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No. 204361
This girl pretended to have cancer. For more information, look up
Formally lord–swoledemort.
No. 204366
>>204364HAHA I am dying. "Though she is but small she is fierce"
She's not even close to small. Wtf.. Aren't people going through chemo generally underweight? And isn't that a bad thing for them?
No. 204368
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No. 204370
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No. 204372
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Jenna, you don't know the first fucking thing about having cancer.
No. 204375
>>204372Where's the cyst? What type of cancer is it? Is it confirmed to be malignant? I'm going to assume so since she requires "treatment". She doesn't even know enough about cancer to lie about having cancer.
>>204368She's not even trying to lie it doesn't matter what cancer you have localized, hair loss is inevitable and unavoidable remember the treatments for cancer combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy target ALL cells in the body including hair follicles, fat cells and dermal cells hence why cancer suffers look like absolute shit; missing hair, pasty skin, emaciated to the point of skeletor.
She's not even trying.
No. 204392
>>204377Holy shit… If her mom really is dying, I bet she regrets that lie now. Like… karma came around and she (hopefully) learned her lesson.
But i wouldn't at all be surprised if she was lying again.
No. 204393
>>204375She actually said her body was "intolerant" to chemo.
…it's chemo. CHEMO. It's literally toxic. That's why it kills the cancer.
No. 204458
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>>204449>>204392I scrolled through enough to where I got to an ask explaining the situation for anyone who's curious orrr wants to look for holes in the story
No. 204461
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No. 204504
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remember guys, she has anorexia really bad and refuses to go to a doctor or therapist despite being able to afford it. be nice since she's so frail :(
No. 204551
>>204515it probably is a lie tbh. anything for attention and sympathy.
But if her mom really is dying then it's totally karma screwing her over for lying about having cancer in the first place. i hope she realizes that, but shes probably too dense
No. 205890
This is literally what she looked like as a child.
No. 206061
>>206047I think she was really passive-agressive in her posts? Iirc
She's also often bitching about other bloggers but won't tag/adress them personally, while claiming to have "grown so much as a person" since high school or some shit.
She's just a shitty person. Idk if she's really a cow tho.
No. 206101
>>206061she accused her mom of
triggering her ED on purpose and portrayed her as severely mentally ill (claimed her mom never left the bed for example). she wanted pity for her alcoholic mom but never did anything about it.
No. 208673
Jenna reported this thread with a reason of "Vendetta thread, old milk, two previous threads about her have been locked."
Global rules 5 and 8:
>Do not try to evade bans or intentionally deceive or manipulate lolcowchan staff.>Do not post threads about yourself in /pt/ or /snow/. Do not deceptively post about yourself in existing /pt/ or /snow/ threads as a way of attracting attention.
>By violating a global rule, you also waive your right to anonymity and the privacy of reports you send.Her posts
>>122211>>121813>>120141>>119723>>119713>>119707>>119674>>119668>>119662>>119658>>119654>>119653>>119636>>119633>>117142>>112355>>112350>>112335>>112011>>111806>>111794>>111783>>111772>>111761>>111458>>111448>>111442>>111424>>111324>>111316>>111303>>111293>>110517>>110510>>108684>>108679>>108675>>107893>>107888 No. 208718
>>208673I can't even get out popcorn for this, it's just sad. I don't think even Robyn or Kadee was this bad with their creeping.
Like, you faked cancer. That's not something most people will be willing to sweep under the rug, sweetie.
No. 208731
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No. 209407
>>209182Only a few people care. Most of them dropped her like a hot potato when she deleted her first blog. No one even noticed she was gone lol
>>209392She doesn't even have a proper face, everything on her is oversized
No. 210784
>>210490she is back though. it took like 10 minutes to find her new blog and i wasn't gonna post it because she'll probably see this and delete again but it's also so hilarious that she can't stay away from tumblr for more than 2 minutes and thinks the only thing people are upset about is her lying about school (uh jenna….cancer?)
username is harrypooper (clever)
No. 211550
Clark anon here! I'm currently with relatives on the west coast so I just saw this. Our school was really small. I grew up in a university town with a large/somewhat well known university so that was my idea of college- a huge city of "college." I don't know why I'm telling you all this… Basically, Clark is really tiny and everyone recognizes each other. I was on tumblr and recognized Jenna from campus. Like someone on here said, her features and everything about her are oversized so she kind of stuck out? Like she wouldn't have blended in and maybe that's why I instantly recognized her. I had a different major (not going to say what for anonymity), but I remember had a few classes together. First, (most of you probably know this), she's thicker irl than she shows in her pics. She was normal/overweight when she claimed to be BMI 15 or something crazy- that's the point when I started following her on tumblr. I was so shocked and it kind of opened my eyes to how crazy someone can appear on the internet. She was usually alone, I don't think she had a lot of friends. WHen she did talk she was loud and obnoxious like she thought she was better than everyone else. Even in class (this wasn't super recent) I REMEMBER her as the girl who would answer questions wrongly and not take "no" for an answer .Like she couldn't admit she was wrong so she would try and say something to the effect of "my answer was kind of right bc x" and she just sounded like an idiot. She didn't have a lot of friends (from what I saw) and mostly the thing that struck me was how much larger she was compared to waht she claimed on her blog, and she spoke with a dumb/loud valley girl kind of voice. She didn't come off as intelligent. Once I followed her on tumblr I would notice her around campus. I've never had a conversation with her though.
If anyone has any questions, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. Again, I didn't know her personally but little things about her did stick out (in a bad way- and not just to me). She seemed like the typical rich girl who never heard and got too much "you're so perfect, jenna" from her parents. It might have worked for her in her sheltered life, but in the real life she stuck out and came off as a spoiled, arrogant idiot.
I'm trying to think of anything else that might be relevant. I'll try to answer your questions if you have any. OH I should add that English majors are the butt of every joke. I'm not sure if it's like that at other universities… It's a really easy major and totally useless unless you teach it. So it's kind of a joke. Like some people joke about "underwater basket weaving" as a major, English is right there with it.
It's an expensive school and OH I was shocked when she said she was graduating without debt. ESPECIALLY AS AN ENGLISH MAJOR omg. She could have gotten a teaching certification with that degree and at least she might have had a shot at a job.
Ok I just wrote way more than I thought I would. Sorry about the novel. I'll try to reply to your comments or questions (if there are any), but I'm in different time zone with family obligations.
It's kind of funny… one of my relatives went to a community college (on the west coast) named Clark college. Kind of made me laugh and think of jenna for some reason.
No. 211647
>>211550This is pretty much how I imagine she would be IRL! Absolutely insufferable to be around.
Although Jenna comes off as a spoiled, arrogant, pretentious idiot pretty easily enough on her tumblr.
I've never thought she was the least bit intelligent, she's obviously only interested in appearing that way to everyone around her. She's enamored with fictional characters like Hermione Granger and Elle Woods but doesn't even come close because she's so painfully dull and mediocre.
No. 212781
You were never small. I would literally kill myself if i were your size.
No. 212870
>>212734Ok so this girl fucking sucks and she's a lying piece of shit, but making this all about her body and not being thin enough sort of illegitimizes all the ACTUAL shitty things she's done. She lies to everyone, including impressionable, young followers and I think she's a shitty attention-seeking, pathetic human, but harping on her weight is pretty lame and uninteresting IMO. It's just making all the tumblrinas flock to her and stick up for her bc "bullying."
Can we go back to making fun of her for being such an attention whore that she couldn't stay off Tumblr for ten fucking seconds? Maybe let's make bets on how long til she starts posting selfies again because she needs the reblogs and ass-kissing to stay alive?
No. 212872
>>212870Did you forget where you're posting?
Besides, everything about her other than her address, ssn, etc is fair game. You want to talk about her being a shitty person then do it. It doesn't mean we can't pick on her for faking anorexia and looking like a sim someone made whilst drunk at 2am.
No. 212884
>>212872A sim who someone made whilst drunk at 2 am hahahaha
She also kinda looks like a fish in muppet form.
No. 212897
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No. 218509
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>>217522Yeah, Jenna, you do need to stop whining.
No. 218739
>>218509What is up with people writing fucking sentences in the hashtag field? That annoys me so much.
>also plugs her having worked for a Nonprofit>Last two lines are total sympathy grab ploys.Fishing for "Oh noey noes Jenna your bullshit is every bit as super cereal and legit and please keep whining!"
Nope. Not gonna happen.
>>218522This! It's slimy af.
No. 219969
>>218739>What is up with people writing fucking sentences in the hashtag field?sometimes you want to keep your post concise but add addendum in the tags.
it's also preferred to do that, when reblogging, then muck up a post with bullshit commentary.
No. 220126
>>219957Whoever posted
>>218509 had already liked Jenna's post before screenshotting it and putting it here (you can tell because the heart is filled in), and since there were so few notes on it at that point, it would've been one of only a couple of people.
No. 221439
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anyone else frustrated by this? yet another humble-brag about her disordered gym habits..
No. 222364
>>221439Uhh especially after her incessant posting about how she "NEVER gets time to herself to do anything she wants to do" because she's SO busy caring for her mom. Like which is it, Jenna? You're at the gym so much that other gym goers notice you me your habits, or you're stuck caring for your poor mom every waking moment of your life and never get a second to focus on YOU?
She's literally always playing both sides of every situation, whichever benefits her more for humblebrags.
No. 222663
>>222391>>222418Thanks y'all
Fuck this nasty bitch tho
No. 228438
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Gotta love when your goals for the month include exercising 1 hr/day everyday and walking 5x per week. Like do you have time to yourself or no? Because if you have time like that, complaining about never having time for anything feels unwarrented? Also the whole //recovery// thing, how does that fit in with this lovely little goal sheet and taking no rest days?
No. 228819
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this bitch is so stupid she thinks the moon landing was faked
No. 229193
>>204375Hey, I thought I may add my experiences to this thread… I've had a type of cancer (mucoepidermoid carcinoma) that did not require chemo as treatment, so it is indeed possible. However, this usually just means that the tumor is not very big, has not spread, and it can simply be surgically removed. (this was the case with me)
However, I do think it is super suspicious that she complains about being irritated and weak if she's not going through radio/chemotherapy. How would treatment be straining for her if it is not chemo?
No. 229216
>>229193My mother is on a pill form of a chemo related drug. It makes her sick as hell. She has kidney cancer so she can't get chemo, it would destroy what's left of her kidney. So many different treatments.
Not defending this horrorcow at all just sayin and sage for blogging
I hope this bitch burns to death.
No. 237936
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not been keeping up with jenna but isn't her mom still sick? this is all kinds of selfish if so
>waaaah why doesn't my dad treat my mom like she's his kid as well as me????
No. 244300
she has finally clarified what cancer her mom "apparently" has - claiming stage 4 lung cancer as of a couple days ago (source:
No. 244417
>>244356sorry for your struggle anon, I went though that with my mom too. Hope you have a happy ending.
fuck this fish-looking twat waffle.
No. 250855
>>250839 said. I mean, if it's true then that really sucks, but she lied about serious stuff before so who knows. as long as she's not using it as an excuse for shitty behavior the I guess we can give her the benefit of the doubt? Idk, that's at least my opinion.
My co-workers uncle died last week from prostate cancer. It was already too late when he found out and it killed him within a month, sooo. Then again, it might depend on the individual, but still, lung cancer?
I also wonder if she lied about school too.
Is no one on Tumblr questioning her numerous name changes lately (ever since she was exposed)? I used to see her ugly mug frequently on my dash, now I don't see anyone even ask where she is.
No. 251818
>>251766Totally agree. My husband is a lawyer and there can't be any dirt on you if you want to practice law/pass the bar.
Jenna probably thinks it's like Legally Blonde and she's Elle… except Elle is sweet and naive and Jenna pretends to have cancer and anorexia.
No. 251834
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No. 251853
>>251834So ana kek
She looks normal tho, okay a bit chubby but otherwise normal
>>251766>>251818Really? Idk about the laws and requirements but the first thing that comes up if you google her is this thread and the 3rd result is a change org petition lol
No. 252017
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This is uncanny.
No. 252018
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No. 252020
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No. 252190
>>251834This body would be fine. If she did not claim to exercise excessively every single day and to eat like a dainty little ana butterfly.
>>252020It's crazy how much this looks like her.
No. 273421
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>>258731I guess she's pretending to be vegan again
No. 273425
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>>273421jk that wasn't her but this is and those hands
No. 274114
>>274075I was told that she made another mpa account and she claimed to deactivate the old one. outed her mpa and the current lord swole blog outed the cancer stuff.
No. 274125
>>274114She did. It might be in one of the old ana threads.
(I'm actually glad that the lord–swoledemort acount is used to expose other people too. So if the anon that runs the account is still here - thanks)
No. 276282
>>274192I havent checked in a long time.
On the other hand, kinda OT but i was on 4chan the other day and stumbled upon birdyallys nudes that were posted in a thread… i messaged her about it so thags most likely why she deleted if anyone is wondering
No. 280610
>>276282When she was exposed the first time, someone went around telling people how to find her nudes
>>280587I think someone said she was 14/16 in the pictures?
No idea how old she actually is. It was said that she lied about being older so she'd fit in better with the popular bloggers. If she didn't lie then I THINK she's 20-21?
No. 280612
She was sending them to dudes for cash too, iirc
No. 281103
>>280610Actually there were two links. One anon went around spreading around Allys old tumblr porn blog archives but there was actually way more cp out there….
She lied about being 20 or something to fuck around with older men. She was around 14 when she started doing this bullshit. At one point she was blackmailed by some guys on another image board. She even had made some accounts for porn sites.
If you followed her newest blog she deleted she wrote about how she had slept with 6 guys after breaking up with cody. Sage for OT and not jenna but yeah that's what happened.
No. 281447
>>281103I'd kind of say it's okay to talk about her since Jenna used to copy her and it's pisses her off lol
I didn't know about the blackmail. Or forgot about it. There's still a blog that linked to a porn site, but idk how legit it is.
I kind of miss the milk, but am glad she was exposed. Got tired of her shit.
>>281104Did she actually stat that anywhere? I don't follow her bu she never stated her age anywhere?
No. 285083
>>285006lol 3 years post college, thanks for asking. it's not a contest. $41k is plenty of money for a single person living at home with zero kids. the difference is that you wouldn't catch me bitching about spending $1000 on necessary car maintenance and repairs if I made as much as Jenna does.
"$41k isn't that much money" wow cool congrats lmfao (Jenna? Is that you? We all know you lurk)
No. 285760
>>285006Uhhh that's a shit ton of money when you live with your parents (who own two homes and seem fairly well off) and don't pay any of your own bills. She spends like crazy (and brags about it), until someone calls her out for being privileged and then she cries about how she pays for everything herself (including her mother's cancer medication??? Yeah ok Jenna) and would never ask her parents for help financially.
It'll be a cold day in hell before I believe Jenna has ever paid a cent for anything in her entire life. You can smell spoiled rich girls from a mile away imo.
No. 294062
>>285310Oh yeah, Jenna? You come from rich parents, remember.
41 is more than my single mom used to make and we lived just fine.
No. 294127
>>294069Lives in a house, has a car, up to date technology, no kids to support, doesn't live in the city, lives within her means=living well.
I put $20,000 away into savings every year. I'd say that's not bad.
I legit don't understand how she can blow through 41k a year.
No. 319547
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wow :(
I guess she wasn't lying about this
No. 320041
>>319547how do we know it's not a lie? I mean, this is someone who lies about
No. 519661
>>519606Probably not at all.
It also sucks that someone took the lord–swoldemort name and made it into some positivity bullshit.