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No. 961466
Last Thread: >>>/snow/581474Thread Summary>After much back-and-forth and vaguing (and some false counter-accusations launched by Poppy involving Josh Moran), the lawsuit is settled - Mars keeps the right to all music and videos she made with Titanic, Titanic has to delete any and all nudes of Mars, and they are not to speak of or interact with one another (online or offline) outside of court>Titanic reportedly attempts suicide while Poppy is on tour, he messages fans about it>Poppy and Titanic break up, Poppy makes her new relationship with Ghostemane public>Poppy posts a statement on Twitter essentially calling Titanic abusive and attention-seeking, disavowing him and accepting no responsibility for her role in attacking Mars>Poppy fires her entire band and puts out a song indirectly attacking Mars>Titanic's brother, Alex, pops up to defend his brother on Reddit, then on YouTube via Edwin's Generation. He can't seem keep Mars out of his mouth despite Poppy being the main subject, makes several claims about both women without much proof, claims Mars "traumatized" him, then moves to defend Titanic some more on Twitter>Maggie Levin makes a film about the Mars/Titanic/Poppy situation, titled Into The Dark: My Valentine>Mars Argo friends and fans react negatively, Mars unfollows her (former) friend who starred in the film>Titanic gets with a new girl, Chelsea, aka @nobodysdreamgirl on IG>Poppy stans trick Chelsea into openly shit-talking Poppy in a group chat with them, leak screencaps and also that she made a Twitter account to argue with them>Titanic spergs in his own IG comments, responding to negative comments with long rants, insults interspersed with "love and light" New updates>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes>starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims”>Mars teases new music, posts lyrics on her blog>Poppy fans that paid money for the “church” site have basically been scammed out of $14kEssential Information:Titanic Sinclair is the stage name for Corey Mixter. Poppy is Moriah Pereira. Mars Argo is Brittany Sheets.
Titanic and Mars dated from 2008 to 2014. They created GroceryBagDotTv together, and then transitioned to making their own music. They only released one album, Technology is a Dead Bird in 2009. They then began Linden Place, which was canceled after their lead single was released. Most of their videos were deleted but can be found with a simple search as fans reupload them.
After their breakup, Titanic began seeing Poppy. Subsequently, Poppy’s looks completely changed from alternative, semi-Punk brunette to “kawaii, barbie, child” bottle-blonde. This look was strikingly similar to Mars'. Recently they achieved moderate fame for her strange youtube videos and Japanese-inspired pop music. The Poppy videos were directly inspired, and sometimes complete copies, from GroceryBagDotTv videos (such as “Delete Your Facebook”).
Poppy has intense, mostly unhinged fans who call themselves “Poppyseeds.”
Titanic and Poppy have recently split up, both personally and creatively. Poppy is now reportedly dating Ghostemane, and Titanic is dating Chelsea (@nobodysdreamgirl) on IG.
SocialsTitanic LinksTweets Conversations PeopleJosh Moran: Poppy’s alleged ex, during the lawsuit Poppy tweeted a video of him smashing Titanic to the ground with ease
Debby Ryan: Disney actress who was friends with Poppy, and then Titanic
Alex Mixter: Titanic's brother, has publicly spoken out against Mars and Poppy
Max Landis: Friend of Mars, tweeted in defence of her in 2016
Tony Katai: Film maker who released the “Everybody Wants it All” (3:36) video of Mars with a gun, took Titanic’s side
Chelsea Wise: Titanic's new girlfriend, they've been all over each other's IGs
Ghostemane: Poppy's new boyfriend, a rapper who's friends with other
abusive rappers (see: some of the names in the soundclout thread)
Other Links uploaded by TMZ: lawsuit settlement document: No. 961468
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Poppy in her fan's Discord server, talking about the situation with Grimes with the song "Play Destroy".
>she never touched a computer, guitar or synth the whole session
I can't help but notice that both she and Titanic like to accuse women they dislike of not knowing how to make music.
No. 961472
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>>961468These are all taken from Twitter, to be clear. The caps are reportedly from the "We Are Poppy" server.
Her referencing Elon Musk.
No. 961474
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>>961473Her venting about Titanic, under the name "germ".
No. 961478
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>>961477These might be out of order, sorry if they are.
No. 961480
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>>961479And here she reveals Titanic pulled a suicide attempt in the past (jumping off a bridge) to get Brittany's attention.
No. 961490
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>>961485Last one. The "Leave me alone" was said right after one of her fans typed out a long message saying they support and want the best for her.
No. 961495
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Mars Argo's new lyrics.
She also confirms they're lyrics here:>have you been posting new lyrics or just random poems??? they’re amazing nonetheless
>lyrics No. 961502
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There might be a class action lawsuit against Poppy over people's money not being refunded with the closure of the "church". No. 961504
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>>961502This guy paid a shitload of money ($1000) on the church site to have Poppy make a custom video "for the greater good". He's still struggling to get his refund. No. 961505
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>>961504My mistake, it was over $1000. Literally begging them.
No. 961509
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>>961506He even sent an apologetic "Please respond" message after being brushed off by her management.
He still doesn't place any blame on Poppy for this, by the way.
No. 961510
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>>961509He got ghosted again, and then was hit with a cease and desist letter. got the $14k figure from the Edwin Generation's video detailing this (, but I can't find a secondary source for it.
No. 961516
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In other news, Chelsea got a tattoo of Corey's name. She's only two months into dating him and she's already making regret-worthy decisions.
No. 961522
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Poppy fans are fucking insane.
No. 961526
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>>961522Same guy was also a regular on the church. A pedophile who faked his own death.
Apparently, there were a lot of pedos on that site (and within Poppy's fandom in general). Not the least bit surprising.
No. 961531
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>>961468Extra, Poppy claiming to have PTSD.
No. 961843
>>961531Looks like she meant to say it's
triggering which is believable but she seems p dumb
No. 962946
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There’s also been allegations that Titanic cheated poppy, theres a comment posted from him into his new girlfriends page the same day poppy unfollowed him.
No. 963252
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She tries too hard to be edgy nowadays
No. 963715
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Yes, I suppose she had to find someone else to copy now that she can’t copy Mars. Speaking of skin walking, Chelsea has known at the least Mars since 2015, there’s an old comment of hers that someone on reddit found on Mars Instagram. She apparently unliked and unfollowed her stuff when Poppy fans noticed. More than a little weird.
No. 963728
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>>963252She can only do things every girl on Tumblr did at least 4 years ago, and she never even does them well. It's sad.
This one is almost like she tried to blend early Creepyyeha lingerie/aesthetics with pic related.
No. 963798
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>>963708There was that one weekend Poppy and Nicole Dollanganger spent over at Grimes' new house and they tweeted about food, as if anyone was eating besides Claire's tagalong brother Mac.
No. 963891
>>963798I personally think she should have stuck to her plant based diet, having a organized diet even if its restricted is better for her eating disorder than eating any random thing.
Disclaimer I'm not a doctor and I understand sometimes the restriction worsens it
No. 964626
I wanna see more of Brittany's music and I like her Mars Argo style (don't wanna call it a persona because it seems natural to her) but it's sad how the name is now associated with and maybe even defined by her relationship with Titanic. I wonder if she'll carry on under that name or rebrand herself. Best case scenario is that it isn't a painful reminder to her and she'll make music so good that the lawsuit and the abuse doesn't matter to the wider public.
>>964581so basically "sorry you're offended but here's all the reasons I'm right"
fuckin lol at calling himself a man after doing nothing to prove he's a changed person and singing in his whiny bitch voice.
>>964606>He claims he’s changed but he’s doing all the same things he did when he split with Mars. Except these songs are more self pitying than the horrible stuff he wrote about mars.I think he's cunning enough to be doing that deliberately because he knows Poppy is too big with enough white knights to attack her 'safely'.
No. 965610
>>965255not just men, women too!
when poppy met:
sam pepper - i'm a youtuber! look at me vlogging from my bath!! i'm so relatable with my taped up boots!
megan ryan - cutesy disney channel, twee pop
titantic- reiteration of mars argo project
Diplo- electro pop dance music
Marylin Manson- boom, now she's nu-metal and SUPER edgy
Ghostemane- dark hair, lingerie, guns and acting sexy, something shes NEVER DONE before
if you've see her youtube videos from when she first moved to LA (before the 'poppy eats cotton candy' video), you can tell she's a shy and honestly quite boring person. i think the only way she can be interesting is by playing a made up character and poaching styles and ideas from her close associates. its sad. she makes her art by stealing from other people. she's basically the richard prince of the music industry
No. 966565
>>966499When he used to shoehorn himself into every project, you could tell he really wanted to be the one at center stage.
Chelsea has to learn to edit around his crippling lack of charisma since there's no helping that voice.
No. 969930
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Titty has leaked some photos of Poppy and a Pokemon theme song demo. She's now released the song on her channel. She also popped into her fan dicsord to say 'love you guys'
Pokemon cover: No. 969935
File: 1588792491557.webm (5.65 MB, 1920x1080, claire-b85N7UvdAHQ.webm)
>>969931Mirrored for when it's inevitably reported. Also holy shit that was some of the worst "acting" I've ever seen, on par with Kiki's horror movie.
No. 969937
>>969931This is the shit teenagers are into these days? What? That's major cringe.
Also lol at people thinking poppy didn't already have an eating disorder. I posted about her very obvious chipmunk cheeks in the previous thread. Maybe now shes gone full ana though.
I also have a very hard time pitying poppy, she doesn't take responsibility for any harm she did, if she even acknowledges it at all.
No. 969948
>>969935dat editing
are the continuity errors supposed to be deliberate? ~ironically~ sloppy?
No. 970014
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No. 970015
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I think she looks fine, there's nothing really ''exposing'' about this. I can see how she's upset though, having someone post bad photos of you publicly is most people nightmare.(namefag)
No. 970037
>>970014where are these photos from?
anyway anyone who thinks this looks "bad" has never seen a woman without makeup before. i hate her music but come on…
No. 970069
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Poppy's comments on Tits leaking things.
By "very personal demos", I think he's referring to him leaking her cover of the Pokemon theme song, but that seems pretty irrelevant.
No. 970070
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>>970069From her Twitter, but she deleted it.
No. 970074
>>970069Also, this is where the leaks came from: sure likes running to 4chan to post about his exes. He did something similar about Mars, too: admits in the second thread that he would've leaked her nudes and other content if she hadn't deleted them all, so I guess this is normal behavior for him.
No. 970100
>>970046hell, with makeup he looks like a 45 year old rodent
those good Mixter genes
No. 970890
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Chelsea went blonde, because of course she did.
No. 970924
>>970014geez she looks like a normal tired girl/woman. Her skin is actually really nice without make-up.
Titanic probably doesn't realize that leaking these photo's because "Look how ugly she looks without make-up, she shouldn't be seen without it" is basically telling all of his female followers that they're ugly without make-up aswell. Because this is how a normal woman looks without make-up.
No. 970932
File: 1588958783087.webm (1.09 MB, Poppy - Pokemon Theme Song (Sh…)

>>970894I'm down for this. Tits is obviously the worst, but Poppy has been a major asshole too. Reap what you sow
>>970925I saved the one I found
No. 970959
>>970932but this is on her channel
or did she upload it after it was leaked?
No. 971025
>>970932Yeah, it's hard for me to feel bad for her given that she was his doll to bully Mars through for years. Tits is still definitely the worst and I do hope it eats him up inside seeing Poppy take everything he's worked for and go on without him, in the end he deserves the worst of it.
It is funny to see how much she's bruised his ego. Resorting to leaking pics of her without makeup or with her natural roots slightly grown out? kek. It seems so desperate and pathetic. I hope Chelsea enjoys being Mars ver 3.0
No. 971261
>>970890I wonder what he had to tell her to made her go along with it? Three times in a row isn't a coincidence, surely she must know she's just bleach blonde clone #3. Maybe he promised her fame.
Just wait and watch and they'll start uploading video's and music
No. 972518
>>972402I mean, they've been dating for months so thats not it. Maybe he likes blonde girls, plenty of girls dye their hair to suit their partner's preferences. But, it is odd that she chose to bleach it RIGHT around the time Corey sperged on 4chan.
could be she bleached it bc she just wanted to and
triggered him to go and be a cunt on 4chan
No. 972805
>>972774Were those posts deleted then?
I get Poppy didn't want those things leaked but the content itself is literally just boring content. You don't ruin her current 'hardcore' image by leaking more of the same old content she did previously.
But you're probably right on the it's a message to her thing.
No. 973301
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>>973180> Nothing about That Poppy was cheap looking.I’m a Poppy stan, but let’s not act like she didn’t have tragic wigs for a good while.
No. 973369
>>973301yea but LOOK at that outfit. it's clearly some designer shit
if titanic is broke its because he's shit with managing his money, like he always has been
No. 973444
>>973374it worked out with poppy he just screwed it up for himself
I won't be surprised if we're going to see new performance art video's and/or music from him and beach blonde baby 3 soon.
No. 973839
>>973369>it's clearly some designer shitThe negligee looks like something you'd find on Ebay or Etsy for a modest price by searching "70s peignoir negligee retro, and the dress or top underneath looks like something you can buy from an elderly/plus size clothing store for $15.
It's even more tragic if that is actually expensive and designer. She looks like she's cosplaying as a rotten salad, the two of them have no taste whatsoever.
No. 974252
>>972904If he contributed half as much to the musical content as he claims he did he should be getting
something in royalties as a songwriter. But either way he's going to have to move on from the Poppy project and figure out something else for himself, he can't hang off of his current girlfriends creative endeavors for eternity.
No. 974322
>>970069this is hilarious. i know ymmv but i've heard a lot of men say they prefer women without makeup so of course tits is the opposite. who tf dates someone they don't find attractive anyway? i'm sure for him it was all about finding someone he could mold into his mars sequel but it sure does say a lot about him. i don't feel bad for moriah because she contributed to a lot of the bullying of mars and even tried to cast doubt on her story. but she's obviously been abused too and it's almost sad.
>>974001it's possible the designer pieces were either found in a consignment shop or borrowed from the designer. i wouldn't be surprised if tits had connections to weasel some of those pieces for their project especially once poppy started gaining momentum. they had collabs with popular brands so that probably helped quite a bit too. or they did one of those rent the runway/the real real type deals.
>>974252you'd be surprised. narcs never let shit go. he will hang onto this forever. he won't receive profit from it but he's going to continue to claim it as his own and give himself asspats for it. he'll find some way to benefit financially since he has supporters for some reason. it won't be quite the poppy money he had but he'll find a way to survive because he's like a damn cockroach.
No. 979114
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>>978965She would be so much better looking without those almost pnp tier plastic lips. I'll never understand why cows think this looks good.
No. 979192
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>>979114This is her old profile. She has a pretty small head and over the years she has been getting her lips bigger and bigger, it looks so out of proportion.
No. 981970
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Poppy made a statement on reddit.
No. 982043
>>981970I mean, what does she expect with the sort of content she makes?
If she's so mad about people making theories, she should set the record straight, or get out of the limelight so no one will speculate on her.
Video from Tits on police brutality. Remember, this is the guy she worked with for years.
No. 982624
>>982599Lol Poppy’s family is of Brazilian descent (her actual name is Moriah Pereira) her being a trump supporter wouldnt even make sense, unless she wants to get her relatives deported.
Tits and his brother are bad even at coming up with rumors to trash her.
No. 982692
>>982624this is the most wild accusation ever. if all non-whites voted for hillary then trumb wouldn't have won, but there was a substantial amount of POC who did vote for him. with her lack of action and fear/hesitation to set record straight is just proof of what everyone is implying. if what
>>982681 says is true then that's proof she still believes in what she voted for to this day.
No. 982701
>>982681there are multiple people named moriah pereira in ca, & some websites apparently say she's not registered with a party, so idk. wouldn't be surprised if she actually is a republican, tho.
>>982624this doesn't make any sense lol. plenty of poc support trump.
No. 983299
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moriah's not a republican. in the description of her latest youtube video she says she hates the president, and there are photos of her at blm protests. it's obvious alex just made it up.
No. 983559
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Poppy is a beauty guru now. She doesn't apply the makeup herself, it's done by an MUA named Jem. I guess at least the videos aren't 28 minutes long?
No. 983642
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>>983559All I did was remove her edges but DAMN
No. 983646
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>>983642Some new inspo for her. At least it'd be unique.
No. 983670
>>983559Mfw you're a white girl who creates imaginary baby hair in order to paste 'em down and cover your traction alopecia
She should make a "Why I quit wearing wigs" tell-all.
No. 983709
Poppy released a cover of "all the things she said" by T.A.T.U and it's sad seeing all the people in her comments thinking it's her song.
>>983670She should have never worn blonde lace front wigs if this is how it woulda turned out.
No. 984062
weren't the tatu girls fake-gay for publicity? that's her tribute? I don't give a crap either way but it's kind of ironic
>>983749I think zoomers can be forgiven for not knowing just another shitty popsong that was released when/before they were born
>>984011I'm pretty sure they're just for aeshetics purposes like you said. I think it's just to keep her youtube channel going with more than just music like when she was working with Titanic.
No. 984083
>>984062It’s funny how her new videos are everything she was making fun of before with Titanic, he’s probably spinning somewhere livid that she’s sabotaged their old brand so much. Her new stuff still isn’t that genuine.
>>983299Not sure why everyone cares so much what her political affiliation is, she’s still the same person either way- whether you think she’s a good person or not.
>>983642Those wigs really done her dirty, her hairlines gone the way of jojo siwa.
No. 984489
>>984448Yes her narrative is pretty funny proclaiming to be directly involved with the creative direction yet somehow not responsible or exonerated from torturing Mars. Now that Titanic is gone she has released x2 cover songs like before she met him and basic make up tutorials instead of shallow commentary videos.
Mars has been posting some good lyrics to her tumblr. She had a tumblr for her guppy group ages ago that hinted she was going to do that sort of baby metal style.
No. 984642
>>984522Alex comes on these interviews with zero evidence, shit talks MA for drinking alcohol with her friends (lol wtf?) and drama channels lap it up. Like that Edwin tosser who has been licking around the Mixters and giving softball interviews with no real evidence in hopes of (I’m guessing) scoring an interview with Corey to boost his YouTube career. Doesn’t matter if he helps perpetuate more lies as long as he gets a scoop. I reckon that’s why he’s going hard on Poppy at the moment since he knows he’s never getting one from her. If she showed interest his tune would soon change.
>>984616Yes, he was happy enough mooching off them until he was cut off then suddenly he has an issue with her being a ‘trust fund baby.’ He’s a scumbag, but very talented at the poor me act.
No. 984683
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alex apparently told poppy stans that she had an abortion during the bb era??
No. 988831
>>983299Please, Moriah is obviously only doing this to stay relevant. People are getting canceled for not saying anything about BLM, it's her "duty" as an influencer.
Even if it is genuine there are plenty of centrist Republican types who are protesting. Most right-wingers are post-Trump anyway (see Ann Coulter, she's been telling people to vote Democrat for a while now because she wants the Republican Party destroyed).
There is absolutely no stigma against leftism in her industry, don't you think she would have spoken up about her views sooner. She is a Brazilian-American from MA, she definitely grew up Republican and I doubt she would deviate that far, no one really does.
Given what we know (I’m not even considering Alex's shit-stirring), she's possibly a slightly homophobic, apathetic conservative with a strong belief in hierarchy. I could care less about her political views but the image she projects is totally disingenuous and she always just conforms to whatever benefits her at the moment.
No. 989238
>>988831>I doubt she would deviate that far, no one really does.not trying to self-post but changing parties can happen over time. i was raised as a republican in a republican area and registered as so, later moved to a liberal haven, changed my views and have yet to change my registered party affiliation. i am definitely not the only one who has. she probably won't speak on it because even saying you changed political parties will incite pitchforks that you were ever a republican to begin with.
and i can see why she's a republican because lots of immigrants (including brazilians) hate anything remotely left-wing and think well of capitalism with democracy (aside from america's many, many faults).
No. 989239
>>989238*why her family would be republican, i mean.
republicans are not protesting for BLM, believe me.
No. 989383
(Sorry for the essay-length)
>>989238I mean statistically. It's incredibly rare to switch, even over the course of decades. Your case is pretty exceptional and just one example. I could give you anecdotes of conservatives who have moved to liberal areas and became MORE conservative because they are constantly confronted with the other side and have to develop stronger justifications, but that also doesn't say anything about Poppy. I am not claiming with certainty that she is right-wing, but Poppy has always seemed like a very headstrong person and not open about her views, which is rare in Hollywood.
I also have no evidence of her family being Republicans, I think I read it in the old thread and it was believable since there are a lot of Latinos (especially "white-presenting"), such as, Cubans, Brazilians and other South Americans, that tend to be right-leaning/small government due to their unique socio-political backgrounds.
>>989251You are absolutely right her actions should speak louder to how shitty she is as a person rather than her speculative political beliefs, but I still think it gives us insight into her.
If Poppy is an egotist or a narcissist, why would she ever be open to change (other than for public image). Just because your political affiliation changed doesn't mean your core values changed. Not to turn this into a politics discussion, but I wouldn't call anyone an idiot for voting Trump, at the time he presented himself completely differently. He's held up to zero of his promises, actually he did a 180 on most issues but his dumb rhetoric and optics would make you think otherwise. Basically, conservative-Trump unity is a thing of the past unless you are talking to Q-Anon boomers.
No. 991776
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Poppy's soundcloud, promoting Mars?
No. 991786
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>>991776Beat me to it, she might be hacked cause she also commented ‘my inspiration’ which I can’t see being from her. Great if it is, really funny if it isn’t.
No. 991808
File: 1592861096901.jpeg (218.4 KB, 1125x1895, 1E866323-481C-42AD-9AD6-0BEF2E…)

Definitely hacked
No. 993996
>>993934Lmao, this is what he'd have Brittany singing if she was still in his life. It's so palpable.
>Put a gun to my head>Because I like it rough>Everyone’s a little crazy when they fall in loveHe really tried to recreate "Using You" and its theme of self-destructive/crazy love. This is the kind of music that people can only fall in love with if a cute girl is singing it.
He knows that, but I guess he's given up. That, or he's waiting to establish new, fresh ground so when he has Chelsea sing his shit, no one will believe she's creating anything.
No. 994157
File: 1593048483715.jpeg (583.84 KB, 1125x1109, D3DB646C-EB36-4CA4-80F2-E24D98…)

I really wish he’d hurry up and fade into obscurity, photos where he’s smiling just come across as him trying to imitate what actual humans are like. The timings weird with Poppy’s soundcloud hack and his music release, I didn’t have it pegged as him but the timing is fucky.
No. 994914
File: 1593090499173.png (41.71 KB, 1203x44, Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 14.0…)

I was curious so I checked what his tags where for the new song in the pages source code and he drops poppys name in it to leach onto her in the algorithm. While hes trash talking her and leaking her private stuff. Just thought it was a funny thing to note.
No. 1004588
File: 1594270779394.png (2.61 MB, 1125x2436, 70D4F564-E80F-44B9-9A62-C9B806…)

No. 1005081
File: 1594381853907.jpeg (150.98 KB, 1125x655, B70B7F96-5400-4DA5-9371-D446E3…)

>>1004623Looks like your right
No. 1005266
>>1004625it's just a generic sparkly nailpolish
>>1004588>>1005081How long have they been together?
I saw that ring on stories before, and I didn't realize the tagged handle was GhosteMane. I thought it was merch or something, the ring looks kind of tacky.
No. 1005389
File: 1594431848016.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x2229, 519AC239-48C7-438C-A3D2-4493D3…)

Off topic but look at the summary for Poppy’s new comic ‘Poppy’s Inferno’, but heavy handed metaphors there about her Titanic and Mars situation.
No. 1010966
File: 1595401227209.jpg (15.55 KB, 644x134, byevegan.jpg)

Guess veganism is over.
No. 1016045
File: 1596367168919.jpeg (32.69 KB, 1024x190, 6BF4D6C5-17E9-4934-9C35-11086D…)

Seen this floating about the place, people are claiming it was Titanic. Not sure how much a believe that though? He has done it in the past though.
No. 1019886
File: 1596914311452.jpg (357.34 KB, 1864x3264, 75aeraxuktf51.jpg)

More 4chan screenshots from reddit. Notice the "me" slip up in the second last sentence.
Link to the thread: No. 1019909
>>1019886>Give her a guitar or keyboard and ask her to play any of "her" songs.Didn't he say the same thing about Mars? For someone who spergs so hard about his "creativity", he seems to have none. Really drives the point home that he has trouble seeing people as humans instead of weird little tools to stroke his ego, or feed him attention when he's playing the "broken depressed boy".
I don't like Poppy at all, but Corey's definitely the main shitheap in all this.
No. 1019984
>>1019909Agree, crazy ego for someone so ragey and attention starved
Likewise I think he’s got trouble grasping the concept of collaboration. A project with two or more people involved equals a community partnership. Poppy pulled her weight, shitty sense of morals notwithstanding. He’s having a hard time getting his solo work up on the radar for a reason. The stuff he’s been putting out would’ve received even less attention as is if it weren’t for his past COLLABS
No. 1019997
i still find it funny that people on twitter loooooove and adore poppy and think she can do no wrong despite the fact that all the writing in the wall is there that she too, is a shitty person.
not defending tits btw, hes worse for sure, but i think
>>1011078 was right in calling poppy a skinny dasha. she willingly dates these psychotic weird edgy men and uses them for notoreity. the weird off-beat republicanism, the fake veganism, constant style switching w no sense of identity (and btw the grimes skinwalking/larp after meeting her)
had she not had a court case that just automatically deemed tits the villain people would be so much more pressed on all of her passive aggressive and woman-hating bullshit
No. 1025414
File: 1597792948174.png (453.33 KB, 612x609, EdBDPS2U4AABboI.png)

I'd say so.
He an abuser and pedo?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1025506
>>1025461, possibly…
Found a weird pinterest with pins of Mars, lots of glam rock stuff, and in particular, an openly gay rock artist named "Jobriath".
For such a young teen supposedly anti-lgtb activist, a little weird choice of things to be a fan of.
No. 1025673
File: 1597841615225.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.44 KB, 720x1000, 20200819_145236.jpg)

>>1025461That basic bitch type of a kid seems like nothing but a pickme shuwu troll to me. Her account is filled with badcalling women, saying that white privilege doesnt exist and etc. Screenshot related is her unnecessarily calling a obese in underwear woman a whale. Like what was the point in that?
If you scroll cringe panda on twitter by yourself you will see nothing but her trying to be "not like the other gurlz rawr" pickme and her talking shit about any random woman.
No. 1025696
>>1025655She's alt right pedo bait. It's obvious her parents are writing her scripts, she struggles to pronounce words and reads off cue cards. It's cringe as fuck but also super depressing.
Her obsession with titanic/mars doesn't fit her image. Maybe it's a rebellion against her parents
No. 1028735
File: 1598395694353.jpeg (198.35 KB, 808x1107, EB0E046C-8DC3-4621-959E-DDA300…)

No. 1028736
File: 1598395789687.jpeg (219.69 KB, 808x1103, E834941E-EBCB-419E-8FB7-5C8921…)

This was posted to reddit, either titanic or another bored poppy fan pretending to be him.
No. 1028851
File: 1598404436496.jpg (75.4 KB, 506x733, 1.jpg)

More comments from the thread. If this is a troll, they're hilarious tbh.
No. 1028854
File: 1598404546381.jpg (38.74 KB, 828x504, 4.jpg)

No. 1028855
File: 1598404622185.jpg (175.78 KB, 828x1343, 2.jpg)

Also, OP deleted their account after they were getting backlash, which makes it seem more likely to be Titty imo.
No. 1028891
>>1028735>>1028736Whoever posted it, I'm sure they read that advice thread allegedly posted by Grimes and wanted to feel special, kek. They're so fucking late.
I'm glad he's getting blown the fuck out in the Reddit thread, though.
Also, who really gives a fuck if Poppy cheated? Even if you're the kind of person who cares, Corey is a cheater himself. His old text messages with Brittany about what he did leaked a long time ago.
No. 1029384
File: 1598492582346.jpg (193.24 KB, 1242x981, EgY4L3CXkAACQBT.jpg)

It's sad how much she wants to be Mars.
No. 1029400
>>1029384Holy shit yikes you’re not kidding.
When I scrolled by I thought it was an old photo of him and Mars but nope
No. 1029476
File: 1598522090078.jpeg (601.54 KB, 2048x2048, CF4B22BA-07C2-46BF-B0C6-DA1170…)

>>1029384Its super creepy.
No. 1029582
>>1029384It's sad how much
he wants
her to be Mars.
Tinfoil that he's promised this nobody a Poppy-esque "career" because of his "talent" and "money" and "connections"… If she just dresses and looks a certain way, which happens to be exactly like his last 2 girlfriends, success is right around the corner. The fact that she naturally looks like Mars and Poppy's puffy-lipped lovechild is probably why they're together. He's crazy.
No. 1029999
>>1029568Agreed and on its own no, but the fact he has already had a lawsuit against him for doing this exact thing to Mars in the past is what makes it more than a little suspicious.
>>1029582Yeah, I think he does, he comes across as being a little obsessed. Or maybe he is just doing this cause he knows it will get him attention again even if it’s bad attention, who knows.
No. 1030110
File: 1598637054970.jpg (409.79 KB, 1071x1866, 7645321.jpg)

She got long hair now. Imo this establishes it for me that she doesn't want to look like Mars. Their aesthetics are nothing alike.
>>1029582>he wants her to be Mars.this could still be right though.
I like the long wavy hair on her btw.
No. 1034673
File: 1599451869310.jpg (660.15 KB, 2444x2148, tits_gf_chart.jpg)

I made a chart of tits' girlfriends. hmm…
No. 1034716
>>1030110This looks little like a real person and more what an AI would generate after being fed the most popular instagram pictures.
All these bitches start to look exactly the same cause they get the same procedures, wear the same style of make-up, use the same filters and photoshop the same way. Like a blonde Kardashian.
No. 1034855
>>1029476omfg super creepy……….. not
this is a super normal pose everyone does… omfg she has a bed too and a black dress omfg stop sperging no milk pulltard
No. 1035583
File: 1599603354285.png (4.6 MB, 2436x1125, 55CB0C32-C280-43B4-9B2F-0BF647…)

her hair is so thin now :/(:/)
No. 1036496
>>10346731 problem with this chart: v2 chelsea was bleaching her hair before titanic
>>1034866they're posing with a fucking wineglass and I'm pretty sure that's a picture from before tits and blowup doll met. I'd get your point if they were posing with polkadot teddybears but they're posing with an item everyone has in their house, it's coincidence.
No. 1041418
>>1041396That's "cringe panda" who is obsessed with Tits and skinwalking Mars/Poppy. See
>>1025414 and the replies upthread. Tits isn't involved with her shitty fanvids.
No. 1041964
File: 1600582361059.jpg (108.91 KB, 1158x414, aboosecomic.jpg)

Poppy has a new comic coming out that is apparently inspired by her abuse from Tits. Link to full interview, milky parts are in cap. No. 1041979
File: 1600584615771.png (69.4 KB, 1632x244, 90u.png)

>>1041396Delusional boomers in the comments, kek
No. 1042218
File: 1600625864296.jpg (81.38 KB, 960x960, FB_download.jpg)

oh shit
look at this shades like really look at it
No. 1042257
>>1041396Imagine being a titanic sinclair fangirl.
Also it's weird how someone can be technically cute but come across ugly on video, she must have an ugly soul.
No. 1045255
File: 1601065579390.jpg (384.34 KB, 2048x1399, UZbLIY5N.jpg)

Tit was sperging out on Twitter in the middle of the night. It's all been deleted so I guess he came to his senses. He also replied to some Poppy stans with stuff along the lines of "we're all going to die and the world is ending", but I couldn't find screenshots of that.
No. 1045463
File: 1601092102573.jpg (483.16 KB, 1389x1690, moranmixterfight.jpg)

>>1045400I thought they were credible because the tone and writing style match the ones he posted (then deleted) for legal advice when Josh Moran punched him.
Thought that had been posted here, but couldn't find it in either thread so here's a cap. Saged for old milk.
No. 1045659
>>1045255>I should delete twitter. My whole identity on here was fake and my life was a lie. I went viral on youtube for what?Interesting, I wonder if that's why he hasn't resurfaced with a new project and a new bleach blonde clone.
>>1045290I'm pretty sure he's never been married but he's in a relationship with that Chelsea girl. Correct me if I'm wrong tho
No. 1053247
File: 1602022170225.png (436.24 KB, 754x459, evidence.png)

I'm pretty sure I'm also going to be called a "selfposter" for agreeing with the other post. But they're not alone, a lot of people do believe Titanic Sinclair is behind Cringe Panda and calling them selfposters isn't going to change that. Check it out on discord. Also this screenshot is from her latest video.
No. 1053262
File: 1602023819281.jpg (696.81 KB, 1399x822, evidenceb.jpg)

>>1053255It's his laptop.
No. 1053267
>>1053262Skin walkers buy shit to imitate their idols all the time. She could easily get the same laptop and stickers and put them in the same place. Tits's
victims are conventionally attractive, Cringe Panda is a dumpy loser, she's not at all marketable so there's no point in him trying to exploit her. She's even more of a nobody than he is.
No. 1053269
>>1053247Isn't she/you like 15?
Also it's not difficult to uhh buy two stickers because you're a pathetic Titanic stan. Not to flatter Titanic, but her/your content is way too shit for him to be involved in. He does have an eye for aesthetics at the least.
Also he already has a MarsPoppy v2 girlfriend, why would he be chasing this awkward teenager? Stop selfposting and move on.
No. 1053734
>>1053247>>1053262Nothing about having a generic macbook with a generic japan flag sticker and a titanic merch sticker proves that is his laptop.
>a lot of people do believe Titanic Sinclair is behind Cringe PandaGod how fucking dumb do you have to be to believe that TS is behind shitty videos recorded in the bedroom of a literal child who raided her local carnival store.
>>1053565>it’s clear the person behind it is an actual child. Regardless of how you feel about titanic it’s very clear he would have an aneurism trying to make something of this…. caliberHard agree
No. 1061512
>>1020101Sorry for such a late reply but I think there could be a chance that it’s really him. But only because I witnessed him selfposting on lolcow and /cgl/ (and possibly /x/?)to promote Poppy multiple times years ago before I even knew who either of them were.
I don’t doubt he would have done this on /mu/ too but who fucking knows why.
I wish I had caps but that laptop broke, if I’m remembering right he did throw shade at himself or poppy in the threads he made which just made me more confused.
No. 1061574
>>1061508I remember hearing he was engaged only a couple months after he got with his new girlfriend so I wouldn’t be shocked.
The new music video and song is a mess, that line about planting a seed then that crappy half cut off green screen edit of him naked/shirtless? Absolutely grim. He’ll never have a proper Poppy level singing career cause he’s so obviously not sorry for shit like singing trust fund, writing off his bullying as ‘it’s not me it was a character’ and being too self involved to see how he caused his own downfall. Even in his apology song he makes sure to add lines in to shirk the responsibility. And all his music and music videos so far just go to show he wasn’t as much of a mastermind over the poppy/mars stuff as he wishes he was.
No. 1071206
File: 1604092474481.png (532.5 KB, 813x590, 641086292951564288.png)

Chelsea is obviously referencing Poppy's Halloween costume from last year lmao
No. 1087863
File: 1605972158283.jpg (35.99 KB, 828x414, EnW14cxXMAca_aK.jpg)

Not again…
No. 1088188
>>1025673You can tell she's doing this to make herself feel pretty. She has to go after the most unattractive caste of women (obese chicks) in order to feel hot by comparison. Where the fuck is this girls parents??
>>1053262The sticker to laptop ratio isn't the same proportions
>>1071206Yikes wtf?? I have to wonder if Chelsea voluntarily copies Moriah or if Corey plants these ideas in her head i.e. "you'd look so cute as a pierrot clown, you should do that for halloween"
>>1087923not to whiteknight but these roots aren't that long. Her hair is so dark I'm sure it takes several bleach processes to lift it to platinum, so it would probably fry her scalp and the rest of her hair if she was doing it frequently enough to avoid this much root showing
No. 1090428
File: 1606239989796.jpeg (154.64 KB, 1242x379, 8B967E5B-1F7B-4F79-8DFE-761E8A…)

Someone check on Tits
No. 1090681
File: 1606253759190.png (56.25 KB, 750x1334, Ennk3GLXcAIyDB.png)

>>1090665The nomination is for "Best Metal Performance." Tits name wasn't even on the nomination.
No. 1103565
File: 1607507320431.webm (3.92 MB, 1280x720, 121307553_261296768556938_1802…)
>>1103416Ily anon for alerting us to this but you should have reuploaded it as webm since it needs to be seen to be believed and IDK how long the link will work…
jesus fucking christ tits, nobody is buying your cowboy transformation
No. 1103577
File: 1607508640893.gif (6.87 MB, 450x253, gifntext-gif.gif)

>>1103565samefag, I got inspired
even tho I suck at gifs No. 1110578
>>1104285‘quirky guys’ and artfag dudes are always pedos, because they’re basically just incels/trannies in a band.
reminds me of how the emo movement was full of ugly pedos in bands who targeted their teen fans
No. 1112280
File: 1608595098817.png (51.04 KB, 669x250, cringepanda.png)

>>1112184I don't really want to reward this idiot for selfposting her videos here that somehow manage to be even more uninspired and try-hard than Titanic's, but oh lord she's really trying all the avenues to get attention and when she wakes up from her edgy internet trip it won't be pretty for her
No. 1112320
>>1112184That comment pertaining to her abrasive voice in here must've gotten to her. You can tell shes been practicing to emulate brittany's voice. I wonder if she is autistic
Reposted due to speech to text errors
No. 1112822
>>1112814Like I said, objectively speaking, his music is mostly consistent with a very specific sound. Poppy hasn't been able to emulate anything similar and all her solo stuff sucks. We dont know what mars has under her sleeve because she's m.i.a
My point still stands, and I personally adore brittany. I can tell that titanic had a huge influence on their sound though, this is his style. Still a pathetic strain on society nonetheless
No. 1114784
File: 1608917709568.jpg (145.18 KB, 1066x1731, 20201225_123043.jpg)

No. 1115337
File: 1609001925451.jpeg (257.33 KB, 828x1439, D0CAC0E9-E29F-4D6D-8D9C-EB270F…)

Did Poppy and Ghostemane break up? Photos are taken down and they are not following each other
No. 1116485
File: 1609150935038.png (228.25 KB, 760x494, Screenshot_20201228-042127.png)

she's doing music now lmao
No. 1116494
File: 1609152755109.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1910, EF83313B-6FA5-4C35-A773-AE6511…)

>>1116485Titanic never learns, wasn’t it a few months ago she said she wasn’t going to start singing and that she wasn’t in it for a career, I’m sure his brother is out there tearing his hair out now lol. Hopefully Tits image is so bad her career stays a non starter too since he knows he’s not getting anywhere himself. Also poppy fans are floating this about, Tony Katai talking Poppy and Mars.
No. 1117019
File: 1609208005774.jpeg (197.81 KB, 596x1069, A02A15E7-D3BC-40C8-B7A7-46BDCA…)

No. 1117021
File: 1609208079396.jpeg (112.36 KB, 822x1461, B51F0348-9C67-453F-A872-F81A82…)

Katai who is friends with titanic and worked with mars and poppy is on a rampage still.
No. 1117022
File: 1609208413994.png (7.91 MB, 1125x2436, 4755BFB7-47C6-461E-9988-4BCC48…)

No. 1117954
>>1116494> I'm sure she didn't mean it, enter blogpostImagine telling someone who knew Moriah first hand and then proudly posting the screenshot online, Poppy stans are delusional
>>1117021This is humor though
No. 1119132
>>1112814We know little about Mars's history but I think it's safe to say she wrote a lot of music. There is a video out there (I can't find it for the life of me) of Mars saying her favorite song of theirs is stuck on you, and he replied "your favorite is one you wrote"? Vid related shows that Mars is at least an intermediate pianist.
Also, Poppy was absolutely writing music (albeit not great) on her own before she met Titanic. It's logical that she would continue to grow as a songwriter. Titanic is just so shitty on his own that I refuse to believe he contributed even half to either project. Why would Mars own all the rights?
No. 1120460
>>1119132I think Corey is a curator more than anything. He's very Online and knows how to make things very marketable and internet fandom friendly. Remember how he added the Reddit logo to the Using You video as an easter egg? That kind of stuff. It's their most mainstream-sounding pop song and he tried to give it more momentum by including that little nod to Reddit. I think Mars Argo was based on Brittany's personality and quirks and he made it have more "viral material". Poppy was based on Mars Argo to give her the middle finger and Titanic really put all his meme magic into that project, and it worked, but musically they don't have much in common. Mars Argo's music was cohesive while Poppy is all over the place. Lowlife is featured in an MTV catfish episode and every time I hear it I realize that her voice never sounded like that again, and she's been through a bunch of musical genres and sounds insecure and inauthentic in every one. Corey's old snobby shtick of "internet idols aren't your friends" was always disingenuous considering how hard he tried to make Poppy into a (literal cult) icon including mellow radio-friendly songs to get a foot in the door, he tried really hard to be an anti-celebrity, underground underdog, but it's so obvious how much he craves mainstream recognition because he believes he
deserves it. I believe this drive is the majority of what he contributes to his projects - micro managing and directing and marketing to live out his puppet master fetish while stealing the thunder of the women he uses.
No. 1120549
>>1120460Using you was directed by digital twigs, not Titanic, and I believe the Reddit logo was just included because they had a song go viral there before so you may be giving him too much credit.
On a side note someone hacked edwins generation and put out a public apology on his behalf to mars before deleting his account. Same hacker claimed Mars was behind a poppy hate account on Twitter called destinybehind though there’s no evidence to support that.
No. 1127604
File: 1610298070517.png (234.87 KB, 738x591, dL1R18K_.png)

No. 1129044
>>1128527omg this is chelsea? same anon as
>>1128038 i feel like such a retard. the way she separates "my boyfriend" and "her ex" made it sound like it was two different people. it's even more cringe now. she's such a fucking pickme thinking she's so special her creep abuser bf won't do the same to her
No. 1129937
>>1129448Wow, if she really did that that's low. (Do you have caps? I know Tit's current gf is only tangentially related to the Poppy/Mars/Tits milk, but it would be fun to see a little more insight into the cow Tits has chosen to replace Poopy)
Also, "sknnylatte" reads like a handle that a pro-ana scumbag would choose … ironic, if she's making fun of people who might actually have an eating disorder.
No. 1130757
>>1130206She seems very easy. She doesn't show much personality, is clearly insecure and fame hungry etc. People like her are easily manipulated.
Nitpicky of me but I can't get over her sausage lips, they look so awful.
No. 1133990
File: 1610899539022.jpg (95.04 KB, 735x711, IMG_20210117_100348.jpg)

more cokeposting from tits
No. 1157279
>>11569075 minutes in and I’m like, “SPIT IT OUT BRO”
Candid and completely unrehearsed. His struggling to get a sentence out shows how disingenuous his “real self” is kek
No. 1165535
File: 1613758663128.png (618.25 KB, 1292x483, ts.png)

>>1165525TS keeps on recycling ideas
No. 1165638
>>1162858Nice! I've always wanted to hear Titanic Sinclair give a rambling mansplanation about nothing at all for an hour!
I absolutely hate the kind of man that can just KEEP. TALKING. about himself indefinitely. Seriously, this would have seemed less creepy if it were an interview of sorts. But he just goes. Reminds me of way too many dudes who think they're deep but are just self-obsessed.
Seriously, watching this is like being in a dark bar and accidentally getting stuck in a "conversation" with a drunk narcissist who just got dumped.
I wanted to do a summary, but … I just can't. Just don't watch it. If you don't wanna relive being on a date with "the intellectual guy who nobody understands," then just don't watch it.
>>1165525Kek. This is crap. He can't sing. The music is insipid.
Tits never disappoints. This thread isn't very active, but this geeky little average dude who is somehow also an egomaniac is one of my favorite cows.
No. 1166289
>>1165535Poor Charlotte, she looks so unimpressed. She's the real
victim here.
No. 1166658
Here's episode 2 of his ramblings about himself. Is he trying to be a podcaster now?
This whole new cowboy simple living persona feels disingenuous and fabricated and the music has no replay-value. At least when he was putting out his David Lynch inspirated work with MA and Poppy it was something the average person hadn't seen before. I wonder what he thinks he stands to gain from going in a direction that he doesn't excel at musically nor is new or interesting from an artistic standpoint.
>>1165667Good catch, didn't see that before.
No. 1168225
>>1166661Idk I don't really think so. Lots are girls dye their hair because their boyfriends said so. It very clear he isn't over his last two relationships, but imo all these side by sides are just memes. Chelsea isn't a uwu petite girl like the others and she's 27-28 yrs old not 19.
An other thing is that I don't think he really has much to grift off of her. She doesn't strike me as particularly rich or musically talented. With Poppy, Corey had her record label to grift off of, and with Brittany, Corey had "daddy's money", youth, and Inspiration.
Chelsea does photography and hair and afaik she's never done music. Honestly, they seem more suited for each other in that regard. Corey has always expressed more interest the videography, photography, and aesthetic of his projects rather than the actual music. He's compared himself to Warhol ffs.
There was one podcast (called SWIM) that had on Poppy and Titanic (out of character) and Corey admitted to being a lazy bum when it came to music. The straight-edge Poppy had to drag him out of his depressive, drug-addled stupor to make him do music daily. Corey is the kind of artist who thinks(/thought) that great art comes from the god Inspiration rather than grind.
No. 1168674
>>1166658Question: Is he not making Poppy music now? I kinda liked some of her songs, even if they were a fucked up duo
Kinda weird looking at him hopping from girl to girl to ruin their lives
No. 1169763
File: 1614211128604.jpg (247.36 KB, 1080x1893, 20210224_185734.jpg)

Katai shitting on Poppy again. Has an AMA up on insta right now.
No. 1169806
File: 1614213906814.png (147.86 KB, 946x2048, katai1.png)

>>1169763lol i came here to post this but anon beat me to it
katai is now posting abt brittany too. she's the only one i feel bad for in this whole mess, she hasn't said a word about these people in years…
No. 1169878
File: 1614219104556.jpg (1003.93 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210224-210520_Ins…)

Why do I get money laundering vibes from katai about this whole story? He's posted this story before and I think he's blaming Poppy for something titsinc did. Ts has a history of bad deals and those prints are from choke era so he was still involved.
No. 1169920
>>1169878Yeah, why the heck does this katai person need so much attention all of a sudden? Maybe because Tits is vomiting up word salad all over the internet lately and he thinks it'll make ppl notice him again?
And I agree … Sucks that this (supposedly) happened to him, but I also sense that much of this assholery had to do with TS and he's just not saying it.
No. 1184624
File: 1615758733034.jpeg (168.96 KB, 1125x523, 768ECB7C-C3EE-418C-90B4-6FAE19…)

No. 1184625
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No. 1184627
File: 1615758788121.jpeg (154.16 KB, 1125x498, 4A80B14A-6798-4DDB-AB3F-8AA02A…)

Someone’s not happy they lost the Grammy tonight.
No. 1203480
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People were talking about this account, is it his?
No. 1225264
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Sage because it isn't milk, from chelsea's ig
No. 1229271
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chelsea is making white background videos now…ofc
No. 1229273
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>>1229271also poppy has a cat named kiki too, did she steal her cat's name? No. 1230530
File: 1621055628393.jpeg (377.85 KB, 828x1437, BF54AD8E-208D-469E-A6B8-0621E0…)

why does it feel like titanic made this fan page because-
No. 1230577
>>1230530Who would be a fan of her? And for what?
>>1230571Fucking kek
No. 1235371
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>>1229989just the clip remains on her Twitter
No. 1235945
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dumping some old tit tweets. skipping through one of those rant vids of his, i heard him say he only pretended to be this dislikable person or whatever. yeah fucking right. i get that birds of a shit feather will always flock together but you'd have to be mentally deranged to willfully believe that. anyway, hypocrisy and projection ahead
No. 1235948
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No. 1235949
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so bitter towards who funded his start
No. 1235953
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noticed that this was after he punched mars
No. 1235955
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el oh el
No. 1266356
>>1264572Hi chelsea/titanic.
Not getting enough attention lately?
Must hate to see her get so much attention for her latest ep.
She looks healthier and happier than ever but please keep hating. All attention is good attention in this view based economy. Stay bothered.
(newfag) No. 1269750
>>1168225Titanic is 34. He should not be dating teenagers anyway. He is only one year older than Mars and Poppy was 22 when they started dating. He is obsessed with 2008 Mars Argo but he is not an ephebophile.
It's weird girls are still willing to date Titanic. He will never get over Mars. It's been 7 years and he is still obsessed with her.
No. 1270659
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>>1270480That's not what happened. Mars was taking a class, Titanic found out about it and signed up for the class to stalk her. The pictures aren't of the three of them together, they're of poppy and that Debby chick.
No. 1270747
>>1270660Poppy was stalking her too. I hate how internet thinks Poppy is an innocent
victim. She harassed and bullied Mars with Titanic for years and got away with it.
No. 1272941
>>1272705Unless she apologizes to Mars instead of saying passive-aggressively smug shit like "Well
I wasn't a
victim because I'm
smart (unlike that other bitch teehee)", she should just shut up forever about her involvement
No. 1273232
>>1272941this, the whole fucking video and song feel wrong to me for that reason. she was a bitch to mars and now wants to present herself as a fellow
victim? gross
No. 1287227
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>>1284961I really love the song. I think it also shows how talented she is on her own versus the stuff Poppy has made since splitting with Titanic. Mars’s stuff (IMO) is the best out of all of their solo stuff. Also I saw this on twitter, shows partly why guppy may have been scrapped. Titanic stealing her words and rushing them out before her to dunk on her.
No. 1291911
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from twitter, thoughts?
No. 1292689
File: 1628310056209.jpeg (146.32 KB, 828x1008, 12330785-F3CA-4316-8601-D4B174…)

okay am i the only one confused on chelsea commenting on brittany’s photo in 2015? theories ?
No. 1294061
>>1292689>>1293031Wasn't it already known they knew each other from way back? They all had ties into the same circle(s)
>>1291911Is this legit? A plain e-mail as their weddinginvitation, isn't that weird and out of character?
No. 1309658
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>>1309315idk why but the video immediately reminded me of The Birthday Massacre, maybe because of chessboard floors/pattern and Alice in Wonderland cutesy aesthetic. color-wise it's Celebrity Skin by Hole (pic related) Poppy feels very much like some relic of the past now imo. it's weird to think she was once on a pedestal, pretty much everywhere before entire fall from grace of tits. she seems to go on well with her kitschy cute-metal schtick but general popularity wise i feel like she's less in demand now. she's trying, but her metal/rock phase is similarly contrived and tired
No. 1310746
>>1309658I think she copied Happy House by Siouxsie And The Banshees for sure, and Courtney Love ("How did she get so mean?" almost seems like a reference to the "How'd you get so mean?" line from "How Dirty Girls Get Clean").
Mostly I don't want to think she knows about TBM, lmao.
No. 1341637
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is he throwing shade at someone in particular or is he back to his basic internet social commentary
No. 1344422
also what? at that whole thing
No. 1356113
hack shit
(sage your shit) No. 1359341
File: 1635734975035.png (530.46 KB, 868x900, cringe.png)

tits dropped a new album today
picrel lyrics to his hilariously badly written obvious poppy diss track
No. 1359490
>>1359341The threats in the last part tho, Jesus christ Tits, simmer down a little.
>>1359372School shooter is right, he's got a serious affliction. Maybe at least he's leaving Mars alone while he pines and stalks Poppy instead.
No. 1376641
>>1376329This is an image board. Also, who would be surprised if ghost is
abusive? He's a loser too.
No. 1378675
>>1376641Ghoste 100% is
abusive to his partners. When he was with that suicidegirl, he attempted to push her off of a balcony during an argument, and hit her and pushed her out of his car, leaving her on the side of the road. There was a police report for the latter incident, but I believe he got that lawyered away. She was unable to speak about most of their relationship due to a strict NDA, but I mostly heard about it from his side of things, thru one of his friends, although she occasionally confided in me.
Not to mention the countless hours of emotional abuse that I heard about from all sides… He would go on tour, immediately block her, and start fucking girls of questionable age nightly. I felt bad for her. He's pretty sociopathic. He also did some significant emotional damage to another woman whose band toured with his briefly.
No. 1378686
>>1378675Holy shit I used to be in the same circle of friends as Jackie. Had no idea about any of this because I moved and don't talk to any of those people anymore.
What an absolute piece of shit. I hope she's okay now.
No. 1378716
>>1378675he has a restraining order on some other girl who is a personal cow so i guess people are
toxic back to him
No. 1403657
>>1403620damnit, wtf is that. she's biting her own tail at this point.
whatever she's trying to achieve, it's not working. i honestly cannot believe she won so much of "best album" prizes in alt/metal last year, cause nobody really cares about her anymore. her music is like listening to a Selena Gomez/Disney Channel starlet singing her disney channel melodies against a shitty "metal" backdrop made of computer presets. idk if that's because of Debby Ryan association or what but i really can't view Poppy as anything other than some failed Disney star who was just lucky to have an odd Youtube moment at the right time. very much doubt all that metal and rock music is what she listens to privately at home, and even if she does… she's still so unoriginal and bland, i don't get how she still keeps having crazy stans
No. 1404642
>>1404144>>1404408It's a regression, musical, artistic, personal, no matter how you look at it. the robot persona was old and boring af already, but even more boring than that is Poppy privately. she can't recreate interest by making 1 minute clips of doing shit and turning on "creepy" music. very scary, very mysterious, wow.
honestly surprised to see fans in the YT comments hype this up, is that what her fans want her to do forever? "yay poppy's expanding the brand" wtf is wrong with those ppl
No. 1405746
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No. 1406141
File: 1641024787637.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1284x1710, 337F33D3-C7C0-444D-9C56-E55073…)

Our boy Tits has knocked up his gf and is expecting a son. God bless that kid.
No. 1406180
>>1406141That kid is going to grow up to become a raging
abusive misogynist like his malding dad
No. 1406418
>>1406141His face says
Look what you made me do, Mars and Poppy! Pregnant! Jealous yet! I'm moving on!! while not even looking at his partner. He has serious "one that got away" syndrome, also wtf is that girl thinking to knowingly help this man spawn?
No. 1407672
>>1405746Someone considers himself beyond criticism
>>1406141You'd think they'd be more loving and passionate in a picture announcing her pregnancy. They look aloof and completely disinterested in each other.
No. 1413546
>>1410454she's everything that he'll never be. maybe the good guys can win in that way
>>1410373chelsea truly seems sociopathic
No. 1441732
>>1441140God, what an unremarkable greaseball..He'd be totally unfamous if it weren't for his scandalous reputation as an
abusive, overly emotional, suicidal control freak.
No. 1443683
Can someone tell me why this idiot is STILL producing anything, as if someone cared? does he have any audience at all? the only time i could see him "coming back" would be if he hid his face/identity and started new project with a different nickname (like another abuser Dr Luke).
>>1406141 358 likes, that's nothing. This girl is astronomically stupid to stay with him (and keep feeding and sheltering him, i suppose).
Question though: is he still an owner of Poppy music rights? does he take percent of her music sales money still? Totally forgot if he got excluded or not (i only know he was excluded from Mars music)
No. 1448412
>>1405746"If you have anything negative to say about any decision I make, you're a simpleton"
The blatant irony
No. 1512070
>>1441140Why does every narcissistic
abusive male use this same pitch to sing? He sounds like Onision
No. 1517322
File: 1651445884883.jpeg (488.1 KB, 750x1029, D6F1B628-BEC0-4E4F-BCF1-EE6E99…)

tits and chelsea have had their baby. poor kid
No. 1517510
>>1517499Samefag but slightly later, it's so weird on his Instagram there's just the one single photo with him holding the baby, none of her holding the baby or her at all, the default photo of
mother in bed in hospital holding the baby with the father lurking around in the background somewhere which you see everywhere with birth announcements, is nowhere to be seen.
On hers she shows the baby's face in closeup, but again no photo of her holding it, or of tits and her together.
His caption calls her a champ and then randomly praises all mothers?? Like he is distancing himself even in his caption, like props, lady, for birthing that child also props to literally all mothers. so impersonal.
It seems obvious neither of them plan or expect this to be a family long term, it's like a random baby appeared in a video game and nobody is really claiming it.
Also they didn't get married? She just calls him boyfriend in her captions. Idk choose better sperm donors, girls.
Also he looks very tired and busted for 35, just seems like one of those people who are permanently miserable regardless of what's going on in their life.
No. 1517517
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>>1517510same thoughts here. she probably wanted a kid and couldn't care less who the father is. and it doesn't seem like he's into the idea of fatherhood at all - chelsea's been posting baby updates and pregnancy photos pretty consistently for 6 months & he posted about the kid like, once? he doesn't like her baby update posts or anything either. he probably agreed to be her sperm donor as long as he doesn't have to take care of the kid or spend any time with it. though part of me still expects him to milk his son for attention and content and try to rebrand as some family friendly parenting vlogger since his weird onision-esque 3d animation thing is obviously not working out (also noticing the onion/lainey/their children parallels as i am typing this)
it stood out to me that tits didn't tag chelsea in the baby announcement or even refer to her by name, just "the mama". i wonder if he'll leave her for a younger blonde when he realizes fatherhood isn't as good as he thought
No. 1518265
>>1517322I can already sense the
abusive and narcissistic father vibes. Yet another child brought to this world with a shitty father figure.
sigh No. 1540621
>>1539936Wow, and no shots of Chelsea or including her in the song or video at all.
Like in this post
>>1517517 how he didn't even mention or tag her and just referred to her as "mama". How romantic and supportive.
No. 1540676
>>1539936Lol how ironic, look at the wife beater tank. maybe he's still reading this thread in hopes of finding inspiration how to beg for money, and he found it, lmao.
is chelsea chick poor or rich? did she have any job? rich parents? she's better off dumping that idiot and raising the kid herself. or finding a guy that at least has a decent money and truly loves her, not throwing some lame "mama" out of necessity.
>begs to stream so they can afford coffee and diapersjfc just get a job, you moron. time to say goodbye to your dreams of fame.
No. 1540915
>>1540908Hahaha, same.
>trapped in conversation with a drunk narcissistThat's what 100% of his interactions are
No. 1566591
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did she get a boob job?
No. 1573843
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so hot
No. 1610083
>>1610053you're right but why word it like a moid
>semen witchare you just so coombrained you cant leave this nasty shit out of your sentence?
No. 1614012
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i completely believe this
No. 1614019
>>1614012poppy is a shit tier person, especially for the throwing away fan gifts and crap but an ''artist'' having a coke habit is nothing new in entertainment. I'd be more surprised if they
didn't have a coke habit, kek.
No. 1621725
>>1614012I mean, 100% believable, and nothing new. Even back in her Tits bubbly pink Poppy era/last record before Tits was out, there were reports on her being fucked up onstage, and running every few minutes/every few songs backstage to do a line, and coming highly energetic. Tits was on coke too.
Also, her being a shitty person is no news, and it's not because she throws away gifts. She's a shit person because she actively participated in bullying Mars, and nothing can change how she behaved. she seems to be vain vapid bitch anyway.
Kek at her stopping the bus to do a line though.
No. 1621733
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>>1621725It's probably the most believable screenshot from that account I've ever seen but after lurking in her discord for a while it seems like she has some deranged fans hoping to start drama just so she stops ignoring them.
No. 1621883
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No. 1622309
File: 1661162581817.png (97.47 KB, 740x390, 23444.png)

Jfc she's still making those stupid white backgroud 1 min shorts of her doing nothing? how much longer can you do this shit. why
No. 1622312
File: 1661162999691.png (1.69 MB, 740x1638, 32222222.png)

this is even worse
No. 1622436
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>>1622428tfw you need a basic ass history and geography lesson because you're such an imbecile you assume all latinos must look swarthy, you realize latin is an indo-european language right? you realize it's called latin america literally because the colonizers brought their language to the americas right? you realize i can have a lighter complexion than her and have light eyes and still be latina right? hilarious how ignorant you are while trying to sound woke
No. 1623028
File: 1661224230607.png (516.26 KB, 596x541, ef6e0d467a3daa9674ca34c64e2f8b…)

>>1622669except she is latina lmao? why are you trying to whitewash people of latin descent? again, do you know what latina means? people of portuguese and spanish descent have been discriminated against, white originally referred to people of nordic/north european ancestry. look up the immigration law of 1924. also, as i've already stated, brazilians are far more mixed than your average american, see picrel. i'm latina, more pale than her, have very light colored eyes and i still have considerably more indigenous and subsaharan african DNA than your average white american, my ethnicity is absolutely not the same as that of a white american of irish descent, and you can tell this by her phenotype. you people are literally braindead and don't get to decide another person's ethnicity for them because you think they're meant to have a certain ancestral background to be
POC enough for your shit
No. 1623047
>>1623028>>1622669also my point isn't she is
POC, it's that you're trying to erase her ethnicity and lump her in with a group of people who(if her parents are brazilian) she definitely doesn't have the same ancestral or ethnic composition as, and it makes you unbelievably stupid. just say you're mad she's not fucking swarthy, by US history standards she's nonwhite, she is however caucasian, latina and ethnic. by today's standards which have turned white and caucasian into interchangeable terms (which they never were for decades and this was used to discriminate against southern europeans) maybe she's white, but again those standards are retarded and plenty of middle eastern people have said they do not feel represented even though they technically can cross off white too, because as i've stated, today's definitions are retarded politically motivated propaganda, and plenty of ethnic people do not identify that way. i will continue to look whiter than her by your standards and call myself latina and nonwhite too and you can die mad about it
No. 1623157
File: 1661238063766.jpeg (562.38 KB, 1242x1716, ED90F5F8-530B-4EDE-AD8D-E38ED1…)

she is not from brazil
No. 1623221
>>1623219Still not reading. Anyway refer to
>>1623157, literally no one is wrong to call this white woman white, cry about it forever
No. 1623225
>>1623224literally in response to the low iq anon coping about the fact that she rightfully can call herself latina, imagine complaining about that as if someones skin isnt dark enough for you to think they can claim a large part of their ethnicity.
poc middle eastern & north african people are
valid in complaining that they don't fit into your bullshit racial category too
No. 1623231
>>1623225This is a thread about two white cows. Your identity politics bullshit and getting
triggered over white people called white doesn't fit in here, leave.
Also keep MENA people out of your confused, American mouth please and thanks No. 1623566
File: 1661279170204.jpeg (172.18 KB, 750x1334, 5E87A89E-1E9F-49F4-BDD5-F0F35A…)

wtf is going on
No. 1651977
File: 1663698508658.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1180x1463, 4DEF628F-EEC0-476F-99B7-4EDA67…)

poppy has a new boyfriend
No. 1652813
File: 1663734673425.jpg (163.91 KB, 1440x1800, ghostemane.jpg)

>>1652651>then got an onlyfans chick pregnant ASAP. Wait they both immediately got a girl pregnant after breaking up with Poppy?
Did some digging and she's called skyefires, baby due december 2022 and even looks a bit like titanic's post-poppy girlfriend.
>>1406141The poppy effect I guess, tinfoil but maybe she has the same conversations or arguments when breaking up and this is their dual attempts to prove a point. That or she is simply attracted to a specific type of to-be deadbeat unmarried father.
No. 1653011
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Poppy’s new boyfriend is Dua Lipa’s producer and Poppy already started copying her….
No. 1654280
File: 1663856577182.jpeg (170.71 KB, 1242x680, 06457FD5-0B65-4B15-BCD1-86AA5D…)

she changed record labels AGAIN… for the 5th time lmao
No. 1661390
File: 1664417091399.jpeg (596.83 KB, 2048x2048, 65028BB1-4300-4A7E-BE0A-E0D2DB…)

Their not exact, but similar enough to speculate/reach/question.
Seems he has a type for picking rings.
( both give Coffin vibes )
No. 1661402
File: 1664418062279.png (3.39 MB, 1536x2048, 2F04E31B-7415-4AAA-8B0B-79F60A…)

Did they get married? Engagement was already announced and those look like bands..(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1661812
File: 1664465644771.jpeg (218.4 KB, 1242x976, 7F4BBC5E-D9C3-4673-B160-D1881F…)

>>1661402Yeah they’re married
No. 1683952
File: 1666673104015.jpeg (282.1 KB, 750x802, 9DFB9489-157D-4830-814C-EC23BD…)

not milk but
No. 1688791
>>1661390The design on the right, the upside down V on top of a diamond is a common design anon. Also the one on the left is nothing like it.
>>1683952I believe it, there's too many people speaking out about Poppy being a shitty person for it not to be true.
No. 1689186
>>1688791>>1683952poppy has been self serving since day 1. Tits was an idiot to even bother but who cares. Anyone who actually stans her is retarded.
I do wonder which one of them was more of a bitch in the whole poppy/grimes situation though.
No. 1695185
File: 1667735286553.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, ABF2ECE9-DC1E-4D2D-947F-39BDBD…)

Poppy cancelled her european tour for the third time since 2019.
“the current climate of the world” what does this even mean?? If she’s talking about Ukraine and Russia, she was only going to tour in Western Europe so that wouldn’t even affect her concerts. I live in Germany and that war doesn’t affect us in any way. She also cancelled this tour in like February just so she could go on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins, which means an audience that doesn’t even care about her and literally booed her is more important to her than her own fans.
No. 1695854
>>1689186i definitely believe NDA signing, this is what Grimes do. that being said, they're both petty attention whore anachans who are bland normies deep at heart, and who are jealous of others. Poppy probably didn't like NDA thing, and Grimes didn't like that Poppy looked better than her or something
>>1683952100% believable. She even looks and talks like a bitch.
No. 1700020
>>1566591>>1573843She definitely got fake titties, wow.
>>1622309And she’s wearing a cheapass lolita replica dress in this, kek.
No. 1701875
>>1701750He's a strange one, always thought it was a bit suspect how his relationship with the suicide girl model ended up. Poppy staying silent on their engagement breaking off even after he accused her of mistreating him on his discord server seemed kind of strange too.
I know there was some rumors going around that he was the
abusive one, not his ex, but he got some NDA involved and slapped a restraining order on her for good measure, but I'm not sure if there's any truth to that.
No. 1702108
sage because i can’t prove any of this beyond word of mouth but i know someone who was involved with eric and his brother and saw a lot go down. eric and poppy’s relationship had a lot of problems for a long time because eric would get pissy that poppy was gone all the time and also that she wasn’t ready for kids. eric sits in his house doing pills and occasionally playing playstation when he isn’t working or traveling and would apparently come stay at his mom’s house and just be fucked up for days and she would have to come check and make sure he was still alive. poppy didn’t do hard drugs with eric at first and she didn’t like that he did, he went to a detox program but he was using again as of december last year. also my friend said poppy seemed quiet and sweet when they met briefly. eric’s brother and friends are just as bad as eric is, btw, and they’re all raging misogynists. the brother (alec) totally traumatized his ex and threatened to make his ex disappear with his brother’s lawyers. eric and alec are like these black holes that drain all the women in their lives. also their mom is a trump supporter who will enable their behavior no matter what they do.
>>1701875at the very least eric is
abusive emotionally, if not physically, i don’t know for sure about ivory’s claims of being abused by him but i am inclined to believe her. eric is also a serial cheater.
No. 1703925
>>1703508I thought poppy broke up with him because he was
abusive as well or something?
No. 1725825
File: 1670878341458.jpeg (310.37 KB, 1242x1436, 77AE2272-3FC7-4741-8959-5F7B9D…)

She’s blonde again.
No. 1789095
Nah, if anything it shows that mars changed her sound.
I'm very much a mars argo stan. I'm on her side with everything, so don't get my claims twisted. But it definitely looks like she is copying the copier, as her older IG posts that you are referencing, have more of a 90's pop meets 00's pop vibe, as well as her music. Her style and music was originally very light. Now she has some heavier grunge undertones. You know who started using grunge sounds to break away from the mold of copying? POPPY. Poppy has been doing it since 2020 now. All mars music before "angry" was super soft, melodic pop music, and now she is grunge. Don't get me wrong, both styles suit mars. But its funny how she's gonna claim "take my identity I'll create a new one" and the new one is a rip off of the new identity that her copycat made. It comes off as if she enjoyed the attention that having a copycat made, and wants to keep that flame of attention going. Everyone involved had their views & sales PLUMMET, after everything settled down. So it's not to far of a reach to assume that she is copying the copier for engagement.
My main concern tho.
The. Law.suit.
They are NOT supposed to reference, talk about or defame/slander each other.
This song is so easy to see its about poppy. Could this song violate their settlement ?(sage your shit)
No. 1790456
File: 1679095701117.jpeg (87.07 KB, 640x1015, FDD7C860-5B5D-45C8-B939-AE42B9…)

Poppy posting being blonde with caption "good motives" shortly after mars diss song release. Coincidence?
No. 1791258
File: 1679228081973.png (68.02 KB, 640x1136, 78059163-8154-419D-9D23-273DCB…)

Tittie Posting about poopys song "girls in bikinis" in 2023
No. 1792182
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Old milk but I want to dump some lyrics that Poppy and Titanic wrote around the time when they were harassing Mars around 2015. It was literally their whole shtick. Just to compile it all. Their entire compatibility boiled down to a desire for fame and a desire to fuck w her. I can’t imagine Poppy not being a mental nutcase after her actions
But this one Titanic wrote himself after Angry leaked referencing some of the lyrics
No. 1792184
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Referencing that Katai vid featuring Mars playing w a gun
No. 1792186
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Referencing beauty is empty
No. 1792194
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Is it the cluster B team? No probs the Brit team. This might seem like a reach but I’d buy that this is still a ref to Mars
You have to understand Poppy was signed at that time so they had to churn out song after song. Encouraged even. Their product was her pain
No. 1792196
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Last one former BFF Tessa Violet wrote this about Poppy before the suit, before they even started the creepy short clips that found them notoriety. If I remember correctly she liked a tweet asking for confirmation
Sorry to spam if this is uninteresting. It’s a shame for Mars that she’ll forever be linked to them in this way but I still hope they’ll be remembered for what they had to do to establish themselves into their super artsy careers now. Cows go moo
No. 1794036
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I just noticed Poppy finally enabled her sub count.
No. 1794407
>>1791258Eh… i thought he doesn't get any money from Poppy streams?
>>1790456she's really, really trying to bring up that "omg oldschool Poppy is back!1!1!" hype isn't she.
No. 1794411
>>1793870It would be in their both best interests to never even allude to anything about each other. they're legally withheld from referencing each other directly and whatnot. Imo Poppy should be glad that it went how it went, bc in somewhat direct aftermath, she split with her
abusive scrote (Titanic). If Mars never sued, she'd probably stay with him.
But… Poppy's a mean bitch and an airhead, so its quite possible she's bitter about Mars nonetheless. i'm sure Poppy is able to see that her career plummetted. really missing that "top Youtube mystery" status she used to have, lol
>>1622309 No. 1794438
I thought so too! But why else would he post about it, trying to get it higher views? Unless thats his way of telling poppy he's still around? I know for a year after the split, titanic was trying to extort/bully/blackmail poppy with old files/demos etc.
They all should definitely refrain from mentioning of each other, as well as put a stop to the constant copies, digs etc.
Also, yes poppy is very much bitter about mars, and her career plummeting. and is very much trying to do the "old school poppy is back" hype train, especially cause it's also a dig and way to bully mars still. Wouldn't be shocked if she's holding on simply out of jealousy of mars. ~ unfortunately when a man causes you to be insecure and fearful of another woman's presence, or jealous of her, or hate her, etc. it's hard to come back from that/loose the feelings instilled about her.
I hope everyone can move on, they all (except titanic) deserve to be at peace.
No. 1794451
>>1794438>>1794445I honestly thought Poppy doesn't have a problem with Mars after split with Titanic, but guess i was wrong. She must be jealous bc Mars is better, more charismatic and more well liked in every way. she was (maybe still is) angry that their whole intrigue came out, and Mars got her justice, while Poppy came out to be usable idiot. Popppy might have psycho fans and some shitty awards, but her reputation is shot. her reputation is "that one untalented grey mouse turned skinwalker". maybe she's pissed cause she thinks if Mars never sued, she'd still be super popular and loved, with Titanic formula that worked.
All probably same old jealousy and bitterness. also, Poppy is deeply touched and against abuse only when it affects HER. She had no problem partying with a known abuser Marilyn Manson just 3 months ago.
No. 1794670
Of course she is bitter! The girl that her ex held over her head, compared her too, tutned her into, and overall made poppy insecure about, is doing well, the ex is an ex. Unfortunately most girls will forever stalk the girl who they got cheated on with/compared too etc. In poppys case, this is the ex of her (now ex) man, who her man is obsessed with, doing well and being liked more. So it further pushes the insecurities that titanic gave poppy. Poppy is seeing the girl she was forced to skinwalk, come out about everything, taking the spotlight, destroying poppy's character, being popular and more liked.
I'm not saying this is great behavior, but it is common.
Also no one batted an eye about her friendship with MM till this year, she's been his friend and at parties since 2015. He was also cleared on 2 out of 3 allegations and the 2 he got cleared on said they were put up to making the claims by the 3rd. Personally we shouldn't cancel folks till we have all the details. Look at the rick and morty guy, he wasn't ever charged, just facing them, and his case was dismissed without charges, he was found not guilty… but that didn't stop people from canceling.
Poppy is a piece of work, mm is bad person, poppy has attended parties and nothing more. but let's not act like its news, or 100 facts yet.(sage your novella)
No. 1798807
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>>1798601she def did something to her teeth
No. 1798810
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and the boob job is obvious too. her fans are denying it so hard and saying “she just gained weight” lol
No. 1798847
>>1798807Kinda awful when people fix things that were already perfect, like now she has little demon filed down nubs under her veneers, and scars and silicone in her chest, she was literally already perfect. Just goes to show how
toxic the people around her are
No. 1799043
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While we are picking apart peoples bodys and personalities..
Lets not forget chelsea, who each day starts to look like her own version of mars/poppy and her style even reflects it too.
She's done a music video, and makes music under the name " semanella " and " sofrine " online, using images of herself, titanic, poppy and mars, super edited, and uses their music super edited pretending its hers.
Its linked to her due to her and it interacting together. But that's beside the point here.
Chelsea is attempting to skin walk too, just not as obvious.
No. 1799044
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So.. While we are picking apart peoples bodys and personalities..
Lets not forget chelsea, who each day starts to look like her own version of mars/poppy and her style even reflects it too.
She's done a music video, and makes music under the name " semanella " and " sofrine " online, using images of herself, titanic, poppy and mars, super edited, and uses their music super edited pretending its hers.
Its linked to her due to her and it interacting together. But that's beside the point here.
Chelsea is attempting to skin walk too, just not as obvious.
No. 1800234
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New "Copy-Poppy" post.
Back to the High Pitched, Mono Tone Voice, Bleach Blonde Hair, White Background Aesthetic.
Looks like she is in fact, going back to the poppy that harassed mars.
Wonder if she will continue to harrass mars indirectly… above ^ kept getting error when trying to embedd)
No. 1800741
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Looks like titanic does in facf, get royalties/commissions from the music he did with poppy..
But he's not credited on the song or album, so how is this possible other than poppy being nice? O.o
Also poppy has "church outfit" dropping april 4th. How much you wanna bet theirs gonna be a dig to mars or titanic in it?(O.o)
No. 1800758
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>>1800741Not sure where you’re getting your info, but TS has writing credits on nearly every song Poppy released prior to their split. Looks like the only songs he wasn’t credited for on Am I a Girl were the interludes, In a Minute, and Play Destroy.
No. 1801984
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Pretty sure these lyrics are about titanic telling poppy she couldn’t be anything without him
No. 1802362
>>1802008>She show’s potential if she were to be herself.Does Poppy even have an authentic personality?
>Since late January she’s been going back to that “mysterious” cult leader, old poppy heavily. I don't believe this has anything to do with Mars. Scroll up the thread and read the announcement of the canceled European tour. Her explanation is bullshit. There was nothing preventing her from performing in Europe. It is more likely the shows were canceled because they couldn't sell enough tickets. She probably changed her style to get her old fans back.
No. 1804948
>>1804462How popular is Mars Argo now? Her streams are nowhere near Poppy's numbers. She hasn't even shown her face. One selfie doesn't count.
Poppy has no legit reason to be jealous of Mars or consider Mars Argo's sloppy comeback a threat to her career. They signed the NDA too. But who knows. Poppy might still be bitter about getting exposed. I doubt she feels guilty about tormenting Mars.
No. 1805922
>>1805286Mars obviously had terrible experiences associated with releasing music, makes sense that she maybe wants to do this but she's lowkey and hesitant.
>not showing her face is out of fear of titanic and his rabbid fanshow Titanic still has fans? no way
>Titanic could be a good dadpress doubt
No. 1806801
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Titanic publicly posting about poppys sonf again. This time he didn't even hide that its a poppy song.
Can't help but feel like this is him trying to antagonize.
No. 1806802
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and again, Titanic publicly posting about poppys song. Back to back story posts. This time he didn't even hide that its a poppy song.
Can't help but feel like this is him trying to antagonize.
No. 1807085
I honestly think they "make" money off the combination of all the above. The flops (like pennies) poppys streams that he is credited for, chelseas side projects of photography, the occasional real job chelsea has, AND her having semi rich parents. I haven't seen anything about her parents, but based off her old posts before titanic, I think she might, given she's always been living comfortably and semi lavishly.
That, I fully agree with. He never proposed, or had any prego scares with long term girlfriends that he was obviously using for money, but the girl he's spent the least amount of time with, he gets prego (now tying them together forever, and legally for 18 years) and proposes.. after BARELY 2 years?
It screams " Gotta Trap This One, She's Rich and Lets Me Do My Shenanigans, Even Helps With No Complaints! I Gotta Keep Her."
It looks very wrong.
Like if their happy cool, but it definitely shows he was using the others, and definitely gives off a "trapped" vibe.(Learn how to quote/reply)
No. 1807320
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No. 1807700
>>1806803Boobs in California is spot on kek.
>>1807320You mind bringing some context? Some randos talking about Mars Argo's outros. Why post a censored screenshot?
>>1807047Titanic ain't getting any younger. Why not tie the knot. He would be crazy trying to make a new Mars/Poppy. Third time isn't a charm in his case.
No. 1807815
Why waste YEARS with people, if you weren't going to marry them or have kids with them?
Yah, he's getting older, no one's knocking them being together, but the quickness of the engagement and pregnancy, compared to his other relationships that lasted longer..
Kinda a red flag.
If you got with a partner, that you learned spent 10 years with someone as just a partner, and they proposed to you, wouldn't you question why they stayed with the other person for so long?
It's usually a sign of someone just using you/someone.
Your right, trying to do a 3rd would go badly, but that doesn't mean he's not going to subliminally try, or let go.
For the first year him and chelsea were together, she was making a lot of copycat things.
Like a photo of her on the bed in all black poloroid style looks identical to mars argos.
She's made a music video that she teased, and has pics from posted, where she is bleach blonde in, she got a wineglass tattoo shortly after being with titanic, cause fans told her about the wine glass incident. She even a
Made fun of poppys eating disorder in a discord chat that got leaked.
All that screams subliminal attempts at a 3rd, as well as still antagonizing etc.
he's not going to stop having the small subliminal digs/copys till forced too.
Like in current times, altho chelsea has a cottage core vibe, if you actually KNOW anything about the situation, you could see the similarities still, the digs, the subliminal things, hints etc.(
No. 1808194
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Here are 2 side by sides of mars and chelsea.
Mars on left.
The bottom right of chelsea I had to flip, to show how similar it is.
There's more, but these were the obvious ones.
These are from like year 1 close to year 2 of titanic and chelsea being together.
No. 1808250
>>1807815>Kinda a red flag.Everything about Titanic Sinclair is a red flag. He is most likely a svengali. Mars Argo had to take Tit to court to get her nudes deleted from his phone. And to get the rights to make music using her own artist name. Fuck that scrote.
He still makes his partners skinwalk Mars Argo. Reminds me of Marilyn Manson who really likes the Dita von Teese look.
No. 1810662
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" I think I'll Take This Hate and.."
No. 1812594
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Poppy posting "there can be only one"
Possible collab with marianne (could be spelling wrong) or could be a reference/dig to mars given she has posted recently too.
Thought I'd share this update here.
No. 1812645
>>1812644no matter what she writes, everybody will always get suspicious if isn't digging at Mars for like 10000th time, lol. She just can't escape this.
No. 1812724
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have you guys seen these screenshots?
No. 1812725
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No. 1812728
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poppy fans are ridiculous lol
No. 1812775
>>1812724>>1812725>>1812728Who was this Katai guy? Anyways, i'd 100% believe Poppy said Mars should kill herself. she's a mean bitch and always been. Remember the way she talked about Mars (after Corey breakup)? Even THEN she made it sound that Mars was unnecessarily making a fuss, probably to gain fame, and Mars was abused too but, you know, was ~too weak~, and she that big great Poppy was ~strong~ etc
It's pretty apparent she still hates Mars guts, reacts to whatever Mars does and still tries to compete. This is ridiculous, but it almost looks like Poppy hates Mars way way more than Tits.
No. 1812790
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From Poppy's insta. This one is not subtle at all!
No. 1812821
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No. 1812822
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So right after mars drops video, poppy makes hints at her video for spit, a song all about hate, drops may 3rd
No. 1812854
>>1812852It's a mentally ill Poppy stan. They also posted
No. 1813077
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>>1813064The song is called “small” by Tessa Violet. You should be able to find it on YouTube. Some people back then had theories that it may be referring to Poppy since they use to be close friends.
(sage your shit) No. 1813122
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>>1813077Tessa liked a comment on YouTube asking if this song was about Poppy, a Mars Argo Fan Account on tumblr posted the screenshot I can’t find it now but I think it’s about her too, and the “blonde girl” is obviously Mars
No. 1813126
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No. 1813161
>>1812790Damn, she looks horrible.
>>1813126why is everything in Poppy's life revolving around releasing "mysterious" and "eerie" and not-so-subtle digs at everyone she hates (read: everyone who criticized her and/or everyone she rips off and then cries when the world discovered)
My question to more informed: how big is Poppy's fandom nowadays? her fans are psychos but i feel like 3/4 must have grown out/lost interest by now… right?
No. 1813286
>>1812790This was posted literally the day after Brittany's birthday and after she posted her music video for ICOBM.
The dig & the video of poppy spitting into the camera is right in peoples faces.
Yet, her fans dare to say "ppl are reaching to make the connections to Mars- anything she says gets misconstrued" basically.
Brain dead obsessed fans.
(sage your shit) No. 1813332
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>>1813311nta but why she hate Tessa is explained literally 2 posts upwards from that post anon lol
>>1813209Feels like she's gradually fading out… i couldn't believe when she was getting these Grammy nominations. Speaking of which, this was her only good look. The only time back when she had black hair AND her hair looked washed. Normally she always looked greasy like 2 months without shampoo lol.
No. 1813356
>>1812790disgusting, if she had branded herself as some sex symbol this vid would make sense, but shes known as the 'weird youtube clone/robot/illuminati' girl so this personna comes across as forced and honestly gross. she's giving off mean girl energy, not baddie
this new 'it-girl', sexy, baddie version of her does NOT suit her and just makes her seem entitled and stuck up her own ass. she's clearly trying to recapture the glory days of her youtube rise (but make it sexy) but doesn't even bother to interact with her fans which is how she got so famous initially. she's spiralling and it's not cute. shoulda stuck with black-hair, nu-metal era, at least that was her own brand and not a copy of tit and his ex
No. 1813416
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why did diplo comment this on her post??? Is it actually about Mars?
No. 1813477
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>>1812790One claim in the lawsuit was Poppy copying Mars Argo's make-up style. In this disgusting video Poppy's eyeshadow is completely white and the blue stuff coming out of her mouth is the same color as in this picture. Poppy's hair looks the same lenght as Argo's even though it's only because of the cropping. Poppy's hair is obviously longer. Spitting the blue stuff reminds me of the Everybody wants it all video where Mars is pulling bubblegum out of her mouth. But this is all just a coincidence, right?
>>1813332The Grammy nomination happened after the lawsuit. Getting nominated is one of the biggest recognitions an artist can get. Yet she had to go back to whatever this is. Couldn't she stay relevant in any other way?
No. 1813566
>>1813477Altho clearly a copy, this one, I’m sorry but you cant copyright a makeup look, especially one so simple. However, I do agree with you, its a little too coincidental. The makeup, the blonde hair, the spit/something out of mouth, its very coincidental, and the song she is covering, doesn’t help either.
Exactly. She was doing good with a different sound and look, and now back to old poppy, but more dark and adult? She honestly could be, she was for a bit, but now? Eh. As an anon said above, lots have grown out/ lost interest or learned of the bullshit and stopped supporting her.
No. 1813621
>>1813477Meh, Grammy are shit these days. Just see the list of people who get nominated for them, and who win them. that's a big thing from the past, but logically thinking, it's no better than your plain hillybilly kerrang awards poll or whatever.
As for makeup, yes Poppy copies everything Mars but that makeup thing was always a reach. Millions of people do the blue makeup thing, nobody has the copyright to blue eyeliner/shadow. the song/video however clearly is a dig at Mars, as is Copy's recent image comebacks in a lot of ways.
No. 1813958
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ghostemane’s new wife calls poppy a narcissist abuser? she’s getting harassed by poppy stans who think ghoste cheated on poppy on her every post.
No. 1814305
>>1814197this is the post the comments are hating on Skye because they think she's the reason poppy and ghostemane broke up
(this is an imageboard) No. 1814624
>>1814305That’s cause she is? Ghost even said that yes he was abused by poppy, he cheated. He admitted it. Not only that, poppys not the only source that’s claimed he cheated, and if memory serves, the first pic of ghost and sky was dropped while he was still with poppy.
Regardless of everyone being shitty people, ghost cheated according to all the records we the public has. There hasn’t been a public statement, rumor or proof by anyone involved about poppy cheating at all. Just fans speculating since her and ghost had started immediately after her and titanic, but lets not forget that fans spotted titanic interacting with chelseas content first, some of which pre dating anything about poppy and ghost.
Untill anything public and from a reliable source comes out ;
Records show:
Titanic cheated first
Ghost cheated first
Which sucks cause poppy needs some karma in her life tbh.
No. 1814645
>>1814624This is not true.
As much as people want to shit on Alex Mixter for being Titanics brother, he has specifically stated that poppy was cheating on Titanic after the lawsuit situation had happened and had been settled around her "I disagree" era. He did that interview with Edwins Generation about it and others can believe it or not but I found Alex's observations credible.
She was VERY MUCH ALL PDA with Ghostmane very quickly after "exposing" titanics role in the harassment of Mars and how she considered herself a
victim of him too.
To be fair, Poppy was also seen leaving flirtatious comments under Titanics Instagram posts while he was still Mars as well.
All these people are getting their Karma honestly.
I do believe SkyFires when she says Poppy is Narcissitic
abusive person.
Her outing Titanics suicide attempt for sympathy when her fame train was being ran to the ground after the lawsuits shows as much and especially her lyrics to "Anything Like Me" being dug at Mars shows her true feelings of hatred, loathing, and insecurity.
No. 1814722
>>1814693I do recall him stating he interviewed Titanic.
Unsure if it's helpful or regressive to post but curious as to the conversation exchanged. I'm not a fan of Titanics actions, although no one can deny he's made interesting art/ music with both mars & poppy.
Everyone should have their time to speak their peace..
Not including his terrible poppy diss track tho- that was.. uh.. bad writing and rhyming.
>>1814703Ignorance is not bliss for those seeking the truth.
journalism/reporting on events doesn't mean one is "inserting one into victimized women's lives"..
What a cop out of a reason to dislike someone when all media practices this, including news outlets.
Get your head out of your ass! Argue based on merit, facts, & observations instead of irrational feelings with no proof.
No. 1814817
>>1814814I only see Mars as the true
victim in all of this. Poppy fans are delusional and really bought her trying to save face
(sage your shit) No. 1814823
>>1814817Poppy was flirting with Titanic in instagram comments while he was still with Mars in 2014, there was a comment where she called him daddy lol
And someone posted pics of her and Ghostemane at a festival together like two months before she broke up with Titanic
I think she’s always been this way tbh
No. 1819865
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who else noticed poppy released "spit" on the 1 yr birthday of titanic and chelseas son?(emoji)
No. 1820805
>>1820584considering she stalked mars.. is it really a stretch to think she wouldn't stalk them?
especially being single..(assuming, haven't heard any dating rumors) and with the reverting back? Idk. speculation.
jealousy is a hell of a thing.
No. 1821291
>>1820805I don’t know if this was intentional, if she was a heavy hitter for Sumarian I could see her deciding her own releases but she really isn’t. Don’t labels usually have a big hand in deciding dates? I don’t imagine they’d give her free rein after she ran off to another label only to crawl back an EP later. Plus this song was finished and ready to go a while ago, she’s petty and obsessed but she’s not Titanic.
I’m just kinda bummed Mars comeback isn’t being met with much attention, it’s been a month none of the videos attached to her new song have even cracked 100k. It’s petty to be so obsessed with youtube numbers but it stings to have Mars finally releasing music again only for Poppy to dye her hair blonde again and get three times more support.
(sage your shit) No. 1821529
>>1821291it depends on the label, contract, and popularity. with poppy, its hard to tell, cause this release isn't the first coincidentally timed release.
I absolutely understand. but unfortunately mars dug a grave when she disappeared.
only the folks who saw her old content, actually know her, or her work. so now, anyone who only learns of mars due to the lawsuit, will more than likely think poppy is better and does the bit better, cause that's all they see & know.
I personally had to dig for hours to find more than what mars currently has posted.
unfortunately the public eye who doesn't know about mars will always think poppy is better, or will flock to poppy as she is the one actually putting out content, and has the bigger fan base.
I feel like if mars wouldn't have deleted things, but rather just stopped posting, things would be different. she should have allowed time for her old work to generate views, interactions etc.
if her old work was up, people could have a real insight into things, or would have allowed her fan base a place to gather and so on.
(sage your shit) No. 1821694
>>1821529She deleted the old videos and someone else re-uploaded them. She made music, didn't publish it and it got leaked anyway. I guess she had her reasons. But it sucks she doesn't get the ad revenue on YouTube.
If she wants to go big with her comeback she is going to have to do more than what she is doing now. You know, marketing stuff. Uploading videos on YouTube and posting about it on insta and tumblr is not enough.
No. 1824877
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looking more and more like Mars..
No. 1825270
>>1825215there's no way to take out the time stamp without cropping or editing, and unless i'm removing doxxing stuff, there's no point.
as far as the like goes, its a like? lol
just updating this site with her newish look, looking like mars.
No. 1825324
>>1825270I mean she might be able to figure out who YOU are. All posters leaving identifying information in their screenshots (like their profile picture) get heavily mocked here.
Some cows e.g. Lillee Jean go through every profile viewing their stories and block them. Chelsea doesn't seem like a cow at all.
No. 1829922
File: 1684445908332.jpeg (203.11 KB, 1102x1548, IMG_5775.jpeg)

>>1820524Titanic also announced Chelsea’s pregnancy on Poppy’s birthday. They’re both so weird
No. 1830121
>>1829922so then poppy's new release was probably revenge for that lmfao.
agreed. like move on already. all of them. its been 3 or 4 years? now.
(sage your shit) No. 1840343
File: 1685815785067.jpeg (135.38 KB, 1242x894, IMG_5835.jpeg)

Poppy betrayed Grimes
No. 1843620
File: 1686336176260.jpeg (160.86 KB, 1242x1218, IMG_5864.jpeg)

she's starting to look like chelsea with those lip fillers
No. 1844462
>>1840730Grimes makes her discord mods sign NDAs lol. Ofc she makes collaborators and ghost writers sign them too.
Other anon is right, Grimes has never been honest about anything in her life, habitual liar from the very start of her career and still lying about everything from her music production to the way she chipped her tooth to having blue light blocking sclera implants over a decade later.
No. 1846833
File: 1686804996466.jpeg (30.08 KB, 1242x360, IMG_5885.jpeg)

i knew this would happen.
No. 1846871
File: 1686812218027.jpeg (114.25 KB, 640x998, DFABA92E-1324-41CE-B777-2BD71C…)

>>1846833not all are deleted.
No. 1846876
>>1846833>Chelsea removed her pics with himunderstandable
>Titanic deleted his instagramWhat. Not very narcissistic of him. You would think his "work" is too precious to Tits. Temporary manic/rage quit before return? Completely disaappearing from the internet? Or will Tits come back with Stunt Girl No. 4?
No. 1846934
File: 1686828146391.png (62.35 KB, 1080x947, 20230615_142153.png)

>>1846833Mars made her account private. Hope it has nothing to do with Titanic.
No. 1846974
Can we get some commentary from his dumbfuck brother? Tits always uses him as his sockpuppet anyways so
>>1846934The plot thickens.
No. 1847028
File: 1686843622494.jpeg (262.5 KB, 1170x1623, IMG_0151.jpeg)

I might be reading too much into this but her choice of words is interesting, “I’m currently renting a house”, “making MY house feel like a home”. She doesn’t say “our house” or reference her family, it sounds like separation talk to me
No. 1849047
File: 1687144074726.jpg (152.85 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230618_230903_Gal…)

blonde, white background, robitic like, monitone but high pitch voice, talking about AI
No. 1849052
>>1849047kek i just came here to post the AI video. so much for her being "forced to make this type of video" and not wanting to do it anymore. she finally realized she's completely boring on the merit of her own talent and lack of personality and she probably wants to recreate the popularity of her titanic-era image. unfortunately for her it's been like 8 years and no one gives a shit anymore and this concept has been beaten to death.
is it even legal for her to be doing this? since she's going back to the style of content that is heavily copying mars argo?
No. 1849399
File: 1687195481980.png (381.72 KB, 1080x1450, 20230619_200659.png)

>>1849052This is a collab. Some happening tomorrow in Cannes with AI artist.
>>1849047The copyright part was settled privately. Who knows what they agreed to. Also, is this Poppy herself or the AI version? If it's the AI, it's not technically Poppy who's copying.
>>1849149How is her career flopping? She just did a collab with Danny Elfman. Have you been listening to Titanic's new songs? Sounds absolutely terrible. Not sure if the Mai Tai guys project is a joke.
No. 1850121
File: 1687282886367.jpg (183.53 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230620_112711_Ins…)

poppy IG story for 6/20/23
No. 1850174
File: 1687286121490.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1478, 20230620_213337.png)

>>1850121This account uploaded videos too but you can barely hear anything due to wind. Arranging presentations on rooftop has its downsides.
No. 1855273
File: 1688022747048.png (282.69 KB, 640x1136, 4658ED17-1B15-43F7-91D9-28A1F7…)

poppy story post telling people to be kind
No. 1857658
File: 1688420277716.jpg (720.05 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230703_173951_Gal…)

who knows anything about this supposed 5th studio album titled knock off?
who knows anything about this interview?
apparently according to the same account, mars argos ex, did an interview being upset people call them poppys ex?
is this account just posting fake stuff?
No. 1857684
File: 1688423460943.webm (4.43 MB, 321x570, about milk.webm)
Poppy posted this on insta. It's called About Milk. Are we finally getting some milk and is she lurking?
No. 1857954
File: 1688464553142.jpeg (686.13 KB, 1242x1525, IMG_5972.jpeg)

New video.
Mars has a song called Angry
No. 1858698
>>1857684Lyrics:You've got to live it to learn
Get fucked to grow up and blow what you've earned
Yeah you know
You'll know when life takes a turn
If there's a hole in your gut and blood on your shirt
And you're sucking at the tit
Alternative milk
Don't care if it kills
'Long as you get your fill
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
You've got to learn to digest
This inference, it's not like they said
Don't you know?
There is no infinite life
It's just a roll of the dice
So keep your teeth in line
When you're sucking at the tit
Alternative milk
Don't care if it kills
'Long as you get your fill
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
The song is called Alternative milk . Insta caption said About milk.
No. 1859365
File: 1688675485299.jpg (377.23 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230706_163145_Gal…)

its official. album or song, but something is in fact titled knock off.
cant helo but think its a respose to mars " try to take my identity "
No. 1860083
>>1859665after giving it a listen, it doesn't seem like something that warrents a response.. just sounds like her talking about being 17 and smoking weed. however, I do 2nd the theory its a response to "Try to take my identity" especially based off the name.
old song or not, releasing it now is what really makes one think its a response. it being the 1st song to drop since " Try to take my identity "
annnd in the aig era, it very well could have been made as a dig in waiting.
No. 1860107
>>1859365The irony of naming your album "knockoff" when you're really just a literal knockoff of someone else… is she ok?
All her "career" happened only because her shitty boyfriend told her to cosplay his ex. There's something wrong with her head if Poppy thinks SHE is being copied/imitated/irreplaceable original kek
No. 1860110
>>1860107Poppy is the most unoriginal person in pop ever. even when she was larping as doing some “metal” music with ~kawaii~ aesthetics, it has already been done a million times and also much better. unfortunately, the girl can’t have an original thought or direction on her own, other than literally copying others.
Her music pre-poppy was basic taylor swiftcore
No. 1860344
File: 1688837237865.jpg (165.76 KB, 1080x1350, 80_n_1024-1.jpg)

>>1860107Isn't Kim Petras copying Poppy?
No. 1860683
>>1860344uhh please provide more details?
cause someone, skinwalking a person who is skinwalking another is just wild.
No. 1861590
>>1860710that's what I thought…
whys there a rumor being posted then? is it an actual fan theory/rumor or was that a troll?
No. 1861606
File: 1689011645931.jpg (679.57 KB, 2880x2880, 20230710_205512.jpg)

>>1861590It's not a rumor. Don't take everything so seriously.
No. 1862127
File: 1689070528522.jpeg (109.52 KB, 828x669, 16E254F5-BE2C-4A01-A173-C3C618…)

No. 1862254
>>1862127I wonder if kim p. knows that she is copying someone who is copying another.
shits wild.
No. 1862458
File: 1689107714501.jpg (634.85 KB, 3840x2160, 20230711_232537.jpg)

>>1862254Kim Petras doesn't even look like that irl. Talking about expectations vs reality. Who knows if she is copying Poppy on purpose. Even if she was, she belongs to the protected group. That means if Poppy were to acknowledge it publicly, she would have to be honored about it.
No. 1862703
File: 1689131923852.jpg (134.46 KB, 1280x720, MALE.jpg)

>>1862458>she"Kim" is a tranny. How fitting that his real name is Tim, kek
No. 1862716
File: 1689135075206.png (504.83 KB, 511x536, timpetras.png)

>>1862458Is there a thread someone can point me to for Tim Petras? I was researching him last night and he is fucking wild. The first interview of him on TV is with the morning news and none of them question the fact he wanted to be female, then ask when his album is dropping. Just total clown world television. This was 13 years ago so nobody had public awareness of what a "transgender kid" was back then.
I think he's pretty much a modern castrati and that's why he's protected. Speaking of that, he is plumping up from not being able to naturally regulate his hormones and doesn't look much like Poppy anymore. He's slowly becoming like Jazz Jennings.
No. 1863615
File: 1689239846421.png (4.35 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_6099.png)

i think they definitely broke up
No. 1863726
>>1863615I think so too. the other day she had a question link on her story to ask her things. I submitted 2. 1 asking if they broke up, 1 asking where she got a certain shirt from. she ignored the breakup 1, and answered the shirt one for like 10 mins then took the whole thing down.
this, coupled with poppy skinwalking again, I 2nd a theory that poppy and titanic are back together…
No. 1863743
File: 1689270486359.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230713_134742_Ins…)

chels is posting the listings she likes but can't afford..
No. 1863744
File: 1689270550014.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230713_134803_Ins…)

No. 1863746
File: 1689270614282.jpg (982.61 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230713_134806_Ins…)

No. 1864199
>>1863788not tinfoil when its more than likely what happened. we saw with mars publicly, and heard rumors from poppy. pretty sure some poppyseeds had dug and found more from another ex before mars, but it's unclear.
nonetheless he's got a pattern, so its not a stretch.
No. 1865547
>>1865109Titanic claims knowing Elon Musk personally. Musk has been in his apartment and Titanic has been in Musk's house.
>I wrote a couple of Grimes songs and we were working together and she was literally at my house the first time that they like dm'd or they were talking on Twitter.Which Grimes songs did Titanic write? Was Grimes really at Titanic's house when she started dms with Elon?
No. 1865885
>>1865109he technically leaks lyrics to knockoff, claims it was written by someone named simon, soneone else as welk and implies himself.
he mentions royalty checks and to keep streaming and keep them coming.
he mentions that a white background, blonde hair and something else apparently gets you sued etc.
he talks in more detail than he's ever before about the lawsuit, and hos former collaber but idk if its enough details to get him legal troubles or not, as the settlement claimed they couldn't talk about the situation from what I understand..
but yeah, nothings changed at all.
No. 1865939
File: 1689544489652.png (185.06 KB, 1080x656, 20230717_004816.png)

>>1865555You actually believe anything this scrote says?
>>1863726I don't know if they are back together, but Titanic is not bashing Poppy anymore. Screenshot from his latest instapost comment section. The 73mil streams were Poppy songs. Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
No. 1865952
>>1865885>white backdrop, blonde hair, and I guess like a Margot Tenenbaum cheetah jacket. I still can't believe someone would sue someone for that. Turns out you can't suefor copyright infringement if you own the copyright on something. So, hey it is what it is but um you know.
He is vague about it. I don't remember the white backdrop being the main issue. Mars claimed he stole her cheetah jacket and gave it to Poppy.
If he is afraid of getting sued, he shouldn't claim he wrote songs for Grimes. What songs exactly? Whatever he and Poppy are up to, they should leave Mars Argo alone.
No. 1866833
File: 1689618588944.webm (2.93 MB, 1080x1920, Knockoff.webm)
>>1866753Her latest post. Why does she have a sword(?) attached on her chest?
No. 1867723
File: 1689750767463.jpeg (679.84 KB, 1242x1587, IMG_6133.jpeg)

interesting description
No. 1868065
>>1868012doesn't matter, you don't need tarot cards stuff to know this song is some bitching about one of these:
a) Mars
b) Tits
or c) Mars
No. 1868133
File: 1689815203252.jpg (443.69 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230719_210721_Ins…)

Mars Argo Posted this to her IG story 7/19/23 at 8:50pm est
cant help but question if it has to do with poppy posting in mars argo style again
No. 1868617
File: 1689917177569.jpg (512.46 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230721_012106_Ins…)

mars argo ig story post
No. 1868836
>>1868818If mars saw poppy drop merch and managed to get a bag of clothing labels made with like less than a week’s turnaround can she share the vendors name? Brittany if you’re reading… sharing is caring
Unrelated, I think it’s good for mars to be dropping music slowly/with no marketing the way she has, although it’d be nice if it had more of a reception it seems like she’s only dipping her toe
My only worry is that she might do that habitually as a way of protecting herself, doubt she was gunning for a viral hit after so many years of being inactive, esp w/ no marketing, so there’s no embarrassment in that, but I think given how poppy has a small but built-in fanbase since she went viral years ago I wonder if she’s worried that even if she does try hard it just might not get traction. Can’t get over poppy releasing a song called “knockoff” though, written with corey no less, and making weird references to “angry” online. If her fans were literate they’d think she was crazy
No. 1868843
File: 1689961096831.png (88.28 KB, 1080x1012, 20230721_203430.png)

>>1868818Poppy is
always dropping merch. Also, name one artist who doesn't release merch nowadays. Streaming platforms don't pay the artist enough.
>>1868836Exactly. She was planning merch before releasing I Can Only Be Me. I don't know how to make tumblr display timestamps. Shit platform.
No. 1870597
>>1869460As much as everyone wants to shit in Titanic Sinclair, he has a finger on the pulse on the direction that poppy is going.
It is not looking good for her right now.
Have you seen how low her views are on KnockOff? Hasn't even surpassed Church Outfit.
No. 1873881
File: 1690836892189.jpg (341.81 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230731_164109_Ins…)

new mars argo story post on ig.
No. 1877126
>>1876752are we 100% positive chels and titanic 1) got married and 2) are still together???
Chelsea be posting she cant afford 6k rent and wanting/needing a new home
meanwhile titanic posts " I work to take care of my family. "
chels is barley posting of titanic anymore and archived a lot of posts of him recently….
soo idk…
No. 1877566
File: 1691402848905.jpeg (93.16 KB, 720x412, IMG_6435.jpeg)

grimes on twitter
No. 1877645
File: 1691423716589.png (769.06 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_6436.png)

Poppy posted this on her story
No. 1877681
File: 1691430122552.jpeg (36.81 KB, 1022x439, IMG_6437.jpeg)

No. 1877756
>>1877724>as ifScroll the thread up to see Grimes making these claims 2 months earlier. Grimes is truly pathetic. Her new garbage music made people question her songwriting skills.
I think it's reasonable that Poppy addresses these allegations, especially if her fans are attacking Grimes.
No. 1877944
File: 1691469312283.jpeg (197.1 KB, 1079x2083, Screenshot_20230807_221819_Ins…)

No. 1877954
>>1877944this would infact be the nda poppy and titanic signed for grimes.
aka the one grimes says doesn't exist.
kinda shocked he chimed in, including tagging poppy..
No. 1878213
File: 1691523292302.jpeg (410.87 KB, 1242x1123, IMG_6482.jpeg)

No. 1878653
File: 1691599899041.jpg (1.24 MB, 1920x1920, _1691599964981.jpg)

they do follow each other…
anyways, still odd with their behaviors. all of them.
No. 1879474
>>1878120>>1879358They need a common enemy to become friends again. Friends with benefits or business wise, don't know. Grimes is perfect for this. She is unpopular right now, and she blamed Poppy about old stuff twice in a row. Titanic mentioned Grimes in his video. He speaks more nicely about Poppy, and now he defended Poppy on insta.
Maybe Grimes is short on cash so she can't scare other artists with her lawyers effectively anymore. If someone breaks the NDA she forced them to sign, she would have to take it to court. That ain't cheap. NDA is a contract between private parties. It's not like the cops show up at your door and arrest you if you break it.
No. 1880311
File: 1691853780710.jpeg (271.16 KB, 962x1443, IMG_6485.jpeg)

Poppy yesterday. This outfit is so bad
No. 1883278
File: 1692292521738.jpg (518.71 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230817_131805_Gal…)

No. 1888704
>>1888295can you give details on where to find this info?
I.E: is this is titanics most recent youtube video?
No. 1888896
>>1888894post edited screen grabs? you don't have to show off who its from at all, just the fact it got posted is sufficient enough.
but okie. thanks for the info!
No. 1888905
File: 1693087671142.jpeg (538.92 KB, 1242x1642, IMG_6757.jpeg)

>>1888896Sorry this is so edited but there’s a lot of other people in the pics
No. 1890021
>>1883278damn i thought it's Dove Cameron, they're both just as botched now.
I find it really funny how she transformed into old style Tits blonde 2015 Poppy, then when she saw people laugh at her for it she quickly switched back into ~omGZ so METAL!1!~ greasy black mop style a month later kek
No. 1891674
File: 1693556328350.png (368.57 KB, 1272x1214, IMG_4460.png)

From Chelsea's insta
These outfits… Chelsea it's not 2012 anymore
No. 1891798
File: 1693577921051.jpg (107.41 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230901_101851_Ins…)

Mars Argo story post.
it has her voice, in the begining no one can make out what she says, but at the end she says hello.
some fans on twitter say it sounds like poppy not mars.
idk if it's possible for someone to screen record or embed the story.
No. 1891999
>>1891798Her account is private. Has the video been posted somewhere else?
>>1891674Chelsea posted videos where she was shopping at trift stores. Second-hand is often old school.
No. 1892132
File: 1693622839778.jpg (489.6 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230901_224929_Gal…)

its giving a certain vibe…
No. 1892303
>>1891674>>1892132Can chelsea sing because this is very Mars argo version 3, very clearly the same aesthetic. Strange how they get back together and she goes straight to this aesthetic. Titanic has the worst case of "one that got away" (or rather escaped, since he abused her)
>>1890206I find this so weird, no way in hell she wants to work with him. Is he just saying this to give people the illusion they are on good terms?
No. 1892313
>>1892009Listen again. If the main guitar player is carrying the song already then what exactly is she providing if he has the entirety covered?
Already seeing people brush this off like it's not a big deal again. No wonder why music is absolute shit these days.
No. 1892324
>>1892313her fans on twitter are calling this moment "so real" and laughing at it in a positive way
I have never seen a more brainwashed fanbase
No. 1892327
File: 1693662185061.jpeg (1.88 MB, 3464x3464, 783419DF-4331-4A26-B876-F9F71F…)

Chelsea removed the photo of her and titanic from her pregnancy announcement post… Weird
No. 1892853
>>1892313The backup vocals continue when she isn't holding the mic. Her mic is obviously plugged in because you can hear the loud sound when the mic hits the stage.
Don't know what she was trying to do with the guitar tho.
No. 1893076
File: 1693782301314.jpeg (60.3 KB, 640x640, download.jpeg)

She looks scary.
No. 1893210
File: 1693818059666.png (982.79 KB, 854x718, 11p.png)

>>1893076Stockings are atrocious.
Poppy always reminds me of Internetgirl for some reason, another insta cow in her own right. especially with greasy black braids. They both have same sort of unfortunate bitchy face, and that same smug ass, "i'm better than you" self satisfied smirk. Even behaviourwise, spoiled shallow girls who used to be indie hipster/pumpkin spice chicks listening to Taylor Swift & Kesha in high school but try so, so hard to be oh so original and edgy with their mallgoth/numetal "i listen to Marilyn Manson lulz" outfits.
No. 1894058
File: 1694034057380.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1447, IMG_6812.jpeg)

“Motorbike out 9/12”
No. 1894921
>>1894575ik it looks so limp and greasy. similar to how my hair looks when I leave hot oil on it for half an hour before double shampooing it.
was it meant to look like this as some kind of casual "I don't care" look? because I'm sure that magazine is capable of hiring a hairdresser who's able to wash and style hair so that it at least looks clean
No. 1895081
File: 1694193972230.jpeg (852.57 KB, 1067x2133, IMG_6823.jpeg)

No. 1895176
>>1895081Now that is a reach! I don't know who d4ine is, but she ain't as original as she thinks she is.
First photos: Poppy has spikes coming out her back. D4ine has a steel(?) spine attached to her back.
Second photos: Poppy's logo has a sword with the letter P. D4ine has a sword with a tribal circle. A logo with a sword is very generic, btw.
Third photos: A girl posing with a motorcycle! That has been done to death. Their motorbikes are not even similar. Poppy has an old school bike. The type midlife crisis men buy. Just like the one Titanic has. I hope Poppy's upcoming song has nothing to do with Titanic.
I don't mean to defend Poppy. This d4ine seems like a clout chaser. How is she disabled?
No. 1895928
File: 1694339641543.jpeg (833.52 KB, 1242x1129, IMG_6830.jpeg)

Poppy’s throwing half eaten apples at her fans at her concerts. Kinda gross.
No. 1896900
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No. 1898191
File: 1694722477587.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230914_161641_Ins…)

No. 1901530
File: 1695249603679.jpeg (105.43 KB, 1080x1349, Creepy.jpeg)

>>1895239This pic gives creepy Marilyn Manson vibes. She changes her looks and style quickly. How long till the blonde wig comes back?
No. 1903843
File: 1695621801763.jpg (1.86 MB, 3072x3072, 90801319.jpg)

ive noticed poppy always posts when mars does.. like yah poppy posts often, but I've noticed everytime just about, poppy will post shortly after.
No. 1906451
File: 1696005165425.jpeg (1.02 MB, 939x1427, IMG_7400.jpeg)

No. 1906479
>>1906451Something about the expression in her eyes, I would not trust this bitch. I used to like Poppy and think she was just manipulated by Tits but something about her now is off
>>1903843Could it be timezone like they are both just posting in the morning or something? I don't see the point of posting right after, maybe she thinks Mars is watching her (which is unlikely) as hard as she is watching Mars
No. 1906499
File: 1696014788475.jpg (43.12 KB, 441x410, image.jpg)

>>1901530Kek WHY did her face made me think of
this guy. With a pinch of Marilyn Manson
>>1906479> but something about her now is offThere's always been something off about her. She knew damn well about Mars situation and actively took part in harassing her from the beginning of Tits relationship even up to this point. Even after that she looked down at Mars for being ~too weak and letting Tits abuse her unlike HER, who chose to get out of the situation!~ That was the vibe her bitchy messages were giving off. and even now Poppy produces low effort but still jealousy-filled thinly veiled digs at Mars. And yeah there were outsider rumours that she's a bitch.
No. 1913180
File: 1697230308291.jpg (322.27 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20231013-134852_Ins…)

Titantic produced a country album for some dude named Caleb Lee Hutchinson
No. 1913229
File: 1697238045847.jpg (439.79 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20231013_185830_You…)

>>1913128came to post about the video. after watching it, the entire Aesthetic of the video, especially with chelseas very familiar deadpan emotionless state… this all screams mars argo.
No. 1913617
>>1913128Could you elaborate on Poppy's album leaked? I only found info on Girl with the Motorbike getting leaked.
>>1913180So is this the collab "everyone will get mad about"? Titanic mentioned some upcoming collab on one of his blah-blah-blah podcast that would make people upset. Or was he talking about the song with Chelsea? No reason to get mad about that. The song sounds so boring it could be a lullaby
No. 1914577
>>1914348considering how many family/parent influencers, yout7bers etc, are out there.
feels like it.
and a loong while ago in this thread, another anon completely predicted that titanic and Chelsea where gonna re brand as exactly that.
a family content / parenting stuff, all while still clinging to his ways.
it's very evident he doesn't have any other ideas, as he has stuck with this family interpretation of the mars/pop project, cause the resemblance is there.
No. 1914725
>>1914665exactly!! and I think the white background is what made him claim that he did a collab that would upset people.
he thinks thats what folks are upset about with his content lol
No. 1916054
File: 1697745637223.jpeg (494.6 KB, 1242x1716, IMG_7854.jpeg)

Mars posted on her story
No. 1916766
>>1916054Based Mars.
>>1916151Well can you blame her? There is a reason she made her insta private. Titanic can't shut the fuck up about her despite claiming to be a proud ass father and a totally new man. That shit about white backdrop is him throwing jabs at Mars. Is she supposed to just take it?
No. 1917750
File: 1697993521973.jpeg (221.57 KB, 1080x1919, Chelsea flipping clothes.jpeg)

Chelsea made multiple posts about buying clothes from drift stores. And she has an online shop where she sells those clothes. Can she actually make profit from that?
No. 1919322
File: 1698272785750.jpeg (353.41 KB, 1242x1848, IMG_8054.jpeg)

Poppy was seen with this guy called Noah (I have no idea who he is) and his fans really don’t want them together
No. 1919867
File: 1698355219167.png (134.6 KB, 1080x321, 20231026_154946.png)

No way she just called listening to unreleased music "psychological rape"
No. 1919883
>>1919867what a retarded thing to say for someone who keeps going on about being an "abuse
No. 1920197
>>1919867"Psychological rape" sounds retarded. Kek.
>Nonconsensual exchange That was theft, Poppy. They took your intellectual property without consent.
>>1919657I'm confused. Wasn't this supposed to be the puppeteered fake Poppy? She claims she hasn't cried in four years. Doubt. She is a crybully just like Titanic.
No. 1920965
>>1916853>>1916512She even writes like a child
lol, I know she didn't write this"I'm so hard, I'm so hard, I'm so hard…
can they tell I'm hard yet? Maybe one more.
I'm so hard
…What else?
My body's so hard"
No. 1921324
File: 1698613879541.mp4 (778.86 KB, 720x1280, Vuvuzela.mp4)

Omg. So random, funny, and original!
No. 1921330
File: 1698614407749.png (2.14 MB, 1630x977, Quirky.png)

>>1920965Look at these childish, I mean quirky accessories.
No. 1921527
File: 1698649757319.jpg (21.37 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>1921330Meh. a real fashionista would wear these
No. 1925198
File: 1699384080839.jpeg (371.36 KB, 1242x1190, IMG_8287.jpeg)

Someone save this child
No. 1926933
>>1926591 don't have to pretend. Does the average midwestern dick make their current partners replicate, copy and harass their ex partners? Cause altho this isn't a unique situation, its not a common one, and it is VERY
Imagine being turned into your partners ex, and being used to copy and harass said ex. It's not fun.
No. 1927903
File: 1699894119449.jpg (2.41 MB, 3056x3056, 169989392184640502107774721576…)

Mars Argo Re-recorded " Using you " and now has it in her spotify discovery, sole credits to her.
this is a big one guys
this song was one of the 1st songs that popped off the fandoms, and the drama.
its finally just hers.
No. 1928403
>>1928105this sounds like what poppy wishes to be, titanic is obviously replicating; but sounds like mars inspo.
No. 1929757
File: 1700182196118.jpg (321.01 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20231116_194709_X.j…)

sooo her rabid fan base pretty much forced her to release this.
she wanted it buried. tried too. but fans keep re uploading it, and listening to bootleg versions / the original (i think its still on youtube)
so she felt obligated to release it it seems.
thats honestly sad.
like its sweet and kind of her to release it officially for those who do keep going after bootleg ones.
but if she wanted buried, its honestly sad to see her release it. it feels like she feels backed in a corner.
No. 1929833
>>1929757wow how dare her fans listen to her music.
>she wanted it buried.yet she kept the mv on her channel despite deleting everything else. nothing to do with it having 24 million views tho, right?
No. 1929883
File: 1700208910660.jpeg (975.04 KB, 3377x2688, 743D302F-10C3-4C4C-B0F1-52D30B…)

Titanic and Chelsea are engaged
No. 1929891
File: 1700212353398.jpg (89.69 KB, 1080x1334, kek.jpg)

yeah, poppy posted this under 1hr later lol
No. 1930312
>>1930098 altho your correct about the fact she has been posting this shoot for a while, its the fact that she chose that specific image, from a set of 10 on that post, and had posted it within the same hour of their announcement. if you look at the photos from that shoot, thats the only image that altho clearly taken before the announcement, was the only one with an expression she coulda used.
if it was the only pic posted from the post itself instead of her having a selection from that post, I would agree about a reach.
but this feels to coincidental to be a reach tbh.
why select just that 1 when posting when, before announcement she was sharing them all, back to back?
sometimes for these folks, you gotta look past face surface.
No. 1930560
File: 1700337341133.png (922.28 KB, 1080x1487, Alone.png)

>>1929883Okay, the picture of Titanic holding the ring is gone. The third pic of the post is now Chelsea alone in the bathroom. The fourth pic is the same.
No. 1930562
File: 1700337459950.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1080x1920, No sound.mp4)

>>1930560And she posted this on insta story. I hope the engagement is still on.
No. 1930642
>>1930455Some people itt are seriously reaching with their Poppy speculations.
>She released merch right after Mars Argo's merch drop>She released a song on Finn's birthday >She is copying this literal who generic chick>She posts an insta story everytime Mars postsIt's getting a bit too tinfoily in here.
No. 1931572
>>1931342I feel like they called off the wedding, and are retrying.
Cause there's been at least 3 times folks speculated a break up, and that's the only thing that would make sense to me, for having 2 different engagement announcements for the same girl.
No. 1932288
>>1931861this entire song sounds like it was made on highschool, lol.
it also sounds very inappropriate for "highschool" being a topic too. like why are grown ass adults in their 30s singing about sex on prom night in their parents car/highschool.
something about it + tits record makes this feel unnerving.
it most definitely sounds like the song by teen suicide.
No. 1935853
File: 1701383016384.png (4.57 MB, 2880x2880, Chelsea insta.png)

Chelsea posted these on her insta stories. She was previously testing different make up styles and IIRC a new wig. Y'all know where this is going?
No. 1935855
File: 1701383161899.png (3.84 MB, 3840x2160, You know the drill.png)

>>1935853You know the rules and so do I.
No. 1935870
File: 1701384982832.png (3.97 MB, 2880x2880, White eyeshadow.png)

>>1935855You wouldn't get this from any other guy.
No. 1936587
>>1936195yep. people can call these comparisons a reach, but you have to remember how he operates.
he already has new songs with chelsea in it now, posted close together. granted, not singing, but the new project is there. ive also noticed less and less posts of her country/antique aesthetic. (though she flip flops aesthetics so that may be a reach)
No. 1941477
File: 1702311332126.jpg (543.52 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20231211_110548_Ins…)

idk. something about the girl in this thay chelsea shared feels weird.
No. 1949459
File: 1704145998915.jpeg (302.58 KB, 1242x578, IMG_9492.jpeg)

I believe it.
No. 1978589
File: 1711039643553.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240321_120741_Ins…)

Saw This In Chelseas story. Looking like a black haired mars argo shag.
anyways, someone with a pc, please make a thread for this, so us mobile users can continue to use this thread/site. I've never seen this site go longer than 10 days without an update, and here we are over a month cause no one will make a thread. I'm on a mobile device, I haven't seen an option to make a thread, so can someone PLEASE MAKE A THREAD FOR THIS!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)