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No. 2062735

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>2032879

Mark is fat and ugly >>2037045
Steven Universe artist tried to sell Rebecca Sugar's NSFW drawings >>2037190
Twitterfags tried to cancel a MLP artists for drawing a horse's hair wrong >>2039352
MLP G5 is ending, leaks for G6 are out >>2040579
The pixar lolicon vtuber tried to rebrand >>2041394
Velma is cancelled >>2043740
Bolhem Bouchiba, a top animator at Disney & Pixar ordered the rape of hundreds of young girls (ages 3-15) in the Philippines through live streaming >>2044443
Lackadaisy creator accused of defending a transphobe. >>2049879
Blackgryphon wrote a song about fucking sweetie belle >>2053151
Zeurel released monkey wrench episode 4, no one cared >>2056127
episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur got scrapped because of Donald Trump winning the election >>2056654
Aang made a response to Jane(weird troon who might have molested his 5yo sister) >>2058896

No. 2062808

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No. 2062809

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Sad to see promising artists lose exclusively to coom

No. 2062829

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a fujotif artist who worked on arcane, reaction to the creator of aracane stating that viktok and jayce are straight

No. 2062845

Did she work in Arcane too? I thought she went famous for her boring comic.

No. 2062871

The trailer for the 4th episode of TADC is out.

No. 2062915

They make trailers for one episode like it's a full season. I kinda get the hype for the show. Bright colors and coomer pleasing designs for the autistic viewers. I don't think the show is bad, but amazed by the hype

No. 2062943

when will this ugly shit die

No. 2062989

Definitely not explodikid kek, she doesn’t have the skill for arcane and the only thing to her name is the webtoon. Eveningmonteiro was a character designer for arcane though.

No. 2062997

Why does the thumbnail look ai generated?

No. 2063213

>I don't think the show is bad
Think again.

No. 2063292

Yeah, girl, fujos are hated for a reason.

No. 2064002

I hate shipping culture so much. It ruins every fandom without fail. I am one of those people who will gladly shill this show but I stay far away from fandom spaces.

No. 2064273

Kek that's what i was thinking!
I don't have much resentment towards fujos, but fujotifs are a different breed of crazy. Give it like 5 days before xitter gay boi tifs start talking about "erasure"

No. 2064912

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Kyle Carrozza's final sentencing

No. 2064990

what the fuck, why are they letting this pedo walk free? Do you think he's going to commit suicide? i genuinely have no idea what else this useless fatso can do but draw(poorly)

No. 2065006

Maybe he’ll focus on his career as a “comedy musician” lmfao
Wouldn’t be shocked if he kills himself, his animation career was all he had. His wife is gone, all of his associates have disavowed him. Should have thought about that before starting that CP collection.

No. 2065009

There is no justice in this world, I swear. How the fuck does a pedo with that much CSAM get to walk away with a 2 year probation and a few slaps on the wrist? Suicide is too gentle for these wastes of oxygen.

No. 2065108

Agreed. The only thing on here that makes sense as an outcome is registering as sex offender, but I don't know if that affects him permanently or if he's off the list in 2 years. Does he have connections in government or something? Because I've never seen a more "slap on the wrist" set of charges in my whole damn life, considering the crime.

No. 2065919

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I can't believe some people in unironically like this,this shit looks soulless.its basically glorified Cocomelon garbage.

No. 2066133

Kek even as a kid i thought Magiswords emitted weird creepy vibes. Pedos can be detected indirectly through the autism they create.

No. 2066179

Agreed. I thought the concept was fun but the artsyle was so ugly I passed on it.

No. 2066204

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Anyone seen Jentry Chau vs the Underworld? How are you liking it? From what I can glean from the trailer and audience reactions it seems like the romance plot is going to be annoyingly retarded

No. 2066214

what the fuck is this show even about? why are they working in bootleg mcdonalds all of a sudden?

No. 2066279

Mcdonalds uniforms are popular with Twitter coomers. This show always felt latently sexual.

No. 2066431

It literally looks like these children's videos or games. Like you said - soulless, empty and hollow.
Kek how long till he gets caught doing something inappropriate and gets tons of videos and call out posts? People who do shit like that have billions of skeletons in the closet.

No. 2066435

Watching it rn. It’s underwhelming but not too bad. I think the character designs are neat, and I like how they incorporate Daoist mythology and Chinese culture. I also think the romance is nice even if it’s kind of corny and predictable, the love triangle is cute IMO. In terms of animation it’s pretty weak, very stiff and also feels a little rushed. I’m only halfway through it though interested to see where it goes. The idea of another Asian American Buffy the Vampire Slayer is fine, just kinda interesting we got 3 shows exactly like it.

No. 2067408

Monkey Wrench episode 4 is out,have any nonnas seen it yet?

No. 2067450

Do you not know about his head drilling fetish?

No. 2067585

Samefag,this episode was meh,at least the animation was cool.Im glad those annoying and unfunny astronaut cats didn't appear since they add nothing to the plot whatsoever.I hate the obvious furbait with the furry cat girl though.Shrike is an annoying,useless jackass as always and the series would do better without him seriously though,who actually likes him??Replace him with Tyneen (the blue dino alien) then I'll actually recommend this to my friends.

No. 2067598

So has anyone else watched this pilot? I've watched it last month but I honestly found it boring and unfunny way too immature as well.

No. 2067605

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character looks like a 1:1 ripoff of pipi

No. 2067619

This is incredibly stupid but i thought that boy kissing her was a butch lesbian and im gravely disappointed

No. 2067623

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Going off this one episode, it's not that bad? I like the animation. Compared to vizziepops eye bleeding fujo vomit and the goose tranny slop, it's alright. It's hilarious but sad that no one cares about it.

No. 2067670

Art style reminded me of Velma. I was almost scared there was going to be a third season.

No. 2067712

i hate how the moid is so realistic but the girls all look like toddlers

No. 2067718

AYRT, yes I do but it didn't seem to really sway the public. Matter of fact some came to his defense.

No. 2067758

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it feels like kids' cartoons these days are being made to impress fellow adults rather than entertain children. shit has a dark aura.

No. 2067760

Every single time there's a therapyspeak "moral" about how it's okay to have feelings, my eyes roll to the back of my head because I can picture the EXACT Xitter posts they used as inspiration to write the scene. I know kid's cartoons have always had morals but you can just tell when it's made for the "these discussions are so important!" crowd.

No. 2067761

Blog but this reminds me of how I watched SheRa with my younger cousin and she was absolutely OUTRAGED that everyone forgave Catra for "being mean" kek

No. 2067764

Any man who draws in the magiswords art style is guaranteed to be a rapist.

No. 2067780

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>every male character is ugly as fuck
>95% of female characters, including background characters, are cute/hot

not hard to see why this isn't popular. if you look at other indie animations that made it big (hazbin, lackadaisy, digital circus) they all have at least one character that appeals to women. this guy made his 2 main characters painfully ugly. kara also sucks as a character. one dimensional strongwoman furrybait. boring but she's the only reason it has an audience of neckbeard males

No. 2067810

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The one thing about this that makes me so happy is how magiswords was always unsuccessful, hated and everyone forgot about it. Im tired of pedohiles having successful lives prior to or even after getting exposed.

No. 2067812

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Im laughing so hard. He's shaped like that Pou thing.

No. 2067833

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No. 2067873

What gets me about this show is… given that it’s so expensive to make, why insist on having the plot move at such a glacial pace? Shrike gets one line of what could maybe be considered character development, we get a hint at what Beebs’ backstory might be (potentially troon shit) other than this the plot seems to have barely moved forward. I don’t get it at all.

No. 2067891

>Magiswords style
Too specific, nonny. Magiswords is clearly inspired by John K. John K inspired style of cartooning in general is the mark of the devil.

No. 2067892

Is it just me or does this seem like a passive aggressive flex from the more popular creator kek
Ah yes, he John K style is what I meant kek. Sex offender art phenotype.

No. 2067964

funny you say that because this era has a dark aura too with john k and the degenerate rugrats storyboards

do't ever compare pou to that thing again

No. 2067992

>degenerate rugrats storyboards
arlene klasky (the creator) had a lot of conflict with the writers about this. She was a hippie mom who thought the stories should be wholesome and about growth, while the mostly male writing staff thought they knew better than her, the fact that the quality of the show declined after she left after the third season proved her right

No. 2068026

The moid writers were obsessed with Angelica. Arlene wasn't happy with how mean she was, and the writers pretty much labeled her as a dumb hippie mom obsessed with goo goo gaga widdle babby adventures with no conflict! You can tell those writers were pedos. And frankly even as a small kid, I fucking hated Angelica. Arlene did nothing wrong

No. 2068032

moids are so evil

No. 2068067

It’s funny that Kyle getting outed didn’t just end his career but also cut short the careers of orbiters like Luke Ski and Malcolm Thomas, two NGMIs who thought they’d have a free ride into the industry as long as they clung onto Kyle long enough for one of his 5000 other pitches to be greenlit lol

No. 2068106

Episode is out now

No. 2068118

AI-generated images and Blender/3D-rendered stuff both have a similar “look,” maybe because of the high-contrast shading that looks too perfect

No. 2068201

I was thinking that kek, it's Pipi's much less adorable inbred cousin

No. 2068208

Episode was like Dream’s mask music video.

No. 2068210

Bad as usual. The troon's mindbreak fetish was really in your face this episode. There are hints of yuribait because of course… there are some "horror" moments that are FNAF tier and then there's a cringy ass scene where the mask character tries to kill herself. There's a scene where Ragatha gets thrown in the deep frier and I'm sure the troon jerks off to that idea.

No. 2068389

i finally got why this show looks so bad! there are no textures. pomni's hair and hat and jax's skin? fur? look like they are made of the same material, for example. and then there's the lighting that is super detailed highly realistic… well, maybe not that much, but it definitely doesn't go with the unrealistic cartoony enviroment.

what the fuck happened to the chess guy? knowing goosetroonx, it doesn't sit well with me that jax is now the only guy participating and that he's actively the only one being rude to the rest of the (female-dominated) cast.

No. 2068395

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Nice ripoff you got there!Zeurel.

No. 2068475

not disagreeing since i also hate goosetranny and his show is creepy, but apparently jax was apparently originally going to be a girl with the same role in the story (also the main jester was meant to be a guy) don’t know why it was changed though

No. 2068588

>(also the main jester was meant to be a guy) don’t know why it was changed though

No. 2068684

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>trying to insert a throuple in a TV-Y7 show
Why are artists for kids’ animation like this kek.
At least this coomer fucked off from children’s shows and made Enceladus V which crashed and burned and now she’s pivoting to drawing porn >>2058753 >>2058879 >>2061275

No. 2068694

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Gangle was fucking annoying (as usual)and even was more annoying in the EP almost stopped watching it because of her.This shit isn't even scary just pathetically try hard honestly Gangle should have just died it wouldn't have made a difference in this multicolored slop anyways.lame

No. 2068695

I thought another writer said Cass was a lesbian?

No. 2068696

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Does anyone remember the whole Amphibia controversy with some questionable fanart? She defended it and was also involved in that.its super old and she was blocking a lot of people and I think one of her friends even threatened to blacklist some people from the animation industry.yeah I have never liked her,she was always a pretentious asshole.

No. 2068697

Classic case of an attention whore who doesn't like the attention she gets for being retarded kek

No. 2068698

>Tee-hee I snuck in my ship
This is why people need to stop taking whatever animators and storyboarders say as canon

No. 2068720

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Anyone have more context on picrel? From what I can understand, this seems to be related to the animation guild, and she voted yes to accept a contract agreement. A few fellow animators seem to be disappointed in her.

No. 2068750

I can sympathize with the cause but most LA animators come from rich families that can help them take the hit when they don't have work. I don't know if Anna is of the same since she's not from calarts

No. 2068792

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I fucking knew it, there was so much weirdness with these three and so many shitbait scenes between cass and eugene and rapunzel and cass and of course so many shots of the three of them

No. 2068851

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that walrus reminds me of a fat Gondola
Overall on the animation, I don’t like how it looks like it was made on fire alpaca

No. 2068860

flashgitz has released a new episode of their warhammer rip-off and it actually disgusted me. the whole "joke" of this episode was a young boy getting horribly multialted and screaming in pain, you have to be a sociopath to think this was funny

No. 2068878

So lame.Everything about this is just miserable in the most unfunniest ways.Its like the uploaded wanted to be like Rick and Morty but couldn’t even be bothered to at least try being moderately amusing.

No. 2068898

This is so ugly,I can't imagine any merch of this shit let alone a plushie.I wonder why the tards at 4chan praise this so much?

No. 2068900

4chan tards don’t have taste,I thought this was established.

No. 2068969

This is really cool, wish we had more of this less of tranny clown and tranny demon shows.

No. 2068970

they both are pedophiles

No. 2068986

btw this is the "Storyboard Anon" who posts on /co/ that was mentioned last thread >>2058814 >>2058879 >>2058959

this is the regarding a vote to ratify The Animation Guild's proposed contract with the AMPTP. there are no AI protections for artists in the contract so most people have announced they're voting NO. this includes some of the more outspoken voices in animation like Alex Hirsch and Matt Braly. i think this anon is on the right track though >>2068750 i imagine more of the well-known show creators are in more generous positions than most..

No. 2069029

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sorry for double posting but it seems like she’s in some new twitter discourse now. i don’t know anything about arcane so i don’t know if she’s being “based” or whatever. sometimes her opinions are fine i think she just has a really obnoxious way of going about it.

No. 2069031

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Someone really needs to do background checks these folks

No. 2069033

do you have proof or are you making shit up?

No. 2069037

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She posted in /co/ again recently, she admitted had no faith in her animation before she released it and barely advertised it because of that.
Looking him up, I guess I can’t judge her for being desperate for money, but kek. Considering her post on the animation guild situation, I guess she’s trying for both an industry job and a porn art career? Not that odd I think, just funny how open she is about it on twitter under her full name.

Honestly this entire thread from her sounds like bait kek. The initial post and caption seem like she was going for controversy, and her additional comments sound like she’s egging people on to angrily reply to her. And it worked, it got way more attention and likes than her other caitvi art where they’re more intimate. Maybe she should consider a career in ragebait to carry her art lmao

No. 2069039

moids who derive humor from hurting children are pedophiles

No. 2069042

It's no wonder she's out of a job

No. 2069043

>throuple gay agenda
>it’s every moid’s poly ffm fetish of being sandwiched between his gf and another girl she has ~lesbian tension~ with
Imagine if people actually made girls’ shows for girls and not 20-40yo spicy straights and queers

No. 2069047

its a moidlet so who cares, maybe if it was a girl

No. 2069080

although the humor is 2edgy4u 2000s shit i really like the backgrounds (but come on atleast change the Warhammer bootleg armour), and chestnut is kind of a likeable character

No. 2069195

Yeah the ship is really fucked up with a big power imbalance and the one that's kneeling, Vi, is the one who's mistreated and gave up her principles for the other one. Anna is such a coomer.

No. 2069227

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First it was the infamous MG ep. Then this. If it was a common cartoon about mixed teams, no one would care.

>A spokesperson for Disney confirmed that the story arc was removed and provided the following statement to THR: “When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline.”

No. 2069232

>Tranny storyline
>About sports
Of course. They're really dead set on declaring war against women's sports, huh? So sinister how they always wanna make these cutesy stories about "disabled black trans children" like they're not hulking 7ft tall grown men splitting women's skulls and then bragging about it.

No. 2069234

When is this art style finally going to fucking die

No. 2069236

Not saying she isn't an idiot but goddamn, why fandom spaces have to moralfag over everything

No. 2069245

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So who is it? I’m betting either the blond is a tim or the magenta hair is an enby

No. 2069247

>If it was a common cartoon about mixed teams, no one would care.
true, remember when they told us girls can be as good as boys? no more of that i guess.

my bet's on the balloonhead next to the coach or the lanky tall guy next to the purple haired girl.

No. 2069251

Is Disney shitting panta because of Trump? They were 100% on tranny train before, why suddenly this?

No. 2069269

>why suddenly this?
Either theres going to be some liz Fong Jones type shit about to be revealed in Disney so this is damage control or their trying to appeal to the majority of parents who actually pay for their shit (I doubt it) or.. trump said something and they're trying to appeal to conservatives

No. 2069270

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And in a cutesy style, noneless, like if a boy didn't have a difference from a girl.

Even in Moon Girl the "Girls can be as good as boys" was stained by the infamous tranny character, the uncomfortable hijabi girl and the "evil Karen". Girls can be good as boys, but boys dressing as girls because they suck in sports are more valid than girls.

My bet is also the purple haired girl is a NLOG, same with the girl on the left of the coach. Probably the guy clapping like an idiot is the TIM.

No. 2069271

If it's a co-ed team in the story, I guess that's not as bad. But gendershit doesn't belong in children's media, period. We shouldn't normalize an ideology that sterilizes preteens for being autistic, gay, or GNC.

No. 2069276

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Besides the trope of "mixed team" is older than black thread, see picrel and >>2069270. Why do they need to add gender shit?

No. 2069287

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It was a TIM, I don't think he was featured on any of the promo images. Here's the description from the episode.
>The episode features the character Kai, a transgender girl on the team struggling with and working through her dysphoria with the help of her teammates.

No. 2069290

incredibly lame, LMAO. the bathroom scene is too real, and not in the way they planned to. i'm really curious on how the dysphoria scenes would've looked like in the final product though.

No. 2069291

We saw it in MG: The girls being fine and dandy with the TIM.
And lol I expected the blonde guy be the TIM.

No. 2069322

Every major media CEO is meeting with Trump right now and preparing to kiss the ring. Trans stuff in kids media is about to go way down but so is anything else that could be regarded as “DEI”.

No. 2069324

Was this removed because of tranny hysteria at the idea that they don't pass, or was it removed because Disney knows that there might be pushback, was it because China doesn't like trannies? My money is on the first reason. So many animators are gendies and they all shit themselves any time there's tranny representation anywhere because their entire identities revolve around suffering, but showing the suffering is tranny violence somehow, and showing them happy is tranny violence erasure, and nobody wins.
It's hilarious that Kai the TIM can only convince himself that he's a girl when handmaidens come to aid his delusions along.
It's set to air in February next year, it's weird that they pulled the tranny storyline out so late. Either the backlash was intense or this is a publicity stunt to make gendie adults watch this show. I hope they don't put the storyline back in, fuck telling kids that they're not good enough unless they fit a stereotype.

No. 2069333

Why does the black girl have such wide hips? It's not that she's chubby because she has skinny arms. She looks like an adult midget, not a preteen.

No. 2069339

It's Cocomelon for trannies.

No. 2069344

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>It's hilarious that Kai the TIM can only convince himself that he's a girl when handmaidens come to aid his delusions along.

No. 2069352

The little girl causing his breakdown, the "I'm poor widdle girl", the they way he sees himself as a hulking male… all of this makes me feel so horrendous, but I'm not eloquent enough to explain it well. I want to alog so bad… It is almost like a PERFECT timoid self insert

No. 2069358

Imagine being that weak that seeing a little girl gives you a breakdown.

No. 2069362

Is he supposed to be the kid with pink hair and braces? If so he's 100% pedo bait. Braces and pink hair reminds me of belle delphine, also that faggot astolfo. He stands out from the otherwise normal group of characters.

No. 2069367

Ayrt, repeating myself but just like I said: it is a PERFECT self insert for tims. The entire thing feels manipulative and gross. I'm pretty sure some timothy was on animation team and based the character on himself.
Forgot to even mention how ugly the cartoon is. Sure it looks like your average 3d big company movie and we've been getting them since 2010s, but this style feels like it's almost trying to mimic that 2010s style. Like some weird simulacra shit.

No. 2069375

Pretty sure it’s the blonde kid with the big nose on the left of the promo image

No. 2069382

It all started with Disney's spat with the governor of Florida. DeSantis would have heavily taxed Disneyworld if Disney didn't back off against the don't say gay bill I recall, tho I miss the details. So they did, and since then they've been very touchy about queer material in their shows

No. 2069411

Ot and don't mean for this to descend into fandom stuff but for me it's the hypocrisy from the creators. Look at this totally inclusive lgbt lesbian relationship but it's abusive lesbian couple #1373 because media refuses to make a healthy lesbian couple but gay men and bis always get the uwu soft and fluffy.

No. 2069430

Is the blonde kid, but I bet that the pink haired one is a NLOG.

No. 2069437

Wait, since when was Disney on the tranny train? I thought they kept playing it safe and didn't even dare touch on gay representation, much less something as controversial on all sides as trannies.

No. 2069539

The way he moves and acts is so faggy. Why go to the girls' restroom if you know you're gonna make everyone and yourself uncomfortable? Mental illness.

No. 2069559

>All those handmaidens and adults being so nice
What's the point of portraying such a idealized version of school? That's not how things work irl(sage your shit)

No. 2069570

They would have made the boy be gay and shown that no matter if he loved girly stuff, he was good in the sport, but nooooo let's show a tim rather than a faggot.

No. 2069599

Yeah, all of their LGBTQ rep has been 'this background character with no lines has 2 dads!' and it's as far as they've been willing to go with any sort of representation. The sudden inclusion of trannies, the amount of work that went into it before the troonshit was pulled, and the uproar about it, really makes me think that a TIM animator hijacked a series Disney gave no shits about and this crap was only removed at the last minute. Then he got butthurt, sold the story to someone who cared, and here we are.

No. 2069660

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I doubt it was written by a TIM. TIMs are more into magical girls/full girl team than "mixed team" thing. If that were the case, I can assure you that none of the "boys" are TIF/NB because they don't care about women in general.

No. 2069674

This show would instantly improve tenfold if it wasn't made by a coomer. I like the concept but knowing half the content is the creator's fetish fuel ruins it.

No. 2069700

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Oh my god… There are so much screencaps with this "throuple"!

No. 2069739

eugene is the worst part about this show, it should have been varian instead

No. 2069828

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This led me to go down a rabbit hole of tangled series drama, afaik hasn’t been posted in these threads, but I’m not an actual fan and just repeating based off screenshots and what other fans said so feel free to correct me
>Showrunner Chris Sonnenburg saw Cassandra as his waifu
>Hated that Varian became the most popular character, his reasons being “this is rapunzel’s story” and “you’re missing the point of the show”
>But actually he was pissed Varian became more popular than Cass
>Openly hated on Varian fans and got banned from Tangled fan discord
>show’s writing got screwed over because of his boner for Cass and hateboner for Varian
>Creeped on this lesbian couple, particularly the woman who cosplayed Cass
>later went to work for the Daily Wire

No. 2069831

File: 1734629598534.jpg (1.3 MB, 2075x3998, kill men 2.jpg)

Her wife, the Cass cosplayer, posted a thread about Chris too. https://x.com/solarsailerz/status/1559334192307208193

There’s more details in the thread (it’s pretty long) but here’s a compilation of Chris Sonnenburg being a creep. By the way, this guy has a wife and 2 daughters. He claimed he was inspired by his daughters’ friendship with eachother and other girls to develop Cass as a friend for Rapunzel.

No. 2069844

I remember fans being really confused about how varian was completely sidelined, considering he had such a massive role originally. It's like he got a rushed redemption arc and became a background character after that. also, did this middle-aged man not realize that teenage girls would prefer the angsty, teenage male character rather than his forced lesbian couple?

No. 2069861

What a disgusting creep,typical of crusty ugly moids being jealous of cute young male characters being popular than the rest of the cast.why am I not surprised?

No. 2069869

File: 1734639636874.jpeg (154.34 KB, 1069x2160, 9d8cd9d6-9610-4361-b35c-51a918…)

cass is for varian(off topic)

No. 2069962

File: 1734661380016.jpeg (327.05 KB, 1170x1375, IMG_4817.jpeg)

There’s also this story submitted to the stories_of_tag Instagram by the other board artist that worked on the Varian spinoff pitch with Anna.

No. 2069963

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No. 2069965

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No. 2069967

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No. 2070069

File: 1734706328756.jpg (2.11 MB, 2939x3995, chris sonnenburg must die.jpg)

>she deactivated her account
Kek wtf, is this just a coincidence or did someone send her this thread. I forgot to actually archive the xitter link but I got shots of all the posts at least

God this is psychotic, my condolences to her. Sonnenburg at least is blacklisted but I wonder who those other execs are (same ones listed on the series wiki article?), they may still be around

No. 2070070

File: 1734706570882.jpg (146.42 KB, 1080x1920, old bald man jealous of 14 yea…)

Back when he drunkenly leaked the blue Cass concept art
He’s so pathetic kek

No. 2070139

This is absolutely disgusting,I’m shocked even a STORYBOARD of this scene went through.This is as slimy as the cancelled Moongirl episode.”Don’t worry helpless little girl,that boy in the bathroom is actually a boy and you can’t make him feel bad because you’ll hurt his emotions” is such a horrible message to young girls.I don’t think I’ve seen such blatant indoctrination in children’s media before.And somehow this is seen as Disney being anti-troon.I can’t wait until this movie goes the way of Strange World.

No. 2070142

File: 1734728764916.png (94.43 KB, 257x222, knock me out pls.PNG)


I love this movie. I haven't watched the show but I've seen parts of it and it looks cute. You know, things like this make this thread simultaneously one of my favs and most hated on all of LC. I love the milk, but it increases my misanthropy by a factor of garillion too. Can't there be at least one person out there who works on a cartoon who is just a chill boring person. Somebody just normal about kids, and family programming, and is mentally ill on their own time in a benign way that has nothing to do with kids or animation. Jfc. If something comes out about the people at Cartoon Saloon I'm toast.

No. 2070183

I think it's a TV show not a movie, also
>Don’t worry helpless little girl, that boy in the bathroom is actually a boy

No. 2070185

most everyone agrees that season one is really good (probably because there was some oversight), but seasons two and three really felt like bad fan fiction (there's an evil version of the flower, characters have secret royal parents and it’s overall so bizarre) and this was probably deliberate. It's obvious that many people working on this didn't want to create an engaging story and were just focused on bringing their fantasies and fetishes to life. Still, the songs are bangers, and the animation is really pleasing (I wish more cartoon adaptations took this approach)

No. 2070186

OT but whenever I see this character I think of Laur trueman (lillee jeans mother) bc she used her as an avatar on twitter

No. 2070189

File: 1734739661684.png (309.76 KB, 1200x670, mncSvCP.png)

>Is the show actually fetish fuel, though? The creator having a lesbian fetish is the first I've heard of it, did they insert more coomer stuff into the show?
thankfully, other than a handful of implied scenes with the three of them framed together nothing outright fetishistic happens, the worst thing about the show is that it's deeply inconsistent with its plot and filler, and cass's character was basically ruined in season 3

No. 2070191

File: 1734740122162.gif (1.52 MB, 500x279, 1586151918240.gif)

i personally remember a lot of weird feet scenes that took me out

No. 2070210

>Can't there be at least one person out there who works on a cartoon who is just a chill boring person
There are plenty but you don’t hear about them because they’re chill and boring normies who use the internet to share their work and nothing else and don’t make social media their entire identity
Wasn’t Pixar actually working on a full length movie about a MtF child several years ago? I vaguely remember an open call audition looking for trans kids

No. 2070237

as far as rigged animation this show always looked very good. I just couldn't care for the writing at all, but still, it was nice to see some investment in 2d animation

No. 2070416

File: 1734823984815.jpg (285.56 KB, 1080x737, 1000050280.jpg)

>Wasn’t Pixar actually working on a full length movie about a MtF child several years ago? I vaguely remember an open call audition looking for trans kids
Maybe something happened during production, but the open call audition was for Win or Lose. There is an interview with the voice actor about it. Picrel, he's still in the show but his character is now a 'straight cis girl' and any mentions about being trans was removed, kek.

No. 2070456

kids know shitty behavior and call it out easier than adults kek

No. 2070482

I remember someone from Pixar confirming it was for a feature but I can’t find the source on that now. Maybe that was the original plan and it fell through so they carried the character and storyline to Win or Lose?

No. 2070546

File: 1734881602629.png (425.58 KB, 628x673, ugh.png)


Yeah, good luck on that.

No. 2070583

Tinfoil but could Disney/Pixar be leaking these storylines themselves to gauge the public's reaction? If everyone's yasss kweening about tranny rep, they'll allow it, but since we live in a better timeline where the general public doesn't want more troon pandering, they won't? Otherwise why would they allow their crew to spend all this time and money on storylines they explicitly said would be too risky and demand overseas censorship?

No. 2070685

I do believe they're testing the water too. Many authors/artist tend to forget that "kweer public" do not buy/consume nothing even if they're the target, they cry and whine nothing represent them, but cry and whine if they're represented in a "wrong way".
Besides we saw the reaction of the TIM in MGDD, many were pissed the cartoon wasn't "diverse enough" (there were many times that it was quite diverse) or ignored that there was a hijabi girl who probably was afraid to undress next to lil Timmy.
If other animation house will take that horrid movie, I bet that they are going to regret it as soon as there are tons of TIMS claiming "this is not real representation".

No. 2070831

File: 1734993436592.png (26.66 KB, 614x347, IMG_1719.png)

New Animation Guild three-year contract is passed. Heavy majority voted yes. But a few aren’t very happy that nobody wants to fight back AI.

No. 2070834

>ethot sells pics
>moid buys the pics
>i was soooo scurred you guys

No. 2070899

>since we live in a better timeline where the general public doesn't want more troon pandering,
Transgenderism is becoming more popular every day, what are you talking about?

No. 2070909

Yeah anyone who doesn’t think the pendulum is going to swing right back in a year or two is insane. These big corps are afraid of Trump and his followers right now but I think that’ll wear off after a while

No. 2070924

Probably. Normies are fed up with tranny shit and kids aren't going to watch things because they want to support the alphabet brigade.
>Many authors/artist tend to forget that "kweer public" do not buy/consume nothing even if they're the target, they cry and whine nothing represent them, but cry and whine if they're represented in a "wrong way"
This. And not enough normies give a shit about tranny feefees to think that the bathroom scene is heart wrenching, they'd think it's creepy as fuck and possibly commit acts of transphobia like suggesting that a boy should not be in a girl's bathroom, or worse, suggest that any kid whose perception of themselves is that warped should see a therapist. And that would genocide all the TIMs so we can't have that.

No. 2070925

They probably think AI is just a tech trend like NFTs. God I hope they're right if that's the case, I hate the way it looks and how it's everywhere now

No. 2070928

I agree, if anything this will make certain people sympathize harder. It’s depressing to think about.

No. 2071013

File: 1735064808380.png (2.02 MB, 2124x2977, FILE-56.png)

With them is like "Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't". They can claim is "for the kids so they learn about their gender", but kids usually care about being Heroes, Anime characters or even Dinosaurs. Not mention also if a male kid can raise well a doll, it means he can be good father but noooooo is a girl egg.

>And that would genocide all the TIMs so we can't have that.

"And do not forget TIFS and NB" "Who cares, we are the victims! We are in the last privileged card! Please care for us!".

No. 2071066

>take out troon storyline
>makes character a normal girl who is straight
>this is still somehow bad

lmao I thought "twaw"? why would he be upset if the character is still a girl anyways?

No. 2071084

File: 1735080963589.jpeg (10.53 KB, 300x223, zgKPrr2.jpeg)

The "girl in an only-men team" trope is so outdated, it should be a "boy in an only-women team".

No. 2071110

It’s a co ed team, there are multiple girls on it

No. 2071153

File: 1735130308369.gif (1.28 MB, 480x360, TmtA1lyjC7S2I84jYfa-Q-ynoZA=.g…)

Co-ed teams are also an old trope, it doesn't need to be trannyslop, this cartoon didn't need to have a tranny.

No. 2071170

File: 1735139221260.gif (751.16 KB, 480x360, wXLhuHqzF_iXVjwXmDTKS6MogPI=.g…)

In fact it would have been interesting to see a tranny in a co-ed team, because in MGDD it was a tim in an only-women team. Probably he would have been "is not the same!" or shown that "he's safe near girls, he should be allowed to be in the girls rest room".
Dunno, I feel like >>2070583 and see if kids are really interested about tranny rep, or just the adults that will find any mistake in the representation.

No. 2071313

co-ed teams were the norm when I was younger. but that usually stopped around highschool because the boys had already gone through puberty

No. 2071854

File: 1735339843519.jpeg (567.51 KB, 1170x1775, IMG_3552.jpeg)

Did anyone else see that Amber/Danny Cragg is getting divorced? Guess that throuple thing didn’t work out after all. Who’d have thought?

No. 2071869

File: 1735341756455.jpg (991.15 KB, 1650x2550, Tumblr_l_996705540483186.jpg)

they were a pair of storyboard artists for steven universe, for those who don't remember, picrel was how they drew themselves

No. 2071871

>A lot of our time is spent like this
Jesus christ.

No. 2071872

File: 1735341862086.jpg (553.55 KB, 1052x1959, Screenshot_20210827-215158_Ins…)

this is what they really looked like

No. 2071879

Omfg finally im so excited to hear this

No. 2071882

File: 1735342979826.png (259.88 KB, 465x308, NLsCfnf~2.png)

The moment they decided to have Andrew Hussie officiate their wedding, the relationship was doomed kek. I'm not shocked they eventually "opened" the relationship for a scrote, and that one of them kicked the other to the curb to stay with his nasty ass. Many such cases. "Open" and "poly" relationships are for people too spineless to just admit that they want to break up and date someone else.

No. 2071886

File: 1735344710682.jpeg (347.83 KB, 828x1380, IMG_6913.jpeg)

kekk and of course it's the uggo fat tif that got kicked to the curb so the normie woman could get the moid to herself.

No. 2071887

Poly people always have a certain look and that certain look is being ugly and chubby/fat and looking smelly. You can either get one or a combo of these.

No. 2071888

File: 1735344887464.jpeg (52.28 KB, 640x454, IMG_0603.jpeg)

Bringing back this pearl

No. 2071892

File: 1735346128289.png (529.75 KB, 1280x1368, amber.png)

her giga cringe comics are suddenly so funny now, its like magic!

No. 2071894

uwu soft and fluffy is fucking boring but if you want that there's no shortage of yuri slop and I think those girls from Adventure Time were probably nice together (never watched it)

No. 2071912

File: 1735354675155.jpeg (629.79 KB, 750x1114, 0D6A88E2-C853-4972-8B7E-B86EB2…)

Apparently Disney has told Pixar to tone down the environmentalist themes of the upcoming movie ‘HOPPERS’

No. 2071913

This is what “polycules” ALWAYS look like, lmfao

No. 2071917

File: 1735356860153.jpg (376.91 KB, 1650x1747, Tumblr_l_211882041680198.jpg)

her "comics" are soooo fucking ugly and unfunny and boring it's incredible that shes an industry professional

No. 2071920

File: 1735357121169.jpg (504.24 KB, 1650x1753, Tumblr_l_212050649600161.jpg)

all of her comics are about her doing nothing, and being constantly exhausted due to her obesity. no wonder they dropped the dead weight in the relationship.

No. 2071921

everytime disney tries to make the spiderverse cell shaded look it always ends up looking like a shitty ps3 game

No. 2071923

File: 1735359322411.jpeg (301.48 KB, 1192x2048, IMG_9885.jpeg)


I’ve always heard rumours that he lived with the voice actor of Apple Bloom (14 at the time) in her family’s basement. I never had proof until now.


No. 2071930

No wonder she got dumped. Besides the trans levels of narcissicm of course

No. 2071938

File: 1735363315309.png (58.24 KB, 540x353, unknown.png)

literally picrel

No. 2071958

I don't think that's a still from the movie, it looks like an illustration

No. 2071975

Why is she acting like Kilgore is some kind of edgy Dark Sasuke name, it's a pretty common surname.

No. 2071979

It’s so fucking blatant, I would say I have no idea why people are defending this groomer but this is the Brony fandom ffs, groomer central. I’m so fucking happy people outside the box still mock and belittle these loser grown men. I feel bad for what the little girls and older gen fans had to suffer when they shoved their way into fandom.

No. 2071980

If it's a TIF then that explains it kek

No. 2071989

>when I was 13 i found out who my biological dad was
So he did not want her the first time and she still took his name? Kek

No. 2071993

I always feel disgust when I see people gassing up throuple/polycule relationships (or when they push it as “friendships”) while mocking monogamous relationships, this is the reality of this garbage belief. I don’t know too much about these guys but if she was the one to suggest opening the relationship that would be tragically hilarious lmfao.

No. 2071998

File: 1735402278766.jpeg (254.29 KB, 828x551, IMG_6924.jpeg)

>if it's a tif
sure is. she's the blob in the yellow shirt doing the autism stance in the background of >>2071872

No. 2072030

File: 1735410652019.png (2.03 MB, 2644x2946, amber timeline.png)

No. 2072031

What was her surname before she got married?

No. 2072032

>if she was the one to suggest opening the relationship that would be tragically hilarious lmfao
It usually is. The person who suggests open or poly in the first place is typically the one who ends up single.

No. 2072033

File: 1735411734411.jpeg (654.02 KB, 1170x1997, IMG_3559.jpeg)

Rogers. For some reason her full birth name is on imdb lol

No. 2072037

File: 1735412444774.png (144.8 KB, 992x564, nk.png)

From Shelby's blog – apparently not the one to initiate the divorce kek

No. 2072038

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picrel, 2024 portrait

No. 2072052


No. 2072056

>likes: having a developmental disord[er]
another 'teehee being disabled is sooooo fun!!!1!' larper i see

No. 2072057

This situation looks and sounds so gross,this is like a child rambling to their parents about a superhero or toy they’re into.Ive seen so many polycules that are like this,how is this not embarrassing

No. 2072077

her comics progressively getting more and more dull and unfunny and the art getting uglier. the coffee dream is a bit charming actually but nothing special and all downhill from there. what happened lol

No. 2072084


>this is like a child rambling to their parents about a superhero or toy they’re into.

>we are super prof of him for following his own path in life

Speaking of a parent/child dynamic, this sounds like a mom and not your wife of eight years.

No. 2072136

This is so intriguing and I want to know what happened. It seems like all parties involved seem fucked up by it. To be a fly on the wall…

No. 2072145

tons of cartoon from the 80s, 90s and even 2000s had environmentalism themes in it. csnt believe this is a too hot topic for fucking disney. do wonder animation is so dull nowadays, corporations want it so clinical now.

No. 2072148

File: 1735445270183.jpg (951.01 KB, 1080x1077, Ywnbarm.jpg)

How much you wanna bet ambers transition drove her to the arms of another (real) man and amber just coulent bear to be in a "relationship" with shelby and the thing she can never be. Feels like enough to drive someone crazy. All her little comics show her not having much of a relationship with brian and also like prev nona said…it was more like they were her parents

No. 2072154

She literally looks like their special needs child

No. 2072168

Wait is Amber/Danny the SU storyboard artist who got fired for trying to make her ship canon or whatever of am I thinking of someone else?

No. 2072169

File: 1735459471223.jpg (90.85 KB, 645x436, 1493186943774.jpg)

Someone else. That was Lauren Zuke.

No. 2072175

didn't she also troon out?

No. 2072192

they both have the same dead-eyed sertraline stare compared to the moid looking somewhat sane

No. 2072278

god i am loving this. kek

No. 2072287

File: 1735504247882.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x2142, IMG_3565.jpeg)

Looks like it. God steven universe was a hotbed of troon contagion kek

No. 2072417

File: 1735538932636.jpeg (Spoiler Image,58.08 KB, 690x814, IMG_7060.jpeg)

No fucking way that’s actually her. What the hell happened to her art? Is this a stylistic choice or did she just stop drawing all together
Picrel her doodle from 8 years ago

No. 2072433

>it's the same polycule that made neokosmos
Oh my god. What a blast from the past. Loved the /co/ read along threads. What a mess of a webcomic

No. 2072451

File: 1735560397090.png (270.32 KB, 595x564, roiGVj4.png)

>disney is rumored to be making a mother gothel prequel film

No. 2072453

Why, though…? I could understand why they wanted to do that with Maleficent because she's an evil, powerful fairy who we didn't really learn much about, but Gothel is literally just a narc "witch" who does nothing but pursue youth kek. They're either going to retell the same story as in the Tangled series (with Cassandra) but longer and more boring, or they're going to contradict their own supposed canon.

No. 2072456

Uuuugh no, they're going to woobify a villain again. What awful trauma made Mother Gothel turn ebil? Did a pack of flowers chase her mom off a cliff? Perhaps she was good all along and kidnapping a baby was how she showed she cared. I'd love to see villain origin stories if the villains stayed villainous. Let's all join hands and pray that we get to have a shitty kid who got progressively shittier and feels absolutely no remorse for any of her actions, instead of whatever goopy fanfiction slop the trannies working on this shitshow insist on shitting out.

No. 2072460

does anyone know the social media of the moid? who the fuck is this guy, does he work in the industry? how does this decade+ long lesbian relationship suddenly let the worlds most disgusting man into the relationship to ruin it like this(sage your shit)

No. 2072466

They'll probably do what Barbie Rapunzel did with the Gothel character. Make her a friend or an obsessive stalker of the king, who trying to turn her down probably remarks something about her age that she gets a fixation on or an ex lover of the king who tossed her aside cause she was aging. I honestly don't know what they'd hope to get out of a Mother Gothel movie her characterization was pretty cut and dry no real need for some angsty backstory.

No. 2072506

File: 1735577343683.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1741, IMG_2228.jpeg)

Mind you shes autistically ranting about a game that isnt even out yet

No. 2072508

Crazy that a professional artist would draw something so hideous.

No. 2072509

> moids on 4chan fantasize about homewrecking lesbian couples
> this is the guy who actually does it
> this is the lesbian couple

No. 2072510

>Can't have too much environmentalist themes in our latest slop uguu
Ferngully would have made these losers shit themselves.

No. 2072517

File: 1735579365508.jpeg (917.93 KB, 1170x1198, IMG_2239.jpeg)

4chan moids will never understand that bisexual NLOGs can fall in love with the ugliest and fattest of moids by mere overexposure to them so long as they act relatively normal. They are simply too intrinsically off-putting and anti-social to tolerate being around a woman without immediate gratification, and that’s in the rare instances where women don’t immediately flee from their presence due to the obvious bad vibes

So many TIFs were very obviously not wanted by their fathers, it’s a chicken or egg situation though

From what I can tell he doesnt have any social media, Shelby has posted on her tumblr account on his behalf both about medical updates and their etsy shop—apparently he makes the jewelry they sell? He probably has no involvement in the industry and just is a normie who likes basic artsy shit, and I don’t blame Shelby for prioritizing that over someone going further and further down the troon rabbit hole. Ik shelby said the divorce was amber’s idea but i feel like that truly isn’t the case and she just manipulated amber into it by letting her think it was her idea, and shelby saying it was her idea outright just convinces me of that 100%

I think it’s just a stylistic choice, picrel is another screenshot from her ig. She seems like she is focusing on form and simplicity and seems removed from making more fandomy art apart from the pokemon shit. Also this is the caption for one of the drawings in the other screenshot:
“Starting to realize that the era of my life where the Internet analyzed my online presence because I worked on a TV show was kind of FUCKED UP and did a lot of emotional damage, what was that about???
Seriously I deleted my twitter and got 1000 emails about it and people wrote Articles
And none of that changed! People just got worse! Im done cooking bro I'm serving my shit raw“
She probably just isn’t posting more involved art because of that. NLOGs experiencing misogyny make me depressed because why are they so convinced slapping the he/him in bio will make people leave them alone

No. 2072523

In awe at how much of a perfect circle amber’s head is. I don’t understand how you can look like that and think “yeah this is fine.”

No. 2072530

File: 1735581420265.jpg (975.08 KB, 1080x1478, Stellarneighborhood.jpg)

She has a insta and a insta for her etsy and yeah she seems to post fot both of them. One post she called him the love of her life back in october. She sure moved on fast from her 8 year marriage lmfao

No. 2072532

What's the point of this comic? The punch line seems like they're making fun of her.
Considering how useless she portrays herself, I'm not surprised Amber's wife ditched her for someone who at least had a driver's license.

No. 2072544

>Let's all join hands and pray that we get to have a shitty kid who got progressively shittier and feels absolutely no remorse for any of her actions
Like Megatron in Transformers One?

No. 2072546

File: 1735584442708.jpeg (999.02 KB, 828x1308, IMG_6937.jpeg)

no idea if he has a day job besides that but he does the writing for their webcomic and also makes middle school ass bead lizards. he sells these for 25-30 bucks apiece too lol
none of her comics have a point. It's all childish " i like doing x" "i hate doing y" "today i did this". there are never any punchlines, it's supposed to be a slice of life comic but she has no idea how comics actually work. it's obvious shes a massive autist.
it seems amber really got fucked over un the divorce bc if you look at old social media for their shit webcomic, she did a lot of lineart and seemed very invested in it. but now the neokosmos tumblr page no longer has her name on it, shelby and the moid have renamed the project and claim all credit for it, and shelby is going around saying amber wasn't that invested in it anyway.
then again amber seems really stunted and childish, so even if she intitated the breakup it probably wasn't too hard for the other two to fleece her

No. 2072555

She mentions on the insta they both are disabled and are trying to make the etsy shop and the new neokosmos book their income. Shelbys mentioned her chronic pain and what she got diagnosed with but i dont know if theyve said what he has.

No. 2072570

File: 1735593220546.jpeg (2.11 MB, 4096x4096, IMG_7076.jpeg)

I think she probably changed her name with the intent to dodge the limelight of being associated with Steven Universe and her various controversies. I don’t agree with a lot of Lauren Zuke’s behaviors, but It’s pretty crushing even as an outsider to see her reduced to posting stuff like picrel. Clearly there’s been some sort of realization on her end about the vague dangers of the internet.

Sidenote but there’s something really eerie to me about the these social-justice brained Californians making children’s cartoons. Particularly the crewniverse. They treat it as a soapbox to project their dumb ass adult insecurities onto. They front like it’s some deep, profound shit. In reality it’s incredibly self-masturbatory and deranged. Zuke did this a lot, where she whined about how she only wanted to portray characters who were “just like her!!!1” and were queer and struggled with mental illness. I’m sorry but I don’t think that should be encouraged. Those are your fatal flaws at the end of the day. You should actually be taking shit like that to grave instead of flanderizing your issues to the public and the pre-teens who watch your shows. These niggas think they are their ocs and fail to grasp they’re mostly embarrassing adults who don’t know how to handle their issues maturely.

No. 2072571

Am I paranoid or does the background look like AI?

No. 2072575

Was Shelby ever into women or was this a Noelle Stevenson situation where a straight girl settles for a lesbian best friend but eventually moves on to a moid while the actual lesbian becomes a TIF in a desperate ploy to keep the relationship?

No. 2072581

That’s what it looks like to me. I was thinking the exact same thing. I wonder why straight women agree to marry their lesbian friends?

No. 2072595

100% think this was a case of a straight woman who combined her self hatred and hatred of men into thinking she was a lesbian. her and ambers relationship started online so it was probably easier for her to fool herself at first. I bet amber bounced after seeing a totally new side of shelby when she finally had a partner of the sex she was attracted to. The stuff she said also makes it seem like she transed out at the same general time that they started dating the moid. I wonder if she tried to leave amber but couldnt if she was like "oh you want to date a man? its ok i am one!". Cue typical "poly to avoid an awkward breakup" situation.

No. 2072602

>were queer
>don’t think that should be encouraged
I agree that kids shows have gotten to ideological, but being gay isn't something you can be encouraged or discouraged to do. Plus with all of the gems being ostensibly female, it was sort of inevitable. SU sends some retarded messages for sure, but the stuff with Ruby and Sapphire felt like genuinely positive messaging.

No. 2072606

Jesus, when did she pork up so much? I barely recognized her.

No. 2072607

No, that was Lauren Zuke, and she wasn't fired. She was a freelancer and her contract ended.

No. 2072608

It's funny you say this, because Disney tried to prevent Ferngully from being made. They were angry that Robin Williams was starring in it at the same time he was in Aladdin.

No. 2072616

This shellby and amber situation is so milky, I used to follow them on tumblr in 2012 due to being a homestuck fag, they are my personal cows. Shellby is Hussie's Sister in law, she sold her underage at the time Sister to Hussie btw (Hussie's YOB is 1979, Shellby's Sister is 1998!!!) it's crazy how animation people are all fucked

No. 2072618

Holy fuck, wouldn’t that have made her sister like 15? Please lay out all the milk you know about this group.

No. 2072619

i think its probably related to the lingering affect mentioned here >>2072517 its not just a fat moid thing
i think womens sexualities function a lot less like the kinsey scale and literally just around which people they are around and like the most and can have a more of a psychological codependent relationship with than actual romantic and sexual attraction. im sure amber and shelbys relationship was probably that classic type of perfect bad relationship that works for ten plus years bcs one person i a needy mess and the other the relatively more stable one and they "balance each other out" and can build a life together. womens bonds i think are a lot more based on resources and a sense of security than pure attraction like mens are

No. 2072621

NTA and I agree with you, but queer=/=gay. You can't choose to be gay and there's nothing wrong with it, however identifying as "kweer" is absolutely a choice, and a retarded and regressive one at that.
Kekkk holy shit, was everyone in the Crewniverse this milky? I have a lot to catch up on.

No. 2072624

There's not much I remember nonnie, I think it was Shellby's Sister got with Hussie when she was 16 and him 35, in 2014 and last I Heard they were engaged to be married. You might find more Milk related to this in the Homestuck threads in /m/

No. 2072628

That is so incredibly fucked up. Why did no one ever talk about this? That guy was beloved by all of tumblr back then, did anybody know at the time?

No. 2072634

File: 1735609723273.jpeg (251.5 KB, 828x1066, IMG_6961.jpeg)

Im pretty sure i found "brian" on tumblr and… it's a tif
the personal posts have a lot of shit about hormones and top surgery.

No. 2072639

File: 1735610564986.jpeg (Spoiler Image,965.43 KB, 828x4626, IMG_6971.jpeg)

Samefag sorry i forgot to spoiler the long ass pic but also amber/danny posted a big life update back in july which she since deleted, but was saved through brian's reblogs.
back in july she was still "actively" working on neokosmos but now shelby is saying she was disengaged from the project to justify tossing her. that divorce must have been some shit

No. 2072640

File: 1735610669350.jpg (147.77 KB, 692x1280, IMG_20241230_230242_511.jpg)

Nobody knew at the time, they kept it hidden, people only found out he was dating Shellby's Sister when Hussie's mom announced they were engaged in a public boomerbook post


Can't believe oqnership of picrel is the shit that brought them to divorce

No. 2072647

Congrats amber on being such a poorly passing tif i thought ur wife stealer was a tru and honest man

No. 2072648

SU did a number on the industry. That crew seemed almost cult like with how it churned out an entire genre of animation artists who were all so similar in identity and entitlement who then used that groupthink to infect other productions. My guess is that it was a mix of the crew being extremely invested in the show they worked on and Rebecca giving the board artists a lot of freedom/encouragement to tell “personal” stories but I swear TV animation hasn’t been the same since. It needs to be studied.

No. 2072652

>normie woman
>straight girl
i feel like you guys don't realize that shelby is trans

No. 2072656

>shelby is a TIM
well plot fucking twist if true. Proof?

No. 2072660

File: 1735616171413.png (82.61 KB, 978x472, LT3GDkZ.png)

here's this

No. 2072662

I think they just mean she's ~nonbinary~. She looks and sounds like a woman to me and if she was a TIM you know she would have been blasting her twansmisogyny oppression points all over her profiles.

No. 2072664

I agree with >>2072662 she’s probably just an enby. There’s this video from 11 years ago and she’s clearly just a regular woman

No. 2072665

I feel like this came up in some of the autobio comics but I can't find proof now that everything's old.

No. 2072667

this looks so bad to be work from former industry insiders. the art style is fucking ugly too but that's to be expected since they come from su. the peach character has one of its hands backwards, and they all have long oranguntan arms.

No. 2072672

hahaha ooohhhnoooo not the obese tumblrina who got memed into transitioning giving the obligatory “omg I’m no longer a sheltered pimple faced dweeb I did adult stuff gais!! I’m so down to earth!! Touch grass!!!” Speech After spending 3 months doing outdoor kayaking or some shit. I didn’t even bother reading half that dribble, I knew it was all fake nonsense.

> the post has since been deleted

This bitch thought she was thriving. Lmao(sage your shit)

No. 2072677

>They front like it’s some deep, profound shit. In reality it’s incredibly self-masturbatory and deranged. Zuke did this a lot, where she whined about how she only wanted to portray characters who were “just like her!!!1” and were queer and struggled with mental illness. I’m sorry but I don’t think that should be encouraged. Those are your fatal flaws at the end of the day.
I think this is the part that makes all their cartoons so ass. They give the characters these deep mental health issues or they try to portray them in the storyline, but because they themselves struggle with the issues it comes off so weird and wrong. It's like they want the characters to beat the problems, or the situations to end up good, but since they haven't even done that for themselves IRL they can never do it right in the characters or premises that they create, if that makes sense. It all just ends up being off-putting self-inserts that don't feel relatable for the audience.

No. 2072678

well, at least the carpal tunnel surgery partly explains why her art went to shit

No. 2072687

woah holy shit didnt expect that this changes a lot about the theorized dynamic in the relationship and it makes more sense i didnt think amber and shelby were the type to get their relationship torn up by a man.

No. 2072691

File: 1735627416788.jpeg (273.91 KB, 1170x848, IMG_3577.jpeg)

kek brian being a tif was a plot twist i did not expect

No. 2072697

God it feels like it just makes the whole thing sadder. So amber really threw it all away to transition into greg universe.

No. 2072726

I wish someone would tell these fujos that you don't actually need to cut your breasts out just to be able to say the word "faggot".(fujosperging out of containment)

No. 2072757

lol why do we need this she’s just the average BPD mom

No. 2072835

Rent free literally nowhere did any of them mention yaoi.

No. 2072842

Yeah, I'm sure a woman calling herself a gay faggot is a total yumejo/hime.

No. 2072852

File: 1735678489725.jpeg (163.97 KB, 696x1172, IMG_2261.jpeg)

Saging for non cow specific milk, but I tried to find a general animation thread on /m/ and didn’t find any that wouldn’t involve necroing.
>with 20000 votes, the amazing digital circus takes the Moonie award for Best Web Animated series.
>helluva boss takes second place with 17000 votes.
>Skibidi toilet places third with 3000.

Web animation is dead kek

No. 2072858

I'm gonna sound retarded here but Skibidi Toilet should have won since I despise the other two so much kek.

No. 2072860

I would have kekked so hard if skibidi toilet won

No. 2072895

general animation news/discussion is allowed here

No. 2072912

skibidi being the best one of those three

No. 2072951

I wonder if she ever looks back at this time period and regrets looking like how she does now…

No. 2073161

Wtf? Can't believe Sr. Pelo would put himself in this predicament smh my head

No. 2073189

File: 1735774167707.jpeg (733.19 KB, 1206x2059, IMG_9919.jpeg)

Saberspark is getting called out by the creator of Bunny Maloney for his click bate video, they posted a really long comment in his YouTube shorts.

No. 2073190

File: 1735774269595.jpeg (246.84 KB, 797x1065, IMG_9920.jpeg)

No. 2073200

He's very secretive about it, like another anon said. He knows it's a horrible look to marry/date a Vriska cosplayer young enough to be his daughter. Shelby got her younger sister into Homestuck and introduced her to Hussie, so I think she's partially to blame. The photo Hussie's mom posted was from the girl's college graduation. It's fucked up the no one from either of their families seemed to take issue with their teenage daughter dating a guy in his thirties.

No. 2073201

She's literally in a relationship with a woman

No. 2073216

I’m embarrassed for both of them, kek

No. 2073268

I hate the Steven Universe face and pose in panel three

No. 2073285

No one brought up yurishit either weirdo, not everyone is a weeb and those poly lesbians dont seem like they like anime. Learn to use words before you start throwing them around like a sped.(infighting)

No. 2073291

I don't have a horse in this race but can people only be either fujoshi or himejoshi in your mind kek. Is this the new sex binary

No. 2073305

proud lesbians usually don't call themselves faggots, that type tends to bi

No. 2073336

I mean clearly she is not a proud lesbian either way, since she trooned out. Faggot is just a "cool kids'" term for her social group.

No. 2073360

File: 1735833896971.png (427.58 KB, 490x583, 1684957717636.png)

Sorry for autism but Shelby's sister Michaela (mkla.cosplay) was born in 1994, not 1998.
Either way, seeing as Shelby was a part of Hussie's circle as early on as 2011 (judging by the timeline of her contributions to the comic - I haven't been following Homestuck shit in almost a decade at this point), she was likely pimping out her sister to Hussie for clout when she was indeed 16 and he was 31. The gag in Act 6 about Hussie proposing to Vriska had real-life basis.
There's bits and pieces about it in >>981279, but I'm also surprised no one's really talked about it anywhere after all these years besides here and KF. The most recent evidence of their being together comes from his dumb e-boy Instagram account featuring Michaela's BTS merchandise in late 2020. All else I can find on the two comes from anons implying to be former friends/associates in the aforementioned thread. Are they still together? Does anyone have evidence of them actually being married, or did I just hallucinate a pic of their wedding (not the one of Hussie officiating Shelby and Amber's) floating around a few years back?

No. 2073422

>Wacky Lesbian Hour
this was painful to watch, disgusting, fetishistic humor, the boob jokes were awful, the designs were shit and the ironic anti-humor fell flat and you can tell the creator is going to troon out

No. 2073426

>Does anyone have evidence of them actually being married, or did I just hallucinate a pic of their wedding floating around a few years back?
I can’t help sadly but I do want to confirm that I also remember seeing a photo of their wedding. I want to say it was passed around on tumblr including the news that they got married?

No. 2073427

File: 1735848179576.png (1.89 MB, 1290x800, 6337522687316.png)

I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be tranny faggots

No. 2073439

File: 1735850228564.jpg (117.49 KB, 500x416, tumblr_d5cc12d6abbd2cbc7fb43a5…)

No, I've seen the comics, these characters are both supposed to be real women. The comics themselves are very hit-or-miss (more misses than hits), I cannot fucking fathom why anyone thought they needed animation.

No. 2073441

didnt they take their honeymoon in korea or something wherever he did those toblerone drawings. he had a ring on in one of the pics

No. 2073442

>these characters are both supposed to be real women.
NTA but still made by Tim's, right? I can't imagine why any actual lesbian/bihet would be enough of a pickme to make a cringe comic about how burning children's books written by a feminist is based. Also, wasting time, money and effort into giving the "breasted boobily down the stairs" characters literal boob jiggle physics is literally the most moid thing in the world.

No. 2073444

Iirc, Leslie is supposed to be from New Jersey. Why does she still have a British accent

No. 2073451

File: 1735852039347.png (98.15 KB, 381x384, Screenshot 2025-01-02 155619.p…)

Ayrt, I actually don't think the creator is a TIM. He sure looks like a normal enough dude on his LinkedIn (picrel) but troonism can strike at any time… Either way, the show feels like a shitty attempt at marketing Beavis and Butthead to lesbians kek

No. 2073454

I'm glad this is being brought up again kek. I wonder if he knew people were catching on and that's he hasn't posted.

No. 2073463

Men have zero business writing stories about lesbians

No. 2073464

Maybe it's the Mandela effect, but I could've sworn I saw a pic where Hussie had a wedding band on at some point in the last few years

No. 2073477

I'm ashamed to admit this but I liked these comics and I love the retarded blonde one. The voice acting sucks though

No. 2073482

File: 1735856501190.png (599.24 KB, 1006x874, Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 2.12.…)

ok i kek'd at the Adulting reference

No. 2073489

File: 1735858317111.png (163.74 KB, 972x733, 1735771011014542.png)

The door farce fakeout was the best gag of the episode

No. 2073490

File: 1735858623652.png (34.73 KB, 680x611, 1735778091596554.png)

My main gripe is that it looks too "clean", in the comics there's constantly slime and trash and knives and broken shit everywhere and holes in the walls.

No. 2073495

Seconding, nothing "normal" about a man into lesbians. He already has greasy unkempt long hair, the agp Kubrick stare, and he's a new Yorker so he's practically %50 trooned out already.

No. 2073504

This shit is probably going to be picked up by adult swim from how unfunny it is.

No. 2073506

File: 1735864062191.png (292.26 KB, 1548x2254, 1000002859.png)


In the comic Keith did add a LSmark look alike and referencing the whole retarded drama that went down with Daft

No. 2073515

I agree, his art is already so similar to this troon

No. 2073516

Also there are a bunch of other comic guys like the creators of Megg and Mogg, Dresden Kodak and Wet Moon that trooned out from their self insert fantasies. It's only a matter of time.

No. 2073538

File: 1735872258705.png (844.62 KB, 1079x1039, 736252838463829.png)

I didn't even think to look for a wedding band in the posts on dclussie, good point. He starts wearing a band in photos from October 2020 onward. Looks like he married his Vriska after all.
I imagine Michaela's now-locked Twitter account may have been the source of my suspected mass-hallucination of their wedding photos. Wonder if any nonas in this thread might be following but 392's a tiny pool.
I'm probably reading into it too much, but her bio being "I'm 30 [now]" when none of her other social media profiles bother to mention her big age is giving me "Hussie instructed me to lock everything the fuck down and and help him preemptively deflect anyone getting wise to the fact that he groomed me". Fuck the Cragg and Hussie families for ever encouraging this, I hope she wakes up.

No. 2073543

File: 1735872683774.png (1.9 MB, 1080x1669, 8272625282963.png)

Samefag, here's a pic showing the wedding band.
This is a 41 year old man with dick and balls.

No. 2073553

File: 1735878315832.png (29.23 KB, 802x733, FWV_A65WIAEZRPp.png)

i didn't hate it tbh. not great or anything but i wouldn't mind seeing more episodes. and i hate to say it but normal old fashioned lesbian fetishization feels like a breath of fresh air in the troon age

No. 2073555

samefag, the fetishization is still gross but at least the guy isn't acting like his depiction of lesbians is substantive in any way.

No. 2073571

Wait did megg and mogg guy finally troon out? last I heard he was adamant about being a man despite always dressing in drag.

No. 2073576

File: 1735890191242.gif (9.68 KB, 200x200, IMG_0885.gif)

Holy shit nona the fear that struck me rn, I thought you meant the author of these sweet old books! Should have guessed it was a similarly named piece of shit ‘comix’

No. 2073581

whose the black woman?

No. 2073596

What is this style even called?

No. 2073605

I thought it was Shmorky making his comeback.

No. 2073707


No. 2073713

This looks nothing like Shmorky’s stuff

No. 2073763

File: 1735950670762.jpeg (791.45 KB, 828x1415, IMG_1302.jpeg)

It’s old, but this is what the tranny looks like

No. 2073768

The plot of this revolves around the existence of Hazbin Hotel which is really stupid.

No. 2073774

Did someone shop this? His eyes are so far apart you could park a semi between them

No. 2073781

File: 1735954644436.jpg (79.03 KB, 1156x1242, 1000047534.jpg)

Kek why does it look like that

No. 2073855

oh man, even sid the sloth trooned out

No. 2073866

File: 1735968437167.jpg (6.65 KB, 300x300, A-13518469-1694716627-6325.jpg)

I think he looks more like Lovely Peaches if she was a Tranny(sage your shit)

No. 2073874

Those eyes… He's not all there.

No. 2073899

isn't that just juggalo style. or do juggalos exist anymore.

No. 2074130

“I don’t need consent” -BlackGryph0n

https://x.com/bronyfandont/status/1875371688873099623?s=46&t=mLPolOfODRz3cWTQSJiHcw(this is an imageboard)

No. 2074147

He looks like a troon that will eventually be on the news for killing and chopping up the body of his mother or some poor black woman, sad!

No. 2074169

based nona, i loved these books so much as a kid. i remember there being animated shorts on TV too

No. 2074375

He’s so bloated looking

No. 2074442

File: 1736090731866.mp4 (12.36 MB, 1080x1602, BlackGryph0n.mp4)

Posting video here in case this gets deleted.

No. 2074487

File: 1736099562022.png (81.93 KB, 1186x260, Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 12.48…)


No. 2074543

what polyamory does to a mf

No. 2074557

File: 1736118223158.jpg (51.32 KB, 640x717, e0f.jpg)

Christ, Neokosmos is still being reworked? I remember reading the original comic nine years ago, and then I got morbidly curious and read the second draft… that came out in 2022. I don't remember any of it being that outstanding either.

No. 2074643

I keep coming back to this and I can’t figure it out, what the hell is the blonde one imagining? Is it a reference to something? I feel retarded kek

No. 2074771

File: 1736195307270.png (904.48 KB, 1272x954, Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 12.26…)

I'm sorry but the tattoo "of one of those egg guys from Hazbin that Joe Gran used to voice!" made me kek, especially with Joe's seething about hazbin and the industry with his huge ego

No. 2074799

legend of zelda reference, enemy named likelike

No. 2074999

File: 1736267542618.jpg (389.81 KB, 1073x1215, 54657665765.jpg)

i gotta admit this one makes me always laugh

No. 2075002

File: 1736268313534.jpg (120.13 KB, 900x1200, foreverial_tiedup_basil_by_raf…)

Why the fuck did I think it was referencing picrel

No. 2075004

comic is funny but the character always drooling looks kind of annoying, i get that its trying to make her look like a bumbling idiot but its too much

No. 2075007

Why are wokies ok with a man writing about lesbians? I hate being one of those but current feminism is dead and rotting.
Straight up admitting he's drawing these as for the coom!!!

No. 2075023

Men have been writing lesbian shit for years

No. 2075086

Feminism died after the first wave and now everyone's just poking at a corpse. And besides if they get mad at men writing lesbian stuff they'd have to get mad at female Yaoi authors (which some do)

No. 2075142

>if they get mad at men writing lesbian stuff they'd have to get mad at female Yaoi authors (which some do)
fujos and agp moids with a lesbian fetish arent remotely comparable

No. 2075315

This isnt "western" animation but although I like the story did the moon really need to be so coomerfied? And to be literally a pickme for Vincent van Gogh's?

No. 2075372

Why are there so many comments about wacky lesbian hour (irrelevant John K skinwalking dribble) and 90% of them are positive? This slop doesn't appeal to the farms demographic at all(learn2sage)

No. 2075377

I noticed this too, my tinfoil is the artist obsessively searches his property and came here to defend it and make it look cool kek. maybe just one whiteknight defending it and larping as multiple people, men who obsess over lesbians and self insert as them will never be anything but weird and gross

No. 2075386

People have been murdering other people for years. Doesn't make it right.

No. 2075394

I was wondering the same thing. That cartoon is revolting and unfunny and smells like balls

No. 2075418

Are web cartoons going to replace typical tv network cartoons?(sage your shit)

No. 2075454

I'd laugh my ass off if he was pulling an Ethan Becker and coming here to wk himself. I was also shocked at how many anons were calling that crap funny

No. 2075476

For real! I’m a lesbian and it literally just looks like shit “le quirky” moids draw, not what lesbians are into. Not even cartoon fandom or weaboo lesbians would find this appealing. It’s literally the most drawn-by-untalented-male-hands female designs that have what I consider “girl signifiers” (i.e. uninspired long hair/ponytail cos moids aren’t creative and eyelashes) when men draw women. They can add the stupid retard eyes on one and have her drooling, as well as omgsofunny hurr durr references and garbage in the backgrounds, but it doesn’t make it entertaining, let alone for lesbians. Even sillypoo’s cluttered ass backgrounds are funnier than this shit. It just makes me hate moids even more when I see their shitty MS Paint palette art of ”lesbians” lol. I’m surprised one of the designs isn’t just wearing a hoodie, Amazon.com skirt and striped socks. Fuck my life, dude. Lol.

No. 2075493

File: 1736383775444.jpg (83.72 KB, 800x600, 1000005897.jpg)

Is he trying to make the blonde one Super Milk Chan? Nothing creative with these troons

No. 2075515

>doesn’t make it entertaining, let alone for lesbians
It has lesbians in it, it's not "for" lesbians. This describes almost everything that has lesbians in it, in fact, even queer pandering netflix shows trying to be diverse always try to play both sides of the aisle and add lesbians so men can say "hot! there's lesbians" while also selling it to women as woke representation in media

No. 2075520

Yeah, wks like >>2073553 are straight up batshit.
>normal old fashioned lesbian fetishization feels like a breath of fresh air in the troon age
Breath of fresh air in the troon age??? This fags jokes are all about eggs about to crack, how burning JKRs twansphobic books is based, and lesbian tiddies. Which part of that is anything but your regular tranny slop? he's 5 seconds away from trooning out. Has to be either him or his retarded wks he sent here defending him.

No. 2075564

I mean I couldn't find any fics of this series on AO3. I guess yurifags don't like it lol.

No. 2075566

i mean
what is there to write about?

No. 2075604

>if they get mad at men writing lesbian stuff they'd have to get mad at female Yaoi authors
No actually, no one "has" to do this, because there isn't actually an equivalence here. Males, the demographic that commits most rapes and violent crimes, treat lesbians as commodities and fetish objects, reinforcing a culture that robs women of their sexual agency and enables males sexually assaulting lesbians. Yaoi artists are geeky women making stupid drawings of cartoon men, and they do not pose any kind of risk to gay men whatsoever. Yes, there is a double standard at play here, and that's a good thing, because newsflash: the identity characteristics at issue affect the logistics of the situation.

No. 2075650

theyre the generation thats been brainwashed into believing writing/enjoying BL is bad, despite guys being able to consume/fetishize yuri without any pushback. they've also been convinced that grown ass men with dicks can be women.
First world gen Z'er have so little problems, they have to create new ones.

No. 2075692

File: 1736438220830.jpg (598.63 KB, 1170x1111, gross.jpg)

Skimming the venture bros art book and saw this page, where the creator Jackson Publick (Christopher McCulloch) is talking about pissing in the kitchen sink. Moids are so disgusting, hopefully he doesn’t live with anyone kek

No. 2075696

Did you read the comic in the post you're responding to? He's making fun of people saying that he must be an egg. I don't like it but it's not a tranny comic. Believe it or not normal retarded moids still exist.

No. 2075715

>He's making fun of people saying that he must be an egg. I don't like it but it's not a tranny comic.
Ah yes, totally normal for a normie straight guy to even know what tranny terminology like "egg cracking" means. What's your excuse for the jokes about how burning JKRs books is based, retard?

No. 2075771

this is so obviously the author himself or at best a whiteknight im kekking. in what world would a shitty peanuts style webcomic have any fanfiction of it, check your delusions

No. 2075787

I'm sorry I don't know anything about the webcomic lol. I just thought it would have Yuri fans or something.

No. 2075792

I'm one of the nonas from upthread who thought it was funny and likes the comics, I really wish it wasn't made by a moid though. I like the idea of an "odd couple" show about retarded lesbians doing retarded shit and trying and failing to accomplish a mundane task. Men get to have all of the stupid fun crap, I'd love to see a "Regular Show" type of cartoon about two women. I just want us to have something that's pure silly slapstick instead of ~muh trauma and deep lore~ that everyone throws into LGBTQ+ stuff these days.

No. 2075795

File: 1736457682887.png (1.1 MB, 924x648, Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 1.21.…)

Almost forgot, YOLO: Crystal Fantasy was actually pretty funny and featured two female leads (but of course it was also made by a male, Michael Cusack who also did one of the voices.)

No. 2075804

File: 1736459280978.png (34.31 KB, 922x828, IMG_1997.png)

This piece of shit? I don’t hold yuri hags in high regard but this would be a new low(sage your shit)

No. 2075805

I can smell the mental illness and rapeape genes that went into making this picture.

No. 2075811

I love this show, nona! But yeah, would be better with all female voice actors playing women.

No. 2075817

just looking at this ugly ass artstyle fills me with disgust, let alone that dialogue

No. 2075821

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All nerdy moids are unhygienic as fuck kek. At least he doesn’t admit to pissing in bottles a la Shane dawson. Also picrel always reminds me of the monarch, he would definitely post on r/sinkpissers.

No. 2075824

What even is the point here? This one is the laziest comic I've seen in a long time. He's two comics away from "Peepee poopoo?" "FART! hehuheuehuheuehueh" "vaginaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

No. 2076223

Why is her boob so long

No. 2076319

File: 1736569140483.gif (677.75 KB, 459x313, she said it.gif)

No. 2076412

the blue haired one looks like a su or simpsons oc kek

No. 2076917

The little star character is cute but that’s it,the whole video was just lame and gross.Its just such an odd choice to make make the moon a big boobied bitch and make her envious of what looks to be a child.Why The Starry Night of all things to make coom shit out of ? And Also can’t imagine Van Gogh being very happy about something like this being done in his “honor”.(sage your shit)

No. 2079042

Glitch Productions just announced a new show that was created by Dana Terrace from The Owl House

No. 2079055

This looks oh so very cool. Tbh, this is the kind of thing I was excited to see with the rise of animated web series. Pros making the shit they actually want without being tied to corpos. What will she make given more creative power. It annoys me so much that animators in the US especially to get a chance at making a series they have to settle for a childrens network or streaming with shitty toonboom ass animation. This may finally lead to more range and sexier hand drawn animation. This makes me wanna get back into animating myself.

No. 2079059

another 'edgy' version of children's fairy tales

No. 2079106

I actually agree, this >>2079042 looks really cool and, if successful, bodes well for the industry. Excited to be entering an era where western animators can break free of the Y7/TV14 rating and flex their drawing arms again. Doesn't Glitch Productions make Digital Circus though? I hope Knights of Guinevere is less fetishy… but I'm not optimistic kek

No. 2079116

I’m glad Dana is at least given more creative freedom over her project, unlike The Owl House which butchered her style into unappealing cartoon blobs. Knowing the reputation of Glitch, I fear that it’s probably going to gain another fanbase full of dumb coomers that were introduced through The Amazing Digital Circus and Murder Drones.

No. 2079136

Can you elaborate about the butchering? I looked her stuff up but it looks same as in the cartoon.

No. 2079216

nta but she had to remove certain elements from the show in exchange for it to air. for example, disney were the people who wanted to add a magic school show, remove trans/queer characters and add more action scenes in the story

No. 2079228

Hope this isn't disappointing, it looks interesting.

No. 2079232

>Disney were the people who wanted to… remove trans/queer characters
Honestly, good. Anything TQ+ related is bound to be shit.

No. 2079244

>Dana Terrace

No. 2079304

sources would be better than just /co/ rumors or whatever
>add a magic school
it’s always been there since the pitch
>remove trans/queer characters
the show still has trans/queer characters
>add more action scenes
those were literally the peak moments of the show

No. 2079313

>trans/queer characters
Her new indie series is definitely going to have a shitload of that then kek

No. 2079538

Go back Kai

No. 2079541

>remove trans/queer characters
that's a good thing.

No. 2079563

But my fujobait…

No. 2079907

File: 1737404489360.jpg (427.33 KB, 1914x826, owl.jpg)

NTA, but there's this. https://archive.org/details/owl-house-pitch-bible

It seemed like the magic school was supposed to be on the backburner, while the primary focus of the show was Luz and Eda's relationship.
Disney also had her add some diversity friends with Willow and Gus, Gus not even existing in concept who was originally some small nerdy dragon.

Owl House had zero fujobait. The most popular gay male ship Hunter/Edric, didn't even interact.

No. 2079980

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The more of this book I read the less I like them as people. Still love the show though kek
He's literally a goon, nona. He used to post on the SA forums with his idol Shmorky

No. 2080086

>Disney also had her add some diversity friends
She was in the beta version though?

No. 2080513

Beavis and Butthead Do America still holds up

No. 2080746

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the writers of the castlevania nocturne released an interview discussing how anyone who is against the decisions they made is simply a racist or a bigot. now, I actually liked aspects of season 2, but there was a lot of weird pandering (all the egyptian gods were portrayed as black, and voodoo was the only religion treated more seriously and less skeptically than christianity ever was). I can ignore that, but this article is just so full of bullshit, mostly with the writers talking about themselves and how their backgrounds justified their changes as and claiming that the original series wasn't doing enough

>Isaiah Colbert, io9: Castlevania is a series rich with fully realized characters, especially when it comes to its Black characters. We’ve seen this in the past with characters like Isaac, and now we’re witnessing it again with Annette, Edouard, and Drolta.

>While fans have come to expect Eurocentric historical events like the French Revolution to coincide with a fantastical story like Nocturne‘s, the show surprised folks the world over by focusing on Black revolutions as well. What inspired the idea of adding that element to Nocturne‘s story?
>Clive Bradley: Once we had the setting of the French Revolution (which came from Rondo of Blood being set in 1792), it was vital, I think, to find some way to include the Haitian Revolution. The most radical thing the French Revolution did was abolish slavery, but the fundamental reason for that was that enslaved people were abolishing it themselves in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (later Haiti). Of course, then, you need characters to dramatize this. And having a relationship between one of these characters and the “hero” of the game, Richter, seemed an obvious choice.
>Of course, the next step was to build a writers’ room with writers who could help flesh this out. I’m so honored to have found Testament, Zodwa, and Temi [Oh], who did such a marvelous job.
>Nyoni: What I found interesting was that conversation about where the line between fiction and reality is. I’m a history buff. I love politics and research, so I loved the idea of leaning in on the work that I already do as an academic or as a writer in theater or screen, but also meeting the world of Castlevania. Myself, Temi, and Testament came on board to realize this vision that allowed us to not only bring ourselves and our cultural backgrounds to it [but also] open up the space for more research.

>Testament: What I like about working with Zodwa and Temi is that certain go-to cliches have been used in portrayals of global majority heritage characters, and we wanted to be real. We’ve seen those hairstyles a bunch, and they’re not historically accurate. We can be fresh with that and keep it in history. The Haitian Revolution, again, [had] famous women who were generals, leaders, and warriors like Marie-Jeanne Lamartinière, Victoria Montou (aka Toya), and Suzanne Bélair. It’s just history.

>Ten years ago, we weren’t talking about it until people went back and gone, “Oh yeah, Cécile Fatiman was doing spells in the woods and then going and fighting plantation owners.” That’s a real true-life story; she wasn’t the only woman. A bunch of women were in leadership doing that, so we’re just drawing on real things, putting it into our fantasy, and hopefully continuing that tradition of mashing together historical periods, dope animation, and representing it.
>io9: What was your guiding principle for enriching Nocturne‘s Black characters with mythological elements tied to African culture and real-life events like chattel slavery and the Haitian Revolution?
>Nyoni: We were fortunate throughout the process to work with a Haitian American scholar called Cécile Accilien. Much of her work revolved around Francophone studies, so she gave us cultural and historical context. That specificity was significant for us to think about how we accurately represented the Haitian Revolution and found space for creative license. We spent so much time cultivating and finding points of accuracy and even conversing with Netflix about the choice of language—what to label accurately. Those things were important for us in the process.
>Testament: The first season was so much about freedom. There’s a continual theme about people finding and fighting for freedom in different ways. Thematically, it just made sense. History has always been viewed through a particular lens; certain characters have fallen by the wayside. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, Alexandre Dumas’ father, was this war hero in charge of one of the biggest armies in the French Revolution. There are people like Chevalier Saint George who mentored him, but this has been erased from history. It was people like Napoleon who brought back slavery after the French Revolution got rid of it, had beef with Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, and tried to leave the black guy in prison.

>I’m half African heritage and half European in my bloodline. I have slave owners on my African side and on my European side, slaves and oppressed. I’m passionate about hearing different sides of the human experience, and that’s what great art can do. We can have a platform for different stories, but not just for the sake of it to push the narrative forward. Being historically accurate, you’re gonna see some Black faces and Black stories pop up, so we wanted it to be authentic and not just people put it in there for the sake of it.

>io9: Were there any elements vital to you for Nocturne to nail in the writers’ room regarding Black representation?
>Zyoni: Everything felt vital. Being able to go back and have conversations with the directors and the animators about hair texture, clothing, and cultural research on why certain characters have specific clothing and facial features. We did all of that work because representation felt important to us. When you start thinking about where we jumped to in time, there’s no way we can land in in Haiti suddenly with way more Black characters and not do the work and create a series that felt true to research.
>io9: There have always been clichés for how Black characters are represented in animation. Whether it’s how hair isn’t quite right or how, if Black character is a monster, it’s leaning on stereotypes that aren’t kosher. What was the collaborative process between the animation team and the writers over how characters should look in the show?
>Nyoni: I remember conversing about the evolution of Annette’s hair. They drew up different hairstyles, [studied] the meaning behind getting the hair texture accurate, and then went back and looked at images. We can’t be doing all this contextual research around world-building but not go back and look at what these characters look like.
>At one point, I was going, “The shape of the nose isn’t right. You can’t do this copy-and-paste thing of the same physical features but then just make everybody shades of brown. It just isn’t going to work.” So we sat down and talked a lot about why that mattered. I think what was really great is the team was always open to those conversations and understanding. Representation isn’t just about whether or not are we using the right language. It’s also about what is it we visually see.
>I really appreciate being included in those kinds of conversations because it meant this idea around representation had a through line across the board. I hate it when you watch shows and you go, “Oh, they got that element right, but they completely didn’t pay attention to this thing here.” It’s also to do with the length of time it takes to create this series. You have more space to have those conversations. It helps to have a receptive team that wants to hear why those things are necessary as opposed to trying to cut corners.

>io9: Nyoni, as the writer of Annette’s breakout episode in season one, what was your reaction to the response?

>Nyoni: When we were talking about which episodes everybody wanted to write, I was always drawn to Annette. I wanted to write an origin episode and think about where she comes from, her family’s background, and the connection to her spirituality, ancestors, deities, and Orishas.
>It’s been lovely seeing spaces where Annette is embraced and celebrated. People love how badass and complex she is, but [also] seeing how people discuss Annette in relation to the games and the expectations of Black characters—whether or not it’s about their visibility or in spaces where they’ve decided that Black folks shouldn’t be visible. It’s interesting thinking about how people pick at this idea of Blackness, visibility, or representation in fictional spaces and whether or not we’re having multiple conversations within this show.
>We need to be able to go, “What’s the thing that we’re saying about fictional stories? What’s the thing that we’re saying about adaptations? What’s the thing that we’re saying about blackness and visibility?” But sometimes it feels like all this stuff got enmeshed into one and exposed people’s prejudice and racial biases. I’ve always been massively proud of Annette as a character. It felt like such a privilege to write her and see people’s reactions to the depiction of voodoo and Orishas and loving it.
>io9: There’s a scene in season two where Richter and Annette discuss Henry the Last’s execution, allyship, the consequences of revolutions, and those who symbolize authority meeting their end, right or wrong. How important was keeping that prescient revolution theme ongoing while having characters converse without talking down to each other?

No. 2080750

>Nyoni: When people start revolutions, they are determined to challenge the institutions that no longer serve them. Having characters like Annette as the voice of that change, we’re doing it on different levels where we can tackle the meaning, purpose, and desire for the Haitian Revolution. Inevitably, we have this dynamic with levels of protagonist and antagonist—whether or not it’s in the context of Castlevania or the world we live in. You’ve got to find your people and organize to effect change.
>We see this at the top of the series when Annette seeks out the Belmonts. You constantly have to find your tribe of people who are also invested in this change that you want to bring about. We cannot do it alone.
>This idea that revolutions and civil rights movements happen and everything is done is not true because society is a living, breathing thing constantly organizing. What I really liked about the way we edited season one is that sometimes you get this idea that everything’s tied up nicely in a bow, and you’re done. But the fight continues, and I think it will continue regardless of whether we’re in a season three, four, or five. The fight doesn’t just begin or end with you. Characters like Annette must return to their ancestors for that internal strength and rich conversation around revolution. In the African context, you’re not fighting alone with those alive. You’re also doing it with the living dead; their answers never leave you and are part of your strength in the fight.
>Testament: What I love about our writers’ room is that we’ve all got slightly different political nuances, and none of us want to dumb down. For example, the church was sending Trevor to fight vampires, whereas, in the Castlevania Netflix series, the Church instigated the whole crisis in the first place. Texture, layers, and history are fused within that love for the game.

>io9: What was your favorite character moment in Castlevania: Nocturne that you had a hand in writing, and why?

>Testament: Drolta is one of my favorite characters. Even before we’d written the dialogue and saw the design for her, I was like, “This is the person I want to go for drinks with.” In my episode, we get to see a bit of her backstory and why she is the way she is, which ties back to her African heritage via the Nubians in Egypt—the different cults and different religions within Egypt at the time. I was talking to Egyptologists at Manchester University about, you know, what they would have used and what the ceremony would have been.
>Of course, we have some dramatic licenses, but we take them seriously. We still have this British sensibility—that sort of irony and dryness from the first and fourth seasons. Although Temi is of Nigerian heritage, Zodwa is Zimbabwean, I’m half English, half Ghanaian, we’ve fully grown up in schools and education and a culture of very dry humor, snarkiness, sarcasm, and nerdiness. That spans a singular race. To honor the Haitian Revolution, which was the only fully successful slave uprising for a whole nation was a monumental moment—all the world paid attention to [it] at the time, and the French empire got a bloody nose from that.

>Nyoni: We talk a lot about spirituality and Annette’s connection with her ancestors in the first season, but by the time we get to the second season, we’re not able to delve into that world because, up to this point, so much of kind of her access has always been through Cécile Fatiman. Now, there’s so much growth within her and her powers that we can see how she transports herself into other realms and assists the team in fighting Erzsabet in unexpected ways.

>io9: There’s been a rise in the gaming zeitgeist that coincides with the entertainment industry, where stories centering on Black characters are deemed woke and pejorative. For Nocturne specifically, a small minority of the viewing audience scoffed at the swapping of Annette, accusing the series of not remaining faithful to the games as “Blackwashing” or forced inclusivity for a “Black quota.” As a writer, what’s your reaction to the discourse that routinely sounds off whenever a Black character is highlighted in a show?
>Bradley: [Richter’s] girlfriend in the game is Annette, which is a French name, so we used that name. It certainly wasn’t because of some supposed need for a “quota” of Black characters. Netflix never said anything about that. It flowed from the logic of the story we wanted to tell.
>A minority of the audience have attacked the show as “woke,” and so forth. Of course, on one level, that was to be expected. But it’s quite disturbing, to be honest, that some people see the element of the story which is, at core, ‘slavery is bad, freedom is good’, as controversial—or simplistic or something—and “woke.” I think maybe some people haven’t grasped that the Haitian Revolution was a real thing that actually happened, which most people don’t know about. If it’s “woke” to tell a story which is partly about that, well, so be it.
>Testament: I think all conversation is welcome as long as we aren’t shutting down conversation on whatever side. I think it’s an opportunity to talk about how the French Revolution had important Black people. When the new politics of the revolution was starting, you had freed slaves in parliament.

>The first Black representative was in Paris during that era. There was a Black area of Paris at that time. That’s real stuff.

>Even going back to that famous conversation between Richter and Dracula [in the games], they talk about slavery and religion. Richter asks Dracula, “You wanna enslave all men’s souls?” This freedom narrative for Richter goes back to the games; all we’re doing is adding to that. Hopefully, taking limited characters like Annette [who] in the computer games has purple hair and is a damsel in distress originally that hasn’t got many lines [or] much of a story arc, it’s like, “Please save me, Richter. I believe in you, Richter.” That’s her story arc.
>Annette starts at a different place but grows to believe in Richter. She isn’t a damsel in distress but can handle her own as women in that period did, historically. We just conveniently forget about it sometimes. Richter is still the hero, still kicks butt, and takes names. He’s flawed; he’s on a journey. To start with him was like Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t make sense for us. He’s still the main dude; he has strong supporting friends.
>Nyoni: It’s interesting when you think about these perceived white spaces that Black characters and people are not supposed to exist in. Historically, Black folks have been around in spaces where white people think that we have not been. We have long-rooted histories in spaces. You end up with this outcry about Blackwashing and you go, “What’s the thing that you are actually afraid of?” When we go back to the series, there is this evolution of characterization with what do you do with Annette from the game to the TV series. Where do adaptations sit? What space are they allowed to occupy? Nobody’s stopping you from playing the games.
>There’s something really interesting and creative we’re doing with the series that allowed us to end up with this character with a Haitian background that looked back to Yorùbá. We were able to create a character that felt more relevant to the space and world that we had built, and I think it would have been just so massively incomprehensible to have landed during the kind of Haitian revolution without showing that vastness of Blackness, culture, religion, and meaningful representation.
>In popular culture, when it comes to the representation of people of color, I think it is crucial, and there is nothing about the existence of Annette that I regret. I am so proud of that character, and I’m so proud of the work that has gone in not only with myself but with the writing team as a whole that we’ve done in her narrative thread in the world we built together. Somebody else’s prejudice and racism are not for me to tackle. I just have to continue to write great stories. That is my only task.

>io9: What impact do you hope Castlevania: Nocturne‘s story will have on the gaming and animation industry?

>Nyoni: When the first series came out, we saw the impact in real-time. Once the series had been out for a while, we started to see cosplay and go, “Oh snap, people are embodying the idea you had of all these characters.” It is exciting to have more spaces where you can find new writers and writers can find themselves. But it takes showrunners like [Bradley] to say “I need new voices in the space.” Showrunners and producers have to work to bring those voices in; otherwise, where do we find that entry point? I don’t know how else I would have gotten here if they hadn’t requested different voices in the space.
>Testament: The power of stories to share different experiences [with] our love of video games and culture. When I grew up, there weren’t heroes who looked like me, so we had Bruce Lee. There were some athletes, but in terms of the animated space and the anime space, you had Kaneda—he was my guy—but he didn’t look like me. I love Akira and everything it says about government and how we live our lives. You can have a cool motorbike chase, but you can also think about what totalitarian states are.
>[Castlevania: Nocturne has] a great opportunity to have conversations and to discuss things that don’t typically get discussed. My favorite art gives me sensation and emotion but also might leave me with other things to like to think about.

No. 2080754

I don't understand how they just can't create original POC characters. I'm POC myself (not Black) and if I saw some random White character be suddenly turned into my ethnicity I'd probably be just like: "Oh wow, making a POC character is too hard for you so you'd rather take some existing character and paste POC unto it because you're too lazy and that's too difficult for you."

Also, are any of these decisions actually made by POCs? I've always been suspicious of it. I'm 90% sure POC creators would rather make their own original characters, that's what I do anyway.

Also, while the intention is supposed to bring representation, what it just really looks like is that these creators don't really have faith in making original POC characters at all. It reminds me of the "Black dude dies first" trope.

No. 2080756

Samefag, it's basically saying: White characters can have their own stories—but POC characters can only ever be copies and can have no story of their own.

Come on.(learn to delete and repost)

No. 2080867

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This was real?

No. 2080870

There's something really weird about assigning a prepubescent child as asexual.

No. 2080881

File: 1737593040106.jpg (628.52 KB, 1477x2121, Thanks_to_Them_-_1963.jpg)

Also The Owl House have their own enby TIF…

Was really Dana wokeness or Disney fault?

No. 2080889

i will never get over how ugly this show is

No. 2080904

If you're talking about The Collector (the little kid in purple), he's in front of a nonbinary flag, not the ace one. Still something weird to decide a functionally prepubescent child is though.

No. 2080910

God, talk about trying way too hard (and looking ugly as hell). I also really hate the use of LGBT+ flags use as either background or character color palettes for them to later run to they're social medias to brag about.

No. 2080918

Is this supposed to be a principal or something with fucking pronouns on the desk plaque? My fucking sides kekk. The ugly nonbinary flag nails are just the cherry on top.
Say whatever you want about Steven Universe, lord knows almost everyone working on it was a huge cow in their own right, but at the very least I always appreciated them keeping their pandering to a minimum. Even if characters were meant to be nonbinary, they never explicitly said so and no one except the autistic adults following the crewniverse on social media would know. Even Stevonnie had the in-universe of being a fusion of two people, so it kinda made sense when people called her "they" outside of a troon context. This is just so cringe.

No. 2081010

I agree with you anon. I'm black and I cannot stand blackwashing characters. I was a big Castlevania fan before the Netflix shows as I got into the series during the Lament of Innocence days and I was never bothered that the games lacked black characters because I understood that the setting took place in ye'old Europe.

I was not fucking with the race change of Annette. I can understand them wanting to make her more of an action girl instead of a damsel and I really enjoyed how they did that for Sypha in the first Netflix show but the race swapping just turned me right off. I had this issue with Isaac as well in the first season, he should've stayed a pale ginger.

I would much rather they just make new original characters who happened to be black. If "Blackette" was just a new character introduced to the show, I would've accepted her with open arms. I mean if I'm not mistaken, isn't Edouard a original character made of the show? If so, clearly they could've made more because while I personally wasn't that invested in him because he was transformed way too fast, at least he is his own character with his own story to tell.

>but POC characters can only ever be copies and can have no story of their own.
Exactly. I don't understand how these people don't seem to understand. Are black characters only good for getting scraps? Where's the respect? lol

This just sucks because there were some aspects that I really liked of Castlevania Nocturne but it was also full with so much annoying ass pandering. I'm debating if I will watch season 2 because I have a feeling we're gonna get even more pandering BS, especially after reading the interview but I'm still morbidly interested because I love Alucard and I'm curious how they will handle him this second time around.

No. 2081014

tbf, in the context of 18th century france, it's possible to include black characters who wouldn't be out of place. but as I mentioned, there's a lot of pandering in the decisions made, such as portraying every north african character as essentially black. Anyone with a basic understanding of the world knows that's not accurate, so it's a matter of pure stupidy or a deliberate erasure of north african and middle eastern identities.

No. 2081061

oh no my show about vampires doesn’t have accurate demographics for 1800s France

No. 2081068

you know that's not the point

No. 2081103

File: 1737649606021.webp (108.37 KB, 1920x816, all-amphibia-lgbt-canon-charac…)

Also Amphibia have some LGBT canon characters (At least don't feel so pandering).

No. 2081106

The fuck is the flag in the bottom left supposed to be

No. 2081109

Go back to Tumblr, retard. There's a difference between having fantastical elements and fucking up your setting in immersion-breaking ways. If "but vampires" is your blanket defense for that sort of thing, by the same logic Netflix could stick the Hamburglar in the middle of the show and you wouldn't be allowed to complain.

No. 2081162

Hahaahah the toad mayor is gay

No. 2081168

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No. 2081208

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No. 2081212

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According Matt Braley (the show creator) Sasha is Bisexual in the final episode…(sage your shit)

No. 2081213

Isn’t she like twelve

No. 2081219

File: 1737667603621.jpg (782.38 KB, 1778x1680, 1686256564705271.jpg)

fuck, I erased that from my mind and totally forgot about it..
They become adults later in the show.

No. 2081225

AYRT and I understand that having black characters is not out of place because black people were around back then, I just mean that I would've just preferred new characters who happen to be black is all As I said they did this with Edouaward and it was okay. They also kinda did this with Drolta but I personally don't like her aesthetic design because it looks way out of place and modern (her leather outfit).

>North Africa

Yeah I agree, it's pretty small-minded to only show them as just black. I would think they might correct this in season 2 but eh…

No. 2081299

is that rupaul kek

No. 2081304

She's supposed to be an employee of a local History Museum in Luz's town that was managed by an Evil White Male curator who was also apparently a Demon Hunter.

It most certainly is, apparently Matt Braly was a big fan of RuPaul's Drag Race, that he had him voice a character that is just him, but as an FBI agent.(sage your shit)

No. 2081309

is the owl house just little witch academia but with none of the soul or good quality animation and with trannies?

No. 2081342

File: 1737688013581.png (775.75 KB, 900x900, IMG_5085.png)

Owl house is more like witch hat academia. Both mangaka and Dana have done fanart of each other’s work.

No. 2081343

File: 1737688138322.png (603.35 KB, 1800x2700, IMG_5086.png)

Here’s Dana’s art of Coco from WHA.

No. 2081439

It’s just tiring to see that the only “black representation” is always blackwashing a pre-existent white character. And I’m black too. I’m not going to die if I don’t see a black character or a “queer” one, I’d rather have none than simply picking a white character and making it black for no reason.
It always brings out real racists too (look at Ariel) along with those who are genuinely critiquing it.
It’s boring and redundant.

No. 2081442

They could have made Annette an OC and given her a proper Haitian name (since they want to talk about inclusion so much kek). It would have the same effect, but them just putting her as a replacement for the previous character kind of removes from their intent all together.

No. 2081578

are you the one that kept spamming the /co/ amphibia threads with sashanne and getting into slap fights with frog fags?

No. 2081623

I'm (>>2081010) and nice to see another black fan of Castlevania who's not about this pandering bullshit. I'm the same, I would've much rather there be no black characters than having Annette and Isaac be blackwashed. And you're right how it does way more harm than good by bringing out the actual racists who would've stayed in the closet had they not blackwashed. Let them come out through original creations like how Black Panther did lol.

Blackwashed Annette is just so infuriating because she could've been an original character and have her own story to tell like Edouardo.

No. 2081694

It is more than likely a reference to "put the fries in the bag" but that is probably a factor too

No. 2081729

While we're on the topic of blackwashing, this video is always brought up when someone wants to whiteknight this shit.(sage your shit)

No. 2081730

This is so good, that shit show doesnt deserve this. Why are we stuck with calarts blobs while japan has artists this good.

No. 2081839

Ohhh these both honestly make me happy. Very cute.

No. 2081847

Both shows are very similar. Non-magical girl goes into training at magic school/apprenticeship etc. Witch hat atelier the anime will be out later this year. While the manga came out before TOH was pitched.

No. 2081929

This has nothing to do with the post you're replying to? Non magical kid get into a magical school is the most generic plot for children fantasy imaginable. And that doesn't change that toh look ugly because it's corporate Disney slop.

No. 2082022

Part of what I'm going to say may not be thread appropriate but I just gotta say it. As a black person, can these "niggas" just stop saying that wor. No other race has taken a racial slur and tried to make it slang so it's pathetic and cringe that black people have done this/ Anyway personal grievance aside, I still disagree. Even if the blackwash character is a "headcannon", I don't care, you're still changing the race because you desperately want that character to reflect what you are which is just stupid imo. Just make your own black OCs. I understand the lack of prominent black characters in animated media but still, blackwashing an already established character is just pathetic and it's not surprising why some people side eye or get annoyed by it.

I just can't understand how these black people even get into blackwahsing characters. I was really into Cardcaptor Sakura & Kim Possible growing up and I really liked the main characters in those shows but I never once thought that I would relate more with the characters if they were black. Like can someone here maybe explain the mindset because I just don't get it.

No. 2082031

In my humble opinion, that only became a thing because of the Internet. It's a meme. Someone said it once on Tumblr or Twitter or TikTok and people ran with it as a real thing. Doesn't helo that Americans have retarded race wars online 24/7. So they decided to weaponize representation and black/brown/whitewashing in their race wars online. So someone whitewashes a character to piss black/brown people off, then they retaliate with black/brownwashing, then they try to excuse it in some woke representation and relating to a character packaging so no one would be able to tell them it's wrong, or else they're racist and they don't get it. To me, the whole "I need to see a character that looks like me to relate to them!!" thing is disgenuine and people are faking it for Internet points. But it's not far fetched that there is a minority that's genuinely like that who got mixed up with the fakers. It reeks of narcissim to me, "everything has to be about me me me!!1!1!", but it can be understandable in cases with a show that has characters from around the world and from different cultures but a group of viewers can't find a character from their own culture on screen, so they wish for one like all the other groups. But it's not an excuse to change already established characters. And most of the time they change characters from media that doesn't do the different cultures thing to begin with, from worlds with homogeneous people who all look the same or something, or are from a real country that almost has no black people in it at all, like when they do it with anime characters that are supposed to be Japanese. Which is why I think it's just racebait and stubbornness, and can't take it seriously at all. They do it because they know it riles people up and causes retarded infighting, so they can point and say "see! They're racist and I'm better and a victim!", it's woke trolling basically.

No. 2082047

File: 1737853773010.png (792.35 KB, 1024x576, de95230-9ee7b477-cf71-49bf-bd5…)

What if instead of producing the owl house, disney had produced a 100% american adaptation of Little Witch Academy directed by Dana Terrace full of gendie shit?(sage your shit)

No. 2082056

Ayrt and got ya. This is why I'm thankful that I'm in my 30s and got to grow up as a kid and teen consuming media when Tumblr, Twitter, and TikTok were not things because you just never saw this stuff back in the late 90s and 00s. Even in the early days of DeviantART, most people would just draw black OCs or self-inserts for the animated shows that they were into including myself (I made a black Sailor Scout lol).

Considering how wokeism has been a thing since like early 2010 and has not seemed to die off, your explanation makes sense why these people who I assume are mostly gen z, are engaging in such stupidity. It makes sense that is more of a pissing attention whore game disguised as fake activism for black representation.

No. 2082062

The people campaigning for blackwashing or brownwashing characters dont actually care about the character or canon imo, they just want a little power trip and enjoy the feeling of smug satisfaction that they can guilt trip studios into kowtowing to their retarded demands.

Same way flaming hon trannies will purposely walk into a devout Christian bakery, and order a rainbow sponge raspberry jam bleeding neovagina cake with sugarpaste dead fetuses and dildos around it, then sue them for refusing to bake it. It's just another way for mentally ill freaks to get their tingles.

No. 2082102

First clip reveal from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
From the concept art I thought it was meant for 2d(emulating earlier comics) but of course Disney’s gotta cheap out and ruin it with 3d. Nico Minoru is an existing comic character from the runaways, but I wonder what’s the point of making her a main character here, I thought she was a cringey new goth girl oc at first. (also her early comic designs look significantly better, what is marvel thinking giving her neon blue hair dye kek)

No. 2082106

>he didn't like my name
That cracked me up, ngl. I bet the girl is his love interest. This doesn't look that bad, if it doesn't have troon and other LGHDTV+ bullshit and retarded American politics, I might give it a try. Though I feel like we had enough Spiderman media. Wish they'd make shows about more obscure but beloved superheros for a change.

No. 2082115

Nah, it looks better with an anime style.

No. 2082152

what's that flag with purple, white and green?

No. 2082163

Genderqueer, I think

No. 2082171

>The people campaigning for blackwashing or brownwashing characters dont actually care about the character or canon imo
Ayrt and yeah I think you're right. I definitely can see that with Castlevania especially because the franchise has always been pretty niche post Symphony of the Night. I think your assumption about these people caring more about the power trip of thinking that bitching and moaning as a group will get them what they want seems about right. It's totally about their egos thinking they can boss around studios with the threat of trying to cancel them on Twitter and cry racism.

I decided to watch the first few episodes of Nocturne season 2 and "Blackette" is so frustrating for me still because I actually like her design and I like her action scenes and I just wish she was her own character.

No. 2082248

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I think Veronica posts these whenever she wants people to bully Mark kek.

No. 2082311

It gives me vibes of mommy proud of her autistic boy who wiped his ass without help for the first time

No. 2082324

She misspelled sped

No. 2082331

He looks like he’s about to troon out.

No. 2082347

Some women are really painfully straight huh

No. 2082349

From the front page I thought this was a TIF.

No. 2082350

Their voices are kind of annoying in this clip for some reason

No. 2082395

she can do better honestly, if she wasnt a bpdemon she would be dating hot men instead of manchildren who hit the wall at lightning speed.

No. 2082496

I couldn't care less if this series has the best story in the world, this art style is absolutely painful to look at, who in their right mind would ever approve this garbage?

No. 2082501

Adult shows creators are allergic to actually drawing and animating and to appealing art styles. They probably think their ugly art styles are more mature and you gotta have 10000 iq to get it, like the pretentious faggots they are.

No. 2082503

Can they stop making these ugly depressing bojack clones already

No. 2082511

Who the fuck wants this ugly boring shit? give us more Primal. I swear most animation directors dont actually like the medium and just like that its cheaper and more convenient than hiring actors. Imagine having a medium where you can make literally ANYTYHING and you settle for this boring garbage.

No. 2082514

what tells you she doesn't go specifically for ugly guys to either feel pretty next to them or out of schizo self-hatred? That other bpd girl lex of the supermega drama has the same "type".

No. 2082531

File: 1737973576597.jpg (25.26 KB, 248x330, 1000003412.jpg)

>why are all these adult shows so ugly
Because the creators look like this

No. 2082566

Wow, the art style is bad. It's not only hideous to look at, but it looks expensive to produce. Lots of lines and folds to keep track of. I hope Adult Swim is ok with hemorrhaging money kek

No. 2082670

I would genuinely prefer minimal effort aqua teen hunger force/South Park type animation over this ugly shit. Why waste time and money animating something so hideous? Nobody will watch this boring shit anyway.
Speaking of adult swim, what shows do they even have anymore? The only ones I can think of that are worth watching are smiling friends and primal. Do people even watch current Rick and Morty and robot chicken?

No. 2082675

I despise the art style, the heads look so wonky.

No. 2082731

It makes sense. They actually relate to it and that's why they insist on using it despite it not being the most appealing option for a wider audience. They don't consider this so instead it's the same bland, repetitive, ugly style that they think is perfect for getting the attention of adults that write reviews for shows like this on Reddit.

No. 2082747

why not vbros season 8

No. 2082793

So I found this Australian animation pilot and it was so boring and I don't know why it's blowing up recently when the plot is unoriginal,bland and predictable not the mention I hate the art style.

No. 2082820

We can only pray for it at this point nonna

No. 2082825

Autistic man children moids like One piece and it’s ugly ass art style(sage your shit)

No. 2082826

The last season's animation quality was fucking insane. Sadly western animation is made to be quick and cheap so we wont have anything that good in a while.

No. 2082829

It’s never happening nona. The show was for a specific type of person. It doesn’t have mass appeal like Smiling Friends or pretentiousness like Rick and Morty. Doc Hammer is a slow writer and adult swim has to constantly churn out episodes to keep viewers engaged. People aren’t as patient as they once were to wait for a season to release. Since modern online fandom culture revolves around the fandom of the week the fandom won’t stick around unless there’s currently content being produced.

No. 2082831

At least Primal hasn’t been cancelled (last I checked)

No. 2082844

I think the ugly art style is trying (and failing) to copy the old MTV cartoons like Beavis & Butthead, or just generally anything if that nature which came out at the same time, by being completely fucking horrendous looking. The only good thing about adult swim churning out ugly cartoons is that it's not another rick and morty/family guy clone but God I wish they would lean more into like actually nice things to look at, or at least try claymation and give us a break á la Morel Orel

No. 2082931

it's not going to look good because it's all digital. beavis and butthead at the very least used cels and therefore had a grungy sketchy style to it, same as something like home movies. this looks flat while trying to copy the same idea with shortcut techniques.

No. 2083003

God nona, I’ve been staring at this ugly shit for days wondering why it’s so uncanny and you got it in one kek. The style is trying to replicate old MTV shows, but it’s waaay too HD. The grainy cels were imperative to the aesthetic. Even slapping an Instagram low-res filter over this shit would be a visual improvement.

No. 2083006

Robot chicken uses claymation and looks decent, too bad the writing is shit kek

No. 2083015

usually bpdemons date the hot (usually narcissistic/sociopathic) men. she must be low developed socially if that's the kind of guys she's pulling.

No. 2083075

The voice acting is really weak. The writing, dialog and even the art are a straight Home Movies ripoff. The scenes and shots are so boring.

No. 2083136

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He's shilling merch for his shit cartoon when it's not even the fifth most viewed video on his channel and there hasn't been a second episode in four months.

No. 2083138

Talk about low quality. I feel like I’m listening to a discord call.

No. 2083148

it's like it wants to be regular show slash smiling friends so bad, but without being captivating at all

No. 2083154

File: 1738123526692.png (1.23 MB, 810x1300, uVIdPW6.png)

the thing about smiling friends is that the creators are actually competent artists, but they’ll intentionally draw in a simple, crude style when it’s funnier (picrel is similar example). on the other hand, these people draw like shit because they simply aren’t competent artists

No. 2083167

completely forgot this existed ngl

No. 2083212

That's it, I'm done. I tapped out.

No. 2083350

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No. 2083488

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Anyone got info on this MTF tranny short film that's supposedly going to air at CalArts?

No. 2083510

entire website is just full of anime brainrot and muh white collar depression calarts animal designs

No. 2083532

File: 1738206765136.png (773.16 KB, 1062x800, anuvRdg.png)

>Angelic Kitty Miracle-chan is deeply interested in offering a critical look as to how we interact with and self identify with fictional characters and media in the age of the internet. The Film is primarily live action with an animated opening that contextualizes the titular "Miracle chan".

No. 2083533

Nice 1-to-1 rip of pedo Akio Watanabe's style. Derivative swill.
His fucking neck, christ.

No. 2083535

I guess they couldn’t move forward with original title “Pedo: a Documentary”

No. 2083540

No but now I'm interested

No. 2083548

Is that Mike judge?

No. 2083564

File: 1738216991544.png (159.87 KB, 1332x1112, 1733802852994.png)

>please feel bad for me i'm an autopedophile: the movie
Don't tell me this is going to be the new hot button issue and that we're going to hear about how people want to jerk off to themselves as children are the most dehumanized minority in the history of the universe. This man was previously mentioned in the art salt thread in /ot/ and he is an insufferable faggot who thinks men wanting to become little girls is revolutionary

No. 2083575

>i only choose male bodies because i cannot coom to them*
there, i fixed it. mememe already exists, there is no need for another fauxdeep slop about how evil otaku culture is, coming from a westoid scrote that isnt even japanese or involved in otaku culture.

No. 2083700

File: 1738241789653.jpeg (52.41 KB, 660x381, so_true,_jojo.jpeg)

I hate anime so much.

Btw, he was discussed in the MtF thread here in /snow/ but which thread number was that? Need to hate read.

No. 2083701

Which thread was that?

No. 2083708

it's so sad that this "2000s anime moe art style" got popularized with weirdos like these. It should've stayed forever dead

No. 2083729

It would of worked if it was some Silence of the Lambs esque horror movie that criticized scrotes who sexualized shoujo that's meant for girls and take it too far (Like that recent news story of male Precure cosplayers who wore those creepy face masks like >>2083532 meant for fetish play and went to some amusement park to take pictures with children. I think one of them had an ABDL fetish but the amusement park ended up banning cosplayers because of this).

But of course it's some retarded 2deep4u pandering BS >>2083564

No. 2083752

I thought this was pretty decent. Maybe the bar is just so low now kek

No. 2083764

>(Like that recent news story of male Precure cosplayers who wore those creepy face masks like >>2083532 meant for fetish play and went to some amusement park to take pictures with children. I think one of them had an ABDL fetish but the amusement park ended up banning cosplayers because of this).

No. 2083771

I know being annoying about garfield is a general gen z thing but why is it a pattern more specifically amongst australian zoomers

No. 2083780

looks ugly but i'm down to follow it. I try and give new AS shows a chance, you know they're not long for this world anyway

No. 2083880

Apologies for the wait, an extra warning for realistically drawn gore if you're going to unspoiler the image >>>/ot/2301218

No. 2083896

Was the movie not designed to wrap up all the plot points so that they didn't have to make a season 8? I thought it was dead forever?

No. 2083897

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Blackgryph0n wrote songs for Poppy Playtime 4.

No. 2083899

I used to really like "natural" dialogue in shows (like ATHF and other adult swim shows) where everyone talks over each other and cuts each other off, it felt fresh at the time. This feels like it's trying really hard to be funny like Rick and Morty or Smiling Friends or something with all of the stuttering and interruptions going on for way too long, it's annoying.

>watch out, you're-you're

>You're stepping in our-
>oh sorry
>You're stepping in our lane
>Yeah you're in it right now
>Yeah you're in our lane
>oh sorry
>yeah you're in our lane
>sorry I didn't know

No. 2083903

I seriously wonder what the faculty is like at CalArts or any other big art schools these days and what they think of this newest generation of students. I wonder if the professors are sick of all of the weeb troons and terminally online new kids coming in trying to make the next Steven Universe. When I was in art school even the new undergrads got eviscerated for projects that were "trite" or trying too hard to be 2deep4u, "muh identity" without actually saying anything.

No. 2083904

>The Film is primarily live action
>primarily live action
So why is it being released at CalArts?

No. 2083905

I kinda like the art style but it's so boring… is there a single joke? Nobody has much personality, the girl characters seem interchangeable. The animation is decent but they need better writers

No. 2083913

>Shitty NFT game where the creators make sexual clickbait Elsegate content with their characters directed at children has a creep on the crew
Well who could’ve possibly seen that coming?!

No. 2083929

The troon must've sucked off someone off in that troon filled school to be hosted I suppose no wonder that calarts is in the gutters or some retard thought that the kigurumi mask(a literal fetish who woulda thought) counted as "animation".This troon is literally ripping off another jap pedos artstyle and thinks hes anything special for being a moid wanting to larp as a little anime girl

No. 2083941

It depends on which showcase it is, his video with the little anime intro might make it eligible for the Character Animation Open Show.

This is the animation intro btw, it's nothing special


No. 2083944

>zoom in the lolishit character's ass
41% yourself you troon

No. 2083948

File: 1738288626807.png (2.3 MB, 2300x1104, Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 5.54.…)

ayrt, the comments on his IG are all licking his ass, it's ridiculous. Also kek at the person asking them to not befriend lolicon artists when he obviously IS one.
>omggg it's incredible!! it's just like one of my 2000s animeeeees it's so goooood

No. 2083953

I was just thinking today how satisfying it is that the creator is a giant, unmistakably XY that would never be able to successfully pass as a female. You just know how much that has got to fuck with his head that he can't be a 12 year schoolgirl

No. 2083964

File: 1738293070773.png (233.43 KB, 591x452, precure.PNG)

I don't have the news article but there is a twitter statement and screenshots of the incident in the tweet.

No. 2083969

I fucking hate that every single show now has “talking over each other” dialogue it drives me nuts

No. 2083971

God, his art really is derivative. There is nothing deep about a tranny's pornsick anime hentai fantasy, yet all the brainless degenerates will lap this up and call it genius. Disgusting.

No. 2083976

File: 1738299257685.png (586.8 KB, 1174x864, sdfsdfd.png)

his justification for not being like the other pedophiles is that he's trans and he understands media literacy. he pissed off a lot of lolicons last year for moralfagging over this.
>omggg it's incredible!! it's just like one of my 2000s animeeeees it's so goooood
kek and there were thousands of other styles he could have taken inspiration from, but he chose akio watanabe, THE lolicon. when i think of 2000s magical girl anime, i think of precure, doremi, tokyo mew mew, shugo chara, and princess tutu, not ero visual novel moeshit.

No. 2083983

Those people are probably thinking of Nurse Witch Komugi, Nanoha and other "magical girls for men" shows from the 00's
He should just admit he likes it like the rest instead of trying to sound enlightened or whatever, like he understands the true essence of moe and lolis and therefore is allowed to rip-off Watanabe.

No. 2083986

>pedophilia is okay when troons do it
>because it just is, okay?!
I mean it's not too far from what already happens when men get caught with child pornography and get their sentences lessened because of muh dysphoria rediscovering his little girl selves. congratulations to him for figuring out I guess, the media literacy will surely make his lolicon anime less pedophilic because he's jerking off to wanting to be a little girl for the right reasons. Calarts is a fucking joke

No. 2084004

>acktually its not pedophilia for troons! Its moe!
Calling pedoshit some other word doesnt mean it's not pedoshit, I hope the Nippon pedophile sees his flim and sues him for using his artstyle and calarts gets fucking shamed for allowing this fucker to host his vile shit there

No. 2084025

>ackshyully moe aesthetics is a microcosm of patriarchal feminine ideals
>grrr masculinity is dirtiness, decay, realness, uwu femininity is the impossible, uncannily cute, digital
an agp is an agp no matter what kind of words they hide it behind

No. 2084041

File: 1738330453339.jpg (120.01 KB, 1079x671, 1000010209.jpg)

omg a troon obsessing over le 2000s moe shit, how subversive and original. so self-aware, I'm sure he doesn't masturbate and cry over anime girls either!
The Precure pervert cosplayer was a troon who lured in kids while the tranny janny on Reddit shut down any misgendering.

No. 2084050

its petty but i had to stop watching western animation because of this shit. I already had a stuttering issue irl, dont need to hear it in tv shows

No. 2084058

>Misogyny is ok but transphobia will get you banned blocked reported drone striked deported unpersoned fired

No. 2084060

i swear these kind of handmaidens are the final bosses of "women that center men in their lives" kek

No. 2084137

I don't think that's a woman(sage your shit)

No. 2084365

they actually defended him?

No. 2084471

Degeneracy aside, I can't believe he's getting away with ripping off another artist's style 1:1 at a supposed professional animation school. CalArts has turned into such a fucking joke, it used to churn out Disney renaissance artists and now we get this. Art has degraded so hard since the popularization of the internet.

No. 2084557

File: 1738459617119.mp4 (2.5 MB, 854x480, huZCvVh.mp4)

this looks awful and is such blatant coombait

No. 2084565

File: 1738460329021.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1143, IMG_8383.jpeg)

First it was the Steven Universe beanmouths, then Rick & Morty/Inside Job/whatever this art style is, now everyone is trying to do their own Hazbin/Helluva Boss style I guess

No. 2084570

When I was in college in southern California I used to daydream about getting my MFA at CalArts, never applied though because it was way too expensive. It was THE place everyone wanted to go, especially for the networking and connections. It’s crazy to see crap like this is accepted and made it into the showcase. oh how the mighty have fallen.(blogging)

No. 2084583

>I can't believe he's getting away with ripping off another artist's style 1:1 at a supposed professional animation school.
Most recent cartoons rip off anime so much I'm not that surprised they don't care anymore. Western animation is dead and they need students to pay their absurd tuition costs.

No. 2084586

the opening for netflix's devil may cry anime just came out

No. 2084605

early adult swim shows had the best adult cartoon art style, mainly because it was mostly emulating old hanna-barbera cartoons and comic books which actually had decent art. Sealab, archer, and harvey birdman all had pretty cheap/rudimentary animation and still looked far better than current cartoons that have an actual budget. Venture bros of course will always be the gold standard. People love action cartoons as shown with invincible, why don’t they make something like that?

No. 2084620

>Why don't they make something like that?
If we lived in a world awash with enough talented animators to make a show like that on the regular, 75% of this thread wouldn't exist kek. It's just the "turning art school into an expensive daycare" chicken coming home to roost.

No. 2084626

As a long-time DMC fan I’m disappointed but not surprised. Dante looks like utter shit, and why did they make Lady some futuristic cop?

No. 2084648

The animation and opening is stylish and fun, I like it. But it doesn't look or feel like DMC to me, and I'm not even a fan of the franchise. Choosing Limp Bizkit for the opening song is embarrassing though.

No. 2084689

File: 1738489846357.jpg (33.8 KB, 336x492, 51ZPUmZvWrL._AC_.jpg)

>Choosing Limp Bizkit for the opening song is embarrassing though.
Maybe they wanted to be 'ironic'. Not a good way to revamp a franchise. Anyway, I doubt it will be as watchable as old DMC anime.

No. 2084714

not to be like that but i honestly think they do not understand that style is actually the work of another human being and their personal way of drawing, they see this style as some sort of mass product like mcdonald's or something and not as art or creative thing made by another person. i honestly think many people view different anime styles and japanese artists like that.

nu-metal is back, like it or not. limp bizkit might be cringe for people older than 30 but people younger than that actually find it cool.

No. 2084720

>but people younger than that actually find it cool
I find it hard to believe. Remember the joke of every edgy weeb making a Limp Bizkit x Dragon Ball AMV?

No. 2084721

2nd ayrt, I like nu-metal, I just don't like Limp Bizkit, they're the lamest nu-metal band. They could've used something from Slipknot, Korn or Linkin Park's 2000s work if they wanted that vibe so bad.

No. 2084728

File: 1738501453845.png (66.2 KB, 257x196, IMG_5225.png)

Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit is a huge anime fan and that’s probably why they used his track.

No. 2084735

The animation and cuts are way too slow paced to keep up with the song tbh

No. 2084736

Oh I see. I know that Corey Taylor may or may not be a bit of a weeb himself and he has a Japanese tatto on his neck and spoke some Japanese in a Tokyo show once, so he would've probably been an ok pick, too. Idk about the other nu-metal bands. I can see Mike Shinoda making a new original song for the series since he's Japanese and in a nu-metal band. Missed opportunity.

No. 2084752

I feel like Mike would have been an easy choice too but they’ve got their Scientology queen vocalist now and idk if fans would vibe with that.

No. 2084760

Her ugly self insert will never be zone tan

No. 2084762

File: 1738510366629.png (1.45 MB, 914x1280, tumblr_lpvypgPNmg1qhtnjeo1_128…)

feels like im back in early 2010's tumblr, and not in a good way

No. 2084763

File: 1738510806207.jpeg (124.24 KB, 1170x1003, dl2barna4ige1.jpeg)

Creator of DMC weighs in

No. 2084765

Surprised that question didn't trigger an instant block kek

No. 2084770

kek was he blocked afterwards?

No. 2084779

File: 1738513971811.jpeg (Spoiler Image,260.82 KB, 850x1244, IMG_2278.jpeg)

It’s copying the style of the artist Watanabe Akio of Nurse Witch Komugi and other ero visual novel games.

No. 2084814

yes and nowadays kids think it's genuinely aesthetic kek

No. 2084830

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Blackgryph0n sent a C&D to a call out account.

No. 2084840

im gen z and no we dont, which "kids" are these? numetal is popular sure but not limp bizkit

No. 2084868

Oh Agent Xero. I'll never forgive moids for what they did to you.

No. 2084870

There were North African characters in the Castlevania cartoon? I only watched the first season and didn't like it, and I'm only kinda familiar with the DS games and Aria of Sorrow.

No. 2084874

That's how it is on this bitch of an earth

No. 2084877

better blackwashing over ghetto fat blob shit. At least Annette is pretty and easy on the eyes

No. 2084973

why are you offended? this is just a thing that happens and will keep happening over and over again. beatles was a cringe boy band for teenage girls when they first came out. then it was cool music man band for music men until it became cringe again, as an example. kids, maybe not you (lmao oldest gen z'ers are soon in their 30s now you aren't kids anymore btw) think y2k aesthetics are cool and some of the stuff you or me might have found cringe back then are just cool little things for them.

No. 2085015

Gen Z metalhead here and yes they are. Limp Bizkit is huge with early 2000s larper teens now alongside Slipknot, Kittie, and Korn just because they're accessible surface level nu-metal bands. Limp Bizkit is definitely lame, but they still have a following. Fred Durst was even in some A24 movie that came out a few months ago.

No. 2085050

Calarts isn’t solely an animation school

No. 2085323

yeah tbh i kind of agree with you. There's something off, the whole thing comes across boring

No. 2085545

Nu-Metal became more of an aesthetic gimmick than an actual genre as it went on. Just shout-y psuedo-metal for people who think death metal growls and black metal shrieks are too scary. Songs that sound like they were made purely to be WWE intro themes. Big choruses and simple riffs that any beginner on guitar could play.

No. 2085546

Ik the DMC games have always been kinda painfully emo 2000s, but this shit feels like it might as well be shipped straight into the Hot Topic merchandise rack.

No. 2085547

Inside Job's art style is a ripoff of Ugly Americans.

No. 2085871

File: 1738799368011.jpeg (79.47 KB, 1024x540, IMG_1755.jpeg)

Alex Hirsch’s Netflix series model props and animatic got leaked.


No. 2085874

No. 2085881

Oh, so it's Rick and Morty, but fantasy instead of sci-fi. Yawn.

(I like the backgrounds and stop motion stuff, though, that looks cool)

No. 2085894

The teaser for I want to eat your guts came out and nobody mentioned it.

No. 2085898

wow this leak seems huge i wonder if it was an inside job

No. 2085899

There's honestly been more discussion about Ari in the artist salt thread. The animation is cute, but since we don't really know anything about the show other than it being a high school drama about two tif teenagers there isn't really anything to say that hasn't been said already.

No. 2085900

How exactly is the creator supposed to distance these characters for being JoJo reskins? They definitely have "guts" for doing that, because if I were them, I'd rather kys myself from the cringe as I have done what they did (take a preexisting character and reskin them until they're somewhat original).

No. 2085901

I wish Araki was one of those schizo mangakas that sent out cease-and-desists

No. 2085909

So is it true that this show got discontinued or nah?

No. 2085914

File: 1738809033495.jpeg (95.4 KB, 707x1000, IMG_5277.jpeg)

I mean clamp did the exact same thing with Wish.

No. 2085937

File: 1738811239113.jpg (22.05 KB, 400x400, WE_WuhzP_400x400.jpg)

>le spunky tomboy female protag who's prob also bisexual/lesbian because the moid that created it has a fetish for queer women
its all just so tiring

No. 2085938

That ship is so cursed, lmao

No. 2085948

Not confirmed if the series got canned. A writer assistant did confirmed in their blog the series was put in development hiatus.

No. 2085970

I feel like it's more of a stretch to say that the characters are the jojo reskins she claimed they were when they're obviously just the author's self-insert and trent from daria

No. 2085972

i mean considering the creator confirmed one of them to be a tif and the creator is one (iirc) it makes sense

No. 2085993

japan owes the west failson reparations.

No. 2085994

ot but I can't believe I used to admire these people when I was younger, there was so much blatant pedo shit in their works that it made me lose respect for even japanese female characters

No. 2086013

File: 1738833155511.jpg (214.33 KB, 800x1423, kakyoin.jpg)

They don't even look alike though.

No. 2086034

File: 1738838071000.jpeg (472.81 KB, 808x4212, frFkqvW.jpeg)

not the canon version, but the design aligns with the fujo fanon interpretation of kakyoin, this is how they legitimately see him

No. 2086036

File: 1738838629650.png (800.01 KB, 1063x883, @brujo_ari_.png)

>The Punkcracker
the creator is a south american zoomer who has absolutely no real knowledge about the 2000s or the alt scene at that time. this is just garbage she read from gay fan-fics written by other zoomers who also have no clue about the 2000s

No. 2086139

I love CLAMP works but I have to admit it’s hard out there for us. That one artwork in XXXHolic was revolting. Rumiko Takahashi smartened up with Inuyasha and onwards but that was after getting her bag with Lum and Ranma.

No. 2086142

File: 1738868330503.jpg (342.37 KB, 1000x1000, bafkreidui3urb4gadkbnkbfgwkvwa…)

Some info regarding a potential Kickstarter for the Far-fetched pilot.

No. 2086143

This looks so cute why is everyone hating(sage your shit)

No. 2086145

This isn’t going to age well kek

No. 2086150

>That one artwork in XXXHolic was revolting
I haven't read XXXholic, what are you talking about?

No. 2086153

I agree with you that while the animation looks stylish, it doesn't feel like "Devil May Cry" to me neither. Also choosing Limp Bizkit for the opening doesn't scream "Devil May Cry" neither and if they were so deadset on using a nu-metal song, they should've chosen something from Slipknot, old school Deftones, or Coal Chamber. DMC, at least the classic games had this darker vibe to it and Limp Bizkit's music just doesn't fit that.

No. 2086155

It's funny you say that about nu-metal because as a millennial in my 30s who did like nu-metal back in the early 00s (and still has nostalgic fondness for it now lol), that was exactly why I liked it. Not necessarily because I thought death metal and black metal were "scary", just that death metal gave me a headache and I didn't really know much about black metal at the time, nu-metal was the middleground of having a pseudo-heavy sound with vocals that didn't hurt my ears lol.

Yeah the OG DMC was like a mix of emo and camp/glam (more-so around DMC3 & DMC4). This song feels like it fits the awful reboot a lot better kek

No. 2086158

File: 1738871602004.jpg (136.84 KB, 1080x1339, 450c4e58746642388b2a1d168acdb0…)

It's so funny because I just recently discovered Ari last week after seeing her art on Pinterest (i know lol) and thinking it looked really neat and I was totally digging the early 2000s inspired cartoon style only to sooner later find that she's a dumb gendie and then subsequently stumbled upon her in the artist salt thread. What a week lol. But still, it's a shame that she's a gendertard and she put that into her characters

>"Kate" = He/Him

Fuck off kek.

Anyway I'm not surprised that she got a deal to turn her story into an animated series since her art style just screams "this will look awesome animated" but it's a shame that it's going to be seemingly centered around a topic that's going to age like milk in 5 years when the troon bubble finally pops.

Also putting "punk" in it when the music sounds like pop lol kay. I mean okay fine, maybe it sounds like pop punk and I don't necessarily hate the song but I just can't help but cringe when people think pop punk is on the same level of actual punk rock.

I don't think anyone is actually hating the art of it and it's more so the idea behind it since the lead character is a TIF which is going to lead to stupid things that will age horribly.

No. 2086161

File: 1738873342145.png (195.76 KB, 579x417, calarts.png)

from page 63 of the pdf, seems like they're taking a dig at steven universe kek

No. 2086163

>Likes: guys
>Dislikes: guys
Honestly, real

No. 2086177

>takes place in the early 2000s
>main character is a he/him gendie who makes no effort to present as male
As a zoomer I’m so sick of the early 2000s obsession but why even make it set in that time if you’re gonna make zero effort to include the defining aspects of that era? Also the early 2000s was an awful time for punk, nu metal and pop punk were what was most popular.

No. 2086178

File: 1738877166660.png (1.29 MB, 1744x641, rqdd23xfe5he1.png)

Seems Kevin Lerdiwachagul is going to be a part of the next Creator Clash this year.

No. 2086179

I'm a zoomer too and find the current Y2K obsession to be odd. The majority of us were babies/elementary during that time. We hardly remembered anything, but that time is hot now for for some reason??

No. 2086183

Honestly I don’t like judging stuff before it’s fully out but I don’t really understand the hype around this.

This really feels like a typical highschool drama (oh wow so original) and knowing the pattern with gendie’s this shit is definitely gonna get cancelled mid way

No. 2086192

It would be real if the character wasn't deluded herself in thinking that she's a guy lol

Speaking for myself (ayrt), I just like the art style really. The themes itself, especially presented from a zoomer perspective (no offense) is where the issue comes from because like you accurately pointed out, most of you were in elementary school during this time and didn't really get to truly indulge and immerse yourself in these things at the time.

But to be fair, us millennials did a similar thing with late 80s and 90s stuff even though we were just elementary school during these times where a lot of us were interested in 90s stuff like grunge so I suppose it's just a thing every generation goes through lol.

I think the reason why Y2K revival is hot right now is because of us millennials entering that 20-30 year gap where we are starting to reflect on the things we indulged in during the 2000s as teens and gen z is getting caught up in it because of the vague relation to it.

Again, I guarantee it's just the art style people are hyped with. A lot of the comments on this artists posts are adoration for her artstyle. But the gendertards are probably hyped for it as well because the show may very well be behind the lead going through a "gender" journey or some shit lol.

No. 2086201

File: 1738880891502.jpg (668.49 KB, 1300x1450, kate.JPG)

Notably, she removed the pronouns section in the newer version of Kate’s profile

No. 2086206

To be honest, it seemed like when Ari turned these jotakak au characters into actual characters she wanted to make them both "cis", it was mentioned in some of the artist salt threads that she seemed ashamed of making them Tifs, and said she wanted to take Kate's he/him pronouns away due to boolis on twitter. It seems like now she has figured out a medium in keeping the male lead a Tif and making Kate a gendie when she is 40 yrs old. Her loophole kek.

No. 2086208

if it was actually the genuine 2000s, people would've called a he/him gendie that was putting no effort to present as a male an attention whore.
no one hated troons as much as people think, but if you were a troon back then you went all the way, none of that half assed stuff people do now.

No. 2086210

actually insane the amount of followers she has, but her art has genuinely improved a lot over the years. good for her, glad she's dropping the gendie shit (albeit slowly).

No. 2086215

cinema is dead

No. 2086216

So bland. There’s a reason why successful cartoons have to have actual characters and not just self insert OCs.

No. 2086218

Ngl I like her pants.

No. 2086227

So if she's supposed to be this huge confrontational stubborn annoying bitch why is she constantly drawn with a serene smile. This objectively sucks. Also
>she's a third generation chicana
>considers herself more American than latina
Kek yeah and most actual Latinas wouldn't consider her latina for being a third generation American anyway.

No. 2086228

Her character introduction is so lame and written by someone who thinks following the status quo is somehow subversive kekw. There is nothing visually compelling about her that doesn’t tick every single box for current and previous conventional beauty standards, the “righteous and loud” trope is not new nor have parents been up in arms about them since the dark ages in biblethumper communities. The fact that her introduction is pretty much “holy shit your parents are gonna hate her cause shes just too authentic and badass!!” Is so childish and would turn normal adults off from the entire concept. She also suffers from the classic issues post-tumblr authors have where even the most selfish and lazy character is still a beacon of justice like they project the need to always be seen as politically correct and morally superior unto their characters.

No. 2086262

>Influencer Smurf
I want to die

No. 2086266

never underestimate the power of high return on investment animated movies targeted at tired parents that need to get their kids to shut the fuck up for 90 minutes.

No. 2086270

Haven’t heard about this in a while. I don’t really remember the preview now, but I remember being interested in seeing more.

No. 2086301

File: 1738901034688.jpeg (87.68 KB, 480x640, IMG_5295.jpeg)

There’s an official figurine of this drawing but in the original they’re not wearing anything under their kimonos and they’re a lot closer together.

No. 2086311

The design says nothing about her character. She’s supposedly angry, outspoken and confrontational yet is shown smiling nonchalantly and wearing baggy clothes. She likes spooky stuff but dresses like she works at a bowling alley. The conflict of her not feeling connected to her Mexican family sounds boring and tacked on to make her less one-dimensional. Also her dislikes being small spaces and loud noises make it obvious this is a self insert, everybody hates those things but it’s only internet autists who act like it’s a quirky personality trait. Plus if she’s confident why is she so bothered by minor inconveniences like that??

No. 2086350

Will always find it funny how she had a meltdown over the mean girl character being more liked than her OC self insert

No. 2086402


No. 2086403

Honestly the character does give me a “not like other girls vibe”

No. 2086449

Gendies and pronouns in bio didn't exist in the 2000s either so it's already an inauthentic portrayal. Knowing nothing about this character >>2086158 >>2086201 and going solely by design, she looks like a normie chick, decently popular leaning towards mean girl, shops at Hollister and Abercrombie, only website she visits is myspace. There's nothing alt or weird girl about her design at all.

No. 2086454

From this thread

No. 2086463

Jfc her voice doesn't match at all, even katy perry's voice in the last one was slightly better

No. 2086464

Reminder these are the same kinds of people screaming about conversion therapy and transphobia when it could quite literally cure them if they got electrical shocks to their fucked up, mashed up psychotic brains. They shut down the asylums and hospitals that was used as a boxed in black hole to shove these undesirables into only for them to never be seen again, now these people and their children (who is likely the one who created that stupid pretentious tranime trash) are out and about walking free to spread their degeneracy everywhere without any consequences of backlash because the rest of society has pretty much bred with crazies and people who wouldn’t survived past 12 months without the advanced technology and medicine. Nobody cares because everybody is dysgenic slop ready to sit down and watch their favorite CalArts cartoon made by a man with clear mental illness and disability that resembles the same symptoms of someone with a brain tumor that affects their behavior thinking he’s a woman. Woohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!

No. 2086465

No. 2086469

I’m actually seething because this looks shitty as fuck and looks like a rip off of Emezie Okorafor’s art (real zoomers not the gen alphatards you people keep confusing as zoomers know who he is) but that fucker hasn’t even got any proper show so his videos can stop looking shitty. I hate this world and I’m acting like I watch any of this slop anyways kek

No. 2086470

>the conflict of her not connecting to her mexican family

No. 2086479

File: 1738959681793.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.18 KB, 749x1021, IMG_9325.jpeg)

You would think the creator was a moid the way she draws a teenage female character

No. 2086498

Oh god now we know why parents hate her

No. 2086505

Oh God, you just unlocked a memory I thought I forgot.

No. 2086567

God she’s so boring, “guy who understands cannibalism as a metaphor for love” she’s so unoriginal she’s using crappy twitter memes for something this is meant to be “official”.I still doubt there’s any actual professional backing for this,everything that’s come of it has felt so off

No. 2086653

Nitpick but the original is stylized so much better and has more of the early 2000’s cartoon vibe she was going for. Just sad to see the decline in quality as she panders to moids more and more

No. 2086656

The only “cannibalism as a metaphor for love” movie/tv shows I’ve ever seen are Bones and All and Hannibal (the tv series). And if I’m not correct neither of the romances involve eating each other. It’s more like killing people as a gesture of love and two people connecting with each other over shared cannibalistic urges. Just seems like a twitter meme phrase that doesn’t actually apply to anything, they just want to sound cool and cultured for saying it. I’m not interested unless the female main character actually eats the scrote.

No. 2086662

did you ever see raw nona kek, youd love it

No. 2086751

>Likes: survival horror games
This not only sets off my autism, but also shows that she has no clue about nerd culture in the early 2000's. While survival horror genre had technically been a thing since the 90's it was still a bit of an obscure genre that didn't have a noticeable roster of games in it at the time, so if you wanted something other than RE or SH you had to know where to look, and unless you were a gamer that read every article in your gaming magazines, were or knew someone that was internet-savvy enough in the year 2000 you'd pretty much be shit out of luck of knowing what was out there. Especially since Japan was the country that was most active churning them out, and most of them never got a translation. Nothing about her character descriptions hits me as the type of character that would have this knowledge nor have any close relationship with those type of nerds. Survival horror didn't get much mainstream attention and interesting titles outside the household names until the very, very late 2000's.

No. 2086753

>Emezie Okorafor
Thank you nonas for reminding me of this OG, I remember watching The Chubby Mermaid and Porkchop 'n Flatscreen on my 3DS YouTube app, simpler times…

No. 2086776

Crazy how he's been doing this for over 13 years and there's barely any improvement

No. 2086787

He has no reason to improve his clickbait thumbnails are what draw in views. Some gooners actually study and improve their craft but this guy isn't one of them.

No. 2086788

Yeah I scoped that too. As someone who was a teen in the 00s and had interest in survival horror, you're absolutely right that aside from Resident Evil and Silent Hill, unless you knew where to look, the genre didn't really go past those two as far as relative mainstream attention in that time. Fatal Frame is probably one of the exceptions because I definitely remember that one but the only reason I knew about it was because of the G4 channel lol That's also how I learned about Haunting Ground and but that game was super niche and I remember when I would talk to my friends about that game, they had no idea what I was talking about.

So yeah, there's no real reason why this character should be into survival horror as if it's a widely accessible genre when it just wasn't back in that time, especially in America.

No. 2086792

File: 1739044792050.png (748.29 KB, 1314x853, Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 5.54.…)

what the fuck

No. 2086796

The contrast with "Goodbye, Mom." Is honestly depressing.(sage your shit)

No. 2086799

I hate how his style improved. Not that its never been goonish since his thing has always been dirty humour, but the early crude execution made it tolerable and wasnt as exaggerated. But now its just straight up ugly. The girls look like they have mandarins stuffed in their shirts. He shouldve stuck to the shitty ms paint style tbh.

No. 2086849

kek that flavour of tictac didnt exist up until the 2010s

No. 2086955

File: 1739071695814.jpg (205.4 KB, 689x1694, belfortlupin.jpg)

There is a new french show called Belfort & Lupin that furries and gays(likely also furfags) have been obsessing over because they ship the 2 dogs. Even the crew and creator(a gay man) have been open about shipping them and drawing them in “gay poses” for the show. Thoughts?


No. 2086956

File: 1739071735906.jpg (98.36 KB, 661x1024, belfortlupinartist.JPG)

From a background artist

No. 2086958

File: 1739071774306.png (212.9 KB, 1300x700, belefortlupinartist2.PNG)

A storyboarder

No. 2086959

File: 1739071831174.jpg (220.14 KB, 750x1334, beflrotlupinfanart.JPG)

creator’s instagram highlights

No. 2086970


Meh. As long as they're no literal dogfucking scene it seems innocuous. It gives me Lady and the Tramp vibes where both happens to be male.

No. 2086973

Personally I like the shittiness. It adds soul, kek

No. 2086975

Looks cute,I don’t mind the shipping at all since I grew up with gay animashes of Balto and Lion king characters.Kinda reminds me of of that early 2010s scene.Like another anon says,I just hope I don’t run into feral porn of the characters.(sage your shit)

No. 2086978

The shipping is a little weird, but the show looks nice

No. 2086993

If I remember correctly, ari has a Twitter dedicated to sexualizing Kate too. It's ariafterdark or some shit

No. 2086999

Tbh this is very much innocent as long as the creators are not actually zoophiles and into dogs. Disney had been doing these animal romances since the days of Lady and the Tramp, so freaking out over this is just an overreaction.

No. 2087033

i hope the japanese fujos get ahold of this

No. 2087101

There'll be furry porn of them within the month unfortunately. It looks cute otherwise, I like the lineless art style.

No. 2087123

i dont see the harm in it. people have been obsessing over the romance between het dogs in lady in the tramp for 70 years now

No. 2087124

kinda creepy since Kate is underaged. dont twitter people usually raise a stink when underaged characters are sexualized or is it only when its anime?

No. 2087130

In all fairness, nobody worth their salt clutch pearls over dumb shit like that.

No. 2087141

File: 1739136617170.png (Spoiler Image,246.72 KB, 332x518, 221229.png)

There's a child in a Pomni cosplay on the TADC wikipedia page, this is completely on purpose right? It actually grosses me out

No. 2087157

Sorry for being dumb but what’s the issue just seems like some parent posted their kid in an innocent cosplay?

Unless I’m missing something

No. 2087158

This. I'm surprised there's no fanart of the Bella Notte scene with these two.

No. 2087201

>Bella Notte scene
There’s 2 here >>2086959

No. 2087244

I think anon has seen too much pomni porn.

No. 2087252

There’s nothing inherently wrong with it but putting it on the Wikipedia page is just asking for pedos to wank to it. She is a very sexualized character unfortunately.

No. 2087257

you’re a fucking freak if that’s the first place your mind goes

No. 2087260

Guess I’m a fucking freak. There’s no reason to have a child cosplayer there when they easily could’ve had a photo of an adult cosplayer. The amazing digital circus is an adult series anyway and the fandom is crawling with degenerates. The creator himself is a degenerate. Children shouldn’t be interacting with it in the first place.

No. 2087271

Dude i hate that troon of a creator to but dude its probably bc the kid's parents thought it was cute

No. 2087274

So they should post it on their Facebook where their relatives can see and not on Wikipedia

No. 2087284

Correct, you're a fucking freak.

If it's really such an issue to you, go on Wikipedia and delete it. You'll have to pry your talons away from your pearls first, though. And don't forget to write "pedos might wank to it" as the reason, too.

No. 2087289

I guess I’m both a pearl clutcher and a freak, kek. It really isn’t a huge deal but I personally wouldn’t want my child to watch a show with a creator that openly rejoices about “corrupting children” and has a head drilling fetish, let alone cosplay a character in it who happens to be heavily sexualized online. But it’s a mascot horror so there’s bound to be children who like it. It’s like when parents used to bring little girls to brony conventions, there’s nothing inherently wrong with it but you need to be extra careful with fandoms mainly comprised of degenerate porn addicted pedo males. Plus if you spend any time on the internet you know that men will leave creepy comments on even the most innocuous photos/videos of children.
Anyway I could easily accuse you of being a “freak” for being so adamant about keeping a little girl’s picture on Wikipedia kek but I prefer to explain myself reasonably

No. 2087300

Kek! So delete it! You're allowed to do that, nona, Wikipedia is free to use and edit. I could not give less of a fuck whether it's on there or not, but you sure seem to give a fuck or two, so why don't you go do something about it?

No. 2087372

Based zoomer, you get it. As someone who was a teenager in the 2000s and lived to tell the tale, sticking out in any way at all was a HUGE social faux pas. Pronouns weren't a thing, "gay" was an insult or used to describe something you don't like, men were called faggots if they cared about clothing or their appearance (anyone remember "metrosexual"? kek), and racist jokes were just casually accepted. You stuck out like a sore thumb if you were a "weirdo" at all, and it wasn't something to be proud of, either. It's like some of these artists assume that the 2000s were exactly like today, except with low-rise pants or something kek.

No. 2087415

I'm the anon who posted the picture and I agree, it feels icky to me because it's not something children should be watching at all and the author is a freak who sneaks his fetishes into it

This insult is tired af, at worst we're being paranoid but it's not weird to worry about children on the internet especially in fandoms where sexual degenerates are rampant

No. 2087431

Why are you getting so angry when it comes to protecting kids. Better safe than sorry when it comes to a fandom filled with porn of this character. There's a difference between a kid cosplaying in public with their parents at a con and having a kid's photo up on a public site for anyone to download.

No. 2087441

It’s weird because a lot of gendies are South Park fans and there are lots of episodes that were topical and reflected the general attitude people had at the time. There was that episode where they make fun of metrosexuals, the fact that the characters frequently call each other gay and fags, There was even the episode where Mr. Garrison troons out and it’s very much depicted in an insulting way. As a zoomie I gleaned that just from watching South Park, this girl seems like she didn’t do even the slightest amount of research about the time period.

No. 2087515

File: 1739233558313.jpeg (225.12 KB, 1284x1517, Jax 1.jpeg)

Michael Kovach cheated oh his girlfriend

No. 2087516

File: 1739233588024.jpeg (253.75 KB, 1284x1714, Jax 2.jpeg)

No. 2087520

Every. Single. Time.

No. 2087534

i dont see why some people think anyone gives a shit about their relationships this much that they have to post it all over social media lol.

No. 2087548

did they really need to go into this much detail. a simple “we broke up, there was some infidelity, we’ll continue to work in a professional manner” will do. /co/ will call kovach a cuckold till the end of time.

No. 2087565

>He cheated on me
>But we had an open relationship
>And they didn't sleep together, it was only talking
>And I was seeing someone else the whole time

No. 2087569

honestly i feel bad for ashley but all of this could've been an email

No. 2087608

i agree its fucking weird, its like a child doing a Kanna cosplay. Pomni is meant to be lolibait, the tranny creator even had to point out that shes totally legal you guys, you can make porn of her! but she's obviously lolibait.

No. 2087609

File: 1739267596531.jpeg (37.86 KB, 1179x362, IMG_2315.jpeg)

>Unloads relationship trouble online
>Please respect our privacy
Why do people do this? What happened to just venting in diaries or whatever?

No. 2087670

Aren’t they both morbidly obese

No. 2087673

attention whoring on the internet is now celebrated instead of shamed like it used to be

No. 2087716

File: 1739288074486.gif (1.66 MB, 320x216, PL40kzo.gif)

>his girlfriend

No. 2087736

File: 1739291413068.png (1.56 MB, 2485x2465, 1000052066.png)

Michael's response.
My thoughts exactly kek. Why does anyone need to know the details about this? A 'we broke up but still have a working relationship' would've been fine. Strange behavior on both sides.
Yes, they're poly.

No. 2087759

File: 1739297443095.jpeg (112.73 KB, 828x944, IMG_0666.jpeg)

(unsaged old milk)

No. 2087769

Vivs been private since November this isn’t new

No. 2087774

My bad.

No. 2087790

File: 1739301049011.jpg (700.5 KB, 1500x2000, bafkreif7ihk23lqphf2qa5sninzpk…)

Imagine getting cheating on by an ugly neckbeard neanderthal like Kovach.

No. 2087848

This guy looks weird and I'm sure he sucks, but to be fair, the girl claiming she was 'cheated on' had literally already replaced him with a boyfriend she liked more and they were clearly only together because they were too lazy to find new apartments and split up the shared furniture

No. 2087857

Good God I thought that was cartoonist horror cow Kyle A. Carrozza!

No. 2088129

this is exactly what I imagine a guy in a polyamorous relationship would look like

No. 2088178

This looks like the type of picture that gets turned into a wojak lmao

No. 2088480

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New Blackgryph0n allegations

No. 2088494

Not surprising

No. 2088498

I hate the way this is typed. This sucks, it's gonna be tough with no screenshots or proof.

No. 2088699

the brown crud between his teeth is going to haunt my dreams tonight

No. 2089138

File: 1739603523360.png (725.8 KB, 836x606, him now.PNG)

I think I'm in the right thread by association? Not very milky yet but Molly Ostertag he/him arc?

No. 2089274

Wish they had proof. Fuck that guy.

No. 2089278

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inevitable tbh if only for just being able to claim gay couple status

No. 2089296

They'll always be a gay couple because they're two women kek but I guess gendies saw them as a straight couple after Noelle went tif? Who knows.

No. 2089298

looking through their photos. some photos they look like twinks dating, and others they just look like very butch lesbians.

No. 2089310

yeah that's what i meant, by their own rules they were a straight couple.

No. 2089369

>some photos they look like twinks dating
no they don't

No. 2089377

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They came out!

No. 2089382

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No. 2089385

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No. 2089935

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Like… what the hell is happening with this show anymore…

No. 2089960

Kinda cringy but it's nice to see menstruation being talked about.

No. 2090098

This is cute if the episode is centered around periods and womanhood. Its super cringe if they just gave a girl "pads for wings" as if having a period is a personality trait or a "loved event" by women. Lmfao

No. 2090129

why not make the wings of the pad the wings though

No. 2090230

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from molly's substack

No. 2090232

genuinely depressing, I can just imagine how her shitty life was pushing this on her. Nightmare world.(sage your shit)

No. 2090238

both of these women are genuinely so retarded. they transitioned from a normal looking lesbian couple to an annoying looking lesbian couple great job

No. 2090251

Remember that episode in Rick and Morty where Rick has an imprisoned alien in his garage and the alien is forced to see Beth and Jerry's bickering and the alien got so sick of their bickering that he broke himself free just to tell the two that they're a terrible match of a couple and that they should just separate?

Well I'm the alien and Noelle and Molly are Beth and Jerry.

No. 2090253

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I remember Noelle created the Netflix´s She-Ra reboot…(sage your shit)

No. 2090302

Grim. Does she say she's a true and honest boy now or just taking T for the shits and giggles?

No. 2090338

Isn't the show for adults?

No. 2090363

>I think my feet grew 1/2 a side
Either her feet are so swollen or she was in denial about having big feet.

No. 2090380

reminder: molly used to fuck men while cucked noelle slept on the couch on the living room listening

No. 2090382

This is just pitiful

No. 2090388

The show is for adults and the tranny that made it has said time and time again that he wants to corrupt children and that he wants people to make porn of the characters.

No. 2090393

Exactly. I don't understand why nonnie got jumped. Uploading your toddler dressed as Pomni of all characters IS weird even if she was just a flavor of the month hentai waifu, but the goosetranny context of him encouraging the porn while being publicly thrilled at the idea of corrupting minors makes it so much worse.

No. 2090398

both of these women are genuinely so retarded. they transitioned from a normal looking lesbian couple to an annoying looking lesbian couple great job

No. 2090400

learn to call a spade a spade. its creepy posting a child dressed as a character thats incredibly sexualized online

No. 2090418

File: 1739907368083.jpg (716.51 KB, 1413x2000, bafkreibj4eiu5a6menxpfljzjqrjk…)

I hope this flops hard, also the creator is a really obnoxious faggot who shills this shit no matter what.

No. 2090428

File: 1739909737966.png (221.86 KB, 720x1007, sigh....png)

No. 2090487

It looks cute imo, but god I just know the moment this gets popular (well if) it’s gonna get the most obnoxious fan base and shouts about how important diversity is.

No. 2090491

i'd rather have stuff like this get popular than shit like tadc and/or murder drones

No. 2090604


>But you know the reason WHY I ripped my chains out of the wall? And do you know WHY I'm never coming back to this planet? Because the two of you are the FUCKING WORST! You both hate yourselves and each other, and the idea that it has anything to do with gender is laughable. I'd laugh, but I'm biologically incapable! THAT'S HOW ALIEN I AM! And even I'm sitting here, listening to the two of you and being like, "What the FUCK?!" So, good luck with your shitty marriage, and tell Netflix I'm sorry they have to deal with either of you. Nona OUT! mic drop

No. 2090607

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They literally look like a combination of the "How could you tell we were polyamorous" and the "90% of Millennial couples look like this" Shrek meme

No. 2090938

The character on the furthest left who is jumping, is referred to as Kai in the show. From the two episodes they seem like one of the best players on the team? >>2069287
Maybe design was changed after the fact? The scene where they get the stars is shown from a different perspective.

No. 2091184

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>Maybe design was changed after the fact? The scene where they get the stars is shown from a different perspective.
AYRT, that's probably what happened because the voice actor is black. I can't help to see racist undertones though, TRAs love comparing black women to men.

No. 2091573

File: 1740167789035.jpeg (979.96 KB, 1206x1570, IMG_0749.jpeg)

Why is this fucker so popular?

No. 2091576

Looks like Fanny

No. 2091645

They both look like they smell of wet dog especially Kovach with his greasy, unwashed, messy hair.

No. 2091674

They don’t look that bad I think it’s the mere thought that these two were getting jealous in the poly relationship is what gets me to roll my eyes a bit

No. 2092655

Nearing the end of February and we’re finally getting a holiday special from the studio working on Brujo’s show. Kek

No. 2092677

Eh it’s okay, cute

No. 2092687

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Kek what are these boobs

No. 2092700

File: 1740416189036.jpg (498.75 KB, 634x816, lnglVVd.jpg)

does the artist still say the red head is a man?

No. 2092701

They're really not hiding the Jotaro influence here kek

No. 2092705

It's been discussed here and the artist salt threads, but in short: the artist seems like she doesn't want this to be a gendie character anymore, only when the character is 40, that's when she identifies as a TIF and cuts her breasts off. This is a straight girl character right now pretty much.

No. 2092706

I wonder what Araki thinks of this. The Jotarp ripoff looks similar to a character from an old show I can't remember the title of.

No. 2092709

I thought it was Trent from Daria when I was scrolling past

No. 2092716

Araki is too busy huffing glue and listening to Pink Floyd albums to care

No. 2092717

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Blackgryph0n is avoiding pedo allegations by hanging out with Girl Scouts.

No. 2092719

>These young girls just happened to be big fans of an obscure brony

No. 2092735

File: 1740420746890.png (297.31 KB, 360x554, GPf75jB.png)

to be fair, no one would ever assume this is meant to be like kakyoin, like all m/m works, this was always just heterosexual oc's with extra steps

No. 2092766

What is even the point of this series. I thought it was going to be some twisted cannibal love story from the title but she has like an innocent schoolgirl crush on this moid. Also hilarious that this ‘queer’ gendie creator just made the most normie heterosexual romance the main focus.

No. 2092774

nonnas the Jotaro OC is a TIF they're lesbians, Learn your brujo lore

No. 2092776

You know what? I don't actually mind this. The art isn't atrocious, the animation isn't horrendous and I don't want to tear my eyes out of their sockets while looking at the characters. It needs work, for sure. The cartoon's biggest problem is it's creator, it being Ari who CLEARLY wanted for both of them to be ftms, also wanted it to be a hetero romance and yaoi at the same time, and had them as jotaro and kakyoin. But frankly, unless you know these two were jotakak, you would never guess who Kate and the guy were based on. Still, Ari remains it's biggest weakness.

No. 2092779

Ari is interesting because it seems like she wanted that initially, but now wants them to be straight. She just doesn’t have a backbone and holds onto her gender followers

No. 2092782

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I always thought Kate looked like Patti Mayonnaise and Doug Funnie.

No. 2092820

Oh please, he’s just Trent from Daria. She made her own self insert character and then shipped her with Trent. The fact that he’s a tif is tacked on so that her boring old heterosexual couple is acktually a transgressive queer trans yaoi yuri couple.

No. 2092822

>self insert

Nayrt nonna, she’s a fat whitexican. I don’t doubt Kate is a stand in for her though, her idealized version of herself

No. 2092844

That’s what I meant. Sorry, i’m not familiar with the difference between a self insert or sona or whatever kek

No. 2092913

I like the animation. Idk why the artist feels the need to infuse in unnecessary gender crap.

No. 2092921

Happened to be huge fans of BlackGryph0n without even knowing”
What does that even mean?

No. 2092924

pretty much on the same team as everyone else. It looks alright but the lack of info on its plot is what worries me.

No. 2092962

This is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things but I found the sound design to be pretty jarring. They just didn’t mesh well with everything else.

No. 2092974

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Another e-celeb twitter artist making an indie animation project. I'll give Kiana more grace because she doesn't have the same pick-me tendancies as vivzie or brujo and is just the standard california tumblrina variant like rebecca sugar or dana terrace

No. 2092980

bruh I normally never even glance itt but I had to stop by just to remark on how ugly and bad this character design looks. Like damn I agree with the title, she SHOULD NOT be a magical girl, those are supposed to be cute.
>Genuinely can't tell if that's supposed to be split-tone hair or a weird cap of some kind
>Aesthetic mishmash of Victorian top, Street Fighter arm bangles, mahou shoujo/Tiana petal skirt, Tiktok leg warmers
>'stars and wings' motif generic af
>her Tomoyo looks depressed, needs sunlight and fresh air

No. 2092982

File: 1740482262499.jpg (182.13 KB, 1920x1080, starfire.jpg)

James Gunn announced three animated series. My Adventures with Green Lantern, Starfire and DC Super Powers
>“My Adventures with Green Lantern,” will follow high school student Jessica Cruz who has her life upended when, according to an official logline, “a Green Lantern Power Ring falls from the sky” and chooses Cruz “to be its champion.” Things get even worse “when more debris from the Lanterns’ ancient space war arrives – along with their alien foes.” Jake Wyatt is executive producing, and Stephanie Gonzaga is a co-executive producer.

>“DC Super Powers” takes place at the Alliance School for Heroes and focuses on new students Lightning, Flash, Plastic Man, Aquagirl, Green Lantern and Terra who “level up their powers under the supervision of Principal Martian Manhunter, in the hopes of one day graduating and becoming the next generation of Earth’s defenders.” Matt Beans is executive producing, and Michael Chang is a supervising producer.

>Finally, “Starfire” serves as the origin story for the fan favorite title character, perhaps best known as part of the Teen Titans. The show follows her adventures after she uses “an ancient spaceship” she discovers on her home planet of Tamaran to escape her planet and explore the stars. Along the way, she’ll meet “space biker Crush, plant-loving Fern, and the magical Princess Amethyst of Gemworld” and together, they will “uncover the deepest reaches of the DC universe, save Space Dolphins, surf technicolor nebulas, and boldly soar into the unknown.” Josie Campbell is executive producing, and Brianne Drouhard is co-executive producing.


hopefully the starfire one isnt crap

No. 2092986

File: 1740483106482.jpg (421.71 KB, 1665x2560, 3ZQHNco.jpg)

putting crush in this already let me know we're getting a teeny bopper starfire. I'm glad there's no robin/dick involved her personality in and out of comics has just been the over done love triangle with dick, kory and babs. Josie wrote on she-ra and new superman show, i predict the artstyle will be vaguely anime influenced calarts. But I'm so over the edgy deviantart trend taking over animation (hazbin, digital circus) I will take another steven universe-esque show over that.

No. 2093000

File: 1740486782525.jpeg (257.4 KB, 2048x1826, IMG_5526.jpeg)

Every time I see the magical girl form I just look at it with disgust because it’s such a cluttered design. She needs to reduce the bulk and streamline it so her animators have an easier time. I have no idea how she’s working at Disney if this is the shit she’s pumping out.

No. 2093003

Something about the eyes really bugs me..

No. 2093005

I think she's supposed to look tired but instead she has bedroom eyes. it's weird.

No. 2093006

The only non-Japanese people that can make the magical genre work are the French and Italians. North Americans always fuck it up one way or another.

No. 2093011

Can we please end this bean mouth nightmare already. Also that over complicated outfit does not work in this lazy ass artstyle.

No. 2093013

the blonde part of the hair is really bad

No. 2093016

kiana is a really talented artist but this whole subversive magical girl genre is so boring. it reminds me of that other flop show by that munchie storyboard artist, pen pals forever. not every indie show needs to be some hidden auteur genius but like surely you have more compelling ideas than a children’s cartoon that appeals to yourself exclusively.

No. 2093018

I feel this pilot concept relies too much on the "deconstruction" aspect as its pull. Subverting magical girl tropes isn't always bad, but basing your whole show around it, to the point where it's the title, just seems uninspired.

Indies are supposed to be the last hope for the crumbling western animation industry, but it's been showing that a lot of industry artists aren't very creative storytellers.

No. 2093021

It’s about a girl who hates being a magical girl and I feel like every MG show does that already. Sailor moon had a whole ass arc where she hates being sailor moon.

No. 2093029

Yeah shouldn't the colors be reversed at least?(sage your shit)

No. 2093032

Kiana has already done work professionally and doesn't seem to be as bad as some of the other e-artists. (I like her Jessie x Delia fanarts sue me).
I'll be checking this out.

No. 2093033

she's half japanese/half black. she's been sipping too much california juice

No. 2093037

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I feel like we need an indie animator bingo card because main oc is her self-insert

No. 2093038

Yeah, if there's no real hook other than 'hey audience, imagine if a magical girl didn't want to be a magical girl? how wild!', there's nothing to really get invested in unless you really like that concept or other surface elements like the aesthetics/character design. I know it's just a promo image and the only information it really gives is the ironic(?) anime-styled title, so I probably shouldn't be judging it so hard specifically, but this is a problem with a lot of indie projects– they're very shallow and might work for a short, but they've got nowhere to go beyond that.

No. 2093041

I'm going to be honest, I actually find the style really cute. What I don't like is this entire irony poisoned genre that seems to be fucking eternal or at the very least plagues western animation. Regardless of my criticisms I'll hold vivziepop or even brujoari to a higher regard as opposed to this. Ari is literally making a stylized knockoff of a 2000s show not even from her age range probably because she just wants to make something that she likes. Make the magical girl anime of your dreams or else it's shit. Enough with this dumbass pseudo intellectual "subversive" trauma dump slop from being bullied for liking anime. Is it actually generational? I don't know. But I know it's certainly fucking shit.

No. 2093044

>North Americans always fuck it up one way or another
Its because of irony poisoning. They're either too scared to be passionate in liking magical girls or just outright hate it.
The same thing happens when they make Visual Novels. They never bother to make a good story and instead rely on 'le quirky meta humor ecksdee' which has zero staying power.

this post explains it better than I can

No. 2093045

can weebs please just stop taking things from anime and be original for once? this would be a run of the mill forgettable gimmicky season slop if it was made in japan and making it in the west is not going to make it better

No. 2093046

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James Thomas, a producer of Billie Bust Up, initiated a fight accusing Destiny a liar.

That he doesn’t believe her allegation that Blackgryph0n sent her nude photos when she was 13.

He started a fight and then nuked his account.

Blackgryph0n is one of the lead characters in the game Billie Bust Up.

No. 2093048

oh wow at this point i dont even think he trusts BG anymore he's just desperate to defend his shitty soulless game

No. 2093053

When you can't create a new story, you twist an existing story.(Winx club, ) When you can't twist anymore, you break it.(Madoka/Site/Raising , Half of Pretty Cure) When you can't break it anymore, you ground it into fine powder and snort it.(Star Vs Evil, the other half of Pretty Cure) In the last 20 years, we've seen the rebirth of the magical girl genre and then it's steady decline into absolute garbage. The only other genre that has suffered as much as the magical girl is Mecha and that's because the fanbases like Gundam can't move on and get stuck on stupid things like WFM. Kou x Keith forever losers.

No. 2093062

…Just because she's also black?

No. 2093069

Almost everytime someone tries to emulate an older nostalgic style and vibe it feels so inauthentic and makes the off details even more jarring to me, reminds me of the Cuphead cartoon, though this is not as bad

No. 2093099

I think the entire point is that they're trying to do a modern spin on an older style. They take from older influences to create something new.(sage your shit)

No. 2093111

Honestly even thought I hate the whole magical girl thing going on with animation, I’d definitely be down to see this but considering tumblr artists I have a feeling we’re gonna get more some pretty interesting discourse(sage your shit)

No. 2093117

I forgot to mention but I'm mostly talking about the animation, but the tifs and pronouns stuff despite it being set in the early 2000s doesn't help kek

No. 2093123

File: 1740522967818.jpg (33.34 KB, 540x415, tumblr_104a1a10bcc7a18aa266811…)

I think Magical girls love interest is a gendie, so expecting a cancer Fandom

No. 2093139

>age: 16
these girls look 8
>favorite manga moon sailor
ffs what happened to creative parodies

No. 2093151

Well, in her case, Kiana Mai has a habit of self inserting in her lesbian ships with Jessie from Team Rocket, and pushing Jessie x Ash's cardboard cut out mum she projects on.

I would not be surprised if this character is her self insert too.

No. 2093198

File: 1740543268387.jpg (288.91 KB, 2048x1536, eclipse.JPG)

>True love interest is her shy enby black best friend
>Enemy is flamboyant blonde boy in love with her
The writing for Zira better deliver because this feels like a ValiDate Keith situation waiting to happen

No. 2093206

make him 25 and he'd be rapeable(thirstposting)

No. 2093207

Reminds me of Dana self inserting with luz on owl House. Atp it's inevitable in animation. I hope kiana's fandom is equally milky and entertaining
I kinda prefer the cutesy moe look over the coomer y2k look like >>2092700. But miraculous has the best balance between the two for character designs

No. 2093210

Not even a validate Keith situation he will end up overshadowing the MCs like hunter did because cartoon fandoms love redemption arcs and woobyifying scrote characters

No. 2093220

>Reminds me of Dana self inserting with luz on owl House.
I thought Amity was supposed to be her self insert and Luz was based on a uni roommate she had the hots for?

No. 2093230

You're right on the money nonnies. I can already vividly picture the arguments about how shipping the MC with him rather than the enby best friend is gendiephobic or some buzz word like that.

No. 2093237

The white boy will be shipped more with the MC because he's white and male. Fandom is just that way.

No. 2093245

File: 1740562700584.jpg (208.87 KB, 1973x2048, zira.JPG)

I’ve seen those types of fights before, people would go straight to calling it racist and homophobic. I think Kiana’s going for the “nonbinary lesbian” angle, she still calls the enby a girl so the she/they is throwing a pitiful bone to gendies. I wouldn’t even be surprised if everyone forgot she was a gendie kek (unless gendies catch on and make passive aggressive reminder psas)

No. 2093251

>I don't want to be a magical "Girl"

If the subversive element of this magical girl story is that enbys can be magical ~girls~ too it'll be such a waste. A black magical girl story integrating black culture ala Boondocks or Proud Family, instead of weeb/nerd media would've been amazing.

No. 2093261

File: 1740568253441.jpg (728.3 KB, 1209x3469, kianamai.jpg)

>A black magical girl story integrating black culture ala Boondocks or Proud Family
Not judging her for it, but she doesn’t really come off as someone immersed/interested in black culture(she even admitted it herself in the past and I doubt that’s changed much since). If she attempted it would probably be pretty shallow. Though despite being closer to her japanese side and consooming japanese media, her big project is a magical girl parody, so she’s just creatively bankrupt no matter what kek.

No. 2093273

Yeah the stomach noises in particular were so loud, wtf

No. 2093293

it's because it's fetish content.

No. 2093294

stfu troon(troonfoiling)

No. 2093295

>They don't look old, they look like kids.
>They don't look young, they look like adults.
It's the same thing with every series now.The style they work in is the style they work in.

No. 2093300

File: 1740576513992.png (200.23 KB, 570x563, 6ohKt4B.png)

I can definitely see a situation similar to as what happened to hunder from the owl house, where he becomes the most popular paired character, mostly because he's the only attractive young male, the main demographics who will be most vocally upset by this will likely be troons

No. 2093357

File: 1740587491710.jpg (200.99 KB, 2048x1600, 1028393733.JPG)

I feel a more interesting take on the premise of “magical girl who’s lost her passion” would be to make her an adult. Resonates more as a metaphor, way more potential for intriguing topics than a grumpy teenager, and deviates from japanese media’s obsession with youth. Plus we wouldn’t have to see so much owl house bobblehead-looking kids. I’m not sure why Kiana didn’t make them all adults, considering her obsession with adult women yuri (she even posted half naked thirst trap art of the teacher character). Is her intention to get picked up by a company targeting kids..? Hard to imagine indie fans watching this.
Anyway, I pray the creepy /co/omers ignore this.

No. 2093358

god what a trashy design, looks like it belongs to a coomer anime. Is she even a lesbian or is she one of those pickmes who got memed into drawing yuri for the troons.

No. 2093370

I've seen some of her posts from this project before. I actually think it's relatively cute. The only thing I actually think much of is that it's interesting to compare this to PuccaNoodles's Pen Pals Forever (that Kiana was going to be involved in). At least Kiana seems to be actually invested in this project and is always drawing new stuff for this and making animatics and animation tests and getting her audience invested in the characters etc, compared to PuccaNoodles having like 10 total drawings plus one single crappy chicken scratch animatic and not even a proper plot setup.

No. 2093384

The enby is ugly, that's the first problem. Most normal people don't ship an ugly character with a cute one. I've seen some of her work on this project already and people already ship the main character with the cute blond rival. The show is definitely not going to be for kids, the big villain here >>2093357 says shit like "serving cunt" on the regular.

No. 2093394

Animators that set the premise in school have limited writing skills. Yes, it’s stereotypical for a magical girl to be in school but we’re tired.

No. 2093400

File: 1740595491503.webp (37.3 KB, 350x665, mgfs.webp)

Why are western animators infactuated in ''deconstructing'' the mahou shoujo genre in a very cringe self aware ironic way? this has been done before. I dont like bee and puppycat but it was at least genuine and it didnt feel like it was shitting on the genre it was inspired by.

No. 2093407

>Ash's cardboard cut out mum she projects on
Finally someone said it. Seeing her ooc art everywhere was just plain annoying

No. 2093408

>He has that natural rhythm and dancing ability
Unrelated but this stuff annoys me. She's overemphasizing the virtue of a group she's doesn't feel part of and pretending they have some inherent purity or attribute that the groups shes belongs to don't. It's the exact same reasoning that bigots use but because you're flattering someone it's supposed to be okay.

I guarantee the show will not be like The Boondocks because she has already resorted to magical thinking when it comes to black people.

There's a good essay where Bertrand Russel talks about the "virtue" of the oppressed.
>She was delicate and dainty, she had a bloom which would be rubbed off by contact with the rough world, she had ideals which might be dimmed by contact with wickedness; like the Celts and the Slavs and the noble savage, but to an even greater degree, she enjoyed a spiritual nature, which made her the superior of man but unfitted her for business or politics or the control of her own fortune.

No. 2093412

>English old ladies still sentimentalize about the “wisdom of the East” and American intellectuals about the “earth consciousness” of the Negro.

No. 2093427

Kiana pushed Delia Ketchum x Jessie so hard everywhere it became annoying, and tried to make that ship that NOBODY DRAWS BUT HER win a tumblr poll about popular gay ships against Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and somehow won because she kept pushing her 100k+ followers to vote. That ship would have NOT won against a long standing popular MLM ship that has decades of fandom content in any circumstances.

I'm not even an Ace Attorney fan but I found this so fucking annoying.

No. 2093428

They want those Madoka spergs

No. 2093429

A middle aged magical girl series could be interesting in the right hands. The genre traditionally focuses on young girls to teens (because of the target audience obviously) so seeing that power of friendship/magic of love thinking carry on further into adulthood would be interesting, and I think an older and more mature woman would have a unique take on having to transform into a pretty princess costume, team up with a talking stuffed animal, and use magical cake powers to defeat 'the darkness.' It doesn't even have to a very cynical spin on it either, just gently poking fun. Maybe the MC could be a mom or have younger magical girls to mentor as a source of comedy/drama.

No. 2093430

Nlog tendencies and feeling ashamed of their interest in actual mahou shoujo

No. 2093433

That thread was 8 years ago tbf, I don’t think she’s capable of writing anything decent about black culture but I expect she’s learned since then. Albeit, still silly that she was 19 believing in “black people got rhythm” despite being a black woman with no rhythm and attributing that to her japanese side kekkk, how long had she been othering herself?

No. 2093472

Nitpick but I really dislike the yellow part of the skirt. It's so flat and it doesn't sell the idea of a big fluffy skirt.

No. 2093511

Maybe if the enby got cuter clothes, she could more nice ship appeal with MC. Her outfit suits her character but it's so bland it makes her less shippable than blonde boy imo, and she is already disadvantaged in fandom shipping by being a black girl.
I was expecting this to be aimed at children judging from the art style ngl.

No. 2093521

If this manages to get a fanbase I can already see the racism/homophobia accusations shipping discourse. She set up the love interest not just by the designs and personalities but also gave her the lame best friend role; the only way this is salvageable is if she's given a plot-twist Homura/Nana-esque arc. Would've been kino if she made the guy an otokoyaku-inspired woman and had it be a lesbian love triangle instead honestly.

No. 2093540

>Is she even a lesbian or is she one of those pickmes who got memed into drawing yuri for the troons.
she got memed into drawing yuri for wokies, I'd be willing to bet she has no actual attraction to women

No. 2093600

anon she has a girlfriend lmao

No. 2093640

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>Princess Amethyst used outside of Gemworld

No. 2093652

That's even funnier kek, she wrote about her roommate pining over vs the reality where she just dated the gravity falls scrote

No. 2093677

Yeahhh while I don’t doubt the Mc x best friend would have fans bc it’s a popular troupe in anime but god enemies to lovers is also a popular troupe.

Like im sorry but she setted up the best friend character for failure when the antagonist is a flamboyant villain.

I can already imagine the posts being like “ERMMM WHYYYY IS THIS FANDOM SOOO RACISM”

No. 2093700

Unless there's a male oc to ship Flamboyant male villain with, she did set it up for failure kinda ridiculously. The unnecessary detail of Eclipse being delulu and in love with Aika already does not help ( even if he managed to be creepy and obsessed in Canon somehow it still would not help either to deter shippers)

No. 2093792

what do nonas think of the recent shrek 5 teaser(sage your shit)

No. 2093852

Technology and design sensibilities march on, but the designs look too…streamlined, I guess? Shrek looks like his skin was stretched over Wreck it Ralph's skeleton, and Zendaya Ogre is a little too tie-in toy looking. I hope they don't completely give up the mild satire on animated movies/fairy tales for some weak "it's all about family!" schmaltz narrative for the Millennial parents they're courting. Kids still love snarky shit.

No. 2093863

Why is teenage Shrekita in such a weird scale compared to Fiona? They couldn't make the Shrek kid look more like the models used for her parents? Why are her eyes so massive in comparison to their eyes? Is anybody else tripping about this is or is it just me? Shrek and Fiona look solid to me but the Shrek kid looks so off, like a Disney princess Ogre.

No. 2093870

another case of "the new character(s) in a beloved franchise are clear mary sue self-inserts"

No. 2093900

>christmas 2026
what is the point of posting a teaser for a movie that wont come out for 2 more years

No. 2093922

>Be a movie criticizing Disney and stylistically choose to go against the standard set by The Mouse and proving them wrong that children can’t enjoy non-cookie cutter aesthetics.
>Smashing success, pump out three more that actually do decently while maintaining some fidelity to it’s original integrity
>Fifteen years later, enshrined as a cult icon, release a trailer for the 5th title and decide the next visual direction is an off-brand Disney production.

Atleast Puss in Boots did good because it had heart behind it and they clearly carefully grafted and integrated a new visual identity unto a known character, however this is just peak example of selling out and trying to cash out on the last decade worth of built up hype. If we look away from the absolute dogshit overly smooth lighting and plastic rendering, the fundamental style changes to attributes like their eye shape, how close/wideset they are and proportional choices really kills any visual interest this movie had and reduces it to unappealing garbage. Original shrek was intended to be ugly but just came across as cool while nuShrek looks genuinely hideous in an uncanny valley kind of way, they all do.

No. 2093943

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Harmless fun.
It'd be so evil to just get in the fandom and ship him with her. She could have just made him gay with his own boyfriend crush or whatever kek.
I'm so fucking tired of deconstructions and reimaginings. If it isn't moids misunderstanding the purpose of magical girls (literally frilly female superheroes) it's insecure women who have their brain poisoned by the earlier. Don't like frilly girly outfits? Simple, just don't design them that way.

No. 2093953

Illumination is ruining Shrek with these designs lmao. If this doesn’t make fun of current Disney movie trends then it’s a waste of time because Shrek was born out of spite.

No. 2093957

How many sequel does Shrek need? I'm not going to watch this.

>''deconstructing'' the mahou shoujo genre
Why are they so obsessed with it? It's been done time and again in Japan - the rest of the world really has nothing new to add.
Why don't you blockheads 'deconstruct' something else, like idol anime?

No. 2094008

Because idol anime is aimed to men and therefore is perfect.

No. 2094028

the creator will just do an uno-reverse card and give the evil white guy zipper tits and make him a pooner if that happens.

No. 2094037

>the only white character afaik
>ambiguously gay
Here's the fandom favorite that will overshadow the main female character. If there is any other male character that he interacts with, it's already over for the MC.

No. 2094042

Lol so obviously her father is Jamaican and her mother is Japanese. It feels like she's overcompensating with this show.

No. 2094058

The animatic is out. The main character acts like a 11 year old. Enby is tolerable but is a typical girl autist you'd expect to fall down the enby rabbit hole. As expected Eclipse is the best part of the show and will continue to be for the whole thing. The ending screams PLEASE SHIP WHAT I WANT but it's already a lost cause.

No. 2094066

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I kept forgetting these girls are supposed to be in high school. It’s weird seeing the doremi designs and they’re saying “fuck”. Like nonnas said it would be better if they were adults. Precure, madoka and sailor moon have magical girl adult characters.

No. 2094069

Kek, the curses. I guess it's "for adults". It could go full adult with more serious stakes despite being comedic imo. It's also my pet peeve they refer to magical girl as just that, not like sailor scouts, witch or card captor. Cute de-transformation scene!

No. 2094071

Yeah the white kid is going to be the fandom's darling and royally piss off the creator kek

No. 2094086

The friend geeking out over magical girls is a bit of a turn off for me, though I’m not a fan of fanboy/fangirl characters in general, I dislike meta humor where it’s characters referencing tropes. The fangirling turns me off from the ship too. The one thing that could make me interested in her is her becoming a magical girl herself and her personality taking a turn as she learns how tough it really is.
I would’ve toned down the fangirlism significantly, only hint at her love for magical girls through visual clues like the book, and just make her a typical introverted character at the start, who despite her timid exterior displays some of the qualities of a brave all-loving magical girl- like the protag before she lost her passion. The pilot does kinda do this, but her character feels bogged down by nailing it into your head that she’s a magical girl fan.

No. 2094092

>the pandering at the end
Damn.. this feels like a show for preteens, none of those characters read as 15 at all

No. 2094094

It's a show made by a specific type of stunted adult, this can't and won't actually appeal to adults, teens, or kids

No. 2094097

wait, this is the same retard who posted that american media has better asian representation than actual asian cinema, because they focus on 'race' while asian cinema doesn't

No. 2094108

Aika's voice is terrible. Everyone here looks like 10 year olds, not high schoolers. The beanmouth is egregious. I can't take anything seriously because they act way younger than what they're supposed to be too, and the stakes are weenie hut junior levels. The enby friendship thing is terribly paced and retarded, and makes the pushing for romance even more nonsensical. Fish out of water-school trope is boring and busted.

>"Time to wish upon a star!"

Again, how the hell is this supposed to be

>blatantly mentioning she's a black magical girl

Why does this need to be called upon?

I think the only clever thing was the detransformation, which goes well with the theme of her not wanting the role.

It's obvious this is meant for adults who haven't grown up and made friends, and idpol obsessed teens

No. 2094117

Western weeaboos will make a billion deconstructions of magical girls and visual novels/dating sims before they work on a single genuine project. It's too scary to be passionate and not hide behind layers of irony

No. 2094130

>TERF(sage your shit)

No. 2094144

I thought some of the bits were funny, actually. Like when Hoshi flew through that girl entering the bathroom or Aika breaking out a lead pipe. I too am tired of the magical girl subversion trope but I don't think that this one is that bad. Art style is cute even though I'm not that into Aika's character design. I hope Kiana gives that a second go at some point. I think the show looks cute, I like the arstyle and the colored segments are satisfying. Just looks like a 6/10 indie cartoon. The cursing is giving High Gaurdian Spice though and the "You a black magical girl" bit towards the end made me cringe. Lots of worse indie cartoons are hitting the scene right now. Imo it's better than LSMark's slop and Vizviepop's weird sexist demon show.

No. 2094156

Kek you’re so right we need to make her a terf mascot.

No. 2094164

the love interest is characterized like sam from danny phantom and gwen from total drama island. They should've made her more blantantly goth because that's clearly the vibe they're going for

No. 2094165

voiced by aleks le, did they even have a chance? he sounds like every yandere/edgy love interest people make in itch.io dating sims. its over before it even started

No. 2094167

i tinfoil people will acc ship the enby with the villain because that character fits the yume self insert better.

No. 2094176

>Imo it's better than LSMark's slop and Vizviepop's weird sexist demon show
honestly, you’re right about this, and for that reason alone i’ll soften my criticism of this show kek

No. 2094212

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I am so tired of these mediocre, copy-pasted cringe pilots. Say whatever about Vivzie but she managed to make something unique. Meanwhile this thing looks like a rejected pilot from Disney but add swearing for extra edgy points. When is someone going to come up with something actually original for once? i swear i have heard those lame ass jokes 10 times before. Also none of the characters come off as human, the nerdy enby autist is a mess. She sometimes acts cold and dystant, then shes all shy and weird, but then shes self aware and confident. Absolutely shitty writing, i can tell this weeb watched like 2 anime and then copy pasted the tropes without understanding them.

No. 2094213

The faces Aika makes are so ugly. As you said, it's the same mediocre shit we get from all these cartoons, time and time again. Yeah it's cute, but so what? It looks and feels the same as all the others

No. 2094215

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It pisses me off that it does the same thing every modern western cartoons does, it shouts things instead of letting the viewer understand how the character feels through the composition and emotions of the characters. Having the enby go from stoic like the start to more energetic and fangirly after she learns Aika is a magical girl would have been miles better than her just going ''gasp AND ANOTHER GASP SQUEEE'' like a retard. Japan can make stuff inspired from the west without making a mockery of the concept, so i dont know why weaboos cant do the same.

No. 2094227

Wow that sounds real cute actually, I can totally see that happening. Either way enby x MC is not happening to the scale the creator would want.

Random tinfoil, I think the MC brutally bashing the villain's shins in with a lead pipe is not just for the characters and plot. It might be an attempt by the creator to discourage shipping the MC and villain. Shipping arguments will consist of "Why are you shipping the villain with the MC? It's a physically abusive relationship!" or something like that. I think the MC beating the shit out of the villain will happen a lot more in the series and it'll fuel fandom discourse.

Honestly before the animatic came out I thought that nonnies were being too harsh on the show, but now I can see the irony poisoning very clearly.

I want a magical girl terf show so bad right now.

No. 2094244

i only skimmed through the video and focused on visuals so i didn't pay attention to the dialogue, so i'll trust nonas on what they said about the swearing. i feel this would have more mass appeal if it was more all-ages/pg, but internet animators are fixated on making everything "adult" because hurr durr i'm grown now. animation isn't exclusively for kids, but if a concept can work perfectly fine without being aged up, why change it?
the best friend is boring and i know the "romance" will be bland as fuck. i'll trust the fandom, if it gets to exist, on making better content for mc x antagonist.

No. 2094272

I knew that this is what was going to come out of a self hating weeaboo creator with acute irony poisoning, but I really didn't expect the swearing? This show has a cute enough style to just be a children's show, please just make it that. Swearing doesn't make a show grown up. As cringe as vivzie was, does nobody else have a cool earnest and original concept they want to put forward? Or is it just the perpetually self hating weeb nlogs with trauma from how to draw a manga? There's so much to draw inspiration from. Imagine finally climbing the ladder, getting the pitch and the budget or the kickstarter funded, and at the very top you decide to hinder your passion because you're scared it's going to be what? Too cringe and earnest? You can't just make a cute magical girl show with a cute black girl dating another cute black girl because it's 'not good enough'?

No. 2094275

Look at the state of western animation overall. Everything is either remakes or boring, safe stuff for kiddies. There is no creativity left. Now also add the fact that to make a succesful indie animation you need an audience. You think weebs deep into the gendie cult want something earnest and fun? fuck no, they want pandering, pandering, pandering. They want pronouns, trannies, token poc/neurodivergent characters, they want shipping and an endless amount of meta jokes so they can make meymeys about it. The humor of her pilot reminds of the crappy one liners they add at the start of every crappy disney/pixer trailer.

No. 2094289

Elio is going to be such a shit show. You can tell the original director was a gay pedophile, that's why they sacked him for the Turning Red chick

No. 2094291

I actually liked this more than I expected. The storyboards are fun, de-transformation sequence was the best part, dislike how the characters look like they're 12 though. I agree with nonnas that the writing is too irony-poisoned, you can poke fun at nonsensical anime-ish stuff without being too on the nose about it and overloading the script with meta jokes (the washroom scene kind of pulled this off). What I don't get is why these creators always give the more captivating and fan favourite archetypes to the "white male" characters when they talk about muh representation and propping up their minority characters so much. It's pretty obvious the magical boy character is the star of the pilot from the audience's perspective, it's only a self-fulfilling prophecy that no one will be as invested in the MC x enby ship and even the themselves when you're writing them this way.

No. 2094295

>You can tell the original director was a gay pedophile
huh, how so? you would expect a gay pedophile to draw a more appealing character tbh.

No. 2094296

The original director is a homosexual male. Elio's design is only something a gay pedo scrote could ever find "attractive"

No. 2094299

>Japan can make stuff inspired from the west without making a mockery of the concept, so i dont know why weaboos cant do the same.

You know how back in the day when anime wasn't in the public sphere and people thought it was just schoolgirls being molested by tentacles and being an anime fan made you a bully target?

Well nowadays that pretty much got UNO reversed and it seems like people love anime more than filthy Western cartoons.

Plus, lots of these "anime-insipred" Western cartoonists grew up watching anime-but-not-actually Avatar and want their show to be the new Avatar. The problem is that everybody also wants to be or already is the new Avatar (HGS, Castlevania, My Adventures with Superman, Voltron—fuck, even Steven Universe if you squint really tight).

That's the reason it looks so inauthentic—it's already been done.

No. 2094301

Even though she's probably intended to be a MPDG. Mel is cute and if this show were to ever be greenlighted I'd watch it just for her.

No. 2094304

Just got finished watching it, i thought it pretty great.

The enby was kinda annoying but didn't make me wanna shoot my brains out.

And while i don't wanna be too judgemental with the artstyle but i'm shocked these characters are supposed to be highschool aged i thought they were middle schoolers.

Eclipse is best boy! and i will ship him with aika out of spite.

No. 2094311

I agree with most of the criticisms, though I think I've grown so used to seeing anime where characters look much younger than they are (like Madoka, or basically any show with a moe style) that these characters not looking their age doesn't even phase me

No. 2094319

Not only that but it’s going to split the fandom itself. Half will obsess over the white boy, the other half will virtue signal and call them homophobic/racist/misogynist for prioritizing a “cishet” male villain over the queer bipoc characters they’re SUPPOSED to ship

No. 2094324

I don’t think the character was designed with sexual attractiveness in mind

No. 2094326

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Western boku no pico.

No. 2094344

Is his eyepatch supposed to be disability representation?

No. 2094361

File: 1740826975837.webp (Spoiler Image,6.83 KB, 199x253, 1283744637.WEBP)

It’s hiding his true power level

No. 2094385

It's probably just a self-insert if anything. I did notice that the original was a bit "darker", with him being afraid of aliens and being abducted, then when they brought in the Turning Red creator he became Steven Universe in personality.

No. 2094394

File: 1740841770344.jpg (166.1 KB, 1200x1551, lok.JPG)

Damn, I haven’t seen LoK past the first season (dropped mid-way when it was releasing) but with picrel, and that clip with Korra’s uncle people shared around, I see why people call the treatment of her “torture porn”. It seems like Bryke was trying to make the show darker and edgier but they just come off as creeps.
I find it so laughable they’re trying to turn Avatar into a huge franchise too when every attempt to repeat or ride that success has been shit or controversial.

No. 2094398

They made her too OP and Mary Sue in the first season and I think they tried to over correct. I honestly hate lok. It fucks with all existing lore and cheapens the first series. And all the retarded love triangles that went nowhere.(sage your shit)

No. 2094402

Never EVER add a white male character to a story where a non white female character is supposed to be the main character. Especially if she’s a lesbian. Did we not watch TOH? No matter how little he does in the story the fandom of fujos, yumes and pickmes will somehow make it his show. It’s to the point where it’s not even a thing about misogyny anymore, you KNOW this will happen and you’re setting up your “POC” or LGBT female characters to be shoved to the side in favor of the fandoms golden boy. She made him blonde, sympathetic, funny and questionably evil/future edgy. She wants the fandom to ship her self insert and the white teenager of her dreams and she’s gonna play into it and shove aside the enby. Mark my words.

No. 2094412

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>pretty pretty please i don't want to be a magical girl but it's simply eclipse (servant of darkness)
KEEEEEEEEK It’s already happening

No. 2094424

And Kiana is already drawing fun art of him like this >>2093357 it's already over. She should've made him black too, why not. Idk why she inserted a twinky blonde boy (instant shipping fodder) into her show featuring two black girls. I hate how so many modern cartoon creators seem to create characters with shipping in mind in the first place when the story isn't even a romance. I blame Rebecca Sugar.

No. 2094428

Is the pilot even a deconstruction at all? Has Kiana said it's a deconstruction?
Like anon said, this is a reused trope too.

No. 2094435

Exactly, why specifically she chose to make him a blonde white boy is beyond me. Since a lot of people like them so much.

No. 2094438

How did you manage to reply to an 8 year old post? Kek

No. 2094439

fandom spergs are so predictable they always talk about being activists (and the activism in question is just shipping), but they will see a female led show and just latch onto the male side character kek. I wish I could say there was an equivilant of this phenomena with scrotes but scrotes just sexualise female characters.

No. 2094447

Damn wtf happened there, didn't realize that at all, I'm so retarded.

No. 2094449

I don't know why Kiana just decided to make Eclipse a blonde white blonde boy, big mistake she made since a lot of people favor blondes. I honestly feel like she did that on purpose. He's definitely going to be a huge fan favorite over the other girls.

No. 2094450

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>lots of these "anime-insipred" Western cartoonists grew up watching anime-but-not-actually Avatar and want their show to be the new Avatar.
What's crazy is that the creator is capable of doing anime art style very well and making better designs but chose not to. This was her drawing of the MC's in alien stage's style. It's still in the pilot stages so hopefully she switches the art style to look less owl-house esque. I tinfoil the art style choice is to get it picked up by disney.

No. 2094452

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basically picrel

No. 2094471

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I'm just projecting my tastes, but they should've been aged up and given non-chibi proportions so I can ship the blonde guy with the evil lady. The hinted relationship between DeVoid and the lonely lesbian teacher sounds boring, sorry gays.

No. 2094481

>I tinfoil the art style choice is to get it picked up by disney.
already failed by making it "not for kids" by including swearing

No. 2094485

I remember this part making me feel very uncomfortable

No. 2094486

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subordinate male minion and his evil female boss, who has complete control over him, is a top-tier trope

No. 2094490

Just finished watching this animation from my YouTube recommendations and I don't know. On one hand I really like it because things actually fucking happen and characters have a consistent personality, but I think it also comes across as too outdated. Still think it's better than most internet animated series that have come out these last years

No. 2094491

LOL underrated comment

No. 2094492

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>Zira is everything Aika wants to be
>Aika is everything Zira wants be
I’m starting to get it. I’m not into shipping owl house kids but if Kiana can manage to stick the landing and make an engaging story with them, I’ll apologize for posting >>2093198 kek.
I assume she’s planning something big for Zira, there’s gotta be a reason she’s in the center of the promotional art/thumbnail other than gay pandering. It could just be her becoming a magical girl, which is pretty obvious with the moon symbolism and starting out as a total loser, meaning a “glow-up” is inevitable. But there’s gotta be some interesting development from that to really sell me, not just her geeking out over achieving her dream.

No. 2094497

Gut feeling is telling me Zira may turn into a magical girl and either she's going to do it through Shady means and may turn morally ambiguous, may not see that's all its cracked up to be or she and Aika may butt heads because Zira may do a bit too well as a magical girl and it may lead Aika internalizing stuff or them having different approaches to the experience overall. I do feel she's being set up as a weebier nerdier version of Bunny/ Usagi- The SM reference is a tad on the nose other then referencing babies first Mahou Shojo

No. 2094504

If Kiana wants to dissuade people from shipping the white guy with any of the girls the best thing she can do is give him a yaoibait ship but even in that scenario people still won't care about the lesbian pairing kek.
Zira becoming a magical girl is a given unless Kiana really wants to keep her character boring. If this series goes anywhere I hope she gets some sort of twist, she arguably fits easily into a Homura role. Her going through some morally corrupt arc and having Aika "save" her and realizing she loves being a magical girl through this would be an easy plot to write and a good way to move past the sardonic tone of the series.

No. 2094505

tbh there are times where this is not the case. Most people in the She Ra fandom only cared about the female characters. There was a blonde boy named Kyle but no one cared about him.

No. 2094509

the edgy guy is literally the only appealing character in her shit pilot so ofcourse people are going to flock to him and not to the annoying mc or her annoying thembie friend. He's the only character that felt genuine and not like it was drenched in irony poisoning and meta humor.

No. 2094510

File: 1740868236138.png (46.72 KB, 142x370, Kyle_(She-Ra).png)

>look him up
He looks like a TIF self insert

No. 2094515

At the same time while I can understand having your fav female character overshadowed but the thing is you gotta make the audience care for them

No. 2094518

The autists that complain about their waifus being overshadowed by husbandos in fandom never make any fanart or fanfic to try and boost the popularity of the female characters they like, they just complain that husbandos have a more dedicated fanbase. They are obnoxious fandom cops hiding behind moralfagging to complain about straight women being straight and liking the cute guys instead of the female character. Aika and the enby are objectively very boring and annoying characters.

No. 2094520

kiana said she’s disinterested in pitching it to disney and isn’t doing anything more beyond the pilot. this is literally it.

No. 2094531

Tbh Aika (while annoying) is pretty okay, she reminds me of Nikki from camp camp . The only issue I can see if they fail to flesh her out

No. 2094541

Why the fuck you girlies are simping for an ugly ass cartoon with unimaginative tropes with she/they characters made by a retarded woman who ships Jessie with Ash's mom

No. 2094549

Damn, this is cute as hell and hope the show looks more like this if >>2094520 is wrong and it gets picked up by someone. I honestly liked the pilot and I think a theoretical show would be even better if it either leaned into the comedy or was more earnest at the outset. The current hybrid kinda creates a dissonance imo. My only real issue is the childish TOH/SU-ish art style like other anons said, but the YT description says this is just supposed to be a piece for her portfolio, so I assume she did it for the sake of not pouring a shitton of time into something she's not interested in developing atm. Her Bluesky says she's a storyboard artist and the pilot as it is is a good showcase of that by itself.

No. 2094574

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I do expect some ValiDate Keith situation. What do you expect when the character is already so annoying?

>She could have just made him gay with his own boyfriend crush or whatever kek.
>MFW there would be tons of Youtubers ranting about stopping to make gay villains because homophobia and shit.

No. 2094576

She has done story boarding work for a while. If I remember correctly at one point she did work for big city greens so that may explain the disinterest in pitching to Disney >>2094520 mentioned. It has a tumblr-y atmosphere to it all and all but it is quite cute. It’s a nice portfolio piece.

No. 2094597

>There was a blonde boy named Kyle but no one cared about him.
That's just wrong. There's a 4chan anon who made a 20 chapter fancomic about him and received glowing praise every time a new chapter was posted.

No. 2094628


No. 2094633

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Apparently he’s wasian all along hahaha what the hell kek, I guess it makes sense by anime logic or if he bleached his hair.

No. 2094641

I actually rather liked it, though Aika absolutely does not look like a high-schooler, especially in that outfit. Her magical girl one is much nicer, the nerdy girl is cute too, though ECLIPSE SERVANT OF DARKNESS is absolutely a high point.

I think the show could be fun if they polish it a bit and unbeanmouth the style.

No. 2094646

Wasian characters tend to blonde (because all White people are blonde according to the Japanese) in animuland so it kind of makes sense trope-wise.

No. 2094658

your right, why is that so common?

No. 2094665

Anime characters tend to have crazy hair and eye colors even if they're supposed to be Japanese. One way to signify a character is a foreigner (of a half-foreigner) is to give them stereotypical ethnic traits—and the stereotypical look of White people in Japanese pop culture is a blue-eyed blonde.

No. 2094678

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Never would have expected this fancomic to be brought up here.
To be fair, I don't think it would have ever been made if he was just some non-butt-monkey white blonde guy. IIRC the creator specifically linked clips where he's getting bullied for context for readers who haven't watched the show.

No. 2094683

Kekkkk this comic reads like a shitpost

No. 2094685

Wait, is this a parody of that comic where Molly cucks Noelle??

No. 2094687

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It's meant to be

No. 2094690

there was an example, the ship between the villain Hordak and Entrapdak was actually incredibly popular and better received than noelle's toxic self-insert ship

No. 2094692

Why would Noelle even show such an intimate(ly shitty) part of her life for the whole world to see? Might as well show her credit card number too.

No. 2094709

>little girl and ugly old man couple

No. 2094723

She’s around 30.. short people exist nonna

No. 2094727

File: 1740935822826.webp (16.33 KB, 400x400, rk7kzxi6ufu71.webp)

>looks like this
The state of american weeb artists

No. 2094741

File: 1740941870478.jpeg (8.41 KB, 157x144, IMG_9054.jpeg)

>the one “fuck”
Who is this for? Why are they in high school but look like toddlers? Why couldn’t this take place in college instead so people dont feel weird shipping teenagers who look 5?

No. 2094767

i'm sorry youre white, but non white people are capable of looking young at 30(racebait)

No. 2094768

Catra and Adora are your staple dysfunctional lesbian relationship. Seeing catradora fags compare them to my beautiful healthy sailor neptune x sailor uranus ship makes me want to throw up

No. 2094769

>She wants the fandom to ship her self insert and the white teenager of her dreams
Even if that's what she wants, that's never going to happen. Most fangirls never ship the fan favorite white boy with a black girl, especially if she's his canon love interest. Fandom will probably do what they did with Over The Garden Wall where they'll ship him with another white boy of a different show, shipping Wirt with Dipper over Sara. If there isn't a second white boy in IDWTBAMG, expect to see a lot of Hunter x Eclipse shipping.

No. 2094771

Okay I'll use another example then
In the Arcane fandom, most people care about the female characters. People like Viktor the pretty white boy too but more people care about Caitlyn, Vi, and Jinx than him. Caitvi is much more popular than Jayvik and Timebomb.

No. 2094773

This show is already destined to flop because of how shit the acronym is

No. 2094785

While you are right, I feel like there will not be another male character added anytime soon. I may be alogging but this woman knows EXACTLY what she’s doing here, and jt disgusts me. I bet, let’s say around episode 7-9, hes gonna get really possessive and violent and serious and maybe unlock some super emo version with darkness powers. Maybe some vague bondage stuff while he monologues. Thats where the fandom is gonna start shipping them. I have seen this stupid plot a hundred times. I can only seethe.

No. 2094812

I recall vaguely that Beatrice/ Wirt had some decent following too as far as shipping did ( I get why even if Canon wise it bugs me a tad and I always thought Sara's design was very cute)

No. 2094841

It's okay nonna I also don't really see it at all. The shirt lift was weird but he reminds me of the character designs in Luca, which also did not read as sexual to me at all.

No. 2094862

Yeah that ship is popular too. It’s been a while since I have otgw but I can assume it had the same popularity

No. 2094865

The design for Blackette isn't ugly or anything, it is pretty but she still could've been a new character introduced for the show instead blackwashing an already established character.

No. 2094898

I agree with you, but Viktor is not pretty; he's literally haggard and decrepit, but he's often feminized in headcanons because he's portrayed as the 'uke' in the ship.

No. 2094925

To be fair, Sarah was introduced very late to show and we hardly know about her character other than "Wirt has a crush on her".

The crossover ship with Wirt and Dipper seems less of a "fandom doesn't care about shipping a White boy with a Black girl" thing and more "fandom will be more invested in a ship where both characters have substantial characterization (even if they have never met)".

No. 2094928

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>Most fangirls never ship the fan favorite white boy with a black girl

Not true.

No. 2094934

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Them saying fuck threw me off since everything else is clearly framed like the most basic of basic kids cartoons
Other than that it was boring as fuck, it’s basically just an elongated version of tumblr text posts I saw a decade ago.

No. 2094940

They were cute but they’re also the literal only example I can think of, and even then I think I saw more of Danny being shipped with the villain who wanted to fuck his mom.

No. 2094941

I absolutely do not understand why this isn’t a kids/teens show, i actually thought this was kind of cute. God i cannot stand the 2edgy4u meta shit anymore. Ever since DDLC came out every thing has been like this
God yeah, I also notice that in a way she wrote him to be sort of pathetic. He will probably get beat up a lot by the main female characters, fangirls will feel bad and treat him like sad dog, angst gets written because he’s kind of edgy guy blah blah. I don’t care much if there’s a male character the straight women who watch whatever show gravitate towards, but it gets sooo annoying when said character is obviously written in that kind of way. It was funny watching it fall right on its face with jax from the tranny show, TADC, though kek

No. 2094990

>Maybe some vague bondage stuff while he monologues
Imagine the racial discourse. I think that’d kill the ship (at least with the tumblr crowd) tbh

No. 2094992

>It was funny watching it fall right on its face with jax from the tranny show, TADC, though kek
What do you mean? He seems to still be a pretty popular character

No. 2094997

File: 1741010021589.jpg (184.02 KB, 1080x1319, 3o5xv9T.jpg)

She is definitely just going to pander to the fandom. Hopefully this means if people complain enough she'll change the chibi-esque artstyle

No. 2095040

unfortunately true

No. 2095043

> I also notice that in a way she wrote him to be sort of pathetic.
nd another thing, wokies never create serious antagonists, even their so-called 'powerful female' characters are nothing but "fashionable" women with ZERO depth or substance

No. 2095064

Nitpick but I don't like that their names rhyme. "Zira and Aika" sounds uncomfortable and like a mouthful. Character names are very important imo. Phone autocorrected Aika to Akira.

No. 2095105

File: 1741028989527.png (29.9 KB, 391x402, Screenshot 2025-03-03 140506.p…)

The ship definitely exists but it's not as popular as Danny and the middle aged incel.

No. 2095111

It's annoying how there's a fair amount of temporary/first black girlfriends in western animation.

No. 2095132

File: 1741034316376.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1331, 481907949_600810179433283_5013…)

Of course his social media is all about TransRights too.

No. 2095143

gotta have something to attract the gendie crowd. lets be real, black protags don't attract majority viewership (i'm black so don't have a spergout over racebaiting or w/e)

No. 2095172

i thought i'd be the only one to not like their names, they both are cut from the same cloth iykwim. like maybe one can keep her name and the other be renamed with something more common and easier to spell?

No. 2095192

It’s crazy how much they sperg about representation but are too afraid to give their non-white characters any personalities out of fear kek.

No. 2095215

File: 1741047706806.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1834, IMG_4905.jpeg)

Looks like it’s happening, prepare a long post about ppl liking Eclipse

No. 2095232

can you retards keep this sperging to the fandom thread?

No. 2095233

ughhh the pilot really is getting this kind of audience, already muted the pilot's tag and the character names yesterday(sage your shit)

No. 2095235

that law is based, but considering kyle carroza got away scot free while owning real life csam material, i doubt this guy is even going to set foot in jail

No. 2095246

Oh gosh I'm rolling my eyes right now, it's Kiara's fault.

No. 2095255

Idk why am I taken aback by the incest ship

No. 2095268

There are no incest ships in that pic, though? If you're referring to Danny & Jazz, the & indicates it's platonic, compared to slashes which are what's used to denote ships on AO3. And if you're referring to Jack/Maddie, they're Danny's parents

No. 2095272

Yeah, I was referring to Danny & Jazz. My bad, thanks for clarifying.

No. 2095293

bro was only on screen for a minute. how tf

No. 2095297

am i stupid or are those batfamily characters

No. 2095364

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> Most fangirls never ship the fan favorite white boy with a black girl
Pic rel is the closest thing I can think of, their dynamic reminds me a bit of Aika and Eclipse. I was getting flashbacks

No. 2095370

The male equivalents are the gacha whales and/or yuri fanboys who absolutely DESPISE male characters kek.

No. 2095377

>misogyny has made women over the age of 21 so irrelevant that people forget that women don't look like prunes in their thirties
So long as you aren't constantly shooting up drugs and smoking cigarettes all day in the sun with no sunscreen, you basically look the same as you did at 20.

No. 2095379

I don't get why the other replies keep applying real world logic when this is an obvious case of "draw a childlike anime girl but say she's really 9000 years old so we don't get in trouble" like a less sexual version of the loli demon/vampire trope

No. 2095388

I really think it's just the art style, nonna. They all have the same face for ease of animation and they all have breasts and hips. You could make a case for her behaviors and mannerisms, but she's canonically autistic which just makes it another case of infantilizing autistic women for being more engrossed in their special interests than anything else.

No. 2095395

what the fuck does that have to do with my post

No. 2095400

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> On those lines, the psychiatrist Saito Tamaki writes that otaku are attracted to characters with higher levels of fictionality, i.e. more unrealistic. Otaku don't have to see lolis as being a representation of actual children
sure bud. japanese moids will literally pretend that drawn cp is just actually a another totally nonpedophiliac form of media forgot to sage

No. 2095402

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No. 2095406

nta but Google translate is not a reliable source

No. 2095411

it still means pedophilia pedofag

No. 2095425

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If Kiana is smart enough, she will accept that fans have their choice in choose their fav and keep it like that. But IIRC she or someone else announced this like "in a world full of WHITE magical heroes" (When most of magical girls are Japanese), so I'm crossing my fingers she doesn't go to the Validate me route.

No. 2095432

No, she obviously did this on purpose and has a white man fetish. She wants a little pathetic meow meow blond white husbando. Any spite she has for white moids is basically just "reeeee my crush didn't pick meeee". What a lot of people don't get is that the mindset behind this
>"in a world full of WHITE magical heroes" (When most of magical girls are Japanese),
isn't about hatred for white (or Japanese) people, it's the relatively innocuous desire for inclusion mixed in with anger and pettiness, because these nerdy minority women have been shown (or taught) that being demure and shy about it just gets them ignored and passive-aggressively excluded, but being the "angry minority" opens doors, because then all the opportunistic white liberals see an opportunity to loudly prove that they're "one of the good ones".
It's not "just how black and brown people are" that so many of them follow this same playbook and use the exact same talking points over and over again, it's like a fucking racket. She's clearly an actual weeb, she knows how to draw anime style art faithfully, she knows they're Asian. The actual issue here is that saying "In a world full of Asian magical heroes" does absolutely nothing to boost her work within current burger racial discourse. She has to bring up white people specifically to draw attention. Baiting certain kinds of racists and dredging up the same "discourse" that's been happening ever since the gamergate shit is basically just part of marketing now.

No. 2095435

other people can't relate to black people

i hate this trend, i'd rather not see any relationships at all

No. 2095441

Yeah, they can only relate if it's about like, being a slut, a rebellious outcast, a criminal or a stoner. Even then, they're used more as something to emulate, much like how weeby people emulate their idea of the Japanese. Otherwise, black people are considered too inherently "different"/other to be seen the same way as "normal" people.

No. 2095470

Isn't she a lesbian?

No. 2095475

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It's more that they treat black people, especially black women as if they are special angels, they are either written to be or hc'd as 'perfect' in every conceivable way and positioned as the front lines fighting against evil white Republicans. They are portrayed as 'badass', smart, stoic and tough, but in doing this they also become uninteresting characters and fandomtards don't realize just how dehumanizing these portrayals can be

No. 2095478

I don't believe her, based on certain things I've seen her say and do.

No. 2095481

To be honest I don't care about the politics of fan favourite characters or who the audience wants to fuck the most etc, but it's amusing how fandom will fetishize any skinny male character even if he's ugly as shit. This guy looks like a flaming fag who either has dwarfism or is literally 10 years old, how does that give sexy sadboy vibes?

No. 2095483

from my own personal experiences with wokie spaces, you're right, the vast majority of these women tend to be straight. their lesbianism is shallow friendship with another socially awkward woman. If a single moid ever showed them any attention, they'd likely go for him but still identify as queer
mentally stunted womanchildren

No. 2095525

i wish there was a better way to have cool, competent characters that don't feel so flat. We live in a dystopia of bad writing

No. 2095528

What if the black girl is the main character of the show? Most people like ships involving the main character. You're right that many people shipped Wirt with Dipper over Sara, but Sara wasn't a main character. She didn't even show up in many episodes.

No. 2095541

She has/had a girlfriend, a longterm girlfriend. Why are people writing a whole fucking novel just for a show that isn't going past the fucking pilot.

No. 2095544

Writers need to create their stories with a cast of white men and then change the gender or race of most of them. That's the only way they'll ever be able to write a black woman who isn't a caricature or whatever Tumblr fetish fantasy your picrel is. Everyone's so terrified of the Twitter cancel crowd that they make their characters into the most milquetoast cardboard cut outs to ever disgrace a script. God I fucking hate this shit.

No. 2095570

I don't care about this show so I'm not watching it, but I feel like if that's the route she wanted to take, she'd get a lot farther if she pointed out that it's light SKINNED people who get all the visibility, rather than white people. Japanese people have been sperging out recently about having their identities erased by people redrawing Japanese characters as black, but they're just as colonizer-esque as white people. I don't mean to racebait, it's just basic history. East asians, while they do face discrimination in the west, discriminate against other races HEAVILY in their home nation, especially darker races. Albeit it's more of a curiosity for the average person, but they are actually restricted from doing several things within those countries, even if they were to move there, such as going into certain businesses that don't allow foreigners or trying to rent an apartment or open a bank account, a lot of places will simply deny you on the basis of not being part of the homogenized population.

East asians are also seen as the de facto asians in the west, to the point that people often forget that people from places like India or Iraq are asians too. I understand she's more in touch with her Japanese side, but instead of singling out white people for the millionth time, if you're making a show with a trope that popularized itself in Japan, don't look away from all these facts just because white people are the easiest race to dog on without looking bad. Japan very intentionally swept their crimes under the rug by trying to look cute and innocent with shit like Hello Kitty.

No. 2095589

God fucking damn it I want some actually sane biracial individual who grew up in Japan to actually explain to people how Japan and other Japanese otaku feel about lolicon so the "loli is normal!" myth can be debunked. Mushoku Tensei, which is one of THE most rancidly pedophilic series to date, had outcry from the FANS of that series because of a pedophilic incestuous marriage that became canon and was very explicit grooming, and the chapter literally was deleted because it was against the site's ToS.

No. 2095591

didn't people also got mad at mushoku tensei's author for slave/master dynamic?

No. 2095604

File: 1741135172411.jpeg (253.53 KB, 1129x1843, IMG_5674.jpeg)

not even true

No. 2095629

It's not animation but in some Ryan Murphy slop show Grotesquerie, the protagonist is a black woman but all (and I do mean ALL) of the fan content is about the priest character because he's a sexy white guy.

No. 2095639

This was on my mind watching invincible. They made both love interests lame validation machines for mark just to soften the unnecessarily racebent temporary black girlfriend breakup. All of the interpersonal drama on that show is terrible though so there isn't much to expect.

No. 2095724

>That fucking dialogue

Is this supposed to pander to gurls like me (POC woman)?? Because I'm not very endeared.

No. 2095725

I never actually realized that… Valerie, Amber…

No. 2095734

calm the fuck down sperg she's literally a yuritard and doesnt even seem to draw pretty guys in her art

No. 2095742

Seriously, not everyone has a yt man fetish like some anons here, kek

No. 2095748

Because lots of anons here are contrarion for the sake of being contrarion.

No. 2095787

Kek, you really haven't had exposure to her or others like her and it shows. Without getting into things best not said on an imageboard, 3% of the world's population are lesbian, she's a dick-friendly libfem and there are some merits among the terminally online to claiming certain things.

No. 2095797

File: 1741185023040.jpg (1.08 MB, 1170x1741, 1023738347.jpg)

Tiana animated series has been cancelled.

No. 2095859

It's actually insane how mistreated Tiana and her movie are.
>she's a frog for 90% of her movie
>the only princess movie to not have any additional stories (no sequel, no live action, no tv show, no mobile app skin)
>her theme park ride is just a reskin of a much more famous ride
Even as a kid, I always felt that Disney never wanted to make a black princess movie. The vibe of the movie feels like "Here's your princess, black people. Now shut up about it."

No. 2095864

Really sad about this. Tiana's story had the most potential for a sequel and a series. She deserves a story where she's not an animal for the majority of the runtime.

No. 2095900

File: 1741207910670.png (311.2 KB, 800x586, 1000003678.png)

She also went out with Lopoddity back when she was really into the MLP:FiM fandom.

No. 2095943

its so annoying. even in stuff like boy meets world, a fucking live action show had one of the MC's breakup with his black gf he had infinitely more chemistry with for some bland white waitress. It's funny how pokemon of all things was the first time I saw a black woman in animation not be the temporary choice gf for a white guy. (talking about the black gym leader from black and white)

No. 2095946

No way,I used to be a huge fan of Lop when I was way younger

No. 2095968

Even thought i expected it, It sucks still. I really loved Tiana

No. 2096002

fuck this dumb world i swear

No. 2096045

do you have proof or are you talking out of your ass? because i checked her art and she doesnt even draw pretty boys. 90% of her art is pokemon crackship yuri.

No. 2096081

I hate to say it but Merida (Brave) got the same treatment imo.(sage your shit)

No. 2096084

Brave was really boring though.

No. 2096087

The baseless speculation/accusations of what she must really be like in here feel like people have a vendetta against her. People aren't this nitpicky for even half the moids discussed here.

No. 2096092

The movie went through a ton of production issues including changing directors mid-production. That's probably why it feels so tonally inconsistent and rushed.

No. 2096134

File: 1741277485836.mp4 (8.58 MB, 640x360, 44o7gyPnJ6SpaWDB.mp4)

PPG live action reboot (continuation?) leaked

No. 2096138

The CG is PURE ASS. And is Mojo Jojo a human?

Also, making the rough, angry tomboy a Black woman. Hmmmmmm.

No. 2096142

I thought this shit got canned.

No. 2096149

File: 1741280090005.jpg (2.88 MB, 3464x3464, 1000135683.jpg)

I find it interesting how there's every few years an attempt to reboot the Powerpuff girls and it never works because they can never get the charm of the original series.
Maybe they should just remaster the original or just turn them into merch mascots.

No. 2096152

This is so ass, holy shit. When will millenial humour in media come to an end?

No. 2096183

The only way they can attempt to recreate the charm is by reverting to cel animation again. There was a real warmth that digital animation just cannot replicate.

No. 2096194

Isn't this basically the plot of the first live action Scooby Doo movie? Also, why isn't Professor Utonium hot??? Goddamn ugly male psyop strikes again

No. 2096196

I know right? PPG is perfect! I still hum this song to myself in stressful situations.

No. 2096198

I can tell this was made by a libfem

No. 2096201

>remaster the original
Him alone would to be controversial for terminally online retards.

No. 2096213

This is why people defending the racebending of princesses on live actions can eat shit. Disney does it only for controversial publicity and to deflect criticism from their mediocre adaptations, confident that they can always go back to the default white characters if they need to pander to conservatives. Libs are too stupid to realize Disney doesn't give a single fuck about their original black characters (like Tiana and Finn from Star Wars), but keep eating up the crumbs the retarded CEO throws at them. This was a chance to actually give the spotlight to a cool black princess that everyone likes yet they fumbled it.
Another reason for it could be the fact Disney is trying really hard to bury Facilier and all the related voodoo stuff from the movie, as seen in the redesign of Splash Mountain

No. 2096216

>making the tomboy a black lesbian
tired of seeing tomboys be painted as lesbians in modern reboots (somehow Toph is the only one that hasnt fallen into this, for all the shit Korra did wrong).
Also sick of seeing black women be put in masculine roles, yet again

No. 2096229

The anime adaptation was fun, honestly. Its the only one that dared to do something new with the concept. My problem with reboots its that its always the exact same shit, just worse. Reboots were meant to improve upon older, outdated movies. Think of Scarface(adapted from a 1930s movie) or Little shop of horrors(adapted from a 1960s movie). Both are improvements upon their original movies made when cinema was still in its infancy. There is no point to adapting something that was done 30 years ago because animation has only downgraded since then. At least anime is remaking manga from the 80s, which had a low budget and pretty stiff animation(like urusei yatsura) due to the technology of the time. The remakes still suck but they at least have a reason to do them, unlike the west that neither wants to improve nor give an unique spin to a story.

No. 2096237

I know some libfems are going to respond with
>'what's wrong with black women being shown as tough and badass?'
the issue is that it only seems to happen to black women for some reason. why do liberal white women(this was written by diablo cody) appear to have more regressive stereotypes about black women than conservatives?

No. 2096247

>Like that cartoon that whitewashed us
This kind of humor in these remakes really feel like a psyop at this point, like they’re intentionally creating backlash until eventually everyone gets so sick of these remakes and studios can cast only white actors without any pushback again. Like >>2096213 said, these companies couldn’t give less of a fuck about their actual non-white leads and will happily pretend to care about diversity while letting the actors take all the blowback.

No. 2096261

Oh, of course it's Diablo Cody (writer of Juno). Ugh.

No. 2096289

childhood classic remade to be cynical and "adult"? how daring, how original

>When will millenial humour in media come to an end?
i'm afraid it's only the start

No. 2096326

File: 1741322162121.png (63.05 KB, 460x346, vegeta-cellphone.png)

What the fuck

No. 2096330

This feels like something that would have been released in 2012 and completely forgotten about. Also child Jojo sounds disabled kek

No. 2096332

I love how millennial "humor" only has one punchline and it's how self aware the writers are. Truly groundbreaking.

No. 2096334

File: 1741325075646.jpeg (635.45 KB, 1206x1922, IMG_0914.jpeg)

The video game Billie Bust Up released a 30 page Google document to prove Blackgryph0n isn’t a Groomer and never send nude photos to anyone.


No. 2096335

>the smart one is asian
>the aggressive one is black
>the ditzy one stays white
>"the cartoon totally whitewashed us!"
>black buttercup grows up to be half white
>asian blossom grows up to be half white
>buttercup is a stereotypical sassy sjw buzzword mouthpiece
>bubbles grows up to be a party thot
>the white people in power mind control a black man to cause civil unrest
Diablo Cody, what the fuck did you mean by this?

No. 2096336

File: 1741325546316.jpg (191.51 KB, 1280x720, bravegame.jpg)

AYRT and actually Brave got slightly better treatment. When I said mobile app skin, I'm referring to picrel. Tiana didn't even get that.

No. 2096351

this is offensively bad. turk what are you doingggg

No. 2096357

I don’t use Twitter/X how is it going over? It’s 30 pages of bullshit and deflection just to justify keeping a mediocre VA on their team.

No. 2096358

I don’t use Twitter/X, how are people there responding to this? It’s 30 pages of bullshit and deflection just to justify keeping a mediocre VA on their team. One of their excuses for him not being alt right is that he’s employed on their “woke” kiddie game

No. 2096359

>Professor Drake Utonium creates 3 special little girls

No. 2096362

File: 1741335925131.jpg (305.02 KB, 1080x861, Screenshot_20250307_082344_Fir…)

Going over great, apparently.

No. 2096377

Actually none of them were funny. The blonde boy has still been done before and better.

No. 2096416

File: 1741354387627.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.37 KB, 416x416, spoiler.jpeg)

Of all the names they could've picked…

No. 2096453

File: 1741363899738.webp (156.43 KB, 1917x1048, 60ZqjLVHiorg7DQagAxVx8.webp)

Why are indie animators allergic to making lanky, tall and angular designs? so tired of seeing the same safe bean blobs. It makes me appreciate Motorcity and Venture Bros more.

No. 2096458

it would absolutely not work for projects like hers. but otherwise yeah, i'd love to see more styles like that.

No. 2096460

Why not? anime has pretty angular designs at times. I just want anything that isnt dwarf blobs at this point.

No. 2096461

She's bi actually, allegedly with a female lean.

No. 2096477

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Why did they turn Elvis into a eunuch.

No. 2096479

What a blast from the past. Wonder what she and her sister are up to?

No. 2096481

still making eunuch yaoi with the incest characters from the elden ring dlc, she's also a themlet (don't know if the two are still working together and are both gendies)

No. 2096482

This show had great potential good character and set design, shame the plot was such shite

No. 2096486

it seems like thats the only way a black woman is able to be in western media. they cant be hyperfeminine, shy, not have the usual ghetto accent etc. except for very rare circumstances (bumblebee in DC super hero girls comes to mind). its a shame

No. 2096497

The budget was probably a sack of potatoes and 5 chupa chups so i cant be too angry about it. I am just glad its not calarts slop with underage characters. Its a shame we only get a show like this every 5 years or so.

No. 2096516

figured as much

No. 2096604

yeah the plot was so disappointing, i wish it hadn't gone so heavy on the comedy.

No. 2096613

i miss when lines were thick and straight too, since we were talking about ppg earlier you just can compare the og show vs the 2016 reboot to see the shift. it's not only the lines but the new shows are missing a richness in looks past shows had.

No. 2096619

No. 2096627

File: 1741404129455.png (69.55 KB, 757x545, IMG_0933.png)

They have also released a SFW version on the privet Billie Bust Up discord server full of minors so the kids can read the “evidence” they have provided.

No. 2096629

what a creepy fucking thing to do to intentionally involve kids in this

No. 2096630

nta but right? it's also extremely manipulative and makes the defenses look even more suspect

No. 2096631

nta but because most magical girl shows are in a soft cutesy style (they honestly have a midget blob problem too just with moeblobs instead, and looking like toddlers even in highschool) so an angular style might look out of place for a cute vibe, unless it's sailor moon inspired where everyone's tall with cute faces

No. 2096652

File: 1741412227892.jpeg (264.05 KB, 1206x700, IMG_0935.jpeg)

The Billie Bust Up document claims Blackgryph0n says he is Ace.

No. 2096664

This is so gross and…terminally online. They’re know these kids are vulnerable and easily weaponized because their furry enby game makes them feel “seen”. I hope they’re getting called out for this shit

No. 2096790

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No. 2096792

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No. 2096794

She's correct ofc but I still hate everything about this screenshot.

No. 2096844

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No. 2096903

File: 1741469046101.webp (83.73 KB, 543x800, madoka.webp)

Dress is an obvious ripoff of Madoka's

No. 2096938

Comparing these two designs makes me sad. It's not that I hate the design Kiana made, I think it has some cute ideas. It's just drawn so carelessly. Madoka's design is drawn so well, it feels simultaneously like something a young girl would design as her "magical girl" costume, but also the construction of the dress is thought out, it has a dynamic and three dimensional feeling. Just look at the hair on Kiana's character, not the gold part but the dreadlocks. I can't really put my finger on it but it feels like whoever drew it just did not give a fuck, just put down some lines and slapped a squiggle on the end. Where is the love. Where is the soul

No. 2096948

File: 1741475197990.webp (205.04 KB, 932x800, IMG_3652.webp)

Necro but internet went crazy for Starboy/Asha for some time.

No. 2096953

Kek no way. Brave was always hated wasn’t it? I remember watching it as a kid and thought it was insanely boring( also brave or whatever her name is looks ugly as shit.)

No. 2096961

I think it’s the wings in the back of Aika’s dress is what throwing me off, it gives more angel than magical girl imo (unless that was intentional) but other reason is that it seems a bit cluttered

No. 2096979

Brave could have been better had director no2 stuck with director no1’s vision. Brenda’s vision for the movie was about a mother/daughter relationship for her daughter. The plot was rewritten by a man when half the animation was done and Brenda was kicked off the project. https://www.looper.com/901268/the-untold-truth-of-brave/

No. 2096987

This i why you don’t let men create art. Art requires empathy, which is foreign to them.

No. 2096996

AYRT Whenever I watched Brave as a kid, I always stopped the movie when Merida spliced the arrow on the target with her own. Child me thought that was kino but the cursed bear prince was a retarded plot point. >>2096979
Ruined by a moid. That's why it was shit.
>I used to accidentally call her mierda

No. 2097022

Exactly my thoughts, this is straight out of the early 2010s era of everything being sarcastically meta and "ironic" and it's so tired and dated now

No. 2097029

madoka just has a generic magical girl dress

No. 2097063

cause people were extremely disappointed in what was churned out and they really wanted a romance story in a modern disney movie, also while I'm sure people liked the starboy, I noticed that a lot more people were gushing over the evil king and queen

No. 2097269

File: 1741554082670.jpeg (850.34 KB, 1206x1614, IMG_1016.jpeg)

They have now flipped!

“I no longer believe that Katie ruined my relationship”

No. 2097374

The backtracking is insane, hilariously enough now everyone's asking if they're blackmailing her.

No. 2097398

She was probably threatened or harassed by bbu’s zoomer fanbase

No. 2097439

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It really feels that way.

No. 2097483

The main issue with these western shows that take inspiration from anime-specific genres is that anime was never intended to be translated into the generic western bean art style. It's like trying to fit a circle into a square shaped hole, either make the art style more in line with anime or pick another genre that has nothing to do with it.

No. 2097581

The problem is that none of them capture Craig McCracken’s original spirit. This show was made by a 24yo cartoonist who wanted to make a show about superpowered kindergarteners crashing out and kicking ass and call it the Whoop Ass Girls. The show aired in 1998 and has that funky 50s-does-90s indie-artist edge to it. All the reboots focus on the cute stuff without paying any attention to the context of the shows premise or creation.

No. 2097584

will they ever release Billy bust up? I swear I first came across it several years ago and they're still working on that ghost owl's chase song(learn2sage)

No. 2097602

File: 1741637071925.jpeg (294.8 KB, 1206x640, IMG_1026.jpeg)

She is voicing a character in the game Billie Bust Up too. Strangely enough.

All I can find about it says it’s coming out this year.

This sounds like ass. It’s like they picked a bunch of buzzwords out of a top hat.

No. 2097606

The indie animation scene really only knows the same five people, don't they. All that's pushed seems to be either slop and nepobabies from Glitch's content farms or someone who's coming off Spindlehorse or the Hunicast (where Viv was on as well). Black Gryph0n just so happens to be part of that posse, and that they're all so willing to protect him is damning. What a shit show

No. 2097659

File: 1741647730301.png (30.05 KB, 713x476, iwtbamg.PNG)

Kiana got interest from some major studios for IDWTBAMG and she’s still treading lightly but looks like there is now a non-zero chance of this becoming a show

No. 2097672

Not surprising. It has over 2 million views in 10 days and is uber hyped up on Twitter so it'd be retarded for show networks not to jump on it. I can only hope they change the art style a bit so the characters don't look like they're 12.

No. 2097675

they are going to make the designs and the animation even cheaper, look at what happened to hazbin

No. 2097685

This is gonna be more boring indie animation slop. I got recommended the pilot hours after it was uploaded and I could not for the life of me withstand the first minute.

I have no idea how people seek out for this uninspiring, “representation pushing” kid friendly looking shows that are so obviously inspired by anime while trying to be cartoons.

We can’t have anything remotely artistically unique or groundbreaking, it’s always the same thing that sells to the wide audience who consists of qweer weebs who cling onto this identity like the last Coca Cola in a desert.

Maybe it’s me and my niche preferences in animation but I would love if the animation scene pivoted into more creative ideas.

Vivzie pop may have dog shit writing and cling onto trends as well but by god her art style is miles more interesting than the round bean smiled blobs we are getting on the mainstream.

No. 2097748

I doubt anyone would watch it if it was made into an actual show. The only western animation shows people care about currently are smiling friends, invincible, arcane and hazbin hotel. None of which have that generic rounded Steven universe esque art style. We need to leave that art style and constant anime references/tropes in the 2010s and move on already.

No. 2097785

round, blobby characters are easier to animate. Tall, angular andsharp edged characters can be a nightmare to keep on model and are much more time consuming to draw.

No. 2097899

File: 1741712534913.jpeg (887.6 KB, 1206x1602, IMG_1037.jpeg)

The voice of Rarity from My Little Pony weighs in on the Blackgryph0n controversy. She likes Blackgryph0n.

No. 2097935

what is with this guy that causes everyone around him to act so retarded?

No. 2098021

File: 1741728553054.jpeg (489 KB, 1206x848, IMG_1041.jpeg)

He’s convinced so many people that he’s just some bullied autistic boy.

Michelle Creber (the voice actor of Apple Bloom) Once defended him and called him a "incredibly brilliant but brilliant autistic bean".

No. 2098048

"incredibly brilliant but brilliant autistic bean." So much idolization for a man who produces mediocre at best music… it's such a simple sentence that tells you everything you need to know. To them he's somehow simultaneously a talented and brilliant man but also too retarded to have intentionally groomed a girl. It's such a glaring contradiction.

No. 2098061

i don't think this guy is well liked in the remnants of the brony community, so why do cast members bat so hard for him?

No. 2098062


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No. 2098070

Probably trying to hide their own skeletons. Maybe the adult cast members turned a blind eye to the grooming and admitting now will reflect poorly on their characters and careers.

No. 2098352

A certain level of casual grooming is more socially accepted than we would like to admit. It sounds awful to us but sabersparks saying it's "weird but not illegal" is not that out of norm. If Blackgryp0n hasn't done much anything else weird, they probably just see him as a normal quirky guy, especially if he was able to insert himself into their social group as a friend, and especially now that it's been years and Claire herself is a grown adult that swears up and down she was totally not groomed.

No. 2098383

They are

No. 2098416

Exactly. If they admit that this is predatory then they’ll likely have to come to terms with the fact that other men they know are also predatory, which many people would prefer not to do. It’s more comfortable to keep the blinders on than to acknowledge how messed up your community, including your friends and family, really is. Plus brony-adjacent people have inevitably Seen Some Shit which probably makes something like this look mild in comparison.

No. 2098633

File: 1741889429359.jpeg (483.57 KB, 1206x1132, IMG_1061.jpeg)

Another Blackgryph0n Google document was released full of “evidence” of grooming.

202 pages long!!!?


No. 2098750

I've kept up with all this drama even though I don't give a shit about the fandom and have never interacted with it.

It's clear he groomed her, but whatever she claims he didn't. The bigger thing is he's clearly a pedophilic faggot who was trying this with many other little girls while also making disgusting songs. Also he types like a sex pest

No. 2098778

Of course she doesn’t think she was groomed, that’s…how grooming works

No. 2098955

How did her art get uglier the more she trooned out?
This is wild.

No. 2098956

You can tell the lesbianism was just a phase for her wife and that's why she desperately trooned out ("look I'm male now, we don't have to seperate after all!"), only to third wheel when her wife got a moid to dick her.
Tragic case really.
Should also shut up all the incels who pretend only men can fall victim to BPD partners manipulating them.

No. 2098965

genuinely shocking to me how much they all fell off art-wise when trooning out. in my tumblr days I adored all those SU storyboard artists for their simple but sleek style that combines cartoon and anime aesthetics. and now theyre all washed up fat troons who cant draw a straight line. what even happened there?

No. 2098973

>now theyre all washed up fat troons who cant draw a straight line. what even happened there?
they were always washed up fat troons, you just weren’t online enough to notice

No. 2098981

Third world latinx skinwalking as american teenagers of the early 2000s is so deeply uncanny to me. What causes this? Like they get some of the surface level stuff right but then there's this really weird and creepy uncanny disconnect where things seem really off and you realize this was made by some 15 year old third worlder sitting in guatemala or something.
Why are they skinwalking suburban millennial first worlders instead of making something that's actually relevant to their lives and culture?

No. 2098983

File: 1741990042294.jpeg (259.3 KB, 1079x1943, the-gaslight-district-announce…)

Thoughts on Glitch's new upcoming animated pilot? I honestly have no hope for this since it's Glitch productions after all and judging by the art style, it's really ugly to look at.

No. 2099029

i'm on a similar position as ari (zoomer on latin america) so i don't think it's as bad as you make it seem. usa and its media make it seem like it's the center of the world so i don't think it's so outrageous for someone to want a slice of the pie and get inspired by all the american media they've had pushed down their throat since youth. would you feel the same if it was an american making a show set on japan? or a japanese person writing an ameriboo manga?
>show name is a pun on the red light district
hmm. their shows look like shit anyway, there's something uncanny about md/tadc and their detailed textures on simple models.

No. 2099063

Yet another horror comedy with zoomer bait ARG elements. I can guarantee it will have more of Glitch's insufferable "quirky" self-aware humor in it, because that worked so well for Murder Drones and TADC. Honestly, I bet this show will feel the exact same as the last two. Paint-by-the-numbers, generic, formulaic slop made to sell toys to kids and severely autistic adults, already hyped to death, even though they're nothing but a glorified content farm. And of course the sole female character as an eyecatch, meanwhile the males at least get varied designs. Anyone who claims these hacks can write/execute female characters well must be severely retarded. Given these facts and the fact Glitch works with an actual content farm who mainly makes slop content based on flavor-of-the-month memes and mascot horror games for toddlers, best to keep expectations low, unless you're willing to subject yourself to how much of a trainwreck it might get.

No. 2099076

I'm not into the subject matter but best of luck to her, it is at least visually interesting. Maybe getting a major backer will afford her the funds to hire someone to do research for her as she had once asked of her fans. I think there's a real risk of her story coming under unexpected criticism if it isn't authentic enough to trans experience of the time period.

No. 2099103

I just find it creepy and weird when third world latinx zoomers try to larp as suburban millennial first worlders and faking nostalgia for stuff they never experienced.
Weebs pretending to be japanese have been mocked endlessly for the last 20 years too, so it's not like these types are highly regarded.

No. 2099117

File: 1742046471032.jpeg (13.08 KB, 326x306, E7C9E431-EB4C-48F7-9206-4E5849…)

go back

No. 2099126

nta but I'm pretty sure she was using it as a joke

No. 2099171

File: 1742060013344.png (21.45 KB, 581x293, gooseworx-discusses-the-gaslig…)

I agree on everything you said,GooseTroon hyping it up is already a red flag. I hate him and Glitch so much.

No. 2099316

I don't think it's creepy but it is a little weird at minimum

No. 2099534

File: 1742152774947.jpeg (863.21 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_9263.jpeg)

Samefag but just compare the female character to the males in the background, and on top of all that, something about her expression feels weird.

No. 2099538

The girl looks like a rehash of jinx and harley quinn

No. 2099555

i'm so legitimately stupid, i thought it was going to be an older lady looking at the first teaser and i was thinking how were they gonna sexualize her when she's not an uguu ambiguous loli like pomni or the murder drones girls. but suprise turns out she's yet ANOTHER crazy girl protagonist rawr ecksdee, also she looks ugly as hell.

No. 2099561

Glitch is allergic to not making their female characters one dimensional coombait. When they're not marketing to kids, they're obviously trying to appeal to the moids on /co/. At least it's not a loli this time, but damn, the bar is in hell if that's the only redeeming thing one can say about this garbage and its male-gazey, pornified cardboard cutout "manic pixie dream girl crazy gf" of a female character.

No. 2099567

File: 1742157872089.png (112.58 KB, 1807x420, IMG_0692.png)

I don't understand how this is even a question. things were falling apart in the 90's for our countries, the downfall of the soviet union and the decline of socialism severely impacted our economies. we faced ethnic and civil conflicts, frequent terrorism and increasing inequality. my childhood was spent under a failing military dictatorship. the only glimpse I had of a better world came from american media. despite our resentment towards america for what it did to our countries, your media was still something we coveted(blogposting)

No. 2099591

File: 1742161433912.png (1.69 MB, 1879x790, Screenshot 2025-03-16 173543.p…)

>another female character whose design just screams "please draw porn of me"
no hope for women, no hope for western animation
>"It's like nothing you've ever seen before"
>looks at description
>feels like bargain bin Vivzie slop
>its creator worked on Helluva Boss

No. 2099592

>one eye half closed
>huge open mouth smile
>tongue hanging out
it's literally an ahegao face apart from the fact she's looking at the viewer. Gross

No. 2099603

the art style of this is immediately repulsive ew

No. 2099616

>Supernatural crime comedy
Literally, who asked for another shitty animated comedy? We have billions of those already and I absolutely despise how the western animation space is already oversaturated with the most soulless, unfunny, unimaginative garbage ever. Geez these people are so untalented and boring, choose another genre already you simple minded fucks.

No. 2099617

And everyone in the scene already hyping it up like paid shills (they probably are), goddamn we're cooked, "indie animation is the future" my ass. Total Glitch Productions Bankruptcy, they're a cancer, and I wouldn't be surprised if they go belly-up in a few years for some controversy that's too large to gloss over. Not like there's anyone who'd deserve it more than these misogynistic, astroturfing sellouts. They definitely house some sex pests in there, I bet.
Fuck, you're right. That's why it felt off. This is disgusting, whoever was involved in making this should be thrown into an oubliette. Porn ruins everything

No. 2099670

File: 1742171694311.jpg (Spoiler Image,320.08 KB, 1340x1092, Screenshot_20250317-003001_Ske…)

I literally just moved the pupils and added blush. She's so quirky right guys???

No. 2099684

So why not make literature or media about the stuff that actually went down in your brown people countries rather than larp whites in some weird jealousy fueled media induced psychosis because you watched a few too many american sitcoms while people roasted monkeys over burning oil drums outside your window?(racebait)

No. 2099685

What annoys me most about this character design is that I know exactly the kinda dorks who would create something like this! The nice guy squad who all want that edgy bad girl

No. 2099715

>From the twisted mind of Nick Szopko
and who the fuck is that? why should i care?

No. 2099733

Apparently he works/used to work for Vivziepop.
God, the indie animation scene's more incestuous than the Habsburgs, it always circles back to the same few people, and always to the already established ones, and those riding their coattails, and if you're one of these lucky folks favored by this rampant nepotism, congratulations! You'll get picked up no matter how much of an untalented hack you are, and the Hollywood Hype Machine will gas the everliving fuck out of your derivative garbage, whereas the others, the many much more talented artists, and many much better works of (indie) animation, remain ignored.

No. 2099734

Nta but it's just escapism, maybe they don't want to be reminded of reality. What's the big deal?

No. 2099740

Everyone really is trying to make their own Hazbin these days

No. 2099742

thaaaaaat's showbiz, BABY!

No. 2099852

third worldies trying to run from their own fucked up cultures to hog first world things and ruining them in the process seems to be a constant. Everyone would probably appreciate if they fix their own stuff instead of jumping ship and ruining the next thing. Also applies to fiction.(derailing)

No. 2099946

File: 1742235403824.png (5.57 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0434.png)

Veronica moved to Ireland and is restarting her career as a food blogger…interesting

No. 2100092

Tbh I’d rather her do this than her coomer art

No. 2100316

File: 1742301918471.png (489.37 KB, 759x877, IMG_0481.png)

the new disney+ show has a grown woman twerking in front of her child

No. 2100322

Disgusting artstyle

No. 2100346

I'm no "latinx" (lol), but as a fellow thirdie that had a mild westaboo phase thanks to Nick and CN when I was younger—I would say the thinking is no different from a kid who grew up in the West and loved anime so much that they started making anime-influenced shows themselves. Think like the creators of Avatar, Boondocks, and I Don't Want to Be a Magical Girl. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery after all.

Still, I look at the indie comics/animation scene here (which isn't that big anyway) and it's pretty disheartening to see local creators place their own stories in places like the US—a place they never grew up in—perhaps to reach a more "mass appeal" worldwide? There's also definitely case of cultural cringe like "ugh, look at [X]'s culture we can't compete with that" kind of thinking.

No. 2100370

this is the only pixar mom who i thought was fucking obnoxious this bitch literally quits her job to become a influencer and her followers are depicted as if they were some nice wholesome group and not the sort of people who'd follow a single mom to coom off of.

No. 2100394

Nasty. Wasn't this the show that had a tranny character or something?

No. 2100416

File: 1742324000643.png (426.29 KB, 500x500, normalized.png)

>People flaming the show for being inappropriate.
>Fire up tiktok or instagram
>30something Moms acting exactly like this or worse

nonnie, everyone flips out whenever a show holds a mirror up and viewers don't like what they see. I give it a pass because how many disney girls actually have living moms that care? I like this trend.

No. 2100417

That GrubHub ad art style

No. 2100421

Who the fuck cooks in a mesh shirt?

No. 2100430

I really don't understand why people enjoy watching skinny woman cook food. not saying they should be morbidly obese, but she doesn't look like she eats or even enjoys food that much

No. 2100521

Thanks, I can't unsee it now.

No. 2100530

File: 1742342610462.jpg (33.17 KB, 636x382, 93274723-0-image-a-37_17345293…)

Yes. I think they removed that character and put in a christian one near the US election or something, the first episode starts with a girl praying to god.

No. 2100534

Holy crap their house looks big. Ireland is super expensive too.

No. 2100535

>the first episode starts with a girl praying to god.
this is hilarious. Disney is going back to their purity rings roots.

No. 2100551

I'll take it over "men should be allowed in woman and children's safe spaces if imagining themselves as a girl makes their dick hard".
Old news but here's another Calarts alumni failure to launch pilot. These people really have no ideas outside if their own lives and have no interest in anything besides themselves.

No. 2100560

This was genuinely so hard to watch

No. 2100562

Creepy RA with a hard on for chick pea made me uncomfortable. This just lacks appeal.

No. 2100579

Id rather my hypothetical kids talk about purity rings than swapping genders.

No. 2100581

lol the main character is just the rat from flushed away

No. 2100658

File: 1742378013613.jpg (19.88 KB, 446x413, Gl7m5NAW8AALg6Q.jpg)

The trans character still exists, they just cut the obvious trans talk scenes and edited the character's portrait to pretend they were always a girl. But you can still tell it's about trans stuff in the episodes even if they removed the more obvious scenes.
The Christian character was a different one.

No. 2100691

Kek at all the pronouns included with introductions.

No. 2100699

exhausting watch from sheltered shut ins whose adult lives were spent in america's great college safe spaces

No. 2100756

yeha even their attempts at trying to erase the characters transness doesn't work when it makes it seem like they were miserable dressed masculine and then grows their hair out longer and seen happier dressed feminine. not to mention all the scenes of them floating in the air which I'm guessing is meant to show "gender euphoria"

No. 2100799

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Blackgryph0n is threatening his alleged victim with legal threats.

No. 2100832

Downtown for people scared of irl downtown. I don't like painting western animation with a wide brush, but animation students being 90% upper middle class and kind of sheltered is killing the slice-of-life genre. We're not getting another Hey Arnold.

No. 2100842

>kind of sheltered
Understatement of the year. People who’ve spent their whole existence glued to screens in their bedrooms have no life experiences to draw from in order to make an interesting story, so the end result is generic tropes in a blender sprinkled with bits of terminally online life. Miyazaki was right.

No. 2100877

Everything out of calarts is just shit. They can produce technical talent but these people have no clue how to write stories, because they're all rich kids in college.

No. 2100878

this, a lot of great art has been created by upper-class elites; we are still reading works like jane austin's work two hundred years after they were published. those wealthy people went out into the world and lived interesting lives. As you mentioned, modern writers are glued to their screens, they don’t read or watch anything interesting and are therefore never inspired. their only frame of reference is mediocre anime

No. 2100893

off-topic but I fucking hate /co/ so much

No. 2100921

What makes these people who clearly have no unique ideas or interests to draw from convinced they can have a hit cartoon? Why even become an artist if you have zero creativity?

No. 2100946

English anime dialogue is awkward sounding because the dubbers are trying to make it fit to the lip movements. Western weebs seem not to understand this, so they model the dialogue in their projects off of the awkward English. When you also factor in that the creators of these projects are terminally online, you get a project where no one acts like an actual real life person.

No. 2100955

File: 1742443984463.jpeg (615.4 KB, 1206x1911, IMG_1152.jpeg)

Probably why he sent her a C&D

No. 2100963

this isn't true. bad anime dubs are done purposely. they're designed to mimick the specific way that character archetypes sound in the japanese but for an english audience. most anime characters speak weird for japanese as well. it's just harder to realize if you're not native.

No. 2100968

Pedos are very skilled manipulators, and will often work hard to get powerful people in their community onside before or while committing their worst offences. But also possible that they’re betting big on brony nostalgia becoming a thing in the next 5-6 years and can’t have anyone rocking the boat.

No. 2101094

File: 1742501708849.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1598, IMG_8047.jpeg)

No. 2101102

she knows what she's doing

No. 2101106

She is fattening him up kek. In each photo that a nona happens to post, he keeps getting bigger.

No. 2101109

oh no.. she's going to eat him

No. 2101165

>Highschool sophomore and his mom at a PTA luncheon

No. 2101170

Oof that hairline. I don’t like Veronica and her actions but I respect her for bagging a multi millionaire twink. Hope Mark didn’t make her sign a prenup unless she’s fattening him up for a reason.

No. 2101222

are we entering the feederism arc?

No. 2101248

AYRT oh I swear I heard somewhere that it sounds that way because of the lips. Good to know that it sounds weird in Japanese too. I've always wondered.
Normal dialogue
>I think my sister took the train downtown. I hope she'll be safe
Anime dialogue
>I think my sister, [first name], took the train downtown in the [Place, Japan] region. [First name] [last name] is a foolish girl who always gets into trouble and [Place, Japan] is full of troublemakers, like when [exposition that does not matter or is relevant to the plot in any way] or when [incredibly heavyhanded foreshadowing]. I hope that my sister, [first name], will be safe
>camera cuts to sister tripping over nothing and we see an upskirt panty shot

No. 2101252

Western cartoons, especially ones for children, have plenty of voices that you would never hear a regular person have, but they don't sound as shitty as your average anime VA. I hate when people try to cape for shitty english dubs by saying they're just doing weird voices. Pinkie pie also has a weird voice, but her VA doesn't sound like she's putting on a voice if you get what I'm saying. There's a lot I don't like about modern western cartoons, but the voice work from your average western cartoon mogs the hell out of 99% of anime dubs regardless of the cause. I'm guessing it has to do with having to deal with delivering lines within the same space of time as the original Japanese + there not being a lot of money in doing english dubs and resulting quality of talent reflecting that.

No. 2101374

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I'm still in absolute shock how much Mark blew up in size in the last few years… Actually I shouldn't be since he didn't seem to go out that much and more than likely had a diet of mostly junk food but it doesn't make transformations like this any less shocking. This just has to be intentional on her part and as soon as you know it, come 2026 he'll look like a younger Quinton Reviews lol.

No. 2101390

>All these toys in the background
Jesus fucking Christ… the fact that this man probably makes more than me, well, it is humbling.

No. 2101413

Glitch’s new series Gaslight District trailer is here

No. 2101415

i'm not sure if the trans stuff is as hidden as the executives wanted. i've seen a lot of kids online confused about whether the character is a boy or a girl, but for older viewers, it's pretty obvious. either way, it's still subtle pro-trans messaging to kids, even if it only stays in their subconscious. that alone makes it, admittedly, good propaganda.

No. 2101423

How is this just now being talked about? He was literally openly with the Sweetie Bell VA who was a child when they met. Everyone was cool with it this whole time for some reason, it wasn’t a secret kek

No. 2101424

fucking word. i dont think ive ever actually seen an interesting discussion about animation on there. its a blue board but still its somehow 90% coom. male-dominated online spaces are so boring and retarded

No. 2101426

Did they do it on purpose that the tim has the least weird-looking design, I swear every other character has a peanut head with eyes 1 millimeter apart kek

No. 2101427

He wasn’t that cute but holy shit he is so fat now. I can’t imagine pipe from a 20 year old being that good especially after Chris. Do you really think she’s just staying for the money or a sad cocktail of everything-he puts up with her, she has no one else, he’s rich, she’s into the indie animation scene etc. it’s just so sad to think about what’s next for Veronica and does she even know what makers herself happy(sage your shit)

No. 2101438

Yawwnnn, this looks boring and terrible, again the female zombie is so ugly and even punchable. The fact that it's also a comedy makes it even worse.

No. 2101442

He literally is Hunter from TOH. Both in character and design, she didn’t even try to hide it kek.
Win or Lose is actually pretty good. I haven’t gotten to the trans episode yet but it’s captivating and intense.
This was my least favorite episode because it felt like they were trying too hard to make her seem like an amazing mom. They purposefully skip over the parts where she’s shoving the camera in her daughters face for gift or bringing the camera into her room, and she gives details about her to a bunch of online randos so they can stalk her down! There’s even a part where she gets mad and says she would never encroach on her daughter’s privacy. Like bitch where?

No. 2101457

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Yet another instance of style over substance. Looks like they're trying to rip off Gravity Falls/The Book of Bill this time, not even the art style and animation style is original. "Like nothing you've ever seen before" and it's just cobbled together from various other popular works into another palatable product, as usual for them. Yet it's already shilled to high heaven, you cannot convince me Glitch is in any way indie, they have to be an industry plant. At least there wasn't any of their insufferable jokes in this trailer, I honestly expected there to be some. As "gritty" as it may look, this unavoidably will be generic, advertiser-friendly and kid-friendly slop made to sell merch, this is Glitch we're talking about, so keep your expectations low. Also, funnily enough Mr. Beast is there, hyping it up, yeah, that sure will convince me to watch it.

No. 2101460

>gothic undead gangsters
So hazbin hotel/helluva boss again

No. 2101461

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You know what I’m glad that venture bros keeps periodically going viral on xitter lately because maybe zoomers will watch it and realize that a cartoon can actually be creative and funny while also having an interesting premise and characters. I think a problem with all of the young zoomer cartoonists is that they have no frame of reference for decent cartoons besides Steven universe and shitty anime.

No. 2101462

you're expecting too much

No. 2101463

>Fans get thirsty over side character of opposite sex
And? Moids do that all the time.(sage your shit)

No. 2101464


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No. 2101465

Ayrt and same lol. Who knew that spending years making videos about Spongebob and Family Guy could make you a millionaire (probably exaggerating but ykwim lol).

Tbh and I'm not proud to admit it but if he still looked in shape while sporting his longer hair, I think he'd look cute kek And I feel Veronica stays with him because he's sponge who will put up with her. The fact that he's rich is an added incentive because it does feel like she is a handful to deal with.

No. 2101517

If Mark would stop fucking eating this wouldn’t be so bad tbh.

No. 2101629

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There was a movie about this phenomenon.

No. 2101631

Why does indie animation struggle to be funny? I have never found any of them funny(hazbin and helluva boss is the most egregious example kek)

No. 2101632

I thought this was Astarion kek

No. 2101636

They're animators first, writers second.

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