File: 1487265303385.jpg (55.05 KB, 500x491, tumblr_oldjzborfl1w2v0gzo1_500…)

No. 252726
Second thread dedicated to all of the sad bbydoll nymphet angel uwu girls who idolize Nicole Dollanganger.
Some reoccurring faces include:
Millie DollGraves, Patience Kingsley, Tina Flores, Robyn Violet, Alice Snow and many many more.
We're even discovering that some of the more "famous" calves have their own calves. When will it end? And when will Patience stop drawing her eyebrows like that?
>>>/snow/198225 < Old thread
No. 252784
File: 1487268075557.jpg (803.09 KB, 1242x1228, 8e920cb78d2929dfc7c59cb9a179ec…)

>>252726Looks like Lord Farquaad
No. 252785
LMAO I posted this
>>252784 but not this
>>252781. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
No. 252794
File: 1487268829304.jpg (117.56 KB, 491x899, b02a365690b29a569c07f83e696946…)

>>252726ah yes millie. nothing says nymphet like a medieval bob.
No. 252795
File: 1487268990085.jpg (32.13 KB, 439x355, 4564.jpg)

Looks like the Berries and Cream guy from that old Starbust commercial
No. 252871
File: 1487279107649.png (275.13 KB, 1242x1124, 1487005662832.png)

Her fake ED made her hair fall out so that's why she looks like this apparently
No. 252892
>>252871lol doesn't look like it's falling out
Unless she's confessing it's an ugly wig
No. 253080
File: 1487302380386.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1557.PNG)

They made her face look so much less angry that this looks nothing like her
No. 253108
File: 1487305134252.jpeg (39.23 KB, 466x720, 1484087537720.jpeg)

>>252903They were in the previous thread anon
>>252885This picture was uploaded 3 days ago on the original thread so it couldn't have been from todays lurking session
No. 253111
>>253108Is this really her? Looks like a different person completely
Its not a well-executed look but it suits her way more (but im goth myself so im a little biased)
No. 253547
File: 1487371350297.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1571.PNG)

>>253119Patience is a different person entirely but they are bffs and hang irl
Patience isn't really cow like at all except for her looks
She posted the other day she works at a gas station and is excited to move up to manager lul but at least she isn't NEET.
Her eye brows are particularly speschul tho
No. 253717
File: 1487390048408.png (394.72 KB, 597x595, millie.png)

her face is… unfortunate
No. 254420
File: 1487531739040.jpeg (Spoiler Image,261.33 KB, 2400x1200, image.jpeg)

Can we talk about Alice for a sec
Her pictures are getting weirder, I guess she's running out of ideas lmao
No. 254425
>>253547how long does it take to do those eyebrows?
her hairline is so fucked she looks bald.
she really is the least of the girls from the last thread.
alice snow was particularly milky. cowtippers never learn
No. 255321
>>255319I had no idea she was that age, but I can appreciate that she knows her face doesn't work with the aesthetic she wants to put out. I'd rather she covered it and tried to come up with different shots than relieved on a pretty face to add interest like the usual instagram girls
Her life is too weird though, all that time doing so little, can't tell if genuinely ill or just spoilt by her family
No. 255401
>>255396>>255301eh could go either way. every victim is diff and blanket statements are bogus, some cope with kink others are repulsed .
though robyn is defo fake, that level of obliviousness is a giveaway
No. 255412
>>255301The way she types is so weird, none of it ever makes sense it's like she's mixing all of her thoughts into one weird sentence.
When she talks to her friends online it's like only a few of them understand her
No. 255468
>>255426you sound like you come from this side of tumblr who worships nicole and pretends to have a tragic past when you're really boring as fuck. csa survivors hate kink and it's NEVER a coping mechanism. it's
triggering for them. please seek help.
No. 255471
File: 1487699303620.png (349.59 KB, 827x449, Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 5.48…)

>>255396>>255415>>255468I'm not involved here, but if you calmed down your hateboner and actually looked at the person you're roasting's blog, you'd find out they don't even like dd/lg.
You're making an ass of yourself.
No. 255475
File: 1487699988472.jpg (76.69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>255471>i'm not involved here>person you're roasting's blog>anonymous imageboard>posts own blog>you're making an ass of yourselfHoly shit, the irony. Are you genuinely that retarded?
No. 255480
>>255475Either you're so desperate to not look retarded that you'd screech "selfpost" when proven wrong, or you're retarded and aren't reading the thread correctly. An anon was arguing about dd/lg because apparently Robyn is into it, but then she turned out not to be at all, which rendered their autistic argument useless. person is Robyn, in case you don't know that, either. Either way, take the L lmao.
No. 255514
File: 1487704493830.png (29.07 KB, 515x402, IMG_8116.PNG)

>>255471"Doesn't even like ddlg" wrong I think she's just started back pedaling because she knows it's not as popular anymore and won't get her positive attention. Here's an example of what she's posted in the past
No. 255550
File: 1487707941598.jpg (33.05 KB, 549x244, what.jpg)

No. 255594
>>255396a lot of littles are sexual abuse victims tho. thats the biggest issue with it in general that they're mentally ill girls with predatory abusive guys and it's all horrible and disgusting in the end. it's a coping mechanism where they relive their abuse so they come to associate it with pleasure instead of negative
i dont think theres a right way to victim but robyn is literally the only calf who i believe is either mentally challenged or severely ill lmao. there was just a vibe to her it's why i unfollowed because her asks and the way she replied were disturbing. going by the way she talks about no longer liking it, it kind of proves the point with thw ddlg seen? she's a csa victim trying to cope and had a pedophile daddy taking advantage of that.
not trying to prove she's actually fucked in the head but this is just my opinion on why i think she is.
No. 255603
File: 1487714026210.jpg (63.33 KB, 541x670, trdsadf.jpg)

Someone needs to get into this group and post what's going on there.
No. 255697
>>254874>>255463omg if you are who i think you are, you follow a bunch of my irl friends and i'm freaked out at the coincidence
and if not and you're one of the other ppl i narrowed it down to you have the same fucking aesthetic as all the other calves here and have no room to talk lol
No. 255877
>>255603I hate that these girls are like "so into criminology!" "So if you like criminology join!!" They don't know shit about criminology, have never studied criminology, never gone to higher education for criminology, will never pursue a career in it, it is literally just for the aesthetic. They think what they're into is "criminology" but it isn't. Taking selfies with knives, watching crime movies, bundy sex fanfic, and crushing on the columbine shooters is not criminology. It's like their warped "uwu cute babydoll crime edgy shit" is somehow the scientific study of criminals and crime? They want all the (imaginary) "cute/edgy" part of it without the whole other 99.9% of the study. I hate that they try to ruin criminology and people's perspective of it, masterbating to serial killers and literally only talking about how cool and in love they are with only popular headline making murders (not any other crime, only FAMOUS murders+rapists) is NOT being "interested in criminology". Criminology is a tedious, complicated subject that takes years of study and has nothing to do with anything they are discussing, and involves basic cases and small felonies and police data and stats and a whole lot of smaller, difficult, unexciting, sub categories and classes of study. I wish I could punch these retards in the face IRL. /end rant
No. 256634
File: 1487880348496.jpg (71.96 KB, 541x748, fuck.jpg)

>>255603Did anyone manage to get into this? I made a sockpuppet account a while back and got added into another one of their "secret groups". This one is "Garbage Hell Kidzzzz" but most of the posts are like this one, or Tina Flores complaining about her life. Robyn's group would probably be more milky.
No. 260126
File: 1488271486171.png (84 KB, 640x858, IMG_8168.PNG)

>>256634This Robyn bitch looks so haggard and beat even with the faded washed out filter
No. 260136
File: 1488273859520.png (52.52 KB, 640x717, IMG_8104.PNG)

A rare gem I forgot to post this. Here's Patience without the godawful makeup
No. 260256
>>260136Still looks like she's wearing a shit ton of cover up
What's Robyn's info? I've never seen her
No. 260428
>>260408i meant to write 4 instead of 14 lmao. anyway 4,884 is a long ways away from 798 and her selfies get maximum 200 likes, while millie's go up to 400. it's obvious patience bought followers kek.
an easy way to see if someone's bought followers is by comparing likes to followers.
No. 260435
>>260428I think patience is just more liked, she's not really
problematic and is legit mostly ? Millie doesn't have a soul in those angry calf eyes
Inb4 'ok, patience'
No. 260452
>>260435how the fuck is she gonna be more liked when her pictures don't get more likes. likes are done by people not robots. her followers are just bots lmao that's why they don't like any pictures.
>she's not really problematic and is legit mostlyhow the fuck are you gonna pretend you're not patience after writing this nonsense
>Millie doesn't have a soul in those angry calf eyes you tried. i hope millie knows you're a jealous snake.
>>260449pfft of course she would. patience is still the fat one who doesn't get as much likes as millie. all these girls are attention-seeking and are only friends with each other to mooch off their followers. it's why they send each other letters and fanart so they can @ them and call them their bestie angel bbies and then rack up the followers. like. they all copy each other lmao. this thread is nothing but petty gossip for each other anyway.
No. 260461
File: 1488307582649.jpg (9.44 KB, 240x160, milky.jpg)

>>260447>>260452gotta love it when a calf gets outed
No. 260695
File: 1488321982974.png (120.51 KB, 640x1081, IMG_8184.PNG)

No. 260916
>>260695wow they really got us. i can't believe we have to shut down lolcow now.
do they realize they're just making themselves look like bigger snowflakes? not to mention admitting they regularly stalk the thread and contribute. it's like she switched tabs from lolcow to make that post lmao
No. 260921
File: 1488335433503.png (113.64 KB, 500x293, 1473271827456.png)

>>260695>what's more pathetic, someone who embarrasses themselves on the internet or someone who obsessively follows and documents someone who embarrasses themselves on the internetidk about pathetic but i know one of us is having a good time and it ain't you
No. 260950
>>260935I'm pretty sure Millie is NEET. Patience has her gas station job (still wanna see pics of that look)
Sage cuz I know she's got her own thread but Eva acidburnbaby/fragilebambi is total calf material in positive she listens to Nicole they're even from the same "small town" and all. Anyway she's so trite and dumb and sooo arrogant about it it's almost too cringy she(and most calves) is sooo psuedointellectual it's v funny if y'all are bored she milks herself all day long
Inb4 selfpost (she would be sooo ridiculous posting here just read how she responds to asks)
No. 260975
>>260966Good for you tho anon, your probably a rather intelligent person with your own style
That sounds so sarcastic but it isn't I promise
No. 261560
File: 1488402381852.jpg (11.46 KB, 544x174, Ew.jpg)

Tina, basic hygiene and skincare isn't something to brag about. It should be normal to do this.
No. 262826
File: 1488579164706.jpg (36.2 KB, 750x574, 17098731_170187213486411_29659…)

She changed facial expression! Amazing!
No. 262864
File: 1488583580169.png (349.79 KB, 500x491, AV4LlDT.png)

All I can see in OP image
No. 262949
File: 1488591618002.jpg (89.94 KB, 750x750, 12965078_1015616428526536_5314…)

>>262845ah cowbbyteardroplets. the one who can't decide if she wants to look like nicole, ginger, or a tranny.
>that moonface>that stache No. 263117
File: 1488633002060.jpg (99.32 KB, 456x810, tumblr_om2qkdFLjh1uy3egro1_540…)

You know how Morgan turned against the sadbbydoll crew after she was outed in this thread? It looks like Robyn's cottoned on (she almost definitely lurks here btw) and she turned against Morgan. Now Morgan's playing innocent and trying to get HER minions to hate Robyn and her minions.
It's so fun to watch their petty drama as an outsider.
No. 263118
File: 1488633090636.jpg (37.51 KB, 526x693, hahaha.jpg)

>>2631171st image is Robyn freaking out at Morgan's boyfriend. Here is Morgan "calling Robyn out"
#praying for your nasty soul
Kinda rich coming from you, Morgz. You're both as fake as each other.
No. 263119
File: 1488633128937.jpg (29.76 KB, 298x548, Dumb Bitches all of them.jpg)

>>263118Morgan's minions pretending to be shocked. There are more replies but I can't be bothered to screenshot all of them.
No. 263396
File: 1488667358915.png (109.29 KB, 640x826, IMG_8210.PNG)

Keep on dreaming Tina
No. 263397
File: 1488667389582.png (53.19 KB, 640x387, IMG_8211.PNG)

When cows collide
No. 263674
File: 1488720502531.jpg (145.38 KB, 1024x638, IMG_7825.JPG)

Whenever I look at patience I see this:
(The instagram brow just taken way too far.)
No. 263676
File: 1488720762188.png (116.7 KB, 654x1078, IMG_7813.PNG)

>lipstick coming off from drinking slushies at work
>gas station employee
Gurl, whut? I work at an Exxon and no one would ever wear that shit on their mouth or brows for work lol in a million years….. unless they just sell cigs behind the counter……
No. 263677
File: 1488720852019.png (136 KB, 750x907, IMG_7809.PNG)

When calves collide
No. 264186
>>264083I saw it months ago in H&M or Bershka, it's pretty shitty quality tho :/
sage for ot
No. 264927
File: 1488921404575.jpg (26.68 KB, 549x231, eeeeeek uwu.jpg)

Look how she went from "eeeeek"
No. 264929
File: 1488921454579.jpg (16.84 KB, 531x193, fite me.jpg)

>>264927to "she tryna get hit"
No. 265089
File: 1488937713204.png (117.62 KB, 749x892, IMG_6287.PNG)

Wait how has this not been posted here??? This is so disgusting??
No. 265209
File: 1488946539032.jpg (127.83 KB, 540x960, 17190722_1685069898459121_4128…)

So Tina got terf bangs.
No. 265212
File: 1488946600228.jpg (33.63 KB, 529x393, ugh.jpg)

>>265209I hate the way they talk. Why are they like this?
(This is in reply to the photo of Tina's bangs btw)
No. 265300
>>265285Nope. I genuinely think she's a cute girl. A cute girl with a retarded style.
She'd look really good in lolita fashion
No. 265343
>>265313Her hair is literally tragic and her eyebrows are stupid (but I mean not nearly as bad as trendy IG brows imo).
What do you mean her skin is awful? I've only seen her with makeup/edited, does she have really wrinkly skin up close or something?
No. 265885
File: 1489031779881.png (123.93 KB, 750x1024, IMG_6331.PNG)

oh my god
No. 265894
File: 1489032883520.jpg (137.32 KB, 1000x450, nicole.jpg)

well now we all know why they keep doing the haggard frown face. and why they all have thick brows. and why they all line their waterline with white. and why they all have terf bangs. literally on the first image results of nicole's google search results lmao.
No. 266046
File: 1489063371688.jpg (436.36 KB, 1241x2205, IMG_2880.JPG)

Lmao at Robyn making a sly dig
No. 266192
>>265885He's not a total creep but he wants me to sleep with him
Sure Millie, sure.
No. 266211
File: 1489086231073.jpg (89.1 KB, 570x398, il_570xN.774176181_2loi.jpg)

>>266162robyn is the only one that has any integrity imo. she had a phase where she was obsessed with cleft palates (because all bbydolls have to be into morbid things right), and made lots of brooches and things of that, but worked with a charity supporting babies with cleft palates briefly at least. alice snow for example, illustrated a baby with gastroschisis for a set of pictures called "freak show". after a few weeks of it floating online, a woman emailed alice to explain how hurtful she found her gastroschisis art because she had a baby born with it and found the illustration in a google search and didn't like the hurtful association with "freaks". alice faux-apologised (basically saying "i'm really sorry but i don't care and i'm not changing it so leave me alone") and did nothing. this is all purely anecdotal by the way, i didn't think anything of it when it happened like 18 months ago.
No. 266910
File: 1489159224379.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.14 KB, 250x250, tumblr_omf113cjek1t0hevoo5_250…)

this is a brooch alice made. imagine if you saw someone wearing it though
No. 266921
File: 1489160007681.jpg (1.21 MB, 1386x2107, Screenshot_20170310-112619.jpg)

uh nvm about how she should smile
No. 266925
>>266910alice is a moron for thinking anyone will buy that when her own followers asked her to make a version of her body part sticker set without that sticker in it
>>266921she seriously looks like a man
No. 267221
>>266956is it possible she shoops her nose? in
>>252726 it looks sloped and upturned at the end, but in
>>266921 it looks straight and much larger
No. 268528
File: 1489374360998.png (438.36 KB, 468x542, 1432.png)

Millie just posted this on tumblr….For those of you who don't know, the only reason she did this is because of Nicole Dollanganger's song, "Blood Brothers." What a great way to catch STD's and other diseases. Have fun with that, Millie! Then again, you will probably use the stay at the hospital to your advantage….~soft pale infirmary~ pictures.
No. 268551
File: 1489377709118.png (892.9 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6328.PNG)

I never knew Patience was fat.
No. 268850
File: 1489427404084.jpg (32.89 KB, 500x299, blood.jpg)

>>268551so fucking annoying
No. 268953
File: 1489436068477.png (133.91 KB, 750x679, IMG_1924.PNG)

I think maybe she's just got cankles I don't thing she's fat??? Am I wrong? Is it an illusion ?
No. 268974
File: 1489437182770.png (156.02 KB, 750x1161, IMG_1925.PNG)

Omg she was a v beautiful hipster goth, it's a shame she tries to look like a old nasty baby doll that shit itself
No. 269499
File: 1489503799222.jpg (83.28 KB, 956x959, 17264911_682212121966587_20575…)

Robyn with no filter or pastels or kawaii baby doll accessories or hair over her face.
No. 269519
File: 1489506182052.png (452.29 KB, 465x447, zef5a20c089b4f56fc2334316e967b…)

No. 269540
>>268974>>263676>>260136>>253547I didn't think I'd see Patience on here.
Of all the years I've seen her pop up, she seemed largely fine besides the SJW nonsense and her eyebrow style.
No. 269663
File: 1489519508492.png (87.95 KB, 725x557, IMG_1935.PNG)

Literally dressed the same too lmao
No. 269818
>>255301i agree. i communicated with her a few years ago and jfc her mood swings were wild. even innocuous comments could set her off on 'bad days', i'm pretty sure she has some kind of bipolar or schizophrenia.
to the people who say that she's just doing this 'for the aesthetic', I don't think they've done proper research. i remember seeing some pictures of her bedroom/home that were just…horrifying, super filthy, holes in the wall, it looked like she was living in an abandoned building. no sane person goes to those lengths 'for the aesthetic'. idk if she had a caretaker or what, presumably she either gets her living expenses paid off by family or by the government. i think her mother is still alive but it's been ages since i've checked up on her so not sure.
anyone who tried to milk her is just as bad as those fucking kids who went after chris-chan imo. it's just scummy to antagonize people with mental illness.
No. 269855
>>269818Wow this girl is ridiculous does anyone know her back story at all? Is she rich? NEET? Scamming? I'm lurking her tumblr for the first time
The dollanganger is strong in this one.
No. 269873
>>269863Patience def has access to real guns I think she's from a northern redneck family lol but these look so old and like styled? Like they'd be super expensive if they're not just toy pistols they took the orange tips off of
I hope they're real guns for some reason but r they so 3dge???
No. 269894
>>269839it seems like her behavior/mental illness is really off-putting to most people she meets irl so i imagine that these kind of deranged sad-baby-doll tumblr communities are probably the only place that she actually has 'friends', or fans, or whatever you want to call them.
>no truly mentally ill person goes to such great lengths to put their illness on displaythis is a gross generalization. you can't say 'all mentally ill people are like x' especially since we don't even know what exactly she's been diagnosed with. if she is schizophrenic, there may be times that she's not in control of her own behavior. certainly a lot of her written posts seem to have been made in a less-than-lucid frame of mind.
i do agree that she comes across as pretty hungry for validation from her peers, but that alone isn't enough to make someone a lolcow.
No. 269969
>>269838 >>269840Honestly I wish I could! & I bet I probably know a lot of people who used to be in the crowd. I can't say much w/o outting myself unfortunately :(
but I can say that heaps of these girls are flakey as fuck (heck you may know who I am from this) I was terribly sick back then and I used my blog as a photo diary to deal with what I was going through and a lot of these uwu angels would pretend to support me because we all know being sick is top tier nymphet status.
Once I had gotten sick of my blogging style and moved on to others they dropped my ass. Patience was writing letters to me, Robyn was going to send art to me & I spend A LOT of money on pen pal packages for these girls.
They all left once I realized that I was not going to recover from my sicknesses. They got sick of me and I lost my uwu status. Because they care about the aesthetics more than the people behind them. It's actually gross as fuck.
No. 269991
>>269970This is true I am so 100% sure lol
Patience give up and give in, ur one of us now
No. 270028
File: 1489546440128.jpg (267.45 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_npkw9h5vkp1u1cgywo3_128…)

>>269818her bedroom looks OK??
No. 270101
File: 1489559784451.png (42.14 KB, 750x297, IMG_6893.PNG)

no no no no no (but also bring on the milk)
No. 270134
File: 1489592813171.jpeg (70.17 KB, 640x535, image.jpeg)

After gently looking through Robyn's blog, I can definitely say her speaking patterns seem all over the place and borderline schizophrenic. It reminds me a bit of how shoppingcartfullofpinkturd types and answers asks, but not so exaggerated. I also always imagine her yelling every sentence, idk why.
No. 270136
>>269663Millies face looks like a drag queen's before they've blended their contouring.
>>270130"Trans exclusionary radical feminist"
No. 270181
File: 1489600671860.jpg (51.09 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mvhyc4RPOU1r7hyvno1_500…)

>>270028this is robyns old room.
No. 270182
>>270181the one that
>>269818 was talking about
No. 270266
>>270151rottinglace was kind of like robyn's millie copycat, except roby was very sisterly towards her. and when robyn left tumblr for a long while last year (i'm guessing she was in an inpatient ward) rotting-bones-of-baby-deers or something like that started copying her to the point where it was like mila mortice and the emily crocker copying felice fawn, or alice snow and jess woods. it was like a power vacuum being filled, like literally shot for shot mimicry with this other girl even posing with her boyfriend in the same daddy bbygrl/gas mask/nightie aesthetic as robyn and her (now outed as abusive). it's fucking sick as all shit to know she came out of the woodwork as soon as robyn was off the scene, it was calculated and i've never seen this rotting-bones girl get any kind of """call out""" for it. it was so blatant and knowing that robyn is actually traumatised and most likely genuinely schizo is vile.
i'll get off my high horse now dw
No. 270345
>>270321>>270314my bad
>>270323can you post screencaps if you have them?
No. 270367
>>270314to be fair she's never spoken a word about being schizophrenic so i doubt she'd brag about being hospitalized and just say she's doing some uwu vacation. i mean focus on real life? she has no job or friends and she isn't going to school. there's nothing to… focus on.
>If she went to inpatient surely she'd be a little better when she clearly isn'teh i don't think this is a fair statement. plenty of schizophrenics plainly relapse. treatment is just a lot of trial and error. if they're doing better you can take them off certain medication, but the risk for a psychotic episode would be increased. schizophrenics are frequently hospitalized.
No. 270559
>>270358She's changed her image and is moving from the old bbydoll nymphet aesthetic to more of her own thing.
Its sad because she's recovering from anorexia, and all of her posts are getting less notes so it's true that these people only give a shit about the ~~aesthetic and not the people behind them.
No. 270561
>>270541Often churches are open especially during the day (if there's a rectory on sight too) so people can come do their prayin
Looks like an episcopal church but idk catholic church's are usually open etc they're meant to be sanctuaries.
Apparently Patience and Millie think it's for weird, defaming photoshoots.
No. 270604
File: 1489643452893.jpg (401.76 KB, 1434x2556, IMG_2238.JPG)

From the first thread Aine C bonelord ana nymphet chan or nah???? She has a fucking terrifying body
No. 270623
>>270611I've seen Robyn write normally and eloquently before. I swear it's all an act,
could be wrong but I have a feeling
No. 270795
>>270028>>270057it is her grandmother's house
i remember seeing her make posts about how she hates her mother for allowing her to be abused and feeling like her grandmother was the only one who cared about her in the family
No. 270799
>>270623you do realize that with mental illness, not every day is a psychotic episode? like people can pass as 'fine' for weeks sometimes before it gets out of their control.
plus, we don't know whether she's medicated or not, so it could be due to factors like changing prescriptions. until we have some kind of evidence from robyn herself, all of this is pure speculation.
but i will say that if she's going off her meds, i can't blame her. the medication they give you for schizophrenia is a fucking nightmare. you can't even properly think on it, it makes you so lethargic and foggy. you end up doing things like watching TV all day but don't remember any of the programs that you watched. tbh it's one of those situations where the cure is worse than the disease.
No. 271361
>> from the first thread? apparently a sadbbydoll but not??? idk
>>270604anon that's photoshop
No. 271702
File: 1489797182817.png (64.91 KB, 1242x379, IMG_3095.PNG)

She commented this on a ha-fu girl's status about needing to put more eyeliner or eyelid tape on one eye to get evenly shaped eyelids. Since when is she a quarter Korean?
No. 274222
File: 1490107049556.jpg (31.12 KB, 587x388, shut up.jpg)

"idk i don't look!"
Millie don't lie, you obviously lurk.
No. 274230
>>274222Good good
Millie get so weird that the FBI starts to track you.
Millie please start to eat cats. Go all out, special little princess.
No. 274253
File: 1490111430654.png (601.99 KB, 686x1010, wackaflockaokaygif.png)

No. 274436
File: 1490131012938.jpg (92.7 KB, 1080x1080, 17334278_1232842703431151_8857…)

Millie does Patience so dirty with the photoshoot pictures she decides to post
No. 275495
File: 1490235127511.png (369.15 KB, 749x1207, IMG_2116.PNG)

I find this particularly disrespectful using innocent dead folk for her aesthetic is just nasty
No. 275822
File: 1490286406523.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2119.PNG)

I don't think she's been mentioned but I just came across this calf, anyone know anything about her? She looks like she's copying patience and millie actually lmao
No. 275823
File: 1490286447782.png (807.07 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2118.PNG)

No. 275827
File: 1490286706524.png (106.23 KB, 606x858, IMG_1377.PNG)

good lord her eyebrows are horrendous here. literally a straight fucking line.
No. 275895
File: 1490293097429.jpg (108.36 KB, 606x858, brows.jpg)

>>275827I actually like the short bangs on her. She just needs to fix her brows.
No. 276264
where does her hair line even start? don't bangs that short just stick up? (just my azn hair?)
she's more pleasant when she's not trying to be ///little girl bby doll flowy nighties in pastels/// and just pure creepy. yea Mills just run with the creep no cute. you're better darker :/
>>275895 No. 276690
File: 1490400652112.png (277.77 KB, 600x451, lf.png)

Why the hell does this girl look like Lord Farquaad in her OP pic? lol.
No. 276860
>>276849I think her make up/filters make her look flat af
Girl, contour or something. I'm sure she cakes on the foundation/powder too.
No. 278372
File: 1490620395073.jpg (18.8 KB, 533x153, lol.jpg)

No. 278382
>>278372So precious 1inamillion Millie has reached the weird freak peak?
You can still make shitty-i mean revolutionary art for us, Millie. Promise.
No. 278446
File: 1490630470553.gif (978.72 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif)

>>278372Fucking do it Millie. If you can't handle a few anonymous people in an obscure corner of the internet taking the piss out of you, you definitely can't handle the music industry. I can't imagine what it'd be like if you somehow managed to get to small club touring level, you would get shat on by so many (admittedly misogynistic) professionals in the industry, not to mention the unwitting audiences unfortunate enough to catch you opening for… who? Nicole?? Promoters won't put two whispery sexy baby soprano brunette broken bbdoll singer songwriters on the same bill, so, if you were planning on making a career out of being her calf, I feel bad for you for ever thinking that was realistic. Bye!
No. 280024
File: 1490808251349.jpg (13.09 KB, 565x160, omg.jpg)

No. 285393
>>271702why do i have a feeling she's not a quarter korean
just reminds me of when weeaboo white girls claim they have hafu roots to gain kawaii points
No. 285401
File: 1491453110024.jpg (364.23 KB, 1920x812, Amelie-0242.jpg)

>>275984Wasn't there an era where Die Antwoord and tumblr didn't exist yet, and hyper-short bangs were attributed to being French-chic? Was it a legitimate trend there? Or did the French aspect of it just come purely from the movie Amelie?
It kills me when people want to do (literal) edgy cuts like this and have nowhere near the face shape or jaw line for it lmao.
No. 285768
File: 1491512117017.jpg (72.96 KB, 662x663, 17796656_190427704795695_28154…)

Guess who is learning Afrikaans, applying for uni in South Africa and obsessing over everything Die Antwoord?
This is so fucking cringey. Millie, you aren't Yolandi.
No. 286068
File: 1491563798219.png (2.98 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3587.PNG)

She's trying way too hard to kill her nymphet babydoll nicole copy image and become babydoll version of Yolandi. How long until she tells us she's a quarter South African? It's so embarrassing to watch her do this.
No. 286069
File: 1491563923947.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3588.PNG)

>>286068The sudden switch to typing in slang. If you have her on facebook you'll see she keeps using random words in Afrikaans and says "da" instead of "the". A weaboo for South Africa, yikes.
No. 286071
File: 1491564015112.jpg (603.2 KB, 1000x949, stanley_park_angry_raccoon_by_…)

>>286068I want to call her parents and say, " plz give your kid attention so she can fuck off the internet."
She looks like an angry raccoon in this.
No. 286096
File: 1491568573405.jpg (93.36 KB, 500x700, 2003c4d12664e915473339e2dd1862…)

>>286068She's not even trying to become a version of Yolandi she's just straight up copying her. What an unoriginal fucking loser. Pretty sure there's Care Bears in the video for Baby's on Fire by Die Antwoord so that's where that's come from.
No. 286376
>>286096The exact first thing I thought of was uWu kawaii Afrikaan rapper Yolandi style, even down to the pose.
But I forgot about Yolandi doing the Care Bear thing too. That's an even worse attempt given that fact.
No. 286391
File: 1491600930633.jpg (44.53 KB, 327x610, vuiy0j-l-610x610-sweater-pink-…)

>>286096>>286069Yeah, this shit is definitely a reference to Yolandi. On her instagram there is (or was?) a stupid video of her using the snapchat bunny filter while lipsyncing to a Die Antwoord song.
She used to type so cutesy and over the top friendly, just like the rest of the nymphet girls on Tumblr. Now she's being vulgar and typing like a retard, just like how Yolandi/Ninja type on their social media.
No. 286393
>>286069this is so embarrassing & i hope emulating trashy afrikaners doesnt catch on in the way that emulating trashy slavs did
also if she wants to retain her tumblr audience it really is not in her best interest to keep going with this shit. maybe she can keep the look but actually using the slang, like, is she gonna start pretending to be from SA? ew
No. 286679
File: 1491610724916.jpg (410.32 KB, 2560x1600, brooks-3.jpg)

>>285832Louise Brooks maybe?
No. 286979
>>256634They all like to pretend that they're so supportive, kind and would do anything for one another. But you can guarantee they'd be the first to stab each other in the back to become the "alpha popular bbygurl". I wouldn't be surprised that the existence of this thread in the first place is down to them being catty, jealous little shits of one another.
It's like a smaller version of the PULL community, these kinds of girls have absolutely no qualms with throwing each other under a bus if it meant they got the most attention.
No. 287077
File: 1491678294961.png (285.83 KB, 540x833, Screenshot_2017-04-08-12-03-11…)

>>287063Look at that damage control.
No. 287078
File: 1491678318404.png (196.84 KB, 540x844, Screenshot_2017-04-08-12-03-18…)

No. 287082
>>287077>>287078Haha, coincidently the "fake account" adds her within the same couple of hours "they" made shitty comments about their "friend" here.
Please, at least admit to your backstabbing with some grace and dignity. These girls are petty as fuck, I love it… they end up milking themselves.
No. 287117
>>287115It was locked in
>>287077 but not
No. 287124
>>287117Good eye, I didn't see the padlock at first… so yeah, she's exposed herself.
She came into the thread earlier, posted a couple of screenshots from Millie's FB account and shit-talked her. An anon pointed out that they could see her profile picture in those screenshots and to delete them. Several other anons saw them before she could do that and had a good ol' laugh about it. Then she creates a sock puppet account within the hour of deleting her posts here and blames it on an imposter… these Tweets get posted here and then she locks her account in panic, confirming she was indeed on lolcow posting those screenshots about Millie.
Oof! You girls might want to cover your tracks better in future… you're basically proving all the farmers suspicions right that you're all backstabbing, petty children trying to one up each other.
No. 287134
>>286068>>286069>>287077Even the phone service is the same in all her FB/phone screencaps.
There's really no getting out of this, Rien.
No. 287142
Not only that, but within the hour of someone naming and shaming her here, she claims to be added by the "fake account" (re: sockpuppet). She would of had to been lurking (re: posting) here to attempt damage control so quickly like that.
It's her, she made a booboo.
They're all pathetic, this backstabbing happens out of pure jealousy when they all try to compete with each other in the same bbydoll clique/niche. They try to make each other believe that they must have "haters" outside of that niche when it's actually themselves doing this to each other.
The truth is - noone outside of their fandom even gives the slightest shit about them. It's hilarious, they create their own drama.
No. 287152
>>287141The best part is that, if she had just deleted the screenshots and kept her head down about it (even when one of the anons named her) she could've just shrugged it off and acted like she knew nothing about it if any of her ~*^sweet precious angel sisters^*~ confronted her about it hours or days down the line.
What a toxic clique.
No. 287190
File: 1491691269432.png (131.76 KB, 534x813, 2017-04-08 15.39.57.png)

Why are creeps like so obsessed with her?
(her "reason" for making her twitter private)
No. 287206
>>287189She made two screenshot posts one after the other before
>>286993 told her to delete them. They were screenshots of Millie's FB account about Millie getting money off her dad to go to a Die Antwoord concert and she forgot to edit her profile picture out of the reply box… she deleted them quickly, but not quickly enough that a few other anons saw who she was by that time.
She was basically just pissing on Millie's appearance, making fun of her and generally being nasty and salty for reasons unbeknownst to us.
Also, like this anon pointed out
>>287134 she's been posting in here for a while it seems, the comments she made along with the two deleted screenshots were very similar in context to them, so that's basically along the lines of the kind of shit she said.
No. 287261
>>287130She's gone full retard and somehow made herself look even worse.
Is it because she can't handle any criticism and people kept calling out her Lord Farquaad hair?
No. 287341
>>287190>ririlol fitting.
even tho rien pulled a micky and forgot to crop her fb picture out of her screenshot, i got to agree with everything said in
>>287249millie's acting like a weeb but for south africa. cringe. how do you switch from a babydoll nymphet persona to a trashy gang$ta south african? die antwoord is a joke group too. she's a retard for seriously wanting to emulate yolandi's persona.
No. 287701
File: 1491758711631.png (137.85 KB, 569x383, Screen Shot 2017-04-09 at 5.24…)

Rien still lying., she has a tracker on her blog now.
No. 287891
File: 1491774704625.jpg (138.93 KB, 710x888, 17264522_238282866643054_90023…)

>>287018"I think I could turn and live with animals. They are so placid and self-contained. They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God. Not one of them kneels to another or to his own kind that lived thousands of years ago. Not one of them is respectable or unhappy, all over the earth."
Illustration by RV, O9A
So she is involved already.
No. 287916
>>287701And how is she going to explain the fact that the "fake account" with her profile picture and all had access to Millie's private facebook posts? If you look at
>>287249 you can see the privacy was set to friends. I doubt the sockpuppet she created to backpedal even had the time to send a friendreq to Millie, and even if she did it wouldn't add up with the time.
Congratulations Riri, you fucked up.
No. 289144
>>287701Samefagging to point out she deleted it. Guess she realized she was embarrassing herself lmao.
Good thing screencaps and archived posts are a thing, I guess.
No. 290466
File: 1492086810477.jpg (36.56 KB, 720x720, wolfie.jpg)

Found this girl Woflie on Milly's page and had a massive lmao. Anyone have any info on her?
No. 293775
File: 1492494770118.png (129.96 KB, 750x1054, IMG_6903.PNG)

… I think this is the first time she's ever not pulled that ugly fucking pout in a photo. It'd be a decent photo if she didn't look like she slathered Vaseline on her face.
No. 293912
File: 1492523042426.png (243.03 KB, 1242x1455, IMG_2519.PNG)

>>293775She looks so trashy….
No. 294128
>>293775Fucking hate when people act like they're ~*so into guns*~ but have zero
trigger discipline. It really doesn't matter that it's blatantly fake or just for a picture, it makes them look stupid/like they've never held a real gun.
No. 294332
>>293912LMAO she's trying to be zef or some shit
Ninji and Yo don't like posers, sweetie
No. 294353
File: 1492574693658.jpg (45.4 KB, 456x684, product_detailed_image_1149_10…)

>>294337it's actually not short enough yolandi has a straight up pixie cut that gradually gets longer towards the back. because yolandi has a mullet. millie just cut her bangs all the way across her head like a helmet. it's too long. when it curls it will look like a mushroom.
so she went from a renaissance bob to medieval monk hair. great upgrade, millie.
No. 294368
File: 1492577421161.jpg (15.85 KB, 400x400, 2a8df184-5016-41c1-a17f-4edf30…)

>>294353these upper middle class religious medieval man hairstyles are killing me. i can imagine every time she steps foot outside the house, every normal person is staring at her thinking how stupid she looks from the piercings, down to her makeup, and lawn-mowed hair
No. 294380
File: 1492580552412.jpg (23.57 KB, 300x400, 9646f2f32d8847ee029efb66ddb97b…)

>>293912jsjkdsjsks she completely butchered her hair. it looks nothing like yolandi's which is a shame because black mullets can actually look dope.
No. 298382
File: 1493084694121.png (1 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7046.PNG)

Who is she copying now? I can't keep up anymore.
No. 298392
>>298382The movie "You're Next"
God nothing done by her is original or creative. She looks like a retard standing in the alley like that.
No. 301863
File: 1493606072174.png (270.25 KB, 750x1083, IMG_7170.PNG)

Can't help but hope she's hiding her face because she knows how god-awful that hair looks.
No. 302672
File: 1493717118505.jpg (351.1 KB, 1087x2338, IMG_5580.JPG)

>>302665not the same anon, but here you go
No. 302677
>>302675Wonder if the person's making shit up or not
It's nice to see her get called out
No. 302717
File: 1493729546490.png (1.12 MB, 1196x1060, sorin.PNG)

>>302701Holy shit, it actually is Soren.
Good spotting anon I probably wouldn't have even checked their profile link if you didn't say that. these playlists pretty much confirm it.
No. 302733
File: 1493732816755.gif (1.63 MB, 384x288, when cows collide.gif)

>>302701>>302717Nicole D. does (terrible) My Chemical Romance covers live. Soren lived a MCR fanfic life. It totally makes sense that he would be in this Tumblr circle.
Good catch.
No. 302820
File: 1493741373189.png (99.05 KB, 924x203, Screen Shot 2017-05-02 at 9.06…)

i haven't been active on lolcow as long as some of you so i have no fucking clue who soren is, but i'm just laughing at the irony of them getting angry at millie's tryhard babydoll uwu aesthetic while having this contrived as fuck description
No. 302901
>>302820I literally feel sick after looking at that playmoss link there's pics of naked/what looks like dead children on there JFC.
>>302675And lol at him "calling out" Millie. Wearing a pin isn't promoting satanic ritual abuse.
No. 302926
File: 1493752851952.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.14 KB, 640x939, image.jpeg)

Yeah, it's Soren. Fucking disgusting.
No. 303481
What a trip. Poking fun at babbygurl farquad is lighthearted fun but Soren should actually be banned from the internet
>>303015Soren can't even be creative enough to draw his own child porn, literally all of his fanfics and photographs are always stolen directly from something else
No. 304002
>>303905>>303913>>303919Oh lord no; Shouldn't ov dun that.
No. 305947
File: 1494088132869.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7258.PNG)

My god… Her hair is so bad from the side.
No. 305969
File: 1494090840550.png (14.92 KB, 465x139, Screen Shot 2017-05-06 at 5.16…)

>>303064Was curious about this. Found it.
No. 308412
File: 1494360542668.jpeg (74.02 KB, 640x757, image.jpeg)

Please tell me WHY anyone would spend money on this tacky prop shit just for photos omg… The cringe…
No. 308546
>>308412She unfollowed Nicole on IG. I guess the Nicole Dollanganger JR phase is over
Also who takes these??
No. 309340
File: 1494440541842.png (89.08 KB, 750x552, IMG_0733.PNG)

No. 309621
File: 1494458301733.png (712.21 KB, 720x1280, IMG_2343.PNG)

she's selling all of her uwu babydoll clothes and nicole dollanganger merch
No. 309748
File: 1494466105913.png (325.72 KB, 542x399, yuta.png)

No. 309761
File: 1494466755869.jpg (123.04 KB, 500x306, nahson.jpg)

>>309702I powered through the screechy start to see how her rap skills checked out
she literally can't flow at all… she should quit while she's ahead. She was way better as a Dollanganger clone.
No. 309788
>>309778>horrible racist caricatureDidn't know what you meant until I listened to it but you're right, it might as well have been "ching chong ching" with that accent and tone. She also sounds really nasally.
What a loser, imagine constantly hopping from bandwagon to bandwagon.
No. 309920
>>309621what app is this?
i really like all her crochet bralettes tbh, does anyone know where 2 get those
No. 310044
>>309761thats what i was thinking she cant rap for shit lmao that flow is so broken and shes trying so hard to sound like shes not out of breath.
im cringing at the way she pronounces afrikaans words. she's such a loser trying to pretend she's something she's not and rapping in her dolly bedroom for tumblr. wonder what its like not having a personality
No. 310338
>>310326>>309899Go away. He's not a pedophile, he's never taken advantage of a single girl, and his writing/art is deliberately made in a scatological form that puts out the most base behaviors of human but overblown to ridiculous proportions in a crude, faux-cutesy way.
People who send him asks also know exactly what they're getting into, his fans aren't dumb.
No. 310353
>>310338I don't know shit about the guy but I can sure bet a not pedophile wouldn't respond the way he did in
>>310326 with the knowledge he had.
Are you him, or a girl he's groomed? 15 means you actually are a little dumb. We've all been there.
No. 310354
File: 1494543228593.png (689.45 KB, 1147x671, Screen Shot 2017-05-11 at 6.45…)

i just can't believe she wastes so much money on this shit. im triggered
No. 310364
>>310353Neither. His persona on Tumblr is/was directly connected to his art, which dealt with a lot of fucked up themes (fetishism, scat, cannibalism, murder, necrophilia, mental disorders, suicide, serial killers, bulimia, etc). It's not meant to be taken literally in the least, and only someone who just didn't know his art or what he was doing - or a perpetually pissed off SJW deliberately looking for shit to "call out - would go down the "pedophile" route.
Regardless, he apologized sincerely because he crossed the line in so many peoples' eyes (in spite of the much more extreme nature of literally everything else he's done/made), put an 18+ warning on his blog, and even left Tumblr. It's basically dead drama. Still pisses me off a bit, though.
No. 310405
>>310364So it's satirical?
>>310326 reads like a schizo posting online during major psychosis.
>>310354>0 favoriteskek
this person needs to learn how to market and not put a picture of some retarded giant babychild in the photos representing the product. people on etsy dont want to see that
No. 310431
File: 1494548573117.jpeg (Spoiler Image,306.15 KB, 500x707, tumblr_lx6f246Mms1r1dojho1_500…)

>>310405>reads like a schizo posting online during major psychosis.His art is the same way, pic related. I wouldn't necessarily call it satirical, but it's not serious/literal either.
People have theorized he does struggle with psychosis, but I don't know enough about him to make that claim. His art/writing is very intentionally made to portray such things, though.
No. 310640
File: 1494561204489.png (261.67 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2822.PNG)

This is his fucking art
Note the title of the piece up top there
There's so much more where that comes.
And adult man talking to young girls about their panties = pedophile, always, every time.
No. 312729
>>312312Do you think she'll pick a new band?
Millie Dollgraves is obv an ode to nicole and not 'zef' at all
No. 312731
>>312729*new name
lol Freudian slip or autocorrect? We'll never know
No. 316512
>>316503>it's like Africa but like white people, right???? That's all I can imagine. Maybe she's seen District 9 and thinks there's an alien race there as well.
She probably knows nothing of the culture and (srys for tumblrfag speak) is appropriating the Fuck out of it acting ignorant as hell.
No. 317263
File: 1495289626792.png (130.79 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2994.PNG)

I think godswollen gets mentioned in this thread? Anyway her tumblr is lit with drugged ramblings right now she sounds like Ginger Bronson
No. 317296
>>316013Not hate them, just think they're retarded like any other normal person with a brain. Like
>>317027 said.
It's referenced a lot by Ninja in their songs as well. The lines that come to mind are "South Africa's worst nightmare" and something about them literally being an embarrassment.
No. 319306
File: 1495495031484.png (1.26 MB, 1164x749, dollyuwu.PNG)

> "hugging in da cemetery"
> da
> cemetery
ugh the cringe how do these people even keep a following lol
No. 334571
File: 1497302884388.png (146.34 KB, 750x1111, IMG_7871.PNG)

Fucking kek, is she back to trying to wear Nicole's skin or what?
No. 334594
File: 1497307693889.jpg (27.06 KB, 522x187, blehp.JPG)

>>334571I don't think so, she posted pic related just a bit before the photo you posted. Or… maybe she met more of Nicole's calves at the DA concert and has been reinspired? Who knows.
I hope that stupid gas mask of hers doesn't contain asbestos. Somebody should send her an ask and see if it's an actual vintage gas mask.
No. 337884
File: 1497878585887.png (100.17 KB, 750x1034, IMG_1032.PNG)

Patience and Millie got confronted by the cops, probably for taking pictures with fake guns at 4 am. Should have at least been given tickets, but I'm sure they would have loved the edge points.
No. 338139
>>255496I'm really glad she's over that phase. Her boyfriend seemed like a disgusting controlling creep and was very into ageplay. I remember she used to post edgelordy pictures of her cuts (she let him cut her) and petechiae after her he had choked her and stuff.
I was briefly into this aesthetic a few years back and was actually going to buy an item from her store, but then I remembered her bf was also unemployed and she'd probably be sharing the money with him. Like hell no, I'm not handing over my hard earned cash to some gross daddy dom white boy who likes to slash his girlfriend's wrists lmao.
At the same time I don't really have much sympathy for her stupidity. She pretty much brought it on herself when she started sexualizing that shit.
No. 367047
File: 1501952502741.png (217.95 KB, 750x1185, IMG_2216.PNG)

WOOF I just checked up on Millie and damn she is looking bizarre. Patience almost looks normal in comparison.
No. 367099
File: 1501959335851.jpg (20.74 KB, 320x320, 11850402_1715975851956133_7571…)

>>367047She looks retarded and that godawful makeup makes it look like she has lupus or bad rosacea. ~Super cute and dolly~ Those piercings and tats dont help her aesthetic. What is she trying to achieve?
No. 386897
File: 1505464182031.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4484.PNG)

fucking ana chan aine c/ainelux what's her livestream??? I can't find it
No. 387015
File: 1505483237174.jpg (35.93 KB, 495x495, Capture.JPG)

Since someone bumped the thread today, I'm gonna liven it up with some new Millie shots. Hope you guys don't mind, but she just looks like such a dumpster fire.
No. 387131
>>387065Holy fuck that's embarrassing.
It's one thing to put on a high loli voice but to fake a (terrible) South African accent as well in order to sound like Yo-Landi is high intensity cringe.
No. 387186
File: 1505497559475.jpg (462.67 KB, 1280x897, IMG_1267.JPG)

Patience is getting large
No. 387188
File: 1505497912674.png (78.14 KB, 640x663, IMG_1269.PNG)

>>387186And she stopped doing her eyebrows like that!
No. 387267
>>387021that makeup is horrendous. i thought she had lupus and rosacea before i enlarged it to see what the fuck was going on.
>>387033what style? she looks like every other alternative child with a lawnmower haircut, goofy piercings, and clown makeup. she's got "no job or future" plastered all over her.
>>387065absolute cringe. its twice as embarrassing because she's literally over a decade late on the Die Antwoord hype. boring ass bitch even had to imitate the accent lmao
No. 388211
File: 1505668176548.png (129.2 KB, 750x1033, IMG_9979.PNG)

how long until Millie Hamsterface Graves ACTUALLY becomes Yolandi junior? or did her eyebrows fall out overnight from her imaginary ED?
No. 389410
File: 1505834837502.jpg (346.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2226.JPG)

Obligatory post with ugly friend- I love how she's pretty much outright saying that she (he?) isn't attractive. What a great friend!
No. 389421
>>389410Anon I think this is just addressing the fact that a lot of people in that shitty aesthetic only befriend each other to get more likes, or because they're from the same group of people therefore they MUST be friends.
Ironic how she says this, when she befriended Patience and every time they spend time, it's nothing but ~aesthetic pictures.
No. 389430
>>389410I hate myself for this, but I really like Millie's makeup.
What people who look like her do with their life? Does she have o job or school or whatever?
No. 389836
File: 1505921874833.png (116.09 KB, 744x781, IMG_2225.PNG)

Lip injections? Of all things??
No. 389844
File: 1505922279859.jpg (222.13 KB, 1252x1249, fix me.jpg)

>>389836She probably wants a top lip she doesn't have to overdraw or photoshop.
I wonder how wrong lip injections can go in central Wisconsin.
No. 403652
File: 1507994233736.png (120.35 KB, 637x788, IMG_1475.PNG)

My eyes are burning
No. 404459
>>388211Weird mix of Japanese and Yolandi aesthetics.
I'd call it almost half decent if she wasn't such an insufferable cunt.
No. 414748
File: 1509762572249.jpg (50.1 KB, 540x540, tumblr_oyo5opnFa01w2v0gzo1_540…)

tag yourself i'm the withered arm leftover from the photoshop hell of this picture
No. 415006
File: 1509809270799.jpg (108.4 KB, 1024x1024, Collage 2017-11-04…)

No. 415677
File: 1509853595665.jpg (102.4 KB, 628x873, Collage 2017-11-04 23_43_13-1.…) are they trying to be sex workers now? kek. i know patience works at a gas station but what happened to millie and her oh-so amazing film studies?
No. 415813
>>415210>>414820she's still using that username on instagram. while i do genuinely like her art style/ some aspects of the fashion style she has now and feel like they're pretty unique, i rrrreally hate how hard she's trying to latch onto being latina all of the sudden. like i can see it as not being fake because i empathize with not embracing my non-white side for a long time but then i'll see her ig stories and the new fake accent she has is so fucking cringey and makes the whole aesthetic feel very forced especially when she types in spanglish
still somehow nowhere near as cringe as anyone in this community tho
No. 415864
File: 1509876287151.png (20.06 KB, 449x465, IMG_0462.PNG)

call me crazy but i liked millie with actual eyebrows more
No. 416765
File: 1510030593648.jpg (599.83 KB, 739x982, You_Doodle_2017-11-07T04_48_07…)

For some reason Millie's new makeup has been bothering me for months, and I finally figured out why today.
I think she ripped the idea from peepuddle on Tumblr, who posted this look a couple months before Millie changed up her makeup style. I looked on Instagram to see if they follow each other and it doesn't look like they do, so I could just be overthinking this now.
No. 416768
File: 1510030640625.jpg (325.73 KB, 750x1021, You_Doodle_2017-11-07T04_46_09…)

>>416765pic related is when Millie started doing her makeup like peepuddle's.
No. 417368
File: 1510081266450.jpg (15.96 KB, 236x314, 633c1f08a70437aa0704479d94d927…)

>>416765>>416768looks like they're just late hopping on the ofero/igari/hangover makeup thing
pic related
No. 418691
>>418669LMFAO isn’t this bitch from Wisconsin?
She sounds like Andy Kaufman on Taxi ..
“Heh loe to evey body & tank you for 17 tousand i laf you “
No. 418729
File: 1510162720201.jpg (611.11 KB, 750x934, You_Doodle_2017-11-08T17_35_48…)

why would she post this when she literally looks like she's got downs
No. 419505
>>419235they look bleached.
and i've been wondering lately: does anyone know how old millie is? i feel like she's the epitome of that "younger and more beautiful – to cast you down and take all that you hold dear" ASOIAF quote in relation to nicole.
No. 422640
File: 1510555422348.png (447.47 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20171111-235530.png)

Millie posted this on her story
No. 422891
>>415813I feel the same way, it just feels very forced and awkward.
I wonder how long this phase will last though, like her other ones were always fairly short.
>nymphet, goth, homestuckAt least she's happier now
No. 422948
File: 1510600995612.jpg (100.99 KB, 720x720, a160jeremyrenner_l.jpg)

>>422640I knew she reminded me of some1
No. 424411
File: 1510741547657.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.29 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oz904bu2U91txl3vlo1_128…)

>>271361>>270604she's now
No. 425502
File: 1510839454268.jpg (37.7 KB, 520x454, Capture.JPG)

Rapebait looks young enough to make this super uncomfortable for me as is
No. 448380
File: 1513766029251.jpg (636.97 KB, 718x931, wkd0fOu.jpg)

this is so ugly
No. 448443
File: 1513783458268.png (460.21 KB, 800x400, ive been compared to.png)

>>263396>>263600>Celebrities I've been compared toI know I'm replying to a 9 month old comment and I'm so sorry but I didn't know who Chloe Sevigny was so I looked her up and I can't stop cackling. THIS IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. She looks like fucking Ja'mie I cant breath
No. 448651
>>440032>>448380lord i'm begging for a shot of that makeup in any other angle without 500 filters lmao it probably looks sooo bad. this is embarrassing.
>i hav big plans for the future and cant wait to share with u!!!what happened to film school, farquaad
No. 450836
File: 1514039865290.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, A2DE4B20-2288-493B-B28A-336FC4…)

This is the funniest thing I've seen all days. Since the anas from MPA invaded, all I can see is how she's in the classic "thigh gap" pose with her feet all the way apart, and that's the only way she can still look ""disordered"" anymore.
No. 453983
File: 1514346895951.png (755.61 KB, 927x595, rip.png)

god i know i'm late but patience's comment is killing me. muscles! s w e e t i e !!
No. 454885
>>453983Oh no baby
Somebody tell her those are mom arms not muscles lmao
No. 465292
>>453983>>415677>>415864i wish she would learn to wing her eyeliner properly, it's
triggering my autism so hard
No. 472939
File: 1516158230913.jpeg (19.1 KB, 238x238, 68AEBD06-62C1-4E06-804B-68AA33…)

>>469793her lips are clearly just overdrawn
I’m assuming they look much smaller now bc she seems to be leaving out the very outside part of her lips when wearing lipstick (or is that the result of shooping every inch of her face? we may never know) - pic related
also, this is from 2014
No. 474457
File: 1516289784931.jpeg (278.4 KB, 1125x1313, F16DDD82-4CA0-4B1C-B9F8-C9A717…)

she looks high on SOMETHING
No. 480285
File: 1516819494617.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1038, Screenshot_20180124-114250.png)

"Dogface" Wolfie and her new photo. Wtf even is that???
No. 480681
File: 1516848308085.jpeg (307.77 KB, 1125x1500, 3A63CC9B-39B8-4BC6-850F-1A1472…)

her fringe is moving further and further up. it UGLY
No. 481314
>>255594This isn't how this works anon, the only way you can cope with PTSD/stress injuries is by exploring the root of what sets you off via exposure therapy, with an actual trained professional. Doing it yourself, or "through kink" is very dangerous and actually leads to further damage and repeat stress injuries.
Not to mention it is EXTREMELY rare for a sexual abuse victim of any kind to be attracted to these kinds of arrangements.
I can see Robyn having bipolar or borderline, which would cause an unstable life and poor ability to care for herself, set goals, and achieve even small tasks like cleaning her house/paying the bills if it is a severe case, but this can also lead her to be impulsive and attention seeking, which many nymphet/ddlg girls are. They see others in their crowd claiming to be raped, and they feel it fits the look/vibe they are going for, "daddy's damaged dolly girl". It's gross but unsurprising that many of them lie about it for whatever reason.
No. 482374
>>481830Have you read the book? He molested her but for the first half she was very wanting of it, and ended up using what she knew he wanted as a means to get what she wanted.
In the movie he wouldn't let her do something so it's implied she gave him head to get him to give it to her. It wasn't until Lolita ran away with another pedophile that it was revealed she didn't want him anymore. He's still a monster nonetheless, but this was the plot of the book.
No. 482473
>>482434I've read the book over 3 times.I suppose everyone can see it in a different light, an that's the beauty of literature, it's not the same for every person. It's pretty useless debating seeing how everyone can take it in a different light. The one thing that can be agreed upon is that Hum is a narcissistic pedophile, yes, and that at the beginning of the book, reading about his experience with the girl he met at a younger age who he fell in love with, but later died, you can see that he has many emotional and psychological issues stemming from that which caused him to become infatuated with Lolita. But you can't say that she never once in the book threw herself into his arms and used his disgusting love for her to get what she wanted through sexual means. She herself put herself onto his lap in his car and began to kiss him without him being the first to make an advance in that scene.
I think this is getting to be derailing and ot, let's agree to disagree and get back on topic. I'm sorry for straying from the point.
No. 482482
File: 1517034543181.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20180126-232554.png)

>>482473Disagree though I might, good discussion. Now how about those calves?
Are any of the "weapons" these tards take photos with real? I believe Patience actually does some shooting but I'm trying to wrap my head around how much money these idiots spend on plastic guns just for the "aesthetic"
No. 482488
>>482482At least there was no bad infighting.
I haven't held anything like what she's holding in the picture, but I've held and pistol and it was "heavy", meaning a few pounds. If that was real and not plastic, I don't think she would be able to support it with one hand loosely on the
trigger. Correct me if I'm wrong though, I don't know much about guns.
No. 485918
File: 1517269120830.jpg (59.82 KB, 851x423, Capture.JPG)

i hope she lets that poor thing live a long life
No. 489182
>>481782 cringe. I don't know what she's trying to accomplish.
Some anon asked if she/it is a cross dressing boy and I really believe it
No. 492604
File: 1517749688174.png (1.58 MB, 1080x970, 20180204_070702.png)

I thought this was a picture of my grandmother but no its just Millie. Anyways, r her eyebrows pink or shaved off?
No. 493082
>>493046>>489182What exactly is she going for??? She's not trying to be Poppy, since the words that are set up are too different to Poppy's in an unnecessary way
Also, recently, her videos just got fully publicised on youtube. They were unlisted before. not sure if potential snow materials.,
No. 493230
File: 1517792161735.png (1.08 MB, 1148x710, drago.png)

>>480681she kinda reminds me of sarah drago/ astralfaerie a bit, when she use to shave her eyebrows though, whats with ND calves and weird ass hairlines?
No. 493796
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>>493230looks like a man from the qing dynasty lol
No. 494773
File: 1517893263023.jpg (31.11 KB, 582x388, makeup on fleek.jpg)

>>492604who wore it better, millie or mimi?
(hint: mimi, by far)
No. 504485
File: 1518747937133.jpeg (602.83 KB, 750x1085, 86551AA6-5D86-44EE-B002-12503E…)

Millie seems to really be living her best life repeating this same photo shoot in different shitty motels. Hilariously this was posted BEFORE the school shooting but of course it’s still up.
No. 504579
File: 1518753260501.jpeg (192.55 KB, 728x1061, 600BA636-FAB7-40A6-B625-B70E83…)

>>504575 At this point she should really have her own thread
No. 504583
File: 1518753647977.jpeg (229.46 KB, 650x867, 7B6DE449-BC9F-48E8-B056-5A1869…)

>>504579lol watch this idiot get heavily into Trevor Brown cosplays if she’s not already, can we please have a dedicated Millie thread, I can’t do write ups for shit but I’ll be there to point and laugh
She reminds me of Shelley Duvall but mad uglier kek
No. 506157
File: 1518885137988.jpeg (124.75 KB, 640x789, 8C8FA126-2658-44AB-82AF-A67E8A…)

how do you shoop yourself to look like an entirely different person every time? that nose is killing me
No. 506243
File: 1518891516002.png (110.68 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20180217-111327.png)

Looks like Millie made herself a "fan" account
No. 506248
File: 1518891718812.jpg (804.03 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180217_111739.jpg)

This shit has me cackling. A "fancy ass hotel room" …. Um, what?
No. 506909
You guys are always on Millie and Patience's asses. Not that I'm defending that, i'm just saying you guys always seem to forget that theres different people out there who have more things to milk.
Theres this girl that goes by the name of @petewentzisdead. She used to write fanfictions for twenty one pilots, Dallon weekes, brendon urie, etc. She wrote solely about them about this time 2 years ago, but she found Nicole Dollanganger about a year ago… And became completely obsessed. He stories get around 100k reads each on Wattpad, so for her to begin including Nicole in everything obviously garnered most of her newer fanbase.
Around this time last year, she began a story named Lividity, and it was about the drummer of Twenty One Pilots… shooting up the school at the end. Her writing is very good, I will give her that, but her personality over on twitter is basically headache fuel.
Memily, as she goes by, never reveals her face or anything, but I’ve seen over the past few months how she acts. She’s basically a SJW that’s obsessed with timothy heller and nicole dollanganger. Shocker. She’s always being rude to the 12 year olds that read her stuff/her fans, but she blatantly ignores the fact that shes a literal 20 year old writing fanfiction for bands. It’s really gross. Check out her twitter. No. 511351
File: 1519305112220.png (692.16 KB, 693x709, 20180222_071147.png)

>>504579I third this. Can we just have a Millie thread?
/Vote for thread pic
No. 531155
File: 1521233081315.jpeg (243.95 KB, 747x1006, 2148E306-8CE8-4C93-B190-0AE4B8…)

such ana, much hair falling out beside her hairbrush.
No. 531610
File: 1521375040155.jpg (39.03 KB, 640x360, the-houses-october-built-doll-…)

>>531155Her new makeup permanently reminds me of doll face from the houses October built.
No. 537586
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No. 577176
File: 1525832191572.jpeg (214.29 KB, 750x1044, D11B4D75-B768-49E3-8929-08C2BF…)

I feel like Millie’s still copying Nicole, she’s just more sly these days. She’ll do motel photoshoots a few months after Nicole does, and now she's gone and dyed her hair blonde ~a year after Nicole did. Or I could be wrong and Millie dyed it to look even more obviously like a second-rate Yolandi.
No. 578922
File: 1526011364960.png (454.41 KB, 937x600, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at 01.0…)

another one
No. 585865
File: 1526537547335.jpeg (102.34 KB, 750x1334, D5F8716C-79F9-4C44-B00F-91225F…)

We can now add Shay, one of the biggest cows here, to the Dollanganger club. She is switching to this aesthetic and years late too. What is it with cows and copying old cows?
No. 586535
File: 1526589325098.jpeg (82.72 KB, 750x483, 21A142DA-F18D-401F-AA25-72D762…)

nicole being cryptic about some kind of project presumably in the works, but what i'm wondering is why she and patience follow and interact with each other, but millie and nicole don't follow each other?? (patience and millie still seem to be friends tho)
No. 596209
File: 1527548250769.png (542.18 KB, 935x603, Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 19.5…)

incoming picture dump of recent millie pics
No. 596210
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No. 596211
File: 1527548304446.png (844.15 KB, 934x600, Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 19.5…)

can't tell if she's still on the yolandi aesthetic or if she's back on the calf bandwagon by now
No. 596213
File: 1527548350008.png (723.52 KB, 901x604, Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 19.5…)

this was already posted on the Nicole thread but figured it'd fitl here aswell
No. 596421
File: 1527565292279.jpg (427.58 KB, 1080x1059, Screenshot_20180528-233529.jpg)

by popular request in the nicole thread, introducing andre "cryspells" the giant. another 2edgy4u sad bbydoll who sings bootleg coma baby songs on bandcamp, listens to death metal, and stands around in 80s used lingerie in dirt fields feat catholic imagery + bonus poc points for being a mexican. the only reason nicole seems to have adopted her is because she's larger and uglier than her and makes her seem smol in comparison. No. 596446
File: 1527566935490.png (11.71 KB, 182x50, Screen Shot 20.png)

>>596421Going off the stuff anon showed/screencapped in
>>596233I did some digging for her YT and found this in her uploads. I don't care much about most of the edgy gore shit (as tryhard as it is), but anyone who would co-sign something with a title like this enough to download it, and then reupload it on YouTube is probably a pedophile themselves, lmao. She wants to embroider shirts talking about "Lolita is not a love story uwu" like she's not part of the very camp that sexualized it in the first place.
She and Nicole are perfect for eachother.
No. 596474
>>596470nah the guro aspect nicole had going on was very extreme, only one other user (bonesofbabydolls?) was doing it. nicole's aesthetic was white trash, deformed children ranging from premature babies to dead fetuses, cult party kei, suehiro maruo scans, maggots, vomit, and the occasional 80s metalhead. she wasn't that popular back then, it was when she put her second album out that she wiped her archive to be more mainstream. to my recollection what was actually trendy at the time was antiques, junji ito, rope bondage, lingerie, granny living rooms, and cult party kei.
andre the giant seems to be building from nicole's metalhead doll aesthetic of 2013.
No. 596523
File: 1527581272169.png (1.29 MB, 1080x971, IMG_20180529_040705.png)

>>596421Mrs Hambeast has quite a few photos like this on her IG. Her music has me wheezing.
No. 597229
File: 1527645027750.jpeg (235.2 KB, 750x1144, 9E729047-A573-48CE-AC8C-0D226A…)

>>596753Some fb gold. Picture is from 2 years ago. She doesn’t take pictures of her face anymore, which speaks volumes about how much she is aging
No. 597429
>>597150Because she was linking to ONA stuff on her FB/Tumblr;
"I think I could turn and live with animals. They are so placid and self-contained. They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God. Not one of them kneels to another or to his own kind that lived thousands of years ago. Not one of them is respectable or unhappy, all over the earth."
Illustration by RV, O9A (image is earlier up the thread)
No. 599272
File: 1527836256250.jpeg (262.91 KB, 748x1286, B0FF446B-8D3A-4E21-83F8-E3C7A5…)

Just gonna leave this here… lol
No. 600761
>>600695Do you maybe mean the guy about whom the song Ball Jointed Doll is written? Just curious cause it's so exploative when you know it's about real paralysed person.
No. 600805
>>600717Luckily she looks like a giant troon troll-creature and not a cute bb girl like she is trying to
Just dress like a woman, maybe you wouldn't get into abusive relationships (one of her posts) if you didn't send out a batsignal trying to get weirdos interested
(posts also include: Her on the toilet with underwear around her legs, and one with a ballgag in her mouth.)
>lol why do I find abusive ppl life is hard No. 601336
File: 1528068894502.jpg (36.59 KB, 677x106, Screenshot_20180603-162212_152…)

>>601258>but like every other millenial who got into porn at 12 and got into loli then actual cp by 20What the fuck
Are you talking about the doc in pic related anon? That's the one I saw anyway & it's part of a series about Nabokov and pedophilia and about how he put riddles and shit into his books. I highly recommend. I'm not a lolita or into child gay anime porn or anything like that, I'm a normalfag and it was super interesting and informative. And sickening.
But just that one part is fucked up and stands on its own
No. 601970
File: 1528145622717.jpg (118.69 KB, 397x681, 20180604_135325.jpg)

>>601466Sorry but wow I literally couldn't give less of a fuck
Fight me
No. 602191
>>602187robyn seems like the one who miiiight've actually been a csa survivor, just because she's shown actual symptoms of psychosis and not just being an edgelord like pacience. i remember once going on her blog and it was just walltext after walltext in caps lock of her going on about how she was raped at 3 and she sounded genuinely disabled at a neurological level.
there was also one girl i remember who talked about how her father raped her as a kid and she had black hair with a huge wasp tattoo on her chest and she loved moomin. then she started posting actual real life child/baby porn and got deleted and idk what happened to her.
other than that no.
No. 602282
>>602185>they're just pedophiles from early exposure to cpEither you are sexually attracted to underdeveloped bodies and minds beyond your puberty/adulthood or you're not. I can understand a preteen wanting to see other preteens naked etc. (Ugh just typing those words together squigs me out…) Sexual preferences then mature to match other post-pubescent peers. The ppl you're referring to are just plain ol' pedophile shmedophiles.
Sage for no milk
No. 602288
>>602191whats robyns tumblr now??
also i think i remember the other girl ur talking about…
No. 602329
>>602292thanks… and also agreed…
No. 602978
>>602311I wrote
>>602282 and it was saged
No. 606653
File: 1528620184089.jpeg (106.44 KB, 750x546, A35B4742-5995-4881-9D21-B60D78…)

Has Yetaxa/angel-bruises been mentizoned here yet? She used to be a huge Nicole skin-wearer, and even made eerily similar music
No. 606656
>>606653I’m sorry *mentioned
No. 607736
File: 1528740972546.png (204.48 KB, 299x570, angelbruises.png)

>>606653She goes by angel-embryo as well as yetaxa and angel-bruises but tbh I can't tell them apart a lot of the time.
She seems to jump from trend to trend, has gone through many phases. I don't think she really has any kind of personality. She's into menhera and kinderwhore currently (or at least what she attempts to call menhera and kinderwhore). Tried to start her own fashion called "Borden Kei" on Tumblr, wrote out checklists and everything of what it should look like, even had a dedicated (now deleted) Tumblr on it. But no-one really cared but her.
The only real milk I see is the skin walking but I'm not sure if she does that any more. At best she's just annoying when she's everywhere with her 3 blogs. Unless someone knows more about her?
No. 616112
File: 1529526459038.jpg (172.96 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20180620-162508.jpg)

Lmfao Millie is really trying to say she didn't cop her entire style from Yolandi Visser. She only changed her style when she saw everyone calling her Lord Farquaad, and proceeded to rip off Yolandi's style with a cringey fake South African accent. Does she really think no one can tell lol.
No. 616347
>>616112Are there any videos any farmers can link of her cringe accent? I've only ever heard single words
Sage for request
No. 616454
>>616347she deleted them. but you can read through the thread people addressing her fake afrikaans accent when those videos came out. one was of her thanking her followers and telling them to like believe themselves, with a whole ass fake squeaky afrikaans accent like yolandi. she also posted a video of her cat and some other ugly cat doll going in yolandi's hissy afrikaans accent "da REEL kat, and da mummified FEIS kat. u LUV eet."
also in the thread there's pictures here of millie wearing the bloody pink pajamas yolandi's worn in several music videos, the pink knitted bra, and acknowledging her obsession with die antwoord. her entire cringey transformation from nicole clone to yolandi clone is all documented here.
No. 620254
File: 1529876471081.jpg (2.56 MB, 2881x1920, inCollage_20180624_143828638.j…)

Can someone explain wtf this protrusion is on Millie's face? I can see where her lashes are, so it's not lashes…?
No. 621509
File: 1529978172866.png (319.84 KB, 531x524, Le_Quack.png)

>>620746>mask her jeremy renner faceTopkek anon, I had to google that actor and lol'd when I did
Pic related to
>>620254 No. 622723
File: 1530102885660.png (1.69 MB, 1076x1324, Screenshot_20180627-083424.png)

Okay but can we talk about this trainwreck???
No. 624079
>>623701Yes. I can’t remember the url but I think it was posted in previous threads… iirc she paraded it around as a recovery or coping blog.
Not whiteknighting as I’ve been a regular poster and fan of her milk, but at this point I feel bad. She’s already fallen so hard, and failed horribly, and the
problematic things she posted are well in the past (over 5 years?), and it was all posted at the height of her illness. She even acknowledged and apologized for it, saying she isn’t that person anymore.
At this point, is there really any milk on her? Seems like more of a vendetta thread run by her rejected calves and/or boy toys.
No. 626540
File: 1530477382803.jpeg (169.51 KB, 750x1100, F5E62E00-DF2F-4277-9F92-87BB1C…)

She needs to drop the red eyeshadow.
No. 630154
File: 1530881624903.jpeg (197.76 KB, 750x1069, C0765888-C087-4520-9A88-E409C0…)

Damn, she’s really porky these days.
No. 630286
>>630154So weird, I was actually thinking of posting this for the same reason. Crazy how much she's ballooned up.
Anyone else notice that Millie removed all photos of her and Patience from her IG?
No. 696494
File: 1537876323477.jpeg (310.6 KB, 1125x1826, B0829F34-5ADA-4360-839B-5F4491…)

literally cannot believe she is still on this trashiness. she's swapped her face in the OP pic for this, it's gaudy, it's clownish, and it's a million times worse.
No. 696725
>>696494Kinda funny that she gets more likes than Nicole herself does. Time for Millie to start making edgy baby voice music.
>>630154And doesn't get as much attention as she used to, this "aesthetic" doesn't fit fat girls, pretty obvious when you see their obsession with sickness and EDs (binge eating ones are not allowed!).
No. 705655
>>696725I know this post is old af, but I've been thinking the same things re: Millie's likes ratio to Nicole's and Patience's decline in popularity.
It's darkly hilarious that Millie has continued to be the more popular of the Millie-and-Patience duo and I wonder if it's because Millie's lost weight in the past year and kind of stopped copying Nicole
and Yolandi (save for the haircut).
saged for potential "wow anachan" talk / no contribution, etc
No. 712757
File: 1539551460003.jpg (60.1 KB, 598x600, andre the giant.jpg)

this picture is from september but jesus fuck i still can't get over how much cryspell looks like andre the giant. plus his music is 10x worse than nicole's. by far one of the cringiest calves.
No. 712913
File: 1539567215178.png (233.78 KB, 480x554, Screenshot_20181014-222934~2.p…)

Mother of five body
No. 713012
I'm so confused.
>>712913Looks like a dumpy woman.
>>712915Looks like an ugly femme dude. Is she trans or is she just unfortunate looking? I seriously cannot tell.
No. 713092
>>287206Bump for interest
whats the deal with this one? did she just drop off the face of the earth after this or is there more material to be amused by?
No. 713157
>>712917>>712915>>712913What the fuck.
I actually feel sorry for her, but I just fucking cannot believe such body shape is even possible in a woman. Is she really a bio woman or an mtf?
Also, that blackout tattoo on her hand is not doing her any favours.
No. 716266
File: 1539896986249.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x1583, 9C9E61D3-1265-4CF7-AAA6-024B2C…)

kek at millie pulling the classic pro-ana collarbones post.
No. 716572
>>713092She pretty much dropped off from the face of the internet, tbh. As much as the sadbbygurlz would hate to admit, literally no one cares about their personas outside of the interwebs. One click on the "delete account" button and they're forgotten, until you search their names on Google, of course. Even then, as time goes on they might not even show up.
I can just imagine 10 years from now when all their 13-year-old fans are 23 they'll be on some obscure part of the internet saying "OMG was anyone else a sadbbydoll on Tumblr? Who remembers Nicole Dollanganger?" the majority of the replies will likely be people asking "Who the fuck is that?" with few people saying they remember her and this fugly look.
>>713157Andrea the Giantess is indeed a woman, her body shape is just bad, she should lose weight and it would improve her overall shape.
>>716266I did some lurking on her IG and was surprised to see Eva Hazen commented "I love" on the pic of her smoking next to a bottle of "Dr. McGillicuddy's Cherry Liqueur". As much as Eva whines about "shallow, uncreative, and boring" people, she sure likes following them on IG. I could see the appeal of Millie, however.
>>705655Speaking of Millie's appeal and the sudden boost in popularity, people, in general, were just tired of Nicole and her ilk's boring floral pastel edgy metalhead wannabe nymphet look. Millie has more attention because she's genuinely a breath of fresh air for these people, she also doesn't look like the other sadbbygurlz. It's why she's more popular than Nicole and the others combined.
No. 716659
>>716266Damn Millie gained a lot in just one year
All of the posts screeching about how shes “so much more popular” now, and so “different uwu” in here lately just SCREAM selfpost…
No. 716727
>>716722>ghetto goth clown appealI kek'd. What you said is true, though. Kids are still sperging over Lil Peep? Is he the next Kurt Cobain or some shit? I always thought Nicole would be the one to branch into the Soundclout world.
Also I really did sound like Millie selfposting in that, lmfao.
No. 719242
File: 1540276766585.jpg (667.47 KB, 1080x1582, Screenshot_20181023-023328.jpg)

good fucking bye
No. 720234
File: 1540397605191.jpeg (378.51 KB, 1125x1545, 4F739DC0-C9B2-4EF8-A100-43B905…)

her hair looks better in the little spacebuns but i can't help noticing it looks like she's got bottom lashes on, but no top ones.
No. 720354
>>720332i completely agree actually. look at her in the OP pic versus now. OP pic gives me so much secondhand embarrassment and it's so absolutely unflattering on her in every way. new look suits her in a cartoonish way. if only she could find a look that's somehow in the middle.
another unpopular opinion is that i don't find cryspell that ugly, she has an interesting face with a few cute features, but holy shit is her style the worst possible one she could ever choose for her body. this is obvious but it accentuates the fact that she's not smol, she's not delicate, she's not totally feminine, and she's not a fucking little girl.
>>712918imagining this woman in a kind of tomboyish punky look, like just black skinny jeans and a distressed hipster top of some kind, she doesn't look that bad to me. at least she wouldn't be totally jarring like she is now
No. 720732
>>720354I agree with both of y'all. She has her own look and tbh doesn't even come off as a try hard edgelord. Like, even Nicole's toned down calves still aren't authentic. I'm 100% they're basic bitches in rl.
About cryspell though, I think she looks better in the whole of Nicole's current clan. In a trashy way of course. I think she's mostly into it because she thinks it'll give people the illusion that's she's actually smol and oh so feminine when she really isn't lmao. She should make it trashier, I think it'll work. Torn up white nightgowns with some doc martens and a leather jacket, I'm sure she'll get some clout. I can also see her pandering to creepy normie guys who lust over "THICC GOFF GFz HEHEHE" it wouldn't even be hard for her to fool them, just put some black lipstick on lmao
No. 720791
File: 1540462344395.jpg (62.01 KB, 744x743, 42683381_253589982021367_44703…)

>>720732>me 4 hours ago>SHE DOESNT LOOK TRYHARD OR LIKE AN EDGELORD>looks at Millie's IG>wrong.jpg>>720736I was going to reply to this with an "Everyone takes inspiration from someone/something they're inspired by" but nah, this ugly ass picture told me not to.
It isn't original at all, she's still lowkey copying Nicole. It's not as obvious as it used to be because she used to photoshop her face to the point she would somewhat look like Nicole, do the same poses as Nicole, and even got the same damn piercings in the area where Nicole used to draw two dots.
Now she's pandering to SoundClout people as a pastel trashy trailer park nymphet.
Realistically speaking tho, Nicole's aesthetic, in general, isn't original, either. And she's who these chicks are copying in the first place. It's so obviously based off of the Harajuku weeb fashion that was popular on Tumblr in 2014. She just made it edgy.
Millie has to use angles as her nose is big, most of the pictures are shoved up her nostrils. The pictures look "better" when they're heavily filtered and you can't really see her real facial features.
No. 730473
File: 1541948689072.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1615, Screenshot_20181110-223551.png)

Holyyyyy shit, Patience has inherited the wig I'm dying
No. 730517
File: 1541956971852.jpeg (9.35 KB, 275x183, 4F8448EA-FFA5-41A0-8A82-3BC05B…)

>>730512Thank you anon.
Patience is looking absolutely horrific lately. I’ve never understood what’s happening with her lips…
No. 732365
File: 1542256079270.jpg (77.33 KB, 432x640, 5433929.jpg)

>>720706>she's not a carbon copy of anyone (that i know of)she was literally speaking in a fake baby afrikaans accent and talked about going to die antwoord concerts just before adopting the mullet lmao. these idiots are incapable of being original.
No. 744360
File: 1544047293181.png (339.79 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20181205-185951.png)

Patience broke up with her bf
No. 744562
>>736639Is that from when she went with Patience? Lol I remember she was posing with some fat middle aged neckbeard and they did like a sexy photoshoot together so it was probably that dude. She deleted the pics so I guess their ~collab went nowhere.
Also it's worth mentioning that Millie's likes to comments ratio shows her followers and likes are bought. She isn't popular. And the people in the thread hyping her up like she had some glo-up and found fame for being so speshul and unique are likely just Millie herself. She gets like 30 comments max, which is less than jazminbean and dollhospice, both of which have similar styles with like half the followers and likes she does.
No. 746296
>>746187the comments to likes to followers ratio is literally the universal way to expose bought followers and likes lol. patience used to have more followers than millie but had half her likes. all these cows selfpost and whiteknight themselves in this thread and are obsessed with pretending they're famous. millie selfposted herself saying she was sooo unique and popular for having a unique style which is blatantly untrue. everyone can tell she's a yolandi bootleg with a repetitive feed because she has no life and can't afford new outfits.
>i think the reason there are only a few comments on each post is because there isn't much to even talk about? Its just her photography.that's no different from the basic captionless pics from the other instagrammers with the same amount of comments. millie even replies to her friends so the comments are even less lol.
No. 746409
>>746296She’s buying likes on her IG photos
10,000 like with 30 comments….8k likes…20 comments….4K likes…3 fuckin comments lmao
she needs to stop being so obvious and chill with the competitiveness with torture and Nicole
also am I just tripping or does it smell like theres a WK or selfposter ITT? No. 746766
>>746571>plus at this point nicole is lowkey calfing millie. she definitely feels threatened by her since no one cares about heart shaped bed.I'm screaming you really blew it Millie. Calling selfpost doesn't mean it obviously isn't you lmao. You're barely a blimp on Nicole's radar because you abandoned the vintage melancholy doll look she's obviously going back to with her new calf posse, and you look like a cross between r0ttingd0ll and a juggalo. YOU were the og Nicole skincrawler and only changed aesthetics when you were finally called out. So you just… copied someone else.
You're a whole clown for thinking people wouldn't know this was you. But I guess you're already dressing the part lol.
No. 747841
File: 1544585295398.png (6.87 MB, 1125x2436, 12E0B2CC-D7B7-44DF-A31B-FDE1CB…)

Is Millie's septum crooked?
No. 749594
File: 1544896816632.jpeg (265.6 KB, 750x728, 95C16623-C2DF-47A5-B7EC-ED0ED4…)

Incoming another unflattering pantie pic
No. 749729
File: 1544922733906.jpeg (107.29 KB, 640x815, FEAF25DD-2AD4-4845-AF6D-FFD6ED…)

>>732363>>732416So disgusting together
No. 757046
File: 1546301006300.jpeg (524.64 KB, 745x1093, 55DC5B4A-4F4D-492E-BC37-70CAD8…)

No. 757145
File: 1546318380730.jpeg (579.99 KB, 750x921, 3A71AF73-09EB-4D29-9722-D798EA…)

As mean as this sounds I feel like Tina is just always having an identity crisis or mental breakdown. Her previous hairstyle was kinda cute in my opinion, but what is this???
No. 757247
File: 1546349084929.jpeg (224.02 KB, 500x562, 9683362D-125F-49DE-8F0E-D63CDD…)

>>757145No Tina, no
Dear god why
No. 762897
File: 1547240461722.jpeg (802.62 KB, 2048x1324, 86FEEB42-AEFC-43D1-AF26-3E3492…)

Sage if this isn’t really milk but I’m pretty sure I just found out that Millie copies Carcrashgirls photo. Millie’s pic is from 2017, carcrashgirls pic is from 2016… I mean even down to the shoes she’s wearing it looks like she copied her
No. 763214
File: 1547286972394.jpeg (683.76 KB, 750x1026, B76CC483-18AF-4689-ACB4-FD898D…)

Some fresh photoshop horror from Patience coming your way
No. 763229
>>762897Holy shit, millie looks like she legit has down syndrome in comparison to the cutie on the right.
Is carcrashgirl like 8 feet tall though? She's giganto. I've never seen someone taller than cornstalks lmao
No. 763286
File: 1547312764103.jpeg (323.52 KB, 750x1058, 7F0B3492-3F37-44B9-9CFA-7D6814…)

Since this thread is milky lately, here’s a Robyn/rottinggirlsrestingplace/missing_haveyouseenher dump
No. 763287
File: 1547312823737.jpeg (353.22 KB, 750x1024, E116E6BE-5CE9-42F9-93C2-517BDB…)

Since this thread is milky lately, here’s a Robyn/rottinggirlsrestingplace/missing_haveyouseenher dump
No. 769565
File: 1548114026201.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x1580, CB6A1EEA-7E1A-4643-9ACE-660705…)

Millie has merch now for some fucking reason. Afaik she doesn't put out any actual content so I've got no idea where she gets off on putting out merch, even if it is just a $3 button.
No. 771468
File: 1548402906936.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20181210-145253.png)

Does anyone remember Morgan? (Now thechurchofsuffering)
No. 771492
File: 1548411955945.jpeg (19.68 KB, 236x425, D6036AA9-2B52-47B2-9158-13DC85…)

>>769565She obviously copped the design from vintage Valentine’s Day cards, but I couldn’t find an identical one
No. 771493
File: 1548412127311.jpeg (426.82 KB, 750x1165, B8ED05FA-D5C8-4AA1-8206-158BF5…)

While this thread is bumped I’ve been legitimately wondering if Millie made this account for her bf. “Lord___Graves” kek
No. 771556
>>771493Most definitely she did kek
No. 772007
File: 1548493525449.jpeg (94.35 KB, 749x562, FCF3F03D-FC7A-4709-B07A-2F6CA9…)

Looks like that pedophilic woman Robyn is trying to make some sort of sad comeback. These girls just milk themselves
>>269499>>255514Sage because who cares
No. 772008
File: 1548493559239.jpeg (121.78 KB, 469x874, 381578BF-B324-4998-A31D-7DCA8C…)

No. 772009
File: 1548493880037.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.75 KB, 521x993, EC44290E-6FBB-4513-BC92-1838AE…)

>>772007Should’ve spoilered her face too, my bad
No. 772448
File: 1548605229651.jpeg (366.84 KB, 750x837, 1B95893E-69AE-4940-8350-7C4A0A…)

Side note but Millie actually looks surprisingly cute here? I’m glad she isn’t copying Yolandi anymore kek
No. 773559
>>773518What’s up with your weird vendetta sperging? Are these even current?
>>772734True, I didn’t realize Yolandi has literally the exact same hair.
No. 773592
File: 1548828955405.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 4F5754B0-8944-4076-9DB4-7E88A6…)

Robyn’s story — I’m confused too.
No. 773602
>>773599And don’t post milk that’s dry and bump the thread for old boring shit. I’ve been following that chick for a while waiting for something new and she doesn’t post anymore.
Maybe read the site rules it you’re a newbie vendetta-chan and stop clogging the thread.
>>773592Lol I’m glad someone else has been attempting to decipher her recent stories. She’s been posting a lot lately and it’s been my personal source of amusement. Anybody catch her fishing for no-makeup compliments? I’ve also noticed she’s gained a lot of weight since she was last active online. Keep trying to post the screenshots but I’m having issues with my phone. Will try later
No. 773633
File: 1548858286484.jpeg (427.16 KB, 750x802, 7DED6E6A-FE30-4961-9146-F47706…)

>>773606Robyn photo dump from her IG today
No. 773637
>>773599Wtf are you talking about? My post that you said to sage was
>>772749 which I posted before the post you’re talking about, which was never even related to the argument at hand. Check who you’re replying to first bc my original post (>>772749) was saged.
No. 773646
This thread is a lost cause. I'll skim through it whenever it's bumped but there is never any milk. As of now these girls haven't really been relevant since tumblr died, and half of this thread is about Millie anyway. Every time a new girl is brought up the topic switches right back to "look Millie photo dump look how dum and ugly she looks" …yeah that's been had said. Where's the milk?
>>773606That aside, Robyn always raises an interest due to minimal interaction I had with her years ago (mutuals on tumblr). Nostalgic memories of deciphering her text posts but could never figure out what the fuck she was ever talking about. Sadly she doesn't put out much content anymore. This recent activity could be milky, but I doubt she is going to be consistent with posting.
No. 773668
File: 1548870948958.jpeg (444.59 KB, 750x734, 8A05AFE1-68C6-4FE3-9B9B-26EFD4…)

>>763214Dang I didn’t realize Patience is legitimately thicker and bigger than Andre the Giant
No. 773689
File: 1548880743787.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 21A55314-893C-48FD-AE00-4CADF9…)

>>773592I’m sorry to keep posting these, but Robyn’s Instagram account has been freaky milky lately. Lil Peep playing in the background kek
No. 776370
File: 1549696494445.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, 8017F690-11A0-46CF-87C6-CB33C0…)

It’s so blurred, goodness
No. 779515
File: 1550605389957.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1549, AFA288EB-1ADC-4DE0-B405-DB5A26…)

Millie's new finger tattoos are in the exact same font as Nicole's.
No. 780913
File: 1551025046943.jpeg (791.75 KB, 750x932, 521EB7B1-A2C7-479A-97F0-EB7E43…)

Patience is looking sooo porky these days. Her hair also looks depressingly brittle and dead. If I didn’t know who she was I’d think she’s someone’s mom here
No. 782217
File: 1551462957863.png (1.59 MB, 1852x880, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at 11.5…)

>My new EP is recorded and mixed by Matthew Tomasi and will be released come Spring of 2019
No. 783812
File: 1551868293883.jpeg (1.66 MB, 3464x3464, EC30B337-9E9B-42B2-A69A-8FDCDD…)

Does anyone else think that Millie’s old pictures were way better than her new pictures? Personally I really liked millie’s old pictures and I know she definitely wasn’t original seeing as she copied so many people. But I mean at least it felt more diverse than her new stuff. All she’s posting now is pictures of her face and that’s it really. She also deleted all of her old pictures save for 1 picture she took of her TV that blew up… I don’t understand the lovecore aesthetic, i grew tired of it a year ago. She probably thinks she was made for it since she was ~~~ uwu born on Valentine’s Day uwu ~~~
No. 783824
>>783812I discovered this girl (and nicole and her troupe tbh) thanks to lolcow and so far I love how she styles herself and her aesthetics.
And what happened between Patience and her? They used to take a lot of pictures together.
No. 783836
>>783824You’re either 11 or Millie herself if you think she looks good, kek
Patience got attention from Nicole, and got to star in the uwu videos, but Millie was ignored. That was surely their falling out
No. 784010
>>783824 >>783836
iirc the reason Millie and Patience don’t interact as much anymore is because they (both?) moved. I think Patience said that Millie moved like an hour away from where she used to be so they don’t see each other as much.
As for the Nicole thing, I think even if Millie was asked to be in her music video she would deny it. I think this because she kinda did a “cleansing” of Nicole by selling her merch and basically denying the fact that she ever liked her or took inspiration from her. That’s probably just her trying to abstain from looking “
problematic” for liking Nicole since she posted child porn among other grotesque shit. She also might just be trying to not look like a copycat.
No. 785926
File: 1552425705088.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1540, F1502E66-EBB9-4AF0-BCD6-77F1C3…)

Mille and Patience have to still be reading here, we haven't seen them together in months and then a few days after
>>784010 this happens.
No. 786154
File: 1552487615951.jpg (218.31 KB, 720x1052, 20190313_103129.jpg)

Yetaxa has a new album, as well as cryspell? Tbh I'd say it wasn't shady because both of them have made little EpS in the past, ut it seems like a well timed release date. Nicole flounders, and in the wake of disappointment, her skin walkers open their arms to dejected Dollanganger fans.
No. 786169
>>786154What hurts them is that the music that first put Nicole on the map had a certain "something" to it that neither of them seem able to capture. It feels like they stifle the personality that would actually make their stuff stand out because they just want to siphon Nicole Dollanganger's fandom so badly.
Listening to their songs screams "inspired by nicole dollanganger, dolls, sad, dark, creepy, girl" and not much else. It makes them all so disposable and interchangeable. Even the lyricism seems very uninspired and dull, in the case of Yetaxa. I know she tried witch house with one of her albums, but that just wasn't it.
If you're going to copy, at least add some personal spice. That's what Lil Bo Weep did, and she gathered her own little niche fandom that way.
You can't clone an entire aesthetic in music and become popular the same way you can do it on IG/Tumblr. That only works in half-measures. You have to inject parts of yourself, even the parts that don't necessarily match the blueprint.
No. 788136
File: 1552976097165.jpeg (266.15 KB, 750x1403, CB39F1EE-9E8B-45EC-ABB2-7AEF2D…)

Anyone know what she’s talking about?
No. 788189
>>788136ah yes the fake bbydoll nymphet eating disorder in which she posed with the 13 strands of hair she pulled from her brush and tried to pass it off as starvation-related hair loss lmfao.
stop selfposting patience literally everyone is aware you faked an ed no one is ~wondering~ what youre talking about if they ever gave you any thought at all.
No. 789349
File: 1553313398562.jpeg (1.22 MB, 4000x3000, E630874B-6750-450A-97FA-906884…)

Millie is engaged now
No. 789385
>>789349I'm not surprised Nicoles calves probably has it on their agenda to be someones pocket pussy for an easy life, they know they can't stick around on their parents dime forever and just upgrade to a scrote.
(apexkek the filters make the ring look like a 320p YT video)
No. 789544
File: 1553384550301.jpeg (885.75 KB, 1125x1109, FC8885AF-3A5A-4E08-8CFC-F76368…)

Millie posted more engagement photos. The filter makes her hair look worse than usual.
No. 789545
File: 1553384572745.jpeg (953.59 KB, 1125x1114, 4A652C04-4508-4612-B4CD-9B8A5B…)

No. 789546
File: 1553384595376.jpeg (621.98 KB, 1125x1113, 83A09A70-F51F-4BDC-B29D-320C04…)

No. 789547
File: 1553384664143.jpeg (910.29 KB, 1125x1109, B6EAF9DF-C056-472E-BD09-24A3CF…)

No. 789549
File: 1553384702610.jpeg (909.56 KB, 1125x1105, EEF7C2A5-E6FF-4D3F-BA5D-167A1E…)

No. 789814
File: 1553450723139.png (997.15 KB, 677x563, true love blood pact.png)

>>789577I do agree with you. the ones with the red dress are kinda nice.
But those with the white one where dey reenact natural born killers are corny af
No. 793013
File: 1554219110100.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1125x1876, 540BBE1C-1445-4616-92B3-7B927B…)

Better pic of Millie's god-awful ring.
No. 798379
File: 1555465468825.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, E0720FB8-962F-48E0-8267-A391EB…)

Not sure if this is any decent milk but an “artist” from the sad bbydoll circle rips off art from other more known artists and I’m surprised no ones said anything, but then again she isn’t really prominent.
Hers are all on the right side.
No. 798403
>>798381phew this one is glaringly obvious. how cringe.
but yeah, this whole circle revolves around the girls copying each other, with nicole being the OG. the only reason ink and lineart is the basis for all art in this group is because of nicole's original doodles for coma baby.
No. 798418
>>798404Looks like VisceralMilk. Her art predates Nicole's stuff by a lot, though she is/was a fan, so I disagree with the "nicole being the OG" part of
>>798403. I believe the same is true of Risa Mehmet (original artist of
>>798380), too, but the artist of
>>798379 (whose name I've forgotten) is a definite copycat.
I don't think many things about Nicole Dollanganger were ever original. Rather, her entire persona is/was an amalgamation of existing things that kind of matched together cohesively during that timeframe of Tumblr subcultures.
That's why the platform ate it up. She didn't pioneer anything, start a movement or be the OG as much as she became a kind of poster child for all these pre-existing concepts and aesthetic principles. The same is true of Lil Peep (though obviously she isn't as popular and they don't occupy the exact same spheres, despite her collab with xxxtentrashion).
No. 798653
File: 1555570994541.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4096x2304, 7821DD8B-9C85-4281-83AD-9FA40E…)

>>798379Honestly I noticed that church_wine copied artists a long ass time ago. I was surprised nobody said shit. I tried getting in touch with Alice about it but she never saw my message unfortunately… this one is undeniably a copy though
No. 798661
>>798653I honestly think no one wants to call her out because she’s on the shizophrenic spectrum and she’s posted graphic pictures of her slit wrist, and no one else wants to
trigger her, despite art theft being such a nasty thing.
No. 798756
File: 1555613467878.jpg (226.69 KB, 1432x894, copy.jpg)

Left is _church_wine, right is honeylambs the trauma toys guy who makes all those stuffed animals with the extra eyes and heads. She posted this a month after he did. Shameless.
No. 798757
File: 1555613751391.jpg (75.75 KB, 1080x1080, 50509535_144140623247374_67204…)

Just like Millie and Patience.
>>798661 is probably right though. She definitely seems off, she posted a poem about killing a dog in a microwave or something
No. 798763
>>798661>>798757>on the schizophrenic spectrumYou think anyone believes that over some edgelord quotes about killing a dog lmfao? The blogging is cohesive and so is the ability to expertly plagiarize someone else's art. If her schizophrenia were bad enough to make her psychotic and hallucinating her cognitive skills would be equally impaired.
Quit selfposting you're not schizophrenic and the only reason no one's called you out is that you're irrelevant. You're only claiming schizophrenia to copy Robin. Fucking clown lmao.
No. 798769
>>798757>She definitely seems off, she posted a poem about killing a dog in a microwave or somethingthat doesn't make her off it makes her an obvious tryhard. schizophrenics aren't being creepy instagram nymphets writing poetry about killing dogs. they're low functioning autists with no personality with barely enough motivation to use the internet for watching youtube videos at best, and getting jailed for causing public disturbances at worst.
also if you wanna selfpost more convincingly, don't fail to sage every single post while pretending to be different people.
>>798379>>798757>>798756>>798661>>798653you're not about to get promo for being exposed on lolcow. patience didn't get away with it and neither are you.
>>798763she also posts about genie the wild child and posted a video of her doing genie's bunny walk lmfao. she wants to look borderline disabled while magically being functioning enough to produce music and upload it to a bandcamp while having perfectly categorized IG stories hosted on her page? not even i know how to get the hang of that shit.
miss erin is this the exposé you were hoping for?
No. 798838
>>798829she isn't relevant enough for there to be a general consensus lol. it's her, making art theft claims and replying to herself while sprinkling in nonexistent reputations and simultaneously trying to "excuse" her actions by claiming schizophrenia.
the funniest part is she isn't even special for doing that. they've all done this in these threads the main one being patience.
No. 798852
>>798838I checked out her IG, and when I saw her photos, I realized I saw her selfpost on /soc/ like a year ago or something.
I agree that she's probably self-promoting here if she is or ever was a 4channer. Tragic.
No. 798858
>>789441Holy shit I kek'd, too accurate. I can't imagine what type of nasty, weird fuck this guy is to want to be with a girl who looks and acts like millie for the rest of his life. Her long nails look like they reek and he looks like he has a scat fetish.
Imagine him bringing her home to his parents and her doing her fake south african trash yolandi accent.
No. 800172
File: 1556172694556.jpeg (1.71 MB, 4000x3000, D135902E-B6BD-4DAF-96D4-8BB757…)

aaand again. Lmao
No. 837233
File: 1563026862380.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, DC322A3A-5959-4458-B7C0-5F90DC…)

No. 837235
File: 1563026971224.png (2.02 MB, 750x1334, 18DD37E2-A1B3-4EE0-A8E4-5BC477…)

How can anyone like this cluttered shit
Gives me claustrophobia