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No. 344017
There hasn't been an active thread for her in a while but since she's completely re-branded and still putting out content, here it is.
>Known for her aidoru days>Pee scandal>Still lives in Japan>Trying to be a successful youtuber, DJ, singer and model>Still does drugs (?)>Went from literal loli pedo bait to 5edgy3u baddie typePast threads:
>>>/pt/360>>>/pt/51992>>>/pt/197968Youtube: No. 344024
>>344017I discovered her through PDR's channel. Ever since that collab she's made Duncan and Mimei her top featured channels. Trying to ride their coattails for sure.
Also in the first pic on her instagram feed she's wearing an edgy tshirt glorying drug use. I don't know why she would actively advertise her fondness of drugs in a country like japan, especially as a DJ who parties constantly. Wouldn't that jeopardize her visa and modelling gigs etc?
No. 344068
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Seems like she's gained a bit of weight since before, good for her. She had a pretty obvious ED a while back, and looked pretty sick.
No. 344094
>>344068She looks cute now tbh. I like her 90s technopop vibe.
Looking through her insta it's actually kind of refreshing to see something so different. 90% of the jvloggers basically act like 60 year olds wherein they only go out during the day and the rogue night out is like, Karaoke and they hardly ever show themselves drinking, so it's interesting to see another side of Tokyo.
No. 344106
>>344049Whoa, I want to see her breakdown video. I hadn't even known it existed. Is it on that youko site like her other ones because I can't seem to find it…
On another note, I think that her fashion and especially her makeup can be pretty sloppy and lulzy sometimes, but I'm also seeing her improve. Unfortunately, her music is horrible despite having a great voice.
No. 344319
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Aah, I miss Yukapon drama.
The milk is super dry now, but I still find her cute.
A Vintage Yuka for nostalgia's sake.
>>344068She's honestly looking good her, I am glad she gained weight.
>>344287I agree. Maybe she think's using slang reflects how fluent she is, but it just looks like she has poor vocabulary.
No. 344387
I'm taking a trip down memory lane, and the 2011-2014 Yuka milk was fucking insane. Those really were the golden days. Now, we have nothing.
I wish the Wayback Machine saved all the screencaps and videos from (which is now mostly empty), though.
Here's the old /pt/ thread for anyone who wants to reminisce too:
>>>/pt/360 No. 344396
>>344354Yuka isn't on a work visa. She's studying makeup at vantan. The same school that Shiena went to. After her breakdown she stayed in America for a year or something like that then went to a language school for two years (the maximum time you're allowed on a language school visa). And now she's at vantan and will probably work in Japan after.
She's been going to Japan since her failed idol days. Her Japanese is good because she learned it pretty well during that time.
I'm happy that she's made a comeback. I've always liked her.
No. 344399
>>344396She actually had a fanbase and signed to Japanese management which is way more than what most weeb aidoru wannabes can say. Why does everyone on this board call anyone that actually gets to Japan a "failed idol"? Yeah she had the scandal in the end but she didn't really "fail".
Also she could very well have a work visa. Dakota Rose, Yuriko Tiger, Taylor etc have work visas and besides Taylor I'm sure Yuka is making more via YouTube etc than the rest. She leaves Japan quite a bit too which is a requirement for a work visa. I think she's at vantan but doesn't have their visa. I say that because you can't DJ on a student visa.
No. 344409
>>344399I doubt immigration would care. She doesn't even have a degree and started youtube and DJing after she went to Japan. How can she get a work visa? She's definitely on a student visa
She went to Japan and the idol thing failed because she got a lot of abuse after the pee and Akira mental breakdown scandal. She then went really quiet for a while and lived in America before going back to Japan and changing her style. I said she failed as an idol not as a person. She didn't even get a foot of the ground because of her scandal.
Stop getting defensive. I actually like her.
No. 344415
>>344409She had fans etc she didn't fail as an idol her career was still successful.
Also you can get entertainment visa without a degree. You seriously think Dakota or Taylor or those Russian farmer's daughter models have degree? I heard Yuriko tiger doesn't even have a Highschool diploma.
No. 344523
>>344460I think so. They had enough money to send her to study in Japan for how many years.
>>344505But what I'm trying to say is that before she came to Japan she wasn't doing anything. After her pee scandal she went quiet. So how could she suddenly go from doing nothing in America to an entertainment visa when the only things online about her back then were videos of her loli akiba dancing, peeing and breaking down.
She only started DJing and the modelling after she went back to Japan once the scandal had blown over.
No. 348438
>>348435she was younger back then.
i think once people that are into jfashion and stuff actually move to japan and realize people dont actually dress like that, they default back to normal fashion…
No. 348778
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I miss younger Yukapon. Nowadays she looks and acts trashy.
No. 348869
>>348778She was trashy back then she just iddnt show it. She even was into gyaru before the whole uguuloli persona. Honestly her saccharine childlike act creep me out. She was trying hard to act like a kid (and her catchphrase "eternally 13", shooping her boobs flat in swimsuit pics,…)and tried hard to please pedos. I know that's what some idols do to get fans but ew.
>tfw used to think she was super cute>tfw used to think being an idol was all being cheerful,being cute and singing and dancingHow I miss being ignorant and 14.
No. 349175
>>349163Yeah honestly I wish everyone would just pull back for a minute and consider she was a damaged, groomed young teenager. I felt sorry for her during her downfall.
A few years ago I maybe judged her the same way, but after working with mentally ill/traumatized teenagers for as long as I have now, idk but I feel bad for her. She was clearly groomed from a young age and has a traumatic history of some kind, physical or sexual abuse. Predators can smell damage and I'm sure that's had lasting effects on her. I know I'm probly in the wrong place saying all of this blah blah but I'm just giving my standpoint.
No. 349209
>>344068I miss her old look because it was cute, and I was curious for how long she could pass as a loli. With that said, it's a lot healthier for her mentally and probably relationship-wise to move onto a more young-adult style.
I imagine in a few years, she'll have faded into obscurity and be a semi-normal adult woman. The only thing I can imagine getting in the way of this is drugs (i.e. getting caught with possession of drugs is a good way to lose a visa or go to jail).
It's weird because she used to be underaged and even as an adult passed as a child. Now I can totally imagine her getting married and having a kid in a couple years lol
No. 349275
>>349235There was a leaked screenshot going around where she was flirting with some guy in YouTube DMs, saying shit like "What color do you want my panties to be?". She also said "I can't tell you the details, but I lost my virginity at a con when I was really, really young :(" or something.
I'll see if I can find it on /cgl/.
No. 349870
>>349250>>349863This is my first time posting in this thread or any of her past threads as far as I can remember. I met this girl when she was around 16 at a local con. She introduced herself as Yukapon, spoke broken Japanese, and claimed to be a quarter Japanese. She was this tiny, baby voiced, awkward anime-acting girl who definitely looked much younger than she was. She was all over my friend who was Japanese and close to her age which I find kind of funny now given that this was within the time frame of her "dating" Akira.
I don't think she was really in love with Akira (given how she was really all over my friend), but saw him as more of a way to get her foot in the door into a life in Japan. Akira, however, is absolutely a disgusting lolicon and should not be defended. I think Yuka was just typical teen weeaboo trash desperate enough to do "whatever it takes" to get to Japan. And hell, it worked, didn't it? I am glad to see that she's been able to move on and grow up since then though. She seems pretty alright and generally quite milkless now. I do kind of wonder if her past will come back to bite her in the ass though.
Sage for being semi bloggy.
No. 349891
>>349881I legit think that most people don't know. Look at how many people on here who are asking about it.
There's a big difference between people who are generic anime weebs to people who are into idol stuff. Most people who are interested in Japan are mainly into anime and the more mainstream stuff. Idol groups aren't mainstream in Japan or the west.
Also doing anime dance covers like yuka, beckii and other wannabe idols used to do has been pretty much unheard of for the past 5 years.
The only people that know about her pee stuff are those who were interested in the gaijin idol stuff. Most of the people she's blogging with probably had no interest in it or just don't care anymore.
No. 350437
>>350289Not Akiba idols, though. They're mostly unknown outside of small groups, and fizzle out of cult popularity very quickly. They also never become well-known outside Akihabara.
Yuka being a gaijin who was literally mistaken for Beckii Cruel when she went to Japan during her stint just makes things a bit sadder.
No. 354143
>>354079Exactly what
>>354121 said. It's like any city. If anything, Tokyo is pretty welcoming as it's constantly full of tourists.
No. 355949
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No. 469922
>>469904I kinda get what they were going for, but it's really not doing it for me. She sounds like a chipmunk and the video doesn't really seem to have a story? It's kinda hard to even make out what she's saying.
She looks cute though, and nice shots of Tokyo I guess?
No. 476195
>>344024>Also in the first pic on her instagram feed she's wearing an edgy tshirt glorying drug use. I don't know why she would actively advertise her fondness of drugs in a country like japan, especially as a DJ who parties constantly. Wouldn't that jeopardize her visa and modelling gigs etc?Can't find the post you're talking about, but is it weed? because lots of Japanese people legit don't get the reference, they think they're acer/japanese maple leaves. My friend showed me a picture of his aunt's house and they had this little room divider curtain emblazoned with
>LEGALISE IT!in the traditional Rasta colours, covered in weed leaves. They had no idea what the connotation was.
It's not that big a deal because unless they've been abroad most Japanese people wont be familiar enough with drugs to understand what its in reference to, and their English level wont be good enough to understand the text fully.
No. 513142
>>476195Where I live in Japan I see people drive around marijuana leaf car air freshners dangleing from their reveiw mirrors all the time.
Sorry for bad grammar.
No. 513867
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>>513365No they were not. I know the difference, I use to smoke all the time in the US. Even though they are pretty damn close. We make that joke everytime we see it "oh look Japanese maple leaf" with finger quotations. I saw them at Don Quixote, also. I live off of the mainland.
No. 532295
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>>532274They're real oh no he's some mumble rapper
this is his insta, looks like he had a kid with some japanese lady too No. 532311
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>>531931>>531971Is her new boyfriend the greasy redneck looking, soundcloud rapper wannabe dude in that vlog? She typically only dated old, creepy looking Japanese guys, so I can't really say it's a huge downgrade, but he's pretty gross looking.
No. 532313
>>532295Opps, missed this. I guess he is her boyfriend. She's always dated some real winners.
>>531971I'm looking forward to when the dirt comes out she's doing a dating service or something. If she hasn't yet, I can see it happening in her future.
No. 532387
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>>532341Dug around on him a bit, was wondering what type of Japanese woman would settle for this. Surprisingly his ex is really cute, but upon further inspection, it seems she just really wanted a hafu baby, she even has line stickers of their kid for sale. Weird.
Also, this guy didn't get really stupid looking until the past year, seems he is in a downward spiral and "Natchan" is along for the ride.
No. 532392
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>>532295>>532313>>532341Also, didn't she date that one old decora guy, Junnyan? Has she ever dated anyone who wasn't super cringey?
No. 532453
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The weird thing is that Natalia is, imho, genuinely cute? She has a cute face, she's thin and well kept in general. She could land a rich not so old japanese dude with ease. Is her self-esteem that low? Why is she always dating pedos, greasy dudes and greasy pedo dudes? What the fuck?
>>532392Yep, she did. During that decora phase of hers. Wasn't he like in his 40's or something? She wasn't even 20, IIRC.
No. 532465
>>532453I met her once, briefly, at a local con around her pee video phase. She was telling people her name was legitimately Yuka, that she was half Japanese, and was speaking in very broken Japanese, etc.
Honestly, she's probably just insecure and has issues with her own identity. She always seems to be recreating her identity based on whatever loser she's dating at the moment. It's like her entire identity is based around other people or whatever is trending at the moment. She was a kawaii loli idol, then a harajuku street fashion girl, now she's trying to be an edgy instagram baddie who dates shitty soundcloud rappers.
I'll agree though, she's not an ugly girl by any means. She may nto be model pretty, but she's cute, has a cute/petite figure, seems to come from a good family. I don't really get it either, hopefully she snaps out of it before she ends up going the "toopoor" route with her new lilpeep wannabe of a boyfriend.
No. 532685
>>532387I couldn't see anything about his ex, other than that they'd been together for a few years, had family trips and even got married, they stayed together until the baby was 1. Then they split and he got a bunch of fuckstupid tattoos.
He seems to be the grandchild of a US mayor, Ilus W. Davis. I really hope dollar store Peep doesn't fuck up Yukapon even more, I was kinda rooting for her.
No. 533152
>>532685>>532708Honestly, her history of extreme identity changes and her taste in men really make me wonder about her personality and emotional/mental stability. Is she really just that thirsty for a taste of fame in Japan? Is there something else at play here?
It seems like she had dated Akira, despite him being so much older and clearly a lolicon, because he was buying her gifts, cloths, and promising her help with an idol career in Japan. Junnyan is old and ugly, but he is a rather well known character in the street fashion world, has been in a ton of magazines street snaps, and was a manager at Super Lovers at the time. Now she's latched onto this trashy, soundcloud rapper and is trying to spin herself a new identity as a DJ now.
I know she's still pretty young, but her history and pursuits of fame have gotten pretty out of hand at times. I'm glad she's been able to move on from the scandal of her pee video and other questionable content via her relationship with Akira. I just hope that she doesn't fall too far down the rabbit hole with this new guy. She's never been an outright mean or awful person, just kind of the usual cringey weeb at her worst. She really could do so much better and I hope she eventually wakes up and sees that.
No. 533548
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How long before yukapee gets knocked up too?? She escaped small town american life, but damn you just cant take it out of the girl can you?
No. 533646
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>>533548Abortions in Japan are pretty costly, here's hoping she doesn't get pregnant by the knockoff lilpeep.
It really is too bad though. She went from having a decent modeling job with BTSSB and being in magazines via street snaps to dating this loser and making whatever this mess is
>>469904 Her other music is pretty terrible too, her song writing is highschool student tier at best. It's a pity because when she isn't singing this garbage, her voice is actually pretty decent.
No. 533995
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>>533548Idk how he got the Japanese chick and now Yukapee because despite her cringey life she's cute meanwhile he looks fucking disgusting.
It's not even like he's charismatic because he talks like the "no ragrets" guy from we're the millers. Fucking walmart peep, christ.
No. 534105
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No. 534107
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No. 534108
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No. 534150
>>534108>>534107>>534105These are like, at least 2 years old? She's been talking about wanting to gain weight recently.
Does anybody have the videos that were on The ones where she talks about wanting to drink her piss and being super out of it?, I have a brief recollection of someone claiming that she was in a gang bang and liked it? Am I imagining this? It's been so long since we had fresh Yuka milk.
No. 534154
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>>534150Yes They are from 2016
No. 534264
>>534211>claimed to have not minded itNow, I do have some fucked up fetishes myself but surely this couldn't have been a healthy response to indulging in that shit in a non-safe environment with no real aftercare. Yeesh, girl's a mess
>>534244Thank you, anon! Funnily enough, I've posted a fair bit in that thread and completely forgot it was here and not Stamrose.
Also, m0m0ko! Holy shit, what a trip down memory lane.
No. 534399
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>>533995>>534225Honestly, he wasn't horrible looking a year or two ago, when the Japanese girl was dating him. I personally don't find him attractive, but I could see how he might appeal to a Japanese woman with a white fetish.
He's gone this far downhill in about a year's time. I can really only wonder how much worse it's going to get and how much drugs are involved in all this.
No. 534705
>>534418>>534661Tbh I like fairly extreme body mods, even face tattoos, but his are really awful. The ones on his eyelids (which says "rice boys") make it look like he permanently has black eyes. The rest look like someone doodled on his face while he was sleeping. The blurry throat tattoo that says "Trapanese Dreams" in bright teal is pretty horrendous as well.
Seriously. Don't do drugs kids. At least whatever kind of drugs this dude is on. He looks like a meth head.
Anyone have any info on his recent facial scars? He had a huge gash across his forehead that he had stitches in when he and Yuka first began dating publicly, there's a small scar across the tip of his nose from the same incident.
No. 534748
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>>533995I hadn't really heard him talk before. But wow… seriously reminds me of that rapper from Always Sunny who Dee was dating, that they all thought was retarded.
No. 537673
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>>537081Okay, so I did some digging. Turns out he's the grandson of Ilus Winfield Davis, who was mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, back in the 60's. His family remained in Kansas city, and that appears to be where he grew up, which explains his accent. His real name is also, "Winfield Davis", so it appears he was named after his grandfather. Before going by the alias "lil blue steel" or lilblue, he typically went by Win Davis, and was into skateboarding. According to various sources like whitepages, he's only 26 years old. Which, I admit, is surprising, as I would have guessed early 30's, but hey, that's what hard drugs will do to you I guess.
Honestly, I think Natalia is only with him because she's trying to ride what little fame/following he does seem to have. She's attached herself to the billings of almost any shows he's performing at and he's almost constantly promoting her via his instagram. That and he probably has some pretty decent drug connections and homegirl has a problem.
Pic is a show she's promoting that both her and Win are performing at.
No. 537748
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>>537726>I think Natalia's boyfriend is pretty hotIn what world, anon?
No. 537764
>>537726I completely agree with the lingo bit,
for some people, using that slang just sounds…right? natural? faze banks is a good example of it sounding more natural than when natalia says it.
She sounds so tryhardy
No. 538496
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>>537764Its more cringy because she’s trying to be instahood while her accent is veeeery typical midwestern middle class white girl lmfao i was actually surprised when I heard her speaking english
No. 538565
>>538563You know back before internet armchair diagnosis, we just called this following trends. But please go on about how this girl is unwell for going through phases (as a teen, no less)
Borderline personality disorder is not changing your style every two years and you anons who armchair diagnose are annoying as hell.
No. 538568
>>538565Not that anon but no one said BPD, calm down. Regardless, it's not just changing styles, she tries to literally morph herself into something she isn't with each one. She is white as snow yet she's trying to talk as if she lived anywhere outside of her middle class life.
Usually when people change styles a piece of them still remains in each trend. Can you say there is any part of Yukapon that IS Yukapon? Like what even is her personality? It's all fake.
The lingo thing pisses me off the most it's so goddamn annoying. I've said before she does the same thing in Japanese where she tries her hardest to shoehorn in any slang she knows.
No. 538721
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I found our Princess Peepee in incest porn
No. 539021
>>538567Honestly, I think she's always hopping around trends hoping to find one that will finally land her the fame in Japan that she's been so desperate for nearly the past decade. I think that's why she always attaches herself to men who have something to offer her as far as fame/attention go rather than men who are actually good for her/stable/healthy. This is the first guy who is close to her in age, and yet he's a drugged up, shitty face tattooed, baby daddy, soundcloud rapper who both sounds and acts mentally impaired.
I don't know if she's just really insecure and doesn't think she could do better or if she is really that thirsty for attention/fame. Honestly though, I think it's all about the fame for her. Maybe she feels she has something to prove after her idol career tanked and never took off?
>>538721>>538730It looks a little like her I guess. Kind of like Yuka if she put on a little more weight and lopped off half her nose. Pretty obvious it isn't her though. But who knows, maybe we'll see her become an AV star next.
No. 539924
>>539154Honestly, I was surprised by her singing. She has a pretty decent singing voice given that half the time she's trying to talk in that annoying, squeaky, anime girl voice, even still.
It's weird because she's decent looking, has a decent enough voice, but seems to squander it all away by trying to cater to whatever scene her current fuccboi is into. If she would had kept doing the covers and worked on her singing, maybe got classes, continued pursuing modeling, small acting roles, etc. She probably could have a decent little career going as a Z-list celebrity by now. Instead she's dating this disgusting little peep knock-off and depending on him to book shows at tiny venues as she pursues to be a "Japanese trap queen". Way to go Natalia.
No. 549165
>>549007Probably was one sided love or something.
>>549075Welp not surprise every weeb end up with a ugly partner. Don't know why this trash wants to be a singer in a foreign land? He better off making it in America how laughable.
No. 549275
>>549007>>549262Probably what you've said. In addition to the guy going from a normal enough looking dude to what he looks like now, as seen here.
>>534399I wonder how he's staying in Japan. Who is sponsoring his visa? Or Natalia's visa for that matter?
No. 549374
>>549275If anything, she probably found an entertainment company via youtube or modeling or something and stays that way. She went to school for hair and makeup, but I guess she just wants to see how far her ‘career’ will take her. I honestly wonder what her future career goals are. Does she still think she’s going to get discovered?! Or is being a walmart-brand level soundcloud artist enough for her?
>>549315I dount she does visa runs. You can basically get away with doing one a year, any more than that and they will semd you back on the next plane.
No. 549394
>>549374Has she even been doing work as a model/personality lately though? My best guess is that she is a part time language school student. A lot of weebs do that until they can try to find a more permanent way to stay. Her family would probably fund it too.
She probably peaked during her btssb modeling era, around the same time she was making it into magazine's street snaps and the like too. She's still young, so maybe if she doesn't fall too far into this shitty "trapenese" rabbit hole and let her drug use/partying get too out of control she might be able to be a non-embarrassing somebody, someday. Also, here's hoping bootleg peep doesn't get her pregnant or anything either, he's already one girl's baby daddy.
No. 549412
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>>549374>>549394Sage for samefagging, but after taking a peek through hewr instagram, it looks like she hasn't had a modeling gig in forever. I don't know if she's still working there, but according to one post, she was working at Shibuya109 as recently as last year. I don't imagine that they would sponsor her visa though?
A lot of her older posts are pretty cringey too. She's only 22 in this photo, yet she goes on about feeling "too old" to wear the skirt? I can't imagine how she's going to handle her mid to late 20s if she's already feeling old at 22. She also tagged this "nymphette".
No. 549456
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>>549412>because of my agelmao, she's not even 30 yo, what the fuck, why would you be embarrassed?
No. 549476
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>>549394She already had a language school visa for 2 years iirc. You can get them for any loger than that i think, because a lot of people abuse the system that way
>>549412Of all the weird clothing she owns, a basic pleated white skirt is what she’s most embarrassed about? She has weird ideas about age as well. Remember when she would prance around in japanese kindergarten uniforms and pigtails and call herself **~~eternally 13~~** while drinking out of a sippy cup and pandering to pedos?
No. 549488
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>>549476Exactly what I thought when I saw the post. I guess she is ~eternally 18~ now as she has moved on from the creepy "little sister" era and onto this new "teenage trap queen" phase.
She's like a diet, weeb Abby with all her phases.
No. 549557
>>549412Even in a youth obsessed society, who said you can't wear a plain tennis skirt past 18?
She looks youthful and I think she's cute, but she's dating this ugly troll and seems to have low self-esteem/identity issues. It's a shame.
No. 549558
>>549379i think her mom is like jillian's mom in a way
"you do you, sweetie<3 ignore the haterz"
No. 549638
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No. 549674
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Looking at this pic she posted made me gag. I bet his tongue smells like stale vomit, alcohol and yeast.
No. 549749
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>>549315Part of the reason she's going back and forth is because she's some kind of NBA ambassador now. How she got involved with that, I have no clue.
No. 549773
>>549768She's just petite, anon? If you aren't naturally petite, but starve yourself to be smaller than your natural bodytype you will look sick.
She's fairly small in person, though I'm not sure what her actual height is. Probably close to 5"?
No. 555758
>>555451its called vantan
>>555715she said she went to language school before this beauty school. idk which program she is doing it vantan but they go up to three years.
No. 556934
>>549749>>549768All of them have nice bodies - i'm jealous…
Saged for no contribution
No. 557728
>>557554Here’s a thought—instead of derailing on another pointless comment that you could’ve easily ignored with your opinion that nobody asked for, just. Don’t. It’s crazy how when you disagree with someone on a matter of opinion you can just move on, I know.
>>549749They all look like the offbrand junior version of that one Instagram prostitution ring in the US they send out to rappers
No. 557753
>>555715Like anon said Vantan is usually 3 years. So either she's still on a student visa or transitioned to an entertainment visa. She's fluent in Japanese and does work in the entertainment industry so she could easily get one.
I'm pretty sure she had an agency when she first went back to Japan after the yukapee incident and was sharing this website Look at how different she is. Again another example of her constant style changes. She's a completely different person.
No. 558622
>>558467….they look like perfectly normal healthy legs
Do you just look at tumblr thinspos all day and now all legs that don't look like Eugenia Cooneys are chunky?
No. 566188
File: 1524747399892.png (63.71 KB, 1440x1044, it's always sunny in nipland.p…)

>>566181he's like lil kev from that episode of it's always sunny but he's a shitty soundclout rapper instead of a normal one
No. 566540
>>566188Oh shit, this joke has come around full circle.
>>534748Also, next thread pic please?
No. 566577
File: 1524780687567.png (674.93 KB, 644x731, yukapeesnewvideo.png)

>>534748>>566188>>566540Basically how the first few minutes of this video
>>566181 went down.
No. 567022
>>566181Is she also acting slow? When she asks 'what are you supposed to eat at hanami?'
She's been living in Japan for years and sucking off japanese culture forever. She damn well knows. Her boyfriend looks so trashy… I like tattoos, but he looks awful. Why are face tats a thing now with trashy dudes?
I feel as if she will lose fans because of her boyfriend now.
No. 569728
>>569683>>569715This guy wouldn't be able to have a career outside of Japan, just like Natalia. They both get by on being the token gaijin as their gimmick. It's probably why she dropped the cutesy weeb thing too, it wasn't going to get her anywhere. She's just trying to ride this dude's coattails to fame, but let's be real… it's not going to happen.
I'm curious to see what her next phase/career will be depending on what type of guy she dates next though.
No. 569744
>>566181In the comments:
"BTW his forehead tattoo looks like a broken head lamp that he got while someone was strangling him."
No. 569881
>>569728I think its the opposite though nobody hardly knows that dude.
>>569683Song is pure trash they might want to find another career to ride on.I thought natalia was a dj did she quit become a singer?
No. 570285
>>569683Is there even an audience for this shit in Japan?
Also kek’d at one of the top japanese comments.
>So this is what it feels like when japanese try to sing in english…. No. 570376
>>569881I meant, the only thing going for him and Natalia in Japan is the novelty factor of being gaijin artists. With the popularity of shit soundcloud rappers in the west right now, they are really a dime a dozen. Over there he's at least a novelty which draws attention he wouldn't be able to get over here in the states.
>>570297Do they still hang out? She seems like her world mostly revolves around bootleg peep these days.
No. 570609
>>570376Not the same anon btw..
I get what you're saying but is this sort of music actually popular in Japan? Like in the US it's actually become mainstream over the past 3 years and reaching number 1 on the charts so even the smaller trap artists can sell out a medium sized tour and maintain a decent social media following. Japanese music charts sound like the US 15 years ago imo. With all the j-rock and girl/boy groups dominating the charts.
Anyone see gaijin j-trap becoming big in japan? Certainly not anytime soon.
They're deluded. The only thing that being novelty may bring is that western media outlets may wanna interview them. Natalia would've been better of trying the Pop singer route if she really wanted to be famous in Japan.
No. 570705
>>570609Oh no, I completely agree. Honestly, I don't really get why this dude went to Japan in the first place. I can only assume he was pursuing a fetish, which he has now fulfilled by having a child with the Japanese ex. Natalia is generally still out of his league, can actually communicate with him, and is convenient. Which is why I imagine he is with her now. (Similar to how gaijin hunters will date Japanese girls in between their gaijin girlfriends.)
Natalia peaked during her btssb modeling phase. She could have pursued a fairly healthy indies singer, model, and small time tv personality career. She's too busy latching onto random dudes and trying to mirror their looks/careers/fame though.
No. 716641
File: 1539925576992.png (429.24 KB, 804x569, 8676.PNG)

Looks like they broke up and Natalia is in LA now.
No. 716733
>>569683I've only just seen this now and the comments are so savage.
>I guess this is like when Japanese people sing in English>This is just so lame>Wouldn't this have been better in 100% English?>The video is cool, but the song is so bad>Without the subtitles I'd have no idea what they're singing>If you listen to the lyrics, he's talking about filling his nose with cocaine, so he surely does drugs [this is a huge thing in Japan]>This absolute emptiness inside of the cool shell is just a shame>Japanese nuances are hard, so there's nothing that could be doneThe general consensus is that the video is cool, but the music is horrible lol
No. 717056
File: 1539977861909.png (567.97 KB, 972x500, H3w4EgG.png)

Something weird is going on on her twitter.
No. 717068
>>717056Her Twitter is set to private I can’t see it…
but what the hell…? Would she really post something like that herself or is someone outing her? …then again, wouldn’t they make it public?
No. 717127
>>549412She probably has a lot of shame about how she enjoys cutesy stuff after all these years of people joking about her being a paedo panderer and places like lolcow pointing out age/nasolabial folds every three seconds
>>717125My money is on this
No. 724540
>>716641it looks like they are together tho?
his instagram is 7i7b7u3
No. 724554
File: 1541020529626.png (475.62 KB, 1440x1908, hh2p7jE.png)

>>717056That's a Fetlife profile. There's no photos on it, just a generic spooky anime girl.
No. 724557
File: 1541020685642.png (65.09 KB, 577x342, q7HxvMk.png)

>>724555Looks like it never had any pics, so it could be anyone.
No. 726451
Ok then why have they both posted the same dog
No. 726509
Considering the timing of the breakup, the "I'm sorry"
>>716644 and the leaked Fetlife pictures
>>717056 I think it's safe to say that the reason for their breakup was probably that he found out she was selling these services and talking to other men on Fetlife. Anyone got any more info?
No. 730367
File: 1541917106192.png (71.54 KB, 297x500, 5be5974597d18_Capture_2018-11-…)

She posted this to her story on Friday, got it from PULL. Translation from PULL user as well:
"I want to go back to the time before I met you. Back to when I still had myself.
I know there’s a lot of things you’re afraid of. You put up a front, but I know you’re actually afraid.
Ive overcome so many awful things and became a strong woman, but you hate women that are strong.
Because you wanted me to become a weak human being like you.
It might be scary, but I know I can overcome this. I can go back to my old self.
Youre pathetic. I’m wishing you a life all alone full of suffering. "
No. 730396
>>717125Isn't that exactly what happened in her Yukapon days with Akira (Akira and/or that pedophilic /jp/ tripfag)? It's how she was "outed" and her whole jailbait Akiba idol thing was sent to a screeching halt.
Here I thought all that shit was over, and she was living a pretty nice life. History repeats itself, I guess.
No. 737480
>>717313She went to Vantan, she has a whole series of videos. If she graduated in 2 years she'd have finished in April 2018. However she could be in a 3 (or possibly 4?) year program in which case she would have until April 2019 or even 2020. If she is traveling as often as >>>549315 states, that probably means she has enough cash (from whatever source) to keep paying tuition.
If she leaves Japan this year, it's not because of visa problems. It's because she wanted to leave.
No. 738352
>>735555There not together and she took a break from social media to try to go back to her old self here.>>730367
>>737480I think her ex had visa problems so she left with him. Her ex posted on his story asking about a visa.
No. 742888
>>742440She's from around St. Louis, isn't she? She's probably living at home again after burning through the last of her funds in LA which I'm sure adds to her "depressed mood" we're seeing here.
I don't doubt blue was shitty to her. She seems to always go after predatory men in general. I was surprised that he was closer to her age and not Japanese, but I think her desperation for fame really fed into why she was with him. Each dude she's been with offered her something for her "career". The first showered her with gifts and offered to help her with her idol career. The next was a fairly well known guy in the harajuku street fashion scene, been in a lot of street snaps, etc. Her persona changed with each guy too, the loli idol, the decora fashion blogger, then with blue, suddenly a instagram baddie trap artist? It's no wonder she feels so lost, she has no one to base her current persona around.
No. 742967
File: 1543850376262.jpeg (32.89 KB, 600x600, 70107ED5-2015-4A70-900F-E97417…)

>>742888At least with the others she had one stable thing- Japan. Whether it was pedo-loli bait, harajuku fashion blogger, alcoholic rave girl, or wannabe spoopy fashion model she at least was in Japan and doing things in Japanese with locals and she looked happy. Then she met some joe dirt level soundcloud rapper and lost all touch with that.
She seemed more like able and happy when she worked at that shibuya 109 shop. She looked good and seemed more down to earth.
No. 744196
File: 1544027971672.jpg (115.3 KB, 720x947, IMG_20181205_113847.jpg)

Is she doing a tribute to xxx? I'm puzzled . It's like she's gone off the deep end