File: 1482633374824.jpeg (22.73 KB, 275x275, 1476618985208.jpeg)

No. 221185
Continuing on from
>>>/snow/198249About Sindy:
>cringy as fuck>complains when you bring up old drama about her, but will bring up old drama about other people>banned from selling at some conventions for traced work>has accused people of sexual assault in attempts to slander them>likely to have a previous thread due to having issues with the three people initially posted on it>wants to be a professional cosplayer or model>slut shames and fat shames people but complains when others do the same back>generally hypocritical, she can do something but when someone else does it it's a crime>claims to be all for sharing opinions but then shouts down anyone who has a differing opinion to her>still traces and sells other peoples artYou guys know the drill by now
More about her on
>>>/snow/43108 and
>>>/manure/516Facebooks: No. 221379
File: 1482660493193.jpeg (117.59 KB, 720x1280, image.jpeg)

I was sent this screenshot, I really wanna know what those 183 other comments are because fuck me Sindy is a piece of shit.
She claims to be pagan, but part of being pagan is leaving others along to believe what they want and not shoving your paganism down their throats.
But she's doing this all in fucking Christmas, too. Why are people still friends with her?
No. 221387
File: 1482666324174.png (54.46 KB, 640x500, IMG_4198.PNG)

So do you see why you were posted here then? Or is this trying to justify her posting laurel, Henry, beks and several others?
No. 221388
>>221387You're = You are
Is she honestly that slow?
No. 221390
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No. 221487
>>221379It's not even worth seeing the comments. Her level of intelligence is frighteningly low, like she can't even be trolling at this point. She's just copypasting shit about Paganism and then rolling onto talking about Egyptian mythology. It's a fuckin' mess.
>>221387>>221392I wouldn't put it past her doing something like that at all. I'm pretty damn sure she's always the culprit when I see Scottish cosplayers in the bad cosplay threads, because 99% of them are complete nobodies to /cgl/ and I severely doubt anyone else in the community really wants to waste their energy posting on 4chan at all.
No. 221589
File: 1482708235502.png (9.16 KB, 490x110, wat.png)

Sorry, what?
No. 221600
>>221589she's fucking dense, OF COURSE
it's not your art, learn to draw and you won't have to steal other peoples art you stupid fucking cuntflap
No. 221820
>>221812Hey look at that file name, the App_Data bit…
Looks just like the file names from the other thread she made that was supposed to be a vendetta thread…
Sindy you never learn
No. 221822
File: 1482755692065.png (127 KB, 359x529, sindysindysindy.PNG)

>>221812kek. anon, if this is you, good job
No. 221830
File: 1482757699816.png (26.76 KB, 548x290, takeyourself.png)

Take yourself to these conventions.
Asking people to "take you" sounds needy af, and like you cant function as an adult on your own.
But then, I doubt you'd actually get Kita tickets on your own, so of course you'd want someone else to try to get them for you.
No. 221855
File: 1482762892826.png (228.58 KB, 1439x1441, 20161226_143441.png)

Why is she salty about deecon this time?
No. 221862
>>221856Actually, I know the VP if the DeeCon committee. It wasnt to do with anyone messaging them about her - the VP saw the lolcow and tracing, and is also friends with her on Facebook and saw the shite she was posting constantly.
It was a decision made by their own research, nothing to do with people messaging them
No. 221863
File: 1482764327339.jpeg (31.74 KB, 480x640, received_1403259216391799.jpeg)

No. 221864
File: 1482764381728.jpeg (143.87 KB, 787x2048, received_1255172434598853.jpeg)

I give it a day before she makes a comeback
No. 221872
>>221855That group is completely dead and her post is completely unnecessary. But oh look, just another opportunity to cause some drama amongst a group of people who never asked for it nor know what is even going on.
>>221856>>221862>>221863Fucking props to the DeeCon organisers. I wish RaiCon would follow suit. What kind of image does it give a con to allow a seller to sell blatantly stolen artwork? It doesn't have to be "muh drama" or anything, because if this was any other person stealing art, then the same should happen. They shouldn't hold back from banning her from selling because she's a snowflake.
>>221864She's posted it on her cosplay page as well, so it's totes official guize! Not gonna lie, I wish she would just fuck off from the community. She's not the only toxic one, but it would help a hell of a lot if she just disappeared. Most of the other cows have a connection to her anyway, I bet they would calm the fuck down if she just stopped.
No. 221889
File: 1482768062793.jpg (32.09 KB, 496x147, deleteyourself.jpg)

What is so difficult to understand about not getting to sell stolen art? There is literally dozens of documented cases of her tracing. How on earth does she think she has a case here? I hope the organisers just flat out ignore her.
No. 221910
>>221889i would think the Mp would be more interested in why someone who claims they are unfit to work and unable to get a job due to medical reasons is suddenly fit enough to travel across the country and make money.
Me thinks Sindy will cause herself more harm than good here as she literally be exposing herself as a benefit thief.
Also just cause you apply for a table does not make you entitled to one. Bitch needs to calm her non existent tits
No. 221925
>>221923Oh look, she deleted her comment because she obviously didn't want her arse completely torn apart. She had posted up a status literally minutes after she uploaded the screenshot of the DeeCon email claiming that if Karli, Hollie and Kay had anything to do with it, then
something would be happening on the 8th. I wish I had screenshotted it now.
No. 221990
>>221925I just went and told Karli and shes literally crying with laughter and said Chindy can try if she wants, she'll just counter for harassment as we all know sindy has harassed her when shes had nothing to do with anything posted.
Sindys blocked Karli so she cant comment. Kek
No. 222027
File: 1482780367747.png (17.16 KB, 503x227, screenshot.png)

Ok, lets explain it to you step by step Jenny. I want to note i'm not involved with the DeeCon panel at all, but I am knowledgeable on how the panel works because friends have worked on it in past years.
Any organiser has the right to refuse you the chance to participate in an event. You have not been banned from the event, you have had your table booking rejected. There's a pretty large different between them.
They haven't publically responded to you, Facebook or email or otherwise. You personally have made your rejection public information by posting a screenshot and proceeding to post multiple statuses about it. They are highly doubtful to now give you any kind of response at all, as your behaviour shows that there is a large chance you will not accept an explaination anyway.
And back to the reason of your "misconduct" in the first place. The organisers are aware (and have probably been given further evidence from third parties) that you have been confirmed to be selling art which is unoriginal. This includes traces and quite obvious rip-offs. There have been several individials and groups who have provided solid proof of this. No event wants to affiliate themselves with a party of this kind. It is harmful to the con and also to the individuals whose art you are tracing and reselling. Also, due to DeeCon being a fundraiser for DoJ Art College, this is an even greater reason to distance themselves from someone like you.
There, it wasn't that difficult, was it? You don't need to force them to reveal anything. All the "evidence" you need is right in front of your eyes.
No. 222058
File: 1482782730573.png (47.72 KB, 491x678, followup.png)

>>222027Kekking to the bank
No. 222061
>>222058But sindy you have threateded several times to fight and attack Karli , and recently too, threatened violence to anyone who approaches you, and threatened to attack others , all of this is saved by several people who seen it.
Shut up
No. 222069
>>222058So DeeCon give her an honest response and she flat out doesn't believe them? And is still threatening them?
Fucking wow girl, get a grip
No. 222078
>>221915She also went around in the last few hours messaging a bunch of artists to see if they had anything to do with getting her table revoked.
Girl has some serious tunnel vision.
No. 222093
File: 1482784715075.png (10.4 KB, 510x135, lol.png)

>>222061She posted this literally three days ago
No. 222112
File: 1482785575705.png (20.37 KB, 550x164, 1111.png)

Literally scrolled back a few days and found her threatening violence.
But here's the thing - DeeCon staff can refuse anyone they want to, for whatever reason they want to. And they arent obliged to give her a reason as to why, no matter how much she may gripe.
They could ban anyone for the simple reason of "We don't like you" and there's nothing anyone could do about it. Honestly her threatening them is going to get her into an even deeper hole.
On another note though, if she goes to her MP, how is she going to explain it? If she mentions selling at a table, they're going to ask why, because she gets benefits because she is "unfit to work"…So they'll ask why, if she can't work normally, she can travel all the way to DeeCon, and manage to sit for 6+ hours in a shitty plastic chair with no mandatory breaks. Basically will out herself for benefit fraud.
No. 222136
File: 1482787396663.png (46.53 KB, 504x615, lol2.png)

Well, where's the so-called screenshot? Oh, there isn't one?
No. 222137
>>222136Pretty sure the VP is on her friends list but OK.
Plus, the "portfolio" she linked to in her email was her fucking Facebook.
Also 0 evidence her art is traced or stolen…eh, DeeCon is run by art students? They looked at the art and could tell from a mile off the art was traced, without even seeing the gifs.
No. 222154
File: 1482789559977.png (130.51 KB, 504x562, dc.png)

So someone saying they spoke to their buddy who's on the committee construes DeeCon being in this thread. I seriously doubt any of the team care enough to browse here.
No. 222156
File: 1482790127547.png (7.55 KB, 188x163, 15722625_1340377439339614_1306…)

>>222136showed this delicious milk to my partner and they had this to say
that's the case though, she can't backpedal that statement now
No. 222157
like no matter how much she tries to sugarcoat it, it's still art theft
No. 222171
>>222058'Your' artwork is all online for all to see and the fact it conveniently matches up against not a couple, but near enough every single sketch you claim is your own with the artwork of actual artists pretty much proves your blatant thievery.
Honestly she'll try pulling the disability card and claim dee con kicked her for that, when it's not just the stolen artwork she has on her file - it's the transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism (this is the funniest one tbh), slut and fat shaming and continued harassment of anyone she can try sink her beak into. Prime and most recent example being her harassing Sean on a fucking Christmas status, on xmas day no less. But nooo everyone bullies her and won't let her aloooone
No. 222177
File: 1482794521596.png (15.87 KB, 547x173, 12121.png)

>>221864Another status saying she's gonna quit. I give it a day. On the 2nd January she'll be posting about some new cosplay she bought or whatever
No. 222187
File: 1482795905768.png (77.57 KB, 545x524, 1121.png)

Several things to address:
1. That image could be from anywhere, there is no url to prove it is showing up for lolcow or 4chan.
2. Pretty sure, although not 100% certain, that being banned on one doesn't mean you're banned on the other, there isn't any affiliation. Or is this Sindy thinking all imageboards are the same again?
3. For Sindy to be banned from 4chan, she'd have had to have used it, right? So she's basically admitting to it now.
No. 222228
File: 1482797695560.png (14.29 KB, 548x176, 1112.png)

How many is "a lot" though?
And like, pretty sure if it's "people you know" they're probably the same kind of shitty people like you. Give some names, at least. Caitlin? Probably won't go because you're now not going (you weren't banned, just weren't given a table, that's it). That Kerr dude you constantly go on about, he won't go because he's all buddy buddy with you and ~solidarity~ is a thing.
No. 222232
>>222187She's also bragged on here (earlier in this thread IIRC) about how easy it is to change IPs to evade a ban on here, so there's that.
So yeah sorry Sin but your being banned doesn't mean shit.
No. 222238
File: 1482798272478.png (49.13 KB, 549x491, 11415.png)

>meh, i dont even know why i give a shit deecon rejected my application
Explains why you freaked the fuck out over it earlier but OK
>in 2016 they had the single worst communication/ mangigment i can tell
The staff changes every year, you get some good years and some bad years. It happens.
>and the prices shot up from £15 per table to over 35 now inc insurenac
They also now have to rent out another building to prevent the old one from being over capacity and dangerous, but it's all about how much you have to pay, right?
>And deecon is not a huge event, deecon is a very small event that is sort of badly orginized. its allways cramped way beyond health and saftey, nobody i know that goes to it enjoys it.
It's actually pretty well organised considering it's students that run it. Plus, you evidently don't "know" a lot of people because a lot more people enjoy it despite the cramped-ness
>with sttaff that DONT watch your profile, or discriminate on you, or post you on 4han
It's Chinese Whispers with Sindy time. First it was staff watching her lolcow, now she's twisted it to staff posting on 4chan. Also pretty sure any employer will check your Facebook and other shit to see what kind of person you are and to see if they want that kind of person representing their company. Same applies here. Also, again, the portfolio you gave was your fucking Facebook page, and the person "watching" your profile is on your fucking friends list, it pops up in their news feed for crying out loud.
No. 222243
File: 1482798669905.png (34.38 KB, 547x351, hahahahano.png)

No. 222250
>>222238DeeCon is probably one of the best cons i've attended and that was even back during the couple of years where we were all sardines in the union. I find it's also the friendlist, it seems everyone is just there for the fun of it.
>>222247Of course, anon.
No. 222261
File: 1482799709986.png (2.98 MB, 1439x1975, 20161227_005000.png)

all of there top quality cosplays are for sale.
Who would want her rejects.
No. 222337
File: 1482804066859.png (35.88 KB, 551x429, lel.png)

In the case of the top post, wasn't she going on not to long ago about how much she didnt care about what was said on the lolcow anymore? She was pretty vehement about it, too.
In the case of the bottom one, I mean, not if the organisers of that get wind of both her tracing, and how pathetic she was acting today over not being allowed to sell at a convention.
No. 222371
>>222337>deviod of serious levels of mental inteligence i lol'd.
>>222250DeeCon is so good that when I'm visiting friends in Dundee, I try to make my visit on that weekend. It's a really fun con and very well run for something that's being put on by final year students. And yeah you're allowed to have the opinion that anything is shitty, but you know Sin is only suddenly just now saying it because she didn't get her table to earn 20p selling tracings.
No. 222574
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No. 222576
File: 1482846752335.png (230.95 KB, 640x1036, IMG_4215.PNG)

No. 222578
File: 1482846809492.png (250.96 KB, 640x1063, IMG_4216.PNG)

3/4 ~
No. 222579
File: 1482846846167.png (215.22 KB, 640x1060, IMG_4218.PNG)

Word vomit ahoy
No. 222581
File: 1482847012944.png (145.6 KB, 640x832, IMG_4213.PNG)

No. 222583
>>222581Probably about David. Problem is, trusted source tells me she asked him out, and he rejected her, so…
Telling lies again, Sindy?
No. 222587
>>222574>our vp had been investigang you for some time, and found you to be diffult to deal with, and that you were selling Traced/Copied artwork at the conventionThat's not what the committee emailed you and you know it. Stop telling lies and twisting things to make yourself look like a victim, Sindy, you even posted what their response said YESTERDAY!
I mean it's been posted here already, a screencap of it
>>222058Fuck off with your lies
No. 222594
File: 1482848692955.png (104.82 KB, 637x931, IMG_4219.PNG)

a pretty Chinese boy.
Oh lord
No. 222629
>>222576Claims that the drawings are her own AND that they belong to other artists and boohoo she couldn't get permission so went ahead and did it anyway within the space of three paragraphs
She's basically just fucking admitted to it and denied it all in one status. What a complete trainwreck of a person
No. 222644
>>222630She constantly claims to be a virgin now, but used to tell people she'd been raped.
So either she's lying about being a virgin, or she's lied about being raped…
No. 222646
File: 1482859613844.png (9.38 KB, 505x126, cri.png)

A tragedy, how am I ever going to get over this?
No. 222649
>>222646Place your bets now on whether or not she actually goes to London for the concert instead of RaiCon.
But that means she'll have to give up her table…what a bummer
No. 222672
File: 1482864305604.png (108.51 KB, 640x766, IMG_4220.PNG)

Anyone else get 12 yo lashing out vibes from this? What age is she Jesus
No. 222714
File: 1482869283599.png (12.36 KB, 547x149, Untitled.png)

RIP all our eyes
Although, this is literally a day after she insisted she was quitting cosplay in the new year. Using a woman's death to backtrack on it? Makes me sick
No. 222777
File: 1482879997776.png (44.33 KB, 551x448, 11121121.png)

The top one makes me curious
The bottom one makes me laugh because again she is describing herself
No. 222875
File: 1482894202236.png (55.23 KB, 547x616, lel.png)

People we know she doesn't like are out at a club drinking tonight - aimed maybe?
But let's break this down anyway:
>no amount of booze is ok for you
Wrong, it's been proven fact that people who drink a glass of wine or beer or something a day are less likely to have heart problems.
>and each time it does it leaves its tiny little marks on your exterior, your breath, your eyes, your skin your teeth. not talking full blown jaundice but you dont just toxify your insides with that crap
This only really becomes apparent if you are drinking in excess on a daily basis. I've been drinking for ages and dont have noticeable issues with any of these things. A weekly or monthly binge isn't going to cause any of this.
>so seriously, seriously, help me understand this so called enjoyable passtime
Because not everyone gets flat out drunk when they drink, most people know their limits and often stop right before drunk, remember the night well, and there is no issue.
Also, little bit of science knowledge, but the liver can repair itself for the most part. Unless you suffer liver failure or cancer or poisoning, it can heal itself to some extent. Have a family member who drank a bottle of wine a night for 15+ years and never suffered liver failure, their liver was a bit damaged but once they stopped, it gradually fixed itself. The liver can deal with the alcohol, and again, if you're not going on a binge every single night, you really aren't doing major harm to yourself - it loosens people up, makes them have more fun, get over it?
Sounds like a jab at the people you don't like who are out drinking, and a bit of the no-fun police kicking in. Just let people enjoy themselves and live life as they wish - I don't understand why you're a vile piece of shit who basically admitted to deliberately starting drama on Christmas day but I'm not stopping you be that way.
No. 223027
>>222875>>222938I'm fucking cringing so hard right now. When has there even been a con where at least one person we know has had a little bit too much and ended up off-the-rails vomiting? I don't really drink all that often because it doesn't appeal to me, but I don't think that gives me the right to police everyone else's drinking habits. Standard Jennifer who thinks to make everyone else's life her business and, oh look, some shit psuedoscience from her own textbook chucked in for good measure!
I'm going to call this was partly targetted at
someone and also just because she wants to have a bitch about another con. For being so desperate to be a vendor and sell her "work", you would have thought she'd work just a bit harder to look as if she supports the events. That's RaiCon, DeeCon and Kita she's shat on now for no reason. I bet MCM is the next on the list, it's not as if she hasn't whined about it before.
No. 223066
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No. 223070
File: 1482939420114.png (196.21 KB, 638x1088, IMG_4223.PNG)

Oh honey. No one would care if you died. Most people who have you just have you as a friend to watch anaigh like some like sick fish in a bowl, cause thats all you are. A show, something to poke fun at.
I wish she would try to talk to Karli, Hollie and Kay, cause they would all rip her apart in 2 minutes. Karli would probably shatter her chin and jaw, girl can throw a punch like a dude.
No. 223142
File: 1482951837456.png (8.84 KB, 508x106, wat.png)

Dommy isn't by any chance in charge of organising the trading this year?
>>223131She spent at least 4 years doing absolutely nothing at college (she was meant to be progressing from NC to HND art - which is roughly last year of high school to 2nd year of uni level for non-Scottish people, best way I can explain) and I don't think she even qualified with anything in the end.
No. 223145
>>223070>Karli would probably shatter her chin and jaw, girl can throw a punch like a dude.Egh that's so cringey. I don't know if it's all one anon or multiple, but the people in this thread who are implicating physical violence over this literal tard need to stop. I imagine you're some friend of those girls, but you sound just as stupid as Sindy when you say crap like this.
>>223068This too, I literally shuddered. Is this some kind of subtle troll?
No. 223151
>>223142So we now we're probably away to see her try and drag another innocent person through the dirt. Dommy was nothing but considerate to her for the entire time Sindy had her on her friends list. Even when she did post any comment on her sperging, she only did it to be constructive and show some sort of kindness towards her.
>>223145I'm seriously doubting they were actually advocating any kind of real violence. The truth is I doubt Sindy would have any chance in a real fight, I think anon is just trying to illustrate that. The skirt comment however was a bit strange.
No. 223168
>>223070From what I know, Kay is also non violent, and doesn't get loud or angry in arguments. That doesn't mean she won't beat Sindy in an argument, but she'd be terrifyingly calm and relaxed whilst doing it.
Though if you tell her Sindy is still going on about her she'd probably laugh in your face about it.
Don't know about the other lassies though.
No. 223268
File: 1482964739434.png (16.29 KB, 499x221, really.png)

Another wonderful case of Sindy bitching about people but describing herself in the process
No. 223273
File: 1482965290069.png (30.47 KB, 461x492, mkaaay.png)

Oh look, Muh Scoliosis
But lol, never brings up her weight or scoliosis, right? That's why there's so many screenshots of them being brought up, right?
No. 223276
File: 1482965458800.png (14.44 KB, 501x202, Untitled.png)

Pretty sure you have to be good at something before you start taking commissions for it?
No. 223777
File: 1483039140769.png (13.84 KB, 549x142, racist.png)

Cute guy, but let's use a derogatory term to refer to his race, right?
No. 223809
>>223806From what I'm aware, from asking mixed race friends, it's highly offensive.
But this is Sindy we're talking about here. Like she gives a shit
No. 223887
File: 1483056986968.png (121.42 KB, 637x913, IMG_4239.PNG)

Yet you slut shamed a 15 yo?
No. 224175
File: 1483101576605.png (14.54 KB, 549x168, good medical knowledge.png)

Another fine example of Sindy's "good medical knowledge"
Funny, I thought there were multiple ligaments connecting the bones to each other.
Plus she only "thinks" she's torn a ligament? So much for her self-proclaimed good medical knowledge.
No. 224176
File: 1483101759435.jpg (21.22 KB, 549x208, 16364.jpg)

Y'know what else is a bad "personality trait"? Sleeping with a 14 year old girl when you're 22! Or better yet, being Sindy and sympathising with a paedophile
No. 224179
File: 1483102227643.png (13.18 KB, 548x150, 6764.png)

I can only assume that her asking this question means she's going to cosplay Angewomon. So much for quitting cosplaying in 2017. Now as per the drinking games rules, it's time to drink again, for this is another time Sindy has claimed to be quitting cosplaying with a long winded rant only to NOT quit cosplaying.
No. 224197
>>223887The real question here is, since she thinks people are calling her a slut because no one wants to fuck them, does anyone actually want to fuck Sindy?
yeah didn't think so lol.
>>224175lol. you would know if you tore a ligament. that shit hurts. you wouldn't be typing about it on fb, you'd be running off to see doctor if it actually happened.
No. 224262
File: 1483119609435.png (169.6 KB, 640x1055, IMG_4241.PNG)

Emma honey, stop being a drama mongrel and away and suck your creepy peado boyfriend , k? Shes another one who should be euthanized.
No. 224263
>>224176>>224176Sympathising with a pedo after claiming she was sexually abused as a child.
That creep should be castrated honestly though. Poor Sindy doesn't seem to realise that no matter how much she tries to suck the pedo's chode, she's way too old for his tastes.
No. 224270
>>224264Emma is a lost cause and really just needs to sterilize herself and never show face again, shes a filthy enabler who clearly approves of her darling kiddie fiddling boyfriend and sindy is just as bad.
Looks like childish minded girls go after the pedos eh. Sad
No. 224584
File: 1483145197053.png (88.03 KB, 640x1054, IMG_4243.PNG)

No. 224586
File: 1483145243711.png (104.99 KB, 640x1050, IMG_4244.PNG)

Look how horribly shite her non traced stuff is.
Makes it even easier to tell when shes traced.
No. 224638
File: 1483150852866.png (115.22 KB, 640x1051, IMG_4253.PNG)

No. 224640
File: 1483150874908.png (73.4 KB, 640x1054, IMG_4254.PNG)

it looks so bad
No. 224641
Legit looks like she used a base tho. Also what went wrong with the back leg? It looks fine in the "base" sketch but as soon as clothes and stuff were added it went to shit
No. 224693
File: 1483155290005.png (1.25 MB, 1150x962, lol.png)

She honestly still expects people to believe that the likes of these two pieces are drawn by the same person? Even if the one on the right was a "redraw" (which it isnt, it's a trace and it lines up perfectly with the original), it would still match her normal skill level. Unless those redraws are actually tracing.
Ability like that doesn't jump up and down so frequently, not does style, unless you're tracing.
Plus the one on the right was supposedly 'drawn' in early 2015. Her drawing skill has deteriorated so bad in just under 2 years despite her drawing often? Doubt it…
No. 224696
File: 1483155477759.png (9.6 KB, 448x124, problems.png)

I mean unless she knows everyone's lives so very intimately in that she knows every little detail about them, how does she know someone doesn't have "real problems"? What even are real problems anyway?
No. 224943
File: 1483196095766.png (159.98 KB, 447x548, Untitled.png)

I mean you can literally set up your phone with Facebook Live and do it that way but OK? Give more excuses?
Also dunno who she's proved wrong? If anything, the drastic dip in quality is actually proving the idea/fact she traces right
No. 224945
File: 1483196391509.png (186.13 KB, 448x491, erm.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 225001
>>224584I mean, I can't overlay the images currently, but the basic human form looks a lot like one of these: be a coincidence, could be using that pose as a reference, or it could be more tracing?
No. 225017
File: 1483205750933.png (16.53 KB, 451x245, omfg.png)

So, after complaining about that Katy girl using two accounts at once (even though she was only moving accounts), and bitching that the names were different, Sindy is posting on two different accounts at once, both with different names.
The hypocrisy never ends
No. 225029
>>225017Katy was one of Sindy's white knights as early as summer this year, started sending rage mails to people accusing them of making the first lolcow thread and demanding they leave poor bbu Sindy alone
When did this cow alliance fall apart?
No. 225042
File: 1483213134273.png (13.94 KB, 506x179, ha.png)

How can I possibly turn down this excellent offer? Sorry Jenny, but this time I sadly will. I think I know people who are more talented and diverse after doing art for less time than you. Six whole years of "anime" and you're still mediocre as fuck.
No. 225117
File: 1483219318470.png (17.46 KB, 546x204, Untitled.png)

[hysterical laughter]
No. 225441
File: 1483235524334.png (454.08 KB, 488x745, lol.png)

>>225042If it's as good as this, i'm game.
No. 225495
File: 1483241699851.jpeg (52.3 KB, 524x541, image.jpeg)

Pooh, sweetie, sorry, but you didn't fool anyone. We've all known it was you who created it for a while. I mean, you made it obvious enough with the godawful spelling on it.
And honestly though no one cares enough to bother making a Wiki about you, you're nothing special in terms of drama, and everything is either archived or on the threads anyway.
Plus you're basically outing yourself as being a liar (I thought Aries didn't lie omg!) and for trying to stir shit. Oops?
No. 225664
File: 1483280373605.png (49.05 KB, 472x704, Untitled.png)

So basically the "I'm quitting cosplay in 2017" was an attempt at guilt tripping people into giving her asspats so she wouldn't "quit".
Also, you art is stolen. "Redrawing" it, as you claim, and then selling it without the original artists permission, which you admit to, is stealing artwork. The only issue with that though is it isn't "redrawn", it's traced. But regardless of that, you've been stealing artwork and selling it, and you can't STAND that you've been caught.
You also won't be vending at any cons at this rate, because all that needs to be done is for one convention to show the proof of your tracing to the other conventions, and also show them your absolute chimp out reaction to being denied a table. No respectable convention would want someone who acts like that to sell at their event.
No. 225706
File: 1483293449569.png (103.19 KB, 640x1046, IMG_4265.PNG)

No. 225734
>>225731It's not even one year old. But then we already know Sindy doesn't understand the concept of time.
9 days is two weeks
A few hours is two days
2 months or so is 3 to 5 months
And now 9 months is 2 years…
No. 225787
File: 1483307467556.png (14.7 KB, 549x137, Untitled.png)

This seems well beyond unlikely. So either Sindy is telling lies, or she's being scammed, or just being plain stupid. Typically trains from Glasgow to London, for a SINGLE, are minimum £65. A return can be up to £100+. Nowhere near £15…
No. 225814
>>225794That's also $15, not £15. Also considering the thing she is apparently going to London for is in March, and after checking, those prices are $27
Along with all those being singles, not returns…
I still don't see it. I've looked at MegaBus prices in the past to places closer than London and even then, it's £55 for a return at cheapest (and that's a bus that you get off of at 3am, and on again at the same time too)
No. 225815
File: 1483310678158.png (99.96 KB, 928x976, Untitled.png)

A quick look on the Ryanair website at the dates she would need to fly on to attend the event. So, definitely not £15 for a return flying then.
You also can't book that far ahead on Megabus' site, so there's that too
No. 225816
File: 1483310775787.jpeg (80.45 KB, 1002x642, bus.jpeg)

>>225814its all to do with when you book you can get to london via megabus for like £2 if your booking months in advance also who the fuck cares about how much shes paying to go to london? like surely you guys havent milked her that dry yet?
No. 225833
>>225790As a frequent user of Megabus Glasgow-London, you can get returns for £15.
I think Sindys a cunt as much as the next guy but how about you find some actual milk instead of the straws you're currently grasping at? Just makes you look bad tbh
No. 225857
File: 1483313780425.png (1.04 MB, 982x760, uhh.png)

Speak for yourself.
No. 225900
File: 1483316420078.png (1013.96 KB, 1000x905, shitson.png)

How does someone who has supposedly been studying art for over 6 years fuck up so badly? How on earth has she made such a humongous fuck up on the ink work?
No. 225931
File: 1483317611474.png (479.59 KB, 550x556, cringe.png)

So cringe.
No. 226460
File: 1483391576857.png (342.95 KB, 549x539, lel.png)

The same way you trace someone else's art and try and claim it as your own, Sindy
No. 226858
File: 1483470335744.png (11.04 KB, 504x208, no.png)

No you didn't.
The creators of "Antreya Chronicles" are some indie developer who completely failed to meet anywhere near their first funding target on Kickstarter. They want to raise something like ~€1.5M for some horrible looking MMO that has zero interest from anyone.
Also, it's like 1-2% commission they wanted to pay out to their team, so she's literally gonna get paid pennies, if anything.
I wouldn't even be surprised if she's bullshitting about it anyway, because of all the artists they could have found, I bet they'd more interested in someone with actual talent and background in gaming concepts if they're really trying hard to be successful. I notice she's just uploaded a piece of text instead of a screenshot of the actual email, so i'm going to say she's just lying.
No. 226859
File: 1483470459643.png (254.44 KB, 983x694, no2.png)

>>226858Proof incase she tries to delete it
No. 226933
File: 1483482776997.png (16.93 KB, 546x167, Untitled.png)

I mean for one the generator itself isn't called Rinmaru, the artist is.
And maybe, just maybe, Rinmaru is their nickname or is related to their real name.
But regardless, by the same argument, you, Sindy, stole your name from that line of dolls that exists. Oops?
No. 226938
>>226934It's not so much impacting it, but she still needs to declare any money she makes, which is beyond unlikely she does. I've heard through the grapevine that in college she said to her class something along the lines of why should she work when someone else can pay for her.
It's also slightly different because I believe she's maybe on benefits because she "can't" work, which would explain no signing on or anything, but this, and the fact she can go to conventions miles from her to sell (traced) art proves she can work. If that makes sense?
No. 227374
File: 1483547350754.png (177.21 KB, 503x554, dll.png)

Oh man she could easily just Google it to find out the issue but nope, gotta get someone to download a whole client instead.
Legit though, if the .dll file is "missing", typically that means something happened with the computer that either removed or corrupted it during the install. So, a hardware issue, or a malware issue. So either Sindy's computer is physically fucked, or she's got a virus.
But legit Googling a solution would be a whole lot quicker that getting someone else to install the same client which will likely cause no error. It isn't the client at fault, it's the PC….
No. 227382
>>227374Arc is absolute shit ngl
But it's incredible how lazy she is
No. 228034
File: 1483646027726.png (21.72 KB, 504x321, where to begin.png)

Where to even begin explaining how stupid the first one is.
As for the second one…an AA in Spring? The only two I can think of are at Rai, which she's supposed to not be going to because of that KupoCon thing and the KH concert, and DeeCon, which she's banned from selling at…
Unless she was bullshitting about KupoCon which is entirely possible
No. 228037
File: 1483646382870.png (16.43 KB, 504x224, lol.png)

I feel like a broken record with this, but if you're redrawing something by eye, it will almost never match up line for line with the original. Heck even famous artists like Da Vinci couldn't make copies match up.
And also, regardless of whether it was traced or "copy art", if you don't have the original artist's permission to resell it, like you admitted in one of the rants about DeeCon, then you DON'T RESELL IT.
Also nice how she mentions "another" artist who apparently does the same as her yet doesn't get called out for it. Name and shame, Sindy. Otherwise it's just like all the "proof" you supposedly have for multiple things but have never shown people. It's very easy just to say "oh someone else did the same thing as me" but without any proof to back it up, it holds no grounds in an argument.
No. 228038
File: 1483646610563.png (12.33 KB, 503x160, aimedmuch.png)

Seems aimed. I have a feeling I know who it's about though…
And if I'm correct, it's even sadder that you still have such a massive hateboner for them months after you two stopped being friends.
What's sadder than that, too, is that Nanashi was almost a month ago. So why bring up your spite now?
No. 228231
>>228038i have no idea who she is on about and i was at the last Nanashi.
all i remember is people having fun and sindy flashing everyone her cheap ass bloomers.
No. 228267
>>228231I mean I could probably take a guess at who it is she's talking about. But they weren't drunk, and whilst they were being a tad clingy, it wasn't "sexually rubbing thenselves off every guy that spoke to them".
Sindy just has an unrequited hateboner, but bringing up something that happened at Nanashi, which was a month ago, just seems beyond petty and downright reeks.
No. 228490
>>228318Starts with a B, ends in the word for a large body of landlocked water.
I say that mainly because they were tipsy, not full on drunk, and they were being a little clingy to one guy in particular, at least from where I was sitting for part of the night. And Sindy has an obvious grudge hateboner for them ever since they stopped being friends.
No. 228516
File: 1483708156932.jpeg (160.64 KB, 1242x1289, image.jpeg)

I urge others to do the same it takes minutes
No. 228518
File: 1483708302219.png (19.46 KB, 502x290, welp.png)

Seems like someone was lying about not going to RaiCon because they were going to London instead.
But here's the thing, Sindy. If finishing your shitty manga is THAT important to you, then don't come online? Surely blocking out distractions on your end will help you finish it, instead of complaining about your time not being well spent on people who "arent your friend".
No. 228556
>>228528I think it could go either way. I know a lot of places see distant travel/vacations as "you should be able to work"
Story time: not quite the same but I remember seeing a news story a few years back about a guy who was on some sort of sick/disability leave from work and went on vacation to Australia, he was at a beach and somebody was attacked by a shark and somebody had caught him on video trying to help the person. He ended up getting fired and losing his benefits because they thought if he was well enough to 1. Go to Australia and 2. Try to fight off a shark he was well enough to work.
No. 228567
>>228490Ahhhhh gotcha, thought so.
Why does she even care
No. 228626
File: 1483729301724.png (14.1 KB, 509x170, 1.png)

She's really just digging herself a deeper hole with these kind of statuses.
No. 228653
>>228631>>228648Have to agree, I reported her too myself and only put down that she was claiming she couldn't work because of her scoliosis, but managed to sell artwork at an event, sitting in a shitty plastic chair for 6 hours+ too, and also that she was now claiming to be working as a concept artist for a game.
In retrospect I should maybe have put in that the events she sells at are miles from her home, and she manages to travel to them unassisted, but too late now I guess.
But putting in that her art is traced is meaningless to the DWP, they only care about the benefits part, and it comes across as petty, and like you have a vendetta against her. It could fuck the whole case against her because the other reports could also be seen in a similar light now.
No. 229120
>>228733Or maybe the other two did report and they don't wanna post here?
Adding in the bit about her tracing made it sound like a shitty vendetta. The DWP don't care if she's stealing art, they only care that she's a benefit fraud. If you wanna do something about her art theft you write to every convention she plans on selling at, and inform them.
I don't see you providing your post showing what you wrote to the DWP when reporting her, so seems like you didn't report either.
Anyway enough of this crap, back to posting about Sindy.
No. 229121
File: 1483787048770.png (37.8 KB, 498x564, Untitled.png)

Like this
No. 229133
>>229121I don't understand how she can be so wrong about stuff yet state it so matter-of-factly? Sindri isn't a female name and the meaning isn't anywhere close to that afaik, it's more along the lines of shimmering or sparkling.
Also Scania isn't exactly a destroyed Kingdom and "av" literally means "of", so "av Skåne" is more a title than an actual last name. I wonder what kind of sources she must be using to get everything so wrong.
No. 229157
>>229120So you must be the anon who reported first if you're so certain I havnt reported her, and besides, why would I if I did? I would just look catty and petty like the rest of you, because to be honest reporting her in the first place is just as bad because you all feel the same about her to report her.
Congrats for making you all seem petty now
No. 229362
File: 1483829668356.png (100.19 KB, 640x1029, IMG_4305.PNG)

No. 229363
File: 1483829719055.png (98.75 KB, 640x953, IMG_4303.PNG)

so thats what her untraced art looks like. A pile of shite
No. 229430
so sin's actually done something useful for once by getting him removed from facebook. ok. thanks, anon.
No. 229434
File: 1483844119589.png (18.23 KB, 505x253, Untitled.png)

Well, so much for Sindy claiming to be banned from the lolcow to the point where she can't see it. And so much for her claiming she no longer cared about what was posted on it.
The fact this is the newest thread, too, means she either sought it out, or actively went on the old one and clicked on the link to here.
No. 229437
File: 1483844441938.png (37.72 KB, 447x561, Untitled.png)

Going from "I don't care about the lolcows about me" to "send me screenshots of them to gain my love".
Girl is fucking flaky as hell.
Also, hey look, it's the mole who sent Sindy the screenshots of the drama in the MCM group. Way to lick a cows arsehole.
No. 229438
File: 1483844581123.png (22.58 KB, 448x302, Untitled.png)

Time for the "So Much for Not Caring" saga
No. 229441
File: 1483844898471.png (638.81 KB, 872x980,…)

>>229438Also in response to the Megabus thing, for the event she's supposedly going to in March, you literally cannot book those dates for tickets yet.
No. 229455
File: 1483845904094.png (27.41 KB, 445x400, Untitled.png)

Have seen you plenty at conventions, no obvious anxiety disorder there. Not one that would be so crippling that you couldnt work, at the very least.
Fit enough to travel one day a month to a convention…and every other day or so to Glasgow.
Only one person it seems reported the tracing to the DWP so have fun with that bit.
Selling at tables…once a year…that's right because RaiCon, DeeCon, MCM, and all those little events in Glasgow all fall on the same day, yeah? Also don't get up and lift anything, just sit at a table? You wanna know who else does that? Office temps, people working in call centres, online customer service jobs.
And even if it's "only" £40 at a time, you still have to fucking declare it.
Also, to add on because it's in a comment and not the screenshotted post, a lot of people with "severe IBS" still manage to work, god just look at some of the Munchies.
No. 229461
File: 1483846106844.png (68.02 KB, 450x477, Untitled.png)

I dont even know where to start with this bullshit. Sympathising with a pedo, wonderful.
But hey, Sindy, Amelia could well have been pulling strings but the thing is, at 22, Paul should have KNOWN BETTER than to sleep with someone who was 14. Regardless of consent or whatever.
No. 229467
File: 1483846419167.png (39.13 KB, 450x530, Untitled.png)

C'mon Sindy, come back to us. Post on the cow again like you know you wanna.
Instead of chimping out on your Facebook.
No. 229469
File: 1483846565106.png (29.33 KB, 448x443, Untitled.png)

I just can't anymore. Just can't.
Victim blaming at it's finest.
But the thing is, at 14, she has no "responsibility" in the eyes of the law. At 22, he did. If she shouldnt have been seeing a 22 year old at 14, he, at 22, shouldnt have been even remotely interested in a 14 year old.
No. 229476
File: 1483846986970.png (34.08 KB, 449x496, Untitled.png)

None of the other anons can ban you on here, Sindy. That's left up to the site admins. Over whom the farmers have no control.
So come back, try and slaughter us like you claim you can. Because as far as I can recall, you've never done that once before.
No. 229479
File: 1483847650059.png (31.04 KB, 451x459, Untitled.png)

Someone else cosplayed the same character too, we never tried to kick them out. It's been explained to you before, but clearly all the information is reaching your chin and won't go any further.
It wasn't the cosplay that was the issue. It was how you behaved when wearing it. It was where you decided to do that shoot, and what you decided to do during it. Blake's photoshoot was done in a private location, with only the photographer and the other model. Yours wasn't. It was a public playpark, with minors around, buildings surrounding it.
Also, as far as people appearing on 4chan or on here - 4chan at best it is a fleeting post on the Britfag thread. At worst, it's you posting a vendetta thread against another person.
On lolcow, aside from you, there's only one person who's been posted here from the community who wasn't posted here by you. Blake, Henry, Jem, Jennifer. All posted by you. The one about Amber wasn't.
So, I mean, unless you're the one posting about everyone on the threads…there aren't really many people from the Scottish community who show up on these places.
No. 229482
File: 1483847755490.png (20.89 KB, 449x301, Untitled.png)

You want people to come to you, yet even in the screenshots it shows you have it set so only friends can comment. Hence the missing "comment" button between the "like" and "share" parts.
Or are you that fucking dumb not to realise that?
No. 229487
File: 1483848043311.png (21.45 KB, 450x308, Untitled.png)

>"thier is no milk from me"
>receipts everywhere showing otherwise
No. 229490
File: 1483848170859.png (20.32 KB, 448x316, Untitled.png)

Lol I'm actually from the UK but shows how much you know. I mean I even brought up the UK community and people in it who you've made threads about.
No. 229492
File: 1483848493741.png (21.74 KB, 449x299, Untitled.png)

You literally put that you were a "kawaii african child" in the caption of the photo of your mudmask. But OK, sure, we'll go with your definition of not being able to live in the real world.
Coming from the person who doesn't have a job, still lives with her mum, gets super upset at a convention not accepting her request for a table, doesn't understand basic laws, doesn't realise that she's living in the real world and no one wants to deal with the whiny baby of a 24 year old she is.
No. 229497
>>229455>tfw your own anxiety is so bad that you can't go to cons or events or even the bar but you can go to work >tfw this bitch can do all the fun shit she wants but can't work because "muh anxiety"Oh man I'm glad I'm not in the UK, because I'd be upset having to pay taxes into a system so that people like her can just do fuckall.
She'll be adding scoliosis on if she gets reviewed, but hasn't got it on now, because she legit just doesn't want to work.
Sorry I just don't get the whole "Having to do a task for someone makes me soooooooo cripplingly anxious but I can just go out and party whenever I want no problem" attitude that a lot of snowflakes have.
>>229479>thinner, sharper and take a lot less bullshit than any of you.>sharper>hypocrasy>chancs>bullieng>take a lot less bullshit>has a major meltdown on fb about this thread, and has come on here and even evaded bans to tell us to "fite" herlolok.
No. 229498
File: 1483848933584.png (21.42 KB, 446x325, Untitled.png)

Those laws you don't understand, to name a few, would be Statutory Rape, Copyright, thinking that it is illegal for an employer to look up the social media or google a potential employee before hiring them (here's a hint, it's not illegal)
Far as I can recall, your mother kicked you out, so unwanted, maybe? But because you got kicked out of a hostel, she took you back. I sorta pity her.
No. 229503
File: 1483849290181.png (37.95 KB, 445x551, Untitled.png)

The word vomit is painful
Pretty sure the person who mentioned Kay said she was non-violent? Also pretty sure neither of them have threatened you, just other people saying that if it came to a fight, both could beat you.
And Kay wasn't even at RaiCon this year so of course she couldn't be within 20 feet of you there? She'd just been at another, more expensive con and was nursing an empty wallet.
Fucking hell your hateboner for these two girls is off the charts.
No. 229507
File: 1483849753471.png (21.95 KB, 448x358, Untitled.png)

Oh boy oh boy.
See, thing is, I know some HR people. They'd tell you differently on that bit about it being illegal. Heck it's even in a friends contract that they can't badmouth any customers on their Facebook, and that if they do, they're fired.
But here's the thing. You applying to sell at DeeCon is a contract. If you were accepted, it would be a contract.
Fanart isn't illegal either but shows how much you actually know. At worst it's a grey area, at best it's encouraged by companies. But anything someone draws, be it fanart or not, is copyright to them. You can't trace or redraw it (you yourself admitted to the latter) and sell it without the original artist permission (something you also admitted to). That's art theft.
No. 229510
File: 1483850356946.png (24.55 KB, 453x339, Untitled.png)

If we're going by your excuse after being rejected by DeeCon, that you "redrew" the art and tried to get the original artists permission to sell it but couldnt, then you still decided to sell it, that's art theft regardless, Sindy. Whether it was "redrawn" like YOU claimed, or whether it was traced like the gifs and lineups show (The gifs can be remade bigger, the gif maker used for them just made them a little small, can use the same overlays as before, just with a different gif making website)
No. 229522
File: 1483852715909.png (310.43 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170107-211711.png)

No. 229526
File: 1483853015788.png (436.32 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170107-212135.png)

No, you brain dead cunt. You weren't discriminated against. You didn't get a table because you're a thief, not because of your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
No. 229530
Okay fine you want me here, her ei am.
deecon didnt not alow my because of thieving, when i asked for evidence they failed to show a single peice i had copied. they didnt have evidence, they had 300px giphs that were not solid enough to send to me. so instead they tried to say that it had been a reserched matter
truth is deeocn are full of shit. they had thier vp watch my facebook and decide to join in with all this hating shit. they aint my employer and they dont insure me. i know you want them to be, but 4 hours 1 off cash in hand, isnt employment. and it isnt regulated, and unfortuntly. thier a chartiy company, so they CANT watch my eeds and make decisions about me
you know deecon shoulda just banned me for all the shit with karli, make up some crap about threds, id have understood this, but when you say that that dommy idiot it the vp, makes sence. this is the same idiot that thinks a 6 year degree is a qualified expert, lacking the other 14 years it takes to be an expert in anything.
yea ok, i was making redraws and that was shitty of me, but honestly. deecon new about this all 4 years i went. infact i even showed deecon the ones i had blatently redrawn, they didnt care because they were so cringly bad (2014 here)
honestly. they enw everything iw as selling, this miscondiuct shit, sorry doesnt wash with me, and if any other cons try to deny me a table, really thell wqualcky be set right in the poor example of deecon. you dont send some idiot in the college to watch domebody who gets alot of online hate, and then decide to belive everything written about her. they recieved complains before, and they didnt give a shit.. know why (£££££)
they only reason they care now is cause they know somebody who doesnt like me, listned to ehr shit and now they gina ct on it. but honestly. really. its no loss to me, ill just go to the edinburgh con, not as a dealer, just as a con goer, its a far superior con with better audiences anyway, and ill actually be in the company of a fucking friend or 2, who ill be staying with
and once i get some decent following from my manga. ll apply for the bigger cons like mcm, and if they even dare bring up deecon ill show them the messages here that prove decons attroutious missconduct. not to mention every single wip base ive been drawing, really. the only thing you can show cons now is historic. so sorry.
No. 229544
Honestly, i would love to sit and argue why you jealo9us fucks need to get a life and over me, but the admins here simply cant stand when somebody denfends themselves in a way that makes the OP look like a fucing 8 years old
this thread IS cringy, but not because im in it, because its people desperatly grasping at straws of drama, taking literally ANY and every screenshot odf my timeline to disagree and bitch in the most juvinile way possable, truely acting like selfish brats,
honestly. idk why you were so afraid to just out with me on fb, like i said. i wouldnt have blocked you if you actualy acted like adults, karli is blocked because she was looking at my timeline and liking comments on my stuff, and as were not on ok terms, i wasnt ok with her on it
kay only got blocked when she kept jumping on my facebook after we havd actually sorted things out, or at least, said our defens. honestly karli is an idiot and i dont dispute that, but what kay got herself involved in in the last thread was utter stupidity.
acting like a 3year old, apparently showing me for the liar i was. true is you guys blame everything on me. oh a uk cosplayer is being shamed. itl be that sindy, ah nah. belive it or not i have a manga to make, not drama. dont confuse me for you idiots
as for raicon, ive already got my invoice and payed for my table. so sorry but youve lost that, and as i have no record of missconduct with them, they cant deny me a table on those grounds. so your complaits will have wait till raicon 4
i will be applieng for deecon in 2018, and i will get in. because deecon will not have a leg to stand on. you could im deslusional but you cant have delusions with dreams. and if others can do it i will too
i think you should just go back to insulting my one or 2 bad cosplays from 2014, like the oanty mark 1 or the kagura mark 1
because slowly but by bit, i am going to take away everything you have over me. but hey. ill allways have this chin, so you can still talk shit about that. if you feel you need to hateboner that badly
ill be watching this thread for the remainder of the time its on, goodluck with your pettyness, and ill see you, in cosplay, at cons, or no doubt on here or 4chan :>
No. 229546
>>229538thats exactly what i have been doing anon, i changed the venue i would be at, i applied for a different con, i started posting my artworks in thier most basic forms, and ive been gathering a slow stead supporting on groups. really. for me its still raw. and i am pissed of they let drama dictate. but its fine. i know it wont last. i know eventually when i apply for deecon again, they wont turn me down.
im one of these people, i dont bottle shit up. i get pissed i shout and scream about it, i get over it something else. so honestly. you might not like the shouting. but its not for your benifit.
its for mine. and really. all this is going to do is benifit me. sooner or later
No. 229549
>>229544i dont deny it. fuck i used to love comming on ere and having a good old slaging match,
but what you dont get, is that its the meany weenies that count, those people that call caitlin a christmas ham, or maira a mole, or my a crack adict, and report me, send my numbers to sites. those people count. cause those are the ones who take it too far
And now lets b frank on the delusions, 7 years ago if you told me id be cosplaying and selling at tables, nearly finished writing my manga, id have thought that was never gona happen. life is all about doing what others say you cant, or atleast, mine is
No. 229551
>>229548my ruling planet in both my sun and moon is mars afterall
(it basically means im just agressive as hell and love arguing)
which i do. idk why but i vitilizes me, makes me feel the blood in my body and the breathe in my lungs, some could understand.
i dont see anything wrong with arguing and fight. its animal nature too. but honestly. even bloody wars have points they consider too far.
No. 229554
>>229549Who cares what random people on the internet say?
most people
humans are social creatures and any form of social rejection is damming, people especially girls are hella image conscious. i dont want to care, i know i shouldnt, and i try not to. but just like if it was, or anybody else. yea i care, and thiers norhing wrong with it, at least i care?? and try to betetr myself. im not some lazy alcholic fat slob on my sofa watching jezza saying, whatever i am who i am, and i wont change. thats not being alive mate, thats existing
No. 229556
>>229546Maybe you should find another outlet.
why, it works just fine for me, yea people are drawn away because of how agressive i am, but maybe they arent worth it, if they are so fuckle? maybe i dont want spineles people around me who want accept my temper?
Im not voilant. i dont plan on killimg anybody. i just get pissed of and i dont mind releasing it.
it may not be your thing. but it works for me. id rather be alone than surrounded by puddles
No. 229559
>>229554>>229554My point is that you shouldnt care.
And my point is that regardless of wheter or not i should, its not really a choice, its part of what makes me human. is caring. its instinct, like eating or drinking.
you would care if it was you. infact you wouldnt be on this site if you were either attacked or insecure in a way or another.
people cant not care, because that means they dot care about themselves.
get it?
No. 229570
>>225857hey that was the 1 time i drew a hibi to fit inside my keyrings, cause really thats all their good for.
i originaly posted the status after seeing an artist constantly post requested chibis thatwere coloured lined and drawn beautifuly. when i asked about propertioned work he said he didnt know how to. so i felt it was an utter waste
And as part of market reaserc, my chibis didnt sell anyway
No. 229628
>>229544But Karli hasn't said two words to you and yet you're still obsessed with her ?
Also we all seen, she did speak to you about the issue like an adult, you couldn't handle it and blocked her on FB, on Twitter aswell after you cant handle arguing with her, and when someone tagged her on your status you shit yourself commented "no" and blocked her, so really your mindlessly bitching and look petty as all shit, and practically harassing her more than before.
Telling her this .
No. 229645
File: 1483883307765.png (16.97 KB, 847x286, Untitled.png)

Deleting your account and jumping back on the original to try and hide evidence? Wow, gg.
But of course you can't just leave it and not post about stuff from here on your original account.
Looks like you do live for the dramma, hun.
No. 229646
File: 1483883555378.png (31.42 KB, 446x475, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter in the background]
No. 229647
File: 1483883648830.png (266.93 KB, 420x567, cokenail.png)

Also what is with that fucking coke nail. Seriously, who needs ONE nail that long aside for using it to scoop up coke?
No. 229658
See you bitch and talk a big game about Kay and Karli, so why not unblock them and actually deal with the issue? Seems to me like you're scared of them , and cant handle them when they put you in your place.
because thiers nothing tTO deal with, its over. what could possably argue with them about, as far as karli concerned im just bullieng craig, yea that could hold up in court,
nobody even likes craig anymore because hes a cringelord
as for the kay shit, i blocked mid arguement #5. then she came on ehre going off on which to which i didnt retort. i just left her too it, know why, cause its rediculous,
not to mention the hateboner hoollie still has for amber taking snaps of her feet, like. wow. do people REALLY care about that? really! no. they dont. hollie is just mad somebody put her to use
No. 229663
>>229645see this is why i came here, and why i dont just
ignore this, because of the way you see something and instantly asume its got to mean im hiding, my account got reported by one of you lot last night because sindy isnt my real name, so they mesaged me asking for id and temporarily closed the account untill i send it. which i will when it loads up for me to send. at the end of the day all you made me do was use my maiden last name, youre really sticking it to me because sindy is my artist buisness author name/ so as long as my sindy pop page is still active, i can still use that… god are you lot thick
you know what
dont answer that
No. 229671
File: 1483888225193.jpeg (14.74 KB, 155x275, sindy.jpeg)

>>229665Im glad youre here just so i can tell you how much i hate your godforsaken, ugly face.
No. 229674
File: 1483888381945.jpg (141.77 KB, 643x960, 15940885_1872632302984683_9107…)

also, tell me in what planet this is a step back? this is one of my best peies so far and i have the base to prove i drew it,
its maybe not leaps and bounds nbetter but you can i drew it. you say my art is shit, but never specify why
the leg on my top voltana one was curved and closed in to much, and i said next time i would fix that. but i mean i actually cant see how these are WRSE than say that god awful satilizer one.
my artwork is allways improving and you are constantly fail to show me examples of it worsening. AAAAAAAAAAAAnd. this shit about me not having a style, look at the hair on my character,s look at the eyes, look at the sketching lines, the smiles. my style is and has allways been right infront of you. if you cant see it thats your problem, not mine
No. 229675
>>229658Actually Karli didnt care if you "bullied" Craig.
She cared you were talking shit and being contradicting, so your comment just makes it seem as if you don't really know what your talking about, and basically talking shit again.
No. 229679
>>229672i love that logic of, bringing up a girl whos a cunt, makes me jealous. we all saw what she did to amber, now shes starting on me because she can. i dont even talk to amber. i just defended her. doesnt that show exactly what kind of rat hollie is.
and hey, im glad you hate my ugly face so much, but if it bothers you, why come and constantly look it
you know anon if by your own logic - saying why you dont like somebody = jealousy. then doesnt that mean every single one of you are jealous of me. and really. id ask why. youre lives are probabbly leaps and bounds better
No. 229681
>>229678i dont think you know what harassment is lol, harassment is threating to punch people on thier twitter (check)
spreading stories around facebook groups (check)
comming onto somebodys timeline to start shit with them uninvited or provoked (checkkkk)
really. if karli did persue harassment, shed be digging her own grave. but i mean, sure. incourage her. itl be funny
No. 229683
>>229679Jealous? Of what? A benefit scrounging art thief with no friends, no career aspects, no job, your family openly states they dislike you, no money, ugly af, poor fashion taste, looks dirty , greasy and flaky?
Yeah, totally jealous, keep telling yourself that to make you feel better.
No. 229685
>>229680its getting salty in here now lmao
listen to me, fet are feet, and i dont see a problem with sending pictures of feet, yea ok amber betrayed her trust as a friend. but hollie could never take it to a federal court and have a serious case, she bullied amber into the ground after, and really. amber could have taken her to court, she left enough evidence she made that amber thread. its so sad honestly.
and ooo strong words there kid, sorry i dont see life the same twisted little way you do
No. 229686
>>229681You threatened Karli on her Twitter, on FB, involved her in something you started, threatened to attack her recently …… Yeah, we all seen the screen shots, you talk about her and obsess over her.
If she pursued charges it would ruin you, and she can use your own posts against you as being a racist, homophobic cow.
No. 229687
>>229685Thats actually called perversion and chargeable in court as amber had a fetish and that was taken without hollies consent.
So please keep arguing this because you're making amber look worse.
No. 229688
>>229683Jealous? Of what? A benefit scrounging art thief with no friends, no career aspects, no job, your family openly states they dislike you, no money, ugly af, poor fashion taste, looks dirty , greasy and flaky?
Yeah, totally jealous, keep telling yourself that to make you feel better.
no you honestly sound it, weither that or salty. i recieve nothing but compliments on my bold fasion, my art is not traced and ive proven it, im not on imcompacity benifits so im not thieving anything.
your so wrong and miss guided on everything you think about me
and serious, lets see your face, it bet its not any better. i could pick shit wrong with your life if you had the balls to show any of it
No. 229691
*You threatened Karli on her Twitter, on FB, involved her in something you started, threatened to attack her recently …… Yeah, we all seen the screen shots, you talk about her and obsess over her.
If she pursued charges it would ruin you, and she can use your own posts against you as being a racist, homophobic cow*
anon youre so delusional. i havent threatened karli a single time., when did i say, i could break your jaw, never, but oh didnt sehe say she would go for me, infact she tried to say she went for me at auchy, whats to stop me reporting that?
and again im picking up vandetta here, a court only cares about the defendants in question, they dont care about a status saying the word half - caste. which he is btw (half japanese half carribbean)
honestly. you lot on ehre would damn karli to prison before i evenm took the stand. you seriously think you are her friends and helping her. even my friends dont get involved in my drama and fight my battles for me, youre not her friends, youre a ball and chain around ehr kneck dragging her down
No. 229698
>>229691Well actually if you look on prev boards you can see the screen shots of you threatening her several times, she said she pulled you up at auchi (which she did, I seen it) and you ran away, so no, she didn't, nice try thought.
And Caitlin was your lap dog and you tagged her to defend you several times. Where she at now? She done with your shit too? Good.
Actually Karli doesn't care, you're the one who keeps talking about her she finds it funny you have such a hate boner for her
No. 229699
>>229696You didnt even send her a message and tried to follow her, and that was your own sad attempt at trying to get her to help you get people to leave you alone.
She would never even associate with someone like you, don't flatter yourself
No. 229726
>>229688Hey Sin,
What's it like being able to travel all around the country for conventions, alone, but not be able to work because of ~*~anxiety~*~? Asking cos I'm in the opposite situation where I can work but can't even go to friends' parties without freaking out.
And why are you still tracing so much when you've got ALL DAY (on account of your free money gained thru possible scrounging) to perfect your art and learn to draw properly?
And how are you able to call the rest of us childish when you've come on here and had a shitfit, have had multiple shitfits publicly on facebook, and just keep throwing tantrums everywhere?
I'm so confused.
P.S. kinda glad you're on a hate campaign against DeeCon, so maybe I won't see you there and have to play nice for the sake of mutual friends (I'll be going with friends because I cannot conventions alone because it does me a frighten). One less thing to stress me out.
No. 229727
>>229646Says other people are the ones holding grudges
Is the one with obvious grudge hateboners for Kay, Karli and Hollie, despite none of them having contact with you for months and who have all clearly moved on with their lives.
No. 229730
No. 229727
>>229646Says other people are the ones holding grudges
Is the one with obvious grudge hateboners for Kay, Karli and Hollie, despite none of them having contact with you for months and who have all clearly moved on with their lives.
are you stupid or something, read the full fucking thread ok, there constantly mentioned above even when i never took a damn thing to do with them, when you say shit like, karli could av you son, yea, you and karli are full of shit, karli has never came near me, and never will. because she knows whats good for her, and im not it
No. 229735
>>229730If she knows ways good for her?
Oh look another threat, after saying you havnt threatened her.
Well done
No. 229737
>>229733Karli did approach you at such and several people seen it, and Karli has approached you and you always shit yourself, dont think your immune to her
NO she fucking didnt lol. auchy was a great weekend for me, nobody gave me shit. i had beks and david as witnesses! Stop making crap up to make your mate look big, she never came near
No. 229739
>>229737But Beks and David all told me that, its true that Karli did approach you?
So, your witnesses say otherwise
No. 229748
No. 229741
>>229740Its obvious you're scared of Karli, everyone knows it.
Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun) 04:15:38 PM No. 229743
>>229740You answer her yet you always block her when you cant handle her putting you in your place, boohoo
heh, honestly, send the stupid bitch to my table at raicon, or to see me at mcm. shes had so many opertunities and she did nothing. im far from scared of a dumb bimbo with no mental inteligence. really. i could have her in a shouting match any day. she cant even defend half of the shit shes done, in person where she cant side step out of it, i would go through and destory her .
No. 229752
>>229730Kay and Karli were brought up in passing comment, and you went ape on it because they were named
But you brought Hollie up all on your own. No one else did.
No. 229753
>>229746Everyone knows your a liar about it now, sick twisted individual.
Anonymous 01/08/17 (Sun) 04:17:42 PM No. 229747
go drink some bleach anon, im not arguing a this with a fool
>>229744Well actually they both said YOU approached her , twice, once inside when she and her friends were getting their badges, and again outside when they had a cigarette, and she wasnt aggressive, so yeah, more lies
At auchy, a girl gave me a cheeky Hello sindy when i said hi to who i thought was chris, and i asumed that was karli, i took it and left, and i that wa who i has thought karli was because only she would. nobody else bothered me the whole weekend. its not that im lieng i literally thought thatw as her
karli tried to say she aw me when she was smoking, ut i barley ent outside, and i hate smoke, so i wouldnt have went near anybody smoking. nothing happened.
No. 229754
>>229748Sending her this.
Also, she has approached you several times, like at deecon when you got Rachael's mum to protect you (pathetic) so she has, thats more lies from you, and shes far from dumb, if you knew her you would know that.
A shouting match? Honey, she wouldn't stoop to your level because thats ugly and childish, she would just put you in your place and be done with it.
You really are obsessed with her and want her attention dont you?
No. 229756
>>229748She cant defend anything shes done? Like what exactly? Cause she hasn't done anything she needs to defend herself over.
And in person, shes much more of an issue, so choose where you want to take her on wisely.
No. 229759
>>229754 the only person who approached me was shannon, and she was nice to me. i quote her sying. i dont understand this srama its stupid, you seam like a nice girl really. and if this is you shah, deny that. but then why be my friend on facebook for 3 years.
i didnt get or even ask hibaris mom to step in, but iw as greatful anyway. again. no shit went down at tht deecon either. stop making shit up
No. 229761
File: 1483892808782.jpg (20.93 KB, 600x315, 92678e99776c774b56c996cce46052…)

No. 229762
>>229758Kay rarely cosplays, and only goes to certain meets and conventions.
Hollie as far as im aware doesnt even go to cons anymore
And Karli only goes to conventions because she works a lot and has said she cant be bothered with meets, so none are overly active, Karli I would say is most active, but even then, only updates her cosplay stuff when shes attending a convention.
I wish she did more , she cosplays a lot of characters from fandoms I like and looks amazing
No. 229763
>>229755 beks was not with me when i got my badge, she arrived 4 hours later, so thats utterly false.
and when they were outside, they were getting shoots, not concentrating on the door. so they cant provide a single valid statement, your lieng about them saying this.
No. 229764
Fucking kek
Rachel is an edgy little neo nazi who lives on 4chan, she literally befriended you for the fucking lulz
Caitlin seems to have wisened up and is keeping herself locked away in a pie factory away from the drama this time at least
Sooo aside from her, who actually is your friend, Sindy?
No. 229768
No. 229764
Fucking kek
Rachel is an edgy little neo nazi who lives on 4chan, she literally befriended you for the fucking lulz
( she seamed nice enough to me, but maybe thats cause i wasnt a bitch like you)
Caitlin seems to have wisened up and is keeping herself locked away in a pie factory away from the drama this time at least ( she still likes my posts and comments, and follows my art on the artist groups, we were speaking last night)
Sooo aside from her, who actually is your friend, Sindy?
i have a lot of friends but none who would join in thisn kind of immature bs. fighting your shitty mates battles doesnt make you a friend. it makes you a dead weight. caitlin realized that and did the right theing
No. 229771
No. 229767
>>229765I think it's hilarious because none of these girls have even done anything to Sindy whereas people who have actually went out of their way to start fights she totally dismisses
the only people who have ever gone out of their was were holly kay and karli.
and ofcourse you lot. but even kay and hollie keep thier traps shut around me. they aint as stupid as they think they are
No. 229774
>>229771But none of them did though, they havnt posted here, and Kay has pulled you up, so more lies.
And are you implying Karli is the only one ~brave~ enough ? Please.
No. 229775
No. 229772
>>229767Karli even tried to help her and be her friend and get her more liked in the community. She's such a bad person isn't she.
karli did nothing for me but lie and bleed anything she could from me. i saw thought it and deleted her.
No. 229780
No. 229774
>>229771But none of them did though, they havnt posted here, and Kay has pulled you up, so more lies.
And are you implying Karli is the only one ~brave~ enough ? Please.
kay only
pulled me up on facebook after i caught that it was her shitty spread sheet. if anything she was defending ehr sorry ass.
if by, say i dont like you the end, you class that as pull up, then god, forgive me if i didnt feel all that showed up
No. 229782
No. 229779
>>229775Well thats a lie. She tried to help you after your comment about being abused and then you put all her personal stuff up after she tried to help you, so no, you fucked her over
no thats actually a liel. i only said we went through the same thing. her mates kept pulling it on and on dragging her down. like i said. you are the problem. not me. i feel bad for all your friends
No. 229787
No. 229781
>>229775How can she bleed you when you were literally nothing to her, and that was just her being nice and giving you a chance, which you threw back in her face.
because shes nuts, she tried to bleed stup about my court case and ex boyfriend off me, only to connfuse the two entirley thinking i said my ex raped and abused me.
No. 229801
>>229790She should just out her, I think you should just post the convo.
Im sure Karli would understand
No. 229802
No. 229798
>>229794I mean there are multiple people who said she asked David out and he rejected her. But hey, according to Sibdy she did no such thing? Wonder what the man himself would say…
yea because david would tell people that
err wrong. i have never asked him out, tlel you what, want me to message him asking if he remembers when i asked him out, and post it here. ? yea, show him how much of a good mate you are
like i said. i tried to like david, i tried to fansie him. but i didnt have it within me. i wanted to want him. because i new he liked me. but I JUST DONT FIND HIM SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE. sorry.
No. 229805
>>229795She didnt actually, she never has.
Who told you that? Because thats just plain out lies, Karli kept that agreement she made with you and took it seriously because shes a good person like that.
No. 229813
>>229802This is really sad, how desperate are you? This literally is the playground mentality of "im a girl people need to fancy me"
Get a grip, what age even are you? Do you not understand how adult relationships work? clearly
No. 229814
>>229811Sex doesn't need to be about love. Stop watching shitty anime and grow up.
Also I'm engaged and have sex with my fiance soooo obviously we don't love each other. Marriage is null and void unless you're a virgin and in a crap anime trope guys
No. 229815
>>229811Actually its not, what age are you trying to live in?
No one loves you either, its why your ex ran away and went with another girl as quick as he could, because you wernt good enough
No. 229817
No. 229813
>>229802This is really sad, how desperate are you? This literally is the playground mentality of "im a girl people need to fancy me"
Get a grip, what age even are you? Do you not understand how adult relationships work? clearly
i said i felt bad iw asnt into david, and tried to settle for him. but in the end as i wasnt attracted to him. i didnt want to go for something lesser than what i wanted. its a sexual partner not a tennis racket
No. 229818
No. 229815
>>229811Actually its not, what age are you trying to live in?
No one loves you either, its why your ex ran away and went with another girl as quick as he could, because you wernt good enough
he made sure he got his fill of me though, wrong. i kicked the dirty little sob out after i found out hed been whoring himself out with my apparent BEST FRIEND. i got shot of them both, know why, hes a dirty little scumbag. lucky he didnt fucking give me something
No. 229820
M No. 229819
>>229817You tried to force yourself to like someone so you could be in a relationship with them? How fucking sad
i tried to make myself like him back as i felt genuinly bad for him. but in the end i could no. what youve never felt bad about not requiting somebody love. were not all asshole heart breakers
No. 229823
>>229818"Didn't give you something"
Implying stds
Implying sex
Ooooh sindy, thought you were a virgin though? Why you gotta play us like that
Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie
No. 229826
>>229820Except again, multiple people said he rejected you, so…
Just like the multiple people who remember you saying you were raped.
But of course, multiple sources are always wrong, right?
No. 229828
No. 229823
>>229818"Didn't give you something"
Implying stds
Implying sex
Ooooh sindy, thought you were a virgin though? Why you gotta play us like that
Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie
he didnt put his dick in me. so he never broke me. biologically. i am a virgin as ive never been penitrated
emotionally. i stoped being a virgin at 12
No. 229829
>>229824So you're dragging people in again?
No. 229832
No. 229826
>>229820Except again, multiple people said he rejected you, so…
Just like the multiple people who remember you saying you were raped.
But of course, multiple sources are always wrong, right?
people lie and make shit up. again watch. ill ask david if he remembers this happening. you have only yourselfves to thank
No. 229835
>>229828You cannot emotionally be a virgin.
What. The. Fuck.
So you DID lie about the abuse and rape.
No. 229836
No. 229831
>>229826Sindy has a law degree don't you remember? She can counter argue anything, including numerous sources of evidence, to fit her narrative and win the case. I'd hire her to represent me tbh
hey who was right about the work looking on social media shit here, oh yea.. me
No. 229839
No. 229834
>>229828What is your best dick sucking technique?
the only sausages i suck are the hot and spicy peperamis. sorry. dont put me in your filthy book. id rather not get oral cancer
No. 229843
PM No. 229838
>>229832But we seen it. So we seen the proof
So david is a liar. youre pathetic. leave the poor guy alone. if he still likes me. i feel genuinly bad for him. as now hell know he has no chance with me. youre all awefull people
No. 229848
No. 229844
>>229843I don't even like David, but I know the guy honestly can't be that desperate to want to put his dick in the gaping sewage works that is your cunt
if you dont like him fuck off and stop talking shit about him.
and yea cause id just let people do that me. you may have grown up on the crazy farm being treated like a pig. but i wasnt xx
No. 229853
>>229843Uh, arguably it's better he finds out he has no chance with you, rather than you leading him on into thinking he does?
You saying that makes you sound like a manipulative bitch who can't get over the fact he rejected you
No. 229866
>>229859How many bets are being placed that she will comment in a few days time or make FB posts? Because we all know you cant leave it, you always go back on what you say, have some backbone, oh no wait.
Muh scoliosis
No. 229869
>>229865k bye then you said that a few posts back ,
be gone retard
No. 229872
>>229871Thought you were leaving?
And you said slurs about disabilities earlier, so yeah.
No. 229876
>>229874She said shes leaving yet immediately posts again.
Have some self respect for what you said
No. 229880
>>229871>>229874Oh look, "a spastics chin"
You can't say anything about anyone using your disability as an insult
No. 229881
>>229879Still posting.
Sindy is leaving the thread , yeah? What a pathetic weak person who cant even stick to what she said not even 5 minutes prior.
No. 229885
>>229884this is 10,000 times worse than my immortal
0/10 would not read again
No. 229886
>>229884Yeah, I feel bad for David.
Shes mental, thank god he rejected her.
Is this what the ex cheated on her for? Just being a complete unhinged mess that drives everyone away from her? Wow. What a life to live. Even the homeless junkies have more friends than her
No. 229904
>>229901David is a sweetheart and everyone wants him to be happy and have thes best he can get in life.
you my dear are far from the best.
No. 229905
>>229901But the thing is;
David never wanted you, so he obviously didn't want a dirty looking coke gremlin as his girlfriend , he has standards which you don't meet.
No. 229915
File: 1483899382308.png (131.39 KB, 640x1016, IMG_4310.PNG)

Dont fall for it David.
Anyone wanna show him what shes said here about him?
No. 229936
>>229932David tends to stay out of drama/conflict. he is nice to everyone no matter what and tries to be friendly to everyone.
i really doubt he would come here as he was one of the people telling sindy to leave this alone.
No. 229956
>>229932Every time drama happens he HAS to make a status making it all about himself and being as pretentious as possible while trying to mask it under I'm just so nice hehe' which all the weebs believe. Every time someone posts their own status talking about their concerns about whatever, he HAS to comment and make it about himself because 'poor wee David the cosplay messiah'
He's honestly cringey as fuck and gives off an extremely creepy vibe to anyone who doesn't glorify cosplayers
No. 229961
>>229941If only. But the posts she made are obvious. Bad spelling and grammar, insisting certain things and knowing certain things.
No one cares enough to fake her awful spelling, it hurts just looking at it.
No. 229974
>>229948Who tf says '1ce'
Your entire existence is cancer
No. 230056
>>230030so you're gona make a fake account, message david and tell him, sindy isnt into him? are you gona tell him that people have been spreading rhumours about who asked him out, or that hes apparently just in it for the fb likes.
gl anon
No. 230088
>>230084i dont have to answer to you? im not on trail for personaly of the year
2016 addition.
if iw anna check, corct and reply i will.
im not the sad peice of shit making these threads and posting every aspect of my life on them, even bitching about my nails and jammies
thats fucking flakey fam
No. 230132
>>230088Translation: I em a sud pece uf shut dat kan't spel fuh shite
Learn some Loomis and stop tracing, Sindy ❤
No. 230158
>>230056Nah were gonna show him what you actually said about him and how you made him out to be.
Scared? Should be, he wont anything to do with you afterwards
No. 230204
File: 1483928761058.png (31.13 KB, 421x569, Untitled.png)

Oy vey
No. 230396
File: 1483970993080.png (137.67 KB, 640x1034, IMG_2348.PNG)

oh look lapdogs back
No. 230413
>>230305i wasnt awarded my claim on the grounds i was under house arrest, you are allowed to travel on esa, my mum is just back from greece and shes on it for her lung health.
going to a conventione for a day out doesnt mean you can hold a job down, iw as on jsa before i was esa and i had to quit because of the constant pain and hospital visits my ibs was and still IS causing me. i also had to leave because my anxiety was making it harder for me to apply for jobs. i do get anxious at cons and meets, im having a fucking panic attack right now? not cause of this, cause im just messed up with anxiety. im not going on pills that change my personality or thought path because the idea of not being in conrtoll of who i am terifys the living shit out of me. infact the only reason i have such bad anxiety is because my ibs drives me crazy worring it might be my appedix, or gallbladder. but you dont know or care about these things. you dont know my medical history, my constantly calling nhs 24 or going to dotors appointments, i dont tell people, because its not for them to know. its personal. like my esa. and i was NEVER NEVER awarded me claim on the bases i cant go for a day out
No. 230416
>>230158all i said was i didnt fansie him?
i fail to see what i have done that warrents me not being spoken to again by him. youre so blinded by your jealousy is now sad. david and me arent BESTIES anyway. i dont actualy speak much with him. but honestly. at this stage in the game, nothing you say to david will push him away from me. its what i say to him. and as far as i checked. im not the 1 calling him the
poor wee cosplay missiah No. 230435
File: 1483982843720.png (184.77 KB, 1439x1135, 20170109_172620.png)

>>230422Btw if you go on and search Glasgow - Manchester Picadilly for those dates it should bring up a fairly reasonable train.. Not under £20 but <£30 at £13 each way+booking fee!
Faster and more comfortable than the bus for just a few quid more!
No. 230437
>>230413>>230420Oh wow some of the munchies on here have all these issues and more and can still work.
Plus, Sindy, pretty sure if you had type 1 diabetes, unless it was a very recent occurrence, you'd be dead by now because of lack of insulin. Similar issue with type 2 except you'd be quite ill, because of low insulin.
No. 230438
File: 1483983271053.jpg (453.85 KB, 1079x2173, 20170109_173257.jpg)

>>230422Also Megabus is currently £12 (i really like searching for travel deals…)
No. 230501
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No. 230523
File: 1484000127224.png (26.07 KB, 450x414, Untitled.png)

So you go from sending RaiCon staff stuff that was said on the lolcow, and now you're bitching about them? Way to flip flop.
No. 230525
File: 1484000172360.png (11.12 KB, 450x114, Untitled.png)

Stop wasting money on shite you don't need then
No. 230527
File: 1484000320908.jpg (172.35 KB, 667x800, 235948.jpg)

>>230413>>230420>>230422Never mind travel btw, I found you a really great offer that you can't possibly say no to.
No. 230528
File: 1484000372606.png (10.54 KB, 448x145, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 230529
File: 1484000572443.png (16.95 KB, 448x140, Untitled.png)

"I'm in debt, but lemme just go to this other convention that I don't need to go to."
This is exactly why you're in debt, Sindy.
No. 230531
>>230528This is just extreme victim mentality right here, no one has ever said they want you dead, you stupid cunt.
>>230529She won't go at all. She's talked shit about MCM before and claimed she was never going again. Yet, she decided to go to Glasgow last time round with her terrible OC and cried about how no one noticed her.
No. 230551
>>230523the thing she was bitching about was on a post in the raicon group
she got in trouble for posting table info that she heard from someone else
No. 230589
File: 1484010044110.png (23.98 KB, 450x339, Untitled.png)

Got herself banned again? Let's see how long it takes her to worm back in. Or just respond to everything on Facebook and provide more milk regardless?
Also, lol, it's just as easy to email every AA event in the UK and warn them.
No. 230606
>>230589thats a lot of cons mate
legit tho, sindy is pretty unknown to most events, so they will just ingore that claim.
And then what if she doesnt call her chindy pop. how are you gona stop somebody getting in whodoesnt use the name they are warning about.
No. 230621
>>230420>Welcome to the wornderful world of anxiety disorder people. its not fucking pretty.What does blood pressure issues and 'beetus have to do with anxiety disorders …..? I'm still confused.
Maybe I am a bit jealous since my own anxiety puts me on a bit of "house arrest" too outside of the 9-5 that pays the bills. Must be nice to not be afraid of going out and doing fun stuff.
>>230532Thank you based anon. I'm having trouble properly articulating my thoughts on the matter because yeah, I mad, but you just hit it right on the head.
>>230437In fairness, she's got no skills whatsoever.
Taking education seriously so you can gain a skill and sit at a desk all day and not interact with strangers really helps a lot.
No. 230762
>>230608I feel like everyone wants to know this.
But yes, what happened in pt?
No. 230772
>>230413>>230420You might not have been awarded a claim under the terms of house arrest, but if you really had bad enough anxiety to the point where you couldn't work, you'd be putting yourself under house arrest because of the anxiety. Not going to conventions alone or making shopping trips to Glasgow alone, or eating in a restaurant alone. No way.
I mean, IBS is an easy fix, take the right meds for it. IBS is also not really a good enough reason not to be working.
Anxiety pills don't change your personality or thought path you dumb cow. You're refusing treatment for something because it scares you? Try receiving treatment for something where one of the potential side effects of the meds is live failure. That's more terrifying than what little anti anxiety meds actually do.
As for IBS being to do with gallbladder or appendix, sure, whilst there are shared symptoms of IBS and appendicitis, I'm pretty sure you'd know, and your doctor would know, if it was the latter. IBS is also bowels, so intestines (mainly large) and colon, not gallbladder.
Low blood pressure and me ores causing dizzy spells sure, but the pretence you're using is that all jobs require you to be standing up, lifting heavy things, moving around. Which isn't the case - there are plenty of desk jobs, and jobs where you don't need to do those things, like working in a call centre. And actually, employers would go near it, because it'd be discrimination not to.
Another anon has already gone over the diabetes thing, you'd know if it was type 1 already, and it takes a day or so to get tested and then wait for the results. Your tiredness and dehydration is probably a Vitamin D deficiency, nothing more.
You also clearly don't have thyroid issues because if yours was underactive, you'd be putting on weight constantly, and if it was overactive, you'd be constantly losing weight. None of the normal fluctuating weight that you have documented yourself as having.
None of these potential issues have anything to do with an anxiety disorder, I have one myself and know that much. It seems more like you're trying to use all this medical jargon to garner sympathy, but unfortunately for you, some of us are medically trained and know better than to believe the lies you're spouting.
But oh well, so much for that "good medical knowledge" you claimed to have when you were berating that trans guy. Because it's evident you have none, and that was just an excuse to be transphobic.
Fuck off, Sindy
No. 230779
>>230772Samefagging, but to clarify.
The line between personality and "disorder" is a slightly blurry one. So when I say anxiety meds don't change your personality, they obviously affect it in terms of, you're less anxious, less shy, more bubbly and open even. But they don't change you from insufferable cow to person of the year. And you're very much still in control. If you're worried about your personality changing, you tell your doctor, and family, and friends, and they will tell you if they notice a change, since it would be easier for them to tell than for you. And if you feel yourself changing, or don't like the potential changes family or friends mention they see, you can come off that certain line of meds and try a different one, rinse, repeat.
If your apparent anxiety is so bad that you can't work, then it is at a level where you NEED to be on meds. And if you need to be on meds, then you need to be on them. No monetary excuse either, since prescriptions in Scotland are free.
No. 230780
File: 1484058524378.png (352.95 KB, 447x568, Untitled.png)

RIP my eyes
No. 230785
>>230781 Post of the year material right there!
10/10 anon!
No. 230789
>>230780Harps on about how she hates nen looking at her like a sexual object
But posts photos like that anyway
There was no reason to hike the skirt up, and even less reason to take a photo of it.
No. 230794
It looks like shiny wrapping paper
Did she ever say why she doesn't wear makeup? I mean, at least try to salvage somehow that face instead of letting yourself go like this
No. 230804
File: 1484062728269.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.29 KB, 833x1025, merenptah-face-processed.jpg)

>>230780why does she look mummified?
No. 230810
File: 1484063470670.png (103.38 KB, 640x850, IMG_2354.PNG)

>>230780>>230808Now that you mention it…… It looks caved in?
No. 230812
File: 1484063637148.png (155.15 KB, 640x919, IMG_2355.PNG)

So much for not cosplaying…. Also, there's 2 league cosplays in there, ahri the generic weeaboo fox girl, and Rengar in scantily clad armour and is also a cat…….. Okay. So much for not liking league aswell.
No. 230857
File: 1484070160202.png (321.94 KB, 452x561, Untitled.png)

It got worse
No. 230860
File: 1484070578121.jpg (38.23 KB, 480x640, 15940667_370020886723847_81265…)

>>230857The bottom one enlarged.
It just looks so wrong…like the "bodice" starts where most normal breasts have nipples or are ending in general…
No. 230886
File: 1484075773363.png (11.1 KB, 451x162, Untitled.png)

No. 230907
>>230886So much for being banned
She just has no spine (kek) and can't defend herself when evidence is slapped in her face time and time again
No. 230975
>>230971Thats made me feel sick.
Thanks anon for pointing that out. My dinner thanks you.
No. 231003
File: 1484089842069.png (9.86 KB, 451x148, Untitled.png)

I fail to see where anyone in the thread called her a slut but OK?
No. 231004
File: 1484089912828.png (216.05 KB, 350x594, Untitled.png)

Looks like we struck a nerve mentioning her FUPA. But of course, instead of just ignoring it, she has to try to prove the fact she has one wrong
No. 231007
File: 1484090633735.png (52.78 KB, 406x406, Tumblr_inline_o4d5jg4Ola1qccrw…)

>>231004Her chin reminds me of a yaoi characters.
No. 231028
I can't believe I'm saying this but after reading her most recent posts here I actually think I'm coming to like her… or understand her better?
I've even noticed most of the shit being said negatively in reply to her are people misunderstanding her?
>>231010And the other posts making mention of 'how can she really think we're jealous?' - I don't think she does. If you scroll up and actually read her garble, when she first mentions jealousy it's to mock an anon claiming she's jealous of someone. From there out all her mentions of jealousy have been reference to that: sarcasm to prove a point.
Don't get me wrong she has some flaws in her thought proccesses (ie. Thinking her being banned from a con is illegal or that it was a personal vendetta).. but when she posted about explaining enjoying arguing, admitting to tracing previously, how she was trying to improve in her own way, that humans do care about internet strangers collective opinion, etc, well, I for once saw some inkling of logic/intelligence in it. I… I actually think a lot of farmers posts here have been completely assinine in reply.
Sweet lord, help me.
No. 231076
File: 1484097973335.png (33.33 KB, 451x492, Untitled.png)

Oh but Sindy, everyone has given you multiple chances to change and improve, and yet here you still are.
Also, took long enough for you to admit your reselling of art was wrong. How long until you admit that art was actually traced and not just "redrawn". Because compared to the guy you're talking about, his redraws have flaws, and don't line up perfectly with the originals.
No. 231079
File: 1484098045594.png (12.23 KB, 448x158, Untitled.png)

Yeah, you did change - only not for the better. Your behaviour got worse, so much worse.
No. 231080
>>231079are you one of the guys shes talking about in her post kek
id love to know who the people shes talking about are because as far as i can see, sindy ties harder than anybeody else in the scene to be
the best No. 231082
>>231071Unfortunately providing deets would give me away, and since Sindy is still lurk-watching, I'd really rather my identity be revealed.
Let's just say we all gave her a few too many chances, and yet she only took that as a means to get worse.
No. 231091
>>231090to be fair sara is a one trick pony, people only follow her cosplay page because she runs around like a delusional retard at conventions barley covered up, half her fans are middle aged guys fapping over her pictures. she thinks this
great cosplayer
No. 231098
>>231090i dont recall her trying to crawll up anybody else the league community.
Sindy was mostly just trying to get off with blake all the time i was around her, was pretty hard to watch, i dont know if blake knew she fansied him or not. he should have told her to fuck off months before he eventually did
No. 231104
>>231095i kinda feel like bekumura should be up here, not because hes a bitch or anything, but just because of the way they go on, a year or so ago he had this wierd girl sending him hate mail because he couldnt take any critique on hiswigs.
I also hate the way he only posts about how annoying hes trying NOT to be on his facebook. it pisses me off alot
No. 231108
>>231104Well I mean, Sindy tried that, and tried to deny it was her, but as you can see, it backfired on her and this is the result.
But the difference between Blake and Sindy is, you can tell Blake your gripes about their behaviour, and for the most part, they take it well and to heart. Sindy, you tell her your gripes and you get shit thrown at you.
So, actually, there's less of a reason for Blake to be here, because OK they have faults, but at least they're trying to work on it. Whereas Sindy claims she is trying, but really isnt.
No. 231114
>>231112Are you kidding? Sindy's life revolves around cosplay.
If you don't attend meets, or go to conventions, or if you do but don't cosplay to them all the time, she thinks you should be shunned from the community.
No. 231124
>>231028>(ie. Thinking her being banned from a con is illegal or that it was a personal vendetta)She wasn't even banned from the con is the worst part. She just wasn't allowed to sell her "artwork" at it. She's still allowed to go to the con, but is probably (hopefully) too salty to actually do so.
>>230971Is it a fupa? i thought it was just the dress being made of stiff cheap mylar.
>>231114I just don't get this mentality, but I guess it makes sense if you're perpetually unemployed and scrounging. Normal people, even most nerdy dweebs in cosplay groups, have jobs and friends and lives outside of cosplay and can't always make it to every meet. Shunning everyone who couldn't always be there would just weed it out to proverbial basement dwellers like Sin.
No. 231361
>>230762>>230608there was spam threads of some nude pic of an indian dude on /pt/. Don't really see why
>>230590 thought it was her though.
No. 231405
>>231213I wish she would fucking stop, jfc it's so obvious.
>>222228>>231339This is awkward as fuck, I remember he asked me for a photo last year and I didn't click at the time who it was. Me and my pals just thought it was hilarious that someone was getting kicked out.
No. 231418
The part that makes me laugh about her the most is that she's got this massive chip on her shoulder with anyone of note. She's always talking about how negative everyone else in the community is towards each other, yet I never see a single person shitting on anyone else like she does. Don't get me wrong, I always hear the odd dig at someone, but no one is more malicious towards people than Jenny is.
wants there to be drama in Scotland, but there really isn't. We're not big enough for anything to really kick off and even if something does happen, no one has the energy or gives enough of a shit to keep it going. As far as I know, like 90% of the recent drama has been due to her either trying to start shit with random people or her dragging up old drama from beyond the grave.
>>231413Oh hey Jenny, stop trying to derail your own thread by talking shit about other people. We know you have a vendetta against everyone in the Scottish community, no need to keep making a big deal out of it.
No. 231438
File: 1484161802031.png (235.9 KB, 451x363, Untitled.png)

I genuinely hope not. Keeping it attached with masking tape? This is going to look worse than her bought version of DMG.
On another note though. Sindy, if you're trying to sound smart by using armor terminology, make sure you're using it correctly. Because that's definitely not a pauldron. If anything, it's a bracer.
No. 231460
>>231438She's probably just using the tape as a place holder for actual straps. So it wouldn't be 100% finished. I'd say it's at 80% until she gets an actual strap system in.
If she doesn't then
Er… o k a y…
No. 231465
File: 1484165366555.jpg (28.23 KB, 333x532, 149001_v0_600x.jpg)

>>231438If that's dark magician girls glove it's nowhere near finished. it needs the hand flap, the pink trimming and the gems.
No. 231532
File: 1484174714349.png (443.72 KB, 450x552, Untitled.png)

Looks OK from a distance but…
No. 231534
File: 1484174847906.jpg (326.48 KB, 2048x1150, 15936544_370722083320394_23068…)

>>231532…enlarge one of the bottom two images and the truth of how bad it is is revealed.
Not to mention that horribly rookie mistake of putting the side with the lines used to cut out on the outside…
No. 231545
>>231534Do you cosplay yourself anon, or do you just put foam on and call it finished.
im not defending this idiot or anything but it's fucking obvious that it's just a base
No. 231555
people need to back off of sindy. you're slamming her cosplay before its even finished. you look like idiots from here
>>231438to here
>>231532 No. 231557
>>231554I think people were supposed to be inteligent enough to work out for themselves, that considering it has no gem, or paint. that it's cleary just lining, and not the finished thing.
i really hate seeing people like you complaining that somebody doesnt buy enough of thier costumes, but when they start making them you dont like thier either.
You have the worst vandetta iv'e ever seen. this is cringy as fuck
No. 231572
>>231557Watch out
There's a chin about
>>231568I give it two weeks
No. 231690
File: 1484191297698.jpg (841.78 KB, 2480x3508, When i trace you cant tell lol…)

No. 231727
>>231690Teeny tiny query for the anon that posted this but, why are there remnants of blue writing just above the "you cannot reply" part.
How old is that screenshot supposed to be, anyway? I get the message was sent in 2012 apparently but…
No. 231932
Anon in /pt/ necromanced an old Sindy thread with this
>>>/pt/335969I don't know if it's legit since there's no timestamp
No. 231936
>>231932Looking at the images metadata, it was screencapped in 2013 (2013/08/15) Same as the one in
>>231690 (which was 2013/11/17).
Everything else is pretty similar in the metadata too, both used Photoshop to crop the image. It's probably the same anon.
I do recall her name being that at one point (the Sinder Arcannia), there are screenshots on her own Facebook showing it too.
No. 232300
File: 1484280902886.png (9.17 KB, 448x116, Untitled.png)

No. 232403
>>232255he tried to guilt trip me into letting him stay at my house after a convention the first day i met him, thankfully i've never spoken to him again.
i thought he was strange as he just came up to me and my friends after the cosplay contest and starting going "oh i wish i could come tomorrow, but its so far away,how close do you live, oh thats so handy, it must be so easy living so close to town. I wish i was staying somewhere like that tonight. Instead i have a long journey home tonight by myself, oh i wish there was somewhere i could stay"
also had friends try to be nice to him until he found the dude taking pictures of his girlfriends ass
No. 232464
File: 1484321618334.jpg (133.83 KB, 360x480, 15542108_371710669888202_75062…)

Oh fucking god
No. 232483
File: 1484324441573.png (31.86 KB, 451x495, Untitled.png)

>>231690Sindy's response.
That bit about her name on Facebook never being her real name is a total lie. Multiple people can confirm it has been "Jenny McGoogan" in the past, when she was in college.
Also going on and bitching about what this Angela girl did but she's also a "nice girl"?
No. 232507
>>232464The blatant shoop, dear jebus.
>>232483She did indeed use her own name. This is just more bullshit. I'm pretty sure that Angela girl is just another person who dropped her when she realised Jenny was a shithead. What even is she trying to communicate by bringing up the fact that Angela and Holly have an issue with each other. Not as if it's anything to do with Jenny, just trying to find a way to worm her way into that for attention then, ay?
Oh and look, admitting she wasn't raped once again. So what's she going to say the next time she gets asked?
No. 232554
File: 1484335507665.png (10.59 KB, 449x140, Untitled.png)

>>232507Assuming this is about the "shoop" comment.
Thing is, every other serious cosplayer either does it well (or their tog does it well), or people call them out on it.
Also no one is born looking 15 in general. Except maybe you, Sindy, considering you look like a middle aged woman and you're only in your 20s
No. 232578
File: 1484341614037.png (14.5 KB, 451x199, Untitled.png)

So many as in what, two at most?
Also, you, Sindy, said yourself here
>>228626 that people shouldn't come up to your table and ask for a commission. You said that, a week ago. And now you're backtracking because some old, "fake" screenshots came out?
Wow are you flaky.
No. 232580
File: 1484341797729.png (278.91 KB, 451x498, Untitled.png)

We've been over this so many times, you look nothing like Blake.
The fact you still go on about it proves your hateboner for them.
No. 232582
File: 1484341950065.png (11.25 KB, 448x142, Untitled.png)

All aboard the backtracking express
No. 232586
File: 1484342260406.png (29.82 KB, 448x321, somuchfor.png)

>>232582Lol at her deleting that post
On another note, so much for going friends only with all this public bullshit. It didn't even take a week
On another note
No. 232588
File: 1484342872677.png (20.53 KB, 449x300, Untitled.png)

By that logic you should be deleting everything you post, because it almost always gets screencapped.
Also, "popular" would imply people like you. The majority of the community doesn't. Dunno how you worked that one out
No. 232591
File: 1484342968703.png (19.68 KB, 402x571, Untitled.png)

Can't vouch for the rest of the anons, but I know for a fact I'm not on that list. Lol. But if you're so untrusting of the people following you, why not just block them all and see how that works out?
No. 232594
File: 1484343175738.png (15.2 KB, 403x148, Untitled.png)

Clearly you don't know what triggered means. If you're going to use internet slang, at least use it correctly instead of failing badly.
Plus, if anything, you're the one getting triggered, since you're the one responding to the thread, when you could just, oh, I don't know, ignore it?
No. 232601
>>232595Of you want to reply to a specific post click on the post number sindy.
Also please for the love of god moisturise. Buy yourself a moisturising cream and actually wear it.
No. 232604
>>232595Or the anon is using a computer and is saving over the same file, hence the fact all of the original files are named "Untitled". No phone space being wasted, just a few kb of computer storage.
I mean, the screenshots are laughable proof about how
triggered Sindy is over the mere existence of this thread, if anything.
No. 232608
File: 1484344129905.png (15.68 KB, 449x141, Untitled.png)

£150 on moisturizer that has no better than a 3.5 star rating?
Clearly it isn't working for you
And clearly this is the reason you are apparently in debt, if you're spending that much money on moisturizer.
No. 232610
File: 1484344496763.png (381.39 KB, 567x557, 5A28iqB.png)

>>232607That's a lie. She had a fake profile using a Kingdom Hearts character name added and used to frequently bait Sindy. Caps are in previous threads that include the baiting if I remember correctly.
No. 232618
>>232613Nah, pretty sure they were all on her friends list. At the very least, all the names starting with L were.
Although judging from the names most of them were likely people she didn't actually know, they were just strangers to pad out her friends list so it wouldn't look so empty.
No. 232636
>>232633Stop sucking her and laurels saggy tits. its really quite sad, the have been on LC far longer than sindy has and thats because they have done much worse to other people.
And whats the point in even having a buisness acount if you have a page?
Laurel and kimmy use those pages to dress in weeby makeup, badly photoshop there fatness away and act like cringelord. nothing buisness about it they just wanna be famouz
No. 232642
>>232636The only thread about Laurel was made by Sindy
And unless you have some proof otherwise, there hasn't been anything about Kimi
But on another note, hi Sindy
No. 232648
>>232644Well thats a lie considering she threatened laurel to spray her in the face with weed killer late 2014/ early 2015, plus sindy was posting before then.
Hi Sindy.
No. 232649
>>232644um Sindy has had a vendetta since she assumed laurel was the gcg admin that banned her for taking her underwear off in public.
Laurel wasnt even an admin just friends with alot of the people sindy was harassing at the time.
She threatened to throw weed killer in her face
No. 232662
File: 1484348063177.png (15.28 KB, 448x215, liesandmorelies.png)

More lies on Sindy's part.
No. 232663
>>232662Sindy refers to lolcow as LC, anon here
>>232636 does too.
Watch out, Chin's about
No. 232667
>>232666blake arrived at auchinawa at 5pm on the friday, sindy said she saw karli in the badge section at 12pm.
sindy and david were seen hanging out at about 1
blake and david couldnt have bene thier because neither of them were with sindy, but you should ask them and see what they say
No. 232671
>>232667Actually, Sindy has claimed never to have seen Karli?
No. 232673
>>232669Does anybody even care about that anymore?
why do you have to go dragging david into this when hes a nice guy? oh wait yea you dont think that do you
No. 232677
>>232673Actually we do because Sindy is talking shit.
Hi sindy.
No. 232683
File: 1484349336093.png (12.43 KB, 447x180, Untitled.png)

Uh, no one said that but OK Sindy, trying to get some asspats in there so you don't seem like a bad person
No. 232692
>>232691It's spelled to well
and it's not written in her general manner. its beyond obvious it was not sindy
No. 232700
>>232695Learn to Sage properly
>stopedNice try, Sindy
No. 232718
>>232591Why is she bothered about the people following her if her profile is open to the world anyway?
>>232662This is hilarious, I can bet 99% of the shit that gets posted about Scottish cosplayers on here and 4chan is her. She can't keep her mouth shut, it's so glaringly obvious.
I wish someone still had the screenshots of the stuff that happened with Angela before because that was another drama that was getting spread all over her Facebook.
No. 232719
File: 1484352699532.png (10.41 KB, 503x128, a.png)

Hey Jennifer, where exactly did you get that idea from? How delusional.
No. 232723
File: 1484353712090.png (10.98 KB, 448x142, not caitlin.png)

So, not Caitlin then?
No. 232740
File: 1484356771384.jpg (94.25 KB, 540x960, 1.jpg)

>>232720This was related.
No. 234537
>>232608>talking about the overpriced moisturiser we can't afford>is on the fucking dolelel ok. it is fucking hilarious when people who depend on government money go on about all the posh shit they've got. you fucking scrounger.
>>232591You could try maybe disabling the "follow" feature on your profile if you're concerned about strangers following you? You're not an actual celebrity, there's no reason to have things set so strangers can follow you. Seriously just change your privacy settings.
>>232650>>232652You don't even need to be on her friends list since she posts everything publicly lol.
>>232662Does Sin know anyone properly? She looks like she's got no actual friends like at all and just burns bridges with communities when they won't pander to her. And also complains about people bullying in her even though she posts about other people in the community.
No. 234753
File: 1484427848875.png (23.2 KB, 447x338, Untitled.png)

I mean, you wanted to copy her at one point, before you gained a hateboner for her too
No. 234804
>>234776Did anyone notice Sara Rose Gunn commentng on her post Asuna post where she said
i look like that other scottish cosplayer fucking kek
No. 235074
File: 1484486536229.png (18.01 KB, 451x252, Untitled.png)

I mean there are reasons other than those two as to why people might genderbend - they really like the character but aren't comfortable crossdressing, for one? But of course if Sindy doesn't get it, it has to be a bad thing that gets ranted about, right?
No. 235076
File: 1484486700027.png (14.52 KB, 451x229, Untitled.png)

There is no bad blood between you and the convention, they just rejected your application to sell? Any bad blood came about because you were too salty to get over it and act like a reasonable adult.
No. 235079
File: 1484487073570.png (284.85 KB, 449x573, Untitled.png)

>>234804Ok, so Sarah made one comment, big deal? Honestly from what I know of Sarah, she was more likely being sarcastic than anything else, but since sarcasm is hard to portray through typing, and Sindy is also denser than neutronium so there's that.
No. 235086
File: 1484492086950.jpg (65.25 KB, 627x960, 16114409_1717579901796062_8029…)

Why does it look like she has eyeliner on one eye but not the other?
No. 235100
>>235079Sindy stop using the word "lel"
It's so damn cringe worthy
No. 235118
>>235115I don't think she means she was invited as a cosplayer. I think she means a friend invited her, and she's going as a cosplayer.
Her English is that shit it's easy to get confused.
No. 235151
>>235076"bad blood between me and the con"
You didn't got offered a table because you're a scammer and a thief. They didn't say you couldn't turn up. Fucking give it up.
No. 235152
File: 1484508074174.png (10.11 KB, 505x133, pls.png)

I 100% don't give a shit about Blake guiz, I don't care what they do, I have no beef with them whatsoever and this status is DEFINITELY not about them!!!11!!1!
No. 235154
File: 1484508510037.png (8.86 KB, 451x129, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
But on another note, legit no one she has beef with cares enough to start shit with her, and only some care enough to respond to any shit she starts.
But if she starts shit, of course, it's a one way ticket out the door and she knows it.
Seems like she's trying to be all tough and intimidating but it really isn't working for her.
No. 235158
File: 1484508799140.png (10.18 KB, 453x148, Untitled.png)

>>235152Her response
Also, totally explains this post then too, right. If there's no beef?
>>235079>>235079 No. 235159
>>230812>>230888I'm pretty sure she's just ripped ideas from other cosplayers because I have seen people posting up about doing most of these cosplays. I don't know if she's trying to make a point about something or what, because it's not even as if her armour is going to look anywhere near as good as this, so no one is going to give her attention for it?
>>234753Ngl, I hate JNig as much as anyone else, but this just reeks of pure jealousy. Who cares if she has so many million likes, it means nothing if the followers don't give a shit about cosplay anyway. If you really care that much, just ignore her and go work on your craft. Getting salty about someone else getting attention is stupid, unless of course you're only cosplaying for attention, which Jenny probably is.
No. 235162
File: 1484508978952.png (12.77 KB, 450x181, Untitled.png)

I'm laughing so hard at this my sides hurt
No. 235168
File: 1484509992984.png (10.43 KB, 451x141, Untitled.png)

>>235163She's using the fact she won 3rd in another convention's competition as the basis for her ambition. Despite, y'know, that other convention being less geared towards cosplay, and to some extent, a lot less well known compared to DeeCon. Heck 2016 was the first year Play Expo was held in Glasgow.
Plus, how many people actually entered the competition? And what was the quality of the costumes entered?
Because I've seen the quality of previous DeeCon's third places, and they're way above her skill level.
No. 235188
File: 1484512537528.png (469.23 KB, 450x525, Untitled.png)

My poor eyes
>"i don't want men seeing me as a sexual object"
>posts pictures like that
Also, confirms she has a FUPA?
No. 235199
File: 1484514688548.png (24.64 KB, 450x336, Untitled.png)

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't abuse their power, although I can assume if you don't win you'll kick up a fuss anyway about how it was biased against you and how there was "bullieng" involved.
I'm laughing at the other post though
On an rather unrelated note, her excuse for shitty English is that she types fast, right? The why are words consistently spelt wrong? Like "bullieng", "seams", among other things. You'd assume, if it was just fast typing, that at least half of the times, these things would be spelt correctly, or even close to correctly. But no, it's consistently wrong.
So "seams" less like fast typing is the issue, and more like she's a fucking idiot?
No. 235206
File: 1484515249079.jpg (44.67 KB, 600x693, body fat.jpg)

>>23519910% body fat? Is she retarded? She'd be fucking RIPPED to have 10% body fat. The lowest recommended % for women is 10-13% she'd literally be peak bodybuilder material if she was 10%. She'd definitely at least 20% which isn't even anything to be ashamed of considering 14 to 20 percent is athletic and 21-25 is healthy.
No. 235211
>>235206Honestly, with no excess muscle in place of fat, at 10% body fat she'd be under the minimum needed for basic survival.
If she only had 10% body fat, she'd have so many other health issues along with it, like reduced fertility, for one, and amenorrhoea, which she clearly doesnt have because she's updating us monthly on when she's having her period anyway.
No. 235213
>>235162>I literally couldn't care less about these people>I'm gonna travel across the country to laugh at themPICK ONE, SIN. YOU CANNOT DO BOTH. NOT CARING ABOUT PEOPLE AND TRAVELLING ACROSS THE COUNTRY JUST TO LAUGH AT THEM ARE PRETTY WELL MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.
>>235199Oh gosh she totes will. Even though her cosplays are shit she's gonna chalk it all up to bullying and have more reason to campaign against the convention her dumb ass keeps going to anyway.
>>235211Reduced fertility wouldn't be the worst thing for Sindy tho honestly.
No. 235286
File: 1484525932531.png (20.42 KB, 452x303, Untitled.png)

I mean, for the second one, probably because the anon here
>>235261 is not the same anon as the one here
>>235182So, y'know, the person you're quoting didn't bring Dommy up, someone else did? Christ are you really that thick? Also, the first post said Dommy was RUNNING the competition, not judging it. You're the one who assumed there would be foul play involved from that information.
I don't even wanna bother getting into the medical/science shit behind body fat and whatever, because it would be pointless, would argue otherwise, not wasting my time on that. But on a basic level, BMI isn't entirely accurate or reliable, as it doesn't take into account pure genetics, muscle mass, etc.
No. 235303
File: 1484527507997.png (12.32 KB, 450x182, Untitled.png)

Proof or it didn't happen.
Or, you posted it yourself and it got removed. Actually, that seems more likely because why were you on 4chan looking in the "sex board" anyway? Which board is that again? /soc/? /r/? Maybe /s/?
No. 235306
>>235286samefag from
>>235261I saged my post when
>>235182 didn't
but for all Sindy knows, we're the same people
No. 235312
>>235286She has a shitton of fat on her body. That's what "body fat" is lmao. She's flabby. It's called skinny-fat.
You'd have no period, your muscles would be super well defined and you'd have that gross vascular look if your bf was that low. She's so fucking retarded. Nobody cares you're underweight when you have the saggy flabby body of a fat chick.
No. 235327
>>235182>>235199>>235261>>235286>>235306She's the one running and organising the competition, so yeah, she
does play a pretty big part in it. Last year was the organiser and two guest judges, that's how it's usually run.
No. 235330
File: 1484530140847.png (10.04 KB, 451x163, Untitled.png)

[audible groan]
No. 235344
File: 1484530790019.jpeg (130.18 KB, 639x830, 1478906699867.jpeg)

Bringing this back from the first thread because Sindy herself said she had "good medical knowledge" and yet clearly can't understand the concept of skinny-fat…
Unless, of course, her saying she had "good medical knowledge" was in fact an excuse to cover up her transphobic remarks? Wouldn't surprise me, to be honest.
But for the thicko who I obviously still lurking, lemme explain:
Skinny fat is where you have low muscle mass in your body, but lots of body fat. So whilst you appear relatively skinny, you aren't actually, and carry about a lot of fat, especially in the tummy area. Lacking a lot of muscle, too, since it is denser than fat, would explain the "I'm 14 lbs underweight". Hence, again, why BMI is not an accurate way to judge whether someone is overweight, underweight or average.
No. 235381
File: 1484533301530.png (8.78 KB, 452x126, Untitled.png)

It's been used a total of two times in this thread, stop making such a big deal.
But on the other hand, you spelling "fucking" as "fuccing" makes you seem like totes an idiot now.
Oops, that makes the count three, my bad?
No. 235386
File: 1484533851270.jpg (94.21 KB, 682x500, seme chin.jpg)

>>221185I wish She'd go to Korea already and shave off her seme chin already.
But she'd still be stupidly self obsessed, an art thief, a crappy cosplayer and a munchie so I guess it wouldn't help much.
No. 235602
File: 1484582904266.png (19.39 KB, 517x191, received_10211718112328252.png)

Wonder who this could be about?
Talking about burning bridges because she doesn't like fake friendships that exist only for personal gain…
No. 235721
File: 1484602022562.png (8.92 KB, 446x132, Untitled.png)

>>235647Oh boy what happened here?
No. 235816
File: 1484613856530.png (14.49 KB, 453x225, Untitled.png)

Hurr durr I totes don't make aimed statuses guiz
>makes a semi-aimed status
No. 236056
File: 1484660785932.png (35.93 KB, 448x571, Untitled.png)

Oh boy
> it was 2 months ago you were fat shaming my friend
Not everyone here fat shamed her, but of course in your eyes the actions of one reflect the actions of us all. Which is some bullshit right there
>where were you last nanashi? speaking to her NO I WAS
Wasn't at Nanashi myself, so couldn't exactly talk to her there, now could I? But from what I hear from basically everyone who was there, is that aside from at the pre-party bit, no, you basically didn't talk to her, you had your head in your DS all night like an antisocial person. So more stinky bullshit right there. I even heard she left early because of it
>where were you. when those weebs from the cosplay community were disowning her because she didnt agree with bullieng amber
Wasn't involved in the Amber shit, stayed as far away from it as possible. That includes both sides.
>you were ripping into her about her weight
To repeat the first bit, not every anon here was ripping on her weight. Maybe a handful, but the rest? Don't think so.
>and her choices in friends
I mean, people said the same to Blake about you, it wasn't "ripping" on their choice in friends, it was saying that they didn't think you were a good friend. Which is pretty evident by this.
>when you become her friend. i really dont think youll have the patience to stick through her for all of her problems in life. like i have
I mean, that's what friends are supposed to do? It also isn't just all about sticking through her problems though, there has to be give and take.
On another note, nice capitalisation of something that wasn't capitalised in the first place.
And, also, none of us claimed to be her friend beforehand, so where were we? Being with our own friends, evidently.
No. 236060
File: 1484661033924.png (14.52 KB, 451x240, Untitled.png)

>>236056Oh man she deleted it wow.
On another note, why would I wanna go anywhere near you at Seoul Rush, provided I actually go to Seoul Rush (funnily enough, not every weeb who goes to Nanashi will go to Seoul Rush, not all of us enjoy the constant K-Pop), considering you've already threatened to beat someone up at it.
Also, if I wanna have a conversation
with her, it will have to be without you, because I have a feeling you would butt in or be hostile through it. Package or not (wow, not even your best friend but you're still technically controlling her by not allowing her to have a private conversation?).
No. 236242
File: 1484690271843.png (495.78 KB, 404x579, Untitled.png)

>>235721Hanging out together…wouldn't that imply, at least to some extent, that Sindy has forgiven her?
Because if it was something so bad they can't be besto buds, then you would assume they wouldn't exactly be hanging out together.
That or Sindy's perception of friendship is fucked up too
No. 236266
File: 1484692388481.jpg (24 KB, 532x800, 15977557_1887720241465231_4818…)

No. 236268
File: 1484692510906.jpg (36.29 KB, 268x250, emma2.jpg)

No. 236274
File: 1484693031478.jpg (42.04 KB, 460x427, 6a4.jpg)

No. 236286
>>236269>>236266Emma stalker Stanley strikes again
Also technically illegal fetish photos, as intelligent as ever that girl
No. 236290
File: 1484695710261.jpg (49.36 KB, 638x358, immah2.jpg)

No. 236299
File: 1484696362044.jpeg (19.55 KB, 532x800, received_1753667108284915.jpeg)

I'm really looking forward to Mario's New Cat Costume in Mario Odyssey
No. 236300
File: 1484696399709.jpeg (37.78 KB, 780x774, received_1753877868263839.jpeg)

"Connor… I'm Moist"
No. 236310
File: 1484697877008.jpg (87.65 KB, 775x548, images (1)1.jpg)

No. 236325
>>236242This picture is so unsettling
Wtf is wrong with the hamplanet's hair, has she never heard of a hairdresser? And both of them are so greasy! You'd think they'd just finished a shift in McDonald's working over the deep fat fryers boke
No. 236610
File: 1484753866711.png (251.74 KB, 405x541, Untitled.png)

I mean, if you wanna call your character looking like their skull has caved in "good", sure…?
But if this is the quality of your prints and manga…no one apart from ass-patters are gonna buy it?
You got caught with the tracing, so now you're seemingly trying things legit, and proving more and more that you did trace the other work.
No. 236710
File: 1484768617624.png (8.7 KB, 401x147, Untitled.png)

Aside from
>>236582 , no one "wrote" anything about Emma or Connor? It was just the horrifying cat suit BDSM shit, and some memes spawning from that.
But OK, try and spin it as if we wrote wah wah nasty stuff about poor Connor and Emma.
No. 236711
File: 1484768923324.png (260.88 KB, 403x538, Untitled.png)

I mean, there are a bunch of issues with the 4 images you're trying to use as "my art has gotten better" that weren't present in the stuff you admitted to "redrawing" and selling without the original artists permission (aka tracing. Also, is that legit? I don't think so)
Foreshortening and basic anatomy, to name a couple of the issues. Like, heads being too big, arms not working like that, the hands in general, hair being drawn in a way that it looks like a concave skull
No. 236857
File: 1484781784692.jpg (39.26 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

I came here to laugh at you all
No. 237114
File: 1484834404041.png (17.88 KB, 403x281, 2.png)

>go fk yourself anon, i dont cater to you and your bitchng
By responding to what is posted, you're catering, but OK hun, whatever you say
>i have a 50 page manga to finish by march
If it's so important that you finish it, why are you still lurking on lolcow? Get your priorities straight.
No. 237115
File: 1484834415725.png (35.21 KB, 404x566, 3.png)

No. 237135
File: 1484839139558.jpg (74.93 KB, 646x960, 15966097_1718408645046521_9665…)

RIP that photoshop job
No. 237149
File: 1484841796483.jpg (402.61 KB, 800x600, POW!.jpg)

New crime fighting team!
No. 237153
>>237115It needs a fanbase willing to pay for content?
More like it needs a fanbase willing to read it in the first place
No. 237340
File: 1484873707733.png (226.14 KB, 504x479, Untitled.png)

I mean, that face looks traced from something, can't put my foot on it.
Also, what the fuck does the text in the upper left say? I can just about decipher the rest, but that section? Nope
No. 237343
>>237341So it's not she types too fast and misspells things that way. She's just so goddamn stupid to begin with.
This along with bullieng…jfc girl
No. 237401
File: 1484883789287.png (1.26 MB, 1300x587, Untitled.png)

What even is anatomy, eh?
No. 237406
File: 1484884171753.png (9.3 KB, 450x125, Untitled.png)

Also, like, if I were her friend, and didn't know about the lolcow, this would make it seem like she had a crazy obsession with proving to no one that her art wasn't traced?
I've looked at 90's anime though, no one of it looks like the crap you spew out.
No. 237537
File: 1484925129546.png (34.26 KB, 449x553, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 237574
File: 1484933834675.png (87.25 KB, 580x572, Untitled.png)

>>237569Her twitter is worse
No. 237607
File: 1484939995416.jpeg (94.29 KB, 854x607, image.jpeg)

No. 237634
>>237574Fan of Katie Hopkins
explains a lot
No. 237649
File: 1484948367653.png (28.52 KB, 452x464, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 237692
File: 1484957763969.png (308.29 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170121-001525.png)

No thanks, I don't want to buy shit off a tracer.
No. 237697
File: 1484958442629.png (11.3 KB, 454x186, Untitled.png)

No. 237772
>>237751Just like Marissa Picard and Marina Seadrift… actually I don't think Marissa's got a whole wiki devoted to her stories.
But yeah, an OC who looks just like you only better, is a huge brat, and has incredible powers, and somehow that's not a Mary Sue. Ok.
No. 237915
File: 1485018100447.png (39.75 KB, 451x644, Untitled.png)

No. 237916
File: 1485018170328.png (19.41 KB, 452x293, Untitled.png)

No. 237937
>>237751"Dark Queen" "Nightmare"
I'm fucking crying, this sounds like it was written by a 14 year old emo kid. Not to mention the character "design".
You'd think that someone at this age would be able to create a better looking and more complex character than this. Also, the story seems to be an absolute cliche.
No. 237959
File: 1485030875118.png (250.29 KB, 448x403, Untitled.png)

But Kupo is in March
And Kita is in August
The weekend before?
The only other UK cons in March that I'm aware of are RaiCon, the thing Sindy wasn't going to because of Kupo but is now still going, and Liverpool MCM.
Plus, I don't think the dates are the most of your worries with Kita, this late after the tickets went on sale, you'll be so far back in the waiting list you'll never get close to actually getting the tickets
No. 237993
File: 1485036883423.png (25.44 KB, 451x388, Untitled.png)

No one "threatened" to bash your skull in, they just asked if someone could do it?
But I guess that's semantics?
No. 238005
File: 1485038065548.png (10.52 KB, 451x171, Untitled.png)

>>237959Evidence of her talking out her arse then?
Why be "so sad" you can't make something when you don't even know the dates? It's like she's just spewing words without actually checking to make sure her facts are correct.
No. 238022
File: 1485040590752.png (295.23 KB, 991x1394, SindyKinpatsu.png)

A cosplayer, Kinpatsu, had her FB page removed for some unknown reason and a fellow cosplay made a post on her page letting everyone know what happened, asking people to share it. While reading the comments on the post, I happened to come across this.
No. 238025
>>238022Cosplayer wants to help their friend
Sindy sees it as fishing for likes
Continues to accuse even after getting a reasonable answer
No. 238059
>>237977there is a term for people who believe in horoscopes.
single women.
just saying.
No. 238265
File: 1485093406779.png (19.88 KB, 449x318, Untitled.png)

>even anime live-action adaptions like DBZ movie make you a weeb
No one liked the live action Dragonball movie, so…
Also taking a one line comment that wasn't even about her drawing her own manga and making a convoluted status about it…
No. 238273
>>238265can this girl not go a day without some kind of rage? Does have have something legitimately wrong with her?
How can someone have so much negativity all day everyday to the degree where she HAS it write about it publicly?
I know she loves attracting drama to herself but seeing these caps almost on a daily basis is honestly just sad on her behalf.
No. 238274
>>238265>heh ok>heh>heh>70% of the planet are weebs>I would be a NEET1. gross. stop
2. Literally only ~50% of the population even has internet access let alone access to anime, let alone chooses to watch anime
3. Neet= "not employed, not engaged in housework, not enrolled in school or work-related training, and not seeking work" Why does she seem so proud and willing to admit to that, but is so offended by "weeb" lmao, NEET is much more of a derogatory term than weeb. At least you could be a weeb and have a job, do chores, go to school, etc.
No. 238359
File: 1485108130222.png (11.67 KB, 453x182, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 238375
>>238359>Shia lebouf has nothing going for himlel you would know what that's like.
>>238265>if i was anything it would be a NEETEh well at least you're being honest with everyone and stating that you do nothing with your life. So that's nice I guess.
No. 238499
>>238359Sindy hasn't got around to addressing how Trump apparently is implementing the death penalty for peadophiles
Considering she constantly defends peados and pervs, Trump senpai must've struck a nerve. Will we see her political allegiances take a drastic turn back to Clinton (as she was early 2016), or shall she pick and choose the things that suit her self interests. Find out next week (or in 5 minutes when she stops jerking off over this thread)
No. 238501
A little bit late on the Sindy-DeeCon drama, but it took a little while to get what I needed.
Asked around to see if I could find another vendor who'd pass on the T&C DeeCon compiled for vendors to agree to upon applying to sell at the convention. A T&C is a legally binding contract, at the very least, so she did have a contract with them.
I'll try finding the bit about DeeCon having the right to reject any applications for any reason, but for now, at least, the Copyright part.
>3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, DATA PROTECTION & THIRD PARTY’S RIGHTS 3.1 Each party shall satisfy itself as to the extent of and shall comply with its obligations and duties under the DPA and other applicable statutory or European Community provisions, regulations or guidance and each party shall ensure that it has given the relevant registrations and notifications under the DPA to enable it to comply with the provisions of the DPA. 3.2 Any use of DeeCON’s branding, logo or get-up shall only be permitted with DeeCON’s prior approval in writing. 3.3 Subject to any express provision of the Agreement to the contrary, none of DeeCON’s Intellectual Property Rights shall be transferred or affected in any way by the Agreement and no party shall acquire any right in relation thereto. 3.4 The Stall Holder will use its reasonable endeavors to ensure that the products they sell will not be in breach of any third party's rights including, without limitation, any rights in respect of defamation or reputation, confidential information or trade secrets, patent, copyright, design right, registered design, trademark, or other intellectual property rights. 3.5 The Stall Holder undertakes to indemnify DeeCON and to keep DeeCON fully and effectively indemnified against any claims by third parties for infringement of their rights by the Stall Holder as a result of the distribution or display of Advertisements under the terms of this Agreement.
I should point out 3.4 as the main issue for Sindy, as she has admitted to redrawing other peoples art to sell, which is still in breach of copyright. So, Sindy, having sold "redrawn" art in the past at DeeCon, was in breach of this part of the contract. DeeCon can, at the very least with that information, refuse to allow her to sell at the convention on the grounds that she has already breached a contract with them in the past and is likely to repeat it.
Sage for the fact it's a month old issue I was doing some digging about. Because chances are she's still salty over the issue.
No. 238513
File: 1485126996184.png (10.6 KB, 453x148, Untitled.png)

Oh boy who she vaguing about this time?
No. 238787
File: 1485178848899.png (88.59 KB, 351x549, Untitled.png)

>"I'm not pretty"
>"Lemme just post this Zodiac meme about how pretty I must be"
No. 238851
>>237985>>237993Funny that she's so concerned about a flippant comment on a site full of people she's never met, because she's constantly making violent threats towards people she actually knows.
>>238022She is stupid, because the sharing thing rarely works anyway. I know people who have had their cosplay featured on big pages and it's done nothing to boost their likes, nothing significant at all. People will genuinely stay around for the content, may it be good cosplay or just because they like tits. It's pretty much the reason why she's so salted, she makes shit content that few people are interested in. But oh yeah,
lets blame someone/something else for the fact I have no followers!. She's just acting as if she's
triggered here and being a victim as usual.
>>238359She's completely missing the point as usual. Lel.
>>238501You're 100% right anon. I don't think it's too late to still talk about it. I wonder if she will even turn up to DeeCon at all. I find it interesting that she thinks she has any kind of chance in winning in the competition, given the standard of entry that comes up every year. I hope she just doesn't bother, because we all know she's going to scream and shout if she gets nothing out of it and blame someone else.
No. 238957
File: 1485212608552.png (27.7 KB, 453x428, Untitled.png)

[a mix of muffled laughter and groaning]
No. 238960
File: 1485212943492.png (19.58 KB, 451x304, Untitled.png)

>>238022The comments she makes on her own page after SHE shared the post are completely different though. Like, be vile on a cosplay page where next to no one will know who you are, but be all nicey nice and supportive on your private page so friends don't see how much of a cunt you are?
Also, that Kerr guy is the one who feels up women without their consent, so I can imagine that's more likely the reason his page got reported
No. 238965
File: 1485213145046.png (35.9 KB, 404x469, Untitled.png)

>>238022Also samefagging, but an additional two comments made to this chain
No. 239218
File: 1485274959370.png (31.24 KB, 451x472, Untitled.png)

No. 239326
File: 1485296912561.png (79.78 KB, 454x263, hypocrisy.png)

>I dont like genderbends
>Let me just share this popular cosplayer who does genderbends page
Which one is it?
No. 239427
File: 1485308159722.png (9.52 KB, 448x128, Untitled.png)

Literal cringe
No. 239468
File: 1485315244657.png (31.45 KB, 449x563, Untitled.png)

We all know this shit's about Blake
No. 239471
File: 1485315348531.png (28.35 KB, 453x421, Untitled.png)

No. 239486
>>239468Thinking about it, obviously she doesn't
really care all that much about apologising, since she's content to wait 2 weeks to do it.
If your desire to apologise is sincere, you do whatever you can to actually apologise - you go through other people, you try their twitter, their instagram, any account you know they have, and you apologise there. You don't just wait 2 weeks until you "forget".
And if you can't do any of those things, you set a reminder on a calendar so you DON'T forget.
No. 239709
File: 1485353639903.png (34.17 KB, 453x528, Untitled.png)

No. 239713
File: 1485353834050.png (25.44 KB, 450x403, Untitled.png)

[loud laughter]
No. 239722
>sending them a text, or going through other people, would be nothing short of insulting to them.How is texting any different from sending a Facebook message?
Oh wait, it isnt any different. It would still be the same "insulting"
And I have a feeling it would be a lot less insulting than knowing you were content to wait 2 weeks because of that shit.
>i also think, in you putting my post on thier, the message will reach them anyway, as i think they may b one of the people talking about me.Why, then, would you want to go back to being friends with them, if they're posting about you? And laughing at you? At that, obviously not someone who cares about you then
No. 239743
>>239713Her entire "style" or whatever you want to call it is shit so it won't be ģoing anywhere anyway.
There's absolutely nothing original in her story that would make people interested in the first place, not to mention make them stay to read more than 2 chapters.
No. 239992
File: 1485400004843.png (30.89 KB, 454x439, Untitled.png)

Considering you're constantly vaguebooking about people, and it's all been screenshotted and posted here, I doubt they'd want to accept any apology you might try to muster up, sincere or not.
Actions speak louder than words, you're more than likely going to have to prove you mean the apology. Which we all know you can't do
No. 240440
File: 1485469988064.png (10.05 KB, 452x144, Untitled.png)

Can't wait
No. 240678 that old but gold shitfest of a profile
stuff like
>the awkurd moment wen u relise u been a bitch and its to late to do anything about it,
>wats up with all these teenage moms, buncha wee whores jeezo, ill make an accpetion for rape victims and actual cupples, but yeh wats up with all these whores
>AWESOME HAIR TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! actually cant wait, hoping to impress the male friends in collegeSeems she hasn't changed at all in the past 5 or so years
No. 240834
File: 1485548876619.jpg (24.71 KB, 506x256, knows.JPG)

>>240678soooooooooooo there's this
and here she'll come and say 'my fake friendships totally aren't for the sake of drama/gossip tehee'
No. 240837
File: 1485549146700.jpg (33.14 KB, 506x219, hmm.JPG)

No. 240851
File: 1485550458353.png (169.82 KB, 1240x1597, IMG_1962.PNG)

That page is gold
No. 241125
File: 1485594216072.png (32.46 KB, 451x429, Untitled.png)

How do words good?
No. 241312
File: 1485641946339.png (126.56 KB, 626x857, IMG_2634.PNG)

Is this a dig at Sindy I wonder
No. 241436
>>241125What does it even all mean?
>>241263Ugh why even bother going out if you're just going to moan about it all night and sit in a corner?
No. 241471
File: 1485673212804.jpeg (932.15 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpeg)

>>241284Managed to sneak this one
Not the best quality and lighting because phone camera, but still
No. 241535
>>241471why the fuck are you basically stalking this chick
you all profess to be better than her but then take creep shots like this and report on her movements. So while she she may have been drawing and being antisocial at this event, how are you any better? Sat there reporting on her and sneaking photos you're just as bad as her tbh lol
No. 241545
File: 1485697923031.png (36.19 KB, 451x462, Untitled.png)

I mean, with the heating thing, you're assuming they didn't mention it to others, who may have mentioned it to others, who may have mentioned it to others.
>>241535Stalking would imply they went just to report on her. They may have gone, saw she was there being an antisocial like last time (with the same basic complaints too). Also it's possible they did it because the other anon asked for sneaky pics. They could have gone, taken one sneaky pic to satiate the other anon, and spent the rest of the night enjoying themselves.
To some extent, a lot of people on lolcow are "stalking" the cows in some way to get information. OK it's usually online stalking, but that's probably because they don't know the cow personally?
No. 241725
File: 1485731215213.png (21.26 KB, 449x264, Untitled.png)

>>241708I'm assuming they mean being banned from her Jade account, since she ran back there.
On another note though, laughing at "don't call me without my permission". Like, maybe if you hadn't doxxed yourself, you wouldn't have people you don't want calling you having your number?
No. 241727
File: 1485731486996.png (637.52 KB, 902x536, 1111111.png)

>>241722Exact same hairstyle as her new profile picture, and Caitlin next to her with the wolf hat.
Pretty sure she's also inking a drawing, but they did say it wasnt the best quality because of lighting and phone camera, so
No. 241735
>>241727what the hell kind of hair style is that bitch looks like she just watched two episodes of Naruto and weebed the fuck out
also Caitlin tryna tell us she eats healthily with that rice, we know you got a hamburger stuffed down your bra girl
No. 241738
>>241735I mean rice is no healthier than bread, so…
And an odd outing to a Japanese restaurant doesn't mean the rest of her diet is going to be healthy
No. 241743
File: 1485733916576.jpg (1.65 MB, 960x1280, MYXJ_20170129021657_fast.jpg)

>>241735I don't get how it makes her a naruto weeaboo, it looks more koreaboo to me
No. 241759
File: 1485735693999.png (335.67 KB, 1242x1996, IMG_1984.PNG)

"Middle African"
No. 241767
> mainstream stuff like overwatchShe was going on about cosplaying D.Va at one point, so
> really weebish selfies See
>>241743Among other ones, of course
No. 241776
*It was supposed to say said
Since past tense
You're so paranoid anon
>>241771 No. 242064
>>242028Yu-Gi-Oh! Isn't mainstream, pokemon is
Kill la kill was mainstream 3 years ago, just like panty and stocking.
Theirs a difference between popular and mainstream anon.
I think when anon above said mainstream he meant all that usual cancer people cosplay from like fairytail, naruto, overwatch, lol
No. 242066
>>242064Missing SAO from your argument, never brought up Panty and Stocking either.
"Usual cancer" would refer to SAO too
No. 242069
>>242066No but I did since unlike you I actually see what she cosplaus,
Sindy cosplayed the asuna from sword art online season 2. Which is arguably less popular and easily recognised than her ginger persona in season 1.
Sarah wore the season one cosplay however right when sao was comming out. So if anybody is cosplaying for attention I would sooner point at her, who is definitely more cringeworthy than sindy.
That is what I meant when I said she could be so much worse
No. 242090
>>242069OK so why we name dropping Sarah when she had nothing to do with this? Hateboner much?
>cosplaus>commingC'mon, Sindy, you can do better than that
>No but I did since unlike you I actually see what she cosplaus, Her cosplay page and Facebooks are all public, we can all see what she cosplays
Honestly, if people enjoy the shit, they should cosplay from it. I don't personally have an issue with people cosplaying mainstream or niche things. It's more Sindy's attitude I have an issue with.
And as this popped up while I was typing the above
>>242076>pshyical>as still be worse>he'llNo one is stalking her, the anon just turned up to the event and she just so happened to be there too. That's not illegal now, is it? Going to the same event as Sindy?
No one is bullying her either, and if they are, she's just as big of a bully to other people, so I guess it evens itself out.
Never been any physical violence. No one has attacked her. Might have mentioned it in the thread that they wanted to, but no one actually has.
>you refuse to approach her in person because you know she'll kick off.Who wouldn't want to avoid approaching someone you know will kick off?
Except, the times people have approached her, she's scurried away with her tail between her legs. so.
>Otherwise don't be surprised if you all wind up in real trouble.For what, posting on an imageboard? For doing nothing illegal? Boy, can't wait to get in trouble for that
No. 242154
>>242145I mean I'm pretty sure most of the anons here have actual jobs, unlike Sindy
But A for effort, anon
No. 242193
Stop harassing the chicken in a sad attempt to make you feel better about your own poor life choices
No. 242424
>>242090You forgot
That's ok tho.
>shut the he'll up>>242076>If you really really wanted sindy to shut the he'll up, stop giving her the attention she loves getting. Just ignore her and she will go away.Sort of untrue as [strikethrough]you[/strikethrough] uh, sorry, Sindy, has come here and bumped up threads about her that had been dead for months.
>>242256Hi master troll Sindy.
>>242145It's possible to have a decent job and still be fascinated by internet weirdos. You probably wouldn't know that since you've never worked before.
No. 242561
>>242424ITT ; anyone who points out the blatant hypocrisy and pathetic behaviour of the anons in this thread is automatically accused of being Sindy
also deflecting any insults because they hit too close to home 0/10 poor response indeed
No. 242584
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No. 242585
File: 1485865359500.png (259.65 KB, 720x964, Screenshot_2017-01-31-12-18-59…)

No. 242586
File: 1485865410963.png (340.59 KB, 720x917, Screenshot_2017-01-31-12-19-04…)

No. 242609
>>242588Lol this.
>>242561Sorry yr inability to spell and punctuate properly is totes highly suspect too lol.
>>242594Babby's crying out for attention since the thread's been dead save for her and her asspatters. Aw.
No. 242656
>>242624>of seeing this worthless thread fill up the board>bumps the thread without sagingIf you've got an issue with it, why are you bumping it? Sage your shit or quit whining, anon.
I'm sick of seeing certain threads I see as worthless being bumped too, but I don't go bumping them because of it.
You don't like this thread, fine, but there's still milk around.
No. 242661
>>242659Failing at saging too
A for effort, anon.
Just furthers the concept you're just one of her whiteknights
No. 242669
>>242665How exactly do you know for sure they're "troll posts". Considering she's been making the same sort of posts since 2011, if not earlier.
If she was "only" trolling, maybe the whole community wouldn't dislike her? If it was all just trolling, why cast aside good friends just to "troll", unless of course they weren't deemed good friends to begin with?
Also, I'm no artist, so "salty artist", don't know how that applies here, other than the fact it's probably a hateboner for people she used to be friends with, like Holly.
No. 242678
File: 1485887582169.png (201.91 KB, 720x950, Screenshot_2017-01-31-18-28-45…)

No. 242688
File: 1485889159876.jpg (34.79 KB, 480x270, 1iphor.jpg)

As someone who used to take issue with Sindy, these threads are honestly more embarrassing than she is at this point. Clutching at straws because the milk stopped flowing.
Look at yourselves, sneaking photos at nightclubs to post to here as 'milk'? Seriously?
I think it's honestly the same 2 or 3 anons still trying to milk a dead cow rather than moving on.
inb4 I'm Sindy.
No. 242702
File: 1485891165583.jpg (18.05 KB, 275x155, 1485889159876.jpg)

I used to be friends with sindy a few years ago. I don't think she was ever really given a chance by the community you say hates her. I would constantly see people attacking her cosplays on her page or the mcm expo page calling her ugly or trashy. And it got so much worse when Karli stepped in. Having actually been around her at conventions/meets I think she is a nice person, but people just really seam to want to fight with her and put her down before she even gets up from the last attempt.
Even to this day Craig and karli still hassle her when she doesn't even provoke them. Of which she posted evidence
It's pathetic
And I could bet the people here are neither those same groups of people
Or 14 year olds who have never met her
The people putting caitlin down as well are scum tbh. You should be shot, just because she's sindy friend. How sad
Inb4 I'm sindy too
No. 242704
>>242702>Craig and karli still hassle her when she doesn't even provoke themCan't say anything about Craig hassling her, but Karli doesn't. Unless you got some solid evidence to prove it.
But also
>seamHi Sindy?
No. 242857
>>242853Pretty sure if you were with these "people" you'd know that it was one person, and that they did ask around before finding the number on here.
But A for effort
No. 243010
>>242843permition Hi sindy
I watched the prank but it's on prank dial where you can delete your number from the system
No. 243028
>>242845I'm actually so disappointed sindy Won worst troll award yesterday
It should have weny to to a better cow
This entite thread is garbage.
why are people actually bumping a thread where the worst the do us stalk her and prank her
Grow the fuck up
If you're gona do stuff to her try actually hitting her or actually speaking to her instead ofor thus childishness
Itt: white knighted must be sindy
No. 243042
>>243040 said, she avoids people at cons, clearly taking no responsibility for her actions and complains about people not coming to say things straight to her face. perhaps she should go to people who she has beef with and have a word with them instead.
No. 243043
File: 1485950948697.jpg (76.99 KB, 676x800, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>>243040Sindy nevery said she'd be pulling people up
She said they should go to her
And I think sindy may have been referring to xander kicking her around at nanashi.
So much justification for why you're too afraid to say anything to her. It's clear when she walks past you that she's choosing to be the bigger person instead of getting you both chucked out for squabbling like 10 year olds.
Isn't it true Alex and penmanship were threatening her at raicon overy Facebook but ignoring her as she walked by them at the same time
That's so fucking pathetic
It's obvious this is Alex/Lauren/Emma and the rest of them
I feel bad for jem and blake being acquainted with you, especially when sindy had blocked you and this is how you actually
the real cows No. 243052
File: 1485952586722.jpg (57.27 KB, 960x491, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

Jesus christ this is so petty
Mean chindy won't be friends with me on fb anymore so I'm gona post about her here and prankie her x333
If you wanna be pals with her again go and fucking message one of her 3 accounts instead of this shit
God she might even apologise if you act the bigger person
No. 243057
>>243053Well her past friends sang her passes at one point
Even laurel talks to her now
And David and caitlin have never had a problem
It takes 2 to fucking tango anon.
The fact you just wanna hateboner her forever shows how much of a cow you are
No. 243058
>>243043Magnus and Penman didnt threaten her lol. Also Xander bumped into her by mistake one time.
Oh yeah and Magnus doesnt know about this lolcow pish. He is mostly working so doesnt realy have time to come on these things.
No. 243062
>>243058More like he was shitfaced and trying to look big
You guys are so fucking autistic you can't even hit her properly
No. 243065
File: 1485954678197.png (165.45 KB, 720x803, Screenshot_2017-02-01-13-07-01…)

>>243053I have more respect to the person trying to make amense for drama than those bitterly seeking it out.
Tbh she's better off without you sadsacks in her life
No. 243066
>>243061you realise the person said "apparently"
there's no evidence proving what they said could be legit, they could just be talking shit
No. 243072
Grow the fuck up
You're on a site that constantly makes fun of autism. Why are you here if you can't fucking handle it
Fine to insult sindy but can't fucking take it when it's you
No. 243078
File: 1485957209768.jpg (58.57 KB, 960x960, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>>243068>>243072Kek, next she'll be wanting us to say that transgenders are real and not just a phase for attention
Only sindy would hang around with these fucking loosers
No. 243085
File: 1485957796804.jpg (26.55 KB, 720x651, FB_IMG_1485653615251.jpg)

>>24381Much you wanna bet this is Alex and penman lmao
Dont make fun of autism hurr durr
No. 243086
File: 1485957859675.jpg (17.96 KB, 600x458, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

> this thread >
No. 243101
>>242660lol sry did my one simple abbreviation cos i was in a hurry getting ready for work offend yr sensibilities?
get over yrself.
p.s. sindy's gonna dump yr ass too the second you stop patting hers, so maybe you should save yrself the effort.
No. 243104
File: 1485962189103.png (111.41 KB, 660x841, 20170201_151523.png)

>>243096Not sure what shes done to Penman. But she has been homaphobic towards Magnus and has threatned Magnus as well.
No. 243108
>>243104I like the idea of Sindy taking pity on anyone tbh.
That's hilarious considering where she's at in life.
She should be a comedian.
No. 243118
Oh look, this thread has gone to shit again because of Jenny coming with her asspatting buddies. It's hilariously obvious that it's all of them, because you only need to see that they're trying to misdirect the "drama" to people who only Jenny has been bringing up.
>>243040>>243104The irony is that she has spent the last 12 months talking about how you
can't just get someone kicked out of a con based on speculation. Most of the drama she's got going on is all made-up. There's maybe like half a dozen people at the most who she's actually had issues with and it's still not enough to warrant her reaction.
>>243043Jenny had almost zero contact with anyone at RaiCon. She decided to start running her mouth when she got home and tried to make up some nonsense about how she'd been bullied.
>>243048The asspatters are embarrassing and don't even realise they're the ones shitting up the thread lel
>>243058>>243061>>243062>>243066All baseless speculation. Gonna call and say that's because it
never happened, but try again Jenny. Maybe if you keep adding more arms and legs to your story, then people might believe you!
>>243065You do realise that the people who she's always trying to cause drama with have either given her a chance or don't actually have an issue with her? How fucking dense do you need to be to realise that all the petty drama is all inside her head and that 99% of people don't want anything to do with her because all she lives to do is try and cause misery to other people. This is precisely the reason she got a thread in the first place, all the shitting up in the thread is secondary if you actually consider half of what she believes and says. I feel more sorry for the innocent people who are constantly getting name-dropped here when they've done nothing to warrant it.
No. 243157
>>243135Her mother is an utter cow though, even caitlin was fighting her off with a twig and she even started on hayley when she commented on caitlins post
It's so cringy
No. 243159
>>243118Thier is no drama though.. it's all fucking vendetta. Hence the reason Alexanders cronies are here defending her and licking her arse.
We get that none of them have a problem with sindy bit doesn't that make the anons look even fucking saltier
Leg humping thier friends to get in thier good books really makes me question how liked they really are
No. 243163
>>243162Nice try cuckaroo
Why does everyone here have to be sindy if they disagree?
No. 243165
>>243163Well for one
>>243159Can't use the correct form of "there/their/they're", only uses "thier", which isn't even spelt correctly.
Plus using the wrong pronouns on purpose.
No. 243176
File: 1485975263394.jpg (27.76 KB, 682x802, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>>243174Nobody fucking cares
No. 243180
File: 1485975567752.jpg (24.99 KB, 480x480, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>this thread
No. 243186
File: 1485977080246.png (22.56 KB, 502x281, wat.png)

I'm pretty sure the police ain't caring about some vague photo posted on the internet (if this story is even true lmao). Also, it's not stalking? Someone who happened to be at the same event took a photo in a public place. As far as i'm aware, there aren't any laws broken here. You can't even tell if it's actually her in the photo.
No. 243204
File: 1485980805389.png (617.44 KB, 720x1127, Screenshot_2017-02-01-20-25-02…)

>people who hate sindy
No. 243213
>>243186>>243197How is it bait? Anon is right. I think the original person who posted it is a salty tryhard, but it's not a police matter.
>>243204>>243202>>243198>>243197Sindy, stop embarrassing yourself and we'll stop milking the teats.
No. 243218
>>243213She's baiting you
Why would she got to the police now after her intervening. She's get told no. This post is just to
trigger your
Everything she posts is to
trigger you.
You are laughing at her laughing at you laughing at her bait
No. 243220
>>243217Do it already then
But when he says he has no idea you will have annoyed him nothing
Such a good friend
No. 243231
File: 1485985067848.png (31.83 KB, 515x305, a response.png)

>>243217>>243220I got a friend of a friend to ask, as a scapegoat and to keep my cover. This was the response they got from him.
Doesn't seem annoyed. Also doesn't say she asked him out, but confirms he didn't ask her out, which is what Sindy implies he did in the following posts:
>>229561>>229802>>229817>>229843>>229901GG Sindy. David didn't like you, you liked him. Lies all round
No. 243236
>>243231'to keep my cover'
you're winding up some woman-child from kilmarnock not infiltrating the FBI lmao
No. 243241
File: 1485986991907.png (160.8 KB, 720x884, Screenshot_2017-02-01-22-08-35…)

She posted this on her fb page to friends only
No. 243251
>>243245I'd question why blake was even talking to him about it
Isnt blake supposed to be above drama
No. 243253
>>243251Blake wasn't the one who messaged David in
>>243231Jeez you're a moron.
No. 243255
File: 1485988634676.png (134.84 KB, 561x925, Screenshot_2017-02-01-22-36-08…)

>>243251Blake is utterly full of shit
No. 243266
File: 1485989134463.png (150.4 KB, 697x925, Screenshot_2017-02-01-22-41-44…)

Blake didn't send these
His friends did
No. 243268
File: 1485989209115.png (163.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-22-36-08…)

Last one
No. 243270
>>243266Even before Blake watched the trailer/show and the character pictures surfaced online he was saying he would cosplay Victor, I'm sure.
Canny be a weeby as Sindy and her weird arabian shite.
No. 243275
File: 1485989759682.png (109.47 KB, 648x745, Untitled.png)

Aye, ok pal.
No. 243276
>>243275That's fucking hilarious lmao
Blake really does love drama
No. 243277
>>243276but yet says he doesn't get amongst it.
Love how butthurt people get about a little lolcow thread.
No. 243279
>>243275No one going to mention how Blake has cheated on every single one of his gfs? Nikki, Vicky, that other bitch
yet all the weebs act like he's some fucking amazing, decent person rightok
No. 243282
>>243278More than that, it screams 'I'm the victim'
but the drama has so many sides, it's an octodecagon.
>>243279Their 'sempai' hilarious.
No. 243286
>>243281She does yea but only she seams to pay for it
Glad this fake bitch is finally being called out
No. 243291
>>243284She/he/whatever cheated on Vikki at a convention, got drunk off her face and fucked some guy.
Dunno the details with Nikki though.
No. 243293
>>243291Dumped nicking like a log after she traveled all the way from Manchester to see her. Sent her home at 10pm on a 5 hour buss to Manchester
Proceeded to beg for attention while I was was calling nikki 24/7 as she got home
No. 243295
>>243288>>243290>>243292Whats wrong
Don't like it when it's your friend? If sindy is game so are the rest
No. 243296
>>243293Oh yeah. Nikki was a depressed wreck for months after that.
Beks meanwhile posted 'pls pity me' statuses the entire time and all the cosplayers worshipped the ground she walked on and totally disregarded Nikki. The entire time she was only ever known as 'Bek's girl' and people actually approached her at nanashi and meets and addressed her as such. Beks is a fucking scumbag.
No. 243298
>>243294It's an absolute fucking shame
Same for hayley. She devoted herself to blake. But as soon as flake showed her true colours dumped hayley and said
What did I do
I'm an idiot
Poor me
No. 243299
>>243298Like: pity me, I'm the victim.
Sorry, not joining your pitiful pity party.
No. 243302
File: 1485991557009.png (32.08 KB, 635x268, Untitled.png)

>>243298Yet another pity me post.
No. 243304
>>243299I can't fucking stand her anymore
Soon as this community joins sindy and wises up to her the better
Have you seen her instagram
She is so fucking messed up
She actualy believes she's Japanese
She constantly deleted posts when she doesn't get 5+ likes
She is so fucking spoiled too
Talks about her job, yeah it's not a real job… she's not mentally capable. It's a job here stop mother gives her out of pity
No. 243311
>>243307I think blake is considerably worse
I mean I was with them a lot and sindy did do a lot for her. Bout her stuff planned stuff
Blake threw her away for Jem
Another cow
No. 243314
>>243310Jesus is she on esa too
New she couldn't hack a real fucking job. It was her stepmotherstay pity
No. 243321
>>243304Beks is a disgusting cheating slag, she went to Japan once and thinks its her "2nd home", she constantly deletes instagram posts and has to make a damage controlling status 5 mins after about how 'sad' she is to try to come up with an excuse for deleting posts
Cheated on every single gf she had in the past, yet shares "inspirational quote" shit as if it means something when she's a fucking slag
Every time she does something bad, she needs to make a status to come up with an excuse
Cheated on gf? "Im so sad and troubled!!!!"
Wants uguu desu cute Jap bf? "I love Japan!!! my 2nd home!!!"
Deleted insta posts? "Are people ignoring me???"
This is all absolute proof she's a mentally fucked retard who needs an excuse every time she acts like a disgusting human being whilst in the mean time her band of tranny friends suck her ass off to make her "feel better"
Bottom line is, enough people know the truth about you Beks, you scummy fuck
No. 243323
>>243317Yea sindy is on esa but we already knew that
Blake had the fucking audacity to say to her at least I work for my money
No. 243324
>>243319Probably is, that's why he keeps posting 'rage statuses'.
Fuck off and grow a pair.
>>243316 just cayse you're on ESA isn't an excuse for shit.
No. 243326
this needs discussed
No. 243329
>>243324Step one - post a status seeking pity party and playing victim
step two - people message inquiring to as reason behind status, link them said lolcow thread but 'i don't wanna waste my time/say anything because muh feelings'
step three - sit back with that shit eating grin and watch her flying monkeys rage away in her defense
at least Sindy has a backbone (fucked as it may be) and can attempt to fight her own battles.