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No. 2036464
Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.
This thread is not for: ranting about troons, fighting about random political topics, radfem discourse, or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. Opinions you disagree with are not milk.
Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.>Became known for pandering to an alt right male audience by posting frog memes and swimsuit pics.>Now openly interacts with alt righters, defending them and going on their podcasts.>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces a Neo-nazi party in Canada.>>>/snow/1244909Meghan Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current.>Moved to Mexico because she thinks it's more feminist than Canada.>Ditched her radfem beliefs in favor of writing "poor men" articles Tverly
>Unhinged druggie who makes crazy rants online while playing a synth.>Thinks that hygiene is a tool of the patriarchy.>Made a video of herself freebleeding in response to Contrapoints.>Peed on the toilet seat and the floor of a public restroom to own the troons. Abdullah / Menalez
>Straight DDLG blogger turned "lesbian" radfem>Constantly powerlevels about being "literally from a third world country!" despite the elephant in the room that she lives a more privileged life than most first worlders because her family is wealthy>Lied about being black for years>Constantly over exaggerates every aspect of her life, thinks having BPD means she's "disabled" and having sold nudes online a couple of times makes her a "prostitution survivor">Known on radblr for constantly creating drama and driving women she doesn't like off the site by siccing her followers on them with the callout posts she still makes to this day as she approaches her 30th birthday>Recently "left tumblr" because 2 people politely and empathetically criticized her years of insane behavior, came back 3 weeks later / Radicalstoner
>Claimed to be a lesbian for years as macroclit, then remade as radicalstoner, where she self-identifies as a bihet and gushes about her male fiancé>Constant self-victimizing and autistic behavior>Still pretending to be a different person from macroclit despite overwhelming evidence, calls herself (macroclit) a "poor baby" who was bullied off Tumblr Threads
>>>/snow/1351285>>>/snow/1829410>>>/snow/1954742 No. 2036477
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RS graced her followers with a glimpse of her gigantic fat fingers and filthy nails this week. Lovely.(sage your shit)
No. 2036696
>>2036625She claimed that her mother was black, but black-diaspora posted pictures of her mother which showed that she was clearly Arab. Mena then started claiming her grandfather is black.
At one point she was also saying that she doesn't know how much black ancestry she has and that she had to "guesstimate." Which is a crock of shit because if her grandfather or mother were actually black she wouldn't need to guess how much black DNA she has in her, she'd just know that she's half black or a quarter black.
She claims that people in Bahrain can tell she's part black just from looking at her and refers to herself as a "dark-skinned Afro-Arab," but if you look at her selfies (of which there are many) she's a medium-brown Middle Eastern woman who doesn't look African whatsoever. The only ethnicity I could see people mistaking her as is South Asian.
No. 2036715
>>2036704Yes lmao that's true. And also, as if she didn't know that by saying "dark skinned African" everyone would assume she meant black.
This isn't really milk but it is a bit satisfying seeing other people realize how fucked she is. I have not interacted with her for several years but I used to be in a certain server with her and frankly, I feel like she bullied me. She was really nice to me and then she made some comment about me being non-white and I corrected her. I have no idea why she thought I wasn't white, but after she found that out, she became noticeably colder towards me. I know this sounds insane, but I've spoken to two other people she's done the same thing to. I don't believe in reverse racism but it was such a bizarre experience. Also, when I would post selfies or talk about myself, she would make subtle digs at me. It was the kind of stuff that would be funny if it was a close friend joking about it but felt hurtful because that was the only time she would talk to me or about me. But always in a "joking" manner so I wasn't ever sure if she really didn't like me or if I was being too sensitive. I eventually left and she would randomly start talking to me again periodically whenever she wanted gossip that she thought I might know about or if she wanted me to be involved in drama by telling me someone didn't like me or whatever. Sorry for kind of blog posting but it's interesting that after all this time she is still doing the exact same stuff.
No. 2036716
>>2036715I remember in the last thread someone pointed out how she automatically accuses people who disagree with her of being a racist white woman, and if she finds out they're actually a
WOC she starts being oddly cold. Your experience kind of reminded me of that. She seems to assume people she likes are
WOC and people she dislikes are white, and has a weird bitchy attitude when she finds out some isn't the race she expected.
Was the server you were in called The Dykery? I never joined as I don't want to send mena and her friends my selfie to get in, but I have a friend who used to be in it. She said there was a lot of drama, people would post thirst traps, and that a ginger troon got verified and was interacting with people for a couple of months before getting kicked out.
No. 2036728
>>2036716NTA Yes, there’s always drama going on. I do remember the ginger troon, because he would talk about anal orgasms or whatever. While most of the server’s users tend to be boring cottagecore normies or cryptos with TIP friends/girlfriends, some of the especially crypto “
WOC” ones always instigated drama, and if there’s a girl they don’t like, they’ll pounce on her, especially if she’s white or think she is. They will try to find the most minute reasons to make mountains out of molehills, even long after that person left or if they even apologize. One of the gnarliest examples from years back I remember was this Turkish girl who would constantly non-stop post anime boys while masking her attraction to them by saying “wouldn’t it be nice if they were butch” while the other actual lesbian normies didn’t respond because, well, they’re lesbians. She would also be loudly accusing other girls of racism or being white and all-capsing asking for them to be banned if she didn’t like them, then suddenly one day she disappeared because it turned out, if the anime boyposting didn’t tip you off, she ended up getting with some random mid moid but not as a boyfriend, rather as his fuckbuddy. I forgot her username, like ignis-something, but she was big on radblr before it was outed she liked sex with moids over women. It’s even weirder because she was apparently the reason the biphobia channel existed on the server so she could shit on bihets lol. She really did go to show that nobody hates bisexuals more than bisexuals themselves. I don’t know what it is with self-proclaimed radfems, especially polilez ones,that always get weird the moment the male-attraction shrinks their brains.
No. 2036745
>>2036728Ohh I remember the ignis-divine-eleison drama although I wasn't in the server. I just know because she made a post coming out as bisexual on Tumblr that she was begging people not to doxx her or send death threats for being bisexual in. Then a few days later she was asking for advice on pegging her boyfriend.
I also remember her and menalez were writing Tumblr posts laughing at people thinking ignis was bisexual for being attracted to Link from Zelda a couple of months before this, like it was so ridiculous for people to think she was bisexual based on her talking about wanting to fuck a man (well boy, because Link is canonically a child) because said man is fictional. Then not long after this she came out as bisexual.
I unfollowed her ages ago but I definitely remember her going on rants against "crackers" (she'd use the word cracker all the time despite being a Dutch-Moroccan who'd never been in America).
I wonder how long she was acting as a lesbian authority on Tumblr while hooking up with that guy. She was posting about wanting to peg him literal days after coming out as bi, and pegging isn't something you do in a super new relationship.
No. 2036771
>>2036745The pegging thing feels like major cope to make herself seem like she's not just having milquetoast heterosexual sex. Her whole existence was policing others, so it's unsurprising she has to police her own image constantly like that too. All she did was watch moid-heavy anime and just drool over anime boys claiming she's horny over the idea of their literal male bodies being butch women to hide her opposite sex attraction. As a lesbian, I know and enjoy butches, but the guys she posted were literally just men. You would have to be deranged to say a man in a man's body with a man's voice is a woman and think people will believe you. 99% of the women on the server that weren't chummy with her had zero interest in the anime guys she would post in the first place and just let her be. From seeing many polilez bi and het weebrads get outed over the years, I noticed it's always a red flag when a self-proclaimed lesbian focuses only on male characters in moidslop shows. Weirdly enough there was another incident that happened like this with this one constantly pregnant girl, which I believe went by Dib, that posted her Nazi anime cosplay in there. She would also draw "vent" art with some male YouTuber's sona molesting her and post it on the art channel. I remember seeing a few users including menalez question it too. Girls like her and Ignis would always explain that it's fine because it's just drawings or fiction, but the actual weebfandom whatever lesbians I've known don't even give male characters in shows a second glance, but here was Ignis was being horny over Link or the malding pink-haired guy from Saiki K, and Dib was over there saying she wanted seven moid sons Osomatsu-san style while posting Hetalia and South Park yaoi. Dib got kicked out for being in some other rival server called The Nunnery I think, or I may be mixing that up with some other drama they had. There was a lot. Anyway imagine everyone's surprise when Ignis ended up as some random Tinder guy's booty call. I felt like a lot of people on the server would always try to side with Ignis or the other louder girls because people were afraid of having attention pointed at them when they would have their meltdowns by being catty and singling out users. If not for constant purity spirals, The Dykery wouldn't have been too bad, if not boring.
>>2036754Oh I see. Thank you for clarifying, I actually was not sure. I do remember the two passing around constantly posts to argue with people back in the day. I feel a bit bad, because menalez seemed really nice when I was in the server, and she was one of the few girls that could sympathize with the lesbians that came from traumatic backgrounds who felt forced to date men, specifically those from homophobic countries. It felt good to have people with nuance regarding the goldstar thing for once. But she feels completely different in the server versus when she's on tumblr. I do agree with others that she should seriously log off for a while, because I cannot imagine just being on tumblr 24/7 arguing with people over and over. How do you sleep just formulating the next post in your head everyday? That's like mental self-harm IMO. I remember seeing a post where she said she was taking a break from tumblr, only to come back and defend that XY Olympics athlete moid and accuse everyone of being racist for being skeptical in the first place. She also admitted she would rather be wrong than be racist over that whole debate, which was a really strange thing to admit since people were always pointing out moids in women's sports whether they were white or not.
>>2036759God yeah, any time someone left, they would try to dig up their info on social media. I remember knowing some girls who admitted they were afraid to leave the server because of this behavior. Some girls I've talked to even just said they had to make up excuses so they can hope to be spared the weird post-server cross-referencing behavior the mods did. For some others, they just waited til they were kicked out for being inactive.
No. 2036825
>>2036461Eh …not really. I still think it was a better chronically online experience than others. Before radblr I was in all sorts of moid infested art discord servers that were full of pedos, sending selfies to any random on Instagram that dmed me about feeling sad and developing a new paraphilia like every 2 weeks from watching porn every day. Parents didn't know shit and so the only reason I stopped is radblr. I was always the only black person around and I genuinely hated my looks and was involved in all those subliminal communities. Again, radblr was the only thing that stopped that hatred, and if it wasnt for radblr I would have developed an eating disorder by now. I know radblr is racist but at least there were
woc radfem blogs. Yes I would scroll for
hours but I never got involved in discourse and avoided following blogs that were too discourse heavy. It's not like I never saw the insanity of radblr, trust me it was seen and known, but overall? I think it was an okay experience. If you compare my chronically online radblr time to my pre-radblr chronically online time it's obvious which one is better.
No. 2036834
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Sounds like the years of obesity and drugs are starting to catch up. I predict e-begging in the near future.
No. 2036896
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more of her hypocritical shit. she had no issue yelling at mandyfem for cherrypicking articles, yet when she does it, she's a noble warrior against racism?
No. 2036898
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No. 2037383
>>2036970It was kinda insane, it even got to lolcow at some point (first thread I think) with Laura Morais herself providing the milk. She jumps to a new identity every new week, started from a rudefem making catchy songs about troons, then became a TIF gendie, then something in-between, and the last time I checked an edgy anime aesthetic blog. There was probably a lot more, she’s hard to keep track of. She made a parody account of Ari at some point too. She also occasionally claims she’s totes not a
TERF and identifies as some kind of genderqueer when asked, despite Ginger Male Market Failure still being publicly available.
>>2037204It was so weird for me to watch because she was one of my favorite radfem blogs, sounded really intelligent and had balanced takes among these reactionary idiots. Then it turned out she’s actually a blood drinking DID larper with Mengele as her alter. This and later Bodenor deactivation made me quit lurking radblr, it really is full of crazies.
No. 2037575
>>2037383Laura is also a DID LARPer who blames her identity hopping and overall obnoxious behaviour on "muh alters". She blames her "
terf alters" when called out by gendies and her "gendie alters" when called out by terves. In fact Ari's DID LARP also emerged from skinwalking Laura's own DID LARP.
>bodenor deactivationYet another reason why moid orbiters should never be tolerated on radblr, not even the gay ones
No. 2037652
>>2036771>>2036759What is it with this kind of nu-radfem and being the most petty, pathologically feminine (badmouthing women as soon as they leave.. please.. the passivity of it all) type of woman? It's like they believe doing minor changes to their ''lifestyle'' (lying about being gay on the internet, headcanons of males as butch lesbians like they're fucking 15yo gendies) is massive and important. Funny thing is they can't even reach this really narrow goal
>>2037575My sides
No. 2037964
If you guys want to talk about the cringe stuff antiyourwokehomophobia2 says, she believes Julia Fox is a
victim of comphet AND that gay men also believe in comphet. A gay tehm roasted her ass on that.
No. 2037972
>>2037964>gay men also believe in comphetThey literally do, even if they don't use that word. Many gay moids have no trouble accepting men with wives and biological children as gay, to the point that they don't even believe men can be bisexual and that any man who shows attraction to men is entirely homosexual and only pretending to find women attractive as well.
>TEHMs>taking radblr moid orbiters seriouslylol. lmao even
No. 2037997
>>2037783who gives a shit
>>2037964who gives a shit
>>2037972who gives a shit
>>2037973who gives a shit
tumblr newfags go back
(infighting) No. 2038242
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>>2038064where? all i saw was her saying that she found her therapist hot, NOT saying that the therapist was "doing it on purpose to attract her". checked her blog just to make sure, and i think the closest she got was saying it was "dirty work" for her to look cute in the session, but that was obviously a joke at her own expense? again, transference is common, and it's the therapists job to mitigate that shit. it's not on the client. you really just seem to have an issue with a woman talking about her crushes- if i say the waitress smiling at me is cute, that doesn't mean that i think she literally wants to fuck me? i'm just saying that i find her cute. she has stated repeatedly that she knows it is unethical and will not actually do it (picrel). the vendetta you have against her is annoying because you're reading the worst possible intentions into a random user's posts while ignoring the times she has explicitly stated she DOESN'T believe the things you're saying she does
No. 2038276
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>>2038242This is the weird one, don’t pretend you didn’t see it lol. The “I know it’s wrong BUT”s don’t mean much when she’s constantly going on and on about it. Don’t forget the immediate complaining about how long the session got when she finally told her. God forbid a person have any self control about a woman trying to do her job.
No. 2038278
>>2038276Why did you bother replying if you didn't actually read what I said? I didn't pretend I didn't see it, I
literally mention that exact post using an exact quote- it's still obviously not serious and something she said at her own expense. Again, someone talking about their crush online does not mean they are being creepy in real life. There is literally zero reason to believe she doesn't have "self control" based off of this. You are purposefully ignoring the parts where she says she has not and will not act on the crush to call her creepy when nothing transpired. You said she is "implying she is being purposefully sexually attractive" and that the therapist is "doing this on purpose"- she never said that. The screenshot you posted is not her saying that. You said she didn't display "any knowledge that she shouldn't be doing this"- I showed you a post where she EXPLICITLY states that she knows it is wrong and will never act on it, but you say it doesn't count because reasons. Okay vendettachan kek
No. 2038422
>>2038335>>2038364Kek are you lost, scrote? Of course it wouldn't be the same if it was a sexpest rapeape posting that because we already know 'rapist' is a moid's most natural state. Fuck off with this
>B-B-BUT if the ROLES were REVERSED!!!retardation, go back
No. 2038538
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lol Anna and I have been mutuals for years. Even sharing sources for articles as we are both journalists. My publication ran a Gaza story with my name in a byline which I obviously reposted and she blocked me. Zionism is crazy.(blogposting)
No. 2038621
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Looks like someone cowtipped Seba again around the same time that the newfag obsessed with trying to convince lc that antiyourwokehomophobia2 is some kind of predator for having a crush on her therapist showed up. That's interesting. Has anyone in Seba's clique ever beefed with her?
No. 2038650
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>>2038622She lives there now, I guess?
No. 2038663
>>2038621Not the holier-than-thou "I don't want to give that site any traffic frankly" while still naming the site in question lollll. Finding this thread is an easy google and she knows it. She just can't resist any opportunity for attention, positive or negative. Maybe
>>2037524was mena having a spergout before deciding to mine for drama instead.
No. 2038798
>>2038621>>2038673If anything, it seems more likely to be falseflagging bait so that Seba and co. have an excuse to whine about how
problematic lolcow is. Reminds me of radfem-gossip kek
No. 2039178
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>>2038621> risking my safety by exposing my identity as a woman from a homophobic country while im vocally a lesbian on my blogIt's time to log off.
No. 2039223
>>2039178As if she hasn't been posting all her own doxxable info her damn self for years. "it's scary", god i wish i could be so rich and manipulative that all i need to do is play the
victim when my own actions catch up to me.
No. 2039311
>>2039270True tbh, she definitely seems like the type who googles her own name to read what people are saying about her.
I think back when radfem gossip and its clones were popular she sent a lot of asks about herself to drum up discussion about herself too. There was a time when most of the anons were about her even though crazier people like Toppdyke and the scammer Kate Havekost were embroiled in drama at the time. She really likes attention, whether positive or negative.
No. 2040441
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There's no way that Seba didn't send that anon.
No. 2040536
>>2037383she's still online, just under a new name. she's @lesbicide on twitter, and she's still on tumblr i think, i don't know how active she is though. she has some links to other profiles here is a remake of the ginger male market faliure song from this year.
No. 2040598
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kathleen stock has gone full mask off
No. 2040705
>>2040657>Cultures where fgmFGM (labiaplasty) exists in the west too except its caused by porn and women willingly pay psychopathic surgeons to perform it for them to please men better. Also bottom surgery.
>child brides Pedophilia is rampant in the west except the pedos dont marry their
victims, only difference
>female infanticide Sex selective abortion and infanticide happens in the west too, tons of cases of mothers and fathers killing their babies.
(derailing) No. 2040777
>>2040657Did you read the Tweet? Its meaning is the opposite to what you think it is. Stock is contending that some cultures are worse than others.
>banging on about being on the "right side of history">gasping at the claimindicating surprise
>some cultures are worse than others this is Stock's proposition.
>should screw their faces up hard and try a bit of thinkingthis part means to consider her proposition. Jesus fucking Christ.
>>2040773All misogyny upholds and reproduces misogyny, feminism 101. I can see that utilitarianism has rotted your brain. Terminal, I fear.
>>2040441Why are you tinfoiling about menalez sending anons about herself when there is a gaggle of retards who follow her every move on here? Has she done this in the past or are you making it up?
No. 2040780
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Kate Havekost still trying to guilt trip people into buying her high school tier paintings again
No. 2040790
>>2040598If "no cultures are worse than others", then why do people from 3rd world countries migrate to the West en masse, and almost never the opposite?
Would someone here like to live in Pakistan or India?
No. 2040792
>>2040777I seriously can't believe the level of reading comprehension in this thread, it's honestly depressing.
>>2040790Read the above post, retard.
No. 2040825
>>2040777I think you should get a full night of sleep, have a cigarette, then come back and re-read all the posts you're responding to. Just a suggestion.
>>2040780What is this breakdown about?
No. 2040840
>>2040825sorry dirty deleted my reply 'cause I changed my mind,
>>2040657 is the first reply in a chain which sounds like it's arguing with Kathleen Stock. anon saying Stock had gone mask off doesn't necessarily indicate disagreement or agreement; it's plausible either way, just descriptive. I might be attributing too much meaning here but I am honestly surprised (upon rereading) how that instantly instigated a fight kek. I'm sorry I originally called you passive aggressive, but I think you should just call me and my ilk a retard next time, or idiot if it suits. The rest of the chain devolved into infighting kek. I hope that clears things up.
That being said the original Tweet is shit anyway, whether you agree or disagree with her. It needs to be workshopped.
No. 2041911
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what the fuck
No. 2041948
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Kekking so hard at this, the bivestigator who was single-handedly creating conspiracy theories against random users, is upset now that people started bivestigating her for having had a high school boyfriend (something she would have absolutely done to someone else).
Also, it’s straight up unsettling to me how low IQ the rest of her normal posts sound. She cracks jokes that don’t make sense or are painfully unfunny, uses words wrong, talks about very boring things that happen to her as if everyone should be very interested, and just demonstrates a general lack of self-awareness akin to a young teenager, like 13 or 14, yet she says she’s in her 30s…? anyone else who follow her know what I mean?
No. 2041955
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>>2041948saged because not milk but this is what I mean, like what the fuck are these posts…
No. 2041956
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>>2041948She's bivestigating her own mother lmao. Plus a random dig at bisexuals in the tags, seemingly she thinks they, not homophobic straight people, invented the notion that being gay is a choice. You're onto something anon, she's definitely got a mentally challenged vibe about her.
No. 2042166
>>2041948I still remember the time she talked big about being a proud lesbian separatist who needs no man unlike the evil bisluts. Then a few days later made posts about how desperate she is to find a fag who will fill her with his gay seed so she can ensure she only has gay sons.
She gives a vibe of prison gay fujoshi. I bet she's fat too.
No. 2042584
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I can't believe she's literally shilling unpasteurized milk now.
No. 2042635
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she's devolving into 'goddess womb worship' in real time. I just know she'll end up retweet from an eco-fascist account and he'll convince her about how the "rich men who poison the land" are just jews
No. 2042670
>>2042584She's really gone off the deep end, she has zero credibility anymore. Her podcast goes like this now: she brings on a guest, they fellate each others egos for half the episode about how smart and cancelled they are, Meghan talks nearly in tears about the trauma of getting banned from twitter six fucking years ago, and then her guest goes on an insane conspiracy-laden rant about how the government wants to change your children's sex with vaccines and chemtrails, while Meghan intermittently says "wow" and "that's really interesting."
It's gotten to the point where she will believe almost anything if it's coming from a fringe viewpoint, including that the practice of cooking your milk a bit to kill bacteria is an evil big pharma plot to undermine the health of the general public.
No. 2042749
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>>2042635jen izaakson and her consequences
No. 2042861
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Everything is a conspiracy meant to offend the "based" conspiratards if you try hard enough.
No. 2043463
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So….. a handful of anons saying "lesbians don't date men lol" is harassment, but making countless posts bivestigating random people, some of which had literally zero evidence other than "she disagrees with me about something", is perfectly normal and ethical behavior.
No. 2043500
>>2043463Kek. She keeps posting basically this same post over and over for the last couple of days. Yeah dude, it is ridiculous. It was also ridiculous when
you did it to other people. You are reaping the very seeds you eagerly sowed. So deliciously ironic
No. 2043541
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>>2043463This obsession with bisexuals is bordering on pathological.
No. 2043550
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Remember when macroclit/radicalstoner (bisexual/ex-polilez) said lesbians can love tranny dick? Yeah what HD said is pretty tame LOL
No. 2043556
>>2043550Farmhands please make an exception to the no hicowing rule, this one’s so obvious.
Anyway, pointing to another cow doesn’t make one not a cow. Both are chewing grass in the same pasture
No. 2043558
>>2043541shes based
>>2043554and so is she
(bait) No. 2043587
>>2043580Hating bis: not milky
Hating bis so much you think and post obsessively about them every day to the point where you're bivestigating your own mother: milky
No. 2043708
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Samefag I just noticed that the last time HD was online today was when the last of the newfag sperging here happened and thought that was interesting.
No. 2043717
>>2043550Idc if a cow posted this, it's too funny. 70s political lesbians would say having a boyfriend/husband they love doesn't undermine their radical lesbianism, radblr residents now say that one odd sex-repulsed woman who fucks her sex-repulsed crossdressing boyfriend is a lesbian. Same thing but more bizarre somehow
>a very unique situationDo we have a name for this kind of retardation yet
No. 2044018
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No. 2044376
>>2044371They're scared of the method, in short. It "feels wrong" and "replicates heterosexuality"??
They seem to think the lesbian way to have children is already existent, that is to say regular ivf or adoption. They are conservatives in denial, appealing to "tradition" which is quite absurd considering they're describing family planning as two individuals incapable of procreation. They really think that reciprocal ivf is The Lesbian Way and a more sophisticated technology that only uses genetic material from two women is simulating heterosexuality. The context was that a ftm and her wife want to use that experimental method, so to hate on the tranny they have to sling shit at an actual positive idea for lesbian family planning.
No. 2044389
>>2044376>>2044366It wasn't jen (who was ignorant about the subject); it was hannah. I don't know what the fuck her deal is, but she's really into weird, woo woo feminist spirituality
the conversation starts at 39:30 No. 2044550
>>2044543>>2044546she does search her own name and she still makes shit up. she can read the
valid criticism like over half a dozen users still have up in the tags yet she seems to not fucking understand what the hell she's reading or else she realizes that she's at fault but doesn't want to change anything so she pretends that it's all lies. The worst part of it is that there are people stupider than her out there who defend the insane lies she spouts in her defense.
It seems like she has farmers who follow her
No. 2044777
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Sorry but what the fuck is she talking about? What radfem talks about sisterhood and only means feminine women? And why is she acting like calling women in general your sisters means you think you're actually sisters and can't have sex with them? The weird repetition ot "you don't fuck your sisters" like she's saying something profound, I think she genuinely may be retarded.
No. 2044825
>>2044796Girl be for real, are the radfems telling you to be feminine with is in the room right now? The
victim complex is insane.
No. 2044878
>>2044796>>2044863Keep sperging, I'm sure the bisluts will change their minds on your extremely advanced feminist rhetoric any second now.
You talk about dicks and cum more than any hetero woman I've ever met. Projection much?
No. 2045700
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Speaking of Jen, this old clip of her went viral on radtwt and she's choosing to ignore it and not respond to anyone
No. 2045775
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Ovarit was a mistake.
No. 2045778
>>2045764Are you retarded?
>>2045775> biblical marriageA lot of trads co-sign the bangmaid lifestyle with the assumption that she can choose a man worthy of her servitude. Very common mindset that even gets warped into the radical feminist boyfriend fantasy when these women hit 25.
No. 2046157
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>>2046117Bitch you look like this stfu
No. 2046323
>>2046282"they" as in antifujos. not they as in hannah and co.
and sure, if that makes u feel better.
No. 2046496
>>2046117>>2046323NTA, I just listened to the episode. They were talking about the factors that draw young women towards trans ideology, wrt the idiots who released crickets at the LGBA conference. They said that many young straight women who are overly online larp as uwu soft gayboys (despite their understanding of "gay culture" coming from content made by women for women) or just nonbinary-not-a-woman, because the sexual aggression of straight men towards women scares them away from romantic situations with men where they are "a girl," even though they are still obviously perceived and treated as girls.
So yeah, they were right lol. Why you chose to take it personally is a mystery.
No. 2046753
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This might be a little hard to explain for those who don't know, but Jen and Hannah are what are called a "professional activists/revolutionaries", due to interconnected pre-existing social movements and orgs, they have the opportunity to travel around the world for various protests, gatherings and left-wing social functions, those events only take into account some of their time, the rest is mainly sight-seeing, partying and living as a tourist for a while, these activists stop usually around their 40's and they get an academic career at some university, pretending they've made a difference in the world(If you've been to university, there's a good chance a few of your professors lived this life) and that seems like the course for Jen at least.
I don't want this to come across as a blogpost, but I have experience with this lifestyle and these types of people and it is very taxing if you really care about the world, but for some of these people, this is a professional life where they will spend a good chunk of their 20's-30's in, just scroll through Jen's Instagram, her entire adulthood has been mainly focused on this "career" No. 2046793
>>2046753Your description of professional activists is accurate but going on party-sponsored trips is normal for regular party members with regular jobs. If you sink enough effort into an org it lets you go on these sight-seeing trips
>>2045700She responded. She explained that at the time she was in a trial against muslim men who had assaulted her and was advised by the police to not speak ill of Islam on the record, because it could seriously hurt her case against them. You most likely saw her explanation after looking through her account yet you left it out. Having a hateboner for a random online figure is one thing, but this is very strange. So are these overblown accounts of their podcast episodes, you know we can go check and see you're making up shit to get mad at? Right?
No. 2046865
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Anyone know who she's talking about?
No. 2047264
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related to Jen and Hannah, I really hate tankie radfems like them, they will basically abandon every radical feminist principle in a heartbeat if it means criticizing a socialist/communist state outside the West, like I feel I don't need to state that Dworkin would not approve supporting syrian ultra-nationalism
No. 2047683
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This unhinged anon namedropping lcf is obviously HD, right? I mean we know she lurks and has tried gayopps shit in this thread before, and she was threatening to drop unspecified identifying info about RS like two months ago. Seems like she got bullied out of trying to publicly expose people by this thread so now she just sends people crazy anons.
No. 2047746
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>>2047683If I'm reading this correctly, Stoner seems to think so too. The low iq style of typing and fixation on bisexuals certainly seems to match. Hetdyke has been seething about her dreaded OSA women even more than usual the past few days. Truthfully, for the sake of entertainment, I hope she starts going after Stoner on main again, it would be so funny.
No. 2047757
>>2047751ayrt, I wouldn't say it's oppressive, we are on the internet after all. Obnoxious and pointless, yes.
>>2043463Anyway scroll down from here (and don't ask for spoonfeeding again or jannies will ban you.)
No. 2047774
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Someone: says something they think is super cool and interesting and not at all due to drug-induced schizophrenia
No. 2048032
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it's so tiresome
No. 2048376
>>2048295I think it's pretty milky to suddenly admit you had a high school boyfriend after months of obsessively bivestigating other people and then refer to people behaving the exact same way towards you - actually much better towards you tbh, I haven't seen any callout posts yet - as harassment and stalking. That's some pretty lolcow tier lack of self-reflection.
>>2048263Yeah no one thought that was RS other than HD who thinks every post she doesn't like here is one of her tumblr enemies and thinks we can't tell it's her posting.
No. 2048398
>>2048376Are you referring to when she mentioned Kittyit used to be an out political lesbian on radblr?
I mean I’m not surprised HD saying she had a closeted boyfriend as a young teen who she kissed once made its way here. I can see how some would consider that milk, especially if retarded. What about the rest of the screenshots posted about her though? It’s the most boring vendettafagging. She has a lot of bi enemies because she’s one of the only radblr lesbians game enough to challenge their shit. She exposed radicalstoner was milo/macroclit and all RS does is vague post HD. The stupid ginger nut loving spaz RS is the most hated blog on radblr because of HD. Not too far fetched for her to be lurking here building an army against HD for non-milk. The amount of people who have asked Kitty to clarify her take on political lesbianism and for radicalstoner to address being milo/macroclit, only to be met with silence, is telling.
No. 2048404
>>2048234it's not homophobic to recognize that an extremely unnatractive and obese woman like heterodyke who only remembers women exist when she wants to call us "dirty bisluts" and is obsessed with gay porn and fags is obviously heterosexual.
She also said that you can be a lesbian and hate women but you can't be a lesbian and hate fags.
I have no doubt that she had sex with many males in the past and all her hatred for bi women is just projection and shame.
No. 2048407
>>2048398Kittyit has mad WKs here, last thread anons got mad as fuck when people called her a polilez due to the numerous posts she's made defending political lesbianism and said people who think she's
sus because of them are ackshually just homophobes who hate trauma
victims kek.
HD is a cow for bivestigating people who have male exes when she herself had a boyfriend in the past and is best friends with Seba who used to openly brag about her sex life with her male ex, but the Kittyit thing is the one thing I agree with her on.
No. 2048479
>>2048398>>2048407>>2048431I mean, you guys realize this is literally identity politics, right? The useless kind of political posturing TRAs do?
No matter what anyone says she is or isn't, kittyit is indistinguishable from any other lesbian. She only dates and has sex with women, has never expressed attraction to men, is very active in campaigning for lesbian rights. Not to mention that no one including HD has posted any actual proof of kittyit's supposed political lesbian status besides one single reblog she didn't even write herself. This vendetta is truly pathetic.
Can we get some actual fucking milk in this thread?
No. 2048498
>>2048492I mean men are male, a provable, objective fact. Lesbianism, especially online, is really an honour system, any given lesbian active in radical feminism could be secretly attracted to men but have the good sense not to act on it or say anything about it. And again, nobody has posted actual proof of kittyit's political lesbianism. Not going to just believe HD's crackhead rants like they're gospel.
>>2048496Part of the reason this thread is so shit is the "hi cow"ing at any and every unpopular opinion.
No. 2048500
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Kitty doesn’t believe in “born this way.” She’s a homophobic bi like the rest of radblr.
No. 2048504
>>2048479She wrote a controversial post (maybe 2018) about not being sure if being gay was purely genetic or not (or a mix of factors) but said in it that if it is she definitely was born gay. She's also posted about being a gay child.
HD is using the phrase "common knowledge" about the polilez accusations which is just more tism. Opinion of a clique obsessed with bivestigating isn't common knowledge. HD really does seem dumb. It's funny of kittyit to not give her attention.
No. 2048517
>>2048506Oh god it’s worse than I thought. I don’t think she knows bisexuality exists, or thinks lesbianism includes it. “I’m a lesbian because I love women,” or “I’m a lesbian because I fuck my girlfriend” - yes so do bisexuals? Funny how she doesn’t mention ONCE not being attracted to males.
She truly thinks lesbians are just traumatised out of their attraction to men, showing she’s not a lesbian because that wouldn’t cross our mind. The amount of bisexuals who refer to themselves as lesbian because they think “I won’t ever act on the male attraction so it doesn’t matter” (not true, so many have eventually, but even if they don’t act on it it makes you no less bisexual). Very clear the obsession with calling HD bisexual for dating a fellow gay in early high school and kissing him once to fit in is Kitty’s way of being like “both of us are the same.” Uhhhh a lot of lesbians had stupid childhood boyfriends to keep het bullies off their backs about seeming gay, but that’s different to actually being attracted to males. Kitty acts like every lesbian is confused so she’s no less lesbian for not knowing if she was born that way or not. Weird because I and many other lesbians I know don’t question that.
No. 2048526
>>2048520You're so
triggered it's insane kek stop shitting up the thread and go make some more rageposts on your blog
(infighting) No. 2048536
>>2048534Is Kitty a publisher or something? I thought she was just a random blogger.
The only radblr adjacent person I can think of who wrote a book is that one butch lesbian who crowdfunded thousands for IVF and then when it didn't work behaved like her wife had a miscarriage even though there was no baby and kept bringing up her "dead babies" to guilt people in arguments ages afterwards.
No. 2048553
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>>2048551Idk but I'm keking at this response. So avoidant of the question.
No. 2048682
>>2048500She literally says she was born a lesbian in the screenshot you're posting. Lol.
>>2048517Kittyit has never called HD bisexual lol what are you talking about. She's never mentioned her at all that I've ever seen.
>>2048531No, HD, "lesbians" have not been "talking about kittyit's fakebianism for years." "Lesbians" do not know who kittyit is. "Lesbians" do not know what radblr is. This world you live in where you're a widely known pillar of lesbian and feminist action and all your internet dramas are talked about by everyone like the news is a delusion.
>>2048536Is that why Adrian has "mother" in her bio? That's fucking hilarious. I had no idea.
>>2048551Yeah Adrian still has blogs at @wulfsbaiine and @bloodsoakedbutch.
>>2048617I mean yeah she really. Has no milk. I think the vast majority of posts seething about her here are HD and why HD hates her so much is beyond me. My suspicion is that she's jealous kittyit is better known and more well liked on radblr, so she attacks her lesbianism in an attempt to render all of the stuff kittyit has done/said somehow ideologically impure and tainted. Like even if you think she's a polilez she just literally doesn't do anything worth talking about here so people are going to get tired of 20 posts in a row talking about the same screenshot from 8 years ago that doesn't say what the one person posting it over and over again says it does.
No. 2048763
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This is hilarious, absolutely no one on radblr is talking about any supposed drama between heterophobicdyke and kittyit. When she says "They're making me out to be some hysterical jealous madwoman who Kitty wouldn't even know because she's so Above Me" she's specifically referencing this thread, lmaoooo HD confirmed lurker
No. 2048766
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>>2048763Lol she made another post before that that was supposed to be her "last time talking about it" and put forth the damning evidence that kittyit has reblogged a Sheila Jeffreys quote before and "everyone knows."
No. 2048767
>>2048766lol i don't know why she wastes her time on kitty. we all know kitty loves dick but has been with max so long she thinks it makes her lesbian. if i was hd i couldnt be assed dealing with kitty's bearded lady minions who feel indebted to her for recruiting them to radical feminism only to transfer the trans identity into another
victim complex
No. 2048781
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No. 2048782
>>2048776Don't you know how the thread works? This is an accurate representation of Kitty's disciples, like
nonny said. I responded directly to it, are you blind or st
No. 2048791
>>2048762It is obvious this person obsessed with cum and bisluts is the same trying to make the kitty milk happen while pretending to be different anons. Lmao.
Sorry, but if you are not HD, you do sound like her a lot.
No. 2048797
>>2048791HD repetition
>it's known>everyone knows >common knowledge >we all know No picrel. No milk. Not even a smidgen of cheese. Just schizobabble. It's textbook vendetta-chan to try to act like you're part of a pack instead of a lone psycho freaking it.
If you search HD on tumblr you can see she's done this before, picked someone to spaz out over. Just hope the next one is more interesting.
No. 2048813
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>>2048797Apparently last summer she accused a butch lesbian of being "in a relationship with a man" for talking about a male best friend.
No. 2048887
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>>2048871well I guess that was the last straw.
No. 2048891
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>>2048503>>2048763She really couldn't make her lurking more obvious.
No. 2048934
>>2048920 and should have scrolled up first because holy shit, smoking gun! Wtf. She’s so obvious. I knew I wasn’t hallucinating the identical phrases. She must not have any self-awareness at all? This is seriously so embarrassing for her, I would be mortified kek
No. 2049020
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People not caring that Kitty said "I'm not sure what causes homosexuality" 8 years ago is just like when the trans community harbors rapists, guys.
No. 2049025
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>>2048891>>2048767This one might be a reach… but it might not.
No. 2049053
>>2049020Do you think she's trying to upset Kitty with this comparison? I think she really wants the response bad, but idk if it's that or she retardedly really does think this is 1:1 as harmful as rape. Butch-reidentified (who she accused of loving dick) also has been sexually abused by trannies and is a rape survivor.
Also makes me cringe to think of her saying "cum" or "dick" anything. She seems mentally stunted to the point it feels like a twelve year old clumsily parroting adult language and making everyone uncomfortable.
No. 2049101
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>>20489712 weeks? I'm expecting more crazy in the next 24 hours lol. Based on stuff that comes up when you search her url, it looks like she goes through cycles of getting slowly crazier and crazier, then burning out and "leaving radblr" before coming back to start the cycle again after a couple months. I armchair diagnose her with Bipolar 2, the hypomanic phase includes a lot of anger for some people. The last time she deleted her account was apparently a few weeks after accusing butch-reidentified of secretly having a boyfriend because she mentioned a male friend on her blog in July 2023.
No. 2049160
>>2049112Her allyship with menalez is still so bizarre to me. I think it's the biggest evidence that she's not really motivated by protecting lesbian communities from fakebians or whatever because the screencaps of Seba openly gushing over men and dick for years are
everywhere and someone even dm'd them to her during the RS drama. Like…… Seba
actually being obsessed with cock openly for years doesn't mean she's not a lesbian, but Kitty reblogging a Sheila Jeffreys quote means she's bi? What? I can't tell at this point if these are calculated choices for HD to try to get more popular on radblr or something or if she's just so mentally ill that none of her choices mean anything.
No. 2049331
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Went through some past threads and found this old screenshot pretty funny considering recent events.
No. 2049333
>>2044777She's right about radfems who ironically enforce feminine social norms. Many have pointed this out. She looks like someone who's had too much disappointments with feminism but because she has a sad life and not much to look forward to besides tumblr drama, it snowballs into extreme preoccupation with trve lesbianism and straightvestigating everyone and their mother. Sad
No. 2049576
>>2045775So many things wrong with this
>"conservative"Is saying "a man should be a leader in the relationship" supposed to be revolutionary now?
>i think a man should be a leader in a relationshipA traditional idea with traditionally 0 arguments provided in favor of it.
>(lists things that are literally being subservient/submissive)…wut
>w-well 95% of men aren't capable of playing the leader role anywayCould that mean…? That men aren't actually supposed to be leaders..? It's a mystery.
(derailing) No. 2049588
>>2049573Lmao when someone talks about "African culture" and then another just as uneducated Westoid chimes in to virtue-signal that the "African culture" was misrepresented.
Africa is not a country. It is a continent with over 2000 languages and cultures. They can not be lumped into one unified "African culture".
I hope the "black feminists" at least included women who actually come from African countries because having distant ancestors in Africa does not actually make you qualified to talk about the "African culture".
(derailing) No. 2049607
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>>2049588>>2049573everyone is going to be offended if they're particular group is being criticized. Even if the criticism is
valid. as long as what's being said is unflattering and placing faults under a spotlight, there will be complaints.
of course Africa is diverse. what is the point of mentioning that other than to deflect specific criticism? huge areas of Africa used to be polygynous until a few decades ago, i.e. there was a hierarchy of men who were entitled to women, these men gain power by appropriating the fruits of their many wives' labor. because these village big shots or wealthy due to the exploitation they subjected any woman they essentially were awarded, they were then attractive candidates for a husband to anyone who wanted to pass their teenage daughter to another man. because the younger men were essentially pushed out of the so-called mate market by the more narcissistic and shitty men, and weren't entitled a bride until they were older, they could only have the sex that they feel entitled to no doubt by "surreptitious means" or raping rival villages' women…
I personally think it's ironic for Western anthropologists who are as sexist and patriarchals you can be to criticize African men for being selfish and lazy while there is a long long history of women being exploited to the same degree and denied rights in the West. can't expect consistency from conservatives though.
there's a lot of opinions on African culture from shitty academics with a passing interest on this shit but The focus on which African ethnic groups have higher IQs than others and how that correlates to relations between the sexes and all that is a pretty significant focus. apparently, a study done on adopted black children who lived with middle class white people in the midwest a few decades ago showed that they still had lower IQs than white children. apparently this is not an unusual finding. it doesn't matter whether nature or nurture causes these results (academics acknowledge that racism affects performance) – it doesn't matter because in the end they are what they are according to the people presenting this research.
That's basically what conservatives think. there's a lot of theories regarding how culture affects genes – The theory of gene culture evolution is interesting and offers a partial explanation as to how pressures from your environment help increase IQ. Ashkenazi Jews have had high IQs historically and these results are not found amongst their source population, so it's fair to say that whatever pressure was exerted by the occupations that they had to assume in a foreign land under which they were discriminated pretty severely against caused people to select mates or qualities that essentially aided in survival under tough conditions, maybe? IQ has been raised by a pretty significant amount amongst certain Southeast and East Asian populations in the past hundred years or so since those groups became literate, too. it's accepted any kind of difficult environment (such as perhaps adapting to living under moderate or extreme cold) or situation will essentially force people to become resourceful and maybe select for higher IQ. in the case of ashkenazis quite a few of them were involved in finance or some other fairly stable and lucrative occupation and that stability, along with high pressure to perform is probably aided in the selection of higher IQ. but high IQ doesn't reveal anything about people's character or morals, and it has a long history of association with eugenics so it's obviously far from a perfect measure of anything.
personally, I can't stand the current culture of pretending that everyone is equal and that any kind of bias you might have towards your own group or negative bias or others is the worst thing ever and basically justifies pushing people out of academia or getting them fired. It's esp ironic when those biases are essentially normal. I think any supposed ~~
PoC~~ who takes advantage of the more griftery white people who do nothing but rant about racism for their own benefit and who prey on other privileged idiots' white guilt to literally stunt conversations because God forbid you say anything unflattering or reveal any biases which are common enough is an asshole and not promoting any acceptance of non-white people if you ask me. biases will always exist because it's a human thing, we're all fucking biased. It's why these little young people cliques that are all gung ho about anti-racism and shit are kind of screwing themselves over by pretending that people don't see color and that having negative experiences with certain out groups doesn't result in developing negative perceptions that are hard to shake.
I think tribalism among leftists has reached absurd levels and that doesn't serve a lot of people. they're making these exclusive little clubs of a handful of weirdos that bully other people into silence and think that that's consent.
like ask yourselves what FGM is still a thing in Africa. a lot of white feminists don't even listen to actual black women who talk about who is doing FGM which is the mothers or the female relatives a lot of the time. It's always the men's fault, the norms which punish girls severely for having sex and men hurting them causes women to subject their own children to butchery some people say is if this is a normal thing to do. When misogynistic shit is a norm excusing it by providing some kind of justification for it doesn't help. rates of fgm in Africa have gone down due to female activists fighting hard to change those norms. that along with society becoming less poor has led up to this point. under increased poverty and adversity, women and girls are the first to suffer it is something you see over and over again, especially in the global south which still sees high rates of poverty. female infanticide is still much much more common than the opposite, under famines women and girls are fed less. we live in a Topsy turvy world under which the sex that is built to survive a famine's better is deprived of food while yhe sex that's seen as carrying the family name and having power, while also happens to be the sex that is less ethical and more dysfunctional in general is given preferrential treatment. without women offering support for this shit it would not exist, it would not have been perpetuated for thousands of fucking years. women's consent is critical here and they choose to continue to offer it. there've been multiple opportunities when women have rebelled and mass because so much labor is forced on them and it's all fucking unfair but in the end nothing really changed, not in any significant way.
rant over
(derailing) No. 2049657
>>2049651iq tests measure how quickly you can complete problems pertaining to spatial ability and whatnot.
theyre indicative of specific attributes.
No. 2049665
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>>2049657>>2049651claiming that modern day people of acrican descent perform poorly in academia/iq tests b/c they're not from a "white background" is stupid as hell. putting everything down to racism b/c it's unflattering is dumb. not having the patience or aptitude for education may be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but in our increasingly unequal world, it's a liability.
ig the theory of multiple intelligences is there for people who are disillusioned with iq but employers don't care that you lack the discipline to follow instructions or neet deadlines; that you haven't mastered bureaucratic modes of communication, or that your skillsets or behaviors have value but that they diverge from what they're looking for.
I think this is pretty interesting though. people were preoccupied with the myth of increasing their brains plasticity over the past two decades or so which isn't really possible when you're an adult, and the obnoxious ads which promise to keep your brain in tip top shape via little brain teasers and puzzles are all annoying as fucking hell and could harm you. lol No. 2049666
>>2049661If any of you were capable of intellectual curiosity instead of just being
toxic and stupid you wouldn't be here. Go read a book. preferably one that isn't a trashy romance novel
(derailing) No. 2049877
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>>2049741i remember her url and apparently she used to be involved with gs discourse yea
cant find the original post but there were gs discoursers talking about her
picrel its part of what i could find
(not milk) No. 2049916
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>>2049877this celes-irl person seems insane
No. 2050064
>>2049987didn't say any of that in the post you're replying to no idea what you're talking about
No. 2050182
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No. 2050197
>>2050182>even hama soldierswhy should we care about a gang of rapists who paraded the bloodied bodies of their
victims without shame?
No. 2050219
>>2050182True male hater, but not allowed to hate men of colour, gay men, working class men, muslim men, homeless men, woke men, liberal men, autistic men, leftist men, men with mental illness, men with trans identities and so on.
No. 2050292
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so jen did a racist asian person impression while joking about a rape crisis shelter
No. 2050369
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>>2050292have wokefems like loveologian made a response?
No. 2050391
>>2050370accurate how? most people enter marriages because they want to get something out of it, whether legally or otherwise. It was obviously worse when women were essentially excluded from the job market to a far greater degree but it's the same shit now. people are desperate to conform because of what a communicates to other people and because of the societal obsession with love and and being tied to someone romantically. some people are just not a good fit for that shit and trying to find someone to "fall in love” with is stupid and something that woman and girls are pressured by almost all the media aimed at them to do because they gain much less from marriage than men do.
I personally do not want to learn to tolerate a male. they're dingbats and a risk to my safety. but I guess that's not as nice of a thing to say as "men want to curtail your freedom". literally why would you enter a new relationship with a man on some level you realize that he's exploiting you like these women aren't stupid they get it but they just can't let go of that financial contribution or wherever the hell else they're getting. they're willing to sacrifice their dignity for it as they have for millennia.
No. 2050392
>>2049916you sound about as normal as the average fucking idiot on radblr. these kinds of provocative, drama-mongering idiots are exactly who end up with a follower base that reposts their shit here, I avoid those people like the plague. anyone who uses this thread is guaranteed to be worse than the moid hating obsessives in that hellsite, though. The female socialization is glaringly obvious.
>>2049989they really are just fucking stupid and annoying. and they all sound 12. some of them might actually be fucking 12. imagine being someone in their early to late twenties and still obsessed with getting a rise out of people. can't ignore all the people who are drug addicts or fucked up in one way or another too. lmao. you can bet your ass at the will have a kid somewhere down the line who they will know that subject to their dysfunctionality too.
No. 2050403
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>>2049877Is this what you're referring to? Before she changed her name to moideater she was 6b4t. Got no proof of the name change though.
(where's the milk?) No. 2050438
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HD's official reasoning for going ex-radfem is that radical feminism is too mean to gay men and not mean enough to women. Groundbreaking.
Also lol at censoring "retard", she sure had no problem spelling that out in full here a couple days ago, among other things.
No. 2050453
>>2050438I'd get her if she developed her point about extreme cattiness and lack of efficiency in RF circles. Instead she goes for this stale 'radfems are too mean and not woke enough' morally haughty angle.
>calling men retarded faggot groomersKek this is 1% of what gay men inflict upon each other
>women shouldn't have relationships with men and if you have a husband you're a baddieSeriously, how can't they realize how insane they seem. Even if it's the correct conclusion, just hammering it like that does not work. I just know she never tries to talk to normal women, she only cares about other radfems not having the correct sexuality (or lack of sexual activity) because her scope of action is so narrow.
Might be a baseless tinfoil but i get such 'polilez in denial' vibes from her, her resentment of RFs who have partners, her obsession with investigating the sexuality of others, a person with a healthy relationship to her sexuality wouldn't act like this
No. 2050507
>>2050438no one says faggot in tumblr or any other feminist forum so this is confirmation that she read this thread.
>y-you can't call men fatties it's mean! dumb cockloving whore. so scrotes can bully women to the point they develop body dysmorphia and eating disorders but we're not even allowed to call them fat?
No. 2050613
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>>2050532It is not just HD but all those goldstar blog orbiters. They really hate bi women but get up on defense for men. It's sort of OT because most of them are anti-radfem while being very pollilez, but they should all migrate radtwt.
Picrel mildly annoying woman vs male rapist
No. 2050741
>>2050707Exactly, men who claim to be lesbians obviously have zero respect for women's sexual boundaries, should be assumed to be sexual predators by default.
>>2050709Yeah I don't really see much that's incorrect in that screenshot, tbh.
No. 2050796
>>2045775these women think that internalizing regressive dynamics between the sexes and then pretending that those are compatible with their retarded "I'm a feminist because I believe in equality" bullshit. moids who would be attracted to her values or share whatever religious crap she buys into that is inevitably anti-woman have no intention of being fair. It's cliche to say that all men want a bangmaid but they sure as fuck have no intention of giving anything she has to say fair consideration if they view themselves as the leader or dominant figure in their relationship. they may make capitulations and they may differ where it works to their benefit – keeps their bangmaid tied to them until she gets pregnant and then they stop caring about keeping up the charade. (not that moids who apoear as pushovers aren't awful their own special way)
I've come across several r/relationship posts on plebbit (most of them inevitably from people making six figures, i.e. the comfortably well off because people love to brag about that shit for some reason) where the woman is explicit about everything being 50-50 down to minutea until it comes to shit like pregnancy because for some reason these women want to have children with men who see their relationship as transactional and as revolving around stringent "equality" (where the woman pays 50% of everything) that ignores how unequal shit is between the sexes whether in regards to pay or whatever else. Antway, shit always hits the fan between people like this when pregnancy or all the labor women do that is not compensated comes into question. this woman wanted the man to essentially compensate her for all the time she was going to spend unemployed because she was going to have "their child", since everything else was exactly 50/50 and this seemed fair to her. not only will she sacrificing her health to spread some shitbag's genes but ofc the scrote wasn't having it and I hope that woke her up. If you're well off you don't need to put yourself at risk by living with a scrote.
No. 2051039
>>2051020The responses to that screenshot are so dramatic. Lesbian doesn't like men who larp as women or bisexuals who larp as lesbians = supporting rapists somehow.
This thread is full of people who argued once with random blogs that have like 12 followers and are still seething. Radblr has plenty of actual cows like HD, Seba, Ignis and Havkat but some random lesbian having an opinion that's unsurprising for a lesbian to have is somehow treated as milk.
No. 2051064
>>2051047She was a popular radblr lesbian blogger, but then started posting pictures of male anime characters and lusting over them (claiming she was imagining them as butch lesbians) and I think even drew pictures of herself with them. Then she disappeared from tumblr for a few months and when she came back she came out as bisexual and literally begged people not to send death threats over her being bisexual. Then a few days later she made posts asking for advice on pegging her "boyfriend" (who iirc was some random tinder guy). It was ages ago but I remember the way she talked about him was very much first love vibes. She claims to have had 13 girlfriends before him but she never gushed over any of them the way she did about him on her blog. She also was posting pictures with her ex girlfriend on Instagram until maybe a month or so before the boyfriend reveal so who knows how much overlap there was between her relationships with them.
An anon in the last thread also mentioned that apparently she would frequently try to provoke insights in Menalez' discord server and would write all caps rants about people she disliked about why they should be kicked out. She was menalez' bestie (don't know if they're still close but they used to talk about wanting to meet up irl and constantly reblogged from eachother) and a lot of the beef menalez would get into at one point was on behalf of Nada.
I don't keep up with her anymore as far as I know she's been emo-posting on a sideblog for the last few years and still seems obsessed with anime. I think the first radfem cows thread was created a bit after her main drama went down, which is too bad because it was so entertaining in the moment.
No. 2051075
>>2051039You have poor reading comprehension.
And the only blogs worth talking about right now are HD, unless Mena is back. Ignis is so spoiled milk, but it's interesting she keeps getting brought up for being irrelevant.
No. 2051128
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This virgin treats lesbianism like a pillow fight sleepover, idolising childlike pornlike celebs like Ariana Grande while not seeing how lesbianism is just female homosexuality - even if that female identifies as nb or trans. This is the gc equivalent of polilez. Actually many TRAs believe this - that a trans man can’t be a lesbian or that it makes someone less of a lesbian if they’re attracted to them. Yet there’s a fine line visually between butch and trans, so is being attracted to butches also a sign someone isn’t a lesbian lol? Does that mean a trans woman can be a lesbian if they are feminine enough to pass? Can they be attractive to lesbians if they look like Grande? LOL
No. 2051129
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It gets worse (the ask down from the last on her blog)
No. 2051135
>>2051128Y'all have some of the weirdest nitpicks and most absurd complaints. what does everything default to "It's just like the polilez!!!" with you.
not that I like these people but I understand where they're coming from. If you're a sane person who understands how
toxic and misogynistic, like actually misogynistic because it reinforces NLOGISM an implies that women or girls are as inferior as a patriarchy insist that they are because it mistreats them gender ideology or where the fuck you want to call the pronoun shit is then you shouldn't want anything to do with adherents of a regressive ideology that coddles
toxic, entitled males and jeopardizes sex based rights. do zoomers and maybe some weird millennials actually feel like they have to compromise and date some begendered weirdo because that cursed ideology has become so widespread? I don't understand why this shit is phrased the way it is, tho. part of me is just assuming that it's that same old annoying vague shit but idek
No. 2051138
>>2051136there's also lesbians who are fundamentalist Christians out there. or lesbians who are in some kind of cult. both of those types might be unattractive to a large amount of other lesbians and it's the same shit with kweer crap or gender ideology. I'm not sure why you're implying this is about attraction instead of like the conscious decision to date someone. If someone diverges from your values, preferences and opinions to such an insane degree like maybe they're not for you. I mean some people seem to date kweerdos regardless, and seems to be mostly people who are in college still and what's their choice but I personally would not ever consider dating someone who supported regressive ideologies and stuff that I know is
toxic and stupid. there's literally nothing wrong with being alone If you have to choose between that and compromising your values.
No. 2051181
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Pointless circlejerk
No. 2051221
>>2051186hate to sound like radblr but no real radical feminist would even have a fucking child like what century are we living in? if dworkin and others found a way to avoid men and marriage than the others could too. The ones who fuck men and have kids are not radical feminists. tbf. It's genuinely retarded that so-called rads think that adding more girls in a world where sexual violence becoming ubiquitous and paralyzing because normie girls and women now claim to be into that terrifying shit makes sense.
I don't think any of you are actually committed to the ideology.
No. 2051223
>>2051215I am not the same person who originally replied to the screenshot kek and jannies can check my post history kek, my previous reply was the first one I made about it. We're just bored of some obvious vendettachan posting this literal who over and over again despite her milk being completely boring. Her posts are very unremarkable and are identical to hundreds of posts that have been made on radblr over the years. They're not milk they're whey.
This thread in general is full of boring people getting posted by someone they got into a fight with so obviously nonas are going to tell you we don't care about your vendetta when it's not anything remotely interesting. Maybe if you had a vendetta against radblr cows with actual milk like HD, macroclit or menalez we'd be more interested your vendettafagging but as for now some nobody having opinions you find annoying isn't milk.
No. 2051229
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>>2051221well many wanted children and especially daughters and there was a lot of hippie/goddesses motherhood bullshit that was just part of the scene at the time
(sage your shit) No. 2051238
>>2051221I don’t get the logic behind abort all male fetuses but bring more
victims into this world. There are actual girl children out there who could use your help you don’t have to give birth to them.
No. 2051255
>>2050613People itt are so retarded, it should be renamed "Disgruntled bihets". Oh noooo, this lesbian thinks both AGP pervert males
AND their handmaidens who claim to be lesbians while literally fucking moids are both bad?!?!?!!! Everyone clutch your fuckin pearls!!!!1 No one in your screenshot defended males, retard.
>>2051039>This thread is full of people who argued once with random blogs that have like 12 followers and are still seethingThis, vendettafagging: the thread.
>>2051128You're actually embarrassing atp, seriously stop posting
>>2051233>robin moragn also married a gay man for a while, but her goal was to have a child with a father who wasn't a patriarchal maleStupidest shit I've ever read kek, if anything gay moids are some of the biggest patriarchs sometimes.
No. 2051257
>>2051181Besides the use of womyn being cringe, where's the milk in this? Giving birth to a moid will never be feminist so she's right. Are you people aware this thread is for radfem
cows and not just random shit radfems say that you disagree with?
Literally read the op before posting, you retards:
>This thread is not for: ranting about troons, fighting about random political topics, radfem discourse, or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. Opinions you disagree with are not milk No. 2051277
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>>2051269but it always seemed really dumb and uneducated, originally 'man' was gender neutral term for human with the prefixes 'wer' used to denote a male human and 'wur' or 'wif' used to denote a female human
No. 2051297
>>2051241this is off topic but Stoltenberg was a gay man and he said all kinds of wild shit about working after she died because he was trying to capitalize on her image. he had been featured in an article claiming that there were moments where they might have had sex which is exactly what the people writing those articles what. they want that kind of detail to draw in readers
he was never bisexual. and the love he claims to feel for her is obviously related to them being close friends. people who actually knew Stoltenberg made note that he used his proximity to dworkin to get into young gays' pants and then just ghost them after he was done. they they decided to call him out eventually. he had a type and it seemed to be gays much younger than himself even when he was old as shit. The chances that he was bisexual are slim. The fact that he has never had sex with a woman should be a strong indicator that he had no interest in that.
(derailing) No. 2051480
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Why do they love humble bragging about how hot they are
No. 2051515
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Julia Long reacted to the gisele pelicot by basically blaming her for being in relationship and tried to shill political lesbianism
No. 2051529
>>2051515What she doing is bringing her own political agenda into a rape case. Which is shitty but definitely not
victim blaming. Also where is the political lesbianism in this?
No. 2051561
>>2051552Yeah I don't get it. When a thread is boring I leave and forget about it, not sit on it for days to complain about its milklessness.
I think ayrt (and the anon in the meta thread trying to get this thread closed) is one of the self-WKing cows who would love nothing more than for nonas to stop being able to post about their antics lolol.
No. 2051570
>>2051515nothing about this tweet blames the
victim and this isn't milk. it's an opinion you disagree with.
No. 2051581
>>2051518Yeah she clearly has fetal alcohol.
>girl that would work at Cracker Barrel Kek, you're not wrong
No. 2051603
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>>2051518nonny why would you willingly subject yourself to someone who is depressing? I understand hate boners but this woman is frankly incredibly dull.
>>2051504her facial expressions are creepy. there is something uncanny about her appearance and I don't like it. I agree with the other
nonny about her being eerie looking.
No. 2051604
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This is so autistic I almost wonder if it's someone playing 4D chess to make it look like anyone who wants them to stop spamming vendettaposts in this thread is just a cow. Then again this is how HD actually talks.
No. 2051631
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>>2051604>beefed with a tumblr dykeNow I'm thinking she sent herself this anon during her kittyit spergfest so she had an excuse to rant about it on her tumblr without directly giving away that she was reading this thread.
No. 2051728
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Only Milo/Macroclit would lay in bed all day smoking weed around her cats, not getting married so she can stay on her parents health insurance like the meaningless sperg she is
No. 2051730
>>2051727a bisexual
>>2051728Bruh I don't think she's ever posted a pic that wasn't from the pov of laying in bed
No. 2051735
>>2051731please take your meds
>>2051733PLEASE do omg
No. 2051738
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Interesting how Milo’s pretending to not be online when she JUST changed her title from “tomcat bihet” to “evil bihet” - is it because she’s looking pretty feminine in that pic with her and her ginger moid post-proposal, while pretending she’s some gnc queen who hasn’t been dicked down into conforming to what men want lol? She went from being a “butch lesbian” to a feminine girlypop once fucking men like the radical feminist she is. Always the way
No. 2051745
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>>2051733>after she proposed to him>>2051738Feminine girlypop in butch cosplay is such a staple of polilez radfems. It's fine to dress 'butch' to see if it feels better but it's interesting how they treat it like it's some feminist uniform
No. 2051746
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>>2051738Bruh she’s stopped pretending to be offline kek. But she’s definitely reading this thread, that title change after the leak was threatened is too funny
No. 2051750
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>>2051747HD and menalez did share those screenshots on radical feminist discords. That’s why people believe them. IDK why they didn’t post them to tumblr, they probably didn’t want to get accused of the caps getting in the wrong hands like TRAs or smth. I’ve also seen the pic of Milo and her moidfreak. There was an anonymous blog messaging with it on tumblr. Posting faces is too far for me but here are the signs
No. 2051757
>>2051754Of course you’ve got to start your WKing with “I don’t love RS but…”
You don’t have to pretend to be some innocent bystander with a moral compass on a website called babe. It’s ok.
I wouldn’t encourage it to be un-anonymized if I was you. I think
nonny was being very nice. Only one cow has those fingers and only one cow would pretend to be lesbian and butch, only to turn girlypop tradwife ‘I’m still a radfem tho!’ once getting inseminated by a gingermoid.
No. 2051759
>>2051757I don't think you understand, I don't doubt that it's radicalstoner in the picture. It's just not very surprising that a heterosexually engaged woman has heterosexual engagement pictures. What is supposed to be the scandalous part here?
Feel free not to reply though, after reading "only one cow has those fingers" I think I'm okay being done engaging with this level of mental illness.
No. 2051768
>>2051758There is nothing more milky than milo/radicalstoner.
> while cosplaying as a lesbian, she used to call black women hotdog lips and used to be THE meanest heterophobic “lesbian” on radblr. > randomly decided she does actually love dick and turns into moids’ biggest fan> gets a few anons over an abortion she had and pretends lesbians are genetically out to get her, personally, or whatever > says lesbians can love tranny dick in a discord that gets exposed. > says she’s essentially as oppressed as lesbians because she’s undistinguishable from them for being apparently gnc (which progressively goes away the more she loves the moid she proposes to)> goes missing for a few months after she’s chased off radblr, comes back with a blog she pretends isn’t her when HD noticed, starts the separatist discourse again for rd 2 with HD, calls HD delusional for noticing she’s MC and refers to herself (macroclit) as a poor baby. her own friends rat her out to menalez, who backs up HD’s “conspiracy”> sits and seethes over being found out, obsessively refreshes lolcow and her enemies’ blogs and vague posts about them, quickly adjusts her blog to pretend she hasn’t said shit she has as her lies are discovered > claims she’s actually the victim even though she was the worst “lesbian” to OSA women when she cosplayed, only to do a 180 when she’s on the receiving end. she changes her positions depending on what makes her the most victimized because she’s an extremely mentally unwell freak who needs fucking help No. 2051795
>>2051789It’s hilarious how lolcow is known for using the most heinous insults about cows but bihets turn on the
victim complex when the insults get a little too close to home kek.
(bislut infighter) No. 2051866
>>2051856exactly, I don't think radblr was that invested in the first place. People paid attention during the macroclit reveal era but quickly forgot about it, likely because RS got scared and stopped baiting drama on her blog. HD says "most of radblr hates you" but she is really the only one left seething about her, no one else still cares. Maybe menalez does lol.
>>2051831Funny when cows deliver their milk directly to us. Unfortunately I think this one's got mad cow disease.
No. 2051904
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>>2051603Did this girl just post her tit on tumblr
No. 2051964
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>>2051904Which one of you is bivestigating? Bulldyke-rider isn't a radfem or a feminist, but some cow here seems interested in keeping her in the thread.
No. 2052290
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Idiot who dated a bad man before and needed comfort started hanging out in radfem circles, but is truly a pickme antifeminist at heart who just want to be max coddled and pedestalized by men for nothing then she will be happy in her trad cage.
Also went full FemaleDatingStrategy parroting lies that “feminine wiles” and “love” can conquer all, even disempower bad men and make them see her as human and love her, but that’s not true is it, given Lisa F’s complained about being a 35+ workhorse who “submitted to an incel guy” and he still used her energy then left her or else she wouldn’t be in this shit?
Could the manosphere theory be true, where a lot of radfem women are pickmes on the uglier side who just got badly burned and are just more selective of evil men they fall in love and submit to, like only Chads or specialized weirdos who look like ugly hollywood directors? Then they give up their “bi lesbian separatist” larp and try to get caged by said evil man and take his bs?
No. 2052294
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Another one who hangs on radtwt and can tell you how bad men can be when they are selfish or don’t want to commit to a good wife, but is very chummy with “Illimitable Man” book writer @/TellYourSonThis redpiller patriarchalist online and some chudright fags who say she’s having an affair with him. Besides retweeting his tweets, also likes to post sexual couple pics where the woman is in submissive position to a handsome man.
This is a pickme who loves cock at heart. Groypers judging radfems for being ugly expired women with bad pasts who like evil men but in handsome Chad form only theory proven right again.
No. 2052338
Women really are born to suffer. They will always love men more than men love them, even when some men are bad. Men only love women for beauty and sex, two little things which are so shallow and can be easily replaced in a relationship.
Meanwhile, women love men for their brute force and skills, besides loving men just as they are, human. But most men will never see women as human, or love her for her “inner beauty” or as a person, which is what ‘gay trans men’ really want, always as an object or domestic tool. It’s so inherently unfair.
Women are also too dumb, mainly they lack nuance and cannot understand male mindset and how brutal it is once he falls out of love and doesn’t favor you. No wonder pua outwit them, they fall for men’s lies, and men can mask as decent liberals while being quietly conservative chuds wirh anon accounts only to reveal it after trapped her.
RW men try to make women happy in their gilded cage by increasing the amount of coddling unto them vs the amount of unfair/hostile misogyny, and most women fall for it. They rather cope as happy in their cage, until it gets bad, that is why manosphere chuds are right when they say women deserve no true freedom and have no independent thought.
It’s true, women even feminists only want men to see them as human and love them beyond beauty and sex, but it is a dangerous risk, because desire cannot be negotiated and when the feels fade, what happens when the forced duty sex, bullying, cheating, post-wall shaming, etc comes in? Women need a plan b when the “love” is gone. Soulmate fantasies are not true, no wonder men laugh at romance and novels, men don’t believe in soulmates except effeminate cucks, which shows its not reality.(this thread is for milk)
No. 2052362
>>2052346you’re a fucked up trannycel for mocking how women feel and most of them want a husband and family who loves them the most, and pretending it is not
valid. Women start as natural pickmes, dumb to the nature of men, and very warm, until bad men hurt them and do redpill shit on them and get away with it. It is ok to be Anti Evil Men, most antifeminists are against evil men too. Crawl away with your tranny ass to the bogs.
No. 2052364
>>2052290"Feminine-ist" holy shit lmao finally something promising. Reminds me of a crazy Mary-worshipping radfem account from awhile back who thought girls being forced to do PT class at school was misogyny because sports aren't feminine.
>>2052291Aw come on, some of the most unhinged women ever discussed here have moids.
No. 2052382
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yeah(sage your shit)
No. 2052383
>>2051529>her own political agendado you think rape is gender neutral? do you think a woman is just as likely to rent her husband out to strangers?
This is a feminist issue so of course she trying to come up with strategies to protect women from your horrid rape beasts.
No. 2052423
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>>2052331nta but it's true for quite a few of them, like despite ladielabrys claiming to be a lesbian, she's ranted a few times about how much she hates men aren't attracted to fat women and struggles with her own weight
No. 2052486
>>2052423Considering most people aren't model thin, and it's not like it's rare to find happily married fat women, I swear the bar for "treated like utter shit" is not having your ass worshipped for wiping.
There are other important issues for fat women, but being ignored by the sex that fucks animals and corpses isn't one of them.
No. 2052678
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>>2052423like it's so fucking obvious
No. 2052897
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>>2045775it's kind of funny that these users will exist in the same space as hyperwokies who would fit right in with the average breadtube video essayist, who overanalyze random media to create some narrative and are very clearly insecure about the fact that they're straight and wish they could be gay
No. 2052946
File: 1730643598582.png (365.85 KB, 662x964, 1730629490923.png)

repost from the ex-muslim thread, picrel is the reason why i can't get along with western radfems. It feels weird this poster doesn't realise how offensive and quite racist this is. afghan women, who are illiterate, are not even allowed to speak and are veiled at all times under the taliban's insane new policy, how would they even organize a nationwide campaign to eradicate men? they are beaten into submission and they feel lucky just not being beaten to death, this basically is saying that afghan women are weak because they do not daring to kill heavily armed dangerous men who will flog or kill them(sage your shit)
No. 2052998
File: 1730657164330.jpeg (837.13 KB, 1170x2010, IMG_0414.jpeg)

flowerlygirls, a German citizen, now has to deal with leftist radfem-adjacent Jill stein politisperging. Godspeed, soldier.
No. 2053011
File: 1730660097116.png (109.89 KB, 1297x659, literacy rates.png)

>>2052989what the hell are you talking about, afghanistan has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world, it improved a little for the small urban population, but even that has probably been undone by the taliban
(derailing) No. 2053052
>>2052897Who has ever said Ghibli movies are feminist lol. What world do Ovarit users live in
>>2052968curb your spergery
>>2052998who cares
No. 2053140
File: 1730698296339.png (1.58 MB, 2159x1551, T7GtrgZ.png)

Some radfems on twitter who thought barbie was a feminist masterpiece are angry that margot robbie had a son(sage your non milk)
No. 2053143
File: 1730698429360.png (1.22 MB, 1621x2031, YA2c2WW.png)

>>2053140I hate that she immediately blames mothers for the violence of their sons and then praises how based her dad was
(sage your non milk) No. 2053179
>>2053140no one in this screencap said barbie is a feminist masterpiece. stop bumping this thread for your delusions.
>>2053143no one cares samefag
>>2053164no one cares
>>2053175no one cares
No. 2053181
File: 1730712896809.jpg (167.01 KB, 1079x1448, 1000019924.jpg)

menalez deleted
No. 2053193
>>2053181big if true. One of her biggest flaws is literally using her online presence to intimidate other women instead of noticing why they're saying the shit they doing showing them the tiniest bit of respect.
she's a fucking cow and I hope she rots.
No. 2053227
File: 1730730006033.mp4 (4.28 MB, 320x240, 4eabf01491.mp4)

I hate jen and hannah will take any opportunity to mock female separatists, as if these aren't women who actively oppose men, but they will pretend that female separatists are sad losers and side with men who mock these women
No. 2053278
File: 1730738632700.jpg (594.86 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20241104-164252.jpg)

>>2053181She didn't deactivate, just changed her username
No. 2053370
File: 1730753498985.jpg (313.37 KB, 1080x2070, 1000019934.jpg)

Time to christen the new url with anons you sent yourself to display your talent at German and how evil ignorant white women criticize you over nothing!
No. 2053476
Exposing the way average girls use guys to be their friends but are not attracted to them, yet still want to reap the chivalry and skill benefits.
While they have lady boners for guys who breadcrumb them and act like nonchalant divas to them, for the “challenge” and “i can fix him”. Shows how narc she is thinking her beauty and wiles are so special, it works on guys out of her league.
Had an asshole friend since elementary school who would lead guys on she was not attracted to and use them at her whim but block them when they tried to get closer. Just so she gets her orbiters. Evil.
Women who just want princess treatment from all men and be coddled for nothing are users and a feminist cancer.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2053496
>>2053140>>2053143You've literally posted this before, shut up already
>>2053476KEKKK get a load of this lost newfag. Honestly, I was waiting for the scrotes to show up (I suspect they've been here all along since the "lesbian radfems are too ugly to get dick" anons)
No. 2053573
>>2053476stop chasing after stacies with options fag and lower your standards. There are plenty of fat virgin
femcels over 30 who would have you but you think you're too good for them so have fun getting cucked by stacy.
No. 2053603
File: 1730815851464.png (59.81 KB, 747x446, pi3Udg6.png)

the absolute fucking cope for buying twitter blue(this is not milk, sage it)
No. 2053771
>>2053603no one cares
>>2053708sex selective ivf has been a reality for like 50 years
No. 2053800
>>2053788Hannah herself is extremely picky of men and STILL does not really like them in general either, it shows on her face and eyes. But she is trying to be logical about men being the backbone of society and doing the hard stuff yada yada, and maybe thinking if most normie women were enforced monogamy to most men, it would tame society out as a whole and she can remain a single outlier without much repercussion. Calculated.
Also, yes, Hannah is turning christian, she does have some fear and endtimes beliefs now.
No. 2053857
>>2053854I think so too but then you never know with BP self-hating schizos.
>female separationalistKek i missed that. The cadence, weird spellings, it reeks of straitjacketed BP thread escapee
No. 2053910
File: 1730893192393.png (109.09 KB, 745x822, NhSItyn.png)

"revolution" btw just means posting memes and maybe crying while reading slam poetry
No. 2053966
File: 1730913124391.png (465.02 KB, 246x2340, 1000020058.png)

This is from May but I didn't see it until now and it doesn't seem to have gotten much attention on radblr either, apparently some ftm sperg running an anti-terf account found out that Rusty Hearts (used to be lesbihonest-art on tumblr, account seems to be gone now), the creator of Leasebound, used to draw One Direction Liam/Harry mpreg art. Why this person finds this problematic is beyond me but it's hilarious either way.
No. 2054020
File: 1730921973526.jpeg (496.61 KB, 750x1163, IMG_2429.jpeg)

>>2053966"I don't know of any of you could excuse what she's done" and it's literally about boyband cartoon ship art, that's hilarious. Maybe try for a clearer screenshot next time though.
I find it so funny how the "fandom" for hating on that comic is twice as big as the number of people who actually like it. There's just a fuckton of high school-aged gendie girls with accounts like picrel making OCs and AMVs for a comic they claim to absolutely despise, it's really something else. The "leasebound critical" tag on tumblr is a goldmine.
No. 2054184
File: 1730975696201.png (428.55 KB, 1043x1897, IMG_2129.png)

there was a feminist author who wrote this great article about how a big problem with certain feminist groups is how often after a certain point they veer into this "goddess worship" and "women are creators" nonsense, and that women are beyond being rational and logical and instead have a natural affinity with nature, I think young radfems are even worse to fall for this this, because they are even more uninformed and combine that schitzo rambling and conspiracy theories, like I'm 99% sure that these woman can be radicalised by an eco-fascist within a few months
No. 2054194
>>2054184Unsurprising. Both hippies and fascists are allergic cold hearted graduate biology and attracted to comforting esoterica. In fact they both rely on it.
Religions are governing tools above all though, they do not need to be rational. I assure you that the actual reality of sexual reproduction wouldn't make for good ideological material.
No. 2054338
File: 1731022979115.jpg (207.67 KB, 1053x1235, 1000020126.jpg)

Better prioritize answering anon hate over all the nice normal messages to maximize victimhood. Also "ppl here are awful" while being so invested in Tumblr she changed her url to try to shake off her reputation and receiving dozens of kind comments from enablers every day. Seba has to be one of the most self-victimizing people I've ever seen, even compared to other cows.
No. 2054478
File: 1731075755853.png (277.26 KB, 674x500, HWUqAaj.png)

>>2054447tbf there were early attempts to make progress for women, it's just that the women in the bolsheviks (along with the men) were sent to the gulags by stalin and the end state was basically run by him and his gang of prolific killers and rapists
(derailing) No. 2054586
>>2054407No, they won't. Neither is pretending that how men see you is rooted in your aesthetic, or that you should be broadly concerned with somehow "winning over" their respect.
>>2054444Woo should be rejected for dry biological fax and materialism. Just remember that the pretzeling theory (dress like X so men respect you! Believe X things so men respect you! - tradthots and feminists alike believe this) is also woo.
(derailing) No. 2055021
File: 1731225823323.png (48.57 KB, 666x438, stoner.PNG)

Deranged seperatist vendettachan or false flagging hetfem?
No. 2055152
>>2055021Who cares?
>>2055093It sounds nothing like them so probably not.
No. 2055345
File: 1731340972150.png (67.47 KB, 1035x481, iizczKg.png)

what the fuck happened to meghan murphy?
No. 2055366
>>2055345She became a pussy because of trannies and moved to Mexico because of them. Now she needs daddy to protect her.
Redfems like her feed into the rw stereotype that a feminist needs a good dick. It’s why I don’t bother with liberal feminism. It’s honestly full of women with daddy issues.
No. 2055392
File: 1731352560912.png (541.13 KB, 1037x2674, IMG_3727.png)

>>2054346>>2054444the problem is the fact that radfems are divided between more academic, objective roots and more natural beliefs that contradict the former. The end result is an attempt to frame motherhood and birth in a "goddess worship" way, but the end conclusion is still that "motherhood" completes women and that women are nurturing creators whose wombs are magical
(derailing) No. 2055395
>>2053966Another fakebian exposed. If she gets off to males fucking each other and getting pregnant then she can't possibly be a lesbian. She identified as bisexual back then too.
>b-but it's normal for young lesbians to discover their sexuality through fetishistic gay male pregnancy pornI don't see any fags being into yuri. Also if they can get pregnant it's no longer a homosexual ship.
No. 2055433
>>2055392Most "rational" ideologies stop their biotruths at a convenient spot. Rightoid "rationalists" typically crap their pants and default to emotion and woo if you discuss actual sexual dimorphism with them.
In radical feminism, pregnancy and motherhood possess a similar status to recreational sex in liberal feminism. Their mechanics cannot be fully discussed for fear of making women who practice them feel like they're "used up" or "sluts". Similarly, tradfags will never permit the same discussion because it ruins nearly every right wing overvalued idea (patrilineality, male importance, every man breeds, pregnancy is a gift, monoandry, etc etc etc). And it's regrettable that feminism refuses to see this.
(derailing) No. 2055440
>>2055345She's reactionary as fuck. I think when she got banned from twitter it broke something in her brain. Now she thinks anything liberals want is 100% bad and therefore anything conservatives want is 100% good, even if they're telling her to drink nasty bacteria milk because big gubbermint is trying to make you sick. The only time she actually criticizes the right anymore is when they're being blatantly misogynistic, and even then she only throws softballs. She seems very insecure and is doing everything she can to endear herself to the right. Absolute grifter.
>>2055395You are an actual autist.
>if they can get pregnant it's no longer a homosexual shipGroundbreaking. Do you think mpreg enthusiasts are worried about biological accuracy?
No. 2055927
File: 1731478270601.jpeg (127.55 KB, 750x590, IMG_2484.jpeg)

Maybe not thinking about men getting off would help, HD.
No. 2056347
>>2056341You can accuse everyone of being radicalstoner, doesn't make it so. What's really boring is the tedious hicowing at RS anytime someone brings up heterophobicdyke, which is probably just HD lurking to whiteknight for herself.
And anyway, I think radicalstoner is a cow too, she and HD vaguepost about each other so much it's almost cute. Last week RS posted screenshots of "disowning" her parents for voting trump, including telling her father to "enjoy sucking donald's dick" lmao. I have a feeling she'll crawl back to them sooner than later, unless her bf is solely responsible for bankrolling her sedentary lifestyle.
No. 2056381
File: 1731571539568.jpeg (91.13 KB, 595x292, IMG_2507.jpeg)

>>2056378bislutchan, do you ever get tired of this?
>>2056380>I don't have a dog in the fightcome on now.
No. 2056473
File: 1731601720035.png (853.9 KB, 828x1378, Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 11.19…)

>>2056379I think this is the ask nona (HD) was referring to upthread where stoner "accuses" an anon of being her. But the ask doesn't name any names, so it's pretty self incriminating that she immediately assumed it's about her. HD really can't keep her messiness straight, like when she was caught saying the same things verbatim on here and on her blog. If she wants to fool anyone, here or on radblr, she's going to have to figure out how to not be so obvious. At least it's entertaining, the cow that keeps on giving.
No. 2056475
File: 1731602353688.jpeg (361.41 KB, 1170x1419, FE6943AF-5746-4963-B983-625C74…)

>>2056473She just did again.
No. 2056476
>>2056473Honestly I think she might be legitimately too dumb to figure out how to be less obvious. All she'd really have to do is reel it in a bit and use a different vocabulary, but the very thought of RS sends her into such a tard rage that she can only go on her usual ranting spree with her usual typing style.
>the ask doesn't name any names, so it's pretty self incriminating that she immediately assumed it's about herShe just cannot stop telling on herself lol.
No. 2056480
HD has mentioned turning to alcohol before: are more asks with RS talking to anonymous asks as if they’re all the same “alcoholic.”
(this is an imageboard) No. 2056486
File: 1731603264078.jpeg (343.74 KB, 1170x1051, 375C0731-9112-49B2-BA4D-09A979…)

Being so confident every single one of those anons are the same person is seriously crack head behavior. Projection, maybe.
No. 2056540
File: 1731612761088.png (569.35 KB, 1038x840, Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 2.31.…)

>>2056516If you read through RS's #ask tag, pretty much every negative anon has some classic HD sperging in it. Her weird focus on heterosexual relationships/sex is pretty characteristic, and RS has received asks that contain hypersexualized assumptions like the ones HD has made in this thread (one speculated in detail on what RS's Nigel's dick looks like [picrel], which is just bizarre for a "lesbian" to even think about in that much detail). I legitimately think HD's vendetta against fakebians is defensive projection, since she's admitted to dating a couple men and kissing at least one of them (which is about equal to the evidence she has used against the fakebians she's "exposed"). Seems like someone feels insecure in her status as the alphadyke, imposter syndrome is a hell of a drug.
No. 2056576
>>2056550I was so glad I got to witness that as it was happening, that was gold.
>>2056504She just can't comprehend she's creating the Streissand effect every time she spergs out about getting posted. If she hadn't had a chimpout about
>>2055927 we wouldn't even be talking about her right now. Someone needs to take her wifi away for her own good.
No. 2056577
File: 1731620092645.jpeg (346.65 KB, 750x1082, IMG_2508.jpeg)

>>2056567Okay yeah this is HD for sure, she's even trying to deflect getting caught repeating her lolcow rants on her blog by accusing Stoner of the same lmao.
No. 2056579
>>2056577Holy fuck, is this screenshot an ask sent to radical stoner (can’t tell since no username). If so, heterophobicditz is literally unbelievably stupid, as in I literally cannot believe how she is this dumb. She literally takes a shit and labels it with information only she knows and cares about. Not to mention her projecting what
she is embarrassed about doing wrong onto her autistic mortal enemy. I’m just sitting at my desk slack jawed right now kek. Un fucking believable cow, she’s perfect. The best cows are the ones that are this self unaware because it means the milk will never stop flowing. Three cheers to this retard kekkkkk
No. 2056681
File: 1731632163146.jpg (58.88 KB, 733x342, Screenshot 2024-11-14 194754.j…)

idk if this was already posted but Meghan Murphy went full on MAGA and no longer wants to be associated with feminism. She is still GC but not feminist anymore.
She is even hating on female separatists and 4B women and calling them ''libfems'' .
Quite sad but at the same time not surprising.
No. 2056694
File: 1731633596562.jpg (80.09 KB, 1080x694, 1000021433.jpg)

HD's obsession with RS's substance use confirmed projection
No. 2056695
>>2056692damn kek you're right, didn't even think of that. And yeah, I don't do enough substances (0) to be able to make a guess as to what she's using, but she honestly does seem mentally impaired. I guess she could just be mentally…. deficient, but her IQ would have to be scarily low. It's definitely weird.
>>2056694welp. Is there ANYTHING she accuses others of that isn't projection???
>>2056577 this is the most egregious example, it's so shockingly stupid, she must be drunk all the time to not realize that she's basically announcing herself with this AND dunking on herself all in one.
No. 2056707
File: 1731636750724.png (139.38 KB, 1300x972, dfghj.png)

>>2056695Here's another hilarious instance of projection. I was just thinking how legendary it would be if the mods marked HD's posts like they did with Mystery so we could see just how much she's shat up the site.
No. 2056721
File: 1731638613253.jpg (644.21 KB, 1080x2126, 1000021436.jpg)

Apparently RS has been getting these anons since July. When did she piss off HD and Menalez/Mithliya, again?
No. 2056748
File: 1731642695770.jpeg (290.44 KB, 1178x1250, IMG_4690.jpeg)

>>2056737I'm sure her next episode here is coming, but she seems to have started by barraging RS' inbox. RS just answered an ask that she claims is only one of many similar asks sent in a row, and it has a classic HD bong-related insult which apparently never gets old for her, knee-slapper every time. If RS was honest about blocking her earlier, she must have made an alt to keep up the anons [picrel]
No. 2056757
File: 1731644479704.jpg (670.12 KB, 1079x1996, 1000021440.jpg)

Don't do this. This is retarded WKing.
No. 2056796
>>2055366>moved to MexicoIt's so funny how she left Canada over how misogynistic it was for it's troon support (which is true) to go to Mexico, a place with an insanely high femicide rate. Then she crowed on Joe Rogan (because of course she'd eventually get on Rogan) about how she likes masculinity. Somewhere in the last year or so, she also got American citizenship, just to vote for Trump.
>>2055440You summed up Meghan pretty well. That fat, disgusting troon Yaniv getting her thrown off Twitter rotted her brain, and she constantly brings up how she was one of the first shitting on troons and taking a career hit for it. Eternal
victim. A shame, her old writing was actually pretty good. Now she's just Trump ballwashing and shitting on Taylor Swift. She's also decided she's gen x even though she's a millennial. I guess shes transgen x.
No. 2056838
>>2056540>one speculated in detail on what RS's Nigel's dick looks like [picrel], which is just bizarre for a "lesbian" KEK when i first came across HD in this thread i wondered if she was projecting her own concealed OSA. She's so predictable, like every other lesbian LARPer their true sexuality always oozes out.
>>2056681Electoralism is so dumb.
>leaving more men for usIf she was actually committed to analysis she'd realize women in general are noping out of relationships for multiple reasons. It's not just libfems and 4B separatists. She sounds just like any other people-pleasing anti feminist lefty woman but for MAGA.
No. 2056914
>>2056737Your comment is probably the sole reason this hasn't happened: she's so contrary and HATES when people realize how boring and predictable she is, and you basically set her up to either shut the fuck up or be a fantastic punchline if she did have the foreseen fresh meltdown itt. So she somehow, somewhere found enough self-control to resist (today) (so far) whatever it is that motivates her mad-lib style sentences from her vocabulary of 30 buzzwords and niche internet terms. Even she isn't stupid enough to think she isn't make herself look even more ridiculous every time she types one of her diatribes.
She's got the emotional/cognitive abilities of a third grader at best, so "winning" in any situation appeals to her ego and sense of power… so, I'm sure that being enthusiastically clowned on at length is very uncomfortable for her and her underdeveloped sense of self; maybe that's why she's been lashing out even more intensely since initially being called out for using the same wording here and on her blog, she can't stand the threat to her "status" or "identity" as [champion of lesbians, destroyer of bihets and xy's alike]. And we've certainly challenged her on many things, which can't be easy on her lil chimp brain.
No. 2057080
File: 1731725597839.png (77.97 KB, 1310x517, hpd.png)

>>2056694A bit late with this but here's more proof HD's the alcoholic RS is referring to.
Also found out HD was 23 in 2016 through waybacking her old URL mcdyke, making her 31 today. A bit tragic to still be so engrossed in one-sided tumblr drama at her age.
No. 2057109
File: 1731733816943.jpg (450.85 KB, 1080x1642, 1018d2fc-d57a-4cb2-b8af-23aff3…)

Some screencaps from HD's old blog (mcdyke).
No. 2057110
File: 1731733984489.jpg (292.86 KB, 1080x1042, 572dc910-d962-4adc-8b39-53a4cc…)

No. 2057111
File: 1731734020143.jpg (161.36 KB, 1080x675, 8cc97cee-a729-458f-9d2d-6d4693…)

No. 2057112
File: 1731734082649.jpg (230.66 KB, 1080x1007, b7a40d79-be1f-4793-9cdb-4e249a…)

No. 2057113
File: 1731734114602.jpg (83.56 KB, 1080x512, d40b5807-80f2-454d-b738-462f36…)

No. 2057119
File: 1731737485971.png (182.93 KB, 1312x1150, 1.png)

>>2057109Oh god the irony…
>>2057113I wonder if it's related to picrel?
No. 2057132
File: 1731739851274.png (376.12 KB, 957x1164, screenshot2.png)

Speaking of projection, I wonder if she will heed her own words?
No. 2057282
File: 1731780918922.jpeg (134.01 KB, 750x688, IMG_2534.jpeg)

Hmmm does camping in stoner's inbox counts as reconnecting with nature?
No. 2057381
File: 1731795681781.jpg (261.22 KB, 1079x1062, 1000021580.jpg)

HD and Seba are still friends. I'm convinced at this point that HD knows she's not gay but has allied herself with her anyway for radblr popularity.
No. 2057387
>>2057382They always make passive aggressive textposts instead of reblogging whatever it is they're mad about, or at least providing a screenshot. And then when asked for examples, they just start crying about homophobic bisexuals to deflect. Eternal
victims, these two.
No. 2057591
File: 1731848685436.jpg (138.06 KB, 1079x740, 1000021609.jpg)

Is it becoming self aware?
No. 2057645
File: 1731858830985.jpeg (863.12 KB, 1179x1883, IMG_8194.jpeg)

(unsaged nonmilk)
No. 2057651
File: 1731860803895.jpeg (276.5 KB, 750x609, IMG_2537.jpeg)

She is not slick lmfao
No. 2057919
File: 1731934412273.png (42.54 KB, 1047x349, Bdh9LuU.png)

ladielabrys has a long-lost half-brother who may be conservative(sage your non milk)
No. 2057941
>>2057813Discussing a cow isn't irrelevant to /snow/ and saging is literally how you curate the milk, dumbass newfag minimod. Learn how to use the "hide saged posts" button.
>>2057919No one cares.
No. 2057960
>>2057941NTA but you're not "discussing" shit, posting random irrelevant reblogs is utter retardation and not milk under any definition, sped aggro newfag
>>2057935Yes, they do mean that because that's when 4b became mainstream. It's really not that hard.
No. 2057985
File: 1731950858731.jpg (112.94 KB, 1079x363, 1000021634.jpg)

It was foretold in the prophecy……..
No. 2058149
File: 1731984677739.png (1.64 MB, 775x2697, 1000021657.png)

What the fuck is wrong with HD? Making a long post calling rape and csa survivors anti feminist for not wanting to be surrounded by graphic descriptions of rape and csa all day? She's so self centered and divorced from reality. Radblr is the entire world to her.
No. 2058162
>>2058149>It seems like she's more angry at women discussing male violence than she is at the male class for inflicting male violence She is so fucking dumb it's hard not to a-log. You think this woman who was sexually abused by her father is trying to make excuses for him? Her tone isn't even angry, just desperate to stop the mental torture. They don't have their heads in the sand, they know better than anyone the extents of male depravity. They're trying to stop being constantly reminded of the most horrific moments of their lives.
HD is a psychopath with zero empathy. She would rather villainize an incestuous sexual abuse
victim than reflect on her own behaviour. Which is a pattern repeated from when Kittyit was her target.
No. 2058380
>>2058370Ayrt, imo she's got an annoying macho NLOG streak, and she's often too focused on women being ugly or "low value" and ironically blames their unfeminist behaviour on that. It also grossed me out when she was borderline giddy at being right in her prediction that Trump would win. I get the two of them say they're "not feminists" or whatever (even though their podcast title is literally a play on the term RadFem) but rejoicing about the imminent loss of womens rights in the states just to pwn the trannies is distasteful.
She also has a huge ego and can't admit when she's wrong, and often will get defensive and browbeat Hannah when Hannah dares to disagree with her.
I listen to RedFem often and will continue to do so, they make great points sometimes, but there are definitely flaws in logic and character with both of them. They're still both lesbians though, and neither has expressed any desire to be with men in the years I've followed them.
No. 2058577
File: 1732080342849.jpg (342.54 KB, 1079x1611, 1000021711.jpg)

This person has a lot of potential as a radfem-adjacent cow.
>shein goth
>constantly talks about being masc/butch, isn't
>fights with anons about whether she's alt and masc enough, see picrel (she is literally just a normal looking girl with long hair and cheap looking black clothes)
>made posts asking for videos of men being anally tortured, apparently later found them
>constantly posts tmi
>makes edgy bpd "yandere" type posts, i.e. that she wants a girl to self-harm for her
No. 2058578
File: 1732080745086.jpg (Spoiler Image,370.75 KB, 1292x1488, 1000021717.jpg)

Samefag. Spoilered just for graphic descriptions.
No. 2058697
File: 1732119461587.png (342.97 KB, 901x796, aNbaXHx.png)

the average radfem can now literally be convinced to support a right wing lunatic if it somehow undermines liberalism(sage non-milk)
No. 2058912
File: 1732164724228.jpg (649.26 KB, 1536x2048, 1000021732.jpg)

>>2058577she dresses like a 12 year old mcr fangirl who got a hot topic gift card
No. 2059222
File: 1732242561259.jpeg (74.83 KB, 1179x575, IMG_0172.jpeg)

>>2058577I regret looking
No. 2060995
File: 1732593920058.jpg (573.86 KB, 2160x720, menashit.jpg)

>>2055392i feel like menashit should have her own thread. she's pissed off so many people and still plays the
victim whenever she continues to do her stupid ass shit. I think she's just a narcissistic attention seeker and she's always been like that at herself harming scars on her selfie. she wanted to show that shit off. everyone she has a negative effect on his just collateral damage in her narcissistic rampages.
she's at @mithloya now.
No. 2060999
File: 1732594915759.jpg (869.83 KB, 2160x1620, only whites are wayciss.jpg)

she shared creepy intimate pictures of the white women she was with around the same time that she was hardcore ragging on dating whites. and of course her followers were defensive of her and her bullshit. It is mind-boggling how retarded her enablers are.
No. 2061000
File: 1732594941437.jpg (754.62 KB, 2160x1620, mena explaining communism.jpg)

here she is doing her usual shit.
No. 2061135
>>2058577Oh I hate this mf. I don't follow her anymore but I remember her posts used to be just her talking about how she tells women she likes to commit suicide and cut themselves for her, how she's a perfect and kindhearted bean who's always unappreciated by the bitches (her favorite word) she flirts with and bragging about watching male gore (admittedly based). She's one of the most annoying radblrinas/rad-adjacent tumblrinas and it surprises me that it's the first time I see her in one of these threads. Everything about her is so cringe and tryhard, she's exactly like the average uber misogynistic tif but without the gendie beliefs and she's so full of herself and socially inept that sometimes I think she might actually be a narc or have a touch of autism, or both. No one can be this openly embarrassing and obnoxious without having something
>>2058582She's an avid gore watcher. Gore and her middle school yandereposting have been her gimmick for years
No. 2061257
>>2060999Several white women got offended because she wouldn't date them?
No. 2061542
>>2060999Wow this is disturbing. Her saying "I hate white women" really takes on a whole new meaning when you see the bruises she left on her ex gf. And it's @mithliya btw not mithloya.
>>2060995Not consistently milky enough anymore to have her own thread.
>>2061301Ikr? She looks 10 years older than she is in those pics. She's so ugly.
No. 2061586
File: 1732699282948.jpg (279.76 KB, 1079x1054, 1000022011.jpg)

HD considers Harry Potter to be the best book series of all time.
No. 2061825
File: 1732763253765.png (864.8 KB, 703x928, Screenshot from 2024-11-28 16-…)

If her ring slips off a hand like that…
No. 2061881
>>2061825I think that's her thumb nona there's no adjacent digits, and perspective seems rather skewed. Bit of a reach to go after her weight from this pic, I know she's obese, but this screenshot isn't milky.
She said in the screenshot that she's losing weight, I'm assuming from "illness" considering how much she publicly word-vomits about her health, so you should be happy, she's finally dropping a few kilos.
Yes she's shameless, but you trying to pass that post off as milk is as well tbqh
No. 2061976
>>2061954>it’s bad to have an opinion on tumblr posters>normal people don’t use the internet to discuss internet posts>stop idk reading tumblr?What does it matter whether they show their faces or not? This sounds like something you should post
on tumblr.
No. 2062149
File: 1732829242883.jpeg (181.68 KB, 750x825, IMG_2723.jpeg)

She's kinda dumb if she really thought simply changing her URL and nothing else would throw the haydurs off her trail lol.
No. 2062413
>>2061881>>2061892>>2061954>>2061975What's with all the WKs for RS on here now? It's like HD's delusion about the nature of this thread came true. Deathfat layabout munchies should be mocked.
>>2062149She hasn't even been put through everything she's put other people through. Her level of cognitive dissonance is unreal.
No. 2062859
File: 1732927236718.jpg (400.64 KB, 1079x1090, 1000022237.jpg)

Lesbians just don't understand how hard it is to be straight, guys.
No. 2062927
File: 1732940848014.jpg (600.62 KB, 755x1873, grifter.jpg)

This might be more GC than radfem but a skateboarder athlete that went viral 2 years ago for calling out troons for competing with her, has now becoming a right wing tradthot that says things such as picrel.
What's with all these GCers becoming right-wing.
No. 2062955
I think if you have a history with men you must find them on some level repulsive or else you're just lying and deluded.
(derail) No. 2062980
File: 1732951970426.jpg (60.27 KB, 600x332, pot kettle.jpg)

Meghan showing a lack of self-awareness. Reminder that she sold out to simp for a charisma void like Benjamin Boyce and to get on Joe Rogans podcast.
>>2062927Because these people were never gender critical or TERFs, they just hated troons. Which is fine, but own who you are. She did some lip service early on and didn't seem like such an extreme freak, but has now gone full mask off. She lost to multiple little girls by the way, you can see it at the link. That's probably partially why she's gone full on retard grift mode. Hard to win any competitions when you never did. No. 2063182
File: 1732998630155.png (77.76 KB, 658x897, RMdEddI.png)

>>2062927this is why I worry when real radical feminists try to work with these right-wing nutjobs, because the right-wing lunacy usually spreads more often, see kara densky openly praising nancy mace
No. 2063210
>>2063182I don't particularly feel comfortable with it either. Nancy Maces Twitter is her dunking on troons (based) but also constantly sperging about DUH LEFT. To her credit though, she did retweet an article Kara wrote and specified Kara is a Democrat, not in an enemy type way, in a Democrats are tired of this shit too type way.
That being said, I don't think I trust her much either. She just seems loony and attention-whorish. Unfortunately, it seems like the "gender critcals" and "TERFs" who are the biggest attention whores also get the biggest followings. Not too many people seem to know Kara Dansky, but plenty know every conservatard in existence.
No. 2063940
File: 1733156360589.jpg (935.64 KB, 2504x1331, 1000022351.jpg)

Ethnonarcissist gets angry someone said racism is bad without a disclaimer that black people are more oppressed than any other ethnic group in the world. OP apologizes and backtracks because she's pathetic, gets lambasted even more and accused of "lying."
No. 2063960
>>2063940Objectively speaking, if anyone's homophobia is forgiven for the sake of "unity", it's that of "
poc". I won't even mention the permissiveness towards misogyny, we all know radfems don't care about it when it's from, let's say, a black man.
No. 2063982
>>2063940Does she realise
WOC in general face discrimination? Not only black women?
No. 2064237
>>2062149literally dying to know what she's calling harassment. she thinks people responding to her retarded scrote bootlicking is harassment.
>>2063940not this chick again. as weird and off-putting some of these blogs are I feel vaguely bad for them. If you have bad, uneducated opinions why are you sharing them lol
I don't know who introduced these people to 'women are oppressing me' discourse but I sincerely hope they pick up a book and stop infighting soon.
No. 2064342
File: 1733252246736.png (1.05 MB, 1236x1543, Gxi3zyZ.png)

No. 2064507
File: 1733270460366.jpg (189.51 KB, 1079x945, 1000022397.jpg)

vvitchscvm the open antisemite who said israeli women deserved rape has returned to start a cluster b discord server
No. 2064569
>>2064507Oh my god I so hope this happens, the milk coming out of a cluster B radfem group would be LEGENDARY. Especially with witchscvm in charge? Holy shit, manifesting this milk nonas.
>>2064526Nanshe boosts any woman-only group sent to her, she doesn't vet them or anything like that. You can still find some good ones on her blog if you know what red flags to look out for, but there's a lot of shit to sift through.
No. 2064587
File: 1733284762825.jpg (690.39 KB, 1079x1909, 1000022411.jpg)

This is the cringiest thing I've seen all week. Not the dark academia radfem moodboard……
No. 2064589
File: 1733284947269.jpg (329.24 KB, 1079x1684, 1000022413.jpg)

>>2064588Yes and she believes she is "unsettlingly charming."
No. 2064609
>>2064602The problem with pathologically antisocial people is not that they don't understand right and wrong, they fully understand the difference between the two they just don't care if they hurt you. If you truly do have trouble understanding morality or grasping the difference between what socially acceptable and what's not you're probably got some kind of disorder that relates to development. not to be edgy here but autism is far more likely than psychopathy. they both feature low empathy.
The internet just makes people more disinhibited hence just the unbridled bullshit. I can't believe that this kind of person has any kind of recognition in that hell site. fucking deplorable
No. 2064615
File: 1733295587319.png (49.98 KB, 530x470, asfp7.PNG)

>>2064507looks like kitty wants to ruin our fun.
No. 2064616
File: 1733295763490.jpeg (706.83 KB, 1179x1556, IMG_4802.jpeg)

HD once again fighting women she created in her head to get mad at. Think she'll ever get some new material?
No. 2064693
File: 1733319415043.jpeg (219.69 KB, 750x956, IMG_2797.jpeg)

>>2064615Well, she seems determined to make it happen despite the meany ableists lol. I feel bad for any unsuspecting users who join without knowing what a huge abrasive narcissist she is.
>>2064689This is not radfem milk, this doesn't go here. You need to lurk more before posting.
No. 2064711
File: 1733322845594.png (699.43 KB, 959x2340, 1000022435.png)

Good news everyone, vvitchscvm is ignoring all advice and the plan for a cluster B radfem server is chugging along.
No. 2064722
>>2064711I'm so excited. The fact it's on discord is better for archiving
and ethical purposes, if these anti-psych cluster B fags (code for 'i don't want to get better') gathered in real life to discuss theory and LARP as radical luminaries they'd try to murder each other, which would be sad.
No. 2064918
File: 1733363459539.jpg (387.92 KB, 1079x1310, 1000022448.jpg)

Vvitchscvm sees herself as a "rock n roll poet sex god." She appears to have deleted all posts on her blog before last month so the selfies are gone, but if you're unaware, I have seen them before and can confirm she is a fat Temu goth.
No. 2064977
File: 1733374610119.jpg (138.86 KB, 1079x754, 1000022460.jpg)

Vvitchscvm advertising her server to the author of an indie "splatterpunk" book about a young girl being sexually tortured by her brother. Her chosen method of advertisement is to insult her.
No. 2064981
>>2064977daddyd0nt is a subcow of Luna Slater, she's also known as fakeboitherottengirl. She is indeed fucked in the head, but it's weird as hell that witchscvm is circling like a vulture over mentally ill radblr orbiters to shuffle them into her weird cluster B cult.
I'm surprised witchscvm's background of justifying rape against israeli women hasn't made her a radblr untouchable tbh. I'm so ready for this cluster b nuclear meltdown, it's gonna be one for the books.
No. 2064983
>>2064981Oh shit, I didn't know they were the same person. And yeah vvitchscvm is literally looking for
victims right now imo. Notice how everyone she's recruited is bpd and not aspd or npd? So they'll probably be super rejection sensitive and obsessively try to keep anyone who gives them attention happy?
No. 2064998
>>2064991This is really sad. She's been trying to find her way back to the lesbian community, as she is a lesbian, but despite saying she wants to reclaim womanhood, she constantly acts like she's a male invader. Like she went to a womens festival, but was obsessed over how she as a masculinized female would come off to the other women, and even had to schedule private showering times for fear of traumatizing other women despite, well, looking like a woman who's taken testosterone for a few years, a phenomenon that's not uncommon at womens festivals nowadays.
I've heard her speak on a couple podcasts and she's so self deprecating, I'm genuinely worried she'll kill herself sooner than later. I feel bad for her but she's obviously very mentally ill, and is obviously falling on old trans habits to cope now. I hope she can come out of it understanding she's female no matter what she does to her body and that's she's got a place in womanhood.
Meanwhile her semi-TIF ex podcast partner Aaron Terrell is arguing alongside AGP Phil Illy that autogynephilia and autoandrophilia are
valid "autosexualities" that need respecting in a polite society. So compared to that, Aaron K, you're doing just fine, sweetie.
No. 2065045
File: 1733396720630.png (37.27 KB, 759x389, hhhh.png)

>>2064991Oh, she's from
that podcast. An idiot who sucks up to AGPs, who thinks every other butch is a fetishist and a sexual harrasser, what a shitshow. The fact they're 30+ and still want to be in the spotlight for their detransition/not-like-other-troons talk is already milky in itself. I always thought it was funny how both of them think they're sooper manly. Picrel made me kek
>>2064998>So compared to that, Aaron K, you're doing just fine, sweetie.Assuming she did harrass these women, i don't know if she's doing fine in comparison. The other Aaron comes off as really annoying with her retarded takes and harem of AGP nerds, but this is actually creepy and concerning.
No. 2065153
File: 1733416492180.jpeg (300.68 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2848.jpeg)

"the racists banded together n targeted me"
No. 2065158
>>2065153Off topic but the way she types is so annoying. Reminds me of Shayna, except instead of instead of fake stories about how people stopped to tell her how hawt she looks, it's fake stories about being the biggest
victim to ever be victimised.
No. 2065263
>>2065248Omfg she has diagnosed herself with fucking everything.
Did anyone else see her meltdown on a random user today because said user didn't believe in woowoo witchcraft? was gonna screencap later when I can but she posted their DM exchange and they make her look even more insane lmao.
No. 2065273
File: 1733438013174.jpg (868.2 KB, 1079x2028, 1000022492.jpg)

>>2065153She probably sent that to herself.
>>2065248New excuse just dropped! Wonder if this is gonna be used to handwave away the antisemitism or if there's something else she did we don't even know about yet. What an ethical, responsibility-taking cluster B!
>>2065263No, but I saw her post screencaps of some other retarded fight she got in with another sperg about basically nothing. See picrel.
No. 2065275
File: 1733438911035.jpeg (310.45 KB, 750x1083, IMG_2860.jpeg)

>>2065273Yeah that's what I was talking about. She made a burner to send the same person picrel. She got mad when strongcori shut her down about her dianic bullshit, lashed out, and then pretended not to understand why someone might be offended by getting accused of being STD riddled and
abusive based on their sexuality lol. Seems to me, her only real mental disorder is an enormous case of narcissism and fragile ego.
No. 2065276
File: 1733438934516.jpeg (59.31 KB, 750x273, IMG_2859.jpeg)

>>2065275samefag, lmao at the irony.
No. 2065281
File: 1733439462985.jpg (360.59 KB, 1080x2033, 1000022493.jpg)

>>2065275Ah, I missed that. I thought randomly bringing up the bi STD rate was just her being socially retarded. Spergy as fuck that that girl decided to ask her about lesbian safe sex practices tho.
Picrel: looks like she's mutuals with fakeboi now.
No. 2065283
File: 1733439576139.jpg (181.13 KB, 1079x970, 1000022490.jpg)

Samefag, I have to post this one. Oppressed for her genius.
No. 2065297
>>2065153Seba is so delusional. Like. There's literally no evidence this happened. Nothing we've ever said about her here has been about her race. Everyone who has criticized her on tumblr gave specific reasons related to her behavior and several of them were
woc. Almost 30 years old and still can't take a single crumb of criticism. Her brain rewrites it all into racist bullying by evil white women. She probably doesn't even think about it anymore. It just happens, like breathing. There's no way her career and relationship can be as okay as she's tried to make them sound when she's like this.
>>2065291I very highly doubt vvitchscvm has been exposed to lc yet. There's no way she wouldn't have already addressed us on her blog. She likes to think of herself as a cool, collected psychopath like Hannibal Lecter but she's actually extremely emotionally reactive and flies into uncontrolled rage at the slightest provocation.
No. 2065496
>>2065457Violence-related trauma is the biggest reason. Complicated relationship with their mother, which seems common for feminists and actually makes sense if you think about it (not relating to your mother or other women means you're less likely to adopt femininity). And then you have whatever isolation they may suffer from, either because they were marginal to begin with or as a result of activism (kicked out of orgs, slandered, feminist infighting) which drives them further into mental illness. Shulamith Firestone's life is a really good example of this.
BPDfags like menalez and witchscum come across as extremely feminine, but in a pathological way. So they have an all-encompassing fixation on men, relationship troubles, extreme sensitivity, feminism might look like an attractive solution to this since you're supposed to value independence and assertiveness. The issue is that radfem gatherings can quickly turn into pseudo-therapy groups where every woman rehashes what happened to her and it just makes things worse for the more mentally ill ones. On the other hand, if you have a disordered personality you're going to like radical groups because exerting control over a bunch of traumatized women is easier. Radical feminism is far from being the craziest leftist current but the actual number of radfems is small these days and so it attracts odd women.
(derailing) No. 2065508
File: 1733502674666.jpg (533.69 KB, 1079x1902, 1000022601.jpg)

Vvitchscvm reblogging porn and then reblogging a post about how TRAs are porn addled immediately after. You can't make this up.
No. 2065553
File: 1733510375140.png (628.62 KB, 647x1366, b5XrRiu.png)

labrys is retweeting rw memes about the killer, I think her tardfem arc might be coming
No. 2065563
File: 1733513918299.jpg (727.89 KB, 1079x1800, 1000022607.jpg)

Wonder what happened to make her suddenly change her pinned post for the first time in months to this?
No. 2065758
File: 1733571401876.jpg (233.33 KB, 1079x1249, 1000022683.jpg)

Wow! She's not even molesting children! Aren't you guys impressed? I'm sure setting her morality bar this low has no effect on how she treats the people in her life at all.
No. 2065773
File: 1733574725812.jpg (111.2 KB, 1079x603, 1000022686.jpg)

Why would you post this? Radfem moms are always so weird. I think the dissonance between their desire for liberation and their choice to destroy their bodies for men + birth and raise their own oppressors makes them go crazy or something.
No. 2065801
File: 1733581005771.jpg (367.46 KB, 1080x2225, 1000022695.jpg)

Why is she acting like being in the top coalers poll is some kind of harassment? She's so sensitive.
No. 2065829
>>2064779 TopDyke absolutely still exists. she is VF555 (twitter might be deleted), and same on youtube: , and just as deranged. she had a threesome with a slightly twisted female and her boyfriend.
(sage your shit) No. 2065857
File: 1733594167518.jpg (357.48 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20241207-175530.jpg)

Did Seba finally get a job at the young age of 27?
No. 2065900
File: 1733600654027.jpg (145.22 KB, 1079x819, 1000022701.jpg)

Apparently lesbianpeterpettigrew is still active, wow. And using her blog to rant about COVID vaccines in 2024 like anyone cares, between Harry Potter posts of course.
No. 2066109
File: 1733662976823.jpg (667.11 KB, 1079x1944, 1000022748.jpg)

HD's latest poorly written, incoherent, unsourced fauxtellectual "essay" that doesn't pass the common sense test. I'm not sure if she genuinely believes gender was invented in the 20th century to sell children's clothes or if she's just so bad at writing that she doesn't understand that's what she seems to be saying.
No. 2066118
>>2066109> and now people - most gay - think they're the opposite sexI guess she missed the part where the vast majority of troons are straight since trans became trendy. And wasn't she claiming TRAs are mostly bisexual five minutes ago?
> come together, stop being dumbBrilliant, HD, you've solved it. Love her smug I Am Very Smart posts that just demonstrate how low IQ she is.
No. 2066206
File: 1733683733783.jpeg (193.88 KB, 750x869, IMG_2956.jpeg)

of course she's a pitbull simp.
No. 2066259
File: 1733690808380.jpg (360.47 KB, 1079x1810, 1000022767.jpg)

Vvitchscvm's friendship with fakeboitherottengirl officially lasted for 3 days and ended with her screaming "racist" because fakeboi pointed out that racial minorities aren't animals. Her takes on race just get more and more interesting. Israeli women deserve rape and human racial minorities are the same as an ugly dog breed notorious for killing children and pets.
No. 2066264
File: 1733691048923.jpg (616.1 KB, 1079x1619, 1000022769.jpg)

Also samefag but I had to post this. I'm a biphobic lesbian btw and this is still one of the funniest unironic radblr posts I've ever seen. My foremothers warned me of the bisexuals!
No. 2066266
File: 1733691361439.jpg (152.71 KB, 1079x457, 1000022771.jpg)

>>2066262Ah, just as the prophecy foretold.
No. 2066555
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No. 2066763
File: 1733797876168.jpg (203.97 KB, 1079x970, 1000022822.jpg)

>>2066724You can literally just go on her blog and see a million examples of her referring to herself as a feminist. Why are you arguing so hard about this? It doesn't matter btw. The OP explicitly states this thread is for both radfems and radfem-adjacent people. If we insisted on only talking about people who explicitly identify as radfems here we wouldn't be able to talk about half the people we talk about.
No. 2066815
File: 1733811392969.png (63.89 KB, 784x703, Untitled.png)

slightly OT but I legitimately laughed out loud when I saw HD's schizo sperging directly contributed to the mods deciding to implement Hellmas
No. 2066867
>>2066692a radical one? somehow I doubt that
>>2066763I've come across those people and they do actually think that their relationships will last forever and that they do not look at the historical reality – the fact that women could not get a bank account in the '60s without male approval is exactly the kind of situation she would be in if she lived during more sexist times. Men won't have to compete with women in the job market so… supposedly "she wouldn't have to work" (which doesn't make sense because poorer women who had to work have always existed) but right now the issue is not the fact that you're not living in the 1950s anymore. It's the fact that those who own the means of production/who control where labor is performed had not have an opportunity to exploit foreign labor like they do now. taxation in the '50s was very high. you cannot attribute the fact that it's more difficult to lead a comfortable life If you just have one person working in the household now to feminist so when it's obviously greed and so much more that's behind it.
(derailing) No. 2066983
File: 1733867774322.png (116.5 KB, 654x809, Anh1uae.png)

>>2065553openly praising him now
(this isn't milk, sage it) No. 2067085
File: 1733900180771.jpg (624.7 KB, 1406x3120, 1000022890.jpg)

Does vvitchscvm ever shut the fuck up about being Greek? Is she trying to put herself in a "kind of almost sort of not white" category to make her antisemitism seem less bad? These are all from the past 5 days btw. So she's averaging like 1.5 posts about being Greek per day.
No. 2067131
>>2067085wtf was her antisemitism? her saying that Israeli women deserved what Hamas did to them or something? I swear to God people will call everything antisemitism now. It renders those labels meaningless if they're used so broadly that they don't really mean anything anyway. (other than you have hurt the feelings of someone who has a
victim complex or is an annoying sjw)
No. 2067160
File: 1733926692281.png (117.68 KB, 343x400, 48qdXHB.png)

>>2067155one of her friends ti-grace atkinson was also a radical feminist who advocated a “violent revolution against men and capitalism” In 1971, while lecturing at a catholic university, she called the virgin mary a used whore and a catholic woman slaped Atkinson, this one slap made atkinson rethink her entire ideology about violence and sisterhood (because “sisterhood leads to this level of bloodshed”). she was apparently traumatized by this
(derailing) No. 2067213
File: 1733939941965.jpg (404.92 KB, 1079x1797, 1000022895.jpg)

This is the image being referenced in
>>2067211 No. 2067261
File: 1733945483433.jpg (460.85 KB, 978x2340, 1000022903.jpg)

Seba is absolutely obsessed with this top coalers thing and it's so funny. Everyone else is reblogging theirs and laughing about it while she's sending herself anons about it, posting screencaps of everyone who said they voted for her, and accusing them of racism because she thinks her top coalers opponent, arnarchocuntboogaloo (a black woman - you know, the thing Seba used to pretend to be?), is a racist. She doesn't give any explanation for why she believes that, she just states that she's "apparently some racist." I can't imagine how hard life would be with an ego so fragile that I'd start screaming "white supremacy" because I got put in some joke "who makes the worst Tumblr posts" competition.
No. 2067267
>>2067261I mean how could she pass up such a great opportunity to play twagic
victim of violent racism again? She's gotta milk this for everything it's got.
No. 2067357
File: 1733963544475.jpeg (112.26 KB, 750x500, IMG_2975.jpeg)

Well that's quite the take.
No. 2067417
File: 1733982179101.jpg (295.66 KB, 1079x1540, 1000022952.jpg)

Today on Vvitchscvm: atheist feminists are alt right, internet slacktivists, and…… anti intersex?
No. 2067423
File: 1733984155167.png (841.58 KB, 1233x2386, Untitled-2.png)

>>2067417What a complete retard. Imagine ignoring all the good points and pro-woman/girl message of this post just to call women vermin because they don't believe in your stupid woowoo imaginary friend bullshit.
>>2067415She's still around at mithliya, it's on your end.
No. 2067431
>>2067417>>2067423this isn't new, back in the 70s ad 80s, radical feminists were in a never-ending competition to see who could be the most radical. first, it’s all about ditching patriarchal religions but then someone chimes in that atheism is tainted by those male intellectuals. Cue the call for a women’s church! But wait, another voice insists that organized religion is just too patriarchal, so we need something more freeform. And then, of course, someone else jumps about why they’re only considering European practices instead of African or Jewish ones Suddenly, it’s a full-blown debate about cultural appropriation, and guess what? Absolutely nothing gets accomplished! Bravo, ladies!
here’s an example, there was a split from mary daly's feminist spiritual group over eating fast food, with one side deriding it as being spiritually and physically unhealthy and saying it's as bad for women as men consuming pornography, while daly accused them of being puritans and that's how petty and neurotic everyone was
(derailing) No. 2067544
File: 1734033303772.png (1.17 MB, 840x2340, 1000022967.png)

I can't find confirmation but I'm 99% sure that the op of this is female. All of their art is about tifs and Gideon the Ninth. I definitely saw nothing indicating they're male so I have no clue what VVS is reacting to. VVS's obsession with policing lesbian sexuality is so weird. A drawing of butches dry humping is pornsick but she can reblog gifs of mainstream lesbian porn? Uhh….. okay. Unfortunate that we don't have pictures of her anymore because I'm starting to wonder if it just invalidates her choice to identify as a butch when she sees depictions of women who are actually masculine.
No. 2067590
File: 1734046648718.jpeg (106.71 KB, 750x356, IMG_2987.jpeg)

Incoming wellspring of milk…
No. 2067595
File: 1734048334591.png (134.22 KB, 989x746, image_2024-12-12_190240376.png)

Ovarit is easily the best place to find radfem lolcows. Here's a gem that just got posted:, a woman like Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with multiple men is TOTALLY the same as a woman like Gisele Pelicot being raped by multiple men. In fact, it's even worse BECAUSE she chose to do it!
Nobody trivializes rape and insults actual rape
victims more than radfems do.
No. 2067599
>>2067544Why did
this drawing in particular put so many ants in her pants? "Flinched" kek, their lower halves are fully covered for crying out loud. She has such a weird neuroses about any and all sexuality.
No. 2067610
>>2067544Kek, how did this out of any drawing make her mad? This is very tame in terms of what's actually "being exposed." Pornographic as a description is such a reach, it's barely even softcore. OP artist has a very tif style, and if what you say is true nonna, I have to believe she's only saying it's a mans work because she's projecting her inner insecurities.
>>2067357Sometimes I wonder if she's a troll purposley making herself look stupid. Also
No. 2067615
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No. 2067616
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No. 2067617
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No. 2067618
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No. 2067624
>>2067616Based + posting screenshots with names censored here is totally pointless
Where did you get these from? Some anti-sjw tumblr's compilation of how evil feminists are?
No. 2067627
File: 1734054455216.png (1.11 MB, 875x3384, 1000022983.png)

Vvitchscvm reblogs a post about how lesbians who are fans of male celebrities or characters are secretly straight, chimes in to add that women can be attracted to other women in a straight way. Also makes the claim that one of her exes would "fly into rages" if she brought up lesbian media. Tfw your evil fakebian gf you never did anything wrong to starts tweaking because you put Bound on the TV?
No. 2067632
>>2067627I hate how so mach of "radblr" is fighting over such non issues. This has to be projection, because what totally real lesbian that you see irl
that of course, isn't some flavor of tif is obsessed with and keeps talking about their obsession of male characters and celebs? Every post she makes just reads like deep projection.
No. 2067635
>>2067544So this tame ass drawing made her "flinch" but this
>>2065508 is totally fine? Maybe she really does have multiple personalities lmao.
>>2067627Lol lesb0 is a trans women are women retard, she has no grounds to say who is and isn't a lesbian if she can't even say who's a man.
No. 2067637
>>2067618>>2067616Based, and based + true. I'm convinced this thread is full of lost "anti-feminazi" scrotes and trannies atp, some posts are word for word parroting anti-
terf tranny rhetoric.
No. 2067686
>>2067624Right, celebrating the suicide of a random innocent man just because he's a man is totally sane, healthy, well-adjusted behavior.
femcels are just as pathetic as bitter incels.
(sage your shit) No. 2067715
File: 1734069035461.png (267.08 KB, 880x3116, vd.png)

>>2036464>when I was a child I tortured animals and other childrenuhhh
>i am Too Charming to come off normally and get clocked as a sociopath by people with basic social intelligence.Does she know what charming means? Sounds like she's just as off-putting and socially retarded irl as she is online.
No. 2067729
File: 1734072442780.png (611.47 KB, 590x1166, Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 10.46…)

>>2067544dont worry we still have pictures of her lol
No. 2067773
File: 1734085383764.png (104.58 KB, 885x147, milk powder.png)

>>2067590i'm having flashbacks to MIL/witwitch/pursephobe's server from years back. i wonder what would happen if you put the two of them in a bottle and shook it. separatist vs anti-separatist BPD thunderdome
No. 2067931
And yet STILL doesn't even scratch the surface of being equally as mean spirited as moid drivel. She needs to up her game.
No. 2067984
File: 1734124349460.jpeg (112.03 KB, 750x638, IMG_2991.jpeg)

Looks like she does read here after all.
No. 2068017
>>2067775don't feel too bad. a lot of what she said was only intended to manipulate and guilt-trip other people in the server. sage for extremely old milk, but if you're curious, many of her antics were compiled here: imagine something similar will inevitably happen with vv's server.
No. 2068127
File: 1734159013525.jpg (75.39 KB, 598x869, 9870987.JPG)

fresh milk straight off the presses. I'm starting to think this woman is schizo.
No. 2068128
>>2068127Grasping at completely nonexistent straws, her enormous
victim complex is fascinating.
No. 2068129
File: 1734159874130.jpg (35.32 KB, 590x352, still going.JPG)

>>2068127she's spinning this into a whole meltdown, somehow. Honestly impressed at the mental gymnastic skills she has to extrapolate a nonexistent offense out of absolutely anything
No. 2068136
>>2067686scrotes will think a woman rightfully getting off to male suicide after everything they have done to us makes her a deranged
femcel. But the stuff males write on r dykeconversion is totally normal and feminazi killjoys need to shut up.
No. 2068140
File: 1734161960601.png (1.11 MB, 1009x1721, 1gt5HG2.png)

>>2068132Indirectly replying to this thread through her blog again, I see.
No. 2068142
File: 1734162232789.jpg (25.56 KB, 618x373, wowok.JPG)

>>2068140looks like she's instantly resorted to sending anon bait to the inbox of the woman she jumped on. She hasn't learned at all since the time we uncovered it was her sending the unhinged anons to stoner.
No. 2068154
File: 1734166293069.jpg (67.92 KB, 462x849, dumbasaboxofrocks.JPG)

Holy moly, she's even sending herself anons about LC right now. I was suspecting the previous couple of asks she responded to (not different enough from already posted caps to warrant posting) sounded a lot like her, and then she went and did this kek.
She must think everyone is stupid. No one brought up imageboards to her, this ask is unprompted. She has zero subtlety kekk. I always think it's funny though that her most unhinged posts sit there with 0 notes though. I bet that irritates her.
goodbye everyone i'm about to get banned for sleepy posting this cap as an entire new thread. Someone carry the torch onwards
No. 2068155
>>2068131You have an incredible mind,
>>2068132I suspect she just doesn't have much of a life, doesn't really have any identity outside of being a lesbian, and has chosen rage to be keeps her going in lieu of anything else. So she just drifts from thing to be obsessively angry about to thing to be obsessively angry about.
>>2068141The screenshot she's responding to never makes the claim that she's a bisexual doing a "lesbian larp." The only time that was said was here. She's reading this thread.
>>2068154Bruh delete it
No. 2068165
File: 1734168707904.jpeg (176.64 KB, 1179x1373, IMG_0002.jpeg)

More sending anons to herself to try to make it appear like she has a legion of users agreeing with her (despite all her posts on this getting 0 notes… yeah HD seems like a huge audience that is definitely filling your inbox with 10 asks every 15 minutes). This is legit crazy kek. she went from this post
>>2068127To picrelated via a sequence of leaps of logic to once again get back to her main rant topic of bisexuals being evil. Literally every single bone she picks about anything with anybody eventually winds up with her circling back to this topic, no matter how unrelated.
No. 2068166
>>2068156>pedofagsCan you not do this here. You already got banned for this a couple of days ago.
>>2068161If she was drunk wouldn’t she be making typos? I agree this behavior is so stupid that she seems impaired but maybe she is just organically this self unaware. Baffling.
No. 2068172
>>2068168I’ll just let the farmhands take care of you again. You’re basically a personalityfag at this point anon.
>>2068167Was this on twitter? It sounds familiar, I feel like it may have been posted in these threads before.
No. 2068176
File: 1734169953602.jpeg (315.66 KB, 1178x1673, IMG_0003.jpeg)

>>2068168>>2068156>pedofags>we hate fagsimmediately after this, picrel shows up.
Keeeeek. This thread attracts cows. I can’t believe you went into her inbox with your sperging. 2 for one cow deal
No. 2068177
File: 1734170109219.jpeg (330.64 KB, 1179x1580, IMG_0004.jpeg)

>>2068176Oh my god, she sent a multiple full tard meltdowns to the cow. Unreal. My sides are gone.
No. 2068179
>>2068166Most people can type fine while drunk unless they're seriously seriously like falling down plastered. Obviously I'm not psychic but she's a self-admitted alcoholic and she often says pretty disjointed shit in these rants. But yeah I guess she could definitely just be this crazy even while sober.
>>2068172Not to infight or derail but you must be pretty new if you think hating gay men on this site is unique enough to be personalityfaggotry. Just ignore it.
>>2068176>>2068177She probably sent those to herself after reading the thread.
No. 2068183
File: 1734171259107.jpg (574.21 KB, 1079x2372, 1000023124.jpg)

I honestly can't tell if HD is sending herself these to address the thread or not. And wondering if she might be smart enough to try to get people who talk about her here banned from doing so by framing them for cowtipping is probably giving her way too much credit. But either way I think it's funny how much she talks like Seba now. They must talk a lot.
No. 2068184
>>2068183I suspect we're seeing the results of a permaban, not being able to VPN post, plus fucking up her sobriety and/or checking the thread.
>>2068176 This especially reads like she sent it to herself. The weird cadence. Nobody talks like this. But then again the only other person who would is some moron from this thread who is unhinged enough to do this. But my money's on her just doing this by herself like a retarded puppet show.
No. 2068196
File: 1734176426460.jpg (485.31 KB, 1079x1872, 1000023126.jpg)

This one has to be her. It's the exact kind of nonsensical, retarded "humor" she uses (i.e. when she was photoshopping beards on minions here and then laughing at herself). Do you think HD has ever put this much effort into attacking a man?
No wonder she and Seba get along so well. Seba blames all her criticism on racism and HD blames all her criticism on lesbophobia.
No. 2068204
File: 1734178677059.jpg (1.24 MB, 1079x4659, 1000023130.jpg)

I'm so confused why this is about if bi women are evil or not now. When this started it was about whether it's homophobic to call someone a dickrider or not. Why are we having (probably fake whether HD sent it or not) Third World Lesbians weigh in about how bi women suck now? Also, the reason most of the homophobia you experience is from "bihets" is because you don't leave your home so all the homophobia you experience is on Tumblr, HD.
No. 2068211
File: 1734180470885.jpg (674.21 KB, 1078x2694, 1000023139.jpg)

She is literally full-blown schizo
No. 2068258
File: 1734195925761.jpg (289.2 KB, 1079x1073, 1000023154.jpg)

Last night's drunken rampage lasted 8 hours total and ended with this. She's such a martyr, guys.
No. 2068275
File: 1734198773778.jpeg (426.05 KB, 629x1069, IMG_3001.jpeg)

>>2068270picrel springs eternal
No. 2068291
File: 1734201324696.jpg (826.32 KB, 1077x3332, 1000023157.jpg)

Lol I forgot HD and Seba were saying RS was "racist" for "calling a woc a liar." I also like how she never denies sending the anons to RS, just explains why she thinks RS deserved it. By the way, it's between 2:35am and 5:35am in Australia right now depending on the city.
No. 2068299
File: 1734202529718.jpg (382.77 KB, 1075x2694, 1000023160.jpg)

HD has now lost an entire night of sleep over a tumblr post having the word "dickriders" in it. The longest pause between posts since the beginning of this 12 hours ago is 3 hours. Hyenagurl has said nothing in 10 hours and hasn't directly interacted with HD in 12 hours.
No. 2068301
File: 1734203004628.jpg (198.79 KB, 1079x1143, 1000023162.jpg)

Looks like VVS and Fakeboi are jealous we've been milking a different cow so much today.
No. 2068338
>>2068291HD, whose posts about bisexuals / radicalstoner consistently only get 0 to 4 notes, thinks it’s believable to somehow have dozens of “anons” sending her asks agreeing with said posts all through the day and night. “Anons” who happen to share her exact linguistic idiosyncrasies. This is like watching a preschooler trying to convince you that their hand puppet is a real dragon.
Another thing she seemingly is incapable of understanding is that no one is disputing radical stoners past cow antics, that’s not why people are laughing at her. People are laughing at her because of her equally cowish antics. We are laughing at 2 cows but HD can’t grasp that she could actually be coming across like a retard, so in her head the only explanation is that we’re all RS or RS allies. Kek. Like others have said, it’s hilarious that the reason this time is the only time she hasn’t immediately hopped on here to go “HI MILO.” and “BUT WHAT ABOUT MILO” is because it’s hellmas and she is unable to post.
No. 2068359
File: 1734217163382.png (303.73 KB, 716x2661, Screenshot_20241214-175725~2.p…)

She's still going. Let's see how many days she'll sperg out over this
No. 2068363
File: 1734217895720.jpeg (99.28 KB, 722x298, IMG_3003.jpeg)

>>2068359>As if most of radblr doesn’t fucking hate her Kek, sound familiar?
No. 2068394
>scrotes will think a woman rightfully getting off to male suicide after everything they have done to us makes her a deranged femcel. But the stuff males write on r dykeconversion is totally normal and feminazi killjoys need to shut up.I'm not a man, idiot. I am very much a real woman with XX chromosomes. And nice strawman argument, but nobody thinks that shit like /r/dykeconversion is totally normal. Some creepy men post creepy shit on Reddit, therefore it's totally justified to celebrate the suicide of a random innocent man who had absolutely nothing to do with any of that shit? By that exact same logic, it's perfectly fine to celebrate the suicides of random innocent women because of what women like Delphine LaLaurie and Elizabeth Bathory did. This type of shit is why this thread exists to begin with. You are clearly a
femcel lolcow.
(sage your shit/infighting) No. 2068397
File: 1734224644501.png (118.85 KB, 716x1138, Screenshot_20241214-200056 (1)…)

You know i thought she made a post a few weeks/months ago saying she wouldn't talk about radicalstoner anymore. She just can't help herself kek she's literally pathologically obsessed
No. 2068415
>>2068359Gonna assume 80-100% of what she alleges about RS never happened since no screencaps have been posted by Seba or her of any of that. Btw hyenagurl had still not posted about this in 13 or 14 hours when she sent herself this anon about how she's a "nutso bitch with no life." The post linked is one she already responded to 3 or 4 times.
>>2068371It's so telling that "hated by radblr" is her go-to insult. She's so obsessed with radblr popularity.
>>2068397The fact this was posted an hour ago is crazy. She lost a night of sleep to this and now she's losing her Sunday. Holy shit. Also claiming that RS being so progressive she cut off her parents for voting Trump is actually evidence that she's secretly alt right is so fucking funny. She's so delusional.
No. 2068417
>>2068415>Gonna assume 80-100% of what she alleges about RS never happenedActually, surprisingly, she's not making those parts up, I have seen the evidence for what she alleges (i particularly remember the hotdog lips thing because it was really unexpected) but sadly I saw the caps of it over a year ago or more and now I have no idea who it was that posted them. If I find them I'll post them here.
Regardless though, everyone knows RS is a cow too, and no amount of deflecting is going to take away from HD's own equally cow-y behavior.
No. 2068421
>>2068418I just did the timestamp math too, HD hasn't even slept for more than four hours between posts, holy shit she is certifiably insane. Not being able to shitpost on lolcow has broken her brain.
>>2068371That's exactly it, as cowish as RS is, she knew when to stop. I think most radblrs were turned off of HD when she was transparently crazy about her one-sided schizobeef with kittyit, who's basically radblr jesus. HD is the only person who still talks about macroclit/stoner, even menalez has left it alone the past few months.
No. 2068438
File: 1734236696132.jpg (1.07 MB, 1284x1982, 1679597828435484.jpg)

>>2068436BTW, that's not what "Reddit spacing" even is. If you're going to parrot retarded 4chan memes, at least get them right.
No. 2068442
File: 1734237536117.jpg (719.84 KB, 1079x3385, 1000023170.jpg)

HD's latest anon admits to homicide, but only as context for accusing RS of lying about her relationship with her parents. HD responds with a 100 emoji and nothing else. No further questions about this person saying they killed their parent for being conservative in her inbox. This is ome of the most insane things I've ever seen occur on her blog.
No. 2068468
File: 1734252424390.jpg (586.17 KB, 1079x2093, 1000023183.jpg)

HD deleted the parricide anon. Wonder if she'll suddenly get another one stating it was a joke / metaphor.
No. 2069027
File: 1734405035865.png (15.83 KB, 593x529, rfh.png)

There's been a mass shooting in Madison, Wisconsin and some retards vendettaposted a fake manifesto citing radfemhitler as the reason for the shooting. Despite the manifesto that cited her as the reason for the shooting being fake, radfemhitler has deleted her xitter account. Kind of a retarded move unless she just doesnt want to post anymore period.
No. 2069046
>>2069027I'm sure the trannies are disappointed that the world's first real
terf violence was fake.
No. 2069049
File: 1734412553428.jpg (1.23 MB, 1079x3929, 1000023300.jpg)

BPD ex-fakebian fujoshi queen and suicide baiting champion Ignis scolds feminists for being "misogynistic" by noticing that men oppress women.
No. 2069273
File: 1734474214727.jpg (855.34 KB, 1080x2898, 1000023324.jpg)

Posting for the tags she put on it. What a retard.
No. 2069356
File: 1734496819547.png (94.78 KB, 587x607, 349034904904903.png)

>listen to the latest episode
>it's an extended jen humblebrag about being eduacted to phd level with hannah nodding along
They could have done an episode on Luigi but instead chose this. I wonder why.
No. 2069517
File: 1734543917189.png (597.77 KB, 752x3303, jen_1.png)

Speaking of jen, she recently started shilling alexzander dugin, she actively retweets him now and promotes his books
No. 2069518
File: 1734543941726.png (239.07 KB, 657x618, jen 2.png)

No. 2069712
>>2069517Is that icon a Russian flag on her name?
Western tankies still sucking up to Russia despite Russia not having been communist for over 30 years are a special type of clowns. The said shit hole is more like a far-right dictatorship now.
No. 2069972
File: 1734663962769.jpg (764.42 KB, 1079x1941, 1000023436.jpg)

VVS writing a weirdly detailed fantasy about a tim's genitals. Why is this such a pattern with bivestigators?
No. 2069987
>>2069972It's not a weirdly detailed fantasy. It's extremely banal with just how common that described event happens.
What happened to the discord?
No. 2070064
>>2069985So she is extremely pro-Trump, a tankie and a Russia fan?
Sounds like sleeper agent to me.
No. 2070619
File: 1734902181362.jpeg (482.48 KB, 750x1072, IMG_3048.jpeg)

Lol I was wondering how heterophobicdyke suddenly found the self control to stop posting for once. Turns out she hasn't.(tinfoil, no proof this is her)
No. 2070913
File: 1735027448061.jpg (298.6 KB, 1079x1414, 1000024434.jpg)

does she genuinely think this is how others perceive her
No. 2070987
File: 1735059917942.jpeg (408.59 KB, 750x1096, IMG_3049.jpeg)

>>2070659Heterodyke ragequits and this account pops up days later continuing her arguments where she left off. The bio says "I pissed off radfems by saying they
shouldn't use slurs as insults. Interesting, right?" which seems to hint at the reason she left the last blog and made this new one. Lastly, the sperg in picrel got blocked immediately for asking if she was HD, despite not blocking other users who were arguing about wanting to say faggot. With that and all the "yalls," and also now disappearing again after another anon asked if she's HD, I'm not 100% sure but pretty sure this is her.
No. 2072749
File: 1735656749589.png (24.37 KB, 560x315, QZsNbJN.png)

any milk on sekhmet she-owl? she's a a political lesbian who occasionally comments on WLRN, I don't know why I always got the vibe that she had a secret boyfriend because of how utterly obsessed she was with the whole concept of women choosing to be heterosexual, which every political lesbian with a secret male partner spouts
No. 2072754
>>2071963If they said "harass" or something instead then it would be less insane because some gay men think it's okay to overstep boundaries, but…rape?
Really? Topkek, they're trying to make their discomfort about gay people seem deeper than it is.
No. 2073176
File: 1735771984374.jpg (278.63 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20250101-174756.jpg)

>>2072754maybe what they're referring to are men who are primarily attracted to other men but have some kind of attraction to women as well so they're basically male preferring bisexuals who marry women in homophobic areas of the country but have clandestine encounters with other men they obviously keep secret from their wives. which is a shitty thing to do and not helping bisexual men's image at all.
No. 2073249
>>2073208I wish lesbians would stop getting butthurt on behalf of gay men as if homosexuality is analogous between the sexes. Male homosexuality (or heterosexuality) more or less doesn't exist, that's a fact. A man is as "straight" as his options. Those men aren't prison gay because of homophobia, they're prison gay because of no bitches. You all write tldrs about how female sexuality is totally different, but then every time someone doesn't take a gay man's delulu coom derived self-id at face value it's an attack on lesbians by proxy of "homophobia".
I'm sure local radfems would also be thrilled to learn that the overvalued, compensatory theory of ironclad male sexuality also categories paraphilias as sexual orientations - as unquestionable, innate and unalterable as being gay.
(derailing) No. 2073256
>>2073249What I always find so odd is how many radfems come on this thread to monitor and bully other women (usually lesbians, let’s be real). They fuck men or lust after them themselves while saying how homosexuality isn’t real and is actually perverted because men are doing it. What’s perverted is allowing a man to fuck you while having the politics you all do. I watch this thread to screenshot and send proof of homophobia from bi women that further pushes lesbians away from you. If you call a black man the N word, it’s still racist. Even if you hate men, it affects black women. When you deny homosexuality and call gay men slurs, it’s still homophobic. Even if you hate men, it still affects lesbians. Not that you all care about that. But tell me again how women are
victims and can’t help wanting men? How they actually have no choice in taking penis at all? Please. Male on female sex is the worst for women and you all know it but never stop.