File: 1687250103818.png (509.23 KB, 1088x683,…)

No. 1849877 and suggestions :
>>1843568RECAP :
Niamh. We were reminded that she shit in a sock whilst IP,
Abby confirmed their ongoing friendship via tagged inside jokes on tiktok. Her real edtwt was uncovered. A censored half naked bodycheck [borderline CP] was up, causing much
>discourse in the thread. This was taken down, as was the edtwt account. Her Instagram now also states "inactive" (probably not for long?) (old username). (new).
Shit stories are common amongst the anachans,
Dorian making an appearance with her own
shit stories.
I propose we change these "shit stories" to
manure memoirs. got banned on tiktok.
Abby made a new tiktok. She was banned for literally putting an 18+ horror show up of her flailing around her room "high".
Abby is my sleep paralysis demon. In one of her tiktoks she pretended to be a "popyart" jumping up like a poptart out a toaster.
>pop off I guess (banned) (new) finally gets her face extension… but it's not an NG, for her SOOPER SERIOUS SEED. Rather, a CPAP for her sooper morbidly obese side effects. The batteries are no longer safe. I repeat,
the batteries are no longer safe. are rather quiet on the
Kate front, but that's likely because
Niamh speed-ran us through number ninety seven(#97) before she had a chance to tuck her fanny flaps away. We did have a few boring bodychecks earlier in the week. had her BMI pulled out of the
>single fucking digits By force. She's not happy about it. Unlike
Zara who did it on her own (#humblebrag) you know that
Becca had a tube? It was removed X weeks, Y days and Z hours ago. Did you also know that she jumped off of the old Toys 'R' Us in Aberdeen (Scotland) a few years ago and celebrates her sitting up-aversary last thread. She also has a habit of writing numbers (12345) like this.
>note the thread title still haven't deciphered
Fi's cryptic instagram stories. is scary. Very much a
Eugina copy-pasted into a different city with the public "dancing", neglectful mum and offensively obnoxious regression outfits.
BONUS COWS No. 1849884
File: 1687250568263.jpeg (218.71 KB, 1241x1771, IMG_9018.jpeg)

Not milk or even ED related, but one of the twinnies using their hand to get the watermelon, instead of the tongs, sent me spiralling
No. 1849930
File: 1687261907111.jpg (21.4 KB, 678x153, BodyChecksandCP.JPG)

>>1849895On other websites nude but censored body checks are classed as CP especially because by the wrong people they can be photo edited to look well.. yeah. If she's taking naked photos of herself, posting it up to any site or back up cloud too she's putting herself at risk for being in trouble. It's a main reason why ED sites have issues with bodychecks and especially if they're under age.
No. 1849944
>>1849941Samefag, ignore me as modmin must've deleted those links. I'm glad you didn't see the more suggestive "bodychecks". Even if these aren't her they are emaciated/very thin young girls in childish underwear and this one, which conveniently hides the left wrist with the Teddy, is possibly her. If it's not, she reposted it onto her account (distributing). If the thread stays dead long enough I might even dig through scottish legislation to put an end to this yawnfest
[Repost with file removed because I've chickened out and don't want to risk permaban]
No. 1849949
>>1849944She does the whole "uwu teddy bears" shtick because she's a retarded coquette obsessor, same reason she does the whole "Lana del rey, strawberries and lace" nonsense. And even if she was trying to look "sexy" or whatever it still doesn't convince me Niamh is a CP creator and distributer, by the legal definition those photos could be classed as CP (maybe) but can you picture any officer or judge putting her in the same classification as men who molest and photograph children for pedos to share online and jerk off too? She's just a dumbass anachan teenager doing what most dumbass anachan teenagers do. And her sharing thinspo of other teenagers is bad but again, calling that distribution of CP paints an entirely different image than what it is. Child porn is such a horrific thing that leaves kids traumatized for life and most of the time physically injured, calling this dumb teen anachan bullshit CP just waters down the seriousness of actual CP
victims and perpetrators. And this is why Niamh maybe shouldn't even be a cow just yet despite being extremely milky, because it attracts other teenagers to this thread who overdramatize already bad stuff to try to paint her as something worse than she is.
No. 1849970
>>1849959So you understand she's a
>vulnerable and easily mislead teenager with a rotting brainbut still think she's just as bad as a grown pedophile who creates and distributes actual child porn? Yeah you are retarded.
(infighting) No. 1850102
File: 1687281839318.png (991.23 KB, 853x1366, Screenshots_2023-06-20-13-23-3…)

>>1849884UGH i posted a pic here awhile back when she did the SAME fucking thing at a store when she was visiting new york, shoved her hand in a bin of unwrapped candies or something. wtf!!?? and whenever she posts close ups of her hands, they're dirty as hell too
No. 1850301
File: 1687299143720.jpg (327.25 KB, 1080x2975, Screenshot_20230621_074036_Tik…)

Found this potential cow. Don't have time right now to get any of the vids to post, but she's a bit of a goldmine imo. Not private.
Sectioned at the moment, tells every intimate detail of her life.
Plus shes got the jumpscare grunge fairy thing going on like abby.
Someone other than niamh ffs
No. 1850314
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No. 1850348
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>>1850311there was no glove sadly
No. 1850361
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No. 1850378
File: 1687308986468.jpeg (130.58 KB, 1169x1057, 8AA7E583-26BB-4F0C-BEC3-630774…)

mother of the year enjoyed some alcohol for breakfast
No. 1850419
>>1850342Nah I doubt and even if she did her quality of life would be shit
>osteoporosis >kidney failure>organ failure in general >heart conditions And a ton more.
Let's say she has money so if she needed a translant she'd get one the next day,but would a decaying body be able to handle it? Nope. Osteoporosis and other autoimmune ones ain't a joke either, can't be cured. If she stopped now she might have could make up, at least not make things worse bc after 30-35 less chances. Such a sad miserable life overall. Probably her pimp mom will outlive her and spend her money herself.
No. 1850454
File: 1687321543268.jpeg (103.51 KB, 1179x1303, IMG_0124.jpeg)

How long till Enara decides to add this one to her long list of useless studies?!
No. 1850501
Shes probably already suffering with a few issues at least. I don't see how she can't be by now.
I remember when I first started following her like 9 years or so ago and even back then people were saying she will die soon,drop dead any day etc. Amazing how she's managed to just keep going, especially with no real periods of recovery and weight restoration except that one time she got 5150d
No. 1850505
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@ldontfckingcare is larping as catholic for the aesthetic despite being on the verge of death. bleaque.
No. 1850582
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Enara has a horse and a snake as well? Does she make her support worker look after them as well
No. 1850776
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LLL is slowly slipping back into old habits, it would seem
No. 1850815
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the twins' aesthetic is really something
No. 1850844
File: 1687384112312.jpeg (260.64 KB, 1179x1863, IMG_0145.jpeg)

our Fi, has freaked out and have a meltdown because she saw her weight chart.
Possibly inuenting relapse
No. 1850919
File: 1687393566354.jpeg (121.92 KB, 750x1163, DA8942E4-9D0E-4F21-B0A9-24CA83…)

niamh sighting on her Vinted today, so she’s not had a breakdown and kicked the bucket during her break from fame amidst the scandalous controversy (read: her fuck up)
No. 1850921
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wonder what new clothing item we’ll see when she liveblogs her freshly admitted lw IP outfit
No. 1850959
>>1850914Basically, at age 11 they overheard their mum saying that they were ‘turning into young women’ and ‘getting hips’, seemingly, they disliked this idea and made a pact to ‘starve’ themselves, even claiming that their aim was to never get their period (which they’ve both achieved). Evidentially, this has taken over the past 30+ years of their lives. No job, no boyfriend, no life… I’m assuming they these holidays that they’re going on are therefore funded by mummy & daddy, I think they’re pretty wealthy. A little spoon feed there for you, anon, I’m wide awake and have nothing better to do with my time so in the words of Maui, “you’re welcome”
No. 1850961
>>1850513Why would anyone want to go to Melbourne in Australian winter when they have depression? Cairns is bloody lovely in winter.
Obviously Enara wants this exact scenario you described to happen so that she can claim she was too mentally ill for treatment again.
No. 1850990
>>1850964Their story is so sad. Watching them hound each other because they have to do everything the same. Such a
toxic relationship that neither of them really want to stay in.
Here's a link to a yt about them for anyone interested. No. 1851057
File: 1687414123427.webm (2.34 MB, 720x1314, XRecorder_22062023_151729.webm)
Finally got around to saving some videos. These pretty much sum up the sort of content this girl posts. Unhinged dramatic videos about how broken she is. She rags on her nurses and advocate all the time because she doesn't like what they say.
From what I can gather she was sectioned by her mum and posts vague hints at how terrible her mum is and how she'll never talk to her again.
No. 1851058
File: 1687414149755.webm (853.57 KB, 720x1314, XRecorder_22062023_151110.webm)
No. 1851059
File: 1687414308875.webm (1.18 MB, 720x1312, XRecorder_22062023_151338.webm)
No. 1851088
File: 1687424310672.jpg (383.11 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230622_172736_Ins…)

Pretty sure Enara is home after her recent battery swallowing incident which means she has a hospital blanket at home that she uses for comfort kek.
That's some next level mental shit. She wants to be in hospital so bad she finds comfort in those dry scratchy horrible waffle sheets that have been bleached to death to remove all the body fluids and bacteria
No. 1851111
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at least laura hasn’t been rehospitalised because of this
No. 1851124
File: 1687430622315.png (729.2 KB, 1800x1010, LARAEVEN.png)

I found a photo from 2018 of Liesbeth and Angelique and they look far better than they did when that documentary was made. Far less skeletal - and their art is actually pretty cool from what I have seen of it.
(The "triplet" in the middle is a robot btw)
No. 1851137
File: 1687432192523.jpg (504.47 KB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230622_203732186.jpg)

Laura's continuing to post cringey dance videos and photos from 4 years ago when she was skinnier. Has been for a while before her recent incident. Reminiscing about her ana days.
No. 1851180
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Not only a fod plaster, but a cheek one too
No. 1851188
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>>1851061me too, a while ago there was an episode of Dr. Phil with anorexic twins that I found pretty fascinating (Taylor and Tricia)
No. 1851235
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No. 1851240
>>1851194Now that she’s had the (four year) taste of 24/7 asspats and security from hospital, she’ll never let it go. this probably sounds callous but I hope they don’t re-admit her, at this point it’s glaringly obvious that the IP environment has and will do her more harm than good and enable this cycle even further. She’s not living what I’d consider to be an “outpatient life” - she’s in supported accommodation with 1:1 staff support. I understand duty of care if she’s overdosing but the system really needs to stop encouraging and indirectly rewarding this behaviour because the kid gloves treatment is what she is ACTIVELY trying to achieve with her face scratching, battery swallowing antics.
I wish she’d go back to leg-lifting in Starbucks but I don’t think she wants to.
No. 1851241
>>1851086>>1851087Thanks - on an iPad mini.
I remember having the original on vhs tape!
No. 1851253
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No. 1851356
>>1851137I really, really wish she’d do this with her current appearance.
>>1851240I don’t understand the logic of institutionalizing someone for 4 freaking years. How can she ever be expected to reintegrate into normal society when even before the multi-year stay she seemed to like being hospitalized? She’s clearly now very doped up and they’re going to medicate her more and more if she keeps acting out. Is her end goal to be on so many heavy duty meds that no one will expect her to function? Can you even be considered out of the hospital if you’re still on a 1:1? I can’t imagine anyone in the US being locked up for so long unless they were a danger to the community so it’s difficult to wrap my head around the situation Laura has gotten herself into.
No. 1851372
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No. 1851383
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>>1851235Always nice to know who hates who (I didn't refresh)
No. 1851430
>>1851383its not her goal to off herself. It never was. Very sad shes doing all these for attention.
She is known to self harm and attempt for so many years, it doesnt sit with me that she had no idea that no matter how many benzos alone she too, the only outcome will have been a&e. She knows what shes doing
No. 1851459
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No. 1851487
>>1851432that’s what i suspected when she suddenly went dark. cmon laura, show us the leg lifting in starbucks. you know you want to.
another lingering question i have is, like, how melted is her brain at this point from all of those antipsychotics? they permanently affect a lot and while i’m sure part of it is her playing it up, there’s definitely fewer bells ringing now.
No. 1851498
File: 1687481447056.png (731.3 KB, 965x614, Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 7.52…)

Do British people actually call these pancakes or is Fi just dumb?
No. 1851507
>>1851456She’s not the only person to experience similar trauma, if she’s even telling the truth (I don’t like to question this sort of thing but Enara isn’t exactly the pillar of honesty. She’s a shitty selfish person known for lying and manipulation already so wouldn’t be out of character for her to tell that awful of a lie). Violent rape is sadly not uncommon, yet despite the statistics
victims largely don’t become malingering ED larpers who eat batteries for asspats. Even if she was raped, that’s not an excuse for her horribly selfish, manipulative, and wasteful attention whoring. She lives in a country of free therapy, which she’s failed to even try to get anything out of. Instead Enara wastes medical time and resources acting like a giant toddler who somehow can’t keep shit out of her mouth, at least until it’s time for another conference or similar setting where she’s given the opportunity to show off what a special snowflake she is. She brags about her education and experience and being an expert in “suicidality” but purposely acts out in ways that require multiple people to give her ridiculous amounts of attention. No one gets to be simultaneously a respected professional and a mentally ill landwhale who just can’t control her own behavior. Enara’s behavior is just gross and narcissistic, and nothing excuses that.
No. 1851509
File: 1687483239698.png (111.38 KB, 429x548, Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 6.23…)

Confirmed that Enara has a stolen hospital blanket as a comfort item. Also: if she doesn't want to travel, she could just … not travel.
No. 1851528
>>1851498She calls them pancakes because she sees herself as a uwu quirky little sick girl, despite the fact she’s a self-absorbed adult who’s just a BPD attention whore. It’s the same reason she wears jumpers (iirc pinafore dresses for you UK fags) with her hair in two braids and shoes that complete the 5-year-old-girl aesthetic. Fi is a pro ana scumbag through and through who’s holding onto the bizarre ana chan attitude that being a uwu waif that looks like a child makes them fragile and beautiful and all-around perfect beings.
Realistically she comes across as a purposely immature, entitled, and selfish malingerer who wants to be taken care of and treated like the special snowflake she thinks she is, eg that she should never have to work, pay bills, help around the house, have responsibilities beyond posting on social media, etc. Those things are for plebs, not Fiona the most special and delicate ana autist ever!
>>1851509Who tf steals a hospital blanket for home to use (as an adult!) as a comfort item?? Her obsession with being in the hospital is just pathetic, and this takes the cake. Normal people don’t like hospital blankets in the hospital where there’s no other choice. They are terrible compared to all the other blanket options, to the point that patients will often have family bring outside blankets in if possible. And using one as a security blanket is just bizarre, she’s (almost?) 40, not 4. Asspat fishing, ahoy!
No. 1851584
>>1851490honestly the weight gain is something that could happen to anyone, the hyperpalatable nature of food + increased appetite restricted movement/sedation + nothing to do made it more or less inevitable. yeah, she did it to herself, but the weight gain is something that happens to everyone at some point in their life. what
really concerns me is her face. the dead eyed stare is part of the act, but you can’t fake that kind of facial droop. i genuinely wonder if some brain cells were killed.
also tinfoil but i wonder if she changed her name to her old one when she decided to bpd her way into another admission. of course she changed it to flourishing fairy. she’s flourishing in the place she loves best, a locked psychiatric ward
No. 1851639
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Here’s nikol harrassing some guy with thinspo and being delusional enough to think he likes it
No. 1851654
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No. 1851656
File: 1687517549374.png (7.93 MB, 1284x2778, E1C6BF60-C6C5-4A61-80B7-462043…)

Niamh’s new acc
No. 1851679
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No. 1851698
File: 1687525433673.jpg (965.8 KB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230623_223502075.jpg)

Lauras Schizophrenia arc incoming
No. 1851716
>>1851693thanks for putting it into words
nonnie, I wasn’t gunna reply to the other poster because what I would reply would technically be infighting but yeah. It’s super tone deaf and invalidating to say that “it happens to a lot of people and not everyone gets an eating disorder” because you’re shaming someone’s experiences and pain at that point. Don’t think she’s a good person or anything but what she’s doing to herself clearly comes from a point of pain and sexual assault is a horrible thing to go through as a person. It’s genuinely life changing and traumatic and many people have horrible coping mechanisms. That’s like saying a drug addict doesn’t have an excuse for being a drug addict because other people get raped and so what? She doesn’t need an excuse to be something that negatively destroys herself, but op described the exact reason she’s like that and completely shat on it and invalidated it. Super weird and nitpicky to shit on someone’s trauma like that
No. 1851763
File: 1687539737981.jpeg (313.13 KB, 1179x2113, IMG_0177.jpeg)

Bingeing on live, alternate bites with butter
No. 1851770
>>1851528Calm down with the reach
nonnie. Have a pancake.
No. 1851818
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No. 1851819
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No. 1851862
File: 1687547958877.jpeg (177.24 KB, 1179x2268, IMG_0190.jpeg)

Brex can barely keep her eyes open or talk properly and shes asking people not to call police to show up
No. 1851872
File: 1687548638217.jpg (6.58 KB, 283x183, stillup.JPG)

>>1851810Have you been blocked anon? She's still up but now has 38 followers. Did you view any stories without using anonymous tools?
No. 1851886
File: 1687550041582.jpg (21.15 KB, 690x425, niamhstillup.JPG)

>>1851877From what i heard once you're blocked on one account, you're blocked on any linked - if you tried following someone said she blocked instantly. The accounts still up, sorry anon. You're welcome to use any of the anonymous apps/sites/extensions to verify.
No. 1851913
File: 1687553075280.jpeg (79.96 KB, 1170x1074, IMG_3269.jpeg)

>>1851909she’s in the few
No. 1851995
File: 1687565577361.jpg (166.36 KB, 1079x1724, Screenshot_20230623_171025.jpg)

she does seem to be looking more human these days. Hopefully she keeps recovery up and comits herself to fully restoring. She's def still got a long way to go until healthy, but seems like she is getting a bit better. Since she seems so gung-ho about weight restoring. Hopefully we'll be seeing a weight restored zara in the near future.
No. 1852018
File: 1687567906519.jpg (294.35 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230624_102148_Ins…)

No way Enara will make it to the UAE. She'll be to busy buying out woolies supply of button batteries to swallow.
Back again, its getting more frequent
No. 1852030
>>1851560I think the most embarrassing part is that she's so obsessed with being looked after and overmedicalized that a fucking hospital blanket
is her comfort item.
No. 1852049
>>1851999Same here. Wonder what the
trigger was. Really amazing that neither of her sisters followed suit actually. And omg yes I was so keen to see that video. I don't have hope that it will be posted now.
No. 1852169
File: 1687589478164.jpeg (565.18 KB, 1170x2067, 5146A890-BA40-44D4-BD1E-58598C…)

does anyone remember emily aka wateremelons? she’s relapsed and is back to posting bodychecks kek
No. 1852172
File: 1687589610858.png (369.31 KB, 431x668, Screen Shot 2023-06-24 at 1.55…)

>>1852169why do you think she's relapsed? she looks the same as she's looked since she left the hospital
No. 1852173
File: 1687589729261.png (276.45 KB, 1054x685, Screen Shot 2023-06-24 at 1.56…)

>>1852172compare to 2021, where she looks essentially the same. if anything, she might have gained some weight
No. 1852176
>>1852036Go back to your own thread colours.
>>1852040Top quality chuckle for my morning nonna, thank you.
No. 1852218
File: 1687602385367.jpg (318.8 KB, 1080x1776, F.jpg)

Fi be vague posting again
Does anyone know what happened? Or yall rekon it was a 'slip up' relapse?
No. 1852219
File: 1687602442691.jpg (33.89 KB, 1080x679, Breathe.jpg)

Samefag but kek to one of the comments on her post
No. 1852260
File: 1687608218920.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3222x3222, IMG_3187.jpeg)

Cassie/suckinged update. All you can see is profile pics. She’s a continual relapse, gain, relapse, gain repeat offender to acute. We know she went back to last year. She must have went back this yr too bc she was disgusting, then 2 months later sharing again & magically not dying which means she didn’t go to res. No way Cassie gained weight on her own. She needs her special peg tube, picc line, & acute hospital. Her husband seems to still be a pos bc he’s taking her hiking when she’s looks like she’s at the acute discharge weight. I’m sure she’d love to burn all those calories & pretend like she enjoyed the family time while she shows off her thigh gap. It all seems the same. who drags a poor kid somewhere strenuous? I think they’re both awful parents. She’s allowed to still be underweight in front of her kid. I never heard anything about a divorce but who knows. Shes decent looking when not a rotting corpse. Who makes this a profile pic? Those beady eyes and jaw that’s bigger than her skin. Gag. She can’t stay better long enough to even heal her hair. Previous thread someone said she’s doing better and trying. I’m doubtful. “Money can’t fix trauma” haha
No. 1852364
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No. 1852368
>>1852260Wait is that the burn
victim on Dr. Phil? I wished the best for her she seemed phased out all the time mentally.
No. 1852381
File: 1687625170819.png (1.49 MB, 1149x1666, Screen Shot 2023-06-24 at 10.4…)

And the ~~very sickest~~ anachan award goes to…
No. 1852445
File: 1687630977881.png (1.13 MB, 853x1514, Screenshots_2023-06-24-14-17-3…)

i honestly don't care what happened, because it was probably nothing. it was the end of her school year so i feel like she was just stressed about all that shit. but the way she has to keep talking about how she's not gonna talk about how something happened in every post is annoying as all fuck!!!! stop trying so hard to seem mysterious like some super crazy shit happened that's too horrible to talk about but yet you keep bringing it up you fuckin weird bitch.
No. 1852502
File: 1687636738432.jpg (81.71 KB, 720x803, Screenshot_20230624-225608_Twi…)

She is completely delusional and the retards don't help at all
No. 1852519
>>1852502They might genuinely believe it and be putting their seizures down to that due to how starved they are.
The brain shrinks
No. 1852594
File: 1687653162705.png (537.91 KB, 531x934, Screenshot (20894).png)

Sorry to post a screenshot and not a video but tiktok won't let me save some accounts videos for some reason. Kate does the most awkward looking poses to try to look as skinny as possible kek, love the arm stretched out for no reason
No. 1852617
File: 1687655872016.png (504.04 KB, 735x691, water you waiting for.png)

Such a large gravitational pull that the tide is heading straight for her
No. 1852658
>>1852503Honestly, the comments seemed nice.
Whatever beliefs get her to recover, are the right ones. Doesn't matter. What matters is that she gets out of her disorder.
No. 1852678
File: 1687669315868.jpg (195.48 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230625_143231_Tik…)

Just abby 'showing off her outfit' in a totally normal not unhinged at all way.
No. 1852698
File: 1687678326962.png (643.36 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20230625-083313.png)

Laura is in hospital kek
No. 1852790
File: 1687694549384.png (1.45 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9056.png)

LLL, sectioned again
No. 1852857
>>1852747KEKKKK i love you nonnita
>>1852617is her eyesite so bad from starving herself that she can't see how obvious her shooping is? imagine being her parents, knowing she already definitely has an ed, and seeing that she ALSO shoops her pics thinner in the weirdest way. so weird and sad
No. 1852867
>>1852857She's so skeletal that I think she's brain-damaged and delusional and thinks dragging her already death tier body inward is necessary.
>>1852837Bpd is magic anon.
No. 1852958
File: 1687710268009.webm (3.97 MB, 576x1024, fd72e33664bf28eefc2455b759185f…)
Abby, stop (don't stop)
No. 1852962
File: 1687710784909.jpg (146.43 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230625_173324_Tik…)

Just fully out here openly admitting to anorexia now. Boo-hoo poor you
No. 1853025
File: 1687719688388.png (738.21 KB, 1080x2243, Screenshot_20230625-145652.png)

okay i was rolling my eyes through the whole video, but not gonna lie at all, i actually love the caption for once, i've followed Paris for yearssss, and this is the probably the nicest, most positive sounded thing i've ever seen from her! that actually made me really happy tbh
No. 1853076
File: 1687727773029.jpg (94.68 KB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_2023-06-25-23-11-30…)

I'm sorry but this interaction it's so fucking funny (neffer titty was posted 2-3 threads ago because of her weird bread). For context it's a video of EC "dancing"
No. 1853077
File: 1687727781868.webm (2.39 MB, 576x1024, Untitled (3).webm)
Abby posted a tiktok of her angrily walking up to a bridge, someone commented "are you safe?" and she didn't respond. She sure does love making people worry about her.
No. 1853232
>>1852949I did, I did.
The problem is, she's been in hospital for basically all of her adulthood so far. I saw it happen when I was IP too, people who'd not left since they were 13 or 14. It was a wake up call to get my shit together.
No. 1853236
>>18530771. STOMPY
2. what an attention seeking cunt
No. 1853270
File: 1687750207828.png (1.36 MB, 1721x1439, Screen Shot 2023-06-25 at 9.31…)

Twins are on holiday and seeing them with their parents make me think this will end like the Wallmeyers? Their brains must be just as sapped as they were before they died in a fire.
No. 1853274
File: 1687750592094.png (826.65 KB, 2262x1677, Screen Shot 2023-06-25 at 9.37…)

>>1850815It's because anas age regress anon
No. 1853313
File: 1687756648760.png (126.27 KB, 1054x431, Screen Shot 2023-06-26 at 12.1…)

Why does Leah always have an ng tube during her hospital admissions that she claims are just for tms when she always manages to maintain her (healthy) weight without it at home anyway?
No. 1853584
File: 1687798150374.png (46.97 KB, 854x765, Screenshots_2023-06-26-12-47-5…)

No. 1853585
>>1853584lol cow is a bit like reactor channels on yt. People make vlogs ( eg someone like Foodie Beauty - not a cow but interesting relationship with food), and other creators comment/ react / discuss etc.
If you put stuff out to the world of social media people are going to discuss it and give their opinions.
No. 1853760
File: 1687814774637.jpeg (75.68 KB, 1179x1023, IMG_0229.jpeg)

This one who claimed severe anorexia and gastroparesis while in NZ and couldnt eat anything, suddenly moves with someone in Canada and she can make “trying Canadian foods” on youtube while drinking diet coke that is a huge no for gastroparesis.
Waiting for the return to NZ and suddenly everything will be therapy, tubes and anorexia focus
No. 1853784
File: 1687816395853.png (862.09 KB, 1075x1944, Screenshot_20230626-175123.png)

i knew she was in school and always going to stay in hotels to b/p away from her mother but wasn't sure how she paid for it. it's wild her mother is the one paying, like they're always extremely fancy hotels and she blows tons of money on ordering food and room service. she's delusional if she thinks she will actually go stay in a hotel and just starve herself.
No. 1853788
File: 1687816481280.png (889.72 KB, 853x1337, Screenshots_2023-06-26-17-51-1…)

No. 1853931
File: 1687834129438.jpeg (584.68 KB, 3264x2167, E884B383-8B81-45AF-84FF-92CAF5…)

another edtwt attention whore being willfully ignorant of how wrong it is to post your fat friends on what is essentially a fat person hate space without their permission
No. 1853935
File: 1687834706070.png (373.25 KB, 474x696, Screen Shot 2023-06-26 at 10.0…)

trying to relapse bait, maybe
No. 1853937
File: 1687834799785.png (362.85 KB, 430x687, Screen Shot 2023-06-26 at 10.0…)

countdown to enara fucking this up for herself
No. 1853939
File: 1687834956224.png (110.95 KB, 470x767, Screen Shot 2023-06-26 at 10.0…)

the whole "don't look if you'll be triggered" thing doesn't really work when you use an emaciated bc for the first picture in your post
No. 1853940
File: 1687835088991.png (379.53 KB, 470x526, Screen Shot 2023-06-26 at 10.0…)

it's like a box of crayons threw up
No. 1853954
File: 1687837340232.jpg (271.29 KB, 1290x2293, 356029162_230454109783039_3164…)

No. 1854016
File: 1687846208863.jpg (38.13 KB, 1080x341, edtwt's daintiest nostrils.jpg)

This girl had been in forced recovery and seems proud of how sick she's gotten, keeps posting bodychecks even at the hospital, etc.
Typical unhinged ana behavior, but tere's no way this is true, right? Like even premature newborns can get tube feed, is she implying her nostrils are skinny like her…
No. 1854190
File: 1687875574602.jpg (266.19 KB, 1080x2117, Screenshot_20230627_234935_Ins…)

Ganer has done a cut, looks like she's doing one of those bikini muscle competitions. She looks so bad with low body fat, her face looks terrible
No. 1854270
File: 1687884023468.jpeg (224.56 KB, 1242x1933, 42102FB4-ABC7-4119-955D-860050…)

>>1854200took me 5 seconds
No. 1854309
File: 1687886071841.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_20230627-131415.png)

>>1854190that pic is old. she looks nothing like that now. i think she's bulking of whatever the fuck because she looks chubby and dumpy in every post lately
No. 1854515
File: 1687902934277.png (1.17 MB, 853x1418, Screenshots_2023-06-27-16-07-1…)

No. 1854601
File: 1687910493025.png (113.6 KB, 427x677, Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 7.03…)

Aidel acting like she doesn't have a surgical feeding tube that she could easily use for fluids.
No. 1854610
>>1854601Has she decided to go full munchie now? If anything, she’s dehydrated because she’s purging through her new PEG tube, which is why ED patients shouldn’t be given those. She could hydrate through the tube, but she won’t since she’s likely not using it as prescribed at all.
PEGs are extremely easy to purge through and lots of munchies and the rare ana chan who manages to snag one tend to end up with dehydration, screwed up electrolytes, and other issues. Usually worse than pre-tube, too. That’s partially why a PEG is one of the holy grails of ana chan-ness, along with how sick it makes them look. Aidel is openenly a purger so a PEG is a really questionable and dangerous decision in her case.
>>1854016>>1854049To continue the toob sperge, this is probably the most hilarious ‘I’m the most ana ana ever’ claim. Not only do they put tubes in babies like previous anons have said, they put them in babies who weigh just a couple pounds (like 1-3 pounds, tiny premature infants). Those babies have insanely small nostrils yet tubes are successfully placed (though in many cases they get OG tubes that go in the mouth to the stomach). But still, top kek for this special snowflake.
No. 1854628
>>1854611>>1854610I really wonder sometimes whether some of you have more than a few brain cells. Aidel has ulcerative colitis, it’s what
triggered her ED in the first place when she was a young teen. On top of that, more recently was diagnosed with severe gastroparesis. Say what you will and I’m not a wk,she’s just not a fucking munchie, she has real and proven GI illnesses
No. 1854668
File: 1687923320815.png (416.04 KB, 428x688, Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 10.3…)

Guess Enara's in the hospital again
No. 1854671
File: 1687923875477.png (1.29 MB, 853x1325, Screenshots_2023-06-27-14-44-2…)

trying??? efforts?? where?
No. 1854690
File: 1687929296867.jpg (Spoiler Image,700.48 KB, 1080x4382, Screenshot_20230628_144453_Ins…)

Laura spilled the beans on what went down this past week
No. 1854701
>>1854690“shouted and screamed at me” her
victim complex and baiting for sympathy is insane jfc
No. 1854725
File: 1687937145065.jpeg (40.36 KB, 828x268, 13093F7C-8008-4156-9F95-F68817…)

Jesus christ…
No. 1854738
File: 1687940166778.webm (8.38 MB, 540x960, c738ffb9a636e9f3ff98f193ea8bff…)
>>1854657She has a fundraiser for the PEJ that she very evidently does not need by claiming she'd die without it. I've cut down the original video because it's 3 minutes of drivel. This is the important part…where have all those funds gone?
No. 1854751
File: 1687942877781.png (114.99 KB, 431x673, Screen Shot 2023-06-28 at 4.01…)

Yeah, cute unnecessary office supplies purchased for traveling to a conference where she's almost certainly going to stand awkwardly in front of a poster about herself are definitely the correct priority here. Totally makes sense to be shopping for this while literally in the hospital getting an x-ray to check whether she's fucked something up with her impulsive self harm, which is somehow not a barrier to international travel.
No. 1854762
File: 1687944611708.png (25.74 KB, 1080x709, Screenshot_20230628-103121.png)

>>1854725one of the medications is for diabetes btw
No. 1854769
>>1854668kek, coke, with all the acid and unhealthy sweetener, definitely what you body needs when you have stomach problems.
>>1854751why don't they just keep her at the hospital? She will be back every week and it would probably be cheaper to just commit her against her will than having to go through the admission process and damage reduction over and over again. As I see it, she isn't able to live an independent life without hurting herself, so she needs extra care even if it won't be the way she wants it to be.
No. 1854780
File: 1687946852837.jpg (27.87 KB, 701x138, metformin.JPG)

>>1854762It's not always used for diabetes, though i could imagine needing medication to balance out the side effects from other medications in the cocktail. What a mess.
No. 1854784
>>1854782Some studies say the prevalence can be up to 31%, though some lifestyle factors could def influence it. It's also more of an issue with atypical antipsychotics like clozapine, olanzapine, etc.
Usually in young women (at least in Australia), we give metformin to counter the side effects of weight gain, increased blood sugar, etc.
No. 1854813
>>1854309>>1854447 latefag here, my theory is that since garner has gone all chunky her body dysmorphia decided one day that she looked skinny or whatever in the baggy outfit and now she just wears it everyday to feel -skinny-
it probably hasn’t been washed either
No. 1854835
File: 1687959051988.png (689.82 KB, 1080x1972, Screenshot_20230628-093135~2.p…)

No. 1855052
>>1854725At this point I'd rather get a lethal injection, I'd probably be more awake dead than taking this many meds.
Half of these sedate you to shit, no wonder she looks only about half-councious.
No. 1855055
File: 1687988628568.jpeg (102.11 KB, 827x1441, 0524FB12-7A38-4C51-851B-BDAF43…)

Laura is posting throwbacks while doped up in hospital, priorities
No. 1855056
File: 1687988712334.jpeg (162.58 KB, 828x1426, 80A2BD33-CFA7-42EF-A2E1-231E91…)

>>1855055samefag but she also posted this after talking about all her meds
No. 1855057
>>1855052Even as someone who's on psych meds herself, I can't help wondering if some of Laura's current issues stem from overmedication.
I wonder how long she's been on the super heavy ones.
No. 1855081
>>1855056How can you not sleep on those meds, wtf.
>>1855057Ayrt, I'm on psych meds too, but only a few to treat different issues. I don't know that much about Laura, but afaik she's been on meds for a pretty long time, and seems to be in and out of treatment, atp it's borderline unethical to continue giving this much shit for what is essentially one issue (BPD) instead of trying a different approach.
But I also know that she isn't very compliant, so I don't put blame on the doctors, maybe just the system. It's a pretty fucking bleak situation, honestly.
No. 1855093
File: 1687994737450.jpeg (459.39 KB, 1125x1578, IMG_6766.jpeg)

She looks like a zombie pirate hooker. Does she just throw darts and what they land on is what she wears or does momma Cooney pick the fetish wear for the day?
No. 1855115
File: 1687998472542.jpg (192.85 KB, 1080x1776, Screenshot_20230628-171942_Ins…)

Lol, Zara is deluded. She talks like she's some kind of martyr. Yeah, going to NY was cheap because she has the privilege of having a rich dad who can get free flights and hotels. She also said she's going on vacation with her family who is paying for it all, but of course she doesn't mention that here lol. She likes to brag about how her parents don't help her, when the only reason is because she pushed everyone out of her life so she can downspiral in her anorexia and get anyone who actually cares off her back. She's talked about isolating herself from her family and getting kicked out of house bc she would rather entertain her disorder than let her parents get her help. Like she put herself in this situation for being stubborn and insufferable. She likes to act like she was forced into living in poverty, when it's just that she would rather live this way instead of face the music that she did this to herself. I'm sure her parents would be more than happy to help her, they're loaded, but she would rather protect her illness than actually work with her family and have some humility. It honestly just sounds embarrassing on her end.
No. 1855190
File: 1688008825732.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.76 KB, 428x640, IMG_8099.jpeg)

Spoilered for jumpscare. Kate looking 45+ with her ana face and terrible foundation match. Guess she forgot to get a new shade after all her suntan calorie burning.
No. 1855193
>>1855085Isn’t tits on the table delicate Georgia on metformin too?
Clearly working wonders for them both.
No. 1855195
File: 1688010059021.png (166.89 KB, 669x690, Screen Shot 2023-06-28 at 10.4…)

Shockingly, things are going just as anons predicted
No. 1855269
File: 1688022540760.jpeg (84.94 KB, 1170x1045, IMG_0862.jpeg)

“Please stop starving yourself, you are going to die. You will lose your hair, your teeth, your looks, your sanity and your ability to survive in the world”
No. 1855326
File: 1688037317804.png (30.82 KB, 429x473, Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 6.16…)

>>1855323you're mildly dumb for not reading the comment that said it was about Niamh, not for not having her follower count memorized.
As an apology for prolonging the tedious infighting, have some mildly amusing Enara milk where she completely fails to realize that whoever sent the message is implying Enara has BED.
No. 1855327
>>1855326That's accurate, I'll accept being called mildly dumb.
Enara wishes she had anorexia. I'd say BED is more fitting. She keeps saying she has SEED but using self harm to justify it. It doesn't make sense. Her actual ED is anything but "severe"
No. 1855352
>>1855115I get being annoyed with the question but she’s always so fucking rude. Would love to know why/how she has such a high opinion of herself when really she isn’t special or remarkable in any way
>>1855327Not a med/psychfag but I’ve only ever seen SEED used in the context of anorexia. Enara seems like Laura. Binging, purging, ‘starving’ isn’t exactly uncommon with these BPD cows, but even if they’ve wrangled an ED diagnosis alongside that it’s silly trying to pass it off as super serious restrictive AN when you resemble Free Willy
No. 1855414
File: 1688054558701.jpg (131.64 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230629_170407_Gal…)

>>1855269Kek she's changed it since my screenshot the other day. She just had it as "dead" with no bio
No. 1855426
File: 1688055819863.jpg (209.34 KB, 1080x1834, povertylarper.jpg)

The sooper impoverished Enara strikes again. Ausfags are smart fridges common over there?
No. 1855641
File: 1688080777939.jpg (53.17 KB, 1080x737, Screenshot_20230630_085034_Twi…)

Idontfckingcare on edtwt has sepsis and hasn't had any activity for over 24hrs.
No. 1855646
File: 1688081421551.jpeg (38.15 KB, 1125x400, 89699B96-699E-4825-AAFE-396114…)

>>1855641She's liked a tweet within the past 12 hours, this screenshot is from just a moment ago
No. 1855647
>>1855646I guess that's my retardation and not knowing how twt works properly kek.
Still sepsis at her weight must be pretty life threatening
No. 1855787
File: 1688103931644.png (32.67 KB, 346x318, Screen Shot 2023-06-30 at 12.4…)

>>1855426This is such an Enara answer.
No. 1855797
File: 1688106719731.jpg (13.73 KB, 618x190, niamh.JPG)

Seems like niamhs chanegd her username following her "i'm deaded" changes to her mains:
INSTAGRAM ID: 60136429230
Username: @amo_il_melone
No. 1855810
File: 1688108388522.jpg (100.98 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230630_080152_Gal…)

>>1855797What happened to "niamh mcpartland"? Her "dead" account is still "dead"
No. 1855987
File: 1688145872778.png (355.38 KB, 853x1636, Screenshots_2023-06-30-13-26-0…)

No. 1856028
>>1856003No, she can't? I actually had no idea she had a tune in the first place ..
No. 1856039
File: 1688151405330.jpg (306.81 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230630_195814_Ins…)

>>1856034NTA but I can only find this. You have to ask her for the link
No. 1856059
File: 1688152983103.png (704.36 KB, 853x1882, Screenshots_2023-06-30-15-22-5…)

No. 1856060
File: 1688153017699.png (63.09 KB, 853x1879, Screenshots_2023-06-30-15-24-2…)

No. 1856075
File: 1688154506253.jpeg (90.65 KB, 1170x742, IMG_1461.jpeg)

>>1855989I was reading some old threads last week and it really, really, really looks like Enara started out as a self poster. She posted at least once to say she isn’t self posting but it looks really suspicious. If she did force herself into the thread, it’s likely she’s still talking about herself here and also sending herself tells. Her shit is routinely posted with no commentary which is suspicious even on its own.
No. 1856148
>>1856145If you spend your time here hating on people then it's a statement of fact. There are plenty of better things you could be doing that will actually enrich your life.
Hating on other people is only going to make you miserable.
No. 1856155
File: 1688161646511.webm (2.14 MB, 576x1024, 73cf8e385ae362957c45865902ebbb…)
Is in this bethany?
No. 1856158
File: 1688161706613.png (602.73 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20230630-212153.png)

Laura has resurfaced andposted a somewhat creepy video of her smiling after her schizophrenic break a few days ago… can't tell if she's in a ward or in assisted living though
No. 1856172
File: 1688163124974.jpg (9.01 KB, 389x157, cutedoggo.JPG)

>>1856148Cute Doggo, "Beth S".
>>1856155The not-so-anon lives in Nottingham going by her myfitnesspal. So i don't think it's the same beth.
No. 1856173
Picture of the dog is me. His name was Barnaby, he died in January.
The woman on tiktok isn't me. Feel a bit sorry for her being dragged into this
No. 1856200
File: 1688166006897.jpeg (119.75 KB, 1179x2059, IMG_0291.jpeg)

she was in a hospital? when?
No. 1856218
>>1856204Last time she disappeared she was gone for longer but I feel like this time she’s just not gonna come back
>>1856205>Y-you’re acting like a cow because you’re thinking about someone and remembering that they exist! Literally shit in a sock, sieve the liquid out, and then eat the dried shit out of it.
No. 1856240
>>1856238>I was making fun of you for having freedom of speech Instead of infighting due to your boredom maybe read a book. Not sure why the mention of Lucinda
triggered you so bad
No. 1856243
>>1856232Is it pronounced Nim or Neev tho
>>1856242Ok being fr I’m not trying to be rude or facetious but cows on this website do things like pick their legs into necrosis, fuck their friends dads and sell videos of it, or worse.
I just brought up Lucinda. I didn’t realize it was a soft spot for y’all kek. I sincerely apologize for reminding you of her existence if it’s that upsetting
(you claimed she killed herself without posting proof) No. 1856244
>>1856059I don't have an issue with GFM for medically necessary things (wheelchairs, treatment, private therapy costs) and when the person cannot pay for it, but beggin 500 quid for hair extensions is just taking the piss.
Why can't she grow her hair? Or wear a wig?
Or a hat? Maybe she should learn to live without such an expensive to maintain "safety blanket".
No. 1856255
>>1856023You just have to search go fund me to find it.
She’s forever claiming to have no money yet buys clothes and makeup constantly.
Hope she will pay people back… very manipulative behaviour - classic BPD
No. 1856302
File: 1688178179962.png (430.49 KB, 481x852, kjhgvfdersdtfyghujik.png)

>>1856163Beth isn't fully an ex cow, she's not as milky as before but she's still having stays in the hospital and posting little sympathy bait tiktoks about it
No. 1856341
File: 1688185951276.png (28.26 KB, 420x438, Screen Shot 2023-06-30 at 11.3…)

Enara has to be just playing dumb to make people mad, right?
No. 1856380
File: 1688193038246.jpg (214.58 KB, 1077x1817, Screenshot_20230701-082517_Tik…)

God this woman is pathetic. Posts herself eating a whole cake and the people in her comments are deadass writing "I'm so proud of you for eating!!" "Get that proteins in girl!" And shit like that. One person even commented if that cake is one of her safe foods to eat.. What? Her followers must be brain dead too
No. 1856386
>>1856380Do people really put oil in food so it is easier to purge?
Doesn't that defeat the whole nternal ideology of an ed?
No. 1856496
>>1856461“chronic low mood” wtf
is being a mopey buzzkill a diagnosis now
No. 1856640
File: 1688238138802.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1158x2035, IMG_0311.jpeg)

anyone noticed the radio silence of Fi? She lurks here, she stopped once we pointed that out
No. 1856706
File: 1688248215570.jpg (844.1 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230701_225151_Gal…)

There's no escape.
No. 1856746
File: 1688254539894.png (1.88 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230701-193712.png)

No. 1856761
File: 1688256053022.jpg (220.73 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20230702_020122_914.jpg)

this feels strange
No. 1856803
File: 1688262903297.png (1.6 MB, 853x1541, Screenshots_2023-07-01-21-54-1…)

why didn't my mom ever send me away to fancy hotels when we got into arguments
No. 1856804
File: 1688262946186.png (1.73 MB, 853x1553, Screenshots_2023-07-01-21-55-2…)

>>1856803and binging of course
No. 1856841
File: 1688266027458.png (502.09 KB, 853x1088, Screenshots_2023-07-01-19-36-3…)

No. 1856917
>>1856912Ewww kek
>>1856878Don't have a magic ball. Who are you?
>>1856893Imageboard, show us the message
No. 1856932
>>1856893Is it this bint?
>>1840303 Seems like they've changed their username from cphilip448 to _abbey.p (UID:39404829458)
>>1856930On her other videos, she had like a plate of chips or something from memory and smothered it all in liquid grease. Others she uses sticks of butter (but i think that she was mimicking a carvivore diet, sheer number of eggs, sticks of butter etc.) Having a glance of the cake video though she uses nothing as far as i can tell.
No. 1856938
File: 1688286591593.jpeg (910.4 KB, 3264x2271, 1EC623BF-3C9E-4EF9-B1F6-DAAA7F…)

Kate being Kate sees no problem with posting her daughters on edtwt. “Their faces are obscured!” argue with the wall.
No. 1856939
File: 1688286659945.jpeg (Spoiler Image,745.27 KB, 3264x2322, 7B10CEF7-9A16-4680-9E7B-2D17A6…)

>>1856938the anons doubting kate’s weight the last two threads will be happy to know they’ve been proven right
(spoiler) No. 1856948
>>1856932Yea same cunt. Profile picture is the same.
Unfortunately didn't think to screenshot the message before I deleted it, but I posted a screenshot of her current profile
>>1856894 No. 1856970
File: 1688295197358.jpg (Spoiler Image,914.44 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230702_115435_Gal…)

She did this last year, too. Get discharged in time for mummy and daddy's all inclusive and a planned relapse as soon as that plane hits the ground
No. 1857074
File: 1688315161822.jpeg (218.91 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_8050.jpeg)

>>1856984she literally just delivered proof that she‘s full of crap. it‘s visible that the picture is just a screenshot from someone else‘s story kek
No. 1857134
File: 1688323277427.png (367.06 KB, 853x944, Screenshots_2023-07-02-13-30-2…)

No. 1857147
File: 1688327087878.jpg (657.29 KB, 1079x1919, Screenshot_20230702_204418_Ins…)

>>1856158To answer your question, she's back the square one for the millionth time. Sort it out Laura, Christ.
No. 1857148
>>1856803Half her photos are not hers. Half of them are low-medium quality and the others are shit quality from what looks like an interior designer portfolio. Not from the same camera or person.
This one is so interesting because its obvious that shes lying for her locations, i wonder what else she lies about and why
No. 1857149
File: 1688327349465.png (8.69 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9084.png)

‘severe and extreme excruciating bone pain’ - some excellent adjectives used, by Becca
No. 1857214
>>1857148there's no way this is a hotel, though? like
>>1857210 said,
>>1856803 this looks like some staged interior design pic (the vases and style and lighting and bedding). There's no way she's sleeping there.
No. 1857219
File: 1688339913827.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x2117, Screenshot_20230703_084635_Ins…)

Abby is using this holiday to endlessly bc under the pretence of wearing bathers. Looking extra skelly lately
No. 1857222
File: 1688340183933.jpg (506.13 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230703_085436_Ins…)

>>1857074This is the next story as well. It's clear shes in a totally different bed from that hotel room.
No. 1857225
File: 1688340322615.jpg (1.45 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230703_085120_Ins…)

>>1857210She posts these food spreads too with captions like this one 'family time' but it's clearly a staged photo.
No. 1857231
File: 1688341050330.jpeg (210.92 KB, 750x1197, 1D55B7E0-D753-4836-980F-02FF0F…)

Doesn’t like attention but…
No. 1857280
File: 1688347978030.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.26 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230703_110344_Ins…)

>>1857256It's now lowcalkaate
No. 1857312
File: 1688354390958.png (243.87 KB, 434x579, Screen Shot 2023-07-02 at 10.2…)

This has to be bait. I've come around from thinking that Enara is stupid to thinking that she's deliberately trolling sometimes because her fucked up bpd mind enjoys the attention even though it's negative.
No. 1857337
>>1857299i feel like there have to be people who follow her to
trigger themselves into actually getting skinny so they won't embarrass themselves by being as delusional as she is about how skinny she THINKS she is
No. 1857347
File: 1688362707546.jpeg (261.15 KB, 1169x1974, EC5ED4F0-CB79-4CB3-AC73-76BC68…)

Paris being brain dead and pro ana as per usual
No. 1857351
File: 1688363660659.png (1.39 MB, 1039x1962, Screenshot_20230703-015348.png)

omfg this bitch is nuts. she posted this vid walking around the meat section and she ruined so much shit with spray paint.
No. 1857362
File: 1688366014894.jpg (912.78 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230703_073419_Gal…)

>>1857219I find it odd that her "bestie" who she's on holiday with is only 13 (1/2)
No. 1857365
File: 1688366333060.jpg (Spoiler Image,415 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230703_073950_Gal…)

>>1857362(2/2) repost for no spoiler since she's just a wee baby
No. 1857409
File: 1688378095759.jpg (516.61 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230703_105633_Gal…)

Hilarious, love.
No. 1857486
File: 1688395573554.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1179x2195, IMG_0410.jpeg)

binging on live again. She must be getting a bit of money with the gifts.
It makes me wonder though for her audience, 1K people watching?
No. 1857610
>>1857593Fair enough. She blocked me on insta a while ago, after I called her out for being
triggering, kek
(do not touch the poop) No. 1857629
File: 1688415904855.png (4.09 MB, 828x1792, IMG_5843.png)

Olivia Frost (Instagram influencer @oliviabynature) was mentioned in a previous thread - she finally admitted to having an ED last Nov after years of lying to her 278k followers that she was “naturally skinny”. She has been constantly posting WIEIAD on her insta & tiktok but is seemingly making no progress and refuses to go into treatment. She also gets pissy when people comment on tiktoks referring to her lack of recovery / refusal for treatment
No. 1857638
File: 1688417775394.png (10.6 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9087.png)

Feisty gal
No. 1857750
>>1857586Yes she was showing them in her last Tick-tock.
There must be someone keeping check on her or she would just keep dropping weight , someone medical must be stopping her .
Has she ever been IP ?
No. 1857875
File: 1688444828112.png (1.75 MB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2023-07-04-00-27-2…)

No. 1857877
File: 1688444872806.png (1.85 MB, 853x1543, Screenshots_2023-07-04-00-28-0…)

No. 1857929
File: 1688454032969.jpg (724.63 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230704_080111_Gal…)

>>1857919YES! Thank you. I was too busy looking for "chronically" accounts. Looks like she's doing fantastically now that Amy has kicked the bucket No. 1857992
File: 1688472819277.jpeg (146.03 KB, 750x1334, D990400E-396D-45F1-975A-A029ED…)

The face of recovery everyone! Our girl bravely challenged a 20 calorie sugar free ice lolly
No. 1858001
File: 1688475243428.jpeg (206.32 KB, 750x1334, C02904C1-10BF-4F69-B2C3-A00F7E…)

Our other favourite cow has also bravely gained to a BMI of approx 12
No. 1858015
File: 1688477016181.jpeg (312.96 KB, 1178x2179, IMG_8069.jpeg)

>>1857899clames to stay at a hotel again… how does she not realize this herself??
No. 1858082
Never adult edu
No. 1858174
File: 1688497223167.png (655.47 KB, 853x1459, Screenshots_2023-07-04-15-01-1…)

let her enjoy her holiday you twats. don't you know she can't just ignore tellonym while on vacation, gosh.
No. 1858317
File: 1688513650863.jpeg (533.51 KB, 1125x1835, IMG_4822.jpeg)

how do you say relapse baiting in Italian…
No. 1858318
File: 1688513673698.jpeg (495.52 KB, 1125x1792, IMG_4821.jpeg)

No. 1858436
File: 1688531736588.png (1013.09 KB, 853x1650, Screenshots_2023-07-05-00-35-0…)

how does she never get locked up for anything she does, it's insane, she literally sets buildings on fire and nothing happens about it
No. 1858562
File: 1688559234469.png (6.22 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_8276.png)

I’m glad to see Emily Jones utilised her £500 worth of donations on good quality hair extensions… oh wait. The fact people even donated to her utterly pointless and frivolous gfm blows my mind.
No. 1858582
File: 1688562836972.jpg (Spoiler Image,775.76 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230705_102821_Ins…)

Christ, a jumpscare warning like what niamh used to do would've been grand
No. 1858687
File: 1688575502510.jpg (1.23 MB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230705_174436_Ins…)

The world record holder for "worst most bad excruciating agonising painful bone pain" patient continues to push through for her passions ♥
No. 1858854
File: 1688589614128.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1024x1905, IMG_1742.jpeg)

Yet she posted recovery vids up till recently
No. 1858978
File: 1688601900557.png (9.09 MB, 1170x2532, B14B3A98-B1B2-4F39-993B-57B231…)

No. 1859112
File: 1688620375263.png (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 720x1280, rattlebones.png)

EC continues to amaze me with the resilience of the human body. She's been doing like 5 hour long tiktok streams daily for a while now, and talking continuously that much is exhausting even for a healthy person
No. 1859115
File: 1688621287091.png (320.54 KB, 420x646, Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 12.2…)

Turns out Enara isn't special after all and the Melbourne Clinic will only take her if she stops self harming for three months. At the beginning of the video, she also says that she's been in the emergency room a lot for "preventative care" recently, kek
No. 1859122
>>1859115The aus cows are cringe.
She looks like Porgie, maybe it’s just the inbreeding & colonialism that makes them so stunning.
Not sure she could even last 3 days without snacking on a couple of AA batteries.
No. 1859143
File: 1688627860773.jpg (194.64 KB, 1440x1175, Collage_2023-07-06_03_18_48~2.…)

No. 1859210
File: 1688648320385.png (1.22 MB, 853x1537, Screenshots_2023-07-06-08-35-5…)

right i'm sure that's not from all the purging
No. 1859302
>>1859112How has EC not kicked the bucket yet. She has to be getting some sort of medical treatment that is just barely keeping her alive. It’s insane.
And Paris is just a copy wanna be of her, I just saw a YouTube video of hers pop up in my recommended and was surprised shes not dead yet either
(learn to sage) No. 1859313
File: 1688669084027.jpg (964.58 KB, 1079x1660, Screenshot_20230706_114443.jpg)

Embracing comments about how "well" she's looking? Still obviously a skeleton and still obviously delusional. Gotta embrace the ass pats for gaining the most minimal weight possible.
No. 1859362
File: 1688675150724.png (1.56 MB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2023-07-06-16-26-1…)

we're gonna get an anniversary post about this every week, just watch
No. 1859527
File: 1688695645338.png (1.95 MB, 853x1554, Screenshots_2023-07-06-22-07-2…)

lmao she saw the opportunity to post old pics of herself on a tribute post to her cheer coach and she took it. smh this bitch
No. 1859528
File: 1688695759692.png (1.38 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2023-07-06-22-07-4…)

No. 1859534
>>1859528Jeez, what med can cause you to gain 40lbs a year? An antipsychotic? Steroids?
But also there's a lot of entitlement there. A MDT (multidisciplinary team) is something not afforded to every MH or complex patient, and she's acting like they're meant to give her what she demands not what is clinically best for her.
No. 1859584
File: 1688707132141.png (457.08 KB, 427x686, Screen Shot 2023-07-07 at 12.1…)

Enara spent $80 to replace a "smart" water bottle that glows to tells you to drink, yet doesn't understand why everyone thinks her spending is unusual for someone on disability
No. 1859585
File: 1688707229853.png (467.05 KB, 438x690, Screen Shot 2023-07-07 at 12.2…)

>>1859584turns out she bought two
No. 1859602
more attention Kek
No. 1859649
File: 1688723216958.jpg (392.66 KB, 1080x1938, Screenshot_20230707_095525_com…)

There is no way Enara has atypical anorexia. She doesn't match the criteria
No. 1859650
File: 1688723365685.jpg (604.29 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230707_191811_Ins…)

Enara - my psych says I have anorexia but I think I'm too fat
In one post she confirms she's self diagnosed with SEED, not her psych, and also agrees with everyone that thinks there no way she can be obese for so long and still claim anorexia.
No. 1859765
>>1859680My thoughts exactly. She thought this was a way to casually mention her "anorexia" but I reality it just show how delusional she really is.
I wonder what else she lies about or exaggerates. She's got her own hospital blanket, maybe she fakes her admissions sometimes.
No. 1859840
File: 1688759653206.jpg (51.1 KB, 981x257, ireneTaylor.JPG)

>>1859808I'm assuming it's Irene Taylor, as the blue dynamites had been coached by her school. The service was 7/7/23, struggling to find any photos online of her so I'm wondering if Becca could only share pictures of herself if she had non of irene herself (being too generous here).
No. 1859846
File: 1688760066245.jpeg (392.61 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_9258.jpeg)

Imagine showing up to work like this. No. 1859872
>>1859840or…she could have just not put pics of herself and put a pic of
the sky or flowers or literally anything else
No. 1859995
File: 1688780419706.jpg (17.65 KB, 230x337, Wretched.jpg)

>>1859846She reminds me of one of those WoW crack elfs
No. 1859996
>>1859527Oh, maybe she's always had that retarded smile.
>>1859585>>1859584God give me strength not to a-log, the widsom not to alog, and the courage not to alog.
No. 1860119
File: 1688805017176.jpeg (569.45 KB, 828x1466, FA7FC3AB-7062-4899-81D3-0ADDF4…)

Laura is just being blatantly obvious at this point…
No. 1860152
File: 1688810564666.jpg (940.96 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230708_101457_Tik…)

From Laura's tik tok.
Shes looking haggard
No. 1860174
File: 1688815787119.png (1.77 MB, 826x1372, laura tiktok.png)

>>1860152I just went and checked too nona, ngl I'm a bit speechless at just how much she doesn't give a fuck even after all this time
No. 1860180
it’s Laura and Enara though, they’d eat anything
No. 1860365
I've fallen down a rabbit hole about Queen Bulimic (,, and it's… really disturbing. Spreading harmful misinformation about bulimia (like it's a "sugar addiction"), showing full binge and purge sessions on camera (even sometimes calling them "bulimia fests"), and overall seeming extremely unwell and pro ED (despite claiming to be working her way to recovery through keto while she actively engages in bulimic behaviors and ED rhetoric)
No. 1860573
>>1860547Frustratingly (and unfairly) very true
nonnie… look at the likes of Laura, Legohead, Smorven, Fiona and her consistent 2.5 year admission to Glasgow priory (funded by NHS and still her parents went to the media complaining)… the slightest hint or mention of the word ‘discharge’ either from hospital and/or services, and you bet the cows suddenly “relapse” with ED behaviours, BPD antics etc etc… it’s embarrassingly transparent, they don’t even try to hide the fact it’s what they’re doing anymore.
No. 1860585
>>1860174The actual audacity that she has now! Just straight up blatantly telling the world that she's trying everything to get back in the PICU she apparently hated because it was 'too restrictive.'And asking her followers 'what happens now? I'm scared' as if she hasn't spent most of her pathetic life in one unit or another. Who does she think is going to answer her? I didn't understand this fiasco from the start of the 'voices' and 'spiders'. Surely someone in her position; apparently with an ed, terrified of weight gain and 'forced' to become obese, and then 'struggling' with the rules of a PICU for so long, would see supported living as a chance to get some freedom and control back?! Go out and exercise everyday, lose a bunch of weight, get back to the dancing she supposedly loves so much?! Yet she chooses to blatantly sabotage without even trying to hide it and larp her way back into the PICU and onto more weight gaining meds and more restrictions on her 'life.' She's wilfully doing everything she can think of to try to make it so she sits locked up forever, getting bigger and bigger and drooling in the corner. She doesn't want to die; that's (one) difference between her and someone like Claire Greaves who was also stuck for so long in the system; Claire did not want to live like that. She was genuinely very ill and suicidal and she fought very hard to get out of each of those places so she could have her ed and so she could commit. Laura is fighting so hard to be kept IN that I question whether she actually has any true mental illnesses at all. Nobody with anorexia would fight for this, they'd fight like hell to get away from places and meds that made them pile on so much weight. The psychosis I never believed from the start; just attention and a way to get back into the PICU. And I don't think she has bpd either; she only harms herself when it's convenient and benefits her, she clearly doesn't want to die or she would have gone off and done that alone asap with the freedom she had in supported living. It's only when she's in a hospital and getting attention that she 'attempts.' I see no other indicators of bpd; she's never that I'm aware of, mentioned any dissociative issues etc, no identity confusion or unstable sense of self, she never has any problems with attachment to people, obsessions with people, an FP or abandonment fears; she goes from unit to unit quite happily without getting attached to staff or jealous about sharing or leaving staff, or worrying about what her supposed girlfriend is doing this whole time out in the world without her. She doesn't seem to have unregulated emotions even because she can have no 'incidents'and be perfectly fine when it suits her; staying at home, out visiting etc, no crazy mood swings; I've never seen her bounce around the rollercoaster ups and downs of bpd; no elation or passion and no breaking down in crying hysterics at the tiniest thing…..Only blank stares and calculated acting out when she wants attention, followed by calmy written posts explaining what she did after the fact. Even speaking calmly to the camera and giving little smirks and plugging her IG whilst supposedly 'in crisis' in that documentary she forced her way into and started all this. I'd go as far in my armchair diagnosing as to say there is nothing actually wrong with her except the desire for attention and she learned how to get that by faking everything else. She doesn't have any of the things she claims to have; her behaviour just doesn't add up.
No. 1860645
File: 1688864591810.jpeg (251.46 KB, 750x1117, B700F571-A81D-40E0-8E52-1F92B8…)

Laura made a couple of posts at the beginning of the week sounding coherent and settled and saying she was starting stretching for dance again. They have since been taken down. The sizing looked a little weird so hopefully it posts ok.
No. 1860649
File: 1688864798003.jpeg (115.92 KB, 749x1090, 2C7E9DA8-7C4B-4313-8EFA-61813B…)

No. 1860652
File: 1688865202130.jpeg (102.49 KB, 749x1053, 18B3CD30-5DC4-4128-8D43-28D4D2…)

I guess she deleted these posts so she wouldn’t seem too sane and ‘normal’, preferring to put up the TikToks of herself looking like a homeless schizophrenic 50 year old, as that’s more her aesthetic these days.
No. 1860794
File: 1688883617014.jpg (790.12 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230709_155057_Ins…)

She can't be serious with this shooping kek
No. 1860810
File: 1688891402694.jpeg (403.51 KB, 1125x1985, IMG_0775.jpeg)

Sage cuz not very milky, but look who’s back, our favourite IP runaway, now claiming the only way to recover from your ed is to become a fruitarian. At least she’s not dead, yet…
No. 1860835
>>1860810It would be better to have this absolute scumbag dead than her alive and scamming vulnerable people with claims that she can heal them like she's fucking Jesus. Some people's public presence is so
toxic and damaging they don't deserve to exist.
(a-logging) No. 1860898
>>1860444They don’t do it for the opportunity to be tube fed, Laura abandoned the “anorexia” the second she realised the only way she’d get attention for it would be if she was actually significantly underweight. I guess it takes less effort and time to eat toilet paper and scratch up her face a bit than it does to commit to restriction.
>>1860591Shoo, Colours.
No. 1861038
File: 1688927997454.jpeg (122.6 KB, 828x539, IMG_9286.jpeg)

No. 1861040
File: 1688928431443.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230709_194848_Ins…)

It smells like…what?
No. 1861053
File: 1688930369595.png (372.04 KB, 1028x661, lcpas99.png)

>>1860529Something like this?
No. 1861204
File: 1688944206229.png (1.14 MB, 853x1530, Screenshots_2023-07-09-19-08-0…)

No. 1861260
>>1860386Wow the jannies are power tripping
>>1861245I’m in your walls
No. 1861262
>>1861260I'm pretty sure the red text on
>>1860386 is from hellweek.
No. 1861289
File: 1688952573082.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1828, EB4B5B85-277A-4986-BF24-E9CEB7…)

i’m not trying to bone rattle, but she is not bmi 18 or 118 pounds at her height. i know she probably has high body fat but i can’t see her being below bmi 20. why lie about your weight on twitter to a bunch of teenagers?
No. 1861329
File: 1688957585036.png (559.55 KB, 571x765, Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 9.53…)

Hm, I wonder why Enara has no idea what to write about her work and professional experience. Oh wait. (Who bets she ends up writing about how many times she's attempted suicide and her other bpd trophies?)
No. 1861376
File: 1688964703764.jpg (728.16 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230710_023419_Twi…)

Kate's sad looking ass.
No. 1861398
File: 1688968231353.jpeg (382.52 KB, 584x814, 81DDF4C5-8187-490E-8DB1-DC7CF5…)

>>1861376This was literally posted 2 posts before yours
No. 1861399
File: 1688968368269.jpeg (950.25 KB, 1170x1726, 40EBBDC8-187C-4DB7-BBED-AD6E18…)

edtwt users publicly admitting they use lolcow will never not be funny
No. 1861411
File: 1688971200922.jpg (227.32 KB, 1170x2057, 1683183226801.jpeg.jpg)

>>1861249Literally?.. lurkmoar. Now open wide, here comes the spoon
>>1820248 No. 1861446
File: 1688985452787.png (180.99 KB, 1170x2532, BE66A2C1-59E4-4C79-93B6-4CD73D…)

Anyone know why Abby’s tiktok got banned again?
No. 1861448
File: 1688986095099.jpg (522.73 KB, 1284x2051, IMG_4094.jpg)

N2F is pregnant
her moid seems sweet, I wish her the best
No. 1861594
>>1861592Oh boo hoo, then she should have gotten an abortion. I'm sure her baby would have been real sympathetic to her struggles if it came out deformed or with some disorder that fucked it up for life because it's dumbass mother couldn't put aside her own fucked up desires for less than a year or abort the pregnancy.
>yes it’s fucked up but so is idolising being a bmi of 9, making yourself throw up through a tube or staying on the treadmill for 10 hours straight.None of that puts a baby in danger so it really isn't as fucked up as purging when your pregnant, you sound retarded.
No. 1861605
File: 1689011618033.jpeg (581.78 KB, 1170x2407, 7FEA7D0C-E21D-4B9F-B86B-D683EA…)

Anyone following this cow? Another fatty larping sooper severe anorexia
No. 1861619
File: 1689014103732.jpg (963.1 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230710_193611_Ins…)

No. 1861624
>>1861619OMG LYN!
To be fair it must be very frustrating when ED staff don't realise that you're having issues from a physical not mental health problem, but I guess their MO would be the same - to try and maintain a healthy weight.
No. 1861802
File: 1689031019881.jpeg (310.52 KB, 742x1055, 8C4EF532-ABAD-4F00-9AD6-F7F706…)

LLL is back on the ‘quite pine’ (but still can’t spell it). Also more Sertraline. Insert even more weight gain. Also has a solicitor now apparently to ‘find her a placement.’ Never heard any mention of them before. It seems drastic actions need to be taken (by her) to make sure she stays locked up indefinitely while she’s preparing for her debut on My 600lb Life.
No. 1861852
File: 1689034540397.jpeg (623.19 KB, 828x1532, IMG_0259.jpeg)

n2f is pregnant
No. 1861882
File: 1689036320828.jpg (1.05 MB, 1440x1800,…)

omg seriously these faces especially the left one..i can't. you're not 5 years old, STOP!
No. 1861933
>>1861802Seroquel and Zoloft is a batshit combo.
>>1861807Seroquel is one of those where it acts as different things at different dosages–up to 100 is antidepressant, 150-300 i think is mood stabilizer, 300+ heads into antipsychotic territory. You mentioned it increases appetite and you'd be right, it does that at the 150 mark upwards. The weight gain also depends on your intuitive eating and whether you can discern your hunger cues.
(not a medfag) No. 1862013
File: 1689047887521.png (136.33 KB, 422x497, Screen Shot 2023-07-10 at 10.5…)

Why does Enara need all this shit for a ten day trip?
No. 1862014
File: 1689048157704.png (310.02 KB, 433x613, Screen Shot 2023-07-10 at 11.0…)

>>1862013Follow up, why is she so obsessed with bringing a bunch of unnecessary shi for the plane ride? Yesterday she was filling bottles with different face creams and sprays and whatever just for the plane ride and today she's losing her mind with joy over this little kit with essentials like … nail polish, a small sewing kit, and nail polish remover. God help her if she starts painting her nails next to someone on a 14 hour flight.
No. 1862035
>>1861987Marie is 4’7. She would have to be 35 lbs to be a bmi of 8 like she claimed. So now she’s 43 lbs?
No. 1862036
File: 1689050811958.jpeg (378.13 KB, 828x801, IMG_9290.jpeg)

No. 1862078
File: 1689057500149.png (59.75 KB, 761x215, Screen Shot 2023-07-11 at 1.40…)

poor Enara just can't get any services
No. 1862152
>>1862013Of course they all serve a purpose you fucking twit
>>1862145Bite!! Because what the actual fresh hell is she at this point
No. 1862235
File: 1689089769990.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x2162, 4BE2D6D5-A5EB-4B95-A715-9AF399…)

Um…what? She might have experienced trauma but there’s no way she doesn’t have BPD
No. 1862317
File: 1689098500683.jpg (3.68 MB, 4096x7284, InCollage_20230712_060240684.j…)

Jen Peach is back, fully recovered from all her eating disorders after gaining 50lbs on a fruit-only diet. Her mind and spirit are strong, and as per her bio, she is an ED specialist, nutritionist and therapist.
No. 1862498
File: 1689112313500.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1982, IMG_2045.jpeg)

No idea how the NHS has allowed her to stay IP and underweight for like a year now
No. 1862607
>>1862602same anon, sorry, but just for the record: she claims she's okay to take it all in a carry on. This government website ( suggests otherwise:
> A reasonable quantity of prescription and non-prescription medication […] is allowed. A reasonable amount is considered an amount to cover the duration of the flight, allowing for any delays. Screening officers will have the final say on the amount permitted.> [to bring medical liquids onboard you must] obtain supporting documentation, such as a medical identification card or a letter from a doctor or healthcare professional. No. 1862793
File: 1689152443970.jpg (10.86 KB, 440x293, 440px-CowMagnet (1).jpg)

New thread.
TW: Jumpscare
>>1862789 No. 1862997
>>1862464Pica is the craving to eat non-edible products, often things like chalk or gasoline. Sometimes it's the body craving a particular mineral (especially in pregnancy). Enara doesn't crave the taste or texture of batteries, she craves the urgent attention this creates due to the risk. If she was eating chalk sticks no one would give a shit.
Pica involving dangerous objects is almost always limited to severely autistic or learning disabled people.