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No. 1759638
This pig is getting milky again, so by a request i'm carefully bringing this back.
By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 52-year-old drug addict, washed-up rocker, serial abuser, and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.
> Manson turns himself in to the Los Angeles Police Department on a warrant arrest in July 2021 but bails out. Was related to Gilford show where he assaulted a cameraman>in November 2021 police searched Manson’s house, meanwhile he’s in Berlin to spend a belated „honeymoon” with Lindsay Usich… sorry, Warner>Court documents from Johnny Depp’s case are released, reveal Manson’s messages to Depp in which he freaks out and calls Johnny for help, because „Lindsey pulled an Amber on him” (she called police on him for abuse/threatened to call police etc.)>Said documents confirm everything that’s been speculated about Lindsey and her family (she’s blackmailing Manson to say with her). „I got a serious police amber type scenarios with L’s family. I’m f–king stressing. I don’t know if you are back but I need asylum somewhere because I think the cops might be headed my way”>Evan Rachel Wood names Manson as her rapist and abuser online in Febuary 2022>Evan Rachel Wood releases a 2-part documentary about Manson’s abuse towards her, „Phoenix Rising”. Mentions he raped her, hit her with a swastika-adorned Nazi whip, shocked her private parts, tied her up to beat and insult her, made her drink his blood, blackmailed and manipulated her among others.>Manson sues Evan Rachel Wood for „defamation, emotional distress and impersonation over the internet” just a few weeks before her documentary is released>In the lawsuit Manson accuses Ilma Gore of faking a FBI investigation letter as wells as Wood & Gore writing a fake mail account impersonating Manson to create „harmful conversations”>The court dismisses a case filed by Manson’s former assistant Ashley Walters, who accused him of sexual assault, battery and harassment, because there’s not enough proofs and it was too late>Manson crawls out of his house for the first time and goes to Kanye West’s album listening party. Lindsay sneaks a selfie with Manson photoshopped anorexically thin a’la 2000, but other pics from the event show he still looks like a whale>Kanye records music with Manson>January 2023: after 2 years, Manson and Esme Bianco rape/settle sexual assault lawsuit „in order (for Esmé) to move on with her life and career." In the lawsuit Esme said Manson deprived her of food and sleep, gave her alcohol and drugs, locked her in a bedroom, whipped her, cut her, gave her electric shocks, tried to force her to have sex with another woman and threatened to enter her room and rape her during the night.>Manson gets sued for a sexual assault of a minor, which she claims began when she was 16 and continued for years. Interscope and Nothing Records are named as defendants, as they knew about Manson's abusive nature and "celebrated and promoted (it) for their collective financial gain.">Manson leaves the crackden again to throw up a birthday party>Manson whines to TMZ that his thanks to allegations, his career is in the gutter. Says he's unable to tour and was dropped by his record label and talent agency, and his film career is shot as well. His book release and art shows are indefinitely postponed, and his paintings have been devalued. Poor Manson!>Says he's „feeling anxious, distraught, depressed, worried, frantic, sleepless and fearful for not only his own physical safety, but also his wife's” (as if he cares for Lindsey kek)>says he's now a persona non grata in Hollywood, being excluded from countless social and business gatherings>Lindsay Usich obviously stays loyally by Manson’s side as per usual, probably gets abused by him as per usual, and makes him stay through blackmail, as per usual. „Secretly” releases Manson news & updates to Manson’s psycho whiteknights (and promptly photoshops him anorexic in photos)>In the meantime, a strange phenomenon appeared called Manson Truthers. That is, rabid psycho whiteknights who dedicate their whole life to making videos and websites „proving” that Manson is poor innocent lamb who’s just falsely accused and „tormented” by ERW and other evil hags (his exes). Lindsey Usich is their excuse for everything: Manson COULDN’T abuse these women, he probably wasn’t even dating them because he was in a loving relationship with Lindsay! Manson truthers are known for post „exclusive content” (new, previously unseen pics of Manson, as well as behind the scenes info) sent in by Lindsay. >The biggest of them is Colonel Kurtz, a psycho woman who dedicates whole life to fight Mee Too movement, shit on victims of sexual abuse and „seek justice” for various rapists and abusers. Originally started out as a Johnny Depp psychofan, but since JD’s a friend of Manson, she jumped on Manson bandwagon. It’s been 2 years and she still makes hours long videos and collects testimonies from „absolutely credible” people, like Manson’s ex workers from the 90’s or alleged actor from infamous „Groupie” video.OVERALL MILK/ACCUSATIONS:
>Accused by multiple ex-girlfriends, including Evan Rachel Wood, of rape, physical, sexual/emotional abuse, torture, forced confinement, and forced drug use.>Uses his barely legal fanbase to find young girls to groom, abuse, and take advantage of while dangling the same one liners of helping with their careers, putting them in a music video, or wanting a serious relationship.>Long term on-and-off relationship with Lindsay Usich, 36 year old NEET and Dita skinwalker who met him when she was 25 and has been implicated in verbal abuse and stalking herself, using his phone to send nasty message to other women he is dating or friends with, and being violent to fans.>Publicly talked about wanting to beat Evan Rachel Wood's skull in with a sledgehammer.>May or may not be using multiple sockpuppet emails to harass and stalk girls. Also alleged to have fake Model Mayhem account to find 18-year-old girls to groom under the guise of photographing them.>May have had a sexual relationship with Lilith Levisis (also a cow; see thread) when she was underage, and tried to pit her against his other girlfriend at the time, Gabriella (@sourgirrrl).>Has an assistant (sockpuppet?) named Judd who has been implicated in verbal and emotional abuse and stalking towards young girls.>Got liposuction and tried to claim the bruises were from being beat up by Lindsay.>Torpedoed his marriage to Dita Von Teese over 10+ years ago and is still trying to remake every girl he dates into her image.(More receipts and stuff in earlier threads, there was a detailed list of stuff posted in each thread but it's too long to repost now)
Previous Threads:
Marilyn Manson #1 : Fuck You Edition:
>>951424Marilyn Manson #2 : Chin of Sin Edition:
>>958209Marilyn Manson #3: In Search of Lost Tooth Edition:
>>969968Marilyn Manson #4: Fake PR Moves Edition:
>>982539Marilyn Manson #5:
>>1012472Marilyn Manson #6: Baby Manson Time Edition:
>>1081947Marilyn Manson #7: Honeymoon Edition:
>>1138599Marilyn Manson #8: SinChin on Suicide Watch Edition:
>>1152190Marilyn Manson #9: The God of Fucked Edition:
>>1157084Marilyn Manson #10: Stoned and Alone Edition:
>>1163444Marilyn Manson #11: Hamson Edition
>>1172382 (manured)
No significant social media links, except for the official @marilynmanson. Lindsay Usich's instagram is @lindsayusichofficial, comments disabled.
No. 2048396
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There was a murderer who claimed to have leukemia and was trying to meet MM and would go to his shows. The murderer is also a TIF. MM had donated to this TIF on the run out on bail. 1/2
No. 2048397
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2/2 so of course con kurtz has to milk the situation with two long videos on YouTube.
No. 2048448
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Some updates on Manson and Lindsay’s very bad, no good, horrible day: they can’t exist on the planet unless they are fucking with someone, so they installed spyware on the phone of Bryton Gore, the twin sister of Ilma Gore (ERW’s ex). This iPad, which Bryton went out of her way to gift to Manson, provided Manson’s legal team proof of the fact that Ilma Gore( with ERW’s implied consent) was circulating a fake FBI letter among his exes claiming he was under investigation by the FBI for child porn, the basis of his last lawsuit against ERW. She did this because she had also been the victim of years of abuse by her twin sister and sincerely wanted to help someone she also believed was also being blamelessly victimised. This is how Manson repays people- Colonel Kurtz, take notes. JusticeforManson (another Manson truther with way too much time on their hands) was informed of this and had a huge turn of heart, and is now beefing with CK and other handcore true believers. Meanwhile Bryton Gore has promised to release the full contents of the iPad on Halloween, presumably because besides documents useful to Manson it also contain a bunch of damning evidence he would rather not be made public. Presumably since she is a Australian citizen and the iPad was hers to begin there is mother legally he can do. Here’s the milk from JusticeforManson.
I can’t wrap my mind around why they would need spyware on Bryton’s phone- she is not a accuser, isn’t even involved in this whole entertainment scene, lives halfway across the world and is (was) on his side. Imagine how energy these two waste everyday on this shit instead of Lindsay getting a fucking job and Manson getting therapy for his pathological narcissism.
No. 2048603
>>2048438Can't believe, pls farmhands don't lock the threads. The milk we've all missed throughout the years is massive. I don't even know where to start.
The Colonel propaganda was going on and now Manson has an album on Nuclear Blast, so idiots will think he was "innocent all this time". I can't help but laugh at this "ozempic super clean and sober perfect husbando Manson era". At least i hope he treats Lindsay better for sticking up with his bullshit but i guess that's too unrealistic
No. 2048897
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He isn’t consistent with his ozempic, the tits are coming back. Plus all that photoshop can’t hide how he truly looks in person.
No. 2048898
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Is it just me or does it feel like his new music sounds like it’s all AI generated? Even how it’s written seems like AI. Anything that MM did music wise that was considered “good” was because he had Trent Reznor.
No. 2048916
>>2048897I'm not a fan of his so I had never seen that very
sus tattoo on his left bicep…
No. 2048919
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>>2048897His makeup reminded me of picrel kek
No. 2048928
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Did anyone else see this news article? It’s caused so many MM fans to sperg out.
No. 2048932
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I wonder what new evidence they are looking over is. I hope it’s enough to actually get this man in jail.
No. 2048935
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>>2048396He met the TIF killer
No. 2048937
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>>2048897Is this from his recent tour? Pics fans posed make him look skeletal
No. 2048938
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I can’t believe Lindsay let Kurtz that close to him.
No. 2048945
>>2048938Everyone know CK’s panties get soaking wet for JD, not Manson. But also Manson finally married her, for legal reasons, so it’s no longer possible for him to just drop kick her to the curb without financial repercussions if he finds someone he likes more so she can chill out.
I personally believe they are basically roommates and have no relationship and haven’t for years, not sexual, not romantic, and she doesn’t care if he fucks or engages with other women either. Aslong as she can be Mrs. Marilyn Manson and parasite off of him financially and socially, that is what is really valuable to her. On his side, he needs her to not be compelled to testify against him, and if we wanna believe the one anon from years back, she is holding a lot of ugly stuff over his head that could send him to prison for years.
No. 2048951
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Kind of unrelated, but I really wish there was a /snow/ thread specifically for Johnny Depp simpettes. Literally ALL of them are gigacows. Maybe just a thread for retarded groupies in general.
No. 2048952
>>2048945Speaking of Lindsay marriage AND Johnny Depp, i love how Mansonites straighup ignore what surfaced in Johnny Depp case papers: SMS exchange between Manson and Depp in which Manson moaned that Lindsay "went Amber Heard on him" and threatened to call the cops on him for domestic abuse. They paint Lindsay in such a good light, like the one who stood by his side, but she DID want to go against him at some point. True, i believe she could've just wanted to blackmail him at the time, but i also truly believe there was enough of reasons to call the cops in this relationship anyway. He always treated Lindsay like shit.
As for the second part of your post, she was madly jealous about his side chicks, i believe she's very codependent and perhaps loved him in a stockholm syndrome way but he's prob a comfortable steady income guarantee for her first and foremost now.
No. 2048968
>>2048952Sage for long OT/ I agreed with you about her obvious virulent envy of his side chicks and that she is co-dependant on him, but I don’t believe it’s out of love, it’s because they could have taken her place by his side as his perma-sex doll and passive observer of his lifestyle (there was documented times for example when he took Gabriella in tour with him). Maybe there was an initial infatuation with him as a celebrity but what she really loves is his lifestyle and the status it affords her, they are really two empty narcs that are just co-existing like two lizards sitting on a rock together.
I think if she ever truly loved him, that would mean seeing for who is really is (a fragile narcissist with a enormous masculinity complex), she would have had true compassion for how much of a loser he was , and she would have fought much much harder to have her own career, her own social clout, be an respected photographer, content creator, get some shit tier fashion production assistant job thru Manson’s connections ect. Even if she didn’t really want to and just wants to live a low-key life, it would give him precious narcissistic supply(“she is so smart and beautiful and and talented, and she picked Manson”) and to bring high quality, interesting people into their life.
This is the reason he was so enamoured with Dita- she generated her own energy, she affirmed his masculinity in front of other men, and her as a “ mirror” showed him something he wanted to see. ERW also did in a slightly different manner , being so young and having a prominent Hollywood career, but I think Dita is a better example of this. Even if Lindsay is really stupid , she would have realised long ago Manson’s need for ego affirmation via others and why he was so enamoured with those two women.
Farmers have accurately pointed out for years what a low hanging fruit Lindsay is compared to his other girlfriends, even Lilith and other guttersnipes who at least had their own social life, and there’s been plenty of evidence that he tried to get rid of her many many times. I think she satisfies his need for a punching bag that will stay no matter what and a repository for his grandiose memories, and she was able parlay that + his legal problems into him marrying her and keeping the party going. For her to continue to be a good punching bag though, she needs to debase herself by throwing out her own potential in the trash, and I think she is more comfortable with that anyway then being a fully fledged person
No. 2049031
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No ones talked about this yet but unfortunately one of the accusers passed away.
No. 2049046
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heres a Google document that has a list of people that accused him of being abusive, and other related things. Not sure if it has been posted before
Remember nonnas, ignore any and all trolls and bait. Do not respond. It will only suppress information we have on here and get the thread locked. Just let them get banned by the mods.
No. 2049051
>>2048968Ayrt oh for sure, I get what you mean. It's clear she's a nobody that never had a job, any ambition, any plan for life other than living in Manson's shadows. Even Manson himself tried to literally give her a career, bought her photo equipment and reposted her photos and she fucked it up majorly. I forgot most of the milk from old threads but i vividly remember Lindsay's old livejournal and it's crazy how it's been so long and she NEVER had a life, a hobby, anything not Manson-related. You are right, and i think she's unable to start a life without him. She could've done anything, look she used to go to red carpet meetings with him, had some bigger names tagging her, she could've gone into fashion/photography even lowkey, in those years before Manson cancellation. Heck she could've kicked him in the ass after allegations and could play the "brave survivor" role in the media and make a HUGE career on that alone, and she never did (perhaps bc she'd incriminate herself this way as well). I don't know, this is kind of creepy to me ngl, very hard to understand.
No. 2049923
>>2048448 From what I understand, Justice For Manson is known for spreading gossip, being a chronic liar, and often not verifying the information she reports as a fan of Marilyn Manson (surprise!). What she’s saying doesn’t add up. For a year, she promoted him, attended two of his concerts the month before, and even released a lengthy podcast episode defending him. The rumor I’ve heard is that after seeing others meet Manson and his wife—and not being invited—she became jealous and switched sides. There are even rumors that she uses bots to grow some of her accounts.
As for Bryton Gore, she wasn't credible before, and she isn’t credible now. Her allegation isn’t about a spyware program but some sort of non-existent root-level domain spyware. There are governments literally offering millions for expertise in this area, as they haven’t been able to develop such a program, which is far from what she claims. If you don’t recall, Bryton was admitted to a mental institution by her twin, Illma, in 2021.
I don’t believe any of these women are being truthful; it seems more about personal gain, whether for attention, financial incentives, or to align with popular narratives rather than seeking justice. Last I checked, they’re both talking about releasing the iPad full of "evidence" being used in the investigation and civil court. I’m curious to see what it contains, but this all feels like attention-seeking, "look at me" irrational behavior.
(sage your shit) No. 2050065
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This was 2012, why and how did she stay with him/keep taking him back? Is she that dumb and broke to the point where she can’t make her own career without a man? I also guess he’s been paying for her to get some type of skin treatments because holy shit she looks much older here than how she does look now.
No. 2050251
>>2050065If she has blackmail material on him (ofc she does), then she could've just fucked right off to nice a villa and force Manson to pay her for silence, either once or a nice amount each month. Boom. It's that easy, and no contact with that chinwhale.
I guess this is a bpd situation where she's addicted to drama, arguments and knowledge that your "significant other" is as miserable as you. That or its Grimes and Elon taken to lesser but somewhat more pitiful degree.
No. 2050564
>>2050431Nayrt but iirc even Manson talked about it himself, in some earlier playboy tier mag interview about him and Dita.
> the band doing absolutely depraved things to fansMore on this? And the year it was happening? just curious. In his book, Manson boasts about strapping mentally ill fans to some sort of "torture devices" (one of those bdsm things i guess), tying them up and making them "confess their most shameful sins" or whatever, and then them filming and making fun of them. Iirc there's some audio track of this on Smells Like Children or some other early record. He proudly talked about these wild nights, and now he tries hardest to tell everyone it's 100% a lie, that autobiography was all madeup for shock value! lol. The "bad girl punishment/rape room" thing that's in all of the
victims testimonies is also something Manson himself boasted a lot about in his interviews, but now it magically doesn't exist.
No. 2053008
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What in the fuck. Why is Lindsey having a photoshoot for L'Officiel Ukraine all of the sudden? As who? she's absolute nobody
No. 2053009
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>>2053008There's more on her and L'officiel UN insta page but this one's horrible, wtf
No. 2053114
>>2050564early 2000s at least. She saw a lot of under age girls getting plied with alcohol and drugs, one teenager was in a bathtub completely naked and covered in cum (she didn’t see what happened but it was obviously from more than one person) another woman was giving someone a blow job and he forced his dick down her throat and then laughed when she choking and couldn’t breathe while vomiting with his dick STILL in her throat.
these were band members, i know she said she went backstage at several manson shows but i can’t remember anything specific except for those two (i haven’t spoken to her in over ten years) but she said that out of every bands bus/green room/hotel she’s been to, mansons we’re always the worst when it came to groupies and the general treatment of female fans. she stayed in the venue and never went to the after parties or anything after the first one.
No. 2053121
>>2053008 Backwater outposts of big publications like this are pay-to-play. It’s well know tactic of pr agents to make contact asking to pay for a feature for their client. Seeing that this is also in Ukraine (a long term war zone and Lindsay has absolutely no Ukrainian fan base), I’m 100% sure everything here was paid for by Manson down to the assistants who broke down the set. Some said years ago an anon who claimed links to Manson said Lindsay’s dream was always to be a high fashion model and she has been astroturfing for years on her bio that she is former fashion model kek. Coincidentally Lindsay’s birthday was a few weeks ago.
>>2053009She’s supposed to be the lady of the lake from Arthurian mythology, who gives King Arthur his sword Excalibur. I like this 80s romantic Brit goth art direction but I have no idea why they picked this for her because she isn’t British and King Arthur wasn’t an alcoholic crackhead.
On the upside she now has some nice photos of herself that don’t look like early 2010s tumble art. The downside is everyone can see what her real face and body look like.
No. 2053196
>>2053114Feels like 90's/2000 was all about Manson letting groupies AND random underage, mentally unwell kids backstage to cover them in bodily fluids, tie them up and humiliate a myriad of other ways (including granting sexual favours to other tour crew). i bet there's plenty of ppl who cannot come out with such revelations bc they're too ashamed, and bc it's impossible to prove now.
Ot but i'm re-reading 1st Manson thread and there's just so much of content around this drama… has anybody outside lolcow ever paid attention to Lindsay/sidehoes texts, or Judd fuckery, or anything other than official ERW statements? There's so much of pre-Phoenix Rising receipts on Manson and Lindsay being shady people that gets completely ignored
No. 2053199
>>2053121Yeah, it's just blatantly obvious that it's pay-to-play gig, and Ukraine edition especially makes me kek - idk how this mag functions now but seems like it's just releasing anything just to stay afloat. And i could be wrong, but i doubt the magazine is even printed, that shoot was probably released online only.
The failed fashion model thing reminds me back when Lindsay tried hard to befriend Nick Cave's wife Suzie who was legit model & owned clothing brand Vampire's Wife and Suzie very reluctantly acknowledged her in a form of a couple likes before cutting them off for good lol. you just know "vampire's wife" is Lindsay's dream title, the whole thing made me cringe at the time.
No. 2053350
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Another totally organic modelling opportunity for Lindsay; she will get scouted by an agent at Elite or IMG soon for sure lol. Someone please explain to her she can’t buy all these at the same time without it being obviously astroturfed. I wonder how many people said no to her pr agent kek.
No. 2053360
>>2053343Paz is guilty of supporting Manson though. Manson used to cover her insta with likes and shit a couple years ago, i'm sure he tried to woo her with same old "I wanna put you in my music video" shit kek. Iirc she came out recently and said ERW & others were trying to offer her money for confessing against Manson. Colonel Kurtz spoke about it in some vid but i couldn't stand that obsessive bitch talking for more than 1 minute
>>2053350>she will get scouted by an agent at Elite or IMG soon for sureKek. Are these brands and magazines dumb or what. Giving her the time of the day only shows they chug money DIRECTLY FROM MANSON, which is not a good look for them. That being said, it would be hilarious if Lindsay got more fame/exposure than Manson bc so far nobody wants to work with Manson anymore. isn't he already getting jealous and paranoid? lmao
No. 2053389
>>2053360Manson recently did a campaign for a French brand called ENFANTS RICHES DÉPRIMÉS. Not a huge name outside of the French fashion scene but hey, it’s a real, paid job that he was cast for because of his work as an entertainer. Lindsay can never be a model because that would require having digitals of her unretouched, makeup free face and retouched body sent to casting directors. And like many have pointed out in the past she is simply not an attractive woman and has no special qualities (exotic features, height) that would make her interesting to look at for photographers or designers.
Personally my money is on some Alice glass autotuned esque music career paid for by manson, but who know how long the gravy train will last. Inevitably for better or for worst his legal problems will end (with or without a conviction) and I think after that he might divorce her.
No. 2053402
>>2053389>ENFANTS RICHES DÉPRIMÉSThat's the same brand that troon Bacon aka Ethel Cain modelled for lol. They're going for edgelords i see.
>I think after that he might divorce her.He won't. I'm pretty sure she's got a fuckton of blackmail material. She probably entirety of content from his drives and devices copied, wouldn't be that hard since he was probably blackout drunk and asleep for most of the day. Btw wasn't her father a rich attorney?
No. 2053410
>>2053402The blackmail stuff only matters if there are consequences. He can only be cancelled once, he already lived through that and is still getting invited to parties and most of his social network supports him. TheJD trial proved that the general public forgets and moves on.
The problem for Manson right now is he could go to prison if it’s proven he actually committed crimes, I believe holding someone in a home against their will for more then a certain amount of hours is automatically considered kidnapping with a mandatory something like 10 year sentence. But if he goes to trial and they can’t prove anything because Lindsay provides him with an alibi and there is no danger of him being retried, or they can only prove minor things and he goes to jail for 2-3 years once he gets out that’s it for Lindsay. No one will believe her if she says after the fact that she lied for him because he will smear her as a bitter crazy harpy gold digger and everyone will believe him because she is.
No. 2053556
>>2053410I believe he could go to prison if some private videos leaked out. If what ERW said is true, he recorded her tied up, beaten up, shocked with some sort of electric wand if not raped. I'm sure he filmed other girls in soundproof room aswell. It's all probably destroyed now, but i assumed Lindsay copied it and has it somewhere. No way she doesn't have something serious on him, otherwise he would've booted her out of his life 10 years ago or more. Manson might be bragging about his connection to mafia (kek) but he's scared shitless of going to jail (remember when he wanted to hide at JD's house?)
The problem is, she's not eager to do it. The only time she was close was calling police on him and the breakup in 2015 when she handed him a fuck you letter onstage.
No. 2053731
>>2053556She might have doing despicable things but that doesn’t make it illegal nor can they prove what on the tapes isn’t consensual.
My personal belief is she has voicemails/texts or even secretly recording conversations that disprove his alibi in certain key points in his legal cases with Ashley walters , Esme bianca and maybe others. Anons are right he is scared shitless to go to jail.
No. 2053752
>>2053731>>2053733Maybe Manson was involved in something even darker that what we already know. Or it's not strictly abuse that he inflicted, but something else but related that could put him in jail. Whatever it is, it made him stay. I mean look, in the end Lindsay has him wrapped around her finger.
What's up with Justiceformanson and new evidence? somebody promised new info and then nothing happened
No. 2053923
>>2053556one thing that makes me wonder is that they confiscated a few devices when they were raiding his house. Did the police ask them politely to hand every laptop, external drive, or did they search for them in every corner? What are the chances Lindsay was smart enough to hide an SD card? And since he knows about this blackmail material, why won't he search for it or make her reveal its location?
Besides that, do you any of you know about Bianca Kyne? She is the woman who said she was a 16-year-old fan from Texas whom he groomed while he was with Rose. It seems like her case didn't progress at all for many years
No. 2054012
>>2053923If Lindsay has any remnants of brain, she has it it hidden multiple places, bear in mind her parents are involved. Manson would be long gone away from her if she lost the blackmail material. As for drives from Manson - i'm pretty sure he yeeted it all out long time before police even entered his house. He had plenty of time to do this.
First time hearing that name Bianka Kyne. I remember though back when he was with Rose, Manson toured with Hole. There was this MTV show where they asked Courtney about Rose McGowan and she was like "Rose who?" and said there's always underage groupies backstage and whatnot so you easily mix them up. Obvious dig but I don't think it was just Courtney being mean this time around.
No. 2056090
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>>2053731Found some allegations that might explain why. According to conspiracy lore(and the FBI) Manson's tats tell you what he really is.
No. 2056107
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>>2056093Manson with his artwork. Looks like a tied up child?
No. 2056108
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MM's interview
No. 2056126
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>>2056091Lolita Poster, ERW wearing heart shaped glasses. Girl lover symbol in pink. MM's tat in red.
No. 2057064
>>2056126Out of all the partners that Manson had throughout the decades, ERW seemed like the one that affected him the most in terms of their breakup. The one he probably “loved” the most. It’s obvious, he enjoyed the fact that she was barely 18 when they met and 19 when they initiated a sexual relationship. Manson always liked young girls, that tattoo is pretty well known, but his retarded fans chalk it up to it being some romantic “logo,” it also appears in some of his promotional artwork for one of his albums, I forget which one.
In the ERW doc, Evan mentions that Manson recognized her mostly from her film, Thirteen and tells her it’s his favorite role of hers. Imagine a man pushing 40 telling an 18 year old that his favorite movie is a depiction of a 13 year old troubled girl (Evan was 15 at the time of shooting I believe) and saying it’s his favorite role. It’s so gross
No. 2057422
>>2056092>>2057064That tattoo could be anything tbh but maybe it's his "sarcastic" comment on being self-conscious. Now, I don't think he's a pedo as in going for schoolaged kids etc. but he surely has a thing for teenagers. And he used to idk, portray it in some fucked up romantic, tragic almost way back in 2007 which made fans uncomfortable even back in a day. He had a HUGE obsession on Lolita, and clearly he identified with Humbert. Remember his unreleased project, Phantasmagoria? He planned to make this psychological horror artsy bullshit pretty much about Lewis Carrol being a pedo, with him as Carroll and Lily Cole as Alice Liddel iirc. but Evan was to be involved some way or another.
It's like he was aware he's getting old and looks worse with each year.
No. 2057454
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I’m going to throw in my two cents and say while I think Manson is a low-functioning narcissist and creep , he is not an actual pedo. I think if his true sexual attraction was to children he wouldn’t have picked curvy woman like Rose,Dita, Esme ect or women like Clare Buley and Mandeline who emulate the trashy vibe. He would be like Jeffrey Epstein and consistently chose picrel/very petite/babyfaced, flat chested adult women as his decoy that are the closest thing physically to a child. I get Evan was an actually child, but my personal tinfoil is he latched onto her because she is extreme similiar to his first GF (Jewish, model/actress, extremely similar face) that caused him to have a meltdown when they broke up
No. 2057457
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>>2057454From the article:
“ Finally, Rachelle decided to end the two-year relationship after Warner called up her ex-boyfriend and roommate accusing her of infidelity.
'I went to his house and told him it was over,' she said. 'He said 'You're going to regret this.' I told him 'well then, so I do.'
'He begged me not to leave. When I walked out he came running out of the apartment in a towel, down the stairs to my car. He was trying to hold his towel so it didn't fall. I was telling him 'Brian we are done, you have to stop.' I felt like an awful person.'” No. 2057904
>>2057457What, never heard of this girlfriend before. pathetic soyboy kek
Manson is aging ex-rockstar, ofc he went for teenage fans or young actresses. That's pretty much similar case as Til Lindemann. Anything to boost his ego, to prove he's not just an aging has-been with a middle age crisis. (Remember how he tried hardest to tell every journalist that he doesn't need viagra? lmao.) I believe that's why he went for Evan. as well as a fuck you to Dita because she dared to want a somewhat stable life without raging idiot smashing windows whilst loaded on drugs and drunk.
No. 2058022
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>>2057422People might shrug off the tat evidence, but his movie roles are suss. You could have any role you like but you wanna be the creep seduced by a child.
No. 2058028
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>>2057454>I think if his true sexual attraction was to children he wouldn’t have picked curvy woman like Rose,Dita, Esme ectPedos are known to have a beard to hide behind. Walden explained that; judge is a pedo and got married to throw off the scent. Wife is ignorant about his cravings. Second movie Manson was in was X-Men New Mutants. He played the Smiling Man, a pedo who abused Illyana as a child. I used to like his music when I was a teen. Nobody likes to hear their idol is a creep. But I think there's enough circumstantial evidence that he's a pedo. We know Hollywood actors lie about their ages, and I think ERW is younger than they say. If she did reveal that info, alot of movie producers would go down for that.
No. 2058178
>>2058028Those women were not just beards to use as a cover, he was obviously very attracted to them. A better explanation is that a pedo can be attracted to adults as well as children.
>>2058022it's not like he could choose whatever he wanted, though. they offered him roles of creeps or weirdos because he looks like it, and he accepted them. This just seems like a stretch. He also had a few non-suspicious roles
No. 2058262
>>2058178That anon's correct. Manson took whatever roles he was offered, and i'm sure he's never been offered enough roles to be picky. He get creep roles cause he looks like it. Although X-men role is a surprise for me, he truly had a decent few pedo roles.
Also these women like Rose and Dita definitely weren't his beards, he was really obsessive about them. I hate this distinction cause it's still pedo in my eyes, but Manson is ephebophile if anything. not that its any better.
No. 2058827
>>2058636Kek anon chill tf out and stop getting so damn offended. No, i'm not "paid to throw off the scent", i'm someone that knows his shitty history and context enough as an ex-fan. I advise you to work on reading comprehension though.
As for movies, he was clearly desperate to make it big in Hollywood at some point, i doubt he cared if these roles were morally pure and good.
>>2058774>Saying he is a paedophile because of his two roles is not sharing the truthExactly this. He very well could be a pedo, but a couple of shitty ass side film roles are not a proof he's one. He also played a murderer in one movie,
gasp do you think he's a killer too?
No. 2061383
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Lmfao he dropped his lawsuit.
No. 2061558
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His sycophants are already declaring this a "win'. His career is ruined, his reputation is destroyed, and he has to skulk away in embarrassment while covering her legal fees. What a stunning victory
No. 2061645
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>>2061103it's not weird at all when you consider what courtney love has accused korn band members of doing to teenage girls
No. 2061746
>>2061619My favourite delusion is that now they try to tell themselves it all happened because Evan was mad jealous over Lindsay, all a vengence bc Manson left her (big kek, Evan was the one who left him & he was cutting himself and crying about it in every magazine) and all these years she wanted him to come back to her, and already in 2009 she sensed Manson had a thing for Lindsay and knew he'd dump her for Lindsay (topkek). Lindsay serves now as this femme fatal who won his heart and made Manson leave evil ERW.
As if he didn't fuck massive amounts of chicks in the 2009-2020 timeline, stomping all over Lindsay. Aren't they aware of Lindsay's jealous outbursts? of messages she sent to sidechicks, of that letter he read onstage back when Lindsay dumped him for like 3 minutes? very convenient to forget. If you repeat the lie enough times, it becomes reality in Mansonite world
No. 2061749
>>2061645True. I hate the way she phrased it though, "SHE she she". Fuck this. I mean sure, teenagers are dumb af but they can't read the room sometimes. There are bands like Sum 41 who come out after shows to talk with fans and take photos together etc and then there are bands like Rammstein where staff members pick "tasty young things" for Lindemann for a little drinking party and fucking backstage. Same scenario with Manson. And Korn, apparently. And it's widely known, but that girl probably expected a completely different experience. 90's were "meant" to be anti-groupie thing
I still have a big glare for Courtney for whiteknighting Manson on her private right after allegations blew up.
No. 2061876
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>>2061746Why on earth would ERW be jealous of a nobody like Lindsey? Not to white knight, but ERW is not only talented but is drop dead gorgeous that had consistent work and projects especially at the height of her relationship with Manson. picrel Evan in 2007. What does Lindsey even do? Honest question
No. 2061928
>>2061876Mansonites would tell you exactly opposite, that she never had any film work beyond 13 and that one Green Day video kek. And that her career is "dead" after Westworld. Lindsey does nothing beyond posting shitty flowers pics, cycling through polaroid selfies, Manson in the dark pics and countless pics of poppies. She's not known in any way shape or form, but now she can at least call herself Manson's wife lol. but you're talking about ppl deeply fucked in the mind, who cling onto Lindsay as if their life depended on her.
>>2061766>a bunch of no name, genz tiktok goth/artist/actress girls he is followingIt must be killing him that he can no longer fuck groupies backstage so at least he can woo dumbass zoomers on tiktok lol. new low
No. 2062483
>>2062254>the learning material was his classic and great 90s-20s eraI didn't bother to listen to anything sans singles, but there are certain elements modeled after his older music, among modern generic crap metal. I wouldn't be surprised if it's AI crawled, or at least he picked someone able to mimic the sound. Remember how Born Villain was meant to be new Antichrist and Heaven Upside Down new Mechanical Animals? Yeah and it was nowhere near. He's capable of writing his own lyrics but Manson doesn't do the composing. He 100% goes for HolyWood era even lookswise, same costumes, face makeup etc. because that was the time he played the "media scapegoat most hated man" role. It's supposed to be indication. Difference is, in 2000 he was a musician genuinely unfairly blamed for school shooting, today he's playing baselessly attacked
victim of evil hags that are jealous of genius, beautiful, multitalented Lindsey.
(Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it kek)
No. 2064484
>>2064255I read them all but it was at least 3+ years ago and i don't remember much since it's a LOT of info to go through, but i know threads featured a lot of fans goins to meet&greet/ spotting drunkass Manson in the wild stories found all over the internet, even from before the allegations blew out. As for strictly our own farmer stories, i can't remember but someone already mentioned a story in current thread.
And yeah he always had underagers on the bus, even in times when Lindsey was hanging around and "gatekeeping" Manson lol. Did he offer you alcohol or behaved other fuckedup way?
No. 2065915
>>2061879ERW is and always has been a complete airhead and somewhat mentally unstable. And lmfao at the ultra-photoshopped pic. Not saying at all that Lindsay is better, but calling her a high value partner is a joke. She's held her son hostage from his dad, using the Manson trial as a reason. If you've been around manipulative and vindictive women you can see right through her. She's took her role in 13 way too fucking srs and it's why she never succeeded.
Dita and Rose McGowan were the only high value partners he ever had, talented, beautiful in an adult way, and kind-of intelligent. Rose's experience with him is interesting becaue of how normal it seemed - even Dita got things thrown at her, as much as she likes to pretend she never said that. If he didn't decide to full-time LARP as a character in his albums and just stayed with Rose none of this would've happened.
>>2064632Dita and Manson having threesomes with fans/audience girls was well-known, she would even go pick them out. Not surprising at all that Lindsay would do this too since that's who she's skin-walking. She's very jealous so she probably doesn't even want to. Gross as fuck.
(sage your shit) No. 2065922
>>2062254Lost interest not even halfway through. I don't understand why he went back to the Holy Wood look and marketed this as a hard comeback when it's the same autotuned, whisper-y, repetitive high school lyrics trash he's been producing since Dita left him.
>>2062483I got to the song that was clearly trying to recapture "Disposable Teens" with the chanting and staccato delivery, then turned it off. He's the epitome of the untalented vocalist who fires the whole band then flops - and its been going on for over two decades. Can you believe that in 2024 he's still be making garbage music inspired by ERW? Lindsay must be steaming. Worst part is that writing was the one thing he was talented at during his peak, but whenever he draws from his introspective feelings he regresses to teenage-tier poetry. Incel behavior.
(sage your shit) No. 2066084
>>2065915ahh yes the insufferable Manson fan here to trash ERW like most do. You guys have a hate boner for her and always bring up the stuff that happened with Jamie Bell, as if that has literally anything to do with Manson and their relationship. It’s so weird. ERW despite being an “airhead” as you said, was at least interesting enough for Manson to be obsessed with her for years, so much so that it influenced 2 of his records and he even mentioned that she is the male version of him, his twin flame so to speak. So does that mean Manson is an airhead too if he’s willing to say that ERW is his “twin.” Make it make sense. Clearly, she was a high value partner for him, she was in 7 successful films, arguably her best work while being in their relationship, and also 2 successful HBO shows (True Blood and Mildred Pierce). She got nominated multiple times for her work in The Wrestler. I’m not sure an airhead can be that successful, especially when she was still so young in those films. She is obviously talented and interesting enough for Manson to pursue her and also star in one of his most well known music videos, but okay. ERW still lives rent-free in Manson’s head and I’m sure boring Lindsey still seethes to this day
No. 2066141
>>2065915I have no idea what's going on in Evan's life, but weird to expect from her to be mentally stable after growing up in Hollywood (look at all the kid movie stars and their adulthood) and most importantly going through Manson.
>manipulative and vindictive women Your Manson fan is showing
>>2066084Ikr? Gotta love how his fans try to diminish it all like ERW was nothing to him. Clearly she was important enough if Manson cried emoboi tears after her for a good part of 00's, proposed 3 times and wrote countless songs about her
>>2066004Iirc Rose was the one who dumped him and the reason was cocaine. Also pretty sure he cheated on her, Courtney Love implied so when she was touring with him. i didn't know about the credit card thing, gross.
No. 2066343
>>2066141This. Expecting a former child star with severe trauma to be a perfect
victim is fundamentally stupid. I also cannot wrap my head around implying she never succeeded, where? She's been acting consistently her entire life and she's good at it, she's a competent musician as well. Only a Manson fan would cope this hard and anyone caping for Dita in this thread sets off alarm bells for me. Dita is a complete cow and an opportunistic snake but that wasn't worth mentioning apparently kek
No. 2066423
>>2066343Exactly, especially when most of her roles as a child and teenager were pedo-coded roles. She must have internalized that somehow, since it’s not a healthy image. She was a child while filming Thirteen and then went to continue playing other coquette, Lolita-esque roles like Running With Scissors, where she plays a young girl who was raped by a man 20+ years older than her. Not to mention, Pretty Persuasion where she plays a high schooler trying to seduce her teacher. Oh, and Woody Allen’s, Whatever Works, where she’s a young girl in a relationship that then marries an old Larry David. How does one not be fucked up, if the roles given to you are these precocious but sexually aware young teens getting with older men that are currently going through a mid-life crisis? I’m sure the cultural brainwashing of all this made her initial red flags of being in a relationship with Manson not go off (in the beginning, before the actual abuse started to occur), since it’s so normalized everywhere else in her life.
I do think that Dita is a high value partner too, as for the other nonna that calls her a cow, I never got the impression that she was one. She’s very private in her personal life and keeps everything strictly business when it comes to her social media. She still just does burlesque shows and has a very successful lingerie line. She is not a cow. Her decision to not speak about Manson after the allegations was a personal choice.
No. 2066644
>>2066343It might be bc Manson fans expect someone to be talked about enough to be considered "successful". Like idk what they expect, ERW to be in Marvel movie? In every Netflix trendy series? Be in tabloids more? Cause if that's what's succesful to them, then Dita and Rose are failures too kek.
>>2066423Nayrt but she used to bring in Manson's fans for threesomes and collect nazi shit, which is eyeroll worthy for me. As for Dita being a cow, some anons mentioned rumours she's now a highclass escort (idk how true is that). She comes off as this poised and demure classy lady but apparently she's got some shit to hide. Anons more knowledgeable about this topic are free to comment
No. 2066747
>>2066423Sorry for derail, but it has to be said.
Dita essentially said that Manson's
victims brought everything on themselves and deserved to be tormented - because she still considers Evan a homewrecker, and apparently doesn't respect groupies/women in casual relationships with him. Even though Manson most likely cheated on Rose with her. She denied that Manson abused her, even though she said in the past he was insane, rude, and threw things at her at night because of cocaine. She got so jealous that years after the divorce, she bullied Amie Harwick for dating Manson, compared her to fast-food and tried to blacklist her in the burlesque business. She is still friends with him despite all his demented "art" while he was with Evan and afterwards, featured him in her book. Then recently, some woman leaked her messages with Dita's boyfriend which revealed she likes to have threesomes with young pin-up models. She comes across as obsessed with herself, insecure, and most importantly, similar to Manson since she was so in love with him despite him being so disgusting.
No. 2066835
>>2066747Wow I didn’t know all that.
I would have never guessed, because in interviews she mentioned being in open relationships but preferring monogamy?
I thought she has a boyfriend right now, which not many know the identity of.
I would be pissed too if my husband was cheating on you with a teenager and still wearing his wedding band while doing it, but I didn’t know she blamed all his
victims though.
I thought her whole narrative was “he was never like that to me and I can only go off of my own experience,” and so on.
I guess I was wrong, but I would like to see some receipts just to see.
But never put herself out there as some conservative and demure person. She was always open about being a little freaky, hence her doing personal fetish videos for rich old men at the start of her career before being a stripper. Whatever she likes to do in private doesn’t really make her a cow, but if what you say is true about her blacklisting Manson’s
victims, past girlfriends, then well that changes everything for me
No. 2066839
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>>2066835This isn't the most damning example of her shitting on the women who came forward but it's in extremely poor taste. I can't find the full statement but there's snippets of it available through various articles.
No. 2066863
>>2066839I’m aware of this instagram post, this doesn’t come off as milky or even in poor taste tbh. It’s not her experience, and I think she wants nothing to do with all the drama surrounding her ex. It seems like she’s moved on and wants to just focus on her work. I was under the impression by the other nonna that she was
victim blaming and being a pick me, but her statement doesn’t really give that, unless there was another interview out there where she is. But as far as I’m concerned, she isn’t a cow
No. 2067122
>>2067014Not that anon but i agree. She's not obligated to support Evan but it's been more than 20+ years, she should at least let go of that bitterness. Especially since Manson turned out to be who he is. Like look at him NOW, is there anything to regret? Speaking of Dita's statement, it's weird throwing things at her confirms he was at least aggressive, but she's all quiet about it now. Dita's message was so enigmatic that it could be read a myriad of ways, including in Manson's favour. Comparing, Rose's statement was very different. She said Manson didn't beat her etc either but then said straight to Manson pretty much something like "but don't think i'm gonna cape for you, stop hiding behind me & using the fact i texted you back on insta last month as somehting in your favour".
>And they didn't make a MV out of spite thereNah. I think Evan had nothing to do with bed choice, but Manson absolutely did this out of spite. I mean they could choose any other bed at the studio or whatever.