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No. 162725
Old thread saged
>>145728 so new thread
Sharla is still busy being ~began~ and is slowly trying to transform into Taylor 2.0
Taylor is daily vlogging away and living with Tripod-san.
Rachel is lovin' life with her new nose
Kim is laying low after her Racism in Japan vid. Can be seen playing pokemon go and now lives with her MTF roomie
Mimei's hair is still as greasy as ever
Continue spilling milk and bring your jacket because heavy snowflake fall is to be expected with ~jvloggerz~
No. 162740
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>>162735>>162728What I don't get is why she got a temporary Botox jaw shave which actually makes her look like a woman and doesn't upkeep it or get a permanent one and instead spends money on gross lips and balloon tits.
No. 162749
>>162740she's starting to look like Bom or some other cut up kpop girl…..
I don't think she looks manly, she looks a bit androgynous and personally I don't think it's a bad look, more mature imo. Just my 2 cents though
No. 162773
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I miss Audrey-sama. She would have been a lulzy Jvlogger.
No. 162828
Answering to
>>>/snow/162658I know about 2 of them I think? At least they're not cringy weebs who pretend they know more about japanese than japanese people. They only share their experience. That's why I rarely watch white jvloggers. But.
But they have stupid dramas around them which makes it interesting to follow.
It's all about the milk.
No. 162848
>>162823the philtrum is the part above the cupids bow
im talking about the weird line above her entire upper lip line
No. 162851
>>162848That's how lips are on normal people with normal lips….?
FAS anon please
No. 163068
>>163061I think three strikes for a YouTube partner can get their account downgraded to a non-earning one or something. Don't quote on me on that one, I just thought they'd have more privilege than a normal YouTuber with no partnership…
She's paying the artist after she gets caught using their music for her YouTube video. Uhm… why can't she just look for royalty-free music on incompetech or some other site like that?
No. 163084
>>162988i dont 'get' mimei…
is her only appeal living in japan?
she's not as boring as brony (biibii) but her humor is only slightly better than that of a wet sock
No. 163167
>>163122Something recent
I think homeware haul
No. 163216
>>163198I honestly dont understand folks probkem with Taylor. sure she does those stupid ass shots but shes very charming and goodlooking.
Most of this shit is mountians out of molehills.
No. 163275
>>163216I don't understand either.
The only thing I find really annoying is that she is really, really slow at grasping Japanese even though she is in the perfect environment to learn it. I know that people learn differently, but she just has so many opportunities to practice it and all she's doing is making excuses.
Putting aside "an hour a day" to learn a language that is (now) essential to her livelihood doesn't give good points to her character, imo.
Also I guess her really big eyes and tiny lips kind of wig me out, but I can disregard that most of the time.
No. 163297
>>163287"pretty sure"? kek
It's pretty obvious, she herself said she wears the biggest lenses possible.
No. 163298
>>163177There's also the question of everything leading up to her modeling career. It's a job that requires investment unless you are specifically scouted (sometimes even then).
I'm not salty but most people's parents don't even pay for education. We take out loans or work ourselves for the money.
It is frustrating that she really can't understand how her family's wealth allowed her to "follow her dreams."
I wonder what she has in mind for the future. Will she ever finish college?
No. 163301
I don't mind Taylor I think she's ite but with all that money you'd think she'd get a decent wardrobe. Her style… its so korean fashion forced? The oversized things are what you'd see delicate tiny koreans wear on Taobao ect dodgy shopping sites. It doesnt suit Taylor… casual but… not in that sense.
>>163300Lol so many give up learning it
No. 163303
>>163247she only cut her bangs unfortunately.
>>163258nice catch
but she has lived in the same place for 2 years i believe so i guess he just moved into her $3k/month apartment
No. 163311
>>163298She reminds me a bit of Gala Darling who is trying to flog a book about how to ~live your dreams like her, while conveniently missing out the first and most important step, #1 Have a trust fund.
Sharla has more followers and views than Taylor yet her old apartment was a bit of a dump, and her new one isn't much better even though it's in the middle of nowhere. So it's really silly for Taylor to try and claim "youtube money" pays for her lifestyle, and there's no way she earned even close to enough from the bit of modeling she did in HK to cover the rest. Even if it's not her Dad, she's obviously getting a lot of support from somewhere.
>>163303We don't know how long they've been together for though. She said in the video announcing his existence that it "wasn't a new thing" or something along those lines. Also, if you look at her older videos, say the Paris one, which is from pretty much exactly two years ago, it's obvious she's there with someone.
No. 163316
>>163311Why does everyone assume that they know everything about her financial situation?
Fact: We only know what she tells us.
Based on what I know about the HK market and east Asian one in general it is easy to make good money there. In fact agencies often send new girls there to build their books and pay off their debts.
Ex-ANTM contestant Elyse Sewell used to write about it.
Taylor did a lot of high end commercial work in HK including campaigns and TV. She was pretty in demand.
If she invested well, I could see it paying off to the point where she could afford her current lifestyle especially combined with her youtube money and whatever her bf makes.
In HK she was living in a model apartment with a bunch of other girls. If her father was funding her lifestyle, why wouldn't she have her own apartment then?
That's not to say she didn't have an easier path into modeling than someone who wasn't upper middle class, of course she did. At the start of her career, she could probably pay for her own test shots and didn't have to go into debt to her agency (and that's where a lot of young models are sunk). So in that sense she had advantages, but to act like her entire existence now is footed by "daddy's money" seems deliberately disingenuous, simplistic, and petty.
No. 163318
>>163316You're deliberately disingenuous, simplistic, and petty for implying it isn't considering he paid for her entire plastic face.
Your excess of words doesn't make you right, or smart, btw. You come off like a massive douche canoe.
I don't even read this thread but you Taylor retards are just that annoying.
No. 163331
>>163324>>163327What well adjusted individuals you Taytards are with your disproportionate rage.
Calling someone out for their shitty tl;dr on a chan isn't whining, how new are you? Bet you came here from PULL.
No. 163369
>>163298People hate admitting they were privileged when it doesn't follow the underdog narrative they created.
>>163366You can't make any investments with huge return unless you already have a sizeable amount of money to begin with.
No. 163375
>>163333>assmad to this extent>replying this fast to call someone else a sperg>"no i didnt cum from pull u did"OK assburgers PULLtard, learn to sage your shitposts pls
>>163297>>163287Do you think she'd look less alien baby without the lenses? I was thinking about what she used to look like & how she de-aged like Dakota, and then I was wondering what she plans to do when she's 30+ and has a weird puffy baby face.
No. 163377
>>163375>has a weird puffy baby facefucking get over this this is all you taylor tards ever talk about.
Bitch do you keep bringing it up because you have a gaunt skelly face?
No. 163397
>>163319You don't even need to know Tokyo, you just gotta look at the map.
About Taylor's investments/savings: If she was smart enough to make investements, she wouldn't blow it on rent. No one is that stupid. It's obvious she doesn't use her savings like that.
Another idea: She lives with her bf, who has the apartment paid or party paid for by his job. This is actually common for workers who earn a lot or have high positions in companies.
Sage because this thread is cancer now, and no chemo can save it.
No. 163400
>>163397>You don't even need to know Tokyo, you just gotta look at the map. Do you seriously think you can find that location from a vague map from pokego? Do you know how many small streets there are in Tokyo? You funny anon
>If she was smart enough to make investments, she wouldn't blow it on rentAre you suggesting she buy a home? Do you know how much buying a house costs in Tokyo? Why would she lock herself down with a mortgage if she plans to move in the future. Did you know the regular salaryman can't afford to pay off their mortgage for even a low-tier home so they commit suicide so that their family could pay it off with the life insurance that comes from it? Renting is obviously the smarter choice for the short term.
No. 163402
>>163076Hi Mimei
Maybe if you dressed your age and didn't act like a retarded 5 year old on camera, people wouldn't think you're fucking ugly.
No. 163419
>>163400Fucking hell
Thats some news to me tonight! Sounds as terrible as the housing market here in the UK.
No. 163447
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Hi Blake
No. 163487
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>>163461sharla's chin/neck area is so gross looking when she turns her head
No. 163495
>>163487damn she really looks like a soccer mom
Dat chin skin
No. 163498
>>163444I have no idea what you want. I got a report about the entire thread, and the reason was "taylorfags".
Be more specific if you see a rule violation, and report that specific comment.
No. 163505
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>>163490No it doesn't. Some people genetically have squishy necks. Like teen Liz Taylor here.
Sharla's neck is turkey wattling already like she's 50 years old
No. 163509
>>163461 You guys, shake those wigs out first, don't just jam them on your heads straight out of the package. At least Mira shakes hers out even if she never washes or powders them,
$100 is a low average price for a synthetic white girl wig and too much for those things. Those partings, bumpy tops look like those cheap New Look or Forever Young wigs. Streaks going all the way to the root?? Fuck no.
No. 163572
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>>163487A better pic for you, she is not perfect, bid deal. I she plenty of girls with that kind of chin.
No. 163583
>>163377>>163383I literally have 3 posts in this thread and all of them are just me responding to you angry retards lol!
Is it really that hard to believe that someone scrolling by would find Taylor's face kinda freaky, because that's literally what happened here. I almost feel like I should nicely explain to you and ask you to chill out because I didn't realize there's a problem with some kinda Taylor hateboner. But seeing your autismal rage over such minor commentary makes it pretty hard to 1) want to cooperate with you and 2) not bait you some more. You should probably get that in check.
No. 163653
>>163644your life must suck if you rage over such small things, it doesn't hurt to reply normally, doesn't even have to be friendly
besides, it's a trend rn on tumblr to act like a sassy bitch, so you belong on there asw , hun
No. 163661
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No. 163825
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No. 163826
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Tay r u ok
No. 163839
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>>163826don't hurt yourself reaching
she seems happier recently so im pretty sure she's ok.
pic unrelated. someone made brony mad
No. 163861
>>163839why wont she realise that what she does to herself makes her look like a tranny?
she used to look more feminine before
thick eyebrows + big fake lips on wide mouth = looking a bit tranny-ish
No. 163898
>>163839What an awkward situation to be in LOL
She honestly just needs to chill it with the make up or change her hair style to flatter her face shape. She looked amazing with dark hair in that sharla wig video.
No. 163904
>>163861>>163898This. Her lower jaw is super strong and masculine but she still wouldn't look like a tranny if she didn't do everything to make her look worse.
If she fixed her eyebrows, stopped getting terrible lip injections and stopped dying her hair ash blonde which clashes horribly with her coloring nobody would think she's a tranny.
No. 163989
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Everybody is so fashionable and then there's Mimei and Taylor….
No. 164003
>>163989Are you kidding me? All of them are a mess with their outfits.
https://www.bambiluna.comtheir site is so broken and their products look cheap as hell.
No. 164018
>>164003I agree they all look pretty embarrassing,
I actually think taylor looks the best because she's casual, the others are trying way too hard
Mimei got dressed in a dumpster in 1996 and not in a cool way
No. 164032
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>>164028everything is fake take a closer look
No. 164033
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>>164028she wants money and cock just like everyone else on this planet duh
No. 164168
>>164121Possible. I mean the video didn't give the impression that the shop was overflowing with people.
>>164157Give me a tshirt marker, a basic white t by h&m and a home made stendil amd i can make the same for under 15$.
Not that anybody needs boring shit like this in their life.
No. 164217
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How are you going to launch a store and not have any products
The fuck is this idiot doing
No. 164259
>>163968Same tbh. I didn't know she wasn't actually trans from the way anons kept talking about her being trans, kek.
>>164217She might've sold out. Taylor said in her video it was a limited collection so maybe her stans bought the chokers after her video came out?
No. 164260
>>164259Yea taylor actually bought a shirt and necklace
Shes also abusing the #girlboss hashtag so it definitely seems like she will start something too (of course itll be much more successful because she has more money to get it going and a huge youtube fam to buy it all)
No. 164351
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Wow must be nice not having to worry about real life
Isnt she embarassed to be this addicted
No. 164366
>>164351Im also so sick of seeing kim play pokemon, but maybe thats because everytime shes in taylor or sharlas vlogs shes got her nose in her phone swiping pokeballs.
Sharla is not better, staying behind while the group goes up a tower to see a really cool view because there are pokemon on the first floor that you want to catch isnt major snowflake behavior or anything, but just enough to male me roll my eyes. Of course all the jvloggers dont spend any real time talking and just spend there time looking at phones and cameras when they get together
No. 164381
>>164375not really
does she have a job? it's not an uncommon occurrence for me to spend up to six hours, occasionally twelve on my days off, on bike trails or walking around the city, and usually playing ingress during part of it.
No. 164474
>>164464oh wow i can definitely see it now that i looked it up. like with the propped camera recording traffic sped up and even the music. at least she admitted he's her inspiration. i guess she'll mold it into more of her own thing as time passes. she was a kota clone for a while before branching out into her own image.
one thing i have to give taylor props for is that she credits and sites literally everything. she even has a link to the camera she's using in her videos. i can't stand when people refuse to tell you where they get anything or just flat out lie.
No. 164481
>>164474Well half of the stuff taylor links are unattainable by normies so…
shrug emojiThat 10k camera set-up…
No. 164492
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No. 164524
>>164493>>164507>>164521it's called snapchat you nonsocial sperg
youre reaching if youre critiquing a pic with a filter meant to make users look goofy
No. 164528
>>164520Well her drone alone is over 1k.
Not that anon but i guess anon wanted to point out that it's an expensive set up not EXACTLY 10k worth of cam equipment.
I really like how Taytay is keeping herself out of all the rather weeby-ish, immature-ish stuff sharla and kim are doing. Don't kill me for this, live and let live but i really couldn't care much about jvloggers vlogging about catching pokemon fot example.
You could literally exchange Japan with, say, america or canada or whatever, and her vlogs would still be kinda cool and laid back and interessting. Whereas Sharla and Mimei and the others define themselves solely with japan.
No. 164529
>>164520It's not exactly 9/10k but it's comfortably up in the thousands. She even links to some of her setup in her latest videos and it adds up to around $4k. PLus if you're completely starting out, a macbook/computer with decent editing software is also kind of pricey.
Obviously she didn't get everything all at once. Plus her setup is pretty normal for vloggers I think. The only outlier is the drone and didn't she say it was her boyfriends?
No. 164575
>>164560Damn the chokers are literally a piece of string with a charm
If they were $5 i would buy a few to support a friend but not $25 when i could make my own for like $2
No. 164647
>>164638I feel like Taylor does so much for her "friends" and gets next to nothing in return. Watching her videos, I get the impression she tries so hard to please them, like buying lots of gifts and organizing sleepovers and parties (like Mimei's party). Like another anon said in this thread, maybe she grew up lonely and now she's trying her best to keep these relationships. Too bad they all seem fake. I die a little when I see their hangouts, that's not true friendship. She really should meet some new people and hang out with people like Alexa instead of youtubers.
I realize I sound like a huge Tayfag but I guess she grew on me, with these daily vlogs she's been making. She comes across as a genuine person. I hope it doesn't take too long for her to find her own style (I still like the Casey-esque vlogs though) and do what she truly feels like doing.
Sorry for the long post.
No. 164655
>>164647alexa seems like such a sweetheart and the tru mvp in tays life/'friend circle'
she should ditch the ungreatful jvlogger circlejurk (esp sharla like all that landwhale does it uses up all her bathbombs/makeup)
No. 164657
>>164655Oh my, I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices that every time Sharla sleeps over at Taylor's she uses all of her clothes, makeup and other stuff. What kind of person brings one outfit for a 3 day stay?
Also, what's up with Sharla lately? She hasn't been posting many videos. I can't be bothered to follow on her social media…
No. 164659
>>164647I totally get that vibe too when watching everyone else's blogs. They give off this vapid uncomfy vibe whereas taylor is chill. The most admirable thing I like about taylor is she vlogs her bad sides(no make up/acne face) and shows her fuck ups (plenty of times where people bumped into her or awkward stuff happening).
Remember when Taylor bought all those gifts for her friends from Korea and Sharla just got her anti-acne packets? lol
>>164657Sharla lives in the boonies of Japan now so she doesn't have clickbait material to work with. I also think the Racism in Japan video started a falling out with Shine so she lost another friend with a big following to vlog with.
No. 164663
>>164659Yes, Taylor shows us the bad and the good things in her life. Sometimes I feel like she shares too much for a youtuber. But that's what created this familiar comfy feeling we get when we watch her videos. And if she's happy with things as they are, then I think it's fine.
Yeah, I cringed so much at that "gift".
>Sharla lives in the boonies of Japan now so she doesn't have clickbait material to work with. I also think the Racism in Japan video started a falling out with Shine so she lost another friend with a big following to vlog with.Good, that means less of "hai guys! look at this awesome japanese thing in JAPAN! awwwwwwww it's soooo cute! i can't believe how adorable this is!!1!" ugh.
No. 164686
>>164675Same here. I don't if it's because she's a weeb, but some anime girls do the same. They barely taste the food and go like "OISHIIIIII!"
>>164676I hope Mimei at least thanked her properly. I don't know Mimei well enough, so I don't put her together with the others yet.
>>164681I had never thought of that. Yeah, maybe it's the fact she's alone most of the time that makes things relaxing. She also has a chill personally, which helps a lot. Even if Sharla's by herself, for example, she's obnoxious as hell.
No. 164705
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Found this comment in this vlog: all the other jvloggers were publicly shitting on Venus and Margo, Taylor actually responded like a sensible human being wow.
No. 164708
>>164693technically taylor is a really boring person she stays at home and does nothing and lowkey doesn't have a personality. that's why no one liked her at first because she was just a model who did nothing but widen her eyes and post outfits. but the truth is that she's a very introverted, chill, and simple person. so really it's her sincerity that's the charm in her videos. you have this aesthetically pleasing introvert talking to you about her life in a very chill way in her house in her pajamas. like i said it's like she gives off the illusion that you're her friend. but i get the feeling she
does consider her followers her friends. so that's probably why her vlogging thing is actually working for her. she talks to the camera like she's talking to a friend. i think she gets her fulfillment from that. i mean it's hard to fake. v pleasant conversation. also the fact that she's consistent and so professional about youtubing reeeally helps her. it keeps you engaged. nothing worse than when bloggers are like "wow sorry i haven't uploaded in 37 years lmao i've been busy here's a shitty video"
No. 164712
>>164681This. If Taylor's vlogs have another jvlogger in the thumbnail I will skip it unless I'm really bored. They are so cringey and unaesthetic (I like to watch pretty things) and makes me feel bad when they take advantage of Taylor.
Didn't Taylor have to spend 72 hours straight with Sharla while she used her stuff and probably made her clean up after her? This theory makes me feel sad if Taylor secretly doesn't like them very much. Because that would be awful.
No. 164716
>>164708I agree bit i do feel a little creeped out sometimes
I find myself watching her vlogs but gotta step back because she gets almost
too close, when she says things like "love you guys! See you in tomorrows vlog!!"
And therein lies the charm
No. 164719
>>164683didnt Tay say she was bullied when she was growing up? She probably hasn't had that many friend growing up, and spent a lot of time with her rich family. Maybe she just doesn't know how to show affection without i being about buying something, or making some extravagant dish to prove something to people. It's a little sad to see, because I can kind of see a bit of myself in her when she does this. I do hope her friends regularly thank her, because otherwise they are just shitty people.
>>164687Sharla has the worst asthetic i swear to god everything she loves is either super weeby or super tacky
No. 164724
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>>164714it's an insecure fatty habit. you try to overcompensate for being ugly and fat and boring in your friend group by being an extreme doormat and doing everything to please people. because you want to be accepted. this was has been me all my life. i end up being way too nice to people who don't deserve it and i don't realize until i'm in my bed about to fall asleep and think jesus christ why the FUCK did i do that. it's impulsive like, honestly you just think the best of people and are way too optimistic. in the moment you feel really good like, wow they think i'm such a great person! they like me! wow maybe we can be best friends because i'm a gr8 person and proved myself worthy! but then they prove themselves to be shitty people who really don't appreciate you. but ultimately you're stuck with them because you don't want anyone to dislike you.
it's weird to see your ugly awkward self in this blonde pretty model. but i guess that's why she's becoming more successful and is probably what her fans are thinking too. take away taylor's pretty clothes and thin figure and she's the oh-so loyal sentimental fat friend everyone's totally okay with taking advantage of. it shows.
No. 164762
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Taylor was so pretty back when she was modeling in Hong Kong, her poor swollen cheeks are just too much now
No. 164791
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Hi Blake
No. 164849
its sponsored
she got free shit and probably money too, so she has to talk about how awesome it is
No. 165097
I'm not a hater but there are some weird stan-ish comments about Taylor in this thread
>>164705she basically said she would not even reach out to Venus. Venus would have to contact her and ask for help. How would Venus even know that Taylor would be willing to talk if Taylor won't even send her a message? It just seemed like a comment Taylor made to show her fans she is Nice and Above That Drama.
>>164681>>164676idk I wouldn't assume that no one else did anything just because it wasn't explicit. But yeah, if one person in a friend group is rich, they tend to do more. It's clear that some of the others are trying to make ends meet or (e.g., Alexa) trying to help their families.
And some people just like to host, so they will do everything for you even if you don't want them to. Taylor also knows that everything she does for Sharla (or whoever) is going into her vlog. It might be sincere but regardless it helps her Nice Jvlogger image.
No. 165111
>>165097>Taylor also knows that everything she does for Sharla (or whoever) is going into her vlog. It might be sincere but regardless it helps her Nice Jvlogger image.Ngl I thought about this too and I'd agree if any of the other girls had done the same lmao. Even if it's small gifts. They all want attention for their channels it's why they're all even friends but you don't see them actually splurging on each other because they don't want to blow major cash on people they don't really care about. Which they don't. Including Taylor none of these jvloggers give a shit about each other and are complete hypocrites about their friendship so actually spending a lot of cash on each other is stupid and out of the question.
That's why people who are also insecure speculate that what
might drive Taylor to spend too much money on people she doesn't care about is impulsiveness driven by insecurity since it's something we can relate to. Granted she's got a lot of cash so she goes way beyond what's appropriate for the situation. But that's basically what we figure.
>>165098Seconding this. It'd be weird as fuck for her to meddle uninvited in the personal life of someone she's never even spoken to.
No. 165132
>>165114I guess so
As did kim and biibii with their bfs probably
No. 165177
>>165168I also why the fuck she is in japan
she doesn't speak any japanese and doesn't have a job or anything really
I feel like she's just there because 'jvlogging is so cool'
No. 165178
>>165177*I also don't know why ………
No. 165181
>>165138they don't give off the impression that they feel pressured to give taylor anything back tho. and it's not just gifts she puts too much effort into planning things perfectly like her sleepover with sharla. and ultimately sharla just kept using her shit and then gave her like one gift in return. so really they don't even return the effort she puts into being this oh-so likeable super friend. which works they all love her and getting free shit from her and it's like….
it just goes back to us saying that taylor should stop hanging out with them. if she's prone to spending too much money on friends then she should be around a crowd actually worth all the shit she gives away and effort she puts into catering to their interests, even if she gets nothing in return.
No. 165196
>>165168jesus christ have her videos always been this boring or is this just her 2/10 attempt at being an aesthetic lifestyle vlogger. one minute of her making coffee with no sound and then another of her talking about coffee. there's no dynamic to it it's just a single endless shot of her rambling for like 7 minutes straight. god.
also what the fuck is her makeup her face is pink/grey while her body is fucking yellow.
No. 165228
>>165181Just playing devil's advocate:
I don't think that just because the sleepover was at Taylor's meant she planned everything. There was probably some discussion beforehand about what to do, what would get good views.
How do you know Taylor doesn't get something in return? Maybe the extra views from the collaboration are enough. Maybe she wants female company. Don't you think that Taylor would be uncomfortable if someone not even close to her level of income were to drop a bunch of money on her? I sure would be and I'm not a rich bitch. I like sharing & buying gifts for friends even when my budget is tight, just saying.
Friendship is not a ledger where you are supposed to give back exactly what you get from it. And business partnerships (if that's what Sharla and Taylor have) are usually not ledgers either. One person brings one kind of thing to the table, the other person brings something else.
Maybe Sharla licks Taylor's toes at night to repay her. You never know.
No. 165234
>>165233Who's older than who? kek
Oh man
No. 165235
>>165228You raise a realy good point
And now you got my giggling imagining vloggers as fetishists, exchanging kinks things for video collabs
No. 165240
>>165228>>165235I love this discussion lol
Imo if that were true Taylor wouldn't be snubbing them on yet another day of Pokemon Go and squealing. If any of them discussed video content too seriously it would expose themselves to each other that none of them really give a shit about their friendship and once that illusion is gone their whole dynamic falls apart. Their hypocrisy is taboo between them all honestly. Their videos are too crap for any of them to actually discuss content beyond "so we're gonna go to the Pokemon cafe you guys wanna come so we can film it?" and they go on being cringey and fake from there.
It's like. They're fake but not in a vaguely professional partnership way. Maybe if they got more than 1k views on their videos then that level of input/effort would be believable. But they're just a bunch of weebs in their late twenties climbing all over each other for fame while making shitty videos about eating at cat cafes. Taylor being insecure and Sharla being moochy is as shallow and trivial of an explanation as they all are. Your theory makes them sound smart and calculated which they either a) aren't or b) are but fail miserably at it so they're just sneaky and stupid.
No. 165265
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>>165168Her lip fillers both me much. The fuck is going on with the top lip?
No. 165269
>>165265She totally looks transgender in that pic.
If she doesn't want to be mistaken for such, she needs to stop whatever she is doing to herself.
Maybe less is more when it comes to her looks.
No. 165274
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>>165265I'm getting mrs. potato head vibes
No. 165293
>>165280apparently she got lip fillers and had her jaw shaved, and I'm convinced it's also what's throwing her features off (plus her beady, too close eyes).
that combination is redundant imo. bigger lips give the illusion of a smaller jawline (i.e kylie Jenner).
she retouched every feature but the one that's causing her to look trans-y.
No. 165684
>>165673They always say that because people tell them they're obsessed with Japan and criticize their click bait shit in their titles "here washing dishes in
JAPAN #kawaii #JAPAN.
No. 165709
>>165689Exactly and yet people keep praising Venus's ass. She should just stick to herself but I bet half her fans WISH she got with the other weeb bloggers. At some point I think she may collab with them at least once. It'll be a eye sore and drama waiting to happen because we all know it'll fuck up. Someone will fuck it up.
Anastasiya met Venus and she said something was off about her. Not the mother but Venus was a bit odd. Probably barely any friend/human interaction so obviously she will be weird.
>>165702I don't blame Dakota
I wouldn't get involved with them either
No. 165820
>>165811Shes not ethically vegan….
Just eats plant based but hasnt talked about "omg i watch all those documentaries about the meat industry and im horrified !!"
No. 165875
>>165868get out WK
yeah when someone says "leather couch, custom-made in Italy" I assume it is real leather.
Taylor sure makes it sound like she is ~vegan at heart~ when not at her job. Who else would be buying "vegan butter"? (is that not just margarine??) She also used the word vegan to describe her diet when talking to Sharla. "I went vegan / started to eat vegan."
Note that she never mentioned what was in the hotpot her boyfriend made, though it looked meaty to me. I think she just doesn't tell/show her followers when she
chooses to eat meat.
No. 166175
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No. 166196
>>166163yeah, i agree. Honestly I browse these threads, especially on /snow more because i don't have the stamina to keep up with everyone, and lolcow conveniently package most updates of what is mostly… a modern internet reality show? I mean, I grew up on chans and i get it. people like to bitch, but this isn't 4chan. idk if i'm making much sense, but it would be nice to be able to critique and discuss without the whole
>>taylor bought a couch and therefor is a whore aspect of it.
and no, PULL isn't my cup of tea, and i don't agree with the whole "don't have anything nice to say, say nothing" thing either. man idk, i just sometimes get a bit tired of the extreme saltiness we see here from time to time.
Take the ashley thread in /pt, morbid curiosity, yes, ash is a bitch, yes! but the anons who froth at the mouth posting about how much they hope she dies and favorably in a horrible fashion. it's a bit sad. i'm rambling. maybe i'm getting old.
No. 166218
>>166172I know where I am, I don't read all the threads but out of the ones I DO read, this one is the pettiest saltiest. I'm all for bitching about cows who are actually being cows, but these girls are literally doing NOTHING. They're boring, uninteresting, not hurting anyone or scamming or lying. That's why I don't get it or agree with it.
>>166188Well congratulations. Love how you had to throw that in there weeb-chan
No. 166248
>>166196The milk is so dry on Taylor I really don't know why people are obsessing so much over her. The only thing people have are she /might/ have cheek fillers(who cares, really) and who her boyfriend is, again not much to be honest.
She just has boring vlogs, that it.
No. 166250
>>166218The current milk for jvloggers from what I've read in the past threads:
-foreigners accusing Japanese people of racism in Japan
-native Japanese people pointed out the recording of Japanese people 'talking shit about them' was not about them at all
-calls into question:
-these jvloggers Japanese level
-their reasons for being in Japan
No. 166257
>>166248Aside from that crazy obsessed Taylor person a while back, I doubt anyone here cares beyond "I'm kinda bored, time to browse lolcow for a while".
People just casually point out stuff now. Tay
is boring, but she's involved with other flakes and cows, so that makes her "interesting" enough to talk about as a timewaster.
No. 166276
>>166218>not scamming or lyingThe entire reason jvloggers started being discussed on lolcow and PULL was the mira/sharla/rachel sockpuppet drama, which granted was two years but in the last few months there's been more milk revealing 4-5 of these girls to be liars with proof caps.
Idk Sharla is the most popular and brings most of the group together and we've recently learned that she is 100% without a doubt a snake who uses and shit talks all her friends. That reveals just as much about the rest of the girls. They have been outed as being petty back-stabbers as a hive-mind and it's hard to respect any of them because of that.
No. 166278
>>166251>Zzzzzzzzzz please dont type like you're on a shitty forum like PULL
I was simply replying to you with possible reasons why there is discussion about these people, whether or not I agree on it was not expressed. You seem personally invested in this though.
My advice to you:
Chill the fuck out
If you're attempting for this thread to die you might as well give up, people will talk shit regardless of what you do. Save yourself your time and words and hide the thread.
No. 166356
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Saw this on miceala's twitter, ouch
No. 166422
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No. 166453
>>166421This is honestly her best look
She looks so great with brown hair but tbh most girls dont admit that because they wanna be blonde abd speshul
No. 166528
>>166525yea and it was even auto-tuned…
No. 166530
>>166421legitimate question
why is it that white girls often have very thin upper lips?
(white girl here. asking for a friend.)
No. 166532
>>166530uh, that's a pretty broad assumption, there's plenty of 'white people' with natural big upper lips. Like everyone else it depends on their ethnicity/genetics. I notice British girls tend to have tiny lips.
>>166421she looks a million times better here.
No. 166543
>>165761Nice job of bleating out maggotpalermo's "Venoos is LYING TO HER FANS/hiding her TRUE ABUSIVE self/blahblahbaaaaa!!" script there, anon. Word for word.
~~slow clap~~
Take a bow.
No. 166561
>>166557You make a fan page, we don't care. Fuck off this is Jvloggers's thread.
>>166421She looks better with dark hair and bot so thick eyebrows, please Taylor ddon't even try to make her lips.
No. 166576
>>165875That's what bothers me about Taylor most, she's just using the term "vegan" for the views because it's hot to be vegan / gluten free right now.
She's fake as hell.
No. 166630
>>166600Lmao wtf shes from canada and has a super french name
Also who wears a full face of makeup to go rock climbing lmao
No. 166717
>>166700Yeah, then she ate macarons and other gluten-containing food in France. I think it's another way of restricting her diet tbh. I'm sure all the noodles and stuff she ate in HK were not gluten-free either.
The reasons behind her not going full vegan are bullshit. Why doesn't she just say "I don't want to be a lifestyle vegan" or "I want to eat fish sometimes"? She buys non-vegan stuff herself all the time - her agency isn't forcing her to buy YSL or leather dresses. She had posted recipes for chicken soup and pictures where she is happily eating fish on her own time (not on a job). Why suddenly claim that she would
totes be vegan if it weren't for her job when these things are
her choices? That's the part that is fake and retarded. No one cares whether she is vegan or not. She just wants the trend cred of being "vegan". I'm sure it helps in keeping herself underweight too. All that "I don't have an ED!!" talk sounded really defensive btw.
No. 166719
>>166717Macarons dont have gluten
Theyre made of almonds
No. 166720
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No. 166732
>>166652"Weaves" is incorrect. It's just weave. i.e. I think she's wearing weave. It's not like a wig, it's hair that you weave in, kinda like extentions.
just fyi..
No. 166744
>>166732Uh no that anon was correct….
If multiple people are each wearing a weave, then they are wearing weaves
Heres some candid kimdao
No. 166749
>>166747What the fuck? Weave isn't the same as a wig, it's, like, separate strands of hair that you weave in. Fuck.
If you're trying to piss me off, it's working and I don't care. It
triggers so much when people say it wrong.
File: 1471664773114.jpg (56.77 KB, 960x638, micatatsu.jpg)

This is Micaela's bf, isn't it?
No. 167196
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Taylor's makeover of sharla makes her look like a 40 year old hooker with a ton of makeup on.
No. 167242
>>167240Well now we can see how taylor does her eyebags
Seriously why does she still do that shit
No. 167308
>>166717honestly think she only eats vegan for YouTube and any other time she eats meat. Being vegan in Japan isn't easy even with how rich she is. It's fine not to be a lifestyle vegan, but using it for views is bs. She obviously doesn't give a shit about animals, she bought a teacup poodle which is cruel as fuck and buys leather.
She's not genuine and her saying that you need to work hard to accomplish your dreams is funny since she's just a rich girl living off someone else's money. she copied Kota for how long, this is just another phase she's using since the Kota style got her nowhere. Japan threw her out like yesterday's trash.
No. 167319
>>167196Do you even makeup anon
Every woman with a bit of makeup must be a slut to you
No. 167329
>>167308Joneslty its not that hard to be a vegan in japan
You sound like one of those people that heard japn is ridiculously expensive so you pepetuate the rumors
No. 167352
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No. 167353
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>>167352This look is haunting on her. Makes me look older.
sage for double post
No. 167356
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did anyone notice that sharla talks about micaela and taylor looking similiar at about 14:45 and says: "yeah your face shape is originally very similar" and her facial expression after she says that is just priceless. like she just outed either micaela or taylor as having had some kind of surgery to change the face shape…
sharla is the biggest troll ever
No. 167358
>>167326Ah, another teenager who thinks there's a magic cut off age where you have to stop liking stuff.
Please enlighten us with a list of what stuff and ages that you are allowed to like stuff.
(HINT: weeaboo crap is cringey regardless of age)
No. 167362
>>167358come on anon. Weeaboo shit is cringe no matter what but the older you get the more cringe you get. 12 year old weebs are harmless, when its gets past late 20s and they're trying to be kawaii desu chan it gets a bit worrying.
I smell some hidden weeb in you.
No. 167374
>>167356I noticed too!
That's pretty snake like, but we already knew that about potato face.
She seems super insecure to me-I wouldn't call out a friend like that on social media/in a group of people.
Taylor deserves way better
No. 167382
>>167375we say sharla gives off bad vibes, taylor continues to hang out with her, and sharla continues to prove how she's a musty snake lmao. for a while i thought we were wrong about the jvlogger crew being trash because taylor hung out with them so much and i figured they couldn't be that bad. but sharla acting like such a bitch in this new video more or less proves what we were saying about taylor being too much of a pussy to stop being friends with them.
>>167356the face says it all. she's so pissed off at sharla's backhanded comment(which apparently was much too difficult to keep to herself during filming) and even more pissed off knowing she's still gonna be hanging out with her after this lol.
No. 167384
>>167383face shape doesn't change with makeup, especially since these girls aren't contouring their jawlines or anything. that's why everyone considers sharla's comment ugly.
>I don't think any of them would try to get away with something so blatant…if you're friends with a kumbaya doormat yeah she just did. watch taylor make another video with sharla after this. honestly no one in the comments section is even focusing on that it's just us who even realize how shitty sharla is.
No. 167395
>>167392I think Sharla has some hate towards Taylor just because Taylor's life seems to always fall into place so well. All of the Jvloggers must have some hate for her because she is basically living the weeb dream, getting a Modeling Contract in Japan and doing photoshoots. I bet they all thought they would get scouted or something when they moved there but Taylor was the only one to manage it as a full time job.
I've seen vlogs from each of the Jvloggers and Taylor really does turn a lot more heads there than the rest of them, it could just be the whole foreigner thing and the fact shes filming herself but you can tell shes a model just by the look of her.
No. 167403
>>167356YES. I guess that could mean 'before makeup' but honestly I doubt it.
Mostly because sharla was being such a whiny bitch through out both the make over video and touch random things video. Jesus christ she is fucking insufferable to watch.
No. 167426
>>167419>sharla is just being shady and assuming it this and not to mention if you watch taylor's blogs she is a very open person-so i can only speculate how open she is in front of her "friends"
She basically acknowledge the entire kotacopy things and her strange kawaiiiiii-persona she had. She mentions how she feels more comfy/less anxious in regard to making friends and being herself.
No. 167429
>>167335You just said it's not easy even with how rich she is, now you're saying it is easy if you have free time to cook and you're rich.
You just sound bitter.
No. 167430
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>>167356It could have been the "brown" eyes comment too because Taylor make a big deal about them being "hazel". Sharla definitely is trying to bother her with the comment too. She even enunciates brown weird and looks down.
No. 167445
>>167443its not special enough
No. 167447
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its so embarassing how people talk in instagram comments
like, do they realize its not anon and the people in the pictures can see what they are writing?
No. 167454
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>>167447Taylor always had puffy cheeks though. If you look at her pictures as a kid she has puffy cheeks, and even in those pictures from her sister's wedding she has puffy cheeks. That part never changed. There are no "cheek fillers" that people keep claiming. It wouldn't make sense for her to always be shoping her face slimmer, and then get "cheek fillers" and continue to shop her face slimmer.
She just got her jaw shaved. That's why her face isn't as square and her chin is less prominent now, and that's why a couple years ago her face got so much bigger for a while. The swelling is pretty bad from that type of surgery and takes a long time to go down. Now she's just back at her normal level of puffy(which might look a bit puffier than her original face just because the harsher angles of her jaw and chin are gone now).
No. 167455
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>>167454Also here's a good example of the extreme swelling getting your jaw shaved can cause.
No. 167461
>>167447Oh god its finally happened. The horror.
Now to wait for these two to get together for another jvlogger meet video. Venus, you're in for it now. Prepare to get milked the fuck out. Sharlz and Rach might just decide to snag her up too for a few thousand more subs each.
Rachel will be getting Venus together for a "Our Asian husband" video. The ultimate weeb asian man fetish.
Cant wait for this shit
No. 167467
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>>167454She didn't get her jaw shaved at all, pic related, it's a screenshot from one of her modeling videos a few months ago
No. 167468
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>>167467Also she did get fillers.
No. 167470
>>167468except she clearly doesnt look like that anymore lmao. literally only for one day. your cheek fillers don't "settle" until they're no longer noticeable. the cheek filler theory spawned from 3 pulltards who also happened to be bitter kota stans. they kept the taylor thread alive for years just to comment on her cheeks since they had literally nothing else to talk about. and they always compared photoshopped magazine photos too like these agencies can't tell their model has the cheeks of a chipmunk and they needed to remove them. in her living doll days taylor never smiled and she always covered half her face with hair. she also barely moved her mouth and when she smiled she would gape her mouth to make her face look slimmer. literally what is the logic in her getting cheek fillers when her fat face was already the object of her insecurity?? common sense.
also taylor gained weight. she said she was much thinner during her hk modeling days which would account for a generally fuller face now. she also had bags under her eyes i remember some backstage photo. poor diet and stress gave her a slimmer face back then.
No. 167488
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>>167467Oh because her jaw/chin is totally the same size there as it used to be several years ago right? Anon, you're delusional. Getting a jaw shave doesn't mean she's not going to have a visible jaw anymore, it just makes it smaller, jesus.
>>167468If she got fillers because she wanted her cheeks to be bigger, then why has she been shoping her face slimmer before, during, and after getting them? It makes absolutely no sense. THINK, anon, THINK.
No. 167492
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Just been watching a couple of videos and sharla is such a fucking pathetic woman-child. All she buys is stupid cartoon flushies and shit that she thinks will impress Taylor.!
God!!! she wants to be her so bad. Too badly she's a lumpy faced toad. I literally don't know how any self respecting Japanese man would want such a sad sack. I bet he's a foreigner from a developing country itching to live in North America.
Also pic related. Wtf is wrong with her body?
No. 167493
>>167403Hearing Sharla talk in general grates my nerves. Theres just something about her weird nasally tone of voice and how obnoxious her laugh is
No. 167497
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I literally think Sharlas more annoying than Quasimodo right now.
At least this thing has a debilitating mental handicap and is capable to producing worthwhile milk and not just infuriating me .
No. 167498
>>167496Yeah maybe but it's everything too- from the hair, the expression,ect. She's a beautiful girl nonetheless.
Makes you think how her discovery of who she is now or well who she was 1+ years ago happened.
No. 167521
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It looks bad even without the horrific eye makeup. The foundation really settles in the nasolabial folds.
No. 167522
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Also kept getting distracted by sharla's old lady neck skin.
No. 167584
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No. 167620
>>167362No, that's just your upper lip.
I just always found the argument "Your too old to be allowed to like something" out right childish. When you get out of your teens, you will realize that you still like the same stuff that you always have. That's just human nature.
No. 167648
>>167642Not something that I would do, but if it makes them happy, why not?
How would it personally affect you? (Since someone brought up
And, like I said, when you get out of your teens, you will find out you still like all of the stuff you liked then. So report back in 6 or 7 years, sweetie.
No. 167717
>>167714it would be more interesting than, trying VEGAN snacks in JAPAN. going to buy toilet paper IN JAPAN.
raises hand and touches the back of her head like, literally anything would be more interesting than her boring ass life right now. i still can't grasp how she has literally no ideas for her vlogs but w/e
No. 167725
>>167717she doesn't capitalize off the japan part lol she just happens to live in japan. her content would be the same in any other part of the world. she's not at all close to sharla levels of nippon obsession.
i mean do you not everyone has to be into her videos i'm not gonna say you're wrong for having your own opinion but her videos are more about pleasantries than groundbreaking content. sleepovers, shopping dates and motivational advice in her pajamas are things that cater to the interests of insecure young girls with no friends looking for validation. what she does is appealing to a specific demographic and you're not in it that's all. doesn't mean her videos are boring. you have to be attached to her as a person to even find the appeal in watching her videos daily since a lot of her fans are looking to learn more about her life.
No. 167745
>>167737It would be weird seeing Venus in a video with her, they're both so different in age.
>>167447Add Kota to this pic and it would be amazing.
No. 167746
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I'm getting sick of her doing so many videos with Sharla. Bii is kind of boring but at least seeing a different face in the rock climbing video was refreshing.
Waiting for the inevitable boyfriend video. That at least would be some interesting content.
No. 167768
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>>167447>calling people weebs>goes by "kawaii.vampire">about me entirely in jp101 level japanesethese people are so cringey
No. 167772
>>167764I think Taylor looks better (beautiful but more generic) here but this is what 5 years ago? If she did nothing filler or surgery or whatever she did she wouldn't look as good as she did then.
Sometimes she looks weird but she's 28 and looks younger than most 18 year olds.
No. 167779
>>167764Oh Taylor…..
I wonder what she would look like now if she got back to her modelling weight(she said she gained some) and wore more western style makeup again?
No. 167781
>>167764I will never understand why some people can complain about how she looked her or say that she looks 'basic'. She looks so fucking gorgeous TAY DO THIS MAKEUP AGAIN, IT MAKES YOUR FACE LOOK SO PROPORTIONATE
She just looks so much like a 'model' here. Every time I see her with other model friends she just looks so plain now.
No. 167784
>>167779modelling isn't really a glorious craft unless it's something you've been passionate about since you were a child. taylor got scouted but for someone as insecure as she is it obviously wasn't a good match. but i mean who wouldn't want to travel the world for free? i guess if you don't /really/ have aspirations apart from modelling and fashion then the cons are worth it because you're working towards supermodel status. but putting that much work into something you're really not passionate about just makes you miserable. while it would be neat to see her modelling for western brands i guess i can't complain since she's fine with what she does now. it would be annoying if she kept whining about wanting to go back.
>>167781generic doesn't really translate well for youtube stardom though. you need to stick out in some way. if the whole #taytayfied thing proves anything it's that she more or less has a trademark now what with her makeup and style. long blonde hair, straight bangs, aegyo sal, a teacup poodle and dungarees is what people know her for. she's not too kawaii nor too western she's in a perfect middle where she appeals to the kawaii scene but also your average white woman who fawns about how she looks like a doll. she may not look like a high end model but her current look works for her in what she does now.
No. 167786
File: 1471926824414.jpg (95.27 KB, 1280x678, taylor.JPG)

>>167784She doesn't have to model for western brands or leave Japan, I'm just curious what she would look like now with her old style. Like how much of her current look is actually just the makeup and hairstyle (and how much of it is something else). One of the other jvloggers should westernify her since she just dollified Sharla. I don't want Sharla to do it though, I get the impression she sucks at makeup and would just put Taylor in that pink zip up hoodie she always wears.
No. 167787
>>167786oh ok i get what you mean.
>one of the jvloggerstbh they're all into asian trends and the ones that aren't do shit makeup lmao. maybe taylor should get her sister or one of her cousins to ~westernize~ her. i wonder what taylor would look like with instagram makeup that would be interesting.
No. 167794
>>167764not trying to sound like whitenight but wtf she was actually so gorgeous back then. like she looked so radiant and healthy
now she just looks like a gangnam freak with those eyebags and circle lenses, but other than that I can't exactly pinpoint what's she's had done.. what kind of surgeries has she had again?
No. 167797
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>>167794>not trying to sound like a whiteknight>proceeds to call her gangnam freakread through the thread to see why she probably never even had surgery. comparing the photos of someone who's been photoshopped, using different makeup and fluctuating in weight hardly leaves room for confirmation of any kind.
No. 167862
>>167845i guess she's trying to show she appreciates her smaller fanbase that made her famous originally. maybe she saw how much shit people gave kota for ditching her chinese fans once she hit it off in japan.
>>167851it's good to start off small though. imagine if she had a big meet and no one came.
No. 168008
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look at her surname
"sakurai" sharla
we 2ch anons doubt she married only for a visa though
No. 168011
File: 1472019638063.jpg (54.87 KB, 960x640, 13645074_10157210512200500_531…)

Can we just all appreciate how cute micaelas dog is
No. 168037
File: 1472046224542.jpeg (139.75 KB, 1140x1131, image.jpeg)

The hair bothers me so much it is everywhere like ???
I mean she's so cute i can't understand why she thought this would look okay on camera…
No. 168040
>>168037I love it, reminds me of a faery.
Long hair suits her style.
She's looking a lot nicer again now that she's settled in japan in the beginning it felt like she tried too hard to find a place to fit in.
I find myself looking forward to her vlogs now
No. 168057
>>168048>>168048Ummm maybe because she's going to the beach???? Do you know what 'beach hair' is and there is literally tons of styling products people use to achieve a beach you, messy wavy hairstyle? It's an actual look.
I mean you're not gonna straighten your hair just to go get it wet and frizzy when you get near the water. Have you been to a beach
No. 168060
>>168039Yea there was a lot of hype for this girls day but taylors video wasnt that good…
Even biibii's video was better
No. 168078
>>168076>>168073That would be weird tho… Wouldnt you still go to the beach and hangout with friends even if you didnt have a swimsuit?
Do it for the youtube views!!!
Ffs sharla and taylor didnt wear swimsuits (again i really think tay is self conscious)
No. 168103
>>168099you act like she's engaging in ageplay and sucking on pacifiers. relax with the salty reaching. kawaii baby aesthetic? she dresses her age and talks about shopping for furniture in ikea and hormonal acne. nothing about her behavior comes across as a childlike. she even wears dark lipstick which is hardly kawaii or baby-like.
learn to sage
No. 168106
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>>168048likely trying for a mermaid nymph thing. i could see how the messy hair makes it look ~natural~ and ~carefree~ like she's been frolicking. idk.
No. 168154
>>168082Like what? I dont get it
She just looks tired and makes bad videos
No. 168245
>>168228…yeah, you mean
>>168102 ?
one of the comments I listed there? where I was pointing out it was dumb?
No. 168291
>>168287Really?. Sharla maybe is a spoiled princess or maybe not but first you have no clue if Sharla needed the car at all, Kim, Bii and Taylor live in Tokyo, Sharla is not in Tokyo anymore, so who are you to say that Sharla didn't go to the beach by herself (by train). They went to dinner together, do you know if Sharla payed the dinner?, or Sharla, Kim and Bii payed it as a thank you to Taylor?.
You maybe be right, but I don't think is fair to criticize without all the facts and obviously nobody here have all the facts.
No. 168311
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>>167454she looked like Tracy from the movie Thirteen here, only not as pretty imo.
No. 168320
>>168305I think I'm currently in the 8th month of the year 2016.
Do you go by the Julian calendar or the Chinese calendar or the Mayan calendar?
No. 168324
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Someone found Mimei in their textbook…
Yeahhhh, that's her uniquely disgusting dye job right there. Jesus Christ, doesn't her YT-famous husbando make tons of money? Can't she be bothered to fix this mess at one of the million salons in Japan?
No. 168326
>>168324Oh, man! It is!
Can I get the name of the text book? It's brazilian, right?
No. 168361
>>168291Well no, Sharla was seen in the car at the end of the video at a very late time so from this we can logic:
Sharla may or may not have gotten a ride from them
>she definitely caught a ride home No. 168362
>>168324PDR is not famous, his younger brother is
Mimei is more popular than PDR
No. 168405
>>168387No i agree mimei seems really nice
Its just weird that people with anxiety would become youtubers, arguably one the most public stages, open to harsh critique from viewers
No. 168422
>>168405Not really. A lot of performers (Stage, comedy, Movies, etc) have Anxiety issues and have spoken about it personally.
Daniel Tosh
Scarlett Johansen
Emma Stone
Johnny Depp
Kate Moss
Leann Rimes
John Cleese
It's not uncommon
No. 168496
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>>168378If she truly likes her fillers, she wouldn't be editing them out of every vlog and pic.
>>168372Was going to say this, this person looks a tad cleaner.
No. 168505
>>168378>Why are people still talking about Taylor ruining her face with fillers?because it's horrific.
>we should respect her decision.naw. it is what it is but it doesn't mean it's not up for discussion. this isn't a fan site.
No. 168518
>>168422Putting yourself out there in a major way is probably really helpful in getting over the anxiety.
>>168391I actually wonder why we don't see more of her on Taylor's channel. Why is it always fucking Sharla? Mimei seems like she gets along much better with her.
No. 168524
>>168387I don't feel bad because most people make fun of her hair which she could easily change. I think she would be pretty if she had some skill with fashion/hair/makeup.
Bronywn gets the nastiest comments on here but she seems to think she's the hottest thing ever so no one cares.
No. 168574
>>168496We should make a bingo sheet for jvlogger threads
the free space is: mention taylor's fucking fillers
No. 168577
>>168551I didn't see it as her hating Japan/high standards. Wanting a new building in a suburb that's affordable and allows pets is pretty normal things anon.
Her complaints about Japan for the large part were how Tokyo was too crowded for her and that the buildings were mostly old. Tbh I could see Tokyo being too much for most people, that's why I think most move after a couple of years. It takes a very specific kind of person to be able to live in a big city like that, and she grew up in a country/farm style of living so it's obviously not for her.
I wonder what Jun does though? I'm assuming he does something other than youtube but they seem to be able to travel/move freely so it's obviously nothing at an office.
No. 168626
>>168529So, if she looked exactly the same as she does now, but was only 22, it would be ok?
Explain that logic.
No. 168629
>>168551lol, such a fucking flake.
And that lipliner thing is horrible. So is her eyeliner. Why can't she learn how to do basic makeup?
No. 168631
>>168362Yeah nope PDR works in a conbini (last I saw) so I think most of his income is from YT.
As an aside, I think there's lolworthy potential in Mimei and PDR's relationship. They always look awkward together, not to mention Mimei is a 2/10 after slapping on red lipstick.
No. 168637
>>168551This was so fucking whiny holy fuck
Usually rachel bores me and gets an eyeroll at most but with this video my eyes rolled into outer space
This place is too hot this is too cold
That building is too old! its too far from my friends its too expensive! thats too small ! Oh and we have not one but two cats
Bitch you have to make sacrifices living in a foreign country
No. 168862
It's crazy how Taylor and many other youtubers invest so much effort and money in their online persona and videos (In case of Taylor: dron, cameras, outfits, giveaways, lenses, camera tricks, nice locations and trips, decoration, expensive products, organic food, expensive room, daily lush bath bombs etc) but still have few subscribers compared to many youtubers who only talk in their bedroom about trivial things but have millions of subscribers.
I was watching a weeaboo who literally has the same number of subscribers and has less time than Taylor on YT. She always make her videos in her bedroom, not even interesting conversations, not pretty, she only talks about anime or about a drama in which she was involved. Now that I mention that last part… maybe that's the key: have your own drama.
No. 168892
>>168862Every YouTuber spends money on equipment if they're good. The drone is not hers (has been discussed here so many times). And she does these things for herself, not only YouTube. I don't know any lifestyle/ beauty blogger that don't do that?
At least she's putting effort into her videos (timelapses and stuff), unlike others…
It's okay for you to dislike her but at least say something with substance/ proof
No. 168910
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well thats fairly hideous
No. 168931
>>168924have you ever wondered how fucking annoying you taylor fucks are?
you guys are like the westboro of these threads, constantly interrupting obnoxiously with no purpose
No. 168987
>>168924Taylor is literally the least offensive jvlogger.
Alot of the hate is old shit and reaching.
No. 168988
>>168924>>168931Thank fucking christ I'm not alone here. The other day I merely stated I didn't like her circle lenses and I backed away from the pitchforks and flaming torches within minutes.
We all have opinions, and mine is that she is a nice girl who looks like a creepy black eyed chipmunk. For me it's uncanny valley in the flesh. The lips need to be toned down into something that doesn't resemble a baby birds beak also.
No. 169016
>>168988btw you illiterate fuck this post you quoted
>>168931 was against you, not for your shit cause
No. 169093
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>>168997>>168758Dante looked like a white kid when he was younger.
I prefer Duncan over Dante tbh; Dante seems to be dumb as fuck, I really don't understand why he is so popular.
No. 169107
>>168875He got teeth like tomb stones anon
deal with it :^)
No. 169108
>>168821How does Mimei kiss the guy with that though?
Thats a fuckin health hazard I mean no one is perfect but god
No. 169112
>>169093>seems to be dumb as fuckthere's your answer
einshine and theanimeguy (joey) also have 1 million subs each, and when was the last time either of them posted anything serious (hint: never)
No. 169116
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what has the world come to.
No. 169119
>>169114i cant stop laughing lmao
but a tooth like that can be fixed easily you dont even need braces i had a tooth like that on my bottom row as well not to that extent but it was protruding the dentist simply filed it down a guy with fucked up teeth like that is such a turn off for me
No. 169132
>>169130its not expensive as fuck. a filling is $50 at most
try america where one simply filling costs a couple hundred dollars
its just that japan doesnt care about teeth aesthetics as much
No. 169180
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>>169178was most likely a joke anon
No. 169217
>>169131I wonder if you truly have the capacity to read and comprehend. It's been stated many times Taylor is not vegan, so why would she convert someone else to be a vegan?
You taylor fucks are so stupid sometimes it's astounding, if you're going to make a prediction at least have your facts straight.
No. 169224
>>169217Im not even into Taylor though? Not all of us are obsessed with everything she does.
Piss off
No. 169240
>>169228How? I think the guy looks more asian than white but when he turns to the side that big ass nose confirms he's hafu
kek when people praise white/asian people
No. 169509
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>>169506I'm glad she addressed the nasty comments.
Many youtubers who collab just leave it when the person they collab with gets a lot of shit comments or would just make a twitter post about it for show and remain on the other youtubers good side.
Taylor and Venus didn't do a collab and hung out as friends getting to know each other though.
And the fact Taylor seemed genuinely upset about it last night as seen by her tweets and she took the time to address it like this it just makes me feel more like she's really wanting to be a friend to Venus and not use her.
I know this pisses people off because there are some on here who have raging hate jealousy fits about Taylor and there are people on here who hate the idea of anyone saying anything nice about another girl but i really do like Taylor lately and I think Venus needs support right now.
This might be a good healthy friend combination.
No. 169512
>>169509I dont think taylor would need to use venus
Sure venus has 1 million subs and taylor has only 300k but lets be real, half of venus's are probably dead accounts or pedos from her living doll days
Taylor has ambition and money and looks, she doesnt need to use wenus
No. 169599
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>>169506Saw this in the comment of tays video
No. 169627
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>>169551I'm just going to wait and see what happens because I don't pay attention to Venus so I don't really care what she does.
But I think it would be truly hilarious if Taylor and Venus became good friends and everyone here just kept waiting and waiting for the inevitable drama shitstorm and it never comes.
No. 169631
>>169627Hey don't knock it anon!
It could happen. If not Tay then Maggot or Sharla getting the green eye.
No. 169929
>>169925And she seems pretty well-spoken and honest. I liked the part where she said with money comes freedom, and the way how/why she described taking a four-hour flight to get her hair done(!) is the normal.
I'm a bit jealous, for sure, I would love to have that security and freedom instead of the fear and crying from stress and feeling of being trapped.
No. 169956
>>169815God I'm jealous. I'm sure there actually is a lot of pressure on her, but not having to worry about money just seems so nice.
Also she doesn't look like a brat at all, sure she's privileged but she knows it and seems to be pretty level-headed.
No. 170326
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Nightmare fuel
No. 170338
>>169956The brat part comes for the "I'm too beautiful to work".. Spoiled arrogance (She not ugly, but she's not "beautiful" either)
Seriously, if she left it at "I'm rich enough that I don't have to work." I wouldn't have a problem.
No. 170522
File: 1472737798621.jpg (1.21 MB, 1437x1993, Screenshot_20160901-064608.jpg)

Holy shit, does anyone remember ruaridoll? Tay looks just like her here, mind blown.
No. 170529
>>170522This was for a Halloween shoot, so understandable that it looks kinda like Ruari.
It's so weird seeing normal, girl-next-door Taylor and then this kawaii persona. I sound like a stan, but I think her looks and level of effort are too high for the uggos she hangs out with. Compared to her in pictures, they're potatoes lol. Isn't there a more attractive group of J-vloggers she can be friends with? Like models or something? Lol I think that'd increase her popularity.
No. 170539
>>170529i dont think theyre that bad looking except for mimei
she looks like a total tranny ( i dont use this term lightly and shes probably the only female that looks like one…to me)
sharla dresses like a hobo tho
No. 170546
>>170529Yea shes friends with that alexa girl who is super cute imho
But idk most other real models in tokyo look like stuck up russian teens… I cant see taylor getting along there either
I think its her very clear self confidence issues that lead her to hang out with these super basic jvloggers
No. 170607
>>170546 In the one video she was in it seemed awkward as fuck
>I make money in Japan and send home to family and it pays food and rent for 6 months whole family>Taylor with upper middle class family in Canada: …….Yeah she was way nicer to look at and not annoying like the ugly weeb crew Taylor has but I can't imagine her being a regular in the videos.
No. 170613
>>170570I think browny could be saved if she got rid of her lip fillers
i think she looks pretty
but i feel like mimei cant be saved
No. 170620
>>170580How the hell is thinking that style suits her "white knighting"?
A little overly sensitive there anon.. Calm your tits.
No. 170623
>>170577Does it? Does anyone
realy look good in baggy clothes ? ugly poofy plaid grandma dresses? Ok anon
No. 170650
>>170613Mimei could be saved if she washed and styled her hair and wore age appropriate stylish clothes, maybe. Sharla is so ehhhh like, even when Tay put makeup on her and did her hair she still looked frumpy. I don't know if another makeup style would really improve her. Kim is cute, probably the least offensive of all of them tbh, and Tay needs to chill with the weeb makeup and grandma clothes.
Trabbybibi is just really…idk, her eyes are too close together, her nose is too…something, and those fucking fillers. Idk, she's like an optical illusion. She should be pretty but instead she looks terrible.
No. 170656
>>170623Yes, lots of people..
Go in the bathroom an handle that rage boner
No. 170660
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>>170650I think Mimei is rather cute but she'd look cuter with a light ash blonde hair colour.
it just seems to suit her so much more
No. 170676
>>170660I think you made her look way closer to her max potential. Her face is still "old looking" since its long and skinny but lighter hair and not having the style of a 14 year old weeb with her mature face would be way better.
>>170650I think Sharla would look better if she lost a lot of weight.
Agreed with Brony being really fucked up looking but I think ditching the lip fillers, stop dying her hair blonde, and a nose job would improve her.
No. 170724
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>>170660>>170676Anon barely changed her tho.
No. 170734
>>170724Well, damn. I was going off how she looks on videos not under a pile of filters.
I think lighter hair would help a lot though.
No. 170834
>>170743You clearly have no idea or understanding of film making if you think she is copying Neistat's videos, kek. She is not, but nice try.
>>170753I think the same tbh. And I also wonder what Kim is doing in Japan…
>>170768There's a difference between gluten intolerance and sensibility.
>>170724This hair colour would suit her so much. Even if she would get a proper ombre colour instead of this weird dip dye it would change her appearance quite a bit.
No. 170835
>>170834OT but i dint even understand caseys appeal
One can see that taylor heavily draws influence from him but she is a girl in Tokyo and he is a skater dad in nyc. They are too different to be 'omg shes copying'
No. 170836
>>170753But taylor
wasnt the pretty girl
She was the fat girl remember?
smug emojiWhich reminds me
Do we have any proof she graduated or has any education? She just shows pics of her childhood and pics from her early modeling in hk but happened in between? Nothingness
Her diet story isnt as inspirational as it seems because there is no progress aspect to it that we can see
No. 170855
>>170836If i remember correctly she mentioned that in school she used to be called "tiny tits taylor" - i'm no ameri-fag but it sounds like something high schoolers would say.
I mean realistically at this point of her life she didn't need an education, you need nothing but looks to be a model.
I'm also curious if she has any real qualifications.
No. 170887
>>170529I don't see why she has to be friends with models if she likes the other jvloggers company better? I mean you're acting like they're all monstrously ugly or something. Be fair, they're just average girls who could use some polishing.
Anyway, I really think Taylor is more interested in Asian culture and youtube and stuff now than she is in modeling. Even though she's very pretty, I can see why she would choose other people with similar interests over other models. That modeling life is almost just in her past at this point.
No. 170911
>>170834>>170753She said she's studying, as long as she's a student I don't see a problem with her parents supporting her with some expenses, she's living in a very small and messy apartment, nothing fancy compared to Taylor's place, it looks expensive.
>>170754In that group? Mm yeah Taylor, but if we talk about the Jvlog community I'd say Ashiya is prettier, I like her face I think she looks elegant? but this is only my opinion.
No. 170958
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>>170917She looks like a "circus clown" with those lips.
No. 170994
>>170958she always makes that 'am I laughing or horribly grimacing' face and it's doing her no favors.
goes hand in hand that HUR HUR HUR laugh she does at the end of practically every sentence.
No. 170998
>>170897and she uses the same "Kylie Jenner LipKit" just like Tay and also mentions watching the Kardashians, also just like Tay.
Sharla's Style was pretty ok a few years ago, but now with her all over printed manga shirts it's just pretty awkward.
>>170958She looks like she is suffering pain or something damn.
No. 171046
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>(not the baggy t-shirts and baseball caps)Yeah, that's totally not hot (eye roll)
No. 171072
>>171054>Hot? No. As a male, I totally disagree.. It's quite hot.
You probably also don't understand why, girls wearing overalls or school uniforms are hot. All males do..
(I'm male btw) No. 171079
>>171072>As a malegb2reddit
I get school uniforms. Never heard any guys saying they like overalls. Baggy clothes and baseball hats? I doubt it, but I'll ask some real men.
No. 171082
>>171073Whoops, somebody got
>>171079Well, if you've never heard of it, it can't be real..
No. 171086
>>171048>>171046Not to bait the troll but even if baseball caps on girls is considered 'hot' im pretty sure taylor does not want to be hot at all
All her vibes says dont look at my body
Also since she started hanging with V, shes going back to the kawaii side it seems
No. 171136
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>>171086>Also since she started hanging with V, shes going back to the kawaii side it seemsI always got the impression that she stopped because everyone on PULL made fun of her for being almost 30 and not dressing grown up enough, and that she should go back to a mature modelling look. Like, she does, but at the same time it was sad to see someone "grow up" out of insecurity. Nothing more fun than just wearing cute shit and feeling like a doll lol truly 10/10 would recommend. She always wore the cutest shit before I'm not following her much anymore but if she's going back to kawaii shit then good for her.
And contrary to popular belief, I do think the kawaii look will get her more work in Japan. She keeps getting hired for anime-ish gigs and the such based on her old videos. I remember she said she was hired for a kid's show once? That seems like a neat gig I could see her on some kawaii ~motivational~ shit for kids if she actually stopped being lazy and learned Japanese.
No. 171148
>>171086you said it like they've hanging out for months and already are super close, this is the second time they go out and Taylor looks the same, it's too soon to draw that conclusion, I don't see anything different in her style tbh.
Is very likely Taylor is just meeting her because she felt pity for her situation, even if they become friends don't expect more than maybe some collabs if Venus surprisingly decides to share some of the money, but nothing like the relationship she has with Sharla for example. Also remember the age gap is important too, Taylor's 8 years older and if someone changes her style that is going to be Venus, she's already changing her kawaii style into who knows what is that shit she's wearing now, I'd never dress any of the shit she's wearing lately.
>>171136I do believe Taylor used to lurk PULL often so she somehow was influenced by their opinions, she literally said she got tired of pretending to be perfect and started to dress more casual, and that perfect doll image is actually very hard to mantain tho, and living doll trends are no longer that popular compared to when Dakota was the queen.
No. 171153
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>>171148I just find it hard to believe that eeeverything about her cutesy princess interests was just about fitting into the living doll thing. Obviously her love of dolly stuff was
molded to fit into her copycat Kota days, but she was interested in Blythe dolls and whatever since her Hong Kong days and I think in an interview she said since she was a child she loved dolls? She used to have a very awkward Western approach to princess dolly stuff before she discovered J-fashion. She doesn't have to go back to being a living doll, but it'd be nice to see her embrace more kawaii shit since I doubt she grew out of it completely.
Hanging out with Venus seems to be giving her nostalgia and it's like, well that was fast lol. It's like it was just waiting to come out. I think she's insecure about doing that kind of thing at her age. But I do love her old princess looks. A lot of lolita brands would kill for a tall skinny blonde girl to model for them. I'd love to see her in classic lolita at least once. It's like there's so much potential still.
No. 171154
>>171084>>171046I actually just meant that Sharla should avoid them because they're too similar to her current style and don't work for her.
But yeah, neither of those look good lol
No. 171158
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>>171153>A lot of lolita brands would kill for a tall skinny blonde girl to model for them. I'd love to see her in classic lolita at least once. It's like there's so much potential still.if taylor embodied this aesthetic at least just ONCE she could make so much money in japan. dam why not. she could pull off that blonde cgi victorian princess trope. she certainly has the money for it. even if it's just dress up. she's already gotten gigs for video games.
No. 171160
>>171158She has tons of pictures with those nanchatte seifuku looks and her living barbie style looks, its not like she has to wear it again, clients have access to those pics.
>>171153She was really into that fashion trend during her Hong Kong days, she genuinely looked interested in the kawaii bunka since years ago, I don't think she started to follow that particular trend for Kota, when kota was hired in Japan Taylor was already a model with experience and liked those princess looks, she just tried/copy many elements from Kota's style she thought would help her fit better in the Japanese fashion style. I think she has a video or blog explaining all her tips for social media, she plans everything she does.
No. 171165
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>>171153Nah, she only liked them because she successfully fished for doll compliments. Pic related: tryhard.jpg
No. 171179
>>171171>>171169I also agree
But its a given fact that the more videos you output, the more views and subs you get.
And many people truly enjoy these daily vlogs. Most of her viewers are sad young girls with lives far, far less interesting than hers and they look up to her. Some even probably consider her a real friend. So even though she does the same thing in nearly every blog, some people live vicariouslh her.
The time lapses are getting really old though….
No. 171181
Honestly shes too tall and skinny for a real doll look
Nothingg against her or her body
But just like her wacky school girl dancing, she looked stupid with those twigs flailing around
No. 171200
>>171197I know it's a toxic thought to have but it's because of the one sperg in this thread that keeps insisting all other Jvloggers aren't pretty enough and Taylor must get off on being the prettiest friend of the group.
Because of that this video whenever we saw Venus and Taylor next to eachother i couldn't help but think she's now hanging with someone who is also really pretty and cute (personal taste i love Venus her look) and together they did look like a model friend couple since they are both so tall and skinny.
No. 171205
>>171202Venus asked her to go somewhere this time.
So thats a good sign that they are trying to have a normal friendship
No. 171209
>>171181Come on you'd be lying if you said shoujo mangas don't make their blonde blue eyed princesses tall and lanky as fuck. That's why Taylor would be so good for it. I think lolita itself is so common amongst short girls that it only really looks good with short girls. But for more "historically accurate" Victorian dolly dresses I think Taylor would be perfect. It's not like Sanrio or Angelic Pretty at all. Just a long flowy dress that she can carry with her height.
>>171197This really does seem like the kind of friendship that would make Taylor happier than the one she "has" with the jvlogger crew. I think she's more of a child than she likes to admit.
Also see in the beginning of the video she said she played with Barbies way into her late tweens and she still has them in her house. The biggest components of your childhood will forever be carried with you for the rest of your life. I mean she still wears circle lenses and dolly makeup with all her mature Western looks for crying out loud. She always finds a dolly way of doing things. So that's why I think she's still got some in her that she's holding back.
No. 171210
>>171209They are also both into food even if Tay is vegan.
I need a cute picnick vlog
No. 171233
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Taylor and her nose should stick to hanging out with Sharla and trannies because Venus makes her look ugly. Venus is annoying in her videos but she behaves well in public, kudos to that. Pic related is what the number 1 moderu in hory Nippon looks like when she relaxes her face and forgets to tear her eyes open and raise her brows to the max
No. 171235
>>171233>Taylor and her nose should stick to hanging out with Sharla and trannies because Venus makes her look ugly.>Venus makes her look now i know everyone loves venus here now but she is definitely your average white girl in makeup
she is definitely not prettier than Taylor
No. 171250
>>171246Like lily cole? That weeb????
Bitch you wish lol
No. 171270
>>171268That's why it'll be interesting to watch Venus with the other Jvloggers cos its gonna happen. I feel like Taylor is trying to become that queen B between them all. Venus has the most subs but I feel like Taylor actually overshadows her because of Venus's personality being a bit shy and unsure in the vlogs.
Could you picture Gimmmeaflakeman interviewing Venus in years or months to come? God that would be awkward. Esp if Venus goes down the "How to talk Japanese" route bullshit like Mira does.
No. 171282
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>>171226Quit being so
triggered. You don't have to respond, you know..
No. 171315
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I went to PULL (instant regret) and found a Taylor meme thread. Some stuff actually made me chuckle a little.
No. 171318
>>171315PULL is so so extra about her.
You'd think she personally killed each one of their puppies the way they talk.
No. 171332
>>171331probably because of hormones? lmao these are kids no doubt about it. and kids go through phases quickly. taylor fucking r the kawaii vlogger is about as irrelevant as it gets. the fact that pulltards are out here emotionally invested enough to get mad and make memes out of her is both so pathetic and wildly creepy that i can only kek at how some kid's poor choice in how to spend their time. at least on lolcow you make fun of someone in anonymity and aren't fairly invested. you come in you shitpost you leave. we're just fucking around here. but the thing with PULL is that they've built a familiarity and a community that they actually become more emotionally invested in this shit then what's normal. they actually take taylor seriously. yikes. it's at facebook levels of cringe.
i mean the current members of PULL aren't the same ones that were there originally a few years ago. it's like akb48 lmao. they grow up and abandon the pathetic place that that website is. then more kiddies come in. mess.
No. 171351
>>171349oh my god and this is why facebook makes you want to kill yourself because 100 people will like the dumbest illegitimate opinion from someone who only posted to remind everyone how morally good they are
I thought PULL was shutting down, what happened?
No. 171356
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>>171349>these politicsjesus christ imagine coming home from a long day at work to do
that. it's not… possible lmao. they put off homework to do that. it's like if they try to prove they're adults then they're just immature sad as fuck adults and if they admit they're kids then hey, you're a literal cringey child. either way it's embarrassing.
>>171351the owner i
think shut it down on freeforums or something. but then they remade the website because they were that attached to it.
No. 171357
>>171355Yeah it made me smile. They just seemed to click in a way that felt natural.
Like they're both kind of awkward but cute to look at.
I hope they continue their friendship.
No. 171358
>>171355My thoughts exactly. Taylor would've acted way different at that place if she were with one of the Jvloggers. Fucking annoying, actually. She'd just be talking about how she ~used to love Barbies and how ~weird it is that she still ~sort of likes them and they'd go back and forth laughing about the shit they used to do as children and treat the restaurant like this bizarre gimmick. At least with Venus it's just a mutual agreement that hey this is cute and I like it because it's cute the end let's be cute and enjoy ourselves.
I think Taylor "dumbing" herself down is mostly because she's trying to make Venus comfortable. Plus she's so much younger than her. It's like when you try to make yourself less intimidating to a child it comes naturally.
No. 171365
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>>171358I think a big reason why Taylor acts/talks differently around Venus than the other jvloggers is bc Venus has literally NO social skills or experience just hanging with friends. Like the girl is 19 years old and she's NEVER had a gf to just go out & hang with. She literally doesn't know how to act or talk or relate to other girls her age so for Taylor it must be like taking a little kid out to lunch & shopping.
idc, I think it looks like they had a really good time and I like it.
No. 171367
>>171364> Venus looks like the type of person who waits until the other person starts the conversation, answer yes and no questions, then you have to think about something else to talk aboutLOL
What does that "look like," exactly?
When Taylor first talked about spending the afternoon with Venus & what she was like in that first vlog, the first thing she said was "She's kind and smart. She's actually really, really smart." She also said they talked for "hours" – doesn't sound like their conversation was exactly forced or awkward to me.
No. 171370
>>171367well she's not gonna broadcast to the world that venus was awkward and couldn't hold up conversation and that you could tell she was a hermit who grew up with an abusive mom lmao. no one's saying venus is stupid but obviously taylor was trying to be encouraging not that venus was on autist levels of awkward. no one's saying the conversation is forced just that venus is still awkward from just years of solitude in general. never seen this girl with a friend.
taylor is definitely a great one to start off with. i think venus could tell which is why she agreed to hang out with taylor in the first place. she has the maturity and emotional stability of a woman nearing 30 but she came from the same place of insecurity as venus so she's a great person for a girl like venus to be with. like, someone as weirdly charitable as taylor can FINALLY put it to good use i guess. it was such a therapeutic video to watch imagine actually being there lmao. i'm happy for both of them lol i can't hate it was cute.
No. 171383
>>171305Oh wow, just watched it. There are way too many Taylor-like things in there. The editing and music is like 90% Taylor.
But fuck, I hate listening to Sharla talk. It makes me angry. She's so monotone and she comes off as having no feelings at all. Take a shot every time she says "guys", "you guys", "soo cute", "soo cool" and "wow, you guys". No. 171385
File: 1473071828012.png (35.19 KB, 540x142, Screenshot_2016-09-05-12-34-14…)

So…Taylor is asking if people would be interested if she did live streams.
I really don't know what she would do in them when most of her videos don't even have real content, it's just her talking about her day.
No. 171386
>>171385Lol, what the hell is she supposed to even stream?
Imagine if she started playing "games"… kek
No. 171398
>>171365so true and so sad
nonetheless they look weird as fuck together. idk they are about the same height and body shape, venus a little bigger (not in a bad way) but her face and head is massive compared to tay. yea i though tay had these huge chubby cheeks but compared to V its nothing
No. 171400
>>171365Man idk but I hope these two continue their friendship.
Venus really needs a genuine friend these days and i think Taylor is a sweet person who will be a big help to her in getting her to come out of her shell and finally experience the world without being chained to her crazy mum. I hope it'll be a genuine friendship and not just for views.
No. 171404
>>171398>>171398Its kinda sad isn't it? You know what it all feels like. Them lot and Tay are the cool girls that everyone wants to be besties with at school and Venus is that girl, that one girl left out and when they try warming up to her she's reluctant or just ignore. Then you get the Regina of the group saying "Lets be friends" and then the left out girl starts warming up to the one trying to befriend her but she's still unsure.
Poor Venus. Im not even fond of the girl but its sad how they're celebrating Kim's bday today and Venus is sat at home, Manaki probably working in his doll factory or whatever he does. Venus is at home by herself playing around with her lighting contrast on her videos, sighing and then ordering more shit candy Japanese children eat for another new video.
C'mon Venus make an effort and put Taylor in her place, stop letting her talk to you like you're retarded. Make some friends, chop chop.
No. 171414
>>171410I never said she was a loser? When did I ever say that? I just said its kinda sad how she just doesnt get together with many people it seems? But then again we don't know her off camera life.
Fucking hell, defensive. Taylor DOES kind of speak to her like a total moron and its cringeworthy. Venus is already shy (or maybe thats just how she acts normal). But then you have Taylor talking all weird to her.
Pity? She's been pitied for the past fuck knows how many months by her fans due to her mother. She's had enough sympathy recently. Pitying her won't stop. She'll forever be remembered at the lolita who was used for cash from her own mother.
No. 171416
>>171413Well duh anon. We all know that trick.
The thing about Taylor which is starting to bug me a bit, nice girl don't get me wrong and yada yada she's the "better kotakoti". I find her a bit desperate. While others let it flow naturally, I know Taylor is making the effort. But I always think she's desperate for validation and to have people like her. Sorry. Im not hating, I just think she's one of those "listen to me! listen to me!" types of people.
She's got it all though. Lighting, cute dog, cash, body, style ect. But there isn't anything… striking about her personality wise. She's nice and nice is good but can be a bit boring. I get what Tay is trying to do… but. She isn't someone id look forward to watching.
No. 171422
>>171404Uhh? Venus doesn't even know any of the other girls, and she barely knows Taylor. The whole thing would be so awkward, and honestly you'd all be screaming about Venus just being in the other girls' videos for views anyway.
Also it's funny you think Taylor is "the Regina". She could not be more different from Regina. If anything, Taylor is the Cady of the jvloggers.
No. 171437
>>171332Coming from this group? The same group that was deeply offended that some dude liked Taylors outfit?
Sorry honey, that's some retards with deep emotional investment there.
No. 171449
>>171315Lol, that's spot on.
>>171404True, I doubt Venus has other plans aside from making and editing videos. Kim's birthday party would've been a good opportunity to meet new people and maybe make new friends.
No. 171486
>>171462Fucks knows anon, no one knows anymore. Times are changing in the land of kawaii. The elf goddessu is falling, the wannabe barbie is rising on Youtube and Venus has escaped her crazy mother. Now collabing together and in the future becoming the power jvlogging couple people are going to be jelly over.
I love how those are are on everyones pussy licking list and Sharla is just shat on. Lol but when the Mira drama went not people were sympathetic to Sharlz. I wonder when everyone will shit on Taylor too… never Venus. Oh no. She's too precious to hate.
2017 is going to be a very interesting and cringe year. Prepare yourselves.
No. 171524
>>171517Yeah. If Rachel moans about Japan and venus is so in love with Japan I can't picture the getting along much. Well… maybe they would get together for a "My husband is Japanese' video. At the most I guess…
Grab Mimei and Texan Tokyo and good to go! The AMWF ultimate cringe. Every weeb and otaku motherfucker will be parading to see that shit.
>>171523I know what you mean. Her and Jun are both miserable fucks.
No. 171550
>>171524>Rachel moans about JapanHaving never seen one of her vids, let me guess… She's one of those gaijin who actually hate Japan but are either a) in denial about it or b) realize they're in too deep to back out and are bitter miserable fucks.
The whole "my husband is Japanese" thing settled the fact that I have no interest in her vids. Good for her, I guess, for being able to make money off of such a non-topic. I'd be quite embarrassed about my whole identity and livelihood being based around the fact that I married someone born in another country.
No. 171571
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>>171453Maybe she does it so people will feel obligated to buy her things. Like:
>Hey Taylor, I'm low on cash but I didn't bring any clothes and this POKEMON shirt is sooooo cute, can you loan me some YEN so I can get this JAPANESE shirt to wear tomorrow IN JAPAN? My pink hoodie has food stains on it and blown out pits because I never wear anything else! I really need this, and it's sooooo cool. No. 171661
>>171567do you have many friends? because a birthday party is exactly the place to meet new people.
also taylor probably didn't ask kim if she could bring venus because she used her better judgement and realized that venus wouldn't really fit in.
No. 171678
>>171664>>171567Yeah, I think they just lack of common sense
>>171661>>171449Anon, it's very simple: It's a small private party, but most important: It's not your party. Kim doesn't even know her, it's not correct to bring friends to someone else bday party. Respect.
We don't even know what Kim thinks about her, maybe the rest of the girls don't want to get involved, like Sharla who considers her a cringe weeaboo, Einshine's video prove it.
No. 171688
>>171669i didn't mean better judgement to be negative towards Venus, if that's what you're thinking.
venus acts differently from the other jvloggers. she appeals to the weeb culture in an unsubdued manner while the rest do it in a way that's still "socially acceptable." i can see how Venus could come off as off-putting to Kim and the others because she clearly represents the weeb archetype they want so desperately to not be viewed as. this is really only an assumption though based on the content they produce.
in my opinion, venus should stay away from them. she's authentic despite being cringy at times and the shared self-satisfied mindset the other girls have would only be negative for her.
No. 171703
>>171678"like Sharla who considers her a cringe weeaboo, Einshine's video prove it."
Can you share the video?, I don't I watched it.
No. 171738
>>171711But when they're going to hello kitty, owl and barbie cafes that shit is gonna appeal to the weebs who love that kind of thing. So they're going to get ideas alas anime and "I'm white so i can be an idol" is going to get in their heads.
Japan is basically just like anywhere else. Thats it.
No. 171753
>>171739 OK
>>but when the Mira drama went not people were sympathetic to Sharlz"Mira drama went not"
"Mira drama went not"
Nope, still retardese..
No. 171764
>>171760Bit of a blog, but I know people with the same name and it's all pronounced J-un.
Jun in the vlogs calls himself that too, don't believe me do your research lmao.
No. 171774
>>171764 the audio icon and listen
stop being autistic
No. 171775
>>171774Good job on linking that anon, but i'm talking about how he pronounces his own name in vlogs and videos. Like I said I know others with the same name too lol.
Throwing the autism insult around really shows your mental capacity.
No. 171780
>>171775You're retarded and nitpicking
striving to become Mira?
No. 171796
>>171774Holy shit!! You have that link set to the "English" side. It's pronouncing it as if it was an English word.
If you put it on the Japanese side, it's pronounced like it should be.. No. 171807
File: 1473195793227.png (15.8 KB, 1246x283, image.png)

>>171796No you fucking dipshit, on the right side for Japanese you can click the audio icon. fucking surprise it's "joon"
not only are you retarded, you can't even navigate a web page? Good thing you have a vagina, that's probably the only functioning thing in your body. The fact you have to nitpick and fight for something you are mistakenly understanding is hilarious.
No. 171809
>>171774Cant tell if youre trolling at this point or are as shitty at jp as kanada 'gin' san
The word 準備 is oronounced joonbee. Its joon
No. 171811
>>171809I think the initial anon used a shitty example for pronunciation(joon vs juhn)
The correct way is Joon(like in joon bee)
No. 171816
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nit picky cunt present in every thread just take a look
No. 171926
>>171870>Most the jloggersmost vloggers
the whole of youtube is a swirling pit of uneducated mediocre entertainers, if they were anything else they wouldn't be doing youtube
No. 171932
>>171862In her newest video, she says "good" 5 times in the first 6 minutes.
And eww, she's wearing that ugly hoodie 3 vlogs in a row. Funny how she tried to excuse it, but didn't do anything about it.
I bet people from lolcow are gonna end up being at that sleepover.
No. 172002
>>171998Was Venus invited? She should invite Venus. I wanna see them all weeb the fuck out together over Pokemon, Japanese children candy and stupid things. Plus Taylor doing Venus's make up all TayTayfied… Taynusfied.
Then in the coming months Sharla getting jelly and drama might happen. It'll give us all something to look forward to. I sound so morbid but everything is too vanilla and boring at the moment. Its fun when shit is on fire.
No. 172014
I dont get what look they were going for
She looks like a chucky doll
No. 172015
>>171571cackled at this way too much.
shes so gross eww
No. 172017
>>172002same! i literally want sharla to be friendless..
gurl gotta stop being an annoying mooch.
No. 172044
>>172002It's kind of annoying how people keep trying to wedge Venus into fucking everything. I get that it's what most people expected to happen, but now that it isn't happening it's like you guys just want it to so you can be like
>I told you so! Attention whore Venus causing drama! Taylor and co. using her for views! kekekekekekeNo matter what happens it's like you're just going to pretend it happened the way you imagined it anyway. That's not good drama, that's just dumb.
No. 172051
>>172002Jesus stop with this.
First you gus didnt want Venus to join thrm now you do just for forced milk.
If Sharla or whoever besides Taylor reaches out to Venus just wait.
No. 172070
>>171935I dont even know how taylor can stand her
No. 172125
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She's right though. The moment Taylor mentioned "vegan catering", I kinda barfed.
No. 172130
>>172125>kehohne: rabbit food turns me off from applying>fat LolitaLol wow
Vegan food isn't that fucking terrible Jesus Christ
No. 172154
>>172125She's not right. She sounds fucking ridiculous and I am nowhere near vegan. Vegan food is just what's left of your regular diet after cutting out the animal products. Humpty Dumpty can't go one night without assaulting her arteries?
Her anecdote about catering is equally stupid because this not HER party and when you're a guest, requests are made for everyday dietary restrictions or allergies. Bitch won't die eating kale salad. Oml.
No. 172192
>>172119Its not actually a sleepover and anyway thats why they are taking applications…
which includes links to social media (probably to help prove identity but lol maybe they only invite people with good social media following…)
No. 172213
>>172187Is not a sleepover, is just 40 persons in a youtube office, I don't know, is weird. Just call it a fan meeting and go to a park. I really don't get how can you invite 40 persons and treat them properly (because they are your fans) in 3 hours, invite 10 or 12 and you can give them the chance to know you and have a decent chat with them.
By the way, who is paying the food?, youtube?.
No. 172242
>>172239Just needs a wasit belt to spice it up.
I like it.
No. 172244
>>172239It'll be fall/winter soon, it makes more sense to buy something warmer instead of something that she might only get one or two uses out of until it's too cold.
But yeah, spending over $100 on someone you're just kind of friends with is weird and awkward. I'd feel like I need to spend as much for her birthday in exchange.
No. 172315
>>172244Thas probably why alexa reacted the way she did
Everyones always like "uggh taylor rubbing money in my face again"
No. 172322
>>172014it reminds me a lot of like old school visual kei but
yeah idk either
No. 172336
>>172315I'm sure the last thing on Alexa's mind is
how much the present costs. Do you try to
guess the price of presents you get from
No. 172363
>>171809I'm Dutch, and the pronounced spelling for Jun and 準備 would be 'djun' and 'djunbie' in Dutch. And the English spelling 'joon'/'joonbee'.. well my brain makes 'djoen'/'djoenbie' from that, while reading? How he calls himself in the other video of
>>171827 also sounds as 'djoen', but that sounds kinda like he's pronouncing his name in English/with an English accent. Dutch people have the same, the English accent version of my name also sounds different from how my name is actually pronounced in Dutch. In Japanese, it totally sounds the same though (luckily).
No. 172531
>>172529You can pinpoint where she stops understanding what the taxi driver says. And wow. She's so concieted. She tried asking him if he was watching her videos, and she thought he said so (look at her face expression), but he was talking about watching a female do origami videos, or something.
Pretty embarrassing.
No. 172533
>>172531Yea i lol'd there
"Im a youtuber. Do you use youtube?"
"Really??" As if he is watching her videos lmao….
No. 172555
>>172354I've only heard her sing twice, both times the accent is very obvious.
I don't think her voice suits this song, but I guess she's trying to live her dream or something? So I guess that's good for her.
No. 172568
>>172552Except that she literally did in that video.
The conversation went
T- Sorry. I'm filming a video.
D- You're filming yourself?
T- Yeah, I'm filming my self.I'm a youtuber.You know youtube?
D- Yeah, I know youtube.
T- Do you watch it?
D- Yes. I watch it.
t- Really?
D- Yeah I watch a variety of different things on my computer. For example I watch origami videos and try to do it while I'm watching.
T- ooo
D- I also listen to songs.
Nothing amazing but more than 3 words and like a lot of foreigners I would imagine she understands a lot more than she speaks.
No. 172586
>>172531>>172533I don't think you understand that in Japanese you overplay your emotions to show respect/interest in what the other person is saying. If you watch any anime/drama they do this(albeit a bit overdone), like "ee maji?! sugoi!" in response to a friend saying they got their nails done or smth.
tl;dr nitpicking over nothing
No. 172597
>>172315>>172397From what we've seen, Taylor always seems generous with the gifts she gives to people. It doesn't mean she's rubbing her wealth in people's faces.
And Alexa looked more pleasantly surprised by the gifts; not butthurt jealous like you seem to be.
No. 172651
>>172631the shows are usually scripted and you practise the stuff you say over and over again
anybody can seem fluent on tv
except for mira
No. 172728
>>172707she seemed a lot happier in HK, her friends seem kinder than the ones in Japam. She ate a lot more back then too, compared to then she barely eats now…
Either way I respect whatever way she wants to go
No. 172762
>>172728Or maybe she just documented it more? I remember she said that she doesn't film all the food she eats.
>>172736Absolutely! She doesn't really have any Japanese friends in Tokyo.
No. 172786
>>172728I don't think she was eating more quantity, but definetely her diet was more variated. Now she's eating very similar things all the time, vegan diet is so limited and boring.
>>172736Totally agree, that's why I prefer a milion times her videos with a Alexa
than the ones with the weeb-vloggers, she's mature and similar to her Hong Kong friends, I think Taylor fits way better with these kind of people.
Idk, I frankly believe that she needs to work harder on improving her japanese so she can make more friends like these and not having to rely on Sharla and the rest because I don't think they actually share the same interests.
No. 172789
>>172736>>172786I think the problem with Sharla/the jvloggers she hangs out with is that she reminds them of Canada so she stays with them for that homey/'gets my base personality' sort of friendship. The problem with those is they're usually superficial and sometimes immature because they are friendships out of a need to have some sort of familiarity.
While the friendships in Hong Kong were genuine and created out of living there and needing to make new friends, and that's why it's more casual and what a normal friendship looks like. The issue is that because Tay has surrounded herself with these Canadian jvloggers, she's basically gotten into that nostalgia/comfort friend rut and doesn't seem to be really making any efforts to make new friends. The fact that her job now is basically just to keep surrounding herself with other jvloggers doesn't help because that means she doesn't meet anyone new.
No. 172792
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safe to say the event went well
No. 172795
>>172789also in japan, its likely she cant make friends in the environment because not as many people speak english (those that do tend to go abroad) and her japanese isnt good enough.
she just falls back on the gaijin community. which dont get me wrong is great but idk its dominated by white girls i would say.
No. 172802
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>>172792They literally all look the same, and are all like 14. What the hell
No. 172803
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>>172721I don't get the whole surgery debate. She does look like her "old face" under all the makeup and editing she does. Differences in makeup styles, aging, and eating habits can
gasp change how you look?! Sage for rant
No. 172810
>>172802They just look asian anon.
What did you expect?
No. 172813
File: 1473517522586.png (370.57 KB, 781x471, 55cb140720928_fillers25204.png…)

>>172803Her face post procedure. Also the pic to the right is a shooped pic of her where she has slimmed her jaw line and enlarged her eyes.
>>172802 i dont think they all look THAT young (by asian standards) some seem to be adults i think
No. 172823
>>172813Where did you get that she enlarged her eyes..? First time I hear that, her eyes look the same.
Yeah, there was something going on with her cheeks here, be it jaw surgery o just fillers. I think it was probably just fillers, and it doesn't seem that she's getting them anymore. Or maybe we are all reaching and it was only an allergic reaction lol.
No. 172828
>>172823At this tine, there were photos that showed new dimpling on the sides of her mouth/chin area, which is indicative of uneven injections.
But I don't believe she did anything to her eyes besides makeup and tape
No. 172836
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>>172813>beating the deadest horse that ever diedThere are still a couple videos on her channel from just a month or 2 after that Sony video was made, and her face doesn't look puffy like that. Facial fillers last AT LEAST 6 months, but usually longer. Taylor has been shooping her face slimmer for years, there is no reason why she would make her face bigger in real life, only to keep shooping it smaller for the internet.
The most likely scenario is she binged or something and gained a bunch of weight temporarily. She is wearing a black sack in that Sony video so it's hard to see her body. It's obvious that she gains weight in her face easily, look at her face now (she has said she's heavier than she used to be) and look at her face in 2015.
No. 172841
>>172836Sorry, no. There are pictures of her stick legs in that dress. That's not weight gain.
How long fillers last depends on what fillers you get. Thicker stuff lasts longer, but people often get a less dense material when they first get fillers.
Her face looks fucking weird and did for a long time. It's not as bad now, but even her current face looks strange. There are bumpy areas under her skin near her lips. (not pimples) It's far more apparent in candid videos or videos where she isn't controlling the lighting (Kochi, TokyoExtra videos).
No. 172843
>>172842Fuck me. I hate to say it but it honestly looks kind of adorable.
There are also some pictures from the event. Everyone seems cute and happy.
No. 172870
If Taylor did get fillers i would assume she would have to get more eventually and her face would puff up again. It hasn't.
Reach for the stars people.
No. 172875
>>172841The bumpy areas around her mouth were from filling nasolabial folds, cheeks and give her smile a lift.
She had a few syringes over the years but the initial ones may not have been done by a doctor familiar with caucasian facial structure because it was overdone.
When someone is thin and maintains low bodyfat, their face should be more hollow and deeply structured especially on the cheeks.
No. 172926
>>172813i love how people keep using this same photo because there isn't another one where her face looks remotely like this lmao. no one walks out of the doctor's office looking like this. ever. this is literally an allergic reaction. the swelling is on the outside of her cheeks not the nasolabial folds. what the fuck is a surgeon gonna be doing inserting fat there on the face of someone who's got enough fat there? lmao.
this dead horse has been beaten so many times it's turned to pudding. when the logic of someone with a fat face getting outer cheek fillers to make their face fatter and then photoshop thinner ACTUALLY sinks in everyone drops the topic. a few weeks later the same retard from PULL comes in to bring up the topic and drag the same screenshot from their desktop and then samefag for a bit to make it seem like anyone actually cares.
taylor never got fillers. her face was swollen as shit the first time she landed in japan which happens and it could've happened to her for a number of reasons.
>>172803 her face looks the same. exactly the same. give it a rest. to say she got fillers but they magically dissolved completely is transparent and it's just refusing to admit you were wrong lmao. not to mention some sperg-chan will always say she ~used to be so pretty and that she ruined her face forever. when the fillers were temporary? no one ever sticks to a story. it's petty and useless and turns the thread to shit every single time.
>>172875>The bumpy areas around her mouth were from filling nasolabial folds, cheeks and give her smile a lift. She had a few syringes over the years but the initial ones may not have been done by a doctor familiar with caucasian facial structure because it was overdone.thank you dr webmd
No. 172932
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>>172815>>172823>>172828>>172841>>172873>>172875You PULLtards are so damn stupid. According to PULL, Taylor just ~mysteriously~ disappeared at the end of 2014 because she wasn't posting on social media. She must've been off fucking up her face right???
But all you have to do is go to her sister's instagram and you can see it's because she was in Canada celebrating the holidays with her family. I guarantee you she ate a lot of big holiday dinners while she was there.
And look, by the end of January her face already looked far less puffy at that Lancome event. It might've been, dare I say it, gradual weight loss! What a shock.
No. 172933
>>172926You blind cunts make me wheeze.
I like Tay but she looks plastic as fuck. The overdone make up she does makes her even shiner and fake looking. Just saying.
No. 172937
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>>172926>people keep using this same photoShe looks like that in videos without the skin smoothing.
I don't get the point of pretending it's all natural for a 30 yr old to look like this. What does that accomplish?
No. 172941
>>172937Isn't she like 27 or 28? You don't suddenly turn old once you hit 30 either…
Also she's talking in that screenshot, of course her face is going to look different.
No. 172948
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>>172937Would you rather she be 30 years old, like anime, and look like this?
What does that accomplish?
No. 172951
File: 1473557028813.jpg (89.12 KB, 591x778, gfdgdc.JPG)

dont know if anyone saw this but grace (texan in tokyo) posted some kind of really triggering video.
i think its deleted now but im so curious
No. 172953
>>172932but whose faces gets that fucking huge just from eating
even in her infamous fat kid pic, her face isnt that round
No. 172960
>>172951I wish there was a mirror for the video
Grace: "There's a man in the park staring at kids, he MUST be a pedophile!!!"
No. 172965
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>>172937Oh you mean these ridges/dimples around her mouth that she's literally always had(in candids) and you can see even when she's not talking or smiling?
No. 172967
>>172951What was the video about? Can anybody give me a summary of the
triggering part of the video?
No. 172980
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>>172953Girl is all cheeks in some of those shots.
No. 173000
>>172992I know you are that retarded.
It's pointing out that she had those dimple things back in Hong Kong too, she's making the same expression while talking and everything.
No. 173001
>>173000>It's pointing out that she had those dimple things back in Hong Kong tooDid you expect people to infer that from your post when none of the previous ones in that thread of conversation mentioned it?
Are you stupid? Just stop posting today you've clearly been dropped as a child.
No. 173010
>>172996Not a huge fan of her overdrawn lips, but how exactly did she ruin anything? lol
She can just take off the lipstick…
No. 173011
>>172803I think Taylor's face looks a bit weird now but if she got her nasolabial folds done shouldn't there be pictures around of her actually having noticeable nasolabial folds?
I hope this isn't considered a blog but I went on an SSRI a few days ago and gained 6 lbs of water weight overnight. My face looked puffy as fuck. I've never had anything like that happen so it's possible the infamous filler face is something unrelated to cosmetic surgery.
No. 173018
>>172951I saw it, it was '6 things that are ok in Japan but illegal/unacceptable in the US' or something. One was slurping your noodles audibly in public (unacceptable in US, accepted as a sign of enjoyment in Japan) another was blowing your nose in public (not done in Japan, everybody just sniffles loudly) and drinking alcohol in public (acceptable in Japan, not in US - according to Grace, anyway.) I guess the controversial one must have been older men in business suits sitting on benches in public parks where children play? Which, according to Grace, is acceptable and commonplace in Japan but in US would clearly indicate a PEDOPHILE and would be HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE. Which made me go "huh??" And I guess
triggered a bunch of angry comments.
No. 173033
>>173031>explains why she's heavier now even though she's almost completely veganvegan =/= weight loss vegan is just removing meat/dairy as sources from which you get your daily nutrition from. it's not like you're living off the produce section only. dakota has been vegan for years and she's incapable of losing weight.
regarding taylor's weight it seems like in general she's always liked to eat. but during her hk modeling days she restricted her diet and fell into eating disorder type habits which is the only reason she was so thin. her gaining weight now is because she's eating unrestricted like she used to. although she also works out so the weight gain isn't anything bad.
No. 173041
File: 1473579659032.jpg (48.09 KB, 662x1000, himawari.jpg)

taylor in 2014, when she's started living in japan
No. 173042
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another photo from the same shoot
No. 173043
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anuenuebrain mv shoot, 2014
No. 173044
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cchan launch, 2015?
No. 173045
File: 1473580039781.jpg (158.75 KB, 1200x1200, cchan1.jpg)

No. 173047
File: 1473580193701.jpg (151.6 KB, 540x500, pocky.jpg)

pocky promo 2015
No. 173112
Jk i agree. Literally i don't give a shit about her but please let her have her own thrread so people can discuss her over there. Come on, no one is forced to visit her thread and sperg chan can do her thing. Please for the love of god "no own taylor thread shes boring as fuck" peope stop and let farmers have their way
No. 173157
>>173156I was away when sperg chan hit the threads - is there any screenshots anything where I can witness it? Im intrigued since everyone mentions it a bunch.
sage for irrelevant to thread.
No. 173172
>>173037You poor baby, getting so
triggered. Let it go little baby, it's only the internet.
No. 173205
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>>172926>no one walks out of the doctor's office looking like thisi guess you've never heard of gangnam unnies…
>>173199isn't that why this thread is in snow? pt is for cows with milk, snow is for everything else.
No. 173213
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>>173206Samefagging with another image comparing young Tay that another anon pointed out and the evidence for fillers. Is it confirmed she has a gluten allergy/celiac disease? The random puffiness that she gets sometimes could be when she says "fuck that looks really good" and has something with gluten.
No. 173215
>>173213Dude get over it.
She had fillers
Her face isnt puffy anymore because the fillers slowly dimished
No. 173218
>>173213not even remotely similar. people's faces don't revert back to their pre puberty state if they gain a few pounds. taylor has never gained enough for her face to gain any weight, and if it did, itd be around her jaw.
the fillers she has sit right below her cheek bones and looks extremely unnatural. even now that they've been somewhat reabsorbed, her face still doesn't look right, and probably never will again. she had fillers. just get over it.
No. 173227
>>173020I cant wait for Taylor to feel comfortable enough in her subscriber count where she can just cut off every single one of those nasty J-vloggers.
It's so weird seeing them all together, because you know girls like Sharla and Rachel are the type of jealous bitches who go on and on about girls like Taylor being 'fake' and 'not a real woman who just luvz video games and being nerdy~"
No. 173234
>>173205snow is for snowflakes who think they're hot shit and create drama.
Taylor has no milk and is /b/ worthy
No. 173273
>>173272Honestly waiting for her to slip up and accidentally leave him in a shot. I don't think that's him though, mainly because Taylor is holding her own camera and that guy has some other bigger camera.
I doubt her boyfriend even came directly to the event even though it sounds like he was in Hong Kong. Obviously people there would see him and try to take pictures and stuff and his image would end up here in an instant.
No. 173276
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>>173263Definitely not. She wouldn't bring him. She'd cut him out if so. His hair is way longer (assuming he didn't cut it). He's also super tall.
No. 173284
>>173282>asian men don't have this body wut
anon pls
No. 173336
File: 1473659140544.png (3.66 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_0767.PNG)

This is her boyfriend's side profile in one of her videos
No. 173362
>>173292Stop reaching
Big Youtubers edit the shit out if their videos… Shes not gonna miss something like that. She would definitely edit that out ffs
No. 173367
>>173157No screenshots but i simply remember her going full insane because i was one of the few people talking to her at that time.
She was posting a shitton of childhood pictures of taylor which made people question where the fuck she found that.
She had like indept charts about taylors life, comparison pictures, zoomed in pictures of taylor in the background somewhere and whenever someone said they did not find taylor ugly she'd spam the same pictures again.
it was odd to say the least.
>>173158I remember her posting this and saying she felt really nervous doing this so i don't think they had good guidance when recording this.
Such a shame as it is quite a cute concept.
>>173251I agree but i think Mimei is genuine too just a lot more introverted.
Mimei seems to prefer hanging out at home with her husband and cats over being with the other Jvloggers and i kind of think thats cute.
Also people complain that some Jvloggers use their asian bf's to flaunt to yellow fever weebs… but then also complain when someone is trying to keep their partner out of their youtube career.
No matter what you do someone will always be pissed off
No. 173426
>>173367Mimei is genuinely introverted and I like that she isn't pretending to have anxiety to get followers. It goes without saying that most people who watch this type of content don't get out much, and they need to be played to.
As for the video, the problem is definitely language barrier. Everyone else was following instructions but she was looking in other directions for cues from people behind the camera.
No. 173491
>>173362Okay, but she didn't edit it out, sooo…?
Sure it's possible that it's not him, but her behavior makes it seem like it is him. Also at 15:20 when she's eating the burger you can see a man's hand next to her.
No. 173633
>>173555>she doesn't even have her own thread anymore>majority of comments regarding taylor are lukewarm if not outright positive>fuck u obsessive bitches shell go away if u bitches only ignore herwhy do you think it's anyone's goal here to drive some random jvloggers off've the internet?
you sound irrationally angry. take your pills, anon.
No. 173668
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>>173664Yukapon looks like Pixielocks sister.
Also, holy fuck she looks haggard
No. 173744
>>173731A little off-topic, but
>>anyone know what Yukapon's face shape is?Some anons say it is is babyfaced, but I don't think it's round or heart. Looks oblong (longer than is wide) but puffy toward middle/bottom sides?
No. 173755
>>173731"パパ募集中" = "looking for a papa"
What is this site? I thought she was all about the little sister shit
No. 173768
>>173761Caked foundation to hide wrinkles, round makeup with eyebags. She doesn't seem to wear eyeshadow either. Wearing winged eyeliner or smokey eye doesn't help you look younger.
Plus she doesn't dress for her age. She seems to empathize round "nude" eyes and shapes them a bit downwards to give a "young eyes" impression. Lightning and good angles work too.
But overall, it's definitely the eyemakeup that helps her the most.
No. 173771
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Found this makeup gem in her old photos.
No. 173772
>>173768>Caked foundation to hide wrinklescaked foundation doesn't hide wrinkles lol it makes it worse. she actually wears really nice foundation.
>>173761it's just what she did to sharla. nothing groundbreaking. but it's the circle lenses that make her look younger. she wears the huge geo bambi(?) ones i believe. regardless she looks young all the same without makeup or circle lenses lol.
there's no real secret. except maybe that she's an insane health nut who takes a lot of different vitamins and eats really good food and exercises and that definitely 1000% helps your skin. not saying it's the fountain of youth but her skin looks better now than it did during her hk days when she was starving herself and that was when she was in her early-mid twenties. the fact that she has a lot of fat around her face naturally also helps. makes her look like a chipmunk but also keeps her young in a sense lol she's got not one laugh line. it's a lot of factors. definitely not just eye makeup.
No. 173776
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>>173761>>173772Also she more than likely edits her pics. If you can find candids of her that other people have uploaded, she looks more like an early 20-something dressed in cutesy clothes.
No. 173779
>>173761In terms of just the face base, it's a lot of high end products combined. Primer, beauty blender with foundation, setting powders, highlighters, sprays. She also has the skin smoothing on her videos.
No. 173815
>>173213Coeliac is not an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease. This means that your body will start self-destructing (hence why the lining of your small intestine usually shows signs of damage if you were eating stuff with gluten and are coeliac).
Puffy cheeks aren't a symptom of coeliac.
No. 173833
My sister had bad eczema when she was young and she had to follow a cortisone treatment and she had puffy cheeks because of that.
sage for blogging
No. 173955
>>173861There's different levels on celiac/ gluten sensitivity. A lot of people can handle cross-contamination but wouldn't be able to eat bread by itself.
No. 174206
>>171932>>And eww, she's wearing that ugly hoodie 3 vlogs in a row. She's wearing that fucking hoodie 6 videos now, 4 in a row. You can see it on her newest from the 7 minutes mark. girl is just unhygienic. I don't care if she washes it between, she shouldn't wear the same damn sweater in every video.
No. 174234
>>174206>This girl is just unhygienic. I don't care if she washes it between, she shouldn't wear the same damn sweater in every video.Two things:
1) DO you know that they were filmed at different times? A lot of people film a large amount all at once and then edit them together for later release. That's fairly common in both Youtube and Network television .
2) If she washed it in between, what would be the problem? How would it be different to wear something on Sunday, wash it and wear it again on Monday as opposed to wearing it on Sunday, washing it but not wearing it again until Thursday? It would be clean either way. It's not going to get more clean hanging in a closet from Sunday to Thursday.
She may very well have poor hygiene, but that is just asinine..
No. 174518
File: 1474065957535.png (566.14 KB, 478x595, lips.png)

THESE LIPS they literally gave me goosebumps. They're so hideous, how does she think this looks good?