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No. 60909
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No. 60910
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I know this is maybe better as /snow/ material, but tbh I have no idea what this is. Is it a lolcow? Is it saxy after hormone replacement therapy? I'm so confused.
No. 60911
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It's an autistic, nonbinary, agender lesbian according to the dumblr description
No. 60913
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No. 60914
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No. 60915
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No. 60919
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she's claiming she has gastrioparesis
from the mayo clinic
"Signs and symptoms of gastroparesis include:
>A feeling of fullness after eating just a few bites
Abdominal bloating
Abdominal pain
Changes in blood sugar levels
>Lack of appetite
>Weight loss and malnutrition"
No. 60920
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>>60919she's also eating heartily while having a feeding tube
I think not eating like a hog would really help her health problems
but she doesn't want to get better, she's on disability now and claims she never wants to work
No. 60921
>>60917I didn't not expect that voice to come out of that thing.
God, she's fucking hideous.
No. 60924
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No. 60925
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No. 60927
There's something really interesting about her look. The closest way to describe it would be like this anon
No. 60928
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>>60927she could be a model if she wasn't so fat
No. 60930
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No. 60931
>>60910>I have no idea what this is.A monstrosity, that's what.
>>60928>she could be a model if she wasn't so fatAnon pls
No. 60935
>>60932and the worst thing is that 1- her disease means she's way skinnier than she otherwise would be (or at least it SHOULD be making her not eat like a whale) and 2- her condition would be less horrible and her sleep apnea would go away if she stopped eating so goddamn much
I mean she has a feeding tube and eats on top of that
No. 60936
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No. 60939
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get her another egg beater for stimming
No. 60941
>>60938It documents people who fake medical problems on the Internet, usually for money or attention. It's incredible how much some people will go through to do this. I can't remember the details of the Warrior Eli case that started the blog, but it was so convincing that it had the national media onboard. I would highly recommend taking a look through it because it's a goldmine of kek.
>>60937I saw that when I worked up the stomach to take a look at her Tumblr. Unfortunately, I didn't see any evidence that she was lying. All that pretentiousness in one person tho, wow.
No. 60942
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>>60941Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she legit had some problems (that could be eased by losing all that weight, eg the sleep apnea) but she isn't shilling for money or gifts
No. 60943
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No. 60948
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>>60947Looking at this chick's mouth is driving me fucking nuts. It reminds me of Trudy's boyfriend in Reno 911.
No. 60949
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Uh, guys, I think this.. thing, idk, anyway, she's kinda well-known.
I mean she has her own Wikipedia page for supposed work on autism. No. 60955
I think she's kind of sweet.
It's pretty amazing what she's capable of despite having low-functioning autism. Especially considering what others can be like: No. 60957
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>>60949damn, I wonder who wrote that page
No. 60958
>>60953>>60954I agree. What strikes me as strange is the fact that she uses a voice synthesiser instead of speaking, even though she is more than capable of speech, and that she claims to have a plethora of illnesses.
No. 60964
>>60956Can you just get pcos? Cuz in the video
>>60950She doesn't have any facial hair
No. 60989
This thread seems to be focused on her hideous appearance, which is understandable, but that's actually not the worst thing about her.
She is faking autism. Not the high functioning "I'm socially awkward and obsessed with anime" kind of autism, but the full retard, can barely speak or wipe their own ass, kind of autism. She claims to have an IQ of 85 even though she writes more intelligently than the average person, and has produced videos where she appears to be severely disabled:… she does not have autism or mental retardation. Accounts from former acquaintances here reveal that she attended a high school for gifted kids and went to college. She appeared intelligent and socially normal during this time.
Sometime during college she started doing a lot of acid and went nuts. She was given a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This is the only one of her diagnoses that seems legitimate. While schizophrenia can be disabling it would not produce any of the autism-like symptoms that she claims to suffer from. It is impossible to develop autism in adulthood, by definition it is a developmental condition.
She has claimed to have other disorders before, such as multiple personality disorder and manic depression, but later retracted those claims.
It's fucked up. She is pretending to be retarded and literally shitting in diapers to get attention/money. She's selling false hope to the parents of actual autistic children. She's more of a horrorcow than a lolcow.
tl;dr Amanda Baggs is a relatively normal person pretending to be a low-functioning autistic.
No. 60997
>>60989wtf this is Amanda Baggs? lol, I had no fucking idea she was so ugly. I think I saw pictures of her earlier where she wasn't so ugly. What the fuck happened? I mean, plenty of people get to be obese but did she purposely develop PCOS too? I have no fucking idea!
Anyways fuck her and thanks for bringing this to light.
No. 61037
>>60989Another one: Seems like the height of her "fame" was in 2008 and she's still getting away with it. She's even added new disabilities.
No. 61068
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>>60931>Anon plshigh fashion models are known to have ugly but interesting features
No. 61129
>>61006and maybe she used to shave/care for her appearance?
also she looked less fat before too and obesity aggrevates PCOS
No. 61130
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No. 61143
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No. 61145
>>61068perhaps a face like that is hiding under all that fat and bad hygiene
we will never know, because she won't change
No. 61146
>>61139Fair enough, but I think she could still try and manage her weight. I think the family/doctors are trying to, maybe that's why the feedbag is there.
Also, she doesn't strike me as schizo. No offence, but they tend to write like asha.
No. 61153
>>61074The group posts from after she'd been off of LSD for a while read like a creative writing project. One even had a poem in it that she supposedly heard from the elves. Given her later history, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she no longer had honest schizo symptoms at that point but kept it up for attention/to look hardcore. The different psychologists she went to afterwards might have trusted that the earlier diagnosis and didn't question it. Her experiences on LSD plus her interactions with patients online would have made her good at faking.
Also, I don't know much about schizophrenia but do the delusions usually relate so strongly to your interests? She was a sci-fi / fantasy nerd even before any of this started and the whole "I'm really an elf named Nightsong" thing reminds me of otherkin and 11 year old Lord of the Rings fans. Like, my great-aunt was schizophrenic and she just heard crying babies and thought God told her to give all her money to some crazy church.
No. 61186
>>61146the feedbag is for her gastropariesis, where the stomach muscles don't contract or something to aid digestion
so it's kind of amazing how she's so fucking fat
No. 61197
>>61186seriously why does this fat bitch need a feeding tube?
so she can have some vitamins or fruits/vegetables in her diet while she scarfs down McDonalds 24/7?
No. 63269
I was curious about why she'd have a feeding tube when she's so fat so I googled "feeding tube but fat" and the first result was this:'s her.
No. 63437
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No. 63441
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No. 63443
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No. 63473
>>63465same with hygiene
the more you're depressed/cray the less you take care of yourself
No. 63493
>>63441She's pretending to be retarded but concerned about her hair?
Anyway, my hair is the same texture as hers and all she needs to do is use some product. And try getting her part straight.
No. 63523
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She looks like JonWayne
No. 63551
>>63495hey anon don't know how much you dislike the hair but I thought I would tip in
if you thread away the hair, after several threading sessions it won't grow back. if you tweeze, wax or shave then it will
but again that's if you don't mind the hair or your current methods
sorry for being OT
No. 63573
>>63269Holy shit it is her. I love that not where she admits she lost weight by eating less, but then claims she gained it all back by eating 'like the average person' because 'thats human physiology ' bull fucking shit
If you're 200 pounds eating even 1800 a day, heck 2000 a day will make you lose weight
No. 63594
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Turns out she's a hypochondriac and that doctors hate her (im reading her wordpress)
Every now and then she likes to come up with a new disease and balks when a doctor says nope I'm not putting you on meds for this.
No. 63595
>>63594That shit looks so dirty.
Isn't that a huge risk having something like that get grimy?
No. 63629
>>63619she claims that she had to fight the doctors for it: in this post she's saying that her problem is that aspirating food. if that's the case, she shouldn't be eating anything at all, because it could go into her lungs and cause life-threatening infections. but if you search for food on her blog she talks about compulsive eating and eating candy… - also here she's claiming that she has gastroparesis as well…
No. 63637
>>63269>For what it’s worth, right now I weigh 178 bitch is lying like a motherfucker. One of those blogs exposing her puts her height at around 5'2" and if she were that height and weight she'd look sort of like this; mountainous creature has got to be at least 280lb+
No. 63639
>>63437literally shaking rn
No. 63653
>>63579I trawled through her blog at least a year ago, I don't want to search for the things I found, but I know she eats candy and then removes it from her stomach via the peg tube, into what she has labelled as the "burp cup"
She also uses this burp cup for removing excess stomach acid. Also I seem to recall at some point she threw up and shit all over her friends apartment.
No. 63666
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No. 63686
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I know a guy in real life who sort of, kind of resembles this monster.
>he looks more like her in person tbh. he's a mouth breather too.
No. 63688
File: 1448335178655.png (2.65 MB, 1303x1874, PhotoGrid_1448335054302-1.png)

>>63686Sorry to samefag but these are the last ones I am posting. Anyone else think he looks like her?
No. 63690
>>63679holy shit i want to die
>>63686>>63688looks like a generic white trash neckbeard, no one cares
No. 63693
Also>They forgot two of my pet peeves – finding 8 or more inches of hair and pulling that much out of either my stoma [hole for feeding tube] (while cleaning it) or my butt (in the shower or bathroom). I’ve pulled stoma hair out in front of people before (sometimes with bile and crud clinging to it) and after they get past grossing out, they go “HOW!?!?!?”this bitch is disgusting
No. 63716
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>going through this thread.
No. 63837
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>>63833that would be cool but iono how to ask them
No. 63839
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>>63837Sweet lord this needs a mandatory spoiler
>mfw I didn't even come to snow to look at this beast but once you see it there is no going back No. 63843
She looks like something in a specimen jar at the Mutter Museum.
No. 63844
>>63833>>63837Just use the report function
click on the check box on first post and then click report
(I sent a report in already tho but if more people report it might get moved sooner)
No. 63875
>>63551Not that Anon but there's no way that's true. Worth trying though, I suppose.
I have the same problem and the only thing that's helped is laser hair removal. I haven't been able to afford more sessions to completion, sadly. If threading several times would've saved me I'd have been all over it, way cheaper.
No. 63899
>>63730Lol tbh i sorta agree
some people just have that smelly look
No. 63905
>>63594It's probably because they're sick of the sight of this bitch. Pisses me off these types of fat cripples who always try the sympathy card. I get she's got a shit bag stuck to her and I get that it can't be helped (I've seen attractive people with them too and I understand they need it) but fuck sake.
I get the feeling she's one of those who turn up at the doctors office almost every monday morning, probably for a general conversation more than anything before leading it down the path of "i also have ____ btw" and the doctor just sat there sighing not daring to roll their eyes.
Shame they can't attach rockets to her wheel chair, send her somewhere else. Then she really will shit herself!
No. 63964 response to the controversy. Okay, sure, she's weird enough to have autism, but that's only one of her many diagnoses. How was someone who is mute, severely disorganized, lacks control of their bowels, has several caretaker visits per day and needs close access to machines to keep them alive accepted to an early college program? How does someone like that even attend school? Even if she dropped out,
someone thought she was capable. She and her parents thought so or else she wouldn't have gone. How did she go from being "normal" enough to attend school to being physically incapable of leaving her house or washing her own ass?
No. 63969
>>63964I wonder that too you know. Reckon she didn't just get a poo bag after an operation and then blagged to the government about some other "illnesses" in exchange of benefits tho? That's what the majority would and do here in the UK. Abuse the system like crazy.
I remember this girl from my high school, she was a bit like this minger tbh. Fat, short, manly, glasses, didn't speak and sounded like a man with a deep voice. Very anti-social and a complete cunt when everyone had finished feeling sorry for her.
From the first year of high school, she didn't make friends she would just sit on her own and she was one of those where people felt sorry for her so they were automatically nice to her.
She was a bit of a possessive cling-on to a friend of mine and wanted her all to herself. We'd all comment on this and she would get defensive, but walk away crying, pretend she had panic attacks and tell us all about her "illnesses" kek.
Then one day, I was walking to my class on the stairs when it was quiet and she was there at the top. She said after I had passed her… "You know, I've always been a pretty good actor."
I remember turning around and saying "What?"
and she goes "Yeah, that's right. They fell for it, that gag I pulled. You did too, ha."
I just nodded like really slowly.
Then she walks closer to me twiddling her umbrella. "You guys really think I have autism don't you? Well, you're wrong. I'm just a good actress, my mother always told me so. I think I'm a pretty good too."
Then she walks away with this cunt smirk on her face.
God, I still hate the bitch even after six years of not seeing her troll face.
No. 63971
>>63964Good find. Her acquaintances have stated that in college, she started doing huge amounts of psychedelic drugs and had a psychotic episode. I don't doubt that her mental health severely deteriorated at that time. However, she seems to be recovered now. Her writing is logical and even eloquent, and she doesn't seem to have any psychotic thought patterns (well.. besides pretending to be a low-functioning autistic). Definitely not what you'd expect from someone with a catastrophic case of schizophrenia.
It's definitely not autism - adult onset autism is simply not a thing. It is a developmental disorder by definition.
The impression I've gotten from reading her blog and her friends' accounts is something like this:
Amanda starts out as an intelligent and developmentally normal young woman. She has some emotional issues and is a bit socially awkward. In college she starts doing way too much acid and shrooms. She has a psychotic episode, gets committed and is diagnosed with schizophrenia. She finds out that she enjoys the attention she gets for being "sick". When her psychosis is under control, she begins faking various illnesses online (this is documented on the blogspot). She takes an interest in a low functioning autistic girl (also documented) and begins to pretend to have autism herself, even though her claims make no fucking sense. She's getting off on pity and her own helplessness.
Sorry for the long post, I just find this freak interesting. It's all so fucked up.
No. 63977
>>63971>>63964Kek, this is the only real disorder she has
>Munchausen syndrome is a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves. It is also known as hospital addiction syndrome, thick chart syndrome, or hospital hopper syndrome.
>In Munchausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates symptoms of illnesses in themselves to gain examination, treatment, attention, sympathy, and/or comfort from medical personnel. In some extreme cases, people suffering from Munchausen's syndrome are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine and are able to produce symptoms that result in lengthy and costly medical analysis, prolonged hospital stay and unnecessary operations.