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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1538420181614.png (175.25 KB, 590x297, 1538206495612.png)

No. 18901

Previous thread: >>>/snow/692588

>Fupa slaps Shay in the face publically and runs off laughing like a 12 year old boy, posts it on snapchat >>694426

>twitter suspended again
>shay is totally not adjusting to Oklahoma, surprising nobody
>apparently just had Mcdonald's and Chik-fil-a for the first time
>drunk/drinking daily
>same exact shitty cam setup she had in Seattle
>"3 hour shower naps"
>beat her ass with a meat tenderizer in her newest video
>still begging on tumblr because fupa has no money to buy furniture
>more depressed, anxious and attention-starved than ever since moving in with fupa
>fupa posts a video on his free snapchat of shay sucking his unimpressive dick (great for business) >>701509

Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk

http://twitter.com/dollymattel (suspended)


Other threads:
>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread

No. 18902

File: 1538420898618.png (74.96 KB, 200x275, 1537664166509.png)

for quick reference:

"the slap" https://anony.link/https://www.dropbox.com/s/etqw685kbc2vh2r/Untitled2.mov?dl=0

the, honestly pretty embarrassing, dick sucking video https://anony.link/https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgghotlpfpfnkkt/tulsa.mp4?dl=0

added bonus: shay's story about fupa making her suck his dick and fuck her in the ass whilst crying that may or may not have happened

No. 18903


god imagine being his kid and finding out that your dad filmed his young ass crackhead gf giving him a blowjob on snapchat that is most likely his one he shares with everyone LMFAOOOOO also aren't him and shay super into the whole ~uwu pay for ur pr0n~ shit and against others posting her content for free on pornhub yet fupapa out here giving it to her underage age ass stans for free…sad!

also the thread pic kEK

No. 18904

haha damn, i'm glad y'all liked my shitty shop enough for thread pic. i'm honoured. she just gets more horrendous as she goes lmfao.

No. 18905


anon, it still makes me chuckle, well done. Fupa Snatcher lmao

No. 18906

File: 1538424600119.png (213.24 KB, 1000x616, 22.png)

No. 18907

File: 1538425346122.png (47.71 KB, 469x644, 1537664166509.png)

No. 18908

File: 1538426271794.jpeg (Spoiler Image,240.85 KB, 675x1151, 818E73FD-B4B4-4BF7-8BD2-25631A…)

You can really tell how excited she is to be sucking his chode.

No. 18909

haha my bad, no idea why the thumbnail saved

No. 18910

It's probs one of the best thread images on this site, nice work anon.

No. 18911

we love the oc

No. 18912

yeah she looks pissed and annoyed the whole time, but she said she doesn't like giving head iirc? so maybe she was really forcing herself and that's way the long face lol

No. 18913

Can someone post some more caps of the Snapchat bj? Idk why Dropbox never works for me. I guess I'm more of a masochist than shay because I want to see fupas chode

No. 18914

i mean it's really horrible quality. >>18908 really is the essence of the entire vid.

No. 18915

File: 1538429312595.png (5.25 KB, 451x165, 2018-10-01 17_25_43-Tumblr.png)

hoping snap anon comes through on this lmao. naked painting??? does she mean like painting the walls or painting a picture?

No. 18916

and yeah shay, it's a /really/ hot vid lol

No. 18917

Yeah when she was with Connor she said she doesn’t do blowjobs. It must really suck to be forced to do something you hate (especially while anxious)

No. 18918

So anon was right on the money about her being drunk kek.

How miserable, and honestly gross of Fupa to make her suck his dick while she's fucked up.

No. 18919

File: 1538431881399.png (8.44 MB, 1125x2436, E293FCF4-D1AD-45F7-AA61-EF6192…)

Girl, ew
You have NO ass plz stop

No. 18920

i hope those are different panties but knowing shay probably not
also if you're going to look like a crackhead in a faux candid you should probably not have the filter?

No. 18921

She moved to OK with one pair of drawers and one hoodie, oh and her designated camming Walmart shorts

No. 18922

according to her tumblr post she was "desperate 2 get fucked" so doesn't sound like it was forcible, just cringy.

No. 18923

you guys are weird assuming it was forced lol they're in a relationship

No. 18924

I was talking about when he made her suck him when she was “an anxious pup” in that cringey blog post.

No. 18925

Honestly if she was trying to fuck, he probably just got her to suck him to completion and left her high and dry. Especially because there’s no snaps of them doing it, no cringey post about how good he fucked her. And she’s still “completely dressed” (she literally never has pants on)
Sage for tinfoiling

No. 18926

Weird how they acted like they were going to be making porn 24/7 and now he barely gives her the time of day lol

No. 18927

As a professional house/building painter I am cringing at the thought of these two numbskulls painting their house…. It's gonna be baaad.

No. 18928

Why is there a can of beige paint? I thought Fupa didn't like beige; unless the people they're renting from are making them paint the wall that colour.

No. 18929

I'm curious why she doesn't just pump out videos, or at least photosets more through the week. She only cams at night for about 3 hours and has all the time in the world to fix her camming setup (I don't care what she thinks, a setup can't be "iconic" if it's shit), get props for videos and photos, auction off customs, or even figure out the best times for her to can and the best sites to do it on seeing how timezones are a thing. She could be advertising herself more through promos, set up a professional account that doesn't have all the relationship bullshit her clients don't give two shits about at best, and get turned off by her lack of fantasy at worst, go see a doctor, get a therapist or work on her issues, figure out her actual turn ons, learn proper Photoshop or video effects to make better movies and photos, etc
But she does none of that, she's the least serious person I've ever seen in a career and I know students working at convenience stores. Her and Kyle wouldn't know "power" if it took its first steps on their asses on its way to the top

No. 18930


considering the ugly faces she makes during porn she probably thinks this is a sexy face too lol

No. 18931

really? just because you're in a relationship, doesn't mean you can't say no, or not want to do something. spousal/partner rape is a thing. shut the fuck up.

not saying that's the case here, but we all know fatty's a creepy rape fetishist.

No. 18932

For newfags:

Not bathing/showering

Lying about abuse/trauma

Childhood, rape, shaving head, ED, weed allergy

Genital Sores

Begged for customers and followers for money and giftcards to get a new camera for work. Then posts this
but didn't use it for that reason either.

Begs for money incessantly, but criticizes people for creating internet fundraisers like gofundme.


… then sets up a fundraiser for hair a month later… for hair after doing it herself and having chunks fall out!


Giveaway scam
(1/4) >>>/snow/482675
(2/4) >>>/snow/482676
(3/4) >>>/snow/482677
(4/4) >>>/snow/482678
(giveaway) >>>/snow/482690

No. 18933

Honestly I've noticed a couple of times where she wears the same underwear for like 2-3 days at a time. The photos she posted when she first moved to OK, she had the same grey panties on for way over 24hours

No. 18934

Wasn't she also charging people to buy panties she'd worn for days at a time?

No. 18935

I mean, he's already fucked her in her sleep and I doubt they established boundaries and permissions first. He himself has even said shay has a history of not being confident to say no to him when she doesn't want something or if she's past her limits during sex so if she didn't want it she wouldn't have stopped him when she woke up. God, he's actually the most incompetent Dom ever, goes well with her sexual incompetence but it can be worse if the Dom can't be trusted to get anything right. I mean, if he's playing the "daddy Dom" persona, can't be at least coach his girl on how to give a blow job? Like he can't even receive a blow job properly, how can shay expect him to understand bdsm dynamics?

No. 18936

she tried to sell panties from one of her videos, i think ones she pissed in, but i don't think she tried to make much of a business out of it beyond that.

No. 18937

Yes, one of the add-ons you can get for buying her panties is a few dollars more per extra day worn. Honestly you'd be better off not paying that because Lord knows she'd accidentally wear those ones for about a week anyways. I'm actually curious how many panties she's actually sold, and how many actually went to people who'd get off on it and how many were just her dumb fans

No. 18938

The dumbest thing is she does the deed first then offers to sell. Like the piss panties and poop eggs. Like you can't just keep em around ages as they go rancid waiting for a seller.

No. 18939

Lmao don't get so triggered. How often do spousal rape victims brag on Tumblr about how badly they wanted to be fucked? Please. You guys act like you're flies on the wall when it's all speculation. The more incorrect assumptions we make, the more Fupa and Shay think they're right.

No. 18940

chill, it's not a big deal

No. 18941


No. 18942

i know people keep saying this, but holy fuck there is no aspect of their lives that isn't tumblr whore porn fodder. she thinks this shit is so ~goals~ and ~aesthetics~ but i wouldn't wish her bleak depressing life on my worst enemy. no friends, no family, kept woman to a starfucker boyfriend. she gives me the creeps.

No. 18943

She says that she just hit 150k recently though she was revolting and charging people saying that it was to her 150k didn’t she, so she was lying ??

No. 18944

tumblr has been empty for so long too

No. 18945

imagine your life being so barren that you get your boyfriend of five months to take pictures of you with a snapchat filter painting the walls of your cheaply assembled tornado fodder an ugly fucking brown color solely to post on social media, all the while wearing crusty drawers and a musty bandana. god, it's a fucking nightmare.

No. 18946

this should be added to the next OP

No. 18947

is she ever not wearing that nasty hoodie

No. 18948

this bitch was really just picking at her boob on cam, hopefully someone got a screengrab because im mad i didnt

No. 18949


pretty sure she said she had a scab on her boob? im sure everyone wants to hear about that while they're supposed to being paying her to be "sexy"

No. 18950

that ball sack labia…. damn shay

No. 18951

How is this girl so incompetent? This isn't chat time, this isn't about her, it's about her clients
If a cam girl or porn star "makes it about her" it's to serve the audience that wants that. If shay is going to be a super sub or baby girl she's got to make it about the audience and give them her full attention acting like she cares about what they think and say because that's what she's trying to be paid to do. Dumbass is so stupid, and not in the "baby" way she claims she is. She just has no future and was lucky to get a shitty bf in Kyle Perkins willing to pay her rent and let her be pathetic deadweight in their life

No. 18952

someone said "can i pay u to stop" and then she got off kek

No. 18953

I'm crying, she's already gone. Bitch can't do shit, she can't do her job, she can't take care of her house, she can't get a good bf, she leaves at the first negative comment. Just give up shay, you're hopeless (or don't cause we're the closest thing you have to fans, we just don't pay)

No. 18954



do they… just, like, not see how pedophilic that sort of thing is. does it not register? do they not see how fucking disgusting that is?

No. 18955


Is she actually literally popping a pussy zit live, for anyone in the world to see? The scope of her oblivion is astounding.

No. 18956

Did anyone see how much she made tonight? I'd love to see how much she is ~thriving~ with her rage quitting her damn job for tonight haha

No. 18957



No. 18958

My god the absolute state of her wrinkly ballsack.

No. 18959

File: 1538462261639.gif (2.51 MB, 350x200, giphy (1).gif)

imagine living with a haggard dad of 3 that "calms you down" by coaxing you into sex, having no job or life experience whatsoever, with a busted non-existent ass and wrinkly, zit-covered pussy, where your only "work" is getting naked infront of strangers that couldn't care less enough to even pay you more than $30, and rage-quitting the minute someone says one even VAGUELY mean thing to you.

T H R I V I N G.

(forgot to sage the first time rip)

No. 18960

bless you anon. going back through all the threads must have been a pain in the ass.

No. 18961

She claims to love sex work but if she did, she wouldn't need to get shit faced every night that she's on cam. It's sad. It's also aging her rapidly.

No. 18962

so she didn't even shower after painting? and still wearing the same damn underwear for the past full 2-3 days?

No. 18963

File: 1538479316879.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.52 KB, 1280x706, tumblr_pfyooyzx7m1rmiw96o1_128…)

She changed her schedule times, again. She's never going to make any regulars.

It also says that her schedule photos is from her new unreleased video called “Find Me Finger Fucking”

That thought is so disgusting, she doesn't even wash her hands or sanitizes her toys.. EVER
(watch her start making posts about cleaning them just to prove us wrong, hi shayna!)

No. 18964

Working so hard with those three days a week and 4 hours a day!

No. 18965

I see that belly pudge starting to come through already

No. 18966

Honestly I'm not sure I buy that, Fupa looks fucked up but not old enough to have a daughter in her early 20s. Shay doesn't look like a teenager.

So she's back to two hours?

No. 18967

Yeah I'm with you, pretty it's bullshit. Would explain why she didn't want to say his age on cam, since there's only a little over 10 years between them

No. 18968

shay would be bragging about that even if it was said by one of the clearly special needs/sperg cashiers that walmart always hires (which if it actually happened is probably the case)

No. 18969

She looks old as fuck but it's also a testament to the fact that Fupa looks like he's pushing 55.

No. 18970

Looks like some sort of odd coping mechanism for anxiety or just a nervous tick?
When does she do this, is it in correlation to any sort of happening such as people leaving or joining or asking her stuff?
Total armchair/tinfoil but that shit aint normal.

No. 18971

It's probably just because she still doesn't know what to do with herself when she's on cam

No. 18972

Is she fucking serious? Shes PICKING HER FUCKING MEGAGROSS PUSSY LIVE ON CAM, and has the AUDACITY to get mad when people want it to stop?
It's fucking supremely disgusting and fully understandable that theyd pay her to stop that.

No. 18973

nah. you should watch one of her cam shows sometime honestly. she's incredibly lazy and rude and i think it's just the equivalent at this point of a guy constantly having his hand down his pants.

No. 18974

I've watched maybe 2 or 3, but I've never seen her do that actually.
I'm on a different continent and unlike Shay I have an actual job so catching her streams is difficult sometimes. I rely on you brave and wonderous anons to supply the milk.

No. 18975

Took her to wal-mart to get wine in good ol' Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wow Shay your daddy sure does spoil you. jfc it can't get anymore white trash than this.

No. 18976

Shay, don't reduce your damn night hours because you added a measly 2 extra hours during the day we know you're not going to do. It looks bad. Also the total laziness to not fully cam on Thursday because you think you need literally the whole day to last minute film Friday's video is laughable. Not to mention the stupidity to not cam on Friday of all days when even you might make money with all the extra people who can stay up late cause they don't work at their actual jobs the next day. Then Saturday is blank, Sunday isn't even mentioned, and you've dropped doing a photoset
Well done Shay at starting to take our advice but your laziness preventing you from actually being good. Btw, your hours also don't mean shit when you run away from them

No. 18977

File: 1538493043934.png (119.48 KB, 640x1136, EDC6536E-2D7C-4926-B70F-359F4C…)

Lmao such a hard worker. Sigh.

No. 18978

Also pretty sure she is lying. It should be 2 almost 3 years???

No. 18979

She started while underage.

No. 18980

lol she thinks she has a job

No. 18981


How long until they get featured on "People of WalMart"?

No. 18982

kek that is just shay’s “baby speak”
>”for” almost 3 years

No. 18983

No she didn’t. She was lying. You can’t start camming on any site without age verification.

No. 18984


A lot of sites do let you cam without age verification you just cant cash out

No. 18985


plus shit like skype and "private camming"

No. 18986

Does she actually make money on her shows? She always seems like she strips down so quick so no one pays for it.

No. 18987

The first thing she started offering was a private blog, when she was about to turn 18. She had underage naked pictures on that private blog. She didn’t start camming on MFC until late 2015, early 2016.

No. 18988

She’s on cam now, anons. I’m not able to screenshot so have a blast.


someone just tipped her and she was like “oh…thanksssss” and didn’t do anything, kek.

No. 18989

"walking is overrated i should totally be carried everywhere" no you shouldnt shay, you're already packing on the pounds

No. 18990

shes forever getting tipped to do something, then totally just ignores it….

No. 18991

File: 1538502881133.jpg (263.86 KB, 970x739, Screenshot_20181002-125255_Chr…)

"It's not even 1 p.m. and I'm already tipsy. Tipsy Mattel."

t h r i v i n g

No. 18992

She’s been drinking every day for the past week, wth is going on?

No. 18993

shes "thriving" duh

No. 18994

I wish she would stop playing that horrible fucking music. The only thing less sexier than her is that music

No. 18995

Seriously! If you want a barbie bimbo vibe, okay music that reflects that like bubblegum pop and shit like that. If you want a hipster stoner vibe, play 60s and 70s rock and that kind of shit. She doesn’t understand aesthetics at all yet constantly posts about how ~*aesthetic*~ all her videos and basic bitch outfits are.

No. 18996

all i can see is that giant zit on her ass staring me right in the face

No. 18997

File: 1538504143016.png (Spoiler Image,335.6 KB, 779x467, jesusfuckingchrist.png)

she just gave us the perfect view of it too

No. 18998

She just looks so covered in filth and grime

No. 18999

Wait… I might just be late to notice but does she have 2 phones?

No. 19000

She really said “don’t mind my cute little pimple” is this real life?

No. 19001

She actually thinks her bad hygiene in cute?

No. 19002

Does she actually have any other sex toys? Why does she only ever use the damn wand. We've seen it a 100 times over.

No. 19003

there's a dude asking if she's wet in chat and she got mad at him… does she know where she is?

No. 19004

Nope, even though she constantly begs her followers for spare change to buy “a new toy”, we have yet to see any new dildos from amazon.

No. 19005

EXACTLY! Why wouldn't she say yes and talk dirty to get him to tip her? And she wonders why nobody ever tips her….

No. 19006

Apparently you're not allowed to sexualize sex workers during their sex work

No. 19007

Someone asked how she like OK compared to WA and all she did was talk about her stupid cardboard house and nothing else, and did not seem happy about it at all.

No. 19008

that's too obvious

No. 19009

lol she changed music just because we talked about it, but she's still too pathetic to choose something that matches her supposed aesthetic

No. 19010

I feel like she has this thread pulled up while she cams and that's what she does when shes scrolling on her phone.

No. 19011

She sounds like she's either drunk or on something and doesn't even make eye contact with the camera, no smiling, you'd think she was doing a mind-numbing office job in her underwear and accidentally left her webcam on.

No. 19012

50 guests, 1 premium. How sad.

No. 19013

I think she’s on something too but it looked like she was texting and then started blotting around her eye like she was starting to cry

No. 19014


at least she finally decided to change her underwear after a week. probably only because she got called out on it yesterday.

No. 19015

she looks and sounds like this every time i've ever seen her on cam lol she was actually a little nicer today than usual

No. 19016

She looks so miserable, and was she crying towards the end?

No. 19017

idk i think some of you are looking for something that's not there
she was def hungover at least, she was drinking ginger ale. i didn't notice anything out of the ordinary from any of the other times i've seen her cam during the day tho.

No. 19018

this is just getting sad honestly. i don't even laugh at her antics anymore. please get therapy shay. go back to your parents house, get well and get a regular job. it's really okay to abandon something if it isn't working out.
you've tried the sex work thing, it ain't working, no shame in moving on to something else.

No. 19019

samefag but like, it was funny when she was gleefully being a fuck up. now she's obviously miserable and it's just depressing.

No. 19020

honestly she got herself into this situation. "lay down with dogs, get fleas" and all that.
she probably thought that moving in with fupa meant that she had a full time caregiver and now she's just a full time sex toy.
i have no sympathy for the girl, regardless of how ~uwu depressed~ she is/acts.
besides, it cant look good for their relationship or for Fupa himself that she posts about constantly being unhappy, so that probably causes more issues with him.
i'd say that they need to stop posting their entire lives on tumblr for the sake of their relationship, but this dumpster fire is a great form of entertainment.

No. 19021

someone asked about her pro porn before she got off. She said “I think everything I’ve done is out already” which means she only shot with ATK if that’s the case, and didn’t get the bookings she claimed. Remember when she was going there and she claimed she got multiple bookings and was going to be super busy? Guess all of those bookings were with ATK, kek.

No. 19022

If Shay reads here, she could say or write something about Ribmeat. How is the cat? Is it still alive?

No. 19023

hasn't she mentioned the cat a few times since moving?

No. 19024

I can’t wait for the inevitable day when Kyle Perkins is out in public with her, and someone he knows sees them.
How long does he plan on hiding her in that empty house, from everyone he knows? He already acts ashamed with her in public.
Can’t hide her forever, Kyle.

No. 19025

i hope it's the ex wife, kek

No. 19026

hopefully the ex wife without the kids along.

No. 19027

File: 1538511480490.png (6.5 KB, 464x174, 2018-10-02 16_15_58-cam was li…)

lmao you guys in her cam room have been called out

No. 19028

Imagine being camming for "nearly 3 years" and never done a fingering video.

Wot r u doin Shay?

No. 19029

usually she has those horrendous, bacteria-filled acrylics is probably why

No. 19030

Does it never click in her head if tips aren't coming in and no one is talking then maybe you're doing something wrong?

No. 19031

Does fupa even talk to her anymore??? Its like their relationship totally stopped after they moved in together..

No. 19032

Didn't she say a while back that ~dada~ is the only one that gets to see her get fingered when she sent him a video? And didn't she hate fingering before that?

No. 19033

can u blame her? who would wana stick anything inside her nasty pussy. seriously?

No. 19034

I keep thinking about how she could make more money than camming solely by doing doordash or Uber eats…but her bum ass doesn’t have a car. Even tho she makes “”$55k”” a year.

No. 19035

She could make more at McDonald's. The bitch works 10 hrs a week lol.

No. 19036


tbh it doesnt matter how much "more" she could make, the girl has zero work ethic. she's made enough to skim by (probably with her Dads help, plus all of the e-begging) this long, she's not going to want to get up and work.
she cant sit on her phone, pick her sores, and get cross faded at work.

No. 19037


the reality is she's a lazy cunt and wouldn't last with a job. yeah, she could have a steady income and a real job, but why bother when she can get high, drunk and pink her pussy, ass and tit sores at home and on camera for people who tip her pennies. she's absolutely thriving!

No. 19038

At least the carpet in that room isn't as grimy as in her apt in Seattle (yet)

No. 19039


except she's still on that fucking pink rug

No. 19040

She put a box in front of her camera, is that what makes it “voyeur”? Because that’s not the right angle or voyeur.

No. 19041

you're crawling along the ground and find some girl masturbating uh also on the ground its every guys fantasy!

No. 19042

Why not do the alien video? She has the prop for it and it's laughable to think she'd actually create a set for it so she has all she needs
Oh wait, she's just going to continue her scam by not making this video. There are probably two fans left that actually remember it being a thing

No. 19043

File: 1538535127511.png (586.14 KB, 1125x2436, BDD418D2-1F3E-444D-B17D-2B5C66…)

pt 1

No. 19044

File: 1538535160539.jpeg (731.5 KB, 1125x2068, F1482526-C36D-46D5-9F85-4DF910…)

pt 2
I’m howling y’all

No. 19045

lol so much her dada taking care of her wants/needs

lmaoooo she stays makes fucking pennies trying to pass it off as making good money. It's amazing and kind of depressing how many people eat this shit up.

No. 19046

you break a bill a night like twice a month Shay
she really flexing as if her parents didn’t pay her rent the whole time in Seattle

No. 19047

She’s online talking about ideas and getting advice for videos she’ll never make.
She’s so fucking boring.

No. 19048

she wants to order something so she can stick candy corn up her ass.
still slapping her thighs out of boredom and wearing one of two hoodies.

No. 19049

do u think she has vodka in her gatorade? >>19048

No. 19050

is she listening to fupa's music becasue i don't recall her listening to this type of music.
oh an she's finally getting naked after an hour of being on cam.

No. 19051

someone tipped her the whole amount, $35

No. 19052

and what a shock it’s another fangirl that tipped her. Someone record the sad strip show

No. 19053

isn't fupa supposed to be keeping her on a cleaning schedule because she's flaring up again.

No. 19054

File: 1538543710185.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.85 KB, 492x526, wtf.jpg)

Even from far away you already see the breakouts.

No. 19055

File: 1538543769008.jpg (Spoiler Image,928.39 KB, 1539x1217, gross.jpg)

She does her uber cringe dance and shows off her asscne and boils.

No. 19056

File: 1538543866289.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.77 KB, 1557x1226, gross1.jpg)

Yikes, She got really close to the cam, her breakouts have been getting ridiculously bad, which is odd since she's been posting a lot about her "bath time" lately.

No. 19057

She seriously looks like a twink with butt acne here.


I know some discoloration around genitals is pretty normal, but her shit looks inflamed? Everything looks so angry, sore, and red.

No. 19058

Bath time doesn't do much if you're letting a greasy, unwashed fupapa rub up all over you. Also, let's be real, their sheets are probably filthy.

No. 19059

She says she totally would do a lesbian custom and has "been meaning to do one lately"

No. 19060

And she walked in mud with her bare feet for a video. She's so inconsistent and fucking dumb.

Also her asscne looks 10x worse than when she called her pimple "cute"
These inflammations seem to look like an STD/STI breakout.

Shayna Clifford, please go see a gyno lmao. It's very common these days to contract an STI and I'm sure you and Kyle Perkins have something.

No. 19061

Bitch with what lesbian kek

No. 19062

Very Pumpy-esque looking.
Tinfoiling but maybe she's seen pumps threads and is trying to emulate.

Would have to lose all that extra chub though

No. 19063

File: 1538544590929.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.93 KB, 495x436, 6tt.jpg)

All she does is drink, she's already ballooned up so much. give it a couple more weeks

No. 19064

she keeps picking at her tit because her cat scratched it and someone asked if she had a splinter in her boob


No. 19065

File: 1538544926199.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.51 KB, 518x423, zit.jpg)

Picking at her pubic zits per usual

No. 19066

Team Skeet

No. 19067

File: 1538545264094.jpg (33.33 KB, 264x194, drg.jpg)

Doesn't she already have one a dragon dick that she still hasn't made any content with yet? Why is she asking for another?

No. 19068


lol Bad Dragon literally gives dildos away for free to sex workers if she just asks them

No. 19069

lol yeah she even showed it off on cam earlier

No. 19070

I hate her scammy ass so much

No. 19071

She's talking about how she has a demanding shrill voice, and how people do what she wants so they don't have to hear her voice anymore. She says she's insecure about how she sounds.

At least she knows about it. She right, she doesn't have the most pleasant sounding voice. Whether it's her natural lowpitched man voice, or with her fake baby voice. Shrill is actually a perfect word to describe it.

No. 19072

well… unless you take a quick shower before or after a bath, you're literally stewing in your own filth. i doubt she's aware of that, let alone would she care enough to put forth that much effort.

that could actually explain how bad her butt acne is lately… especially since they probably didn't do a deep clean on the bathroom, if any clean at all.


No. 19073

She totally bought weed from her friend’s friend in Seattle who 1) lived in a mansion and 2) its also an Elvis memorabilia museum and ALSO 3) they have parties there all the time and she got invited. Totally guys!!

No. 19074

another shitty wannabe camgirl desperate for attention

No. 19075

She’s about to get offline when her room is the fullest it’s been lol, if she’d just put in 3-5 hours like…she could probably make more than $50 kek

No. 19076

probably some ugly land whale looking for her attention so she can be popular on tumblr, kek. Those are the only type of women that pay Shayna.

No. 19077

>”sometimes I make hundreds of dollars an hour.”

With this kind of excitement? Sure Jan.

No. 19078


They don’t do it anymore because people were using sex workers links to get free doldos.

No. 19079

She always talks about stealing people's college funds and shit, but yet her dad's the one putting someone else thru university. While she's stuck in white trash hickville Oklahoma, with a loser beta neckbeard from tumblr. Who leaves her in some shitty outdated filthy ass empty house to wallow in her shitty life decisions.


As her caregiver, he confirms just how pathetic their life is by leaking vids her looking half dead as she attempts to suck his dick while he keeps his shirt or body shaper on bc of his excess skin and man tits from when he was obese. She's broke as fuck and already has to beg for essensials, yet he still posts the shit for free bc he knows nobody wants to pay for her content anyways but still wants the validation from people seeing, and to prove that he doesn't touch her pussy, and that she actually sucks his chode.

He makes her bathe more in a week than she ever has in a 2 yrs b4 bc even he knows how disgusting her pussy is. Yet all those baths and times falling alseep in the shower still wont wash away all those pussy and ass boils or the fact that this is now her reality. Kek.

No. 19080

Tbh she looks so sad on cam, she's in bumblefuck with no friends, and with fupa working full time then the gym. Does he have custody at all? Visitation? His time is all spent up. No wonder she was actually super happy when he got exposed months ago, instead of supporting him, she manipulated him into making content with her, since people already saw his face on twitter. Bc before, he def wanted to stay out of it. Once he fixes his relationship with his fam, and he will… She's going to go crazy.

No. 19081


Yeah it's doubtful he's going to patch shit up with his family. He's a loser, deadbeat Dad and his ex-wife has already moved on. He sounds like a scumbag anyway, those kids are prob better off without him. Now that the ex knows about Shay, like hell she's going to let her kids be involved with fupapa when he's fucking around with Shay lol

No. 19082

As much as fupa is hate-able. it's seriously about the kids, he can have his own relationship with them, away from his relationship with their mom or with shay. The kids shouldn't have to suffer, if he's ever willing, and if they want a relationship with their dad.

No. 19083

File: 1538548927869.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59.88 KB, 400x400, 39FAAB78-3007-4FBD-9A2E-6A2C4F…)

Shay with darker hair. Posted to tumblr with captions “plain Jane to Bimbo barbie”
In her new video you can see where her cat supposedly scratched her, she’s gotta pick either bruises or scabs because both makes her look like a straight crackhead…

No. 19084

Jesus, if I were her parents I'd be weeping. Also, seems like she's always had the dark circles.

No. 19085

90% of the time they're genetic

No. 19086


Sorry, but his kids aren't "suffering" in a stable household where they are currently. If Kyle wanted to be present in their life, he would be, but it's apparent he's not. What exactly would make him want to patch things up now, even if the kids want to? They would definitely suffer if they ever have the misfortune of being around Kyle and/or Shay. Without her? So what, they never come to his house, because Shay never leaves that cardboard box.

No. 19087

How has she been buying all her cheap Amazon shit up to now if she doesn't have a debit/credit card? Gift cards? PayPal? If so why can't she just use those? Or Fupapa's card? They're already living together surely he can't be so stingy that he wouldn't let her use his card to buy shit…right?

No. 19088

She constantly begs for amazon giftcards, doesn't she?

No. 19089

She is delusional.

No. 19090

Top fucking kek anon, that's a sweet sentiment but I can almost guarantee that the kids aren't suffering, and will probably better off not seeing their absolute degenerate of a father.

No. 19091

agreed. often a deadbeat dad/negative influence is worse than no dad at all.

No. 19092

I wouldn't want my kids seeing their father if he was so happy and willing to humiliate and abuse young women.

No. 19093

>>19041 could be a version of the alien video since human manlets tend to be taller than 1ft

No. 19094

>bc of his excess skin and man tits from when he was obese.
>when he was obese.

Uhm, what? He still is.
Without that man-corset, sucking it in like a champ for photos, and angles, he is still chub chub.

No. 19095

Plus they have their step-dad right? They're wayyy better off never seeing Kyle. He probably barely pays any child support or alimony.

No. 19096

That's eerily spot on.

No. 19097


Even though they don't do it anymore, BD always had the stipulation that the Demon Dick was the one you couldn't get for free; not like they dont have tons of demonic looking dildos to choose from though

Sage 4 dildo sperg

No. 19098

i think that may actually suit her

No. 19099

She's too gross and too far gone to change anything at this point honestly

No. 19100

It would suit her but she'll never change. I don't know why she clings to the bimbo sugarbaby fuckpig mess she's got going now but she'll be clinging to it until she's 40 and barely bringing in guests.

No. 19101

File: 1538585388526.gif (Spoiler Image,2.13 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg01w5XZwV1rmiw96o1_540…)

god she is so crusty

No. 19102

File: 1538585440883.gif (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg01w5XZwV1rmiw96o5_540…)

included in the "find me fingering" gifset on tumblr
that scratch on her boob is not doing her any favors

No. 19103

this angle does her no favors jfc

No. 19104

her posture is giving me scoliosis

No. 19105

File: 1538585563178.png (10.88 KB, 239x370, 2018-10-03 12_50_28-Mozilla Fi…)

for the farmers obsessed with the alien dildo still
shay – stop acting like you don't just shit out these video concepts and film them in a day

No. 19106

all these weird facial expressions that she makes lately have me wondering if early adulthood mental illness is setting in. the stress of being in a new place with some fat loser who likes to slap you around could be adding to it, idg why she keeps on gurning like a freak. stop making these creepy faces shay, you look unhinged.

No. 19107

If you were turkey detail oriented you’d already have an idea for the fucking background Shay. Nothing about your videos is detail oriented, as it’s clear you shoot and edit everything in one day with no retakes. Plus you do the same shit every video, real detail oriented.

No. 19108

sorry for the typo. REALLY* detail oriented, not turkey.

No. 19109

Next video idea for shay: dresses up as a cowmaid from the 1700s and shows off the cowpox on her ass and rolls in her filth

No. 19110

I will die of laughter if she steals this idea.

No. 19111

lol why on earth would she do this??

No. 19112

She is dumb and lazy

No. 19113


didnt she post pictures once, forever ago, in a milkmaid costume?

No. 19114

nah it was a beermaid/beer wench thing

No. 19115

just seems like an obscure concept for her

No. 19116

File: 1538591097476.jpg (621.46 KB, 4000x2249, typhoid-mary-villain-or-victim…)

What is with her facial expressions in this gif alone? She really is teetering between drunk mom and special needs child lately.

Typhoid Mary themed video as she goes around rubbing her bits on everything and making 'sexy' faces while doing it.

No. 19117

every time she curls her lips up she looks like an old woman with no teeth

No. 19118

So detail-oriented clearly you can see all the aesthetic and artistic intent >>19102. That terrible camera angle, the total lack of making fingering interesting, the fact that this is no different than her cam shows demonstrates a meta quality of realness…
Ok I'll stop with the Patrick Bateman shit but seriously, the fact that you wouldn't know she changed houses between porn videos isn't a good thing for someone claiming her past place was too small and her new stuff would look nice at the bigger house. Or for her ever making well selling videos

No. 19119


lmao is her wall dirty? like next to the string light behind the L in mattel

No. 19120

I don’t think she’s aware she can shoot in other rooms of the house besides the bathroom and the dirty room where she drinks and cams and fucks herself on the floor with dirty toys.


No. 19121

Yep it is.

Fupa probably banished her to that one room but even then she could at least get a damn inflatable mattress to use.

No. 19122

so detail oriented and aesthetic

No. 19123

How could you ever let your kids around, let alone associate with in general, a ddlg practicer? AKA Pedophilia lite

No. 19124

I have a feeling fupa was already banned from seeing his kids for whatever reason. He just looks like the type that didn’t get or even fought for visititation or custody rights after the divorce

No. 19125

I think she's dumb enough to think because she does that setup enough, it's "iconic" or TMDollyMattel. Or at least she's convinced herself this so she doesn't have to come up with anything good

No. 19126

File: 1538600130653.jpeg (204.51 KB, 650x1280, 43DD3BAA-9529-4A9D-97A4-903EA7…)

Why…. would you go into the bathroom to take this photo?

No. 19127

It doesn't normally bother me as much as some farmers seem to hate it but the pinks in this really clash…

No. 19128

That's such a frumpy outfit and makes her look 5 times heavier than she is.

No. 19129

Grandma Mattel make another appearance

No. 19130

Also what made her think this is even vaguely secretary like? She should have worn a sheer button up top and a long pencil skirt with stiletto heels and maybe glasses like those but certainly not ones that look like she bought them at Claire’s.

No. 19131

Her sweater looks like it’s on backwards

No. 19132

So is granny Mattel the next Shay reincarnation? Wtf!?

No. 19133

Why would you even take this photo?

No. 19134

At this point I'm convinced she and fupa just moved into a large bathroom – no house

No. 19135

Thats because it definitely is.
t. draft apparel patterns for a living

No. 19136

But how is she supposed to show her "cleavage" if she wears it the right way?

No. 19137

For real. We’ve seen: the kitchen (appliances came with house), empty “dining room area”, the living room in infamous bj video (couch and tv, maybe tv stand), the bathroom, and the “cam room”. So basically. They have a couch and a tv. And probably a bed with no bedframe. She has stated she takes pics in the bathroom because it’s good light. Does this house also have no windows?

No. 19138


Pixielocks? Is that you?(hi cow)

No. 19139

She's as embarrassed by herself and Fupa is and didn't want him to walk in on her posing and taking a trillion pictures in hopes that one looks acceptable.

No. 19140

Who the hell is that??

No. 19141

She's really talking about the video now, recently reblogged the picture of it with her plus is answering asks about it. I wonder how long this lie is going to last again. And if she does actually do it, how little effort she'll actually put in when it comes to filming compared to what she's claiming she'll do in asks

No. 19142

just realized she made that voyeurism video with the teddy bear but the camera is on the ground… doesn’t she have a boyfriend she lives with now who is sooo supportive of her sex work who could really help her out by idk… holding the camera?

No. 19143

He was probably asleep anon. Like he was while she was camming last night.

No. 19144

Micky has this exact skirt lol it's the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen (happy oct 3) it looks like a parachute with pattern from a 80's diner tablecloth. pick pleated skirts that only flare at the bottom so you don't look like you're 3 months pregnant Shay MATCH UR FUCKING SHADES

No. 19145

Right, because the none of the 3 kids will ever think about their biological dad at all at any point, right? Not like it's ever been proven that an absent parent is detrimental to a childs growth, development or psyche. Not like there are a million published research of this. Especially an absent father.

Stop. No one's defending Fupa here, don't get it twisted.
Not defending past actions, not saying at the current state either, but as a potetial for the future if things are ever right. If the father can ever be in a child's life, granted he's in a good place and the mother or primary caregiver agrees.

There a ton of people who are shitty wives/husbands, ex's, employers/employees, with all sorts of vices, or indulgences in their personal lives, but are amazing parents to their children.

Kids always suffer without their father in their lives, especially during the formative years, it's tied to self-esteem, depression, aggression, more likely do poorly in school, more likely to use drugs, be incarcerated, commit suicide, the list goes on and on.

People can change, and if Fupa somehow proves himself and the mother trusts him, why not?

No. 19146


>if he's in a good place

bitch where

No. 19147

This is seriously ridiculous in my opinion, they have a father figure in their lives and nothing can redeem a man who likes girls to act like children while he beats them, sorry.

No. 19148

>letting a man that reblogs literal snuff fantasies around your children
yeah no

No. 19149

I think being around a man that fucks girls who act like babies and has rape fantasies and claims that he's naturally an asshole while liking extremely violent snuff, is a hell of a lot more detrimental to a child than an absent father.

No. 19150

Lol yeah no. No father is always better than a horrible one, I'm speaking from experience too. I'm sure many many others like me would agree. Obviously having no father has some potential negatives but you're deluded and misinformed if you think it's BETTER than being psychologically tortured and abused your whole life by a shitty psychotic father who will terrify you your whole life, and we have tons of evidence suggesting that fupa would be and was a very toxic and mentally harmful parent plus he's uhh literally a creepy pedophile wannabe who helps sexualize toys his DAUGHTER played/plays with..

No. 19151

Thank god for the sane farmers who don't buy into this >>19145 complete and utter bullshittery.

No. 19152

Why hasn't she learned to match shades of pink yet?? She colorblind?

No. 19153

Right because we all know what kind of a father Fupa is bc we've seen him with his children first hand, and we are all qualified to dictate family and custodial rights in Oklahoma?

Jokes aside, The post said, "potential for the future" and it also included a caveat of their mom agreeing. Obviously if the mom were to ever agree, the scenario and factors have to be exponentially different than how things are. The post was talking in the scenario that he'd be already completely reformed. Obviously if Fupa wasn't a fit parent, then it would never happen.

It's already been posted that the mom is going thru attorneys, so if there will ever be any approved future interaction, it will go thru phases where it will be limited and supervised. That's a long road away, that he may never reach.

All the post was stating was if Fupa were to ever change, and into standards deemed suitable, and ones his ex wife trusts and feels comfortable (which is highly unlikely he ever will) then he should be able to have some sort of relationship with his kids. Because if a parent is evaluated, proven fit, approved by the primary caregiver, and has a desire to enrich and be involved in his kids life they should have a chance, because the statistics for children with absent parents are staggering. And if it's an instances to where the children can benefit, without risk of harm, then why not.

But am I holding my breath, obviously not. Also adding, not like Fupa wants to be with his kids anyways.

No. 19154

Too many hypotheticals for that much of a scumbag

No. 19155

Yeah, it just so fucked up that he could be a better caregiver for his boil infested girlfriend, than for his kids. It's fucking unfortunate. If he ever did want to start the journey of ever being back in their lives, Shay would never have it.

No. 19156

Fupa's blog flags a malicious on my browser. Is anyone getting that warning too?

No. 19157

Someone in the last thread said it's because he uses a tracker
I personally am able to delete the https://www. from the URL and it stops that (Firefox) but someone else said they tried that and it was still doing it so who knows

No. 19158

He uses a tracker. You can usually get rid of it by taking away the http://www portion or by clicking him from a tagged post on tumblr.

No. 19159

What information does a tracker show him?

No. 19160

Usually the ISP and where they came from/if they followed a link to that blog.

No. 19161

Looool like, for what?
He thinks he's so smart and famous.

Idk about you guys, but I'm getting a feeling that fupa is already over Shay. He doesn't really seem to care any more.

Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma

No. 19162


I regret this as I ask it, what is a poop egg? how does it relate to this thread?

No. 19163


last spring shay dressed up like the easter bunny and shoved plastic easter egg hunt eggs up her ass. I wish I were joking.

No. 19164

couple threads back, she shoved some cheap plastic dollar store easter eggs up her ass and shat them back out.

No. 19165

>if Fupa somehow proves himself and the mother trusts him, why not?

1. He lied about Shay to the mother of his kids. He reblogs violent porn and dubiously consensual/legal sexual content.

2. He was a deadbeat dad and a shitty husband to the point that his OWN MOMMA picked the daughter-in-law over him.

3. The kids have a new dad that's miles better than Fupa. I doubt they're going to be too upset about not seeing deadbeat and his special needs girlfriend.

No. 19166

I don't understand why people like this are so obsessed with the natural father being an absolute necessity to a child's life.

a good step father is leagues better than a shitty or indifferent sperm donor.

Fupa will never be anything but a sperm donor.

No. 19167

Samefag but I forgot he also lied to Shay and told her that his family were all/mostly dead and he was an orphan or some shit.

So he's lying to his ex-wife/baby's momma about the new girl and lying to the new girl about his ex-wife and family.

Fupa wouldn't give a shit about messing up his kids if he's already fucked over his family, his wife and her family, and now Shay as well.

Fupa's #1 priority is himself.

No. 19168

Seriously, if Kyle gave a shit about his kids then he would make the effort to be in their lives. This isn't a situation where a bitter ex is keeping a well meaning father away from her kids out of spite, his ex wife TRIED to encourage a relationship between the kids and Fupa even after they split. He squandered that, the kids have a mother and stepfather that love them and I'm sure that they've made it clear that Fupa's lack of involvement in their life has nothing to do with them. Anons need to keep their daddy issues out of the thread

No. 19169

Yeah, he not only lied about Shay being a "graphic designer", he also lied about his parents being dead and going through foster care. Wonder what else he has lied about?

Not only does he reblog violent porn and talk about his murder/kidnapping/rape fantasies, he also partakes in ddlg kink. He refers to Shay as a little girl, has had sex with her while she sucks on a pacifier, etc. Then there's the whole Shay calling him daddy/dada, wearing diapers, peeing in a training potty, wearing little kids clothes, and shit like that.

I'm on board with the other anons saying the kids are better off. They have a stepfather, they'll be fine. They don't need some creepy, gross, degenerate deadbeat in their lives.

No. 19170


She just said her card still hasn't come in. What the fuck.

No. 19171

shay can you please play some abba

No. 19172

LOL she said she doesnt want to order from amazon twice. She just wants it all at once.

No. 19173


she is so desperate for money while on cam

that's not a good look

No. 19174

"over 850 ft, thats way more than i need. i'm getting it anyway"

Is she a hoarder?

No. 19175


she's too poor to be hoarder lol. she can barely afford basic essentials.

No. 19176

She's mouthing off this dude who told her "im about to cum baby"

"TO WHAT? Me sitting here grinding weed and drinking wine in a hoodie? you people can sexualise anything. you people can sexualise a chicken wing. You can get off to anything"

No. 19177

Has anyone found her spotify yet? I am really enjoying this music.

No. 19178

her "job" is being sexualized. stop smoking so much fucking crack, shayna.

No. 19179

Jesus Shay you fucking moron. You're playing a submissive baby not a bitchy bimbo for humiliation, play the part, ask him if he'd like you to do anything to help him get there faster so he pays you. Also be happy they're getting off to you cause you're doing jack shit and trying to make money off of it/get them horny so they pay you to do more with nothing. You're a cam girl, if you don't like that then don't do it. Yes you can have limits, being sexualized isn't one of them because YOU HAVE CONSENTED TO THIS. Obviously all you're going to get a these chicken wing fetishists cause you're not doing anything to get paying and happy horny people

No. 19180


she's in the wrong job if this is how she talks to clients. jesus. like i don't understand how anyone can get off to this girl, but lord she has to milk those dumbasses of their money.

No. 19181

Her clients keep trying to make the tone sexier and she keeps shutting them down. This is so painful to watch

No. 19182

Tinfoil but at this point I think she is so tired of fupa constantly sexualizing her that she gets pissy when anybody does it. Like maybe if she interacted with even a single other human that wasn’t just constantly trying to get off on her she might be able to do her job without feeling so used. Because she’s gotten even worse at it since moving to butt fuck Oklahoma. Tbh if she was “thriving” at her job and making “55k” a year why didn’t fupa move out to Seattle or take her to LA?

No. 19183

lmao she's having a breakdown talking about Washington

No. 19184

She's blandly answering a question here and there but mostly just sitting there doing nothing and occasionally whining for people to pay her to strip while not giving any indication she'll do anything when she's naked cause she ain't doing anything now. It's just like having Spotify in the background for study music

No. 19185

why doesnt she have like games or stuff? why doesnt she care? how can someone be so bad at their job?

No. 19186

File: 1538629402549.png (145.29 KB, 327x242, ratnest.png)


No. 19187

omg i took the exact same screenshots, and why the fuck is she shitting her pants over someone buying 10 of her videos if she makes SOOO much money all the time?

No. 19188

As a guy in the audience said, "girls shouldn't be on their phones while we're talking to them"
Also she's spewing some bullshit about how camming warps people's idea of camgirls or something. This statement does not apply to her, she's doing nothing and expecting money. An artist gives their portfolio or drafts before someone choses their service. These people aren't asking for free porn videos, just engagement to decide if you're worth the money (your cam record shows only Harley is willing to give you free money). If they wanted some girl randomly spanking herself they'd watch porn, not look for an engaging camgirl. It's free on pornhub anyways

No. 19189

File: 1538629869417.jpeg (53.59 KB, 640x554, E8C98E28-C5B1-4049-8733-41842D…)

Shay you will never have an ass, just stop.

No. 19190

seriously, she keeps showing off that fucking zit on that one cheek. it's really gross.

she can't dance and she has no ass, what the fuck is she jiggling? the booze weight she's put on recently? yuck.

No. 19191

No. 19192


I kinda wonder if its body language saying she doesnt actually like her job (trying to cover up)

No. 19193

this harley kissass is clearly trying to get her wasted lmao

No. 19194

She's sniffling. I wonder if shes about to cry

No. 19195

She keeps staring off, she’s probably dying of boredom lmao

No. 19196

So she just blocked a guy who she could have convinced to pay her money instead of bitching at him then blocking him when he asked if she was able to put things in her ass. At least block him if he's refusing to pay after trying to get him to pay a decent amount for what he wants. Sure he seemed to expect free things but she could have tried to swing it and maybe gotten someone else enticed to pay for it instead of Harley's pity likes

No. 19197

File: 1538630488493.png (Spoiler Image,578.36 KB, 640x1136, 4C932970-2BAB-428F-8DF5-A092C1…)

Dropped pic and sage, apologies

No. 19198

She should go get a job at a Tulsa whack shack, I think she would do well at it and she could get out of the house and meet creepy pervs irl.

No. 19199

If she allowed guests to talk she'd probably make more money
Side note, she's getting off and saying she'll get the videos to Harley in "a timely manner this time". Such professional

No. 19200

wow only an hour tonight. what great work ethic she has.

No. 19201


I'm convinced she doesn't like it. Seeing her more and more, I think she just wants to sit there and have people talk to her while giving her money. Then once a goal is reached, she'll begrudgingly fulfill it like stripping, cum show, etc.

Like she legit just wants to sit there and have people pay to talk to her. Shay, sweetie, honey… you ain't that interesting.

No. 19202

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgf1jb6xl7rv4qy/2018-10-03%2022-25-06.mp4?dl=0 man, the ending was bleak. the "i appreciate you all" seemed so forced and it looked like she even rolled her fucking eyes?

No. 19203

someone who isnt blocked on tumblr should ask her why she is a cam girl if she clearly hates it and dealing with people

No. 19204

I wonder if she's actually losing money through that. I think it costs her money to take drinks for pennies cause she chugs it sometimes

No. 19205

slight tinfoil but i bet she's saying she wants to do a lesbian custom not because she's sooo into girls but because she's probably really lonely and wants to hang out with a girl her age instead of being trapped alone or with fupa 24/7.

No. 19206

Don't encourage cowtipping.

No. 19207

As of she'd even answer them lol. Anything even mildly true or rude towards her and her "work" she never responds to.

No. 19208


i can never see any camgirl with some sense of decency ever wanting to work with her on a g/g video, or even openly being friends with her. it would be career suicide, she's hated or not taken seriously on most platforms, she panders to pedophiles, and has a diseased pussy from bad hygiene. if someone does bite they'll probably just be using her as a prop so they can be the hotter one in their videos/camshows

No. 19209

Idk seems like she's just trying to be edgy at this point
The vagueposting makes me feel less bad for her each time it happens

No. 19210

You guys are autistic

No. 19211

Nobody is forcing her to log on and cam every day. Half the farmers her have already said she'd be better off quitting.

No. 19212

File: 1538642292664.png (Spoiler Image,781.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181004-113500.png)

Snapchat anon here, Fupa posted 1 hour ago some stories about his fav place (aka fast food) and he said "i know you're like it's fast food, it's fat but the muscles are there" or something along these lines and showed his "muscles". And he said that he eats there twice a week and that he doesn't eat cheeseburgers bc those aren't healthy.

No. 19213

Also said that he likes to go there after the gym.

No. 19214


No wonder he's still fat if he goes to pig out at a fast food joint after the gym lol

No. 19215

really? his gains are so weak.

No. 19216

She clearly hates it, body language aside.


But anon, she's T H R I V I N G

No. 19217

I'm pretty sure this Braums is in Broken Arrow, looks like a QuikTrip across the street (red neon in the background)and I'll bet my hat the bowling alley they went to is behind it.

No. 19218

In reality it's probably twice a day

No. 19219

1- how embarrassing to be a grown ass man recording yourself flexing your “muscles” in a fast food place.
2-it doesn’t matter if it’s cheeseburgers or not (which it probably is) if it’s comes out of a wrapper. It’s generally not good for you.

God is he fucking stupid. And he can’t even be bothered to take shay with him. She’s literally just his fuck doll. What a sad existence. Go home shay.

No. 19220

is this the only shirt this fucker has to "work out" in or does he just wear it all the time because farmers called him out by tinfoiling that he was using old gym pics??

No. 19221

Lol no she wouldn’t, because guests can’t tip. You have to make an account to tip.

No. 19222

Damn bitch just join the local housewife clubs or something. Book club, jogging, etc. Do something. Not that they'd tolerate her for long but maybe she'd find some wine moms/girlfriend to bond with over being miserable and bitter.

She wonders why no one tips her or talks to her.

Same damn shirt again. Does he own less clothes than Shay?

No. 19223

I agree with the previous anon who said the movements aren't bad, they're not. Her fucking ass is what's bad. If it was a nice ass that would be hella sexy but her indented ass, with pimples and shit is just really off-putting. Play up the boobs and shoulders and less ass and it might be a better striptease.
This here is just awful.

No. 19224

The way she sits is horrific, it makes her vagina look awful, makes her stomach look bad, her posture looks like she's about to have a nervous breakdown. At least try to look good, it's not that hard.

No. 19225

Right. She could get a cheap rolling laptop cart and an ottoman. Her lighting also drives me nuts. You can get a passable umbrella kit for less than $50 on Amazon. She doesn't do any color tweaking on her webcam. The whole thing is just so lazy.

No. 19226

nah she'd rather buy random shitty outfits she'll never use and wine and fast food

No. 19227

Speaking of.. does she actually buy anything useful? I've only been following her a few months now but all I ever see is her begging or buying sex related stuff or food/alcohol. She bought a gigantic teddy bear that she ended up throwing away while begging for a bed.

Her priorities really make no sense to me. She'd sooner cam on the floor than get a futon or something.

No. 19228

JFC i mean even Ikea ships/delivers. Why cant she just actually save and buy a day bed/futon from there??

No. 19229

>save money

No. 19230

I'm honestly surprise Fupapa doesn't control her finances being the big bad dom that he is.

No. 19231

cuz dude doesn't have any money himself lmao

No. 19232

He clearly thought Shay would be a cash cow. Who knows what she told him about how much money she makes.

No. 19233

Then he's even more retarded then we previously thought. He went to her barren house, saw the clothes she wears, how could he think she was making any money?

No. 19234

oh yeah she'd fit right in with the local housewives….

No. 19235

He believed her enough to link himself to her, do porn with her, and capitalize off her reputation/porn identity.

He saw how she lived and instead of bailing he bought a house and moved her in. No way it's just for the subpar sex. He's hoping he can make money off her while he gets reputation from it and all the girls he thought were going to hit up his DM's.

No. 19236

I can confirm the bowling alley they went to was broken arrow lanes. You could see the words on the wall.

He needs to stop doxxing himself. I recognized that fast food joint as braums too.

No. 19237

i'm so ready for an OK anon to see these two out in the wild

No. 19238


like half of his name+Oklahoma searches come up with broken arrow anyway though.

No. 19239

No. 19240

picks at his armpit for half the snaps

No. 19241


why am i not shocked that she doesnt even clean up her camming area afterward.

No. 19242

she is such a messy pig

No. 19243


like who in their right mind, leaves a dildo that would end up inside of them, just laying on their carpet. you know she doesnt clean that shit beforehand, just leans over and grabs it.

No. 19244

samefag, but who RECORDS their gfs nasty cam room, and pans to floor dildos and dirty panties.

No. 19245

a man who doesnt give a fuck.

No. 19246

File: 1538669123036.png (155.07 KB, 284x413, Screenshot 2018-10-04 at 11.04…)

isnt this the skirt and body suit thing that she got for the alien vid?

No. 19247

I think so?

No. 19248

>i don't get cheeseburgers because they have too much fat
>instead gets eggs, sausage, biscuit, an extra sausage biscuit on the side and a diet coke

& ew wtf was that weird little music.aly thing he tried to pull at the end?

No. 19249

File: 1538669834817.jpg (71.74 KB, 421x750, tumblr_p624xjjeMT1rmiw96o1_500…)

this outfit

No. 19250


you know she's gonna record that vid just like all of the others only to shut everyone up about it and then boast about how she tried to make it ~~so aesthetic and detail oriented~~

No. 19251

lmao god i can never get over how haggard her face is in this

No. 19252


Maybe he thought he could some how change her and make her profitable by forcing her to work and bathe? Like a twisted captain save-a-hoe. Instead, she gets drunk and lays on the floor all day posting to tumblr about how isolated she is from the world. They still live in a barren house. The only rooms they show are her cam room, the bathroom and the kitchen. You know if they had a nice living room or bedroom they'd be flexing that shit all over snapchat.

No. 19253

i wonder how long it will take them after this post to scrape together some semblance of a presentable bedroom or living room

No. 19254

File: 1538670549057.png (8.7 KB, 240x307, 2018-10-04 12_26_51-Mozilla Fi…)

at least she's not pretending to charge $100 for "advice" anymore

No. 19255

Knew it. Fupapa goes to 10 Gym

No. 19256

lol this is ban-baiting for sure

No. 19257

I just watched the video and even though that looks like a braums, the video shows it's clearly Whataburger.

I'm not surprised he goes to 10 gym though. The only other tulsa gyms are either expensive or purple (planet fitness).

No. 19258

he also says whataburger like 5 times

No. 19259

Seriously. I know someone who would work out and then go eat fast food. Guess what. He didn’t loose any weight.
He doesn’t get a cheeseburger but he eats two sausages so basically a regular hamburger and coke, and not even a small coke. He gets 32 oz of soda. When he could just have water. Which judging my his haggard face he fucking needs.
And he’s showing off his strained muscles in fucking public. I cannot deal with how embarrassing he is. Like shay is embarrassing but she’s young. He’s an old man. Please stop.

No. 19260

At least she admits in a weird way that she's not popular anymore and doesn't know how to get it back. She can brag all she wants about her follower count but she has to beg and bribe to get donations, followers off site, or purchases.

No. 19261

This guy is too much. I felt like I just watched somekind of redneck Ted talk

No. 19262

Nah, he thought she was a straight up PORN STAR and wanted to be her suitcase pimp. Leave his own damn job for all that $$$ she makes, right? Gain entry into the real porn world, with hundreds of willing and beautiful chicks right at his fingertips. Daddy Mattel knows how to run game, get pussy, and make bank off hoes!

He's such a fucking obvious retard. You picked him, Shayna.

No. 19263

Just saw his video, he is so boring

No. 19264

This video made me dumber watching it

No. 19265

File: 1538678192855.gif (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 540x304, 71BFEC09-3435-4BDC-91EA-F1E9C2…)

This is her dog cage with a sheet over it

No. 19266

half a point for effort. I guess.

No. 19267


Wasn't there a picture of this giant bear in the dumpster? Also, glad to see she's still doing the ol' sheet over the dog cage trick.

No. 19268

doee she wash the image out so that the wildly varying shades of pink seem to match?

No. 19269

more likely she does it so that her ass pimples and vagina dont look so bad.

No. 19270

That's an old picture

No. 19271

Her skirt looks almost yellow in this. Yikes. She's really trying to cover how badly her zits stand out.

No. 19272

The lighting is so weird. This outfit doesn’t translate as sexy secretary either but okay I guess?

No. 19273

I live in oklahoma as well and based off where his gym is the chances of running into them in public are very high. Gross

No. 19274

Her shoes make her feet look like hooves

No. 19275


Maybe you are the next farmer who witnesses those cows while shopping at WalMart.

No. 19276

But guys. That attention to detail.

No. 19277

You mean running into HIM in public, Shayna doesn’t leave the house, kek

No. 19278

That’s got to be a different skirt, there’s no way that’s the same pink one

No. 19279

Those are clunky black heels, of course they look like hooves from the back? If you wanna relate her to a horse talk about her fucking face.

No. 19280

File: 1538683753802.gif (1.95 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg36efA50O1rmiw96o2_540…)

lmao i'm seriously dying that she's trying to pass this as a desk

No. 19281

File: 1538683761102.jpeg (353.3 KB, 1242x727, 8B4CC4A6-1EF4-4597-A33F-DB7490…)

She said she based this on the movie Secretary? Mega kek, it’s about a girl released from a mental hospital who gets into an abusive sexual relationship with her boss. I’m dead.

No. 19282

Why does she always do these boring ass panning shots? Does she think it’s artistic? It’s only artistic when it’s done well and for some sort of visual purpose. No one wants to see your unwashed toys on your dirty ass carpet with some Christmas lights next to it. Just like no one wants to see some random papers on a bedsheet for no fucking reason other then what she claims to be “aesthetics

No. 19283

Good job to her glorifying abuse and manipulation…

No. 19284

Yes I’m sure many office desks have crayola washable markers on them. Super believable!

No. 19285

I’ll bet anything she just saw the description and not the actual movie.

No. 19286

I’m sorry but that relationship is all but abusive? They get married and are very happy in their properly practiced bdsm relationship
Did she wear that ugly sweater for this? I swear. In the movie the main girl wears a button up in almost every scene. How hard is it to get things right. So much detail.

No. 19287

He coerced her into it at first. Forced consent isn’t consent.

No. 19288

File: 1538685222504.png (11.1 KB, 239x324, shaynawhat.PNG)

>"I do my own pro work"

wtf does that even mean? you work for someone you don't make and put out your own professional stuff so wtf is she talking about?

No. 19289

does she mean her insex stuff has been separate from her agency? if so, that basically means she hasn't been signed to do anything other than that nasty casting couch stuff she did for ATKingdom. maybe she means something else though, she can barely form a coherent sentence.

No. 19290


You know what sounds like more of a pain? Trying to socialize a puppy with a cat that hasn't been around dogs. Think of your cat first before yourself when getting another animal, you cunt.

No. 19291


she hardly even takes care of ribmeat and cant handle her meowing or comfort her when she's obviously under distress, the last thing this bitch needs is another animal.

>flying with a puppy sounds like a pain

yeah, you couldnt even fly with your cat, you put her in cargo and claimed some rando flew with her on your exact flight to cover your ass.

No. 19292

she is pry thinking about getting some tiny rat dog that she thinks she could put in a purse and call it good.

No. 19293

Idk where you guys are getting that she’s thinking of getting a dog. An anon asked her about it and she specifically said no because she didn’t have time for it and travels too much, someone posted the screenshot already?? Not defending her but y’all are literally making things up now

No. 19294

Lol I had this same thought like she said she didn’t want to get one because she couldn’t take care of it so what’s the issue???

No. 19295

Her insex stuff was from before she signed with an agency, yes. The only thing she’s done with the agency is that half assed ATK crap. I have no idea what she means by “doing her own pro work”?

No. 19296

Maybe she got dropped and is trying to find pro work on her own?

No. 19297

You know she's not making that Amazon Prime money on her "shows"

No. 19298

omg the cringe of that room and the way she lives. she should be really embarrassed that he posted that. i also agree with other anons that he spends nearly all of his time out of the house away from her lol they probably spend like an hour or two together a day outside of sleeping

No. 19299

I meant the stuff she did recently too (realtimebondage, etc)

No. 19300

That has been rampant in these threads lately honestly

No. 19301

That’s still all through insex…

No. 19302

Yes, but unless it was booked however many months in advance, would it not fall under the umbrella of her agency? I think you need to go back and re-read the post you originally responded to

No. 19303

She hadn’t signed with the agency yet, so no. This is not difficult.

No. 19304

You don't get what I was trying to say but it's all good. I just assumed she wasn't high profile enough to sign a long term contract and that they were hiring her for individual jobs on a case by case basis. If that is the case and her more recent jobs were not filtered through her agency in any way, then she is /technically/ doing her own "pro porn" jobs as she mentioned in her original Tumblr post which sparked this whole conversation. An anon wondered what "pro porn" that didn't have to do with her agency would entail and my only explanation was that her newer insex jobs were arranged by her recently.

No. 19305

Dude looks like a candle that started to melt in a hot attic but solidified midway.
I’ll bet that emperor shirt has a permanent armpit smell to it. Ugh he’s just as crusty as shay.

Also I’m not a germaphobe, but did he just walk across shay’s rug while still wearing his shoes? I find that to be disgusting. Yea that will really help her pussy and ass boils.

No. 19306

His forehead looks like tree bark

No. 19307

The thing is that most people in that type of situation would live in a small apartment, not "buy" some kind of big shitty mcmansion to "flex" on tumblr over. They played themselves (esp Fupa) and it's hilarious to watch this situation continue to deteriorate lol

No. 19308


It's still funny to me how they got this "mansion" and it's empty. Like that just shows you're broke and dumb, not rich and successful.

No. 19309

His arms are still so scrawny when flexing. I have to sya though, his traps look way too big compared to the rest of his muscle mass, I think that's what is giving him the appearance of having no neck? Fupapa clearly has no idea what he's doing at the gym if these are his results.

The fast food trips right after the gym clearly aren't helping the issue either. Both he and shay have such unfortunate body types.

Could she seriously not invest $30 for a cheap ass desk for a prop?

No. 19310

his gross saggy cheeks make him look like a fucking basset hound, jesus christ fupa lay off the god damn whataburger.

No. 19311

Another question I have is couldn't she position this all somewhere that looks more like an office space? Also a chair or something to sit on. I know she also has better props to put on that "desk"
Btw Shay, Ikea has 25$ desks and do delivery. From experience they'd hold a couple of people and don't have a grate on top so they won't be painful to sit on pretending you're enjoying your vibrator/dildo while taking to your "boss" giving orders of screen. It's going to be so funny if she has to sit on top of the crate and gets indents from it

No. 19312

also worth noting: on her MFC profile she filled in that from Tuesday through Saturday she's always online from 11p to 2a

No. 19313

File: 1538710366229.png (528.58 KB, 579x601, Screenshot 2018-10-04 at 10.32…)

what makes her think that these dumbass faces are anywhere near cute?

No. 19314

good lord he must have low T, his gains are weak.

No. 19315

I totally agree. I think she wants people like Harley - girls with lower self esteem than her to worship her financially. It’s like similar to validation from getting likes and follows but monetarily

No. 19316


who is this comfortable wandering around a fast food joint taking videos of himself?? is he not embarrassed? those employees must mock him so much

No. 19317

Oh the dirty socks top off this set for sure

No. 19318

She looks uncomfortable to say the least

No. 19319

Lmao she had to unbutton the onesie to make her ass look bigger

No. 19320

wasn’t this a custom set for someone??

No. 19321

Does everything she do revolve around spanking and rubbing her cunt with a hitachi wand? It’s been getting really old for a while now. Either make it your brand/trademark and drop the barbie bimbo baby nonsense or actually be creative and do something with the brand you’ve boxed yourself into

No. 19322

She's playing "its my party and I'll cry if I want too"

What erotic music.

No. 19323

her only tipper aka Harley just said she doesn't want to get her naked, just wants to talk to her

No. 19324

Shay, turn the music down and interact with your viewers.

No. 19325

File: 1538714066352.png (488.17 KB, 1006x413, XAN.png)

I'm laughing so hard at this xan boy

No. 19326

Why is her skin dark right around her underwear line at the crotch? It's like she got her period and never washed herself before getting on can. Maybe that's why fupa is is avoiding her, he's too scared to fuck her on her period. although I swear she has that bc implant in her arm, I also have it and it stops your period for 2+ years soooo why is she so dirty

No. 19327


yeah i think she's lying

No. 19328

The only people in the chat are tumblrfags talking to her.

No. 19329


how many do you think are underage?

No. 19330


as if anyone would believe that she did, without posting it ALLLLL over the internet. if she even goes to the grocery store she has to post about it.

No. 19331

she just said "there's still a tag on these panties"

the same black panties she ALWAYS wears

No. 19332

She doesn't know movies can be musicals.

She thought a musical was on stage, and the Chigago movie wasn't a musical. Same with Sweeney Todd

No. 19333


pretty sure they were the dirty pair in the floor in fupas snap video too.

No. 19334

File: 1538714787497.png (31.62 KB, 534x455, y87b768b68778787688768.png)

yeah she's lying

No. 19335

Someone asked her how her new house is coming along and she sounds so miserable every time she talks about it. She does not sound like someone who just excitedly moved somewhere new with someone they love.

No. 19336

Who gives a fuck?

No. 19337


i dont think it's about anyone caring if she did or didnt see it, it's more about catching her in lies, but who knows.

No. 19338


she constantly lies to make herself look more important and wealthy than she is

No. 19339


lol So a video where she sits there doing nothing?

No. 19340

He’s talking about his Whataburger breakfast platter + sausage biscuit “on the side” like it’s “healthy” and he doesn’t get a burger because it’s not healthy but like… a burger would be fewer calories/fat/carbs and more protein, pretty sure.


No wonder he’s still a fatass.

No. 19341

it's so unpleasant to watch her sit there and slap her legs. the sound is so jarring.

No. 19342

She just asked "33 people with no accounts. Where do you people come from?"

bitch you know exactly who we are

No. 19343


because he's never there

No. 19344

Oh boy, she just said she's going to LA this month for more shoots.

No. 19345


lol i was just about to comment this

you didn't move to Antarctica in December, how the hell do you not have lighting in that house??

No. 19346

"you guys like know about all my shit"

probably because you've been talking about this alien video for MONTHS

No. 19347

File: 1538717507832.png (147.28 KB, 489x278, 7278275825978.png)

straight savage

No. 19348


imagine how the people who helped her pay for that shit would feel knowing she's pretending she doesnt have anything to wear for the vid

No. 19349

File: 1538717595923.png (16.23 KB, 348x33, 798782972879.png)

lmao Shay was like "they know about all my outfits" and jumpkitty gives no fucks

No. 19350

im one of the two people demanding(cowtipping)

No. 19351

"it's been a long time since I've had water"

yes, Shay, we know

No. 19352


you're scaring her, anon
stop being so hostile
she just scammed people out of their money, why are you being so hostile?

No. 19353

Well you definitely don’t have any subtly about it

No. 19354

some one tipped her to try on the skirt, she refused. My best guess is she can't fit into it anymore. She'll slap herself in the face for nickles so

No. 19355

kek the same person tipped her another 15 tokens to drink water instead of wine because she wouldn't put it on

No. 19356

"i hate drinking water because it makes me hungry"

bitch what?

No. 19357

Is she offline? I can't see her

No. 19358

Damn, that's actually pretty sad, I don't think she even stripped did she?

No. 19359


dehydration pangs can feel like hunger sometimes too so like…bitch keep drinking past the feeling.

is that Beringer white zinfandel or is it rose? cause if it's white zin that REALLY explains the recent flab. white zin is sweet af

No. 19360

I know her caming shows are usually pretty lackluster but have they always been this slow and sad? I wonder how fupa feels about her making $10 today. He seemed pretty annoyed on Snapchat that she left her LED garland lights on.
Like he can’t afford the $0.05 a day it costs to keep them on.

No. 19361

Up thread someone was confused about the dumpster teddy bear and didn't realize that the pic in the alien outfit is old. Shay's cam room nice new home is nearly visually identical to her shitbox one room apartment. Moving in with Fupa has brought her nothing good. No standard of living boost, no joy of decorating the new house, no fun cooking meals in the new kitchen, no cuddling on the couch watching Netflix.

Going back to the spit-on-anus video, I thought about Fupa today (also FML) and realized that I have never known or heard of anyone outside of porn spitting on their partner's genitals in place of lube. Spitting during sex is definitely a porn trope and most sensible people realize that. The only people who do it outside of porn are people who fetishize spitting or inexperienced people whose body of knowledge about sex comes from porn, not actual experience. I think the latter describes Fupa.

That may be why he's such a shitty dom. He's probably watched too much gonzo porn and thinks it's a perfect representation of dom-sub, BDSM relationships. He doesn't seem to have any clue about the ethics of dom-sub dynamics like not forcing people into your sex life by acting it out in public or making sure the sub is taken care of during a scene. Fupa likes has no idea that a good dom doesn't slap his sub's face in public or continue the scene even when the sub is experiencing pain that was not negotiated beforehand.

No. 19362

Oops! The butt spit thing was something Shay wrote, not part of any video.

No. 19363

He 100% knows of bdsm through porn then found the tumblr community filled with children with no sexual experience and it got even more reinforced. I mean, look what happened when he interacted with older tumblr bdsm people, they pointed out the issues with his posts and he got super salty and backtracked that "of course he ends scenes when his sub is having issues and of course he talked with Shay and established that she had a safe word and he is happy if she uses it and of course he isn't actually proud his sub doesn't use her safe word even when she should". He's such an idiot it's hilarious, being a Dom requires a level of maturity that despite being almost 40, he does not have. Much less the affection required to have a stable and effective bdsm relationship. Not that he's actually doing anything particularly non-vanilla in sex, but he thinks he is (and that slap was played off as it)

No. 19364

Maybe she doesn't eat properly?

No. 19365


Is this in a walk-in closet?

Are those the designer heels anons speculated are knock-offs?

No. 19366

Ahh so it seems I was right and fupa is forcing her to work out of a closet or something lmao

No. 19367

Why is nobody embarrassed that these are clearly farmers?
You guys are trying to drum up powdered milk, just let it happen on it's own.

No. 19368

it's because we have to just report and move on. other anons can see though this kind of posting too.

No. 19369

the few sane anons remaining that don't get off on face to face taunting of cows i suppose

No. 19370

Jumpykitty is, because they were bragging about it. But I don’t think that love4blonde person is, but maybe?

No. 19371

File: 1538761707605.jpeg (180.39 KB, 750x1056, 8A128643-C8A2-4051-8E0F-521CEB…)

No. 19372

If she has 150,000 Twitter followers alone, why would she care about 33 people? That's not even 1% of her followers.

How many people are usually watching her when she's one cam? It would be interesting to see…

No. 19373

Lol this girl will never be able to work a real 8h job

No. 19374

“Tell me how I should feed myself because I’m incapable of eating anything besides shit”

No. 19375

She averages at around 25-35 people in a show. usually the majority is guests and basics. The most premiums I’ve ever seen in her room at one time is about 10. (premium users are the only ones that can tip)

No. 19376

You’d think her “dada” would be the one to help her out with eating healthy snacks and making sure she’s eaten and stuff. Guess not.

No. 19377

how dumb can you be? just eat a light snack like a granola bar or a yogurt before cam

No. 19378

But anon she’ll be bloated from even a tiny snack!

I don’t think she understands the difference between bloating and just having regular flab on your stomach. She has no core strength so it’s all just flab and she probably thinks it’s bloat.

No. 19379

>doesn’t want to get bloated
>drinks an entire bottle of wine

No. 19380

People's on-line personas are different from irl.

Fupa lies a lot about everything online. He's a revisionist. And wants to look cool for his online friends.

Shows with all the contradicting hypocritical posts. Says he's drug free, Drugs, xanax, sisters death, yet still glorifies that particular drug and it's use. Fake celebrity relatives, yet being orphaned. Yet baby mama, exposes him that his mom is well alive and hates him. Kek. Says he's been a home owner for yrs, all previous dwellings were Apts…
Mexico vacation… Shyana stuck in a hotel for thru worktrip and snacks and water with stipends

Woah… can we get a Fupa "lie list" going.. or expectations/reality kek

No. 19381

LOL! exactly! Does she not realize alcohol and its empty calories will bloat you like crazy compared to food and real nourishment.

She's been noticing her tummy rolls grow bc her body bloated and has started storing everything as fat bc she eats so shitty and has been drinking almost daily.

No. 19382


yeah, especially since he's sooo healthy, but didnt fupa say that they eat separately anyway since he "meal prepped all of his meals for the week"

No. 19383

when I started gaining alot of weight a couple years I just thought I was bloated all the time. I've lost it since. But I gained because I moved to a new environment. Shay is definitely on her way to a good amount of chub

No. 19384

why doesn’t he do meal prep with her than? It could be a fun couple thing to do, and it would keep BOTH of them on track. He’s such a fucking lazy ass dom and a deadbeat loser wow.

No. 19385

Watch Shayna devolve, and it well has started with the weight gain/bloating, and Fupa work out and get his self esteem up from dumblr then leave her ass.

No. 19386

At this point they act like roommates, not a couple. They keep their fucking food separated? Are you just living together or in a relationship?

No. 19387


just wait till he starts ragging on her looks like he did his ex wife.

No. 19388

I doubt Shayna would do that, Connor was vegan, and she ate meat, and Connor prepared most her food too

No. 19389

I’m sure a guy like Fupa has soo00oOo many women to choose from too, kek

No. 19390

can’t be a suburban housewife if you can’t cook anything besides boxed Mac and cheese, Shayna

No. 19391

Also adding, Connor was also some food coach with holistic nutrition from plants

No. 19392

It still blows my mind that he would say that shit. How disgusting can you be when you’re a fucking fatass obese deadbeat from Oklahoma with a fat pouch over your mini chode to call your wife’s body gross after she carried and gave birth to YOUR children?

No. 19393

he's formerly obese compulsive lying beta. he'll go for anyone that will give him attention

No. 19394

Yeah he was studying to be a vegan/holistic nutritionist I believe

No. 19395

She really fucked shit up with Conner. She could have had a good stable relationship but she chose….whatever this life is

No. 19396

"Any other mentally ill girls pressured into the sex industry have eating disorders fueled by their desire to be accepted by and appealing to men? no its just silly dolly thing lol im a lil baby"

No. 19397

Good riddance! He was way too good for her, she's leached off him and his fam . She's manipulative and completely took advantage. Glad Connor kicked her out

No. 19398

she actually fucking did this guys. she thinks this is decorating.


No. 19399

File: 1538766963430.jpg (555.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181005-121520_Tum…)

No. 19400

File: 1538767003509.jpg (609.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181005-121512_Tum…)


The water is so low…

No. 19401

“Remember everyone, I BATHE!”

No. 19402

File: 1538767035318.jpg (496.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181005-121539_Tum…)

No. 19403

File: 1538767073981.jpeg (753.25 KB, 1242x2072, 1D59B5EC-4781-4414-BE48-CEC055…)

Fupa posted this song on his tumblr. Trying the say something maybe? It’s called “all girls are the same”

No. 19404

BAHAHAHAHAH, she legit put her cheapp ass amazon canopy and some ugly af curtains in the bathroom. WOW. Fupa… wow… I bet you even he didn't know how cheap, trashy and void of class she was.. oh wait

No. 19405


that random dildo

No. 19406

How is she supposed to use that toy in the position that it’s in? And why would you bring stuffed animals into the bath with you?

Oh wait, I just don’t understand “aesthetics

No. 19407

“I don’t get natural light anymore”


No. 19408

this hoe is going to set her cardboard house on fire lol. its also only a matter of time for her to go crying on tumblr about how her 'favorite stuffy' or whatever fell in the bathtub with her

No. 19409

And she’ll need at least $100 to get a new one and cure her sadness about it I’m sure

No. 19410

Fupa was attracted to the prospect of a dominant, aggressive, "alpha" role, but he's realizing Shay is just a needy, obnoxious, shrill, leach that he's gonna have a hard time getting rid of.

No. 19411

this is why you dont move in with someone aftr meeting them only twice.

"power couple"

No. 19412


the curtain doesnt even have a rod, it's just pinned up, kek. nothing is the same shade of pink, and she's using an ugly ass cheap bed canopy over the back of her tub?

that shit looks like someone puked all over it. i cant believe that in her mind she thinks this is aesthetic.

No. 19413

same fag, but whats the deal with her only putting like 2 inches of water into her bathtub?

No. 19414

Or the cheap ass 10 cent tea light candles, like wtf? When they were 'house hunting' Shay mentioned that fupa was "picky" about the houses not being "modern enough". hahaha. WTF is this shit?

No. 19415

We still haven't figured it out. My personal opinion is that Fupapa said something about not wanting her to waste water by filling it all up, others say she literally does not know how to take a bath.

No. 19416

But that would mean they believe in furniture. You're talking about Shayna here, who only begged for the entirety of her leases for money for furnishings but only bought a cheap ass futon bc Fupa was coming.

No. 19417

Either she hates bathing (which is pretty obvious) or Fupa has a rule about "wasting" water and makes her only fill it that far to save money. My cheap family was the same way.

No. 19418

Didn't she say she has a habit of falling asleep in tubs? Maybe so she doesn't drown. kek

No. 19419

shay's ddlg aesthetic is so disturbing lmfao like why do you need a random dildo in your tub…for the sake of sexualizing basic hygiene?? making the dildo look like a kids bath toy or some shit next to the stuffed animal?? yucccck

No. 19420


i wonder if she doesnt have the patience to just wait to fill it up. like if she doesnt have the best water pressure and a giant tub it could take a while to fill up. mixed with not being allowed to waste the money on filling the tub to sit in it for 10 minutes to take pictures.

(i have a roman tub that takes like 30 minutes to fill all the way, so i rarely use it)

No. 19421

Ugh what the FUCK is wrong with him? Sorry, THEM?

He acts like such a fucking teenager. Well he dresses like one, too. Whenever I see his posts here I can feel my brain cells dying.

And Shayna is just so sick. Why does she feel the need to sexualize EVERYTHING? Also she appears so lonely. Does this ~power couple~ do anything together at all any more?
ALL the ridiculous lovey-dovey Tumblr posts have stopped since they moved in together. This whole mess is just so tragic and sad.

No. 19422

That stuffed animal is going to get so nasty exposed to constant damp and humidity.

Does fupa have his own separate bathroom or something? I'm starting to wonder if they just split the house up into her area and his area and just come together for sex.

No. 19423

Enjoy the mold that's inevitably going to grow there Shay, jfc.

No. 19424

lmao a "good, stable relationship" requires both parties to be stable

No. 19425

who pressured her into the industry??? if anything, people have been begging for her to get out of it.

No. 19426

Why does this smelly retard refuse to engage with her customers? She blocks all the people who could be giving her uhhhhh you know, money?

No. 19427

She needs to cut hair her and get a wig for camming. That is a crunchy, dry mess

No. 19428

>Smelly retard

LOL that's the perfect name for shayna. And also I have no fucking clue but I love it because she makes no money and it pisses her off too which is lovely.

No. 19429

>perfect name

??? i guess

No. 19430

ikr like her panning the camera around the bath I just knew there would be a dildo lol It's weird how she has no other side to her other than like smoking weed, it makes her life seem so sad and greasy

No. 19431

Fupa blew all his money on the house and they can barely afford the bills maybe. Would explain why he was pissed off with her leaving her dumb fairy lights on in that snap story

No. 19432

I bet she didn't change the address and it's in Seattle. And that she hasn't even thought to check that yet.

No. 19433

I'm not going to derail with discourse so I hope your question is in good faith, but the culture on tumblr at the time was basically turning camwhoring into a hot new fad for all the barely 18 year olds to get into. Teaching them that its "soo easy & fun" cause you're going to get treated like shit as a woman anyway so you might as well get paid to be, or whatever. Easy oppression points too. Shay still made decisions but her and others were still clearly influenced by this subculture.
Shay is dumb as hell yeah but she's female and the pressure and subtle grooming from society still exists and effects people like her.

No. 19434

Is she on cam today? I've yet to see one and I'm morbidly curious.

No. 19435

You're right. I doubt Shay knows how to register for a change of address and get her mail forwarded.

No. 19436

I think she saw it as "easy money" more than anything else

No. 19437

She can, she should, and hopefully soon she will.
Her "sex work" is so obviously unsustainable, at some point it's inevitable that she'll have to do something else for money. Or maybe Fupa will realize she's not bringing in the big bucks like he probably thought, and will force her to get a job.

No. 19438

it's not listed on her schedule this week, but if she's smart, she will cam on friday nights. good money on fridays

No. 19439

File: 1538787978263.jpg (258.96 KB, 1125x1118, 45b8ae37-b6e0-4d5c-b724-f73c81…)

As silly as the recent setups have been, she made a new video today and has been kinda productive lately (for her)

No. 19440

proud of her for that level of water. she’s starting to truly thrive

No. 19441

The issue is that even when she is “productive” and makes a video it is literally the same thing every time. It is not that hard to churn out a video twice a week if you only change the setting and theme.

No. 19442

On Instagram she said there was behind the scenes stuff on Snapchat. Maybe snap anon will come through with something different this time. Probably not though. Also I can't imagine a bath bomb + Shay's usual routine not ending in a major UTI but that's dumpy mattel for you.

No. 19443

Who the fuck puts a bed Canopie in their bath tub that shits gonna smell musty soon

No. 19444

I could definitely see this whole thing playing out like it did with that one stoner tumblr girl, Speck. Shay puts on weight during the toxic deadend relationship, Fupa uses his new found tumblr "fame" to move onto some new trashy, desperate piece of ass.

How old is he again? How embarrassing.

No. 19445

She does know that are cutesy pink decorations that are actually made for bathrooms right? Most of this is meant for a bedroom and won't withstand the humidity of the bathroom, especially with her constant baths. This whole thing is going to be absolutely riddled with mold growth in a few months, and I doubt she'll know how to properly clean it once it does.

No. 19446

Its sad tho that she can’t cam and make a video in the same day. her work ethic is 0

No. 19447

she doesn't go on until 11cst though so the night is still young

No. 19448

Her hair looks fucking wrecked

No. 19449

File: 1538793372335.jpeg (Spoiler Image,595.82 KB, 1242x678, 0D328C24-DB89-41D7-941F-9A9EEE…)

Wait idk if we already said this but did we realize she filmed this fucking video in a closet???

No. 19450

Yes, that is a walkin closet. Obviously.

No. 19451

lmao “I have no natural lighting and I don’t know why”

Oh idk maybe because you film your shitty videos in a fucking closet?

She is legitimately retarded.

No. 19452


yeah a very sad and empty closet lol

No. 19453

Sorry I just didn’t catch it the first time or see someone specifically note it. My bad.

No. 19454

imagining her going into a closet with her pretend briefcase, some random papers and then whatever sex toys and throwing a blanket over her cage is the saddest thing ever

No. 19455

I really don’t get why fupa couldn’t of assisted in this video. Not even full body. Just his arms and his preteen voice being commanding like a dom.
This is not like the movie at all.

No. 19456

I think I remember an anon or two saying that males aren't allowed on cam; but does that extend to voices and/or hands and feet, etc. too, or no?

No. 19457

Any snap anons see them posting stuff of their date night to the fair?

No. 19458

Videos safe different than cam.
Pumpy fucked her ex and sold it on MV.
Besides that, he would literally just be a prop to make the video more authentic to the movie.

No. 19459


"no cuddling on the couch watching Netflix" not to be a sadfag but this line depressed me so much. their relationship is so unhealthy and out of the realm of a normal, stable couple that its just so fucking sad. they dont do anything together typical of a happy couple. i cant imagine the depression weighing on shay's dumbass shoulders.

No. 19460

I can't screen shot but she looks like a cheap hooker at the fAir. SOMEONE SCREENSHOT

No. 19461

Snapchat anon deliver us!

No. 19462

My tinfoil is that they have a shitty old water heater that can only put out so much hot water. I lived in a place like that, couldn't get a full tub of hot water. It was a shitty place, with a piece of shit water heater.

No. 19463

This is something I don't understand in general about her videos. Is there really a market for solo BDSM content? I feel like she's super limited in what she can do on her own, and the whole thing about BDSM is the dynamic. On cam it would make sense because there's audience interaction, but there's really fuck all you can do in a solo BDSM vid.

No. 19464

She said she got them at a thrift store. The one designer item she owns and it's from a few seasons ago and possibly a knockoff. She's so cheap. She use to wear knockoff Calvin Klein underwear sets and such shitty cheap clothing, words were misspelled on them. "Califoinia Barbie" and "Resecting Women"

Shitty amazon clothing, cheap forever 21 and thrift stores are where she gets her clothes.

No. 19465

From fupa's snapchat https://streamable.com/obepn

No. 19466

It worked for the hippy stoner thing she had going. But now that she’s going for this “you can’t afford me” LA bimbo barbie, And she thinks she can still get her clothes from the same places and no one will ever know.

Guess what Shayna? Everyone notices that your clothes are cheap and dirty, as are you.

No. 19467

File: 1538807206099.jpg (136.41 KB, 851x714, 948.jpg)

She looks straight white trash. She def belongs in Oklahoma.

No. 19468

she looks like one of those heroin junkies that hang around outside gas stations and ask you for "gas money."

No. 19469

http://dollymattel.tumblr.com/post/178759608229/dollymattel-they-wanna-see-a-cute-girl-smokin sage for old post but she reblogged it last night, and god she just looks like a giant sperg. the stupid baby voice and her god awful faces…

No. 19470

Lmao they're trying to look all happy together all of a sudden

No. 19471

This bitch really didn't shower after shooting her video, did she? Looks like she's not showered in a week.

No. 19472

Fupa probably thinks giving his girlfriend a hug without degrading her in any way is too vanilla for their ~healthy 24/7 BDSM~ relationship

She couldn't even get a chair, or a fake typed letter? "Attention to detail", sure.

No. 19473

>”stealing yer college fund”
>”ur dad’s fave”
>”baby bimbo barbie”

this is fucking hilarious, she looks so wrecked. he did her dirty taking these pics and letting her go out looking like that. Seriously who the fuck lets their girl go out dressed looking like a white trash heroin addict?

No. 19474

Lmao I thought the same thing. Like okay sure that’s a desk Shayna, that’s why there’s some random papers, and no chair. OoOoOoOkay.

No. 19475

File: 1538813982897.jpeg (205.81 KB, 379x690, 76C97E75-004D-4B08-8C81-80604C…)

~**power couple**~

rat face & Fupa. what a power team.

No. 19476

they really are so fucking ugly. that's so sad.

No. 19477


chick behind them captures our reaction perfectly lol. the look of disgust and confusion.

No. 19478

File: 1538820753163.jpg (31.57 KB, 484x189, 1538090056655.jpg)

You know this is probably one of the funniest and saddest realizations I've had.

She didn't just drag her cage in there to film, that's where her cage is. She asked Kyle Nathan Perkins where to put it and he told her what's in the cap.

She also posted about "having a sad girl nap on the floor in my closet" …where her cage is.

I thought it might be because Kyle doesn't want someone who comes over to ask why there's a dog cage randomly in a room but now I realize he's just ashamed of her. For all their talk about their super kinky BDSM lifestyle, we've never once seen Kyle use anything Shayna owns that's for BDSM.

Here big bad Shay thought she'd spend sexy time in a pink dungeon looking closet in her dog cage sucking cock through the bars when in reality Kyle just makes her go into this big empty closet by herself just to get rid of her.

No. 19479

So if she moves it out of the closet to make a vid, what happens? Does she Get beaten by his soyboy ass or something?

No. 19480

They have nobody to invite over and he's a fake dom

No. 19481

Well, yes, obviously. That's why I amended my first impression. At the time I didn't know if his ex-wife brought their kids over or not but now I highly doubt he'll see them again and Shay has said she doesn't socialize with anyone there.

Who knows. From what she's shown us she has her own designated areas and she doesn't film/photo outside of that.

No. 19482

File: 1538844029292.jpg (69.69 KB, 1079x685, Screenshot_20181006-123930-1.j…)

Don't cut yourself on that edge

No. 19483

weed triggers psychosis, Shay. fix your life and get help

No. 19484

omg lmao she’s so pathetic looking for people to feel sorry for her. she might as well just play “how could this happen to me” with all her emo bitch posts.

No. 19485

File: 1538848991926.jpeg (158.53 KB, 640x711, 0956D4EA-16AE-4E4E-88B7-A757DB…)

Jesus she sounds so unhappy. I thought this was supposed to be her ~suburban housewife dream~
But all she talks about is how miserable she is. And Kyle Perkins has barely interacted with her since moving in.

No. 19486

Seems like she's trying to do some kind of uwu sad girl lil peep routine for attention

No. 19487

There’s probably a side of her that is enjoying the “suburban” life but deep down inside she is screaming/going thru her own personal hell.

No. 19488

Maybe her next shoot can be her going to a fucking therapist.

No. 19489

>moves in with bf
>can't stop crying

Going well I see

No. 19490

That's actually an accurate description of Kyle. Since he's her only company other than people on Tumblr she's probably started to mirror his personality

No. 19491


this is why you dont move in with someone that you've only met irl 2 times, seen them 2 weeks in all, and dated them online for 5 months.
idk i dont have sympathy for her continuously making impulsive decisions and then regretting them.

No. 19492

File: 1538853201474.jpeg (340.14 KB, 1242x970, 11AAAADC-85A5-4036-A687-96857A…)

Please Shay get help

No. 19493

Jesus. Shay probably thought by moving in with fupa would solve all her problems. In the same way that a lot of people think that money or weight loss will make their life perfect. She's learning that this isn't the case and even though she's in a "nice" house her, all her issues remain. Her mentally unstable posts have increased along with her drinking and she's clearly not making any money. It's only going to get worse from here. Probably should call your real dad soon Shay.

lol this made me realize how far behind she is in being an actual adult. probably doesn't have insurance, can't pay out of pocket costs or a copay if she did happen to have insurance, no transportation and no ambition to address any of these barriers.

No. 19494


>i dont like feeling small and weak its a gross feeling

> im a baby, Dada, make me feel smol and weak

No. 19495

isn’t being small and weak her whole shtick

No. 19496

Having trouble keeping up with whatever image she's trying to project this week I see

No. 19497

>they make me feel small and weak it's gross

Well there you go, now you're with a man whose whole thing is making you feel small and weak and who put a cage in the closet you sleep in.

Also a good therapist won't make you feel like that, she's just refusing to deal with the problem and deluding herself forever.

No. 19498

Therapy only works if you can be honest with the therapist and part of me thinks she would have a hard time not lying even in that situation

No. 19499

Jesus Christ this is exactly why the tumblr bdsm bullshit is damaging. It’s instead of dealing with their issues with professionals, hers being feelings of powerlessness/no control over own life, they choose to sexualize them and endlessly secondhandedly abuse themselves.

No. 19500

What kind of good therapist/psychiatrist make their patients feel small and weak? That’s literally just how you feel about yourself Shay.

No. 19501

If fupapa were a real, responsible, careful Dom he would be helping her straighten out her mental health, helping her set goals to feeling better and encouraging her to seek therapy. but we all know he's already playing the absentee daddy role with her now too,and she's getting nothing from him. or what she is getting is worsening her mental health. really just a shit show to behold.

I pray he didn't / doesn't also abuse his kids emotionally and mentally. I just get the vibe that there's so much toxicity between him and Shay behind the scenes, but she's too sick and isolated to recognize it, or worse thinks she deserves it. I never thought I would see her as the victim except he is seriously just so trash. get out Shay and get help

No. 19502

All she knows about therapy is what she's seen in cartoons and movies lol

No. 19503

for some reason i feel emphathetic to shay cause no one deserves to not have anyone to turn to for emotional support but at the same time she really dug her own grave here when she chose a partner who openly brags about being a naturally cold person lmfaoooooo that isnt a positive trait but i guess in her eyes a neglectful and unsympathetic boyfriend fits her uwuwuw strong tough daddy dom role she was looking for

No. 19504

mte anon like she claims fupa is her caretaker and is “uwuwuw best daddy ever” but its like he ignores her declining mental health and never spends time with her its so gross. especially someone whos entire aesthetic is “gimMe uR aTtentiOn daDA” its sad that she felt her best chance at having a daddy is one who cant provide any support for her. even aside from the ddlg bullshit as a boyfriend thats fucked shes basically just a walking fleshlight for him at this point

No. 19505

File: 1538860225583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,627.13 KB, 1242x699, 28A2060F-0BC4-46AF-89C7-F7F83C…)

Well then.

No. 19506

her hair is fucking matting. is this a video she expects people to pay for? she looks like a crackhead oh my god. shayna GO HOME

No. 19507


>regretting your life choices

No. 19508

Videography wise this is way better than anything she’s done. Multiple camera angles and cuts. But…. then there’s her general appearance… and it is bleak.

No. 19509

Well duh… Dolly MATTel

No. 19510

fupa's pupils are huge in that video. wonder if hes on something

No. 19511

An obese, 30 something, white trash, beta cuck who gets all their self esteem from tumblr.

No. 19512

File: 1538868074763.jpeg (296.19 KB, 1242x528, 9A60A058-C2DC-45FE-950B-4136B8…)

Well she just ruined it with this comment.

No. 19513

File: 1538868113550.jpeg (229.91 KB, 1242x459, A303AF0C-F703-42C6-BF12-863A76…)

She really doesn’t understand aesthetics…


No. 19514

File: 1538868154117.jpeg (579.92 KB, 1242x1123, 6BDC48D7-63E7-4314-ABF7-724570…)

this is what she considers aesthetically pleasing. A dark room with no natural light and pink everywhere. That’s not aesthetic, that’s lazy.

No. 19515

lmao “what a genius you are”

you edited a video shayna, what do you want? More asspats for doing something that’s a basic part of your JOB?

No. 19516

>im a pathetic 5 y/o

At least she admits it. Personally I'm glad she's miserable for once and her Barbie Dream Life is crashing down. Maybe she'll grow up now instead of thinking she can be a pretty pink princess forever.

If she wants to do adult work forever then have at it but at least act like an adult. She could be saving this money instead of wasting it all on kids clothes and stuffed animals.

>i don't like tht they make me feel small & weak

So like the image you keep pushing that makes everyone treat you like shit? Ironic.

No. 19517

can't wait until she tries to recreate this exact video again and drops her "equipment" into the bath

No. 19518

She needs therapy, all the projecting she does is sad. It's all how she feels about herself, not any therapist. Your boyfriend is a POS shay, youre never going to be happy if you dont leave him. Girl needs therapy to love herself enough to know even she deserves better than that psychopath, otherwise she'll never leave him. He'll have to dump her, she seriously has an incredibly dependent personality and needs help.

No. 19519

Her (porn sale specifically) posts are getting like… 1/10th of the notes she usually does on tumblr. Her viewership has gone way down since she moved.

No. 19520

the floor is fucking filthy

No. 19521

Don’t ever compare yourself with true masters of stylization and aesthetics, Shayna. And don’t ever make fun of the beautiful cinnamon roll Guillermo Del Toro. At least she didn’t make a Kubrick reference.

She makes me so pissed off thinking she knows what she’s talking about.

No. 19522

I assume her parents already disowned her at this point? I would have.

No. 19523


I just noticed that whoever tiled this bathroom didn't tile the entire fucking wall? It looks so cheap like they got some trial tiles because that's all they could afford lol

She's proud of this? Sad.

No. 19524

Nope. She’s posted recently about her father sending her spongebob memes or something.

No. 19525

I think they're squatting lol

No. 19526

Went to target tonight saw that Whitney Houston shirt fupa chalupa always wears and some of his other shirts .. thought he was mister cash money he should dress the part

No. 19527

Quit nitpicking, 1 you can hardly see the floor and 2 thats the door causing a shadow. Fuckwits.

No. 19528

Sage this type of autism

No. 19529


I agree. People keep trying to make milk where it doesn't exist and it's fucking annoying. I had to look back at the picture to see how they could even tell if the floors are dirty and there's no way in hell.

No. 19530

File: 1538882435232.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1334x750, IMG_4275.PNG)

When you realize your life is falling apart

No. 19531

File: 1538883298896.jpeg (35.19 KB, 480x478, BCD56747-4AD2-4017-A0B5-D8C3C9…)

No. 19532

File: 1538884301481.jpeg (Spoiler Image,712.1 KB, 1242x1252, 2B900531-8F2F-48DC-B998-7C7E5C…)

Lookin like a frog face.

No. 19533


even her stomach is frowning at the state of her life. rock bottom?

No. 19534

That giant ass boil is the star of the show, tbh. It's the only thing I can keep my attention on.

No. 19535

File: 1538887488081.jpeg (79.56 KB, 381x750, D7908B3A-7C59-4332-9151-23D41C…)

That septum whatever is SO extra but legit she looks so much better just because she isn’t wearing pink with ridiculous makeup on. Crusty hair and all.

No. 19536


Yeah it's funny how wearing pink makes her look cheap and old. Agreed that she looks better here, though she really needs to take better care of her hair? It looks terribly matted.

No. 19537


>using dildos in a bubble bath

Enjoy your massive yeast infection, Shay!

No. 19538

Especially with bath bomb water. This girl doesnt know a single thing about vaginal health.
(or any health for that matter)

No. 19539

Omg someone make a comparison pic for next thread

No. 19540

Quoted wrong post, mb

No. 19541

Pink is such a bad color on her. Not sure why fucking everything has to be pink. Compared to her recent photos, she looks better.

Just stop with the pink, shay. It’s tacky.

No. 19542


Cuz she's a stupid wittle baby!

No. 19543

File: 1538901255097.png (68.42 KB, 750x580, IMG_0194.PNG)

oh the irony

No. 19544


the banner of her pimpled cunt and ass are different, though! /s

No. 19545

Cos that’s not hypocritical at all… she’s had what 2/3 twitters deleted for that reason.

No. 19546

She doesn't have the face for the pink baby uwu look she's trying to pull off. She could probably do the alt girl or ""hot stoner gf"" pretty well, but she won't.

No. 19547

She'd definitely make more money that way but we know Shay isn't about the money despite claiming to be a businesswoman.

No. 19548

Ig you could say Dolly…. Matted

No. 19549

no she wouldn't lol changing her look might help slightly but she has no work ethic

No. 19550

Lmao edit this and make it the new thread pic omg

No. 19551

Pepe 2.0

No. 19552

She's under 26, in the US you can be covered by your parents' insurance until you're 26 so she could probably see a therapist under her parents' coverage. Don't think this law applies with shitty "Daddy" doms though.

No. 19553

File: 1538928088654.jpeg (466.1 KB, 1242x1173, 9B3BF7E7-EAE8-4DFB-9B2E-F01663…)

She’s blowing up Twitter rn about cyber bullying and about how sex workers on twitter are “so much nicer”.

Plus this bullshit. “Just a couple props”

No. 19554

She’s claiming she’s “barely going to use tumblr anymore” and instead switch over to twitter and insta, even though Instagram is known for hating sex workers and it’s an unsafe platform.

Keep being stupid Shayna.

No. 19555

Bitch get your Fupa daddy to buy that cheap shit

No. 19556

everything on this list except the dildo can be bought at target or walmart, even the cloak since it's spooky season, move your ass bitch

No. 19557

That would involve leaving the house though, which Shayna only does when Fupa says its okay (aka only late at night)

No. 19558


>she’s “barely going to use tumblr anymore”

maybe I'm reaching here but that makes me wonder if she wants to switch over to Insta and Twitter because of Fupa? I couldn't imagine any other reason why she would move away from her "most active" fan base? This makes no sense and makes it sound like she wants to have a fupa free place?

No. 19559

she actually looks decent here because she isn’t wearing her haggard ass winged eyeliner she could be pretty buf ick i guess uwu bimbo grandma is better (also is that fupapa’s septum ring kek how more fake edgy can u get)

No. 19560

posting porn is literally against their TOS and with their algorithm changes it's pretty rough getting your stuff out there unless you have an established following. Doubt she'll last long.

No. 19561

She’s on like her 3rd Instagram and her 4th twitter because she can’t follow the rules or thinks she’s above them or some shit. On twitter she could have gotten at least 2 of her profiles unsuspended if she just changed the pic and reported to twitter but noOOOooo we have to get sad girl victim points by claiming the platforms are against her and everyone needs to regollow her and buy her content to make her feel better.

God I hate you so fucking much Shayna. You are a stain on the world of sex work.

No. 19562


there is no difference.
genitals are genitals regardless of gender.
most blogs block /anyone/ who has genitalia as an avatar or banner tbh

No. 19563

Ahahaha she is so fucking stupid and such a narcissist. Your pimply vag is not a gift from the gods. Ugh

No. 19564

File: 1538941851058.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.49 KB, 354x818, 3602.jpg)

Such a hypocrite.

No. 19565


Sry, for a sec I thought I forgot to spoiler, so I deleted, didn't realize but i had it clicked.

Absolutely anon! She thinks just bc she's wearing pink, it somehow elevates her ballsack, boil infected vagina. But aesthetics… kek

No. 19566

File: 1538942380786.png (78.16 KB, 266x535, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 2.58.…)

i wonder if this is about Fupa's wife knowing about his blog?

No. 19567

huh? yeah they're pretty similar

No. 19568

How does that make any sense in regards to Fupa’s wife? This is some heavy autistic tinfoiling rn.

No. 19569

File: 1538942920365.png (94.05 KB, 262x617, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 3.02.…)


i was only asking because she's talking about leaked information and "people meddling in their real lives". kinda like the person did when they messaged fupas ex wife. it was a genuine question, kek.

No. 19570

I'd rather look at the penis at this point tbh

No. 19571

lmao she's so fucking dumb they're pretty much the same.

No. 19572

tbh for me her swallen ballsack is more disgusting to look at than just a penis

No. 19573

File: 1538947173709.jpeg (285.6 KB, 1242x1230, BC606228-8312-4096-A7D0-56ACB4…)

she has some fucking nerve. i laughed so hard at this

No. 19574

File: 1538947212542.jpeg (126.26 KB, 1216x734, B6BCAF76-FB4E-4DEF-9386-8D865F…)

self awareness is a beautiful thing

No. 19575

just an update for whoever makes future threads, she deleted pinkpussypopped.tumblr.com. probably because we ruined it for her with pinkpussypimplepopped

No. 19576

File: 1538951095872.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1862, 7D65A6FE-6079-4BA2-BB8C-4DF985…)

Why is she begging for money for combat boots if she already has a perfectly good pair of Docs? I’m awarebthis i

No. 19577

I’m aware this is an old pic*

No. 19578

she could literally just wear this outfit. and I'm sure she still has a beanie kicking around from her stoner days if she's really requiring that for the video. but this is shay. she wants MOAR

No. 19579

Tbh it feels like an excuse for her NOT to make the video.

“Oops, you guys didn’t pay for the props I claimed I needed! Guess I can’t make any of those videos now! What a bummer!”

No. 19580

She does this every time she has a stupid idea for a video. Is it normal for cam girls to constantly ask for others to pay for their props/video shit? I genuinely have no idea.

No. 19581

no! you should budget money to spend /before/ you film videos and then whatever you earn on the video itself pays for the props you used. you set the cost of the video at a level that's reasonable to cover your expenses when filming it. you don't go begging your followers for money just to be able to DO YOUR JOB.

No. 19582

Lol no it’s not. Most use what they have or repurpose what they already have. She’s just too uncreative and lazy to do those things.

No. 19583


The Docs were conspicuously absent in the photo of her shoe closet posted in the last thread.


She used to wear septum rings when she was stoner Shay.

No. 19584

I think she owns more shoes than were in that picture of the closet, just not all her pink "aesthetic"/more than could fit in the shelves.

No. 19585

double post but I don't remember seeing her out of date black prada pumps in that photo either, but she just wore them in the sad closet secretary video

No. 19586

File: 1538958406788.jpg (124.73 KB, 1149x781, 5645634135325.JPG)

Just had a snoop on her MV page wall for comments or whatnot.

And I happened upon this, make of it what you will.

/s in case it's old milk

No. 19587


That's not really her fault. Manyvids doesn't notify you when people post on your wall.

No. 19588

Well, that is true.
But if you're running a business it might behoove you to actually check those once a month or so?

No. 19589

Its in the settings as an option to turn on email notifications when people write on your wall…

No. 19590

Mostnof those people are bluffing anyway and won’t pay for shit. They just want you to DM them so they can spurge their weird fantasies on you and then ghost you.

No. 19591

Well I don't know fuckall about this website so either one of you might be right.
To clarify: I meant that is true as in "oh if she doesn't get notified then it could be excused".
But if this is correct >>19589 then she should turn them on and reply to them regardless of this >>19590
Even if 3 out of 5 are bluffing, with how little she makes the remaining 2 would be a payday for her.
And yeah I know shes super lazy and stupid, but one can always hope I guess, -shrug.

No. 19592

File: 1538959709451.png (19.28 KB, 676x299, 1234.png)

No. 19593

has she posted her weekly schedule, is she going to be on cam tonight?

also how come I can see her tumblr on desktop but not on mobile app? I knew I was blocked by her and fupapa a while ago, but rarely go on desktop tumblr. I can see her whole blog, but his is still gone. can't load either of their posts from the mobile app

No. 19594

tips hat Allright, you are correct.

No. 19595

Tumblr is just broken as fuck; so that sounds about right.

No. 19596

File: 1538961678378.jpeg (Spoiler Image,561.35 KB, 1242x690, 3BBA042F-2405-4470-BF58-FA77C4…)

She looks legitimately mentally retarded. Why do all her “sexy” faces turn into tard faces?

No. 19597

ugh why is literally everything in this so pink. she looks sickly.

No. 19598

Damn girl at least scrub the shit stains off the wall first.

No. 19599

File: 1538968551087.jpg (51.37 KB, 234x622, Capture1.JPG)

No. 19600

File: 1538968559454.jpg (30.55 KB, 252x395, Capture.JPG)

No. 19601

File: 1538968644621.jpg (43.91 KB, 500x280, tumblr_pg9fpp4HrE1rmiw96o2_500…)

She cut back her hours again.

No. 19602


haha wait, so this dumb bitch took underage nudes and put her info on the internet, and then goes to the police because 'oh no my nudes and info are out there'?

are you retarded, shay? you put that shit out there and attached your real name to stuff. if you weren't so dumb, then you would lock your personal info down but you're an attention whore so you revealed and posted too much. that's how people can doxx you lol

No. 19603

If the cops read here they probably thought Shay's threads were hilarious lmao

No. 19604

OP here. I misread the response as it being back when she was with her parents but then I found >>19599 so I deleted the original post and reuploaded without the incorrect commentary.

No. 19605

Why would she cam from 10 AM to 1 PM on a Friday? That’s one of the best nights to be on late.

No. 19606

File: 1538970333755.png (4.54 MB, 1374x1500, hatersarejealous.png)

bored and felt like making something special. saged for shitpost

No. 19607

File: 1538970415146.png (84.51 KB, 750x767, IMG_4285.PNG)

A comment on her newest ig post. It's the pic of her with the pentagram septum

No. 19608

next thread pic please

No. 19609

way to leave her gross nipple in the second picture down on right, why do you want us to look at her tits

No. 19610

Because Fupa's no doubt home from work and he/they probably want date night. Fuck Shayna's earnings right.

No. 19611

Any content of her ever posted here are from her. She's the one who uploads all these photos, videos, and content online to several platforms, as well as release all information about herself. She used her real name as a handle "shay-gnar", and didn't change it when she started sex work because she said "it's already my brand". Not only that she used the same account/blog she's been using for 7 years, and didn't start over all because she didn't want to start over with the follower count. How dumb can you get.

All people are doing is discussing and commenting on the content she releases on her public social media platforms. Platforms she uploads to, that are meant to showcase and promote as well as feature comments. No one here is threatening her, they're just simply commenting also

What was she expecting? For the police NOT to print out the evidence? She's the one who tried to make a police report, all they were doing was routine. Sorry she felt like an idiot because they were doing their job by documenting/printing the forum of content she released, promoted, and perpetuated herself, with people exercising their first amendment rights?

Must have been embarrassing having pages of your sore- covered pussy and people discussing whether or not they're pimples, boils, warts, herpes, or what.

No. 19612

quit being a whiny bitch and accept this wonderful OC

No. 19613

File: 1538985068802.jpg (28.93 KB, 257x237, 5y45j.jpg)

She says this, yet she's the "porn creator" with boils, pimples, and whiteheads all over her pussy, who catfishes customers by hiding her pussy in previews, and them not seeing how disgusting it is until after they buy it.

She's had several customers come forward and complain.

No. 19614

Also adding, she cat fishes studios/production also. They wont know how bad her pussy looks until she's there in person. Possibly why they didn't airbrush out her boils in her agency pics, and just made her pose from the side or keep her panties on. Kinda like full discretion but not, like 'hey you booked her, you can clearly see the brown and red dots all over her cooch'. Can you imagine what nightmare you have to face from studios if you were her agency. She basically catfished her agency too tho. They didn't meet her in person until after she signed. kek.

No. 19615

Just saw her newest snap with fupa. Their interaction is so forced it’s painful to watch.

No. 19616

File: 1538986114222.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.41 KB, 269x943, Untitled01.jpg)

she considers that tasteful? i mean, at least she had the decency to hide the boils

No. 19617

How can you "tastefully" have your pussy out? If a dude had a profile picture with just a hint of scrotum, it would still be gross.

No. 19618

All their interaction is cringe. It's not cute or sweet or sexy. It's just weird. They're not a very attractive couple. I'm sure to each other they're the best thing, like with everyone. But it def doesn't translate to the rest of us.

No. 19619

Ya I dunno if they are even the best thing to each other though. In my opinion they won’t last.

No. 19620

Lol it's not even that good, just a shitty collage

No. 19621

Ok but post caps duh

No. 19622

File: 1539020073556.png (70.24 KB, 720x855, 2018-10-08 13_04_23-Mozilla Fi…)


No. 19623

File: 1539020151438.png (1.9 KB, 236x110, 2018-10-08 13_33_38-Mozilla Fi…)

lmao okay shayna

No. 19624


ah yes, promoting eating disorder blogs. exactly what a big blog should be doing, right? because she doesnt have anyone young and/or impressionable following her, right?

No. 19625

Also implying vaccines are scary and bad, even though she said herself the doctors had never seen anything like it, and never confirmed it was indeed the flu shot which caused it.

Ugh. Fuck her.

No. 19626

Happy and thriving!!
We been knew Shayna b/p whenever she gets stoned in Seattle and only has booze for meals before her shoots though
Goes to show how neglectful fupa is. He’s a self proclaimed gym rat but lets his gf eat like shit, drink every night, look at thinspo without ever working out

No. 19627

people in middle school teased her relentlessly about tit veins? well okay then.

No. 19628

I’ve always questioned this like was she flashing her tits at school? How would they even know she had a veiny tit?

No. 19629

Lmao is this bitch really trying to get spoonie points rn?

No. 19630

If a flu shot actually were to cause muscle deterioration (it doesn’t) and the doctors had “never seen anything like it”, she would have no doubt at least been in the local news. Thousands of people get flu shots every year, if she had such severe side effects as she claims, it would have been in newspapers. It also wouldn’t cause veins to show or any distending of the veins because it’s an intramuscular shot, not intravenous.

No. 19631

she claimed it was all over the right side of her chest and back. So yeah, unless her mother was allowing her to wear really low cut tops to grade school or something, I’m not sure how or why other kids would even notice.

No. 19632

File: 1539023780238.jpg (19.42 KB, 226x340, 122.JPG)

No. 19633

Changing for gym class or something? Truth is probably ONE classmate/friend saw it and teased her and she's rewritten the narrative to being relentlessly bullied over it.

No. 19634

File: 1539023850863.jpg (15.38 KB, 246x177, 123.JPG)

Shay stop talking about yourself.

No. 19635

this was literally just how her boobs developed like is she gonna say the bcg caused her clam neck

No. 19636

Seriously though…spider veins are normal. It’s also super normal if you’re pale, lots of people who are pale have noticeable veins on their chest and collarbone areas. She’s just trying to get victim points like usual.

No. 19637

maybe she should do a mutated tit porn for halloween

No. 19638

She should do situps, she has an out of shape twink body and a broken pussy. I don't know why she thinks being a little girl is the way to be, when she clearly looks like a crack smoking 34 year old mother of 5.

No. 19639

File: 1539032551572.jpeg (54 KB, 736x427, B3B41A08-AAE0-4AF5-AD43-E40564…)

Really trying to convince us she actually bathes. Someone totally called this in the last thread lmao.

No. 19640


this is doing nothing but convincing me she just stands or sits in her filth for hours on end lmao

No. 19641

Beer in the shower.. it would go all warm and get water in it. Why?

No. 19642


I used to drink in the shower, but I was an alcoholic. Which Shay definitely isn't. Right?

No. 19643

Shower beer is a meme of sorts. She's trying to be quirky but it just comes across as stupid because it's her.

No. 19644

i get drinking in the tub because they're typically longer and not so much for actual cleaning but for relaxing. But in the shower?? We all know Shay barely even washes herself, can she really not wait 5 seconds to have a drink

No. 19645

You can tell she's been super anxious, bored, and lonely with the influx of her begging for asks. She must really be loving her new life in bumfuck Oklahoma, where everyone else dreams of getting the fuck out of. kek. Talk about crazy buyers remorse. Fupa's prob feeling the same. Sad when you gotta rely on your followers for attention you should be getting from your so.

No. 19646

File: 1539035945768.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1200x2092, 735AF6DE-9F5D-4710-8710-7E11A1…)

lmao, she even needs to post a pic every time she bathes to prove it.

No. 19647

What is the point of showering with your hair in braids?

No. 19648

KEK that facial expression and hair really aren’t helping the fact that she looks like a rat.

No. 19649

i love the juxtaposition of her tired, baggy, dead-looking eyes against the sparkle of the sc filter. art

No. 19650

Fupa def has made it a rule for her to wash her body. Like everyone knows how gross her pussy is, it's as if he really enforced it to help his image.

No. 19651

So you don’t have to wash it, duh. Tbh she seems almost scared to wash her hair more than once every 10 days.

No. 19652

File: 1539037746573.jpeg (243.15 KB, 1242x449, D51C8A36-F822-4CD5-9852-EE9765…)

She reads this thread too much, kek.

She doesn’t need the props anymore, she just wants them. Stop showing how much you read this thread, cow.

No. 19653

Why is she always begging for items? A percentage of the money she makes from her videos should be invested back in to make more content, such as props, costume, camera equipment, backdrops. Your "business" should be a priority. What exactly is she buying with the money she says she's been making?

No. 19654

Washing your hair with braids in leads to tangles, knots, and dreading.
Sooo confirmed doesn’t wash her hair and just washes her icky vago for fupa.

No. 19655

I follow some sex workers on tumblr and they rarely ask for prop money, if ever. Even Camdamage who does some pretty intricate shoots never asks for anything for them. Then there's Shay who cant do anything without begging for money to do it. She claims she makes so much but doesn't put any back into her business??

No. 19656

it's good that she's not washing her hair every time she showers, otherwise she wouldn't have any. I'm still triggered by how matted her hair is in that last video. never washed matted hair or it will just solidify into dreads and be impossible to brush, you have to cut them out. although I doubt she even brushes her hair anymore lol it would all just break off.

No. 19657

Yeah I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she randomly blocks her fans just for liking her posts.

No. 19658

File: 1539041284763.jpg (19.91 KB, 279x258, icon.jpg)

(talking about which photo to use as her new icon)
She has such a weird looking face. I've never thought she was pretty. Who lied to her and ever told her she was hot? She has such a blown up ego from far too many yrs of tumblr use. Super ironic since her beloved platform and the "communities" she sought attention and praise from all can't stand her, and she's become the meme of 'that girl with disgusting pussy boils who insists on making porn'.

No. 19659

Why did she mention such a specific amount of time?? Lmao I'm so puzzled by her rn and also all the time

How long do you think it will take for her non shower curtain and stuffed animals to get moldy from being around the tub? I say a couple weeks.

No. 19660

Cause shower caps aren’t uwu cute and baby bimbo.

No. 19661

As a fellow alcoholic, I notice shit like the fact she's drinking IPAs which are on the somewhat higher end of typical beer ABV. So she's quicker to get a buzz going. She literally day drinks and gets drunk every day. Thriving though right?

No. 19662

Probably because Fupa's rules.. if he hadn't gotten bored of them. He had her waking up at set times and routinely bathing.

No. 19663

File: 1539051530794.jpg (55.03 KB, 600x800, atrophy.jpg)

I know we're all on board here that this is bullshit, but I can't believe she's still at it with this made up "flu shot" story. Tit veins aren't really that unusual and are usually genetic or hormonal. Her's are just a lot more apparent because she's very fair skinned. I don't buy the flu shot story or the muscle deterioration nonsense either. I've seen people with actual muscle deterioration and she obviously does not have any in her chest or arm or there would be a noticeable difference between her right and left side and has nothing to do with her wonky nipples. She's a really terrible liar, but I guess she is that desperate for the attention.

Also, how/why would she be getting teased for tit veins in middle school? How would anyone even know she has them?

Given her body type, I have a difficult time believing she hit puberty hard enough in middle school to cause her tit veins then? Who knows though, the whole thing sounds made up. I could see her being made fun of in high school for it though maybe? I guess?

Her hair is straight up disgusting. Shay needs to hydrate that rats nest desperately.

No. 19664

IPA's also really tend to fatten you up. SAD

No. 19665

Exactly. In the U.S. what she describes occurring probably would've been grounds for legal action… to me it sounds like she's always had them and made up some story to make her seem ~special~

No. 19666

Beer in general does..?

No. 19667

File: 1539075279274.png (264.02 KB, 640x1136, 116E5246-B32B-4E54-8A61-D54B6F…)

No. 19668

Damn. That didn't take long. Sounds like she's desperately looking to bail already.

No. 19669


Is it possible she's knocked up? Birth control isn't necessarily 100% effective and fupa seems to historically have working sperm.

Mood swings/podge/tiredness etc..

Horrifying thought.

No. 19670

Do anons theorize Shayna would get an abortion or keep the baby if this is true? Imagine her having to care for another human being when she can't even take care of herself.

No. 19671

Lmao how has there not been a statement from fupa yet with her posting all this shit lately?

No. 19672

>>19670 i think shed keep it for that sweet government cash. and child support. all the support. people like her that shouldnt be having kids often do JUST for the money

No. 19673

fupa would probably try to convince her to get rid of it, i doubt he wants to be paying support for another child

No. 19674

its funny that you imply he actually pays support…

No. 19675

I shudder to think that she'd legitimately try to make pregnancy porn just to make a quick buck as well. She seems that depraved

No. 19676

File: 1539088718983.jpg (913.19 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-075500.jpg)

She was live on Instagram last night (while camming??) but didn't really say/do anything interesting other than being manic and obnoxious as fuck. She was giving me serious momokun vibes lol


No. 19677

File: 1539089645547.jpg (522.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-135346_Chr…)

Man she looks like an actual goblin and that hairs about to snap off.

No. 19678

File: 1539090548011.jpg (486.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-060849_Chr…)

What a sad room

No. 19679

Her thigh looks like she’s been self harming unless it’s from rib or her claws idk

No. 19680

File: 1539090910627.png (5.97 MB, 1125x2436, 94CB3453-DD0E-491C-AF31-C9DF1D…)

No. 19681

Just watched her live Instagram and that shit was appalling. She's hardcore spiralling.

No. 19682

Looks like self harm to me. They look too far apart to be cat claws.

No. 19683

Tbh it made me really uncomfortable watching this. It's like watching someone a second away from breaking down completely. She seemed better when she was living in Seattle by herself

No. 19684

http://daddys-pain-princess.tumblr.com/tagged/me this is shaynas orbiter harley btw, as people were wondering a couple days ago

No. 19685


What the fuck was that sudden manic laughter lmao jesus. I swear you could think that she lives alone. It's not even a month and you can tell that both of them already hate the entire situation they choose to be in lol.

No. 19686

All these obsessed fans are always overweight and disgusting

No. 19687

oh wow we talking OVERWEIGHT overweight

No. 19688

File: 1539095548019.png (2.84 MB, 750x1334, AEE9E102-B65E-4BF1-9CA3-39EB31…)

sorry if nitpicking but wow, this is sad. she literally looks like she’s living in a crack den. they definitely didn’t get new carpets when they bought the house, or even clean them. I’m sure once upon a time those carpets were white or cream. and that washed out crusty old faded pink towel/blanket never fails to disgust me.

No. 19689

You'd think this is some poor girl being held captive in an abandoned house, what is that setup? It looks even worse from other angles.

No. 19690

File: 1539098634723.gif (4.96 MB, 396x704, Daddyslilcutter.gif)

100% self harm marks and they don't look like scars yet to me either.

No. 19691

"this is more attention than i EVER get on cam!" kek

No. 19692


absolutely thriving with Dada

No. 19693

Honestly they look like swollen fresh scratches from her nasty press on nails

No. 19694

I feel really bad for her but also at the same time am not surprised it ended up this way for her.

No. 19695

would she really be showing it off like this though????

No. 19696

anyone watch her on cam last night? she could've been tipped to leave marks on herself in some way

No. 19697

damn shay

No. 19698

File: 1539100898442.png (416.32 KB, 528x806, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-43-17…)

No. 19699

File: 1539100942668.png (546.78 KB, 587x1051, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-40-24…)

No. 19700

It’s hard to tell if it’s self harm or just nail marks tbh, we all know shaynasty can’t help picking and scratching at herself so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just claw marks from her dirty nails from scratching at her legs on cam, if it is self harm that’s really sad though. Thought she was ‘thriving’

No. 19701

File: 1539100991121.png (425.91 KB, 554x914, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-44-28…)

No. 19702

File: 1539101025266.png (446.78 KB, 527x970, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-47-54…)

No. 19703

File: 1539101140062.png (414.77 KB, 533x840, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-50-24…)

"I'm like a giraffe in every aspect."

A video edit anon should loop her giraffe poses.

No. 19704

Omg why are all her fangirls these heinous looking creatures? She’s fucking huge.

No. 19705

The face she makes when she touches soap

No. 19706

Her bio is vomit-inducing, jfc. Why won't these girls just go to therapy?

No. 19707

File: 1539101774621.gif (8.09 MB, 473x840, 2934E445-440E-4B43-9537-F276B0…)

this is frightening

No. 19708

Why does this bitch burp so much? You would think that she would find a way to cater specifically to men and women who get off on shit like that because of how often she does it. But nope, instead she’s trying to go for a pretty princess vibe. I truly do not get this girl, how is she so unaware of herself and her personality! It just does not match the vibe she wants to send out and it’s so frustrating.

No. 19709

i like how the two shower beers are there. why'd you open 2 cans of beer at the same time if you can't even finish them?

No. 19710

I think drugged out auntie is having a mental breakdown/stroke

No. 19711

Because sex work will solve all their problems,anon! Duh! That’s what tumblr says!

No. 19712

File: 1539101919361.jpg (464.23 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181009-120958_Tum…)

her tumblr is chock full of shit like this right now, mental breakdown in progress

No. 19713

File: 1539102242027.jpeg (142.9 KB, 1242x544, EAD27476-21D7-4301-8EBF-85C022…)

Don’t worry Shay, just get your Dada to make you suck his cock, that makes everything all better like you said right?!

No. 19714

Yeah. Her whole deal is “give me attention dada” and she has never been a cutter before. Not to minimize the fact she’s actually suffering if she’s self harming, but it’s just another cry for help. She wants validation and people to exclaim over it and pity her. Or, gross mental image, Fupa was eating her out and left scratches when he was holding her thighs. We’ll just need to see how it progresses to find out.

No. 19715

File: 1539102761452.png (506.36 KB, 553x967, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-13-50…)

No. 19716

take a shot everytime she says "um" if you wana get shay-level drunk

No. 19717

File: 1539102948723.png (518.51 KB, 550x989, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-16-17…)

"I'm not drunk. I've only had a beer and a half. I haven't got any weed on me, so I'm gonna drink the fuck out of the rest of this beer."

Binge drinking explained.

She then brazenly burped several times.

No. 19718

File: 1539103036575.png (71.66 KB, 257x411, DrunkardMattel.png)

She's really not talking about fupa anymore, huh? It's just this now?

It also looks like she's aggressively reblogging her porn, tinfoil but what if she's trying to save money to move out?

No. 19719


Bless you, anon. The tongue flicking would be a treat, too >>19699.

No. 19720

File: 1539103146039.png (424.55 KB, 552x994, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-03…)

Miming to Billie Holiday.

No. 19721

File: 1539103179262.png (457.9 KB, 562x960, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-07…)

No. 19722

File: 1539103209347.png (443.71 KB, 546x1004, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-44…)

No. 19723

Is she having a legit mental breakdown right now?

No. 19724

File: 1539103710544.gif (8.11 MB, 473x840, 5BBBFB2B-B04C-4E0D-9425-4DE237…)

No. 19725

File: 1539103740312.gif (14.04 MB, 473x840, 5B14195F-1DBA-408E-B529-2C538F…)

That self realization moment at the end…

No. 19726

it was supposedly her first time trying these filters and she started doing dramatic lip syncing for some reason

No. 19727

Oh lord, grandma got into the pain pills again

No. 19728

lmao god this could be a thread pic on it's own

No. 19729

This actually makes me feel bad for her and I kinda wish she would try to do better by herself. Throwing yourself into kids shows and a bottle of wine are not the right steps though.

Even if she does leave fupa, he has basically commandeered her brand and remaining tumblr following with this 'daddy mattel' bs.

No. 19730


Whatever Happened to Baby Shay?

No. 19731

Dont think she cammed last night? Her schedule only said photo-set.

No. 19732

As a psychiatric nurse for 5 years, I can confirm this is a serious episode right here. She has some issues and she needs to seek help. She is resorting to substance abuse and a form of codepence to make herself feel somewhat “okay.” She is going no where in life. Sorry, not sorry. I am in full support of legitamite sex workers who are in a good frame of mind, but Shay is not. She has said in the past that a therapist and medication is not “for her,” but that is a huge red flag that she has some real problems. She needs a therapist and some meds and a wake up call. She needs helps.

No. 19733

what is a serious episode? Which breakdown are you referring to?

No. 19734

Dude have you read this thread? Like even the last 20 posts? She’s gone from “yikes” to “YIKES” in a matter of weeks aka since moving to bumfuck. She consistently posts manic depressive things about wanting to die, not being good enough, etc. Her drinking has gone WAY up to the point where it’s literally a part of every cam session and even some videos. She is broadcasting herself falling apart on every medium possible.

No. 19735

Honestly I think she should take a break from camming completely and focus on her mental health because not only is it not good for business for her existing customers to see her acting like a wreck, she’d feel a whole lot better for it. Sort your life out and go home to your parents shay

No. 19736

I’m just asking which breakdown they were referring to…take your autistic rage elsewhere.

No. 19737

Fupa has probably gone ghost and will never log into his blog again and just pretend all of this never happened lol. Jesus. I wonder if he is looking into flights to send her to her parents ASAP so he can be done. She really is spiraling rn

No. 19738

they also barely spend time together as their schedules don’t line up. By the time she wakes up at 12 Pm he’s at work. and when she’s “working” he’s off at the “gym” (aka stuffing his face with whataburger and claiming it’s for gains) and when he gets home (at 2 am for whatever reason? What gym is open that late?) she’s already in bed. It’s kind of sad, but I can’t feel bad for someone who made her life out to be absolute perfection and moving in with him to be absolute luxury living.

No. 19739

it's definitely from her scratching her leg. literally minutes before, the first time she filmed her setup in the video, there were no marks

No. 19740

did he mention he's home that late somewhere, if this is true thats kind of sad… they used to talk more when their relationship was just online

No. 19741

Shay, honey, at this point don't worry about the "haters". Even we want to see you get out of there. It's not about "I told you so", it's about not wanting to watch you spiral out of control and get irreparably damaged by this dangerous situation. Reach out. Get help. Ask your dad to fly you home for a few weeks, take a break from work, and work on yourself. Stop making excuses and get a therapist because you KNOW you need one. Don't let it get too late. help yourself. Reach out to anyone at this point. Get out. Even the "haters" think you don't deserve this shit ass predator. he is dangerous. Don't wait for the bomb to go off. Get out now.

No. 19742

File: 1539109442385.jpg (178.31 KB, 598x672, Screenshot_2018-10-09-19-03-13…)

Sad shay's souless shack. Haus of Mattel just isn't working for you, there no shame in saying sorry.
Go home, find your family, find your friends, but most of all, find your fucking dignity girl. You don't need a twatty used up selfish old man, you're better than this. Despite what you may think about this place nobodies relishing in your sadness, we may be bitches but we're not entirely without heart.

No. 19743

my tinfoil is that Fupa now hates Shat because he feels like being with her is actually ruining his entire irl life, and now Shay's fucked because she moved out there and probably has no money and is now living with a man who doesnt love her as much as he used to claim.

(info out there, ex wife knowing dirty secrets, boss could find out, apparently lost friends over her)

No. 19744


Has he been posting at all?

No. 19745

He hasn’t posted in a few days. I hate to say I told you so but….girl…you are 21 did you really expect moving in with a man much older that you barely knew would be the solution to all your problems and guarantee lifelong happiness?

No. 19746

Her voice is the absolute WORST! And her face, I can't even. She's insufferable, I can't even tolerate a minute of this.

No. 19747

Seriously he’s over 10 years older than her, they have nothing in common besides the fact that he likes to do flaky bdsm practices and she’ll sit there and take it.

No. 19748

Didn’t he post something the other day while lurking at whataburger and being one of them after midnight gym guys

No. 19749

File: 1539110544639.jpg (27.8 KB, 500x281, bette-baby-jane.jpg)


All I can see.

No. 19750

yeah what gym is open after midnight though?? I’m almost certain he’s just using old pics while he stuffs his face at whataburger late at night to get more time away from Shayna.

No. 19751


some gyms are open 24 hrs

No. 19752

Nothing to add to this but I'm losing my fucking mind at "Shat"

No. 19753

I’m going to be sick, this woman is glamorizing rape and shit? Not to self blog but as a survivor that kinda shit makes me so angry and boils my piss ffs. I’m all for exploring and enjoying kinks hell I do BDSM myself but straight up rape and rape torture is just a smack in the face to real victims like wtf is wrong with some people

No. 19754


Fupa 100% embarrassed that this entire thing didn't worked out as he hoped. No fancy 25/7 tumblr bdsm shit to broadcast online, no nice house to flex, NOTHING. Now he has a depressed girl sitting in his house that does nothing but drinking beer and being sad. Also, the house still looks like on day one when they moved in: No furniture or cute spooky decoration uwu but filthy af.

Makes me really wonder how the snap >>19615 looked like with the current awkward situation between them.

No. 19755

"does this have filters?" oh Shayna.

No. 19756

Shayna And Fupa do it all the time, she’s just another fat cow looking for their validation.

No. 19757

File: 1539111171704.jpg (50.79 KB, 522x816, 4f7j.jpg)


Those def look like cuts on her thigh, go to 10:54 sec of the video.

No. 19758

File: 1539111457911.jpg (45.09 KB, 240x347, gok.jpg)

So she's on cam, and she had a song on, Beach Boys' God Only Knows. When it was playing she got really irritated, and jumped to turn it off, and says "I just wanted to put some songs on to cheer me up, but listening to people be happy is pissing me off more than anything"

No. 19759

Pet Sounds seems like a happy album but it's pretty fucking depressing

No. 19760

File: 1539111786432.jpg (55.85 KB, 504x433, regress.jpg)

She regressed hard for a little, then snapped out of it and said she had no weed after getting off cam last night. Then she broke her bong, that she spent 200 couple weeks ago, that she's devastated about. And also after broke her chillum. Then she let out this painful shrill scream. "And that's not even the tip of all my problems" "For once I'm drinking red wine, that's how you know Im sad"

No. 19761

Now she's talking about how she has perfect nipples and how everyone likes them, and how they're the nipples from god or some shit.

Now she's put on some Christmas music.

Tinfoiling, maybe she's holding on to Fupa just for the time she can bring him back to MA for the holidays.

Eh, maybe not, she just turned the Xmas music off after 10 secs.

No. 19762

-Talking about how she has the worst dark cirles, and how only zombies and methheads have it worse than her.

"Life is bullshit"

Talking to Harley now… (her orbiter, see >>19684 )

No. 19763

File: 1539112408081.jpg (136.08 KB, 1020x500, cry.jpg)

.. and she's cracked.

She was in the middle about talking about peanut butter, and outta nowhere says, "i'm crying" and just broke down. I didn't get the best caps of it, sry

No. 19764

she seems really tweaked out and manic. she was talking about peanut butter and then started crying..? what the fuck is going on

No. 19765

Alright, thats enough narrating from me, I can't handle anymore, she's a mess. Cuts visible last night, while throwing the phone into several angles, she wanted someone to see. Also, camming like that, someone would see.

Then all the breaking down today. Shit with Fupa is def not going good guys.

No. 19766

File: 1539112634148.png (8.53 KB, 499x89, 787d4aba19f82b94ae980f7f6744a6…)

she didn't respond to this and not long later said "i'm not here to talk about things that are making me sad". oof.

No. 19767


she just said Fupa broke her bong and he broke his piece, kek.

No. 19768

someone said he should get no sex for breaking her bong and she got all upset over it?

No. 19769


probably because she knows that wouldnt end well. i can see her jokingly saying that him going full rage.
also i meant to say She* broke his piece.

No. 19770

File: 1539113552811.jpg (13.66 KB, 258x187, cam.jpg)

This on her tumblr

No. 19771

She;s talking about how she can't watch netflix, about to loose her amazon prime, and her spotify bc they still haven't sent her her card.They said 7-10… It's been 9 days.

She says it feels like life's taking her by her balls and ??m squeezing it? ripping it apart?

No. 19772

It’s funny she posted this because then when she’s online she’s getting mad at people for asking why she’s so upset. THEN DONT ASK PEOPLE TO COME COMFORT YOU ON CAM BECAUSE YOURE “SO SAD”, SHAYNA.

I’m 150% sure she’s just using this as a ploy to make people feel bad so they’ll tip her. They won’t tip her for being herself so she has to play sad girl victim.

No. 19773

life is grabbing her by her pussy scrotum

No. 19774

"this is my life, I can have 50 people here, and noone wants to do anything…

don't know what more i can do for people to tip me"

I don't know.. maybe WORK.

No. 19775

LMAO at least she is self aware about her life and how her vag looks like a ballsack.

No. 19776

lmao, right?

No. 19777


She keeps talking about no one talking to her but she doesn’t engage anyone first. She doesn’t try randomly talking about her interests, or try asking specific premiums how they’re doing. She never has any games going. She isn’t even trying, she just expects money to flow in.

No. 19778

Why is she on a camsite for this? She should do an instagram live or something, how can you expect people to do anything for you who are only there to see your tits?

No. 19779

Major tinfoil but, could fupa be hiding her card?

It’s probably not at that level of abuse (yet?) but I’m genuinely worried for her. Her poor decisions don’t justify any form of abuse.

No. 19780

File: 1539116449028.jpg (34.47 KB, 272x468, alone.jpg)

lol, posting these while knowing fupa will see it on tumblr, that's just PAST pathetic.

No. 19781

This reminds me of the "laugh now, cry later" theater masks.

Next thread pic please.

No. 19782

File: 1539116640164.jpeg (190.75 KB, 750x657, B9E2304F-BA62-4F49-8E7A-B25A5E…)

She posted this on twitter

No. 19783

How come the thought of Fupa finding a hott girl at work or the gym or in the line of whataburger and leaving shay to wallow in her sorrows, starting to sound more and more like a possibility.

No. 19784

File: 1539117113301.jpg (123 KB, 594x870, fupa.jpg)

fupas blog, tinfoil away

No. 19785

File: 1539117137273.jpg (60.79 KB, 436x464, l.jpg)

lyrics to fupa's song

No. 19786

He also keeps playing “all girls are the same” look up the lyrics cos it’s pretty telling.

No. 19787

Incoming tinfoil. Is he thinking about his ex wife? Knowing how his ex wife is with a better man now, is much happier with herself, and has custody of this kids, maybe he's realized how fucking stupid he was for going with a 21 year old cam thot. I know in some previous threads anons posted how he dated another girl through tumblr before shay, maybe it could be her too?

No. 19788

I’m gonna laugh my ass off if he considers this bullshit to be rap.

No. 19789

I doubt it. He’s probably just found out that being with Shayna is ruining his life because shayna is a disgusting dumpster whore who lies about her life on the internet and puts all her info out there. He probably expected a 24/7 submissive slut who would do whatever he wants, whenever he asks. But that’s not how BDSM works, Fupa.

No. 19790

Even if she did completely changed her life around and started to improve herself by quitting camming and going back to MA, could she even really have a normal life? Her name is tied to all the gross porn she's done. If she was going to find a regular job, wouldn't employers see it by searching her name? I feel like she's dug herself too deep into this hole, but I could be wrong too.

No. 19791

This dumbass ADULT posting songs like a preteen on myspace I swear… Every time I almost start feeling sympathy for Shay one of them does something that makes me realize they did this to themselves and they’re the only ones who can undo it, but they need to actually communicate instead of vagueblog on social media. What a dumpster fire.

No. 19792

I think the worst of it is she is on fucking IMDB for those awful insex videos.

No. 19793


Not to blogpost but I’m a sex worker whose employers have found out at every job I’ve been at and that’s no reason for her not to get a regular job.

No. 19794

the main reason would be because she’s lazy AF and has no real work ethic.

No. 19795

I think we overestimate how deeply employers look into a candidate’s history. She has no education and couldn’t possibly get an office job at a reputable place, but I believe she has a chance in a local restaurant/shop/even a factory. Her chances of having a ‘normal’ life haven’t been harmed. However her chances for a traditionally ‘successful’ life are ruined only because she’s incapable of putting any of her skills to use. Let’s not even get into her mental issues, though…

No. 19796

Part of the problem is the type of porn she does, I think. Maybe employers don't mind sex workers in general but she's a relatively big name on tumblr so how hard would it be for someone at work to recognize her, and then I'm not sure employers would be down with one of their workers pandering to pedophiles while wearing diapers.

No. 19797

That’s the truth… With some degree of charm and class she could own her sex work even at another job, but we all know she has neither of those things

No. 19798

Is she /really/ a big name on tumblr? I know the notes and interactions aren’t necessarily a good indicator of popularity on a porn blog, but is it possible to guesstimate what her reach really is?

No. 19799

Been on tumblr for 11 years and seen her on my dash once. She really doesn't have the reach she believes she does.

No. 19800

She’s been on tumblr now for almost 7 years, and she’s blacklisted in most SW circles and stoner circles. Her name is very well known on tumblr for how controversial she’s always been.

No. 19801

You know, I’m actually more worried about one of her fans recognizing her at work, now that I think of it. What if some sicko takes what she posts about liking what she claims to like at face value and actually hurts her?

No. 19802

Most people have heard of her, she had more reach before the shit with littlesativabug where she started getting put on blocklists and whatever. She used to interact with a lot more blogs than she did before. She used to be pretty liked and was in with a bigger name. I'm kinda in the 'sex worker community' and I still see her on my blog sometimes even with the blacklists. Not as often as before though. Not a far stretch to believe that someone who followed sex workers would know her name.

No. 19803

Musing on Shay's situation and it occurs to me that "haters" are the only ones who have been giving her decent and caring advice. Shower daily. Take it down a notch with all the intoxicants. DO NOT MOVE IN WITH FUPA BECAUSE EVEN HIS MOM THINKS HE IS A TURD. Get that crotch rash looked at by a professional. Stop engaging in sexual activity minutes after getting waxed. Get some exercise. Eat some fruit and vegetables. If you're gonna be a cam girl, at least do it well and make it pay off.

The fans have been cheering her into misery and will keep doing it.

No. 19804

Back when she was stoner Shayna you could not got on tumblr without seeing her face but that was years ago

No. 19805

I think that’s the key, actually- I definitely trust that she has a big reach with sex workers and people who follow sex workers especially because of the controversy, but that doesn’t translate to average-workingclass-person reach (if that makes sense.)

Part of me is really rooting for her to get help, get a job and get better, and the other part has no patience for her dumbass obstinately bad decisions. She probably needs this horrible experience with fupa in order to learn, and that’s really sad.

No. 19806

just an fyi as a past hiring manager and current recruiter for a large company supporting multiple positions – you can and will be googled and hiring managers will draw whatever conclusions they want from what they find lol
just because they aren't "allowed" to discriminate because of something or other doesn't mean they won't do it quietly and just say you're unqualified or whatever
anyone that is a semi-competent job seeker in 2018 needs to scrub as much questionable stuff off the internet as possible tbh, it can only work against you in the future

No. 19807

Huh, this must be how her parents feel. They try to steer her right and she calls them abusers. (To be fair there’s no way to know what her childhood was like, but the general consensus is that calling them abusive is a stretch, isn’t it?)

No. 19808

I am an average-workingclass-person. You don't have to be a sex worker to follow them or know of the names on tumblr (this thread in point). It would only take one person at her job to be on that side of tumblr and bring up her gross porn to the boss. If she did "classier" porn or just some tasteful nudes she could be fine but bitch has videos in diapers, pissing everywhere, and shitting out eggs.

No. 19809

I mean his ex wife did say that he was miserable to live with, doesn’t do anything around he house and expects things done for him. It’s become clear that shaynas fantasy of moving to a castle with daddy to take care of her is not happening. The reality is a weird cheap box house in Oklahoma with a man-child that doesn’t really know or care for you at all beyond using her for sex. I genuinely feel bad.

No. 19810

The fact that her father apparently found her porn equipment (i think the dog cage) and still sends her spongebob memes pretty much points to him not being abusive lol

No. 19811

You’ve got a point. There’s always that one (or multiple) gossipy person who’s chummy with the boss. If she keeps her past hidden somehow it’s probably only a matter of time before she’s found out. I wonder if she’d be humiliated.

No. 19812


Like I said, I’ve been found out at every regular job I’ve had. Every time has been because someone gossiped to my boss about it. Nothing ever happened, they never cared. That isn’t an excuse for her to not get a regular job.

No. 19813

Okay, but do you pander to pedos in diapers and lay in your own piss?

No. 19814


Ok that’s a fair point cus no lmao

No. 19815

File: 1539120848478.png (1.75 MB, 1091x1091, thedownwardspiral.png)

No. 19816

At the company I work at, all applicants are searched on every form of social media and anything remotely off will land an applicant in the no pile.
Realistically, there is nothing she offers in terms of skill that would make her more hirable than any other person, but many many things that would make an employer want to run away.

No. 19817

Not trying to say she shouldn't Try to have a normal life but I can't see an employer being okay with what she's posted online if they were to find out. Getting so far into her "super hardcore kinky baby slut" act could potentially come back to bite her if she decided to give it up

No. 19818

anon i love you for this

No. 19819

I wonder if this means she will be moving out soon. It’s embarrassing for both of them to have made such a big deal about their perfect new life together and he bought a fucking house, but this is clearly her saying that shit isn’t good with him. I mean how else could this be interpreted

No. 19820

In that video where he was at whataburger and then went home, as he’s going through the kitchen he’s like “and This is what I come home to” while pointing st the fast food trash on the counter. He obviously expects her to clean and do chores while he’s gone, she does only work a few hours at night and has the whole day to do it.

No. 19821

It's really telling that we haven't really seen fupa replying to Shay about anything she's been posting? Even if he's talking to her irl it's still odd.. I've seen some couples on tumblr (Not porn blogs but still) and whenever one would post half as much as Shay does about being sad the other says something online.

No. 19822

I mean also, is it possible that you’re an emotionally capable and competent sex worker who isn’t sent into a literal manic panic at the slightest hint of an issue? Not to be confrontational, I believe you that sex work is not an obstacle to a regular job. It’s just that Shay’s historically incapable of facing minor inconveniences with dignity.

No. 19823

I know you’re right, but I guess I’m just harboring this fantasy that she can change her name and hide out as a waitress at a sleepy diner in a small town, riding her bike to work and just you know, NOT getting used and abused. Pretty sure that’s a movie plot, though.

No. 19824

This specific reason is why I’m really concerned about this situation. What is the likelihood of her realizing “hey I made a mistake moving in with this person I literally don’t know in the middle of nowhere” and taking mature steps to leave the situation? I’m worried how the situation will pan out. I don’t think it will be pretty

No. 19825

If she could just stay off the god damn internet and change her hair and go by a different name for a while, this would actually be totally possible. Sadly I just don’t think she would take the necessary steps to live a quiet peaceful life

No. 19826

>Why does this bitch burp so much?
Probs because she drinks way too much and is on the path to becoming a serious alcoholic.
Yeah, this stopped being funny a while back. She may be crusty and self-absorbed, but she isn't remotely a bad enough person to deserve being in a situation like this.

No. 19827

lmao you guys are legitimately on crack for this one
first off this outcome is not indicative of her personality whatsoever
second, when you're applying for a job you don't just "go by a new name" this isn't a 1950's mystery novel

No. 19828

She's "in a situation like this" due to her own decisions. Zero sympathy.

No. 19829

she was actually bragging about this same situation not too long ago kek

No. 19830

Surely if she changed her name by deed poll she’d be able to find a ‘vanilla’ job in a shop/diner/warehouse etc?? She has options she’s just too stupid and stubborn to bother, not to mention playing the poor little me I’m sad card gives her the attention she craves. I think she’ll stay in this situation purely for the sympathy vote until something genuinely nightmareish happens. Take our advice and leave fatso ASAP shayna

No. 19831

>deed poll
this isn't the uk
>she has options
she's had options this whole time, she just purposefully chooses the most absolutely shitty ones

No. 19832

She can get a regular job in the service industry or some other lower-level career path, but if she does somehow get her shit together, go to school, and try to enter corporate life (which tbf isn't going to happen), she's absolutely screwed. Public sex work can and will fuck you over if you're on a more lucrative career path.

No. 19833

shayna doesn't deserve to be abused but she dug her own grave on this one. i don't feel sympathy when she had plenty of opportunities to fix shit before and went with all of the wrong choices. lie down with dogs and you get fleas!

No. 19834

i agree with the zero sympathy anons. i feel bad for shay yeah but i can't understand anons saying "she isn't remotely a bad enough person to deserve being in a situation like this" because she kind of… is. she has been a total lying narcissistic bitch about this whole thing for the last year and she's a manipulator. she gave up having her working father and mother pay for her college and she refuses to be a decent human. it is sad what her life is, yeah fupa is a piece of shit, but shay isn't an innocent victim at all. she turned down having a perfectly good life that so many people would kill for to try to flex online and to be cocky and gross and now she's finally realizing how bad her choice was, she realizes that fupa isn't being her dada slave and pampering her lazy selfish ass like she thought and now she's pushing the pity card lol

No. 19835


Agree completely. You can feel sorry for her, but don't think she's innocent, she made her own bed and now has to deal with the repercussions. She did this entirely to herself and now she's wanting pity for her own stupid fuck ups. All of this is self inflicted pain that she's putting herself through to keep up her sex worker bimbo image. Is it sad to see someone suffer like this? Yea. But is does she deserve better? Nah, not really. She brought this on herself.

No. 19836

also worth noting that they used to talk on Tumblr all the time, to the point where we were joking that they didn't even speak in person because of how much they interacted online. Amazing to see a complete 180 where they don't acknowledge each other's existence online. I wonder what that means for real life. Remember when they were in Mexico, and just kept reblogging each other's posts 24/7? Like they were just sitting in their room silently communicating over the phone? And now we see none of that. No interaction on Tumblr at all. They are over each other. I wonder if fupapa is already messaging a new girl.

No. 19837

Nah I'm sticking with didn't change the address and it's in Seattle.

No. 19838

is it tho? her real name isn't dolly mattel

No. 19839

Under her real name you find these threads and can easily discover everything about her.

No. 19840

this got my vote for next thread pic bless you anon

No. 19841

True, but her real name is tied to these threads though. Even if he real name wasn't, she's still shown her face on camera. It's not impossible for someone she's working for to recognize her or stumble upon her.

No. 19842

Kek. Just Google "Shayna Clifford" and see what the first page gets you.

No. 19843

Agreeing with this. I doubt she ever filed for a change of address.

She needs love and attention.. so she got a sex site where her whole job there is to give other people attention and turn them on. Genius, Shay.

No. 19844

How much has she been making on her cam shows lately?
Tinfoil, she's trying to force herself to work a lot so that she can make money to move out.

No. 19845

Couldn't she go to a woman's resource shelter? Surely there has to be one near her. I admit I don't know enough about what it takes to get it to one or how long you can stay there, because I've never had to flee a situation like her's so correct me if I'm wrong. If she really is trying to leave, it's at least a step in the right direction.

No. 19846

im expecting suicide threats from her soon tbh. she really needs to gtfo of fupas house

No. 19847

tinfoiling - what if her woe-is-me drama is because fupa's ex told him about what she now knows about shay and he's taking out his frustration on her?
i'm pretty 100% on that he'd become abusive eventually, but this may have triggered it to come on full-force much quicker

No. 19848

Maybe she's doing all this to get fupa's attention because he's absolutely sick of her already lol kind of makes sense considering she's blasting how sad she is all over tumblr

No. 19849

Can't be much since she's just on cam drinking and crying. Her cam score has gone down as well to 2334.

No. 19850

she's live on insta

No. 19851

Live on insta and freaking out over spongebob

No. 19852

This is her second time live on IG today. She seems to really enjoy it and everyone's blowing up her stream with comments. Putting on my tinfoil, but this seems to be the kind've interaction she's been trying to achieve with her camming. I wonder if we're going to see her cam differently now that she has a social outlet?

No. 19853

File: 1539131179492.jpg (71.02 KB, 921x1253, mattedmattel.jpg)

She looks so rough and her hair is a matted mess

No. 19854

Right after this she held up a thing a boxed wine and said it would all be inside her later on cam

No. 19855

So she's going to cam on MFC while intoxicated as well after this? That's three streams in one day.

No. 19856

Yup, said she'd be on later tonight and she'd go live on insta while she cammed which just seems stupid

No. 19857

going live on insta then switching to mfc isnt that bad of an idea.

No. 19858

I'm sure that won't get her IG banned or anything..

No. 19859


She's been around on tumblr for almost a decade. Incessantly reblogging/promoting her own posts. Using the same account for the entirety, only changing usernames when she realized she burned and doxxed herself, but only after she released porn and cammed under her real name and already subjected her follower list full of children and minors to her nasty pedo bait porn. No, she isn't that well known in Tumblr in general. But you might have seen one of her posts if you were in the stoner community during a particular time on tumblr, or part of the kink(dd/lg community) when she started. Her post engagements have dwindled throughout the years, her follower count is mostly inactives, bots, etc. and engagements are at an all time low with Tumblr changing nsfw settings.

She started started out as a stoner blog for several years when they were very popular, that's how she got the majority of her followers. She had other friends/aquaintances from school/same area who had very active stoner blogs as well. The main ones were Jess, Colleen, and Marissa. So you would see them talk to one another on each of their blogs and reblog each other's content, take photos together, etc. Jess, an artist, is the one who got her into taking and posting more smoking pics and videos. The friendships ended, Shayna kept up with tumblr.

She's always reblogged her own posts, 1000x a day to the point she had sideblogs when she'd hit her post limit. As a stoner blog, she promoted her blog to minors and encouraged them to follow her and ask her for advice where she would tag it in her "advice column" (also got in a fight with her mom about how her advice could be harmful to those kids- links on old thread descriptions or >>494432 ), as well as established herself as a scammer and liar by not shipping out prizes from her giveaways ( >>18932 ). She's always tried several ways of making money like making poorly made festival bras and attempting to sell them on etsy. Or just flat out beg her followers for wishlist items or for other stuff. The whole time, she'd also drum up a shit ton of drama with her illogical contradictory, hypocritical, and ill-informed rants on topics she has no idea about, and always airing her unwarranted opinions on other people's posts or drama. She got so problematic, she was alienated within the community… (of a bunch of stoners, so you know its bad)

No. 19860

I want to see some of the posts that blacklist her or the blogs that discuss it

No. 19861

Same thing happened when she switched to the kink community. *Important note: she switched to sex work using the same account, while still having under-aged followers, and while using the same username, (shay-gnar, which is her real name). She didn't want to start her follower count over or go through all the work of establishing a new blog/username, so she decided to subject a bunch of children to her nudes and porn. The same children she promoted her blog to so she could give them "advice". And at the same time, made posts about "keeping kids out of kink", when she was the one endangering them.

While in the kink community, she basically did the same thing that made her a pariah in the stoner community, making ill informed, hypocritical, uneducated, posts and rants, scamming, lying, spitting out her unwarranted illogical opinion to the point any community she wanted to be a part of so bad, don't accept her.
She also made a post claiming that she didn't want to be nor was she part of the "dd/lg" community, etc.. but while at the same time still tagging her photos and content as dd/lg .

She's become a meme. It's kinda like a freak show and a really bad train wreck. Mostly because of the state of her breakouts on her vagina, yet she churns out so much content and still insists on making porn.

No. 19862

this is the saddest and loneliest I think I've ever seen her look. Shay change your life

wh did her friendship end with Jess? She's still friends with Colleen, but I never heard if something happened between Jess and her

No. 19863

She started changing her handles when her name were solified to the fact that she was a scammer, liar, bad customer reviews, boils on her pussy, giveaway scam, lying for money, not using the money she got for the reason said, etc..the list goes on and on… dumdolly, stupidbaby, dumbkitten, bambiedoll, now dollymattel.

No. 19864

It was in the old threads, not sure if they were in the ones that got deleted though. But yeah, they got into a fight, Shayna made remarks about Jess being broke and stuck at home and still smoking weed, and references to her as (judge) "judy", being judgmental about Shayna selling porn, and jabs at Jess's being empathetic (because of her tattoo)

No. 19865

Unfortunately for her you search one you'll probably find the others. "Dolly mattel" was dumb cos when Searching you mostly get things about Trixie Mattel.

No. 19866

try looking here:

No. 19867

Then jess herself started trying to sell porn and I don’t think it went very well at all.

No. 19868

checking Jess's tumblr, jesus she looks even rougher than Shayna and is somehow even worse at makeup, her eyebrows are atrocious.

No. 19869

File: 1539134697001.jpg (71.61 KB, 1075x1444, Jess.jpg)

In case anyone was curious

No. 19870

her eyebrows are worse than Shays but the eyeliner doesnt touch them, her hair isn't crusty, and her skin is decent. Not the best looking but definitely better than Shay

No. 19871

Hair is infinitely better than Shay's matted mess

No. 19872

I’ve always wondered why she doesn’t use an eyelash curler. That always bugged me

No. 19873

she doesnt look that bad just shitty eyeliner and eyebrows anon

No. 19874

Tattoos not so hot either, but lets be real, Shay makes anyone look good in comparison.

No. 19875

Are you blind?

Jess looks 100x better than Shay, and she never took selling her Snap seriously, I think she only opened it for he followers that kept asking.

No. 19876

File: 1539136171557.jpg (34.87 KB, 260x273, tip.jpg)

No. 19877

At least she knows.

No. 19878

I don't get how she's managed to break all of these things in a day's time. Is she running around in such a manic drunken stupor that she's dropping things? Did she throw them while fighting with fupapa? Like what is going on here.

No. 19879

which anon called the suicide baiting, I'm starting to think it might happen. Shay there's an easy solution. GET OUT OF OKLAHOMA

No. 19880

She needs to LEAVE as soon as possible. SHAY CALL YOUR FATHER.

No. 19881

major tinfoil but it could be possible that fupas ex told him that she knows everything and hes been pissed and breaking Shays shit out of anger

No. 19882

At least she’s a somewhat attractive girl with a nice body

No. 19883

On cam she said that when she accidentally broke his chillum, he considered that “being even” since he broke her bong.

Sorry Fupa, you can get a chillum anywhere for under $10, you definitely can’t do that with a bong. So that’s an asshole move on his part, breaking something of hers and not even offering to get a new one.

No. 19884

in the stream she didn't say that he threw it, just that he broke it (along with her chillum i think)
i'm really worried for her but there are so many things she can do to get out of this

No. 19885

>bong breaking
>bowl breaking
>phone breaking

So basically the three most important things to her? Time to get the hell out of dodge.

No. 19886

Yeah its obviously a shitty situation but she literally has asked for it so it's hard to feel too bad. Im sure her parents would let her move back in at least temporarily, especially if she explained the situation.

No. 19887

>butcha are, Shay, ya are! Ya are stuck in that house!

No. 19888

When did she say Fupa broke it? Lon cam she said she broke it?

No. 19889

Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone even posted here it while she was live

No. 19890

Didn't she say that she's been out of weed?

I kind of wonder if maybe she got in a fight with fupa about getting more since he's basically her ride anywhere and in return he broke both out of anger? He definitely seems like a dude with some repressed anger issues.

No. 19891

I also wondered f they are breaking each other’s shit in horrible stupid childish fights that I believe they’re probably having right now. Is anyone watching her on cam? I have no doubt she will be spilling details sometime soon

No. 19892

Recreational weed use also isn't legal in Oklahoma, so Fupa has to go through a drug dealer. Shay just had to go to a dispensary, and back in MA, she just fucked people for it

No. 19893

She's not on yet but this'll be my first one. I'm morbidly curious after the IG debacle.

No. 19894

do you think she'll even bother to get on cam since she came on this morning?

No. 19895

File: 1539140371990.png (15.12 KB, 275x500, CqIt36n.png)

she posted this 3 hours ago so i'm assuming she'll be on tonight

No. 19896

>skyping with a real sweetheart

Bet Fupa will be happy about that.

No. 19897

pry just a kiss ass female fan

No. 19898


Her and Harley were talking about Skyping a few nights ago so it's definitely her.

No. 19899

but guise remember shay is ~~~soooo gay~~~ /s

No. 19900

She's nearly 20 minutes overdue on her schedule so who knows. I don't know if that's normal or not.

No. 19901

No. 19902

I do kinda feel bad for her because she’s so stupid and I honestly think that her IQ isn’t the highest and maybe I’m just being overly sympathetic, but also simultaneously I think that even if Fupa was a ~normal boyfriend, Shay would also be spiraling right now.
Shay literally lives life by holding on hope from one high to the next. Whether it’s drugs or exciting things like traveling for porn, going to Mexico, or going to LA, it’s always her making it to the next BIG thing. But there are noooo prospects now. No exciting pro shoots. No potential next big things, which is why she’s losing her mind. She has no motivation to be herself and exist in her own company or enjoy anything around her. Her entire world revolves around sex work because she’s entirely dull and untalented and now she HAS to think about it.

No. 19903

File: 1539142297011.png (3.55 MB, 1242x2208, 1AF185BE-0147-4A0D-B69B-C8F29D…)

It’s coming to get us all

No. 19904

over an hour late. idk if she'll actually show up

No. 19905

She didn't pop on IG live again did she?

No. 19906

online with webcam off. possibly broadcasting soon

No. 19907


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 19908

File: 1539147594045.jpg (28.79 KB, 511x226, 8839.JPG)

No. 19909

Can we get a better tread description for the new thread plz?

No. 19910

do you think fupapa sits in another room and lurks on here to see what we say while she's camming? so he can say he doesn't watch the stream, but still watches everything that happens. he's cooking her dinner and she's logging onto MFC

No. 19911

If anything he lurks here to see what we say about him. He couldn't care less about what we say about Shay now that he's seen how she is. He'd literally kick her into the gutter the moment she threatened his job or anything serious.

No. 19912

At risk of sounding like a WK, it may also be good for the person who creates the next thread to include the number to the local women's shelter and/or crisis line in case she reads it. She's seriously spiraling out of control; the constant drinking is more than enough cause for concern.

No. 19913

I seriously don't think Fupa gives a fuck about her content or cam streams. The only thing he prob thinks about is his image.

Must suck having to work all day bc you just got a house and then hit the gym bc you used to be obese, but then have to make her food and listen to her breakdown when he finally gets home. I get the whole dd/lg dynamic but Shayna's just plain lazy, selfish, and needy. He's gonna get so sick of her shit real soon, if he hasn't already.

No. 19914

WTF? What exactly would warrant that

No. 19915

File: 1539149203398.jpg (19.38 KB, 343x260, 3433.JPG)

She's live.

No. 19916

The fact that she's drinking constantly, cutting herself, and talking about how horrible her life is…

No. 19917

how do you view how many tokens she's gotten in the show?

No. 19918

She's just started and already pulled a wedgie out twice and sneezed like five times.

>Whoever has a sneeze fetish has to pay me now.

No. 19919

and ran off camera

No. 19920

Ok nothing indicates that it’s gotten that bad you guys are trippin

No. 19921

Aww, poor wittle Fupa. All he wanted was a mentally stable, 100% submissive live-in maid / sex toy that he could smack around with impunity and act out his child molestation fantasies with. Is that so much to ask for??

Fupa's a retard for believing Shay wouldn't be a wreck whose mental health issues would soon overwhelm her codependency-induced desperation to be his perfect little pet.

No. 19922

File: 1539149659807.jpg (20.77 KB, 405x302, food.JPG)

"Dada" brought her dinner.

No. 19923

"This is the first time he's cooked breakfast for me so I'm super happy."

She's so hyper and bubbly. Definitely confirmed for faking all this for Fupa's attention.

No. 19924

But that’s just how Shayna is no matter who she’s with or where she goes

No. 19925

would be funny if she got busted for pot in the bible belt, not gonna lie.

No. 19926

File: 1539150110475.jpg (22.91 KB, 405x305, 90.JPG)

Shay slapping along to a song like a drunk white trash aunt.

No. 19927

I didn’t get a screen cap but she pulled hair out of her mouth when she took a bite of eggs

No. 19928

I wonder if he used the pan she shoved up hr ass for her rapunzel vid. First time cooking breakfast? Lol, what no whataburger tonight?

No. 19929

File: 1539150478947.jpg (392.45 KB, 1080x775, 20181009_224722.jpg)

Harley the orbiter in chat again

No. 19930

File: 1539150874100.jpg (21.25 KB, 399x296, 899.JPG)

Getting some transcription practice with this one and I'll keep track of tips for my own curiosity.

Current Tips: 10 / $0.50

>It's nice to be able to leave work. In Seattle I hung out in the same area that I did my work in so I felt like I never really left work and couldn't decompress. And like I have a laundry machine now. I had to pay and it was expensive! It was like $2.75 to run each one! Paying to do my laundry. Something about it was so degrading! I just couldn't do it.. it was too much.

>At my old place there were cop cars going by and people yelling at all hours and then my neighbor went all neighbor from hell on me before I moved. Like I was smoking outside and I coughed and she yelled at me to shut the fuck up and started banging on the walls.

>Why am I eating dinner so late? …no reason. Long day. My phone broke and I need it for work… and then we went to the store … well, what I'm trying to say is.. Well, I skyped with Harley and then.. what did I do after that? Took a shower.. then uh, man I'm blanking, I watched TV for a bit? I felt sick for a bit so I hung out in the shower for a half hour, 45 minutes. And then.. yeah I'm not doing a good job at remembering right now.

(forgetting your emo Tumblr posting, Shay? That's too much weed for you.)

No. 19931

File: 1539151589463.jpg (21.69 KB, 401x307, 900.JPG)


Current Tips: 44 / $2.22

(and she's already left the stream again as soon as someone tipped)

>Fun fact about me, one time I had surgery and the only thing I remember hours after that was asking my mom if I could eat a saltine and then waking up with the saltine still in my mouth.

>My life is fun! I'm eating breakfast for dinner. My boyfriend made me breakfast.

>I had to run down the stairs to get my Gatorade and I'm out of breath and I have a cramp. I just finished my Gatorade though so if I want to drink anything other than wine I have to go back down the stairs again.

(and she's still slapping her thighs and belly to the music. She's like a damned seal or one of those old toothless men banging spoons.)

(She rubbed her hands all over her bare feet and then grabbed a piece of bacon and pulled it apart to eat then went right back to rubbing her bacon grease hands on her feet before going back downstairs for a drink)

No. 19932

we just heard fupa's voice on stream. which is a super not okay from MFC. there should never be a man in the room during a stream. cmon shay hearing that man's voice is an automatic turn off for everyone in your room

No. 19933

Geez is she really in such a good mood now that fupa showed up and gave her some food? That’s some seriously disturbing codependency.

Also I’m wondering why she needed her phone for work, she accesses MFC on her laptop right?

No. 19934

File: 1539152162490.jpg (22.23 KB, 407x306, daaaad.JPG)


Current Tips: 74 / $3.70 (75% of her tips are from the same person, JustaSinger. She's yet to go past 10 users in her room.)

(she's off camera yelling "I love you!" to Fupa increasingly louder. Comes back on camera and can't open her drink)

>Daaaaaad! Come open this please!

(Fupa comes up the stairs to open her drink. They banter about "Dad being the best" and him saying he's not coming back upstairs a third time if someone tips for water)

(Someone tips for wine so Shay drinks MORE wine after already being tipsy and high.)

(She burps loudly and then apologizes while Googling what Tim Tams are)

>How was my day? It was a day.. it was great. Now that I've had my breakfast.. and wine.

(wipes her nose on her shoulder)

>Well no one's tipping me to get naked.. (puts on blanket, reads ask about her card) I didn't even check the mail!

No. 19935

File: 1539152476740.jpg (22.1 KB, 396x299, dazedandconfused.JPG)

It's really shocking to see how she is now compared to the caps from earlier. Fupa takes her to the store and fixes her some eggs and bacon and suddenly it's all roses and sunshine in the Barbie Dream House again.

Also she just scratched her ass cheeks under the cover of the blanket thinking no one would notice.

>My next video is going to be a Harley Quinn video. I just need to order a few things.. and I also have a custom I need to do.

(Someone asks about a custom with her riding a dildo)

>I uh.. don't know what that means. Like fucking myself with a dildo? …you could always order a custom. Like.. how would I do that? Trying to think..

No. 19936

Seriously, every time I watch her on cam she makes me wanna itch! She never stops scratching!

No. 19937

Why is she acting like she doesn’t know what dildo riding is? I don’t understand why she has an attitude about this.. you are on damn MFC not Sunday school

Also pretty sure she just offended a previous customer by not remembering what she custom she did for him

No. 19938

it's because she never does it. all she does is boring missionary

No. 19939

and just like that she is gone. how much money did she make tonight?

No. 19940

File: 1539153073484.jpg (94.75 KB, 942x411, lol.JPG)

Current Tips: 74 / $3.70 (5 users in show, only 1 regular chatter and 1 semi-regular chatter)

Only one person is chatting and she's ignoring him because she doesn't know what a 'dingbat' is. They're even suggesting she play games with them and she's ignoring it.

She's also calling it quits because no one is tipping her to wear her blanket and slap her thighs to Led Zeppelin.

>I'm going to try coming back in the afternoon tomorrow. Tomorrow night I'll be back full show 10pm to 1am standard time? Central time? Center time? Yeah, that one. Buy my porn, follow me on twitter.

No. 19941

at this point is Shayna even a sex worker? she goes on cam and does nothing remotely sexual. what about anything she’s done these last few days relates to sex work even a little?

No. 19942

File: 1539153255662.png (311.16 KB, 640x289, 74DEEC81-2D8F-4A5E-9A18-50172C…)

“Have some fun with us” yikes

No. 19943

well most cam girls do play games and stuff.

No. 19944

>>19943 Yeah that's what I meant, that it's sad her tippers have to tell her what to do. The highlight of her stream was the endless butt scratching

No. 19945

sorry meant to sage above.

No. 19946

Its sad that in the year(or is it 2) that she has been caming, she still hasnt figured out how to make her room fun.

No. 19947

That's actually cheap for laundry. God she's so frugal. She doesn't buy furniture, doesn't have nice clothes, she only buys cheap shit from amazon, f21 or the thrift store, her prada shoes are from the thrift store. She boasted about making 55k. Where? Where does that money go? She even has to beg for props and costumes. Like WTF? Where does that money go? Seriously. Does she even make money?

No. 19948

I dont think she ever made that much money.

No. 19949

When your room is so bored, they start making suggestions, that's just pathetic.

No. 19950

>Does she even make money?

Unless she's selling a ton of her $10 videos I'm going to say no considering she'd sooner bail with $3.70 than strip down and entice people in.

No. 19951

"Nice to leave work"
You mean leave your house? WTF?! She works fro home.

It's fucking sad that she was a wreck all day, and Fupa makes food, and she's fine? She always does this whoah is me shit for attention. It happens every week or so. There's always some crisis, and most of the time she needs money to fix it.

No. 19952

no offense but i'm so tired of the over the top shay pity and the omgzzz i'm so TERRIFIED FOR HER!! in this thread. she can use her legs and leave fupa's house any time she wants. and she is 21 years old, plenty old enough to make her own choices.

No. 19953

Seriously, those posts were starting to get to me and I was getting really worried for her and then she’s sunshine and lollipops just cause she got some attention from fupa, I’m fucking pissed. I’m not going to armchair and speculate on what exactly is wrong with her but she’s mentally ill as fuck.

No. 19954

i really think she's just a manipulative bitchy hoebag. i'm never falling for her bullshit after this lol.

No. 19955

Seriously though. She is exactly like the girl who cried wolf. Someday she is going to get herself in a really shitty situation and no body is going to be willing to help her because they’ll all think she’s making it up for attention. Hard to feel bad for someone that throws that big of a fit over a broken phone charger:

No. 19956

I mean he only made her the food because he saw her tumblr posts and this thread talking about it…if she has forgiven him so quickly because of 1 kind thing amongst dozens of extremely questionable things…that's textbook abuse.
He loves me because he did x
I don't think she's smart enough to be as manipulative as we're giving her credit for. Basically I think it is shitty/unsafe situation but she's dumb enough to be won over by a plate of food.

No. 19957

when i say she's manipulative i mean she's just a real manipulative bitch to everyone online, i have no doubt that she blindly believes fupa is an amazing prince charming. although i think she's trying to be emotionally manipulative to fupa by posting all her miserable shit on tumblr and whatnot, for attention.

No. 19958

Well, unfortunately her old Twitter got suspended so I can't calculate the average as well, but yesterday she sold 4 videos total, making ~$40 (it sends an automated tweet whenever one of her videos is sold on MV). I'm assuming she at least sells one video daily, but no more than a handful. So around $35-$50 daily, I believe

No. 19959

She's definitely manipulative. She basically shames, guilt trips, corners and manipulates him publicly to get something out of him. Also remember, when she complained a little, or acted sad, a couple weeks ago people went to Fupa freaking out asking why he wasn't taking care of her. He cares about his image, he even responded to it. She knows what she's doing

Don't let her break downs fool you, remember who it is. She does this shit like clockwork for amazon giftcards.

No. 19960

Also, about the breakfast, Fupa works full time, goes to the gym, etc. Had to fix her phone, and then when he should be resting, she makes him take care of the meals. And making him come up and down the stairs to give her shit, in front of her cam audience. She's always done shit like that.

Before with Connor, she even made a post how she made Connor get out of bed and draw her a bath even though he was the one who was super, super sick and needed to be in bed, but she had to broadcast it to her blog to make sure everyone knew, cuz she loves that shit.

She prides herself in it for some fucked up reason. She thinks that's an act of love from their part, when really it isn't anymore bc they've been forced and manipulated into it.

No. 19961

exactly, she's just a lazy gross cunt. her and fupa are both abusive in the end, just in slightly different ways.

No. 19962


Not to detract from Shaynas manipulation, but you're giving fupa too much credit. His life isn't that hard that making her food sometimes is an unreasonable thing to ask

No. 19963

True, but compared to Shay, After he's the one that'd been at work all day? The gym, fixing her phone, and Shayna just sitting her ass all day… literally.

No. 19964


Unfortunately, you can set the settings to send an automatic tweet out per video, 5 videos, 10 videos, etc so I don’t think you’d be able to accurately judge her income based off of that. She’s pretty high on MV and stays there consistently so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was making a decent amount of money on there. (Not WK, I just also do this so)

No. 19965


She’s definitely NOT making 55k a year at that rank, though (Same anon)

No. 19966

I hate to say it, because it is really shitty on Shay's part, but he asked for this. He went into this relationship with the expectation that he would be taking care of her fully on the table. She didn't manipulate him into thinking their partnership would be equal. If he's unhappy with this set up it's just as much on him as it is on her.
She's a selfish whiny cunt, but it's not like Fupa didn't know that and feed into it, that's the whole reason they're living together now after all.

No. 19967

That’s very true. I feel like he was blinded by the whole sex aspect of the relationship too much to really consider what he was getting himself into

No. 19968

They both are blinded by this BDSM 'lifestyle' bullshit and trying to make it work. I think they both got caught up in the fantasy and didn't stop to think what it actually might be like. There's a reason why the vast majority of sexual kinks and fantasies don't leave the bedroom. Because they're fucking horrible to play out elsewhere.

No. 19969

lmao never change, shay. so goddamn predicatable.

No. 19970

File: 1539187734174.jpeg (320.07 KB, 1242x1212, E485A2A6-52CF-4701-A562-2AE620…)

don’t worry guys. she’s fine. it was all a fucking ploy to get money. i feel so stupid because i almost gave a shit. it was all for cash. she’ll never change. she’s cheap and manipulative and truly a piece of shit

No. 19971

this fucking bitch

No. 19972

That’s why I don’t feel bad for her. If she ever does go through an actual mental breakdown it’s going to be hard to believe her. She’s such a scammer it’s pathetic.

No. 19973


see shit like this is why i never have any sympathy for her.
it's always one sob story after the next, but it's only ever to get something out of someone.

No. 19974

Truly the girl who cried wolf, if she ever really needs help everyone will be tired of it.

No. 19975

disgusting scamming pig.

No. 19976

Is there a photo / video where she does blowjob?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19977

lol what you wanna jack off to her, faggot?

No. 19978

File: 1539192015661.jpeg (294.97 KB, 1242x804, F1739A4B-3762-4EE6-872E-00C6DF…)

Oh look her mental illness is all gone now thanks to money! What a relief! When she needs more it will conveniently pop back in so don’t worry.

No. 19979

I want to see the video where she does blowjob, please give a link to the blowjob video(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19980

Fuck off

No. 19981


are you fucking new here? this isnt where we just sit around trading her porn vids to get off to.

No. 19982

lmfao this pedo fag wants to actually see her infected vagina porn, I’m cackling

No. 19983

i'm dying at how dumb the sympathy/mental breakdown anons must be feeling now

No. 19984

they deserve the shame for being gullible enough to believe a serial liar like shay.

No. 19985

just scroll up, some snapchat anon capped it.

how anons gonna say shit when there's constant posts of her nasty titties and vag, along with the goddamned blowjobs? i s2g this thread is crazy.

No. 19986


yeah but are we begging for posts to get our rocks off to?

No. 19987


um, yah, you will see anons begging snapchat anon to post caps of her gross bj tech lol wtf are you talking about

No. 19988

Tinfoil, but does anyone else find it suspicious her cars turned up the same day random people bought her gift cards?

No. 19989

Nah that is super suspicious.

No. 19990

Tbh I'm less and less interested at looking at all the caps of her pussy and tits and fucking, it's not all that interesting when there's so much going on with Fupa. Why does this thread always look like a gutter men's mag? It's kind of incel-y but w/e.

No. 19991

Yah but that’s for milk and so [the majority] of anons can laugh out asses off at just how incompetent she is. Sure there’s probably one or two that think it’s sexy, for whatever reason, but the majority is laughing at her.

No. 19992

Any MFC anons care to explain how she was supposedly getting paid without having a debit card? I thought direct deposit was basically your only option

No. 19993

Is it possible she had a temporary card that was only usable for swipe functions in debit card readers?

No. 19994

It’s extremely suspicious and the fact that people aren’t catching on is baffling. Oh people paid her, now magically her life is all back in order, her props magically got paid for and sent (even though she was begging for money and claimed she didn’t have the necessary props to make a vid but now they magically show up? Okay Jan) and now she totally isn’t feeling bad AT ALL and she’s all better from her “intense mental breakdown” yesterday.

No. 19995

direct deposit is set up using your bank account details, not your card info. the money still deposits into your bank account when you don't have a card. also, mfc has quite a few payment options , including receiving a check in the mail.

No. 19996

check or bank account

No. 19997

File: 1539199017540.jpeg (111.88 KB, 750x414, 7257D154-CA98-4E77-9074-F4C205…)

How is she gonna be Snow white? Is she gonna wear a shitty wig to cover up the blonde straw on her head

No. 19998

Is she gonna shove an apple up her snatch?

No. 19999

Why even bother dressing up for Halloween? Fupa isn’t going to risk bringing her to any parties and it’s not like she has any friends. Imagine dressing up for Halloween, just to get drunk on cam alone and earn around $4.00

No. 20000

Can we get a new thread up

No. 20001

new thread >>709096

No. 20002

Yep, clockwork.

No. 20003

I wouldn’t put it past her tbh. She’s probably going to sexualize the fuck out of a very sweet and innocent character (who is 14, by the by) and make it disgusting just because it’s her.

Thanks for making me hate a classic Disney movie because of your putrid vagina, Shayna.

No. 20004

lol keep rotting away and getting fat in fupa's empty house shay, enjoy your 140$ on amazon i guess

protip: never feel bad for shay, it's all bullshit

No. 20005

File: 1539203702202.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.67 KB, 1125x758, d8c4971f-aefe-4f28-9832-11ee86…)

She's making a video

No. 20006


she looks like snow white at 40 lol

No. 20007


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 20008

I know Cam personally and I can tell you, thats because shes not a greedy fuckwit. Shayna is the epitome of what NOT to do in sex work.

No. 20009

new thread: >>709096

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