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No. 817992
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>>817990How do lesbianons feel about companies selling all their products with rainbow designs?
No. 817996
>>817992cringe obviously but i would buy labrys themed shit just for the novelty
too bad no company would dare kek
No. 818004
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What a time kek
No. 818020
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Lego unveils first LGBTQ set ahead of Pride Month!
No. 818025
>>818020I read sonewhere that the set was made by a gay dude sooo
Funnily enough, in my country most people attending pride are minors and early 20s-30s. Still going because I never went, even if I'll only attent the march
No. 818028
>>818018God I see so many of my friends and acquaintances supporting kink at pride and how its okay to show kinks to kids and how we should let kids learn about fucking people in the ass wearing leather gear.
I want to scream
No. 818037
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>>818030Because brown and black people who are gay are THE MOST oppressed or something. It's the same idea as intersectional feminism, where it is just kind of a
victim contest where "normal white gays" are told they are not proper minorities because "black gays" are even MORE oppressed.
No. 818038
>>818035Yeah seriously, it's almost as if rainbow is meant to include
all colours of the spectrum. What the actual fuck is this sticking of new specific colors all over it?
No. 818042
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>hilariously dumb company pandering
local clothing brand in my country used the homophobic senator/boxer manny pacquiao to endorse their brand and then come around to drop some pride merch. (pic related)
>your personal feelings of gayness and if you should be loud and proud about it or not?
Yes i think they should be loud and proud about it. I don't live in the USA and lgbtq+ rights here is still unaccepted by a majority of people.
genuine question to the anonitas here :
should asexuals be able to participate in pride?
No. 818051
>>818042What the fuck are asexuals these days even. Most of them are idiots who think just because they don't get an instant boner 24/7 when an attractive person passes by, they're somehow special. Or worse, they are borderline rape apologist who argue it is totes alright to feel no attraction or desire at all when your partner fucks you, it's awwwright and you should still sleep with them because they have needs, too! If you don't have any fun that's not wrong or worrisome at all, you're simply a poor oppressed asexual!
And those morons don't belong at pride.
I believe there is the tiniest minority of people who genuinely do not want to have sex. (And even those I believe suffer from either trauma or some mental illness, mostly. Not judging these though).
Do they belong at pride? Still no.
Make your own damn event, pride is about LGB acceptance, not other tiny minorities with problems unrelated to homosexual/bi issues.
No. 818054
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No. 818060
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I am so glad that in current year gay people are also allowed to get ateriosclerosis from artery clogging fast food.
We have come so far!
No. 818067
>>818054at least this is genuinely hilarious and creative in comparison to shit like
>>818060 or
>>818042. There was some minimal effort put in that soulless pandering
No. 818097
>>818042Asexuality has nothing to do with lgbt, you can literally be straight and asexual. I'm not even saying it doesn't exist (if it does 90% of the people claiming it are faking it anyway) just that it doesn't belong in the community.
>>818030I though that it was basicly to remind people that "black and brown people are a part of the community too" which, if you weren't including them maybe you're just racist. Plus as a brown person, that flag is ugly as all shit.
No. 818140
>>818091Lots of normies do use pride parade pictures as a:
>see?? They’re degenerates!Or
>look at these wacky gay people, they’re so weirdAround 2014, I already had to look up the history of pride parades because i used to think they were just kink shows.
Which is kind of shocking, tbh, I don’t see how is it a good look to walk around with kinky accessories if you want to show that you’re just another normie from the crowd, specially in countries in which the LGB people are actually trying to be seen as regular people.
No. 818769
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Every single year, as a lesbian, i dread Pride month. So many people and companies pretend to give a shit without doing a single thing for actual real life gay people who need help and homes and relief centers.
No. 818774
>>818097>that flag is ugly as all shitliterally. the flag wasn't even created by a black or brown person. It was some virtue signalling white college boy.
>>818621I'm fucking pissed they "turned" Phil and Lil's mom Betty gay. If they want a gay character, make an original gay character. I actually loved the part about Betty being the dominant one in the marriage and the fact she was masculine and in a heterosexual relationship to compliment all of that. They even had the audacity to replace the female symbol on her shirt with a zodiac sign?
I hate modern day "progressivism" it's repackaged conservatism with a rainbow slapped onto it.
No. 818783
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>>818774>They even had the audacity to replace the female symbol on her shirt with a zodiac sign? Is it really more controversial to put the female symbol on a character today than it was 30 years ago? What a weird choice.
No. 818802
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>>818794Absolute kek, what? At the age I was watching blues clues, I didn’t give a single fuck about who was fucking who, I just wanted to watch the cute blue dog and the funny guy in the trippy crayon world do cool shit.
Why is this necessary?
No. 818821
A lot of actual gay people are in fact staying in the closet because they don't want to be associated with nasty troonkink-type stuff. I at least wouldn't volunteer that i'm bi unless asked directly.
Even when i was in college 6 yrs ago, the normal gay people i knew saw the campus-LGBT-club type people as mostly freaks & geeks. Already by that point the "public face" of LGBT was almost all troons & enbies, because those people are so lame that everyone else leaves. Further i think the tight association between woke-LGBT and rose-twitter politics has driven a lot of more normal Democrat buttigieg-type white men out of these spaces.
I think the tide is rurning slowly - the troonkink people basically attack and alienate anyone who wont debase themselves to their level so they are losing friends fast. I wouldnt take the corporate pandering so seriously, especially now as companies just whiplash themselves to whatever's big on twitter. We saw with SuperStraight that a lot of people are tired of troons sperging everywhere, and i think we will see more medical organizations looking at troon stuff and realizing it's really, really physically and mentally harmful to "patients", as happened with the UK court case about underaged hormone use. It also helps that the celebrities who've transitioned tend to go full batshit as we see with ellen page and her new ab implants (wack). And as more people actually interact with troons/queeridentity people, they will realize that they're basically all either batshit or just boring because "be queer" is their whole personality (which they adopted in the first place due to being fucking boring). This is 5/5 true of trans/queer people ive been friends with or in my family…they all go off the deep end pretty quick, because troon/queer doesnt actually give them the actualized selfidentity that they lack, so they have to push the envelope further and further. In other words there's some kind of "new me" every 6 months with these people, because they're actually not "finding their true self", they're looking for something new that will make them feel and be a special new way. After it happens more than a couple times it just loses credibility.
I think the final nails will be upcoming generations just seeing troons as gross & lame nerds that they are, and seeing "queer identiry" for the privileged, solipsistic, tired self-obsession that it is.
No. 818855
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Every time I go to target I see these pronoun shirts and it gives me a laff. Have any anons seen them too? It's so weird to see corporations drinking the transgender kool-aid but money is money I guess
No. 818861
>>818855I hate this pronoun bullshit, how self-absorbed do you have to be to feel like killing yourself because
another person, probably in another room said
>hey, I think she will open a new bank account todayI would understand this bullshit a bit more if it was like, hey, instead of ma’am, I want to be referred to as buddy, and even then it’s just as retarded as having “pwefwewed pwonowouns”
No. 818870
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>>818774>I'm fucking pissed they "turned" Phil and Lil's mom Betty gay. People have been joking about them being beards for years.
No. 818873
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>>818868I think they want parents to bring their kids to Pride while keeping it non-PG. Grooming, if you will.
>>818861Crossposting an image from the Western Animation thread. This was a pronoun page from a person in Twitter that had nouns and words that you can use to refer to them. So, you can call them "dude", but "bro" is
No. 818877
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>>818802Forcing kids to learn about different sexualities so early is going to end up with a generation of hypersexual, genderqueer weirdos. There is zero reason a child needs to learn anything about these topics until they curious about it themselves. I never even wasted a single thought about how babby is formed until I read the word "SEX" sprayed onto the wall on a playground and asked my parents what it meant.
3-5 year olds kids do not think about people being gay or adults "loving each other" they just know their parents love each other.
I find the people pushing sex education on small children to be highly suspicious, this shit is like mass-grooming.
No. 818888
>>818847It doesn't make sense. What's LGBT about Drag Queens? They're just guys dressing up as women because that's "bold and brave" (we all know doing female-associated shit like wearing makeup and dresses is sooo degrading to men) and people find it funny/entertaining for whatever reason, like, fuck off. Unpopular opinion, I wish we could cancel the hype and praise for Drag queens completely. My gender and oppression isn't a funny mask for some man to wear, profit off, and then discard so he can go right back to enjoying his Male privileges. There's a reason Drag Kings arent anywhere near as popular, and that's because people love it when those dumb females with their silly makeup and their petty drama are mocked for a laugh, but no one cares about women trying to be men (aka what society considers as normal).
They're barely a step above the attention-seeking transwomen who also think they make better women than actual women do.
Sure, some drag queens are gay men, and they're welcome as gay men of course, but they don't need to parade as the parody of a woman.
Sage for absolute autism
No. 818893
>>818888I'm pretty sure it's a result of kink being dragged into the LGBT banner and the definition of queer being so thoroughly expanded as to mean anything that isn't a very strict conservative redblooded God-fearing American heterosexual. It's something that I get the initial concept of, but it gets pushed to the extreme so that vocalizing your instinctive revulsion to a man dressing up as some kind of drag queen demon creature reading to kids puts you in the exact same boat as a religious puritan thinking Harry Potter will make kids into amoral monsters.
>>818818There ended up being two sex offenders, actually. Both of whom were convicted of sexually assaulting children. The library took the blame for not vetting enough, but I saw no discussion that the drag queen group was harboring known sex offenders in the first place.
No. 818895
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>>818893Brett Blomme, the CEO of the company that ran Drag Queen Story Hour was a gay man with two adoptive children who was found guilts of 7 counts of posessing child pornography on his computer.
No. 818898
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No. 818904
>>818901>>818821I'm also bi and feel the same.
There was a fucking bdsm workshop for 15 year olds in my country…I'm boycotting Pride.
No. 818909
>>818621God. This is exactly why I'm closeted, I do not ever want to be associated with these fucking perverts who have to sexualize literally
everything because "that's kweer culture". Queer is just a shortened way of saying "degenerate straight person" at this point. I hate this "kinks are inherently part of gay culture" shit because while one can argue that it's because gay people were denied their sexuality and had to go dogging due to that, times have changed and the whole community should have a tighter policy of gatekeeping to avoid hetero (or the "cumbrains who will fuck anything" type of bihet) kinksters from co-opting the movement as their personal fetish playground. But alas, the damage has already been done.
>>818877I understand the point being made about how kids who received sex ed are more likely to combat predators because they understand what's happening but the fact that these people have to go straight to "let's talk about kinks and fetishes" instead of the very bare basics to 7-year olds is bound to warp them. Especially because there's a huge push to associate it with being gay. They could talk about homosexuality the same way they talk about heterosexuality as in, two people love each other and form a strong emotional connection, but no, it has to shoehorn some drag queen troon child sexualization kind of narrative.
No. 818947
>>818938Twitch is going to suck, The one of the only streamers I watch, Jerma chat already has accounts that I've never seen do anything but spam trans rights emotes randomly & then suddenly half the chat is doing it.
His chat is full of genderspecials, so I already know that once June 1st hits, it's going to be unreadble.
No. 818957
>>818054Gonna eat this at pride but throw out the tomatoes first as a symbolic gesture and see if it
triggers any troons.
I've had this before, very tasty but I felt like a dork for buying it. GloboHomo finally found my weakness… sandwiches. No. 818965
>>818957looks like we have a nasty
TERF (tomato-exclusionary radical foodie) here, better start spamming pictures of rotten lettuce!!!
No. 819020
As a lesbian with common sense, I'm tired of pride and the lgbt community at large. I make no effort to be involved in it these days. I'll probably end up buying some tacky rainbow shit just for fun though, my family were the type to ban anything remotely rainbow because of its associations with gay people.
No. 819078
>>818917I have a gay friend similar to this as well. He hates the fact gayness has become a stereotypical expectation for everyone. Like tons of gay men he encounters expects him to be
flamin' behind closed doors as well.
No. 819115
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>>819108How sweet, nothing says “loving family” more than teaching your child how to safely engage in erotic asphyxiation.
No. 819130
>>819108> “My understanding of BDSM is actually very far from sexual, because everything that I saw as a kid wasn't sexualized to me,” says Sunny Hitching, a 19-year-old second generation queer who has attended San Francisco Pride and grew up with kinky, poly, queer parents. > Sunny feels their upbringing gave them a more comprehensive sexual education than most of their peers, as their parents would openly discuss subjects of sexuality, gender, and kink with them. "It wasn't sexualized, but also it was, and I knew more about sex than other kids". Okay. Also, the phrase "second generation queer" makes me cringe.
>June Rose says her interest in fetish helped her navigate much of her identity. “In many ways, it’s my life. Kink is a huge facet of how I interact with the world, from what it has taught me about sex, love, and philosophy, to the friends and lovers it’s brought me," she says. "Kink intersects with and informs my transsexuality and my womanhood and my lesbianism. It’s sacrilegious to admit now, but the first time I saw myself reflected before mainstream trans exposure was in BDSM porn.”Yeah wbk, but "it's not a fetish", right?
No. 819140
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>>819108"educating" kids about kink is grooming them to develop the same fetishes, and these fuckers absolutely know this because all fetishes came either from childhood or internet porn.
not that I have to say this, I mean they are all but admitting outright they see nothing wrong with increasing the numbers of degenerates. but it's grooming.
everyone who hasn't been exposed and indoctrinated into it can see that they are freaks. that's why they are interested in spreading it.
No. 819143
>>818888speaking my language wrt drag queens, anon. I also think it is a weird grotesquery of femininity. I get that at this point it is seen as its own little performance style, and I suppose even if I have issues with it I don't care if some people want to do it in nightclubs or whatever, but for them to be the 'face' of Pride is insane. Because as you said, although most drag queens are gay men, it isn't some inherent aspect of being a gay person.
I think the only reason stuff like that Drag Queen Story Hour and even this Blue's Clues drag queen singalong gets made is because milquetoast handmaid millennial moms LOVE RuPaul's Drag Race. Wonder if they all think its cute that they call each other "fishy", you know, like pussies stink of according to men who find them gross? Really pisses me off.
No. 819153
>>819108I really have a hard time believing people actually do 24/8 BDSM lifestyle shit. Doesn't it get boring after a while? Don't you want to stop and just be your regular self?
>>819149I know what you mean. All that's going to happen is the average joe will continue to think gay people just want to diddle kids, if not more so than in the past with how easy it is for national/international news to spread nowadays. Couldn't we as a society just been normal about same sex relationships? Some men exclusively love men and some women exclusively love women, whatever. That's it. No need to go further into kinks and other activities that happen behind bedroom doors. No one (especially not actual children) needs to see some MTF individual roleplaying as a toddler in BDSM gear walking around screaming about how its experiencing gender euphoria. Like, don't get me wrong; I'm not a prude in the least and I find the current anti-porn movements you see online are infuriating, and I do acknowledge it shouldn't be such a hush-hush topic, but… god, I don't know where I'm going with this.
Everything fucking sucks. I'm going to place the blame on how obsessed men are with sex and feel like they need to sexualize every possible topic that comes up.
>>819151Oh for god's sake.
No. 819158
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No. 819201
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No. 819204
Fucking hell why does sex have to be inserted into fucking everything these days? Am I insane for having an issue with this? Nobody around me seems to bat an eyelid. It's just so stupid
No. 819216
>>819212Yeah I think the logic would really fall apart for a kid if you successfully got them to understand "trans people" are whatever gender they present themselves as - then why do we need a specific term for people attracted to them? Bisexuals like men and women. Trans people are either men, or women. I guess you'd have to get into the non-binary thing and that's a real headspinner for anyone who just isn't that invested in this world anyway.
Asexual is the creepiest one because children SHOULD be asexual by nature, and so when you define what that means to them what will stop them from thinking that is what they are? You can argue about how trans shit isn't sexual if you want, but asexuality is literally about not being interested in sex. It seems weird to me to talk to kids about how some grownups aren't interested in sex, they just shouldn't be concerned with the subject at all beyond knowing that they have a right to bodily privacy.
No. 819232
>>819216Samefagging to add I think this sums up why I find the whole concept of having to "teach" kids about anything beyond LG is a little silly. Children should really view love through the lens of family. Mom(s), dad(s), siblings, grandparents. Those are the people children love, and those are the relationships that are simple enough for them to understand.
Conceptually it is totally appropriate for a child to learn that some families have two mommies, and some families have two daddies, and all families love each other the same. Simple, only has to do with the childish conception of "love" = family. Bisexuality as adults of course we can have a nuanced take on BUT for children, it is almost like saying "well mommy loves daddy NOW, but mommy could also, potentially, love…another mommy?" so it just is a little complex for simple babybrains. The trans issue, well look, I don't need to preach to the choir here. Then the non-binary thing is trepidatious because it would teach children about gender roles to begin with. Most children, by nature of being children, have less 'gendered' aspects to their personalities. Little boys are more sensitive than grown men, little girls can be more physically rambunctious than adult women, et cetera. Teaching those children that they must be "Different" because of those things is obviously reductive and retarded.
No. 819243
>>819209Being a late bloomer (I suspect being on antidepressants from a young age played a large role) I'm glad I didn't know about asexuality too young. I was probably 19 when I finally masturbated. Puberty had otherwise happened on track but I just wasn't really having any sexual thoughts or feelings before 19.
I see teens way younger than that announcing their asexuality and it strikes me as being different than say coming out as bi or gay at that same age. Some of us just arent sexual beings right from the moment puberty hits. It can be delayed. A lack of feeling can mean it just hasnt kicked in yet. A lot of the asexuals I see discussing it online are underage.
No. 819406
>>819338I'm not in the US but I hate it when men use pride as an excuse to walk down the street in broud daylight in bdsm gear.
I remember years ago I had a booklet laying out all the events in my city and it clearly listed what events were child friendly and then what events the bars were hosting in the evenings (so you could get your freaky side out later) I showed up to one of the daytime events and men were gyrating in the street in thongs. I was less concerned about small kids with their parents and more concerned about how there were alot of groups of 12/13 year olds there with no adults..just underage drinking in the street nearby these guys. I hate to say it but it all felt pretty fuckin seedy and like a recipe for something bad to happen
No. 819442
>>819108>Grew up with kinky, poly, queer parents>Sunny's mother openly practiced both lifestyle and professional BDSM for most of their childhood>Chosen stepdad Moo, a queer trans man who was formerly their mother's 24/7 lifestyle submissive>When Sunny expressed interest in engaging in bondage and breathplay (erotic asphyxiation) with their longtime partner, their mother took the time to explain how to do it most safelyWhat the fuck am I reading here. Actual clown world timeline shit. How damaged does your mind have to be in order to teach your child how to do erotic asphyxiation? It's not only peak degeneracy, it's also extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Imagine having to take the risk of killing a person simply to coom properly.
>For activists and members of the leather community, the notion that kink should be discluded from Pride is a symptom of larger issues. Writer, anarchist, and self-identified transsexual leatherdyke June Amelia Rose tells them. she believes the tweet reflects a modern but regressive pride discourse, promoting the idea "that sex is inherently damaging to see, experience, or think about in a public context."No, your deviant kink is inherently damaging to see and experience in a public context. There's a difference.
>>819406I wouldn't even have a problem with people switching into fetish gear late at night and going to an exclusive party where they card everyone. Honestly. At least I could just not go there. Absolutely fucking hate how they purposefully act dumb about it and make up the excuse how it's just "educating" kids to be "tolerant", fuck that noise man it's grooming what it is. And even when not taking kids into account most adults don't feel comfortable seeing or being associated with kinkshit out in the open.
No. 819448
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No. 819455
>>819108This is child sexual abuse and she doesn't even realize it because she was groomed by all the adults in her life. Absolutely awful.
Really makes me want to buy a farm and guns and build a big fence around it.
No. 819462
>>819108I'm not fond of conservatives but if any of her kids grows up to be a conservative, I wouldn't blame them
I'd probably end up homophobic as well
No. 819494
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Can someone please explain to me what is Pride Parade? I always thought it was a smaller part of a bigger event where they all are basically going to one big place where everything else parade-related is happening, but I've been watching videos about it and I don't understand? It is just people walking and people looking at them walk. What do you do in pride parades? Is there something left out or I just don't get it? How it is fun to walk on a street and wave rainbow flag or look at others doing it? Sorry
No. 819495
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Saw this tinfoil and thought it was kind of a stretch, what do you think Anonitas?
No. 819496
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No. 819499
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I now regret my google image search for gay shit
No. 819517
>>819448 and I'm literally a bi woman. I'm sick and tired of bi women with boyfriends (who face 0 homophobic oppression) acting like they are the queens of Pride. Bi women who have never actually eaten a pussy but act like Pride month is for them are basically leveled up fag hags.
No. 819538
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>>819534These ones are even gayer
No. 819547
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>>819538My consoomer brain loves pride because of the merch, but the thing is that if I were to have something like that, people would start treating me like a freak or something, gay people won’t be accepted any sooner in my third world country and it’s sad.
because I want to consoom and support the LGB people No. 819557
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>>819524There are tons of bi women on Insta, Tiktok, Twitter, etc. who love saying "OMG I'm soooooo gay I WANT A GF can't you see my cuffed jeans, tucked in shirt, undercut, eyeliner, etc." while their hairy thumb-lookin ass boyfriend stands silently in the corner. Or women who call themselves "bi lesbians" because they don't think being bisexual is cool enough, or they call themselves "lesbians" and claim their very male husband is their one and only exception.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a bisexual woman dating a man, it's just so obnoxious to see these type of women pretending like they're the gayest of the gay while facing literally 0 homophobia in their daily lives.
I think bi women with boyfriends who wanna yell from the mountaintops about how gay gay GAAAAY they are are in the same boat as women who call themselves nonbinary, genderqueer, etc. because they've concluded that being a normal woman is just too mainstream.
Shit like this pisses me off to no end > No. 819558
>>819557All of this is just offensive when you've grown up being harassed for being actually bi or lesbian.
The ones shouting the most seems to be the least actually same-sex attracted.
No. 819570
>>819557The article.. Fuck me.
I was married years ago, to a guy who wasn't the most masc and I had shaved short hair at the time..which he often helped shave. Isn't it weird how someone can turn 'my bf helped cut my hair' into this deep and gayer than gay life changing super queer validating moment. And others just.. don't.
No. 819571
>>819557God that picture is giving me anxiety, how can people live like that
>I think bi women with boyfriends who wanna yell from the mountaintops about how gay gay GAAAAY they are are in the same boat as women who call themselves nonbinary, genderqueer, etc. because they've concluded that being a normal woman is just too mainstream.While I 65% agree with this, I also feel like they're just insecure bis who need to prove they are still attracted to women because they get attacked for having boyfriends, thus creating a dumb cycle of dumb shit
No. 819588
>>819585Nta and I also think she shouldn't complain about lesbians (god I'm tired of people complaining about lesbians when they never do anything wrong) but
>cockbreathOuch, that personally hurts a lot (I'm bi as well)
No. 819611
>>819594I've personally had people tell me "it's not like you're IN the lgbt" when I was dating a man or "it's not like you've experienced homophobia" since a man following me and my girlfriend at the time shouting slurs doesn't seem to count
i'm also not out to my family due to the fact they're hardcore religious, think being gay is a choice and 100% would kick me out if then knew
No. 819620
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No. 819673
>>819621First of all this is entirely off topic from the post you're responding to and a different discussion. You're a self admitted straight women parroting negative stereotypes about bisexual women. You're obviously not talking about bisexual men because the general consensus here is that they're closeted gay men, which is pretty biphobic and homophobic. Secondly nobody in their right mind would think themselves entitled to being with someone, bisexual women included. Women in general do not force themselves onto other women the way men do. And yes, some lesbians and bisexuals choose not to date each other, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's gross to make it seem as if there's nothing misogynistic about treating a woman as if she's less because of her past sexual experiences or sexuality. It is biphobia by definition, and it doesn't just effect bisexual women. Goldstar discourse also alienates lesbians who have had past consensual or non-consenual experiences with men.
>>819618You're correct that bisexuals in het relationships will not experience homophobia, but you're also ignoring that biphobia is a unique problem. Ask yourself why the pool of bisexuals is larger than lesbian and gay men combined, yet bisexuals have a small presence or voice in the community. We don't even have communities for ourselves most of the time. It's obviously alienating to not fit in either or because of the mental health and DV statistics among bisexuals. My ex girlfriend was being abused by her same sex partner towards the end of their relationship. Most of us are not out for a reason, just look at the experiences some anons had coming out and being viewed as degenerate sex pests. Bisexuals often have to come our multiple times in their lifetimes because nobody takes us seriously. Just food for thought.
No. 819685
>>819496Ngl this is the only one I unironically like. It's more thoughtful than anything else I've seen, they've even got the original symbolic meaning of the colors written on there.
>>819557Anon, don't forget the "bi" women who only date troons!!
No. 819692
>>819632Thank god someone said it.
I agree god speed to the lesbian anons I'm going to avoid all pride month talk from here out. TQQIA and BDSM men took it over a long time ago.
No. 819699
>>818855I always say that if you see someone requesting pronouns like that, they are not that gender. Real women don't need she/hers and they/them isn't real.
What is this shirt trying to convey, though? They're a gender blob? It's like Target doesn't even understand the concept. Someone wears He/Him when they want to be seen as a trans male. Having He/She/Him/Her/Them/They/Ask me! is not how gender identification wear is supposed to work lol.
No. 819706
File: 1622424091677.jpeg (930.06 KB, 1125x818, C2A48FBE-B973-4FDF-AEA6-F8288F…)

>>819699it's target applying their usual formula for t-shirt designs by treating it like fandom merch, all of their graphic tees have this weird generic vibe to them. I can't discern what it is, but when you see them you know it's from target. it's just extra surreal when applied to the gender fandom
No. 819830
File: 1622443546269.jpeg (64.83 KB, 768x768, bag.jpeg)

No. 819927
>>819618So are lesbians who never dated women invalid too then? Women dont owe you shit. If you think its traumatizing if your partner leaves you for someone who happens to be the opposite sex then you need therapy because you have a
victim complex.
I dont get why lesbians believe once a bi woman dates men them suddenly half of her sexuality is invalid. How the fuck are you gonna use the same shitty mentality that homophobes use? No one controls their sexuality. Lesbians should know this as most of them are shamed and theres many people who simply dont believe women can only love other women. Why give the same shitty treatment to bisexual women? Being in a straight relationship is easy and we all know that. Im just tired of people acting as if im bisexual for attention because i never fucked or dated a girl. Im attracted to women too and i can only have sex if im in love with someone and ive only dated 2 scrotes in my life. Its hard as fuck to find the right person. I wont magically change how i date or have sex just because im attracted to women. Why cant some lesbians understand it? Also using the word traitor is so cringe. Youre not entitled to women.
No. 819982
File: 1622462487896.jpeg (153.01 KB, 1527x1920, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>>819830cringe and tacky version of the classic flying tiger rainbow tote bag
No. 819985
File: 1622462938030.jpeg (5 MB, 3300x3300, ogx-pride.jpeg)

>>819914>rainbow shampoo bottleskek, I thought you were joking
No. 819992
>>819991>Why do people like to retcon characters who are slightly outside expected behavior (effeminate men, masc women, timid, extra loud, etc) as some flavor of lgbt?To reinforce gender ideology and its place in society. Genderists are so entrenched in the concept of "man = blue, strong, smart, suits, masculine; woman = pink, weak, silly, dresses, feminine" that if any person ever differs even the slightest amount from this sexist and extremely narrow perception of human personalities, they must be "odd" or "deviated" in some way. They're unable to fathom that a man liking pink things or a woman liking blue things deserves no more attention than a man liking blue things or a woman liking pink things.
No. 820000
File: 1622465328737.png (204.15 KB, 951x595, pride suit.png)

No. 820003
File: 1622465624114.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.07 KB, 360x649, kindagay.jpg)

No. 820005
>>820001>Outfit is rated at a one…didn't know that it was for a man.Gender inclusive suit is made for a man
>I have not known peace since this suit has entered my home.kek
No. 820019
>>820004Agree with this. A lot of "lesbians" on places like radfem Tumblr and Lolcow seem to be completely unhinged spergs and coping closeted bi women projecting their issues all the time. The amount of bitterness and vitriol they have
solely for bi (and sometimes straight) women is weird. Gay men can be just as bad, but they're moids who often have womb envy, so their rage isn't as puzzling.
No. 820250
File: 1622491201226.jpeg (292.69 KB, 552x570, 37F61F92-3B59-4128-832D-DDEDEF…)

Vaccinated asshole?
I Kek at bussy every time I see it.
No. 820259
>>820250Does any (cis) gay man even use the word bussy, let alone would ever consider getting near such a shirt? I always get the impression only girls (and trans men) use shitty lingo like that without the trace of irony they try to pretend to have.
>>820003Why did you spoiler this? Let everyone, minors and adults alike, see this glorious display of pride! Are you kinkshaming?!
/s No. 820273
>>820259Yea I would assume that cis gay Dudes think pussy is gross.
It’s like lesbians calling their clits something god awful like clock (clit + cock).
No. 820280
>>820004>>820019This to both these posts.
I'm bi and no lesbian I've known IRL has ever given me shit (not to say those who would don't exist) but my point is that most lesbians are not like this, despite what spaces full of rabid radfems might imply.
No. 820328
File: 1622497092755.jpg (39.57 KB, 1000x563, Target_GoldenGirlsPrideShirt.j…)

>>819706You described it perfectly. They really do see it as "gender fandom". Another Target t-shirt.
No. 820343
>>820336Shatna’s two old scrotes income would prob be threatened if she pulled a NB. She could up her scamming to new heights if she jumped on that grifter tactic.
PNP is more likely in my humble opinion.
No. 820499
File: 1622520143664.jpeg (118.36 KB, 900x900, 70D25CA5-4BFE-46BC-8503-F84D0E…)

>>819830Is that IKEA? I saw this one on their site a couple weeks ago
No. 820517
>>820436They frequently had gays and lesbians on and addressed gay issues, which at the time was needed and cool of them
and in the pilot, they had a gay in-home chef, though his character was scrapped
I'm not defending this co-opting though, just, that's where it comes from
No. 820531
File: 1622524189819.gif (929.41 KB, 500x319, caf2e356a2b34a7adce2372343672f…)

>>820436Because at a surface level they were generally sassy, quippy, outspoken women. Of the yasss kween werk nailpolish emoji millenial-aged gays I've known, they've all glommed onto them because they're "relatable"
No. 820544
File: 1622527587582.png (239.25 KB, 731x361, ikea bag.png)

>>820499Yes, it's from IKEA. I also found this variation of the rainbow bag.
No. 820609
File: 1622544432786.png (769.55 KB, 1124x866, pedo_flag.png)

>>819495The float with the owls literally has the pedophile flag.
No. 820652
File: 1622548802327.jpeg (70.52 KB, 640x440, C8E7584D-5C9D-4627-ADD7-9EEAED…)

>>820633This is an issue that spans all media, it's that people don't view messages in media as learning experiences and haven't since maybe the 70s. The widespread television viewing since that decade made people see it as an example or an alternate window into what life is like "out there in the world." Using the old cartoon example, the famous wolf whistle makes a spectacle more of the catcaller than the one being catcalled. Modern media would take the catcalling is stupid message and focus on the
victim in order to garner some of those precious relativity points from the audience and to seem woke, even if the camera pans across her clothing before jumping to the catcaller's elevator stare. We as a society have somehow manipulated the industry in such a way that it must broadcast what we adopt as our virtues and morals because that is how we have come to view media.
No. 820716
File: 1622557460244.png (14.45 KB, 822x304, Untitled-4.png)

>>820685And that's connected how? Far right burned rainbows before so many people carried rainbow bags around. you seriously think that toning down on symbols is going to stop these retards? It only inspires more fear in queer people and would make us go backwards. Picrel how things actually work irl, the push forward is slow but HAS to be constant otherwise you lose.
No. 820733
>>820609tbh there's so many flags nowadays that you most likely could literally pick a bunch of colours completely randomly and you'd accidentally get some schizo underground flag
it could be completely accidental
No. 820735
File: 1622559267070.jpeg (367.55 KB, 1400x1400, burger-king-amour-mcdonalds-2.…)

>>820635Kek, that reminds me of pic related from last year. It was only for Helsinki's pride though.
No. 820769
>>820766But what about this flag
No. 820773
File: 1622562514027.png (1.03 KB, 500x300, Genderflux-flag.png)

>>820769Well, it matches this flag without even having to flip it, I think this tinfoil is pretty far-fetched. Some rando working on the show just went on the gender fandom wiki and started picking random shit. And the MAP flag was a troll baiting on tumblr anyways.
No. 820779
File: 1622563382740.jpeg (93.93 KB, 749x820, drag.jpeg)

>>820773how is it far-fetched when it is literally a cartoon meant to indoctrinate toddlers? they even show a child beaver with mutilated breasts. it's pedophilia with or without a flag
the drag queen involvement is also suspicious, these degenerates shouldn't be near anything meant for children
No. 820802
>>820779Every day that I log on to youtube there's a new straight guy who makes content for kids and teens getting caught directly sexting them. A portion of men are just sick and that's whether they're gay or straight, flaming as fuck in a bejewelled dress or macho and straight as a pole.
Yet I grew up hearing about how gays are pretty much all pedos, that the camp ones are the ones you really need to side eye. That even gay women can't be trusted to share a bed at sleepover. Butch women are worse than a femme gay woman etc. I hate seeing this and knowing it feeds that and keeps those views alive. And the men commiting these crimes know all too well that they not only create their firsthand abuse
victims but they then create a ripple of harm outside of that too. Their lack of shame in acting like that becomes somebody elses shame to carry when it fuels homophobia. Because they know it goes like this,
A straight guy preys on kids….not all men!
A gay guy preys on kids…them gay degenerates!
But it's just how a portion of men act when they have access to kids. There's no huge divide where 'the gays' abuse kids in much higher numbers. Watch how straight men cling to this shit and lump all flamboyant gays together, meanwhile you can't do that with straight men or they flip the fuck out. I hate pedos, my entire life was changed by a pedo but I also hate how people will twist someones sexual abuse to suit ideas they already have around gays in general. I hate it all.
No. 820860
File: 1622572339145.png (108.47 KB, 318x320, file.png)

>>820782nta but my concern is that the children may ask what the flags mean, which prompts the unsuspecting parent to look them up. picrel is the aromantic flag. aside from the fact that aromanticism has zero necessity to be at pride, children have only a rudimentary idea of romance and no meaningful concept of sexuality. so what benefit is it to teach children that some adults want sex without romance, and that aromantic people are oppressed for this? how would you even boil down this concept to make it child-friendly? you can't. it's extremely sus that it has been included in a video for kids aged 2-5.
No. 820884
>>820609This one could've been an unfortunate coincidence.
But also
>hijabi owl with thisLmao.
>>819586Now, combined with this, it's definitely looking weird.
No. 820934
File: 1622577282219.jpg (363.57 KB, 1779x1604, coomer.JPG)

I know I shouldn't be that annoyed but I still hate when straights do performative shit like this. Especially males with coomer hobbies
No. 820961
>>820802Nearly all butch women I know have been
victims themselves, but I grew up hearing the same things: gay people,
especially the gender nonconforming gay people, are perverts and predators and they will molest your kids. It makes my blood boil every time some degenerate "kink at pride, not cops" freak does something like this. They're directly contributing to homophobia on top of being predators.
I don't think the Blue's Clues team are trying to support pedos or anything tinfoil-y, but the amount of so-called discourse surrounding kink at pride is sus as fuck and the push to involve children in adult activities like drag (yes, it was always meant to be adult entertainment) could easily lead to grooming accusations. Just one more reason I try to distance myself from the current community.
>>820936Kek are you that one lesbian anon obsessed with the horror movie themed waifu figurines
No. 820998
>>820802>But it's just how a portion of men act when they have access to kids.Absolutely based, anon. Even according to statistics little girls are the most likely target for child sexual abuse so fuck all homophobes claiming being gay is comorbid with being predatory.
As for the pride, I honestly wish I could take part in an event that was purely about celebrating being gay in good spirits, sharing gay history moments, gay influencers, gay celebrities, raising awareness about issues gay people face etc. I would love that. But instead it's just a commercialized late capitalism event with everyone rushing to milk it for their own profit like it was some rainbow colored Christmas in June. Posting performative rainbow merchandise and switching their PFPs to rainbows, fucking drawing beavers with mastectomy scars wearing a trans flag bracelet, I don't even know anymore. I can't even voice out loud my distaste for kinksters being at pride anymore because apparently they're part of the vaguely typed "queer" group now like the rest of the heterosexual degenerates who should have no business at pride. It's so depressing and tiring how the whole event has been co-opted to be a freakshow for people to gawk at. Where I live gay men already hightailed off and started making their own events because they had enough of troons and straight people, I wish the lesbians did the same.
No. 821011
File: 1622583460839.png (140.94 KB, 636x605, fake and straight.png)

this has to be the ugliest attempt at a pride logo I've seen yet. i feel like someone googled "pride flags" and just added random ones in because it's full of made up niche shit that no one uses like
>TWO DIFFERENT bigender flags
like who asked for this kek. also demisexual flag but no ace flag, surely that's yikes and not a good look
No. 821030
File: 1622585695363.png (539.6 KB, 640x918, slavelabour.png)

>>819158>>819244pic kinda rel
>>819706>>820328>merchbecause it is. under capitalism, all identities become nothing more than marketable interests or ways that marketing practices can be tailored to you. If it is done in ways that seem less noticeably 'cringe', it's just a sign that's it working.
>>819448>>819454just weighing in on this as another bi with a male partner. I don't go to pride. Mostly because I hate how corporate it is, hate the gender shit, but also because whilst I do think I belong in the 'community' I don't want to show my het relationship off on the one occasion it's a bit less appropriate than on all other days in the year.
No. 821058
>>820860>how would you even boil down this concept to make it child-friendlyJust say "it's another type of pride flag" and maybe "some adults like different things, I'll tell you about it when you're older" and just deliver it as part of the birds and the bees talk.
For all of this concern about explaining things to kids, do you guys have any experience with kids? It's not that big of a deal. Imo bad companies rainbow washing their PR and MAP flags are a real concern, but stuff like asexual flags is nothing
>>821046Kids are probably still happy to see all the flags and spot the "rare ones" even if they don't know what they mean. It's like Hogwarts houses, at first they are just excited to see the fun fantasy flags and over time they want to know the lore
No. 821059
File: 1622589394199.jpg (13.31 KB, 288x333, tumblr_d8e011274911447092e217a…)

>>820609Found a match for that one really ugly flag kek
No. 821090
True LGBT representation can be seen in Kamen Rider Zero-One with the character Naki, who is genderless. But most importantly they kick ass and there's no need to flaunt around rainbow flags, they just
are genderless and that doesn't differentiate upon the fact about how they kick ass. This is a children's show, we can't be ignorant of the fact that toddlers that watch Teletubbies and Blues Clues also watch Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider Wizard had a homosexual man played by a homosexual man, who later came out as a transgender woman after production. Their character was just who they were, none of the characters questioned them or had to educate them or anything that singled them out as being "odd" or "weird" or "special". Good representation right there. If people want to include LGBT individuals in their production and marketing, just do it. No need to advertise your advertisement.
>>819586oh shit. does anyone have any sources of NAMBLA retards cheering this shit on? idk if we can we find this confirmation of them accepting of this specific part?
>>820934im fucking cackling. every gamer product with RGB lighting is pride merch.
No. 821091
>>821011sage bc no one cares, but I think the ace flag
is there—continues where the trans flag breaks on the X/near the progress pride one and bi one. But god why is the trans one and the genderfluid(?) one take up so much?
but I agree. it's a mess. I think, in general, the progress pride one is overkill and doesn't look anywhere near as appealing as the standard rainbow.
No. 821226
File: 1622613729502.png (124.1 KB, 516x462, transdolphin.png)

>>820860>>819586>how would you even boil down this concept to make it child-friendly?You don't. Kids are not meant to understand sexuality at that age. They only need to know that some families are different: two moms, two dads or one parent household. Explaining gender identity is completely unnecessary. That video was made to pander to adults like pic rel.
No. 821237
>>821226damn, they seriously need to be "seen" with such specification? No fictional character has ever completely represented me and I don't care at all. Isn't being able to put yourself in the shoes of another a major sign of intellectual maturity? Whatever, I digress.
I totally agree with you anon, children see 'love' through the prism of family, not sexuality. There really is no need to explain that to them, either. I suppose the earlier anon who said just say it's another flag is right, but honestly - Pride was supposed to be about having a different sexuality, not A) the absence of sexuality or B) having gender issues. I know I'm preaching to the choir but I really wish the T would splinter off and have their own Pride, or movement, or whatever. because riding the coattails of gay people and saying you must accept EVERYTHING under this umbrella as gospel truth is stupid, as seen by that Blue's Clues vid. Which would've been perfectly okay with two mommies, two daddies, and a non-drag MC.
No. 821464
>>821450Yup pretty much. From rewriting history like Stonewall to bitching/drawing art about how Pride/LGBT are leaving them out and that they're "
valid" like the rest of them. These attention seekers will do anything.
No. 821484
File: 1622653850974.jpeg (268.92 KB, 749x1096, 00463B00-4500-4256-9897-BAA8FA…)

This is a fucking joke. All of this. I actually can’t believe that this is meant to be taken sincerely. wtf google?
>I don’t know half of what these flags mean. They look like team-sports flags for ga(y)mers.
No. 821500
>>821246I recently saw a video being used to praise Sylvia Rivera and I swear the people in the comments were deaf. The whole context of the video was literally him bashing on lesbians because the L is first in LGBT and "we started this!"
Like, this is the absolute worst video to use as an example. They couldn't even find the video of Sylvia explaining his love of drag.
No. 821508
>>821500And the ones who initially formed the first LGBT organizations (Gay Liberation front, Lavender Menace and Gay activists' alliance for example) post-Stonewall were lesbians and gay men. No trannies in sight. And it was initially just LGB, T wasn't added in until the 90's and was only tagged on due to the crossdressers of gay community who weren't even transgendered. But yay for revisionism I guess.
>>821506>The only thing its addition to the LGBT+ does is making some pure marketing employee sweat bullets when he notices he accidentally left out a flag from his epic, all-inclusive Pride post.Kek too real anon
The "oppression" asexuals face (besides "my identity isn't validated") is largely intertwined with misogyny and homophobia anyway. Either they're homosexuals with internalized homophobia who deny themselves their same-sex attraction and thus believe themselves to be asexual or women being abused for being "frigid". I remember there was actually a study for this exact thing and all of the
victims of "acephobia" were women being sexually abused by their partners. I've also seen literal children, aged 12 or so, claim to be asexual and joining the pride parade waving asexual flags. Jesus christ I would be more concerned if you WERE interested experiencing sexual attraction at that age.
No. 821537
File: 1622659440719.jpg (25.95 KB, 400x450, 3bd.jpg)

Its the 2nd day and I feel like I've seen 272983 pride ads. Not a communist or anything, but please can marketing move past individual identity (lgbt or otherwise) as the crux for dictating consumer culture. Or atleast all this virue signaling woke stuff. Not even thought about how that would happen again, but it really is irritating.
No. 821744
File: 1622680804629.jpg (185.91 KB, 1129x960, hehimlesbians.JPG)

idek what to say besides i'm tired
No. 822079
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No. 822088
File: 1622735320856.png (1.82 MB, 1536x866, People-1536x866.png)

I know Pride is not about gay rights anymore, but now they are cramming in environmental concerns along with the race issues?
No. 822092
>>822088This is just ridiculous, also
>support all relationships and families That’s quite suspicious tbh, just say the love is love slogan.
No. 822096
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No. 822100
>>822088what a fucking circus this has all become.
They should just stick with the rainbow, lesbian, and bi flag. Everything else is completely unnecessary.
No. 822110
File: 1622736898904.png (2.9 KB, 936x576, 43E7D2AF-2F9C-4714-B95E-B33DD5…)

What is so wrong with going back to this flag instead of the current one with race and trans identities shoehorned in?
The Progress one is just so ugly and every corporation is using it.
No. 822125
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No. 822142
File: 1622739451447.jpg (36.29 KB, 600x600, gayandgay.jpg)

No. 822149
File: 1622739857031.jpeg (203.84 KB, 1200x1200, E5A9E321-9F39-4428-B052-A20744…)

Fucking hell
No. 822151
File: 1622740125829.jpg (340.01 KB, 1117x452, fjytdkj.jpg)

if i get one more fucking email like this im gonna kms
No. 822152
File: 1622740137961.jpg (246.53 KB, 1613x1601, 20210603_110912.jpg)

Trans Miku and lesbian Luka. Burn it.
No. 822154
File: 1622740421400.png (12.83 KB, 960x593, rainbow.png)

>>822110i think this basic one is best
No. 822156
File: 1622741049768.jpg (74.92 KB, 967x676, E20rm1QWQAE4ru4.jpg)

Sexuality ain't a choice
No. 822179
File: 1622742957753.gif (733.21 KB, 245x300, theonlygoodtran.gif)

>>822166I get what you mean. Sure I was called a pearl clutcher on here for the first time yesterday for giving out about something porn related..and look at me now lol
No. 822235
File: 1622748575772.jpg (555.76 KB, 1080x2400, ew.jpg)

tinfoil, but the blue's clues pride parade bullshit DOES absolutely scream child grooming and the woman who was assigned as a consultant is sus herself. Her name is Lindz Amer, she runs this "social justice entertainment company" called Queer Kid Stuff. This tweet is now deleted and she locked the account for weeks after making the tweet, but she was asking children to call and talk about themselves to her to use for "marketing". She has a youtube channel that hasn't been touched in months, never updates her social media, so like…why the fuck you need children to call you? Idk call me a prude or paranoid but none of this sat right with me and when I learned she was consulted on that video, combined with the theories that the MAP flag is in there…idk all of it makes me uncomfortable.
No. 822265
File: 1622752245404.png (425.52 KB, 648x1230, HB.png)

Their PR person should be fired for this lmao
No. 822273
>>822166Same, anon. Not what i want to see on LC.
>>822265Damn. Clueless or blatant?
No. 822290
File: 1622754227686.jpg (58.54 KB, 500x768, 2639479-pokemon_gay.jpg)

>>822273 >Not what i want to see on LC..
No. 822298
>>822148It's a labrys. Basically in the seventies, the labrys became a feminist symbol meant to represent womanhood in pre-christian cultures. In the late nineties its ties to female identity made it a popular symbol among lesbians.
The axe represents womanhood, and the inverted triangle represents female homosexuality. Basically the pink triangle gay men use comes from Nazi Germany, where they were forced to wear pink triangle patches in the same way Jews had to wear stars of David. Lesbians, though persecuted considerably less by Nazis, were branded with a black triangle.
It's a fucking brilliant flag because there's so much history. The orange and pink one is just some garbage made up by an irrelevant Tumblrina and reinforces the retarded idea that pink=woman.
No. 822310
File: 1622755572940.jpg (7.45 KB, 250x188, 165a.jpg)

>>821226The tranny dolphin in the wheelchair immediately reminded me of pic related. I have a
really hard time believing it wasn't intentional.
No. 822334
>>821090>Kamen Rider Wizard had a homosexual man played by a homosexual man, who later came out as a transgender woman after production.>came out as trans laterThat really sucks
>>821744Gen z is freakin exhausting
No. 822428
>>822327I saw people complain about this ages ago so much but now I've watched the video… it's kinda sweet and wholesome. Where's the controversy? Why would it be bad for kids with lesbian mums to see this? Or better yet their classmates, so they don't get teased? Shit like this seems like homophobia, not peaking.
The MAP flag thing was a reach already and how do you groom a kid through voicemail? Do kids use Twitter?
Shouldn't the problem be encouraging the concept of "trans kids" and getting their parents to get them to ring up and record themselves saying something they might not stand by in a few years? Why distract from that issue?
Every time I suspect a /pol/tard is on here drumming up pizzagate-tier conspiracies I feel myself unpeaking and I hate it.
No. 822442
File: 1622770992328.png (155.78 KB, 250x500, rgergg.png)

>>821246>unnamed butch lesbian it was stormé delaverie
No. 822445
>>822442Actually she said in an interview that it wasn't her that started it, but that she was outside the bar and hit in the eye by a policeman as the riots began. A lot of people mention an unnamed butch lesbian though, but there's no consensus on who exactly started the fighting. Just that it was the woman's rough treatment by the cops that sparked it, and her shouting at them to do something. Still like picrel, they try so hard to shoehorn themselves in everywhere.
>>822120I used to follow a tim who was "reclaiming" the labrys flag from the terfs and claimed to be 100% unclockable, posted bulge calling it a fat pussy, and got into leftist drama every other week only to crytype and fake fainting attacks. Good times.
No. 822446
>>822428Having a cute channel to talk about the LGB community is okay, but teaching toddlers about asexuality, drag queens and confusing gender shit, is a really bad idea, they shouldn’t have to even care about this bullshit, they should be playing dumbass games and wanting to get the new toys or something.
Hell, not even the gender fandom knows what the fuck they want, how can a kid get it?
No. 822489
>>822446I remember a video where Lindsay tells kids that being pansexual was the best because you can love everybody and you don't want to leave anyone behind or something to that effect.
There is also a song she made which says that queer just means you are special like an unicorn. What do you think kids 3-7 are going to do with that information?
No. 822494
>>822149i'm sorry but I can't help but laugh at this one
>>822096I completely missed the trans and brown part of the graphic. kek.
>>822235Why am I not surprised she's behind this shit?? It's all in her area of "expertise".
i want to criticize this shit on my personal social media, but people are such consoomerist bootlickers and tone-deaf, i'd be labeled a homophobe, despite being bi myself, because i think corporations hiring someone to slap in a rainbow flag for a month is absolutely retarded. are any of these companies at least donating money to LGBT centers around the country or no?
No. 822502
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Lindz must be well connected to be getting all these opportunities
No. 822503
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>I am indoctrinating children jk teheheh
No. 822507
>>822503using some sort of hybrid animal as your non-binary character sets children up to see boys and girls as basically two different species entirely. also kek at the idea of a non-binary animal, let those lionesses become lions because they're hunters!
When looking up that Madagascar thing I also found this:
> Now taking up the role as “Penny’s best guy friend,” Michael is described as a “non-conforming trendsetter, serving fierce looks at school and on the basketball court.”I used to love this show, at least it hasn't gone as far as some other kid's media. two dads is fine and the gay kid being "gender non-conforming" is whatever if it just means he dresses kind of femininely.
No. 822605
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>>821226>non-binary disabled dolphinmy first thought was this kek
No. 822629
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>>822603My prediction for 2024: we'll get Inside Out 2 with the Riley(?) girl from the first movie ending up as a he/them (because she likes hockey, duhhhh), and gender will be the sixth emotion that changes every week and gives her dysphoria until it gets the "correct" treatment of social and medical transition support from her parents.
No. 822641
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>>822629A while ago, I heard a rumor about Riley being genderfluid because her emotions are represented by male and female characters. Whereas, her father's emotions have little mustaches and her mother's emotions have long hair and pink accessories.
No. 822642
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While Disney is trying to sell their Pride merch, they are being sued for sexual orientation discrimination by an employee.
>“After his sexual orientation became known to his superiors and after being discriminated against and put on a dead-end career track and repeatedly denied promotions with no remedy or relief from HR, Plaintiff is informed and believes that yet again, in or around April 2021, several promotions occurred, but Plaintiff once again was not promoted,” continues the 10-page filing for sexual orientation discrimination and failure to prevent discrimination in violation of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (read the suit here). “Plaintiff is informed and believes that these promotions occurred despite representations that Disney was hurting financially and not promoting.”
No. 822695
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>>822642Creator of Gravity Falls kinda brushed upon similar
No. 822696
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>>817990Seeing all of the companies capitalizing on people in unorthodox relationships is annoying because why do I need by toilet paper to say gay rights? What is there to celebrate?
Second, why do you need to tell people (especially if ur a gay man) you're proud to do butt stuff? That's weird. Just be a casual gay. Me and my ex gf were both closeted to all but each other and that made it way more special and genuine. The fact that some people treat it as an aesthetic or personality makes it feel less genuine, like people would treat it as a little quirk, like a 'smol bean' kind of thing.
Soft gay, nervous gay, how about silence, gay? My goodness. I am going to become homophobic soon and I am literally a homosexual. Sage for this spontaneous outpouring of angered passion.
No. 822698
>>822682I don't think it was ever AT gays they were advertising, it's just PR/public image politics. But also it pays when you can expand the definition of LGBT infinitely until everyone is under the umbrella, like
>>822688 said, you have a huge market now.
No. 822712
>>822698Yes, they expand the definition of lgbt way too much. Like soon enough, being attracted to tall people will be a sexuality, or being shy will be a gender. It's becoming more of a personality.
>>822702I don't know what's wrong with staying in the closet. I make up for people suspecting me of being homo by trying to be girly, and I like feeling like one of the girls. I know although people would say they accept me, girls would treat me a lot differently. And I don't want to disappoint my parents, I know they expect some things from me and I care about their approval too much (cringe ik) I just want to be what they expect of me. I feel ill when I think of how strong my feelings are, and used to pray that I would become normal or puberty would sort me out. Sorry for derailing a little.
No. 822729
>>822714I want to get married but to a man, so I can make my family happy. Maybe I could be happy if I trusted him and tried to like him, and he was a good person. Even though I only want to do women and only find women attractive.
It doesn't seem like a relationship in my head, two women, but at the same time I can't force myself to like men. I believe in God, but I can't help feeling the way I feel. I couldn't marry a woman in front of my family and God anyway, for the shame of it.
If you are gay, I'm sorry for bringing some of this onto you as this may be sensitive. No one knows about my problem irl, so I can only talk about it here, which is why I sperg about this every two weeks, and derail threads (very selfishly) I genuinely don't know what to do anymore.
No. 822734
>>822729I’m sorry
nonnie, but how old are you? This is genuinely sad.
No. 822738
>>822734I'm 18 so if these posts sounded stupid I'm going to use the 'oopsie doopsie im a silly smol bean uwu' excuse
>>822736It's not even about being hetero in front of family, like a fake straight wedding, it goes against my beliefs a little but I'm on the fence. It feels weird going to church and having a bad secret. Like not wanting to dissapoint God but wanting to stop pretending and follow my heart instead. I know these views are a little controversial so thank you for not being pissed anon
No. 822746
>>822738(second anon here)
ofc anon, i understand this completely and it's not your fault for feeling this way.
christians have a lot of codes to live by and feel an obligation to god, but god has no allegiance to christians.
i also had these feelings when i was in high school, but i've completely turned around. i think things can figure themselves out over time. a lot can happen over the years, even some things you didn't see coming. you hopefully won't always feel like this. don't listen to what christians have to say, or the bible as its message was lost long ago. follow your own faith, what do you think god would REALLY want for you?
No. 822755
>>822738Religious conditioning can be really powerful. I also grew up being told (by my father) that being gay is a sin. What helps me feel better though is that I truly cannot believe that any god worth worshipping would condemn good people to an eternity of torture just for who they love. By the standards of abrahamic religions, literally 99% of the world is going to be condemned to hell for one reason or another (premarital sex, not being the "right" religion, drinking or doing drugs, not going to church or temple or mosque every week, women not submitting to their husbands, etc etc) so it's useless to try to meet these impossible standards. No disrespect to your beliefs, but it's helptul to understand that holy books like the bible and the torah and the quran (probably spelling that wrong) were written by many different men with contradicting beliefs, thousands of years ago, and no one can confirm that everything they put in there is actually the word of God.
I can't speak to other religions since I was raised Christian, but if you're Christian as well, I would ask you (rhetorically) this: isn't what Jesus said and how he lived a better indication of godliness than what some men who claim to be holy wrote? Jesus never said anything about gay people (not to mention "don't be gay" is not even in the ten commandments). He hung out with prostitutes and lepers and other societal outcasts. The people he condemned the most were rich people and kings who hoarded their wealth while peasants starved. Ironic that so many of his "worshippers" don't have a problem with voting for policies he would surely find reprehensible, just so THEY can help billionaires hoard their wealth. Smells like hypocrisy to me.
Also worth noting (if you're Christian or Jewish, not sure if this line is in the Quran) that the "if a man lies with another man…" line is actually thought to be a mistranslation of "if a man lies with a BOY", therefore condemning pedophilia in specific, not all cases of homosexuality. Female homosexuality is also not even mentioned in passing in the entire bible.
Also worth noting that homosexual behavior has been observed in over 100 animal species. It's thought to have an evolutionary purpose, as they often "adopt" babies who's parents were killed. If it's a sin, a human flaw, why is it present in nature?
This won't help your family accept you, but changing your own perspective and accepting yourself as you are is valuable as well. It's something I've had to work on a lot. Takes some time but it's possible and worth it!
No. 822779
>>822729I don't want to derail, but I would say study and find out what God wants. Humans aren't perfect, and your parents aren't going to be 100% correct all the time. People are going to say a lot of contradictory statements about the same religion, and it's been frustrating for myself as well. But since God
is perfect, I would personally follow his word instead of other sinful people.
No. 822794
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>>822779Sis, back to your containment thread. Let us be sinners and hot in peace.
No. 822800
>>822787this lol
how do people believe in this bullshit unironically, grow up already
No. 822857
>>822746Yes, the foundations you build your life on can be hard to break down. I'm sorry about your father saying these hurtful things to you, it sounds like you've gone through something similar to me but have come to a conclusion.
I think He hung out with these people because He knew they needed Him. Prostitutes found peace and guidance from Him, and He helped and healed the vulnerable to show God's power and because He loved them.
And I agree, I think there was a lot of hypocrisy within religion such as money hoarding and doing good for the sake of looking good. Jesus did point this out.
What I have a problem with is believing that God designs things for a purpose, and nature and science reveal his art and perfection. So that is why I am unsure about the morals of homosexuality. In nature it is often an exception to a rule and a last resort, and humans are supposed to be above animals, able to see above the desires of the flesh and care about art and beauty, and the spirit. Being chained to the flesh in any way is wrong, so I am against hooking up and pornography as it is dehumanising and counter productive to relationships. Love and lust are designed to be part of a relationship, something special, so what I can say for sure is that sexual activities should have commitment first, as they are made to bond.
Also, it is a fair point about old translations and female homosexuality not being mentioned, romans is thought to allude only to female sodomites and not lesbians.
I don't know all the answers, and I guess the new testament acknowledges that humans will make mistakes, and it's important to love others, and to not live a life that is dedicated to vain pleasure rather than committing acts of selfless love and learning. I think God knows I will make mistakes, and I won't stop talking with my maker.
I can tell you put a lot of thought into this post, and it has helped me pose myself the right questions, and was helpful even if I don't agree with all of it. I really appreciate you anon and am thankful for this guidance. I know God is real, even if He may not fit into the boxes old men from years ago have put him into. I hope He blesses and keeps you.
>>822779I'm on it, it's a good book.
>>822823 Bless you, 'deep fried burgerland' is the best thing I've heard today kek
>>822809Yes, we do need to love each other and be more humble. I don't think it's wrong to be gay, the question is if it's ok to spend your life with a woman romantically and sexually. I guess like you might love to dance but choose not to dance lmao
No. 822911
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Liberals have lost it
No. 822945
>>822911Here's the actual article for anons who forgot how to read. As you will see, the Hitler image came from the side of a bus advertisement organism by a far right group, which the article is REPORTING ON, not advocating.
You really need to be less gullible if you want to use the Internet. No. 822957
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>>822940>telf>trans exclusionary liberal feministsSo, why are you mad at who you address as liberal feminists for not knowing or caring what radical feminists are doing? You called them radfems in the first sentence, too, so which is it? Are you just mad at any woman who doesn't like troons? It's not a political ideology to not like scrotes in dresses who try to force their dicks everywhere. That's just being a normal person, sorry.
Anyway, let's get back on topic.
No. 823122
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>>823058You underestimate the amount of people who buy these things to virtue signal or simply because they like rainbows.
Take the rainbow Funkos for instance. None of those characters are even gay (with the exception of Deadpool, who is technically pansexual) so it's more about the novelty of the rainbow than it is actually supporting gay people. It's not any different from the glitter or gold ones they do. Also, it's awfully convenient that Disney happens to own all these characters (Tina and Wade are Fox, which Disney currently owns.)
They know that rainbow versions of popular straight characters would sell a hell of a lot better than a series of gay characters. For instance, there are no Funkos of Northstar, Marvel's first gay character in the comics, or Midnighter, the first DC character in a gay marriage. No one would buy it, A) because the retards who buy Funkos don't read comic books, and B) they're more interested in profit than diversity because they're a corporation and that's what corporations do.
I don't give a fuck if American Airlines or Oreos "supports" gay people. If they're not going to contribute actual money to LGB charities, they should just shut up. There's a word for this hollow nonsense: rainbow capitalism.
No. 823129
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>>823058It's not so much the profit they gain, but if they don't pander to the LGBT, they can get cancelled online. It's more about reputation.
No. 823155
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I’m pretty convinced at this point that all ‘kink belongs at pride!’ fuckheads just want to groom kids.
No. 823166
>>823160>"Calling to make pride 'kid-friendly' implies that celebrating sexuality and kink openly is bad. Normalizing these things is a GOAL of pride."Wtf is this logic? Not doing something around kids doesn't mean it's bad. Having sex isn't bad but surely you don't want to have it with kids in the room. Lots of good movies aren't what you'd show your kids, if only because they'd hate it or be scared.
Why would normalising kink be more important than normalising gay families or normalising gay teens or just normalising being gay without it being associated with sexual deviance? Why would you want kink to be normal, doesn't that defeat the fucking point?
No. 823186
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>>823166The Teletubbies have released a clothing line in honor of Pride.
No. 823218
>>819243I agree, underage kids shouldnt be deciding that they're asexual nor transexual until they're at least 18. I remember when i was a kid I was a tomboy and was treated like one of the guys but then puberty hit and i became more feminine.
If I grew up in this day in age as a kid I would probably think that I'm trans.
No. 823225
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>>823186Remember when conservatives accused Tinky-Winky of being gay because he was purple and had a purse? Well, that interpretation is probably woke now. If you don't adhere to rigid gender roles, you must be gay. Purple and purses are verboten if you like to put your penis in a vagina.
No. 823229
>>823186my friend uses the word teletubbi for someone who is retarded, so this makes me laugh
this is so absolutely teletubbi
No. 823251
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>>823186Another kids show that has been taken over by drag queens too
No. 823254
>>822899>>822900There have been numerous articles that recount lesbian relationships in media and most often they're two beautiful, feminine women and a relationship filled with cheating to stir pointless drama instead of writing actual development and/or pining. In the rare cases one of them is a more GNC-leaning woman she's portrayed to be a batshit insane obsessive stalker.
>>823122>If they're not going to contribute actual money to LGB charities, they should just shut up.This is actually what perplexes me, do they actually give money to LGB charities? I never see a "x percent of profits will be given to charities such and such" disclaimer tagged to these, it's just a company farting out a ton of pinkwashed rainbow merch to profit off gay people.
No. 823307
>>823155Maybe this is a stupid question but why is kink necessarily lgbt? The only kinksters I know are straight. I really doubt all my closest lesbian friends are just failing to mention it, so it seems like a shut down tactic to call it homophobic.
I think a straight kink parade would be even grosser. Like a Where's Wally full of sh0eonheads and pregories
puke No. 823341
>>823267Fuck I'm having war flashbacks to Black Sails fandom now.
The f/f couple has a threesome with a man and nobody was allowed to be grossed out by it because biphobia sex negative kink shaming etc etc.
No. 823399
>>823387According to statistics 80% of gay rep in media is gay males and they've dealt a much more dignified and respectful hand than lesbians. The only part they're lacking is that male homosexual intimacy is never portrayed, you never see them kiss or even hold hands. Whereas with lesbians they're given a ton of sex scenes compatible with the needs of a pornsick heterosexual male. So lesbians in media are basically there to be eye candy for men while gay male characters have to remain pure and sexless or the straight male viewers would be
triggered. And when they're portrayed in a sexual way, it's used as a gay scare gag to write a joke around.
And naturally when it's a lesbian couple that supports each other unconditionally it's written by that wachowski tranny and centers around the other one being his self insert smol fragile transwoman and the strong cybergoth cis gf whose only purpose is protecting him from evil bigoted terves. So everything has to revolve around male dick no matter what.
No. 823403
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>>823390so do you do the same for every retailer with straight sexuality children's clothes? lmao.
No. 823415
>>822088God they're all so mentally ill. No matter what the subject is, these are the main things floating around in their heads (rent-free) and they CANNOT. LET. IT. GO. They HAVE to crowbar in this shit because they can't imagine someone NOT caring about these "issues". It's like a hivemind, if you think differently than them, they freak out.
Let this month end already, fuck.
No. 823421
>>823403No, but then again I've seen shirt designs like "Ladies Man" floating around for a long time.
>>823407It's all rainbow-themed shit during Pride month. I'm all for adults buying whatever they want for themselves. That's fine. What bugs me is why they feel the need to sell children's clothing alongside that stuff during this time. It gives me the feeling that a parent will see it, buy it for their little girl, and then take them out to a Pride event JUST to show off. It's like that image of the toddler being "introduced" (aka coerced) to a drag queen by her mom. You can see the fear in the little girl's eyes, she clearly doesn't want to be there, but her mom doesn't seem to care.
No. 823425
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>>823421Honestly, I think that's kind of a reach anon. I feel like you could find items like what you posted floating around anytime of the year. A parent buying their kid picrel to wear is not the same as whatever you described or something like the Blues Clues vid
No. 823488
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>>823403Nta but I fucking hate parents who buy shit like this for their kids, then turn around and say that kids can't know that they're gay until puberty. They even make baby clothes like this. It addition to ramming straightness down kids' throats, it teaches boys to view women as "conquests" and objects from a young age.
No. 824345
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wtf creepshow art!? this isn’t good!!!
No. 824576
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>>824571the drag queen's face and the burrito just makes this photo so hilarious and unsettling at the same time
No. 824609
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Does asexual just mean you aren't attracted to your boyfriend or what
No. 824616
>>824611>aromantic is not a real you know about autism, sociopathy, and schizoid personality disorder?
the first two are markedly common
No. 824619
>>824618I don't think it belongs at pride either, but it is a real and not uncommon thing
It's more common to be aromantic than to be asexual
No. 824629
>>824625That person doesn't say she's not interested in a romantic relationship; I don't think it's that hard to imagine loving someone and enjoying giving and receiving physical affection that is not sexual in nature or leading to sex. Surely there are more things than just sex that make romantic relationship different than just being friends or roommates?
This said I agree with other anons that asexuality doesn't really belongs to pride.
No. 824655
>>824609>too scared to come out as asexualThis is why I hate internet asexuals. I do identify as asexual (I know) and it's never been hard to admit that to anyone. When I've told it to anyone, they ask me what it means (don't experience sexual attraction, no desire for sex, but can still potentially form intimate relationships) and go, "oh cool!' and we move on.
I don't mind it being a part of the acronym or pride in general, but I'm not gonna get pissy if it's removed or if people don' think it belongs. At least the flag isn't repulsive to look at.
No. 824852
>>824839No worries—there’s a lot of… grey area in regards to what asexual is/isn’t… as there are people who say they’re asexual but still have sex/enjoy sex etc (which I find confusing as to how they’re asexual in the regard, but I won’t gatekeep despite not agreeing with that view).
I think celibacy is more of a choice in regards to sex? If that makes sense? Like someone is actively choosing to not have sex. I have a complete disinterest in sex, so I don’t know if that’s really celibacy or not.
No. 824963
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>>824948The over-inclusivity is ironically why gay normies are beginning to exclude themselves from the community. It's not about being respectful of who people love anymore, it's about "normalizing" kink, letting males into female safe spaces, and assholes who dress like clowns.
No. 824980
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Reminder that the people who are pushing hard for kink at pride are this kind of motherfucker, here an hyper feminine woman who has ever been in relationships with men and yet can't stop screeching about how gay and trans she is.
No. 824981
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>>824980This is cultural appropriation lol.
No. 825029
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>>825025i looked thru her account and this is what i could find in just 5 seconds. the amount of times she tweets about marsha p. seriously borders on just. weirdness..
No. 825061
>>824981>Transness is inherently linked to sex workBut it's not a fetish though, right? Kek.
Anyway, I'm not personally against "sex work" in theory, but there are numerous systemic issues that make it unethical in practice. Germany legalized prostitution, and the result was a massive spike in human trafficking, with the majority of workers being eastern European women who were either tricked into it or fleeing abuse/poverty/political instability. Until the exploitative elements are removed, prostitution will remain unethical. Nordic Model ftw.
No. 825254
>>824655> as there are people who say they’re asexual but still have sex/enjoy sex etc (which I find confusing as to how they’re asexual in the regard, but I won’t gatekeep despite not agreeing with that view)What the fuck is there to gatekeep? If people claim they're asexual, as in, have no desire for sex, but still have sex and enjoy it, they're usually just making shit up for attention and aren't asexual in the slightest.
Or worse, they really have no sexual desire but have completely fucked-up relationship to sex and think it's healthy and normal to have sex despite having zero desire for it for whatever fucked up reasons they can think of.
I would call that borderline rape, abuse, and grooming potential all under the disguise of a woke label.
I don't know how people can look at that and say "oh, sure, totally
valid and nothing wrong with that, here's your pride flag :)".
No. 825324
>>825265I'm going to say they're one of the anons who attribute it to being a low libido due to depression, autism, or other underlying issues.
>>825254Okay, so I'm learning 'gatekeeping' was not the correct word to use lol
I just didn't want to accidentally step on the toes of other anons who may identify as ace but think like that.
>Or worse, they really have no sexual desire but have completely fucked-up relationship to sex and think it's healthy and normal to have sex despite having zero desire for it for whatever fucked up reasons they can think of. I would call that borderline rape, abuse, and grooming potential all under the disguise of a woke label.I agree with this take, though.
No. 825381
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Nina West, the drag queen featured in Blue's Clues video for Pride sing-along, is going to star in her own children's show and will be the next Mr. Rogers!
No. 825386
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>>825381wtf, what is it with drag queens and children in the US??
No. 825392
>>823060>millennialswe grew up on Eminem and Drawn Together, we don't buy gay toothbrushes and drag queen story books
go dye your hair a bunch of colors
No. 825450
>>825239Asexuality is literally just a cope and no different than pansexuality in terms of credibility, the fact you keep talking about it like is an actual thing while posting in this site is weird af, learn to integrate.
Anyways for some reason a lot of companies in my country are starting to pander to trannies while totally ignoring the LGB, is very confusing considering is a third world shithole, they're releasing tons of trans and rainbow paraphernalia…i don't like were this is going.
No. 825510
>>825492Good question anon! Once everyone becomes NB or trans then society will slowly identify the totally unexpected and strange phenomenon where some enbys and trans people are treated unfairly because of a particular shared physical trait they all have, and then they will organise and form sharedtrait-ism to campaign for equality
Just joking, the next step is equality for MAPs and animal fuckers
Please don't let any of this post lead to infighting I just want to shitpost without causing fights No. 825532
>>825492>>825510KEK ntayrt but you’re probably right. I don’t think companies will stop until the 15-30 year old genderspecials get tired. But I think next the circus is going to push for DID gender and genderfluid shit. AKA wearing different clothes. I don’t know if they have a flag, but I can definitely see companies trying to pander with ads that have the actors change outfits mid-sentence to indicate a change in gender. The gap between appeasing “queer folk” and normal LGB people will only get larger.
Right now, they’re going for BDSM being a real identity. Furries/animal fuckers are probably next since we’ve ran through all the other made up Q+ sexualities. But it’ll likely be the breaking point, and as a byproduct of that we’ll likely get more neopronoun shit popping up, and there’s no way that’ll go well.
No. 825543
>>825492I think
>>825510 is onto something unironically, when maps and other degenerates make their way into the lgbt, normies will inevitably peak. My boomer relatives used to say this would happen and i didn't believe them.
>>825532>I think next the circus is going to push for DID gender and genderfluid shit. AKA wearing different clothes.But…that already happened (kinda), genderfluid has been a thing since mid 10s and "breaking gender norms" while wearing different clothes too.
No. 825548
File: 1623173442729.jpg (19.52 KB, 852x480, lgbt-pride-flag-redesign-hero-…)

Literally what was the reason behind added the trans flag specifically to the flag? They all fall under the rainbow so why does the trans flag get to have its own space but not lesbian/gay/bisexuality.
No. 825553
>>825364>>825385My thoughts exactly kek, funny how tranny tankies are always supportive of peak consoomer capitalist icons.
>>825492I'm not sure if I'm doompilled enough to say MAPs but it sure does seem like it with them pushing for 10-year old drag queens and being comfortable with exposing kinkshit to kids at pride. Open misogyny will be even more socially acceptable though since it's easier to push.
>>825549Trannies are straight upper class men with money and connections, no gay people can really challenge them without repercussions. You get banned off of Twitter for calling a hon a him now, not a lot of room for discussion if you disagree with their narrative.
No. 825556
>>825543Yeah genderfluid is already a recognized thing sort of, but not shit like DID gender, dog gender, angel gender, and clown gender, etc. I just lumped all the random gender identities with it since it’s somehow supposed to be distinct from nonbinary and trannies but they’re all the same thing.
>>825549I don’t think most people are honestly okay with it, but the insane narcs pushed for it and scared others into silently objecting.
No. 825562
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This design is uncredibly unappealing, I don't know how it ever got approved. Other than troons are on twice, how is skin color queer?
No. 825564
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No. 825566
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>>824449>>824447This might sound crazy but the aesthetic choices of the Teletubbies were pushing boundaries for gender expression in the UK in the early 00s, which let to lots of backlash about how they were turning the children gay and as a result kind of made them low key gay icons for the UK lgb community at the time even if it was tongue in cheek.
Tinkywinky and Dipsy were meant to be the boy characters but they had flamboyant clothing, instead of something like a black top hat and backpack, and I remember lots of jokes likening Dipsy's hat to something Boy George was wearing at the time. However I also remember the company specifically saying that the characters weren't meant to be gay, so it's not like they went full rainbow either.
Imo Tellytubby pride merch makes more sense to me than Disney
No. 825575
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>>825566IIRC The teletubbies was mid-90s. The accessories like the bag and hat make sense for what was fashionable at the time. Children's television in the UK has always been either weird or creepy. Rainbow, another children's program from 70s was much more gay.
No. 825586
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>>821090Old post is old but holy shit another KR fan on lolcow? Marry me
No. 825675
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not the two spirit shit again
No. 825688
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>>825381>>825664I refuse to believe this is anything other than a psyop to make people hate gays
No. 825693
>>825688If you're serious, why would they do that by spreading it? I mean it would also include making us hate other races and fetishists as well since those are being pushed also.
maybe you're right actually and they are trying to make us all hate each other to distract from calling out rich people or something
No. 825699
>>825492I'm not sure how mainstream this could get but since non binary is already getting a bit mainstream I think it's possible the next thing would be unironic "apache helicopter" tier things like pupgender or treegender and overall neo pronouns. Steven universe already shilled for Xe/xir and people justify it with "autistic people have a different relation with gender so if you say anything you're ableist"
I think it would take a couple of years tho
No. 825702
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I don’t know about other countries but in the U.K. rainbows have become a symbol of strength during Covid and showing support to the NHS. A lot of homes and businesses have displayed rainbow pictures (often made by children) for over a year now, pic related a more extreme example I found on Google. Today I walked through the town centre and there was a new council funded display of rainbows. I got closer and saw it was thanking the NHS rather than about Pride lol.
Someone on twitter joked about asking for the flag back but seriously, it’s strange how the associations have changed so much, so quickly.
No. 825720
>>825381This is not going to go over well with children. Drag queens are too clownish, and most kids are afraid of clowns. The only recent American kid's show hosted by a clown I can think of is Big Comfy Couch, where the actress wasn't even wearing clown makeup, just a foam nose. Sharp lines are also a big no-no in clowning because they almost always have the impact of making the clown scary. Same goes with low/angry-looking eyebrows. Drag queens (the one on Nickelodeon included) almost always have those traits.
And all that is if you set aside the main issue, which is that drag is strongly associated with bars and clubs. It's like trying to make a kid's series about "non sexual" pole dancing. Yes, there technically isn't anything inherently sexual as holding onto a pole or cross-dressing, but unfortunately those types of performance art still have elicit associations in our culture and as such are not appropriate for children. If googling "drag queens" immediately turns up a bunch of results of shitty reality TV videos of people swearing, using sexual language, and bullying each other, maybe it's not child-friendly content.
As an aside, it's interesting that the media is choosing to focus so much on drag queens during pride. And by "interesting" I mean "typical corporate bullshit," because drag is all the woke marketability without any actual depictions of gay people being in love. Who needs to show children ordinary gay people when we can terrify them with misogynistic clown-people instead?
No. 825736
>>825720as a kid I was downright terrified by the drag queen videos I stumbled upon on youtube. GRANTED, that was "pickle surprise." watch this video for nightmares
(also it's an example supporting your point about sexual undertones in drag)
No. 825788
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>>825586Will do anon. Our wedding will be glorious.
>>825676I don't think many have. Most of the indigenous people into the woke side of the internet are deep into TRA ideology. I've found they're more passionate about debunking politics rather than genders.
No. 825820
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>>825664The current like/dislike ratio has me reassured though. I'm thankful they didn't hide it.
No. 825897
>>825711They are already teaching it in school, I wouldn't be too surprised if they are also testing kids about it.
>>825647That video is 4 hrs long… Can you give us timestamps?
>>825572Was he at least gay?
No. 825898
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>>825893From the video: A little girl explains what each flag means
No. 825901
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>>825893Also from the video: Another kid shows his photos from Pride and talks about his wholesome time there. Then he talks about the families there.
No. 826044
>>826036I plan on going, it's usually in September tho. The only reason why I'm not 100% sure yet because it usually is full of obvious minors. Might just join the march and not the "after party".
I also noticed that for the last 2 years there have been more and more "genderspecial" pan queer OF sexworker retards joining so… yea. I can't believe it finally came to the Balkans too.
No. 826060
>>826036I haven't gone to pride in a few years as the last time I did go (just to the parade itself) it was full of kids and genderspecials…. and genderspecial kids.
At the time I didn't even mind genderspecials as much as I do now… but they were still obnoxiously loud and hard to get away from. It felt like the majority there were highschool age teens who were giddy and acting half drunk. It wasn't a good time.
No. 826081
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>>826044Which Balkan country anon?
Where I lived they used to beat people up and smash McDonald's restaurants on the day of Pride, when I was in high school they finally held a successful one but there were thousands of policemen everywhere, even cavalry police. I don't know how it is nowadays since I live abroad and don't particularly care to find out but we have a lesbian PM who's still alive, so I'm guessing it's going better.
Sadly of the gay people I knew back then, they're now all genderspecials or troons save for one guy who's an online prostitute.
No. 826169
If you go to the zagrebpride hashtag you can see the, uh, state, of the last pride. Mostly minors.
I'm glad it's getting better but at the same time it's not REALLY getting better, the whateverphobes jist learned to shut up.
No. 826239
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>>817990>Eat for changeThis is the most american post on
No. 826487
File: 1623268233143.jpg (71.44 KB, 1080x393, Screenshot_20210609-144329__01…)

this catchphrase is so fucking cringey. the genderspecials in my old college friend group used to say it all the time, yet when id mention I shoplifted an overpriced bottle of shampoo or something they'd lose their minds and tell me im going to get some walmart worker fired over 15 bucks. all the "be gay do crime!" retards want to sound edgy and hardcore when really they're straight edge pussies who's biggest act of rebellion against society is dying their hair blue.
No. 826520
>>826487You're so right. I've had similar experiences with kweers who parrot this all the damn time and have "ACAB" in their bios yet when I speak about my own experiences with police - like the time I had the cops called on me for a bar fight with a homophobe - I get shit for it, "anon, you
hit a misogynist, racist homophobe? omg that's too much what's wrong with you?" then an hour later it's "kill terfs!" or some other nonsense. Same shit happens when they bring up how the LGBT community has high rates of addiction, I talk about my passion for recovery and get judged for being an ex-junkie, despite that being in my past. These people are only ok with these things as like, an abstract concept. The moment it enters their life in any sort of real way they freak out and expose themselves for the conformist, straight laced yes men they are. Sorry, "yes folx".
No. 826525
>>826520You have a right to defend yourself anon, especially if the person was making threats or struck you first. I'm confused though, which person got arrested, you or the assailant? If it was you, that's pretty infuriating given the circumstances.
>>826487Seconding this. I'd be willing to bet money that 90% of the people posting in that tag are introverted geeks whose idea of "doing crime" is shoplifting a lanyard from Hot Topic (this is also their idea of being "punk rock.")
No. 827121
>>826520YES, I witness this happening so often, they're LARPing bootlickers who fall for authority when it is in their favor. ACAB to them is basically begging law enforcement to
do better, and that's really where it stops. They'll threaten you with police and try to bring up laws when it's convenient for them.
No. 827836
>>825492Honestly the next thing among kids is probably going to be something like neogenders. Like how kinning turned into DID and psycopathy as the newest snowflake fad, I can see troonery turning into neogender shit as a thing.
Among adults though, I think we might just see a backlash movement against TRAS instead. We had #metoo and I feel like all the troon shit is backlash for that. The pendulum will swing the other way eventually.
No. 828581
File: 1623483544269.jpeg (31.34 KB, 960x588, NINTCHDBPICT000658271116.jpeg)

>The new Pride flag was designed by Valentino Vecchietti, of Intersex Equality Rights UK, according to Pink News. It includes a new yellow triangle and purple circle to better represent the intersex community.
No. 828617
>>828581Really symbolic how all these unnecessary colors are taking more and more space over the original rainbow flag. Can't wait until they declare the using of the rainbow flag without all these additions as a cryptoterf dogwhistle even though it's a fucking rainbow and symbolizes how it's supposed to include all related demographics and build a bridge between them.
>>828593Yes but troons love to use them as a shield because "If sex is a binary then what's this then???". Yes because 1 in 10000 people was born with ambiguous genitals or with both endometrial and testicular tissue it means sex don't real and can be co-opted to justify a person with a perfectly typical binary sex-conforming body mutilating their body.
No. 828948
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>>828581KEK I love how so many people really hate this design at this point and say that people should return to the baker flag at this point. unrelated
No. 829162
File: 1623559974162.gif (5.26 KB, 432x216, qq-prog2.gif)

>>829161Haha, look at what I just found. Black and brown are on there twice, huh?
No. 829275
>>829182Lol wtf is this shit?
I shaved my head bald and people kept pressuring me (an ADULT woman) that I must be somehow trans. You think a little tomboy is going to handle the barrage of bullshit that she must be trans because she’s a a tiny bit GNC?
Are you that out of touch with what’s happening that you diminish abuse that’s happening to girls and and young women? Or did you intentional miss anons point?
Fucking selfish as hell.
No. 829288
>>829275nonny drank too much tranny kool-aid because obviously the evil cis women choose to be women and are comfortable with their oppression! kudos to you for shaving your head though, i always wanted to do that but unfortunately we live in a society. this is why i wanna live in a female/lesbian only commune (yes that excludes transwomen).
>>829182>I feel like I got punched every time anyone refers to me as a girlrightfully so because you have to be at least 18 to post here and that makes you a woman, not a girl. grow up and accept your biological reality instead, maybe you'll get over your not like the other girls phase then.
No. 829413
>>829395>It’s a good thing that they’re comfortable in their own skinhave you ever met a woman who is comfortable in her own skin? do you not know what diet culture and beauty standards do to women all over the world? how detached from reality are you? seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? body dysphoria is rampant in women, it's just fucking trannies who brainwash everyone into thinking that "ugh i'm fat, i hate my fat tits and my wide hips" means "i hate my tits and my hips so i must be a male." check out what detrans women talk about when it comes to their reasons for trooning out. surprise, most of them have eating disorders and body image issues. they are not trans. they have been damaged by society, by diet culture and by shitty beauty standards. that is simple body dysphoria and has shit all to do with gender feefees.
>I’ll always be biologically female, but my mind isn’t.listen woman, girl, sister, señorita. your body is female so your mind is female as well. you are your body. there is no female brain or male brain. you are a woman, no matter how much you try to identify out of it. you should go out and form some connections with other women and then you'll finally realize that you are exactly like them and that every woman suffers the same way you do. gender isn't real, so stop reinforcing gender bullshit by saying "i don't like gendered bullshit assigned to women, so i must be an other!" shit like this just reinforces gender garbage and does nothing to make people realize that women are more than just walking stereotypes and if they don't adhere to these stereotypes, they are unwomen. do you also go out and tell women that they must be men because they do stuff you associate with men for some bullshit reason?
No. 829431
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>>829395if you think your mind is so male then what are you doing on LC?
No. 829435
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>>829395what is a male mind comprised of that differentiates it from a female mind? I've yet to get an answer to this that isn't rooted in sexist stereotyping
No. 829448
>>829435Judging by your wording you don't accept reality of biological chemistry of female and male brains that's obvious to any observer, except you of course.
You'll just call it sexist.
But you know what? You ask a question about sexes and that's the kind of answer you're going to get, single digit IQ retard.
Don't have audacity to think you're smart.
No. 829477
>>829448This you?
My favorite fantasy is having a sleepover with a couple of guys my own age who accept me for who I am and I'd be wearing blue boxershorts, my favorite blue jockstrap, my favorite blue football jersey and a worn out blue trucker hat (in case you haven't noticed blue is my favorite color. I think it's because I resent missing out on twenty years of masculinity and I'm subconsciously trying to make up for lost time by being as manly as possible.)
It would be cold and windy outside but we'd be nice and warm curled up infront of a car engine. We'd spend the night working on the car, flicking boogers at each other, drinking beer, wrestling and watching porn while jerking each other off (again, I was robbed of a boyhood).
They wouldn't care that I wasn't close to passing or that my voice was feminine, they'd just accept me as one of the boys. We'd spend the night burping and would drift off to sleep one by one and the night would end up with me wrapped up in a cum-stained blanket drifting off to sleep knowing that for the first time in my life I'd been accepted for who I truly am. Sigh.
Probably not going to happen in the near future, but a guy? / girl? can always dream.
No. 829505
>>817990I hate when straight people show random rainbow things during pride month and ask "how do you feel about x". You know what? It feels like I'm being talked to by Dora the explorer at best or like my disapproval of rainbow capitalism + neoliberal cooptation will be used for some reactionary tankie or fascist agenda at worst.
If I'd bring up or vaguely allude to my sexuality any other time, it would be seen as "shoving it down their throat" or "bourgeois decadence". When it's used to farm outrage, it's apparently fine though.
No. 829655
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hi,,,,, im Literally new here and i just wanted to say to pretty please stop being transphobic im a cis girl but it hurts my heart seeing all of the ppl here compare transfemmes to rapists,, pretty please like reconsider ur mindset and reconfigure your minds terfs. :))) mkayyyy HON(not a shitposting thread)
No. 829680
>>829625Just go away, nobody cares about your boring ass word salad.
If you want to pump your body full of cross-sex hormones, chop your tits off and get an arm sausage, go for it.
But don’t make this whole thing seem like it’s some sort of magic that will turn you into a man, because you’re a woman, with a woman’s skeleton and a brain that got fucked with dumbass stereotypes and probably unresolved trauma that makes you think you’re a man.
If you want to go suck tranny dick just fuck off back to Twitter and have fun in your dumbass echo chamber full of mentally ill idiots and people afraid to say no to your dumbass cult.
(infighting) No. 830079
File: 1623688739949.png (248.35 KB, 960x588, the 2022 official LGBTQQIP2SAA…)

>>829162I fused them in five minutes to make the ultimate inclusive flag
No. 830084
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>>828581Someone on twitter was criticizing that flag with this edit and twitterfags are calling it a good design in the replies… and of course it doesn't include any lesbian flags. No. 831177
File: 1623792059986.jpeg (341.38 KB, 750x467, 12C836F9-8620-4269-B58E-AB3AFB…)

Gee whiz ladies I sure am done getting my whole lived experience reduced to stereotypes becuase someone been on the internet too long.
Here’s another baffling pride product that I think shadow the hedgehog would say if he was gay.
No. 831234
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>>831233Dropped image, my bad.
No. 831342
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>>831234Looks like they're letting anyone in these days
No. 832416
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What the actual fuck is happening
No. 832710
>>832416Fuck Trapt, one of those little retards blocked me on facebook cause he couldn't take the heat when I asked a direct question about their pro-Trump, pedo, and Proud Boys cocksucking. People were liking the fuck out of my comments so they got assblasted and just got rid of my comments instead of rethinking their bullshit or attempting to refute me cause they knew they couldn't. Glad their new album bombed and was shit.
Hope no one buys their fag pandering cause that's fake anyway.
No. 833289
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No. 833606
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>>829182>the reality of biological chemistry of female and male brainsSo brains have sexes, but sex is also an oppressive social construct and there's no meaningful difference between a penis and vagina?
No. 834790
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I'm so tired of pride merch pandering to fake sexualities, they're literally all a form of "I'm bisexual but ~special~" or just people who don't like sex
No. 835285
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From Fenti's Pride Collection
No. 835561
>>835285Would be cute without the stupid socks and without a troon wearing it (obviously a troon because of how he hides his hands)
No. 835566
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"Get a tattoo and win a free lgbtqm+ napkin"
No. 835567
>>835566Imagine getting any of this shit tattooed on you.
Also, why is HIM from PPGs there??
No. 835598
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>>835065Kinda but not really
No. 835629
>>835621that's the exact reason I stopped going to pride in my city and to see so many coombrained retards online say "Pride is for everyone!!" but then defend having kink at pride, yeah sure for "everyone" i'm sure children and teens would love to see a 40+ man in full fetish gear walking another man with a dogmask on a leash
I'm sick of these people acting like kink is a protected class, you aren't opressed because you have to wear full latex and get your neck broken just to get off
No. 835706
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>>835566I hate this because all the other art is horrendous and then this person just plastered a png of HIM in the middle to make their shitty art look better (they don't even work as tattoos for gods sake)
also kek at the free napkin lmao
No. 835820
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>>835561>>835483Not sure, but this is another photo of the same model.
No. 836255
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"lgbt group is trying to erase the word "mother" and replace it with "progenitor that gave birth""
No. 836271
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>>834790I don't see it as fake sexuality, it's more that all these sexualities shouldn't be put into the pride or else it would make the acronym long like the LGBTTQQIAAP (found on google) and the pride flag with way too many colours
No. 836272
>>836255Please no
>hello, dear progenitor who gave birth to me of mine, happy day of the progenitor who gave birth!>Uh, Sup other progenitor, happy day of the other progenitor because you’re either my step parent or a fake man who can’t give sperm to my main progenitor.Kids will be so confused, if that ever happens, I won’t have children, fuck that.
No. 836284
>>836271Some of them are fake though
Personally I'm more of an "LGB alliance" kind of person, but I do believe asexual people exist. Everything else is unnecesary, pansexual is literally bisexual but for snowflakes (the "I love everyone" shit = bisexuality), anything with "demi" in it just means "sometimes I like this sometimes I like that" = bisexuality, etc
No. 836310
>>836298Ot but, tbf, we don’t have in Spanish a word for parent that could be considered neutral, it’s “Padres” or “representantes” if you want it as neutral as possible, but it kind of means more that the grandparents or uncles are doing the paperwork for the kids.
Still, progenitor sounds “masculine” because it ends with an O, which is how usually “masculine” words end, so it’s retarded to change a word for a whole expression because men are not feeling included in motherhood.
Specially knowing that gender for such things, in Spanish, is extremely arbitrary and just happened, it wasn’t something that a council of language did a meeting for to say that chair is feminine and car is masculine.
No. 836368
>>836365nvm maybe it's just that the pictures as a whole are so shooped it's confusing my eyes
>>836255this can't be serious. it's fake right? this sounds like a joke but either way people will be peaking from it
No. 836409
>>836365>>836368>>836370they could had done this
>>836371Honestly? this is true.
No. 836518
File: 1624434505897.jpeg (148.53 KB, 1400x1050, Crystal-Head-Vodka-Pride-Editi…)

Let's have a glass of gay vodka.
No. 836531
>>836518I'm being a party pooper but gays have higher rates of addiction, both to alcohol and substances. Driven towards it for various social/emotional reasons that revolve around gay life. Whenever companies make gay vodka I always think about some of the documentaries or shows I've seen on the subject. I'm fun like that.
Ay least this looks cool. Absolute vodka has been splashing a rainbow on shit for years and it's not even cute.
No. 836537
>>836518I feel bad for thinking this but I think it's really pretty, I just like clear rainbow stuff whether they are gay or not, but like
>>836531 said it's pretty tasteless to capitalize on addiction, it would be like cigarettes having rainbow packaging with all the cancer pics.
No. 836541
File: 1624436625512.jpg (106.87 KB, 902x676, E2WP6I2VUAQeMh9.jpg)

>>819496>>836518>>835285sorry for the doge meme but this really how it be
No. 836582
>>836531Oy vey, shit like this drives me insane. I'm a recovering alcoholic and the gay community was what normalised heavy drinking for me. I work with AA now and I'm really tempted next pride month to try and cobble together an awareness campaign, try and talk about the warning signs of alcohol addiction and how rainbow capitalism is content to be nailing our coffins shut with their tacky shit. I know I'll perceived as a "Karen" because lbr, the "community" is a shithole now but man, this is so tone deaf.
It's a really pretty bottle though.>>836579That's nothing new, anon. Like most internet retardation - tumblr kids did it first. It's bullshit imo as nearly all "asexuals" I've seen have clearly had a sexual orientation, they just have a low libido or w/e. Try telling that to the hetty betties though, they'll scream "aphobe". Hell, even "aromantics" pull the queer card.
No. 836591
File: 1624442964148.jpeg (198.05 KB, 1179x842, 390327ec-961d-4ee8-8383-874587…)

>>836537>>836531>>836582This reminds of something I read a while ago:
>In 2000, R.J. Reynolds—the parent company of Camel, Pall Mall, and several other popular cigarette brands—sparked controversy when confidential documents labeled “Project SCUM” (SubCulture Urban Marketing) were leaked to the press. The documents outlined plans for an ad campaign targeting two distinct “consumer subcultures” in San Francisco: young gay men in the Castro and the homeless in the Tenderloin.
>The documents outraged many community leaders, who saw the project’s title as evidence of the company’s homophobia. “They just see us as another set of disposable consumers to addict and dehumanize,” gay rights and anti-tobacco activist Bob Gordon told the San Francisco Weekly following the leak.
>Why, then, have marketers singled out an already marginalized community to sell a product that is known to be harmful? One explanation has to do with mental health. LGBTQ individuals are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than non-LGBTQ people, both of which are major predictors of tobacco use. This phenomenon has likely contributed to queers’ elevated smoking rates—and made LGBTQ youth a prime target for advertisers. No. 836621
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>>836531These alcohol companies are really milking Pride
No. 836673
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>>836645Godspeed, anon.
>Whilst we can be grateful for the role of gay bars as a safe haven for the community, there is a severe lack of spaces for LGBT people who aren’t looking to drink. According to TravelGay, in the six British cities with the most LGBT venues—London, Manchester, Brighton, Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle—there are a total of 95 bars and 51 clubs, but only four cafés and two restaurants.
>A more recent report from last year claims that one in six LGBT people drink almost every day, whereas the figure for the general population is one in ten.
>Numerous studies and work from counselors and advocates in the field have tried to answer this complicated question for years. From looking at the “gay bar” as a safe space for LGBTQ gatherings to cultural pressures that can leave people in this community particularly susceptible to substance use disorders, it’s a complicated, multi-faceted topic.
>As many as 34% of gay and bisexual men in England reported binge drinking in the last week (more than eight units in a session), compared to around 18% of men in the general population. And 29% of lesbian and bisexual women reported drinking more than six units in a single session compared to around 12% of women in the general population.
>Our interviewees saw a number of barriers with alcohol support services. They saw the services as macho and intimidating for people who weren’t heterosexual men, and didn’t see self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous as safe spaces. No. 837031
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>>836954>>836993To add the blue haired character is literally named Twink, People are defending it with the classic "b-but gay people wrote the show!!11!" doesn't mean it doesn't renforce negitive stereotypes
also a bunch of the voice actors/writers have disabled comments on most of their social media so that's always a great sign
No. 837110
File: 1624492768948.png (324.1 KB, 638x628, fvsffgvb.png)

This is going to be at a mexican gallery as a LGBT+ exhibition. I'm upset because puting bondage wear on native mexican statues to "break gender stereotypes" is such bullshit ugh, wish I could explain more but my words would come out in spanish
No. 837157
>>836673>but only four cafés and two restaurantsI get why there are gay bars but why do gay people need dedicated cafes and restaurants? I know a gay couple IRL who run a cafe and it's for everyone regardless of sexuality.
>>837110How is this not considered grossly disrespectful to Mexican culture?
No. 837166
File: 1624500932588.png (36.83 KB, 720x270, Screenshot_20210624-071327.png)

>>836993>>837031>>836907From the comment's and damn if this isn't true, women(mostly white) have a fucking fetish for anything involving stereotypical gay males
No. 837233
>>837219this wasn't even about fujoshis, it was about the cliche of middle class faghags who watch Drag Race, I mean most fujos know all 3d men are shit including the gay ones
The Faghags love 3D gay men, love their stereotypical cattyness and rude i.e "fierce" behavior
I'm not a BL hater but stop with the
victim complex
No. 837341
File: 1624524620328.png (258.41 KB, 685x409, CrotchlessPanties.png)

More from Fenty's Pride Collection. Does anyone feel like they might have a scratchy texture?
No. 837352
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>>837319This isn't taking about you and like the you who read BL stories about 2D males, this is about women unironically act like picrel
No. 837564
>>837138lmao yeah it becomes especially confusing because then bisexuals will make a scene about how it's not about "not liking troons/enbyfags" or anything and pansexuals will basically agree with them (to not cause drama with a sexuality that is actually sorta widely acknowledged I guess, idfk) so there's literally no actual tangible defenition for it. At this point even shit like demi girl sounds more tangible than pansexual
To me it becomes even weirder when you start including "polisexual". I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually identify as that, but I've seen it in a lot of sexuality flag posts and it made me question if poli people would be weirdos that are attracted to autistically specific neo genders, like being exclusively atracted to female, pupgender and treegender or something.
Have any of you actually seen people identify as polisexual before?
No. 838301
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>>835566>>835706I have an update, no one wants these tattoos so they are advertising them like this
No. 838715
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No. 838716
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No. 838763
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It looks like if a kid just placed a bunch of stickers all over his mom's leggings
No. 838764
File: 1624700279558.jpeg (96.03 KB, 1021x768, 1610857684873.jpeg)

Straight people should be included in LGBT rallies since many MSM/WSW identify themselves as straight.
Otherwise the movement is purely political and has zero baring on sexuality
No. 838779
File: 1624703154286.png (649.33 KB, 1280x1280, 89567348967.png)

>>836518So glad we can finally add Dan Aykroyd as an official #ally
No. 838784
>>838773That's what I'm talking about. It's so overbearing that everyone always assumes you're gay. "Oh when did you find out", "what do your family think?"
Find about what bitch?
No. 838792
>>838779>Aykroyd's great-grandfather, a dentist, was a mystic who corresponded with author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the subject of Spiritualism, and was a member of the Lily Dale Society.[52] Other than Spiritualism, Aykroyd is also interested in various other aspects of the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy. He is a lifetime member of and official Hollywood consultant for the Mutual UFO Network. Along these lines, he served, from 1996 to 2000, as "host" of Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, which claimed to describe cases drawn from the archives of "The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research". In 2005, Aykroyd produced the DVD Dan Aykroyd: Unplugged on UFOs.>Aykroyd is interviewed for 80 minutes by UFOlogist David Sereda discussing in depth many aspects of the UFO phenomenon.[53]>On September 29, 2009, Peter Aykroyd Sr., Dan's father, published a book entitled A History of Ghosts, to which Aykroyd readily refers. Aykroyd wrote the introduction and accompanied his father on a series of promotional activities, including launches in New York and Toronto, appearances on Larry King Live and Coast to Coast AM, and various other public-relations initiatives. Aykroyd also read the introduction for the audio version of the book. In 1997, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry awarded Aykroyd in absentia the Snuffed Candle Award for hosting Psi Factor and being a "long-time promoter … of paranormal claims". Following the awards, Joe Nickell wrote to Aykroyd asking for the research behind the "cases" presented on Psi Factor, particularly a claim that NASA scientists were "killed while investigating a meteor crash and giant eggs were found and incubated, yielding a flea the size of a hogSo he's a fucking retard raised by a long line of retards
No. 838877
>>838834I really really dislike that term, "in denial". If lgbt-rallies were about sexuality and not politics then yes, straight people should be included.
What's so different about straight guys/gals who have sex with same gender? Nothing except they don't lean left.
No. 838882
>>838877>they don't lean left.…what?
Besides, if you have sex with the same gender then that's pretty gay.
No. 838944
File: 1624726192222.jpg (71.81 KB, 750x741, image.jpg)

Happy Pride to all the solo poly folx out there!
No. 839080
File: 1624741199023.jpg (67.73 KB, 1061x519, whorescholar.jpg)

>>838877>gender not sex>astronomic reach to connect it to politicsIf you're gonna bait us, at least leave
good bait.
>>838944Picrel is OP's bio. Awful lot of words just to say "annoying retard". What does "polyam education" involve anyway? Teaching people how to avoid getting STDs and jealousy issues?
No. 839513
>>839080amazon influencer? like an influencer on amazon dot com?
>>839509>the tranny flag was prominently featured, followed by the enby, the pansexual and the asexual always fascinates me that there are so many flags and labels that all mean awkward teenager without any relationship/sexual experience (yet). i hope they safely grow out of this.
No. 839529
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>>839080What's up with this person and one-legged women?
No. 839785
File: 1624822665065.png (203.83 KB, 640x706, D9E1D5B0-C38D-4EEC-8739-B402E5…)

this isn’t a pride brand thing but this just made me laugh… im guessing their selfie didn’t get very many likes
No. 839843
File: 1624828919563.png (536.76 KB, 542x828, onkjn.png)

>>839785This is how the algorithm will start pushing ugly mfs on innocent people's feeds by the power of pity likes.
Even if you don't use social media like that, imagine trying to Google "pretty girl" and having this staring back at you.
No. 839979
>>839785also key phrase
>if you want people to believe that you carethis is what it's all about, and what's it's always been from the start. looking good to other people.
No. 840004
>>839955Even better: you can remove the trans and
POC pieces and just keep the original rainbow pride colors
No. 840718
File: 1624914967977.gif (431.33 KB, 250x189, picard-star-trek-sarcastic-cla…)

>>839080>Amazon influencerCorporate shill for shitty Chinese crap, slay girl
No. 840767
File: 1624919465739.png (362.66 KB, 490x447, hjghjg.png)

>>839785this is beyond pathetic kek
No. 842941
>>841340I had completely forgotten about OWS and how there was proven to be a calculated operation to divide the movement by injecting it with divisive ideologies and practices so that they would dissolve and die out on their own. It's
exactly like that at this point.
>Regular people rally up against the 1% to demand better, fairer quality of life without economic inequality, unnecessary debt and corporations influencing politics>The 1%: Oh fuck we better do something to protect the status quo, let's meme them into following this retarded oppression ladder to decide who should be allowed to speak and smuggle this pants on head retarded activist tranny as their spokesperson talking about rain dances and shit! Let's make everyone believe that OWS is just a bunch of Racist White Men whining about nothing while corporations are actually woke and friendly! And it worked. And it's now happening with the pride movement. Let that sink in for a moment.
No. 843038
File: 1625135611310.jpg (573.06 KB, 915x514, white-skittles-for-pride-ft-bl…)

Just saw these in a shop. They're white because "During Pride, only one rainbow matters. So we’ve given up ours to show support." Checked the bag and didn't see anything about donating to charity though kek. Yet another hollow gesture and fuck you if you wanna know what flavour skittle you're eating because it's now a game of Russian Roulette.
No. 843100
File: 1625144514571.jpg (48.44 KB, 460x666, aP3QbBB_460s.jpg)

>>843038lol they made them gray this year because of the association with "white pride". I've seen them in stores too, they're probably last year's stock
No. 843632
>>843038Extreme cringe
>>843588Happy July first, nonnies!!
No. 843961
File: 1625201159368.jpeg (631.73 KB, 1500x2617, 719020F8-FD99-4DE4-B834-EED7E6…)

Pride month is over but, lol the transgender couch
No. 843963
>>843961the bisexual couch is neat conceptually as an art piece but it's fucking ugly especially the text
just pretending the genderfluid couch is the bi couch
No. 843983
>>843961I actually like some of these
The bisexual and lesbian ones could have been so much better. I like the message on the bi couch, but who wants to be reminded of that on a piece that's supposed to celebrate bisexuality? but none of these would actually work inside of a home except for
maybe the pansexual couch. The trans one is plain ugly, but I'm not mad at that. Why does the nonbinary couch look like bondage gear?
No. 844015
>>843961That second tranny couch would be kinda cute, if it had normal pastel rainbow instead of a tranny flag. The rest are fugly and it blows my mind that people buy into this 2spirit bullshit.
>>844004One for MtFs and one for FtMs ofc.
No. 844019
File: 1625211672554.png (100.18 KB, 695x647, Screen Shot.png)

>>843588Pride month is over, but we have LGBT holidays all year around. The next one is Non-Binary Awareness Week. No. 844052
>>844042Literally every "bi", queer, pan, NB, ace, agender woman I've ever met. I want to get off Mr. Bones's Wild Pride.
(I put bi in inverted commas because it's the only orientation in that list I regard as legitimate and it's wrong that you all seem to get used as an easy ticket to the Kool Kweer Klub)
No. 846568
File: 1625511620101.png (1.8 MB, 851x1504, 9CDCE0D7-A69C-446D-A126-F6AFE6…)

i know it’s July 5th but I thought I’d just wish everyone a happy July
No. 848316
File: 1625689571411.png (708.66 KB, 1152x770, pride.png)

Let's end pride month with a banger song! Just a bunch of gay dudes singing about how they will groom your kids! No. 848876
File: 1625760097635.jpg (97.97 KB, 1024x576, 1625748119972.jpg)

>>8483164chan already found two of the choir members on the sex offender registry for sexual offenses against children.
No. 849733
>>848316Apparently the people who wrote this song, Charlie Sohne and Tim Rosser, got in trouble last year for writing a musical glorifying Bacha Bazi. For those who don't know, Bacha Bazi is an Afghan custom where wealthy, powerful older men buy and keep adolescent boys - known as dancing boys - for entertainment and sex.
I have the feeling that this will end up like the guy who started Drag Queen Story Hour.
No. 850116
File: 1625884843505.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x1179, 18567E69-67EF-4945-A843-3A688D…) here have speculated that the injection of trans ideology and race (et cetera) into LGB could be an attempt to destabilize the movement. Well, here's something that might suggest it's working. Anyone know further details of what led up to this?
No. 850206
File: 1625890719522.png (149.97 KB, 948x641, pride4thepeople.png)

>>850116These are the organizations that boycotted Boston Pride.
No. 850208
>>850184last I checked most
people are white in the USA, in general. unless there's some actual misdeed I don't know about, this seems like it's just wokes eating their own
>>850206what is going on here, why so many? what is the concrete, material offense that took place to spark this?
No. 850214
>>850208>Last year, 80% of Boston Pride's volunteer workforce resigned after a statement put out by Boston Pride's board received backlash. The board came under fire for removing key parts of the statement, which was originally written by the volunteer workforce. Former volunteers alleged that the board removed "Black Lives Matter," without consent from its Black Pride committee members. Workers also cited allegations of racism and transphobia as reasons they resigned. >Former Boston Pride volunteers went on to form their own organizations, including Pride 4 The People (formerly Boston Pride 4 The People) and Boston Black Pride. The statement of Boston Pride that people didn't like:
"Events over the past week have led the Boston Pride Board to examine itself and acknowledge that it needs to do more as a social justice organization to take substantive action to better address racism and white privilege within Boston Pride, the LGBTQ+ community and society at large."
They apologized the next day:
"We acknowledge that we need to do more as a social justice organization to not only communicate our outrage, horror and intolerance of these acts of police violence, but also to take substantive action to better address racism and white privilege within Boston Pride, the LGBTQ+ community and society at large."
But it wasn't enough. you said, it's a case of the wokes eating its own.
No. 850415
File: 1625919911898.jpg (176.54 KB, 1280x1176, photo_2021-07-09_22-26-55.jpg)

>>849969Yeah they found even more choir members on the registry. All offenses towards children.
No. 850645
>>850415Can't believe I used to be a faghag pick-me who defended gay men because "b-b-but they experience homophobia too!". Clearly they don't experience
enough oppression, dirty nonce cunts. Gotta remember that a gay moid is still a moid.
No. 850653
File: 1625946237859.png (320.81 KB, 1112x2893, homosexual_facts.png)

>>850645Gay moids are the worst moids because they don't even have to pretend to be decent human beings to get laid. Women being the gatekeepers of sex forces straight men to keep up some sort of appearance of normality and morality to keep attracting women to mate with. Homosexual males can have sex with each other at any time anywhere, they have hundreds of partners in a lifetime and sexual diseases run rampant because they don't have to fear pregnancy. Women should never cape for gay men just because "muh LGBT". Gay men hate women. They will NEVER do the same for lesbians.
No. 851045
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>>850415In case anybody wants to read this collage, I found a clearer version of it.
No. 851912
File: 1626089743208.jpeg (331.88 KB, 1125x1770, 2DF6A08F-A1AB-472C-B878-5D6C46…)

this just sounds like sexual assault
No. 851916
>>851912If it's supposed to be about Pride…
Why did they add a slur used against women on a woman's top?
No. 851924
>>851916Because LGBTBBQQIA++-5 doesn't give a fuck about women.
No. 852017
File: 1626100118799.jpeg (264.81 KB, 1125x1516, 6979CB24-2293-4DDB-8D92-59B785…)

>>851912>>851916OP here, yeah it’s a pride shirt, picrel is the description of the shirt. “Agenda” is quite the term to use kek, also the irony of them selling this shit and talking about how sales will go towards “safe spaces”
No. 852488
>>851376Okay, Fred Phelps
>>851916To be edgy and cool obviously
No. 859826
File: 1626892050658.png (1.09 MB, 1091x1430, imagen_2021-07-21_132639.png)

You know how I know gayshit is a fandom?
Hottopic is selling this "Smol Gay Tie-Dye Girls Tank Top Plus Size" for $24.72
No. 860977
File: 1627001489394.png (377.11 KB, 1325x773, h.png)

>>859826>go to the hot topic website>see this monstrosity for $30Surely this means there are people out there who buy these items?
No. 860980
File: 1627002628158.png (1.28 MB, 1844x1180, why.png)

>>860977Some other favorites that aren't Disney.
No. 861024
File: 1627009014383.jpeg (99.39 KB, 750x610, 56922BAE-6A7D-43FB-964C-FFC376…)

>>860980which one of you wrote this? kek
No. 861847
>>860977>>859826I can't decide if these are created by some AI program someone fed the words "queer", "gay" and "pride" to or a manager yelling at some poor intern to produce shirt prints for the pride month in 30 minutes.
I really don't even get who are the target audience for these disasters. Looking at the product images they seem to be on-demand items which means that hot topic is probably just putting them up to pull in customers for woke points and they end up buying other, "real" products, while in the rare case of someone actually buying one of these they'll just slap the print on some cheap shirt at some sweatshop and ship it away.
>>861843I keep reading that as "PUEER AF" or maybe "DUEER AF" if I squint my eyes.
No. 861848
File: 1627115139255.png (2.56 MB, 1636x1176, bbbh.png)

here, have some bullshit from dollskill.
No. 861852
File: 1627115533328.png (1.77 MB, 1652x860, sfvvffv.png)

Introducing: pronoun scented candles
No. 861859
File: 1627116163548.png (224.47 KB, 396x540, Sin título.png)

now you can walk around with these bad boys to let everyone know you don't shower!
No. 861861
File: 1627116954710.jpg (98.94 KB, 1200x675, 1.jpg)

>>861859Reminded me of those sandals that are supposed to say "dope", apparently
No. 862182
>>862106I’m sure there’s a super deep meaning behind it, anon. Maybe a message about how we’re all the same inside?
>>860977Still laughing at this the most because it’s like if you went back in time to 2012 and paid fujo tumblr to all get together and make a shirt
No. 864740
File: 1627400142662.jpg (95.81 KB, 1467x2200, 2154985-1-08.jpg)

found at a german clothing store, along with a bunch of other disney x pride shit.
No. 869948
>>869909that comment section is so frustrating
>why aren't women talking about this?FFS they are and have been for ages you just never listened + we get silenced, usually by males like you. Not to mention all the
>haha you wanted equality here it is xdcomments. I hope their dicks fall off
No. 873941
>>873925if you don't believe in infinite genders and that sexuality is based off of being attracted to people's biological sex and not their self identified gender then it's not a real thing. I was confused a long time ago about all of these woke terms and had to do research on the origins of these terms.
the term "bisexuality" means you are attracted both sexes. it doesn't recognize "gender" only sex.
then gender studies classes started to differentiate sex and "gender" and decided there's more than one gender. the term pansexuality takes into account all genders. so to people who buy into gendershit, being bisexual means you're only attracted to people who present themselves as male or female, but being pansexual means you're attracted to ~all genders~ including greygender, agender, infinigender, autismogender, whatever.
but to people like me, we believe that no matter how someone identifies, they are either male or female at least 99% of the time with the exception of intersex people (who are still technically male or female but sometimes can look like one sex and technically be the other) and so we stick to the term bisexual.
No. 873942
File: 1628237468381.jpeg (373.4 KB, 750x1075, 7D52AE0E-EB59-4EFB-9F36-42BCE7…)

>>873925kek to me it still just sounds like someone wanting to fuck pans
No. 876494
>>873925bisexuality is just a normal sexuality for people who are attracted to both sexes
pansexuality is just a thing for retards who want to consider themselves special and unique for "loving every gender uwu" and basically demand a sticker and a pat on the back for their super duper totally real and
valid sexuality that's a bunch of bullshit. there is a reason to why they won't shut up over how bisexuals are transphobic for only liking "two genders" and they're totally better because they love everyone!1!1!!
No. 878920
>>873925I heard someone say
Bisexual means that if someone’s outward presentation doesn’t match with their genitals, you won’t be attracted to it
Pan means you don’t give a shit and wanna fuck
I think these little segregated groups are dumb, just fuck and admit your attraction when appropriate, obviously not in that order, but whatever.
(autistic spacing)