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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 2018339

Discuss people, either that you know in your personal life or that you've found online, that have lolcow potential

/pt/ thread requests >>>/pt/913498

Past threads
#1 >>>/snow/614616
#2 >>>/snow/925657
#3 >>>/snow/1234227
#4 >>>/snow/1656175
#5 (previous) >>>/snow/1874504(wait until the old thread hits the post limit)

No. 2018343

Maybe a bit early for a new thread but the old one is past 1110 posts and since it’s shadow banned and I can’t find it with the search engine or Google I figured I may as well just do a new one

No. 2018347

just search the catalog? who cares if it doesn't show up on google

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