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No. 208335
New JNig thread, old one hitting limit
>>34186So, she posted this not long ago and as much as she's brought on a lot of shit herself by enabling her fans behavior, I'm still disgusted by some of the comments.
No. 208503
>>208363it's a joke you sperg
albeit, an obnoxious haha lel so randum joke but no need to take it so seriously
No. 208599
>>208575Um… They aren't even whiteknighting JNig. They even criticize her.
I am all for calling out self-fagging in threads, but at least read the whole post you call some anon out on. ffs.
No. 209024
I'm not sure whether it's just her preference not to get naked or if she's implying that getting naked is objectively worse than getting your tits on display most of the time and quite clearly pandering to a certain kind of fan.
If it's the former, I don't particularly care: I can understand that her parents might tolerate it as she supposedly makes a load of money, while they might not want to come across photos of her naked. I don't personally see much difference but, then again, I'm of the opinion that in this day and age bits of the body are more or less sexual because we decide they are, not because they inherently are. Of course, it's a left over from thousands of years ago, when women developed more protruding breasts after we started walking erect rather than on all fours but last time I checked we were out of the caves.
If it's the latter, it is annoying to see the double standard. Her saying "If you are here in the hopes that one day I will do this, you are a poor poor misguided soul." does sound like she feels like she can talk down to those who'd like to see her naked or, worse, those who do do nudes.
Look, I'm straight, female and I don't like the look of inflated boobs, but I also don't particularly care if someone else wants to wank off to her pictures. It does, however, irk me somewhat if someone builds their career on that and then feels like they have the high moral ground compared to those who do nudes or, say, even porn. And I want to make it clear: I'm not saying porn actors or nude models are in any way inferior, I just get bothered by the suspicion that her and her ilk might think so when they make such a thing of not wanting to pose nude, because I generally hate hypocrites.
No. 209070
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This is kind of petty considering she brought all this shit upon herself but if she's actually messaging them, thirsty guys gonna get dumped.
No. 209081
>>208573That wasn't Brazil (I'm brazilian and I follow her). It was a con in Peru, another macho country that also treats women like shit.
Very common in Latin America. It sucks that we don't have laws to protect us. What she got was a mix of what she enabled her fans to do, plus the way men are raised there.
No. 209153
File: 1448833694996.png (244.79 KB, 900x851, 1348622442927.png)

>>208335>sexualizes herself aka making herself appearing as a sex object>literally asking to get sexual comments by her creepy fans>gets disgusted by how her fans sexualize herIf you present yourself as a sexual object, people don't owe you respect and you don't deserve any either.
still jelly that she makes a shit ton of money tho
No. 209258
>>209246You have to earn respect. It's not something that's automatically given just because you exist. It's very hard for people to take you seriously and respect you if you're sexualizing yourself like Nigri does. Most people will assume (and rightfully so) that you choose money and attention over your own dignity. Whores and sluts will never be respected by the majority, no matter how hard they try to preach that they deserve it. Kim K is a perfect example of this. She got famous because she made a sex tape, and even though she now runs her own business(es) and has a successful reality TV show, hardly anyone truly respects her. She decided to whore herself out in order to get famous, and every one and their cousin can go watch her getting fucked by some shitty RnB singer.
Women who willingly objective themselves, invite others to do the same. Women who are confident and truly respect themselves do not whore themselves out over the internet, or anywhere else because they understand that their dignity is worth way more than money, fame, and material things.
It's really not that hard to buy bolt ons, a push up bra, put on 6lbs of makeup, and take skanky photos. JNig has done absolutely nothing to earn respect. Fap material is the only thing she has contributed to society, and a lot of girls are trying to follow in her footsteps. It's pathetic, and people like that don't deserve respect, because they dont do anything respectable. Learn a real skill and contribute to the world, instead of taking the easy way out and using your body as a tool. It'll get old and wrinkly one day and then nobody will give a fuck about you anymore.
No. 209284
Do you think people respect sexual objects, whether they're male or female? no. people use them for sex because thats how they present themselves. they don't present themselves as human but objects
No. 209286
>>209273She can take advantage of it, but she cannot expect people to treat her decency or with respect lol but i doubt she cares with all that money she's doing.
does anyone know how much money she makes a month btw?
No. 209289
File: 1448850985833.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.35 KB, 180x294, 180px-Naked_Jessica_Nigri.jpg)

Is this truly her or did someone photoshopped her head on the body?
No. 209292
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No. 209295
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she needs a better skincare routine jfc
No. 209303
File: 1448851914373.jpg (13.02 KB, 200x406, JNig.jpg)

>>209289It is her, but someone Photoshopped her clothes off. In the real photo, she has on a blue bikini. You can still see the blue string hanging off her right hip in that "nude" photo.
No. 209367
>>209290What? We can't even see her butt in this picture.
Maybe I'm insecure, in fact I clearly am, but this obsession with huge asses is kind of getting to me. I've always had a nice butt, but back in the 90's it was NOT a good thing to have around here. It's not a huge butt by any means, but back then it was considered too big, not even just wide just… too protruding. You were supposed to have a small, almost seamless dainty little ass. And now it's a "thing" and I'm mad.
Sage for diary post, sorry.
No. 209386
>>209258>>209284You're not an object because you highlight your own sexuality, though - you might be the subject of someone else's masturbatory fantasies, but you're not an object. We are in agreement when you say that putting make up on and dressing sluttily doesn't take a huge amount of skill but there's got to be something more to what she does or anyone else who whores themselves just as much would have a similar amount of followers, sales and pageviews. They don't, though; if you look at JN's output you can see why, it's not just a matter of having been there first (which she hasn't).
One could argue that someone like Pewdiepie has a similar kind of appeal: she capitalized on sex appeal, he capitalized on being an idiot on camera. He didn't learn any particular skill either,but Pewdiepie isn't as reviled over here.
The thing I'd be curious about is to know this: do you have the same opinion of porn stars and prostitutes or is there anything else about JN that irritates you?
No. 209391
>>208573I just don't see this as her saying she's taking a high ground for not doing nudes
it just feels like a clear statement that she's not going to. It doesn't really seem like she's putting down anyone who does
No. 209458
>>209258, and yes, I feel the same way about porn stars and prostitutes. I know some are forced into certain situations, and I don't necessarily think they're bad people, but I don't respect sex workers. The ones who act like they're proud to be a hoe are the absolute worst. Anyone can sell their body, it's nothing to be proud of.
I also don't respect Pewdiepie lol.
No. 209495
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>>209494OT, but this is fucking cringe
No. 209513
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This is ironic coming from someone who was once guilty of doing something similar.
No. 209677
>>209386Porn stars are sexual objects though,not that its wrong but come on. Do you realy look at tits to fap and think "samn she deserves respect i like her personality"
If you present yourself as nothing else than tits and butts then you are a sexual object and dont deserve respect lol and i dont have anything wrong against sex workers but be realistic.
No. 209788
>>209513Hooooooly shit, someone should spam her twitter with caps of when she did that to Masamune.
It's hilarious how she's so eager to send attack dogs at other cosplayers.
No. 209807
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>>209513Jessica is a hypocritical bitch, this should surprise nobody.
Background for the newfags: See picture. She stole a photo from a photographer, blackened out his watermark, started selling prints without his permission or paying royalties, got confronted about it and basically just said that he's the one who should be thankful that he's getting more exposure since she's using his photos. More exposure with the watermark wiped off? lmao
No. 209813
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>>209809You'd think so, but no. The photo belongs to the photographer, but he can't sell it either without her permission like she can't without his. The photography wouldn't exist without his effort either. Removing the watermark was the most shittiest cherry on top of the sundae.
No. 210224
>>210216But they are still images of her. So therefore her likeness. Maybe it's not the right word, but it's her. So he can't sell them without permission, unless there was a contract. Even a general model release states that. It only allows for general distribution as in, posting online to show HEY I CAN TAKE PHOTOS and not for monetary gain. She's also not allowed to do the same and can only distribute to show HEY GUYS LOOK AT MY COSPLAY.
In any case, it just has to be in writing, which I'm guessing neither did. And I know people who've done general model release forms for cosplay photos. They don't turn around and try to sell them because they can't.
No. 210231
>>210229Even if they are not. It's why I know some people who won't work with a photographer without a general model release. It's one thing if your friend is just taking photos of you, but if the other person is supposed to be a cosplay photographer, even if they are an amateur that does it only at cons and does no other photography, you should have something. Or in this case, JNig should have something because she's the 'professional' cosplayer. I don't know anything about the photographer, but they probably have something in place now.
It would be nice to trust people, but it's always better to not trust them for things like this.
No. 210246
>>209081it was Chile
>>209494apparently this was a scam and no one got their crate
No. 216093
>>210286Actually that's not the whole case. For starters, these things vary by country and state in most of the western world you can sell photos of whatever you like as long as any recognisable subjects are not being portrayed in an inaccurate way and the images are not being sold to or for something that people, but not necessarily that specific person, could find objectionable.
The simple and classic example is you can't take a photo of a random girl and sell it to or use it to advertise a porn site.
Of course there are a few countries and states where things are a bit tighter and you do need permission to sell the image at all if any subject is illustrated clearly enough. But even in those areas, things can be complicated, usually in the photographer's favor, depending on if the image was taken in a public place, if it looks like the subject knew the photo was being taken or a hundred other tiny loopholes and exceptions.
You also gotta remember that releases don't actually apply in most cases and most judges will ignore them. Releases were invented for publishing houses to cover their asses and it only became a thing the photographers themselves got because it was more convenient for the photographer to get it at the time of shooting than for the publishing house to get it days, weeks or months after the shoot. If the photographer themselves is the one using the image then any release is more or less irrelevant. There are a few states where releases are enforced more and are more of a requirement, but in many they're treated on a case-by-cases basis and throughout Europe, especially Britain, releases mean jack shit.
I'm not saying Nigri's case is one way or the other, but in all situations it's more complicated and down to obscure specifics than most people think.
No. 216102
>>209792Nothing wrong with big butts either.
You're just upset that beauty standards arent praising your small butt anymore
No. 216103
>>209792but most people don't prefer small butts.
someone sounds insecure
No. 216865
>>216765I don't anyone truly values her, not even her "fans". Go take a look at her comment thread section on any one of her pictures. It's disgusting.
She's just fap material.
I wonder what her parents think of her "career".
No. 217045
>>216865The main issue with her being fap material is that it's half ass bottom tier fap material. Like it's already a joke "who actually buys porn?" but this just takes it to another level. Who buys her shit that's not even porn?
>>216765Most guys don't have the luxury of being gay.
No. 217081
>>215208Her tits tire me, honestly. I'm tired of seeing her lady balls.
Surely neckbeards must be into some booty as well? And you'd also think for all the exercising that Jnig does, she'd have a decent ass, too. Or maybe she just doesn't like doing squats and lunges.
No. 217086
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>>209494That was so full of cringe.
No. 217088
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>>210006That's because Jnig's development into cos-fame and spiraling into the drain from it plays out just like Lindsay Lohan's.
And the sad part is that Jnig did have the potential to be something like a Disney star. She had that 'Disney look' back in high school.
No. 217108
>>216865Her parents probably blame her audience and don't see the part she plays in it at all.
Remember: if a woman gets her clothes off it's empowering, if a guy faps to her it's sexist and demeaning.
No. 219442
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I didn't want to be salty about this, but I am. I've been saving money up for months to buy one of these. Why the fuck are companies giving her this shit, most of the people on her page are probably cheapos who won't even go out and buy most of it. Guess it'll come in handy for her boring as fuck LoL streams.
No. 219517
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>>219442where is…where does her face end?
No. 219706
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No. 219707
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>>219706You are my favorite anon.
No. 219746
>>219745Is LoL even a game anymore? I mean, even with the players who spend 40+ hours a week on it.
It's all buy shit for skins and who has the best alternative costume for your character, cos that makes you cooler than the other idiots wasting money on that kinda stuff.
Does she actually play it though? Or just gets overwhelmed with too many people buying her shit over that?
I don't like the game so you can rip into me all you like for that, but the last con I went to was filled with them in alternative and re-arranged alternatives costumes for that game.
No. 219747
>>219746Samefag here, I'm still having flashbacks, it was awful.
Is she at least paying the people who make costumes for her now?
No. 219750
>>219442More importantly, why did her boyfriend get one too?
I can understand Nigri purely because of how big her fanbase is but why him. Every time Nigri gets sponsored for something, he gets it too even though he has less than 40K likes. Just because they're dating?
Yes, I'm jealous.
No. 220069
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Since nobody mentioned it I figure I will.
A few days ago this pic was posted on Reddit "Visible implant scar at the beginning of the Sexy Santa Mail Monday video!"
link to thread: and the circled armpit here
>>219517 looks kinda like it has scarring?
No. 220106
>>220105i tuned it for the first and only time once. literally no interaction while people in the chat are begging for attention from her.
all she plays is aram and she pretty much sucks. she also called the enemy katarina akali when there wasn't even an akali in the game. i hate to sound like a neckbeard but.. i think it's safe to say she's a "Fake gamur girl".
No. 220199
>>208335>>220069>>220105>>220119>>220123>>220164>>220197I was about to say, "If all neckbeards are after is a pair of big fake tits, then why not Yaya Han instead of Jnig?"
But then again, I remember Yaya is at least honest about hers while Jnig still denies it. Guess that's how Jnig keeps the beta moola flowing in.
No. 220200
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>>220197>I'm waiting for that moment when someone has the same bra size as or even bigger than Jnig's and complains about the boobs hurting their backs oh god why would anyone want big boobsNeckbeards make me rage.
No. 220202
>>219442>New chair, new shoes, new everything>stupid matching purple and black outfits/chairI really hate how much of a 'swagfag' she's become after she started sleeping with her new/current BF.
>>219495Looks like Jnig has been slacking off on her exercising lately.
No. 220226
>>220208Jnig 'vital stats':
>'Battle Born' native here having embarrassment that she's originally from Reno, NevadaI can't believe she was born there. But I also didn't know that she grew up in New Zealand, too, before moving back to the states.
Actually, New Zealand can keep her lmao
No. 220245
>>220226…those tits look a
lot bigger than a 34D. Why does everyone think that's a big bra size, anyway? It really isn't unless you're short as hell.
No. 220249
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do u have eyes? Auntie Yaya looks way younger that jnig
No. 220365
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>>220226That website is def shit because she was not a b cup before her boob job. Pic related, JNig was an a cup without help from push up bras or cutlets. Also JNig doesn't have a true hourglass I don't think. She doesn't seem to have the 10 inches in difference that tend to define that shape.
I used to be a 34d but gained weight which I'm trying to lose and yeah, a d cup isn't big at all unless you have a small waist. I'd wager JNig is a 34c wears a 32d at VS with a lot of push up, since VS bras are sized weird.
No. 220368
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>>220263>>220272Most women aren't measured correctly for their bra size so it's not really surprising. Hell, she probably doesn't know what her right size is either.
Have a pic of her "34D's" smashed to all hell. She says she made this costume herself.
No. 220373
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>>220369Sunscreen. I hate to recommend reddit, but the skincareaddiction sub is a good starting point, I also lurk on asianbeauty.
That and generally taking care of your body, getting in some exercise, don't starve yourself to stay thin. A lot of it is genetics, no way around that, but my brother always made fun of me for using sunscreen year around, but 10 years down the road and his skin looks like shit compared to mine even though we had the same shit skin before. Also here is a pic of a truck driver who had half his face in the sun all the time.
No. 220393
>>220373I'm really big in my skincare and apply a 30 SPF moisturiser and a 15 SPF lip balm everyday bit I'm wondering if this is enough.
I want to move on to move into actual sunscreen but I'm having trouble locating one today doesn't leave a greasy film on my face.
What do you use Anon?
No. 220405
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>>220393Not that anon but I thought I'd recommend pic related. I'm not sure how easy it is to find outside of the UK though.
Should we maybe start a skincare thread in /b/ or /g/ or something to avoid derailing the Jnigger thread any further?
No. 220408
>>220407Farmhand this level of policing is completely unnecessary, we're just having a small discussion whilst there's no JNig dramu presently ongoing.
You really don't need to pop in and out of every single thread the second it veers slight OT, although this is still pretty relevant considering the horrific condition of JNigs skin.
Like c'mon.
No. 220409
>>220405Oh btw I am in the UK also so I'll keep an eye out for it thanks.
Sage for OT, guess I'll cut this now.
No. 220410
>>220408That anon said
>Should we maybe start a skincare thread in /b/ or /g/ or something to avoid derailing the Jnigger thread any further?So I linked them to the already existing skincare thread.
No. 220412
>>220408I for one welcome it. Thanks farmhand.
If you're bored from lack of milk go find some. I don't want to read through OT /g/shit going through pt threads, either. Admin/farmhands have taken into consideration concerns we have, otshit being one of them. Pretty sure you're the minority and farmhand is justified.
No. 220420
>>220407Thanks, farmhand!
>>220412Yeah, it's easier for someone to post in a more relevant thread than for everyone else to have to wade through all the OT posts.
No. 220421
>>220412I can understand if a thread is getting massively OT but a minority handful of posts discussing a subtopic is not a derailment.
Get your nose out of the Farmhand's chocolate starfish; there is such a thing as overooderation and incase you're forgetting it's what killed /cgl/, I don't want you pedantic fucks ruining my new hideout as well.
At any rate what do you think you're doing more? How is any of this relevant to JNig?
No. 220425
>>220421Cgl killed Cgl.
I'm all for user enforcement of proper board culture. That's what we're doing. :^) it's too bad the majority of users don't want to bend to your every whim, bratty princess-chan.
No. 220427
>>220425The fact that you seem to be unaware of the fact that it was a minority of users calling for stricter moderation on /cgl/ that rolled in a wave of excessive overmoderation, extreme mod bias and totalitarianism of the board proves to me that you were never actually there during its glory days.
>"I disagree with your opinion so I'm going to call you a - chan!"I see you're new to the internet. Enjoy your stay.
No. 220430
>>220421Ok, yeah, but it's not like everyone who went OT got b& or anything, I asked if we should start a skincare thread and the farmhand was just pointing out that there was an already existing one to post in.
Jesus christ, here we are going OT again. Is there a "bitching about moderation general" or do we use /meta/ for that?
No. 220444
>>220245They can't be bigger than a DD. She wears bombshell bras and those aren't made in sizes above DD. Plus she doesn't have extra boob bulging over the top of them so they're not bigger than the sizes offered.
I've met her in real life. Her boobs aren't that big and are surprisingly much more in proportion to her body than pictures indicate. A D cup is realistic for her.
No. 220474
File: 1452126403809.jpg (50.29 KB, 500x312, Cup size different[1].jpg)

>>220444It's very clear they don't fit, anon. Pic related is DD and D, she's likely an F or so.
Also it's well know that VS lies about their sizing to get people to buy, especially if they don't have their size.
No. 220613
>>220474I don't have screenshots but if you follow her bf's snapchat he sometimes takes pictures of her in normal clothes where she's not wearing a push up. In those pics her boobs really don't look any different or bigger than those in that picture, just more perky because of the implants.
Also you can't compare D's in a standard t-shirt bra to D's in a push up.
No. 220642
>>220226>61 kgs>dat box shape>64 cm waist at 61 kg with that wide waistYup, bullshit. I'm the same height as her and though body-wise I'm a banana (lol) type, my waist looks a lot more dramatic than hers… and I still need to weigh 50 AT MOST for it to be 64 cm.
Also there's no way she is a 34 D now as anon pointed out (though I can believe she was a 34 B before the implants).
No. 223010
>>222932Holy fucking shit she has a Patreon?
GooglesSweet baby Jesus $8385!? WHAT!? Talk about getting paid!
What's this bullshit other cosplayers say that other people won't sponsor you or invite you to cons if you have one? Sounds like some bull to me.
No. 223028
>>223023Combo A and B really.
I personally think those "top tier" cosplayer will jump on the patreon soon enough but won't make as much as jnig in donations.
No. 223075
>>222315>>223010The scary thing is that I don't think she's actually posted or linked the patreon anywhere on her fb or insta.
It was only mentioned at the end of her youtube mail monday as far as I'm aware.
Might have missed the post about it though so could be wrong.
No. 223569
>>222937I really don't understand why anyone would give these girls money when all you have to do to see tits is go to google and type "big blonde tits"
there, free boobs
No. 225244
File: 1453669905711.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 2400x3300, Hereoes of cosplay.jpg)

Someone just sent me this, and I had to post it here. This shit is getting out of hand
No. 225276
>>225244Who actually pays for stuff like this?
No. 225296
>>223569>>225276Not sure but maybe it's something about the feeling of accomplishment for these men? Like if you just go see any random whore, it's so easy it's boring, but if you follow a non-nude cosplayer for a long time, you're always on the edge of uncertainty like "is she finally gonna show her tits this time?" and you become more interested in her cause of the challenge, to the point where you're spending money just for the hope of it. Not because you're just horny anymore but because somehow seeing her naked became a conquest?
Idk it baffles me too
>>225265>Where are these lonely ass men so I can take advantage of them at the cost of my dignity?Let me know if you find out, I'm seriously interested too
No. 225407
>>225318I think you have a point here anon. I've never before thought of it this way but it definitely sounds plausible. It's kind of like someone investing in business shares to own a part of it and to keep it going. To help her out financially ensures that they'll get plenty more of tiddy shaking videos and lingerie photos.
>Also all the whiteknights in /cgl/ going "WHAT DO YOU SALTY CUNTS CARE IF SHE MAKES MONEY SMH YOU'RE ALL JUST JELLY FATTIES"At least most of her fans know she's not a cosplayer, just a regular slutty camgirl.
No. 227740
File: 1454106002754.webm (459.23 KB, 320x568, jnig.webm)
Jessica "I will never show my nipples because I am a paragon of virtue" Nigri
No. 227743
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No. 227744
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No. 227745
File: 1454106550378.webm (2.66 MB, 636x720, jnig1.webm)
jesus christ
No. 227776
>>227744Those look like some painful plastic she's got going on in her chest.
Anyway, the whore that fucked up the cosplay community seems to be diminishing in popularity. For that I am glad because the shitty JNig copycats seem to be dwindling once they realized it's not working for them and cosplay quality seems to be getting better (albeit slowly). The shelf life for these sluts seems to be no more than 8 years. Before there was JNig, there was Francesca Dani. JNig fucked herself up as soon as she started ditching cons like that one in Canada. She's being invited to less and less and looks desperate. In one of her Mail Mondays she was pretty much petting her vagina, she begs for people to buy stuff on her Amazon wish list and her prints don't sell out anymore. I don't think she's as smart as some people give her credit for. She's not as rich as she bragged to be.
No. 227779
>>227776how long between cosplay money drying up and her inevitable residency on MFC?
a couple months?
No. 227832
>>227826I hate her lips
In the grumpout beanboozled challenged, she's smiling and laughing a lot because yeah, she's having a good time, but her top lip disappears entirely. then you see her gums and it just doesn't look good
she got the white people cursed lips really bad
No. 239715
File: 1456103601023.jpg (Spoiler Image,593.64 KB, 2560x1440, 16-02-21-20-04-54-471_deco.jpg)

So she posted an Instagram picture of the lingerie Polaroids she's sending out to her top Patreon contributors. Out of a sea of positive, pervy comments one person mentioned the word porn. She had this to say to the haterz. It gave me a chuckle.
No. 239765
>>239727Honestly, anyone who has a patreon and uses their body to get their money (nudes/lingerie shots/whatever) is no better than a cam girl. Which is a sex worker.
There's nothing wrong with that, but they need to stop acting high and mighty about it.
No. 239788
>>239765I don't get how she thinks of herself so high and mighty above sex workers either. No matter
how I look at it, she is in the same boat as them. She fucking sells her body through photos. Her entire "career" is based on getting lonely guys off.
No. 239838
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No. 239915
>>239838She's so fucking annoying when she starts the "im all naturel guiez xd" shit… Girl there are a shit ton pics of your pre-surgery body, like who do you think you're fooling, who's gonna believe this
>inb4 "neckbeards"Yeah, sadly. But normal people will laugh at her
No. 239965
File: 1456173331047.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2560x1900, 16-02-22-15-30-00-077_deco.jpg)

>>239961Her eye makeup is waayy too much and should probably be reserved for occasional nights out clubbing or something but imo her worst offense is her foundation. Does she not find the two skin tones in this pic embarrassing?
No. 239983
>>239838>>239965Tbqh I've seen a lot of YouTube "make-up artists" do that, too. And I have to constantly remind myself to not follow those/there are better tutorials out there. They might pass off as crisp, clean lines in 'dramatic' make-up in photos and video shoots. But in real life, you look like a drag queen or a stage hooker with that make-up.
It only looks nice if you're going to be under harsh lights and be seen from far away, like in theatre.
No. 240182
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>>240025>She needs to just accept her destiny.she must know, how could she not?
No. 240932
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>>240191it's a shame and a waste really. She is pretty ok looking with lighter makeup. I think less makeup makes her look younger, and her eyes are prettier and less harsh.
She just needs to up her skincare routine and/or look into getting some fillers for her laugh lines.
No. 240970
No. 241601
File: 1456437405376.png (435.57 KB, 936x600, 1450626825292.png)

>>240931>>225244I wish I can make 100k a year, too. Anon. I went to college/uni and everything and I still don't make as much as Jnigger with a high school diploma and minimum wage job experience only. She didn't even need experience, whereas I'm busting my ass here to get the experience I need that every damn employer wants. Anything to actually get me working in my actual field than go have to resort to working retail again.
sighEven my husband doesn't earn that much, and he's an engineer.
And Jnig doesn't even do anything good with that money. Just uses it to buy stupi junk. Why don't you donate some of that money go someone who actually needs it, huh? Like to Monty Oum.
Oh wait, she already did, but instead it ended up going to that other bitch who's just as bad if not worse than her
>also forever salty that Jnig was able to get a $200 Agent Provocateur bra with no effort, something I've dreamt of having for years. Most I could afford was the 'AP lite' line of theirs, L'Agent, and only if there was a huge sale. Prices go down to Victoria's Secret prices. No. 241623
>>241601Don't be salty anon. Just remember that Jnig is basically nothing more then a blow up doll that guys don't get to have sex with, because if they ever did they wouldn't think twice about her after that. She'll hit rock bottom soon enough when filters can't save her old ass looking face and the dumb thirsty neckbeards move onto some other cosplayer. Even Yaya is struggling to stay relevant since while her sewing patterns did well enough, her fabric line is crap.
JNig doesn't have anything but bouncing her tits at a camera, which oh yeah, a lot of girls do for money already.
No. 241654
>>241601There really is no point in being upset. People in sex work always make a lot of money, the only real benefit to sex work as everything else is shit. That is all what JNig does: sex work. As much as she tries to deny it, or thinks she better than girls who take their clothes off. She is a glorified cam girl. She isn't the first to exploit sex, and she won't be the last.
At least you and your husband will make money from the merits of your hardwork and intelligence, something that will sustain you both for a long time. Whereas people like JNig are relying on something fleeting for their income. She is very easy to replace and isn't getting any younger. All it will take is for people to get bored of her or the new hot girl to overtake her, and she has nothing. Not to mention, all of the hate she gets regularly and a fanbase that the majority only cares about her body and nothing else. Is that really something to be angry or envious about? It is sad or fucked up, if anything.
The bra was most likely a gift from one of her neckbeards, which isn't something I would be happy about. I could picture those dudes jacking off over the box as they ship things out and pray for their waifu to notice them. Gross.
No. 241659
>>241654She got the bra while in England for a con with Nicole/Sheena. Whether JNig bought it herself, or if Nicole/Sheena bought both using the money neckbeards gave her for her dead-from-cats husband remains to be seen.
Needless to say, JNig will start to dwindle soon.
No. 241689
Apparently Nigri was made a mod on her own subreddit because she didn't like how users were posting her Patreon photos. Immediately after she was made a mod, there are a lot of removed comments and downvoting was removed.
Here is the announcement about her being mod. Pretty much all of the comments were removed. can see people mad about it in the comments of several posts, and her mod posts were downvoted to oblivion (before downvoting was removed). fans angry is definitely how to make money off of them.
No. 242033
I felt this was worth reposting here. From a thread on /cgl/:
>I really miss Miyu. I feel like, had she stuck with it a little more, she'd have become Jnig. I hope she's going okay now.
I'm actually really glad for her that she quit in time NOT to become what JNig is now. I mean she even said it was bad for her mental health.
Think about it: People only valuing you as masturbation material, having to constantly hustle and self-promote and have your boobs out on display to keep your popularity? That's it's own kind of hell.
JNig built her empire on cunning, not talent, and staying on top of it requires her to be online every day monitoring what people are saying about her online, in threads like these, and do her best to twist the narrative in her favor.
She's mentored an entire generation of attention-addicted girls who are putting their bodies on display instead of concentrating on their brains, vying for her throne, and exchanging their self worth for likes. I wouldn't want that on my conscience. And the pressure would be overwhelming.
JNig is the queen of a desperately lost and lonely subculture of misfits who look for acceptance in all the wrong places. To keep her throne she has to keep them looking in her direction, idolizing her, which is the total opposite of where they should be looking for their happiness. She has even taken the traits she thinks they want in "the perfect hot nerd girl" and integrated them into her identity. Does she even know who she is any more, or has she become the person she created to sell to them?
In my opinion, that's definitely hell.
If you're reading this Jessica… I really hope you follow Miyu's lead. You built a trap for other people but you're the one who's caught in it."
No. 242111
File: 1456522858508.jpg (241.3 KB, 1918x966, g40K5G7.jpg)

>>241689I can't handle that subreddit
>Lord have mercy! I'd <3 to see some more Nigri booty. Cammy, Psylocke, R. Mika? ^^ No. 242143
>>242120And admin-sama isnt going to ban you?
Not everyone
To have a disgusting Kim K butt.
Fat people only have "ass"
So stfu and stop
Fattening them.
Reverse anorexia isnt any better.
No. 242148
File: 1456527889345.png (166.92 KB, 292x189, 00000000.png)

i go to her reddit and see this. yuck. she's kind of ugly in my eyes
No. 242149
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and then i click on the top post, and see this. nigri is a nazi mod
No. 242156
>>242033Oh,that's my comment they're responding to. I agree with them, completely. That was what I was saying, that had she been stuck in that attention hungry mindset for longer, she'd be stuck where jnig is. And I remember her saying she stopped because of her health. She used to post on /fit/ on occasion, where she mentioned she was teaching kids ice skating, but then she disappeared. I hope she is doing okay. I know she was having a lot of issues before she left the Internet.
>>242075Exactly. Even her boyfriend treats he like that, showing hI'm groping her constantly. It's insulting, but she's got to put up with it to keep her attention.
No. 242158
>>242120She's a ruler shape, extremely devoid of curves (if you don't count her fake tits). I actually liked her body a lot before her implants.
>>242143Calm down, jesus.
No. 242165
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No. 242180
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>>242170Especially as most of the big asses on celebs are fake and carry huge risks
No. 242181
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>>242180There are worse than this but i wont post because they will make you vomit.
No. 242211
>>242188You know I actually disagree. Her looks are not all she has going for her. In fact, it's not her looks in and of themselves that got her efamous. There were (and still are, and always will be) girls in the cosplay community who are more attractive than she is, have better bodies, etc.
She used networking and social engineering skills to get where she is now. Those are highly valuable skills. Jess could use them in better ways than just trying to make herself famous. She could make more money by capitalizing on them. Like going back to school and getting a business or marketing degree and then doing what she's good at in a larger more professional capacity.
No. 242220
>>242211No she won a cosplay contest and then almost got kicked out of PAXEast for being a booth babe for the company that had the contest to hire her as the mascot model (Julliet, Lollipop Chainsaw) which got her a lot of press because of the grey area that she technically fell into making her much more well known to those outside of /cgl and gross neckbeards who voted her to win. I won't say she didn't utilize social media, but had she not won that contest and get that press as a result of PAXEast there is no way she'd be where she's at now.
She might be able to get a marketing certification and say that she garnered an online following on twitter/facebook/etc of millions for companies looking for a social media manager. Only issue is that when they actually look to see what she did, she's unlikely to get hired by any company that isn't related to the sex industry.
No. 242223
>>242214>>242219Didn't someone claim that like a couple years ago on /cgl/?
Not that I don't think she would do it, but god the milk that would come from that would be great.
No. 242264
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>>242220I first encountered her "sexy Pikachu" cosplay back when it was posted on /b/ in like 2006, 2007
No. 242276
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Pissing off fans left and right. This is a fun read.
No. 242289
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She's really shooting herself in the foot
No. 242292
File: 1456545862325.jpg (104.65 KB, 1080x1080, 12729627_984394934986581_45374…)

>you want me to show my nipples? I am not a prostitute!
No. 242295
What subreddit is this?
No. 242296
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>>242289Apparently she wanted fanpages to have a link to her Patreon in every post. Greedy much?
Comment seems to be deleted now, though.
No. 242302
>>242292JNig needs to face facts that she's a cam girl. She poses almost naked in front of the camera, strips down to nearly nothing, jiggles her boobs and stretches around to showoff her body. Once she just face facts she'll be able to keep the audience she's cultivated, as horrible as they are.
I mean fuck, if she did a closed stream session with a certain tier level to have access with her in pasties instead of a bra, she'd keep making money.
No. 242303
>>242296Lol. She'll run dry in 2 years or less. Nigri seems to love killing people's interest in her. Making people link to her Patreon in every fan page post?! That's greedy as fuck.
And I agree with that other anon. I'm glad that Miyuu left cosplay since it was bad for her mental health (hell, a lot of cosplayers develop some sort of crazy if they're focused on popularity). Nigri's megalomania can be spotted from Pluto.
No. 242318
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>>242276Hahaha, YES. I love this. Solid truth/10
No. 242319
>>242313Meant ears, not eyes
>>242317Pretty fucking much.
No. 242342
>>242339She's been doing some pretty dubious business practices since I believe 2013 when she'd ditch a
paid appearance to play around with her boyfriend of the month at an aquarium. She's done this several times, has been called out by companies for lying about making costumes that
they provided her among other shady things she's done. Plus there's a ton of JNig wannabe clones out there too. I saw one on Instagram that I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't her. The cosplay scene has since become over saturated with girls willing to wear skimpy shit for a lot less than her, some even for free to be a convention guest of honor.
Plus she's aging horribly. Companies are looking for newer fresher faces to be their booth babes now.
No. 242347
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>>242344>are many girls still getting into it for $$$ tho?well…
No. 242349
>>211596don't know how much she makes. she does Twitch streams, sells autographed photos, and is currently at some anime con selling photos.
she is absolutely a Nigri wannabe.
No. 242355
>>242187I'm genuinely happy about that! I really liked Miyu. She was always really kind hearted to me.
>>242220I honestly didn't know about that. I knew the contest, but not about the grey area from being a PAXEast booth babe. I just recall her winning.
>>242276Holy shit. That was the most satisfying read. Not all of her fans are blind. I love that this one called her the fuck out.
No. 242360
>>242357Basically that's really it. She did a shitty job as Sonico although the anime was already bad and she's Cinder Fall in RWBY (since Monty was a fan of her)… Which is
also a shitty show. She can't get voice work in a series that's actually worth watching and thus, her inability to get more roles. At least, that's how I see it.
No. 242541
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That's too revealing? Really? I've been to cons and seen girls traipsing about in bikinis being Poison Ivy etc a tonne of times. At least her ass is covered up and you can't even see her vag.
No. 242548
>>242502I tried to go onto that thread when it FIRST started to say she's done a fair amount of fucking shitty stuff. reaction? OMG you just hate a successful WOMAN you're jealous lololol hater.
I can't. What the fuck is wrong with these people.
No. 242560
>>242541The PAX organizers said that the problem with her costume was too reveling for a family oriented convention, which was the purposes of PAX at that time, to be a family oriented environment, then Nigs get her tits out and they list their minds.
I'm just saying what was covered on the media. For me I like her costume, kinda reminds me of Mortal Komat Mileena''s for the cleavage(Mileena old costume, and plenty of girls already done that in cons too.
No. 242564
>>242541I'm glad she went up a size with her implants.
These tits look so pasted to her chest, it's like she has a flat ass on her chest.
No. 242584
>>242563>Flabby and jigglyI know we all hate Nigri here but the girl works out more in one day than the average person does in a week. Without her boobs she has a very stick-like figure but at least it's a toned stick figure instead of just being naturally skinny with zero exercise or healthy diet.
Shame she still can't get an ass with all that exercise though.
No. 242587
>>242563Are you kidding
She's a huge ass bitch but her body is perfection
No. 242589
>>242584Genetics or lack of steroids. If she did a little bit she would even get better abs and better curves
sage for crossing off topic
No. 242607
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>>242605It's an alternate costume.
No. 242681
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Really crashing and burning over on reddit
No. 242711
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Haha I love that she deleted the last comment
No. 242713
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>>242707Oh my, i wonder what action shes gonna take now
No. 242785
>>242772I've noticed it with some cosplayers IRL with large real or fake tits that they obsessively talk about them even when the conversation is completely away from that subject…like it'll just crop up in there without warning or they'll make it obvious of bringing attention to their busts by adjusting themselves.
Then they moan about it when people only point out about their chest 24/7 in photo comments. LOL fuck off seriously…
No. 242803
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>>242785Theres that wierd thing that nigiri does, actually tbf a lot of cosplayers do which is pic related not sure how to describe it its like "look at me dont look at me" or something?
No. 242845
>>242803HAHAHAHAHA there's soon many things wrong with this
you're financially benefitting from the people leaving sexual comments, because you are literally pulling apart your ass in booty shorts. You are shooting and selling softcore porn.
Women are gawking at you too. Children are probably gawking at you. You are half naked and in a recognizable cosplay.
And since when the fuck was art ever nonsexual? get the fuck out of here.
No. 242877
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>>242863She's trying so hard to be like Nigri, holy fuck
No. 242878
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>>242877She might be an even bigger cow than her tbh, just look at this
No. 242937
>>242803I haven't played the newer games, does Lara Croft have black hair now?
& I know she wears shorts in the games but I don't remember seeing the bottom of her ass cheeks and I must have missed the scene where she lifts and separates them
No. 242942
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>>242863You can tell even by looking at her that she is insane.
>>242941Sorry for that post. I messed up.
No. 243017
File: 1456689774689.jpg (143.93 KB, 603x590, supermaryfacecosplay.jpg)

>>242803She refers to herself as a "professional cosplayer" but she's beyond shit and usually goes to conventions in just regular attire. This is a cosplay she was sponsored by some poor company to do. Even turning the brightness way up doesn't hide how breathtakingly bad that helmet is. As someone else mentioned, her gurugossip threads are really entertaining. Reading about her makes Jessica Nigri look really good in comparison.
No. 243580
>>242711Didn't she just recently complain about neckbeards only focusing on her tits? And even then I said that in reality she doesn't mind the comments because it's what gives her the ego boost and the money, both of the things she's in this whole business for.
God I fucking hate her.
No. 243677
>>243574Umm… No one here is saying she's old. They're saying she
looks old. You can't honestly tell me she has the face of your typical 26 year old.
No. 243679
>>243580There was the whole "mucha ropa" thing. She said she would be less about boobs, or whatever.
>>243574She is making 100k now, but couldn't all of those people funding her Paetron cancel their funding after a while if they want to? idk how Paetron works, but it doesn't seem like steady income.
No. 243704
>>243679Pledging on patreon typically works on a month to month basis. So you pick a pledge level, every level is supposed to have different incentives, and once a month you send money to patreon based on your pledge amount. Obviously a cut is done to the site for processing and shit, but you don't have to pledge to follow someone on patreon. You can cancel your pledge at any time, but there's probably a cut off date for a given months billing.
I know only because I have a couple of creators that I pledge to so I get billed every month.
No. 244027
>>242560It was something about having an "aggressive navel" or something like that. When I first heard about it, I thought it was pretty hilarious.
>>242854horrible joke, but I did chuckle.
No. 246952
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>>241691>>241623>>241648>>241649>>241659Sorry I left this thread for a bit to take some fresh air, so to speak. And in that time away I had a revelation: Jnig doesn't matter.
So yes, thank you anons for reminding me that being salty over this bitch isn't worth it, and soon her money pool will run out.
it's just kind of sad though when you think about it, that sometimes society these days values 'celebrities' more than people who actually do more productive shit for society. Like doctors, scientists, etc.
>>241654Thanks for this too, anon. Although that reminds me, my husband used to be a Jnig fan………
luckily he sees through her bullshit now.
No. 246986
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>>243574I keep forgetting that Jnig is only a year older than me, like >holy shit
She's like the older sister I never wanted to have and would totes be embarrassed for
Bitch would also do her some good to invest in a skincare routine. Her skin will look like PT's in 5 years, kek
No. 248560
File: 1457913400183.png (1.71 MB, 1440x2200, Screenshot_2016-03-13-16-50-27…)

Someone on reddit insisted Nigs has fake anime boobs on here. she responded that wasnt true. Real life problems man
No. 248561
>>248557The last thing I heard was that she made herself mod of her fan subreddit and at first starting removing shit that you have to pay to see and then just started removing everything she didn't like until it became her own personal hugbox. It was something like that, right?
Has anything else happened since then?
No. 248569
>>248561She basically left the sub due to receiving too much hate and gave the mod a dropbox link to upload her content for her which pissed people off. More patreon leaks, the whole Crunchyroll/lying about sponsors coming to light. Oh and yeah someone really passionate about fake anime boobs accuses nig of it and she denied it.
All the comments are just roasting her at this point. Her persona is rubbing them off the wrong way. I always knew she was fucking retarded so I dont know why this is new to them
No. 248805
>>248789Both,really. Morrigan is a very liked character in the DA games. And she obviously has an A/B cup chest. JNIG is doing that bullshit where she can cosplay any big breasted bimbo (like starfire from dc comics) or something and chooses to do this?
And why?
Trust me, she is not a DA fan. She's a stupid bitch looking for more 'geekcred'and it's obvious.
No. 248842
>>248805I love DA, but it's not like she padded the bikini top to make her chest bigger.
It's not the cosplay that annoys me, it's the overly sexual photos of it that she's posting.
No. 248967
>>248789I don't think jnig's boobs being big is what makes the cosplay bad, it's just that she's made them the main thing by wearing a top that doesn't fit them. I know her boobs would have been eye catching even if she had worn a top that fit, but she intentionally put on a top that made them the most important thing. Her boobs would have looked good in a Morrigan cosplay anyway, there was no need to make the top even smaller and show off even more tit than usual. She made it look more porny than it had to look.
Morrigan's outfit was pretty revealing but it never screamed "I can't run in this without my boobs falling out of the bottom, I'm only wearing it so you'll look at my chest."
It's just kind of annoying how a professional cosplayer sacrifices accuracy and character for their boobs every single time.
No. 249019
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>>248967>professional cosplayer>cosplayer>JnigPlease be joking
No. 249060
File: 1458006722927.png (744.6 KB, 613x986, MorriganInquisition.png)

>>248560When the fuck has Morrigan ever worn a white bikini top and purple pullover thing?
Is she just going off of the concept art or have I not gotten far enough into DAI?
No. 249062
File: 1458006797456.jpg (640.93 KB, 1320x1034, works_0013.jpg)

>>249060The concept art in question.
No. 249072
>>249063I don't understand, how is this scamming?
Isn't that exactly what you're supposed to do to promote a product? Not make it obvious you're being sponsored?
No. 249073
>>249062This is probably what shes going off since its not like she played the games/ is into the series in general.
I just find it weird that she's doing a DA cosplay now, DA:I has been out for a year and a half now.
No. 249095
File: 1458014516907.jpg (921.95 KB, 1920x1080, RxaXcCY.jpg)

>>249063Here's part two
>>249072People were saying it was illegal to not disclose when you are being sponsored, but I don't know much about these kinds of laws to confirm that. Still pretty shitty to lie about it.
No. 249322
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>>249317She has. God this cosplay is horrible.
No. 249393
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>>249388JNig has one look and it's always bad. I actually thought her eye make up looked decent, but looking at an actual picture better, it's dumb. She should have gone with a neutral eye and a pink toned gloss.
>>249392Good catch.
No. 249420
>>249392I noticed the wedding band too.
>>249393Jnig is a one trick pony. she has no idea how to do makeup.
No. 249429
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>>249322dat wedding band
she also did this version of Morrigan. I think this was her first boob job?
No. 249435
>>249429Hmm I always thought she got them after but now that you mention it it seems like that was her first boob job.
If you google search Jessica Nigri 2008 its hilarious. All the terrible costumes she made before, now she just gets people to do them for her.
No. 249441
File: 1458121020710.jpg (76.13 KB, 612x612, n2DA3xP.jpg)

I was looking at random google photos and if I recall this was when she was here in 2013? I remember seeing her run off to grab food or something. Her butt is toned but there is nothing there.
No. 249446
File: 1458123047004.jpg (74.16 KB, 650x1000, morrigan-tvc1.jpg)

>>249395Actually they are the right colour. Morrigan's original design has her sporting orangey hued gloves.
No. 249579
File: 1458159287701.jpg (45.09 KB, 640x960, 10373729_10154032724197533_227…)

What the hell is this? I hate it, just no!
No. 249585
>>249579What the fuck is she wearing? What is the original character supposed to look like?
When I see this, I dont see someone who enjoys cosplay. I see someone who just wants to make money off of her assets.
No. 249586
File: 1458159734107.png (713.43 KB, 775x458, v476.png)

>>249579I think she's supposed to be Veigar from LoL. She had a robe for it but I guess she had to make it even sluttier.
No. 249600
>>249579See, im sorry but this isnt cosplay. The whole point of cosplay is trying to imitate the character as closely as possible and that is usually costume wise because not all characters are human or have human features. If she wants to run around in her underwear fine, but its not the same as people who actually put effort into creating accurrate replications of the characters looks.
This is the majority i see of female cosplay these days and its little wonder its being seen now as more of a fetish offshoot/alt porn category. Its ironic that the mouthbreathing neckbeards will complain that a film or game changing a slight detail about a character because they are "true geeks who care about the media" but then will give people like this money and attention when these people clearly dont care about the media either.
I feel bad for the actually good cosplayers who get overlooked for people like this, and find it funny that nigiri takes pics like this then moans about people making sexual comments much like supermary "i am creating ART (by spreading my asscheeks)" face.
>inb4 you just jealous of nigiri and are a silly cosplayeryes actually, i wouldnt mind being nigiri given the amount of free shit she gets, but tbh i couldnt deal with having all that attenion im really shy. if she was just dressing up and having fun fine, i just feel sorry for actual talented cosplayers that this is the person people think of when they think cosplay. there are some amazing cosplays ive seen but dont know the names of, but everyone knows her even those who dont follow cosplay. also i am not a cosplayer because i dont have the talent or money to that and also previus stated shyness, but i really admire great cosplayers. Her dbz cosplays irk me because they spawned a tidal wave of equally shitty copycats.rant over.
No. 249618
>>249599Jfc anon take a xanax.
Or don't, this is the exact kind obnoxious hater speak that fuels Jessica.
No. 249638
>>249579>trying to be 'sexy'>has to wear the stupid gauntlet to be recognizable>lazy as fuck panties aren't even sexy/don't even matchwhy? i don't get it at all. and seriously? she's tugging her panties off with a spiky gauntlet? because impalement is so sexy! lets just hope she doesn't cup some poor guys balls with the wrong hand!
this shit is getting worse and worse and this isn't even executed well in the slightest.
No. 249646
File: 1458169302728.jpg (94.93 KB, 640x960, 10981959_10153507739807533_518…)

>>249642She already did a sexy fem! version..
No. 249650
>>249646… That doesn't look like JNig. IDK who shooped that but fuck it looks awful.
>>249647I concur. Her breasts looks like what chit comic artists draw because they've never been near real breasts.
No. 249658
File: 1458171991333.png (417.04 KB, 1080x1920, 1439687530187.png)

>>249579So, I'm guessing this was all bullshit?
No. 249661
>>249660True, but I don't get how she can say shit like
>I've been letting you guys down with my style of cosplay (some boobies is okay but not every damn costume Nigri).When her entire Insta is still filled with tits.
No. 249676
>>249673As lame as it sounds it would be smarter not to.
She didn't make money or get to this point by covering up
No. 249677
>>249673>she wanted to cover up her boobs moreAnd does anyone honestly believe that? She was always in this solely for the money and the fame, long before she even had this current bf.
In reality, it was probably that covering up didn't give her enough views, so she is going to continue to stick to her old ways.
No. 249827
>>249825This was almost a year ago, last time I talked to said person. But they said Jessica was a no show on a photoshoot, and when the people in charge of said shoot tried to email Jess to complain, Ryan responded instead. He went Ultra-douche on them and said he was a super famous cosplayer who makes $$$ selling his prints.
Also apparently he forced Jessica to block all of her fan IG accounts because he didn't like them
No. 249850
>>249832He thought they were creepy, according to my friend. But I'm sure it had something to do with money.
Ryan is just plain fucking loser. Up until he moved in with Jessica he was living with his mom who paid for everything, he had no job and was a total mooch. Now he just mooches off of Jessica.
No. 249860
>>249821here's the thing, though. jessica relies heavily on ryan to construct her cosplays. before she met him, she was doing mostly walmart bra cosplays. after she met him, "her" cosplay quality shot up, and she was suddenly doing full-armored cosplays.
if she left him, she would have to find another source for her cosplays. which is most likely why she even bothers to listen and stay with him.
No. 249881
At this point I feel very little for Jessica as she's basically cemented herself in our world as little more than a pair of silicone bags on legs, and even as she continues to age, her looks continue to degrade and her fanboys move onto the next big cosplay tease, that's all she'll be remembered for.
Nobody will ever take her seriously because they'll look at her and only see the figure she spent so much time and effort constructing, and I think in the future she'll regret that when she's older and scraping for gigs and the guy she's trying to negotiate with is eyefucking her stretched, leathery bosom whilst licking his lips and fantasising about her 20 year old self.
She's never going to be more than "that chick from the early 2000's that used to cosplay from games she never played in costumes she never made where her inflated tits were always on display". That's a depressing legacy.
I mean already we're already starting see a receding hairline, the tanning has FUCKED her face with wrinkles and probably skin cancer in her future (I'm already side-eying those moles littering her torso, she needs to keep an eye on those), her implants are clearly too large for her frame and appear to be gravitating towards the beginnings of symmastia and even then she's going to have to have them replaced within what, the next 5-6 years?
I don't understand why any of you are mad, the next few years this is going to be one hell of a show to behold. Nothing funnier than watching fake hoes addicting to tanning and hair dye and heavy makeup and surgery scramble away from the inevitability of their mortality.
No. 249935
File: 1458253621787.jpg (554.78 KB, 1642x976, jnigcopycosplays.jpg)

>>249881Tbh it may not even be that long, she has created so many copycats and wannabes shes pretty much brought about her own demise.
No. 249950
File: 1458255909023.jpg (340.95 KB, 1385x926, nUkAacc.jpg)

Picture from her patreon.
No. 249954
>>249950It hurts to know that she's the one with a huge donation on patreon for doing very little work
Again gaming the system well
No. 249982
>>249711Another display of JNig's low self-worth. I'm not too surprised by this since he comes off as a super douche. I can't really feel too bad for her since she keeps bringing it upon herself with all her sleeping around. Her other two steady boyfriends were far better than Ryan though.
>>249950Bra pictures.
Bra pictures. I can't even be mad. It's funny more than anything else that her fanbase is so thirsty they'll shill out big dough for photos everyone on the Internet has seen of her already thousands of times.
No. 250066
>>250059In my case you have to shove them up pretty suddenly or lean over in a certain way that your boobs have gravity kinda pull them forward quickly.
You know–basically pull the implant against the muscle wall quickly and heavily. They are sitting in a pocket and really, I can push against them or down and they don't hurt at all, it's just upward movement, or anything that could really strain against the upper chest wall that can make it hurt pretty sharply–because you're basically straining that pocket that they are sitting in.
Mine aren't that large, so JNIG has to be dealing with a lot of pain unless she went over the muscle–then I have no idea what that might feel like. But from what I can see I'm pretty sure she went under.
No. 250081
>>250080She's not anywhere close to fat, but I think the angle/lighting is highlighting her tits but doing a dis-service to the rest of her body. It's curving her back out slightly so her stomach's pushed forward. She's not flexing her stomach, either. Given how her leg is pulled up…she's just hunched up anon.
You can see in the picture right above that while there might be some makeup conturing she's still pretty damn fit. It's from the same photoset.
No. 250085
>>250081You mean
>>249579 right? She looks much wider and chubbier from when she had her pikachu/lollipop chainsaw costume years ago. She looks like shes flexing extremely hard and that her abs have make up/shoop on then
No. 250086
File: 1458282927846.png (1.3 MB, 1024x1600, Screenshot_2016-03-04-20-14-02…)

>>250080Shes fit and has a good body she just has no sense of what looks good on her body or any taste period. She is white trash from Arizona. Pic related. Low class.
No. 250155
File: 1458316177848.jpg (337.47 KB, 2048x1536, 12783739_932403723541818_47101…)

>>249935>created so many copycats shes brought about her own demise>posts a bunch of shit-tier cosplays >okIf you're gonna talk about NigriClones you have to bring up Kay Victoria since she does everything in her power to look like Jessica. (her body isnt as good though and without her jesscopycat hair they dont look as similar)
No. 250357
>>250155>implying jessica nigiri cosplays arnt shit tier >okThink it was pretty obvious i was talking about style of cosplay which was why i used those pictures, i never said any of them were any good, no idea where the salt is coming from but yes if we are talking actual lookalikes victoria is the closest i know of.
sage for kinda ot
No. 250755
File: 1458376793476.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

This really does not look like her at all
No. 250763
File: 1458379857144.png (838.54 KB, 896x588, jnigclone.png)

To me the most obvious JNig clone out of a sea of them is Daniellebaloo. I saw a friend post a selfie with her and I honestly thought it was Boobs McKinzie herself. Same indistinguishable boobplays, same shitty makeup, same annoying ass "quirky" faces, fake tits and they even have the same fucking nose shape.
No. 250769
>>249950I am so disappointed that she did this. I mean, her regular titty Veigar was already crossing a line, but at least it was recogniseable? It just makes me upset because I wanted to cosplay Veigar too, but now I feel people will just think I'm a JNig clone even if I don't show cleveage.
jfc this is nothing like Veigar at all… of all champs, why Veigar???
No. 250829
File: 1458400788708.jpg (174.01 KB, 935x582, mumitan.jpg)

>>250763Jfc, when a fucking pet owner has better costume and construction skills than a #cosfamous! Jessica take some notes, this is a well made item. For a fucking rabbit.
No. 250920
>>250829That is super cute and makes me wish I had a rabbit.
Sad that even JNigs clones have shitty construction, none of them are better than the already crappy original. Always unrecognizable boobplays that look nothing like the character it's based on.
No. 250966
>>250962I posted that pic, I have one and I was browsing rabbit pics on instagram and had a good laugh with my SO that the rabbit is better dressed than Jnig and other coswhores. TBH my rabbit isn't neutered and he's fine, doesn't chew or dig on things and doesn't spray/urinate/hump (Common un-neutered issues). Just depends on the bunny.
He is housebroken entirely, lives around the apartment with an open-cage and litter box.
No. 251313
File: 1458551469233.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.02 KB, 500x350, d1301ecda6c98a01fc9d53ba0479ef…)

>>249881She'll be like Pam Anderson in a couple of years.
No. 251315
>>250155She looks like a scene queen here
And tbh her eye make-up is better than Jnig's
At least Kay blends dark and light shadows seamlessly, unlike Jnig who always stops blending the dark shadows at her brow bone and does nothing to soften the lines
No. 251321
File: 1458555163317.jpg (14.21 KB, 480x360, vegetapls.jpg)

>>249935leave DBZ alone jessica
No. 251499
File: 1458606308868.png (371.05 KB, 974x430, Witch_hunt.png)

>>248628keke, i'm no jnig fan but they only made morrigan's titties small after origins dlc, and most da fans will agree that everything post origins is crap. anyway, more than likely it depended on the artist portraying her.
No. 251567
File: 1458629284601.png (903.69 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (101).png)

Also I'm doing a panel on sexy cosplays at my next convention.
By some sort of miracle, Jessica Nigri will also be at this convention.
So I've taken it upon myself to include multiple pictures of Nigri ripping off commissioners, photographers, and lying in the power point. Hope she shows up.
No. 251576
>>251575I'm amazed you took the time to compile all that
That's a whole new level of sad and your panel audience will definitely feel the same
No. 251696
>>251662I removed the escort pic. But its still pretty vital. The point here is, Jessica Nigri basically started and destroyed the concept of sexy cosplay.
The point of the panel is that sexy cosplay in itself isn't bad, and not to go off the Jessica Nigri stereotype to judge others in that form of cosplay.
I'm kinda just using her as an example of what not to do (EX: credit your commissioner, photographer, dress appropriate to the rules of the convention)
No. 251699
>>251696You can mention all of those issues without directly bringing her into it though. She's definitely not the only one lying about her costumes and not crediting photogs.
It seems petty to call her out in a panel when everyone already knows about her bullshit. JNig is stupid and gross but there's more tactful ways to approach it.
If I was in a panel and someone started shit talking another cosplayer (famous or not) with accompanying power point slides, I'd get up and leave.
Save yourself the embarrassment, anon.
No. 251701
>>251696just comes off more as a vendetta tbh, and really pathetic.
have an open discussion about how there's a sleezy subculture in cosplay now thats all about sex and not about the work and fun of cosplay. shaming another cosplayer at a con, even if its fucking Jnig, is going to make you look like a twat, not a hero
on second thought, do it. because i want to watch it and laugh
No. 251702
>>251696Lol you sound salty as fuck. Not crediting the people you work with, passing off other people's costumes as your own and not complying with a convention's rules are shitty things to do REGARDLESS of whether you have decided to hang out your tits or not. Why make it all about all those evil cosplayers who dare dress revealingly?
Also, if you're so butthurt about ~reputation~ you're part of the problem, sorry to say it. Cosplay used to be a hobby, now it's all about the attention you can grab. Doesn't matter if you want to be complimented for your fake tits or craftsmanship, everyone is in it for likes on Instagram, lol. If you really gave a shit about the hobby you'd leave the fetishists and their glorified booth babes in their own little corner of the internet while doing what makes you happy. Instead you waste your breath bitching about how other people like the wrong things for the wrong reasons.
No. 251751
>>251567Look, anon, I'm a cosplayer who thinks that cosplay is an art form and I hate people like Jessica, Yaya (yes, also her, she might make her own costumes, but dang, she started this "tits-business") and others who ruined a lot in the community. But I don't think you should do it. A lot of my cosplay friends are convinced that while, yes, Jessica is not really a cosplayer and more like a "sexy" cosplay model, she's SOOO NICEEEE! People seem to love her. I just feel like you might want to restructure this completely… a lot of people will get very angry.
No. 251762
File: 1458694228623.png (401.92 KB, 599x337, Bemv8glCAAAK3kK.png)

To the anon that wants to call these hoes out, fucking doing it. Wear a fucking mask so know one knows who you are out of the panel.
To the ones saying people already know jnigger and yaya and xyz are fake and not real cosplayers, if that were true we wouldn't be bitching up a storm about it.
No. 251788
>>251567>>251696Do whatever you think is best, anon.
A small warning, though: these type of call outs might not work as well in real life as they would online. Online, there is little to no repercussions and it is easier to get your points across. IRL, this will be seen as very aggressive. You will have to actually deal with the rabid fans face-to-face, and fight them off.
If you do keep the slides, record the entire panel and post it here. For the lulz.
No. 251963
File: 1458762493154.jpg (1.27 MB, 2269x2560, Jnigshairline.jpg)

So I came across her ex-fiance's instagram and found this pic. I lol'd. That hairline tho.
No. 252184
>>251938Power point-anon, I'm going to have to agree to this and also what others have said here.
Sure it's great to reach the masses that are blind to Jnig's BS and hope that they learn the truth, but you said that Jnig might actually be there. I'm just concerned that she might start some firestorm there and get her rabid fans to actually jump you or something
No. 252433
File: 1458868659197.jpg (551.88 KB, 1079x1331, Y7BJWCn[1].jpg)

There's so much in this picture I can't even start. The bottoms aren't bad but her tits look like under cooked pancakes.
No. 252445
File: 1458872478402.png (2.19 MB, 1565x1092, Morrigan_concept_icon.png)

>>252441Concept art of Morrigan from Dragon age.
No. 252453
File: 1458876258461.jpg (124.72 KB, 1329x1199, Morrigan_concept_art.jpg)

>>252447If she was going by this, it's wouldn't be the worst interpretation of the design, but def not what would look visually accurate.
Actually it looks really lazy and wrong in a lot of ways.
No. 252454
File: 1458876734457.jpg (53.24 KB, 313x700, 32a166a2e377ff917cbff7145675bd…)

>>252433Shit there is so much wrong about that cosplay. Personally I found this on goggle and compared it looks a lot better.
No. 252474
File: 1458882266415.png (85.89 KB, 202x255, 1451939139500-0.png)

>>252433>being this salty that she has better tits than you.She's gorgeous looking, much better than the rest of you salty cunts. You people are fucking retards who hate sexy chicks because it makes you uncomfortable.
No. 252520
File: 1458899062545.jpg (690.74 KB, 1380x1380, 2016-03-25_05.43.31.jpg)

Is Ryan starting to get jealous of Jnig's attention? I saw some comment in this post he did saying that he deserves more attention.
No. 252546
File: 1458916736139.jpeg (188.28 KB, 630x940, image.jpeg)

More Patreon content. Pretty sure this is the first photo she's posted where her butt is the focus.
No. 252553
File: 1458917579454.png (283.88 KB, 539x544, Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 10.5…)

like why even?
No. 252573
File: 1458926006025.gif (459.06 KB, 256x144, 1430279386869.gif)

>>252433No. So much fucking no.
No. 252645
File: 1458934648899.jpg (18.18 KB, 500x500, 74d.jpg)

>>252474Someone from her reddit found the thread, anons
No. 252681
>>252546Yeah pretty sure Ryan chose lol.
Something about her butt looks off
No. 252772
But maaan, her boobs are LITERALLY up her neck. I think she's immune to pain, now.
No. 252775
File: 1458985441775.jpg (30.97 KB, 521x292, lol.JPG)

I think her fans are getting bored by her body
No. 253021
>>252742this anon
>>252741I'm DD and my tits did look fab that day, but when I got home I just laid in bed and cried
No. 253146
File: 1459129964880.png (186.11 KB, 293x353, Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 02.5…)

Remember guys. They're 100% real.
No. 253175
>>253146it's just bras guise, titty magic
clearly she's jesus with that magic side boob.
No. 253400
>>253146>>252735I don't get how she's still living with her parents and they're okay with her "job." How do they even explain it when they're hanging out with extended family?
Person: So what does your daughter do?
Mama JNig: She's a model!
Person: Really? That's cool! What kind of modeling does she do?
Papa JNig: Uhhh….
sweats No. 253414
File: 1459225097702.jpeg (73.88 KB, 500x375, image.jpeg)

>>253400Nigri's parents be like
No. 253445
>>253441I have heard her father helps pack the prints and even mail them out.
What kind of hick/trashy family is that?
No. 253495
>>253400wait, she still lives with her parents? wtf… the girl has to be making plenty of money to move out on her own. doesn't ryan live with her as well?
da fuck
No. 253621
>>253441>>253445Fucking gross. There's no way in hell I would be okay with that as a parent. It'd make me sick to my stomach.
But hey, the Nigri family is trash.
No. 253639
>>253613A lot honestly. it usually means you're lazy and unaccomplished.
Jnig herself is nearing 30 and makes tons of money. She can afford a one or two bedroom apt.
>>25361420 is an okay age. A lot of people are still at home at 20 while working or going to school. Don't worry about it. Jnig is a different case entirely.
No. 253686
>>253629I don't believe that sorry.
Every single one of her mail mondays is filmed at her parents house. Proof for that is in her videos whenever she goes downstairs to show her dad what someone got for her and that time her mom interrupted her filming by walking in with the laundry.
On top of that, her parent's garage is where all her prints are stored. Proof is in one of Henchman Prop's google hangouts where she does a mini tour of the place and there are multiple shelving units with stacks of prints on them filming the garage. Also through pics and videos it's clear she's living in a big family house - the same one she's been taking pictures and videos in since she first started aka her parents house.
Unless she has her own place and then literally spends multiple hours at her parents everyday then I don't believe she lives away from her parents.
No. 253855
>>253725I don't think she'd even need a mortgage though. She made £30k over a weekend when she came to London from print sales alone. Now imagine how much she makes when you combine convention print sales with the amount she charges to be a guest. Plus online print sales, plus patreon, plus any paid jobs she does. She's easily making >200k a year after taxes. If she's living at home and her mom still does her laundry, I think it's fair to say she doesn't have many living expenses.
She honestly probably has close to a million in savings right now.
No. 253967
>>253919If you tighten the straps a lot, your bra can't go down your back as far but your boobs sort of anchor the front so, while it does pull your boobs up, the back goes up even higher and gives you a look like in
>>252546I'm not saying that the bra is the right size for her but you can definitely make your bra look like this by trying to hoist your boobs up a bit higher and enhance your cleavage.
No. 254010
File: 1459378583797.png (57.32 KB, 651x715, fuckjessicanigri.png)

No. 254013
File: 1459378989851.png (12.06 KB, 793x144, dlskfjdklesfjdkl.png)^imgur link he's referring to that's farther up itt
No. 254017
File: 1459379593812.png (58.29 KB, 1013x573, PULLtards.png)

OT but I tried going to PULL for more info on her sponsoring scamming stuff and holy shit I totally get why everyone hates that place now. Like they all want to be Jessica lmao. Their autistic male member is also reporting her to the police for the Crunchyroll shit. They really are a nutty bunch. Fuck that
No. 254038
>>254010That photog is an idiot. When you zoom in like
>>252553 did, you can blatantly tell that her boob is (badly) photoshopped.
Her subreddit has been interesting lately, it seems as though her neckbeards are slowly turning on her. She sure has made some shitty career moves since Ryan came into the picture.
No. 254046
>>254042Did you even read the earlier posts? It was already mentioned ITT that it is illegal.
I'll spoonfeed you further, since you are clearly slow: No. 254053
>>254038I don't see what you guys are seeing. Are they trying to say her boob was shooped larger? It doesn't look like it to me.
This photographer often shows her before and afters and does tutorials and such, and most these images looks pretty much the same body wise. She just tends to smooth skin a lot for my tastes
No. 254330
File: 1459457928534.jpg (173.95 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

I think this is the first almost head on butt shot she's posted? It's always hidden in some way like her sitting photo.
While she clearly has leg muscle.. That's about it. It's pretty damn flat, even when she's standing in poses that make butt muscles look most round. but I guess that's better than cottage cheese butt.
No. 254350
File: 1459462542796.png (32.86 KB, 345x304, flatass.png)

>>254340She is pretty obsessed with herself but because she is now coming to the conclusion her ass is flat as everyone else is she is seeking validation from others by pointing this out
No. 254373
>>254340Because apparently having a massive ass and big lips is the new in thing. Big eyes and boobs are passe now.
I hate body trends even more than fashion trends but they're definitely a thing. So she's jumping on that.
No. 254400
>>254340Probably for attention and ass pats. But she also seems really insecure about her appearance. First it was her breasts. Then it was the "no makeup" selfies that clearly had makeup. Now it is her ass.
inb4 she get ass implants or injections, and lies about that too
No. 255161
File: 1459659527582.jpg (842.34 KB, 582x900, youwillneverlookaspureandangle…)

i was gonna bitch about how she looks nothing like fluttershy, but i gotta admit she has a pretty good horse face
No. 255200
File: 1459677004128.png (873.23 KB, 675x939, sktJiow.png)

So much butt focus recently…
No. 255772
File: 1459866746965.png (21.48 KB, 560x128, ffs.png)

I rarely post in the jnig thread because i just don't give a shit about her. But man, this urked me big time, why share that?
I dated a cos photographer for a few years and if he posted something like this i'd be like wtf why man?
No. 256187
>>255772Say whatever about JNig but her boitoy is garbage.
>hey everyone, remember me, Jessicia's boyfriend?+
>I'll say "half/boner" because ??? I mean I publicly chub but not get it all up for some hot blonde with big ol titties
File: 1460014203183.png (1.05 MB, 822x966, 111111.png)

lol what the heck is this
No. 256602
>>256595>that blurry tit shoop>that foundation 5 shades lighter than her bodyJesus.
It looks like her head was shooped on someone else's body
No. 257013
>>256595This photo is awful in so many ways…
White foundation
Horrible makeup all around
Plastic tits look like they belong on a retro doll
No. 257265
>>257065Its funny how this went down just like
>>249063predicted. And its so obvious the panties weren't from a fan because she didn't say the name or anything, he just showed the label, and the product and thats it. And then she did a shoot in them.
No. 257309
>>257291She doesn't even say thank you or anything. Even if it was an anonymous gift, you'd still say thank you? That's the point of the videos, she even says so at the end of the video.
Jessica continues to be a terrible liar.
No. 257312
>>256547Typical trailer park trash couple.
>>256889I got curious and looked up the cost of these weird looking undies. $19 a pair? Seriously? No wonder that company is sponsoring people. Doesn't look like an easy sell at all at that price point.
No. 257598
>>257065@ 3:40 she opens up a letter that says "Hey Jessica, me and my friend love your super feminist attitude and body confidence!"
she pauses the video and goes
>whutI would think she would reply to it more like "yeahh feminism my boobs!!"
No. 257640
>>255772Ryan is so fucking trashy.
His latest instagram photo is him with his pants pulled down. So you see his junk and Pokemon briefs..his caption is something along the lines of "I just wanna be sexy like jessica nigri"
No. 258275
File: 1460370125477.jpg (178.06 KB, 1024x550, 1439626005820.jpg)

>>252641>>252681>>252688You think with all the exercising she does, that she'd at least have some ass…did she start to get lazy on squats or something?
Even Miyu has more ass than her.
>pic for ref>better white gurl ass No. 258440
>>257065I was reading that stupid comment thread by Jeremy Thomas and luke v's drivel on Jnig's "feminist attitude", and I just cannot. I want to say something about how she's being hypocritical of wanting to stop guys from only looking at female cosplayers as objects to ogle at, but what's the point of arguing with neckbeards?
>people come here for glitter, stickers on the face, and random shenanigansUhuh yeah….right.
No. 258609
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>>258275Miyu did bodybuilding though and her ass is the result of lots of heavy squats and deadlifts. She's just a lot more fit than Jnig. It takes a combo of the right genetics and lots of heavy weight to have a bubble but like hers.
No. 259100
>>258609>>258612>>258654Uh she also did a shitload of drugs and got plastic surgery when she was a stripper for years.
What's with the Miyu shills?
No. 259547
>>259100>when she was a stripper for yearsdo you have a single fact to back that up?
not defending Nigri, but i never heard of that before.
No. 261600
>>261554so she keeps claiming in her videos that these "super cool" items she promotes are things fans sent her, and yet no one knew what her PO box address was
seems legit
No. 261604
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>>261573Some of her photos made her look like a man in drag
No. 261752
>>261604>>261605Man, Miyu before she got super into heavy lifting
Just watching the process of her transformation, it wasn't noticeable, but now comparing her before and after pics, it's like woaaaaaah
No. 261771
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Nigri making almost 18k on patreon doing the same butt showing poses when she'll just post them on fb in a few days time.
No. 261772
File: 1461099581978.png (908.64 KB, 698x1119, 3miP63L.png)

>>261771Plus her newest patreon content.
No. 261795
>>261771>>261772She's good at what she does, and that she's making so much off of complete autists is pretty awesome, but I personally would rather be a "general hot chick" for attention/no donations than be the LA "Your Dream Whore" of Cosplay, solely because her paying fans are really pathetic (see: any guy that follows her on twitter/facebook comments), and I'd be worried about feeding their odd pervert-centered attention. Either way, if she's making that much now, she'll probably have this "Career" for longer than most people would like. Again, boner dollars aren't as picky about looks as we are. She'd have to be completely obliterated by a new face, and people have been waiting for it since she got popular. It's been so long that she's creating her own "brand" and her new bf is creative and hard working enough to pick up any slack (but he's a fucking annoying tardo too)
It's Smart and work, but just her fans are such a hard turn-off. If she's smart (this is a freebie, Jessica, enjoy), she'll start having her friends mod her comments on all accounts because if her image keeps getting associated with her weirdo fans, a good bit of that donation money is gonna start sinking the good ship.
No. 261812
>>261604This pic trips me out because I've actually seen Miyu irl and she doesn't look like that at all. Photoshop maybe? Idk but she was super pretty when I met her. Well except for her teeth being pretty fucked up but I think she got braces and fixed them since then
>>261795Jnig will probably last a long time if she keeps expanding her brand like Yaya has. I don't see her losing popularity anytime soon now that cosplay has gone mainstream. She has changed it up by starting to do lingerie shoots so she obviously knows that she has to diversify her content to stay relevant and is doing what's necessary to keep making money. She's making bank so her new stuff is working well for her
No. 261838
>>209070I find this pathetic tbh. When you literally make your living putting yourself out there for creeps to creep on, don't lash back out at them so personally when they do what creeps will always do.
And what about all the single guys creeping up her inbox? Do they get words of encouragement or something? Lol.
Quite frankly this girl's career is a lot closer to the shamefulness of doing full-on pornography than she's willing to admit. The threshold into whoredom is crossed when your boobies pay your rent. Whether you're showing nip or not is not small peanuts, and definitely not something you should be humblebragging about on social media.
JNig, I just wish you'd give all the equally hot women who get through life on actual talent and hard work some fucking credit. With a bit of luck, any of them could have taken the easy way out and gone the same way as you. But they decided that keeping their pride intact was worth more to them than a life built on creepy boner dollars.
No. 261856
>>261772Lmfao, I look at her butt and I feel like if I were to grab it, all id feel is bone idk.
Also why is her face/poses always the same shit?
Her ankle in this pic is so bendy 8)
No. 262085
>>261857So much cringe… It's like watching Bayeatch and watching Pamela Anderson's fake tits sway back and forth.
>>261961Lol I was thinking the same thing. this is what happens when you go overboard with the eyeliner and fake lashes.
No. 263634
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Feeling sorry for whoever is paying $60+ a month to get this as their patreon polaroid pic.
No. 265555
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Not me on the left but here u go
No. 265685
>>265634Agreeing with this. I've seen her in real life in regular clothes due to having mutual friends. Her boobs are not nearly as big as they're made out to be and are actually perfectly in proportion to her body when she isn't using tactics to make them look bigger.
Her normal wardrobe is also no where near as revealing as the outfits you see her in on social media.
No. 265731
File: 1462112815298.jpg (278.11 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1462112771405.jpg)

With all of that money that you're raking in, you should at least get a face lift.
No. 267432
File: 1462543014661.jpg (72.72 KB, 931x1678, j33ly7l.jpg)

Jess attempts "High Fashion".
No. 267975
File: 1462660234765.png (1.52 MB, 1316x2212, Screenshot_2016-05-07-15-26-11…)

She looks so tiny in pictures but huge in video stills.
No. 267981
>>267975Anon that isn't huge though.
Her stomach is perfectly flat, and those are a pretty good set of thighs, even if I do despise the girl I will admit it.
No. 268000
File: 1462663698880.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1125, Screenshot_2016-05-07-16-25-13…)

What do you guys think of her ewok? I'm not a fan of it but damn her boobs look good. Maybe it's because girl to the right's implants look kinda uneven
No. 268028
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>>268017I think her boobs are real, anon.
Unless she got real small implants proportional to her body.
No. 268043
i was talking about jnig considering this is a jnig thread
No. 268062
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>>268028How did you get her from that comment?
No. 268755
>>268588I'm a 32D and am pretty flat chested. A D cup isn't big unless you have a bigger back. She's a lot bigger than a D cup and also wears push up bras. I've never been in this thread before but I've started reading a bit just because of her whole bra size thing.
Why do guys get so disgusted by boobs they know are fake but foam at the mouth over ones they've been told are 100% real, even though they must know deep down they are fake.
No. 268790
>>268762The fact that youre talking about VS bras alone shows you must not know about titties
Jnig is slim, how is her ribcage 34 inches?
No. 268794
>>268762She looks like she's more likely to be a G cup, and it looks like she was a D cup before she ever had surgery.
>>268790I would say she's on the last band of a 32" bra, probably leaning more towards needing 34", but looks like she's squeezing her titties into a 30" bra for how sore and squished her tits look in most photos I've come across. (I'm just using google, like I said I've not read through these threads and am only just starting)
No. 268807
>>268790Cool it anon, How the hell can mentioning a brand of bras she wears be so damn
triggering? I swear to god, sometimes it really catches me off guard how pissy some anons on here can be.
The other anon said 34D, I have a bra she has, in that size, hers are, as I said, bigger. Jeez.
No. 268965
>>268963Nice repost.
However it does make me happy the likes/ dislikes are nearly 50:50 onthis
No. 269159
File: 1462995110451.jpg (139.02 KB, 1080x1080, 13126807_490877574449681_20093…)

lol look at that hairline
No. 269164
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>>269163I think she's always had a super high hairline, but bleaching can fuck up your hair follicles and reduce your overall hair count.
No. 269174
File: 1462998957614.png (1.82 MB, 1440x1390, Screenshot_2016-05-08-15-24-39…)

>>269163It makes shit worse
No. 269214
>>269173It's kind of the same thing. People usually have a high forehead if their hairline stops at the top of their head.
>>269174Good. Let her fry all her hair off.
No. 269498
File: 1463099390010.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1440x2097, Screenshot_2016-05-12-17-27-25…)

Oh jeez
No. 270292
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ugh. racist chan detected. It's a wonder why admin refuses to ban this person.
No. 270667
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This is such a good example of doing a sexy cosplay without over sexualizing it. JNig wishes she looked this good.
No. 270709
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>>270705Its so fucking detailed its ridiculous. It has more detail than the original texture.
No. 271061
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No. 271074
>>271061I had to Google it, she's missing a few key details to actually look like the Pokémon (tail, spike cheek things)
But I find that outfit cute af!
No. 271089
File: 1463634128016.jpg (217.87 KB, 852x856, Litten.full.2001235.jpg)

>>271061I had no clue it waa Litten until I read her description. I love how she posts an image of all her cosplays she's done this year and says she wants to do better. then a couple hours later she posts that, that she "threw together" lol
No. 271116
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>>271112men are disgusting
No. 271192 lying about making shit or Jessica "forgetting" about "making" the skirt too?
Y'all know what I think, but what do you think about it?
No. 271194
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>>271192She didn't make the bra either.
No. 271229
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No. 271468
>>271251I don't know why she tries to contour at all. Shit's literally invented by drag queens for drag queens.
No. 271471
>>271229I can feel the inner 2006 edgy random goth chick that squeals rawr & glomps from within and it fucking burns.
This is so fucking shit. Pokemon my ass.
No. 271480
File: 1463784787232.jpg (162.54 KB, 1080x1349, MUWaFCy.jpg) I the only one who thinks her ass was shooped?
No. 271541
>>271480her right cheek has a weird white spot on the fishnets
her editor is really bad, but no one notices or cares. but it's definitely not professional level
No. 272007
>>271550Seen it a million times over. Skeezy boyfriend buys an expensive camera and declares himself a professional photographer, friend pirates a copy of Photoshop and learns the liquify tool and declares themself a pro editor.
Like this is bad lazy shopping of a bad lazy photo but it's not something unique to Nigri. There's a million of these all over tumblr and deviantart and whatever.
No. 272326
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>>272079>>272321>>271792 Apparently it was for a contest?