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No. 238063
The Hartley Hooligans are a pair of sisters, Claire and Lola Hartley, born with microcephaly, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, epilepsy, and tons of other conditions. This basically means they are plant level retarded, can't walk, talk, or even move their deformed limbs in any useful way. Their grotesque appearances make them look more like aliens or monsters than humans.
The sisters are semi-famous due to Gwen, their mother. She loves dressing them up in goofy outfits, discussing and analyzing their every minor facial movement, sound, and bodily function. She even had the disabled second baby despite knowing that the girl would be staggeringly messed up. Their home state spends millions of dollars on a parade of therapists and special equipment that have had no noticeable impact on their potato lives. The mom posts videos claiming that the girls are thriving when it is in fact crystal clear that their lives are a living hell.
So anons, do you think retards should be not only allowed to live and leech millions of tax dollars, but also to be praised for shitting themselves, making ugly faces, and not dying? Is the mom wrong to parade them around for internet likes or is she doing a public service by giving the world so much material for funny memes?
No. 238072
>>238067well i hate the eugenics shit but i absolutely believe they should be put out of their misery because this situation makes me /furious/
they have no life and it's soft torture to keep them alive, nevermind the exploitation of their insane mom
No. 238195
>>238176yes but you're still expected to lay out the facts with care unless it's a fast-moving situation like onision. I'm not the same anons as
>>238118 or >>238080 so it's several of us who have a problem with it.
No. 238214
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>>238203>there's no pics of her with the girls, no mention of gwen or anythingShe probably either sees posting all the nitty gritty details of a bunch of disabled kids all over SM to be a messed up thing to do, OR she just doesn't have reason to. It's not like with a regular kid sibling, or even a mildly retarded one, where you can actually bond with them a bit. why would anyone want shit like pic rel on their IG, public or not, unless they had an attentionseeking mom forcing them to upload it for asspats by proxy?
No. 238233
>>238203I'm wondering too. You see, Cal will grow up, move out, get married ect… Meanwhile Claire and Lola will be potato babies forever. There will be no empty nest syndrome for Gwen until they inevitably die of their conditions. Then it's going to hit her very hard. So maybe that's really why she exploits them so much. Because she knows they will not live as long as Cal and will probably not outlive her. So she's trying to cram as much "Normal childhood" time as she can into to children who will never be normal. And in the process she has deluded herself into believing Claire and Lola are capable of more than they are.
So when they die it will be very bad for Gwen because she's built her entire life and identity around her disabled children. She should focus more on Cal's life because he will actually go places. Whereas Claire and Lola will never be anything more than they are and will probably not last much longer. Lola in particular is emaciated. I imagine she just can't put on weight at all. Her limbs are like toothpicks. I wouldn't even giver her five years at this rate.
No. 238793

>>238742And again this is what is so annoying about Gwen, she is completely delusional about what the girls are capable of. She says "She's amazing!" as if Lola's doing something brilliant, but she's not doing anything at all really. When the bib touches her mouth Gwen really believes that she "knows what's coming" because she starts to root , but she does that whenever her mouth or face is touched. It's an instinct which usually goes away in neurologically intact infants after a few months. The fact that Lola continues to root only shows how neurologically devastated she is. I've seen Jaxon Buell use the rooting reflex and he literally has no higher brain function whatsoever!
The only tiny little function she has over Jaxon is that she can swallow, but barely. She really doesn't get enough food, but Gwen is scared to have a feeding tube placed directly into her stomach like Claire's, because she's convinced that the anesthesia necessary to do the procedure will kill her. She's so small, I understand her fear, but in the meantime she's in constant hunger. I do believe that she has enough brain left for primitive instincts, urges and responses and hunger and pain are two of those things. So instead of taking a chance and giving her a feeding tube she forces her to live a life of agony and pretends that she eats like a champion.
Oh yeah and I've also read in her blog where she talks about how much Lola eats but Gwen says that she can't understand why Lola is almost incapable of gaining weight. She thinks her body isnt able to utilize all the calories she takes in.
Metabolism is part of the brain's function, so this might be partially true, but that would be even more of a reason for her to need a feeding tube to ensure that all the calories in her food go directly into her body and not on her bib or the floor.
Here's a link to the video for those who havent seen it.
No. 238835
>>238063in germany we used to gas these things.
now we just euthansize them using potent and expensive euthanasia agents all of this paid by tax euros
No. 239056
>>238918>>238838Yeah, it's sad and I just realized Gwen said that Lola was having cantaloupe. I believe that was supposed to be her lunch. While it's high in Vitamins A and C, it has no protein and is almost entirely devoid of calories. I was a chubby teenager and used to eat it when I wanted to lose weight, but even on a restricted diet, I didn't just eat a cantaloupe by itself. I would have been starving, so I'd have almost a cup of cottage cheese with it and still it was an incredibly low calorie meal.
One cup of cantaloupe is only about 80 calories. Lola is probably being fed a quarter cup at most, so that's 20 calories. A A lot of it gets dropped, so let's say 3/4 of it gets swallowed, that's about 15 calories she's getting for her entire lunch!
She's a tiny girl and is non-mobile so she probably requires fewer calories than an active, normal sized child. However, just to exist she likely needs at least a few hundred calories a day. I know her mother feeds her bottles and other meals, but still a 15 calorie meal is ridiculous. I bet she doesn't get more than 150 calories in an entire day. Is it any wonder why she's emaciated?
No. 239065
>>239063If you think that's bad, you should have seen the one where they let Lola try a solid wedge of melon. OMG the slurping, sucking and grunting noises were enough to drive a person to violence.
She can't even chew, so I doubt she was able to even consume much of it. It was just another gross "trick" that her mother thought was cute.
No. 240235
>>239909She feeds from a bottle as well, not sure how many she gets daily, but Gwen said on her blog that she bottle feeds Lola a goat's milk formula because she's allergic to most everything else.
I don't know if she's really allergic to other milks and formulas or if that's just part of Gwen's weird delusional mindset. Don't get me wrong, I can certainly believe that Lola has tons wrong with her including allergies, but I can also believe Gwen makes shit up so that she has an excuse to come across as super-mom, feeding Lola only the most carefully chosen foods.
Other than the goat's milk, apparently she only gets mushed up fruit and vegetables(insert your own cannibalism jokes here). Normally, there's nothing wrong with fruits and vegetables, but they are very low in fat and calories and only a few veggies really have much protein , so other then the goat's milk, Lola gets very little of those things in her diet. That's basically what you'd feed someone who is trying to lose a lot of weight really quick, not someone whose already emaciated like Lola.
No. 240263
>>239650Her eyes appear completely black, her skin is corpse pale, her teeth are jagged, and she's the size of a toddler but doesn't have toddler-like proportions. She looks like a tiny demon.
>>240235>Gwen makes shit up so that she has an excuse to come across as super-momGwen has admitted that she doesn't want Lola to have an NG tube mostly because she doesn't want Lola to look sickly. Gwen is a delusional, selfish jackass and Lola is constantly half-starved because of it.
No. 240586
>>240576Not probably. IS.
Gwen has apparently been told that virtually any medical procedure would likely kill Lola. Though perhaps this does keep Lola alive, that's not much of a plus considering she's in constant agony and has no ability to understand why, or even differentiate her own mother from a chimpanzee or a walking turnip.
No. 240642
>>240624Dignitas doesn't, and in the US it is absolutely illegal to, euthanize someone without their consent. Obviously neither Lola nor Claire can consent.
So no.
>>240591What the hell is CPS supposed to do? Demand that Lola be put through a surgery that would probably kill her? Demand that Lola have an NG tube all the time and risk aspiration pneumonia? Lola is probably always hungry, but she's not at risk of starving. There is no reason for CPS to step in.
No. 240672
This is from the section about Lola in Gwen's blog in.
Today, Lola drinks a goat's milk formula by bottle (which is all Miss Sensitive can tolerate!). She also eats organic fresh fruits and veggies by spoon. We continue to search to find foods she is not allergic to, though it has been tough. Lola LOVES to eat, does so as often as a newborn, & let's just say, she can put it away! Her big sister, on the other hand, FAR prefers being fed via g-tube. So, you'd think that Lola would be growing faster than her sister, right? Alas, Lola is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than Claire was at this same age –
It's amazing how all of us can figure out why Lola is so much thinner than Claire, yet her mom can't.
She says Lola can put it away, but we all can see that she can barely swallow, so she's not remotely "putting it away" and the food she does get down, except for the goat's milk, is extremely low in fat and calories…I'll bet the nutrition Claire gets through her feeding tube each day has many times more calories than what Lola consumes.
Gwen is the epitome' of denial.
No. 240936
>>240930Claire's busy writing her first novel using Eagle Eyes!
But seriously, Lola might be sick. They've stayed offline before when she's on oxygen etc.
No. 241320
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What is up with this photo? Could Claire stand when she was younger?
No. 241475
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Dressed as a chicken!! Poor kid!
No. 241508
>>241320Even if Scott was balancing Claire, rather than her actively standing, the fact that she was able to maintain that stance for the split-second it took to snap a pic is amazing. She appeared pretty close to normal then. She was much thinner than average.(Probably before she had a g-tube put in and was still subject to Gwen’s crazy feeding regimen) and her hands were already starting to twist, but other than those things, you couldn’t tell from that picture that there was anything really wrong with her. Comparing her old pics with shots from recent years, one can really see how devastating the progression of this condition is.
I’m reminded of that little girl who was mentioned in the previous thread , I think her name was some weird variation of Julie, who was recently diagnosed with the same thing that Claire and Lola have. At first it was unbelieve that she could have the same disorder, because she looks so normal, more so than even Claire did at that age. But then again, Claire looked better than Lola did as an infant and toddler.
I guess the syndrome impacts children differently in the beginning, but because its progressive nature, everyone eventually winds up similarly decimated.
I’m sure the parents of that little girl have come across the Hartley’s blog while researching Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency and it must have been heartbreaking to see what the future holds for their beautiful little girl. Gwen probably tells herself that she’s helping put a positive spin on microcephaly and now ADS, but if anything what she writes and the pictures she posts makes those conditions seem more terrifying than anyone could have imagined on their own.
No. 242157
>>242128Neither can sit up on their own. Clair has some
extremely minor usage of her arms, though nowhere near enough to allow her to move her body in a meaningful way.
No. 242449
>>242128Oh God, that was awful. Like, trapped in a haunted house, horror movie awful. I know that a mothers are supposed to see beauty in their children no matter what,but I just cannot even get a hint of what Gwen allegedly sees when she looks at Lola and says that she's so adorable.
Lola looked like a ghoul laying there with her eyes open, then sitting up with the same blank dead eyed stare and laying back down again…She reminded me of one of those animatronic zombies people put in front of their house at Halloween that have motion detectors in them, which makes them rise up out of caskets when trick or treaters come to the door. I swear it seems that she purposely showcases the girls at their absolute worst in order to get a negative reaction out of people. It's like she's using her daughters to troll everyone.
No. 242647
>>242641Gwen is selfish af, it's like a child picking up a pet when they know it wants to be put down. It's cute and fluffy and they want to hold it so what the animal wants doesn't matter.
As long as Gwen is getting 'adorable' and 'precious' footage for Facebook ass-pats then it doesn't matter what would be more comfortable for the gremlins.
God forbid the little things get one moment of peace in the day away from immense pain and fear.
No. 243016
>>239096I'm glad they're gone tbh. They were never really that funny.
Sage for no real meaningful input.
No. 243219
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>>243016Some of them were hilarious
No. 243459
>>243219>>243370I'm wondering hypertonia if the reason for the bugged eyed stare that Claire has acquired in recent years. I'm thinking that the excess tension in her eyelid muscles causes her eyes to open so wide, while extreme tautness in the muscles that control her eyes themselves pushes them outward.
Gwen is in denial about the severity of their condition. It's obvious just from looking at pictures of them when they were younger that they are regressing. It's especially jarring with Claire, since she was quite pretty and nearly normal looking when she was a baby and toddler and now her appearance is almost as disturbing as Lola's. Gwen just exaggerates the few things that they can do in her mind, to allow herself to believe that they are really developing when they are actually slipping away a little more each day.
No. 243472
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>>243469I'm particularly amused by this one. I think it's the simplicity of the humor that I most appreciate.
No. 243478
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No. 243492
>>242641Gwen's commentary on that video really shows how delusional she is. After explaining that Lola will lift her head and react in her sleep if someone deliberately tries to wake her, she goes on to say Lola is a total drama queen.
What on earth is she talking about. Lola was asleep - she never woke, she just reacted to being touched. What is dramatic about that? What about miserably lifting her head while sleeping with her eyes open makes Lola a drama queen.
Lola doesn't know her own name. She has less of an inner life than the dog. She has no capacity for drama.
And speaking of the dog, even he gave Gwen the side-eye when she messed with Lola. Even the dog knows how stupid it is to poke a teeny little miserable gnome because she's dramatic.
No. 243502
>>243472>>243478 Wow,I know Claire hasn't been doing so great lately, but I can't believe how much worse she looks in that photo than Lola does in the picture above. And Gwen thinks their condition isn't progressing?
>>243492I agree that it was pretty idiotic to call Lola a drama queen for doing something so basic. I don't understand why that's even amusing. But I guess when your kid can hardly do anything, even the most minor act can be evoke an emotional reaction.
No. 243503
>>241320>>243472>>243502When you see their baby photos, you really realise how much they have deteriorated.
They actually looked adorable in comparison to how they look now. Claire especially was a little cutie.
Now they look like soulless reanimated goblin corpses. I wonder if Gwen looks back on their baby photos and thinks about this. Or is she really that blind and reluctant to believe that they won't get any better only worse?
No. 243736
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>>243723If you thought their hands looked awful, what the hell is going on with their feet. what a shame! Everything single part of their body is disfigured toes no exception!
No. 244410
>>244240It's hard to see how physical therapy will help much, but Claire does receive PT. The reason this is happening to the girls isnt due to not using their muscles - they outright do not have the motor neurons to control their muscles. Some believe that putting Claire through all that PT is cruel and if she can feel pain all that therapy must feel excruciating.
>>244397God speed, Bree. She was dealt a terrible hand in life.
Wendy Gilker was just as devoted to woo and as delusional as Gwen, but I've always thought that if a parent in this situation decides to care for their profoundly disabled child, they need delusions to survive. If Wendy didn't believe that macrobiotics and so forth helped Bree, she would have gone insane. Wendy and Gwen live(d) grim lives. Unrealistic hope is the only way they get through their days.
Wendy's entire life was taken up by Bree's condition - without her to care for Wendy must feel like her life has lost its purpose. I hope she is able to get some therapy to help her cope and find a life outside of caring for a disabled child.
No. 244471
>>244397That's sad for the mom Wendy, as her whole life revolved around Bree and she must be lost without her. I feel bad for Wendy, but relieved for Bree who's finally out of her misery.
>>244410I think some form of PT to keep the girls' muscles from atrophying completely might be appropriate, but Clair gets PT where they try to make her crawl which she is wholly unable to do. The therapist has her on her hands and knees, and since Claire is unable to open her hands, her weight is on her knuckles, which looks like something that would be painful for someone with normal muscles, combine that with Claire's hypertonia it must have been excrutating, but there's Gwen, filming it all, and cheering Claire's "progress" and raving about how great she's doing learning to crawl.
No. 244479

>>244471Here's the video of Claire "working on crawling."
It pisses me off to watch it.
Claire left hand is off the mat and is pressing down on the wooden floor, so she has to bear her weight on her knuckles. Meanwhile, Gwen and the therapist are chatting about how well Claire is doing, while Claire is forced to maintain that position until her face finally twists into a mask of pain. And then Gwen laughs about her melting down. Of course she's melting down. Not only is the position she's in painful, but it must be scary too, because if she is unable to maintain it, all she can do is pitch face first into the floor. The physical therapist even says "Just don't fall on your face" and yes the therapist is there to catch her, but Claire can't see her, and although her cognitive abilities are probably slim to none, she obviously does feel pain and likely fear as well, so that has to be an extremely frightening position for her to be in. I feel like yelling at Gwen, "You stupid bitch, you know the poor girl isn't going to crawl, you're just putting her through unnecessary pain and fear for your own stupid ego boost!"
No. 248237
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I misread the first sentence as "I am more than aware that they are degrading", and for a single, golden moment, I thought Gwen had finally caved in to the reality check she badly needs and was going to acknowledge that the girls are getting worse.
But nope. Of course not.
No. 248278
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>>248276>>248276Except this place is like at least a year late to the party. Some guy on ylilauta posted them and named them brainless sissy retards and it spread to 4chan back in 2014.
No. 248429
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>>248359I posted this on the thread before this one but tbh with you I wouldn't dare download it myself just because I don't need a gig of BSR memes. I can confirm the guy that posted it has shitloads of those but I'd still suggest scanning for viruses before opening.!Dlk2nIZY!lsedpHkcih0EVlPqZfuB3aD-_jNMmaSdT8LPqtfa_PM No. 248447
>>244980Fuck, I didn't expect it to be that bad.
Claire clearly hated that stuff. She was actively trying to
escape. And I don't understand how the therapist thought she was teaching Claire anything.
>therapist touches Claire's hand with the slime>Claire flinches away>therapist touches her with the slime again>rinse, repeat>Claire, possibly realizing that moving her appendages away won't help, tries to shove her entire body away from it>therapist puts the slime against Claire's hand>Claire is now shoving her hand into the slime>Claire moves her hand away from it>therapist repositions the slime against Claire's hand AGAIN>Claire continues trying to shove herself away>therapist tells Claire that if she doesn't like touching the slime, she needs to move her hand away from it???^video url if anyone feels like being supremely pissed off and Gwen and the therapist
No. 248512
>>248447That body language could not be any more clear. She wanted nothing of it.
But seeing this made it all the more obvious that she can really feel things. I don't even want to know how much pain Claire is going through by default. If she can feel the touch of the slime on her skin, she should definitely be able to feel her own body growing more twisted and gnarled over time. Poor kid…
No. 248704
>>248512I never had much doubt they could feel. If they have any consciousness at all, then they likely can feel pain. Even Jaxon Buell appears to respond to pain and he barely has any brain at all. Though with him, I don't know if he has enough consciousness to really be in pain as we know it, or if it's just his body's reaction to it, but there's definitely he definitely seems to have at least a physical response to pain including screaming and crying.
Anyway back to Lola and Claire, their intellectual level seems to barely be at the infant stage and their brains are likely withering every day because of their syndrome, but they definitely both seem to have at least enough neurons and neural pathways left to be both conscious and able to feel pain. There are pictures of Claire wincing in pain when getting a needle in her arm. I believe it's actually in the second thread about them on here. And I believe I've seen Lola respond to pain as well; she definitely seem sto feel hunger. so yeah they almost certainly can feel pain and other unpleasant physical stimuli.
Unfortunately, pain comes easier than most pleasures. They can't really do anything, can't walk, can't play, can't communicate, and Claire can't even eat. So despite the fact that Gwen insists that they both have good lives, most likely the best day for either of them would be one were there is a little less excruciating pain than the day before.
No. 248707
>>248515This comment made me laugh because it just seems funny that someone could look at this child with microcephaly, hypotonia so bad she's curling up into herself, dwarfism, continual farting and gastro issues, and brain degeneration that will one day kill her and be shocked she hasn't cut her adult molars yet. Not laughing at you anon, just found it amusing how we all find our own little areas of "WTF" when looking at these little goblin girls.
Yeah, Claire is so far behind in every element of human development that I'm frankly surprised her poor body has the resources to cut her adult teeth. Gwen talks about how great Claire's nutrition is but her body has trouble absorbing calories. It's not too surprising that her overall failure to thrive has resulted in delayed adult tooth eruption.
Poor Claire. Teething, lives her life on her stomach on a bean bag to alleviate the stress on her twisted body, firing out one fart after another, and she has to deal with this insane woman forcing her to fist slime. Leave her alone, people. She doesn't have the physical capacity to support muscle growth or tone. Making her crawl, putting her hands in gross shit to encourage her to react - none of that will ever help. She does not have the necessary elements in her brain to control muscles or to built neuron pathways to support muscle development. Doing this stuff to her looks like she's being tortured and she clearly doesn't like it. If she at least enjoyed it I could see doing it but since it serves zero purpose, just let her hang out with the dogs on her beanbag in peace.
No. 248721
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No. 248729
>>248707 I agree. I think if Claire and Lola have to have physical therapy at all, it should be focused on trying to alleviate the pain they are probably always in from their horribly twisted and stretched muscles,anything else is just a waste of time.
But we've got to remember how delusional Gwen is. She thinks Claire will learn to crawl one day. She believes Lola is becoming more aware of her surroundings because she sucks water from a drinking fountain. Gwen refuses to believe their condition is progressive and she will not acknowledge how they are regressing and will only continue to get worse, even though it's pretty obvious to the rest of us.
Gwen is going continue to do things like waste other people's money on expensive gadgets like eagle eyes, even though the girls are all but oblivious to it ,she'll continue to pretend they are really interacting with it and learning from it. She will continue to insist that the therapists do useless exercises with them to to try and "teach" them new things.
I guess the slime was an attempt to teach Claire how to control her arms or something, but she already knows how to pull her arms in or push them out, albeit with great effort and difficulty and she's never going to be able to use them for much more than that and her hands are all but useless at this stage, so the slime exercise is just futile torture. But it's not really for Claire. Just like the eagle eyes wasn't really for the girls. All of these gadgets and the therapy is for Gwen, to feed her ego and her delusions.
No. 248939
>>248729Their pt is provided by the state to all children who cannot attend school. So there is supposed to be a learning component to it. In Claire's case the stimulation is probably better than laying on the beanbag all day. She does seem to enjoy the swimming therapy in that pool video.
>>248721I swear Lola's growing on me. A kinda cute goblin.
No. 249488
>>249369I'd never considered their pain from hypotonia. You're right - they have to be in relentless, unthinkable pain all day long. I cut Gwen a lot more slack than some of us here because I can only imagine what I would do in her shoes. I think she makes questionable choices and is delusional and though I'd like to think I would be better grounded to reality had I birthed two human potatoes, the fact is that I don't know what I'd do.
But this is a pretty harsh indictment against Gwen. She refuses to give them pain medication because it could kill them but is okay with them living in pain they cannot express or escape. What mother wants their child to live in unimaginable pain? I don't want my cat to live in pain that cannot be cured or alleviated but it's just fine with Gwen to torture her daughters.
No. 249929
>>249851I think if you're a normal person, with the ability to stimulate yourself via means of interacting meaningfully with other people or being capable of doing activities, then it might be easier to let it fade into the background like
>>249864 anon says.
For the girls however, I think it's probably more complicated, because they have no way to communicate their pain other than involuntary reflexes like grimacing. They also don't appear to have the mental capacity to process being distracted, because distraction requires focus in the first place, and they demonstrate no ability for that. My guess is that they're constantly in pain and probably scared a lot because they're unaware of why they are in pain, and I don't imagine they're desensitized to it purely because of how twisted up their poor little bodies are. Lola only gets a couple of hours of sleep in a day, and she doesn't have a feeding tube, so I'd imagine that of the two she's the one who experiences more pain.
sage for way too long
No. 250004
>>249929That's why it pissed me off when her Gwen kept prodding Lola after she'd supposedly fallen asleep. First, what the hell is so special or interesting about the fact that the Lola can lift her head up, that Gwen have to film it. Even for a girl that barely has any neurological capacity, a simple response to physical stimuli isn't that unusual.
Gwen constantly bitches how Lola never sleeps, so why the hell would you bother her when she's finally getting a little peace especially when you have to know how much pain she's constantly in?
And then she calls her a "drama queen", which as an incredibly stupid remark. The child did nothing, whatsoever dramatic..but Gwen is such an attention whore that she has to exaggerate and act like a scenario is much more interesting than it actually is
No. 250549
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I really never understood why she kept Lola even though she knew she was at least as fucked up as Claire when she was pregnant.
If you asked her she'd probably say something like: "I didn't want Claire to feel like I would have aborted her too if I knew." or something as if Claire wasn't a potato.
Okay, I just searched abortion on her site and the first result is her saying people need to STOP convincing women in Puerto Rico to abort their zika babies.
No. 250846
>>250549Gwen had been told repeatedly that Claire wouldn't make it to her first birthday and if she did somehow live that long she certainly was going to die very young. Gwen had the expectation that Claire and Lola would both probably be gone within a few years. She likely thought neither would reach double digits.
If she knew then what she knows now I wonder if she would have chosen to abort. Gwen is a crazy, delusional attention-seeker, but her life is unrelenting hell. Dealing with just one child with this level of disability devastates primary caregivers. Only the extremely religious could justify that sort of martyrdom and Gwen isn't a fundamentalist whack job.
No. 251164
>>250846Huh, I always thought the reason she didn't abort was because she
was a fundamentalist whack job, that it was God's will that she have these two severely disabled children.
No. 253351
>>253339Maybe he's a jerk, I dunno, but at a glance he seems like a good kid. Class president, star athlete, etc. But every moment of his home life is dominated by those disgusting potato creeps explosively farting and vomiting and drooling and seizing.
Cal is going to fucking love college. I hope he goes to one a long flight away.
No. 253730
that's so sad. but he's a better person than either of those two potatoes (or even his parents) by far.
No. 253767
>>253730Not the same anon but I found it on their facebook page: does NOT say he feels overlooked by his parents, but rather by coaches:
>Even though he has led Circle in scoring for three straight seasons, upped his scoring average to 25 points in his senior season, and scored more than 1,000 points in his career, Hartley (5-foot-11, 175 pounds) said he has not talked to a single Division I coach.>Hartley feels overlooked, but he doesn’t play with the fiery intensity of someone who has been slighted. His game is steady and measured with the confidence of someone who knows his situation will work out.>“I feel like I’m that way because of my sisters (Lola and Claire),” Hartley said. “They’ve been going against the odds their entire lives and it’s never bothered them. They’re still loving life and it’s motivated me to do the same thing. Whenever things are bad or I get frustrated, I think about them and that always pushes me through.”Gwen goes on to make the whole rest of the story about the girls and their "achievements". Oh, Gwen you nutter.
>Cal is playing the best basketball of his career, while Claire and Lola are achieving “inchstones,” as Gwen phrases it, on a weekly basis. No. 254924
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No. 254972
>>254570Occasionally it's discovered that certain people have conditions like that. Such as some severely autistic children who are non verbal, but when given the right means to communicate, it turns out they're quite intelligent.
Also some people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries can experience ''locked in'' syndrome, where the cognitive parts of their brain are still functioning, but the area of the brain that communicate with the body are damaged, so they are unable to move or communicate in any way.
With those conditions, only specific parts of the brain are affected .
The syndrome that Claire and Lola have doesn't just impact one area of the brain, but pretty much the entire organ. I've seen MRIs of other children with the same syndrome as them and they are undoubtedly severely cognitively impaired. I think they experience consciousness on some level, can feel pain and other stimuli and Claire seems to be able to feel and express disgust, such as when the therapist kept touching her with the slime. I think that's as far as her mental abilities go and since her condition is progressive, there's almost no chance she'll improve and she'll almost certainly regress. Lola seems to be one or two steps below Claire. Even though she's younger and the illness has had less time to ravage her brain, she still seems to be more severely affected. If she somehow makes it to the age Claire currently is, she probably wont even have the simple reflexes that she does now.
>>254614Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
No. 255306
>>255051I believe that she no longer takes Claire to any sort of doctor that would monitor Claire's brain loss. However, it is known for certain that Lola has never received any sort of medical testing to monitor her brain loss and even if Gwen decided to begin such testing tomorrow it would be meaningless. They refused to have Lola examined when she was born so there is no original record to refer to in determining how much Lola is deteriorating.
Gwen doesn't want to know and it sort of makes no difference either way. It's not like knowing how much brain loss the girls have experienced will help them or their parents in any manner. There's nothing that can be done to help the girls. The only upside to such exams would be in providing medical data because this condition is so very rare but Gwen didn't know the girls had the disorder until last year. She didn't make the decision to limit exams knowing that her girls had a very rare condition.
No. 255618
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No. 255800
>>255726I agree, they always brought up the kids were
triggering the cursor with their peripheral vision. Maybe the girls need blinders like they use on horses. I felt like they had 0 control with the eagle eyes!! Wouldn't it be great if they donated that equipment to a child that could really benefit.
No. 255846
>>255726>>255800>>255819The whole Eagle Eyes thing was ridiculous and sad. Gwen cheered whenever Lola or Claire would "trip" the program to make a video start, as if they were both doing it on purpose, but they were both plopped right in front of the screen, so it would have been almost impossible for them not to have
triggered it a few times. Literally, she would have had the same results if she'd taped the sensors to her dogs faces and shoved them right in front of the screen.
No. 255917
>>255893It's a machine that tracks eye movement and processes it into computer input. Like a mouse but for people who can only use their eyes.
It can be an incredible thing for someone only able to move their eyes to suddenly be able to go online, watch movies they choose, read Wikipedia or even write emails. Pity it's wasted on them instead.
No. 255929
>>255918The Runescape one is hilarious
go fuck yourself
No. 255980
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I want some of whatever Babs is smoking
No. 255999
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>>255997Not who you're responding to, but all you do is slap some text on a picture and throw in the word potato. Put more effort in.
No. 256115
>>255980This picture pisses me off. The writing on the basketball is likely in reference to Cal's scoring record and the ball was probably awarded to him in recognition of his achievement.
This was Cal's accomplishment and you'd think maybe just once Gwen would let him have his moment to shine without shoving Claire and Lola on him. But no, she has to make everything about them.
I know Cal's said that he has doesn't resent his sisters, but how could he say otherwise. Gwen once shamed him to tears and forced him to write a full page apology for inadvertently uttering the word retard. Imagine how she'd freak out if he ever really let loose with any negative feelings about his sisters or how his mother has always given them so much more attention.
No. 256364
>>256341They get tons for free, which is one reason they can afford a house with a big swimming pool and fancy Mexican vacations despite having two incredibly fucked up kids.
Think about it. They don't cost much to feed, as they barely eat anything. The girls don't get any medicine, and their thearpies are entirely covered by the state. Their fancy equipment is donated or supplied, and people constantly give them clothes, diapers, bottle nipples, and who knows what else. They probably spend more of their personal money on Cal than on either spud.
No. 256485
>>255917Thank you, it's sad that the machine is useless in this case
>>255980I dont know why this picture make me angry, but I hope his mom give him more attention
IRL than on her social media accounts.
No. 256898
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No. 257027
>>256967Well she raised some money selling the bracelets, bus seriously, how many bracelets could she have sold? She has some loyal (idiot) followers, but not that many. So I'd say the majority was paid for by the foundation. There was also a woman on her Facebook or IG account who said she had a pen in hand just waiting to write a check. Anything just to have communication with the brainless wonders. I'm not trying to be mean, but except for the most basic brain functions, breathing,….breathing…yeah, their brains aren't capable of much, what makes these people think they have deep thoughts that are just busting to get out of their heads. They barely know they exist, let alone are cognitive of their surroundings. In the Nightline interview Gwen said she was "letting the girls personalities come through so they wouldn't be labeled and put in a box as vegetables"…which is exactly what they are, and something tells me that deep down inside, Gwen knows that too. And of course, it's not their personalities coming through, rather what the deluded Gwen thinks they would be like if they could form a thought or walk across a room.
No. 257211
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No. 257495
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>>25732. Look at this Tator, she really is maturing into a lovely baked potato!
No. 257582
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>>257495Seasoned with the right herbs and spices, this baked potato is divine.
No. 257863
>>257321>>257606I don't have any problem disliking Gwen.I understand that she's got a lot on her plate, and she had no idea that Claire was going to be born that way, but to bring a second child into the world with the same condition, knowing how much suffering she'd be going through, is in my opinion selfish and cruel.
Also, it's one thing to be in denial, but its another thing to think it's cute to pictures of Lola covered in shit or to describe her bowel movements in excruciating detail. She does gross things like that then claims that she wants to world to see Claire and Lola as two normal girls. So I don't feel any guilt about disliking her. I think she brings it upon herself.
What I do sometimes feel guilty about is being so repulsed by the Claire and Lol. They didn't choose to be breathing potatoes. So I know I should be more compassionate towards them and sometimes I am, but there are many other times when a picture of a video of them can make me feel a violent, hateful rage. I sometimes imagine what I'd do if left alone in a room with one or both of them and it isn't pretty or pleasant. I'm not proud of that part me, but I'd be a damn liar if I denied that it exists.
No. 257879
>>257582Why does Gwen insist on giving Lola hairstyles that emphasize her her microcephalic cranium? It's almost like she wants to make her daughter look as ridiculous as possible so that people will say cruel things and then Gwen can then take on the role of the hurt, self righteous, protective mother -"How, dare you call my precious, beautiful daughter a pinhead! She's absolutely, perfect…do you hear me?!!"
Yeah, Gwen we hear you, but we weren't the ones that piled her hair on top of her head to make her look like Schlitzie from the movie "Freaks."
No. 257883
>>257879Honestly, something about their long hair and Gwen keeping it that way creeps me out.
Like Gollum wearing a wig or something.
No. 257977
>>257863Don't feel bad about being repulsed by the girls. I'm not sure how valid evolutionary biology is but there has to be something behind how many people are immediately disgusted by others who are this profoundly disabled.
There is a difference between this sort of reaction and some eugenics-led desire to demonize all of the disabled. When we look at Lola and Claire we initially see humans. Weird humans, but humans nonetheless.
Then we find out they aren't babies. One's a teen, the other ten.
Then we find out they cannot move on their own, cannot speak, one cannot eat on her own and the other cannot be properly fed because she is too profoundly retarded to be able to swallow well.
We find out they are in diapers, that they fart continually, they both need body massage in order to defecate, they smell bad, one screams incessantly, the other is looking more and more like a space alien with each passing day.
Then we find out there is a good chance they've never had a thought in their heads beyond reactions to hunger and pain, will never be able to think and experience anything beyond pain, and are actually degenerating and will get worse than this as they drool and as their bodies contract into themselves.
We react with disgust because we see humanoids and they do nothing humanoids can do. They require continual care but have less social usefulness than a houseplant. They stink, are hard to look at, make terrible noise, and at least two adults have to devote their lives to keeping them alive rather than doing something more productive. Our disgust helps ensure we don't ever find this a good way to go about dealing with potential Claires and Lolas.
That disgust is something I suspect our ancestors 10,000 years ago felt because it was important to their survival not to be burdened with children like this. Our disgust may be the remnant of millennia of biological reaction borne from necessity.
It takes a lot of alternative conditioning to shed that disgust - Christianity comes to mind.
And I think that also feeds a lot of our disgust for Gwen. Her attention whoring aside, she made a conscious decision to let Lola come to term and seems delighted with the attention the girls bring her. She loved being the Zika go-to on babies with microcephaly. She lies about them even as their bodies and brains deteriorate further. She tells people not to be afraid of embracing those humanoids, shackling others to her tiresome and repulsive life. It's not quite evil, trying to paint her life with the girls as not so bad, but it's definitely malignant that she passes her life off as manageable when it's hell on earth. That's why I dislike her deeply, even as I pity her.
No. 259599
>>258062Although it's true that microcephaly is a feature of various diseases and syndromes and that the effects can lie anywhere on the spectrum from moderate to severe, from what I know about Zika, it produces babies with functional levels far closer to the Hartley taters than to the two girls in the pic above.
It actually seems to cause something similar to what Jaxon Buell has, which is about the worst case scenario save for total anencephaly.
Although Jaxon's syndrome, microhydranencephaly is likely genetic, there is a parallel condition that's caused by environmental factors. It's known as Fetal Brain Interruption Sequence, where blood flow the fetal brain is cut off sometime in the second or third trimester , causing the developing brain to die and the skull to collapse in on itself. This is what appears to happen with Zika, although scientists arent sure exactly how the virus brings about this sequence of events.
Zika babies are neurologically devastated. If I was pregnant and told that my fetus appeared to have microcephaly caused by Zika, I definitely get an abortion. Well first I'd get a second opinion to make sure there was no mistake and then I'd abort.
No. 260058
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Supertard and Tater Tot. Projectile vomiting and explosive shitting will have villains begging to surrender.
No. 260523
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>>260512This by far has to be the worst picture of Claire. I can't imagine her vision is good the ways her eyes protrude. It looks like they might fall out one day. I don't recall them being this bad when she was younger. I wonder if Lola's eyes will do the same.
No. 260569
>>260523I don't recall where I've read this in the past, but iirc I thought someone (doctors?) said Claire was technically blind?
Seems to me she only ever looks in the direction of some kind of stimulus like sound or touch, and not necessarily to 'look' at anything and process it.
No. 260583
>>260569I think they said she CAN see but her brain doesn't process the images so she's blind in that sense.
Does that make sense lol
No. 260656
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>>260590She probably doesn't have stereo vision. The question is whether or not both eyes are capable of seeing or if only one really works.
No one knows for sure what Claire sees. Gwen says that doctors think she does see some stuff "correctly" but that lots of things are visual gibberish to her.
No. 260683
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>>260523>>260547Claire has cortical visual impairment, i.e.. the part of her brain responsible for sight is damaged, but I don’t know how severe it is or how bad her eyes themselves are.
As time has passed, the middle part of Claire’s skull has grown while her cranium has stayed the same size or perhaps has even shrunk. The ocular orbits are in the part of the skull that isn’t developing, so they’ve become too small to hold her eyes. This causes the eyes to be pushed outward and gives her the bug eyed appearance that she’s developed in recent years.
If you’ve ever seen an anencephalic baby, you can see how the lack of cranial development means they have almost no ocular orbits which makes their eyes bulge severely. Here’s a link to an example of the worst case scenario. This baby's skull was so undeveloped that its eyes are nearly protruding from the top of its heads…Warning before you's extremely graphic. didn’t look so bad when she was younger because even though she’s always had microcephaly, the various parts of her head were more in proportion, so her eyes weren’t being crowded out of her skull.
This picture is from 2008 when she was around 7 years old and still looked fairly normal. I don’t think it’s even too much of a stretch to say she was actually sort of pretty.
No. 260784
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>>260702What are the chances Lola started to suckle the goats mouth?
No. 261522
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Look at how much fun the super-smart Lola is having with her Eagle Eyes!
No. 261562
>>261522The videos make me so disgusted, you can clearly see they're suffering but Gwen is like "lol no she's just hungry"
And did you even watch this one? Lola sleeps with her eyes half open, she can't even close them No. 261626
>>261522Notice how she hasn't shown any more videos of either of the girls interacting with eagle eyes. I wonder if she ever even tried it again or was it just the one time. Either way, she's probably given up on it by now. Even in her delusion, she occasionally has a moment of clarity and she probably realized that it was useless for them. It would be nice if she could donate it to someone that could really benefit from it, but then she'd have to publically admit it was failure and I don't think she could ever bring herself to do that
>>261562This video where Lola's asleep and Gwen keeps prodding her to lift her head really angered me. Gwen has said how incredibly difficult it is for Lola to get any sleep at all. I believe when this video was discussed previously, it was mentioned that Gwen complains that she herself is sleep deprived because of Lola's sleep problems.
So when the girl finally manages to catch a few moments of shut eye(which isn't really even shut-eye, for her-it's half-shut eye at best) you'd think that Gwen would do everything she could to make sure that Lola's comfortable and isn't disturbed.
But no, she just has to show their "fans" how Lola lifts her head up when prompted. Then she calls Lola a drama queen. Which was such an assinine thing to say. You touch her and she reflexively responds…how the hell is that dramatic? A jelly fish does about the same thing when you poke it.
I found nothing cute, charming, heart warming or sweet about that video. At best it was just plain stupid and at worst it was cruel.
No. 261684
>>261626As far as Eagle Eyes you can bet she tried it several times and what she showed was the closest thing to success she could get….EE was an utter failure, as most would expect. I love in Lola's video how she said she's been spooning her bites so it was making her calm down, yet the camera never stops rolling…..hmmmm.I completely agree that the EE should be given to someone who could actually benefit from its use. Same thing with Clair's walker. There haven't been any more videos of her getting around in that thing either, perhaps because she can't do it. I've also noticed that of late she's been posting more older photos of Clair than new ones. I guess it's becoming apparent to her, as well as everyone else that Clair's conditioning is getting worse, not improving, given all of the "inchstones", etc. it has to be difficult to look at old photos of what was once a cute little girl, to what is currently barely human looking. As to Lola, she has always looked bad, so as her condition worsens, there's not much to compare it to. And from what it sounds like she constantly cries and screams. In one of Gwens latest writeups she actually got kinda pissed at her and when she "half jokingly" scolded her, the smart little gremlin quit her squawking and gave her mother a wry little smile. This of course verified to Gwen that she's an intelligent little being who is controlling the situation with her wit and personality. I don't know which one has more brain damage, Gwen or Lola. And since she rarely speaks the truth, you have to believe that she does at some point lose her temper with her, and it's a small miracle that she hasn't tossed her down a well to shut her up. Any normal person would eventually tire of the constant griping and want it to stop, and I don't think she would be any exception. I guess that her view of the girls is quite typical to other parents of profoundly affected children, she just takes it one step further with all of her delusional rhetoric. There is no doubt that once the girls go it won't be long til she totally loses it. Poor Cal lost his mother the day Clair was born, and his entire childhood was sacrificed to raising two people who will never give anything back.
No. 261834
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In fairness, EE has been a huge success for Claire, who has used it to start her first novel.
J/k it's fucking useless to her too
No. 261871
>>261827>>261834Yes, Gwen is so desperate to see progress, not the obvious regression, that she will show anything and say anything to make it so. Clair has regressed so much, that she is a barely human representation of what she used to be. Not even the professional photographer can get a good photo of her any more. Her face is constantly contorted in that twisted, jumbled mess, and her body looks like a grasshopper smashed on a windshield or something. She's got to be in incredible pain, gosh I can't even imagine. And Lola has always been an unfortunate human disaster. Her misshapen potatoe head, that goblin face and ginormous ears…and her face is always screwed up crying….aaaach, jow her parents can stop themselves from tossing down a hole is beyond me. There is no comparing how she was at birth to how she is now is not doable as she has always been awful. Her life has to be one decision at least one of them has regretted from day one (Scott, since Gwen is in constant denial. How much time do you think he spends in that glass blowing studio dreaming of a different life, only to have to return to the nuthouse he calls home ). As horrible as she is to gaze upon, she continually lets her presence be known as she never shuts her mouth! You actually gotta hand it to those two. As for me, I couldn't do it, something would have to give!
No. 261905
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>>261871Lola as a baby looks like that goon in Robocop after he was drenched with toxic sludge.
No. 261956
>>261948There have been approximately one dozen diagnosis of their condition worldwide. Most of them didn't reach age ten but three lived into their thirties. Imagine how horribly compromised they will be if they live another fifteen years. Their bodies will be twisted like pretzels and I can't even imagine their faces. Not being mean, but God willing they don't go on that much longer. Their mother of course hopes they keep ticking on, but she's obviously blind to their actual plight and thinks they are
No. 262016
>>262005This syndrome can lead to so many health issues for them, that there's no way to know what they will ultimately succumb to.
A few years ago Lola nearly died from the chickenpox. She had to be on oxygen and she lost a ton of weight. So she could easily have died from breathing issues and since she's normally in an already emaciated state, her weight loss on top of that made it so that she was in danger of dying from some of the same complications that kills anorexics. It was a combination of intense medical intervention and sheer luck that kept her from dying back then.
It seems that with each passing day they regress, their condition worsens and become weaker. I think will happen is that one of them will acquire an opportunistic infection that they wont be able to fight off.
I think it's most likely that Lola will die first. Even though she's the youngest, she's always been much weaker and more fragile than Claire.
I seriously doubt either of them will spend months in a hospital. I think Lola will contract something that will shut down her system pretty quickly. I think maybe she'll spend a few days hanging on and then that will be it.
Despite Gwen trying to convince herself and everyone else how much they are thriving, I actually can't see Lola living more than a few years. I think she'll die within the next 2 to 3 years. When she goes, Gwen will go into a depression and wont be able to see to Claire's needs and this will hasten Claire's death. I wouldn't be surprised if Claire dies within a year or two after Lola. So I think it's quite likely that 5 or 6 years from now, they'll both be gone.
Of course, there's no way to tell for sure and they might stubbornly live for another 50 years, surpassing all records…I doubt it, but it's possible.
No. 262062
>>262037HA! I was all set to give a straight answer, but that was much better. Wish I'd thought of it, but since I didn't, I'll just give the much less amusing real answer.
It's some animated CGI character that dances and plays a song whenever Lola's eyes passed over a target on the screen. The screen was practically on top of her and the target area was huge, so there was almost no way for her not to trip it, yet she still managed to have trouble. They could have got the same result by hooking up a goldfish to the sensors.
Gwen's excuse was that she was hungry. She's always has an excuse for why the girls can't do something. "Lola's hungry"…"Claire's been cutting a tooth", etc. If she'd fed Lola beforehand, she would have said that she's full so she's too sleepy to do it or she's cranky because her stomach hurts her.
This is the video: No. 262166
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>>262151Lola is always hideous, but this is nowhere near as bad as the above photo of her looking like the toxic sludged Robocop villain.
No. 262282
>>262267I would love to understand why Lola only sleeps an hour, children grow in their sleep. So wouldn't sleep be important for a child. Someone mentioned to Gwen that Lola's irratability might be hormones or getting close to getting her period. gwen prob saw red!! It's easier for her to treat the kids like babies than their actual age. Kids Clair's age are having first dates, studyin for their permits, but she just has to deal with poop diapers and mammaroos. Yes from a sadness perspective Gwen has to think about all the things her daughters are missing out but it is easier to just push them out of her mind. She still baby talks to them for petes sake! Her followers on face book refer them as babies, Gwen doesn't correct them. If they live to 20 plus…. will people really be saying how cute and diva like they
are? I doubt it.
No. 262294
>>262241>>262262>>262267I've seen many other children who are severely deformed or unusual looking who might not have the conventional prettiness of a normal child, but nearly all of them have at least some type of cuteness or at least lovableness that shines through.
An example would be that little girl with progeria, Adalia Rose. When she first did some videos a few years ago, there were a lot of trolling comments and memes saying how she looked like an alien, or dobby from Harry Potter. In all honesty they weren't entirely wrong, however in my opinion, there was still something cute about her.
Even Claire, who has since become nearly as disturbing as Lola, was at least cute for for a few years.
But Lola has always been a repugnant creature, who doesn't seem to have a single redeeming quality. She not just NOT cute, she's just not lovable in anyway. I know that's a harsh thing to say about a child, but it's true.
I think a percentage of the negative feelings about her stem from the gross things Gwen insists on telling the world. I don't know what type of image she thinks she's creating when she talks about and shows pictures of Lola crapping herself, or describes her hands stinking like feta cheese, but she's taking an already disturbing looking child and turning her into an utterly repulsive creature.
No. 262328
>>262295I think the video of Lola sleeping… was disturbing cuz her eyes were open already… Gwen tries so hard to normalize her kids. Right, they are mono cheerleaders at the game and even dance to the band.
Meanwhile, Lola doesn't sit in a car seat, neither have their own bed. I bet Gwen uses their 3rd bedroom as her office so she
can blog to the world. I mean you never
see a picture of the kids in their own room doing pt. It's always family room. The two girls are treated more like pets that kids. Poop shaming and all…thank god for social media for making that a term! Blasting pictures of their poops all over the net, she gets a mom of the year award for sure!
No. 262340
>>262287She's not nearly as resilient or strong as a regular child. Lola's most likely to stop breathing under even mild anaesthesia. Apparently some surgeon has told them it's a no-go.
Can they give her an NG feeding tube without knocking her out?
No. 262349
>>262328Yeah, that's true isn't it? I don't think anyone here or in previous threads has pointed out that the girls don't seem to have their own room. Where does she change their diapers? Babies usually have a changing station right in their room for easy access…
Dear god don't tell me she does it in their living room :(
No. 262394
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>>262241Maybe it's a shitty thought to have, but I can't help it. Lola is so incredibly repulsive that it's impossible to like her. She is the physical embodiment of deformation and disease, and Gwen's attempts to normalize her make it worse.
An ugly, loud, whiny, projectile vomiting, projectile shitting freak who needs 24/7 attention, sleeps three nonconsecutive hours a day, has the brainpower of a termite, costs tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to keep alive, smells like disgusting cheese and shit, and ruins the lives of her family.
What's not to hate? It's not just moral, but evolutionary. We innately feel uncomfortable around those of ill health, and it don't get much sicker than Lola, as she has refused to go on ahead and expire.
Remember in Dark Knight when Harvey Dent says that you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain? That's Gwen in a way. Taking care of these retarded mutants of hers could be admirable at first, but years have gone by and she keeps them both in states of perpetual anguishing, sucking away millions of taxpayer dollars and fetishizing their bodily functions and horrific diseases. Then she encourages people to keep their Zika babies!
No. 262400
>>262394If I found out that I was going to have a child with a severe disability, I would get an abortion. Why? Because I would rather deal with the short-term pain of an abortion than the long-term pain of caring for a severely disabled child who would never mature past infancy.
BTW, I've seen some ugly-ass crying faces but Lola's just takes the cake. And Gwen loves to take images of her crying. I guess when she or Claire cries Gwen gets a satisfaction because it's proof that her daughters are alive.
No. 262418
>>262394How can a mother post that picture and think it's cute to share? Ok… who do you rescue, Lola on the side of the road, or 3 legged dog? I'll take the dog, I would find enjoyment with the pup. With Lola I'd be sending myself to torture. I couldn't wake up to a kid like that every morning. I feel awful, but I feel Gwen milks these girls for attention. In a way it is probably therapeutic for Gwen to get attention from other people. I wouldn't be surprised if her husband no longer finds attractive, she's probably
covered in vomit and poop most of the day.
He might even see her as a good mom, but the bus stops there.
No. 262556
>>262394"Kill it with fire" has become the cry of the edge lords , so I usually roll my eyes whenever someone uses that phrase, but, I'm sorry, when I look at that picture, it's not only the first thing that comes to mind, but the only thing. Call me an edgelord, call me salty, call me a horrible person, but one thing you can't call me is a liar, because when I look at that photo, I don't see a human, hell I don't even see something equal to an animal, because I love animals and can't stand the thought of an animal suffering.
When I look at this picture of Lola with her red twisted mask of a face, and imagine her awful, shrill, inhuman cry, her stinking shit smeared diaper and gross feta cheese smelling hands, I just want to lift her up by the edge of one of her stupid, oversized ears and toss her into a fucking fireplace until she stops moving and making sounds.
That's probably the worst thing I have ever typed in my life, but somehow I have a feeling I'm not the only one on here who's had similar thoughts.
No. 262565
>>262556Well the latter part is rather harsh. Just because the infants are barely within the range of "human" doesn't mean euthanizing them by bullet or lethal injection would be more humane.
Though indeed you're not the only individual to think about having them killed off for the sake of, not just them in their non-progressive lives, but the lives of those around them (and us).
I know I'd personally abort a child if this was the outcome.
No. 262569
>>262556Imagine how much Gwen would chimp out if she read the stuff like this posted here. She'd be so fucking enraged.
Remember how angry she was when Cal innocuously used the word 'retard' amongst his friends, or when she immediately got out of her car while passing a bunch of workers collecting donations with 'help retarded children' on the back of their vests and absolutely went off at one of them, then stormed back to her car and cried hysterically. These were people that were trying to
help and raise money for kids like hers.
If that shit sets her off into a furious rage then imagine what reading this shit would do to her.
No. 262574
File: 1488544396312.png (172.15 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_20170303-194940~2.p…) found this post someone made on Reddit expressing their dislike for Gwen and her exploitation of the veggies.
A couple comments agree and a few don't think she's doing anything wrong and don't see how they're in pain (lol), this one in particular though sounds even more delusional than Gwen.
No. 262583
>>262579Ah, right. I didn't know that. I've heard of the site but don't know that much about it.
I'm guessing SOMI stands for stay on my internet or something then? As opposed to GOMI. I was wondering what it meant.
No. 262589
>>262569Oh she'd definitely be fit to be tied, but while I have some compassion for the spud sisters, since it wasn't their choice to be brought into this world, I have no sympathy for Gwen.
Although I think that part of the negative reaction people have to Claire and Lola is natural, Gwen is partially responsible for quite a bit of the adverse feelings people have for them.
No one needed to see pictures of Lola shitting all over her father or hear about how her hands stink like feta cheese.
She may think everything they do is cute, but if she had any awareness of other people, she'd realize how much these things gross people out.
She's also the one that posts pictures of Lola like the one above. Even though Lola doesn't really have many, if any "good" pictures, why does she have to go out of her way to post the most hideous, monstrous looking photos she can find? I wonder what goes through her mind when she does stuff like that. Gwen claims she wants her kids to be thought of as normal children, but I don't know how she can make that claim, yet still go out of her way to portray them the way she does.
No. 262614
>>262062>Gwen's excuse was that she was hungry.In Claire's video, Lola was sporadically crying, and Gwen claimed it was because Lola was being impatient and couldn't wait for it to be her turn to use the EE. But when it finally
was Lola's turn, but she
kept crying, oh, it's actually because she's hungry. Gwen always has an excuse.
>>262093> The times it trips her eyes aren't even on the screen.EE works by detecting the angle of the person's eyes. Lola and Claire are both extremely wall-eyed, so that might have been the problem.
>>262166Imagine how terrible that little rubber chicken smells.
>>262282>I would love to understand why Lola only sleeps an hourShe's probably usually painfully hungry, she seizes a lot (which I imagine would wake her up), she has bowel problems and needs help to poop, and who knows what other painful problems she's dealing with. She's suffering too much to sleep.
>children grow in their sleep.They also grow while they're awake…
>>262340>Can they give her an NG feeding tube without knocking her out?They occasionally use an NG tube, but Gwen has admitted that she doesn't like it because it makes Lola look like she's sick (apparently in Gwen's mind she usually
doesn't look sick??) and there's a risk that the tube could accidentally be stuck down her windpipe.
No. 262957
>>262811There's this train wreck fascation I have with them, I can't look away.
I always think about Gwen's story that when they discovered she was pregnant with Lola (knowing her condition), young Cal saying something along the lines of "I don't care she's still my sister", and that being all the encouragement she needed to go through with having Lola. I feel like that dramatised story is the only way she can compartmentalise the choice bringing Lola into this world, painting it as though it wasn't a selfish decision but a selfless one instead.
No. 262981
>>262957Yeah, according to Gwen , she was pregnant with Lola and had just learned that she had the same condition as Claire. I guess they were unsure whether or not to have her when Cal, who was 7 at the time, told his parents that he didn't care about Lola's condition, he said "I just want to know her". It sounds sweet at first, but if you think about it, the only way that conversation would have arisen is if they had discussed the possibility of having an abortion with Cal. I dont know, but that seems like a strange thing to talk about with a 7 year old. I mean, they probably didn't use the actual word abortion, but still they probably somehow told Cal that they might not have Lola. Pretty heavy thing to drop on a kid that age. Unless Gwen is lying about him saying those things, which I would not put past her.
No. 263195
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On my god, Gwen is now using her page to talk about how she wants to pump the tards full of weed. This woman has no bottom.
No. 263243
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She's seen things you people wouldn't believe.
No. 263325
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>>263243This video cracks me up, Claire looks half dead, poor Lola is being zoomed around for entertainment. Looks more like torture. The kid bumps into her "sleeping sister" and also knock onto the coffee table. Did you ever notice how many people view their videos but really only a small percentage actually comment or like.
No. 263409
Here a video that demonstrates the spuds' complete lack of any ability or function combined with Gwen's delusion.
They're got a bunch of friends over and are playing a game in which they make Claire the designated dice thrower.
Claire's maintains a completely blank expression on her face, she barely moves and she cannot even move her fingers enough to let the dice slip out of her hand. Everyone laughs as if Claire is such a big joker who's doing it on purpose. Gwen tells her to drop them, as if she thinks there's a chance in hell that Claire will respond.
Scott finally pries open Claire's hands and the game piece falls out. Everyone cheers, as if again, Claire actually did something of her own free will.
Meanwhile Lola, whose sitting on someone's lap every so often twists her face into that wretched death mask.
Cal is there too, quiet and pushed to the background as always.
The whole thing is tableau of horror and tragedy, but there's Gwen laughing and narrating the whole awful spectacle as if this is the best time anyone could ever have. No. 263426
>>263409The more videos I see of these kids the more they become
things and not human in my head. Watching this one I caught myself thinking "why is it doing that?". It… they are Its.
The delusion is so deep. I don't understand how the dad can both accept they are completely unable to do things of their own accord yet also make her rigid body pantomime this game as though Claire is laughing along. If anything it looks downright uncomfortable for her, doesn't high tone mean her muscles are tensed, and yet dad is prying at her hands and twisting her arms?
We've all danced with our cat or dressed the dog up for our own amusement but anyone sansible knows it's exactly for that, our own amusement.
The constant searching and projecting personalities Gwen does for these things is so sad. You see more personality, physical and emotional response in one of Gwen's videos where one of their dogs passes through th frame than the whole library of Hartley Hooligan videos and photos combined.
No. 263614
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No. 263719

>>263704I wonder how much Gwen really believes that the girls are enjoying themselves during events like these.
Gwen has previously referred to Lola as a "little daredevil" who loves to be thrown up in the air by her dad and zoomed around like they did in that video where they're pushing her all over the room in that wheeled device.
She claims that Lola always has a little smile on her face after these "adventures", but of course that's BS. She sometimes has a rictus of pain on her face, but in all the pics and videos Gwen has posted, the girl has never had a genuine smile. The only thing I wonder about is if Gwen is flat out lying or if in her denial, she really believes she sees a smile.
Here's the infamous "World's Smallest Ninja" video. It reminds me of the video of Claire and the dice. Just like in that one, they are using one of their daughters for the entertainment of others and just like Claire in the dice video, Lola is completely without expression or response. But Gwen and apparently Scott act like she's just having the best time. I've looked for that little smile that Gwen claims that Lola flashes whenever they do things like this, but all I saw was a stare as blank as a doll or a corpse.
No. 263722
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>>263719A few people commented the Lola was smiling here….. and it's also raining turds out too!
No. 263725
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No. 263792
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>>263769Lola really is the cutest! I'm sure Claire has a lot of resentment towards her sister. Thanks Gwen for posting lovely pictures of the taters.
No. 263795
>>263792Is she 'asleep' here or something?
Good god they're horrifying
No. 263866
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It sure is nice of Gwen to share her miracle girls with us. Lovely Lola is truly one of the happiest children on the planet. She's a ray of sunshine who brightens everyone's day.
No. 263877
>>262394>>263195>>263792im relatively new to this thread and now this is the face i associate it with. this is the face of a horribly twisted and painful existence. this poor creature must be thinking 'kill me' at every moment of the day. at this point it seems like pure exploitation (not that it wasn't before) but it seems cruel for a parent to parade this around and try and pass it off as normal. it's not. it's just inhumane. this is such a highly disturbing thread on so many levels and Lola's pained expressions just weigh on my heart.
>>263866jesus titfucking christ
No. 263890
>>263877So true. At least Claire has expressions other than abject misery and death mask stare.
Saying that, probably the most horrific Hartley video to me is the one of Claire crying. It was one of the first times she'd ever cried, momentus enough to be filmed as a milestone, because it was one of the first times she'd ever interacted with them……… at age 13-ish.
This kid is in double digits and one of the only times she's ever given you any kind of emotion, is to sob.
No. 263908
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>>263882They look like botchlings to me. But worse cause it's real life.
No. 263911
>>263882>yeah our son is the one who convinced me at 26weeks to go through with the pregnancyThat's so fucking awful for them to wash responsibility from their decision and put it on their son. Nobody is going to call her son ignorant because he was just a boy and was completely oblivious about the long term implications of his sister's conditions. He seriously believes that his sisters are actual souls stuck inside potato bodied because that's what he was raised to believe with Claire.
Those fucking adults can't just admit that they didn't choose to abort Lola for selfish reasons.
No. 263976
>>263882Ugh, I truly dislike Gwen.She seems like such an attention whore. I hate that whole "Look at how wacky I am" persona she puts on. It comes across as so phony. Nearly everything she said irritated me.
Like when she said how she wanted to be bleeped on TV,and then cackled wildly after she dropping the F word. Cuss words don't offend me and I use them enough myself, it was just an example of how she acts like everything that comes out of her mouth is so funny. She always seems to be putting on an act. I guess part of it is to hide how truly miserable life with the girls must be, but another reason seems to be her need for attention and validation .
Another thing I found annoying was when she was talking to the reporter about the day Claire was born, when the doctor said there might be a problem and she goes "and I said
true Gwen fashion, 'we'll fix it!'" It wasn't the "we'll fix it" part that annoyed me, but the way she spoke about herself in the third person that line "in true Gwen fashion" seemed so narcissistic. I don't know if it bothered anyone else and if anyone else said it, it probably wouldn't have bothered me, but she just has a way of grinding my gears.
No. 264101
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>>263908or messengers almost, but not as cute, kek
No. 264169

>>263890Was thinking about this last night and had to post again although I'm sure you've all seen it before. It's just so haunting. One of the only times in the past fifteen years of life this creature has ever communicated was to let out a harrowed sob :(
What's wrong with Gwen. I bet she'd find one of those flies dying you find dying on the window sil, the ones you find thrashing about doing that high pitched insect "scream", fighting for life, and put it out if it's misery. And yet she drags these girls lives on and on and on.
I'm family friends of someone with a severely disabled child. He's paraplegic from the waist down, has some minor brain damage, has breathing apparatus, is fed throug a tube, and quite possibly autistic. It was very touch and go quite a few times throughout his childhood and is still at times now. He's about 14 now. I love that kid. His parents love that kid. Everyone who meets him loves that kid.
However I've heard the mom say before that "now that he's here, I love him and love my time with him… but if I was in that situation again, I wouldn't go through with it. If I was somehow back in time, before having him, with what I know now, I wouldn't go through with it."
This is a kid who is as communicative as any other child, developmentally hitting milestones despite being a couple of years delayed, is a real sweet tempered and charming guy. He can tell you about his experience. And knowing what she does now, she wouldn't put herself, or the child, through it all.
No. 264219
>>257977>I'm not sure how valid evolutionary biology is but there has to be something behind how many people are immediately disgusted by others who are this profoundly disabled.You're mixing up evolutionary psychology which is the disputed field commonly incorrectly used by dudebros for broscience shit, and evolutionary biology which is a completely legit field of study rarely disputed except in the case of specific theories.
It's undoubtedly interesting though, especially when you look at how some disorders actually give people a cute and neotenic appearance (Downs most famously, but things like angelman syndrome too) could this be the opposite effect - the cuteness ensures the caregiver puts in the extra attention and care that a downs baby needs to survive?
A downs person isn't necessarily a dead end evolutionarily speaking, (I'm thinking more inclusive fitness than direct reproduction here) so the care and attention put in to raising one won't always be a waste, it could pay off. But one of these potatoes is just a waste. 100% waste of resources.
I can't see how repulsion wouldn't evolve eventually.
No. 264426
Looks like this board has gotten a little off track.
Maybe another video will get it back on topic.
Earlier, we were talking about how so many of us are naturally repelled by Lola. Well watching this takes that feeling and blasts it into the stratosphere for me.
My normal everyday Lola revulsion is magnified about 100X when combined with the hideous slurping noises coming out of her. If you thought the one where she's being spoon fed is bad, this one is so much worse. Not visually, just those awful sounds. I can't stand loud eating noises as it is, but coming from that, it's beyond infuriating, and hearing Gwen's usual over-exaggeratedly enthusiastic babble doesn't help.
I don't know how other people can stand to be in the same room with them when just watching it makes me feel a blinding rage. No. 264662
>>264183>>264169The real thing anyone should take from that video of Claire "crying" is that Gwen passes off the girls' seizures as them acting sassy, getting mad, showing some spunk. Claire was straight-up seizing in this video. She was not crying from sadness.
>>264219Thanks for correcting my wrong usage anon. And it is interesting to speculate about how it is this revulsion doesn't transfer to other conditions at birth that can be equally destructive to families and the child in question. It may be cuteness - many Down syndrome babies are plump and very calm and happy. Lola has been a screaming bundle of misery since the day she was born.
On a limb here, but I also suspect that other conditions that cause cognitive and mild physical impairment, like Down syndrome, could have been tolerated 50,000 years ago because outside of the most extreme cases, babies with Down' syndrome ultimately can learn to walk, speak, keep clean, use the toilet and learn certain life skills that a screaming, seizing, miserable Lola cannot. Perhaps the revulsion is rooted to fear because a baby like Lola will not be able to be hushed during a crisis and caring for a baby and later adult who will never take care of itself poses a threat to healthy children whose needs will be shunted off in favor of the one person in the family unit who will never contribute, lessening the strength and flexibility in the family to deal with hard times.
Or maybe our very earliest anscestors just had better sense than Gwen. House cats have better sense when it comes to preventing a genetic nightmare to survive and destroy the chances of healthier offspring.
No. 264699
>>264663Yes, that's exactly it. When a video of The Hartleys is shown online you see a certain pattern in the comments.
The majority of people seem to be horrified and they are especially disgusted at Gwen when they hear that she decided to bring a second profoundly affected child into the world.
Then you have a minority who stick up for Gwen and the girls and who try to claim that the people who are repelled by the situation are "putting down special needs/disabled people." But that's BS, Claire and Lola aren't special needs, they're not disabled they are NO-ABLED!!
The pro-Hartley crowd tries to compare them to Down's syndrome children, but they are nothing like Down's kids and personally I think the comparison is a huge insult to people with Downs.
With Down's affected individuals,, the level of disability varies, but most of them will learn to talk at some point. There's a singer, Rory Feek whose daughter has Downs and while her verbal speech is delayed, she was learning sign language by age 2. So she can still communicate and likely will learn to speak on day if she hasn't already. Can Claire or Lola use sign language? I don't think so.
And most downs people can learn some type of skills so they can contribute to society in some way.
I'm reminded of a song called "mongoloid" by Devo. I know that's not the socially correct term anymore but it's a cool song, the lines are something like "and he had a job and he brought home the bacon so no one knew." I know it's just a song, but it describes many people with Downs who live fairly independent lives.
50 thousand years ago many of them could probably have been taught simple hunting,fishing or gathering skills and therefor could have contributed pretty much the same amount to their society as anyone.
Claire and Lola can do almost nothing. Other than Lola's (not so )great ability to eat via mouth, their abilities are right around the level of Jaxon Buell's and he has almost NO brain at all! However, Jaxon gets more positive attention because he still looks like a somewhat cute baby. But I'm digressing and he has his own board, so enough about him…
Back to the girls…they are unable to contribute a thing to society except perhaps as test and study subjects for scientists and their appearance is a sign or signal
of how deeply and profoundly damaged they are.
I find it interesting that Claire, who was some what cute when she was younger, has grown more and more disturbing looking as she's gotten older. We know that the girl's condition is progressive, so as she's deteriorated medically, her physical appearance has followed the same downward trajectory.
Dang, this was a looong post. Sorry about that, but sometimes I try to make a quick point and just get on a roll.
No. 264712
>>264484Part of Gwen's comment regarding Leni's law and how she thinks the availability of cannabis would have helped the girls: "We wonder how their development might be different/further along if they didn't have so many seizures interfering with their lives.
Living in Kansas, we have ZERO options outside of pharmaceuticals to use with our girls to stop their seizures. There are NO medical marijuana laws here, and because of this, our girls may never reach their full potentials."
Holy shit, this woman is unbelievable. I understand how she might want to use marijuana to try and alleviate the girls' seizures. And I am 100 percent for the legality of medical marijuana. I also think if nothing else has worked, then they definitely should be allowed to give it a try.
However, even if she was able to give it to them as infants or toddlers and it did provide some seizure relief, that doesn't mean that they'd be more functional. Even if intractable seizures do cause some kind of dysfunction in others, those are people with otherwise normal or at least physically intact brains.
She knows that these girls have a condition that causes their brains to be small, have simplified gyral patterns and to deteriorate over time.
So she cannot honestly believe that the reason the girls have zero ability to function is because they were never given cannabis.
The seizures are simply one aspect of their brains' dysfunction and decline NOT the cause of it.
So yeah there's a possibility that anything can relieve one small aspect of their hell on earth existences, then by all means allow them to have it, but also understand that's what the seizures are, just one relatively small component in a ruthless, devastating and progressive condition.
No. 264713
>>264503Jeez, even the sounds Lola makes are disgusting. There is literally not one thing about her that's cute or remotely appealing. Gwen thinks this was a new way of Lola communicating?
Just how were those unintelligible grunts she recorded any different than all the previous unintelligible grunts she ever made?
No. 264725
>>264713Its funny to me that Gwen even flips hearing her non functioning, non communicative ten year old crying into A) her communicating, rather than random activity and B) a positive communication at the core. e.g. Instead of "my child is crying, it is sad/in pain/unhappy", Gwen narrates this as "my child is crying, because it is sad to leave its friends who it loves!!!"
This child has literally never smiled in its entire ten years, you think it now whining is actually an expression of the joy she experiences and doesn't want to ever end?
No. 264733
>>263882The audacity of Gwen to talk like it's no big deal, or as though all her girls have is microcephaly is so irresponsible.
Here's a video of a sane person talking about life with a microcephalic child, age nine.
No. 264748
>>264733I have so much respect for that woman.
She's so honest about how devastating microcephaly can be, unlike Gwen who ridiculed the idea of spraying to kill mosquitoes and prevent the Zika virus. She sounded so snarky when she said oh yeah, "let's spray the whole country so they'll be no mosquitos so no one will have to have a kid like THAT." as if the people who are afraid of microcephaly are the ones being unreasonable. Yes Gwen…NOBODY wants a kid like THAT. NOBODY! The mere thought of it is a nightmare for a perspective parent
Meanwhile Nicholas' mom is honest enough to say she'd have aborted him if she knew he was microcephalic. Ironically, Nicholas is about a million times more functional than the Hartley girls. He may be a very disabled person, but he is a person. He can communicate, he can feed himself and he can learn. Lola and Claire on the other hand, are like houseplants if houseplants needed 24 hour care and vomited and shit all over everything.
No. 264773
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My God. The delusion.
No. 264783
>>264757>>264772She acknowledges that she has more resources than other parents and that she's fortunate in that way, but just because other people have it worse, doesn't make it the least bit easier on her.
And why does this have to be the "worst thing that ever happened to her" for her to feel badly.
She's the one who has to take care of the child, she's the one who has to worry about him and about what will happen to him if she and her partner passed away. She didn't say she didn't love him. I know it sounds like a contradiction, that she can love him
No. 264786
>>264783previous comment posted before i was finished I was saying that it might seem like a contradiction that she can say she would have terminated he pregnancy had she known Nicholas would be microcephalic, yet still love him. But those two things aren't mutually exclusive. I believe she loves him now that he's here, but she also would have chosen not to have a child born with so many difficulties.
I personally prefer her blunt honesty to Gwen's constant phony, forced enthusiasm.
No. 264792
>>264773Oh god, shut the fuck up Gwen. We've all seen dozens of videos of Lola. We've seen the previous video of her using Eagle Eyes and we all know that she did not do what you are claiming she did, at least not on purpose.
She didn't shut the window so she wouldn't have to "work" anymore. If it even happened remotely the way Gwen described, the reality was that her eyes kept darting all over the screen and randomly hit the X.
The fact that she kept shutting her lesson proves that she had no idea what she was looking at.
Anyone else would have realized it was hopeless to try and teach her anything, but Gwen took what is really proof of Lola's failure with Eagle Eyes and tries to turn it into the opposite.
"Lola's supposed to be learning shapes and letters but her eyes keep jutting over to the part of the screen she's supposed to avoid…GREAT SUCCESS!"
Oh and if she kept doing this awesome thing over and over, why weren't you able to get a video of it? There was obviously time and you obviously had your phone or camera since you took a still photo…so tell me again why you couldn't take a video? Oh yeah, because Lola didn't really do shit, that's why!
No. 264934
>>264757>and she's still acting like he's the worst thing that ever happened to her lmaoWhy should one persons misfortune be dismissed because someone else has it worse?
Just because one person has the resources to deal with an issue, doesn't mean she doesn't go through the same emotional trauma as any other mother having a severely disabled child.
You can love someone to death, but that doesn't make living with someone with the kind of issues Nicholas has any easier. He already has little impulse control and self harms. He's only going to get bigger. Things are only going to get harder. Moving into teenage services will be tough. Moving into adult services will be even tougher. This is the rest of their lives.
No. 264935
>>264812It was even worse when they let her gnaw on that solid slice of melon. The sounds were ghastly. Lola actually seemed be making an effort trying to suck down some of the fruit, though it might have just been her rooting reflex. When they took the cantaloupe away from Lola's mouth, she'd barely made a dent. I don't think she actually swallowed any of it.
I assume Gwen took that spit covered slice and pureed it for spoon feeding, but yeah, Lola can barely even swallow food in mush form, so she's always half starved.
I think it was touched on previously how few calories are in cantaloupe to begin with and basically all Gwen feeds her is pureed fruit supplemented with bottles several bottles a day of goat's milk formula.
Then Gwen is stumped about why she can't gain weight and makes up excuses about her body not using the calories she gets. Even if that were true, that would mean she should be feeding her calorically dense foods, not what fashion models eat when they're gearing up for runway season.
No. 264942
>>264934Exactly. Some people seem to think that other people have no right to feel bad about issues in their life if their problems don't measure up to some arbitrary "sadness scale." I recently read something that points out the stupidity of that sentiment. It said that telling someone that they shouldn't feel bad because other people have it worse is like telling someone they shouldn't feel happy because other people have it better.
I think on this forum we're so used to Claire and Lola's overwhelming, extreme dysfunction that people with less severe disabilities almost seem pretty darn good in comparison.
However, just because that woman's son wasn't born with the worst form of microcephaly and just because she has some money doesn't mean that her and her family's lives aren't incredibly difficult.
No. 265245
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>>265058Here isn't another awful video. Lola only sleeps an hour a day, instead of her being put to bed, they keep putting things in her hand to break the wish bone. Gosh, a kid who looks like death, you think they would be saving her energy instead they are all loud and once again laughing at the lil tator.
No. 265387
>>265245Anon, did you mean to just show a photo instead of the entire video? Because that's all I saw on that post, unless I missed something.
Anyway, here's the complete video.
Lola looked like the specter of death, but the whole family acted as if she was just a normal little kid, giggling along with their antics.
They seemed blind to the fact that she appeared to be on the verge of passing out, Scott even mentioned that she rolled her eyes back, but he was unconcerned as if this was just part of how she plays.
Cal was there, but I always get the feeling that he knows this is wrong, but plays along with their idiocy just to appease Gwen.
No. 265574
>>265522This one's another great example of them treating her like a toy.
I guess this is one of the very few instances where Lola actually responds to something or appears to, so they keep repeating the same phrase over and over like she's a dog that they're trying to get to do a trick. They sound so obnoxious and of course Lola is repellant as usual, but they act like the whole spectacle is just the cutest thing ever. Once again, it's just infuriating.
No. 265759
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No. 265785
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This is easily the most depressing and sickening thread I've ever stumbled upon.
When you look at their faces it's like nobody's home. And for their sakes I can only hope that these things that should never have been (I can't even call them girls) don't have souls trapped in those useless husks.
No. 266038
>>266033I found something. It's from Gwen's blog dated May 25,2015 :
After developing health concerns of our own due to the physical toll that sleep deprivation takes on a body, we finally arranged to have nurses help care for our Lola at night.So yes, she does have nurses to help with Lola at least.
No. 266047
They do have nurses (as in extra help, careers). Tracey is featured in this video, about six mins in
>>263882Gwen also discusses various helpers she's had in this blog post - although she refers to them as babysitters and therapists also visit most days, which is additional support.
No. 266109
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>>266038She also stated it recently, Gwen was posting picture of Lola on fb at 4am, people were so sad that Gwen had to stay up at that time with Lola. Well, Gwen made her bed, she should lay it having a second trollbaby. That's when she started how rough it was for her not having a night nurse covering all nights.
No. 266138
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No. 266154
>>266056I guess when your potato babies are constantly spewing sludge from both ends, learning to laugh about it is the only coping mechanism that keeps you sane. But at least have some tact around strangers.
When Gwen's children destroy a changing station at a public bathroom she must think it's hilarious. Those poor employees that have to clean up that mess. Can you imagine?
No. 266183
>>265387I feel so bad for Cal. He seems like such a good kid. Like a genuinely decent guy to play along with his mom's silly delusions. He would have made such a lovely older brother to something that could actually appreciate his love.
If there was a fundraiser to send him off to a good college and get away from these nutters for a while I'd totally support it. He needs a break before he goes insane.
No. 266382
>>266319And once again, this is all down to Gwen's ego. If Claire had cavities or some other dental condition that caused her pain, I could see why she would need dental treatment, but this sounds totally cosmetic.
She can't even eat by mouth, so she has zero use for teeth anyway, not to mention they are jagged and misshapen, so getting rid of a few black spots is going to do fuck all to improve their appearance, but Gwen subjects her to a painful scary, ordeal for no other reason than she's annoyed that Claire has those spots.
She claims to love her kids so much, but she has no problem putting them through torture and then documenting said torture for the entire world in order to feed her narcissistic need attention.
No. 266408
>>266231So true. And yet they still roll out the story of how the ~~wisdom of a seven year old~~ was what made them keep Lola. As though it's on him that she's even here.
I really do think that midway through university Cal is going to have a really hard time coming to terms with exactly what you said. Hope he's got a solid support network outside of his family.
It'll be a relief for everyone when the girls finally die, but I worry about Gwen then turning all her attention on Cal!
No. 266820
>>26613830 minutes of pain and terror, hilarious. I know the girls are still legally children but I just find this so fucked up - I work in adult services so obviously a little different, but if someone is non-verbal you need to use other cues to know if you need to stop. And if someone does display signs that they are unhappy, you assume they have withdrawn their consent and stop the procedure. No matter how profoundly disabled they are, no matter how painless the procedure may be. The residents I work with all have DOLS and MCA's - deprivation of liberty safeguards and mental capacity assessments which dictate they are unable to make choices for themselves without support and by being in our care are being deprived of their liberty. We are still not able to force them to have a procedure they don't want. Only where medical intervention is necessary should anyone be restrained and forced to undergo a procedure.. and no dentists or doctors or clinicians in the UK would see teeth cleaning as necessary. They shouldn't even have plaque on the teeth if Gwen was performing their oral hygiene routines properly. But I mean is any of this even relevant? Claire and Lola couldn't even push you away, couldn't bite you, spit at you, couldn't even curl themselves into a little ball to get away.
Sage for rambling and because like I said, they are under 18 and American so the issue of consent in regards to medical care is different. But just the callousness with which Gwen addresses the situation really pisses me off, because it betrays that even she doesn't think of her daughters as full human beings - but in the same moment, thinks one of the most important parts of their medical care is having their fucking teeth cleaned! Don't worry about a feeding tube for Lola or painkillers - clean their teeth or they'll be having problems in later in life.. oh, wait.
No. 266886
>>266820Regardless of Claire and Lola's ages since they're not only non verbal, but are also are thought to probably not to have enough awareness or understanding to be able to consent or refuse anything, then the parents pretty much get to decide everything for them. As long as the law doesn't see it as out and out abuse, then Gwen can put them through or withhold any medical treatment or procedure as long as she thinks its for the best.
So yes she's within her legal rights to subject the girls to having their teeth cleaned…however, that doesn't mean that it's moral or ethical. it is moral or ethical.
The black spots on Claire's teeth are an eyesore, but apparently don't cause pain or cavities, so the only reason Gwen's forced her to go through such a scary, painful procedure is that Gwen thinks the dark spots look icky. But who could blame her, I mean if Claire didn't have those dark spots on her teeth, she'd probably be able to take up modeling!
This woman's priorities are so fucked up, it's unbelievable. She refuses them so many medical procedures that could make their lives more comfortable. No pain killers ever, just aroma therapy. A g-tube for Lola is out of the question because Gwen is afraid she'll die under anesthesia. Fine, but she wont even allow her an NG tube to provide some extra nutrition unless she's literally on the verge of death. Instead she prefers to pretend that Lola like a champ, when its obvious that the girl can barely swallow.
She refused all vaccines for the girls, because of course she'd be anti vaccine. As a result, Lola almost died from a case of chicken pox.
She's into all these "natural" remedies and seems to hate conventional medicine, but a few black spots on Claire's teeth…then all that is out the window and conventional dental treatment is fine, even if it puts Claire through a half hour of pain and terror.
Yeah, but she loves her girls sooooo much.
No. 267225
File: 1489192836588.jpg (165.59 KB, 722x741, IMG_1507.JPG)

Just two bright, beautiful young girls enjoying a game of sportsball!
Also, Claire just pushed several slimy wads of shit out of her sweaty asshole.
No. 267243
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>>267225So many things wrong in this picture. Look at those twisted mangled legs. She is also looking very orange.
No. 267298
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>>267295Ok! Hold the eff up! Wasn't Gwen just saying how bad her girls need weed for seizures. I think she is using the weed agenda to garner more attention for herself and the girls.
No. 267335
On the latest pic of Lola using EE, mysteriously Gwen wasn't able to fire up the video on her phone to record that little tard successfully using the EE, to hitch is of course because it didn't happen. She kept "intentionally" shutting down the star fall app, but couldn't find the giant, sparkly letters, which was what she was supposed to be focused on. Clearly her eyes were doing the usual darting, and rolling to the back of her head so she kept tripping the same function. But according to Gwen she kept shutting it down as she didn't want to "work" anymore. As she never did find the giant, sparkly letters, doesn't sound like she was getting much "work" done anyway. In the comments some idiot remarked that perhaps Lola was bored and needed a more difficult task to which crazy pants responded" nah, she was just fussy and tired and that blasted tooth finally broke through. Where would we be without that crazy bitch and her delusions and constant excuses as to why he Tatar twins can't properly use EE. Gwen, you ignorant slut, please donate the EE to someone who can actually use and benefit from it and stop trying to convince yourself and the rest of us that they are getting something out of it and finally on the verge of communicating. Her constant delusions and bull shit nearly turns me into a homicidal maniac!!! (Kidding)?!?
No. 267469
>>267298Out of everything Gwen has blogged about, this is top of the list for being cruel. Your kids are having seizures and all you can do is coo over them and say it's adorable.
Those taters experience nothing outside of hunger pains and physical pain while she won't do what it takes to at least make them comfortable until they die.
No. 267482
>>267430>>267469THIS. I am so disturbed. Gwen is seriously messed up. There is nothing endearing about fucking
seizures! They are a sign that something is terribly wrong and the fact that a mother could respond with positives when watching her child convulse is…disgusting and horrifying beyond description.
No. 267506
>>267298>>267482>>267469>>267430Gwen reminds me of a kid that purposely acts weird to get attention and doesn't care if its negative as long as someone is listening to them.
She's so focused on what will get her noticed, she doesn't even realize or care when she contradicts herself.
One day the girls' seizures are cute(ugh, it makes me feel gross to even type such a sentence) and she claims they even seem to show some kind of cognitive advancement afterwards. And at the very least, at least they don't cause the girls to regress in any way. There's nothing negative about their seizures they're just a little part of who the girls are.
But when the subject is medical marijuana Gwen comes barging into the discussion and makes it about her and how she's been valiantly searching all these years for a treatment for the girls' seizures, which she now realizes are awful and probably the main reason that they're so mentally impaired. It has nothing to do with the fact that they were born with shriveled brains that continue to wither every day. No, it's those darn seizures that have held them back, even though she once claimed that their occurrence heralded some sort of mental breakthrough for Claire and Lola.
If only she'd been able to treat them with cannabis, they could be so much more advanced now.
No. 267734
Funny addition from the blogs resources page:
> ~ Head Circumference Calculator (oh, and PLEASE let's not discuss how my girls' heads are -13.1 S.D. and -16.7 S.D. below the norm… DAMNNNNN.)Fuckin yikes
No. 267864
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No. 267894
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>>267830What kind of foolery is this? The girls are involved in their community? I guess they are volunteering at the local soup kitchen. And Gwen says they have progressed? Exactly what real milestones have they reach? If Gwen believes that Claire took her first steps when we all know her pt was pushing her forward we all know she was drinking the crazy cool aid that day!
No. 267895
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I highly doubt the Hooligans have any emotions whatsoever. Their smiling and crying can be explained completely by seizure activity.
No. 268083
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Found this example of a tonic/clinic (grand mal) seizure, most likely the type the girls have if you read the papers on the ASNS gene linked on the blogs resource page.
Look familiar? Pretty sure most times we've seen the girls moving it's looked exactly like this…
No. 268160
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>>267864>>267880They mislabeled this picture. The caption says its Claire, but it's obviously Lola. You can see the birthmark on her chin. As to how old she was, I think she was under a year there. She didn’t have any hair yet and I don’t see actual teeth, just gums where the teeth are about to erupt.
It’s so sad that even as an infant she looked terrifyingly nonhuman. If you were to create a horror story about a family of gargoyles or goblins, that picture could be the prototype for their little goblin baby.
However, the baby and toddler pictures of Claire included in that article are some of the best pictures I've seen of her. Despite her small head, she was pretty enough back then to have completed in baby beauty pageants. As sad as it is that Lola was never cute, I think Claire’s colossal decline may be the more tragic tale.
If Gwen thinks this condition isn't making them progressively worse, all she has to do is compare Claire's photos from then and now. I realize that most of us aren't as cute as we were as babies, but I'm not talking about just losing cuteness, I'm talking about going from once being a lovely child to now being as disturbing looking as her sister.
No. 268166
>>267821I know…and I almost posted a very similar comment.
The Buells are such exploitive, lying assholes that at first Gwen seemed pretty great in comparison.
I honestly thought she was much more honest and sincere about the girls and their condition than the Buell's were about Jaxon. I also thought she wasn't as shamefully exploitative with her children as the Buells.
But the more I see of her, the more I realize that they are pretty much equally dishonest and exploitive.
Claire and Lola might not be the cash cow that the Buells have apparently turned Jaxon into, but Gwen just exploits her girls for attention while the Buells use Jaxon for both attention and money.
Although when Gwen wants something, such as the eagle eyes system, she's not above begging for it.
There are so many similarities between the Buell's and Gwen that sometimes it seems like they've been taking pages from each others books.
Both of them lie about their children's conditions and claim that they are so much more advanced than they really are.
Both of them pretend that their kids' seizures either aren't really seizures or aren't really that bad.
The only thing I think Gwen has over the Buell's is that she said that she would not judge another couple if they found out they were having a child with microcephaly and decided to terminate.
Whereas the Buell's have become spokespersons for the pro-life movement, even though they admit that they considered termination when Brittany was pregnant.
It seems like now that they're stuck with Jaxon, they want everyone else who finds themselves in the same position to be forced to keep their potato baby whether they want to or not.
So I do respect Gwen for at least respecting others right to choose. And I also respect the fact that Scott Hartley works while both Brandon and Britney quit their jobs and now live off of donated funds.
But other than those couple of points, Gwen Hartely and the Buells really are birds of a feather.
No. 268185
>>267894"progressed beyond anyone's expectations"
Really?Name one single way they've progressed since the day they were fucking born? Other than not dying, and even that isn't anything special since now that we know what they're diagnosis is, we know that most of the kids with their syndrome live beyond infancy, some well beyond.
But what exactly have they done that has been such a surprising achievement?
They're non mobile, can't talk or communicate in any meaningful way. Their faces are so devoid of normal human expressions that Gwen has to look forward to Lola's seizures to so she can see her make something that remotely resembles a smile.
Claire can't even eat by mouth and Lola's swallowing ability is so minimal that she's constantly half starved.
Who the heck does Gwen think she's fooling, other than the equally deluded fans that follow her on Facebook?
No. 268225
>>267894"They have, full, meaningful lives"?!? What? How can that nutter even say that! They have no idea or perception happening around them. They can't even verify their own existence. What, exactly, do they do for their community? And furthermore, Gwen, you crazy bitch, please define progress for me? It was mentioned prior, and I've said it before as well, the only expectation they have exceeded is to live beyond a year. Otherwise they are motionless, emotionless, complete wastes of space and resources. She needs to stop trying to make them something they are not. And her crazy ass followers need to stop encouraging her! They all need a big bowl of reality.
No. 268231
>>267821You make several spot on observations of f the Buells and the Hartley's. the Buells are disgusting in how they took all of that donated money, bought a house, and quit working. They are always trying to say that kid does so many amazing things, when the only thing I've ever see him do is seize, and his crazy mother glosses over and says he's not seizing, rather, he's having a jolly good time. Lastly, although I do give Scott credit for working, I am convinced that he does it for the same reasons Cal plays sports and is so involved in school, he needs to get out of that shit filled castle of insanity they call a home. I read once he works six days a week and travels frequently to art shows, often on his own. It's the most direct and justifiable escape plan he could come up with. At times it seems he enables that crazy bitch he married, but I think he's just doing the best he can in that unfortunate situation. I also give the guy credit for staying. He probably does a lot of it for Cal, plus he found a way to cope by dipping out all of the time.
No. 269137
>>261522Gwen is such an evil cunt. If there is a god, she'll roast in hell. I don't care if that's a potato or not, it's a potato in fucking agony.
No. 269143
>>263195why is this even happening. this is so awful and sick. give them pot? stop, gwen, just stop.
a while back when the wetmores were pushing juliana all over the place there was this one message board about the 'angel' and some freak kept talking about how he thought that the wetmore monster needed a spanking. like, he kept posting about it and was on a roll with the whole 'naughty, spanking' thing. someone else on the board got either grossed out or infuriated and just kept posting SUBHUMAN CHILD over and over and for whatever reason that fucking killed me.
i think these two can safely be called SUBHUMAN CHILD too. look, they're never going to know. they're too busy living a life of torture so that gwennie can get her daily asspat quota.
No. 269182
>>265759Wait, wait.
Gwen wrote that caption? My god, she has some deep-seated hatred for her 'daughters' going on just below the surface. I swear, I thought that was someone trolling!
Why did she have these kids? The amount of misery on display is almost too much for me to bear, and I'm a bitch.
No. 269201
>>269166honey, this whore still wants to give her subhuman children weed and finds their seizures 'endearing'.
i'm jumping around this thread in horror and quoted the wrong post. relax and have a potato.
No. 269264
>>269184I was the anon you replied to, thanks for finding that. I had read the whole bog but must have forgotten that crumb.
>>269184why is gwen a cunt for getting a nurse for her child? fill me in. for me, it's when she ignores their needs I get pissed off. if she's meeting their needs and getting them care what is the problem.
No. 269283
>>266057>Fast forward to about a week ago. I am over the cold basically, minding my own business getting ready to fix a bottle for Lola, and as it's normal to fart approximately 14 times daily (I shit you not!), I may or may not have let one slide, only to be greeted by that unfamiliar gooey sensation I'd JUST made fun of Scott for about a week prior. I panic, drop the F-bomb, and dash for the loo. You have GOT to be shitting me! No, I was shitting MYSELF. Smaller than dime sized, but actual feces nonetheless. WTF?!??!?!
>When Cal got home from school, I "came clean" about sharting, as he normally finds this sort of thing hilarious. This time, I'm met with, "Ewwwwww. Thanks for sharing. That's disguuuuuuusting." I said, "I KNOW!!!! But remember all those times YOU sharted? Remember how we laughed & made light of it & it made you feel better about having done it & all was better?" He just stared at me, made a face of pure horror, and walked off. Some help he is.
>So when Scott got home, I was feeling insecure and embarrassed. Ashamed of my rectum's utter betrayal, I shared my dirty little secret. Scott busted out a 20 second laugh & then said, "That's karma, babyyyyy! Sorry 'bout your luck. My streak is still unbroken! HAHHAHAHHA! You sharted! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!"This fucking family…
No. 269324
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>>269283Bitch what the fuck
No. 269406
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Looks like we might be getting another video interview soon
No. 269429
>>269408It puts me in mind of when I was a child and first saw the movie "Young Frankenstein." I loved the entire movie, but one specific line just cracked me up. When Dr. Frankenstein screamed "My Grandfather's work was doodoo!" God, I thought that was the funniest thing ever…"DOODOO! HA!" The thing is, I happened to have been six years old at the time.
Now as an adult, while I still think it's a very funny movie, I don't find that line or the word "doodoo" particularly hysterical anymore. AS a matter of fact, I realize it was meant to be juvenile and silly.
The point is, when most of us are kids, we think jokes about bodily functions are the greatest thing ever, but the majority of us grow out of that stage.
Gwen's mentality is still at that childish level where she thinks the mere mention of shit or farts should crack everyone up.
What annoys me is that every time she relates one of these moronic fecal tales, it never fails that her sycophantic followers will encourage her idiocy with comments like, "OMG… you sharted…ha…I'm dying…Gwen, you are so funny!!"
UGH…they're just as obnoxious as she is and I doubt most of them really find her stories funny, they just see her as some type of celebrity and are trying to kiss her ass. But she believes that everyone really loves her humor, which just encourages her to continue writing that way.
No. 269471
>>269406Took a look at this guy's videos. Most (or all) or the kids he features have some way to communicate. A few are even plain ol' autistic kids with a strong command of the English language and no physical deformities.
In contrast, 15 and 10 years of Hartley life has produced no publicly available evidence that Claire or Lola can communicate at all, or even understand a single word or action.
No. 269616
>>268083epilepsy runs strong in my family and i've seen this a lot.
i don't doubt for a minute that the two girls suffer seizures for most of their lives.
in the clonic phase pictured, both girls usually look like this though purely because of their hypertonia.
also if you've ever seen a myoclonic seizure or a partial complex seizure it literally encapsulates every movement either girl has ever made
No. 269620
>>268189seriously? i'm about to get real fucking angry
lola has a small face, an absent gaze, is physically smaller overall. Claire looks like a fucking praying mantis. her eyes look painful and face two different fucking directions. lola looks like a horribly disabled child, claire looks like the fucking ant queen.
#TeamLola #GoblinOverGolem
No. 269683
>>269616Funnily enough after posting that picture I watched some videos of tonic/clonic seizures on YouTube and decided I must be wrong, so that's very interesting to hear from someone with much more experience what they think.
When watching videos of the girls showing emotions or moving, as someone with strong personal experience with epilepsy what do you see?
No. 269686
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>>269683OMG! Someone on ig just asked Gwen a question regaurding the picture of Claire when she quite didn't look like a mantis yet! Gwen always has the answers!!
No. 269792
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>>269558Of course Gwen reached out to christoper ulmer on his fb page!
No. 269807
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Another photo from Gwen's IG, of when Claire still looked cute.
Gwen writes about how much she used to treasure how pretty Claire was, but she now realizes that she was shallow and is ashamed of the way she used to think
So when her daughter was a conventionally pretty child, physical beauty mattered, but after Lola came along and Claire's appearance morphed into something that a reporter described as "unsettling", suddenly Gwen's has had an epiphany and now she sees beauty even in those that "society wouldn't label as beautiful."
But I'm sure it's just a coincidence and she'd be valuing "inner beauty" even if she didn't have a pair of breathing potatoes for offspring.
No. 269842
>>269807Claire still wasn't conventionally pretty, she just wasn't a nauseating outerspace freak.
But Gwen's about as shallow as they come whatever the case. If she wasn't, her depiction of the spuds and the rest of her family wouldn't be such a fucking freak show.
I vote Lola as the most unsettling. Claire is hideous but Lola actually looks more sickly, and obviously has the shittier disposition.
Jesus, Gwen, let them go already.
No. 269900
>>269842It's really hard to decide who's the most disturbing looking now. Comparing both of them at their worst it was definitely Lola. When she was recovering from the chicken pox and she was so skeletal, her face was red and puffy…combined with that horrible twisted expression she always had, she was beyond terrifying looking.
But now, she still looks inhuman, but Claire really has caught up to her, with those unfocused buggy eyes , stick like twisted limbs and her crooked, serrated teeth.
As far as personality, she has a slight edge over Lola only because Lola is always whining and crying whereas most of the time Claire just stares off mindlessly into space and just makes the occasional grunt.
These days both of them look equally Cronenberged.
No. 269912
File: 1489533353130.png (73.47 KB, 744x559, IMG_1877.PNG)

A reminder that ClaireSpud can be gross like Lola
No. 270027
>>269683it's nice that this info is useful somewhere haha thank you. i'm by no means an expert at all but the way both of them stare away and twitch reminds me of a complex partial seziure (my sister used to have them a lot) but at the same time I have to remind myself they have potato brain activity so they probably jerk instinctively and are pretty much blind so it's not like they can look in a direction purposely :/
i can't link rn but the video of them in the bath lola totally seemed to be seizing to me.
bringing up the seizures was a good call on your behalf, i've been meaning to post about it here too
No. 270055
File: 1489550105971.png (1.84 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1885.PNG)

I confess, in a weird way I'm rooting for the Hooligans.
Whenever there's a new video I watch and hope that some shred of sentience breaks through. Something, anything at all, the tiniest indication at all that either one can understand a piece of the world around them.
Whoever this dude is, he wasn't able to bring that out of them. They're still just depressing sacks of guts without a morsel of humanity.
No. 270075
>>270007Thanks for posting that. That was just the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. They are the craziest lot on the planet. They can feel, love, understand! Well let me ask you something you bag of morons, how would you feel if you were fifteen and ten and your loving mother posted never ending stories of how you shit yourself, and in fact can barely shit without the help of your father. There is not one thing they can do without the help of another. Clair is laid back and mellow? Where the fuck is she gonna go, she can't move! And looking at her hair, I'd thrill she cut it herself, but she can't do anything herself. Once again Scott goes on about how they took Cals childhood for granted, and with the girls they appreciate every little thing they do….and they hat exactly do they do? NOTHING! Meanwhile they have an awesome son who goes above and beyond with minimal recognition. They are taking his entire life for granted in support of the brainless, I'd say he wonders, but there is nothing wonderful about them. They're barely human, flesh sacks! I pray that when Cal gets out of that nut in, and sees what normalcy is, he runs and never looks back. As far as his parents, there is no hope for them and when the girls finally move on Gwen can go to the real asylum, where she belongs. Maybe they will give her a potatoe and a squash she can dress up me assign personalities too so her life can go on. Maybe then Scott can seek out a somewhat normal life…not sure what will become of him. Gwens constant whoring out of those human disasters is repellant and I wish something would make her stop. They are not wonderful miracles, simply wastes of life.
No. 270091
File: 1489557318710.jpg (61.73 KB, 955x193, gwen.JPG)

>>270007Gwen was as delusional as ever talking about “soul connections”, which just means that since the girls aren’t capable of even the most basic communication, their parents have to make stories up about how their actually connecting on some deep spiritual level. In other words , wishful thinking.
Here’s Gwen’s comment to the guy who did the interview. She claimed that Lola was "obsessed" with him because she kept staring at him. Which meant that for about one second her head turned in a way that if you squint just right, it might appear that she was looking at him.
I know this guy wants to show that every human being is special in their own unique way. Perhaps it's a noble mission, and maybe he’s right about most people, perhaps the vast majority, but at the end of the day, it's our mind that make us uniquely human. Even if a person has autism , down's syndrome or most other conditions, they still have some cognizance.
This video didn’t demonstrate how amazingly awesome the girls are, if anything, it was just another sad reminder that they don’t even have even the faintest spark of human awareness or intelligence.
No. 270092
>>269616When the girls go from crying/grimacing to completely spaced out in a split second, or vice versa, could that be due to seizures? I always assumed the grimacing/crying was a real reaction to discomfort, and the abrupt spacing out was because the discomfort had ceased and the girls are incapable of feeling sustained unhappiness if the immediate cause has stopped (unlike normal children who take a little while to calm down).
>>269620>Claire looks like a fucking praying mantis.Can't unsee.
>>269992Gwen has no problem telling the world that Cal has sharted (see
>>269283) so yeah, Gwen would likely still be making fun of Claire even if she wasn't a potato. Gwen has no boundaries or respect for any of her children.
No. 270141
File: 1489594440297.png (106.33 KB, 745x605, IMG_1897.PNG)

"Flirting." Lola, who can't even move her head a few inches to glance at the guy, was "flirting." No matter how dumb Gwen acts she always has plenty of fans trying to outcrazy her.
No. 270143
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These photos are from 2012. I guess Gwen was bored one day, so she posted a long, drawn out story in her blog about Lola vs this nun-puppet competing in some dwarf monopoly championship. She was so in love with her writing that she broke it into a 3 part serial. Then she and Scott took the time to pose Lola for these photos. These are only just a few of the pictures that accompanied the story. There were actually a few dozen of them. All with Gwen's brilliantly hysterical captions.
You can see Scott's arm holding the nun-puppet in one of the photos, so this wasn't just a Gwen production, he was apparently happy to participate as well.
Isn't it great how Lola's parents respect her dignity and totally see her as an autonomous being with her own personality and feelings.
No. 270156
>>270007I saw a few of his other interviews. I noticed that almost without exception, no matter how severe the person's diagnosis, nearly every one of them was able to respond to him in some way.
There was one girl that was totally unable to talk and appeared to be totally paralyzed, but at some point she smiled.
Another girl seemed very bad at the beginning and all she did was scream and babble incoherently, but after her mother came in and calmed the girl down, even she was able to communicate with the guy in her own way.
Of all the interviews I saw, the ONLY ones who didn't seem to have any reaction at all were Claire and Lola.
Of course the family and the guy were projecting all kinds of amazing things on to the girls, saying what an amazing connection he made with them, but we all saw that they were the same non-responsive potatoes that they always are.
He claimed that they grabbed his thumbs, but he put his thumbs in their hands. Their hands are permanently locked in a closed position because of their hypertonia, so you can place anything in their hand and it will look like they're holding it, but they don't ever purposely grab onto anything and they certainly didn't latch on to his thumb.
No. 270166
>>270156I wonder if he didn't dig deep enough in his research about them when Gwen contacted him for an interview, and just took her at her word that they were actually responsive in some way and not mindless meat bags. He sounds like he's just parroting her soul connection drivel because he literally has nothing else to say.
Also lol Cal looks 100% done with this shit.
No. 270244
>>270233Cal talked without any emotion and his face looked blank. There was no sincerity in his voice and he sounded like he was just parroting what Gwen has trained him to say.
He wouldn't change them at all? So if he had a choice, he wouldn't have sisters who could speak, or walk, or smile or laugh or hug him? He'd choose to have two breathing potatoes for siblings-potatoes who took all his parents attention when he was growing up? Why don't I believe that?
No. 270254
>>270244The "I wouldn't change how they are" line is such trite bullshit.
I don't think anyone expects their page to be about how much they hate the potatoes, but can they occasionally try for a little honesty instead of fairy tales about what healthy, happy geniuses Claire and Lola are?
No. 270350
>>270027The hot tub video is the first one I ever saw of the girls I believe and to me is still the worst one.… if you showed someone this video (without sound) and told them it was footage of aliens, they'd likely believe you, because that's more believable than what they really are.
Anyway very interesting that you say that about Lola's movement as this is one of her most active ones. Like you say it's so hard to tell considering they have so little awareness and erratic to no body control in the first place that there's nothing to base their movements off. I'd love to hook up a stats monitor to one and get a real idea of what's them responding, as basic and primal as that may be, and what's straight up seizures.
No. 270353
Sage but while searching for the above video I came across this: nationalists discussing whether they'd abort if they knew they were having a Hartley Hooligan. Spoiler: it's a no brainer
>would certainly abort if I was carrying something like this. We are supposed to be about upgrading the race not weakening it. It's a no brainer. No. 270555
>>270547A lot of editing and retakes to get footage of them doing absolutely nothing but making gross faces and sheep sounds.
I think Chris was at a bit of a loss. In his other videos the kids give him something to play off of. Here the spuds gave him nothing at all so he just had to mumble about how great they are.
No. 270612
So I was just on her IG and the post just before the most recent whoring out, I mean video with Chris Ier, Gwen is holding the beast and marveling at her adorable profile, (all I can think is that I don't see anything cute…just the same little goblin) and she goes on about how fussy she's been lately, always wanting to be held, and it was a kinda getting Gwens nerves. She mention d something similar not long ago, how Lola was squawking and ended up spitting "baby food", (wait, is Lola a baby?….I thought she is ten, but she still eats "baby" food…. anyway Gwen was again losing her temper with her, and magically, following a "scolding" that little genius gets a sly smile on her face because she's in control and knows exactly what she is doing. So many things in his excerpt make me pissed, like "baby" food and Gwens regular delusions of Lola's genius; however at the same time I'm a bit surprised that Gwen would admit that Lola sometimes gets on her nerves. We've all thought it, if we us to look at that hideous little face and hear it constantly whining and crying, not to mention the projectile vomiting and shitting everywhere we'd want to just throw her down a deep, dark hole. I do find it interesting that Gwen can admit that she sometimes has negative feelings for her as well. I'd be willing to bet she has those feelings much more than she would ever admit. THis is the catalyst for all of the delusion. If Gwen ever truly faced reality, the potato head goblin, Lola, would cease to exist. This woman could truly be one shitty diaper from negligent homicide.
No. 270618
>>270612 Well, Gwen also baby talks to the girls… we know this. And yes she did refer to it as baby food… but Gwen makes all the food, so technically she could give Lola a lil respect and just refer to it as food. But I think Gwen likes to believe her kids
are babies still. Maybe a coping mechanism ? She puts them in a baby bumbo, buys
them the "joovy" baby walker, I don't want
to think how many diapers from the kids
have ended in the landfills over the years.
There is a lil girl on fb, she looks like a
- kaylis krusade but the mom has said she
is potty trained despite not being able to
make sounds or walk. But going back to Gwen treating the potatoes like babies, it is probably easier for her to think they are babies than deal with the fact that Claire isn't too far away from being adult and Lola is almost a teen. I don't think Gwen would do well dealing with babies getting their periods. I'm sure when they go out in public, Gwen just allows people to think they are babies/toddlers than explaining their disease.
No. 270682
>>270250That's a boy, unless you accidentally linked to the wrong video, but if you're talking about the video of two siblings and one of them has Down's syndrome, they're both boys. The first one refers to the one with Down's as his brother.
I do agree with you though, if that's the one you meant, he is really cute.
As a matter of fact, when I saw it, I was thinking about how Gwen doesn't like the word retarded because she thinks it refers to Claire and Lola, but they aren't even retarded anyway. This young man would be considered retarded and comparing him to those two mindless potatoes is an insult. He's so far and away above them in every way.
No. 270690
>>270681Agree, aside from all their other problems, they're likely too skinny and don't get enough nutrition to ever mensturate. This probably applies to both of them, but very definitely Lola.
Neither one of them shows signs of developing any secondary sex characteristics, so pretty I'm sure neither one has had or will have a period. Often even relatively otherwise normal girls who go on starvation diets and/or lose enough weight to drop them below a certain BMI, will stop getting their periods until they recover.
That's probably the real reason Gwen said she'd never talk about or reveal if they ever got their periods. She claims it's because she's respecting their privacy, but she mentions every time they pass gas or shit themselves.
So how believable it is that this is the one thing she'd keep private? As a matter of fact, if they did get their period, it would be one of the few normal developmental milestones they ever go through, so I'm sure she'd be shouting it from the rafters.
The truth probably is she knows that there's almost no way that they are going to ever go through puberty, so instead of having to admit that's one more abnormal thing about them, she just says she wont talk about the subject because she respects their privacy so much. Yeah right, Gwen.
No. 270709
>>270612I wonder if Gwen's ever lost her temper during one of Lola's screeching fits and just smacked her across the face.
I can't believe in all the years of having to look at a face that's horrid under the best conditions, but when twisted into a screaming mask, becomes a thing of nightmares, and listening to that inhuman wailing, that there wasn't at least one time, when no else was around, that Gwen didn't just lose it and pop Lola right in the mouth.
Because to be quite honest, just reading about that hideous demon-thing shrieking and spitting her food all over the place, enrages me. Imagine how much worse it is to be there, having to deal with the constant smell of shit, vomit and Lola's gross cheese hands and now on top of this, she's spitting her food out. Food that it took time and effort to chop up, mix, blend, put into a container,etc.
I don't care how much motherly instinct or love Gwen supposedly has, everyone has a breaking point. I'm sure I would have reached mine long before this.
No. 270817
>>270801Her mission is not to make the taters famous, rather it is to make Gwen famous. The only reason she won't do a tv show is that she cannot control the situation for that long a period of time. The girls lives of doing absolutely nothing is a lot easier to disguise in twenty minute increments, but to see them lifeless 24/7 would prove what we all know, there is nothing going on there, which disproves all of Gwens delusions. We don't need to be a part of watching a woman change a teen and pre teens diapers several times a day, and otherwise there is nothing else to see. Heck, the girls go in and out of consciousness on every interview they've ever done and at some point we are subjected to the blank, dead eyes stare. Frankly that's all I need to see of any of that shut and I want to turn the channel. Bottom line is that none of this is about those children, it's all about Gwen, and if it's not about GWen, she's gonna make it about Gwen. They ar horribly disabled ghouls, but it's never about them, rather how their disability affects the real Hartley diva, Gwen.
No. 270945
>>270827What's worse is that he didn't even call them retarded, he just said it to a friend and the friend used the word in front of Gwen, probably in just an offhand way. Gwen told him off, so Cal's friend ratted him out and told her that he'd used it first. Then she lost her shit.
That's how fucked up Gwen is. I'd understand her getting upset if Cal referred to his sisters as ''the little retards'' or something like that, but he didn't do that, he didn't even use the word in front of her.
He just said it to his friend, probably in that stupids/silly way that young boys do, and that dumb bitch of a mother shamed him to tears and forced him to write a one page essay. But that wasn't enough humiliation for him. She had to go and tell the whole world about it, so she could get more ass-pats from her deluded followers who all told her how brilliantly she handled the situation.
No. 271002
There's something about these girls and the syndrome they have that kind of blows my mind.
They have a condition so severe that they can do almost nothing beyond the level of a newborn.
You'd think that something this devastating would have to have a huge cause. Like they're missing entire chromosomes or have two or three extra ones, but all these awful symptoms are caused by a mutation in one pair of genes. A single error in one little pair of genes out an estimated 20 to 25 thousand protein coding genes in the human genome and instead of two healthy, intelligent, pretty girls, you get a pair of creatures so fucked up, that it's hard to even see them as human.
All their other genes might be in perfect order. Genes that code for beautiful eyes, genes that code for the ability to be good in math or be great singers, they might have them all.
Cal isn't a bad looking kid. He's a good student, class president and a high school basketball star. So there's every reason to believe that Claire and Lola have some good genes hidden in their DNA as well. But because they each got that pair of genes that makes it so one substance in their body isn't able to catalyze into another substance, all those other genes and the gifts they might have given the girls are rendered useless.
It seems so unfair really and so very sad, but by the same token, I think it's a great lesson for the rest of us. Even if we have what we think are big problems, the fact that it's so easy to lose the genetic lottery proves that most of us are fortunate to be relatively healthy, functioning human beings.
No. 271016
>>271004You're absolutely correct. Like Gwen says about Lola, she's amazing. She's the eating champion. The fact that she's skeletally thin is obviously just a byproduct of their syndrome. Her body obviously just can't absorb all the calories she ingests.
Claire is pretty thin too, so obviously all the kids who have this syndrome are very skinny…oh wait… No. 271049
>>271024Claire has a gtube, but yeah Gwen wont let Lola have one because she thinks the anesthesia will kill her.
But that's the point: being skinny is not a symptom or side effect of Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency Syndrome. Gwen insists that Lola is such a great eater and she thinks that she gets all the nutrients she needs being fed by mouth.
She's totally clueless why Lola's so thin. Gwen's actually written that she thinks that Lola's body just can't absorb the calories that she gets.
She doesn't see that the food she's giving Lola doesn't contain enough calories; she feeds her only mashed up fruits and a few bottles of goats milk a day and she she refuses to believe that Lola can barely swallow, even though the rest of us see how most of her winds up everywhere but inside her stomach.
No. 271118
On Facebook, OMG guys, they let me recreate it!…WTF? She is such an idiot, like , what were they going to do? Tell her to fuck off and get up and walk away? I swear, this woman gets more delusional each passing day. One of her idiot followers commented that it looked like Clair was about to buck Lola off….what? Those people are more ridiculous than crazy pants Hartley. I swear, the more exposure she gets, the more full of herself and more downright crazy this woman is beginning to sound. She was super wrapped up in her crazy thoughts before, but now reality and fantasy Walk hand in hand. There is no line between what is real and what is not in Gwens mind. I swear, one day coming up here, that crazy bitch is gonna snap!
No. 271121
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>>271016To be fair, here's some more pics of children with the same thing.
Not that I believe Lola does anything but move food over her lips. On top of that, if goats milk and melon is all Lola gets no wonder Gwen won't take them to doctors. If she told a doctor that I wonder if they'd write a report on her starving her children and send it to child services. People being fed liquid diets need mega high protein milkshakes to compensate for all the nutrients, vitamins and protein they'd miss out on.
No. 271197
So not only does Clair have the body of a praying mantis (thanks Anon, you know who you are), the protruding, buggy eyes, jagged, ghoul teeth, apparently now she also suffers from patchy baldness. How much worse off can this girl possibly get? Not to mention the physical discomfort she must feel daily, and yet her selfish, stupid hitch of a mother is grateful that she "chooses" to stay and be with her. I used to believe crazy Gwen would be Debra rated with the girls passing because she has spent so much time on caring for them, but now I think she would miss her new found celebrity for being the Queen of the Potatoe People, and a so called amazing mother and inspiration to all of her nutty followers. She is nothing more than a deluded narcissist.
No. 271261
>>271155The only reasons I can think of for Lola to still be teething at ten is possibly because they never use their teeth - or even move their jaws - the normal development of teeth has been slowed to a snails pace.
Or possibly, they're so malnourished that the body is focused on other areas or unwilling to start developmental processes when it's focused on just staying alive. I'd be surprised if the girls hair (ugh) grows more than an inch or two a year given how malnourished they are.
No. 271310
>>271175He looks a lot more uncomfortable with the Retardley Hooligans than he does in any other video. They're so fucked up they can't even react to basic stimuli.
And yeah, looks like Claire is going bald. Guess it's her turn to be the more disgusting Retardley sister.
No. 271331
>>270350Jesus I never noticed it before but when her dad kisses her, Lola starts suckling because she thinks she's getting food.
No. 271344
>>271310They probably cut Clair's hair because it was a mess and tried to make it look healthy. She is definitely going bald. Not sure why Gwen would choose to part it and
highlight it. Even though everyone says Lola is the healthier of the two, to me she looks like her disease has progressed the most. Mantis or living potato girl, she came off with no awareness in the video. I cringe when people say the girls were so expressive talking to Chris.
No. 271466
>>271346Seriously, are the girls blind now? They don't even seem to be capable of looking at people.
And as for Ms. Pockey loving melon, she would suck on a fucking Pottery Barn catalog if you placed it in front of her mouth.
No. 271651
>>271466I wonder if the girls are given a bath in frying oil since they are potatoes and all. I watched the video of Lola on Lake Michigan. Poor Gwen, all the people
are watching her and she's stating Lola
doesn't like the sun. Shouldn't potatoes be kept in cool dark places? Lola is a mess, Gwen is pretending that Lola is trying too talk. Silly Gwen, potatoes don't talk!
No. 272155
>>271002It depends on what nucleotides are changed, which depends on what amino acids are changed, which depends on how the genes work. If you look at Down Syndrome, those affected have an extra cope of chromosome 21, but despite learning difficulties and unusual facial features, many can live normal, productive lives if they get help. So obvious the genes on the extra chromosome don't cause too much trouble.
However, the ASNS gene (which codes for asparagine synthetase) turns asparatate ino asparagine and is very important for physical and mental development and function. As the gene produces an enzyme, it is autosomal recessive, and even just being a carrier of the mutated version doesn't affect the body. But if two carriers (as Gwen and Scott are) have a child, there is a 25% chance that their child will inherit both copies. Asparagine synthetase isn't produced in someone with both copies, and the child's nervous system fills up with asparatate and eventually causes his or her death.
No. 272834
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No. 272840
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Some Great Shots of The Puckwudgie!!
No. 272882
>>272209hello back there in the 1950s
>>271466the girls are cortically blind and always have been. it's all over the threads here.
No. 272897
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No. 272908
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No. 272910
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No. 272916
>>272913First of all listen to
>>272915, second of all spoiler that shit I'm eating fucking breakfast and that's the first thing I see on here, fuck you Tryhard.
No. 272921
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No. 272943
>>272901Oh my god, Lola looks like a Holocaust victim.
And stop namefagging, retard.
No. 272977
>>272940It sickens me how much she favors these barely human, vegetable creatures over her one bright, capable child.
I can understand that she might feel guilty bringing them into the world in the first place, especially Lola, since she knew she could be born that way and eventually found out that she WOULD be born that way. So in order to assuage her guilt, I can see why she might give them some extra attention.
I also understand that their reality is so harsh, she has to create a pretend world in which they achieve all these amazing milestones.
But my God, there's a limit! Sure, give Lola a few extra kudos for managing to swallow a bite of her melon-mush. Cheer when Claire doesn't fall on her face after she's placed in the crawling position by her PT. That's all fine.
However, to give them so damn much attention to where you practically ignore your one undamaged child is disgusting, enraging and just plain FUCKED UP.
No. 273003
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No. 273044
>>272940I completely agree with you and I mentioned something similar in an earlier post. I can also personally attest to Cals behavior, as I had a similar situation myself, growing up. By the time I reached high school, some things were happening and my family was falling apart. My answer to this was to go above and beyond and do all I could to prove that we were like any, normal happy family, with well adjusted kids(me) etc. No matter how amazing he does, that poor kid has no automony in that family. Gwen is constantly praising the girls for doing these amazing things, when in actuality, they accomplish nothing. Neither of those girls has ever done anything worth noting or praising, and I mean nothing. Their only unexpected feat was surviving past one year old, and as another anon mentioned, now that we know their diagnosis, that's not so uncommon for kids with their condition. Then along comes Cal, who actually does do amazing things and he barely gets a mention in passing, and somehow whenever he does, Gwen injects the girls into Cals story, as if he couldn't have done it without them. They're part of the basketball story, "little local celebrities", who come to the games and "fist bump" all the players, that's amazing, never mind our 1000 point shooting son. And when she does acknowledge that, guess who shows up in the pics and story, the veggie Tards. Cals on his way to prom, to winter formal, let's get a pic of him and his adorable date, but not without the potatoe sisters. The poor kid even acknowledges his own success by attributing it to his sisters and how they have made him a "better" person. He sounded almost as his deluded as his mother in the Chris Ulmer (?) video where he mentions how the girls are capable of feeling love, and they like to go out and do things, not stay home all the time….what? It also seems that the more exposure this family gets, the worse Gwen gets. Her attention seeking has reached monstrous proportions, and the more she feeds the beast, the more it needs. Sorry for the long post, I get so emotional with this, I get carried away.
No. 273060
>>269264because it doesn't sound like she got her goblin the nurse because the goblin needs a nurse. that's what a normal person would do, but not gwen.
gwen got the nurse so gwen could sleep. big difference. what a lousy human being.
No. 273063
>>269283someone check a 'classy' site like literotica's anal section and send this poor dear some yummy scatfic.
she is beyond toilet humor. she's schlicking.
No. 273072
>>273060In some very mild defense of Gwen (I shudder typing that), if Lola's sleep pattern is as she says, having someone to watch her some nights would be a lifesaver. Imagine going on a few non consecutive hours of sleep every day for years. Probably part of why she has gotten so kooky.
Of course, the humane thing to do would to be to let Lola pass away, and in that way no one has to suffer, but that's another issue.
No. 273111
>>273072Honestly, I hear you. I don't know, I just think that Gwen finally realized at some point that she had to get them a nurse because she literally can't care for them.
But this is also the woman who refuses to allow doctors to even look at her daughters and fixes their seizure activity with lavender oil or wants to fill them full of dabs or some shit. Like, Gwen, your children are far beyond the point of aromafuckingtherapy. Or even savage dabs.
It's not so much about their getting care as it is Gwen getting some breaks; like when they go to Mexico or wherever they go.
I don't see the potato gobs as getting any relief from their shit existence so why should Gwen, is more my take on it. With that Jaxon Strong kid at least it appears that he might be on some serious opiates, or at least it looks like it, his eyes are super pinned all the time. Although, who knows. Maybe that's due to lack of brain also.
The Hooligans, meanwhile, get trotted out for psychotic, demeaning photoessays (seriously, if people saw anyone doing this kind of crap with a Downs kid I think the parents would be investigated by CPS every single time) and seem to live in a constant and unending state of agony.
Thanks Mommy!
No. 273113
>>270143this is so disturbing and wrong
but damn that nun punch
No. 273128
>>273072I agree, I don't have any problem with Gwen getting Lola a night nurse. Even if it's just so Gwen can sleep, there's nothing wrong with that. The human body needs sleep and frankly I am more understanding of someone getting a nurse, so they can have a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, than I am of of those "martyr mommies" who sacrifice their entire lives for their kids. Gwen pretty much is totally one of those types anyway, and having a nurse watch them occasionally is one the few sane things she's done.
Of course, the real sane thing would have been to terminate the pregnancy as soon as she found out that Lola was going to be born a breathing stalk of celery.
So I'm not saying she's not insane, just that this is one of the few things no one should take issue with.
Speaking of Lola's inability to sleep, I'm reminded again of something that really did piss me off. That time when Gwen saw that Lola was asleep on top of one of the dogs, Gwen prodded two or three times just to get her to lift her head up. The video's been posted before, but I'll link it for those who haven't seen. It angers me every time I think about it and it's stuff like that that makes me despise Gwen. It just seems evil to bother someone who you claim can never get to sleep, just so you can show her doing barely more than the nothing she does all day. All Lola did was lift her head in response to being poked, but Gwen acted like it was so awesome and funny.
When she called Lola a "Diva" I wanted to smack her. I guess it was a joke, but it really wasn't a joke. It was just another stupid, delusional statement from the Gwen, The Queen of Delusion.
Damn, everytime I try to make a quick point about Gwen and the taters, it always winds up in a long rant. EVERY.DAMN.TIME! No. 273138
>>272977This is the life of every normal kid with a disabled sibling. As a parent, you're a monster in societies eyes if you show any "preferential" treatment to the normal, functioning kid - because it means you don't love the disabled one as much. so they overcompensate and show them little to no attention whatsoever.
It's not about what's most sensible, it's about making sure you don't shatter the myth of parental love being unconditional.
No. 273368
>>273345I believe Lola only ever had an NG tube. The NGtube is inserted through the nose and goes into the stomach. It does not require anesthesia.
The gtube is what Claire has. It goes directly into the stomach and does require anesthesia. I don't think Lola has ever had a gtube.
I think Gwen is being selfish not allowing Lola to have a gtube when she clearly needs one. If she gets one there are two outcomes 1. Lola wont survive anesthesia and while it may sound harsh, I don't think it would be the worst thing that could happen. She'd die while unconscious so she'd just drift off with no pain and she'd be out of the constant misery she lives in.
2. She'd survive and having a gtube would allow her body to get more calories so she wouldn't be so horribly hungry all of the time.
It wouldn't do anything about her hypertonia or all the other horrors that living with her condition entails, but at least one of her agonies would be made a little less severe.
No. 273513
>>273138I suspect that in Gwen's case, she truly DOES love the girls more than Cal, rather than simply behaving that way due to societal pressure.
As much work as the girls are, they're essentially babies forever. They'll never grow up, never go off to college and leave home and start their own families, their own lives. Unlike with a normal teenager, Gwen gets to decide when the girls are "rebellious" and when they "behave." She gets to decide what they like to wear, their favorite TV shows, and what music they like, even what they "say."
Cal's his own person, and Gwen can't control that. His sisters, meanwhile, can go into whatever little narrative Gwen concocts on a given day.
No. 273582
>>273411Yep. Neurologically normal infants reflexively do the baby bird thing if something touches their mouth or cheek, but it usually goes away completely by the age of 4 months or so. Lola's brain is too stunted to overcome the reflex, or it's not actually rooting, and is instead her intentional way of trying to reach food. Considering her emaciated state, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter. Poor thing must be so hungry.
>>273517Normal people with strabismus (misaligned eyes) tend to have one eye that's really dominant, to the point that their brain might even completely ignore all sensory input from the non-dominant eye. Or they can have an unusually wide range of vision, or it can be fucked up in the middle. The human brain is amazing and can overcome a lot.
But the girls are biological catastrophes so who the fuck knows.
They're cortically blind, but cortical blindness can be partial, and imo both girls can see at least slightly.
Gwen thinks they can see, and they both had glasses at some point (I don't know if they still do) but Gwen believes in woo so who knows how her "doctor" concluded they could see.
No. 274180
>>274160claire gets blended raw organic veg and fruit, plus raw organic goats milk. same as lola does these days but claire hasn't been able to feed on her own for some time. lola got a tube for a while (after this probably?)
allergies are cited as the reason for this diet. but it seems like restricting by gwen as well, probably trying magic cures like cutting out so many food groups. I do wonder about the protein in this diet and whether there's enough of everything a body needs. I wonder if she's ever tried things like bone broth, good yoghurts and so on. raw veg aren't always that digestible.
No. 274251
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>>274208Lola can use her nose… why does Gwen video this shit to silence her critics.
No. 274273
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>>274266Yep, this was from 2014, that would make Lola 8 or so? Yep a 8 year old eating baby food is a wonderful thing! Although Gwen didn't correct the woman, we are assuming she meant ng tube? Life is about risks… is it better to do a surgery and give her a shot at getting adequate nutrition or slowly painfully starve the tater. What would you choose?
No. 274378
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Please go hiking with them again Gwen. Get all the way to the top of the trail and fucking throw them off the cliff. Do it not only for your own sake but for Cal. I believe in you Gwen.
No. 274383
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this is rather telling… this picture, where if someone told you Cal wasn't holding two (poorly made) papier maché props for a horror movie, you'd believe them. This picture where if someone told you these were two badly preserved mummies, you'd believe them. This picture where, even if you know they are humans and know the story, I don't think I've seen many pics where they appear more motionless, gaunt and gormless….
….. This. This is a picture Gwen really thinks has captured her children's personalities.
No. 274499
>>274160What's crazy to me about this video that this video is about the least repulsive I've seen Lola. I usually find her vile on her best day and the videos of her eating are the worst. Between seeing her dripping with pureed mush and hearing the godawful sounds she makes, I find myself wanting to slam her into a wall.
Yet here, despite the green glop she's being fed, I'm hardly bothered by her at all. It's like watching one of those dolls that "eat" pretend baby food.
The only annoying part is Gwen's prattling. I'm obviously not alone in that opinion because the first comment I saw was someone saying that the mother should shut the hell up. Ha.
Gwen thinks she's got such a charming personality, but so many people find her unbearably annoying.
No. 274698
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>>274532How many surgeries exactly have the girls gone thru? Multiple according to the Butler times. We know Clair had gtube placed… anyone know the others?
No. 274985
>>274160Scott got a lot more down her than Gwen seems to. It was messy but it still looked like it slid down her throat.
This clearly was before Lola almost died from the chicken pox. She had some body fat and doesn't seem as miserable and desperate as she does now. Lola's always been far worse off than Claire but I think that getting chicken pox sent Lola into a tailspin of emaciation and misery. Since she seems to be eating better in this video I wonder if she too is losing her ability to take any nutrition by mouth. She will never gain back the weight she lost during chicken pox. I bet her appearance in this video compared to her appearance now may be why Gwen took it down. There is no way to compare this Lola to the current Lola who can barely let her purée slide down her throat and say she is thriving.
No. 275044
>>274985In that video Lola did look her best. For whatever reason, her hair had grown in enough, and she didn't have the gnarly ogre teeth she has now, plus she had a decent amount of body/baby fat, so she was somewhat cute. I still see the struggle with eating, though. Scott has to re-scoop the same bite of baby food into her mouth like seven times. She's a just not equipped to get food down her fuller through her mouth, and she still makes a ton of smacking sounds…still gross! You notice when Gwen feeds her, she shoves the spoon half way down her throat, and still she hardly keeps the food in her mouth. That kid clearly needs some type of feeding tube, whether nasal or gastral, Gwen just can't admit that. I still maintain that there are times that she wants to beat that kid, especially now the older and more haggard looking she gets, coupled with the constant screaming and crying. Here is no way she is as endearing as she once was. Same for Clair, (the Ant Queen), her appearance has become so abnormal, the only way Gwen can handle speaking about of either of them is to delude herself and to try to delude the rest of us that this condition isn't progressing and they are on their way out.
No. 275355
>>275044She's 5 and can barely hold down the food. Watching her eat then , is just as bad today. I mean really, did you see the food all over the place. They managed to get most of
that green mush all over her. This parade that she is actually eating and enjoying her food has to come to an end. The parents are unreal!
No. 275664
>>275625That one annoyed me. Gwen told the dog to kiss Lola and as soon as it did, Lola started rooting on its mouth so then Gwen yells at the poor dog "Oh not inside her mouth!"
The dog didn't do anything wrong, lady! It's not his fault that the brainless spud you call a daughter thinks everything that goes near her mouth is a nipple! Why didn't you yell at Lola, since you claim she's able to make her own decisions. But no, she's got to scold the dog and tell it to stop because she knows he actually has more decision making ability than Lola.
Geez, how sad is it that that's literally a true statement?
No. 277688
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No. 279111
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No. 279757
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No. 280005
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Nothing quite like a teen girl squeezing out a slimy lump of shit while posing for prom pictures with her brother and his girlfriend.
No. 281438
>>281273This collection of photos confirms something that I've always believed about Gwen. She can insist that adores her daughters and say she believes that they deserve dignity and respect. She can scream how much she hates the word "retard" or even "retarded", and she can talk about how beautiful she thinks they are, but all her words are contradicted by her actions.
She purposely takes the most hideous pictures of them to post for all the world to see.
Years ago many parents with deformed children would display them in a circus freak show. Gwen is the modern day equivalent of those people.
Obviously Lola and Claire aren't ever going to look good or even normal in pictures, but Gwen loves to show them when are they're at their worst, especially Lola.
Whenever Lola twists her face into that horrible death mask, whenever she appears more sickly looking than usual, whenever her eyes are rolled back into her head, whenever she shits her diaper, there's Gwen with the camera, ready to snap a picture and post it for the world to gawk at. She's really awful. What Lola looks like on the outside is how I picture Gwen looking on the inside.
No. 281704
>>281438>She purposely takes the most hideous pictures of them to post for all the world to seeI don't think she takes pictures of them looking their most hideous is on purpose, just incidental. There is no other way they can look.
I also believe the main reason there is such an excessive amount of pictures of the girls grimacing is because that is one of the few things they do. If Gwen is so desperate to find some spark of life in the girls she believes their farts are a form of communication, of course she rejoices in seeing an expression on their faces, regardless of the fact that it is a completely miserable one.
No. 281711
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>>281704Just checked the Facebook and two pictures Gwen just uploaded emphasise this point, actually. If this is what stares sightlessly - I was going to say at you, but really at nothing at all - barely moving, doing nothing but take from you physically, financially and emotionally, being completely emotionally void itself for the past ten years…
No. 281714
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>>281711… I feel like I'd be kind of excited to finally see a different expression on its face on occasion, too.
It must be so fucking humiliating being Gwen. Creating her fantasies and doing her self centred blogging is probably the only way she can keep some sliver of her own ego intact.
No. 281746
>>281711Read the post. Funny how one minute Gwen is saying "My meatloaf sacks are so happy and love their lives!" And then one post later it's "My disgusting potato screams 24/7 and is in utter agony all the time"
Make up your mind, Gwen. Better yet, just set one or both of them in your garage and take a day off.
No. 282097
>>281714She deleted this pic for some reason
This is me, All of me and I want you in anyway I can. That I love you.
No. 282165
>>282070>>282097Hey newfag/samefag/namefag. Quit with the names, signatures, and non-topic-related pics for the sake of fuck. This isn't the fucking Friend's Society circa 2004, you nitwit.
Always reach for the stars, because even if you miss you'll be miles away from me with your motivational bullshit.
No. 282357
God, I hate April Fool's day.
"And in the end, we were all just humans...
Drunk on the idea that love,
Only love,
Could heal our brokenness."
~ Scott F. Fitzgerald
No. 282615
You won't believe it guys!!! Today while I was cradling Lola, after 48 hours with no sleep for either of us, Lola shat into the palm of my hand. Okay that's not out of the ordinary, but get this. After that Lola looked into my eyes and looked the most sentient she's ever looked. And then………. "April Fools!!!!!!" She got me!!!! LOVE. THESE. GIRLS. All this time she'd been tricking me!!! That clever minx :) i playfully threw the turd at her while she giggled and ran to high five her sister, who promptly died. RIP Claire may you finally rest in peace.
JK they are still non-stop suffering LOL April Fools!! Gotcha!!!!! You think I'd let one of the gerbils finally die??? I'm hoping I can drag out their lives for another fifteen years at least
Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you.
No. 283050
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No. 283130
No. 283375
Okay, as much as I agree that the children shouldn't have been born if the mother knew what their fate was, I don't agree with the rancid amounts of bullying going on here, it's disgusting.
it's not the children's fault, its' the mother, bullying the children and making harsh comments about them isn't going to change their situation, their mother is parading them around like a freakshow, that's bad enough, without people on the internet being nasty.
the mother deserves to get whatever the fuck is coming to her, she seems like the kind fo woman who when these poor kids die, she will miss the "fame" more than her two "beloved" children.

No. 283376
Lets just say, if she cared about her kids that much she'd keep them away from internet trolls

No. 283532
>>283375You could read this thread aloud to them and they wouldn't understand what any of it means, much less feel sad about it.
To do either of those thibgs requires higher brain function.
No. 283565
>>283375Oh please, no one is bullying anyone. No one is intimidating or hurting Claire and Lola, except perhaps their mom, by forcing them to live lives of excruciating pain and then treating it with the modern day equivalent of snake oil.
But no one on here is hurting them or their feelings in the least.
Yes, people do say some harsh things about them, but I don't think those things are unwarranted. These are two beings with almost no neurological functioning beyond some basic reflexes, so I don't think it's out of order when people refer to them as vegetables, even if they aren't technically in a vegetative state. Seeing these two twisted, wretched creatures that lack so much of what makes us human, tends to elicit strong reactions from people. Reactions which you might interpret as cruel, but those are your feelings that you project onto Claire and Lola and then call bullying.
Claire and Lola have no capacity for hurt feelings and no ability to know or understand what is said about them by anonymous voices over the internet.
If Gwen reads some of the things written here, it might piss her off as well, but she doesn't deserve a bit of sympathy since she brought most of this on herself by repeatedly showing the girls in the most disgusting ways possible or by blatantly lying about abilities and talents that they don't have.
No. 283572
>>283050These memes are so faggy and unfunny. They reek of middle-aged aunties and look like something one of the more edgy members of GOMI would post.
No. 284276
>>283565This is what is so maddening about Gwen. She's just vile. Not because she loves her retards, but because she's so goddamn phony.
The girls are soooo smart, then the girls can't read or understand English.
They need to be treated like kids their own age, but now time to dress them up in silly outfits and make baby talk to them.
She won't acknowledge or deny their periods because "privacy," but then she shares every insignificant detail of their horrible health, including their bowel movements.
She "wouldn't change a thing about them," then a post or ten about their perpetual agony, their complete lack of verbal communication, their disfigured bodies, their short lifespans. And Claire is the "healthiest" Hooligan, even more so than the teenage star athlete!
Oh, now doctors have figured out their exact disease. But otherwise doctors are stupid and don't know anything, which is why the girls get pine oil rubs instead of medicine, and why she vindictively taunts a doctor who estimated that their lifespan would be short, despite all evidence and precedent making that estimation a wise one.
Oh, and don't be afraid of having severe retards! Their life is a blast. Now a post about how little sleep she gets and how it has "ruined" her health.
Oh, and time to humiliate her son for saying "retard" as a small child. That won't stop her from quoting Tommy Boy and South Park, though, even though the word "retard" appears at least once in the former and hundreds of times in the latter.
The woman isn't just crazy. She's a liar, a hypocrite, and perhaps most unforgivable, fucking annoying in the extreme. As easy as it is to hate those monstrosities of hers, she's easily worse.
No. 284315
>>284281If you think anal fissures aren't funny, then you obviously haven't checked out the videos they have on youtube about the subject. There's a trove of comedy gold on there.
As far as the memes on this thread, If you say none are funny, then you just want to be a shittalker. Not all of them are good, some are dumb, but I've damn funny ones.
The one with Lola in the pool is clever because seeing her face staring up at me from the sewer would scare me more than any clown.
No. 285424
>>284654Ahh yes, another lovely classic pic of Cal and his girl headed to a formal event. Just wouldn't be right if we didn't include the little monsters in the pic, now would it?!…in true goblin fashion, Lola is squinting in the sun, as she, like most creatures of the night can't handle the light of the sun. And look everyone, that brilliant Clair is "smiling…on command, no less". They never cease to amaze! For once the mother from hell has her yap shut , so we can revel in the comments of that band of idiots she calls followers….beautiful girls..look at Clair's smile….Lola doesn't
Look too happy, ( does she ever?). Who the fuck are these morons trying to kid? The girls are as lifeless and mindless as ever. From day to day, things don't change with them, unless you're their idiot mother and her mindless moronic followers. To top it all off , Clair appears to be losing her hair…apparently they can look worse! And Lola isn't starving or any major discomfort folks, it's just teething….that's Gwens excuse for everything with both girls. None of their discomfort has anything to do with their twisted, contorted limbs, Lola's starvation, their constipation….none of that has anything to do with any of it…just teething. Were I ever to meet Gwen in person, I could not be responsible for my actions….can't be sure of the details, but she makes me so insane, the one thing I can assure is it wouldn't end pretty!
No. 285661
>>285626I didn't know there was such a thing as "retard basher circles."
As far as Claire's cognition, it's possible that she did have a higher level of brain function at one time, but since the girls' disorder is progressive progressive and causes the brain to atrophy over time, what little cognitive function she possessed might have faded away over the years.
Maybe she started out with more ability and sentience than Lola, but being 5 years older, that's 5 more years her brain has had to wither away.
Gwen wants to deny that her girls disease is progressing and that they are declining, but it's pretty obvious, at least in Claire's case. Lola was never more than a breathing potato, so it's harder to tell a difference with her.
No. 285731
>>285682She kinda does look like TP, but the reality is that she looks like some mutant goblin, like something that you'd find abandoned in the trunk of a tree in the woods. She has NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. Between her hideous little face and her squawking, shit personality, her mere existence screams, why, god, why?…and please make it go away, by any means possible, just make it go away! Gwen must have completely slid into oblivion and denial by the time it came slithering out of her body, as, even in the animal kingdom, it would have been a natural reaction to turn in disgust at the mere sight of her and to reject and abandon her. However, in Gwens case, she had to sell herself on the idea that she didn't just make the biggest mistake of her life in deciding to continue with the pregnancy, knowing what lie ahead. The probl m was that she had been used to Clair at that point, and when she was a baby and toddler, Clair was somewhat cute, and she mostly just laid around not making much noise. Cue Lola's entrance….that little monster has always had that odd shaped head, no hair, ginormous ears, and the most hideous personality you could attach to a human (forgive me, I use the term loosly)…always screwing that monstrous face into a huge frown, and now here comes the never ending screaming. You will never convince me that had she known what a beast Lola was going to be, she would have ignored Cal's "wisdom" and injected the knitting needle herself and put a swift end to Thing 2!
No. 285771
>>285731What I don't understand is why Gwen and Scott would let such a young child make such a difficult decision for them in terms of keeping a defective baby. Were they worried that Cal would have been sad about the defective baby being aborted? Well, I think he's probably been sadder about changing his sisters' shitty diapers and holding them with his girlfriend than he would have been otherwise.
BTW, I don't understand why Lola is Gwen's favorite. The ugly appearance, the fussiness, the amoeba mentality, the starfish mobility, you'd think that a kid like that would be hated the most. I guess if it's your own kid it doesn't really bother you. But if my kid were like that at 10 or 15 I would want them to be put down. I don't see how the girls have "awesome" lives. Even newborns have more sentience than they do. If they were born in prehistoric times, or even in the 1950's, they would've died soon after birth.
No. 286018
>>285921I imagine they have the usual system people use for wheelchairs, where the wheelchair is strapped into the floor of their van. A seatbelt would be clipped in and go across their chests in a loose but safe manner. That is, modified for their dual buggy thing
>>272910This is what I hope, anyways, if Gwen has their safety in mind. Otherwise I imagine they ride loose in the car on the back seats or one of the Hartleys holds them (loose) in the passenger seat.
No. 286115
>>286000they are her claim to fame but they don't appear to be cash cows. any cash she has gleaned seems to go towards gear the girls are unable to use.
>>286018they ride in a potato sack of course
No. 286797
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>>286699Could you imagination being alone in the dark with Claire tho? Like, it's all silent but you know she's there…
No. 287103
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>>287073Ugh that video gives me the heebie jeebies. Makes me feel kinda sick, the same way as if I look at a centipede. Shudder. What's with the jerky head turning? FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDIES 13: HARTLEY HOOLIGAN'S HARROWING HOUSE
Also new Eagle Eyes pic
No. 287113
>>287103In this one it looks like Lola is on the brink of death with her eyes not even looking at the melon. How can Gwen be so deluded to think that she's actually eating? The way Gwen treats her like a dog but a dog has more cognitive function than that goblin.
No. 287195
>>287103Claire is the picture of health! Balding, food tube, seizures, pretzel legs, twisted fingers and toes, can't walk, can't talk, can't read or write, can't see straight, constant assblasting and rancid shitting, diapers, permanent rictus of agony, no puberty, weird teeth, eyes bulging out of skull, dwarfism, 30 lbs, sleeps all day, tiny head, smaller brain, allergic to all medicine, just like all 15 year old girls!
No. 288077
>>287768This is looking at it from an outside perspective without the emotions or imagining my partners, families and the rest attached so I know it's nothing compared to the real life decisions Gwen had to face, but I'll answer anyway with that in mind.
I definitely don't blame Gwen for dealing with the hand she was dealt with with Claire. However I can't help but think… I don't know, like there could've been a point, or a few points where the doctor's might've said that an option was to let things pan out naturally and not intervene medically. And if it were me, I'd let her pass on.
I don't know what options you're even given in this kind of situation. But if my kid was in such a state as Claire usually is and her health declined even further, and the doctor gave the option to make her comfortable and let nature take its course, I think it'd be the right thing to do.
No. 288144
>>288077I think that the most difficult part of all of this is that when they decided to have Lola they didn't have an actual diagnosis and prognosis of Clair's condition. When she was five, she was still somewhat cute and wasn't near the mess she is now. I don't think it justifies the decision to have Lola, as Clair still had a host of issues, and I'm sure that they expected that if they had another child with the same condition she would only b as bad off as Clair is and they never suspected that she would be so much worse, as Lola is. Since they didn't have a diagnosis they weren't aware that they would be progressively worse as time went on, ultimately leading to the terrible condition they are in today, and that they will continue to worsen as time goes on until their ultimate demise. I'm not trying to justify the decision to have Lola, I think that was a huge mistake. Not only is she a physical atrocity it appears that every moment she lives is pure misery. Between starving and having a body that is a host of its own agonizing issues, that little monster never stood a chance. Gwen tries to minimize the mistake of bringing her into the world by constantly saying how glad she is to have her here. There is no way that having Lola is a joy for Gwen. She is constantly screaming and crying, never sleeps, just never happy and satisfied. Lola's birth is a glaring error I judgment by a selfish, narcicissist, who's more concerned with how she appears to others than the comfort and well being of the girls. Two major strikes against Gwen!
No. 288603
>>288144I thought this but I've come to wonder over time if that's giving Gwen too much credit.
There's no way she could've gone into having Lola without knowing there's a high likelyhood Lola could be much worse. And at this point Claire was 4-5 (correct me if I'm wrong) and barely functioning at the level of a 6 month old, let alone a child her age. It's not like she was toddling around, babbling when she was a three year old and her condition has deteriorated over time… there wasn't much to deteriorate from in the first place. They had to know by literally looking at her tiny microcephalic alone that there was only so much improvement that was possible.
And they chose to have a second one…
No. 289099
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No. 289109
>>289107I didnt say they dont deserve help. I said that it should come out of their parents' pocket.
I mean seriously what did these dumbfucks were thinking, that they were going to be able to afford care for not one but two of these kids? They knew the govt was going to give them money.
No. 289112
>>289103while i kind of agree with you at the same time i dont think this would be a solution. you can see that in countries were they kind of did exactly that. little to no money, to little employers for working with these children. there is a number of documentaries on youtube.
not gonna post these because completely ot but search on youtube for: "Vor 20 Jahren: Die verlorenen Kinder von Cighid" about how romania dealed with mentally retarded children by neglecting them in childrens homes from channel spiegeltv. it's german without subtitles but the images should be enough. at 3:35 one of the caregivers states "they shouldve been euthanized right after birth. what are we suppossed to do now? we dont have any possibilities.i think parents should rather abort, but since they didnt chose to at least they should be stuck with their potato children.
No. 289129
>>289103>>289107>>289112It's a shitty situation with no winners. On one hand you do the right thing by the herd by aborting, on the other you are doing the right thing by allowing the individual a chance to live.
Every member of society should contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. Why should the able bodied be forced to look after those who can't look after themselves? Well, one time we may be the ones that need looking after. But that will be after a life of looking after society, society will look after me.
Why divert these resources to people who have contributed nothing to society, other than to assuage the parent's guilt they would feel from aborting them? What does that say about you who denies an innocent assistance?
It's fucked. There is no answer. And that's why we are here bitching out Gwen. Fuck Gwen.
No. 289293
>>289120in every picture and video with the dog he looks like he's going to have a nervous breakdown. he is not comfortable around them.
i wonder what it's like to be able to have a more meaningful conversation with your dog than your children. it must be weird
No. 289627

>>289297I guess people get angrier at Gwen because she's the one who posts all these horrible pictures of the girls, makes up tall tales about their abilities and is generally the one exploiting them for attention.
Scott is definitely not innocent though, he has been guilty of some questionable behavior too. That world's smallest ninja video, where he treats Lola like a prop for the amusement of others was an example. I think that was a real assholish way to treat the daughter that you supposedly believe deserves dignity and respect.
He was also the one holding that nun-puppet in all those pictures Gwen posted on her blog where Lola was again used as a prop. In some photos the puppet is pretending to strangle Lola and in others it's punching her in the mouth. Scott could have stopped it and told Gwen that it wasn't funny or cute, but instead he chose to participate. So, he's definitely not innocent.
But basically because Gwen is the one in the spotlight most of the time, and because she runs the blog and the facebook page, she gets the most negative attention and condemnation.
No. 289660
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>>289629 Bree was also dealt a bad hand but I believe Bree had more going on than the Hartley sisters. Not only could she kinda sloth around, she loved her bong/ toy. Gwen has to pretend that Lola is really aware and loves holding her yellow chicken. I'm not sure why that yellow chicken bok bothers me so much… maybe because Gwen tries so hard to make it seem like it's her favorite toy when you could put a cucumber in her hand and get the same reaction. Bree/ her mom did not have many followers… maybe because she was older and did not have that "baby" appeal. I suspect as we will see gwens page hit a plateau and interest will die down. Gwen can only tell her story so many times… woes me at first, my children are suppose to be this way, they are perfect, doctors were wrong…. she was lucky that Zika came around to gain her fame!
No. 289671
Bree was on the low end of the intellectual scale, she could not walk or talk, but compared to the Hartleys, she was an olympic athlete and a Rhodes Scholar. She could crawl,-her mom liked to call it creeping for some reason, but whatever. Claire and Lola are practically immobile. When the therapist put Claire on her hands and knees and she didn't fall and smash her face into the floor, Gwen called that "working on her crawling." The most Claire can do is push herself up slightly with one hand and Lola can't even do that much.
Bree's mom showed some older footage of Bree doing therapy as a child and she was able to listen and react to her mother.
She could lift and hold things, she liked looking at her reflection in a mirror, while Lola and Claire don't even seem to be aware of their own existence. Shitting and farting seem to be their only abilities and Lola can't even do that on her own without help from Scott "the shit whisperer." Ugh.
The only individual I've seen so far who is close to Claire and Lola in lack of cognitive ability is Jaxon Buell who has almost no brain.
Coincidentally, his parents are attention whores as bad or worse than Gwen.
I don't know what it is about having potato babies that make parents feel the need to shout it to the world. BTW, when I say that, I'm referring to the Buells and the Hartleys, not Bree Walker or her mom. I don't think Bree's mom was desperate for attention and although Bree was slow, she still had some awareness like I said, so I never considered her as part of the tater category.
No. 289907
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>>289905Gwen is so eloquent in her writing. Scott helps to milk the turds from kid #2. Why does Gwen feel the need to write about shit? Is this actually funny or appealing to anyone? It's like she finds comfort in stripping away the dignity of her taters.
No. 291662
>>291614Well, that at least makes me feel a little bit better about my mental health.
>>291606Youre right, I forgot about that. But it does raise the question, "how long do these two have, especially Claire?" I mean, considering her age and condition, her brain, or rather whatever little gray matter she had, has most likely severely atrophied by now.
No. 291868
>>291818Yep, and she recently repeated that line about how she'd never talk about if Claire and Lola get their periods because she wants to "respect their privacy". I think she's written that same thing at least 3 or 4 times already.
Her hypocrisy is astounding. Why is whether or not they get a monthly period a matter of privacy,yet sharing the most intricate details of their bowel movements is perfectly fine?
Neither one of them shows any sign of reaching puberty and I think Gwen doesn't want to admit that this is another way that they are abnormal. So she just swears off talking about the subject at all under the guise of respect for privacy.
In reality, I believe if they really did get their periods, crazy Gwen would be so excited she'd probably arrange a whole photo session around it. And when Lola started pitching one of her screaming and crying fits along with of her standard excuses of her being hungry or cutting a tooth Gwen would say she's got PMS.
No. 291931
I'm sure you all saw her recent FB post by the woman with the girl who has Wolf Hirshorn Syndrome, ( the same thing Bree Gilker had, though apparently not as severe), and she swore they were long lost twins and had the same point of view….except, if Gwen had bothered to read the article, this woman refers to growing a Super Baby, not saying gay her child had "Super Powers", like Gwen always says the girls have, but rather that she did everything right during her pregnancy, tonhave thar Super a baby, but somehow she ended up with a child with a life altering syndrome. As with most mothers, except Gwen, you read her words and you actually feel for her and try to empathize with her life. She talks of how her daughter has changed her life, and she has become a different and better person, and somehow, you actually feel as she has. I don't get that same feeling when Gwen says the same words. She believes the girls have changed her for the better, when actually they haven't changed her at all. She has always been an egotistical, self centered, snobbish bitch. The only things the girls have done is to give her a platform for her self centered narcissism to have a voice, and it's not about the girls, but rather about how awesome SHE is…..what a great mom!… what an awesome attitude!…what a crock of shit! That's what thoroughly disgusts me about her. At this point she cannot get on enough shows, have enough interviews, get enough media attention to spread her words of wisdom to parenting a special needs child….what don't people get about that loony tunes bitch….she incessantly makes fun of her kids, goes on and on about their bowel movements, and a variety of other personal issues, and her equally lunatic followers think she's an awesome person…what does that say about them? Not to mention he media that keeps seeking her out. This is a situation of Kardashian disaster proportions, and nothing can make it go away….except perhaps the final mash of the taters…
No. 292429
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>>291868>Gwen would say she's got PMS.She has dropped the hint before, which is I think what started people asking.
No. 292638
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>>292420just imagined… if claire really would start her period… if gwen will post pictures about how the blood is tripping everywhere similar to the tard shards of Lola….
No. 293604
So, the FB post from yesterday with Clair aupright in her stander/sitter contraption, along with Gwens accompanying commentary is about infuriating! "Look at how straight she is in there, and how she is standing so tall!!! I guess none of us can see the multitude of straps all around her and the pillow she's prosper against. Somebody please tell me what she is doing that is so amazing. I guess I'm just an idiot, cause I don't see it. And then of course her followers…."what's next, walking?" "Oh that smile", "she's so intelligent, She has so much on her mind"….WHAAT??? I don't know who makes me crazier, that idiot Gwen or the kiss ass morons that follow her. A). She can't even sit up on her own, she's NEVER going to walk….things on her mind,….what mind? And as to that thing they refer to as a smile, that's just like everything else she does, an unprovoked, involuntary muscle spasm. She's slack jawed and buck toothed because she can't control her facial muscles any more than she controls anything else on her body. And every bit of cuteness has disappeared, in the words of Juju Chang, her appearance is unsettling, at very best! I know none of this is her fault, but please shut her stupid mother up and do the same with that band of idiots who follow her and hang on every idiot thing that stupid bitch has to say! THranks for letting me vent, feel better now.
No. 294358
>>294326Gwen doesn't have time for the day to day care of the girls anymore. She's too busy managing her own celebrity. She has to be sure and let everyone know that she is the unofficial spokesperson for microcephaly, the unmitigated expert in her field. Why I believe she knows more about this than most doctors. Nothing that she does actually has much to do with her daughters any more. They are her platform for all of the praise she has come to desire…scratch that it's more like require. She has the constant desire to be spoon fed constant compliments and ass pats as to how remarkable a woman she is. I wish all these media people would stand back and actually look at this woman to whom they heap all of this praise. She doesn't have a fresh outlook on parenting the disabled child. She is an extraordinarily delusional woman who can't bear to face the truth about her children so she assigns personality traits and actions to two "people" who have absolutely no awareness of, well anything….not their surroundings, things they are supposedly doing, things others are doing around them; nothing. Clair dips in and out of consciousness, as does Lola. Most of the time her eyes are rolled up into the back of her head and there is absolutely nothing going on with her or about her. She's starving because she cannot actually eat by mouth, in a constant state of pain and discomfort. Tens of thousands of tax dollars are wasted on them annually for teachers, equipment that they will never have the ability to use, I. E., the walker, the Eagle Eyes, Clair's sitter/stander. The only thing Clair actually needs is a beanbag chair, diapers, drool cloths and to be fed through her gastric tube several times a day. As to Lola, she also needs countless diapers, and realistically a pillow to prop her in a corner where she should be abandoned for a couple of days, or however long it would take for her to quietly slip away never to be heard from again. Oh, the silence of her absence would fill the air like angels singing, and imagine never having to look upon her goblinesque figure again, the nightmares could finally end. But then what would Gwen do? She'd no longer have throngs of followers praising her every thought and action. It would be so amazing if those idiots could take the blinders off and see her for what she really is….a self centered narcissist, whose ego hasn't changed over time; she's not a vastly improved person who has seen the light thanks to parenting the veggie twins. If anything she is worse than she used to be….plain and simple she is a media starved fame whore, who'll like her hideous children needs to go the fuck away!
No. 294373
>>294252Ditto. I'm always curious about how yellow Claire is and how skeletal Lola is. It's terrible, but yeah, morbid curiosity and all that.
>>294239> Gwens excuse is that she is always hungry or teething.>hungryI'm not going to dig back through Gwen's blog, but there was a point when she whined about having to give Lola a NG tube in order to keep her from starving to death when she had chicken pox (which none of her kids, including Cal, were vaccinated for, because of course they weren't). Gwen said flat out that Lola
should have a NG tube, but doesn't because Gwen
doesn't like the way it looks. According to Gwen, it makes Lola "look sick," which is apparently worse in Gwen's mind than Lola being constantly half-starved. Granted, Gwen also then gave lip service to the dangers of the tube being misplaced or accidentally ripped out, but she said herself that the main reason for the lack of NG tube was that she doesn't like the way it looks.
IIrc that was also when Gwen decided to find out if Lola could have a GI tube inserted. Apparently she hadn't bothered seeking that information until she was forced to use the oh-so-visible NG tube. So she was cool with letting her child be in constant hunger-induced agony as long as there wasn't an icky tube to look at.
Gwen and Scott are despicable.
No. 294382
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Claire is balding… Poor goblin. I have the feeling is due to the lack of nutrients in her diet.
I just thought of something: is it possible the goblins got worse/never developed past new-born level because of Gwen´s refusal of doctors? She should see a physician to check on their diet, but she insists on the goat milk and melon, so is it possible she just avoided them altogether and made shit worse? I mean, they have seizures all day long, and she did not get them checked (as far as I understood).
No. 294896
>>294681Goat's milk is probably the only thing she feeds them that has any substantial protein and fat. We often think of fat as bad, but we all need at least some of it in our diet and we definitely need protein.
Everything else she feeds those two has little to none of either. The goat's milk formula is also probably the biggest source of calories for them as well.
They're nutritionally deprived as it is, without that goat's milk, they'd be even more starved than they already are. Especially Lola who can barely swallow most of the mush that Gwen spoon feeds her.
No. 295511
>>295335This one is the fucking worst. (01/05/13) watch all their videos waiting for the Veggie Tales to move, to respond to stimuli, or to do anything, even randomly, why is it so much worse when they do? Watching her face screw up like that makes me feel sick.
No. 295645
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>>295511Dunno man
>Woohooooo!!!! Shit in her pants & a rattle in her hand! Woohoooooo!!!! No. 295907
>>295716Oh, whoops, I didn't catch that post date.
Now I'm feeling a weird combination of pity and relief. Like, oh hey she's gaining weight and looking better. But also, oh no her unfortunate existence has only been further prolonged.
No. 295942
>>294681>Gwen would be better off still breast feeding LolaLola is nearly 11 years old. It'd be pretty impressive if Gwen was still producing breast milk.
>>295709They have at least a tiny bit of awareness. Watch clearly hated the slime and tried to get away from it.
As for Lola, there's a video where the dog hops onto the couch next to her and she spasm like she's startled and immediately looks in its direction. She also kept looking in Gwen's direction in the EagleEyes video, even after Gwen changed positions. And as for her rooting "reflex", we don't know if it's a reflex or a learned behavior. She's got to be hungry most of the time, so it would make sense for her to try to eat anything near her face. The rooting reflex usually isn't supposed to last for very long, but with Lola's fucked up physiology, who knows.
No. 296557
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>>294681>Gwen would be better off still breast feeding Lolaoh god the horrors
i wouldnt even breastfeed if that thing was my own.
No. 296618
>>295942I love how near the end of this video Gwen starts talking about their ""dwarfism"" and it slips out what it actually is… Failure to thrive.
Just let them die already Gwen. They've been trying for the last 15 years to. Let them go.
No. 296900
>>296885Yes, she has said that they didn't know until late in the pregnancy. That being said though, it was 15 years ago and would be easier to detect today, but it still happens that this kind of stuff goes unnoticed. Also, them deciding to have Lola because Cal just "wanted to know her" is such bullshit. It's not like buying a god damn hamster, Gwen.
Or well, it kind of is because they have about the same ability to be a human.
No. 296912
>>296885Yes, apparently this type of microcephaly doesn't show up until late in pregnancy. Gwen got regular sonograms, but everything was OK up until her 19th week and since Cal, their first kid was born normal, they had no reason suspect anything was wrong with Claire, so they didn't schedule anymore sonograms past 19 weeks.
It wasn't until right after Claire was born the doctors saw that her head was much smaller than normal and they realized she had some kind of issue.
With Lola they knew they had to watch out for microcephaly, so they scheduled sonograms throughout Gwen's entire pregnancy. At first, just like with Claire, Lola's head measured normally and for a long while they thought she was going to be OK. Her head size didn't start lagging behind until the 22nd week. Then they waited almost a month and the next sonogram showed her head growth was even further behind and they finally confirmed she had microcephaly. Gwen was over 26 weeks along by this time.
While test are more advanced today, if head size doesn't start slowing down until around 22 weeks, I'm not sure there would be a way to detect this defect any earlier, unless there is reason to suspect the same syndrome and then you might be able to do DNA test.
But I wouldn't worry about this one too much. This particular genetic disaster is pretty rare so your kids are unlikely to be taters.
No. 296916
>>296900Hamsters are literally smarter and have more skilled than Claire or Lola. Hamsters can feed themselves, run around in those little wheels. I just saw a video where a couple decided to buy a hamster and they got the wrong kind of cage. They left it alone and when they came back, the little guy had escaped from his cage and was standing on top of it.
Leave Claire and Lola alone in a room with an open door and come back two hours later, they'll both be in the exact same place. With some effort Claire may be able to to push herself on to her back like a turtle, but that's about the most you could expect from her. Lola could do nothing more than moan, fart and shit herself. Hell she even apparently has trouble doing the latter and that's why her dad has to milk her stomach..blech.
God, its scary thinking of how devoid of even the slightest ability those two are, yet they are still somehow considered human.
No. 297040
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No. 297204
>>296912Worth noting how traumatic abortion would be from 20 weeks onwards you for adding this anon I never realised she was so far along when they found out. This gives me a bit more sympathy for her situation, I'm sure there's a lot of people who couldn't go through with that.
However beyond that point I dont forgive her and Scott for prolonging their lives this long. They've been trying to die from since before they were born. We don't drag out a kittens life if it's failing to thrive, or an old dogs if it's suffering, or a baby bird you've found out of a tree. You know when someone is experiencing more suffering than is worth it.
On the other hand Scott and Gwen are stuck. If they left Lola with too many blankets and, oopsie daisy, she suffocated, surely they'd be investigated for murder. Doctors have voiced their extreme concerns about putting Lola under anaesthetic, if Gwen and Scott pressed it further doctors may well say they won't do it. Despite all this the girls cling on to life and Gwen gets no release.
No. 297402
>>297356She thinks that they might not have the brain degradation because according to her all their skills are increasing except for Claire's walking. She also said that "it isn't necessarily degenerative every time."
Except that in the studies researchers have done on ASNS deficiency, literally every single subject they've studied has shown brain atrophy. The studies are relatively small, but as yet there has not been an exception.
She thinks her girls may be that exception, but she refuses to have their heads/brains meastred. You'd think that if she truly believed that their brains were not deteriorating, she'd insist on having their brains studied so she could prove this and perhaps provide hope to other parents whose children have the same diagnosis.
And as far as their skills increasing, basically whenever they make the slightest movement, no matter how inconsequential, she'll attribute it to some great leap in ability. She sees achievement because she wants to see it.
For example when Lola was using eagle eyes and the therapist was trying to teach her to recognize numbers and letters, her eyes kept darting to the x and closing the window with the big letter. Instead of admitting that Lola didn't know what was going on, that trying to teach to read was futile, and she couldn't even control her eye movement, Gwen decided Lola was purposely closing the box because she didn't want to work.
So basically it's all wishful thinking on Gwen's part.
No. 297466
>>297414Yeah, like this genius who wrote "Maybe if a cute boy was in front of her. Or Justin Bieber. Something to motivate her little teenage butt. Fact is she is a girl and stubborn. Mine is 17 and wants to sit on her phone all day."
Sure, Claire's just a regular stubborn teenage girl, that's what the problem is. The fact that she has a severe neurometabolic disorder that's devastated her brain has nothing to do with it.
I hate the way the commenters suck up to Gwen .
I can understand being nice out of pity and compassion, but I cant stand the sycophants that indulge her in her delusion.
I think most of them don't actually even believe what they write in those comments, but they're just patronizing Gwen because she's like a celebrity to them and they want her approval.
No. 297953
>>297771They are talking about assisted walking, strapped into a supported walking frame (or similar device).
The mental image of Claire hopping up and walking away is pretty funny though.
No. 298210
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>>298170True, I was just clarifying since the anon before seemed to think anybody expected Claire to stand upright and walk by herself. Gwen is delusional but not THAT delusional.
…. okay never mind.
No. 298222
>>2 >>298213
>>298213 Do the girls even have brain parts for conscious decision making? I cant imagine there is anything that would motivate Claire to walk like there is no interest in food or toys. Please don't say eagle eyes showed that they could make choices because that was a total failure. They have had that for quite a few months and other than the girls eyes accidentally hitting the x, they have yet to show any real intelligence.
No. 298308
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Everytime I see them laying on the ground I think of this. Someone just take out a gun and them out of their missary. Sorry but they arnt really alive it's just little to no brain waves that keep them going
No. 298883
>>29886910 feet all on her own according to Gwen. She even had help available but she refused it because she "wanted to work." And then when Gwen told Claire that she didn't have her camera, Claire turned and smiled…Oh, that Claire, what a clever,impish little rascal she is. Full of tricks and humor. I imagine life with her must be a nonstop laugh riot. It's just a shame though, that whenever she and her equally talented sister perform one of their amazing feats, Gwen's camera is never at hand.
Interesting also, that whenever Gwen does manage to film them, what's shown in this video is pretty much the extent of their achievements. I guess they're just camera shy.
No. 299535
>>299502I think the difference is Gwen does it to soothe herself and her own delusions. The Buells do it for money; now they have this huge audience and are selling MLM shit to them as well as the usual fundraising.
What links the salivating fans together is a fetish for children who are like dolls: pliable, eternal babies.
No. 300165
>>269143IDK- the Wetmore kid goes to school, is sentient, has cognitive abilities, uses sign language to communicate etc, unlike these sad creatures (who really are subhuman).
Wetmore may look revoltingly terrifying but at least there's a legit, properly functioning brain inside that deformed head of hers.
saged for OT vent
No. 300630
>>300472there are nurses and therapists constantly too. im pretty sure if there was reason enough to get CPS involved, they would initiate it.
also >>>/rules/
>No egregious stalking or harassment which crosses over into the real world. No. 300689
>>300490That's exactly what I was thinking. Although, I give Gwen the side eye on a lot of the stuff she says and does, I seriously doubt that strangers are going to treat these girls better. They require 24 hour care and they already have therapists and nurses at home. As bad as Gwen may be, she is dedicated to them in her own way. Do you think some foster parent who has no emotional connection to them is going to put up with Lola's constant cries and twisted grimaces while she and her sister shit and fart their days away?
Many people get the urge to throw them down the stairs from just looking at them, so why would you think strangers are going to give them better care than Gwen? Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Gwen and I think she exploits these girls for attention and she doesn't feed Lola enough, but no one else is going to do any better by the little taters.
No. 300697
>>300490>Plus what the fuck would the state do with two expensive as all fuck potato children who will never get better?It's not that I'm contending that the
care of the girls wouldn't really change, but make no mistake–Gwen and her bubbo's house, bills, food, and stuff is already paid for by taxdollar money.
She's collecting on those disabled potatoes, probably the reason why she keeps up appearances so much. So she can continue to get money and live a lifestyle she otherwise wouldn't have if she had to work.
Many parents do this with disabled children because it guarantees a free income. Same reason why some people adopt children.
Government money.
No. 300880
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>>300728Happy Birthday Miss Pockey you hideous potato you!
No. 301941
>>301708Why is Scott's business not valid? Yes he's a glassblower but if the business is doing okay (and they never complain about money) what is the problem with it as a vocation. That's just being judgmental for no reason.
Cal probably missed out on the basketball scholarships he hoped for elsewhere.
No. 301989
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Very sad to see so clearly how long Claire has been fused into much the same position.
Also see the comments… how soon before Gwen has no choice but to address the girls deteriorating. She's in denial.
No. 301991
>>260683>>241320Sage for sameness person but wanted to add that in this thread alone we can see baby pics where Claire clearly has more mobility and is less tight.
>>250549 No. 302017
>>301708>>301695>>300697>>289109>>289103Man, someone is
really pissed off at the thought of these guys getting ~muh tax dollars!~ through government assistance.
While I agree the free teaching, walking aids etc are a complete waste of time and $, having an aid that helps with the tater's care and a physical therapist that (hopefully) helps with some of the pain the poor buggers probably face isn't a bad thing.
But IDG this idea that people who receive disability live some sort of high life, because that's just bullshit (speaking from experience).
And those people you mentioned who foster heaps of kids for the $ also leave those children poorly fed, clothed and generally neglected because to look after them adequately would cost them that selfsame $
Clearly the taters are more than provided for (within the parameters of the family's lunacy) so Gwen and Scott aren't hoarding the $ to fund some sort of extravagant lifestyle.
There's just no way that they could live the comfortable life they do thru govt $ alone, and it's not going to stretch enough to top up a low income to allow for their lifestyle either.
And LBR, there are so many more vile things that govt $ is used for or wasted on that make Scott and Gwen's assistance irrelevant in terms of $ and cost to the community.
Personally speaking, millionaires and billionaires paying virtually no tax- $ that could go back into benefiting the whole community- pisses me off far more than whatever $ this freakshow of a family might receive, but obv YMMV
sage for OT rant and mega self blogging
No. 302054
>>301991>>302040she is hypertonic so of course, her muscles have continued to tighten with time. they can't stop it. let's rag on Gwen but at least choose something accurate. she's delusional about the "inchstones" but she knows Claire's muscles have tightened as much as they have. it wasn't caused by neglect although I'd think having dislocated hips from it couldn't be too fun.
people screeching about eugenics and making up bizarre stories have dragged these threads into the mud.
No. 302131
>>300697 and yeah I'm one of the ones who are.
This isn't about other people collecting disability, I don't have a problem with most people who can't help their disability collecting assistance for it.
However, this is about psychotic parents like Gwen purposefully having a disabled child to collect more assistance. Then using her healthy son as the excuse as to why she birthed Lola instead of owning up to her responsibility in the choice because the truth is too much.
Lola is literally a check. There was no reason to have her. And IMO, Lola is poorly fed, poorly clothed, and only gets the attention she does because Gwen gets all those therapists in to keep up with appearances. Almost every therapy video is with Claire. The least potato just doesn't have the ability to express its constant pain, malnourishment, and belittlement like a normal child.
Neither of them have jobs, do they? Their entire life is dedicated to exploiting their potatoes, including earning through tv interviews and keeping up on social media. I'm sure ultra-christians donate to them too. Neither of these parents would be doing this without some kind of benefit, nobody would.
No. 302307
>>302227And in the pic of Lola "planting seeds", what she as Lola actually doing? Oh wait, nothing. As usual the therapist was doing all of the work being credited to Lola. Those girls literally wouldn't even put their hands in dirt and swirl them around to feel the dirt on their fingers, let alone actually do a task like planting seeds. This goes back to questioning the point of having these people coming in to work with them when there is nothing they are capable of doing. There is not one skill to be improved upon by having these therapists there working with them…not one. When that moron Gwen said that Claire didn't forget or unlearn walking, I wanted to scream!! She can't forget or unlearn something she could never do. While she's not taking traditional "steps", she is figuring out that by pushing her walker she can go places she wants to go…..aaaargh!!! The credit she gives them makes me insane! Claire doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything. She has no inclination of her existence let alone the ability to look at something or think of a place and have the desire to go there or to have the object of her desires. She projects so much on to them that you seriously have to question how far reaching her delusions are. Then there's poor Cal. The kid has actually gone out and done some pretty great stuff and he barely gets a nod from her, unless it's somehow tied to the spudlings. Apparently he didn't get a basketball scholarship to a big school, as was hoped, but he is still going on to play at a higher level and not one mention of it from Gwen. Perhaps he didn't have the opportunity, but this begs the question why didn't he get far, far away from that asylum he grew up in and get around people with normal thoughts who could help him to recognize that here is nothing "normal" or typical about either one of his sisters and his mom has been filling his head with nonsense his whole life.
No. 302564
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>>302307So adorable right?! Lola pulls at my heart strings.
No. 302771
We all know that the parade of therapists and teachers have figured out that if you want to keep your job, you agree with every crazy projection and delusion that Gwen throws out there. This makes me think, though, since they received the diagnosis for the Asperigene Synthetase Deficiency, there is now a team of doctors following the girls. My question is this, will those doctors also just take Gwen at her word that Claire "walks" and Lola "talks", that both girls are mastering Eagle Eyes, Claire's going to crawl, etc. or do they make Gwen aware that they are not seeing what she is seeing…that beyond the fact that they have ticked on for all of these years, they are not developing new talents and abilities, rather their brains continue to atrophy. We all realize that Gwens mental stability is fragile at best, as I am sure they do as well. Perhaps they "agree" in Gwens presence, but they have to put the facts into their clinical notes. Hopefully Gwen never gets her hands on those notes. She will blow the medical facility to smithereens.
No. 302992
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>>302865At a guess… possibly tear their muscles? Ick. Dreadful to think about.
On another note, very hard to tell but anyone want to guess to what degree the girls microcephaly is?
No. 305570
>>305018It has been discussed to death that the whole period thing. To catch you up, Gwen has stated that she will not say whether or not if and when the girls get their periods due to their ~~privacy~~. It's a farce, I know.
Please, lurk moar.
No. 306045
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>>306044Gosh they are so unsettling to look at, I would really keep their outings to a minimal if I was their parent just so I wouldn't make people feel uncomfortable.
No. 306379
>>306312Physical therapy is ridiculous for either girl. Physical therapy implies that the therapy will prevent something bad, like muscle atrophy, or promote something good, like increased strength.
Lola and Claire do not have the neural pathways that permit them to control or improve muscle tone. Physical therapy for them is like taking a houseplant to the gym, setting it on the treadmill and expecting it to run. Their brains literally lack the neural components to benefit from any sort of physical therapy. Their condition is degenerative and there is no way to reverse it, slow it or prevent it.
No. 308536
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No. 310202
>>310146That's something I struggle with a lot about this. Granted, Gwen takes it to a new level with the all the media she invites, but I find it hard to imagine an alternative than finding some joy in what is your every single day from now on reality.
If you have a baby like this you don't get a choice in the matter. That's it, you have to care for it now, forever. If you don't, it's murder. If you do, your life's is pretty much over in so many ways. You are expected to be completely selfless beyond what's really reasonable to request, and that's it.
Linked is a doc about parents of severely disabled children. I can't imagine that being your reality. It's sick to think that it isn't a choice for the parents to allow the child to pass peacefully. I wouldn't let a dog live like that. That's not living, for the parent or the child. Why does somebody have to slave over a child that has no quality of life?
No. 310286
>>310276What you said here is insightful.
Gwen says that she loves her girls, but in a way, you can tell she actually hates them. If she loved them, she wouldn't find it necessary to pretend that they're intelligent and functional, when it is glaringly obvious that they are neither.
She says this nonsense because if she faced the truth, she wouldn't be able to handle taking care of them. She's petrified of reality in a way few are.
Also, think about her frequent angry outbursts at the doctor who predicted they would only live a year. That's not just taunting, but her venting at the guy for giving her the false hope that she wouldn't have to take care of either girl nearly this long. Now her prime years have been spent changing diapers, getting three nonconsecutive hours of sleep each night, fielding endless questions from strangers, and being reminded again and again that neither child will ever be healthy, or even thank her for her sacrifice.
It would be sadder if she didn't so shamelessly exploit her daughter's.
No. 314327
>>314132Don't read it then instead of baww bawwing about it. It's a real pet peeve of mine when anons like to shit on threads they deem as boring. Go read about Onion then, a cow that to me, personally, is boring a over discussed. But never before have i purposely gone into an Onision thread just to bitch about it.
Don't rain on my parade anon.
No. 315800
So, today on the Hooligans, the batshit crazy, witch woman, mother from hell, aka Gwen posted something about it being Cals last day of high school. Of course she has to make it about the ta-tards, and she laments how he will be their only child to graduate, marry, have kids, etc. and how this shatters her heart, blah, blah, blah….and then one of her idiot followers says maybe Clair can walk in graduation with Cal so she can have the experience too. Can any of these morons let Cal have anything for himself, just one thing that doesn't warrant a mention of either one of the girls? Scott is always going on about how they took Cals childhood for granted and the girls taught them to appreciate the little things, and I guess that's true for the girls, but not for Cal. They have taken for granted and wasted every pivotal moment of that boys life to celebrate a brainless, meat sack vomiting 12 ft and shitting herself from head to toe….the other one purposefully moving her arm and operating anninfantsnlightbip toy(?)….either one of them effectively using Eagle Eyes…. the list is neverending. Not one time on the FB, IG or blog has Gwen mentioned Cals playing basketball at a Junior College down the road. Is this not a high enough accomplishment to warrant a mention on the family brag sheet? Would it have been acceptable had he gotten into a Top Ten or just any regular four year school? Meanwhile the girls literally do nothing of note and their is an ongoing barrage of pics and paragraphs describing all of their accomplishments, which I suppose it has to be done that way or nobody but Gwen would know what's going on. We see their mindless, immobile bodies lying there doing nothing and Gwen sees Clair getting a gold medal for running in the Olympics and Lola writing the novel of the century! I really feel for Cal and I sincerely hope that as he grows and becomes more independent, he is able to be exposed to different environments where he can realize that his mother is certifiable and that little to nothing that he has been told about the world is true, but rather her wackadoo perception of things. Clair and Lola are not miracles, but rather tragic human disasters, and if there is even a remote possibility of him having a child like them, he will do all in his power to make sure it doesn't happen. In the propagation of the species, they are NOT what is desired!….no matter what his insane mother says. On the contrary, as they are in the state that they are in, they should not exist at all.
No. 315814
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>>315800And here's one of the replies to that post. I hope to God Gwen doesn't take that idea up.
No. 316076
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>>315800I Recentky saw this video on CNN. Gwen actually has another girl with microcephaly use their hot tub. Anyway in the picture, they call her lola grumpus. She looks like the hunch back of Notre dame. Pretty sure this is Lola's resting face. Gwen goes on to say how much Claire loves to learn and makes faces when she is so happy when she has accomplished something. Except the difference is this other girl can walk, and seems much more aware than Gwens kids. I hate Gwen trying to lump this girl and her kids in the sameness category.
No. 316424
>>316076I hadn't seen this one before! Link for anyone else interested find these people who say "they told us she wouldn't do this, that, etc. and look at her now!" so irresponsible. I'd want to hear from someone who what the doctors said would happen all came true, not from the best case scenario.
No. 316569
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No. 316681
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>>316424>"We're trying to get Lola to unfurl in the therapy pool. The goal is complete relaxation!"I mean, they do appear more 'relaxed' but I think there's physiological explanations for it that have nothing to do with Gwen thinking the girls are aware they're floating in a tub and emotionally reacting.
Bradycardic response (diving reflex). Babies and toddlers that are put in water reflexively move themselves through it, change their rate of respiration, and slow down their heart rhythm. It's a phenomenon that occurs in most mammalian vertebrates, most likely to preserve oxygen stores. It's supposed to disappear from humans after 6 months or a year, but these reflexes are retained in adults with atypical neurology as well.
Everything they express is nothing but primitive reflexes. are not there.
No. 316945
>>316513Exactly. The reality of it is that people aren't trying to be Debbie downers if they can your disabled child may not live beyond a certain age, may never be able to achieve certain things, and there may be no cure… they're trying to prepare you for what your reality may now be.
That's why I think these videos where people try to give this airy snapshot of the best part of their day with their severely disabled child so irresponsible. Be honest and support people going into this with their eyes open. I get they're trying to give people hope and show people the reality isn't as scary as the idea of it. But the more prepared someone can be the better, the better they can make things for them and their child.
No. 316973
>>316971Gwen only says shit like that because she needs to sell these girls in order to land interviews and get money donated to her.
Everyone reasonable knows it's a natural reaction to be uncomfortable, if not spooked, by humans that are born horribly deformed and devoid like they are.
No. 317038
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No. 317058
>>317038 Oh great, judging by Cal's expression, now all three of her kids want to be put out of their misery!
Also, he's wearing a wristband saying "Claire and Lola ♥". Spoiler for nightmare fuel:
Imagine being his gf, and you're making out, and he starts fingering you, and you're moaning from pleasure, but then you look down, and you see that wristband… No. 317138
>>316424Gwen must have been so envious, seeing adorable little Anika grinning and walking and showing affection. All the taters can do is seize, shit, cry, and stare blankly off into space. I wonder if either of them even dream when they're asleep.
>>317104Ummm, excuse me, Claire squints sometimes which proves she is a sassy teen girl with attitude for daysssss, and Lola's projectile vomit is her brilliant way of expressing her love of rap and her rubber ducky. The girls are 1000% normal and everyone should have microcephalic children. 10/10 would recommend.
No. 317222
>>238063Fantastic recreation of Gwen's usual commentary. It's exactly like that. From my own experience of having obstacles in my development, I always grew up knowing I was different. Gwen's in an alternate reality. It's not wrong to acknowledge that those children have little to no cognitive function. It's how it is.
Pretending her children are improving is her being in complete denial and it gives all of us secondhand embarrassment.
No. 317667
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>>317038Cam looks like a young Rick Astley.
No. 318822
>>318809you're an idiot
>>318806both gwen and her husband carry the same rare gene
No. 318832
Go back and read the threads to find out the answer to your question as to why Gwent would have a second child, and then please don't attempt to contribute any more.
No. 318894
>>318822Then the parents should've gotten sterilised.
I'll lurk more before posting anything else though.
No. 318903
>>318806They had a slim chance of having a potato but they had Claire then when they found out about Lola they asked their then-young son if they should keep her and he said yes so they had another potato that's worse off than the first.
Also it boils my blood that she's already planning on Cal having kids. Poor guy has had enough of Claire and Lola and will probably get himself fixed as soon as he's out of the house.
No. 319066
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Congrats to Cal but can we talk about how frighteningly yellow Claire is getting? She's been yellowing for a while and this pic makes it undeniable. Look at Claire's skin tone next to her dads.
Gwen has said before "that's just her natural tone" when people have asked, how much longer do we think she can go on saying that?
No. 319161
>>319066Aside from her yellowing skin, I do think Claire looks cute in this picture.
But as another anon pointed out about liver failure, I do hope when she goes for her next physical or whatever that the doctor's notice, do some tests and shove it into gwen's face, screaming that her daughter's liver isn't doing so well.
I'm shocked that since the beginning of the first thread to now, those girls are still alive.
No. 319244
>>315814OF COURSE she will. Of course Cal will have to carry the fetaheads across the stage when he receives his diploma.
If I lived in that town I would lowkey fuck with Gwen all the time for being such a selfish cunt. Working retail, see Gwen? All kinds of fun you can have with people like that.
No. 319950
>>319244Fortunately, they didn't make him do that. But bet your ass that if Lola makes it to 18, she has some sort of graduation event.
I know little about government services for the disabled, so does anyone know if Claire turning 18 will affect the services she receives?
No. 320013
>>319066wow, why do they have to drag those little goblins always out into the open..
i feel so bad for cal. maybe he is lucky and can move out for college.
No. 320688
>>248278Am I going in hell for chuckling at this?
I feel horrible now, wow.
But seriously,that shit is awful, why would they let their kiddos live like that? They're practically vegetables. It's just…sad, man.
No. 320787
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>>320784Imagine being Cal and realizing how close you came to being a potato.
No. 321389
>>319218If Claire doesn't die soon, I will be surprised. She's been jaundiced since October and her hair has thinned since then.
>>310286Even if Gwen says she's happy with her life, you can tell she isn't. And the biggest evidence in this is in her health. She's overweight, and she got shingles in her thirties. I'm amazed she doesn't have cancer yet.
No. 321662
>>320103My heart breaks for Cal. As pathetic as it sounds, the fact that his mother wouldn't even give him praise By Himself as his own person when he's been a high achiever and definitely deserves it makes me want to cry.
The goblins can't give anything back. They cannot communicate. Cal is a fully functional young man and deserves his parents' pride. He can actually appreciate it.
No. 321679
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Oh ffs
They are BLIND.
No. 322177
>>321679There's always a bullshit excuse with Gwen.
The poster makes a good point in that if the taters could understand English and see, they would certainly be able to look into the camera, which they clearly can't.
No. 323613
>>322935If I ever get too angry about Gwen, I take a wee look into the Buells to remind myself that there are in fact much worse people in terms of exploiting disabled children.
Gwen is awful and the way she treats all her kids is appalling. She gives those girls no dignity. But at least she's not conning people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
No. 324697
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No. 324728
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>>324697Dood she's fuarkin Zyzz brah
No. 325240
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No photo shopping here folks. Has Gwen lost it?!
No. 476177
Some real ignorance here from people that express "fact" but just don't know any facts because they dont/didn't have a child like this or have never been around one long enough to pull their head out. Ours "forgot" how to eat when the tube went in. This is common, for any basic function. It's not used, so the process is discarded and due to the lack of mental abilities, never relearned. The "food" is a specific mix, extremely high calorie and has appropriate protein, minerals, etc. It tastes like absolute crap, but who cares? In this situation, you're not tasting it anyway. And in our case, food intake was always limited not by the ability to eat and swallow it, but to digest it. Between vomiting, seizures, or both… the fun never stops. The one reality I can say is, everyone's an expert, but none of those people have the slightest f in clue what they're talking about. I heard the word "cant" so many times I lost count, when in fact the answer was often "can". It's just that the person that said "cant" was, somehow, more retarded than my kid. The sad part is… she had an excuse for being retarded, those people did not. Keep that in mind next time you give your expert opinion. Carry on with the Gwen bashing… I guarantee you she doesn't care what you say, and is doing her best to cope with the situation. That's what we did.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)