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No. 323376
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Posted summer last year. Any guesses as to where the line goes now? kek
No. 323488
File: 1495980763431.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.98 KB, 594x412, 5183167 _bf49cdffae9918a2f6484…)

old archive pic of sharla from around a year ago
No. 323490
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sharlas lover is mokomichi
No. 323521
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No. 323546
>>323518He probably eats out or orders take out for himself.
Does anyone know if he's Vegan too ? cause I'd assume that if he's not then he probably doesn't really enjoy eating any of her cooking.
>>323521Spoiler this shit. Her fucking eyes are tripping me out.
No. 323573
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Innocent little Miranda was "deceived again by vicious haterz..
No. 324076
>>323546They probably eat completely separate meals, veganism isn't really a thing there. (Taylor and elbowsan do the same thing)
It's always awkward as fuck seeing Taylor's vlogs where she cooks and then her bf orders some fast food since he doesn't seem to like vegan/her cooking.
No. 324128
>>324123I thought Kim had left by now but she keeps posting videos/photos in Japan. Didn't this girl announce she was moving like 6 months ago?
Also PeachMilky is probably there on a tourist visa, it's 3 months right?
No. 324136
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>>324086It's an eyeliner trick to make your eyes look bigger. It looks better with bottom lashes, but generally looks pretty fake irl.
No. 324143
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>>324066Mimei looks like a 40 year old transsexual with fried hair. She need to ditch those glasses
No. 324151
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>>323521Her face here reminds me of one of those smelty Picasso portraits.
>>324143Part of me is like Mimei should get bangs to make her face look shorter ( less horsy ), but than I remember how greasy they always looked… Maybe she should ask Taylor where to get cheek fillers at to add some width to her face.. idk..
No. 324175
>>324143What an unflattering photo. I think she looks pretty cute usually - and as a blonde - particularly in her "mimei" channel videos, but this just ages her. I wish she'd dress better, too.
>>324128For people like that that come in on a tourist visa and stay for months, I just wonder like wtf are they doing with their responsibilities at home? Who takes extended vacations like that if they're not rich/don't need a job?
No. 324265
Just curious but don't want to watch a whole awkward video lol
No. 324266
>>324200I agree. I think she's pretty, not model pretty, but average pretty for sure. It's the choices che makes with makeup and glasses that really bash her. She needs smaller and more elongated glasses to flatter her long face. And she needs to stop doing her eyebrows like two fat orizontal lines. I swear sometimes she almost gives herself a unibrow!
These girls need to understand that not all korean makeup looks good on everyone, especially if you're not so good at doing makeup.
No. 324347
>>324076"""""" Sharla ♡ シャーラ @SharlaInJapan 9 Jun 2016
Fiance decided he will stop eating meat when he turns 30 for some reason? Yay~ I won't have to cook 2 different meals anymore???""""""
For some reason………
No. 324349
>>321975 (from part 7)
I remember Sharla saying she moved to the countryside, far from Tokyo, long train rides and she couldn't afford the bullet train but she lives in Chiba?. That's not that far from Tokyo, and is not a long train ride, specially if you are in Chiba capital or surroundings.
I wonder if she truly lives in the countryside, like genuine countryside and not in a small city.
No. 324421
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Gotta love Sharla, from Saturday (minimum) to Tuesday in Tokyo with the same clothes. At least put another shirt in your backpack, doesn't take that much space.
No. 324623
>>324575Not the anon that post the ISIS comment, but it was hilarious.
If you were smarter, you'd find it funny as well.
No. 324629
>>324575you used "reach" incorrectly lol
(or you possibly still dont get the joke)
No. 324652
>>324635Oh my fucking god, are you retarded?
Calling a stupid joke "reaching" is completely out of context. Lurk moar newfag
No. 324756
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>>324391"Morning pineapples"
No. 324764
the hair isn't greasy enough
No. 325067
>>325013It turned out to be fantasy of a crazy ex-girlfriend that somehow got in contact with two other girls he apperently mistreated. Never got any proof of real names, actually staying in Japan, taking legal actions etc. There wasn't even a proof it was more than one crazy girl.
I really looked into that story and it scared me. I don't like Einshine, at all, and I'm not defending him. Just pointing out that putting yourself on the internet can backlash with very serious false accusations… and that's scary.
No. 325072
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This is just such a weird photo, it looks so try hard
No. 325114
>>324945uhm… what?
No. 325119
>>325114Oh my god. Can we get a farmhand in this thread? Learn to lurk a little before posting and sage your shit ffs. So many pulltard newfags it's so annoying.
>>325072Sharla is trying so hard she's gonna hurt her neck. Taylor looks her usual self but Sharla's pose is so funny kek
>>325087Too many.
No. 325122
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Vegan Taytay~…
No. 325128
>>325119calm down, bitch.
>>325122common, anon, she is *~plant based~* now
No. 325169
>>325165exactly. she's aways eaten this way.
she only posted her vegan meals bc thats what she thought people were interested in/wanted to see until she realized people want to see her whole diet so
>>325122ya shes not vegan, can we stop talking about it now its BORING
No. 325174
>>325072I'm howling !
In the back of my head I can hear Koots from the distance screaming "pedo lesbians !! Pedo lesbians ".
No. 325190
>>325189meant to tag
>>325188 obviously, sorry
No. 325198
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>>325178Give a girl a little attention and temporary fame for copying, and she'll go all the way.
The second hand embarrassment.
No. 325201
>>325174>koots screaming pedo lesbians top fucking kek
>>325189>>325191this was discussed before iirc. She never actually stated that she was 100% vegan, she is just really good at making people assume things without stating them.
As she never stated that she didnt live with her boyfriend in her last flat, she just made it look like, so people assumed she was living alone.
It's actually smart, because she cant be called out for lying. Yet, it's fake.
No. 325221
>>325198Why the fuck would anyone want to be associated with any of the Kardashian klan.
>>325182As has been pointed out repeatedly, she never said that she was vegan. Either back up your statement or fuck off.
No. 325223
1) She looooves them and secretly wishes she was them. Pretends it's all sarcasm
2) Her boots video got so many views, she's trying to milk it wherever she can
No. 325225
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She said she got interviewed by Cosmo Japan about exercising… and yet she doesn't know how to do a simplified push-up. Her form is so bad.
No. 325257
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>>325244No, it's from today's video.
Taylor literally posted this (without the original) on Instagram. Watch her be like "A lot of comments said I was copying Kylie.. obviously I just did it for fun as a social experiment". She's trying
so hard to ride on this now because of her boots video.
No. 325296
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>>324421… she is still wearing it?
jfc… she cant be serious
No. 325298
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>>325296also she looks hella unfortunate in taylors vlog
No. 325340
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>>325198i want to lick taylor's tummy here for some reason. i think i may have caught the gay.
No. 325429
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>>325340i laughed so hard from that gif top kek
>>325280i actually disagree. It got popular because it had the name "kylie jenner" in the title. it had nothing to do with her, she was just leeching off a popular name. maybe she is trying to change her fan base. but she is kind of in the wrong country for that.
No. 325517
>>325400Honestly in comparison to the real pictures it just makes her look worse you probably already had a thing this weeb creature from the start. Personally
I never thought she was pretty.
No. 325529
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>>325517Ia. Chubface was never appealing imho.
No. 325595
>>325517>>325520>>325529Yikes. Someone got
No. 325603
>>325067The rape story also sounded as bullshit. I don't care if mods talked to that Ashley girl and she gave her reasons why she wouldn't fill a lawsuit.She could've lied to the mods too. If you're underage and go to the hospital to get an analysis and turns out Shine raped her and she got an infection from him, the hospital would handle the situation. So I call bullshit. And that "what about my parents" things is also bs. Oh so your parents got divorced and that's one of the reasons you don't want to go to court.
I don't give a fuck about Shine but fake rape accusation is really serious and if you don't take it to court and start making up things, you only make it harder to believe real victims. He's an asshole and a cheater, but I highly doubt he raped her.
No. 325605
>>325595I was the last one, not the other two. Not
triggered, just amused. 'Sup anon we wk'ing Taytay now?
No. 325609
>>325607??? There was no final conclusion in the last thread. It turned into a "Hi Bibi" "Hi Taylor" "Hi Sharla" shitfest and nothing came out of it.
All we have is that Mimei is pissed at them for something about instagram/fake friends, while Bii said something about emails/Mimei threatening some sort of action against the rest of the girls. No one knows what actually happened.
No. 325611
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actually i'm sure she's doing this for laughs and with intention for it to be noticed. i'm not a huge fan but i saw on a vlog that she and sharla watch a lot of kardashians together, probably find these meme-levels of funny, etc
No. 325717
>>325198From copying koots to the kardashians?
>>325225Her siblings also make fun of how bad her form is. It's obv she does w/e at the gym and eat very little to stay stick thin, as opposed to doing it for health.
No. 325757
>>325717All she eats is basically salad, so no surprise she's stayed so skinny.
I also will never understand why every single stick thin girl feels the need to tell people "omg I eat sooo much, I just can't stop". Taylor seems to be doing it more and more I find, like she needs to add in the " I've been eating so much of this/ I've ate a whole bag in one sitting" in her videos.
No. 325789
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Wtf why is she doing this
No. 326096
>>325789They're having fun with taking pics like celebs and not hurting anyone by doing so. Why is this a topic like it's such a bad thing to do?
>>325182 at 7:42 "I am NOT vegan" stfu about the vegan discussion when she stated in the beginning that she's not vegan.
No. 326097
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No. 326134
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i just watched taylors "alone in tokyo" video
why didnt sharla invite taylor to hang with her? seems a bit mean to me. or were they taking a sly dig at josie green (aka mimei)
No. 326448
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>>326287lol are you 12? Of course it was scripted, jfc, they were making a joke. Taylor is the queen of thinking somethings a lot funnier than it actually is
No. 326763
>>326287I thought the same at the beginning but think about it, in a situation like that Taylor looks like a fool, why not cutting that from the video?. Is totally scripted, I wouldn't be surprised if they made it to make fun of the people online that believe is real.
This girls lie, manipulate and in general are as fake as it gets.
No. 327403
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No. 327463
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>>327424I dunno, I really like this one. But probably because it looks nothing like her.
No. 327492
>>327463taylor makes her wear kylie one fucking time and now she overdoes her lips smh basic bitches
is kylie makeup even vegan
No. 327576
>>327563You know some people expect jokes to be actual constructed attempts at humour and not just 5 seconds of sad glances. You would have to be in high school to find that funny.
>Popular girl gets rejected by best friend. Soooooooooooo Awkward. Ha. Ha.It was poorly done for comedic effect, get over it.
No. 327591
>>327585You either don't watch big youtubers or are just arguing to argue. Copying popular content is the only big thing on youtube right now, original creators are few and far between.
Trying food from "weird countries!!", people reacting to videos, bitching about youtube, fidget spinners, ~aesthetic vlogs~ with time lapses, etc. All of these things were trends and copied by essentially every major youtuber out there.
No. 327629
>>327568Jesus all that whine and misery just because she didn't finish her chores and her friends are moving on.
I still want to see what she's going to do with the Kylie copycat shit. I dunno how IG images are going to pan out into a "I tried this " style of video as there is no shock value. (Plus she didn't do all that great of a job )
No. 327633
>>327584I doubt it. If anything I think Taylor will move before Sharla, she always makes videos about missing home/family so I give it a year or two before she moves somewhere. The big question is where, because her bfs business is purely in Asia so unless he finds a similar position in Canada or something I doubt he would want to move (he makes bank so I don't think he'd find something similar). Maybe if he manages to work from home or they decide to do an LDR she would move back.
She was also playing with the idea of moving to Europe which also might happen because he has family in Paris? But that's also not very likely.
No. 327709
>>327585don't bother. The thing with Taylor is, people are either crazily nitpicking or she gets away with stuff others would get trashed for. Now it's the latter. Prepare for "everyone copies!! everyone follows trends!!!" posts.
I bet it's like you
>>327570 said, it's gonna be the "i instagrammed like KJ for a week" kinda video. btw I believe Buzzfeed did the Kim one recently.
No. 327723
>>327714Er, she seems to be a self centred girl who's had life handed to her on a platter.
Poor Tay needs to think of interesting videos so she can add to her riches? She's not exactly a brilliantly creative tormented soul.
No. 327848
>>327803doesn't mean it's okay to copy
it's really boring to watch the same shit made by different youtubers
and it doesn't help that taylor's not an interesting person
No. 327940
>>327570>safiya got like 2m subs within a few months with help of multiple buzzfeed channels
it seems you're upset about clickbaiting and bandwagoning, which literally every fucking person on youtube does h3h3, pewds, etc.
Is Taylor plagiarizing? no
Are the videos about the Kardashians good? no
Are the videos lame and cringy? yes
No. 327987
>>32771495% of her content is just her sitting on her ass complaining, grocery shopping, clothing shopping, eating salad and talking in a high to her dog.. Absolutely nothing creative about it, and there isn't anything all that creative about lurking Youtube for ideas that are already done, then doing a sloppy half ass job at it.
>>327803She doesn't do anything creative though.. She just vloggs herself doing daily tasks/chores and then bitches about how tiring it is. She's fucking lazy.
When fans start to whine about wanting something creative from her, she just finds a easy trend to hop on. ( Orbiez, unicorn ice cream, nail polish flowers )
People need to stop stroking her lazy boner like she's actually good at doing anything other then striking a pretty pose for the camera.
No. 327996
>>327714That's exactly what she wants you to think.
>>327974>>327977>>327977>>327940Ah, summer has arrived.
No. 328159
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damn bronwyn is lookin like one of the guys from that movie white chicks.
No. 328180
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>>328159lol she's on the way there
No. 328443
>>328410So you missed kiki sperging about tay? Lurk more and sage your shit
It's amazing how many posts there are about Taylor, when she is the most drama free, boring and uninteresting jvlogger there is. Is it just kiki aftermath or something?
>>328240Just what
No. 329049
>>328535Just wait until someone "steals her emojis" again
We've seen her freak out about highschool shit before, I doubt she matured through one video
No. 329505
>>329423I do agree that Mimei does have some salty jealous feelings towards Taylor, or at least did at some point. BUT the shit Taylor complained about is fucking trivial and stupid, while Mimei was dealing with actual physical pain. How is that copying Taylor ?
Some of you Anons are just so determined to make everything incriminating about Mimei.
>>329433It does make sense now. Its ridiculously sad if thats why people dropped her. Didn't she or Duncan mention something about being left alone crying ? I wonder if that was pain related and they just looked at her like she was a buzz kill.
No. 329518
File: 1496672272733.jpg (35.13 KB, 326x340, 8v4vL7s.jpg)

Josephine is always Dealing with Issues :'(((
No. 329525
josie green always just has something to whinge about. its not normal.
No. 329531
>>329525>>329518are ya'll jvloggers??
because as a viewer I find she rarely complains about personal stuff and is rather private, at least for the last few years, although evidently she is opening up now due to everyone commenting about her apparent depression on her channel.
No. 329532
>>329505Yeah, endometriosis can be ridiculously painful and cause the kind of fatigue she's talking about. It can also cause problems no one wants to talk (or hear about): if it's on your intestines, you can have painful muscle spasms and cramping in your intestines, extreme diarrhea, bleeding (not just from the vagina). The pain can be in unrelated muscles of your body, too.
She should look into having surgery.
No. 329975
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What do y'all think about Sharla's pity party about that cat? Nothing against cats and helping them but, with her YouTube money she should be easily able to afford it if she wanted to help the cat and all the "oh no, he is dying in exactly 2 weeks if we're not able to get the money together" feels especial pressuring. IDK.
No. 330003
>>329484Pretty sure she mentioned acting/modelling in a vlog. She's on a working holiday visa (do aussies get 18 months or something?) so she can do anything.
There's plenty of agencies in Tokyo for that sort of thing.
No. 330023
>>329975She is doing a live stream to rise money, what more do you want from her in this particular case?. To ask Sharla to pay the surgery is ridiculous.
The only thing to put in question here is why she is not doing this more often, after all she said she loves animals.
No. 330033
>>330023One thing is for sure, they are handling it poorly.
@sharla posted at 18:18
"❤GOOD NEWS❤ Jerry's owner has found a hospital that can treat Jerry for cheaper so we've already raised enough for treatment?"
@laura posted at 18:48
"I paused the gofundme as I am getting other doctor's opinions and it's not looking as severe. I will update you guys more asap❤️ thank you"
Which one is it, no more money needed or its just on "pause"?. So is not as severe as you thought and you go from asking £4,150 to be covered with only £544, the first veterinarian did one hell of a job with the diagnosis, isn't it?. Next time how about checking multiple veterinarians before asking people on the internet to give you money. Sigh.
No. 330044
>>330033Sigh. If this had gone the other way and she had waited a few more days/a week to "check multiple veterinarians" and it turned out the diagnosis was right you would be giving her shit about not trying to raise money as soon as she found out about the health problems with the cat.
Anyways each vet visit costs money, probably more money than she has to spare. AND Japanese is like her third language so I'm sure exact communications with the vets are complicated as well.
ffs bashing on people for making an effort in any way they can to save an animals life is kinda brutal.
No. 330063
>>330044Zero bashing anon, just do things right before asking people for money. And is not the first time, she rescued the cats and quickly asked people for money to take care of them. you can't take care of them, don't expect others to do it for you. As sad as it is, just leave the cats or call an animal refuge if that's possible in Japan. At least Sharla did it right, she rescued the cat (Miko) and she is providing whatever is necessary.
I applaud her for trying to save the cat's life but I don't think she is doing it right. Just my opinion.
No. 330177
>Now that she fucked over Taylor How ? They stopped hanging out and there is no proof that there was ever fighting between these two.
Can people stop victimizing Taylor like some heinous crime was done to her. Nothing happened to Taylor, Josie losing Taylor's friendship is just collateral damage to her fighting with Sharla.
No. 330261
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w h y
No. 330293
>>330261Ew. Why would she even think of putting her fat ass in a onesie.
Her and Taylor look so desperate for attention in their Britney outfits…
oh wait.
No. 330367
>>329975I'm so confused by this. I follow Laura Ribeiro and I'm pretty sure she said she adopted them with her girlfriend. Laura also set up a gofundme for their vet bills. What happened to that money? feel really bad for these cats. As much as I hate this type of manipulation, I'm not gonna ruin the chances of these cats getting the medical care that they need.
No. 330384
>>330370So give us receipts. Everything so far is hearsay, aside from the Twitter feud and a few underhanded comments in videos. None of that makes her (or Sharla or Taylor) a horrible person.
Also, you sound like you're the same person who keeps insisting on calling her Josie. After we found out her name no one cared, but you keep bringing it up
No. 330385
>>330372? not sure if troll bc 11 year olds on xbox use the n word and mispell a shit ton of words, that anon was fine.
also i feel bad for taylor's friend. I think taylor pulled off the britney look well and it was cute, I would hate to sit right next to her and look uglier.
also why is mimei so weird looking? i thought you had to be skilled or slightly attractive to have an audience on youtube. in the op pic she looks trans..
i think all the other girls are honestly cute if not average at worst (like sharla i suppose)
No. 330387
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samefag but is peachmilky a shapeshifter?
No. 330539
Well, not part of the regular group, but TKYOSam is a jvlogger (and one of the only dregs of humanity left that will have anything to do with Miranda).
Trying to get funding for an Australian vacation. Check his "perks" They are almost as funny as Onisions. due to possible lack of relevance and that I just found it funny.
No. 330542
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>>330261>>330293>>330318>>330322>>330529yeah, I actually agree with "ana"-chan.
>>330261 is like the most fortunate and flattering screenshot out of the whole video.
she HAS indeed a sausagy figure, a prominent belly and oh my god what are those hips and legs. she is definitely a pear and nowhere near a shape where this suit would look good. they shouldve exchanged the outfits, but they probably prepared it beforehand, ciela couldnt be arsed to do anything else besides ordering this obscurity and she also probably wouldnt have felt comfortable in any other of britneys more revealing outfits. oh well.
hope she didnt breathe too much while walking around like that. she looks like a joke.
No. 330554
>>330542>tummy larger than titsI will pray for this woman.
I think for anyone else in these circumstances it would be nbd but she is a "rising star singer" and "entertainer"
No. 330596
>>330387I don't care about her appearance butI find Peach really obnoxious. She's been a low key attention whore since forever. Now in Japan, she whines about not being able to eat anything except pizza because she is a vegetarian who hates vegetables. Plus, while her boyfriend is working a shitty eikaiwa job, she refuses to work insisting that youtube is her job even though her videos make hardly any money. I mean both of those things are her prerogative and she's an adult but damn it makes her seem so spoiled to me.
Sage for pettiness.
No. 330603
>>330367her and her gf broke up so I think shes taking care of the cats alone now ?
from what I understood the first gofundme was to get them vet checks, vaccinations, deworming, spay, etc as they were literally from off the street. It's a new problem with one of the cats kidneys this time round.
>>330596tbh she said luke loves his "shitty eikaiwa job"
but i agree sophie is a little insufferable,
it seems like the only reason luke is in tokyo with sophie so
she can live out
her dream of living in tokyo, and if he didn't get that job he would be bored out of his fucking mind lol
No. 330655
>>330641Fine?, that's the look of someone that needs to put some serious time in the gym or diet. She is not a sausage, she doesn't look terrible or anything but she can't let herself go at this point or she will begin to look terrible. She is young, go to the gym, she can even make a series of videos about losing weight. A win - win situation if you ask me.
Is her body, if she is happy, more power to her anyway.
No. 330678
>>330596I agree.. I am not a fan of peachmilky I dont even know what she does. Is she a cosplayer? I've seen her instagram and on Kim's vlogs and she seems very spoiled and very self obsessed imo.. I really don't think she is that attractive either.
sage for pettiness again kek
No. 330689
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>>330641>>330635>>330655Regardless if you find her good looking or not, the weight gain in a year is pretty shocking
No. 330695
>>330318Too many people in this thread must think every gaijin woman that goes to Japan must be puny
Jesus christ
No. 330714
>>330694>>330695The issue isn't about her current weight, she's FINE, HEALTHY, GREAT
The issue is her rapid weight gain after moving to the country side with her boyfriend
No. 330746
>>330689Imo she looks better on the left. Her body is still cute on the right but I like the curvy-ness she has now.
Her side profile isn't the best but not everyone has or needs a perfectly flat tummy and her pooch is only slight, not at all OMG! SO UNHEALTHY AND FAT!
She looks fine. You guys are nitpicking.
No. 330969
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>>324421>>325296Did you guys forget these exist or what
No. 331079
>>325257finally some milk about her again
she's going through the exact thing she went through with kota, and trying to transform into a kawaii kylie
No. 331091
>>331079>>331081Apparently it was part of some dumb series of pictures she was doing which she now seems to have ended. I personally don't see the correlation between this and Koots. Here she meticulously trying to recreate specific images. With Kooter, she was copying an overall look.
But it should be noted that Koots didn't own that style. She blatantly stole it from the Japanese fashion scene particularly gyaru. There were girls in the Japanese and foreign gyaru communities doing variations of that look since about 2009.
No. 331194
>>330689>>331161>>330746>>330318healthy weight? americans really have warped standards of health…
she's fat and doesn't look good at all
plus that body is way too big for her head
No. 331195
>>331091"blatantly stole" lmfao how do you steal fashion, Koots was just following trends like any other basic bitch
>>331161She could use a more flattering haircut too. The weight looks good on her from the waist down, but I feel like her chubbier face is more prominent with the bangs.
No. 331205
File: 1496900605061.jpg (120.11 KB, 426x833, 2kh4NkS.jpg)

>>331195Her weight doesn't look that good, is OK to have curves and to be a little over your ideal weight, different people and different cultures have different standard for weight but she is not 40, she is what?, 30, this doesn't look good in a healthy young woman. Now, if that is the consequence of medication, that's another matter.
No. 331792
File: 1496992041390.png (169.34 KB, 1440x1102, 20170609_030409.png)

Am I crazy or is this shade being thrown at this thread?
No. 331825
>>331792I wonder if she has the same opinion about gossip and talking trash behind other peoples back, I bet she has never done that sitting on her high horse.
I agree that people should not be judged or put down by their looks, but that's not the world we all live in.
No. 332135
File: 1497049552737.png (212.82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8400.PNG)

This is serious, not trolling
No. 333315
File: 1497098583066.jpg (98.61 KB, 750x1334, mimei.jpg)

Mimei commented on LovelyMilky's recent IG pic. soo there isn't beef between these two, even though Milky had contributed to the initial twitter drama?
No. 333339
>>333337theres no way… it was all over, she'd def have seen it
idk maybe mimei is just playing nice. maybe she wants to be friends with the crew again idk
No. 333745
>>333743i'm 24 and never been
No. 334707
>>330033>>330044Posting the video here because it was mentioned in this thread/deals with the cat and Laura.
Taylor and her ended up going to three different vets and it ended up being nothing. She closed the gofundme when she realized the first vet had the wrong diagnosis and seems to be trying to refund the money to those who donated.
The cat ended up having a really bad bladder infection.
No. 334724
>>333879Yeah, the new camera is really quality and she's getting better at creating shots. Her sakura/hanami video was really peaceful. The only thing she needs to get rid of is those Tokyo streets footages, she films the same places again and again, it gets boring after some time. She should think like "What can I catch in this space that is new and interesting?", she shouldn't film the same shopping mall, same time-lapses again and again.
Also, I just watched Taylor's video with Micaela, you know with the Britney Spears. Miceale was hella weird in that video, besides the red outfit. At one point Micaela's describing how hungry she is by talking about her stomach eating itself (??) and Taylor literally turns the camera away and says "O-kaay.."
No. 337876
>>337844Lol. Bye, girl! The Jvlogger boom is dead and I'm glad for that. I can't stand all these obnoxious, repetitive know-it-alls who voluntarily stay in their little gaijin community bubbles for years and cry later about how they can't fit in with Japanese.
Unfortunately, Mira is also still in Japan by what I assume is witchcraft.
No. 337907
>>337844After his escapade on twitter (and trying to be relevant) I can't say I'm sad to see this video. I was subscribed to him for a while too but he comes off like a diva on social media.
He says he doesn't want to "over share" in this video and then goes on about his PTSD… where do we draw the line at "over share" these days? Yikes.
No. 337917
>>337879Pretty much. Most go on extended holiday or study visas which can only last so long unless you have the cash to keep paying for courses.
The ones who stay are either married Rachel, Texan in Tokyo and the few who stopped vlogging, or have been extremely lucky and managed to nab a job that got them extended visas (or in Taylor's case a job that lets them renew their visa)
The new generation of jvloggers seem to be mostly quiet and keep to themselves, no new queen bee is coming into the limelight to go against Sharla. Arguably Taylor is having the most success out of them all but she's pandering more to the general youtube crowd (following trending topics and video styles) than doing purely weeb videos. TokiDoki traveler is becoming the next big jvlogger but she's pretty inconsistent with her uploads and is a bit scattered in content so I don't think she will get a huge following or get too big because of that.
No. 338315
>>338216Fucking indeed, I'm so glad I did my stint in Japan in high school before the time of Youtube/Jvloggers and got first hand experience that taught my weeaboo self that no country is super magical wonderland. Actually when I went I lost all interest in typical weeby anime stuff and fell in love with old school Japanese cinema, Japanese food and culture. Love the country to visit but wouldn't live there long term again though.
Honestly I hope anyone considering living there reads this and decides to visit first to see what it's like, it isn't wonderland
No. 338872
>>338850>I'm actually one of the people that still like Toph after the whole Memei thing, and this was sad to watch.Same here.
When it comes to foreigners in Japan, I think that in general a lot of people move to other places to run away from their problems at home and that those problems usually become much worse when the person decides to move somewhere completely foreign compared to where they're from. I think Japan in particular makes these foreigners' problems worse because they usually just want to live there for the pop culture stuff and never seem to consider whether or not they would actually suit living there.
No. 338923
>>338784Yeah, and Phillip Defranco did a shout out to Rachel and Jun.
I don't give two shits about DeFranco, but Mira has but desperate and pathetically trying to get him to notice her for well over a year. (Tons of ass-sucking comments, etc).
And for him to mention Rachel and Jun probably just sent Mira in to an apoplectic fit.
No. 338926
>>338784I'm so hoping Jun creates more content on his channel. His videos are so chill and the cooking is satisfying to watch. Plus, cute cats.
>>338872>>338881This, plus why go to Japan and not interact with Japanese people? I'm a socially awkward person and all, but I still find that very strange. When you go to a foreign country, especially if you're living there for a while, you'll want to form bonds with the locals too, no? Instead of keeping those fake bff relationships with the cool kids of YouTube…
Chris Broad might be the only exception (I don't know about Rachel and Jun, though, but they they seem nice and not part of that 'clique').
No. 338934
>>338700Do youtubers actually select the timing of the ads? Had no clue.
I get the feeling this guy didn't have the support he needed from his jvlogging friends, which is ironic considering he went after mimei for her depression/chronic illness and friendship fall outs that didn't involve him. Guess attention whoring for Sharla doesn't pay off much.
No. 338998
>>338940He implied that she lied about everything to make herself the victim and his reasoning was because "somebody" told him she said mean things. And he outright said she was 'cold' when he met her (aka how people with illness are) and wrote her off as a bad person because of it.
So, in a nutshell, she's not actually ill physically or mentally, she's just a liar and he feels justified in defending Sharla because she's a liar too and everyone's a liar.
I'm happy Mimei moved on because it seemed like she needed it and clearly this guy is wasting his time around the same crowd that goes back and forth shit talking each other. Not great for his mental health and general well-being in a foreign country.
No. 339106
>>338934Toph didn't even know Mimei's video was about Sharla when he reacted on twitter. He thought it was about Bii.
>>338940He was trying to justify his reaction and pretend he knew what was going on. If he really didn't like her, he could've given us some concrete examples of what about her turned him off. He still doesn't know what happened between Sharla and Mimei probably.
Who uploaded the photo of Mimei on her birthday where she's forced to stand in the very back? I would be too embarrassed to show that to anyone if I was in it. Mimei might be a Debbie Downer but that photo says a lot about the other youtubers.
No. 339875
Wow, it's almost like if you eat a deep fried piece of batter loaded with sauce it almost doesn't matter what's inside.
I'll never get her orgasms over vegetables.
No. 340012
File: 1498227928793.png (411.92 KB, 536x434, asdada.png)

>>339836It's sooooo goooood you guuys
No. 340019
>>340012the amount of times she says "oh my god" "im soooo excited" "it's sooo good" is ridiculous
I cant even listen to her for a long time .. i feel like getting an aneurysma every time i start one of her videos.
No. 340020
>>339836little tip sharla.
You can avoid your ugly chubby doubly chin if you dont put the camera below your face, but slightly above it. simple filming trick..
No. 340023
>>339836I can't watch these kinds of videos .. The sound of her soggy chicken eating is fucking gross and
triggering. Its like the sound of man eating out a girls dirty waffle, but not wanting to offend the girl so tells her " its sooo good" before the taste even kicks in.. Curtesy eating..
Saged this for very gross comparison… I just really hate sloppy people who chew loudly and talk with their mouths full. GROSS.
No. 340299
File: 1498258072234.png (739.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170624-004342.png)

>>338784Just stumbled upon this on my personal Facebook feed
Yep, it's fucking viral
No. 340442
>>340400>on purposeSure Jan
Learn how to sage and lose the assorted tinfoil accessories
No. 340444
File: 1498281840022.png (314.49 KB, 692x346, Untitled.png)

>>340386He looked a lot better with his bangs parted
No. 341029
>>341025I'm not an expert in Japanese but I noticed too how basic and rudimentary her communication was in this video.
Also, why is she editing her face on the thumbnails removing her beauty marks?, what is the point if you are going to see everything when you click play?.
No. 341096
>>341073I don't know if it was clickbait but for sure the title was misleading, is not chicken and she doesn't miss anything at all. 53K in a channel with 270K subs is nothing to talk about anyway.
A better and more faithful title would have been: Vegan "Chicken" in Korea but Sharla is pretty bad with the titles, she has no creativity or imagination at all.
No. 341417
File: 1498441877303.png (806.2 KB, 934x427, confim.png)

Just for the record, Sharla's newest video confirms with certainty that her fiance is indeed this guy No. 341579
>>341417although the guy to the right looks nothing like the guy on the left.
what kind of weird dude is this anyway
No. 341580
>>341417lmao the conversation at the time stamp though kek
eagerly Is it gooood????
her bf:
annoyed I havent tried it yet.
excited drink it!
they step outsideher bf:
finally sips from drinksharla: good?!?!
her bf:
her bf:
her bf: … we gotta cross the road.
No. 341582
>>341352it's a misconception though that fat makes you fat. sugar makes you fat. and guess how many sugar is in that starbucks, even without putting anything extra in. All the sugar and carbohydrates she stuffs her face with are her problems. people would be all over the place because the unicorn frappucino had like 70g sugar in it, when a usual frappucino has nearly the same.
it's a common "vegan" problem. people turn vegan and substitute all the animal products with crap and then wonder why they gain weight when
all they eat is healthy plant based diet. the problem is that they dont eat raw or only "plants" but all the industrialized sugarized shit too. next point is that protein and fat is more saturizing than sugar or simple carbs. so theyre getting hungry fast again and eat a lot more.
No. 341626
>>341623I was wondering the same thing. Didn't Sharla mention she was invited to Korea by Wishtrend? Maybe there's an event involving Youtubers, which would also explain why Kim has been loitering there before going on her trip.
That would be hilariously awkward for Mimei and Sharla though.
No. 341765
File: 1498509177610.jpg (608.33 KB, 1073x1509, Screenshot_20170626-153125.jpg)

>>341758I agree that Rachel looks better with short hair, but her Toucan Sam nose is clearly her worst feature.
No. 342135
>>341765Am I the only one who thinks this haircut looks fucking horrible on her? She looks like an emo 12 year old girl.
I agree her hair is too long but I think a couple of inches off and some layering would be nice, nothing too extreme.
I know she was insecure about her nose job after it was done but I think it suits her a lot now. It makes her face look slimmer and more even.
No. 342521
>>342450That's how it is for most people, you get old and fat. You only care about looks until certain point in a relationship, after that, you value other things more.
Also, Sharla is fine, a little chubby but she is a girl with curves, plenty of guys like that, I'm going to guess that includes her fiance, both are 30 not 18 or 22 anymore, live with a partner is so much more than looks a this point.
No. 342548
>>342521Like it or not, physical attraction is still a necessity for some people in a relationship. Shallow or not, who cares. Can't blame someone for being attracted to a certain body type and then likewise being repelled when the other person lets themselves go.
It reminds me of his reaction to her in the pikachu outfit. He seemed so put off from it lmao
No. 342748
>>342548Initially, yes. But physical attractiveness does not sustain a realtionship. Trust, personality, etc. Is needed for the rest.
I can guess by your writing that you've never had a relationship that lasted more than a year or so.
No. 345218
>>337844Old post but god this guy is such a fucking faggot.
This coming from a gay guy.
No. 345653
>>345463"Get some knowledge in our head"
looks at magazines
wow so much knowledge
No. 345672
File: 1499111770197.jpeg (55.23 KB, 512x676, kotacandid.jpeg)

>>345514Sage for ot but I doubt that Taylor or anyone else has to worry about competing with Dakota at the moment. Have you seen her most recent candid?
No. 345699
File: 1499116791283.png (109.07 KB, 750x688, IMG_8044.PNG)

>>345672Wow, it really is her. Where did you find that? She looks bigger than Sharla.
No. 345808
>>345534Yeah Mimei, Rachel and Sharla are pretty much the only ones left. Sharla is planning on moving back to Canada eventually. Mimei and Rachel are the only two I can see permanently living in Japan and that's largely because they're married to Japanese guys and have mostly integrated themselves into a Japanese lifestyle.
Plus remember none of these jvloggers last a long time and they come in cycles. Emma could be the start of the new jvlogger crew/style of jvlogging if she was more consistent with her uploads. We just have to wait to see who the next group is when they come in.
No. 346082
>>345808wish Mira would fucking leave and go back to her trailer trash bum fuck no where in Ontario.
I can see Mira trying to join any new Jvlogger group of younger girls. Future milk ? or history repeats its self ?
No. 346675
File: 1499264974476.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, 1498811158289.png)

>>346671She's doing it to try and fuck some guy.
No. 346727
File: 1499272802403.jpg (68.74 KB, 450x600, 1494439345938.jpg)

>>346675That girl ain't right
No. 346793
>>346675she wears hijab yet hair shows, attention seeking makeup, excessive ornaments and not covering the body.
she does not understand the religion she follows or its most basic rules
No. 346964
>>346956It was obvious she was married already, I don't why she said this long to tell her followers.
Her husband has an Instagram account, I wonder if is easy to find.
No. 346997
>>346988He look normal/skinny, pics sometimes make you slimmer too.
Funny how Sharla went from "Let's ram all the children/I don't want children" to wanting to have babies in 1 or 2 years, the pressure of marriage I guess. I think she will be a good/fun mom, I wish her the best.
No. 347821
>>346997she can become a mom to embrace/excuse her weight gain
as long as she doesnt use her child for video money, i guess id be happy for her
No. 350062
File: 1499708276253.png (91.64 KB, 1242x691, IMG_2113.PNG)

Either Sharla is knocked up or can't resist the SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD food you guys
No. 350089
File: 1499710230966.png (2.96 MB, 1536x1794, 20170710_190638.png)

It might be just unflattering stripes? But her belly looks like it's sticking out a bit in her latest insta picture too.
No. 350137
File: 1499714758141.png (1.83 MB, 957x1199, keyboardsan.png)

>>346974he's normal. this is how an average healthy guy of any race and age would look like
you must be some fat burger thinking this is too skinny, you people really need to start taking care of yourself before it's too late
No. 350152
>>346963>>350137I think saying this is average for any race/age is a bit of a stretch. He's pretty lanky with little muscle, still healthy by all means, but I wouldn't go as far as saying he's average all across the board. Definitely average for a younger asian dude though.
Even so, he seems like he's pretty cute and stylish. Way to go Sharla.
No. 350184
File: 1499719147602.jpg (89.43 KB, 700x1051, sdm-style.jpg)

>>350152he's nor lanky at all, lanky is guy in my picture
what's up with these new weird standards where men have to look overfed to be considered attractive?
are starbucks & mcdonald's sponsoring this?
anyways, good for sharla
No. 350190
File: 1499719963600.jpg (77.5 KB, 728x728, 1ihkit.jpg)

>>350184Calm down anachan. This is not overfed and it's not unusual for the ideal male body type to be a little more muscular and less twiggy, even in Asia. Sage for derailment.
No. 350242
>>350184Sage for OT but damn that guy is my exact type.
It's only really normie females or slutty chicks that seem to care that much about sixpacks or muscle. At the same time guys already have it pretty easy when it comes to their appearance, so if they wanna knock themselves out at the gym, I ain't stopping them.
Sharla's bf body type looks completely average for a typical slim Asian male.
No. 350323 has got to be an old video, because there's no way she would wear such a thick hoodie in ~30C weather, even if it was windy. And everyone else were wearing jackets.
If she was pregnant she probably wouldn't go on any fast rides, so another reason to think this video is old. Maybe she's trying to throw us off?
No. 350379
>>350323I am thinking it is an old video too, since this Summer Disney Sea is Pirate themed and I didn't see any evidence of such. I was hoping to see the front of the map for the design since like I said, it is Pirate Summer.
>>350251Depends on your body and how the baby is growing. Some will grow very low hence a low 'car tire' belly. Not everyone is round and full especially as a first time pregnancy. Just going from my own personal experience I didn't grow huge till well into 7 months and for the 6th month my Mom asked if I had just ate a large meal and wasn't actually expecting (:
No. 350381
>>350062She said she is not pregnant. don't think it makes any sense if we believe her words, moving to Canada in 1-2 years, thinking about having a baby in 1-2 years but she is not particularly excited about it, she doesn't want to rise her kids in Japan. Makes no sense but accidents happen.
Sharla is a chubby woman, that kind of belly makes perfects sense, there is a reason why she hides behind hoodies, baggy clothes and uses thigh-high stockings in the summer. I'm surprised she left a couple of seconds of her wearing this "tight" dress in the video, but maybe it was intentional, you never know with this people.
No. 351796
>>350379hella OT but disney sea right now is fucking amazing
the pirates show is 10/10, if you're in tokyo definitely go for a visit
No. 353566
>>353476This was the most boring "bf/husband does my makeup" video I've ever seen. Not even the cheery music helped. It's sad that the guy who isn't the YouTuber is the most entertaining.
Honestly, I don't see a future for Sharla in YouTube unless she starts showing her korean husband to please the koreaboo subscribers, or gets pregnant and starts family vlogs.
The end of the era of these Jvloggers has finally come.
Also, that fucking Japanese, Sharla. She's been living in Japan for how long now, 10 years? And she even worked as a translator, right? How can her Japanese be so bad… Just compare hers to Mimei's, for example. Jeez.
No. 353900
>>350686Hi Mira.
I sorta agree (shock) that most vloggers in Japan stick to the same few spots, but since most the audiences are basement dwelling weebs there isn't much they want to see outside of weeb culture
>>351796I seriously wanna go! Planning to for next month before it ends. SORRY OT!
>>353476I wanna watch this but based on the comments above, well, it seems rather pointless.. I cannot stand these type of videos either.
No. 354033
File: 1500302194828.jpg (39.74 KB, 1128x568, ka.JPG)

does anyone watch keira ashley? she reminds me of a slightly less spastic kaka
i guess she is part of the new round of vloggers now that the rest are getting old and/or leaving
No. 356826
>>356811I don't care what other farmers think, honestly when I watched that video with them standing next to each other in the kitchen, my genuine thoughts were that I'd much prefer to look like Sharla. She has a healthy figure going on, decent sized chest area, whereas taylor just lacks all shape and looks so bland.
Also, idk why they were so surprised their smoothie concoction tasted sweet when they added three sweet ingredients vs a few chunks of broccoli. Such a shocker.
No. 357233
>>356811I wonder if Sharla is preggers.
>>356969I have this feeling Sharla will age better than Taylor in the face. Her expressions just seem natural.
No. 357272
>>356811Taylor's posture
triggers the fuck out of me. She's so fucking hunched over .. Like wtf she was a model, why is her posture so fucking shitty.
No. 357429
File: 1500723441062.png (222.64 KB, 391x450, genericchinesegirl.png)

>>357407if this kind of undereye makeup is a thing outside of asia, i was honestly unaware
No. 357431
File: 1500723596247.jpg (71.1 KB, 600x800, 2012_11_29_16_14_38.jpg)

>>357429not intended to bring up drama (though i know it will) i am genuinely curious what she had done to her face, in particular her cheeks. i know she said she gained weight after quitting the HK model scene but to go from this (pic) to now is not natural
No. 357760
>>357754when I watched Sharla's I felt a huge 2nd hand embarrassment for them. I mean, if you're going out of your way to buy fucking yukatas you wanna make sure there will be a festival.
Taylor seemed less embarrassed tho. Like "yeah whatever there's no festival here let's walk around lol should I've brought Rosie?"
No. 358117
>>357752lmao how did they fuck that up
sharla has been there how long. did she like misread something or pull a taylor and read only information she wants?
No. 359268
File: 1500923431345.png (27.43 KB, 595x120, Screen_Shot_2016-10-20_at_10.0…)

>>359262samefag but here's a screenshot of what I'm referencing. Again, I know it's old news but it's interesting to see what Melodee has to say about the situation
No. 359557
>>359547How do you expect a 31 year old to look tbh?
>>359268What a petty comment. Guess she's projecting insecurities about being a complete moron despite a university degree.
No. 359558
>>359262Damn I forgot how annoying this chick's voice is. She shouldn't have fixated on people berating her for not going to college though. She's worldly enough as is and college won't add as much to it.
I'm assuming she's financially backed up and college will always be an option in later life while ballet is not.
No. 359648
File: 1500953770728.jpg (97.16 KB, 1740x960, EpiuV51.jpg)

>>359547Her skin is not that good or young looking, she is flattered by her camera, lighting and so on, even when she is not wearing makeup.
The truth comes out in the rare occasions direct sunlight reflects upon her face.
Most people don't have perfect skin, that's fine but I find the video a little misleading. Also why do you edit your skin for the thumbnail?.
No. 359650
>>359648She also has a very noticeable forehead wrinkle, eye wrinkles and big dark circles at 31. So much for taking care of her skin from 20, specially when she had severe acne until her mid 20s.
I think he is a good looking woman but I found this video a little "rich". She is trying to sell you a product anyway.
No. 360039
Lets set the bar really low here and agree with you that she indeed looks like she's in her 30's aka her age: ain't ndb want any advice from that
You'll want skin advice from a 30 year old who looks youngER, not a 30 year old who does look like her age. No-one nend advice for that.
No. 360046
File: 1501001551403.jpg (470.95 KB, 500x705, 9781863116978.jpg)

>>360039Jesus Christ love
>>359984IA, if anything her skin looks better than most people her age I talk to irl. Her face looks mature but that's because of her facial features and fat distribution.
No. 360096
>>359648her face is pretty young looking, even on the right, at least imo
she doesn't have any visible wrinkles but she just looks like a teenage girl with PMS skin, then again I know lolcow is nitpicky as hell, so any girl that doesn't have literal baby skin is an old haggard
No. 360552
>>360096You can't see the wrinkles because the way she edits and film, they are there, you can see it in rare occasions when her editing is sloppy.
She looks her age, don't get fooled by all the camera tricks.
No. 360785
>>360757I got that it was a joke i just got a weird vibe from it like Taylor is actually sorta like that. The girl seemed kinda annoyed at parts of it
But thx I will go to Taylor thread wasn't sure which one to post in
No. 360936
>>360480New enough and had not been posted or discussed here.
So suck my lady-nuts, cunt waffle.
No. 361695
File: 1501183570462.jpg (125.41 KB, 1533x862, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>324200I'm a month late but I agree with you and think she would look normal and actually cute if she had short hair like this again.
No. 361768
File: 1501188727517.png (1.5 MB, 962x962, sharmy.png)

honestly i think sharla is cute for being 30 or w/e but i just CAN'T with her lazy eye
No. 361850
>>361782nice job trying to sound smart but esotropia is when an eye turns inward.
her exotropia only effects like 1% of people. so yes her wandering eye is super derpy and no everyone doesn't walk around looking derpy like sharla
No. 361928
>>361768Damn, she should get that fixed. She could be so much more cuter if her crazy eye wasn't always wondering.
How much does it typically cost to have a lazy eye fixed ?
No. 362871
File: 1501330472748.png (304.33 KB, 555x431, Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 2.06…)

>>362862Probably just angles and editing. Sharla can't afford surgery. At the very least botox maybe, but those things need to be redone every x amount of mouths. She could also have learned about AE, and its auto slimming features for videos ? like Tay has.
If she had fillers she'd probably look like Taylor with her chipmunk cheeks. I highly doubt Sharla would splurge for them as they ain't cheap, and don't forget she's trying ( but failing ) to lose weight. Why would she want to make her face fatter looking with fillers ?
No. 362914
File: 1501337057561.jpg (114.79 KB, 1883x786, 7ZAqY04.jpg)

>>362865To begin with I think you are getting fooled by the way she edits her videos, I'm 100% sure she does some kind of camera lens/filter/angular trick to make her face more thin, she never looks like she does in her videos when she show up in other people videos. I don't see any surgery, she has a little more fat in the jaw line making her square jaw more roundy.
I can be wrong, I'm not an expert in plastic surgery of course. I don't think Sharla is the type of woman that will do this kind of stuff and probably she has other things to "fix" that will have priority over some jaw shaving, but like I say is just an opinion.
I think she looks great right know, she is chubby but in a cute way, by the way, wavy hair suits her. The pic I uploaded is the closer you are going to get to see how she really looks.
No. 362926
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>>362036I always forget how hard a time people can have realizing they're wrong…
Her left eye is drooping OUTWARDS and lags behind her other eye. Left as in her left, not your left.
Every time she looks to the left her eye spazzes out
Keep defending your perfect ageless queen.
No. 362932
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>>362914It's just normal camera and lighting trickery (pic relevant), no editing needed.
No. 362939
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>>362932Is not lightning, is just camera lenses. I don't think Sharla's can change the lens of her camera (GX7), there must be another ways or her camera has a program to simulate different lenses.
No. 363127
>>363065It's not just her videos, but also on videos of other people as well. 2-3 years ago she looked different, just look for her collabs in videos of other youtubers and newer collab videos.
I agree that there must have been some botox or something else!
No. 363841
>>363823Also Taylor, what is up with them all coming back to Canada at te same time?
I think the only way to save Taylor's boring Canada blogs would be to include Sharla, I guess.
No. 363919
>>363914There was a previous video where she said she was sponsored by docfinderkorea or something to that effect. She also got a boobjob. Someone on here also said she had something done to her hips or arse or something but she hasn't mentioned anything about that as far as I know.
I like Sophie a lot, I feel bad for her since it's quite obvious she has really poor self esteem. I hope she doesn't end up like Mystery.
No. 363940
>>363919I don't think she has done anything to her hips and ass. Her hips looks natural, and she has a nice figure. Peachy also doesn't seem rich enough to go and splurge on expensive surgery, thus why she's doing a sponsored deal.
I feel kinda sad for her because her nose still looks like a massive beak and hardly looks any different. Go thru all that swelling for nothing.
No. 364831
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anyone else notice that abipops been commenting under taylors videos a lot lately? shes so fame hungry.. this is one from under talors starting a cosplay channel vid from 6 months ago.
No. 365444
>>365428It's crazy. Looking that their board, not one of their models is as shooped as she is, And this is really a shit-tier agency.
No. 365678
>>365152I thought this was her agency? way, I'm not surprised. It was obvious this was her plan from the start since she was one of the people who jumped on the living doll bandwagon after Kota got a modeling contract in Japan, she has Japanese titles/tags for all her videos despite not speaking any Japanese, she hinted that she'd want to model in Japan in a q&a video, and when she got there, I noticed she followed a few Japanese modeling agencies on twitter.
No. 365945
Why does Taylor constantly sexually harass her own brother?
She's always oogling him and tries filming him when his shirt is off, etc. Any time he's in the video she finds a way to make it really awkward and gross. He always tells her he doesn't want to be on camera and always seems very uncomfortable, but that just amuses Taylor even more…
Here's just one example: No. 366109
>>363850She's been touring around Europe by herself, looking like a sulk in the process. Duncan only arrived maybe two days ago? Her and Duncan have Summer in the City this week.
She caught up with Kim Dao while in Europe.
No. 367470
>>367419She's Brazilian/Portuguese, but I think she went to uni in London, and spent some of her childhood in the UK as well.
>>367363Her ex-girlfriend kept them.
No. 368389
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Used to watch EYK while they were in Korea just because no one else was doing stuff but damn, them moving to Japan has been awful. I got curious and checked their latest video because I never unsubscribed and neither of them can wear yukata. Simon got stopped by an elderly man who actually pulled him aside in the middle of a festival crowd to fix his yukata because he'd worn it wrong while Martina filmed it.
No. 368392
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>>368389Even the comments pointed out how locals were staring or giving them the side-eye for most of the video.
No. 368425
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>>368397The back view is even worse.
No. 368470
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>>368466They don't have the best track record with traditional wear. This is barely a year old.
No. 368554
>>367470>>367517>>367419Yeah, she's brazilian. I can tell very clearly that she has a brazilian accent because it keeps slipping.. I know some brazilians that fake a british accent to sound cuter/cooler when speaking english, and they sound just like hers, imo.
>>368389>>368425Holy fuck. I feel like a yukata goddes now. Why do they just half ass everything, Jesus? If she can't put it on, just go to a yukata shop and ask for help. It's a bit embarrassing but way less embarrassing then strolling around like that.
No. 368561
>>368470To be fair, I think the restaurant put it on for them.
But they seem to have a hard time having yakuta "sit" on them
No. 368564
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>>368561Yeah the restaurant did put it on but they're still wrong. Looks like the helper did it on purpose.
No. 368567
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>>368554Compare last year when a shop girl dressed her to a year later her dressing herself.
No. 369397
>>368567What's with the obi on the left though? Could no one could do a simple obi tie for it to look good if it's done by shop staff?
>>368572That's why you need towels and shit if your body isn't flat enough on it's own. She can make it work, but she just needs to hide away the curves.
No. 369439
>>369404I know she isn't a Jvlogger and has her own thread .. but your comment made me wonder if this is what Dakota is doing ?? Freelance agencies ??
SHe has recently gotten 2 more jobs and has been dropped by Libera and Bravo, and is currently has no agency. If Tooter's is with a freelance company maybe thats why she hasn't listed it up on her site because she's embarrassed.
No. 371782
>>371764>doesn't embed the video>no timestamp seriously anon are you drunk?
For anyone actually interested who doesn't wanna go through the whole boring video for it she talks about it at around 7:42>>371764
No. 371796
>>371782All she said is that her sister use to make the costumes .. not wear them or participate in furry activities.
>>371764Anon, stop trying to create milk from nothing.
No. 371868
>>369439Bravo and also Satoru Japan (Taylor's agency)are more like professional modeling agencies, where you have to pass training in order to become a model OR already be model/successful. Libera probably is like that too. I doubt Dakota passed any training though, she just got lucky with her internet living doll fame. And Taylor got into Satoru Japan through being an international model, so in her case her HK experience definitely helped.
But yeah idk wassup with Dakota. Even when you are listed with these professional modeling agencies, you still need to audition to get the part.
No. 371987
>>371868Bravo and Satoru get the same jobs as FreeWave and the other freelance agencies.
I have a feeling that Taylor quit modeling because she wanted to be famous intantly and didn't want to put in the work.
No. 373189
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No. 373481
>>371987Not at all. Bravo especially has the clout to get their models into top tier runway and editorial (for Japan which is still really a secondary market). Satoru seems to as well. And Libera is a pathway to to tv and dramas. No comparison to the shitty freelance agencies.
>>373194She didn't. She had been modeling for years before she met her bf (who isn't the "big boss" at either Starzpeople or Satoru).
No. 379159
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Daylight really brings out Sharla's age KEK
No. 379163
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No. 379338
>>379332looks like a lipstain rather than lipstick. They tend to wear off like this.
>>379159somehow she looks like your typical chubby slavic mama lol. You can see she will age badly and gain more weight with time
btw, why this thread's so dead? Jvloggers slowed down with their drama? wowie
No. 379409
>>379338Seems like everyone's leaving Japan. Bii, Kim are gone, Taylor and Sharla are going, and Mimei keeps to herself.
gotta wait til the next batch of naive weebs with big dreams to fly over, I guess.
No. 379416
>>379338>>379385Sorry, misread your post, rough morning. I thought something had happened.
Yeah, with almost all of them leaving and turning irrelevant again, it seems the well is all dry now.
No. 379674
>>379505emily (lovelymilky) vlogs occasionally and she actually speaks fluent japanese and hangs around japanese people
it baffles me as to how all these jvloggers love japan soooo much yet they stray away from japanese natives
No. 405882
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>>323374Is her right cheek (or left depends how you look at it) photoshopped?
No. 408930
>>408782Kaka go work on the fact you are aging like sour milk no one cares that you wish you were Taylor.
>>408776I unsubscribed a few weeks ago but this video make me subscribe again because i am actually curious to see her continue vlogging elsewhere.
The whole japan thing had gotten so boring
No. 409111
>>408930I stopped watching her for the fact that the jap shit was boring, but honestly I may start up again. I'm actually interested in seeing her in Hong Kong and Hong Kong in general from a foreigner's eyes. Although i really hope she takes up the culture, in Japan she just lived there as if she would in canada and didn't seem to bother to take anything in, including the language.
idk probs just because i've always wanted to travel to HK. sage for blog
No. 409543
>>409542>>409537you okay bud?
you need some help?
No. 410096
>>408747So she's officially irrelevant now?
I don't even like her much and this was the first video of her I watched past the first two minutes, but I feel bad. Her body language makes me think she's really sad things didn't work out in Japan.
No. 410191
>>410096Things didn't work out for her in Japan lol She's a failed idol
i'm glad she's going back to Hong Kong, she was more normal when she was living there, was going to college, and was doing well in modeling. But I doubt she'll go back to that path anyways, she's a ~vlogger~ now lol
No. 410218
>>410096Idk, I've kept up with her on/off, and every time she went back to HK she seemed soooo fucking happy. To me she always seemed closed off and miserable in Japan and never left the house. Before Japan in HK she did shit tons of things and seemed more lively.
As for the sub thing… I highly doubt she'll lose any fans, she doesn't even show Japan in her vloggs anymore because she rarely leaves the house. Plus if she does leave the house she just ends up going to american brand stores ( starbucks, forever21, VS, Lush, ect )
I think the move will be great for her, and she'll do a lot more vlogging and higher fashion shoots that she'll film. Hands down she'll have 100% more jobs in HK as they loved her and she did a lot of work there. She's probably returning to starz people.
No. 411982
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No. 412000
>>411991She might be getting botox at the least ( which isn't plastic surgery ). Its no mystery that she's afraid of aging, or simply appearing old.
I don't get it though, she's soon to be 29 but afraid of people knowing. She denied that the 88 in her channel name was her birth year and claimed it as a favourite number (kek). She wont even tell people her age, would rather the majority to assume she's 21.
Like if I was almost thirty and could pull off looking like I was in my late teens I'd be fucking ecstatic ! Lol Kota's over there only being like what ? 21 and looking like a 35yr old. Fuck me, if I looked like Kota at that age I'd delete my internet existence and go get work done. ( Or cry forever into a pillow cause that shits expensive )
No. 418533
>>412005can the auto sage be turned off for her thread then with all this new stuff happening with her?
shes not a jvlogger now anyway since shes in hong kong now
No. 419197
>>418533the point is that there's no active "milk" happening, you're free to discuss it here but autosage is going to keep going until something drama related happens.
or You can also go to the PULL thread where everyone is autistic
No. 430821
>>430466wow so a major J-vlogger is leaving Japan? Looks like the j-vlogging scene will soon be taken over by new people. Simon and Martina are still in Japan, so are Michaela and Mimei and Duncan.
Does anyone know if Japanese is similar to Korean or very different? Would Sharla need to learn Korean? I imagine it must be hard getting around in Korea if you don't know the language.
I'm enjoying Taylor's HK vlogs so far. HK is seriously one of my favourite places in the world so I'm happy to see her vlogging there.
No. 431153
>>431060She already answer that, if her patrons want her to go to a place in Japan, she will go.
Her Patreon is a joke anyway, a laptop for her husband to edit cat videos?. Really?. And she is doing the least work possible to provide content, I really don't know why people is giving her money. She is not struggling with money at all, people is so gullible.
No. 431278
>>431185Not to defend but mimikyu is a cute as fuck pokemon
so I can see why older people with money would buy a ton of merch of him
No. 432937
>>430238Everyone was expecting it for a while now, they've all been talking about moving for over a year now. The surprise is that there is no new big jvlogger group coming out of the old group leaving. Usually there's some new girl popping up taking the place of the old jvlogger queens, but it's been pretty dead. I don't know if that's because the mass "moving to Japan!" hype is dead or if it's just an awkward blip.
Emma/Tokidoki should theoretically have been the new top jvlogger but she's really inconsistent with uploading and I think is a bit too whiney to gain weeb followers (I really enjoy her videos but it's like 9/10 lately are just her complaining or talking about how depressed she's been)
Maybe Mimei will use the fact that all the girls that hated her left to rise up again and do regular videos?
>>430821I feel like Simon and Martina can't be really considered Jvloggers, they never really vlog anymore and just do food videos. It's kind of disappointing because I used to really enjoy their videos covering various topics on Korea/Asian life.
No. 433531
>>432937i think the hype is dead tbh.
there are a number of vloggers who are semi cute in japan but none of their videos break a few thousand views.
No. 433647
>>432937It's all about South Korea now didn't you know?
With the rise of all these Koreaboos is anyone suprised
No. 433672
>>433647Yeah but even Kvloggers aren't exploding that much. You have meghan and her friend (who might have stopped vlogging, I stopped paying attention to them months ago) and that one dude who does react videos with the Japanese, Korean and Chinese people. But even then he actually has Korean viewers, not so many foreign ones.
Are there koreaboo vloggers?
No. 442804
32: 風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/ 2016/12/24(土) 08:41:19.77 ID:rlDlMFrw0EVE
エルフとエルフゴリラとブタ No. 443102
>>443083I hope she does a K-pop channel.
She'd be eaten alive even worse then EYK was. K-pop fans are nuts.
No. 443276
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>>443270That's sad really.
Her agency and too much drama with other Jvloggers and 2chan trolls made sharla wanna move to Korea. I doubt her Korean husband has something to do with her final
No. 444432
>>444358Above the first link:
Elf & elf
Above the second link:
Gorilla & pig
No. 445199
File: 1513428010960.png (56.59 KB, 807x395, Screenshot (59).png)

I enjoyed mimei's new tattoo vlog but lol the melodrama in the comments. Is she claiming Sharla stalked them and/or is copying her?
No. 445204
>>445199I think this is more about the second part of the comment, her not being able to talk about what happened because she hates drama.
I like Mimei but vagueposting like this is just creating more tension and drama, either just say "Sorry, I'd rather not talk about it" and move on, or just fucking spill already.
No. 445470
>>445204tbh I find it ironic that she claims to hate drama the most out of the jvloggers but she shades and vagueposts the most. Remember when shit was happening between her and Sharla and in practically every one of her videos she was shading or making fun or Sharla and Taylor?
Yeah Sharla is as shady as she is but at least she's learned to keep silent about it in public.
No. 445586
>>445166Wtf are you talking about?
No makeup Ashiya is the best Ashiya u know and some other English speaking Jvloggers stopped using Jap subtitle because they can't get white worship anymore. No. 445818
Something interesting I noticed; Sharla claimed the tattoo studio she visited (in the same day as Mimei) was the studio she had previously visited for her own tattoos. But that particular studio didn’t open in that building until October/November this year and Sharla has had her tattoos since before this time.
The English speaking staff mentions the new store opening in this post No. 447944
>>445826Newsflash kids. People still throw shade and have drama amongst each other, even up until their 80's.
It does decrease a little, but it never stops.
No. 451492
>>451001Not only Mimei but Taylor too. There are a lot of vegan places in Tokyo but that franchise is the most prominent and english friendly(lol)
>goes to english hair salon>goes to english vegan resturauntsharla knows japanese right?
No. 452069
>>452054Yeah, even like 90% of the shampoo here is just useless on non-Japanese hair. If I didn't cut my own hair I would go to a 'foreign' salon, probably, just because most stylists here do training that focuses on Japanese hair (which makes sense).
Also, there's nothing wrong with Sharla's Japanese. I'm not trying to stan her or anything, but when people call her out for using 'basic' Japanese it's really dumb because that's the kind of 'basic' stuff that's used in natural conversation every day.
No. 454103
>>452776Taylor went to Gold, everybody else went to NALU. Both are mediocre, Nalu being worse.
>>452069I have thin white girl hair and have never had any problems with non English speaking salons or with hair are. I actually find that Japanese products work better for my thin frizzy hair
No. 454556
>>454116Mimei goes to P's.
There are salons in Tokyo with bilingual staff who've worked in other countries but I don't think Nalu is one of them because reviews say their English is very limited. Their foreigner clientele must be just jvloggers and some fans.
>>452069People think her Japanese is poor because even her basic Japanese is stilted and her accent + intonation has been really atrocious in her latest videos, esp for someone who's lived in Japan for a decade and did grad school there. It's weird because she didn't sound that bad a year ago.
No. 455087
>>455058Is him being a hairstylist confirmed?
If anything, a lot of stylists do private work as well as salon work, so it could be that he works at Nalu normally but then gets hired to do hair on film sets as well.
No. 455235
>>455058They think that because Sharla got him a book on keigo for Christmas and has somehow been able to help out with English pronunciation on movie sets. Everyone uses keigo and a lowly hair stylist doesn't have that much power. Her old agency Yoshida Masaki got her those jobs. You're probably right about him being an assistant at most because his Japanese is still poor and he's not listed on Nalus website. I thought he might be a student at a Japanese beauty school doing some part time work on the side and is going back to Korea to work as a full time stylist.
PULL always comes to extreme conclusions based on little information. Someone thought he got a cushy corporate job because Sharla got him that book on keigo.
No. 455958
>>455235Sharla got the movie jobs thanks to a friend, that's what she said in a video a long time ago.
About her husband, I think is interesting that he needs to learn Keigo when they are moving to Korea, maybe he will work in a company that has business with Japan, I'm not sure if Korean stylist living in Korea will need Japanese for anything, maybe that's not his current or future job but probably it was in the past because that is what he studied.
No. 457643
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Does Bii still go in this theead or does anyone even care about her? I unsubscribed from her vlog channel when she moved but I’m still subscribed to her other channel and this popped up. Did she get more fucked up facial surgery?
No. 459264
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>>457643i think she is playing with camera settings
No. 459340
>>459330This is so fucking disrespectful. They came there to focus on the "haunted" aspect of the SUICIDE forest? What the fuck did he expect? I feel sick watching this.
Also, he just showed a hanging dead person to his millions of children viewers?
No. 459363
>>459330Probably should be discussing this somewhere else since he’s not technically a Jvlogger….. but I can’t help but comment.
What the fuck, that make me sick to my stomach, I really hope it was staged and a fake body or something…. to just hangout and look at it and film it? That’s actually just sickening on its own…
No. 459419
>>459363I don't think it was a fake body. The hands have tell-tale signs of an actual corpse and the posturing looks very real if it is.
However, I do believe it was staged. I believe the group found the body before "discovering it" while recording and had the idea of "whoa holy shit a body! that's gonna get so many views!" bc at one point he says "as you can see we've blurred his face"… so obviously there was some discussion about post edit amongst the group prior to or during the recording of the segment. It's just painfully distasteful and disrespectful. AND he's wearing that god awful tacky outfit while visiting such a sensitive forest to begin with and being loud and taking shots in the parking lot. No way around it; the video is fucking gross.
No. 460787
Logan is genuine compared to Asian Boss.
Asian(Korean) boss is evil if you know what i mean… No. 475958
>>475914who cares, shes a fucking adult ass women still crying about drama that happened a year ago with friends she only knew for months. its not like some childhood friends fucked her over, ffs. shes dramatic and has a victim complex.
also, no respect for her bc shes begging for donations for her cat when she just bought a damn new designer kitten.
she's a fraud
No. 476705
>>475914I can't stand Mimei. It always seems like she ends up being apart of the problem, but then blames everyone else and pretends to take the moral high ground. I understand shes going through things, but I feel like I can never fully trust what she says.
>>476493What the hell was Kim doing with Tip?
No. 481545
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so mimei has replied to comments on her pity party video i havent watched because it's a pity party. 1/3
No. 481548
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>>481545i forgot to write the parts sorry.
No. 481557
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she's also looking for attention on twitter.
and she's obviously following this thread so, here's an open letter.
mimei, i used to really like your videos. i was with you up until this mess with sharla happened, and at first i was supporting you. then you made that one video you deleted which was a weird video where you said nothing. now this video, these replies… girl. don't do this. you were kind and original and you had that going for you, things might've happened behind closed doors but either let them stay there and truly move on, or just go all out and dish some dirt. talk. but not this, this is pathetic. this "i shaded sharla and i own up to that" what is this? at your age, this kind of behaviour is embarrassing. live your life, do the things that make you happy, stop that "my little pineapples" forced positivity nonsense and move on. i hate sharla vehemently but this is just cringy.
No. 481558
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>>481545sorry, i forgot to click 'read more'
No. 481595
>>481558Sooo… I don't follow Mimei on anything, but this shit storm is because she can't afford her own pets vet bills.. ? I get the frustration from some in her comments about you should make a pet a top priority or not have one if you can't afford it. Sometimes vet bills can sneak up on you, because animals are like people and can get sick at any random moment. ( I haven't watched the video ) I can be a little lenient if the pet just got tragically sick out of no where or broke a bone, shits expensive af, but if this is a regular check up or needles. Shouldn't have a pet. Plain an simple.
Besides … Haven't just about all the the Jvloggers begged for money for "vet bills". ( excluding Taylor as she's the only financially well off one )
I also agree on the she should either shut up or spill the tea. I get the vibes she's trying to make a scrap sound like a broken bone. That this situation with the others was a petty disagreement over a trinket or something, and she's making it sound like they invited her out to gang up on her and "ruin her". Why mention it unless you're wanting peoples imaginations to go wild with crazy theories.
No. 481653
>>481557even after all the drama and shit, mimei's my favorite "jvlogger" and i actually really appreciate her subtle call outs of the shit sharla/taylor/bii did. they've toned it down some now but there was a period of time in 2016 where sharla and taylor's "veganism" was so fucking obnoxious and over the top and really obviously bullshit they were doing for views. it was kind of a relief to have mimei say what i was already thinking lol
sharla's hatetrain on lolcow has pretty much died out but she was one of the most talked about people in these threads for a long ass time because she's so fucking fake. fake nice, fake vegan, fake good-at-japanese, etc lol
No. 481663
>>481546"And what they did to me is probably more than you could ever imagine bc they seem like lovely people online"
Jfc miemei! Either explain what happened or fuck off. You saying shit like that makes you sound like a lil bitch.
No. 481697
She went on Younow to cry and to inform people that like every other day for the past 2 years she ain't saying shit.. She just wants that pity money and attention. Fuck, girl sounds like she's almost on Laineybots level of petty/whiney.
No. 481700
>>481557I mean, as much as Sharla's an obvious bitch and has the largest amount of drama from the jvloggers, she plays the youtube game the best. Unless you actively follow sites like LC or PULL, you'd have no idea really she was in any sort of drama or situations with people.
Mimei should follow Sharla's example and keep personal drama, especially that involving other content creators, out of her videos. If she doesn't want people to bring it up, make it the focus of her videos or ask her to explain the full context, then don't talk about it. It's like those people on facebook who do the whole "Wow what happened today was awful I'm so sad" statuses and then have tons of people message them with comments of concern and they never reply. It comes of as not genuine and manipulative.
No. 481719
>>323374Mimei is such a manipulative, shady little shit, and some spergs over at PULL keep going "uwu mimei DON'T LET HATE GET TO YOU <3" she keeps crying and starting drama and then crying again.
And why the fuck did she get another cat if she souldn't even cover vet expenses for the ones she already had?
No. 481801
>>481769Not at that time, that's for sure. Mimei had an inside look into Sharla's life, she knew what's going on.
I always thought Sharla jumped into the Vegan trend because she saw it as an easy way to lose weight, obviously she was wrong.
It was clear from her comments and videos she jumped without any preparation or true knowledge of the vegan lifestyle.
No. 481828
>>481719Pretty sure her cat expenses were a complete emergency. The poor guy had to be hospitalized for 4-5 days. Usually hospitalization requires surgery and lots of antibiotics on top of prescription diet foods.
I went to my vet recently for a regular check up and this poor woman ended up paying a total of $1300 at the front desk for her cat. I asked the desk receptionist why she was paying such an absurd amount and they broke down the costs for me for future reference.
>mandatory $80 exam fee>Xrays>Anesthesia>Surgical procedures >5 days of hospitalization after sugery>antibiotics>pain killers>at least a month of prescription diet after surgery (dry food bags ~$60, wet can boxes ~$75)>plus mandatory vaccines and deworming if her cat hadn't been to the vet in the last yearMost per owners can afford decent food, vaccines, annual check ups etc. But you really can't fault pet owners for emergency situations.
No. 481846
>>481839on her instagram live she was saying that she doesnt make enough money from youtube and i can see why she doesnt have a huge following rarely uploads now and doesnt get much views or sponsorships
i honestly dont understand how her husband isnt embrassed by her going on live streams and crying about drama
No. 481887
>>481846Not even just that…
Drama from like 2 years ago that she's still crying about. I wonder for how many more years she's going to sob about the same ol drama.
Who even fucking cares at this point to know what it was about.
No. 481888
>>481828A woman her age who doesn't have $2000+ as a pet emergency fund is completely irresponsible.
I have seen other efamous people do the same thing. They make decent money online, but when it comes to things like parking tickets or vet bills, they crowdfund the costs because they just don't want to pay for boring adult things.
I recently saw someone raise over $1000 to send their cat away because she didn't want to pay for it anymore, but she is going to Japan in a couple of months on vacation. It's gross.
No. 481898
>>481888Dif anon.
But agreed. I'm lenient a little, like if the bill was holy fuck expensive ( 6k-10k ) something really absurd. I'm in school and working part time with bills and have specific accounts for emergency bills for me of my pet.
Do non of these people have savings accounts for rainy days ? Legit just choose to live pay check to pay check.
No. 481940
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No. 481974
>>481846Duncan feeds into it just as much as she does. When they made that video mocking Taylor he was all for it. Those two just live for negativity. Hell, his channel has vids where he "parodies" aka mocks other Japanese yters
>>481828The thing is, they spend money on a lot of unnecessary shit like comics and events. This is a brand new kitten as well and usually people expect to pay emergency money as new pet = new possible illnesses or injuries. She didn't have to get this kitten if she couldn't afford it pets aren't a privilege
This reminds me of when Sharla impulse bought that kitten from the shady pet store and pawned it off on a friend because of its health issues. Are all these women just not used to responsibility or?
No. 481998
i was all for mimei during the fight with biibii on twitter. i never once liked sharla. but i'm done supporting her or her delusion.
i liked mimei when she was actually doing what she liked instead of being passive-aggressive, when she wouldn't just preach "positivity and sunshine and cuddles and pineapples" for the sake of it. i like duncan more than her because at least he still speaks his mind, he doesn't hide behind "positivity pineapples uwu" he just makes a video on people who he thinks is shit.
i think mimei is actually going through a hard time, but not because meanies bullied her. she can't decide whether she should be who she really is, who she wants to be, or who her audience thinks she is. in the end she looks delusional, fake and cringey.
the stream yesterday was after the screenshots was posted here. in the screenshots she's all "yes i'm acknowledging the things i've done and said" but in the livestream she literally begs through her tears for everyone to "get over it please move on".
too bad, mimei, you're no different than the people you're salty about now.
i'm just gonna keep watching taylor r's vlogs, at least she's living the ultimate sugarbaby life, and that's just fun for all the parties involved.
(this turned out to be longer than i intended, sorry for sperg)
No. 482013
>>481974It wasn't the new kitten that got sick. It was her older cat. Duncan goes into more detailed explanation here than mimei has (I haven't seen her explain it at all). He seems really thankful and almost teary-eyed during this vid.
Ultimately, the people who supported Cinnamon did get some merch out of it so it's not necessarily a direct cash grab from mimei.
No. 482149
>>481801Is that why Chris Broad was shading fake vegans for a while? Duncan and Chris are friends and I could see him telling Chris about Sharla.
I get Mimei's still bitter fans can't see Sharla & co's true colors but unless tea is spilt, we have no idea what they did behind the scenes. Is it even worth it now? Sharla's moving and she's going to lose subscribers. Like Bii, she's starting to crack and show herself on twitter. Taylor's already gone. Mimei still talks to Kim and Rachel. Duncan is still friends with the guys. Mimei has a lot of people on her side or at least people who aren't against her. Look at all of the Japanese fans who've come out to see her and Duncan. Come on girl.
Stop crying and whining and make a video explaining Cinnamon's vet bill. Be honest if you overreacted about needing donations right away and apologize. Acknowledge and name the artists so they can get some recognition, pay them like you've just promised, and donate anything left over to a local charity like one of those Fukushima pet shelters and show the receipt. Then start over. Get your finances in order and clean up your house, your cats could get smothered by all of that junk in an earthquake. Your vlogs are still better than most of the other girls out there and you're the only one who's collabed with famous Japanese youtubers. You have potential but you're bringing yourself down. Write in a journal when you're blue and for god's sake stay away from social media.
No. 482172
I still can't believe people are defending her actions around the vet scenario. It's not JUST about not being able to afford vet bills, it's the damn hypocrisy. The video was literally: Look at my new expensive pedigree kitten. And also can you guys pay for my old cat's vet bills 'cause we can't afford it, boohoo, feel sorry for me, I have no friends.
If you struggle to afford paying unexpected vet bills for your old cats, why get a new one? Also, have the dignity to CREDIT the artists who worked for you for FREE. Also, why not release the vet's bill total? How much money did they actually make from all those donations? Wouldn't it have been better to do a GoFundMe with a cap on it, say $3000, then cover the rest out of their own pocket? I hope they put any excess towards future bills rather than relying on the kindness (stupidity) of strangers to fund their pedigree pets.
Also for people saying: but Cinnamon got ill AFTER they got the new kitten! Don't get a new cat if you know you won't be able to pay for unexpected vet's bills, or any vet's bills your old cats may have.
I'm really curious about what they would have done if they didn't have fans to pay their bills for them.
No. 482202
>>482137Are you kidding me? When Sharla pulled that bull with buying the cat she pawned off to her friend, people were calling her out for it. Especially because her fiance told her not to and she still did it anyway. I don't know what Rachel did but I'm sure there were people calling her out for whatever it was too.
Maybe they should've started with selling the shit that's cluttering their apartment before immediately turning to their gullible fans. That's what people are pissed about. Even if we aren't sitting on cash we'd probably actually work or sell stuff to help our pets on our own.
No. 482206
>>323374>>481888"I recently saw someone raise over $1000 to send their cat away because she didn't want to pay for it anymore, but she is going to Japan in a couple of months on vacation. It's gross"
Who? I wanna know who it is so I can avoid that piece of shit vlogger.
No. 482271
>>482202If we're talking about the same thing, Rachel and Jun found a feral cat on the side of the road. He was incredibly sick and required amputation of his tail. They brought him in and he still lives with them.
What Sharla and Rachel did isn't actually that uncommon, if you visit cat forums you'll realize it's almost normal to crowdfund vet bills for strays or those needing rescue from terrible pet shops or death row shelters or even regular sick house cats. Cat parent communities are really adamant about keeping kitties healthy, off the streets, out of shops/shelters, neutered/spayed etc.
Did Mimei and Duncan really go out of their way to buy purebreds though? Isn't Latte a moggy? I thought scottish folds were common/popular in Japan and that's how they adopted Cinnamon.. I'll be really disappointed if I find out they purchased Suga because ~expensive american curl uwu~ instead of adopting a kitten in need.
No. 482404
>>482149"Sharla's moving and she's going to lose subscribers"
I think is going to be the opposite.
No. 483565
>>481828yeah everyone gets that pets have emergencies it was just particularly dumb of her considering her older cat got sick while she quite literallly just bought an expensive designer kitten.
bad timing, but still irresponsible af.
No. 484461
>>481846It's really clear she isn't getting that much money from yt. She was never really one of the big popular jvloggers so she hasn't really gotten too many sponsors, and that's a where the actual money is. If she would consistently upload with a set demographic she'd probably get more sponsors, but her videos are pretty all over the place and jump between weeb and personal vlog, which while both have their sponsors, she isn't big enough in either to get solid sponsors.
Maybe now that Sharla is gone she can snag those sponsorships, or if she reaches out to companies that sponsored Sharla in the past she could maybe get some.
Rachel and Jun as well as EYK get really good sponsors so I'm kind of surprised Mimei and Duncan haven't been proposed to yet.
No. 484917
>>484461That's what Genesis One was supposed to do, get them sponsorships and outside work, but they didn't do anything so almost everyone but Mahoto's left GO. Mimei and Duncan could've lost money by joining the agency since GO had to have taken a cut of their earnings and they were still signed to them when Duncan was trending with the CharismaBrothers video. They might've had to pay a penalty fee for leaving the agency too. All the more reason to be more careful with their finances and not get another pet.
Mimei actually makes full videos in Japanese so she could get more interesting sponsorships than Sharla. But as you said she isn't stable. She could continue interviewing other Japanese vloggers because that's got her a lot of views in the past.
No. 485201
>>484917i feel like mimei "doesn't want to rely on others" and probably turned down a ton of sponsorship's to stay
real and now no one is offering them because they know she wont take them and she also probably feels like if she takes them now shes selling out….
…………. so instead she begs her fans for money.
another thing is why wont she just get a fuckin patreon? paypal looks so sketch because people cant see the amount you are making. it grates my nerves she is this clueless.
No. 485263
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>>483429According to this post, Latte is a feral rescue from China. She never tags the breed either so definitely a moggy.
No. 488752
>>487919>>487902Y'all kids better get off my lawn
Yuka practically INVENTED the ageplay pandering gaijin idoru trope
No. 488941
>>487919Yukapon's annoying as shit and she's not going to do well blending in while screaming in the middle of crowded trains, barking at people or speaking Japanese like an idiot while thinking she's a natural.
What is she even doing in Japan? Is she a forever student?
No. 489033
>>488952I mean, we know that she has endometriosis and pretty much chronic pain. So it could be from her medication. And iirc she also suffers from anxiety.
I also like her and kinda feel bad for her. Although it sucks that they bought a new kitten (instead of adopting), especially because it sounds like that's the reason why cinnamon got sick in the first place. It's not uncommon when a new kitten is introduced.
No. 489702
>>488952>>489033Even the insta story announcing her latest video her voice seemed shaky and strained?
It could be a side effect of a medication or anxiety?
No. 491560
>>491531ok, but basically every vlog ever made was unnecessary. Even Samuel Pepys, the proto-vlogger, gives us totally useless information most of the time.
Pepys would never have made it through one of taylor's vlogs though.
No. 491750
>>491729She's in Japan and started making videos while a lot of people were interested in Japan.
I actually think that she could find a lot of new viewers with her move to Korea, which seems to be more popular because of kpop right now.
No. 492497
>>492330She has to move to Korea because her husband has a job there and his family lives there.
Korea is already saturated with kvloggers. I hope she makes videos on something other than kpop or kbeauty. I could see her getting sponsors from Korean travel companies or the tourism board. But I think the move is going to be tough on Sharla. She doesn't speak the language and her style of dress and figure is going to make her feel even more frumpy in a society that places great importance on looks. Some kvloggers have even buckled under the pressure and gotten plastic surgery when offered for free.
No. 493249
>>492675Check out CathyCat's version of their Harajuku trip: visual differences are subtle but I think Cat uses a different filter. Also realized there are no full body shots in Sharla's unlike Cathy's.
In terms of content, Cathy devotes more time to the art gallery while Sharla didn't even bother to show the artist who gave her an illustration as a gift and she's including that piece in a giveaway with some free postcards she pucjked up. It looked like Cathy was trying hard not to make a face when Sharla announced she was giving the artwork away in her (Sharla's) video. In her own video, Cathy makes a point to say that she's buying a calendar for her giveaway and saving the illustration the artist gave her while Sharla is giving away some stuff she got for free. Can't tell if that was Cathy shading intentionally. Sharla's general lack of respect (including wearing a freaking Pokémon hoodie to a fancy dinner show) is embarrassing.
No. 493289
>>493249Cathy's filter choice is ass, it hurts my eyes wtf also her makeup is just weird, it doesn't look nice.
She does seem like a nice person though, I like how she bought something to giveaway – Sharlas just too damn cheap.
No. 499825
>>499781Don't forget that Sharla was pro-puppet accounts and encouraged Mira too. She probably thinks whatever Toph is doing is fucking hilarious and edges him on even if she doesn't directly have her own sock puppets anymore.
This means that Kelly (strawberrymochi I think?) is the newly booted member of the group. Makes sense since she has the lowest amount of subs/views. Although apparently she made the choice to leave and duck out of the drama on her own terms. Which does explain why there was a very sudden drop of collaborations with her and why she lost any popularity she had.
Miceala is once again showing her true colors as a result of this. For some reason, she always involves herself in these petty twitter feuds. She's aggressively quick to side with Sharla and publicly feuded with Mira, Mimei, and now she's against Kelly as if these fights are her own. Even though she otherwise comes across as more intelligent or reflective than the others. Honestly what's her fucking deal.
No. 499956
>>499825Miceala is so disappointing. Her videos are far more insightful and professional than the rest of them. I think her depression is causing her to lash out or gang up on other people. She seems very resentful of Tatsu's success and he's her partner.
Why did PULL back Toph in the first place? He complained about Kelly overreacting and creating drama by immediately tweeting about it to the whole world making it actual drama? It's so obvious he's trying to turn everyone against her. I can believe he has sockpuppets because he just can't contain himself and constantly has to stir shit even when he's not involved like with Mimei. If Kelly really did hook him up with his current job, she's being far too nice.
Sharla, Micaela, Toph, Bii… Who else is in the group? I doubt Rachel since she was a past target. Not the Tokidoki/Kemushi crew or PeachyMilkTea group. No one better looking or more successful. Can't see Sharla's other friends like Tokyolens or Greg, Toph is probably the only guy.
No. 500502
>>499927>>500443Michaela is still doing videos? I genuinely thought she retired/went back to being some gaijin housewife or whatever she's doing that is keeping her in Japan.
tbh it's kind of hilarious seeing Sharla still causing drama and acting like she's 15. She's 30. She's not even living in the country anymore. She needs to let go and realize that her era as Queen Jvlogger is over and she needs to stop being salty when people do what she does but better.
No. 500578
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>>323374Rare on this thread to see any compliments or applauds of a positive change one of the vloggers have made.
IMO, Sharla's make up skills have improved a lot and she looks like she has lost weight - her cheeks aren't so chubby anymore.
>>323374 No. 501049
>>500815nayrt, but to be fair, the post you quoted in
>>500578 was the intro post made 8months ago
No. 504824
>>323374IMO, Sharla is pretty besides the weight she is. I also suspect her weight range is the same as the earlier year(19__) beauty standards.
Apologies for the sage.
No. 506064
>>323374>>506032Although somebody's likes (at whatever age) aren't my concern - i can see the deserved criticism in opening a Patreon claiming she "needs money" yet buys goods that are in the want category than need.
Makes her seem like a spoiled brat.
No. 520719
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How the hell do you spell the name of the place you’re sponsored to travel to three times in one post? At least she got it right on the very last try.
No. 526274
>>324131Working holiday visa lets you do pretty much anything that's not "harmful to public morals" (no soaplands, hostess clubs etc I'm guessing), but you can't renew it. It's intended for people to take a long-term holiday in Japan and be allowed to work to support themselves while there. Which would no doubt be spun out to some story of "Japan inc" "exploiting" foreigners by (((the usual suspects))) …even though loads of countries have the same visa.
>>520719>Undiscovered JapanApparently outside Tokyo is some wilderness where they've never seen a foreigner.
No. 527789
>>526278The intent was different.
When the skeleton was found they were accompanied by a park ranger, it was done to educate not exploit.
No. 528467
>>528418oh wow haven't heard that name in a while.
a vlogger before vlogging was a thing.
those slice of life moments were a good thing. good to hear.
No. 542361
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Damn osharegirls husbando is pretty hott
No. 542366
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>>542361Feel sorry for him having to sleep with what’s basically a skinny Pixyteri
No. 543494
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So it looks like Mimei is never going to let that shit with Sharla go. Posted yesterday.
No. 543593
>>542371You having a giggle?
I have a Japanese male friend and he was fucking some white girl and she was hideous too.
It’s either a hideous white woman and decent asian guy or a fucking ugly Asian man and pretty or half decent white girl. I’ve yet to see a decent white and alright asian dude together.
Has anyone else seen that white woman who got with some korean guy and made a video about their mixed kid having blue eyes? It’s the most cringeworthy shit.
No. 543691
>>543593what about Rachel and Jun then? I think Rachel is really pretty after the nose job and I find Jun handsome, tall + gentle combo is perfection for me. but I'm the same anon from
>>542371. I'm not really harsh on people's appearances so idk, maybe that's just me
No. 543711
>>323374>>543697Yea, that's exactly what happened
If i remember right, he's like 35ish and she's 28, so it's not terrible really
From what i've seen off of social media they seem to mesh well anyways.. they both love smoking, raves, clubbing, drunk, and what not
No. 543990
Jessica Clements (Jess Vlogs / Jessica Clements) is in Japan again and her jvlogs are a nice break from the usual people. Plus she's legit model unlike the regular jvloggers. She has a similar look to Emily actually.
>>543593Have to disagree. As someone used to white and Japanese faces, most couples are the same level of attractiveness just like same race couples but most people are just plain-looking so go unnoticed. You only pay attention to these AMWF AFWM couples because they're interracial but there isn't a big discrepancy in looks on average. Unless we're talking green card/visa wives or husbands and gold diggers like Taylor R and Yumi. I kind of wonder if Sharla's marriage was partly motivated by her or her husband's visa situation. They can barely communicate in Japanese and that's their only common language it seems.
No. 544499
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Idk why ciaela posted this, she Looks weird
No. 544513
>>544499Her arms are huge, like wtf.
>>543593You have attractiveness differences with couples of the same ethnicity as well, you just don't notice as much. Normal people also don't only care about looks.
No. 544584
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>>544499Her recent breakdown on instagram and twitter about her weight is entertaining.
>“Ugh people keep calling me fat in the comment section. Im totally not fat tho fyi but I’m not going to be doing youtube anymore because I’m scared I’m going to start thinking I’m fat because all of these comments are telling me I’m getting fat even though I’m totally not fat. Please continue to support me on my instagram and tell me how pretty and goalsy my body is, and shower me with compliments because I’m totes vegan now” No. 545069
>>544513>>544910And this is why lolcow has a bad reputation…
How can you call this fat?! You're seriously too much.
>Inbefore, you're probably obese, whiteknight,… No. 545110
File: 1522751793217.jpeg (370.53 KB, 857x635, A46E0DB0-1DAA-4AA1-A5DC-37E873…)

>>545069She’s not a land whale but she has gained weight. She’s just butthurt because she wants to be a strong independent womenz who loves her curves but deep down she misses her old size and how clothes used to fit on her. If she just stopped blabbering in about it, nobody would bring it up as much.
I haven’t seen anybody actually call her a fatty, they just point out that she’s gained.
No. 545112
>>545110At first the picture of her in the weird suit thingy was posted, then another anon said this
>Her arms are huge, like wtf. Sounds clearly like anon is calling her a fatty, without even knowing that she also whined about that on instagram.
No. 545201
i personally don't think she's fat either, not by a long shot, but I do think her outfit is ill fitting.
She doesn't look fat in the picture, but she looks manly.
No. 545289
>>544647This. Her upper arms are kind of meaty but she has no fashion sense at all which doesn't do her any favors.
>>542366>>542364Good god this girl's nose, though. Face of a horse and the thin lips of Mimei.
No. 545407
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>>545069I didn't say she got fat I said she let herself go.
Look at how she used to be, she's 3 times her size now.
No. 545827
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>>545764>>545770a very misplaced shadow warped her body, this is what her body looks like- normal
No. 545874
>>545827This is what I was saying, thanks anon.
>>545852I agree with you, she looked pretty healthy like that. I honestly think she isn't as happy then as she is now and doesn't care for herself as much as she used to. It's kind of sad cause beyond her minor compliment fishing, she seems to keep out of drama. Girl needs to learn to love herself.
No. 549493
>>544584Shes been mentioning for the longest time that she has been really depressed and has had nothing to do and just be stuck at home.
For all we know, shes started taking antidepressants which makes you gain a crazy amount of weight. Trust me, I know from personal experience. If thats the case then there's honestly not much you can do about it unless you crazy diet and exercise and even then shedding that weight is near impossible because of the antidepressants.
Just a theory though taking into account the depression thing and mentioning shutting herself in.
She could just be lazy af and eat like a pig
No. 551461
>>551357Ikr clearly not paying nearly enough attention to weeaboos! I’d see her thread all the time but I didn’t really find her attractive or interesting so I wouldn’t read it. Now I feel like I’ve missed out on so much by not noticing back then. Her, Becki, and the other beak-chan looked exactly the same to me so I never remembered which was which.
I saw her video where she recreated her old cringe weebstyle and she showed a clip from just a couple years ago where she was shrieking “I want to eat ramen!” and I was like oh yeah, she’s gotta be on the cow.
Looked her up, was in awe. Fuckin yukapon. I remembered when she’d get called out on forums for self posting.
No. 551563
>>542366Dude, Jen (osharegirl) seems actually really sweet and she makes good quality vlogs, why you gotta nitpick just about her appearance? I think she has unique features that work for her tbh. Is this what this thread has come to, just ripping apart people for their looks?
inb4 "this is lolcow why are you surprised?"
I just get annoyed that there are actual backwards bitches like Sharla out there, yet people put more importance into picking apart any of these girls looks.
>>542366 No. 551920
>>551812This. It's in literally every single thread.
She can be nice and still look like a horse.
No. 576615
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That obvious waist shoop tho kek
No. 576616
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>>576615How did she not notice the warped arms before posting this. How embarrassing. Here's the same pic deshopped.
No. 705363
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No. 705364
File: 1538823178931.jpeg (60.54 KB, 640x547, 0683E792-1013-411C-8EAE-FD14FC…)