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No. 56013
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No. 56028
File: 1447078475361.png (491.66 KB, 740x708, yoga3.png)

So let me tell you guys about something called fat yoga.
It's a bodypositivity movement that is not about losing weight or anything of the sort, although they'll use it to prove it's all in MUH GENETICS (and how could they lose wight, they're just gently moving when doing yoga)
What I'm worried about mostly is them snapping their necks, can't be good to do yoga when you're this big
No. 56029
File: 1447078546053.png (600.67 KB, 602x664, yogyoga.png)

>>56028then again they tend to do really simple poses, like touching their knees while standing, you know, something everyone is able to do, and then they post it with filters, motivational hashtags and inspiring messages about how you need to love every curve
No. 56030
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>>56029Funnily enough, even though they spout HAES at every opportunity, they often do this to "help with joint pain, back pain, diabetes etc."
No. 56053
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No. 56054
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so many leg rolls…
No. 56065
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No. 56073
File: 1447093505290.gif (Spoiler Image,841.3 KB, 320x180, tumblr_nnp0hmLFgX1rm73mfo1_400…)

You gotta feel bad for the dog watching this.
No. 56076
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No. 56078
File: 1447094281586.gif (411.82 KB, 445x178, bleeding-eyes.gif)

>>56073this.. this is not okay.
No. 56079
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No. 56080
File: 1447094334480.jpg (Spoiler Image,470.57 KB, 1536x2048, 1446693748963.jpg)

this needs to be spoilered
No. 56094
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No. 56098
>>56079I'm kind of interested in the non-edited version of this pic. I really doubt that she has such smooth skin with our any dimples/cellulite. Also, that blurry armpit reeks of photoshop.
>>56081Seriously, that's not a healthy color for boobs.
No. 56099
File: 1447097604161.jpg (24.71 KB, 620x285, She-Devil-Women-Revenge-Movie.…)

>>56094Its uncanny.
>I fucking love "She Devil" and recommend it to everyone. No. 56120
File: 1447100943110.png (217.78 KB, 790x355, The.Slaton.Sisters.Frown.png)

>>56094Why is it that some fat people have really long frown lines?
No. 56138
>>56028This reminded me of why they have a minister of yoga (et cetera) in India…
>>56030Also fatties tend to complain how they have "injuries" and it brings up a nice circle of which came first - the fat or the injury.
No. 56148
File: 1447105327351.png (526.9 KB, 705x631, yo889.png)

>>56061Fatties are really into pseudoscience, so they're probably clinging onto the fact that studies show yoga is associated with lower rates of those diseases. Probably because people who do yoga tend to not be jabba the hut.
No. 56150
>>56079It's that weeb from DA
Damn she's gross
No. 56152
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No. 56157
>>56080I thought stripes were suppose to be thinning.
Also might have just thrown up in my mouth a little
gag No. 56168
>>56166Yeah I'm the same.
I mean I'm still having my Starbucks white chocolate mocha every other day because whilst I hate Starbucks I can't get enough of that mocha, but it just means I have to forgo another item of food that day like my dinner and workout in my room that night to ensure the weight keeps dropping.
You can eat whatever you want really, you just have to be disciplined and not eat too much or if you insist on eating garbage ensure you burn the garbage off through exercise.
These HAES faggots are just like, they're sinful, the actual epitome of gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride and envy rolled up into a bespectacled, tattooed, gelatinous mass.
I left out lust because I'm not even sure lardos have a functioning sex drive at their weight.
No. 56180
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No. 56210
>>56166i think a thin/normal person's idea of a "ton" of junk food and a fat person's idea of a "ton" varies wildly, exercise will not put a dent into what fatties eat.
I have lost 70 pounds over the past two years (still lots to lose but it's something) by changing diet alone and when I was at 260 my idea of a "ton" of junk was an entire box of cheesy breadsticks from a pizza place (dunked in ranch), two or three of those little debbie cosmic brownies, and maybe some ice cream after that "settled", it was disgusting… I feel like gagging from feeling stuffed after just two of the brownies and a couple breadsticks now and that's pushing it a lot. I have skinny friends who brag about "pigging out" after eating like, a snack size bag of chips and two candy bars. Fatties have that as a snack while waiting for their meals to cook.
No amount of jogging or bike riding is going to burn off a 3500+ calorie family sized meal lol
No. 56237
>>56073I can't even figure out what parts of her body are where here.
Like, it's that a calf?
Is it a thigh?
Is that get vagina?
Could it be some part of a stomach roll?
Do many questions…
No. 56260
File: 1447120971338.jpg (94.17 KB, 456x750, ohgod.jpg)

>>56079>>56150>that is some ridiculous ps on her tits>looks it up>it's fucking penny underbust, nmhere's her thread
>>46554 No. 56279
>>56152god this just hits all the tubblr bingo squares
>fatkini>NOT 4 UR PORN BLOG SHITLORD>awful facial piercings>"sassy" face>"omg boobs :)" bitch those r udders>disgusting rolls of fat out in the openhelp me
>stupid eyebrows No. 56312
>>56180i kinda like that top
No. 56437
File: 1447176375986.jpg (79.75 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nxdkgarHjz1u65zn0o1_540…)

is that her fat peeking out from under the corset or what??? because i am fairly sure she is not wearing a shirt underneath
No. 56466
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No. 56522
File: 1447199104986.jpg (7.96 KB, 204x247, petuniapig.jpg)

>>56437Yeah. It's a few stray rolls. Whenever I see a fatty in a corset I immediately check to see if it's upsidedown. Some of them do this because the part for the bust fits over their cottage cheese filled guts better. This one seems to be the right way.
Her miniskirt is several sizes too small and looks like it's about to pop off. But I'm sure she thinks she looks sexy and every man wants her.
Something about fatties in high heels that always bugged me. I don't know if anyone else sees it that way, but to me it makes them look like they're standing on little piggie feet. It reminds me of Petunia Pig. I can't unsee her when I see a fatty in high heels.
No. 56524
File: 1447199559711.png (1.31 MB, 2496x1308, Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 10.3…)

does anyone else watch my big fat fabulous life? it's all on youtube and it's pretty high quality HAES material
No. 56538
>>56152The one on the left doesn't even really bother me tbh, and almost borders on cute. Would be better without the "not your porn, shitlord" at the end of the caption.
The one on the right though… like who would… why would you upload that? eugh. just why. like yeah fetishes, but isn't part of fetish consent for all? all includes the viewers of your blog and searching tags on tumblr, most of whom did not actually consent. It's gross and so so fat and it looks like there's like some sort of bugbites on her skin and it's just all so white trashy that those photos should be burned. Ugh.
The other two are just too fucking tumblr and I just tune all that shit out now.
>>56466OMG it's like her stomach has a face and it's saying "killllll meeeeeeeeee"
like ya i get body positivity and blahblahblah and how we should accept all types and bullshit, but if ppl aren't ok with me taking a photo where my ribs show, then i don't have to be ok with them showing photos where their rolls and rolls of fat show.
No. 56550
>>56444Her tiddies are so
strained my god they're a constant shade of rosy red throughout the video. I couldn't take my eyes off em!!! She can't even teepee her hands over her fucking chesticles!!!!
No. 56614
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Red is 7-8 months prego if that makes any difference.
No. 56615
>>56614It really doesn't make a difference at all.
Fat girls don't look pregnant. Just fatter.
No. 56624
File: 1447216034308.jpg (95.18 KB, 400x618, 9781863957519.jpg)

Shitlord stylist dresses Chrissie Swan in stripes that make her look more whale-like. Pic related.
(Australians will know who she is. She's fat, loud-mouth bitch that got caught smoking while pregnant and blubbered about it on TV.)
No. 56696
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No. 56728
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No. 56740
So uh there was a tumblr post in the last thread that I have to call bullshit on… some tumblrina was going on about how she used to be so great at sport, even though she was fat, but she had to quit sport because people were making fun of her for her weight. I'm calling bullshit on this because I played lots of sports as a kid…. soccer, swimming, diving, basketball, tumbling, softball, anything I could sign up for honestly. There was always at least one fat kid on the team, and we never made fun of them. I dunno maybe we just had really good coaches who told us that we never, ever cut down a teammate because that's totally against the values of teamwork, but like also if you're that good as the tumblrinas claim to have been, then people actually want you on their team, and they're not going to make fun of you except in like totally joking, not mean at all sort of way. It's just more "poor me" stories on tumblr.
>>56524Oh ya it seems to be on TLC or whatever bullshit pretend educational channel it's on all the time when I'm home from work. And I just don't get it. Like ok you're a fat person in America who can do simple dances. Honestly there's nothing extraordinary about that. The show is so boring and shows something that to me seems so painstakingly average that like I don't get why it's even on tv.
>>56696How does frontbutt even happen so much now? Like you used to occasionally see it on a fat mum surrounded by too many toddlers at the mall, and I guess that's sort of understandable as having so many babies in such a short span of time probably does fuck around with any shape you originally had in that area, but this is happening now in so many young women who don't have kids, and it's gross, and how do you even let yourself get that big?
No. 56753
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>>56728Oh my fuck
those poor boys fingerings their fat flaps
>150 notes No. 56873
File: 1447285755026.png (1.87 MB, 2486x1330, Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 3.46…)

>>56700yeah pretty much!! they really try to cast her as an inspiring person but all she does is do gross shit and blame everything on her PCOS.
sometimes I watch an episode while I'm at the gym for motivation. she does all sorts of horrifying fat people stuff, like getting her rolls spray tanned and getting half-naked in the middle of a boutique with the grossed-out shop owners clearly visible in the background. she tried to walk a 5k and puked from exhaustion.
in this episode, she had her friend blow dry her sweaty FUPA before her birthday party. (sorry for shit quality, uploader has to get around youtube restrictions)
No. 56878
>>56873omg that show is my guilty pleasure
I think the girl's parents are nice but they have no idea how to appropriately handle their daughter's weight problems
No. 56907
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No. 56908
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No. 56919
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at my local convenience store. She was waiting on the photo center and her mouthbreathing was so loud and "snore-like….sounded like a goddamn freight train kek. Wish I could show you guys her from the side/back. Her arse was hanging out and her belly could be seen from the side….vomit
No. 56979
>>56918Wait, what?
And yes, they're that small - and there's no space in front, like your knees knock on the seat. Business class or even Premium Economy (for some international flights) will offer more legroom. Some airlines offer better seats or more legroom. First Class… yah, you might want to save some money for your actual holiday! Unless you're a Rich Kid of Instagram? : )
No. 57176
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>>56207Same. I and a lot of other people need quite a bit of motivation. I get mine from all the regular stuff like cheesy quotes, selfmade powerpoints and fitness models
but then also from threads like this
No. 57181
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No. 57224
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No. 57225
>>57205How much you weigh now doesn't affect how amazing it was for you to lose all that weight. Be patient and more will come off, and come of t will because you've already shown you have the dedication and willpower to do it.
Good luck!
No. 57268
File: 1447382210993.jpg (223.7 KB, 1203x654, whale 25 qt 38.jpg)

>>57205Keep up the good work, farmer. Don't go gently into pudgy middle age! Pic related: landwhale is 25, human is 38.
No. 57273
File: 1447382709822.png (181.18 KB, 400x264, tumblr_ln3lfkREJ51qf6pa8o1_r1_…)

a fatty I know posted this to her tumblr and it got 300+ notes
No. 57277
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No. 57278
File: 1447383470192.jpg (664.65 KB, 620x822, piglegs.jpg)

>>56977this creeps me out too, I think because fat people kind of just look like giant babies with tiny heads? I know plus-size clothing options are limited but I feel like so many fat people go out of their way to go for the cutesy look and they end up looking like weird fat babygoblins.
I think there are ways to appropriately dress a chubby body in an appealing way, but it takes a certain kind of person and the concept of 'chubby' has really taken a turn for the landwhale in 2015.
pic related, always thought if I saw this girl on the street it would make me nervous for some reason. she looks like a giant lumbering toddler
No. 57293
>>56210healthy food just tastes so much better
my "cheat" food as some would call it is chocolate though, specifically dark chocolate and having a small piece or two is enough, even once a week
once you decide one piece is enough, you will be satisfied (granted you have to be eating well the rest of the time)
No. 57305
>>57293I ate a few of those chocolate covered star cookies that appear around Thanksgiving-Christmas and I feel like a whaleasaurus now. I know it's nothing because I normally don't indulge. But to fatties that's like nothing.
When you eat so heavily each day your perceptions of portion size becomes way off. And they'll still claim they are starving. They've just ruined their bodies with overeating and have no idea when they're really hungry or not.
A good strategy is to put the package away after you've measured your portion. Because one more piece becomes three or four if you're just absently watching TV or something.
No. 58341
>>57296I had the same struggle when I was in freaking middle school.
I just hate self depreciating people who throw their insecurities on everybody around them.
No. 58360
>>57278There's a difference between "chubby" and "300 pounds landwhale". At least to me chubby is only overweight up so the point where you maybe have a few pounds extra, but still look like a human. Like the two first pictures in the bottom row here
>>57176. That is no comparison to dressing as a shapeless hambeast such as
I think we discussed this in the former threads too; I personally think man yfatties try to look quirky because at least then they will be know as the "weirdly dressed fat girl" instad of just "the fat girl".
No. 58361
>>58326Hate to say it, but 32 inch waist is… not that small. I'm clinically overweight and my waist is 29 inches. This is something I'm working on, but it still is.
Unless you are talking about hips?
No. 58370
>>58361You must be a dwarf.
I'm 5'7 and my waist is 32 inches, and it's kinda weird looking, because I have really broad shoulders and wide hips. It's a pain in the ass to get good fitting clothings. it has nothing to do with being fat or skinny it's about your body shape and fat distribution.
No. 58372
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No. 58374
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No. 58375
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No. 58376
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No. 58382
File: 1447417151370.png (777.2 KB, 804x2852, cinnarinacow.png) whole thing was a mess but of course Cinnarina is a vegan fatty who gets offended by everything (just read some of her entries)
No. 58399
File: 1447423651145.jpg (70.54 KB, 585x682, intense.jpg)

>learning to hog the whole fridge
>it is the greatest hog of allAnyone that sells thongs to these monsters should be take out behind the barn and shot.
No. 58442
File: 1447440880108.jpg (55.86 KB, 960x958, 12115457_1540832956227739_5325…)

u r what u eat
No. 58468
>>58456I've flown multiple air lines and the only one I genuinely wasn't comfortable because of seat size was a plane company that advertises the cheapest rate and the "cheap seats" are tiny. You can upgrade for larger if you want your ticket higher. It's like a student service. I'm thin, but also very tall, and my only issue is my knees being too tall to have my tray down haha.
I did get stuck between two very overweight people and that was very uncomfortable. forget having arm rests..i had a human's fat folded over in my seat
No. 58489
>>57176Does anyone have the pics where she let herself get fat again? She made a tumblr post about it and everything. HAES strikes again.
No. 58565
>>58489this chick was on something awful too, right? I remember her doing super low carb and begging people to vote for her in some weird bikini contest/self esteem bs thing?
I might have the pics somewhere, I'll look.
No. 58634
>>58598they're about the same as those fucking desk-attached-to-chair things everyone had in primary school.
in first class you can sit cross-legged, though, and THAT is the SHIT on long flights let me tell u
No. 58828
>>56919d-d-dddid the beetus take her left arm?
her facial expression is priceless tho.
No. 59434
>>57176I sort of know this girl. She used to be really active on the OkCupid forums. Always weird seeing her here.
>>58489>>58565Would also be interested in seeing this pics
No. 59443
>>58326who said that? I was talking about personal taste and
control specifically
of course I could eat more than two pieces of chocolate, and sometimes I want to and do, but the point is I know that 2 is enough and usually stop by that point
its like knowing one banana is fine but than deciding to eat 4 just because you can, not because you're desperately hungry, but just because you can't control yourself
No. 59534
File: 1447602669258.png (765.17 KB, 612x854, hi test qt.png)

>>59443What happened to tubblr? Three years ago they were all jilling off to Tom Hiddleston, and now this shit is rolling all over.
The ultimate transgenderkin dadbot?
No. 59535
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from dumblr
No. 59542
>>57176Oh man. I used to be as big as her and as small as her and now I'm on a similar path. I really can't wait to be 140 again now.
>>59535The right breast shouldn't be doing that. The photo was taken of her laying down, probably because she couldn't balance on a stool properly.
No. 59716
>>58382skinny people do get shamed a lot more. I've never gotten shamed when I was fat but I have a skinny friend who gets comments on it all the time.
There was this one guy who once called me "all bones" when he put his arm over my shoulder and I'm only normal weight now! (bmi right in the middle) then again, his wife was a bbw model so yeah…
No. 59718
>>59716they do get shamed more openly because it's not yet "bad" to call someone skinny unhealthy or ugly.
as for shaming secretly and gossipping, fat shaming occurs ALL the time, that's what I noticed in my normal to low BMI dominated environment.
being fat is kind of just a big taboo.
it depends on where you are.
fat people were making fun of me too, and I'm just close to underweight but look very normal.
No. 59752
>>59744that's really sad
she must put so much effort into looking presentable, what a waste of time
No. 59754
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>>59739ok?…Are you trolling or do you genuinely thing areola size is directly related to breast size?
I mean fatties do have bigger nips, just like they have nasty fat pussies and nasty fat fingers, and nasty fat everything…But skinny people can have these features too. There are skinny girls with naturally huge butts, boobs or even stubby sausage fingers. It's called genetic variety.
No. 59755
>>59535top kek I love how she's wearing a weave
what a proud strong black wimman
No. 59835
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Does anyone follow fatgirlflow/fats? Pic related. She's pretty gross
No. 59906
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>>59891Uh Anon those are naturally ridged wood boards and trash cans exist with that shape.
No. 59916
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idk if any of you have heard of thisishangingrockcomics from tumblr/taylor ruth baldwin, she used to post comics and she always drew herself normal sized and posed deliberately deceptively in selfies to look like she's not fat. i used to like her blog a few years ago and literally had no idea she was/is fat lol i remember a post where she was complaining about fat shaming and she said something like 'i eat loads but i'm still skinny but dont get shamed for it' dunno why she bothered/bothers pretending. she had a friend who she drew really fat as well No. 59930
File: 1447705315071.png (436.19 KB, 1080x1456, Screenshot_2015-11-16-15-19-05…)

>>59775Seriously? You think if she lost 80lbs, she would be spoopy like Ashley? Lmfao no. No no no no.
Let's just pretend she weighs 220lbs. 220 minus 80 is only 140lbs, which is a healthy weight even though its considered overweight for some heights. but tbh, she looks to be a lot heavier than that.
No. 59941
File: 1447708205744.jpg (201.89 KB, 604x604, High-Waisted-Bikini.jpg)

>>59923>fat girl wears a bikini>"It doesn't look right."You do realize that a regular bikini will never look "right" so long as the fat girl in question has a fupa, yeah? The only type of bikini that can look good on a fat woman is a high waisted bikini, which is very different than a standard string one.
>pic relatedThere's almost never an exception unless the fattie in question has somehow been graced with extraordinarily good luck and has a flat, albeit plus sized, abdomen.
Anyway, she looks fairly attractive
>>59744 so maybe the normal population of the public could excuse her tummy sticking out.
No. 59966
>>59941>"It doesn't look right."That's not what I said. I said,
>but it's so obvious that they don't fit her right. Also, I'm completely aware that high waisted bikini exist and would work out way better for her. My issue is how deluded she is in thinking she looks good in those bikinis she wore in that video. It's sloppy.
>a flat, albeit plus sized, abdomen.That sounds quite unrealistic.
No. 60205
Please use
>>47105 and limit the fat people threads to 1 from here on out. Thank you!