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No. 1220853
General Milk
Maddie - (main) (private) (‘friendship account’ with Mandy) (super priv)
> 19 year old drug addicted autistic NEET > Lives in cat piss squalor with her abusive younger brother and troon sister> Only income is OnlyFans and e-begging> Had anorexia, now has bulimia and has gained weight> Chronic oversharer, always goes live tweaking out of her mind> 50% of her posts are throwbacks talking about how much she hates herself> Was sexually assaulted and robbed because she got in the car with random men while she was drunk, accepted alcohol on the street and went to their house (again), creates Gofundme> Constantly posting throwback pictures and crying over the fact that she’s ugly now> Gets a temporary heart monitor due to ED related issues, wears only see-through shirts the entire time> Gets robbed by Ashley’s friend because of her stupidity (again)> Posts live stories she doesn’t remember filming, slurring, repeating words, tweaking> Talks about how much she regrets it the next day, immediately does it again> Mixes pills and alcohol one live, forgets to pause and argues with her mom offscreen, goes to puke, comes back and gets naked without realising she’s still live> Tries to sell her @dollltears account but no one buys it Ashley - (main) (inactive) (facebook) (current)
> 23 year old wannabe goth e-thot> Drug addicted junkie who is now ‘sober’ (switched to alcoholism)> Dated a string of insta-scrotes, some now dead, claims some were abusive> Started selling nudes to support her junkie NEET lifestyle > Gives drugs and alcohol to minors, groomed Maddie and introduced her to drugs> In and out of rehab, hospital, psych ward etc.> Enabling mother who seems to support her financially > Older brother passed away> Claims to be a victim of abuse in all failed relationships> Ashley gets engaged to a drug dealer after dating for 5 months> Apologises to her followers about her glorification of drugs > “BDSM roleplay” goes too far and ends up in hospital> Boyfriend overdoses while Ashley is asleep and fucking dies> Ashley ODs> “Gives up the vivadrag thing” and switches accounts, takes a small break from social media but still lurks > Switches up the story and says she was “abused, threatened to be killed, around gang violence and given any drug she wanted”> Her ex Simon passes away> Old roommates steal all her belongings and she cuts ties, yet was okay when her roommates robbed Maddie, then makes OnlyFans content with themOld Milk
> Thought she was pregnant because she tasted metal, just gum disease from purging> Started outpatient after being denied inpatient and starts several new medications at once. Redneck mom gives her antipsychotic meds without a prescription> Troon sister Mandy enables and encourages her to overshare about sexual assaults on live when intoxicated> Shows off her binge haul on live and brags about how much money she spends on food, pukes in her mouth and swallows it > Crack porn gets leaked> Steals stray cats and collars them, lets them sit on the dinner table while they piss and bleed everywhere. Had a geriatric fat dog and told everyone on live she sat bare-coochie in its diarrhoea> Admits to being on 2000mg Benadryl on top of all her other medication and binge drinking> Discovers some of the many medications she’s been put on cause weight gain, freaks out in comments> Admits to sneaking out crossfaded and prostituting herself in a crack den> Starts going to class again for her GED, walks out of her classes because she ‘feels stupid’ and is ‘too afraid to answer the questions’> Lurks and finds out farmers have access to her super priv, keeps talking about purging ‘the fakes’ and gets a follower cleanup app, finds out it’s a phishing scam and gives up> OD’s again and ends up in hospital, posts selfies in her school bathroom showing off her bandaged arm and fakes getting upset when people ask about it, consistently posts photos with her wrists in focus> Gets an autism diagnosis and brags about it all over her spam, shares screenshots of her medical history for attention> Posts about hospital bills and the next day brags about getting the most expensive bleach she can find to destroy her hair even more> Keeps spending past her overdraft and getting fees, opens several Cashapp/Gofundme appeals to get in the positive balance > Has a full-on pedophile stalker, doesn’t go to police (or even block him)> Cat’s face swells twice its normal size, in obvious pain, she films it for instagram and doesn’t take it to the vet> Opens a Gofundme for Mandy’s testosterone, nothing comes of it, gets $25> Goes live to bleach her hair again, actually starts crying when people tell her it’ll fall out and ends the live> Says she made $4000 from of in one month alone, could’ve made a living off it etc. and yet is in a negative balance> Fat anger issues brother gives her a black eye, runs away from home and gets picked up by the cops, wakes up in hospital> Spams selfies with her black eye, starts another Cashapp appeal to move out, says she wants to waste a portion of donations on sending a ‘goodie mail’ to donators, incurs further overdraft fees because she keeps using her card with no money, offers custom content including piss fetish videos> Goes to cheesecake factory with family for brother’s birthday, she spends the entire time filming herself> Posts throwback pictures of the burnt house she got “abducted” in (willingly went to with strangers)> Gets a job interview at Dunkin, gets $1800 tax returns, goes manic and makes grand plans about moving out, immediately spends it all and goes into her overdraft again> Gets high the night before her interview, fucks it up and doesn’t hear back> Says she spent real life money on a guy she met on Wizard101 (an MMORPGfor children)> Posts a picture of a bucketload of Benadryl> Brother wants her out of the house, throws her things in the trash> Covers her face and neck in temporary tattoos, talks about getting a tattoo with her next tax return, ignores a question on live about what happened to the move-out donations> Makes a new account for her and Mandy’s ‘friendship’ > Claims inactivity from OnlyFans due to feeling fat> Thread constantly spammed with baby’s first gore shock photos, courtesy of Mandy (a fat fakeboi obsessed with sonic and FNAF)ASHLEY
> Blows smoke in her cats face> Falls asleep driving under the influence with friends (Kira) in the car. Kira’s dad wants a restraining order, continues to post videos on her phone while driving> Constantly ‘jokes’ about drugs despite being supposedly sober> Lovebombs her dead ex Simon despite calling him abusive> Calls out people in a store for not wearing a mask, proceeds to go to bars every night with strangers and not wear her mask > Admits to being arrested but laments her mugshot not being posted> Brags about cutting herself to The Smiths like its cool> Considers creating Gofundme to reimburse the ‘rare MCR merch’ her roommates stole when she overdosed> Wants to move back to New York> Stalker finds out where her sobriety program is> Ashley, Kira, and Sophie go live on Chaturbate slouching around bored in lingerie, trolls invade chat and Ashley sits offscreen because she ‘isn’t feeling herself’, the others complain that she’s ruining the vibe and attracting trolls because ‘people don’t like her’, offer her drugs> Tries to curate a fake film buff persona, fails horribly, posts videos of her impersonating joker, complains about weight> Gets bad lip fillers apparently> Insists her frizzball hair is ‘not even damaged at all’> Is gaining weight from binge drinking all dayLAST THREAD
> Ashley still bringing up Simon and his passing, still no mention of Jake and erases any mention of him> Continued binge drinking taking a huge toll on her appearance, taking a step in Maddie's footsteps by reminiscing on her old looks> Maddie continues to have multiple daily breakdown's on livestream, deactivates and reactivates her accounts, also continues to blow through money donated for her "escape from home" like no tomorrow> Ashley and Maddie reunite to make content for OnlyFans, posts videos post bar crawl driving presumably under the influence> Ashley provides Maddie with more alcohol, more bar visits and a foursome with two complete strangers occurs, sketchy from the beginning> Not even 24 hours after, an old friend of Ashley expose her on social media for her compulsive lying, grooming and manipulative behavior towards her own friends and minors.> Multiple people come out with similar claims and stories, including Maddie's older brother, former friends Elaine and Josh (younger brother of Ashley's on/off BFF Kira)> Evidence surfaces that Ashley left Maddie alone at the bar to score drugs with her older male company, proving she isn't a sober queen, Maddie not in any state to consent > Confirmation that Ashley indeed got an underage Josh (14-15 at the time) addicted to fentanyl, gave an underage Maddie (15-16 at the time) drugs at a party when they first met> Maddie finally grows a pair and admits to being groomed and poorly treated by Ashley, blocks her on social media> Damage control ensures, Ashley throws everyone under the bus and takes no accountability or responsibility for her actions. Lies about how long she has known Maddie to make the story work in her favor, backfires as more texts and messages (and general old Instagram posts) are released disproving her claims> Messages between Ashley and Elaine show that Ashley never cared about Maddie, knew how much Maddie looked up to her> Ashley's so inconvenienced by the drama that she decides to stop caring, knowing she can't dig her way out of this one, continues to bar hop and looking more and more like a bloated corpse with every new selfie> Without a care in the world of the massive amounts of proof of her shitty behavior that is still coming out, has become a grunge loving skateboard queen and movie buff as her new persona, starts a romance with an equally and openly non-sober filthy swamp monster who has a child> Maddie's decline continues, still living in her abusive household and is once again physically assaulted by her younger brotherPrevious Threads
(#0.5 e-girl)
>>>/snow/866800 (#1 vivadrag)
>>>/snow/567471(#2 dayton ohio’s finest)
>>>/snow/1113746(#3 Gofundme special)
>>>/snow/1198022 No. 1220935
File: 1619873840854.jpeg (174.37 KB, 826x1108, 5277FBD5-0336-4EF7-A4E5-901A85…)

super depressing that she’s still in this same situation 4 years later
No. 1221144
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why does maddie keep posting pics of herself where her face looks like this? she looks deformed and. old
No. 1221178
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Ashley has been looking really rough and haggard lately. Like she’s rapidly gone downhill looks wise ever since she’s switched from a fentanyl addiction to an alcohol addiction.
No. 1221241
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No. 1221246
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btw proof that ashley did not get fillers and just pushes her lip out like a retard in all her selfies. these are from her boyfriends account and it's ridiculous how much worse she looks in candid pictures lmao
No. 1221362
>>1220960Makes me wonder if she’s gonna become
abusive to her new junkie bf although he looks like he beats girls.
No. 1221430
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this is a photo from her Facebook of her and her first boyfriend Vincent, the one she says groomed her, but it’s hard for him to deny when you can see the huge age difference
No. 1221478
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I guess this is a Dayton thing
No. 1221627
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>>1221430 This is Vinny now, and yeah hes an absolute grooming crackhead and I cringe every time hes posted being around his very young neice. His whole family are a bunch of fucktards, from his
abusive brother, to his trailer park trash mom. Ashley definitely has a type. I know she was groomed by Vinny but its a pattern lol. Look up Vinny Metzler on Facebook if you want to laugh at his absolute cracked out posts.
No. 1221641
>>1221627I knew him momentarily from tinder, everything is true he’s fucking crazy and manipulative but will pull some bullshit like it’s your fault, him and his nieces mom are both always looking for a fight and he will repeatedly pull the card that he won’t hit women but his nieces mom will do it for him, he was never physically
abusive and I didn’t stick around long enough for him to get mentally
abusive, but he shared a lot with me and he basically admitted to everything with Ashley but tried to justify everything he said, he still doesn’t think he was in the wrong even though she was 15-16 and he was 18-19
No. 1221654
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>>1221651If you don’t know what you’re talking about don’t fucking talk. This pic was was 2015, he’s 26 now and she turns 22 in June. The math makes her 15-16 and him 19-20
No. 1221719
File: 1619971438049.jpeg (912.68 KB, 1125x1979, BA421575-138F-4568-B7CE-DC25EA…)

Girl holy fuck, maybe spend this hospital trip actually working in your mental health improvement rather than pulling sad faces for your instagram story. Yet another hospital fee Gofundme in 3…. 2….
No. 1221756
>>1221415She's an addict and at that a very unaware one, naturally she'd run into relationships I think it's hilarious how she jumps from one to the next and they're always
> so specialBut it inevitably ends the same. Must not be that special after all kek.
What freaks me out is her new bf has a very cute son who is like a chubby faced toddler and Ashley will have influence over this new little human.
Genuinely makes me feel sick that she of all people is around kids rn.
No. 1222178
>>1221953Sad but true. She needs to get her shit together, but it seems she thrives on the attention she gets from being in her position. Funny how 4 years ago she was in the literal same exact shit
>>1220935 and she seems self aware enough, but alas, attention whores will be attention whores.
No. 1222878
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>>1221478Every time I see her face this image comes to mind
No. 1223368
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No. 1223657
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So unfortunate
No. 1223924
>>1223874100%, why else would she make such a fuss about it. she’s been giving off such desperate vibes lately (more so than usual).
off topic: does anyone know if ashley has her ged? I know she dropped out senior year cuz she was “too famous for high school” but I never heard if she actually got her degree…
No. 1224243
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>>1223657This was posted in the too poor thread ages ago making fun of her face and it still holds true lmao.
They brought her up for being a skin walker, little did they know in the next few years she'd get like 3 more copy cat tattoos kek.
No. 1224799
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No. 1224980
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No. 1225552
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anyone else think it’s disgusting she smokes indoors? especially knowing there very well may be a small child running around
No. 1226640
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lmao her hair looks like shit, did she tried to cut a mullet or something?
No. 1227727
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there's a huge difference between an actual mullet and whatever broken off mess maddie has on her head. i agree that it doesn't seem too bad in that one picture but if you look at anything else she's posted it's obvious how fucked that "haircut" really is lmao
No. 1227772
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No. 1227954
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someone's manic again
No. 1228035
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No. 1228045
File: 1620764161684.jpeg (Spoiler Image,428.83 KB, 750x1106, 5B0236E1-72A8-4819-B5FC-363355…)

time to remind everyone of how underweight she used to be!!
>>1228035why do those cows have to solve all their issues publicly? dms exist for a reason lol
No. 1228147
>>1228119I personally would not at all be surprised if her mother has taken the route of
> you are a legal adult so I am done with my job now, you can figure it out on your own.Even though maddie is mentally a child who desperately needs guidance her mom's never gave off the vibe that she cares outside of obligation. Like when her brother physcially abused her
this cap is in the threads I don't care enough to dig it up for proof and her mum was texting maddie like
> call the police or something if he becomes violent againSo nonchalant and over maddie and her children in general, she's probably relieved one of them has left, albeit temporarily.
No. 1228180
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Imagine seeing this swamp creature at your local park ew
I'd be spraying shit with lysol.
No. 1228182
File: 1620774491291.jpg (705.4 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210511-160722_Pho…)

How's drinking every day been treating you ?
She's looking more and more haggard and strung out to me lmao.
No. 1228185
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"This is a message to my haters" screams obnoxiously quotes frenemies, begs trisha to notice her
Okay my message to you is don't give drugs to minors and you needed braces as a kid lmao
My bull dog with a massive overbite has less jagged scary looking gnashers than u kek.
No. 1228417
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imagine thinking that getting drunk in a gross motel with your dying cat is peak living. i somewhat feel sorry for her because she's clearly spiraling but girls like her just shouldn't have a platform to begin with. literally all they do is show off their fucked up junkie lifestyle and act like that's somehow egy and okay bc they're mentally ill
No. 1228458
>>1228384This was my response too, what the actual fuck.
>>1228385>>1228417Barf, can you imagine the stench? Maddie looks like she reeks of cat shit and piss at the best of times, I feel so sorry for whoever has to clean that motel room, you know that they’re not being paid anywhere near enough to deal with that
No. 1228471
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Maddie is at a crusty motel i doubt anyone cleans it anyway. And Ashley is at skateparks full of minors and probably supplying them with alcohol. Kira is on Facebook talking about vicodin, probably going to sell it to Ashley or go to her daycare job fucked up. God they are all shit stains in the underwear of life.
No. 1228487
>>1228417has she shared what she's planning to do after those few days at the motel? She says she's finally out of her
toxic household but she's surely gonna be back there after her little motel run, because she can't afford to rent anything being a jobless kid. So what's even the point
No. 1228925
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girl that’s just ROOTS!!!! FIX YO SHIT!!
No. 1229518
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is she back home?
No. 1229638
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>"new content"
inb4 scam complaints
No. 1229874
File: 1620990543245.jpeg (324.04 KB, 750x1277, 7373A8BD-B1A7-4009-A4CE-9AFF16…)

Damn she loves this mfer already? Bitch has serious codependency issues.
No. 1229912
>>1229902Lol these bpd bitches are all the same: hate self, go out to the bar, find someone that pays the slightest amount of attention, sleep with them, latch onto the fleeting feeling of being cared for, ride that train to reconcile own feelings of inadequacy, realize you don't actually "love" them, you just love the idea of them, break it off, realize how alone you are, rinse and repeat.
I mean, she consistently cycles through these shallow relationships and then when it doesn't work out, she changes the details of the relationship (calling them
abusive, saying she didn't have a choice, didn't want to be around gang activity, etc)
Like, does she really believe nobody can see right through her actions?
No. 1230094
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No. 1230138
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Those comments aren't there anymore, makes me wonder.
No. 1230146
File: 1621020273182.png (902.43 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210514-120741.png)

Taken from her boyfriend's stories. How long until he gets tired of her possessive, clingy, narcissistic, skank ass?
No. 1230149
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No. 1230150
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Like he really doesn't seem that into her like her usual simps
No. 1230951
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No. 1230989
>>1230971I don't put much past these human tragedies lol
Heroin is a better bet, since she thinks doing vicodin is so cute
No. 1231300
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Her friends thumbs are weirding me the fuck out
No. 1231745
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She'll definitely reactivate her old account kek
No. 1232152
>>1232010Then why would they clog up the thread with nonsense nitpicking
You fucking idiot? Take your hurt ass off the thread unless you have milk retard.
No. 1232345
File: 1621302047734.png (4.6 MB, 1242x2208, F3CC56ED-1AD9-4C3E-8469-99371F…)

i mean i know this is a place for more than ugly pictures but…
No. 1232948
File: 1621366724572.jpeg (Spoiler Image,252.93 KB, 827x1124, 58597121-B569-468B-931E-E53F30…)

maddies bodychecking again, i really don’t understand how she can do this when she knows there’s literal children, like 13 14 who follow her. stop romanticising your ed
No. 1233416
File: 1621410474570.jpeg (442.3 KB, 750x856, 6148DBEF-3938-4AC9-9608-8F0C68…)

the haircolor combined with the fact that she's visibly getting fat from alcohol is really not a good look lol
No. 1234981
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No. 1235009
File: 1621581785425.jpeg (29.59 KB, 305x526, D56D4235-96D5-465B-A4B5-83A175…)

maddies back to complaining about hating herself and her life while also posting video after video of her being a mess
>>1234981every time she posts her drunken benders i'm astonished by her lack of self awareness. at least stick to your lies and pretend to be sober but posting herself going out to bars everyday is so stupid when she pretends to be this sober queen lmao
No. 1235676
File: 1621679988177.jpeg (1.38 MB, 3464x3464, 4DE753E0-0E7E-43A1-96D8-CF2214…)

she’s so cool, and so sober
No. 1235766
File: 1621697168391.jpeg (845.47 KB, 1125x1871, 85AC09CD-A8E3-440E-B7D9-4F6504…)

girl we KNOW you’ve told us 600 times
No. 1236071
File: 1621742686426.jpeg (444.73 KB, 1124x1373, 1122D1A8-CF3D-45AE-872F-B028E4…)

That’s cool that they’re happy but I can’t get over how this man looks 14 and 40 at the same time
No. 1236157
File: 1621760388035.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, 5EDE9045-34DC-4485-89E3-F19EAA…)

i guess at least it's not on her face this time
No. 1236231
File: 1621780296037.jpeg (430.53 KB, 1125x1933, AACA3F8A-77C2-4143-9346-A0C5CC…)

brush your teeth??? gross
No. 1236262
>>1236231What a surprise! A bulimic with gum disease
She's always complaining about her health issues but not doing anyting about it until it's severe or her family/medical people intervene
Is she not still on he mothers insurance? I could of sworn she said she was on it until she's 22, I don't know how US medical insurance works but I'd assume some of those companies covered dentristy
No. 1236621
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does anyone have this video?
No. 1236747
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>>1236621Why the fuck is she using the toilet with the seat up?
No. 1237222
File: 1621901669078.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, 9A617D64-924F-4E1A-8AED-C0DFE0…)

Nice chub, laughing my fucking ass off good one Ashley
No. 1237743
File: 1621963925257.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, 9679D0E7-9848-4AC2-922F-A1E55B…)

this is just the most moronic post imaginable. how long until your manic high of self confidence crashes and you regret you made this post
No. 1238951
File: 1622061903768.jpeg (599.44 KB, 750x1099, 0A217E7E-AFBB-4867-A902-060876…)

who the fuck crawls around in public bathrooms and then brags about it online?? i don't even wanna know what kinda diseases this girl got
No. 1239599
File: 1622090420016.jpeg (6.56 KB, 299x168, images.jpeg)

finally figured out Ashley's bf reminded me of my name is earl
No. 1239636
File: 1622095037614.jpeg (167.83 KB, 750x1324, 8FC149F2-7A0D-4F2B-94B0-756A30…)

Lmaoo yeah that's right fuck that narcissist bitch you go maddie XD(XD)
No. 1239710
>>1239665Please don't be one of those people who think that a one year age gap equals grooming. They're both teenagers/young adults with one clearly turning 18 soon??
You can't groom someone one year younger than you.
No. 1239847
File: 1622129541025.png (1.89 MB, 750x1334, DC4BBA2C-FF9F-4D80-80B8-50EE3E…)

>>1239636ashleys "response" i guess
No. 1239851
File: 1622130117855.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20210527-083542~2.p…)

She's such a ~*SoBeRqUeEn~*
Funny how she fell off the wagon just like everyone expected. Fucking sloppy. Does she really think she is appealing in any way? Literally trailer trash and she has no hope of a better future. She's going to die in Dayton.
No. 1239960
File: 1622139005691.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 883239CC-E8FC-4BAD-BADD-E1B51E…)

>>1239851lurking much. i wonder if that one anon that keeps trying to defend ashley is actually her lmao
No. 1240161
File: 1622155320517.jpeg (246.11 KB, 1125x1975, 140B0016-05C2-4EDC-B85D-31EEC2…)

wait, her lazy ass already dropped out AGAIN? what happened to ‘i’m gonna get my GED, i’m gonna get a really good job and move out!!!’? looks like she just chose binge drinking and social media yet again
No. 1240168
>>1240159stfu already, no one ever said elaine is a great person, quite opposite actually, she's just not a fucking groomer. but you keep whiteknighting ashley for no reason i guess, it's clear that what she did to maddie is nowhere comparable to what happened between elaine and her bf.
>>1240161i think she must've dropped out a while ago tbh. she hasn't posted school stuff for quite some time when she used to brag about it 24/7
No. 1240217
>>1240161i wonder how she’ll end up in life. there’s NOTHING she can do what the fuck man she’s the lowest of the low
im so tired of her life lmao
maddie please just find yourself an ugly boyfriend and leave with him. its the easiest way since you can’t get anything done by yourself
No. 1240545
File: 1622207662464.png (596.33 KB, 1200x630, DopeyDoofy.png)

>>1239851This is all I think of when I see him
No. 1241400
File: 1622313797829.jpg (218.8 KB, 1920x1920, 2021_05_29_11_42_38_933.jpg)

>>1241341Kek, this is a new record, even for her. Bet you anons she'll be sucking viva moms ass again real soon now.
No. 1242404
>>1242384lol that's petty af.
>>1242365nobody can change someone else but if she gets into a relationship with someone who truly cares about her, it can push her into improving herself, she seems like a sweet naive girl who's been caught up with the wrong crowd. this guy plays in a band, i checked his IG and he seems pretty normal. they both share a mutual love for 80s metal and punk. he could be good for her. but idk if they're dating
No. 1242438
>>1242405i’ve never seen him posted on here so idk if he’s new in her life.
>>1242408??? i’m calm here thanks. nothing wrong with rooting for her to be happy once in a while. some of y’all are just nasty and vile…
No. 1242487
>>1242438I'm rooting for maddie too but im also not like weirdly romanticizing her love life lol
>sweet naive girl uwu Maddie lives in cat piss squalor anon and has had a foursome with Ashley she is not an angel kek
No. 1242572
>>1242487naive doesn’t mean innocent. i meant that Maddie seems naive about people’s intentions, she literally got into a car with two strange men who then tried to rape her. i’m well aware of her foursome experience (and OF)
>>1242518exactly well said. when i said “sweet” i meant that she doesn’t seem to have a mean bond in her body, she’s not a mean girl like Ashley who makes up lies to smear guys she breaks up with.
No. 1242648
File: 1622443455313.jpeg (580.14 KB, 750x1086, A3B508A6-401A-48A4-9676-4FCBA4…)

aside from the guy, who tf are all these people? i highly doubt that maddie just randomly made a bunch of friends, unless she's on another manic spree or something
No. 1242649
File: 1622443762923.jpeg (538.29 KB, 750x1032, 05F35D97-FB40-4740-BACA-7A2E2F…)

looks like ashley unarchived a bunch of photos from when she was with jake. sure, she was soo afraid of the violence around her and totally not involved with it but keeping up a photo of herself with a fucking gun for the ~aesthetic~ is quirky and okay i guess
No. 1242657
>>1242642you sound really
triggered, you ok???
>>1242648are they all from Dayton? it seems like a small city where everyone know each other in the scene but we never saw them in any of her pictures before?
>>1242649i think ashley is trying to divert attention away from the fact the guy is gone from her ig so she’s bringing back old pictures lol
No. 1242704
File: 1622456450829.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 72D7896E-B8D6-43AE-9798-7B5308…)

it's hilarious how she's becoming more and more ugly each day
No. 1242903
File: 1622481502452.png (1.05 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210531-100652.png)

Yeah, she definitely got dumped. I bet baby mama is still in the picture and Ashley was just a rebound/bad decision lol
I mean really, all she cares about is her platform and how she comes across on it. She could never give it up and be a normal, well-adjusted person, let alone a mother figure LOL
No. 1242918
File: 1622483460687.jpeg (149.98 KB, 750x1080, 85045508-8ECD-4025-97D8-F36926…)

and y'all still defend maddie?? fucking vomit wig, i can't believe she brags about that online
>>1242903honestly she lurks so much, i think if they were still together she probably would've proven it by now lol
No. 1242923
File: 1622483623974.jpeg (61.36 KB, 750x302, 5F2CA627-7103-40DD-A4D7-4F37F4…)

No. 1243022
>>1242704Kek her chins and hair, she's devolving so rapidly I could cum
Thank u god
No. 1243067
>>1242918we get it, you really hate Maddie and keep sperging over her. stfu already.
>>1242893is he actually a good father? he keeps partying, drinking and hanging out with thots. sorry but no respectable father is gonna do that when he has a kid to take care of…
>>1242923from this tweet i get the impression that Ashely did the dumping? idk lol
No. 1243127
File: 1622492907349.png (1.09 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210531-132539.png)

This retard out here eating raw meat lol. I hope she gets sick
No. 1243140
>>1243067lmao you do realize this thread is about both of them? let's not act like it isn't absolutely hilarious that this is how she presents herself and yet wonders why she's never gotten a job and generally does so terribly in life
>>1242923damn it's just a matter of time now till she comes out with some story about how he abused her or was horrible in some other way
No. 1243157
>>1243067Nobody said anything about him being a good father lol. In fact, if you read the thread, you'll notice the general consensus supports this. As shitty of a parent he may be, it isn't like being with Ashley was ever going to make him better either. It's the blind leading the stupid.
You say that the impression is that she dumped him based on that tweet alone, but you're forgetting that just a few days ago she got sloppy drunk off of tequila at a party and had to be taken care of, not to mention the fact that she can't hold down a job or support herself without mommy's help. No, clearly the most important thing to Ashley is to feel like a Main Character; She drives whatever narrative she needs to in order to maintain that, even if it means lying to herself as well.
The fact that she's deleted all trace of yet another boyfriend and he hasn't tells me that she's saltier than him. Judging by his actions/appearance, he seems like the type who won't give a fuck either way at the end of the day, and she clearly will (though she'll act otherwise).
No. 1243158
>>1243127i just saw that and gagged wtf lol. i think some people advocate for eating raw meat but it has to be fresh, and the video showed that it was taken out of a ziplock bag. barf.
>>1243157it would be funny if Ash gets mad when she sees that he doesn’t care. waiting for the eventual freak out.
No. 1243159
>>1243067Lmao is this Ashley?
Seems like it based on the wk and obv context manipulation
No. 1243183
>>1243159not even a far reach, considering ashley probably checks this thread daily and even posted here several times. i think that this particular one is just the butthurt anon who keeps defending maddie though lmao
>>1243127god i hope she gets salmonella from that shit. is being disgusting in a desperate attempt to get some attention the new thing for all these ex egirls now?
No. 1243224
File: 1622501249235.webm (2.32 MB, 720x1600, 20210531-154411-720x1600.webm)
>>1243127I'm honestly at a loss for words
No. 1243251
File: 1622503600778.jpg (478.1 KB, 1080x1886, Screenshot_20210601_012508.jpg)

Corn? On the carpet? Eww.
No. 1243263
>>1243222i think she’s mad that he chose to spend the holiday weekend with his son? maybe that’s his time to get his kid if he shares custody with the baby mama but i bet Ash is too dumb and immature to understand that.
>>1243251yep, white trash confirmed. lol
No. 1243355
File: 1622517029678.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x2218, C7E4F106-AFBE-460A-9DFE-FA2E36…)

Oh great
No. 1243365
>>1243351Good lord, so they've hung out more than once. That doesn't mean they're dating. Grow up
>>1243277Nah, I'm pretty sure she's been staying at her mom's house and crashing at his now and again (maybe hoping he'll see how
DoMeStIc she is and let her move in). I would be so so so so happy if he dumped her bc she was clingy kek
>>1243355>"Half-assed a shitty tattoo that I'm going to regret bc I'm feeling manic and insignificant. I'm PROUD of my shitty life-choices!"Your legs are gross by the way. Barf.
No. 1243388
File: 1622520201211.jpeg (546.63 KB, 1125x1277, E55CF9F8-095F-4468-AF0D-654C2F…)

No. 1243394
>>1243355She's has no self control kek, her body art reflects her personality tho
White trash messy regrettable garbage
No. 1243448
File: 1622529626715.jpeg (155.32 KB, 1372x1372, 5FE02385-39FF-4343-B52A-C29E19…)

Well they finally unfollowed each other
No. 1243462
File: 1622531592619.jpeg (199.49 KB, 1125x1978, D179EC03-3BD7-470F-BD4B-26926E…)

No. 1243468
File: 1622534107897.jpeg (156.22 KB, 1125x1283, 547BA268-0D8F-4959-8D84-80B9EF…)

No. 1243470
File: 1622534129117.jpeg (Spoiler Image,167.56 KB, 1124x1279, E0085070-5A12-420C-9CB5-D6A42A…)

Spoiler because blood
No. 1243474
File: 1622534880130.jpeg (253.96 KB, 1043x958, FF8B9FDF-C190-4CB7-ABC7-78622D…)

>>1243471Not that anon but I agree, it’s a cute pic! And she’s pretty, Ashley is a colossal downgrade. She is packing it on with all the boozing
No. 1243486
File: 1622535809965.jpeg (517.07 KB, 750x806, DBFA8B90-0D9F-4D05-B0CA-958750…)

did she do that shitty tattoo on the fucking lawn while her family gathering is still going on? i hope this was afterwards bc her friends are in the pictures too, but tattooing herself with a sewing needle while drinking white claws on her family's lawn is peak crackhead behavior, even for her
>>1243474her upper arm tattoo is aging so terribly too, i didn't think it could get any worse but it does kek
No. 1244395
File: 1622664427867.png (1.02 MB, 828x1792, 559518F6-D9F5-4A30-9F7B-4C52C0…)

Well.. that was quick.
No. 1245578
File: 1622770315672.png (886.66 KB, 750x1334, D1B7E8D7-3E73-46DE-B692-2D5DEC…)

No. 1245663
File: 1622780501773.jpeg (932.54 KB, 828x1433, C7977170-9F17-4CF2-AFDD-DF5A61…)

This is actually so nasty lmfao why is she always so proud of being gross
No. 1245672
File: 1622782054093.jpeg (737.21 KB, 828x1379, 1B7A99EF-DAA6-4CE1-AD8C-D3F627…)

Not really milk but this was on my fyp, inb4 Ashley starts posting throwback pics from a time when she was the “goth mom” prior to becoming a fat alcoholic
No. 1245707
File: 1622787551758.jpeg (131.74 KB, 750x1243, F402908E-B276-448D-BFBE-7A65B2…)

Sleep paralysis demon forsure
No. 1245742
File: 1622794496123.png (2.87 MB, 750x1334, D38F8C34-A683-4802-A84A-905388…)

the saga of ashley flexing her flat ass continues
>>1245663vomit wig and moldy matress, i really have no sympathy left for her. being mentally ill and doing gross shit is one thing but why brag about it constantly online? it's not quirky girl
No. 1245905
File: 1622820420524.jpg (444.94 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210604-082704_Ins…)

She wants to be quirky and cute so bad this shit is mega embarrassing sis
No. 1246390
>>1246073Just because other people are joking about it doesn't mean ashley doing it is funny, I feel like people laughing about it or posting memes like this are insensitive to
victims of crimes like these. And hot take, but Ashley is a degenerate narcissist who doesn't care that people died because
> uwu funny meme I am alt so this is about me!!! No. 1246546
>>1246416the difference is she chose to take drugs
those Parkland kids did not choose to get shot.
No. 1246816
File: 1622906079951.png (5.26 MB, 828x1792, E719AA10-021B-4864-BC16-972BFE…)

uhh. who is this dude??
No. 1247232
File: 1622938488038.jpg (951.73 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210605-171406_Ins…)

I thought he was doormat for almost this entire video, iconic
No. 1247603
File: 1622985688512.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, 90C04D8A-A53C-42ED-9EC6-21021C…)

Maddie is at some gross metal “concert” without a mask on. It looks like there’s about maybe 100 people there. Does these bitches not get that we’re living through a fucking pandemic? Would it hurt to just wear a fucking mask for once and maybe not go to cringe mini concerts in some sweaty basement full of retards.
No. 1247608
>>1247603maddie is becoming obsessed with the long haired guy she’s been hanging out with, pretty sure he’s at the gig with her. Im pretty sure she was swooning on her stories over him playing guitar.
it’s sweet to see her happy but im dreading the moment he drops her like a hot brick.
No. 1248417
File: 1623059264888.jpeg (57.2 KB, 570x757, A206AD7F-BD6B-493C-8EC4-419052…)

yeah she's doing great
No. 1249127
File: 1623117033017.png (Spoiler Image,2.44 MB, 828x1792, 870D38BF-D9DA-4ABA-9FF3-FDE98A…)

No. 1249128
File: 1623117054419.png (Spoiler Image,3.77 MB, 828x1792, 1DBCE30D-A8FF-47BF-9411-9581D3…)

No. 1250067
File: 1623191568430.jpg (901.35 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210608-153254_Ins…)

Trisha has never not sucked kek
No. 1252114
File: 1623359110883.jpeg (106.21 KB, 1125x799, F03F4A7D-9566-4241-8919-76A29D…)

No. 1252122
File: 1623359433054.jpg (895.66 KB, 1076x1919, Screenshot_20210610-171109_Ins…)

No. 1252129
File: 1623359623477.png (145.68 KB, 288x307, 1623208480863.png)

>>1252114Much like the porn addiction to CP timeline, the vanilla sex work to taboo/illegal fetish porn is too real. Young women making themselves do god awful misogynistic kink porn just because they feel they have no worth intrinsically and cannot make fast money otherwise. Most repugnant behavior.
No. 1252217
File: 1623363579391.jpeg (237.82 KB, 750x857, E6B5378F-CE5B-4880-9EC5-FEE11F…)

No. 1252393
File: 1623374512077.jpeg (571.79 KB, 1242x1722, C1C195D9-B4B4-4B68-BFAD-637E8F…)

she’s scamming people now?
No. 1252482
File: 1623378949019.jpeg (396.18 KB, 1242x2153, E862CB80-79BA-420B-9851-2B1B06…)

No. 1252483
File: 1623378970107.jpeg (290.39 KB, 1242x1909, 67D05FA6-E3BC-4326-8A42-E6E866…)

No. 1252772
File: 1623396801175.png (684.75 KB, 750x1334, 2F0A3253-AEAB-4B93-9373-595157…)

are americans actually this braindead or did i miss covid being over in ohio?
No. 1252832
File: 1623404304657.jpeg (999.13 KB, 1125x1578, 9817875C-359D-4ED4-81D2-D6FA9B…)

she was evicted?
No. 1253702
File: 1623485721684.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 21D9596F-6132-4FD3-8A37-759EDF…)

No. 1253739
File: 1623493176338.jpg (571.89 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210612-031919_Pho…)

No. 1254580
File: 1623547748341.png (4.68 MB, 1125x2436, F63A9FAB-77C1-4947-ACC2-8C86C2…)

nitpick but her “fit checks” have been just jeans and a tshirt and i get confused
No. 1255566
>>1229874he's got a don't tread on me tattoo that looks like he got when he was 15 and thought is was just a "mteallica thing".
Let's hope it's that or he might start hitting her at some point bc that's what this kind of thrash libertarians are like.
No. 1256864
File: 1623719286334.jpeg (406.8 KB, 828x1019, E6E844DC-15DE-41C9-84D2-59C532…)

No. 1257094
File: 1623729364297.jpeg (487.98 KB, 1125x1986, 307957CB-3D43-4833-ADED-82276E…)

No. 1257095
File: 1623729398351.jpeg (371.37 KB, 1124x1977, 20AF0896-ABF9-46CB-BC09-5D9295…)

No. 1257213
File: 1623743611407.jpg (113.84 KB, 714x904, IMG_20210615_105238.jpg)

is this what her scrote boyfriend is telling her
No. 1258201
File: 1623873500732.jpeg (47.65 KB, 750x195, 1E8BDA42-EC7F-42B5-8C6F-627375…)

from ashley’s recent… wtf
No. 1258318
>>1258206I am going to take a wild guess and say Sir lolololnope123 is a troll.
It is funny tho
No. 1258397
File: 1623897002703.jpeg (607.71 KB, 750x989, AFD380DB-9CC8-4FC4-B02B-53C952…)

So Ash’s bf must have the hots for Pammy, sage for tinfoil but I predict her hair is going to get even more fried as she goes blonder. She’s been dressing more femme & showing more cleavage. I reckon she’ll skinwalk 90s Pamela Anderson next.
No. 1258458
>>1258397oh so does she want to get beaten and abused? Tommy was a violent
abusive piece of shit who hurt Pam and back in the 90s they were seen as a huge joke. Truly pathetic.
No. 1259524
File: 1624032621889.jpeg (215.46 KB, 750x1062, 9B0A264B-BA57-42ED-9C3E-94398E…)

not milky but lm ao
dad maddie actually go to art school or school at all besides her GED classes(unsaged)
No. 1261613
File: 1624312136885.jpg (664.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210621-144720_Ins…)

Did this bitch really get a new kitten or have I lost track of her animal hoard … jfc the animal neglect is already bad enough so can u pls fucking stop getting more you piece of shit
No. 1262684
File: 1624463092636.jpeg (304.81 KB, 828x725, 66D8B81A-C4F6-4AD3-83E8-702DB9…)

new milk kiras updated her facebook status to being in a relationship with Adrian Hill whose a guy who got charged with rape in dayton kek
No. 1262685
File: 1624463224967.jpeg (388.59 KB, 828x842, BD9B57FA-521E-4D4F-987B-9956F2…)

>>1262684pretty sure this is the guy?
No. 1263088
>>1263087Shut the fuck up. She’s a woman and always will be. She thinks trooning out will cover up the fact that she’s the fat ugly sister but it won’t.
She’s also an edgy cunt who spams pictures of dead people.
No. 1263706
File: 1624592738177.png (873.03 KB, 640x1136, 1EC8CBA7-3542-4E20-BE6A-06A693…)

Speaking of andy/mandy or whatever, yes I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that gore was spammed every time she posted caps from here or directly referenced this site for example: immediately posting “I am the chris chan of fnaf” right after that was posted in this thread and gore/porn being spammed soon after
Funny she’s still reading this thread
No. 1263806
File: 1624612577880.png (5.97 MB, 1125x2436, 2D6B57C7-8B5A-44CC-A175-3D3645…)

“Why is it that when I don’t sleep I actually look decent”
No. 1263845
File: 1624619628845.jpeg (236.8 KB, 653x696, 3C4D00E0-020F-4F55-A604-680F39…)

just..why? great for the new thread pic tho
No. 1264439
File: 1624672490656.png (1 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210621-223612.png)

>>1262124This is an image board. Post caps
No. 1264446
File: 1624672847882.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1785, Screenshot_20210625-185005~2.p…)

Holy shit that shade is so god awful. The color is all fucked up and it only enhances her trailer park aesthetic. Top fucking kek
No. 1265643
File: 1624818610363.png (4.55 MB, 1242x2208, 352FEC27-F642-4D22-89C5-94A86D…)

they really kissed the disgusting mirror…
No. 1268784
File: 1625121423343.jpeg (85.42 KB, 750x932, DEAC3AA1-944A-458D-9C7B-5C9B79…)

She looks like Elaine now
No. 1269859
File: 1625242852354.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, 3BF70D51-87EB-4E32-8235-CFD777…)

>>it’s so weird i google search instagram goth girl and i immediately see a pic of me when i was 15
No. 1269861
File: 1625242873616.jpeg (454.6 KB, 750x1073, 1BED955E-A008-4241-9567-341363…)

No. 1269988
File: 1625251312178.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1913, 897CE019-88D5-4A8F-BAD7-1A34A4…)

Surprised she posted this of her dancing with someone who “abused” her
No. 1270029
File: 1625253024935.png (8.38 MB, 1125x2436, 27C33F00-AFB1-45C4-AE26-AC0253…)

How long do y’all think she’ll last at this job? Lol
No. 1270122
File: 1625257045101.jpg (279.06 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210702-131658_Ins…)

Sober queens posted up at the bar and posting about pills as per usual kek
No. 1270376
>>1270029LMAOOOO the bitch dyed her eyebrows back to normal! Think she saw the Elaine comment? Kek
God she is so mediocre in every possible way
No. 1270441
>>1270054What's your definition of holding a job? Lol.
Ashley has a reputation at this point for not holding down jobs, her sobriety, her friendships, jobs, men, pets, the list could go on.
No. 1270550
File: 1625300321041.png (3.21 MB, 750x1334, CCF7342E-DC69-44E9-BA57-9DD8D2…)

she still looks exactly like this lmao
No. 1270650
File: 1625318585445.png (676.71 KB, 750x1334, 206DD9FC-19FA-478A-A781-03C055…)

>>1241918Josh just posted this about that metalhead dude maddie was hanging out with a while ago
No. 1270756
File: 1625330906505.jpeg (697.26 KB, 1125x1759, F23559B3-D2F4-4974-BB35-4A01AF…)

all this girl does is get drunk and google herself 24/7, the biggest narcissist i’ve ever seen
No. 1270973
File: 1625358848458.png (1.08 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210703-173249.png)

No. 1271551
File: 1625442993958.png (633.31 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210704-205439.png)

Ashley is really embodying the white trash American aesthetic. Ive never seen someone so proud to look like a dope addict before.
No. 1271577
File: 1625446641636.jpeg (154.83 KB, 750x611, CBF4E912-61D6-4315-BBA2-E880D8…)

No. 1271586
File: 1625447479999.png (995.55 KB, 720x1120, Screenshot_20210704-220728.png)

No. 1271598
File: 1625448829536.png (3.37 MB, 1440x2324, Screenshot_20210704-203020(1).…)

wait, wait is this the rapist guy??
No. 1271790
>>1271551this is how you can tell that she didn’t grow up poor. only rich people treat being poor as an aesthetic.
and if she argues “but i’m poor now!!!!!!1!!!”
yea ashley you’re poor now because you haven’t had a job for more than a month in what, like 5 years?
No. 1272122
>>1271770Literally me too
> getting drunk in his honor! Uwu owning the white trash aesthetic because they called me that on lolcow Truly bpd cringe I'd be embarrassed to know her and her weirdo mum
No. 1272125
>>1271598If that's who kiras dating then RIP to any shred of self respect she had left. sis he looks like a pedo uncle AND HE IS.
what the hell are we doing with life if that's your boyfriend kek
No. 1272156
File: 1625528854675.png (5.19 MB, 1125x2436, D5D6B8F7-FA2C-49BE-9A31-352398…)

There's nothing more disgusting than seeing someone change into a bikini with the security tags when they don't plan on buying it.
No. 1272157
File: 1625528986209.jpg (151.24 KB, 1080x895, Screenshot_20210705-164743_Ins…)

>>1272151Wow it's almost as if she's reading here
No. 1272159
File: 1625529093558.jpg (976.11 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210705-165118_Ins…)

>>1272156She's giving mall theft vibes for sure in your last one kek
No. 1272220
File: 1625543124465.png (1.95 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210705-201652.png)

No. 1272298
File: 1625561895192.jpeg (607.25 KB, 1284x1817, AAB1C875-1F3A-4DE1-A6EE-766359…)

holy shit it's so much more noticeable how much the binge drinking has been affecting her when you see candid pics
No. 1272600
File: 1625609173951.png (1.05 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210706-150051.png)

Lmao she really has to justify her shitty choices, doesn't she? Always manipulating the narrative to paint herself in the best light possible.
Ashley, you're a shitty person and it will always be painfully obvious.
No. 1272602
File: 1625609350596.png (2.23 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210706-150059.png)

Kek. I love it when she reads our comments and it actually bothers her enough that she has to address it on her feed. It validates everything that we say and she's too fucking narcissist/stupid to realize it. I am HERE for it
No. 1272615
>>1272605Lol she thinks she has one rn
It won't last we know the drill by now
No. 1272627
File: 1625611160941.png (709.37 KB, 1125x2436, 82143CE3-90CF-4720-9FA1-D9029B…)

how many times does
this have to happen for her to realise spending money you don’t have has consequences?
No. 1272629
>>1272616The fact she's even "owning" the trailer trash aesthetic demonstrates her delusional narcissism and a supreme lack of ambition.
Top cringe for sure.
No. 1273297
File: 1625711106530.png (1.9 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210707-165330.png)

Omg her new "job" is a cocktail waitress at that shitty bar she's always at. Grade A kek
No. 1273298
File: 1625711162226.png (982.07 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210707-192552.png)

Paid cash under the table? Lol
No. 1273858
>>1273386Inevitably this will happen I'm sure. I'm with the anons who think she'll end up relapsing sadly, she's clearly not on a good path.
To be honest I don't think she's using fentanyl right now but she outed herself for doing molly when she and Maddy got in that big blow up online that ended their friendship.
She never really stopped using shit and she's always drunk now on top of it so yeah, her mom will have to support her dumbass again. lmao maybe fourth times the charm? Rehab isn't cheap where I'm located so I hope she's at least grateful, idek how much it is in Ohio but she claimed its free which it definitely is not lol.
No. 1273987
File: 1625842382663.png (624.44 KB, 720x955, Screenshot_20210709-115206.png)

Ashley is back on vivadrag again
No. 1274219
File: 1625868432508.jpg (173.24 KB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_20210709-150251_Ins…)

Kek her comments on her old vivadrag posts.. mark my word I'm gonna find the one where she admits to smoking meth and argues with someone she's a good person in the same breath lmao
No. 1274391
File: 1625892566183.png (7.82 MB, 1242x2208, AE725709-AC70-436B-8B71-9B349A…)

this its called having bpd
No. 1274811
File: 1625980412893.jpeg (354.09 KB, 1125x1929, 43025D35-5265-42F1-9632-B627C8…)

Omg look at kiras face
No. 1275094
File: 1626038276533.jpg (688.96 KB, 1080x1407, vivadrag.jpg)

lol she unarchived a bunch of stuff on viva from her time w simon but that gerard way copy is nowhere to be seen. the anon who wanted to find the meth comment can try finding it now. also is this the brother who offed himself?
No. 1275239
File: 1626063417769.jpeg (320.17 KB, 749x791, A4C6F1D6-55E2-45AA-B2DB-214C3F…)

>>1274811jesus christ i dont know if its her receding hairline and thin hair or her fucking creepy smile but she looks exactly like gollum. this bitch works with kids right how are they not terrified going to sleep that this monster is in their closet
No. 1275501
>>1275239Kira your looks are being drained because youre knowingly dating a literal convicted pedophile
karma doing its job
No. 1276035
File: 1626200376075.png (2.17 MB, 750x1334, EC588D7A-CCDA-4790-A91A-46C83E…)

No. 1276183
File: 1626216321638.jpg (376.74 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20210713-183428_Ins…)

No. 1276344
File: 1626248453604.png (379.18 KB, 750x1334, A004381A-B934-445C-B096-952959…)

top kek
No. 1276390
File: 1626264087866.png (5.55 MB, 1125x2436, 20A3FE64-922C-4981-A842-4112A5…)

she has a black eye again and is talking on her story about purging
No. 1276619
File: 1626295227114.png (418.74 KB, 750x1334, D3F32FE1-C9FC-4479-9648-ED6E4D…)

No. 1277508
File: 1626391782452.jpg (265.89 KB, 1170x2310, IMG_3743.jpg)

No. 1277509
File: 1626391804845.jpg (238.28 KB, 1170x2284, IMG_3744.jpg)

this one is on her arm
No. 1278704
File: 1626503549771.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_20210716-232437~2.p…)

And this trainwreck just keeps getting better and better
No. 1284196
File: 1627248556471.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x1496, 1C26903C-3950-43E7-B70B-5CE2FF…)

is andy dating someone now? who is this fatty lol(namefag)
No. 1285505
File: 1627416058188.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, 06EBFCED-712D-424D-83A1-A2C896…)

damn maddie bleached her hair again..after complaining about how ugly and thin it is literally every single day kek
No. 1285783
>>1285505i hope she keeps bleaching it until it falls off lmao
two months from now shes gonna be like aw i was so cute and pretty before why cant i be this beautiful right nowww my life was so happy now im so sad
No. 1286219
File: 1627504975269.jpeg (171.94 KB, 750x1313, 87D68A05-29C0-4376-898E-59607F…)

Whoop there it is
No. 1286221
File: 1627504996289.jpeg (134.14 KB, 750x1267, 9B965EB3-12FF-4022-BBBA-6AC258…)

No. 1286225
File: 1627505099238.jpeg (56.84 KB, 749x1253, B27E1BE3-9E2F-4971-AD2B-FD703E…)

How fucked up would it be if he actually kills himself and Ashley has yet another dead ex
No. 1286238
File: 1627505917831.png (196.74 KB, 750x1334, 004756F5-1C93-4A26-8E4B-F1B17E…)

>>1286219WHY WAS THIS MY EXACT THOUGHT. I SAW THIS AND I WAS LIKE “welp this is what we all said would happen. They break up and a couple months later he was SOOOO
ABUSIVE” time to check the cow farm LMAO. Like if this really happened damn I feel bad, no one should go through that but part of me feels it’s just another attention grab
No. 1286250
File: 1627506796036.jpeg (137.8 KB, 750x1265, 09503807-D840-4A0E-87BD-E14766…)

>>1286238The screenshots she posted of their conversations do make him seem kind of psycho so I think she might be telling the truth
No. 1286319
File: 1627513186234.jpeg (112.48 KB, 750x1328, C1CC48C2-7AC8-4266-A029-F155F7…)

Isn't he like 28 years old? Acting this way over a vape? Grow the fuck up dude this is embarrassing
No. 1286390
File: 1627521918788.jpg (463.1 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210728-182252_Ins…)

Already on her narc high from finally leaving him lol.
Genuinely glad for her, but we all called it. History repeats itself, I hope somehow she can learn to pick better men.. her dating track record is a fever dream idk
No. 1287150
File: 1627633729048.jpg (991.51 KB, 1077x1921, Screenshot_20210730-042842_Ins…)

No. 1287479
File: 1627670046633.jpeg (463.03 KB, 828x1229, 6A2C1FA1-3612-4767-A801-7C71F5…)

>>1287150definitely the same guy he just got fat and fucking bald and old
No. 1287951
File: 1627740490425.png (680.41 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210730-124245.png)

No. 1287956
File: 1627740803719.png (736.81 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210731-070456.png)

Aaaaand we've come full circle once again.
No. 1288437
>>1287479I wish someone would drop kiras school so
someone could let her employer know she's dating a pedophile
The fact that this bitch works around kids fucking irks me. Ashley is disgusting and has no shame but at least she isn't getting access to people's children. Fuck you Kira you ugly bitch if I could I'd punch you in your fat nose.
No. 1289731
File: 1627944900375.jpeg (162.77 KB, 750x1441, 0D4EA2DC-782B-40C1-B4C1-B74FC0…)

bro she is naked on the street lmao
No. 1290126
>>1290011Kiras been awful quiet since anons mentioned him here. Must be so
difficult publicly dating a rapist.
So did it not happen according to you or are you just okay with him touching kids even tho you work with children? Fucking cunt. Engaging with her mom is stupid, her mom has to know what he did imo, I doubt she cares she is a drunk ohio trailer mom.. If anyone finds out the school tho do post it because wouldn't it be lovely to see a rape apologist crash and burn? Some people have no self respect, you're so pathetic Kira lol. I hope you wake up everyday and it feels awful to be you.
No. 1290362
File: 1628028389653.png (377.34 KB, 750x1334, 578E52AB-5EDF-4191-86F2-9B21AD…)

No. 1290469
File: 1628046519792.jpeg (181.43 KB, 1125x2000, 983DADBD-0BDA-4E9D-9F8E-19FEDF…)

does anyone know why shes still following him?
No. 1290523
>>1290362oh boo hoo
nobody cares maddie youre an adult, stop being pathetic
No. 1290666
File: 1628085518151.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.44 KB, 750x418, 3D578397-468B-4ABB-9D5C-D04992…)

No. 1291071
File: 1628114177913.jpeg (224.37 KB, 1125x1450, 4628FE5B-CC4D-4F64-90EE-100373…)

No. 1291196
File: 1628128301066.jpeg (181.42 KB, 828x1429, 79681F90-2D0B-4F1E-9BE6-93D3BF…)

Really? Your fucking eye? More miserable than when Simon died? Or your fiancé died?
No. 1293898
File: 1628405803807.png (5.74 MB, 828x1792, D8EC01D7-F04F-4479-9024-2A6B7B…)

ashley kind of seems like the worst kind of coworker. always on her phone, her friends are there a lot and she drinks there like what? every night? I’d be embarrassed to work with her
No. 1297513
File: 1628637998461.png (5 MB, 828x1792, 5BD34828-8871-49B5-9D33-68409D…)

track marks?
No. 1297613
File: 1628649665599.jpeg (473.6 KB, 2048x2048, FECF490D-9C90-423A-A9FB-ABF77C…)

>>1297513lol trashleys hanging out with the guy she had a foursome with maddie with im pretty sure her and this guy left to get xanax together that night
No. 1297686
File: 1628663892894.jpg (524.54 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210810-233758_Ins…)

Actually deranged
No. 1299178
File: 1628855747192.jpeg (Spoiler Image,972.62 KB, 1242x2052, 4DD65C5C-E83D-4F26-8472-C93EF1…)

lol how about not share the one with your dirty ass underwear? or maybe just stop sharing any with you on the toilet, esp the ones where you’re bare assed on a public toilet
No. 1299665
File: 1628911327335.jpeg (129.36 KB, 1125x335, E7C077EF-4FAB-47A2-91FA-97D470…)

It’s hard to know which ex she’s talking about because she chooses the worst men, I get she’s not the reason they’re all terrible people, but it’s so obvious she chooses them because they’re terrible and it’ll give her another 15 min when the relationship blows up
No. 1299701
File: 1628919982967.png (1.89 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210813-192524.png)

No. 1300246
File: 1628989221146.jpeg (1.7 MB, 2999x3999, 5CE47215-03FD-4E58-8E8E-6B60AF…)

maddie just put up a shit ton of stories "exposing" the metal dude but none of it is really surprising tbh. i guess fucking gross dudes and then being surprised when they turn out to be pieces of shit is common behavior for these cows.
No. 1300766
File: 1629066185726.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1897, A6F163DD-C3CB-4FCA-8E73-B6E41C…)

My thing about Maddie in this situation is she’s not really calling him out to warn others, she’s doing it for the attention she’s getting
No. 1300996
File: 1629095289973.png (1.21 MB, 749x1326, Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 2.26…)

No. 1300997
File: 1629095473358.png (1.2 MB, 1832x894, Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 2.23…)

old but we love an ashley that romanticizes heroin abuse
No. 1301622
File: 1629167363112.jpg (1.16 MB, 1920x1920, 2021_08_16_19_28_45_435.jpg)

No. 1301625
File: 1629167528843.jpg (767.59 KB, 1920x1920, 2021_08_16_19_31_34_094.jpg)

No. 1301628
File: 1629167648012.jpg (1.26 MB, 1920x1920, 2021_08_16_19_33_51_636.jpg)

No. 1301636
File: 1629168100358.webm (4.39 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210816-1919…)
Saged because it's not new milk
he's such a little twat, I'd love to kick his scrawny ass
No. 1301644
File: 1629168598503.webm (5.43 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210816-1920…)
>>1301568This!! I was rooting for her to get some stability and to be an adult for ages but it's not happening. Idk about other anons but I had a soft spot for her because she's clearly from an
abusive home. It's been so long and I haven't seen her take any steps to better herself, hopefully one day though. I'm Glad she got rid of this douchebag but she'll probably rinse and repeat w another one.
No. 1301647
File: 1629168900001.webm (3.53 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210816-1921…)
No. 1301728
File: 1629185560009.jpeg (207.19 KB, 750x1013, F50D8622-BE53-49F3-B435-021FB5…)

Sage for tinfoil. She's smoking pot in nature, which can only mean one thing. She's hanging out with her racist trailer trash abuser again. Maybe don't expose him as garbage until you're sure you're done with him, Ash.
No. 1301752
File: 1629189811247.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1760, A52705D9-E467-4CD7-BB56-492D5B…)

Ah yes, I’m sure everyone did
No. 1301757
File: 1629190855421.jpeg (Spoiler Image,189.22 KB, 1170x1704, 53A1C45A-8755-41C5-8ED3-3AAAEE…)

Trashley has the hairiest anus
No. 1301762
File: 1629191226346.jpeg (Spoiler Image,173.17 KB, 1170x1854, FAA5C1C2-F219-47EB-BF30-771F0C…)

No. 1302111
File: 1629226581731.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x2004, 68B643A3-7CA5-45BB-BE54-9072C3…)

No. 1302201
>Consistently dresses like a slut>Always out drinking, either at her workplace or somewhere equally low-brow>Post more and more "thirst trap" pics because "everyone told her 2 post" (right)>Less than 24hrs later "I'vE tAkEn A sTeP bAcK fRoM SW tHe LaSt YeAr, SoRrY tO dIsApPoInT"Like bitch you're so deluded lmao
She's still a slut, except now she isn't getting paid for it. What a fucking joke.
No. 1302262
>>1302111She really did SW, made fun of other sw'ers, and blamed doing it in the first place on drugs.
I can guarantee she will do SW again having a normie job would kill her for sure.
No. 1302290
>>1302111She's done tons of custom videos in the last year so I really don't understand why she's all high and mighty about not doing it now kek.
Her version of doing better is working a shitty part time job and drinking all the time ? Jfc the Midwest is a cesspool.
No. 1302510
>>1301691its hard, its just thin af
kinda explains his behavior in general
No. 1302538
File: 1629271478621.jpg (79.04 KB, 1080x1150, Screenshot_20210818-002406_Ins…)

No. 1303311
>>1303077she had a modeling career started, was in “normal” teen relationships albeit
toxic, I guess once she became an addict she changed. I still think she could turn it around.
No. 1303740
File: 1629400236180.png (587.38 KB, 750x1334, A309E2DA-BB71-4B81-86E7-15A106…)

It's just like, holy shit you dated a man with THIS many red flags and previous incidents, and it's been obnoxiously happening for years and you never knew about his history? You're dating him and he was arrested for threatening to shoot up a school but you're just now getting to know this? Maybe because she's homeschooled she just didn't give a fuck
No. 1304063
File: 1629416108225.jpg (770.21 KB, 1920x1920, 2021_08_19_16_34_32_854.jpg)

How desperate do these girls have to be its so fucking embarrassing truly
No. 1305301
File: 1629536990368.png (2.69 MB, 750x1334, 17B061AC-B5D8-40E3-A079-E5FF31…)

imagine telling your doctor that your only source of income is shitty porn and then being surprised when they react that way
No. 1305967
File: 1629628332931.jpeg (Spoiler Image,288.51 KB, 1372x1372, 391FD9DF-BA46-4B94-830F-BA0560…)

First pic is from May, second pic was posted today. She must be editing the fuck outta her pics because we all know she's not that skinny anymore kek
No. 1306166
File: 1629651631130.jpeg (120.16 KB, 381x501, D383DC8D-5C21-4E84-9AF1-EA44EC…)

>>1305967not necessarily editing but definitely a shit ton of sucking in her stomach and posing. i mean we all know how she looks in cadid pics lmao
No. 1306250
File: 1629659399691.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1835, 1317B3E0-DD2B-4CE4-8FE8-782774…)

It’s almost like she keeps talking about it because it’s the only thing that’s made her somewhat relevant. Like she needs the drama for people to be interested in her life lol
No. 1306873
File: 1629731434127.png (2.56 MB, 750x1334, 2F6CADAA-F0B4-43CD-A756-A50C1C…)

How much you wanna bet maddies going to get with him again lol
No. 1307078
>>1307073Anon are we reading the same thread
Ashley has done vomit and piss porn
No. 1307081
File: 1629754308006.png (1.08 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210823-125955.png)

No. 1307170
File: 1629762107639.jpeg (608.97 KB, 1125x1770, A2370590-0E5F-43B3-8903-566F85…)

This is an old Facebook post of hers from when she got out of rehab one of the many times, love it for her that she’s saying she doesn’t have an issue with alcohol when she’s literally always drinking now, yet here she is openly admitting to the problem, if she gonna lie like that at least learn to delete your old posts that contradict her
No. 1307349
File: 1629780689638.jpeg (296.16 KB, 1242x1564, 6C9047B4-0C1C-439E-823F-BC0C1C…)

No. 1307436
File: 1629801067025.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, 11F02F25-2B7F-433B-B526-30C7A0…)

>>1307387Like, responding instantly and showing that you're actively lurking and are more worried about the negative perception you might get from expressing that you miss a pedofile just makes you look like shit. You have no way to rewrite the fact that you knowingly called a pedofile out of desperation? what a bad look
No. 1307469
File: 1629810410928.png (8.03 MB, 1242x2688, E4422B59-B435-4451-99BC-E81B66…)

No. 1307619
>>1307516Literally. Her and Ashley have dated men like this and had them publicly be racist and they're acting as if associating with them doesn't mean they're racists.
He calls black people ni*gers and you think that you accepting that is not racism? Smh.
Theyre both literally so brain dead I can't. Drugs take their toll I guess.
No. 1307637
File: 1629830450597.png (2.82 MB, 750x1624, 797CBE22-4C8C-48A3-803E-3418E8…)

lmao this is such a rank ass picture, trying so hard with the old ripped paper bag too. i dont think "trailer park whore" is an aesthetic for her anymore, i think she's genuinely that low in her life.
No. 1309369
File: 1630027253544.png (1.48 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210826-164619.png)

>>1309326She's in denial about how she's starting to look more and more like a walrus and I am here for it.
No. 1309372
File: 1630027393970.png (900.5 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210826-182223.png)

No. 1309373
File: 1630027457503.png (958.15 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210826-182233.png)

Also she is filming some random guy? Fucking lurk lol
No. 1309409
File: 1630031172394.jpg (558.05 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210826-192428_Ins…)

>>1309326Is she like anti mask or something?
She never wore it on her Vegas trip around people, or anywhere else I can remember she like never wears it
No. 1310083
File: 1630121288084.jpg (526.41 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210827-202643_Pho…)

No. 1310476
File: 1630171732821.jpg (626.37 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210828-102745_Ins…)

Still thinking about with the guy who is racist and told her to kill herself? Cute.
No. 1310477
>>1310476"I'd never treat me so shitty"
Ma'am you treat yourself like shit daily what do you mean
No. 1310673
File: 1630188026434.jpg (642.46 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210828-145955_Ins…)

Next thread pic
No. 1311827
File: 1630344794482.jpeg (253.42 KB, 1170x2383, 92B88F23-29B6-4028-B408-9E93C9…)

No. 1311829
File: 1630345159988.jpeg (824.64 KB, 2048x2048, D23909CA-845F-4486-880D-AFE88C…)

No. 1312103
File: 1630361421004.jpg (162.85 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20210830-150834_Red…)

It's so funny how she acts all above SW when she did vomit porn
Absolutely deranged.
Anything for drug money I suppose
No. 1312397
File: 1630390095113.jpeg (236.84 KB, 750x889, 3567AB44-3520-4BFF-AAAF-A1C6EE…)

Whilst looking through Ashley cow and Kira cows twitters I believe I’ve come across Kira’s rapist boyfriend’s twitter. Has no one spoken out about this yet? I know Ashley isn’t against manipulating children but a child rapist? Surely they have to know giving how much these whores lurk
No. 1313332
File: 1630518965062.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 7205A876-F6E0-42D1-ACF6-4F3AD6…)

No. 1313628
File: 1630546013901.png (240.68 KB, 750x1334, B18FE4A6-4E35-410A-8FA2-12AA75…)

>>1312841Original Anon here. I’ve confronted ashley too many of times from commenting on her pics to dming her. i usually get blocked so i don’t have those. i encourage you guys to do the same as she’s a literal rape apolgist.
(cowtipping ) No. 1313629
File: 1630546045348.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, D245DDD8-1119-430A-8835-14B900…)

No. 1313630
File: 1630546078161.png (923.2 KB, 750x1334, 7AE96A66-1BFF-4A37-89BE-3246B3…)

No. 1313801
File: 1630570900763.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 8E244EA6-8F63-408B-9829-24BE50…)

still loving animal abuse
No. 1313804
File: 1630571193245.png (386.67 KB, 750x1334, 2EEAACFD-5334-4CD3-A959-3E33C6…)

this is what someone who has heavy trauma from "gang violence" looks like
No. 1313854
File: 1630577574407.jpeg (762.27 KB, 3464x3464, B737CBF2-E8ED-4072-AF51-1A3409…)

she is clearly editing her photos. it’s only somewhat subtle. we already know she is not built like that. also lighting wouldn’t cut her stomach in a perfect curve. she is embarrassed about her thighs. you can see where the counters cut a bit and lean in. she’s tried to edit them to be straight but you can see the pixel quality cut. this one is just so painfully obvious.
No. 1314325
>>1313854That's what I'm saying! When I posted this picture originally, all these anons were white knighting her saying she lost weight.
>>1305993>>1306582Like you don't obtain and tiny little waist you've NEVER had before by starving yourself for a few weeks. Plus she's still binge drinking so that's just out of the question. Also she deleted the picture from insta.
No. 1314326
File: 1630626410070.jpeg (156.65 KB, 750x965, D5AFF210-A793-4A16-BF46-58727E…)

>>1313854There's no way she really looks like that from the front kek
No. 1314388
>>1314326Her little rolls from the back outted her kek
Keep drinking tubby!
No. 1314481
File: 1630643146018.png (1.43 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210902-212503.png)

No. 1314482
File: 1630643212018.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210902-212511.png)

Also posted on main. Boy she must be really hurting for cash and seriously needing some validation for her existence. How sad
No. 1314981
File: 1630698317668.jpg (955.11 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210903-124453_Ins…)

She's hurting for money real bad it seems. Tinfoil but she's finally lost her shit part time job from being such a slag off all the tine
No. 1314982
File: 1630698497603.jpg (89.88 KB, 1080x933, Screenshot_20210903-124701_Ins…)

Bahahaha the denial here,
> I've had bangs since I was 3 I'll go ahead and have them when I'm 30 as well
God she's such a disaster
No. 1315225
File: 1630718155273.jpeg (216.49 KB, 750x1325, F3ED9F20-1C0E-4D03-9926-869103…)

So Maddie just went live from the hospital, saying she is getting kicked out of her house and is now going into a program to help young adults find shelter and jobs. The nurses gave her a bunch of Ativan and she ended the live saying "The medicine is kicking in. Fuck, fuck, what am I doing?" She seemed blacked out. Like just chilling in the hospital blasting metal music on live. Not weird at all.
No. 1315243
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The comments on Ashley's recent oml
No. 1315293
File: 1630727621242.jpeg (245.51 KB, 828x1496, F7764934-8B7C-48A3-83EC-790626…)

No. 1315461
>>1315225God her stories rn are exclusively hospital tvs and whining about how she hates it there so much.
Didn't you put yourself there maddie? I'm not shitting on mental illnesses, but some accountability is in order when you've done nothing to change your life for years and keep putting yourself in these situations.
I feel like she does like it there. At a hospital is decent structure on getting better, and she can't do drugs or self harm because she's being monitored. Idk that's just my opinion but if you hate it so much put the fucking phone down and focus on why you are in the hospital..
No. 1316081
File: 1630813317305.jpeg (77.51 KB, 750x698, F7EE3536-C52E-4C01-B203-3D00B3…)

This hits different when you know she's a child rape apologist. God she is so tone deaf.
No. 1316958
File: 1630919227357.jpg (467.02 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_06_02_06_41_689.jpg)

No think only post kek
No. 1316961
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Even her followers who all think they're her friends see it at this point, she's spiraling and no one can help her but herself.. Idk I'm hoping u get better maddie cuz I personally have never hated u, I do hate ashley tho. At least maddie can say she never gave drugs to kids or nearly killed someone in a vehicle smh. Poor girl is so mentally ill she's posting the ugliest pictures of herself I truly think she's having an episode or something.
No. 1316966
File: 1630919895752.jpg (367.31 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_06_02_13_23_343.jpg)

>>1316961There's quite a few more but they're not as funny to me, I don't personally feel comfortable posting her hospital related pics but if you're following her spam you can go look. There's one with a huge IV thats got blood all over her arm and she pinned those comments saying how awful the nurse is. I haven't spent a lot of time in hospitals but it didn't seem that bad to me? Not even that much blood tbh? I wouldn't know I ig, Tin foil but she's trying to make the hospital seem as horrific as possible so she has a
valid enough excuse in her brain (for us and her followers) to go back to her cat piss squalor house
No. 1317182
File: 1630947279359.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, C2302ECA-D6E6-4B31-A0A3-347670…)

quitting hard drugs by vaping lmao
No. 1317216
>>1317182Why is she holding it like that?
Also why is she claiming shes not a smoker??
No. 1317295
File: 1630956933097.jpg (881.13 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210906-123524_Ins…)

Anyone else feel like she's lurking kek
No. 1318247
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But why
No. 1319026
File: 1631126518192.png (895.79 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210907-211201.png)

>>1286219>>1286221>>1286225>>1286238>>1286319Posted on Trashley's story last night. Looks like she's still hanging around Eric "the psycho abuser" Meyer after all of that shit she posted about him. Her self esteem must be at an all time low lmao. I love it.
No. 1319029
File: 1631126590699.png (1.87 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210907-211213.png)

Everything in this picture is filthy
No. 1319034
File: 1631127220788.jpeg (496.09 KB, 2048x2048, AFA8480F-5CE0-4BDF-9C6D-46AC6B…)

Trashley definitely edits her pics. She might be vaccinated because Chicago has mandates for restaurants and bars no? Still, you are supposed to be masking as you can still spread it to others.
No. 1319596
File: 1631184322900.jpeg (229.01 KB, 750x1030, 6ABE1864-F4D8-49E3-A6AF-F4C30A…)

>>1319529His neck looks like this
No. 1321000
File: 1631322223055.jpg (472.29 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_10_18_01_34_972.jpg)

Anyone think this kitten is hers? I feel so bad for her hoard of neglected cats. It must be hard being so desperate for male attention constantly kek.
No. 1321103
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No. 1321121
>>1321103This is not even remotely milk.
I guess I'm surprised she's held the job so long? I didn't think she'd be able to keep it more then a month or two, although my expectations for her were and are very low.
No. 1321174
File: 1631360884858.png (368.76 KB, 750x1334, 34CF294B-71DB-46E5-8C69-641B42…)

lmao even her followers notice how obnoxious she is
No. 1321909
File: 1631446950295.jpeg (141.38 KB, 750x315, EF63A998-20A8-4A8D-BDCA-8E7D90…)

she's really willing to do anything but move out on her fucking own. yeah girl, move in with your estranged dad! what could go wrong, especially considering how awesome the rest of your family is
No. 1322265
>>1321909not to give her any ‘benefit of the doubt’ or anything, but maddy is sick and her brain is underdeveloped. she should have a job, but any job that pays her won’t give her 3x her rent, which is required for her to get her own place. if she does move out, it would most likely be with roommates, but the only roommates she could afford to live with would also be druggies, so there’s really no sage haven or obvious answer for her right now. she should definitely have a job, just to save up money in general, or something, but it’s very very very unrealistic of anyone to be telling her to get her own place. i work a full time job, and if it wasn’t for my partner, i wouldn’t be able to afford my one bedroom apartment due to income requirements, and i make almost $3,000 a month just myself. i think everyone here needs to be a little more realistic. she’s a troubled young girl with an underdeveloped brain and a rough home life.
No. 1322417
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No. 1322585
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>>1322265Don't get me wrong I agree with you on everything you've said but it's the fact that's she's been so stagnant in her life for so long. Even Ashley has accomplished more & we all know how incredible she is with managing her pathetic life.
It's incredibly tone deaf for her to whine about her life constantly when she's old enough to do something about it. If she could do anything different then what she is now I'd give her credit. The girl doesn't drive, work, all she does is dye her hair, use substances with andy, and ethot herself. The last few years on this thread I've been kind to her and wished the best for her for those reasons but at some point she's gonna have to grow up out of this cycle because it isn't working.
No. 1322845
File: 1631518239266.jpeg (144.83 KB, 720x819, DA362F74-E68D-4263-A57D-664852…)

nightmare fuel
No. 1323538
File: 1631595414599.webm (8.86 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210913-2153…)
>>1323531I'm having a really hard time uploading for some reason so I cut most of it but damn this live was depressing to watch. She's clearly on something and no one mentioned it. She was talking about music moving the camera rapidly, & making some really weird faces
No. 1323541
File: 1631595789780.webm (12.68 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210913-2159…)
She has no business doing herself so dirty.
Please watch these sober maddie and decide if this is what you deserve because I don't think anyone should subject themselves to public humiliation like this.
No. 1323543
File: 1631595966422.webm (6.21 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210913-2158…)
No. 1324233
File: 1631658597473.jpg (520.84 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_14_15_07_49_288.jpg)

Do you ever learn?
You'll inevitably be posting again within a week I promise.
No. 1324660
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No. 1324923
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No. 1325124
>>1324277Maddie is very lost. I was very lost in my teens and early 20s and got into drugs so I feel for her. It took me till I was about 24 to get sober. Most people’s brains don’t fully develop until they are 25. It’s around your mid - late 20s that you start to see people stop with the bullshit drinking and drugs if they’re going to stop, but usually if they don’t stop and change before they are 30 they just keep on with it. Her family might have been
abusive and she might not feel emotionally equipped to actually take control of her life but she has to stop with the excuses. It’s only going to get harder for her as she gets older if she doesn’t just get a job and focus on herself for a while instead of all this empty attention online she gets from shitting out every embarrassing thought she has. I think Ashley has started to notice how oversharing ends up biting her in the ass later and that’s why she’s been laying low.
No. 1325337
File: 1631761368262.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.14 KB, 561x740, f670f3be90741b2f5084144cadf3fa…)

is this vivadrag? her videos are horrible quality and she seems out of it in each. or are these uploaded by someone else?
No. 1325485
File: 1631787523002.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 50C0C41B-A5EF-44AB-95F6-C382C3…)

Nobody wants you there either
No. 1325566
File: 1631799337803.jpeg (403.45 KB, 1242x2181, B82AA2A6-6840-41A9-B2D1-A48A59…)

Why does she feel the need to dye her hair once a week this shit looks awful
No. 1326013
File: 1631831008422.jpeg (644.68 KB, 828x1390, 79F7C570-77C0-4F1B-A2D8-F7C993…)

>>1325566I’m betting on because Ashley just dyed hers.
No. 1326069
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No. 1326075
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No. 1326078
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No. 1326201
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>>1326069She will forever be an absolute loser scammer no matter how hard she tries to deflect that lmao
No. 1326791
>>1326275She's posting him on her story still like him yelling and kicking someone else's door down..
Honey you dated this man , and you didn't know any of this going into it? Really? Were not that dense here but your following may be.
No. 1327230
- open a door
- about him playing a show and being
abusive to 10+ women and racist
No. 1327992
>>1327520I just find it funny that she hangs around fucks/dates all these scummy losers and then decides to expose them after they breakup or fucking die…she doesn’t care about actual
victims of sexual assault anyone being a racist or anything like that she just wants people to feel sorry for her it’s so obvious at this point what is this boyfriend #4 that she’s exposed for being a shithead? It’s painfully predictable.
No. 1328044
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No. 1328512
>>1328044She was doing story shoutouts for a few dollars then she deleted it lol
I don't think she got any because there's been none on her story today.
No. 1329192
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No. 1329425
File: 1632174598262.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, C5C1A07C-2B5C-4202-BB6D-9C932A…)

why is she still posting about him then lmao
No. 1329484
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>>1327992She is so obsessed with him rn, last year it was jake kek, before him there were many others she accused who I don't even think abused her so they're not worth mentioning.
As long as she has someone to make her look like a
victim so she doesn't have to be accountable for anything
No. 1329802
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Anyone know why she deleted this lol. I dont think she has ever lived in a trailer park.
No. 1330659
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No. 1330662
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It's the wishy washy attitude towards abusive men for me in this thread
No. 1331907
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No. 1332419
File: 1632426540636.jpg (Spoiler Image,739.76 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_23_12_47_55_783.jpg)

Posing with heroin needles as one does.. kek maddie this is so pathetic seek help you clearly need it for a multitude of reasons
No. 1332823
File: 1632471686594.png (982.14 KB, 750x1334, C1CD6239-5E4B-4019-B4C5-56C509…)

someone behaves that way and she's just like "babe i know this isn't you!!" instead of dumping him immediately? her responses say a lot about her as well lmao
No. 1333326
File: 1632510335633.jpg (534.99 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20210924_210454.jpg)

can't make this stuff up lmao
No. 1333735
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No. 1334137
File: 1632600990693.jpg (269.19 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210925-131342_Pho…)

ed fetishist vibes
Genuinely off-putting..
No. 1334244
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and again
No. 1334510
File: 1632629190564.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210925-210513_Pho…)

Ffs some people shouldn't have babies
No. 1334631
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No. 1334673
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No. 1335172
File: 1632693155588.jpg (348.25 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_26_14_51_26_382.jpg)

>>1334801Her Twitter is so embarrassing her entire personality is addiction and sex she really has no business acting like she's got an important opinion kek
No. 1335512
File: 1632730633319.jpg (602.08 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_27_01_06_14_033.jpg)

>>1335498Idk what's she's gonna do when her mom finally kicks her out, her dad sounds like he has brainrot and she's got no real life skills.Idk what rent is like in Ohio I live on the west coast, it's expensive here but people manage fine. I'm convinced she just doesn't want to work or drive, anything with responsibility she has an aversion to. Her mom should blame herself really, at least in part imo.
No. 1335735
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No. 1335802
File: 1632770554409.jpeg (129.39 KB, 750x827, 9BFACE70-300D-4A59-8863-0A9803…)

Bitch did you forget you're the one that introduced her to drugs in the first place? All that fent must've destroyed your brain cells. Idiot.
No. 1335807
>>1335731Yeah, with maddie at a party it's on one of these threads.
>>1335735I don't understand why she doesn't post a quick little apology instead of an isntagram story saying it
People would get over it not everyone sees your stories or cares what Ashley's dumbass has to say just be genuine.
No. 1335910
File: 1632778021412.png (1.09 MB, 828x1792, A03FBF48-09F5-4A08-A66A-329E6A…)

Her twitter is brutal
No. 1335992
File: 1632783519323.webm (4 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210927-1554…)
I'm definitely going to hell for laughing at this as hard as I did
> gO sMOkE sOmE CrAcK
If a man ever spoke to me this way I stg.. this is so sad but so funny I assume this is her ex??
No. 1335995
File: 1632783691935.jpeg (144.76 KB, 828x501, 52FAEE2C-ED3E-47FC-8279-111645…)

Ashley nobody was to meet you in real life in order to see that you’ve once again said something stupid, ignorant, and hypocritical.
No. 1335997
File: 1632784090608.jpeg (361.29 KB, 828x1278, 96A6C2D5-4D77-4BBB-B20F-CAFDAD…)

>>1335802She literally does the same shit she’s mad about but it’s excusable because….she was deep in her addiction? As if she didn’t help get Maddie on drugs lmao
No. 1336021
File: 1632786052742.gif (138.93 KB, 220x198, tenor.gif)

>>1335997>>1335995It's the many things you've said and done over time you Neanderthal
Read over your documented presence online here since you're already lurking, there's nearly a 5th thread atp so you can get the idea incase you've forgotten the shit you've pulled over the last few years,kek Ashley ur the ultimate hypocrite
No. 1336030
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No. 1336036
>>1336030a) some of us have met you in real life ashley, and you are just as awful in person, if not worse (how’s that even possible ? idk)
b) she posts drug memes like all the time ? literally what’s the difference … ever since i was aware of her existence it’s always been “i talk about my addictions/mental health issues online to raise awareness!!” no ashley, if that was the case you’d be advocating for recovery every chance you got and actually be focused on it, instead you make jokes about your active addiction and declining mental health in a “i’m edgy and cool and funny” kinda way to appeal to your very strange audience. i hope everyone that “looks up to you” does meet you in real life so they can finally notice the unfiltered bullshit and call you out for your wrong doings. you’re a grown woman. being a drug addicted egirl stopped being a “cool and edgy” thing the second you dropped out of high school. you caused many people’s addictions and even deaths. there’s literally blood on your hands and you think it’s something to post memes about ! coolio
No. 1336387
File: 1632835294617.jpeg (350.46 KB, 750x991, C0E66657-068F-4B7D-8B75-5B60B1…)

yeah she's obviously changed soo much
No. 1336599
File: 1632853362520.jpeg (433.98 KB, 1637x1109, 60C2B7C6-1BE7-4727-A7D5-FDED07…)

Says “Im different now!!” But does the exact same shit as before, instead of drugs it’s alcohol, still finds the shittiest men so when they breakup she can be the victim again, and says she basically doesn’t need her social media accounts because she doesn’t care about the internet or what they think, but still argues back with someone who obviously made a fake account just to call her out. Part of me thinks one of her “friends” made it lmao, idk why it just seems like nobody has her back, she should take the ever obvious hint that she’s in the wrong
No. 1336601
>>1336599Maddie still definitely sucks in this situation too, from posting what she did to half assing an apology over a Insta story
Honestly they both just need to grow the fuck up and get off the Internet, but no matter how much they need it we all know it’ll never happen, they’re desperate for any attention they can get
No. 1336782
File: 1632867028351.png (1.07 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210928-150715.png)

Right, because wearing cutoffs and ripped hose is so professional
Ffs, she is so gd clueless it hurts
No. 1336965
>>1336942I love how she shames others for addictions while simultaneously feeding her own.
There's something obscenely pathetic about a free shift drink being the best part of the job lol
No. 1337016
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No. 1337020
>>1337007I hope ur either sarcastic or ashley
Kek the narcissism, ashley ty for the milk I was v thirsty
No. 1337030
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No. 1337031
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No. 1337033
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>>1337030I'm sorry I've followed this thread for awhile now and what the fuck
When did maddie do that? I have not once heard of her doing that outside of Ashley claiming it. Post proof or it didn't happen Ashley and you look pathetic and desperate.
No. 1337041
File: 1632884154725.jpg (339.62 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_28_19_49_27_907.jpg)

Sorry its small but I found this interaction too funny not to post.
Ashley if the narrative about you being a scummy drug addict abuser (and people calling you out for the hypocrisy) doesn't bother you, why spend so much time heated on Twitter about it? Mad no one defends you anymore?
No. 1337043
File: 1632884235436.jpg (312.38 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_09_28_19_50_24_301.jpg)

>>1337042Absolutely a waste of space
Get a hobby Ashley make yourself actually worthy of something
Or get a lobotomy you'd be doing yourself a favor love
No. 1337047
>>1337042Lol anything to be the
victim. Internet clout is the only thing shes ever had. She could’ve modeled or whatever the fuck with hot topic but she just decided to be a xanned out tard who dates whiney racist man children and hang out with child molesters instead.
No. 1337048
File: 1632884575204.jpeg (311.08 KB, 2048x2048, E56CB07A-E6A4-4C7D-A9AE-DFDB54…)

>>1337047We know the real reason she keeps these accounts open is so she can find new cum donors for her to fart out
No. 1337053
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No. 1337054
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No. 1337074
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No. 1337075
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No. 1337087
>>1303740Shes basically the
victim version of ashley lol
No. 1337134
File: 1632897417911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,211.75 KB, 1210x1483, 75B14F84-CD96-425D-AA29-824FDB…)

>>1337078Defending myself over stupid shit on internet, do nothin but cry and drugs or get a job and do better like a fucking adult i am
whAt ShOuld i dO?
No. 1337376
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No. 1337610
File: 1632945272040.webm (11.18 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20210929-1250…)
>>1337489Deadass. I wanted to post this here to show anyone who doesn't have access to maddies Instagram she clearly does not fucking film an addict that has passed Ashley is clinging to a narrative that is not even real. Ashley knows how bad she looks and is deflecting so hard but come on bitch we know who you and who maddie is too by now. You're FAR worse, I'm sure you already knew that you fucking abuser.
No. 1337632
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No. 1338006
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No. 1338017
>>1337971> troubled youths > no one is perfect zomg!!Anon they are both grown women who make their own choices, why are YOU here kek
If you simply read the thread overviews you'd see what separates them from the average mentally ill person with some fucking clout.
1.) It's not plastered all over the public internet , the drama accumulates people notice that shit if you create it.
2.) Did you forget Ashley groomed maddie and other minors, did drugs with them getting them addicted, crashed a car driving with her best friend nearly killing her, it's the constant narcissism that never ends that is why I am here. If you behaved that way with a following you'd have people up your ass for milk as well its how the internet works dummy.
3.) Maddie is pathetic but most people here have given her the benefit of the doubt because she was clearly being abused at home. Honestly at this point im more tired of her shit then anything else. I personally don't wish her ill will at all but she is not some dumb kid anymore.
No. 1338051
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so natural
No. 1338094
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it annoys me how she is all the time complaining about negative bank balance and how she wants to get out of abuse home situation but she continues to spend money on stuff that won’t help her move out at all! i have no negative feeling to you, maddie, but you need to do better (sorry 4 any mistake, imrussian)
No. 1339224
>>1337001she literally just traded a heroin addiction for an alcohol addiction, she
shouldn’t be saying anything about anyone or acting like she’s recovered in any way. she hasn’t fixed the root issue that causes addiction or else she wouldn’t be drinking like a fish in lieu of sniffing smack. she’s admitted previously to being an alcoholic too. she’s literally in denial.
No. 1339237
gets criticizedAshley: “yeah well my friend just committed suicide!!1!”
No. 1339246
>>1337074i don’t think maddie has ever encountered an OD’d person? but you know who has? ashley kek. it sounds more like ashley’s character to knowingly film an overdosing person and laugh about it. it’s just the kind of sociopathic thing she’s capable of. hasn’t she been the one who found people (multiple people?) OD’d? i think this is her projecting. didn’t she find simon and jake dead? and she started accusing them of being
abusive immediately after they died? god she is an evil witch to project that shit on others…
No. 1340424
File: 1633278335194.jpeg (185.65 KB, 828x1351, 05D1ABC9-8AFA-4ACF-A72A-9421F6…)

With an absence of personality and less than half a brain, I suppose you gotta default to contemplating your navel. What’s left to love? Lmao
No. 1340443
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>>1340424Seriously? Because this is what she posted yesterday…. Would some people out there really respond to this photo about her belly of all things?
No. 1340468
File: 1633282866075.jpeg (584.72 KB, 2048x2048, A5D17812-9DE7-440C-8C17-3A0EAF…)

Not new milk but does she get her lips done?
No. 1340485
>>1340443Update: lurking,
triggered, deleted.
B-but I thought your followers want more belly content! What happened to your ex-influenced boob content? Or angled flat ass content?
Let’s hold a poll: what do the fans want? Belly? Booby? Bum bum?
No. 1340535
>>1340481I can't actually see her going to a professional clinic and getting them done so I have to agree.
Some anons thought she may have done it during her fent days but I think she'd end up looking incredibly botched and if not she'd certainly be bragging about how
> uwu babyShe is with her new lips. She's done that with even her most horrific body mods so why wouldn't she with her trap instawhore house lips
No. 1341384
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Place your bets on what happens next anons
If she somehow gets it I'll be praying for whoevers nan she has the opportunity to take care of as poorly as she does herself kek
No. 1341588
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No. 1341642
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No. 1341675
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No. 1341907
File: 1633479480016.jpg (425.03 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_05_17_03_21_731.jpg)

>>1341713Imagine her cleaning up after old people though..
I really can't see this lasting very long no matter how I look at it but ig I hope for her sake she does well? I'd imagine she would feel more pressure managing someone's elderly loved ones then working in a fast food place or something more normal for a first job. Either way it's about time she starts to build her resume instead of squatting with her mum who wants to be rid of her, so good luck maddie you will need it
No. 1342362
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No. 1342364
File: 1633534831041.png (2.31 MB, 750x1334, 8EA95474-42B3-4AC9-8026-E0AF53…)

i want to feel bad for her but this post is too hilarious
No. 1342402
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No. 1342548
>>1342417It’s the chewy warehouse I assume, all I can say is I worked there as my first warehouse job, it’s a lot of work and kinda physically demanding some of the time. You can work 4 shifts that are 10 hours or 3 shifts that are 12, plenty of overtime opportunities as well. From never having a job before to this one would honestly be hell, especially for someone like her. My guess is she’ll go through all her PTO in the first week or two after the 3 or 4 days of training and then be fired when she calls off again. You also pretty much work alone, yes you’re always passing by people and may have a minute or two conversation but other than that you have to actually work.
If I were her I’d probably try to get a food service job or something customer service based. Also idk how she’s gonna get there everyday because she doesn’t drive and I’m sure her mom would be thrilled to take her then pick her up at the end of every day.
No. 1342654
File: 1633558858567.png (2.28 MB, 750x1334, EC1FF844-EC69-4CA7-A929-A37544…)

maddie just posted a bunch of stories bragging about how she proved all of us wrong by getting a job. then for some reason she started rambling about how her ed gave her brain damage, that she's mentally underdeveloped bc of "being locked inside for 6 years" and that she's been thinking about getting disability aid for her aspbergers so she wouldn't have to work. she won't last a week at a real job and she's well aware of that lmao
No. 1342655
File: 1633558909593.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, 0D2DAF3A-7C01-4F38-9B21-F045C2…)

i doubt they'd even wanna keep her if she already sucks at her job so bad
No. 1342716
File: 1633563432375.png (2.46 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211006-163411.png)

Lol she's got a muffin top
No. 1342761
File: 1633568074012.png (1.07 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211006-175343.png)

She'll never escape that shitty forehead tattoo either
No. 1342794
>>1342761She ruined her chances of working anywhere but like a gas station long term
Honestly it suits her. Ugly.
No. 1343104
File: 1633621692886.jpg (550.88 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_07_08_46_55_794.jpg)

She's ranting on her story about us again but also that people in real life walk all over her too
Also we wouldn't know the depressing details of your life if it wasn't put on the internet daily lol
No. 1343191
File: 1633630841118.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, 054FD7C4-2381-439E-BAEF-7DED62…)

someone's desperate again. great idea with her new job too
No. 1343193
File: 1633630945248.png (978.8 KB, 750x1334, 80A53165-9FA8-4A76-B230-503893…)

why would she post that on a public account right after getting employed
No. 1343608
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No. 1344111
>>1344035where is Andy? Elena?
>>1342761didn’t she get that forehead tattoo when she was high on drugs and living in that squat house with her druggie bf? i kinda feel bad for her now because she would need to get laser removal but that’ll leave permanent scarring on her forehead… smh
No. 1344227
File: 1633752678992.jpeg (72.56 KB, 449x550, 22FDB682-7D64-4579-BCAE-FE336C…)

We keep saying this but wow all that drinking has really done a number on her. It’s so sad that she literally looks worse rn than when she was actively addicted to fentanyl.
No. 1344491
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No. 1344709
>>1344227She looks like an unpopped pimple kek
Shes getting more and more red and bloated
No. 1345012
File: 1633899006002.png (1.21 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211010-123303.png)

She wore black to a trad wedding. How clueless and tacky can you be?
No. 1345015
File: 1633899335609.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2073, Screenshot_20211010-134751~2.p…)

No. 1345096
File: 1633907460967.jpg (697.02 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_10_16_06_21_019.jpg)

Idk why her mom doesn't make her get help for her ED, it could be other stuff i know but I genuinely worry when she posts tons of stuff like this like
I can't always tell if it's attention seeking or an actual cry for help because she's actively sitting in her room dying because her ed/ drug use and doesn't know how to get real help because she's been so coddled her entire life by her mom.
No. 1345180
>>1345105More like she outted her
abusive ex boyfriend and they still want to hang out with him because he's a "musician" Kek. It's exactly when they seemed to disappear.
People like that are terrible, they are always okay with it happening as long as it's not done directly to them. Gross.
No. 1345533
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You are a compulsive animal hoarder but okay cat mom I guess
No. 1346018
File: 1634079248697.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, EC565B33-E75E-4EF7-A0D9-111C70…)

Pretty sad that she’s only 19 & thinks shes already lived her best year.
No. 1346706
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No. 1347619
File: 1634237875940.jpg (655.82 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_14_11_57_15_898.jpg)

>>1347253Same. Her not posting about it is her biggest tell imo.
Maddie they hate you for wasting their resources and time they want to help people who want to get better and are actively trying, or the people who actually fucking need real help that'll take it
No. 1347738
File: 1634247069615.png (8.5 MB, 1125x2436, 9C2F9966-5EA0-458C-AAE9-7C3F9E…)

is she trying to get sacked
No. 1348519
File: 1634337233797.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, D40080C9-CE7D-41BD-B48B-851500…)

No. 1348520
File: 1634337292756.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, EEA4893E-0A07-473D-9587-A415B0…)

why'd she even make a new account at all
No. 1348559
>>1348520She said on that Twitter fight with the troller that she reactivated it to raise awareness for gofundmes and “important” stuff lol
As you can see from what she posts on the vivadrag account 99% of the time that’s obviously not true lol
No. 1349269
File: 1634443930562.jpg (567.6 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_16_21_10_43_205.jpg)

Maddie went live and said that she's waiting for shifts, that yes she has a job but
Idk I've never worked at a warehouse like chewy but I assume you're either on the schedule or not if you're actually employed and not just lying to seem employed
No. 1349272
File: 1634444160422.png (2.56 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211016-211345.png)

Classy pt. 1
No. 1349273
File: 1634444218387.png (1.95 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211016-211354.png)

Classy pt. 2
(feat. Fireball shooter, which in itself says plenty)
No. 1349284
File: 1634444860475.png (1.63 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211016-211410.png)

No. 1349375
File: 1634458985268.jpeg (36.47 KB, 282x278, E1F937EC-659C-4761-B56D-3AEA72…)

No. 1349682
File: 1634501059990.jpeg (289.73 KB, 2048x2048, 0B8D16BC-8CD0-4657-8366-EE618E…)

Drunk at a concert and drinking while driving
No. 1349886
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>>1349858Oh sure Ashely doesn’t drink and drive and none of her friends do either. And that’s not a four loko.
No. 1349930
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No. 1350477
File: 1634578991919.jpg (738.81 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211018-193814_Ins…)

showing off sh as usual(bamefag)
No. 1350555
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No. 1350649
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No. 1351241
File: 1634664033949.jpg (453.37 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211019-101706_Ins…)

He lives in her brain rent free 24/7, how long ago did they break up they hardly went out that long.
Idk how she lives like this it's always metal memes, ex slander, and complaining about her stagnant life on the gram. Do something about it, go meet a new boy. Get off your phone you look like such a loser
No. 1351476
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No. 1351479
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No. 1351483
File: 1634682818826.jpg (600.73 KB, 1080x1080, 2021_10_19_15_27_02_254.jpg)

Why are you treating Instagram like a therapist? the internet does not need to repeatedly hear you explain why you're mentally delayed.
I'm sorry these things happened to you, but get real help Instagram is not a counselor it's definitely a crutch for you.
No. 1351795
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No. 1353223
File: 1634851354325.jpg (Spoiler Image,265.15 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211021-142007_Red…)

>>1353188She's fucking deranged you can see the chunks and everything I'm actually sick
She is mentally ill to the highest degree
Isn't this her
abuser too kek
You hated him so much o
You mate vomit content with him! Good job loser.
No. 1353389
File: 1634868828164.jpg (460.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211021-191101_Ins…)

>>1353223Very ed fetishist for someone who claims to have struggled with ed. God Ashley is so fucking pathetic and gross.
No. 1355016
File: 1635105971977.png (40.61 KB, 534x368, Schermafbeelding 2021-10-24 om…)

>>1353804>>1354976Do it yourself if you want it so bad