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No. 1985582
Last Threads:
>>>/snow/961466 #3 (marked as 2)
>>>/snow/581474 #2
>>>/snow/381948 #1
Old threads on Poppy:
>>>/pt/250072>>>/snow/107133>>>/snow/78644Previous Thread Summary:
>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes and how lazy she was, starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims” and that he’s continuing being a pest to her, claims to have PTSD related to her song LowLife>Mars Argo confirms she’s making new music>Poppy’s fans try to sue her due to being scammed out of thousands of dollars from the shut down Poppy.Church>Chelsea / NobodysDreamgirl gets a tattoo of Titanic’s name>Titanic possibly cheated on Poppy with Chelsea>Poppy’s fans are literally trying to do summoning rituals of her>Chelsea knew Mars in 2015>Titanic releases a new song trying to seem like the victim>Titanic may have leaked an old video Poppy and Grimes made to promote Play Destroy and/or We Appreciate Power>Poppy comments on Titanic leaking personal demos>Chelsea has become blonde >Poppy makes a Reddit statement on people assuming she’s a Trump supporter, she gets upset and says they just don’t know her or what she believes>Poppy tries to become a beauty guru/makeup tutorial channel, most of these videos have been privated or unlisted as of 2024>Titanic’s Brother, Alex, said Poppy had an abortion during the BubbleBath EP era>Poppy reposts Using You by Mars Argo on her SoundCloud and comments that Mars is her inspiration, likely while hacked as a bunch of song names where changed too>Titanic released a song called Scorpio dedicated to Chelsea>Titanic is tagging Poppy in his videos still to try and keep relevancy>Poppy and Ghostemane get engaged, subsequently break up & Poppy privates a viral video of him doing her makeup >Poppy releases Poppy’s Inferno comic, suspected to be about the stuff between her, Mars, and Titanic>Titanic possibly went onto 4Chan to bitch about Poppy getting engaged>An (at the time) 15 year old named CringePanda pops up and Cringe Panda seems to have some obsession with Titanic and his eras with Mars/Poppy, makes ripoff Poppy/GroceryBagDotTV videos with Anti-SJW themes and is likely controlled by her parents, still acts cow worthy in 2024>Titanic likely made a throwaway Reddit to bitch about Poppy more and claim she cheated, is subsequently mocked>Titanic continues turning Chelsea into a Mars/Poppy clone right down to using her satiate his dumb blonde fetish, putting her in Poppy/Mars’ outfits, and putting her in similar positions as Mars during photo shoots>Titanic has a meltdown on Twitter and deletes it not even a day later >Poppy puts out a 2020 Christmas Album>Poppy is nominated for a “Best Metal Performance” Grammy for BloodMoney on I Disagree, Titanic pretends he’s also nominated when his name wasn’t anywhere on there>CringePandaBear rips off Charlotte Quin and Grimes videos as of 2024 hasn’t changed much> on Instagram claims to have been friends with Mars, Poppy, and Titanic speaks out, claims to have made prints for Poppy but was ghosted and Mars said “Fuck you” to Katai when Katai emailed her>Chelsea starts tweeting on Twitter (@sknnylatte) shitting on Poppy just like Poppy used to do to Mars before breaking up with Titanic>Poppy release Eat EP for WWE NXT and performs at NXT>Chelsea starts making white background videos on Insta like Poppy and Mars would do>Poppy releases singles for the album Flux, suspected to be about the situation with Titanic>Titanic drops an album around this time with a Poppy diss track called Puppet>Poppy starts making weird videos again after Ghostemane break up>Ghostemane alleged his and Poppy’s relationship was toxic and Poppy “treated me like dogshit”>Titanic gets Chelsea pregnant >Titanic tries to drop some kind of “sexy” era video, gets mockery and everyone finds him repulsive >Titanic tries to rebrand again as a family channel YouTuber shortly after his “sexy” era>In August 2022 leaks of what seems to be Poppy’s Stagger EP come out, claiming to be remastering LowLife and the EP will be out in December 2022>Stagger was dropped October 2022 and it decidedly did not have LowLife or any remaster on it, was suspected to be about Ghostemane>Ghostemane is suspected to be engaged to a girl named SkyeFirez>Poppy goes blonde again and makes a post captioned “Good Motives”>Titanic posts about wanting Poppy’s TikTok hit song Girls In Bikinis to get more streams so he can get a motorcycle, afterwards he does and continues pushing the song and bitches at the Genius page for messing up the meaning>Titanic constantly posts about Poppy’s Girls In Bikinis song>Mars is suspected to have sampled Poppy’s Sit/Stay outro for Angry and I Can Only Be Me>Poppy goes blonde again as Zig era begins and Church Outfit and Spit are released>Poppy says Zig is about her “reclaiming her identity as an adult”>Poppy releases some clip of her spitting on the camera from the Spit cover music video the day after Mars’ Birthday with porn music in the background, drops the MV on the birthday of Chelsea and Titanic’s kid>More releases from Mars (Angry and I Can Only Be Me) suspected to be about Titanic and Poppy respectively >Poppy posts video about “not being angry” after Mars drops Angry>Poppy releases Knockoff, third single from Zig era and second song from the album, it’s a remastered version of an Am I A Girl? era song that Tits produced>Kim Petras is suspected to be copying Poppy>Titanic returns after a year long hiatus, is suspected to have broken up with Chelsea>Grimes replies to a fan about Poppy, Poppy says Grimes is “5 Years Triggered”>Titanic tries to defend Poppy after Grimes says this, Poppy gives him 0 acknowledgment and he says Poppy is “telling the truth when it’s convenient”>Titanic goes on podcast to discuss the Grimes and Poppy beef>Poppy releases the song Motorbike about being in love with a girl, a song similar to Girls In Bikinis and using an object Titanic bought with GIB’s streaming money>Someone named D4ine shows up, Daine Poppy is copying their aesthetic in the Zig era>Chelsea and Titanic are still together and Titanic has roped his kid into his attempt to give Chelsea a music career >Poppy hangs around Marilyn Manson the #ThatPoppyHypocrite trends on Twitter and her fanbase splits at this and Zig being mostly dark pop instead of rock>Zach Sang interviews Poppy and she goes on Deezer to do a live vocal performance of Zig’s last single, Hard>Mars fans make her rerelease Using You>Titanic and Chelsea are engaged>Poppy releases a few songs including a collab with the recently gaining popularity band Bad Omens called V.A.N. is suspected to be dating their vocalist Noah>Chelsea has black hair and looks like discount Mars Argo >Update since the last thread: Poppy had most of her music taken down from TikTok due to UMG parting with them but it’s mostly back now, V.A.N is currently gaining rapid popularity on TikTok, YouTube, and SpotifyEssential Information:
Titanic Sinclair is the stage name for Corey Mixter
Poppy is Moriah Pereira
Mars Argo is Brittany Sheets.
Nobodys.Dreamgirl or Sknnylatte is Chelsea Michelle aka Chelsea Wise aka Chelsea Renee Wise
Titanic and Mars dated from 2008 to 2014. They created GroceryBagDotTv together, and then transitioned to making their own music. They only released one album, Technology is a Dead Bird in 2009. They then began Linden Place, which was canceled after their lead single was released. Most of their videos were deleted but can be found with a simple search as fans reupload them.
After their breakup, Titanic began seeing Poppy. Subsequently, Poppy’s looks completely changed from alternative, semi-Punk brunette to “kawaii, barbie, child” bottle-blonde. This look was strikingly similar to Mars'. Recently they achieved moderate fame for her strange youtube videos and Japanese-inspired pop music. The That Poppy videos were directly inspired, and sometimes complete copies, from GroceryBagDotTv videos (such as “Delete Your Facebook”).
Poppy has stans who call themselves “Poppyseeds.”
Titanic has since started dating and proposed to Chelsea, they are married/engaged and have a kid. Titanic has turned Chelsea into the new Poppy and Mars and even tried forcing a music career for her which their child has been roped into they use the name Finn’s Parents
when doing this.
No. 1985586
Op was too long
Social Links
Titanic Links
Tweets Conversations People
Josh Moran - Poppy’s alleged ex, during the lawsuit Poppy tweeted a video of him smashing Titanic to the ground with ease
Debby Ryan - Actress known for Disney Jessie and Netflix Insatiable who was friends with Poppy, and then Titanic
Alex Mixter - Titanic's brother, has publicly spoken out against Mars and Poppy
Max Landis - Friend of Mars, tweeted in defence of her in 2016
Tony Katai - Film maker who released the “Everybody Wants it All” (3:36) video of Mars with a gun, took Titanic’s side
Finn: Chelsea and Titanic’s baby, has to deal with them trying use him to turn start a family channel content farm
Ghostemane - Poppy's ex boyfriend, a rapper who's friends with other
abusive rappers (see: some of the names in the soundclout thread), claimed Poppy treated him like dog shit on Discord after they broke up
CringePandaBear - Someone who is obsessed with Tits, started making discount ThatPoppy / Mars GroceryBagDotTv era videos at 15 with Anti-SJW themes, still goes on trying to catch Titanic’s attention despite him moving on to Chelsea
Grimes - Real name is Claire Elise Boucher and is a singer. Made Play Destroy with Poppy and We Appreciate Power with her and Hana but resigned from publishing PD likely after learning about the Poppy Titanic and Mars lawsuit. Poppy leaked song nonetheless and the two had a back and forth, and Poppy was removed from We Appreciate Power, the two still mention each other occasionally. She was in a relationship with Elon Musk and had multiple kids with him. Her and Elon have their own thread here
>>>/snow/1980215Other Links uploaded by TMZ: lawsuit settlement document: No. 1985592
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Reposting this from the last thread as this was shortly before it was locked but Chelsea is brunette now
>>1978589 No. 1985810
>>1985608>she only looks ugly because she looks like an adultno, she looks ugly because she looks like the Cryptkeeper got lip injections
how weird that you are equating “looking childlike” with “looking beautiful,” non-creepy adults don’t do that
No. 1985830
>>1985812I don't even get where you are getting that she looks old and Poppy and Mars look young, Poppy looks her age, and both Mars and Chelsea have slightly unusual, big eyed manic pixie dreamgirl looks, fillers aside, I am not seeing any kinda age difference or correlation between any of them. Maybe you are associating quirky/wacky behaviour (Mars and the Poppy copy on video) with youth which I get, but in terms of age they all look youthful to me. Fillers/lip injections make people look older because we associate that in our minds with ageing movie actresses, but fillers have been a trend among 16-25s for ten years now so we also know that young people get them too, and looking surgically altered generally is more of an indicator you are an influencer or live in California now vs the old association of a 40+ actress.
tl:dr not getting the age discussion at all
No. 1985965
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1/2 poppy posted some thing about x/twitter users being retards and the second slide being a joke that she makes money from posting stuff that riles people up
her retarded stans are claiming she was hacked and there’s no way their unproblematic queen would use an ableist slur, but the selfie in the post was new and not found elsewhere online, lmao
No. 1985966
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No. 1986295
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Thanks for the new thread! Mars Argo might have another lawsuit. Tony Katai has apparently leaked her photos and videos on Discord.
She has been active on Tumblr answering fan messages.
No. 1986470
Anon who made the thread here and I feel like a dumbass for forgetting that Katai accused Poppy of telling Mars to kill herself
>>1986295>Katai lawsuitThis is pretty tinfoil but I feel like Poppy telling Mars to kill herself while under Titanic may have actually been Katai just being an ass to Mars or if it was Poppy, that Katai doesn’t have as much of an issue with it as they act, Mars and Katai do seem to have something against each other and that could explain it
>UnreleasedI do hope Mars isn’t planning on suing everyone who has reuploaded her old songs, it’s how a lot of people found her (like through sped up versions on TikTok) and suing/copyrighting fans could lead to a loss of fanbase maybe a bit too OT but I remember Melanie Martinez tried to get people to report reuploads of her unreleased songs and all that led too was them getting more popular and more being leaked so I could see a similar thing happening here. I don’t think Mars is malicious or even that she’s wrong for being upset but she may be about to shoot her career in the foot
No. 1987742
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Cross posted and not really milk but Poppy was in Grimes AI visuals this weekend
No. 1988114
>>1987742Can you provide more context? Maybe link or embedd the video?
If this is supposed to be Poppy, Grimes must really hate her. I thought AI art was supposed to make you prettier. Kek.
No. 1988259
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Titanic wrote another Poppy diss track…
No. 1989033
Someone on TikTok is saying Tits and Hayley Williams from Paramore had beef, it’s not letting me embed the video for some reason sorry>>1988114AYRT, I said it was Poppy because someone in the Grimes thread said it was
No. 1994669
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Chelsea is pregnant again
No. 1994748
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>>1994669>>1994728Dear lord those fish eyes, Tits really ruined Chelsea by stuffing her full of plastic surgeries now she just looks uncanny
>>1994671Watch as when the inevitable divorce arc comes he claims “Chelsea was forcing me to do all that”
No. 1994925
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>>1994824Oh. Is cringepanda not Chels? That's the one speculating that she was being groomed. I saw this on some thread a while ago.
No. 1995628
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the new baby is a boy too (this is Chelsea’s photography account)
No. 1995643
>>1995628She married a freak NPD loser and had two sons? She's going to be an insanely
toxic boymom.
No. 1996718
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yep, confirmed boy.
no little girl for tits to exploit to hell and back
No. 2000406
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she thinks she’s still successful lmao. everyone forgot about you after 2020 poppy.
No. 2000521
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Mars released an EP
No. 2000715
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>>2000521not what i expected from her
but i actually like it kek No. 2000982
Poppy put a new song/visualizer out, I guess there’s a new era soon too with the pfp/sound change.
>>2000521I think it’s deleted from Apple Music now, it wasn’t on Spotify or her YouTube so I think it was a mistake
No. 2001073
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>>2000715the fact she's been teasing this shit since 2022 (pic). speechless. isn't she like 40 now?
No. 2001096
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>>2000715This has a sort of 2012-2015 tumblr vibe (which makes sense since she's a millenial from that sort of period), and fits in with the stuff she made with Titanic back in the day. Even Using You was like
>I was afraid to put myself on the line for a boy>Until he put me in my place and showed me how to enjoy myself>You're the only one who's making me comeTo my sinful senses
>I'll never love anyone the same>I'll never feel ashamed of using you for pleasure No. 2001198
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Does she have any ideas of her own?
No. 2001342
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>>2001135The lyrics and the rap beat sound like a bad joke. And the song is already deleted. Maybe it's satire.
Speaking of rappers, Azealia Banks got drunk and roasted musicians on her insta stories. Here's what she has to say about Poppy and Titanic.
No. 2001757
>>2001342Wonder what she was saying to Azealia about Grimes? Wasn’t it rumored that they were doing some kind of collab clap-back song to her a few years back? Bit OT but it’s really funny how Grimes has two ex-friends who just mock her nowadays and this was when Poppy was with Tits so I wonder if he was trying to do damage control to keep some kind of relevance and that’s the only reason she didn’t publicly snap when the beef first happened like she did with calling Grimes “5 years
No. 2002109
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How does Mars Argo still have fans?
>Announce an EP
>New song available for 1 hour
>It leaked a month ago in Dbree
And no communication from the artist of course.
No. 2002113
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This is how she communicates with fans. It's like some secret club.
>>2002110I don't know if you heard the song but it was shite. Why would her fans feel bad for her?
No. 2002123
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>>2001135She struck it down, probably not gonna get more people on her side
>>2002109>>2002110>>2002113Tbh I heard the song before she struck it, it’s fine imo. The pigtail part was weird but the rest was ok, didn’t warrant a whole EP though
>Why would her fans feel bad for her?A lot of people still feel for her in relation to the whole Tits lawsuit thing. If you wanna hear some real shit listen to Tits’ new song
>>2002071 I can barely understand him beyond the same generic “Suicidal sadboy” lyrics he’s done so many times and being so repulsive doing it that it would make Onision tell him to just quit it. Regardless of your thoughts on Poppy or Mars you have to at least acknowledge they’re both somewhat talented and at least have decent production and voices in their new songs, Tits has only gotten worse and more talentless over the years since no one gives a fuck about Chelsea like they did Mars or Poppy
No. 2002323
>>2002123AYRT, it's okay if you like the song. I guess the point I was trying to make is that it's a bit strange for an artist to behave this way. Announcing an EP, releasing the EP just to take it down one hour later. Not telling your fans why you took it down which leaves them guessing and speculating.
I don't think this has anything to do with Titanic and Poppy. Mars Argo has the rights to her own music. And releasing a bad song is better than not releasing anything at all.
No. 2002452
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>>2001342this is what she said about them in 2019
No. 2002468
>>2002323you sound new. i think if you’re a fan of mars you just have to learn to accept how fickle she can be. i don’t think she wants to be a traditional pop artist either with proper rollouts or promo or anything, just drops a song or a vague instagram story and leave. she’s openly said she doesn’t want “fans” either. it is a strange way for an artist to behave but mars
is strange.
No. 2002509
>>2002468It's sad. I think if she had never been involved with Titanic, things would have gone much better for her. I think her attitude regarding fans and fame is just so tangled up with Titanic's abuse and stalking. It could be that she is truly afraid to be anything but a kind of underground artist.
(This isn't a comment on the kitten song bc I didn't hear it and I think that it sounds weird. But "Using You" is a really good song, and she shone in the MV as well. Raw talent doesn't just disappear. If she wrote a book about what she went through, people would read it.)
No. 2002599
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>>2000982Why’s her new song blowing up so much? It’s not getting that much use on tiktok and streams on Spotify are at around 200k still, it hasn’t even been a week and it’s passed the views of half the Zig videos, did a Poppyseed view bot it or something?
No. 2003816
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Now that Tumblr is outdated, fans can now text Mars Argo!
No. 2003972
>>1998515Nona u right. What a creep and the literal definition of a predator. Like a pimp momma Kris to be
>>2002071Kek starting to seem more and more like he was some negging leech and not the mastermind. How could anyone have ever guessed that
No. 2004008
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I can't even recognize her anymore. She was cute… She looks like every other girl with fillers now.
No. 2004384
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>>2004211**Remove latest song an hour after release
**Copyright strike fan account for reposting latest song
**Text fans while teasing lyrics of said latest song
Why not just leave it up lol
No. 2004953
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>>2004425You’re not kidding she rly might not have one lol. Found on her new website
No. 2005943
I just heard the song on a site called Bili Bili. I do like the glitched out purr noises but the licking samples sound so off like whyyy. Pigtails line isn’t great either but she did wear them a lot in the past. Odd direction she’s going. Almost feels like she wants to make a club banger but bpm is too slow on its own. Wish she made a song abt how her ptsd feels to her. Or at least make it satirical. Sorry to say but not gonna replay
>>2002539100% kek. Except it’s possible she’s sat on this for years re-editing and remixing it. Angry was already made during lawsuit era
No. 2006774
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I guess lick it like a kitten is coming back
No. 2006801
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She will never change
No. 2007731
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after taking 10 years to release 3 badly produced songs, she now expects her fans to shell out for her overpriced merch…becuz?
No. 2007784
>>2007731Damn I’m into that long sleeve. Love it when artist merch isn’t so obviously branded but that better be organic cotton made domestically to justify that price tag
>>2007219Hate to say it but Poppy’s the most successful out of the three. Most likely she will sort out the copyright issue and go on her copy ways. I’m not condoning her thievery and def not a fan but I kinda remember another nona describing her as a workhorse and I’d agree. So he shouldn’t be laughing at anything other than his work. His songs post breakup are consistently shittiest.
No. 2007798
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>>2007731and to further milk her fans, an $8 monthly subscription for "exclusive" merch.
No. 2007814
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She started blocking her own fans like Poppy does…
No. 2007875
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>>2007814Her fan probably broke the rules. What kind of artist gatekeeps her content like this? This is cow behavior.
No. 2007880
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>>2007846But nona, you can get 20% discount if you pay $8/month. There is absolutely no way any of those items are worth the prices.
No. 2007881
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>>2007798Ah yes. Member's only merch like this shirt.
No. 2008028
>>2007784>Most likely she will sort out the copyright issueWill she really? Beyond just pointing out “it’s fucking free to use stock footage” I doubt there’s much she could do even if she does try to give them money.
Irony, considering the name of the other MV she took down I mean even her Money MV has been privated for years cuz of Tits taking art and that had 14 million views so I’d figure that’d be higher priority to get back. The situations are admittedly not too similar though because there’s a big difference between art and some random stock footage you can find on Google in barely 5 minutes
>>2007881I mean good luck with that, Mars. Her old stuff with Tits has been reposted everywhere and is all over the internet now, it was already mentioned she was gonna sue/take down unreleased content which probably won’t do shit
>>1986295 and it’s already been mentioned here that artists trying to crack down on unreleased content is known to only spread it farther. I do legit feel bad for being critical of her with everything she went through and I don’t believe she’s a shit person like Tits is but this is just such a bad move on her end
>>2007838Tbh Like It Like A Kitten sounded ok, it’s a song I’d expect from Ayesha Erotica or Kim Petras or CupCakke or some other sex music artist and it doesn’t fit with the other two tracks that much. I do think a lot of the creep factor other anons got from it was because the version posted here was pitched/sped up so it had some weird lolicon vibe, the actual version isn’t that creepy and it’s decent overall but it was not worth dedicating an EP to its release imo
No. 2008050
>>2008028>I do think a lot of the creep factor other anons got from it was because the version posted here was pitched/sped up so it had some weird lolicon vibeI can’t speak for other anons but the reason in gave me pedopandering ddlg vibes were the lyrics. They’re very childish and she hints at kid themes, tbh I think if any other artist released a song like that anons would have no hesitation to call it for what it is. But because it’s Mars and she’s very well liked here people don’t want to criticize her at all. I really like Mars and I like all of her post tits music, I don’t look at her any different for making this song and I’m not writing her off or anything, I just think its a creepy song. These lyrics especially gave me the vibe I’m talking about.
>I put my pigtails in, lord knows you wanna sin>Pop goes the weasel>You, me, some hide and seek>Your conscience as it’s creeping inNot to mention the “lick it like a kitten.” And the parts about sinning and his conscience bothering him, why would 2 consensual adults engaging in sex be a sin or something to feel guilty about? It reminds me of Melanie Martinez old songs where she would hint at ddlg relationships, same with Lanas old music. This stuff on its own wouldn’t be that weird but with everything else in the song it just painted a creepy image in my head.
No. 2008054
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>>2008028>just pointing out “it’s fucking free to use stock footage”That's not how stock footage works. Paying to get the watermark removed doesn't mean you can do anything you want with it. However, it is possible to use stock footage in commercial projects. Poppy's team just doesn't know how. (I believe it's her team because Poppy can't do anything.)
No. 2008182
>>2008115Well I look at it as they’re
her team so she’s still responsible for their actions. Either way she will get that MV out even if it means they’ll have to delay and shoot the shots themselves. I’m not sure why Tits didn’t just repost Money w the gifs removed unless he was sloppy and didn’t keep original footage which isn’t outside the realm of possibilities. He’s a dumbass. Although tbf it’s been so long deets are fuzzy
No. 2008204
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Mars' response to fan criticism of her new song.
No. 2008301
>>2008204This is such a misdirection of peoples complaints, no one cares that it’s sexual and not sad. Are any of her new songs even sad? Maybe a little moody but no one is expecting her to be sad or “broken.” It seems like people just don’t like the song, she needs to be able to take criticism without playing the “poor me I’m a
victim of my fans and everyone wants me to be sad” card if she’s going to get anywhere with her music. Any kind of response would be better than this, she could simply say she likes it and that’s what matters and even that would have more validity than this.
No. 2008560
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From tumblr. Her new song leaked twice?
No. 2008636
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This kid does not look like his father at all.
No. 2008640
>>2008599That is what is
sus about Mars Argo. Mars is incredibly dismissive and rude to her fans when they have been very patient. They can't wait on her forever.
No. 2008793
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>>2008781They were all messy cross pollinators. But let’s be real Corey and Poppy were the worse offenders bc Mars and him were atm together for nearly a decade. It’s p white trash shit tho, tits cheated on mars, mars dumps him and gatekeeps their work, tits punches her, tits uses poppy to continuously harass her, mars gets together w Moran, tits owes Moran money then mocks him for asking by bringing up his dead dad, Moran punches the daylights out of him… actually yknow I think it’s just tits. Checks out
No. 2008895
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Here's a little something from the biggest cow of the thread. Are you excited?
No. 2009502
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lyrics to titanic’s new song about poppy. bro focus on chelsea and baby #2 this is pathetic
No. 2009523
>>2008781Fame hungry LA migrants are the most soulless, evil people. Who gives a shit about Mars being petty as fuck, that Poppy bitch sucked and fucked an
abusive narc scrote just to skin walk his ex (IE, Mars).
No. 2009762
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who would even buy this shirt????
No. 2009978
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>>2009762$45 music tshirt logo
No. 2009983
>>2009762Am I crazy or does this look like Melanie Martinez’s 4 eyed pink creature from her portals album?
>>2009978This is so early but next thread header please
No. 2010090
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From poppy’s story. She looks like a different person Every time I see a new photo of her.
No. 2010132
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>>2010090It looks heavily filtered looking at her eyes cause that's definitely not what she looks like candid. Weird that her producer would post that.
No. 2010224
>>2009762Let's have a discussion on what are we even looking it with this t-shirt .. what kind of expression is this even supposed to portray thats worth selling? Aside from it being in bad taste.. why is her face and eyes like that..?
Don't want to get banned but it resembles one of being pleasured … super weird but just a thought since she's been hypersexualizing herself to such a level as if she encourages that type of attention lately.
No. 2010493
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Of course he follows this account. Lmao
No. 2010822
>>2010224>Don't want to get banned but it resembles one of being pleasured … This is LCF not Reddit. You new friends are adorable. Kek.
But seriously, the shirt is hideous.
No. 2013013
>>2012833The most bizarre thing is she had access to limitless money as well as industry connections and instead of actually putting the work in to build a career, she just chose to stew in jealousy and act like a
victim. Because Tit's was the one to get her to make videos with him which is what led her to being known, I honestly think she just expects everything to be handed to her like a spoiled child, and the lawsuit was just a tantrum at people becoming successful for actually doing something. I remember she even said Poppy was copying her "unique mannerisms" while performing because her wrists were pointing inwards in a photo? I guess she was too busy watching Poppy shows to focus on her own music kek.
No. 2014551
>>2013013Being a mainstream artist is not every musician's goal.
>>2013400Mars sued Poppy for stalking her.
No. 2014668
>>2014551>Being a mainstream artist is not every musician's goal.Then just fade in obscurity and don't go to TMZ trying to get attention?
>Mars sued Poppy for stalking her.She tried to sue Tit's and Poppy for copyright and "distress", not Poppy stalking her. If anything, Mars tracking down Poppy's ex and meeting up with him to taunt her was closer to stalking.
No. 2015592
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>>1995048Looks like Tits has been spreading her nudes. Grooming panda confirmed
No. 2015813
>>2013400Poppy and Tits were a pickme and an
abusive stalker. They deserved the lawsuit, and Poppy's career is the opposite of "bigger" for it.
No. 2015857
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This twitter account is claiming Poppy is a stalker and abuser and let her cats get abused? Do you guys think it’s real?
No. 2016074
>>2015857poppy stalking and wiretapping people? idk it sounds like some schizophrenic weirdo stan like that boycottgrimes lady who thought grimes and elon were hacking her youtuhe all the time.
but its true that poppy is absolutely psycho and very tightly controlling of her image, and goes far spreading lies about others. this is just word of mouth but fwiw, here is some old tea about the 2020 drama:
i know for a fact the 4chan leaked pics of poppy were posted by her. the AITA post titanic allegedly wrote was written by this little clique of teenage stans (and one pedo adult dude) who poppy asked to spread this shit around for her.
4chan - tits was evil enough to leak mars' nudes, but the worst he had on poppy was just normal kinda flattering pics of her without makeup on, and the unreleased fully mastered/produced pokemon cover. then she could make those discord posts/ig stories about him harassing her and leaking private material. it's so convenient that "titanic harassing poppy" turned out to not hurt her at all, but was great promo for her makeup tutorial era when she said she was learning to love her bare face in spite of her
abusive ex kek. and she released the pokemon cover wow so empowering
AITA post from 2020 that was allegedly made by tianic - fake as shit, was written in a collaborative google doc by some of the team running poppynews, a big update account at the time. immediately after the post went up on reddit, the poppynews team tweeted the reddit screenshots with the caption "titanic sinclair has taken to reddit to out himself as an abuser" or some shit. so it got spread around the fandom a ton and everybody believed tits wrote it.
i can confirm poppy communicated with the people involved with this account frequently on approving the contents the of posts, including that post. sadly i was involved in this shit when i was 16. the poppynews team wrote the AITA post in a doc & poppy approved of what it said, including its details about her age. its just entirely a lie that titty met poppy at 17, she was like 19/20, someone threw that in to make him look even worse. poppy approved also of poppynews posting the reddit screenshots with the caption saying titanic made the post. she found the post's crap funny enough that she made a tweet joking about the posts detail abt "tits" claiming he cant afford a lawyer and was like "lol he has nothing so it'd be like i'm suing a pebble." it was all just teenagers making ridiculous stuff up for qween poppy though kek
the poppynews account doesnt exist anymore bc it was run by a 25 year old pedophile furry groomer, and like 4 high schoolers who were doing all the work. pedo moid fag nuked the account bc he was grooming the "poppynews team" for like a year, and he tried to get nudes from all of us and tried to get us to send them to each other. some of us filed a police report and the police came to the creeps house and told him to get the fuck off social media lmao, so he locked everybody out + deleted the account. poppy is totally aware there are a TON of pedos in her fandom, and she sees how they buddy up to the young fans and she does not give a fuck about it or see it as an issue.
this isnt a defense of titanic and hes a fucking creep too. i remember at the time tits and his brother alex were being really aggressive and rude to a LOT of high schoolers on poppy twitter, even saw alex dmed my friend to cuss him out. the poppynews line of thinking was like "oh well hes a shit person so lets do vigilante justice and help him get his karma faster by adding to the stuff on him!" of course complicating the narrative with untrue stuff is dumb and i regret it now im not 16 anymore; this dude's real actions should speak for themselves, and they will be enough to prove it if hes a shitbag. psychotic asf for poppy to be onboard with the fan crusade though, if she had real evidence she wouldnt have this fake stuff be posted.
i feel like if anyone else was on poppytwt 4 years ago you'll know exactly who i'm talking about. i wish i had proof of this shit but i dont have that phone anymore kek
(sage when you lack the means to prove it) No. 2016091
>>2016074Poppy wouldn't be stupid enough to rely on her autistic twitter stans to lie for her when that could obviously be proven easily and end her career.
> i wish i had proof of this shit but i dont have that phoneWhat, so she was texting you? Why would a change in phone remove evidence of communication with her when apparently this happened on twitter?
No. 2016177
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>>2016074I know exactly who you are talking about lmao I was also on poppytwt for 4 years and always thought he was so annoying and weird. I wasn’t in that group but I thought that Reddit AITA was fake because the timeline just didn’t make sense.
Also I want to add something, unfortunately I only have like two screenshots as proof but in 2021, Poppy made a secret fan account for herself on twitter (@poppystan_). And fans quickly noticed that it was her because it was obvious and they started trying to get noticed by her. I knew her fandom very well, most poppy fans usually wouldn’t care about such a small, new and anonymous account and wouldn’t even follow them back, but they were trying so hard to interact with this one, replying to every tweet she posted, adding her to group chats etc.
She even liked and replied to some of my tweets lol. And she liked a lot of hate tweets about Mars, Chelsea and Titanic.
She also tweeted about how much she hated the AIAG era.
When people started realizing the account was hers, she immediately deactivated.
No. 2016227
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>>2016177found more tweets on the wayback machine. it definitely sounds like moriah with the bitchy snarky replies to poppy stans and shading mad decent.
No. 2026211
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The girl Titanic cheated on Mars with is an extreme republican who makes political content now. Lmao
No. 2026352
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Thanks for confirming Guppy was true
No. 2033804
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tits made more whiny obsessive diss tracks saying mars and poppy abused him and no one believes men… but he doesnt give a fuck if you unfollow him!!!
deranged behavior kek imagine spending more time seething over getting "unjustly cancelled" years ago than time with your fucking wife and child
No. 2033827
>>2033804He has the Onision disorder KEK
>TRADED HOLLYWOOD FOR A FAMILYKek yeah retard because you had no choice because Mars got you hashtag canceled. God what a faggot.
No. 2033907
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Poppy’s new album/track list got leaked. Looks like all the Zig/Zag stuff was all for nothing
>>2033804Doesn’t really shock me, he was defending Johnny Depp back when that whole thing was going on too, I don’t see what the point of these songs is other than to just fuel his echo chamber I mean you see fan accounts of Poppy and Mars all the time but there’s literally none for Tits
No. 2033957
>>2033804>When a man is abused no one believes the accusedHe's gotta be high, how in the hell does he think Poppy/Mars abused him? Didn't he regularly threaten suicide to manipulate Poppy during their relationship, I think I remember her posting about that a few years ago but don't have the caps, unfortunately. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
>I hope my boys won't feel this painSweet, he just confirmed our collective premonition that he's gonna raise little mini-Tits mysogynists
He and Onision should start a spurned narc boys' club, kek, they really are so similar. Also, it's evident even to someone who doesn't know any lore that he's a narc, the crazy danger man vibes project hard from every single video he's ever posted
No. 2034174
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I’m so surprised their children actually have normal names. I was expecting something like X Æ A-12 from Tit when Chelsea first got pregnant
No. 2035815
>>2035423She's lucky that she has so much of psychotic ultrafans, otherwise she'd end up like Tits. Literally nobody else remembers her. She gets these occasional shitty "best metal album" awards and maybe kerrang article once a year, but who really listens to her? Her fans must be equivalents of if not straight up Swiftie stans.
This feels so uninspired. I don't think she even gets any fun artistically from all this, it almost seems like she shits out these new albums out of spite. Just unlike whatever cryboi whines Tits periodically spits out.
No. 2038086
>>2036248>Chelsea once told Poppy fans Poppy called Charli xcx fat and thought Kim Petras was a man. Both those things are true, nobody is getting cancelled for that shit
>said Poppy wished Mars would kill herselfThis one is bad, but third party quotes aren't evidence
No. 2039262
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No. 2040626
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Screenshots from the teaser for her new webshow, "I'm Probably Poppy".
Attempting to go back to the "cute little girl" schtick, yikes. She's trying so hard to infantilize herself but it just looks creepy because she looks like a 30 year old women (as she should).
No. 2044408
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Poppy mentioned Grimes in a teaser for her new Veeps show (I can’t upload the clip cuz it keeps crashing when I try). Basically she was acting as a fortune teller and told some guy “Grimes is gonna ask you to be a surrogate for her child, say yes but don’t go to the meeting. If she starts singing one of her major label songs to you it’s too late.” Here’s Claire’s response
No. 2044412
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No. 2044425
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this guy is like titanics best friend
No. 2044531
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Azealia Banks is weighing in now too
No. 2044975
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Poppy’s response….
No. 2045272
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>>2044975>>2045246That accounts probably not her, they also said this and I’m pretty sure in one of Poppy’s fan servers someone said it wasn’t actually her
No. 2050972
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>>2044408Here's the clip. Everyone should know by now that Poppy doesn't write any of her material. Good thing Grimes advertised Poppy's new show for free.
No. 2050983
>>2041065I hope this is about Titanic.
>>2041099She purged her Instagram. The oldest post is now this
>>>/snow/1790456 picture. Starting a new era?
No. 2060408
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mars on tumblr!!!
No. 2062179
>>2060408What's with her perpetual
victim thing? She stole her own years, she's spent a decade doing nothing. Poppy became successful because they were actually releasing stuff. If Mars put the effort in she would have had her own career but instead a decade later she's bitter that she didn't become successful from doing…jack-shit?
No. 2066083
Small thing but still kinda funny is that Poppy and Knocked Loose performed Suffocate live on Jimmy Kimmel and now there’s a bunch of backlash and people demanding apologies for it, Penguinz0 did a vid about it.
>>2060408>>2062179Really that’s all there is to it. The only one who “stole years of her life” was Tits, even if we assume the stuff about Poppy telling her to kill herself was true that didn’t steal years of her life. The lawsuit? Mars started that and chose to include Poppy anyways when she very easily could’ve just gone for Tits and probably would’ve had a stronger case if she did. I do still feel bad for Mars but Poppy didn’t steal years of her life, she was a petty mean girl to her at the worst
No. 2066110
>>2066083Eh, Poppy was sucking Tits off during the entire thing, while he was smashing wine glasses in Mars's home. She only changed her tune when GASP Tits was
abusive to
her! Poppy's a fucking soulless fame-hungry, attention-seeking LA migrant cunt. Fuck Tits and Poppy, literal z-list.
No. 2066299
>>2066110All of them are fame-hungry attention whores, including Mars. We've all dealt with a
toxic scrote, every girl, but who tf spends over 10 years whining about it and refuses to move on, remaining jobless? A spoiled brat salty she never got the fame she felt she deserved. She didn't complain about Tits until Poppy started getting attention: that was the real reason for her "distress", she has a narc wound from it and can't move on.
No. 2068302
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New lyrics. Questionable quality as usual despite the amount of time she takes to write. She was teasing Lick It Like A Kitten lyrics for 2 years before she released it. So new song coming in 2026 ig?