File: 1477411552058.png (717.04 KB, 528x821, idontlikemybeefthisfatty.png)

No. 188201
Thread #1
>>93507Thread #2
>>131172Thread #3
>>151227Thread #4
>>167361Thread #5
>>176096Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Glorified camwhore who pretends to be into gaming and anime to get Patreon bucks, JNig wannabe, ~thicc~ cosplayer. Has recently taken to attempting to 'ego guilt' the thread into stopping by claiming she has no milk. This is the 6th thread in under a year.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Samus costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money >does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $4k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guestLast Thread:
>Has been on a crusade to desperately try to prove that she's a 'good person>Was shown to have bought at least half of her twitter follows>doesnt know the difference between a song and an OST>got invited to a con again but obviously wrote her own description>said that people call her 'bodysuit senpai'>More proof that she isnt the Japanese translator she claims to be (couldnt read a higurashi poster and assumed it meant a second season was coming out and had to ask followers how to format a japanese address)>claims to have made her own bodysuit pattern when she's previously and consistently used yaya's pattern>said that Shion (Higurashi) and Beatrice (Umineko) were the 'best yanderes' even though the latter is not a yandere>Continues to attempt to copy Gabby and Tasha >claims to have been one of the people who fan translated the Higurashi manga but that was proven to be false>Made a bullshit video whining about how people are so mean to her >in said video says that she cant 'think of anything she's ever done wrong'>within a day several accusations come at her but she then goes into a 'no all these people are lying' even though she said she would 'totally own up to people if they called her out'.>at least one of these instances has been proven true but she has apparently worked things out with the person (it is assumed that she paid them off)>has officially become visually obese (has rolls even when just standing) No. 188213
>>188201That shit needs a spoiler holy shit
Why cant she just look in the mirror to see her underwear clearly doesn't fit her by at least 4 sizes on the top and 2 on the bottom
No. 188223
>>188214not sure if momo of mad fatty-chan but if you have rolls when neutrally standing (not twisting your body) you're obsese (or just got lipo).
>>188219>elite>momochoose one. I'll laugh if she backs out of it like she always does. Cant wait to see those finished shit shoes though.
No. 188230
>>188214I always know its moomoo when she ends a post/ sentence with "lol"
she does in every single one of tweets and facebook posts. so obvious gurl
No. 188237
File: 1477416465356.jpg (63.63 KB, 534x317, Moomoosucksup.jpg)

Moomoo is sucking up to cosplayers again on her Curious Cat thing. I hope they know what she's about and don't humour her.
No. 188246
File: 1477417945687.jpg (199.14 KB, 800x600, demitri_power_by_squall_lawlie…)

Shoot me, she's picking Lilith to do out of all of them?? she didn't see this…like this is up her alley…
No. 188249
File: 1477418275622.png (161.68 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20161025_135430.png)

How do you break a prop unknowingly?
No. 188255
File: 1477418810251.png (34.37 KB, 632x243, Untitled.png)

>>188246Fat Morrigans are a dime a dozen. I'm guessing she wants the novelty of being "THICC LILITH."
No. 188273
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No. 188279
File: 1477421917682.jpg (15.62 KB, 236x314, c681908d065d2ef0ef408d3ec85cca…)

her boobs would look less disgusting (especially bigger) if she just ordered a bra that fits her, she has no excuse because VS has the bombshell bra available in larger sizes online, she could have prepared for this shoot.
and yes that is the bombshell you can easily tell by the design, the front and the straps are very specific to bombshell.
No. 188289
>>188214Anon, it's not normal
or healthy to have rolls while standing.
>>188249Why is nothing ever her fault? It's always "it was an accident" or "I didn't know".
No. 188298
File: 1477426848485.jpg (303.87 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20161025_161641.jpg)

She almost done guys! Be proud of her mad skills! So much improvement!
Seriously, not sure why she's so proud of these
No. 188517
>>188255>"compared to newer fighting games it's just meh"Mariah, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Stop acting like you know anything at all about fighting games, especially classics like Dark stalkers.
Shit like this makes me want to face her in a match. I bet she's absolute trash at it.
No. 188633
>>188600No i 100% agree with you. tbh it's pure laziness that has her gaining all the weight she is. She probably orders in food everyday or goes to drive-thrus and other than that She's just sitting on the internet it seems. I can imagine she does nothing but chug soda and snack all the time.
I join you tinfoil-chan because I actively refuse to believe that she's earning more than swimsuitsuccubus who actually does a variety of poses in different locations with even different types of lingerie sets/swimsuits and who has a totally bangin body.
>>188629I like to imagine it's one of moochlette's bras because moomoo's too cheap to even buy herself a bra that fits kek
No. 188640
>>188622I love her rolls, I'm into fattys so I do like to see her get chunkier like this.
She does charge way too much tho for the quality of the sets she puts out and how many images are in them.
No. 188654
>>188633>>188644Because momo seems more sexually availble to guys. SSS never makes any sexual jokes or comments and I don't even think I've seen her swear. She doesn't post pics or vine videos often like Momo who makes them almost daily. She doesn't interact with her fanbase as much and on her patreon her most expensive tier is $10 while momo's is $50 and offers "private meet ups"
More guys feel like they have a chance with momo than sss
No. 188656
>>188644Maybe its just the boobs? I kinda love it though. I hope she surpasses Jnig. I hate Jnig more than Moomoo. I also hate Sheena and Danielle Bealieu more than Moomoo. It's funny how she surpasses them and they are trying so hard. Not surprising though since Sheena looks like Dopey and Danielle looks like a simpsons character on meth.
If Momo didn't have a busted face she could really surpass Jnig. She needs to go under the knife for sure
No. 188688
>>188201This photo is giving me urges…
…to moo and sing whale. I just. Can't. Help. It.
No. 188704
>>188249hey momo remember when you broke some guy's prop and didn't apologize
>That never happened! Lying hater!hey I'm the guy whose prop you broke but it's okay
>y-yeah maybe I did break it but he's the one who made me hold it and it was badly made anywayShe's like a bratty 8-year-old.
No. 188709
File: 1477479569590.png (397.19 KB, 1078x1420, 2016-10-26 03.55.56.png)

Oh no she never responded to me.
No. 188718
>>188640Gross pls go away
If you're the same person who keeps casually bringing up across random threads (like Megan's) that you like fat girls please stop
No. 188733
>>188656>>188685If you actually hate Jnig more than moomoo you're actually disgusting. Moomoo has done more dishonest shit in the past 6 months than people have even accused Jnig of doing and no Moomoo surpasses both Nigz and Sheena's attention whoring by a mile.
Show me one time Jessica or Sheena has, in the guise of 'cosplaying', offered to suck someone's dick. Never? Funny cause that was moomoo's first tweet in her Bunny Bulma cosplay 'I'll suck your dick for a Dragon Ball'.
Go take your skinny girl vendetta elsewhere cause never in a million years will this two faced, pigslut fraud of a nerd ever surpass JNigs because of one thing: Jessica gives a fuck about her craft (whether you consider it to be modelling or whatever). I dont even like Jess that much but you need to go fuck off if you think Moomoo should or could surpass her. Even if you think Jnig is a fraud or whatever you should hate moomoo that much more because she's 100% a piece of shit.
No. 188797
File: 1477506860124.png (231.76 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20161026_143236.png)

No. 188820
>>188797Hey Momo, we know you come here, so here's some advice:
You COULD change how we think of you… through ACTIONS. Of course, that would require you to stop with the patreon and actually work on getting better at your craft so that all your costumes don't look like shit. You'd also need to stop acting like a tool and a try hard fake on social media to gain attention.
But since you're not willing to give up your money or "fame", you won't do these things. And we will continue to judge you because you act like a spoiled teenager who just does whatever they they want when you're 21.
We don't hate you because you're fat. We don't hate you because you're popular. We hate you because you act high and mighty about being what is essentially a sex worker (cam girls are sex workers, and your constant "boudoir" shoots are basically what they are doing) by calling it cosplay, when you produce costumes that could be better constructed by a child. And you just don't care as long as you get money and attention.
You are not fooling anyone. No one donating to your patreon gives 2 shits about your cosplay. They are sad people who want to jack off to your lingerie pics and try to sleep with you at a con if they happen to be at the same one.
No. 188821
>>188797Kek I always love the idea that everyone here couldn't possibly have a life. That this isn't just a bit of casual internet use for us all.
Such reaching
No. 188824
>>188820I don't understand why in your head she has to quit Patreon to be a decent person lol, it just makes you sound like you're jealous because you can't make Patreon bux. In b4 "hi moomoo".
Anyway I'm pretty sure if she just cut the crap and stopped being so fake/dishonest/attention seeking it'd be a big improvement.
No. 188840
>>188821As someone who has been a long time reader/ poster in these type of internet celeb gossip sites, the "YOU DON'T HAVE A LIFE!" is the oldest insult in the book. I'm not sure if these people realize doing all of this takes no effort at all.
Of course Mariah doesn't put ANY effort into ANYTHING, so to her it must seem like we're doing some ungodly amount of work here.
No. 188875
>>188824Ok, let me rephrase that.
She can keep the patreon… if she actually started spending the money on decent cosplays (like if she commissioned them from high quality commissioners, not China), stopped doing boudoir shoots to make the money, and actually made it about cosplay.
However, I have yet to see anyone who makes a decent amount of money on patreon without selling sex.
My point is that Momo cares about the money, not about cosplay. She's spending at most a couple hundred dollars per costume. Probably much less. She absolutely does not need several thousand.
No. 188881
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No. 188882
File: 1477524239794.png (819.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5453.PNG)

In other news, it seems neither moomoo nor her fans know what a fucking memes. First memes have to be originally funny. And adding blunts and a filter doesn't make it anymore funny unless the original meme is funny. Memes are a sacred source of humor, and they are defiling it.
No. 188886
>>188882>memes are a sacred source of humorI can't believe you typed that and hit send not seeing how retarded you sound.
But yes, Mariah and her fans think being a memelord is so funny and interrsting.
No. 188889
>>188875The thing is, as long as she has the Patreon I doubt she ever really will make it about cosplay. She is way too greedy and insincere to ever do that.
Pateron is the only thing she has to make herself feel special and use to shit all over everyone else. Her cosplays are shitty, her attitude is shitty, and as we've seen Moochette is her only friend and even the sincerity of that is debatable. Without the Pateron she would be forced to actually make decent cosplays and (though I don't believe in miracles) treat others with respect to gain attention.
As long as she has it the cheap lingerie will keep coming (unless she eats herself to such a bulbous size she gives herself a heart attach and/or stroke).
Also I think having a job again will help her grow the fuck up.
No. 188921
>>188919Are you fucking serious? There are plenty of decent looking girls who enjoy video games and cosplay out of love for the franchise. Take your sexist bullshit somewhere else.
sage for no contribution
No. 188922
>>188919Maybe you don't give women enough credit, almost every female cosplayer I know plays video games, even more so than a lot of my con-going non-anime fan male friends do, hell a ton of them have more connections to the video game industry than my male friends. And like most of these women are attractive so IDK where you're getting this "only fat girls like video games" bullshit but go cry about it to your meninist shirt and fedora somewhere else. We're better than this sexist nonsense.
No. 188924
>>188921The super cute ones don't actually care about games. I would say i was hard on my description of the girls. While working at anime shop i used to know quite a few good looking girls who were into anime, and some games like kingdom hearts and legend of zelda.
But you have to admit there alot of girls out there that use geek culture for quick cash…look at all the boobie streamers on twitch.
>>188922 you're in a thread dumping on a girl for being either too fat or to much of a bitch i don't think your above anything.
No. 188941
>>188924>The super cute ones don't actually care about games.That's reaching.
>But you have to admit there alot of girls out there that use geek culture for quick cash…look at all the boobie streamers on twitch. Yes, it happens. And because Momo undoubtedly falls into this category, while often hilariously preaching how she's the "only real fan," is one reason why we hate her. It completely discredits women who do consider gaming a major hobby. The same for comics or other "geeky" forms of entertainment. It's 2016 for christ's sake. Just when we think all this "fake nerd girl" bullshit is behind us, and how you don't have to have a penis to like nerdy things, someone like Momo decides to shit all over the place and send women back to square one.
No. 188955
>>188841Where did I say she needs it? I'm not even going to read the rest of your butthurt post because you're doing that classic lolcow user shit of putting words in someone's mouth to get offended at. All I said is that I don't see why being on Patreon makes her a bad person. If she wants to be there, it doesn't hurt you, so what the fuck ever.
>>188844And if you don't, why does it matter to you that she does want it?
>>188875Well, this is a lot more agreeable. I wish she'd put the money to good use for cosplay, myself. For 7k I feel like she should be turning out several full worbla/foam armours per month of payment.
No. 188964
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>>188919>the only ones you can trust are the super fat and ugly girls because they use games as an escape just like dudes doThis is so fucking retarded. The fat ugly ones are the most basic fake bitches out there because they think that's the only way that they can get approval and attention, they're just as shallow as many other girls. Plenty of good looking or average looking girls are into games because they're fun and a source of entertainment, you don't have to be a fucking miserable loser to properly play a video game. Most people don't use video games for an 'escape' they do it because it's a fun and addictive hobby, not some temporary high that breaks up their bouts of depression unless you have serious problems. Take your bullshit logic back to /r9k you beta faggot.
No. 188966
>>188924>See also: salty beta fag who is mad that no attractive woman gives a fuckYou're so hilariously wrong. It's actually pretty simple to proove it too: Asherbee.
>the only ones you can trust are the super fat and ugly girls because they use gaming as an escape just like dudes do if anything by this very idea you're proving that they arent 'into' gaming and are just using it as a lil hug box. Also if tumblr has taught me anything is that a lot of fatties are sitting around bitching about there not being enough ~~*representation*~ and getting
also… you realize anime stores ONLY attract low-tier nerds right? Most shit anime stores sell is the most basic bitch shit of anime/gaming (Naruto, SAO, Bleach, Zelda ect) so you wouldn't be seeing any REAL fans where you used to work anyway.
No. 188971
>>188963My one theory on that is perhaps she's of the mindset that this "high" might never end. Perhaps she doesn't realize this lifestyle won't last forever. Or maybe she's comfortable, I mean, rent can't be more than 3,000 a month, and if I remember correctly doesn't she still live with her parents? which would mean she probably pays less than $1,000 if anything for rent. Maybe she passes up on the opportunity because she's making anywhere from $4,000-$6,000 a month and doesn't need to sell prints at cons to make a living.
I've done the math on it with what little information I have, I'd say if she isn't putting money into her own patreon (which is a possibility since there are 321 donors which contribute on average $21 per month) she's making a profit of about $6,000 per month. Of course this is assuming she doesn't pay rent and all her other monthly bills add up to about $1,000. over a period of 1 year she could make upwards of around $70,000 (I wonder what her income taxes are like).
No. 189001
File: 1477542080108.jpg (126.3 KB, 900x1200, such skill.jpg)

Okay I'm calling it now: someone else cut her cammy pattern for her cause literally this should be the same cut but looks completely different. (doesnt fit and dat diaper cut)
Also I waited til she had ample time but for someone who was 'all about yuri on ice' (ermagerd cosplay, cant stop singing the OP u gaiz, omg love this show soooo much) last week the only thing she's done even in vague relation today is retweet people who quote RTed her shark skating.
Way to prove yourself as a hella fake moomoo~
No. 189003
>>188971Impressive amount of money if the math is correct
I don't see her however thinking long term about it though
No. 189010
>>189008It's not hard to conceal her fupa dude why is she doing this.
Ffs, Mathu Anderson has a hi cut corset he made for swimsuits and other skimpy pieces
No. 189020
>>189003Thank you it took some estimating. I don't really see her thinking about it long term unless she's saving the ~$6,000 per month, in which case she could have enough saved up to last her a short while once people stop donating (after that however she may have to get a job)
>>189013>>189014I'm pretty sure it's taxable because it's a form of income. Also receiving donations are only non-taxable if the person/group is a 501(c) but I don't think Momokun has gotten to that point. I wouldn't be surprised if Patreon has you sign a tax form so you don't attempt to lie to the IRS and pretend you're not making money when you actually have a sizable income to claim.
No. 189024
File: 1477545151443.png (1.5 MB, 900x1200, sewingishard.png)

>>188924>The super cute ones don't actually care about games.Nerds are less likely to care about fitting into social norms, or else they wouldn't allow themselves to be nerds in the first place. This lack of adherence to social norms usually pervades other areas of their life, such as their style/hygiene/eating habits/exercise habits, not just their recreational tastes.
Because nerdiness is more acceptable among men than among women (with the exception of weeabooism), there's a higher likelihood that normal-ish men will allow themselves to be nerds.
If no one believed "cute girls don't actually care about video games," far more cute girls would willingly be gamers, rather than resisting it because they don't want to be seen as weirdos or attention whores catering to thirsty neckbeards.
>>188919>they use gaming as an escape just like dudes do"I don't like cosplaying for fun, therefore no one does."
>>189001Dem unhemmed edges.
No. 189060
>>189020I recently opened up my own patreon and can confirm they do request you sign tax forms once you reach over $600 (or $800 I can't remember which) if you're a US citizen. So Momo has to sign the forms and submit them to the IRS or she could be audited for hiding money. Then again, the IRS sucks at auditing people.
sage for just adding info and nothing else
No. 189130
>>188963I honestly don't think people give a fuck about her when she goes out to cons. I rarely see photos of her doing meet and greets, she's usually just attached to whatever group she's with. And the one meet up she did, no one really came out for.
As said before, people just care about her ~boudoir sets~ aka they just want to see some lewds, they give 0 fucks about her. And if they're already dropping $50 on her shit sets, why would they buy prints, even online?
No. 189383
>>189349Because she's lazy/doesn't want to lose weight
Just because her parents were healthy/normsl weight etc., doesn't mean she has to be. But I get what you mean
No. 189393
>>189349she probably got used to eating a certain way for sports and didn't change when she stopped. you see it happen a lot to people who played in highschool. she'd have been fine if she'd kept going to the gym, but like
>>189383 said she's lazy.
No. 189404
File: 1477609966717.jpeg (37.09 KB, 242x660, 1458317189782.jpeg)

>>189387idk I feel like this counts as 'skinny'. She doesnt even have any upper arm fatty wings or anything. So she could easily be fit but as you can see she cant pretend to have tits or an ass when she's this thin.
No. 189485
File: 1477619605711.jpg (114.42 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20161027_215231.jpg)

Those boots look pitiful
No. 189491
>>189485What the fuck are those clomping monstrosities?
Why are they so huge?
No. 189493
File: 1477620713297.png (596.67 KB, 800x981, mei-victory-pose-3-hands-on-hi…)

>>189491they're meant to be huge
No. 189499
File: 1477621376714.png (348.25 KB, 508x471, mood.png)

>>189485I mean, good job actually making the boots moo moo and doing something. But they still look like shit lmao. The buckles on the side just look like she used felt paper.
No. 189632
>>189485Man… for Moomoo these look pretty good? They're not accurate at all of course, but it's like, she's done SOME sort of effort for once. Maybe my standards for her have become ridiculously low after her other low-effort shit.
If she kept it up, kept trying and trying and improving herself I could see her getting to the level she thinks she's currently at, but I doubt she'll be willing to put in the effort to better herself.
No. 189637
>>189485accurate level 0
I wonder if she knows that
No. 189835
File: 1477685763251.jpg (1.1 MB, 1370x2249, Screenshot_20161028-160755.jpg)

This wig looks like a mess and is way off model. It's so lame that she went and called darkstalkers "meh" when it's really fun and greatly stylized. She's so fake. She doesn't care about this game and just wants thirsty randos to see her in a tight costume.
No. 189840
File: 1477687491036.jpg (75.97 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1477687318458.jpg)

Heyyyyyyyy guyyyyyysssss
No. 189844
File: 1477687803922.jpg (149.14 KB, 887x904, boobglue.jpg)

No. 189848
>>189840Is this shooped?
I have a hard time believing her corset alone is giving her this shape.
No. 189870
File: 1477689692312.jpg (47.07 KB, 639x360, boob.jpg)

Good lord that's a lot of fat!
Anyone know if that's even possible???
((side note: most of the replies to this tweet are fuckboi neckbeards asking "how big were they before the surgery?"))
No. 189871
File: 1477689708014.gif (1005.25 KB, 268x168, giphy.gif)

>>189840>>189852Why did she even fucking bother? My jimmies are beyond rustled. This is straight up fucking garbage.
No. 189890
>>189844can't wait for her to complain about chemical burns and/or ripping her skin off while taking the costume off.
>>189887she's here for the money and nothing else. the quality and accuracy her costumes are don't matter to her.
No. 189963
>>189840I still find it disgusting that she would do Lillith since she knows she would be compared to every competent Morrigan out there.
The lack of wings and the overall laziness of this is so gross. Also maybe if she actually knew how to make a garment she'd know how to make her fat sacks stay in place.
No. 190023
>>189840Anothe cosplay she puts off until she's literally in the hotel and makes it from scratch.
No. 190042
File: 1477701319132.gif (2.76 MB, 300x225, 1366163534674.gif)

>>189840It doesn't look that ba-
>No wings, not even on head>Bullshit pathetic white tassels>Gloves don't even go up to tassels>No titty window which would make sense since she loves showing them off>cheapest material possible>Bats drawn on with fucking markerI think what disgusts me the most about this is that her wig (I know the length and the color is off but that doesn't really bug me) and makeup is actually flattering for once, and for the first time ever I thought her face was pretty, yet the outfit is complete garbage. For once her makeup doesn't make her look hideous and yet her outfit is twice as garbage as normal, what the fuck Momo?
No. 190046
File: 1477702172162.png (53.84 KB, 750x287, IMG_8273.PNG)

The fact that she banks in on that dollar making tights with drawn on bats is amazing, A+ Mariah
But this fucking shit tho(her commissioned mei cosplay), that she doesn't give credit where it's due, like she knowingly does to make it look like she made the whole shebangIt astounds me beyond comprehension when she claims to be a saint within the community .
No. 190067
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>>190047if they were bigger than yours then it would be an abnormality therefore making… perfect sense as to why she would have breast reduction surgery lmao. titties that big would seriously damage her spine in the long run. more bizarre things have been documented in the human body i mean? it's entirely possible. keep in mind she's probably gained a lot of weight since then. they probably were b cup back in the day.
No. 190074
File: 1477708668265.jpg (563.96 KB, 2048x1538, IMG_3983.JPG)

You can see the make up just smeared all over her in this photo
No. 190079
>>190047If she wasn't lying to me about the exact reasons then she got it at 14 or 15 because she had G-cups and to have such huge boobs at such a young age would have ruined her back.
I saw the scars too, she really did have some kind of reduction surgery. Can we drop this reduction rumor now? Even though she brings up her boobs for attention I promise she really did have a reduction. How she leverages that for attention I can't control but I can attest she did have it.
No. 190080
File: 1477709458483.jpg (663.69 KB, 1200x1495, bp-pins.jpg)

>>190075Looks like a bobby pin, actually.
No. 190081
>>190047Sage for no contribution but if you're a 34HH then you've got to know how bra sizes work and if she's bigger in the ribcage than you and maybe was a 36G then she very well could have been left with the boob size she used to have before gaining weight. Compared to
>>189404 her boobs are definitely bigger but in a fatty way
No. 190093
>>190090because she's an idiot
idk how her mind works. maybe she just borrowed them, but she definitely had a pair on while she was walking into/at the con.
No. 190099
File: 1477711855498.png (34.06 KB, 214x454, IMG_3846.PNG)

I'm sexy!
No. 190101
>>190099they look decent. nana probably spent a good amount of time and effort and them. and moomoo just rushes the rest in her hotel room the day before the con
No. 190107
File: 1477712934380.jpg (317.69 KB, 600x902, lilith_ii_by_bryanhumphrey.jpg)

>>190099Wings seem pretty decent, of couse they're the only thing she didnt make. To bad her fat flat ass is blocking most of them.
I ended up searching google for Lilith cosplay and tbh there really aren't many good ones. Not much to compare against. I liked this one though.
No. 190112
>>190107Not only is this girl qt, but her costume is well made and she's a good fit for Lilith.
And I agree, it's sad that she prides herself on making her own cosplays and then the only good part of her costume was made by someone else.
No. 190163
>>189633Did…Did she just slapped some grey plasti dip on it and called it a day? Or is it the light? It doesn't look like she painted them.
>>190099Holy shit, even a tiny peek of another person standing next to her really shows how fat she's gotten. I don't know weather to make fun of her laziness or to start fretting about her declining health.
No. 190169
File: 1477727186950.jpg (101.67 KB, 720x960, 10458558_10202253370637538_453…)

Still better then moomoo
No. 190218
>>189870That's because you're fucking obese, Moomoo. Fat chicks tend to have huge breasts because they're FAT.
>>189975>>190099The size difference in these two images is just ridiculous. Idk why she shoops herself 4 sizes smaller when anyone who sees candid photos or meets her irl can see she's getting even fatter than before. So much for her ~body positivity~.
And honestly why did she pick the flat-chested narrow-bodied character instead of Morrigan? Because the bodysuit window would give away her corset?
No. 190236
File: 1477750389422.jpg (1.39 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20161029_101222.jpg)

No. 190239
>>190218Lilith is supposed to have a boob window though?
I've never seen a cosplayer be so lazy and inaccurate with their cosplays. Even shitty ones try to be accurate, just with poor execution or craftsmanship. Momo has neither.
No. 190260
>>190236the unshooped version of this compared to this
>>189975 is just crazy. You can tell just how big she is IRL
No. 190276
File: 1477759005754.png (2.21 KB, 268x392, Darkstalkers_Lilith.png)

>>190268I don't like her either anon, but come on, that's nit picky as hell.
No. 190277
>>190236>dat wrinkly saggy waist>Dat wrinkly bunched up diaper crotchIs that tape holding her head wings at the base? Also getting a closer look at the wings even though they're clean look jank af. they seem to literally be giant pieces of foam stuck together with no actual dimension to them.other than the red being placed on the black.
Also the wings actively clash with her bodysuit since the wings are a yellow tinted red while her bodysuit is a blue tinted red.
No. 190281
File: 1477760348486.png (5.58 KB, 268x392, moomoo posing.png)

>>190276no it's not cause you can see there that lillith's elbows arent anywhere near her waist. Majority of fighting game poses are meant to make the character's silhouette stand out so you can tell which is which easily. is she was posed like moomoo is her silhouette would immediately become blobby
If anything when attempting to emulate a fighting game sprite you should emphasize the posing not squish it in. But she's too tntent on hiding her arm blubber and her actual size wthish is funny cause it just makes her tits that she tries to show off look small and flabby
No. 190303
>>190277The wings are actually nice. She didn't make them so that makes sense.
The entire costume is lazy. The bodysuit does look relatively clean and well made (for her I mean) but has the completely wrong shape (why does it have a sweetheart neckline when Lilliths is straight across? Was she trying to compensate for not having the cut out?) and looks to be one layer, not a structured, properly built bunny suit. Hence why her boobs are falling out, they're supposed to have the support of a par built into them.
Also… how can she be so damn lazy on the tights? you can literally buy spray on fabric paint, with a stencil and that, it probably would have taken less time than her marker shit.
No. 190306
>>190302It's glare. The wings are probably covered in a shiny fixative.
>>190281I agree, I'm not to annoyed by it, but it really sperates the good cosplayers from the mediochre. Cosplaying isn't only about making the costume, it's also how you present it.
No. 190315
>>190303She's also missing the keyhole in the bodysuit. I guess she just has one bodysuit pattern which she abuses to death no matter which character she's making.
The bats also look like she colored them in with a marker. She's so goddamn lazy.
No. 190340
File: 1477773476151.jpg (216.69 KB, 2048x1536, 10931048_10152465749897563_261…)

>>190330Said I was gonna a bomb ass bitch that year
No. 190344
File: 1477774266028.png (60.28 KB, 614x235, momo.png)

No. 190351
File: 1477775411465.png (6.4 KB, 224x218, Darkstalkers_3_Lilith_Winning_…)

>>190315Additionally, unlike Momo's, Lilith's bodysuit doesn't cover the hips. Momo literally got everything about it wrong.
No. 190407
>>189870Momo, of course your boobs are still heavy. Look at you. You are obese, every part of you is heavy.
It is mind boggling how she acts like she has giant boobs when really she's on the smaller side for someone as heavy as she is. This girl is delusional.
>>190042She can't have the titty window or it will show off her too-small push up bra that is working over-time trying to keep her tits up. Also, her corset would probably peek out too, even though it's super obvious she's wearing one as is, those lines…
No. 190408
>>190074Holy shit. These is nightmare inducing. Isn't she only just recently turn 21? Why does she already have so many wrinkles?
>>190099Those stump legs and that massive gut. Even her corset can't make her have a shape anymore. She is actually a blob now.
No. 190410
File: 1477782277184.jpg (220.94 KB, 1200x900, Cv5sM8vVIAECgde.jpg)

you can really see her massive weight gain from the sides.
No. 190415
File: 1477782660499.png (1.38 MB, 831x852, mar.png)

'body positive'
No. 190417
File: 1477782822190.jpg (351.25 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20161029_171224.jpg)

>>190410IMHO Vamp's Mercy actually looks really good. Maybe she'll realize how much better she could be and finally drop Momo
No. 190418
File: 1477782906403.jpg (473.68 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20161029_171417.jpg)

>>190417Even though they're drooping you can tell she actually cared about making them and they look good
No. 190427
>>190417I'll contradict that if you look closely a lot of it was cheaped out on (the sock buckles or whatever dont line up properly) and a lot of it is really sloppy when you look up close.
It's the blessing of a more detailed costume hiding flaws
No. 190439
>>190417idk how accurate it is, but it does look pretty good. it at least looks like she put effort and work into it. its amazing how much of a difference that makes.
also moochlette seems decent with props, moomoo wishes.
No. 190460
>>190428If you're looking at what I think you are, I don't think it's razor burn.
If you look at her wings it looks like they've been rubbing her skin and paint just keeps chipping off.
I don't like all the uneven paint lines on her staff and the metal part of her broom could of at least been covered with tape but it looks a lot better than anything Momo could do.
>>190410And it looks like she's just pathetically trying to be 'LOOK they wanted ME with them in the picture' when those two OW cosplayers probably just wanted to get a picture with the Mercy.
No. 190518
File: 1477809199066.png (58.18 KB, 750x488, IMG_4344.PNG)

Why does she do this shit
No. 190629
File: 1477845689925.jpg (207.44 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20161030_094051.jpg)

The only good parts of this are the parts she didn't make.
No. 190643
>>190639Yup. Someone posted a link to the shop site in another thread.
>>190629What did she make in this besides the god awful boots? (Which she once again rushed days before)
No. 190655
File: 1477851781392.jpg (52.71 KB, 600x728, Gargamel_and_Azrael_from_the_S…)

>>190418this is all i see
No. 190659
>>190629once again she put foundation on her lips to look more asian. You can see her lips arent THAT pasty in her Lilith pics.
Plus side: she got a new wig
Down side: The wig is WAY too brown, she didnt get a new tank, and even though the costume is still way better than anything she could make it's still pretty incorrect since Mei's jacket is mainly a light grey not a pale blue. Also rookie mistake: not stuffing your pouches.
I cant wait to hear how 'omg i got noticed by sooo many people u gaiz I kept getting stopped my croooooowds of people for my picture' and then like 4 are posted.
No. 190723
File: 1477867733994.jpg (90.72 KB, 612x613, 7221644f-6fbd-4921-9cff-1333e3…)

No. 190749
File: 1477871943138.jpg (26.1 KB, 137x160, Goblins Labyrinth.JPG)

No. 190808
File: 1477884496881.png (1.39 MB, 604x804,…)

>>190806Nope, originally she was doing Cammy.
No. 190810
File: 1477884603003.jpg (98.26 KB, 742x1200, 1475232402521.jpg)

>>190806What? She made Cammy's bodysuit and everything. There's a few caps and WIP shots in the last thread.
>>190786Probably just another Camilla situation where she realized she'd look like shit wearing it to the con.
No. 190831
>>188201Im irrationally
triggered by that ill-fitting bra. God, Moomoo, get one your size. I promise your udders will still look big enough to make Patreon bux and they will, in fact, look better.
No. 190838
>>190826I think her RWBY one was a Patreon tier request thing also if I recall correctly
but idk if Cammy is/was
No. 190882
File: 1477904548189.gif (439.3 KB, 426x600, momo1.gif)

can't lift those arms. it's obvious the whole thing's going to come down if she doesn't hold it up constantly.
No. 190884
She posted a video on insta of her acting obnoxious with a patchi toy while she proceeds to hop between two others, stepping on them and warming up to the reinhardt voice actor. How fucking rude and why would she post it? You can hear the girl askjng why she did that, someone saying rekt and the voice actor pointing it out too like fucking chill attention whore (
No. 190901
File: 1477910016687.jpg (57.11 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1477909816977.jpg)

>>190882Near nip slipped.
No. 190950
>>190882I think it has less to do with her keeping the bodysuit up and more to do with her shoving her tits together. She's not wearing a bra supposedly so without her shoving them together they'd seperate and flatten out like pancake batter.
>>190890>>190891yeah that's hella shooped. Not a single ass in the world acts like that.
>>190884This is the most disgusting behavior. This right here is why she'll never make it as a 'pro cosplayer' she cant keep shit in her pants for two seconds. Even if her sucking up to famous people online does work as soon as they meet her in person they'll immediately back down. A voice actor saying you're cute (especially if you're cosplaying from a series their in) is super common so her acting like a special snowflake is just gross.
The best part of this is most voice actors I know are gossipy as heck and love telling con cringe stories so moomoo will go down as the 'annoying mei cosplayer at SLCC' and she'll probably be wasy to find.
>>190905I disagree cause in that picture you can tell she didnt blend it out at all. it's just this shape (almost looks like the generic anime blush oval) of lavender sheen. also imho if you're gonna use highlighter you should at least do some kind of contouring.
No. 191015
File: 1477937706395.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Professional cosplayer
No. 191104
File: 1477953125243.jpg (63.99 KB, 775x250, zootopia-trailer-sloth.jpg)

>>188881she looks like pic related
No. 191106
File: 1477953251549.jpg (94.41 KB, 790x622, the-dark-crystal.jpg)

>>190901God why do people have to make these stupid fucking 'quirky' faces? It doesn't make you look funny and relatable, it makes you look like a tryhard. Momo especially shouldn't do, because her weird face makes her look like a weird ass muppet.
No. 191211
File: 1477969647706.jpg (74 KB, 642x532, unglywig.jpg)

"Professional cosplayer"
No. 191212
File: 1477969794405.jpg (26.07 KB, 500x305, 37dRuba.jpg)

>all those 'oh gawd mah dick' 'why am I so turned on?' commentsHoly shit shut the fuck up
No. 191219
File: 1477970365029.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1467998748873.jpg)

>>191191i hope she didnt pay someone for this
No. 191226
File: 1477971081952.jpg (44.41 KB, 565x321, lickylicky.jpg)

Putting a spin on the "insert dick here" face I see. Classy.
No. 191227
>>191222speaking of that Shion cosplay, where is the video that was apparently being made by the photographer?
Was it ever posted? You would think it would be by Halloween and Momo would be asking people to watch if it was.
No. 191232
File: 1477971821698.png (277.57 KB, 887x656, momo kun.png)

Is no one going to discuss this new post she has on youtube?
The whole thing is lined and filled with bullshit it's disgusting.
Shes so un modest, shes so proud to say shes never done anything wrong to anyone and even how nice and great of a person she is, it's disgusting.
No. 191249
>>191232Over and done with.
>>191191I feel like I'm watching a high schoolers edgy video. She needs to practice if she's going to go in front of a camera. She keeps opening her mouth wide and doing the same awkward smile. What about a sneer, or a look of disdain. Or even something incredibly menacing, you're in a nightmare room. I know it's just weird fap bait but she's probably gonna pull the same looks if she does another video and it's gonna get boring real quick.
No. 191308
File: 1477980660564.jpg (70.68 KB, 1200x701, momo2.jpg)

>>191191the main attraction, of course.
No. 191323
File: 1477982569343.png (154.4 KB, 1396x750, 20161031_233926.png)

Bardock just posted this. Pretty sure he's referring to momo
No. 191360
File: 1477987491801.png (466.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-11-01-03-02-44…)

I made a public post about how shitty her Lilith was and she actually lurked my post and commented on it.
No. 191363
File: 1477987957389.png (283.25 KB, 374x534, Lilith_All_Capcom_World_02.png)

>>191360Oh shit it is Lilith, why would a fat chick cosplay Lilith she's flat and lithe, Morrigans the busty one.
Yeah the cosplay is shit and i'm being awfully generous here but she could have gone with a more filled out character and it wouldn't be as downright ridiculous as her cosplay turned out.
No. 191364
File: 1477988032321.png (299.72 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-11-01-03-11-30…)

>>191361This is what I said in my post.
No. 191365
File: 1477988094042.jpg (121.38 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20161101_031225.jpg)

>>191364Called her out on her Instagram post saying she was going to "eat little boys".
No. 191369
>>191364>>191365>>191366>>191367Why you do dis anon? Her cosplay was fundamentally flawed by her glaringly obviously being hammy fixing the outfit wouldn't have helped at all your wasting your time here.
>Called her out on her Instagram post saying she was going to "eat little boys".Probably just being cheeky about how Liliths a succubus.
Looks like you really got to her though didn't take much.
No. 191372
>>191367Funny thing. On her patreon she says "This page is for my wonderful fans who would like to help me fund my cosplay career. "
Does career =/= professional?
No. 191373
>>191367>"don't mistreat my fans"literally countless people have come forward saying she's blatantly blown them off at various cons and broke a prop (and had to paid off the guy who owned the prop because people were giving her heat over it)
>I'm not a professionalhas a patreon, has quit school and employment to "focus on cosplay", has gotten cons to invite her as a guest
No. 191375
>>191369My main issues is that Lilith as a character wouldn't say or do that.
I did spaz out over it but Darkstalkers is one of my all time and I do hate seeing her do this to a series I like, especially with what she did with her Street Fighter cosplays.
But Moomoo is already known making characters she cosplays say or do stuff they wouldn't do.
She followed up with replies, but it was typical shit she says when anyone criticizes her.
"I'm content with my cosplays."
"I don't have to conform to other people's standards"
"What I do with Patreon donations is no one's business."
"Just because I make so and do amount of money doesn't mean it'll make me a better cosplayer"
"I don't pretend to like things for attention."
No. 191401
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No. 191500
File: 1478013696654.png (120.54 KB, 626x476, screenshot.png)

>>191191Isn't this Raihnboo girl Idubbbz's girlfriend? It's like a circlejerk
No. 191550
>>191448It was the comments on the post that made her sperg out.
Two of my friends commented on it, I had reiterated stuff about her to them. One even pointed out her waist cincher/corset.
She of course blew off a lot of the criticism and stuck to calling me a dick and then switched her tune slightly once she found out I was a former fan of hers.
No. 191628
>>191614I feel like these girls twerking are like, trying to catch on with/play to an old meme they think is still relevant. Like, nobody really twerks outside of porn and clubs these days anymore. For a moment it was super mainstream but the trend died.
If anything it'll just be another addition to a "shit white people ruined/appropriated" video/post on youtube or tumblr.
>(also if Twerk or treat isn't also the title to some porno I'll be extremely surprised) No. 191635
File: 1478031806546.png (92.67 KB, 216x249, 1477867719336.png)

>>191500sandniggers stick together
(no racebaiting) No. 191663
File: 1478034323238.gif (921.57 KB, 150x150, disgust.gif)

>>188201Jesus fuck, just imagine if one of your guy friends was dating something like this.
Except that sadly I don't have to imagine it. What's the best way to help my friend wake up?
No. 191707
File: 1478039172028.png (42.23 KB, 627x278, IMG_3860.PNG)

Alright behavior at Hal-con if she even goes! Write down your scenarios of her behavior people and place your bets!
No. 191739
>>191332Uh Mooch? You are aware that there are big ass wings in the way right?
I hate that I like her cosplay and this is what she does with it?
No. 191744
>>191366>>191367Could have been so much shorter and she would have looked pretty good and rational in her response. Especially with the 'I wanted to make them not buy them' and 'I'm just doing it because I love it.'
Tbh anon looked like the asshole here, but Moomoo just embarrassed herself with a long ass salty response showing how much it actually rustled her.
>>191787>>191746I gotta give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. It just started getting cold and a lot of people are getting sick around this time.
But you're right if she does want to be taken professionally she has to get it sorted out and suck it up
No. 191890
>>191744That's an apples and oranges comparison.
If Capcom actually made Lilith a shotacon in a new game, point taken. But this a cosplayer claiming they know/love a game series or character and then doing things that character wouldn't do.
She's done the same thing with Samus, Yang, Chun-Li, Mei,etc.
It's one thing to do dumb shit when you're in cosplay, because your not actually in character. It's another you do the same dumb shit and you are "in-character".
I was being asshole, but frankly she generally treats other people like shit regardless of whether or not they said anything to her positively or negatively.
Sage for getting slightly off topic.
No. 191940
>>191911I mean I called it
>>190659But let's be real that's how she's gotten as far as she has. By lying. She lied about guesting at cons to get the followers she does have and then bought the rest. Lying about being friends with Jessica to get more attention, lying about being 'bodysuit senpai' even though she's never sewn a bodysuit in her life, constantly lying about being a fan of different things (Yuri on Ice didnt even last a week when her 'Yuri cosplay' didnt get enough notes for her liking)
She's a fraud and it's proven by the company she keeps. No one that sticks around her is anyone of note or talent. Everyone who was distanced themselves from her when they saw exactly the type of person she is.
No. 191969
>>191968She's not even remotely entertaining and this vlog barely is
>buys another ps4 to put 5ft away from his other ps4How to are these people making so much money?
No. 192030
File: 1478096739339.jpg (6.75 KB, 152x152, images.jpg)

>>191968When he said that she was telling him about a game she and her friends play… I thought he meant actual video game. Then he said "dick pic roulette" and I was reminded that OF COURSE, this is Moomoo.
No. 192051
>>191968She's wearing the same clothes she wore in her crying in her cry video lmao.
Wonder if it was the same day or if she just has 0 clothes.
No. 192311
>>191968"All that stuff that she does, she actually works hard, so i've got a lot of respect"
"No I don't"
No. 192312
>>192308That Morrigan's nipple is straight up hanging out.
>>192300These kinds of videos are so cringy.
No. 192696
File: 1478132195061.png (541.39 KB, 628x639, Screen Shot 2016-11-02 at 5.15…)

>>192308Why can't you post a screen shot
No. 192707
>>188201I know other people have said this before,but Moomoo is a great inspiration….
for me to lose weight lmao
Looking at her pics helped me stop being a lazy slob and drop 20 pounds.
Don't wanna wait and become a landwhale.
No. 192709
>>192707good job with the weight loss
>>192708I think somewhere between 160 lbs and 180 lbs would be a good guess
No. 192734
>>192707Seriously though, I knew her before she got big (in both ways) and to be honest I used to be kind of jealous of her body. Small-ish waist, nice tits, big hips, pretty much my ideal for myself. But now her pics have become anti-inspo in terms of I in no way want to look like how she has become.
She looks about my size or bigger and I'm like 170. She has packed those pounds on. Honestly it's been so fast I don't even know how.
>>192727Honestly I could see her over 200lbs. Like I said I knew her and have known her for a bit, we're a similar build except she doesn't gain obvious weight in her face and I do. Her body looks like mine did around 200lbs even if the face is misleading.
Honestly though with all the lies she spews I'm sure she can convince herself 200+lbs isn't her fault.
No. 192763
And Moomoo should really lose it or she'll become 300 pounds in no time lol. Don't think her high heels can support her very soon
No. 192773
File: 1478138247054.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.62 KB, 500x336, 00012.jpg)

>>192707I'm honestly right there with you. I stumbled on lolcow sometime last year, since then I've lost about 40 lbs. I feel like it's between watching cows like momo and littlelotte destroy themselves and become obese and watching someone like PT lose so much weight, I finally got my shit together.
>>192709>>192715I'm 5'2" and was 160lbs and was a lot smaller than momo is. Pic is similar to my build at 160ish. I'm seriously thinking she's around 200 by now. Isn't she around 5'4"?
(Derailing/blog post) No. 192789
File: 1478139094563.jpg (41.57 KB, 400x600, 504-200_Diedre_L1.jpg)

>>192773I'm 5'4" at 153(literally just checked) and I'm half her size. Admittedly I've been working on gaining muscle so part of that is muscle but a simple google of 5'4" 200 lbs gives you lots of people that look about moomoo's size if not smaller
PS I love your stomach.
No. 192804
>>192773Holy shit.
If your in Vegas hit me up anon. Lol
No. 192812
File: 1478141487526.jpg (143.32 KB, 1577x887, 56897u4589iyjm.jpg)

>>192249here's a video of her lilith. it's only a few seconds at 3:57. she posted a longer video on her instagram all filtered up. video: No. 192822
File: 1478142471221.jpg (50.6 KB, 736x736, 59accaa300becf84e096dbb7818bd9…)

>>192818Thicc is the term voluptuous girls now that the fatties have taken over curvy. Basically it's someone with an hourglass, but especially if their ass and thighs are big.
No. 192828
File: 1478142901577.jpg (176.66 KB, 439x585, cfaa0879bc8bec726137cc37a93bad…)

>>192818I would consider this thick, but still healthy. She's curvy/soft, but has a pretty flat stomach, she's proportional, and has a small waist in comparison to her hips and chest. Girls like momo are just fat, without a corset her waist is pretty wide, she has a hanging gut, visible rolls, etc. Her proportions are very short and round and sad.
No. 192834
>>192829>>192832Why you so mad, fatty chan? Learn to sage. It's just some rando picture pulled off google to answer
>>192818 anon's question. Nice reach though.
No. 192847
File: 1478144500218.jpg (125.33 KB, 747x1024, John Krasinski Stops Office Ho…)

>>192834because that ain't thicc, you autist. it's just as meaty as a girl can get for you to think she's pretty lmao. i mean, your answer to anon's question is actually incorrect. thicc girls are fat girls. fat girls with waist trainers and photoshop. momo fits the type to a t. let a nigga lay it down,
>>192818>>192822thicc was a term coined by black men who wanted to express their attraction to a girl who was average/fat without insulting her and calling her fat. "dam girl you're thicc as hell" and "she is so thicc" like, he's saying you look fat but in a way that's attractive to him. that's where the word came from. it's right before bbw, which are girls who don't have a figure no matter how many waist trainers they use. if momo got fatter she'd be there.
girls call guys thicc too btw. everyone had a meltdown when john krasinski popped up looking like this because he had a big ass and titties and everyone loved it lmao. but it's because he got fat on top of his muscle mass so it was attractive. if he was actually big belly fat with no muscle no one would be into it. a body that's thicc is one with conventionally attractive proportions but with extra fat to make the body cushiony.
No. 192856
>>192847>thicc was a term coined by black men who wanted to express their attraction to a girl who was average/fat without insulting her and calling her fat. wow where'd you pull that bullshit from?
Nicki Minaj and the kardashians are considered thicc. As
>>192822 said it mainly means someone has big ass/hips/thighs since fatties stole 'curvy'. Tbh it same from Caribbean countries referring to girls as 'solid' but it doesnt translate to america since that makes the girl sound 'muscular'
>>192853But there is there are just fatties trying to CLAIM that they're 'thicc' (same way they took over 'curvy' to begin with. Same as the pictures posted there are people with naturally thick hips/thighs/ass and that is what 'thicc' is supposed to mean. Just because there are shitty fatties like moomoo trying to claim that they're 'thicc' doesnt mean that's what it means.
No. 192857
File: 1478145540073.jpg (81.17 KB, 411x600, New Orleans Saints v Arizona C…)

>>192847>girls call guys thicc too btw.This is actually true. There's kind of a running joke of guys who would fuck Andrus Peat because he's "thicc".
No. 192871
>>192857thic = fat confirmed
look at that gut, ugh
No. 192873
File: 1478146369652.jpg (42.47 KB, 800x530, f25e7eb2baf97574d1646479ff61a0…)

>>192856>wow where'd you pull that bullshit from?because i'm black lmao. we've been using it since the mid 2000's until tumblr discovered it and made it into a meme. just like shade, fleek, shook, lowkey, etc.
>But there is there are just fatties trying to CLAIM that they're 'thicc'. Same as the pictures posted there are people with naturally thick hips/thighs/ass and that is what 'thicc' is supposed to mean. Just because there are shitty fatties like moomoo trying to claim that they're 'thicc' doesnt mean that's what it means.boy. it's just an endearing word for fat that black guys came up with cos they don't wanna call their girl fat(or admit she is). there isn't some tight standard to it. i don't know one guy who calls a girl thicc and then bitches about hanging bellies and shit, because they actually fuck these girls and are well aware they've got bodies like momo. they like it. because they're into fat chicks. thicc=fat. as long as the tits and ass are big and the belly is decently in place it's hot to them. a hanging belly is like the collateral damage to fucking a girl with a massive ass and huge titties.
i genuinely don't know what you're trying to argue with me about lol. google thicc and look at all the fat jokes.
No. 192880
>>192877to keep the suit up and in place. if she really kept it up with super glue then too much movement would rip it off and the whole thing would fall apart.
>>192879that too
No. 192881
>>192873to add to this: drake also proved that thicc = fat
"I mean, she say I'm obsessed with thick women and I agree
Yea, that's right, I like my girls BBW, yea
Type to wanna suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you
Yeah, so thick that everybody else in the room is so uncomfortable
Ass on Houston Texas, but the face look just like Claire Huxtable"
>>192300Jesus fucking Christ, here I was hoping that these videos had finally died out.
>>191968>"Much respect, she works hard for that."Posting nudes online to self-promote is hard work?
>dick pic rouletteFucking tacky.
>"I've got a big butt! I've gotta keep– moons camera"Nah, that's just plain
wide and flat due to… fat. Lots of Moomoo flashing her wide flat ass all over the place.
All in all, this video has been the cringiest thing I've seen in a long time.
No. 192901
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>>192869that's not me idiot learn to read the post. that's one of the images that comes up if you 'google 5'4" 200lbs woman'.
>>192891>moomoo admitting to looking old Never in a million years. If anything she'd ruin Invisigirl because she's been leaning towards younger looking characters recently
No. 192909
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No. 192911
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>>192891that wasn't elastagirl it was her daughter whose name I forget. the body threw me off. still, momo should consider doing cartoon moms. it fits her better than anime girls.
photo from here: No. 192925
File: 1478158074798.png (1.66 MB, 1482x726, moo.png)

>>192920She's been gaining a lot. The middle picture was only about three months ago.
No. 192927
>>192925Oh wow that's sad. Probs emotional eating. Hopefully she deals with her issues soon. A lot of men find obese women a novelty/fetish but tend to not have long term interests in them.
I actually don't think that she's that much of a cow. Just smart with how she makes money.
No. 192937
>>192927>Just smart with how she makes money.At first I thought she was really successful for the amount she pulls in/her followers, without being amazingly good looking or have incredible cosplays and I though "wow wish I could be like that" then I looked further to find what she did to get into that position like being obnoxious, lying, kissing up to anyone relevant, super sexy shoots, etc and realized I could never sell myself out like that …so cooties to the $5k she makes a month for a few photoshoots
Also is her name basically forever ruined? On terms of the internet like any place she tries to get a job at will assumingly Google her and find everything from her dirt to her nudes…
No. 192953
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fyi is a great resource when trying to estimate someone's weight.
No. 193023
>>192927>Don't think she's that much of a cowSo what about the constant lying, bullshitting, treating people like shit if they dont suck up to her and generally ruining her name for anyone who pays actual attention to her for more than a week. literally within the past month she made a video swearing if someone called her out for 'being an asshole' she'd be upfront about it only to continue to lie and then call anyone who did confront her a liar and then AFTER someone actually did confront her about something she did and she then said 'never happened' ran and seemingly paid off the person she messed with so that they wouldn't start a shit fest.
>Just smart with how she makes moneySo being a glorified camwhore is smart? When just like all the other camwhores on lolcow by the time she hits 25 she'll burn out and go through the rest of her money trying to pretend like she hasnt? She's burning out even faster than that because of the crazy weight gain but I've said before anyone with actual talent and merit dont stick close to her and even if they do it's never for very long. She is constantly proving that she doesnt have what it takes and is only making money with her body and the amount she's ready to show if off with.
If patreon allowed people to do nudes? I can bet you she'd have some crazy $1k tier where she offered that too.
That's not smart that's literally burning away any chance of real companies taking her seriously in the future.
>>192937She bought half of her twitter followers though. look her up on twitteraudit (or find the screencap from one of the previous threads) and from that some anons have considered that she's faking her patreon amount which I tend to agree with because she was hovering around $3k for a long time and then magically it started going up by thousands every month.
No. 193030
>>193004>tfw cursed with apple body shapeI have to stay skinny or I look like shit.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 193043
>>193030same, anon. It sucks. I just want wide hips ffs.
>>192925damn I knew she was gaining weight but this makes it very apparent.
No. 193138
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Nathan deluca is building her a Titan cosplay from destiny, funny how she omits that she's building it and she's just there.
No. 193196
>>193111>this whole thread So far in this thread ALONE
>Shit-tier lilith cosplay>laughable Mei boots>super gluing on her Lilith cosplay>Her once again being blatantly gross at a con and acting as if she is the only person that matters>tryhard Higurashi cosplay videothing reminding us of that train wreck>Her sperging out on someone's post about not liking her cosplayThis thread is barely over a week old and already has more milk than most of the active threads on this site. Momo hasnt learned shit.
>>193138Oh man cant wait to see this trainwreck. Is this costume supposed to be for her and if so is she gonna claim to be 'super into Destiny' now?
No. 193298
>>193138How do you know it's for her? Did she say it was? DeLuca doesn't mention or show this specific build on his social media, and this is A LOT of last minute work to put in for someone he's just met. It's plausible she took a pic of someone else's wip and purposely didn't correct anyone when they assumed it was her's.
Besides it's weird she would wear something that doesn't show off her sagging udders or could turn into a cheap looking boudoir shoot.
No. 193317
>>193200Ask and ye shall receive ( ° ʖ °)
(reporting works too)