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No. 174539
Old thread
>>162725Sharla only owns 1 sweatshirt and never takes it off.
Kim had a birthday party and looked the best.
Taylor is still boring, but at least knows how to throw a proper meet and greet.
Mimei has disappeared into the shadowy depths of her overstuffed apartment.
Bii's lips are confused and frightened.
No. 174692 is still unknowlingly doing free ads without realizing it. Companies have started sending her packages with stuff for her to advertise, because they
know she'll read out their name and often the website.
Maybe they actually did sponsor her with her agreement, but I highly doubt so. She just seems desperate to open every mail package that gets thrown her way, and it has caught on.
No. 174824
>>174692She finally mentioned her boyfriend again. In her last video I think she was talking about being alone most of the time, I was starting to wonder if they had broken up or something.
>>174784Yeeeeaaahh. We'll see how that goes…I mean, they don't all have to do it just because Taylor did it.
No. 174858
>>174837Yeah, and she's also a Kardashian fan so I assume that's half the reason she uses the lip kits so much. As for her clothes, I think most of us probably shop at a handful of the same places because we like that stuff the best.
Taylor is not a good actor, I have a feeling we will know when she starts plugging things on purpose.
No. 174876
>>174873Yeah, but the Pocky one was an actual commerical, and the laser was a full video, obviously sponsored (which I'm pretty sure she mentioned).
I just wonder how long it'll take her to realize she's basically working for free, and double-check her mail before she starts opening/reading it on camera.
No. 174884
>>174876Most youtubers who do mailtimes open up free shit sent to them on cam though. Look at casey neistat, shonduras, etc. It's obvious to everyone it was sent to them so that people will search the product, they don't have to comment that it's a free item sent.
The only youtuber I've ever seen complain/comment on free shit was sxephil and he said basically to at least pretend they're a fan instead of sending out mass packages to youtubers.
No. 174936
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halloween photoshoot is out
its kind of nice she is getting decent gigs
No. 174955
>>174936She looks like a mixture of a Gerber baby and old grandma
Taylor stans I will never understand you guys lmao
No. 174962
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Here's more.
No. 174963
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No. 174964
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I like this one.
No. 174972
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>>174967I actually lol'd in the video where she showed it because when she was explaining how tight the dress was I thought it was going to be like this, but it's actually so loose and frumpy. Japan needs to chill with their weird thing against fitted clothing
No. 174976
>>174972I'm pretty sure that's the same dress, just with a tank top underneath and in a bigger size.
>>174964This picture is really cute, though I'm a bit weirded out by them not properly cutting out the background behind the petticoat.
No. 175008
The red lipstick on her uncanny valley toddler face is unsettling.
I do kinda like the
>>174963 costume even though I don't really know what it is I guess. A bat? A witch cat??
No. 175038
>>175031It's so cheap! <= and other variations.
That's her catch phrase.
No. 175050
>>174964>>174963She looks pretty cute in these, though I agree that the red lipstick is way too harsh for her features otherwise.
I don't usually pop into this thread, or get why Taylor is a thing on these forums. I tried to search for milk and came up dry. Is Taylor a flake? Has she ever provided actual milk? She seems kind of boring if not even a decent human being. What am I missing? Is she just guilty by association? She's honestly the first person I've seen posted on here that I just don't get.
No. 175056
>>174911Oh god this whole video is so awkward. Bii and Kim barely even look at each other the whole time!
At 17:48 Kim is walking way ahead. If I was just a random on the street I probably wouldn't even think the pair of them knew each other at all.
No. 175072
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>>175057yeah literally, and yet this site is riddled with their genuine stans that cry and masturbate all day long to their mediocre videos
No. 175079
>>175050The times when people were looking for milk in Taylor are long gone, anon. these days people love to discuss her make up, style and vlogs. Some like those things,, some don't and so they discuss. I personally don't give a fuck and you shouldn't either soooo… just let the other anons be, ja?
It is so annoying when every 3 posts an anon jumps in like "omg why r u still talking about taylor she's like the dryest milk and she's like super boring and omg why is she even a thing like why"
No. 175096
>>175088Mhmmm but the yt comments aren't thaaaaaat anonymous, right anon? I mean come on, its whats fun about this site right? We're all joined by hate hehe.
I think snow is exactly the right place to discuss these topics, otherwise they'd be moved to pt! So shhhhhh milk is not everything <3
>>175097It's not a problem, just stating the opinion. Do you have any examples of Taylor's snowflakeyness? I'd honestly like to know what you guys thinks.
I've never seen anything she's done that slightly resembles snowflake behavior. (Typically being demands of special treatment, sense of entitlement, etc.)
And, no, I will not argue against it if I disagree that it's snowflakey. I just want to see what you consider it to be in her case
No. 175186
>>175151Not the same anon, but I figured I would answer your question. I don't think of taylor as some crazy ~speshul snowflake~ but I think she's just as annoying and cringey as Sharla/Rachel/Kim/etc.
She has this weird fakeness to her videos, like she is always acting and putting on this fake tone of voice. The way she 'walks into shots', the way she just sits and poses and makes faces when another vloggers camera is on her. The fact that she can't speak Japanese, and she doesn't even attempt to learn it, but spends multiple days just going out shopping or whatever. She's not satan reincarnated, but it's really fun to just poke fun at her because she tries SO hard to be ~relevant~ and ~famous~.
There aren't really any lolcow-worthy jvloggers. Even Mira is boring as shit now, and hasn't had any really 'drama' in almost two years. But she has a thread because it's just fun to shit on her and make fun of her.
80% of the people on /snow/ aren't these megaflakes that are super delusional or whatever. It's more like people are aren't lolworthy enough for /pt/ but people just like to snark about them. Is that really such a difficult thing to comprehend?
No. 175213
>you'd have to enter autist mode to reach and find reasons to find her annoyingIt's not reaching if she's genuinely annoying dumbass
>it''s just projection!!Yes, because I myself post staged videos of myself with a constipated smile!! And I just hate myself for it!!!
Idk why you rage at other people snarking in the thread, yet you are here every single day repeating the same exact thing lmfao
No. 175217
>>175186>She has this weird fakeness to her videos, like she is always acting and putting on this fake tone of voice. The way she 'walks into shots', the way she just sits and poses and makes faces when another vloggers camera is on her. The fact that she can't speak Japanese, and she doesn't even attempt to learn it, but spends multiple days just going out shopping or whatever. She's not satan reincarnatednoah fense this is like people who cry about the sound of people chewing food tbh. subjective much.
>but it's really fun to just poke fun at her because she tries SO hard to be ~relevant~ and ~famous~. is it lol. i reckon having a social life is more fun. protip: bragging about being so invested when there's no milk is just sad. unless you're killing time waiting for your parents to pick you up from school.
No. 175222
>>175217That's right. It's subjective. So why do you care so much? Nobody is here 24/7 picking fun at her. Who is invested?
>noah fenseYeah, I'm not going to argue with a white knight child
No. 175227
I like this thread because it's just nitpicking and discussion. Some "cows" are beyond depressing because they are fucked up. I just want to talk about how Taylor looks like a plastic face and Sharla is a gross slob leech.
Why people (probably 1 or 2 people) feel the need to constantly say the exact same shit ITT. Just fuck off and hide the thread.
No. 175228
>>175050>>175052>>175057>>175079>>175089I think it's fine to talk about Taylor at least. Dakota doesn't have milk anymore either but we still talk about her. These 2 are snowflakes in my eyes, although Taylor is becoming less so.
The rest of them, yeah maybe they're just too regular and irrelevant, but they're in these threads because they don't warrant their own threads and we can't have Taylor only threads apparently.
No. 175256
>>175253Oh so they're buying a car. Guess theyre gonna be in tokyo a while…
He probably got tired of her spending a shit ton on taxis all over shinjuku… has she ever once ridden public transport
No. 175262
>>175252she's uploading less than she used to, he hasn't for a month
I assume he's most likely ill or something, but could be anything, really
No. 175263
>>175252I'm wondering as well. Mimei didn't post anything for like 2 weeks or something, and then said something in the 7 years in Japan video about Duncan's family not wanting anything to do with them. I'm not sure if she's mentioned that before, but it does all make it seem like they're fighting or something.
>>175256I doubt she's spending his money to use taxis so I don't see why he'd care. But yeah it seems like they're getting more settled there. I'm surprised, she always seems so homesick.
She went on the train in Hong Kong didn't she? But she acted like she'd never been on one before.
No. 175369
>>174873>>174876Actually, she never really mentions her sponsorships. I don't think she ever said the laser hair removal was sponsored.
She did one for Fitnesse cereal (where she talks about going on a cereal diet challenge) and for milk (twice). Both were about losing weight. I would not be surprised if some other companies were sponsoring her too.
Someone on here actually said, "oh she probably just likes that cereal." please, it was obvious she didn't even write the text herself at that point. I think she's still sponsored but a lot more subtle about it now. It would explain her financial situation.
No. 175417
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>>175413I remember finding her while reading shit on Apple daily.
I was already a huge fan of Rui Sha and when i found an article with some pictures of Taylor i thought she looked very alike.
I did not think at the time that Taylor would aim for Japan and be a vlogger and be (or try to be depending on your personal opinion) relevant for this long.
No. 175424
>>175414I remember that 'dolly girls' thread, vicious bitches were in their hunting of new snowflakes but it looked like a friendly thread lol many things happened there.
Once they claim u r a snowflake, they will find some shit to say about you even if you r boring af. I saw them discussing about how she treats rosie bad… srsly ?
No. 175446
>>175424Take everything on the Taylor PULL thread with a grain of salt, it's just a sperg-filled cesspool that puts the nitpicking in this thread to shame.
One of the reasons they give for shitting on Taylor constantly is that she preaches positivity but won't admit to supposedly having work done. As if that somehow makes her a hypocrite.
No. 175452
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In Taylor's new video she has a lot of red marks around her neck, like hickies or being choked?
No. 175453
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>>175452Here you can see it really well
No. 175468
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I wonder why Duncan's family wants nothing to do with Duncan and Mimei.
It seems so drastic.
They appear to have been doing well as a couple so far and Mimei seems to be a respectful sweet girl or would the reason be with Duncan and not Mimei?
No. 175469
>>175453I think in a past video she mentioned it and said her skin gets really red and splotchy easily when she is nervous/excited about something. I think this is when she was tricking Sharla right? It might be her being excited over pulling a prank. I've seen the splotchy neck in a few videos tbh, she's just usually covered up so it's not too noticeable.
>>175369It's illegal to not post that it's sponsored though. I think her early sponsored videos passed because youtube changed its terms in 2014~ but definitely since last year if you are sponsored you have to note it either in the video or in the description. Some youtubers try to vagueblog it with "they sent me…" or "I was given…" so you have to pay attention to that, but in those they usually explicitly say it was sponsored in the description because it wouldn't pass on youtube's terms of service.
No. 175499
>>175468>>175474I actually think it's Mimei. Not because she's white because yeah, Duncan is half so that would be dumb. I actually get the impression she can be a real bitch when she wants to be, and she probably doesn't get along with Duncan's mom at all. Duncan won't leave Mimei obviously, so his mom probably just told them to shove off. Duncan still talks to his brother, so it's not like his entire family hates him.
For example, why does this video even exist?
She wants to seem human to us, but it just seems like an excuse to passive-aggressively PMS on camera.
No. 175629
>>175593Yes. that entire video was so pointless, just OMG I have to dress… s, sexy??? on camera??? For the most convoluted reason on earth??? OK!
And in the end she was wearing basically a cami and bloomers. Her normal outfits show more. I really get the feeling Taylor is super christian or something. The whole video was so uncomfortable to watch, it was like a 7 year old's idea of being sexy.
No. 175657
>>175629super christian doesn't really seem to fit with her living arrangements.
I think she is trying to act like a shy teenager. It's silly, since it's clear she has modeled swimsuits and lingerie in the past. She used to do some boob-enlarging pictures around the time when Dakota was doing that to the extreme. To her credit, she rarely showed or photoshopped in cleavage though.
If she is weird about showing cleavage/ certain parts of her body, I completely understand that. In Japan, cleavage is kind of a no-no, but skirts barely covering your crotch are just fine. That said, if she doesn't want to show cleavage, then why come up with this prank and then half-ass it with the tank top and stuff? It is just weird and dumb. She could have worn the actual outfit and blurred out what she didn't want shown.
No. 175692
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>I don't think of taylor as some crazy ~speshul snowflake~ but I think she's just as annoying and cringey as Sharla/Rachel/Kim/etc. She has this weird fakeness to her videos…
>This is some serious projection going on here, anon chill.
>I actually get the impression she can be a real bitch when she wants to be, and she probably doesn't get along with Duncan's mom at all…
>Yeah, in that video, Mimei comes off as extremely bitchy. Had trouble watching
I know not all anons here are the same person but still I found this kind of amusingly ironic.
No. 175707
>>175695I think they're the same person who whines anytime anyone says something remotely complimentary about Taylor.
I think they are trying to say the first was someone defending Taylor while the latter is supposed to be an example of someone "attacking" Mimei.. (Which it isn't, it's a simple observation..)
No. 175747
>>175692It's the frequency of the posts. Making a comment about Mimei once in a while is okay, the post you quoted is actually fucking stupid and looking too deep into something that isn't there, but the poster isn't trying to drill any angenda.
Meanwhile anytime Taylor is brought up, it opens doors to "PLASTIC KOTA, FILLERS FILLERS FILLERS XD" which isn't a good discussion topic
No. 175749
>>175657It was such a weird video. She chose to buy and wear something skimpy for no reason at all, then covers it up and acts as though she's never done anything like that before.
Meanwhile photos of her in bikinis and less have been on the internet.
No. 175751
>>175749It's not that unusual. I know several girls that will wear incredibly skimpy bikinis and walk around like it's no big deal, but if someone walk in on the in their underware (which covers a hell of a lot more that their bikini) they get all embarrassed and hide, grab something to cover up with really quick.
It's the psychology that bathing suits, regardless of how skimpy, are acceptable wear in public (assuming beach, swimming pool, etc) while walking around in your underware isn't.
No. 175757
>>175751Nobody is walking in on her or making her wear it.
And she's modelled underwear before.
No. 175765
>>175762taylor once said she doesn't drink (vlog of rosie's surgery). no clue if that is true/exaggerated. It made me wonder why, but until someone asks, I doubt she'll discuss it. I don't really care though. She called attention to it by saying that.
Personally I think it is, again, this pseudo-teenager mentality.
No. 175769
>>175468Ha! I surmised in the last thread that there was milk potential in Mimei and PDR's relationship and here we are…
Im rooting for PDR in this situation. Mimei has nothing going on for herself.
No. 175775
>>175762IIRC Rachel made some drunk videos when she and Jun were still living in separate countries.
(samefagging because connection is two cans and a string)
No. 175791
>>175762Sharla has been on videos drinking.
In general though it's not pc or classy to broadcast that you're drinking. Kind of weird thing to nitpick at. (If drinking pics/vids are the norm for you, you a riaju fuck)
No. 175798
>>175762> Japan I guess doesn't have as much of a drinking culture as in the west Japan has a huge drinking culture.
however its mostly just salary men drowning their sorrows
> practically none of these vloggers drink alcoholmicaela did a video on this. she was saying how people in her home town would drink and do drugs, and she has nothing against it but didnt feel right to do it herself. so she came to japan. i can imagine its the same for other gaijin in japan. they, in some way or other, dont fit in in their home countries youth culture so they try to figure it out abroad
No. 175799
>>175749it is a weird video. and she spent so much time and effort for something so trite.
and then complains she has no time, doesnt sleep enough, or puts half ass effort into a trillion things rather than whole heartedly doing anything
No. 175805
>>175749>>175799It's a prank video. I assume she did it mainly because prank videos are popular. Not that hard to figure out.
>>175762I imagine the ones in relationships don't ever go to bars because bars are mainly for single people/for hookups.
>>175765>>175770>they don't drink because they're all children hurr durrA) A lot of people don't have any desire to drink, or only drink because it's some occasion.
B) No one wants to look like a drunk sloppy ho on camera and then have it immortalized on the internet (except extreme attention whores with nothing to lose). I can't think of any youtuber I'm subbed to outside of the Japan community that drinks on camera either.
No. 175831
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Is she on a train here? Weren't we just talking about how she never takes public transit?
No. 175847
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>>175805It's just a clickbait video framed as a prank.
>>175831Looks like a cleftlip.
No. 175879
>>175876She also carries a lot of things with her and needs to do the vlog thing, so she needs to use taxi.
I doubt anyone would stalk her, she's like twice the size of the average Japanese person and isn't some famous idoru.
No. 175894
>>175879are you kidding me lol, if you're a white gaijin in japan there's a high chance you'll get stalked regardless of whether or not you're famous or good looking(see: sharla). Look up foreign women murders in Japan and you'll see most of them are by random stalkers with a western fetish
Don't talk out of your ass you daft cunt
No. 175939
>Japan I guess doesn't have as much of a drinking culture as in the westThey do though. They drink way more than westerners. They may even drink daily after work because they don't have to drive, because of trains.
[personal blog: I don't drink at all and when I was in Japan the locals were always shocked when the subject came up]
No. 176012
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Kim throwing shade
Wonder what happened
No. 176051
>>176045Nah, he's only rented cars in her previous videos when they travel together. Or just both taken taxi.
Does Taylor even have a license to use it when he's gone though ?
No. 176066
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Ohh Meh God Guiz sooooo gooood
No. 176126
>>175904She only
claimed to have been stalked. That's not proof. She also claimed she had to move every 3 months and that was proven false.
No. 176140
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I'm just gonna post screencaps of Sharla eating, from now on.
No. 176225
>>174539>>176066I guess Sharla really really likes to eat, everything is "the best thing ever" and everything is "so good", I have no problem with that, the only thing I don't get is why she says "is so good" so quick, she says it 1 second after he puts the food in her mouth.
Not big deal anyway.
No. 176248
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I think she really needs to tone down the eating videos. She's been at it for years. It's not even pretty.
No. 176249
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No. 176250
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No. 176253
>>176248I feel like it has even gotten worse after she became friends with Taylor, because Taylor always films her lunch and stuff.
I like how you click into ANY of Sharla's videos, and she'll say "you guys" and "so good" at least 5 times.
No. 176257
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No. 176258
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No. 176259
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No. 176267
>>176265im 60% sure its actually the same person
No. 176275
>>176267Nope. I'm
>>176140 - and
>>176141 was my last post. Dunno why that other anon started sperging.
No. 176405
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>>176265The Sharla pics are making me laugh though. I didn't realize how much she eats until anon starting posting it.
No. 176417
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She should consider a different makeup style or something, sometimes she looks like a gangnam unnie.
And I don't know if this was posted but here's brony's modelmayhem account No. 176424
>>176417Bii models???????
>I am a classy girl and will CONSIDER classy NUDES depending on the situation and comfort level. No. 176441
>>176424Anyone can make a model mayhem account
Judging by the profile pic this is quite old
No. 176448
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>>176424She really does look like a mtf…
No. 176463
>>176417I really hate how she's has the sides of her lips doing the Joker thing, especially when she constantly purses her lips trying to be Ariana Grande.
>>176448Her face features look more decent for some reason in this pic.
No. 176535
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Seems like Kim's meetup was quite okay.
I wonder why she has so many fans in Singapore though.
No. 176542
>>176535who knows
do people think she is korean or japanese (which is more 'kawaii' than vietnamese)?
No. 176546
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>>176368Yes, I agree that Sharla is average looking, but please…. Come back to reality.
No. 176553
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>>176535omg this world we live in now filled with career narcissists thinking they are so justifiable cringe vom
No. 176560
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Always caught me off guard how different Sharla looks when other person takes pics of her, I know she uses camera angles and other stuff to make herself prettier but still.
No. 176562
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>>176560that tends to happen with everyone lol. there's a reason the "tagged picture vs profile picture" meme exists.
No. 176568
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People let me tell you bout my best friend
No. 176569
>>176568Wow Tay is so
quirky and unique.
No. 176643
>>176535Singapore is known for having weirdly obsessive fanbases for anyone online. Pewdiepie is paranoid of SEA because they swarmed and created a giant mob outside of his hotel last time he was in Singapore, lel.
But yeah, that is a decent number for a relatively small youtuber like Kim. That's nice for her at least, and I'm assuming it wasn't a capped amount like Taylor's.
No. 176653
>>176417I really love Taylor's lips here
Out of all the jvloggers, I feel like she's the most skilled at applying camera friendly makeup
No. 176733
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I like how she goes to sharla & taylor's fan meeting but posts a pic of her and people that "said hi to her" while sharla & taylor is barely visible in the background kek
No. 176740
>>176128The fuck.. "cute" ? This is non sense, Taylor eats like a normal person, actually no one in that group is trying to look cute when they eat, that's stupid. And Sharla always look like having an orgasm even if it's just a cookie.
Why would you compare Sharla with Taylor in this situation anyway? totally different vlogging styles.
That was sick.
No. 176782
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No. 176826
>>176733Lol of course because she wants the spotlight
On a semi related note, busuzawa posted a whiny tweet about not getting accepted to attend to the sleepover
No. 176830
>>176784You don't have to think she's cute to see that calling somebody a crazy lesbian because they do is OTT. That's equally weird imo
>>176788Nah if it was spergy you'd have ten responses about how you're an asslicking kota fan by now. Sperg-chan's probably in a padded cell somewhere.
>>176535People who do meetups know where they have a lot of fans. I'm guessing they only plan them in areas where they know there will be a decent turnout.
No. 176835
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No. 176850
>>176835Okay this is just disgusting
Sharla pack your own fucking clothes. I don't see her pulling this shit off with Rachel, Kim, or Mimei when she stayed over. First Taylors makeup, then clothes, what's next her skin??
No. 176855
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>>176848Speaking off trying to be like Taylor, later in the video you can see she even has the overall dress, and even carrying around the same exact Tripod kek
No. 176869
>>176861I got angry for Taylor, I imagine Sharla stretched the shit out of that shirt. Then Sharla went to buy her own??
>>176857Sharla used to be enjoyable back then, but now she just comes off as old and trying to be relevant
No. 176880
>>176869How big is Taylor buying her clothes that Sharla can fit into them?
I don't get why she's so tacky anyway. Quit mooching off your friends, Sharla.
No. 176890
>>176855Lmfao shes trying to copy Taylors style so hard while wearing ugly black leggings under that dress because you know shes self conscious of her thighs. They seriously look so stupid and ruin an otherwise nice outfit
I wonder how sharla would look if Tay took control of her diet and taught her how to work out daily.
No. 176909
>>176861>>176886>>176869Jfc, ana-chans are back in full force, just fuck off to MPA already.
Sharla may be chubby but she's nowhere near "fat".
>inb4 mad fatty detected No. 176910
>>176891You can get vegetable sushi at Japanese chains as well.
We usually go to Nobu with foreign visitors to the company I work at. It's not bad, but I wouldn't go privately.
Sharla was chewing the whole time, which was kind of weird.
No. 176917
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>>176891nitpicking but she really cakes on that white foundation when her skin is really this
No. 176918
>>176891Taylor seemed so annoyed with Sharla in this video. I think the cracks are starting to show. Taylor is insecure and wants to be liked, but the more time she spends with Sharla the more she realizes what an insufferable twat she is. Well, and the whole Sharla trying to wear her skin thing.
>>176909There are people that actually like Sharla enough to shield her like this? Damn. Also just because you knew we'd call you a mad fatty doesn't mean you aren't a mad fatty.
No. 176922
>>176920Not that anon but 1. you do know where you are right? 2. do you care? do you really care if sharla has friends or not? would it plague you with sadness at night when you were falling asleep to know sharla had no friends? If she ends up with no friends it will be because she earned it herself and it will be a valuable lesson learned.
Let's not act "holier than thou" when we're on a site full of catty bitches.
No. 176932
>>176922 Lol so you're that sick anon after all.. answering your silly questiones: 1. Yes, 2. No, but I don't wish anyone something like that.
Why do you want Sharla to be friendless so badly? Why does she "deserve" that? lol I actually know where this is coming from…
And when you say "this site is full of catty bitches" talk for youself, I'm not here wishing anyone shit like that.
No. 176933
>>176924Wrong anon. Taylor sperg is the one who obsessively shits on Tay while licking Kooter's ass.
Hasn't been here in a while.
No. 176934
>>176922Different anon, but Sharla hasn't done anything so horrible that wishing her to be friendless isn't pretty crazy. Why do you care about her so much you want her to be friendless?
>>176924I'm pretty sure it's just lighting. She had that whole video where she hadn't make up on, and while it looked a lot blotchier it was still very fair.
No. 176950
>>176891Did Sharla really go home while wearing Taylor's clothes?
Borrowing is alright, but why didn't she change into her own before heading home? That doesn't sit right with me at all.
No. 176960
>>176932This person
>>176922 is not me. I'm this anon
>>176915, you can ask a mod to prove it if it means that much to you.
No. 176965
>>176960No, it doesn't, really. I believe you.
>>176961Well it looks like you do care lol.
No. 177018
>>174539>>176916Sharla is obviously overweight, personally I don't think she looks fat but definitely she is not on her ideal weight. And she is fully aware of it, not only by how she dress but also by comments made by herself like: "I want to feel comfortable in summer clothes".
I don't think people should "shame" or "make fun" of her because she is not a barbie doll though.
No. 177031
>>177018I kind of feel bad for her tbh. Everybody around her this past summer was dressed all cute and summery, and she was still walking around in black pants and baggy tshirts/hoodies…You could tell she was more comfortable in her body back when she was more slim in like 2011~2012 because she would actually wear things like tank tops and short shorts
>>177027Sharlas weird. It's like she wants to be like Taylor who is up to date with popular brands and buys nice expensive Lip kits, but then she weebs out and just wears cat shirts and cheap Etude house lip tints because its ~this cool korean thing guiiiize~ and its ~so cuuute~
No. 177107
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>>176985Was she trying to be cute
Why would she film this
No. 177126
>>177091The problem is Sharla always travels to Tokyo without a change of clothes and then mooches off her guests. Taylor wasn't the first. She did it to Kim one. Sharla had to go out and buy clothes because she couldn't be bothered to travel with an overnight bag.
I don't think it's because it's cumbersome to travel with a small bag, but because Sharla is lazy.
No. 177238
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>dat neck
Also, I'm surprised no one said anything about elbow-san, I think this is the most we've ever seen of him. He's been upgraded to upper-body-san.
No. 177244
>>177143It's the lower lip that throws her way off balance. She put volume in her lower lip when it should be in the upper lip to make her philtrum space look less large.
That's a problem a lot of dumb bitches have been having lately–they fill the bottom lip up so much that it droops and makes them look like chimps.
No. 177605
>>177604"I got this new iPhone 7 but its been sitting on my table until I could get around to it because I've been soooooooo busy"
"If its gonna take 4 hours to set up like everyone said it did online, I don't have time for that"
So she buys a new iPhone, waits to open it, and then doesn't even bother to actually use it. Must be nice to have that much money
No. 177608
>>177605>>177604lmao i see the taylor sperg-chans are going with the "she's a spoiled rich girl who got everything handed to her" angle since their precious "she was so beautiful until she ruined her fsce with fillers" argument died. way to seed this angle.
>All she does is complain about Youtube spending time to clear her meetup video for uploading. Second or third video she keeps complaining in. I guess that's what happens when you're used to getting shit handed to you.2+2=638 imagine being this autistic.
No. 177627
>>177605she said she wasn't going to be able to show on video since it was gonna take long to set up fucking retard holy shit
why are you taylor obsessed idiots so autistc like do you even watch the video or what
No. 177633
>>177608Adonis probably a PULLtard. Theyve been going on about how there's no difference between the 6s and 7 and how dare she by a new phone. It's not like a bunch of other people did the same thing.
God. Taylors boring.
No. 177691
>>177668prove she has actual milk and she'll get one.
Excluding she ~might~ have had surgery, her makeup, fashion, bf, and boring vlogs.
She doesn't need one.
No. 177752
>>177704>>177741>>177748My parents don't speak a lick of Japanese either, they both work full-time, they're not loaded and I have a little sister who just moved out this year. They still managed to come over last year and will come again next.
You can also totally work around parents not liking Japanese food in Tokyo.
Maybe it's nicer for Taylor to go to Canada and meet her friends over there (if she still has any, people tend to grow apart over the distance), but it still makes me sad to think that they never visited her.
(On a side note, my mum would probably hit me if I filmed when she got out of the gate at the airport…)
(blogpost) No. 177755
>>177702>>177752Or maybe you could not compare your family to Taylor's??
She speaks to her family often on skype and people have their own lives. She's visted them often so it's also not like she hasnt seen them face to face? Some people dont enjoy travelling and I'm assuming her mom is that type since she's never left the Americas. Calm yourself because no one gives a shit about how your family works. Also if Taylor's mom cared about how she looked out the gate then I'm sure Taylor wouldnt have included it.
No. 177821
>>177748>nowhere to stayAnyone with money has places to stay.
>they don't know JapaneseNot required to enjoy Japan as a tourist.
>cooking, buying food for themAgain not required.
>trouble converting moneyJust get it in your own country before you leave or use cards for purchases.
>>177755This so much. I thought we banned personal blogging/projection shit.
No. 177895
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great way to live life
i'm not particularly budget savvy or anything but i do not for the life of me understand how people consciously max out credit cards on unnecessary goods.
No. 177974
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>>177936Still there on mobile.
No. 178194
>>178188I laugh every time I see someone says she's down to earth and relatable. Yeah, for a rich spoilt beat who doesn't have to work.
I'm sure she deletes comments.
No. 178215
>>178213I agree! If my mum visited me from this far away i would definitely focus more on her than my youtube videos… i am pretty sure her channel wouldn't die if she only uploaded a lil summary video of the past days.
Also.. i don't know why but i feel like Tays mum seems really dull? I kinda expected her to be more open minded and a little bit more out there.
I was really confused as to why this woman didn't know that you get food served on intercontinental flights and stuff…
No. 178226
>>178222So unnecessary kek. Who cares?
anon, just let people discuss
No. 178235
>>178188I think she's talking about hate towards her, it's a bit harder to deal with hate when it's
Towards your "friend"
No. 178269
>>178220My comment was about sharla using her clothes and for her to stop including sharla in her videos because she doesn't need her
She then replied with " I let all my friends and even my boyfriend borrow my clothes I don't understand why it bothers you" I then deleted it bc her minions were blowing up my notifications
No. 178342
>>178213It's her income and source of ego though. Create content, get praise, get paid, repeat. Once you're used to a certain level of treatment, it's hard to dial it back. Even if there are other priorities.
>>178335She must have a tiny boyfriend kek
No. 178411
>>178365Her channels are not growing that much, in fact they grow very slowly and I don't think neither of them are getting that many extra views because they are "friends".
Why would Taylor have Sharla sleeping in her house and spending money on her (presents, food…) if she doesn't like her, just for a couple of miserable subs or views?. If that is the case, Taylor looks like a fool because she is doing more for Sharla than Sharla for her, at least in the public eye.
I don't know if they are real friends or youtube friends, there must be some degree of friendship.
No. 178439
>>178416The problem with Simon and Martina is that they don't really know their shit either. I'd rather watch Taylor doing whatever (where it doesn't really matter that she's in Japan really) than Simon and Martina being absolutely clueless weebs.
Loved Chris' video though.
No. 178441
>>178407Amazing. He nailed everything and did it in a timely manner.
None of these copycat travel videos, especially about Japan, have any valuable content and viewers don't learn shit.
No. 178463
>>178461>>178456These. I dont get the sense of entitlement as if Taylor has to appeal to everyone. I dont like ASMR or most makeup channels or anything but I'm not gonna say that the videos are shitty because they dont pander to me specifically.
I enjoy Taylor's videos because they are just the day in the life of someone else and even if she's faking it she's acting positive and that's enough for me because there's a point where seeing people whine and bitch about every little thing is exhausting.
No. 178525
>>178407lmao it felt like a taylor video right after the intro
that was pretty good
except his pronunciation rustles my jimmies
No. 178580
>>178482This. Chris video is about the importance of being original, relevant and creative.
Nobody is saying it's wrong to like follower fluff, but at some point people going to realize they were just wasting time.
No. 178597
>>178215She seems like a pretty normal mom to me. Tay is technically the 'weirdo' out of the typical rich, white, western family.
Don't get me wrong, I like Tay, but at the same time I feel like there is tension between her and her mom in the vlogs? Maybe because she is constantly filming useless stuff instead of paying attention to her mom, and just lets her awkwardly walk 20 feet behind her every time. Also I would think Tay being almost 30 years old and dressing in kidlike overalls is a somewhat disappointing sight for a parent
No. 178607
>>178585>Am I the only one who thinks they're boring and poorly filmed? they're HORRIBLY filmed. this is why i get annoyed when people say taylor's vlogs are bad. because they're actually very well made. she has her intros, transitions, music, closing scenes, etc. so to say her videos suck or are boring is a matter of opinion and that's fine but it's an opinion. she has this chill borderline virtual friend experience with her vlogs and there's an audience out there who are looking for that and find that in her videos. brony's are a fucking mess. i'm still shook by that 1 minute soundless footage of her getting coffee ready and then monologuing about god knows what in the same shot for like 10 more minutes. w h y.
>>178597keep in mind that we only got a few minutes of footage and there's 24 hours in a day so i doubt she was filming the whole time and did in fact set down her camera to probably talk about their family and personal shit.
>Also I would think Tay being almost 30 years old and dressing in kidlike overalls is a somewhat disappointing sight for a parenti feel this. maybe they were okay with her being a high fashion model in hong kong since that sounds fun to brag about. but i really think her vlogging and admitting to not really caring about modeling and not at all pursuing something with the degree her dad paid for must be something they've expressed disapproval of especially at her age. i don't doubt her family all live a very luxurious lifestyle compared to how she lives now. i can see how what she's doing looks like wasted potential to them.
No. 178687
>>178597>Maybe because she is constantly filming useless stuff instead of paying attention to her mom, and just lets her awkwardly walk 20 feet behind her every time.I think it's 100% this. That would be awkward for the other person, it seems rude, but on top of that it's like there's no effort to include her mom. Her mom seems okay with appearing in her videos, so why doesn't Taylor actually talk to her mom more in the shots instead of walking ahead to talk to her camera alone? I like Taylor, but this shit is embarrassing.
Actually, I'm getting sick of videos of all these girls where they're so damn concerned about us seeing their face the whole time, like half the video is just a selfie of them looking around. Wouldn't it be more interesting for viewers if they just turned the camera around so we could see what they are seeing? They look stupid vlogging in public because holding a camera in front of your face while walking everywhere makes you look like a self-absorbed asshole. If you want to say something, stop somewhere and then talk instead of wasting 10 minutes to give us a shitty time lapse in every single video.
No. 178826
>>178591Casey's videos are extremely elaborate and he's usually filming with
at least three cameras. He's an experienced film maker and is not simply vlogging–he just made it an art to make it look easy. Neither this video or Taylor's have anything do to with him.
Although I have to agree with
>>178607, Taylor's videos are not bad, especially for someone that does not have a background in film/ photo. I just hate how many big YouTubers don't care to learn anything about video making.
>>178687But other than her techniques, her content is… not always the best, yes. Wish she would stop the daily vlogs to create thought out and good videos again tbh.
>>178761She said her mom, boyfriend and herself used all of these over two days, but yeah, still seems like a waste.
No. 178843
>>178826Nah she just threw them all in the tub one after the other, you can see she's still wearing the same shirt. I mean hopefully all 3 of them took a bath but still, she had quite a few more bath bombs.
I know other youtubers waste money like this all the time just to review stuff, but you only get one use out of those and if you're not even taking a bath…
No. 178865
>>178607What are you fucking retarded?
Don't be like leafy and pull out the "they're almost 30!!! A grown ass woman!!! A 30 year old woman!!!"
Shits weak and cancer
No. 178867
>>178798I hate that buzzword so much, thank tumblr for it.
>>178843I thought it was a given she was never actually using the baths and it's all about the image or sponsorship. People who care about their skin wouldn't soak in that trash.
>>178607Education doesn't matter in her case. She will inherit whatev fam car business in a few decades and will always have money in the end.
No. 178883
>>178875There's a 30 year old womanchild weeb that takes it personally whenever someone makes fun of Taylor's childishness. Just ignore it.
I think Taylor can get away with a lot of it because she looks no where near 30 but it has to be awkward for her family. I also hope she acts more mature at least when off camera which is most likely.
No. 178895
>>178875I'm totally
triggered that you sound like a 20 year old figger naggot named leafster
No. 178906
>>178875Are you offended because you wish you could dress how you want, but dont have the confidence? Because thats what
you sound like
No. 178971
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To all the 30 year old anons, calm down. Those comments aren't about you, this thread isn't about you, and just accept that your a 30 year old adult man or woman.
No. 179040
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>>179012You, get the fuck out of here.
No. 179122
>>178407He just seems kind of bitter that vlogging styles are changing and he can't keep up with it, like those old grandpas who go on about the "good old days" and how kids now have it so easy and do weird shit like check the time from a phone instead of a pocket watch lol
I don't get why vlogs should be educational or anything like that, why can't they just be about what you like and do in your day. Many people seem to enjoy them anyway
No. 179207
>>178407This wasn't a direct dig at Taylor,Simon or Martina but more of a critque of all the vloggers who are imitating Casey Neistat/Fousey/bfvsgf's way of vlogging that include scenic shots/drones/etc
Though Chris does have a point that people are changing their aesthetic to match what's in and popular now, it comes off as bitter.
Doing scenic shots/drones =/= less effort
It's a bit elitist of him to think of it that way
No. 179209
>>179186Taylor is her new Mira
but you know, Taylor isn't some Quasimodo looking sperg
No. 179217
>>179186Yea well kim and bii have each other
And mimei is just a homebody
So it makes sense
No. 179254
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>>179170Young adult is pretty much just how book publishers market to teenagers(aka people under 18). 18 and 19 may technically still be teen age, but you are considered an adult by 18 in the vast majority of the world.
I get being 18 or 19 and not completely having your shit together yet, you just started adult life, some things can be forgiven. But I see girls 20-25 acting like they're 16 and have zero responsibility for anything all the time. And I'm sure half the people sperging about Taylor's age on here are probably not even that far away from being 27 themselves.
No. 179277
>>1791679:53 you can see that sharla has one of Tay's mom's chicken breasts on her plate
soooooo vegan guiiiize
No. 179310
>>179209They both benefit from her friendship, so is a win-win situation for both of them.
Sharla really likes those overalls, I think I see 3 or 4 videos with her wearing them in the last 2 weeks or something like that.
No. 179363
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Found this flake in Taylor's Instgram comments. Her shoop+caption killed me.
No. 180093
>>180066Do these people meet up with randoms from youtube?
I mean I've met people online but that's after some Skype-based chat and getting to know them, informal QA if you will.
God I hate the weeb crowd so much. Embarrassing white people in East Asia since Dragonball Z was released.
No. 180098
>>180091Wtf, is this like Sharla's worst nightmare or something? And of course she's much cuter as a drawing than in real life.
Also weird the videos mentioned that intersection in Shibuya and the Hachiko statue literally right after Taylor was there with her mom.
No. 180099
>>180095>>180087one prada bag is nothing really. it couldve been a gift or she saved up.
her snobby moment was mentioning that she buys a new camera every year. i guess its not too crazy but still, a $2000-3000 piece of equipment and she isnt even selling the old ones, just shipping them back to storage in AU
>>180083then why does she have a roommate in a tiny shitty apartment?
No. 180108
>>180083She lives in a shitty Japanese apartment, WITH a roommate
Bitch is not rich
No. 180112
>>180091Anyone else getting a weird stalker vibe from this shit? Like I found it real creepy even if they are omg bffs.
Then again, I guess its clever marketing on her part given that keeping it about Taylor opens it up to Taylor's fans (and her of course mentioning it on her vlogs).
No. 180166
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>>179332i can't believe this is real, with a fucking stage and entrance and everything, who goes to this cringe shite
No. 180605
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Her face is so plastic she cant even make facial expressions
No. 180612
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>>180605Her mouth really lets get down. It's been so pumped up it makes her look like a ventriloquist dummy.
No. 180626
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>>180605Actually she looks like she escaped from that movie "White Chicks"
No. 180701
>>180691She isn't that light. She's brightening up her photos so much she looks white. When she isn't and has her natural hair color she looks so much better. You can see if you dig up her older photos but I'm at work.
>>180626She's literally whitefacing like these guys.
No. 180873
>>180854You could say the same thing for Taylor. She is picky about her meals being vegan but she will eat non vegan if she has to like during modelling shoots. She just didn't want to eat her mom's meal.
Her mom knew what she was getting into with Taylor filming the trip but it's still pretty awkward to see like with Taylor walking ahead talking into the camera with her mom far behind. Her boyfriend keeps tagging along too and she had to stay in a room by herself at the resort.
No. 180924
>>180911Dakota did really skeevy shit in the past whereas Taylor hasn't done anything
Ps fuck off kaka sperg
No. 180932
>>180911Taylor and Dakota aren't not even similar drama wise. Why do people follow Kota? Because she has a history of spitting pure vitriol and lies out, so it is fun to watch her career flounder and make fun of her alien baby shoops. She's Grade A delusional and has a nasty personality.
Taylor? Literally nothing incriminating about her. She's a model in Japan. That's it. It's so boring I could cry. Wheres the videos of her making chink eyes or gay-bashing? she doesn't have any, but Kota sure does. The worst thing Taylor does is over draw her lips.
Go back to PULL.
No. 180957
>>180854im not whiteknighting her and i dont know where you are from, but to me, tays Mom seems like a typical north american white suburban mom who only eats typical western comfort home cooking (as is evident by the chicken parm and shepherds pie she baked)
Fyi if you dont know, white suburban moms dont Go out of their comfort zone much
No. 180970
>>180946So truueee ! Her use of eyelid glue makes her eyes look like vaginas and without it she'd look normal. She does however edit but its the equivalent of the average girls ( Touch ups,blurr and small bits of jaw editing ) Nothing all that dramatic that makes it unrecognizable.
Beyond that Taylor is just a unoriginal unexciting rich woman clinging to the remainders of her youth.
No. 180996
> Her mom knew what she was getting into with Taylor filming the trip but it's still pretty awkward to see like with Taylor walking ahead talking into the camera with her mom far behind. Her boyfriend keeps tagging along too and she had to stay in a room by herself at the resort.Heck i even feel a little bit sad for Tays mum. Couldn't she just not vlog for that week? Her mum came all the way to this foreign country and is visibly shy and uncomfortable but taylor is really giving her only half the attention imho. I mean yeah they do nice things together but… in the quiet minutes of the day, Taylor is spending time editing etc.
Idk i just found this really sad. I guess her mum knew what was awaiting her but still… i think i'd be a little bit disappointed.
No. 181007
>>180911>>180918>>180945Actually admin said in the town hall that specific people's threads aren't banned anymore, including Taylor. The only shit that's banned now is ana-chan threads I think.
And Kiki has been banned from posting, so she at least won't be the one sperging up any new Taylor thread.
No. 181008
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Rachel flipping her shit because a ginger got casted as a villain kek.
No. 181080
>>181003except (not that anyone on this thread would understand) most normal grown adult women (grown as in mother with grown children age) wouldnt give a damn what others think.
dont any of your mother complain to you, that they just dont give a damn about most dramatic shit at their age?
No. 181084
>>181080I think most people are way less amenable to vlogging their entire lives for cash than you realize. It requires so much acting "on" in otherwise normal situations, only paying attention to your phone, constantly finding new contrived situations to keep things fresh…
Yeah obviously vlogging is old news to the internet in general but I really doubt most normal people would be ok hanging out with someone who can't be engaged with reality or the people around them.
No. 181137
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new tay tay model work
No. 181148
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Taylor used to look like Behati Prinsloo.
No. 181152
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>>181141>>181137a challenger appears. both tay and kooter booking lolita gigs now kek.
No. 181155
>>180957I agree. Her mom is very normal for her generation and location. It takes time for them to appreciate differences. Also Taylor needs to respect her mother's wishes and not "use" her as content all the time.
The woman isn't in her comfort zone, meanwhile Taylor is kinda leaving her stranded nonstop because she's busy with her camera.
No. 181161
>>181154thats because taylor
is actually a good model. or, was. now she just seems concerned with hiding behind her face, but when you look at her old shots they are actually really good. she finds the light, works her angles, etc.
modeling isn't as easy as everyone thinks and it doesn't come naturally to most people. tay has certainly done it 1000x more than dakota, which helps, but theres also an innate ability to be able to work your body to get the best shots. thats why there are so many pretty girls who don't model well, they just don't transfer to photograph…
No. 181165
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sharla's morph into tay: 30% complete
No. 181185
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>>181183to be fair, JetJ acknowledges this with size charts on their website.
very few lolita brand acknowledge body shaped other than petite asian waif
No. 181215
>>181190What? Skirts hitting just below the knee is one of the most flattering lengths. The way it sits on the 150cm girl makes it look like she has stumps for legs.
The only thing I'd change for the taller girl is to make the waist lower. Empire waist lines just make people look fat, not "kawaii". Maybe this is what you meant by >The upper body on most people at that height gets big, too.
No. 181221
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No. 181257
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rip dakota's on the juliette et justine website. i didn't know she'd worked with them before.
No. 181305
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wonder what happened
No. 181339
>>181254Taylor modeling for a Lolita brand really goes to show how low quality Dakota's modeling is. These pics of Taylor look really good, ad she's making the outfit look great. With Dakota, it's just her res and lips washed out in a frilly dress under a bonnet/wig. More often than not, the outfits are wearing
her. I hope Taylor does a lot more for JetJ, and maybe even BTSSB or GLB.
No. 181343
>>181339Honestly, its just how BTSSB dresses their models. I fucking hate lolita, but JetJ obviously has a better aesthetic and knows not to dress up their models in gross age play looking bonnets with gross hair
People trying to play up Tay's modeling are just as obnoxious as people trying to prove that Dakota is a better model.
No. 181348
>>181221Lmao 40+?? Still pretending to be 18 instead of 28, Taylor? Your mom is at least 50, you're not Venus.
>>181310She only said that because she's not getting any jobs. How many times has she been booked the 2 years she spent in Japan? Probably less than 5 times. Looking at her last Job in M&M outfits it's safe to say that she's not picky when it comes to jobs. Now that I think about it it's very suspicious that her Agency didn't fire her yet. People speculate about Kooter but at least she books a few jobs a month.
Also one more thing, I've noticed that she doesn't follow anyone on instagram, not Sharla and not even her siblings. Not to go all Kiki but maybe her true personality under all that happy 'work hard!' gluten-free attitude there is an arrogant rich girl who wants all the attention to herself. Her friendship with Sharla I don't buy one bit. If Sharla didn't have that following I doubt that Taylor would give her the time of the day. Remember all the gifts she got her. Too bad Sharla has a huge lesbian crush on her now :/
No. 181366
>>181348Taylor's had a good run and as you've felt the need to point out, she's nearly 28. She's been modeling for about 7 years and she didn't like the pressure. Because she actually had to go through all of the stress of the industry. She didn't have anyone faking her measurements or forcing people to book her without seeing her in person. She was a decent commercial model no more no less and she decided she wanted to move on.
She's doing the Plaza stuff because she has worked with them in the past. At least she has the ability to make and keep friendships and professional connections over time.
No. 181370
>>181358she said she has savings from her modelling and money her dad gave her years ago from uni. she's almost 30 years old. there's a lot of money for her to accumulate. she could've been working back home or doing favors for rich family members etc.
but basically she said the money she made from modelling she saved up. considering back then she was sharing a living space with other models and they didn't pay rent, there's a lot of money she could have saved.
No. 181392
>>181221At least she didn't give her mom eye-ginas. Her dad is in his 60s, if that's any indication of age.
>>181257I want to see what happens if they both worked together. Kiki's sperging will be glorious.
No. 181411
>>181348the 40+ isn't a comment on her mother's age you idiot it's the title of the video. she isn't saying her mom is 40. women start sagging bad at age 40 thus why the makeup is suitable for women 40+. even if her mom was 50 it's still above 40 which is what the title of the video is? 40+??
it's easy to see why you're on disability lmao.
No. 181413
>>181412we were talking about how taylor's modelling was better than dakota's and were praising her modelling. and suddenly we get an essay about how taylor doesn't get work because she's a failure, relies on her dad's money, doesn't actually like sharla, how her relationship with her agency is suspicious(something people accuse dakota of all the time mind you), is secretly a spoiled bitch, and that dakota "actually gets decent work". it was off topic and a whole lotta offtopic buttblast coincidentally at the same time we mentioned kooter. it didn't contribute anything to the discussion.
that's why we say it's sperg-chan. because they sperg and rant unprovoked about shit no one's talking about while defending kooter in the
same breath. it's like clockwork. mention kooter, summon the ostrengas.
No. 181415
File: 1476071759705.jpg (37.36 KB, 500x385, 1394349055332.jpg)

>>181414feel free to discuss that here
>>154930 No. 181439
>>181428they were autist claims from 12 year old kota stans on PULL from like 2013. it's only brought up in 2016 by those same pulltards that come here and kiki when she's sperging. so really the "theories" are mostly shit made up for the sake of projecting drama onto her since they can't stand that she's drama free and more likeable than kota since she used to be her clone. fillers are unlikely because they say she got them in her cheeks which is the fattest part of her face so it make 0 sense why she would get fillers there. it's the makeup that makes her look weird. when she doesn't have it she looks fine.
p sure she lurks tho.
No. 181454
>>181428The Taylor threads span a while going back. She wouldn't be relevant or known if not for the threads, which makes me think it's possible Kaka started those threads. Still, people never hated Taylor. It was general disappointment of "she was a model and now is doing this".
>>181439You can get fillers in your cheeks to counter to loss of fat volume in the face from losing weight and age. It's a typical procedure.
No. 181488
>>181487Her boyfriend might have a company discount or this was a sponsored video.
There is no reason to go there twice. The food is bland and once you've seen the views, you'll want new experiences. The price is standard for what they offer, as they cater to visitors on business.
No. 181522
>>181485What are you 12?
400/3 people =133 a night
It's not that much fam
No. 181527
>>181522Lmao are you 10 then?
400 per person per night.
Which means each person cost $400
$400 x 3 = $1200
They stayed for two nights which makes it $2400.
If any ryokan that nice only costed around $100 it would be a miracle
No. 181562
File: 1476127188771.jpg (86.1 KB, 640x881, IMG_0012.JPG)

>>181506Do you know many women her age? 28 year old white woman don't have the faces of 10 year olds. In this photo which is years old she is already showing signs of typical aging. Loss of volume in the lower eyes and middle of the face with smile lines forming. And if you look at her upper body, if anything she looks bigger.
i don't think it's bad she does fillers and I think she looks really good without her weird makeup. But I don't know how anyone can think that it is natural if you know her age and have seen her old photos.
No. 181567
>>181486I expected her to be so,ewhat more open minded, out-going and less constrained. I thought Taylor comes from a rich family so i assumed her mother travelled a lot and therefore was more curious about foreign food for example. Inwas surprised she was neither drinking coffee nor tea or eating neither raw stuff nor fish nor this 'n that.
I sm not saying its a bad thing, and yes, she's just a mum :) but i was surprised by her behaviour as i didn't expect it knowing where she comes from.
No. 181568
>>181562> 28 year old white womanUnless
They had a good upbringing and took care of their diet/skin since they were young.
There's a science and reason behind aging
No. 181571
>>181567correction i believe her dad is the money maker and since her parents are divorced, its not necessarily true mom still has money
sage because ugh taylor dramu
No. 181576
>>181572yeah because makeup, photoshop, and time don't alter a person's apperance or something
kaka take a nap, drink your meds, go to sleep
No. 181577
>>181568and that science says being male, overweight and dark makes your skin look better longer.
Taylor has neither the extra weight nor extra melanin nor the extra amount of testosterone black women have.
No. 181604
File: 1476135382454.jpg (50.97 KB, 450x600, IMG_0013.JPG)

>>181576I don't think Taylor would look wrecked if she aged naturally because, like you said, of her lifestyle. But nobody ages from to 10 year old chipmunk and I don't even believe she gained any weight. She reminds me of Amber Heard and I think she'd look beautiful if she got nothing done and still looks beautiful now in a different way. I hate her makeup though.
You're not kaka if you're not delusional enough to believe Taylors aging is natural.
No. 181606
>>181604how come you always pick on chipmunks? hamsters and otters have fat cheeks too
No. 181666
>>181615At this stage I would honestly be in favor of banning anything with Taylor from this site. There's nothing more than suspicion and rumors anyway. Plus it would kill Kiki, kek. But I guess that would kind of go against lolcow.
Sage, although it's not derailing this thread more than anything else here.
No. 181862
File: 1476195486909.jpg (58.43 KB, 745x743, rachelgotanosejob.jpg)

I'll just leave this here.
No. 181926
>>181911holy shit anon but what if that really happened? It probably did once omg. Now that I think about it these 2 have so much in common. They are both vegan, like to post cringy inspirational quotes, are hungry for Japanese dick, are both bitter about Kooter, are tall and skinny, like to appear perfect but are both anti social and lazy (they both failed at learning Japanese for years now) so maybe they let off steam on lolcow kek.
A Japanese TV show should invite them both without them knowing and then lock them in a tiny cage with tons of cameras and the audience screams random shit at them which they don't understand because it's neither ohayou nor arigatou.
sage for tinfoil hatting
No. 181958
>>181926>They are both vegantay stated many times she's not vegan, she will eat shrimp/fish when she wants
>Hungry for Japanese dickwe don't even know her bf is Japanese
>are both bitter about Kootersource where???
you're LITERALLY retarded
No. 181972
>>181926This was embarrassing to read.
>>181907Way to respond to yourself.
No. 182205
>>181907Haha I've been thinking the same thing too. Mention Taylor and this anon gets
triggered. Responds every couple hours pretending to be different people with the same writing style. I don't think it's Taylor herself but either an obsessive fan or someone that knows her in real life.
No. 182211
>>182205Just don't reply to them fam. They've been at this shit since late last year.
Wait for admin to post who is Kiki or spergchan.
No. 182284
File: 1476244809852.jpg (62.85 KB, 720x960, hDZl0xK.jpg)

>Grown man taking picture of a heartfelt letter from his students to share with his pedo friends
what the actual fuck
No. 182286
File: 1476244942051.jpg (233.27 KB, 960x1280, wlisvI4.jpg)

He's fucking highschool students but can't even get a watch that fits? l o l
weeaboos are fucking scum
No. 182293
File: 1476245979303.png (36.02 KB, 564x258, ss (2016-10-11 at 09.18.54).pn…)

They're saying its fake but honestly how do you explain the pictures of risinggaijin with a half naked girl?
No. 182296
File: 1476246974362.jpg (703.06 KB, 1440x2560, oLoot4N.jpg)

>>182251how can you see this and not have your bullshit meters go off
this reads faker than the queens jap father
No. 182301
File: 1476248038429.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f485…)

>>182251woah WOAH.. MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK??? Good LORD.
I really hope that page comes to light and more people see it and report these pukes. They need to be locked up. That's so fucking gross.
And Mira…what else can i say. She's a cunt. but we already knew that. Not really surprised by that one.
No. 182303
>>182251those 'racist' chats look fake
the pedo shit is fucked up, I really hope it's made up too
No. 182314
>>182309You are probably right, assuming tkyosam does indeed know who it is and also assuming that it is a J-vlogger, victor seems the most likely candidate. It could also be Scott Ackerman aka unrested, hikosaemon or Bobbyjudo, but none of those seem particularly likely.
My guess is that it somebody who is knbown the the J-vloggers but not a vlogger himself.
No. 182364
>>182296yeah this looks fake as hell.
For one thing, the first two chat bubbles both have three lines of text, but have way different padding spaces on the bottom of the speech bubble. They should be the same.
No. 182394
>>182391Yeah, just looked at the pictures on the PC again, and his face is in one of them. Ugh, wtf. Also taking purikura with students is surely not ok.
The top one of the the Line convos
>>182361 linked is shopped as hell, but not this one: guy can't distinguish between shiteru and shitteru?! Wow.)
This makes me feel sick. Is he still an ALT? Does anyone know if he's with the JET programme? I have a friend who works admin for that…
No. 182404
>>182361Was this edited with fucking ms paint
No. 182455
File: 1476287181465.png (1.94 MB, 1625x912, venus.png)

found Venus on bodyline's website and rakuten. Seems like they still use her modeling photos even after that big scandal that happened years ago No. 182492
>>182487but almost any moderately ok looking person is better looking than those guys
that model would be meh at best in the west
No. 182647
File: 1476358898306.jpeg (468.13 KB, 800x800, nicholas-edwards-christmas-wis…)

>>182487Maybe slightly better looking would be Nicholas Edwards, aka the guy who keeps competed at Nodo Jiman Za! World multiple times, and is now under Warner Music Japan. But when it comes to White guys with some sort of Japan fame, I guess it end there then?
Oh well, there are also White professional models in Japan (I've seen a few in Tokyo). And then I'm talking about Abercrombie & Fitch material. But of course, these men are just doing their jobs, rather than make jvlogs or whatever about themselves. And they probably aren't weebs either lol.
No. 182658
>>182647Sorry but both of these guy's faces look like a foot.
People who are hot enough to really be pro models wouldn't be vlogging because they get enough adoration IRL that they would not seek it online.
No. 182695
>>182649Oh… she was trolling? I thought she is just bad (or became bad. She used to be pretty good at least.)
I think all the jvloggers have jlpt n2 at least but that honestly means nothing because its just a multiple choice test
No. 182764
>>182695She has an office job and probably needs to speak Japanese daily, it's pretty hard to get worse that way.
(JLPT N2 is absolutely accomplishable if you've been in the country for a year or more.)
No. 183237
>>183235right? and the biggest kicker was that it was most likely scott/ unrested
the guy who was 'above the drama' and a suicide prevention advocate
fuck that guy
No. 183239
>>182480lmao, did they? Bodyline is so professional. No one ever puts their money where their mouth is with boycotting that company just because they have cheap trash.
>>182538Does Mira ever not damage control? I stopped paying attention to her for months and she's still doing it.
No. 183288
>>183274Tkyosam mentioned he was contacting the wife of the person behind it
A week prior to the leak untested stated in a blog he was quitting because of disgusting jvlogger behavior(pertaining to a chatroom)
Put two and two together, he is the most likely suspect
No. 183456
File: 1476615327952.jpeg (162 KB, 747x922, image.jpeg)

Damn, her face looks bloated now.
I bet she couldn't wait for mommy to leave so she could make more videos.
No. 183460
>>183456Bloating where? Stop reaching and go back to PULL's Taylor R thread where that shit is acceptable
As for the screenshots there is a lot of potential milk but the no name jvlogger part makes it a bit less interesting
No. 183540
>>183514if talking about her cheeks really means this much to you i suggest you put down the macbook for a while.
>>183521imo it's the way it's done. when people come in making an exaggeration about how bad her face looks coupled with some other off topic joke about her being a spoiled rich girl then the thread is about to be overrun with autist nitpicking that no one can participate in unless they're a 12 year old from pull or kiki themselves. look at us once again talking about how she said she's gained weight from before and now once again on the topic of sperg-chan. it's the cancer of the board. basically if they wanna make fun of her they can go to pull because here we'd rather not go over the same shit over and over again. if they're mad no one cares then they can leave the thread instead of going into autist rage mode because no one cares.
No. 183570
>>183514I want to know the IP behind those posts because they're consistent and within minutes.
There's always sage, PULL mentions, screaming "no milk", and the ever present explanation of what is or isn't acceptable on lolcow despite there hardly being any negativity.
No. 183598
>>183570it's honestly amazing how much time they devote to instantly replying to any post about taylor.
about 50% of all posts in this thread are them complaining about nitpicking at this point. poetically ironic.
this thread is going to collapse under the weight of them screeching autist at everyone and hyper analyzing any comments about their fav. I mean it pretty much has already.
No. 183627
>>183570Right? Someone says something mildy negative about Taylor and like clockwork her whitenights start sperging lmao.
>>183552>It's like constantly pointing out Kooter wears extensions and that we can't believe she lies about them. Bruh. That horse is dead.Well that is pretty much what goes on in Kota's thread except instead of it being about her wearing extensions it's about her shooping her pictures. And honestly most threads here are nitpicking or beating a dead horse and if you don't like what someone has to say then just scroll past it instead of trying to dictate what they should or shouldn't say.
No. 183718
File: 1476640120862.jpg (89.06 KB, 901x1200, Cu0JBolUsAAB0c5.jpg)

she wont shut up about some youtuber blatantly copying her and trying to turn her against her friends.
any clue who it is?
No. 183792
>>183456Taylor thread simulator:
No. 183794
>>183718Fucking who? Is this?
Kim must have giant balls to think she's big enough for people to want to imitate.
No. 183800
File: 1476649239287.jpg (74.09 KB, 400x535, co-gai-co-guong-mat-bup-be-noi…)

>>183707She looked better without them. Aegyo sal fillers along with lip fillers (biibii) almost always look bad.
>>183794It's Kim. I don't know why she's acting like she's some big youtuber who's videos are original when she's doing the same makeup, fashion, "Shopping in Shibuya IN JAPAN" type of videos hundreds of people have been and still are doing for years. But she says she has receipts so hopefully she posts them.
No. 183868
>>183794 >>183718
Where did she say that?
No. 183877
>>183812Why are there always people defending Taylor's face on a site known for ripping people apart for the most petty shit?
And why is there always a war between people saying anything vaguely negative vs. these whiteknights? If you only have nice things to say about Taylor, why are you on lolcow? It baffles me.
Would be great if - now the Taylor sperg has been revealed to be an embittered Kirsten Ostrenga - the person defending Taylor's chipmunk face (and seemingly only getting uppity about this sensitive issue) was Taylor. The dream.
No. 183906
>Why are there always people defending Taylor's face on a site known for ripping people apart for the most petty shit?And why is there always a war between people saying anything vaguely negative vs. these whiteknights?
No one is "white knighting" they are just bored reading about your jealousy boner.
No. 183915
>>183792that is how you sound
now, do you want to calm down to gather your thoughts and not act like a fucking retard
No. 183924
File: 1476662862687.jpg (155.23 KB, 1200x991, CtII7o3UsAAQL0A.jpg)

>>183920I can't imagine a cultured person like melodee would want to imitate a SEA girl with a mole that makes her constantly look like she has a booger under her nose
No. 183933
>>183930I almost thought it was Melodee, but then I was like "wat no way, Melodee is way above Kim in terms of makeup, skincare, and fashion" and just shrugged it off. If it is though, wtf Kim
Some people are speculating Elaine Mok or whatever that fatty-chan's name is
No. 183941
>>183924Fuck.. I can not unsee that Anon.
But I'm more curious in the how said person is trying to turn her friends against her ? New friend in the Jvlogg group ? Venus ? ( Only new person I can think of but likely not her tbh )
No. 183961
>>183953and it's not like she's casey neistat or whatever who basically put vlogging and video making on another level. her videos are so mundane and boring. Just quick shots and jump cuts that cut off mid sentence. Her non-vlogs are just the worst because you can tell she is just reading each line one by one and cutting each individual take instead of just doing one continuous shot of her explaining products.
And she always ends all of her sentences as if they are questions, and has the weirdest speech impediment.
No. 183971
File: 1476669488323.jpeg (69.13 KB, 750x413, image.jpeg)

No. 183974
File: 1476669531694.png (721.05 KB, 757x767, image.png)

Oh yeah Kim, Melodee is DEFINITELY copying you
Fucking classless slob
No. 183977
File: 1476669655491.jpeg (75.53 KB, 750x438, image.jpeg)

>>183959It seems like she's crying about the thumbnail or something.
No. 183984
File: 1476670120551.png (338.24 KB, 572x1064, New canvas.png)

is this bitch really calling her out for her insta followers? That's such a petty thing to even take notice of, insecure much?
I can't wait to see these damning receipts of Melodee buying insta followers lmfao
No. 183991
>>183979It is just a theory while we wait for the "receipts".
Kim tweeted "oh just write Best Japanese Makeup on yt and you'll see.. Melodee was the only youtuber that appeared with the same fonts in her video thumbnail. Actually it was the only one I saw woth something similar. But it could be just a coincidence.
Melodee did a collab with Rachel and she went to Tokyo Spac, and Melodee follows Kim on twitter.
No. 183994
>>183984And yet she is still more successful than you and speaks Japanese like a pro while you cater to weebs on Youtube for a living and still struggle to describe in Japanese what cheap shit you have in your makeup pouch.
Theres some vid of kim and a korean youtuber and a japanese youtuber all speaking japanese about whats in their pouches, and Kim could barely even speak. And all of the people in the comments were calling her out about it saying that the video would have been much better without her awkwardness
No. 184001
She better tweets who is that person copying her because it sucks to think it is Melodee lol
>>183989>Melodee doesn't follow Kim anymore.Oh thanks for this. Maybe this means she is really the person Kim is talking about.
No. 184004
File: 1476671666775.jpg (5.84 KB, 194x259, melodee.jpg)

>>183924Right? Like somebody who looks like this would ever want strive to be like Potato Dao lmfao
No. 184020
File: 1476672467260.jpg (100.61 KB, 745x446, ss (2016-10-16 at 07.46.25).jp…)

>>184019I think it's obvious who Kim is talking about at this point
No. 184022
>>184021Kim is ugly
Not only is she ugly, shes stupid
No. 184032
>>184023kind of blog and race derailment so sage but
as an southeast asian i know that east asians(Japan/Korea/China) are more desired in terms of beauty goals. We are more prone to have fat round faces, monolids, and dark tan skin. ive gone through so many years of surgery to brighten and change my face and skin to match these beauty ideals
Why does melodee who is pale ans 10/10 want to be Kim who is barely a 6
No. 184039
File: 1476675151007.png (238.66 KB, 548x500, Screenshot_2016-10-16-20-20-44…)

>>184020Apparently this was the original thumbnail but even so, bitch really?
If copying thumbnails was a crime Sharla is guilty of it for knocking Taylor's style 10x over.
No. 184078
File: 1476685873617.png (12.01 KB, 696x173, ss (2016-10-16 at 11.29.19).pn…)

so let me get this straight, Kim MAJORED in JAPANESE but still misunderstood Japanese people having a conversation about work to be about her.
Kim go get your money back girl, university did nothing for you.
No. 184082
File: 1476686290810.png (165.65 KB, 307x279, 1476685925833.png)

so is this guy Taylor's boyfriend?
No. 184088
>>184039lol who wants to bet that this tweet is the 'receipts' that kim is talking about. Re-reading twitter, it's so obvious that its Melodee. Kim's trying to sound so much better by saying "But I TRIED to make it seem different when i first uploaded it, but then she just had to go and copy me boohoo!"
How can she honestly sit there with a straight face and try to pass Melonee off as if she isn't leagues ahead of her in media? Yeah, I'd be totes jealous of some nasty J-vlogger too if all the exposure I was getting was on boring ol' CNN.
Hey Kim, at least Melodee is still relevant and gets gigs when she is back in the states. Where are you going to be in one year when you go back to Australia and everybody, including your ~best honest bff vlogger squad~ forgets about you?
No. 184102
File: 1476689554780.jpg (520.79 KB, 1139x494, fasfafa.jpg)

Man these hoes are fake as fuck
No. 184104
File: 1476689868167.jpg (355.66 KB, 1087x494, adgagsa.jpg)

I find it really funny she goes on about fakeness when her two best friends: Sunny and Bii have gone under the knife. I guess Kim's going to have surgery soon too.
Next Jvlog video: "Getting Surgery IN JAPAN!!!"
No. 184117
File: 1476693014346.jpeg (104.61 KB, 600x450, image.jpeg)

>>184089Almost didn't recognize her here.
No. 184127
>>184088Kim needs to get off the internet and get some sleep because she's making an arse of herself.
I really cannot stand Melodee Morita though. Her valley girl vocal fry in her videos makes me cringe. No. 184135
>>184102Dude that is 2012
Its possible they were friends and things went sour. its clear some kind of backstabbing went on.
Im sure no one wants to be friends with princess melodee
No. 184173
>>174539I just wanted to say
Dowa Kim own any other pair of shoes that are NOT those white platform sandals???
No. 184281
>>184022Kimdao and Wengie are both not likable and have VERY unattractive faces/accents. They both come across as desperate for attention as well and have pretty lukewarm videos. I didn't like kim for a long time but this bitchfit of hers sealed the deal, she's a joke.
Melodee is gorgeous and very professional so she is likable, plus a lot of her tutorials seem useful. Kim shot herself in the foot by accusing anyone of anything, especially Melodee caught on and stopped following her. Good luck with never having someone take you seriously again, fucking idiot.
No. 184498
>>184135Why not?
>>184281Her tutorials are very useful and easy to follow, her face massage tutorials are super nice and I think it is great she uses both Japanese and English for her tutorials. I don't know if she's a bad friend/bitchy irl but I can say she's very professional and her content is actually good. No wonder why she gets super good jobs.
If Kim was so sure Melodee was copying her and she has evidence then why she didn't tell Melodee before? They were "friends" right? Why would you start a drama instead of talking in private like a normal person? I guess all Jvloggers prefer their cat fights in public.
No. 184543
Melodee is a professional Ballet dancer, special interest tv host and recently MC'ed an event with the Japanese Prim Minister. She's obviously focused on building an actual career and not petty youtube drama.
No. 184548
>>184544And she gets onto Melodee for being overly sweet/fake on Youtube…but isn't that the whole Jvlogging crew?
Sharla and Tay's whole image is being the ~super sweet older sister~ to all of the fans
No. 184550
>>184548Yes! That Shaylor sleepover event was the biggest super sweet big sister deal.
Ugh I'm so sick of these girls and their Mean Girls friendship dramas. They don't simply break up with a friend, they break up and scorch the earth around them.
No. 184552
>>184543Haaaah, Kim is really coming across as desperate and insecure. Probably feeling threatened by Melodee who is actually successful. Was she afraid her friends would be stolen from her?
Melodee always looks so put together and classy. Meanwhile Kim is looking like a frump in F21 quality clothes.
No. 184558
>>184281Kim's acting like an idiot about this and seems overly dramatic in general, but honestly there is something about Melodee that really rubs me the wrong way.
I can't put my finger on it but it's enough to make me not want to watch her videos.
No. 184567
File: 1476739889238.png (361.87 KB, 905x549, sfafafsa.png)

Where's Kim's callout post on Sharla?
No. 184662
File: 1476746832444.jpg (104.81 KB, 720x960, Cu8fRiBVIAIKIJr.jpg)

Sharla is wearing that SAME HOODIE again
seriously is that all she owns???
No. 184672
File: 1476747327809.png (42.46 KB, 580x256, ss (2016-10-17 at 03.34.38).pn…)

Why did she feel the need to mention this?
Sounds insecure
No. 184741
File: 1476751750816.png (754.78 KB, 591x588, fsdfszgstg.PNG)

>>184723she's been around a long time
just like this chick
they were wittle weebs who taught themselves japanese. now ironically both are studying abroad this year
No. 184761
>>184741I fail to see the irony.
She was/is a weeb, she studied Japanese, she's now in Japan. Seems like she got what she wanted?
No. 184763
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omg guiz this eggplant is amazing
>>184761i meant irony that they are both in japan at the same time. i guess more of a coincidence, not irony. but she (ryuzaki1311) actually ended up hating japan
No. 184765
hate that thing she does with her eyes when she eats. And sometimes it happens when she's talking to the camera.
No. 184771
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I wonder if she's still gonna go after her even though the video was removed ?
-Pout pout she didn't apologize or kiss my feet -
No. 184778
>>184777wait nvm I was thinking of
>>184741hardly recognise her from all the instahoe getup, she used to look so different
No. 184779
>>184771what a fucking idiot
enjoy your career in doing fucking nothing
No. 184799
File: 1476759034107.png (2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 25719261466_b387ee08ca_o.png)

'Hi I'm Kim Dao and Im a highly influential beauty vlogger, dont copy me'
No. 184814
>>184662It's so funny seeing Sharla always jump on these trends super late. And they are always Korean trends or stupid Kpop shit. But now that she has Tayler I guess it's morphing into a 'gotta be Taylor' thing.
She has quite a few videos of her unboxing clothes/fukubukuros/clothing hauls, SO STOP WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES SHARLA. It's either the stupid neko atsume shirt, the dumb ~tumblr asthetic~ hoodie, the form fitting japanese lucky cat shirt, and a basic unflattering body hugging striped shirt. Thats literally all of what she is wearing in 90% of her videos.
No. 184823
>>184811Sharla wears prescription glasses and contact lenses. She's mentioned it in previous vidoes/twitter.
the frames are still fugly though. They remind me of the ones we had in the 90s when kids only had 1 style of frames to choose from.
No. 185052
File: 1476810700913.png (414.22 KB, 795x434, pp.png)

>>184997That Girl Boss product placement.
No. 185134
File: 1476819423711.jpg (225.28 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_5687.jpg)

These are Kim's "receipts"
If anything this shows that Kim doesn't know how to screen capture
No. 185144
>>185140It shows Kim was upset about this for FOUR MONTHS (Look at the varying views on the video/timestamps on the video)
The first picture Kim provided is probably before Melodee changed her thumbnail, even then Kim was insecure and suspected Melodee was copying her (Despite Melodee doing the video months before)
No. 185146
>>185134Kim is so embarrassing and pathetic. How is she trying to make this into an issue
It's funny seeing her and Sunny lick each others asses. They must have had unfulfilling school lives since they feel the need to act like they're still in middle school
No. 185150
>>185134"I have reciepts because i was obviously shit talking her to a friend and sending these pics through text message to bitch about her some more!!"
Kim so so fucking stupid. And Melodees video was so much better, its a shame she deleted it.
No. 185153
>>185144Kim's video has only been up for a month. If you look under the title you can see the time frame from when it was uploaded.
I'm assuming the blurred out is Melodee changing her title to somewhat match hers? The original thumbnail and title were posted on pull.
No. 185155
>>185134OMG thats it? She's pissed because Melodee changed the tittle of her video to get more views?
Nearly every youtuber does it. If something doesn't work and doesn't get views you change the tittle or thumbnail to make it more attention grabbing.
I'm sure it's even in a list of "Top 10 things to do to get more views on videos"
No. 185157
>>185155Right? Every YouTuber clickbaits their titles and thumbnails, what Kim does isn't new
I'm sure the only reason Kim has more views is because she wrote "TOP 10" in her title which people tend to like to watch more
No. 185161
File: 1476822081644.png (80 KB, 615x554, IMG_5688.PNG)

>>185153If this was her original title and thumbnail I can kind of see why Kim is pissed? The wording in the 3rd "screencap" was almost the same I guess.
Still, it is very petty.
No. 185162
>>185161The font she used in this original one is the same as her new one though.
Kim made a point that Melodee copied her font but that's obviously a lie now
No. 185169
>>185134I think she took screen caps like this because it's much harder to edit a screenshot when you take a photo of the screen rather than the usual clean method where it's easy to manipulate images with photoshop.
Still, it's really damn silly. I don't fault her for getting angry for someone trying to break up her friendships, that's understandable. Copying a thumbnail is such a small thing to complain about. Unless people start mixing the two people up and that's precisely why the one person started 'copying' the other.
No. 185173
>>185169I think it's more likely she took photos to shit talk with someone else like
>>185150 said
Kim isn't that smart
No. 185191
>>185134God its embarassing how ling she must have spent in a phone editing app to put this together
I can imagine her mousy little hands furiously typing as she hunches over the screen in her dark room
No. 185241
>>185240Taylor copied Kota, becomes more popular
Kittyphina copied Kota, becomes more popular
Sharla copie(s) Taylor
Kim accuses famous YTer of copying her
It's like I'm back in high school.
No. 185286
>>185280Moving into a house isn't a small thing, especially in Japan. Obviously it was planned for a while. Also remember how she said her boyfriend was buying a car a few weeks ago? It's probably so he can get to work from their new house which I assume is outside the city.
Kaka is probably slitting her dainty elven wrists right now just thinking about Taylor settling down in a nice big house with her asian boifurendo.
No. 185330
File: 1476843753179.png (424.02 KB, 823x464, Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 10.2…)

I watched Sunny's video .. Fuck Kim's a slob, look at her place..
No. 185351
>>185330Ugly inside and out ew…
>>185338Sunny had so much surgery to look like that, it's so sad
No. 185397
File: 1476853628496.png (1.78 MB, 1645x914, Untitled.png)

Her skin is fucked, check out those forehead dents…
Y'know Melodee may or may not have talked shit but those shiseido brand deals are working wonders for her. Kim on the otherhand…not so much
No. 185414
>>185407I disagree. She was extremely popular in HK but not popular at all in Japan. No one in Japan knows or cares about her.
She peaked at HK
No. 185417
>>185414she's more popular now than before. obviously. she has way more followers. she has her hk fanbase but she's gained more in the west since she just stopped doing jp shit altogether. it doesn't seem like she has any business ties with any japanese company other than that plaza shit. i don't doubt she
could if she wanted since modelling gigs are mainly centered around social media platforms now, what with viners getting signed to agencies. standards are low.
No. 185455
>>185446poor skin=bad diet, improper skin care, lack of makeup knowledge
when i look up make up tuts, if the girl has bad skin that's a big sign to close the tab
No. 185467
>>185414But she's not trying to gain a japanese following? She must used it as a springboard and easy way into modeling and getting a following which ended up being mostly insecure young western girls.
Being white and modeling in asia is easy mode.
No. 185478
>>185468Since when has this bitch ever taken veganism seriously?
It's not mean girls, you can't just do it on Wednesdays.
No. 185559
>>185521Acne scars are a result of bad skincare and still cause dents to the face and
Don't be so technical
No. 185564
>>185559I have scars similar to those that aren't due to acne.
What evidence do you have that they are acne scars?
No. 185726
File: 1476920605095.gif (8.15 MB, 480x480, HNXE2aY.gif)

>>185325Well, let's see, Taylor just mentioned recently that it was their anniversary, so they've been together for at least one year. But, given the fact that they just moved into a house together I'm guessing it's been at least 2 years if not more. Taylor doesn't seem like the type to rush into things at all, and it's also a huge commitment to make in a foreign country that she said she doesn't plan to live in forever. Also when she finally told us about him she was already talking about making wedding videos so I think it's safe to assume they've been together for a long time. So, assuming it's been at least 2 years(2 year anniversary) if not more, he's most likely not Japanese because Taylor moved to Japan 2 years ago.
She lived in Hong Kong for 4 years before she went to Japan, and she's with an English speaking Asian. The likelihood of him being from Hong Kong is very high.
No. 185843
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>>185830Oh right our apologies, lets discuss her botched v line surgery instead and how sharp and bad her chin is now
No. 185850
File: 1476936222715.jpg (40.67 KB, 452x323, ss (2016-10-19 at 09.02.16).jp…)

>>185845She was actually pretty chubby and average before surgery
It kind of explains her nasty behavior, she reminds me of that xiaxue girl except not as successful
No. 185853
>>185726According to your logic, he moved to Japan because Taylor got a job there?
she said ONE YEAR anniversary, I think she has no reason to lie about that and she was dating a different guy in HK, there are many photos of them together attending events and holding hands.
Many people in Japan speak English and you don't know nothing about the guy you are assuming things based on stereotypes.
>Taylor doesn't seem like the type to rush into things at all. 1 year is a very reasonable amount of time, but there's probably a better reason for moving to his home NOW:
It was a rented apartment, she had a contract, but they usually require you to stay for a minimum of 1 ~ 2 years. She arrived to Japan about 2 years ago… It was probably the perfect time to do this because otherwise she'd have had to sign for another 2 years.
No. 185878
File: 1476943552752.jpg (38.78 KB, 355x500, 664feb9ejw1e3qfa0zhjzj.thumb.j…)

>>185867Shut up. There are many pictures of those two together.
No. 185882
File: 1476944318338.jpeg (134.65 KB, 750x1196, image.jpeg)

even up on her Instagram
No. 185883
>>185867Now in this interview (april, 2014) she talks about her EX boyfriend :
>"I suit Asian men more than Western men because of my image. Western men may find me a bit weird."
>"Most of the time, I’m attracted to Asian guys. My ex is Asian too. "Link: this theory here:
>when she finally told us about him she was already talking about making wedding videos so I think it's safe to assume they've been together for a long time. From
>>185726Is BS.
She just answered a question about her dream wedding, someone asked her that on twitter and she explained it in her video.
No. 185886
>>185874I know right?
In the end it's because she's lazy and doesn't want to work hard to achieve results. Have you seen her newest surgery? She got new tits. She also removed fat instead of exercising lol.
No. 185890
File: 1476946204902.png (989.29 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3183.PNG)

>>185280It wasn't that hard to figure out where she lived. Took me 10 minutes tops. Now that's she's moved, I don't feel like such a dick posting these
No. 185895
File: 1476946434633.png (3.14 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3016.PNG)

>>185890Shot from the street, note the DHC building's distance
No. 185896
File: 1476946550283.png (3.45 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3017.PNG)

Turning to the left, the building is obvious. Taylor, if you're reading this, don't post pics from your window if you're still in a populated area, girl. I'm not even that familiar with Roppongi and this was stupid easy.
No. 185900
>>185889So? She can't date singers or what?
How do you explain they were holding hands? They do looked like a couple.
Anyway she said EX boyfriend in that interview in 2014, there's no evidence that her bf is from HK.
No. 185903
>>185896>>185895>>185890And this is another good reason to move… explaining details of how u found it is creepy af…
I hope she learned her lesson: never post pictures of your neighborhood.
No. 185905
>>185903>>185896aw guys now she wont post any pics of where she is now :(
all the better for her safety i guess tho
No. 185915
>>182286This asshole use to work at Sam and Dave 1 in Namba, Osaka as the V.I.P promotor. He crept hard on my friend and I moments after we entered the club, offering free V.I.P passes, etc. He also had a fucking BLOWOUT!
Anyway, he was fired for being a shit worker and a total creep. He works at some school around Kyobashi in Osaka and has a reputation for being a total creeper amongst the foreign community. He even carries his own custom made business cards and introduces himself as the "risin gaijin".
No. 185931
>>185903>>185922All I did was check a map of the area around Tokyo Tower for any bigger streets that have a somewhat straight shot towards that area. There were only two. Checked satellite vers for distinctive road markings and used street view to "back up" and find the DHC building.
I'm a girl from another country with no plans on stalking anyone, but really, if it's this easy for me who knows about some nasty gaijin hunter trash. Be safe, farmers.
No. 185948
>>185896>>185895You are wrong though
She didnt live in roppongi
She posted a pokemon go screenshot from her place
It wasnt roppongi
No. 185957
>>185948What are you talking about? She has only lived in one place in Tokyo, the one that anon posted the listing photos of.
And now she has moved to another.
No. 185972
File: 1476969103458.jpg (53.3 KB, 440x604, 6770aa20jw1e3n23gp80uj.jpg)

>>185900>>185882>>185879>>185878He's been with the same woman (his assistant) since 1994 and married her last year. They had been dating for like 20 years before they got married.
He's not only a singer, but a model and a designer as well so they've probably had jobs together and got along. The picture where they're holding hands was taken at a jewelry event (3D Gold x Alice Wild). He was the designer and Taylor was his model. So it's more likely a designer holding his model's hand for a picture than a shot of a couple holding hands (especially since he was in a relationship with his assistant at the time).
No. 185984
>>185879I really hate these expressions.
>>185972The difference in her chin and eye size compared to the previous pic kek
No. 186024
>>186014I was pointing out we weren't discussing if that guy is her actual boyfriend, I said EX, that's why I told you to read the thread instead.
Even if that's true and they never dated, the discussion was not exactly about that, it was about a theory that her boyfriend in Japan is from Hong Kong and that they've been dating for many years, anon refused to believe it was their "1 year anniversary". I pointed out MAYBE that guy in the pictures is her ex, and that she mentioned her EX is asian in an interview. (she said this april in 2014).
>>185726 (theory)
>>185853>>185878>>185882>>185883 No. 186075
>>185989Maybe I'm just soft for Venus, but I really liked her vlog. I haven't seen much from the jvloggers but I find their videos pretty hard to finish. She kept a good pace through out and didn't come across as overproduced/fake.
I think it was charming. Having to turn around when she realized she was going in the wrong direction was cute. Getting the gachapon for Manaki too.
No. 186095
>>186093Years? Give it a few weeks.
I can't stand weebs anyway.
No. 186115
File: 1477002274056.jpg (129 KB, 913x437, ss (2016-10-20 at 03.23.21).jp…)

speaking of recording in Japanese stores
What the fuck is wrong with weebs with their shitty impromptu photoshoots IN A STORE while ON THE FLOOR
No. 186117
>>186024chill. they're trying to say its not her ex either
theres no pictures of her and her ex bf from HK she just mentioned she had one.
I dont believe her current bf is the same guy its probably someone from Japan she might have met while working
No. 186280
>>185853>According to your logic, he moved to Japan because Taylor got a job there? No. Wrap your head around the idea that MAYBE the whole reason Taylor even went to Japan may have been to stay with her boyfriend. That he got a job there and she followed along.
Why else would she give up a solid career in Hong Kong for nothing really? Sure she wanted to be a kawaii dolly-chan, but she was already working her way up to that before she left Hong Kong. I'm guessing it was more than that.
And no, she did not say one year, she never specified how many years. She just said it was their anniversary.
Don't tell me you're that same person from earlier in the thread who kept using the word "stereotype" all the time. Do you even know what that means? Jesus.
No. 186284
>>185948>>185977Didn't she only show pokemon go on camera when it wasn't even working in Japan yet? How do you know the map was even accurate and not just representing some random part of Tokyo because it wasn't working yet?
And yeah, she only ever lived in the one apartment in Japan. Go look at the older videos she deleted from youtube, she always lived there. In fact she even said in the moving video that she was sad to leave that apartment because she spent 2 years there.
No. 186310
File: 1477009942988.jpg (50.06 KB, 640x359, IMG_9572.JPG)

Good lord what is going on with sharlas manga series thing. I cant even bear to watch it
No. 186324
>>186310This whole series is just masturbating their ego, it's so gross
Also why is Sharla making all the ad revenue for this? If she added voice overs that would make sense but she's literally taking the art and putting a song over it
No. 186331
>>186322Plenty of people here have speculated before that they were already living together and there were rooms in that apartment that she just didn't show.
It's only speculation anon. I'm not sure why some people are getting so upset at the idea that he might not be Japanese though. Is she only allowed to date the purest Japanese? Or is everyone taking Kiki's words to heart, that all the "engo speaky ones are ugly" ?
No. 186361
File: 1477018681975.png (486.67 KB, 1440x1875, 20161021_115447.png)

Micaela's twitter is so self-pitying and dramatic that I can't stand her anymore. "Omgg someone disagreed with me on the internet waaah" Maybe if she'd stop being pathetic and lazy and got a job it would help her see past such petty bullshit.Fishing for pity hard enough yet Micaela?? There's so many better things in the world to put your energy towards.
No. 186362
File: 1477018747056.jpg (43.7 KB, 820x645, CqxZMLWWYAIT8xx.jpg)

Is Kim Dao getting pregnant or is she just fat
btw should we make a thread for Kim herself? It might be easier to keep tabs on her and it will stop clogging up the jvlogger thread
No. 186367
>>186280>Why else would she give up a solid career in Hong Kong for nothing really?For nothing? Wow anon… She has a good job, a succesful YT channel, and a relationship.
The first work she got was in Japan she said that in her interview, then she lived 4 years in HK, maybe she just wanted something new, maybe it was one of her dreams, who knows anon.
No. 186372
>>186362Probably just bloated.
Wouldn't be surprised if she was getting Japanese dick on the side like other weebs that move to Japan and already have boyfriends.
No. 186398
>>185991This is good.
Just because Sharla shits all over people who are just as weeby and pathetic, I like how Taylor is giving good feedback.
No. 186401
>>186374Which is exactly why I said on the side.
>>186380She's admitted to cheating before, lmao. See
>>186396 at 2:50
No. 186447
File: 1477039611581.jpg (102.02 KB, 848x431, EAGqjhN.jpg)

>>185397Sharla has similar marks in her face too, the image quality is not very good buy you get the idea.