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No. 1570259
Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 1570277
File: 1683479667498.jpg (256.17 KB, 3541x2507, 52297810_p14.jpg)

anyone else feels like their art is unappealing? its one of my biggest struggles, specially because i want to make a manga eventually
pic unrelated, i think pic rel is ver appealikh
No. 1570499
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Personal cow of mine had a meltdown over a commissioner posting an older WIP of the piece with their character because it was the “unapproved” version and he didn’t tag her in it.
No. 1570517
File: 1683498507984.png (1.49 MB, 1423x925, sddfgsdf.png)

>>1570499The "offending" image in question versus the actual final. Unfortunately looks like a lot of the original posts were deleted.
No. 1570527
File: 1683500095186.jpg (327.75 KB, 1284x1500, EsLp31gVQAQQirp.jpg)

>>1570354>>1570407i am glad i am not the only one. I specially get sad when i see westaboo art on pixiv, wish i could draw like that. On paper it looks 'easy' but i dont know how to reach that level of appeal. I know i am being a dumbass but i am starting to gaslight myself into thinking the ''asian genes'' meme is real.
No. 1571212
File: 1683558801506.jpg (99.11 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1683329219004.jpg)

Does anyone remember rei_17? Turns out, she's a huge cow within the chinese-speaking community, especially on her personal Weibo. She doesn't hesitate on calling out copycats, people using her art w/o permission, starting fights out of thin air and was famously known for her bitchy, holier-than-thou, and narcissistic attitude.
One of the more recent incident involving rei was about the AI debacle, she was gloating about how
>"AI next time should credit whos art they reference from and she felt joy that these dumbass artists are getting replaced by AI if they don't change"!?
That's all the info I can gather from a third party source. After that Weibo status, people started putting her art into ai as prompts kek.
Very little was known about her private life, or at least to our outsider's knowledge. Iirc, someone said she attended School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the reason why she is still around is because she got a very influential agent behind her back, seems like she got pretty rich parents to me. She'll live but I do wonder what's going to happen to her in 10 years time…Is she going to fall out of favor? Delete everything?
I hope more chinese anon can weigh in on this or maybe update us on her shenanigans because my god this bitch is milky.
No. 1571302
>>1571220who cares if she hates the games she draws for? a job is a job and if the end result is good then it doesnt matter that it wasnt done by a hardcore fan
>was in a relationship with another artist and drew R15 fanart of them when confronted she claimed they where being a tsundereobjectively i know this is a horrible thing to do but i also find it funny. if a male artist had done this he would be hailed as a meme king. shadman drew porn of a real child actor and no one has tried cancelling him for it it's just treated as something quirky he did.
I dony want to defend it but i dont think its worth being cancelled over
No. 1571454
>>1571302I don't think you know just how much she hated and talked about how much she hated said character. Besides, it's generally good practice to not shit talk everyone in your industry that relies heavily on networking.
Also she wasn't cancelled. She's still popular. People just called out she was a massive two-faced bitch.
No. 1571480
>>1571302>no one has tried cancelling him for itI don't know what was the reaction immedeatly after he did that, but I'm pretty sure people
have tried to cancel shadman + celebrating him getting arrested
>>1570499I never understand how fully grown twitter artists can have personalities this rancid.
No. 1571490
>>1571220>mlm>irregular use of theyThis gendie Twitter talk is so distracting, Rei sounds nasty though
>>1570527Modern Japanese artists have a very different culture from modern western artists. Besides, their style is, generally much less simplified than western cartoon style so they apply a lot more subtle detail. Instead of being anti-improvement like all these zoomer artists on Twitter nowadays using excuses such as muh style to not improve, Japanese artists (and I guess East Asian artists in general) cultivate a hard-working spirit that makes them strive to always do better no matter what. That "my style" bullshit doesn't fly in Japan so if you want to be an artist but don't want to have an embarrassing and shit art style you have to get better (and they often do get better unless they're autistic or retarded or something).
Also, Chinese and Japanese artists have to learn from childhood how to write in their writing system, which is probably related to their ability to control the flow and thickness of their lines so well in drawing (the pic you posted is an example of how different their lines make the same character look vs. when a westerner draws it).
No. 1571497
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The artist who got fired when her secret proship account was found has now started alter system posting.
No. 1571546
>>1571528Oh thanks I've heard about her being a huge shotafag. I think 4chan scrotes love her pedo drawings
I thought it was someone entirely different who's also a storyboarder from another cartoon and was so shocked kek
No. 1571736
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>>1571734Eyvind Earle's process breakdown:
1) Block in the shapes
2) Perform forbidden sorceries
No. 1571752
File: 1683607403709.jpg (225.75 KB, 1280x2160, 1682703665188969.jpg)

>>1571736this movie is so underrated. It looks so modern for the time with the more blocky style. It's a shame Disney only attempted that darker fantasy look once for the black cauldron, and the result was so meh. Wish the page i buy books from hadnt closed i would love to own the Sleeping Beauty artbook.
No. 1571804
File: 1683614338505.jpg (1.17 MB, 2268x4032, FvIcjZPXsAIK3J0.jpg)

who's your favourite art cow? tbrainrot is insane, kinda surprised she hasnt gotten banned off twitter. For people that dont know
>ex tranny
>obssesed with Lisa Simpson
>draws her self insert in creepy scenarios with her
>Draws a bunch of gore/loli
>severe porn brain rot, with each drawing she scalates the degeneracy
>identifies as heterosexual despite drawing nothing but loli shit
>possibly autistic
No. 1571830
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>>1571690It's interesting drama, I'm scrolling through tweets mentioning her and it seems she's blocking everyone. She even blocked a Patreon pledger (not my pic)
No. 1571842
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>>1571690>Can't get screenshots now because she's privatedIts just a lot of arguing and discussing with people + something to do with character being black?
No. 1571938
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What are your thoughts on copyright protection?
No. 1571942
>>1571938I am in favour of it, I think artists are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with their work and should retain full power over it. Every person i have met against copyright has been a retard too, their only argument agaist it is ''I want to make my official pokemon porn game without Nintendo sending me a cease and desist'', they are also proAI. I think this video gives a good idea as to why copyright should be protected and the ''it will help artists'' argument of anti copyright laws retards is fake.
tl;dw: the original trolls creator didnt get the rights for it due to some mistake, so a bunch of greedy fuckers made their awful rip-offs to try to make money off the trend. Fan-work has never been threatened by copyright too.
No. 1572437
>>1571844Well deserved. She tried to act like hot shit online and now that people have visual evidence she's a huge ass it backfired immensely on her. I hope she gets blacklisted from everyone's commissions. Saying her bpd
triggered her to blast her dumbassery to 30k followers is embarrassing, girl step down.
No. 1572642
>>1571212god i hated her for the whole fgo debacle years ago. like okay they're paying you for art and you wish they get killed via bombing because…you don't like the game? just deny the work then!
at events, i've seen her always accompanied by a man who does everything for her(carries bags, opens doors, etc), so that must be her agent.
No. 1573307
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>>1573279Vee is my favorite artcow tbh, her recent hiatus is due to a) her constantly lurking 4chan /co/ boards and taking everything the moids say about her art or parings there to heart and b) she had somewhat of a psychotic break where she believed she was contacted and abducted by a race of aliens, someone leaked multiple screenshots from her discord, and chaos ensured. Attached is her relaying the alien's belief around incest
No. 1573309
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>>1573307talking about the abduction and other related stuff.
No. 1573325
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They finally banned AI from fanbox, which means less AI shit.
>our aim was to create a platform where creators can create their own communities of fans who will support and cheer them on.
>however, with the recent influx of (the vast amount of) AI-generated art, we feel that they were made only to create contents that can be marketed and we disaapproved of this mindset.
>and this is why FANBOX will stop supporting AI-generated works (in a future, unannounced date)
>failure to comply with this rule will lead to their accounts to be warned, privated and then deleted.
nonnies the tears are delicious, trAInnies got banned off fanbox/fantia. It's even funnier because i am sure that it's collateral damage from when they banned loras trained on artists because Ogipote, an extremely famous anime artist, called out an Aitard using his style. Funniest part? people were acussing Ogipote of making up a fake AI account to generate controversy and get more attention, which would be extremely hilarious and based if true considering it resulted on such a massive change on AI rules on one of the biggest, and most affected, art platforms. Wonder where these leeches will migrate, Patreon will ban the fuck out of them if they try to sell their baby-faced big titty anime pinup shit.
No. 1573332
>>1573309>>1573307i remember this, she was releasing some shota comic and was getting a tons of attention from anons, to the point there was always a thread up for it on /co/, then she went full schizo and threatened to kill herself, saying how she was broke, living on the streets, etc. Her simps said they would give her moneys, but she doesnt want it for some reason, most than likely because her situation was fake and she was baiting for attention. Unhinged shit. She and
>>1571804 fill the void nemu left. I love unhinged artcows.
No. 1573336
>>1573322I saved up for a Cintiq for years and ended up having to sell it again because I hated it, kek. I find a regular screenless tablet a lot more comfortable and easy on the wrist, plus it can take a beating.
>>1573278 got a point, though. A lot of young artists who get a Cintiq suck at art anyway. It's no wonder when they have to spend all their time to clean and maintain the fragile screen, kek.
No. 1573374
File: 1683751623930.png (9.76 KB, 128x119, IMG_4835.png)

tfw you’re an nsfw artist but are anti irl porn and sex pozzies start following you
No. 1573403
I was just saying if you draw porn, naturally it's going to attract sex pest. It comes with the territory.
No. 1573408
>>1573398“answer quickly”
kek anon this isn’t twitter, your insufferable fagginess doesn’t belong here
No. 1573535
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Why is huyandere so popular?
No. 1573564
File: 1683770181773.gif (1.3 MB, 220x220, kek.gif)

>>1573325lmao now patreon is also thinking about banning AI too. Ai trannies are on suicide watch, some trAInnie that makes generic pinup shit already nuked all their stuff.
No. 1573587
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>>1573577kek observing moid brain rot from afar is hilarious. The only thing they can think of to make arguments is porn, since it consumes most of their time online.
>you don't want to see ai art? well i don't want to see pregnant women in my pornlike why is that the example you settled on kek. so monkeybrained. especially since most of the reason they're having a conniption fit about ai being banned is because they use it to exponentially increase the rate of their porn consumption, and anything that could hamper that is ebil
No. 1573649
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I hate this greasy, expired fritos smelling bitch and I really don't understand why she keeps getting interviewed about art-related topics as if she's some kinda expert when she's not even an artist. she's a fucking video editor.
No. 1573758
File: 1683796727015.jpg (119.92 KB, 1039x768, SmartSelect_20230511-051249_In…)

1/?? Artist ripping off american mcgee's alice to a degree & arguably crappy artwork. Doesn't even bother to redesign alice and just uses disney's design.
No. 1573759
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No. 1573761
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No. 1573762
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No. 1573764
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No. 1573766
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>lobotomy doesn't fit the time period iirc (correct me if im wrong
>rips off the mental institution shit from american Mcgee & the dress changes, among other things
>barely redesigns anything, absence of creativity. You can see her boring ass designs for the mad hatter on ig
This entire idea for a game is just so simple like this feels like it took a day to create. Barely any changes from the original alice in wonderland aside from the ~edgy murder~
No. 1573767
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>>1573766Almost forgot to include this lel
No. 1573878
>>1573827imo the rpgmaker game alice mare was definitely an interesting original take on some of the brothers grimm fairy tale & alice in wonderland. It took stuff from the sources while also having an original plot.
>>1573828Ehh it doesn't really ruin it for me, as you can enjoy the whole story with or without the background knowledge of the author. It's not like pedophilia is expressed in the story. A shame that the original author is a piece of dog crap pedo though.
No. 1574594
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>>1573766Didn't Emilie Autumn also do the 'Alice is actually in a mental asylum and Wonderland is her coping fantasy'?" I find this idea pointless, edgy, and somewhat insensitive. At least McGee's Alice had a happy ending and the ability to return to reality on her own, whereas this interpretation seems to lack purpose and depth.
No. 1574849
File: 1683902099900.jpg (62.2 KB, 840x400, rockandriot-840x400.jpg)

Why are woke artists always so obsessed with their OCs being criminals or 'outcasts' when, in reality, most of them are the softest and most delicate human beings IRL?
No. 1575644
>>1573325oh i haven't seen this, THANK FUCK
I just hope pixiv bans it too but i think it would be pretty hard to wipe everything
, I miss 2010 pixiv,
No. 1575961
>>1573303I think artists and photographers need to stop posting free HD images online. We just need to stop. If people want a big copy, they can buy a print, magazine, or book, just like they used to. These days it drives me insane to see somebody posting professional quality work online for free, and they obviously don't even get more than a few hundred views.
>>1573325AI illustration should be banned from art sites on the basis of copyright alone. It's so obvious with illustrations that you're just looking at a shitty collage of other artworks.
No. 1576810
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>>1574849>>1574866Reminded me of this awful comic.
No. 1577127
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The saga of the average mentally ill twitter artist
No. 1577145
>>1577127What is this implying
No. 1577181
File: 1684043203507.jpg (135.99 KB, 768x1024, FLp81gVvAQK.jpg)

>>1577127Are you telling me that this isn't a girl? I know that the frame looks male, but the behavior and art style seem more TIFish to me
No. 1577204
>>1577127Anons are retarded, there's nothing feminine about wanting to cut a limb off, this illness afaik mainly presents in men where they think a limb doesn't belong to them/they want to get rid of it and they use very violent ways to get it ampueteed.
He's built fine because he's just a dude who happens to have this illness.
>>1577158First of all, shota means poenographic depictions of little boys and nothing about that is womanly. Second of all, this is cartoony basic art, nothing shota related. Quit projecting.
No. 1577221
File: 1684051165415.png (135.34 KB, 592x585, gross.PNG)

if I understood correctly this is supposed to represent him and his gf but it's still disgusting
No. 1577227
>>1576485I think it depends on what kind of community you want to seek out first? most of artfol looks juvenile to me, but it's still totally possible to form friends, I haven't actually engaged with people on there or posted so I might be a bit unreliable
definitely have a feel for either of the two just by looking around and maybe even at least just posting maybe once on either and decide which one would probably resonate with you the most or completely ditch both if that helps
No. 1577332
File: 1684069368206.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 3537x1749, homunculus100_.png)

>>1577244she drew this last year and deleted it. women can be deranged coomers with their art btw, look at nemu or tbrainrot kek.
spoiler for tranny surgery gore
No. 1577548
File: 1684087542826.png (160.04 KB, 480x638, esv9Xys.png)

>>1577332oh hey, this person
a while ago i was curious if (s)he was a TIF or just a male who's really into shipping anime boys, so i dug through old archives of her blogs aand… i found an old selfie of her from 2013! so, mystery solved. she is indeed a TIF. unless this is just someone who had the url before her? but a bunch of things line up so im not sure. No. 1577564
File: 1684088438305.jpg (30.72 KB, 508x541, 608a7d2de0cf6898c3869b116c4231…)

Wait, did op link the previous thread yet?
No. 1577566
File: 1684088624952.jpg (360.53 KB, 1232x1785, 1683993955929928.jpg)

Ai is getting banned off all mayor patreon-esque and aitards are having a tranny meltdown, even saying the same bullshit of ''t-they can't tell!!'' hilarious
>>1577564i forgot someone else do it i got lazy
No. 1577580
File: 1684089162416.jpeg (46.79 KB, 640x506, jimin.jpeg)

>>1577572>Idk the whole thing is highly unusualits not, women are unhinged too, they just dont commit crimes irl. The kpop and dream fandom are also filled with women that want to skin their favourite moids, stuff them with cotton and keep them as teddy bears. I, for once, accept with open arms these type of degenerated.
No. 1577608
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>>1577591>>1577548ok i thought she deleted her sol–lux blog, but its still up. i am fucking retarded. if you look through her archive its pretty obvious its her old art blog lol. heres a danganronpa drawing from 2014
i also found another blog of hers which is now deleted but its archived on (*/ she links her sol–lux blog on her about page, so yeah thats her.
No. 1577632
>>1577566>about 1700 positive prompts and 6100 negative promptsLMAO, do these braindead coomoids seriously think that typing a bunch of anime porn keywords into an image generator that works by combining the results of the effort and skill of ACTUAL artists, is as hard as drawing a piece like that yourself? I'm speechless
Also cackling at the comically tiny legs on that AI anime girl kek
No. 1577730
File: 1684102053141.jpg (19.75 KB, 864x864, 341620338_779141833551141_4153…)

Do any self-taught artists here feel bad about not attending art school? Idk if i'm missing out on a lot of oppotunities and connections.
I felt like signing up for those distance learning programs that they have, aka atending night classes after hours with a shorter learning time. However, it can be a huge investment and Idk if it was worth it because of the money.
No. 1577910
>>1571490>Chinese and Japanese artists have to learn from childhood how to write in their writing system, which is probably related to their ability to control the flow and thickness of their lines so well in drawingThis is a retarded take, you got to admit.
>>1577730I attended a design school, not necessarily an illustration school but I did take an online art course and I can say it might help your productivity if you're not the self motivated type. In my experience it's an easy way to get connections as well, instructors talk about how this one student who excelled now got a job under their recommendation. The prices are absurd for a thirdie like me though.
No. 1577975
>>1577547Okay I admit I was wrong kek, might've been just shocked by the pee holding torture shota comic that she drew and proudly posted on her twitter. Now I kinda want to dive down the rabbit hole and find out what the hell happened between
>>1577548 and>>1577127
No. 1578909
>>1575119"Only follow Eastern artists" such a weird choice considering how common gender fluidity is in Japanese media, it's not like it's been in multiple globally popular series or given a platform on variety TV or anything
the only difference with eastern artists is usually when they draw degen stuff the art is better. the only way you're safe is because you can't read what they say, but it's not like you're necessarily shielded from art like that
No. 1578944
File: 1684225299294.jpg (323.05 KB, 1080x1465, IMG_20230516_102150.jpg)

I can't hold it in any longer:
Why does every character lord gris designs look so ugly and cluttered I swear she is only famous because her coloring is good every single character just looks like she threw every accessory at it and they just come out looking like shit
No. 1579006
File: 1684233204384.jpg (294.92 KB, 1080x1652, IMG_20230516_123057.jpg)

>>1578960Sorry here is a better example, from a character design book. not sure what to look at, the wings, floor length pink hair, fox tail? Cat ears??? Random rip in the two coloured leg warmers?
No. 1579009
>>1578985you mean like one piece, one of the most popular manga literally ever, which has two confirmed trans characters?
or fisheye from sailor moon who looks identical to a woman but is male, exactly what the person who even brought up this topic was complaining about, not even getting into the gender-bending of the sailor starlights. oh then nuriko from fushigi yuugi, ranma from ranma 1/2, please save my earth where humans have spirits of opposite genders from past lives, do i need to go on? or how about irl when arashi brought trans onto their variety show and interviewed them like in 2002
jp ppl have normalized playing around with gender for like 40 years at least, so the way this sub fetishizes eastern artists as somehow a bastion from this stuff is really funny. the only difference is you just can't read it and they don't virtue signal about it like americans do
No. 1579114
>>1579009NTA but despite these things existing in media, I almost never see any of that reflected in fanartists' works (I'm not into anything you listed, so I'm unsure about their fandoms). They even put warnings when/if they draw same-sex ships & genderbends.
The only similar thing I see are femboys (mostly for the fujos and weird men) and gerdenbends of male characters (to either make a gay ship straigh or just because boobs). I know some japanese and so far I haven't encountered too many tranny shit in art accounts, but maybe I have been just lucky.
No. 1579200
>>1577730the draftsmen podcast with proko and marshall has a of material regarding art school
they even did a whole series on how to "replicate" it at home
No. 1579234
File: 1684254470885.png (17.96 KB, 1049x243, moid cope.png)

there is a cope thread on /ic/ because the yumefujo thread has better artists than the rest of the board
No. 1579252
>>1579234>most of these fujos are womenAll fujos are women you retarded male, it's in the word itself.
>the yumefujo thread has better artists than the rest of the boardBased as fuck, I remember seeing some of the first threads, the art female anons were posting was great and moids were seething, in particular one gay moid who even went to CC's PP threads to cry about it because the women were drawing beautiful men instead of disgusting barashit.
>>1579248AYRT, maybe you can find the old threads on warosu. I don't want to go to /ic/ to check but there's probably a thread up right now.
No. 1579303
>>1579009>Please save my earthThis is a bit OT and I've only seen the OVA but PSME having character reborn as the opposite sex isn't really tranny adjacent cuz they don't mope around about not belonging to their current sex. It's only brought up in a "oh but we're both boys wah" way (unless the manga actually does have them complain about having the wrong body idk).
Agree with you that this thread sucks japan's toes way too much tho. And there were old mangas with straight up troons
not even just "magical genderbend cuz lol" or "you tought it was a girl but it's actually a pretty boy" like your examples but those aren't the ones current trannies like to bring up.
No. 1579306
File: 1684258443429.png (558.09 KB, 884x638, lord gris.png)

>>1578944i was a bit curious so i redesigned it. her original design is too overwhelming and all over the place like is she a rock princess? or a lolita one?
No. 1579630
File: 1684282945328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,57.69 KB, 750x655, IMG_2595.jpeg)

>>1577127This person’s art is disturbing. She’s definitely a self harmer and fetishizes it like in picrel.
I’m surprised that it’s a woman, I thought it was a degenerate scrote.
No. 1579768
File: 1684295128291.jpg (271.73 KB, 1582x1413, 90469818_p1.jpg)

Anyone else feels under immense pressure to get good at art? i want to draw obscure characters/relationship dynamic/fucked up fetishes or unique ideas that i dont seem to share with anyone else. I think this is my biggest motivator but also the root cause of my anxiety, i fear never getting good enough. Pic rel motivates me, she must be like one of the 100 female architects in the whole world and her art is so incredibly good. I hope i can someday reach her level.
No. 1579776
File: 1684295513808.jpg (Spoiler Image,979.14 KB, 4689x3038, 92721468_p24.jpg)

>>1579772no, lol. Nazi bishies are dime a dozen. I know the character, the artist is into fat guys and that's her husbando i assume.
No. 1579782
>>1579765There’s a sizable swathe of fujo who descend into full shota guro dom, I see them on jp twt where there isn’t as much moral fagging and gendie mental illness. I genuinely don’t think 90% of these women sexually get off to these drawings like a male might literally ejaculate semen to child abuse, it’s like they enter a conceptual state of being where they get off on
thinking about degeneracy.
No. 1579784
>>1579776Is this the artist mgong520? (
also her fetish is drawing fat women)
No. 1579785
>>1579768Just draw nona. Draw and keep drawing, and then take a break, look back and you'll realize how much you've progressed. I assure you this artist isn't content with her current skill level either, but she clearly enjoys drawing anyway.
>>1579767>>1579765Just call her a woman. It doesn't matter if she's "trans" or if she passes, she's a woman who hates herself and has a self-mutilation fetish.
>>1579303>PSME having character reborn as the opposite sex isn't really tranny adjacent cuz they don't mope around about not belonging to their current sex.NTA but trannies idolize genderbend and trap characters like this, who literally turn into or just look like the opposite sex and are happy and not ugly. It doesn't have to be a realistic tranny with muh gender dysphoria and depression for it to be tranny-adjacent (troon ideals are unrealistic). They also often project their gender identity onto characters that are perfectly gender-conforming.
No. 1579827
>>1579009Ranma is not a troon it's just a genderbend gimmick, he doesn't want to be a woman. There is an actual minor troon character in the series though.
I think still the amount of gendie shit is much less than in the west where it's a plague with zoomer girls and there is little virtue signaling. It's treated like a character trope, not as "representation" or a woke selling point.
You also won't see trooning out already existing normal characters, drawing them with gender badges, chest scars, standing in a white void yelling "trans rights", etc. from japanese artists. Plus since being a fujo is not
problematic there unlike in the west, fujos don't feel the need to troon out to continue drawing their shit and then projecting their transition story onto the characters.
That said, tranny crap and subtle "trans rights" type artwork is only becoming more and more present in the form of original content in Japan, I follow mostly asian artists and it still keeps getting shoved in my face. Avogado6 comes to mind.
No. 1579959
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>>1579835>>1579815Anon if you are a part of the pixiv/twitter fetish art spaces you can get away with anything. Especially with pixiv. They get crazy over there to say the least.
No. 1580135
>>1579993That stops when it's about men drawing things, right? Femcel is obsessed with Nazi character, blaming that he's fat when there are other fat characters lol Not a scrote, but I find the dismissal of women being into this stuff really hypocritical.
>>1579836 Like this anon says
No. 1580236
>>1580135I'm not sure if you mixed up your replies, or what
>>1580185I wish there were a place I could discuss these topics (primarily from an art business sense) with other women, but it'd get invaded by scrotes and the same people who told us to leave but follow us anyway
No. 1580318
>>1580300You're confusing me with
>>1579768I don't like fat people, but I want women artists to express themselves and not GAF about being cancelled. some of you need to get over the fact there are female artists who draw some weird shit that aren't pickmes or groomed (or are weird troons/groomers/etc.). Whether your tastes are completely SFW and nonsexual, or this kind of stuff, owning your work and your subject matter is.
No. 1580331
>>1580318No, I don’t think women can be degenerate w/o having some kind of mental disorder. Men are perverts by nature, but in women paraphilia are usually results of integrated trauma.
Maybe you should sit down and think about why you have the fetishes you have in the first place.
No. 1580352
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>>1580300i dont know where you got that i have a fetish for fat men lmao. Some of you need to learn how to read. Also, i am obssesed with mgong lately, she ignited the fire to finally start focusing more on color and rendering, though i mostly prefeer her older stuff, not a huge fan of her new painterly style
No. 1580358
>>1580339>>1580357Funny you should mention femdom since it shouldn’t even be considered a fetish in the first place - women are just conditioned to believe men are dominant by default.
>>1580353Ok bpd-chan
No. 1580361
>>1580352Lmao well fetish or not, I followed her because of your posts. I love her style and emotion. Thanks to all of this AI mess, I've been paying more attention to storytelling and tempo. She seems to handle both of those well.
>>1580358The other person your quoting didn't even mention femdom. While I completely agree with your statement, stop blurring people together.
No. 1580367
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When I do art, I always cannot do something else, like web development. It needs to be one task a day. Anyone else feel this way? Also, can someone tell me good free brushes from procreate that I could use for lineart and sketching? Thanks..
No. 1580461
Nemu was a schizo herself
No. 1580509
>>1579768 yes i also feel this way. i recently got back into posting art online because i got into a fandom i really enjoy. no one's judging me except myself…my followers don't seem to care. i'm in a japanese space so my art doesn't feel as pretty or cool as the artists i admire.
what i'm trying to say is, it's all in one's head, you just have to step outside yourself sometimes. the people you admire probably feel the same way.
No. 1580621
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>>1580509Me too
nonnie. I have a specific ship I like and drawing fanarts in a small Japanese twitter group is so fun. Whereas while I was in the normie twitter space I kept getting comments like "is __ trans?" "Omg so cute trans pride!" Mind you I never said that the character was trans nor I drew him feminine.i like how jap spaces focus only on producing fanart and not the other shit
No. 1580626
>>1580535Yet the artist she idolises has drawn borderline cp and is into fat
cuntboys strange to leave that out huh. artists can draw whatever they want doesn't mean I won't judge them if they're into fucking weird fetishes
we literally talk about degenerates like nemu a fetish artist No. 1580646
>>1580626When will retards understand that what makes nemu and the other art cows with weird fetishes cows is their unhinged behavior and not just the fact that they were into weird shit.
There's thousands of artists who get off to weird shit like cuntboys and yet no one cares until they do something really stupid or are involved in drama. You can judge people for their strange tastes, but you only need one post for that, not derail a whole ass thread over it.
No. 1580958
>>1580946The weirdos are the ones who think women can't have kinks and shouldn't draw them, or assume that the kink somehow means something illegal.
Some of you are new to imageboard culture and it shows.
No. 1581121
>>1580958>>1581003This thread makes fun of people for drawing weird kinks all the time. Maybe you're the new one.
>>1580646She does. It was interesting how her main pairing went from the fat nazi guy x his tan subordinate in Hellsing, to making OCs that follow the same formula. She used to mostly just draw her fat cuntboy OC x the two amputee twins mostly (linked because it's explicit) No. 1581146
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>>1581138No one cares what you do in private. It's just if you post about liking weird shit to a thread that clearly makes fun of people for said weird shit, then don't be shocked when anons here call you a freak too.
Speaking of artists drawing NSFW or cuntboys, has anyone else witnessed an artist they used to like to get ruined by this? I know Constellor has been brought up many times in the past, but ever since she opened up her NSFW account, I can't stand to look at her SFW art. Her porn has ruined her anatomy and the charm of her old pieces. It's become one of those art styles you look at and can just tell they draw the most coomer-tier shit ever.
No. 1581190
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>>1581146>Speaking of artists drawing NSFW or cuntboys, has anyone else witnessed an artist they used to like to get ruined by this? Yes, I was a fan of Sakimi-Chan's work before she realized how much money she could make by pivoting to NSFW.
It always makes me think there might be a day where one of current favorite artist (Guweiz) might do the same.
No. 1581201
>>1581193Was just going to say this. That over-rendered overly detailed style just blends in. I honestly couldn't tell you who made that angel piece. You could pluck 10 similar pieces from art station and unless you obsessively follow artists of this ilk, you wouldn't know the difference.
There's a certain brand of artist that's just that self-cannibalizing. The homogeny is so boring.
To sakimichan's credit though, I can actually point out her late stage broken coomer trash anywhere.
No. 1581224
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>>1581201they are still stuck in the early 10s when digital artist wasted time drawing every hair fiber and everyone wanted to be a concept artist so they drew nothing but pretty girls, space marines and boring factories/spaceships with ugly muddy colors. The only thing i like about the modern web is the high amount of amazing artists with different and unique styles that draw for fun instead of to become soulless concept art machines. I am glad we are going back to the 80s/90s and making art with colorful palettes, expressive poses, unique ideas. The 10s were so dull-looking thanks to everyone wanting to be a sakimi or other chinese artists clones. I do not miss it. I really like this artist, wish she would post more though.
No. 1581288
>>1581193lmaooo this is spot on.
>guweiz or wlop or krenzfucking kek. It's like the names of all of the shitty Chinese "brands" (dropshippers) on Amazon with names like MOTTBUZW or ZGGCD
No. 1581454
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>>1581421Try drawing with the grid turned on, if your program has that, or use something like this on a separate layer. You'll catch your mistakes way sooner.
No. 1581509
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>>1581146Pantsuripper was always a coomer but his more artistic stuff was interesting. Then he made a patreon for lewd drawings, and now he will post five patreon advertising drawings in a row before posting one actual art piece and then a bunch more patreon stuff. Following him is too fucking obnoxious now.
It's also extremely obvious when a drawing
that sometimes would otherwise be fine is a patreon drawing (aside from the obvious poses) because the boobs always have a weird as fuck shape.
>inb4 what were you expecting?Yeah, I don't know what I expected from someone with a screen name like that, but it's still obnoxious as fuck.
No. 1581892
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>>1581509holy shit yeah, him and jcm2 fell deep down on the coomer rabbit hole. jcm2 was my biggest inspiration when i was a teen. Then he started drawing loud house porn, developed a vomit inducing art style, deleted all his cool shit from patreon/DA and now he only draws the most soulless porn i have ever witnessed.
No. 1581900
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>>1581516>leyendecker>norman rockwell>nc wyeth>dean cornwell>juan jimenez>mead schaeffer>moebius>>1581513its original, her handle was nekromagi i think
No. 1581941
>>1581922i just followed his Deviantart to be honest, only checked his pixiv after he nuked his DA
>He's just crookedtrees/cassettetape without the brony shit.i dont see the resemblance
No. 1582008
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>>1581970as an /ic/ fag seeing his descent from interesting horror artist with a focus on extreme perspective to shitty memes and coom was a pill hard to swallow. I guess thats the fate of most online artists nowdays. I have never seen someone go from promising to soulless so fast.
No. 1582143
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>>1582050link them? i rarely see artists that explore perspective, which is a great lose
No. 1582184
>>1582003Nta but I find it easier if they aren't current because of what you said, and, it's also easier to detach and focus on the work at hand that I'll be studying from instead of feeling salty that I won't match up to a contemporary.
I dont know about anyone else but it's better for me to pull influence and study material when they're old or dead.
No. 1582298
>>1581509Who the fuck jacks off to this? She looks deformed in so many ways. Moids these days can only get off to deformed caricatures of women I guess.
This guy's art devolution is so tragic.
No. 1582394
>>1582305I actually get over the jealousy pretty quickly on my social media art ''career'', when I realized that there always will be people better than me, but also bunch of people much worse than me. Maybe I'm build different, but I always try to say that to others, you shouldn't worry about these things,
nonnie, because even if you'll get better you'll still think that you're not good enough. I know it's easier to say than done, but it''s waste of thoughts and time!
No. 1582891
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Supreme Court ruled that Andy Warhol Foundation was NOT allowed to use a famous photographer's [Goldsmith] creative work of Prince to make "new" pictures.
is sending shockwaves throughout the AI world, and the comparative AI fair-use argument used by generative AI supporters has a new context and precedent. AI companies are claiming they can steal BILLIONS of creative works without consent or compensation to train their AI models to make "new" images, music, and media in output. NOPE…
In the case "Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith", the artist Andy Warhol's foundation got into a disagreement with a photographer named Goldsmith. Goldsmith told the foundation that they were using her photograph of Prince (the musician) without her permission, which she believed was against the rules.
The foundation disagreed with her. They said that their artwork of Warhol, which was based on her photograph, either wasn't breaking the rules or was fair-use. So, they went to court to get a decision on who was right. And Goldsmith, the photographer and artist, won the dispute.
Here are the details and legal ramifications moving forward for AI:
>Training Data and Volume of Use: Generative AI models typically require vast amounts of data for training. If a substantial portion of this data is copyrighted material, it could potentially be seen as infringing, especially if the AI's output is commercially exploited. The cumulative use of copyrighted materials could be substantial, even if each individual instance might be seen as a small portion of the total data. This ruling may inspire stricter scrutiny of the sources of training data for AI models, highlighting the need for clearer permissions and rights for the use of copyrighted content.
No. 1583145
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>>1582870reminds me of the furry who "accidentally" fell asleep with dry ice wrapped on his hands for arthritis, and had both amputated. he is also not the first person to do that, nor the last I'm sure No. 1583882
>>1583803Twitter kids are always so obnoxious about disliking her. They need to realise that "her art kinda sucks" is ok on its own, no need to try to cancel her over convoluted terminally online flag discourse to be allowed to dislike her art, especially because some of their arguments are so obviously self contradictory (Promised Neverland is racist for giving the character huge lips but LT is whitewashing it by toning it down??)
Honestly, LT sounds like a nice person, but sometimes she makes puzzling artistic choices. She's pretty much the definition of "churning out content".
Also, in her video she mentioned she changed Haruhi's armband into a sash because it gave her "hetalia axis powers vibes in a bad way", which gave me second hand embarrassment when I heard it for being so stupid
also, design wise it also sucks because with japanese school uniform and especially sailor style the torso already has a bunch of detail by default whereas the length of the arm has pretty much none, so she's just making the torso look painfully cluttered she also gave Haruhi the most hideous hairstyle I've seen drawn before No. 1584005
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>>1583803These reasons are so retarded. Twitterfags need to stop tacking on these mundane reasons to shit on her art.
Also holy shit these are the ugliest designs I have ever seen
No. 1584096
>>1584055One literal white skintone. 2 light skin tone(where one is warm and the other is cold), 1 medium and 2 dark skin tones. Plus 3 fantasy colours. There could maybe be a little bit more but considering that picrews are free and they are intended to be played for fun I think this is perfectly fine amount. I have light skin and none of these colours match me.
The thing about picrews is that unlike triple AAA video games you make a character in a few minutes and then that's it you had all the fun you could get. The artists who makes them are either hobbiest or prof artists who makes them in their spare time. So expecting to make your OC or a realistic self portrait is a bit much. Yes it sucks when the options are limited and I understand why people with dark skin are frustrated that they are always left out in character customizations but wouldn't it be more productive to promote picrews that uses a wide range of darker skin tones rather than making callout posts for artists who don't. Lavendertowns style is so distinctive anyway that even if she did offer every skin tone on earth it would still be hard to make a self-portrait or an already established oc
No. 1584232
>>1584174She panders to zoomers and these callouts don't come from any artist, but zoomer "artists" specifically. You reap what you sow i guess.
>>1584005I do find it funny that the same people who are bringing this old dirt up and lashing out at LT for "fixing" (uglifying) Haruhi and other anime girls do the same exact shit except making them black/troons/deathfats and then it's okay, kek
No. 1584492
>>1583901>>1584232Not trying to white knight, but I think you're being too harsh on how much you think she's "pandering". I think she's way too normie for that.
The videos I've seen of her with a topic that could be kinda pandery (like the one where she redesigns
problematic character designs) had an extremely normie approach to it. Even the retarded armband thing I mentioned was more "ignorant normie says really dumb shit" than actually trying to cancel the show for it for brownie points. I honestly don't think she's even aware of the xe/xir trigender foxkin kids as a potential audience.
At most she "panders" in the same way business boards do, where the pandering isn't ideological at all, just based on picking topics that might be popular.
>>1583908I think that was either self censoring because she likes to stay as pg as possible or just her using Hetalia as a reference point because she's a weeb.
>>1584005I just realized another reason I dislike the middle and right one. The heads with LT's bug eyes style look decent on their own and the bodies look decent on their own (except for the weirdly unshaded hands), but together they look so weird because the body has realistic proportions. Middle one's torso looks so long because of this.
No. 1584731
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>>1582908Thanks to this recent incident (picrel), we'll probably see more cases coming up.
No. 1584732
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>>1582908Thanks to this recent incident (picrel), we'll probably see more cases coming up.
No. 1584863
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Do you study the funDIES nonny? I started hard grinding this year, so far i did get better at anatomy, but still suck at everything related with painting. Right now i can only do 3 hours daily of studying, would love to push it to 6, inspired by pic rel.
No. 1585474
>>1583803The anti Lavendertowne thread is hilarious. Did she piss in these zoomers cereal or something? They’re reaching so hard to find instiances of her being
problematic that they’re considering giving a RAT humanization rodent buck teeth to be literally a racist caricature of an asian person. I don’t like her art even but I aspire to make retards this mad over cutesy girl drawings like she does.
No. 1585644
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Twitter is going to start scrapping stuff for AI. I hope ellon's ass gets sued into oblivion. I doubt Nintendo, Sony, Disney would like the new change.
No. 1585791
>>1585779dA has a similar TOS and likely used the clause to build their own AI model. So while the "sudden news" is unwarranted, the concern has basis because we've already seen this happen before.
(Also, please keep in mind that Mastodon is just the software. There are several Mastodon instances that cross over into others. Tumblr is working on federated compatibility so that it's easier for people to actually utilize these networks for their own exposure since it's confusing to people who aren't familiar with the landscape.)
No. 1585937
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Was searching on Pinterest and I saw some cute art. I regret searching up the context of it. Whats wrong with being a girl? This is literally a straight ship with extra steps. I hate jojo fujos so much.
No. 1585939
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>>1585937It’s supposed to be jotakak and Kakyoin is basically a typical teenage girl except totally a boy.
No. 1586893
>>1586663This and the "haha sorry my ADHD brain" this and "ADHD that" has been trending as an excuse for a lot of things lately when 99% of the time they haven't been diagnosed with it.
This trendy bullshit with the mental health talk is really starting to get played out. Everyone is walking on eggshells because of someone else's "
Artists are prone to feeding into this nonsense because they feel like they need an excuse for whatever behavior they're exhibiting. The constant ADHD/'tism mentioning, unprompted usually indicates I'll get really tired of interacting with that artist, really fast, and that they don't have the mental maturity to keep personal health bullshit to themselves. Everyone is oversharing it and leaving themselves vulnerable.
Must be the 'tism.
No. 1587075
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>>1586893AYRT and thank fucking god I'm not the only who noticed this with mental health being used as some "uwu qUiRkY" excuse to obnoxiously feign for oppression points. The artist I've been watching who's been doing this claims she was diagnosed and she's in her 30s but most of the other artists she's friends with who join in on her streams are zoomers with the youngest being 19 and I can't help but feel that the reason why this main chick I'm referring to is like this is because her tard zoomer friends act like this.
>The constant ADHD/'tism mentioning, unprompted usually indicates I'll get really tired of interacting with that artist, really fast, and that they don't have the mental maturity to keep personal health bullshit to themselves. Everyone is oversharing it and leaving themselves vulnerable. Must be the 'tism.
I feel you anon. I will say that this artist isn't as bad when she's doing streams by herself and while she'll still obnoxiously bring up the "sorry guys, it's the 'tism" bullshit, she doesn't do it early as much when she's with her friends. But it's just that I have come across a few other streaming artist who say the same thing. I remember being initially confused by the slang "tism" until I heard what it was meant to mean kek.
No. 1587081
>>1587055AYRT and ah okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'm not on TikTok but I do remember hearing about how there were some people on there faking having disorders but the one I remember hearing about was when people were faking having BPD and Dissociative identity disorder. I didn't know it was now extending to Autism but it makes so much more sense why I've been seeing more artist use those phrasings like "tism".
It's just annoying (but not surprising) how this bullshit slipped into the art world.
No. 1588111
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I used to like doodle date but nowadays Steph doesn’t post much (which is understandable because of her health) and Adam’s have just become insufferable. His art still has not improved at all, he only draws lolis with minimum clothes and refuses to draw males. I used to have their streams as background noise but since he has taken over them I can’t stand him and his horrible art.
No. 1588368
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Proko is so chill I love his attitude so much
No. 1589004
>>1588456I agree with you, her art isn't appealing at all. I remember i looked at her social media and she barley gets any traction, so it is weird to me that she doesn't work to improve her art more. It feels very deviantart to me.
At one point her audience was growing and if she had put more effort into her art, she would have gotten more popular. Now she only uploads sobstorys to yt, that is probably also not appealing to new people.
No. 1589088
>>1585939KEK I thought this was a
gijinka of Mordecai and Margaret from
Regular Show.
No. 1589842
>>1589689She's always been such a miserable person to me. Always something to bitch about to gain pity points. I'm not expecting artists online to be all sunshine and daisies but holy shit, she's like a pile of sludge just looking for other people to commiserate with. I wonder if, given her resistance to improving her art, she's even enjoying making it anymore. She seems to be on autopilot with her technique and never does anything new. I'd be fucking miserable too if that was my art style for the past 6+ years and I was left behind in the dust. But that's all on her, not "the other artists" she keeps whining about.
Reality has to hit her at some point that maybe the reason she's never been able to support herself from her art, is because it just isn't as good, and that she's in a very lucky position to have her husband support her hobby the way he does; maybe she doesn't want to admit it is a hobby.
No. 1590662
>>1589004>I remember I looked at her social media and she barely gets any traction, so it is weird to me that she doesn't want to improve her art more.Yeah exactly. I don't want to judge her on that merit alone though because I can admit that I don't get much traction on my own art neither and I think that my stuff is okay though I'm trying to take steps to improve my work.
She has said that the reason she doesn't practice more is because she's "too busy" and "doesn't have the time" which is just… Really? She doesn't have an IRL job and after listening to some of her streams, she always complains about how something inconvenient happens in her life that "kills her mood" and to where she feels entitled to take an off day to relax… It just makes me wonder if she's just that much of a laze about.
>At one point her audience was growing and if she had put more effort into her art, she would have gotten more popular. Now she only uploads sobstorys to yt, that is probably also not appealing to new people.Yeah she was growing for a bit but I think the only reason that was happening was because she was doing her YouTube so consistently back during that time. I don't think a lot of people watch her content for her art but just because they either enjoy her personality or enjoy her talking about drama whether it's online or personal life stuff.
No. 1590672
>>1589689See I'm the same way. Granted me and her are the same age but I remember when I came across her content in 2016 and though I didn't really like her art style that much, I liked listening to her for BG noise and I felt like overtime her art style would improve but 5+ years later and her art still looks unappealing to me.
>but even I thought it was strange how she kept talking about the other artists; "The other artists this", "The other artists that," and complaining about not making any money. It just reeked of insecurity,It definitely was insecurity but she didn't want to admit it. Again I looked at some of the other artists who worked the artist alley and a lot of them had pretty well-done styles, even the cartoony or anime ones. She probably deep down felt intimidated but wants to save face.
>but like, doesn't her husband support both of them?Yes he does anon. Michie hasn't worked a IRL job in at least 5+ years and her husband is the main breadwinner. He even got a promotion at his job recently from what she shared in one of her recent streams this month. So it's assumed that Michie doesn't have to work a regular job since her husband already makes enough to support the both of them even though she claims that she pays a sizeable portion of their bills though I kind of doubt that and at most, she probably pays for the electricity and/or groceries (she's done "emergency grocery" commissions in the past).
>I don't know how to articulate it; she's always been kind of hit-or-miss but this time around she felt particularly whiny and weird and I found myself cringing at both her and the art.Same anon, same. She's hit/miss with me as well but lately she's been missing a lot and comes off super whiny and it doesn't help that her art hasn't improved neither. I can't help but feel that part of the reason why she doesn't practice more with her anatomy is because her much younger friends gas up her art even though I gotta admit that her younger artist friends styles look much more appealing than hers and they're like 6-10 years younger than her.
It's a shame because if she just stopped with the shading practice and worked on her anatomy, she would see genuine improvement.
No. 1590673
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>>1589842>I wonder if, given her resistance to improving her art, she's even enjoying making it anymore. She seems to be on autopilot with her technique and never does anything new. I'd be fucking miserable too if that was my art style for the past 6+ years and I was left behind in the dust. She says that she still enjoys making art and she always feels the need to geek out over how much she loves the way she colors eyes which again yeah sure, her coloring is somewhat okay but it doesn't fix her derpy ass looking style that is not gonna appeal to many and she claim she doesn't care all she wants but then she shouldn't be surprised if people don't want to buy her art when she's working the cons.
Pic-rel is one of her recent pics she did that she turned into merch and her saying that it didn't sell much… I mean yeah why is that surprise. Like yeah it's Zelda and Zelda is hot right now because of Tears of the Kingdom but yet the characters look absolutely unappealing in her wonky style. Link looks kinda okay but Ganon looks horrible and Zelda is very "meh".
>Reality has to hit her at some point that maybe the reason she's never been able to support herself from her art, is because it just isn't as goodI feel like her latest experience at this con is that reality or at least part of it. She says that this other con she went to didn't go so well neither but she didn't explain why (yet) so we'll see but if it's because she wasn't making profit there neither, that should be a double wake up call.
No. 1590678
>>1590581Exactly. I mean it's great she didn't lose the merch but it should say something if no one bothered stealing anything which can signify that eve a thief finds your work too lackluster to even try to sell on their own.
And obviously she didn't manage to sell much if at all of the merch in the box anyway so… That's just a lot of space inventory to add to the pile.
No. 1591174
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>almost halfway through the year
how are you doing on your art journey nonnas?
i feel dissapointed in myself for not improving as much, but i downloaded some tutorials and i plan on watching them this month.
No. 1591213
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>>1591209Forgot to post the picrel.
No. 1591258
>>1591022 said. Ever since she learned about the symmetry tool, she uses it VERY frequently from using to for the eyes and using if for when she shades. According to her it's "working smarter, not harder" but yet the end result looks like… That.
>>1591022And it doesn't help that she draws the eyes so close together. She doesn't use the 1 eye apart principle and it's also what enhances the cross-eyed look even more.
>>1591024Because she thinks her coloring/shading is so great looking. As I said in another post, she tends to dote on how much she loves her shading style and it doesn't seem like she cares much about the anatomy (or lack thereof) because again, she's too busy with commissions to practice (even though she has a near 2 year long queue of commission work…)
No. 1591275
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>>1591256No problem anon, look her up on YouTube when you have the chance to see what we mean, her username is Twisted Disaster. That's also her DeviantART account where you can see more of her art to get a better look at some of her other stuff.
>How do people end up with art styles like this?I think it's because she just got complacent in her skill level, especially with the friend group she hangs around in these days. She's said time and again that she wanted to go for a cartoony style and so it feels like she uses that as an excuse to justify not practicing more on her anatomy to clean it up. She also draws a lot of chibis and I can't help but feel that that also contributes to why when she draws non-chibi art, it looks so unappealing.
Your analysis is correct in that she's not the worst but it's not great neither. She's stuck in a limbo in-between and it's a shame she doesn't practice more because with more tweaking and improvement, her style would look more appealing and she'd probably get more business.
It doesn't help that her art friends who are so much younger than her gas up her style which probably makes her not feel like improving more which results in lack of sales IRL in competitive artist environments.
No. 1591749
>>1591676I don't like mingling with the local art community because it's either annoying commie politispergs or or edgy scrotes like
No. 1591906
>>1591676Kind of, mostly because i feel most artists in my country are either
1.full on SJW
2.full on unfunny scrote
3.participate more in the "international" art community (don't speak mainly their native language, engage often more with foreigner artists etc)
4.if none of the above, there's a huge chance i'm just really not interested in their artstyle/subjects
No. 1591963
>>1591805I can't answer your question, sorry, but I remember really liking her art but I've recently fallen out of interest for it. I read the prologue of her comic she's been hyping up for ages with her characters and was super underwhelmed. It looked kind of rushed and has that annoying webtoons scroll format. On top of that, it was boring as rocks. I like her art otherwise, her sketches and videos are amazing. It's her first comic and most people's first comic sucks but.. It's just that kpop romantic drama flavor I don't care about, and if that was the prologue the rest might not be good.
I dunno how she managed to get as popular as she did with such vague characters, but maybe it really was just the aesthetic looking, mellow artvlog videos.
No. 1592797
>>1592773AYRT, oh that's right artists really were gripped by those two things specifically at the time. I saw a lot of Detroit become Human fanart but the kingsman stuff was pretty unique.
Props to her for going the OC route, and having it sell, that's honestly my goal so her vlogs can be inspiring to watch. I hope you find them, nona!
No. 1592871
>>1591174I think i’ve done quite a bit of progress but not as much as I wanted to.
I started playing around with blender but i’m just following tutorials.
Trying to power through term 1 of radiorunner’s curriculum, i’m ashamed at how much tome I spent on it.
Not art related but I also started learning c#
I would like to progress outside the “tutorial hell stage”
No. 1593081
File: 1685543749650.png (Spoiler Image,22.14 KB, 475x337,…)

>>1593078samefag, they draw both characters with dicks, but it could just be a truemale fantasy.
No. 1593134
>>1593112i didn't think she was a man because of her paraphilias, it was the photo and that comic that fooled me, but yeah, the fandom stuff does make it obvious, Saihara x Kokichi, references to the climate of Tumblr, Aggretsuko, Deep-Sea-Prisoner's games, Reigen x Shigeo, Death Note L, Edward Elric, Spamton, all of it kind of does make it obvious that it's a mentally disturbed woman that ventured into the worst parts of the internet and left with several paraphilias.
No. 1593164
File: 1685549626241.png (Spoiler Image,124.93 KB, 675x861, homunculus100_.png)

>>1593134I wasn't saying you thought she was male because of her paraphilias, i was referring to retards like
>>1577204 spewing some bullshit about whats ''feminine'' or not as if that has any bearing on being of the female sex. hope this clears things up
here's her mentioning her gf, incase she deletes this or something
No. 1593169
>>1591906NTAYRT but this is exactly what my local/national art community is like. Most of them are terminally online (so the few ones whose art style I remotely like are showing their tumblresque fanart-looking stuff/straight up fanart at real life exhibitions, are full-on LGBTQIA++++ supporters even though no one here except Americanized retards like them give a shit, are obvious coomers who love American cartoons…), the few artists who aren't like this are just… not very good. I saw a lot of these recently and virtually none of them know how to paint a human face or a body, or an animal, or a house. Their art is really basic, it just looks pretty and impactful because it's traditionally painted and on a big, often framed canvas. I want to be like them, even learn from them if possible and become a local painter whose art is both normal (not terminally online) and good. I've got a better grasp on anatomy and fundamentals than most of these mostly older people, but on the other hand, I don't know how to paint and it seems like an overwhelming skill to learn.
No. 1593221
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so called islamic artist gets called out on coomer bait woman design. moids really are blind
No. 1593315
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>>1593297>No one is manufacturing dress-shaped clothing to fit male bodiesthis isn't necessarily true. Female clothing patterned for men exists but it's all BDSM gear, or those horrifying sissy dresses. Sort of telling that it's all for fetish purposes. I think whether or not it's a fetish depends but you can usually tell. Feminine gay men wear makeup and women's clothes and nobody really cares, but the whole "transforming into a sexy lady" thing is popular with a totally different type of guy and it's for sex or humiliation purposes only.
No. 1594069
>>1593736There used to be a
terf artist discord and maybe it's still around. I quit discord though and don't know where you'd get an invite these days.
No. 1594237
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This was so unnecessarily spiteful, the quoted tweet didn't even throw shade to Halle Bailey
No. 1594260
>>1594069AYRT, ah bummer. I'll have to look into that but I dunno, I just wish I could have art friends again but I know that if they saw that I don't pander or validate troons and don't htink JK Rowling is the second coming of Hitler, they'd turn on me in a beat.
>>1594089Yeah I have noticed that even the artists who aren't gender tards but are terminally online can be just as worse.
I still talk to some artists in passing and I try to keep it brief as well and if I notice them retweeting trans crap, especially in the last few weeks with the "next month is LGBTQ+++ month" bullshit, I just try my hardest not to say anything.
IT was really hard when some artist was virtue signaling about how troons are being murdered in the streets and it's like where is the fucking proof but I stopped myself.
I just would love to find artists who have a fucking brain, is that too much to ask? lol
No. 1594377
>>1594237I hate this spiteful high school bully shit on twitter. This art is good, but it's an asshole move to QRT art. Their only motivation to post this was to gain followers. If they posted their art by itself, it would be liked/rted but that's it. Being a
victim crying about whitewashing will make you popular, and that's what really gives them energy, not finishing a nice drawing.
No. 1594747
>>1594237I hate how you can't call this movie dogshit without having to tongue Halle's asshole to prove you're not a racist. Disney now has an infallible advertising defense against their remakes; hire a black popstar and let the stans screech everyone into submission.
That being said I watched the original the other day and wow, I never noticed how well paced it was. It didn't have any scenes that would be wasted on overly ambitious worldbuilding or characters that serve no purpose, it just told a simple story from beat to beat with no lingering.
No. 1594805
>>1594769New Masters Academy has a russian style drawing course and a lot of other traditional drawing/painting courses. I think they still give you a week long free trial. I really liked their 3d modells and refrences too.
It is worth a try, but you still need to force yourself to study and that's why i stopped the membership. I just can't bring myself to use it enough to make it worth it.
No. 1594958
>>1594336That's a good way to go about it and I try to do the same. And I think I'm gonna end up unfollowing a lot of artists because of "pRiDe mOnTh" where these attention whores come out of the woodwork.
And believe me, I want to be able to just look the other way with this shit but when it comes to trying to make new friends, I just don't have the patience or motivation to validate such retardedness and pretend like my "friend" is the opposite sex or neither sex, I just don't have time for that anymore.
No. 1594960
>>1594747I understand you anon. Granted I'm black myself and I could smell the bullshit like most of the others when the race change was announced, I understand why some non-black people may feel uncomfortable criticizing the movie for fear of being targeted by unhinged fans who unironically like the movie.
Personally I think that so long as you have criticism that isn't just on the race change itself, you should be fine (in theory…).
No. 1595169
>>1594970Kek I don't have pronouns in bio and it's always hilarious to see TRAs dodge using any for me because they've been taught that even they/them is ~misgendering.~ If they actually ask though I'll just say she/her, it's cringe but no small victory over gendies is worth losing half my audience for muh transphobia.
Best practice around gendies is to try not to interact in the first place, their spaces are infested with petty drama and it's not worth it. With older friends who they/them'd down the line I do the online equivalent of smiling and nodding but saying nothing. They're so desperate for validation most of them will take anything kek
No. 1595186
>>1594971I personally don't care about if someone lists their pronouns in their bio. As long as they aren't using "they/them" or those "neo-pronouns" like "Xe/Xer", I don't automatically click off the profile upon seeing them. Now if the person turns out to be a troon and using opposite sex pronouns to describe themselves? That's a different story.
>>1595169Yeah I don't have my pronouns listed neither, if people care that much, I'll answer but beside that, nah man, no need.
>Best practice around gendies is to try not to interact in the first place,Right, this is why I avoid joining Discord places because I know that this is the main hub where many of them fester in and as much as I would love to try to connect with some new artists, it's just not worth the risk having to deal with troons, especially the unhinged ones.
Would you say that finding artists in their 30s+ would be the more likely way to finding artists who don't buy into the trans hype as much? Because it seems like Gen Z are the ones very obsessive with "muh gender identity".
No. 1595208
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>>1594237The comments on the original post are fucking infuriating.
No. 1595215
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Tips on how to draw characters with backgrounds and make them look good? I love drawing characters in general and all the time I focus on the character alone too much and once I finished I don't know what the fuck should I do with the background; so I always either add a solid color or a gradient, and kind of destroys the rest of the drawing because everything is consistent but the bg.
No. 1595301
>>1595215Instead of jumping into drawing a character, think about the environment first. It doesn't have to be complicated, a girl sitting on a chair by the window, then gather references to draw that.
Also, I've found it way easier to color with accurate lighting when I know where a character is, instead of them standing in a void. If she's by the window, the light will come from the window. Just start thinking of entire scenes to draw instead of just characters, and backgrounds will become easy.
No. 1595355
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>>1595215what the other anons said and: STOP thinking of it as a character + background and segregating elements of the picture. from now on, think of making an image. you're cursed by the same affliction that is holding back a lot of contemporary illustrators who learn exclusively from the internet. an image like this wouldn't be possible if Sargent was thinking "i'll just paint these kids and stick them on a background". to make a good image, everything in that image must work together in harmony with a purpose.
No. 1595449
>>1594237>>1595208I'm confused. I haven't seen the
soulless remake but did the artist redraw a scene from the remake with the OG Ariel or did they just make fanart of OG Ariel?
No. 1595693
>>1595641Same here with my artist friends, a lot just went completely offline to spend time with their immediate family or full time convention artists. Artists my age in their 30s just care less about what the terminally online have to say, right now we are making what we can for our retirements.
When I see artists I have followed since the 2000s are now still publishing degen doujin on toratoana, living the peak fujoshi life in their 40s, it does give me hope too.
No. 1595750
>start having kids in their 30sLmao, I'd argue the pressure starts sooner than that, Nona. It just gets more obnoxious like "WELL? You're 30 chop chop with the babies, bitch!"
But I digress, I'm also in my 30s and don't plan on having any children because I don't even like them and I am still pursuing art as a career. I never found instant success or momentum in my teens or 20s but I did learn a lot and feel like I'm just now hitting my stride. I'm pretty confident in my skill now, and I don't worry about what gendie zoomers have to say. They tend to gravitate toward my art but it's whatever, if they got money I'll take it.
No. 1595959
>>1595955Moids hate being an object of female gaze. That is, they understand deep down that objectification is wrong, since they themselves don't want to be an object of someone's desire. But they still gladly apply it to women and actually are well aware that they treat women like furniture in their art. They know it's wrong but moids get a kick when they degrade women. And treating women as nothing but a sex object is degrading.
So moids hate it when we do the same, since they think we draw cute males only because we want degrade and put down maleness (which is not true).
No. 1595982
>>1595955I’d also like to add that the male artists there who were the most talented were very relaxed and supportive and complimented/defended me. I’m not saying this as a #notallmen thing, more like the difference between artists who respect and learn from their peers vs
toxic ngmis who just draw coom/borderline coom and only care about making art if it gets them popular or if they can jerk off to it.
There’s a lot of art I find disagreeable but I’d never insult an artist over their taste, I’d recognize their merit for what it’s worth, especially if it’s something so innocent. I just hate how self centered most men are, and think everything crewted must exist in service of them, and anything that doesn’t is a targeted conspiracy against them.
No. 1596406
>>1595629AYRT and thanks for the heads up because I'm in my 30s as well but I just haven't been very active on social media art besides just looking at art. You're right though that while most of the people I know around my age, they are TRAs as well. I totally forgot how some of my acquaintances reacted when Hogwarts Legacy came out and they were saying how "evil" JK Rowling is. Damn lol.
>>1595641Aw this is so sad because it feels like you're right. I don't know many artists but my 2 friends in high school who were artists no longer draw anymore. Both of them got married and have kids and one of them is a nurse. This is where I feel a weird where I am because I'm in my early 30s and still do art because I genuinely love drawing but yet I have no desire to work for a studio and am content doing freelance.
>>1595644Even though I never stopped drawing, I feel you anon, especially with how the online social landscape has changed in the last decade. Let me guess, where you o DeviantART as well? lol Those were the days, it was a lot simpler back then.
No. 1596408
>>1595750+1 as someone else in their 30s who has no desire to be a parent. It's not that I hate kids but I just know I would be a horrible parent, especially with my own mental health issues and I'd rather not brig a child into the world to put that on.
I think this is why I have felt no need to stop drawing even though I'm ot "successful" with it. Drawing makes me happy and I've been doing it for like ever so why stop doing something that makes me happy? My main goal right now is to just continue practicing and hopefully be able to become a full-time artist who occasionally takes on small IRL jobs here in there.
No. 1596432
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Have any of you ever worked on an indie project? either a webcomic, game, VN, etc. I Have so many ideas for projects, but i dont feel good enough yet. Was thinking of trying anyways with an idea i am not too attached to, to practice but dunno, i am afraid of becoming that type of artists that gets stuck with a passion project and never improves(RebelTaxi).
No. 1596453
>>1596432Same, I have tons and tons of ideas and projects that I really want to start and bring to life, but for some reason I cannot start and I literally do and feel like your picrel
(Actually I know what the reason is: I’m simply scared that if I start something I will become tired of carrying it on, leaving it unfinished before it’s done. It’s truly the only obstacle that is separating me from…. from basically anything I want to do, and I really want to overcome it, but I don’t know how and I feel like shit because of it)
No. 1596458
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>>1595641>On top of that a lot of decent artists who do art for fun end up abandoning the hobby in their 30s as they grow out of it and move on to focus on their careersI'm in my early 30s and on the edge of quitting art and becoming a wagie (even though it caused me a mental breakdown) because I don't understand how to show my work to people. Thankfully I have a part-time job to support me right now, because I am totally clueless about business things.
No. 1596537
>>1596432I honestly think the solution is to do an idea you’re actually attached to, not just trying something you’re so-so about because you’re scared. These kinds of projects take time and effort and lots of perseverance so it’s important to love and believe in your project so you can keep going when it gets tough.
I started working more seriously on a project I’ve been thinking about for a few years now and it feels incredibly rewarding to see it progress. Obviously it’s not always easy but just thinking about having it finished makes me happy so I keep going and I really enjoy the process.
It’s really important to actually get your ideas out there and not just let them ruminate in your head for years, and you’ll improve so much more if you work on a project and publish it and have people see it and get feedback. You’ll find out so much more about how to do things and it’ll get easier to do the next one.
No. 1596674
>>1596432I've run a fanzine that ended up losing me money kek but it was a huge experience, a level-up if you will, I learned so much about managing a team project, the costs, what I absolutely never want to do again, and my will and patience to keep going to see a project through to the end (even if the end isn't that great) has increased.
Nona, you just have to do it. The reality is, no one cares what you post online and what you're doing, so just do it. Failing at gaining an audience, or whatever your end goal is with a project, doesn't mean you failed. You will learn so much by just doing the thing. You will learn nothing by not starting anything at all.
No. 1596728
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Does anyone know how to paint like this? I've always been curious about how they did this but I have never cracked the code yet.
No. 1596736
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If you want to get some nice but not expensive markers, I really recommend decotime markers from Action. They're really good for that price; 4 euro for 10 markers, 7.50 euro for 30 markers. Damn every time I'm at Action I buy another set kek
No. 1596782
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Nonas, do you watch any art YouTubers and if yes, who and why? What kind of art video types do you like the most (draw with me, speedpaint, streams, gimmicky etc.)?
I would like to watch some but so many (mostly women) have such juvenile content, I can't really get into it. On the other side male artist are so boring.
Pic slightly rel, used to watch waffles but she has been having medical flare ups again…
No. 1596811
>>1596728I know some nonas would believe I'm reaching here but that style is a tiny bit similar to rinotuna; he has some tutorial books if you search enough.
The difference is that the colors of this style is brighter and eye-catching, using pink for reflection light and baby blue for casting light.
Plus, there are some obvious textures added on top of the drawing.
So tl;dr cell shading but with some blending
No. 1596817
>>1596728Typically all they do is the typical base colors, shading on top, and color dodge for highlights. I got a demonstration once and the artist tended to avoid using multiply or color adjustment layers for the shadows, but I don't think that's standard everywhere. They aren't restricted to using the same color palettes per cover and have creative freedom over how things look so long as it's still iconic. Tldr:
>Base color, paint shadows, paint highlights, or use add(glow)/color dodge layer>Make sure the character is what stands out the most in the artwork, and that they have the most contrast>For some reason, almost every character is shaded with equal amounts of attention, but if you really want them to be in the background, put a screen layer over them with the same color as the atmosphere>Grain filter No. 1596878
File: 1685907068438.jpg (87.82 KB, 800x667, 037.jpg)

>>1596782Misako flodin, I like her oil paintings
Kelogsloops, I like his watercolour stuff
Madoka kinoshita, she makes digital art looking paintings with traditional paint, picrel looks like she used blur tool but she did it with acrylics iirc
And proko lol
>>1596839Yes another dust enjoyer
No. 1596998
nonnie I love dust
No. 1597151
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>>1597056Unironically any popular gay porn account on twitter
No. 1597180
>>1597164Trawl archives for anything interesting if you're bored I guess>female playboyWomen weren't really the demographic here either
>>1597174You are welcome
No. 1597764
File: 1685957224485.png (294.08 KB, 1280x1834, 118.png)

unrelated to anything but it blew my mind to find out watanabe akio was 54 yo, what the fuck. I really love his stuff, i know its moid shit yada yada, but i wanna implement his style to my anime boys.
No. 1597898
>>1595261>>1594747>>1595208My fucking god, I wish the online English-speaking art community wasn't so annoying and dominated by identity politics. halle bailey really isn't that special and Her "vwey gwood swinging skwills" are going to be dubbed over in international releases of the movie.
Anons who speak languages other than English and share their art online, Are things as bad on your side of the internet? Or is it truly a problem primarily found in the Western art community rather than being language-dependent?
No. 1597917
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I feel so dirty, i just downloaded the entire gallery of a hyper bara artist because their rendering technique is like nothing i have ever seen before and its what i hope i can achieve someday. Why couldnt this talent go to a woman instead? men are so autistic and nasty
No. 1597925
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>>1597921holy shit how did you know
No. 1598091
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>>1596811>>1596817Thank you nonnas. I'll make sure to try it out
No. 1598376
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anyone else struggles with liking way too many styles and not knowing what to focus on? i wanna draw women in a more realistic style, like greg ruttowski or leyendecker, but i love early 00s anime and wanna draw my anime boys like
>>1597764 I feel like if i didnt have this problem i would be much better by now. I feel like this indecision has stunted my growth and i am scared i might never get better thanks to it. I keep seeing that one of the best art advices is to copy artists you like, but the artists i like are so diverse in style i dont know what to focus on.
No. 1598397
File: 1686022426809.jpg (183.35 KB, 809x1200, E3Nn9FsVkAA6pmY.jpg)

>Aladdin getting his hole reckt by genie
>pokemon sex so creamy and ushy gushy I can't see what's actually happening in the illustration
>extremely good pencil sketches
>I love him
No. 1598400
>>1597898>Are things as bad on your side of the internet? Or is it truly a problem primarily found in the Western art community rather than being language-dependent?I think it's mostly concentrated on Twitter and Tumblr and those sort of spaces, regardless of language. Yes, the Anglosphere is the most fucked, but it has been spreading to other countries and linguistic online communities in reccent years, but like I said, it's mostly on those kinds of social media sites (and TikTok probably).
Even in the Anglosphere there are still some decent art communities that aren't all about trannies and identity bullshit like it used to be a decade ago, but they're hard to find, especially since most artists feel forced to engage in social media these days.
>>1598342Same, there are so many straight hentai artists that render like that, I don't see what's so special about him other than his ridiculous anatomy and perspectives
No. 1598402
>>1598400>there are so many straight hentai artists that render like that, I don't see what's so special about him other than his ridiculous anatomy and perspectivescan you give examples? people in this thread always say that whenever anyone compliments the style of a controversial artist and then they never give examples of other artists that are on the same level
>>1598397enjoy, lol. I appreciatte his turboautism. Look at this shit, dude spends several hours drawing the creases in the creases of his roided up blob. I gotta admire the dedication
No. 1598415
>>1596432I have a webcomic that got decently popular with several thousand followers. I try to keep up with it but its hard to maintain motivation when its a story idea I came up with years ago in my teens, a lot of it is not up to my personal standards of quality, and I have so much less free time now. I think if you wanna do a project its best to just throw yourself into it, you'll learn as you go.
>i am afraid of becoming that type of artists that gets stuck with a passion project and never improves(RebelTaxi).Artists who make shitty projects are more accomplished than artists who insist they'll make their masterpieces later when they have more skill but never do. Don't worry about making something shitty, cause the process of making something shitty will teach you a lot if you're willing to learn from your mistakes. You need to be less self concious and simply enjoy the process of creating and learning.
No. 1598416
>>1598402It's male sakimichan, incredible
>>1598403This man doing amphetamines to spend four hours shading the cracks and sheens of a man's wenis and muscle ripples I know he sweating like a hog
No. 1598598
>>1598403This is so fucking funny. The way the screen is constantly spazzing out, whatever the fuck creature that's supposed to be, the perspective. I can't tell what's going on at all, it's amazing.
No. 1598648
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>>1598403Sad that most of his efforts are put into grotesque coomer shit, I like his surrealist stuff
No. 1598656
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>>1598648Ok I'm done sucking his dick now
No. 1598759
>>1598376There are many styles I admire that I would love to have as my own, but I know I would hate actually doing it (like a line heavy style) Liking a style does not mean you will enjoy drawing in that style, and you must enjoy it.
Also, what is your end goal? Because each field of art has different styles. A leyendecker style would not be suitable for the animation field, for example. If you want to create cute merch, an anime style could work.
No. 1598771
File: 1686068425413.jpg (83.87 KB, 425x588, descarga (2).jpg)

>>1598759I wanna make art for games and also stand alone illustrations. For games i wanna go with a pc98 older anime style or something like watanabe's 00s moeblobs. But for illustrations that mean something to me i prefeer to go with a more realistic style. It's actually funny to see my illustrations of women compared to my drawings of men which are just anime moeblobs in lewd poses, lol.
No. 1598874
File: 1686074806743.png (Spoiler Image,3.73 MB, 1247x2737, i hve to sides.png)

>>1598819thanks! actually one of my fav artists, yoh yoshinari(above) has a pretty varied style, but i still feel like what i am going for might be waaaaay too different to ever find a middle ground. But i will try regarless, the fundamentals of drawing are all the same anyways. Below are some of my favourite artists, i like being able to enjoy varied artists, but its a pain to brainstorm what i like about them and how to implement it on my art without it being a mess
No. 1599349
File: 1686106360497.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.42 KB, 848x1199, Kiwifarmsmeetup.jpg)

There really are different dimensions and realities because in what world
No. 1600158
>>1599518I won't lie, I'll admit that I have seen some AI art that does look nice but ultimately it all is soul-less feeling. Like sure it may look high quality but yet the knowledge that it's not an actual drawn piece just kills it for me.
And on DeviantART there is a shit ton of AI art clogging the front page these days and as I said before, it feels so artificial and can even blend together.
There will always be a place for actual artists so it's best to not sweat it about AI art as unsettling as it can be for some.
No. 1600210
>>1599477>>1599469i agree with the sentiment that artists aren't losing quality clients to ai. i'm not trying to doompost but its clear that many artists are getting less commissions lately, including myself. is it really so unreasonable to think that ai could be contributing to this alongside the shit economy? a shitty coomer client is still a paying client nonetheless. i personally am losing a lot of the "draw my OC!" client emails, and im wondering if it has something to do with ai but obviously cant prove.
>>1599518you're probably right, this is my first recessions as an artist and i'm just worried about how well its coinciding with the rise of ai. again, not trying to doompost but it feels like my inbox is crickets right now.
No. 1600858
>>1600800Hold your hands tenderly as well nona. I understand the embarrassment, although you should keep them open in my opinion.
If it makes you feel better, I tried lowering my price a month ago and still cricket noises in my inbox. This year economy is really that bad.
No. 1601683
File: 1686306587258.gif (4.17 KB, 99x56, d3e8nd1-69ecbaf9-25c9-48ce-854…)

It's alot of fun to reminise about Deviantart during it's heydays but remember when you'd get a notification for a work being favorited and being excited, only to see it was a random scrote adding your innocent artwork/photography to some fetish collection? Moids with obvious fetishes still on the currently popular platforms exist but I feel less gross when AnimeTummyLover34 on Twitter just likes my innocent fanart rather than adding it to a public collection I can't control.
No. 1601821
>>1601796Kek I've done this a lot of times actually. I do some random drawing and I write "for anonymous commissioner"
It never fails to get me actual clients, it's a good strategy
No. 1601876
>>1601857also i started
vtubing which earned me quite a few commissions
No. 1601961
>>1601796I used to do this ten years on deviantart and it has proven to work well. I would recommend this to new commission artist anons who haven't had rigid posting style yet. Right now I'm just happy that my non-commission posts are getting more traction and new followers than my annual commission crunch.
>>1601818This is why I would never sell my brand to coomers for the majority of my commissioners have been fujo and yumejo. I cannot tell you how lovely to work with these customers in compared to having a moid in my DMs every three days for his dirt cheap kofi commission.
No. 1603159
File: 1686430973703.jpg (23.78 KB, 564x536, df79d8a7621955cced1119985e96cf…)

Any anons on here use toyhouse and get money from it? i've been using it for some time but only recently to make money and i've made some selling some characters but i haven't actively made an effort to make it
any advice to actually get a following/clients in there? i don't think toyhouse has much discussion or strategy planning like other site (da in it's time/twitter/instagram) so i thought id ask here
No. 1603162
>>1601961Nta nonna, but how did you get yumejo commissioners? By drawing husbandos with large fanbase or?
Ive been drawing my husbando and other attractive male characters a lot lately, and was thinking if i could throw commission tweet…
No. 1603257
>>1603162I have a best friend who's obsessed with otome games, she'd spam me news of whatever new otoge available with her new favorite husbando. I think it all started of us drawing our fan arts of those otoge to develop a niche audience of yumejo now.
Japanese/Korean/Chinese visual novel fandom should be worth to look into anon, we're a parched bunch.
No. 1605367
>>1603067i get what you mean but it really isn't equivocal. by that logic, whenever someone gets fucked over by a sponsor, website, etc. they should say nothing about it even though it pertains to their community or niche.
It's one thing if the owner comes up and starts complaining to you specifically when you have no interest in it versus them putting up a sign or making a facebook post about how a sponsor or business partner stole money from them. And usually, when it comes to sponsors/business partners being shady, they are shady to more than one person.
>>1603060given how i've heard rumors of sponsors being shady, having bad deals/contracts, etc. in general when it comes to the YT art community it is probably more likely than it isn't. At 6.3 mill subs, he really has nothing to gain by lying since YouTube is probably enough in and of itself to keep him afloat. Given how his art is, he can probably afford it by virtue of the fact that it can be written off as a tax expense + the sponsor likely paying him more money given his size.
No. 1605502
File: 1686663091201.gif (208.25 KB, 500x377, F2A26188-2B52-4242-BB84-869F6F…)

I am drunk and one of these days I just want to reply kys to all the "hurrbhur his pussy slays!!!XD" comments on my husbando arts. Imagine spending years on your art so you can finally draw hot men just to receive this kind of bullshit. Worse, if I were to draw a hot anime girl the next thing would be having scrotes asking whether if she's a futa. Please kys.
No. 1605636
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>>1603471dont know if anyone saw this idiots tone deaf/now deleted thread about this. below mid art no wonder you struggle in the comics industry
No. 1605708
>>1603889>>1603793Ngl looking at how difficult it is to get into the industry for a small artist, and how often I had seen stuff about artists being treated like shit in set industries, makes really think that taking a small but stable wage job is better, and just have art as a hobby that only occassionally give extra bucks. As well as admire more people who somehow managed to make a name for themselves
No. 1605891
File: 1686693179968.jpeg (80.4 KB, 1125x833, FFDBAD79-FC97-4423-BB18-78A1C7…)

>>1605636isn't this her 4th or 5th twitter handle already? She got suspended by twitter so often I don't even keep up anymore.
for a self proclaimed communist she sure likes to shit on her fellow peers, picrel
Skill Issue indeed.
No. 1606052
>>1605990Yes, I fucking hate doing lineart for this exact reason. I never know what to do and I think that's the problem, that I don't plan what I want to do with my lines when I'm "inking" digitally. I visualize the whole picture, not the finer details of the lineart. It's also something that you have to experiment and practice with a lot (for example, changing the thickness in different places to achieve certain effects) and also it's important to start small or you'll be overwhelmed with a bigger canvas.
But regardless of whether or not it looks like shit, when you start to color and render, it'll look much better and the lineart will be barely noticeable.
No. 1606072
File: 1686711961877.png (127.52 KB, 340x244, dumlupinar.png)

>looking for more gouache tutorials
>someone is painting a Studio Ghibli with them
I understand skills and all, but is always the same backgrounds.
No. 1606079
>>1606077I noticed these artist always use the backgrounds from five movies: Howl's moving castle, Spirited Away, Ponyo, Totoro or Arrietty.
Granted, people can draw their fav movie, but there are tons of movie from Ghibli and still are the same scenes.
No. 1606158
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DMs between non-mutuals restricted to twitter blue shills
No. 1606405
File: 1686753257917.png (290.11 KB, 996x424, lmao.PNG)

I don't really use the ClipStudio assets unless I'm looking for something specific brush wise that I can't do with the brushes I already have but I can't help but think "either make it free completely or not free at all you asshats!" when I see this stuff in the top free assets section
No. 1606554
File: 1686765884736.png (180.9 KB, 795x782, loomis heads.png)

>>1606485I struggle with this, too,
nonnie. Don't feel afraid of stretching proportions or exaggerating certain features. Try drawing from life references, but don't only seek out pretty models. I know Loomis is memed a lot, but taking the standard rules of head proportions and breaking them like he suggests works. Starting with the base and then messing with the proportions is a practice many character designers do. It results in varied facial features and head structures. Picrel is an example of old people, but you can use this method on younger faces. With younger people, their skin sags less (or not at all, depending on how young), and they are more attractive to the public than older people, so it's okay if they're not all drawn unappealing.
Also would recommend taking inspiration from artists that don't draw in a modern anime-esque style nor those Instagram-famous people like Sam.
>>1606493This is pretty bad advice. They aim to have more varied features, not be stuck with the same ones.
No. 1606693
>>1606485>I've discovered that I love painting elderly people for this reason.When you play elderly people you just don't change the features? Is that the only difference? Then maybe
>>1606493 is right. Just stop changing it. I would advise you to not draw models, try looking up actors, they tend to cast people who look more plain and normal on a lot of series and movies and with movies and series you get to see them in different angles and expressions, just avoid the obvious big hollywood ones where everyone is super hot.
No. 1606874
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>>1606485You can draw whatever kind of face you like, I gravitate towards drawing a certain kind of female face, too, but mostly because of how expressive it becomes, and how flattering it is on each woman. But I recommend you look through older art, and when I say old, I mean OLD. I'm talking Roman funeral portraits and onwards. Look at what was considered attractive for each era. Try drawing a portrait that matches each era. Look at as many faces as you can, both painted and photographed. An artist should absorb as much visual info as they can, not limit themselves. Variety is the spice of life.
No. 1606913
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>>1605636Say what you want about artists complaining about dead end opportunities and shit pay but these pick mes are the fucking worst. He’s not even an artist and I can only assume how much he pays his artists to draw his godawful fetish bait 16 year old donut steal.
No. 1607794
>>16075755 pages is not a huge investment, and drawing a comic is nothing like creating an illustration. You actually don't have to be amazing at drawing to create a compelling comic, a stick figure with a speech balloon is all you need.
If you have everything planned out, just start making panels and laying out the scene. What you're doing by not starting is re-reading your recipe, having your ingredients ready, but not starting until you find the right apron, or until it's the perfect sunny day for baking, or until you've found the right baking music playlist, or, or…just start baking. You'll only get better at comic making by making a comic, not perfecting your drawing skills.
No. 1607948
>>1607819Yes. And watermark your work in 3s, top/mid/bottom with transparency so it colors the area slightly different and it's harder to remove. Then do a normal full color watermark. I am not fucking kidding, after being online for 4 decades now, that artists need to label and mark and just fuck all to their digital art. It will never be seen the same as traditional art due to how easy it is to steal, so spare yourself from being found on Aliexpress. There's absolutely no good excuse to not watermark your work. I don't care if artists think 'it's ugly', okay. Sorry you were thrown into an AI algorithm because someone decided to upload an entire booru that had your pieces of art in them too. Or the people who roleplay OCs made crop just the head so your watermark isn't there. That's why you mark it in 3s.
I'm probably coming off way more salty about this as is, but this idea that marking up your work for YOU safety and propriety is not going to ruin your chances of being seen. DA has done watermark for years and people still used it. Twitter and other sites are no different from people having watermarks.
No. 1608019
File: 1686852765260.png (642.33 KB, 1536x1139, attachment2.png)

>>1608009(Samefag) Okay, so hopefully this makes sense. You want the faded/multiplied/luminosity/overlay
whichever you'd like to use to be in three important spots that are easily stolen or edited on your photo. One touching the face, one touching the top of the head or hair and one around the mid/bottom. Or move it around so 3 makes sense in the form you made or scenery. Then you have one main watermark with your handle. These are all the same watermark, but 3 faded out so that editing it is a pain in the ass and they have to do multiple color matches to edit out your watermark which is more of a pain that needed for more people when stealing art.
No. 1609671
File: 1686975319831.jpg (269.65 KB, 1079x1723, Screenshot_20230617_050903_Twi…)

I really fucking hate Celestial Fang/Archon of Flesh. Not because of their art or because of what they draw (mostly), but because I really love their art and absolutely hate them as a person. They're an enormous attention whore whose halfassed AAP antics and superficial edgelordery threaten to overshadow their genuinely fantastic art. It's not like I can actively search for artists who blend modern, digital, character-based art with classical art education, because the popular artists are the ones who polish turds into flat anime spadefaces.
Also yeah yeah 40k cringe moid fandom but Archon's somehow doing all this in a uniquely femalebrained style of cringe. Complete with the "muh sexualizing my own trauma to cope" crap.
No. 1609676
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>>1609671When they're not being cringe and salivating over femboys like an mtf looks at stripey socked anime girls they make things like this. Side tangent but if anyone knows artists that are similar or better I'll love you forever if you share.
No. 1609728
File: 1686982803943.jpg (407.47 KB, 1381x2048, FubE-l9XoAE8QEG.jpeg.jpg)

>>1609676Check out vetyyr, that style looks a lot like hers to me and she also has a lot of tips about drawing/painting on her tumblr, she used to talk about browsing /ic too. Maybe also check out awanqi and start looking at the following list of artists you like to hopefully find ones with similar styles. There are a lot of people who don't only do flat anime but I couldn't really name them because this isn't a direction I personally care for
No. 1609902
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>>1609671How can you stand scrolling through this shit to get to the few good posts she has kek, surely there's at least one other artist out there drawing like her and isn't a yaoi coombrained tif. Like use Google lens to search using her images, and look at all the related artists that come up.
No. 1609947
>>1609902Thanks nona now I have to bleach my brain after having to read that line with 'boypreggers', how do they keep coming up with disgusting words like this
There are plenty of chinese speaking artists share this similar illustration style, and thankfully I cant read CN to understand whichever cringe they've said online.
No. 1609954
File: 1687013125165.png (106.41 KB, 500x494, EFF34DBD9BA0.png)

>>1609902I have to ask why do they bother even with the femboy larp? the character she draws and their function is the same as basically breastless women she even draws them as they are "bred and impregnated", at that point what's even the point of even pretending its two men.
And I know all fujos do this to an extent, but this is perhaps the worst case of this, I've ever seen.
No. 1610373
>>1609902As a side note, I'm really sick of her shilling her shitty gorefest 40k rapefic. It's actually kind of offensive to anyone who likes writing dark things because it's so painfully tryhardy and mediocre at best and yet she's got several big communities pogging out about how it's the DARKEST and most FUCKED UP thing they've ever read.
I know 40k has a terrible redditfag problem but christ alive people, have some fucking standards, and stop stroking her ego. Not only does she think she's a man, she also thinks she's a writer now.
No. 1610395
File: 1687046822556.jpg (Spoiler Image,553.57 KB, 2349x3382, 1HHsY5w.jpg)

>>1610296>>1610368>>1610373The fact that she doesn't even attempt to pass makes her act laughable. Content aside she's a competent artist, so I don't know why she feels the need to do the most for attention. I'm guessing the 40K scrotes didn't care about her being a girl that likes Warhammer so now she seeks it by trolling them with her edgy Agony In Pink tier fics and art, then uses he/him pronouns so she has a personal army of troons to defend her. Tifs pass easier than 99.5% of scrotes without even touching hormones yet she can't be bothered to at least dress less like a 40k waifu. She's just a horny fujo who wants to live out her fantasy of being an uwu rapebait twink by hiding behind seven genders.
What's this obsession with genderspecials and trying to shock and out-edge everyone? It's like they're all in a race to skinwalk Gretchen Felker-Martin. I'm not offended by dark content, but the least they can do is make something good for once.
No. 1610511
File: 1687061085827.jpeg (6.65 KB, 220x220, B36B9194-AF9A-4DDC-A984-D16907…)

>>1610500>The anon had previously been homeless and was staying with a woman and her sons, then had sex with one of the sons. Anon can you at least link to the thread for us to read from for a tiny crumb of context. wtf how is this real???
No. 1610544
>>1609671Raise your standards and get better tastes nonna. She's trash and so are her drawings, damn I'm mad because so far every woman and fujo I've run into on WH40K has to be a gender obsessed freak and ruin it with her troon shit (I can't forget that girl obsessed saying that magnus is genderfluid and another saying that konrad is a transman and many other similar things)
WH40K fandom doesn't deserve this
No. 1610797
>>1610544Yeah you're probably right that it's not worth it. Between the genderfuckery and the moids who completely miss the point of the series by making it all edgy 100% of the time it really sucks to not have a reliable online space to discuss it (aside from lore communities, at least they read the books sometimes.)
I just want to enjoy my necrons in peace.
No. 1611180
File: 1687118604869.png (96.27 KB, 685x885, star girl.PNG)

don't know why steve huston is making me cry (in a good way). going to read through his book for an hour a day + do figure exercises and shit and see if i can't finally learn how to draw. don't even need to know how to color shit nonnies i just want to make dynamic and pretty sketches
this is a year old but i have basically not advanced past this point since 2020 kek kill me
No. 1611376
>>1611344No, if it does then it’s buried deep.
i’m not sure if one could even exist since many nonnies are paranoid about having their digital footprint traced back to here.
No. 1611389
>>1611376ntayrt but is there really that much risk with posting studies or giving critique over unfinished art/art that hasn't been posted on social media?
I'm really asking because i can't imagine being able to tell who someone is from some gesture (but maybe i'm retarded)
No. 1611397
>>1609676Am i the only one that thinks this looks like very unfinished rendering with some blur effect or something?. The blood on the lower part looks so bad and the light effects on the armor look like a bunch of blots, the green wings on the background look kind of difuse especially the part closer to his hand.
Don't mean to insult anons taste though, the artist probably has better stuff and artist don't always have consistency all the time
No. 1611712
File: 1687159257400.png (138.26 KB, 665x1192, x.PNG)

This person is right about coomer anatomy genderswaps but twitter users in general are getting way too comfortable complaining about free fanart online when they aren't even artists themselves. It's really not their place to "criticize" anything, if you can even call this that. I saw another thread complaining how artists who only ever draw anime/genshit are now failing to draw the diverse characters from spiderverse and someone commented that looking at the art is "a hellish experience". Which is so fucking funny, like you can actually choose not to let some strangers fanart ruin your day and instead draw it yourself if your eye is that good. And in another qrt to this artwork where the person showed pictures of leanbeefpatty the artist even commented but didn't get a response. It just goes to show that they don't care about the person making art, to them it really is nothing but a picture on the net that they can talk about however they please because they happened to dislike it for whatever reason. It's a scary and strange disconnect
No. 1611744
>>1611712just saw this as well. A lot of popular artists defend the OP artist after seeing so many dunk QRTs became viral than the art itself.
Not going to lie I had mixed feeling at first because the original gender bender art really is not that good to defend, though I've been on twitter long enough to see QRT become a reddit comment cesspool. There's no win-win when posting on twitter no matter how good your art is, someone is going to act like it's free internet and talk shit at your work.
No. 1611761
>>1611744These dunks also get way more attention than any artworks that actually show what they talked about wanting, all they care about is complaining.
And yeah, even if I dislike the art myself I don't see the need to speak out about it like this. I think that OP also said something about not knowing how to draw muscles properly and on one hand you could say she should study before attempting but on the other she really doesn't have to do shit just to please others, if she ended up feeling satisfied with the piece despite not being able to fully realize the vision it shouldn't matter. The trend of people demanding to see certain things in art is really pissing me off, they can draw it themselves if they want it so badly.
No. 1611773
>>1611712>>1611744I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance. Big butt scrotebait genderbends are annoying but being a sensitive cunt about art that wasn't made for you is worse. A genderbend doesn't have to look like a tranny to be correct. Miguel has the typical idealized superhero build so his female self wouldn't be out of the way for having the typical idealized heroine build. People on Twitter love to forget that sexual dimorphism is a thing and that women don't naturally develop muscles the same way men do, even if they were bitten by radioactive spiders.
Also, the OP of that tweet is a significantly less talented artist so it was at least partially motivated by envy.
No. 1612261
>>1609718Not a course but making comics and understanding comics by scott mccloud, you can find them online easily
Also just look at comics you like and see why you like them, and framing and cinematography in movies helps too
No. 1612270
File: 1687206662528.png (189.46 KB, 865x848, Screenshot 2023-06-19 153126.p…)

There's a recent trend of female-ran meme pages making memes of text over art and sometimes it's nice and funny and relatable and sometimes it's just awful obnoxious BPD posting. But one particular account that's extremely popular never credits the artists she takes from and when anyone asks about artists for particular memes she won't reply. She has 40k followers btw. Why do some people have this weird entitled anti-credit mentality? It's really not that hard and if you have time to save a bunch of an artists' work off their page then you have time to @ them in your post.
No. 1612283
>>1611712A guy draws coomer shit and it just gets called coomer shit. A girl draws coomer shit and suddenly there's think pieces, infantilization of women, and a ton of "Anyways here's MY take" or "I fixed it" QRTs. The pic isn't very remarkable but definitely not the worst/most moid gaze gender bend to get worked up over. The people reaching making this about irl body standards and masc representation need to log the fuck out
>>1611773Wish I saved it but someone pointed out if she'd drawn beefcake male Miguel and captioned "She/Her" the same haters would've eaten it up
No. 1612385
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>>1611712I personally don’t care for Kamii’s rendition (give me hot, tall and butch Miguel) but the coomer “defending” her isn’t getting criticism even though it’s drawn poorly.
No. 1612554
File: 1687234314748.png (69.73 KB, 740x1020, kcokaine.png)

I hate anyone defending coomer art because you always end up with pickme's like this who come out of nowhere talking about how "well aksually I look like this irl so you're wrong!" Plus the woman QRTing in the pic can only draw the same, skinny, comic-book-style women and hasn't bothered to come out of her shell. Her men are diverse but on her side account she makes them tifs. I can't take her seriously because she just drew a skinny, genderbent Miguel to "piss people off" but it's unimpressive because it's the same style of woman she always draws, just with a different skin tone.
No. 1612628
>>1612385I think a large amount of people are defending Kamii at this point. If anything it worked out in her favor since it exposed more coomer moids to her art since it looks like they're the main ones defending her.
>>1611712yes it's annoying as hell. I've had to press not interested on so many similar tweets of people dragging random artists just for easy likes/retweets and half the time the artists getting shit on are complete nobodies. stuff like this just makes me miss deviantart. Yes there were unnecessary hate campaigns over trivial shit and insults disguised as critique but it was never this annoying. or maybe I just miss early fanculture in general. I don't even know if having more dedicated sites centering artists would help anymore since it would still attract the same kinds of people and they'd be constantly running to twitter/tiktok/etc to stir up drama.
No. 1612639
>>1612554I love how the female body is
problematic and harmful but the unrealistic moid body is ok because he's hot I guess. Tell me that looking at drawings of beautiful women
triggers you without saying it. I'm all for drawings of muscular women, but I will laugh and block if a clown tells me what type of bodies I'm not allowed to draw.
No. 1612649
>>1612645It’s honestly not new, when artists primarily posted on tumblr oversexualized fanart and bad anatomy was shit on frequently. It just takes twitter 5 years to catch up.
>>1612628It’s pretty cringe to see all the coomers white knight for her when most of the critics may have been rude, were right about her interpretation of female Miguel. It’s boring and cookie cutter. She even admitted she doesn’t know how to draw muscular women well. However, it’s better than most of the coomer art.
No. 1612866
File: 1687267559824.jpeg (334.71 KB, 1425x1204, 2D7DEA13-7986-4F38-8928-B80926…)

I saved this image off lolcow like a month ago and I stumbled on it again today. Does anyone know who the artist is or remember where the original post was? I wanna see more in the same style but I don’t want to search all of lolcow for the right thread to ask.
No. 1612877
>>1612866you can just google lens it
nonnie. The artist is marion bulot.
No. 1612913
>>1612628You're right and I'm pretty sure that the artists that actually want a community to share things in are already in private discords with their friends for that reason. Any artist-targeted sites or apps are doomed to fail because those who already have a private group won't use them and popular artists won't use them and terminally online people with no skills won't get enough attention there and might develop worse jealously that leads to more malicious callouts. The fundamental issue is that talking shit is quick and easy but brings a lot of attention to these lonely miserable people, while actually drawing something takes time and effort and won't yield the same results. Social media has made it too easy to talk to a huge amount of people and it gets to their heads very quickly
>>1612829Because those things are popular and get attention. So many genshin yaoi artists have 50-100k followers on twitter, it's really obvious why they keep doing it. It oftentimes starts with a mild interest and once the numbers rise it'll become almost impossible to let go of because original works will never get the same attention as their fandom slop, so why change. I hope they all manage to profit off it somehow at least
No. 1612996
File: 1687277243024.jpeg (61.1 KB, 1170x698, IMG_5030.jpeg)

>>1612836Yora is a pornsick woman so it’s expected her artwork would be shit. I was surprised she wasn’t a scrote based on how she acts and draws. The way she drew Miguel’s breasts, thighs and ass is laughable and the face is ugly as fuck.
No. 1613153
>>1612919For future reference, Yandex has a great reverse image-search implementation.
More than google etc.
No. 1613255
>>1610368Not saying this is the case BUT: maybe she claims to be a man because a lot of fujo get shit in recent years by rancid Western zoomers for "feTishiZinG" gay moids (which is an insanely stupid and psyop'd take) but this way she gets away with it and not too many people say anything.
Again I could be wrong.
No. 1613335
File: 1687311678061.jpg (83.35 KB, 690x1084, _iamnotenough_.jpg)

>>1613255You're not wrong. She always show off her "body count" and how much sex she has from "gay old men" (that are chasers). She always has to mention they're GAY to feed her TIF delusion.
Since this is an art thread and the TIF thread is on snow, I just remember Jennadelle.
No. 1613511
>>1611712I don’t think any artist should be harassed but I am really tired of “genderbends” just being coombait.
I also am posted at all of the people running defense over coom interpretations of characters while the same people stay absolutely silent when other artists get harassed for drawing race bends oc characters. “I care about artistic freedom” no I think you just care about boons, to be honest.
No. 1613738
File: 1687361497661.jpg (129.56 KB, 1080x931, 004.jpg)

>>1611712Literal mental illness. There are so many bad genderbends out there, I wonder what about this one specifically hit a nerve with these freaks
No. 1613822
File: 1687369181476.jpg (76.12 KB, 1200x717, 1259387416.kace_comm_j_sally_1…)

>>1613644Back then it was her digital work, monster design and "emo" theme that caught attention. She then changed her style and then disappeared again.
No. 1614131
>>1613836Will never praise people for drawing moid-pandering coomer art out of spite. There were plenty of people with
valid criticism. I feel bad for the artist who got dogpiled because they don't deserve it, but I've seen people using this just to defend their shitty misogynistic art.
No. 1614719
File: 1687453828730.png (71.24 KB, 735x753, 22101116.png)

>>1614656Not talking about that artist in particular, I'm talking about people like picrel.
No. 1616577
>>1615545afai understand, your artistree is just what you would link people wanting to comission you in dm's. Otherwise you need to advertise it heavily on other platforms in order to have anything done there. No one will find your artistree on their own. I see it mostly as something I can link to new clients, to filter out people that weren't interested in paying or following my terms anyway.
>>1616563that sounds interesting
No. 1616629
>>1616563nta and sorry for the spoonfeding question but have they announced any of the features the marketplace is going to have?
>>1616579It's always the same discourse with these ai-tards, don't engage please
No. 1616764
File: 1687647205816.png (660.48 KB, 1004x900, 1687629855355.png)

How the fuck did anyone approve of a character design this awful and fundamentally flawed.
No. 1616782
File: 1687648851139.png (12.95 KB, 500x1533, Angel_Dust_by_ToughDoge.png)

>>1616764Is this vivziepop? She does a lot of busy edgy designs that 2000s scene kids would love. Tifs also love hazbin hotel especially for the androgynous gay stripper picrel because of course they do
No. 1616809
>>1616782>Is this vivziepop? Yes
>busy edgy designs that 2000s scene kids would love. Tifs also love hazbin hotel especially for the androgynous gay stripper picrel because of course they doYeah the designs are shitty a lot of the times, but tifs also love them because a lot of zoomers love emulating 2000's subcultures, including scene
I still find her designs pretty jarring considering they COULD be good but i think viv 100% clutters them on purpose
No. 1616826
File: 1687652354278.png (1.8 MB, 2400x1244, 1682446256618265.png)

>>1616764i used to hate vivzie and would like those ''fixing hazbin hotel designs'' videos on youtube, but nowadays i respect her. We live in the most soulless era of western animation, where a character has to be a blob with a bean face to be cheap to produce, even indie internet animation has this samey/globohomo style that refuses to use sharp edges and bright colors, so hazbin designs actually feel like a breath of fresh air, and very unique. Honestly, if people want to animate vivizie's sparkledog oc's, let them. Funnily enough, unlike those billion dollar corporations vivzie actually works with animation studios, unlike CN/Nickelodeon/Disney who ship their blobs to be animated in Korean sweatshops.
No. 1616859
>>1616826agreed. People need to separate "personally don't like" from "terrible" designs.
It's hard to say the designs are objectively terrible because they reach their target audience. People that want adult cartoons or animations but not have the art style just be another futurama, simpsons, or family guy rip off like 80% of other adult animations. The design is also immediately recognizable as Vivziepop
A lot of shows on Disney/CN/Nick are just getting worse with art styles because they're just each copying from each other and/or Steven Universe but without what made Steven Universe unique or look good. It looks like the mandated corporate art style because most of the cartoons are the same genre with just different characters, settings and maybe some different themes. The stories can be good or decent like Owl House and Amphibia, but there is nothing to really be said about their animation or art style which is pretty forgettable and if you showed me any of the characters out of context I couldn't tell you what show they came from or who made them.
No. 1616896
>>1616857I'm the second anon and i just asked is if it looked kinda unfinished for anyone else idk what you meant.
I don't think she's self posting because anons complain about tifs they find attractive all the time
No. 1617087
File: 1687689096006.jpg (41.53 KB, 1033x334, 2306232112.jpg)

what the fuck is this comment? i think the colorism drama over drawing black or brown characters slightly lighter is retarded but i'm tired of seeing this type of stupid takes. the artist drew hobie from spiderverse and i guess people were arguing about his skintone. but they sound very entitled and make it all about race, turning white people yet again into the boogeyman. also it's not like asian people don't have their own history of racism and fuckups so that's such a weird thing to say, as if they're able to accurately draw black people solely because they're not white
the weirdest part is that by looking at this person's gallery it's literally filled with tons of drawings of white male celebrities (and hobie is like the first black guy they drew) and characters with very eurocentric features, like white people are not allowed to give you advice but you can obsess over them?
No. 1617217
>>1605578anon how did you know!! While cant say which character I had drawn fan art of, he's as close as Kiryu from Yakuza series and yet.
Is there any way to draw fan arts of just dudes chilling without immediately attract delusional fans at all, or it's just a pipe dream these days.
>>1605525thanks for the tip nona
No. 1617376
File: 1687724379013.jpg (311.57 KB, 1000x1277, FTJycGDWUBg01db.jpg)

There's a furry artist grifter I constantly see art from and bases by on my TL and it seems like every other week they are in DIRE financial hardship.
They also have two luxury cats (persian, purebreed) and talk constantly about renovating their RENTALS when they omg don't have money to eat/pay rent/lost their car/ got scammed by x y z company.
They also have several artist beware pages about them and their various usernames on not delivering on commissions.
AND EVERYONE IS BUYING IT FOR SOME REASON? I swear to god they've made like 15k in grifting alone in the past year. Maybe more.
No. 1617378
>>1617234I noticed twitter goes rabbit when over artists drawing non-white characters.
Honestly if you ever do get hate, don’t feed the trolls and don’t cultivate a following that would turn on you i.e don’t post political bs
No. 1617512
>>1617390NTA either but I assume anon meant First nation natives, doesn't have to be Native American or Native Canadian whom are often spoken about in mainstream media but also the Ainu in Japan etc etc. I get the appeal since I also grew up with manga like Shaman King, which has crazy good amount of positive culture appropriation.
>>1617234Go for it nona, have some fun researching and experimenting with the designs and symbolism etc. Don't let them gatekeep you from getting good at arts.
No. 1617810
>>1617755Agreed, though I understand anon's anxiety from the amount of skilled and mostly harmless artists being targeted over the years for cultural appropriation. It's good in practice to experiment and draw inspiration from other cultures but once you put it on Twitter Dot Hell, of course some cunts going to make you the villain of the day just because of the nature of the terminal online's constant feed loop on rage.
>>1617794>i don't want "accurate" depictions of race. i just want those people of race feel like… people and not carbon cut outs of what people demand them to be.I get what you mean, but the topic is more nuanced than a demand for "accurate" depiction. I think we're all too desensitized to edgy caricature humors from 2000s era to not notice the harmful stereotypes most of us have internalized 'til today.
No. 1618065
>>1617234If you're really afraid of getting hate, just put that you're an x
poc or bipoc or whatever in your bio like so many others do kek. It's the "she/they" of online protection against twittards
No. 1618262
File: 1687813556288.png (257.34 KB, 677x866, EAbeingacow.png)

Emilie Autumn being a cow again and trying to imply this AI generated art is painted by her.
She even wrote a whole blog about it: No. 1618491
File: 1687833818970.jpeg (165.71 KB, 1170x1656, IMG_4951.jpeg)

Guro-esque art is nasty in general but why is everyone still pressed about her? Especially when white moids are drawing way worse shit than this lmfao.
No. 1618501
File: 1687835157106.png (232.03 KB, 1247x820, dezfydb-7f074835-b515-4973-ace…)

>>1618272i know exactly who you're talking about, she's a personal cow of mine. her current twitter account is wormburrow, her art is actually pretty good but shes just so unhinged kek. she's a massive antifeminist and defends "nomaps" (aka """non-offending""" pedophiles) and zoophiles like crazy
No. 1618513
File: 1687836415124.png (140.44 KB, 2020x1362, wormburrow autism part 1.png)

>>1618503i actually dont have any screenshots saved so i had to dig all of this stuff up again. she often melts down on her twitter and attacks randos that dare to disagree with her over petty bullshit. she always deletes everything afterwards so you'll just have to take my word for it
No. 1618525
File: 1687837505647.png (145.82 KB, 1920x1416, wormburrow autism part 3.png)

>>1618517theres a lot more than this idk if i should post all of it though, im afraid of it getting kinda spammy kek
No. 1618532
File: 1687838379179.png (215.49 KB, 2808x1290, wormburrow autism part 4.png)

>>1618525last one i guess
No. 1618678
>>1618508 said. They know that they can't get to scrote artists who draw worse shit but female artists usually do care and will give them the reaction they seek. Not only that but attacking a popular degenerate male artist will most likely result in his male fans sending death and rape threats and/or gore to everyone involved.
No. 1618939
File: 1687892245952.jpg (206.72 KB, 1024x1024, 20230627_145545-COLLAGE.jpg)

>>1617376Interesting that in some of her replies she says she didn't read reviews for the company, and then she did read the reviews but the company deleted negative ones off Google and yelp (impossible for them to do btw) but now the reviews are miraculously back up, and when people call out how fishy everything sounds she snaps at them and tells them to "mind their own business". Good argument.
No. 1618947
>>1617376Vani is a ‘they” as in self hating woman sjyk.
I’ve been following her since forever and remember her car blowing up on the side of the road, her purebred Scottish terrier Kaiser she kept boarded for months but then had to give up because her poor roommate couldn’t deal with her, her cat AND a puppy, her plans to move with her ftm friend but who then had a fallout, countless evictions; unfair evictions, rightful evictions from debt, emergency evictions… most recently her car getting stolen right after her elderly car died (her current Persian is a lookalike she bought not even two months after), and so on. She’s such a wreck.
No. 1618975
File: 1687894833576.jpeg (143.29 KB, 1254x1587, IMG_5070.jpeg)

>>1618947Car blow up in question. There’s also her getting scammed within the last months out of several thousands on a fake living arrangement.
Honestly, with so many unfortunate events I’d think she’s just making it up. but with the aspen_eyes person being involved I guess she’s just simply careless.
No. 1618984
File: 1687895440745.jpeg (72.84 KB, 1170x1051, IMG_4952.jpeg)

shes right idk why people are mad at her(racebait)
No. 1619011
>>1618975TBF even according to their friend, Vani/Luxebytes/whatever is the one who did all the paperwork and hired the movers.
Also weird that most of their ROOMIES art equiptment was taken, but Luxe had theirs with them.
No. 1619027
>>1617376They deactivated their furaffinity citing non-use but it was clearly because their profile and comments were inundated with people warning others of their grifting publicly.
I do feel bad for their friend who tried to be helpful but will now be severely fucked over by association.
No. 1619437
File: 1687948319097.jpg (235.62 KB, 1080x1956, Screenshot_20230628_062956_Twi…)

>>1619337Not sure if she has a decade long history of grifting like vani but from scrolling her Twitter she has QUITE a few e-begging posts of her own as well as sharing multiple GFMs from vani. I only scrolled back to march but I'm sure there's more
No. 1619558
File: 1687961096115.png (479.95 KB, 596x761, 1678912379832.png)

>>1619495>now people are mad because someone drew pavitr with overalls and because they're shipping him with hobie, which is somehow racist and whitewashing (overalls=white?)and fetishizing apparently because pavitr should be manly, straight and wear traditional clothing??Looked for the art and I am genuinely confused how this QRT got over 35,000 likes
No. 1619574
File: 1687962353841.png (8.02 KB, 581x156, rip.png)

>>1619573yeah, tbh I'm kind of upset she let them win. I would've posted more art
No. 1619630
File: 1687968441280.jpg (168.14 KB, 1080x982, vfkso655d.jpg)

>>1619495The people trying to tell them what to draw instead are pulling up such awful outfits, it's not even funny. I saw another one that had like four incredibly bland business casual looks but I can't find it anymore. I really don't understand what these people are on about, he is not even living in Mumbai but a fictional fusion of Mumbai and Manhattan? The comments say it's too warm for India but who gives a fuck, there's no environment in that image anyway. And then there are others saying that he'd get attacked in India for wearing such a feminine outfit, which again, who gives a shit if the real country is that backwards, that has literally nothing to do with fanart. All of the spiderverse drama has come from fanartists not 100% adhering to canon and I just don't understand what these dumbasses expect from fanartists? Do they only want to see 1:1 copies of movie stills or just left facing portraits? I get that seeing a character you like be drawn ooc is a little annoying, but why go out of your way to bully them so hard for it when you can simply mind your own business or even draw what you would like to see instead. And there's been so much vicious hatred toward cutesy gay shipping art in general recently, I feel like it started with yeetoldy and genshin and I didn't understand it back then and I don't understand it now. Is it just a mixture of those people being miserable and/or jealous and also recognizing the artist as an easy target due to the art being cute/feminine?
>>1619558This person also tacked on that they actually don't give a fuck, so why quote-retweet the art and incite harrassment if it doesn't even matter to them? So many needlessly homophobic comments came from that. It's as if these people have never been in a fandom space
No. 1619644
>>1619641no, these comments are definitely by woke
No. 1619650
File: 1687970484164.png (87.22 KB, 586x449, 7843223877.png)

>>1619558>>1619573I think a lot of zoomers overall are just tired of fujos overall, and I sorta get it.
No. 1619725
File: 1687976805796.png (149.74 KB, 592x1940, 1307983229084.png)

>>1619708That one confused me too. Skip to the last tweet in this shot. Twitter is cancer
No. 1619735
File: 1687978116866.jpg (245.76 KB, 1080x1978, 07bd39661ab6ec50b5f9cb18e8a238…)

He literally looks like some racial caricature.
No. 1619739
>>1619725Kek what the fuck, so it literally doesn't mean anything? This is beyond braindead, I'm glad that part was at least added. But this entire discussion about shipping anything non-canon being cringe feels like normies bullying nerds, but now that everyone consumes the same media and twitter has become so huge they all have to share the same space. Being an artist online has become so bleak. I get that some people are tired of fandom tropes but what's the point in making it everyone else's issue when some people still enjoy it and it still gets popular
because it is still enjoyable? Do they just want all artists to fuck off so they can have more space to share memes or whatever they do since they are never artists themselves of if they are, they are lazy and bad? What's the goal here?
No. 1619753
>>1619735Do they truly believe in what they type or do they say this for the clout? It reads like a bad fanfic
> I literally gaspedSure, jan
No. 1619780
File: 1687982304810.png (1018.56 KB, 1080x1388, 10729269363.PNG)

>>1619735I thought that pfp looked familiar, turns out this person’s made another viral tweet before
>>1619753Definitely for the clout, though these virtue-signaling types do have have a tendency to overcompensate when it comes to black people. They find a million ways to worship a decent-looking black guy for just standing.
No. 1619786
>>1619735I agree that person is definitely playing it up in a cringy way, but he does not look like a caricature. I don't know how many black people you see in your life, but his facial features aren't unnatural.
t. a black person
No. 1619798
>>1619780the projection is just nauseating to look at. I was a deadpool/marvel fan awhile back, I'm glad I left the fandom in before it's infested with these types. not that comic fans ever less insufferable, it's definitely evolved into a different hybrid braindead "fans".
I used to befriend with someone who would leave takes like your picrel just to rile the twitter audience up for clout, said friend in person has the complete personality. Took awhile to see how much they just wanted to lie for attention.
No. 1619836
How do you feel about Emlan?
> could've sworn this was the same Troon that made a big deal about Derpy Hooves back in the day, but now they're an open incest and shota artist. Or am I mixing it up and they had some other drama?
(this is an imageboard, post an image) No. 1619852
File: 1687988137953.jpeg (14.32 KB, 1125x180, 9320B4A2-1A75-4D61-91B8-DC7E6E…)

>>1619850Oh shit dropped this
>41k tweetsI think someone needs to take their phone away, jeezus christ
No. 1619865
File: 1687989785719.png (179.2 KB, 1740x1017, emlan_sp.png)

>>1619859samefag. dropped my pic kek
No. 1619867
>>1619836don't know who that is but
>genshin>"agegap" and "incest" in bio>ships the brothers from the new ff gamethey just seem like your run of the mill fujocoomer. why is there so many of these mediocre artists on twitter, they're all carbon copies of each other
No. 1619889
File: 1687992929789.jpg (94.55 KB, 1080x918, Screenshot_20230628_185441_Twi…)

>>1619558Have you guys seen the Gayatri x Gwen stuff that's been arising? While I think it is cute, it's so weird how people don't have an issue abt this but go crazy over Pav x male ships.
No. 1619935
File: 1687997103758.png (927.68 KB, 900x777, IMG_4957.png)

>>1619836That’s a name I haven’t heard in years. She used to be popular in the homestuck fandom (picrel). Disappointed but unsurprised she’s a shotafag now.
No. 1620010
File: 1688004943432.jpg (121.45 KB, 1959x620, HBIkoDJ1PGW.jpg)

>>1619868>>1619844>>1619786Can you really not see that he looks like a /pol/ meme about the decline of western civilization come to life, his exaggerated lips and weird nose. it literally looks like a racist caricature of a black person.
>>1620010I think you're just blinded by the big nose. Big nose does not equal caricature.
>>1619935That Tavros gave me flashbacks
No. 1620018
File: 1688005536564.jpg (89.36 KB, 672x383, tarot.jpg)

>>1619935Holyshit sorry for the double reply but apparently this person helped make merch for the disastrous kickstarter? Why is everyone even vaguely associated with Hussie a lolcow…
No. 1620027
File: 1688006532676.png (189.61 KB, 604x605, 9911245.png)

>>1619650>>1619657>>1619661Retards, Robin being gay wasn't the producers' idea, it was Joe Keery and Maya Hawke's. It was a suggestion they made at the last minute, because the Duffers wanted Robin to be a sexy lamp for Steve to get as a reward for learning to be a decent person and the actors justifiably didn't like that. Steve is being a better person because it's
the right thing to do and he learned a lesson, not because there's pussy in it for him as a reward. And I think that's a good message to send to audiences.
You guys are letting your autistic hatred of retarded fujos cloud your better judgement. Would you rather live in the timeline where Robin was just Steve's straight trophy??? Is that somehow """feminist""" like so many of you purport to be?
No. 1620029
>>1619925Sorry for the autism, but is it bad I kind of like that kek
It's hard to describe, but I never would've thought I'd see this discourse over characters that weren't generic anime boys. I saw people on twitter complaining about the miles x prowler miles ship as if it was evil, but I was just so shocked to see another big selfcest ship that wasn't something like the oncler x himself.
No. 1620037
>>1619836I was not aware that she's a troon now, much less a shotafag.
I adored her fanart for various fandoms I've been in, and her style was very recognizable and I loved it. Her fandoms alone instantly clock her as female, I guess it makes sense that she trooned out kek. She was also involved in Skullgirls in some way (I think she got to come up with some ideas for Beowulf's animations?) which I guess explains why she's "proship".
No. 1620062
>his exaggerated lips and weird noseDude. Some people are literally born with those features, and its not their fault that said features get made fun of like picrel, they can't control the shape of their nose or the thickness of their lips or whatever. That, and Spiderverse's art style is very stylized to begin with.
Either you live in a place with little to no Black people or you need to get out more. This is literally the Wendell and Wild discourse here all over again.
No. 1620078
File: 1688011742720.jpeg (31.51 KB, 466x658, W I D E.jpeg)

>>1620010>>1619735The thing that bothers me more is his Björk-level eye gap. They're so wide. The other characters literally don't have it but him.
No. 1620086
File: 1688012589247.jpg (127.92 KB, 684x1000, cursed_foursome.jpg)

No. 1620282
>>1620212I don't think it's fujos who are invested in 3D men to be honest and if terminally online idiots can't separate between real people and made up ones then that's their personal issue. Is every piece of art going to have to come with disclaimers now just because someone
might be stupid enough to misunderstand?
No. 1620357
>>1620086This doesn't look like her art. I wonder if she handed this off to someone else to finish. Maybe she's using AI. What happened…
I wonder what it feels like to turn into a drawing robot for moids, it must've sucked her whole creative soul out of her.
No. 1620453
File: 1688062016195.png (237.22 KB, 417x562, 2023-06-29110707.png)

Genuinely insane to me that these tweets are getting so many likes despite 3 days ago people going "don't publically QRT people's art with insults"! It's almost as if they just wanted excuses to defend their shitty coomer genderbend designs, but don't genuinely feel no artists should be attacked. I understand that the art is pretty OOC, but just don't fucking QRT it, especially when your own art is shit. And the number of people going "he's straight" and "he has a girlfriend" as if shipping was ever solely based on what was canon. And it's shocking how many times they bring up race in this as if there are no gay black people in the world and that gayness is a white thing.
No. 1620469
>>1620458As if black people can't be gay kek I don't care what race you are, a homophobic asshole is a homophobic asshole.
The spiderverse fandom is fucked atm because it's infested with righteous normies who don't know the etiquettes of fandom. That's what happens when you try to engage in fandom on an internet platform that everyone uses. Fandom content thrived on tumblr for a reason. Now "fandom content" has become viral tweets being an asshole to other people.
No. 1620476
>>1620471What's the difference between a fujoshit drawing and a drawing depicted a gay couple? Is gay shipping going to start being labeled "
problematic" in fandom now
No. 1620482
>>1620476Unironically yes and it has been for a while. For some reason het art is always left alone but once it's gay suddenly everyone finds it disgusting or weird, not to mention that you have to be a gay man yourself to draw such things or else it's a
problematic fetish
No. 1620485
>>1619734This. Men draw things a thousand times worse than any woman does, yet people seem way more pressed when women draw "
problematic" things.
No. 1620567
>>1619558The same people defending the artistic freedom of coom artists female Miguel with giant titles are dunking on fujos for drawing uke pavitr.
Female sexuality is oppressed so much it makes me legitimately upset. Not even a fujo and I don’t much like yaoi but come the fuck on.
No. 1620611
>>1620503>>1620477Usually half of the angry responses are white people virtue signaling, the other half are young internet addicted black people with their face as pfp who can't draw or have shit art. Funnily enough I've seen a lot of black people also defending these artists too, but they get drowned out by the former group. It's easier to witch hunt and play
victim to make yourself feel better.
>>1620608It's a kigurumi. The fact that you don't know what it is solidifies that Spiderverse has gotten way too popular, normies and anime artists really shouldn't have to share the same space
No. 1620628
>>1620608>mistaking hijab for a kigurumi holy kek
but this isn't really surprising considering that most online artists draw genuine hijabs like pajamas ignoring muslim restrictions on appearance, like how a woman must cover all of her hair, her neck, anything below the chin, etc
No. 1620642
File: 1688077551299.jpeg (52.64 KB, 563x711, ixzieegc2ja61.jpeg)

>>1620637no but you can have my melody in a hijab instead
whoever drew this hasn't ever heard of corrective rape in islamic countries
No. 1620710
>>1620628nonnie that's not a hijab, you muslim? why youre on lolcow during Eid lmaoo go out there touch grass instead of getting
triggered from some drawn onesie hoodie
No. 1620723
>>1620029We can indulge in the autism together.
The fanart seems to genuine despite the obvious attempt to ride on what’s currently popular.
I never would have thought it was possible to woobify the shit out of an Indian character like
>>1620453 this is obviously not the work of someone who’s capitalizing off the current popular tag.
No. 1620731
>>1620453I don’t remember the first Spider-verse having this much of an insane fandom. What happened in these few years to make it this bad? Is it because the new one has more gay ship potential (the first one had like… the pig x spider noir kek)? Is it because it has more diverse
poc characters? Is it because it has more husbando characters? Is it just a lot of these people’s first fandom or has fandom just gotten so bad this quickly? Like other anons have said I don’t even think fujos are the problem it’s just normies.
>>1619889No one really cares for lesbian ships that’s why. They’re inoffensive to normies usually and aren’t that big in fandom. It’s a bit of a blessing since there’s less dumb discourse
and creators pandering to big ships can ruin shows/characters.
No. 1620754
>>1619630>It's as if these people have never been in a fandom spaceBecause they never have been. ASTV is baby's first fandom and rather than it being on a forum they had to access through Google and get banned from for being little shits or trolling it's on social media that rewards vitriol and dogpiling of others just because of the crime of being "mildly annoying"
>>1619725Takes like this are the result of people who have never engaged in fandom being forced to coexist alongside people that do fandom things. Fandoms ship things. They obsess over characters and woobify them. If you hate it so much don't engage with fandom.
>>1620453>it's almost as if they just wanted excuses to defend their shitty coomer genderbend designs, but don't genuinely feel no artists should be attackedMost of the people that say that genuinely do believe that artists shouldn't be attacked for drawing what they want whether it is woobification, yaoi or fujo or coomer art. The issue is that it is twitter, for every person saying "don't attack someone's work" they were just getting ratioed by people either memeing, laughing or otherwise justifying it. Twitter is just a hellscape where being hateful is rewarded with likes and RTs. The number of people saying "don't harass artists" is a minority compared to the people that find it fun to be an asshole.
You get visibility by being an asshole on Twitter and it is easier to drown out someone saying "Be nice to people" as long as the art being ratioed has done something to mildly offend someone else.
No. 1620823
>>1620731>I don’t remember the first Spider-verse having this much of an insane fandom. What happened in these few years to make it this bad?Covid lockdown has killed off any sort of emotional intelligence left in tweens so now they're exerting their apathy onto twitter artists. None of this discourse ever happened in the first Spiderverse, hell I even remembered running into some pedo fan arts of Miles x Peter B Parker by korean twitters and I just yeeted myself off from that specific space. Although it also proved that artists were allowed to draw more contained degen shits no problem and everyone was sensible enough to mind their own fucking business.
>>1620796>This is why I never post in hashtagsHashtag never works on twitter. Engage in good faith with the active community you're interested in and you will get the recognition you deserve. Like, retweet, leave nice comments, these small actions can make a huge difference.
No. 1621084
>>1620992It's just a way to get obvious canon love interests out of the way, it doesn't not happen with straight ships, but with fujos shipping yuri it's more glaring. It also works as a cover up when someone accuses them of hating the female characters, but not sure to what degree it's conciousness.
Anyway, I really shouldn't continue the fujo derail, but I'm honestly really hung up on these twitter tards being so unfamiliar with the concept of a fujoshi that they believe (or maybe pretend to believe?) it's a white people thing.
No. 1621106
>>1620476Most people are probably tired of turning characters gay who aren’t and if you aren’t against it you’re called -phobic or
problematic. It’s tiresome. I’ve been in fandom since the early 00’s and fujos stayed in their lane. I didn’t care for them but this new gen doesn’t seem to understand staying in your own fandom lane and leaving artists alone.
No. 1621130
File: 1688133919113.jpg (36.93 KB, 623x478, is x in the room with us right…)

>>1621103>>1620880and is paki-chan in the room with us right now? cause I've been accused of being paki-chan over minor spelling mistakes.
No. 1621140
>>1621138It's just annoying when you accuse everyone of being paki chan just because they have an opinion that aligns with her
>>1620992It was bound to happen for this fandom considering Gwen is the only woman (outside of Spiderbyte who barely had 3 minutes of screentime) in the new friend group, and is the second lead. But I agree stuff like that tends to happen. Kind of hate how she's either been snatched up by the troons, a fourth-wheel to a random pairing in the friendgroup, or used as fodder in the racemix debate people are having about whether her and miles should get together or not.
No. 1621173
>>1620453>Genuinely insane to me that these tweets are getting so many likes despite 3 days ago people going "don't publically QRT people's art with insults"! It's almost as if they just wanted excuses to defend their shitty coomer genderbend designs, but don't genuinely feel no artists should be attacked.Good, people are over aidens and theyfabs larping as gay.
>>1620472ptsd from white tenderqueers but in this case the artists is asian.
No. 1621175
>>1621106>Most people are probably tired of turning characters gay who aren’tMaybe people should realize shipping characters is not "turning" them gay and fiction isn't real. I feel like the rise of psycho RPF shippers who create conspiracies that their favorite celebs are closeted and dating beards or have fake children, has permanently stained fictional shipping.
People these days have less tolerance for ships that don't follow canon. They don't understand why someone might want to see a character paired with someone else, and assume that the shipper just hates the significant other of the canon ship (and in the case of psycho RPF tinhats, this is true)
No. 1621329
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>>1621102She would paint fantasy art with actual scenery.
No. 1621331
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>>1621330Looking at her old art makes her current even sadder.
No. 1621384
>>1620460Because misogyny runs deep and the little hand maidens online are quick to stand up for the boogey-men they claim are being "fetished".
Oh won't someone think of the poor moids!!! /s
All the more reason to create yaoi shit. God bless fujoshi :)
(:)) No. 1621535
>>1621530no, it really always comes back to yumes vs fujos, it's not about one anon hating female nerds because there's more than one anon talking about it here
>>1621515honestly id take it to meta because this is not the first time it's happened at all
No. 1621578
>>1621356>>1621380I think it's the lack of polish. A lot of highly skilled concept artists will have an art style where you can tell they have skill and they might even have interesting ideas for piece subjects or conposition, but they often make the final piece really unpolished in a way that makes them all look the same and takes the soul out of the piece.
It's like they're trying to show off they have the skill but they also want the piece to look sketchy on purpose so it looks like it was quick to make (this is probably good for hireability purpose)
No. 1621585
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>>1621266>>1620628>>1621127I know these are all different examples, but most of these Muslim women are members of what is called the "global rich" a community found in many post-colonial nations who live in bubbles of western culture, western academia, western movies, western everything really, people in the communities have no exposure to their own nations, and they look at themselves through the lens of American identity politics.
No. 1621586
File: 1688175938188.jpeg (490.64 KB, 2048x1506, DjEm6fsVsAAABjc.jpeg)

>>1621578i think its the boring composition and hideous color palettes, i have seen very unpolished stuff that looks miles more interesting.
No. 1621589
File: 1688176216188.jpeg (315.01 KB, 2048x1420, D9990-zUwAECL5x.jpeg)

>>1621587i agree, there is something very charming about it. I am more skilled than this girl technically, but i still cant make something that i like as much as her ''crude'' sketches, i like them a lot and i cant tell why.
No. 1621641
File: 1688182122619.png (487.57 KB, 640x464, EGyyBqdWsAAV7-F.png)

>>1621638kek, bizarre causes Shonen shit is huge in LatAM and MENA countries.
No. 1621665
>>1621638NTA but adding to your comment, women and girls into their niche little hobbies always and have been bullied. Kpop? Boyband? Shoujo manga? Constantly the topic of public scrunity.
This is why I find the yume/fujo infightings discourse so juvenile because to a scrote your hobby is all the same to him and "lesser" than male centric entertainment. Oh and if you're into something that has been dominatedly male fans? Have fun enjoy the gatekeep, infantilization and sexualization by them.
Draw whatever the fuck you want, don't let them tell you otherwise
No. 1621680
>>1621641Yeah and speaking of which, if you have the displeasure of being around some of these guys they only give a shit about Berserk, Captain Tsubasa, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball and maybe other Shonen Jump manga. If there are no fight scene in a manga it is trash by default in their minds. They think anything else is super fucking weird or trash by default. If you talk to them about the manga they like and you say you like the plot or characters they'll start sperging and doing math about which character has the highest powerlevel. I can't stand them. The girls
me included have more varied taste on average, or they don't know or care about manga and anime at all. Fun fact, my normie big sister who made fun of me for being a nerd started dating another Algerian guy who's exactly like I said and she recently started watching Death Note only because of him and praising the anime. I just know he must be annoying.
>>1621665I agree. So many of these guys think the same things about all of us. Ironically the guys who seem to understand and respect the differences between fujoshi and yumejoshi and all these details seem to be the most deranged lolicon type of otaku. We should just ignore male nerds.
No. 1621714
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>>1621226nta but I'd argue modern shipping discourse is worse then ever been, a culmination of brain-rot where its just about "character dynamics" and "sex-tropes"
No. 1622270
File: 1688244591209.jpg (16.1 KB, 342x508, 1628123033598.jpg)

>>1621983Personally I simply wasn't on Tumblr during its peak, because I despised it at that time. I stayed on my niche internet forums until those died and what was left migrated to Twitter. I like Tumblr now because I can only choose between it, insta, and twit for a gallery space. Everywhere is annoying to be now and nowhere has people I want to talk to anyway. Might as well pick a platform that won't lose my art to the void and I can find other art on much easier than having to wade through a billion gacha posts or selfies.
No. 1622287
>>1622270NTA though I must admit the biggest struggle when migrating platforms is whether the people you follow, or your friends also move onto that new social media.
One of the reasons I cannot quit twitter is because of the majority of Japanese artists are still on it. It's impossible for them to migrate elsewhere at this point, and are willing to fork out their yen for twitter and paywalled API. Speaking of which, twitter is getting post view limits today and timeline, once again, getting into frantic mode. I'm so tired of watching its slow death and the users are too dependent on it to finally move on.
No. 1622314
>>1622303Take this autism to the fandomsperg or fujo thread instead of here. Some people like fujos, some don't, every weeb is autistic on some level, and calling people cringe sometimes doesn't mean you're a puritan (you're using that word wrong).
But you're right on the fact that the artist shouldn't be attacked for that. Half of the people attacking them were claiming to do it because they "whitewashed them" when everyone at first was just coming for fujos and gay ships in general. I get some people are tired of fujos but to think that they're "turning everything gay" when an overwhelming majority of characters in fiction are straight is just retarded.
No. 1622397
>>1621585I thought this was a photoshop for Jersey Shore lol
>>1621589Illustration is a fave of mine and it strikes a nice balance between fine art and concept or narrative art. Illustrators can get away with less realism. I can’t do it but I can appreciate it. I think getting a concept art job would kill my desire to draw. Character art seems to be the desired job more than concept art now a days.
No. 1622777
File: 1688291361834.png (20.93 KB, 591x286, E5SeJZbUUAQCyZZ.png)

Bunch of illustrators I follow on Twitter started dusting off or opening new Instagram accounts thanks to muskrats fuckup. Now I feel dumb for posting art exclusively on Twitter and putting my eggs in one social media basket when I should've been building a following on multiple platforms.
No. 1622802
File: 1688294066601.jpg (113.36 KB, 1260x940, 1646529701526.jpg)

>>1622777god no, instagram is even worse for art than twitter. You need an account to even scroll down an account, the images are all compressed to shit, finding new artists is near impossible, scrolling down it is absolutely painful and if you missclick you have to go back to the top again, and the worst part is that you cant even save shit. Why cant they move to pixiv?!
No. 1622808
>>1622777What specification is this user referring to exactly. There are so many new ~~changes~~ to Musk's Twitter that I've completely lost track of it.
>>1622802>Why cant they move to pixiv?!I suppose it's because Twitter has a more global appeal whereas Pixiv is very Japan-centered. I know that some JP artists are really appreciative of their art fans who they gather overseas.
No. 1622821
>>1622812take your meds
>>1622802> why cant they move to pixivnetworking and job opportunity is easier to come by with twitter. I'm this anon
>>1622287pixiv can only work as a portfolio site, but if you want to promote anything these days, having a twitter is mandatory. This is why JP promotional accounts are willing to pay musk for that bluecheck. Skeb and other affiliates probably had paid the twitter API in other to be able to link via twitter. A lot of Japanese businesses are dependent on this site believe it or not.
No. 1622836
>>1622831They don't. It's called feigned concern. They're bothered by the portrayal of non-white people so they try to spin it around as "t-this is ackshually racist and disgusting!!!" to seem more innocuous and gain sympathy like this post
>>1620010 . Like portraying GNC or non-conventionally attractive women "internalized misogyny", drawing non-white characters with non-white features is a "racist caricature" and drawing male/male ships is "fetishizing homosexuality". They don't actually think so, but it's a convenient way to silence people.
>>1622835Why are you acting like it's just a silly little thing to be so bothered over potrayals of hijabis anyway? Even if it was some mymelody hijabi, who the fuck cares? It's such a non-issue and a stupid issue to give any thought to.
No. 1622841
>>1622835here you go twitter anon pat pat dont cry, every few posts there is always one or two tinfoil anons sperg over self posting, moid posting, having a meltdown over unrelated cow I've never heard of before.
also whos paki chan
(Spoonfeed) No. 1622993
>>1622971Bumping because I need to know, where are people actually going? I've seen a lot of talk of Twitter clones (bluesky, mastodon, misskey, itaku) but they're invite only or full of furshit.
Right now I can't look at art or anything at all on Twitter, it's been at limit since yesterday.
No. 1623005
>>1622993I guess it's time to go back to Tumblr…? Unless you draw NSFW.
I don't know, I also want to know more alternatives, but it feels like anything apart from Tumblr or Twitter is empty in terms of fandoms or art.
Also, I hate mastodon, it's like a mix of Discord (which I hate with a passion) and Twitter.
No. 1623396
File: 1688352444714.png (284.88 KB, 683x675, 1687485951137171.png)

>>1623326admittedly ive never used it but i just logged in to check out some accounts and i already cant stand it. maybe its more optimised for the mobile app but even just looking at these botted replies are making me mad
No. 1623689
>>1623573>>1623645You can also set it to followers only, I haven't gotten any bot comments since I did that. But generic tags won't give your post much visibility anyway, stuff like #art gets around 20 new entries every few seconds.
>>1623634You're completely right but no one actually wants to build something for others to use. And with the way fandom culture and attention spans have changed it would be difficult to not get bored of the slower pace. Just posting on twitter and immediately getting that dopamine hit from random strangers spending a second to look at your art and hitting like is easier and quicker than building and maintaining something meaningful and that's why nothing will change. I also get the feeling that people don't really want their friendly interactions to be public like that, I've seen complaints about tumblr not having anything similar to twitter circles for example and rp forums have been getting replaced by discords.
No. 1623754
File: 1688402658241.png (494.43 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230703-134234~2.p…)

Some twitter users having a meltdown over a Korean artist drawing their Oc with white skin while in-game is dark. Thoughts? No. 1623764
File: 1688403891124.jpeg (123.16 KB, 1480x833, 173E137C-C506-4F03-8A47-B2EACF…)

>>1623754The characters in that game literally have this unnatural skin color that changes depending on which clothes you wear, it’s just dumb
No. 1624083
File: 1688434976114.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.48 KB, 2000x2000, FdsBSssVsAAnbU_.jpg)

>>1623991She got it surgically removed. I have no idea if it's BIID or if it's pure kink because her old art was strictly amputee incest fetish art of FMAB.
No. 1624117
>>1624090There are some western otome and even BL games that were made by people who seem sane. So I'd say yes, it's possible, but I have no idea how
they found a team of their own since the crazies are so loud and they're everywhere.
No. 1624170
File: 1688442767593.jpeg (276.44 KB, 1187x1170, IMG_2067.jpeg)

Can’t stop cringing over this thirst trapping soft boy “self taught tattoo artist” that popped up on ig today. His art is just generic abstract naked female forms and he appears to only do shitty micro tattoos. only good thing is imagining how much old-school tattoo artists probably seethe when they come across his shit.
No. 1624184
File: 1688445128167.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1242x1673, IMG_2070.jpeg)

>>1624176Oh he probably is but I still think it’s what he’s going for. For the record I do think he’s like objectively handsome but self-aware attractive guys who post a lot of selfies and try to be artists make me feel unnerved for some reason
No. 1624203
>>1624170>>1624184Sounds like just another online artist who is aware of being attractive (but only if shaved, I agree with
>>1624197) and uses that as content to boost their mid looking art. Next.
No. 1624219
File: 1688448883816.jpg (Spoiler Image,453.96 KB, 2000x1500, FU2UHXdUAAEYUGH.jpg)

>>1624086If only, nona. Their sona pre-amputation always had a leg and was drawn like this. They just seem like a coomer who let their kinks go too far.