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No. 1528381
Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1357741Recent drama:
>Sykkuno ditches Twitch for YouTube after they called him Sukkuno in company emails>Idubbbz puts together a boxing match full of Twitch streamers and admits he made the event because he was upset about being made fun of after the onlyfans fiasco.>Ludwig loses a lot of money but his fans pay his way out of it>Gus Johnson tries to save his career and downplay his shittiness>Hasan makes fun of alt-right hug boxes but can no longer take any critique from his own community, banning anyone who opposes him>BunnyAyu got cancelled after her cunt history got leaked>idubbbz wife continues to spiral out of control per usual No. 1528388
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reposting from the previous thread
Weight Results For TheCreatorClash as well as the official fight order
>Matt Watson: 156.8 LBS
>DAD: 158.2 LBS
>Alex Ernst: 187.2 LBS
>Ryan Magee: 181.2 LBS
>DJ Welch: 215.2 LBS
>Internet Comment Etiquitte: 222.8 LBS
>TheOdd1sout: 185.6 LBS
>I did A Thing: 186.6 LBS
>Minx: 155.4 LBS
>Yodelling Haley: 147.6 LBS
>AB: 180.4 LBS
>Hundar: 186.2 LBS
>Michael Reeves: 121 LBS
>Graham Stephen: 127 LBS
>EpicMealTime: 276.8 LBS
>Egoraptor: 214.4 LBS
>Dr Mike: 188.4 LBS
>Idubbbz: 188 LBS
No. 1528403
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>>1528390Apparently after 200 pounds it’s free game?
No. 1528440
>>1528433Minx looks fine to me, but considering she's a Twitch streamer, I don't think she's well conditioned. When you're pale like that, it's difficult to see any definition, but she does have some sort of abs. Seems like she only trains her abs and her biceps or some shit like that. She doesn't have much muscle on her back though, which is concerning. Contrary to popular belief, you don't actually need big arms to be good at boxing, it's all in the hips and back, abswise the serratus anterior is what is most important. There's some footage of Minx training at least. Haley doesn't seem like the type who dares to gain muscle, because it'll ruin the dainty innocent waif aesthetic, which can work against her favor. I hope Minx and Haley will actually properly fight and not constantly go
>tee-hee look at us being silly, boys!It would be hilariously retarded, but a pickme boxingmatch would also enrage me, because people already don't take women's sports seriously. I've not seen women act like that at any (kick)boxing gym I've been to, but I've heard some stories from the UK and the US. I already don't like their promo material, cringy tiktok dances with boxing gloves on etc.
No. 1528442
>>1528433I mean with how cringe this was
>>1528437 it looks like all the fights are going to be amicable “teehee what are we doing” cringe fest. That is except the epic meal time guy, he is going to fuck arin up so bad. A 60 pound difference is nothing to laugh at.
No. 1528446
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I think Anisa is depressed all the attention is on Ian and not her. This is the perfect social networking event, especially with all the SW attending, and Anisa is no where in sight. Hell even Chris is attending and she hasn’t taken selfies with him.
No. 1528493
>>1528474Begins here
>>993222continues here: >>1528491
No. 1528606
>>1528242>wetake your meds, schizo
>obsessedthe only one here who's obsessed with indian porn is you because you're the only talking about it, fucking faggot
(dragging drama across threads) No. 1528636
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Red “corener” lmao
Leave it to Anisa to fuck up being a basic social media manager. Also i absolutely think Anisa would be catty enough to “accidentally” mess up Minx’s weight
No. 1528812
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Anisa at the event looking like someone’s special cousin. This is her one chance to hoe it up to the max and she isn’t doing it lol I wonder if she’s holding back because idubbbz parents are at the event and she’s embarrassed
No. 1528818
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>>1528813Unfortunately real
No. 1528876
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Holy fuck the first match happened and it lasts less than 3 seconds, Matt Watson got absolutely bodied by Dad. This is happening live so I couldn’t get a clear screenshot but the ref stopped it before Matt could’ve been KO’d
No. 1528880
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Just kidding there was a replay, holy shit Matt got bodied
No. 1528901
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Anisa appears and immediately goes for “muh bpd, muh family, muh Alzheimer’s”
No. 1528921
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charlie looks like ellen page
No. 1529023
>>1529016we already knew this would happened, it's still actually boring to watch lol.
This event couldn't have gone worse if they tried
No. 1529028
>>1529023it’s not even cathartic to watch because mike is just
so unlikeable
No. 1529042
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Idubbbz should be grateful he chose a doctor, Dr.Mike was holding back the entire time. Ian pulled some desperate cheap shots too, respect to boxing my ass. Anyways I’m shocked Anisa isn’t going around saying “I’m SO proud of my husband”. She’s either really FOMO”d from dropping out of the Minx fight or she’s embarrassed as fuck for Ian.
No. 1529110
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>>1529087She was dressed for a funeral compared to the other high profile thots at the event
No. 1529123
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The last time Anisa appeared on the stream and she was 3 people behind her husband. It’s like she knew he was gonna lose and didn’t want to associate with him lmao
No. 1529137
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>>1528812For someone who earns a lot, she could've hired a stylist for the event and dressed better especially if you're getting your photo taken a lot
Both Ian and her have such white-trash taste
No. 1529170
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Not idubbbz coach reposting a story where someone is bootlegging the match LMAO
Honestly though I feel fucking awful for the coach and his wife. They’re normie as fuck and Anisa/Ian have dragged them into the awful internet community.
No. 1529172
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A cuck and his queen
No. 1529204
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>>1529195Once the bell rings and gloves touch it's free game right, but you have to admit that was still a pretty cheap shot. Not to mention, him raising his hand before the announcer even officially calling the fight at the end was a douchebag move too. I mean come on, he isn't even trying in this clip and Ian is so gassed and staggering. He knew he had the fight but he felt like a total douchebag near the end.
Yeah, that was weird and the tweet from the CC Twitter even sounds like Anisa tweeting it. But it clearly got changed so the fight could go on longer because it would've ended much quicker and probably with a KO/TKO. It's the main card, if it lasted as long as Matt and Dad's fight talk about a real fucking let down.
No. 1529230
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>>1529204Iirc Idubbbz was fake punching and taunting Dr.Mike before the fight. Overly confident, rude, also stupid because he lost all his stamina after round 1.
Anisa’s tweet just now does push it into the theory that she switched the match from 3 minutes to 2. Probably as a payback towards Dr. Mike.
No. 1529245
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>>1529230What? I watched the entire thing live, I hope you have a clip of that or something because I don't remember anything like that from either of them before the fight.
Anisa overreacting as usual even though I also thought that glove touch was a cheap shot, she should just keep her mouth shut especially when it's only been a couple hours after the fight, but she never can. You could also see the fear on her face clear as day when she had her little segment to plug the charities.
No. 1529258
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>>1529204>Not to mention, him raising his hand before the announcer even officially calling the fight at the end was a douchebag move It's sorta douchey but it's possible he was told he won right before then, so he just anticipated it. Everyone in the crowd already knew it was his anyways lol. And even if it was showboating, I could give it a pass because Ian was being pretty dumb gloating and making lame disses towards Mike prior to the event. Pic related. Especially when Ian was being weirdly against this sort of ~immature~ behavior and proclaiming he wanted to respect the sport in doing so. And then whining during the weigh-in that Mike shouldn't bUlLy idubbbz back because he's a doctor and is "supposed to be nice".
No. 1529259
>>1529245sorry I'm retarded and misread. I actually agree with you. I thought you were referring to a different part of the match where idubbbz fans are crying about.
For the taunting, I can't clip it(idk how to webm) but it was right at the beginning before the announcer spoke. Idubbbz was in his corner throwing punches and jumping way before it was time to fight
No. 1529260
>>1529245>What? I watched the entire thing live, I hope you have a clip of that or something because I don't remember anything like that from either of them before the fight.Anon probably means the pre-fight where idubbbz was
trying to look tough before his walk-out and was air punching at the camera. Ian also came out running against the ropes when he was at the ring. In comparison to Mike, Ian looked like a try hard imo.
No. 1529261
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>>1529258idubbbz saying its a joke but the playful fat jokes sure did
trigger him enough to make a fat mike edit
No. 1529267
>>1529261Awww, his feelings got hurt. Grow up, Ian. Love that he does
not condone this type of behavior yet when he does it, it's okay. Mmmkay. I don't care for Leafy, but I hope he's laughing his ass off. It's funny how Leafy can
trigger Ian. Cope and seethe, Ian, cope and seethe.
No. 1529273
>>1529258Oh it was very obvious he had won, but still just sportsmanship is all. None of the other fighters did that either and made sure to acknowledge their opponent immediately before or after. I can't say much about the weigh-in since I missed that portion yesterday, but that tweet seems to be immature humor (which I guess is ironic in this case from what you said according to his issue at the weigh-in). Mike seemed to be pretty in on the playfulness etc. building up to the event but at this point I have no fucking clue, I've never seen any of Mike's content.
>>1529259I mean, if you saw the other fights, many were in their corners doing similar shit and throwing punches to keep warmed up etc. so that seems pretty standard to me. Ian bounced off the sides of the rings before as well, but that just seemed more like entertainment than taunting (or just shitty taunting, honestly). Mike was also close and staring him down when Ian walked in, I think they were both just playing things up before the fight and both sucked at it.
>>1529260He definitely looked goofy as hell compared to Mike getting in the ring but Mike's whole hard stoic shit just comes off as total douchebag also. Like I said to anon above pretty much, they both looked like they didn't know what the fuck to do getting in the ring.
No. 1529281
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>>1529273Forgot another clip.
No. 1529287
>>1529284That was definitely autismo answering shit like that, everyone else seemed very genuine (at least more than Ian). The commentators were definitely patting Ian's back a little too much but I can't tell if it was intentional/planned or just them sucking him off.
>>1529286Nothing really (from this one at least), just enjoying posting some of these clips. I have more from Minx/Haley and Alex/Ryan as well, and the ladies were a pretty damn good fight IMO. Think my favorite of the night was Alex and Ryan if I had to pick one.
No. 1529288
>>1529284@19 mins in must be a true autist because he gave one-word answers yesterday too. Like what do you expect ESFAND of all people to do with that? It just goes to show idubbbz without a script is fucking lame.
No. 1529290
>>1529273(Oops, lost the reply tag)
>Mike's whole hard stoic shit just comes off as total douchebag Ehh, sorta. He could've played along more but he doesn't necessarily have to. I'm in the "I hate Idubbbz" camp and just appreciate how it highlighted how Ian is out of touch (with his standards, humor, autism, etc)
No. 1529292
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Boogie what the fuck lmao
No. 1529304
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>>1529296It's pretty short sorry, will probably try to find a full VOD tomorrow for specific clips but I have more of the fight itself.
No. 1529312
>>1529175I think he had to gain a lot of fat to be within 10lbs of dr Mike's weight caused by muscles.
>>1529187Dr Mike has been bagtraining for 10 years, but he doesn't have much experience sparring or fighting.
>>1529204I don't know if it's a cheap shot? It seems like a normal thing you would learn as part of a drill, he was moving slow af too and his gloves were constantly down. This is a mess and dr Mike would never last against someone who could actually box. No I don't care that Ian is easy, if you don't learn to keep your guard up, you get bad habits and you're going to be in for a rude awakening one day. It's easier to learn something right the first time, than having to unlearn bad habits. Btw don't start with Taekwondo or some shit like that if you ever want to get into kickboxing or MMA, unless you like being knocked out or getting a broken nose.
>>1529230The clip in this Tweet did look disrespectful, but it's not uncommon to see it happening more and more, because judges are awarding even more points based on aggressiveness nowadays. So a lot of coaches have resorted to teaching students such things, but dr Mike should know better and know he doesn't need that with Ian kek.
>>1529258It's obvious he won, but bad sportsmanship, respect and shit like that is taken deadly serious. People punch each other in the face one moment and are best friends the next. Both Ian and dr Mike were acting shitty. I think Conor McGregor really started this more new trend, with how he acted towards Mayweather and Nurmagomedov (even posting photos of his wife and saying she's a goat etc.). Ian's tattoos seems to even be a bit of an homage to McGregor's shitty tattoos.
>>1529281Dr Mike's guard is shit. Yeah it's great he knows how to bob and weave, but he's taking unnecessary hits to the head.
>>1529304WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING?! It doesn't even look like she's trying to go for a backfist. Why are her arms down? Haley's guard is better in this clip.
>>1529307This is scrappy, uncoordinated and cringe to look at. Both have forsaken guard and keep their arms down, just swinging at each other. It's important for Haley to get close due to her being shorter, but she should've watched what other short boxers and martial artists do, this is painful.
No. 1529321
>>1529204>>1529281Honestly looks like Mike is kind of just lazily boxing Ian? Like he seems so half hearted minus moments like
>>1529245 meanwhile Ian is being a whole spaz
No. 1529373
>>1528812Is this supposed to be some ironic 80s-americancore?
>>1528818Why are men actually retarded?
>>1529136>cody koHow did his gf not straight up tell him he looked like a rat during that time? lol
>>1529204This is so lame.
>>1529307Made me wince kek This was bad.. I need to see the whole fight.
No. 1529670
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A couple threads back, Anisa was crying about her “hook nose” and I had no idea what she meant but these candids.
>>1529172 her nose does look kind of trollish. Had it always been that way?
No. 1529824
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Her outfit I’m fucking dying
No. 1529856
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Sorry I can’t get over Anisa’s goofy ass shoes
No. 1530409
>>1529296>>1529304I thought that dance was weird too but minx said on stream today that by round 2, haley had punched the contacts out of her eyes. So her looking wild and crazy wasn't her being overconfident, bitch was literally swinging blind lol.
The vod is privated now because she watched part of the PPV on stream, but i think she mentions it a bit in this clip. No. 1530638
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>>1529856lol the way she's holding her arm
whatever anon said she looks like someone's special cousin or w/e was 100% spot on
No. 1530644
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>>1529856These are Prada and they’re fucking ugly.
No. 1531319
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>>1530638She looks like she's doing hand puppets, not flexing. lmao
No. 1531353
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Anisa being a cunt on the company twitter. I know Sam is also a cunt, but take the higher ground Jomhas. You’re the ones who begged him for YouTube content.
No. 1531398
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>>1530638they both look mentally challenged
No. 1531404
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Anisa said he lost because of tonsil stones and a cough what a cope
No. 1531522
>>1531434Kek forreal? Sorry I’m retarded
>>1531404She could just. Not say this/offer any excuses. He lost to someone who’s been boxing for 10 years, that’s pretty understandable. Get over it
No. 1531647
>>1531319This didn't get the attention it deserved but I laughed
(sage) No. 1532126
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Anisa high off the attention from the event, being triggered by random people on instagram.
I can’t imagine what goes through Anisa’s mind going through instagram DMs from nonmutuals. I get so much spam as a normie, I imagine her DMs are a cesspool, and yet she still goes through them.
No. 1532939
>>1532478meme answer: chemicals in the water making the frogs gay
actual: I've read into this out of curiosity and it comes down to insecurity. Men are feeling more fragile than ever because the ideal male stereotype seems unachievable to this generation. No job, no money, no bitches, they feel emasculated and are unable to take their frustrations out. These stupid, retarded, vulnerable men find comfort in online communities like Q, pol, incel subreddits etc and begin to form a scapegoat to throw all their anger at.
tl;dr retarded scrotes want control but refuse to actually work for it
No. 1533084
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Anisa makes fun of men leaning, and then leans
No. 1534040
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>>1534010he's talking about this, she pretty much said the same shit on the stream she did wednesday i guess it was, the first one after being gone 5 days. No further details on that stream or thursdays though, this chat pic is about all thats known.
No. 1534559
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Idubbbz is letting Anisa go full retard on the company account. In what world is it a good idea for a company to be this biased of their competitors? Also it doesn’t help that Anisa and Ian are super butthurt about the Paul’s because the Paul’s wouldn’t return their calls.
No. 1534658
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Was watching QTCinderella's stream from yesterday and holy shit Cyr is one ugly goblin without a beard.
No. 1535534
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People who went to The Creator Clash are starting to test positive for covid. Thanks idubbbz and Anisa for creating a super spreader event in Florida
No. 1536016
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Hundar also caught covid from the fight, which probably means all the fighters are compromised too
No. 1536450
>>1535810this makes no sense
how are these faggots 190lbs?
they both look like skinny dorks to me
and idubbz looks like he has more fat than the faggot on the left
fat is a lot lighter than muscle
so idubbz should've looked bigger (in terms of flab/size
No. 1536712
>>1533775she got pregnant in korea and had an abortion when they got back
she's using thinly veiled stalker implications to cover up her depression since everyone knows she had a stalker in kansas and no one will grill her about going into detail about it
No. 1537510
>>1537487It’s computer clean out day the first topic is hers.
I tried screen grabbing but it cut off half way through.
No. 1537633
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God the fact that filters can’t save Anissa’s haircut is a Greek tragedy
No. 1538882
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Anisa is running full on delusion holy shit
No. 1539055
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>>1538882Better comparison, she shaved her jaw off lol
In b4 “I did so much fitness I’m all natural”
No. 1539073
>>1539055it's called better quality, make-up and fat reduction
a jaw surgery would've given her much different lips and cheeks
No. 1539973
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So Anisa and Ian both got new tats again. Here is a pic of Anisa's new tats. She got a bird and a bug.
No. 1539977
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>>1539973Ian's tat is fucking hysterical. They really have no personalities. They deserve each other.
No. 1540428
>>1540071She sucks…
She sucks idubzz blood…
She is a parasite..
It's perfect
No. 1540635
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No. 1542759
>>1493990That's some funny shit. It turns out that she's LARPing as a Jap because it says on her Facebook page that her real name is Angela Don and her parents are Viet. At first, I thought she was a Jap because of her fake hair and Twitch name (they appropriate the Iranian word 'Aria' and she's using the same fake bang and fake hair that their women get).
This is insane because Viets in Japan aren't treated well, they make them work as slaves by beating them and not giving them any worker visas or rights.
No. 1544325
>>1543919The one tin foiling here is you. Aria isn't a Japanese name, just because they're appropriating it (stealing it and claiming it's theirs) doesn't mean it's theirs. You're lying about her being fluent in Vietnamese and happily cooking with her mom. I'm fluent in Vietnamese and what she said in those handful of clips was bad, she doesn't speak the language and she admitted it in those clips, all she did was fail at pronouncing random words that she remembered presumably from her parents. She only did that, much against her will, because some of her viewers pestered her to say something after she failed at hiding being Vietnamese. When she streamed with her mom, it's very obvious that she's ashamed of being a Viet because of how she acted whenever her mom spoke. The hairstyle that she has is what nearly every women in Japan gets, you'll hardly, likely never, see any woman in Vietnam do their hair like that. The Viet, Korean and Chinese diasporas in the West who become Weebs always end up LARPing as a Japanese, just look at that Chinese Twitch streamer "emiru" and that Korean and wannabe Christian YouTuber "emirichu"), haha look at me I'm so Japanese for taking Western names and replacing the L with R, ecksdee! Why they're able to get away with this nonsense in the West is because all four nationalities look indistinguishable from each other and foreigners think it's "racist" to call them out.
>cutesy Why don't you ask someone in Japan to send their feces over to you when you're fetishizing them this hard.
No. 1544765
>>1544604Anon, “cutesy” has sardonic connotations, and the majority of that response was a presumptuous bitch fit. I never once said that she spoke Vietnamese, I just said that she’s open about that being her background.
More than any of that as “”evidence” of some painfully bland streamer larping as a Japanese girl, I see another overly prideful Asian superimposing their expectations of what other Asians are supposed to behave and look like. That IS some damn /r/aznidentity shit. What hairstyle is a Viet American supposed to have, retard? Should all Asian children of immigrants have full command of their language?
No. 1544768
*spoke Vietnamese well
Jesus fuck
No. 1544882
>>1544819why are you so autistically
triggered on that post, do you live in a society where observations are not allowed or something? Fucking weirdo
No. 1545162
>>1544765>I never once said that she spoke VietnameseYou did, liar.
>I just said that she’s open about that being her background. She's not open about it. She admitted she was Vietnamese to her viewers when she failed at hiding her identity. You mentioned she did a stream with her mom and in those clips you can see how resentful and ashamed she is when her mom speaks in Vietnamese.
>overly prideful Asian superimposing their expectations of what other Asians are supposed to behave and look likeThat'd be you since you think "Asia" is a Far Eastern monolith and want every Far Easterner to behave like a Westerner.
>That IS some damn /r/aznidentity shitThat's a forum by Chinese/Viet/korean/Jap diasporas who are all failures. Nationalists from China/Vietnam/Korea/Japan hate their guts. Why are you unhinged speds from the West always pretending to be an expert about things that you know nothing about?
>Should all Asian children of immigrants have full command of their language?Strawman.
No. 1545206
>>1545162Read my correction below it. You’re a bull seeing red. I never said she spoke it well.
>resentful and ashamed for speaking Vietnamese If she was just going to be embarrassed about her mom speaking Viet, she would’ve just not come out on stream decked in the clothing with her mom. Show me the clip where she “admitted” it or moments where she tried to pretend to be Japanese, because as far as I can see, all we have is your bull-like primitive perception.
You didn’t clarify how you want a Vietnamese woman in LA to look like. Don’t sit there and look at your esoteric paragraph from before and tell yourself you’re not the unhinged sped. It’s not a strawman when that shit was all you had to offer.
No. 1545430
>>1544997Are you butthurt we won’t personal army your weird vendetta about aria? We don’t care about her hair or her race. Why don’t you talk about the more
problematic parts of her like her fucked up mental breakdowns and her kitten breeding farm?
No. 1545446
>>1545430the thread needs variety, faggot, this isn't your recruitment place for your personal army against ian and anisa
also stop calling that yellow roastie by that term, why can't you freaks stick to your dog-eating culture?
>>1545112>it's not evidence because i say so!1!11!!!!1111go rant somewhere else, you neurotic moron
(racebaiting) No. 1545500
>>1545485>>1545446No one is saying you can't talk about other streamers. You're free to post, just like everyone is free to call you a retard.
Also there's just been nothing happening lately. OTK 'drama' is self manufactured for LSF, quqco fucking lacari isn't a surprise, cyr is bloated. I would bring up the ganba thing but xqc/train are going to do it regardless and their fanbase is still going to suck their dicks
No. 1545559
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>>1545509She also freaked out today because she made a lovely dovey Instagram story about milktpapi and that got upset that people were asking if he was her boyfriend.
No. 1545560
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No. 1546323
File: 1654121591845.jpeg (801.45 KB, 1125x1217, 66FF1A8A-5326-42BE-B859-157113…)

Losing my mind at Anisa looking like a rejected K-pop boy
No. 1546644
>>1546236>they lost their appeal when they added more peopleYeah, it's felt less cohesive since then. Plus they don't stick out. Whatever role or common gimmick one of the newer members has, it's easily done by one of the older ones. Just overlaps too much.
I think the last video I sincerely enjoyed by them was the reverse charades. It was a collab, but it at least had all the core members.
No. 1546673
>>1545878>>1546190>>1546644The videos are just insanely repetitive at this point.
>Jokes about Brodin being evil making them do weird shit>Poki tries to act cool and does that horrible screech laugh pretending everything is super funny>Toast acts aloof and better than everyone while trying to show how smart he is and how he plays the algorithm or some dumb shit like that>Lily loses or gets the short end of the stick, makes comments about how hot the other girls are or gushes about Michael>Michael acts chaotic and quirky, makes an edgy joke at least once>Yvonne gets mad and screams, probably a Starbucks mention>Scarra just says "Oh my gosh" and "Are you serious?!" over and over again>Jodi, Sydney, and John are just kinda thereBut the general quality of OTV has gone way down since the new members were added and they stopped living together. It was understandable that they wanted to move on and make changes but unfortunately I feel like their shtick has now been compromised at this point.
And honestly, I think besides shifting their content to appeal to sponsors, they have been dumbing it down a lot for all the kids that have started watching. OTV + friends is a huge fandom with K-Pop fan behaviors at this point.
No. 1546684
>>1546673>Scarra just says "Oh my gosh" and "Are you serious?!"I heard this in my head like a soundboard lmao.
But yeah, now that you mentioned it, ever since Brodin took over the videos have gotten stale. Sure the production quality and set design are way better, but that alone isn’t fun to watch.
No. 1547147
>>1546673I don’t know why they added new members. Probably to ease the other’s schedules better? But then they don’t add anything new to the formula, because any trait they do have (ex: ground the chaos, be the normal one, be aloof or ‘cool’, be daring) is already fulfilled by someone else.
Which then again is probably they don’t have everyone in the same video anymore. Which then works against them because people miss the structure of having the older members.
It was ballsy of them to add two people already dating each other to their roster, though, I’ll give them that. I like the new members as individuals just fine - however within the group, therein lies the problem above - it’s like adding more toppings on a cake.
No. 1548624
>>1548299Ian and Anisa’s endless pathetic excuses are quite entertaining: Anisa tweeted that Ian had tonsil stones and a bad cough (the first has no effect on your fitness, and Ian did not cough once during the entire event), Ian said Dr Mike took it too seriously and was competitive (???), Dr Mike has ten years of experience (well duh, before the fight, you said that didn’t count because it wasn’t actual fighting), Dr Mike cheated (punching after the glove tap, twice, which apparently isn’t against the rules, but Ian also threw three punches at Dr Mike after the bell rang, which is definitely against the rules), Dr Mike cheated again by weighing more than Ian (yes, you knew that, Dr Mike clearly did an aggressive cut to try to get down closer to Ian’s weight, which will have been fucking tough). I’m sure they’ll come up with more. And to stick the boot in, Dr Mike isn’t famous or popular enough according to Ian and Anisa, and doesn’t have enough clout, so now they’re blaming the lower than expected audience on him too. Jesus, I bet Mike rues the day he agreed to do Ian this huge favour.
No. 1549138
>>1534658just look at pictures from him 5 years ago and compare them to him now
he's aged like piss
(learn2sage) No. 1551882
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After going on Hasan’s channel, Anisa has been liking political tweets and lmao this one takes the cake. Anisa, who dropped out of college and a “sex worker on a break”, is worried about the economy because marketing interns make 60k a year. Anisa hasn’t even logged into onlyfans for 3 months, but these girls are the problem smh.
No. 1559104
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Why does she have a riot employee's phone number? she probably hoe'd herself out again for it No. 1559928
File: 1655180985736.png (810.77 KB, 1074x1200, wtf.png)

The face of Alcoholism everybody… Also is it just me or is his teeth fucked up? looks like gum disease?
No. 1560029
>>1559104she's fucking mizkif, not some riot scrub.
emiru only goes for big streamers, first dyrus until his channel died now shitkif.
No. 1560842
>>1560270that story was unbearably fake, the same kind of shit Ice Poseidon used to make up, his cameraman learned well
emirus never even slept in that room of hers there
No. 1560861
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Begone scrote
No. 1560916
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>>1559104So nice seeing Emiru inspire girls to whore themselves out at a young age, she's such a great role model!
No. 1561024
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>>1560916Tbh by the looks of her makeup it seems like she's copying Hannah owo.
No. 1561029
>>1560916Thread is not for posting literal whos with no specific milk just to bitch about ~whores~ you fucking faggot.
>>1561024It is literally just e girl makeup. That hannah girl is neither the first or the last.
No. 1561105
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>>1560916>>1561024She looks like a carbon copy of Whoremiru before she switched to her I'M ASIAN DESU phase.
No. 1561107
>>1560832It was sykkuno
source: I made it up
>>1560888He's had the same gf since like 2016 I think
No. 1561928
>>1561919Like i mentioned a couple post up, that word has just lost all meaning. We are gossiping about random celebrities, how is that like pretending to have a personal relationship with them?
She's a public figure that's been a streamer way long enough to know that when she brings something up fans are going to talk about it. If anything here is parasocial it's you sperging out and defending your favorite streamer like shes a child that's doesn't know any better
No. 1562890
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The face of cope
>has millionaire husband
>goes back to selling butthole pictures for pocket money because she’s too much of a feminist to ask for money
No. 1563611
>>1562890Shouldn’t she be learning how to make herself look
better the older she gets? How does she keep failing so hard despite the resources available to her?
No. 1568501
>>1568205his dick works fine, that's a lie he tells his chat to relate to them, which you can tell because his ex always said it was bullshit and his college friends tell all these stories about him fucking college girls
which is why the emiruposter is so mad, he knows shes paying her rent there by choking on his dick every day and he wishes it was him
No. 1570953
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Anisa got new glasses and low key she reminds me of that riddler guy if he were bimbofied
No. 1573030
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Emiru can never drop stuffing her bra and showing off her anachan stomach
No. 1573583
>>1570953It’s so characteristic of her to regret Creator Clash, and to
tell people that. It does seem to have raised quite a bit of money for charity, been a modest success, brought people who might not normally mix as friends … but all Anisa can think about is the negative attention she’s received for pretending she’s the ultimate expert, then turning out to be a pretentious failure, just like she always does. She just can’t help herself.
No. 1574213
>>1574159>shei thought it's a tranny, it has the same face as my friend andrew yang
>learned to do her makeup lmaothe fact that it's yellow and was able to use make-up to cosplay as a white girl means it knows how make-up works, retard
>She's really cuteyou think shit smells good too, don't you
>I find her voice endearingit sounds like it got semen stuck in its throat, lmao, you like sucking dicks, don't you
File: 1656397970141.png (34.75 KB, 361x38, 5924.png)

So thebunnyjen is leading the cancellation on meowdalyn, but anyone find it funny that 1 day before this she subbed to her for 9 months? Pic from 59:24 in Meowdalyn's latest stream.
No. 1574378
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>>1528381Watching more, thebunnyjen goes on to agree with everything meowdalyn is saying but then a day later is leading a smear campaign against her? Some friend.
No. 1577572
>>1577541They knew. He was testing the waters a month ago by bringing it up in his offline chat, the same way he did with gambling. There was also a huge controversy a few months ago when one of his friends went to SA for a chess tournament and tried to justify modern slavery.
Emi and Esfand would follow him off a bridge for enough money and subs, but they probably had some idea too. The moron defense is just the least damaging option.
No. 1577801
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OTK quietly posting a listing for a PR babysitter for grown adults due to this dumpster fire is so fucking funny.
No. 1578190
>>1576395She and Mizkif didn't took the deal. But they would probably take it if it wasn't for the backlash.
>>1577541Mizkif tried pretty hard to look innocent and stupid on his stream with Hasan, but in reality he was asking about in his offline chat in may., Emiru said on her stream that "they" (she didn't mention who exactly, but probably Mizkif and his crew) showed bunch of articles to her about the country and said that they did had a notion about it the oppressive laws against gay and women.>>1577572>There was also a huge controversy a few months ago when one of his friends went to SA for a chess tournament and tried to justify modern slavery.Actually the tournament happen in Dubai, that is United Arab Emirates, not Saudi Arabia.
On another note, after the backlash Asmongold came out defending his friends, saying that he would probably took the deal if he didn't need to travel. No. 1578625
>>1578190>Asmongold came out defending his friends, saying that he would probably took the deal if he didn't need to travel. I can't believe that feminist icon asmongold would promote country where women are second class citizens.
I wish they would go there, I would love to see emiru playing fortnight on the scene dressed according to local "dress code" lol
No. 1579085
>>1578783somehow cyr is one of their least
problematic members
No. 1579179
>>1579085I honestly just feel bad for Cyr. He was so drunk on Esfand's stream today and he started drinking around 3pm.
>>1579113I don't think it's mandatory that OTK members live at Mizkif's house but they could be opening up a 2nd house in LA soon.
No. 1579382
>>1578783I think Mizkif mentioned a lot of companies have turned down sponsorships with OTK because they have only one woman. I guess Malena doesn’t count, even though they still try to use her.
I still remember how salty Mizkif was when she pointed out ShitCon was her event, not OTK’s. And then when Cyr’s announcement party went down in flames he was stumped.
>>1579085Cyr and Esfand both have hardcore leech vibes. Watching them at group events is pathetic.
No. 1583333
>>1583258SS does have a boyfriend, but awhile ago I remember seeing a clip of her friend exposing her for liking Cyr. It's safe to assume they wanted each other at one point and things fizzled out because he's a pathetic, bloated alcoholic.
>>1583325I'm sure Cyr has tried to date, but the only woman I know of that he has shown interest in on twitch is Susu. I'm not surprised Dasha would try and gate keep who Cyr dates, even though she's on her 3rd "musician" boyfriend of the year.
No. 1593164
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He also is asking his fans to brigade mentions of this because he “clearly misspoke”. But people are rightfully criticizing him because he attacked a viewer based on race and economic status (and sexuality if you take the “shitdick” comment as an attack of sexual preference.)
No. 1593519
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>>1593334Probably because he always is
No. 1593661
>>1593625Completely agree.
I can easily see a Boogie-like downfall transpiring where Hasan continues to remain terminally-online, overshares his moid exploits, and loses goodwill from his fans and the general public by becoming more and more out-of-touch and weird.
No. 1595134
Is Adept genuinely okay with this? How embarrassing.
>>1593519Why do men always threaten suicide? lol just do it, you fucking pussy.
No. 1595199
>>1595134Are you shocked? She’d be okay with much more lmao does she look like the type of woman who would leave a bazillionaire in favor of self respect? She’d get left with nothing, you just
know prenups are not negotiable with a scrote like that.
No. 1595391
>>1595244L cuck spotted. Heh you aren’t chill with your man openly popping a boner over other women in front of 50 thousands viewers? you’re so insecure lul
Imagine if she drools at buff men with huge bulges on stream. Scrotes would foam at the mouth to call her a whore.
No. 1604567
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>>1604526>>1604532nta but here's the image. saged for non-milk
No. 1604622
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Anyone interested in the Fauxre drama?
No. 1607117
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She's trying so hard to be the instagram baddie but ends up looking like a sweaty middle school boy. Something about her outfits always look like she tried SO hard but it just looks uncomfortable and unfitting. Also wtf is with the underwear up to her chest?
No. 1607123
>>1606962 Miyoung and Janet were both part of the friendship group before they dated Toast though. Miyoung was just brought into fame because Toast wouldn't stop plugging her.
Toast seems a lot more depressed about his breakup with Miyoung compared to when he broke up with Janet. Pretty sure Toast and Miyoung started dating almost immediately after the break up (or potentially some overlap) but now he's feeling pretty lonely.
>>1606962 No. 1607397
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His muscles won't be able to help him with his ugliness.
No. 1607468
>>1607117Thanks for putting this into words for me. I could never come up with the right way to describe it but that was nice and succinct.
>always looks like shes sweaty/hot and smells like it for some reasonI still can't put my finger on why though
>uncomfortableYeah, again, I don't know what it is, but she always looks uncomfortable and it makes me uncomfortable to look at her. It's like she knows it doesn't work but shes trying so hard anyways and it's clear that she doesn't even believe what she's selling.
Wtf is up with that whole outfit though? And why does she look like she walked into a tattoo shop and said "Make me look like a person who gets tattoos"? The entire thing is bizarre and unsettling. I wonder if she regrets the haircut, tattoos, or style change that she's forced on herself.
No. 1609502
>>1604526That's a reach. There was a group of 10 people on that bridge. Just because they stand near each other in few frames, doesn't mean anything
>>1607123>Pretty sure Toast and Miyoung started dating almost immediately after the break upNo, there was at least 3 months
Surprised no one mentioned that it is the second time Toast and Miyoung broke up
No. 1609510
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No. 1609552
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>>1609510Still can't wrap my head around how LSF considers Cyr to be attractive. Even his OTK bio. But I guess when you're in a group with Esfand and Asmon looking like you bathe is a plus.
No. 1609723
>>1609510Wow you can actually smell his cigarette breath through this picture, no wonder he's still single.
That is the face of a weird, pathetic alcoholic who got cucked by Chandler Riggs during the time he was actually engaged to marry Dasha.
Then the sad scrote got himself friend zoned by Alinity, Jenna Lynn Meowri and Susu because of his creepy hillbilly teeth.
No. 1609913
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>>1609872He probably will turn out exactly like this DadFeels loser… 41 year old washed up actor turned YouTuber and hitting publicly on e-girls 15-20 years younger than himself. He had his 5 minutes of fame with the whole iDubbbz boxing event, but looks like he's trying to leech off of OTK and other bigger Twitch streamers now that all his platforms are dying.
No. 1609935
>>1609494Hi, Adept. He watches these kinds of clips all the time. That's weird. He'd just look like a coomer (still unattractive and gross) if he did this while single, but since he's in a relationship he still comes off as a coomer but turned up to a vile degenerate. Don't know if you're into that "non-mon" shit, but to outsiders it doesn't feel like real love at all and you should want better for yourself.
>>1609552This is so fucking funny.
No. 1611329
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>>1611307I did some digging and it looks like he has 3 different accounts on both Twitter and Instagram. Seems like he deleted some thirst tweets to JustaMinx who's 25 and Emma Langevin who's 22, but I did find this comment on PeachJars instagram photo who's 26.
No. 1611632
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>>1609510According to Cyr "Women prefer me clean shaven" kek maybe in 2019 before he got bloated and his face started drooping. The jowly scrote is delusional and those glasses are criminal ugly on him too.
No. 1611873
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>>1609510>>1609552Honestly, always thought he was somewhat ugly. At his "peak" he looked good in maaybe a handful of more than likely, edited photos, but otherwise dude still looked like this?
No. 1611879
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>>1611873That one is from 2016, he's 27. This one is from 2012, he's only 22. Will never understand any of the hype surrounding him. I can only assume hanging around greg's ugly ass must have made him seem "hot" in comparison. kek
No. 1612058
>>1611879I think Cyr and Greg were only considered attractive to a certain demographic. The emo, goth and edgy alternative girls that still plague Twitter as "Cosplayers" these days.
>>1611873Wow… hard to believe that's him considering how botched and bloated his face looks now. I think Cyr has to be absolutely delusional if he thinks that he still looks like he did in 2016, when in reality a beard is his best friend these days.
No. 1612377
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>>1611873>>1609552Cyr is not attractive at all, I mean look at this man's goblin teeth. I guess that's what happens when you neglect the dentist for years, chain smoke cigarettes then live off only coffee and red wine.
No. 1613091
>>1613029 Toast plugged her so hard, both Twitch and socially within the friend group. Toast was likely the person who asked the old Fuslie/Peter/Danny house to take Miyoung in as a roommate when they first started dating, now all the girls are in love with her, so super awkward. He should've just let her continue living with him.
Feels like the group is trying to 'split' them, for example, they went to Japan with Toast, then went to Korea with Miyoung while Toast stayed in Japan. So weird. Also Miyoung admitted that Rae paid for her first class flight tickets to Japan.
(also kindda a
toxic thought, but it feels like Miyoung didn't really have any friends prior to dating Toast)
No. 1613133
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>>1612964That's why they all have beards… To hide how hard they hit the wall. kek
No. 1613271
File: 1660257772635.png (1.72 MB, 898x602, Screenshot_20220811-183752.png)

emiru went live accidently for a few minutes yesterday with no makeup on
interesting choice to be casually wearing booty shorts when living in a house full of weeb scrotes
No. 1613592
>>1613419her room and mizkifs room are the same
>>1613534a loft one that doesnt get used - she sleeps in mizkifs bed
No. 1613596
>>1613592ah yes a schizo
they aren't dating dumbass
No. 1613599
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>>1613597this whore is trying to seduce millionaire and famous mizkif but miz is an immovable object
No. 1613618
File: 1660292486787.webm (1.41 MB, 960x540, shorts lip bite.webm)
>>1613612he's a scrote and probably already fucking her, their friends lying about it doesnt matter
No. 1613620
>>1613618>probablylol you're not even 100% sure
>their friends lying about it doesnt matteryep and i will trust a bunch of losers theorizing (who never dated anyone) in discord if someone is dating or not
No. 1613622
>>1613620sage your fucking posts
and learn your history here, emirus track record is fucking ugly scrote big streamers for exposure:
>>>/snow/336086 No. 1613639
>>1613622i saged now, now shut up
i know about emiru's history and you should learn about mizkif's history, he hasn't fucked any girls that wanted to fuck him before/during/after dating maya. when rajj girls came over (hailsbee, qt, etc.), when arianina sent him nudes while she was dating maya and now susu who slept in mizkif's bed but he chose to sleep on his couch or jenna/peach wanting to hang out with him and get high offstream
No. 1613650
File: 1660296900120.webm (581.57 KB, 1280x720, susu.webm)
>>1613639stop defending a scrote and stop making shit up, susu slept in emirus bed because she was somewhere else, whose bed do you really think emiru was in?
No. 1613658
>>1613639LMAO you are insanely naive and blinded by your weird male crush, your streamer has fucked plenty of those clout chasers and others and now he has one living there.
You probably don't even know about the porn star in florida.
No. 1613673
>>1613650she was obviously telling a joke
here's the full context not that it would matter anyway because you will still think that she slept in emiru's bed
miz told a story on his stream about lacari being too loud that susu came upstairs and asked miz if she could sleep on his bed and that he slept on the couch
No. 1613676
>>1613658you are probably talking about the cx days
im talking about when miz officialy made streaming his career and started caring more about growing his viewcount
No. 1613678
>>1613676He fucked a pornstar and hookers with ice in Florida, he fucked hailsbee, he's fucking emiru, he fucked quqco, he sucked a troon dick, and on and on the list goes. From cx days all the way to today.
Your scrote idol is a disgusting degenerate manwhore to this day,and always has been. Now take your male defending and fuck off.
No. 1613689
>>1613676he got so
triggered when stop speeding from ip2 sniped him he always tries to run from his past
No. 1614365
>>1613804interesting, information added to wiki at 12:56 UTC
your post made at 13:57 UTC …suspicious
No. 1615331
File: 1660439443325.webm (2.12 MB, 576x1280, T-bWtRVlPdioHPvN.webm)
I didn't think it was possible but it feels like Hasan becomes more of a whiny brat by the day, all the ranting about femcel stalkers and replying to nobodies on twitter. Think it's more of the same old brothel accusations or old clips like this getting dug up more often? Video found in this twitter thread: also responded on stream to this person, although I can't find the tweet that started it. No. 1615334
>>1615331Hasan is literal scum who fucked trafficking
victims. Imagine having the gal to ree about femcel stalkers because people hate you for abusing women in a very un-communist way such as preying on and exploiting the lower class women and actual human trafficking
victims. Once a fat incel, always a fat boy incel.
No. 1615336
>>1615334It's kind of crazy how easily everyone lets him brush off the trafficking thing. He insists that the brothel was only raided for tax evasion, but anyone who bothers looking it up would see that they were raided for human trafficking, tax evasion,
and forcing the women to register as independent contractors so they didn't have to provide them benefits. It started with one girl calling the police after her boyfriend raped her and started pimping her out of the brothel, and like 90 something women corroborated her story that there was trafficking going on at this establishment, but it looks like they just arrested the boyfriend because the brothel owners were allowed to say they didn't know anything about the trafficking. John reviews going back years for the place have also mentioned women who can't speak the language and women who clearly don't want to be there, but I guess we're all just supposed to ignore that.
No. 1622039
>>1613091Miyoung is definitely an interesting character, but I wonder if she's a bit of a climber.
Apparently, from OTV lore, she was introduced to the OTV group by Aria, back then she was dating a league pro. Then she started dating Toast after Joast broke up, while Toast was probably emotionally vulnerable. Then they broke up and got back together again(?). And Toast boosted Miyoung super hard. Then, she got really close to Valkyrae, and apparently that happened during the whole RFLCT incident when Valkyrae was attacked for that blue face cream, and Miyoung got super close to her in a really short timespan (again, while Valky was super emotionally vulnerable), and now they are besties.
Then she moved in with Fuslie/Valkyrae/Sykkuno. Maybe she saw that she didn't need Toast anymore, etc, who knows. But now she seems to be streaming everyday with Sykkuno. Maybe she saw that Sykkuno's star was rising while Toast's star was falling, who knows.
Definitely more to Miyoung than it appears.
No. 1622217
>>>/snow/1613091This is all conjecture but the way OTV&F have seemingly split into two camps points to Toast doing something so clearly wrong that Fuslie house no longer wants to associate with him or Miyoung latched onto someone with more clout than Toast and in true clout chasing streamer fashion, they chose her over him. A certain jug headed, covers his mouth when he laughs, voluntary perma incel does fit the description but I find it unlikely.
Nothing else really explains the abruptness and dramatic splintering of their social group. Shit, Miyoung was at Disneyland with Toast and his parents maybe a week before they cut off all contact at around the time of Sydeon's birthday party.
(newfag) No. 1622268
>>1622081 she was dating Adrian Ma, there were some photos of them together but now deleted. I think if you google their names you might find a photo of two. Its kindda true that she and Toast dated very soon after Joast though, if you watch some of Toast older videos you'll see her and her dog in his background a lot, although back then no one really knew who she was and Toast just didnt comment on the girl thats living in his room.
Not sure about the other comments
No. 1622381
>>1622217I don't understand how you got to the conclusion that Toast did something wrong from that. They're her roommates, so they play games with her, and Toast and her broke up, meaning they wouldn't invite Toast to play with them.
Plus they were all playing on the Sunday Among Us lobbies before Japan (sans Miyoung of course), Miyoungs back in the lobbies now that Toast doesn't want to play anymore.
No. 1622744
>>1622600Nah, it's obvious Sykkuno is much more cunning than he appears. He knows what kind of audience he has and plays the image. Somehow, his fans think he's this sexless virgin with no life experience while in real life he is like 30+, a multi-millionaire with a master's degree. He knows exactly what he is doing and that is why he is so successful in attracting the audience that he has.
(Also, note that while Sykkuno is known for his "nice guy" image, I have watched OTV a lot and have never really heard anyone talk about him DOING any nice or selfless thing for someone else. It seems he knows how to talk and say nice things, but what he does is all self serving)
As for Sykkuno and Miyoung, I feel there is more behind the scenes. If your "friends" (i.e Sykkuno and Toast are at least "on stream friends") break up, would you really spent everyday streaming with his now ex-gf? Especially when you have other people to collab with, etc? Doesn't smell right to me.
I think the most likely situation is Miyoung moved from league pro -> Toast -> Sykkuno (who is on the rise with his youtube deal, etc), the same way she went from Aria -> OTV girls -> Valkyrae/Fuslie. Keep in mind that Miyoung did a subathon and then proceeded to pretty much stop streaming except to do ads also, nothing wrong with shamelessness of course, streaming is a cut-throat industry.
No. 1622782
>>1622744how the fuck are you going to write a whole ass unrelated response to
>>1622600 fuck off stalker chan, go back to making random twitter accounts and a-logging otv. I'm sure toast will madly fall in love with you one day
No. 1623043
File: 1661225761756.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3072x4096, 971CE24F-5D84-4E22-A95B-5A48FF…)

See this is why I don’t take any OTV shit in this thread seriously. You type in the buzzwords they use from their posts into google/twitter and all you get is burner egg accounts aggressively telling their schizo brainworms into the void. These retards clearly have an agenda and it’s better if we don’t play into it. It’s not even good milk/drama either, oh someone broke up? literally who cares
No. 1623154
>>1623027Now that takes me back. I remember weeniedesu talked shit about a random artist with her friend during a livestream, and when they got caught she went
victim mode. No wonder she's always venting on twitter too. If she really is his gf, she should have listened to what his ex said.
No. 1623427
>>1623367She wasn't dating him, but she was (probably still is) his friend in Twitch chat. They both talked shit about the person and made fun of their art for no reason. All I know from her appearance is that she is chubby white woman IRL. I dont like nor trust her because after that she's been keeping her internet presence as "im a shy
victim uwu" while trying to get a glimpse of clout.
No. 1623433
>>1623154Holy shit I forgot about that, lol. So glad I didn't purchase her seal plush.
>>1623427>she is chubby white woman IRL.Every time.
No. 1627574
File: 1661637276986.jpeg (754.54 KB, 1125x1578, 0EAB8E92-E071-4006-85C5-6DDD3A…)

The KSI fight is going down and Anisa is in ‘boxing expert commentator” mode
No. 1627578
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Also nauseating, Anisa raking in the praise from Dr.Mike even though she’s been shit talking him since idubbbz lost.
No. 1629320
>>1622990I think he is a bit too big now in terms of views to get exposed. He reminds me a lot of the whole Ellen thing, where Ellen had this brand of being "super nice" but was secretly a real nasty person. Sykkuno even does the whole "oh wow, you were invited? even I wasn't invited" kind of false humility.
He seems also really good at playing the
victim, like have watched a few times when he gets called out on something, he will just be like "well i just wanted to play with my friends" or "i was just trying to have a good time" and act hurt and sad. Then the person calling them out looks like a bad guy while playing the
victim card.
His fans call it "trolling" but it is basically just straight up lying to people's faces. Like the dude makes millions of dollars, and talk about his "water bill" with a falsely humble "guys, i'm just a small streamer for fun, i need to pay my water bill". If you are a sucker fan, you donate and he makes money, if you call him out, then it's "just trolling for fun, haha", and he wins either way. Just goes to show all the big streamers are successful for a reason, he knows exactly what he is doing, he knows his audience and is very good at it.
(sage) No. 1629436
File: 1661762309511.jpeg (655.78 KB, 1125x1846, 1E77B596-DF54-44DD-B376-215484…)

>>1629365If you mention Sam/Keem they get so
triggered lmao
No. 1629913
File: 1661801356354.png (Spoiler Image,937.85 KB, 1161x724, thicc in the head.png)

>>1619811not graphic but spoiling the bulge just in case
No. 1630237
>>1630121more than one
nonny asked about it and the video wasn't embedded properly so i took an image of the video and posted it since this is an image board. saged
No. 1630676
Been vaguely following the Jasmine Chiswell/pinuppixie situation since someone tried and failed to make a thread about it on lolcow, related subreddit: of them have been using marilyn's image for clicks for years, Chiswell even had a recent colorpop makeup launch with extremely marilyn-alike photos. But now, suddenly chiswell has dropped vintage fashion and got some shitty hair extensions. Pinuppixie has also been posting videos with slightly better hair extensions recently, it's like they're both moving away from the marilyn look suddenly.
It's more suspicious with chiswell since most of her following happened during the marilyn larping. My tinfoil: the marilyn estate got in touch with both of them, not sure what exactly would be said but likely something about infringement on the copyright/image rights, whatever happened it seems too sudden to be a natural choice/change.
tl:dr marilyn larpers suddenly changing their image in the last few weeks/days for no reason, despite getting famous specifically due to the marilyn larping
No. 1635359
File: 1662262472107.jpg (209.02 KB, 1200x900, Fbx3VSTWYAItd6Q.jpg)

just two pals hanging out
No. 1635502
>>1635359Didn't even recognize her without her array of filters
>>1635419Sorry for asking to be spoonfed but what was the tl;dr of what she did to Dyrus. Need a refresher.
No. 1635508
>>1635502was just referencing how she got with him when he was a 30k viewer streamer and pro player, and when he kept declining and declining eventually winding up in the few hundreds she eventually left and now she's on to mizkif, who of course by pure coincidence is usually about a…30k viewer streamer (more sometimes but was closer to 30k consistent when she first got her claws in him last year)
she'll ride this one until he crashes eventually too
No. 1635532
File: 1662278661290.jpg (87.24 KB, 1280x720, esfandbonnie.jpg)

Thoughts the new OTK relationship bating Esfand is doing.
No. 1635540
>>1635532ex camgirl who did b/g scenes and had an onlyfans until the day before she showed up at esfands house and closed it
pretty funny how his friend mizkifs mods were handing out her porn name to everyone in his public discord too
No. 1635542
>>1635502>Didn't even recognize her without her array of filtersMost of her simps didn't recognize her either.
>>1635532Her voice is annoying as fuck.
No. 1635551
>>1635508Thanks nona that's what I thought but my nigel said I would just assuming the worst. From what I did find online sounds like she left him when he wasn't doing well mentally either which is really fucked up if true. Hope her new "friend" pumps and dumps her before she can do it to him.
>>1635532Can smell them both through this photo
No. 1635570
File: 1662283089226.png (56.84 KB, 400x453, bonnie.PNG)

here's her cam name, courtesy of mizkifs discord mods, im sure google will get you there from that
No. 1636315
>>1636314she's fucking mizkif and being his therapist and babysitter in exchange for clout viewers and money
she's a bangmaid just like with dyrus
sage your fucking posts
No. 1636336
>>1636314>any woman in a relationship is a bangmaid9 times out of 10 yeah. Het women’s self respect is abysmal.
>>1636315The point is that miz has more money so it is a trade up for her. She probably loves it that he’s a tranny chaser so she doesn’t have to fuck him.
No. 1636339
>>1636334she's doing the exact same thing with mizkif she did with dyrus, fucking and taking care of a manchild in exchange for clout and views and the money that comes with it, anything beyond that is nitpicking, same basic bangmaid role
sage your whiteknight posts
>>1636336the tranny story was fake, he's been fucking emiru for quite awhile, im not sure if he's less gross than dyrus or not as a step up, but at least he has more money and viewers
No. 1636373
>>1636370stop nitpicking he's a known crybaby manchild, a girlfriend - even a leech one - is the same thing as a therapist and babysitter to them
you think she's not stuck consoling him every time he's upset? have you ever seen his whining on his alt or in his chat, don't be naive
and she has admitted cooking for him when she was taking care of him during his poor baby couldn't sleep phases on her tiktok streams
No. 1636380
>>1636375i think you're an emiru whiteknight scrote who has no idea what a healthy relationship is and youre living in denial that she's not his bangmaid for clout/money/fame
you probably think she actually loved dyrus too
telling that you think its a womans job to be the scrotes therapist and cook for him and all that shit, have you ever had a girlfriend?
No. 1636390
>>1636380Consoling your partner equals = therapist
You have issues
(stop) No. 1636399
>>1636390not surprising that a scrote doesn't grasp the concept of unequal or uncompensated emotional labor, a partner is never your therapist - but of course we know emiru is being well compensated to fuck and comfort mizkif with all that clout and views, thats why she's there, it's her job, it's how she gets away with barely streaming in a streamer org, fucking the boss has perks
go back your twitch porn forums to jerk off to emiru this isn't the place for you
No. 1636422
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>>1636334>>1636370>>1636375>>1636390I bet you’re the same faggot who always posts emiru’s pics in /g/ and tries to convince everyone she’s hot. Emiru is an ugly ass thot, she would commit suicide if all the beauty filter and photoshop apps got wiped from the app store.
(stop) No. 1636617
>>1636339Miz is an ADHDfag, and in my experience, moids with ADHD are compelling partners at the beginning because YOU are their newest hyperfixation – Maya has mentioned how generous, helpful, and sweet Miz was to her. ADHD men don't love women; they
develop the hobby of wooing a specific woman. As soon as he gets bored of Emi (and he will), he'll "shelve" her (because ADHD men don't know how to treat human beings differently than they treat their Lego sets), and when she pushes back he'll break up with her and springboard to another woman. I don't like Emiru, but acting like she's some kind of harpy for dating a (probably very sweet and attentive, FOR NOW) man in her own age range after being fucking cradle-robbed by a mid-20s League pro when she was a teen is fucking stupid. I don't like Maya either, she's a massive NLOG, but she's a
victim of his bullshit, too.
No. 1636706
>>1636617Emiru went after both of them because of their fame and money and how they would be able to advance her own career. Mizkif and Dyrus being just as fucked up as advertised doesn't somehow remove her agency in her situations.
It simply means all three are shitty in their various ways.
But I absolutely agree on Maya and that Mizkif will sooner or later shelve and dump Emiru when he gets bored the same way he did her.
No. 1636722
>>1636422ntayrt that was actually me kek. Sorry you partly got banned over my post.
I'm suspecting one of the Emirufags itt is either Dyrus himself or a scrote from her league of simps. I found a small coomer community dedicated to her and other Twitch women while searching her name on Twitter. One of them has to be coming here. The anon in here sounds just as deranged as they do over there.
No. 1637648
File: 1662407427079.jpeg (Spoiler Image,816.12 KB, 1125x1459, 970C3A2E-379C-4A0E-999E-91C600…)

I think it’s so funny that Anisa flew out to celebrate her friend’s bday/self published album launch, but then makes that same friend shoot her onlyfans content the next day lmao. Anisa is truly the embodiment of ME ME ME ME
No. 1637948
File: 1662415677947.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1125x1985, 67AB6FD5-033E-40FB-988C-B8ED0C…)

Tweedledum and tweedledee looking ass
No. 1638372
So basically what she's saying is, she wants to be a normie influencer?
>>1637147Calm down, Ms. Venti.
No. 1638618
File: 1662451794526.png (2.65 MB, 2396x1218, male_behaviour.png)

>>1638593Please go back to Twitter.
No. 1640197
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Leave it to Anisa to somehow spin “I get nervous on airplanes” to “this is why I’m afraid to get pregnant”.
No. 1640521
>>1640197She specifically says
> I have a severe fear of pukingIt’s fair to say this is what she was referring to when she mentioned pregnancy, no?
No. 1641790
File: 1662605429874.jpg (193.68 KB, 1080x889, 3210.jpg)

>getting pissy and triggered
>over youtube comments
For context, tube frogs started commenting on her recent collabs with kawaii ugu western vtubers (despite only a few months back her making fun of everyone and speaking negatively)
No. 1642729
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is/did sodapoppin really date a vtuber???? veibae or something? is this an inside joke or has he really gone off the deep end? i saw someone ask him in one of his wow streams yesterday if "he and vei" would be online at a certain time and he answered it kek what the fuck i'm so confused. if this is real he has seriously gone off the deep end… he used to be the only streamer i could stomach until. he was so normal in 2016 compared to now. i do realise this could entirely be a joke and i'm being dramatic but kek the thought of him actually dating a vtuber is hard to stomach.
No. 1642731
>>1642729he's been edating veibae the vtuber for like a year, they wear rings and sleep in discord calls and play games all night together, her simps hate it, its hilarious, theres an amazing copypasta email from one crying about their relationship
google 'sodapoppin veibae letter' without quotes and the first youtube has the whole thing readable
No. 1643085
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>>1643080>>1643067She's hot, that's all there is to it. Her "degen" online persona also probably appealed to him. There's a reason he has been friends with Kaceytron for so long.
(samefagging) No. 1643204
File: 1662708140108.jpeg (761.54 KB, 1125x1707, C9A59369-6D04-442A-972D-26ED4C…)

Anisa keeps responding to bait. She’s trying to make a “gotcha” moment by saying she was dating him since the tana/ricegum videos but those content cops were horrible lmao
No. 1645152
>>1639067sitting in front of a screen for many hours every day does that to you, yeah
he gets called a chad because he bothers exercising, but I mean, so does Tyler1
No. 1645963
File: 1662961110558.jpeg (638.98 KB, 1526x3009, 51B989C8-5E7A-4030-9B8F-579490…)

Today is 9/11, and as usual Anisa asks “how do I make this about me?”
Also don’t believe she ever wore a hijab, if she did, she would be posting that shit everywhere like she does with her “anorexia” teen selfies
No. 1646307
File: 1663005273088.jpeg (860.56 KB, 1768x3836, 861EE3C7-6532-4C44-A7FA-65F016…)

lies about being persecuted as an muslim, worried people will think she’s annoying for lying. Anisa wants to say she’s autistic to excuse her pathological lying behavior
No. 1647117
>>1646566 she requested to be banned from LSF, so did a bunch of others.
LSF is pretty boring now though, used to be juicy now its just super tame.
No. 1650166
File: 1663562887177.jpg (24.2 KB, 230x142, 1112.jpg)

so tl;dr sliker stole thousands from friends and fans.
like yes it sucks, but the way people are drama farming off an obviously mental break reminds me of the reckful situation and the forecasts do not look good
No. 1650188
>>1650166hundreds of thousands he scammed from viewers and other streamers
which now ludwig and xqc say they will pay people back
not sure sliker really learns anything from it in the end, he'll probably do it more, and i still haven't seen satisfactory proof that he actually lost it all gambling instead of just pocketed it.
No. 1650247
>>1650188>>1650166The fact that these streamers are babying this mongrel this hard is just sad.
and also the fact that he gets off this easy with them just paying off his debts is just pathetic.
No. 1650306
>>1644434i believe this even tho i never saw proof kek
i knew of her cause she was edating a guild leader from the archeage community till she cucked him for soda
the community is small but for anyone who knows it it's a cesspool and most girls just edate guys in that community only cause of how much money theyll spend on them (cause that game is very p2w most "known" people of it are whales)
No. 1650554
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>>1649663>>1650190I came across his yt channel when I started playing Genshin and this smelly discord mod looking pedo is just vile. I honestly feel sorry for his wife. also what's with this "I need money" thing? he proclaims himself to be a giga whale and spends thousands of dollars on a chinese game for children, buys a house and somehow is broke? I know his fanbase is braindead but c'mon…
not to vendetta but he just gets under my skin. idk if it's his "obese neckbeard weaboo that watches hentai 24/7" schtick or if it's because he shits up the genshin community with pointless drama but he's just so off putting. pic related
No. 1650750
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Absolute OT and nitpicking I guess but I just needed to get off my chest that I really don’t like how Poki looks with her curly hair. It’s pretty rare that I think someone with naturally curly hair looks better with their hair straightened so I’m not a racismfag or something, I think it might be because she really perfected the blowout hairstyle and did the sleek look for so long it’s jarring to see the curls. Idk, I feel like I’m the only one tho so prob unpopular opinion
No. 1650782
>>1650750It looks bad because she's not committed to the curl, if she didn't blow out her hair ever again, got a proper curly cut and did a curly hair routine it would look a lot better.
I prefer the curls (fucked up as they are) because with the blowouts you can tell she's got a TON of products in it to keep it from being frizzy, it looks crunchy and stiff lol
No. 1651153
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can't believe anisa had the literal stage to dress up and advertise her OF and she decides to go no makeup+tshirt+sweats lol
No. 1651156
File: 1663628952602.jpg (85.22 KB, 889x582, oof.jpg)

anyways, the stills from dad's side of creator clash are very sad lol. did idubbbz really expect to win against dr.mike looking like that No. 1651184
File: 1663630057357.jpg (102.46 KB, 360x486, scsafa.jpg)

candid anisa in her environment, terminally online
No. 1651193
File: 1663630281196.jpeg (36.26 KB, 202x299, A4072DD5-E985-4163-B721-0B6A42…)

i’m such a turbo autist and have never done this nitpicking before in my life but is she cutting herself?
No. 1651244
File: 1663633094087.jpeg (388.98 KB, 1364x2048, 3EE4B11C-7B40-4597-84B8-AF0716…)

>>1651189It seems like she’s trying to get back into it with a semi professional photo shoot, but damn this is not it. Even with a coomer brain, I don’t think they’d want this
No. 1651249
File: 1663633772705.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1955x1125, 8C897092-C0D5-4047-B949-58767F…)

Uhh holy fuck train is accusing the Austin crew of covering up SA. Cyr came to mind but honestly could be anyone
No. 1651285
File: 1663635836554.jpeg (296.37 KB, 1080x1941, b6f48wC.jpeg)

>>1651249at least post the (now deleted) tweet
No. 1651491
File: 1663647179503.png (295.35 KB, 1063x560, tweet.png)

'poor me i'm a victim like johnny depp'
god i hate scrotes
No. 1651528
>>1651497I can't wait to watch them try to explain themselves out of this. Especially since they and everyone in OTK hold themselves on such a high pedestal and openly rip at others while acting like this off camera.
None of this would've happened if Sammy and X didn't break up kek
No. 1651546
File: 1663652428838.png (84.65 KB, 1667x633, miz.png)

Slick is apparently "missing" now and Miz called the police
No. 1651586
File: 1663656784957.jpg (279.08 KB, 1080x2316, FdEp33xWYAAMpPz.jpg)

>>1651558at least post the link or some screenshots, ur on an image board
>>1651557all bets on the sexual assaulter being miz, everything went dead quiet after the initial drama/theories when him and maya broke up and it became really obvious that there was other girls involved to some extent but then we heard absolutely nothing from or about any of them.
something is really off about mizkif, idk what it is, somethings off about maya too and people want to believe that she wouldn't play a role in anything that would hurt another woman but i don't think it's that simple when her entire career and livelihood is/was also tied up in these losers and she's probably done questionable stuff herself.
tinfoil!!! especially if maybe miz pulls the whole "slicks my best friend and i'm really worried about him" thing as a cover because miz is just as bad if not worse and crazyslick being outed initially a year ago made miz realise he had to reel it in a bit and behave himself but he's obviously still stressing about damage control cus there's a bunch of shit that just hasn't seen the light yet and in examples like itsliker where everything can come out all at once i bet he's fretting rn
No. 1651625
>>1651308Video where she addresses none of the concerns raised.
Maya claims to be sexual abuse
victim, for her to act like this is absolutely disgusting.
No. 1651666
>>1651388Sorry nona, it was a 5 hour long drama lol. I was overwhelmed and not sure what to cap.
Anyway, Adept came off as gaslighting bitch in their stream so idk about that.
No. 1651668
>>1651625"we agreed, i mean, she said" ~3:10 mark in that clip
not a good look Maya
No. 1651704
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>>1651558>>1651586Here’s the other messages
No. 1651796
File: 1663686444592.jpg (193.79 KB, 1080x933, Screenshot_20220920-160643_Chr…)

I wish they'd all just expose each other
No. 1651814
>>1651546huh yeah that seems like the normal behavior of someone whos an innocent
victim (>>1651491) with nothing to hide
I hope they find his body with a gunshot wound to the head lmfao
No. 1651826
>>1651819>Sexual assault is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.from: was sexual assault
No. 1651831
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>>1651826btw maya admitted to it in screencaps
No. 1651896
File: 1663693609608.jpg (591.89 KB, 969x1479, 89.jpg)

Oh boy
No. 1651928
File: 1663696056635.png (11.03 KB, 554x110, slick.png)

slick's alive
No. 1651944
File: 1663696762099.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1200x4652, D69503F7-FB15-4F38-A77B-F79CF5…)

>>1651866stop posting links and post actual ss you fucking retard
I hope this mf kill himself
No. 1651963
File: 1663698020121.gif (4.31 MB, 441x327, PRAISE HIM.gif)

the death of otk…. GOD IS GOOD!!!
No. 1651987
File: 1663698970132.png (109.28 KB, 593x873, Screenshot_19.png)

jadeyanh says she also experienced harassment from slick
No. 1652024
>>1651928Ofc hes found and safe.
This was all a way to try and garner sympathy and make people worry hes suicidal or some shit so that people aren't so hard on him for being a fucking creepy SA'er
No. 1652065
File: 1663703129016.webm (2.19 MB, 644x360, minxdefending.webm)
Minx defends slick, saying his actions against Adriannah were just him being himself.
No. 1652144
>>1652070imagine being emiru and dating this scrote, who not only does this shit but goes and tells the world
meanwhile he's housing a sexual predator across the hall from their bedroom, who he has been protecting for years
she's really sunk to a new low with this crew, should have just stuck with dyrus, you wouldnt have as much money but you'd have some standards
No. 1652272
Mizkif literally has a video on his channel still of him helping Crazyslick pick new
victims with a dating gameshow, these people aren't real
embedded and extra archive link: No. 1652336
File: 1663713369808.webm (1.81 MB, 1280x720, juicer.webm)
>>1650758X just flat-out admitted he leaked the breakup to excuse his skipping out on Shitcamp, meaning he dragged Adept into a public breakup for literally no reason lmfao.
No. 1652369
>>1652359given that your english is obviously poor, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you misread the post.
saying Dyrus is less shit than Mizkif is not "dick riding" Dyrus, it's not even a compliment, it's just saying he's less shit and the preferable option of the two
No. 1652380
>>1652066Lmao fuck her but “Grow up? I’m 5 foot 9” is a hilarious line. Mental illness isn’t an excuse to be a shitty person
>>1652065Don’t forget the part where she calls Adrianah a clout chaser. Vile.
No. 1652504
>>1652488He is getting forced out, I guess. That is hilarious. The org is going to take such a massive nosedive. He'll probably disappear for awhile. Asmongold is a pussy and a coward who won't even stream on his main channel anymore. Soda and Nick are the only other people who get a lot of viewers, and Soda is inconsistent as hell and Nick only streams mornings.
I wish someone would talk about how Asmongold actively platforms and promotes his friend Cody, who was in prison for domestic violence for beating his children's mother. Second offense, too. Someone posted the article in the comments on LSF last year and I can't find it now.
No. 1652543
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No. 1652544
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No. 1652545
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No. 1652547
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No. 1652552
>>1652547doesn't mentioning covering up for slick, doesn't mention anything about helping slick find girls (
victims), or how slick trades on mizkifs name to harass and abuse them
no acceptance of responsibility at all for hardly anything he did
No. 1652616
>>1652336I don't think it was for no reason, they were broken up before Shitcamp and QT, adept and all the others wanted him to go and pretend everything was 'normal' between him and adept. Which is pretty nasty imo to be forced to hang out with your ex. He says he just didn't want to go and I think he missed the 'because' part, and he's already explained that before.
X has been trying to separate himself from the Austin group for a while now and now that he's no longer with Adept, he can give 0 fucks about that whole group. I just find it sad to see him and Hasan fighting, I liked it when they got along together
No. 1652622
File: 1663724711864.png (1.85 MB, 747x1670, TwitLonger — When you talk too…)

>>1652610>minx is accused to be another maxwellnot surprised after her excusing slick
No. 1652632
>>1652616He was never planning to go, even before they broke up though. I don't think him not going had anything to do with Adept tbh. I think he just doesn't like those people and wanted to stay home. He has always been someone who does whatever he wants without thinking how it affects others.
I don't defend Hasan because he is tranny loving, porn sick moid but the fallout between the two of them seems almost entirely Xqc's fault. I don't know if Xqc is on the spectrum or something, but it feels like he misunderstands feelings and emotions and nuance way too often. More than the average scrote.
No. 1652780
>>1652689It’s always the “male feminists” who say they always believe the
victim that try to stay “neutral” when their friends get outed as sex pests. Not that I ever bought Hasans pro woman bullshit, but it’s just funny that suddenly saying sorry is a good enough response when you’ve knowingly harbored a predator. Fuck them all
No. 1652826
>>1652790Bradley “woman beater schizo poster” Manning comes to mind.
>>1652801He used to be “hot” that’s it. Every male in breadtube looks like ground turkey that fell on the carpet or are troons. He has many troon simps which is funny bc he would never fuck them no matter how many gay baiting jokes he makes.
No. 1652832
File: 1663735869753.jpg (199.77 KB, 2308x1729, gxab6w.jpg)

bruh the balls on this bitch doe
No. 1652927
File: 1663738606450.png (1.74 MB, 1280x696, victims.PNG)

>>1652272mizkif was basically doordashing
victims to crazyslick
No. 1653555
File: 1663791846748.jpg (7.29 KB, 225x225, X92asQNU_400x400.jpg)

I'm baffled that people are all surprisedPikachuFace at pic related being a scrote.
Come the fuck on. Look at this fucking pfp.
No. 1653775
>>1653765at the very latest he became his dad when he and his girlfriend maya took it upon themselves to help protect Crazyslick from the backlash of Adrianah's accusations in july of 2021
everything since then has been with even more protection from Mizkif than the digusting scrote had before, he was trading on Mizkif's name and clout before then too, but this is an undeniable line
not to mention Mizkif himself had done multiple streams over the years specifically to get girls for Crazyslick
he is responsible
No. 1653794
>>1653789i dont give a shit when she changed the word, mizkif and maya knew then that he had assaulted her
adrianah not understanding the difference has zero bearing on maya and mizkif knowing damn well what they were trying to clean up last year
everyone knew she was blacked out, everyone knew he was groping her, nitpicking what a confused girl used to describe it doesn't change that it was sexual assault and mizkif and maya sure as fuck knew it
No. 1653799
>>1653796groping a passed out girls tits is sexual asssault, period
it doesn't matter if 10 IQ people know the right word to call it
maya absolutely knows that, mizkif should and if he didn't maya sure would have told him
get your scrote ass out of here
No. 1654194
>>1654138Where did Adrianah talk about the whole being coached thing?
Not asking as a dare, I'm legitimately out of the loop and I want in
No. 1654199
>>1654194NTA but i went back and looked at the clips because i feel like I've missed a lot too. Might be talking about this clip she is talking about Maya trying to convince her to downplay it or just not say anything at all.
No. 1654262
>>1654199That's fucking disgusting of Maya. I guess it's to be expected from someone who dates Mizkif.
Thanks for the clip.
No. 1654398
>>1654112maya and mitch went to her guy friend's house to meet adrianah and ask her what had actually happened, to determine if they should evict Slick or not.
novaruu had talked about that night on her stream a few days before so they only knew what novaruu had said. miz wanted to make sure they knew the details (if slick had sexually assuaulted her) before deciding if he would be evicted or not.
when Adrianah told maya that there wasnt any sexual assault (she has later changed her mind. for a few days she called it sexual assault, now she is saying it was sexual harrasment) they let slick keep staying at miz's house as long as he got professional help.
they didn't go there to cover anything up, cause they didn't know what had happened when they went over there.
No. 1654531
File: 1663871262499.png (88.83 KB, 1039x547, dfgdhgb.png)

>>1654135People in their communities are massively brigading on multiple names. This dude is one of Mizkif's mods.
No. 1654547
>>1654135>>1654531What's also weird is that Mizkif opted out of his Twitch channel being logged at so he's clearly been talking to his offline chat about brigading LSF and all other social media…
No. 1654658
>>1654652not physically you fucking moron scrote, how dense are you?
the big streamer gf of a huge male streamer versus some girl with a few hundred viewers? she absolutely intimidated her
its like you have no idea what power is, fuck off back to reddit
No. 1654726
>>1654674trainwrecks is a scumfuck harasser and weirdo too
just like slick and his buddy you keep defending mizkif
No. 1654829
File: 1663887806151.png (17.72 KB, 348x278, FdK0lfVaAAEQJTC.png)

>>1654812she made the ENTIRE stream about herself and her fake crying for PR, see pic related "it's not about me, i'll be fine".
she talked about how she "didn't know the person i was living with didn't exist at all" and more bullshit like that, and then near the end of the stream ADMITS to knowing about the Slick allegations before moving into the house, without elaborating.
No. 1654862
>>1654857She said that in today's stream, too. I think sheught actually have brain damage from starving herself:
>Slick, one of my best friends who was always there for me, was lying about who he was >Miz, my other best friend who was always there for me, cannot possibly be lying about who he is She doesn't realize how this makes her look??
No. 1654902
>>1654894of course she is, she's been riding his dick for clout and otk bucks
she'll defend mizkif until that house is on fire and she has no choice but to leave him in it
No. 1655178
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No. 1655179
>>1654937her scrotes acting like she’s a
victim in all this is hilarious. as if her actual personality isn’t shit just like the others and she’s pure and uwu
No. 1655183
File: 1663916287016.jpeg (169.8 KB, 960x1186, 0CB845B1-789C-42FE-A27C-2DF51F…)

Ice posted this on Twitter miz kept cheating on Maya and organized cover up
No. 1655243
>>1655062crazy slick knows about miz's secrets, one ice leaked.
slick also was or knows who sexually harrased emiru's old friend bonbi in emiru's house. there's multiple layers to all of this. on top of this shit, emiru came out and backed miz and now looks like an idiot/a codependent gf who willingly hung out with predators after running away from a predator and stalker. they're all trash humans.
Destiny dragging this shit out when he can just have maya and andrea(did i spell that right?) come on and explain their sides to let this end, and move onto Miz being human trash
No. 1655588
>>1655542Emiru doesn't mind that because she will jump on other popular's guy dick, she is known for that anyway.
> For Miz women are disposable.for most of the popular content creators or irl men in general tbh, nothing new.
No. 1655639
>>1655630no, he's never been remotely big enough for her
dyrus had 30k viewers when she got him, mizkif had 30k at a minimum, way higher for special stuff (shows whatever)
sliker has always been smalltime, she'll go for another big streamer once she realizes the mizkif dick-to-cash train has fully derailed
No. 1655683
>>1655673do you even know what dick riding means?
i'm not complementing, i just stated what his viewcount was, because that's what emiru cared about with both him and mizkif, and when it goes away so does she
nobody gives a fuck about dyrus on his own, he's been a dead loser for years
No. 1655782
hasan reacting to xqc and train excited over implications of being shitty it's funny as fuck, don't care if this tranny loving woman hater gets his ego bruised that streamers much bigger than him don't like him
No. 1655795
File: 1663971975930.jpg (453.8 KB, 1917x2069, bonbimad.jpg)

emiru's tiktok friend bonbibonkers posted on tiktok and insta about how someone harassed her at emirus house in kansas back when she visited
claiming emiru must not really care about women like she said on stream
No. 1655986
File: 1663982336535.png (Spoiler Image,751.15 KB, 726x828, PhillyFan215.png)

>>1655982Of course it's a fat ugly moid, kek
No. 1656056
File: 1663988342294.png (17.26 KB, 493x130, unknown.png)

vod is gone but several clips are still up
he was removed as a mod literal minutes after the stream ended, timestamps from yesterday
No. 1656157
File: 1663999431388.png (7.35 KB, 422x74, emibonfriend.PNG)

>>1656146emiru claims they stopped being friends for something unrelated to the abusing mod thing
awhile back the rumor was bon helped emiru grow on tiktok but emiru ditched her for mizkif instead of helping as promised and thats why they stopped being friends
might still be true
No. 1656185
File: 1664002054144.png (54.53 KB, 428x495, 4cc01d6e17a246775f3d2ad30116da…)

>>1656157shes trying to claim she didnt know anything… then why did she kick him out that one night???
shes really bad at lying
No. 1656203
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No. 1656210
>>1656146part of me felt something for emiru because seems like she kinda got groomed by scrotes when she was just being a dumbass barely legal girl herself,
but now she's just getting other barely legal girls involved with the same scrotes that fucked her up and repeating the cycle of abuse. fuck her
No. 1656486
ok so personal tinfoil/theory after listening to the entire thread and no-life reading this shit for a few days
1. crazyslick was clearly known as a massive creep to a lot of people (austin crew especially, and destiny makes a good point about it potentially being common knowledge considering people who didn't even attend parties were knowledgeable about slick being a creep) but he was kept around even though he was a clear liability, you can either read into this or not - but there is things to suggest that there is a REASON slick was kept around/protected beyond beyond being mizkifs only friend - what those reasons are is up to you to decide
2. maya is not at all innocent at all in this situation and she used her own position as a somewhat "powerful" streamer/person with connections to actual powerful streamers in their circle (otk, austin in general, mizkif) which gave her an undeniable stance of control over anyone she interacted with during that time, whether her intention or not it's really hard to see all of the evidence pointing towards her at the moment and think that she was completely unaware of what she was engaging in. looking forward to her comment on all of this cus right now it does not look good
3. both mitch and barry in their own way straight up said that maya gaslit/manipulated/controlled the situation
4. mitch said that mizkif basically orchestrated the entire event of maya and mitch going to adriannas house to try and control the narrative, i personally have bias towards mitch because although he's an unreliable retard he has the most (out of the men) to lose in this situation and is essentially stuck trying to please both parties (miz, his landlord and only protector regarding his career in the past 4~ months or train who was the person who funded most of the entire past year of his life/music/cali/idk how much anyone cares to follow up with mitches life sorry) - despite this i think that if you pay attention to the way mitch is trying to word things you can pick a lot of truth out of all of his bullshit question dodging. mitch is really predictable and i do believe he had a guilty conscious about what happened when him and maya went to that womans house and altho his main austin connections are at risk he's somewhat trying to convey what went down without directly throwing anyone under the bus.
5. miz in his own words essentially said "of course i would try to protect slick, he's my best friend. if you don't understand why i would protect him you've never had a best friend. i don't even remember the drama that happened last year" (in regards to the potential sexual assault). imo it seems obvious that miz has a real concern about not letting those close to him slip into any sort of controversy that could hurt him and i think this is because miz is equally as fucked up and morally bankrupt and the same can eventually be said for maya for even dating that scrote or profiting off of that environment for as long as she did.
from this point i think the answers are pretty obvious and the consequences should suit, w/e adrianna or maya has to say next is really all that should matter.
my final thoughts are that miz is fucked up to a massive extent and we just haven't been shown how bad it gets yet, i believe that slick, miz and maya potentially all have equal dirt on each other and that's why even in the call where maya was unable to defend herself that's why miz was so avoidant of anything to do with it beyond "of course i'd do that, he's my best friend". something about miz just isn't right and never has been. if u listen to the call, nothing he says really sounds sincere, u can tell he is anxious or panicking about the consequences but he can't even begin to empathise with the victim or even pretend he cares about any sort of potential sexual assault that happened. very strange behaviour, idk how anyone could in good faith continue to support him after this.
No. 1656508
>>1656503Of course he will come back.
It is also obvious he won't cut ties with CrazySlick and will keep hanging out with him in private. Same goes for Emiru. You have to be retarded to think otherwise.
No. 1656509
>>1656503he'll be able to come back unfortunately. he was already big enough to have a lot of loyal viewers defending him and i dont think most moids that would be watching them in the 1st place would actually care about a sexual assault.
i mean he paraded OF girls in his streams and shit constantly. Anyone with half a brain knows that when the stream is off there's probably partying and ofc drunk loser moid streamers wouldnt be above touching an OF girl or titty streamer in her sleep, or cheating on their gfs with them and etc.
No. 1656517
>>1656504They are jealous moids mostly. Poki does come off extremely disingenuous at times, especially with her over-the-top PR voice during serious matters, however she is pretty harmless. Train is pissed because Poki spoke out against gambling on Twitch. Train claims that Poki and NickMercs are the only people on Twitch that Twitch says are irreplaceable, therefore she has a lot of sway. So he is pissed at her because he is going to lose a shit ton of money and viewers now that he can't play slots 20 hours a day anymore.
Asmongold hates Poki simply because of Pink_Sparkles. Pink and Poki have had beef for years because Pink is a titty streamer and Poki isn't. Pink said Poki is just as bad basically because she was always bending over in front of the camera in tight pants and doing her "girlfriend experience" streams. I guess they went back and forth and blocked each other. Asmon dated Pink and just adopted all her beefs. He also doesn't take to Pokelawls because of some shit with Pink before they dated. He is just a retard.
No. 1656605
>>1656294she's fucking mizkif, he has millions still, and with how disgusting twitch scrotes are he'll survive this and make millions more
that's why she's still there
No. 1656622
>>1656185I really don't understand why Emiru didn't drop Philly after all the shit that happened with Bon? The whole argument that Emiru is being manipulated and a
victim too seems like a cop-out. Emiru has access to the best lawyers and connections in the scene? I'm sure she could either just pay him off or seek legal advice if it's a matter of Philly having 'dirt' on her? Idk this whole thing just doesn't add up to me.
No. 1656727
File: 1664056815788.jpg (107.94 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

Was PhillyFan even trying to hide the fact that he's a complete scrote?
Pic related, PhillyFan's twitter banner kek
No. 1656734
>>1656724maya didn't support mizkif but her entire "clarification" on the matter is a total mess… she admits to going over and sanitising the SA
victim's twitlonger statement because she and mizkif were worried about what was going to happen to slick.
No. 1656776
>>1656746I guess they just think their infallible? I mean if you're getting millions of dollars thrown at you for reacting to tik tok clips, i'm sure your ego would be hella inflated.
But yeah, it escapes me how they don't consult lawyers or their PR teams before they make these statements. Mizkif literally deleted his twitlonger 5 times before his last finalised statement which is currently up on his twitter account. related, Mizkif's redacted three statements on the recent drama lel
No. 1656804
File: 1664061218584.png (23.96 KB, 605x256, caught.PNG)

twitter activity when you get caught hiding a predator
No. 1656809
>>1656476Nonny, it's a sad part of life. A lot of women IRL happen to be like that, and she is one of them. At least she doesn't pretend to be bi/lesbian to fully pander to men's fetishes
>>1656504Pokimane hate train have become popular because she was #1 female streamer for a long time, after all she is one of the OG popular e-girls of LoL scene. She started off as Meteos gf and later then actually started doing her own thing without jumping from one dick to another. PULL threads used to have -some- milk of her immaturity, but it all happened during the time of living with OTV house, the 'manchildren united' streamer group where everyone, even people in their 30s act like literal babies incapable of doing anything. Weirdly enough people used to hate her a lot for 'being mean to fed' during those times just to end up finding out that he's been treating her terribly for a long time. Pokimane is smart when it comes to simp market because she's always been playing the 'gamer girl next door' persona instead of full-on lewd pandering to men like other streamers, but from what I can tell she got tired of wasting so many years streaming to people who create cum tributes and fake porn with her.
No. 1656996
File: 1664073069855.png (106.84 KB, 1845x480, AE316C04-C89D-4A4D-82B8-057934…)

Not a newsflash but the mods are incels spreading a narrative
No. 1657020
>>1656746Yeah, you'd think one of the benefits of being in an org besides collaborations would be to provide easy access to PR teams and legal advisers. Apparently not, everyone's just shooting out blubbering messes of statements on emergency streams or on twitter.
I can understand that for individual streamers but when you're in an org, what's even the point?
No. 1657167
>>1656210it's kinda like women who go into porn (groomed into it or otherwise), get traumatized, and then repeat the cycle by getting other, usually younger, women and girls into porn or becoming porn directors themselves.
women really need to fucking learn about class consciousness and stop throwing each other under the bus for moids who will always choose to back up another moid.
No. 1657325
>>1657013emirus doing that was a real rumor. there was one boob pic that someone was claiming was her but it didnt have her face in it so people were doing background analyst on it and shit.
I didn't keep up with what people were saying/pay much attention to it at the time so idk what else was really said
No. 1657588
File: 1664126874326.jpeg (2.37 MB, 1200x5946, 65469AF4-1356-45BF-A48B-098975…)

>>1657570This is an image board. Stop posting links that can just be fucking deleted.
No. 1657620
File: 1664129229148.png (126.91 KB, 1762x1148, r9kemilore.png)

>>1657442ya they're probably scrotes, emi has a thread over on r9k every other day
No. 1657639
>>1657588Of course the woman in the situation is the only one who is going to take any permanent damage. Mizkif will be back in a month with no remorse. He will probably get Slick set up somewhere to live and continue to support him financially/enable him in private. Xqc and Train are both insane and only revealed this as a gotcha, but they'll act like nothing happened/they are heroes. All the other degenerate scrotes involved will pretend this never happened.
Maya was a complete idiot in this situation and should have never inserted herself but don't take the fall for your ex.
No. 1658136
emiru went into codemikos chat and talked shit because miko was reacting to her fake crying stream:
[2022-09-25 22:37:51 UTC] Emiru: what is wrong with you
[2022-09-25 22:37:59 UTC] Emiru: fake as fuck
the absolute irony No. 1658177
>>1658138nta but she was obviously faking, only dumb moids can't see it
She will probably pretend to not know about anything and hop off like a remora unto another big fish.
No. 1658183
>>1658047Yep, and now miz fans on livestreamfails have decided that miz is such a good boy too, and girl who likes animals can't lie!!1
Fucking annoying.
No. 1658188
>>1658187there's nothing wrong with calling out emiru's fake crying, or fake anything else either
we dont give a shit if the cgituber girl was reacting to it
No. 1658189
>>1658187nothing wrong with brief reaction to big twitch drama
it is needed since most moid streamers are blind to emiru's deceitful ways
No. 1658196
File: 1664179914100.jpg (205.11 KB, 1170x2080, 2022-09-25_23-09-19_UTC.jpg)

>>1655982>>1656157>she thinks he's been doing it to emiru as wellcould be bonbi being misled by emiru or just coming up some explanation other than emiru being a callous social climber
bonbi posted this update emiru for sure been in contact with her since origal insta story to "clear up" any misunderstanding and head off PR issue
If the philly guy was really black mailing emiru it'd have to be something really bad for her to keep him around, she is a multimillionaire now and was raking in cash since she moved to OTK, if the creep mod was just threatening to leak nudes or something she could afford lawyers etc to threaten him.
bonbi has lots of issues cause of her life so she'd probably fall for whatever emiru said
No. 1658198
>>1658196bonbi is immature and not very bright from all accounts, emiru is absolutely feeding her stories
she just kept the predator mod around for so long after finding out because she didn't care, thats how she could drop him immediately when it went public without fear of him releasing anything, there was no blackmail between them
No. 1658207
>>1658198bonbi has very little friends or social experience since she basically went
homeschooled in rural south -> blow up on tiktok -> get groomed and molested by older man from your tiktokfa fan discord -> besties with emiru
so emiru wouldn't have to try hard
>thats how she could drop him immediately when it went public without fear of him releasing anything, there was no blackmail between themyep
No. 1658214
>>1658213emiru got to her they were on the phone for awhile after bonbi streamed
she won't be talking again from the look of things, and emiru is already in lying and denying mode as you can see in the screenshot upthread
claiming she didn't know, when she knew awhile ago because she kicked the mod/assistant out of her house, but kept him employed until the bonbi stream months later
disgusting really
No. 1658234
File: 1664184465991.png (223.62 KB, 1404x684, emiru-comments.png)

every other website being full of scrotes whiteknighting emiru makes me want to vomit
No. 1658237
File: 1664184802054.png (1.86 MB, 1776x1516, kyedae.png)

Apologies if this isn't the right place, but this post doesn't warrant its own thread.
Anyone have any thoughts or milk on Kyedae?
For anyone who doesn't know who she is, she's a Valorant streamer signed to the 100 Thieves organization, and she's known for being engaged to TenZ, one of the most popular pro players. She got into streaming through him and was never into PC gaming before meeting him.
Her entire persona seems very calculated to me, and I'm surprised I couldn't find any discussion about her on cow websites, so I got curious and googled her name with a few keywords to see if I could find anything juicy.
She doesn't seem to have a passion for or an extended interest in gaming in general, her old Reddit AMA didn't have many answers related to Valorant and any question asking about the games she likes to play was ignored. She mostly talks about TenZ or gives very surface level answers to things related to Valorant or her org. She doesn't seem too interested in being a video game streamer, mostly just a public figure. Apparently she initially turned TenZ down and then speculation says she approached him after finding out who he is in the scene.
Her only tweets are about her relationship, selfies, or random promos for corporations.
Small link dump with captions below:
In this clip, she displays a lack of awareness to the in-game situation while being rude to her teammate and then doesn't know how to react when they give her the typical banter back. (
Cries to TenZ while he's streaming and as soon as he shifts his attention towards her she instantly centers herself in the camera. (
Makes tons of non-subtle sexual references, says things like "(haters) are just mad that I suck their idol's dick" and definitely wants to be perceived as sexual despite claiming her goal is to "make a difference for women in gaming" ( (
Embarrassing TenZ and being TMI kek (
A lot of this is just speculation and maybe a bit of a reach, but this scene in general has such a lack of gossip despite being so huge and I felt the need to add something! What do you think?
No. 1658348
>>1658245why is she so being so dramatic kek. Neverheard of her but she seems like a huge pickme.
>>1658263The first clip she posted has like a million views? Also maybe try and sage before whiteknighting kek.
No. 1658465
>>1658136Does emiru not undarstand that after bringing that stalker predator stuff all the time for so long and then sticking with mizkif and crazyslick anyway she is looking like a giant hypocrite and liar? Why would people believe anything she has to say after that? And now that bonbi shit looks pretty shady as well.
Kinda explains why emiru, mizkif and crazyslick became "best homies" so fast.
No. 1658662
>>1658635miko used to be a porn actress
No. 1658692
>>1658655>>1658668Sorry nonners, forgot about that. I assumed she ditched this whole 'virtual avatar' thing, but on twitch it seems like women have to either pander to sexual predators either leech off others. Meh. Still better than Emiru at least, if I have to compare those two.
No. 1658713
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>>1658581yes the collage of pics is emiru, the black bars were previously white bars with an email address of the guy selling them
the link to the collage and a text file trying to sell them for a bitcoin was donated to emiru's stream either in december or january around when she was clearly or had joined otk
nothing ever came of it, the censored collage and text file have floated around but that's it, most people believe emiru bought them herself
the retard moids at another board tried starting a rumor the recent stalker she claims got arrested in kansas was the seller, but that's definitely not true, seller is still free somewhere
attached is the text file describing what was being sold (the blacked out part was the sellers contact info originally), hardly a surprise that emiru had an archive of this shit out there
the entire story makes her old story about her icloud being hacked for the original pics that leaked sound like bullshit, the text file describing chat logs and things makes it sound like someone she was sending shit to and talking to logged the chats and saved the pics, maybe Dyrus maybe some other dude
No. 1658885
>>1658874i hope you're not talking about emiru she's on mizkifs side and running fake crying PR for him, and that's before you get into her own disgusting abuser coverup story this week, or her whole gross history
she's lightyears past being fair game
No. 1658894
>>1658889she's not the main antagonist, but her fake crying isn't the only issue this week she's had
did you not read the shit in this thread where it just came out that emiru has been covering up her (paid) assistant/mod abusing bonniebonkers?
emiru found out months ago in july and kicked the predator phillyphan215 out of her house where he had abused bonnie, but kept him modded in her channel and paying him until just a day or two ago
that's why she's flared up as much as for her ill advised mizkif defending
she has no problem covering up for predator moids, just like mizkif, they're perfect for each other
No. 1658905
>>1658896we know that bonbi and emiru unfollowed each other everywhere over some incident in late july
bonbi made any number of vagueposting comments since then (including the tiktok posts accusing emiru of staying friends with him just the other day posted in this thread), but then streamed and accused phillyphan215 of abusing her and telling everyone how she had told emiru who then kicked him out sometime in the past
then emiru immediately unmods and unfollows him
emiru's current response indicates the truth that he abused bonbi, or that she certainly believes he did, and the prior drama and unfollowing implies it was back in july when she first told emiru, which then fits with bonbis sniping at emiru about still being friends with him anyway
as stupid and bad a narrator as bonbi may be, everything fits, the only nonsense seems to be bonbi claiming that phillyphan215 is blackmailing emiru, since she had no problem booting him the second bonbi made it public. that's where bonbi is full of shit and is just desperate to believe whatever story emiru is probably feeding her
No. 1658912
>>1658905Bonbi is the type to on stream and cry crocodile tears and talk about rape when someone slapped her ass at a party. It took her long enough to bring it up at all and now she flips flops around and lies, and Emiru lies too. So why believe any part of it? Because Emiru clumsily damage controls by following Bonbi and demodding him? That's absurd. Imagine if this took place IRL and someone gave a like and follow on social media for it, these people are insane.
It's important to remember that Emiru and Bonbi both are melodramatic and addicted to attention, as well as suffering from low intelligence and lack of maturity.
I believe nothing they say unless there is a police report or physical evidence, until then I take it as highschool grade theatrics in a circle of morons.
No. 1658998
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with all the serious topics being discussed, here's the scheduled retarded anisa tweet. after 1 year of fighting with immigration, she's finally allowed to cross the border and see her father in canada. this is her updated passport photo where she looks like ezra miller
No. 1659208
>>1658885all of them are equally bad, emiru is a nlog who doesn't give a shit about other women and she would rather cry crocodile tears on camera to pretend to be a
victim for a bonus WK army and viewership.
>>1658998she should be Ezra's double kek
>>1659101there is their shitty discord and an attempt to recreate a website, doesn't mean that pullfags didn't migrate here either (/w/ is full of them with a mix of redditors)
No. 1659811
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speaking about bonbibonkers
she just posted on patreon in $100 tier
No. 1659945
>>1659921pics were from when she lived at her parents still, could be underage and thats why they were deleted probably yes
she did live there for 6 months after 18 so they might not be too, but it's a stupid risk to leave them up
No. 1660174
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Anisa sounding like a 15 year old eldge lord
No. 1660352
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>>1660174I’m glad there are people in the comments rightfully calling them retards lmao. Also wtf is with his wife literally SOBBING over this? How sheltered are these guys No. 1660421
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Only Anisa would purposely dress up like a retard in a dark closet. Why even the biker gloves? Why??
No. 1660511
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>>1528493>>1528494Late as fuck but I just re-read the old shoe threads because of these posts. I couldn't help but notice the sheer amount of times Kiwi's recessed chin and nose was mentioned. It just clicked that anons in those threads may have been the reason she finally got that shit fixed last year. I don't doubt she may have read them considering how ruthlessly she skinwalked Shoe at the time. Saged and spoilered cause it's kinda ot, I just haven't seen any anons mention this before.
No. 1662233
>>1662228nta but they complain about moids, hate on emiru, and your conclusion is that they're a scrote?
No. 1662479
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i guess the whole bonnie/emiru thing was a nothing burger cus they're together playing games now
No. 1662483
>>1662479that is bonnierabbit aka bonniebruise, a porn girl who is sleeping with esfand next door
the bonnie of the mod abuse drama is bonniebonkers, a completely other human
No. 1662553
>>1662483My bad they have similar names and look alike
>>1662487>whoremiruCan you make your vendetta any more transparent. What are we in primary school
No. 1662710
>>1662553>>1662687How to
trigger emiru anons
No. 1663277
>>1663275scrote invasion because someone posted her pics thing that got deleted
normal posters still know emiru is foul
No. 1663295
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Anyone know if this is real or fake? These chat logs from Miz appeared on John Zherak's stream. Seems weird since Emi was streaming from Miz's last night, so I find this hard to be true?
No. 1663301
>>1663295they're real, he was joking, emiru is fucking him she's not going anywhere
he also said later on anyone who believed them was retarded, which is of course why zherka believed it
No. 1663409
>>1663406emiru herself leaked their address live on her stream months ago (along with her cellphone number, she showed her paypal info on a toy site), and it's been posted regularly online since late 2020ish
she's not moving, it's a joke, mizkif said it was a joke even, and its certainly nothing to do with an address leak
No. 1663434
>>1663427proof of what, that his address is public knowledge for years? sure go search on the 4chan moe archive for 'mizkif leaked' it's been sitting there for a year, and then emiru leaked it again months ago, and they've never cared
you want proof of him saying her leaving is a joke? he said it himself in his chat right after those messages, go scroll through 'twitchmessages' twitter account
No. 1663444
>>1663434I have no idea how to do that.
He says shes leaving, then says she isnt, then says she is. Then says other people are moving in but he doesnt know who. Hes a known liar and manipulator too
No. 1663447
>>1663444he was joking, read them in order, he even says anyone who believes she's leaving is retarded
and the site is to search
emiru isn't going anywhere, they know their address has been public for a year, they know she herself leaked it publicly on her stream again months ago, they are not worried at all, its a very gated area
and if her discord is worried then they're retarded
No. 1663458
>>1663457please, everyone knows they've been together, it's emiru's entire business model, first dyrus then mizkif
and the only address for emiru is from when she lived there with dyrus years ago, not now
No. 1663463
>>1663462The delusional ones are anyone who thinks Emiru doesn't fuck big streamers for clout and money.
Went at Reckful, settled for Dyrus until he was broke, now Mizkif, and once he's done ruining his own career by protecting sexual assaulters, she'll move onto her next host.
No. 1663469
>>1663465none of that's true either, otk had mountain dew and gamefuel (same thing btw, they list them separately to sound better) long before emiru joined
this is so easy to verify just look at the overlays on mizkif's old streams is not an otk sponsor, they gave them permission to do a little $25k tournament, that's it, it wasn't riot money
No. 1664491
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This is pretty low level drama, but it looks like Susu pissed off some hairy scrote's girlfriend on Twitter. kek
No. 1669594
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>>1664765Memeing or not, that girl is a huge cuck for him to even say that lol. She goes to post him on main but he doesn’t even acknowledge her kek. Look at this guy and tell me he’s not the average roidfag malewhore. All these other thots aren’t following you Selkie they can’t see the cute post. PepeLa
No. 1670855
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Aria claiming she’s being bullied by staff for not managing her lines. Since someone pointed out in the previous threads, I see the trend of her being a perpetual victim.
Why should people feel bad for her when she’s blocking other vendors from working for their livelihoods?
No. 1674746
Andrew Tate fanboy who rips off and reposts manosphere quotes constantly rails on Hasan Abi for being a PUA who ran a blog called Brofessor back in the day.’t support Hasan’s actions, its obvious he’s a “male feminist” only to get girls but a shitty moid loser like his RW incel counterparts underneath, but isn’t it just bizzare how antifeminism has risen so quickly and seems like the default mode for men? Could it be, that Man’s true nature and root causes for misogyny are:
- “rapemaxx reapmaxx many women asap” mindset, harem fantasies, only get married to a girl 3 decades your junior at 50 while using party girls and women your own age just as tools to fuck and discard
- believing men are superior to women as a whole, biologically and naturally. that women cant do anything as good as the most below avg man, and how boys have more worth than girls.
- thinking that women are not people with dignity and free choice but “window dressing eye candy side props who are only aesthetically important and limited in function and inner workings, not as complex as Man”. Dehumanize women and claim its ok to treat them like shit for being “less than”.
Why cant more pickmes and “women who dont mind being under men” know that true nature and stop giving benefit of doubt to males?
No. 1674907
>>1674746You're right.
>>1674866Cope harder failson.
No. 1675226
>>1674879They don’t care. Fanbase of that circle is mostly a sausage fest with a few pickmes
clout whores.
No. 1676285
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New Mizkif allegations. This screenshot was posted on Keem's twitter, so who knows how much merit it has. Does anyone know anything about this?
No. 1676298
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>>1676285If anyone is interested lol. We'll see what happens with this I guess? It's not on livestream fail, so either Mizkif's le reddit mods are in damage control or this is a nothingburger.
I don't want to discredit anyone's SA, but so far the delivery has been a bit…odd. You'd think you would have evidence prepared before you post these sort of allegations?
No. 1676566
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>>1676298the rest of the story, mizkif sexually assaulted her
No. 1676629
>>1676566The saddest part is that if this is true, it's unlikely that Mizkif will get cancelled.
He covered up an SA, joked about it on stream, and is back to streaming like nothing ever happened. Members of OTK are interacting with him on stream, even though he previously stated on stream that he isn't allowed to talk to anyone on OTK during the investigation lmao !
(sage) No. 1676641
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A couple hours ago, Amouranth went live on twitch with her husband yelling at her over the phone, threatening her and her dogs etc. Right before her stream ended in the middle of her talking to someone, the door behind her started to open. Videos in the Twitter thread No. 1676685
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>>1676673How do we know it's non-related? I found his dad's account too, but don't know if I should post it.
In the videos Amouranth posted, you can see he threatened to claim she "swatted" him on Twitter. He clearly has a fragile ego, so I wouldn't put it past him to chimp out one day trying to "ruin" her career (especially after forcing her to pretend to be single for so long - literally living as a secret and giving himself more power over her), then later lose access to the Twitter account he did this shit on.
No. 1676723
>>1676700Idk, anon, he's legitimately insane. He contradicts himself and makes constant threats. He donated $250k of her money to a sanctuary for birds right after threatening to kill her dogs, threatened to block both him and her from buying a house in Cali because she wasn't answering her phone, said shit like he'd take all her money and blow it on crypto, that an "amicable split" would be to leave her with $1m, take everything else and still be able to command her, that he's going to destroy her career right after talking about how he "built" everything, accusing her of trying to take credit for everything even though he refused to do streams together with her, etc. In the videos, you can see him saying he'll kill her dogs, then deny it and tell her "Exactly!" when she says she doesn't understand him. Literal gaslighting.
We obviously have no way of knowing for sure, but the father's account coupled with him threatening to post shit on Twitter in the recent videos makes it seem likely to me that this is just one of multiple ways he's tried to fuck her up during a fight. Even if she lost all her subs, if he controls her bank accounts, he could still snatch her remaining money away. If this particular spergout was him, he probably locked himself out of the account and couldn't delete it for whatever reason.
No. 1677189
File: 1665969648923.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.47 KB, 558x506, why.jpg)

just wanted to laugh at anisa before thread closes.
>facial expression
>touches tit
literally why