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No. 186467
Last thread
>>174539Kim Dao is insecure, cheated on her boyfriend, and is accusing people of copying her.
Sharla is self-aware and is making an effort to make her Taylor copying less obvious.
Taylor moved and is living with her boyfriend in a new place.
Mimei had people break into her home and is taking a break from the internet.
No. 186469
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From the last thread, Micaela continues to throw herself a pity party on twitter
No. 186583
>>186573Tay cute but the rest aren't ugly, but they're plain. I'm sure they could look cute if they put actual effort into their appearance but they go around looking sloppy and unkept instead.
This isn't including that man looking one. Nothing will make that not ugly.
No. 186584
>>186516yeah idk her hair wasn't damaged at all. if it were it would thin out from breakage near the bottom and change texture. she used those hair growth pills so it's no surprise. her hair wouldn't be neeeearly as thick on its own.
anyway how much did she pay for that haircut bc i feel like it looks really mediocre lmao. i'm so unimpressed with these japanese salons. that ombre she got last time was a fucking joke.
No. 186615
>>186501Oh thank god she didn't cut it short yet. Taylor has some seriously nice hair, so thick and long, I don't get why she seems so keen on chopping it off now. I feel like people on the internet convinced her to do it.
>>186511Agree. I've had moderately damaged hair from dye/bleach and her hair looks like it's in way better shape. It was barely damaged. Truly damaged hair turns into a rat's nest at the slightest breeze.
No. 186629
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Anons in the last thread wanted to see when Taylor said her bf isn't Japanese. She doesn't outright say he isn't in this comment, but it's very much implied that he isn't.
She also says "when my boyfriend is in Japan", meaning up until now he didn't actually live there full time. He probably is from Hong Kong and was just traveling back and forth for work. There were periods of time where we wouldn't "see" him at all and Taylor would talk about being alone all the time, and then all the sudden her bf was there for every video again.
No. 186637
File: 1477100312652.jpg (42.43 KB, 370x497, Classic-Japanese-Bob-Hairstyle…)

anything in the google search results for "japanese bob" is the perfect haircut for taylor. i think it'd suit her personality. but then again the long blonde hair makes her look very girl next door which is also part of her appeal to her subscribers.
No. 186667
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>>186637Something like this but longer would look cute on her.
No. 186671
>>186631If you watch her videos regularly, people have been telling her to cut it in the comments for a couple months now, and she noticed because she only started talking about it after people kept commenting on it. She at least reads her youtube comments because she addresses them all the time.
She can do whatever she wants, I just think she lets her followers make decisions for her a lot, and to me that's sad.
>>186633>hair can look decent but actually be damaged.If it looks decent there's no way for us to know how damaged it is. So why do a few people keep insisting it looks damaged? That makes no sense.
No. 186674
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>>186663i was thinking something medium length. pic related. but with bangs.
>>186667then she's look like a mommy blogger lmao
>>186673it depends on the style. if you get the let me speak to the manager haircut then yeah you're gonna look older.
No. 186677
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>>186674I think she could pull this look off, but anything shorter would put too much emphasis on her cheeks.
No. 186682
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I think she would look cute in shorter hair, but not sure if her agency would let her cause I feel like her image has a lot to do with her long hair
No. 186690
>>186682there was also another instance she had short hair for a photoshoot where they pinned it all up like a bob. but it was a looong time ago like 2 years. but she had just arrived in japan. i thought she looked cute. i don't think her cheeks are a problem as long as the bangs aren't cut too wide and expose the side of her face. just like this pic.
i feel like she'd mention it if she had to ask her agency tbh.
No. 186693
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Did you know?
Kim Dao created Japanese Make Up and was responsible for creating the Japanese flag!
No. 186781
>>186682>>186691Yeah I don't think they'll let her. A lot of her photo shoots emphasize her hair and really help with the whole dolly look/young girl thing she caters to. Maybe if she got a solid wig that was really similar which she's wear to shoots they'd let her cut it?
I think a long bob would really flatter her, I hope she can do it.
No. 186797
>>186790because she's always vague about every issue she's facing. it gets tiring to keep hearing her say "GUYZZ I'M HAVING A HARD TIME I'M NOT GOING TO SAY WHAT BUT IT'S JUST BEEN SO DIFFICULT AND THE WORLD SUCKS BUT DONT WORRY I'M OKAY I'M NOT GONNA TELL YA THO" She's a wreck
She's like those annoying people on facebook who post vague status's fishing for people to ask whats wrong
No. 186863
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>>186806damn that's a pretty gorgeous kitchen (at least for tokyo or any expensive city.)
No. 186875
>>186868I think she's new money but not rich. Her father is in the few millions not hundreds.
She gets a small cut of that and doesn't make enough on her own to live a truly rich lifestyle. Until I see her invited to charity galas, she's upper middle class.
No. 186885
>>186868Saying that made you seem pretty jealous. This is not your diary. No one here said that they were jealous, just noting things about her new place/ hair/ whatever.
Sage, bc like you this doesn't contribute to anything
No. 186906
>>186896Time will tell.
If she starts daily vlogging again, we will see if she still taxis everywhere or the boyf drives her
No. 186934
>>186930Btw this reminds me…
If you are a foreigner in japan, you need a guarantor (family or employer) if you want to rent or buy property. Who do you think it is?
No. 187030
>>186637This would honestly look so darn cute on her!!! I really hope she has enough courage and cuts it like this. Her long hair is annoying af.
But its nice to see she's transitioning from the cute kawaii fashion and style to a more mature look
No. 187039
>>186806Taylor, noooo. You're supposed to take off the bottle cap
and the label, THEN dump the bottle. There's even a little arrow on the label top where you're supposed to pull it off. Most bottles even have pre-made holes to tear from.
No. 187111
>>187074Kim speaks Japanese, maybe not at Sharla's level yet but enough to have a normal conversation and she likes beauty related stuff so she probably knows the vocabulary, going to a Japanese salon isn't that difficult anon. I also agree with anon here
>>187069 Typically they all go to the same places, if you liked the results then why try a different one you don't know? When it comes to my hair I always go with the same person or do it myself.
No. 187138
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HOLY FUCK that 5 head.
Why does Kim think parted hair looks good on her?
No. 187162
>>187030I seriously don't get how people still think she dresses too "kawaii". She went from wearing Liz Lisa and school uniforms everyday to wearing hoodies with leggings and overall dresses and baseball hats, the same kind of stuff you see every other young woman wearing around these days. But somehow she still dresses too cute???
I don't know what some of you think is mature, "age appropriate" clothing for her. It's not like she works in an office or something.
No. 187164
>>187162From Ugly to uglier fashion. ( track suits are fine everything else, no )
How can she be a model and have such ugly taste in clothing ? Most of her clothing is just not flattering on her ( or anyone )
No. 187180
>>187164Models don't need to have taste. They just wear what they're told.
I like what she wears now. It's not particularly special but it's cute/casual. She's thin enough that everything looks fairly good on her without effort.
No. 187182
>>187162>>186930This video has already been posted up thread.
This thread is seriously getting derailed by Taylor spergs, go to PULL for these type of conversations, you guys are bringing no value to this thread
No. 187183
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>>187147Something that covers that alien like protruding forehead of hers. If you look through her videos and old blogs she's had this same fucking hair cut for at least 6 years
tfw you cake on makeup but still look the same
No. 187210
>>187185if you can line 5 fingers on your forehead that means your have a big forehead
What's with the Kim stans wking so hard lol
No. 187215
>>187210Different anon here but I agree with anon saying it is a normal forehead
>>187185 it's a pretty common size, yes it is wide but not HUGE. Make up, hair, style.. those are more interesting topics, but a forehead? Really?
No. 187271
>>187243It's a punchable face I know what you mean
That coupled with her unwarranted self importance makes you want to knock her face in even more
No. 187343
>>187310At least sage your autism
If Taylor is interacting with another jvlogger then you can discuss it here but otherwise take everything else there.
No. 187393
>>187345Sharla seems like the type of girl who's always wanted to be cute and never quite learned how to dress or make herself up. Probably feels self conscious next to Tay lol.
This is the first time I've watched a video of hers. Vlog was shit but her personality is kind of charming? At least she's more entertaining than Kim and her MTF roomie.
No. 187434
>>187407kim probably wont notice.
too busy cheating on her boyfriend.
No. 187456
>>187435I actually think she's cute currently in that natural girl next door type of way
>>187405Kim's forehead is definitely big. Anons saying otherwise must have similar sized foreheads
No. 187571
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>>187533She looks like one of those anthro furry things from a movie
No. 187577
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>>187345What the fuck is Sharla doing
For someone constantly worried about spending money she traveled a lot for no reason. She went from Nakano to Shibuya for only purikura. Then Ikebukuro from Shibuya to see Pokemon "on a whim" and didn't even buy what she came for?
>opening cards obnoxiously and loudlythanks for making foreigners look like baka otaku gaijin gaiz
No. 187585
Emily is pretty but she is actually a really boring basic white girl
No. 187589
>>187533Christ, they're both fucking boring. How is MTF still this painfully awkward on camera. The scene with Emily being fed made me cringe
I liked her outfit though
No. 187601
>>187597She definitely was a weeb. Probably still is, but does a better job at hiding it. The vlog was boring and judging but Bii's video she doesn't seem to have much of a personality so I doubt it'll improve. Fucking pretty though.
>>187599They're going because they have nothing going on for them in their own countries and are weebs. Everyone is vlogging now because they think being in Japan is enough to make them popular even though they're making the 500th Pokemon Center video on youtube.
No. 187607
>>187601Its kinda sad and every foreign model just looks the same. At least this one is a brunette but…
If someone really wants Japans attention: do what dakota did.
Make a persona for yourself and speak nip
No. 187617
>>187601Probably was a wee
Did student exchange as a kid, worked at a sushi shop in america before meeting her husband during vacation to japan
No. 187624
>>187617She use to have a fashion blog or some shit. She was never full gyaru but did lean toward j-fashion. I remember there was a photo of her in a seifuku that would be all over kawaii tumblr lol
Was in a pretty long relationship with a guy (she might have cheated on him? I don't really know/remember) till she left him for her visa husband she met at a bar while on vacation. Got married fast too.
No. 187625
>>187624She'll be Audrey 2.0
White, kawaii and pretty. Perfect mix not the usual Mira tier of gaijin.
No. 187646
>>187627You know what I mean anon. She's on that level of pretty compared to the rest of the Jvloggers.
>>187644anon lol
No. 187668
>>187650Oh right, yeah I agree. If she does up her jvlogging she is definitely probably one of the prettiest. I think she's prettier than Taylor and kota. She looks a bit like Lana Del Ray… maybe its the hair. Probably. She isn't overwhelmingly amazingly beaut but she's good looking and pretty tier. Best we have had so far.
She seems nice. I hope she doesnt become milky. Lol literally.
>>187663Nice to see you again stormtrooper-chan
Yeah asshole there is black folk in Japan
No. 187669
>>187599Yes, most of these jvloggers don't have much of a personalty and the only "interesting" thing about them is that they in Japan. If they were back in Canada or America or wherever they came from they probably wouldn't have most of the subscribers/views they have now since most of their fans are weebs
>>187647If they have any milk or their snowflake material then sure
No. 187881
>>187685No no I meant like… not mixed. But like… just her face? It comes off well to me for e.g as cutesy I can see why they would pick her over Barbie or Shani. She's as short, petite and cutesy with those crooked teeth like the rest of the Japanese models.
Dakota for e.g
She's as short as they need her, cutesy face and has that… cute appeal?
No. 187884
>>187680I don't understand stand her appeal either. She can probably be cute if she put forth more effort but she just looks sloppy and unkept. Her weave constantly looks greasy and unbrushed and her make up ages her.
As far as looking "mixed" she honestly looks like she's purposely squinting in all her photos.
Compared to other black girl she definitely is more feminine and petite which is a plus.
No. 187888
>>187884She's alright I think. I know what you mean anon… I do myself think Ami should renew that bloody weave of hers. It does look greasy and it does look rough as a bear's ass. She looks grimey…. I always find her scruffy looking. She's not an ugly girl by any means just a scruff.
She does squint… I noticed that too. Venus Angelic used to do that shit too and still sometimes does.
No. 187889
>>187881Well Shani and Barbie…nuff said
Honestly for me it's her mouth that ruins it. It's just so wide compared to her other features and she does that silly 'moe" lip smile that accentuates it.
>>187884Yeah exactly, the constant squinting.
No. 187891
>>187884samefag but I know a guy she use to fuck with by pure coincidence who never had anything good to say about her. probably still got old ass chat logs of it
but aidoru wannabes have their own thread we're derailing
No. 187893
>>187891Eh? Even Ami is at it?
We need a new thread for this chatter.
No. 187937
>>187597After having seen Bii/Taylor type models with tragic makeup and etc I probably think she's more gorgeous than she really is.
The inoffensive catalogue look among the jvloggers is refreshing though, if a bit bland.
No. 187946
>>187937You're complimenting bii too much by calling him a model
He took before/afters for plastic surgery clinics, nothing brag worthy.(and yet he still brags about it LOL)
No. 187963
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slightly less prominent Cupid's bow. looks less like a drag queen imo. Her lips are really fucking uneven
No. 187974
>>187952It's not just the lips, it's also the tiny close-set eyes. And I don't know, I don't
think she is, but it really looks that way.
No. 187975
>>187963I don't know what it is but it's like every part of her face together as a whole is the problem.
Like you can fix the lips, but now the bad eyebrows or the nose is bothering me, or the space between the eyes or the space between the nose and the mouth, idk.
No. 187981
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I tried but his proportions are just B A D
No. 187986
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is bii even real
No. 187989
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>>187981I tried to give it a shot too but it's really hard to pinpoint what's wrong
No. 187992
Emily is definitely the most gorgeous among the jvloggers - if you wanna know what model's life is like in Japan, then I suggest following her on IG, she's definitely hustling it (unlike Taylor's occasional low grade shoot)
I followed her on Tumblr before she deleted it, not much changed though, same weebish posts (maybe she started over to delete her stuff with her ex). She's been obsessed with Japan forever, I kind of laughed when she said on Twitter a long time ago when she said if wasn't for husband, she'd move back to America. Guess she finally realized Japanland isn't 100% magical. She said she met her husband at his friend's bar while vacationing, they did the long distance thing for a while, then she packed her shit, moved to Japan, and quickly married him.
Other than that, not much dirt nor drama (other than Koots blocking her on twitter). I can see why people think she's boring, but at least she's down to earth and not going down the plastic surgery hellhole like Taylor and Biibiibeauty. Gorgeous girl, but her only downfall is that she's a huge weeb
No. 188028
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I tried my best but I think I did a good job
No. 188036
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>>187989Good job on the lips!
She just really need to fix her lips, her eyebrows and do some contouring/get some definition on her face, especially her lack of cheekbones.
No. 188037
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>>188028>>187989well at least put a real effort in anon
No. 188062
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she looked cute before the brow and lip change
No. 188064
>>188062and here I thought he was born with muppet lips
what is wrong with him
you taylor spergs rag on tay for plastic surgery but bii takes the fucking cake
No. 188070
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Is this bii's mom
No. 188087
>>187937Exactly her make up is normal and just soft
No eye bags, no weird lip shit. Just normal thank fuck
No. 188089
>>187992She just seems normal to be fair. But everyone likes Japan anon, everyone seems to be obsessed with Japan. That "but they have liked Japan forever" is literally every weeb and edge lord. Nothing special.
But Im glad she's just nice and normal. The rest are weirdos
No. 188117
>>188099Emily is 25 or 26
Her husband is about 8-10 years older
No. 188195
>>188028I really hate those shoes, the straps remind me of grandmothers and the platforms make it just cheap and tacky.
>>188062The boobs are a bit much but the rest looked really good here. When was this?
No. 188502
>>188235From Maggy's Wiki entry:
Her father is an ethnically Scottish Canadian (Narrator Ian Gibb), her mother is Japanese.
No. 188575
This whole thread got derailed from annoying samefagging and race discussions again
>>188511Kim's makeup is a fucking mess and both of their intros were so awkward
No. 188615
>>186467The one with the short blonde bob haircut has such a punch-able face
Was that the one overcharging for plain white tee-shirts and chokers?
No. 188620
>>188615not sure about the overcharging but isn't she a model?
just goes to show how low the standards are for modeling work in Japan
No. 188662
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Tweedledee and Tweedledum
No. 188664
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>>188662Poor japan attracts all the retards from around the world
No. 188812
>>188166>and became one without a big followingAight, just think about all those models in Japan that aren't 'famous'. You don't need a big following. In fact, it should work the other way around. You start out as a model, and work your way into becoming a famous one. Taylor also started out like that. The only ones who has made way into modeling by being famous are people like Dakota and Venus.
>>188176Are you kidding me? Maggy(the tarento) is goddess tier, and Emily is nothing compared to that. Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But Japanese prefer hafus over white girls anyway, so you better deal with that.
>>188256Btw different anon than this one, so I guess I'm not the only one who is feeling that someone is praising her a little too much.
No. 188835
>>188826What part of this
>>188693 don't you understand?
No. 188846
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Kim's man jaw
No. 188859
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>>188846I hope she takes the hint from her BESTIE XD and get v-line surgery
No. 188933
>>188928Lol, no.
Shart's doesn't even help clean or cook. Just takes.
No. 188945
>>188936>whats the point of even being in a relationship if you never even see your partnerIn any other case I would disagree with you but for Kim's, she really has no excuse.
If she had ACTUAL work then that would be a liable excuse for her to live in another country but she's honestly just fucking around
No. 188991
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>>188968Emily looks like some rich bitch that pays photographers to take her photo and shes not a fucking model! Models are tall n do runway emily needs to shut her whore mouth n go suck a cock like she does fo her modeling photographers cuz thats WAT MODELS DO THEY SLEEP THEYRE WAY TO THE TOP naive bitches
No. 188993
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>>188859She used to be really pretty before she fucked her face up with all that she used to be really pretty before she fucked her face up with all that surgery now she looks like A creepy horse face with a long chin good luck trying to fix that
No. 189011
>>188991u need to chill emi sperg
reread your post
No. 189015
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Kim is hazkashee-ne
No. 189016
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I wonder why Sharla replied to Micaela's old twitter account +2 year later and just one day after he reveled she had a boyfriend/fiancee. I guess this guys in the pic are random guys or friends?. No. 189019
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No. 189039
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Before ANY surgeries my god she mutilated her face smh
No. 189046
>>189044stupid korean beauty ideals
sucks for her that ideals are changing back to natural faces and she can't unfuck her jawline
No. 189052
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She fucked up her face beyond repair RIP to her old cute round face.. A lot of people get fat inserted into their face to make them look younger this bitch had fat Lipo from her face plastic surgery not even once kids
No. 189063
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>>189039I don't think she looks bad currently. Her jawline surgery is obvious but it's definitely not the worst especially compared to Wengie or certain Korean celebrities.
She was definitely cute before getting work done. Pre surgery Sunny reminds me of the natural beauty in the comic lol anymore and she'll end up the gangnam unnie though
No. 189078
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>>189039>>189044>>189050>>189052>>189063That photo was taken after her surgery when she was still swollen. This is her before surgery picture.
No. 189081
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>>189078Also her before surgery with makeup on.
No. 189086
>>189078>>189081she doesn't look bad here, but nothing special either. she looks cute now tbh
>>189045 >>189046 >>189050 >>189052all sound like the same anon bitching
No. 189087
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>>189052beyond repair is reaching. That's what a truly shit ps job looks like
No. 189207
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>>189205She always was ..
No. 189209
>>189081Am i the only one who thinks she looks fine before and fine after?
If i saw her walking on the street she looks like any other girl, not some botched monster some of you are making it out to be.
No. 189216
>>189211Thats what im thinking too, she made some good videos about surgery. I'm not one for surgery but those videos are still enjoyable to watch and see how its done.
She looks like a normal girl. Most of you are just reaching because she was with Kim.
No. 189264
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Nah man wengie was to b pretty
No. 189400
>>189396Uggh this girl. This girl annoys me. Tries too hard to be Korean.
And can I just say that her new hairstyle doesn't fit her. Short hair is trending in Korea now but it looks terrible on her. Her head looks humongous.
No. 189430
>>189400Bob cuts really don't suit her relaxed hair. There's no volume or movement, it's just a helmet of a haircut stuck to her head.
Her roots always look gross too
No. 189437
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>>189434it's a shame her hair used to be really nice
No. 189460
>>189451To each his own. Personally the eyes, cheeks, and pointed chin scream gangnam unni to me.
The girl next to her is Bronybeauty. See upthread for more.
No. 189763
>>189527hooooly lol
this is too perfect
No. 190097
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Kinda off topic a bit, but I was looking up jewlery and other crap today on ebay, and i stumbled upon this ugly "choker" for .75 cents. It kind of made me chuckle..and reminded me of that ugly chicks pop up store, Bambi and Luna and how she was selling an item exactly like this for 10$ lol
No. 190254
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>>190097Makes me think of this.
No. 190562
>>190555pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee someone tell her to stop getting fillers
u dont need anus lips to look good
she looked far better before
please someone
No. 190573
>>190555lmao i like how she gives free beauty shit to people to be her friend
i feel like thats why emily reached out to her in the first place
No. 190820
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Goes as carrot costume she found in the mens section to the halloween party because she doesnt want to dress in any of those "lame" sexy costumes
No. 190822
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I've been binge watching MTFchan's beauty channel which I kind of like (can't stand her vlogs though). Is there anything she can do about her joker mouth? I think she would be pretty without it.
No. 190827
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>>190822She looks like Nicolas Cage in Kylie Jenner's makeup.
No. 190828
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>>190827Or one of those faces that people merge different features from different faces together.
No. 190858
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I actually really like her look here
also she really does look like Nic Cage fuck
No. 190859
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>>190850>>190824She needs to change her hair color and maybe she's doing something with her skin? If you go back in her old blog she looks like a regular native girl now she looks like a weird tranny freak.
No. 190861
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>>190859More native pictures and probably the best looking bf of the jvloggers.
No. 190945
>>190937No, that's just the US. We call them Black people. Immigrants here usually refer back to their specific country of origin (even if they were born here), so they would identify as Congolian, Haitian, Jamaican, Bajan etc.
Also since French is our second official language, and many of these countries were colonized by the french as well, there's more tolerance for keeping their original patois, whether derived from English or French. Basically, we know better than to call Black people 'Africans', it would be rude because they are not all immediately from Africa.
We also do not refer to 'Hispanics' because we have such a minor Latino population, again, they're referred to as Mexican, Argentinian, Dominican etc.
Asians are probably the only group lumped together under 'Asians' unfortunately.
We also do not call our Native people Indian. Ever. It is considered a slur. Indian people are from India. Our native people can be called Aboriginal, Indigenous or First Nations.
No. 190968
>>190945>we also do not call our Native people Indian. Ever. It is considered a that's not true, the only time you hear stuff like 'first nations' or 'indigenous people' is in government documents
the only people who get mad about the word indian are self righteous white people or "1/8 native" clowns
No. 190997
>>190968Where in Canada are you from? I'm from Toronto and in schools, universities, meet-ups and galleries I've been I have never heard or read anything else than first nations/ indigenous people.
Sage because derailing but I doubt you're from Canada.
No. 191019
>>190820Their costumes were appropriate, and leg avenue IS lame.
That aside, that store had a lot of shitty leg avenue. You'd think being in Japan they would go to a place that doesn't sell american shit.
No. 191128
>>191084I don't find him that good looking compared to Jun and Duncan. I guess if I had to choose, then Duncan would be the best looking guy. Apart from his odd tooth, he's really good looking. Granted, he's more popular than Mimei on YouTube, but he still counts as 'the bf of a jvlogger'.
Ryosuke is OK. I would also still choose him over the other guy. And yes, these things are subjective. But I'm really not feeling that guy, so that's why I assumed so. Oh well, if you agree with that anon, I guess he does appeal to certain people.
No. 191255
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loool. I bet none of them knew who she was. Awkwardddd.
No. 191585
>>191571>Asian and white mixes look weird.I don't agree with this anon, Marie Digby is half Japanese/Irish and she's gorgeous man, there are more examples, but she's a good one.
>Mulattoes are more popular Many of them look sexy imo.
No. 191672
>>191393Um there are some really attractive haafu celebrities, but I wouldn't personally call Duncan one of them. Just my preference.
Anyway black to vloggers: Sharla's video of the party.
No. 191708
>>191571>Asian and white mix is only relevant in Asia and even then full blood Asians dont give a shit about them.Except they are the most popular models and talents in most Asian countries. Just look at Japan and Becky. Mulattoes are only popular in Black communities, in the same way. And both groups fill in the Asian and Black roles in Hollywood. There is little difference between them. Blasians are another story, being two minority groups and all.
>>191687>Most peopleAka just you. Blue and green eyes look awesome on Asians and Blacks. It's seriously a pity those eye colors are only connected to Caucasian DNA.
>>191679Emily's husband is not that bad looking, to be honest.
No. 191709
>>191687>>191708What part of
>>191654 was too hard to understand?
More derailing will result in a ban.
No. 191720
>>191708I agree. He looks bad in photos, but I thought he looked pretty attractive in the video.
Bii comes across as really fake in her vlogs. She's trying to front like some ~exciting party girl~ despite being completely dull.
No. 193563
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>>193171Bii looks even more like a horse when she eats..
No. 193577
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>>193171even Kim's giant jaw looks delicate and feminine next to his head.
No. 193824
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>>193815wth she looks exactly like The Scream in the thumbnail
No. 193868
>>193844When sharla gets a new piece if clothing she really gets wear out if it huh
Brown sweatshirt is the new galaxy hoodie
No. 193933
>>193896Exactly! She isn't ugly per sé. But it is always strange to see how she copies other or is so dependant on so many ther people. I really wonder what she would be like if she had no friends in Japan.
I kinda have the feeling she is living the life she wants throughout taylor. I know i am a bit reachy atm but its just my interpretation of her actions. She clearly loves hanging around Tays fancy home and sharing her fancy lifestyle. to me this feels a bit childish to be hinest and that is something i generally don't like about her.
No. 194468
>>194416Sharla wrote a book ??
I sorta also thought of Taylor with "basicbitch 27" since Tay is 27 and pasta meals are her go to meal.
He should of done Mira as that'd be funny to see.
No. 194476
>>194416isn't he just making fun of the whole "genre" of boring 20 something white girls who's only character trait is that they live in japan?
its more likely a combination of a bunch of these people than one specific channel
No. 194776
>>194180As soon as I saw the ends were still blue, I know they just stopped there so her ends didn't melt off.
Super shit.
No. 194938
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>>193833Younger than Martina. But if you really want to criticize someone for being too old for certain hairstyles, you might want to go for Shirley Manson instead. I think Mimei (and the others for that matter) look just fine. But then again, I'm not an ageist.
No. 195065
>>194966>>194967Rock stars must
trigger you so much.
No. 195072
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>>194967Fuck you, green grandmas cool.
No. 195730
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>>195517yeah it's this guy
No. 196367
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In the live chat there is mention that there is another cow and that they are a western girl in Japan. We have to play the waiting game until it is revealed. Good thing we are full and stocked up.
I think its most likely Mira but I'm praying its Kim or Sharla..
No. 196409
>>196367I would die laughing if it was kim after all that "ur so fake melodee, you can't bullshit us!" shade she was tweeting, but sharla would be great to.
Mira is just the same unfortunate train wreck in slow motion time and time again at this point, I'm bored of her.
No. 196428
>>196395Aside from kiki there is another samefag here and staff is seeing to the investigation. The only hint we have is that this person is a western girl who lives in japan. I can say that staff is very sure and are covering all bases before everything is revealed.
>>196377>>196409Ya in all seriousness, its not news, we all know shes a retard.
No. 196529
>>196504that would fucking gold! the two of them bitch fighting kek
Just because kiki is bad, it doen't mean that taylor is an angel
No. 197510
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Looks like taylor found out about the keekster
No. 197517
>>197510Am I the only one who was hoping Taylor would tweet at Kaka something like "I know that you've been posting about me online and I don't hate you for it. I really hope you get the help that you need."
I feel like if Taylor did that, she'd end up publicly sperging out on her or at least go on another one of her insane twitter rants.
No. 198073
Alright, so I was looking into a video Mimei's husband posted and in a blog entry about it ( I found some info on the break-in at their home. If you scroll down it has reasons for why he posted a video he posted, and number 5 is "for Mimei". Apparently one younger brother (Michael) of Duncan's took offense with how Mimei described the incident.
He said that it was basically Duncan's family who came to Mimei's and Duncan's home because they hadn't heard from him in 3 years. According to Michael they said they were family. Mimei called Duncan's mum a stalker…
It's kind of sad to me. Obviously it'd be easy to speculate ("Mimei doesn't want Duncan to contact his family!!" "Duncan's family is probably abusive!!") but really - who knows.
No. 198087
>>198082Maybe, but towards the beginning when they lived together and started making videos Duncan was more popular than PDS. I think family contact ended when they decided to live separately and had their own falling out. So I don't think he and his mom were speaking at that point. But really I don't know.
Also, even if Mimei was trying to keep his family away, I still think there's probably a reason. Mimei is annoying, but I don't think she's crazy or would overreact that much
No. 198351
>>198336I think there was some drama, Duncan decided not to be in contact with them anymore, didn't take their calls/didn't reply to their messages/whatever and they thought they'd just show up at his home (I guess Mimei and Duncan didn't move in between), thereby totally freaking Mimei out. We don't know who exactly went there (only that it was 3 men) and I doubt Mimei knew any of them, so even if they said "We're family of Duncan's" that'd be creepy as fuck. There are quite some break-ins here where people pretend to be from delivery companies etc., and if 3 people stood in front of your door claiming they're your husband's family (but you don't know them) … I'd freak out as well. Especially considering that Duncan wasn't home.
(I also don't think they broke in as in "breaking the door" or "breaking a window", but more that they rang the door bell and tried to get inside when Mimei opened the door)
No. 198556
His face proportions and nose were fine before her lip fillers, what the fuck is he doing
No. 198579
>>198547He's going to look terrible with that nose job. There's nothing wrong with his nose right now.
If anything, he needs a surgery to make his mouth smaller and his eyes further apart. I don't know if those exist.
No. 198580
>>198547The nose wasn't the bad part to start tho?
The lips are just too fucking much rn and with a smaller nose even more so.
No. 198703
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No. 198863
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>>198547So I finally decided to watch a few of her videos. Maybe I cannot say she is conventionally beautiful but I think she has an uncommon/striking face so I hope she doesnt change it with surgery too much because then she will look like just every other boring basic bitch.
Her videos are a bit boring but I think she is well spoken and classy. What she needs to do is cut the length of her vlogs and make it a bit more exciting and I will be a fan.
No. 199077
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Kim has old white lady lips
No. 199087
>>199066I wouldn't be surprised if she got one eventually
>>199077is this from a make up tutorial? how embarrassing
No. 199105
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I think she was pretty cute before the injections. Her only bad feature was her nose. If she had that fixed that instead she probably wouldn't look like a MTF
If her lips manage to go back to what they originally looked like along with the nose job she'd be attractive
No. 199123
>>199077You'd think having a gross dried makeup caked cold sore would make you think twice about uploading a lip swatch video
Kim needs her jaw shaved more than Bibi does. It's like a fucking square it's so weird
No. 201125
>>201117Grace is probably already pregnant, and it most likely it wasn't planned? That's what it seems like to me.
Ryosuke left his job to dedicate more time to Youtube, right? If they were planning to have kids so soon he probably wouldn't have bothered. They seemed to be doing pretty good as well.
No. 201178
>>200822That seemed like a dumb choice, Youtube doesn't seem that hard to do for the both of them. They gotten more popular recently as well, so more money from views.
Plus if I could recall Ryosuke didn't even like working in the corporate world. So what the hell are they going to do?
No. 201199
>>201178I read her blog post on the matter since I cbf to watch her videos. She said that Ryosuke has been doing a lot of job hunting the past month and may POSSIBLY have something lined up, and will be quitting all social media but the vidoe's will stay up, so she will still get some income from those, but it really is stupid to quit one job before getting another.
Grace said she is also looking for work but I'm assuming it's just freelance stuff, she seems like the lazy type, given how her artwork hasn't improved over the years.
No. 201677
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>>201324Nah, the kid's nose will be a mix of Rachel and Jun's noses, which will be probably a very balanced looking nose.
>>201440>>201642A lot of half-Japanese kids also have dark brown hair, rather than black. Just look at Duncan for example.
>>201630It depends, blue eyes is unlikely, but green eyes is still pretty common. Just look at Becky, Eji Wentz, Kat McDowell, or this cutie (I think her name was Aya Marsh?). Also keep in mind that your kids can turn out different looking too, so one might get green eyes and the other brown eyes. It is a lottery in that sense.
No. 201801
>>201635Pfft most look mostly Asian just like Mulattoes look mostly black anon. Unless like anon
>>201656>>201663 mentioned about Yumi Lambert. Unless the hafu had kids with another white person i.e Duncan and Mimei then would the kid look more white with unusual coloured eyes and light hair (Mongolian look a bit like this).
Its like Mulattoes and as a mulatto myself we come out looking more black hence why the shitty one drop rule in the US knocks around still. Obama, Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis ect ect all half black and half white people.
Yet when a mulatto has kids with a white person they will usually come out looking more white. I have a friend, she's mulatto too and her boyfriend is white. Their two kids have gorgeous caramel light skin, big green/blue eyes and their hair is loose golden curls. Features are softer than their mother's and you can just tell they are quarter and not half.
So Rachel and Jun's kids would end up looking mostly like Jun. Possibly lighter hair but my betting is more on the Asian side. The Asian gene is a strong motherfucker. Ever seen half black and Japanese kids? They look more Asian too and the black gene is strong as hell too.
Even if Venus and Manaki have kids. They'll end up looking more Asian. Probably bigger eyes because Venus has naturally quite large eyes without the lenses while Manaki has smaller squinty ones.
I'll bet Audrey's baby looks more like the dad too.
No. 201804
>>201677Why you defending so hard?
Rachel and Jun really aren't that attractive, and I doubt their kids will be either.
The green eye thing isn't very common at all, it's more common in kids with Asian grandparents.
Dark brown hair is also common in Japanese people who aren't mixed, they just tend to dye it black due to job hunting.
> also that girls eyes are light brown (or hazel), not green. No. 201806
File: 1479668148599.jpg (26.23 KB, 600x315, 5b4a3f5d05f7ef7e5baf30476a549f…)

Half white/ asian baby < their kid will probably look like this
No. 201807
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>>201801Yeah it will look mostly Japanese, the only thing that really effect haffu kids are lighter hair color and maybe some double eyelids
No. 201808
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But to look like this Im guessing she has a white parent and a hafu parent tbh
No. 201811
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>>201808Same as when a mulatto and white person have a kid they usually come out with the lighter features too
No. 201812
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>>201807that baby is cute but reminds me of emily from when marine was there
marine was the first fictional character to pin down an asian man ofc
No. 201817
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>>201804Why are you hating so hard? Rachel and Jun are both pretty good looking, and their kid may come out even better looking. And Aya's eyes are green, not light brown/hazel. It only has a hazel ring around the pupil, but so do plenty of other eyes defined as blue or green. So it's either green, or green with brown if you want to be specific.
No. 201819
>>201817That's hazel (and the photo is very white washed).
I'm not really hating, just saying it like it is. That outcome is very rare. Usually more common if one parent is happa.
No. 201870
>>201817Anon their kid is gonna look more asian and that kid in the picture is probably quarter asian at the most. Its a rare outcome for the hapa to emerge out the womb like this. I know you are trying to push the "buh hapa babies are perfect and angelic' shit but please.
Shut up
No. 201873
>>201801I know a family of mulattoes who married other mulattoes, and 2/3 of their kids came out with blue or blue-green eyes.
You don't need "more" white for lighter features, it really is a gamble lol.
No. 201876
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>>201873exactly you really can't 100% predict with certainty the outcome of biracial kids. halsey is half black but she looks completely white. it all really depends on ancestry and if someone's family tree spreads out to different nationalities then you really don't know what you're gonna get. my cousin is half black but looks completely white with black kinky hair and brown eyes. when she married her white, brown eyed husband her daughter came out with blonde kinky hair, white skin and blue eyes from her grandmother. it really is a gamble.
anna cleveland's mother is half black and her father is white, and she ended up looking completely white.
No. 201878
>>201876Pretty much. Some people just have much stronger genes than their partner. White genes aren't always necessarily weaker, contrary to popular belief.
That "mulatto anon" just sounds like they're butthurt and wish they were white or something.
No. 201883
>>201873Yeah but most of the time anon if a mulatto or a hapa goes with white folk the kids come out lighter. Its like diluting cordial juice with water you either make it stronger or weaker. But yeah it can be a gamble.
Asian genes and black genes are pretty strong anyway while white genes are weaker. But obviously having someone half white already and another full white it will make the person obviously more white.
>>201878Butthurt? Why because I'm speaking facts? Look at the model Jasmine Saunders for e.g she's from a mixed parent and a white one. Looks more lighter and then look at someone like Amandla who looks more black who just has the typical white and black parent.
The more white you add the lighter.
Still bet my cash on Rachel and Jun would have a kid who looks more like Jun.
No. 201885
>>201883There are exceptions to your examples, as
>>201876 stated. I don't think it's correct to say "most" without actual data, either. It's more complex than that.
No. 201978
>>201951lmao calm yourself and you're probably white. It's already been said that Asian genes are stronger.
The possibly of their kid having blue eyes is low if none.
No. 202151
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>>201870Maybe you should shut up cause she is half, not quarter. Look up her parents. Look up Becky's/Eji Wentz/Kat McDowell's parents, cause they all have green eyes too. Not saying Rachel and Jun's kid will look like that, since it was originally my point to other anon who was wondering about genetic lottery. Of course brown eyes are more common, both light and dark. But even if Rachel and Jun's kid will have dark eyes, that doesn't mean the kid probably have balanced facial features (as I stated earlier). Why so salty on Rachel and Jun? They aren't bad looking in the first place and it's ridiculous to act like their kid is gonna get the worst features.
No. 202168
>>202151Most of them come out looking Asian anon.
Deal with it and this is coming from a different anon too. Y'all salty and butthurt over the fact that they dont come out looking more caucasian like half of you weebs want because you're so infatuated with the whole idea that Japanese bow down to any white person and therefore the outcome they produce with asians is an amazing A* race combination.
Half of these hapa kids that will be born from jvloggers and idols are basically trophy babies because their mothers are that desperate to stay in Japan (sere is a good example) or they just want to milk the kid for cash out of modelling.
Sad really
No. 202463
>>202420going to South Korea and returning to Japan repeatedly
is this so-called border run?
No. 202497
>>202463Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the visa run requires you to be somewhere else for 90 days?
Also, Bii somehow manages to make nose jobs in Korea the most boring topic ever with her vlogs, and this is coming from someone who enjoys looking at those Korean before and after plastic surgery photos (°_◞°)
No. 202516
>>202510Bii has a work visa, she has a video explaining how she got her job.
In the case of Kim, Im not sure about her but Australians can apply for a working holiday visa.
No. 202582
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No… Mira…… no. What are you doing. You look like a prostitute.
No. 202616
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Her and "Sindpop" almost look like relatives. I guess inbreeding produces similar results
No. 202677
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>>202640Tell me they don't look alike..
No. 202698
>>202568Damn that was fast
Can't wait to see how much more of a monster he becomes afterwards
No. 204918
>>204899Yeah, it was her. I really liked her vibe as well. I went back to try to find a restaurant in Nakameguro she recommended and noticed that all of her videos were gone.
I think it was also around the time that someone posted photos of her wedding on here and was calling her ugly, but everyone kind of stepped in and pointed out she had no milk. She probably left for other reasons as well though.
No. 205976
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I didn't know Sharla had such a bad skin, I guess she does a good job hiding it with make up and lighting most of the time.
No. 206118
>>204922Yeah, tkyosam is a prick, but that doesn't sound like anything I've seen.
As awful as he is, he does seem to be self-aware regarding his appearance.
(I can't believe I'm defending him, even just to this tiny degree. I need a shower.)
No. 206254
>>205976I've never seen anyone go vegan for a year and still be this fat and unhealthy.
I suppose french fries are vegan and that's all she stuffs her face with.
No. 206363
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Wow how cute
No. 206416
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>>206363She's so unattractive, she's the one who should have gotten a nosejob, not Biibiibrony.
And why does she have extreme white girl's lips?
No. 206487
>>206254>>206299I think she started with the vegan thing in spring?, definitely not one year.
Meh, skincare products can help or screw your skin but I don't think is all down to that, if you see old videos you can clearly see she always had problems, maybe the aftermath of puberty.
But most people is like that anyway, is not a reason to pick on her.
No. 206548
>>206538Yeah, I live in Korea and I cant even go into toly moly and etude house anymore because the shops are always full of obnoxious middle/high school students playing with makeup testers.
She really should just buy higher quality stuff instead of cheap crap because its 'cute'. That above picture of her with that crappy lip tint is proof enough
No. 206552
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>>206538And she posted yesterday about having a reaction to skincare product. Makes you wonder which product from the hauls it was.
No. 206568
>>206487You're right, for regular people there's nothing wrong with having shitty skin
but in Sharla's case she pushes a clean/healthy lifestyle but in reality she looks and lives like garbage
No. 206740
>>206702Oh, wait, did I miss something ?
One of the Jvloggers were on Lolcow ?? If so I hope it isn't something disappointing like " it's Mira", because we can already tell when she's on here with out the admins help.
No. 206771
>>206740Well, according to this anon here
>>196367 and here
>>196428 it was a western girl in Japan. However that doesn't necessarily mean is someone from this group.. (unless they had already specified it..)
No. 206835
>>206775Well, maybe its someone interesting since they haven't revealed yet…
I hope it's Margo ! and have a Margoose week with all her crazy ass post. She use to post back on Pull especially when people insulted starbucks when her and V were in Korea.
No. 206862
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>>206848I don't mind the outfits, but the background of her bedroom was just eeh.. Idk why but her fashion makes me think Kim possible ..
No. 206872
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>>206862Jun could be her Jake Long (kek)
No. 206887
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>>206848what's up with the music/background/style? Rachel has zero taste lmao. Did she think that her style was like boho and it matched with the reggae music? All her outfits were fugly except for her jeans and tank look which is just "okay".
The whole video was ruined by her messy fringe hanging down her face. Am I the only one who want's to snip them off or push it back with the rest of her hair? It's always these two strands of long hair in the front and the rest is in a pony tail. She looks like a kid who doesn't know how to tie her hair properly. On a positive note, I'm just happy that she finally combed her hair.
No. 206893
>>206848Ngl I don't hate the looks, I mean, I like the pieces of some, but the first two pair of pants are very ugly.
I do hate her hair though, like why are those two pieces dangling there, I want to put them into her braid.
>>206862Can't be unseen.
No. 206902
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Idk about anyone else but when I first watched Rachel years ago, I thought she was gorgeous. She looked like the left (to me) where she had striking red hair and had a model like appearance. She came across as classy and charismatic. With each passing video, she is just looking less and less attractive. She looks like she tries so hard with her style and her poses. I would describe her as scruffy. It doesn't help that her wardrobe is full of shitty cheap quality clothes from Chinese sponsors. Didn't she say before that
Jun cuts her hair? No wonder why they both have terrible choppy cuts until she finally went to the salon.
No. 206940
>>206902Ever since Taylor entered their group I did notice she's been try harding more
It's a shame because she really seemed like the nondrama/idgaf about petty shit type
No. 207118
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>>206887She has to wear it like that because she's half bald both on the top of her head and the sides.
No. 207463
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Another jvlogger confirmed to lurk here and PULL
trans chan hi
No. 207469
>>207445idk i think they're some of the realest girls of the jvloggers
they're just.. like normal. adult women who drink and have fun and admit to doing normal things like looking themselves up
if i had pages about me you'd better bet i'd check what people say lol
they all lurk. let's be real
No. 207470
File: 1480669824134.png (948.46 KB, 1342x536, Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 18.0…)

No. 207477
>>207472i honestly don't get the hate on bii?
she's so real. yeah she may do her makeup and fillers weird but is that really a reason to be mean to her. she has the best personality hands down, even though her vlogs are boring af
No. 207478
>>207477has the best personality
blogs are boring af
No. 207494
File: 1480676361360.png (422.12 KB, 749x416, mup.png)

The Muppet species has evolved a lot over the years and managed to retain many of it's notable features
No. 207500
>>207472how is it not real if you're 100% honest about it
you're probably one of the fags that thinks that taylor is ~so genuine~
No. 207570
>>207445not trying to whiteknight but i was indifferent to bii until the "go kill yourself" thing at the end of this…i laughed, i think i like her now
i find it grating when vloggers act fake nice and fake pure, assuming it's to appeal to more people but it makes them so boring and lifeless
No. 207582
>>207500by definition, her features have been altered therefore physically she isnt real
chill your trans dicklust anon
No. 207733
File: 1480725208217.png (487.53 KB, 715x557, d.png)

I think this is appropriate now that Kim, Bii, and Taylor(by association) confirmed to lurk these 'hate forums'
No. 207822
File: 1480738193948.png (2.47 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_8747.PNG)

Need some wrinkle cream
No. 207859
>>207492Fake face ≠ fake personality.
And shit, what do you expect? She's trans, of course she's going to get ps done on her naturally masculine features to pass as female.
No. 208015
>>207915They were quite popular n the 70's and 80's.
And a ton of shot fashions from those periods came back (low rise jeans, straightened hair and bell bottoms for example)
No. 208302
>>207445I actually like those two a lot. They seem normal and I like their style. I like how that just cause they're in japan, they don't have to do huge dolly eyes/makeup and have a weird cutesy personality. Just because she gets work done doesn't mean she's really that lulzy.
I think the transexual jokes are too harsh because there's a lot worse contenders on IG. She looks fine.
No. 208653
>>208468Don't be transphobic and erase her identity anon!
Bii is trans!
No. 209439
File: 1481018624856.png (2.47 MB, 1920x1080, geez.png)

Good grief, Sharla looks she's Taylor's mom in this video. What an unfortunate angle/sitting. She looks so massive next to Taylor, especially when they're wearing the same shit/style.
No. 209445
File: 1481019759328.png (910.21 KB, 728x728, Screen Shot 2016-12-06 at 19.2…)

soooo goooood
No. 209510
>>209439I can see that since Sharla is chubby and Taylor is thin, so the fatter person looks older…
Honestly though, I think Sharla is cute. I don't like her clothing style most of the time because it makes her look too "how do you do fellow kids" but she doesn't strike me as a lolcow…
I think most of the annoying things she says/does like taking a bite out of something and instantly being like "OMG SO GOOOOD YOU GUYS" are Japanese tics? Like I always saw girls do that in Japan when eating…
No. 209515
>>208667Despite that, you'd expect to see just a little bit of a difference … Though if its still swollen, yikes ! imagine her nose becoming smaller and how atrocious her lips will look even more ..
She looks like she's trying to become a Bratz doll.
No. 209524
File: 1481035351526.jpg (485.02 KB, 1821x923, cQYolbP.jpg)

>>209518I think presents were good in both sides, no need to talk about money.
Sharla is average looking, she can be cute under the right circumstances, you take out the makeup and the digital magic and she is just a normal average girl, nothing wrong with that of course.
I wonder if she wanted to kill Taylor (she the pic). lol
No. 209585
>>209507Hi Brony. Have you had bottom surgery yet?
Not that anon but I've never seen any natural lips worse than Brony. Brony isn't something to get jealous of (like Tay) more like if you have the money you'd be scared off to get surgery.
No. 210785
File: 1481252397171.png (901.83 KB, 1262x677, 2016-12-08_21-56-49.png)

Sharla got her hair cut.
Honestly, I think just to the shoulders would look better, but I do think this looks pretty nice.
No. 210832
>>210785Somehow it made her face less round? That's weird, shorter hair usually have the opposite effect. Maybe it was just that one angle/lightning.
I like the length but don't like the cut itself, it looks very flat/dead. Maybe just a little volume would be better.
No. 210845
>>210832If you watch her reflection on the Hair Saloon mirror, you can clearly see Sharla has a very roundy face. Pics and videos are often misleading, they use filters, different setting, lenses and all kind of stuff to make them look better.
Is the same with Taylor, she never shows her real face but you can get an idea because is impossible to control every single second of what they film.
Sharla looks great with this new hair style thought.
No. 210998
File: 1481278590563.png (36.86 KB, 624x355, 4lCg1PZ.png)

I thought Sharla was serious about going vegan, specially when early on she was talking all the time about cruelty free products. Maybe she is only vegan with food related stuff?.
No. 211103
>>211005You have a point but at the same time that doesn't sound like someone fully committed to a vegan lifestyle, she literally said she cried watching how animals are treated to produce stuff people eat and use everyday and that was 6-7 months ago, does she still have makeup from that time?.
Is completely fine if he wants to use it but from her videos an tweets I got the impression that how animals are treated (with cruelty) to produce and test everyday products made a big impact on her and that's why she turned vegan "out of nowhere". I'm not criticizing her, simply I feel there is a little disconnect with her words but maybe is just me.
If she is half vegan or vegan just for food and think she should say it in my opinion.
No. 211159
Are you really defending Sharla on a legitimate reason on this website LOL
No let's not defend her when people call her fat, but oh she's a vegan but still abuses animals? NAH FUCK YOU LOLCOW YOU'RE INSANE. L O L
No. 211278
>>211204I dislike Sharla as much as the next person, but wasting perfectly fine cosmetics just seems crazy to me.
>>211159Well she is at least chubby? Plus, wtf where is she abusing animals?
No. 211287
>>211278I think vegan logic goes like:
product tested on animals->animal cruelty
use product tested on animals->promoting animal cruelty->indirect animal abuse
No. 211349
File: 1481330877038.jpg (114.33 KB, 1366x768, QQcWrRc.jpg)

Rachel, Rachel, why are you making yourself look like you put your makeup on in th dark?
No. 211375
>>211349Her lips look fine from this angle you've capped but the liner is not good
>[Japanese man] explains ENGLISH idiomsThey are grasping for video ideas at this point are they
No. 211529
>>211466She's always shown an interest in fashion, video related(it starts around 2:18). I just assumed that she has more money to put effort into her appearance now. I feel like a lot of their money was put into traveling and saving up for her nose job until now.
>>211510I also think she was inspired by the other jvloggers as well.
No. 211724
>>211429I stopped watching after someone pointed out her vocal fry and couldn't stand hearing her voice
I think it's obvious now that everyone in their group lurks here and/or PULL though
Sharla already did that with 2chan and probably got off on Japanese dudes jerking to her onsen back scenes>>211429
No. 212006
File: 1481469613957.gif (1.24 MB, 412x320, 5342234.gif)

>>206848what the actual fuck? NONE of the outfits look ok.
What are those pants? What are those boots?
i only watched one of her videos before (about the straight hair perm) but holy moly, guys, this is a parody, right?
No. 212016
File: 1481470654980.jpg (228.48 KB, 517x389, mmm.jpg)

>>211429yeah it's really good
No. 212789
>>212765Well she did get jaw surgery
I'd take a dorito over a caveman jaw anyday though
No. 212848
File: 1481590288503.jpg (630.47 KB, 2400x2400, 4f227139a2cb-Doritos Nacho Che…)

>>212765The chin job looks so botched, especially when she talks. Slimming a jaw is fine but making a chin long and pointy isn't cute.
No. 215867
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 215869
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 215872
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 215876
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 215878
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 215880
>>215811Looks to me more like "I throw my money to the wall and she what sticks", he could have done something really special for her with that kind of money, this is just random things mashed together. The reality is he spoiled her friends more than Taylor.
In any case, good for her, she enjoyed it and that is what it matters.
No. 216392
>>215867I start to wonder if the sponsorships include the restaurant, the spa and Lush. It's too convenient to keep revisiting the same old places.
>>215931Why not just have it in someone's living room? That place was creepy AF.
No. 216819
File: 1482104532890.png (597.5 KB, 842x469, hurrderp.png)

>Be Sharla
Seriously she couldn't check it in at a coin locker at the station? FFS Sharla there's a limit to being this inconsiderate.
No. 217199, Laura was
gorgeous with her natural hair color/length. Too bad she went full weeb and ruined it.
No. 217248
File: 1482152762214.jpg (145.41 KB, 768x627, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>206848>>206862I know this is old, but I just had to post this (yes I just watched Home Alone :P)
No. 217277
>>215931Tay should have just hosted the party, shes way better at that kind of stuff than the other girls.
Best part of the christmas party was Somebody commenting that all if the mac and cheese was gone, and you can just bear sharla loudly in the background say "OOPS". Its in Taylors vlog if the party i think
No. 217367
>>217351>"When I was with him in Japan. He was saying that he'd do things to kids, now I don't know what to say to him."???
Making shitty jokes about "loli" doesn't make someone a pedo. If anything this just shows Shine was a teenage idiot
No. 217878
File: 1482222267837.jpg (128.68 KB, 1080x1440, Cz9MW3nUcAAN089.jpg)

>hey lets put christmas lights on our heads bc AESTHETIC XD
cant wait to see the falling out for dorito chin and man jaw
No. 217891
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kim's twinsie
No. 218241
File: 1482286398870.png (1.19 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_6908.PNG)

Rachel and Juns new video how they met… Idk how Jun puts up with Rachel. She sounds like an asexual sperglord
No. 218248
>>218241>"I was literally attracted to nobody until I saw Jun!!!!"kek I bet she was the weirdo type who would fantasize about anime bishies and shit
>>218244her Costco vid was just 12 minutes of her usual "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmh that looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD OHMAHGOD"
No. 218275
>>218261I don't even follow Venus.
Rachel basically said she was a virgin who had never felt any attraction to anyone ever until her weeb ass saw the first guy she met in Japan who she thought looked like anime. And she was in her twenties at the time. 22-23 I think.
No. 218282
>>218261You damn twat.
>>218275Basic white girl with yellow fever…
Weeb: I'm not interested in dating.
* appeared!Weeb: Notice me senpai!
No. 220268
File: 1482468732779.jpg (209.43 KB, 1200x675, iB1vtrO.jpg)

Gotta love Sharla, she goes to a nice place with her fiancee, the guy dress nicely and she still wears the same ripped black jeans, same shoes and same pink sweatshirt.
No. 220509
>>220268I actually don't have a problem with that. I wear whatever I like and is comfortable.
I've never been a slave to fashion.
No. 220609
>>220542He looks more feminine and dainty than her but not terrible.
>>220520Is she the one selling overpriced junk accessories or was that another one?
No. 220861
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>>220509Is not about that, is her lack of variety and sense of style. She has other clothes but she wears always the same, some times literally the same clothes in many videos filmed over many days.
Who goes out with sandals in winter, in Japan?.
Is OK if she is comfortable with hoodies, there is nothing wrong with that but mix it with other things and don't wear always the same jeans and shoes. For someone that is the business of selling her life and image, she is very careless in my opinion.
No. 220895
>>220861i think she just has low self esteem and wears what she's comfortable in and hides her body.
i'm kind of the same, i always want to put more effort in but when i do i feel very uncomfortable and stupid. it's hard to explain
No. 220930
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>>220853Yeah, that looks like it might be him, more or less same height and same wavy hair if you compare it with that thumbnail from the other day.
No. 220966
>>220945I think Sharla hinted he works in the entertainment industry but I'm not 100% sure, maybe is just my imagination. She said on twitter some months ago he is an interim.
I believe someone in PULL speculated he works in the TV/film industry and she got her movie job thanks to him, but is pure speculation.
No. 221160
>>220924Could someone link me to what is going on between tkyosam and Scott? I tried to google it but wasn't sure what to search…
Sage for being an idiot
No. 221225
File: 1482639976613.jpg (720.59 KB, 1585x909, dddd.jpg)

>be a beauty guru
>cake on foundation so much it cracks on your lips
>lips aren't exfoliated before lipstick/tints
>have high definition camera, doesn't shave face and leaves slight mustache and unibrow
??? Kim Dao are you retarded
No. 221362
>>221324taylor's bf was found in a reflection in a recent vlog
sharla's was revealed in another friend's vlog
No. 222506
>>220926Just Google "2ch シャーラ".
They talk about her A LOT. Mostly Mira though. They really, really hate Mira. But Sharla has had tons of her own threads.
They're pretty much saying what we're saying. Conspiracy stuff, speculations, fat "even when vegan", screenshots and other stuff.
No. 223884
File: 1483056708310.jpg (587.61 KB, 3736x1816, fd050fab38eb92f3.jpg)

Looks like we might be having a new addition to the jvlogger squad.
No. 223962
>>223891This. Even if she didn't mention it before, it was incredibly obvious this was her goal. After Kota first got to Japan, she started making videos with Japanese titles/tags and even had a her own Japanese blog.
>>223929I think they've been talking for a while? Iirc, Rachel has commented on her outfit videos before.
>>223930Peachmilkytea, she was one of the most known Kota clones. That's really as much as I can say about her, she's not really that interesting tbh.
No. 223987
File: 1483065358016.jpg (284.95 KB, 1200x675, fDcDzRl.jpg)

2ch seems to have their shit together
No. 224018
>>223998>>224004It's from that time mira leaked the screencaps
It was already confirmed to be true since Sharla also shared similar caps but the majority of people said it was normal
No. 224054
People are talking about her in the Taylor thread. Maybe
>>223987 meant to post there.
No. 224148
File: 1483091247017.png (62.98 KB, 233x198, mimei.png)

I like to think this is Mimei throwing a salty shade at Taylor.
No. 224150
>>224148Doubt it.
But hey if it makes you happy…
No. 224154
>>224148Taylor p much said she doesn't live central, while they say they do live p central. So I doubt it, it's probably because they're moving and now it doesn't matter if people find out where it was.
Jesus it is messy as hell though.
No. 224282
File: 1483122528271.jpeg (85.6 KB, 640x960, E0Ds05C.jpeg)

>>223987But why would Sharla dislike Ashiya, though? I also saw the other imessage screenshots on 2ch, like this one with Sharla calling her a Russian hooker. But well, it could be photoshopped for all we know, just like those previous LINE chats that were posted in this thread. I'm honestly wondering how legit this all is..
No. 224291
>>224282>But why would Sharla dislike Ashiya, though?Who the hell cares? Miranda posted those during her "suicide" play. She deleted a lot of stuff to try and make herself look innocent and Sharla guilty.
Go to the Mira threads or to PULL to seen the undoctored screenshots.
No. 224293
>>224292Pull also has the two sets of screenshots for comparison (same with the Miranda threads).
Very touchy, though, aren't you?
No. 224481
>>224148Not really. If you live in central Tokyo and aren't rich, this is what you're going to get.
>>224436Mimei is depressed. And she's probably not in therapy or taking meds. The being messy and lethargic can be explained by that. Personally she seems struggling, but to me it comes off as genuine, and I appreciate she shares the bad things too instead of being fake. I hope she will be alright. Duncan seems kind of immature and tactless to be able to understand how she feels tbh.
No. 224718
>>224282It was irrational hatred imo. In those old conversations they were just nitpicking on her.
>>224622No sadly many Russian women and girls are trafficked to Japan, so I guess that "Russian Hooker" nickname was just a lame way to make fun of her.
No. 224825
>>224818No shit, anon. I'm explaining to
>>224778 that it is indeed Mira.
No. 226438
Bii throws some shade at Kim and sunny in this vlog
> at 0:31
kim and her bestie left a huge mess of hair/garbage before they left for their vacation in Korea and bii cleans it up
No. 226452
>>226438Jesus, how much of a pig do you have to be to leave a mess that takes an hour to clean up?
Kim is the worst lol
No. 226682
File: 1483421148318.jpg (167.1 KB, 1024x1024, C0ZXwk9XUAAV0Tb.jpg)

all of them looked in the mirror before they left their house and thought "i look good"
No. 226970
File: 1483487076634.jpg (255.06 KB, 600x660, image.jpg)

Why do Kim's teeth flare out and look like a racist caricature?
Is this the result of an overbite or genes
No. 227097
>>227088I gave her a chance but the forced 3/4 angle on all her videos is unnatural
No. 227158
>>227149>Taylor is a 10EW.
inb4 not kiki
No. 227190
>>227155bitch they may do or they may not, I'm saying symmetry is attractive and based off of placement, taylor's eyes/nose/ears are more in balance in comparison to peach
damn, hoes cant read for shit
No. 227199
>>227176taylor stan detected
beauty is subjective, and they both look identical in the circle lenses, overgrown light hair, small head type of way that weebs like you worship
No. 227249
>>227199Ofc beauty is subjective, symmetry being attractive however is universal
Did I say Taylor was beautiful? No, I said she had better symmetry
These Taylor fucks get #
triggered whenever an opinion differs holy shit, chill and read you stupid cunts
No. 227287
>>227202>Where the heck would she find any of those?On the internet.
>I'm pretty sure she's only with her bf because they started dating before she became a weeb.Her and her current bf have been dating like less than a year. She's been a weeb for years.
No. 227310
>>227249You sound the most
triggered here anon, no one cares
No. 227392
>>226967But that isn't what the original comment was about. It said:
>all of them looked in the mirror before they left their house and thought "i look good"That would indicate something about their clothes or make-up. You can't really run get some plastic surgery done before you leave the house.
No. 227441
File: 1483558009568.jpg (106.83 KB, 693x960, b2R5Q3u.jpg)

>>227425On what planet does Taylor's nose qualify as "huge"?
No. 227444
File: 1483558291933.jpg (346.81 KB, 999x662, 20130917_jimmy-jams_0073.jpg)

>>227441this one is candid
No. 227463
>>227457Taylor's nose is objectively not huge. Calling it that is delusional.
How does pointing out that stupidity make one a stan?
No. 227464
>>227444Yes, yes. Taylor's before face and makeup was pretty but her now face is bloated and fat. Neither her or peachy are perfect. Her nose is average though, not petite or huge.
Also didn't Peachy have a nose job ?
No. 227484
File: 1483563263780.png (172.91 KB, 350x353, nose.PNG)

>>227444Sorry anon, I apologize. I thought it was her direct profile where her nose looked big, instead it is when she turns her head to 3/4 of the way
No. 227486
File: 1483563297428.png (257.6 KB, 605x401, nose2.PNG)

>>227484There are other examples, but I'm lazy
No. 227499
>>227490The only time I, personally, object to something is when it is categorically untrue.
I.E. Saying Taylor has a huge nose. That is just demonstrably false.
Criticize all you want, but keep it based in reality, please.
No. 227512
>>227499-Onion logic detected
Your logic and believes are not fact or reality because you think they are. Stop being so salty that someone thinks differently.
No. 227519
>>227499C'mon anon, don't be childish.
People have different opinions on things and even if you think X has a small nose/mouth/butt/whatever I can think otherwise, it's all about preference and pov.
No. 227912
>>227131Sophie will be there for a year on a working holiday visa, and her boyfriend who is coming with her on his own working holiday visa. They at most will pull an 'Eat Your Kimchi'. And EYK never got slack for it. Sophie was also pretty open about her nose job, so I don't think people are really gonna care. Pre-nose job Sophie is pretty nostalgic though.
>inb4 SophieJust an anon that happened to follow her for a long time.
>>227495She definitely does.
And Taylor has a smaller nose than Sophie, but if you know what Sophie's old nose looked like, you know that her current nose is very decent. I don't think Sophie can really make it smaller without looking uncanny.
No. 227921
>>227877So is Dakota … and she ain't no great catch.
Geez just about any average white chick with blonde hair can do low tier modelling in Japan. Taylor isn't some top tier model that looks godly, but nor is she ugly either. She just isn't eye catching or has any distinct features that stand out in a crowd.
>>227912I think Taylor's shit choice in makeup is what makes her not stand out from the other weeb vloggers. Those vag eyes ruin it.
No. 227935
>>227512Not at all.
If someone said "I don't like her hair" or "her clothes are terrible". That is opinion and subjective.
If someone said "Taylor is fat as fuck." or "Taylor's hair is short"
That's simply not true, and not really a matter of POV or opinion.
Please explain to me your logic that would make objective things subjective.
No. 227944
>>227921Yeah she is not striking. Her pictures from Hong Kong days were good, but in Japan she was just a niche model. Low grade Halloween costumes and crappy drama promos.
thr only thing that people would envy about her looks is her hair. Her face is nothing special.
No. 228039
>>227973I disagree. The examples are not "extreme". They are no different than the previous comments regarding her nose.
But, you are right. They can have their opinion, and everyone else can have the opinion that they're fucking idiots who don't have a grasp of reality.
No. 228363
>>228277All the Taylor nitpicking was already fucking cancer and now we have people arguing if this other basic white bitch is prettier and she's not even technically a jvlogger. You guys are never going to convince the other person so stop.
>>228321What a useless fucking video.
Peachy looks like a younger thinner less soccer mom/less jowly version of Sharla to me tho lol
No. 228390
File: 1483676891542.jpeg (67.09 KB, 750x708, image.jpeg)

>>228017Looks hella better than her old one.
No. 228413
>>228321Oh my God half of those clothes are no where near as bad as she's making them out to be.
That light beige dolman sweater looked fine on her, paired with some nice light colored jeans or some matching shorts(if she lost some weight) and she'd be golden.
The handkerchief pattern dress looked fine with the black tank top all she needs is a small short black sleeveless vest and or a black leather belt, worn with some dark boots it could look really cute albeit a little country.
Lastly the red coat looked fine, worn with black or another dark color to contrast its bright color could look classy. But I guess when it comes to outerwear she doesn't do anything but hoodies and sweat shirts.
In my opinion the only real loss from the bag were the skirt and the pants. The pants didnt look like anything special, though I cant really say as she didnt model them. The pants likely just didnt fit her. Lastly the Skirt was too big and ruffled, though personally if it was me I would at least try to tailor it shorter.
No. 228449
>>228413They were a bit too much for her personality imo, she might be too afraid to step out of her comfort zone of "boring"/comfy cloth hence her liking that red sweater.
I kind of think she could have made the plaid skirt work with that turtleneck or the tanktop and some black booties/heels. She just needs to know how to style clothing better and get out of her comfort zone. Put this girl on What Not To Wear already.
No. 228565
>>228277What color is the sky in your world?
>>228363I'm not talking about anyone being pretty or even comparing. Just pointing out things that are objectively false to retards.
No. 228611
>>228321damn all of these moussy clothes looked ridiculously cheap and ugly.guess that's why they put them in these lucky bags to begin with
>>228321you have some pretty awful fashion sense if you think the skirt/dress looked acceptable on her. same with that red trashbag of a coat
No. 228612
>>228321I thought all the tops looked fine on her. The coat was pretty awful though. I don't even think the belt could've saved it.
Unpopular opinion I guess but I don't think Sharla is overweight. Flabby yeah but not fat. I thought she looked a lot nicer in this video than she usually does.
No. 228634
File: 1483729840968.jpg (298.27 KB, 1000x1500, Skirt.jpg)

>>228611The plaid skirt didn't look too bad on her, if styled it better it would suit her but she doesn't seem like a skirt person in general.
>>228612I agree as well, she just needs to tone up a bit but other than that she looks fine to me.
No. 228660
>>228637Sharla isn't fat but she isn't skinny either,anon. Taylor is a fucking tooth pick, and just because sharts can fit her stretch tops means jack shit. Sharla is chubby and that's that.
Btw should we call anons like you fatty chans because you defend and cry about someone being called fat/chubby ?
No. 228663
Having a "double chin" ≠ being fat btw. Not
>>228637 but she does look good for her age.
>>228660if anything she's skinny-fat, chubby is an exaggeration lol
No. 228692
>>228655I don't know if it's really a double chin or just an exceptionally weak/"old" one. She does have a very old lady kind of thing going on there which is unfortunate for her age. But like another anon said even people at normal weights can have a double chin. Depends on fat distribution or anatomy.
I mean from the way people talk about her in these threads when she got out of the giant sweatshirt and into the lucky bag stuff I was expecting to see her looking paunchy and all of the stuff straining at the seams but the tops seemed to fit nicely.
No. 228697
>>228690same anon that you're responding to, I've seen people her age range look much worse and put even less effort into looking "good" (not that they should give a shit but I'm just saying), kids or no kids she doesn't look as bad as some of the anons are making her seem imo. That's why I said that, I didn't mean to imply she's basically turning into a grandma lol.
Sage for OT
No. 228703
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>>228655Double chins can be genetic and show up regardless of weight. The actor who plays "Nick" on "Fear The Walking Dead" has a double chin and he is incredibly thin
No. 228742
>>228017>>228390I actually thought she did a good job with it. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think straight noses like her after-surgery nose are generally seen as more attractive.
As for Sharla, she just has a weak jawline like
>>228692 mentioned. Weak jawlines may give you a nice v-shape, but from certain angles or if you gain even a tad of weight, you're bound to get a double chin. I have a friend who has the same and is super insecure about it, despite being skinny.
No. 228862
>>228810Man, she looks so unfortunate. You're right about the hair, all over her face, and her nose hair sticking out. You'd think she'd do something about it since she films herself close up so often.
And half of those powders n shit she used made her look so crusty and dusty.
No. 228897
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>>228878I mean. I'm not saying she's got an enviable super thin body, but "flabby tub of shit" seems a little much.
No. 228905
>>228862I'm curious if she has ever mentioned having any hormonal problems because I suffer from PCOS and my face is about as hairy as hers. Her lips are really dry she could have bothered moisturizing them before recording.
Sage for blog post
No. 228906
>>228899Same anon as
>>228887 >>228697 (Jesus I should really come up with a username,there)
"You all" first of all, I never said I don't look like a hob goblin and second, I don't think she's that fat though. Some of these other anons are making her seem morbidly obese and barely able to walk.
>>228892Holy shit I was watching some of her videos earlier and I was thinking the same
No. 228938
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>>228924Who poses like this for a purikura? She looks like a stiff doll next to Sunny. Her posture is off and she even waddles when she walks. Has she injured her legs? Here's the video if anyone wants to watch it: is it me or does she seem like the snake type of friend that talks shit about you behind your back?
No. 229000
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>>228897You should not trust their videos or pics, they rarely reflect how they look.
No. 229001
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No. 229011
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This pic is old before she changed to vegan but her body still looks like this, just more thinner.
Looks like she is the kind of woman that gets most of her fat accumulated below waist if that makes any sense.
I think she looks fine anyway, there is no shame, she can look pretty with the right clothes and when she is not using Taylor awful lip makeup.
No. 229038
>>229000Looks like an average canadian girl though.
>>229011She definitely needs an intervention, the cloth she wears now doesn't help but if that's what makes her happy and comfortable so be it. I've noticed that she's been putting some effort into her appearance lately, baby steps.
No. 229225
>>229038I think it is time for you to stop the namefagging
Sage for not contributing
No. 229227
>>228812Maybe if you have a weak jawline, but I doubt it happens to anyone with a prominent jawline. It just sucks to have a weak jawline. And
>>228897, that's definitely a weak jawline.
No. 229640
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>>229635He was always one of the jvloggers I avoided. You can hate on the girl crew that's normally discussed here, but I can't see how someone would watch tkyo sam over any of their channels.
His youtube comment on the 'Kissing guys in Tokyo' video that was posted in the Gaijin in Japan thread was also very typical.
No. 229655
>>229640Hes a right tit I always used to see Victor uplifting him in his videos and when I came to watch this turd he was just a nuisance.
What about Victor guys? Gimmeaflakeman? He's a bit of a dick too.
His videos with Tomoko used to annoy me. Not Tomoko but Victor and how pervy he used to act.
No. 230101
>>229655I used to enjoy victors videos back in 2012? maybe? but not anymore.
I don't like his attitude
No. 230145
>>230103Talking about Mira: lol there is soooo much more to racism in Japan.. Didn't some of those White Japanese got bullied in Japan for example? I can't believe she totally forgets about that, even though it was her own video subject. And then there are still tons of other cases, like zainichi.
>>230101Same, I used to watch them some years back, but not really anymore. Not actually because of his attitude though. More because I don't really keep up with him. I guess I gotta watch him again to really have an opinion on his attitude, cause I can only remember him being quite opinionated but not in a bad way.
No. 230273
>>230149We are but a small froup of anons, while those j vloggers have tonnes of fans. Except for Mira, of course.
sage cause no contribution
No. 232248
>>231613yeah nobody will care if its mira since she's already done all the damage lolol
i would get a big kick if it was sharla or kim. im hoping kim
No. 232351
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Someone was talking about Sharla's figure the other day, here it is in her full glory.
I think she looks good, not everyone can be or has to be a top model.
No. 232358
>>232351the main issue is she doesn't dress for her body
she takes taylors clothes to wear and surprise THEY DONT FIT
No. 232387
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>>232351She looks a lot healthier and better than Taylor (but Taylor is also extremely underweight). Her butt looks perky and cute. I also like her current hair much better than Taylor's.
No. 232396
>>232387You cant put someone down to compliment someone else
gtfo sharla stan your blind love is disgusting
No. 232430
>>232394Her butt is not decent sized, is big, the same as her thighs, specially for someone of her height. Sharla is puzzling because in some videos she looks good and in others the opposite, someone posted pics of an even months ago and she looked bad, the same as that video with Bii without makeup (she looked completely different from when she did her own video without makeup). Angles do miracles for Sharla, from the side she is never going to look good though.
In any case, I think she is a normal looking girl with a cute side to her, with the right circumstances, even pretty. Personally I like her more than Taylor, Kim or Bii.
No. 232458
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Taylor extremely underweight?, I think she look fit and really good, obviously she is skinny.
No. 232465
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>>232461>>232460>>232459>>232458>>232400Imo Taylor did look slightly anachan in some of her older pictures from a few months ago. It could just be the angles or shooping. But lately she's looking fit-skinny. I wouldn't call her "severely underweight" right now
(pic related said older pictures)
No. 238637
>>237796I dunno if it's cruel to get the tail amputated? Since it's causing her pain and she can't use it to balance herself too much, then.. maybe it'd be better to get rid of it?
Regardless, I feel bad for the poor thing, but the way Sharla is handling it is super annoying. She acts like she knows what's best for animals and how to deal with their ailments, despite having absolutely no education or training in that field
No. 239234
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great shot sharla