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No. 542328
20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/531836The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Recently:
- Fans are still tweeting at her expecting their goddess to save their impulse bought pets' lives, but Taytay has better things to do!
- Bought THREE new Satanic Leaf Geckos, who are super fragile!!!
and have very specific care needs.
- Plus point is that apparently these geckos were wild caught, not captive-bred.
- Posted a picture of her holding one of these fragile creatures and insisted 'she stayed still while I was moving her so I snapped a picture' when people asked her about it
- Jonny tweeted that Taylor was coming to his tour for the first few days and then meeting him in Vegas and 'ending the tour with daddy' puke emoji
- But wait, she just got three sensitive geckos with very specific needs? No worries! She has not one, not two, but three experts who will come to her house three times a day to check in on them and her fish!
- Also has been putting off editing her videos because muh invisible illness and joint pains.
- Flirting with someone called Karizma on twitter (handle @callmekarizma), the guy asked her to adopt a kitten with him in LA.
- Said guy has apparently been called out for doing bad things like: singing about mental illness and romanticizing it; sexually harassing women especially minors and generally being manipulative and abusive. ( if interested, check this thread: ) Taylor just can't keep away from trash.
-Got called out for buying wild caught animals
-Brought a monitor, but claimed the store lied about its species
-Followed Jonny around on tour. He was arrested for breaking a mic, but the charges were dropped. She immediately flew home that night
-Got a shitty new tattoo
-Said she's has new videos to upload for her new channel that's focused on her mental illness.. couple weeks ago.
-Bought a monitor lizard for a month before uploading a video of him saying he's a black throat which is actually a rough neck! now, she's trying to make things up so she can keep him.
No. 542362
>>542342It was obvious she was going to keep it from the start lmao. The fact that it gets huge doesn't concern her right now because it is small and she has no future planning done.
I doubt she has any back up cages in case shit does go wrong or something breaks, no plans once the animals grow or anything.
Also once her relationship goes to shit will she live with her parents? I don't know if they would be so happy about a big lizard in the house (or her small room even) since it took her mum a while to even agree on snakes.
On the subject of frozen veg I wonder if she gives Gus any treats? I can't imagine that dry food is enriching for him and while veg is not essential it's good for him. Poor thing.. wonder if it goes same for the kittens with treats
No. 542448
>>542431I highly doubt many of her stans are going to be able to get a monitor with parents permission.
I agree she can influence a lot of dumb purchase but I don't think this is one of those times.
No. 542459
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No. 542460
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No. 542494
>>542477definitely. people are much more prone to lying and being really bad at it when they're high, but the drugs make them think what they're saying is really believable. the message from the reptile shop was completely doctored by her and she probably was sitting there thinking she'd have everyone fooled then sobered up and was like oh wow this sounds dumb as fuck
delete. going back to check if she put "you" and also "u" in it because i've noticed she does that a lot in her own tweets and it irks me to no end
No. 542506
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gotcha "u" dumb bitch
No. 542512
>>542506Good job Anon!
What's your excuse for that Taylor?
Plus on a side note, the "a WC would never let you handle it no matter how much time you spend with them as a baby" is totally incorrect.
I've seen lots of people who own wild caught reptiles that handle just fine. Stupid bitch can't even get her facts straight before making up her bullshit lies.
No. 542513
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more proof she does this
No. 542514
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and more proof
No. 542524
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Here’s how the owner/employees of the shop types
No. 542525
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No. 542526
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No. 542540
>>542460She actually looks sort of nice there. Then again… filters do a lot to make one look so much better so eh.
>>542524The employers would have to remain professional and use grammar if they were contacting her on behalf of the business anyway, seems odd for them to use 'u'.
No. 542541
>>542506I can't believe how dumb and fake this is. No actual monitor breeder or keeper would say that a wc monitor can ~nevar evar~ be tame. Especially not one caught as a juvenile. It's incredible how little she knows about this animal.
Also, how is it surprising that she's using LLL's care sheets? She bought the damn GTP from LLL – which she would not have done if she had done more than 10 minutes of research. LLL is known to be fucking terrible.
My guess is she saw one on the website and bought it. If she had done any research or actually thought about owning a GTP with any seriousness, she would have bought from an actually breeder, not a POS reptile flipping company that can't keep WC and CB animals straight. There was no fucking reason for that first GTP to die. Just like all her other deceased or rehomed animals.
I think we all need to remember that the abysmally shallow research we KNOW she does is the tip of the iceberg. She can't know what she doesn't know- and we can't know what she doesn't show us her stupidity about.
Jfc, feeding all her animals out of cans and bags. It's so fucking easy to feed fresh veg and insects.
I think it's pretty clear that she's lost whatever interest she had in animals. Now she wants to be JC's hoe but she's stuck in hoarding mode/petmom image. It's obvious she's doing even less research on her new acquisitions compared to animals she got earlier in her career.
No. 542563
>>542548Although cat food is used as part of a blueys diet, it should only be given if it is very high quality cat food, otherwise it shouldn't be fed. I highly doubt, just judging from how Taylor feeds the rest of her animals, that the cat food she uses would be of good quality. Insects should be the first choice over cat food for a blue tongue skink.
I do wonder what she is feeding each of her reptiles. The poor bearded dragon looks like it's eating poorly. And is she even supplementing calcium powder and multivitamins in to its diet? It won't suprise me if they end up with MBD.
No. 542582
>>542563Every BTS group I'm in suggests a high quality canned dog food. Cat food for a year or younger. Insects should be supplemented though, and high quality is a must! They also love snails.
Someone mentioned Taylor in one of the BTS groups the other day and the admin of the group closed commenting on the post and called her "a plague on the community". I wonder how many people went out and bought a BTS without doing research because they all wanted a "dog" lizard. I bet there was a pretty substantial rise in BTS sales.
sage for being totally off topic
No. 542592
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She added an update on her monitor post.
No. 542599
>>542592Literally no one gives a shit if they're captive bred or not. She was the one to make it an issue and create drama for attention.
This is honestly pathetic and continuing on for far too long.
No. 542614
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finally i think?
No. 542620
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Didn't realise they were making videos together?
(Think I deleted my fuck ups hopefully)
No. 542636
>>542614Anyone know what animal lives in the smaller tank on the right?>>542622
Just noticed the animal is actually at the front of the tank (sort of behind her hair)…looks like a leo but isn't hers bright yellow? Maybe its just the pic, but that tank looks so small.
I know so many people keep leos in tiny tanks with 2 hides so she's not much different, but that makes me so sad! My only "pet" is a leo and he has a huge tank and every evening he "asks" to come out by nudging the door and then chills with me and explores most of the evening. Reptiles are so much more inquisitive than most people give them credit for, there's just no way she has enough time for each of her pets, I bet most of them just sit in their tanks looking out most of the time.
No. 542638
>>542563>>542582In the same video where she took her BTS to Petco it looked like she went with one of the Merrick wet foods.
Merrick isn't one of the worst foods, but they were bought out by Purina (ie. one of the worst fucking pet food companies) about two years ago and this is the first year they're allowed to mess with the formula so I don't know how much I trust it anymore.
No. 542673
>>542664The amount of pictures she takes of herself is not conducive to someone with self esteem issues like she claims. Even someone who has such low self esteem that they do anything for approval of others. There's just no way.
She might not like a specific trait about herself, but there's no full scale "I'm the ugliest person in the world" crisis going on here. She's also been bragging about how good she looks since she was a kid.
No. 542728
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No. 542761
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Already one dislike
No. 542777
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Sometimes I ask myself why do people still like her, until I stumble upon stans like these
No. 542809
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"imma gonna be positive guysss! and focus on all the beautiful things the world offer"
No. 542813
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She just can't take it.
No. 542824
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Whoops… whoops? That's really your thumbnail, Taylor? "Hehehe whoops I lied to everyone!"
No. 542835
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Uhh.. shouldn't she have tracking on the new enclosures? She's been saying she's getting new enclosures for MONTHS now
No. 542839
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Can somebody please teach her how to correctly overline your lips? I know she‘s trying to be an instagram ~baddie~ but the way she does her makeup makes her look ridiculous. Why would you overline the corners of your mouth? That doesn‘t even make sense, it just looks like clown makeup and emphasizes her bad lip fillers. normally i don‘t give a crap what a cow looks like (unless it‘s somewhat important) but her lips…oh boy.
No. 542854
>>542809She sounds ignorant.
So many reasons to loathe her.
No. 542857
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saged because this isn't honestly milk
No. 542900
>>542867>>542857Lol you know what this reminds me of?
When I was in college I was taught a trick where when you have to submit assignments by email and you aren’t finish, just take out part of the coding so it’s unable to open correctly so it still looks like you did it just that there was some glitch
No. 542910
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Maybe a hardcore reach but I couldn’t help but notice the rubber band on her wrist. I’ve known of people doing this to quit addictions. You snap it every time you feel the urge to succumb to your addiction
No. 542915
>>542912Whoops. I didn’t recognize it, looks weird from that angle
Sorry everyone
No. 542924
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Sage because old news but did anyone else see this horrendous side view of Taylor's gaping maw? She's animorphing into a snapping turtle as we speak
No. 542946
>>542942I'm not even mad about it. If she wants to run that risk she shouldn't expect people to care once she whines about it once it starts causing trouble. Hope she's not enough of a dumbass to let it free roam with her cats though.
Also quick, someone snag the video just in case she deletes it to.
No. 542950
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>>542866underrated comment
No. 542962
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it's not her fault if they die… ok
No. 542967
>>542962forgot to sage sorry. Also saying the shop owner gave her "his favorite one" out of the monitor babies
she's so full of shit
No. 542980
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No. 542987
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>>542980She's doing that shit where she wears a low sleeveless shirt and fucks with the camera angle so she looks naked again. Maybe she was hoping people would stare and not pay attention to her rambling lol
>>542983I assume someone from this thread came over there, because I noticed this comment straight away. It'll probably get washed out by her rabid fans soon since I haven't noticed any more criticisms, but maybe it was comments like that
No. 542991
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What do you anons think? The cage looks pretty grubby in the update vs first day, or is it just because it's so small
No. 542993
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Aw princess is hurt by her own shortcomings. Do better next time and you won’t have to deal with people giving you shit
No. 542996
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No. 543007
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I can’t believe her fans think Johnny is actually clean. He’s probably just smoking instead of shooting up so there’s no evidence. Plus he’s typically wearing long sleeves
No. 543010
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Does anyone notice the cigarettes on top the animal enclosure in the background on the left.
I'm trying to think of anything else that could possibly be but I honestly can't
No. 543019
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Crashing hard.
She lost 7 subscribers in the last two minutes. People are not happy with her.
No. 543022
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They just keep dropping… lmao
No. 543030
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>>542980She edited the caption to bring the pity party to Instagram as well.
No. 543033
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>>543022hasn't stopped yet LOL
No. 543038
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No. 543047
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No. 543048
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Yeah, that makes perfect sense. /s
No. 543050
>>543048what kind of fucking logic is this lol
"my pregnant friend, who is pregnant with a child, who is going to raise and get attached to this child for the next eighteen years, needs something in her life to get attached to"
No. 543074
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>>542924automatically thought of this and i lol'd so i had to.
No. 543075
>>543070If Taylor was a good friend then she would’ve spent time with her pregnant friend and comforted her and made her feel loved but instead she demanded her to watch her animals while she went out and partied with Jonny and used her as an excuse to buy a new animal.
Also, no one with a newborn baby should be owning a monitor. It’s nearly impossible to truly care for both. Just a stupid idea all around.
No. 543094
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It's incredibly fucking irresponsible she hasn't taken him to the vet yet. She's had him for months now, exposing all her other reptiles to whatever parasites he may be carrying (because she's lying about him being captive bred.) Unless it's a species vets don't care for (like fish, in most cases) there is NO excuse for not taking new animals to the vet ASAP.
(Plus, her whole "I just didn't KNOW the species and care the store gave me were wrong!" BS, if it were true, would have been fixed by her taking it to a vet who could have told her the proper info.)
No. 543117
>>543099but she did SO MUCH research, you guys!
taylor just admit you wanted a big lizard and be done with it. there’s no need for all these flimsy excuses you can’t even keep straight
No. 543144
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Found a comment that sums it up pretty well. Seriously, what was she thinking? The way she described the scenario makes it sound like a little child entering a pet store and pointing at whatever it sees saying „this one! This one!“ without even knowing what animal it is but they still take it home regardless of that.
No. 543151
People are telling her to keep it because "it looks like it loves her" when like, no, it's not a fucking cat.
Even with all her money and means, 2 years of experience don't make her qualified to handle one of these lads. The fact she even thinks she could get it to begin with just shows her complete disregard for the animals she buys.
And her reasons for buying it don't make sense either. Like, seriously? You got a fucking lizard to cheer up a friend? That's a bullshit ass excuse because not only is she using her friend's depression as an excuse to justify this idiotic purchase, but she's using a living being as an accessory to look "wholesome" and "pure" uwu.
Why not, since it was about making her friend feel better and because she wanted to "put her love and affection towards", why didn't she take her to get toys or clothes for her baby? Why didn't she take her to get a makeover? She could've milked the whole "mental illness channel" idea and make a vlog about it, but no, it was all about her own satisfaction. It wasn't for her friend, she just wanted a fucking lizard.
And finally, "I'm looking through sanctuaries and rescue organizations" my fucking ass. A quick google search throws several results around the area. She has the means to bring the lizard to them.
Again, when it's about her and her needs, she can travel, spend several hours in a car, and follow her rapist of a boyfriend everywhere, but when it comes to her animals, it's impossible and takes her months to solve whatever problem she has with them. Not to mention that she also put her needs first when it came to her housing arrangements because "mY dReAm ApArtMenT".
Sage for blogging or whatever but I get so frustrated because I was a fan and seeing her doing all of this is incredible.
No. 543158
>>543151I couldn't agree with you more. Why would you ever buy a giant, hard-to-look-after lizard for a heavily pregnant woman? She's going to have a baby to look after in a month! There's no way a baby or young child should be around the monitor, so what is she going to do then? Dump the baby to look after her lizard? Of course not, this was Taylor's impulse buy the whole time, nothing to do with her friend.
But it was "a lapse in judgement"… Lapse 1 - letting ANYONE pick a pet for you/impulse buying…. Lapse 2 - letting a heavily pregnant woman who can't look after a monitor "co-own" it with you… Lapse 3 - "rEsEaRcHiNg A lOt" but not realise you bought the wrong fkn species… Laps 4 - when not realising you had the wrong species for over a month and not giving it the correct care… Lapse 5 - buying a new animal then jetting off around the country.
So many lapses in judgement from this girl in the last year (not including anything to do with her clearly manipulative man child of a boyfriend)… I can't believe people don't see through her bullshit.
It really pisses me off how much she talks about her disability and mental health affecting her life, then buys more animals. If you can't edit a video how do you care for your animals? Seems fine to go traipsing around the country after her cringy pathetic excuse of a man though.
Ok that felt good to get off my chest.
No. 543159
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Not sure who this guy is but it's interesting that he apparently doesn't like Taylor
No. 543162
>>543159'We are Reptile enthusiasts, We know a lot about Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Tortoises, Crocodiles, Alligators and all sorts of scaly & misunderstood creatures. We also love to learn from other animal experts who are happy to share knowledge. That’s what Kamp Kenan is all about. We love animals and we know you do too. This is why we do what we do. Animal Conservation in the Modern World matters, we're out there living it and doing it every day. This is real life, these stories are real, and our sole purpose is to educate you so that you can learn something new every day and one day perhaps get involved yourself. It's that simple.' -Youtube channel description
Their website talks about captive breeding, conservation and stewardship of reptiles.
No. 543163
>>543159Just did a quick google they're reptile breeding and conservationists (there's two of them going by the website) based in southern Florida. Youtube channel also shows they actually get their hands dirty and show the animals in their environments.
They also educate children on exotic and endangered reptiles so my best bet is they don't like her because of the whole "designer pet uwu" thing she's got going on.
No. 543203
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No. 543212
>>543203Stupid af, its not okay to smoke around animals. Smoking grass like Taylor does is probably worse because why would you want to get your pets partially stoned lol.
My cat cries at my bedroom door sometimes cause he doesn't understand I won't let him in if i'm smoking/have been smoking and the window hasn't been open for a few hours.
Animals dont have the capacity to understand that secondhand smoke isn't good for them, so thats your responsibility as an owner to make sure they aren't anywhere near you and can't be harmed by it. Since Taylor is TOTALLY a cat expert I wonder if she knows that smoking in anyway around her cats sticks to their fur, and when they go to groom themselves they ingest the toxins/residue.
No. 543218
>>543212Yes!! I live with a cat and my roommate smokes and even him going in there after they smoke leaves him with the smell literally attached to him. Then he immediately tries to clean it off and it’s not safe at all. Plus I thought I read somewhere cats are suppose to have the cleanest/freshest air they can get.
Sage for irelevance
No. 543245
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This comment is getting massive support lol and so far no stans have really attacked it
No. 543246
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God at this point I don't know what's worse, the impulse bought monitor the the hundreds of fanbrats going off in the comments at 'haters' acting like they know everything about animals just because they watch her videos.
Slightly more on topic, saw this comment an snorted.
No. 543248
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No. 543254
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These comments are really racking up the likes and the stans are dying off slowly.
Anyone got the latest subscriber count?
No. 543259
> "I was told that it wasn't going to be aggressive because it was raised around humans most of its life!"Bitch, an animal is an animal. It doesn't matter how well you treat it–if it feels threatened, it will go off.
Anyone remember that horrifying story about that monkey that tore its owner's face off?
No. 543264
File: 1522595948231.png (78.82 KB, 234x229, 4638478599155fcb76f1eac6515efb…)

FUCK I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING. Does anyone remember her long fin clownfish she made a video of (image attached, however, link for those who wanna/if they wanna watch)
She talked about how she thought it was a strange morph but grew to like it when they got to her so I'm assuming she bought them to own.
I remember watching this video ages ago when I first found her and liked her videos. However since this one video I have never seen them or heard anything about them.
I know from the video she put them in the seahorse tank because the puffer ate some of their fins but yeah, anyone got any idea what happened to these fish?
No. 543266
>>543259Wait, she actually said that? Jesus.
A few threads ago, someone posted a video by a guy who had a giant monitor of some sort sleeping on him as he watched tv (presumably what Taylor would call non-agrgrssive and tame). There was another video of the same monitor biting the guys hand which would not stop bleeding and left him with a giant hole in his hand. He also had nerve damage from other lizards he owns.
Taylor is absolutely not going to be able to deal with a monitor, no matter how long it's been around humans. Taming an animal that big is not an event, it's a process.. a very long process. And i doubt it's something she'll keep on top of. One day it will eat one of her other animals, or bite her hand off along with her stupid tattoos… that's if she doesn't get rid of it before then.
No. 543271
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Over 300 lost since the last counts.
No. 543275
>>543266She didn't say that, but that's what she seems to think happens with wild caught vs captive breed animals. Aggressive, predatory animals don't suddenly lose their ability to become aggressive or predatory just because they're captive bred.
So her whole story about this supposed herp expert having raised the roughneck throat from a hatchling and that it's completely calm and docile because of it is really ignorant and pretty stupid considering how dangerous a monitor bite could be. Why he thought a white girl with a supposed sensitive skin condition and chronic pain with less than three years of experience with the most basic reptiles you can keep was the perfect candidate I have no idea.
Oh wait I know why. Because that person doesn't exist.
No. 543279
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her daily subs have dropped below 0 lol
No. 543300
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No. 543316
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Saged for speculation but this other relatively known gecko keeper seems to be hinting that she's following the Taylor drama
this was posted today
No. 543319
File: 1522599879742.jpeg (194.14 KB, 750x909, 779BECE0-1D6F-4440-B9C2-0ADF19…)

The comments on that other video posted a while ago on the thread are gold. Looks like her fans have already decided they want a monitor just like taylor.
No. 543324
File: 1522600395409.jpeg (120.61 KB, 750x587, 6F7D26C9-780E-4674-A6ED-FF606A…)

You don’t have to do research anymore guys
No. 543329
File: 1522600672874.png (39.81 KB, 1019x368, 2018-04-01 10_37_19-- YouTube.…)

No. 543330
>>543290No, Betsy is her pregnant friend and the one who picked out the monitor
Maria lives out of town and was visiting
No. 543356
>>543324Well, let's not stop there. Grocery store employees need to know how to cook to tell customers how to cook a steak and what they need. You shouldn't have to learn how to cook. It's really the store's fault for telling people that well done steak is ok.
In all seriousness, it's because of shit like Taylor and this monitor that I think owning certain pets if not all should require a license.
No. 543384
>>543372You know what this reminds me of?
I have no idea if this is the same guy (definitely not the same lizard, I think it was a rock iguana) but wasn’t there a viral video a few years back of a guy saying “c’mere buddy!” until his lizard scurries up to him?
That’s what I assume Taylor ultimately wants to do: be the quirky girl who tames big mean ol animals
No. 543385
>>543329it's interesting that a fan of hers went to the store and the store just went "lol, literally not at all"…i super wish they'd just give a short statement
of course taytay was ignoring the worker trying to tell her about the moniter
No. 543396
>>543372This is the same guy who got bit, and i believe this is the same monitor that bit him.
Here's the link:'d love to see Taylor deal with something like this because we all know she just wouldn't.
No. 543399
>>543372This guy was bit by one of his monitors, blue. feel like Taylor never considered the scariness of a large monitor bite. Even though this isn't from a blackthroat or roughneck, it's still a good example of what can happen if you're not careful enough around a dangerous lizard. And I doubt taylor will take the correct precautions when handling a large lizard like the roughneck.
No. 543444
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The comment section on that video is still gold. These kids defending her are making me die from laughing
No. 543456
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No. 543463
File: 1522611363742.png (1.71 MB, 1242x2208, B657C3FF-B9B8-441C-8AF6-E3FDA2…)

I’m not sure if this has been posted
She subsequently deleted this tweet
No. 543481
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No. 543492
>>543463The comments are seriously ripping her a new one this is amazing.
Yesterday the top comments where the ones liked by her but now it's all about how much of a fuck up she made.
No. 543523
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Wonder if there’s any truth to her being banned from the store
No. 543540
File: 1522617390020.png (2.33 MB, 2208x1242, 6BE38A0E-3657-41EF-9B1D-83B54B…)

Good god she looks like a 40 year old drunk
No. 543592
>>543571IA, it’s a manipulative technique to control the narrative. So when people say “she bought the wrong monitor” she and/or her fans hand wave it away. “No, THAT’S not the problem. The problem is that it’s WILD.”
That was NEVER a problem until she decided to make it one in order to muddy the waters and take some control over the backlash. This way instead of everyone pointing out that this proves she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she can turn it into “well I was lied to about where he came from.” It’s just to distract from the actual embarrassment which was her claiming to be knowledgable, claiming to not impulse buy, claiming she knew everything about this creature, and then bringing home a totally different animal.
That is game breakingly shameful for someone marketing themselves as an expert in pets, specifically pet reptiles. But she’s done such a good job at twisting the story that wild caught v captive bred is what people are still focusing on.
No. 543602
File: 1522620327268.png (618.15 KB, 1280x720, shit.png)

Taylor's last video in a nutshell
No. 543606
>>543602Someone in the comments pointed out she’s just wearing a bra and she’s trying to act like it’s a tank but I’m 100% sure it’s a bra (I’m a female) and she whipped off that thin ass kimono like that had any affect on anything. That picture reminded me of this.
Sage for irrelevance
No. 543624
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She retweeted this lol
No. 543625
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No. 543643
File: 1522622496285.png (350.37 KB, 1828x982, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 6.40…)

these comments. lmao
No. 543675
>>543661Yeah, but also Jenna acted like an adult and acknowledged since the beginning that she's not an animal expert, which Taylor doesn't do.
I'm still trying to understand why people keep saying it was the store's fault they sold her the wrong animal, especially when in the video she states she was getting a pet she knew how to care for. Like I don't know about her, but if I claim to know about an animal and its care, it would make sense for me to know what it looks like to begin with. Either you know about the animal or you don't, it can't be both things at the same time.
No. 543681
>>543661>>543675Also Jenna just seems really keen about learning about petcare and not just assuming she's an expert because she read a caresheet or two like Taylor.
In her recent video where she changed the layout of her hamster's cage, she kept namedropping youtubers ("it's not as cool as x's but…", etc.) which shows she's really engrossed in her pet's community on YouTube
No. 543686
>>543681Honestly I kind of feel bad for Taylor because I see how fast she got in over her head. She defined her entire online persona around her pets, she saw that new pets = new views, and she thought she had a winning formula. Now it's all crashing down on her head. She's got too many pets, including super particular ones, that require more care than she's willing or capable of giving. Her fans are starting to see the cracks in her persona, but since she's so defined herself around being this animal girl, she doesn't want to back down about not being an expert. You can tell she's still completely trying to deny that anything's wrong because to admit something is wrong means that she has to re-evaluate her entire lifestyle, and that's not a super easy thing to do.
Regardless, the longer she tries to carry on this ridiculousness, the worse the outcome in the long run for her.
No. 543709
>>543686I'd feel some sympathy if she at least showed some sort of remorse or actually took criticism instead of deleting it because she took it as "hate".
Hell even if this was the first time she fucked up I would've given her the benefit of the doubt, but it's been mistake after mistake, which she just refuses to acknowledge. Yesterday she spent the first three hours after her video went live responding to "hate" comments. A monetized video apology is not enough.
No. 543756
>>543751I think she might at one point have cared about some of them, but then collecting "designer" animals became an addiction.
I just find it hard to pity her when there are so many animals suffering for her stupidity, and so many better pet vloggers out there who barely get subscribers at all because apparently animal hoarding is more fun to watch.
No. 543779
File: 1522631925575.jpg (40.94 KB, 600x477,…)

>>543767"I love monitor lizards I would buy them all if I could."
What's wrong with you?
No. 543820
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No. 543822
File: 1522634425276.jpg (637.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180401-185928.jpg)

Her cats are still drinking out of a Tupperware container. I hope they at least wash it regularly.
No. 543841
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No. 543843
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>>543841But where is the red eyed/white specked one?
No. 543846
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>>543841And this one isn't close to any of the ones in the tweet.
No. 543849
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>>543846To be honest that looks like the last one.
No. 543888
>>543822She has two young male cats, she SERIOUSLY needs a water fountain for them. On the off chance she reads this specific comment, I just lost my 2yo boy (who looks so much like Nemo it kills me) to a urinary tract obstruction this past November. And I lost him despite a mostly wet food diet and 3 cat fountains and regular vet check ups. It creeps up quick and if not caught in time is fatal because their organs don't recover.
Young males are ESPECIALLY prone to this. They need fresh, clean water and the easiest way to encourage them to drink is to have a fountain for moving water. You have the money Taylor, they're like $20-30 on Amazon. Fix all your other pet issues as well, but jesus stop with tap water in a tupperware container. Cats aren't reptiles, you need to do more than have a shallow dish you change out weekly.
Sage for somewhat blogging but any time I see her subpar cat care I get
triggered No. 543897
>>543888my not even one year old male cat had three UTIs within 4 months (well, he wasn't quite 1 when he got his first uti), each was treated with meds from his vet and we followed all the instructions. And the kitty ate mostly wet food as well, dranks lots of water.
After the third UTI the vet prescribed some Royal Canin Urinary SO dry food. My boy will be 4 later this year and hasn't had a UTI since we switched his dry food. He still eats mostly wet food that isn't rx. sage cause boring cat shit but my vet said to just let all our cats eat the RX urinary dry food (we have older males mostly) cause it helps cats with issues and doesn't damage cats without issues. so a fountain and asking about the RX food for two boy babies is a good idea… but knowing taylor she doesn't care enough to do these things
No. 543902
>>543891That's the original picture from when she first got them. And yeah everyone already kicked off about her handling it. She shouldn't be.
ps. you might want to type sage in the email field. ;)
No. 543903
>>543888>>543897Can you fucking imagine how things would go if one of her pets had a medical emergency? I don’t image she has any sort of emergency vet fund set aside so if her youtube career goes south and she doesn’t have her priorities straight she’d be totally fucked.
Also with the amount of pets she has around the house she might benefit from having a diy first aid kit for minor things, but I doubt she cares enough either
No. 543906
>>543897Yeah my other boy (much older, he'll be 8 this year) is on rx dry food for dinner and rx wet food for breakfast, both specific for urinary/kidney health. Although he's only had 2 UTI issues in the time I've had him, none since switching him to the rx food!
Taylor can definitely afford it, she needs to get them both started on rx food NOW. A water fountain and getting high quality food is the bare minimum and if she can "totally afford" a monitor enclosure she can get them something better than the damn tupperware
No. 543921
>>543903She definitely doesn't care about first aid for her pets. She let her axolotl almost die from columnaris and let her entire saltwater reef tank get ich because she saw it and didn't treat it, she's not worried about what health problems her animals get as long as they're alive enough for her to manhandle for instagram pictures.
I highly doubt she'll feed RX food either. It just doesn't won't sound as cool to her as that ~homemade, natural, grain free~ brand she's obsessed with from Petco despite it being a solidly average quality food. (Just as long as she doesn't try to raw feed them or some shit like that… likely she's too lazy, thankfully, because you can really fuck that up easily.)
No. 543927
>>543921Fromm isn't a Petco brand. As far as I've read, it's a hipster indie brand that doesn't want to partner with big petstore chains because that takes away from their integrity or some shit.
Even though Canidae is a Petco brand, and Canidae is independently owned. And Merrick WAS independently owned until about a year or so ago.
The whole grain free/organic trend recently is absolutely ridiculous, because there is no actual evidence that it is any healthier for them than just regular food. There's no point in feeding your animal something grain free unless they're allergic. But people keep toting it as superior and it's so frustrating.
No. 543938
>>543822her cat's food area is such a fucking mess. honestly, it just shows laziness and carelessness when you have all the money in the world but you give your cat a Tupperware bowl to eat/drink from.
I'm in college so i'm broke af and lazy as hell, but every time i go out, i always stop by a store to see what else i can buy for my dog. he's gone through countless of bowls, toys, and beds because pets are supposed to be family that deserves being spoiled and not objects to just take pictures of.
sage for blog posting and being
triggered No. 543939
File: 1522643691218.png (109.08 KB, 672x626, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 12.3…)

Two things:
1) Taylor apparently filmed an entire video with Tyler that she can't even use. He doesn't seem that hung up about it but if I wasted my time and money to go visit someone to collab and they just completely fucked it up so it was unusable, I'd be pissed.
2) I'm pretty sure Taylor is replying to the "editing another fun video :)" tweet she posted right after the drama video….
Which means it's gone. Which means that we're probably not going to get another video for another month because poor little baby Taylor got her fee fees hurt. Not surprising.
No. 543979
File: 1522648053511.png (353.24 KB, 860x486, Taylor 2.png)

I went back and watched one of Taylor's videos, can't remember which maybe the pet bathing video, Mushu looks very thin for a female Axolotl. Taylor doesn't feed her enough, plust the neglect where she almost killed her.
No. 543984
File: 1522648547577.png (857.86 KB, 860x972, Taylor.png)

I mean this shit wasn't hard to find in her videos. She keeps bags of feeders (crickets I guess from Petco?) in with the trash and mess of her room, the dark strings all over the floor amongst the fucking mess appear to be… hair from hair extensions?? WTF… So… Gross, whether it is or isn't, this looks like out of an episode of hoarders. Assuming that's hair on the floor it made my skin shutter.
No. 544001
File: 1522652846984.png (656.39 KB, 887x564, ace51c46777b7f1d2640154fafab4f…)

also, wth is going on with her front teeth? it looks like it could be covered in calculus. it can't be invisalign or else it'll be more noticeable around her canines.
No. 544009
File: 1522654044406.png (4.61 MB, 1668x2224, 9F3493FF-A77C-49CB-BF4A-2F77BD…)

Is this a night light or a plug in air freshener? Hope it’s not the latter considering this is her animal room.
No. 544014
>>543903This so much. I also highly doubt she even knows basic first aid for pets.
I honestly feel like she's the type of person that, if one of her pets were ever seriously ill or injured, even if she did rush them to the ER vet (doubtful she'd be willing to spend the extra $$ for emergency care…) she wouldn't keep up with the medication schedule, or she'd make up some excuse about how her cats just wouldn't swallow the pills, etc. If it was an injury I doubt this hooker would even bother learning how to properly irrigate a puncture wound (spoiler alert, it's gross and cats hate it and they won't make it easy on you), she'd half-assedly try to clean it once or twice and give up or forget. I can definitely see her turning anything she fucks up due to her own negligence into a pity party glorifying her and her ~valiant efforts~ . ugh
No. 544016
File: 1522654868099.jpeg (225.22 KB, 1935x1290, 9709E7F6-E438-42EC-A5A2-D5193F…)

It looks like the bones in her head stick out more now.
No. 544036
>>543767Oh my fucking god, is this the fucking Chrischan of the reptile hobby? This is amazing.
Those poor little redfoot tortoises are probably terrified, hoping their Sperglord Overmaster will be a merciful god and not smite them.
>>544000BPs should have "crowded" vivs. But definitely not the way Taylor has them. There should be a bunch of fake plants (or real), branches, stuff to slither on/under, and of course dark, secure, tight fitting hides, as closed off as possible. Half log is way too open, hampster hide (wtf even?) is way too translucent. And the placement of decor just seems totally random. Like she placed it to please her eye, not to make the snake feel secure.
A good BP enclosure looks like a box used to store fake plants and branches for decorating. Being able to see the snake shouldn't be a concern, cuz a BP is happier when it can't be seen.
Hers really just looks like she took leftover crap from her other animals and threw it in an exoterra.
>>544016Has she actually mentioned any hunger strikes? No, the one refusing frozen for 2 weeks doesn't count lol. Like real, actually, multi-month hunger strikes? Cuz tbh her BPs don't look bad. I haven't seen concrete evidence that they're in bad shape, like her GTP's flaky ass shed. That was so fucking funny… "she sheds perfectly!
briefly shows flaky-ass snake before cutting away"
The monitor situation is so sad. And sadly, so typical. People get these guys expecting a scaly dog. But surprise, it's a lizard. It gets big, starts hissing and biting, and they get rid of it. Or, like Taylor, they impulse buy juveniles and then, when it's too late, realize how big they really get, and how big the necessary enclosure will really be. This happens with iguanas, monitors, burmese, retics, boas, etc etc etc.
To anyone on this thread who keeps reptiles or is actually interested in keeping them after doing the proper research: PLEASE look up a local reptile rescue! There are always TONS of ball pythons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, iguanas, and more. They're wonderful, independent pets, and their care is not as hard as someone as dumb as TND makes it look, rofl.
No. 544054
>>544043Do we have any proof she bought subs? No. She lost a good 500 at best and considering people are only watching her for drama if they don’t like her and have probably subscribed, it means shit all.
People here need to seriously sit down and breathe when there is no new milk
No. 544086
>>544082Some view counts do match her subscriber count, videos with all her pets in it have up to 1.4M views which is probably why her subscriber count is constantly going up. These 'all my pets' videos can be remade a thousand times with her and once people go down that rabbit hole you will probably end up on her channel, with numerous videos of same nature and subscribe.
Looking at other video views (740 K views most in last 3 months, should note it's her kitten video so doesn't count that much) people clearly are not interested in her actual husbandry or whatever else she shows.
I wouldn't really say she is sub-botting because the videos that drag those new viewers in are clearly drawing in views close to her subscriber counts. These videos can last her ages even with all this bs drama.
(sorry for being all over the place)
No. 544089
>>544088Omg i bet you this will happen with the monitor
No. 544113
> The whole grain free/organic trend recently is absolutely ridiculous, because there is no actual evidence that it is any healthier for them than just regular food. There's no point in feeding your animal something grain free unless they're allergic. But people keep toting it as superior and it's so frustrating.It makes sense to feed grain free. Grain is a cheap filler that isn’t nutritious or biologically appropriate. There’s no evidence that grain is safe for cats to eat in large quantaties, as they are carnivores it’s best to just not. There’s a lot to knock Taylor for, but this isn’t it. It’s becoming a “trend” because consumers are becoming more educated about the needs of their pets.
Also, I just checked and the Fromm website says they do not sell to Petco. You have to get them from online or posh pet boutique types.
Their website also says their general cat food isn’t for kittens so I wonder if she’s been feeding them the kitten version or adult cat?
No. 544116
>>544113They might not sell at Petco but didn't someone say a few threads back that they saw it at Petland? Or something.
Glad they traded out a big ol mean corporation for one of the only remaining pet store chains to get puppies from mills, lol…
No. 544134
File: 1522674966316.jpeg (98.96 KB, 640x260, 94D5444F-2B0F-4F46-91CA-24446C…)

lol what
is she saying posting photos and videos of her caring for her pets (the entire premise of her job on YouTube) is ‘trying to impress the internet’?
Or is this in reference to responding to actual complaints and drama?
at least she’s admitting it’s all for the attention lol
No. 544141
>>544138that's not the point lmao
the only times she posts photos of her out and having fun and having a good time is when she's touring or partying or whatever and ignoring her YouTube job for another month. how is that supposed to impress anyone? impress us that she's finding any excuse to not do her job?
so the only thing that makes sense for her liking this tweet to be referencing is "I don't have to post photos/videos of my animals to prove to anyone I'm giving them good care"
Or as her stans like to say "you don't live with her!!!! you don't know how great her care is!!!!!!"
No. 544153
>>544141…. diff. anon but– it's just another one of her "I'm so quirky and special uwu while others are partying I'm showing my animals aren't I weird" moments.
she's not saying SHE is trying to impress anyone by posting lives of her in the club, she's saying others are, and that she finds that attention-seeking. which is ironic. because her posting lives of her exotic and quirky uwu animal hoarding is equally as attention-seeking.
No. 544173
>>544033(This video is really thorough so props to whoever made it)
But lmao there's a tweet in there saying her new enclosures were coming before April. Where they at Taylor?
No. 544178
File: 1522679635727.png (417.77 KB, 892x584, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 10.2…)

I just happened on this old video of hers from like 2016 and Christ her lips are still overlined and fucked but she looks infinitely better her versuses now. (
Also I finally realized that Taylor just….can't speak, at all. She sounds like an idiot when she talks. In her last video she said she had been
"training her friend about animals" and in this video she says
"I was closing down the animals", meaning she was checking over the animal cages. I thought it was all the weed was fucking with her brain, but she's always sounded like an idiot.
In this video Taylor said that she was working at two separate pet stores at the same time (2:04) which….lmao i think we can all agree with her work ethic and muh EDS is impossible for her.
She might have been sent to another store to help out once or something but… i highly doubt they had her going in between stores.
No. 544218
File: 1522683213371.png (193.71 KB, 640x1136, 86863EE8-D058-4BDC-AAB8-C89632…)

she’s been liking a lot of ass parting tweets recently
I get that liking tweets is a way for people to say “thank you” or “I acknowledge you” or whatever but lol holy shit how narcissistic do you have to be to only like the “omg taylor is qweeen!!!!” tweets from your fans and nothing else? Let alone fucking retweeting them
No. 544219
>>544178i only started watching taylor when she was posted here so i never got to see her before her super fucked up lookin mouth and i'm actually stunned rn. she looks so much better here.
what did she fucking do to her lips?? the way she talks now vs this video here is so baffling and different, like… did a needle hit a nerve and mess up her top lip so it can't move anymore? has she ever talked about that? it seems like an actual "botched" procedure, now that i've seen what she looked like before injections
No. 544269
>>544254I wouldn't go as far as boycotting an entire brand because they support a store, but I do think it's hilarious that the whole indie "mom n pop" mentality that has them refusing to work with stores like petco or petsmart, but they have no problem working with petland which is infinitely worse.
Petco and Petsmart each have their own problems, but at least none of the ones in my area sell cats and dogs. They do adoption events every weekend.
No. 544275
>>544269Petland isnt on their approved seller list. It’s possible they’re reselling it or anon is mistaken.
Regardless, can we stop derailing with discussing some pet food brand? Taylor isn’t feeding her cats crap (if she’s not lying) which is a first for her pet ownership. This is like the one thing she’s not done wrong. I know we all hate her but it’s boring when people nitpick over the pet food brands she uses, especially when she’s being a raging hypocrite over captive bred animals.
No. 544280
>>544275IA we should stop going on tangents, but I really wish people in this thread would stop saying
"stop talking about ["minor" issue] when ["major" issue] exists"I capitalized major and minor because everything on this thread related to Taylor is of the same relevance. It doesn't matter how stupid the topic discussion is, we're all just idiots talking to each other.
No. 544287
>>544280Different Anon
Yeah no, most of the last thread was derailed by talking about pet food, some stupid insect diet for cats and if Taylor was fat or not.
The problem is this thread is always forgotten by the farmhands and there are topics that completely irrelevant or are just enough burn to keep talking about it
Is annoying having the thread clogged every 3 post about good content for things like this tbh.
No. 544300
>>544291Every time anyone wants to change the topic someone brings it back
For example, Taylor upload a video (can't remember which one) and even during the discussion of it they were still taking about Fromm
Thats why people get annoyed and ask to stop talking about a subject thats just interesting to two anons or three at most.
No. 544304
>>544300People in past threads will go back to conversations from two or three days before lmao… it doesn't matter if someone says "don't talk about x" anymore or not.
I'm just sick of seeing "stop derailing!!!!!" every five fucking posts. Irrelevant discussions and speculation happen when there's no new milk. It's stupid but you just gonna accept it's going to happen or ignore it.
No. 544308
>>544300Why do you have to start bitching every time someone talks about something you don't like? It's not your personal fucking board. You can hide saged posts and only read the milk if you get so
triggered by discussion. It's time to stop
No. 544321
>>544308The discussion is interesting when it isn’t about shit that is pathetic, such as cat food or tweets she’s being liking and what they mean.
This board goes to shit when there’s no new milk and no one can deny it tbh, tho I imagine people will discuss this for the next couple of hours so now we started that too
No. 544322
>>544321This is exactly what I mean lol
the more people whine about not talking about what they want to, the more time everyone spends whining. just ignore it and don't post on the board until there's milk if it
triggers y'all so much
No. 544369
File: 1522694306156.jpeg (124.22 KB, 1242x879, BF7F3856-1390-43AE-9E07-11E96A…)

>>543984Why are you guys still surprised by Tay being filthy? Does anyone else remember the bug video where she fed her pets on her bed?
No. 544412
>>544404IA with the anon saying if she doesn't have time to clean her house (which would honestly just amount to picking shit off the floor and wiping down counters) she doesn't have enough time to clean all her animal enclosures. Or cares enough.
She talks about depression a lot and personally when I'm depressed I have a hard time forcing myself to clean to so I get it. But it's not just her living space anymore she's got all these animals to take care of and to neglect them because she's not feeling good is kind of selfish.
No. 544413
>>544400It honestly feels like such a shame, her apartment is gorgeous and she spends so much money on rent only to trash the place. Why live in your "dream apartment" if you're just not going to put in any effort to keep it clean, and it just ends up looking like a cheap, trashy apartment?
She talks about depression so much, but doesn't she realise that a messy environment only makes things worse? How hard is it to put stuff away after you use it/put laundry in the basket/vacuum once in a while?
No. 544440
>>544413All of her fans are like ''she has depression and anxiety and this and that''. While I don't mean to say that depressed people shouldn't have pets, if you're severely depressed with 20+ pets of varying difficulty… what are you doing (especially when you don't have the effort to clean your house)? There is no way in hell anyone in a depressed state which doesn't allow them to work can keep so many pets.
>>544422According to social blade she barely makes above 10K so honestly… I don't think she's that rich - she has rent, her dumb ass child boyfriend, all of her pets which all require substrate (even if she doesn't use that much) and food, and she wastes her money everywhere.
No. 544466
>>544269Well, I also don't buy it because there's far better foods out there for far less price lol. But the fact that they advertise themselves as such a pish-posh food and then are being sold in Petland is a bit, lulworthy.
>>544275It is possible they're reselling without permission. But they definitely sell it there. I know because my mother in law bought a Pug from them and under their warranty she has to buy food from them, and she gets him Fromm lol.
No. 544470
>>544443I'd feel sympathy for her but the last video left us with the eyeopening implication that she thinks "being depressed" is a suitable excuse to impulse buy an animal,
For some people, staying busy all the time helps with depression so if that was the case I could get her unhealthy mindset of impulse buying all these pets so she's sure to keep herself distracted…but she just buys them to gawk over them for a week, and then moves on to the next pet to the point we rarely get updates on the previous pet.
No. 544488
>>544464Oh god definitely. Not to directly call her depression into question, but she sure has no trouble spending the time and effort every day to get her hair and makeup together and pick out the most attention grabbing outfit she can, while (I'm sure most anons can agree) most depressed people I know have definitely gone through periods where they struggle to do basic things like shower and brush their teeth.
But for some reason she's too depressed to sit in front of a camera and ramble for ten minutes, too depressed to take an hour to edit, too depressed to make more than one video a month, and too depressed to clean her house.
No. 544500
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No. 544505
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Any guesses as to what is blocked out?
No. 544536
>>544504Lol I was about to post this exact thing. If they’re custom fitted for the room then what’s the point when she’s just acquired an animal that is going to force her to move into a bigger space within months anyway.
I guess the answer is she has no attention span and ordered these shortly after she moved in, then bought the monitor on a whim and backed herself into a corner with having to move into a bigger more permanent space. So fucking pointless. A waste of money and time.
No. 544552 topic from the monitor situation but:
Remember when she made a whole video on how to set up an RO/DI unit, saying that it’s the only water she’s using for her saltwater tanks? How’s that going with living
in an apartment now?
No. 544599
>>544593I just googled vision enclosures and the first thing that popped up was LLL reptiles lol, bet shes still supporting them
Also, they're a little uglier than I'd expect for Taylors taste?
No. 544614
File: 1522712026184.jpeg (119.7 KB, 1292x552, 25F5E01E-209E-49A6-89BB-B5A5A2…)

Is she fucking serious?
No. 544618
File: 1522712222731.jpeg (162.56 KB, 1294x795, B7237F7E-7088-4703-AF8E-E8C03D…)

Apparently an animal has to die for you to be considered a hoarder.
>>544615She posted a second email, uncropped showing it is CustomCages. She deleted it because it had the guys name in it.
No. 544619
File: 1522712268028.png (167.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180402-163731.png)

No. 544626
>>544619It should have never happened in the first place.
But yeah… this isn't the first time and it won't be the last. She's so full of lies.
No. 544628
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No. 544635
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No. 544644
>>544635God lol she can not just admit she fucked up on something
"i know i messed up but they were in this really specific detailed circumstance so it's not
as bad!!!!!"
No. 544648
>>544646She doesn't know something as simple as this but she knows how to care for 'any animal her friend decides to pick out from a store'
bitch what?
She's acting like it just happened one time, but it's been going on for months??
No. 544651
File: 1522712956535.png (1 MB, 1242x2208, E18DC84D-118B-4A93-B938-62EAE0…)

She can literally say anything to them about the situation and it will just make it seem all alright to her stans.
No. 544659
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No. 544663
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No. 544666
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Isn’t that the same amount you spent on your bracelet though
No. 544672
File: 1522714328738.jpeg (169.86 KB, 1668x1068, 0C1A7F20-1A88-487A-9018-6375BB…)

Two 36 inch long cages, three 24 inch long cages, and one 72 inch one? How are these considered “so much bigger” than the ones she has now?
No. 544675
File: 1522714433462.png (112.32 KB, 750x801, IMG_1872.PNG)

Your snake bracelets/hats/necklaces and crab/fragile gecko rings beg to differ.
No. 544685
>>544663So she's back on her "bad girl" façade.
No. 544698
File: 1522715209804.png (727.82 KB, 750x1334, 6008293A-D4FF-4BF5-9805-8C2986…)

>>544689Nevermind, someone did I just didn’t see it in all the replies of her stans licking her asshole for providing basic space requirements after a year of people telling her to
No. 544719
File: 1522716480401.png (984.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180402-184844.png)

>>544672So this is what she's getting…not sure how that's an upgrade for most of her animals. If she's putting bindi in the big one that's good at least?
No. 544740
>>544737I hit enter by accident and I was gonna type more lmao.
If I remember correctly, the stream was at night, and if weed is illegal in TX there's no way they opened the windows because they face to the pool, which is a common area, and I don't think JC would wanna risk getting the cops called on him. Plus it doesn't make sense because if the kitties were also there, wouldn't keeping the windows open be a risk since they could get out of the apartment?
She's lying (again).
No. 544741
>>544719Those aren’t upgrades except that they look nicer. The three 2ft ones aren't really big enough for any of her snakes except maybe the Kenyan sand boa and hognose. And there aren’t anywhere near enough cages.
>>544737There are windows, but they’re on doors that can’t be opened without letting the cats escape.
No. 544754
>>544663>>544666What is this actually proving? To me this shows she IS an animal hoarder
No. 544784
>>544776All I can find about limits don't apply to small pets or reptiles etc
"Animal Limits.
A maximum number of eight (8) cats or five (5) dogs or an aggregate number of eight (8) may be permitted at a residence within the City limits. ) The total number of domestic fowl and livestock allowed at a residence is five (5) which may include: up to three (3) domestic fowl; and up to two (2) animals from the following classes of livestock-equines,bovines,sheep,goats and llamas."
No. 544807
>>544804Taylor unblocked her some time ago.
Her mom throws some passive-aggressive replies to her sometimes, though. Their relationship seems to be really fickle.
No. 544811
>>544807I see. Takes all kinds I guess lmao
I just looked and she deleted the tweets about animal control “knowing her” and linking me the city of SA. Guess she got scared I might actually report her lol
No. 544844
File: 1522725427177.jpeg (292.76 KB, 640x797, 7DAC54CA-B856-4105-9000-04753A…)

I cannot take any of these fake concerned tweets seriously when she’s being a brat that few nameless hate accounts dislike her
No. 544866
wait same anon from
>>544861 i didnt even notice she said "find ways to donate" shes not even sharing a link to a website to donate to lmaooo she cares so much u guys go find out how to give money to the pandas pls
No. 544867
>>544861exactly, they also take ridiculous amounts of money to conserve and they'll likely never be self sustaining
if I had half her following i'd never shut up about sharks
No. 544872
>>544867if i was on her position, i would be posting about the non-profit organizations that help protect extremely endangered species, like for instance, Sudan, the last northern rhino and you can donate to the anti-poachers that protect the remaining northern rhinos (there's only 2 left).
sage for blog posting and irrelevance
No. 544876
>>544844>>544861>>544866>>544867Meanwhile as long as I’ve been following her I’ve seen exactly 1 weird “I hope he bees out there are okay” tweet, and if bees go extinct that’s a huge chunk of our ecosystem and we’re all fucked.
But sure focus on the cute pandas that have a notoriously low birth rate even in the most ideal of circumstances because it’s impossible to get them to breed
No. 544886
>>544879Even if they could, if there are only two individuals, the gene pool will not be diverse enough to be sustainable. You'd have to have so much inbreeding that it would be near impossible to actually build the population back up.
sage because this is so off-topic.
No. 544890
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No. 544893
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No. 544912
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No. 544920
File: 1522730151239.jpg (145.26 KB, 1115x495, microchip.jpg)

Does Taylor live within San Antonio city limits? If so she may actually be violating an ordinance if her cats aren't microchipped. pic related
No. 544924
>>544922that's just even worse. strong smelling perfume with smells of soiled-substrate?
>>544920whatever happened to her cats getting castrated?
No. 544930
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No. 544931
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No. 544932
File: 1522730717247.png (71.88 KB, 750x580, IMG_1875.PNG)

Too weak to edit a video because 'muh EDS' but can swing an unopened bag of marine salt over her shoulder
No. 544937
File: 1522731067756.png (24.83 KB, 593x243, tnd6.png)

No. 544940
File: 1522731112029.jpeg (94.25 KB, 1391x654, 3BE0DCC2-CDD5-4801-8BD4-6CAF56…)

Is she ever going to stop
No. 544941
>>544920She showed a photo of them at the vet claiming they were scheduling a neutering appointment, but since we haven't heard anything about it I doubt she did. Cats often stay at the vet overnight after neutering, or at the very least need special care at home, and we haven't heard anything indicating either of those things happened.
Honestly I wonder what would happen if animal control went and visited her. If they caught her on a good day she'd probably be fine, but if they happened to come by while Jonny and her were smoking and laundry and shit are all over the floor, they might deem the animals unsafe.
No. 544943
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No. 544945
>>544930idk how she's not ashamed from all the mess she has lying around.
>>544934she's getting reeeeal passive aggressive with everyone that's finally realizing who she really is.
seeing her go crazy is funny. what's even more hilarious is that no one is doing this to her, she's doing all of this to herself. lmao
No. 544947
>>544932So it was marine salt AND it was fabric softener, wtf Taylor?
(also what's she on about with her "bag of marine salt" shit you can see the bucket, not bag, of Instant Ocean marine salt in the back of the pic, and you can see the spilled fabric softener… just wtf.)
No. 544952
>>544948from the looks of it, yeah. I think she might not have realized the monitor video was gonna expose her so much in the comments.
The fact she looks for hate and responds to it is really… like… this is how youtube channels die lmao.
No. 544962
File: 1522732107990.jpg (46.67 KB, 981x495, carestandard.jpg)

>>544941pic related is another SA city ordinance and I bet Animal Control could say she was violating at least one of these even on a good day
No. 544967
File: 1522732354680.png (72.49 KB, 625x523, 9891838a9e17bf6ab30b348810f27c…)

i'm lol'ing at all the comments that her fans make. it's like Taylor is losing everyone that can't be easily fooled, so she has a bunch of fans like these
No. 544968
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No. 544969
>>544962If they catch her smoking/apartment smelling like smoke she's failing at 1, 2 could be
problematic for the monitor and some of the other reptiles but she's probably ok, based on insta pics they don't get fresh water often, not sure about 4 but she's probably fine until the monitor starts growing, 5 is likely fine, and i doubt they could prove six even though she uses a terrible vet and doesn't take them often.
So I agree, if they randomly inspected they'd likely be able to say she's violating at least the first 2 or 3.
No. 544971
>>544962Tbh, they're not going to do anything unless her animals are visibly very neglected, dying, or otherwise show signs of severe abuse (such as physical violence). And, if I'm being real honest here, which I know is going to stir a shit ton of you guys up, her animals are not in terrible states of health. They do, for the most part, have all of their basic needs met (food, shelter, water, and minimum….very minimum, health care). Does that by any means mean that Taylor is an expert animal care provider, HELL NO! Does that mean she's not the epitome of selfish and a shitty ass young adult going through her rebellious stage late? Nope, it sure doesn't. It just means that the states her animals are in are by no means even close to terrible and no animal control or anything is going to do anything about unless there is very noticeable neglect.
It might be possible to get her on hoarding of animals, but that'd be about it, in terms of legal repercussions.
No. 544972
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No. 544973
File: 1522732592015.png (14.7 KB, 593x139, tnd9.png)

No. 544976
File: 1522732698861.png (15.1 KB, 589x140, tnd10.png)

More lies.
No. 544978
>>544973I also want to know what medical problems Jonny has aside from his low IQ.
He's not clean, he's got no reason to smoke it, she's actively hurting her animals.
No. 544980
>>544978I fucking love how he tries to pass himself off as some recovered addict and that he's "sober" while he's deadass sitting on a livestream smoking a blunt.
All that herion fry out this stooge's brain cells????
No. 544987
File: 1522733793379.png (5.48 MB, 1242x2208, 6B1F46A5-F401-448E-990C-9AC1B2…)

Lol to post it on insta she cropped out the bucket. She lies about the most fucking trivial things.
No. 545001
>>544939I LOVED how in the video miss shifty eyes says "If you're leaving me hate comments, uh, I'm not letting it bother me and I'm not gonna let the hate get to me" and yet disables the comments LOL
Oh TayTay. Gonna have to try harder than that. Are your feefees hurt? What a dumbass. Her life must suck, besides having money. While she still has some 12 year old stans, more and more people who actually can think for themselves see through her bullshit and her poor animal care. She is losing her grip & doesn't know how to cope. Disable the comments and pretend you're perfect, Taylor. Keep up lying and being fake :)
No. 545004
File: 1522734995731.jpeg (230.44 KB, 750x637, 3785E8AA-65C4-45FD-9829-A8643E…)

You guys. I can’t stop laughing at these titles. Haven’t watched them but I was looking to see if anyone had made a video recently and they indeed have
No. 545005
>>545004Is this the same creepy mother fucker who made the video linked above? He has issues.
Honestly a larger drama channel hell someone even like John Kuckian, needs to make a vid.
No. 545017
>>545004>>545009god, he sounds like a creeper. i wouldnt want to piss him off.
sorry for offtopic
No. 545021
File: 1522736358360.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, 11E15F64-19C5-4D4A-8E39-CED9A4…)

Sage for OT and possible repost but has anyone taken a look at this video because it gave me a lot of great laughs
No. 545031
>>545016John’s reputation as a drama channel was tarnished when he falsely accused another YouTubed of child grooming and pedophilia. Even if he did make a video the important part of YouTube’s drama community wouldn’t even back it up and join the exposée. Paige would more than likely do one if she was more aware, but lately she has branched out beyond the beauty community.
Sage for extremely off topic
No. 545035
>>545031I don't think most people give a shit about the drama with Peter Monn. I mean after all the dude was posting BDSM twinks on his tumblr. Kind of gross considering his age. Doesn't make him a pedo, but still I think John's still got one of the largest if not the largest drama platform like 3 times the subs that Paige has (although I do think she's better). But yeah, it's more useful from that sense. The stuff with Peter and subsequent drama set him back, but it didn't finish off his channel.
Sage for very OT
No. 545101
>>544914late reply but not only was she averting her eye contact but she was blinking like crazy
blinking rapidly or not at all is a sign someone is lying (along with wider eyes, a tense posture, legs crossing though we can't see that)
her body language as a whole shows how disingenuous she is
she seems so nervous in that video and she isn't even trying to hide it; it's pretty amusing
No. 545105
>>545088I remember a lot of people calling in with concerns/emailing them but no one gave a shit. However, I think once you mention a possibly dangerous lizard (doesn't matter if they're actually docile, they can still attack when stressed, which no doubt this one will be) and the fact that they smoke weed in there… eh.
The whole spree of 'IM DOING DRUGS'… why? No possible employer wants to see that; no parents wants to see that and I don't know how her fans are like 'LOL THIS IS FINE'. In no way is joking about drug use when you're a social media personality is fine, and if she ever gets bigger or straight up just disappears she is going to struggle finding an actual job.
I don't even know how her mum is like 'This is fine', me and my mum don' have the best relationship but even she'd beat my ass if I started saying shit like that.
No. 545120
>>545105Yeah her amount of jokes about being on drugs is ridiculous, especially since she used to be "family friendly." No one who isn't 10 jokes like drugs like that, and no one who isn't on drugs would keep bringing it up so frequently as a "joke." She even brought it up at the end of one of her videos as a "joke."
I think her mom is just trying not to drive her further away at this point, tbh. Neither of them seem that prepared to have a healthy adult-child/parent relationship, but I think her mom's just trying not to let Jonny steal whatever she does have with her daughter.
No. 545135
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Is this…. merch? She says it’s made out of clay so I have no idea since she seems to have been aiming towards plusher but
No. 545136
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No. 545148
File: 1522758126534.jpg (308.92 KB, 1069x621, Screenshot_20180403-051816.jpg)

At least they're on what looks like a fuzzy pet blanket which are pretty cheap at Petco. My concern is that they're all on the same one one after each other. I don't really keep reptiles I'm more fish and amphibians, but shouldn't she not let her animals on the same surfaces like that without cleaning? Especially since she never quarantines or does vet visits so any of her reptiles could have anything going on she just hasn't noticed.
No. 545160
>>544937She’s really focusing on the drugs thing, which probably means she’s likely using. Liars always over exaggerate and focus on one subject like that.
Sage for speculation.
No. 545161
>>545159Her colour is Super Mojave, which is just the homozygous (super) form of the Mojave morph. As far as i'm aware, i don't think it causes any problems for the snake unlike something like a Super Champagne. Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
My guess would just be that Taylor just isn't looking after her properly.
No. 545208
>>545206Swatting is when you call in a FALSE police report, which results in SWAT being called.
Also they would not send swat over a "someone smoking weed" call. You'd be lucky to get 2 cops to show up lol.
No. 545216
>>545206No? Swatting is calling in pretending the person is murdering people.
Reporting someone smoking weed while they are literally posting evidence of them smoking weed is a regular police report.
No. 545332
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I screenshotted this a while ago and I think I may have forgotten to post it. It looks like she's "shared an animal" with someone before
(Also I'm reposting this without my name in it I hope that's okay, I deleted the first one)
No. 545345
File: 1522780859803.png (531.81 KB, 689x393, pTSVc0M.png)

So I was watching the monitor apology video again last night, and I noticed that the pet store employee showed Taylor and her friend this monitor. From what I can tell, this isn't the monitor that she ended up going home with, which says to me that the guy actually showed her several monitors. Coupled with the fact that the enclosures for the other reptiles seemed to have the prices and what animals they are written on them, I'm back to questioning how Taylor didn't know what species of monitor she was taking home. My thought is that she wasn't paying attention and the guy told her "This is a black roughneck monitor" and she either misheard him or she didn't do enough research to know the difference. Either that or she was told/read what species of monitor it was, but since this was an impulse buy to begin with, by the time she got home, she forgot what species of monitor she bought and googled the wrong care sheets.
No. 545502
>>545348That's definitely a rough neck, but I'm not quite sure it's the one she took home. It could be the lighting. The one the guy is holding seems to have more yellow on it than the one she took home. It's probably a minor detail, but my thinking was that she must have been shown multiple rough necks, and if that's true, I'm just wondering how she managed to miss that she was buying the wrong thing.
>>545488She definitely just throws her setups together in five minutes. Her video about her satanics is kind of proof of that. I guess that's what happens when you're trying to throw it all together the day after buying the animals.
No. 545513
File: 1522790853695.jpeg (115.13 KB, 1349x386, 1D21CAA8-9A29-4EE7-A77B-75878E…)

She’s really going to retweet this and pretend that she doesn’t neglect her animals?
No. 545549
>>545513Don't be silly, killing a few animals, "rehoming" them when you're bored of them (or just not addressing their disappearance), regularly impulse buying animals, keeping animals in cupboards without light or ventilation, not giving your animals the correct care or diet, not being able to identify the species of animal you "own" for over a month, smoking near your animals, putting your animals in close proximity to speakers, and having so many animals you don't have enough time to give each the adequate amount of attention each day (especially to even spot visible illness) does not count as neglect in lala land.
Honestly if I ever see this girl use her disability as an excuse for anything when she thinks she's more than capable to look after her mini zoo and jet off after her "boyfriend" every other week I think I'll flip.
No. 545593
>>545583I wonder how often she cleans her fish tanks tbh since it wouldn't be THAT obvious that they were dirty af.
Her wardrobe must stink no doubt, rodents in small cages require spot cleaning once/twice a day even with bedding that won't stink the whole place up.
No. 545598
One thing I noticed in common with Taylor and people who are classic compulsive hoarders, they don't have a sense of environmental hygiene what so ever. They might take care of their actual health like brushing their teeth and hair etc or have a strong sense of physical narcissism, but don't have a problem with filth on their beds, or their animals living in filth. Taylor has no problem putting roaches on her bed to feed her animals, sleeping in sheets with blood splatters on them, unboxing animals on her bed, allowing poop build up on the outside of her crested gecko enclosures, or building up piles of dirty laundry and other household items in piles around her house. Hoarders also have pets die, from untreated prolonged illness and or starved, or and disappear all and don't realize until much later. Taylor has admitted to several times now of not noticing her animals disappearing or dying, or not acting when she first noticed her animals were sick.
Here is a list of animals that got sick and or died that she didn't notice until later that I am aware of:
Female kitten, screaming constantly in videos for milk, was obviously not properly fed or stimulated, died within her care.
Nemo the kitten, swollen belly, underweight for most of the time he was with Taylor at the beginning, thin, patchy hair, triangle face syndrome.
Mushu the Axolotl, has always appeared underweight in every photo that Taylor has ever posted of her. Nearly died from illness, her gills destroyed from fungus because Taylor didn't notice, which means she didn't feed Mushu either during this period of time. I won't believe she just dropped the worm in the tank and didn't look to see if Mushu would eat it. She flat out wasn't feeding her/paying attention to her health. It also means she wasn't doing spot cleanings in the tank everyday, she would have noticed Mushu was getting sick. Any small sign of fungus on an Axolotl cannot be neglected it can lead to a fatality quickly.
Mantis, mentioned much later that she noticed he had died, apparently fell? She just seemed to forget about him.
Leaf insect, not sure of the circumstances, but seems she also failed to notice until later?
Fish - jumped out of the tank, and or were eaten and their disappearances weren't noticed until later.
animals that killed each other because she forced them to live together inappropriately. Several.
Cheese and all of the fish in the salt water tank getting sick with ick, because she refused to treat or quarantine Cheese when she noticed his illness. She said in the video "she sat on what to do for them", meaning, she just didn't get around to it. Much like Mushu.
Posts images of her hedgehogs with super long nails, only posts photos of her animals when she can be bothered to take them out of their enclosures.
Never shows the enclosures of her animals, or if she does, they look dirty, dingy, or the animals aren't housed correctly.
Several snakes who appear to be underweight and not growing as they should.
If anyone wants to add.
No. 545620
>>545204As another pet youtuber I can confirm… 90% of us are disgusted and concerned by her animal care. However, we're considerably smaller channels and it wouldn't turn out good for us.
There's only two real people that could effectively bring light to the situation, who have closer to a following which is Em and Tyler. However they seem to have/ had a bond with her in the past so the chances of them doing that are slim.
No. 545624
>>545620Tbh I don’t think Em actually likes her. She just wants to make her educational videos without drama because we all saw what happened the last time shit went down. I’ve noticed Em saying things that do directly apply to Taylor even Tyler lowkey saying things too. But they can’t outright say anything without risking what they love to do.
Sage for ot
No. 545658
>>545598I have a minor correction to make to your list. It was Hannibal, the leaf insect, that she noticed died apparently after falling. (Which I still have no clue how she managed to get him. They're illegal to keep as pets without a permit. Permits are usually only given to zoos or education centers.)
It's unclear when/how Moriarty, the budwing praying mantis, died. Taylor said he died of old age. She got him in September/October of 2016. The last picture of him on instagram was in December of 2016. He'd molted for the final time and had his big boy wings. It's possible he did die of old age, but with Taylor who knows.
No. 545684
>>545513wouldn't owning 20+ animals still consider hoarding when you're not owning them for either conservation or educational purposes or just want more designer pets? Even if i were a millionaire i wouldn't own 50+ animals because i can afford it, i wouldn't own that much just because i can't give them each individual attention like i can do if i were just to own 5.
What i see from all these youtubers that "collect" all these animals for their video to never be talked about again and be replaced with a new animal is considered hoarding for me. Sure, i follow a few that has 15+ reptiles or fishes, but they also do educational programs and show people outside from youtube about their species, and if it's not for that, they actually build another "house" just for their animals to live in, in bigger tanks/vivs/terrs so they can live the good life and actually spend 99% of their life for their pets.
but Taylor over here is stuffing them into her room, collecting more, making excuses, stuffing used items for her snakes, never cleaning, and not caring about them at all unless she wants photos.
sage for a blogposting essay
No. 545694
>>545610While I have seen Emma be somewhat “friendly” to Taylor, I’ve also seen her throw some shade. I think she just kind of stays neutral on it, and give advice when she can.
As far as I’ve seen, she does have a lot of similarities to Taylor, but IMO she seems way more down to earth and actually cares. She seems to post a lot, interact with her followers, and actually cares for her pets unlike a lot of other petubers. I’ve never seen her straight up “defend” Taylor, I’ve just seen her give advice. For example on Taylor’s monitor video, she commented telling Taylor she should take it to the vet and get a fecal exam done. Which is common sense, and I can’t belive that Taylor didn’t already do that in the first place
No. 545701
>>545694Agreed. While I don’t think Emma is by any means a perfect petuber/pet owner, she actually owns up to her mistakes and changes them rather than making half assed excuses. She seems to be far more open to critism and suggestions than TND is.
On the general petuber thread people were saying that her rabbits cages could be a bit bigger, and she actually came on to the thread herself and said she agreed, and will be upgrading them as soon as they’re bonded or something. Far more than TND would ever do. She just brushes our concerns off and says were just a bunch of haters
No. 545721
There was one pet youtuber with a few thousand subscribers who made a callout video after Taylor's first monitor video. She got a lot of hate in comments, but a lot of support as well. because I think this video was posted in the last thread too.
No. 545725
>>545721Wow, I can understand even more why it's hard for anyone in the pet community to speak out. Look at all those dislikes and negative comments. Young blind fans can be the worst.
Still, at some point if people are in the animal community, someone has to put the animals first, right?
No. 545787
>>545786We've mentioned this several times mostly last thread.
It's especially concerning considering that she was taking care of the two cats, and changing the litter as a pregnant woman runs the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, which is
really bad newsI don't have cats so I don't know how long it would take for that bacteria to develop, and anons have said that you can change cat litter as long as you're careful and it hasn't been too long, but the fact she let her friend run that risk at all is kind of disgusting to me.
No. 545789
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No. 545820
>>545805given that both her cats were young kittens, one came from outside on the streets (supposedly, who knows where she really got those first two,) and she never seems to care about getting her animals proper treatment or testing for parasites, who knows what those cats are carrying.
and yeah, it's rare, but the general recommendation is just for pregnant women and immunocompromised people to avoid changing litter altogether to eliminate any risk.
No. 545837
>>545819This is one of the things that I've always found really contradictory about Taylor, and it's so obvious yet so many of her fans gloss over it.
Let's assume for a moment she actually takes great care of her animals. Putting aside her excuse of a boyfriend and all the superfluous shit she spends her money on, let's say her animals are always at the highest of the high ends of animal care, and the living conditions are great, her apartment is clean, etc.
With all the issues she says she has, wouldn't it still be taxing on her to take care of them?
Because in like, one of her earliest videos when she was still living with her parents, she mentions she wakes up super early, has spread sheets for each animal in a binder and shit, and back then she didn't have as many animals, so there's absolutely no way she can give them superb care all the time.
Like not even bonding with some of them, because she not only has reptiles, she also has rodents. If you have to get "three experts" to take care of your animals, you should fucking stop buying animals, but nah she's not a hoarder guys!
No. 545859
>>545855She should focus on the Jonny problem.
How does Taylor wake up next to a rapist every morning and able to live with her self.
No. 545900
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No. 545901
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>>545650 Thanks anon! Anyone want to tweet this to Emma and Taylor.
No. 545925
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You mean you’re overprotective of your reputation?
No. 545935
>>545932I'm curious as to whether she'll address smoking around her animals. Probably not since someone mentioned that she does keep her social media separate from her YT. People seemed clueless about the pot smoking in the comments on the monitor video. I would just like to see how she spins it if she tries to address it. I imagine her doing that annoying clap her hands together multiple times thing that she does.
"Guys, I know a lot of you were concerned that I smoked pot around my animals, but the windows were open and there was a giant fan. A really big huge one. Also, it was my boyfriend smoking pot, not me. I don't smoke pot, but I can see why he does it. It's not his fault, but also it's his fault, but it's not his fault, but it is, and it's definitely not my fault. I didn't mean to upset anyone. I learned my lesson. Look, here's Cheese!"
No. 545936
>>545932That's why she made her vlog/"mental health" channel with no videos.
I bet she's way overspent her money and is freaking out about it because her income is going down.
No. 545987
>>545934I don’t know if she intended to feed him live but if so she needs to get a fucking grip. It’s optional, you don’t have to, and it would be quite a traumatic death for a mouse so why would you.
Lately she’s just obsessed with feeding live/controversially because she NEEDS attention like air and this is one thing that would get negative backlash that she could take some kind of moral high ground on because she gets to say “well I know what’s best for my animals SORRY if you’re too sensitive for what needs to be done but I’m willing to take RESPONSIBILITY even when it’s not nice!!”
No. 546001
>>545996Yeah, not to mention that hamster lived like a king for the 11 months they had it. It's sad it died so soon, but I don't think Jenna or Julien did anything wrong.
And then you look at Gus… and how Taylor's keeping him in a tiny ass cage in a cupboard. :/
No. 546042
>>545925I don’t get this. How is this being overprotective? She didn’t insult the frog, and Taylor defended
her choice of feeding it live, which is optional at best.
No. 546052
>>546047I also own a bearded dragon and it doesn't look overly weird to me. Some just stand weird sometimes. And even sleep weird, run weird, hunt weird. They're pretty weird creatures.
She's such a cute little beardie, such a shame she's being wasted on Taylor the stupid bitch and that other thing….what was it… the thing that looks and smells like shit.. oh that's right, Jonny.
No. 546056
>>546055Honestly it doesn't look like it. Sometimes they just do this.
Though it wouldn't suprise me if she did end up getting MBD from Taylors poor care later on down the line.
No. 546063
>>545900Does anyone else thinks her head looks tiny and her body looks huge here? Like maybe they shoved her full of frozen vegetables before taking a photo to make it look like she wasn't underweight?
Sage for speculation
No. 546074
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Idk if anyone posted this or not yet she still has the tweet up (surprise)
I thought the company was “giving” her the cages as a sponsorship or something? Correct me if I’m wrong please.
But uh how is spending $14k on cages not mean you’re hoarding Taylor
Sage Incase this is old news
No. 546081
>>546006If Cheese died she'd replace him with no remorse. Gotta get that merch money.
>>546074Taylor could be doing sponsor deals but no one wants to associate themselves with someone who posts the trash she does on Twitter, like mocking rape victims. Sponsors know better than that.
No. 546084
>>546081She's also got Jonny. I've been really removed from the alt/progressive/experimental rock scene for a while so I have no actual idea, but from what I've seen, a huge chunk of that community hates him.
And with MeToo and all of that obviously going nowhere anytime soon, her associating herself with that is definitely bad for business.
Though I'm sure if she did get some sort of brand deal and it was pulled after people complained to them about Jonny, she'd spin it as them discriminating against him for being an addict.
Like no Taylor….in case you haven't noticed, you give people a good "inspirational" recovery story and they will eat that shit up and give you endless praise….. but your boyfriend isn't clean…..
No. 546088
>>546081I'm wondering if her plushes didn't sell that well to justify Studio71 letting her make more?
I just checked her merch store and the Cheese plush is still "sold out" so it doesn't look like they're in any hurry to restock (if they will at all)
Also those two plushes of Bindi and Nala despite her showing us the "finished product" like….two months ago, still isn't on her store.
I doubt they take that long to make so I wonder if Studio71 just scrapped the whole thing because no one cared enough.
No. 546114
>>545900I mean….does buying an animal EVER go right for her? It's always 'the breeder didn't know this that and the other/history of the animal/actual fucking species etc, but I bought the animal anyways cause I wanna be a saviour!'
Your monitor was wrong, your beardie was picked out of a hat, you forgot your longfin clownfish were unethical, you swindled your way into a sad snake-jerky form of a GTP, your cats were thrown on you in a petco….
No. 546121
>>545900The breeder didn't know what colour she was either?… She bought the beardie from a breeder that didn't even know what morphs they were breeding for? So it's safe to presume they know next to nothing about genetics so couldn't figure out the outcomes from both parents genes. What did they do, just put their two lizards together and hoped for some pretty babies.. definitely sounds like something Taylor would do so no wonder she bought her from that breeder if that's what they did.
Once again Taylor gets an animal from a possibly shoddy place. Nothing new there.
No. 546129
>>546114(Different anon but cont.)
…she bought a mouse that was injured because it was going to be fed to a snake (and it loved her so much!!!!), several of her fish jumped out of her tank (not her fault, despite not having a lid), several of her fish killed or ate each other (not her fault, despite that either meaning the fish were completely incompatible or her tank wasn’t large enough for them to avoid each other)…. there’s probably more but that’s all I can think of
No. 546131
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Not sure how important this is but jonny’s twitter has been sorta dead for almost two months now. He’s still active on insta so i don’t really know what to take from this
No. 546143
>>546136Also notice how she never names the breeders she gets them from. It's almost like she doesn't want to give the name so people can look up/contact that person and see what their husbandry is like….
That or like with the lizard situation, so she can make up whatever story she wants and have no one be able to provide evidence for the contrary
No. 546188
>>546187It's honestly just a guessing game whenever she announces it. Like how she announced the mental health channel, like, two weeks ago and still nothing.
I just wish she would shut up when she was filming/editing/uploading a video and just post it. She's obviously one of those people who instantly lose motivation the moment they tell someone they plan on doing something because in their brain it gives them the same satisfaction of already doing it.
But of course, she posts so little now that I guess every time she does film a video it's a big event to her.
No. 546261
>>546198Someone literally commented on the breeders at the expo and you guys are still going.
It's more likely Taylor wasn't listening, perfectly lines up with the Monitor situation as some people were claiming that the store people told them she was being rude/not listening.
No. 546283
>>546261Alright, chill out. It was just speculation. As i said, "unless she's lying". I think we were just making a point that if they were bad breeders, she's okay to support that which isn't right.
But of course she's likely lying. You just can't win with Taylor.
No. 546315
>>546302I only started watching her in the last few months (but I followed her on twitter like half a year ago because of one of her lol im so quirky posts that i guess i just absentmindedly liked), but this guy says she's always been inconsistent with her videos?
The fact she's even more inconsistent now is stunning to me, given that before she actually
had a job (Petco only offers part-time cashier positions, but it was still probably 20-30-ish hours a week) and now that
YouTube is her job she's completely become ingenuine and disinterested in it.
There are YouTubers with
aggressive cancer and are currently undergoing chemo which literally zaps the energy from them who upload more frequently than she does. There's a Youtuber who
lost both her arms and legs because of meningitis who uploads more regularly than she does.
No. 546321
>>546302"She said she had expert people, really knowledgeable people looking after her animals when she's not at home….but how did no one figure out that's not the species she thinks it is?"
that's actually a really good point, did anyone bring that up?
No. 546324
>>546315she has horrible work ethics, completely lazy (which you can tell from her messy apartment), and could careless about anyone else but herself.
Other youtubers know that income from doing videos isn't forever, so they're working hard and probably invest their money just in case something goes wrong. For Taylor, she gets a million subscribers and a big amount of money so she automatically assumes she's rich forever. Honestly her attitude and personality has become more toxic the more she's spending her money and being with Jonny.
No. 546349
>>546321I don't believe so, most of our focus is on the fact that she lied rather than taking her story and running with it to say why she lied.
I imagine she's the type of person to share pictures of her purchases with friends/experts in question so they would have probably been like 'oh that doesn't look like that'.
Very interesting point indeed.
No. 546366
Taylor's ego is so inflated her apology video didn't contain a single apology. In that video she was trying very hard to make people feel bad for calling her out on her mistake, this is classic sociopathic narcissistic behavior. It reminds me of when she spontaneously broke up with Jonny during his tour, announced it on her social media to punish him so to speak, and then immediately took him back only to run back to social media and confess her undying love for him for his birthday.
I'm going to guess that she did something wrong on this tour, pure speculation of course, like where the other group members complained to Jonny about her being around constantly, and for the photoshoots etc. They were probably sick of her and let him know he had to say someething to her. Jonny got arrested for the stage incident, probably sat her down for a pep talk (not in that particular order but somehow in the same night perhaps), so she broke up with him, flew back and left him with him trying to find his own way back. Whatever became of that road trip he was asking of people to help him get back to her apartment? or did she end up flying him back after all?
Long post, my point is that she is the type I believe to make others feel like absolute shit when she fucks up, and she'll make sure to punish you for it if you call her out on it. Like when she flooded her family's house, and having a tantrum on on social media because her family were using the money to renovate the floors rather than buy her a laptop.
No. 546378
>>546366Any "apology" coming from her is usually accompanied by her rolling her eyes, being sarcastic, acting victimized ("what else can I apologize for today"), or putting the responsibility of the people who are upset ("I'm sorry for the people upset")
Anyone who apologizes but becomes defensive and aggressive the moment people don't immediately accept their apology, was never genuine in the first place.
No. 546492
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>>546261Just contacted the breeders. They’re pretty sure Twisty was bought from them and there’s the morph
You’re welcome, Taylor for doing the work you couldn’t be bothered to do.
No. 546499
>>546492 Wouldn't Taylor have some sort of receipt with the color type of the Lizard as well? There is no way Taylor wouoldn't know what she was when she purchased her… Oh wait, the Monitor. So it could be one of two things here.
A.) She did know what type she bought, but doesn't want the label of buying yet another designer pet.
B.) She's so impulsive when it comes to buying animals, she basically goes into a shop or a reptile expo, and before really looking over anything about said animal she just likes the color and look and says THAT ONE! STUFF IT IN THE TO GO BOX LOL!! Much like the Monitor without paying attention to a single thing the person selling her the animal is telling her. I bet the people selling her the Monitor didn't want to, but they did anyway. I know they regret it now.
I'm on the fence about what she did or didn't know about the Dragon, but it seems more like she just impulse bought yet another lizard without even knowing really much about it.
No. 546522
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>>546518 So basically she goes periods then of not feeding her Dragon? Like with Mushu, and her Ball Pythons. Mushu has never been photographed at an appropriate weight, has always been underweight. What about the other frog with the prolapsed anus? Why would a Frog's butt fall out? Not eating for a long period of time, then eating too much?
No. 546526
>>546522I know nothing about frogs but this is what someone said on a Pac-Man frog thread
“Prolapses are most commonly caused by parasites, but they can also be the result of other things such as impaction or infection.”
No. 546529 found this info about Seahorse miscarriage. Apparently multiple miscarriages in a male seahorse is unusual, which Taylor's seahorse had.
I wonder if Taylor's seahorse had miscarriages for the following reasons that have been evident with her other animals:
Poor water quality - which has been evident with Mushu her Axolotl (severe case of fungus, near death), and several other fish who jumped out of the tank/died and leaving her big salt water tank untreated for Ick until all the fish were affected.
Inadequate diet - starving her seahorses, much like Mushu being underweight, snakes etc being underweight as evident.
Heat stress - we've seen her keep the Satanic Leaf tailed geckos who require cooler temps kept in a room that Jonny said himself was too hot.
- All of the above.
No. 546534
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Enjoy whatever this is.
No. 546535
File: 1522882269075.png (2.97 MB, 1242x2208, 2E472A27-F29D-45E9-B137-883C5E…)

This is a live stream of someone talking about the monitor situation
No. 546556
>>546534Far too clean, not enough clothes on the floor. Taylor's hair needs to be clumpy dreads and she needs scabs and tats.
Also add a dead kitten in addition to the satanics choking on smoke.
No. 546608
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This may or may not be absolutely ridiculous but hey
No. 546618
>>546605iirc the mom at some point did try to get him to like, be in the kid's life, but he didn't care, so she just stopped trying altogether and doesn't ask him for child support or anything.
like, even if she did take off, the fact he didn't bother to look after the kid just makes him a shitty dad and overall shitty human being.
No. 546621
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Video update.
No. 546625
>>546621 Another animal taken out of the enclosure that she's avoiding to show. There was no reason to disturb him and stress him and put him on her filthy carpet where shoes/bare feet and cat paws walk. Snakes shouldn't be disturbed during this stage either as they can't see well and stress easily, god she's so fucking horrible to these animals. She actually enjoys stressing them out.
Why didn't she just take a picture of him before his shed process began jfk.
No. 546629
>>546621"He's going to SHED. His eyes do this when he's about to SHED. He's showing signs of SHED. Soon he'll be SHEDDING. Don't touch snakes when they SHED."
Christ. I thought she was redundant with how she speaks (saying animals every two seconds instead of specifying which animals), but this is ridiculous.
Can you imagine being a customer at Petco and asking her a question?
No. 546632
>>546621"dont disturb ur snake when theyre preparing to shed!! except i wanna so idc whatever lol"
"i wanna make fun content!! educational stuff bores me! except heres a paragraph about basic snake knowledge"
No. 546638
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Does this mean she’s going to post 2 videos?
No. 546661
>>546645’s also another video of a guy who has about the same amount of pets like Taylor. However, he’s very thorough with explanations, updates about each pet, their care, and how he tries to replicate the each reptiles environment. If you compare him with Taylor, Taylor never goes fully in-depth with each animal she has, only it’s basic needs like food and humidity. Unlike her, this guy knows when to put his animals in foster or where to donate them to when he has no time for them.
Sage for OT
No. 546680
>>546672>>546666Tegus really shouldn't free-roam unless you live somewhere like Florida. Giving a basking spot and humid hide in a large room is nowhere near as good as an actual enclosure, and freeroaming is extremely detrimental to their health in lots of situations.
Sorry this is so off topic, just don't want to see people (like Taylor) think freeroaming large lizards are a good idea. Unless you can somehow make an entire room 80% humidity and the correct temperature. Again, sorry this is off topic!
No. 546714
>>546705I just watched her past animal room tour she did about two years ago and god she's
such a snob.
When she first got Gus, she had no idea that male mice really shouldn't be housed together (as evidence with her not knowing how Gus got hurt and almost getting another male mouse. She was corrected by her fans about how that could be risky, especially with as small of a tank she has them in.
And in her New Year, New Pets video she's parroting that same info as if she's known it all along.
We literally
teach her the information, and she goes on acting like she knows these facts from experience.
No. 546758
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“I’m busy editing a video that will be out tonight” lol you mean you’re just sitting on your ass watching YouTube. She has no work ethic, it’s incredible. How hard is it to make a bunch of jumpcuts & add in some music/sound effects to your unoriginal, boring videos? It’s literally her job and she’s so lazy she can’t sit still for 10 minutes to edit a video. Just sad
No. 546761
>>546758Any time she says "it'll be out today or tomorrow" I just automatically assume she's resigned herself to not even starting to work on it until tomorrow. I used to do the same shit in high school where I would tell myself I'd get up at 5AM to do homework so I could spend the night goofing off.
So she literally has the work ethic of a 15 year old.
(Sage for…blogging)
No. 546764
>>546761 Taylor wants money for free.
Taylor: Youtube is my FULL TIME job.
Taylor: I'm too sick to make videos more than once a month or less, muh depression waaaaah feel sorry for me :'(.
No. 546766
>>546759And then “the rendering crashed guys, so sorry :( video coming tomorrow I promise!!!”
I mean honestly why do what 12 year old fans she has left put up with this. Like mentioned earlier, there are literally CANCER patients and people MISSING limbs with terminal illnesses that can do their work and upload consistently.
But for Taylor, the excuse “muh EDS and muh depression” is enough to convince her fans that she is “trying her best!!! Leave her alone!!”
No. 546770
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No. 546848
>>546826>>546846I find her awfully unattractive (reminds me of someone's mother trying out botox, awful dye jobs, fake tans, etc. in the midst of a mid-life crisis) but she seriously used to be a cutie. The sad thing is that these pics weren't even taken that long ago, but it looks like she was 12 years younger. Yikes
She could have had success just being a qt Tumblr girl and finding modeling jobs or accepting gifts/money whatever through that avenue, but instead she collected more and more animals for views, is clearly overwhelmed, and stuck with them.
No. 546871
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>>546826>>546828this one is definately photoshopped.
No. 546879
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'I can handle criticism' lol. If you're struggling so badly with mental health get off the Internet and stop buying more animals to neglect.
No. 546884
>>546879I literally did not see anyone say she should kill her self.
I understand mental health can play a big part in motivation and attitudes but her job is to make videos and accept whatever that comes with - as long as it's not over the line completely. Her job is not to feed and look after the animals because she isn't actually PAID for that, so outside of her shit uploading schedule she has no actual job and no money. Once all of that is gone (she isn't even making that much money) she is going to be fucked and will run down into a mess.
No. 546886
>>546879Just another lie to make people feel bad for her, “it’s cus people kept telling me to kill myself! My mental illness! I can’t handle it! Wah!”
Everything about her is fake. From her lips to everything she does.
No. 546901
>>546499oh my GOD you're right she has to have gotten receipts for all her animals, right? I've never bought an animal without a receipt giving at least the common name, if not also scientific name and morph. Not that I ever buy animals without knowing what they are like she does, but my local pet store receipts always have that info. I often buy plants without knowing exactly what they are and go look up the scientific name from the receipt when I get home.
She probably throws her receipts away immediately like the 12 year old she is, but I'd bet ANYTHING that pet store gave her a receipt that said "roughneck monitor." (Speaking of, wouldn't the black throat CB and roughneck WC likely be different prices? Even if someone "told her the wrong info" at some point there's NO way a store wouldn't make sure they were charging her for the right reptile.)
No. 546943
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(Screenshot taken from the general petubers thread)
Sounds like some shade at Taylor? I know not everything she says is about Taylor but this is hitting very close to that spot for me.
No. 547035
>>546943lmao I saw it as shade tbh. But let’s be real she’s been working and studying animals for a decade, her care is typically beyond what is needed. I gaurantee you she’s probably changed the care and even did more research because she’s doing this for the animals not for the money.
I’ve been seeing her making little comments like that here and there. It’s cheeky and I’m here for it
No. 547049
>>546879Oh my god, fuck you Taylor. You're such a fucking narcissist
> "Imagine how I feel I have mental illness" You have mental illness that you refuse to treat because you know it's easier to just be lazy and sleep all day and have 12 year olds on the internet pat your hand and tell you mental illness is a perfectly acceptable excuse for an adult to use to not even attempt to do their fucking job.
Grow up.
No. 547063
File: 1522943641702.jpeg (118.53 KB, 1125x786, 9EBF282E-CAEE-46B0-83CB-6BD722…)

Oh god
No. 547064
>>547058This pretty much solidifies my theory that she's never been criticized/bullied in her entire life.
The majority of her comments are overwhelmingly positive and she just
REFUSES to look past the .5 hate comments and the 10 or so comments trying to offer criticism or advice.
She's the
only person on the
entire internet to
ever receive hate guysRebecca Black who? Justin Beiber where? Pewdiepie when? Literally
anyone else No. 547099
>>545658Do you know if she kept the leaf insect and the mantises in screen topped enclosures? Like exo terras or similar. It's a big problem that not many people actually know about, but metal screen mesh will destroy their tarsi as they walk along it, but it only becomes apparent once they attempt ecdysis and fall and die.
Four months for an adult budwing is a decent innings, especially if it was actually correctly sexed as male, so I don't think she's at fault there.
No. 547125
File: 1522950065942.png (135.38 KB, 640x1136, C5848213-6016-4660-B4BC-C25072…)

Glad you can look down at everyone else but make an exception for your friend, Tyler.
gotta keep getting that clout
No. 547135
>>547125Wonder if everyone is in on some of this Taylor shade and this is on purpose, though I don't know Tyler well enough so.
I think its weird that most other youtube communities have 'friend groups' but petubers don't seem to have that? Unless, they exist and I'm nto aware of them and Taylor is doing some horrible net working
No. 547148
>>547143I don't really keep up with many of them since that side of petube while interesting isn't 'entertaining' (though those hamster cage themes are very nice).
Either way, it does seem like Taylor is indeed doing a lot of shit networking and doesn't want to be close to anyone. The video with Tyler is clearly not getting released.
No. 547154
>>547148I didn't know who she was until she was well over 800K, but the way I see it now she's the largest pet youtuber so she probably doesn't think she needs to collab with people anymore.
She's not interested in helping other people grow their channels, so unless they're already established she'll just ignore them.
No. 547213
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No. 547221
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No. 547224
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No. 547230
>>547199Couldn't agree with this more. People with a victim mentality don't have the capacity to fully assess and understand situations - otherwise they would know they were not any kind of victim other than of their own doing. Victim mentalities live off attention.
I'm not usually one to judge someone else's tattoos, but a few of hers make me cringe, mostly the Steve Irwin one. He spent his whole life being an advocate for wildlife and wildlife conservation, not keeping 40+ animals in little boxes to play with when he's bored. If any of his family have seen her (I hope they haven't) they're probably embarrassed that some animal hoarder would use his legacy to gain some likes.
No. 547249
>>547226>>547225She spent all of highschool attempting to be famous and was probably too lazy for school work.
But this is still surprising regardless since you learn wait vs weight in like… Elementary school. She got real lucky with her YouTube career since basic literacy is a prerequisite for most jobs…
No. 547257
>>547249>>547226>>547225Not that I don't agree that Taylor is less than average intelligence-wise (she's redundant, can't elaborate on details, and uses clunky words where they just shouldn't belong)
But guys……..people screw up basic homonyms all the time lmao….. it's not that big of a deal……..
No. 547304
>>547172I suspect Joey, and most fish-specific youtubers like that, have no idea what's going on with her. He could probably point out why her freshwater tanks are a disaster, but that's half of the freshwater tanks on youtube, and as far as reptiles and small mammals most people who don't keep those species themselves easily miss how badly she treats them.
Which is probably another reason more people on the community don't speak out against her, and didn't until the monitor which she is CLEARLY unprepared for.
sage for OT
No. 547321
File: 1522958878679.png (3.5 MB, 1257x2802, prayingmantis.png)

>>547099Top pictures are from her “Keeping A Praying Mantis As A Pet”, video. (Link to video: )It shows her putting together Moriarty's enclosure. The picture underneath is just to show that there's no doubt he was a male.
She never showed Hannibal's enclosure. The last two pictures are the only pictures of him on her Instagram.
No. 547345
>>547334Leaf insects are honestly hard to keep, especially when you're too lazy to check up on them.
They require high humidity to 'survive' and actual live plants - more of the issue is humidity. I know the place I study at really struggles with keeping the humidity high which is what caused most deaths I think since they require that moisture to drink.
Someone here probably knows far more but I definitely think that humidity and keeping a living stick of leaves in the cage is what caused a death.
No. 547354
File: 1522961659454.png (299.43 KB, 628x2072, leaf.png)

>>547345From her twitter post, it seems like he didn't have a constant access to food.
No. 547384
>>547368 Would not surprise me, Mushu her Axolotl has always been underweight in every photo/video and most of her snakes appear that way too presently except for one Ball Python. The homes she puts her animals in become their tombs.
Does she have ANY pets that haven't gotten sick or underweight besides Ghost? Even Nemo ended up with triangle face syndrome, bloated stomach and hair falling out from not being fed enough, and it's clear the female kitten died from starvation and lack of Motherly stimulus if one really thinks about it.
What is with this fucking bitch starving her animals?
Possibly her seahorse wasn't also fed enough, hence so many miscarriages he had.
Maybe that's why the Eel ate the one fish as well.
No. 547484
her mantis and leaf insect need constant access to food, especially when theyre young. they almost definitely starved.
>>547388he was rehomed after he ate the jawfish, i think its in the google thing showing all the animals shes had
No. 547516
File: 1522971486666.jpg (248.36 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_2018-04-05-14-24-59…)

Tyler and Taylor joking about doing drugs again. Big surprise.
No. 547531
File: 1522973583159.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1907, 25E9C044-0A85-447E-B377-C08CD8…)

This was posted by her mom…
No. 547554
>>547534As an owner of a blue doberman, which kid looks like she has that coloring a bit, it's really common for them to have thin hair/dry skin and very very common for them to have constant rashes.
Honestly they should be on special food and get proper bathing with shampoo to help their skin regularly. It's a side effect of the breeding unfortunately.
No. 547575
>>547559I find it hard to believe kida has been through service dog training if she still needs a gentle leader. It's intended for dogs with bad behavior like lunging and pulling. If your dog isn't even leash trained there's no way it's doing any service work.
I have a feeling Taylor bought Kida, since she's a rare coloring for a Doberman. Then she did the exact same shit as the puppy where she didn't want to train it, so she abandoned it with her parents.
No. 547588
>>547583Definitely sarcastic. Lol
For further clarification: there is no new video I’m pointing out she said she was editing and it’d be up in a few hours but he Day is damn near over
No. 547594
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No. 547596
File: 1522978605052.png (491.46 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3214.PNG)

No. 547617
File: 1522980363543.jpeg (191.57 KB, 1448x873, 4D16C028-435A-4726-847D-F2B878…)

Guess whose getting demonetized
No. 547618
File: 1522980445986.png (381.99 KB, 881x562, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 10.0…)

Ten seconds into the video and I'm already bored out of my mind
Also this implication that people didn't know snakes drink water (as in a basic function that literally every creature does to survive) and not that they just thought it was cute is dumb as hell.
No. 547622
>>547618She literally says "my snake drinking water" four times within thirty seconds, and "video idea" another four times within like ten seconds.
She's so fucking lazy she can't even write a script
No. 547638
File: 1522981166033.png (270.56 KB, 642x402, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 7.18…)

Well that was about the shortest, most boring video to take 2+ days to edit and upload…
also what's with whatever that shit is all over her floor she puts her snakes on?
No. 547643
File: 1522981296851.jpeg (385.88 KB, 1267x1643, 73B71706-66DB-40F8-AA00-F09DE7…)

Good thing it was monetized again or she would have had to make another video before the month is over.
No. 547670
File: 1522982132405.png (412.36 KB, 863x485, mess.png)

No. 547687
File: 1522982810453.jpg (162.48 KB, 1078x578, IMG_20180405_194600.jpg)

She deleted this
No. 547694
File: 1522983346426.png (1.18 MB, 1334x750, EE363899-220C-461D-B591-45AC13…)

Possibly a mite. Can’t tell if it’s raised or not from the video though
No. 547698
File: 1522983397967.png (1.17 MB, 1334x750, 7D2A1E7A-8AA3-404F-BC81-52C7B6…)

Also looks like Taylor’s been picking at her hand
No. 547718
File: 1522984768398.jpg (946.72 KB, 2048x2048, 1522984309989.jpg)

she looks so haggard in the newest video. a year ago vs now
No. 547722
File: 1522984884502.jpg (1.07 MB, 2048x2048, 1522984284308.jpg)

No. 547726
>>547718>>547722Wow she looks fucking terrible. It was a slow progression so I barely noticed.
Doesnt clean, cook, take care of herself or her animals, make videos… What does she do all day? She has basically 24/7 free time
No. 547738
File: 1522985519635.png (491 KB, 750x1334, F86A4BDC-A8D0-4EC9-89CE-59B5F7…)

>>547735She claims it’s eco earth which should NOT be used with ball pythons as it has been known to clog their heat pits
No. 547753
File: 1522986501016.jpeg (64.83 KB, 1286x293, 0D5CDF15-4747-4DB0-9A32-DE8F07…)

Let’s hope she doesn’t follow this person’s advice.
No. 547754
>>547749That would be the stupidest thing she could say because she could use it for her other animals
I can’t wait to see her try to dig herself out of this hole
No. 547768
File: 1522987388709.png (858.38 KB, 860x972, Eco Earth.png)

>>547764 She can delete it all she wants, that's Eco Earth right in there, along with hair extensions in piles on the floor and a feeder bag of insects in a pile of mess.
No. 547780
File: 1522988014193.jpeg (237.67 KB, 2048x1280, 34B92B19-385E-477A-A48C-8244C6…)

“Eco earth is perfectly fine!!! Trust me bc I know everything!”
No. 547790
File: 1522988534441.png (100.51 KB, 284x176, 31F9E611-9B3F-48F0-98C8-1A2AC0…)

Her lips are hidious, but look at her teeth! Wtf is going on with her mouth
No. 547795
>547718Well, that shade of lipstick is doing her no favors, is it? Her makeup on the left looks like she put in more effort.
>>547722The ends of those extensions look terrible. Again, on the left, it looks like she put more time and effort into her makeup. That lipstick color on the right just makes her lips look swollen.
OT from her appearance, I have to confess, I kind of liked watching the snakes doing things. It also kind of makes me want to punch her. She has such cute snakes, but she lets them crawl around on the carpet. I would be scared they'd get hurt or get sick from the stinky feet germs or something. Also, I don't think that a snake should be on the cat tree under any circumstances and should not be put against a door handle. Other than that, I would actually consider watching her again if she just did more videos of "my animals doing animal things" and if she actually fixed the issues with her husbandry. Also if she rehomed Jonny. I think that would be best for all of her other animals. Maybe there's a rescue that will take him.
No. 547833
>>547806 WHY is she keeping her lipstick in her reptile room UGH this girl has no hygiene about anything I'm shocked her teeth haven't fallen out. Is that why she has fake teeth now though too like Jonny?
>>547829 You're full of shit about samefagging.
No. 547853
>>547844TRUE. my grandmother had a lily in her house for 24 hours, as soon as I saw it it was out on the front stoop. we found suspicious teeth marks on the leaves and vomit on the rug, and I whisked that 13yo cat off to the vet as soon as possible. she should NOT have lilies in the apartment with two KITTENS!
sage for bloge
No. 547874
>>547620I HATE how she does this stupid shit like "snake opening door, snake doing laundry, snake enjoying the view, etc.."
I find it so childish and immature. Why can't she actually try to spread some real and informative info about the snakes and their husbandry instead of making them seem like something they're not. These are the reasons kids get snakes and manhandle them until they don't want them anymore and then just abandon them. Because of dumb bitches like Taylor and it bothers me so much. Snakes are very simple creatures, they're not even capable of actually bonding with you like other reptiles do, despite what some people believe. They just want to sleep, eat, find warmth, and shed.
Maybe if she spent less time anthropomorphisising her snakes and more time actually researching their BASIC NEEDS then she could actually start doing good with her animals and not keeping them in inadequate housing, but Taylor just needs to be as quirky as possible. She's pathetic.
Sage for ranting
No. 547892
File: 1523006459055.png (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, TaylorNDeanBootypop.png)

Sorry if this is a bit dunb and nitpicky, but is she wearing fuckin butt pads??? I found this screencap in the last thread and she looks to be definitely wearing something to make her ass stick out in a fashion that appears un-natural.
They started making these ''butt enhancing underwear" (such as booty-pop and a few other brands) and it's supposed to boost the profile of your ass. In the photo, you can see a clear outline of the sides of what looks to be some type of padding. What the hell else could it possibly be?
No. 547895
File: 1523007194810.jpeg (679.77 KB, 3444x3444, C44772D9-1177-48FD-9FE9-42F748…)

>>547882This is what i’m talking about. Her veneers or whatever it is did a botched up job. She’s so obsessed with herself that she keeps wanting to change what she looks like and sooner or later, she’ll become one of those ladies in those botched shows
No. 547904
>>547901Question, guys.
We all know she heavily edits her videos, angles etc to make herself look better.
There also exists video editing software to make a person look better, smoother skin, no spots or discolouration etc. Wayne Goss has a good video about the use of this in the beauty community.
Is there a chance this mono tooth is the result of that and not veneers? I mean veneers shouldn't look like that. It looks blurred to me, like a skin smoothing effect.
No. 547912
>>547911It smooths it down into one monotooth because there isn't enough distinction in the shadows, unlike with the teeth behind. You can see the same effect on her lower teeth too.
It could be a combination of veneers and smoothing software, but it's definitely the latter as well. Look at her face, it looks plastic. Compare it to recent photos.
Here's Wayne Goss' video. No. 547914
File: 1523012640105.jpeg (722.95 KB, 2656x2656, D8EB1BFB-8FFF-4E69-A586-C7F574…)

>>547904>>547912Maybe you’re right. My mistake. Either way, however, her teeth were fine before and now it’s what my dentist would call, toilet teeth; it looks too unnatural with her face that it starts to look porcelain
No. 547919
File: 1523014168880.png (1.78 MB, 1315x737, who.png)

Can someone refresh my memory, which snake is this? This shot was in the middle of hognose clips but it's a different snake that I don't recognize
No. 547926
>>547922Ohhh, right! Thanks.
Geez we've seen so little of it I forgot it existed.
No. 547927
File: 1523014588438.png (14.76 KB, 685x186, Untitled.png) all those petty people out there who don't want to give her views.
Also crying at this comment.
No. 547946
>>547937I just can't understand why she keeps harping about people being obsessed with her snake:
"Twitter posted a video of MY snake, people couldn't get over how cute MY snake was, I can't believe people didn't know MY snake drank water"
Taylor, you noticed that Twitter moment had OTHER people's snakes in it, not just yours right?
"People didn't know snakes drank water"
People thought it was cute and they had never SEEN snakes drink water, oh my god. Not everyone is as big an idiot as you.
No. 548014
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No. 548041
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>>547790>>547895Well, this is from her new video. I see nothing wrong.
No. 548151
File: 1523036664617.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, 5FBBBBF6-B705-489A-85D5-2CF161…)

She’s already leaving again SMH
No. 548159
>>548132Sage for blogging but…
Several years ago when I worked at a major pet chain, I really wanted to get a snake…particularly a rainbow boa. I started researching and eventually decided that they were too advanced for me and quit on the snake idea entirely. Then I started watching her and she made me revisit the idea of a reptile. However, it's just lead me to months of research about snakes. I had decided on getting a more beginner-friendly corn snake but I'm also trying to move 1600 miles away, so while I'm still researching and have made a decision, I'm waiting til I move. But it made me so mad when she started acquiring snakes and I kept thinking, "please don't get a corn" and then she did. I don't know why that made me angry but it did.
(blogposting) No. 548166
>>548132half her twitter @'s and yoytube comments are people saying "i want one" and "u inspired me to get one" its so sad. i still remember reading a comment where someone said theyre gonna "get rid" of their hamster they got, bc they got him after seeing her videos of her hedgehogs being cute and sweet. her audience considers animals to be quirky props just like she does, thats why they defend her so much when her care is criticised. theyre the kind of people to say "its just an animal chill lol" when people make a fuss about proper care
(sage for blogging this just makes me so mad i s2g)
No. 548199
>>548169lol. so
triggered. calm down sperglord.
No. 548293
>>548292haven't seen*