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No. 466706
>pastel kawaii (KA-WHY, amirite?) vlogger/blogger but also alt tattoo grrl/alt model>tryhard fangirl for all things FF and animu (nota bene: has only played FF7 and FF15)>belligerent toward anyone who dares express love for her husbando Sephiroth>thinks she's an artist because she went to art school and never did anything with it>maintains a shop on Depop where she sells crusty old makeup and PR items she's received for free>allegedly suffers from a minimum of 4 mental disorders which she refuses to seek treatment for>complains about her student debt while paying for a personal trainer, lip fillers, and going on stupid shopping sprees overseas>makes cringe kawaii mugs and phone cases featuring her husbandos and DDlg themesRecently:
>posted photos/videos of her wearing items she also has for sale on her Depop>has taken to making skits with her figurines in where she slathers them with ketchup>proven to be a lurker here by subtly addressing anything she's called out on >threw a temper tantrum on Twitter because Gallery Nucleus didn't respond to her request to have her "art" shown at their FF exhibit / harassed said gallery via twitter on her own and through her fans / had the nerve to show up at to the gallery for the exhibit and vlog it - was obnoxious and cringe the entire time>currently in a hair and fashion identity crisis>subtweets about her alleged best friend Dre ("I like made her, you know?")>bought her Secret Santa an air horn while she got a pair of Angelic Pretty bootsSOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: THREAD:
>>>/snow/423395 No. 466827
>>466799I am shooketh that she didn't say "wat up fam itz ya boi" aaaaaaand as I'm typing that she says "one of the biggest questions ya boi gets asked" smh
Is anyone else suspicious over whether or not CosplaySky actually reached out to her for this review? It's not like she's done anything related to cosplay recently.
I feel like she is being insanely nitpicky with these. She's doing it in such an obnoxious know-it-all manner too like "look how much I know; look how good of a cosplayer I am" - the way she's analysing the sewing and the quality is so cringe since (a) she didn't know what shirring was and (b) she has someone else sew her costumes for her.
Her only legitimate criticism is the gloves. Those are just bad.
Leg day only hurts that badly when you don't exercise regularly.
LOL she's so damn short that the dress isn't short enough on her.
Okay, done live commenting.
No. 467064
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No. 467113
>>466799I will give her credit, the review seemed quite honest and she didn't say it was good just because it was sponsored. She seemed to have an idea of what she was talking about, and was honestly pretty accurate as far as I could tell.
I'm surprised she agreed to review China costumes since she usually get's custom made costumes and would therefore have a pretty good idea of what quality is like and most China costumes do not measure up. The fact that she couldn't even get her head through the neck is pretty indicative of the attention to detail.
No. 467156
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complains about student debt and being poor and having to be frugal
Buys a $600 microwave cuz ~~aesthetic~~
No. 467605
>>467574I got you fam.
Kelly starts off with Steph being in the video with lots of annoying background noise and with whoever the fuck the black girl with real and green hair is next to her. Steph is so "trendy" with her ninja star fidget spinner.
Then it's ya boi again as she's way too close to her blogging camera and the audio isn't balanced so she's loud as fuck. Reintroduces Envy. Black girl. Says ya boo I shit you not like seven times. Keeps cutting the camera to envy, then Steph, then her while trying to make annoucement so it's just loud obnoxious laughing.
When it comes back to her face there's a blur box over her nose towards her mouth. I don't fucking know. Maybe she had a snot attack part way through. (We're a minute and 30 in)
Side note they all have heavily blood shot eyes. So they might all be super high. Envy explains that she works for an animal rescue place. Great publicity with the fact they're being fools and are probably high for her organization.
More laughing and spinning the camera around and Nina? Joins them. Not actually talking about what the video is about. Kelly jokes about trying to make a "good blog about kittens and Nina ruining it."
Steph says Nina should tell the story of her cat she got for Christmas. Kelly asks Nina if she wants Kelly to tell it. Nina ignores her and then shows the camera on her phone screen the cat. Kelly doesn't put up a nice edited in picture because it's work I guess??
More ya boi talk from Kelly. As she explains Nina's boyfriend got the kitten from Envy's fosters. Kelly makes a nightmare fuel face to the camera as she exolsins that they have a clip of Nina getting the cat for Christmas.
Clip of Nina getting the cat and being sad happy and happy tears. It was actually cute.
Back to Kelly being Kelly. More nightmare fuel faces as we then get led into a video clip of Courtney also getting a surprise kitten.
Envy gets serious half a second talking about what happens to underage kittens in shelters. Then Kelly pipes in and it turns ridicolous and not at all the serious psa that they were trying for.
More ya Boi and encouraging people to foster kittens. Again ya boi from Kelly. Hideous close up of Envy's face so you can see her acne under foundation. Stephanie then chimes in again to say this ridicolous mockery of a psa really "got her in her soul." And they all obnoxiously laugh.
Cut back to Envy and then her psa. Kelly dabs for whatever reason?? Then Kelly and Envy dab "on the friendship." I don't know either. Then they dab multiple times with playing an air horn sound.
Kelly says in a annoying voice, "support your local kitties and Stephanie's Titties."
Brought to you from salty and sick.
No. 467610
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Nightmare fuel face btw
No. 467661
>>467605your summary is perfect. bless
Honestly that video was pure cringe. Such a shame, since the supposed topic would have been something good for once.
That was the least informative, most embarrassing bs psa I've ever seen. (also gagging at that thumbnail)
It was so obvious that Kelly didn't give a fuck about the kittens.
And they were high for sure. Why would you film a video about helping kittens when ur high af?? Wtf is wrong with her and her dumb friends?
Kelly, you're old and trying way too hard. You're not cool. You're not funny. You're embarrassing. You had the opportunity to do something good, but instead turned the message to shit. gj
No. 467748
>>467743 I get that but all im saying is with this time money and energy she could have looked for a shelter with a rescue pom, but she HAD to have a white puppy, which just kind of shows how she sees it more as an accessory than a dog, she even dyed the friggin animal pink for months.
There are certain breeds I love but considering the overbreeding, bad breeding, puppy mills, and huge health risk these animals get (pugs are just cruel for instance) I would never get one from a breeder, even if its a good breeder, i dont want to invest in that industry, Id rather go to a shelter and find an animal that fits my lifestyle rather then aesthetic, she locks her dog in a cupboard at night which granted is better than that tiny box thing she has for him but at the same time the cupboard wouldnt have any lights or windows does it even have proper ventilation?
Kelly is a hypocrite for trying to show how "caring" she is about adopting animals while she herself choose to buy an expensive designer dog because it had to fit her "kawaii" house
No. 467822
>>467562I don’t know what the demographic for this video is, or maybe I’m just too old.
Fidget spinners and dabbing is like 13-15yos right? So probably not able to volunteer to foster cats.
Maybe college kids? Or 22+ but I don’t think they’re into those memes? I think Kelly is trying to be too many things to stay relevant.
No. 467880
>>467718dug this up because i was bored and curious. she found a woman in springfield, mo, who was raising pom puppies. i have a feeling that the pom breeders in LA are expensive and that's part of why it took her so long to find a dog, because she eventually had to go several states away to find a puppy that she could afford. i'm p sure i found her breeder (she has a picture of toshi on her site) and the prices including the shipping cost (around $1000) are about half of what poms cost in LA even without shipping ($2000-$2500).
she says she looked at shelters too and tbh i believe her, if only because pomeranians would never last more than a day in any shelter, esp in LA. and im sure she wanted a puppy too, which really means you HAVE to go to a breeder. not much tea here except to say she's def a hypocrite lmao
No. 468025
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>>467952wow wtf. i'm sure she wanted a puppy and taking in an adult dog was unfathomable. typical.
i vaguely recalled people giving her shit last year about this and found some related tweets where she makes it seem like she really did try. a complete lie?? probably
No. 468262
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No. 468541
>>468454Dog breed matters a lot more than it does with cats with regard to temperament. I don't want to start the big ol' breed fight, but certain breeds tend towards certain traits and characteristics. Cats have a lot more variety and spread of traits, you find a lot more exceptions to breed "rules" and moggies are a lot more predictable than mutts. Those 50/50 -poo "breeds" are the worst because you never know which traits it's going to get. Certain people should stay away from certain breeds of dog because they wont make a good match. and regardless of breed or temperament it's always easier to start with a clean slate rather than trying to "unteach" (for lack of a better term) behaviours that have already stuck.
Dogs don't end up in shelters when they come from good backgrounds. They're surrendered/confiscated because the person was fucked up (Hoarding, dog fights etc) which will in turn have fucked up the dog; Or they got a breed without researching it and instilled bad behaviours and now can't handle it so surrendered it; or worst case and the dog is just inherently un-dealable-with i.e. it's incredibly aggressive towards kids and you cannot train this out of it. You basically only ever see perfect dogs because the owner tragically died or had to move away and family couldn't take it.
You can't really fuck up a cat like that, and even if you could they're too small to be seriously dangerous. It's not that much effort to rehab even the most antisocial cats as long as they're not actually feral. It's also much harder to represent the full scope of potentially dealbreaking behaviours that a dog will do at home at a shelter visit than a cat. You can't tell whether the dog is gonna do shit like bark at every noise outside or eat all of your used socks until it's home.
There are a lot of solid reasons why someone would be very picky about their breed of dog, it's not just about aesthetics for everyone. Sorry for longpost.
No. 468553
>>468541I mean I understand that there are a wider range of temperaments with dogs. I just mean that wanting ONE specific breed is a little extreme/petty/selfish/etc… to me. I am also of the opinion that "pet ownership" - and I hate using that terminology - should be about providing a loving home to a being who is otherwise stuck in poor living conditions rather than "OOH LOOK A PUPPY" - which I suspect is not the attitude which with most people approach pets.
Like I'm pretty sure there are more agreeable breeds than just one for each person is what I'm getting at.
>>468548And this. I mean she lives in an area where everything is an accessory - children, pets, mental illnesses.
No. 468644
>>468541not really, I worked in a shelter when i was younger as volunteer and our shelter actually had a lot more aggressive cats then dogs in our place, its true different breeds tend to have certain traits (and the whole thing about cat breeds not having this is nonsense too) and yes you CAN fuck up a cat badly as they are very solitary creatures and not pack animals like dogs, dogs are quicker to act submissive towards humans where as cats see us more on equal footing.
abuse a cat and it will piss off and become aggressive towards anyone trying to touch/pet it.
and the story about dogs only getting dumped at shelters for being aggressive is bull too.
aggressive dogs often wont even get adopted out since they may hurt or bite a human so they put those down.
you also dont take into account that:
-dogs who lost their owners because they died (lots of elderly people keep dogs especially small breeds like poms)
dogs who ran away/ got separated and weren't chipped therefor we cant find their original owners (the biggest reason for the dogs at our shelter)
-people divorced/ break up/ get children and decide they dont want to take care of their dog anymore since they got it together
-people straight up go on holiday and leave their dog by the side of the road cus they cant find anyone who will take care of it
-some idiot didn't neuter/spay their dog and now they have a litter of dogs they cant take care of so they dump them at the shelter (most reasons for our cat population)
-their cute puppy grew up and now it bores them
also hoarders dont outright abuse their dogs usually, the dogs end up looking like shit and matted because the owners dont have the proper means to take care of them but hoarders often dont make them aggressive, just very ill
and again, most shelters wont adopt out a problem dog because they pose a risk to society, sure shelter have shy/scared/hurt dogs who have been abused in the past but especially those dogs need a loving and caring home!
What you told us sounds more like an excuse people use to buy "fresh" designer dogs.
i usually feel people are possibly more picky about their dogs then cats because you are actually going to walk it in public and therefor you want a special kind of dog to walk by your side to impress the population or something.
so yes certain breeds are known for certain traits but that doesn't mean going for a "used" dog isnt an option… in fact most aggression in certain breeds also stems from over breeding, pains they suffer due to health problems IN their breeds, puppies who never got to spend enough time with mother/litter mates because the puppy mill ripped them away too young and so on.
tldr: its about 99% reason aesthetic for most people and they have terrible excuses
(derailing) No. 468725
>>468721the discussion is happening because she made a video about the importance of adopting shelter animals to make herself look better. And again, can we stop pretending she choose toshi's breed for its temperament instead of the fact she wanted to dye it pink?
Kelly bought a designer dog so it would fit her look and that's why she loves it, not because its a breathing living animal that doesn't deserve getting locked up in a dark stuffy hall closet
No. 468733
>>468548Yeah I agree
>>468553Well, when you also have to consider things like size, coat type and energy levels/walking needs you might end up with a very small pool of breeds to choose from. For some people it's more about trying to be as responsible as you can within your means.
>>468644All of what you said is true, I was trying to be as concise as possible, because it's offtopic, as to why someone might be hesitant about adopting a dog from a shelter. Obvs not every person is responsible and I totally agree that for most people it's about aesthetic or cool points - and you're right that those dogs end up in shelters because people get bored of them. But t's not always about wanting to have a perfect designer pet, it can be about accepting your limits and wanting to get a pet you know you're capable of providing a great home for. This all goes way more for first time pet owners who have no personal experience to rely on. I'm not saying every dog in a shelter is super messed up either, just that it's much harder even to start with a dog who's had an unsteady start.
I didn't say cat breeds don't exhibit particular traits, I said you get more exceptions to general "rules" about breeds. imo rehabbing cats is much easier than dealing with boisterous dogs. Like I'd prefer a nasty cat over as big excitable doggo who jumps and pulls. Just my opinion though.
for what it's worth I think most people go into pet ownership irresponsibly and don't think about it hard enough, let alone think about it hard enough that they want this one breed of dog because of solid reasoning. They think of pets as accessories. But some people do - anon was originally saying they didn't get why if someone loved animals the would opt for a specific breed. Just trying to give an insight into why someone might be particular.
Nine times out of ten it's probs just vanity though and it's kind of irrelevant to whether Kelly is hypocritical or not. and just why do something you're always gonna have to hide and lie about.
No. 468929
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>>468669Kelly "I'm a size XS" Eden
Lass, you're bulging out of that XS you're wearing
No. 468963
>>468944>>468929Sage for irrelevance, but her arms always weirded me out. Sorry to be an ass, but… they're just so fat?? She always photoshops them so much in pictures, which then looks dumb with her tattoos.
Her wrists are fatter than anyone else's in her friend group.
It's not a good look, especially with her already stumpy body and massive fake tits.
No. 468975
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Speaking of her accessory dog, she just posted this nasty video of him licking her tits on Instagram. I almost thought it was her ass at first.
No. 468984
>>468982Look less
* fat, I mean. My bad lol
No. 469002
>>468975Why the ever loving fuck did Kelly think this was a cute pic? Toshi probably shoved his nose between her boobs cus he smells her gross sweat because she doesn't clean properly between her fake tits.
She probably just wanted to post a boob picture onto the internet but out of fear of getting labelled a slut or attention whore she threw in her dog. More proof she just used it as an prop rather than a companion
No. 469019
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He was also biting/pulling on her bra it kinda reminded me of the cool moms dog in mean girls with her implants.
No. 469179
>>468669I think it’s funny how she goes off into a tangent about how it’s ok to buy cosplay on eBay and such because she did it for her very first cosplay, as if she doesn’t still. She tries to make it sound like she
used to buy costumes when she first started and it’s like she’s trying to give off the impression she makes them herself now. She doesn’t make anything herself. She literally has a seamstress and is given costumes for crappy sponsored reviews like this one or for jobs at cons she applied for.
Another problem I have is her excuses for not liking F13. How was in any way was it taking another direction? The concept of the storyline is pretty similar to most FF games. Group of underdogs band together and take on political injustice and save the world. The only “teen angst” even remotely present in the game is Hope but the whole point of his character is to show him grow from being a whiny scared kid into a young man who faces his problems head on. That game did beyond well financially hence the reason it had two sequels. The only issue with the game is how linear it is until end game. The voice acting was fine, with maybe Vanille being an exception; she was irritating at times in battle because she made porn starry noises. But overall her voice was fine. There wasn’t anything that made FF13 any different from previous installments aside from the battle system so I really don’t understand the harsh criticism coming from her. If she loves the series “so much” there’s no reason she shouldn’t have been able to at least finish this game and somewhat enjoy it. She needs to stop projecting herself as this diehard fan who loves ALL THINGS Final Fantasy when she clearly has played only two out of like 20+ games from the series.
No. 469654
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I apologize if I'm wrong or if this was posted in a different thread, but is this Kelly? I was look at a few of those "I was just in this really pretty pose and omg my camera went off" pictures and thought it looked like her. It wouldn't surprise me either, she seems pretty fake and self absorbed to do this kind of thing.
No. 469941
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No. 470251
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>>470244I can't believe how disrespectful they were. They even used that airhorn sound while other guests were next to them.
Someone posted this screenshot on PULL. Comment got deleted ofc. I wonder how many people are actually fed up with her bs by now.
No. 470332
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Funny bc she consistently complains about the color
No. 470495
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>>470481some guy with long hair doing yo-yo tricks?
No. 470978
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>>469654>I took this photo of myself by accident This is exactly like that one meme
The camera turned on by itself, I am not a model
No. 471675
>>471605Yeah I don't like that trope either but this is exactly what I first thought when I first learned about her.
She's just a try hard trying to force her way into ~nerdy~ things to seem more interesting or something.
No. 472122
>>471217 The outcome looked literally nothing like the picture she had posted for the thumbnail…. and she used shitty limecrime products she just recently got(?) I doubt any of that was used in the original look considering limecrime didn't have highlights etc until recently… I might be nitpicking but like dude it's such an easy look to re-do…
like maybe had she actually tried to use something actually comparable to past makeup and had the same end result as pictured I would of been down because she wasn't so "ITS YA BOIIII"
cue airhorn and that I appreciate, but the look as a whole was a mess and looked nothing like how she use to look, even the lip colour was waaaaaaay off. like she's an "artist" who "went to art school and graduated" and "worked for m.a.c and anastasia beverly hills" but somehow can't pull off an old, very simple makeup look without trashing it up… or idk, actually be original and do something new???
I really don't understand, she has so much makeup and wigs and clothes, she could put real time into a look and video but just doesn't because she's lazy…. it's so fucking sad everyone warships her blindly
No. 472388
Couldn't make it through
No. 472446
Taking one for the team.
>>472321>>472386Kelly and Steph in car. Making air horns and "ya bois-ing" all over the place. Talking about going to Anime Impulse. Talking about how Kelly has done it for three years and this is Steph's first year.
Explains what Anime Impulse is.
Cut to traffic. Talk about LA sucking because of the traffic. Blah blah
Dabbing and talking about trying to park, etc…pretending they're narrating their lives. More parking complaining. Really boring and unnecessary.
Talks about her butt sticking to the car seat cause shorts. Being really dramatic about leaving the car and finding where to go even though Kelly's been there 3 years.
Freaking out over some Noctis fanart.
Still going on about Ya Bois.
Run into Vivka and Envy and airhorning and screaming obnoxiously. Envy's shirt is busting open with her tits.
Stops at some booth where her 'friend' KeneticCosplay talking about some app they created to try on cosplays. Idfk.
Obnoxiously talking to another booth and their jackets. Girl gives Kelly her business card, Kelly shows the card to the camera and gives it back to the girl instead of keeping it. Rude.
Kelly has broken away from everyone. Finds some lolita stuff. Runs back into Envy. Freaking out over some stupid kawaii booth headbands. Girl heading the booth tells Kelly she's being creepy (gg). Kelly laughs it off and keeps screaming.
Cut to them singing the Sponge Bob theme.
Steph eating Nerds. Go on a huge tangent with Steph over Pejoy vs. Pocky.
Kelly is talking about 2018 being the year of the ita bag. Trying to act like she knows so much about ita bags like she was the frontrunner for them in the U.S. or something.
All sitting on the floor pretending to be animals. Saying they're "part of the petting zoo" what even?
Going on and on about the animals they want to be. Why do they think this in entertaining?
More walking through the con.
Cut to outside. Talking to some girls eating "D cakes" that look like huge black cocks. Now they're on the hung to get their own.
Kelly proclaims about buying crap from some company she's allegedly going to work with them.
Loudly asking Steph if she's thirsty for the D. Airhorning still.
Finally find the dick donuts. Kelly films them skewering it with the stick. Films Steph being lewd with the donut cause it's a huge dick. Insert lots of sophomoric dick stuff.
Steph finally bites into it. Talks about how good it tastes. Awkward pornographic footage of Steph continuing to eat the donut. Everyone else tastes it. Kelly tries it and tries to make a joke about having bad dick in the past.
Lots of obnoxious loling about Steph's pic with the donut.
Ends with Envy yelling cheat day.
A really useless vlog.
No. 472450
>>472446samefag here
Hunt* not hung (super Freudian slip)
No. 472641
>>472506It was a hard go, but I did my best.
They are the type of people that I do my best to actively avoid. Always talking extra loudly because they want their "quirkiness" to be on display at all times. No one fucking cares.
No. 472980
>>472641Not so shocking at this point. That's the same shit teenage girls do to get attention because their self esteem is so low they have to over project to everyone else how funny and quirky and silly they are, when they're just rude and annoying to everyone.
Very telling of their maturity level.
No. 473195
>>471637>>472321>>472446GOD the screaming? She screams SO much in this video. Like the earsplittingly high pitched weeaboo “reee” that was in fashion with 14 year olds in 2009.
Kelly. You are almost thirty. That kind of shrill obnoxious noises are pleasant for NO one.
No. 473395
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*what clothing companies should I relentlessly harass into sending me free shit so I can make a shitty review video to nitpick the items they were kind enough to send me for free even though I’m the one who reached out to them in the first place?
No. 473424
>>473395To be honest, I prefer when someone nitpicks in a review, especially when it's sponsored. I prefer honest reviews over ass kissing reviews any day of the week - why else would I watch a review video?
That said, I don't really trust Kelly's opinion and would prefer she just skip review videos all together because we all know she is only doing them to double dip on her profits by getting money for the review and money from selling the items on her Depop.
No. 474375
>>470251They just absolutely hit the nail on the head.
>>470244>kelly: ~ugh~ why is cat-calling still a thing? why are they not ~WOKE~>man thing in back: it's yo burando~~lmao. Kelly is like the definition of "How do you do fellow kids". She's always desperately trying to pander to kawaii/lolita and nerdy anime/gamer crowds.
Really hope she stops pretending she's a lolita, both in how she dresses and especially how she acts in teahouses. I legitimately wondered if Kelly was like mentally off with how she acted in this video, but then I remembered she's just a narcissist and attention whore.
No. 474486
Kelly ABSOLUTELY has responsibility on what goes on her channel and how it affects her viewers. Sorry, no, once you are 'famous' your life is no longer your own, you do NOT get to pander (and YES she does pander, she knows the majority of her viewers are kids, she no longer gets to hide behind I NEVER SAID I WAS A KID CHANNEL) to teens and young kids but then posts a video of grown ass women giving fellatio to a dessert dick. I used to be a big fan but now I'm seeing a broken, dysfunctional, severely low esteemed woman who used to create and contribute but is now… what the hell is she doing? She doesn't contribute anything, she's hanging out with skanks and porn stars, acting like a fucking 12 year old on crack, and is absolutely self absorbed, obnoxious and deaf and dumb to all legitimate criticism on why her behavior isn't acceptable. I'm really disappointed. I knew there was something that niggled me about her from the beginning but now I'm seeing it fullstop. She's a lost, confused fucked up individual and I can't see this channel lasting for much longer, especially if she keeps courting the adult sex business. Talk about fake feminism - talking about lifting women up when you participate in a culture that routinely shits all over women, uses them and spits them out like garbage. She got a fucking boob job because she lives in LA and is one step away from doing porn work. What a great thing for eleven year olds to look up to. Be like Kelly! Grown up and get a boob job so you too can be part of an industry that treats women like disposable cum rags. awesome. Fuck youtube stars.
No. 474497
>>474486>>473766>>474260I agree with both sides of this. I think that parents today have gotten so lazy that they don't really pay attention to or care what their children are consuming as far as media goes. And then one day their daughter comes home declaring she's moving to LA to get a tit job and start sucking cock for money and they wonder how it came to this.
But at the same time it's definitely important for someone who is any sort of famous to be aware of who their audience is. This is in part why people like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift are hated - they had huge fanbases of very young girls, and then suddenly just switched to trashy or adult themes. Obviously they were famous from a young age, so they're going to want to grow up their content as they also grew up, but it leaves their fans wondering wtf or following along because that's what their idol is doing.
No. 474804
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>>474743And top it all off, her moronic fans are commenting on his most recent photo telling him to shoot with her.
This most recent photo btw has a caption discussing his past battle with cancer.
No. 474967
If your child is so heavily influenced by someone like Kelly, then you probably failed or are failing as a parent. I understand she is somewhat "famous" and should carry herself with a bit more tact than she does but she's also a grown woman and isn't babysitting her underage fans. That's on the parent. Again I'm not understanding how she's ever come off as anything less than PG-13, unless you want to use the logic that having pink hair and going to Disneyland a few times means you have to be kid friendly. How is it any different than young girls looking up to Kylie Jenner or the Kardashians or whatever?
I think Kelly is a trashy bimbo and honestly a huge fucking cunt and I'd much rather defend someone else on this, but I doubt she ever asked to have a lot of underage fans. I just don't think she has that sort of responsibility to her underage viewers or their parents.
>>474806This is so embarrassing. Especially considering what the post is about. So tacky.
No. 475127
>>474486I hate defending Kelly in any way, but I don't really think it's reasonable to say she has a responsibility to post kid friendly content just because she has a lot of underage fans when she's not branding herself as a kid's channel in any way. Her vlog has always been PG13-R and she's always hung out with porn stars, as well as posting racy photos herself. Ffs she even has "whore" above her vanity. Honestly, anon, you sound like one of those soccer moms freaking out about how shows like South Park and Rick and Morty need to tone it down because they're somehow responsible to the kids who watch them when they're not even the target demographic and clearly meant for adults. Plus, why be so judgey over the fact she's friends with porn stars? I agree that the porn industry is awful, but how does being so harsh and judgemental toward the women who work in it give you any moral high ground?
No. 475137
>>475127Won't somebody think of the children?
Agreed with the linked post.
Some children watch this Youtuber
with their moms. Kids aren't completely naïve, and there's nothing in her videos that would upset a kid. The dicc donut video is
middle school humor in itself. Adult mature women don't think penis' are so hilarious, but a kid does.
No. 475204
>>475188Not that anon, but no I wouldn't care as long as they were healthy, well adjusted adults who made that decision after careful consideration of the condsquences.
That said, kelly and co are not healthy, well-adjusted adults. They're desperate sellouts who didn't want to get real jobs so they resorted to showing tits online and pandering to shitty scammer companies for promotion.
No. 475213
>>475204Dropped my sage.
It's also pretty telling that only about 3 of Kelly's friends have real jobs and the rest are patreon cosplay whores.
No. 475232
>>475191Agreed. I'm that anon who was all like "THINK OF THE KIDS!!" (although I don't have kids). It's cool if Kelly hangs out with cos-thots but if she wants a steady successful career that goes beyond youtube, she needs to carefully re-think her association. A lot of famous people have dropped their past acquaintances to move on and be seen in new circles in order to have a new better image. That's just how branding works. Sanrio didn't want a rep spokesperson associated with XXX rated models, because Sanrio sells to children and it just doesn't look good for their image, period.
Saged. Let's get back to discussing Kelly.
No. 475332
>>475232Its because Kelly is fucking stupid and wants ""kawaii"" sponsors, not because she wants to appear kid friendly. There are actual adults who have worked with Sanrio, who also act as adults. I won't deny the reason sanrio chose not to work with her is probably because of her trashiness and such but still. She's never carried herself as kid friendly but she is dumb as bricks for thinking kid friendly companies would want to work with her for the most part.
Saging even though this really isn't off topic and does have to do with Kelly.
No. 475399
File: 1516374901103.png (701.35 KB, 876x549, luna.png)

sorry for samefagging
but could you imagine knowing that Ray Chase was going to narrate your youtube video and this is the end makeup look!
How is this Luna?!
where's the effort?
No. 476170
I could care less about Kelly being skanky and having NSFW shit on her channel even though a lot of kids watch her. She's nowhere near as bad as people like the Pauls, Ricegum, Keemstar, iDubbbz, and countless others. I guess I've just become so desensitized from far worse content creators with huge underage fan bases. I really don't see YouTube as appropriate for children at all tbh.
What upsets me in regards to Kelly's responsibility to her audience is the mental health stuff. Unprofessional diagnosing is such a huge problem, especially among teenagers, and she kind of encourages it by frequently discussing her undiagnosed disorders. It's just so inappropriate for someone who isn't formally diagnosed to be giving advice on how to handle such serious disorders like bipolar. I'm also wondering what exactly makes her so convinced she has bipolar? Obviously, I know that she's not going to share everything with the internet, but anyone who knows people with bipolar will confirm it's a lot more than being "up and down". People with bipolar are literally manic (hence why its other name is manic depression), it goes so far beyond "oh, I've been super happy the past month, but now I'm depressed". From what Kelly has described, it sounds like she just has normal depression. She really needs to see a therapist and get it figured out.
No. 476251
>>476180lmao that crazy photoshopped clickbait thumbnail. and then you see her chubby body in the video. Kelly, we all know you look nothing like that.
She recently posted that same picture on IG (again) and several people were pointing out that she looks a lot less skinny in her videos. She deleted those comments ofc.
I still liked the video though. Good for her, that she does something for her health! Maybe this will help with her insecurities
No. 476397
>>476313This is so stupid, I don't even know what to say. How is she a mental health advocate? This only encourages armchair diagnosis and not seeking actual treatment… "Just like Kelly does"
She made a video on BetterHelp to get that sweet affiliate money from her emotionally unstable young followers. One of her nasties actions to date imo. Imagine wanting to cash out on your fans' mental issues…
No. 476566
>>476313Video is about people with mental illness being taken advantage of by cigarette companies. She says in the video "…people who struggle with mental health issues. People like me."
You'd think a company would use actual people with mental health issues and who are real advocates instead of people who just use it for attention. And who don't even have the problems they claim to. Do literally any research on the people you use in your ads. I hate this.
No. 476570
File: 1516506804305.jpeg (644.83 KB, 3264x2448, 7C7A5D9D-AEE6-4126-B648-88656D…)

Just an FYI, It looks like Stephanie and Kelly were arguing.
I saw them all ignore Stephanie for like 10 mins.
No. 476574
File: 1516507441968.jpg (51.54 KB, 525x561, Unbenannt.JPG)

>>476570Omg Kelly just posted this on twitter. The timing! Steph doesn't look too happy…
No. 476575
File: 1516507492926.jpg (523.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180121-010437.jpg)

>>476570Anon, bless you.
I'm a ff noob and is there any reason for Kelly to look this yellow?
No. 476578
File: 1516507708984.jpg (96.41 KB, 680x904, Unbenannt.JPG)

>>476574oops sorry, here u can see it better. twitter cut her head off lel
No. 476605
File: 1516509771248.png (142.47 KB, 467x349, Bunny_from_the_PowerPuff_Girls…)

Jesus fucking Christ kelly, your trainer has smaller calves than you. And i hope you rotate workout routines because that's an awful lot of shoulder and arm workouts. Get a different trainer because he's making you look like Bunny.
No. 476642
>>476553I love how she says she gets up super early to workout and she gets out of bed by like 640. Takes the time to get dressed, take toshi out, drink coffee and eat a cholesterol filled breakfast AND it takes an hour to get there. My guess is she doesn't get to the gym until 8 or 830. That is NOT early.
Also lol at her trying to stretch in supta virasana. Girl is not flexible.
Her burpee form is terrible.
She's not engaging her core in any of the core related exercises she's doing.
I have an extremely hard time believing she's doing as much as she claimed for each exercise because she's just not sweating or flushing at all.
Nothing says "I'm serious about my health" like having someone else take care of the nutrition factor for you. They also must not be doing a great job if she needs that many damn supplements. If you're eating right you shouldn't need any supplements (save for B12 if you're vegan).
Also p.s. organic means fucking nothing. Gawd. She is the type of idiot to think food is healthier because it's organic. Kek
No. 476704
File: 1516523217371.jpg (444.1 KB, 1236x1568, IMG_20180120_223632446~01~01.j…)

She walked straight past me - she looked hotter irl in my opinion. Check the look on the girl next to her though
No. 476749
>>476578Anyone else notice how in the pic in
>>476570 her and Steph are next to each other, but in the pic Kelly Tweeted the other two are inbetween them?
Looks like this farmer might actually be telling the truth, unlike the one who made up that story about the standby line that ended up confirmed false.
No. 476913
>>476846"I don't deal with hate comments I just delete them"
Comments that are critical of your behavior, even sometimes in a polite way =/= hate comments and she still chooses to delete them.
Lmao way out of touch with reality, that one is.
No. 476916
File: 1516559008346.png (1.37 MB, 1440x1397, 20180121_121618.png)

>>476846>"A couple of months ago some lolita girls made a couple of I hate kelly eden videos and I just didn't even watch them because I'm a 28 year old woman and I don't care"Lmao the crazy face she made saying that makes me think otherwise 1000%. And Lor wasn't even hating on her. Guarantee she's referring to Lor and Tyler, no doubt.
Goddamn her ego is so fucking fragile.
No. 477067
>>476916She blocked Lor after that video. So, either she's straight up lying or she blocked Lor without even seeing what she had to say in the video. Someone should point that out in the comments. I would, but I don't have a YT account.
Also, it really pisses me off that she clearly still sees no wrong in how she handled the AP situation.
No. 477091
I didn't watch the video. The comments here and her reaction here
>>476916 made it all too predictable. She claps back without checking her mouth.
No. 477271
File: 1516581482513.jpeg (174.77 KB, 1280x720, 0F08A4C6-9F2B-4213-8EE7-0D799E…)

>>477067Someone did! And the fans claimed Kelly wasn’t talking about Lor at all.
I’m waiting for Kelly to delete this comment
No. 477374
File: 1516590250307.jpg (429.58 KB, 810x1327, 01837367383853.jpg)

Saw this comment on her instagram
No. 477798
File: 1516644453617.png (1.69 MB, 1242x2208, 4C9F2CCE-0E92-4072-AF02-A70609…)

Didn’t we know Kelly’s last name already? She posts photos with her sister, tagging her, it’s the same last name…
(Or was it just the middle name we didn’t know?)
No. 477942
>>476846I like how she blames her bipolar disorder and depression for why she struggles with motivation. I have a small channel and zero mental illnesses, and I struggle with the same stuff. It's not unique to having mental illness. Literally everyone goes through ups and downs like that. What even.
LOL "I was never taught about animal rights" So that prevents you from caring about animals? She's such an idiot.
HAHAHAHAHAH the way she pronounces Nier Automata. WOW. Has she never heard anyone talk about the game? Does she know the prefix "auto" and how it's pronounced, or nah?
"Block the person if you have to" - girl, you block people who offer you correction or constructive criticism and you block people who do it ONCE. That's not hate and it's not some sort of harassment.
She trying so hard to talk about how she ignores her haters, but Kelly we know you lurk here. That's how you keep subtly addressing the shit we call you out on. Pff
No. 478262
>>477566I wonder too.
It's got to be someone she knows IRL, right?
No. 478401
File: 1516672950221.jpeg (78.02 KB, 750x429, 3974BC51-FDB2-498E-9998-BE6723…)

How hard is it to freaking private message them? How unprofessional do you have to be to post it and sick your fans on them. I hope he doesn’t respond or tells her no. Ugh.
No. 478414
File: 1516673442860.png (3.21 MB, 2502x1274, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 9.05…)

>>475399 I really don't understand at all what she was thinking being such a huge super fan and all… if you google "luna human form" you will see in literally every photo is a very distinct image of what human Luna would look like… c'mon Kelly this took me two seconds and I'm sure her or Dre have a wig that could work. Goddamn I'm sick of this bitch claiming to be such a die hard fan, if you're gonna fake it at least do some quick googling, stop being so goddamn lazy when it comes to your tutorials and closet cosplays….
No. 478427
>>478417 OH! I'm not into that fandom so thats my own bad… I actually know nothing about anything FF related. I sincerely
thought she meant Luna the cat… and was like ummmm?? but I refuse to watch her videos or support her lmao. thats half relieving though depending on what Luna from FF looks like.
No. 478430
File: 1516673851787.jpeg (204.59 KB, 1920x1080, 8BC8C745-77A9-42A9-AFA7-CF1B48…)

>>478427nope it’s still awful! kek
No. 478687
File: 1516704851487.jpg (531.15 KB, 1000x1000, photomagic(1)(8).jpg)

I had to edit this photo to be the correct colors. The original looks buttercup yellow on my device
No. 478762
File: 1516712834513.jpg (29.69 KB, 600x450, k.jpg)

this is on her myspace which is public yet she still wonders why sanrio didn't want to be associated with her? on top of all of the other implied nudes and such of her ofc No. 478876
>>478698Yeah if you search someone's maiden name it'll still show up even if they legally changed it from marriage. Jeez.
>>478687Even with the colour correction it looks bad. What made her think it looked good. Everyone is pointing out how yellow she looks, so it's not just your device.
No. 479106
File: 1516737267244.png (869.24 KB, 940x794, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at 2.48…)

this popped on my facebook this morning… OKAY Kelly. why don't you get fucking professional help if you're SUCH an advocate for mental health…. like seriously this must be a huge cash cow for her to keep milking and still do nothing about her "self-diagnosed" claims of being bipolar.
No. 479475
File: 1516752483869.png (147.07 KB, 369x400, Screenshot 2018-01-23 at 4.06.…)

>>479470>go makeup shopping>complains that comments are talking about her use of "ya boi" alot. They made a drinking game out of it>Dre and Kelly are cosplaying Steven Universe's Amethyst and Lapis respectively>go to Pinup Girl Clothing, Porto's bakery>Kelly gets a cookie and a potato ball>"some creepy dude" came up to them during lunch and said he wanted to eat Kelly's hair because it looked like cotton candy. This threatened them enough to eat lunch quickly and leave >Kelly asks Dre is she'll use the prosthetic lips for Amethyst (see picture)Kind of struck me as weird she would ask that. Sorry for being a tumblrfag but Amethyst is modeled after a POC so
No. 479536
File: 1516754891674.png (13.55 KB, 592x86, Screenshot 2018-01-23 at 4.47.…)

No. 479767
File: 1516767555712.png (27.96 KB, 614x215, Screenshot 2018-01-23 at 8.18.…)

Can you imagine
No. 479818
File: 1516769955161.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, 7C61F2CF-B97D-4910-B935-A2CE0C…)

Two things:
She sold this on depop for $30, not including shipping.
This looks NOTHING like Kelly
No. 479889
File: 1516772743965.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 1A32D971-2832-403F-8955-E2F73D…)

Sure, Kelly. That dress TOTALLY fits you.
No. 480025
>>479684>>479597I'm curious how much it would actually cost her. I've known a lot of people who use money as an excuse not to see a therapist when it would cost them $25 a session and they have no problem spending way more than that regularly on random shit they don't need. I'm guessing Kelly is one of those people.
Tin foil, but I wonder if the real reason she doesn't want to go is because she's worried a therapist will diagnose her with different things and she won't be able to call herself bipolar anymore.
No. 480029
>>479988>>480025She used BetterHelp, which is $180 a month, so she could definitely afford some therapy sessions.
I also agree, she would not like to be confronted with reality during actual therapy. Because she is not some poor little girl, she's a grown ass woman with (mostly) made up issues. She doesn't want to be pulled out of her dream world. It's sad actually. And infuriating for people with actual mental health problems.
No. 480067
>>480029 she definitely romanticises bipolar disorder in a way that actual bipolar people seekeing treatment would never do.
she also doesn’t seem to understand what manic episodes of bipolar disorder are actually like, she says that she goes from being happy to sad, and that’s not how bipolar works at all.
she doesn’t see a psychologist because she doesn’t want to and can survive without one, and because she doesn’t want a psychologist to point out the fact that she’s not bipolar.
No. 480089
>>479818This is just bad
It barely looks anything like her, she just looks like a mother trying desperately to stay "young and hip"
The shopper was an intern surely?
No. 480168
>>480069She'd probably find out she's got BPD (at most), which is apparently still a popular one to claim and doesn't require as many pesky inimitable criteria to be diagnosed as bipolar does.
sage for mentalhealth blogging
No. 480212
>>480189The girl in the Luna costume looks so annoyed… And Kelly is just her usual frumpy self.
And Kelly, girl… My father is an alcoholic too and I drink to forget it. It's ok if you do too.
No. 480223
>>480212I meant Tifa. Wtf, brain.
No. 480467
>>480189Everyone seemed tense.
No one wanted to engage unless 1 person was alone with her at the concert.
No. 480605
>>480553I guessed you were the same Anon since you did the same
taking a photo of her from behind while she's walking away thing. She may be everywhere but you have photographed and been to the same event as her twice which is…hmm. Anyway pretty sure it's namefagging to ID yourself on here so be careful
No. 480609
>>480605It sounds like anon just likes final fantasy and lives in LA, considering both events were FF related. Of course they're going to run into her.
But yeah careful with identifying yourself
No. 480787
File: 1516855063658.jpeg (175.43 KB, 1020x1017, 4776FDC3-9D85-4402-B63B-E3303D…)

I can’t tell if she was honest or sarcastic about not getting compliments.
That said, dear fuck her “rinoa” outfit was utter shite and I’m glad they called her a simpsons Cosplay.
No. 480898
>>480553You mean the shit you claimed she said at the gallery that was confirmed false by the gallery itself?
Sounds like vendetta.
No. 480918
>>480553Anon, you've gone to two separate events, took three pictures of Kelly from behind without her knowledge and keep insisting a story that was already proven false by the event itself happened. Not to mention, you said you never planned on posting the first photo and only did to prove you were there. Which makes me wonder if you've done this sort of thing more than we're aware of.
It was one thing when you just took the pic from outside the gallery, but now that it's become a pattern, it's safe to say that you're approaching stalker territory. At the very least, you have a very unhealthy obsession with Kelly that you seriously need to get a grip on.
As for the fight you claim you witnessed, I fail to see how you could have known they were fighting from the distance you were from them unless they were screaming. Plus, since you've already been caught lying before, everything you say should be assumed to be bullshit anyway.
And before anyone tries to act like this isn't super creepy behavior, imagine someone was doing the exact same thing to you or one of your friends instead of someone you hate. You would be idiots to ignore the blatant red flags. Anyone who doesn't find this weird as fuck has serious issues.
Also, tin foil, but I'm kind of wondering if this person is the stalker Kelly mentioned having in that one QA.
No. 480924
>>479767While none of the gems have boobs, Peridot is the last one that should be cosplayed by someone with tits bigger than their head.
Just fucking imagine how awful it would look
No. 481077
>>481040>If you’re going to use the logic of “imagine if it was you or your friend” then why are you even on a thread dedicated to discussing and exposing her?There's a difference between discussing her
problematic behavior and photographing her secretly multiple times at different events. Also, I don't think being a public figure means it's justified for all boundaries and normalcy to fly out the window?
>>481065You can see her in public without secretly photographing her and making up fake stories, though.
No. 481085
>>480918 Not that anon but the LA community really isn't that big, especially the video game scene.
I live in AZ and see Nigri fucking everywhere because it's a small place and there's only a set amount of nerd events in the year. Am I suddenly stalking her?
I've been to LA cons too and have also seen Momokun and eden before. If I had been on lolcow at that time I would've taken pics too. Sorry for feeding into this but I really doubt that anon is stalking, it just seems like they like FF. Which the LA community for that is even smaller, of course they're going to run into the self proclaimed biggest FF fan.
No. 481093
>>481091Mainly just cause of the ridiculous amount of shoop they all use, and hall shots at cons are the only place you can see them unshoooped.
Tons of people in the momokun thread right now are saying how they're excited to find her at ALA this weekend and get pics up close, and not a single person is yelling "STALKER" there. It's just normal cow protocol.
No. 481097
>>481093I feel like doing it at a con is different because random people taking pics of you without asking is 110% to be expected. That's not the case with the two FF events Kelly went to.
But yeah, the shoop thing makes a lot of sense.
>>481094That makes sense too.
No. 481098
>>481094This too, if someone tells a story about a cow most people will demand pictures as proof. Which has happened numerous times in eden threads
Are those anons demanding proof stalkers now as well?
It's just the culture here.
You're on an anonymous gossip site where we put people on pedestals to shame them. Of course people will snap pics if they see a cow out in the wild, they're no less than celebrities here.
It's no different than TMZ. Which of course isn't any better, but in the end this is a gossip website.
No. 481320
File: 1516914449246.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 0C0DB4D3-83FB-478E-93AE-AE7F28…) I’ve never looked at “her” merchandise before but you know what? It looks exactly like what you think it would.
No. 481390
>>481230if youre freaking out over photos being taken from afar, lmfao bitch leave.
this cow isnt getting hurt and its fun seeing her not shopped.
so take your white knight ass out of her and go drink coffee with Lina.
No. 481449
>>481082Kelly IS her own white knight on here. Are we still holding out that that isn't true?
We know for a fact that she lurks here constantly and that this thread drives her insane.
No. 481827
>>481486NTA but those are pretty obvious points. You simply can't refute them, so accusing them of being Kelly is all you can come up with.
>>481449You people really need to learn what a whiteknight actually is.
Seriously though, I get you guys see nothing weird about sneaky picture taking because that's not uncommon here, but that's not how it works in the real world. Try explaining to someone IRL that you secretly take pics of random social media influencers when they're not in a setting where it's acceptable (like a con) because it's okay on your gossip image board and see what they think.
>WHITEKNIGHT!>hi Kelly No. 481868
>>481827>but that's not how it works in the real worldLMFAO people take secret pics all the time to laugh at randos, not even just like social media people.
kelly probably gets stacy type girls snapping photos of her weird hair and fugly clothes all the time. hell, some of my more normie friends have snapped photos of creepy ana-chan looking bitches and ridiculously ugly people to gawk at with me later. it's not uncommon. gtfo.
No. 481875
>>481827you probably shouldnt be on lolcow. i mean that in the like, most helpful/kind way lol.
in other news, new vid. it's all about her going fuchsia pink for this hair dye company. she still looks way better in pastel imo
No. 481927
>>481893It's one of the worst ones in my opinion, right above color jamz
It's shitty middle school hair dye that bleeds if you sweat to much.
It was funny seeing her in the makeup store in one of her videos, and seeing how shocked she was at all the hair dye they had.
Poor thing is sheltered an blinded by her scene days.
No. 482058
File: 1516994513519.jpg (93.07 KB, 1133x593, Unbenannt.JPG)

>>481875That's what Steph used to look like??? Holy shit. She was such a natural beauty.
No. 482144
File: 1517000726599.jpeg (Spoiler Image,391.15 KB, 1242x1231, 5D3AA162-9EFA-4C61-A4A3-98F87C…)

I feel like this will be Toshi if she keeps dying his hair.
No. 482257
>>481320From the Society6 terms of service:
"You represent and warrant that:
you own all intellectual property rights in your Content or that you have obtained all copyrights, trademark rights, rights of publicity and other rights required for you to make your Content available through the Society6 Services, to manufacture, distribute and sell Products that include your Content and to grant Society6 the rights granted to it in these Terms;
your Content and the manufacture, distribution and sale of Products that include your Content does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, including without limitation any copyright, moral rights, trademark, patent, right of publicity or right of privacy…."
No. 482267
>>482257I've wondered about the legality of the things she sells.
Someone should report her for blatant copyright infringement. She's a really good artist, there's no reason she can't make her own images without stealing others.
No. 482311
>>482301She could still feel uncomfortable discussing her same sex attractions, that's not uncommon with LGBT people for a while after they come out.
Or she's using it for attention.
No. 482323
File: 1517018061908.png (325.94 KB, 1239x1853, IMG_1665.PNG)

We see you lurking kelly.
Helping with one thing doesn't count as being a cosplayer…
No. 482490
File: 1517035087776.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1425, 97A90C57-7974-4482-BFB3-897DED…)

Why doesn’t the rest of the fellowship ever cosplay with kelly or stephanie?
No. 482555
>>482508To be fair, she is the one dressed as Sailor Moon, so it would be really weird for her not to be in the center for this set.
That being said, it does kind of seem like the Fellowship revolves around her. In one of her vlogs she talks about how she was really depressed at Steph's wedding, and Steph was super sweet and understanding about it.
If I were in Steph's position, I would be so fucking disappointed in her. Like really, you can't just keep your bad mood to yourself and at least pretend to be happy on the most important day of your best friend's life thus far? There's no justification for that unless like her dog died that week or some other super awful shit.
No. 482648
>>482552Nono, you're mistaken, she is not PLUS SIZE she is a naturally curvy and thicc woman and anyone who thinks differently is MISTAKEN and BODY SHAMING!
She actually has said something along the lines of this.
No. 482679
>>482663We never will because neither of them are cosplayers. At least kelly enjoys wearing costumes and going to cons (somewhat), Jill makes a costume a year (poorly I might add. Her Cure Whip was
shudders) to wear to one con. Said con kisses her ass every year and gives her an award in the costume contest for being a local celebrity not based on her actual skill. Yah, they'll never cosplay together.
No. 482791
File: 1517078599914.png (398.77 KB, 1242x1841, IMG_1679.PNG)

>>482490I'm sorry I can't get over how different and obviously shopped this is as opposed to the one that the girl who actually made the costumes posted. Their faces all look like horrible Halloween masks
No. 483127
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No. 483133
File: 1517091983016.jpeg (291.55 KB, 1020x1017, E26B25D0-D0AD-4D13-ADE2-730419…)

So I’m not sure if the collab is legit or she’s just saying it’s a collab because she’s mixing hello kitty and super sonico, BUT funny how Stephanie is all pro HK and etc when Kelly did her stupid bitch fit about HK not partnering with her…
possibility over the fight at the Distant Worlds concert? kek
No. 483163
>>483133There was an official Sonico x Hello Kitty collab.
That's why I don't believe when people say Kelly wasn't a part of the Hello Kitty campaign because she was "too sexual" as Sonico is an outright hentai character. I think Kelly wasn't part of the HK campaign she wanted to join because Kelly just doesn't have the look and is not remotely polished enough for a company like HK
No. 483203
>>483133Why the fuck does she talk about Sonico like she's the embodiment of body positivity? She has the same fucking proportions of half of all anime girls-big tits, big ass, tiny waist, flat tummy, regular sized legs, and stick arms.
Sage for sperging, but I'm assuming she means "curvy" like "fat". Although I agree with the sex positive thing, I never thought Sanrio would collaborate with straight up hentai.
No. 483399
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Gonna samefag here for a sec because I can't with how hard this cow stalks this thread.
Thread: talks about people publicly witnessing her and Steph being at odds.
Kelly: LOOooooooOoookkk WE'RE FRANDZ
No. 483403
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>>483399Thread: mentions her needing to be the center of attention in every cosplay including the ppg one
No. 483459
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Man she looks just like Sadness from Inside Out.
No. 483487
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Super Sonico is the sexy one and Pochaco is the fat version of Super Sonico.
Sage for not contributing milk
No. 483708
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>>483459that wig doesn't look anything like her hair (not that SU has a reputation for being on model, but still), gif related
No. 483817
>>483587I almost made it 2 minutes in before I had to stop.
Berates her friend over her deep seeded cosplay animosity, films it and posts it on the internet AS A JOKE YOU GUISE. Poor Courtney. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the friend that has been trying to distance herself from Kelly. I would run as far away as I could from that psycho. Her personality is complete garbage.
That "voice acting" bit was just too much for me to handle. What a cringy self-important fucking idiot.
No. 484409
>>484407I know pre con is stressful and tiring getting cosplay ready and finished but all her shit is store bought and done. She has nothing to stress about.
Cons are vacations if you're not vendingor making anything for them.
No. 484721
>>484694Exactly. I truly don’t think she genuinely loves sailor moon or Final Fantasy as much as she tries to make people believe. She “likes them” to portray herself a certain way and give herself an image. She
never mentioned anything about liking anime or video games until like 2015. She’s phony as fuck.
No. 484855
File: 1517200642821.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.58 KB, 1440x1988, IMG_20180128_203536.jpg)

>>482058Honestly her lips look so bad now. Also in what dimension is this flattering?
No. 484856
File: 1517200796893.jpg (1.09 MB, 1656x2326, Dre.jpg)

Not sure if anyone even cares about this, but pretty sure this is Dre's new boyfriend.
No. 485253
>>484403Back to her addressing stuff in the thread, she mentions wanting get lindsay an extremely expensive gift but thought it'd be too much and in this thread we discussed how cheap her gift she gave was.
>>485205Everyone but buttercup is a close friend of her's. If she is close to the buttercup, she never appears in any other video.
No. 485297
>>485205The Princess is Stephanie and the Blossom is Courtney, both of them are her best friends. They're
all extremely close and in a lot of her videos. I have no idea who the Buttercup is and she hasn't appeared in any other vlog I've seen of hers (which is the vast majority of them as I've been following her for a while).
She's done this in a few vlogs. She'll give her friends shit then act like it's all just joking around when you can tell from their reactions that they probably don't find it funny. I've always been extremely curious how her friends feel about her because most of them seem like pretty chill people and Kelly is extremely obnoxious. She's also had some incidents that were just straight up toxic.
No. 485351
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I'm looking at the IG accounts of Kelly's friends who appear in her vlogs and most of them seem okay, but this girl is such a tool. She was the Tifa at the FF concert.
Like bitch obviously you know your massive fake tits are gigantic and if you were actually self-conscious about them being small, you wouldn't be showing them off in every post you make. This is humblebragging and fake self-consciousness at their worst.
Also, is there anyone is Kelly's social circle that doesn't have huge implants? Not judging girls for getting them or anything, but it's fucking weird to me how every girl Kelly hangs out with has them. Does anyone else find that super strange? Dre seems to be the only one without fake boobs, but now that she's planning on lip fillers, I feel like it's only a matter of time.
No. 485399
>>485205God you're right she acts like a child. Especially when she starts screaming "BACKTRACKING YOURE BACKTRACKING"
and then doing a HORRIBLE bubbles voice while claiming she's the best Bubbles and is shocked they didn't beg her to do the reboot
No. 485511
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>>485424I felt like that was super weird as well. And kinda made the whole video even more pointless??
No. 485554
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>>485521Steph posted this on her insta story. I wonder if it's low key about KE and how she treats her friends.
No. 485573
>>485554Uhhhh yeah that really seems like she's throwing shade at Kelly
Given the fit Kelly threw about Dre "not being willing to share the spot light Kelly created for her", I wonder if she's had issues with her friends about this stuff on other occasions.
No. 485784
File: 1517266142705.png (550.33 KB, 585x536, saaa.png)

god Kelly is so annoying in this video!
she drags her friends around for hours to find a Sephiroth cosplayer and then doesn't even talk to him once she finds him??
I'm not even surprised that Stephanie disappeared. She seemed annoyed with Kelly for most of the video.
also the Maid Mercury cosplayer is fucking irritating
No. 486035
>>486018I think it's the fact she forced her friends to spend the day looking for him instead of enjoying the con, only for her to not even compliment him.
All while she was perfectly fine harassing other FF cosplayers asking if they had seen him.
She was also bitching the whole time saying if she didn't find him and the dude was lying about seeing him, she was going to drag his ass online because it was "totally not cool" to lie about a sephiroth cosplayer.
No. 486039
>>486018Someone taking pictures as 'proof' of a cow from far away vs someone obsessively searching for a stranger dressed as her favorite video game character are hardly the same.
She didn't know the person. She just stalked them the entire day with her dumb friends and asked random people about them just to creepily film(!) them from a distance AND putting it on YT.
How does this compare to a meh quality picture of the back of Kelly's head?
No. 486069
>>486057It did look like a girl was cosplaying him, she was still really good. But not a hit dude so why would Kelly care.
Funny how Kelly claims to be bisexual but is only ever interested and looking for guys
No. 486264
>>486057>>486069>>486134Sounds likely to me. Since she's always on the hunt for a potential bf. (which I find hella creepy tbh, she just wants a relationship for the sake of having a relationship. I hate people like that)
That's probably why the ending was so rushed and weird. But better for Johnny lol. I hope he never finds that video. Would creep me out so bad
No. 486266
>>486109I assume you're quoting the wrong anon and meant to quote me.
I never said there was anything wrong with taking pics of Kelly??? What are you even talking about?
No. 486576
>>486490Around 3:10
She doesn't say "fucking", but she does rudely say how everyone was just admiring her amazing cosplay
Every video of her in public is so cringey
No. 486585
>>486576Same fag sorry but I also just noticed she made Steph and the Jupiter carry all their bags through security
You can see Steph put the bags on the table to be checked at 3:28 while Kelly walks through with ease, and then Kelly carrying nothing in the next clip with Steph and Jupiter carrying the bags behind her.
Wow Kelly, great friend
No. 486768
>>486390… anon, did you read their post? They are saying the exact same thing as you, they just quoted the wrong anon.
Also, I'm sorry, but at a con it's totally expected there will be people taking pics of you without asking. We take pics of people, even in places where it isn't the norm to be doing it, and post them to a website dedicated to shitting on them. In addition, the person who has posted all the pics of her so far even included a made up story the first time they did. This goes beyond snapping a pic to prove you've actually seen the cow.
Kelly hearing about a Sephiroth at a con and proceeding to search so she could get a pic is no more weird than what we do. It's not like she actually followed him around the con or begged her followers to find his social media, she wasn't "obsessively stalking him". Plus, it isn't uncommon for people to hear there's a really good cosplayer of a character they like and try to find them. You guys are acting like Kelly is the only person to ever do this, do you even go to cons? If you think this is such creepy behavior, but are totally fine with people taking pics of Kelly in settings where it's not even expected and posting them here, it's because you're letting your disdain for Kelly blind you from thinking logically.
Someone mentioned "what if Kelly was a guy doing it to a girl!" well, what if the person photographing her and making up stories about her behavior was a man?
I'm just saying- you guys are applying some pretty intense double standards with really weak logic justifying it.
No. 487116
File: 1517342480020.png (16.51 KB, 729x133, lol.png)

after everyone here starting commenting on how shitty she treats Steph, she posts this
either other people are noticing or she lurks here hard because omg can you be any more obvious.
I hope she gets no response
No. 487131
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Stephanie’s ig story
No. 487308
>>486768…Are you Kelly?
I've never gone out of my way to search a convention for hours because I heard a stranger is cosplaying a favorite character. Most well adjusted people could move on with their lives and actually enjoy the convention, or try to find them at a fan meetup or something more rational than screeching at a camera and asking every cosplayer from the same franchise about them for hours.
No. 487510
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…Because she probably actually did all of those things? She’s that unhinged lol
No. 487583
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I wonder what it is. Should I sage this for not much milk?
No. 487915
>>487651Is there a thread for Dre and the rest of the fellowship?
Dre should be moving out soon. Can’t wait to see how Kelly acts about that. Dre has fans and has her own merch and seems pretty nice, albeit young/silly/hottipic-y
I bet Kelly is seething with jealousy
No. 488443
>>488098I like dre just fine but I did find it a little weird/sketchy that she wanted to boot kelly out of her channel entirely last year when they finally hit a milestone at the same time (i think they hit the 100k mark within a day of each other?).
kelly acted like a cow about it by subtweeting, but i think that was kind of the start of dre's semi egocentric attitude people are picking up on now tbh
No. 488558
>>488443I would have done the same thing as Dre. It would get irritating fast to be known as “the sidekick” and constantly having Kelly elbow her way past you into the spotlight. I wouldn’t want to feel like I owed my success to someone else either. I’d want to separate myself for a while and prove to myself and others that I can build my channel and brand on my own and not rely on lazy ass narcissistic Kelly Eden. I do t think Dre doing videos without Lelly is sketchy or weird at all. In fact it seems
To me other members of their little clique seem to be distancing themselves from Kelly, such as Courtney and Steph. Can you really blame them?
No. 488560
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Interesting… I wonder when she’ll announce she’s moving out of Kelly’s house.
No. 488872
>>488859you can see the tweet in the first KE thread
>>410126 and apparently she talked about the dre-separation in youtube comments at the time. i'll go lurk her videos from that same time later and see
No. 489218
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From Kellys insta stories.
No. 489419

>>489364Mail Mondays were always on Kelly's channel, they would open mail addressed to both of them. Because I'm autistic I used to actually watch unironically and I'm pretty sure it was some time last year, Kelly mentioned in a MM episode that Dre wanted to do them separately on her own channel (about 0:58 timestamp) and I can't remember what video it was but there was another time Kelly mentioned that Dre wasn't around because she told Kelly she wanted to do more things separately and work on growing her own channel. I'm paraphrasing but it was super passive aggressive, I wish I could remember which vlog/video it was from. This was around the time Dre was back doing retail work to build up her savings and wasn't doing youtube/freelance fulltime.
I don't know how they split the money for those videos but I can understand the frustration of making content and having all the views go to Kelly. They were doing a lot of collabs back then as well for things like makeup reviews, reaction videos, food tasting, and it was really rare that there would be a corresponding video on Dre's channel. It was usually just a single video on Kelly's channel. If you're trying to grow your own fanbase I can see the logic in wanting to stop doing so many one-sided collabs.
No. 489866
File: 1517529908508.jpeg (55.78 KB, 750x474, E64E835D-F7FA-4F4F-BB09-03D629…)

ughhhhhh pls don’t kelly. Is there a trend she hasn’t tried to make herself a part of? I wouldn’t be surprised if she made a vlog of herself eating tide pods lol
No. 490206
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>>489797Watched this, she's super low energy in this. Not even passive aggressive, just low like actual depression.
Her unboxings and makeup reviews are so bare minimum. I got bored and did something else with the video playing in the background. Forgot she was even talking. So boring for 30 minutes.
Nice makeup look, Kelly. Did you use your MUA experience to poorly display these eyeshadows? She wants to make a Twin Stars makeup tutorial video later but didn't make this just a swatch/box showcase video. She used to have drive when she made her earlier videos and now she's just making excuses.
No. 490220
File: 1517549008654.jpeg (240.06 KB, 750x1076, 85080D3A-B689-44D1-882B-72CF16…)

Uhhhhh okay Kelly, good job on looking like a dumb ass reject mime
No. 490226
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>>490206She always is so boring when she's by herself, no wonder she used to grab Dre for most of her videos. There is a limit to how much content you can make with the same 3 old catchphrases.
She looks so saturated lately and I can't tell if it's because she plays too much with the saturation or it's simply the clash between the shade of her foundation and the color of her hair… It comes of as very troll doll-y
No. 490305
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I don't think the makeup is awful, it's just her face that throws me off. Her face is just too mature for the kind of makeup she does. I tried to use some meitu magic to give her rounder cheeks a smaller mouth, and I think that those two things alone benefit her greatly. Especially for her kawaii look
No. 490506
>>490485She's nothing like a man. Men are sexually attracted to femininity, but not socially attracted. It is not the straight man's dream to spend every weekend in a wall-to-wall pink bedroom with a Pomeranian yapping about.
Plus, all her fans are women, and her biggest fan is literally a trans woman. So my theory is pretty sound.
No. 490526
>>490506Last thing I'll say on this as I didn't expect it to get any replies, whoops.
She has a very similar appearance and aesthetic to albinwonderland who is
married to a trans woman. Kelly has said she's bi so she should consider dating women. If you are gonna try and argue that Kelly Eden is not feminine (pink hair, pink house, little dog, loves cartoons, makeup, and romance…) I can't rly help you
Btw this was in reply to the long-running topic of Kelly's dating life and this comment 2 above
>>490418 No. 490548
>>490526Exactly no one said she wasn't feminine. 'Nothing like a man' is what was used.
That she's 'loud, annoying and entitled
like a man is about the closest (and only) comment to your totally out of thin air post as possible.
No. 490891
>>490644She reads these threads. It is a fact.
Even if it wasn't, there are too many coincidences that have happened directly related to things discussed in these threads.
Nice try tho.
No. 490895
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Nice chest acne, Kelly
No. 490924
File: 1517610518024.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180202-172514.png)

>>484856Here he is in the background of Kelly's story. My guess is Dre is going to move in with him.
No. 490925
>>490895 it's so gross.
wash your chest kelly.
No. 490966
>>490891What evidence has there been that "confirms" it?
>Even if it wasn't, there are too many coincidences that have happened directly related to things discussed in these threads.Like what? Her mentioning Steph like she does all the time? Learn to understand the difference between speculation and fact.
You really think if Kelly was reading these she wouldn't be playing the victim like crazy? You really think she wouldn't be milking it for all it's worth by making videos about her "stalkers".
No. 491035
Both Kota and claire are super feminine, have pastel girly aesthetics and home decor, and colored hair. Kota is married and Claire has a long-term bf she lives with.
It's not Kelly's feminine appearance or aesthetic that makes her unattractive to men. It's her personality.
No. 491204
>>491049That in no way means Dre owes her shit. So because Kelly 'helped her', she't not allowed to want to focus on her channel her own self, to expand
her viewership on her own etc.?
That's ridiculous, bordering narcissistic logic.
No. 491222
>>491218So… what? Because Kelly collaborated with Dre solely on her channel (with a few rare occasions), got all the ad etc. revenue, Dre should feel obligated to continuing to line Kelly's pockets?
No. 491241
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No. 491276
>>490471No. Yes, men (and women) like when their significant other has similar or shared interests, but that doesn't mean they don't want to be with someone that is also different from them in some ways, including being ultra feminine. There are all different types of people in the world that are looking for all kinds of different things in a mate.
Stop making excuses for your obviously lacking personality. It's clearly your batshit fucking insanity that's keep the men away. Same for Kelly.
No. 491306
File: 1517632563067.jpg (310.64 KB, 350x1080, photomagic(1)(2).jpg)

>>491035Kelly Eden house first two, Kota bottom
No. 491308
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>>491306Kota vs Kelly. Really not comparable, imagine looking at the two houses and people and considering moving in with them? Who would be the safer bet? (and I actually like the garish pink but it's
still off-putting)
No. 491321
>>491310This is going back to the original point about blending in with your partner, and it's generally the woman blending in with the man and not vice versa.
Point being, Kelly's aesthetic brings her so much happiness she would probably kill herself if she woke up in an all-white bedroom every day with no figurines and art and whatnot. There will be no blending. She needs a feminine partner, pretty simple.
Aside: Her last ex had the exact same aesthetic but in black, so that could have worked in the same way Kelly/Dre did for awhile, but there were other problems there (her allusion was cheating on his part)
No. 491334
>>491321I really feel like you've never been in a healthy relationship if this is what you believe. Both people will blend and compromise. If only one is conceding then it's a trash relationship and is doomed anyway. How feminine the woman is has nothing to do with that.
There is absolutely a way that she could have her aesthetic and merge it with someone else and keep both parties happy.
Also, and I hate to stereotype here, but most men don't really give a shit what the decor is like. My husband is happy as long as he has a computer, fast internet, and a comfy computer chair.
No. 491396
>>491321You know what happens when you live with someone and you have different interests and personality traits? Y'know… like damn near every couple ever?
They compromise. They may each take an unused space and dedicate it solely to their interests. Compromising on
both ends is basically essential to a healthy relationship.
If one person basically subsumes themselves for their so-called partner, it's not a healthy relationship, so your point is basically moot here, as Kelly seems the exact opposite of the compromising sort.
I'm sorry your relationships and sense of boundaries are so terrible that you think what you're saying is the norm.
But all of this is only tangentially related to Kelly at this point, so, moving on…
No. 491429
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>>491321This is Claire's bedroom. She lives here with her boyfriend, who also sleeps in this room. it's not unheard of to compromise on aesthetics with a partner who genuinely loves you.
No. 491776
>>491321… I think you live in a different reality.
I agree that women tend to compromise more than men in relationships in general, but home decor is usually not one of the things. The vast majority of the time, the woman is the primary influence in home decorating. The man will have some say, but it's usually just in the form of vetoing anything he can't deal with.
If aesthetic differences are the reason for not being able to keep a relationship, that's almost certainly because the person isn't willing to compromise. For example- if someone like Kelly is hellbent on having a pink kitchen, then they'll need to let their partner decide what the living room looks like. Or, they can can come to an agreement about what the common areas would look like and each have their own room dedicated to their aesthetic.
I highly doubt that your aesthetic is the reason you have trouble keeping an SO if you're willing to compromise.
No. 491929
>>491796I've never seen it in her comment sections, it's a hug box where they worship her.
That's why when Kelly talks about her "haters" there's no way it's from YouTube. The only YouTube backlash was because of the Lolita stuff and that ended awhile ago.
We talked about her overusing "ya boi" here and on pull, and she talks about how people are tired of it and how she's still going to say it.
We talk about her friendship with Steph, and she's suddenly kissing up to her even more.
There's no way Kelly doesn't lurk here.
No. 491976
>>491929There are actually a lot of people who call her out on her bullshit on YT, she is just quick to delete any comments she perceives as negative.
And I agree, she absolutely lurks here.
No. 491999
>>490966Speculative question - what counts as "evidence" to you? If someone who is close to her let it slip that Kelly is obsessed with reading these threads, the large majority of people in this thread wouldn't accept that as evidence. A comment made out loud doesn't leave proof behind.
No one would say it's a fact unless there was actually evidence, because believe it or not people do understand the difference between facts and coincidences. People, as you have made clear, will believe what they want to.
No. 492017
>>491999There was one particular time when anons here started bring up how dirty her feet were in old photos and a video she made ( where you could see the bottoms of her feet VERY well and they were black) and then a few days later Kelly posts
“my feet are always dirty..”
For no reason. This wasnt even a reply to anyone. She’s never mentioned it before. Why now? It’s because she lurks here.
No. 492056
File: 1517698896218.png (31.24 KB, 731x239, wow.png)

kelly really needs some attention yall
No. 492073
File: 1517699692730.jpg (79.08 KB, 640x640, sugarpilltwinstars.jpg)

>>489797>>490206What even is that look? Look at her almost bare-faced compared to the models here. Sugarpill is well known for being incredibly pigmented and she made it look like a watered-down drug store product. I never followed her makeup reviews closely, but this made me wonder if she's good at it at all or if someone else puts together her best looks. Obviously you don't have to put the whole palette on your eyes like these models did, but with that many colors, she could've done a much better look or even multiple looks. I really expect more from a 30 minute review video.
No. 492344
>>491896Oh god the old listing for the last time she was looking for a roommate was so cringe. It was basically iso people focused on becoming social media stars and also if your friends come over on a weekly basis they have to pay utilities.
I would love to see what she puts up this time.
No. 492401
>>492393i thought about telling her but i was 99.8% sure she'd think i was a horrible creep stalker freak for even noticing so…
but i just checked now and i dont see it so it might be gone anyway. it was legit one of her earliest day in the life vlogs so she might have unlisted it some time in the last few months
No. 492518
>>492509Honestly that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Other anon made it sound like if a friend spent the weekend there they would have to pay that months PG&E bill, but I dont think its that unreasonable to have a significant other who spends maybe 60% of the time there help out with utilities. I think the no guests longer than 10 days thing is pretty standard too? (my friends house has a 7 day limit)
I'm laughing at Kelly calling it a home for focused professionals though, more like a tacky home for cosplay bimbos. Requirement 5) must have fake boobs
No. 492523
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>>492344here's her current ad. She posted this in an LA girl group with 25,000 members. $1200 for rent seems crazy
No. 492648
>>492553>>492393I could see Lina actually applying to be her roommate kek
Would be funny to see Kelly's reaction.
Fuck, I'd pay money to see that actually
It's still hella easy to find her address & phone number. Even without the videos. A two minute google search at most. Just tried it and damn, she really needs to do something about it.
No. 492664
>>492526The room was $840 two years ago and now it's $1230? Wtf is inflation truly that bad in LA? Is there rent control?
Or is Kelly the sole tenant on the lease just taking advantage of whoever sublets the room from her? I've had roommates try to pocket "rent money" from other roommates by claiming the rent was higher than what the landlord was truly asking. Is there a better explanation or is Kelly profiting.. because that seems sketchy to me.
No. 492667
>>492664I think it's mostly because of the ~artistic~ studio which is now included
But I wouldn't put it past Kelly to augment rent based on the "improvements" she made to the decor and the stuff she buys for the kitchen/living room
No. 492703
>>492664You can rent a small 1bd1b in that area for what she is charging for a room, and spend maybe 80 total on power and water for the month.
I think she is charging her new roomie her personal share. so she doesn't have to pay rent at all.
No. 492871
>>492664I'm curious to know what Kelly pays for her share of rent. Given that Kelly has complete control of the rest of the house and a bigger room, she should be charging well below half of rent for that room.
Also, I think access to the studio should be optional, not included.
No. 492878
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I think that it´s her house (meaning she's the one responsible for the rental), she can do and charge wtf she wants for it. You only rent it from her if you want. Although it is a bit iffy that it started being around 800, and now its more than 1200…
No. 492897
File: 1517774392026.png (357.75 KB, 1241x1946, IMG_1727.PNG)

1) wow that shoop. especially on the chest area now
2) finally someone else said it - Dre is the one who's said Kelly is obsessed with these threads
3) re: number two - obviously she lurks. Thread mentions how the fuck does her entitled ass afford a chiropractor while claiming she can't afford mental health care. Kelly posts a picture with a caption letting us know that she doesn't really see her chiropractor that often.
I'm sure that's also just damage control for how outrageously she's raised the rent since the last time she was looking for a roomie. Better to make it look like she doesn't spend above what she claims her means are.
No. 493002
File: 1517780643811.png (2.87 MB, 750x1334, 5B8EF701-8E18-4EBF-9FCC-35CB0F…)

this is bae caught me slippin levels here
No. 493060
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>>492979She's a textbook narcissist.
Also I've wanted to post this for a while… This is from her Patreon. How delusional do you have to be…
No. 493061
>>493053Yeah, I realized how weird it sounded right after I posted it. I wouldn't be applying for the purpose of observing her, I actually need a new place soon and find her house very appealing. I'd be considering it even if I'd never heard of her (more so actually).
It would be a bonus to actually witness her first hand, though.
No. 493260
File: 1517793515000.png (12.47 KB, 583x119, psych.png)

Her self-made meltdown over this roommate saga has been hilarious.
>>492526Is she seriously claiming she's having a panic attack to guilt a potential roommate to fork over money while she's going in for plastic surgery?
No. 493265
>>493061dont worry anon, i actually had the same thought. her place is in a decent location and is reasonably priced considering you get parking and your own bathroom. i also think it's cute (sorry yall lmao). there was a moment of about 5 seconds where i said "i should apply"
i have a small designer dog too tho so it wouldnt work even if i werent self-aware enough to realize how much of a bad idea it'd be to live with a girl ive read gossip on lmao
No. 493315
>>493265I was considering applying too since I was going to move to LA once I was done with school anyways and I do genuinely enjoy her house, but I have another year of school and I doubt it would still be available by then.
Side note, Kelly is marketing her house as this super cute pastel kawaii heaven, but is then renting out the goth room? I feel like she's not going to get a lot of applicants because most goths interested in the goth room might not want to live in a whole house of sugar sweet pink, and anyone who enjoys pink kawaii style and who would love the rest of the house is then thrown into the goth room? I feel like Kelly needs to make it clear in her ad that you can decorate the room however you want and repaint it if you want. Or she should make it match the rest of the house after Dre moves out so she can at least get some other kawaii girls interested in it.
No. 493444
>>493060not that delusional tbh
way back when, (2-3 years ago?)she was in talks to do a reality tv show with a channel. I don't remember if it was A&E or TLC, but I'm going to assume that if she gets a house then she can go forward with it (if they still want to give her her own show). She lives in one of those double duplex type homes so I doubt her neighbors would appreciate cameramen all over the place.
No. 493449
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>>493446why would you hope she finds someone that is good? that's boring, I hope she finds an awful roommate. imagine the milk.
No. 493460
File: 1517803533735.jpg (2.48 MB, 1080x4808, ssdemonpuff.jpg)

So, someone had mentioned that she and Demonpuff were roommates in the apartment she currently lives in a while ago. I remembered I used to follow Demonpuff way back and went to scroll through her old photos to see what timeframe it was.
Looking back, I see a ton of photos of Demonpuff's salon styled exactly as Kelly's "aesthetic", not only that, there are several decorative pieces that are still in her apartment today. I even see her painting that same apartment's walls. Is her aesthetic a rip off of Demonpuff's?
No. 493489
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>>493460Ehh…I would say, considering that she's kept it up all this time, it's not a rip off.
No. 493591
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Apparently Stephanie sells her panties from her snaps on reddit. Her reddit account is super cringey.
No. 493631
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Dre has been out and about. Glad being demonetized didn't discourage her like Kelly is currently doing to herself. I think Kelly expects no one to use a life boat when S. S. Eden goes down
No. 493751
>>493460>Is her aesthetic a rip off of Demonpuff's?It's not an original style in the least.
I hate it whenever people say she's ripping off people who do super unoriginal shit as if they invented it.
No. 493929
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>>493460I'm more and more convinced now that Kelly Eden stole the whole Demonpuff aesthetic
No. 493935
File: 1517852844858.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.17 KB, 640x800, 3ba34cb6ee6d6e5c39d572538008b0…)

>>493932same trashy style
No. 493956
>>492207I love how Kota asked "what's the whole thing" because she doesn't support Kelly's channel by watching her shit. It was a little obvious that Kelly realised how awkward it was that she had to spell it out for her.
The more I'm watching this the more awkward it gets. Kota is so much more likable than Kelly. Kelly's roots look beat up. She looks worse and worse.
The milk is "so heavy" isn't she working with a trainer? Shouldn't be have no problem lifting that?
Talking about the frother when she's using it. She tries so hard to make the most mundane tasks sound important.
No. 493989
File: 1517855098422.jpg (250.2 KB, 1042x852, Screenshot_20180205-112602.jpg)

A direct quote from this board if I'm not mistaken?
No. 494209
>>494125Holy shit I was shocked at the intro to this, she sounds so nice and sweet when she just says "Hello everyone, this is Kelly Eden!".
I would actually watch her videos if she just did this.
Far more nice and tolerable than the current "ITS YA BOOOIIIIIII FAM"
which makes her seem older and extremely annoying.
I genuinely cannot watch her videos because of it, I cringe way too hard
No. 494420
File: 1517874495680.png (374.54 KB, 750x1334, 68E15F95-8FFE-4DDA-BDBC-33AF76…)

The difference, Kelly, is back then, Bowie had everything to lose by coming out as bi back then. YOU have nothing to lose. In fact, some may argue you may have everything to gain. Idk it just wouldn’t surprise me if Kelly exploited the lgbt community just for Internet brownie points, to seem more “relatable” and “special”.
No. 494442
>>494420rofl, she's so annoying. There was evidence Bowie slept with multiple men and women. he was openly bisexual, the same way Freddie Mercury was. His ex-wife joked about if Bowie and Mick jagger were to fuck, it would be impossible to say who would top.
Why is Kelly trying to suddenly be a bisexual?? Isn't pretending to be bi a 90s thing?
No. 494461
>>494058Social media people seem obsessed with labeling as bi. Hey, a lot of people fall somewhere between either side of the kinsey scale. Bi is more of a label for people in the near center of it. They just need to say they aren't exclusively straight or gay instead of hopping on the bi money train with those coming out videos…
It's not because someday you thought a girl was hot that you're bi, Kelly. A lot of people have done a lot more and don't consider themselves bi.
I actually wouldn't care about the use of the label if it didn't become such a joke because of attention/moneywhores
No. 494567
>>494420This shit
triggers me so hard because 1. I worship him because he was a great example of a bi person in the public eye 2. Kelly will never feel the pain of being an actual bi/gay person since she’s obviously straight. It took me years to come out to my family and I’m only fucking bi. She just puts a claim on the shit and gets asspats meanwhile others get kicked out/ridiculed for actually being true to themselves. Just because you think girls are pretty doesn’t mean shit Kelly. Eat a pussy and get a girlfriend without cameras and guys watching and come back to us, until then shut the fuck up you fake bitch, you’re making us look bad.
No. 494732
>>494708I think Kelly is just a generic straight girl who's pretending to go through a bicurious phase late in life. She does outwardly just drool over men and I never would've guessed she was anything other than straight unless I was explicitly told. None of her crushes, behavior, or anything has ever even given an indicator she likes women. Even if she's stated it outright, her behavior surrounding it is so insincere.
>>494676Even with her 2D crushes, she's always drooling over Sephiroth and FF boys but never have I once heard her go into any female character and how she wants to be with them.
No. 494940
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>>466706Saw this and thought of Kelly… Marzia, a pink haired tattooed vlogger, was flown out to Japan by Sanrio. Along with Pewdiepie. I know there’s been speculation that Kelly’s falling out with Hello Kitty was bc she’s tattooed/edgy, but this is definitely evidence that Sanrio doesn’t care. It’s just that the quality of her content is generally low (bad editing, inconsistent posting, etc) and her small following (that she’s somehow deluded herself into thinking is massive and worthy of sponsorship; it’s tiny on the “influencer” scale), nothing else.
No. 495607
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Has anyone seen her Instagram story? It's so cringe.
No. 495608
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No. 495609
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No. 495610
>>495607Who the fuck eats velveeta.
This is another "bae watches me while I sleep," and poor me garbage
No. 495959
File: 1517978889900.png (2.01 MB, 1152x1503, suchcreativity.png)

Such different looks
Such creativity
She barely did anything but changed her lip color to suit the challenge. Good luck getting dat youtube beauty community audience, Kelly.
No. 496642
>>495959Thats so far from Frida Kahlo. Just putting flowers in your hair doesn t make it Kahlo. Go and research before posting. Just generic makeup with changing stickers.
Yes its nice but nothing special.
No. 496654
File: 1518027447482.jpg (66.71 KB, 650x867, EJoc7I2.jpg)

Comparison, here is typical Kahlo.
No. 497520
>>466706God I don’t follow these threads but this picture just straight up offends me. That man-face combined with the shitty makeup and eyelashes. The pearly cool pink on her warm toned skin, and that vile hair colour. The horrible clash between her lipstick and her hair. The mouse eyebrows and the cystic looking sticker. All makes me reeee.
I wouldn’t usually judge so harshly but for someone whose livelihood relies on aesthetic, who works in a creative industry, it’s absolutely hideous.
No. 497561
>>497535idk anon. there's just this weird notion that after you hit 18 suddenly your "teenage hormonal skin" goes away. if you had bad skin as a teen you'll prob have bad skin as a young adult. makeup probably has very little to do with it.
and its not just that old video, either. kelly has pretty bad skin even to this day, it's just hard to see through filters/photoshop/super bright studio lights. see
>>490895 i'm sure her face looks fine bc she's covered in makeup and is standing in super bright light. but clock the body acne, super visible even in the low quality cam
No. 498498
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>>498496Kelly, get some fucking help. Watching this made it apparent you overly attach yourself to people to a point where it stunts their growth. How is anyone supposed to grow when you're kicking and screaming over their achievements and/or new relationships? This was embarrassing.
Sorry, samefag but this channel has been swirling in the shitter for a long time.
No. 499413
>>499229I mean it was aired out on here pretty concretely but we had the predicable "LOLPROOF?!" reaction:
Dre has told people that Kelly is obsessed with reading these threads. Every time we feel like kelly is lurking in here and subtly paying attention to what we're saying….it's because she /is/.
No. 499573
>>499529I was with you until that last line. The jumping from friend to friend seems to be more of Kelly's M.O.
Also, agreeing with
>>499538 No. 499695
>>499529I think the love for See is more spite for Kelly. She's barely any less insufferable if you actually watch her channel.
I also think Dre is in these threads.
No. 499730
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No. 499731
File: 1518275262653.jpeg (187.24 KB, 750x1334, E63B3FCA-2395-49B4-9A0C-6C865C…)

Sure, Jan.
No. 499849
>>499841If she really had a panic attack she'd be doing anything else but tweet about it.
As someone who's had real panic attacks, people like her piss me off so much because they make it look like a fucking joke.
Sage for semi blogposting
No. 499906
>>499219Well, her New Years goals regarding Dre's friendship were certainly short lived. She sounded so self-aware when she was talking about how shitty she had been over the changes in their relationship too.
I'm so curious about what goes down in their relationship off camera.
No. 499954
File: 1518292794338.png (70.4 KB, 625x323, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 11.59…)

on Traci Hines's "fake bride" status
No. 500205
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she's dealing with a "panic attack" yet wants to read the "tea" kek suuuuure Kelly.
No. 500295
>>500276>Acting like its sooooo weird and unheard of for anons to ask for proof of something happening and being said instead of believing something literally any anon can come in here and sayAre you okay????
Like its one thing and even a little more credible if one of Dre's friends came out and said she tells people this irl or something, but coming from some random anon on here without any viable proof, it's really not that weird or out of the ordinary for people to not buy it, jfc.
No. 500307
>>500302No fucking shit? But at least "exposing yourself" makes the shit that comes out of your mouth here a little more credible. Again, this idea that it's somehow unreasonable for anons here to ask for a real solid reason to believe something was said seems like something an absolute newfag dipshit would say. I could come in here and say "Dre is telling people that Kelly would make Toshi fart in her face and would eat all her food in the house", does that mean you'd automatically believe me because I said it was told to me verbally and the person who said it doesn't want to out themselves? Jesus christ.
Sage because I can't believe this even needs to be said
No. 500430
>>500307Yeah not gonna give myself away and get people in “trouble”
I don’t have any reason to lie, but in an anon board, I can be “anyone”
No. 500509
File: 1518351480060.jpg (739.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180211-091637.jpg)

Interpretation… Ok.
No. 500541
>>500430just to clarify: you're a friend of dre's telling us that kelly lurks here, right? or did i miss something else?
if that's the only tea then i guess i can believe it but it's not exactly piping hot tbh. most people can make an educated guess that kelly knows about lolcow/pull/gurugossip/whatever.
No. 500698
File: 1518377005892.jpeg (166.21 KB, 750x1334, B716AAF3-A35B-4DD3-B4F5-62637E…)

“But my student loans are the problem! Not the fact that I buy obnoxious amounts of shit I don’t intend to do anything with!”
No. 500705
>>500413>"Is this Kelly?" when it doesn't even apply>"Guiiiirl">How can you prove something?? We just don't know what receipts could be!!>"Just enjoy the tea" aka "I have no better argument so idk just believe what I say or you must be Kelly :)"Either you are a newfag or just pants on head retarded. And as someone pointed out, anyone could come to the conclusion Kelly lurks without someone saying that Dre tells people this and that.
Then again if you know Kelly and Dre irl you must be some dumb as nails bimbo like Kelly, if not her herself possibly, so I'm not surprised.
No. 500748
>>500413God, you're painfully retarded.
We've already had anons confirmed for making shit up about Kelly in these threads. Obviously people are gonna want more proof than some random anon's post. Honestly, anyone who just takes an anon's word as fact and not with a massive grain of salt is a moron. Don't be so irrational.
No. 500751
File: 1518382092556.png (1.31 MB, 1024x687, 76CE0EA5-ABBA-4277-A0A3-8597A5…)

sage? newfag here, lurk alot but have never posted. kelly’s problematic behavior has been bothering me, so wanted to propose next thread header image. found this image from her old flickr
No. 500752
>>500430>Yeah not gonna give myself away and get people in “trouble”Except that this would get Dre in trouble, so that argument makes no sense.
>I don’t have any reason to lieThat's exactly what the anon who told the story about the standby line that was later confirmed to be bullshit said.
No. 500822
>>500509I normally highly dislike vagueing, but I'm kinda hoping for more to get more details about the Kelly vs Dre moving out situation
Dre moving out will most likely have a huge impact on Kelly's channel. Kelly is so salty and boring by herself.
No. 500918
File: 1518395266980.jpg (96.55 KB, 1080x265, Screenshot_20180211-192610.jpg)

Dre retweeted this. Clearly there is some shit going down with Kelly.
No. 501052
File: 1518405083158.jpeg (128.54 KB, 669x366, E2BE7E92-A255-449B-96D9-A4252D…)

Dang it I sent without the photo.
No. 501866
>>501477Kelly has such a boring life. And it’s just sad her personality is so cringe/attention whorey.
Kinda excited to watch her grow older and still be this mess and turn into an even more uncool, wrinkley, bimbo, grandma doing all the same things and never advancing in life.
And she’ll document every moment for us because she can’t stay away from making videos.
I’m so glad I’m not her. Lmao
No. 502040
>>501477Does anyone else find it weird that Kelly randomly has new people show up in her vlogs with no explanation, and she just treats it like it's no big thing - like they're just people who are always there, when we all know they aren't? Maybe I'm weird for thinking it's strange, but like who are these people? She half-assedly introduces them like we all know who they are, but no one does because they're totally random people.
I'm also thirding or fourthing the notion that I had no idea she could be more boring. She is going downhill SO fast.
No. 502548
File: 1518608236851.png (995 KB, 851x672, ScreenShot447.png)

>>502408She should never use that angle again. It really shows how lazy she is.
No. 502589
>>502408Sooooo the "doctor" is going to wipe up the blood on her arm from all the shots and doesn't put on a glove first? Real quality.
I also like how she says "I considered getting more laser removal just so I could hang out with them" yes, Kelly, because you're slowly losing all your friends you need to hang out with your tattoo removal crew. Loool
No. 502690
>>502408this video is so terrible that if i were the sponsor (and tbh i bet she didn't have to pay to get the tattoo removed) i would actually be pretty pissed off. it's completely unprofessional, really poorly edited, and is actually hard to watch for the first ~8 minutes because of the flashing/clicking with almost zero commentary. she didn't bother to wear anything stylish (hi boobcne) or do her hair and said nothing consequential in the 8!!!! minutes she rambled after the treatment, repeating herself over and over.
she's obsessed with sponsorships and getting promotions but refuses to put out quality content worthy of sponsoring. it kinda infuriates me. like how entitled are you
No. 502795
>>501477how dumb is she? You can totally get fake sprinkles for decor. Then she's complaining her house is infested with roaches…
>>502746do we know for sure that Dre is moving out? I read the whole thread but I'm afraid I lost something. Was there a public falling out?
No. 502825
>>502795it was confirmed but the screenshots have been deleted from this thread i believe?? for safety reasons (her real name, address, phone were all leaked at the same time). she posted on patreon/LA-area girl groups iirc saying she had a room available in march.
there hasn't been a public falling out but kelly unfollowed dre on insta and she also has this weird video where she talks about her relationship with dre kinda awkwardly/omniously
No. 502860
>>502825Honestly, her behavior regarding Dre makes me believe she's right about being bipolar. I've had a few bipolar friends before and one thing they all shared in common was that they'd be almost weirdly obsessed with their best friend one minute, then distancing themselves abruptly the next. The way she acts like her friendship with Dre is so solid and amazing then in follows her on IG right after is very reminiscent of the "one extreme or another" attitude that my bipolar friends have all had.
Sage for armchair psych
No. 503095
File: 1518650657832.jpg (310.92 KB, 978x863, photomagic(1)(15).jpg)

>>502273Some comments on one of her videos on the bi topic. Someone asked why she never spoke on-camera about looking for a girlfriend, despite having a "coming out" video.
No. 503476
It's not even that she doesn't mention any girls as a potential "something". The way she talks makes it seems as if considering women that way isn't within her realm of possibilities.
>>502231 is a great example.
Her husbando but no possible waifu talk is also telling (I mean a lot of straight girls have waifus while the thought of it didn't even seem to cross Kelly's mind)
And she always equates couples as being male x female. Hence she's always mentioning her potential mate as being a guy.
I mean, even I very naturally switch the way I talk when I talk to my bi friends or people whom sexual orientation I am not sure of (eg. saying "what kind of person is your type" instead of "what is your type of guy/girl") So it is very strange for someone that claims to be bi to speak in such a way. Sure, heteronormativity is a thing and influences the way we talk, but if it was something you had been struggling with, wouldn't you be wayyyy more conscious of it?
No. 503900
>>502873 iirc, kelly’s bipolar is self diagnosed, and we know for sure she doesn’t see a psychologist so it’s completely believable that she’s misidentifying bpd as bipolar.
they’re similar enough on the surface level for someone who’s not a psychologist to identify themselves with the wrong one.
she’s definitely got something going on though since she’s so unhealthy.
No. 504158
File: 1518731045574.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1805.PNG)

Talks about how for Valentine's Day someone sent her to her fan mail box a marriage certificate from sephiroth. Mmkay….
No. 504297
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No. 504797
>>501499It's pink sugar. I don't think there's any "food" less offensive to "waste".
What horrifies me is how she's doing that despite her roach problem.
No. 504844
File: 1518789931047.jpg (542.16 KB, 1080x1679, 753674783368.jpg)

I don't think you are, kelly.
No. 504918
File: 1518798458886.png (1.37 MB, 1242x2208, A5AF7C59-9DD3-496B-A08C-F3AA8D…)

Kota liked this tweet recently. Calling Kelly out maybe?
No. 505175
>>504776it just confirms she’s self diagnosed since she does understand the difference between actual mania and hypomania.
kelly, if you were ‘really manic’, you would’ve been hospitalised.
she’s describing what would be considered mild hypomania.
she needs to stop pretending she has bipolar or, at the very least, pretending she knows the right terminology because she’s spreading a lot of misinformation about it.
No. 505530
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We get it, your dad died
No. 505761
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>>505676her tweets are either pity parties or ass pat seeking, there's no inbetween
No. 505822
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So, Penny herself is a problematic person who has her own thread, but it’s very curious to me that she lowkey called Kelly out for wanting sponsorships for free wigs, and Kelly doesn’t follow her.
Oh, Kelly. Your circle of friends is crumbling and I’m living for it. Her downfall is just too good.
No. 505823
File: 1518843185800.jpeg (266.51 KB, 750x1083, 7B8154E9-19BC-4AAA-A3D4-11E41F…)

Shit I cropped it’s weird. Same fag and saged.
No. 506021
>>505823Where the fuck did this bitch go to makeup school? I'm so offended that she would call herself a makeup artist when she can't do basic looks on herself.
I assumed her and Dre went to decent makeup schools in LA considering they've done entire videos about their "makeup expertise".
No. 507117
>>506928She says that she is going to have surgery… I wonder if that is to get smaller tits. I hope it is.
Also, I find it gross to wash extensions on the kitchen sink.
No. 507365
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>>506928someone called her out for promoting a scammy hair exte company
No. 507586
>>506928>"I hope I don't die!"Yes please be more hysterical about what is probably a completely unnecessary cosmetic procedure you chose to spend money on. If she had a real health issue, I can't imagine her being able to shut up about it.
No one needs to spend $1000 to get high quality hair extensions, what is this delusion? Has she ever been to a real life wig or beauty supply store? Her extensions also look really obvious and shitty with her lighter colored hair so idk why she thinks she's in a position to give advice.
>"You want to wash them as little as possible, this is not your real hair">Uses a ton of product>"I like to use a lot of shampoo">Filthy sink >Using a blow dryer instead of air drying, not using a heat protection>"I feel like I kind of know what I'm talking about"Lol ok
No. 508030
File: 1519008237737.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180219-023820.png)

"Look at what fun the "gang" is having working together" — doesnt follow Dre or Chris on insta
No. 508157
>>508030That’s Leo Camacho a big Disney cosplay account.
But what she doesn’t follow Dre on insta?
No. 508376
>>508030I wonder if Dre is aware she unfollowed her?
Someone should ask Kelly why she unfollowed Dre
No. 508419
>>508416Wow, that's a new development. I'm so fucking curious about what went down between them.
Honestly, their relationship had red flags all over it from the beginning. Kelly was calling Dre her best friend not that long after meeting her. I was actually really shocked when I found out the timeline of their relationship, they came across like they had been extremely close for years only a few months into it. That and the fact they both say they have bipolar (not sure if Dre really has it or also self-diagnosed herself) made me wonder how long it would last.
No. 508437
>>508416Check your facts anon, she does (I just checked), and has been doing so for a long time.
>>508157My bad, they look similar, specially in my phone's little screen.
No. 508755
>>508419I find it very weird that Kelly proclaimed Dre to be her best friend, when Dre was only 20 and she’s almost pushing 30..
I’ve had older roommates before claim I was their best friend when in reality I just needed a place to live and went along with it because at 19 or 20, you haven’t yet developed the boundaries to tell someone they’re not your best friend or you’re not actually that close when someone older and more experienced keeps calling you “mature” or keeps complimenting your “life skills” (when in reality they’re just immature and way behind in life).
Dre has just been silently moving on from that friendship, focusing on her professional work and making plans to move in with her boyfriend (which is exactly how I shook off those clingy roommates, sorry for projecting/blogging but yeah).
No. 508896
>>508869Molly is a trainwreck of a person, one look at her facebook or twitter feeds will tell you that. She's currently banned from facebook for a month because she won't stop talking about how she wants to kill all men. I always got the impression that she was using the fellowship for fame/followers and they got sick of her shit. She's pretty obsessed with internet fame, she was on some shitty reality show like four years ago and won't stop talking about it to this day as though it makes her relevant at all.
TLDR Molly is fucking obnoxious and I'm not surprised they dumped her.
No. 509221
>>508376There's no way Kelly would acknowledge this and answer. She ignores or blocks everyone that isn't kissing her ass.
But I do think that if enough people asked Dre why Kelly unfollowed her, she might reveal something.
No. 509472
>>509216Is there any way to see this? I'm curious.
>>509221Yeah, I can totally see Dre spilling a few drops of tea if enough people ask. I hope she does a QA soon.
No. 510069
File: 1519175517459.png (47.32 KB, 701x176, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 8.12…)

No. 510290
File: 1519189945087.png (133.03 KB, 1440x1826, Screenshot_20180220-210721_1.p…)

So because her fans harassed the gallery because she mentioned it an a photographer how many tweets do you think Konami is gonna get…
No. 510483
>>510290This just proves how much of a fake gamer she is hahaha
PT will never be back, and you would know why if you invested 5 seconds of googling
No. 510656
>>510478>>510483I don't think this Tweet means she's unaware of why it was canceled. Tons of people were upset about the cancelation.
However, it's Kelly, so she probably has no idea.
No. 510906
File: 1519247350373.jpg (118.35 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20180221-170756~2.j…)

>>510903Dropped the pic like the retard that I am.
No. 511002
>>510906Can she cosplay anything beside usage
She can’t even do THAT right.
No. 511205
>>510906Not just in this pic (although I think it really shows) Kelly’s eyes are a little bit closer together on her face than most peoples… she should use her makeup skills to fix that and do something to compliment her eyes.
Making them looking bigger AND with all this heavy makeup only makes them stand out but appear closer than they already ate.
No. 511368
File: 1519306606427.png (732.52 KB, 1440x2070, 20180222_083145.png)

If Kelly doesnt know what this is, then why endorse it? What I've gathered from the comment section is that Vero is a new social media platform that's ad free but charges people to use it?
No. 511369
File: 1519306783106.png (400.58 KB, 1440x2196, 20180222_083112.png)

>>511368Samefag. Saw this in the comments section. Kek.
No. 511395
File: 1519311974445.png (568.04 KB, 1361x563, hospitol.png)

No. 511400
>>511395why is she complaining about medical expenses of "her son"?
this bitch drives me crazy
No. 511436
File: 1519317298728.png (791.79 KB, 682x677, ScreenShot460.png)

>>511427I hate the way she describes colors, this video could have being 15 minutes shorter, at least.
And this looks like baby poop.
No. 511458
>>511427Put links in the YouTube section when posting to embed it!
It also stops her from getting views from us if I recall correctly
No. 511465
File: 1519320683902.png (1.13 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8349.PNG)

>>511458Professional makeup artist y'all
No. 511491
>>511404Yeah, but did she take him to an emergency location rather than a regular vet? If so, she can't really complain. They emergency clinics have a right to charge for being available 24/7.
She didn't even say what warranted needing to "rush" him there. Knowing Kelly he probably threw up and she panicked.
No. 511533
>>511529I went to look at her twitter after you posted this cap. How can she know he got into chocolate and yet post about how she had to rush him to the hospital yet has "no idea what happened"? Is she really that clueless?
It also bothers me that she's going through this alleged crisis and tons of her fans/supporters are commenting with genuine concern and asking questions or offering advice, etc…and she just ignores it all. I dunno. Just seems rude. People actually care, and she just wants the attention and sympathy.
No. 511868
>>511458BMC is not "up and coming" they've been around for a few years now. I also doubt they actually reached out to her.
"Backwards moon" - there's no "right" way to draw a moon. Good lord.
Has she never watched a single BMC unboxing or review video? Their packaging is beautiful, yes, but it's nothing new - again, they've been around long enough that it's not a secret how beautiful and intricate their packaging is.
And regarding the copying - there were legitimate issues semi-recently where Jeffree Star and Manny MUA did a collab where they straight up copied the BMC logo - no one is talking about the actual tube.
I'm also irritated that she's supposed to be doing swatches - which she didn't even do at all. It's fine if she wanted to test them on her face rather than do actual swatching on her hand or wrist, but she could have at least zoomed in. She also tried like two shades in the palette. Pffff. GAWD. I could pick her apart all day.
Sorrow does not smell like blueberries. If she had done any level of research on this company and their collections she would know that Sorrow is from the Black Metal collection, so all of the shades look black with flecks of shimmer. And yes, they do feel grainy.
Why the fuck does she show each clip of her wiping the lipstick off? No one cares.
She's showing how little she's looked into the brand because Gloom, Willow, Dusk, Mourning, Libra, and Illusion are all pale nude shades. Fuck they even carry a nude bundle.
No. 512503
File: 1519399799246.jpg (12.49 KB, 512x278, moonphases_zps52d216b1.jpg)

>>511458>>511868>"Backwards moon"This is nitpicky as fuck but good lord, how does someone make it into their late twenties without learning that the moon has different phases? There is no such thing as a backwards moon Kelly you absolute dumbass.
No. 513084
File: 1519442349879.png (845.73 KB, 1250x592, lol.png)

that last comment tho
No. 513092
File: 1519442768522.png (612.83 KB, 625x1381, lolpt2.png)

Also this
No. 513173
>>513084Tbf one of her followers
did color the page like that so it's probably inspired by Kelly (the comments on the left side) but yeah
No. 513210
File: 1519459650752.jpg (315.97 KB, 960x1284, Screenshot_20180224-080600.jpg)

No. 513224
>>508755seems to me Kelly wasn't hip/cute back in her teen years. so now that she looks great she is reliving those lost years. I understand.
using a person for a place to stay and then ghosting is trashy.
over the course of a month i realize Kelly is a cow. one I don't believe she is being sent free things to review. two she is playing a character and its odd. three she lives in her own world.
>>508703I have sense dre is a user and maybe a cow. she doesn't have enough cow opportunities but she is one to keep an eye on.
No. 513267
>>513210>Does fanart of someone>Expects favors and approvalI would ignore this girl too, thanks for painting me but why do you need my approval to send it? This is not a transaction. You do fanart because you like something, not for approval from the person
Don't be a trash artist trying to force people into transactions.
No. 513294
>>513267I think it's common decency to say thank you if someone does something special for you, Kelly isn't some A list celebrity that receives a million letters everyday begging for her attention. She's just a tiny little channel on youtube that should keep the fans that somehow STILL adore her close to her. I doubt the girl is asking for an arm and a leg, all she wanted was for Kelly to notice the painting she put hard work in just for her, but Kelly apparently feels too good for that, to me it sounds like she just wanted to hear that Kelly liked it before sending it to her. Kelly is shit when it comes to receiving stuff for free, she always seems so fake in her mail Monday videos and just posts random drawings of pink haired girls going "lol Idk the artist but look at this amazing picture of ME"
No shit this fan just wants actual confirmation that Kelly knows that she did it if she sent it to her.
But like that last person says, dont bother since Kelly will probably treat it like crap
No. 513344
>>513267> does painting of Kelly that took months of hard work and dedicated effort> sees a pic from a coloring app that someone colored in 5 minutes of a girl with pink hairThe coloring app pic of a girl that isn’t even Kelly gets its own Instagram post, while an actual painting of Kelly that took a months doesn’t get even the slightest acknowledgement
Do you get it now
No. 513386
File: 1519491116646.png (530.73 KB, 790x540, Screen shot 2018-02-24 at 12.1…)

For everyone curious but too lazy to look for the painting she did.
No. 513455
File: 1519496263140.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1726, 20180224_181401.png)

8.30am is not super early. Your lazy lifestyle is showing.
No. 513484
File: 1519498089598.jpg (283.86 KB, 502x750, raquel.jpg)

i've always thought it was strange she calls her style of painting hyperrealism when this
>>513469 is the truth. proportions are off in every piece she does (not to mention "looks real" isn't what hyperrealism means in the art world lol). dont get me wrong, she is talented imo, but it's still strange to hear her discuss her own work so inaccurately.
No. 513634
>>513561This Jenna girl has her own website selling her art in the hundreds on canvases
She's genuinely talented, though I don't see Kelly up for sale yet
No. 513636
>>513386>It's been a year and a half of wonderingA year and a half later and she's still harping. It wasn't a commission, she did that from her own free will, K doesn't owe her anything and she seems like a stalker to keep going
>what I did for youLike some jilted ex who bought you dinner once. It doesn't matter how long it took, that is a messy painting which could be done in a week or less so I don't get why she owes her soul now. Kelly is rude but I can't stand entitled artists who think everything they touch is gold
No. 513640
>>513634She already mentioned that she sold it.
>>513636I think the idea is that Kelly goes out of her way to find stuff that she suspects is inspired by her, but when someone has reached out to her to show her something she actually did for or inspired by her, she ignores it.
No. 513641
>>513561If this were actually a filter, why would the artist be bringing it up a year and a half later on Kelly’s instagram for everyone to see? The artist has hundreds of Instagram posts of her work in the same style, along with two websites showcasing and selling her art. You’re an idiot.
No. 513646
>>513636That girl isn't really showing entitlement if you ask me, she probably looked up to Kelly a lot at one point and got completely ignored by her which she didn't bother about for more than a year, and then sees Kelly repost a coloring sketch that probably isn't even meant to be her, you don't have to be an "entitled" artist for that to leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Sure, Kelly doesn't HAVE to thank you, but that doesn't mean we cant all think she's a stuck up bitch for it.
No. 513681
File: 1519513309722.png (800.25 KB, 730x715, sodepressed.png)

this is the kinda thing that makes me not feel bad for her when she complains about being broke and depressed. STOP BUYING USELESS SHIT DUDE its not that hard, maybe then things like an unexpected vet bill won't be as devastating as a tragedy.
she also posted a pitiful tweet about how she's unprepared for an upcoming surgery- does anyone know what that means? I think someone mentioned she's having some kind of cosmetic surgery coming up but I haven't watched her videos (snooze) so has she mentioned that?
No. 513802
>>466706Dre has a new video. She got a new horrible tattoo on her arm "Dead Men Tell No Tales" inspired by… PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN? Ugly ass font, too. Looks like something she got from Word Document. I'm sorry but Dre has the worst ugliest tattoos. Even tho Kelly is a cow, Kelly has better tattoo coordination on her body than Dre. has another ugly ass tattoo above "Dead Men Tell No Tales." someone needs to tell her to stop getting shitty tattoos.
saged for no milk.
No. 513816
>>513267I totally agree. this artist maybe a cow. this isn't fan art. its a person trying to get press.
>>513388she is putting oil on pictures. I cant believe people are falling for this. she maybe puting a filter over some of the prints. i am not sure but this isnt just oil. her website helps paint the picture. No. 513822
>>513816, literally a video of this specific artist painting to show you YES SHE CAN ACTUALLY PAINT THIS STUFF and no it isn't filters, the only cows I see right now are people trying to drag someone who spent her time creating something for Kelly only to get a little upset about being ignored.
Saged for getting of track
No. 513901
>>513816Yep exactly, this is one for OT but many artists draw celebrities and known characters for the views+likes+shares. It's a known strategy which is discussed in the thread.
She painted Kelly expecting it to be shared on her account. (=free advertising)
A year and a half(!) later the artist is still salty because she didn't get that sweet free advertising that Kelly never agreed to in the first place. Whoever is defending this artist is probably self-posting (all the links to her pages; nobody's ever heard of her)
Yes Kelly is a cow but fans can be cows too. Case in point: Confetti club
No. 514027
File: 1519548640840.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180225-004729.png)

So probably nothing but….in Kelly Eden instagram story she's watching black panther and she doesn't mention anyone but then Dre is there will them and mentions everyone….why are Kelly and Dre sitting so far apart…hmm…
No. 514031
File: 1519549184324.png (1.38 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180225-004737.png)

This is Dre's instagram story post… Compared to Kelly's
No. 514386
File: 1519593967354.jpg (18.1 KB, 520x115, 2.JPG)

Am I the only one excited to see what she's gonna get done? New perkier tiddies, shaved jawline, lipo? Who knows! I wonder if she's gonna vlog about it
No. 514388
File: 1519594087538.jpg (40.77 KB, 528x476, Unbenannt.JPG)

samefag but lol
Steph is so tired of her shit
No. 514477
File: 1519601318049.jpeg (595.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3A9215A2-D504-4A75-BE05-CF6B68…)

This is just awful looking. I know it’s not finished but her friends face just looks terrible.
No. 514554
>>514526Probs because she's
oh so depressed and therefore feels unable to care about a single human being apart from herself, as always.
No. 514558
>>514477Kelly really shot herself in the foot with this one. If you haven't painted in a while don't fucking go for more complicated lightning. Also what is the fabric and hair, it's just a mess.
Also has Kelly ever painted anyone with a warmer/darker skin tone? Like Envy is warmer toned but still super light.
No. 514605
File: 1519608602264.jpeg (73.24 KB, 304x271, B4407B3C-C35F-4A67-8CC3-83FC05…)

Just saw this on Stephanie’s instagram, god she has really let herself go.
No. 514704
>>514605is she pregnant?
If not… YIKES… even curvy people can still have flat tummies as long as they keep working out and drink lots of water. I think Stephanie has a pretty smile and a cute face but the weight gain hasn't been good for her face, she looks better with a slimmer face.
No. 514728
>>514708Dre is probably already moved if Stephanie is staying over idk.
I think nothing will happen, Dre is easygoing
Just hoping the randos from the 1lb of sprinkles vids don't move in as they're a downgrade
No. 514731
>>514565>Random girl does an oil painting of a photoFarmers: Myne eyes have been bless'd with such fine artistry
>Kelly does an oil painting of a photoFarmers: Why doth Kelly not maketh original art? Copying from whence photo is cheating.
No. 514736
>>514731Maybe because Kelly passes herself off as some amazing, completely original 'hyperrealistic' artist.
And the other artist did a fan portrait of Kelly. Fan art is pretty often based off of photos of the subject.
There's a difference.
No. 514760
File: 1519622062315.jpg (286.33 KB, 722x547, fanart.jpg)

I do like Kelly deep down but she's irritates me at times and contradicts herself a lot (and moreso as time goes on). Mostly I'm just salty that she doesn't put out more content.
No. 514996
File: 1519658446328.png (631.31 KB, 629x761, ScreenShot464.png)

>>514995Samefag but dear god… Iron your shit before showing it. It's a damn sponsored video, for fucks sake.
No. 515032
>>515000Nose job or lipo
maybe jaw shave
No. 515055
File: 1519663652910.png (761.12 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

Dang she's getting doughy on the stomach area.
Probs not lipo tho cuz she could lose that belly fat by working out.
No. 515058
>>514731>>514736Not to mention, that fan art was actually amazingly done. The use of colour, strokes, and texture were amazing.
Kelly's stuff looks like shit. And yes, it looks better than what I'm sure most of us in here could do, but it looks like shit because Kelly always tries to act like it's so fucking amazing. And it's just not. Like gj, girl, but you still need refining.
No. 515084
>>514995She was still a tad obnoxious in some of her behaviours during the try-ons, but the way she was acting and having fun with the sailor dress was actually cute.
The Princess Serenity dress would look so cute on her if she just reduced her damn bust. Her tits are so obnoxiously huge. I'm also irritated at how she keeps calling some of the designs casual. I don't think that's the word she means here - she's looking for the term "subtle". They're pieces that pay homage to Sailor Moon without being ott.
UGh she was doing find in this video until the very end.
Kelly, honey, we know you lurk here so here's a tip: the best way to let people know you don't care about the way they perceive you or what they say about you is by not addressing it at all. Your passive aggressive attempts at mocking how we view you and trying to act like it doesn't faze you speaks volumes about how much it actually bothers you. So just learn to ignore and be yourself without being such a damn try-hard.
No. 515268
I don't really think people are white knighting here, they're being reasonable. Kelly has plenty to be critical of but some people on here are grasping at straws. That painting follower looking for free promo was a cow but, the painting was good. It is really weird that Kelly totally ignores followers that give her thoughtful meaningful comments though but, responds to the ones that are like "LOLz u and dre should make babies roflmao".
I hope she isn't doing anything to her face because I actually like Kelly's jaw line, it does make her look more mature but in a sexy way not like a mom way. Yeah, it means she can't pull off youthful cosplay looks as well but in everyday life being sexy isn't a bad thing.
My major gripe with Kelly and the reason I started coming here is that I'm sick of her bipolar disorder controlling her channel (which I do believe she has, as a bipolar person myself, she has all the signs and borderline personality disorder actually has some overlap with bipolar disorder). She was more emotionally stable before and that made her enjoyable as a person. She needs medication because she spends more than half of her time in a depressive phase and not doing shit. Like, this is her job. I don't even like her when she's manic and bouncing all over the place. Just take some medication and be "normal". Yeah, it sucks to give up your manic phases but it's gotten so bad that she's not even functioning as an adult anymore.
KELLY, please get treatment with real medication (not supplements). Though therapy can help, you can't therapy, exercise and eat right a chemical imbalance away. Just put on your big girl panties, become responsible for your mental health and get real treatment.
No. 515472
>>515268I feel like her emotions are
triggered by what's going on with her friends. In early 2017 when she had a boyfriend (he's never mentioned but is in her 1second a day every day video), was getting along well with Dre and the other girls, she was very happy.
That split up, Dre become distant starting with no more mail Mondays together (and now Kelly really lets the mail back up to the point things are months old), become more distant with friends etc.
The two girls who went to Japan with her seem very "normal" which might be what she needs over patreon Lewd cosplay friends.
Kelly needs a lot of approval but also keeps people at a distance. None of her friends even knew she was having surgery, unless she got some dodgy place that will give you an appt in a week this must have been booked for months.
She also becomes/absorbs the character of whoever she is hanging around with, which is why the friends she has and the health of the relationships cause such an effect on her health. I agree she needs more suitable treatment to stabilize her condition rather than being a victim to it.
No. 515480
File: 1519700984122.png (39.07 KB, 632x321, amystery.PNG)

>>515472according to her new years video this year, she broke up with her boyfriend jan 1 2017, so she didnt have a bf in 2017 at all. but you're not wrong tbh, she definitely spiraled in the second half of the year and i wouldnt be surprised if it started with dre saying no to mail monday.
several fellowship/online friends apparently didnt know this surgery was happening, which is…weird… i mean, i guess it's not necessary to put your cosmetic surgeries on blast, but if she talked about it on social media, it's weird she didnt talk about it whenever they hung out irl.
No. 515547
>>515472I'm sorry, but I can't see her as a victim of anything. She's a grown ass woman who hasn't figured out how have friendships with healthy boundaries. She doesn't do anything real to deal with her self diagnosed mental health issues, but wants constant attention for them.
She acts like she's struggling financially, but still manages to travel overseas and spend a ton of money, buy unnecessary appliances and decor for ~aesthetic~ reasons, bought a purebred puppy, and is still able to spend money on surgery, fillers, tattoo removal, etc. She can't just own up to the fact that she has a decent amount of resources and connections, and a creative job that she is able to support herself with even if the quality of her content is plummeting.
I used to enjoy her videos, even though her rotten personality would sneak out at times. I don't want to actively dislike someone I don't know this much, but she just comes across as such an artificial, shallow, toxic, and disingenuous person. From my experiences with narcissistic people IRL, they rarely change, they just find new people to act out with. I don't see her becoming a better person, I'm more at the point where I can't look away from the trainwreck. It's so disappointing to see someone with great potential and opportunities being content to act like a melodramatic teenager who never plans to grow up.
No. 515679
>>515055Kelly totally got lipo it fat transfer. She needs to get her tits taken out but we all knows she wont.
I bet you she’s been showing her personal trainer lately just so she can go and get lipo like momokun and be like “it’s all me + the gym!!1”
No. 515742
>>515663Yep definitely it was those tweets that made me think "wait a minute-"
People comment on her videos saying they wish they had a friendgroup like the fellowship, but it's starting to seem fAkE.
What happened with Dre was people would send in fanart of them both and Kelly would call her her "best friend" in the videos but I don't think this was reflected off-camera.
They do make fun videos together but a friendship that shallow is quite empty, idk also when she was in Japan with her two normal friends they casually ran into Courtney+bf a couple of times, then left them again (as in, they said hi, hung around briefly then disappeared) which seems casual rather than close
We bin conned
No. 515767
File: 1519734247038.jpg (40.86 KB, 580x130, Untitled 1.jpg)

boo hoo
No. 515815
>>515767Okay, seriously? I thought Kelly was such a HUGE mahou shoujo fan. How is she watching CCS for the first time now?
Come to think of it, does she ever even talk about any mahou shoujo series other than Sailor Moon? She has figures from Madoka, but never really talks about it. Such a huge fan.
Also, good job for getting into CCS when it's finally relevant again because Clear Card is currently airing.
Maybe a bit of a tin foil, but Kelly seems like the type of person who wouldn't have the patience or attention span for watching subbed anime. So, she might be watching the butchered Card Captors dub. Kek.
Sage for anime sperging.
No. 515827
Is there a term for people who constantly go on and on about how "sick/disabled" they are when it's all self-diagnosed and in reality they are just a brat who wants handouts for no work? I have been seeing it with so many people lately, even with those who are not "popular" online.
No. 515840
>>515827there's a whole thread on lolcow dedicated to people like that called munchies. kelly is bad but she's not anywhere near as severe as some of the other online people… but this is a trend with youtubers tbh. nicole taylor dean does it too (tho her illnesses are, iirc, actually diagnosed, but probably not as
problematic as she touts)
No. 515956
File: 1519753964734.png (404.77 KB, 588x498, surgery.PNG)

She has a full bandage around her head. Who guessed jaw shave? That might be the lucky winner, though she is covering her nose, so… Both? I'm not sure if nosejobs have those full on bandages around the head like you'd get if you got your jaw/chin done.
No. 515978
>>515956looks like a facial compression wrap
totally got a jaw shave/necklift/both
maybe a nose job too.. wait to see if she has bruises under her eyes
No. 516013
>>515992tbh this is where the morality of plastic surgery gets murky. any surgeon who did their due diligence would probably see that kelly needs therapy for her body image issues, not a smaller chin/jaw… but these types of surgery are incredibly commonplace and they'd rather have the $ than actually help someone. not saying it's the dr's fault, it's just the sad state of our world tbh
we could nitpick her face all day long but she's not ugly and with the right styling/makeup is gorgeous, but that doesn't matter to her or the dr who worked with her lol
my money's on the jaw shave too. pity, i love square jaws on girls and they're some of the prettiest imo (natalie portman, keira knightly, etc)
No. 516062
>>516013Yes! I love square jaws on females, her sister has a similar jaw line and it looks great on both of them.
I was really hoping it wasn't her face but meh, what can you do?
No. 516104
File: 1519765959009.jpeg (228.56 KB, 739x1213, 471B2FF2-E520-498E-B30C-D1C8CB…)

> so here’s a throwback because it’s not like I only ever spam my insta with throwbacks… oh wait
No. 516188
File: 1519773384224.jpg (150.08 KB, 1078x332, Screenshot_20180227-181240.jpg)

>>515827>>515840It's called Munchausen Syndrome. You can do some more research on it if you'd like, but here's a brief definition.
No. 516197
>>515956I doubt it was a jaw shave. Those are incredibly painful and have a really long healing process, You can't even eat properly for a while. That looks like a compression wrap, which makes me believe it was neck lipo or a neck lift. A jaw shave wouldn't require a compression wrap.
I watch a ton of plastic surgery videos kek
No. 516264
File: 1519776538127.png (709.79 KB, 774x806, 21312.png)

>>516197damn anon i think u right, she is wearing a compression garment. I bet it was neck or chin lipo like you said.
(lol @ multiple dumbasses in her replies asking if she got her wisdom teeth out… shows how young/naive her average fan is)
No. 516283
>>516264there's no way it was lipo. she doesn't have enough fat in her neck to even make the surgery possible. it's definitely a jaw shave imo. a quick google of jaw shave recovery pics shows plenty using a compression just like this.
she got her jaw done for sure
No. 516440
File: 1519790827228.jpg (16.94 KB, 300x225, chin-liposuction-beverly-hills…)

>>516264Looks like lipo to me. You don't need too much of a double chin to have one.
No. 516554
File: 1519803062512.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 83790B6F-CD60-4CB5-9B8D-A0E428…)

No. 516583
>>516254not a nose job since she's not wearing a nose bandage.
No bruising around her jaw or drainage tubes in her mouth, wasn't a jaw shave. Neck lift or lipo is the only answer.
No. 516587
File: 1519806317472.jpg (268.76 KB, 700x467, photo-3.jpg)

>>516583Pic related is recovery from jaw shaving. This is definitely not what she had.
No. 516595
File: 1519807007342.jpg (79.8 KB, 495x364, photomagic(1)(2).jpg)

>also the fellowship: Didn't even know she was having surgery
No. 516654
>>516603How dare you say that Kelly doesn't deserve to be taken care of by the whole fellowship?
Everyone should have gotten licences from their jobs and go pamper Kelly right away. Is there anything more important than that?
No. 516661
>>513267>force people into transactionsAnon, can you read? She explicitly says she was gonna "gift" it to her. In what world does "gift" mean transaction? Don't be such an idiot.
>>513901If that was this artist's intention then why did she choose a YouTuber that at the time had less than 100k subs? Why isn't there more "celebrity" fan art besides her?
Are you Kelly? Because I know farmers can be really stupid, but I find it hard to believe any would actually be defending her over something like this. Especially while saying she's a big enough "celebrity" for people to spend months on a painting for the sake of a shout out to her abysmal audience. Either your her or one of her delusional AF fans.
No. 516742
>>516654Referring to the fact none of her friends knew she had surgery and just post tweets about it rather than offering private support, perhaps? A few posts upthread
>>516661Please stop dragging up your no-name artist friend, nobody cares
No. 516749
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No. 516766
>>516749>it looks like your wisdom teeth got removed>proceeds to give reasons why it doesn't look like she got her wisdom teeth removed??? logic?
kelly's fans, everyone!
No. 516802
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Kelly's insta story dump 1/3
No. 516803
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Kelly's insta story dump 2/3
No. 516806
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Kelly's insta story dump 3/3
No. 516897
>>516879… You sound like you're super young. I agree in an ideal world, friends would do this for you, but the reality is people have things like jobs and obligations that often make it impossible to hang out at their friend's house nonstop for days to take care of them following surgery.
Since Steph's self-employed, she has the freedom to do this. Most people do not.
No. 516929
>>516902>>516905Ahh I see now. Thanks guys.
I type "snow kelly eden" so both lolcow and PULL come up. This thread used to be the first result but I guess it moved down or something
No. 516974
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Saged for not being about Kelly directly
No. 517099
>>516935Yep nearly all Kelly's friends are self-employed (barring the two or three brunettes who are employees) and also spend all day online. In response to the other posts upthread;
Nobody is saying they should all be at her house doting on her, whoever was saying that sounds
triggered. That's not the topic at all. It's great a couple of people are looking after her.
The point is, her self-employed constantly available friends of which there are a lot of, are quite distant compared to what we are given the impression of. Her "best friend" Dre is probably vanished forever and the rest of them clearly don't even chat online since they know about as much as we do about her. The point was the fellowship is somewhat fake, and these gracious posts Kelly is making seem inspired by this thread ("my friends are great and like sisters to me")
Envy is a new addition of like 3 months ago, the brunette girl is her hairdresser, Steph is the only long term "fellowship" member who knew about the surgery and is supporting her.
To clarify: I'm not suggesting friends should dote on you, but their behavior this week makes it clear the friendships are not as close as we would assume.
No. 517208
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high heals
No. 517214
>>517099Saged because it doesn't matter, but here are the fellowship members I know of and their jobs. I might have missed one or two.
>Kelly: self-employed/YouTuber>Stephanie: self-employed/patreon>Vivka: self-employed/patreon>Courtney: self-employed/patreon/streamer?>Envy: self-employed/patreon>Dre: freelance makeup artist/YouTuber >brunette girl whose name I don't know: hairdresser>katie rose: works for Ritual Del Fille, a makeup company >kota: freelance/YouTuber/musician, lives far away >Lindsay/misslindsayxoxo: seamstress>Claire: has said in videos that she works full time but idk what her job is Did I forget anyone? That makes maybe three people wth regular jobs/work schedules, and kota who lives too far away to visit Kelly while she's recovering.
No. 517237
>>517195We can't know for sure but reading between the lines based on Kelly/Dre's various tweets/insta stories/etc…
Fact: Late spring/early summer 2017, Dre wanted to stop doing videos together, which hurt Kelly's feelings.
Fact: Late fall/early winter 2017, Dre met a dude.
Conjecture: January 2018, Dre decided to move out, possibly with the dude, which made Kelly upset. Kelly wants a relationship with a dude too and so she has some jealousy there; Kelly also wants Dre to be her BFF and live with her forever and Dre obviously doesn't feel the same.
It's just a matter of Kelly feeling "betrayed and left behind" and Dre doing what's best for Dre even at the expense of her friendship with Kelly.
No. 517240
>>517229Even if that's true, there had to be a
'straw that broke the camel's back' moment that made her realize it.
I'm just wondering if there were any thoughts on what that could be, especially since most here seem to know way more about the group dynamics than I do. As a casual viewer, a lot of these posts are surprising to me, yet it's apparently been old news for a while.
It's surprising that a lot of what I knew was a lie, but I always thought things weren't as peachy as they pretended. I just had no idea the extent of the problems going on since Kelly obviously deletes comments.
No. 517250
>>517237Thanks, I did remember Dre creating her own channel but I had no idea it hurt Kelly's feelings. And I didn't know Dre met a guy either.
I always felt that their friendship had chemistry (even if there were moments of them obviously hamming it up for the camera). Their sudden radio silence towards each other is not going unnoticed, so I wonder how long they are going to stay silent about all of this?
No. 517263
>>517214Claire juggles a few jobs, I think she does sewing commissions on the side but her day job is at black Phoenix alchemy lab (Perfume?). She also used to do some teaching of science stuff like you would bring someone in to your class for a day thing, not sure if she does still. Claire though is notorious for flaking out too so I wouldn’t call on her for this anyways.
I didn’t cap because I’m dumb but Dre had an ig story saying things are very stressful atm as to why she hasn’t posted a lot lately. I assume related to moving but she isn’t publicly talking about it.
No. 517278
"Owning" a friend like she felt she owned Dre is a huge BPD trait. Can see how it would be hard for her. I wouldn't be surprised if her decision to get surgery was somehow influenced by the Dre divorce. Like "LOOK I NEED YOU HERE SO MUCH".
>>517208Kelly is high on those heals.
No. 517329
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This girl is so fucking retarded she thinks she's Kim K and we need to wait til next week's episode to find out what she did
No. 517341
Idk about the thing with kelly, I just went to meet dre and TT
No. 517399
>>466706>>517343I def think it was lipo. Kelly used to be slim years ago when she first moved to LA from Denver (before getting breast implants). She is short, so having a curvy body can make a short person look "fat" if they aren't careful to keep working out and watch their weight. Kelly probably said "fuck it" and decided to get lipo to make her body frame smaller. I think it's sad if she decided on that, though. Dre has said before that Kelly reads lolcow and I really hope that lolcow didn't affect her warped perspective of her own body images. So many people on here are hateful and cruel, making fun of her body and calling her fat and manly (I always thought she looked fine, it's just her fashion style that sucks).
I went to google jaw shaving surgery last night after reading lolcow and a lot of people on plastic surgery forums all said they got jaw shaving surgery because of how they were made fun of and called horrible names (like what's happening on lolwcow with Kelly's body issues). Very sad.
No. 517419
>>516993>>517000This is when Stephanie was actually cute imo
No. 517421
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>>517329i can't articulate why but her tweets got me so
triggered girl it was an ELECTIVE COSMETIC SURGERY good god damn how much sympathy do you need? shut up! "i'm surrounded by the people who love me" you got fat sucked out of your face, not open heart surgery, jesus. there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery but she's purposefully trying to milk it for ass pats on what a brave little soldier she is.
No. 517427
Kelly if you're reading this, please stop tweeting "look at me, poor me" attention whorey tweets. This is why people keep calling you out, girl.
No. 517472
>>517399In addition to that, she's at that age where your body starts to noticeably 'age'. Your collagen production starts to lessen, which causes things to start to sag. You lose that healthy 'young person' glow, and you don't heal as fast as you used to. Worse, your body in general can't handle all the stress life throw at you like you could in your teens and early 20s.
Hell, I'm in my late 20s and looking back at photos from just 2 years ago, I'm amazed at how much I've aged. I still weigh the same, but things don't seem as 'tight' as they used to be. The bags under my eyes are more pronounced, and my jaw line is less defined… and hey, where did those forehead lines come from?!
And the thing is, this isn't just happening to me. All of my friends that are around the same age are experiencing the same thing. I found a group photo of my friends and compared it to now, and again, it's only been 2 years, yet we all look so much younger in our mid 20s.
I can only imagine what someone with body dysphoria has to feel when they realize this. I don't have body dysphoria but it's still really depressing to see these little changes sneak up on me, and I know it's only going to get worse in the coming years. I'm sure for people like Kelly, who lives in a state with beautiful people and who relies on her looks for income, aging is a much harder reality to accept.
No. 517478
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dre is there with steph and kelly apparently.
No. 517485
>>517478I'm wondering if they all realized that the radio silence between them is causing bad optics and harming their 'image'…
I've never been on a forum like this one, before today. I am not a 'fan' of Kelly Eden per se; she is just one of the channels I watch or have on in the background when I'm getting ready to work. Sometimes I check their instagrams because I like their style and use it for inspiration when I'm making arts and crafts.
That being said, even I, a casual viewer that does no watch every video of theirs, could not help but notice how off everything has been lately. I searched her and Dre's social media accounts to see if I could glean some information, but nothing. I even braved the Youtube comment sections, and again, nothing.
So I googled my question and ended up on here and some other 'youtube' forum. I ended up reading and wow, I had no idea of half the stuff that was going on, much less this latest moving situation.
I guess my point is this: If I, a casual viewer, can tell something is off, and then I go off to search for answers, then I can only imagine how many other fans have done the same thing and are reading these same forums I have read today. This not only puts Kelly in a bad light, but it puts the rest of the group in a bad light as well.
Sad to say, I don't think I'll be watching them anymore after everything I have found out, it just ruined the 'fun' I had when I had no idea about everything that was going on behind the scenes. I doubt I'm the only viewer that feels this way, and if Kelly and the rest of her crew have figured this out, they may have decided to act like everything is fine to prevent other fans from getting curious and finding these threads.
No. 517573
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First thing I'm gonna do is take really awkward photos.
Forreal tho this girl fucking triggers me she's acting like shes had cancer treatment and is gonna come back stronger than ever uwu
No. 533932
>>533929Who the fuck are you even talking to?
Why are you responding to an old thread?
Go fuck yourself, idiot.