the vegan bullshit too.
Srsly the guru gossip thread died and now all those autists are here. Go back to GG.
No. 550311
>>550291Just because you saged the post doesn't mean you can post irrelevant shit/blog post/promote other people we don't care about. Go post it in the general pet youtubers thread.
I came here to see Taylor get eaten alive, not to see this
No. 550313
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>>550299I thought he could be in the corner that we can’t see, but in her Instagram post that corner is empty too. Sadly GTP’s look pretty much the same as babies so she could replace him, but their markings will be different.
No. 550357
>>550356 How animal hoarding develops: (Found on animal hoarding info page)
Elements of the addiction model which are found in animal hoarding cases include: preoccupation with the addiction; denial about the addiction and its effects; isolation; claims of persecution; excuses for the behavior; and self-neglect.
It's like they wrote this about Tayalor.
No. 550539
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Made a burner twitter account coz no doubt she’ll block me. Top comment is mine. Also Tyler y u sah funny??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 550552
>>550539When her own fans are saying it's getting uncomfortable.. oh dear.
I understand some people make rumours false by joking about them but doing it regularly normally means that there is some truth to a rumour
No. 550641
>>550635What I don’t understand about her being sarcastic about their being shit in the snake enclosure when she took a picture of it is…. yeah, you don’t have to clean your animal’s cages every fucking day but….do you not realize normal people would make sure things look presentable before taking photos to share with the fucking internet?
You wouldn’t take a photo where you’re trying to look nice with all this distracting shit in the background lol
No. 550647
>>550640But wouldn’t they raise the prices there simultaneously (since Disney World is larger since they had to buy more land to keep the strip clubs and Orlando nightlife away)
Sage for OT
No. 550657
>>550650Disney World in Florida is horrible and poorly maintained. AND they have a serious rat problem on the property, stemming from their policy on removing all snakes from the property, in addition to any feral/stray cats. Disneyland in California actually has a feral cat colony that handles a lot of pest issues.
This is something TND could totally do a video on, it's something a lot of people don't know about. People are so scared of snakes that Disney has made it their policy to remove any snakes, to the point that they're literally endangering their guests by allowing disease-ridden pests to overrun the place. The synthetic pest control they use really isn't cutting it.
Blog, but relevant - I used to stay at the Disney resorts in FL at least once a year because I have access to discounts. Stayed 4 times in a 2 year period, at a different resort each time. Every single time I saw a buttload of rats running around at all hours. I complained each time… and I've been staying at these resorts for YEARS and have never had this issue until recently. There used to be tons of adorable bunnies hopping around the resort grounds, now it's literal fucking rats.
tl;dr disney world in florida is an expensive shithole that's infested with literal rats due to poor management policies
No. 550659
>>550657Really? Is this where people are going? Taylor is awful but the idea of rats swarming Disney like some horror movie is hilariously wrong. It’s a bit grody but nothing like that; that’s hilarious.
As not to be off topic, has she posted any updates on her small mammals lately? Her feed seems to be mostly consumed by her snakes.
No. 550667
>>550662she's probably rushing to replace him lmao
>>550665no worries about that, they turned every waterfront into an eyesore by putting giant fences on every beach
No. 550705
>>550689Playlist or whatever she's going to is on the 21st (or 29th?) So, one or two weeks.
Honestly, on the topic of Florida, and given one of Taylor's most popular videos being about how shitty hermit crabs are treated, there's this bar in Sannibel that is pretty well known for these hermit crab races where that they do for charity where they put
dozens of them at the center of a table and see who reaches the outside line first. I think you also get the option to buy them but I haven't been there in years so I have no fucking idea.
I personally don't have that much of a problem with it because it's for charity and I really don't think they make that much from it anyway because they only do it like once a week or something, but if she wants to actually come across as morally consistent and not just like she's virtue signaling all the fucking time–talking about stuff like that might actually be a good video idea.
Christ, there's
so much animal related shit she can do in Florida! She can go to a park where you can
swim with manatees, you can go snorkeling, you can go searching on the coastline for sea life, you can go to the fucking
Everglades! She's literally
going to where the videos are and I doubt she'll take advantage of any of it.
No. 550834
>>550830I was so shocked last video. The editing was stupid, but it was
actual editing that she put a few extra minutes of work into
No. 550924
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No. 550928
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No. 550960
>>550952OT but where I live there are no home checks and shelters don't really share information that might be important.
Example, a friend surrendered a bearded dragon to the local SPCA and they have a rule that if you surrender an animal, you are not allowed to adopt from them (this stems from adoption-happy people who used to adopt an animal and then surrender it months later). She did this and cited costs as the reason she could no longer care for the beardie.
That didn't matter to any other shelter in our area though, because none of that information is shared. So she went and adopted a cat after fostering it.
Point being, Taylor might be able to adopt from SOMEWHERE. But why do that when you can spend money on a kitten.
No. 550963
>>550952Lol what fancy pet shelters have you been to? I adopted two dogs without a home check. Cost $30 for a bonded pair, neutered, dewormed, and vaccinated. Shelters are overrun. They often do kitten specials.
Don’t give her more excuses than she already uses. It’s super easy to adopt/rescue pets.
No. 550967
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Can anyone see the GTP?
No. 550971
>>550963Calm down and learn to comprehend what you read lmao I’m not giving her excuses, I’m literally explaining that many shelters wouldn’t home cats to her BECAUSE her living situation is so poor. This is not a good thing. I also didn’t intend to claim all shelters do it, but it’s been discussed in this thread before that many do.
Taylor is hardly going to look very far if the first place she checks is asking how many pets she has (and she knows her name is googleable, so lying would be a big risk). She smells the faintest whiff that the first place she visits won’t home to her, she’ll just go to craigslist and get what she wants.
No. 551016
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I think it‘s so funny that she always feels the need to mention how much maui has grown. As if it‘s something we need to applaud her for. I‘m pretty sure she‘s only owned him for like a year..
Wow finally an animal she kept long enough without killing/rehoming it to actually notice it’s growth!! Yeah no
No. 551042
>>550952 She would not qualify, this is for sure why she bought the kitten. Also because she's a hypocritical slut. You will never see Taylor adopt a disabled dog or a disabled cat, elderly animal. She will forever only buy animals and lie about their origins.
I hope someone calls and complains to her Landlord soon again.
No. 551061
>>550967 No and the water dish is still empty.
The salt water tank on the right looks questionably empty but not sure since we can't see the full thing.
No. 551069
>>551023 I think for the sake of humane, snakes should be given an option to stretch out. Perhaps they feel cramped without the option.
She can afford much nicer things for her animals but will not.
Because she can't even be bothered to give them water in their bowls. This probably explains why that little hognose snake was drinking like he hadn't been provided water in a long time. Someone in the threads called it earlier with the hognose drinking like he was dehydrated.
No. 551081
>>550924I can’t wait for her to finally get a dog like she seems to promise when she moves into a bigger place (at this rate that won’t happen) and trying to convince us some completely purebred dog that is exceptionally rare to see in America (ex Shiba Inu) was somehow in a shelter, and wasn’t scooped up in the first five minutes it was there
She’s always in the right place at the right time after all, what with finding her kitten in an innocuous parking lost, funding her snake that someone was giving up at a pet store, finding her mouse that her manager was gonna give way, finding a rag doll at an adoption event, etc.
she must have the bestt luck
No. 551142
>>551134 She's on drugs, she chronically picks just like Jonny. Jonny was even picking his neck in his life Instagram stream.
OR, they are flea and or bed bug bites.
No. 551146
>>551134Acne can be
triggered by a variety of things at any point in your life. Hormonal changes caused by switching birth control is a major one. Her chest acne isn’t really bad. I don’t like to speculate on things like that but literally anything from a period to stress to bc could cause this. Lots of people who had clear skin as teens wind up with adult acne.
No. 551197
>>551170What the fuck are you talking about? Google "Shiba Inu rescue" and you'll come up with at least a dozen right in your area like I just did. My old boss had one. They're not rare to see at all.
I was just thinking that the strangest thing about Taylor getting these underaged kittens is that she barely used them for content. She could've probably made a few videos of them wobbling around when they were little, or just playing the internet would eat up…because kittens playing are fucking adorable and hilarious. She could've put up tons of IG pics of them growing up and not done anything that took effort but she's squandering their kitten prime.
No. 551205
>>551197Taylor is so lazy she can't even use what she has for prime video content. Tyler had this collab video where he went to go visit Taylor for this meet up they were doing, and part of his vlog had one of those zoo safari things where you drive past animals and all that.
Why hasn't Taylor made a video on it? Or talked about it? She also supposedly goes to Disney World in Florida a lot and like
>>550705 said, there's lots of cool stuff to do in Florida if you love animals but she probably ignores all of that.
She wants to be lauded as some Steve Irwin or Coyote Peterson knockoff without literally doing any of the work, or caring enough to do that work
No. 551210
>>551205i think she said the audio got corrupted somehow.
something i’ve been thinking and am kinda sorta surprised about is how many people think her channel was ever not just about her. it’s her full fucking name. it has always been the taylor show, the animals are just a bonus when she decides she wants more views.
No. 551213
>>550952>>550960>>550963>>551084When I say she should adopt/recuse, I don't necessarily mean from a shelter. Everyone is so stuck on "she can't adopt an animal because of shelter home checks," but if she gave enough fucks she could easily take in an animal in need before it even got to the shelter.
People who are good with pets or known for animal care are usually the first ones people go to when they need to get rid of an animal before it's dumped at a shelter or picked up by a rescue.
If she was really into the adopting/rescuing community she would probably be in the online networking loop. Craigslist has listings of animals that AREN'T for sale but need rescuing ASAP (I.e. parent making kid get rid of cat or a dog's owner dies and the family needs to get rid of it so they post it online for free in a desperate attempt). Facebook groups also post animals outside of shelters that need homes. Don't those count as adoptions and rescues? If she is so shook by shelter home checks, should could have easily got on Craigslist and responded to a non profit rescue related situation, picking an animal that probably wouldn't get picked otherwise. Instead she buys the name brand that will sell out no matter what.
She's truly just not passionate and doesn't care. FYI Taylor you can be honest and still get content views. There are other audience targets outside of 12 year olds. You're getting hate for lying and being fake so why not just be real.
God damn this bitch makes me rant.
Tl;Dr there's other opportunities to adopt/rescue outside of shelters, Taylors fake ass just doesn't give a fuck.
Sidenote- I'm curious if she got papers on Ghost? If I spent 600$ buying any animal I would want breed papers and I would want to see the parents if possible. If you won't show the Petco adoption papers can we at least see the breed papers? Who buys a "ragdoll mix" for 600$?
No. 551261
>>551257Nah the first one she deliberately bought to "save it" because she knew it was severely dehydrated and dying. Like how she whines about people buying animals from pet stores to "save them."
Why the fuck she did that instead of reporting the breeder she got it from or something actually fucking constructive, I don't know.
It's like she wanted to recreate one of those videos Dodo posts about "woman adopts terminally ill/senior dog from shelter so it can live out its last days in comfort" or something
No. 551276
>>551261 The fucking irony is this is probably the same reason why her other GPT recently passed away and why she's pretending he's still alive keeping the light on. With that said, she is probably the one who contributed to the death of the first one.
>>551266 Taylor's the one who doesn't know how to play with cats, just like how she knows shit about bottle feeding kittens. She made them scream and stretch out to be fed, rather than comforted and cuddled. She's horrible, yet intensely stupid person.
No. 551300
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>>551299GTPs are an arboreal snake and a fair amount of time you should see them coiled on one of the perches provided like in this pic
No. 551304
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It’s blurry, but this is from March 6, where you can see the yellow spot is him curled up on a branch. So sometime between then and now he died. I’m sure it’s the breeders fault.
No. 551305
>>551213>>551084I'm late, but another reason a shelter won't adopt out to her could be that no one in her home has an actual, stable job?
When I adopted there was no home check, but they DID need to know job/income information. What would she put for her occupation? "Youtuber"
No. 551380
>>551377 Oh she could have easily ended up with a great guy, someone who didn't rape women and may rape women in the future. A family man who didn't have offspring he disowned with other women. Someone who didn't take a shit on her family and try to isolate her from them, or manhandled her at the hotel when she couldn't pay for the room.
Also someone who didn't introduce her to drugs, or encourage her to get more animals.
She deserves who she has now.
Fucking sad how she killed that poor snake. I'm so sure he's dead.
No. 551407
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She started swinging him around on a handling stick for the camera the moment she unboxed him… Outdoors even? Is that not risky? Whenever she posts about him it's about how grumpy/nippy/angry/full of hate he is. I wouldn't be surprised if she just got fed up with it, frustrated that her Snow White skills weren't working and let him die of starvation/dehydration. What's the purpose of snake you can't take selfies with without getting bitten?
No. 551415
>>551407Never owned a snake so I wouldn't really know about the outside issue, though the taking him outside and moving him around for a photo just as they got home would be enough to create some stress. Wouldn't be surprised if it conditioned him to just associate danger with her.
It only came up in though a short while ago but, don't GTP get somewhat big? like 4.9 - 5.9 ft? I mean not as big as a ball python but considering this kind of snake requires a decent amount of height to it's tank and humidity I would imagine the upgrade and upkeep might be a bit too much?
No. 551417
>>551397Yeah GTP are known for being aggressive snakes though, its very rare to find one that somebody has spent a lot of time and energy on to tame. They apparently calm down when they're a bit older, but I doubt Sabor will because Taylor cbf taking 50 snake bites to the hand in order to tame her pet whenever she leaves everything in a cage unsocialised while she runs off around America with her scabby looking boyfriend.
When they're tamed I believe they can still be quite unpredictable too, compared to a ball python for example who would rarely lash out.
No. 551501
>>551304Who's else fault would it be? If an animal ever dies it is the breeders fault ALWAYS.
>>551415Upkeep was never an issue for her really. She has a monitor lizard that requires a huge tank upgrade/small room upgrade but will probably be stuffed inside a small box until she has to show his enclosure again.
No. 551512
>>550928So Taylor…about that video?
I'm starting to really lose patience with how many times she promised videos that she either dropped way later than promised or not at all. Same as she's just 'losing footage' all the time like the fuck, how poorly organized can you be? Why can't she stick to her promises? It can't be that hard to keep a somewhat regular uploading schedule if making youtube videos is your only job. And if she can't stick to it, I wish she would stop always promising 'a video tomorrow/today' whatever, such a let down. (and yes I am upset cause I am an anon that actually likes watching her videos despite everything. it's my guilty pleasure alright)
No. 551520
>>551508There are captive bred GTP but statistically you're more likely to get one that's wild caught.
The illegal trade for GTP is insane and a few years ago around 80% of snakes exported from Papua were wild caught.
Really, if she's gonna claim captive bred I'd wanna see an adoption certificate or actual images of the parents to confirm it.
So yeah like someone said before, watch shop websites and craigslist for sales of these things, most of them will probably list if it's CB or WC
No. 551531
This won't add anything, but one of my biggest issues with Taytay is that we know practically nothing about her individual animals. Sure snakes aren't dramatically different from each other, but the cats?? She made some vague posts about how Ghost likes to hide in weird places, but other than that we have no idea if they're playful, curious, lazy, hate strangers, like to paw at her enclosures, or anything else about them- all we ever see is her and the actual cats seem like every other cat. Just another example of how they're little more than accessories.
It would be so easy to make a video (even one where she just talks with occasional clips) describing the quirks or traits of her animals. But instead we get sporadic blog updates, bare minimum care videos, and the cheapest, laziest goddamn video of hers yet where she puts some goddamn animals on the floor and films them.
Also she literally copied the trump gag from her own retweet. Laziness at it's height.
No. 551545
>>551531Since you mentioned the cats hypothetically liking to paw at enclosures….
Remember when she asked her audience if she could train her cats not to kill her fish because she didn't want to get a proper fucking lid for one of her tanks?
No. 551642
>>551624We actually don't know where they came from. I do agree it's likely Nemo is feral but for all we know she actually paid some shady breeder and passed it off as them being saved. Though I think this lie is actually too easy for her to pass off and she'd manage to change her story 20 times.
Last feral cat I had 'adopted' (a friend gave her to us cause reasons) actually ended up jumping out the window and running away and being a complete bitch to being petted. Since Nemo had some bonding with Taylor and company of another kitten maybe this won't be an issue, but I could see her cats escaping due to her lack of care.
No. 551654
>>551645They were apparently found by a woman in the wall of a construction sight or something?
also I think it might have been petco cause the woman was looking for someone to help them? or that was where she claimed she got ghost from.
No. 551684
>>551377>>551380With her attitude and personality, i dont think a normal, smart person would want to stay in a long-term relationship with her. Would you want to stay with someone who only cares of what she looks like, wants it her way, rude, and very manipulative? Not only that, but collects all these animals but doesn’t show any care for them but what they look like?
I wouldn’t even be her friend, tbh.
No. 551688
>>551654Yeah I had a feeling the story changed around a lot, though what makes me laugh is they went to best buy for cats. I'm not from the states but they don't sound like a thing someone would take infant cats into, or a place that sell cat supplies to begin with.
>>551663To be honest, evidence or not given how much she tends to look in here and low key post photos of the animals people question are alive or not, would've thought by now she'd post a picture going "he's still alive :)"
No. 551789
>>551785Yes but when has a grumpy snake ever stopped her? She would have filmed herself bitching about the snake instead
I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt but idk..
No. 551832
>>551789 Of course not, the snake is dead until she proves it. She is avoiding it and has gone quiet on social media. She's panicking. The same silence happened when she was confronted about Jonny smoking indoors, and the controversy about her Monitor lizard. She was supposed to have a video up by now right? She's HIDING.
R.I.P Sabor, you didn't deserve to be dehydrated to death. If Taylor doesn't update about him soon, maybe he needs to be added to the google list of animals that have passed on.
No. 551854
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has taylor wrapped around finger
taylor pays for everything
still keeps up with and complains about ex
No. 551903
>>551854 Jonny still wants his ex bad, that girl needs to run for the hills how he stalks her, Jonny is a sociopath. He's just throwing a tantrum that he fucked up every relationship he's ever been in with rape, abuse and drugs.
I bet he can't stand his exes to be with other men, and it's only about control and power, which confirms more for me that he is a rapist.
No man is going to pine like a fucking 12 year old over his exes talking to other men, especially on the internet. He's fucking immature and never grew his man skin.
And it also further validates that Taylor isn't good enough for his personal standards. He's not happy, and he's only using her for money. If he were happy, he would never have anything to say.
Grow the fuck up Taylor, your manlet Jonny isn't worth it and what guy is going to want Jonny's sloppy seconds, you are probably riddled with diseases now. Get clean Taylor, this guy is garbage. She who sleeps with garbage, is trash.
No. 551930
>>551925 They live together as a couple, there's no way she's not going to say something to him about it for her own personal attention and gratification from him. She is always a victim, not her animals.
However, if she's hiding it from him, he'll go check for himself and then ask her about what happened.
Think about it.
What if his public response is, I have no idea. That would also be a weird response. It will make Taylor look even worse with here presently ignoring the concern.
No. 551941
1. Jonny has an actual double-digit IQ and might be a little mentally challenged
2. People aren't allowed to talk to other people's exes?
I would be thoroughly embarrassed if I were Taylor and dating this 31-year-old excuse for a functioning human. He has no grasp of the English language, no job, is a hideous manlet, and CONSTANTLY goes on and on about his exes; he's clearly obsessed and can't let these girls go. Even without the rapes, scams, and on-going substance abuse (which Taylor denies) he's pathetic.
No. 551955
>>551941 I'll bet if that girl wanted to take Jonny back (forgiveness and massive stupidity on her part) he would drop Taylor in a heart beat or would cheat with his ex on the side. He's clearly obsessed with that girl and having some power over her.
I really hope this girl can get some help to get this guy to stop stalking her on social media. I would strongly suggest to her to keep some sort of legal weapon with her and take training courses on how to properly use it to protect herself.
The way he stalks her tells me he wants try to hurt her again, who is to say he wouldn't try. I'm not fear mongering, if he did it before, what's to say he wouldn't do it again if he had the chance.
Leave the girl alone Jonny you rapist.
No. 551970
>>551955Chelsea already has a protective order against him so that's why he can't say her name, but he'll vaguebook about her and Amanda all the time.
This is the girl that dumped him 3 weeks before he met Taylor, so it's pretty obvious he's not over her. And it's even funnier because while he brags about his shit taste shoes, Chelsea and her mom are still getting his hospital bills in the mail. She's dragging him on twitter about that.
No. 551974
>>551970 JFC, he isn't even man enough to pay for his own hospital bills to this day, that's a detail I have forgotten. Is the poor girl being forced to pay for the bills or just being sent to their address? I never understood how this worked.
That poor, poor girl.
For sure not over her, Taylor is his rebound and provides a roof over his head and someone to sleep with. If it wasn't for her he would be homeless.
There were images and videos that surfaced not that long ago showing Jonny kissing another girl while he was with Taylor, but away from her on travel.
I wonder just how many girls he's cheated on with since they got together, it's obvious a few.
But Taylor would cheat too if she got the chance, flirting as she does with men on Twitter who don't give a shit about her to respond to her.
I really hope his ex will be okay and can get further help and safety, he is clearly still a threat to her well being.
No. 551990
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I love how taylor and jc both look miserable here compared to the other two
No. 551991
>>551974iirc they just get the bills, they don't pay for them.
>>551978Because she thinks she's "the one" who will "fix" him. At the end of the day she's still a 21 year old who went from being sheltered af to being in control of her life in an unusual way. She's still in that teenager mentality that he exploits because it means he can let loose without any consequences. She's also easier to groom. When they break up, which they will, he'll end up going for someone even younger than her to keep the cycle going.
No. 551994
>>551978 Territorial is the word you are looking for. He literally raped this girl. He couldn't even protect her from his own sexual gratification and urges, protective isn't in his mental or physical capacity to even gather a grasp on.
All he is is a danger to women in general. He very well may have raped Taylor already but she's quiet about it because she does not like being told she is wrong or that she failed at decision making because she's impulsive and narcissistic.
She could also have a fetish for men who hurt women in this way. She has actively flirted with another predator on Twitter knowing his history. It seems very odd to me that she seeks out dangerous men involving sex crimes.
Considering she makes fun of Jonny's rape victims (severe form of apathy), she does not view rape as a crime but as something else. As what, who knows.
No. 551997
>>551987 That would be just like Taylor to want to breed him, bet this is the reason why she got him. She wants some other lazy selfish means to make money, forcing animals to breed even if it means keeping her from getting a real job. She doesn't give a shit if the kittens end up in the shelter.
Forcing animals to breed, if she decides to breed him this is basically what it is. She chooses to bring him around a female at that point. No wonder Taylor doesn't have a problem with Jonny raping women or herself making fun of rape victims. Whatever gets her attention negative or positive. She is so fucking selfish and disgusting.
No. 551998
>>551990 Taylor's hideous frog hand returns! She was probably pissed the attention wasn't all on her.
In a limo, oh Taylor, did you pay for it? If you did, just a friendly reminder, your animals at home don't have the right enclosures and you're an animal hoarding bitch.
No. 551999
>>551974If I remember correctly Amanda is the first ex. Then he was with Chelsea. He cheated in Chelsea with Liz and was with Liz for a year. Then he went back to Chelsea, and only was broken up with her for about 3 weeks when he met Taylor.
I personally wouldn’t call him kissing another girl cheating at the time they met cuz they only knew each other for a few days.
No. 552017
>>551999 So he raped Chelsea before or after she took him back?
Take notes on this Taylor, it's important.
As long as he wasn't actually dating Taylor when he was kissing other girls, you are right it's not cheating.
No. 552023
>>552020 She's traveling and partying every few weeks. There is nothing introverted about that, if anything she is clingy and extroverted. She can't stand to be alone with herself. Doing what she does would drive introverts insane, introverts require solitude for survival.
I think she claims to be introverted because none of her IRL friends want to actually spend time with her or can make time with her. Betsy has a baby.
No. 552032
>>551994To me it looks more like she has a messiah complex. Like she thinks she's going to save him and her animals from harm just because she's in their lives.
But she might as well have some daddy issues. Her dad seems to have dettached himself completely while her mom is still using social media to guilt trip her or be passive-aggressive.
No. 552044
>>552032 I think Taylor can't appreciate having a dad in her life. Her dad and her mom are still married, he still involves himself with her special needs brother and was very worried about Taylor being with Jonny, literally fearing for her life. Jonny left his own child and wants nothing to do with it. She's not going to find a Daddy in Jonny, just her own fetish.
Taylor's mom might be crazy on social media, but she must be doing something right to keep the rest of the family together as she has. Taylor probably had a good child hood and many good things in her teenage life. The parents at least tried and she wasn't abused for sure. I'm she bragged about putting boys in jail and dating a new guy every week because she's jealous that her parents have had to give so much time and attention to her special needs brother.
It's exhausting for special needs parents, mentally and physically. On top of their daughter running off with a rapist, the parents went nuts on social media. They probably didn't know what else to do, seeing their daughter with such a large audience they were desperate.
No. 552053
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No. 552058
>>552053Starting to think she just changed shirts and filmed these all on the same day…
Those lip glosses or whatever haven't been touched for what, 3 videos now?
No. 552102
>>552044I think she’s been spoiled her whole life, hence why she throws tantrums whenever something doesn’t go her way; like when her parents had to replace the floors rather than get her a laptop or all those drug jokes (i found those jokes to be a tantrum that teenagers make by being sarcastic), etc. and probably when her parents started investing more on her brother, she hated the fact she had less attention so she started to go out and find boyfriends for the attention she couldnt get at home.
Sage for all this speculation
No. 552158
>>552138She kept her last boyfriend more private. I think his name was Will.
Also, just was thinking, what happened to the vlog mental health videos with her BFF?
No. 552168
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LMFAO look at what I found. How long had she had those hair extensions in, fucking gross. You think she'd clean up for a photoshoot. She didn't bother to brush her hair, she looks like shit. She looks much older than she should be too, like 35 plus years. If I didn't know who she was I would think this a photo of a prostitute giving an interview.
No. 552182
>>552171 Her own hair grease is mixed in with that tangled fake hair mess, she must have gone about a month or longer without changing them out or even brushing. I would say longer.
What is her obsession with keeping filthy hair.
Self neglect is just one symptom of animal hoarding. She leaves her clothes in huge piles, I bet she re wears items of clothing and smells heavily of B.O.
No. 552233
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How embarrassing is it that Jonny is angry guys are talking to Chelsea. He shouldn't care at all who speaks to her, sort of proves Taylor is a rebound LOL. he did go with her very early after they split up
No. 552247
>>552241The moment my boyfriend started posting about his exes he'd be out the door, nevermind getting bothered about them talking to his friends.
Taylor is so pathetic lol
No. 552274
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God he is such a nasty looking manlet rapist. How the hell does Taylor let him stay with her, sleep next to him and prob have sex with her?? He sure as fuck doesn’t have money, good looks or a good personality. Ewww
No. 552277
>>552274 "How the hell does Taylor stay with him" Because that would mean everyone but her was right. Because who wants Taylor after she slept him, all she is is Jonny's sloppy seconds.
He is fugly. It should be a crime to be that fugly inside and out.
No. 552298
>>552254I don’t know about the US but here in the UK my estate agent said that so long as you don’t get mail delivered you’re not classed as a tenant but as a “guest” and don’t need background checks etc.
So long as JC doesn’t get mail delivered to Taylor’s address he doesn’t officially live there and is her guest. From my understanding you can be a guest almost indefinitely.
No. 552454
>>551854tfw you are an addict gross manlet who has never achieved anything in his life to be proud of, so he has to brag about the overpriced shoes he bought. (or lbr his gf bought for him)
He really thinks his status is measured by how many expensive items he has in his wardrobe huh? Newsflash dickhead, you are still an abuse drug addict rapist no matter how expensive your shoes are.
Random but I am also just thinking how Taylor wore that idubbbz 'sheep' merch which was for the ricegum disstrack and where idubbbz made the main point of rice always showing off his expensive lifestyle and has nothing else to provide (like personalty) so he gotta keep flexing on his underage viewers. It's kind of ironic that TND'S boyfriend is a white ricegum. No personality but hey his shoes cost more than someones rent!!
No. 552646
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This is from emzotics ig story, cracked me up that she put taylor right next to the guy that called her out
No. 552660
>>552646off-topic: I get so annoyed by these other pet youtubers. They claim to care so much about animals, yet none of them will call Taylor out because they want to use her followers to gain fame.
back on: it's weird that JC posted about nemo getting fixed, yet nothing has been posted. she usually doesn't miss a beat to show off how 'good of a pet mom' she is.
also, my guess is that her plushes are selling so well she doesn't need to rush the video OR she's trying to release it closer to when she leaves so she can make all that money when she's at disney
No. 552664
>>552652right lol
three or four of them are showing genuine emotion while everyone else is trying to give off that 'bad bitch animal tamer' vibe
No. 552678
>>552646The girl in the corner I watch avidly. She’s actually someone who rescues and rehabilitates animals. She misses uploads because she literally only takes care of her pets even before YouTube. She’s not
problematic so idk why she’d be talked about. Like I can see how Taylor would be talked about but I honestly don’t know why she’d make this video. Seems like it’s going to be a drama starter
No. 552735
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How the fuck can anyone who watched her video on pitbulls think she debunked anything? She didn’t bring up a single statistic, she didn’t talk about the history, arguments people have, etc.
She just laughed at some guy’s unsubstantiated ad, insinuated that he only made it because he’s a lawyer who specializes in dog bite law suits and that he…wants to make money by telling people not to get the types of dogs he believes to be aggressive? Wouldn’t he try to encourage people to buy them if he wanted to make money Taylor?
She also just vaguely rambles about the nature vs nurture mentality but, again, doesn’t offer any fucking evidence or statistics or anecdotes.
It basically just amounts to a child rambling giving a poorly worded school presentation they thought up in five minute about “they’re treated super bad and we need to treat them better because they’re not bad.”
No. 552751
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Y tho. Also I see she's capable of being active on twitter but still no video
No. 552757
>>552751A fall from that height would kill her Tarantula. Handling tarantulas is avidly discouraged, but if you
absolutely have to it's supposed to be done with you sitting on the ground and not taking the tarantula more than a few inches off the ground.
Just another example of Taylor valuing her rapist boyfriend's impulsive wants/ photo ops over living creatures.
No. 552762
>>552735Which is frustrating because there is so much evidence that pit bulls aren’t any more violent or dangerous than other dogs their size. Hell, there’s even evidence that what people call “pit bull” is usually not even a pit bull breed.
She was lazy and now badly represents the argument so people can be like “this isn’t any evidence, see they just appeal to emotions” when that isn’t true at all.
No. 552765
>>552751 It's day time in the photos based on the window lighting reflection on the tanks. Why aren't the lights on in the enclosures?
So one of her small mammal cages it out on the floor near the reptile enclosures.
I thought the small mammals were kept away from the reptile room.
That cage, whatever it is housing, isn't even big enough for a MOUSE.
The carpet looks filthy with stains.
Jonny's going bald, is he going to expect Taylor to pay for hair implants next?
No. 552769
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>>552751the caption to this is priceless. jonny almost blocked her and now she is forcing him to cover himself in animals lmao
No. 552773
>>552760 Because what if the appointment was supposed to happen, Jonny said it, and Taylor changed her mind and or lied about the appointment date to him.
Not defending Jonny, I think Taylor is the type that will lie to her partners. Either Jonny knows the truth about where she got Ghost off of Craiglist and is covering for her, or he was too drunk and or high to remember what happened that day, or he doesn't know shit about adopting cats and believed whatever Taylor told him.
Whatever is happening, Jonny said it, and Taylor's actions today don't seem to be matching up. She would for sure post about it on social media to prove us "haters" wrong that she takes care of her animals.
No. 552781
>>552769 She is abusive but so is he. She probably literally threw her spider on him and took a photo right quick. He probably didn't know what was going to happen. I'm only saying this because the photo looks so strange, like he isn't happy at all about the spider being there. Taylor won't even hold her but she's forcing him to pose with her?
If you love your partner, you respect their fears and give them breathing room. You don't force their fears on them.
No wonder she's okay with rape, what a fucking attention whoring bitch.
No. 552785
>>552778 Every vet clinic is different but cats usually too complicated. Animal blood pressure, breed, age etc all play a factor.
Point is, Taylor would have posted about it in some way to shut us all up and get her off here back.
No. 552788
>>552783 Considering also so many cats that are brought in for trap and release feral colonies, spay and neuter happens super fast for cats.
I'm really believing at this point is this hypocritical about spay and neuter and isn't having this done with her cats. Maybe she slept in and missed the appointment, maybe that explains why the lights in the tanks are all off, she's just not a responsible person.
Or I'm reaching.
No. 552820
>>552791 Those fake leather couches belong to the rental company as well. How long until the cats spray urine all over them and shred them up with their claws, or start fighting because they aren't fixed.
How long until Taylor hypocritically and cruelly gets her cats declawed. I believe she would do that over getting them fixed.
It's also illegal to breed animals in all states as far as I've researched without permits and paperwork. I believe she is required by law in her area to fix her cats, possibly even get them micro chipped and rabies vaccines.
Considering the male Hedgehog is inhumanely kept in a small cage with barely any room to move around with his nails growing super long without trims and routine hygiene management from Taylor, someone really needs to go in and rescue these animals.
This truly is an animal hoarding situation.
It's really disgusting how Taylor has been called out on it and won't do anything about it because of her ego. Really shows her true character.
No. 552949
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Working real hard on editing
No. 552951
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No. 553005
>>552954>>552985She's taking shit for granted. I watched Emzotic's new video and she says youtube doesn't really get you a lot of money, which should be a given by now to anyone who's planning to become a youtuber.
Taylor's views have not changed in ages, she doesnn't seem to have sponsorships, and relies mostly on her merch.
Youtube alone won't pay the rent for her, and the truth is that this isn't a career that's sustainable, because she'd need to get even more pets to keep the audience and viewership she currently has, which is already decreasing.
All the money she has was just the initial blast of "internet fame", but it won't last. She should just switch to being a vlogger and then her being vapid and careless wouldn't matter because at least the animals wouldn't suffer.
No. 553011
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Seems like she’s not getting as many views as she used to. Most of her old videos have over 1 million.
No. 553013
>>553005In an old Chris Ray Gun video, he mentions that Social Blade is usually way off and you only really make about 1/2 (or less) of what the highest number Social Blade SAYS that you make (ex. SB saying you make 100K a year means you only really make about 50K)
I don't know how true that is because I'm sure it varies from person to person, but that's an interesting perspective from a YouTuber who is semi-popular in his circle.
>>553011From the trends I've seen, the only real sustainable videos in the pet tube community is the "all my pets" videos. Which I guess is what incites them into getting so many. They've deadlocked themselves into being animal youtubers.
No. 553107
>>553102Regardless if anything happens to her, her career is literally unsustainable at the rate she's going.
She's only 21 so it's not like if YouTube deleted itself tomorrow she'd be completely fucked with no chance in life like Jonny would be if Taylor dropped him,
but she doesn't know how to drive, hasn't even attempted to go to college to get some sort of degree, hasn't invested any time in actually trying to learn about animals or study them, and her only job thus far has been a cashier job at Petco that (according to anons who supposedly knew her) she wasn't very good at in the first place.
If she doesn't make some major move by 25 or 26 THEN I'll start saying that she's a lost cause, but she's definitely not trying to get a headstart in life that's for fucking sure.
No. 553120
>>553110My assumption is that she thinks that her being famous on YouTube is going to kickstart some Steve Irwin-esque career for her like it did for Coyote Peterson/Brave Wilderness.
Except Coyote actually has somewhat of an interesting personality and gives genuine facts about the animals and not just basic information you'd read off a care sheet.
No. 553126
>>553122Other than some wannabe Steve Irwin, I can't even think about what other career she would want to go into because she literally shows no interest in animals other than the vague "I like them."
You wanna do marine biology? wildlife rehabilitation? vet tech? dog training? animal nutrition? what the hell is she going to do when shit fails for her?
No. 553127
>>553126her best bet would be to user her looks while she's young to find a richer boyfriend
as bad as that sounds, with her current outlook on things her looks are really all she's got going for her
No. 553131
>>553127Like I said she's 21 so she isn't totally lost or anything even if YouTube jumped shit tomorrow
She's just going to hate her life that much more once YouTube does quit on her and she isn't able to blow several thousand dollars a month anymore at her part-time Petco job, which will be the only place that'll take her unless she gets some sort of education or demonstrates actual fucking knowledge about animals.
No. 553153
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how ironic
No. 553183
>>553173She has double the amount of followers as Taylor and her content, as obnoxious as she is, is far more "doable" in terms of how sustainable a career in YouTube can be.
Tana is an entertainer, and gets to exploit the "Instagram Influencer" title because her content allows her to.
Taylor has fucked herself over with any plans of becoming a model because she chose to be a petuber or whatever they call themselves. Literally the only way for keep any sort of career is for her to keep buying animals and keep making "all my animals" related videos because yt's algorithm spikes that type of content above any others.
Because a lot of viewers have very short attention spans or are children who are just looking to be entertained, they're not interested in any type of educational videos, unless you're like Coyote Peterson, because he a) know what the fuck he's talking about and b) is personable enough to go outside and deal with the environment he's in instead of being more preoccupied with camera angles. Being an entertainer, let alone one who's interested in educational content, is far more difficult than being #relatable in front of any camera.
The only reason Taylor is relevant now is because the petube community is relatively new. Give it 2 or 3 years from now at best, and you'll have another 5 content creators who will be better at their shit than her.
YouTube is not a sustainable career unless you're like Pewdipie or Jenna Marbles.
No. 553232
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Back on twitter, no sign of her video. Her fans seem to be asking about it too, probably because she keeps lying to them :(
No. 553308
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Y’all ready for shit storm?
No. 553403
>>553391Oh the first two weeks she started making excuses she’d be out. Retail workers are notoriously disposable. In the last three months my Petco has hired and replaced and hired at least six people because they just refused to do work or called out all the time.
But she was supposedly able to hold down her job for two years so it’s convinient that she can’t make YouTube videos due to her illness, but a supposed flare up never stopped her from standing 6-8 hours in a cramped little space.
No. 553418
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What upload schedule?!
No. 553419
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More people are starting to call her out and it’s brilliant
No. 553420
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No. 553447
>>553418>>553419>>553420>>553440It absolutely drives me up a wall when people who have never dealt with severe depression or other mood disorders say that it's just laziness, because in reality it really can impede your motivation to do certain things (even basic stuff like showering)… but you can't pick and choose with depression.
You can't have the energy and patience to do your hair and makeup every day like she does, go out and spend hours partying or traveling like she does, or laughing and making #relatable jokes on social media like she does, yet somehow not have the constitution to sit and film an unscripted 10 minute video with a few shots taken from her phone and fifteen jump cuts spliced in. That would take, at most, three hours–and she wouldn't even have to do all of it at once. She could stop, take an hour break in between each step and STILL get it done without a regular person's 8-hour work shift.
A regular person with depression fights tooth and nail to be taken seriously and not be called lazy for something they can't control, but she's just horrendously lazy and is calling herself depressed to give an actual excuse.
No. 553456
>>553451She barely gets hate comments. Remember when she and Jonny flipped out about someone telling her to kill herself recently as if that never happened before?
What's really happening is she has 0 tolerance for any type of criticism. Someone asking what happened to her GTP is probably a hate comment to her and is enough to make her flip out and sob like she claims to have with the monitor situation.
No. 553458
>>553447What is also frustrating is that with her self-diagnosing, she’s influencing her young fans that people with depression should party, drink etc. they might start thinking they’re also depressed just to be relatable. It’s sad because then people with REAL depression won’t be noticed before the worse happens.
Honestly, most people with depression won’t even know that they are. I remember back when myspace was around, i didn’t want to do anything but stay in my room and sleep all day. I didn’t want to eat or interact with anyone. Basically i was sleeping beauty until my mom brought me to the hospital for a general checkup that my doctor actually noticed something was wrong with how i moved.
So, i don’t believe her when she blames her lack of videos for depression when she’s out partying, putting on makeup, and taking pictures of her neglected pets on her witch hands.
No. 553460
>>553458right like….lmao
I remember this one time she said as part of her mental health day she went to go get her nails done or something dumb like that
is getting your nails done gonna get rid of that obnoxiously heavy feeling you get in your chest and on your shoulders? Is partying in some blaringly loud nightclub suddenly going to give you energy to interact with people and not make you crawl back in your bed for hours after a ten minute interaction with someone?
No. 553461
>>553458She’s just a liar and doesn’t even deserve her status on YouTube.
On another note:
I noticed she never told her supporters that if their animals ever seem to be having issues then to go to emergency animal care. They keep going to her and she doesn’t even respond. So just think about how many other animals are dying because “I bought a ball python because of you!” “My axolotl looks just like mushu! He’s so cute” her comments on Instagram are full of these impulse buys. Even saw a tweet that said “I’m watching TND and now I want a snake….”look at my new snake!””
No. 553469
>>553462She honestly needs to quit YouTube because it’s clearly not for her. For some reason at the age of 21 she is very immature. I turned 21, 4 days before her and I know right from wrong, how to tell the truth, and the the world does not relvolve around me.
She just seems to think that if she pouts and stomps her foot and sticks her boobs out then everything is going to go her way and that’s not how YouTube works.
No. 553487
>>553469Sage for slight-blogging, but around 2013-2014, I started having that starry-eyed
"oh I'll become a youtuber! I'll be my own boss and make videos when I want to!" type of mindset that I feel like most kids who grew up watching YouTube become just a shoddy platform into a literal career for tons of people had at least once or twice.
But within the next year, YouTube started going downhill and everyone was complaining constantly about how they were being pushed to the side in favor of the creators who had the most subs and how YouTube just ignores everyone's concerns, and then movements like #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain and #WheresTheFairUse (sidenote: RIP to GradeAUnderA and Nostalgia Critic's careers….)
So if you were paying any fucking attention at all and aren't completely delusional, you'd realize "hey, maybe putting all my eggs into the YouTube game isn't the smartest idea."
How she decided to just quit her job and not even bother with college or internships or anything that could further herself is beyond fucking me.
No. 553494
>>553487(Same anon)
Jesus Christ, I just looked at her video where she mentions quitting her job and she mentions in the video only being under 100K when she quit. And she somehow thought that was going to be sustainable long term? Sure she's at over 1 million now but what the fuck lol
No. 553495
>>553487I think anyone who really has a passion for animals goes to college to study zoology, ecology, animal care, veterinary science, etc to open up different doors for themselves when it comes to getting a job. (blogposting but I have similar mobility issues to Taylor and I, and many people worse off than her, have been able to go to college/university without much of an issue, there's a lot of help for people with disabilites these days).
The thing is she doesn't have a passion for animals or wildlife, she has a passion for fame and making money for doing the bare minimum, she doesn't give a shit about anything but herself and her god awful hair extensions.
No. 553506
>>553495There is a youtuber, ChronicallyJaquie, with a multitude of chronic illnesses and she she manages to upload damn near every day and is going to college.
Sage for unrelated and bringing up another youtuber
No. 553535
>>553527lol no. the dude was an asshole with an overinflated ego who is nowhere near as good as arguing as people thought he was.
Sage for OT/no milk/irrelevancy
No. 553589
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But she’s too lazy to prepare fresh vegetables and just uses frozen or dry.
No. 553599
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She's deleted this now but I feel she was talking about us, lol
No. 553616
>>553599I normally sympathise with her mother but she's acting like a god damn child.
If you spend your free time reading threads about your kid… what?
No. 553619
>>553616Her mother's a sad sack of shit for sure but honestly… raising two developmentally disturbed kids has got to do things to a person. Well… that or she's where both Taylor and Tanner get it from.
She stalks this thread too, just like Taylor does instead of you know… maybe not being batshit crazy for when Jonny and Taylor's relationship blows up.
No. 553620
File: 1523561140683.jpeg (99.36 KB, 750x1248, 15512920-B72A-480E-A8EC-87E93A…)

You’re not talking about yourself, you’re talking about your daughter dating an abusive rapist
No. 553734
>>553617lol you obviously know nothing about getting disability for EDS.
She won't do that, she'll just go move back in with her parents and live off them and/or try to date older rich guys.
No. 553816
>>553805 Only an an animal hoarder and a neglectful pet owner would get a pet and not give it what it needs.
It's about what the pet needs, not about what the owner wants to give to it but Taylor is incapable of understanding this out of pure arrogance, stupidity, and greed to house more animals.
I think she thinks the less space she provides for individual animals, the more animals she can get.
Nemo and Ghost are still not fixed yet, or presumed not, despite Jonny saying Nemo was getting fixed over the past few days.
No. 553822
>>553805Same anon.
I know, i know. The whole monitor thing is getting old but damn, i cant stop thinking how she wanted this type of monitor in the first place. I know she won’t give him up if she’s not able to care for him so he’ll end up malnurished or worse. Poor thing.
Sage for derailing from you guys talking about her mom and her lack of videos sorry!
No. 553887
File: 1523576392527.jpeg (332.44 KB, 1935x1548, 797541C7-049F-4BD0-B545-5054DE…)

Some interesting old tweets.
No. 553891
File: 1523576644619.jpeg (181.07 KB, 1532x723, E03A3876-9568-4775-BBBD-751359…)

One of the reviews from her apartment complex, interesting
No. 553895
>>553887 Hypocritical, lie, hypocritical.
The working for Disney story is made up like people calling her kitten ugly. There is always a lie coming out of that baboon ass mouth of hers.
Follow your own advice bitch. Taylor, once again, do as I say, not as I do.
No. 553900
>>553891 I wonder if Cristina knows about the Monitor. Would you like to know Cristina.
The girl was probably talking about pools as in pool and hot tub or that little fountain thing that runs off into the bigger one if memory serves from images.
No. 553910
>>553887Ok, my guess is that an employee joked 'Hey you seem to know a lot, you should totally get a job here haha!' Probably flirting or something.
BULLSHIT did they offer you anything. Jobs in this industry are not fucking easy to come by, least of all to an 18 year old spouting off.
And yes, I am very
triggered right now. God I hate that word.
No. 553939
>>553622>>553687Taylor probably wants out because she knows that as soon as her parents die she's resigned to the life of primary carer for her brother. That's probably why she's never achieved anything either, there's no point. It doesn't matter what she does or achieves, eventually she'll have to go be her brother's minder.
Her mum probably doesn't want Taylor to have any independence or freedom because Taylor is likely the only person who can adequately look after her brother - if Taylor leaves her mum alone with her brother she will never get another day of freedom until she dies. You can't get babysitters for this kind of disability, even professionals find it hard to deal with PWS people.
My younger brother was diagnosed with PWS until genetic testing showed something else. Don't really like speculating on how it has affected taylors fam it because it's kinda fucked up, and I like seeing people who aren't disabled carers speculate even less because you just can't understand it. But this is what I reckon as someone who's got very slightly more insight into the topic than average.
No. 553948
>>553910>>553926Samefagging, but I have a friend who recently got hired there after busting her ass for years.
Disney employees essentially get crucified for fucking up on the most basic shit lmao, they're not just going to hire some dumb teenager from god knows where who they never met because she knows the difference between a turtle and a tortoise or some basic shit like that.
No. 553951
File: 1523579875901.jpeg (285.93 KB, 1936x968, 0D71ED82-58D2-457A-9D38-EC34A7…)

More old tweets. I never realized the extent of how much she contradicts herself before now.
No. 553956
>>553951Taylor to me is representative of someone who might have actually really liked animals at one point
But then the novelty wore off and she started getting lazier and lazier and cared less about doing research
No. 553993
>>553910To add to this, my friend had to get a MASTERS in zoology to even be considered for a position at Disney, and that was even being one of their undergraduate interns (that university program that Disney has). Disney doesn’t take the care of their animals as a joke and they don’t just let some random Joe Shmoe off the street be an animal educator. Jfc she’s such a liar.
Sage for talking about my friend
No. 554067
File: 1523586440688.jpeg (200.37 KB, 946x2048, CE7B82C4-C472-41AF-B590-526837…)

No. 554092
>>554067No, that's old milk lol
why would you even post that,anon? It's like two or three months old
No. 554116
>>554086Some of the reviews were complaining about getting kicked out of the complex for "every little thing," which makes me wonder why they don't care about Jonny staying there off the lease or the animals or the weed or etc etc… Honestly I can't imagine her being a good tenant in any way, especially once that Youtube money runs out and she's late on rent.
Speaking of Youtube money, still no word on that video, Taylor? Wasn't it supposed to be out 3-4 days ago at this point?
No. 554209
File: 1523597944088.jpeg (96.12 KB, 1302x332, B6C29415-22DE-48C4-8922-A250CB…)

No. 554211
File: 1523598175793.png (531.63 KB, 1242x2208, 705CC6DF-17E9-4E73-BB34-C390CF…)

No. 554216
>>554209Lmao. What did I say earlier? She just disappears and then comes back with an “I’m sick feel bad for me” excuse rather than owning up to her shit. It’s neber HER fault; it’s her mental illness or her physical illnesses fault, it’s not because she’s lazy or anything.
Also the fact that she can’t just say “I got sick” or “I had a flare up” is really weird to me. Why the fuck does she always overexplain herself?
> “I had a celiac flare up (must have accidentally eaten gluten)”lol Taylor we know what celiac disease is…. it’s literally an intolerance to gluten…. there should be no doubt in your mind what caused the fucking problem,…
No. 554223
>>554211 "Also suspected to have CRPS"
You've literally been saying that you have that for MONTHS. Now all the sudden it's "I was never diagnosed but….."
LITERALLY ADMITS at 6:26 in her "I've Been Sick All My Life" video ( that a doctor
confirmed she is "on the spectrum" for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
No. 554248
>>554209Tbh, being lethargic, having headaches with cramps isnt so bad. I get bad dysmenorrhea (tmi apologize for the ones whos sensitive) and my body is basically a time bomb that went off and i still get up and go to my 9-10hour shift, so that’s still not an excuse when all she needs to do is just sit there and edit her 6-10 min video
And for those that might say, “wahh! She had a headache though.” My cousin gets extreme migraines but she still stays up all night studying for her degree.
Sage for blogposting but im
triggered by her excuses
(blogpost) No. 554251
>>554216 Taylor has selective illnesses. Her illnesses "suddenly flare up" when she has to do her job. When she wants to party or go to Disneyland, nope never.
She wants to have illnesses like a hypochondriac, but her illnesses are nothing but lies.
No. 554257
>>554250How sad she blocked you for asking. It's 'funny' because she doesn't block/delete the people calling JC out for rape or anything else, but she is really fast when it's anything about her animal care.
Also, no way she 'flares up' when she's at Disney or visiting JC on his upcoming tour. Funny how she can move around so much without it flaring up, but just laying by the pool ~editing~ seems to cause her health to be so bad.
No. 554278
File: 1523605147776.png (43.78 KB, 659x141, Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 12.3…)

Speaking of apartment reviews, I decided to check non google reviews and found this filtered review on yelp.
Also, it looks like the one she kept responding "eek!" about on google has been removed? Is she getting these deleted?
No. 554395
>>554278The owners/management of the place may also filter these out?
Can't possibly look good when you have reviews like these
No. 554441
>>554209lol wtf.
I have celiac's and while flare ups suck they're not like bedridden terrible. You're bloated AF for a couple weeks (yes, it lasts that long) and you're definitely lethargic but you can still go about your day. I've never missed a day of work for it and mine is pretty severe.
No. 554446
>>554427Even if it was a couple of days ago she was at the pool and playing with her cats just fine.
Also everyone I know with celiac says that it’s not just a day thing when they eat gluten. That they feel the effects for a few days but depending on how much they ingest they can typically go about their day just fine. Either way her fans are going to eat it up just for a 2 minute video
No. 554569
>>554565Because she’s a liar and she hasn’t even finished editing.
Ps: put sage in the email text box
No. 554575
File: 1523641877156.jpeg (298.76 KB, 750x720, 1A48A9EA-26A8-4DFD-A6A4-974699…)

>>548305Her Instagram comments are all like this. They’re going to realize she doesn’t give a shit about them and bounce.
No. 554588
File: 1523643038313.jpeg (608.62 KB, 1242x2084, 66DE6581-C09C-4CC0-999D-B45FC9…)

The narcissism is strong in this one.
No. 554645
>>554639Yeah I mean, people like Jontron will go weeks or months without dropping a video and no one ever gets on him
Granted the final product usually justifies him spending that amount of time filming and editing and doing skits, but anyway
No. 554680
File: 1523649311087.jpeg (268.72 KB, 1231x755, F54A6B41-5F2C-4547-8CB4-226089…)

No. 554695
>>554685I think it might be an "in the future" sort of thing (at least I hope)
How the fuck she's so sure that they're going to get more animals after the shit they pulled with the lizard is beyond me. The community is already slowly starting to hate her I don't know why she would want to attract MORE attention to herself
No. 554697
>>554680 I will attempt to translate what he is saying for everyone.
Part 1) He is saying, Taylor is a control freak and names ALL of the animals, including any animals that are his. Which we've seen happen already.
Part 2) They have both acquired new animals recently after Boss Baby, and he's not allowed to talk about them because Taylor can't handle public outcry and concern.
They must have gotten several new animals yet again after the Monitor. Taylor won't let him talk about them because she's a hoarder. She probably lies to him when they get the animals telling him that they animals are his, which in a sense makes him feel it's okay to get more, only to immediately as soon as the animals are purchased and home, tells him that she is going to be the one to name them. Literally tricking him into bringing more animals into the household.
He's running to Twitter and having a tantrum over it, I'm sure Taylor is pissed he said anything now. Well this is his way of saying it they have new animals now.
They are both incredibly toxic. She hasn't raped anyone, but she is just as bad as he is because she literally hurts and kills animals where as he rapes and hurts women and can't stop herself from buying more that she WILL neglect.
WTF is her GTP already.
No. 554705
>>554695 Because she's an attention whore.
She puts more work in hoarding animals which takes hours of online shopping, traveling to find animals etc, than she'll ever put into editing a 10 minute video for her channel about the animals she already has.
She certainly hates filming her animals, that's obvious.
No. 554760
File: 1523653899291.jpeg (144.41 KB, 750x481, E6F8566D-0CA3-4945-8A2F-F6F3B7…)

I decoded this drug fueled tweet. He means he wants to name the animals “Boss Baby 1”, “Boss Baby 2”, “Boss Baby 3”…etc
No. 554797
>>554774 Yeah that was incredibly hard to translate lmao. Now I understand after proper translation what he was trying to say.
But it might confirm they bought more animals, which is concerning.
No. 554891
File: 1523662986061.jpeg (405.6 KB, 1935x1290, 81801429-D6EE-467D-8A1A-BDB3DE…)

Just FYI, this is how easy it is to tell the difference between GTP’s just by their head markings in case she tries to replace him. She’s still ignoring everyone who asks about him, even though it takes 5 seconds to say he’s fine or take a quick picture of him.
No. 554899
i stumbled upon this thread not knowing who anyone was except for jonny, and only remembered him from his macbook scam.
watched one of taylor's videos for the first time and I have absolutely NO IDEA how she has any fans at all, she is so painful to watch and has a terrible personality/negetive attitude. she has so many mental/physical illnesses and anyone who suffers even mildly knows it's best to be as positive/proactive as you possibly can about your treatment so you're not perceived as this huge burden. Even if she feels like shit, making a video being informative about the illnesses and her experiences would be a positive contribution and allow for better understanding to combat the stigma. But from what I'm gathering, she would just use it as a way to be a 'sick princes' instead of admitting disability and her treatment plan. slightly o/t, but i'm stoked mental health is becoming a much more open subject, but really unless someone is genuinely asking for help that they intend to take or helping to spread information/resources, it's a bad look. You shouldn't be showing that shit off, not because it's shameful, but because it's shameful not being productive about it. Anyways.
She's obviously just fucked up on drugs lmao, I'm surprised more people aren't calling her out publicly for it. She wants the rock star girlfriend lifestyle now that she doesn't have to use rare animals for fame. It's always leeching. I've been reading these threads because Jonny's fake teeth and the fact that he has this young youtube star sugar mom is so fucking out of pocket and unexpected. I do not see how she has fans unless they also enjoy her progression into walmart off-brand real house wives transformation. The only realistic hope I see her having is getting into treatment and rebranding while she still has at least hundreds of thousands of fans. I'd MUCH rather see her get help and make videos about how taking care of animals helps her illnesses/motivates her by caring about things other than herself, but she honestly doesn't have the heart or mindset for it (at least right now).
No. 554949
File: 1523667247965.png (194.34 KB, 750x1334, 69E1E34D-F194-434A-9107-2AE214…)

Who are Boss Babies 2-5?
No. 554967
File: 1523668619798.png (114.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180413-201456.png)

I posed as a fan and Idk if she'll reply. And IDC that my pf is showing; I only used this account to get on the Beta board
No. 554970
>>554949 Betsy is a horrible mother to associate with Jonny. Just because you're friends with Taylor, doesn't mean you need to associate yourself or bring your infant around this rapist.
He is a RAPIST Betsy. Horrible mother, good mother's doing expose their children to predators. Keep that baby AWAY from him.
No. 554987
>>554847Lots of youtubers film a bunch on the same day "and just change their clothes". Batching is how you keep a consistent schedule. Film a bunch one day, then edit and release throughout the week.
Some of you anons really need new milk. You're rehashing the deadest of off the wall speculations.
No. 554992
>"some of you anons really need new milk" There
is none, dumb ass. We've been over this; this thread devolves into dumb conversations when there's no new milk, there's absolute zero point in whining about it.
Yes YouTubers film videos in batches all the time, we fucking know.
But the average YouTuber doesn't take those prefilmed videos and spend weeks at a time lying to fans about how they're still filming and editing.
No. 554999
>>554992I mean…people could just shut the fuck up or go dig something up instead of speculating what she's gonna do for the next 10 years of her life.
And apparently the person who wrote "i think she just films in a day and changes her clothes" DOESN'T KNOW that's what most of them do.
She lies. All the time. About every video. We know this. It's not going to change. Esp not with people crying about it on here.
No. 555004
>>554993 The saddest part is that it doesn't change the problem of her hoarding and killing animals. It will only continue to happen. She has had a large number of animals die in a short period of time, the kitten for example, she didn't die all that long ago either.
And it's all because of obvious neglect. These animals are living in a nightmare.
No. 555008
>>554999lmao we aren't fucking investigative journalists. We're nobodies on an internet forum with a mutual dislike for some bitch. This isn't some mass sting operation. Stop taking this shit so seriously.
She's supposedly going to post a video soon so you'll get your new milk. There.
No. 555022
File: 1523671312428.jpg (489.78 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20180413-220031.jpg)

Which one of you done it? Haha
No. 555026
File: 1523671557596.jpeg (109.76 KB, 750x221, 50F7F8C9-8CDE-47D3-A3D5-DBD9A0…)

I bet this is why she hasn’t addressed sabor yet. But we also know this is old footage
No. 555030
>>555026"they hunt because theyre hungry"
taylor dean- animal expert guys
No. 555041
File: 1523672412001.png (1.59 MB, 1334x750, 6E79A090-A23D-48BB-92A5-DBCEBB…)

This scab on her hand is getting worse
Also, NEVER defrost meat in hot water! Didn’t anyone teach you about bacteria??? Jesus woman.
No. 555042
>>555030lol it got demonetized
considering it appears she's strapped for cash atm that's gotta be annoying for her
No. 555043
File: 1523672449576.png (1.79 MB, 1334x750, 3D7F9D0B-01D1-461C-AEDF-DC6A9A…)

No. 555055
File: 1523672796398.png (241.3 KB, 750x1334, 0F7B35F1-F89A-44C3-9F9C-716FDD…)

She’s probably gonna delete and reupload it looks like
No. 555057
File: 1523672903170.jpeg (259.73 KB, 750x1104, D8809DC3-21F1-44BD-AF6A-927F37…)

Same outfit on March 31
No. 555067
>>555030Skipping over the intro, I actually enjoyed this footage (compared to her footage that I usually abhor). I wish she hadn't ruined her appearance with surgery. She looks like poop. Minus the lip fillers, fried hair, shitty outfit, and crappy self promo, I could learn to like her.
But don't worry I'm not whiteknighting I still hate her. I just see the potential she could have had if she wasn't such a trashy sellout.
No. 555077
File: 1523673655780.png (141.65 KB, 1161x266, 14.png)

It's from march 31st.
No. 555091
>>555085Current as in 1 month ago? Lol
I really think it's dead, but him being absent from this video would have been the smoking gun
No. 555099
File: 1523674824239.png (6.9 MB, 2944x1665, tnd.png)

im not an expert but look at the wrinkling on him post-shed. Is that normal?
No. 555102
>>555086>Also, NEVER defrost meat in hot water! Didn’t anyone teach you about bacteria??? Jesus woman.That's for humans, not snakes. Even when it is applied to humans the worst thing isn't heat, it's warmth. Warm meat is a thousand times more dangerous than hot or raw. The rats are frozen and they haven't been processed in the same way meat has, i.e. cut up and handled by humans, aged etc. they are probably quite clean.
>>555041>A snake's vision relies on heat so warming them up more closely mimics a living mouse. Apparently.No. Some species of snakes have heat sensing organs on their faces called pits, they cannot "See" heat with their normal vision. Regardless of whether they have pits or not, they wont attack non-living prey because they're not scavengers. It's one of the only ways for them to tell their prey apart from the environment. Also feeding ectotherms cold runs the risk of cooling them from the inside, which could cause a ton of trouble for the snake.
t. a biologist.
No. 555111
>>555040 Only confirms further that she starves her pets.
List of animals that were starved and or to the point they died (that I am aware of) assuming that Sabor is dead.
Female kitten - deceased
Sabor - deceased (?)
Stick insect - deceased
Eel (devoured another fish, I don't believe she gave him away)
Several fish
Axolotl (as evident in photos of her being always underweight)
Sea horses (several miscarriages, miscarriages according to online search indicate that the Seahorse wasn't getting enough to eat
No. 555129
File: 1523676694734.png (231.44 KB, 687x421, Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 11.3…)

She finally posted a video of what her crab's enclosure looks like.
I don't really have that many animals so I can't really tell, anyone have a guess how big that tank is?
No. 555133
File: 1523677194038.png (38.17 KB, 524x419, shenevershutsup.png)

No. 555139
>>555133 Oh shut the fuck up, way to take a shit on her fans who actually like her or if they're giving a critique, fuck you for supporting her animal neglect. Even you said she abandoned her animals for Jonny moron.
Never mind, this Mother is a POS, I used to defend her because I felt bad for her for the way Jonny treated her and for having a special needs kids. Never mind she's fucking crazy.
No. 555157
File: 1523678715748.jpeg (250.09 KB, 1936x1936, CD308CD9-E181-442A-BB34-0B8EFB…)

This could just be because of the quality difference, but the wound or whatever it is on her hand looks completely different in these two clips. And we know for sure the one with the Nala merch is new, and she claims the other footage is just as new but even without this, it’s pretty obvious she’s lying.
No. 555184
File: 1523680856673.png (97.93 KB, 750x1334, 4C6C3F69-BF9B-4D6D-A569-137F7F…)

I see where Taylor gets it from
No. 555194
>>555185In theory you could slowly move your feedings to around the same day if you wanted. Even if some of them needed to be fed more frequently, it's likely they would eventually fall around the same time.
Or she could feed them whenever she feeds them and splice the footage together for one video
I haven't watched them so idk if that's what she did (I doubt it).
No. 555220
File: 1523685897355.png (143.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180414-000611.png)

I'm blocked….any idea what she tweeted? Sounds like she's complaining about being demonetized
No. 555233
File: 1523687049216.png (626.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180414-002446.png)

How about: no. The last thing taylor needs is another kitten, especially an unfixed female to go along with her probably unfixed males.
No. 555257
File: 1523689714709.jpeg (190.64 KB, 1301x903, 67517888-E63E-4A79-B115-8261C1…)

And you really think Taylor is the best person to ask?
No. 555277
>>555215He most likely got the camera and but was close to getting a finger so she dropped it in a panic.
I'm no expert but, Frank seems to be displaying a lot of defensive behaviour? Given he apparently strikes everything except his food and only eats when alone, he doesn't seem to be use to human interaction?
No. 555289
>>555157>>555160>>555163It's a sore she's defiantly picked at.
As to what caused it I have no idea but when I get mosquito bites I often scratch them till they reach something like this.
As for the wound itself, yeah the footage of her feeding, or at least defrosting the food is old. The sore in the defrosting clips look more raw and irritated than the one in the nala clip.
Unless the defrosting came after nala then she's been picking at it some more.
No. 555298
File: 1523694725743.jpg (268.14 KB, 1080x980, Screenshot_20180414-033100.jpg)

Just found this on her most recent Insta post
No. 555353
>>555346I could be wrong but I don't think she's ever had any of those things in her enclosures. If she's used them off camera ok, not really, a good idea.
But for fish tanks (especially saltwater) and the reptiles that require high temps and humidity, she should have that stuff in there.
No. 555358
File: 1523706881613.jpg (174.59 KB, 431x673, 1.jpg)

>>555346I noticed this in the corn snakes enclosure. It's likely so innacurate to measure temperatures that it's not even funny. Didn't notice any other kind of thermometer, hygrometer, or thermostat in any of the others enclosures though.
Her care is shocking. I really do hope that this isn't the only form of thermometer she has for her reptiles.
No. 555365
>>555358Gonna be that dude but that's the milk snake lol.
On the other hand what the hell even is that? I've never seen something like that before???
No. 555366
>>555365I'd been watching a load of corn snake videos so had them on my mind, sorry! Definitely meant milk snake.
I've honestly no idea why she'd even bother using a thermometer like that. Why not just get a digital thermometer which will be a hell of a lot more accurate. They cost like, what, $10-20?
No. 555407
File: 1523714540928.jpeg (489.89 KB, 750x1334, FCC464F3-2583-477B-AF33-576C5B…)

Lol Taylor was posted in a Facebook group that is huge on ball python husbandry. No really interesting comments but I’m glad the hate for her is going more public.
No. 555426
>>555416I'm not sure which one they're talking about (most likely Frank) but Tate and Frank are the picky ones.
Tate was fed in his cage however Frank was put in a shoe box while Taylor shoved a camera in his face.
No. 555492
I know the monitor has been beat to death by now, but I found a video on a black throat (the one Taylor thought she was buying initially) that isn't tame.
A fully grown man is struggling to hold it still because its not tamed lol No. 555500
>>555494I actually think its quite unfair to deprive such large monitor lizards of an outside enclosure and keep them locked up inside too. People might disagree with me on that but its not a gecko and doesn't deserve to be treated like one.
Watching Taylors defensive/aggressive snakes in her feeding video made me want to go look up what a scared monitor lizard can be like. If she can't tame a ball python/GTP then how is she going to tame a monitor.
No. 555516
>>555494 Bottom line, the Monitor is not an appropriate pet for Taylor. It is inhumane and selfish that she is keeping him.
If she actually loved her cats, she would do what is best for THEM, as they were with her FIRST, and rehome the Monitor with proof.
I really hope she loses some fingers to that lizard, her hands are hideous anyway.
No. 555522
>>555408Not sure if I'm allowed to say this, but that screenshot is me and I didn't post that screenshot. Okay thanks. (I swear to god if I get banned for this…)
Anyways, I feel like Taylor's feeding issues might stem from her enclosures. She has her ball pythons in exo terras that are quite bare and open, and balls sometimes don't do well in exo terras. If she was to either black out three sides or put them into something more cluttered and not clear on all sides they might be happier.
No. 555541
File: 1523728377771.png (831.57 KB, 1077x1764, Screenshot_20180414-004914~2.p…)

So if the enclosure on the left is her tarantula enclosure, does that mean she downgraded her tarantula at some point into that weird circle thing?
No. 555604
>>555601No one hear is supposed to take this shit seriously lmao.
Like we've said probably a
dozen times by now, this isn't a fucking callout post. This is a dumb anonymous board where dumb people can post about their dislike of other dumb people.
No one here gives a shit that a few people "don't take us seriously" because we call Taylor mean names or speculate about stupid shit. This ain't your own personal forum, you are not entitled for us to only talk about the things you want to talk about lmao.
Stupid shit or not, it's just a dumb forum it's not that deep
No. 555605
>>555601 Who fucking cares what is on the floor, it's garbage and filth in what should be a healthy clean environment. It looks like hair and for all we know it is because she has dozens of photos with ratty hair extensions and there are also photos where her hair extensions have fallen off the back of her head and she never noticed. Garbage piles on the floor around the animals are the problem, and you missed it by miles. The garbage isn't speculation, or keeping cricket bags in laundry piles, or snakes in filthy enclosures without water.
Taylor dating a rapist isn't speculation, and Taylor killing her kitten or impulsively buying a Monitor isn't speculation. Take your Taylor pity elsewhere. People are allowed to form opinions on what they see.
No. 555608
>>555601Who cares what some irrelevant “pettubers” think?
Taylor is dating a drug-addicted rapist. Who gives a shit what a piece of shit thinks? It’s not like she takes advice from her fans anyway. She knows she’s doing shit wrong. She is just lazy and selfish.
No. 555615
>>555601 If you think people speculating is the problem, then you are fucking delusional. People wouldn't have a reason to speculate if she didn't kill her kitten or starve her Axolotl, or force her snakes to become dehydrated, or keep her Cow Fish in an aquarium that is much too small, or buy a Monitor for her pregnant friend without even knowing the type, or encourage Beta sororities, or impulsively buy a SHIT TON of snakes all at once that she's clearly not taking the proper care of.
She fucking feeds roaches to her animals on her BED, and has her Hedgehogs in enclosures that are inhumane. She allows her animals to crawl over her filthy laundry piles and the garbage in her home.
People speculating is not the problem. TAYLOR and her behavior and animal hoarding are, you fucking idiot.
No. 555653
>>555601>If Taylor is reading this thread then she is sure as hell having the time of her life laughing about the most stupid speculations we come up with here and the side that maybe cares for these animals won't take the advise for shit.To be honest, if people come to an anonymous gossip site for animal care tips, then they're no better than Taylor. Plus, it's been proven by Taylor no less, that it doesn't matter whether or not the criticism is legit, she doesn't give a shit and will twist things so she looks like a victim. Bindi fucking Irwin could call her out and she'd STILL manage to get her stans to defend her on Twitter.
On top of everything, it's been said since thread #1 that anything goes as long as it's about her. You don't like the speculations? then fucking skip them. Like sure sometimes I think "that's a mighty reach" but who the fuck cares just scroll past it or wait until there's new milk.
No. 555666
Can we stop derailing the thread by arguing with people that don't agree with whatever? Scroll past it as someone said above me.
Just leave them be, report them if it helps you sleep.
Same goes for the other side.
>>555541I believe so. I think her 'upgrading' enclosures sometimes means having to go for bare minimum for other animals. Mind you the upgrades aren't much better.
No. 555832
>>555828 Did she say this in a video that you can link?
I'm fully convinced her seahorses died of starvation but basically died and were never given away. It's not confirmed from what they could have died from or if they did but it makes sense. Her male seahorses had multiple miscarriages, then suddenly poof, the seahorses were gone. According to information on seahorse breeding, male seahorses will have miscarriages based on poor water quality and inadequate/poor diet.
No. 555844
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I really see where Taylor gets her passive aggressive style from lol
No. 555847
>>555844What is she even trying to say here? Also wasn't she just getting after people for mentioning Taylor's name so people would see their YouTube videos? Isn't she doing the exact same thing by putting Taylor's name in her tweet?
I swear she's almost as bad as her daughter
No. 555870
>>555837Omg she said she was checking ammonia levels? WTF Taylor! She should have had those seahorses in an established, cycled tank from the start, there NEVER should have been ammonia. Maybe if she had nitrate issues or salinity or mineral imbalances or whatever, but even that isn't THAT bad if you know what you're doing.
She obviously doesn't know what she's doing though, I bet she tried to do a fish-in cycle with fucking seahorses, and did permanent damage to them with the ammonia levels, which is why they had such terrible health and at least some of them died. Fish-in cycles can fuck up hardy fish for life, and seahorses are absolutely not hardy.
No. 555875
>>555847Because, just like Taylor, she does it for the attention.
Honestly I still sympathize with her feelings of hopelessness over Taylor fucking shit up, and I don't doubt for a second that caring for Tanner must be really hard, but at this point it looks like she feels entitled to play "momager" and control Taylor's internet fame. Not to whiteknight Taylor but holy shit imagine having a mother who keeps track of all your social media, tags you and replies to you at random with some passive-aggressive shit, and then spends her day vaguebooking on her twitter with some weird ass lyrics. No fucking wonder Taylor is so fucked up in general.
No. 555892
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No. 555920
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No. 555925
>>555920her feigning ignorance after blocking multiple ppl asking over the past week + no "proof" of sabor being alive in her call out tweet.
ok tay sure he's alive and well
No. 555931
>>555920The difference between Marbles and Sabor is Marbles is a senior dog (10 years old I think) who is aging naturally and even though Jenna jokes about him dying, she still
shows him in her videos and obviously loves him.
Sabor is less than a year old and showing signs of dehydration, when he's supposed to have a lifespan longer than Marbles, and if he isn't already dead he's stuck in a tiny cage as an eternal slave to some annoying human who thinks it's funny to trick him into striking solid objects that could hurt his fangs, or wave him around for photos.
No. 555937
>>555505Right? I have a hard time trying to grasp why you'd keep this in a relatively small tank (for that type of creature). It's not as if her apartment is huge and she has other animals around, and nosy kittens.
Even if she gives it to her friend in a year or two why would you want to house it with a toddler?
They're keeping it just so she can say she has a monitor.
No. 555941
>>555920i really don’t understand her logic sometimes. how hard is it really to take a picture? it takes two seconds. doesn’t have to be posed, just show the damn snake and everyone will shut the fuck up about it.
she must just love the attention or doesn’t give any shits. how can you have so many pets and NOT post pics??
No. 555951
>>555931totally OT but jenna does not joke about marbles being dead, shes stated before that the joke hurts her feelings.
sabor on the other hand is totally dead and taylor is trying to play it off as a joke, it is sickening, it is hurting MY feelings lol. I can't believe she hasn't posted any proof yet. oh wait yes I can because she just doesn't care about her animals or their deaths, unless she loses money for it (like if cheese died)
No. 555972
>>555960Depending on the type she has, most take about a year or year and a half to turn fully green.
As for the markings themselves, some will 'fade' a little but by turning blue while the majority will change to a white colour.
Also it should be interesting to note that wild caught GTP will show a strong white dorsal line than captive bred. GTP have been trying to re-create this for years but so far haven't succeed.
No. 555999
>>555992Thank you. I just couldn't wrap my head around it and didn't want to say/assume anything incorrectly.
Sage for not contributing anything.
No. 556010
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Her fans are idiots as well.
"I killed my geckos so if she kills her pets, that's fine, it happens!" mentality
No. 556022
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>>556010"I will defend TND till the day I die"
the fans she attracts are legit scary
No. 556027
>>555988Maybe she will take it to a rescue, but it's just occurred to me that at the rate her animals die and how little she cares about them, do you think she's not worried about how big and violent they get as they get older because she just doesn't expect it to live that long?
She already knows she can get away with murder and her fans will still stan her, anyway.
No. 556029
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No. 556030
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No. 556041
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Why is she using red lights on her enclosures? Those aren't really good for reptiles, it can fuck with their eyes and stress them out since they can see the light.
No. 556052
>>556041I don't know where she's getting her care information from but the majority of it seems to be incorrect, but she must use the red lights because she thinks it's okay and therefor it is okay (to her). She's used that logic before so i could see her doing the same thing with the red lights.
The poor things must have trouble with their day/night cycles because they can see the light. They can't see the colour of it, but they can definitely see the light it emits. Any good, knowledgable reptile keeper knows not to use them. Her care is appalling.
No. 556060
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For multiple valid reasons you insufferable cunt
No. 556064
>>556060Urgh she really is insufferable. "I dunno he looks pretty alive to me. I think he might be alive. I think there's a good chance this snake might be alive". Why does she have to be such a childish cunt? People are speculating because his enclosure looked empty, you haven't posted about him for a few months, you've had too many animals die (or "rehomed") on your watch, and you've been blocking people asking about him.
If you have disabilites that cripple/fatigue you so much you can't sit on your bed and click a few buttons to edit a video for days on end how can you possibly expect people to think you're capable of looking after all your animals? I mean, it's pretty clear she can't due to the lack of care, but NO ONE, if they get as constantly sick as she claims to do, should have so many animals, even if it is there "full time job" (p.s. Taylor you have no fucking idea what a full time job is, can't wait for your youtube channel to bomb… you'll be in for a shock).
No. 556069
>>556062because even a druggie rapist cares more about animals at the end of the day than taylor's hooker ass
also Nemo is probably a really sweet baby, cow kitties usually are either intensely sweet or intensely evil with no inbetweens, it'd make sense that he'd be a favorite. like you said, Taylor just wanted Ghost so she could be an instathot with her $6000 cartier rubber band bracelet and designer cat
No. 556099
>>556098I don't bury mine but it doesn't mean I don't care about my fish. I put them in a plastic sandwich bag and just put them in the bin outside. Its nice u care but when you have a lot of fish it gets difficult
She makes suicide jokes cus shes so quirky n funny tho!!! Anyone else noticed how all the old scene kids turned into these tumblr/twitter creations that think they're edgelords like Taylor
No. 556105
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It’s not a clear image but you can kind of see markings here. If he hangs here not shouldn’t he still have been obvious to spot considering he seems too big to hide within that little green tree?
No. 556129
>>556123>Smh when I lost my dog we got her cremated and I literally have her ashes in my necklace.Blog posting or not thats so fucking cute and special.
Beyond me how she can joke about her animals dying so easily
No. 556150
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I think Taylor's mom is not only going to Playlist to ~meet~ her own daughter, but also to Disney at the same time as them. I think her mom is a bigger thorn in her side than anyone trying to tell her what she's doing wrong with her animals could be.
No. 556156
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Honestly amazes me that she thinks she's in any position to criticises how someone else cares for their animals when people constantly point out all the shit she's doing that wrong (and neglects to listen because she's too lazy/ignorant/can't take criticism) …. At least the girls fox is still alive… More than we can say for many of Taylor's pets.
No. 556158
>>556105Then why was she blocking people who even just asked about him?
I don't know much about gtp, but does anyone know about how wrinkly he is and you can see his spine. I know ball pythons when tensed up/scared they get a little stiff where you can see the tip of their spine. But not only can you see his spine, looks like his skin is so wrinkly below it. I don't know, I don't think it looks good. And he's not hanging out on a branch like other people are saying.
Before I got my snake, I'd see things like this and things like her other snakes not eating right and it frightened me because I was like omg they're so hard to take care of? They're really not at all. She really is just a shitty pet owner.
No. 556161
>>556156Her obsession with making fun of or mocking people for their horrible pet care like Logan Paul or the fox girl is really telling of just how much better she is than everyone else.
'I care about animals so much I'm going to joke about them being put in this horrible situation rather than try to bring actual awareness to it.'
Because making an actual video talking about the nutritional needs of a fenec fox or a video about the different types of service animals is too much work for her. It's much easier to just pretend like you're better than them on Twitter
No. 556167
>>556161You're totally right. This "holier than thou" attitude she has just makes her look like she has an IQ lower than it already appears to be. It's laughable. Even if she took excellent care of her animals I'd still think that was a dick move, but the fact she lives in a dump and more experienced reptile keepers/animal carers etc have to continuously point out her lack of knowledge (and research ability) just makes her look like a complete fool.
Focus on your own animals Taylor, maybe give them some more attention, the correct set ups and maybe use the internet to research them enough to at least know what species you have instead of using it to waste your time criticising others.
No. 556195
>>556185I know exactly what you mean, she had the same attitude in the new clip of Sabor (apparently) "I'm not sure but I think that snake looks alive". She literally could of just updated everyone days ago and been like "I realise I've not posted Sabor for a while and he wasn't visible in some recent pictures but I can assure you he's fine!".
Still find it weird she was blocking people who asked and then showed him in dim/red light. The way he was curled up in the corner didn't seem normal at all.
No. 556253
>>556156Funny that her stans on this tweet are saying people sticking up for Sonia are just doing so because they like her channel and that animals should be fed what they naturally eat…. literally don't realise they do exactly the same thing every time Taylor does something wrong, plus she feeds her animals frozen food or junk from a tin, not what they eat in the wild.
Huge hypocrite with hypocritical fans.
No. 556283
>>556275Doesn't that stuff come more in like, a bag?
Also it looked like the brown wet food she's been using from what I can see.
No. 556292
>>556287>birthday two weeks agoTaylor is born on 25 March, so that's off.
>23 years oldJonny is 32.
>10 monthsThey started dating in October or so? That's like 7 months.
Just looking at the posters old posts, that girl has a fat bf and her birthday is listed as April 11. No it is not Taylor.
No. 556395
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….minutes after I tell her she should get ceramic heat emitters instead of the red bulbs…
No. 556404
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Does she not realize that hurting their eyes isn’t the point? It’s a myth that they can’t see the light, so they have a light on 24 hours a day which is bad.
No. 556406
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No. 556429
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No. 556455
>>556406How would you know your animal loves a red heat lamp lmfao?
They're animals - they can't say they like it. Their behaviour may but I doubt she would notice abnormalities anyway
No. 556467
>>556458I was the original anon who said it because the water dish was empty and he wasn’t visible in the enclosure.
I don’t think it’s dead anymore either, but still appears dehydrated, and she needs to water her animals.
No. 556480
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Looks like Sabor to me
No. 556495
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No. 556508
>>556481There's a possibility that she is trying to kill him through pure neglect just to have another excuse to get a snake.
Mind you its speculation and pretty out there but it explains the water dish, the fact that he seems to be cold and why we didn't see him in the video - he's unhealthy and it'd ruin her 'perfect shed' image
No. 556523
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So she says the red lights are dangerous for albino animals, but she has a red light on her alibino hognose’s cage (the one right next to Sabor’s).
No. 556534
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No. 556536
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guess she just really doesn't give a shit about her fish
No. 556538
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>>556536She only cares about Cheese.
No. 556549
>>556547 Ugh you're right. They're actually decent pets (depending what type she got) and rarely break aquariums, but putting it in a small tank with fish and then provoking it is DEFINITELY going to get her tank broken or one of her fish killed. Or both.
Does anyone remember what she has in her 30 gallon predator tank? I think there's a lionfish and a puffer, which might be okay, but if she has any bottom dwellers or smaller fish they might be in trouble.
No. 556560
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No evidence of them breaking out in captivity my ass.
No. 556562
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Perhaps she's covering herself early for when the mantis shrimp inevitably dies due to lack of care?
No. 556567
>>556560She doesn't research any of her animals, we've learned this.
>>556563This. I don't see why they wouldn't go after her, they seem to go after anything.
No. 556571
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No. 556576
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No. 556581
>>556534I've known of these guys for a while, and it's definitely not rare for them to punch the walls of an aquarium.
It's also better to have them in their own tank without any fish, because they are aggressive, so she can kiss her fish goodbye.
No. 556583
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"he arrived early" does she think her fans don't know how animals are shipped?? They don't just surprise you with an animal, it's usually very clear and stores/dealers tend to ship on specific days so they can schedule feeding and timing to make sure the livestock doesn't die in shipping.
She's so full of shit.
No. 556599
>>556195How is she going to say she "just bought" one, and then in the next tweet say that it already arrived early…
doesnt add up?
No. 556604
>>556602Zazu isn't getting her clicks and attention anymore. He's had his time, he needs to make way for something more exotic. Maybe she'll make merch of him when he inevitably is killed.
I can already sense another monitor level shitstorm.
No. 556621
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I'm doing some research on peacock mantis shrimp and… I really don't think she read anything about them. Like, at all. Pic related is from a forum with people talking about their husbandry. I highly doubt she's gonna have an acrylic or custom made tank for the shrimp before she leaves for Florida… Imagine this thing starting to molt and literally destroying the entire tank. idk how long or if it'd survive for any length of time out of water, but I can imagine it destroying other things if it was able to do so.
>>556612>>556610Ah okay. There's so much shit with her that it's hard to keep up with her hypocrisy sometimes. I forget that she's all of a sudden against WC despite a huge chunk of her hoard being WC.
No. 556645
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Do we know if Taylor has a skimmer in her predator tank?
No. 556656
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from what i know most agree they should be kept in a 40 gallon breeder with substrate 1.5x as deep as there body is long (around 10 inches or so for peacocks), shes keeping him in a small enclosure inside another enclosure which is already too small?? get ready for him to stress tf out and smash his way out of both those tanks
No. 556659
>>556656Mantis shrimp are more
triggered to strike whenever they’re messed with. So curious fish swimming by or her waving her finger or camera around his tank is gonna agitate him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to punch through both tanks
No. 556661
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Mantis Dean tho!!! I just laughed my ass off at that.
No. 556662
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Time for loads more misinformation
No. 556678
>>556659I imagine her tapping on the glass to get its attention for a picture or something and it immediately fracturing her finger.
I don't wish that on her, obviously, but why the fuck would you get something that aggressive and that brutal when you're supposedly a delicate little flower baby with glass bones and paper skin?
Christ. The Satanics, the monitor, and now the mantis shrimp… she keeps getting all this animals that people with
ten times the experience as her don't even feel comfortable taking care of. Yet our next Steve Irwin seems to think two years of minimal experience, a couple of books/online articles and a job at Petco is enough to suddenly be able to accommodate and handle any animal.
No. 556688
>>556683Exactly! She obviously impulsed another damned pet and made this nonsense up to cover her tracks.
So we've got a monitor that's going to kill all the land animals and a shrimp that's going to wipe out the predator tank. Such an experienced keeper!
No. 556690
>>556677Technically she could instantly cycle a new tank by grabbing some filter media out of one of her other saltwater tanks.
She won't, because she's an idiot and we've seen her use "old water" to cycle before, but that's how actual professional keepers do it.
No. 556743
>>556626Even if were this monitor why would she want either of them in her small apartment
I guess they weren't for her, they were for her very pregnant friend.. so they'll go and live with a baby/toddler?? Wtf are they thinking.
No. 556745
>>556737Taylor has a habit of either horribly underestimating how dangerous an animal can be (she seems to be under the impression that captive bred animals don't have the capacity to be aggressive) or has such an inflated ego that she thinks she'll be able to tame any animal despite having the bare minimum experience.
It'll bite her in the ass one day for sure
No. 556748
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No. 556753
>>556748"I had learned"
Translation: "I read two comments on some sub forum by someone who had zero idea what they were talking about and didn't read any of the comments afterwards"
The amount of fucking times Taylor gets something that she thinks makes her look like a quirky cool animal expert, only for her fans to correct her misinformation
within literal seconds of her posting about the animal is fucking embarrassing.
No. 556755
>>556677You’re right that it arriving early is a BS story, but wrong on about everything else.
If you’re doing some fishless cycle or fish in cycle without some sort of biological aide, sure, it’ll take a month. Using biospira, a tank can cycle in 3 days, 7 max.
A saltwater tank cycles in a week with biospira, BUT takes months to stabilize and it CAN be dangerous to just to throw fish in, but not a huge deal.
Shrimp are more sensitive, actually. Never personally kept a mantis, but they are hardier from what I’ve understood.
Also, when you order fish online - which is seems she did, they ship within 24hrs and are next-day shipped to your house. You can request they’re not sent out that day, but she clearly did not.
No. 556786
>>556571You mean to tell me Jonny/Taylor doesn't already have crabs between the two of them?
But seriously what is with this woman? I hope to god to see her on some hoarder special. "I don't know where I went wrong!" You were dumb.
I thought purpose of majority of PetTubers was to, yeah, display some nifty animals they are (hopefully) qualified to care for and maybe give out some factoids or basic care instructions.
Some of the ones I have watched will give pros/cons of owning it and at least shoot a disclaimer or say aloud: Always so your research before bringing home a new pet. Make sure this is a pet for you. Something you can handle and be responsible for. If not, then please do NOT get it.
This woman just brings home a territorial crustacean, throws it in a water box in a water box that it can probably still HULK SMASH it's way out of and then just go, LOL OOPS GUISE!
Breeders fault it broke your face…
Sage for being mean and blogposting. Sorry.
No. 556798
Anyone else annoyed how much Taylor pretty much infantalizes her animals? Especially the more dangerous ones? Kind of goes back to what
>>556745 saying about her underestimating them.
No. 556819
>>556748Well if he breaks both the tanks he’s in and floods her apartment, I imagine it won’t be long until they serve her the eviction notice. I vaguely remember her saying either the apartment doesn’t know about her larger tanks or they’re “letting it slide” despite it being against their rules. Rules usually make it into the lease contract and breaking them (and causing extensive property damage) are grounds for eviction.
With her demonetization she probably won’t have the funds for an emergency move, unless it’s back to Mama Dean’s.
No. 556821
>>556605 Looks like I was right about her shopping for more animals after the Monitor controversy.
There was no point for her to get this Mantis shrimp, she is just hoarding dangerous animals at this point. What if the Mantis shrimp breaks her aquarium, causes an electrical fire from flooding, and the cats and other animals burn to death?
She also doesn't give one damn about Zazu, her first salt water fish if he gets eaten or not. Animals are disposal to her. When she makes a video about the Mantis shrimp, she'll just get more outrage. She is unbelievably selfish and loving of her other animals. They deserve much better than this.
No. 556824
>>556677 Okay, it's time someone really call the Apartment complex and let them know what's going on. She has a dangerous Monitor, and now a Mantis shrimp that can cause a flood because he will not be housed in the correct setup, and possibly cause electrical fires from floods. She is literally, out of control with this hoarding.
Shrimp are also delicate in many ways and need extra special care. She will kill this Mantis sooner than later and never mention him again. She isn't prepared for him at all, fucking reckless.
(cowtipping; read the rules) No. 556826
>>556748 Her response proves she did not research everything.
The cute act isn't working Taylor, animal hoarding druggy bimbos aren't cute. You have literally endangered your other animals with two extremely impulsive animal purchases lately.
You are a fucking horrible heartless human being and you have an addiction.
No. 556839
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Didn’t she say he was already in a separate tank inside the tank already? She literally cannot keep up a lie for more than 12 hours, it’s absoltely nuts
No. 556885
>>556880Yes, it's a tank inside of another, bigger tank.
That mantis shrimp is at 24/7 risk of punching through the tank and causing havoc.
And it's even more embarrassing because even if it arrived earlier, she should have had the setting ready for it instead of having to improvise and wait for people to educate her about it.
How the fuck do you buy a mantis shrimp and not get a proper tank to begin with? Yes they're cool but those things don't fuck around.
No. 556921
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As someone who is currently looking at rentals, this phrase generally means ONLY cats or dogs, at least with the many places I've checked. I'm curious to know if they're aware of how many reptiles and fish she has in her unit.
No. 556927
>>556921From what's been gathered, it's a really tricky situation.
The complex seems to have really shitty management, and apparently they are aware of all the animals but let it slide because they're in tanks, so technically not at risk of bothering other neighbors.
And unfortunately, organizations like the APSCA won't do anything because they're underpaid, understaffed, and more often than not they won't do anything because she's in that cushy line where her animal care is subpar, but not warranting getting her animals taken from her.
Reporting her about the monitor is also not gonna do much since it's still small, so they'll look at it and be like "well it's not 5 feet long NOW so we'll let it slide". Same for the shrimp mantis.
This is a situation where she really needs to fuck up badly for someone to take action, but it'll come at a cost, which is an animal's life (or several).
No. 556930
>>556928Exactly what I was thinking. Pure speculation but maybe she tried to rush the situation and it didn't go into the intended tank and now she's too scared to handle it lmao.
I can't believe she makes, and is going to make, educational videos on fish tanks when she doesn't even do the first, most basic, important step when acquiring new animals which is QUARANTINE.
Fuck the "it arrived early" bullshit. Tanks should be set up PRIOR to even ordering the animal. fml.
No. 556966
>>556958Honestly they're just brutal in general.
There's several videos of people feeding Mantis shrimp live Crab and Crayfish. Every punch takes off a body part and breaks the shell, one even taking off a claw and a few legs with a single punch.
It amazes me that someone who had to put dead mouse warning on her snake video gets one of these fucking things. She'll probably feed it frozen food in chunks let be real but, by some miracle she gives it live food, be interesting to see how her stans react.
No. 556973
>>556970Snails, Clams and Crustaceans.
Frozen food is ok, I'm just saying if she decides to go live for some weird fucking reason it's gonna be a mess lmao.
No. 557003
>>557001Unfortunately her moon crab is a land crab so unless they purposely feed it to the shrimp it's not gonna get it.
Though off memory she had a crab in the tank with Cheese and all that so if it's any crab that'll be at risk it's that one.
No. 557022
>>557012On twitter people are saying it won’t break glass because only “large” ones do or that she’s a good pet owner so it won’t happen. A couple of people are pointing out that she brought a wild caught creature and then her stans are literally ripping them apart. It’s creepy and her stans need real life hobbies.
Also, don’t we need a new thread soon?
No. 557024
>>557022The funny part about that? hers is the large one. She looks like she bought a Peacock Mantis Shrimp and they can grow anywhere between 1.2 to 7.1 in
And yeah we do lol
No. 564153
File: 1524555114887.png (318.72 KB, 718x795, 20180424_032959.png)

So i decided to cool off and listen to some tunes but holy fuck i can not escape this bitch(no1curr)