File: 1446248933106.jpg (60.21 KB, 300x400, tumblr_nw37s45bgV1ue5x2io3_400…)

No. 52665
File: 1446255902520.jpg (227.25 KB, 1920x1080, 15-10-30-10-49-32-747_deco.jpg)

This was earlier today, it has since been deleted. So seems she has two classes on Friday. I find it funny she doesn't talk about her classes except to say the things she is doing in them that doesn't involve learning or paying attention.
No. 52668
File: 1446256061105.jpg (866.16 KB, 1023x901, berry.jpg)

What I got when I brightened her halloween costume photo
No. 52800
>>52798fuck off for what, fatty-chan
just because you're some insane bitch, who's got it out for berry, you're taking it too far.
go get locked up
no one in this thread likes berry, but to say you're going to murder her lmao
go murder yourself instead
No. 52802
No one in this thread likes berry, tfw 12 threads. But there's no good reason to threaten her over some stupid shit, so she's an ugly photoshop monkey, cool it makes for some subpar milk
doesn't warrant your psychopathic ass to come in and shoot off>>52793
No. 52828
File: 1446327154135.jpg (374.76 KB, 1920x1078, 15-10-31-17-31-14-893_deco.jpg)

So…he is with her in NJ again? This girl can't make up her mind.
No. 52856
File: 1446336361501.jpg (123.5 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg)

She makes a good zombie
No. 52895
File: 1446349107283.jpg (851.83 KB, 1152x1024, qwdadal.jpg)

>>52856Her jaw is so weird in this???
No. 53101
File: 1446421334766.jpeg (105.46 KB, 640x861, image.jpeg)

No. 53103
File: 1446422646074.jpg (204.58 KB, 640x535, flip.jpg)

>>53101Her face was already weird but it looks even weirder flipped. One of her eyes is weirdly liquified, slanted jaw, crooked teeth, all sorts of weirdness with her lips, and as usual, no neck
No. 53109
>>53103Her lips look disgusting.
>>52856>>52895Lol at how wide and piggish her nose looks here compared to her usual edits.
No. 53110
File: 1446423978720.jpeg (252.92 KB, 1080x1920, image.jpeg)

No. 53115
her scalp looks unhealthy as if its thinning
>>53110kek af
No. 53162
File: 1446433489099.png (101.33 KB, 970x529, burry01.png)

No. 53163
File: 1446433504421.png (137.44 KB, 1157x611, burry02.png)

part 2
No. 53164
File: 1446433517488.png (482.23 KB, 600x493, burry03.png)

and part 3
No. 53214
File: 1446440861805.png (441.52 KB, 912x711, rick8yg.png)

>>53103Why the fuck is her left pupil all jagged like a character out of Rick and Morty.
No. 53258
File: 1446447953307.jpg (400.98 KB, 1920x1080, 15-11-02-02-04-42-410_deco.jpg)

She must be hurting real bad because they've never met.
No. 53285
File: 1446461028082.png (352.94 KB, 512x461, autist.png)

just an autist passing by
No. 53288
File: 1446461582246.png (289.05 KB, 451x516, 1.png)

hi all
call me opai-chan
No. 53289
>>53288oppai too real
chin touched b00bies
No. 53486
File: 1446496004969.png (27.28 KB, 584x338, k.png)

Both of these tweets are sad. I wonder what her parents would say if they knew she called them assholes.
No. 54300
File: 1446680384100.jpg (1.3 MB, 1654x1920, 15-11-04-18-38-03-533_deco.jpg)

Please, we all know you post those-for attention, retweets and likes.
No. 54357
>>54325why do you guys act like all college students focus on school 24/7? lol
you make it sound like college is so difficult that you can't make time to do anything.. you guys must be high school students
No. 54363
File: 1446686660563.jpg (730.36 KB, 1884x1920, 15-11-04-20-20-37-226_deco.jpg)

>>5435712 threads and people still think she is in college, that's hilarious. It's not really hard to see what I wrote in my comment. She has been doing jack shit on twitter and once her high school (the same high school that most of her friends in that infamous photo went to and JUST graduated from this year BTW) she is all of a sudden more active. It's not a coincidence. And I don't think this tweet here she just tweeted after my comment here is either lmao.
>she probably lurks here>someone notices she is more active>all of a sudden has an excuse to be because her 'class is cancelled tomorrow' lolIs that not obvious or what?
No. 54374
>>54357Maybe people in this thread focus on the fact that she has too much time on her hands to actually be in school, specifically because she claims to be premed?
No one would say shit if she didn't pretend to be going through one of the most rigorous programs.
No. 54384
>>54300Someone sounds bitter.
Not sure how posting things that you think others might also find interesting is wrong.
No. 54429
>>54408That's the thing. There is no premed program, you just tell people "I am a pre-med student." Doesn't mean anything unless you actually get into medical school. You don't even necessarily have to be a STEM major, but you do need to know all the concepts for the MCAT.
So yeah, no chance she'll get into med school considering she needs a combination of:
1) university with a good rep
2) good MCAT score
3) letters of rec (maybe she can score one with her photoshopped pics loool)
4) good GPA
I would say volunteering and extracurricular activities don't matter as much, although they do build a better personal statement. But anyway, it's not just Berry doing this. Plenty of freshman/sophomores skip class, watch netflix during spare time, and fail college physics exams while dreaming about med school that won't happen
No. 54582
File: 1446744515410.jpg (127.97 KB, 1395x785, 15-11-05-12-23-36-207_deco.jpg)

Look she's trying to act like she still has a day off now after it was posted that her high school has a week vacation and she's been more active during it. So transparent honestly.
No. 54584
File: 1446745380378.jpg (10.09 KB, 288x216, seriously.jpg)

>>54357someone should make a collage of all of the posts you make in the berry threads (and there are plenty) so that people see what a dimwitted shitstain you are.
No. 54740
File: 1446768394140.png (19.74 KB, 567x80, 2defe23f734e8340d7195e3a6a4e59…)

Watch me jinx this. She's going to get into league and will keep bragging how "good or bad" she is. And low-key call herself gamer girl. Because shit like this always happened before when she was into RPG "videogames"
No. 54757
File: 1446774018410.png (28.13 KB, 587x224, dont lie.png)

Burry, we all know you're the biggest virgin in the world…
here's a link to the gif she was talking about No. 54761
File: 1446774946506.jpg (626.92 KB, 1920x1717, 15-11-05-20-54-56-123_deco.jpg)

Too kawaii to clean after herself! Future surgeon, Berry Tsukasa everyone!
No. 55036
File: 1446844105261.png (308.85 KB, 564x480, 34AjRFA.png)

Why the fuck does Ouji wear the same god damn tracksuit in every single selfie? It's like he has only one shirt, one pair of pants, and his tracksuit. Go get some new clothes.
No. 55109
>>55036Why does Berry think she looks good in that photo
But also, Ouji better fakes having money his track jacket looks adidas and then there's Berry
No. 55176
File: 1446877752922.png (70.75 KB, 300x300, 1844494-ao_oni_large.png)

>>55036this has been bothering me forever but i've finally figured out what she reminds me of
No. 55446
File: 1446940400680.png (167.39 KB, 332x425, JrPuxN2.png)

berry is gonna be one of those women in her 30's who is still trying to hold onto being young and small forever
No. 55466
File: 1446943915933.jpg (228.19 KB, 1920x1078, 15-11-07-19-51-02-280_deco.jpg)

>>55443Lmao she wouldn't even clean her own room, doubt she'd clean someone else's.
No. 55468
File: 1446944037062.png (671.42 KB, 935x598, a84b24e3e5e323625b8bbcef309c3c…)

>>55466Her "friend's" room is HER room. LOL. This crazy bitch is talking to herself.
No. 55556
>>55555ugh berry's "friends" are like 'bloody mary'
every time we say their names, they make an appearance in the thread
berrykissu is the worst of all
No. 55557
Someone needs to color correct the pic tho. Without the purple wash it's depressing.
No. 55709
File: 1447004043483.jpg (811.93 KB, 1768x1823, 15-11-08-12-32-49-479_deco.jpg)

He lives in Indonesia, why is he making winter jokes?
No. 55714
File: 1447004438465.jpg (790.77 KB, 1920x1658, 15-11-08-12-39-36-850_deco.jpg)

>>55712Times off a bit, but you get the point. Only active when she is and what not.
No. 55731
>>55709Lmfao wtf. Um, there is no winter going on there rn. I'm going in December and even then I'm told to pack shorts and dresses because it's humid/hot af.
Berry you tard, you have to be in high school to not understand seasonal variation and how the northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere experience their seasons at different times of the year.
No. 55841
File: 1447022598440.jpg (231.96 KB, 1920x1078, 15-11-08-17-41-43-770_deco.jpg)

Sure he did.
No. 55885
File: 1447030938575.jpg (119.47 KB, 1024x576, CTVJ1YUUsAAFo0m.jpg)

oh boy sick tracing skills berry
No. 55891
File: 1447032322529.jpg (2.09 MB, 2560x2560, 15-11-08-20-24-08-773_deco.jpg)

>>55886You would think she would put her Photoshop "skills" to use and just do a color edit to the page itself.
No. 55892
File: 1447032353077.gif (329.97 KB, 250x147, bda4d1e8a29c7a3021e757d35ee618…)

>>55886>>55885Wondering what her excuse would be if someone tweeted her the original….
No. 55897
>>55892She already mentioned Uzumaki so she isn't passing it as her own.
>>55885What I want to know is why she is painting on a cloth surface that can be stained?
No. 55957
File: 1447050530785.png (11.61 KB, 393x75, VRyaE7T.png)

atleast he doesn't live halfway across the world and can actually fuck instead of RPing on FB messenger LMAO
No. 55968
Suuuurre. Even my ex who had ED would probably last longer than your imaginary bf's penis.
No. 56050
File: 1447087365780.png (1.13 MB, 1222x884, Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 12.4…)

about to get *fatter
No. 56088
>>55682assuming she would ever get a real degree and real career in which employers would actually google her.
fyi - not all employers do this. seriously
No. 56143
File: 1447104248478.jpg (550.99 KB, 1922x1086, Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 4.22…)

>>56141Original vs Korinne's copy
No. 56628
File: 1447219244762.png (447.28 KB, 759x756, Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 12.1…)

Still trying to act like she's in college
No. 56793
>>56628I find it funny that through all this time she just kept talking about "tests"
has she ever tweeted about midterms? I hadn't seen any, don't know if anyone else has
everyone in college I know won't shut up about midterms and finals; but now I just see her mention one and not the other? it makes it seem like she just glances at some college kid's twitter, every once in a while, and copies what they tweet about their current school life
No. 56804
>>56793Literally all she has talked about is finals, SAT, homework, studying and tests. Lots and lots of tests, studying and homework. She must think this way of college if she is so adamant about pretending to be a college student. But she seems to forget lots of things. I think when she starts college she is going to be so overwhelmed with everything she has to do, especially in pre-med. I mean I've been to college (not pre-med) and its not just tests, its projects and presentations, field work…she needs to start lying about this stuff too if she wants to play pretend. If she starts to after this comment you know why…lol. But I don't think she will, plenty of people have said this before and we know she lurks and so do her friends. I just think she can't lie about something she doesn't know, and tests? Tests she can't lie about…same with homework and studying. There is tests and homework and studying, but way, way more than that in college.
No. 56807
File: 1447271537280.jpg (1021.65 KB, 1920x1858, 15-11-11-14-46-01-276_deco.jpg)

I personally have been waiting for confirmation that Ouji still runs his account for a while and I think there was some recently. He replied to someones comment about the shaft head tilt and said he 'feels challenged' and then he did the head tilt. Also his hair is fading. I just think this is live proof that he still runs his account a bit, because he posted unrelated photos to an unrelated conversation. Unless Berry had those saved up with that exact same thing, I think the account is still his…which is sad because it means he allows her to post on his behalf…unless his nasty pedo ass really is as immature and daft as she is.
No. 56811
>>56807I'm surprised he was even allowed to @ those girls with a reply
bc you know how batshit insecure berry is, he probably can't even talk to his own mom bc she's a girl
No. 57039
File: 1447315663374.jpg (23.69 KB, 317x332, 01.jpg)

> Tomie
oh god, stop.
No. 57070
File: 1447335040065.png (843.98 KB, 692x782, sausage fingers.png)

how to hide your sausage fingers:
No. 57071
File: 1447335306174.png (30.6 KB, 527x117, kek.png)

ass-licking lvl is too strong in this one
No. 57072
>>57063She reposts alot of things to get the retweets and likes
Never original berry
No. 57075
File: 1447337482229.jpg (17.53 KB, 200x294, ocover.jpg)

>>57039Lol is she going to shoop herself like this now?
No. 57077
>>56141>>56143Paint your own shit berry
>>57039>>57075Ew are you serious? She ruins everything because she can't enjoy anime/manga like a normally. She has to 'claim' a character and monopolize it and try so hard to be the 'irl version', like what she did with Umaru.
I feel like she does this because her real life is a big fat void so she tries to emulate characters that have her ideal traits. Then when her idiotic ass kissers proceed to kiss ass she feels better about herself.
No. 57193
>>57133Summary of Tomie:
"Every male who encounters Tomie becomes obsessed with her and eventually kills and dismembers her. But Tomie is not human, and is always reborn…"
Yeah she probably wants to be Tomie judging by the first few words
No. 57226
>>57131Whoa, are you telling me not everyone is a weeaboo and other people can have different interests? Crazy!!
She's so childish and annoying. And
>>57192 is on point. It's weird how some of these fuckers say they hate anime but are actually super into it. Le so cool and ironic!1@! XDDD
No. 57240
>>57230I never said she did? But she is still one of those weebs that joke as if she doesn't live for Japanese stuff.
>>57228Yeah that is sarcasm and that's exactly what my comment means lol.
No. 57242
File: 1447376069365.png (104.85 KB, 762x594, Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 7.53…)

Okay korinne
No. 58322
File: 1447391060961.png (124.23 KB, 211x275, 1436583368608.png)

Copying Burry's twitter style:
Everybody I check Burry's twitter and all the jokes are stolen from someone
No. 58495
File: 1447451180914.jpg (93.13 KB, 600x450, CTuBQ9CWUAAEG96.jpg)

So anyone know about the game she has been playing?
No. 58500
File: 1447453214573.png (19.37 KB, 580x125, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.png)

she deleted this lol
No. 59042
File: 1447527213285.jpg (435.07 KB, 1920x1194, 15-11-14-13-45-56-350_deco.jpg)

She probably deleted this nice tweet because it didn't get enough likes and retweets…shame. Even things she does good she deletes based on popularity. Well, who am i kidding. She probably posted it for likes and retweets anyway. No harm done, right?
No. 59187
File: 1447534239103.png (351.57 KB, 720x763, Screenshot_2015-11-14-02-00-54…)

She also deleted this
No. 59228
File: 1447538494927.jpg (226.27 KB, 1865x1079, 15-11-14-16-59-10-945_deco.jpg)

Lol look at her being mad someone reposted her content. As if she doesn't do shit similar on a regular basis. No. 59259
File: 1447540965996.png (21.44 KB, 504x164, Ty0TPTz.png)

No. 59415
File: 1447557426919.jpg (306.94 KB, 1707x1920, 15-11-14-22-13-39-263_deco.jpg)

Congrats Berry. All that reposting and making image sets to get retweets and likes and deleting all your content to make it seem as if all your tweets are popular is paying off for you.
No. 59430
>>59228Lol this tweet's been around since 2013. She's not posting anything new. Recycled tweets are apart of the game; she should get used to it.
>>59415She's going the joke/relatable/anime route for quick followers like most attention seeking twitter whores (I.e. koifresco; total dickwad turned Buddhist yogi rapper trippy dab model in a span of 2-3 years I think, hopped on what was trending atm). Just expect recycled tweets in the future.
No. 59453
File: 1447564866376.png (19.97 KB, 572x80, sure.png)

>>59228this genius girl thinks everyone knows who berry is
No. 59463
>>57242if only her mom had an "anime twitter" too
I'd have sent this ss already
"look at your daughter being horny on twitter with her impossible-to-meet-and-do-the-sexy boyfriend"
No. 59548
>>57077>>57193Even though Tomie is supposed to be stunningly beautiful, and I think her personality varied a little in each story, isn't she also kind of vapid, selfish, batshit crazy and conceited for the most part? I found her really unlikeable as a character. I don't think she's supposed to be someone to sympathize with or relate to.
It says a lot about Berry that she wants to be like a character who's horrible in every way except her good looks.
From what I've read here, Umaru seems like a whiny, unlikeable character despite her supposed intelligence and attractiveness, too.
Like fucking hell. Get your priorities in order, Berry.
No. 59553
>>59548You're right. I've read the Tomie series and made it through an episode of that Umaru character and they share very similar traits.
They're both selfish, entitled, conceited, and hide things from others. They also use their beauty to manipulate others into doing as they ask. We all saw her attempt to BECOME Umaru and now she's changed her Twitter handle to 'Tomie', showing she wants to be like her too. I have no idea how the fact that Berry tries to emulate these types of characters raises no red flags to other people.
I'm guessing because most of her idiotic, weeb followers want a piece of that internet fame pie and would do the exact same if they were given the chance. That's why they find no faults with Berry.
No. 59607
File: 1447625406045.jpg (455.33 KB, 1920x1302, 15-11-15-17-08-13-277_deco.jpg)

Only time she ever talked about presentations and its for tweet to get likes and retweets on lol! Also she deleted it.
>>56804 No. 59629
>>59607This is hilarious lol…it seems really obvious to me that she read
>>56804 Also, if you put together a whole project how do you not know what you're talking about during a presentation? I thought she was supposed to be smart?
No. 59650
File: 1447642811440.png (389.93 KB, 774x594, Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 9.57…)

She makes the fact that she's still in high school so obvious. What college student is still thinking of prom looks? Especially if she's trying to pretend that she's a third year premed
No. 59656
>>59650Premed my foot.
Also didn't she skip prom because she and a friend didn't have dates, and they went to a divey restaurant a while back?
No. 59882
File: 1447697387069.png (170.57 KB, 584x349, dumb fillipino.png)

No. 59910
>>59882I lold at the caption
do Philippinos get money?
I have Vietnamese friends who get money
No. 59914
File: 1447702754180.jpg (664.04 KB, 1920x1288, 15-11-16-14-37-47-266_deco.jpg)

She is STILL talking about this stuff. It's been forever.
No. 59975
>>59925Not half, but probably a descendant.
Like G-Grandmama or something.
No. 59976
>>59910Full Filipino here. Can confirm, we do not give out angpows. I've only ever gotten them from Chinese friends but never my relatives.
>>59946Literally every Filipino can claim this. In my experience, only the ones that try to be ~different~ say this.
No. 59983
>>59976Dated a Filipino, exposed to culture and friends and none of them did this.
>>59975Except no because she's just another basic ass Filipino girl with so much self hate she could fill up the Grand Canyon.
No. 59986
>>59925There is a significant Chinese-Filipino population in the Philippines, but most are either locally born or recent arrivals from the mainland.
Prior to the 1900's, a first generation Chinese-Filipino would take the entire name of their father as their surname and pass it on to his descendants. Those names are really weird looking on paper because they were literally Spanish transliterations of the Chinese characters (ie: 許寰哥 becoming "Cojuangco").
From the 1900's onward, Chinese-Filipinos only had single character surnames like: Tan, Ng, Wong, Lee, Lim, Chong etc). these are more likely to retain Chinese culture, tradition, and language.
From this we can determine that it is quite unlikely that her recent patriarchal ancestors were Chinese immigrants…I mean Tingo?
No. 60000
File: 1447720105878.png (653.99 KB, 1371x599, autistictotoro.png)

Her art is so bad tbh. Totoro is easy af to draw/paint but she ended up with this miss (left is hers, right is actual)
No. 60015
>>60000>>60002>>60004If it was an original it'd be different, but all she has to do is copy/trace and she can't even do it well. For someone who struts like they're super artistic, this is pretty bad. There are huge blatant differences, like if something was curved she drew it pointed for some reason?? I expect this type of work from someone younger just getting into art.
Totoro is made up of really easy forms; a circle here, an oval there. The indentation of the snout is an eye length away from the eye. Easy things like that.
Idk maybe it's just her half assing it. Anyone have any examples of original work she's done?
No. 60099
>>59910>>59925>>59976>>59984I'm filipino, and while my family somewhat observes lunar new year, no one does the red envelop money thing. They kind of just make and eat the food sometimes.
>>59946I don't get why she needs to say that. Pretty much all filipino people have chinese and spanish ancestry. Hell, my mom's grandmother was 100% spanish and no one in her family says that they are anything but filipino.
No. 60107
>>60099And that's because everyone who has been colonized doesn't claim the side of their rapists. Do you think most black people in America say they're white and descendents of George Washington?
I'm Mexican and I don't say I'm a lil Spanish.
Why is this such a big thing in the Filipino community? I see a lot of them trying to avoid the Pacific Islander title.
No. 60363
File: 1447800952565.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1323, 15-11-17-17-50-58-340_deco.jpg)

Halsey retweeted her a few days ago lmao. No wonder she's been getting so many followers and why she pinned that tweet.
No. 60379
File: 1447804859656.png (548.54 KB, 508x462, 2 years late learn to credit p…)

>>60363More reposted shit; examples/some source (both from 2 years ago):, Berry, are you calling yourself a thot too for not crediting other people whilst taking their caps?
No. 60388
>>60004it's a trace. a copy. it's certainly not that good either.
No. 60540
File: 1447864248295.png (13.43 KB, 330x182, OTp98X1.png)

All she does is repost shit for likes and retweets. Shes just as bad as those "relatable" twitter accounts that repost and recycle shit from each other.
No. 60542
File: 1447864426062.png (47.41 KB, 319x599, Y6hDf4b.png)

>>60540chou original!!! ^______^
No. 60629
File: 1447891497840.jpg (256.7 KB, 1920x1078, 15-11-18-19-04-00-963_deco.jpg)

This is exactly what I do with her page. Hm.
No. 60657
>>60643Didn't Kiki once say she felt that she could relate to Tomie too?
That shit is like how to spot a narcissist 101
No. 60892
File: 1448038164981.png (287.88 KB, 574x342, .........png)

what friends
No. 61193
File: 1448143537282.png (121.66 KB, 779x595, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 5.03…)

Berry tell us this once you've quit being umaru or any other anime character
No. 61228
File: 1448158718336.png (12.79 KB, 429x130, hmmm.png)

>>61193When your bf tries to be a Kdrama actor and that cool guy from an anime. And you try to be some fat anime character who annoys her brother lmao
No. 61240
>>61239Whoops, meant to quote
>>61228 on that one, my bad.
No. 61243
>>61193This girl's hypocrisy is beyond saving
Just to get likes wtf you cant live without it can you
No. 61245
>>61193burry, dont try to act like a cute anime character in a badass way u look dumb
Thank u
No. 61250
File: 1448167899367.png (25.48 KB, 758x110, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 11.4…)

Berry reposted this story about a girl saving a suicidal boys life and this was ouji's response. Berry and ouji are meant to be after all. Both are perverted and insensitive
No. 62954
File: 1448171034751.png (1.1 MB, 1162x1262, 1342.png)

>>61250The story, for reference. Of course berry would repost this story for likes and RT's and wow ouji what the fuck lol.
No. 62990
File: 1448187768035.jpg (1.24 MB, 2560x1920, 15-11-22-05-19-30-855_deco.jpg)

He looks nothing like Kuroo. Plus, his hair looks gross and crusty.
No. 63027
>>62990this couple duh
stop ruining every anime character's image
No. 63054
>>62990Is anyone into hair here?
How does he switch between his colors so fast, without getting damage. Are these old pics she's just reposting, because doesn't he have a bowl cut w/ blonde hair rn.
No. 63060
>>60736> End of an era.Haha, you give it too much credit, this made me laugh! Thank you.
For one, I wasn't devoting enough time as was needed, updates for the blog were incredibly slow and non-existent. Besides, there's and I figured ichigofaker wasn't needed anymore.
Although the blog is gone, the posts are still out there. When a tumblr blog deletes, the posts don't disappear.
I think the URL bitchigoflavor is still up for grabs; r.i.p.
No. 63142
File: 1448228303892.png (90.94 KB, 756x399, Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 4.36…)

berry please
No. 63194
>>63128Yep that's why she deleted
>>59042 she capitalizes on this shit.
No. 63275
File: 1448252344394.jpg (620.11 KB, 1920x1278, 15-11-22-23-18-31-234_deco.jpg)

No. 63337
File: 1448269647263.jpg (11.09 KB, 200x200, PAlZxyn8_200x200.jpg)

I wonder if she will photoshop herself to look like this girl now. This is her dp on twitter atm. She already tried to look like Hani and any other person she used.
No. 63497
>>63374 sorry fam. But it is pretty obvious her friends are lurking here because they report the her every time something is posted. I think Berry isn't even on lolcow, just her friends telling her it's a site talking about her but they won't link. (Not saying you two anons are them)
No. 63681
File: 1448334140983.png (28.62 KB, 582x230, 928.png)

No. 63684
>>63681she deleted this really fast, or is it just me. went on twitter rn to see if it was there, and it's not for me
If she's going to try and seem smart, she needs to try harder.
No. 63687
File: 1448334789634.jpg (45.34 KB, 736x569, 1350-0-1447882000.jpg)

>>63681"I fuck with morse code too"
No. 63707
File: 1448338848128.jpg (582.16 KB, 1920x1219, 15-11-23-23-19-53-029_deco.jpg)

lol gay jokes
No. 63710
>>63707did she delete this too wtf?? all I see on her timeline are old tweets, maybe it's just me.
but why does she want to talk shit about, just be nice to people and positive omg!!!
but only when it pertains to her. what happened to that "movement" she tried to do with her followers, and now she doesn't even talk to them anymore - as if she ever did in the first place
No. 63737
File: 1448347149949.jpeg (124.19 KB, 909x1277, image.jpeg)

>>63681Google Translate also lets her speak Japanese.
No. 63978
File: 1448406348106.png (12.97 KB, 442x86, hahAHAHA.png)

this girl is too much.
burry, EVERYONE knows you're the biggest fucking virgin.
No. 64181
File: 1448447870820.png (60.25 KB, 564x229, lmao.png)

never knew she was this angry LMAO
No. 64324
File: 1448474044831.jpg (67.18 KB, 810x552, delicious milk ghocolate.JPG)

She posted a photo of a fake makeup palette on her instagram? The milk chocolate color says "milk ghocolate"
No. 64326
>>64324LOL 'Black Porest Truffle'
Probably is a fake
No. 64328
File: 1448474583993.jpg (201.85 KB, 700x818, choc2-vert.jpg)

>>64324LORD that is embarrassing KEK
Here are the real ones, pics found on google images;;
No. 64332
File: 1448475016304.png (749.91 KB, 478x597, fake makeup.png)

>>64324Sharpened the photo for clarity
No. 64337
File: 1448475583521.jpg (737.91 KB, 1170x1170, web_chocolatebar_open.jpg)

>>64324>>64335Not the anon you were responding to but here's a picture from Too Faced's site.
No. 64358
>>64335ain't nobody talking about the colors we're talking about the names
the photos was to show the real names of the eyeshadows versus berry's upload
No. 64360
File: 1448477755478.jpg (366.88 KB, 600x800, tumblr_mlu03q1bIv1r3wd4to1_128…)

I know this is a bit pointless but does anyone know if this wig is legit? Cause I really wanna get it but looking closer, I think it's photoshopped (it's a bit wavy where the pink meets the blue)
No. 64385
File: 1448481048051.jpg (973.18 KB, 1885x1920, 15-11-25-14-45-59-323_deco.jpg)

Well what do you know? She can spend money on friends. But not without that humblebrag!
No. 64483
File: 1448501823402.png (83.25 KB, 830x379, Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 8.36…)

No. 64500
File: 1448506193026.jpg (480.9 KB, 1771x1920, 15-11-25-21-49-15-971_deco.jpg)

No. 64612
File: 1448541469084.png (408.98 KB, 551x545, ull9NIv.png)

this tweet makes me feel so weird its almost sorta creepy like i can already see her on fb messenger with ouji
"babe can you take a selfie of yourself pretend sleeping and send it to me"
No. 64753
File: 1448585519626.jpg (329.74 KB, 1920x1080, 15-11-26-19-50-51-001_deco.jpg)

She must be using her private account more now that she mentioned it twice today and is not telling people she followed them on it. Hm. Anyone know what it is? Also here is her thankful tweet…lol.
No. 64755
File: 1448585986544.jpeg (59.26 KB, 640x601, image.jpeg)

This is her private
No. 64778
File: 1448593326163.png (19.63 KB, 591x162, burry.png)

>>64762well the tweets don't seem really happy if you check the replies
No. 64806
>>64778In a way I think she would be more likeable if she shared personal things more instead of her fake rich desu bratty and arrogant side but I think she dug herself too deep into that arrogant side and like many other people i cant believe most of the things she tweets or post anymore are real or genuine
also there is too many shit on her name kek
No. 64812
File: 1448605205102.png (2.35 MB, 1981x942, thanksgiving.png)

One of FakeMiruku's admins here to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We added some content to our page. We have been inactive due to the lack of milk she has been producing as well as it being the holidays. Feel free to give us any feedback.
No. 65107
File: 1448686405115.png (80.42 KB, 772x429, Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 11.5…)

"Drag them." Something's definitely up
No. 65110
File: 1448687765066.jpg (284.88 KB, 1920x1478, 15-11-28-00-15-17-095_deco.jpg)

>>65092>>65107Well, she did tweet this yesterday.
No. 65221
File: 1448725375206.png (16.11 KB, 426x154, pcdUDpa.png)

Is she genuinely retarded or just severely delusional? Both?
No. 65593
File: 1448775029672.png (42.94 KB, 759x239, Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 12.2…)

Ouji is aware of berry's chub
No. 66144
File: 1448864146658.jpeg (170.7 KB, 1241x856, image.jpeg)

No. 66150
File: 1448866860388.png (78.33 KB, 720x708, Screenshot_2015-11-30-01-56-52…)

She just keeps getting dumber
No. 66158
>>66150rofl ignorant berry is ignorant.
There was a post circulating tumblr about 911 operators once; they ask you questions as a way to keep you calm and to know your situation or whereabouts. 911 Operators are trained to be calm and collective.
Reading this tweet I thought of her old dumb tweet about calling 911 on her neighbors about their dog or whatevs
No. 66252
No. 66563
File: 1448967244141.jpg (73 KB, 600x1066, CVGirZWUsAAJIFR.jpg)

Has she ever even dyed her hair? I swear she wears wigs 200% of the time or photoshops herself so much it looks like a wig.
No. 66634
at one picture on fb and for a while, she did claim a wig was dyed hair
No. 66778
File: 1449016674679.png (568.33 KB, 1017x691, Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.30…)

>>66777defending her "real" hair
No. 66779
File: 1449016741867.png (672.87 KB, 1016x631, Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.29…)

>>66563wow burry do u rly not know how to take care of it
No. 66800
>>66779>bleach once, then toneWhat the fuck? No. She's never bleached her hair in her entire life. There's different volumes and powders to achieve how light you want your hair to turn out. You don't just "bleach once". Don't even get me started on toning and the fact that she said bleach once from black to silver. If she was going to lie, she should have done her research but as usual, her fans are too stupid to notice anything anyway.
And this post is from 2013, but it's a shame she still hasn't grown out of her fake, immature personality.
No. 66813
>>66799Yes, exactly.
>>66779Bleach once my ass lol. From black to silver? Get real. Like
>>66800 said this is so fake. Though I agree with her on virgin coconut oil, it works wonders on bleached hair.
No. 66825
File: 1449020807988.png (296.72 KB, 720x764, Screenshot_2015-12-01-20-43-05…)

This girl and her bragging… I still bet that her gifts are all cheap things from taobao/ebay
No. 66847
File: 1449024133849.png (16.9 KB, 584x112, 932.png)

this is so embarrassing
No. 66857
File: 1449025088477.jpeg (20.86 KB, 606x143, image.jpeg)

>>66847The guy who commented on her tweet is so old smh.
No. 66889
File: 1449040058931.jpg (199.15 KB, 1024x1024, s-l1600[1].jpg)

>>66777I love that I can find her hair on ebay.
No. 66903
File: 1449046450701.png (1.35 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

No. 66956
File: 1449076636564.jpg (426.67 KB, 1920x1131, 15-12-02-12-15-16-809_deco.jpg)

Anyone know what she tweeted to induce these replies? Also lol at her liking this other tweet about tuition. Still pulling this doctor bs
>>66847 No. 67014
File: 1449093033976.jpeg (202.18 KB, 599x597, fwdder_6_1445313510.jpeg)

>>66957that and she's been using selfies of ulzzang as her twit icon. latest one being this.
No. 67025
>>66956lawl someone bring back the tweet when she said her parents bought her (fake) cartier bracelets and paid for her $60k tuition, berry is a joke
>>66903Berry gets mad when someone says she looks like someone else (i.e Wylona) but when someone says someone looks or reminds them of Berry she retweets it. Weird.
She is in her korean phase it seems so possibly because its a popular trend now and she bandwagons anything popular
No. 67171
>>67061Uhm, what? What medical school is she even supposed to be going to? Has she said?
That price is a bit…crazy. 62,000 for EACH year? I go to one and the price is 31,000 every 2 years so I'm a bit confused?
Did she pull that number out of her ass to be "oh so rich and famous" or did she actually do some research? In the case that she actually DID go to medical school (lol) that price wouldnt make her seem that amazing, it'd make her look extremely dumb for paying that when she could get the same information and degree and work for half that price.
No. 67172
>>67171she doesn't go to med school 99.99% sure but many schools ARE that expensive
my regular college is 25k a year and the colleges medical school is around 60/70k a year.
No. 67176
>>67172yeah, i go to a good school and its 30k a year. if you go to grad school it would be as expensive as berry says, except theres no way the dumb cow is even on that level yet or ever will be.
i know people who went to b school which is 50k for 2 years.
No. 67178
>>67172Craziness. 50k per year?
Sorta off topic but I wonder what makes people accept prices like that? I figured she didnt go but I was curious about that pricing. I mean, if you add it up by the time I finish, the total would be 62k so I know med school is expensive but - I think its the fact that her 1 yr is 4 in another school that throws me for a loop.
Kind of wish she would at least post "her" school's name. Someone that proud of all the money her family is spending on her would be similarly proud of her school and work, right? Someone so much of an attention whore hasn't posted selfies in school with her classmates or such? Hmmmm.
No. 67183
File: 1449111938273.jpg (42.3 KB, 500x264, BCq5_ypCAAA4Dm3.jpg)

>>66903>>66925a lot of ulzzangs are photoshopped or fake af in some way so berry has that in common with them. Berry's probably most similar to bottom left
No. 67543
File: 1449204196904.jpg (391.5 KB, 1920x1078, 15-12-03-23-37-31-660_deco.jpg)

So she doesn't have good heat in the house? Figures since she has a window air conditioner. Her rich girl lifestyle has been slacking. From cheap Costco bday cakes, to no heating, to pawning bootlegs off as official. Good thing she hasn't claimed to be rich in a while because I really doubt people would be able to not question it if she did keep claiming it.
No. 67570
>>67178I go to a private school that is 25k a year institution only
all the class sizes are 10 students or under and there are MANY research opportunities and chances to get work outside of school (teachers most still work in their fields, so you can easily shadow a psychiatrist or psychologist etc)
often times these expensive private schools also give out a lot of free or reduced cost tuition
No. 67577
>>67543>>67548Did she even say it was her cat? She has only mentioned her dog as I as I can tell.
Could have been just a stray, guys…. If it is a stray, I think its pretty nice (and smart/sensical) that she would carry it to the vet, instead of warming it up first on her own.
I know most would say she isn't special, but by personal observance I think most people would just stare and walk away.
(If she's telling the truth, not sure how cold up there can get.)
No. 67581
>>67543Could be a part of a story she posted up for notes/rt/likes
lol@burry trying to sound smart and sciency in her first tweet in the post
No. 67586
File: 1449215006229.png (393.35 KB, 720x863, Screenshot_2015-12-04-02-41-01…)

>>67581>>67577Guys it's a story she posted. Berry would be too dumb to do this anyways
No. 67601
File: 1449226380190.jpg (25.67 KB, 584x258, Screenshot_2015-12-04-05-50-14…)

This is so sad….
No. 67643
>>67601They surely will never understand the power of fakeness/photoshop
Dumb people are everywhere
No. 67884
File: 1449289575377.gif (203.68 KB, 563x317, berry.gif)

weird eye twitch
No. 67886
File: 1449289802267.jpg (305.42 KB, 720x1280, burryy.jpg)

so kawaii and ulzzang
No. 67899
>>67850>>67886KEK Her hair reminds me of a mop like wtf burry
does anyone else think she owns clip in buns? they sell them on ebay for cheap,, didn't she cut her hair? Or could it be extensions she uses?
No. 67949
>>67948Here's what's wrong with her…
She's a teenage girl who accidentally got popular based on photoshopped selfies and ran with the idea she was a natural anime waifu and lied about details in her life to make herself seem cooler and smarter, likely thinking no one would question it because she probably didn't think she would get this popular. After she got more and more popular and started to get more and more people like the kids in this thread stalking her every move, it became more difficult for her to keep her story straight as people started to question things.
She's not a compulsive liar. She just wants to seem cool and as if she has friends and a boyfriend. I lied about stupid shit when I was her age too and I doubt I'm the only one….I just didn't broadcast it to the internet.
These threads are always full of dumbasses who couldn't tell Berry was obviously photoshopping and lying and instead of being like "oh I feel stupid" and going on with their life they decided to get mad at HER for not telling them her obviously photoshopped pics were photoshopped. Pathetic.
No. 67955
File: 1449322794361.gif (184.18 KB, 500x236, nicejob.gif)

wtf is happening to her left eye
No. 67973
>>67960Agreed. We know she's bullshitting about being a 20 year old med student, so the "she's 20, she should know better" excuse doesn't fly.
She's kind of interesting to follow because she's so pathetic, but at the same time you can't act like we're not just laughing at a stupid kid.
She's like that one kid who claims they live in a mansion and their uncle works for Nintendo.
No. 67988
>>67949How do you know she isn't a compulsive liar? She lies about a lot of shit regardless of what it is or why she does it. Sounds habitual to me. Especially now that she has such a large following and everyone is looking at what she does. She even lies about lying and defending her lies with more lies.
>>67960If she is still in hs she will probably be outed next year when graduation rolls around.
No. 67989
>>67973oh lord that reminds me of when I wasn't even in middle school yet and I lied about my uncle owning a successful company kek
You make a good point.
And yes she is interesting to follow becus of how stupid she is, she dug a hole forherself
>>67948I always thought this as well
how can one lie, decieve, manipulate, act so ignorant and depend on the internet life so much at her "age"? Ridiculous
No. 67994
>>67988Because as I said, she was telling lies on what she perceived as a small scale and now she feels like she has to run with them to keep up appearances, hence why she deletes tweets that people question (either here or on PULL or similar).
No, I don't know if she's a compulsive liar or not, but this kind of thing happens with a ton of teenagers. Showing my age a bit but in my high school there was a girl who said she was dating Jesse McCartney and he sent a dozen red roses to her everyday. As far as I know, she proceeded to be normal after that. I lied and said I won some Harry Potter competition to go to the premiere and met Daniel Radcliffe but that was utter bullshit as well. We did this cringy stuff to be cool and everyone forgot about it because we didn't broadcast it on the internet like Berry is doing.
She can't exactly back out on her thousands of fans and be like "I'm actually a poor 16 year old tan Filipina with no boyfriend and I lied to all of you about how I look."
I feel sorry for her because eventually it's gonna be too much and she's going to have to disappear or come clean. She didn't do anything or scam anyone. She's just kinda living a lie out online.
No. 67996
File: 1449341058671.png (Spoiler Image,134.97 KB, 401x312, 63f3dc93ddef5b0d5209dfa7337897…)

>>67904lol she even put a mole in, and on the wrong side to boot. other than ito putting the mole on the wrong side in one of his pages, tomie's mole is supposed to be under her left eye, burry.
jfc the only thing that is similar between her and tomie is the fact that neither of them can be actually photographed bc they're monsters
No. 68013
File: 1449348308485.png (104.91 KB, 813x600, Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 3.43…)

I really don't understand how ouji can be with such a self centered person
No. 68083
File: 1449352654497.png (12.85 KB, 584x84, ooii.png)

thats because you are a dirty hobo lol
No. 68100
File: 1449359287975.png (402.95 KB, 585x730, Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 6.46…)

what the actual f……
No. 68101
>>68013Lmao worships the Bible…what?>>68083
Contouring? Yeah sure. In what world does she contour? Her makeup always looks flat as fuck, she doesn't put blush on and she uses bb cream as white as paper. Get real.
No. 68108
File: 1449360670401.png (32.17 KB, 590x114, Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 7.10…)

oh the irony.
No. 68114
>>68083so now she's recycling her old tweets?
in her old picture where someone said she looked like wylona she made the same tweet
I know it's in a super old thread
No. 68159
>>68158Ouji's recent insta photos of himself with black hair isnt too bad, is he really that short that girls don't like him irl lol? I remember long time ago he posted a photo of him with berrys name on his face and his fingers were visible, he got lot of backlash from the photo saying he looked like a girl and his fingers were small and dainty like girls hands would be.
I admit when I saw the photo I thought he looked like a girl too.
I feel sorry for him ngl….. she seems way over her head. Does he know her lies? Does he know she use to be very thristy for japanese men?
Also, on Oujis twitter now it looks like he is trying to tweet relatable or funny things like Berry for notes.
No. 68241
>>68159I'm not saying he looks bad, in fact i think he's quite attractive :) however, i think he must be insecure about some things which is why he PSed himself. Yes, he looks rather feminine in person add it to the fact that he's short. If you followed the prev thread you'd notice that he looked manly in those pictures he took himself, but in the pictures his friends tagged him he looked like a little boy (he's already in college by that time). Tbh I don't think it's hard for him to find a gf if he wants to, it's more to his low self-esteem that he resorts to having an online rl. Not that i know him personally,that is what i concluded myself.
I can"t answer that bc how do i know lol but think about it,their rl is 100% online and he's living like berry is the center of his world so ofc he'd know bc he'd be stalking her alll the time. And imo i think he knew of her lies and has helped her hid them. I feel sorry for him too and i used to defend him but he's not innocent either afaik
No. 68291
File: 1449438719602.png (499.45 KB, 792x447, d6b43037b266a38e5823267bd7b428…)

Jeeezus. How many times is she going to take a picture of her room and add 9375925792759791 layers of filters?
No. 68292
File: 1449440340010.jpeg (30 KB, 750x190, image.jpeg)

this is ridiculous
No. 68295
>>68291Thought her room was more pink or beige lol where is her vent? Guess she hid it behind those curtains
I think this pic was to show off how kawaii richu desu her room is based on how she usually is kek
No. 68300
>>68295she could have taken it out, since it's winter now
also id on't think her room looks rich at all LMAO
her furniture looks old and gross
the leaves near her window and on it look tacky and cheap, like she bought it at Michaels and taped it up.
plus the stuff that's above the sowing machine just look thrown up there, there's nothing cute about that wall at all it's a mishmash of useless shit that's not even pleasant to look at
No. 68398
>>68300I'm with this anon, it's a cheap (albeit cheerful and childish) nightmare of a room.
And you know the clutter is just out of sight from the camera since most the pic is the bed!
No. 68399
File: 1449451604294.png (11.59 KB, 581x90, 39999.png)

poor guy…
No. 68715
>>68558She must lighten her photos or blur it to hell alot. Being this pale skin isn't a good sign is it?
her lips remind me of a vagina and she looks high af… Her wig looks nice of all the things.
No. 68730
File: 1449521691610.jpg (110.28 KB, 978x601, CVopV7dUAAE6IjL.jpg)

Here's the rotated pic
No. 68781
File: 1449525287389.jpg (400.75 KB, 1500x501, unbrightened.jpg)

Unbrightened the pic and wow she looks fat here
No. 68784
File: 1449525529350.jpg (613.39 KB, 976x599, 15-12-07-16-57-55-615_deco.jpg)

No. 68805
>>68781She kind of looks like jennlovesyou on youtube
which is kinda funny since Berry sent all her followers on her awhile back for having the same tumblr layout as her lmao
No. 68828
>>68805That was exactly what I was thinking when I saw this pic
>>68781Berry really looked like jenn (for anyone who does not know jenn use to be amikoto)
How ironic ! I think jenn has cuter lips.
No. 68856
>>68835Yeah I remember that, I don't think Jenn has a tumblr anymore and was off it for awhile but came back recently with her youtube and she seems to be doing well good for her
Plus she looks 100% way better/cute than berry even if she is a little chubby
No. 68903
File: 1449538283114.png (52.74 KB, 639x321, burrymad.png)

is she mad lol
No. 68933
File: 1449544348573.jpg (24.54 KB, 529x372, a.JPG)

I love how these boys freely talk about her ps and laugh at her, really wish ouji join the convo lol
No. 68981
>>68903says she has a 115% GPA"enemie's"
you would have to rEALLY try to make a mistake like that
this isn't even a small mistake like "you're" and "your"..
berry pls
No. 69069
File: 1449604195692.png (37.79 KB, 762x168, Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 2.48…)

probably because your selfies weren't good looking to begin with even with shoop
No. 69079
File: 1449605594563.jpg (379.96 KB, 1500x501, New canvas.jpg)

I think she's shooping herself to be like kr0npr1nz's girls (one of the most famous tracers who draws nothing but quick headshots). Maybe she tries to hop on his art to get more popular.
Anyway, maybe she got really lazy with her shoops….But I can see her Filipino nice and clear. She even looks like her really old photos. Also, her nose is really upturned.
No. 69105
File: 1449612383838.png (411.64 KB, 588x386, ok0.png)

the fuck is this
No. 69106
File: 1449612435717.jpg (69.03 KB, 599x337, CVu_bA7U4AAkfxf.jpg)

bigger photo
No. 69115
"Satan's Daughter"
No. 69127
File: 1449616974918.png (16.12 KB, 584x127, 0202.png)

she deleted this
No. 69174
File: 1449626866527.png (46.21 KB, 570x279, Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 9.09…)

because you havent photoshopped it
No. 69177
>>68730ugh the filters
and i wonder why she starts replying comments on fb
its like she's starting to realize that her asskissers are the one who made her as popular as now
No. 69182
File: 1449628899003.png (12.92 KB, 587x124, qorl.png)

No. 69184
File: 1449629539304.png (192.88 KB, 606x284, datenglish.png)

>getting hair did
No. 69201
>>69106She deleted this on her instagram
seriously why is she obsessed with all of this does she want to summon him or is this illuminati shit she has going on rofl
No. 69298
File: 1449675181022.jpeg (44.46 KB, 1242x248, image.jpeg)

Honestly Berry's Bf is disgusting doing shit like this in public.
Doubt he is a muslim so I guess he aint following his parents or he just low key don't care.
But i'm still curious for the day he tell his parents about the girl he likes
like yes mom and dad she is perfect waifu
worship satan
l will marry her :(
No. 69436
File: 1449698165515.png (30.3 KB, 758x167, Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 4.53…)

Why is she always complaining about being short? I'm a short person and I don't really care at all since it's just genetics. I bet she's actually average height but wants to seem petite and cute
No. 69441
File: 1449699199274.jpg (7.99 KB, 200x200, LosIV7oF_200x200.jpg)

what the shit is her new dp?
No. 69442
File: 1449699304097.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x300, LosIV7oF.jpg)

>>69441A little bigger. This is photoshopped like crazy.
No. 69473
>>69442I love how she suddenly decides to show her overly shopped collar bones/neck in every picture. Shes been lurking hard.
Anyways, I really wanna know what Ouji's deal is. I thought it was him before but lately he really sounds like Burry. How has none of his old fans come to question what's going on with him? Oh well. We'll probably never know.
No. 69483
>>69450"meaniemilkymoo You're old posts are gone!!! ?? but this new style is really cute!! You're so thin and small I can't believe it!! Very pretty Berry :)"
Holy shit are her followers retarded… Are there seriously people this stupid?
No. 69486
>>69483KEK I saw this. Burry prolly gasm'd herself reading that comment.
Looks like shes forcing jer collar bones to stick out. Her previous tilting photo makes her size a little more obvious.
No. 69507
File: 1449705844493.jpg (89.55 KB, 750x750, 12362560_1008913082498411_6563…)

the big version of instagram
No. 69510
File: 1449706079694.png (413.81 KB, 600x600, analysis.png)

And finally, white areas is where she must likely sued photoshop
No. 69578
>>69566I don't get why she lies about her age either.
She could've been out months ago saying "ok i lied qorlz im rlly 16 but im srry 4 lieing 2 u all.." then she wouldn't have to lie so much about college, it's obvious she doesn't know what she's talking about.
No. 69588
>>69585I wonder if they know everything real about her and how she is so vague with some of her posts about ouji which we know shes making it vague to mislead people.
But I think even if they do they wouldn't rat her out or care because she has a following and is "popular" and no one wants to do the dirty work, risk being hated on and have berrys whiteknights after them. All her online friendships (cept maybe michelle whatvr her name is) seem like such a lie, all tied together simply because she has a following/popularity
No. 69591
File: 1449711751052.png (135.09 KB, 791x466, rzHWPhV.png)

what the fuck is wrong with her choker? did she edit that too?
No. 69667
File: 1449720207680.jpeg (75.33 KB, 1237x431, image.jpeg)

She deleted this
I really feel like she aint a pre med
No. 69675
>>69667She claims to be a future doctor, but most times girls stop growing by the time they are 11-15. I stopped growing by the time I was 12 and I've stayed the same height since.
This bitch is so stupid.
No. 69677
>>69667WOW she probably realized how fucking stupid it was and deleted it
i'm not even a med major, but from my science classes in highschool I know this shit can't be true.
No. 69800
>>69798I just finished mine and I go to a 4yr Uni in California. This is the last week for my school.
>>69667Lmfao, taking basic anatomy and even anthropology teach you shit about this. What a fucking fail.
No. 70028
File: 1449785086674.png (26.94 KB, 770x112, Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 5.03…)

korinne you will never be cute
No. 70031
>>70015They might as well get on Yuumei's tracing ass since she's not Japanese either.
But yeah it was proven that he traces. Even Sakimichan called him out on it. the imgur because there's multiple images. Some are just him referencing (the person who wrote this is probably a shitty artist who's never used a reference before), but yeah he traces.
/sage for OT
No. 70036
>>70028>I'm cuteLol No. She knows damn well she looks like fucking Voldemort in her new pic.
>>69086>>69996>>70010>>70015>>70020>>70031Jfc, none of this is relevant to the thread. If you want to bitch about Kr0n make a new thread.
No. 70043
File: 1449789042131.png (24.58 KB, 585x81, Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 6.07…)

No profs will text a student
No. 70054
File: 1449789728405.jpg (497.42 KB, 1712x1920, 15-12-10-18-21-06-274_deco.jpg)

>>70051Did they also say this? So embarrassed for her right now. What is she doing…???
No. 70055
File: 1449789749159.png (101.11 KB, 552x573, professoromfg.png)

Sounds legit (not).
This is fucking embarrassing, Korinne. I knew you couldn't keep your bullshit and lies at bay for long.
No. 70066
File: 1449790310639.jpg (115.89 KB, 1500x543, anuslips.jpg)

Someone give this child some Preparation H for those lips.
No. 70068
>>70055This sounds like some weird high school teacher
like why would a profe text
not unless its an emergency
everything else is via email
and I don't understand is the prof laughing at her asking for an A instead of texting her the materials to study ????? idk like im gone
I'll give her an A+ for the good milk she gave us today tho
No. 70078
>>70054>>70043>>70055Sounds so fake…. professors are professionals, not someone you can message email text or call like they are your friend. Especially in uni. This shit is so fake.
&& the fact she posted it up when its not even interesting makes it seem like she just wanted to brag or show off kek
No. 70246
File: 1449854338326.jpeg (72.47 KB, 750x645, image.jpeg)

No. 70247
File: 1449854378309.jpeg (80.21 KB, 750x774, image.jpeg)

No. 70265
>>70246her friends make it seem like she invented these, when they've been done already way before.
I really wonder how many of her friends don't like her, and pretend to. How many of you guys are up in here, shit talking her along with us?? Show of hands please, you don't have to say who you are lol
No. 70266
>>70247she only added the spikes and thats it.
She decorated them not made them.
Learn English Berry.
No. 70373
File: 1449870861672.png (60.84 KB, 808x324, Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 4.53…)

She was probably ranting about something related to her "crafts"
No. 70398
>>70365I know it's only anecdotal evidence and I'm not trying to say it's wrong but is this a regional thing?
I'm black but I haven't heard anyone use this so it sounds a bit try hard-ish to be hip
No. 71255
>>70373Probably about creepyeha and this thread kek
woukdn't be surprised if it was about jenn too since jenn also makes her own chokers
No. 71268
>>70375Where are you getting she is trying to be black just because she attempts to use aave? Lots of people do that lmao and if anything she is so far up being East Asians ass she won't come out for years, if ever. She just tries to be popular and use what others do but this qurl or work think is so outdated its so stupid now.
>>70340I know when the twitter came out she befriended a few and talked to them and retweeted them more often but that lasted just a few months and I really doubt they were in any private convos with her. Sometimes she posts private group chat screenshots and it will show that a few people are in it. It's probably Michele, berrykissu, her bf idk, whoever she is closest to. I feel like lately it would be harder to grab milk from her or for her to willingly give it to you than it is for her to post on twitter naturally some bs like here the other day
>>70055 like if she's idle for a while she'll end up posting some dumb shit herself. She lives for making shit up.
No. 71269
File: 1449877718977.jpg (38.63 KB, 651x480, Capturegtyrrfe.jpg)

No. 71274
>>71268I think the only other person who is semi close to her, is that one guy who changes his twitter name every so often
hentaithot w/e he is now???
and he got to be friends with her, when the twitter was made and he was standing up for her. and she told him to "drag" the twitter and thats how they started talking
No. 71280
>>70372>>70398No guys, this is some like back in the days, old big black lady way.
Your not unhip, it's just some ancient 90s shit that should've stayed there.
No. 71283
File: 1449879328602.png (105.12 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 71290
>>71283She is only mentioning this word more often lately because someone in here pointed out how stupid it sounds when she uses it so now I guess she keeps using it as a "Look haters I don't care lol I will still use it "
but it totally shows how she lurks here with her net friends 24/7 since Berry A s s kissu is also using it now
No. 71316
>>70351Lol. Every time I see her write that, I hear it in a Rick Grimes (from The Walking Dead) voice. When he says Karl, it sounds like "Coral".
"Coral, get over here!" "Coral, that's too dangerous!" "Damnit, Coral!"
….I may watch too much TV…
No. 71321
File: 1449884429859.png (97.74 KB, 821x587, Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 8.38…)

what's the point of a tweet that just says oppai (boobs) wtf
No. 71522
File: 1449941114361.png (98.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-12-12-20-34…)

Please burry die
No. 71594
File: 1449953892967.jpg (261.88 KB, 1899x601, 1.jpg)

I tried something
No. 71609
File: 1449957275552.png (373.12 KB, 769x486, Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 4.48…)

"hey that looks like my mouth"
No. 71612
File: 1449958247140.jpg (149.15 KB, 978x601, 1449521691610_meitu_1.jpg)

No. 71626
File: 1449961848518.jpg (330.76 KB, 1242x1450, image.jpg)

lol this bitch wants to be korean or some shit now
No. 71640
>>71626first japanese now korean
god buttugly, at least stay consistent
No. 71641
>>71626She wants to be Jenn so badly, kek
>Japanese in the photo>Korean description No. 71738
>>71736never because she never leaves the house
>>71626whenever i see her ig, i remember how i saw a porn account called milkycumbby_ on ig
No. 71771
>>71738burn the house
she will leave the house with black skin she hates
No. 71774
File: 1450016881898.png (721.17 KB, 969x597, compare.png)

just how much she whitens her skin
No. 71793
>>71788well, she could… but she'd have to delete all of the "berry tsukasa" bullshit and start again. she'd have to just be a normal asian girl, not the prettiest ever but definitely not ugly. she'd need a new name because obviously we all know her as berry or korinne… but she COULD do it.
too bad her only source of attention comes from being ~internet famous~ and we all know she's too self-obsessed and attention starved to give that up. she brought this on herself.
No. 71809
>>71774I was going to post something related to this.
The paleness doesn't look normal.
It actually ruins the picture.
She needs to lower it a bit or she will blend with the wall next time.
No. 71829
File: 1450028604148.jpg (722.54 KB, 1746x1200, hands.jpg)

I added a picture of the actual drink to compare the brightness/whitening
No. 71834
>>71829This is really easy to manipulate, and I don't mean photoshop.
My hands are really long and skeletal, I quite hate them. So in photos when I'm holding something, I'll bend the knuckles back behind the item to make them appear shorter and smaller.
I know with 100% certainty that's what she is doing here. You can tell bc the fingers would come out more.
No. 71835
>>71829She in the back seat with the groceries bags lol
I thought you drive yourself berry
No. 71841
File: 1450031342443.gif (323.55 KB, 700x481, 91948184.gif)

>>71829something like this
No. 71888
File: 1450040768696.jpg (139.83 KB, 978x601, 1449521691610.jpg)

that white spot lol
No. 71892
>>71884she looks perf normal here? and so what if she used to be a bit fat? she lost the weight
>>71886Maybe she tanned? Maybe it's the light? You don't know her so why judge
No. 71916
File: 1450046751290.jpeg (159.54 KB, 900x900, image.jpeg)

>>71892Idk she still looks buff to me ,
all those snacks aint helping her
No. 71944
>>71892Maybe you relate to how she is or look which is why you seem offended?
We're not bashing her only on her image, fyi. If you read the threads, her image isn't the main focus. Her image is just a bonus to talk about because her PS is ridiculous and how hard she tries to look not like her real self lel.
No. 71963
>>71893>>71883>>71892Hello, Berrykissu.
We should really stop giving attention to this person. They come in every Berry thread to defend her.
No. 71993
File: 1450056354548.jpg (46.33 KB, 600x748, FcGRCys_0yy_clst.jpg)

>>71985She should leave her nose alone.
No. 72017
>>71993You can see her real hair color showing on the right close to her ear.
So I hope she doesn't go like "no no its real not a wig "
No. 72026
File: 1450063000424.png (65.7 KB, 509x280, 918284.png)

weird discoloration on her neck/collarbone area. shes getting really lazy now.
No. 72028
File: 1450063120076.png (37.88 KB, 421x200, 1741294.png)

>>72026also solid pure white sclera. nice.
No. 72067
>>71985So sad she can't even take a normal video
Do people not realize this? She can't even do one of those meipai vids or whatever
No. 72141
File: 1450088860004.jpg (241.72 KB, 600x748, 15-12-14-05-26-00-290_deco.jpg)

>>71993Tried making the photo a little more accurate according to the actual bunny ears in the app. Yikes.
No. 72144
File: 1450089369645.jpg (267.04 KB, 1920x1080, 15-12-14-05-34-56-108_deco.jpg)

Their looks are so similar lol. Wonder who did it first?
No. 72255
>>72192Oh, it looks really natural.
>>72220I like the style on Nao too, Berry could look good if she would stop photoshopping her Filipino features away.
No. 72346
>>72149Well in Nao's defense Berry didn't create or start this look either.
I assume she prolly has a slight irritation towards all those that "copy" her, you don't really grow out of it I think… i'm assuming so cos of how she reacted with Ami/Jenn and how she hates being compared to Wylona
No. 72370
File: 1450125232519.jpeg (87.04 KB, 900x724, image.jpeg)

so much filters my eyes hurt.
No. 72375
File: 1450126782380.png (363.51 KB, 596x357, 1447718710263.png)

>>71893>>71892because she's a liar.
No. 72433
File: 1450135224784.png (18.32 KB, 524x110, sdfsf.png)

:) she deleted this tweet
No. 72455
probably deleted it becus it ruins her "rich girl" image
No. 72459
>>71993>>71995When watching the video… pay attention to what is supposed to be a human hand
why does it move like that? Anatomically speaking it weird to me
No. 72487
it's just like snapchat but with animated stickers and a lot of filter and you can make gifs
No. 72489
>>72396It's definitely a wig to change from black to plat blonde that quickly would fry your hair and head
And if shes back to black already why would she through the trouble to bleach/dye her hair for a week than go back?
No. 72501
>>72476She claims to work in an icecream shop or w/e
no solid proof of her working at all despite the claim; no uniform pics, no work or employee pics
No. 72686
>>72681just looked and she did lmao
it's so obvious she reads the thread
either that or one of her ass sniffers told her and then they all came to the conclusion to delete them
No. 72690
File: 1450206730650.png (511.76 KB, 604x771, Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 2.11…)

No. 72694
>>72681If this is the case what a control freak.
If it was her ass kissers, lmao, they do what they can to score some friendship brownie points with her. It's not like we were able to really read her private tweets anyhow.
Berry wears a wig or she photoshops her hair, the only hair color that is for certain with this chick is black and brown. Lets recall that bleaching answer she gave to someone kek.
idk about Nao.
No. 72836
>>72814That's true.
what's also true is that a lot of Koreans finds South East Asians ugly tbh
But it's not like berry is ever going to korea anyway soo
No. 72845
>>72836Honestly she should show some more Filipino pride. Additonally, stop trying to be a Korean ulzzang, lose some weight, cut the BS before she totally loses it, and become a beautiful or at least cute pinay.
She's just as bad as the white koreaboos who do the straight eyebrows, gradient lips and overly pale BB cream. Good God Get A Grip Girl.
>>72837I've thought about that too. We can't tell for now, but I hope it's Mongolia or Kazakhstan hahaha
No. 72847
>>72837I hope it's the Philippines. Berry won't know wtf to do.
No. 72913
File: 1450241877410.png (115.12 KB, 817x556, Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 11.5…)

Don't teachers only do this for high school students in 9th or 10th grade??? Berry what happened to being in college?
No. 72919
>>72913It doesn't
You either hand in homework or you submit it online
No. 72945
she dug herself too far a hole
she even deleted most information about her like "Berry Tsukasa" on her profiles now cos she knows that name is linked to her bullshit she spewed. Korinne too.
Wonder if she will go by any new names in the future rofl. Maybe thats why she is only sticking to anime character names that she feels she ""relates"" to.
No. 72965
>>72952Does he even know he's dating someone so young/someone who lied about god knows how many things? If not… i pity the fellow. He is blindly lusting.
Or who knows maybe she was held back a couple of years and to compensate for it she lies on the internet about being so "smurt and geniUs" kek
No. 72970
I don't think that Ouji is really doing anything with his life. He seems the same as her, maybe he hangs out with friends occasionally, but it seems like he's not going to school.
She constantly brags about how she wants to be a doctor, and how she's so smart; but she never mentions anything that Ouji's doing or wanting to do, like that's so fishy for her.
I think he's just some bummy 20something, nothing wrong with it because for a lot of people it takes a long time to figure something out. You would think with her overbearing personality, that she would be on him about what he's going to do, career wise, and then brag about it and how they were such a great power couple.
A thing I thought about that supports this, is
>>72929Why isn't she asking him what college is like? Simple, he doesn't attend one. I think he didn't do anything after high school, and still doesn't. Obviously the education systems are vastly different, depending on your career goal and degree's that you get in other countries - as well as the curriculum - it's different from the US. Sure classes, and teaching styles are different, but I figure that colleges from all over have a similar teaching/learning core. (If that makes sense, I'm terrible at wording my thoughts, I'm sorry.)
I don't think he's doing anything, and she doesn't know what it's like. She's obviously not asking anyone what the experience is like either, because we've seen the proof in the pudding. So, she's making it up as she goes along, and it's all incorrect - or at the very least, really odd.
It's also pretty odd to ask siblings, "Hey, could you please describe to me your college experiences with extreme detail?"
I have siblings, when I was in high school I asked them what college was like and of course was met with different answers because they had different majors. Most of the answers though are basically 'it's hard'; but in what sort of grid that falls under differs for everyone. Some it's money, grades, school work, teachers. She's tried at playing all of these levels, but doesn't actually know what it's like.
"Oh, I have so much money, college fee's don't matter." "School work is easy, because I'm super smart." "One of my teachers was a Doctor, so it's hard for me to fake being sick."
She's just pathetic at this point.
Sorry for this long tangent, just wanted to throw my thoughts out there and see what you all think.
No. 72995
Even if she was in college she is still lying about her experiences. She sounds like someone who isn't in college and if she is she must be heavily trying to make it still sound like high school and I don't know why that would be of she is in college. So the only option that makes sense is that she is in high school.
>>72970 even if he did attend he is in another country. She could have asked her siblings or friends of their day in detail but I guarantee like you said even if they get asked they won't go into that kind of detail. The only way you get college knowledge of how it really goes is to live through it. They will just say ugh, so expensive, the books are too much money I have so many tests and things to turn in, and that's about it. I know she has mentioned presentations and turning in homework online a few times but that's as far as her school experience goes. She doesn't talk about field work, or labs, and she stopped taking about studying a long time ago even though it's finals now. Weird. Who knows, maybe she is posting this all on her private acct tho?
No. 73251
File: 1450325651471.png (31.03 KB, 585x100, Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 11.1…)

cause all the med students are chilling and not worrying about their finals
No. 73255
File: 1450326241032.png (40.71 KB, 827x126, Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 11.2…)

One of berry's internet friends who seems obsessed. With 200+ photos, I wonder if she's even noticed how different Berry looks in each
No. 73333
File: 1450371361906.png (386.58 KB, 578x606, eye.png)

I bet Korinne thought no one screenshotted this. :) More like she's too lazy to photoshop herself to oblivion. Even then you can tell she whitened her skin and sharpened her eyebrow/eyelashes to hell. I also think her eyelashes look really odd as well. I think she might have made them longer on photoshop.
No. 73338
File: 1450373391527.jpg (107.27 KB, 600x375, cassandra3.jpg)

>>73333She photoshops her face so much even if its just her eye that she looks like this character. Her head looks flat.
No. 73398
File: 1450387600139.png (18.72 KB, 549x128, soggydiapertigno.png)

This child needs to calm down before she soils her diaper.
No. 73544
File: 1450429203677.jpg (61.61 KB, 600x996, FB_IMG_1450428757201.jpg)

Have you guys done this photo sorry I am new too this post
No. 73592
File: 1450446356759.jpg (81.45 KB, 500x553, tumblr_nmwxw0b3Bt1urk9fvo1_500…)

>>73548She's hinted before that she's at least chubby, and you can really see it in this particular picture. She is really wide on top, she tries to use her hair to hide her broad shoulders and arm fat, lack of collarbones and theres a roundness to her stomach. And yes, photoshop can make you look really tiny. And considering Berry has been photoshopping for years, she is practically a professional
No. 73630
Lol at her head proportion and wig
No. 73639
File: 1450464218568.jpg (44.63 KB, 523x400, standing-postures.jpg)

Old Ichigofaker mod, here.
I have a theory on why you can never see her neck, and why her shoulders appear huge.
I think it's her terrible posture.
If you're on the computer for several hours, and sit wrong, you develop a bad posture. Especially if you continue to sit badly like that for years.
The fact that she has no neck, is due to her head coming forward, just like the drawing in
>>73592She never corrected her posture, and continues not to due so, so it leaves her head sticking forward. If it's as bad as I think it is, even when she walks her head is forward as well as her shoulders.
It's actually pretty common, and you see it in chiropractic offices a lot because a lot of tension will build in back shoulders and neck.
I know that I have quite the same thing, while at Uni I was on the computer a lot, whether it was for writing papers or just to try and unwind. I know when I get very tired, while walking around I'll be slumped forward, and when I realize it I'll stand up better.
No. 73653
File: 1450469306673.jpg (225.81 KB, 1920x1080, 15-12-18-15-07-28-324_deco.jpg)

No. 73666
File: 1450473429868.jpg (255.5 KB, 268x477, 1419973441206.jpg)

>>73592Reminds me of pic-related. This is just now how a human body looks like…
I used to follow her in the past and always found the body selfies to be very suspicious-looking but no one ever talked about it. Looks like she lied about way more than just her body.
No. 73671
File: 1450474768948.jpg (49.42 KB, 599x1018, CWidWBkXAAIHuTv.jpg)

The stuff she sends her friends looks less photoshopped. But as you can tell it's from the other day and sent today so she would still have time to make photoshop them, clearly.
No. 73684
File: 1450476516870.jpeg (67.45 KB, 640x548, image.jpeg)

And there she goes, judging people who eat differently than her. make up your mind burry
No. 73696
>>73671can't see much with the white circle player thing in the way but she defintely used filters since that app allows it.
>>73686Agree its kind of weird.
I think only a small fraction of her "friends" know how she looks like without the shoops. Might be why they defend her so much? Can't say much about her personality though, she probably gave them some sad sob story about herself so they can sude with her actions.
No. 73719
File: 1450484682348.jpeg (69.75 KB, 1242x358, image.jpeg)

No. 73720
File: 1450484712164.jpeg (229.35 KB, 1242x1593, image.jpeg)

No. 73721
File: 1450484806043.png (124.45 KB, 1023x900, CWjBht6VAAAQGE-.png)

"Idk why im in a group chat with my brothers all they talk about is gaming computers and im there like"
I thought she played a ton of videogames?
No. 73722
File: 1450484918002.jpg (55.77 KB, 823x635, wtf.jpg)

Ugh this girl I know loves her and even made a drawing of one of Berry's shopped pictures.
I want to send her Berry's real pictures so badly.
No. 73724
File: 1450485288051.jpeg (81.43 KB, 750x727, image.jpeg)

>>73720 Aaaaaanf this is her response. I knew she's gonna say that she's only kidding.
No. 73728
File: 1450486517069.jpeg (76.8 KB, 750x987, image.jpeg)

So Burry wears wigs and a pound of makeup while chatting with her friends?
No. 74099
File: 1450660375192.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x388, ycuDvxmF.jpg)

What a beautiful head-neck proportion
No. 74100
>>74099is this supposed to be a pic of berry?
Because this is absolutely not her.
No. 74127
File: 1450666254021.png (57.79 KB, 585x426, 9000.png)

shes filipino now???:)
No. 74143
>>74122I think her natural hair is short
but she uses extension now and then hence why she always go from short to long in weeks.
No. 74148
>>74131>>74127Tbh, I've never truly seen her deny being Filipina.
Yeah she may act like a fucking weeaboo and koreaboo, but whenever you asked her what her ethnicity is, Filipina was always a part of the list. Not including the rest of groups that she names don't really affect her, but is in her bloodline anyway. That is a given for special snowflakes.
And if she didn't mention it, I'm sure in the past she has mentioned her moving from the Philippines.
No. 74154
File: 1450684872312.png (698.46 KB, 498x539, 1424382735559.png)

when she was younger during her koreajapan love phase she would mark some of her pictures korean girl But she's grownup a bit from that childishness and accepts her race. She sprinkles some extra stuff in there to sound more exotic but she doesn't deny being pinay.
No. 74155
File: 1450684993365.jpg (960.88 KB, 741x1756, 1234.jpg)

>>74154oops I actually wanted to post this picture for the thread but that ones more relevant
No. 74156
>>74127I thought Miss Vietnam would win, Miss Vietnam was hyped af on the internet (facebook, tumblr, twitter) way before Miss Phillipines.
How disgusting she would talk about tits of all things. Is this supposed to be funny lol.
Berry now because Miss Philippines won: im so glad im from the Philippines
talks about philippine stuffBerry later:
shoops to look japanese or korean because it is popular. Pretends to know japanese or korean and google translate or copy and paste korean Or japanese words. Uses japanese words to be funny. Doesnt realize she fetishes japanese culture everytime Because shes too dumb to differentiate liking and admiring a culture and fetishizing it. uses other korean or japanese girl as her photo icons without credit etcetera No. 74157
>>74155What a disaster
>>74154Korean girl lol I don't think she really grew up from it all. I agree she doesnt deny being Phillipino but its obvious she wants to look Japanese or korean. She even tweeted saying she wanted to look japanese or whatev once.
No. 74227
File: 1450723497977.png (25.08 KB, 585x190, columbia.png)

"columbia" lmao what a stupid bitch
No. 74228
so smart much genius wow 115% gpa student
No. 74273
File: 1450735440728.jpg (700.85 KB, 1920x1880, 15-12-21-17-01-26-014_deco.jpg)

Notice Ouji's? The guy doesn't even have friends.
No. 74339
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Happy holidays from FakeMiruku! We are updating our blog daily and have made The 12 Days of Deceit, a play on The 12 Days of Christmas but with all things Berry. We hope you enjoy it! + embarrassingly pathetic obsession) No. 74340
>>74317It's been proven many times that he still uses his account
I just feel bad that this kid honestly has no friends cause Berry brain washed the fuck outta him
No. 74354
>>74340She must have done a very good job.
Whenever he posts in English it's with her exact tone and dull sense of humor.
Satan Claus as a twitter handle. It's Korinne, most of the time if not full time.
No. 74409
>>74403I agree.
I have a theory they broke up once (on and off kind of deal) or had a big argument. Berry doesn't seem to be the type to post negatively about her relationship as it would ruin her shoujo animu relationship image. I think this is when she cut her hair short back then or when she started to flirt with other men. Childlike behavior at its finest nonetheless.
However, I do agree with your post. I didn't find out about Berry long enough to have seen that anniversary post but that is interesting.
No. 74467
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i feel like this is highschool stuff or she's writing college/university application essays
No. 74483
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It's this one?
No. 74484
>>74483Ew why does it sound like berry wrote it?
Keep people envious and jealous over our relationship?
Best couple?
Thanks to my loyalty?
The fuck.
No. 74487
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Why zoom in so far? Why not get the whole fireplace I'm sure its beautiful cuz she's so rich also I'm surprised she hasn't posted an elaborate christmas tree and mountain or presents to show of the "wealth"
No. 74502
>>74484She probably killed and ate the real Ouji a long time ago. Now she has control over all of his online presence.
If he actually wrote the….holy cringefest. I'd kill myself over something like that. There is no way to recover from that.
No. 74508
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Yah OK
No. 74575
>>74483>>74484Sure loyalty; More like brainwashed. Accept her for who she is? Ha not a wonder why he helps hide her lies and plays along with her lies and deceits!
It really does sounds like berry wrote it though.
No. 74683
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>>74227when somebody corrected her lmao
No. 74684
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but there r ppl out there waiting for u to cure their cancer buryYY!!!!!
wait what
No. 74719
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She had a lot of feelings yesterday… I wonder why.
No. 74727
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What made her think this was alright for her to post? I'm sure you can find something of this nature in the English language or any other language for that matter, but it isn't kawaii enough for her. Why only Japanese or Korean? Disgusting.(this is LITERALLY not okay tbh)
No. 74843
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No. 74844
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No. 74877
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No. 74880
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>>74877tell us how you really feel, admin-sama
this thread was a mistake No. 75073
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when she changes her twitter picture to the girl that apparently looks like her (oxrumi)
No. 75120
>>75115Blame PULL. Anyway did you hear that Berry said she was eating chocolate today? What kind of college student eats
chocolate? Pathetic, she's obviously still in middle school.
No. 75268
>>75120I honestly regret making the first berry thread. If only I'd known bitches were gonna whine about her ~appropriating~ the Korean language and analyze her every stupid tweet….
I too don't understand why there's 12 on her. Do you all keep it up to antagonize her, is she the snowflake you love to hate, or do you come back to see if she's changed?
I'm gonna take Admin-samas lead and commit.
No. 75311
>>75290Photoshopping, then lying about the use of her excessive shoop.
Being Racist - not talking about "fetishistic" korean shit, just her out right use of the n-word. and constant talk of it
Taking money from fans
I'd like to think those things make her a snowflake.
I don't think anyone in her seriously cares about her "fetishizing" korean stuff, or japanese stuff. But if some tumblr douche, locked onto all that stuff she's said and done, it would blow up there. And considering that's where her "fame" started, I think it would give her a good kick.
No. 75333
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>>75311Doubleposting but
>Excessive use of photshopEveryone is doing it, nothing lulzy in this anymore
>Taking money from fansHow? She sold her (shitty, ill give you that) drawings and people buyed them, its not like she was coercing people to buy.
>>75330Go back to facebook pls
No. 75338
>>75268I think there is some merit for general discussion of her, so I understand why you originally made the thread. Thread #1 (
>>>/pt/29721 ) was much more reasonable, until it slowly degenerated into what we have today, probably as tumblr users began to find the thread over time.
>>75311She admits to Photoshopping repeatedly, even in many screenshots on that blog. And even if she was racist (from every screenshot I looked at, I see almost no real indication of this), being racist is not nearly enough to make you a snowflake.
>But if some tumblr douche, locked onto all that stuff she's said and done, it would blow up there.I forgot we were on
>>75271As I see it, lolcow is for talking shit about people who have actually done something wrong, ridiculous, and/or amusing. Obsessing over a cow and dissecting everything they say and every detail of their life is completely retarded, especially when what they've done isn't even that bad or interesting. Kiki, who is objectively way crazier and way more entertaining, doesn't receive anywhere near the level of scrutiny that petty, obsessed Berryfags give. I can only assume it's caused by boredom, jealousy, and pleasure from bringing someone else down.
Berry's fixation with constantly photoshopping herself and hiding parts of her face is a little amusing, but she admits it, and also doesn't really exploit it in a significant manner. That is, she doesn't abuse it to make money, catfish people, or deceive people in a malicious way. She just seems to be insecure about how she really looks and is addicted to masking that in different ways. Yeah, it's kind of dumb, and her personality is a bit annoying (which you could also say about tens of millions of people her age or in similar demographics), but it's NOT worth 12 fucking threads and 14,000+ (1,200 times 12, plus PULL) posts of discussion.
Most people who post in these threads are bigger lolcows than Berry is. It's kind of like alogging, except with elements of jealousy and insecurity. I imagine a lot of them are under 18. Or at least I hope.
Please, anyone who posts in these threads religiously, correct me if I'm wrong here. What else has she done that warrants this amount of discussion and such an in-depth look at her life and everything she writes? If there's something else that you think makes her an interesting subject, please post it.
This is probably a major waste of my time, but just to stamp out any complaints from Berryfags, let's take a look at the "case" against her.
The general theme seems to be accusations that she is a compulsive/pathological liar; supposedly lying about going to college and having a boyfriend, for example. However, these accusations seem to be based on tenuous evidence at best. Even if the accusations are all true, I still wouldn't think she's worth this level of pathetic enthusiasm, but at least it would make a little more sense, and the thread would have continued reason for existence. Can someone, in a single post, please provide clear evidence that she's a consistent and compulsive liar?
From a brief review, I see absolutely no evidence of lying about anything other than appearance, and even then, most of the deception (like Photoshopping) appears to things she admits to.
Just looking at this horrible blog for a moment: alleges that she's not really in college, because the class she's taking is too basic for pre-med. Well, it's
pre-med. Many colleges have introductory classes. They also say she's probably not in college because she makes mistakes when writing papers, doesn't know a ton about her major, acts immaturely, has a professor that lets them eat in class and checks people's homework, and simultaneously doesn't talk about college much while also talking about it way too much. I don't know if this person has ever been to a college before, but these things are all very common at many colleges. She's not exactly at an Ivy League school. She's probably not the brightest student, but most colleges have tons of students that are not very intelligent or mature. They also point out her professor supposedly texting her in an unprofessional way (, which is a bit weird, but again, it's a shitty no-name school. One of the student reviews of the school upon Googling it is "it's like an expensive version of high school".
>We have no proof that the account is fake or real, but we think it is fake. We think the same of any other website that says she graduated in 2015.Right, clearly she tricked every website into thinking she graduated in 2015. It appears those websites put a graduation date scraped from public (or private?) information, but allow it to be changed by users. It's plausible that someone could register an account and edit their graduation date with a fake one, but there's no cache of the supposedly "original" one, and also no actual evidence she lied about when she graduated or her college attendance. is so stupid, I'm not even going to address it. claims that it's unlikely she bleaches her hair, as she says she did, based on her giving incomplete advice on how to bleach it, and a suspicion that she typically wears wigs. It does kind of look like a wig, but the evidence of lying clearly isn't very strong. And even if she is lying about wearing wigs, that's not nearly interesting enough to care much about.
They also claim that her boyfriend isn't real, that she runs his Twitter account, and that she/they lied about his staying in New Jersey when he was really in Indonesia.
I think it's pretty obvious he's real, which the blog even (reluctantly) admits eventually. Maybe she sometimes uses his Twitter account. If he lets her and she does, who cares? is evidence of a claim he was in New Jersey with her. But it could just be a coincidence it was 2 AM in New Jersey at the time of the tweet. He made no clear indication that it was 2 AM where he was. It's still at least evidence though, which is something. and is finally
actual evidence that they claimed to be in the same location.
>First her boyfriend is with her, then he’s back in Indonesia, now he’s back in New Jersey with her?>This couple goes back and forth. Is Ouji in New Jersey with you Korinne or is he in Indonesia? She can’t make up her mind with these lies.>Maybe our readers can piece this together, because we sure can’t.Hmmm, this really is a tough one to piece together. Obviously her Internet boyfriend of 5 years didn't take a plane to New Jersey to visit her once or twice; that would be too absurd. I think it's a conspiracy.
Though, again, even if they did actually both agree to lie about his being in the same location as her, who gives a shit? Her completely fabricating a boyfriend or college enrollment would be a bit amusing, but tiny things like this are meaningless, especially when her boyfriend is fully aware of the lie.
Most of the other posts on there don't really address lying in any way, and instead take some issue with every little thing she says. Most of what they overreact to appears to be completely misinterpreted or exaggerated (,,,, or basically non-sensical (,,, and the few things that aren't are incredibly boring (, - Holy shit, she's a weeb. How horrifying.). Either the owner(s) are (genuinely) autistic, have no common sense, and are unable to recognize humor, sarcasm, and figurative speech, or their seething hatred for Berry somehow causes them to be deeply offended by everything she says, causing them to disregard all logic and reason. The person or people who run this blog deserve a /snow/ thread much more than Berry does.
Other than Photoshop and possibly lying about wearing a wig, I don't see a single credible claim. And most of the claims, even if they were remotely credible, would not be discussion-worthy. All I see is a somewhat immature weeaboo who uses social media a lot, manipulates some photos, and (usually) admits to doing it, and a few people constructing elaborate conspiracy theories and accusing her of APPROPRIATING JAPANESE CULTURE OMFG to justify their hatred and jealousy. The thread's continuing existence makes a little bit of sense to discuss new instances of Photoshopping, but I'm struggling to see how anything beyond that is justified. The obsession is bordering on zealotry.
If anyone has any counter-arguments, please present them. Seriously. This is just from me spending 5 minutes looking at this thread and that blog, while many of you have been reading and following this stuff for years, so you may know a lot more than me and I could be wrong. I'm not going to look through all 12 threads for other things. I will obviously not ban or warn anyone who disagrees with me and has some kind of tangible evidence or arguments to provide.
I will also not lock or delete this thread even if no one can provide a good (or any) counter-argument, as I don't lock or delete any threads, but the thread may be moved or modified in some other way.
No. 75344
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>>75338>>75338Admin-kun… Thank you. You are so brave and smart.
Seriously tho Berry is boring all these threads are dumb.
No. 75373
>>75338bless you admin.
im sick of these berry threads looking for the smallest reason to talk shit about her. boring
No. 75375
>>75338god, i'm scrolling through that fake miruku blog and it's so retarded college student with a
messy room? impossible did you know that this extremely obviously photoshopped image is in fact… photoshopped?
No. 75376
>>75338I've been seeing these threads accumulating over the past several months and I've been waiting for someone to say this, honestly. Thanks, Admin.
Personally, I think she's definitely an interesting person and having a thread for her is fine, but after looking at the whole tumblr on her I had no idea people were this obsessed. It's honestly creepy to me.
I can understand threads about our queen, but if Berry truly does have concerns about her safety irl I don't blame her, to be honest.
>>75374These threads have been on the front page of /pt/ and /snow/ for months. I go through her threads on occasion because they're ALWAYS there. I feel like there's always a reason for it but there's never any juicy drama for anywhere and it's fucking annoying.
No. 75380
>>75376I agree with this anon, personally I enjoy this thread but I never liked that fakemikuru tumblr it literally nitpicks every little thing, even when it doesn't prove anything
I also don't like how the blog picks out the people just commenting on her twitter/insta as "crazy blind followers" or something like that it makes no sense to attack normal people
No. 75400
To not derail the thread further, please don't reply unless you have something else to contribute to the thread (so the prior discussion before I posted), or if you're refuting any of my points. Don't reply just to agree with my post. It's not productive.
>>75376Yes, there is some merit for a thread. Berry's constant attempts to disguise or obfuscate her real face with Photoshop, copious makeup, angles, hair, or her hands are definitely somewhat amusing and relatively thread-worthy. But they're not worth anywhere near this amount of focus and contempt.
I kind of split cows/snowflakes into two categories: projective and protective. They use psychological defenses differently.
Projective people take their issues, insecurities, and anxieties and maliciously project them onto others in a hostile or harmful way. For example, Ashley and Ember's vendettas and backstabbing, and Kiki's general litigiousness and insanity.
Protective people stay on the defensive, and construct false realities only to protect their image and ego. For example, Aly and Berry.
People in the latter category still are worthy of interest and discussion, but typically don't deserve serious resentment or dissection. At least not until they start projecting.
No. 75421
>>75337Holy shit, how new are you?
>>75338>>75400I don't post in this thread often by any means, and I also don't think Berry Tsukasa is anything other than a self-conscious social media rat (like millions of other girls/people, let's be real,) but I think this level of content-policing is kind of.. concerning.
Kiki has gone into hiding for the moment, of course people aren't talking about her right now. And if I remember correctly, back when she was faking her trips to Japan, her thread was almost always on the front page of /pt/.
Before I get attacked, I really don't think Berry is lolcowish by any means. You're right that it's becoming increasingly repetitive and there's really not much to pick at. But I wonder what this means on a larger scale?
I feel like the random girls on the internet who photoshop themselves, or post constantly to hide their rampant insecurities/mental illnesses/eating disorders are
much more popular than other actual cows. Like the Stephonknee (?) thread only got so many replies before it devolved into retarded tumblr faggots trying to defend that fucking nutcase. Even PT's threads don't have many replies now, and a whole new set of pictures (including nudes!) were given to us on Christmas fucking Eve.
It's weird, and I think it shows the trend of lolcows posters to be insecure girls themselves who care more about dissecting the lives of other insecure girls than genuinely laughing at the weird fucking crazies that are actually out there on the internet.
Anyway, TL;dr: Even though I agree with your posts, I'm genuinely wondering what's going to happen because of it. Are you shutting down the thread because you don't care for it? Is this all part of hell week? I guess I'm basically just wondering what you're going to do with this, since I can't tell if you're saying Berry doesn't deserve a thread (and this will be moved to /b/ or something, or Berry threads will be outlawed?) or that she does 'merit' a thread, but you think it's stupid anyway? Are you just venting?
No. 75422
>>75421>I feel like the random girls on the internet who photoshop themselves, or post constantly to hide their rampant insecurities/mental illnesses/eating disorders are much more popular than other actual cows.>It's weird, and I think it shows the trend of lolcows posters to be insecure girls themselves who care more about dissecting the lives of other insecure girls than genuinely laughing at the weird fucking crazies that are actually out there on the internet.True. As proof, despite being a much newer board, /snow/ has already nearly overtaken /pt/ in post frequency and is clearly the source of most new posters. I have not yet decided if anything should be done about that.
>Are you shutting down the thread because you don't care for it? No, not at all. See what I wrote at the end of my post:
>I will also not lock or delete this thread even if no one can provide a good (or any) counter-argument, as I don't lock or delete any threads, but the thread may be moved or modified in some other way.I'm definitely not shutting it down or stopping discussion in any way.
>Is this all part of hell week?Yes, primarily. But also because I read
>What is the point of lolcows, if not this?I really didn't like the idea of people thinking
this thread is the "point" of the site, or an accurate representation of what the site is all about. That sort of reputation is absolute poison to the chan and the community, and attracts the wrong kind of users.
No. 75424
>I will also not lock or delete this thread even if no one can provide a good (or any) counter-argument, as I don't lock or delete any threads, but the thread may be moved or modified in some other way.Ah, I'm sorry for jumping the gun on that. I'm just paranoid about this becoming the new 4chan– overwrought with autism and disinteresting, overkill topics, and heavily moderated according the the biases of a select few. Again, I'm sorry for not reading more closely.
I agree that this thread especially is not an accurate representation of that this site is all about.. or rather, what we want it to be about. However, I think it (and others like it) highlight the growing problems that this board is suffering from. (As you said >That sort of reputation is absolute poison to the chan and the community.)
Since Berry Tsukasa's claims to fame are insecurity, photoshopping, fabricating parts of her life on the internet, and finally being a 'secret fatty,' I feel like it's a way for other insecure girls to take out their anger on a specific target. Which is not farming; it's a-logging to the extreme. I think the obsessions over random girls reflects the sort of 'community' lolcow has now attracted, probably because of the migration from tumblr, /cgl/, PULL, and
especially instagram. I don't mean to be a nostalgiafag, but I miss the days when this website was first opened, and there was a concentrated community of posters who cared about milking the true cows. But I suppose people have been saying shit like this for ages, right?
I guess I am no longer refuting any of your points, so I will stop posting. Thank you for answering me. I realize I sound like I'm complaining, but I'm glad to have lolcow up, for all its faults. Praise be to PT.
No. 75425
>>75424*As you said,
>That sort of reputation is absolute poison to the chan and the community.Forgive my stupidity, it's been a long day.
No. 75468
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>>75458>>75458>that moment when other people start to realize Berry is a generic weeb everyone hates on because she happened to be popular with her shoops
>despite many others weebs doing the same
>mfw anon is getting mad and leaving over admin giving an analytical opinion on said nobody
>that moment when Admin said he wasn't even going to lock or delete the thread, and gave reasons why he thought she didn't deserve TWELVE threads and one PULL discussionJesus, y'all are ridiculous. Oh well, bye Anon-chan!!
No. 75474
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I agree that there lately wasn't much to milk except her stupid screenshots of conversations with her parents or teacher (which all seem to be using her lingo) but there was a lot of lying involved with the photoshop and her hair. for example this great picture she took of her body claiming it to be unedited when it was clearly stretched (there are even reference pics of the backpack which show just how much she stretched the image).
I think lies like that are fun to observe and discuss.
No. 75507
>>75492well not for 12 threads, and not now anyways. just saying that this used to have at least some milk at the beginning.
but then again, is snowflake drama not always little things blown out of proportion? all threads here are like that in my opinion, this is not limited to the berry thread.
No. 75515
>>75507/snow/ is honestly cancer to this chan but all the shit threads had to go somewhere.
Truly though, no. It has not always been about discussing every little thing and blowing it out of proportion. Some of the people in /snow/ actually DO say and do things worth discussing. Berry doesn't. Her photoshopping and acting like she didn't it is nothing unusual, though I can understand why it would be discussed. But no one really talks about her photoshopping, they just try to use that as an excuse to explain why they talk about her. Everything that is REALLY talked about in this thread is nitpicking and trying to call her on lies that probably aren't even lies because Berryfags are so jealous.
No. 75593
I agree that the thread is ridiculously long and lately, the topics are redundant.
Photoshopping, lies about college, lies about being rich and pretending her fake Cartiers were real (which she no longer speaks of being rich ever since the thread but those were glorious kek worthy moments to me), boyfriend speculations, weird and rather unreal conversations with her professors etcetera. I believed they were topics to talk about when the threads were fresher. She has done much more than photoshopping but it seems that photoshopping is the only thing that can be easily talked about. Berry doesn't have much to milk out lately simply because she has learned of the threads and is laying low. She probably learned that her BS back then were purely stupid. Clearly, there isn't strong evidence that she lurks but it can be assumed she does by the way she (use to) retaliate. She deleted most if not all her old tweets so I can't dig them up. Her friends have lurked and defended her, so it's possibly they could have told her.
She seems to be taking a new route on social media instead of talking about herself and her life entirely, she only reposts things people deem interesting or relatable. She has become quite boring. She is a typical weeb on the internet with followers, trying to gain more followers by being 'relatable'. However, I can imagine she might go back to being her old self that started these threads in a matter of time if this thread does die.
All in all, I agree the threads have become boring and redundant (just as this post ha). I only check up on it time to time to see if theres anything new because quite frankly I found the older threads rather interesting when she spewed out nonsense. To me, all of her BS were transparent and the threads made some rather good points (I was an ex Berry-Fan so perhaps my POV differs from those who did not follow her at her peak of internet fame).
No. 75705
>>75474Yes, the photoshop and hair discussion is definitely valid. However, the impression I'm getting is that in most of 2014 (date of that screenshot), she typically denied photoshopping, but in 2015 she's started to admit to it more. Still worthy of discussion even if she admits to it, but also makes it less interesting.
>her stupid screenshots of conversations with her parents or teacher (which all seem to be using her lingo)>>75593>Photoshopping, lies about college, boyfriend speculations, weird and rather unreal conversations with her professors etcetera.As I addressed in
>>75338, I see almost no evidence of lies about college or her boyfriend, and so far no one has provided any counter-arguments. I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but I see no substantial evidence and no one trying to refute my impression of that "evidence".
The screenshots of her mom using her lingo seem perfectly sensible to me. Lots of parents do that to appease their kids.
The professor one is definitely a little weird, but since it's such a shitty college, I would not be surprised if it's real.
>lies about being rich and pretending her fake Cartiers were real (which she no longer speaks of being rich ever since the thread but those were glorious kek worthy moments to me)That's finally something new to me, and interesting.
Could you link to some screenshots where she claimed to be rich?
I don't actually give a shit if she is or isn't or lied about it, but since I've already sunk myself in this deep, I might as well go all the way.
I did find this in a previous thread, with the fake Cartier bracelet:
>>>/pt/67465>>>/pt/68411Other than the photoshop and hair, this is the only amusing thing I've found about her so far. She claimed to have a certificate of authenticity for the fake bracelet, but as someone points out, fake versions often come with fake certificates, so she may have bought it online, thought it was real, and was scammed. She also may have lied about having the certificate because she did not realize it was fake until someone pointed it out, and just felt bad about it. Maybe her parents really did buy it, thought it was real, and got tricked. Maybe they knew they were fake, and she was tricked. But of course, she could have known it was fake, and was intentionally deceiving people. I think there's a pretty good chance she was being wittingly deceptive, but who knows.
>>>/pt/50631Discussion in this thread also shows that she is somehow able to afford (real) expensive lenses, and is sponsored by some sort of shop. So, clearly she was or is able to obtain some expensive things.
There's a decent chance she was deceptive there to give the impression her parents had a lot of money, but that's the only instance I see so far. And as
>>75593 said, she immediately stopped pretending they were real, and seems not to have suggested she was rich again. Did these threads play a role in that? Very possibly. So, it was funny while it was occurring, but that was 9 months and 11 threads ago. I see no evidence that she is currently a compulsive liar of any kind.
Were there any other incidents like the bracelet one?
No. 75733
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awkward moment when she spells almost everything wrong
like at least try to do something right smh
No. 76119
>>75705She claimed that her anime merch was official and that she bought it for almost 200$ (she posted a screenshot of its price).
As it turns out it was just a bootleg.
No. 76155
File: 1451405421493.jpeg (106.81 KB, 750x592, image.jpeg)

She deleted this.
No. 76166
>>76156It's an intentional misspelling. I think it originated on Tumblr after a blogger tried to talked down to another blog but miswrote sweety as
sweaty :) and everybody made fun of them.
No. 76206
>>75705I don't have screenshots but there was a time where she lied about her fake Cartier bracelets being real
and she claimed something along the lines of "if my parents could afford real Cartier bracelets I'm pretty sure they'd be able to pay $60k a year for my college" which is implying that she's in a more prestigious college
and she posted multiple (edited?) stock photos of mansions and luxurious homes claiming it was hers
if anyone has the screencaps for backing these up it would be great! these were mentioned in the previous threads but it's hard to find now since there's sO many posts to look through
No. 77583
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No. 77585
>>77583why would a college student bother with knowing/remembering what day school starts other than their own lol
and since it's only high schools returning now…nice try berry
No. 77596
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>>77590The movie Friday and drag queens for the most part. Tumblr picked up on it and here we are.
No. 78079
I'm going to try to avoid arguing points in this thread again, especially since hellweek is over, but I'd like to reply to the people responding to me. I'm also not trying to suggest that this thread is at risk; I'd just like to better understand all sides of the story. My opinion is easily swayed in the face of evidence.
>>76206>I don't have screenshots but there was a time where she lied about her fake Cartier bracelets being real >and she claimed something along the lines of "if my parents could afford real Cartier bracelets I addressed those in the post you're quoting.
>I'm pretty sure they'd be able to pay $60k a year for my college" which is implying that she's in a more prestigious collegeThat part is quite humorous, I agree.
>and she posted multiple (edited?) stock photos of mansions and luxurious homes claiming it was hersCan't find this. Can someone post a screenshot or link?
>>76731>She outed herself as being at a community college a while back, someone compared her photo to a video of the decor. Though I think she is still in high school idk what she is doing at that cc, maybe a sibling goes.I'm pretty sure she goes to the community college everyone has speculated she goes to.
But these are interesting. Could anyone please link sources?
>she lied about a cat doll she got. Said it was official and $200+ but it was a bootleg>She lied about fakemiruku sending her rape threats. The rest are uninteresting.
No. 78080
>>78079Agree. I'm not trying to lick Admin-sama's ass…
>u-unless he wanted me toBut Berry is only lolzy when we catch her in one of her many lies. She's just an unremarkable fake bitch on the internet otherwise. Which is a majority quite honestly.
No. 78086
File: 1452059956637.png (707.4 KB, 1139x710, Untitled.png)

>>78079>and she posted multiple (edited?) stock photos of mansions and luxurious homes claiming it was hersi'm not claiming this is proof or isn't, I just like to lurk cow threads and a lot of stuff is hearsay and berry is pretty vague sometimes so it's whatever here's some old stuff I saw while reading her threads.
I honestly don't think she's a cow/snowflake as much as others but it's mostly just to see if this is even worth talking about
sorry for this trash edit
No. 78087
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No. 78088
File: 1452060069766.png (1.18 MB, 1017x960, 1440295895869.png)

No. 78090
File: 1452060805114.png (214.66 KB, 549x580, 1443746178480.png)

>>78079also some people are remembering incorrectly unless I missed it but here's the cat pillow thing which is more irrelevant than the cartier lie .
this is only$48-50
No. 78091
File: 1452060908446.png (65.5 KB, 530x480, 1443653045215.png)

>>78090she does like to brag but who cares about $200
No. 78093
>>78079 thread has the college posts people were referring to.
>>>/snow/2>>78092will do. saw it a bit ago
No. 78579
File: 1452196892564.jpg (454.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16-01-07-14-58-09-902_deco.jpg)

sure you do
No. 83465
File: 1453303046258.jpg (588.14 KB, 1885x1920, 16-01-20-10-11-49-000_deco.jpg)

>>83396Yeah I blame the stuff during hell week. But I mean she's been doing nothing recently so either way it would be kinda dead. The only thing interesting is that she unfollowed a shit ton of her mutuals/friends recently (went from about 40 to 16) but so far I've only seen like one unfollow her. This tweet is interesting and I wonder if it's related to her unfollowing people? This trouble in paradise I'm hoping would lead to some snitching but none yet.
No. 84324
>>83716>>83465What happen to hentaithot her ultimate
problematic whiteknight twin? Tried searching him but not sure another user came up and their tweets sounded like regrets
Many of those mututals she unfollowed seem to have stopped interacting with her guess they found out she unfollowed. Looking at their tweets I might have unfollowed too. One of the mutual she unfollowed tweeted something about the desperate lengths people will go for twitter fame but it is now deleted. Maybe it was directed to her? So much for friendship eh?
Her twitter is boring. Just lots of relatable stuff to get attention for followers. I've seen a few tweets and ig post that may catch attention but she's really on the downlow. Has she finally grown up? Or is she just waiting for these threads and forums about her to die?
No. 84357
File: 1453454201763.jpg (431.25 KB, 1920x1394, 16-01-22-03-42-10-995_deco.jpg)

Her college talk matches up with the OCC schedule. If she lies why not lie with accuracy? We know you're still in high school, Berry. You still disappear mysteriously around class times. No amount of showing you're up late on PlayStation will change that.
>>84324I think hentaithot changed their name a lot but now I think they deleted all together. Couldn't find them anywhere by browsing.
To be fair, a lot of the people she unfollowed didn't give her enough attention :( sure they kissed her ass sometimes but they had other things to do. Her new gaming buddies are all she needs now! #FakeFriends
But I don't think they have bad blood because she still likes their replies. However the person you mention that posted that tweet, I remember seeing it too. They unfollowed her right? I only know of two mutuals that she unfollowed that now unfollow her too. I don't know the timeline though so maybe they did before she did. Doesn't matter though, they don't seem like the type to dish anyway. They barely talked to her so I doubt they have any? This would be more interesting if she alienated one of her bffs or bf.
No. 84545
>>84357I don't think they unfollowed her yet; they just seem to have ceased interacting with her. Now they're just like a ghost follow? Also with that tweet I talked about, one of berrys ex-mutual friend also retweeted it kek. could possibly be aimed towards her since it seems to have circulated through her ex-twitter groupie.
As far as I know only one of her ex-mututal unfollowed her too and they use to kiss her ass plenty of times. I don't remember many of her old mutuals but after another look hey! she unfollowed her sugarmama too. honeybeartea, you wasted your money kek.
i agree but i doubt she would alienate michelle whatever or her 'bf', both of them don't seem to be that active on the internet and they befriended her years ago before she became popular. also to be fair, her ex-mutual/ex-twitter groupie prolly only befriended her for fame and to be noticed.
No. 90052
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No. 90740
>>90720She probably deleted the Berry persona because so many people knew how fake she was. She was able to resurrect some popularity without it on twitter. She's tried to tweet some bs a few times saying she's learned from her past and she is learning on her own time the things she did wrong but she has an attitude while saying it. I don't believe her. No proof.
>>90725Yes. Every person she has used has looked how she tried to photoshop herself to look. It's clear what she is doing. This girl is a self proclaimed popular kawaii 21 year old why, doesn't she take any more selfies? She's too busy with her last semester in high school to photoshop into oblivion. In her free time she plays games lol. So much for pre med.
No. 90817
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No. 90843
>>52615So sad that she's laying way low now, for such a long time too. : (
Even though she doesn't give out any milk, more like frozen yogurt, it was still a little funny to watch her squirm.
I definitely thought her attention wanting ass would have come back by now, she barely posts and just retweets funny things that someone else made.
Too bad none of her ex-friends/schoolmates never came into the thread to talk shit about her.
But, when you google berry tsukasa, the tumblr, the threads and pull come up.
No. 90899
File: 1455029977500.jpg (287.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16-02-09-09-50-14-140_deco.jpg)

>>90817Lol just as the thread starts to talk about her again she retweets and says this passive aggressive shit. She probably lurks the fuck out of this thread even if she doesn't talk much about anything on twitter besides click bait like
>>90843 says. She still sees what people say about her. She low key cares about it. She's obvious. Also she has shown nothing about changing. Last I checked her behavior could still exist even if she refrains from talking about it. She also stopped talking about school as much? Does that mean she doesn't go? No. Unless you show it, Berry, don't be surprised if people think you didn't change. Keep the passive aggressive talk with your twitter friends. We don't care. You can't 'change' and get mad when no one notices. You've shown no progress or anything of the sort, don't blame us, blame yourself. We're not taking your word for it. You've also said you have huge tatas and live in New York. The tests have determined THAT was a lie.
No. 91003
File: 1455054878446.jpg (647.18 KB, 1920x1835, 16-02-09-16-53-10-094_deco.jpg)

she's back to faking things lol
No. 91128
>>91003Kpop in class?
Sounds like something someone would do in highschool class or a community college class where everything is like highschool kek
Berry likes the attention, good or bad she lives for it.
No. 98657
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No. 98668
File: 1456596572664.png (84.48 KB, 1440x701, Screenshot_2016-02-27-13-08-33…)

Thought you were rich Berry
No. 98669
File: 1456596717140.png (932.16 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-02-27-13-10-53…)

What, did you already pawn your totally real and genuine Cartier bracelets?
No. 98674
File: 1456597767017.png (733.01 KB, 626x633, kissing ass.png)

and berrykissu is kissing ass as usual, what a fitting name she has
No. 99035
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No. 99036
File: 1456707408659.png (68.05 KB, 581x325, sure burra 2.png)

No. 99037
File: 1456707431151.jpg (27.78 KB, 600x432, CcVvzPgWEAAQGSx.jpg)

No. 99038
File: 1456707444519.jpg (17.41 KB, 599x221, CcVy_GgW8AE9u2h.jpg)

No. 99532
File: 1456850686014.png (15.68 KB, 592x116, lol.png)

"i dont pay for my own gas" she wanna sound like a rich spoiled kid so baaaad. burra you dont even have a car lmfao
No. 100381
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Has anyone posted this yet? It came up with her name.
No. 100395
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>>100381Berry kawaii desu
No. 100396
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>>100395That deviantart is a gold mine
No. 100398
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Sorry if these were posted before, but I never saw them
No. 100401
File: 1457071588964.jpeg (268.16 KB, 395x611, image.jpeg)

Berry so skinny desu
(photos from princesstrawberry27 on devianart)
She must have lost access to the account, or forgot about it
No. 100502
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>>100401The photos are like 5-6 years old, but y'know, she's not exactly the kawaii top princess she makes everyone believe
No. 104375
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No. 105119
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You can even see the fat rolls on her fingers
No. 106043
File: 1458069762488.png (742.66 KB, 877x970, uno.png)

Some new kek worthy things for this thread
Berry's "best friend" received a package form Berry and if you look closely, there are old sponsored items that Berry use to review or were given to buy stores for a review
No. 106045
File: 1458069973105.jpg (234.16 KB, 1487x967, dos-horz.jpg)

PULL user said >The bow AND the floral clothes for example. She did a review over the clothing a very long time ago and the bow was from the store that use to sponsor her a sweater that she also reviewed a very long time ago, all on tumblr. I don't recall her reviewing the bow it self though o_O
Those bows in the packaging could be from another bow store that sponsored her, I don't remember the store name though. If it is, I don't recall a review over those either.<
No. 106227
File: 1458093543257.png (91.29 KB, 249x359, 2.thumb.png.2be1d2641a579a62c5…)

This chick is pretending to be a japanese girl living in osaka now… really?
No. 106229
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No. 106231
File: 1458093648926.png (436.29 KB, 815x514, 56e8681d7f079_Sin_ttulon.thumb…)

I can't believe it… she's literally posing as someone else, and the girl isn't even Japanese. How desperate can you be??
No. 106241
>>106229I don't think she's posing as the girl?
She had her twitter pic as another korean girl for a long time, and said that it wasn't her.
I think she's just back to wanting to be japanese and using someone elses pictures because she knows if she posts one of herself it'll be critiqued.
No. 106276
>>106250Maybe to people who don't know her that is the case, but others who do not know her and what she does will think it's her.
>>106231The hair could easily be from the person in her dp. If you think she isn't trying to get people to believe she looks like that then you're wrong. She wants people to believe she is Japanese and looks like that. She has JP in her damn bio LOL.
No. 106413
>>106309hand me downs are great gifts burry
those clothes last 2 are cute; maybe burry or milkbby_ couldnt fit them anymore?
No. 107063
File: 1458315584033.jpg (583.13 KB, 1920x1835, 16-03-18-11-38-49-599_deco.jpg)

What social life, Berry?
No. 107282
>>107067Are you talking about the silver hair? No way
we can't even tell since she throws 10 filters on her photos and makes them grainy as fuck.
Most likely a wig. Her recent hair photo is black which looks more likely.
Lets not forget she once photoshopped her wigs with black "roots" to make people believe her wig was real and she photoshopped her her color 2 tone before.
Lets also not forget she lied about a purple wig being her hair and gave bullshit hair dye tips about it kek.
#berrytsukasa4ever #mlkbby_4ever
No. 107294
File: 1458360855732.jpg (218.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16-03-19-00-06-41-397_deco.jpg)

Considering there was a screencap of her sending images to her friends and they were photoshopped
>>73671 then I really doubt they were live. That would mean her friends know she's a liar.
No. 107709
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Pt 1
No. 107710
File: 1458496016591.jpeg (94.63 KB, 640x802, image.jpeg)

Pt 2 (the gur0prince seems to have their feelings hurt though)
No. 107840
File: 1458512422986.jpg (38.88 KB, 600x538, CeACRW3UAAEXGqJ.jpg)

full pic
>>107709>>107710 a petty tweet, even if it is from a cartoon show.
Thought burry claimed to be feminist? Isn't feminism and girl power suppose to be about bringing your fellow female friends up and not down? what a joke, korinne! not one of her first girl shaming tweet though (flash back to her half naked or meat tweet)
Bet she is using it as a way to gain followers quick or get attention. Things spread fast on twitter, stupid things spread really fast on twitter and it'll grab peoples attention.
Berry is plain out pitiful now;; I and my friends have no inch of respect of admiration for her left.
She seriously must not like her life outside of the internet to have to pretend to be some korean/japanese girls, live in Japan, try so hard to get followers on twitter even if it means making petty tweets or relatable tweets (so much for ""personal account"" in her description box eh?), photoshop her photos and lies about her life and wealth on the internet.
She truly reminds me of Wylona.
>>107741All her relatable tweets. She's too poor and lives in a shack and buys .99 cent makeup to buy followers rofl. Or she could have messaged some sugar daddies.
No. 110245
File: 1458855686059.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.09 KB, 750x555, image.jpeg)

Is she trying to save face after the latest mishap with her tweet?
No. 110676
File: 1458942161201.jpg (1.33 MB, 1601x1920, 16-03-25-17-37-54-250_deco.jpg)

Early HS graduation gift anyone?
>>110245 She did the same thing when people called her racist, she started saying how beautiful black people's hair is LOL. This is how its clear she hasn't changed one bit.
No. 110950
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>>71609This is old af i know, but i was reading this thread today and i follow a bunch of blogs that have that as an icon, it's definitely not her mouth its been on tumblr for ages
No. 114705
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She just takes pictures of mcdonalds all the time.
No. 124429
File: 1461645251668.png (1017.77 KB, 1159x687, Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 12.2…)

Just noticed this image on her instagram. This picture is of Ouji's desk with his new kitten. Is she still trying to imply that she lives with Ouji?
No. 134646
>>124705why would she need subs though?
btw she's back with shitty edited vids on instagram (my phone is not letting me post a screen capture)
No. 137358
File: 1465095469640.jpg (78.09 KB, 480x594, IMG_20160605_035433.JPG)

ook who's back with her shitty photoshops lol
No. 137383
File: 1465106723219.png (195.74 KB, 760x914, img7686097893121.png)

Looks like her ex-friends and ex-mutuals talk about Berry.
This is just a screenshot of what I saw, but based on it they probably say more than that. I saw a tweet where the breadstick girl said 'people will be fake just to save their reputation' and as a reply, the porkypanda guy (someone who use to game with berry a long time ago, when all of them breadstic, bunpril, berry etcetera were mutuals) said, 'you know who'. That tweet was tweeted a few days after this tweet
No. 137384
File: 1465106772545.png (140.8 KB, 765x915, img3425469884243221100.png)

>>137383screenshot to confirm berry and bunpril chick use to talk. we all know breadstick use to talk to berry. infact breadstick chick use to buy berry line stickers or whatever kek
No. 137385
File: 1465106867417.jpg (269.47 KB, 1053x1281, img20160605-005449k.jpg)

She seems to steal peoples photos alot on her milkbby_ insta too without creds
why is she so obsessed with wanting people to know she isn't a virgin? back then she would always talk about how her and her boyfriend did it and how he 'got the meat a long time ago' (she was referring to her boobs) when they never even met..
No. 137698
>>110945while they do have a similar face, their personalities and everything else are totally different. its really not uncommon for people to have similar features and style or like to dress up?
>>111126 said. and kari has videos on her ig, works and has photos tagging her real life friends etcetera.
berry is a terrible person, who uses people and lies about everything and seems to do nothing else.
they're both very different. i just think saying kari is trying so hard to be berry makes 0 sense. i follow both and they're nothing alike and i have followed berry since her tumblr years.
the only internet person i think comparable to berry is wylona hayashi. berry denies it but they are seriously alike lol. both liars, both heavy photoshoppers, don't do anything much outside of their online life and both steal and repost images and posts for likes to stay relevant.
>>137358this is one of her most filtered photos yet.
>>124429>>137385berry has been keeping it kind of low but it still seems like shes trying really hard to make it look like she and ouji live together.
lel at berrys ex friends towards her.
No. 137784
>>137698I agree with you. I think it's like the girls trying to copy Dakota or Venus, they think they'll get lucky as them and get their opportunities by doing the same shit as them. Berry had a time when she got lots of free stuff (shitty, but still free) to reviews so those girls are probably trying to do so.
btw there's a new thread