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No. 2036464

Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.

This thread is not for: ranting about troons, fighting about random political topics, radfem discourse, or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. Opinions you disagree with are not milk.

Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.
>Became known for pandering to an alt right male audience by posting frog memes and swimsuit pics.
>Now openly interacts with alt righters, defending them and going on their podcasts.
>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces a Neo-nazi party in Canada.

Meghan Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current.
>Moved to Mexico because she thinks it's more feminist than Canada.
>Ditched her radfem beliefs in favor of writing "poor men" articles

Leah Tverly
>Unhinged druggie who makes crazy rants online while playing a synth.
>Thinks that hygiene is a tool of the patriarchy.
>Made a video of herself freebleeding in response to Contrapoints.
>Peed on the toilet seat and the floor of a public restroom to own the troons.

Seba Abdullah / Menalez
>Straight DDLG blogger turned "lesbian" radfem
>Constantly powerlevels about being "literally from a third world country!" despite the elephant in the room that she lives a more privileged life than most first worlders because her family is wealthy
>Lied about being black for years
>Constantly over exaggerates every aspect of her life, thinks having BPD means she's "disabled" and having sold nudes online a couple of times makes her a "prostitution survivor"
>Known on radblr for constantly creating drama and driving women she doesn't like off the site by siccing her followers on them with the callout posts she still makes to this day as she approaches her 30th birthday
>Recently "left tumblr" because 2 people politely and empathetically criticized her years of insane behavior, came back 3 weeks later

Macroclit / Radicalstoner
>Claimed to be a lesbian for years as macroclit, then remade as radicalstoner, where she self-identifies as a bihet and gushes about her male fiancé
>Constant self-victimizing and autistic behavior
>Still pretending to be a different person from macroclit despite overwhelming evidence, calls herself (macroclit) a "poor baby" who was bullied off Tumblr

Previous Threads

No. 2036477

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RS graced her followers with a glimpse of her gigantic fat fingers and filthy nails this week. Lovely.(sage your shit)

No. 2036517

Threadpic is based, idc what anyone says

No. 2036581

Good thread but why macroclit faking being pregnant and then buying weed with the abortion money she raked up from radblr isnt mentioned?

No. 2036601

Why would you want to raise the birth rates though?

No. 2036621

Her arguments i mean, not the birth rate thing

No. 2036625

Has Seba actually pretended to be black, though?

No. 2036666

yes. she had "dark skin afro-arab" in her description for years. then said she didn't know that people would think that meant she was black. for record she is not dark skinned at all.

No. 2036696

She claimed that her mother was black, but black-diaspora posted pictures of her mother which showed that she was clearly Arab. Mena then started claiming her grandfather is black.
At one point she was also saying that she doesn't know how much black ancestry she has and that she had to "guesstimate." Which is a crock of shit because if her grandfather or mother were actually black she wouldn't need to guess how much black DNA she has in her, she'd just know that she's half black or a quarter black.
She claims that people in Bahrain can tell she's part black just from looking at her and refers to herself as a "dark-skinned Afro-Arab," but if you look at her selfies (of which there are many) she's a medium-brown Middle Eastern woman who doesn't look African whatsoever. The only ethnicity I could see people mistaking her as is South Asian.

No. 2036701

Didn't she backtrack and claim what she akshually meant was that she was "only dark skinned by Middle Eastern standards not an actual dark skin black girl!!" when people pointed out that she is actually not that dark skinned. Even if she may really have some African ancestry through multi-generational mixing, the way she just has to cling to it and emphasize it so she can be the most oppressedest radblrina of all time is embarrassing.

No. 2036704

She's not even dark by Middle Eastern standards. I live in an area with lots of migrants from that part of the world and her skin tone is actually really common, I see people that look like her all the time.

No. 2036715

Yes lmao that's true. And also, as if she didn't know that by saying "dark skinned African" everyone would assume she meant black.
This isn't really milk but it is a bit satisfying seeing other people realize how fucked she is. I have not interacted with her for several years but I used to be in a certain server with her and frankly, I feel like she bullied me. She was really nice to me and then she made some comment about me being non-white and I corrected her. I have no idea why she thought I wasn't white, but after she found that out, she became noticeably colder towards me. I know this sounds insane, but I've spoken to two other people she's done the same thing to. I don't believe in reverse racism but it was such a bizarre experience. Also, when I would post selfies or talk about myself, she would make subtle digs at me. It was the kind of stuff that would be funny if it was a close friend joking about it but felt hurtful because that was the only time she would talk to me or about me. But always in a "joking" manner so I wasn't ever sure if she really didn't like me or if I was being too sensitive. I eventually left and she would randomly start talking to me again periodically whenever she wanted gossip that she thought I might know about or if she wanted me to be involved in drama by telling me someone didn't like me or whatever. Sorry for kind of blog posting but it's interesting that after all this time she is still doing the exact same stuff.

No. 2036716

I remember in the last thread someone pointed out how she automatically accuses people who disagree with her of being a racist white woman, and if she finds out they're actually a WOC she starts being oddly cold. Your experience kind of reminded me of that. She seems to assume people she likes are WOC and people she dislikes are white, and has a weird bitchy attitude when she finds out some isn't the race she expected.
Was the server you were in called The Dykery? I never joined as I don't want to send mena and her friends my selfie to get in, but I have a friend who used to be in it. She said there was a lot of drama, people would post thirst traps, and that a ginger troon got verified and was interacting with people for a couple of months before getting kicked out.

No. 2036728

NTA Yes, there’s always drama going on. I do remember the ginger troon, because he would talk about anal orgasms or whatever. While most of the server’s users tend to be boring cottagecore normies or cryptos with TIP friends/girlfriends, some of the especially crypto “WOC” ones always instigated drama, and if there’s a girl they don’t like, they’ll pounce on her, especially if she’s white or think she is. They will try to find the most minute reasons to make mountains out of molehills, even long after that person left or if they even apologize. One of the gnarliest examples from years back I remember was this Turkish girl who would constantly non-stop post anime boys while masking her attraction to them by saying “wouldn’t it be nice if they were butch” while the other actual lesbian normies didn’t respond because, well, they’re lesbians. She would also be loudly accusing other girls of racism or being white and all-capsing asking for them to be banned if she didn’t like them, then suddenly one day she disappeared because it turned out, if the anime boyposting didn’t tip you off, she ended up getting with some random mid moid but not as a boyfriend, rather as his fuckbuddy. I forgot her username, like ignis-something, but she was big on radblr before it was outed she liked sex with moids over women. It’s even weirder because she was apparently the reason the biphobia channel existed on the server so she could shit on bihets lol. She really did go to show that nobody hates bisexuals more than bisexuals themselves. I don’t know what it is with self-proclaimed radfems, especially polilez ones,that always get weird the moment the male-attraction shrinks their brains.

No. 2036729

Same anon, I have to mention I haven’t been in the server in years, but I do remember there would always be drama.

No. 2036745

Ohh I remember the ignis-divine-eleison drama although I wasn't in the server. I just know because she made a post coming out as bisexual on Tumblr that she was begging people not to doxx her or send death threats for being bisexual in. Then a few days later she was asking for advice on pegging her boyfriend.
I also remember her and menalez were writing Tumblr posts laughing at people thinking ignis was bisexual for being attracted to Link from Zelda a couple of months before this, like it was so ridiculous for people to think she was bisexual based on her talking about wanting to fuck a man (well boy, because Link is canonically a child) because said man is fictional. Then not long after this she came out as bisexual.
I unfollowed her ages ago but I definitely remember her going on rants against "crackers" (she'd use the word cracker all the time despite being a Dutch-Moroccan who'd never been in America).
I wonder how long she was acting as a lesbian authority on Tumblr while hooking up with that guy. She was posting about wanting to peg him literal days after coming out as bi, and pegging isn't something you do in a super new relationship.

No. 2036754

She's still on tumblr @ignis-divine-eleison and she's a Moroccan who grew up in Europe, not Turkish, but yeah she's even crazier than Menalez, just never got as popular so she's lesser known as a lolcow. Not sure what their relationship is now but she and Menalez were best buds for a long time to the point where a lot of the drama menalez got into was basically on her behalf.

No. 2036758

>hates white women, jealous
>cold to fellow 'women of color'
>obsessed with race as a moral/personal compass
Kekkk classic. They're usually libfems, didn't know they were a thing in radfem cliques. It's always about female intrasexual competition, not to blog but these women will defend a creepy white moid over other women in a heartbeat. They resent white women because they see them as an obstacle

No. 2036759

Yeah I was in The Dykery years ago and it was an absolutely miserable place. The bullying Seba and her clique engage in on Tumblr is really concentrated there. At one point a group of masc/detrans lesbians who'd met there made a secondary server for themselves because of how badly they'd all been treated by the Dykery's predominantly super feminine (and let's be real, bisexual) admins/mods. The aggression and cattiness against gnc women there was crazy. Seba's clique are too vain to ever stop being feminine but they can't stand being around people who are Oppressed in a way that they aren't because they're all attention whores who need the spotlight 24/7. I remember there was this one very nice, kind, chill, drama free detrans butch lesbian who literally never caused any problems at all but as soon as she quietly left the admin/mod crew all started posting screencaps of her talking about her sex life or other personal stuff to laugh at her and accuse her of random shit behind her back. It was really disgusting how that place was presented as a safe place for lesbians when Seba and her friends used it to collect info on people to use against them later. I'm really glad people on radblr are finally starting to talk about how fucked up and crazy they are and how many women they've hurt.

No. 2036771

The pegging thing feels like major cope to make herself seem like she's not just having milquetoast heterosexual sex. Her whole existence was policing others, so it's unsurprising she has to police her own image constantly like that too. All she did was watch moid-heavy anime and just drool over anime boys claiming she's horny over the idea of their literal male bodies being butch women to hide her opposite sex attraction. As a lesbian, I know and enjoy butches, but the guys she posted were literally just men. You would have to be deranged to say a man in a man's body with a man's voice is a woman and think people will believe you. 99% of the women on the server that weren't chummy with her had zero interest in the anime guys she would post in the first place and just let her be. From seeing many polilez bi and het weebrads get outed over the years, I noticed it's always a red flag when a self-proclaimed lesbian focuses only on male characters in moidslop shows. Weirdly enough there was another incident that happened like this with this one constantly pregnant girl, which I believe went by Dib, that posted her Nazi anime cosplay in there. She would also draw "vent" art with some male YouTuber's sona molesting her and post it on the art channel. I remember seeing a few users including menalez question it too. Girls like her and Ignis would always explain that it's fine because it's just drawings or fiction, but the actual weebfandom whatever lesbians I've known don't even give male characters in shows a second glance, but here was Ignis was being horny over Link or the malding pink-haired guy from Saiki K, and Dib was over there saying she wanted seven moid sons Osomatsu-san style while posting Hetalia and South Park yaoi. Dib got kicked out for being in some other rival server called The Nunnery I think, or I may be mixing that up with some other drama they had. There was a lot. Anyway imagine everyone's surprise when Ignis ended up as some random Tinder guy's booty call. I felt like a lot of people on the server would always try to side with Ignis or the other louder girls because people were afraid of having attention pointed at them when they would have their meltdowns by being catty and singling out users. If not for constant purity spirals, The Dykery wouldn't have been too bad, if not boring.

Oh I see. Thank you for clarifying, I actually was not sure. I do remember the two passing around constantly posts to argue with people back in the day. I feel a bit bad, because menalez seemed really nice when I was in the server, and she was one of the few girls that could sympathize with the lesbians that came from traumatic backgrounds who felt forced to date men, specifically those from homophobic countries. It felt good to have people with nuance regarding the goldstar thing for once. But she feels completely different in the server versus when she's on tumblr. I do agree with others that she should seriously log off for a while, because I cannot imagine just being on tumblr 24/7 arguing with people over and over. How do you sleep just formulating the next post in your head everyday? That's like mental self-harm IMO. I remember seeing a post where she said she was taking a break from tumblr, only to come back and defend that XY Olympics athlete moid and accuse everyone of being racist for being skeptical in the first place. She also admitted she would rather be wrong than be racist over that whole debate, which was a really strange thing to admit since people were always pointing out moids in women's sports whether they were white or not.

God yeah, any time someone left, they would try to dig up their info on social media. I remember knowing some girls who admitted they were afraid to leave the server because of this behavior. Some girls I've talked to even just said they had to make up excuses so they can hope to be spared the weird post-server cross-referencing behavior the mods did. For some others, they just waited til they were kicked out for being inactive.

No. 2036825

Eh …not really. I still think it was a better chronically online experience than others. Before radblr I was in all sorts of moid infested art discord servers that were full of pedos, sending selfies to any random on Instagram that dmed me about feeling sad and developing a new paraphilia like every 2 weeks from watching porn every day. Parents didn't know shit and so the only reason I stopped is radblr. I was always the only black person around and I genuinely hated my looks and was involved in all those subliminal communities. Again, radblr was the only thing that stopped that hatred, and if it wasnt for radblr I would have developed an eating disorder by now. I know radblr is racist but at least there were woc radfem blogs. Yes I would scroll for hours but I never got involved in discourse and avoided following blogs that were too discourse heavy. It's not like I never saw the insanity of radblr, trust me it was seen and known, but overall? I think it was an okay experience. If you compare my chronically online radblr time to my pre-radblr chronically online time it's obvious which one is better.

No. 2036834

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Sounds like the years of obesity and drugs are starting to catch up. I predict e-begging in the near future.

No. 2036850

>The Nunnery
wasn't that server also milky as fuck?

No. 2036896

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more of her hypocritical shit. she had no issue yelling at mandyfem for cherrypicking articles, yet when she does it, she's a noble warrior against racism?

No. 2036897

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No. 2036898

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No. 2036900

That was Laura/Elliot Morais' server, right? She's even crazier than menalez.

No. 2036970

It was either hers or Ari/715's, either way both are very cowish tifs. Their mutual callouts and feud after their aboosive discord relationship were hilarious on both sides.

No. 2037182

i shouldn't even react at this point but it still is very telling and enlightening so many of you have been part of these servers kek. should have known.

No. 2037204

I was wondering recently what Ari is up to these days. I miss her antics. Radblr drama these days is so boring. I guess it's hard to top "DID faker with a Nazi alter and irl vampire."

No. 2037205

Honestly it was just hard to find non-gendie lesbian servers back in the day.

No. 2037381

Are you talking about Adrian?

No. 2037383

It was kinda insane, it even got to lolcow at some point (first thread I think) with Laura Morais herself providing the milk. She jumps to a new identity every new week, started from a rudefem making catchy songs about troons, then became a TIF gendie, then something in-between, and the last time I checked an edgy anime aesthetic blog. There was probably a lot more, she’s hard to keep track of. She made a parody account of Ari at some point too. She also occasionally claims she’s totes not a TERF and identifies as some kind of genderqueer when asked, despite Ginger Male Market Failure still being publicly available.

It was so weird for me to watch because she was one of my favorite radfem blogs, sounded really intelligent and had balanced takes among these reactionary idiots. Then it turned out she’s actually a blood drinking DID larper with Mengele as her alter. This and later Bodenor deactivation made me quit lurking radblr, it really is full of crazies.

No. 2037524

you're all obsessed, weirdo retards that make tumblr unusable. keep yourselves safe(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2037534

Which one are you?

No. 2037545

>Keep yourselves safe
So "retard" isn't too scary to throw around, but "kill yourself" is?

No. 2037575

Laura is also a DID LARPer who blames her identity hopping and overall obnoxious behaviour on "muh alters". She blames her "terf alters" when called out by gendies and her "gendie alters" when called out by terves. In fact Ari's DID LARP also emerged from skinwalking Laura's own DID LARP.
>bodenor deactivation
Yet another reason why moid orbiters should never be tolerated on radblr, not even the gay ones

No. 2037580

And yet on lolcow she claimed it was actually Ari, a med student, who tried to convince her she has it kek.

No. 2037582

They probably both skinwalk each other, I'm not sure who started Jew LARPing first for another example. Yes, they both did that kek

No. 2037590

NTA but I also spent my teen years on radlbr and then went on to learn these skills in my 20's. Radlbr might not be perfect but it's still a better community for young girls when so many are being groomed into transgenderism or being only fans ewhores by males online.

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