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No. 1198319
Last time:
- June is revealed to look like Momo without make-up
>>1144409- June gets catfished by a nazbol using a gay swiss man's pictures
>>1145127- the gay man makes an appearance 1145987
- some old scene-girl June videos pop up
>>1149471- The black man June used to date dies
>>1152446 and June donates to his funeral fund
>>1155697- June makes fun of childless catladies like herself
>>1160595- Septic has a happy valentines day with his new girlfriend
>>1161734- June creates another fan-account to signal just how horny she is to her simps
>>1170821- June misses the good old days where men used to beat women
>>1170824- We find a video of Shoe's parents
>>1171181- June goes full tradthot
>>1179051- June leaks more of her nudes and nobody cares
>>1183673previous thread:
>>1144083June's Twitter: June's Main YouTube:'s Second YouTube:'s Instagram: No. 1198320
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>>1198319Since the mods auto-cucked the last thread for some strange reason and it was almost full anyways I made a new one. Enjoy.
No. 1198428
>>1198320>mods auto-cucked the last one for some reasonit's because it was shit. being an embarrassing NLOG and having braindead friends isn't good milk and the threads are always full of exceptional individuals
>>1198343>>1198347dykes stay seething at the sheer thought of bi women kek
No. 1198494
>>1198446Nta and I was just scrolling by, but those posts did seem like they were trying to incite an infight with the whole,
>bi girls are straight>this is why bis and trannies get along so wellIt wasn't even shitting on Shoe specifically. If you know Shoe is actually straight, then why insult bi women.
No. 1199515
>>1198543This site is all about petty drama, look at all the threads around you making fun of cows simply for how they dress that day. Shoe's threads aren't even that active except for when she says something stupid or embarasses herself again.
You seem to have some kind of personal reason for not liking this thread. Pro-tip: hide threads you don't care about.
There is a reason we are on thread 30 and June will not stop being a lolcow anytime soon, so suck it up buttercup.
No. 1199693
>>1199682It doesn't really surprise me. He strung June along until he felt "ready" for a serious relationship/marriage/(perhaps family) and once he was ready he realized June is not the woman to have that with.
So that he now knows what he wants and is moving fast is pretty common. Often times guys who tell you they are "not ready" end up dumping you and get their new girlfriend pregnant immediately.
He's also pretty old and has been married before. Tik Tok.
No. 1201168
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shoe and her orbiters were meant for each other
No. 1201188
>>1201168So she's just photoshopping her lips into Belle Dephine's now?
Also, she really does have some of the worst makeup application. She's been doing the same, basic look for over a decade and she still cant bring her eyeliner down to her eyelash line or apply lipstick straight?
As for preg, he is a retard that cant be alone. He hasn't changed and never will. He's just another scrote that needs a woman to run his life. Australia chick is a fucking idiot for getting publically involved with someone who has said and done the shit he has and I'm gonna lol when he moves on again.
No. 1201513
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“stage 5 clinger”
No. 1201569
>>1201513Women who were incredibly spoiled their entire life really think it's cute not to know how to do anything.
"OwO I burnt da oatmeal, I am such a silly willy!"
"I just don't know how to adult Xd"
It's not cute. No trad-man wants to marry a woman who acts like a child. That's why septic dumped you. You are 30 and you have zero desirable qualities or personality traits. Can't coast on your looks forever.
No. 1201766
>>1201582>pregory is not a trad man anon KEKI didn't say he was. I said he dumped her because she is a child who doesn't want to become an adult and I also said that she won't find the trad man of her dream acting this way either. Two different things.
Sorry about your reading comprehension skills.
No. 1202003
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>>1201513She deleted this second tweet along with this guy's reply.
No. 1204802
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No. 1204850
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No. 1204866
>>1204863Being a 30 year old NEET who still lives with her parents and can't cook is cute and quirky,
nonnie. You just don't get it! She is not like us other girls!
No. 1205023
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>>1204802>>1204850this is related to people tweeting this video of her being a racist at her all day. eventually decided she is "leaving the left" talk about a meltdown
No. 1206275
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Her simps are so fucking delusional jesus christ. How is the same womanchild that openly bragged about boiling pasta in her 20s going to unite two political factions?
No. 1207857
>>1206282>never taking part in society is a prerequisite to being on twitterftfy
>>1206466What's she gonna do, go without male attention entirely? She'd drop dead in a week. June is a very plain looking girl. The type of girl you pass on the street and don't look at twice. On top of that she can't do her makeup and the way she does do it makes her look even worse. Add to that she lives with her parents, is dumb as a brick, whines constantly, is untidy, unhygienic, and has absolutely 0 real world experience, why would any man that isnt already himself a worthless incel-tier scrote want to talk to her? Fuck her yeah, maybe, but long term relationship?
It's not like she can even fall back on being the nice chick, or the smart chick, or the hardworking family gal because she doesn't even understand her own ideology,acts like a raging asshole, and sponges off her parents. She has literally 0 going for her. These are the type of men that are on her level and she deserves.
If she hadn't raged at every other woman that exists she might have some girlfriends right now to help her evolve. She did this to herself and she would pick her incel army over anyone that wants to genuinely help her in a heartbeat.
No. 1210396
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Well, it's in the open now.
This is who Greg replaced June with.
They're not just hosting a podcast together, they're clearly dating(07:04): No. 1210413
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Greg and Patrice's Patreon
No. 1210789
>>1210422>>1210425>>1210549You guys can't keep your stories straight.
> Known for a year> Known for months> They're not togetherAnyway, I think it's hilarious that Greg went from "Skeptic™" to "believer in the paranormal" around the time this relationship kicked off. Patrice says stupid shit about "energies", so it's clear it's the puss in this that's caused him to flip.
Just an observation.
No. 1210790
>>1210789NTA but Anon it's April. "for a few months" and "since last year" (not
for a year) are the same amount of time.
No. 1210948
>>1210789Pickmes change for men, men change for Stacies. Nothing abnormal here.
Wonder what it feels like to contort your entire personality to match the pretentious man you're with, only to watch him change everything about himself to match the personality of another girl.
No. 1211200
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Has anyone mentioned that they unfollowed each other on Twitter? I'm guessing they didn't "stay as friends" or even bother "supporting" each other's content after the break up. Really goes to show how the 24/7 BDSM and le "trad alpha" bf dumb liberal gf was all a grifting shtick. Surprisingly, it was shuwu that unfollowed first.
No. 1211316
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>>1211200>>1210396Are you a Slowpoke?
No. 1211317
>>1211316why are you so
triggered by his late post?
No. 1211326
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Even her dog has more hair than shoe
No. 1211328
>>1211317You're posting old news that we all already know (look at the last thread linked in the OP), you can't sage and you can't integrate and you're probably a scrote.
You're lost. Go home.
No. 1211336
>>1211328I didnt post it so dont assume you look like a dumbass.
>>1211327yup I know where I am dude do you know where are at man?
No. 1211338
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>>1211336Jesus fuck, relax.
No. 1211339
>>1211338kept deleting it cuz the mods are quite happy to ban for "mean words" and dont want you wussies getting me banned cuz your fee fees got hurt again over words.
cry moar
No. 1211449
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I miss when there was actual milk. Nowadays it's just her mediocre shit twitter takes and rehashed stuff from previous threads. Cmon wig, embarrass yourself, you know you want to
No. 1211971
>>1211641We discussed all of this in the OLD THREAD that is linked on the OP.
>>1211801>thinking Vaush has any morals and doesn't know all this alreadyGrifters don't give a shit.
>>1211765>Does she still think she can make Tucker Carlson her boyfriend and "fix" him?No. That's a joke. She's not THAT delusional (yet).
Learn to sage and integrate if you're gonna keep ban-evading.
No. 1212002
>>1211801Vaush has had racist and homophobic things "because jokes" too.
They're birds of a feather.
It's more alarming that Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball gave her a platform even though their fans directed their attention to her old content.
No. 1212257
>>1212228She really shouldn't scare you anon. She's pretty pathetic by all accounts. No job, no life skills, no education at fucking 30 when you should have something for yourself or at least know how to care for yourself. She can't keep up her persona for long. She'll just drift away into obscurity. Maybe she'll pop up in the distant future with more self leaked nudes in chan boards but nobody will care. That's her bed she made for herself and she'll have to lie in it
I can't see her doing anything other than maybe coming out as trans and living with her parents until they die
No. 1212284
>>1212228If June called a black woman the n-word she would also be cancelled immediately. Lindsay Ellis was cancelled just for using the words "squint" and "asian" in the same tweet.
Also you gotta remember that none of her simps actually care about her politics as long as they still consider her bang-able (which won't be for much longer, Instagram filters can only do so much).
No. 1212838
>>1212228I don't like June because she's racist, classist, etc…
…but I don't get the "loser" talk.
That's just propaganda. There is no point to life other than what each of us decide.
Chasing status and money is for fools, and only "useful fools" promote that shit for these hegemonic systems.
Do you seriously expect any of us to believe you're against racism, etc… but for the hegemony that defines "winning" as something other than what we decide for ourself?
Giev me a break.
No. 1212839
>>1212284She already did.
In a vlog years ago. It's still online, and she was called out on it.
It's titled "Good Times Had By None" and she also says "black people have the reputation for rape".
She also made a video where she caricatured how she thinks black people speak.
No. 1213845
>>1212942"delusional wannabe
victim brats"
says the idiot that denied statistics simply to anchor themselves to narratives
Delusion is when people refuse to accept beliefs that are proven or disproven based on evidence and analysis. June is one of these people because they refuse to submit to data calling it misleading while she uses logical fallacies to stick to her intuitive based conclusions.
She literally wrote a rap song calling other people emotional while she emotionally raged in the song and only used emotional "reasoning" in it; personal attacks and nothing else.
No. 1214005
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Shoe made a meme about george floyd and theres a lot of people telling her to take it down because it's in bad taste. A lot of the quote tweets are saying she is blocking people telling her to.
Vaush even retweeted it too. I'm surprised the tweet is still up.
No. 1214181
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>>1214005>>1214159She’s referencing this. People thought Pelosi’s phrasing was insensitive and shoe is just following the herd, as she does best. No shoe mask-off racist arc (yet).
No. 1214199
>>1210396>greg is still making the "i just farted" DreamWorks faceplease, please stop greg
i already do not like her personality based off of this then again i really do not like social media normie users in general.
No. 1214404
>>1214181Well you see, Shoe is just
so much better than those icky democrat hags. George Floyd isn’t just a sacrificial lamb to her, he’s a prized meme! Very brave, very sensitive to the plight of minorities, very not just fishing for twitter clout.
No. 1214468
>>1214005There are now 2 twitter accounts dedicated to documenting june being a cunt like they're zoomers too which I think she is trying to pander to
shoe is milking it though
No. 1214484
>>1212838just because you define being a loser as not having status/money, doesn't mean the rest of us do. You're projecting.
June is a loser because she has been given every opportunity in life and thrown it away to chase racist men on the internet and hate women.
No. 1214604
>>1212838So deep.
You know what's classist? Not saging this bullshit, just so it bumps ahead of everyone who knows how to integrate. Where's the meritocracy in that?
No. 1214786
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>>1214468This was under @WhenShoe 's pinned tweet. Her simps are so fucking pretentious
No. 1215097
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Is she gonna freak out once she finds out her rational wiki has her listed as 5'6"
No. 1215262
>>1214740you are so slow. What makes someone a loser is a personal opinion, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks. And it doesn't take a feminist to think June is a loser. See: kiwifarms.
>>1214786her scrotes are so fucking stupid. "hurr here's a random ass quote that agrees with my point. checkmate SJW!"
No. 1215622
>>1214786 this
idiot forgot that it only works if
black people are reclaiming racist jokes lmao the joke here is monument to black history is ugly uwu
No. 1215684
>>1215097How the fuck do they still have her name wrong? They've been corrected several times and were even provided that old copy of her ID that floated about years ago.
It's so weird that rationalwiki tries to doxx and cyberstalk people and fails so bad at it.
For years they thought Greg's name was "AJ".
No. 1215688
>>1214206No, she was like that as far back as 2011 during her Boxxy-stalking phase.
That specific arc ended when Catie referred to her as a "fan" instead of a "friend" in one of her vlogs. June went went full emo and complained that since they have talked in tinychat they should have been considered friends.
She has always been a bitch (making "fun" of people in her vlogs) with an obsession with approval, using bullying to make her feel better about her lack of accomplishments.
I was surprised that when Venti did her video "series" on June that she didn't cover her pro-political phase, but that's most likely because Brit only hates June because she sees has as attention-seeking competition.
Her parents are pretty awful too… there's old videos of them making racist jokes and both of them have been to court over fraud charges before, so it's not very odd that they spawned June.
No. 1215690
>>1214740June doesn't hate women, June hates educated women with real jobs and real world experience that make her tactics of "appeal to bullshit" look childish and dumb.
Say what you want about SJWs but at least most of them have jobs.
June is insecure and has no real worth in the social or work field, so she shills for attention, protection and money.
Real women threaten her survival strategy.
No. 1215691
>>1214604You didn't offer a debunk.
Great way to out yourself June.
If you don't want people to know it's you, then you really should learn about logical fallacies.
>so deepIs just facetiousness masquerading as a thought-terminating cliche.
> You know what's classist? Not saging this bullshit, just so it bumps ahead of everyone who knows how to integrate. Where's the meritocracy in that?This is a complete mess and no one has a clue as to what you're trying to communicate.
(hi cow) No. 1215694
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>>1214740> "so you're saying that june is a loser because she hates women? i don't think that's something most people in this world except for on this site agree with."
> "I don't think…"Google "The False Consensus Effect" and then feel bad for being an idiot.
What a massive idiot.
No. 1215858
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Of course the woman who boasted on twitter of her boyfriend holding her on a leash is tweeting this.
No. 1215870
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>>1215858She should of stayed quiet because it's just proving the Brigid girl right.
Groceries treated her like shit publicly and claiming it was apart of BDSM. Insinuating that he would treat any women like this.
The minute he got with his new women he has treated her so far respectfully, unfollowed all the e-whores, no weird oversexualize talks in his podcast.
His misogyny was full form because he believes women like june don't deserve respect but his current girlfriend does. June didn't earn it in his eyes and wasn't worth it. She was just a placeholder.
No. 1216044
>>1215957Seconded tbh
op must be close to June
No. 1216175
>>1216163I mean he isn't wrong. Women like June don't deserve respect. If you're gonna act like a dumb hole for a man, don't be surprised if he treats you like a dumb hole.
It really shows just how smoothbrained she is that she has learned nothing from this and still acts the exact same way and will repeat this exact pattern with the next scrote who "picks" her.
Honestly, it's what she deserves. Being a pick-me who hates women only attracts absolute bottom of the barrel losers who will treat her like crap and she will keep roleplaying that being treated like crap is her fetish. This is going to be the rest of her life.
No. 1216243
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>>1215858Why did she have to post two tweets "owning" this woman who didn't even get a thousand likes on her tweet?
Somehow her entire twitter presence is even worse than it used to be. If I didn't know this was a thirty year old woman posting I'd assume it was a teenage edgelord. Who is she trying to appeal to? It's just desperate at this point.
No. 1216342
>>1216243Woman she is replying to actually understands marxist ideology and presents her points clearly in an educated manner.
Meanwhile Wig can only counter her with "??????" and showing off what a cool kinky girl she is, then she directs her simps to harass.
No. 1216676
>>1215957>>1216044The "I love Boxxy" forums from years ago.
She had some stalkers there and someone used a smurf account to drop images of her family and info on them. It was suspected to be Julian ("Ian").
This was part off the reason why the various Boxxy forums were merged into the one controlled by Catie (in reality by Intrepid). Too much doxxing was taking place. People were still sharing this back in 2011 when her forum got "hacked" and everyone's PMs were leaked showing people actively ganging up to share doxxed info.
I didn't bother saving much because I was going through a "holier than thou" phase at the time.
No. 1216704
>>1216243I bet this woman is almost a decade older than shoe.
Why is she so fucking pathetic.
No. 1216849
>>1216676Based anon
Do you remember any details of the fraud charges?
No. 1216853
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Isn’t this what he did to June? Convinced her he loved her and still jerked off to e-girls? I wonder if this is about Shoe or his new chick
No. 1216919
>>1216853He vagueposts because if he accuses shoe of cheating or abuse everyone would just bring up screenshots of him cheating and abusing, if he does it like this he takes the responsibility of the relationship off his part but also keeps people guessing on what June could have possibly done that was worse than all the emotional labor, money, humifaction and cheating june let him get away with
unless he goes out his way to claim that shoe was physically abusing him, which would have me keking all the way considering how much he prided himself in being strong but fat and tall and couldn't defend himself or shut down a 5'5 string bean that doesn't work out
No. 1216922
>>1214740June is a loser because she started out with a privileged life, and had many opportunities to advance herself without punching down and yet she's made really bad choices that have resulted in stagnation despite having a very large fan base. She's the same entering 30 as she was in her early 20s and that's truly embarrassing.
Even other tradthots like Lauren Southern bugged out of clickbait vlogging and she now larps as a journalist and mom.
No. 1217086
>>1216853Cringe. Is it not enough for him that most people already consider him the "winner" in this break-up?
I mean I wouldn't be surprised at all of June was a total manipulative bitch in their relationship, but so was he I am sure.
It is always cringy to me when people air out their dirty laundry after breaking up. Usually when you have been in a relationship for years with a person you both end up with a truck-load of dirt on them and each person has done shitty things to the other at some point. You don't air it out because then it becomes a nasty shit-flinging contest where neither party looks good. Just shut up.
No. 1217125
>>1217103well, she dodged a bullet there
hope she got whatever she wanted (clout?) out of it
No. 1217138
>>1216853lmao. rebound not work so well huh greggy-san?
Not Gonna Make It.
No. 1217162
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>>1217103Her social media is gone now too.
So Preg got with shuwu by cheating on his wife. He gets with this chick very quickly after breaking it off with shuwu, they never met physically but, quickly made her his cohost of his podcast, similarly how he made shuwu his co-host for his movie reviews.
Will her learn his lesson the third time or will he pick up another desperate woman and "co-host" her?
No. 1217539
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>>1216853The long public love letter post is gone from his insta so either they had a huge fight, stalker problems or most likely they've broken up.
'My ex was a villain' is so childish and cringy, I love it. They're all so trashy.
Greg and Shoe get back together arc when?
No. 1217558
>>1217539Christ he dresses like a shitty magician. I have no idea how this man can pull women who look like
>>1210396 but I can at least take solace in the fact that she probably cheated on him with someone better looking.
No. 1217576
>>1217539not a matter of if, just when.
And i’ll be waiting for the milk with some popcorn
No. 1217590
>>1217581So what if someone posted that info here? They already revealed that they were dating each other with their mushy Valentine's posts.
I see it more like:
1. Greg dates Patrice.
2. Greg looks like he won the break-up.
3. Patrice sets up the podcast and does free work for him (writing, planning and graphics).
4. Greg gets all he wants from Patrice.
5. They break up.
6. Greg whines about being the
victim again.
No. 1217592
>>1217590Don't know why he tried convincing her she's a "villain"? Maybe he started with his camgirl coomer hobbies again and Patrice wasn't happy about that.
When will Preg finally go salty MGTOW?
No. 1217617
>>1216853>>1217162Kek at all the anons who congratulated Preg and said shoe's doormat pickme behaviour is the reason he treated her like that when they were together (like the posts this anon was answering to in the last thread
No man who simps for e-girls in his public Twitter while being in a relationship involving a pedophilic fetish (even if he was just enabling shoe's "cool girl Who is sexually forward with her boyfriend" persona) changes in a matter of days (long enough after the breakup to start dating the new girl) for a new girl.
And all of this without mentioning that this is the second time in less than a year that he's subtweeted his ex(s) for being "
abusive" or "a villain" while implying he was just a poor
No. 1217631
>>1217590> 3. Patrice sets up the podcast and does free work for him (writing, planning and graphics).What writing and planning? Seems like amateur hour to be honest. Same thing with the "graphics" claim.
If I were a betting man, I'd think you were Patrice.
None of Greg's productions have been above high school grade professionalism.>>1217590
No. 1217664
>>1217581Someone posted the info here and in kiwifarms ages ago. They've officially been together on insta and had a podcast so it was hardly a secret.
>>1217617Well but he still treated Shoe like shit and Patrice at least publicly with respect.
There's a difference between publicly calling someone an amazing partner, inspiration, muse and a soul mate and calling Shoe a stupid female who deserves to be slapped if she disobeys him and post photos spanking her and having her on leash.
No. 1217813
>>1217590>>1217581Greg has a repeat pattern of douchebaggery, the more he does it the more out and about it gets and it's easier to research. He fucked himself over by fucking over June with his douchebag cycle not because June's an angel but because June has an army of simps as well as the fact it's easy to see what he does publicly when he was with June
His past few relationships have fell into the same cycle
>He meets someone while with his partner>Starts cheating, simping for teenagers, taking advantage of his current for work, money, ego, etc>As soon as the next partner is arranged he breaks and immediately gets with the other woman >Claims the previous was actually the one doing the abusing>He meets anotherI also think it was Greg posting here in the past few threads trying to claim that june was the mega abuser and the reason why he simped for teens and shat on her publicly is because poor little preg was being abused by June all along and wanted her attention or the constant asspats about how preg "won"
No. 1217814
File: 1619538999171.png (427.73 KB, 748x742, getdabbedon9yearolds.png)

Shoe trying to dab on a woman, but accidentally dabbing on a 9 year old boy by calling him autistic.
I am sure she will delete this soon.
No. 1217858
>>1217798Nta, but they are literally just asking you to sage, newfag. kek
>>1217813Honestly makes me wonder how quickly he's going to cycle through the next few relationships. It's pretty obvious he used Patrice as a means to cut ties with June and rub it in her face. If he's dropped her already, is there already a new one waiting on the sidelines? Surprised June even lasted as long as she did, though it was pretty obvious he had been done with her for quite a while near the end of the relationship.
No. 1219196
>>1217664Hut why would he treat her with respect? Shoe loves being degraded and being insulted and she hates women.
Shoe deserves a shitty relationship. Shes disgusting and has no problem sending her autistic fanbase to harass women and make stupid videos about MMMUH feminism with no arguments.
Shoe is the type of woman to blame her daughter if she was raped.
Hes worthless just like she is, but she didnt deserve any better.
No. 1219375
>>1219355especially because she's older than shoe and if she wants to have a family/kids she needs someone to actually start a life with who will be serious about her now. not some man child fuckboy divorcee rebounding from a broken engagement ten thousand miles away calling her his muse who she's can't even meet in person for god knows how long. and who knows if she knew about his behavior before getting together with him, maybe she found out later when the lovebombing started to fade and realized she didn't want to deal with his shit.
i'm a little older than shoe as well and i can't imagine the uncertainty/fear from a relationship like that when you want to have a real partner and a family in the future. who wants to waste their time?
No. 1219528
>>1219494Yeah but most of that list is also a "list of reasons to not date Preg in the first place". You have to wonder what would change the mind of someone with such low standards to begin with. What are the things that someone might be dumb enough to overlook at the outset, but realise a few weeks or months in that it's too tedious to bear?
The sex stuff is the most obvious.
No. 1219677
>>1219528It's quite possible that she didn't know some of the things listed and other shit as well. Many men manage to hide certain facts even IRL, and it's way easier on the internet. I suspect he could even ask her not to look for any info about him, having made up a shitty explanation. And she could find something eventually, probably even ask someone about something, and that's what made him angry. It's just something manipulative men do, and they genuinely feel like
victims, I guess.
No. 1220185
>>1219690I was only one of those.
Lists are just easier, less time consuming, and easier on the reader.
Do you really prefer multi-paragraph text walls of criticisms?
No. 1220218
>>1220183I don't think so tbh. Her appeal is being the brash, politically incorrect girl that is cool enough to be sexually adventurous, but not outwardly so enough to be considered a slut (which is what 90% of her simps/target audience think of girls who open OF accounts, see idubbbz's girlfriend drama), with the only change since she began dating Greg being moving further to the left.
Opening an OF would annihilate the greater part of her audience.
No. 1220304
File: 1619788726464.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.37 KB, 527x972, Snapchat-1547613711.jpg)

People saying June leaked her own nudes when they literally look like this
No. 1220306
>>1220304Greg and June fap to ugly ass cam girls like syren cove and think she's a goddess
On a related note I think June's nudes look fine body wise, there are some where she's making weird faces but June posts ugly photos all the time. Pretty easy to think you're hot when your obese Daddy Dom is masturbating to dumpster fires
No. 1220721
>>1220274Anonymous now No. 1220719
>>1220274yeah Greg's a deadringer how tf did we forget that part
No. 1220880
>>1220755You probably missed those threads where it appeared for the first time
No. 1221201
File: 1619900623378.jpg (18.21 KB, 589x351, hahahahahaha.jpg)

No. 1221239
File: 1619903184577.jpeg (116.9 KB, 801x1024, 6D4BD83A-E5A0-4124-A3DE-0B5169…)

>>1221226It’s the rodent physiognomy
No. 1221264
File: 1619906366557.jpg (1.41 MB, 808x1038, WhoOnHead.jpg)

>>1221226She says she's from Jersey, but a little known fact is that she was actually born in Whoville.
No. 1221604
>>1217569this woman needs to calm down with the filters. idk how any of you can say she's good looking when she brightens off half her features and uses the same fatty angles/stupid faces preg does.
They're also not even clearing $300 a month on patreon. This whole podcast venture is fucking embarrassing since you damn well know this is preg's fulltime job.
Doesn't look like any of their pages have been updated in a month. Guess they might be over kek
No. 1225345
File: 1620395491079.jpg (805.14 KB, 2000x1500, 7 (4).jpg)

The look on Red's face here says it all.
No. 1225357
File: 1620396152230.png (1.95 MB, 1500x844, 7 (5).png)

She used to "beg" Greg to "not" post pics on Unichan. What do you think the pics were for, Greg? Why do you think she even mentioned that place? What a broken attention whore. What the fucked happened in her past other than her high school friends leaving her behind? Did she do something her senior year that forced her to become an outcast? What broke her?
No. 1225445
File: 1620405524506.jpg (316.47 KB, 1280x720, 1507913909558.jpg)

>>1225374Shouldn't have laughed at this but I did.
No. 1225484
File: 1620410465474.png (97.92 KB, 200x237, lmao.png)

>>1225357This is NOT June. This picture has been popping up for years and was already confirmed not to be her several times.
No. 1225939
File: 1620480572316.png (227.77 KB, 1080x1761, Screenshot_20210508-092155.png)

Is it old news that she has a bitchute?
No. 1227805
File: 1620746318599.png (1.07 MB, 1916x868, tradwig.png)

She bought a fucking blonde wig with roots and now she perfectly embodies the pick me based girl meme.
No. 1229246
>>1229172he’s literally not even in the top 20% of people of walmart for attractiveness
copium addict, thinks he’s hot just because he’s tall and not bald
No. 1229247
>>1229172damn. i wish i had half the delusions of myself that he does.
A man that barely has any online footprint if he isn't with Shoe thinking he's the best of the best lol..
No. 1229274
>>1229246That means he thinks he's an 8/10? Ok that is so delusional. That means he thinks he's on the same level as celebrity men.
I would grant him 6/10 when he was skinnier and didn't have his greasy long hair. Now he's a 5/10 at best.
No. 1229301
File: 1620922777716.png (188.9 KB, 548x577, Discord.png)

Didn't Greg close the ArmouredSkeptic Discord for Patrice? I guess they broke up around the end of March.
No. 1229740
>>1229292and this is why screenshots are important instead of reacting to 2nd hand descriptions.
>>1229172 made it sound like he just randomly started a thread about being in the top 20% of attractiveness, not responding to a neg with a self-aggrandising joke. Sure, it's not funny and he probably secretly believes that anyway, but it's not the same kind of hubris.
No. 1229844
File: 1620983592287.jpg (357.04 KB, 1080x1879, IMG_20210514_110942.jpg)

>>1229292Is the chick answering to him trying to surpass Shoe on pickmeism?
No. 1229845
File: 1620983749517.png (519.9 KB, 599x598, greg.png)

No. 1229860
>>1229845The last thing an anime waifu pillow sees.
>>1229844They're not wrong, dating apps are a sausage buffet for women because men are so thirsty for hook-ups they match and try to fuck anything. It's not women only wanting to fuck Chad, it's that 90% of users are me trying to bang anything that moves.
No. 1229871
>>1229292>>1229301This is all so funny when considering shuwu would claim everytime they went out, women would throw themselves at him and that he use to have so many of her fans stroking his ego because they were also manchildren who related with Preg.
It's hard for him to realize now that he wasn't at all as attractive as she was claiming(and was only doing it for her benefit "I have a hot dadbod bf uwu") and her fans were just playing along. Still zero sympathy for him, he's a creep and I'm glad Patrice got out.
No. 1229901
File: 1620997500202.png (43.84 KB, 287x380, comments.png)

>>1229880There are people kissing his butt in the comments
No. 1230247
>>1229292Men use dating apps way more than women, and men will literally fuck hot pockets. Those stats are fair and as they should be. Having standards and preferring to be alone otherwise is a good thing.
>>1229845his extra chromie is showing
No. 1230319
File: 1621031720478.png (1.3 MB, 1640x1640, Cart_Titan_character_image_(Pi…)

Anyone else
No. 1230639
File: 1621080910373.png (67.42 KB, 250x202, best angle.png)

>>1229958>>1229246>>1229274>>1229926Men, especially on the internet, believe that they're are immune to aging. A bald dude looks better than whatever tf
>>1229845the dad angle, except preg isn't a dad thankfully
No. 1230962
File: 1621120237593.jpg (194.94 KB, 1080x611, IMG_20210516_010452.jpg)

>>1229845>>1229887I honestly don't know if I prefer that pic to the ones in which he makes that gross cocky/smug face.
No. 1231083
File: 1621138767188.png (109.89 KB, 877x621, fygyef745b.png)

some of her followers were real salty about this lol
No. 1231098
>>1231083Based tbh.
If June made a video discussing how sex workers are
victims of capitalism, I would actually probably respect her.
But that would basically make her a feminist.
No. 1231250
>>1231098She will never admit that women could be
victims of anything. She is very much someone who thinks sex work is fine UNLESS it's women tricking poor lonely men into spending their money on pussy pics and twitch streams, then they're exploiting men.
Her being pro-sex work is unsurprising considering that to acknowledge capitalism exploiting women, you must acknowledge that there are social and biological forces pitted against women to make that possible. She's too stupid to make an obvious connection. Imagine recognizing that radical feminists have a point about sex work being a problem for women because of our biology and social roles but not acknowledging trans ideology is a problem for women for the same exact reasons. She is literally braindead.
No. 1232033
>>1215690>June hates educated women with real jobs and real world experience that make her tactics of "appeal to bullshit" look childish and dumb.I used to think this was an exaggeration until my online girl friend that was friends with June back in the Boxxy stalking days got back in touch with her this year after not being in contact for a couple years.
Apparently they were chatting just fine at first. But then when June asked her how her life's been, and my friend talked about getting her master's degree and her job and writing a book and shit, June ghosted her after she asked what June's been up to.
No. 1232168
File: 1621284340759.png (26.98 KB, 572x903, here's the screencap she gave …)

>>1232069Did I fucking stutter?
>Especially if it’s unremarkable.That's why I saged. You should learn to do it too.
No. 1233177
File: 1621383581840.jpeg (Spoiler Image,413.36 KB, 828x1170, B77155E6-470D-4762-8E23-5F7730…)

i guess june sensed a dip in her simp bux
No. 1235886
File: 1621712610167.jpeg (349.38 KB, 815x792, cringe.jpeg)

>I love men
No. 1235925
>>1235886it's crazy how Pick Me's like Shayna and Shoe, always get Picked by disgusting scrotes or not at all.
The type of dudes she's pandering too aren't decent men. I love that for her.
No. 1235928
>>1235886holy fuck men will take something as innocent as girls taking pictures while hanging out and spin it into some great injustice towards them. Ask your friend to take your fucking picture, bro. It's not hard. Or what? Is that too gay or some dumb shit? Men are absolutely pathetic. They literally stand in their own way and get mad at women about it.
Men love to joke about how women don't get on but they also complain when they get on too well and it makes them feel bad about their own shitty friends.
No. 1235938
>>1232168As someone who was a part of the "sphere," I used to be jealous of her because I was working hard on my education, poor, stuck with a depressing life. She seemed like she had it all.
If Shoe was actually friendly and kind, I probably would have felt more happiness at her success/been inspired by her. She was a bully and only cared about male attention back then too…
These days I feel so much schadenfreude when I check in on her. She's depressing. I simply can't imagine being alone, single, friendless, and terminally online from my childhood bedroom at 30. It's so sad.
No. 1236099
File: 1621748321050.jpeg (238.5 KB, 1242x1300, 4D360D35-4D16-456F-BC07-DC3B9D…)

Will she an hero on her 30th anons? I imagine she will spend the whole day crying and maybe make a joke because she’s ToTaLLy iN oN iT!! on twitter
No. 1236354
>>1236106No but I believe it. She was always a super contradictory person in retrospect.
Like how she acted as if she didn’t want attention or to be called the queen of /m/. Then did everything she could to be the center of attention on that board.
I also remember her offering to exchange nudes for guys to show pictures of their faces to her, then acting like she was above girls who publicly posted nudes.
That always made me think the trad persona was a cope. She never managed her hair pulling, left her mom and dad’s house and only attracted men who were losers. She could make being inexperienced seem like her choice during her trad larp phase.
No. 1236693
File: 1621830981506.png (221.87 KB, 796x862, Screenshot_20210524-003321.png)

Shoe was going really hard against leather daddies at pride when she literally posted a picture of Greg holding her leash on for everyone and God to see.
Her whole identity used to be kink what ground does she have to stand on.
No. 1236696
>>1236693“oh no, me getting a few minutes of attention and notoriety for having a dumb ill informed opinion about something i’m a hypocrite about? i wouldn’t want
that to happen oh please noooo”
No. 1236701
>>1236696What's dumb or ill-informed about what she said though? She's a hypocrite, but what she's saying isn't unreasonable or even weird.
Am I missing something?
No. 1236729
File: 1621844610539.png (1.76 MB, 2626x1054, june.png)

>>1236693She's right, but only because she is pandering to the rightwing scrotes now. She is a huge hypocrite who forced everyone, including children who might see her marked SFW content, to her dumb BDSM kink.
No. 1236745
>>1236729i think she knows it was cringe but even a while before her and preg broke up they pretty much stopped referencing it. i think she is embarrassed over it and likely wouldn’t broadcast it if she found a new scrote.
that being said, she never really acknowledged “i did this and it was cringe” or denounced it. not like she absolutely has to address it but i feel like i would just to say hey uhh sorry that was weird wasnt it? but ive never been e “famous” (lol a stretch for shoe) myself
No. 1236905
>>1236693Here's another take:
Pride is an adult event and it has been for decades now. The real weirdos are the parents bringing their children to a parade that is INTENDED to celebrate SEXUALITY.
No. 1237033
>>1236905It's out in public. If you want to host an event "without children" you need to do it inside a building and have someone at the entrance controlling who is allowed inside.
Honestly pride is so fucking gross and degenerate that it is doing the absolute opposite of what it intends to do. You are just showing the world that gay people are dangerous to children and can't keep their dicks in their pants in public because they are hypersexual perverts.
Sexuality does not need to be expressed by having sex in public and wearing fetish gear, sicko.
No. 1238192
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No. 1238194
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No. 1238236
File: 1621999509428.jpg (73.76 KB, 538x566, side kink.jpg)

>>1236693didn't she call pedophilia a "side ki->>1238234
No. 1238316
>>1236099funnily enough, her age will be the least of her problems. plenty of women have no problem finding a good man in their 30.
any potential boyfriend will see her internet presence and history early on. when she was with preg her personality revolved around him. if she was just a generic onlyfans thot who didn't advertise herself as a doormat she'd be better off, but at one point another man was a part of her online persona.
plus she has no life experience, no skills, not even a job, and lives with her parents. she lives her life online. if she ever somehow finds a boyfriend, he will be at her same level (or somehow below) and won't have shit going for him in life. and of course any relationship she manages to get into won't last long because of her past. a relationship with june would have more baggage than an airport
No. 1238344
File: 1622019172572.png (1.67 MB, 1472x2000, kids_at_pride.png)

>>1198319Personally I enjoy seeing June get a dose of reality from the community she so vehemently defends and likes to pretend she is a part of. Oh no the tranny commie degenerates who thirst after dickgirls and make their "queer sexuality" their entire identity are… degenerate? The people whose entire twitter timeline is porn and lolicon have no moral values and don't care about protecting kids? I am so shocked!
Honestly surprised tho that horse dong lover and age-of-consent debater Vaush is on her side in this.
I do think however that she is only taking this stance to pander to the right and find a trad husbando. She never cared about exposing kids to kink and was proud of being a gross BDSM degen in public, I just don't think this change in stance is genuine cause she is still friends with trannies and people like Lilith Lovett.
Picrel are some of the tweets she has curated.
No. 1238346
>>1238344how does she manage to attract the worst adherents of every political spectrum?
This is chronic, debilitating pickmeism.
No. 1238352
File: 1622020978940.png (136.86 KB, 1152x374, fetish.png)

>>1238202>why are kink and homosexuality conflatedBecause a lot of homosexuals build their entire identity around their sexuality and their fetishes.
Only like 1.5% to 2% of men are gay, but 1 out of 4 fetishists are gay men. Gay men are more likely to have some kind of fetish, so there is absolutely a correlation.
source: No. 1238379
>>1235928>Ask your friend to take your fucking picture, bro. It's not hard. Yeah, exactly. He's infantilizing men.
>"Do your buddies ever just hit you with a "you're looking fresh af today let me take a pic"?"But where is the bromance that guys keep talking about? Kekking
No. 1238400
>>1238369Sarah Z has a point in Shoe's hypocrisy, but she seems to be defending having kids around Pride. How is having a cheap AliExpress choker comparable to having a full BDSM leather outfit? It reminds me of Vaush's defense to CP: "Well, if it's okay to buy computers made with child labor, we should make it legal to buy CP to be morally consistent."
>>1238194So Sarah Z doesn't think that there is nothing inherently wrong with June's tweet or public sex life, it's just that she should shut up and let kids go to Pride to learn about BDSM from gay people. If you don't agree, you are homophobic.
No. 1238462
>>1238452I've also been going that long. And people being fucked up and condoms being handed out still is not literally public sex. This whole thing is just normies freaking out about seeing leather daddies.
There ARE sex parties that are adjacent to pride but they're ticketed private 21+ events
No. 1238473
>>1238447Glad we can agree that sexual degeneracy and forcing your kink onto others in public is an essential part of the homosexual identity.
I mean, you can not expect an adult gay man, sorry I mean a "leather daddy" to NOT wear his fetish gear in public! That's his whole personality and why he is there to begin with! Don't like gay people exposing themselves in the street and waving their dicks into the face of your kids? Vote conservative!
Thank you gay men fucking each other infront of kids, you just created more homophobes that will vote to have your rights taken away!
No. 1238500
>>1238495I don't really get why there should be entire days specifically dedicated to BDSM exhibitionist fetishists where you shouldn't take your kids outside on certain streets or in certain areas unless you want them getting an eyeful of dick.
That has nothing to do with gay rights, being gay isn't a fetish lol.
No. 1238502
>>1238500That's the thing though, you literally do not see dick at pride. That's illegal as it takes place in public. Stop perpetuating this idea bc it's dumb af and not even true.
Seeing a guy in a leather outfit or puppy mask =/= literally seeing dick or public sex
No. 1238504
>>1238503Okay? What you saw was a man committing a crime then and he should have been arrested. I'm a lesbian anon, I would not be still going to pride was wall to wall dick and buttsex. It's quite literally not
Also the second thing you mentioned is just clothes. Come on lol
No. 1238510
File: 1622048294002.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.51 KB, 332x500, 080629-78.jpeg)

>>1238504>just clothes broLmfao
No. 1238514
File: 1622048524503.png (Spoiler Image,7.06 MB, 2402x1847, pride_parade.png)

Clearly nothing wrong with this folx and if you disagree you're a bigot!
Also public sex never happens at pride!
No. 1238515
>>1238513So, you want me to go and look for pictures of these people in front of children and post them here for you?
Can you like, give us your full name so we can make sure you're not in a sex offender registry? I'm not sure you're even legally allowed to be on a computer.
The point is: Being gay isn't a fetish, BDSMfags do not need entire days and public spaces cleared out for them, and kids shouldn't be seeing that shit. End of.
No. 1238518
>>1238517Lesbians were literally the first to stand against pedophiles trying to link themselves to the gay rights movement (I think it was NAMBLA).
It's a shame that so many are brainwashed handmaidens to horny scrotes now.
No. 1238522
File: 1622049188987.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.99 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg)

>>1238513>Wow look at all the children in that crowd who are scarred for life now lolLook at this child literally being groomed to twerk for adults at pride, wholesome!
No. 1238528
>>1238514Thanks anon, I didn't want to find that shit again but it proves the point.
It feels like we're in the fucking twilight zone. How can anyone defend this?
No. 1238531
>>1238481Exactly- don't bring your kids to pride. It's that simple.
It is an adult event known for these spectacles. I remember my parents wouldn't allow me to go to a pride parade until I was 18. I had no issue with that because it simply wasn't appropriate for my age.
I did not NEED this parade to feel accepted, although I was extremely excited when I got to go to my first parade. It did not change my life or anything, though, it was just like a precursor to being allowed admittance to queer bars.
As I've gotten older, I've been more shocked that people are bringing their children. It wasn't a huge thing until maybe 5 years ago? I noticed it is primarily straight couples standing on the sidelines with their kids. If they're personally okay with their children seeing things- that's on them. Not the people in the parade.
No. 1238538
File: 1622050137160.png (Spoiler Image,4.2 MB, 1824x1366, lesbians_at_pride.png)

>>1238517>>1238518Don't worry, I made you one with lesbians as well, cause I know you anonitas will appreciate seeing these wholesome ladies at pride.
No. 1238539
>>1238533This isn't really answering why BDSM kink should be promoted as if it's part and parcel of being gay. You don't need to be gay to be a BDSM fetishist, and tons of gay people aren't, so what's the defense for blocking off entire public sectors just for that demographic and having to make people keep their kids away to avoid them having to see shit like
No. 1238541
>>1238538The only point you're proving is that the people who want to bring their children to pride are probably committing covert incest by exposing their children to sex at too young of an age.
It's definitely an adult event. It should stay that way.
No. 1238542
>>1238536>What kind of retard parents are bringing their children to these events.Probably normies who think pride is about gay people not being ashamed of who they are and celebrating a different way of life who didn't expect it to be a complete fuck-fest of degenerate fetishes?
At least that's what I thought pride was about. It's open in public and some people might just be on their way to fucking work coming across this. What fools!
No. 1238547
>>1238539It's an event celebrating sexual identity. That's quite literally what it is.
So there are people being open about their alternative sexual interests. If you do not want your children exposed to sex at a young age, do not go to an even celebrating sex.
>>1238542Pride is very easy to avoid. The roads are closed off for it. Because it's a parade.
Perhaps the posters could say "18+" on them but I don't think the people attending are really like, "WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS."
No. 1238551
>>1238548I guess you expect people to lock up their kids on gay gang-bang day? If you want to hold a parade to celebrate your gayness maybe you can try not having public sex at it and being in fetish gear. You can literally not have it both ways.
>b-b-ut how will people know I am gay and not ashamed if I don't have anal sex in public?! Sad to see that you can not celebrate your sexuality without actually having sex infront of people.
No. 1238553
>>1238550The only people who believe in that image are conservatives who have never lived side-by-side with a gay person.
Most gays are normies and it's so obvious when they're your neighbors, coworkers, etc.
No. 1238567
File: 1622051452595.png (414.72 KB, 800x442, tumblr_33caa6fa2d9060d1ebf32b7…)

@ everyone itt arguing if kids should be at pride or not
No. 1238574
>>1238347Uglier misandrists than her get picked by better males.
Shoe herself would be more likely to get picked if she was a misandrist. Moids don't
really like to be pandered to.
No. 1238581
>>1238533June said that children don't belong in Pride
>>1236693, then pedophiles
>>1238344 and retards like Sarah Z
>>1238192 called her homophobic.
No. 1238687
Last night Destiny (someone who used to be fairly close to Vaush up until recently) made an interesting comment about Vaush/Shoe's relationship, saying that it is likely they are going to publicly announce they are dating soon. tbh feel like he wouldn't say this if he wasn't at least semi confident of it.
Im not sure how to publicly upload the clip on here, it says file too big. hope this works, maybe someone can repost it in case it gets taken down.
What do yall think? No. 1238716
>>1238687He said he guesses they'll be dating within 3 months.
Vaush is already doing the thing narcs like to do where they put down the object of their affection, create distance, then hoover object of affection back in.
She's already in a cycle of abuse with him- why not make it official with a relationship.
No. 1238783
>>1238687Imagine dating a tranny chasing, horsecock loving, woman hating, ugly idiot like Vaush. Shoe comes off desperate, then again, I don't think there's any bigger youtubers/personalities who want her.
It's only weirdo nobody scrotes on twitter. So I guess vaush is as big as it's going to get for her.
No. 1239898
File: 1622134890138.png (263.66 KB, 493x1344, Vaush.png)

>>1238344>Honestly surprised tho that horse dong lover and age-of-consent debater Vaush is on her side in this. He flipped his stance on this so he could defend shoe0nhead. (
>>1239737But there should be
>>1238538Distinct lack of kids in those pictures
nonnie. They're degenerate but it's not pedophilic.
But my response to shoe0nhead's take is the "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" meme.
No. 1240129

To return to the lolcow in question,
>>1228100You were right anon and she is self aware about it. She knows what appeals to her arguably not pedophilic scrote fans and sticks to it No. 1240132
File: 1622153242103.png (379.85 KB, 583x393, Capture.PNG)

To return to the lolcow in question,
>>1228100You were right anon and she is self aware about it. She knows what appeals to her arguably not pedophilic scrote fans and sticks to it No. 1240448
>>1240132Only top left and bottom right are peter pan collars. Such a fashion expert.
Peter pan collars are ROUND.
No. 1240453
File: 1622190479731.png (1.86 MB, 2208x1392, simps.png)

>>1240132Simps in replies cringe compilation
No. 1241361
File: 1622310361149.jpg (92.6 KB, 700x696, 1618613553784.jpg)

>>1240453i wonder what they would say if she posted pics of her without the wigs. men will simp for ANYTHING even a baldy lol
No. 1242028
>>1242017>we arent all perverts who think about what other peoples genitals look likeliterally proving my point, lol
you're probably one of those weirdos who thinks breastfeeding in public is sexual too. not to mention, nobody except weirdos are arguing that public sex should be legal.
you come off as sexually repressed, usually people like that have the worst fetishes imaginable so keep projecting onto the gays, its great.
(infighting) No. 1242062
>>1242028wat lol? retard. i don’t have fetishes, sorry i’m a nasty straight who has normal vanilla sex and i dont need a strapon lmao.
and comparing breastfeeding to just being naked for strangers to stare at? you are the gross one. one is necessary and the latter is just overtly sexual. there’s no reason to have your genitals out at a parade in public. do whatever you want behind closed doors. im not “projecting on the gays”, you just sound insecure. why so hypersexual?
No. 1242124
>>1241997Yeah, nothing sexual about walking around half-naked in nothing but a harness, leather panties and/or a massive strap-on. Just clothes, only a bigot would see a problem.
Please. Show up to work, a retirement home or a local school like that. I'm sure it'll go over swimmingly.
No. 1242582
>>1242138i was referring to nudist beaches
>>1242085germans walk around naked in parks Italy, I've seen braless women and their exposed nipples through their tank tops! the fucking horror… I didn't fucking care and I moved on with my life.
you're delusional if you think
i've said anything of that.
nobody should be for public sex but pieces of skimpy clothing at pride isnt going to traumatize anyone. You're espousing the same arguments used against about bikinis and speedos.
I don't see nudity as something inherently sexual. Nobody should be ashamed or ogled at for something that wasn't a problem to begin with until puritanism came along. Keep projecting pedophilia or perversion onto me though.
No. 1242590
>>1242124>massive strap-onsI am against bringing dildos or strap-ons to pride that shit is more of a health hazard.
>>1242584my line of reasoning is this - fetish clothes empathize the figure of the person wearing it, and people wear skimpy swimsuits for the same reason. So what's the issue here?
All a kid knows is that the strange people are wearing costumes and they'll forget about it.
Noones arguing that children should be exposed nor educated about BDSM and shit like that; if a kid saw it, it's not going to be the end of the world for them, it's not a big deal. I would judge the parent more than the BDSM people at pride.
(no1curr) No. 1242653
>>1242632>There is a massive difference between swimsuits and fetish gear.but both have the implications to be sexual. difference being the practice and the knowledge. children don't know or care, and nobodies advocating BDSM for children.
swimsuits are also a massive fetish, some people even think if you wear a bikini, you deserve to be raped.
(move on) No. 1242660
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>>1242107NTA, but he tweeted this recently
also can we move on from the clothing debate pls it’s actually getting tiring
No. 1242965
File: 1622485833136.png (559.73 KB, 2200x1840, shuwu.png)

Since the thread is getting derailed, I decided to make some shuwu fanart - greetings from radfem!(mentally challenged fanart)
No. 1243174
>>1242582i lived in chicago for a while and saw a ton of girls’ nipples through their shirts, that isnt a europe thing, lmao.
and clothes didn’t happen because of puritanism idiot. clothes became a thing to protect people from the elements. people got used to seeing naked bodies less and less. should we all walk around naked and expose ourselves to the elements again to “stick it to puritanism?” get offline and go outside you absolute tard
(move on) No. 1243847
File: 1622578311822.png (262.87 KB, 734x634, shoe_bo.png)

Apparently Bo Burnham has gone full communist and Shoe is simping.
The irony of a rich, straight white man whining about capitalism on his NETFLIX SPECIAL that you have to pay for to access escapes her.
No. 1243849
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>>1243847Or maybe she likes it because he took the Vaush-pill.
No. 1243852
>>1243849i need to see left vaush without the beard
(but bo burnham looks the same)
No. 1243865
File: 1622579485110.png (1.03 MB, 597x960, beard_be_gone.png)

>>1243852Here, I tried to make your dream come true Anon.
No. 1244153
File: 1622621627350.png (162.76 KB, 638x406, property.png)

>>1243931There is a bit of a difference between beeing a lefty self-hating white male and being a communist who thinks private property is theft, don't you think?
Meanwhile he is a multi-millionaire living in Los Angeles, why don't you share your wealth with the poor? Bo? Shoe? Anyone? Yeah that's what I thought.
Commies are all larpers, of course June would eat this shit up.
No. 1244185
>>1243847>protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate eliteI mean… is that necessarily a left-wing view? That's a basic component of beliefs espoused by Pizzagate/QAnon believers. Lots of sects of the political right often make disingenuous "attacks" on those who are in charge of society, too, while actively supporting or contributing to the structures that give the corporate elite their power in the first place. Right-wingers are known for touting how they "hate modern society" while also accusing any attempts to change and improve modern society of being ~evil degenerate Judeo-Satanic globohomo one-world-government brainwashing plans~. Hell, there have been multiple instances throughout US history of members of the US government garnering voters by positing themselves as "outside of the system" and "against the big guys"… despite being a member of the US government.
A right-winger or a lukewarm liberal throwing some vague mention of how he also hates cops into his cheap attempt to get attention through a streaming service doesn't make him a communist, or even remotely left-wing. It's depressing how the sociopolitical atmosphere in most Western countries is so dominated by the political right that thinking "maybe it was wrong of a government organization to assassinate a human rights activist" makes you considered a radical leftist or a communist, instead of just a rational person who experiences empathy. I don't have Netflix and don't care to watch whatever this is (and I'm not saying Bo Burnham is a right-winger) but it reeks of "affluent white male microcelebrity facing no real material struggles suddenly realizes there are social and economic issues in the world, and thinks he's a revolutionary who needs to be pat on the back just for realizing it."
No. 1244208
>>1244195Thanks. That was as corny as I thought it'd be. It was on par with The Gravel Institute, the YouTube channel that makes videos explaining basic democratic socialist ideas, whose comments are always filled with baby leftists claiming that the channel "pwns the neolibs!!1!" despite the fact that none of their content explicitly subverts a neoliberal foundation and the ideas they describe as radical left-wing ideas to their mainly-American audience would be considered normal by the governments of certain European countries. (Democratic socialism is just "US capitalism is bad, but Europe capitalism is good" after all.) I don't think Burnham is a right-winger, not after that, but someone isn't immediately left-wing or a communist simply by making what could be perceived as an "attack" on the ruling class, given that right-wingers can make attacks that seem equally sincere to the untrained eye.
Maybe believing that capitalism is built on imperialism and genocide, murderous government organizations are bad, capitalism separates workers from the means of production, and private property is inherently theft - assuming he genuinely believes these things -
does make someone a communist, but in that case, communism is just common sense. Do we pat people on the back for common sense?
Again, it reeks of
>"affluent white male microcelebrity facing no real material struggles suddenly realizes there are social and economic issues in the world, and thinks he's a revolutionary who needs to be pat on the back just for realizing it"especially in the way the show's formatted as if the character is revealing some kind of deeply secret knowledge about the world, instead of knowledge of social, political, and economic disparities present in capitalism that marginalized groups have been aware of for decades, even centuries. With all due respect to Burnham, it's amazing how affluent white men are told that they're thought-provoking and cutting-edge for pointing about problems with society (in a format intended to be humorous, on a service that has to be paid for, just as a flex of privilege) that people from historically marginalized groups have been aware of and have been deplatformed, silence, jailed, and even killed for trying to fight against 30 years ago.
That's more of a critique of the current mostly-white mostly-American middle class internet-based "political left", though, not specifically him. I guess it could be argued that in the grand scheme, he's at least doing something to raise class consciousness, but you can only wonder if people like him, Shoe or Vaush really care about raising class consciousness, about any of the issues they discuss, or if they're just grifters and like every other thing they take interest in it's only because they want to seem intelligent and want people to pay attention to them. It's less "I want to raise class consciousness" and more "I want people to tell me I'm smart for knowing about class."
(Derailing) No. 1244280
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>>1244208She's "left" because being "left" is now trendy on internet. She was an alt-right panderer but jumped ship when criticism started piling up. Now she's pretending to be a wacky lefty but is still bothered by people who criticize her and almost every other day she whines about people seeing through her shit and tries to get asspats from her fanbase. If some anti-woman natsoc movement started getting popular and "accepted" she'd jump ship in a second.
No. 1244288
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>>1244280I wonder if she regrets changing all her views except for the anti feminism shit now that channers are simping for terfs
No. 1244344
>>1244318She isn't actually a Tardthot though, other then less a dozen pics or so so, she rarely posts anything about her self
She's actually very popular on radfem twitter though
No. 1244348
File: 1622660712634.png (351.18 KB, 738x578, thot.png)

>>1244344She's not trad, clearly. Just a thot.
Absolutely pathetic when you can only get attention for your hot takes on feminism by posting slutty selfies to 4chan.
No. 1244360
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>>1244357Literally only because she has a short unkept jewfro.
No. 1244372
>>1244360She has a cute face, way cuter than June's. Wish I could see June seethe over 4chan scrotes picking a big meanie
terf over her.
No. 1244404
File: 1622665176669.jpg (39.03 KB, 640x639, sL2yoRy.jpg)

>>12443724chan scrotes will fuck literally anything including their dogs, parents, grandma and a tree that looks vaguely like a butt, if you think them wanting to fuck you is an accomplishment you have brainworms.
Fucking cringe handmaiden with a pol-tard clown avatar posting thirst-traps and selfposting on 4chan is not a feminist. She's as much of a feminist as pol-tards are saviors of the whuite race.
No. 1244896
>>1244878>was accidentally discovered by a scroteIf you can't see that the 4chan post is a self-post to advertise her twitter then… idk. Obviously using the "sexy" pictures too to get more scrote followers.
Honestly if she's using 4chan and pretends to be a
TERF she's probably on here too and all this whiteknighting for her seems rather fishy.
"Look at this woman that June is totally jealous of!!!" Hm yeah, totally not selfposting either.
Just stop talking about this random thot, she's not in any way related to the thread topic.
No. 1244906
>>1244878i'm not sure we read the same post anon, or is it that you might have missed her saying "wow /r9k/ robots thank you for looking at my tits! thank you for all the attention"? might it be you also missed all the
>we have got a mommy GF>im thinking we woncrap in the 4chan post?
because i don't understand how you'd read all that and come to the conclusion "well CLEARLY it's not this thot trying to milk all that sweet sweet male validation, all this love for her is completely natural and organic. it
must be! surely she shouldn't be called a handmaiden for being so
where are the wires getting crossed exactly?
No. 1245109
>>1244878No it's not.
It's not like she's wearing a tanktop in the hot summer and her tits happen to be out. She's wearing sexually provocative clothing and posing for the moids in a mirror selfie.
There's literally no reason to do that unless you're a pick-me.
No. 1245656
>>1245512Straight women tend to objectify other women more than lesbians tbh. Then they become the June flavor of "bi" where they say they find women hot but have never been emotionally attracted or interested in another women.
There are definitely lesbians out there who ogle the same way men do, but honestly that tends to be super butch girls who are trying to seem masculine.
No. 1246099
>>1245682Wonder if she'll finally realize what a huge mistake it was to waste her 20s pandering to moids online and dating a fat misogynistic loser instead of getting an education, starting a career, or developing any useful skills whatsoever…even going the tradwife route is looking bleak since most of the men interested in a submissive houseslave/baby maker see women as used up by 30. Like, does she think she can keep living off her parents and YouTube revenue for the rest of her life??
Correct me if I'm wrong but AFAIK she hasn't /ever/ had a job. Her situation is pretty dire. Good luck trying to find decent work as a 30 something with a blank resume and no degree, kek
No. 1247935
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wig and the amazingautist having a retarded argument about globalism where he brings up the fact that the borders she's so adamantly defending were part of the reason she and preg broke up
No. 1247938
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unironically parroting alex jones
No. 1248103
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>>1236099She'll pretend to be fine with it by making a joke but it's going to eat her up inside. Too many young people never really seem to believe they'll be old one day
No. 1248110
File: 1623024781258.jpg (122.73 KB, 1080x691, Screenshot_20210606-161839__01…)

her new (I think?) twitter bio is so cringe. "bimbo populist" "I will never read a book" joking about your very obvious lack of intelligence isn't cute, June. it's just pathetic.
No. 1248345
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barely related but I wish Wendigoon would stop trying to get in her pants. Like aren't you a Christian taken man?? I expected better from him
No. 1248358
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>>1248345Hate men. His girlfriend is so much prettier than June too.
No. 1249037
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why does she always insert herself into the most autistic and deranged discussions imaginable
No. 1249906
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No. 1250015
>>1250002Ntayrt but I'm assuming the first person at least just means she's retarded for consistently getting into the dumbest arguments imaginable on twitter instead of doing literally anything else with her time.
No comment on the vegan sperg though
No. 1250208
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No. 1251209
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idk why she bothers to condemn shit like this as if she isn't a known degenerate who hangs out with other degenerates. She had a very public ddlg pedo incest roleplay dynamic going on with preg until recently, thinks actual pedophiles aren't a problem as long as it's just a "side kink", and doesn't seem to mind that vaush is a confirmed sexual predator and horse fucker who thinks possession of CP shouldn't even be a crime. love the hypocrisy as always, June.
No. 1251451
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>>1249907She's trying to say more than 10 years? 10 years was generous, she looks just like this lady now
No. 1251752
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desperate need for beta bucks
No. 1251858
File: 1623348866626.jpg (200.71 KB, 1080x755, Screenshot_20210610-130843__01…)

being a 30 yr old chronic NEET that lives online and never leaves your bedroom isn't quirky or cute, june, it's just sad and pathetic. god what a self drag
No. 1252320
File: 1623369522729.jpeg (403 KB, 749x1287, A9E09D49-8557-4892-BEA9-BF0CC3…)

She must really hate the idea of getting older.
No. 1252421
>>1250002are you fucking stupid?
>>1252320because she has no value other than her youth. She's well aware it's all she has. Bitch don't even have hair.
No. 1253364
File: 1623451061981.jpg (115.4 KB, 749x1124, 20210611_173041.jpg)

She posted this on her twitter today with the caption "found my old Instagram, nothing has changed" god this shit drives me up the wall. Why would you idealize relationship dynamics based on women being subservient in every regard and having absolutely no financial power nor the ability to press charges for marital rape (wasn't even illegal till the 60s) and very limited resources for severe physical abuse??
Of course if this were anyone else I'd assume this kind of "I wish I was a submissive 50s tradwaifu!1" schtick was just a dumb joke but this is shuwu so of course she's dead serious.
No. 1253402
>>1253364>have a delicious dinner readycooking pasta in a pot isn't "dinner", you don't know how to cook
>listen to him, let him talk firstfunny because in her videos with greg he was pretty quiet and she would babble all the time
>encourage the children to be quietwhat children?
>clear away the clutterbitch we have seen your bedroom and incapability to clean. you arent fooling anyway
>be refreshed when he arrives homeput on wig, slather on pounds of makeup, put your unwashed aliexpress ~uwu~ generic skirt on
she has to be joking. You Will Never Be a Housewife. its funny how pandering to the left didnt get her a husband and now she is pandering to pol yet again. it wont fucking work june, they hate coalburners, women into ddlg, and they like women in their early 20s not someone that in 11 days will be 30 lol
No. 1253418
>>1253402Genuinely it's so hilarious that her cope for ruining her chances of ever joining the work force (zero marketable skills, an empty resume, and no education) is shitting on "girl boss" career women and making it her ambition to be a trad housewife…AND SHE CAN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT.
Shoe, you're 30 years old with no boyfriend, you have no cooking or housekeeping skills, and you don't have the emotional maturity and selflessness required to raise children. Not to mention that you're bald, astonishingly stupid, have no hobbies aside from larping as an edgy "leftist" online and pandering to basement dwelling scrotes, have a ten year internet trail of degeneracy, and are a desperate pickme that no halfway decent man would choose to be his wife and the mother of his children. It's over for you. You're going to have to settle for a bottom of the barrel loser who will inevitably dump you. You just might be lucky enough to get a job as a greeter at walmart before the cps takes away your child. This is the future you've created for yourself.
No. 1253435
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>>1253418Tbh June is literally the definition of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss."
>Created a brand around herself>Hustles for whatever side has the most coin>Makes enemies with random nobodies on twitter to market herself No. 1253440
File: 1623456372050.png (89.55 KB, 1256x436, homemaker.png)

>>1253434She can't do any of these things…
No. 1254057
File: 1623522677537.png (2.69 MB, 2308x1096, shoe.png)

I think Shoe would be a tradthot by now if she could find the right man for it. She'd drop all her lefty believes in a second if a conservative man stepped into her life. Her only issue is that they don't want her.
Also lol at her romanticizing this 50s housewife aesthetic while she literally lives in a room with trash everywhere and can't cook.
No. 1254283
File: 1623535612783.png (1.32 MB, 1706x1062, Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 5.45…)

>>1254172>>1254057Idk why she's drawing attention to this account even with the username censored, especially during her "leftist" phase. It took like 2 seconds of digging to find her using le edgy slurs. But the most tragic part is that she was 23 when she posted this.
No. 1254567
File: 1623546155092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.82 KB, 1170x675, 21213935-2739-4007-A91E-61DFE5…)

wonder what this is about
No. 1254681
>>1254616imagine the type of person who would pay for that lol.
(also sorry i accidentally clicked the spoiler image thing when posting because i'm a moron.)
No. 1255094
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No. 1255240
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leaving a few details out of your "political journey" aren't you june
No. 1255337
>>1255240sorry for being late to the party but
OF COURSE she's bi lol. the lowest effort identity to rack up points with the internet leftist sphere, you can just SAY you like pussy without even having seen one in person that wasn't your own and you're good to go
No. 1258271
File: 1623880662029.jpg (285.1 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20210616-165043__01…)

So is she gonna log off and go find a trad husband to breed with any time soon considering how badly she claims to want to have her own nuclear family white picket fence life?
No. 1258294
>>1258285Most people, Shoe included, idealise a 50s trad family model that was propaganda. Nobody during that time had the time to look pretty, clean a 3 story house, cook for 7 every day, entertain guests, manage the household, do the child rearing etc.
My own grandparents are what would be trad at this time with about 5/7 kids each and a stay at home wife. It was mainly a lot of yelling, not a lot of money to spare and not enough time to educate the kids properly.
What Shoe imagine her trad lifestyle is what upper class people do when they have a nanny to take care of the kids, a gardener, a housemaid and mainly have to look pretty and network for the husband. It’s even more unrealistic nowadays where being able to afford all of that would put you in the 1%. Shoe is solidly middle class, idk why she has elite aspirations.
No. 1258339
File: 1623890096094.png (665.87 KB, 950x530, shoe.png)

>>1258315looking like a raccoon
No. 1258516
>>1258285This. There's a reason women worldwide are trying to escape from this, and June is a fucking retard. A market job, even if it's a 60 hour week hell, is still easier because caretaking is inherently alienating.
If you're a wagie, you still get paid real money for your work. If you're a wife, you're an indentured bangmaid getting paid in basically food and shelter. You don't know what the value of your time is, how to price it correctly or how to decline non-contractual responsibilities, because you're stuck defining your labor in terms of romanticized woo while your actual "employer" sees you as a tool. At least with a real job you harbor no illusions about where you stand, and you can't be guilted into doing more than what you're paid for.
No. 1258531
File: 1623915124569.jpg (175.05 KB, 839x643, seven days....jpg)

soon she'll be 30… tick tock… (i know its 6 days)
No. 1258533
>>1258294idk, my grandparents had this exact life that people consider "ideal", but my grandmother was a hard worker. She got up at 5am to start cleaning and making breakfast and getting ready. She always had the house spotless, she always looked perfect and she made homemade meals 3 times a day plus she raised 4 kids. It can definitely be done if you want to put time and effort into it and have a man that financially supports you and sticks by your side.
But June can't even keep ONE room clean, let alone a house. She can't cook, she is lazy and she cares about nobody but herself and her internet clout. Being an attention whore on twitter is already her full time job. She'd burn the food and let the kids play in traffick while she is engaged in a heated twitter debate. She's not even wife-material because she's such a pushover and needs so much validation that not one man can give her. Let alone a "trad" wife.
No. 1258555
>>1258553Oh, ok then…
I really was afraid, this many people could actually have a that depressing outlook on life.
No. 1258581
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>>1258550We make fun of her because she tweets shit like this and chases after men who think that women are empty egg cartons after 22.
No. 1258590
>>1253364So living as a tradwife is an actual dream of hers (and has been for nearly a decade) and not a cope she developed last year to justify the fact that she has no job?
Why did she not use her fame from her 2014 gamergate anti feminist SJWs videos to find a tradguy with money?
It's not like she had a lukewarm leftist political ideology (like she does now) to stop her from attracting a conservative guy that was willing to use his family's money to start a life with her.
Why did she hop on a relationship with a degenerate fetish (a well documented one, at that; another obstacle in finding a guy willing to support you throughout your marriage) and stayed for years instead?
No. 1258600
>>1258590Because June is an idiot. She’s constantly using second degree jokes and “sarcasm” to hide that she’s really dumb as bricks.
She banked on marrying Preg and fell for the “I’m the cool chick, I’m not going to nag you into marrying if you’re not into that! Let’s do a long engagement and gawk at hot girls together” then got dumped unceremoniously before she turned 30. I guess being firm on what you want and when is for feminazis and she ain’t one. People marry despite the distance, borders or even have to be cut off from their families if they really want to. She should have seen the writing on the wall the moment Greg started stalling and telling people he was only doing it for the visa (So trad!)
>>1258550June wants to be the perfect little trad wife but she’s opinionated, has to be loud, has her nudes out there and would rather be involved in politics than in her local community. There’s nothing trad about her and it’s pretty late for her to hop onto that trad lifestyle when people usually marry their highschool sweetheart pretty early on.
Obviously her life is far from over but she needs to reassess her expectations cause the trad thing is probably never going to happen for her (and it’s only sweet karmic justice when she spent all of her time shitting on everyone else when she thought she was picked by Greg before the big 30)
No. 1258623
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>>1258531They're already starting to make fun of her for it. You reap what you sow.
No. 1258636
>>1258533A lot of "trad" life in the 50's was built on cheap labor from black people.
My grandparents were solidly in the middle of the middle class and they were able to afford maids and nannies because it was so cheap to hire black people.
Not trying to racebait it just makes me cringe whenever people try to glamorize that time. There was so much wrong socially.
(racebait) No. 1258673
>>1244896That post was actually made by some kiwifarmer're dumb and so are your stupid conspiracy theories about this
No. 1258748
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>>1258271>I just wanna live in 1950s coca cola adYeah and I just wanna live in 1970s Kim Il Sung ad
No. 1258750
>>1253402>encourage the children to be quiet>what children?lmfao she's like a female version of the owner of kiwifarms. he rants about how the only purpose in life is having kids yet he's an incel who lives with his mom. he and june should hook up, then they could live out their inane trad fantasies together.
>>1258623his twitter btw. pot calling the kettle black.
No. 1258758
>>1258755samefag but
especially Germany since you mentioned it kek
No. 1258763
>>1258588No money, lost my flat, had to move in with my mom again. Didn't like that.
Got myself some shitty jobs, worked hard, used the money for a more decent appearance (better clothes and stuff), found a better job, used the money for a more decent flat, thus having the self esteem to date more decent men.
Like in UnderTale you just need… Determination!
>>1258763No one cares
>Like in UnderTale you just need… Determination!Cringe
No. 1259154
File: 1623980669482.webm (1.09 MB, 640x360, 4QbtD98fc-JWZMyO (1).webm)
>>1258980She's obnoxious but so is taking all her edgy jokes literally
No. 1259286
>>1258673she's not a
TERF, unsaged-chan, just a panderer and grifter who is clearly desperate for attention, and especially male attention
No. 1259333
>>1258740Yeah, it's like the bare minimum, if you want to achieve sovereignty over your own life.
That makes it even more sadcringe, that Shoe can't do it, even with all the financial support she already has.
She just keeps on doing the same old stupid shit over and over again, wondering why her life isn't changing for the better.
(sage) No. 1259416
>>1259154her falsies look so retarded. she looks pinheaded here.
anyway i think women who push the "trad" thing yet don't actually DO the "trad" thing are jealous of any woman who is living a successful life. shoe has been a lazy internet addicted person her whole life so she never really did anything that has remotely made her successful (only other ecelebs would agree being an "internet prescence" is success). she wishes her whole life was picked out for her, "trad style": a husband who would let her live with him, take care of her financially, an easy "successful" life. but its not the fucking 50s anymore so of course she just LARPs wishing it would still happen to her. she is a lazy turd no one wants and copes by pretending a man out there who is "trad" will still want her somehow. june 'dunks' on women and womens rights because she is genuinely jealous other women are happy and she is still living at her parents' as a NEET.
No. 1259536
File: 1624034261527.jpeg (330.08 KB, 828x887, 82F71C0E-0109-464B-840D-444DF3…)

More daydreaming.
No. 1259602
File: 1624041580970.png (8.4 KB, 309x463, ST_2016.10.06_Jobs-42.png)

>>1259536Families should be "single income" so that one of the parents doesn't have to "waste away" at work…
So which parent's job is it to waste away? Is it the dad's job to waste away, June? Or is the implication that only men flourish at work and women waste away?
This is super half-baked idea. Lots of people have jobs they love. And people who have full-time jobs tend to enjoy their families more.
>pic rel No. 1259609
>>1259602The point is both people shouldn't HAVE TO WORK to afford a fucking house and kids. If both people still want to work that is cool, but it should be a choice and not a necessity. Libshits are seriously so fucking brainwashed. "Yes I love being a wagie! Me and my husband both work 50 hours a week it is so fulfilling! Just because I am all in on my career and don't want to have kids means all women must want the same thing as me!"
literally how the fuck can you turn "people should be able to afford things without working themselves to the bone" into a bad thing? Retard.
(derailing) No. 1260263
>>1258684>black nanniesthe fuck? black people are still barely existant in most of the slavic countries, and I'm not even mentioning the communist 50s that were so fetishized because people were going to jail for the most miniscule things and getting brutally beating up there
I hope you're american because that's the only way I can swallow what you've just said lmao
(infighting, derailing) No. 1260513
File: 1624146610060.jpg (345.71 KB, 1060x1486, Screenshot_20210619-184335__01…)

Obv the person she's replying to is also retarded but her total lack of shame or apology over her years of blatant incel pandering. If she had a track record of transphobia half as long as the one she has of misogyny she'd be forced to grovel or else be bullied off the internet. Just goes to show that neither side of the political spectrum gives a single shit about women lol.
No. 1260602
File: 1624155691229.jpeg (622.92 KB, 750x922, B4C43B4A-F820-4682-90BB-5E39B6…)

Her wig must stank after this
No. 1260661
>>1260602Aww look at the little house urchin pretending she goes outside uwu
I'm picturing her hustling up those beach rocks with that ice cream as soon as she bought it just to take this forced photo lmao.
No. 1260707
>>1260513Lol I wouldn't say that she has to "atone" for her years of antifeminist pandering that makes it sound like feminism is a fucking cult but the person she's replying to absolutely has a point.
June has always torn down women and feminism following Greg around and his ideology of alt light and now is flipped onto the left side since the alt-right has gone off the rails what with the capitol insurrection retardation, and of course she got dumped.
she still continues to shit on women in fucking 2020 in favor of transwomen (men). Many anons have commented about this pathetic pick-me behaviour.
No. 1260936
File: 1624214685359.webm (1.02 MB, 1281x720, June.webm)
No. 1260978
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>>1260936Thanks for posting this anon, hadnt seen it.
No. 1261014
File: 1624226045727.png (834.65 KB, 926x592, Untitled.png)

>>1254283Surprised you didn't catch this one where she felt the need to take a photo with a fat lady in the background and caption it with #landwhale.
No. 1261368
>>1260602she carries american flag with her everytime she goes outside
is it autism?
No. 1261444
File: 1624297586836.png (574.41 KB, 1080x1071, 1514824907851.png)

>>1261372agreed its very ugly, i was just reading the old threads where they were talking about the ring
>you're kind of gothy. gothy princess lol
No. 1261474
>>1261372It looks like a ring a teenager would give to his high school girlfriend because thats all he could afford.
June is really about to turn 30 with no education, no job, no husband and no friends. But it was all worth it to get that cubic zirconia that one time.
No. 1261607
File: 1624311634408.jpg (264.13 KB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20210621-233443_Chr…)

Wig is socialist alright
national socialist
No. 1261742
>>1261546If a man loves you, he will be too preoccupied with not losing you to other men to delay cuffing you. The "polygamy" thing is a myth as well, because if a man is truly into you he won't be even thinking about anyone else for a very long while.
Granted, this only applies to hot women. June is neither hot nor desirable, as all pickmes are. It's laughable watching her brag about this absolute Walmart tier relationship when it's evident she's never been courted or had any suitors even once in her life. Bleak.
No. 1261744
is America putting its interests first, you high school diploma retard.
No. 1261818
File: 1624335356451.jpeg (271.52 KB, 828x548, 06-22-21.jpeg)

happy 30th june. You Will Never Be A Traditional Housewife. post moar keks about her failures
No. 1261866
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Happy 30th birthday June!
No. 1261920
File: 1624353330405.jpg (608.86 KB, 1024x1218, happybdayjune.jpg)

happy birthday, June!
No. 1261948
File: 1624358949347.webm (231.31 KB, 640x360, happy_birthday.webm)
Happy birthday, Shuwu!
No. 1261964
File: 1624361655298.jpg (555.28 KB, 1951x1437, wig big 30.jpg)

Happy 30th Birthday from all of us bitter old feminist hags at!
No. 1261967
>>1261607She isn't wrong about wars/interventionism but she should just state her stances clearly instead of being all vague to try to keep her simps from both sides of the aisle. And saying "be more like China" is pretty retarded
>>1261860Fucking kek, I wonder if someone on twitter sent it to her first thing and that was how her day started
No. 1261986
>>1261964lmao this bitch is officially post-wall now by her own standard.
Comspiracy/Tinfoil but do you think the reason Pregory left her last year was because she was too old for him and then started flirting with barely legal girls like a pedo.
(unsaged tinfoil) No. 1262014
File: 1624369246242.png (167.94 KB, 598x402, capture.png)

>>1238234she also asked shadman (a pedophile who draws illegal porn of real children) to make porn of her No. 1262020
>>1261986What? Greg left her for 30+ woman, didn't you see the valentine day love bombing posts, newfag?
>>1261964Would be better if you just left the tweets there, what's the point of the photos? Late 20 year-olds can't wear cute dresses?
No. 1262161
>>1262141it's literally all of her lolcow threads out of order and even then the moron manages to get some things wrong (such as saying "greg got her the apartment she moved to")
the highlight of course is this scrote and all the other scrotes in the chat mercilessly shitting on june for every single breath she's taken. imagine putting "every man a king" in your twitter bio to get ruthlessly torn to shreds by two thousand scrotes who absolutely can't stand the sight of you
honestly i just hope she takes a good long look into the legacy she built for herself lol, i would have died of shame if this was what my entire life and story amounted up to
No. 1262168
File: 1624387435469.jpeg (92.38 KB, 1280x720, 2CC7D2CC-8A38-4699-B4F5-2BFD23…)

>>1262139Fuck her. She had no problem dragging women for being 30 and gleefully joined in or encouraged other scrotes to do it too. She shouldnt be shocked when they turn on her and do the same, she was never the exception.
I wonder if now she’ll cope by constantly trying to convince people that she “totally looks young for her age” “I get ID’d all the time!” like Val in that Daria episode.
No. 1262174
>>1262161It's almost as if men don't respect you if you debase yourself and make your entire personality being a doormat kinky BDSM pick-me whore. Only bottom of the barrel simps will want that kind of woman as anything more than coom-material.
As a rightoid he also brought up that right wing men will never want her because she had sex (and a relationship) with a black man in the past, which I have always assumed was the case. So much for the tradwife/tradhusbando dream unless she manages to find a guy who has no internet connection whatsoever.
No. 1262194
>>1262189i can see this too, she will probably agree with
>when you hear a woman talking about politics you can stop listening >>1262186kek
No. 1262195
File: 1624390960670.png (294.55 KB, 741x380, haha.png)

>>1262189In honor of that, here is the only time Shoe has ever made me laugh.
No. 1262211
>>1262179>>1262078Imagine spending years being a pick-me and attacking other women, only for a bunch of the same men you worship to shit all over you on your 30th birthday.
What a life. The only thing that could make this even more secondhand embarrassing is if that one beaver-looking skinwalker from months ago chimed in. She was already in June's replies calling her "mom" and shit before, lmao.
No. 1262233
>>1262211Oh shit I forgot all about Kiwi, that would sure be the icing on June's 30th birthday cake
>>1262215>cup the balls, pay the toll Truer words have never been spoken
No. 1262240
File: 1624395095540.png (14.97 KB, 474x266, getrekt.png)

Guess it got to her (first @ is the host of the pod, who she had been following individually)
No. 1262277
>>1262170>And the chat seethes.Because shut-in autists cant cope well but this is the audience June fought hard for. I'm surprised at any anon here who feels any sympathy. When she'd gladly laugh at other woman's face for existing.
Her whole name shoeonhead was meant to mock trafficked
victims iirc.
No. 1262366
>>1262327she hates herself so much that it wouldn't surprise me, but honestly I don't think so. She's a 4channer and fsr most 4channers are oblivious of lolcow.
I guess this is a tilfoil? I don't know, but I feel like whenever she starts lurking we'll be let know.
No. 1262443
>>1258623Kek, she blocked him. Couldn't handle the bantz
>>1261818Didn't she also say she'd never turn 30 & be single like those harpy feminists? Happy 30th June!!!
No. 1262486
>>1262452You think she's gonna be doing this shit when she's 40, anon? Her YouTube fame will dry up right along with her eggs-according to the incels that make up her fanbase. What then? Is she gonna put "was an anti sjw Youtuber for 12 years" on her resume when she's forced to apply for a real job that isn't just saying retarded shit in front of a camera? Who wants to hire someone with no education, no real work history, and no marketable skills? No jobs worth making a career out of, that's for damn sure.
And yeah, she could find some loser to betabux her, but in this day and age she'd still need to work bc one income just isn't enough to support a couple let alone a family, at least not the average salary. And let's be real, she's not gonna be pulling a high earning man who has his choice of women, so yeah, gonna have to work. I smell a future in retail. Maybe shoe sales.
No. 1262496
>>1262487"Successful YouTube channel" that doesn't mean shit when your content is literal garbage. Don't act like she's some kind of high artist who's portfolio would earn her any employer's favor. They'd take one look at her library full of 240p videos of her ranting against feminism and that'd be the end of it. There's no job on earth that would value that sort of "content", 1 because it takes 0 talent to produce and is devoid of any intellectual or creative merit, 2 because in the pc world we live in hiring someone with such a widely publicized anti sjw history would not be smth any workplace would want to do.
I'm sure she's got enough money saved to go back to college if she wants to, that's the route I'd go down if I were her. Or she can just be a hermit and live off the remains of her YouTube revenue forever, doing nothing worthwhile with her life at all. The latter is looking more likely imo.
No. 1262533
>>1262516This. Jersh even mentioned how often she loved to say the word lolcow before venti pointed it out.
Right after ventis video was released she stopped using the word completely kek
No. 1262560
>>1262559And live with her parents forever? I guess if they are willing to financially support her for the rest of her life and then she inherits enough money to live out the end of her days as well she can do that.
I doubt she has enough money to be taken care of forever. She needs some kind of financial plan, especially since she is a spoiled brat who will never live below the kind of lifestyle she thinks she deserves.
No. 1262567
>>1262566She spends a ton of money on her lolita fashion and fetish gear and her parents are wealthy and live in a nice home in Long Island. The cuck-shed she moved into to be closer to Greg was only supposed to be temporary. I'm sure she would not be happy living in a one-bedroom permanently while working in retail again. People overestimate how much money youtubers, especially those who do political videos (not advertiser friendly) make nowadays. Definitely not enough to live out the next 60 years of her life in comfort.
She could have probably bought a house years ago if she was smart, but she's not. She also buxxed Greg for years.
No. 1262574
File: 1624441943850.png (540.34 KB, 858x1512, Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 2.51…)

>>1262014It's actually worse, she's asking Shad to draw Dankula's wife, who is the woman in the picture.
Anyways, just in time for Shoe's birthday, here's an update from Patrice. Here's to hoping she spills the beans on Preg that we didn't get from Shoe.
No. 1262577
File: 1624442127192.png (1.5 MB, 1656x1228, Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 2.51…)

>>1262574This is all she's alluded to regarding the breakup. Her new profile description reads "If you know, you know. Stayed tuned."
No. 1262578
>>1262574What kind of beans? I don't think there's anything we don't know about Greg yet or can assume to be true. I can't think of anything that I would find shocking or interesting to find out about him.
He likes pedo-shit and girldick, maybe he also takes it up the ass? He cheated on June a bunch of times? He is a cockroach and a piece of shit? We know all this already.
No. 1262583
File: 1624443175104.png (564.82 KB, 996x698, babies.png)

>>1262579She talked about it all the time when she was dating Skeptic. They both said they wanted a daughter, which was always creepy given their dynamic. Can't find the other screenshots right now.
I mean she also says she wants to be a housewife but can't cook or clean her room. It's all a fantasy in her head.
No. 1262584
>>1262579At 6:33 she responds to a video of her old self saying she doesnt want babies with "so this was before the biological clock went off…."
She also mentioned wanting at least one baby (with Skeptic, lol) in her "BDSM interview," can't find it anyone on YouTube but it's on Josh's stream at 1:39:30 No. 1262592
>>1262591Emotionally stunted retards reproduce every day, anon. You ever watch Idiocracy? It has a great intro where they show a redneck family popping out 6 babies on no income with different baby daddies compared to two educated intellectuals who wait until they are "ready" to raise a baby in "today's society" and then never end up having one.
If you're gonna be waiting to be ready for a baby you're gonna be waiting forever. They should have just pulled the
trigger, gotten married, moved in together and started having kids. But for some reason they didn't and I think it's not because of June but because of Greg being a manchild.
He gives me playboy/bachelor for life vibes, not husband/father vibes. He's too egocentric to take care of anyone but himself, that's probably why he never got married to June.
No. 1262599
File: 1624446307225.jpg (63.26 KB, 732x622, 20210623_060155.jpg)

>>1262556She made this tweet thread the day before her birthday
>>1261607 but quickly deleted it. I think she replied to a couple too, but also deleted those.
No. 1262616
>>1262452it’s because she’s not taking advantage of her fame and doing something with it.
Like for ex, how Hila Klein created that clothing company that’s prob making that couple the majority of the kncome they have now. Even Marzia has her own brands she’s created, and she’s basically living Shoe’s dream life of having a rich husband who could take care of her while she sat around on her ass all day.
June has everything handed to her.
Every door of opportunity opened for her and she doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s laughable.
No. 1262622
>>1262568Don't forget her flexing that she only uses La Mer moisturizer, going through those will run her hundreds too
>>1262599She probably deleted it because she tweeted it for postleft twittermale attention only for some postleft scrotes to shit on her for being fake
No. 1262665
File: 1624460563530.jpg (169.14 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20210623-100041__01…)

>>1262622She uses this shit ??? Kek. Spending over 2k on a fancy fucking anti aging cream won't make you look like a teenager again shuwu, it's just an overpriced moisturizer.
No. 1262687
>>1262660A lot of people get pretty high paying jobs, though. Maybe not $300k, but upper middle class pay.
Film schools are technical schools where you're learning how to use equipment, software, etc. Like film editing even for B2B bullshit is pretty lucrative if you know more advanced softwares (i.e. not iMovie which is what sh0e uses)
Not to mention film & tv unions. Sh0e could be in a position right now where she has benefits, retirement, etc if she went that route. Instead she's just got Youtube which is highly volatile income, no benefits, no retirement, no network (aside from online friends who will turn on you for the drama), etc.
No. 1262695
File: 1624464425008.jpeg (69.43 KB, 800x800, E144E9A5-5731-4DAB-AA7A-4E3246…)

>>1262688she literally never mentioned using la mer though this is the cream she uses and i only remember because i use the same cream
No. 1262722
>>1262579I think she still doesn't want kids (maybe even never will), and that she's just talking about having kids to pander. If she
really wanted kids, she could have had them by now, nothing was stopping her.
No. 1262813
>>1262805You must be new. It happens every time this shit is brought up in her threads. Are you gonna tell me anon isn't projecting when she has been shown clear evidence that June has been consistent about wanting kids for YEARS? Really the femcels seething about women who chose to date men and
gasp reproduce are extremely loud and obnoxious in all threads throughout the site.
No. 1262845
>>1262783One: she doesn't need a man at all, she can just walk into a spank bank
Two: she coulda found someone who wants a kid now so so easily. If you know any women who
really wanted kids, you know I'm right. Yeah, some of them had non-commital boyfriends, they all dumped them and found a guy who wants kids now in no time.
No. 1262861
>>1262845Almost nobody wants to be a single mother. It's not good for the child. You can still want kids and not be so desperate that you will have them with LITERALLY ANYONE. You really don't know any nuance.
"Uhm if she wants a kid so bad, why doesn't she just abduct one from the mall? Guess she doesn't want them afterall!"
No. 1262866
>>1262861If someone's priority in life are children, they will not act like June. That was my point. I don't think that's up to debate.
Twist and exaggerate what I said all you like, you know I'm right.
No. 1262966
File: 1624492472950.jpg (281.29 KB, 1080x1656, Screenshot_20210623-184949__01…)

she's back online talking about McAfee's suicide and her retarded politics again. still absolutely no mention of her birthday or what she did for it though. almost like she knows what the comments would be like, kek
No. 1263162
>>1262874No they were sperging about whether or not a woman immediately dries up at 30 and can only produce retard babies. People here will forever sperg about how women should never want kids or a husband. She said she wanted kids all the time when she was with Greg. It's just a fact.
>>1262866I want to buy a house but I can't afford it right now, does that mean I don't actually want it? People can want things and not be able to have it right this moment or because the circumstances are not right yet or they have to wait for something else first. Doesn't mean your end goal changes in any way. Honestly just projection on your end and maybe wishful thinking.
No. 1263171
File: 1624526369130.png (746.6 KB, 2512x926, boomer.png)

June called someone a boomer on twitter for disagreeing with her, the person points out that June is older than them. June deletes her replies. lmfao.
No. 1263173
File: 1624526565306.png (81.05 KB, 738x248, kids.png)

And she also retweeted this.
No. 1263177
>>1263162>I want to buy a house but I can't afford it right now, does that mean I don't actually want it? Presumably you are saving money or improving your earning potential with that goal in mind though. If you claimed you want to buy a house but wasted every dollar you earned on non essentials, it would be fair to say you don't really want a house THAT much.
I agree that she does want kids but she clearly isn't taking it seriously or she'd be working towards being in a good position to have them.
No. 1263179
>>1263177She is trying to find a man to have babies with. She was just recently catfished by a Huey Long rightoid dude using pics of a handsome swiss man. She's also been flirting with Vaush for years now and we don't know how many other dudes she talks to behind the scenes.
She can't find one because the kind of guys she wants don't want her. Not for lack of trying.
No. 1263192
Okay, you guys convinced me that I was just projecting about june not wanting kids. You changed my mind.
>>1263162>and maybe wishful thinking.It's just hard to believe she's going about making a family so stupidly and wrongly, you know? Because she's not acting like any family person I know.
No. 1263216
>>1263192She does everything stupidly because she's stupid. So are many other people who still have kids.
>>1263199Yeah she would be a terrible mother, but so are a lot of people who are mothers. I mean I am sure the world would be better off without June-offspring running around in it. Her son would 100% be a misogynistic incel and no woman would be good enough for her perfect boy.
No. 1263319
>>1263171There's no hope for her. In addition to being retarded, she argues with retards too.
Still glad to see even retards pwn her.
No. 1263332
>>1263019>>1263076Damn, two shit birthdays in a row…
I can't feel sorry for her though, just kek.
Anyway, what's next for her? Do you think she'll start an Onlyfans? Or keep engaging with 70 IQ premises online just like
No. 1263341
>>1263246Sage for OT but Ed gein wasn't a sex prevent Troon, he wanted to make a woman suit so that he could remake his mother, not cause he wanted to be a woman
also he was very respectful to the female stuff during his years in the mental asylum
No. 1263502
File: 1624573155832.png (366.59 KB, 589x763, marina.png)

i've always known she is a fan of Marina but i'm still kinda surprised given how openly, staunchly feminist a lot of her music is. makes Shoe feel wishy-washy or not genuine on her politics lol, i remember she had "Oh No" as her "opener" music on youtube a long time ago. surprised she doesn't only like "Girls" (the song that marina called sexist or something iirc).
also lol'd at Flowers making her cry. greg must have been an asshole to her.
No. 1263933
>>1263884I could see her becoming non-binary, honestly. She could keep LARPing as a cute girly smol bean while at the same time distancing herself from other women. Though since she's still currently trolling for a rightoid husband, it probably won't happen for a while.
>>1263927June isn't the most intelligent person to say the least, but I have not idea why she and women like her think it's a good idea to build their careers on putting down adult women and pandering to sick men who want to fuck teenagers/young women. Even if they do manage to get picked by one of these scrotes, they'd be nothing but a depreciating asset in their husband's eyes since according to them a woman's only worth is her beauty and youth. Do they really believe that these men who think any woman past 30 is a wretched old crone is going to stay with them for life instead of dumping them for fresh blood once they pop out a kid or two?
No. 1263941
>>1263933People like that don't think about the future. I wonder the same about the "femboys" that base their entire personality about being young looking twinks in skirts. You can play the fetish game of loli-pedo-baiting for so long and then what? You are left with nothing because everyone around you was only there for your youthfulness and sex-appeal. You cultivated no skill, no personality, no relationships that will last. I think these people are just retards who live in the moment and the thought of the future distresses them so much they constantly have to keep themselves occupied with cooming or in June's case twitter, lest the existential dread sets in.
Maybe she really did bank on becoming Septic Tank's housewife and she would be the "cool MILF" who lets her husband bang her teenage daughters friends on the weekend and be totally cool with it or something weird like that.
No. 1263942
>>1263711I feel like she must just skip over "Man's World" when she listens to the album because everything about that song seems like it would
trigger her and send her on a men's rights related spergfest
No. 1264197
>>1263933>Do they really believe that these men who think any woman past 30 is a wretched old crone is going to stay with them for life instead of dumping them for fresh blood once they pop out a kid or two?This is what always confused me. You have all these pickmes like June cheerleading for men who preach about "marrying and having children at 22 max", incels who are obsessed with how many eggs women have left and make up fake statistics about it.
Even if they married early and had children with one of these losers, do they really think these me would really keep being faithful once they turned 30+, not to mention 40, 50. "Hey what happens once when I turn 35" -did this thought ever occur in their heads?
No. 1264248
>>1264197Redpillers who push that shit also lie about how men bond emotionally with the women who have their children and they stay beautiful as they age because of that connection (probably true for some men but not the ones who think we're hags with no eggs at 25). They aren't too vocal about this concept because it's total bullshit ofc, but it's the only answer I've seen when they're questioned.
Also Redpillers believe having kids is the only thing women need to be successful at life, so as long as they give their wife children it's not a problem to leave her for a younger woman. He did his part and she's no longer doing hers so he has the right to bounce.
No. 1264313
>>1264283Is his wife still with him? I hope she took their daughter and ran away from that freak as fast as she could. He'd probably end up like that other redpiller father who kept a giant poster detailing egg decline with age in the family living room to scare his teenage daughters into marrying young.
Hopefully Shoe never becomes a mother, especially to a daughter. I don't even want to think about the horrors she'd be subjected to.
No. 1264328
>>1264197>Hey what happens once when I turn 35" -did this thought ever occur in their heads?They always believe they're the exception. Then go surprise pikachu face when their redpilled "captains" drop them as a 40+ single mother with 4 kids for a younger girl to manipulate. With no education or experience, they go back to square one either moving back in with parents that might be alive still or they receive some government aide. Sometimes they'll stay retarded enough to still believe women shouldn't work or be financially independent but they would grift for their bills. Some see the light and try to warn other retarded tradthots to not follow rp or bat for scrotes only to end up labeled as the bitter old feminist hag by those same repdilled males they protected before. It's a pathetic cycle
>>1264313Don't pity the wife too much. She's completely gone. She works as a psychologist or therapist that tried to push molyneux's cult bs and teachings onto her patients. She even almost lost her license when her husband was eavesdropping on sessions she was having with patients. She was 100% supporting him as the breadwinner when he was unemployed and preaching that women shouldn't work and should stay home to have babies. If June was desperate enough, she could end up like that too. Especially if she had a daughter at 40 with one of her redpilled simps
No. 1264337
>>1264328>She was 100% supporting him as the breadwinner when he was unemployed and preaching that women shouldn't work and should stay home to have babies.Lauren Southern was in a similar position with her alt-right boyfriends. The Atlantic article about her and the now-defunct altright movement mentions how one of her boyfriends was ranting about how a woman's place was in the home tending to children while having lunch with her in a restaurant, and then immediately after asked Lauren to pay the bill. Lauren Chen is also financially supporting her ugly husband who clearly hates her while extolling "traditional family values".
What even is the point of being a pickme? On the rare occassion they do get picked, it's by some bottom-feeding scumsucker who they either have go halvsies with or fully support. And even THEN their ugly worthless husbands don't respect them one bit. What a miserable fucking life, kek
No. 1264602
>>1264399NTA, but I'm pretty sure Liam has mentioned he's basically focusing on going to school, so yeah, he's wasting his precious school hours and not getting paid for that time away from home.
Lauren has made it clear she is waiting for the moment he's done with school so they can start planning for a baby.
No. 1264618
>>1264605Probably, even though she's way out of his league. Imagine not only marrying some uggo wastrel but also supporting him through school and giving him a job, only for him to dump you anyways kek
>>1264615Aside from those who guys who're part of that famous neoNazi podcast, there are literally no famous altrighters who are white men married to white women. They're either mixed race and self-hating, married to or in a longterm relationship with a non-white woman, or a single foreveralone manchild.
No. 1264686
>>1264618That’s because white supremacists/alt-righters aren’t normal well-adjusted white people. They’re either incels, have racial self-loathing issues or a
toxic combination. Most people have no problems finding a partner of their own race and having kids with them if that’s their preference. These moids are genetic losers who can’t accept that fact and instead believe women and minorities are robbing them of whatever they feel they are owed, and these online extremism movements welcome them with open arms and feed their bitterness & entitlement as a means of radicalization.
No. 1264755
>>1264707Kek 1 tradthot out of the sea of them. Didn't Brittney get a lot of shit from her incel audience for starting to have babies "too late" too? Not enough to just have a full white husband to be trad with.
Even if June turned her life around with getting a husband and maybe a baby, still wouldn't be good enough because she'd be 30+
No. 1264782
>>1262695>$500 moisturizerdoes it actually work though anon? did you just want everyone to think you're rich?
(saged for ot)
No. 1264792
Getting back to June- is it true she has a much more successful younger sister she's jealous of? I remember someone mentioning it a while back.
>>1264707Holy shit, I totally forgot about her kek
>>1264755I think you're right, yeah. Which is ridiculous because she's only like 28, which is still within the optimal age range to have children. But MRA chomos are adamant that women reach their prime at 16 and men at 50, and no amount of evidence will sway this opinion.
No. 1264836
File: 1624728031110.png (296.23 KB, 500x636, EFOMGrvb8i8.png)

>>1264792She was jealous of her sister as a child, she said so in her "draw my life" video where she said her sister being born took attention away from her and her sister was a fat ugly baby, while June was a teeny tiny uwu bean baby and hasn't grown since.
Her sister is truly hideous tho, both June and her sister got her dads bad genes cause her mom was stunning. Picrel is her sister Sarah.
No. 1264859
>>1264707There's also Faith Goldy, but she cheated on her husband with Richard Spencer while they were just engaged and they have no children so in spite of marrying a white guy to be a tradwife for she still complete failed at it
>>1264767She never goes outside, if she deleted twitter she would never meet anyone at all
No. 1264898
File: 1624734195658.jpg (24.98 KB, 529x222, Capture.JPG)

violent flashback of June's attempt at making lemon chicken
No. 1264985
>>1264859Faith cheated fucked richard Spencer and lauren southern tried to fuck pjw and molyneux. Just trad women things uwu
>>1264962I don't think June is more attractive. She heavily relies on 360p cameras, heavy eye makeup, angles, lighting and wigs. But her sister did objectively better. She also lived in Italy for a bit too I think as a study abroad thing. I'm sure shes in some LTR and being normal while her older sister still has their mom clean her room at 30. Sad!
No. 1265067
It's also ironic how some anons are making fun of shoe for saying her sister was a fat ugly baby and then go on commenting on her sister's looks.
No. 1265293
>>1265124Allow me to correct myself. June's face is somewhat "better" geometrically, but her… everything makes her sister mog her into oblivion. Her sister's features are
abstractly more imperfect, and yet she is undeniably hotter. Incels will deny this online, but attitude and "vibe" matter for women, and 99.9% of them would choose her stacyoid sister irl.
I am certain that June is somewhat aware of this, and the fact that her sister is likely pulling Chads makes her rip out what's left of her hair like nothing else.
No. 1265441
File: 1624803235611.png (190.31 KB, 690x1234, 3DA31FED-9C19-4FAD-8163-ADE2C5…)

>>1265373this is june in hd without the angles, filters, lighting, makeup, etc.
Her sister is a 5. June is just a 4 passing as a 7.
(sage your sperging) No. 1265470
>>1265448This. Is there something in the water supply? I get her 30th birthday awakened some sleeping anons but, what the fuck is up with all this concentrated autism? Have venti-sperges decided to switch their wrath from hammerhead to Thing 2? Both of them look like inbred whovians, and surprise, June hasn't done anything milky for
a while now her 30th birthday. Can all the stealth moids/nonnies with a hateboner relax yourselves?
No. 1265496
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>>1265441Her sister is right next to her in this image, why'd you crop it? Because a direct comparison wouldn't support your argument? lel
No. 1265893
File: 1624841599104.jpg (76.1 KB, 903x508, Screen_Shot_2019-11-14_at_12.5…)

>>1265373You are retarded because she
is a Stacy compared to June. The fact that she has a more successful normie life, likely much better men and a career DESPITE being objectively more unfortunate looking isn't subject to belief or narrative. Pic related, l2read.
No. 1266017
>>1265984this seems like an older video.
>>1265502Yeah, her sister looks normal and acts normal. Like in this photo
>>1265496 June is the most done up person. No one else in this photo has their hair all fancy or wearing a hairpiece or matching jewelry. Girl on the far left, seems to be the one having the Sweet 16, looks like she just found whatever laying around that looked fancy enough and she was set. She don't really care of her appearance, she just wants to enjoy the party. It's subtle stuff like this.
No. 1266659
>>1265893neither are Stacies. There's no 'compared to June she's a Stacy'
You either are or you aren't.
June got to be an e-girl bc she could get on by with her average looks since incels rarely get attention from women in general
No. 1267544
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99% sure the thirst comments r her sockpuppets
No. 1267647
>>1266813no one cares about this cow's normie sister, oh my god.
June turned 30 and this is the best shit this thread has?
No. 1268447
File: 1625083631466.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x400, 20210630_150608.jpg)

new twitter pfp, same cow with arrested development
No. 1268471
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>>1268447Wow I totally can't tell that this is an 30 year old woman behind those 30 chinese filters! Is that a 16 year old teenager? Is that Bella Dolphin? One thing is for sure, that looks like the smollest bean!
No. 1268795
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>>1268794samefag - she changed it to this now. what is it with her and needing to meme 24x7 with her whole existence
No. 1268819
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While the replier is wrong on both counts, it amuses me that Greg still receives shit from the breakup.
No. 1268830
Did she move back in with her parents?
Greg wasn't worth leaving NYC/Long Island to begin with, but damn.
30 and at "home".
I hope everything works out for her because this is just self-debasement at this point.
No. 1268849
File: 1625137475586.png (284.61 KB, 530x729, stonetoss.png)

Already turning on her
No. 1268868
>>1268862Why would you feel bad for her?
Shoe hates women just as much as incels do. She targetted many women, insults every woman cause, insults women and pander to the worst type of scrotes.
She doesnt deserve anything good. Shes vile just like her pedophilic misogynistic fanbase.
No. 1268880
>>1268859>stonetoss>working for disneyYeah. That
has to be a joke, unless this is a dobson situation where he was close to working for disney.
No. 1268895
>>1268862Imagine the arrogance they must have to think that any woman would risk their life, and permanently damage their bodies for their autismo sperm. the delusion.
But hey, these are the men Shoe wants for some reason.
No. 1268898
Anyone played first BoxxyQuest? I stumbled upon its TvTropes page and it literally lists June, her ex-bf, Kenny and Ian as characters in game. It was made by some old Unichanfag.
>>1268859Considering Stonetoss is Shmorky, I guess he got blacklisted because he's a gross pedo.
No. 1268899
>>1268819I honestly think they'll get back together. Hopefully June will cool it with the weird BDSM shit and Greg will stop publicly thirsting over other women and troons this time. A match made in lolcow heaven
>>1268849Stonetoss is a self-hating wignat Puerto Rican, even June deserves better than him kek
>>1268862Even Null was making fun of these retards in his June stream and the one right after. They're just pedophiles trying to rationalize their desire to molest pubescent girls.
No. 1269009
>>1268868>her beloved "every man a king" fans she spends her life pandering to shared her nudes far and wide after they were leaked for the sole purpose of humiliating her>, which is ran by and full of women who hate her, refused to keep the images up even when there was wide speculation that she leaked them herselfI just hope June actually grows up one of these days and stops trying to impress these absolute bottom of the barrel, unwanted failmales. Ironically, she'd probably have a better chance of finding a bf/husband if she stopped her pickme behavior and went outsie for once.
>>1268999He's a self hating mixed breed. His dad is white and mom is PR, which makes his comic about only supporting abortions for non-white women even sadder. IIRC one of his cousins spilled the beans and anyone who mentions his heritage gets immediately blocked kek
No. 1269015
>>1269009Seriously. she's not even ugly looking or anything.
The pure retardation to be able to look like the kind of woman that American society places as the standard of beauty,( and tbh that's not a difficult standard to reach in America, just be "white", not a fatass, and feminine presenting woman which June has all 3 of those..), but you have a personality that only attracts bottom of the barrel guys that will humiliate you any chance they get.
She basically won the genetic lottery in America and she doesn't know how to use it. Hilarious.
No. 1269038
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>>1269024KEK where's the lie,
No. 1269041
>>1269014hate their moms
or in nick fuentes’s case, hate their dads
No. 1269085
File: 1625164846730.jpg (285.9 KB, 1080x1267, Screenshot_20210701-132942__01…)

Fishing for attention as usual, kek. Dunno why the fuck she always poses with an American flag behind her like she's uncle sam
No. 1269113
>>1269085the irony is that the blonde wig actually makes her look like a 30 year old instead of younger like she'd want.
and yeah that American flag she seems to practically live in front of is tacky as fuck.
No. 1269144
File: 1625169033752.jpg (120.13 KB, 624x776, american flag.jpg)

>>1269113I don't get it, she now has everything american flag themed, even goes out with it. Is it supposed to be funny?
No. 1269157
>>1269015You could look like Doutzen Kroes and still be treated like a 2/10 if you're a pickme. Pickmes will never understand the basic male programming to want women they can't have, and instead follow beta male "advice" on how to attract a quality husband, which is usually the exact opposite of what you should be doing. The notion that a man would give a woman dating insights that will benefit
her is shoe on head retarded. Their job is to deceive you so they can get in your pants, and if you fall for deception this retarded, in their minds you undoubtedly deserve the consequences.
The reason why "pickme" is an insult is because it's the male that exists to be picked, not to pick. He is hardwired to feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with you if you're exerting effort for him and trying to get picked instead of doing the picking - you must be compensating for some innate deficiency so grave that it nullifies your by default higher sexual value as a female. Yes, you should never act this way even for rich men who have sexual agency and some degree of choice. A dumber version of this advice has been in circulation since the dawn of humanity, in various iterations of "the rules" and the like.
Not once in my whole life have I met a well kept trophy wife or a Stacy who was a self-loathing scrotefondler. It's basically signalling that you're trash below even beta males.
No. 1269279
>>1269105Lol. Belle Delphine doesn't own winged eyeliner of face highlights
Anyway she looks perfectly fine and attractive other than cake face
No. 1269826
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>>1269109My autistic fanfic is that I want to see the timeline where June continues making skits like this, gains a small, but mostly female early Jenna Marbles like following and finds actual female friends that would help her rise up from being an imageboard attention whore and 'not like other girls' grifter.
A bitch can dream, but Shoe will sadly never change from being pic related and thinking she's quirky for it.
No. 1269894
File: 1625246040116.jpg (225.98 KB, 1057x1074, Screenshot_20210702-191158_Chr…)

She really is trying to switch sides again
No. 1269983
File: 1625251116880.jpg (353.72 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20210702-132621__01…)

From her likes. "People who have their lives together are npcs" nice cope, june, but /most/ 30 year old Americans from privileged backgrounds like you already have an education, a career, a solid work history and/or a spouse and kids. They're not npcs, you're just failing at life and can't understand that the some people have actually spent their young adulthood working towards their goals and achieving things, when the only thing you've achieved is embarrassing yourself on the internet for the better part of a decade.
No. 1270035
>>1269983>t-that successful MD with a loving husband is just an NPC girlboss, I-I'm my own person ha haThis is one of the most pathetic copes ever posted, holy shit
>>1270006If fear for any potential child she has, especially a girl. She would definitely be one of those moms who sees her own daughter as competition and tries to tear down her confidence and sabotage any relationships she has. And her taste in pedo-adjacent manchildren isn't too promising either…
June, if you're reading this, there's still time. Delete your twitter and youtube accounts, find yourself a fellow guido at your local ristorante with the nice tablecloths and become trashy Long Island guinea you were always meant to be. Retvrn to tradition.
No. 1270066
>>1270035Anons always say June would hypothetically fuck up her kid by instilling in them all this misogynistic shit from her alt-right grift/pickmeism but, honestly, I think she's too lazy to even do that. I feel like she'd be the type of mom neglect her kids, like the e-girls who have kids but are too busy pandering to moids to give them the time of day. Or provide them with the bare minimum (feeding them, clothing them, and occasionally playing/talking with them) but her mom would do 90% of the work while she sits on her ass lurking twitter all day. When her daughter grows up, I can see her being jealous of her, but I think she'd just make off-hand comments or subtle posts on her twitter about it. If she was as aggressive as anons are trying to suggest, her whole breakup with greg would've been a lot messier than it was, and she'd honestly be a lot milkier as a cow. She seems to keep to herself and tries to be as nonconfrontational as possible while still being a catty bitch. Hell, even when feminists or the groups she tries to pander to dunk on her, she never says shit to them and just blocks before going on with her day.
No. 1270079
>>1269983the npc meme was funny when it started out.
but the people who take it this seriously are terminally online autists. everyone thinks they're the main character. everyone. the sad fact is if you spend as much time on your computer as june, your life is really fucking boring and you're the only one who finds it interesting.
No. 1270119
>>1270006I think her sister will get married/pregnant before her. She'll freak out and have a super rushed marriage/pregnancy.
Possibly get pregnant before marrying and have a cool girl attitude about their non-traditional relationship.
No. 1270314
File: 1625268722309.jpg (355.1 KB, 1080x1948, Screenshot_20210702-182341__01…)

She can't go three seconds without broadcasting how Based and Trad she is despite objectively being neither of those things
No. 1270316
>>1270314Hilarious. Imagine simping and pandering this hard and
still not getting picked by a moid, not even to clean his grill. Couldn't be me sis kek
No. 1270320
>>1270314she says this when her mom literally still cleans her room. this is beyond humiliating
No. 1270324
>>1270310She thinks women can't possibly contribute anything to society beyond being bangmaid incubators for some 1950s larping "provider" making like 40k a year. Female doctors, teachers, scientists, artists, engineers, psychiatrists, lawyers, veterinarians, athletes, etc-they're all just worthless losers who failed their One True Purpose (breeding) and are therefore failures in her eyes. June thinks that because her only purpose in life is pleasing men, that this should be every other woman's goal as well.
Of course, it's a gargantuan cope. Like yeah I'm sure those "career women" are crying into their fat paychecks in their clean and quiet houses with no man on the couch yelling at them to fetch him a beer and no screaming kids demanding constant attention. What a sad existence a working spinster must have, unlike shuwu the 30 year old NEET who's greatest achievement is making a bunch of basement dwellers want to fuck her.
No. 1270329
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>>1270314She's working overtime today ladies
No. 1270331
>>1270328She talked about it in a video with that one inbred girl about BDSM.
I don’t remember the original video, but there’s a clip of it in this one where she says “my mon cleans up my room sometimes”
No. 1270336
>>1270329You will never be a houswife. You have no man, you have no house, you can't cook. You are a guidette twisted by twitter and porn into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your filtered appearance behind closed doors.
Trad conservative men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even pickmes who try their hardest are pathetic and undesirable to a man. Your social media profile is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a LARPIng Longist to catfish you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets your bootyhole pics.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
No. 1270370
>>1269983The girl who originally posted this looks to be in her mid teens, which means that unlike Shoe she'll likely outgrow the childishly narcissistic notion that she's the only real person and everyone else is an NPC. Honestly the idea of a 30 year old liking a post like this is just super depressing; a kid who doesn't know what they wanna do when they grow up is one thing, but a grown fucking adult like Shoe having no goals and no dreams is just a real downer. I think she must be a very unhappy person.
>>1270066All parents teach their kids, by modeling behavior and lifestyles. If a kid, boy or girl, grows up watching Mom tee-hee over how dumb and useless she is, throwing herself at a succession of stupid, homely, unemployed men, that's definitely gonna write itself into their psyche. Having said that, I never got the impression Shoe has any intention of having kids, ever, despite being a Guidette. I honestly don't think she wants anything, especially now that she's 30, which in her mind probably means she might as well be dead. Wouldn't be surprised if from here on out she becomes more of a sadcow than anything.
No. 1270375
>>1270336magnificent kek
>>1269899she should a more online femcel pickme, like aimee terese
No. 1270556
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>>1270314how can you clean a grill if you can't even clean your room
No. 1270720
File: 1625327332668.jpg (31.33 KB, 604x324, 20210702_185153.jpg)

>>1270329As per usual she's blocking people left and right for questioning her dedication to her Trad larp (picrel posted by the user in question on twitter). How much longer till even her most dedicated simps realize she's just a garden variety pickme who just says whatever she thinks scrotes want to hear?
No. 1270788
>>1270739I always wonder why she hasn't started a Twitch channel yet and keeps her youtube streams patreon only.
The only thing that comes to mind it's harder to mod chat and people can call her out easier?
No. 1270812
>>1270744Alot of those retarded coomers probably are new to june and her "based" comments. Anyone who stuck around a little longer is aware shes just a 30 year old ticking time bomb until she breaks down over being a failed "trad" egirl
>>1270791Over on the tradthot thread theres one that did a poll asking her incels if they'd pay to see her content and the majority of them said no lol. Pick me tradthots would have to get an onlyfans and do porn for any grifting to happen because they push so hard against women having jobs
No. 1270938
>>1270931If it really is a reference to June rather than that other woman, the timing is kind of funny.
>finally gets over June right after she turns 30Lol.
No. 1271015 talks about what happened with greg at about two minutes in on her new podcast.
spoiler alert: greg is human garbage. it sounds like he basically completely ghosted her and she was in the middle of breast cancer scare when it happened too. she felt humiliated by the whole thing because she didn't even know he was kicking her off the podcast until the everyone else did and he kicked her out of the discord and everything too without even communicating with her.
i feel so horrible for her after listening to that and so disgusted by greg. i don't even know what to say. it's so fucking bad and he's absolutely vile.
No. 1271093
>>1271015What a man child. No wonder he is such a failure.
She seems really sweet and genuine. Albeit she could lighten up on the face filters but whatever.
I wonder if they had a fight and he responded by kicking her off. Like how he always took June out of his bio.
No. 1271159
>>1271132I have the sneaking suspicious he might tell girls that June was
abusive, it would fit with the weird vague sadposting he has done in the past.
No. 1271333
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No. 1271335
>>1271015Wow I wasn't expecting things to be this bad…
Greg and Shoe both truly deserved each other.
Two disgusting narcissists that don't know how to treat the people that care about them well. You couldn't have asked for anything more perfect.
Hope Patrice is able to move past all this bullshit and learn from this experience.
She seems like she has a decent head on her shoulders aside from a couple stupid mistakes.
No. 1271336
File: 1625417936879.jpg (28.93 KB, 400x400, _GAvSf6G_400x400.jpg)

also new pfp
No. 1271541
>>1271333Sage for a retarded nitpick, but for some reason the photoshopped gun and rifle really make me kek. Imagine sucking up to libright incels for so many years and not even owning a single firearm.
If you think about it, gun owning libfems and radfems, that only carry to prevent potential assaults can be considered better right-wing trad wives than June.
I think she took a pic holding an AR once when a ban on assault weapons was supposed to be passed?? Or maybe it was Lauren, there were honestly so many burger trad thots pretending to care about the 2nd amendment in 2016/17 that it's all a big blur in my mind now.
No. 1271630
>>1271333kek at the fact that she's recycling selfies, she already posted that base photo months ago
>>>/snow/1124568can't even be assed to get out of bed and take a new one eh?
No. 1271824
File: 1625493644258.png (310.53 KB, 602x516, skeptic.png)

>>1270931I don't think he was talking about June or Patrice. He says that the "woman" is Death herself towards the end. Is this the video that he was hyping up as the one that was going to get him cancelled?
He spent one month working on the animation for this boring mess of a video and couldn't bother to record new episodes for his podcast.
No. 1271826
>>1271791Not shit-talking her ex is the only classy and mature thing June has possibly ever done.
>I'd go for it if it was meCringe. If you've ever been in a long term relationship with someone you'd know that both people gather an extreme amount of dirt on each other over the years of being together. It is in nobodies best interest to air that shit out when the relationship ends because it makes both people look terrible and petty. Adults don't do that shit unless they are extremely trashy people.
Don't get me wrong I would love if they spilled the dirt on each other cause I'm here for the drama, but I also respect them for not doing it.
No. 1271827
>>1271696Because it is largely her own fault. This dude isn't exactly unknown and like others have said it takes a few seconds to Google. She would've even found these threads, but no let's act like she's some helpless
victim baby. This is retarded.
>>1271681Except that people here aren't in disbelief. It's just retarded that people are caping so hard for a grown woman who has the internet at her disposal and didn't use it. I feel like I'm reading the western animation thread where everyone swears Noelle was chained up and incapable of thinking for herself and it's really pathetic. Patrice is older than June, isn't she? And she really doesn't know better?
No. 1271841
>>1271826Imo it's more cringe not to stand up for yourself if someone fucked you over like he clearly did than to tuck your tail and allow people to continue thinking he is the
victim he claims to be. He called her a villain after he ghosted and publicly embarrassed her. If it was a normal breakup I'd agree it's not "classy" to talk shit but he actively screwed Patrice out of a project they did together that she was entitled to creative say in. That's bigger than just "oh we both have our dirt teehee" at that point you're entitled to a little pettiness. Hence why I would go off
No. 1272067
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No. 1272138
>>1272067oh god she's starting to add on more filters.
and I thought it was bad before.. I honestly thought this was a completely different person
No. 1272448
File: 1625590150630.jpg (235.84 KB, 1080x1001, Screenshot_20210706-114559__01…)

You haven't looked like the guy on the left in your fuckin life shuwu lmao. That'd require leaving the bedroom and actually participating in societal uprisings instead of larping as a Woke Leftist (but fuck feminism tho!1) online from your rich parents house that you live in rent free at age 30
No. 1272553
File: 1625603423705.png (185.68 KB, 1094x300, still 29.png)

She's really pretending she didn't turn 30 huh