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No. 879844
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>874714Websites: & Snapchat: momoku.n, mariahmallad (currently down/banned), mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), (currently down),
Tiktok: (Banned)
Camversity: (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: (Inactive)
Reddit: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).
Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/92925General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/174607Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
Last thread:
>>Photos from friends who get to use her studio for free start trickling out. Lighting is shit, for a studio that provides it (As long as you pay a ridiculous upcharge)>>Neighbor saga continues as she throws a public fit over her neighbors entering her backyard to fix her broken pool pump>>Finds the insta of some girl she's been ogling at her local gym and calls her a bimbo as a compliment>>Announces her first ever real porno with teaser images that look like she's about to cry>>Video releases, filmed in her "no porn allowed" photography studio. 20 minutes of her fully clothed blowing a faceless man, also fully clothed, with 3 minutes of actual penetration at the end. As awkward and uncomfortable as you can imagine>>Thread immediately devolves into anons speculating whether the dick is real or fake>>Adopts yet another cat>>Seems to be delving into a woo phase as she buys crystals and piles of spirituality books, conveniently right around the same time she posts about hanging out with Tattoo-Sensei again>>Flashes her badge for AX>>Raids her local thrift stores for tacky paintings on sale and calls it bartering No. 879845
File: 1655016599511.jpeg (458.24 KB, 1241x2205, EA1FC858-6D59-4E4D-9037-555384…)

Dump of recent pictures
No. 879846
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No. 879847
File: 1655016793644.jpeg (194.7 KB, 1241x2003, 3EB3EF96-0956-4EBA-817B-1DF07F…)

SS from a video where she kept smearing her fingers around her face
No. 879861
File: 1655028197600.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x2198, E05B6194-62F2-407D-92FE-8D733B…)

fucking with her leggings like she has a wedgie while dubstep plays… ok
No. 879864
>>879861not dubstep, phonk (shit name for a genre, i'm well aware). That combined with her recent car sperging makes me think that whatever dick she's chasing is into cars since phonk is normally used in the drift/jdm scene.
well, that and edgy amv's
No. 879865
File: 1655032180305.jpg (62.59 KB, 940x409, 1655016642406.jpg.jpg)

>>879846Holy fuck. I can't believe she thought this looked good enough to post.
No. 879907
File: 1655063204699.png (3.87 MB, 1242x2208, DE744E83-4AF3-4A52-9100-B09FFB…)

How she manages to keep getting her accounts back is beyond me when she immediately posts shit like this.
No. 879908
File: 1655063302895.png (2.74 MB, 1242x2208, 8F91CDA8-FC02-4196-853F-FAAAA7…)

No. 879909
File: 1655063629544.jpeg (754.93 KB, 3264x1958, 6BEFB9A2-5DAD-456B-8CC5-1FCE8E…)

Some more dumb shit
No. 879911
File: 1655064208292.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1079x1786, 2E2B36FD-B228-4B13-B253-4B564D…)

To the anon in the previous thread saying she’d eventually pick up Crowley (and not understand it), you called it.
No. 879919
File: 1655070813204.jpeg (599.27 KB, 1242x1718, A6775620-AAED-4A8B-8F20-543E07…)

From a thread about cosplays for AX. Start what, Moo? Pulling out your wallet?
No. 879947
File: 1655088954682.jpg (487.25 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20220612_225340.jpg)

>>879909My brain is having a hard time trying to wrap itself around that blurred tf body shot. Neither of my outlines make full sense…anyone else have a better idea of what's going on here?
No. 879983
File: 1655129545308.jpeg (437.25 KB, 1242x1742, A1DE6D6E-26A5-4571-BE7F-E686A6…)

She just got it back and now it’s down again lol
No. 880140
File: 1655186698788.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.26 KB, 1440x3040, nw65koihrg591.jpg)

Well well well, here we go again
No. 880159
File: 1655209518401.jpeg (19.52 KB, 360x450, 19940C2F-AEE1-415F-9BD4-105B2A…)

>>880140>>880141i’m fucking dying
No. 880165
>>880140Two questions because this doesn’t make
Any sense- who’s hand is on her shoulder? Things? And who is in the background (leg on the right). ? This is just a really weird painful looking picture lol.
No. 880166
>>880140I wonder if this is the same guy as before. If it is, I'm surprised he returned given the way she brutalised his dick last time
>>880165It's not her shoulder. It's her hand on his knee. The claws give it away.
No. 880175
>>880166Ah ok- the way this is shot that was (and is) a weird fucking pose.
Either way moo, the one trick pony, doing the same thing over and over and over again. She really is simple isn’t she.
No. 880183
>>800140You gotta admit, it's a lil sus that the guy is fully clothed and they both seem desperate to have him completely covered up other than the dick
for the third time now
No. 880198
>>880140Sage for dumb tinfoil but it's not as dumb as the fake dick ones.
The scrotes aren't taking off any clothing so they can get away from her faster, pump-and-dump style. They probably think that she's a clingy pickme without much value outside of sex, and bounce when she tries to watch anime with them after. I know this sounds like scrote talk but momo has terrible taste in men and no self respect so…
I know anons take the hooker blacklist story with a grain of salt, but the part about her thinking she could seduce sex workers by pressuring them to hang out as a friend? That sounded exactly like moo lmao
>>880183>It's not her shoulder. It's her hand on his kneeKek she's so fat that it's getting hard to discern her anatomy.
No. 880203
File: 1655237172796.png (4.03 MB, 1089x1800, DA4EDBFA-8DD4-476A-8FC1-F3E8DA…)

Shame, if Moo had ever had been held accountable for her sexual assaults, her “friends” would be rocking Moo mugshot shirts by now.
No. 880204
File: 1655237197089.jpg (1.16 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220614-150642_Ins…)

No. 880205
File: 1655237394325.png (2.89 MB, 1242x2208, A857A282-A740-4532-B590-1D73B5…)

No. 880208
>>880204So she's been lifting for a "year" now as she said herself, and she can only cable machine curl like, 10 lbs?
Cmon girl, if you're gonna lie and make yourself out to be a Buff Mommy uwu bitch, at least hide the fact you're struggling to lift the equivalent of what you get lipo'd out of yourself every fortnight.
No. 880211
>>880210Sage for bullshit but: Some machines have the plates range in increments of 5lbs, some do 10, so I'll give her benefit of the doubt and say at most it's a 20lb curl, which again, is absolutely nothing if she's been training with someone for a year.
Plus, her trainer should have her on actual free weights at this point, anyone who stepped foot in a gym would know she's lying, but 90% of her orbiters are obese incels who don't know their elbow from their asscrack.
tldr; Moo is just prepping for more surgery and lying through her teeth but we all knew that already.
No. 880251
>>879978You’re right, but to be fair,
>>879974 is also correct about certain lefty types. They want everyone to provide for them but they’re also not willing to do shit in return (like Mamokun).
Didn’t want to refer to
>>879974 as Anon/
Nonnie because I don’t know what pronouns they use (or how they identify) out of respect.
No. 880271
File: 1655305168714.png (5.32 MB, 1800x1633, 92A0FFB8-D1AD-4962-922A-D481DB…)

You were hardly a “baby” here, Moo. You had thousands to blow on this monstrosity at that point and since you lack any creative bone in your body, the redo will be just as inaccurate or worse.
It’s more funny than sad at this point that she still thinks her audience is here for big build cosplay and not sloppy OF content.
No. 880380
File: 1655420589675.jpg (216.66 KB, 1080x2046, Screenshot_20220616-155812_Chr…)

So, turns out Moo has scrubbed the new house she moved in to from all listings, so there are nothing but aerial veiws with no discerning show of which one it is, so can't 100% guarantee it matches the inside. Got this from public information and edited out the street, but this might give a look a how much she does per month for the house at least. She could honestly probably do well eith the 6k a month mortgage if that's what this is, plus other bills. Like anons have pointed out, money stacks really easy on OF.
I did find her old house though and I didn't block the address because SHE DOES NOT LIVE HERE ANYMORE. Just so mods understand this is NOT DOXXING.
No. 880381
File: 1655420638992.jpg (534.57 KB, 1079x1387, Screenshot_20220616-155843_Chr…)

>>880380OLD HOUSE
Says sold, so I'm going to assume she wasn't renting it.
No. 880392
>>880380I doubt she paid over a million, she paid before the housing market went super high, and then it had to be built. Find a comparable listing from 2019 and that’s probably closer to what she paid (and when I say paid, I mean the loan from the bank, I don’t believe for a minute she paid in cash up front).
No idea what a typical mortgage would be for a house like this, but keep in mind she’s paying rent for the studio too and all associated bills (utilities, internet, etc). and suddenly it makes total sense that she’s making ridiculous porn trying to get more money. Too bad she sucks at it and will have to start sticking house plants up her ass or something to try to get simps to pay.
No. 880393
File: 1655423134135.jpeg (Spoiler Image,21.01 KB, 358x343, Raspberry cows.jpeg)

still look's nice(weirdo)
No. 880397
File: 1655425995987.jpg (60.55 KB, 275x275, 1596042565404.jpg)

>>880394Oh we go through this every couple threads
Moo is currently going through her insecure editing phase because one too many guys called her fat
Any weight loss she got was from emergency lipo from multiple clinics. But I assure you, she's still a fat ass and will re gain the weight in a couple months.
I think she went over board because without her compression gear her skin is sagging kek.
Anyway, she did similar edits when she was 250+ and you can edit video now a days so it seems convincing until candids show up
No. 880417
>>880399It's disgusting because you know the only people she's fooling are coomers and desperate girls who believe Moo when she says you can lose 1/3 of your body weight over night with wishful thinking and weight training for a week.
But then she gets emotional when people leak candids of her and screams fat shaming when she fat shames herself on the daily
No. 880449
>>880426Because we’re fat, just like Mooriance. The difference though, is that this bitchante is richante and we’re not. For that reason alone, she deserves the shit we give her.
Moo does nothing all day and makes a fuck ton of money. Like most of us, we also do nothing all day but some of us actually work shit jobs to pay off our student loans for art degrees that landed us jobs at Starbucks and Subway.
We give her shit because we work our asses off and get nothing in return while she sucks cock (albeit terribly) and eats all day while making six figures. It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. Slevedicus.
This bitchola deserves the hate we give her. Her attitude, her lifestyle, her “work.” We despise everything about her. She doesn’t realize how lucky she is to be a fat girl in the United States who makes a fuck ton of money every year for doing nothing. We’re fat too, but we don’t get shit in return.
No. 880464
>>8804491/10 fanfic do not recommend.
I started reading this paragraph with high hopes that it would be humorous and enlightened. It derailed into laughter (not the authors intended laughter though) about midway first paragraph. Self inserted characters and the fact it was written online in crayon didn’t help. Also it had no narrative. I don’t recommend this paragraph.
No. 880495
File: 1655490389225.jpeg (19.91 KB, 284x178, FFC8C46B-EADD-4905-9684-9EAF93…)

>>880449anyone else choking on the copium fumes?
No. 880498
File: 1655494270132.jpeg (910.84 KB, 1081x1801, 82AF2298-E12F-44E1-8A31-160F03…)

She dyed her hair black and has been posting cringe pseudo-witch shit in her stories lately that I haven’t bothered to cap.
No. 880501
>>880449If the general consensus is that fat, angry women are the only people who use Lolcow then I’m out.
I don’t want to be associated with these hambeasts.
>>880501Bye fatty
>>880498At least her witch aesthetic matches her witch face. It’s so saggy now that she’s sucked what fat they could out.
No. 880503
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Report and ignore it.
No. 880505
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No. 880529
File: 1655516132890.jpeg (1 MB, 987x1646, AD7AA49D-4304-4272-AF09-0C971B…)

>>880505her fucking wrist cuff is unbuttoned and there’s a huge ass ladder in her tights. even akemi’s tights have a hole right at her ass… neither of these bitches give a fuck
No. 880552
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>>880449Do you have proof to back up your claims?
>>880502You just activated their trap card (their because I don’t know what pronouns they use). By calling that Anon/
Nonnie a fatty, you just proved them right.
>>880501Judging from the responses from the last couple threads this seems to be the case. It’s funny how this all started by people laughing at one cow, only for them to end up no different than Moo herself. This is what happens when you consume too much leche from your only source.
(“they/them”) No. 880555
>>880552not you again with your autistic “their because i don’t know what pronouns anon/
nonnie uses”.
>>880251 learn to integrate or fuck off back to reddit.
No. 880564
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>>880555cry harder femcel
File: 1655574004409.png (3.48 MB, 1242x2208, 91D942FA-170C-4131-A390-C32D80…)

No. 880589
>>880587didn't she go to just one appointment, realized it hurts too much and she had to do 12 more and didn't go back since?
So now the tattoo is even worse?
No. 880616
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No. 880617
File: 1655595263578.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x2213, 44C5353A-AD6D-4D36-8D49-2CB867…)

No. 880622
File: 1655597054493.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x2003, F1F6E241-BCB6-4CBB-863B-D06EB5…)

“The Crow” reference… She’s a true goth now! /s Jesus it’s like she’s fucking 13.
No. 880628
>>880616is she pretending she makes her costumes again?
Moo, you can't even make an apron
No. 880629
File: 1655602943479.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x2199, 35BA1437-4542-4AF4-97FC-B00A4F…)

At first I figured she snapped a pic of her slaves working on this until I noticed her signature "weathering" she used to put on everything.
>>880628She couldn't even finish an armband.
No. 880637
ah, she's going through her usual pattern of doing some porn, regretting her life choices and is trying to crawl back to the cos because deep down she doesn't want to do porn to make a living
>>880629baby's first cosplay
having stiff, 2d cardboard wings on her head is going to look stupid. She's suppose to be a pro at this point
No. 880643
>>880629Is she too poor to pay real costumers now? Her costumes looked terrible because she gave wrong measurements but they used to at least be made by people who were competent. Or is this her attempt to pretend to be a cosplayer again until she realizes no one wants to pay for that and makes some more porn?
Anons, do you think people will scorn her at AX or have they all forgotten the drama of 3 years ago? Do you think she’ll actually go to the con or do some pics outside and then go get drunk in her hotel room like years past?
No. 880647
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No. 880649
File: 1655628496682.jpeg (916.67 KB, 1059x808, 13194248-6730-4929-9288-075529…)

>>880647a quick google tells me this place does axe throwing and flight simulator/VR shit and they recently had some fairy themed event with costumes encouraged so i’m guessing that’s why she’s dressed like an emo pixie
No. 880655
>>880643Now that cons are a thing again, do you think mods will bring back the annual, “Raping of Momokun™?” Or do you think mods will pussy out again?
I know PC culture and Covid-19 made mods really soft these past couple years.
No. 880685
>>880682>>880643dunno if this counts as blogposting but I’m going to AX as well and I wonder if I’ll see her for a second time in the flesh
I passed by her at katsu 2020 and holy fuck she was huge LMAO. And that was when she had (allegedly) lost a lot of weight from her highest weight. She was in her cos of that “thicc” gym leader from sword and shield. I specifically remember her wig looking crispy in a decrepit way.
It felt surreal seeing a cow IRL
No. 880686
File: 1655700796644.jpeg (617.88 KB, 1242x1399, A0478455-9ED1-4C44-9CE6-424F4A…)

Post of her zooming in on her scarred tattoos. Is she mad we brought it up?
No. 880693
>>880690Yes, the one that looks like a cigarette burn.
>>880692 is not me who was mentioning it.
No. 880711
File: 1655744340897.jpeg (785.87 KB, 1242x1733, 1E9E64E5-BDC4-414A-B206-8177BF…)

>>880686It's still up. Her most recent post is a photo dump of selfies and memes including this. She doesn't say anything about it and the video has no sound but she specifically zooms in on the discolored part. It's very odd.
No. 880712
File: 1655744485141.jpeg (163.73 KB, 1242x553, 83C93A36-45AD-4A2E-95C6-102771…)

>>880711Samefag for comment, I don't even know what this means
No. 880727
File: 1655752647042.jpeg (57.58 KB, 1242x214, 10F3D1D2-F362-4074-A9BD-8A98AE…)

>>880711The last comment I saw on that post lol. Moo, your base doesn’t care for your manic episodes or cosplay crap. You made your bed, now you gotta (badly) suck dick in it.
No. 880739
File: 1655766556235.jpeg (392.47 KB, 1242x1445, CD1A6A61-D16A-45FC-B25F-757C09…)

More comments I didn't see here, from this
>>879847 post
Why does she talk in such a roundabout way like this? She thinks she's spouting some deep sage wisdom but ends up just not making any sense at all.
No. 880762
>>880682I screen capped that comment and archived this thread for lulz and posterity.
>>880735Mods need to do something (like shutting down these threads) for allowing this abhorrent behavior. That, or censoring comments and getting rid of the ones that we don’t like.
Sage I say. Sage.
(no1curr) No. 880774
Newfag Summer coming in strong with the Moo Crew I see.
>>880629I can't wait to see candids of this trash in action. Bless the return of con season.
No. 880842
File: 1655876569614.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x2217, 9E76D24F-4B6E-4002-A967-7725F1…)

posting about spirited away while being ~*witchy*~, ofc
No. 880848
>>880842God she's so fucking cringe. She's like those tumblrtards who add "like to charge, reblog to cast uwu" thinking they're really doing something.
If she's so "witchy" then why can't she manifest her cosplay career back? Kek.
No. 880935
>>880933Moo would think the only reason we talk shit is because she thinks we’re jealous of her money. Couldn’t possibly be because she’s a piece of shit person.
Hey Moo, anyone can make fat (lol) stacks of money when they degrade themselves to degenerates online, It’s not that hard. How’s business at the money pit er, I mean, "studio".
No. 881001
File: 1656022552346.jpeg (883.26 KB, 1242x2215, 34562D6D-F63D-4564-9E5A-F24AEA…)

she also had a story up rambling again about her “bodybuilding” and then another about how good her life is and how she hopes everyone else is doing good, but they’re both deleted now kek
No. 881002
File: 1656022692840.jpeg (247.26 KB, 1242x2209, FC783712-62F2-4DBB-A301-40C408…)

she looks fucking herculean in size even with filters and she’s apparently still rocking fannypacks even though the dumbass trend died out like three years ago
No. 881020
File: 1656030691782.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1083x1868, D1B1D00A-782A-4985-B911-425984…)

Here’s another 2 she deleted earlier.
No. 881021
File: 1656030744556.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1079x1936, 4C75CB1F-4E7A-4EA2-956D-35D81A…)

No. 881023
>>881020looking extra deranged today
what do spiders and femininity even have in common?
>>881021i need to know what she's smoking
>doing the work i need to get done without procrastinationwork must be done then if you've got time to post shit like this
No. 881101
>>881021I like how she said “rn” meaning that her view of spiders and what they mean may be different later and yes, this is a fad that she will grow out of, just like her jeans.
>>881060I bet she has acne/tough skin patches under her chin, I’ve seen some fatties with weird rash like acne on their double chins.
>>881002I don’t understand why she doesn’t wear socks with these compression leggings. I can’t imagine being so ashamed of your cankle size enough to have to go about wearing leggings in a retarded way
No. 881112
File: 1656128472265.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2204, 74576BEF-08FE-42F6-A4E2-1076C7…)

well she’s got the tits of a 65 year old woman so at least she does the tsunade cosplay justice in that regard
No. 881129
File: 1656167204276.gif (584.07 KB, 400x223, f2a2acce-de39-4689-a6bd-3b0c81…)

>>881112Omg hahaha. That edit! She made her body small but also shrunk down her hands
They're not even the same size. I'm wheezing
No. 881146
File: 1656189804140.png (3.02 MB, 1242x2208, 380FBBC2-C297-42DB-96C2-C00421…)

Her face looks so busted
No. 881156
File: 1656207746560.png (5.08 MB, 1800x1582, E1C4CC4B-3EA3-4FD1-9715-D1369A…)

Guess we’ll see some candids during AX. Is she riding Stella’s coattails for this too?
No. 881158
File: 1656210834900.jpeg (160.33 KB, 828x1459, 4243690D-E8C8-4446-A150-F28EA7…)

No. 881159
File: 1656210880439.jpeg (188.19 KB, 828x1478, 1BC52BF2-9B0B-4204-BE2E-3EC007…)

i can’t wait for her to get clowned on at anime expo
No. 881166
>>881159She’s already deleted this lol
Any "funny business" usually comes from your end, Moo. Keep your filthy paws to yourself. Or don’t. I’d love to see her make a pass at the wrong person and have another glorious meltdown at AX. It should be like a tradition.
No. 881182
A shame Looni and Kevvy are perpetually broke as fuck, I'd love to see the promised cow brawl between them and Moo at AX finally happen.
>>881156Has-been thots gotta stick together, I guess! Way to stick to your guns, Stella, but we always knew you were pathetic trash.
No. 881195
File: 1656275727934.png (2.58 MB, 1242x2208, D1D05FC3-DF24-4C60-8676-D55A11…)

Looking like a Christopher Hart “How to Draw Manga” image.
No. 881196
File: 1656275893520.jpeg (17.92 KB, 213x236, 4707AB02-0AC2-46D6-8D39-A848D3…)

>>881195Samefag but it’s uncanny
No. 881197
>>881196KEK ANON this is giving me the same energy as the
nonnie in the luna thread who said she looks like claire from who's who
No. 881199
>>881156So much for that group to have previously said they cut ties with her lol
Always back to shilling after hoping people will forget.
No. 881303
File: 1656389602023.jpeg (221.17 KB, 1241x2269, 30176998-BABB-4FED-B7BD-1EE712…)

I think we’re fully into the botox saga. Looks like cheek and chin filler and the ahit photo quality screams its not a filter
No. 881304
File: 1656389631749.jpeg (317.86 KB, 1241x2269, 4360ABB0-AAE9-414A-860D-8EE4BC…)

No. 881307
>>881303she always posts the exact opposite of what she's doing.
>causing dramaposts about how she hates drama or how awful you are if you're involved in it
>gaining weight posts about how thin she's getting and how much the gym is helping her
>unhappyposts about how happy and blessed she is
it's like clockwork.
No. 881321
File: 1656432568747.png (582 KB, 1600x800, mac-tonight.png)

>>881304'Come on make it Mac tonight' looking ass
No. 881326
File: 1656437021265.jpeg (859.23 KB, 1242x1893, F521417F-308B-4922-B2DA-088146…)

Girl I-
No. 881331
File: 1656443767573.jpeg (870.25 KB, 1081x1953, E7335CDA-F23C-4525-B75A-15BCFA…)

You can see her struggle to suck her gut in in this story. Also, her main is back (but who knows for how long lol)
No. 881337
File: 1656448676976.jpeg (101.1 KB, 1068x676, C4D0E5F2-AAEE-41B6-8E39-29927D…)

>>881335I mean her MAIN main…
No. 881341
File: 1656450142096.png (68.71 KB, 825x252, Old.png)

>>881340What it was when her temp ban expired.
No. 881346
>>881156We need a thread for Senpai Squad. This isn't the first time they've worked with someone
toxic people (JVNA). Their old parties were havens for underage drinking.
No. 881354
File: 1656463585889.jpeg (279.1 KB, 828x1466, C603E4B3-AFEA-46A3-93B2-2D6AB9…)

can’t wait for the fuckin’ candids of her and her large hams in a 2B cosplay
No. 881360
File: 1656468314864.jpeg (112.03 KB, 828x445, ADC158F9-08AA-4A5F-A82D-BC759C…)

again, not sure what her sister gains commenting this every time mariah bodychecks herself instagram
No. 881364
File: 1656470831251.jpg (303.06 KB, 583x423, QsR39Yr.jpg)

Tsunade video:
>"Do you like my hand pussy?"
>crusting upper lip and wiped lower lip with foundation that doesn't match
No. 881366
File: 1656470961564.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.59 KB, 208x347, d0HnY8m.jpg)

>>881365There was another angle in the video but who is the camerawoman?
No. 881367
File: 1656471181118.jpg (Spoiler Image,388.27 KB, 463x726, Y6jmGYd.jpg)

>>881366Who is the "model"?
No. 881379
File: 1656479184568.jpeg (878.54 KB, 1242x1600, FA640350-F536-49F6-A675-34F7FE…)

>>881367Are those acrylic nails? Or am I seeing things?
No. 881406
File: 1656515259006.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x2274, 5EBAB098-653B-4C27-B82C-66E605…)

speaking of images you can smell
does nobody have the balls to tell her it looks like akemi is retching? moo’s lackluster concept of sexy strikes again
No. 881424
>>881406So this is a visual representation of all her friendships pretty much. They have their heads firmly up her flat ass but still very much look repulsed to be around her.
>>881423Moo has made her entire career by looking like she’s been forced at gunpoint to do this. I guess that’s what morons get off to nowadays. It’s just funny that in all this time she still has no clue how to convey anything remotely sexual. Hentai really has rotted her brain.
No. 881456
>>881433Isn’t there a chick from Naruto who wears a bunch of fishnet? I didn’t watch the show so I can’t remember the name.
Was this a video that was released or just some stills.
>>881365How is it that she’ll edit off 200 pounds in a candid but won’t edit the acne and rashes off her ass? How does she think that’s ok to show? How do you even let that happen???
No. 881467
>>881365Makes time for hole bleaching, but can't even be bothered to clean her acne filled ass
>>881379Gotta be the mouth breather roommate/wig slave
No. 881471
>>881456 >>881468
Yes but Akemi was just there doing a bunch of sets in Moo's studio. She could have worn the same fishnets for a bunch of different costumes but who knows. I got this idea from the stills Akemi posted while in that particular costume. There's also the fact that she's there at the studio all the time. She has her own studio, yes, but goes to Moo's studio.
>>881467Umbran is just as fat as Moo. Not likely.
No. 881475
>>881471Uh, Akemi shoots at Wonderland studios a lot but it’s not “her” studio. It’s been there for years and most LA/OC costhots shoot there.
I’m sure she’s not paying to shoot at Moo’s clusterfuck though, I don’t think anyone has.
No. 881479
>>881467>>881382>>881379Can we please,
please not start this retarded tinfoil that it's Maddie with a strap-on again, I am fucking
begging you guys
No. 881485
>>881479I still don't understand how people don't believe that there is a guy actually willing to fuck moo
>>881483the hand wrap is part of narutos outfit, its really nothing deeper and The phone out is because he's likely filming his POV
No. 881505
>>881503There is nothing coming out of the head, its a tube under a stunt cock.
Theory - Moo has convinced a penis haver to wear a stunt cock and make moaning noises because that way they won't 'spoil their friendship' or some other orbiter bs.
This would explain the lack of close ups on the fingering and the total lack of balls in this is also odd, no?
No. 881509
>>881505it would be hilarious if she was sucking a dude’s fake cock
flashback to when she wore fake nipples and thought she did something there
No. 881519
File: 1656601313480.jpg (821.25 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220630-100114_Ins…)

"Mystery man" could be akemi. Similar nails and would explain why she's constantly saying "my bf/husband/etc" in reference to them
No. 881524
>>881367I don’t see acrylics at all. Looks
at best like gross scrote who doesn’t clip his nails enough and will never get the smell out now kek. Either way, men have no standards and would of course fuck Moo for a cut of the profits. Men have sex with animals and vaginas in cans for chrissake. If You e saw this clip in gif form I’m sure it would be more obvious it’s the same scrote as usual collecting his paycheck and slaving away in Moo’s mines.
No. 881530
File: 1656612356504.jpg (102.64 KB, 1070x592, Screenshot_20220630-140312_Chr…)

I got a slightly better look at the hand. Idk it does look like a manicure.
No. 881535
>>881367This looks like a man's arm and torso to me.
Scrotes will fuck anything, and 100% she can get one to fuck her, specially since she's paying.
No. 881539
File: 1656626683455.jpeg (164.46 KB, 946x668, 977719FC-4142-4A4F-897F-A70444…)

I saw this on the newer post on her main. This account has 112k followers and it seems sketchy that now people are forced to go on her IG to get an answer. Funny because it’s from a fitness/mma account so maybe it’s intimidating Moo lol
No. 881542
File: 1656629734880.jpg (661.45 KB, 1080x1811, Screenshot_20220630-155505_Ins…)

She archived everything
No. 881558
File: 1656639221424.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1082x1778, B8628BE6-004B-4C90-B7D6-CC8D36…)

Farmers attending AX, please grace us with some candids.
No. 881574
>>881505Thank you for saying this. I know everyone here assumes that the person who Moo is filming with is male. Not all men have a penis; some women have them too. Same thing when it comes to vaginas.
Maybe use a different term other than penis haver because it’s sounds too degrading. It’s important that we remind everyone here that we’re not the bigots in this thread. Momokun is.
(fuck off to where you came from) No. 881591
File: 1656683745296.png (Spoiler Image,549.69 KB, 661x557, Untitled.png)

What's going on with stunt dick? I've heard of curved penises, but this is ridiculous. Or did moo absolutely mangle it with her "hand pussy"?
No. 881629
File: 1656706863109.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.18 KB, 828x1443, C1862527-33B8-4449-BDFC-E40A28…)

some people really do look like they snuck their way onto Earth huh
No. 881631
>>881625unbelievably funny that her friend is chilling in the room watching
genre: horror
No. 881637
>>881633we are all weird bendydick on that one
never want to think about that phrase ever again
No. 881638
File: 1656710475495.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1078x1754, 1A2F0DA2-E6D2-4A1B-BBFE-0552E3…)

No. 881639
File: 1656710592569.png (1.78 MB, 1334x750, FA6F8DE9-6968-4AF3-B424-33F0E6…)

>>881364God that damn smile with her dead eyes. Like it’s so creepy.
No. 881640
>>881629Holy shit Umbran looks like they're wearing a kigurumi plastic facemask. The hulking tranny frame, the chin, EVERYTHING is so unflattering while dressed as a tiny anime girl.
Utterly unsettling.
No. 881643
File: 1656711244551.png (384.23 KB, 1009x474, triforcekun.png)

Sorry this is hard to see, but I really do think the person fucking her is still triforce-kun. The shape of the tattoo on his arm as it pokes out of the sleeve looks very similar to shape in this screenshot from the video where he slaps the shit out of her.
No. 881646
File: 1656712037718.png (Spoiler Image,3.32 MB, 2994x1920, triforcekun2.png)

>>881643Additionally, the size, shape, and color of his hands (and dick) look very similar to me, though obviously his hands have some level of bruising or cuts/scarring on them currently.
No. 881649
>>881648Thank you
nonny!!! That was hilariously cringe but I get the guy. Everything she says is cring and not sexy at all.
I fast-forwarded to the end where she tries to make the ahegao face. She looks and sounds like she is about to vomit, I shit you not. HAhahahahahaha
No. 881665
File: 1656718104887.jpeg (283.39 KB, 889x1097, 7DA145D4-FF44-4009-9A81-3D95CD…)

sorry for titpicking but what is this mcdonald’s chicken nugget looking bullshit? when she hikes her tit up it literally just rolls in on itself because of all the lost volume at the top
No. 881668
File: 1656718680557.jpeg (Spoiler Image,344.05 KB, 2178x1167, 36E4349B-BFFB-44AF-96E8-938272…)

She hates doing this so much.
No. 881670
File: 1656718971374.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.52 KB, 540x642, 7C3F617F-992F-49C8-B47B-EA8A28…)

Also, the other person filming is apparently naked too? Poor dude was probably wishing it was her instead
No. 881691
File: 1656723309381.png (Spoiler Image,10.39 MB, 1284x2778, 878F020E-FA08-4533-9873-C6D7CC…)

She has the ass of a old person. It’s so pointy. Also so very on brand of moo to release a porn in the same outfit she’s wearing to the con.
She gave the driest blowjob, even when she tried to muster up spit it wasn’t enough. She probably was stoned and had dry mouth. I actually feel bad for the scrote when she kept giving him an Indian burn with her “hand pussy”. And she needs to stop watching so much hentai, the moaning noises don’t match her valley girl accent when she speaks.
It also speaks volumes how he didn’t do anything with her tits. Isn’t tsunade known for her big old titties? Was she too ashamed of her Tara Reid Frankenstein floppy stomach?
No. 881770
File: 1656795802994.jpeg (714.63 KB, 828x1477, B435759C-BA6A-49AC-8DF5-020EE7…)

No. 881772
File: 1656796027429.png (1.01 MB, 794x954, Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 3.59…)

>>881629I think we have a tattoo on the left wrist, ladies. 13:19 to 13:04 if you want to stomach the vid and see it. This may be triforce dude again and that's why he is wearing pants in every vid, because there were recognizable tattoos on his fupa. Could also explain all the long sleeves. Does make me wonder why they decided to stay faithful to the hand wrapping on the right arm when accuracy is never really moo's prerogative.
No. 881775
>>881772anon brought this up
>>881643 it looks the same.
No. 881800
File: 1656807915666.png (165.38 KB, 328x562, 2b.png)

>>881770Her outfit looks so cheap and inaccurate. This is what she is trying to cosplay.
No. 881802
File: 1656809513951.jpg (377.72 KB, 352x629, 437EKDk.jpg)

No. 881807
File: 1656809983263.jpg (118.18 KB, 422x1318, Screenshot_20220702-205531_Ins…)

No hips at all
No. 881811
File: 1656810782253.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1083x1871, 00EBD100-97DB-4B9E-A4AB-3470F0…)

Can’t wait for the inevitable blowback on G4 for interviewing her. Expect any comments on a video to be disabled lol
No. 881839
File: 1656815254674.jpg (453.54 KB, 351x851, J3rfUYV.jpg)

No. 881844
File: 1656816059444.png (453.54 KB, 351x609, 165681525467.png)

>>881839If you crop it you cant really tell front from back
No. 881849
>>881839If you took this
nonnie well done! Wow she really did shove everything in the back of her “cosplay”
No. 881850
File: 1656818384039.jpg (103.35 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1656818371581.jpg)

Giant bruise on her leg. Maybe from recent lipo?
No. 881852
File: 1656820276726.jpeg (75.81 KB, 800x450, 21E38B77-7676-4782-B9DD-613EAB…)

>>881839I knew a back candid would confirm exactly what I thought.
No. 881866
File: 1656826002136.gif (843.89 KB, 400x251, 271335037_1289693428173483_829…)

>>881839this is the worst she's ever looked at a con and i can't believe she came out like this. her back has more cleavage than her boobs. her boobs are a better butt than her ass. her lower half looks the same from the front or back. it's like an optical illusion jfc
No. 881869
File: 1656828334762.jpg (232.99 KB, 1071x1828, Screenshot_20220703-020519_Ins…)

No. 881874
File: 1656832543661.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2130, E8E2697D-839A-40EF-ABE0-E49ACF…)

I just gotta say. The before and after difference.. you have to admit she did lose weight, but I’m curious what she looks like without the compression. Also, did she approve him posting the first image? Never seen that candid before.
No. 881877
File: 1656833113270.jpeg (485.65 KB, 1284x1970, 5DAF2956-DCAC-473F-8D18-D9F289…)

>>881874Ah, so she took vamplettes trainer too. Also vamp seemed to have moved onto a new group of friends.
No. 881879
File: 1656835926695.jpeg (622.53 KB, 1252x1202, 3DC003F2-E4BC-4E8B-ABF8-F15614…)

I can only imagine the stench wafting from her unwashed ass.
No. 881897
>>881574Hi, I’m the Anon who posted
>>881505 The pleasure is all mine. I wanted to show that representation is important even after pride month is over. You know what exists long after pride month? People like you. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting Nonnies in this thread to be on the same side as Moo on bigotry, which is disappointing.
Representation matters. You matter. I want you and other people like you in our communities to know that.
File: 1656854728270.jpg (23 KB, 313x272, 20220703_122350.jpg)

>>881879Kek if you zoom in on her stomach you can see her fat (green) hang over the top of her waist cincher (red)
No. 881910
>>881874First picture she’s wearing a life vest so it’s making her look bulkier, and in the secon she’s wearing full body compression wear. Her arms are practically the same size in both photos.
Also kek at the before and after nose job.
No. 881914
>>881874Good god, that candid on the left is terrifying. Her thighs walked right off the show “my 600 pound life”.
At least she looks relatively human with her old nose compared to the literal pig snout she has now.
No. 881916
>>881910Exactly. Her arms are noticeably the same size in both photos and the only reason she looks slightly slimmer from the waist down in the second is because she's a) gotten more liposuction since that first photo b) wearing a bunch of compression gear and shapewear and c) photoshopping and filtering the fuck out of her photos. Make no mistake, she absolutely still looks that alleged "before" photo. If she actually worked as hard at dieting and exercising as she does at just making it
appear as though she's lost weight, she'd probably be close to her goal by now.
No. 881922
>>881874this is a typical deceptive weight loss marketing tactic
>pictures taken at different angles/distances >candid vs posed pic>egregious photoshoptextbook shit. moo just found a trainer as shitty as she is.
No. 881938
File: 1656877349722.jpg (983.85 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220703-144117_Ins…)

>>881850She has that bruise on the other side too so I assume it's lipo
No. 881959
File: 1656886903152.jpeg (492.59 KB, 637x1081, FD51CEF4-B30C-4299-9EF9-CF761D…)

everyone in this image looks scuffed as hell but especially maddy for some reason?
No. 881961
File: 1656887194098.jpg (524.84 KB, 1079x1134, Screenshot_20220703-152543_Ins…)

She keeps taking weird ass pictures with her cousin and framing it like they are dating (did this in the past too) and not turning down comments about being a couple… um.. anons..
No. 881984
File: 1656896982861.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1242x2175, 9C4A6E9F-28AD-41B7-8C67-0732F6…)

what the actual fuck is going on with the hairline of her wig
No. 881993
File: 1656901707001.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1070x1765, 65D15A89-2A9B-4CEC-BA73-E899F2…)

Her legs are bruised to fuck and back. And still massive despite what her trainer thinks lol
No. 881995
File: 1656901811477.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1081x1787, 261D38E0-5DDA-4485-8E72-2433F6…)

Just some nightmare fuel
No. 881997
>>881994Are her saggy sandbags just out and flopping around under the bandana top? Pretty sure most people that do this cosplay create it like a shirt that has an asymmetrical hem, not just hanging over their tits.
Any signs of bruising around her midsection from lipo? Or did she only get the thighs done recently?
No. 882009
File: 1656915677579.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1079x1786, 3EA21D8A-F21A-4A1A-AFA7-A596D1…)

There’s a weird shadow on her knee in the video and I can’t tell if it’s another bruise or what. In any case her legs look fucked from something (and I doubt it’s from "working out" lol)
No. 882035
File: 1656946931218.jpeg (167.12 KB, 1324x1178, C57FD054-82EA-4293-AF7B-D340C5…)

>>882009That head accessory just looks like a painted can of soda.
No. 882063
File: 1656970907675.jpg (955.32 KB, 1079x1360, Screenshot_20220704-174131_Ins…)

Definitely does not have a bra on.
No. 882066
File: 1656971651930.jpeg (496.16 KB, 1241x2175, DAC0DFDA-B110-4D59-A34A-04B1A0…)

>>882063I think she has pasties on. Her nipples should be visible here, I think? With her fucked up body I can't even be sure. There's some difference in color around the middle but looks more like some kind of covering instead of nips.
No. 882067
>>882063Pretty sure she's breaking Con rules then because the places cons rent don't want random half naked people running around.
Mariah Mallard has her boobs barely hanging on via tape able to flash anyone whose cursed enough to come near her. It really is like the time she did Shampoo without underwear.
Shout out to that random Howl(?) cosplayer in the background who looks like they're also suffering seeing momokun.
No. 882069
>>882064that still means she's not wearing a bra tho. which like
>>882067 said, she can't do
No. 882074
>>882069We can see the kardashian type
>>881665 in this post too.shes not nude, its covering her nipple and under the. Flap and hoisted up where you cant see the tape go up and over the collardone. You have tiny micro bikini MEMEME bitches years least Moo is covering shit with flesh colored tape and not actually nipslipping on purpose.
No. 882166
File: 1657040721641.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1090x1944, 62AD2159-DFB8-4E6C-8FD7-D95B92…)

No. 882181
>>882177nta but I remember it. However most likely (as it's common with other cons) she probably
was banned, but not a permanent ban. Probably a few years at most.
No. 882189
File: 1657052855075.jpg (232.26 KB, 182x553, 2YY2vXW.jpg)

cluster of bruises unedited
No. 882199
File: 1657058761946.jpg (540.8 KB, 1064x1708, 1530825419636.jpg)

>>882192found this saying her badges were taken.
No. 882200
File: 1657058794065.jpeg (26.92 KB, 275x228, 1530855751022.jpeg)

>>882199also this is where senpai squad said they'd have nothing to do with her.
No. 882232
File: 1657068634398.jpg (4.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20220705_204530.jpg)

>>882223None of them, just a fan of the threads
>>882226Really? Seems like she's been posting it for months now, though. She's posted about her trainer and everything, and her progress seems pretty consistent.
>>882232absolute cringe.
And no. She's posted about her trainer and work outs before. You're clearly new, go back to some of the old threads to look at yourself. Some of us have been here since day 1.
No. 882244
>>882232people who make legit progress dont feel the need to shoop themselves half their size. Compare her posted gym selfie
>>881874 to even this
>>881879 which is still undeniably edited (and as another anon pointed out she's also wearing shape wear)
>>882166 She's bending over and pulling on her shirt so you cant see her gut/rolls (or obvious shapewear) and if you compare her arms to
>>881638 >>882063 where her BARE arms are obviously bigger and with how her fat is visible around her bra it's probably not THAT much compression, but yeah sure these are not just photoshop!
If moo was ACTUALLY always at the gym for 8 months consistently with a trainer there would be actual toning, she wouldnt still be living day in day out in lululemon (which is known to be a good brand for compression/shaping) and her back wouldnt look like that in her 2B
No. 882256
File: 1657074727265.png (1.87 MB, 883x1563, xwhat.png)

speaking of maddie, christ is she fucking hideous
No. 882301
File: 1657093270523.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1276x2315, 739AAC9C-97B3-4E69-8502-546B78…)

Candids are the gift that keeps on giving.
No. 882332
>>882301As another
nonnie said, this is definitely the worst she's looked at a convention. Even from that angle you can tell just how absolutely WIDE she is. I'm sure her trainer and sister are super proud of their skinny legend.
No. 882364
File: 1657136122860.png (13.56 MB, 2732x2048, 84050746-648A-4940-A579-824775…)

The filter erased most of her nose in the first pic and she still looks busted.
No. 882366
File: 1657137248524.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x2288, F0925202-BF6C-477A-B22C-0CD01C…)

Oh god I didn’t even realize it’s all one piece there’s a seam on the panty attaching on the thigh that’s extra horror show. Especially with that fleshy tear.
>>882232 Probably the ugliest hands I’ve seen in a while. Tsutomu Miyazaki is haunting the boards nonitas.
No. 882369
File: 1657138001168.jpeg (2.22 MB, 2880x3840, 3E6A05CA-EEC9-4C38-BBE6-E187BC…)

>>881839Had to dig for it but here’s the Tamamo pics an anon took three years ago for comparison.
No. 882370
>>882369honestly i think it's worse now. on top of her awful back man titties, she has her botched as fuck face. tamamo also doesn't have gross cameltoe. also looking at how high her tits are in tamamo really puts it into perspective how saggy they are now.
>inb4 tit anons baww about how totes normal saggy tits are etc.this is a cow thread, we're going to comment on her bad features.
No. 882383
>>882379You need to take a closer look at it from the other threads. Designer daddy used very cheap, carpet-esq like fabric with textures upon textures, and it looked very thick and frumpy. Not to mention what
>>882380 said.
No. 882504
File: 1657260167753.jpeg (688 KB, 1072x1959, 7FB7C5F4-A993-4824-8B17-E078BA…)

So flat, so very very flat.
No. 882524
File: 1657264976726.jpeg (459.06 KB, 1242x1164, EF45857A-F8BD-4E4A-9384-9F2214…)

Looks like she just watched Perfect Blue for the first time and posted a bunch of screenshots from it. Is it just me or do her posts lately seem extra unhinged? Like a cry for help almost? I think having to resort to full on porn may be getting to her more than she's letting on. Just the vibe I'm getting, something feels off in her posts.
No. 882526
File: 1657267004857.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1284x1779, 0C4395AF-128C-4BDC-A575-882C11…)

I love when her friends tell on her.
No. 882604
File: 1657310876408.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1812, A856A079-C572-4480-A68A-BC4F1B…)

>>882526This is the same bitch from this sickening photo. Christ, she must be desperate.
No. 882611
File: 1657314489195.jpeg (2.14 MB, 1284x2192, 57CB1193-1407-4197-83AA-120525…)

I love con season. Moo candids are the gift that keep on giving. I would love to know what is going on with that giant bruise.
No. 882688
File: 1657339503251.jpeg (1.95 MB, 1242x1679, 2B03776F-20D9-4580-80E6-5553D9…)

i don’t know what made her think this was a good look… her skin looks like dog shit
No. 882694
File: 1657340937313.jpg (943.01 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220708-232825_Ins…)

A close up. The filters make her acne look like liver spots.
No. 882785
>>882695A new friend that’s also
problematic no surprise
(post milk) No. 882797
File: 1657444897048.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x2197, D1845E1D-7F10-4DBF-A2EA-8676F2…)

fuck she’s an insufferable cunt
No. 882852
File: 1657482423661.png (3.26 MB, 1800x1623, 5394CD57-CC6B-4CF7-95A6-5AC995…)

>>882821I guess that would explain these lol
No. 882853
>>882852LITERALLY on cue lmao.
"Look at what you're missing"
Meanwhile, Sensei:
>"I'm finally engaged, I'm so happy!" No. 882886
File: 1657498563470.png (392.78 KB, 509x588, The state of things.png)

>>882873Holy shit if I has arms that fat I would wear sweatshirts non-stop my girl.
No. 882888
File: 1657499504304.png (702.12 KB, 815x607, FX0CVv0.png)

>>882873Collabing wth Belle Delphine is cringe enough but the man knew Momokun by name and has merch of him as a giant boobed anime girl. Yikes.
Mariah's part starts at 3:18 by the way
No. 882898
File: 1657505539890.jpeg (2.6 MB, 1242x1842, 81FCD2BE-7066-4EDA-855E-8F4EB9…)

>>882821Poor Moo. Always the cow, never the bride lol
No. 882931
File: 1657528051199.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2200, CBBB6DFA-6628-4B4A-B93B-7EC331…)

okay she’s literally just outright calling herself goffik now
No. 882934
File: 1657529254908.jpeg (996.34 KB, 1242x2004, E2974FCF-D29E-4C90-9C3C-B20F5E…)

sorry for samefagging but she’s definitely manic
No. 882963
>>882935 I was part of that scene. Goth culture was pretty much married to post punk, industrial, noise and cult bands. Hell you were scoffed at if you didn't listen to deep tracks. The goth phase is absolutely unsuitable with her personality.
No. 882967
>>882898You just know cucksensei is either going to do a small, strictly family-only wedding or just suddenly elope with this girl to avoid Moozilla making a scene. I'm envisioning Moo cinched and compressed within an inch of her life in some white boho gown to show up the bride, high off her tits the whole time.
>>882931Mooriah, once again you're years late to this party and very, very unwelcome.
No. 882981
File: 1657576267611.jpeg (204.42 KB, 828x1305, E50D42C7-0510-436F-A200-6A7150…)

>>882931Is she pulling a Lia here
No. 882985
>>882984kek good one,
Nonny>>882981yeah Mariah definitely has issues with not really having a personality of her own due to her being so insecure, she just kinda skinwalks different popular influencers until she finds someone else to impersonate, she literally has never had her own unique “brand” she can call her own
No. 883027
File: 1657599635979.jpg (931.4 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20220711-211449_Ins…)

Just a quick update on her studio (gonna sage bc not really ultra milk, more pointing out her failures with updates) : no new tags from new clients. Newest 2 are repost tags from mooonths ago. Moo, hows being irrelevant and only having 3% of your followers even like your photos on average (generous by saying the average is 50k)? 50k of 1.5mil is 3.33%. Its even more glaringly obvious since she hid all her posts. Can't wait for her to get banned again.
Of course she still makes money from scrotes, but it should be embarrassing that only 3% gaf at all about your content. Nigri is worst at 1.25% at 50k.
No. 883039
File: 1657605997633.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1015x1261, 0F401466-0137-42EF-9ED6-1CA2CF…)

Recent efforts at making scrotes give her money.
No. 883040
File: 1657606037084.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1015x1103, 27CBB73C-D626-4508-8CA8-3E74BB…)

No. 883042
File: 1657606436783.jpg (858.96 KB, 1079x1752, Screenshot_20220711-231320_Ins…)

She sounds SO stupid! Its the genitalia of plants. Jfc Moo. Does she think acorns are just tree decorations?
No. 883054
File: 1657616818880.jpeg (728.04 KB, 1284x1705, 80DF8054-0F4D-4AA9-BBA8-6CD9D7…)

Mariah is back on tiktok. Can’t wait to see how fast this account gets banned.
No. 883062
File: 1657633233718.jpg (805.19 KB, 1079x2042, Screenshot_20220712-064047_Tik…)

>>883054Is this really her backup too?
No. 883064
>>883060Figure she isn’t reaching anyone new otherwise- she isn’t known outside a fairly small bubble, and she’s less than relevant in the circles she badly wants to be respected in. She’s a fat joke in cosplay and a boring niche OF porn thot. She has to shill somewhere
>>883056Nah it’s collecting her bodily secretions and not much more.
No. 883098
File: 1657650418518.png (2.96 MB, 1034x1800, 189F0D66-28AB-4DD5-828F-F19EDE…)

She really thought it was a good idea to repost these back to back.
No. 883108
File: 1657660139997.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1070x1938, 27EAEFFC-F09E-46D8-9077-07F1BA…)

No. 883111
>>883108This is a terrible shill.
It's momokun's terrible videos so all you'll get is another reason to actually work out instead of going for Lipo.
No. 883127
File: 1657672704905.jpeg (997.02 KB, 1242x2200, A62542BD-C3D6-48A5-BBD2-8BBC5F…)

No. 883130
>>883039She really is speed running lipo
But she had fresh lipo marks
I thought you had to wait at least a month between sessions?
Or is that only for responsible clinics?
Hard work my ass
No. 883132
>>883128the scrotes who follow her haven't seen muscle so they wouldn't know
But yeah, her flexing fat is hilarious. She is in full cope mode
I hope she can rest easy knowing no one gives a shit
No. 883134
File: 1657675182843.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x2210, 79467AE3-F3F9-4866-A6A5-9DF838…)

what the actual fuck does she even realise her nipple is showing? mariah put the bong down
No. 883137
File: 1657675559321.jpeg (824.4 KB, 947x1779, 87A6B952-69BE-43B6-9740-4906DD…)

>>883134Holy shit she must be high as fuck right now.
No. 883144
File: 1657675976599.png (278.6 KB, 552x505, BwJ9wds.png)

>>883127Mariah we know you don't like other women don't pretend you do.
No. 883148
>>883108She literally looks like an ape here.
Which is insulting to the intelligence of apes
No. 883150
>>883134She tried lifting her tits up so they stay up in the swimsuit, but you can tell that shit still fell.
>>883127Its all fat and batwings. I don't understand what she's showing off.
>>883108Who needs calorie burning pre workout when you can get lipo every 3 months?
No. 883153
File: 1657678603435.jpg (60.65 KB, 992x757, 42778497_2081835698542798_7901…)

>>883134>>883137smoothed out michelin man looking ass
No. 883155
>>883134"Skinny!!! Our skinny qween!!"
-her sister, probably-
I can't imagine looking at this photo and thinking it looks good, let alone posting it online for others to see.
No. 883168
File: 1657682035214.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.63 KB, 1077x1218, Screenshot_20220712-231257_Red…)

Is she at some kind of doctor office taking nudes??
No. 883173
>>883168she's getting more Lipo done at that sketchy beauty spa she goes to. She had lipo done last month as well.
I'm honestly here for the show in a year when she's even more botched up. The fat distribution is going to look more fucked up as she re gains weight
No. 883175
>>883137I'm aware this is filters
But the fact she only gets lipo on her waist is so weird looking
She has the arms and legs of someone who's 400 pounds. The fact she's pretending it's muscle but can barely work with 100 pounds is sad
No. 883181
File: 1657687658483.jpeg (259.99 KB, 1083x1903, 4D9A4ADA-DC62-4779-BDBA-6BF7F0…)

>>883178Anon, this is her "hospital" set lol
No. 883186
>>883183you're the one who is stupid,
>>883181 is saying that they're not the same set and is providing a photo as proof because
>>883178 said
>And I think this is in her studio but I could be wrongholy fuck the reading comprehension on this site is atrocious.
No. 883190
File: 1657695828896.jpeg (83.68 KB, 828x1199, 9A065BBD-3887-4FCE-959C-116630…)

>>883137Wtf is happening here
No. 883199
>>883174Jesus, that’s so disturbing; no ankles, no wrists, the hundreds of rounds of lipo … she’s a Cronenbergian horror.
>>883190Flab + skin destroyed by lipo = Mariah.
No. 883222
File: 1657732582158.jpeg (210.97 KB, 946x2048, 1621DB8A-CBB1-4793-B254-60CEFB…)

>>883168This is definitely a lipo clinic. Her cucks always tell on her by posting her pics on Twitter. I tried finding the other pic from a couple of months ago showing her in the same clinic but I can’t find it but one cuck in particular had flooded her tag with old pics. It’s hilarious, some pics I haven’t seen before and jfc her face
No. 883223
File: 1657732949952.jpeg (238.38 KB, 946x2048, AD9B7A85-F760-414E-A1D2-516D33…)

Here’s her gyaru unedited. She absolutely has been having rounds and rounds of lipo done and is probably manically ‘working out’ and not stuffing her face as much but she is still big as fuck because the lipo is just gonna fuck up her fat storage.
No. 883224
File: 1657733518183.jpeg (772.32 KB, 1180x1378, 5691254C-627B-480D-A495-4D07A5…)

???? Why did she post this?
No. 883229
File: 1657735011363.jpeg (63.25 KB, 444x960, 7A968148-12F7-45DF-A299-58D7E0…)

>>883225It’s her face without lipo or sculpting.
No. 883292
File: 1657769251278.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x1389, 1E8ACE97-3665-47FE-8702-6321CE…)

I want whatever the hell she’s huffing on to live in this delusion.
No. 883319
>>883292It’s literally been a fucking week Mariah. You don’t just get curves from a diet on a week.
It’s workout lines all over again. Jfc, time just repeats itself it’s a forever circular loop we’re all doomed to repeat the same lol cows for eternity.
No. 883326
File: 1657803332884.jpg (227.08 KB, 720x1320, 20220714_075436.jpg)

How has no one posted this beautiful monstrosity yet?
No. 883355
File: 1657821457319.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, B9380B86-46C6-48EE-AC4F-F61BBB…)

All that work done and still no ass
No. 883356
File: 1657821552686.png (358.65 KB, 268x504, Howl's Momo.png)

>>883326I think she looks exactly like this Howl's character.
No. 883363
File: 1657824398378.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x2026, 880D6190-9046-470E-8451-2F68AD…)

Imagine listening to a song once and suddenly you’re posting shit like this.
No. 883373
File: 1657826713919.jpeg (174.17 KB, 834x1080, 45C8DAFD-3175-46CD-843E-6AEC66…)

>>883368I’m sure this is what she believes she looks like every time she posts a selfie.
No. 883378
File: 1657830139145.jpeg (154.34 KB, 828x557, A36A93B3-8B82-49D6-8BC6-FB4589…)

yeah just wondering when the same pair of lulu leggings, a loosely fitted an anime shirt, and some over priced bug eye glasses were the epitome of fashion lmao
No. 883384
File: 1657834229815.png (992.45 KB, 1004x857, DB3CF26D-6D05-4D9B-A382-FECCF1…)

>>883381Too bad she ruined her body because she’s lazy.
No. 883403
File: 1657844460672.jpeg (765.7 KB, 1284x1278, FAF7B5C1-5FFB-49E3-B599-06CB7D…)

>>883398No. How is this irrelevant when she’s trying to say she’s lost weight and still looks the same as three years ago? Don’t be annoying.
No. 883417
File: 1657856096835.png (122.3 KB, 447x360, lunchlady.png)

>>883414anon look at these ham hocks she calls arms and tell me she's lost weight. it's all lipo, filters, and compression gear.
No. 883430
>>883421>>883419I think anons means in the midsection. There is lipo, absolutely, but I also think she has lost a tiiiiny bit of weight and it's unfortunately only noticeable though in her waist but that's only because of the massive amount of fat already taken from her midsection every few months. She knows exactly what she is doing. Not the same anon as
>>883414 because you can tell by her cankles and overlapping elbows/knees she hasn't lost anything and neither gained an ounce of ass either, but her tits
are slightly saggier and her midsection is more than what lipo has ever done for her, so we need to kind of put those two things together.
My question is though, how is she going to handle how saggy her tits get and how unfull they will look if she does want to keep losing weight. She needs to get to a goal [overall though, not just weight lost from lipo] in order to not fuck up a lift/implant. Losing weight after will cause uneven sag and downward turn the nipples early.
No. 883437
File: 1657867287918.jpeg (65.86 KB, 720x960, 2C77A224-3C8D-4064-A2EF-989857…)

>>883430Yeah, no. She’s still wide in her midsection.
No. 883445
>>883430Exactly. Moo has been losing weight, but her body is fucked up due to all the lipo and other shit she’s done. He fat distribution is messed up, and she’ll look funny even if she continues to lose weight.
>>883432I know. We said that.
>>883437Damn that’s some nice freshly sliced chest papaya. Can I get a Chug Chug up in this mug
No. 883446
>>881406I literally cannot interpret this as anything other than Akemi coughing after Moo farted in her face. What else could they possibly have been going for here? They're fully clothed, so it's not like cunnilingus or ass-eating is supposed to be happening. Moo's even doing this weird bashful gesture, like "whoops I farted in your face."
Moo's tried to appeal to footfags now, I wouldn't put it past her to try and cater to brapfags.
No. 883460
>>883445You're fucking retarded
>>883447Well if so I guess we found his motivation for continuing to rawdog Moo. And perhaps also how he tolerates it lol
No. 883462
>>883447I think they are just scars
nonnie. But at that rate should make it pretty simple if dude ever shows up in any of her stories to clock him.
No. 883497
>>883445Look at her morbidly obese arms and legs and tell me she has "lost weight".
You are either trolling, stupid, obese yourself, or Moo. There is no other explanation for this sperg.
No. 883599
>>883168So I was skeptical of her getting more lipo done, however- there are rapid recovery methods now like air sculpt that she can definitely afford…
Would probably leave very minor bruising like we see in the photos.
However, this is clearly a spa suite.
And she is most likely getting a lymphatic drainage massage for post-lipo care to smooth it out, OR more non-invasive sculpting like wood rolling, ice sculpting, maybe even things like Emsculpt which send electric pulses to your muscles to make them contract- they allege a 30 min session is equivalent to 2000 crunches, or 1000 squats if you do it on your ass.
I had 3 sessions on my ass and it was firmer but lost fat so I regret it lol.
But yeah that would help trim her up, there’s a million things she could be doing and she probably does them all, at the same time as showing up at the gym and phoning it in with 10 reps of 40 lbs
And then eating like a beast at home. You can’t out-exercise that.
I think she definitely looks smaller, but she’s not any less wide. If she were organically losing weight I think she’d shrink horizontally and not just around her upper arms/face/mid section.
Just my 2 cents since people are reaching saying 1-she’d have lipo in that non-sterile room or 2- saying it’s her hospital set at the studio lol
No. 883620
>>883599what the fuck is this blogpost?
>emsculptyou're just as retarded as she is, that shit is proven to not do shit.
No. 883623
>>883620>>883620Which is why she remains fat and now has to resort to chinese slimming apps to make her look thinner.
I think that anon is right, she is probably throwing money on a bunch of slimming treatments that don't work because… She is stupid and lazy.
No. 883624
>>883599Anon, I get what you’re saying and stuff, but she’s probably getting the less invasive stuff on top of the regular lips she gets. She posted before while getting one done (it wasn’t classic lipo, it was one of the less invasive ones, laser lips maybe?) literally she was awake and on her phone while getting it.
My guess is that she gets the invasive type once or twice a year (hence the bruises on her thighs at AX) on each of her problem areas (midsection, thighs, upper arms) and then gets the less invasive stuff in between and on other areas more often.
We also have to remember that if it’s posted by her she is absolutely photoshopping and using filters. So we can’t trust those pics as being accurate.
The only way I can see her losing any weight on her own is if the surgeon for her boobs told her she had to get down to a certain weight to do the lift. I can see her attempting to cut down on what she eats to get to the point of getting the surgery, while also doing as much lipo etc as she can to help get smaller, and then gaining it all back as soon as the lift is done. I only say this because she announced that she would be getting a lift and then hasn’t mentioned it since. So I think the surgeon told her to lose weight or there’s a money issue due to her money pit studio.
No. 883631
>>883630even moo probably learned
something from that experience. imagine how horrifying a botched breast lift will look.
No. 883641
Moo is indeed set
but she's stupid with money
So has to do porn to keep up her life style of plastic surgeries, drugs n binging
No. 883649
>>883645exactly, if she made a million dollars and spent a million dollars, that’s not “set”
the only thing of value she has is her fugly house
No. 883822
File: 1658102748148.jpg (Spoiler Image,414.21 KB, 697x516, 9xLeOfl.jpg)

No. 883829
File: 1658104210179.jpg (640.25 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220717-193012_Ins…)

Nimu is at moos again and apparently she got another lizard.
No. 883840
File: 1658110211247.jpeg (12.61 KB, 267x189, 127B1C26-2373-4883-95D9-4D95E5…)

>>883822well, that’s a real vagina clencher
No. 883937
>>883829got to replace the ones she killed
>>883822>>883905the fake nipnop era was hilarious. this current "dick" era is just as funny
it's the only trick she has
No. 883998
File: 1658187966139.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1082x1782, 67588459-08EB-4FF4-A140-038EF9…)

No. 884003
File: 1658189724363.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1090x1940, 79C4BF21-1678-46B5-9F35-5DCEE3…)

>>884001Samefag but she just deleted the story of her bitching about rossbossfit. She had to know he was going to see it eventually since he’s on social media as much as she is.
No. 884010
>>884003Lmao this is pretty sad. This is just like her “
abusive” dad making her run drills in High school. She just hates putting effort into herself and wants quick fixes. It’s so sad that she needs someone else to control her life if she ever wants to be as thin as she was in her school years. She’s such a fat disgruntled toddler. Fucking lazy fatass.
No. 884033
File: 1658195594348.jpeg (813.88 KB, 1284x2034, 84F868DB-83C8-4D6D-8E94-90757A…)

Her fursuit legs has me in stitches.
No. 884034
File: 1658195831275.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1284x2009, 3CFED432-EC3B-4C4B-B59B-B9D882…)

>>884033Samefag but it’s hilarious to see her being posted without her millions of filters. Those jowls.
No. 884055
File: 1658200802301.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x2077, F55B6399-DC81-4357-9EDF-4BCFE2…)

One has to wonder if her neighbors also think she’s in her 40’s.
No. 884094
>>884085She deleted it, moron. The story where she said it came after
>>884003 but she took it down shortly after.
No. 884217
>>884211We're talking about a
different story. Not the one anon capped.
No. 884219
>>884217And yet anons can't even give
context to what it was about besides "She was shitting on him". Like come on. What did she say, what was it about? Seriously, post some semblance of fucking milk about what was said and why.
No. 884224
>>884222So if the following video she didn't delete has her explaining the complaint as not being him, but being about whoever invented the squats, I think she deleted it because she thought people took it that way, rather than her meaning that way. The beginning of the video she kept even she says it's not about him and the following videos she kept after these too, so it wasn't an afterthought, but one of her continuation rambles.
Unfortunately, most likely deleted because people assumed she was actually hating on him when it wasn't that and she didn't want to deal with that shit because she's 'AlwAys TakINg whAT I Say OuT of ConTEx' as she's complained about before.
No. 884227
File: 1658262770612.jpg (140.04 KB, 506x903, KdxpDlW.jpg)

She DID delete the third one in this series saying something like "you guys are never satisfied"
No. 884279
>>884010If the trainer pushes her too much she'll ditch them like she does every other trainer
tbh she only gets results with lipo so I don't know why she bothers with a trainer
No. 884302
File: 1658288507734.jpg (772.12 KB, 1079x1078, Screenshot_20220719-234048_Ins…)

She looks like she escaped a psych ward.
No. 884305
>>884300Anons could screenshot the other rants but not that one at all? No one asked for a recording. Absolutely anons just making shit up again. Never saw that in the order of her posts either. Don't see what could've been deleted.
I'm never going to believe anons who don't add milk.
No. 884352
Can't be her paypigs. They don't respect her at all and blatantly say they're tired of the cosplay shit and just want pirn so they can go
Or others are just grossed out from her botched obese body
No. 884370
>>884368Didn't moo get a bunch of plastic surgeries and skin treatments done after she met sensei's girlfriend for the first time as well?
She naturally looks young and is just a cutie pie. No amount of plastic surgery can fix Moo. But it's also her shit personality too. Sensei made it clear he thinks Moo is stupid
No. 884372
File: 1658344567668.jpg (82.59 KB, 729x538, mallad.jpg)

Good fucking god.
No. 884373
File: 1658345761508.jpg (586.86 KB, 519x922, YESffAi.jpg)

I guess AX was her chance to grab some ~big name friends~ to go to her vacant studio
No. 884379
File: 1658347270315.jpeg (942.04 KB, 1064x1503, 58D306DB-4038-40D1-8A85-73A4D6…)

Her and her google translated, pseudo intellectual bullshit can fuck right off. I honestly don’t know why she’s so proud to broadcast how greasy she looks.
>>884374Birds of a feather. Shitty people flock together.
No. 884395
>>884374Of course the sexpests hang out with each other.
>>884373Wow someone whose as bad at posing as momokun.
>>884375Is this even a cosplayer or some chick who has a pokemon hat?
No. 884398
>>884392it's whoever posted
>>884394 said it's not some random nobody. looks like she booked through peerspace. speaking of, moo is so stupid for using peerspace and simultaneously claiming to have some advanced background check membership system, peerspace is like airbnb, you can require any of that stuff, they're one off customers.
No. 884406
>>884395Shes a popular Nigri clone
Also you guys remember the "no men" rule? This gym account is probably a dude wanting pics. She saw his smol account and didnt let him in.
No. 884408
>>884406nice no men rule
>>884374and again peerspace doesn't allow that, she'll get banned. hope someone contacts the bbb.
No. 884520
>>884440But anon if I get more clout I’ll have more visibility and with that comes more people willing to pay to see my great cosplays and dry low effort porn! So I totes can BRUH
-moo , probably.
No. 884606
>>884598exactly this
they may as well be shooting inside a broom closet
Her sets are messy and so small you can't do anything with it
No. 884812
File: 1658603170663.jpeg (934.59 KB, 1927x3264, 2019F7CC-E87A-42B8-82BB-C53733…)

OF won’t last forever, Moo, so you better dust off that Starbucks apron.
Also, she chooses Stormfront… a literal Nazi from The Boys. Why am I not surprised.
No. 884819
File: 1658606703770.jpeg (935.65 KB, 1087x1899, 0CECF2A2-034B-4639-A70F-907160…)

Is she at another clinic or is it just me?
No. 884821
File: 1658607468117.jpeg (614.7 KB, 828x1124, 28B1C098-0B98-44DE-8AAD-EBA4C9…)

looks like it was akemi who was sitting the the background of the blowjob videos
No. 884823
>>884812Momokun can't just go to a furry con she has to have a suit she'll never wear again to flex on people.
No wonder she's posting porn now she's too greedy to survive.
No. 884850
>>884849The arm tattoos line up
>>881643 it's triforce-kun. Martin doesn't have any arm tattoos and notoriously hates fat chicks.
No. 884860
File: 1658631659331.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x2213, C1682E12-8090-4687-BC88-2B217F…)

Oh Moo, never change.
No. 884865
File: 1658640563336.jpeg (910.35 KB, 1103x1942, 5BFECD6F-B1D4-4A42-91A4-2B2F3D…)

Well, she’s right about one thing. She’s nothing without people doing the work for her…
No. 884883
File: 1658668795823.jpeg (279.81 KB, 946x1041, 92523C7E-F880-4B78-A855-16BAE6…)

>>884850Is it this guy? He has arm tattoos
No. 884885
>>883445Chug chug.
>>884834She’s also pro Palestine and posted a video about. She hates Israel and is for their destruction and all of its Jewinuity.
That’s pretty damn Nazi-ish but the pro Palestine thing is very Left wing.
No. 884886
File: 1658669702850.png (546.6 KB, 587x708, m00.png)

I'm surprised this one wasn't posted lul
No. 884908
>>884883Explains why she hasn't been squealing lately about how she's a STRONK INDEPENDANT WOMENS who DON'T NEED NO 3D PIG MAN when she has Douma or whatever anime character she's rubbing one off to this week.
When this one ditches her again we can expect her to go back to her usual spergery about that.
No. 884939
File: 1658694175595.png (Spoiler Image,5.64 MB, 1125x2436, triforcekunsleeve.png)

Here's a better look at triforce-kun's tattoos
No. 884956
File: 1658708403154.png (2.78 MB, 1668x2388, 95A31267-C454-4274-A474-C7C82F…)

>>884939Tried to make it less warped
No. 884957
File: 1658708761523.png (377.8 KB, 833x782, 0C5CEB88-6144-4880-8545-222FD6…)

>>884956Actually the more I look at the top inner elbow but the more I think it’s probably the last right quarter of a black and grey rose
It has those ever recognizable curves and slight angles to make one
No. 885068
>>884958Either way she's going to get overly attached to the dude and scare him off. Momo can't separate from paid dick/casual fucking to a real relationship
there is nothing more pathetic than having to pay for dick
No. 885123
>>884845And you sound like the scrotes whose only understanding of women comes from thirst-watching Jenna.
Sports bras and spandex press your breasts against your ribs, causing the flattening effect. It only makes your breasts look like a smaller cup size if you're a C or smaller to start with. Someone with a larger cup size is not going to look like a B cup when they put on a sports bra. Speaking from experience, wearing a sports bra at a higher cup size just pushes half of your boob into your armpit. Like… you can still tell someone has a larger cup size when they're wearing a sports bra, especially if they're a fat girl.
Moo's totally shooping her waist. It's been proven many times.
No. 885125
>>884939The hell is up with that rash on her fupa? Acne? Overwaxing? For fuck's sake, why didn't she just throw some foundation on it? She knew she was going to be on camera.
>>884956Lmao I bet she hires this gigolo because his sleeves remind her of sensei.
No. 885209
File: 1658913884416.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x2318, 3353A6BF-94C2-4C2D-A572-2B95E2…)

Incoming photo dump of moo’s latest posts.
No. 885210
File: 1658913951225.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1284x1950, 6B6BA1A3-70E7-418F-87CC-596172…)

>Shows pictures of all the food that she’ll be throwing away in two weeks after not touching them.
No. 885223
>>885210"Lemme make a rainbow, that'll show em"
Yuh anons are right this is just sad. She's not going to eat any of this. She's only going to eat take out while she lipos her gut. This is just disgusting
No. 885278
File: 1658962208427.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.93 MB, 3840x5760, wGWrfba.jpg)

No. 885332
>>885210shows how she has no clue how actual healthy people eat. who the fuck needs that much fresh produce? it'll go bad in a week especially since they're all smushed together.
>>885240what a weird nitpick. it's fruit. are you the type of person who only eats eggs and steamed chicken because muh carbs and sugars?
No. 885336
>>885332I was just about to comment that cramming all your fruit together is the worst way to store it.
I love when she tries to flex on people, because it always just backfires and shows how she's legitimately dumb.
No. 885347
>>885266thats kind of my point. we know she doesn't eat healthy, this is her example of "eating healthy" and its not going to help her.
>>885332a mango has about as many carbs as a candy bar, more depending on the candy bar. someone with moo's weight problems shouldn't be gorging on sugar-filled fruit. someone like moo should be eating more eggs and steamed chicken and less fruit.
No. 885352
File: 1659018864870.jpg (1.03 MB, 1079x1963, Screenshot_20220728-073417_Fir…)

>>885351It's not even deep. This is a normal amount of produce to last like 1.5 weeks imo, or a week if Moo has other peopleliving there. The shelf is FLAT. Its not going DOWN. This isn't even that much produce.
No. 885360
>>885352This seems just as delusional as Moo. There is no need for an adult to consume this much fruit. I would believe this if Moo was a vegan, even then this is a lot of fruit. No shit fruit is better for you than a candy bar, but this isn't what Moo needs in her diet. She would be 300+ pounds if it wasn't for lipo.
She has no idea about nutrition and wasn't thinking at all when she picked out these fruits. She was only thinking "heh heh rainbow colors" to take a few pictures before throwing all that fruit in the trash to fill her fridge with junk food and booze
No. 885364
>>885360Limes and lemons are probably to drink in water and cook on fish. Breaking it down its like 5 avocados, 3 mangos.. 8 apples. It rashly not much food. An apple a day, half an avocado, mango snack, cook limes with shrimps for dinner and pasta for carbs. Im not even defending Moo,but you guys are overreacting after I see theres no basket these are in. Its like sprawled on a surface. With Maddie there, her cousin (or weebking, whoever is visiting), even for 2 people it makes sense.
And kiwis are just good and sma. A good 3 is a snack,so those go fast too.
No. 885367
>>885363well of course. she may well eat all of that, other than the sour citrus fruits, but it's because she's fat, not because it's normal.
>>885364anon, no. families who use limes in every single meal don't keep that many. two adults simply don't eat that much random fruit.
No. 885368
>>885364>Limes and lemons are probably to drink in water and cook on fish.Yes. Mooriah? No. The leeches living with her? No.
>And kiwis are just good and sma. A good 3 is a snack,so those go fast too.Yes. But Mooriah eating them? No. The leeches living her? No.
No. 885376
File: 1659028631561.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1074x1916, 4C292ECD-39DC-4302-BECD-A9E90C…)

If we’re all done with the fruit debate, Moo is now pretending she’s bi and into heavy metal.
No. 885380
File: 1659029505113.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2068, 0EEB0A59-CF85-43E1-9466-52B503…)

She deleted this one after 2 hours. Unfortunately I didn’t screencap the second one but it said something about caffeine destroying your body.
No. 885383
>>885376I've never heard of bi people wearing sword earrings before. This is just an excuse to try to trick people into buying her terrible porn while flexing her terrible money choices.
>>885380She's really loves telling on herself doesn't she?
No. 885438
check notes lesbian, asexual… reincarnation of Buddha.
Seriously she’s like some kind of fucked up octopus trying to put her giant unwashed sausage tendrils into every niche internet group for the the tiniest bit of validation or attention. Anime, SU, furry, body building, witch, goth, bi as a personality now. I’m betting this stupid whore even know what her real personality is but she’s so busy faking one to try and get attention
No. 885443
File: 1659058316755.jpeg (634.12 KB, 1170x2100, DCDAFB25-66CF-4887-B17D-AE60B8…)

idk if anyone else saw this but she got called out on her “white tiger OC”. Said she never saw the original character which is such a bold faced lie.
No. 885457
>>885455Incel isn't asexual.
Mariah might not even be asexual. She might just be grossed out she can't have hot asians to fetishize in her porn instead.
No. 885461
File: 1659064680337.png (2.36 MB, 828x1792, 15C9D7C3-9F4C-4E73-8DE2-545879…)

Moo is posting more Islam bullshit
No. 885527
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The print on that suit isn’t helping the image of her stretching it to the point of tearing. She still looks like a fat toddler.
No. 885528
File: 1659111260563.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1703x1878, 261BAB15-2DE1-4F08-97BC-129DA9…)

>>885527Samefag but Martin is clearly shooting these as fast as possible just to get the hell out. What even is this expression?
No. 885530
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>>885527it's clear she's not even trying to have a normal looking nose, so I give props to her for having a remotely anime looking side profile. Guess it helps with her cosplays.
No. 885536
File: 1659113554301.jpg (1.23 MB, 1080x2042, Screenshot_20220729-095257_Ins…)

Martin will never, ever post her lol
No. 885595
>>885536because no matter what moo says people are ashamed to be associated with her. Whoever does gets free gifts, meals and bonuses from Moo. If Moo wants to be a dumbass that's fine
but people need to stop enabling her. There is no price tag big enough that's worth working with Moo. Then again I have self respect sooo
No. 885601
>>885598I feel like she's already somewhat there
She can def pay for everything fine. But I feel like it's the plastic surgeries, photostudio and paying people to hang out with her that's really causing her problems.
She isn't really in the cosplay community. But she makes enough on onlyfans to play pretend. We're just watching a delusional cow
No. 885667
File: 1659171432067.jpeg (5.52 KB, 177x285, images (1) (4).jpeg)

>>885527She looks like a yassified Planet of the Apes character
No. 885758
File: 1659228794896.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1284x2214, 584E33D0-6965-4B1F-BB57-276CE7…)

The sssniperwolf skin walk is getting even more apparent. What’s with these morons wearing fake glasses.
No. 885928
>>885887It's not curved though, anon. That's what I'm pointing out. There is zero warping and there should be at least from the top of the frame and bottom of the frame. Her cheek doesn't move or warp. These aren't prescription unless it's literally in only the right eye [the one where you can't tell at all because it's so dark on that side of her face].
>>885871Just so you know, the lens thickness isn't exactly the tell. Mine are pretty damn thin, but still have power. The tell is in the warp of the images through the lens.
No. 885994
My dear farmers, bitch has worn fake glasses since her CHING CHONG Mei days whenever she feels like skinwalking or pretending to be intelligent. It ain't that deep.
>>885461Still mad salty that Sensei didn't pick her, I see.
No. 886021
>>885863Take a wild guess lol.
>>885994We know, my dear anon. Newfags are the only ones confused about the way mooriah works.
No. 886044
File: 1659374549715.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1284x2265, AABD18AE-498E-4B71-B9ED-0F9908…)

Just who is she trying to fool with her newfound witchy aesthetic.
No. 886056
File: 1659378729276.jpg (79.87 KB, 1200x900, Retro-Review-JIM-CARREYs-The-M…)

>>886052Looking like Jim Carrey with them chompers
No. 886102
>>886009it wasn’t just that she was down bad for him, she was also reading (or pretending to read) all the woo woo “metaphysical” garbage he liked and trying to spout it herself
she definitely wanted more than a bang