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No. 982539
Previous Threads:
Marilyn Manson #1 : Fuck You Edition
>>951424Marilyn Manson #2 : Chin of Sin Edition
>>958209Marilyn Manson #3: In Search of Lost Tooth Edition
Old thread bio updated
By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 51 year old drug addict, washed -up rocker, serial abuser and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.
> Accused by multiple ex girlfriends including ERW of rape, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, torture, forced confinement and forced drug use> uses his barely legal fanbase to find young girls to groom, abuse and take advantage of while dangling the same one liners of helping with their careers, putting them in a music video or wanting a serious relationship> Publicly talked about wanting to beat ERW's skull in with a sledgehammer> May or may not be using multiple sockpuppet emails to harass and stalk girls, alleged to have fake Model Mayhem account to find 18 year old girls to groom under the guise of photographing them> May have had a sexual relationship with Lilith Levisis (also a cow; see thread) when she was underaged, tried to pit her against his other girlfriend at the time, Gabriella > Has assistant (sockpuppet? ) named Jude who has been implicated in verbal and emotional abuseand stalking towards young girls> long term drug addict and alcoholic who hit the wall going 100 m/h then got liposuction and tried to claim the bruises were from being beat up by his ex> torpedoed his marriage to Dita Von Teese over 10+ years ago and still trying to remake every girl he dates into her image > Long term on/off relationship? with Lindsay Usich, 35 y/o NEET and Dita skinwalker who met him when she was 25 and has been implicated in verbal abuse and stalking herself, using his phone to send nasty message to other woman he is dating or friends with, and being violent to fansNo significant social media links; except the official @MarilynManson.
Lindsay Usich's instagram is @LindsayUsichOfficial, comments disabled
Discussed in First Thread:
>Receipts from multiple accounts discussing accusations of abuse/assault by many including ERW, Esme Bianco, Clare Buley, Louise Keay Bell, Ashley Morgan, >Harassment and death threats from Manson and/or orbiters including ex assistant Judd and anonymous 'online troops'>Horrorshow performances from Lindsay and Mom Hope Harvey harassing and talking shit about/to Manson fans>Also discussion of just who is controlling who in the Manson/Lindsay relationship>Mansonisabusive kindly shared many receipts and info>Paranoia and suspicion a-go-go about general circus that surrounds El Chinno Manson and his Hollywood Hareem>A whole ton of other stuff that you need to lurk the previous thread for >> 951424Discussed in Second Thread:
>More receipts, maybe from whacko liars, maybe from genuine victims of the Manson Sleaze Wagon>Lindsay concentrates all efforts into sharing updates from blissful Covid cohabitation, inc lots of plants, cats, other sickly stuff but most importantly - usually flashing what looks like an engagement ring>Also shares a post from her cousin, who speaks of an encounter with Manson, in which Manson refers to Lindsay as his 'fiancé'>Farmers work out this anecdote actually reveals that the 'engagement' happened about six years ago>It's decided once and for all that Madelyn is a deluded pick me, although, entertaining. Made a half-hearted attempt not to give her any more airtime as she selfposts and encourages orbiters to post>A slew of other batshit fans come to light>Mansonisabusive IG account visits and shares very interesting caps, we thank her>still waiting for the 666fearless full story>Die Antwoord/Zheani/Manson connection is mentioned - Zheani has dirt on Manson, but who knows what>Discussion of Linday's catfish accounts including Ticklish Witch, Mina Lowry and others>Talk of superfan turned superhater, Tiziana Collins aka Titti, and whether she faked her own death to return as her own mother>A whole ton of other stuff that you need to lurk the second thread for >>958209Discussed in Third Thread:
> receipts Lindsay fought with ex side chick Viktoria (Twitter: LaPetitMort_), made public Viktoria's personal information via her Twitter> receipts from Viktoria's twitter of Marilyn Manson talking shit about John 5 (with whom he was about to tour)> extensive evidence of Lindsay's full-of-cheap-bots followership, poor PR and desperate attempts to build a career for a 35 y.o. NEET at a last minute> Manson and Lindsay's engagement announcement (with zero media coverage no matter how hard they tried)> Louise Keay Bell, one of the victims, came to the thread to milk her trauma and change the narrative of her experience with Manson when literally not a single anon had been talking about her> receipts Manson sent legal threats to LKB, receipts of LKB and Jessicka Adams claiming Manson had sex with underage girls> receipts Lindsay was grooming girls for Manson> a ss of LKB saying Lindsay was part of Manson's sexual assaults> even though Louise Keay Bell was very vocal on her recent abuse case when nobody actually asked her, she was not brave enough to address anything from the above> proof of MM staff molesting female fans and abusing their position> fearless666 aka Michelle abuse case fully revealed, some anons questioned her credibility> more evidence of his abusive, toxic, racist, misogynistic behavior from various interviews> proofs that Marilyn Manson forces his orbiters to sign NDAs> poor fake and full of shit PR moves
>>A whole ton of other stuff that you need to lurk the previous thread for >>969968You are welcome to contribute!
No. 982552
>>982550 receipts of
LKB and Jessicka Adams claiming Manson had sex with underage girls
don't know about
> he ever talked about liking them on stage No. 982738
>>982539I’m sorry I know we’re trying to put a moratorium on Madelyn but can we just talk about what an absolute fucking maga meltdown she’s having about the protests right now, and how she STILL has to tie it to Lindsay in some way. She keeps bringing up Taylor Swift, and you know it’s only because Lindsay constantly talks about her love for TS (which is its own brand of lolz)
I wonder how she feels about her monster and his BLM post
No. 982847
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"literally not a single anon had been talking about her"
No. 982867
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>>982841I’m sure it’s an ego stroke for him to think he’s untouchable. Just like I’m sure this evil sick fuck once thought too.
No. 982868
>>982847lol, okay, she was barely discussed, does that matter?
she came and started milking herself.
whatever, let's not repeat that mistake and start a shitstorm anew.
No. 982881
>>982878Yup! You hit the nail on the head!
They want to silence the
victims. I was literally thinking and going to say almost the same thing.
No. 982883
>>982844>>982847>>982878Also agree anon.
The third thread was taken over by teenage fangirls salty that their idol is psychotic serial abuser and can’t handle the truth.
So much gaslighting and excuses going on.
No. 982885
>>982878>>982881I think every single one wants Evan/Esmé to name him.
If you are talking about LKB, I think the only problem anons had with her is that she came to a gossip website to moralfag and keep repeating things nobody asked her about. That's how the previous thread got cancerous and contaminated with autism.
No. 982891
>>982851Exactly my point. Intelligent, rational thinking people don’t think that way; and would never think something so disgusting is something to be
proud of. Hence, why he needs to be locked up with the key thrown away.
No. 982945
>>982918Omg does erotomania transfer? I can’t wait until she starts her tweetstorm about that witch Melania keeping Trump and her apart, when their twin souls were formed in the same hellfire and bound together for eternity or some shit.
Does anyone remember Lindsays mom tweeting about how Madelyn showed up and sat outside MM’s house in her car on Lindsay’s birthday? There’s gotta be a screenshot of that somewhere.
No. 982986
>>982967Hope Harvey’s (defininghope) Twitter used to be public, she went private about two (?) months ago.
>>982945I don’t recall her tweeting that about Madelyn but I wouldn’t be surprised. It came up in a previous thread but her story is she went to his concert when she was 18, moved to California soon after to live near him, and has been stalking him since.
I’m also 95% sure Madelyn is behind Mansonisinnocent. A delusional Trump loving fangirl is leading the defense for Manson on IG, it doesn’t inspire hope. Lol
No. 983006
>>982986 Ah did anyone take caps? I just went to her if right now and there’s nothing super milky.
Tbh I know a few people like her and they have the reaction that they because the protests are disrupting their ability to do what they want, when they want without judgement. She can’t take crappy Lindsay style polaroids and post them while shopping online for vampire lingerie without being called insensitive and whack.
No. 983123
>>983008She has done that quite a few times now.
But I think it's connected with Manson this time. Maybe his lawyer reached out to her because she's been tweeting personal information.
Manson's lawyer also reached out to Ashley Walters who's now liking his posts again so it wouldn't be surprising.
No. 983258
>>982945Yes, I saw that tweet, but she deleted it. Madelyn would be the very definition of what an actual stalker IS.
I also remember last year on the MMNews page someone went under an account called ‘no name’ and told Madelyn’s cats and devils account to stop texting Manson. Those comments are now deleted. But apparently Madelyn was texting him and he wouldn’t reply back, and she would keep obsessively texting him till I guess he responded.
He goes behind her back around telling other people she’s a stalker, then why the fuck hasn’t he gone and press criminal charges on her pathetic ass?! I can probably tell you why. But instead he makes false allegations on someone else. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth of the real situation.
No. 983270
>>983258So many fake accounts orbit the MMNews account, wtf?
I remember thinking the same when Lexa Vonn pressed charges against him.
So many fans posted/asked why doesn’t Manson counter with a deframation charge and most likely the real answer is because there’s legitimacy to their claims. I recall Lexa tweeting something like, “He’s too lazy to get off the couch to care” and it kinda makes sense.
No. 983316
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>>983258Here are some caps of that account.
No. 983322
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>>983316>>983317>>983321Those screens were also posted in the first thread and generally debunked that “no name” is not Lindsay because she would be incriminating herself for blackmailing him.
>>983258Who is Manson making false allegations against?
No. 983331
>>983322I think their talking about the eyelet person in the last thread. Another one of his
No. 983410
>>983393Couldn’t be a fan. How did they know about her texting him?
>As far as Madelyn, I don't understand why he won't file charges against her for stalking. He's got the proof, what with her sitting outside of his house and texting him non-stop. He should've just changed his number, lol.Exactly. Or he didn’t have to bother replying back and could’ve just blocked her number. Or simply just told her to fuck off.
But why doesn’t he do this? Why did he bother to respond if he’s telling everyone behind her back she’s this
Because, he’s liar and obviously still talking to her and responding to her.
No. 983413
>>983410I just reread the screens twice, where does noname666 refer to Madelyn texting him?
Maybe I’m blind, sorry.
No. 983420
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>>983413They deleted the comments. They used to be on this post.
No. 983422
>>983406>>983410Tinfoil, but it might be Madelyn herself under noname666 just to create dirt on Lindsay.
There’s been absolutely zero evidence that Madelyn and Manson dated.
No. 983439
>>983422Ok if that’s the case, as the other anons said… why hasn’t he filed charges on her?
>Tinfoil, but it might be Madelyn herself under noname666 just to create dirt on Lindsay. No way. The writing style is completely different, and she is too fucking stupid to concoct something like that.
No. 983448
>>983439I can’t speak for Manson but my guess is he’s drunken, lazy idiot who probably likes the attention.
We also don’t know what moves Manson made against her.
And on the off chance Madelyn was a pump and dump, he obviously doesn’t want to be publicly associated with her.
No. 983451
>>983439I wouldn't say she was too stupid, exactly. I don't think she's dumb. I know that we spend a lot of time of here talking shit about Madelyn, but she has some serious mental problems that make her believe that he's in love with her. It's really not her fault that she thinks that.
Anyway, I'd put my money on @__noname666_ being either Lindsay or Manson. I'm not hopping on the bandwagon and trying to accuse random accounts of being fake, but it makes sense. Who else would know she was texting him? Unless they got it from Hope's Twitter, which I think is unlikely because no one really pays attention to it, except for us.
Maybe Madelyn really does have something going on with him… Or he enjoys the stalking, and that's why he hasn't reported her to the police, lol.
No. 983453
>>983451But does anyone actually have a receipt of noname666 referring to Madelyn texting him? Because so far it’s speculative.
Lots of people pay attention to Hope’s twitter, she used to harass fans. Not to mention the whole mama bear shit.
Noname666 very well could be Lindsay or Manson, but I don’t personally see how (allegedly) referring to a text means Madelyn and Manson dated, it probably means Madelyn found his number and stalked him that way too.
No. 983491
>>983458Nope. Again, if that was the case and he had a restraining order she would certainly not have have created another fake account (mansonisinnocent) AND on top of that, follow him with it.
>But does anyone actually have a receipt of noname666 referring to Madelyn texting him? Idk, but just about everyone on that post saw it. And she saw it for sure because she was replying to the comments on her fake accounts.
No. 983497
>>983491So hypothetically speaking, Madelyn has been dating Manson since 2013, at the age of 18, with no photos, texts, ANYTHING to show for it but is totally legit because Manson hasn’t pressed charges?
If that’s the case, Manson dates a racist, right wing, obsessive Trump lover who runs his own Mansonisinnocent account.
Either scenario doesn’t look good for him.
No. 983502
>>982738 She's extremely annoying with it. I mean people have a right to have political views but she has a lot of views for someone who doesnt lives in an old apartment and spends all day taking low resolution photos in nothing but panties.
She did a q&a a few weeks ago and I asked her what she does for a living and she never responded lol.
No. 983510
>>983502She’s said in other q&a’s that she “dabbles in interior design and visuals” or some mess but she for sure doesn’t actually have a job. I also think it’s super weird that she lives in the same city as her sister but never interacts with her…ever. I wonder if she’s just too cray for her sister to deal with but also according to Madelyn MM has even met her sister.
Also re: Lindsay. She had an entire life before MM that we know nothing about because she’s not famous. Some of those hate accounts could be people from her past. I can think of a few girls I went to high school with that if they suddenly were dating some B-list rock star and had their own hashtag it’d be hard to resist lol
Her mom was super obsessed with Madelyn for a while though, I wish she wasn’t private now. Her entire Twitter was either talking about M&L, tweeting vaguely about Madelyn, or talking so much shit about that fan Natasha. The amount of energy that she spent on Madelyn def makes me think that she did actually have something going on with MM at some point.
No. 983518
>>983510There's no evidence that they had a fling, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Madelyn might be telling the truth, but that doesn't excuse her stalking problem.
What can Natasha? Another side chick?
No. 983582
>>983453I’m gonna have to also agree about that account being Lindsay or Manson.
Who else could know about her texting him? But doesn’t make sense that she just found his number and texted him, because he seemed to know who it was and responded to her.
>>983316That's really weird because there was an anon in the last thread who posted similar comments about the “he doesn’t care about you” stuff just like that noname666 did.
No. 983595
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>>983589So? There was no screens about the Hope tweets , and no one said anything about that.
And I’m not her friend. I was just a witness to the comments of what was going on in that post.
Here is another person that was also responding to what was going on.
No. 983596
>>983595Which Hope tweets?
And without an actual receipt it’s difficult to determine anything. Was Lindsay complaining of stalking? I doubt that noname666 posted caps of their texts, it appears she was only referencing them.
No. 983601
>>983598Both Hope and noname666 acknowledge Madelyn. That account also knew Madelyn’s fake account was ‘catsanddevils’ and called her out.
Madelyn is a true stalker, yet Manson doesn’t file charges on her.
So it’s either one of these 2 things: a) he still talks to her and has something going on, or b) like the anon said, she’s a ‘pump and dump’ and doesn’t want to be publicly associated with her whatsoever.
No. 983611
I don’t understand why Lindsay, under a fake, would reveal to Madelyn, her biggest enemy, incriminating info on blackmailing Manson that Madelyn could/did use against her.
Based on the rest of their messages to Madelyn
>>983322 which accused her of stalking and told her to move on, I would assume any reference to texts would be in the same vein.
I mean, even if she’s a pump and dump, she appears quite unstable and I can understand why he doesn’t want to be publicly tied to her.
No. 983633
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>>983123Here's Ashley Morgan talking about Ashley Walters. Sorry, I forgot to add it.
No. 983715
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>>983702Yes, Ashley Walters used to be Manson’s assistant.
No. 983772
>>983763I don’t understand why her family doesn’t intervene and get her her help. Her parents pay all her expenses while she does nothing but stalk Manson.
She’s come on these threads multiple times to fabricate evidence to be known as Manson’s stalker side chick he’s too ashamed to acknowledge?
Too much time on her hands, not enough help.
No. 983777
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>>983772In this story she posted she says Manson wouldn’t kiss her in front of her parents. But her parents are for sure conservative Christians and I’m trying to imagine a world where they’re not freaked out by their at the time 19 yr old daughter with a 44 yr old Manson. Did this really even happen? Did she make up ENTIRE encounters with him? Isn’t her sister freaked out by how ill Madelyn is? It’s crazy to me no one is helping her.
No. 983781
>>983777I'm not saying that Madelyn is telling the truth, but maybe Manson is that way with some girls, at least in the beginning. I guess that's part of his grooming technique, pretending to be sweet and shy so they won't suspect that he's
No. 983789
>>983772With any kind of addiction- you can’t help someone unless they want to be helped. The fantasy love story she has created is an addiction that consumes her. She’s in denial. Her family is probably fed up or believes all of her bullshit. “Oh mom and dad! I just sold another dress on Depop and darling monster and I are having absinthe on our balcony watching the Hollywood sunset discussing all the witches and snakes trying to ruin our everlasting devotion to one another!”
She fits all the boxes for histrionic personality disorder. Specifically considers relationships closer than they are, talks dramatically and preoccupation with her physical appearance. She believes that he is waiting for her and just biding time with Lindsay. That’s pure delusion. She has lied about being with someone and showing no evidence so why believe anything she says? The relationship makes no worldly sense especially since they both have completely opposite belief systems.
No. 983988
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Inside his home
No. 984023
>>984015Ooops, would have never thought, really. Thank you!
How did anon get to take the pic?
No. 984026
>>984015Samefag but wtf they are happily living in that house now? Lol
I remember it now. It's the same house in which he fucked millions of groupies. Anon posted a photo of Jordan Arentz in a bathroom, definitely from that house.
And it's where he fucked Clare and her friend, and, as it appears, Gabriella.
Omg. The best place for their honeymoon. Lindsay must be haunted by so many happy memories. Now I understand what she means when she talks about looking at polaroids and remembering their love story with Manson. lol
No. 984434
>>984421California recently extended the statue of limitations for sexual assault against minors. If one of his underage
victims presses charges, they might still have time.
No. 984436
>>984174I think it’s bullshit she’s actually blackmailing him. She’s human garbage like him. Because only a woman like that would even stay with a pedophile (if that’s what she has on him). It’s sickening and makes my skin crawl.
And it seems as though they both
scheme. She obviously knows about what he does.
No. 984461
>>984434I think there was another incident where he was accused of rape, but the statue of limitations had ran out, so the case was declined by the D.A.. Maybe this time around one of his
victims will speak up about it sooner. I'd be surprised if one of them did, though. They're all still relatively young. I doubt that they understand that it was wrong for him to sleep with them while they were underage.
No. 984478
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>>984436I think it's her mother who blackmails Manson for money, Lindsay is collateral damage and probably partly manipulated by her mother… and Manson.
I had a conversation with someone who runs a Manson fan account about Lindsay. Can't guarantee that everything is true.
No. 984521
>>984478Thank you so much!
Does Lindsay still care about Madelyn? In 2020? Kek, that girl definitely was fucked by mm.
Her parents want him to marry her? Her father is known to hate him. Does she really gossip about her and Manson private life with fan accounts?
I think she's full of shit, she talked so much bullshit to a Russian fan account.
No. 984565
>>984553It was a Manson fan account. They were
talking about Lindsay.
No. 984598
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>>984585Yep, he didn’t want Lindsay around for his interview. Doubt it’s specifically Lindsay but how he treats his partners in general. No. 984722
>>984589As far as politics go I despise both the far-left and far-right.
And YES - she’s very pretentious and a BORE. No wonder Manson has to go using other people.
She literally has nothing else going for her but making hundreds of posts about how in love Manson is with her.
For someone who claims to know him so well actually knows fuck all. She’s far from being intelligent… someone really needs to knock something over her head. She once said he never had sex with groupies. And if Lindsay is doing all this crap… he would’ve been with her, not dozens of other women (and possibly other men) since 2013.
No. 984740
>>984589>>984722Politics aside, Madelyn’s posted some pretty racist shit concerning the protests rather she realizes it or not.
Bottom line is unless hard evidence is presented there’s no rational way she’s legit. If she has to fake evidence at all (bullshit Polaroid, etc.) there’s no reason to believe any of her claims.
The fact that she runs Mansonisinnocent is concerning af if she freely fakes evidence here and is mentally ill. Some of his idiot fans actually believe her bullshit.
No. 984742
>>984722She is not even posting that much.There is literally not one picture of the two of them together on her profile.Just his hands and cats. But she is liking almost every single picture of him from fan accounts every single day. A teenager doesn't have that enthusiasm for Instagram.
Curious to see how they happily ever after gonna look like after quarantine. So far she got two stories on his IG account, not even a post in 10 years.
No. 984759
>>984742I think it’s hilarious how delusional and self obsessed she is. She is low key racist and tries to sound intelligent but it’s obvious how uneducated she is. Imagine being her age and doing nothing with your life. She is sitting on her phone all day bitching on Twitter and posting lingerie selfies while her parents fill up her bank account. She has no redeeming qualities.
She is probably the most insecure human being that’s stalking an overweight, narcissistic,
abusive, drug addict. If he wasn’t Marilyn Manson she wouldn’t go near him.
She is envious of the side chicks who went on tour with him and have photos with him. I don’t believe she ever met him. She is mentally unwell and will most likely waste the rest of her life.
No. 984780
>>984742>>984759>>984760>>984759I was talking about Lindsay - she posts stories on her IG of MM arms and their cats. I don't know anything about Madelyn except from what I've read here.
Also, I don't think parents support Lindsay, Manson obviously does that.Btw, number of bots on her IG keeps growing. It's all just very wierd.
No. 984866
>>984722Thats the thing. If anyone was close to as Madelyn put it"making the witch do her final dissapearing act" aka making Lindsay stop messing with Manson for good, it would have been Gabrielle at the time. When he and Lindsay were broken up for good that year, he was publically claiming Gabbi, posted her on his instagram and tagged her, and flew her on tour w/ him. If Gabrielle hadn't taken the initiative to talk to Clare (Lilith), things would have kept progressing with him trying to hide /down play all the other girls he was seeing behind back.
This was so long ago, but I remember some leaked messages where Gabi said Manson tried to down play the other girls (Lilth and Jordan) as crazy groupie fangirls and didn't want Gabrielle to break up w/ him.
There was a point where Lindsay was done, and he didn't claim or aknowledge Madelyn. She wasn't even on the list of sidechicks Gabrielle found out about.
I do think they smashed and he was maybe interested in her (physically she matches his preferences alot), but once he found out how unintelligent she was he noped the fuck out.
And where she claims he met her parents. I have an extremely hard time believing a far right, conservative Christian family, would be thrilled to have their fresh out of HS daughter (whose not even attempting to go to college btw) bring home an alchoholic, coked out, washed up 44 year old antichrist super star. That legit makes 0 sense.
No. 984901
>>984866Not to mention. He and Gabrielle got matching tattoos and she met his father several times. One time being his “AK-47” birthday in 2016. She was with Cage’s girlfriend and they took a bunch of photos. Manson painted her and vice versa. I think he was enamored with her and the fact that she was actually talented. She and Lindsay ended up meeting and hanging out with Manson together. I think a lot happened between them that didn’t make it to social media. Unfortunately she experienced a lot of harassment more than the other women and I think it ruined the experience for her.
I think she has a dark past and found comfort in his work but realized what a vile human being he was. She realized he was playing her and confronted the other girls through messages and then immediately ended it. She had enough self-respect to realize that he was not who he claimed to be. Madelyn was always envious her and called her mentally unstable. She was obviously projecting. I believe she was behind a lot of the hate accounts attacking her. Probably realized he would never post her or introduce her to his closest friends. I’d hate myself too Madelyn.
No. 984916
>>984915But if Madelyn is legit, why would she have to fake evidence at all? Or feel the need to prove herself on here.
Nothing about her story adds up. She attended his concert in 2013 and claims they’ve been in a relationship since.
The likely scenario as to why Manson hasn’t pressed charges or filed a restraining order is because she runs his defense account (Mansonisinnocent, which benefits him) and she might turn on him if he made a legal move.
No. 984918
>>984901Are there any photos or something?
Of Gabriella and Lindsay together? If Lindsay did make friends with her, it's hilarious.
Photos of Gabriella and Cage?
How do you know Gabriella talked to Clare?
Which tattoos? That moth?
>have an extremely hard time believing a far right, conservative Christian family, would be thrilled to have their fresh out of HS daughter (whose not even attempting to go to college btw) bring home an alchoholic, coked out, washed up 44 year old antichrist super star. That legit makes 0 sense.I thought it was Lindsay who was saying her parents wanted m to marry her.
Too much new information without receipts.
No. 984920
>>984918It was supposedly Lindsay who told a fan her parents want her to marry Manson.
>>984478>>984565Madelyn claimed Manson met her parents.
>>983777 No. 984926
>>984915>>984921If Lola lied about dating Manson she’d be called out pretty quickly and damage her reputation. She said in an interview they dated briefly. example, Seraphim Ward claimed to be engaged to Manson and he sued her deframation. No. 984931
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>>984926Interesting, Seraphim Ward used to date Stephen Bier and and denied ever claiming she and Manson were engaged.
She countered: “I have been harassed by Manson and his camp for months now taunting me and my career, because there was a phone conversation that I had with Manson and Tony on the day of the scandal where Marilyn Manson revealed that he had lost his house because of Pogo after the lawsuit they had in 2007 … he went on raving about a lot of things that I had no idea I was not suppose to repeat. No one told me that, that was a private conversation.” No. 984955
>>984915Manson also liked a few of Lola's pics and I believe they were following eachother at somepoint. With Madelyn there's legit nothing tying her to him. There is proof they have mutual acquaintances (for Manson its ppl he's friends with or worked with for years but not for Madelyn)but this can support the stalking claim. She's in LA leaving a Mom&Daddy funded NEET life so she has all the free time and money to weasel her way into his circle.
Although not a stalker, this is legit how Lexus Amanda got w/ Manson (as well as all the other metalcore singers she messed w/back in her cow days, Lexus is a former moo moo whose milk long dried up). Lexus worked her way into Mansons inner circle for years. She was a fan of his, but she's wasn't near crazy like Madelyn is. Atleast Lexus got jobs after her sugar daddies told her to kick rocks.
Basically Lexus social climbed her way to Manson. Madelyn is trying to stalk her way to him after a rejection.
No. 984957
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>>984931Wtf, her cats got killed?
No. 985027
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No. 985164
>>985157The wedding band and tagging Lindsay.. his caption was weird though, imo. “The price of darkness” Like he’s throwing shade?
Evan also said he has connections to gangs and fears for her life if she named him. I can see batshit fans harassing her for the rest of her life if she did even if Manson didn’t follow through with his threats, I understand why she’s afraid.
No. 985171
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A new thread, nice!
I am very late to the party but I finally got the receipts why Lindsay unfollowed the Russian fan account we discussed in the third thread. Sorry for being this slow.
>>982890nta, just catching up with the thread but lol dude.
> No one would react positively to being bullied, would they?this is a gossip forum. if you say gossiping = bullying, idk. We are all bulling Manson here lol.
>>985157>>985164yep, the caption is a huge shade if they did get married. He had to marry her or she would report him or stop being his alibi or whatever she has on him would be revealed to police or the press.
Idk how she tolerates that.
>The wedding bandhe has a collection of rings, why do you think they finally married?
I mean, I would be glad if they actually did. Because if Manson had a thing with Madelyn (I personally believe he did briefly fuck her), she's gonna get nuts and give us milk I hope!
No. 985173
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samefag but I am just glad anons are not the only people who notice that.
No. 985176
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>>985171Thanks for the receipt, anon!
>he has a collection of rings, why do you think they finally married?The ring looks wedding band-ish and they’ve been hinting at marriage for a while now. Maybe we’re wrong, but it’s bound to happen soon anyway.
>I personally believe he did briefly fuck herMay I ask why? Just curious why the people who believe Madelyn do so, she’s provided zero evidence.
No. 985182
>>985176you are welcome!
what's also weird to me is that today is the day his book with Perou has been officially released, and it should be around noon rn in LA. Is he gonna post about the book or what?
And today is JD's birthday. JD is his bro. Wtf man? Where are the wishes?
>May I ask why?ofc, I hope you wouldn't mind if I answer a bit later, not in a Leo Tolstoy mode rn.
No. 985197
>>985182He recently posted about his book and tagged JD today. Maybe he’ll post something separate for his birthday.
>>985171Lindsay is ridiculous, is she so desperate for friends she talks to fan accounts?
>>985164>>985176If the best her new husband is willing to do to announce their marriage is post a vague ring pic and throw shade, wtf? Maybe he was forced into it, idk, but he’s being cryptic about it so far and it doesn’t seem to match Lindsay’s enthusiasm.
>>984957Employees/side chicks having NDA’s, threats, harassing editors, frivolous lawsuits, and now marrying Lindsay - he’s def controlling public info about himself and probably hiding illegal activity.
No. 985198
>>985171Well in that interview she did recently they mentioned she was in quarantine with her “soon to be husband” and hashtagged “quarantinewedding” plus on the 15th she posted that story with all the flowers and Polaroids with the date so it definitely looked wedding related, so it seems really likely they’re married. Plus all the makeup he’s wearing in that pic I’d imagine it was their wedding day? Surely he’s not doing a full face to just sit in his house and quarantine lol.
As far as believing Madelyn goes it’s not so much that she seems credible as it is that I’d believe Manson would fuck…literally anyone.
No. 985205
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>>982539>>985171Haha thanks anon. Finally a cap worth looking at this thread for. The Russian fan really fucked it with that one. So funny.
His latest post is a typo, surely? At least, I hope it is. Or is it a reference to one of his hilarious puns, so often found in his 6th form poetry lyrics.
No. 985263
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>>982539>>985261Incidentally LK Bell claims Judd is harassing her again…
No. 985265
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>>985263Could be Judd/Manson…or could be one of his nutjob fans.
No. 985272
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>>985265More on Judd/Manson allegedly harassing KL Bell…as in, now. Someone is signing her up for multiple subscription accounts.
Am living for this rn since KLB was such a twat when she came on here
No. 985274
>>985265Judd directly harassed her in the past though. Manson and his camp are obviously capable of anything to keep
victims quiet. See the above examples.
>>985272You condone harassment? LKB should not have come on here but she doesn’t deserve that.
No. 985281
>>985272She should just go to police.
What the fuck is wrong with Judd? Why Louise? Is it because she is the only one who can press Manson?
>Am living for this rn since KLB was such a twat when she came on hereomg anon. Louise was annoying here but what she experienced with these POS is terrible.
No. 985291
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They’re targeting LKB and 666fearless. Both claimed that Judd harassed them.
And just to be clear, LKB did not ask Manson for money. He offered it. LKB even sent it back when Judd was rude but Manson insisted on sending it again.
No. 985292
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>>985289She posted about reporting to police and also said he made porn accounts and submitted a job application to a sex toy company.
No. 985296
>>985293666fearless spoke out against Manson for letting Judd and Lindsay use his phone to harass people.
Whoever is behind lkbellfart/666jobless is clearly unhinged.
>>985294Reread her statement, she claimed Manson offered to help her with a job in LA, insisted she take his $500 to buy her first edition art.
It sounds like he was just telling her what she wanted to hear before dropping her.
No. 985301
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>>985292That’s funny because anons were saying in the last thread that MM is running fake porn accounts… and someone subscribed her to this.
No. 985305
>>985296>she claimed Manson offered to help her with a job in LA, insisted she take his $500 to buy her first edition art. Well at least he was offering to pay for her art and he didn’t just
steal from her.
No. 985321
>>985291I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but ‘Louise Keay Bell’s Fart’, lol.
It seems stuff like this has been happening to the
No. 985372
>>985198>As far as believing Madelyn goes it’s not so much that she seems credible as it is that I’d believe Manson would fuck…literally anyone.I think it’s quite obvious he has no standards when you look at Lilith, Lindsay, that one Asian, etc.
And that he’s a pedo, into incest and beastiality.
No. 985387
>>985378There was a pic on the last thread of him with an Asian. It was apparently a photo that got leaked on fan pages. He met her online and hooked up with her.
And there were anons that said something about beastiality and him having porn accounts. If he is, those accounts make sick posts about incest.
No. 985399
>>985391If she’s helping him to use and abuse girls, she’s fucking ugly inside and out.
And they probably never actually broke up because when they claimed to be broken up she was
still ALWAYS around being seen with him. That’s fucked up.
No. 985437
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>>985366>>985378From the previous thread.
I believe it was Dawn who accused palliatian.elixir of being fake, Manson having porn accounts, and talking to this woman online. It might be true, idk, but that’s where it started.
No. 985472
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>>985467Lindsay also blocked manson_chin_evolution. She must
hate these threads. Lmao
No. 985476
>>985448He’s a sick and depraved freak. He might be into autistic homelies, grannies, and trannies, too.
With all these
victims speaking out, it looks like his “girlfriend” is gonna be when Big Bubba makes him his bitch in prison.
No. 985483
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I went through the @blood15honey account, and I didn't see the any pictures of Manson and that Asian woman together, but I did find this one. Is that Madelyn? I can't really tell if it's her or not because the face is a bit blurred. Judging by his looks, it's from 2012-2014(?).
>>985457Why is there an "edit profile" option in that screen? Is Dawn back? The lack of saging and crazy splurging had gotten better. I thought she left…
No. 985492
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>>985483I found the post, it’s still there.
>Is that Madelyn? I can't really tell if it's her or not because the face is a bit blurred. Judging by his looks, it's from 2012-2014(?).Idk, it’s a little hard to tell, but that looks like it could be her,
No. 985493
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>>985483If that photo is from 2012-ish, I doubt it, Madelyn looked like this during that time.
No. 985503
>>985501Good point, but it’s never been seen before and Manson is no stranger to facetune.
It’s likely they’re already married, Lindsay dropped hella hints.
No. 985505
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>>985476He has seriously fucked up fetishes and she’s involved with some kind of porn, so who knows, maybe she is. This chick is weird.
No. 985510
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From @palliation.elixir's account. I don't know if it's connected to Manson or not, but I'm guessing it's about ERW.
No. 985511
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No. 985512
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No. 985513
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No. 985525
>>985509That was the cringyestt shit. I can’t even that he actually talked like that.
>>985508He made an illegal snuff film.
He wrote in his book about what he did with groupies.
Short/little girl fetish
Sweaty and dirty feet
And if that’s his porn… that’s some nasty stuff he’s into.
No. 985533
>>985525>>985529There’s nothing wrong with having fetishes, the problem is if it’s non-consensual, which sounds like it was in many cases with his
>>985526If they’re referring to Groupie, there’s no way someone actually died. Twiggy and Pogo were also in the film, they would be implicated too. It’s fucked up and disturbing, but calling it a snuff is stretching it.
>>985532Yes, and Manson is a fucking
abusive psycho for recording it but she obviously hasn’t died.
No. 985621
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I’m glad she and 666fearless reported it.
No. 985627
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>>985621Concerning Judd harassing LKB.
No. 985650
>>985637Which chicks?
I don’t think it’s obsessive behavior speaking out against harassment and abuse. They have to live with it while he goes scott free.
No. 985656
>>985176>I personally believe he did briefly fuck her May I ask why? Just curious why the people who believe Madelyn do so, she’s provided zero evidence.Finally Leo Tolstoy mode time.
First of all I don't understand why anons are so quick to discard Madelyn because she is nuts, a NEET, stupid, with conflicting beliefs, whatever. He fucked complete junkies, idiots and much more less attractive stupid NEETs who are probably more insane that Madelyn (Lindsay, for example).
Firstly, let's look at some factual evidence:
> she has a pic of Lily White.She could take the pic in two cases:
1. She went to his house = > definitely was fucked
2. She went to his tour bus = > 99,999% she was fucked
They were together for at least one evening.
And I don't think the pic was stolen.
> she had a few very old (2013-2014) photos of her being in his favourite restaurantI do not believe she faked them back in 2013, she just had no reasons to do so because nobody was calling her out at that time. So we can say that he took her to Chato for one evening for sure.
Secondly, some logic:
>Sorry to be crude, but anyone with a vagina is probably his type.this.
> Lindsay has been mocking at Madelyn for how many years? her mom was reacting to her Instagram or Twitter for how many years? Why are they so fixated?As far as I understood from the first threads Viktoria was outed by Lindsay, Lindsay's mom was harassing Viktoria via her fakes. Idk I was not watching the drama closely but it looks like stalkers would have never learnt about Viktoria if it hadn't been for Lindsay and her dumb mom. Don't you see similarities? They give Madelyn too much credit and there must be a reason why. Titti was a crazy fan too, she followed Manson everywhere. Did Lindsay complain about her to fan accounts? Did her mom create fakes to harass Titti or post shit to her? Don't remember anything like that. And you wouldn't actually want to react to every single crazy fan girl.
> Correct me if I am wrong but Madelyn was brought to the eye of Lindsay and Manson fans by stalkers. The same stalkers who posted about Gabriella and Clare and Emma Sagriff. And probably Courtlyn, idk.Did they lie? Nope. These four had a fling with Manson. Why would they post about Madelyn? They must have had some solid proof. Manson had a fling with Madelyn, the problem is that we don't know how long it lasted.
>From the first thread I got it that Lindsay was very quick to threaten with "their team" if she didn't like something or somebody.No threats or actual actions against Madelyn so far. Probably because she has dirt on Lindsay or Manson. For some reason it's not to Lindsay's benefit to threaten or to do something with Madelyn rn, she can only whine to Manson fans in dms. (but let's not forget she talked shit in Madelyn's dms years ago; just like she invaded Teale Coco's dms I believe)
> Manson boasts he is affiliated with some criminal authorities.And yet he lets a crazy fan girl harass him and park in front of his house. Wut? Really? he doesn't do anything about her because she is a great toy to play with Lindsay's nerves. Anybody remembers how he liked or did something with Courtlyn Cannon to make "Lindsay extra sad"? You see, that's how it works for him. It's pure entertainment.
> Manson has a big egoMadelyn worships him and is ready to justify anything he does. This is the best thing he could ever get from a creature with vagina. I even think he fucks her once in a year when he's bored with Lindsay and is too lazy to get a fresh girl (sorry for being rude). That's how she still believes he would be with her one day.
I remember I wanted to write something else but I forgot what, sorry.
And sorry for mistakes too.
Okay, I remember now, I wanted to write why Madelyn has no evidence but a pic of his cat and some pics from a restaurant. Since the Tolstoy mode is now off, I don't want to write a lot, I'd say she just wants to be
not like other girls (Clare, Gabriella) who leaked their shit. She wants to prove she's
the one.
>>984478>I think it's her mother who blackmails Manson for money, Lindsay is collateral damagecatching up with the thread. I have a question. Why does her mom need money? Lindsay's father is a lawyer, I don't know much about how they live in the US but I heard lawyers earn a lot, and her dad has his own company. Why do they need to trade their daughter's life for money? Yep, they have a spare one (Ashley) lol, just kidding, but why? Too much shit to deal with.
It makes me want to know if Lindsay's mom is still married to Lindsay's father. She would need fin support only in case her husband doesn't support her. He would not support her only if he is divorced and has a new family, most likely with kids.
In my country information if somebody is married or divorced is public. You only need to know the birth date, full name and, in some cases, the administration building address where, you think, the person of your interest registered their marriage or divorce.
What's in the US? Isn't it public information?
No. 985658
>>985649Dawn -
>>985366>>985305>>985372>>985433>>985457>>985476>>985505>>985525She doxxed herself
>>985457 so it’s her. She’s been claiming under fakes for at least a year, if not longer, that Manson is behind s8n and runs porn accounts. She also claimed Manson stole his book title from her, as discussed in the previous thread. She refers to him as a “sick scumbag” and “devil worshiper” and calls his side chicks and
victims “whores” and “stupid bitches.” She doesn’t seem to have sympathy for them so I don’t understand her motive.
When pressed for hard evidence or details, she always claims “later” and “you’ll see” and refers to a legal situation.
Dawn, if you have a legitimate case against Manson, it doesn’t help others and yourself to make wild accusations without proof.
>>985366 >>985372
>>985525It only confuses matters and makes you look less credible.
If you don’t know what evidence is needed to press charges, I recommend consulting the police if you haven’t done so already.
I apologize if you’re
victim somehow, and Manson and Judd clearly have fakes, but don’t muddle the situation with unchecked speculation.
No. 985672
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Mansonisabusive new stories.
No. 985675
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I also found this. I'd want to know if that chick Kristen was a groupie bc she was just 15 in 1998. I remember she followed the tour in 2009 too.
No. 985679
>>985650I’m the op I was referring to people like Madelyn, Lindsay, Dawn, Lilith , Pallid elixir ect. Who either claim no abuse or have only had minimal contact with him.
In terms of Madelyn having a picture of lily white that’s probably a photo is her own cat, she bought a Devon Rex and generally skin walks Manson’s life.
No. 985748
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>>985741It’s definitely Lily…now whether or not she actually took this pic is a whole nother story
No. 985769
>>985472There used to be an account called mansons chin and Manson blocked them. It was almost a meme between fans back then.
>>985748Having a picture of his cat doesn't mean shit. Someone could've sent it to her, etc. No
valid proof of her actually knowing him, lmao.
And for the love of god, y'all are turning into dawn. This psycho palliation chick is just a random psycho. Why the hell would you think Manson is behind that account?! Dawn style.
Also sage your shit.
No. 985773
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>>985748 Dude this is not the same cat. It’s the same breed but different facial anatomy, This cat has a significant shortened nose with a prominent brow ridge and the expected brown eye “Boogers” that flat faced animals have. Lily white wasn’t flat faced, doesn’t have short nose or brow ridge. Sorry for catfagging lol but this is one of Madelyn’s delusions
No. 985774
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>>985748>>985773Another picture of Lily White. Maybe she just hadn't had her eye-boogers cleaned out in a while. All animals do that if they have allergies, flat-faced or not. The pictures do look really similar. If Madelyn did fake a picture of Lily White, that's just a whole other level of pathetic.
No. 985780
>>985777Haha it sounds like she has some misplaced anger. She will never get help because she doesn’t think anything is wrong with her.
She definitely has a hard on for Trump. Her entire persona is so conflicting and cringey. Even her bio. Like who describes themselves like that?
No. 985782
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>>985773It’s definitely the same cat one is just an older picture. Look I definitely think this girl is nuts but I do wonder if she was going so far as to fake pictures of lily if she wouldn’t show other signs of being THAT fucking delusional. I think mostly like others have said, they fucked a few times, he got bored, she kept on believing all the things he told her and is too naive to see differently.
MOSTLY because there are so many other women who described his love bombing the same way. Him telling them they’re his soul mates and all that shit. The rest of them were just smarter than her.
No. 985796
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>>985763Well according to one of her mom’s fake insta profiles he too busy for kids lol
No. 985819
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>>985806Her fakes were so easy to spot. They always had 50 in the name and usually the same photos and she’d just comment on pics that her daughter was tagged in all day
No. 985821
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>>985820No, I don't follow her on Instagram, so I can't see her stories. I read that in the article above and somewhere on the her thread a while ago. You might be right. Does anyone really know how old she is?
No. 985831
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>>985815>>985821Samefag, but Lilith Levisis is 22 and dated Manson in 2016, making her 18. Some anons claimed she hinted at dating him earlier then that though.
No. 985849
>>985831They definitely were on tour in 2015. Check internet girl insta, she posted the video of them on stage.
But lilith definitely dated him in 2015, I remember it very well. He dropped her in early 2016.
No. 985906
>>985860I think he paid them to publish that.
Remember when Manson was so furious that ozzy canceled the tour he didn't even show up to Ozzy's record release party although Dita did? He basically hit two birds with one stone by paying for that article.
No. 985916
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>>985906This event is what I was talking about.
Dita even went to another party after that, Manson didn't show up at all, although he was in town.
No. 985918
>>985917Kinda shows that Manson has zero respect for Lindsay.
I don't think that rumor is true though.
No. 985938
>>985905He called her a pig publicly?! She really has no self respect.
Anyway, if he praises her publicly soon then we will know they read this threads. I mean, she does because she doesn't do anything except spending time online, he may wanna know only highlights because he is to lazy to care or to wasted to understand. Can't wait till he starts touring again.
No. 985943
>>985938I can't wait to see his new lyrics. It always documents his
abusive behavior. See kill4me, blood honey, etc. Always.
The man is too dumb to hide his edginess.
No. 985963
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>>985955see the pic related.
(tbh I, and I think many, would appreciate if you posted caps, not links, it's uncomfortable to open a link with such naming)
that tumblr has been posted 2 or 3 times already.
No. 985975
>>985955Interesting how the abused are portrayed as having fun. It blurs the line between abused and abuser and the crime isn't as obvious upon first sight.
Kinda how Manson talks about his own behavior in interviews if that makes sense.
No. 986041
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>>985849If Clare dated and went on tour with him in 2015, she was 17. She turned 20 in November 2017.
No. 986045
>>986041How do you know it's her birthday and not just the date she uploaded it?
I mean I'm sure he had sex with underage girls but
No. 986080
>>986041Props to good investigation. Although I’m not surprised.
Looking forward to the day he is arrested and someone in prison makes him their bitch. Wishful thinking.
No. 986106
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>>985877“Famous movie director” and still going strong with the bots. Click on any of those accounts, similar pictures and low followers. She must think people are idiots.
No. 986152
File: 1591910461072.jpeg (732.01 KB, 1800x1602, F1DFE845-C922-404D-9FF5-3F4336…)

>>986081Mephistopheles of Los Angeles video was made March, 2015. Very little chance she was 18 yet and it sounds like it was sexual early on.
No. 986189
>>985955How sick! It seems he is, and after seeing this… I think that porn account could very well be his.
>>986082I really doubt they care.You know what they do to pedophiles in prison.
>>986152That is gross!
And “cum kiss” CRINGE! Who talks like that?! I thought Manson is just sooo
No. 986196
File: 1591917696678.jpeg (326.85 KB, 1522x1040, 9CDC1D12-ADE8-463F-9779-180C52…)

>>986081Wtf, why didn’t her mother call the police.
No. 986246
>>986224I wanted to message that account but I can’t access twitter. It’s just so weird that anon posted those lyrics, and then I looked at that account and that was posted there.
How do you know his bedtime? He can just message before he goes to sleep. His sleep schedule could also be different. I read in an article he said that when he has to work he goes to bed early and wakes up at like 1 or 3 am to work because those are the hours when he feels creative or something. Then in another interview from a few years ago he said he would stay in a different house because when he worked he needed to be on a normal schedule and would wake up at 7 am.
No. 986257
>>986204That account posts vanilla bi porn.
The ‘barely legal’ shtick is gross but unfortunately very common in the porn industry.
If Manson is behind that account, which I doubt without proof, he wouldn’t be doing anything illegal by simply running a porn account unless he was soliciting minors or something.
There’s nothing wrong with porn itself.
No. 986298
>>986257That’s vanilla? It looks disturbing. Especially the little boy dad and son thing- that’s sick! And then those lyrics talk about a boy and his smaller cousin (fucking incest!) Then at the end of the lyrics about the ‘man’ and the ‘boy’.
And some of that gay porn on there is a lot like that. I don’t know but seems awfully suspicious.
No. 986311
>>986298I don’t see bdsm, I would personally consider it vanilla. The “little boy” is 18 years old, if he wasn’t they would be in deep shit for child pornography.
I don’t know what lyrics you’re talking about but why you would automatically assume that means Manson is behind that account.
No. 986312
>>985748That picture of Lily might've been a screenshot of one of the videos on @xpsd_13's account on IG: guess she really is that pathetic.
No. 986326
File: 1591935337248.jpeg (Spoiler Image,102.74 KB, 828x882, B8B33920-82F4-4F35-86C6-A1EB20…)

>>985955This anon posted these lyrics.
I consider an 18 year old to be a little boy. It’s just creepy and gross. And I did see that account tweeting at a 16 year old… which is now weirdly suspended.
No. 986357
File: 1591941827119.jpeg (92.97 KB, 828x941, 0E7C6A51-E1B4-419D-8484-F5B5EF…)

So here’s a little story time….
Last year on Valentines when MarilynMansonNews made those Greece posts I stirred up some shit in the comments by saying Lindsay is really his fiancée and some other things.
Well, about a week later after that, he sent me a message saying he wanted to reach out and know about the V-Day thing. So I responded and told him it didn’t matter because he has a girlfriend (or rather I should’ve said fiancé) etc., etc. And this how he replied in his typical assholish condescending way like a piece of shit.
The “thank you” was also the same asshole response he gave me from another message from 2 years prior when I called him a “piece of shit”.
No. 986363
>>986357I'm a little confused. How are we supposed to believe that Manson has your private number? Did he ever send a message
stating that he was Manson? And if you insist on staying on the thread, maybe you should start typing "Dawn" in the name box so we know it's you and don't confuse you with other anons that have possibly useful information.
No. 986366
>>986357Dawn, why don’t you understand the concept of proof.
There’s no header on that DM that shows the name of marilynmansonnews. And you would need to show that whole conversation.
At this point I’m convinced you’re either:
a. intentionally fucking with us.
b. Schizophrenic
c. A religious nut with a vendetta against him.
No. 986367
File: 1591944426690.jpg (914.9 KB, 1920x1920, Polish_20200612_014508326.jpg)

All taken from @marilynmansonnews. It's always the fans that document his bad behavior.
No. 986368
>>986363That’s interesting because I never said who I was. What would make you think I’m her? Just curious. Also, why would he have to
state who he is in a text?
No. 986378
>>986376She doxxed herself while pretending to be someone else.
>>985457The screens she’s posted so far:
>>986204>>986326>>986357Follow a similar pattern to the screens she posted in the third thread and are the same accounts she previously mentioned.
I’m not trying to be rude, but how is posting vague screens that show no proof of her claims constructive or helpful. She’s intentionally derailing the thread.
No. 986383
File: 1591948126232.jpeg (277.62 KB, 813x1251, 0FABCA3E-A035-41A6-8548-8BB9DE…)

>>986357I’m guessing this is the post she‘s referring to.
(constant samefagging) No. 986523
File: 1591989631707.jpeg (72.95 KB, 1503x250, 87FBC94B-CFC6-41AF-84D6-E63EEA…)

>>986508Agree, and she should stop trying to pretend being someone else.
>>986368From the previous thread, this is the most credible scrap of info I could find on her.
No. 986614
>>986600I think there is.2009 was the year he had a mental breakdown, he said it himself in some interviews. He even went to rehab but his dad got him out, he said that also
I do believe they refused to supply him with drugs because they feared he could did and everybody would lose money.
No. 986715
>>986523Yes it seems we may both have a mutual person in common. I became suspicious of this
friend of mine after a few things, so I did a check on him, and when I looked him up it came up that one his relatives had the last name “Warner”. Also he had an alias that came up by the name “Francis”. Manson would know all about that name.
No. 986725
>>986632If I was going to obsess over a celebrity don’t you think I would choose someone better than a disgusting pedophile misogynistic douchebag man whore that has sick porn/sex and drug addictions?
Also if you were stalking my private FB you would know I fucking can’t stand celebrities and Hollywood.
No. 986729
>>986725I never said that I was stalking your private IG profile. The anon that posted that comment wasn't OP. Why do you base your delusions on Manson? You've got no reason to believe that account is him, unless he directly told you that it was him. If he did, post screens. None of your stories are credible.
It honestly sounds like you just saw this thread and decided to pretend to know him. I'm sorry if he has victimized you in any way, but you've got to look at this from an outside perspective. You don't sound believable. I don't even know what all you've said so far because you're so inconsistent in your story. How did he go from being behind a Facebook account to texting you? What was the accounts name anyway?
No. 986745
>>986729I don’t think this is a delusion
I don’t think all the texts and messages I got are delusions.
My stories aren’t inconsistent. I didn’t say he only had a fake account on FB (the Mark Peak) one I posted about. I said he had fakes all over social media which is how he got my number and texted me. And he
sure seemed to know I was on the MarilynMansonNews page.
No. 986755
>>986749Because there are hundreds of those Manson pages on IG, which mind you - I had no knowledge that MarilynMansonNews had any relation or connection to him, and you’re trying to tell me out of all of them he just
happened to know it was me under fake accounts commenting on that particular one? Hmm….
No. 986853
>>986755I highly doubt that MMNews has any kind of connection to him.
She just seemed to be a hardcore fan. She's not that passionate about her account anymore anyway.
No. 986862
>>986755And Lindsay was threatening with IP-addresses all the time, probably bc Manson did so or still does.
As Evan said, he's familiar with spyware and hacking.
No. 987014
File: 1592087016493.jpeg (153.36 KB, 828x891, 6EF1B28C-694A-4FFF-ACBE-6AD0C7…)

Now Manson is signing me up for subscriptions! Calling me at 6 in the morning!!! And I know why it’s specifically for an “auto” subscription. That’s real funny.
No. 987041
>>986152That’s disgusting. Like another anon said, she can still press charges. but most likely she wont because she’s a junkie and he might have paid her off. Makes me wonder if Lindsay is really some kind of a cover to him being a pedo, because obviously associating with kids isn’t good for image or career to the public and that’s why it was doing bad for so long.
But neither was Lindsay doing any good for all those years around, so doesn’t make any sense why after all those years, in the year 2020 he suddenly tries to portray her in this false light on Instagram.
No. 987042
>>987041Not defending Manson, but as far as I know she was the one tagging him in pics of her in lingerie and shit. She wanted it. She got it. And according to Lilith herself she STILL feels a huge amount of love for him and he was never mean to her, lmao. (But her brain is so fried she forgot the post where she was like "uwu, he lied to me
And no, that does not make him a pedo cause in some if not most European countries it's totally legal to shag a 16 year old no matter how old the dude is. Yea, I know that's not the case in the States. Just saying.
Manson is trash and girls and women need to run as fast as they can instead of getting involved with him. But Lilith was a fangirl and she got what she wanted. No difference to a regular m&g shag, except for the fact that maybe they met up like 6 times instead of just once.
No. 987055
File: 1592096828766.jpeg (740.3 KB, 2048x2048, 24DE297B-E873-4672-92C7-1A0FE4…)

>>986884Here’s another to add to that list.
No. 987092
>>987081Link the account? I searched for it and couldn't find it. Why do you think that account is Manson? He obviously does have fakes, most celebrities probably do for privacy reasons, but that doesn't mean every suspicious account is him.
With that being said, I do think this one actually sounds a bit believable. He's always been obsessed with the Bible. That posts at the bottom about anal sex really drives the point home. Just because Nikki Sixx follows that account doesn't mean it's him, though. Neither do the other things. He'd have to admit it for it to be completely accepted, but I do agree that it could be him.
No. 987133
File: 1592110770711.jpeg (542.17 KB, 750x1143, 6877006E-851D-4FC6-9875-62A94E…)

>>987051Idk how old he was but she mentioned having any “older” boyfriend in high school which was in Kentucky, there was an tumblr still up back in day from when she interned at university of Kentucky art museum in HS. She moved to nyc when she was 18 for university. If their relationship started in nyc she was 18+. I think at this point she is so messed up from long term drug use and being around career junkies she just lies all the time about stuff to make herself seem more ~edgey~ with older men and crazy behavior and such.
No. 987134
File: 1592110878219.jpeg (113.3 KB, 750x494, 0C174E62-6A12-4764-BD80-94E10D…)

>>987092My apologies, I do realize this is a really stupid piece of information, but I figured I’d add it for shits and giggles. There’s an interview where he states his dislike for pizza. saw it ages ago, back when I was a fan of Mansons, and forgot about it, but looking at the Satan Twitter account where there’s a post about “sadistic pizza addicts” just reminded me. Figured I’d add that not very useful piece of info because anon said the post about anal sounded kinda like Manson (I agree).
No. 987171
File: 1592121281547.jpeg (264.95 KB, 1800x1800, 7CC4C023-AF88-442E-9EBB-6EBB4C…)

>>987156Agreed, it’s weird. There is no definitive proof and probably never will be. There’s the one tweet saying “I can’t decide if I wanna fuck you or kill you.” Sound reminiscent of some of his song lyrics or simply something he’d say. On the other hand there are things such as “I’ll start following people the day there isn’t someone on Twitter complaining about my son @realDonaldTrump.” Which I can’t decide if that is meant as an insult or not. Sorry for the rambling, please don’t kill me. I just thought it’s interesting, that some things sound very much him. I’d agree that there is not much to prove for it. I’ll stop talking about this now.
No. 987175
>>987173 Because I distinctly remember that she said she didn’t have friends so she spent all her time with an “older boyfriend” doing acid and other drugs, that was clearly not manson but prob some local burnout loser living with his mom.
I do not believe she was living in nyc when was 17. Why? She is way too dumb to skip a grade or get early admission.
No. 987328
File: 1592161739811.jpeg (484.11 KB, 1574x1613, 60E2DF5C-DDE5-40E3-98AF-894375…)

This recently came up on Reddit, lots of people commented about shitty Manson shows.
No. 987335
>>987328That's the 2nd time it's been mentioned that he pisses in cat litter. Are there no bathrooms backstage? Or is he just too lazy to go find one? I think that goes back to the "kitty girl" story. Maybe it was for someone to sit in so he could piss on them. That doesn't make it sound any better, but…
Honestly, I'm not surprised that his live shows are shit. He's got a raging drinking problem and he's getting older. He doesn't seem passionate about music anymore, anyway. In an interview a while ago, he even said that he only started a band to get girls. His entire life revolves around women.
No. 987364
File: 1592169241137.jpeg (325.96 KB, 2048x2048, B31B3020-D623-4634-B816-83B8FB…)

>>987171It definitely does, especially all the tweets about drinking and Rick and Morty. I also found it interesting he tweeted at that Jesus account.
No. 987417
File: 1592176797457.jpeg (214.19 KB, 750x478, 4807D36D-055B-4B22-9E76-463BD8…)

A post liked by the Satan account does line up with Manson’s little respect towards Women.
>>987364That is interesting. On the other hand, it looks like his management/Lindsey now run his Instagram account. Yet whoever runs this Satan Twitter account seems to release relatively coherent tweets at least once a day. So either it’s not Manson running the Twitter account or he’s stopped caring about his Instagram.
No. 987452
>>987450This is a different account
>>987055 that was the s8n one.
No. 987500
File: 1592186068626.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, 7C2AFF63-B977-4B2F-822F-1BE322…)

Wow she’s selling her work now
No. 987518
>>987514You and Manson texted for months? How do you have his number?
Why is it always “stupid bitch” and “whore” when referring to other women in his life?
What do you hope happens? You win a settlement or..??
Ask @satan__ to post a live video to settle it.
No. 987530
File: 1592196293462.png (509.17 KB, 750x1334, 83BB7C58-3C65-4902-9E94-B42A3C…)

Uh oh you guys, trouble in soul mate paradise? Marilynmansonnews posted about what MM is doing in quarantine and Madelyn liked the “who cares” comment with her fake account. Can’t believe she’s made no mention of his marriage and how “the truth will come to light” and all that shit.
No. 987534
File: 1592197358229.jpeg (314.46 KB, 828x1666, 31A5BE70-DD34-4993-84F2-7FE46C…)

>>987518Because I gave him my #.
It has nothing to do with him. I have always called any woman that’s a whore or a stupid bitch - a whore or stupid bitch. And that Asian woman got nasty with me, so yeah, she’s a stupid bitch.
No. 987537
File: 1592197821889.jpeg (162.55 KB, 721x1374, 0A9D7402-79B3-4BE3-8B08-AA25DF…)

>>987530According to Madelyn, apparently Manson has only dated her. Lmao
I mean, Lilith was a groupie but Manson pursued her and she posted freaking videos from inside his house.
No. 987555
File: 1592199738131.jpeg (87.17 KB, 750x992, 289B0762-F4AC-4FCF-A44F-3C60CC…)

Madelyns moms FB page…interesting who she’s following
No. 987557
>>987500Those prices are unrealistically high lol.
I should design a free lightroom preset for the blue ish flower photo and then post the info on one of her photos lmao
No. 987563
Do they really believe somebody will buy it?
No. 987567
>>987539She stalks all his alleged side chicks and tried to prove that she's the only one he's ever been with.
>>987555Maybe her mother only followed him to satisfy Madelyn. I doubt that she'd let her daughter continue doing what's she's been up to without getting her some mental help if she knew, though. Madelyn could've really had a fling with him. We don't know for sure.
>>987534Are you kidding? That's one of the most hilarious exchanges I've ever read. Two middle-aged people are discussing whether or not Jesus was a vampire. The further I get into this thread the dumber Manson starts to look. I can't believe he'd actually fall for that.
Also, why the fuck did you give him your number? You're just egging him on. You complain that he won't fuck off and leave you alone, but you gave him your number?
>>987530"Our souls were binded together in Heaven, and we were meant to be together forever. However, I believe this was a mistake after all. I'll always love you, my soulmate, my monster."
Seriously, I doubt she's over him. She'll probably keep up the charade until he or she kicks the bucket. He's told her to fuck off before, right?
>>987500Maybe she's trying to save up some money before M kicks her out and cuts her off again, lol.
No. 987568
File: 1592202986140.jpeg (335.41 KB, 1701x1539, C68E949A-3A61-44D1-BB0E-B6234E…)

Madelyn’s sister seems pretty sane and she posted this a few weeks after ERW started telling the details of her assault that reeeeeally made it look like it was Manson.
As nuts as Madelyn is I really think they had a thing and he just didn’t bargain for how incredibly crazy she was going to be.
No. 987571
>>987567What the fuck are you talking about? You must be some boring ass that doesn’t have a sense of humor.
At least he actually sounded coherent and articulate for a change instead of gay ass shit like “baby time Manson”.
That was over year ago when I didn’t know anything and just figuring out his bullshit.
No. 987573
>>987569Yes completely.
She moved to LA at 19 to be with him, think of how gullible and naive you are at that age.
>>987570And I’m not suggesting it’s not true. I definitely think it’s true I was only pointing out Madelyns sister saying what she said makes it seem like she’s met this person. In the very least I don’t see her defending someone her sister made up knowing.
No. 987589
File: 1592210288958.jpeg (90.55 KB, 750x1179, 1676AA86-BF06-4AE2-B134-BD5552…)

So how expensive do you think it is if one has to contact them for the price lmao
No. 987598
File: 1592214183331.jpg (58.98 KB, 540x533, wNzkFmU.jpg)

>>987580>Well, she is a famous movie director now so selling prints is just a side hustle.I laugh so hard at this. Thank you anon.
>>987589>how expensiveall jokes aside I think there will be people who'd love to buy a picture of HIM. however, she tried selling her photos of him many years ago, idk if somebody fell for it.
>>986386> a high-class hooker. Well, she basically is..I hope you'll like the photo, dude.
inb4 you ask me, it was posted by Lindsay many years ago, and deleted shortly after fans started drawing parallels lol
No. 987625
>>987588>bc he told her towhy do you think he asked her to sell her photography?
I remember she tried selling them right after they broke up.
No. 987654
File: 1592228111056.jpeg (69.8 KB, 750x378, 41F11374-FCD4-442B-BE27-4E9E4D…)

I think Manson might’ve love/hated Britney Spears
No. 987656
File: 1592228190491.jpeg (192.49 KB, 750x1204, 7EF6972F-3523-4671-B0C5-174106…)

>>987654The article I reading ^^^^
No. 987687
>>987598The pic was posted in june 2016. Lindsay was completely off the rails back then, posted a pic of herself kissing Alison Mosshart of The Kills, a mirror selfie in which she was topless and so on.
I'm pretty sure the hooker picture was up until she deleted her account in early 2017.
No. 987691
>>987687nah, I remember it was deleted in like 3-4 hours. Idk, you might be right but I remember it this way.
her online presence was always a mess, I think now they finally hired some people, not really skilled though.
No. 987696
>>987692I mean you speak as if you heard him tell her to do that. so far only assumptions as I can see.
>>987666>>987672don't want to get bitchy but how do you know?
I googled "marilyn manson"+"Snuff 102" and it gives zero results that would prove your words. I tried other movies too, nothing for August Underground, The Bunny Game. A tweet alluding to A Serbian Film, but not a single interview that says it's his favourite. Sorry in advance if I am wrong.
I do believe Manson watched them bc some of them def served the inspiration for his music videos but saying something like
>He likes showing it to girls on first dates to gauge their tolerance.kinda makes me want to ask you about your source.
No. 987732
File: 1592242442572.jpeg (540.71 KB, 2048x1538, 55FBCF38-D97D-414C-97EA-03EAD9…)

>>987696What i got from mansonisabusive.
Apparently amie harwick knew that lindsay tried to sell photographs of manson + other stuff.
No. 987747
Manson is trash.
Lindsay is trash.
Her parents, her mom and her dad, they are trash. I wouldn't believe anything about blackmail coming from crazy fans or Madelyn, but I don't think Amie Harwick had reasons to lie.
Ashley Usich-Iha is trash. Her fg brand shop cete is trash too because they build their audience through
abusive retards like manson and lindsay.
Dita is trash for covering his ass.
Madelyn is trash for supporting his bullshit.
fearless666 is trash for helping him and supporting him for a while.
everybody who's close to him and supports this shit is trash.
No. 987754
>>987732I know that there's so much valuable information in those texts, but honestly, the funniest thing to me is that he can't get it up.
He's said in interviews he fucks 5+ times a day, and Lindsay said something similar to that in leaked DMs. It must be a pride thing.
Everything he does revolves around having sex with as many women as possible. It doesn't make sense for him not to be able to get hard. Amie Harwick should've known, though. They dated, right?
No. 987758
>>987747100% agree.
Don’t forget Rose McGowan, as well.
No. 987759
>>987754He’s gotta be taking viagra or something.
The more I read about him and L’s relationship the more I feel like aaaaall these other girls have just been a part of some
abusive sadistic game they play with each other. Like they’re just that couple that likes drama, likes to break up and get back together, he fucks a bunch of girls to make her mad, then they get back together and he talks shit about all of them so she can feel good again.
No. 987762
File: 1592245542308.jpg (639.64 KB, 1080x1942, JCFbZXy.jpg)

>>987758Rose advocated a convicted pedophile. She's not credible. She also had to know what Manson did to underage girls on tour (see Courtney Love screenshot above).
Screen is via mansonisabusive.
No. 987767
>>987747Agreed. People are so enchanted with fame that they forget Manson is a real person who does bad things and hurts people. People in his life who let him get away with it just want the benefits he brings and to be associated with him. Anyone who supports him is under his spell and is fucking delusional.
Lindsay is a master manipulator who has stockholm syndrome and nothing else going for her in her life except the fact that she’s married to him. Madelyn is a erotomanic stalker who will follow his every move until the day she dies. It’s funny- Madelyn and Lindsay actually have a lot in common. Both NEETS with no talent or redeeming qualities who sponge off other people for money since they are entitled leeches. All of these Hollywood people chasing fame are
toxic af.
No. 987773
>>987762Rose was only ever out for herself. She was upset because she was one of Weinstein's
victims, understandably, but for the other people in Hollywood and real life that have been sexually or otherwise abused, it's not her problem, and she doesn't have to worry about it.
Anyway, she was in a cult growing up, and I'm sure that had a significant impact on her mental health.
No. 987838
>>987832So her parents are not together? Do you know for how long? Does her father keep in touch with her or wtf he's doing. Her mom is nuts, I wonder if her dad is no better.
>>987835This so fucked up. Her family supported her.
No. 987891
>>987831I mean, I don't doubt that Manson has the emotional instability to kill someone, but if he did do something like that, I think it would've come out by now. He brags about the shit he does online and "hides" things in his IG captions. It wouldn't be hard to pin something to him with how bad he is at covering up evidence.
I think she's got something on him about him fucking underage girls. If she came forward with that, reported it to the police and everything, he might get a little jail time. I'm sure he could get a good lawyer and get out of it, though.
No. 987897
File: 1592264448358.png (447.73 KB, 750x1334, 7609E100-F91B-4656-97FB-79546C…)

>>987891I dunno I mean this is the text between him and his friend fearless and it seems whatever the “this” is is too nonchalant to be something seriously sinister that you’d just casually text about with a friend
No. 987996
File: 1592284197420.jpeg (535.24 KB, 1716x1681, EE66FB8E-A5DA-4D13-9B48-AED15B…)

>>987993Totally at her parents house
If you look her up it lists her as living in LA but also NC, but if you look up the LA apartment it says it was on the market in aug 2018 but she was posting pics in that apartment years before that. Then on her Depop it says “I ship from LA but use my parents NC address” which lol ok. And in her Depop pics she posted today that window is clearly one from her parents house, and not at all like the window from the LA apt (posted)
No. 988001
File: 1592285122885.jpeg (166.43 KB, 921x1241, 2EC4442A-4B52-4A24-9014-67CBB6…)

Posted on Reddit today - not very milky but kinda strange. Lindsay didn’t want guys on the bus?
No. 988006
>>987996Don't buy from her shop! She leads people to believe that she scouts
around LA for vintage and that all the items were hand chosen out of LA thrift stores but that's just not true.
Half the items are from the 2000s and from her local NC Goodwill. We DM'd for two hours about this particular pair of pumps, I asked her where she got them and she said she couldn't remember and started listing all these high end thrift stores in LA but when I got the shoes they had a Goodwill sticker on the bottom. She made it seem like the shoes were purchased new by someone, worn once and spent time in a celebs closet and then was softly donated to a high end vintage store. Those shoes smelled like feet and I had to get the bottoms/soles redone.
No. 988007
>>987996Don't buy from her shop! She leads people to believe that she scouts
around LA for vintage and that all the items were hand chosen out of LA thrift stores but that's just not true.
Half the items are from the 2000s and from her local NC Goodwill. We DM'd for two hours about this particular pair of pumps, I asked her where she got them and she said she couldn't remember and started listing all these high end thrift stores in LA but when I got the shoes they had a Goodwill sticker on the bottom. She made it seem like the shoes were purchased new by someone, worn once and spent time in a celebs closet and then was softly donated to a high end vintage store. Those shoes smelled like feet and I had to get the bottoms/soles redone.
And then a few weeks later she asked me for a review of her shop but I felt like I couldn't accurately review it because I was probably the only person that purchased anything so I lied and said the shoes were a gift for someone else.
No. 988010
>>987996I don't know who her parents are or what she does for a living but I'm pretty sure she DOES NOT make her own money. I don't think she has friends or a job either. I would even go as far as to say that Lindsay probably has more of a job than she does. Even if Lindsay isn't necessarily producing good art or making money, she can at least claim she's a practicing artist. With Madelyn she can't even claim that much…
The textbook story of a wealthy teenager going to LA using their parents money hoping to attach herself to some rockstar or famous person. Except Madelyn failed and is probably home in NC now with her parents. For her sake I hope she's at least enrolled in community college or beauty school
No. 988013
>>988001LKB said she helped him assault her. I definitely wouldn't put it past her. Manson probably just doesn't play with other men. He's a huge homophobe.
>>987996Maybe they're trying to finally get her some mental help. I doubt it, but why else would they cut the cord on her like that?
No. 988014
>>988008Right! Probably because this whole Manson thing. She wants people to think she's in LA. She might of been in LA in 2016 but I see nothing showing she's still in LA. Just like the person above posted, the last time that apartment was on the market was in 2018. She probably moved back a few years ago now…
No nights out
No friend selfies
She posts random photos from ok photoshoots
Such a strange thing to be secretive about.
Is anyone familiar with Manson's US tour dates? When's the last time he was in North Carolina?
No. 988015
>>988012The photos she posts of her apartment are old from her apt in LA that was listed at $2000 in 2018 after she obviously moved out of it. It was probably a little cheaper when she moved in in 2014.
The pics she posts now on her Depop are obviously in her parents house, and she even posted a pic of her bathroom sink which is the same as in the listing photos of her parents house.
They probably helped pay her rent for a while, and then got tired of it and made her move home.
No. 988019
File: 1592288659445.jpeg (545.72 KB, 1800x1389, 9E7B3002-A62B-4B69-A88D-B31D8F…)

>>988016Lol he was there Aug 1 2018. Guess where Madelyn was July 28 2018? Look at the house in the background.
Literally the same day she posted a picture and tagged it LA
No. 988034
>>987897Well, Lindsay being his accomplice could actually go to jail. She has no money, she isn't famous and she couldn't afford a good lawyer. Her father probably isn't practicing anymore and would be furious if it came out. It would be equivalent to suicide.
Maybe that's how Manson controls her now? She's in too deep.
No. 988055
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It looks like she finally understood that he wasn't coming back.
No. 988137
>>988057Lindsay’s pre-Manson livejournal was posted in the first thread and she came across as mentally unstable, depressed, has poor hygiene, selfish, and obsessed with sex.
Some of Manson’s other women have outright said Lindsay is crazy.
My guess is Manson stays with her because she’s easily manipulated and doesn’t have a life outside of him. He can treat her like shit and cheat but she stays because she’s not mentally stable enough to leave.
No. 988189
>>988162>>988163I’m sorry, what? She showed up?
Did I miss the caps?
No. 988200
>>988196She never posted anything like that.
Madelyn parking in front of his house was brought by some 666 account discussed earlier in the thread, yet there was nothing about Lindsay's bd.
I have a continuous feeling somebody is sitting on a pile of caps or, basically, knows more than posts and, when called out, just referes to the things we can no longer access.
No offence to anon who wrote
>>988163 I might be wrong or too suspicious (because of Dawn, sorry)
but it's just the impression.
No. 988202
>>988200She definitely tweeted it. It was a post that said something like “showing up at someone’s house and sitting outside in your parked car isn’t true love, it’s stalking” and then another one said
“Us: we’re getting ready for a bday in here go away!
You: play Misty for me, my monster” which is reference to a stalker movie. I remember it SO we’ll because it was so next level batshit to me. I MIGHT have a cap somewhere I’ll check in a bit.
No. 988226
>>988207You know, I’m glad you wrote that because I felt too crazy saying it. Lmao I also suspected Dawn was him, or at least a batshit fan intentionally trying to make these threads less credible. No one can be that outlandishly stupid.
>>987897True, but if Manson is threatened by her lawyer dad I assume whatever she has against him is illegal. I’m sure Lindsay witnessed all kinds of illegal activity.
No. 988266
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>>988036I would have never thought to look at the dates she tweeted about MM. Very observant. That’s interesting because in the last thread that account Dawn is saying that’s a fake of MM commented on her post Nov. 2018. And she was saying it was about Madelyn. I’m just saying the dates line up.
No. 988272
>>988237Evan tried to kill herself in late summer 2010. He went on a date with Lindsay in August 2010.
Later that year everyone on provider module talked about how lindsay broke up with him bc someone who knew manson said so on myspace.
No. 988281
>>988277>>988272idk where you see "Lindsay broke up with him" in
>>988280Manson was changing girls like nothing in 2009-2010.
I don't remember in which thread but somebody posted a timelime with his gfs in 2010, it was more like he used to text and get girls to his house or a party for a night.
Lindsay was living in NY, the only way she could stay in LA was Manson paying for her stay at a hotel or apartment or she stayed in his house. I don't think her parents sponsored their relationshop (omg if it's even relationship) at this early stage. I think he'd blow her off every on and off he got bored and wanted another girl.
I think the only time when she actually tried to leave him was when the broke up letter happened, I don't remember the year. 2015?
No. 988357
>>988352I doubt he cared about Evan or her suicide attempt.
Lindsay and Manson first met in 2009. Probably late 2009. She once hashtagged a pic of them together with that year.
No. 988464
File: 1592421658298.jpg (309.45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200617-121516_Chr…)

So I follow Madelyn on Twitter and she posted this photo in January. I thought it was strange because it wasn't her normal selfie style, I thought it was weird that she posted a low resolution photo of herself sitting in a car, but didnt think anything off it.
I found the tweet a few hours ago and it was posted in January 5th 2020 (look at the tweet date at the bottom)
She posted this ON HIS BIRTHDAY.
I'm starting to think maybe she was outside his house or attempted to contact him?
No. 988471
>>988464It’s possible. If anon can find the screens of Lindsay’s mom posting about Madelyn doing the same on Lindsay’s birthday it would help confirm.
I think Manson banged her once at his concert when she was 18 and has tried ever since to make it appear that they have a relationship. It would also help explain her obsession with him.
Idk if Manson has a restraining order on her but she runs Mansonisinnocent and that benefits him. She could turn on him if he somehow made it clear she’s just a stalker but if they actually banged once when she was 18 the line gets a bit murky.
On a side note, does anyone know who’s behind @diamondsandpollen? It is an actual person or another Madelyn account?
No. 988478
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Her favorited items on Etsy…If this doesn’t scream obsessed, stalker fangirl I don’t know what does.
No. 988485
>>988471I believe Madelyn is behind the diamondsandpollen account. Who else would post photos of her and tag #MarilynManson?
We already know she’s behind mansonisinnocent, catsanddevils, baudelairethedevon, her personal page and probably a handful more. She has way too much free time on her hands. Although it must get boring being a freeloader in NC.
No. 988497
>>988485Not that I’d put it past her but that would be the ultimate in crazy because of how much diamondsandpollen talks to Madelyns regular account.
Also wondering who is behind “justiceforhimm”
No. 988511
>>988497I also strongly suspect Madelyn is behind @justiceforhimm, as well. Mansonisinnocent follows the him too movement and always tags #himtoo.
The him too movement is also associated with republicans (read it on wiki) and we all know how much Madelyn loves Trump. lol
No. 988533
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>>988526Also curious. That account has a low follow count and doesn’t seem friendly to strangers sending a request. Kind of odd if they’re trying to defend him.
No. 988634
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Found it. It wasn’t a tweet it was on insta. Cap is from Jan 8 2018 so year it was near his bday
No. 988657
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Also this. Hard to believe Madelyn wasn’t actually in the mix for how much L and her mom interacted with her.
No. 988684
>>988657Who posted it first?
I mean, if Madelyn is next level stalking them, spreading lies, and invading their privacy I can see why Lindsay and Hope called her out on it. Note that Manson didn’t stop Hope from posting that or defend Madelyn.
No. 988699
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>>988691From the second thread.
No. 988701
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Some more of Madelyns ramblings. I do think it’s interesting though that Amie brought up how he’d trash girls he was with to other girls, and it seems like he probably trashed Lindsay to Madelyn to manipulate her, but she took that way too far and decided Lindsay was witch trying to control him lol
No. 988702
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It’s definitely odd she went silent for all those months, because she posted consistently, and then started with those posts again. It seems something happened with her and Manson, then he got back in contact with her in Nov., and has been since. Hence, mansonisinnocent
and justforhim, and palliatian.elixir following her on all her accounts.
No. 988707
>>988702Impossible to prove without caps but if I remember correctly she was still tweeting a bunch, then went private, then public and had deleted a bunch of tweets during that time.
Also I think July 2018 is when it seems like she moved back to NC so it makes sense something happened.
No. 988774
>>988773But…has she? I’m not a fan, but if I’m being honest I haven’t seen much evidence that Lindsay is nuts. I’ve seen caps of her defending herself against people who harassed her and made fun of her online, and then I see her hanging onto this relationship that seems super unhealthy (or at least did in the past) but nothing that makes her seem like the monster people try to make her out to be. That all seems like it came from Madelyn spinning that “manipulative witch” narrative and fans that decided to hate on MM’s new gf.
The only way I can see her being terrible is if HE has actually done everything he’s been accused of, and she knows it’s true. But let’s be real, he probably lies to her constantly.
No. 988785
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>>988774Lindsay’s harassed other women in his life (Teale Coco), was in general a bitch to people, engaged in LKB’s assault, and is apparently blackmailing Manson. She has to be well aware of Manson’s bullshit or she wouldn’t have anything to blackmail him with. Does that make her insane? Idk, but it certainly makes her look equally guilty.
No. 988786
>>988774There were fans saying that she'd harassed them online and punched fangirls in the face at shows. There were a few caps in previous threads, if you go back and look.
She probably does know about a lot of the things he does. She can use it as leverage if he tries to break it off with her again. I do think that he abuses her, but she's no better for keeping what he does a secret.
I think she probably has some mental problems. Maybe just an underdeveloped personality. She really has nothing else going for her, except being Mrs. Manson. There's nowhere else for her to go, and taking low-quality photographs isn't going to pay the bills. Hope obviously isn't a good mother, and she seems supportive of their relationship. It's hard not to feel sorry for her.
No. 988840 guess some people really are retarded- check out the likes as well.
I have no words.
No. 988897
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>>988840Lindsay had about 35k followers before the bots. Are they really trying to pass off that she gets an average of 1800 new follows a day? Lol Manson doesn’t even get that many per day.
I guess he’s ok with her being a fraud, he liked that post.
No. 989019
>>989005>I find it hard to believe Manson liked the picture on fan account himselfWhy tho? He has to be well aware of her bots, you’d have to be blind not to. Not to mention she’s suddenly a “famous movie director” lmao
>>985877 I think he’s trying to make something out of her now that they’re engaged, possibly already married.
No. 989030
>>989019Because those bots are too ridiculous to like, I mean, it would be logical if he posted their picture together on his IG already, or something.
They are trying to make something out of her last minute. The only question is whose stupid idea was that? Is she craving some kind of visibility outside his aura or his narcissism can't handle marrying ordinary girl after all high profile relationships he had?
She is a socialite with hobbies, at best and any reasonable person would be fine with that but then we wouldn't have anything to laugh at so it is better they keep going with this imaginary career things.
She posted that my love picture and two other pictures on her IG. Wonder how the selling is going?
No. 989059
File: 1592509254480.jpeg (492.7 KB, 1044x2013, 60E00A1E-B895-4BEF-84FD-213D4B…)

Right… Madelyn is just some stalker and isn’t still talking to Manson… yet somehow a few days later she is making posts, repeating verbatim something I said in a private DM about “conspiracies”. Sure.
No. 989066
>>989059That screen doesn’t show shit. No name on the DM and wtf does that have to do with Manson or Madelyn?
“There’s definitely life on other planets. I’m evidence of that. I was sent here on a mission.” LMAO
No. 989099
>>989064Yeah ban me just because you don’t like what I say and speak the truth. You’re probably a fucking liberal because that’s what they do. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t give you the right to ban someone. Ever heard of freedom speech?
No. 989143
>>989059Madelyn thinks there’s a huge conspiracy against Manson because he’s an alien who brought the pandemic?
I kinda like that theory better. lmao
No. 989144
>>989143Am I not reading this correctly? The grey text is FROM the person who posted the cap, so the text in grey saying “I’m an alien” is FROM Dawn who is talking to? Madelyn? I’m not even sure who she’s suggesting she’s speaking to.
Then a few days later this mansonisinnocent account posts about a conspiracy theory and this is supposed to be connected how?
Dawn are you suggesting that you invented both the word and concept of “conspiracy”?
No. 989152
>>989127How is that a delusion? I mean really, you people need to stop being ignorant and loosely throwing that word around that you don’t know the actual meaning of. Are you not reading the same message? That’s obviously a real fucking message.
And no it’s not Madelyn. It’s a fake account of someone that started messaging me July 2018. So no, it’s definitely not Madelyn because I never heard of her back then.
So I like someone to explain to me how
Madelyn is suddenly posting about “conspiracies” on her page a few days later after I was talking about conspiracies pertaining to Manson’s BS from an account that started messaging me from almost 2 years ago?
No. 989162
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>>989152Here’s a few things that have been tagged #conspiracy
Are…these all Manson too??
No. 989290
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>>988815The person on that account is obviously fraudulent and disguises how they type. Screens of them on their computer and how they really write, using impeccable grammar.
No. 989300
File: 1592530044885.gif (3.12 MB, 638x382, 5A249DDB-CFC0-473E-AC31-9C934B…)

>>989290Dawn, whatever happened to your big legal case that prevented you from discussing details?
No. 989384
>>989375But you've seen Evan's testimony right? He's not that unfamiliar with technological stuff and Bella Thorne basically revealed that he has/had at least one fake account on ig - marlinmanson_private or something.
It's not that unlikely that he does it himself.
No. 989407
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Can we talk about how desperate Manson was to make Bella his next victim?
Posted by mansonisabusive.
No. 989496
>>989398I don’t think he discriminates between fans or otherwise. He’s hooked up with and abused fans several times - Clare Buley, Lexus Amanda, Jordan Arentz, LKB, etc.
>>989407Offering to photograph/video seems to be his typical pick-up line. He tweeted Bella and Amie Harwick referred to Bella, as well.
>>987732 No. 989498
>>989407People have to stop trying to make things look bad.
This reads as someone trying to be friendly to someone he wants to work with. She's a young girl…She's 22. It's safe to assume one would use a softer tone when speaking with someone so young.
Nothing in those messages reads as creepy or desperate. If anything it shows he might of been confused why she wasnt responding and seems outside of mainstream celeb news stories.
Someone was threatening to blackmail her with nude photos and grown women were sitting there on national TV slut shaming her, telling the world this 22 (probably 18,19,20,21) year old girl deserved to be blackmailed and exploited.
A very loving and fatherly/big brother tone. I'm around Bella's age and I don't think I would've interpreted any of those messages as creepy or predatory and I'm sure he's learned his lesson about dating a teenage public figure
No. 989500
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>>989498It seems they dated tho?
No. 989502
>>989407She was blackmailed and had her nudes released. She was probably spiraling thinking her career was over or something.
If anyone could teach her about moving forward from career shattering controversy, I would consider him a
valid candidate.
He cheated on his hot wife and fucked someones head at a concert.
No. 989529
>>989524Which screenshots? Foxy Feminists? They were talking to Mansonisabusive.
>How did she get tied to the situation. How did people find her? Madelyn inserted herself into the situation by fabricating evidence multiple times to make it look like they have a relationship and showing up at Manson’s house on his birthday. Not to mention she claimed Manson met her parents.
No. 989545
>>989524Maybe look through the previous threads, idk.
All your questions were already discussed.
No. 989595
File: 1592592760241.jpg (726 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200619-204734.jpg)

Madelyn should seriously start posting 'my monster' stories again cause whenever she posts about anything else her stupidity really shows. Newsflash; the masks are to protect others and not yourself.
And…is she walking her cats or what.
No. 989606
>>989545I read all the other threads in real time… it was never discussed.
You can easily fake Instagram messages.
This girl is getting her name slandered and she's getting harassed and no one even has undeniable proof that they were anything but friends. The only "proof" you guys have:
* she posted a photo of lily (which could mean they have a friendship)
* She posts cryptic tweets and everyone assumes she's talking about him and not another man.
* Screenshots that could be fabricated.
* She was featured in a photography show that Twiggy and one of the bands drummers attended.
On Instagram she said he saved her from being drugged at a party, this could be grounds for a friendship.
If you ask me, it seems like some jealous child fangirl somehow linked them together on social media assuming they were romantically involved and then started fabricating messages to support the false narrative they're trying to push.
It seems like some jealous little girl did some deep creeping online, saw Madelyn and her possible connection to Manson and then started the harassment campaign.
I understand that she clearly interacts with fan accounts but based on what I see, it seems like those fan accounts are the ones approaching her and tagging her.
There's literally zero proof that she's running those other accounts.
Lindsay's mom interacted with her but that was AFTER Madelyn was exposed. I was around back in 2016 and her and Courtlyn were the main girls getting the most hate because of their POSSIBLE ties. Lindsay's mom probably didn't even know what was real and what was rumor.
Looks like some fan girl is pissed that she has a friendship and because of that, they're lying on her and urging people to harass her.
No. 989607
>>989498Lmao you're clearly new here. That's Manson's typical grooming technique; ask the girl for a shoot/video shoot and bomb her with attention. It's quite obvious that he doesn't actually give a shit about what's going on in her life, he just wants to get her in a room with. A photoshoot with two old guys and a young girl? Soooo professional.
He always picks the unstable ones.
No. 989614
>>989606I think Gabriella got a lot of hate. Madelyn was never interesting even for stalkers.
Courtlyn's POSSIBLE ties to Manson is lol.
No. 989615
>>989606Is that Madelyn’s narrative now, that they were just friends now that Manson is probably married? Lmao
Who is she referring to then? And why does she harass and stalk his other women?
She clearly tried to push they’ve been in a relationship in the previous threads.
Madelyn posts lingerie pics on her IG in an Alice in Wonderland theme and Egon Schiele, artists Manson clearly likes.
She tagas herself and diamondsandpollen on Mansonisinnocent.
And sage your bullshit.
No. 989616
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>>989407Madelyn harassing Bella about her book.
No. 989621
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Old but telling.
No. 989630
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>>989624Yep, Madelyn’s been blaming Lindsay for years.
No. 989635
>>989615Are you fuckin retarded? Or…?
Someone liking the same things does not automatically mean they're romantically involved with eachother. Hitler and I are both fans of unique mustaches so we're definitely fucking right?
What sense does that fuckin make… lol
No. 989644
>>989630I don't think @diamondsandpollen is wrong, though. Yes, obviously he is
abusive. Multiple girlfriends have gave evidence proving that he is. But Lindsay does try to control him, too, and the way that she is with fans… Truly, they deserve each other.
No. 989649
>>989635She just
happens to like Alice In Wonderland, Egon Schiele, has a pic of Lilly White, runs Mansonisinnocent, harasses his other women, and posts about Manson meeting her parents.. because they’re just friends? lmao That makes zero sense.
Are you claiming whoever posted in the previous threads the bullshit evidence (bullshit Polaroid, loose connection at an art gallery, etc) to try to prove that they were a couple was just some fangirl? Why would someone try to prove they dated when the majority see her as a stalker? Why would Madelyn perpetuate that myth by not debunking it?
No. 989650
>>989644I think its extremely bold to make assumptions about someone you've never met.
These people don't even know you exist. How do you feel qualified enough to make assumptions like that about THEIR relationship
No. 989652
>>989642If you don't like the thread or what we discuss here, then why the fuck are you here? We're not fans, were collecting information about his abuse, which includes aspects of his sex life.
You could be right. He might love Lindsay, and there may be no story there at all, but he has abused women in the past and made/liked hate posts directed toward her. Some weird fan coming on here and derailing the thread isn't gonna stop us from talking about it.
No. 989657
>>989655There's gossip and then there's obsession. This is obsession.
You're all embarrassing and you could do better tbh…
No. 989682
>>989673Take your fangirl shit elsewhere. I’m sorry you’re salty that your idol is a psychotic abuser.
They’re all lying, huh? Multiple women with similar stories are only out for money.. no ones getting rich calling out abuse.
Many of these women have shown proof of their abuse. Evan was a groupie? Esme?
And even if his
victims were groupies, they don’t deserve to be abused.
No. 989690
>>989682Lol! Fangirl!? I'm not the one building a timeline of all the women he's fucked.
Half the women that accused him frequent these threads. Louise? Dawn?
You guys get annoyed when these two women comment on this thread but you somehow believe their rape stories?
>>989682I wouldnt believe anything Evan has to say.
She basically TURNS INTO her boyfriends. There's some weird psychology going on there that I dont even think Freud would touch.
No. 989749
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I think Manson might have a private SoundCloud
No. 989750
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>>989749More pics for possible proof
No. 989759
>>989749>>989750Maybe, weird that Daisy commented on it if that’s really Daisy.
He’s entitled to private accounts, it’s what he does under them that would be possibly creepy.
No. 989834
>>989750Lmao even people that know him, know about the fucked up shit he does online.
>He’s entitled to private accounts, it’s what he does under them that would be possibly creepy.One of which includes him soliciting and making sexual comments to underaged kids on these accounts.
No. 989863
>>989778Total trash. But that’s what MM surrounds himself with. She’s repulsive trying to gaslight, defend, and lie for that sick fuck.
>>989653She seems to think what she posts on @mansonisinnoccent isn’t “gossip” and it’s factual. Who the fuck does she think she is? The judge and jury to decide that he’s innocent and his
victims are lying? I don’t think so. Therefore, it’s just her opinion, which makes it gossip. She’s such a brain dead bitch who acts so full of herself. Anyone who thinks she could be credible for anything probably has the IQ equivalent to a kakapo.
No. 989900
>>989692 Lol wtf? She dressed like dita when she was with manson b/c EVERY girl he dates he tries to mold into Dita sooner or later.
I agree tbh there isn’t going to be significant milk anytime soon because of coronavirus, huge international tours with large amounts of people are gonna be the absolute last thing to come back, maybe not even until 2022. For manson, he seems to meet a LOT of these girls at meet and greets and touring, or thru the music industry. I don’t doubt for a second he has already gotten tired of Lindsay all the time and would love to cheat on her but the opportunity isn’t there.
Since he makes pretty much all his money on touring it will be interesting to see what will happen if/when his money starts to run out and he has to choose between drugs or Lindsay’s lip injections.
No. 989939
>>989687In 2018 he was still talking
abusive shit.
In 2019 he didn't give ANY interviews and in 2020 he just gave one that was printed in Italian, I wonder why?
No. 989941
>>989692Maybe she just isn't the most confident person in the world and tries to do what they like? Did that ever occur to you?
Manson picked her for a reason in 2006; because she was easy to manipulate.
Constant abuse changes you, so of course she would fall into old patterns and adapt her style to the looks of her partners to make herself more likable, just like her abuser taught her.
Education is key, dear.
No. 989951
File: 1592641009199.jpeg (325.89 KB, 1723x880, 497E3CC6-5B2A-4598-9208-95AC7A…)

>>989606Wtf are you even talking about, Madelyn herself claimed she’s been with Manson since 2013.
Her friend @diamondsandpollen (if hat’s not another Madelyn sock puppet) listed Madelyn along with all of Manson’s other supposed exes, claiming they’ve dated since 2013 which correlates with Madelyn’s claim.
It sounds like Madelyn’s trying to back pedal now that he’s married and can no longer continue her delusion.
No. 989982
>>989939Where was the Italian interview?
>>989951If Madelyn truly believed they were in a relationship, then she wouldn't change her mind now, unless she's angry at him for marrying her. She was having these delusions for 7 years, if she "met him" in 2013, and she just suddenly decides to stop? That doesn't sound right.
>>989900He's got a networth of $25 million dollars. It would be hard to spend that much money in 2 years (or more), until he tours again. Cocaine and liquor are an expensive habit to keep, though, and we all know he's gonna choose that over keeping Lindsay pretty. I bet they get divorced once quarantine/his trial is over.
No. 990031
The Antichrist in the VaticanMarilyn Manson at an audience with His Holiness John Malkovich. Paolo Sorrentino imagined it for the episode of 'The New Pope' which promises to be already a cult. We met The Reverend in LA: work on the set of the series, the next album, the relationship with the fans. And parallel life as a painter. See the watercolors he gave us exclusively.
December 2019, little is missing at the end of the decade. Christmas is near, everything seems to be going well, the usual endless queues on the 10 East, the usual punk-goth-nirvana rockers with Dr. Martens on their feet, a fifteen homeless camped under the bridge of the 405, inevitable hipster in Venice Beach armed with Caramel Brulee Latte ($ 8 per glass), all forming a mixture of brackish and American Dream. I stop at my taco truck, throw on two beers at 7-Eleven, arrive home. The eye immediately goes to the answering machine that has survived the millennium. There is a message. Clear, direct and in Italian. "We want you to interview Marilyn Manson for us." So far everything is ok, even if I start laughing like crazy knowing - I met MM eight years ago at the Chateau Marmont, his favorite hotel, where he offered me a glass of absinthe - that to meet him we will have to sweat the classic seven shirts . Marilyn Manson is a man who does not get up, who is not operational, who does not exist before five in the afternoon. I call his manager and, within five to six days, we manage to arrange an appointment at the Mama Shelter Hotel in Hollywood. 19 and 30.
The day comes and we have suffered a problem. It is eight o'clock and still nobody is seen. Eight and a half nada, zero, nothing. At nine a message arrives: "Would you mind meeting him at the Sound Factory?" Interdicted and incredulous, I re-read those words. It really says Sound Factory. The legendary recording studio where, between the 1960s and the mid-1980s, Marvin Gaye, Ringo Starr, Oingo Boingo, even Brian Wilson and Flying Burrito Brothers tried, played and recorded, among others. I rush. An assistant from Manson welcomes me and leads me through a tunnel, then takes me behind a stage where I am pushed onto… Cyndi Lauper! He is there with Marilyn Manson, Belinda Carlisle and Henry Rollins for rehearsals for a charity concert for the LGBTQ community.
Sorry, but Girls Just Want to Have Funfa part of my DNA, and the fact that you remain there impaled with your eyes fixed on its interpreter does not escape Cyndi, who with a perfect Queens New York accent gives me a few minutes of youthful mental masturbation , while I extend the sleeve of her shirt… that she signs me! In that same instant, I hear a deep, hoarse, baritone and elegant voice at the same time that I am apostrophe across the room: "Motherfucker, come here!" It's him, The Reverend, sitting in a completely red room, red wallpaper, coral red faux leather sofas, red velvet table, surrounded by heavy cardinal red cinema curtains, but he completely and eternally dressed in black, boots, pants, shirt, sweater, coat, eyeshadow and hair. Without getting up, he invites me to sit next to him. Mystic, sborone, intelligent, with a few more tattoos, but otherwise identical to eight years ago, he has not aged at all.
The next few minutes of talk will be a mixture of cultural illuminations, as well as metal head lightning that touch subjects such as, in no particular order: Federico Fellini, his Third Day of a Seven Day Binge, the Eurythmics, Baudelaire's The Flowers of Evil , Edgar Allan Poe, his favorite albums among (The Pale Emperor), Macbeth, Buñuel and his Andalusian dog, the Sick Puppies, Cicciolina, and then drugs, vodka, secrets, French neorealism versus Italian neorealism, manias, the tour … But I'm here to talk to him about music and, above all, about his participation in The New Pope, the original Sky - HBO- CANAL + series created and directed by Oscar winner Paolo Sorrentino, produced by The Apartment and Wildside, part of Fremantle (from 10 January exclusively on Sky Atlantic and Now TV). So let's get started.
Who do you play?Myself, Marilyn Manson. I am specifically requested by the pope, that is, John Malkovich, who wants to meet me in person. I can't reveal too much, I'm only present in one episode (the fourth, aired on January 17, ed.), It would be nice if they called me back for another season. We shot in Cinecittà, in the studio where Fellini designed all his wonderful films. The copy of the Vatican they recreated was impressive, more true than true. I have seen both and I cannot distinguish the real one from the fake one.
Are you a fan of the show?Yes, I really admire Sorrentino's work, I like all his films. Paolo treated me like nobody on a set, I learned a lot even just by observing him. Many directors I worked with wanted me to repeat what they had written, but for Paolo the interaction between the actors is more important, he wants the scene to have the rhythm he imagined, his attention to detail is crazy. And then shooting with John Malkovich was an out-of-body experience, at some point we had a deep conversation about the Antichrist, which is then the core of our scene. I don't like acting myself, because I am myself every day. But Malkovich was powerful enough to make me forget that I was acting.
Almost ten years have passed since we last met. What were the biggest changes?Meanwhile, my cat Lily has died. She was 16, it is still the longest relationship I have ever had with a pussy. My mother died, my father died, I spent a very sad period trying to cope with this emptiness. I'm not complaining, sooner or later it happens to everyone, but you have to make up for it anyway. It's okay if your parents hate them, but I loved them. My father taught me to drive, to be independent, to live. When these things happen, you inevitably think about your mortality, you wonder what life makes sense, if there is an afterlife. All themes that I started to explore for the new album. I have reflected not so much on alternative realities, but on the astral world, on the concept of time, of infinite love. Outwardly you can change as many times as you want, you can look different because you cut your hair or dress in another way, but your love for certain things or people does not change. I can't lie to myself, I would hate myself if I had to pretend to be someone else just to never change. When I go on stage, I am always consistent with what I believe in. Maybe that's why I like acting: because I can lie and pretend to be another person.
What will be on the new album?This record will be a new starting point for exploring ideas that I have never covered before. After that period of suffering, I realized that I wasn't risen. Simply, I realized that time passes and basically it means nothing. Since the last time I saw you, eight years have passed but it could be eight minutes, the important thing is to continue creating something in this world, without taking anything away from anyone, without taking advantage of others for your interests. Then time doesn't matter. You earned a bonus against the end.
Do you already know when the album will be released?Soon, this year. I am working with Shooter Jennings, son of the legendary Waylon Jennings. Shooter is a very talented musician, we are very close friends, we spend a lot of time together writing, playing, now we finish each other's sentences. We are creating something different, a gothic album with a Southern taste. Part of me is full of how the world of rock has become, there is no longer the enthusiasm that once existed, the musicians live on company. The other part of me, however, says that it is still possible to change, as I did with Antichrist Superstar: I was pissed and I changed things. With that album I left a mark, otherwise we wouldn't be here talking to you and me. I'm talking about it now because, despite the ups and downs of my career, it was an important record to get me here. Although the conditions are different, much of what I felt then is similar to what I feel today. I'm ready to fight, and this record is giving me the strength to do it. Maybe I should call it Marilyn Manson and that's it, because it represents the path that has brought me here.
And the tour?I'm out and about with Ozzy Osbourne on No More Tours 2, it's a real honor that he chose me. It is a myth, I am happy that he has recovered and is writing new songs.
What are the sources of inspiration when writing your songs?I used to read a lot in the past, in the last few years I've started watching more movies and TV series, dark stuff at True Detective. It makes me think about how to find the right balance between music and words. For this I have to thank Trent Reznor, he was the first to discover a talent that I didn't know I had. As a musician, it's not easy to put your ego aside and trust another person. Sometimes, when you are too deep inside your head, it can become a problem. But we're not saving the world: if you don't like something, the worst that can happen is having to start all over again. When I have a song in mind, I write everything on notebooks. I have just finished scanning them all, it was a struggle to catalog them, because my handwriting is chaotic, sometimes very precise but often erratic. Maybe I should consult a team of psychologists to analyze them, I'd like to know what they think.
What is your relationship with fans?When I do a show, I always arrive three hours earlier, just because I want to meet them. My dream has always been to peek into David Bowie's backstage. I am really surprised that there are still so many fans following me, because the tastes are ephemeral and people are constantly changing, and I am not an easy person. They make me happy, they chose me instead of more popular artists, easier to listen to. We talk a lot, listen to their stories and then, once I say goodbye, I stay alone, I put on make-up, I do my make-up by myself. I reflect on their lives, sometimes they tell me sad and painful stories. I became a musician because I didn't want to have too many interactions with people. Instead I found out that my fans made me a better person, thanks to them I learned to listen, they made me understand who I am. I am not an ordinary person, but I am a real person.
Have you ever met Bowie before?Once, he complimented me on a tie. He loved ties, he told me he had a huge collection. The rest, top secret.
You are also a painter. Do you consider yourself an artist who combines various mediums?I've always hated talking about myself as an artist. I have never liked people who consider themselves artists, they just seem to me very pretentious. Maybe we should coin a new word that describes the feeling of being artists. Today I am happy to be able to combine three different worlds such as music, painting and acting. Sometimes they describe me as a rock star who paints. I don't like being classified in this way, I am neither a rock star nor a painter, I am myself, and being myself means to unite various interests. I think the world is falling apart because it is governed by people who have no artistic sense. Maybe they are just arrogant, certainly they are ignorant. The world should be governed by artists, although not all artists would be able to do it, not all of them have the right vision or the necessary talent. For me, creating is important. I know I can't change the world, sometimes I find it hard even to change a pair of pants. But I believe in what I do. I am assembling a collection of my watercolors. It will be a nice big book, heavy like the Bible, dangerous, you could break someone's head. I really like watercolor, I am a great fan of Egon Schiele, I am intrigued by his intense, raw and direct sexuality. I don't know why, but they often ask me how long it took me to make a certain painting. It's a stupid question, sometimes it takes me a minute, but it took years to get so little. All the energy you see is the result of years of study and concentration.
We are joined by Cyndi Lauper, who gently shouts at me: "Get the fuck out! We must try!" Reluctantly, I obey, not before asking and getting a ticket for their concert.
Before you leave, do you want to add something, MM?Yes: I love pizza and mozzarella, best in the world… (Then, turning to Cyndi) Cyndi, don't put me first on the lineup. I want to be fucking fourth! Did you understand?!
And the two, continuing to fight, move away.
No. 990074
>>989941If Manson wants women he dates to LOOK like DITA… then WHY THE FUCK DID HE CHEAT ON HER WITH A CHILD in the first place?!
Now he’s with a whore lets him cheat. No wonder he married her. But what still doesn’t make sense is why Lindsy freaked out about that Teal Coco if she’s ok with him being with other whores.
No. 990113
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>>985292Sorry for bringing up a very old topic but 'Judd is fired' idea is so sketchy and not believable.
I have been checking his account on and off for a long period of time. It was ALWAYS closed! Always! When fearless started posting and accussing him of doing shit he even deleted his account in 2018.
And what do I see now (well, basically when Louise posted)? He OPENED his profile. What's the logic?
Let's see.
1) You harass and do illegal shit against someone
2) You open your profile for a very unclear reason
It's sketchy. It's like you are taking all the blame and distracting attention from someone who's really behind the bs you are believed to be part of.
Would you tolerate strangers coming to your newly opened ig account (especially when you wanna play innocent)? They might harass you in return, be aggressive, etc. It is natural to close every social media account you have in such situation. But he deliberately opened it. Probably because he was paid to, ha?
Now the reason why I was checking his ig in first place.
Manson and Judd do not have a regular 'boss-employee' relationship. They have matching tattoos! Do you fancy that type of relationships with your boss?
For example, another person who Manson has matching tattoos with is Johnny Depp.
There is no way Manson is not responsible for Louise harassment, the point is that he's trying to make Judd accountable for that bs.
No. 990114
>>990074Bc Dita actually had some dignity and wasn't okay with him being a cheating drug addict. That's why he replaced her with a teenager who he could turn into whatever he liked. Someone who wouldn't have the strength to fight back.
Lindsay also freaked out about others.
No. 990118
>>990117Exactly. It was obvious.
he could keep harassing Louise without opening his ig. My question is what's the logic of opening his ig?
any ideas?
No. 990172
>>990131Judd wasn't around when Manson abused Evan, probably doesn't even know the whole story.
Rose and Dita are both ruthless when it comes to protecting their careers. They'd never turn against Manson in public.
No. 990504
>>990489Read the thread, they both reported and got the same harassment. How would LKB's ex know fearless or fly to the US to stalk? Look at the subscriptions, it's all American companies.
So many fans on here who want to create conspiracy theories rather than believe the simple truth.
No. 990508
>>990251There is nothing they have in common, putting their connection to Manson and harassment a few years ago aside.
Louise witnessed and experienced things that could put Manson in jail. Even his marriage to Lindsay wouldn't help him because Louise saw she was assaulting girls too. Fearless was posting evidence of MM being a POS up to the moment Judd or Lindsay or Manson stopped harassing her. It's illogical to touch her now.
Fearless has been inconsistent imo. She fought with mansonisabusive, for some reason tried to defend Manson in a conversation with 100% crazy fan. Why? As it was already said here I think at some point she got hoovered back.
in 2018 she kept posting because Judd or Lindsay or Manson was harassing her. Because she knew Manson could influence Judd, make him stop. It's very likely that Judd is still 'employed', does she post anything? Nope.
I am glad if she reported him, I wish I was mistaken but this
>>990489 might be close to reality.
No. 990516
>>990508Fearless must have you blocked because she currently has over 300 posts documenting her harassment.
"Putting their connection to Manson aside" - you mean… the evidence tying to the only possible culprit?
No. 990520
>>990516>Fearless must have you blockedLol, nope. I just don't check her account, it has always been closed. Interesting she opened it.
And again she claims that Judd is responsible, she puts only his hashtag. And how did he get her personal information? She should have put #marilynmanson too, you know.
>>"Putting their connection to Manson aside" - you mean… the evidence tying to the only possible culprit?I mean Louise is an abused fan who spoke about her experience in a closed fb group and on twitter (and her fb) many many years ago even prior to fearless.
Fearless was mistreated by Lindsay, then Manson, then Judd two years ago.
Yes, Manson and harassment is what unites them. Okay, Judd, if he was really fired, could seek revenge against fearless. Fine. Why did he start harassing Louise then? There are
years between their cases. He could start sending shit to Clare or Gabriella too, why not?
Louise has been silent about her case with MM for quite a while. Her only mistake was to come to lolcow and milk herself a bit. But even that would be to Judd's benefit IF he was fired and didn't care about wtf happens to Manson anymore. But looks like he cares.
Pardon me if there are mistakes in my timeline, that's how I remember it.
No. 990546
>>990504I meant the harassment that is going on right now. Louise posted about it, then suddenly Michelle claimed to be harassed by Manson and his sock puppet too but hasn't reported it to the police. It looks like Michele is still on Manson's team and just want to mess with
No. 990586
>>990575Because her profile photo was the case number for awhile. And Louise said she told police in Scotland about it. Two
victims, same perpetrator, police in two countries both investigating.
No. 990620
otherwise I would have posted nothing about fearless or Judd or Louise.
No. 990627
>>990616I agree with that somewhat, but there’s evidence she was harassed too. Judd made an IG page mocking her.
>>985291Is there a reason we’re not posting current fearless caps? If her profile is public, she made it public knowledge.
No. 990633
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>>990627666fearless caps.
No. 990681
>>990627They could've planned it so Michele can gain Louise's trust and keep on manipulating her. Sick mind games are Manson's specialty.
I mean, what's the point in making 20 half-hearted posts about your alleged bully?
No. 990686
>>990679666fearless account: seems to block lots of people? I used to follow her when she originally posted caps last year, never interacted with her and don’t know her. She removed me along with a bunch other followers at the same time and blocked my account then.
No. 990702
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No. 990728
>>990702How is posting a cap of an account that shows no connection to Manson helpful? Do you not understand how caps work?
No one is bullying you, you bring this attention on yourself by making accusations without proof.
>>990691You seem to be jumping to a few conclusions here, Dawn. You never showed
proof Manson has anything to do with palliatian.elixir or that they harassed you.
If you’re somehow a
victim, you’re not helping yourself here.
No. 990772
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>>990728Bullshit. That bitch knew what was going on, that’s why they sent me this… to a # only THAT PERSON had.
No. 990834
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How funny that account deactivated. I bet she was right, b/c that’s definitely suspicious asf.
No. 990912
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>>990834Screens from when I spoke with @cheeksngeeks. Whoever ran that account didn't seem to type like Manson. They never insinuated anything about sending nudes or being into underage girls. There was another small part that I couldn't fit into the collage where "Manson" said his favorite book was Cujo. Obviously, the information I gave him was false.
No. 991140
>>990590These alleged "
victims" are so fuckin annoying. They're only coming on her for attention…so they were dumb enough to have sex with him? What the fuck do they want US to do about it? We didn't "rape" them, why are they coming on here derailing our threads with their nonsense…?
Even if people on here do believe them…so? What the fuck do they want us to do about it? Go to the police. They're harassing people on lolcow and we're not even his fans…we already know he's trash. We don't need convincing and NONE OF US posting on here is dumb enough to develop any relationship with this guy. We're not at any risk. We dislike him. They should be spreading their mess to the fans because this "preaching to the choir" thing is so fuckin annoying. And frankly, I don't care about random accounts they think he's using. None of these accounts have any real PROOF. We've said this multiple times and these dumb bitches still come on here with weaker and weaker proof as time goes on. Hurting their credibility as each thread progresses.
HONESTLY… I believed Louise's story. …the first 11 times I was forced to fuckin read it. Same with Dawn. …a few threads later and now I think both of these bitches are lack brain matter. The more they posts about themselves on here, the more annoying they get.
I want a MOD to look into their IP addresses because I've watched this nonsense go down and I'm seeing a pattern:
- 1st. They post their story… again
- 2nd the regular posters respond and have the conversation
- they produce some batshit ass "proof"
- they get called out on it and they start ARGUING with the posters, annoying everyone on the thread
- they start posting about how WE have no LIVES and the fact that WE get into everyone's business
- They get banned for three days…
- They're back! Again! Doing the same thing over but we catch on…
- They get banned again.
- They come back and indirectly talk about themselves as if they're not the ones posting this nonsense. Which is what they're doing now…
So…Dawn? Louise…? Magalyn? Lets cut the shit and stop talking in third person so we can bitch out your raggety asses again and get on with it…
Lets stop the theatrics
No. 991141
>>991140And I will admit…I sound angrier than I actually am. But this is soooo retarded and pathetic that I'm starting to feel BAD for these women.
Magalyn? Louise? Dawn? Ladies just move on and do better. I'm getting cringing…
Like each of you have taken an L every three days for the last three weeks. They fuckin found out Magalyn lives at home with her parents… Dawn Marie has been called crazy sooo many times. Louise has her name basically tarnished, whoever looks up her future movies will have a nice little read on here.
Baby girls, give uppppppp. Take the rest of your dignity and goooooo…
I'm serious. The posters on here are dragging you all through THE STREETS by your hair Jesus fuckin christ
No. 991149
>>991140Again. Its all cringe no matter whose side of the fence you're on. Out of all the girls who dated/ smashed this dude and regretted it, Gabrielle is the only one who I think handled it well.
I'm not saying these girls shouldn't come forward if he did something to them that's against the law or violated them. But coming here of all places or going to mansonisabusive (who is just as unhinged and obsessive as anyone else involed in this shitshow) ain't it. Most ppl here are just here for the milk.
I believe if these women really feel Manson violated them in anyway, they should look into legal action 100%.
No. 991169
>>991149 Mostly agree with the exception of Louise and Mansonisabusive.
Dawn is clearly schizophrenic or a troll who should be banned. She makes all his
victims look bad.
Madelyn is a narcissist, psychotic bitch who’s posted in third person several times on these threads to plant fake evidence and defend Manson.
Louise tho.. She shouldn’t have posted here but I don’t think she’s come back since the last thread. She’s posted evidence on her twitter of his abuse and I believe her.
Mansonisabusive is probably a fan but I’m glad someone keeps the evidence in one place and I guess someone has to do it.
No. 991181
>>991169Yeah my only beef with mansonisabusive is that she started out as an account to basically internet bully Lindsay and talk shit about her and post screenshots of convos with her, then suddenly switched to make it appear like she’s doing good important work “outing” Manson’s abuse, when she has a private profile and still mostly shit talks Lindsay.
I’m dead at “Magalyn” though. Funny that someone felt the need to comment on her page warning her that her name was coming up on this thread as if she didn’t already know. And for whoever was so sure there was no romantic connection suggested by Magalyn go watch her recent stories where she posts about her true love being a Capricorn with a wink.
No. 991226
>>991181Yea that's my beef w/ mansonisabusive too. And its other things they have switched up on as well. They didnt just bully Lindsay it was alot of the other girls we talk about on here like Gabrielle. Its just shitty they used to engage in harassing girls linked to Manson and now are trying to use them as examples for their cause. That just rubs me the wrong way.
But I agree. That is the one brownie point I give them. That they archieve stuff.
No. 991234
>>991226Yeah, but the majority of the screens on her page was already out there for anyone to collect. The tweets, IG posts, some of the DM’s, and interviews are public. It’s not like Mansonisabusive is the only one who knew about Manson’s bullshit, lots of people saw it and I assume that was the
victims intentions.
No. 991238
>>990702Is that manson’s dick ?
Why are the hands covered up?
No. 991269
>>991238>>991238It's a troll account that was made a day ago (the same day it was screenshotted and posted here) the guy says he's 31…
So no…not Manson… obviously…
No. 991275
>>991238If it is Manson, the hands are probably covered because of his tattoos, and if a fan or someone like us came across the picture, they'd instantly be able to recognize the tattoos.
>>991265I doubt he has herpes or so many people probably wouldn't have sex with him. Most people try to avoid it. My only guess is that he probably has some form of an STD that doesn't show up physically.
>>991269He could've been lying about his age to attract younger girls. Lots of them won't go for an old man, even if they do have "Daddy Issues", as it's called.
Remember the video of him masturbating on his IG page? It looks similar in size, from what I can tell. I'm not deadset on proving that Manson's behind that account or anything, but it does seem very likely. After @cheeksngeeks was deleted, it only seemed reasonable for him to create a new account to prey on girls.
No. 991344
File: 1592820110791.jpeg (64.39 KB, 750x800, 846E06D2-3D3D-47AA-9027-380C40…)

>>990702 Just looked,
It’s suspended now
No. 993224
>>993146I don't think he's only looking for kids. That makes no sense. Anyone doing that online these days is dumb as hell because there ARE predator cops that pose online to try to catch these people who bait children. It's a whole niche on YouTube, it's a whole niche on random mom forums AND the cops do it as well.
Twitter would never allow something like that, of that nature to happen on their platform which is why the account got deleted.
I'm not a pedophile or anything but with my knowledge of the internet Twitter is extremely surface level, baiting would never happen on Twitter. Most creeps go to random chat rooms and do it there. Tweeting out "looking for girls between the ages 1-15" on TWITTER, should be considered trolling.
He hangs out with Johnny Depp, higher up celebs… I feel like if he had a taste for underage girls he would have plenty of people in his life with the resources to provide that in a way that doesn't involve Twitter. They're called pedophile RINGS for a reason, they need help from other pedophiles so they're not making dumb ass mistakes like baiting children on Twitter.
No. 993239
>>993146>>993165Keep taking to yourself, Dawn. It totally makes your insanity credible.
>>993165>>993224>>993226>>993233I assure you no one believes her, there’s no need to waste your typing. Just report.
No. 993244
>>993224I don’t know. I find it strange the hands were covered… and notice the number “15”.
I think it’s safe to say that Johnny Depp definitely isn’t a pedophile. And unlike MM, he has always dated an adult woman. Like Angelina Jolie… who is the most gorgeous woman alive.
I don’t think Johnny would have anything to do with MM.
Just because he hangs around these high profile celebs doesn’t mean they know every aspect of his life and what he does behind closed doors.
No. 993257
>>993244>I find it strange the hands were covered… and notice the number “15”.To conceal any identifying info which could mean race, birthmarks, tattoos, jewelry, etc while running an illegal pedophile account.
There’s 7.5 billion people in the world, Manson’s not the only creep.
No. 993339
>>993218The video is here:'s not that clear, but you should still be able to get a vivid shape and tell what's going on, especially with the sounds.
>>993224Even though that account got closed, it's possible that he would've deleted it after he found a "one night stand". That's the main reason he uses those accounts anyway. And any idiot could realize that there probably aren't any kids younger than around 10 on most social media apps.
>>993226Where else would he go to find kids nowadays? It's much easier to get caught, especially if you're trying it with girls that young because he's a celebrity and it's harder to get rid of the evidence. Even with his digital footprint, if he deletes his accounts once he's done, no one would really look much into it or suspect him. Why would they?
>>993244Johnny's last girlfriend was 25. I'm not accusing him of being a pedophile, but it's obvious that he likes his girls young, too. But I still don't think he'd condone that.
No. 993504
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Moore Manson proof
No. 993672
>>993489This thread has been cringe for awhile but I’m begging you middle-aged fatties to stop showing yourselves so blatantly.
He likes women that aren’t fat, yeah.
No. 993701
>>993672Lmao except he’s a fat ass.
Esme implied he controlled her food. He doesn’t like fat women and was
abusive about it.
No. 993716
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>>993576According to Fiona Apple, it was all an act.
The song Apple of Sodom was inspired by her.. it sounds she didn’t want him.
No. 993801
>>993716“I’m going to act like a Satanist..”
How much of his life is just a gimmick for shock value and marketing?
Some people seem to think he’s some kind of spokesman for LaVeyan Satanism but Manson himself said in a reddit AMA that he never considered himself one and the priesthood was a honorary position given him by LaVey because they were friends. CoS made it clear they no longer associate with him:
“No. Almost 30 years ago he was given an honorary priesthood for his real world accomplishments at the time. That is not “ordained” nor is it related to anything he might say decades later.” seems he based his career on something he doesn’t really believe in.
No. 994006
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Eww Marilyn is gross
No. 994095
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>>994006Young girls? Jesus Christ.
Manson posted a photo on Instagram of Roman Polanski’s name. Polanski pleaded guilty to drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. Manson is also pictured with Terry Richardson who has had many allegations made against him. Particularly being involved with underage girls or doing/being creepy to other woman at his photoshoots. Just interesting that Manson chooses to associate himself with people like that, predators.
No. 994114
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I'm pretty sure these clippings are from the same article posted here:
>>994006 It's not really surprising that he's got a thing for choking, either. He also said that if he wasn't a musician, he'd probably be a 3rd grade teacher, take from it what you will, and that he'd set an interviewer on fire before because he didn't like the questions he was being given.
>>994095Look at the caption for the first picture. It sounds like he's hinting at having relations with 13 year olds. It only makes sense for him to associate himself with the same degenerate assholes that he is.
No. 994118
>>994006I knew he was a pedo. He was caught under his fake account making sexual comments to photos of kids that were like 11-12 yrs. This sick fuck had nothing to say for himself except “so what” and admitted to knowing what they “were”. This is what he does and most likely has other profiles pretending to be underage.
It seems like there might be a pedophile ring. Because it’s weird all these accounts connected to him on twitter are involved with soliciting minors. He could very well be involved in w/ others online in this. And it looks like he does associate himself w/ other sick predators.
No. 994258
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>>994118I’m pretty sure this is what “baby time” Manson is. He’s such a sick freak. So fucking gross.
No. 994441
>>994258Was the text post at the top something he liked on someone's page? I'm not seeing the connection there. It doesn't show he liked that one in the bottom right screen.
I'm not normalizing his behavior, but lots of men like boobs. Maybe that was a joke, if it was something he liked. I really doubt that's what "baby Manson time" is, with his tendencies to infantilize his girlfriends and his alleged daddy kink. He's suspected to be into piss play ("kitty girl" story), underage girls, bondage/S&M, DDLG, and probably a lot of other things we haven't uncovered yet. It seems he's more of the dominate one in most of his relationships, so it wouldn't really add up for him to take on the role of a little, speaking in the DDLG/DDLB aspect.
He does seem to be preoccupied with breasts, though. In the behind the scenes footage for the
Tainted Love music video, he said something about breastfeeding with some of the bunny girls, and in the AMA on Reddit (a few posts above), he was asked the question "Ass or boobs?", To which he responded with something along the lines of, "Im very specific about the kind of breasts I like. It's all about the nipple."
No. 994495
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>>994441No that’s one of the (alleged) accounts he was pretending to be underage. All these accounts are all connected to each other and doing sick shit on Twitter. Every time that “002archive” account tweeted he would be online within several minutes on his real account on Instagram liking posts, as seen in the screenshots. Or vice versa. He would be on Instagram and then within minutes, be on that account tweeting.
That was a tweet. This is the full version.
No. 994738
>>994258Dude… you're literally insane. How is this proof? Two accounts posted around the same time and this is PROOF? That's not even his current profile picture…
Seriously GO AWAY…
No. 994743
>>994441There is NO connection here. This person is Dawn.
The OG poster didn't even explain WHY they thought this was him, they just plopped a random account on here and started claiming it was him.
They can't even provide real screenshots, they're taking actual photos of their phone.
No. 995203
>>994748I don’t have twitter. Those are HIS (alleged) weirdo accounts. I’m not posting random accounts. These accounts were all connected back to his Jesus one, which I know for a FACT was his. That’s how I came across them.
I was keeping track. It’s funny how when he tweeted on that Jesus account, then right after he would tweet on that 002archive, then be on his real account on IG. EVERY TIME. Within minutes of each other. Now that stupid IG took that feature away, you can’t check when someone is online.
Then when I was messaging with palliatian.elixir, that “archive” account would tweet things I said to palliatian in private messages.TELL ME HOW THAT HAPPENED?! Palliatian would give me some bullshit telling me that the 002archive is “role playing”. Bull-fucking-shit! That’s sick! And it’s ILLEGAL to be an adult pretending to be underage.
No. 995237
>>995209It’s probably safe to assume we all want you to leave, you’ve killed the thread with your bullshit. It’s quite obvious you want to pin a pedophile account on him no matter how convoluted and far fetched your ‘evidence’ is. He was behind @rebelsquadreco3 because they posted a dick pic “similar in size” to a dark and blurry Manson post? Ridiculous. Manson is guilty enough of legit shit without false allegations.
Your track record sucks and you’ve failed to prove any of your accusations.
If you insist on carrying on with this, file a police report. That’s the appropriate action if you legit think he’s running pedophile accounts, not post it to a gossip site.
Why continue to aggravate everyone here who’ve made it clear they don’t believe you? Repeating the same lines won’t change that. Unless you like the negative attention.
No. 995275
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Not sure if anyone else put this together -but I noticed what Manson said in that Italian article is also similar to what palliatian.elixir wrote in regards to alternate universes and “change”.
No. 995335
>>995275I'm pretty sure that's not him… Just because some weirdo with a fanpage writes about monsters doesn't mean that they're connected in any way.
Do you just put a bunch of account names in a hat and the one that you pull out is the next one you're going to accuse of being Manson? It's ridiculous. Post your proof or stop deluding the thread with your bullshit.
No. 995339
>>995315Who else but Dawn posted that, no one else is pushing palliatian.elixir. It followed her “sick freak” post and soon after she accused him of having a porn account.
>>995326Manson’s post is still there. Not surprised the twitter account is down considering it was illegal.
>>995332Then you’re both ridiculous if that’s your only proof.
No. 995953
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>>995941Was that where he said it? Sorry for the extra clippings, it was an old collage I found on my phone.
I think his low self-esteem about his weight might manifest itself as him fat-shaming anyone that's even remotely overweight, but that still doesn't excuse it.
No. 995994
>>995953Yes, that's the interview!
He says so many crazy things about manson.
No. 995995
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I talk to laura (mansonisabusive) via e-mail again and she seemed to be irritated by louise's dms to her. She attached that collage and honestly, I always believed louise and felt sorry for her, but after I read that conversation I don't know what to believe anymore. Last screenshot is louise sending laura stuff about her abuse to post on laura's page I think.
No. 995997
>>995953He baloned after his leg injury and father's death. It must be emotional overeating and immobility combined plus he might have switched from cocaine to just weed and alcohol.
He didn't look this big until 2017, he actually worked out in 2015 to look better in Sons of anarchy.
I wonder how he's gonna look like after quarantine? No recent pics available, except a selfie from that facetime with MGK and he was sitting in the dark covering up his chin as usual.
He is terrible insecure about his body and to lazy to do something about it.I think he feels even worse with skinny Lindsay in the spotlight. He looked drunk AF at Vanity fair party and there is a video of him eating a sandwich the same night.
He could have seen it coming because he saw how his dad looks like, it's genetic but instead of making an effort he lashes out on other people who are kicked out if they say even one word about his weight.
No. 996000
>>995997In 2009 he was overweight already.
And I think he controls what Lindsay eats, like he did with Evan and Esmé.
No. 996012
>>995995Wow mansonisabusive is really sick for posting that. She really doesn't care about driving
victims to suicide.
No. 996022
>>995995It's sad mansonisabusive is sharing dms with a stranger via an email just like nothing. I can't relate, I thought she was much better than that. She could have kept it to herself because it doesn't cover MM abuse or anything, it just makes things worse for Louise.
It was pretty obvious Louise is unstable af and she tends to twist things when it comes to her online presence. Her mistake was to post here and whine about the forum on Twitter. She is his
victim. Period. Idk why we even need this in the thread. It's only slightly related to Manson. If you think she is a cow and milking herself, well, you know, it's only because she's been through really hard times.
Just give zero fuck about the forum, Louise, and move on, people will always discuss shit and express opinions. Move on, report Manson, deal with Judd, whatever. If you work hard, employers will first look at your portfolio and only then google you if they wish. And who on earth will decide if they should hire someone based on some messages on a gossip forum. C'mon, just stop it, get therapy, and live your life.
No. 996050
>>996036You can't do anything after 30 mins.
Now we know that Louise keeps reading the thread. Okay.
No. 996167
>>996117I double that.
Getting back to Manson.
There's been a photobook released by Perou, it has small notes by Manson and Perou about photographs Perou took of MM. Perou said that they had a major fall out during Eat Me Drink Me because of Manson's mental state at the time. I wonder if there are any details. Does anybody have the book or maybe read it?
No. 996210
>>996167I can’t find it now but someone posted a pic of the page where Perou talks about the falling out but he didn’t really go into details on the screen I saw. If I recall correctly, Manson didn’t like a photo shoot he did of him and they didn’t talk for a long time.
You can see from this video that text is limited and mostly blurbs, there’s no way Perou would talk negatively about Manson in his own book even if warranted.
No. 996239
>>995995Regardless of whether Louise was a
victim or not, she's lost credibility because of the way that she acted when she visited this site and her messages with @mansonisabusive. It's obvious that she twists the story to fit her own narrative. I do believe that Manson is an abuser and that he sexually assaults fans, but Louise didn't seem to mind what he did until she realized that he wasn't going to fund her film.
I messaged her a few weeks ago and she said that she didn't read the forum anymore, so I doubt that it matters if we post about her or not.
No. 996257
>>996239She lost credibility because she got upset over people saying cruel things? How do you expect abuse
victims to act? Sorry, struggling to see the logic here. People seem to be obsessed over the fact she came here one time to defend herself and other
victims. Get over it.
No. 996268
>>996239I agree that Louise shouldn’t have posted here but she was defending herself. Her issue seems to be that she hates lolcow for the gossip and that Mansonisabusive posted Amie Harwick DM’s here.
I don’t understand why LKB continued her relations with Manson after he assaulted her, but she never called it rape (even tho it sounds like rape, imo), but she said he contacted her and apologized. Manson suggested she sell her art at high prices and offered her $500 for her first edition. When Judd was rude, she sent it back. Manson insisted on sending it again. She posted screens of all that.
Louise is currently being stalked and harassed and went through a recent sexual assault, I can’t blame her if she’s on edge.
No. 996505
>>996487I don’t think we’ll know for sure either way unless one of them posts findings of the police report.
Judd is clearly unhinged and harassed them in the past. Do we know for sure he was fired? It could be a fan, as well. Or Manson himself. Agree that I hope the police are thorough.
No. 996646
>>996596NO I didn’t just “see” them on IG. They saw me post on Manson News and started messaging me. They recognized my fake account by what I was saying in the comments and they befriended me for over a year, and we messaged almost everyday since Dec. 2018.
But I’ll tell you what… I’m going to be finding exactly who this fake bitch is.
No. 996659
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No. 996665
>>996659Dawn, that doesn't make sense – at all. Just because some Twitter account says something like that, and then you get spam calls doesn't mean it's Manson. The Satan account probably isn't even connected to Manson. It could be someone else spam calling you, and for all we know, that picture of your call history could be fake. It's not that hard to use photoshop. Manson doesn't even live in Nevada. I'm sorry if you were in any way one of his
victims, but the stuff that you post here doesn't make you sound credible.
No. 996748
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>>996665I’m sure this is photoshopped too.
Literally, just after posting I got this. He thinks he’s funny.
>>996791In no way am I defending Dawn because she’s clearly batshit and I don’t believe her.
But I highly doubt Manson isn’t aware of these threads. They come up on google and he’s too arrogant to not keep an eye on his reputation. I mean, if he’s threatening editors
>>984957 and supposedly has “internet troops” I don’t see how he can’t know about four threads exposing his bullshit.
No. 996843
>>996748You need actual counseling.
Why hasn’t this person been ban yet? Posting the most schizophrenic conspiracy theories, claiming Marilyn Manson is CALLING her phone. This thread is the wild west.
No. 996846
>>996843She left until anons
>>996542 brought her up. Seriously, the sooner we stop taking about her the better. She wants attention, don’t give it to her.
No. 997031
>>995995 I was one of the people who engaged with her early on and told her to stop posting b/c it was gonna make issues for her art career in the long run and she told me to gto… now she wants to present herself as
victim. Weirdo
No. 997046
victims should just keep quiet. Maybe she'll be quiet now if she's dead.
No. 997148
>>996857 Shut the fuck up already with your schizophrenia shit.
Actually I have been banned. What should I be banned for? Who are you motherfuckers to tell me I can’t post? It’s obvious this is a “fan” running this site, that’s why they banned me. And for what? This is a gossip site where people discuss things.
It’s obvious Manson and his “internet troops” are posting in these threads.
No. 997167
>>997128I really doubt that Manson would kill someone, only because he could be convicted for it. I think Judd does most of the harassment for him. I'm not really sure if he'd murder someone just because his boss told him to, though.
>>997148Why do you insist on posting here? There's no proof to back up your claims. Those screens could've easily been faked, and even if they weren't, that probably wasn't Manson. You got a spam call. So what?
None of us are Manson fans. If we were, we wouldn't be on this thread, trying to find "milk". You were banned because you're obnoxious and annoying. No, Manson's "internet troops" aren't posting here either. The only person on this thread that isn't trying to post real milk is you.
No. 997176
>>997167Yeah BULLSHIT they’re not. And bullshit you’re not fans… because if you weren’t, you wouldn’t be defending him or get so worked up when I call out shit.
That’s the only time I’m annoying. The only people who would want me banned would be him, his goons, or fans.
No. 997210
>>997196What weirdo accounts have I messaged? I was the one being messaged by weirdo accounts, you idiot. That’s how when I started figuring out about Manson and his fake accounts. And then when I was investigating shit I came across Manson News in Nov. 2018.
That’s the only page I ever even commented on.
And then I came on this site to get more information.
No. 997233
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>>997196Tell me why he was talking about that piece of shit Lindsay while cowering on my page on one of his weirdo accounts? Which now appears to be suspiciously deleted.
(UNHINGED) No. 997286
>>997046 She had plenty of legitimate venues to talk about her story, she came here 100% to be extra and
triggered because people were saying mean things about her in the internet… but many people felt bad for her and tried to warn her engaging was just gonna cause this shit to come up on her search results and she responded by telling anons to gtfo, saying her personal moral crusade was more important and she had a right to do whatever she wanted. ..Now in these texts she wants cry about how this stuff now shows up on her search results. Yes, she is a weirdo and/or has some kind of issues with attention seeking behaviors, I don’t know which it is but I hope she gets help for them + her shitty experience with manson.
No. 997325
>>997233How is that unhinged? You’re a fucking moron. You can see he is talking about Lindsay. Who broke up with him and came back in 2010. And then whatever shit happened again between them in 2017. This is shit that actually happened. How is that unhinged? You dumb stupid fuck.
And how come the mods are only putting shit on my posts? It goes to show these threads are being ran by some fucking fan. But when I report something they don’t do anything.
No. 997331
File: 1593296646554.jpg (344.13 KB, 1080x2097, 20200627_231841.jpg)

>>997327Agreed. Just gonna leave this here for the
victim blamers- PTSD symptoms.
No. 997462
>>997233That reads like schizophrenic gibberish that mentions the dates 2010/2017 and you assume they’re taking about Lindsay? WTF
>>997148You’re super fucking crazy and too stupid to realize false allegations help Manson.
No one believes you because ALL of your screens are
circumstantial at best and you ASSUME it’s Manson. You showed no proof otherwise.
You want us to believe you texted Manson for months but
showed no proof of that.Why did you text? Are you claiming you dated him?
How did you give Manson your number?
Why are there no names on any of your DM screens? That’s the point of a screen.
>>996659You’re such a copycat desperately trying to look legit. Spam calls aren’t even how they’re being stalked. You ASSUME once again it’s Manson
No. 997506
>>997493Let me guess, Dawn is going to claim they’re related to them.
She already posted this:
>>986715 No. 997557
File: 1593318536175.jpeg (271.98 KB, 828x1135, 1CA44B04-5E38-4F13-BEEB-60CD3D…)

>That reads like schizophrenic gibberish that mentions the dates 2010/2017 and you assume they’re taking about Lindsay? WTFYou must’ve missed the part she posted a screen where he goes into more detail about her. It’s evident this is Lindsay he’s talking about.
No. 997648
Louise did it to herself.
I was around the day she posted on here.
I was one of the people that warned her posting on here about herself, in first person would not look good to the outside world that might search her name.
I warned here that the people on this forum arent her friends and that they wont understand "being tricked" by him because we see him as a low human being and can't begin to imagine why anyone would even pursue a friendship with him.
I warned her that while some might be sympathetic others on here will think shes a dumbass and have no issue calling her one.
I warned her this site is probably not the best place for healing and that is posted on here that HAS TO be disputed by her people will most likely send her screenshots to her other social media and that there was no reason she should be patrolling a site like this.
What did she do instead?
Spent the next four weeks arguing with every single person on here until everyone was full on humiliating her to the point of no return. She kept jabbing the beast until it bit her and now she's upset that her name is out there.
We posted her story of the events via screenshot, I dont think we ever asked her to write a full memoir about her life and attack for people to pick apart and slowly debunk.
I really hope if any other survivors pop up that they're smart about their participation on this website. If Louise felt the need to be a whistle blower for her own attack she couldve anonymously posted proof on here in a levelheaded manner. She did not have to come on here and post inconsistent stuff and then ARGUE people for WEEKS because they questioned the inconsistencies.
And worse? Once she realized we debunked her story and that she was equally crazy as the others, she started making comments about us posting on here and supporting assault? Me personally? I don't support ASSAULT or ABUSE, but I definitely don't support liars and people that create drama for their own name either. What a waste of time when we could be helping actual survivors
No. 997650
>>997648Adding to my post a little more…
I've been here since the first thread and we've never pulled apart people's stories of abuse. Her screenshots were posted for archive purposes. I think someone questioned why she continued to be friends with him after he was mean to her and she lost her fuckin mind, raced onto him posting her long ass story and then attempted to insult everyone for having questions about a story SHE POSTED on the internet. Claiming it wasn't our business (which is fair…) But if you don't want us talking about it, knowing about it, having questions, making our own opinions like why the fuck would you post it on our thread? For shots and giggles?
Is this some Scottish thing I don't understand? Is there some social que making it okay to post something for public consumption but we're not allowed to have personal commentary about whether you're lying through your teeth or not? Am I missing something here…
No. 997683
>>997301Maybe I got it wrong but mansonisabusive didn't post Louise's dms.
As for Dr Harwick, well, she passed, right? So technically the dms belong to mansonisabusive. And they were kinda enlightening for me personally so I don't mind that she came on here and tried to explain all the drama.
No. 997816
>>997331 for list of PTSD symptoms. It lists angry outbursts and self destructive behavior. Considering all the recent trauma she's been through, it's not farfetched she would lash out.
No. 997974
>>997727She came here to clear up the story and to explain what happened. If you’re only here to shit on the
victims then please, get off. For the love of God can we please stop talking about this.
No. 998006
>>997974It seems there's an anon on here who won't let this die because they feel personally
triggered by LKB and want to start a vendetta against her.
No. 998126
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>>997685My mistake. It was hard to understand his incoherent ramblings. And I had to go back and re-read all the threads again to find where it said him and Lindsay met and broke up in 2010
>>969834 then later got back together again.
No. 998360
I think Louise is a prostitute.
I personally hold a lot against her. I'll just admit it…
She claimed assault because he didn't want to be her friend or financially support her movie. If she was so traumatized about him feeling her up, why would she continue to deliberately pursue a friendship with him? Because she wanted something from him.
She could've reported him to the police that night. He could've maybe been questioned or something.
INSTEAD? Allowed him to move onto other cities, granting him access to assault MORE women and teenagers in other cities.
What the actual fuck?
She can come on here and tell her story but she couldn't tell it back when it could've possibly saved another woman from the same date?
She continued a friendship with him, thus teaching him that as long as he financially backs the women he assaults and adds them to his black book and buys their art that he probably will end up throwing away, he can just assault whoever he wants and get away with it?
Um, yeah. Fuck her.
She didn't deserve her assault but she definitely doesn't deserve a platform to tell her story either, especially since her story could've possibly led to more stories from other unsuspecting women.
Clearly… Her art and 30 seconds of his attention was worth other women getting hurt in deeper ways than she did and maybe even years of trauma. Apparently her movie and his friendship was more important than him violating her body and having the ability to violate the bodies of other women, maybe even teenage girls. Like she can do whatever she wants with HER body but knowing he made her uncomfortable and letting it go until it doesn't financially benefit you is messed up.
Louise's situation was not an assault. It was a business deal.
Let me just break this down for you:
*He did whatever to her that night but after the fact she contacts him about her movie and her compensation.
*Gets angry when he doesn't seem to want to pay. Asks him about the money and financial promises
*She uses HIS NAME… Publicly ties them together so there's record he knows her.
*Asks again. He's probably clearly uncomfortable because he's probably like oh she's going to go public if I don't give her money.
*He gets mad and mean… "Emotionally abusive" as she would call it. He's probably hoping she'll go away at this point, purposely being unpleasant so she can take a hint…
*She doesn't go away. Continues to ask… So he gives in and sends it to her probably hoping she would fuck off because this is clearly EXTORTION.
*She sends it back refusing to accept it because he was mean to her. (Wtf)
*His assistant or whoever that was mean is probably annoyed too because its his paycheck as well. I don't think MM is flooding with cash or extremely rich, he's not as mainstream and it's probably safe to assume his team is a lot smaller than it probably was back in the day. So the assistant is probably annoyed that this teenage girl is basically threatening extortion but REFUSES to accept the money and go away but continues to use his bosses name…
And Louise comes on here trying to tell this story soooo innocently and victim like when it literally sounds like prostitute, sexual favors for goods and modest extortion.
No. 998381
>>998378Exactly!! Fuckin thank you?! People assume I'm trying to start some vendetta against her but I guess I'm the only one on this thread with common fuckin sense because this story is so textbook and so obvious!!
While Evan and Esme come out to help other women, Louise comes from a place of vengeance because of romantic and platonic rejection. She is not sharing her story to help other women, she's posting on gossip forums sharing it to make him look bad. If she really cared about the situation she would've reported it and stayed off of the gossip forums.
"Boo hoo, poor Louise…" Um!? The way I see it she obviously wanted to be his girlfriend and when that didn't happened, she figured she'd be his friend and work her way up but because he wasn't invested in the friendship she couldn't find her way "into" his personal life and radar. All I heard is this:
"well if I can't turn him into my boyfriend maybe I can start by being friends" ..that failed.
then she went "well…if he doesn't want to be my friend maybe he can be my mentor" …that failed
lastly "if he doesn't want to be my boyfriend, doesn't want to be friend, barely wants to be my mentor I'm going to act upset and hurt and get the money he promised me when he felt me up"
No. 998387
If you're reading this, I would love to see some evidence that you actually gave the money back. Obviously you can't show codes or anything crazy like that but a text conversation will do. I'm dying to see if this alleged money was actually given back because I can see that you did complete a project around the same time. Was that funded by Manson on any level? I can see there's some crowdfunding. As someone who also sells their art, I keep record of any pieces sold. Can you actually provide documentation or the piece of art that you allegedly sold him? Lastly, did you get legal permission to use his name and tie it to your project? You do realize when someone is signed to specific record labels they monitor the kind of projects the artist can do in a way right? I don't know about his particular record deal or whatever but to some extent, most artists have limitations when they're signed. They're seen as an asset, someone making the company money and although they get creative freedom they probably have to go through some kind of process to clear personal projects with whatever company they work for.
Honestly when you used his name and claimed he was doing that with you, you should be glad his team didn't sue you or anything. Because they could've sent out a statement to the magazine, made the people remove the article, sue the publisher and you for lying or reporting incorrect information. Even if it was a misunderstanding… While he has had some controversial media coverage there isn't a lot that blatantly "not true" to some extent and that's probably because he has some kind of publicists controlling his shit. Him chatting with you the little amount he did might of been the only thing between you and some kind of lawsuit or cease and desist letter. That would've been even more humiliating for you, had his team publicly denied involvement
No. 998397
>>998006>>998003She and Dawn are the ones posting all of this pedophilia nonsense. They're also picking on that elixer chick on Instagram by trying to convince people he's talking to her so his crazy fans will harass this poor woman. I'm guessing she's a fan and maybe questioned the legitimacy of their stories? They're trying to plant their weird obsessive behavior on innocent people and I'm sure that woman ISN'T involved with him and probably doesn't even know that two scorned pathetic women are trying to pin THEIR online harassment and bullying of others on her.
I think they're the ones doxxing Madelyn as well because they think she's legit and had a relationship with him. I can't see anyone else on here caring enough to look up Madelyn's parents' address and post it. All the normies on this thread decided we thought she was batshit and lying. And then magically Dawn shows up and the girls address is posted.
I'm the one that warned Madelyn about her address being shared on here. She thanked me and I think the reason she didn't come on here to immediately retaliate is probably because this thread was basically controlled by Dawn or Louise trying to plant pedophilia evidence him. She's probably dealing with them privately on a legal level. I know I would.
I've been here since the first thread and no one was claiming he had secret accounts until these two women found this thread and started posting. We thought he had only a few accounts, his public, his private, some weird account where he anonymously posts random stuff and the account he used to talk to chicks. No one even brought up the idea of him having a PEDOPHILIA account until Dawn and Louise.
That dick pic is probably real and probably a photo he sent one of them at some point. Obviously someone who has photos of him is trying to plant evidence or make it look realistic for those who actually know him or Lindsay
No. 998402
>>998395Maybe not a full fledged prostitute but definitely someone willing to do sexual favors for endorsement of her art endeavors. Clearly someone willing to be picked out of the crowd for a one night stand.
I mean come on…she claims this all happened after the concert? So she watched him get drunk and high during the concert and then after the show got picked out of the crowd to spend the rest of the night with him? There were only two outcomes for her: sex and maybe goofing off or hanging out keeping him company until he leaves
No. 998446
>>998387Wait… People were screaming at her to go away and throwing a hissy fit because she came here, now you're asking her to come back or you won't believe her? This girl really can't win, can she?
She's already posted screenshots of conversations and PayPal receipts ages ago on twitter, which is now private because she's been harassed to death.
No. 998473
File: 1593430319951.jpg (810.85 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200629_122632819.jpg)

>>998387I saved this from her twitter.
No. 998516
>>998402So, Manson sexually assaulted her in 2012 and she didn't speak out because she was a young naive fan and blamed herself. He later groomed her and convinced her he's her friend, played nice, offered to help her. She said she did try to talk about the sexual assault with him but he would gaslight and threaten her. He was emotionally
abusive and played power games. She found out he abused other women too, cut ties with him, he tried to hoover her back but she told him to fuck off. She realised she was abused, got therapy to come to terms with it. She made a post online to warn other girls, and has now reported to police after receiving ongoing harassment.
Where are you getting from all this that she's a prostitute who sold herself so he would buy her art prints? Lol. Sounds like Judd is on here trying to push the "she's a prostitute, she extorted Manson" bullshit.
No. 998580
>>998397Poor woman? Madelyn stalked and harassed all his side chicks and pushes her demented logic on Mansonisinnocent.
She was doxxed because anons think she lies about still living in LA. Why would she need to be warned when she obviously lurks these threads?
That was all Dawn with the bullshit pedophilia accounts. Louise never mentioned pedo accounts on her Twitter/IG.
No. 998621
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>>998611It’s possible, but the narrative sounds more in line with Madelyn’s manipulative bullshit.
Mansonisinnocent recently posted this
No. 998650
>>998621“And of course he’s still on blast in the UK with some interesting timing.” is probably this conspiracy:
>>998397It seems Madelyn wants to pin Dawn’s delusions on Louise and white knight herself again.
No. 998784
File: 1593465463374.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, C4A0235E-02F1-4AE3-903B-2E9B4D…)

Speaking of Madelyn, she posted this today. She really does not have a personal identity outside of this weird manson skinwalking thing, it seems like its actually getting worst now that she’s incorporating his friends into it too. Her parents really need to get into therapy or something; this plus trump shitposting seems to be her only two activities in life atm
No. 998825
>>998815Oh, she’s definitely backpedaling now.
She posted this in third person:
>>989524Supposedly she wasn’t referring to Manson this whole time (lmao) but that’s an obvious lie:
>>989951If we are to believe her delusions, that means Manson dated a racist, fanatical Trump supporter who harassed his girlfriends for 7 years. It would mean Manson’s girlfriend runs Mansonisinnocent and openly lies about his
It makes zero logical sense.
No. 998977
> What’s so special about Dita to Manson? She’s the exact opposite of a teenager/nymphet he seeks out on tours.
I know.. it doesn’t make any sense. He is also obsessed with brown children, like asians and middle easterns from these third world countries.
>>998973Ew, that so nasty and gross.
No. 999083
>>998964Most of the women he "dated" in the last years were in fact adults in their early 20s. Then there was clare he probably fucked when she was 17, but unfortunately there's not enough proof for that.
According to courtney love the girls he raped in the 90s were 14 and 15 years old, which is the only reliable source about his pedophilia.
No. 999158
>>998972When Dita left him I think that’s when he lost it. A beautiful, successful woman he probably considered a trophy wife publicly declared he wasn’t worth the bullshit.
From Evan on is when things go South for him. I truly believe he had some kind of mental break from his divorce that he’s never quite recovered from.
No. 999182
>>999158Yea, bc the first time in his life he couldn't control a person.
He's always been an asshole though.
No. 999815
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>>998990I have seen him, and I have pics of him making sexual comments to them. That pic of him with that Asian was one of them.
No. 999825 one 0:35 where he says in a violent and also romantic way.
It is a public interview but it does give you a hint of what that relationship became like later on.
(embed) No. 999891
>>982539>>999825>>999774Honestly you mansonfags really need to read the rules. And learn to sage.
Please stop bumping this thread until there is some actual milk.
No. 999905
>>999834Yes he’s commenting to that asian that’s in the pic.
While Madelyn was writing tweets about how “in love” they are, he was telling that Asian how “crazy in love” he is with her. He’s sick and pathetic.
It has to be covered because of privacy reasons and it would be doxxing.
No. 999995
>>999412I agree, he should be cancelled. I have noticed it seems more people are aware of his abuse now with youtubers covering it and more people commenting about it on social media. I have a feeling he’ll retire after this album and with his lifestyle, I really can’t see him living to an old age. I can imagine after his death a
lot of people will speak out.
No. 1000127
>>1000107Don't get me wrong Manson is a creeper and I do believe if there were a proper investigation, shit would be found. But I don't think you realize how much of a drugged out trainwreck Courtney Love was back in the day. Not to mention her antics and drama. If lolcow was around during those years, best believe Courtney would have a thread lol. There's a reason Frances got emancipated from her.
As for Manson being cancelled. He's such a washed up loser at this point does the GP even care about him anymore? Dude has been irrelevant for years. If Lindsay is as awful&evil as the gossipers claim, then good. He deserves her. He deserves every bit of a
toxic relationship. The fact that he's still drugging&drinking shows how miserable he is. Karma has definitely caught up to him.
No. 1000146
>>1000127Nah, he didn’t get his karma yet.
Sure, Courtney may have been a train wreck, but doesn’t mean she was lying. She must’ve stood strongly by what she said to give up tours. She’s also not the only person who has ever made those kind of statements about him.
No. 1000570
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>>1000267and cats. you forgot the cats.
Does anybody know when and why the “soon husband-to-be” highlights disappeared?
I am about to believe they never married and the vague announcement was made in attempt to make L more interesting for gp. Guess that didn't work.
No. 1000592
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>>1000570Wait, maybe I’m blind but I can’t find this post on visionaireworld IG anymore. It was taken down?
No. 1000595
>>1000570Maybe he's coherent enough to control his own page now. It's obvious she was the one adding to his stories. She creates a new one for every picture, and she always uses emojis as the title.
Manson never hinted toward them being married like Lindsay did. I doubt he was even sober enough to consent to that. Eventually they might be, if they're already not, just because she won't have to testify.
No. 1000828
>>1000812Yeah sure, but she’s not the only person that’s said that about him.
He’s incriminates himself too. There was a video on YouTube (I can’t remember it) where it talked about how he got arrested in Canada for making derogatory comments regarding underage girls that were in school or something. Then there’s that interview he said there should be a dating app for “sexy kids”.
Then he has alleged fake accounts pretending to be underage.
People need to just face it - he’s a sick incest retard pedo freak.
No. 1000835
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It looks like she's still impersonating him.
No. 1000845
>>1000828Manson was never arrested in Canada, I can find
nothing about that googling. He was punched in the face there for hitting on a guy’s girlfriend.
No. 1000856
>>1000850I know.
>>994114>>1000809Yep and agree.
>>988007Madelyn likes to dish it out but when people point out her lies she comes here whining in third person about being unfair to her. She’s a classic narcissist - lies, gaslights, manipulates, and thinks too highly of herself for an unemployed freeloader.
She claims she’s been with Manson for seven years but he’s a perfect gentleman.. LMAO She’s just going to ignore his endless side chicks and drug abuse?
That alone tells me she’s full of shit.
No. 1000874
> She claims she’s been with Manson for seven years but he’s a perfect gentleman.. LMAO She’s just going to ignore his endless side chicks and drug abuse? That alone tells me she’s full of shit.
I KNOW. She never addresses it when asked. Then she made claims he didn’t have sex with groupies and sleep around, WHEN there’s an article of him literally saying he slept with 200 women in ONE YEAR! He such a gross human being!
That bitch needs to get her face punched. She’s incredibly dull and brain dead. But it’s not surprising Manson associates with her - she’s also another fraud and narcissist.
No. 1001004
>>1000942Because they don't take his words seriously. He might be joking and most of the time I think he does. Also he uses sarcasm to hide his insecurities and to offend people who were hurt by his action.
He is emotionally underdeveloped acts and reacts like a teenager but also highly intelligent and manipulative.
All celebrities have aura around them and a lot of people making money out of them. That's why so many things stay hidden. Nothing new.
No. 1001077
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This one needs a bit of explaining. This girl April used to date/groupie Al Jourgensen/Ministry and went on tour with him. She posted a bunch of pics of her and Al together in a FB group.
She was with Al when they met Manson (she’s in the top pic) and wrote a lot more when she first posted it but deleted her more negative comments. Basically, she said it was extremely awkward meeting Manson because he was so high on drugs (which says a lot if she was with Al Jourgensen lol) and Manson was afraid of going in public/meeting people because she thinks he has social anxiety.
Not very milky but she seemed disappointed in meeting him.
No. 1001159
File: 1593719925517.jpg (386.95 KB, 1080x1293, wdnyFAg.jpg)

"Cant' wait to get back to it"
Does it mean he has never been fired?
These are all MM staff tagged.
No. 1001168
>>1001163If Judd is the one who's been harassing Louise and fearless, isn't it dumb to post that?
fearless claims Judd obtained her email from his former employer. It turns out it's nowhere near to 'former'.
No. 1001299
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I'm convinced that kid shown in the Pope show is actually his kid…kind of looks like him and lindsay a little
No. 1001309
>>1001299I hope not, Manson and Lindsay should NOT be parents.
But seriously, I really doubt it. If they had a kid they’re obviously keeping it from the public so why would he show his kid on a show.
No. 1001358
File: 1593743440418.jpg (390.86 KB, 980x1880, Polish_20200702_210417701.jpg)

I messaged Madelyn a while ago, asking about her "relationship" with Manson, and I was blocked by @diamondsandpollen, when I'd had no private interaction with them. If that was Madelyn's account, I'm not really sure why she'd block me on that one, but not her main.
The second picture is a screen from her stories that I got from my 2nd account. I tried to look at the account, but it's private.(cowtipping)
No. 1001371
File: 1593746734876.jpeg (91.84 KB, 1096x891, 90E383DE-CCE5-489C-BA25-4A754C…)

>>1001358It looks like a bot, imo. That account doesn’t follow Lindsay or she follow it anymore. Considering about 70% of Lindsay’s followers are fake, I doubt in this case it’s ‘proof’ of her racism as diamondsandpollen wants to portray it.
Not that Manson and Lindsay probably aren’t closet racists, I just think she’s stretching it there.
No. 1001451
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>>999178>>999226I found it. I don't want to sound crazy but it seems to me a child who has been beaten, look at his eyes he doesn't seem to be sleeping and he doesn't even seem like a "doll". And the most disturbing thing is that this is a birthday present.
No. 1001452
>>1001451Manson and twiggy are so sick minded,
They both need to be in a mental hospital
No. 1002258
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So… There's this. It's not really milky, I just thought it was interesting. 1/2
No. 1002412
File: 1593931354631.jpeg (221.48 KB, 742x1351, E3802DF9-8F5F-4F8C-81A5-A7BEC0…)

Seems like he’s taken down his other albums and has an album out called Refraction, under the account Brian Warner - Topic. Not milky but interesting imo.
No. 1002424
File: 1593935740416.png (318.65 KB, 720x1124, Polish_20200705_024304068.png)

He switched the finger he was wearing the ring on. Maybe that wasn't his wedding band?
No. 1002432
>>1002424So much photoshop lmao
I doubt he'll ever really get married
No. 1002436
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>>1002424These two are pathetic in their attempt to replicate the past.
The famous movie director and fashion photographer could not come up with more original ideas?
No. 1002507
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>>1002424It’s 100% on his ring finger, you can easily tell by the tattoos. It’s a wedding band.
No. 1002661
is far-fetched imo.
No. 1003004
>>1002661>>1002601They are married she won a prize LOL and yet newspapers covering the photo uploading didn't mention a word about her being his gf or wife.So still, no one is interested in their love story of 10 years. LOL.
Anyway, if she did use photoshop it must be to slim him down as usual. We have to wait till he emerges from their cat piss and vomit soaked love nest to see how much weight he got in quarantine. And tour to continue for fresh milk of course.
No. 1003165
I’m the owner of the mentioned (and deleted) IG account __noname666__.
No, I am not Manson nor Lindsay.
I want to keep my identity private for my own security, but the reason I created the
IG account in the first place is to try to let a certain group of people know that:
1. Lindsay is a toxic, golddigger, talentless, ugly, narcissist bitch and the ONLY reason she is married to Manson is because she is holding very ugly stuff over his head (blackmailing).
She has voice mails, video footage, photos and other girls testimony’s that could very easily ruin Manson’s careers nd potentially put him in jail for a while.
2. Manson ain’t better than her.
He suffers from several mental illnesses, with bipolar and narcissistic disorders on the very top of the list. (Both of the disorders diagnosed by a professional).
He normally takes his medication, but he has periods of time when he doesn’t and mix his mental illnesses with heavy drug and alcohol use makes him aggressive.
What ERW and the rest of the girls say about abusive behaviour it’s 100% truth.
I could get into more details but I can’t, for my own safety.
In resume: he’s mentally ill (not an excuse to not take his medication and his abusive behaviour) and lives with this toxic dirty ugly slut that doesn’t have (as you guys said) absolutely nothing going on in her life outside of Manson.
Oh, and my lovely and dear Madelyn Grimes:
I knew she was back in NC but she kept lying and saying she’s in LA because she LOVES and NEEDS the attention she gets from the very few people that follow her regarding her thing with Manson.
Yes, she keeps modifying the way she is/looks hoping Manson will be interested in her again. (Big fail getting that boob job, by the way.)
She’s a total loser and I personally think she’s mentally unwell too. And I’m still shocked her sister Morgan wouldn’t insist her more to stop with all the manson obsession.
Madelyn is extremely jealous of every single girl that he got involved with after her.
Anyway. That’s all.
I have to say that I’m positively impressed with this forum.
You all are doing a very good job finding the truth.
No. 1003196
Finally not Madelyn or Dawn lol
>>1003165If you really are who you are (heh, that's a promising start). Can I ask a few questions?
1. Do Lindsay's parents support her choice? Her sister?
2. What's your opinion on fearless?
Well now we know that they are married. Okay.
No. 1003199
>>1003165ooops forgot to ask one more thing.
It's been claimed that Lindsay participated in sexual assaults. Your ideas?
I mean if you said
>the rest of the girls say about abusive behaviour it’s 100% truththen LKB speaks the truth and Lindsay
is a criminal.
No. 1003232
>>1003165So are you saying you’ve met Manson and Lindsay personally? And if so how do you know about Madelyn?
As far as Madelyn goes I literally can’t think of anything crazier then buying two of the same cats as Manson. It’s mind boggling.
No. 1003238
>>1003232Not Lindsay.
Sorry I can't give more information about how I know the things I know but, as I said, it's for my own safety.
The only thing I can do is giving the information I consider "safe" for meto share, so you guys can have an idea of what's really happening behind the scenes, but you can obviously choose to believe me or not, and I'm aware it's difficult not knowing my identity.
I totally understand.
No. 1003259
>>1003238>it's for my own safety.Just curious, are you afraid of Manson? Did he threaten you?
>>1003165>He suffers from several mental illnessesManson said in a couple interviews that he has schizophrenia and multiple personalities. Not if that was self diagnosed on his part, but he’s alluded to severe mental illness for a while now.
>She has voice mails, video footage, photos and other girls testimony’s that could very easily ruin Manson’s careers nd potentially put him in jail for a while.If that’s true,
fuck her. She’s equally guilty. If anyone firsthand witnessed her doing that she can be charged with withholding evidence.
>Madelyn is extremely jealous of every single girl that he got involved with after her.So she did hook up with him at some point?
It must have been super secret if she has to fabricate proof of their relationship.
No. 1003265
>>1003239In 2015?
I thought they were together, she was with him in Europe and the UK.
Tbh I would love to see a timeline of their relationship from somebody who was close to MM. But I guess what I want is too much work.
No. 1003273
>>1003259 Yes, I have been threatened. Directly and indirectly.
I can't say who made the direct threats and who made the indirect ones, but I can confirm that.
And no, he doesn't have schizophrenia. He does, however, have a bipolar disorder with maniac episodes that have a tendency to delusion. He has been prescribed with Lithium which he forgets to take sometimes.
And yes, Madelyn hooked up with Manson a couple of times back in 2013, and also right when she moved to LA in 2014 because she made herself always easy and available 24/7 for him, but he lost interest (like with every other girl he hooked up with).
I would also like to say that Manson is a very charming person (in the old school romantic type of way) when he starts seeing a girl, because he wants every of these girls to fall in love with him.
He's a narcissist (again, diagnosed), and he would do anything to make a girl fall from him because he needs that type of admiration to feel validated.
Once he gets what he wants, he moves on into the next candidate. That's the way he is.
Madelyn was just another bitch in that HUGE list.
No. 1003290
>>1003287I said that I have never met her in person, but that doesn't mean I haven't communicated with her.
But fair enough, your point is very
I am not here to try to convince anyone.
I'm just sharing what I know with whoever wants to believe it.
No. 1003351
File: 1594088394054.jpeg (Spoiler Image,693.54 KB, 1800x1334, 43988D7B-812F-4234-9E84-C62D11…)

>>1003344You know I really don’t care what people do with their bodies and I wouldn’t usually comment on them having work done but Madelyn constantly talks shit about Lindsay having plastic surgery when I think it’s pretty obvious that Madelyn has ~altered~ some things
No. 1003369
>>1003329 Her parents must have paid for it. They must have. She’s never seemed to have had any sort of job, a boob job would cost at least 5k + aftercare bills. She actually reminds me of Lilith, Infact all 3 of them
- Madelyn, Lindsay, Lilith- are like variations of the same dysfunctional loser female who never emotionally matured past their sad girl high school goth phase, lip fillers, rich corporate daddy, “normal” sister who isn’t a loser, ~spooky~ occult aesthetic, failed artist…. aaaaaah, my head actually hurts.
No. 1003379
>>1003329 Her parents must have paid for it. They must have. She’s never seemed to have had any sort of job, a boob job would cost at least 5k + aftercare bills. She actually reminds me of Lilith, Infact all 3 of them
- Madelyn, Lindsay, Lilith- are like variations of the same dysfunctional loser female who never emotionally matured past their sad girl high school goth phase, lip fillers, rich corporate daddy, “normal” sister who isn’t a loser, ~spooky~ occult aesthetic, failed artist…. aaaaaah, my head actually hurts.
No. 1003388
File: 1594093217838.png (390.56 KB, 720x898, Screenshot_20200706-222144~2.p…)

With Manson? Judging by the leather pants and the platform-looking boots, it does really resemble him. Even the shape of the legs. That still doesn't mean it's him, just a guess.
Why do so many women become obsessed with him? Madelyn, Lindsay… How can someone be that charismatic?
And not to jump on the bandwagon, but it is a little worrying, with all of the young women that are fans of his music. He takes advantage of their age and uses them for his own benefit, not to mention the impact the music has.
No. 1003414
>>1003273So if they hooked up in 2013/2014 Madelyn was 18/19 and another teen groupie. She moved to LA to live close to Manson, he lost interest, and she’s been stalking him since. Craziness.
>>1003388I doubt that’s Manson’s legs, it was a photo shoot for Hopeless Lingerie. No. 1003418
>>1003354Lindsay also got an eyelid lift two years ago that (in my humble opinion) did wonders to her face.
Not like it made her beautiful, but her eyelids before where so flappy that she wasn't even able to do eyeliner without looking like a drunk heroin addict ghetto prostitute.
Doesn't really matter what cosmetic procedures she goes under, Lindsay will never be beautiful because she has never been a naturally beautiful woman, specially not if you compare her to ANY of Manson's ex's.
Madelyn had a breast augmentation in summer 2018 in NC (right after moving back to her parent's house from LA) and she's been doing lip injections for a while now.
I am not against plastic surgery, I think everyone can do whatever the fuck they want to their bodies if that makes you feel better. But don't be so damn hypocrite insulting other women with things that you are actually doing too.
Get your shit together.
No. 1003445
>>1003418So Lindsay just uses Manson's money to pay for her plastic surgery and he doesn't even care? Lindsay was basically a pump and dump gone wrong. I guess karma finally caught up with him, and now he's stuck with her until one of them kicks the bucket. Once it gets out that they're married, I doubt any more girls will try to fuck him. They can see how it turned out the first time.
Does anyone even know why they're married anymore? They obviously don't love each other or at least he doesn't love her. And I really doubt he'd be phased by the suicide threats. If she has so much evidence against him, why doesn't she threaten him with releasing that if he fucks other girls?
No. 1003489
>>1003445She once said that she "allows" him to fuck other girls. The screenshot was all over instagram.
I think it's hard to escape the Usich family during quarantine. He had no choice lol
No. 1003514
>>1003512Manson is notorious to be cheap af.
I think there is an illusion of financial security for her.
Imagine being lazy enough to put up with an aging drug addict and psycho instead of building your career in early twenties.
I would even be willing to live with my parents (even at 35yo lol) but not with someone like him.
No. 1003518
>>1003514Nah…she gets to travel with him, doesn't have to work.Parents would make her work. Well, all has been said about this boring woman in many posts before.
My favorite is her engagement announcement with her being topless.Even adult industry actresses don't announce their engagement like that. No disrespect to them, they do work for a living.
No. 1003565
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Manson mentioned at RCJ in London today, at Depp/Heard high court case. Mentioned in the context of being friends and taking drugs with Depp. I assume Manson is being brought up as a murky connection, by Heard’s barrister.
The case is expected to run for three weeks - curious to see if Manson will be further dragged in to it.
No. 1003609
>>1003561True. But also, that is
abusive love and hate relationship on both sides. He pushes her buttons by cheating and who knows what else and she patiently waited to have something out of him for good by marriage. It looks better for him if he married his longtime girlfriend, so he agreed, I think.
No. 1003625
>>1003609When they are out together paparazzi always give her new names. Nobody remembers who he dates, only her\his haters.
>>1003518You are right but nah… really. When she tours with him, she is either locked in a tour bus or in a hotel room, waiting for him to fuck as many girls as possible. That's probably stressful lol.
If they travel privately my bet is they stay in a hotel and don't go anywhere unless Manson wants to go. Remember what Dita said about him? And he was younger then. Now he's just a granny sleeping or watching TV in his hotel room.
This is not the glamorous life she probably thought she'd be living with him.
Moreover, it's not far-fetched to assume he sets her a limit per month, 'you cannot spend more than xxx' and 'take xxx to keep your face pretty'.
I might be wrong.
>>1003565If I were JD, I would have distanced my brand from Manson already. If Heard takes a deeper dig at their friendship, Johnny's reputation will be shattered one more time. In the end, Manson has abused a lot of girls
in Johnny's house.
No. 1003648
>>1003625Um…This was entertaining to read because the thread has been so quiet lately but you're still lying. You're clearly someone from this thread trying to make things entertaining
You claim you know them but you haven't produced one inch of legitimate proof. Everything you're saying is stuff we've speculated from the beginning verbalized on this thread.
How do I know you're lying?
*We're the only ones that know about Madelyn. Us, and maybe some of the other women he's been with.
* Because she was never his girlfriend, there are zero photos of them together and its not like she was his girlfriend. He never brought her into the public, most likely just hung out with her in the privacy of his own home theres zero photos of them out and about. Zero selfies. And that being said, if she's even legit, he probably never dwelled into introducing her to his friends or the public. I'm guessing probably just Johnny Depp because she claims she met him and that doesn't even automatically mean she was significant to him either because most men like to brag to their friends about the ladies they pull. So unless you're mega close (meaning you're either Johnny Depp himself, a personal assistant or Lindsay) I don't understand how you can know about the private ongoing stuff happening outside his career, with a woman he's never gone public with, in his personal life and within his own house.
Your wording is suspect.
*Why are you so brutal about Lindsay, your wording goes above and beyond general disgust over the fact that she allegedly allowed her man to assault people.
You're clearly Madelyn:
- You seem too angry about Lindsay considering whe dont even know if she helps with the assualts, it's just speculation.
- You make excuses for his behavior by calling him mentally ill and making it seem like he'd be redeemable once he takes his meds.
No. 1003663
>>1003648I suspected possibly Madelyn too but they denied those were Manson’s legs
>>1003419 and when has Madelyn ever not encouraged false proof?
I have an idea who noname666 is, I believe it’s one of his exes who spoke out against him and under a NDA (direct and indirect threats
>>1003273), but I don’t want to say their name if I’m wrong.
No. 1003677
>>1003663Yep, no disrespect to whoever claims to be noname666 but they are his ex most likely or an ex employee (like PA, with romantic involvement similar to Ashley Walters').
I might have misread recent posts but they said they mocked at Madelyn's lip injection and as far as I can remember that account they came across as some ex lover.
>>1003648sorry for addressing your post one more time but this line is funny:
>Why are you so brutal about Lindsay>she allegedly allowed her man to assault peopleLike really, why so brutal? Lol
No. 1003684
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>>1003644>My bet is Johnny doesn't know about what he did in his houseI agree with you about Johnny
as for the house I don't think it was a gift.
There is an article (2015):
>He loped from the peach-colored kitchen of a borrowed house here — it belongs to his pal Johnny Depp — through the dining room, past a bin of masks and costumes. If you want to read more the patterns in the background..
No. 1003685
File: 1594146698490.jpg (163.99 KB, 750x1060, FzfYoEW.jpg)

>>1003684..and boom
this pic is from the second or third thread. I knew I had seen the patterns somewhere before and here we go.
Is it from 2013 or 2014? Doesn't matter. I think many girls went to JD's house without a clue about it.
No. 1003689
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She’s still trying to pretend she’s in this circle
No. 1003701
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>>1003689She’s also trying to piggyback Johnny Depp’s case for Manson which is probably why she’s sucking up to him. Madelyn thinks people will just assume Manson is innocent because he’s pals with Depp.
Two very different cases.
No. 1003758
>>1003388Go away Madelyn. Seriously, how stupid do you think we are? You cropped the bottom of the photo because you knew it would expose yourself. Who the fuck would crop the likes out of the photo but leave the top part, unless it was their own account and they didnt want anyone seeing the extra settings on the bottom? I understand cropping it so the users profile picture isnt visible but you're cropping it 1. So it's not visible and 2. So no one can see the relationship between the user and poster aka the likes and mutual followers liking the photo.
We have already ruled you as fake. You coming on here talking about yourself in third person, trying to tip off "proof" you know him is lame. The only proof you're showing is male legs…guess what? 1. Most human males have legs. 2. there's no evidence those are leather pants or his legs.
He is married. Move on girl
No. 1003766
>>1003758>>1003689>>1003701May I ask you to sage? She is irrelevant.
I know I am asking for too much but please dont post about her. She is boring and not milky.
No. 1003833
>>1003822Learn to sage (type sage in the email field).
I don't think so. I'm sure Johnny wouldn't still be friends with him if he fucked her. She doesn't seem to like older men, anyway.
No. 1004224
>>1003421Not that long ago, actually. He still fucks with her and keeps tabs, that’s why she made that Manson Is Innocent account. I’m 100% sure of this.
Which in his fucked up head he probably thinks makes him look good, but really makes him look even more dumb.
No. 1005395
>>1004224We've spent the last few months in quarantine. That being said because he lives with Lindsay I highly doubt this is true. How would he hide this? Even if he used Depp's house and has been cheating on Lindsay, Madelyn is in North Carolina. I live in NC and ordered from her shop a few weeks ago and my package came two days later by USPS probably because she's local and in my area somewhere. If she were in California with him my package probably would've taken a whole business week to get here. Based on how fast my package got here I wouldnt be surprised if she boxed it up same day and delivered it herself.
That being said if he's cheating it's most likely not with her and if he did initiate contact I would advise her to be careful because I worry for her mental health. If he's texting her or something it's probably because his access to meeting a large quantity of women at once has probably been stunted because of COVID - 19 and he's clearly revisiting his past list.
No. 1005589
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It's getting much more interesting now. As much as I dislike Amber I want her to drag Manson in their feud with JD.
(deleted the first post)
No. 1005793
>>1005589Yes.. Depp’s drug buddy also likes
young girls and was alone with Lily-Rose. I’m not implying anything happened there, because I doubt it, but that doesn’t look good for Depp with Heard trying to make a case.
There’s fairly solid evidence that Lilith Levisis was 17 when she dated Manson when he was 46.
>>986041>>986152 No. 1006164
>>1006149The comment he made “I’d punish in my own way” was in response to someone about what he would do to his daughter.
>>990702Then the account cheeksngeeks (which is deleted now) had one about a “father and son”. I didn’t take screens b/c I didn’t want that gross shit on my phone. It’s like all these porn accounts with him all have incest in common. Sickening!!!
No. 1006320
>>1005793Um… some of you are sick in the head. What's up with the person always asking if he slept with Lily Rose Depp? He's friends with her dad, say what you will about Manson but Depp seems like a decent father and I have a hard time believing he'd remain friends with someone who would do that to his daughter. Also, Lily is a person with her own free will? He is significantly older than her, do you really think that young attractive girl would have her eyes set on Manson? Like out of all the possible people she could mingle with, why would she choose her dad's 50 year old friend? His music isn't even on her generations radar, he's not even mainstream I'm sure she could listen to his music if her dad was featured but that doesnt mean she's going to lust after manson.
Some of you guys are sick and weird with that theory..,
No. 1006369
>>1006320Exactly. He is her dad best friend and a cool uncle to her. I even think he is super protective over his kids because he considers Depp a brother and he doesn't have kids of his own. Which of course doesn't mean he didn't do wrong to other young girls.
There is nothing sinister going on between Lily and him.
No. 1006638
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it feels horrible to see this thread because as a kid i was a fan of mm and i looked up to him and saw him as a sort of shining beacon of hope in this world that people like me could have fulfilling lives
kill your heroes
No. 1006643
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>>1006614Speaking of Lindsay, she’s verified now. Guess that’s why she’s still buying followers?
No. 1006766
>>1006369Lol. We'll see if he's still Johnny's "best friend" after that trial.
And no, Manson is not a "cool uncle". He's a sick rapist and I feel sorry that Lily Rose had to grow up in such an environment.
There's a reason she self-harmed and was anorexic.
No. 1006767
>>1006320Manson wouldn't risk his only significant high-profile relationship to abuse her.
And if she wasn't his "best friend"'s daughter he would've definitely tried. She doesn't seem to be that stable, so exactly what he's going after.
No. 1006838
>>1006816>doesn't beat womenQuestionable
Who's gonna prepare a new thread?
No. 1006988
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No. 1007436
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I found one of manson’s likes. lol
No. 1007877
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Anyone notice that ERW is posting a lot from the narcissist sociopath account lately? Hope she’s ok.
No. 1007886
File: 1594858977052.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, B0B2BECA-F12C-4D55-B7FC-7E9FCF…)

Just in case anyone wasn’t convinced they are married, 2 months to the day that she posted the story with all the flowers and Polaroids with the date, she posts this. 2 month anniversary.
No. 1007975
>>1007939Yeah I was actually thinking she might be posting in these threads too, trying to
convince people they’re married - like how Madelyn is here dropping her lame “proof”. Because I don’t think even fans, let alone anyone else cares whether or not they’re married.
No. 1008003
>>1007947I agree, but they are pedos who like more "developed" kid bodies. They would 100% prey on a 9 yo who looks 14 vs a 14 yo who looks 9.
>>1007939I think it's Lindsay, the post isn't saged and no one really cares if they're married or not, it's just Lindsay reaffirming to herself that they are. Perhaps they had a wedding in her head. I do hope Manson is posting tho, that'd be hilarious.
No. 1008074
>>1008069Also, the “women” he did date were only with him because of his fame or money. That’s not really saying a whole lot. But because he’s one of those narcissistic pieces of shit they don’t care about that kind of thing. Relatively
sane people would not want to be with people like that.
No. 1008076
>>1008058>>1008074Idk how dita, stoya, rose, isani, etc fall under "child-like" category. These are just the first that come to my mind, I am sure there are more of completely womanly women in the line of his exgf.
I think your assumption is a bit of a stretch.
No. 1008078
And Esme. Very child-like lol.
I am not saying he didn't try to infantalize his girls but to say he is only into child-like is too much.
And saying his women only dated him for his money and fame is insulting to many of them, from Dita to Evan.
No. 1008460
>>1008058You're pushing. That doesn't mean anything.
EVERYONE has a physical appearance preference when it comes to dating. That doesn't mean he likes children… some men instictly like smaller women because they like being the masculine one. …he wears lipstick so he had to compensate somewhere
No. 1008807
>>1007718Like it's been said before, he wouldn't dare to risk ruining his relationship with world-famous JD.
He tried to lure Bella Thorne into a room alone with him and a male assistant on payroll, so there's that.
No. 1008811
>>1008074They were with him bc he manipulated them into thinking that he's actually charming and worth their time.
And yeah, he wouldn't have had a chance if he wasn't publicly known.
No. 1008858
>>1008830it was posted in this or the last thread, Bella posted dms from MM. He was asking her to do a photo session with him and his friend photographer.
Why is fearless silent? She hasn't been posting for a while.
(and we need a new thread, I would make it myself but I did not really follow the thread)
No. 1009228
>>1008858The photographer Manson talked about in the DM, Shayne (@strainsofhorror), is indeed on Manson's payroll, therefore signed an NDA.
Funny how Bella didn't respond to any of his messages.
No. 1009273
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Looking into manson’s work says a lot.
Holy wood unfinished book chapter 10.
No. 1009274
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>>1009273Here’s more of the chapter
No. 1009275
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>>1009274Still more to read
No. 1009463
File: 1595103400921.png (630.09 KB, 720x1026, Polish_20200718_151111117.png)

If Madelyn is the one running @mansonisabusive, she's probably been posting here.
No. 1009471
>>1009456tbh I doubt Clare did not want to have sex with him. If she ever has regrets then it should be about her entire life (okay, mostly her teens). You can visit her thread to understand what I'm talking about.
She is so off the rails she was just a user-friendly side-fuck. Sorry if someone got offended.
Her short relationships with him are great to put on the list of his not so healthy, to say the least, behavior, but rape? Nah.
P.S. I googled a bit, she was old enough, too.
No. 1009473
>>1009463Madelyn’s definitely been posting here.
>>1009471Clare was 17 when they first hooked up and technically statutory rape per California law. I don’t care if she’s a raging junkie slut, wtf is a 46 year old man doing there. Where’s his responsibility?
No. 1009500
>>1009490She turned 18 in 2015. This article says she’s 19 in 2016: YouTube video claims she tuned 20 in 2017.
>>986041She was talking to him as early as March, 2015.
>>986152 and anons claim she was probably talking to him even earlier then that.
>>986081I’m just saying there’s little chance she was legal.
No. 1009684
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No. 1009697
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>>1009500 Her birthday is in April, she was 18 and living in New York at the time for school. Also she didn’t go on tour with him, she just hung out at a few shows he did in nyc and nj area. Prior to going to uni in nyc she lived in Kentucky. Could he have met her at a show in Kentucky and had sex prior to that? Possibly, but I doubt it, Lilith has clearly obviously been very low on manson’s totem pole of side girls, I really don’t even know why he hit her up in the first place, she really isn’t even his type.
The stuff about her filming Mephistopheles of LA is very sketch, I’ve never seen a source for it from her that it was THAT video, just that he promised her some video and multiple girls have stated that he would vaguely promise to put them in some video that never panned out so it wouldn’t surprise me if he just made up some project that didn’t exist to keep her interest. Also if she was underaged her parents would have to sign the forms, not her.
No. 1009708
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>>1009697Clare posted videos from inside his house so it more then just them hanging out a few times at shows. Some of those videos can be found at @xpsd_13. She also claims he was her first boyfriend out of high school.
Anons from both here and the Lilith Levisis thread claimed she specifically said Mephistopheles of LA and that it was early 2015.
No. 1009716
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The copycat
No. 1009718
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>>1009684>>1009716Dawn is trolling again. Sigh.
>>1009697Interesting, Madelyn also said Manson never dated Lilith and they only hung a couple times.
No. 1009724
>>1009723Don’t even bother asking, Dawn is fake AF.
With how much chaos they’ve caused in these threads they have to be either someone helping Manson with false allegations/fake evidence or they just want attention.
No. 1009799
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Lol ok Madelyn. We all know for a fact that you are in the very least catsanddevils, you’ve even responded on marilynmansonnews when someone called you out on it. So you have Twitter, and AT LEAST 2 Instagram accounts. That was a blatant lie, just like how you pretend to still live in LA. Why not just own it and up your credibility a little?
No. 1009823
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Come on you Magalyn even uses all the same phrases that she overuses as catsanddevils. Girl you fooled no one. Nice touch adding the white rabbit to your bio so that everyone extra knew it was you.
No. 1009853
>>1009823Madelyn is so gross. Manson could murder someone and she’d probably defend him.
If what noname666 said is true, that they hooked up a few times in 2013/14, I wonder if he’s still stringing her along so she keeps defending him, using her for that. I just find it odd that she haunts his fan pages and still makes excuses for him
years after he left her.
No. 1010035
File: 1595203056603.png (601.36 KB, 720x1109, Screenshot_20200719-185330.png)

A comment on his last post. Maybe he fucked her, too? I know that a lot of his fans are batshit and think they actually know him, but it doesn't seem like that big of a stretch.
No. 1010098
File: 1595217862171.png (589.22 KB, 720x991, Screenshot_20200719-230015.png)

I can't help but laugh at all the photoshopping she does. The blur is so obvious.
No. 1010479
>>1010422Who has he accused of being a pedophile through his "art"? And we never said Lindsay was ugly. We said she used too much photoshop to try and hide her blemishes and Manson's jelly rolls. Maybe read the thread before you start trying to defend them.
Also, someone needs to make a new thread before this one is locked. I'd do it myself, but I don't know how.
No. 1010557
>>1010479He’s never done anything of the sort!! The only thing he’s ever done with his so-called “art” is bash and bully people.
That’s probably Lindsay self-posting about herself again.
What does that dumb fuck think.., “oh let’s talk about how great you are.“ Get the fuck out of here.
Her and Manson are both disgusting and nasty people.., and if anyone thinks she’s beautiful is seriously delusional.
No. 1010592
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>>1010580Can’t really think of a title.. “Baby Manson time” ? Lmao
No. 1010679
>>1010580>>1010592Cats and calories- new title.
Because they got a new cat and I suppose he pigs out a lot in quarantine out of boredom.
I hope someone comes up with a better title, this is all I got.LOL
No. 1010866
>>1010593Wow…He looks a lot more human these days…
I remember taking a gf to see him in concert (she had no idea who he was) and he had this wild stage presence (extremely fucking tall, wearing platforms, pale as fuck, the one blue contact, girly skinny dude running around in lingerie with his whole ass open) and after the show she asked "what the fuck was that thing and is she ok?"