File: 1432764739749.png (727.08 KB, 562x752, 1429234428547.png)

No. 3637
File: 1432767266796.jpg (489.66 KB, 768x1024, berry01.jpg)

it's shit but i tried to make it accurate. not that it matters that much, she's covered lol
No. 3643
File: 1432771961481.jpg (89.35 KB, 720x482, berrytsukasa.jpg)

>>3640I feel this pic isn't posted enough
No. 3644
>>3636OP, forgot to add the ichigofaker link to the links description
http://ichigofaker.tumblr.comAlso, people wondering about her opening a dead body she talked about before
>//followed : I'm not American but even then I think you only cut open dead bodies when you're a second / third year. Pretty sure first year was just physics and biology for them. I guess I suddenly just saw her ugly personality and decided to post about it. Sorry not sorry No. 3645
>>3644Hey there! I actually was invited to operate on a cadaver in both my junior and senior years of high school. You needed to be enrolled in some upper level anatomy and biology classes, though.
I'm sure Berry is lying about ever attending an autopsy, an I think she made it seem like she was the one doing the autopsy herself. Which I'm pretty sure you don't get to do unless you have been in college for a
Also Berry is obviously still in high school and lies about absolutely everything, but I will give her the benefit of doubt on the slight chance she took a special field trip to see an autopsy performed.
No. 3647
File: 1432775700502.png (37.5 KB, 344x484, 39270.png)

wonder if berry is gonna tweet about this at all?
No. 3650
>>3649Yup, those are her shoes. Has the same crisscross thing on the front and design at the edges.
OH BOY. I can understand buying stuff from Target, F21, Payless, etc… BUT WALMART? Jesus fucking Christ Berry, no one believes you're a rich bitch so just fuck off.
No. 3652
File: 1432780602089.jpg (41.26 KB, 480x295, IMG_20150528_033300.JPG)

youre pratically begging for sponsors and buy walmart shoes what a rich girl kek
No. 3653
File: 1432781095602.jpg (130.81 KB, 408x544, cableknit-01.jpg)

>>3637the end of that sweater looks like the one i got from old navy
No. 3655
>>3652I don't know if anyone else thought this, but I find this kind of rude.
I always dislike the type of person who belittles homeless people, "Oh, I don't want to give them money bc they'll use it for drugs". If you're going to try and donate, don't be an asshole about it. Same thing for this scenario.
This doesn't sound mean, but sly, to me. In a way that is like, "Well they weren't fashionable before, but they are now thanks to ME". I'm 100% sure homeless children/youth/women/men do not care about how they look, they are focused on surviving day to day. Do not make other people your charity event to make yourself look better, it's disgusting, they are actual people with real history and possibly brutal pasts. This is just so fucking rude.
No. 3656
>>3654I shop at Old navy and you're def not offending me. Its not that she shops at these places, its that she tries to make it seem like she's rich when she's clearly NOT. Its a joke, and its an even bigger joke that she's awful at lying. Its an insult lmao. Although this sweater is cute asf and I kind of want it
>>3653>>3655Not only that but its such an obvious ploy to make herself look like some sort of kawaii saint. I think most people end up donating their old clothes these days, but you don't see everyone giving themselves asspats about it.
No. 3657
>>3655>>3656agreed. berry is disgusting.
always bragging about these "good deeds" she does who on earth brags about being a good person? NOT sincere good people. They do it because they truly care, not for the sake to impress strangers on the internet. it's sick and gives people who do give to charity and are good people sincerely a bad name.
I use to look up to berry before but she's just so shit. I was already skeptical of her before I found out about her threads. Berry, go do something other than be on the internet all day, PSing your face and body and trying to fabricate shit to make yourself look good. For a 20 year old, she is nothing but all talk, photoshop and internet.
No. 3669
File: 1432824804527.jpeg (32.28 KB, 255x340, lol.jpeg)

so when I was scrolling I kind of noticed something. Comparing this photo
>>3636 of berry's with this photo of pixyteri, their chest area looks really similar. so Im thinking she has a similar (at least upper body type) with pixyteri. Berry also cropped out her arm lol probably to hide her arm fat.
No. 3680
File: 1432828939606.png (24.93 KB, 621x276, lol.png)

A little off topic from what we've been talking but I laughed
I think the school one is a great idea. Also, don't people in the US have graduation pics and so on? We should find someone who agreed to show Berry's pics lol
No. 3691
>>3669Don't really agree with this, I mean in a way I guess so.
Pixy can wear sweaters though, and you will ALWAYS see the shape of her breasts no matter what she wears. Berry wears sweaters and suddenly she's flat chested, when she wears a low cut top suddenly she's got big tits.
So idk
No. 3692
>>3675You didn't screenshot it??????? lol wtf
Also, what name did you use Korinne or Yin.
This doesn't really add up.
No. 3699
File: 1432843794329.jpg (62.51 KB, 960x960, 11350601_10204455041243893_570…)

Is that Berry in the background behind myk?
No. 3711
File: 1432878453378.jpg (31.66 KB, 1080x301, Screenshot_2015-05-29-01-45-22…)

This is so Berry
No. 3715
File: 1432932112788.png (291.55 KB, 619x576, lmao.png)

I'm laughing did she really used another stock photo to show "her house" kek
No. 3717
>>3715Also, remember this >>110298 ?
She is posting to make it seem she doesn't lurk here. Stop it Berry you're only embarrassing yourself.
No. 3718
>>3715she is so transparent, who puts a picture of their living room with a status about how hot it is and that they're going to play ps4?
Also, she's literally done nothing since her summer began other than play ONE game. lmao.
No. 3721
File: 1432933416361.jpg (40.86 KB, 453x604, 1432362507331.jpg)

She also once implied this was her living room lol…the decor/style/and ceiling height doesn't match so it can't be another part of her house
No. 3724
File: 1432937080225.png (37.12 KB, 602x283, lmao.png)

She definitely lurks here. Look at her trying ahaha
No. 3728
File: 1432938119368.jpg (38.31 KB, 960x261, 1432330934070.jpg)

>>3722For the record Berry I don't believe this pic because the angle is "too perfect" and the lack of "self", as the house has no personality.
So next time you want to fool someone try to make it more believable lol
btw I'm posting your real house again just because
No. 3729
>>3728And of course I didn't mean to reply to
>>3722 it was a mistake
No. 3731
>>3716Also am I suppose to believe that this part of the same house that this shitty as kitchen is part of?
>>109413Come on now
No. 3732
>>3716This is most likely someone elses house
she's doing that thing again where she implies it's hers but once someone asks she'll say she never said it was her house
No. 3733
>>3669Or maybe she has a Wonderbra? Or maybe naturally big boobs? Or she stuffs?
You guys are so jelly, berry is beautiful. Worst thread by far
No. 3743
>>3738OK why does the thread exist then? All you're doing is sitting around complaining that her nose is too big or that she uses filters
As if you're all so perfect top kek
No. 3744
>>3743You obviously don't know what lolcow is if you're questioning the purpose of this thread.
All of us in here ARE perfect, we don't photoshop ourselves and then lie about it. We also don't pretend to be things we're not like she does with her - weight, academics, skin color, facial features, body portions, lifestyle, even her fucking hair.
No. 3745
>>3743Nope, we talk about how she's a shitty fucking try hard who lies about every detail in her life.
Also, welcome to the internet.
No. 3746
>>3743guys stop arguing with this person, they can't even read LMAO this new thread has BARELY mentioned her nose or boobs
I'm praying 4 u and your illiteracy
No. 3747
>>3746Yeah and they clearly havent read or kept up with the threads because all they got from it is boobs rofl
>>3716>>3715this is so embarssing
berrys doing the implying thing again, so whenever people do ask her if its hers she would be able to dodge it lol she must tink her followers are dumb enough to believe her..
No. 3748
File: 1432960223576.jpg (137.42 KB, 750x1018, image.jpg)

idk if anyone posted this yet but this was so embarrassing (pt 1)
No. 3750
>>3748>>3749what the fuck lmao. two girls are having an emotional moment about not having someone who's there for them and berry shows off
how much her boyfriend is there for her?!?!? and says its annoying lmaooo omfg
she's such an inconsiderate attention whore and braggart.
No. 3752
>>3749>>3748How selfish and arrogant is she. How do people not see it?
Surprised zoe or whoever hasnt ignored berry but then again i guess its because everyone tries to kiss up to berry
i have followed berry ever since she made a twitter and she was pretty much like this all the time she always talked about herself even in other ppls conversation
Its much like that one twitter screenshot in an older thread where 2 girls were talking about somethingg relating to one girl and berry popped in the conversation and said "have you guys seen my face". It was during the time of the "proof video"
No. 3754
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No. 3755
File: 1432961764974.png (489.01 KB, 602x662, liar2.png)

>>3754(2) I think she's trying to say
>>3715is her house based on her recent tweets
No. 3756
File: 1432961789713.jpg (65.71 KB, 579x1024, liar3.jpg)

>>3755here is the full image of the bottom tweet
No. 3759
File: 1432963194956.png (103.38 KB, 640x640, 11116637_434194780087780_11755…)

I just want to bring this back lol
>>3755>>3715She's been tweeting about about this house a lot. She's desperate to look rich. Desperate times comes with Desperate measures, berry.
How come she hasn't done a house tour including her room if this is truly her house and she wants to brag so much about it. Pictures won't be believable since she could just have taken the pictures at different places. I want more video "proof".
No. 3760
File: 1432964642172.jpg (160.85 KB, 1279x776, Screenshot_2015-05-30-01-43-19…)

>>3756just wanted to point out that the photos that she gave about the house she claimed to live in had a large front yard and if you look through the window here, barely anything there. Also, the doors are completely different and so is the window (rounded upper corners)
also, there looks to be a reflection of a mirror but I can't make out much from it.
No. 3765
File: 1432965706534.png (34.4 KB, 601x249, a20150530-005918.png)

>>3760good eye
>>3762>>3763>>3764hmmm this might be reaching but what if these house photo and that text was from the day before when she went out with her friend and their mom to the salon?
If so, I bet "bae" was just her parent or sibling picking her up to go home lmfao
idk berry is an epic liar who is desperate, so i think this is plausible that she would upload pics and shit a day after to make it seem like she really has a life
No. 3770
>>3759That sad little shack :(
No actual pictures with her in the places she claims to be, no videos either.
Is anyone calling her out on this?
No. 3771
File: 1432966776232.png (20.83 KB, 613x204, 20150530-011546.png)

>>3754>>3755Her er "boyfriend" tweeted this shortly after her hamburger photo on her twitter.
I got really suspicious, since most burger joints sell icecream and she did after all kept saying "bae". He lives in indonesia though and is a college student so i find him visiting her with his current expenses is unlikely.
so what I have concluded from this is:
- she is tweeting for him. its easy to add multiple accounts to your twitter app.
- he just so happens to tweet this so coincidentally
idk, what are your thoughts?
No. 3772
think her followers are blinded, similar to "blinded by love". Most of her followers are young and they admire her (unfortunately), sort of how a child would admire someone they deem an idol to them, so they don't think too much about what she posts.
She's taking advantage of her followers, feeding them nothing but lies or exaggerated truths because she enjoys their praise.
No. 3773
>>3771She has been running that twitter for a long time now, I think that was debunked because it's such fiction.
The dive food she posted looks terrible too, the cheese has never seen a good day. She's on her way to being a hambeast.
No. 3774
File: 1432967082026.png (33.8 KB, 624x277, kekekek.png)

more like delete evidence of her bullshit
No. 3775
File: 1432967269052.jpg (32.9 KB, 600x339, CGOutFNUcAAg5ht.jpg)

>>3773LOL the cheese. so wrinkly. doesn't look like a good burger place that rich kids would go to. looks similar to an ihop.
posting the pic so others can see
also notice the photo in the back of the photo. not sure if its from the mat the plate is on but it looks like a polaroid. doesn't look like "bae"/a boy. actually kind of resembles her sister michelin?
No. 3777
>>3775American cheese, huh? I think even the low-end sit-in restaurants around here use real cheddar/swiss/pepperjack on their burgers.
Interesting placemats too.
No. 3778
File: 1432968080275.png (22.84 KB, 565x159, shelurkin.png)

No. 3779
>>3756what if she just went up to someone's house in the dark.
imagine you're sitting at home and see some fat bitch taking a pic of the house in the middle of the night.
No. 3780
the front doorway isn't even lit and lacks furniture she might be looking at some random house that's currently being built or s/t lolol
No. 3782
>>3781she clearly only took the picture to prove she was actually out with bae.
i will say to be fair, you aren't going to find a good burger place open at 1 am. but even wendy's looks better than that.
No. 3787
>>3786she likes to keep her relationships *~private~*
No. 3788
File: 1432986289703.png (14.57 KB, 520x252, 000.png)

>>3758The 'bae' she's talking about is this guy (@BillyTheSusanto).
She has a tweet where she directly mentioned him and said she was waiting for him, but she deleted it now. I guess she wants us to think it is her boyfriendu~ kek
No. 3789
>>3788lol what a fucking whore
poor (fake) ouji
No. 3791
File: 1432990065556.jpg (32.88 KB, 589x453, 267113_233212016702473_1000004…)

No. 3799
>>3788>>3791I'm a little confused with this, I doubt the conversation was serious. She doesn't even follow this guy.
Though she does flirt and act buddybuddy with guys a lot over the internet so I'm not surprised she did that lolol
>>3793It's possible, I think berry has at most like 3 friends irl (based on one of the photo posted before). I think she was just at a friends house who happens to have a nice house upper middle class probably (Berry is actually really creepy, who the hell would go around taking photos of their friends house only to put on the internet). I think she was just waiting for her parent or sibling to pick her up to go home lmfao.
>>3795Agreed, with all that you said.
Berry is a child with a child mentality.
I really don't know why she wants people to think she's so wealthy, but the way she executes it all is so stupid. Only naive followers would believe her. Like someone said. Berry has posted about 5 different houses already, each implicating that they're hers. Except, of course, her real house and room.
So try hard. Waste of space on the internet. It's embarrassing.
Has her age been debunked yet? I have a hard time believing she is 20 turning 21 soon. If you're so wealthy Berry why don't you already have a car? Most wealthy kids or even middle class kids here in America where I live had their own cars junior or senior year of highschool. Based on all the things she has tweeted so far, it seems unlikely she has a car. Even if you're really rich and from a wealthy family, you might talk about having chauffeurs.
INB4 she starts posting about her "Car" or having a "chauffeur" driving her around.
No. 3800
>>3751I don't think she's talking about how shitty he is. Where are you getting this from.
>>3756>>3759From that too that, it's obviously two stories. And night time in that picture. Could we be wrong about the house? Obviously she lives in NJ, but maybe it really is a two story house? Because she's obviously on a second floor, idk anyone who would search the web for a shitty picture taken at night from a second floor
No. 3801
File: 1433007807162.png (23.06 KB, 601x232, honestretweet.png)

looks like she's worrying about a double chin.
did she admit at one point that she is overweight? kind of looks like she isn't pretending to be skinny anymore.
No. 3802
>>3799I used to do that shit too, I mean, taking pictures of something expensive and pretending it was mine or making up some fake story to put it online. I even went as far as staging little events in my life just to impress my followers. I didn't have any friends due to this, except for this one girl who blindly looked up to me because she though I was "cool".
And you know the main reason behind my lack of friends? Because it was FUCKING EMBARRASSING to admit my lies and explain my bullshit to people who knew me IRL and found me on social media. It was much easier to live my online life only, pretending that I have friends, hiding everything from my classmates and parents, etc. Jesus, it was terrible.
No. 3804
File: 1433013897808.png (43.66 KB, 608x379, kek.png)

>>3801photoshop doesn't count berry
No. 3805
>>3804once again this wasn't a reply to
>>3801 i'm always crewing up lol
but now replying to
>>3801 she really never said something like that. the closest she did was to say she was chubby but it was when the twitter account exposed her shit. she is back to be a liar.
No. 3806
File: 1433020130268.jpg (225.47 KB, 500x729, tumblr_nhkve9bunn1r3wd4to1_500…)

Unrelated but anyone know what lenses these are?
No. 3811
>>3806She has no fucking neck lol
And she looks a lot like wylona in this pic
No. 3813
>>381099% sure she sticks out her head in every photo. Bad posture + for some reason doesnt want to expose her neck (double chin?)
Not surprised, based on her old family photo here:
>>3643 No. 3818
did anybody ever mention her hairdo in that old tan photo? what was she thinking
No. 3823
>>3643>>3699I know berry's tan-ness has been discussed before but I kind of just wanted to point out that berry is waaay tanner than her sister michelin in the older pic
but her sister seem to have stayed the same while berry dramatically turned pale/white
and berrys whole family is tan even her eldest brother and his wife. isn't skin tone or the melanin in the skin a genetic thing? idk if i make sense at this point but berrys paleness seems too unreal. even in her proof video you can obvs tell there was some light source used to make her skin whiter than it is
No. 3825
>>3819Yet we fail to see any collarbones kek maybe like 1%
>>3820Her weight loss is a lie. All her tweets lately is food, mostly junk food. You can't loose the weight she has with that sort of diet and nothing but game all day. I doubt walking "slow af" (as berry puts it) on the treadmill while gaming would work either. If we lived in a world where walking "slow af" would help us loose weight, we would live in a world where obesity doesnt exist.
Can't believe she has that much free time on her hands to photoshop her body lol
No. 3826
File: 1433025314401.jpg (60.76 KB, 543x960, rjP-W1MMElc.jpg)

it seems she has that wrinkles that fat does in her neck (or what's left of it) in this pic
No. 3831
>>3826Berry's so stupid, just look at the skin tone difference between her face and torso lol Bitch spends so much time shoping her face that she forgets about the rest.
And I have never seen anyone who is as small, thin and petite as she claims to be who has neck fat.
No. 3838
>>3799>INB4 she starts posting about her "Car" or having a "chauffeur" driving her around.I look forward to this.
Berry will take a pic of a random parked sedan then tweet "This is my Tom's River NJ chauffeur!"
No. 3839
>>3810That lack of neck problem is in all her photos due to hiding how fat she is.
Also this photo in particular seems to have face parts photoshopped into it. The eyelashes look off.
No. 3840
File: 1433030656614.png (11.95 KB, 572x217, berrytsukasa.png)

>>3839You may be right about her photoshoping the stuff onto her face. I was digging (my favorite hobbie now) and I found out something quite strange.
She made this review 7 months ago the info embedded in the first picture says it was created almost 5 months before. The other pics match the date. What do you think?
No. 3841
File: 1433030717048.png (497.26 KB, 552x804, burrytsukoosha.png)

>>3840She also did this in some other pics here's an example
No. 3850
>>3810 Maybe these?, Berry is known for editing her eye's color on photos so maybe that's what she did this time too.
No. 3853
>>3845Sorry no, the bell thing IS at OCC.
Every hour it rings. It's a clock bell.
No. 3858
>>3845It sounds like she paid for a group limo share like most middle-class highschoolers do but got booted out and couldn't go to prom.
Then while everyone's having a good time she had that midnight diner eating with fake-bae.
No. 3859
File: 1433082322726.png (158.67 KB, 650x489, 10410686_688363961250453_19100…)

found this on a facebook page
No. 3861
>>3859She's probably talking about that Japanese dollar store which contacted her awhile ago to take pics of their wigs. They also made this "I am Berry" line of wigs or something like that.
Who cares, even if they really will invite her to Japan this will be Venus Angelic x Bodyline all over again. Little fat ugly girl traveling to Japan, making her sponsors realize how much PS and BS she is using, calling off the contract and probably fining her for lying while she begs them to let her stay in Japan for a bit longer.
No. 3871
>>3870I think she's an average looking asian at most like shes not what she shoops herself to be, I 100% agree with the rest of what you said
Its not even her PSing that makes her bad or why these threads are here, its defintely a part of it but what makes her stand out negatively the most is her BS, lies and how arrogant and childish she is. Atleast that is what I think. She's just full of it. "20" years old ffs with a 15 year old mentality
No. 3873
>>3872Yeah too bad Berry has dug hereelf in a very deep hole of lies. I think all of this happened and her lies became worse because she rose to internet "fame", her ego inflating and she wanted to be the ultimate "animu princess" because she wants the attention and praise sinceshe doesnt get it IRL.
If she did come out and admit all her bullshit to her thousands of followers I think it would be too much, all that embarassment and shame.
She could have been alright if she wasn't such a big liar, braggy and ignorant
No. 3877
File: 1433105812638.png (921.67 KB, 1000x738, tumblr_nc9dc94ZX11qml0a5o4_128…)

>>387516 year old koreaboo who tries too hard to be edgy. Her parents are actually rich cuz their house (all the photos match up unlike berry's) is huge and she gets whatever she wants. Overshoops, too much makeup (which she apparently also wears to school), really bratty. Just read her blog.
No. 3879
>>3878I've been following her for a while and i remember that lol she went batshit crazy because it was supposedly her "friend" who talked shit about her or something
it was when she was 13 or 14 though and I remember her being super conceited and bitchy but now she's pretty irrelevant, doesn't really start anything and I don't see her talking with berry that often either.
Can we go back to talking about berry though
No. 3880
File: 1433108015453.jpg (24.56 KB, 600x441, cow.jpg)

Again covering her arm. What's the weather like right now where she lives?
No. 3891
>>3877She looks like an undercover fatty, too.
Birds of a feather, I guess.
No. 3899
>>3895these dance videos? looks thin or average in those videos yeah but isn't she pretty tall??? will berry stop claiming she's a midget and start saying she's tall as well lol
No. 3901
>>3899Berry prob wants to be more anime than brenda, short is "more animu"
and i think brenda is more into the kpop / kfashion scene. One difference lol
No. 3904
File: 1433113852339.png (344 KB, 636x457, finger.png)

>>3881Where are her long fingers kek
No. 3906
File: 1433123052501.jpg (50.49 KB, 750x431, image.jpg)

>>3903LOL berry unfollowed brenda today
hi berry hows the lurking?
No. 3909
>>3906holy fuck you're right i just checked and she did unfollow LOL damn maybe we were right she does want to be like brenda.
also i looked through berrys twit feed and someone said 'berry is the most down to earth person' and… i didn't know down to earth meant bragging about good deeds, showing off how "rich" you are and lying to your followers…………
No. 3914
>>3911same I think she's bitchy sometimes but she doesn't treat her followers like they're zombies lol @ berry's "pollo army"
people have recognized her in real life as well whereas berry looks so different that she has to make up stories of her fans finding her ~in New York City~ and calling her queen kek
No. 3915
I'm 100% sure I saw this exact same tweet on Berry's Twitter a couple of days ago. Either they tweeted the same and Berry removed it, or Berry retweeted it from Brenda, then unretweeted it. these sound so much like Berry, I can't tell who wants to be who: No. 3919
File: 1433144230109.jpg (188.53 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg)

>>3915for the first tweet there was a screen cap
>>3774berry retweeted it but i guess she removed it if it's gone and she unfollowed brenda LOL
the other tweets seem so much like berry's style of bragging but I have brenda on facebook and it seems like the tweets could be real since her friends know about her social media and call her "chairman mao" idk still kinda seems like a berry thing to tweet about
No. 3924
>>3923if you look in the earlier threads i think there was someone who came out saying he/she used to live near berry and saw her and her sister before (but it was years ago) saying they were both fat and tan.
Other than that berry took a pic of herself at the mall in a kiddie ride and someone who works there and lurks this thread clearly identified it as a TR mall.
sorry for no links im quite lazy right now but these can all be found in the earlier 1-4th thread
No. 3937
File: 1433198833975.png (853.32 KB, 562x752, 1432764739749.png)

Also why the difference in the color? (yellow)
No. 3939
File: 1433200891846.png (259.04 KB, 1068x395, prom.png)

remember when prom was mentioned?
No. 3941
File: 1433201376516.png (66.97 KB, 885x341, cow2.png)

Skinny peope don't need you to defend them, Berry, go defend your own kind, the fatties
No. 3942
>>3941berry trying to be a social justice warrior is the funniest shit I've seen because it's just the same 2 points
1. "we're all human"
2. "do whatever the fuck you want"
such intelligence!!!!!
No. 3946
File: 1433221876518.png (364.69 KB, 589x628, fake tiddies.png)

>>3941>just because you have more meat on your body doesnt mean shit. Youre not "a true woman"im just going to bring this back i feel like its relevant
No. 3951
>>3950yes, yes she is.
Also a try-hard XxgamerqurlxX
No. 3957
>>3954I agree that her being Asian gives her an "advantage". there are other asian girls that are more genuine than her and are pretty but don't nearly have as many followers as hers. Then again, those asians usually have lives kek and don't photoshop their photos to hell and back
most of her followers are blind unfortunately
No. 3958
File: 1433274121221.png (42.23 KB, 587x396, burry.png)

Cmon there's no way ouji tweeted these
No. 3970
File: 1433305346270.gif (952.3 KB, 450x332, tumblr_n4uycc8QW91r3xp7zo1_500…)

>>3969 someone should get like hella close to her and gather up all the bullshit and then expose all of it kek have all her polloarmy like
No. 3972
File: 1433466985622.jpg (27.89 KB, 750x226, image.jpg)

lol so rich!!!!
No. 3978
>>39733/10, are you even trying?
No one said that kinda shit about the things you just concluded.
If you've been following
and reading her threads you'd understand why it's funny when she tweets things like that
No. 3980
>>3979*actual action
on my phone sorry
No. 3982
File: 1433517097556.jpg (177.07 KB, 1200x800, obama-handshake.jpg)

>>3981lol, so jealous
you want proof Berry is not a liar?? I have proof. would Obama be shaking hands with a liar? it just kills you that berry is importan and famous doesnt it? obama even asked for my advice on fashion ~o^
No. 3983
File: 1433521792530.jpg (275.39 KB, 864x724, LOL.jpg)

No. 3984
her entire online life and ive never seen her "garage" watch shes going to go to someones house and take a photo of A garage. Someone show her online life to her irl friends alrdy loooool
No. 3994
Oh fuck, I used to go to high school with Brenda. I was wondering if she'd get mentioned after that tweet was posted. Honestly, irl she's not too bad but online she has this really weird vain personality going on that I'm pretty sure is caused by her "fame". I have a lot of mutual friends with her irl and she used to be nothing extraordinary at all, just a little fobby. I haven't seen/talked to her in a year so I dunno what she's like now besides what I see online. From what I remember though, she was pretty quiet, wore shitloads of makeup, had pretty fried hair (wore wigs to school sometimes though, it was weird and she stood out in the hallways), and is always very tired looking. Also she was terrified of her photo taken by yearbook commitee haha. I don't think she's rich, but she's well off and has the "fob mentality" (about how everything "luxury" needs to be bragged). Some of her friends are annoying as fuck though. Also no I'm not the person that posted her on yousei-bitches (can someone link me to that btw cause damn I wanna read that).
Polite sage because not Berry. Could provide more info if wanted but all in all, dunno if she's worth her own thread tbh.
No. 3996
File: 1433612739585.png (54.79 KB, 616x474, 73568435.png)

tbh i don't believe in this they wouldn't be able to recognize her kek
No. 4000
File: 1433616134207.png (60.34 KB, 578x511, burry.png)

>>3999i'm actually laughing at that
also, today on keep up with the tsukasas
rich berry never had mac makeup
No. 4001
"Ew, I randomly found the twitter of someone from school. Better twist the truth and lie about it in a new tweet"
No. 4003
>>3997>>3999>>3996Eh, i refer to my college as "my school" still. And i have to correct myself when i talk about my professors, because it's more natural for me to call them "my teachers".
I'm going into my sophomore year at a community college though, so that might be why.
No. 4008
>>4006my hate for this thread never dies down.
this isn't white knighting, learn to internet :^)
No. 4009
File: 1433622120579.png (351.97 KB, 494x459, 876543.png)

>>3996even if it were true, which it isn't, how fucking rude of her would that be?
even in her imaginary life she is anti-social.
her inferiority complex is so blatant.
No. 4010
File: 1433625397449.jpg (161.74 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

it baffles me how she claims that she is the riches bitch and she buts wet and wild, elf and 3 dollar products
No. 4015
>>4014She only brags about it to make herself seem spoiled. Overall she's childish and arrogant, not just from bragging about MAC but bragging about her grades, being a "good person" and so forth. She brags for the sake of looking good I'm pretty sure.
This makes me question if she really did get a MAC product or not.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was just something the person didn't want so they just gave it to her since that seems to be a common thing among family friends and family. She didn't post any photos of her "MAC" gifts.
No. 4016
File: 1433632972178.png (76.46 KB, 628x565, lmfao 20150606-181954.png)

No. 4019
>>4017I think that's why she lives this delusional rich kid life online because she isn't half of what she says she is online but she desires that rich, fun life. and because of her large following, lots of people believe her lies so it boosts her ego and self esteem. its sad.
i mean she has 2 other siblings around her age that probably are needing funds from the parents for college. her "rich" life doesnt add up. and we all know berry doesnt have much of a social life unless its with her family or siblings lol
No. 4020
>>3968>>3969>>3970>>3971tbh im positive most of her internet friends (ie the kawaii popular ones) are only friends with her for her popularity. i notice that the kawaii community has alot of fake friends in the community (from what i read on YB)
she should know by now the consequences of internet fame. she seems naive.
No. 4021
File: 1433633962799.png (33.04 KB, 582x245, ouji20150606-183757.png)

I thought Berry say she doesn't get jealous?
No. 4026
>>4024i believe more in the whole body and no face pic but let's wait
>>3939that or the dress didn't fit
No. 4028
File: 1433727321327.png (43.08 KB, 615x353, burry.png)

No. 4030
File: 1433782650921.jpg (184 KB, 1862x1859, oh_my.jpg)

>>4028it's like she's making fun of her own followers for believing her lies, while we have clearly exposed the truth.
No. 4033
File: 1433786727068.jpg (47.91 KB, 820x771, IMG_1776.JPG)

guys im tryin hard to get her to post another ps photo of her and getting close talking about how she's so "animu" <_< she's so annoying..
No. 4034
File: 1433789106880.jpg (56.43 KB, 419x604, b.jpg)

OT but to those who kinda doubted whether Ouji is fake or not, I think this pic will help you believe hes real and they used to date (or still date each other).
No. 4040
>>4039Wake up
its 2015
we do everything over the internet so why not date
No. 4046
File: 1433802823270.png (49.62 KB, 723x303, xjkc ashcjscs.png)

really Berry….. even more so for her followers to like this….
No. 4052
File: 1433868723317.png (654.72 KB, 1268x701, 1431100570401.png)

>>4034oh this again. no one ever thought the dude never existed.
highly unlikely that they're dating or that he "got the meat a long time ago" (<-as if they've met).
the real question is, are the accounts fake? yes, pic related.
No. 4053
File: 1433872831671.png (51.21 KB, 646x345, berry so fake.png)

kek berry is so fake we all know she unfollowed brenda because brenda lives berrys ideal lifestyle
No. 4060
>>4053LOL such a liar
I have the twitter app for years now and it never did that even though I follow a ton of people I never interact with (famous and shit)
No. 4061
>>4058even if she knew I doubt she would say anything since they're friends
although it would be interesting to see a cat fight happen on there
No. 4063
File: 1433904294761.png (33.1 KB, 730x214, dvsdaswcws.png)

No. 4064
File: 1433904418125.png (35.02 KB, 730x256, jkhbjbbjkn.png)

idk about that….
No. 4065
File: 1433904478466.png (31.61 KB, 730x228, bgngdfnf.png)

sure confidence…
No. 4066
File: 1433904540924.png (21.79 KB, 730x156, ghjkl;z.png)

Berry stop lurking kek DED
No. 4067
File: 1433904883882.png (42.52 KB, 730x233, cankle.png)

are you sure you fucking fat ass cankle didn't trip you berry?
No. 4068
File: 1433904967674.png (20.32 KB, 730x97, chins.png)

>>4067her chins bruh her chins hit the thing
No. 4069
File: 1433905043675.jpg (220.33 KB, 1000x728, Untitled-2.jpg)

From the girl who likes showing the internet her shooped "oppais"
No. 4070
File: 1433908520089.jpg (51.74 KB, 600x914, CHG9BmwUUAAs51k.jpg)

someone do the thing
No. 4072
File: 1433908581603.jpg (55.86 KB, 600x918, CHG9BvfUIAAK3JC.jpg)

forgot photo ._.
No. 4073
File: 1433909625051.png (69.61 KB, 640x640, 11116999_493477374137179_18659…)

>>4069omfg in her first tweet^ she is literally talking about herself
bringing this photo back because yea
No. 4075
>>4067>>4068wow sounds so anime!!1
shes so stupid this is why you dont do other things that are really distracting when you're on the treadmill. basic gym and fitness rule. i still doubt she is really working out or is just overexaggerating everything like she always does. she's been posting lots of junk food on her ig.
No. 4076
>>4074Just imagine. Her spending a bunch of time putting on makeup, fake eyelashes, straightening out her wig, etc just to take two selfies and take it all off again.
Makes me think of how Koots used to doll herself up, sit in her car, take selfies then go back in to shoop them.
No. 4080
File: 1433913096410.jpg (247.3 KB, 600x914, asdada.jpg)

probably looks more like this
No. 4082
File: 1433915373105.png (470.75 KB, 388x586, be.png)

No. 4083
File: 1433917524601.jpg (294.59 KB, 600x914, notsogood2.jpg)

No. 4091
File: 1433945490797.jpg (105.12 KB, 1440x735, 1432089231412.jpg)

>>4067>>4068look at her trying to justify this comment.
>playing vidya on the treadmilljfc, she's never been on a fucking treadmill clearly.
No. 4098
File: 1433972836660.png (316.07 KB, 788x606, Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 5.45…)

seriously berry? Does she not understand the idea of accessorizing a culture?
No. 4099
>>4098I actually agree with berry.
It's not like asians never use english words for their social media/clothing/songs etc just because they sound cool.
No. 4102
im laughing berry wants to sell her "art" cant screencap right now)
No. 4103
>>4100holy fuck what is with tumblr infestation these days?
go post your sjw shite on your tumblrino account
No. 4105
>>4098i agree that using japanese words sometimes is fine as long as you don't use it in your daily dictionary just like
>>4104 said. [but this makes berry more of a hypocrite cause that's what she exactly does]
anyway i'd stop with this debate cause this isn't tumblr
No. 4106
File: 1433983133344.png (475.63 KB, 764x1056, Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 8.37…)

No. 4108
>>4099This. This is the second time she's said something remotely smart.
>>4106I really don't get the point of having a contest for art that plain.
No. 4109
File: 1433984491054.png (81.31 KB, 780x447, Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 8.58…)

>>4106She's really trying to advertise it too
No. 4112
File: 1433989624887.png (47.35 KB, 608x327, b.PNG)

No. 4115
File: 1433999889099.png (82.58 KB, 751x381, Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 1.03…)

Does anyone have a cap of where she said she didn't watch anime or something along the lines of that
No. 4116
File: 1434036507231.jpg (26.92 KB, 750x242, image.jpg)

so rich desu
No. 4120
File: 1434038807013.jpg (231.19 KB, 1544x1024, pool-ladders-above-ground.jpg)

>>4119I'm talking about the kinds that are $300-$5000. That isn't a lot.
No. 4122
>>4121The ones are Walmart are pretty cheap looking… The one in
>>4120 is basically the same thing as installing a reg pool but no digging.
No. 4126
>>4121Cheapest I've seen is like $250 or so and it's slightly smaller than
>>4120 which looks to be in the $1k-2k range. Still isn't a lot. It's not a rich person's pool
No. 4129
File: 1434046164268.png (561.01 KB, 758x1023, Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 2.08…)

>>4128$4 for a doodle that would take a child less than 5 minutes to do
No. 4134
>>4129this thirsty hoe. i'm sure her stupid followers are buying into it just to jump in the bandwagon and feel ~noticed~ by her.
She's an embarassment to the community of better artists who get low recognition and can draw a shit ton better than her fucking 2 second doodles
No. 4137
File: 1434133571011.jpg (38.56 KB, 599x785, CHTpnBHUsAATzjG.jpg)

dude just paid $4 for this basic shit.
No. 4138
>>4137That looks like stuff I drew when I was 6 or 7.
>>4134There's a lot of really good artists on Tumblr who go largely unnoticed because fame whores like Berry or Fatsu-chan post their "art" and their 20k followers throw money at them to kiss their asses.
Or they get over shadowed by shit pastel artists like Petitpasserine and Shiroiroom who just draw pastel vomit and people keep tossing money at them as well.
I can excuse Shiroi though since at least she keeps that shit decently priced and is actually a nice person who just got famous through pastel shoujo uwu art.
No. 4139
File: 1434136022497.png (317.06 KB, 633x660, probably from craigslist.png) i doubt berry actually bought it it was probably her sister that bought it or their parents and berry just wanted the credits for it. another brag about how "good of a person she is".
No. 4143
File: 1434151483219.png (142.45 KB, 1000x1000, potato sack aka shit.png)

>>4129>>4137made this in a minute
i want my four dollars
No. 4147
File: 1434172749379.jpg (45.93 KB, 543x829, IMG_20150613_011816.jpg)

No. 4151
File: 1434175319887.jpg (202.79 KB, 543x829, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>4147Here's her more normal looking
No. 4152
File: 1434179189438.jpg (621.37 KB, 2000x829, berry_tsukasa_lies.jpg)

>>4147Artist-chan here.
I somewhat unshooped her in the third picture (only did the eyes though, if someone wants to do me a favor and unshoop her further I will be grateful). First of all, what the hell is with all that jawline noise? I thought it was just JPEG artifacts but then I realized that it was only all over the left side of her face which probably means that she shooped and then sharpened that part and saved it the most. If you work with exposure tool a bit more you can see that most of the pic don't have any noise, only this part and the egg sticker but this is normal.
You can also see her mouth lines which would suggest that she tried to smile in order to define her lower jaw more, but this might not be the case here. This photo looks like it was taken from the specific angle when your face looks like it's facing the camera but actually it's taken from above. It is used to slim the face and make it smaller (if you can remember, her face is pretty long). Korinne here is also sticking out her head as always to make her shoulders look more narrow. Taking this in account her mouth lines should be in this exact place because she's tilting her head forward. This is also why her nose and mouth are covered with a sticker. Blurred part of her chin was elongated is order to give an impression of facing the camera.
So that's it. Also, if you got this bone sticking out (the one near her eye) your face shape is most of the time is closer this:
No. 4154
File: 1434181427219.png (500.35 KB, 543x829, bet.png)

No. 4155
File: 1434182137046.png (500.15 KB, 543x829, bet.png)

forgot the eyes
No. 4157
File: 1434182875025.png (503.91 KB, 543x829, bet.png)

the more i shop her the more she looks like her sister
No. 4160
File: 1434184084325.png (1.12 MB, 976x644, erry.png)

we'll never know betty mufasa's real form
No. 4167
File: 1434217366705.png (403.28 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-29-13-11-23…)

Just a little reminder of this almost non-shooped Berry
No. 4169
File: 1434225300608.jpg (83.99 KB, 610x896, image.jpg)

Unshopped Berry but I'm pretty sure this is old
No. 4173
File: 1434239558088.jpg (955.53 KB, 1400x1005, tumblr_mo53r7HK2X1r3wd4to1_128…)

I found this stupid ass picture on her VK and decided to deshoop it. Forgot to adjust the levels (look at that wallpaper! washed out to oblivion) but this is my take on what she shoops.
She's not fat, just not kawaii uguu tiny stick legs etc.
No. 4175
only need to add her true skin color
No. 4176
>>4173Almost perfect but her chin is still not that pointy.
Tbh she's not an ugly girl, I don't know why the fuck she wants to be this weird alien looking person so badly.
No. 4177
File: 1434249862195.jpg (283 KB, 976x604, another.jpg)

This one just pissed me off.
For one thing she's pulling on her shirt, sucking in, and angling her butt, on TOP of the photoshop. This girl is so duplicitous.
No. 4178
File: 1434250035475.jpg (305.08 KB, 622x604, warp.jpg)

Last one.
For the life of me I don't understand why she has to look like the weird warped stretched-out bobblehead she shoops herself into.
No. 4191
>>4178>>4169lel I can't handle this, she fakes having a boyfriend and a tiny child's figure. The distortion is to hide someone who is pretty wide.
She sometimes gives up on the shoop job like on
>>4148 because the face is so fucked up at that point. So she sticks something on top like that.
>>4173You forgot the collar being stretched because she shrank her chin but who cares, the whole picture has been worked on and then some.
No. 4195
File: 1434311908062.jpg (119.67 KB, 960x540, 11235389_10203699255462840_274…)

Forgot pic
No. 4199
File: 1434314348545.jpg (182.65 KB, 579x1024, CHeq9CdUkAAmNPO.jpg)

Love how she said "our" pool lmao
ALso wtf is this
No. 4207
File: 1434323055941.jpg (328.49 KB, 768x1024, asfaf.jpg)

She posted this earlier but now it's deleted for some reason
No. 4209
>>4207Sweater at the pool called it!
Combined with shooped skin and wrist made thinner.
No. 4212
File: 1434327014633.png (33.96 KB, 598x611, berrytsukasa.PNG)

>>4207photoshop proof (not that we needed it lol)
No. 4215
File: 1434327825978.png (18.52 KB, 574x131, colorist bitch.png)

i knew this hoe was colorist as fuck lol
No. 4221
File: 1434329135113.png (454.5 KB, 768x1024, f3df1f69fc18a684b4db841f1f2af2…)

>>4207obvious that she photoshopped to hell this pic but scanned it anyway. All the white + lightened areas including her skin seem to be blocked out in the scan.
No. 4223
File: 1434332599891.png (1.03 MB, 979x1604, Screenshot_2015-06-13-10-08-51…)

I saw this on a humor page the other day… Reminded me of queen berry so hard lol
No. 4225
File: 1434346044602.jpg (32.88 KB, 750x306, image.jpg)

she's still posting about her ~pool party~ omg acting as if she's been in her ~~pool~~ for the first time
No. 4226
File: 1434347498470.png (358.82 KB, 413x565, 800px-Fatwarrior2.png)

new leaked pic of berry at the pool
No. 4231
File: 1434372176116.jpg (36.14 KB, 453x500, 567890.jpg)

>>4227what? that pic
>>4226 is closer to reality than the majority of berry's pics.
No. 4232
It seems like she went to her neighbors for pool "speaker video" tweet's wall matches with those walls
No. 4235
File: 1434396183335.jpg (485.54 KB, 1440x767, berry house.jpg)

Here we can see berry's house from up, there are 2 round pools around, You can see in the next pictures, that the house matching the wall in berry's video, it's the house of the first pool, so yeah, she doesn't seem to have a pool, just using her neighbour's.
No. 4236
File: 1434396206055.jpg (513.12 KB, 1440x761, Untitled-1.jpg)

No. 4237
File: 1434396245897.jpg (550.71 KB, 1440x774, Untitled-2.jpg)

No. 4244
>>4238>>4242agree ^
berry is extremely popular with a big following and her lies have too many holes, she should have known before throwing lies and shit around. people are going to notice and will want answers. its only natural that people will connect the dots and look for answers! if she didn't lie so much about her life, wasn't so ignorant/arrogant and made everything she says so skeptical and hard to believe she probably wouldn't be here but alas she is here for a reason. you're here too so that already says something about yourself too kek
No. 4247
File: 1434400228247.png (65.77 KB, 764x249, Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 4.29…)

No. 4250
File: 1434420922571.png (731.63 KB, 818x971, Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 10.1…)

so now you say you're not rich
No. 4254
She puts things on top when she couldn't photoshop or is too lazy. Especially if she can't throw a sweater over it kek
See: OP fried chicken
No. 4256
>>4250she is wearing a wig why the sticker when everyone knows she still has short hair
unless it's an old ass pic
No. 4262
File: 1434474455393.jpg (31.9 KB, 580x308, Capture.JPG)

>>4258Yeah and the sponsors were asking where were the reviews months after sending the clothes.
And she claims that she's taking a break, because playing video games is such a big priority.
I'd doubt they will get their reviews anytime soon, so she's a scammer as well.
No. 4263
File: 1434474665315.jpg (44.23 KB, 567x718, Capture.JPG)

She claims she's so rich with a Cartier bracelet and big mansion-like house and then a second later she's begging her followers to buy shit artwork for $4.
And of course, they do, because they want to get some e-fame.
No. 4270
File: 1434565948035.jpg (25.49 KB, 567x373, Capture.JPG)

What the fuck?
Someone actually paid her $30 for a shitty ipad doodle.
When there are really good artists out there that would make great commission pieces.
and I don't know what's worse, the fact that people are willing to pay a lot of money for crap (along with some e-fame of course) or the fact that she's ok with exploiting her followers and accepting $30 for a doodle that requires little effort to make.
No. 4275
File: 1434648921557.jpg (7.25 KB, 121x481, CHzDX6DUMAA0Cca.jpg)

i laugh so hard at her followers ignorance
waiting for someone to ask her why she needs this if she's so rich
No. 4277
>>4276Theory: she took her donations and put $110 toward herself so when people look at her donation list they'll see that someone dropped serious $ on her and they'll be motivated to donate to get a piece of that efame
Or she stole mommy or daddy's credit card
No. 4279
>>4275I can't wrap my head around why someone would spend over $100 on iPad doodles when there are so much more talented artist that take more time, effort and supplies to make art. Some artists that are 10x better than Berry even struggle to make $100. I know Berry is just trying to make money (
cough yet was able to pay for someones limo ride and has parents that supposedly spoils her and gets her "cartier"
>>4265) but honestly even $4 is expensive for some digital iPad doodle. She isn't even making them into accessories, it's just a digital doodle that is done by a finger on an iPad. She looks like she's trying to show off her sales (not a surprise since she likes to brag). It's kind of a slap in the face for those better artists out there.
Berry has time to play games all day, spend time making doodles/exploiting her followers (we all know her followers just want to kiss ass though) yet emails her sponsors about taking a break/not having time to review or whatev? They are probably worried that their products are not getting a review and they are watching her and are aware she is active but isn't making reviews. How old is she, that's so rude to the sponsors.
No. 4280
>>4275Fucking hell. And she's ok with taking the $110?
I think I'm going to quit my studies, game all the time, lie about my life whilst photoshopping my pictures to death, and draw shitty doodles now for a living now.
Bye guys!
No. 4282
File: 1434654856748.jpg (58.78 KB, 600x984, CHy7_TuUcAEMbfX.jpg)

Not even worth $4
Let alone $30 or $110
smh, the people paying such a high amount are dumb as fuck.
No. 4286
>>4284>>4283>>4282>>4281>>4280oh yeah. sure. you'd get a donation for doing fuck all with both consenting parties and reject it? suuuuure. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
haha. what, all she gets from her faem is twitter compliments and gossip site threads? welcome to 2015, where people get paid to play games and pretend they're pretty. have you been on some other internet?
No. 4290
File: 1434663002212.png (75.34 KB, 782x285, Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 5.28…)

wow she whines so much about having to doodle on her ipad =_=
No. 4292
>>4290i cant believe she's actually complaining about having to doodle on an ipad
what she's really saying is, "can we just skip where i put any effort on my part? so you guys can jut throw money at me while i sit on my lazy ass"
No. 4294
File: 1434670566809.png (53.11 KB, 315x525, berry berry.PNG)

>>3636berry block me because i fav my friend's tweet
idkw but she's very childish and she just can reply but she don't and?? she block me okay no problem
if you criticize berry or if you fav a something which criticize her she's going to block you ahah
No. 4295
File: 1434670804853.png (48.1 KB, 576x226, lol.png)

LOL. Berry is clearly concerned about this page. She's a fake ass buffoon. Always act like she's all that on the screen but actually bum ass in person. Don't you guys also realize that she talks to most young 14-16 year olds on the internet.
No. 4296
File: 1434671762629.png (11.97 KB, 320x118, cdrf.PNG)

>>4294GIRL YOU BLOCK ME BECAUSE I FAV A TWEET ?? and you say "i don't care" ????? just ??
No. 4298
wow she's an actual child, and shameless about what she's doing at that.
i still don't get how someone could like her personality–selfish, entitled, narcissistic, liar, immature, idiotic.
the last thing I am is jealous, that would imply id want what she'd have. but why would I be jealous of someone with barely any friends, who has to photoshop her entire face and body, stays at home on her ass playing cod 24/7, lies so often, but is so invested in her own lies she seems to have deluded herself ?
No. 4301
>>4294Fuck, this is punipunipon shit all over again. Some girl draws samefaced (to the point of being just recolors of each other) 3 minute kawaii-uguu chibi doodles and charging $30 for each one.
I wonder if she just photoshopped the donations, though.
No. 4302
>>4295she even said her doodles are simple lmao
she knows she's exploiting her followers and doesn't mind rubbing it in their faces. what a fucking great human being she is.
No. 4305
File: 1434767167817.png (197.15 KB, 787x876, Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 10.2…)

lazy and med student/doctor do not go together. How is she going to become a doctor when all she does is sleep and play video games?
No. 4307
>>4305Too bad she can't perform surgeries at herself lol
She's lying as usual
No. 4309
>>4305sleep, play games and internet all day.
why does she say doctor, why not just say surgeon, the more appropriate term for her "major/career"?
she can't handle the truthtired of her "I dun currr" tweets and fake attitude. If she didn't care, she wouldn't tweet about it. So stupid. Childlike mentality.
No. 4311
>>4310no she's just been going on about how people are salty and jealous and how she apparently doesn't care despite making three posts about it. also flaunted the things she bought or could use it to buy, like a bikini, makeup, or pink ps4 controller
further cementing my belief that most of her followers are dumb af
No. 4314
>>4313because she's selfish and greedy and has leagues of idiotic weeb followers who enable her
"berry ur so cool!" and stuff like that. like omg all she does is sit on her ass, stuff her face with junk food, and spend sleepless nights photoshopping her face–that's my definition of pathetic, nothing admirable at all
No. 4319
yeah guys leave berry alone, we all know she doesnt have any real friends or an actual life so she needs that money to buy superficial things to fill the void of her vapid life !!11! like omg guys it's the same as charity
>>4317dont worry bear-y i got ur back
No. 4321
>>4315she has 2 online friends called michelle (berrykissu and michyuu_) and she's apparently best friends with michyuu_
but she's probably never gonna meet them irl ever lol
No. 4323
>>4317This doesn't make sense, because in this case, Berry is the "player"….
Don't make excuses, especially when they don't make sense.
>>4320I feel like she's on her way now, learning how to scam people
No. 4324
>>4323yup, can kind of already tell she gets enjoyment from getting things from people that she didn't earn to spend on frivolous things. look how proud she was that she got people to give her money for her trash, or as she says 'simple', doodles lol. and she was still complaining about having to draw the doodles
also look at how she got free stuff from sponsors but has yet to post about them or do reviews and told her sponsors she was 'on a break' (sitting on her ass playing video games)
No. 4325
>>4317Back to posting here, eh berry?
We don't hate you, btw. We just laugh at you and i suppose some of us pity you.
No. 4327
File: 1434840457880.png (888.5 KB, 770x857, Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 6.46…)

I'm guessing she's too lazy to shoop new photos so she's just going reupload old ones
No. 4329
I noticed it slowed down SIGNIFICANTLY, after that Berry twitter was made. Probably bc anon's would flip her shitty images, which would clearly show how heavily she photoshop's since they look so wonky.
Usually on tumblr, she would post pictures of her fat face all the time. Always. Now we've gone like a month or so without new pics? lol
No. 4330
>>4319I didnt say people need to feel sympathy , what im saying is shes just hustling and the people buying it know what theyre getting. its not like shes claiming it for a certain charity and then using the funds to buy personal stuff.
she makes these little doddles and there are just people dumb enough to buy it.
hate the game and the game is people just wanna throw money at internet people for no reason. its that internet life.
No. 4331
Her first review from her hiatus? I guess, if you could even call it a hiatus those shitty taobao shoes that she posted on instagram a long while back
I really think she isn't posting any pics of her face/body bc she feels like she needs to lie low.
I mean usually when she does a review, all you can see is her face. Even if it was for shoes/clothes/accessories - she's done so in the past where the main object in the picture is her and her shooped face takes up 75% of frame
In this review, nothing but the items.
No. 4332
>>4330In this sense, there's no point in hating the game. It's true that no one should shit on the people throwing money at her, but instead at Berry.
Berry's the "playa" though, she's knowingly doing this shit and accepting it.
> don't hate the playa, hate the gamedoesn't make sense
No. 4333
>>4332Translation for white people
* Don't hate the player hate the game:
Do not fault the successful participant in a flawed system; try instead to discern and rebuke that aspect of its organization which allows or encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure. *
No. 4334
>>4333I'm not white but yeah I understood what it means lol
It just doesn't make sense to me?
The most I've ever heard the saying was from boys when referring to them cheating on a girlfriend
like "don't hate the playa hate the game" as in, he is the playa and trying to not get blamed for his own actions.
This is why it didn't make sense to me, and why I consider berry to still be the "playa" in the scenario because she's taking money from people willingly and it just seems shady
No. 4335
>>4334Also, she's the successful participant but she's totally at fault?
She's knowingly doing this shit and is accepting it.
It just still doesn't make sense to me sorry lol
It just seems like your reasoning is trying NOT to blame her but instead of other people? It seems like you're just saying "blame the people stupid enough to throw money at her" but I don't feel the same way because, I think that's a really kind thing to do. To throw money at someone because you think they're pretty or cool, is stupid yeah, but they probably look up to her and stuff
it's shitty to take advantage of your "fans" and knowingly do it
especially since she goes on about how rich she is all the time and now she's tweeted a few tweets like "buy a potato sack to help poor me" like?
No. 4336
>>4334People are too excited to give internet famous people(or just famous people in general) what ever they want with no questions asked and berry is capitalizing on that.
Her fans already know shes going to go blow all the money on treating herself, but they don't care because they get off(some even sexually)on spoiling her.
No. 4337
>>4336Yeah, I understand now, thanks for taking the time to explain it to my dumb butt :9
I feel like I could see your point of view, and I'm sure some people giving her the money DO know that they're not going to get recognized for it and thus it's a waste
but I can't help but feel bad for that because she's such an asshole and isn't thankful at all
I think she's made one "thank you" tweet about it, and even then it was really smug, maybe now that I think about it I'm not sure
No. 4338
File: 1434874906268.png (42.8 KB, 598x378, fatburryisfat.png)

apparently she's still fat. for a while i thought she might be trying to lose weight.
No. 4339
File: 1434875077041.png (39.9 KB, 624x514, 678543902.png)

No. 4342
>>4305Our perfect girl, Berry-chan, is a genius just like in my animes! She can memorize a 1000 page anatomy textbook in just under an hour! And all while playing video games!
Berry-chan literally looks like an anime moe girl, is super smart and super rich…and a geek girl! You bitches will always be jealous of her kawaii lyfe
No. 4343
>>4341not really, just pointing it out.
it's like she is talking about herself. cause she's an ugly mofo trying to make herself look attractive and she knows it.
No. 4346
>>4344Glad no one is reblogging her shit reviews anymore, the less people see it/click the links provided, the less items she receives and her sponsorship goes down
NEVER click the links in her review, I don't want to give anything to this bitch
No. 4349
File: 1434945794619.png (115.13 KB, 790x565, Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 12.0…)

Why couldn't she just say happy father's day normally like to her own father =_=
No. 4351
>>4349cuz she gotta be 'lol so random xD'
gotta get them faves, yo
No. 4352
File: 1434985994728.png (1.7 MB, 960x640, -ec60e387acd18e92.png)

>>4169I was searching through graduation pics and I found this one, is it possible that this girl is Berry? (I'm not hiding faces because the pics are online for anyone to see lol)
No. 4358
>>4357toms river north
she's suposedly short and her hair should be about medium length now
No. 4361
>>4360It's actually been proven before that yes she still attended high school. Most obvious is her basic homework/classwork, and her knowledge of how college works and how much time you (a lot of time for her cause she wants to be a surgeon).
Anyway, probably that's why she talked about taking a hatius next year, cause that's when she is actually going to ~COLLEGE~. Whether in New York or New Jersey (most likely, but we don't know)
No. 4373
File: 1435098112299.jpg (112.43 KB, 680x510, 635703395559772744-TRNGRAD0619…)

If she really graduated from this school then she should be somewhere in that crowd…
No. 4379
>>4378I think most highschools/colleges in the U.S do different colored cap and gown for boys and girls
For highschool graduation it was white for girls and blue for guys
No. 4382
>>4380>>4379That's some weird shit. The only color coded thing that I've seen (at american graduation's; these scarf type things) is for national Honor society, gold honor roll (all A's), silver honor roll (all B's, or mix of A's & B's), and different rope tassle sash things for foreign language proficiency….
Segregated graduation too? Man, this seems backwards to me lol
Is it really that common????
No. 4388
>>4373it might be hard to find her in that lol because isn't it usually organized by last name? she's tigno so she must be in the very back
>>4378 i agree it must be regional because im from the u.s and its all one color for my highschool
No. 4389
File: 1435125753034.jpg (261.23 KB, 834x1017, Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 1.59…)

sure berry
No. 4391
File: 1435127351013.gif (488.9 KB, 500x200, Choi-Seung-hyun-top-from-big-b…)

I'm living in the USA and I graduated recently(June 9th) and both the boys and the girls wore the exact same color for the gowns. Guess my school is just cool like that.
No. 4394
File: 1435145453775.jpg (90.7 KB, 750x908, image.jpg)

Man, I feel sorry for her bf. She seems like such a bitch to him
No. 4397
Guess she will start asking for shit soon (please someone screencap this)
No. 4400
File: 1435164275233.jpg (55.34 KB, 384x332, 234567890.jpg)

>>4374>>4394trying to convince us again, that you're not impersonating ouiji, eh berry?
why do you keep posting here anyway, if you supposedly don't care. you're too fucking obvious.
No. 4402
>>4327>the creator of the potato sack doodlesi just LOVE how she says that like she is world famous for her amazing art or something
i put art i made in five seconds and her art side-to-side and asked which they liked better. obviously they all said they liked the five-second sketch better
i bet she thinks she is a legit manga artist now or something
No. 4404
File: 1435179540184.gif (574.66 KB, 183x200, 1433489792784.gif)

>>4295maybe people do art because they like it and NOT for money :O
nah, impossible. nobody likes doing art. yep totally
No. 4405
File: 1435186789458.jpg (81.27 KB, 1080x676, Screenshot_2015-06-24-18-58-13…)

She will never ever stop.
No. 4408
>>4405Whenever I see shit like this, I have to wonder what her sister thinks. Does her sister follow her on twitter? Because could you imagine your sister coming to you and being like "You don't even have your license and it's mom/dad's car not yours. why are you bragging about that on twitter."
Like, what would you say to that? I wish one of her family members would confront her
No. 4414
File: 1435206048648.jpg (19.45 KB, 274x278, image.jpg)

>>4413Pfft I'm 4'9 berry sorry your fake animu height isn't that great boop and as for the car stuff she makes me sick
No. 4416
File: 1435209393784.png (113.33 KB, 295x329, berrfart.PNG)

Berry's "boyfriend" used to have on his twitter info "Berry's slave" and now he changed it …???
No. 4425
>>4424>>4422Idk how it is in the US but where I'm from it's 6/8 years of regular med school + 2 years of residency + 2 years for specialization in whatever area you want (i.e. plastic surgery/pediatric/obgyn)
Source: Best friend in med school.
Ok, so I did a quick research and apparently in the US it'll take about 11 to 14 years? 4 years of pre med + 4 of med school + 3 to 6 years of residency.
So she pretty much confirmed what everyone knew, she just graduated HS, bitch isn't a med student.
No. 4427
File: 1435249575212.jpg (163.1 KB, 720x791, 2015-06-25-09-25-08_deco.jpg)

No. 4429
File: 1435251773546.png (14.44 KB, 505x222, burry.png)

I found this on the tumblr exposing her (you've seen it probably) and I honestly felt bad for the girl. This is to everyone that says berry is so innocent desu and can't hurt people with her shit.
No. 4433
>>4429that's fucking terrible. I was also one of these girls about 2-3 years ago but slowly i realized how toxic this girl's actions are. I was pretty naive at that time and didn't know much about e-famous people.
At one point she even made me believe that acting like a needy spoiled brat to my family is an ok thing to do. Tunnel vision sucks; esp. for people that are irresponsible for their actions
No. 4438
>>4429Thats not exactly berry's fault tho. If it wasnt berry, she wouldve idolized someone else and ruined herself over them too.
Berry's a shithead, but this girl has her own problems.
No. 4439
>>4429this almost reads like someone is trolling.
that girl could have picked anyone who ACTUALLY looks like the shoops or better. i think the financial exploitation of her followers is a bigger issue, since with worthless stuff like that (those shitty doodles), people are buying the person and not the object itself. and the person, that she has created is clearly fake, so she's pretty much tricking them.
No. 4440
>>4438"I let her ruin myself"~ anon stated that it was her own problem, she didn't blame Berry.
Her experience just shows how much influence Berry has on some of her followers and that she should be more honest about herself.
No. 4449
File: 1435283083129.jpg (60.48 KB, 562x300, 1432771961481.jpg)

tbh they dont look that different to me
No. 4450
>>4449Well shit.
Maybe I was in denial with how dark Berry actually is.
No. 4452
>>4449The nose of the girl in the yellow robes is different, the tip has a slight upturn to it, while berry's does not. Girl in the yellow robe also has a longer chin than Berry's. Girl in the robes has a smaller forehead, you can tell because Berry's hairline is higher up and you can clearly see the girl in robes hairline is much closer to her eyebrows.
c'mon guys
No. 4453
>>4449Toms river has red gowns
Try again
No. 4458
>>4456^^^ that's what I was thinking… Unless they have a shortage of girls with last names ranging from A-S.
It could have something to do with their weird ass seating arrangement.
No. 4462
>>4461That makes her incredibly self-centered and probably a bad person, but let's be honest: if those girls weren't harming themselves trying to emulate Berry, they'd be harming themselves trying to emulate someone else.
I tried to copy people when I was a teenager too, but I was never ill enough to harm myself in the process.
No. 4463
File: 1435339994852.png (85.33 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-06-26-19-11-29…)

No. 4464
>>4440>>4460Do you really care about those people or do you just want another reason to hate berry?
I remember a lot of people hating kota and they used the "she's setting unrealistic expectations for vulnerable girls" excuse to justify it.
No. 4466
>>4463>>4465lol this is nothing special
she acts as if she's the only person in the whole world who has this feature in their car.
someone sure loves to brag a lot
No. 4479
>>4427Berry if you're going to lie atleast keep it consistent kek
So she basically admitted to not being 20/going to college and is starting college soon and is actually like 17, right? smh what was the point in trying to lie about your age and school life then, Berry. So dumb.
I think she got all those other college information during the school year (like the free coffee or w/e tweets) from her older sister, Michelin.
>>4463>>4465Didn't she brag before about having a car and driving it? When she was "in new york" (I doubt she actually did or can drive it though).
She acts like this is all new. My parents have cars with this feature since 2011. My parents actually don't think this feature is as cool as Berry makes it to be kek
Definitely not as rich as she claims to be, if she was rich this wouldn't be a surprise or worth posting on twitter…at all.
Prolly actually some hand-me down car/pre own, or her parent treated themselves to a new car. they're prolly just teaching her how to actually drive so she can get to that community college in New Jersey of hers.
I'm waiting for those vague "university" (cough actually CC) tweets when fall sem starts lol
No. 4485
File: 1435399017642.jpg (12.99 KB, 218x231, image.jpg)

I am new to the findings of berry and excuse me if the is a ignorant question but how could she be photoshop fake if she looks the Same in her sisters photo does that mean her sister agreed with her behavior and lies but then again why won't berry just shut us all up with a long video of proof of her face I wish someone here had a tom river north yearbook from the past 4 years I wanna see how mush she's changed her self from her current face
No. 4486
File: 1435399201594.gif (461.63 KB, 500x400, 1425979986988.gif)

>>4463>acting like this is some sort of new technology>pretending she has irl friendsgood stuff
No. 4494
>>4487>>4488>>4490even if she is not so much a catfish, what she's doing is pretty much in the same vein as catfishing.
i bet the show would definitely have her on, if there was promise to actually meet her/resolve the issue.
it could be done from the perspective of a fan (like
>>4429) as the initiatory party.
No. 4498
File: 1435433489863.jpg (67.38 KB, 843x843, 10858418_10203965350681935_113…)

>>4495this photo with her sister
No. 4499
File: 1435433613102.jpg (37.46 KB, 500x332, 10380900_10202927981348350_280…)

and this one looks like it could be real what if we're all wrong? can someone do the thing on how to see what edited? because i kinda believe this one
No. 4500
>>4498>>4499You're extremely gullible.
Both of her eyes are edited so much, compare Berry's eyes to her sisters. Compare them to yours even, eyes don't look like that, even if they were circle lenses.
Plus the second photo, Berry posted herself, of course she is going to edit it.
No. 4506
File: 1435435855239.png (545.66 KB, 480x536, 2ruis.png)

>>4501This photo is probably a better representation of what berry (on the left) looks like in comparison with her siblings
No. 4507
File: 1435435990446.png (341.21 KB, 500x406, tumblr_nmwus9OFq51urk9fvo1_500…)

and if, for someone reason, someone starts to think berry doesn't shop
No. 4508
File: 1435436120031.jpg (51.69 KB, 720x482, 1420213466606.jpg)

and finally, one of the very few completely un photoshopped pics of berry we can be sure of
No. 4510
>>4509these are good examples of normal, actually really cute girls that don't use photoshop. compare them with berry's social media.
notice how they have have candid pictures and videos with friends and going out and having fun–and that it's clear they take the photo, maybe put a filter on it, and then post it straight. different hairstyles and expressions.
now, compare with berry's social media. no friends, most photos very carefully taken, engineered, and edited, very posed, stiff and not candid. same face syndrome and constantly covers 3/4 of her face with hair. tell me there's not something weird about her social media compared to the other girls?
No. 4511
>>4507how can anyone think that when every fucking thread about this chick is about her shooping
you PULL tards cannot get over the fact that people may pay her a compliment not knowing she shoops or caring
I seriously don't understand why you care so much about her shoops, are you so hideous that your shoops would look to obvious to fool anyone?
No. 4516
File: 1435445272255.jpg (51.5 KB, 401x604, e9ujvoVleZA.jpg)

She has Photoshop her sis tho ? so maybe she doesn't care what she does
(look at them fake digital eyes)
No. 4521
>>4516 to
>>4506 you can see that their noses are straight, and that the curve she shooped in is so dramatically different than how it actually looks
No. 4527
File: 1435470365811.jpg (132.64 KB, 640x719, image.jpg)

Ok honestly , if you are celebrating your anniversary why would your boyfriend make an essay about how ppl are jealous of them lmao ?
and instead write about their love live TOGETHER and not what ppl think about them
im laughing
it looks fake as fuck omg
Like why not post a pic of them video chatting together on skype which is more beliavable instead of this fake text ….smh
No. 4528
File: 1435470419735.jpg (100.85 KB, 750x965, image.jpg)

is it just me or does it seem like she's implying that she's living with her bf
No. 4529
File: 1435470565389.jpg (131.19 KB, 750x1064, image.jpg)

>>4528>>4527her followers are eating this shit up as usual
No. 4530
>>4522no, it's spoken about almost all the time? id say evenly with her photoshop now, and ive been following this thread for a while. the last few days have been about her rip off doodles and begging for money despite claiming to be rich, making it obvious she just graduated from hs, etc. it's like you haven't even read the threads tbh
photoshop came up again because
>>4499 questioned if we were all wrong about her ps-ing and if she was actually legit
No. 4533
>>4527agreed. the part about people because envious about them is SO WEIRD. and that was the first thing she mentioned.
and yeah that's true, how come we never see text chats between her and him? she always types it out like:
bf: omg you're bootyfll
me: omg i knoooo
instead of screenshotting. maybe they're on the phone soemtimes but if they're long distance they primarily communicate through messengers so she could easy screenshot
No. 4538
File: 1435481328371.gif (445.43 KB, 250x188, 5547d016e563efed54df97bc6018e6…)

>>4527give me a fucking break. i can't imagine anything more pathetic then her writing this to herself posing as her imaginary bf. i'm so embarrassed for her. we somehow managed to make people jealous? how romantic~
No. 4539
>>4538I agree. Following her Twitter for a while it's always been her trying to rub in how perfect her relationship is but shows no real proof whatsoever. If anything people only say "wow I'm so jealous!" To pat her ass because they have no choice since she's the one shoving her
oh so perfect relationship to that person's face like
>>3749 No. 4541
File: 1435486435996.jpg (284.13 KB, 1280x1440, image.jpg)

fixed it~ uwu
No. 4543
>>4527I can't decide if this is funny or just sad.
Either way, she's very dumb and immature to think this sounds remotely believable.
No. 4546
File: 1435496440122.gif (1.57 MB, 640x324, 1373630365447.gif)

>>4545just like in my animus
No. 4547
>BF was awake for more than a day making me an anniversary giftbetter you try to cover your lies better Berry. I found the original background of her bf "surprise" lol original artist's profile: characters are probably from a game. I play tons of visual novels and shit and the pose and art is similar.
And for a "beautiful surprise" it sure has a really bad quality, I mean why does it says "1 Like" below the text? Where did you copy that Burry? kek
No. 4548
File: 1435524696893.png (456.44 KB, 600x800, lies.png)

>>4547forgot to attach image
No. 4549
File: 1435524795224.jpg (763.4 KB, 1838x1300, 41522017_p0.jpg)

>>4548And I'm also attaching the original image (s)he stole
No. 4554
>>4548Oh, when I first saw it I just thought it was a tumblr post thing she screenshotted to show off. I didn't know that this pile of shit was her surprise. FIVE YEARS AND ALL YOU GET ARE A BUNCH OF XD FACES?
I'd be pissed.
No. 4556
>>4545This charming poem, like a shining comet,
All who read it projectile vomit.
No. 4562
File: 1435538456093.png (207.74 KB, 832x795, Screen Shot 2015-06-28 at 8.39…)

She's saying it's because it's on fb but do the likes really show up there?
No. 4563
>>4562You can easily tap the screen to make all that bull go away (the desc, like button etc)
So idgi.
No. 4564
File: 1435538741099.jpg (74.71 KB, 602x1024, IMG_20150628_204412.jpg)

If this is how the pics appeared on Facebook, she still had a lot of room for it not to be there.
No. 4569
>>4562> You circled the likes lolOn twitter when you asked her about the pic, did you link the image of the circled likes? Or did you just mention "Why does it say 1 like"
bc if all you did was mention "why does it say one like" without adding the image of where it was circled in red, then she definitely reads this forum
No. 4570
>>4569Whoops sorry didn't notice that you DID send her a picture circled in red over the 1 like
: ( man thought we had definitive proof that she reads the forum
No. 4571
>>3791>>3788Okay these posts made me laugh so hard, but these two really got the cake omfg. Some of you guys really love making up your own stories sometimes..
@BillyTheSustanto is a friend of mine I've known for a while and he met Berry like a couple months ago through me lmao (I'm @berrykissu on Twitter..)
How the fuck did you come to the conclusion that she's trying to make it seem like that's her bae? LMAO .. they aren't even good friends..
I just find it hilarious that my good friend Billy got dragged into this stupid crap when he just likes to be friendly with people he follows lmao.. Seriously goes to show some of you just pull stories out of your ass without any facts.
No. 4578
>>4571he was mentioned 5000 years ago, no one even talks about him anymore and i doubt people here have thought about him since that one instance. some people thought she was referring to him as 'bae' due to the connection of these two posts.
>>3754>>3788why is one of berry's twitter friends even on her lolcow thread lmao.
No. 4583
>>4577Actually I've been using this tag name before I knew Berry, but nice try at coming up with a dumb insult a 12 year old would make up. :)
I found this thread while looking up pastelcutie before and thought it was funny how so many people dedicate their lives to saving every tweet and pic Berry posts to try and identify her "real identity".
I guess while you guys say she has no life just sitting at home playing games, you guys also have no life trying to depict the life of a girl you don't know on the internet.
No. 4586
maybe we can have q&a time
>>4583hey how come berry's apparently rich enough to buy cartier bracelets and refers to herself as a rich kid but she begs her followers to send her money for her doodles
No. 4587
>>4583>I found this thread while looking up pastelcutie before Lolcow does not pop up if you Google her name. I'm sure Berry just whined to you and others about it and you decided to lurk. Hell, you probably white knighted her before but now decided to stupidly reveal yourself.
>I guess while you guys say she has no life just sitting at home playing games If she's sitting on her ass all day eating junk and playing video games, then she has no life.
>you guys also have no life trying to depict the life of a girl you don't know on the internet.It doesn't take long to post and there is thing called multitasking.
No. 4589
>>4583>I guess while you guys say she has no life just sitting at home playing games, you guys also have no life trying to depict the life of a girl you don't know on the internet.Yeah, because you, different from us, know all about the anons itt and how about we actually are ~obsessed~ with her.
You're almost as contradictory as Berry herself. Go lick her vag more.
No. 4590
>>4583I don't get white knights like you. Do you think by coming in here and saying we have no lives that it will make us see the error of our ways, beg forgiveness and then delete this thread?
Like, whats the fucking point? Are you that thirsty for Berry's shitty asshole that you'd really plunge your face that deep into it?
No. 4591
WAIT GUYS maybe she can explain berry's hypocrisy, perhaps were all idiots that just misunderstood her
>>4583does having 'the meat' make you more of a woman or nah cuz we were getting mixed signals
>>3946>>3941 No. 4593
>>4587Lookup "pastelcutie drama" and it will be the 1st or 2nd link. Keep pulling shit out of your ass some more.
Also, I don't care if you multitask? If you have to even bother to take even a bit of time just to hate on someone each day, then you should really do something more productive with your life.
>>4583By that post I discovered, it just goes to show that probably more than 50% of what you guys post are just made up bullshit. And you guys try to act as if every assumption you come up with is true? Ok..
I don't actually know Berry in real life, so I can't say for sure what she says or does is true or false, but what you guys are doing are just as bad. Coming to this post, I never even once said something that Berry said was true, and you guys just jump to the insults on me. Lol dumbasses.
No. 4597
>>4593If you care so much about what a bunch of random people are doing with their spare time, why aren't you doing something worthwhile yourself, far from that site?
If you want to keep posting here, lurk moar and stop embarrassing yourself with your useless rebuttals.
No. 4599
>>4593If anything you guys are the ones embarrassing yourselves lol.
Why should I be embarrassed about some anons who probably wouldn't even give their twitter/fb tag?? Because without the little anon name hiding you, you wouldn't say shit.
No. 4600
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so berry isn't studying at uni but school uh ?
No. 4601
>Lookup "pastelcutie drama" and it will be the 1st or 2nd link. Keep pulling shit out of your ass some more.
>Keep pulling shit out of your ass some more.I searched before making my post, that's how I know you lied. Just be honest, Berry told you and came in to white knight because that.
>I don't actually know Berry in real life, so I can't say for sure what she says or does is true or false,That's real pitiful. You took the time to read all these post showing her dishonesty, and still decided to defend and on top of that you don't even know her irl. Damn, you really are an ass kisser.
No. 4603
>>4599Well, you were looking for Pastel Cutie's drama so I guess you wanted to say some shit about her kkk u r not a better person even if you come to this thread to white knight her.
Althought, I know u weren't looking for Pastel, Berry linked you this thread. Tell her to stop hiding her non photoshopped face under a hoodie and tell her to face the world with her natural self. Maybe people stops saying shit about her. I guess you don't know how she is because she sold her fake persona to you and you believe her hahaha so sad. Maybe you think she will buy you Cartier.. well…she won't
No. 4604
>>4599Holy shit, that's some shit-tier argument. Search kiwifarms, PULL, gurugossip, every single one with registration, and no one stops talking shit about people who deserves it just because they have some shitty ass persona.
I wish I could ask admin-sama if this type of behavior is bannable, it's obviously trolling/whiteknighting.
No. 4605
>>4599Did you just reply to my post without reading..? Do I really need to make a step-by-step video because you can't search two simple words??
>>128948 Since you guys are so experienced in stalking peoples posts, you can just do that with me and see if I've talked shit about anyone anywhere on the internet. I'm sure you will be disappointed. :)
It's funny how a lot of you guys just automatically assume things without having any sort of backup.
>>4599So you're basically saying since person A, B, C, and D does it, it's okay for you to do it too. Nice logic you have there.
No. 4607
>Why should I be embarrassed about some anons who probably wouldn't even give their twitter/fb tag?? Because without the little anon name hiding you, you wouldn't say shit.Mmmm earlier someone tweeted her from here asking her about her bf post , didnt you see those tweets ? (maybe she sent you here because of that)
also we constantly say stuff to her regarding behavior /ps but she blocks us ?
Hell she even blocked someone just bcz they fav a tweet someone else said about her.
No. 4611
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I love this
No. 4612
>>4605You're not even quoting right.
Leave already.
No. 4614
>>4613We don't know Berry but we aren't blind as you to follow her ass without questioning the shit she does and that is what makes us different from you
If she wasn't such a liar maybe people would like her more idk lol
No. 4617
>>4613You don't know Berry and you don't know shit either
and you're posting on a site full of people who are "unproductive with their lives" (ever heard of free time? You already admitted you don't know what multitasking is). Speaks volumes about about you, hun.
You're just like the people you're arguing with.
No. 4623
>>4622 even still how can it be easier to lie to this extent than calmly explain, i for one would be impressed. im sure its the fear of losing followers but if she's going to really be a "doctor" she won't have much time for them anyway she should just come clean and the people who stick with her after the lies are the ones who will stay. also i'm in the process of contacting Catfish on this matter, so
>>4599if you want to warn her you can.
No. 4625
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I'm just gonna leave this here….
No. 4626
>>4625Wow, she's really thirsty for some attention from her ~senpai~.
Also dat forehead.
No. 4637
Funny how Berrykissu / kissu berrys ass is here upon searching pastel cutie. When you search up a bloggers name it most likely means you wanted info on them.
I bet berrykissu has posted on here before or at the least enjoyed some of the posts and agreed with them. Gurl, don't ignore the fact berry photoshops from hell and back, her huge oppais are not that huge as she claims and her rich kid stories are all too ridiculous to be true.
You probably, more than likely, don't know berry as much as you think tbh where is your proof she is what she says to be? have you met her, seen her, been to her "large and rich desu" house (that never seems to match up to each other)?
You're really no better than us, probably better than berry kek, but don't act like you are better than us.
We all know you want to kiss berrys ass because she's popular. Don't even try to say you didn't want to be berrys friend because she was popular and "pretty" with the shoops. If berry wasn't as popular / didn't shoop to look "kawaii", you wouldn't even look twice at her.
Like someone said
>>4630 most of us if not all were ex fans of hers. I was one.
No. 4638
>I found this thread while looking up pastelcutie (((Sorry if I'm repeating what anyone said I just skimmed through)))
1,) You're using pastel cutie as a way to hide the fact you actually were looking up "ichigoflavor" or "berry tsukasa". Whatever it is, there is no doubt you were curious about her or berry.
2.) Even if you did look up pastel cutie, you must have read A LOT t get to this thread. You took some damn time out of your life to lurk, friend, you are no different.
3.) Berrykissu in this thread is actually berry and berry is using her as sabotage kek
4.) berrykissu just wants to kiss ass so berry could get her more followers because
lets be real, 99% of the people that talk to berry wants a chunk of her e-fame and followers/to be noticed on the internet.
No. 4640
>>4583>>4638>I found this thread while looking up pastelcutie beforekey word: "before"
so basically berrykissu has been lurking the berry threads for a while (pastel cutie didn't even appear in this thread until now) and didn't say anything until the billy dude became relevant lol
>and thought it was funny how so many people dedicate their lives to saving every tweet and pic Berry posts to try and identify her "real identity".Buuuut you've been lurking. So you think all of this was interesting and you much have enjoyed it if you stayed for this long LOL.
No. 4643
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what does she mean by this?
No. 4648
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No. 4649
>>4640Lmao yes, she was looking up drama to begin with, idk what her problem is.
She came here to defend Berry, and then got btfo. Attached herself to the board with her twitter and now everyone knows she's a brainless lackey who can't even defend herself or others properly.
>>4644Come off it, it's still on the topic of Berry, seeing as she's her diehard whiteknight. Not only that, but she put herself on this board. How would one not talk about her? It doesn't warrant her own thread; she's nobody.
No. 4659
>>4653Depends on the class.. stuff like math and sciences classes usually uses scan tron, if it is multiple choice.
History/Social Sciences classes usually are an essay + short answer in a little test booklet.
I usually have a project or a research paper as a final in the few English classes I took.
The only class where I've had a test that someone could look over and read the answers from has been my language classes. But my teacher asked us to hand it in as soon as we were done and then had an oral exam?
Other anons may have had different experiences. But
>>4658has it right: for most classes, you can just leave after the test. (Unless it's just a short quiz, but still.)
Berry is fucking stupid..
No. 4665
Wow, that was great lmao I dont even know what she hoped to accomplish whiteknighting–she doesn't know berry in real life and all she's shown is that she's kissing berry's ass so hard she's drowning in her shit
one of my favorite parts (besides having it be obvious she lurks lolcow LOL hypocrite) is that she didn't respond to these:
>>4586>>4591because even she can't explain berry's asshole-ness. hell, even berry can't defend herself over obvious asshole-ness. all she can do is be 3dgy and say 'haters be jealous'
college scantrons are made to have really small circles, and anyone next to you should have a different text so if she was actually in college she'd know it's pointless
if she really wants to prove us wrong about a lot of things, it'd be so easy to post proof but she can't about anything so.
No. 4668
>>4666berry kiss ass why are you still LURKING lol do u want attention that bad
Are you being neutral because you want to keep kissing berry's ass and you know she lurks here too since you've been on the threads for a while it seems
>Unlike you guys who say she is wrong, but have little to no proof to prove anything because you guys don't know her personally either. Hypocrisy.Do you have proof she is right? if you're neutral then why are you defending her and beating around the bush kek
not all of us instantly think she is wrong fyi but you have to agree some of the shit berry says is skeptical and must have tickled your interest. you must have thought so if you have been lurking for a while. Again, you're no better than us, you searched pastel cutie drama because you wanted the drama details because you're intrigued by "drama" and so here you are!
>>4593>Lookup "pastelcutie drama" and it will be the 1st or 2nd link. Keep pulling shit out of your ass some more.Go back to kissing berrys ass because you want that chunk of efame, to be noticed by someone "popular" and or have a piece of her followers.
No. 4669
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just found out pastel cuties best friend honeybeartea follows berrykissu lol awks
berry bragging about how perfect her life is again. that braggart attitude is incredible and her followers eat it up, no wonder berry has such an ego. but i can't tell if berry has become delusional because of her own lies
No. 4672
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>>4552>>4571>>4583>>4593>>4599>>4605>>4613>>4666Bravo, berry. Bravo. Don't you remember some of us can tell?
No. 4674
File: 1435608406057.png (20.71 KB, 608x126, blockeveryonethen.PNG)

>>4296>>4607Point proven,she reads our forum.
No. 4677
>>4674Its a fucking image board not a forum.
Fuck this newfag wave.
No. 4680
The best part is that if everything berry said was true berry could prove us wrong so easily. But they're not, so she can't.
>>4666If someone who's so much closer to her says, "I don't know if she is wrong or right", pretty much shows she's full of shit.
you still can not answer why she's begging her followers for money in exchange for what she calls 'simple doodles' when she says she's a rich kid. you can't answer why she pretends to be ~*~*girl power*~*~ but then goes ahead and says shitty things about other girls.
No. 4681
>>4666try to take her 'kawaii crown' (drown your face in circle lens, make up, and photoshop) and see her send her weeb followers on your ass (which we witnessed with amikoto). then you'll regret ever trying to stand up for her ass
if she's nice to you it's because she doesn't think you're a threat since it's so obvious you kiss her ass.
she probably thinks she's, or at least likes to act like, she's cuter, smarter, and more popular than you are. if you ever got more followers than her she'd give you up so fast
No. 4683
>>4680She obviously doesn't have a job and maybe she wants her own money for a change? There could be a list of reasons. And she's not forcing people to buy her doodles.
They choose to on their own free will and use their own money. Why not yell at the buyers instead if you care so much about it?
Anyways, what's it to you if someone else wants to use their own money to buy her doodles? Maybe they like it? Maybe they just feel like it?
You just sound really bitter about it for no reason. The way she makes money doesn't effect how you live your life so I don't understand why you have to care so much.
It just shows how most of you are so obsessed with her that even though you dislike her, you still follow her and probably even sub to her tweets and Facebook posts so you get insta alerts just to find more reasons to spew hate. And for what? As some sort of hobby? I think some of you need to take your hate and see a therapist, because this sort of obsession sounds more like a mental issue than anything.
No. 4684
>>4677the fuck? where the fuck is your image bitch?
go look up the definition of a web thread you fucking moron
No. 4687
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Don't most cars do this? Why is she acting like it's a special feature?
No. 4690
>>4683I don't care how she makes her money. I'm asking why she needs to beg for money if she's a rich girl who can buy her sister an iphone 6 and purchase 4k cartier bracelets. Oh wait, right, you don't know because you don't even know if she's telling the truth.
You called us hypocrites before, right? How about this?
>>3946>>3941Is this not a hypocrite? Honestly I'm only on this forum because drama and bullshit is fun to read (which you obviously know since you looked up pastelbat drama)
But you getting all riled up and trying to watch you defend berry is hilarious, especially since you can't because berry's swimming in so much bullshit you don't even know if it's true or not.
No. 4695
>>4683But she brags about her credit cards in the same breath. She doesn't know whether she wants to be poor or rich, or whether to play both to fit her current situation.
Lol people only care because she's charging obscene amounts of money for shit she says takes her seconds to make. $4 for a
digital doodle that lacks details? Really? You can't see the rip off?
Lmao don't confuse ridicule with obsession or 'hate'.
>>4691Whether she knows it or not, she's just furthering the thread. We'll be on to the next one quite soon, and she'll be added too.
We're milking the both of them at this point and they're too dense to realize it.
No. 4696
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If she's SO SHORT AND KAWAII, why the fuck are her feet so fucking big?
No. 4700
>>4695when she gets added to the next thread lets make sure we emphasize the fact that despite being a closer friend she couldn't even say what was true or false (yet proceeded to blindly white knight her anyway)
key quotes:
"I don't actually know Berry in real life, so I can't say for sure what she says or does is true or false"
"I never even once said something that Berry said was true"
No. 4701
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>>4696Because she doesn't seem to know her own shoe size and wears shoes that are too big
No. 4707
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found this on VK and wow she looks big
No. 4711
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perfect timing berry
No. 4712
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No. 4716
>>4712tbh it's true…
"Get good grades!! Why u have no life??"
No. 4720
>>4714don't know about every high school but most have the option to not walk at grad.
Too many chances of having unshoopednpictures taken or she just doesn't care to go and it may not be a big desl for her parents to see them walk,could be why her or her sister did not appear
No. 4723
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>>4702you guys….. maybe shes a dropout. i would explain why no one has seen her out much or remember her maybe she got fat and dropped out
No. 4724
>>4720Lucky… At ours, if you don't (want to) walk, you don't get your diploma.
>>4718Why has no one tweeted her about this?
No. 4728
>>4723Her name is on the list twice though, but it wouldn't be uncommon for one more person to have her name either. Korrine ain't special. I guess the one we should look at is the one that said 'Class of 2015'
Oh And maybe since she didn't go, they didn't call her name, or write her name in any booklet they had for the program.
This is on my opinion, but I feel bad really. She may not feel this way now, But not go to the prom or graduation because you want to keep up a lie is sad. It's okay if she didn't want to go period, but if it was to keep up this lie that she was already out HS, I kinda feel bad.
My cousin felt that way as she stayed in her books only, no parties, no prom, same for college. Nothing. Now she told my mom she regrets not enjoying her time because she'll never get her school years back.
No. 4729
>>4725>>4727Isn't it weird though that all the Tignos are some variation of "Michelle" and "Korinne"?
Michelin, Michelle, Michellin, Korraine, Korinne, Korrine?
I'll give you that Tigno may be a common last name, but does everyone with the last name Tigno name their daughters some form of Michelle or Korinne? I think that's unlikely
I browsed around more and saw things like:
Class of 1984 Jefff Campbell
Class of 1984 Jeff Campbell
Class of 1985 Dawn Claus Claus
Class of 1985 Dawn Claus
So I'm guessing the website has an automated service that updates it, and sometimes it doesn't know how to spell a name so it lists different variations of the name multiple times.
No. 4730
Same anon as:
>>4729Yup, I'm 99% sure those are all Michelin and Korinne, and the system just didn't know how to spell their names (Unless you want to tell me there were two Jeffs in the same class and one of them was named Jefff with 3 f's lol)
The website is not great at spelling sometimes, and sometimes does not automatically upload all the students so they have to do it themselves, however I'm pretty sure the website gets the graduating year right.
The Student Council President of '15 is named here: here she is on the '15 Alumni list: No. 4732
>>4701Definitely cheap tabobao shoes. Seen them before.
She does know her shoe size. Her fatass feet are way too broad for a smaller size (i mean, just look at the stumpy thing, the ankle is basically non-existent)
No. 4735
>>4702>>4704>>4733thanks for making me feel like shit guys
what would be the rough estimate of Berry's weight, guys? i'm 55kg and i've got a bad case of cankles & my legs look like that so… is 55kg that bad? holy shit this website is making me wanna go ana
No. 4738
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>>4735Fucking hell no one gives a shit. This is a Berry thread, stop trying to make it about you.