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No. 34363
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>>34348Do you know of any sponsorships she's fucked for?
>Cosplaygate No. 34367
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Her hair and face are so jacked from all the tanning beds and bleach.
No. 34373
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No. 34382
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No. 34384
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No. 34386
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No. 34387
>>34373>>34382>>34367She looks like a hick with that forehead. lmao I swear without those bangs, she looks inbred. She's going to need bangs the rest of her life because that's the only thing that makes her look pretty.
Also, she's so young and she already has crows feet? Daaamnnnnn.
Anyone have any caps of the drama surrounding her cheating on her BFs?
No. 34389
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No. 34390
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No. 34394
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No. 34396
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No. 34397
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>>34363The only one I know of is the Cherry Sauce one but she ended up dating the dude while cheating on her then boyfriend. So recently she cheated on Jason (Cherry Sauce dude) for some cosplayer named Ryan who only wants to be FWB. Who knows
how many other guys she has fucked to get jobs. It wouldn't surprise me if she rented her pussy out to someone at Ubisoft seeing how they were so quick to white knight her on their Facebook page when someone questioned their decision to use her of all people to represent a new AssCreed game.
No. 34399
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No. 34402
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She recently became a try hard Tumblr punk to try sweeping her FWB off his feet because he prefers alternative girls. Lol dat eyebrow
No. 34404
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No. 34408
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she changed her look to this to try to upgrade herself from Ryan's sex buddy to girlfriend lol
No. 34409
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No. 34425
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Jessica Nigri: cum dumpster extrodinaire
No. 34711
Do you think she'll get tattoos to look the part or would that kill her "career"?
No. 35224
>>34711You know, part of me has been wanting to see Jnig stop being so fake and vapid, because in my limited interactions with her, once you're one on one and she knows you aren't buying it, she drops the Invader Zim LOLRANDUM shit and acts like a normal person.
The rest of me just wants to see her get sucked into a super-alternative lifestyle, get loads of tats, do a shitload of drugs which further ruin her looks and her ability to keep up with her created image, and eventually turn to porn. In reality, I hate her fanbase and the sort of public image she brings to cosplay more than I actually hate her. I'm probably a terrible person for wanting to watch her crash and burn but whatever, I'll live.
No. 36290
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Jessica got her e-fame from years of self-promotion. She self-posted on 4chan constantly, mostly /v/, /gif/, and /cgl/ (until the new rules on /cgl/ stopped her from being able to do it there). She also bought facebook likes before most people knew you could do that.
Her original sponsorship for Lollipop Chainsaw was acquired by cheating. She asked her fanboys on facebook to flood the vote for her. She asked them to do this publically. The posts should still be archived.
>yfw former /cgl/ janitor reveals that even the mods were annoyed by it
No. 36302
>>36290>you are the worst board on 4chanI find this strangely flattering.
sand-encrusted vaginas unite.
No. 36309
>>35224You're not a terrible person. I honestly can't stand her, Verababy, Yaya, Bellechere, or any other coswhore who has helped to ruin the hobby. They contribute absolutely nothing to it and never have, but they're blindly defended because of tits and lip gloss by morons who call bitches like Yaya and Niggeri cosplay queens while Marty Gear is still warm in his grave.
Large part of why I left the hobby, but everyone chalks you up to a jealous cunt because god forbid you get mad when attention whores ruin your shit for their own selfish reasons.
No. 36417
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No. 36488
The later even started a shitstorm because of Yaya Han's body-shaming.
No. 36518
>>36488As if Yaya has any room to shame anyone with her shit looks and sordid history.
>weh weh sexualized womnyn>gets tit job for sake of cosplay>former fetish club dancer>former escort>constantly cosplays revealing shit, even to the extent of original designs which don't require t&aCunt needs to die.
No. 36549
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ugh, jnig. everything she does is so tryhard.
No. 36673
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>>36563Photos and Elvis Trooper called her out on it, but dramu went down and shit was baleeted.
No. 42982
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Well this is fucked
No. 51120
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Because I don't feel like making an account on PULL to talk about her, I found a screenshot on Tumblr that shows she gave $4,000 to that fund they had set up for Monty.
I mean, it sort of seemed like she was milking his death for sympathy and junk, but then you have her doing something like this and you have to wonder if she was really affected by it.
No. 51153
>>51120Given that she knows the people at the company and Monty's wife, her donating seems more an act of 'see look I'm such a good person'.
>>51129Pretty much this.
No. 52300
>>52297Ive been waiting for that day, anon. And, for Yaya to die.
>inb4 some fucker goes W-WELL I DUN WAN HER TO DIEtough shit, I do. I hate her and Nigri for ruining this fucking hobby.
No. 52734
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The smell of desperation is making me feel sick
No. 52882
>>52734She's never made a costume. Its always people doing it for her dumb ass and never giving credit.
>>52877Maybe both she never fucking plays anything she cosplays.
No. 52890
>>52747I'm trying to understand the post as well.
She repeats she made it herself then repeats that other people made it. I'm confused.
No. 52893
>>52889Brush that's the one thing that will always rustle my jimmies. Like if she gave created, and said nah I just wanted to cosplay the character. I wouldn't give two shits about her. But she gets all these gigs and money from some one else hard work.
And lets not start on how she started the trend of lazy slut cosplay for their 10mins of e-fame. Fuck her and girls like her.
(sorry for any typos on my phone.)
No. 53081
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double-posting bc images. anyways, her Flareon cosplay… was obviously jacked from someone else (albeit JNig's was of lesser quality)
No. 53084
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you think she would have admitted she was inspired if someone didn't call her out on it?
No. 53456
>>53447Understandable c:
I mean, its easier to tell with the original cosplay because the colors are more accurate. The white fur that Nigs used was entirely off and doesn't go with Flareon in the slightest.
But I can definitely see where the kimono-style outfit would come into play, seeing as how in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal and their remakes, the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak city use the Eeveelutions to battle.
No. 54111
>>53084That's a top shelf joke right there. She is notorious for taking other people idea's and not once has she admitted it until she's been called out by hundreds of people. Even then, she will do her best to backpedal and try to still claim part of it was her idea and that it's just a co-incidence. I blame her fanbase for a lot of it, because why have to admit to stealing someone else's ideas when you're neckbeard, autistic group of moronic fans will stand up for you anyway?
>>53410I'm pretty sure Aranel said she was inspired by an artwork and not just the Pokémon, so I guess JNig is ripping off two people at once.
No. 58271
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I was browsing some WoW cosplay on deviantart today and came across the one on the left. I thought "that's nice, i've seen that before". I racked my brains for ages and it was only after my friend said that it looked like Nigri's that I realised. Apparently the original is a relatively well known DK cosplay, so I went to check because surely she's not that dumb to rip it off.
Lo and behold, it looks like she has literally taken every part of this concept and just added fur (which in my opinion, looks trashy and doesn't fit with plate armor at all). I just find it difficult to think that she just came up with this idea, because it looks very little like the actual tier set and there only seems to be one other cosplayer with a similar costume (who I believe credited the original). How on earth does everyone just let her get away with this? For someone who's meant to be a professional cosplay, she is just an awful human being.
No. 58289
>>58271what is even more funny is she does not even make the rip off designs. She is so lazy she had her boy toy and an army of other people to make her death knight. It was the same deal with her Flareon cosplay. She ripped the design off but had some other chick stitch together that shit.
There is no cosplay Jessica does by herself. She does not even make her shitty raver bra cosplays are just bras she ordered online and hot glued shit together.
Literally the only credit she deserves is she works out. That is it. She is just your haggard bimbo
No. 58292
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>>58271To be fair, the starting blue set for Death Knights has fur in some places similar to JNig's, but I agree that it looks better without it. It's a lot cleaner and less tacky. I looked the original cosplay up and even the lights in the pauldrons are stolen. I guess Jessica('s boyfriend) couldn't be bothered installing them in all the places the original cosplayer did. Which tier set
is it based off of by the way? Also, where the fuck is her weapon? It looks so stupid and incomplete without it.
No. 58357
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>>58292>>58312It's the darkruned set. Note there is only a vague resemblance between it and the cosplayer's armor.
No. 58514
>>58271>awful human being self proclaimed pro cosplayerWell, what did you expect? She and Yaya are both shit human beings.
>inb4b-but yaya maeks her own stuff!1!1!Bitches don't act like it A) Doesn't look bad in person without the shoop and B) Like she hasn't done her share of ripping off. Also, all of her own sordid little past.
No. 58691
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>>58271>>58292>>58312>>58357It's based on this fanart. The girl on the left is Laura Jansen(Lightning) and she had the fanart in her "wishlist" album. JNig hasn't sourced either of them, it's the exact same situation as Flareon.
No. 59192
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so much cringe
No. 59209
>>59192Her eye make-up is so fucking bad.
With hair as blonde as her's and skin that shade of tan/orange, black eye shadow all over your lid looks trashy.
She really needs to go for a more subtle eye make-up look with neutral colors. Seriously.
No. 59485
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>>59301I think the ones that are that "stupid" are the young ones just coming into cosplay, or are the slutty xyz bandwagon ones thinking they can be the next Jnigger/Yayatits.
And in all honesty why wouldn't you try to be better. Kids these days and making cosplay mainstream.
No. 59506
>>59192Holy shit, she looks so old here.
Question, has she
ever worn cosplay that covers her tits/doesn't show cleavage?
No. 59519
I'm like ninety nine percent sure.
No. 59528
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>>59506I was about to say one of her Studio Ghibli cosplays but yet again she has to show that small fraction of cleavage even for Nausicaa. She literally has to sexualise everything.
No. 59538
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>>59528So dumb. Of course her tunic had to be a tight-fitting dress with a more plunging neckline, the skirt part so short that it barely covers her ass and what looks like white tights instead of leggings/pants.
No. 59664
>>59154I really, really hate it when my friends, especially non-cosplaying ones, share articles on their Facebook feed glorifying JNig's tits and how she's one of the most influential/talented cosplayers that ever lived. Even the feminist publications that in all seriousness and without any reserach claim that the only problem people have with JNig is her tits and it's ~so sexist and literally the reason why womyn are opress'd~.
Because you know why? JNig is starting to be the definement for Cosplay. People who don't know (or care) that she doesn't make her own costumes and is just a booth babe chock full of drama are including her on all the top cosplayers list and presenting her as an idol worth worshipping. She's basically telling people that the idolized cosplayer is a money-grubbing whore who doesn't make their own costumes or give two shits about the source material. She's basically confirming peoples' beliefs that cosplay is some kind of sexual deviation because she sluttifies every costume she ever makes. And because she's lowered the bar so low, we're getting plenty more of people like her and now the hobby is about T&A, Facebook likes and who manages to make the popular character first.
Fuck her.
No. 59787
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>>59667Studio Ghibli's female characters are the very essence of their animation. They're strong, beautiful and are characters many can relate to due to their realness, love for life and the simple things that bring them happiness. I fucking hate it when cosplayers reduce these characters to glorified fanservice material.
No. 59993
>>59787Miyazaki says over and over that he really loves women as main characters and wishes media would represent them better.
JNig should be lynched for this bullshit. It's EXACTLY what Miyazaki wishes to avoid for his women in his movies.
No. 60439
>>60309God yes.
And when people try to point it out the backlash they get is ridiculous.
No. 60485
>>59990>>59998>>60001I wonder if Jessica has finally found our board?
Notice how no one here has ever defended her? These three posts are the first ones I've ever seen made in her defense. We all know she selfposts and whiteknights herself on /cgl/ so it won't surprise me if she starts doing it here too.
No. 60511
>>60485She's know to google herself.
Hell half the time when she first started off she would white knight her self on 4chin.
No. 60522
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>>59990My self-awareness of lack of said life is the reason I post on this board, please leave.
No. 60536
I just really need to vent here.
I don't care about how her costumes are entirely inaccurate or slutted up. I couldn't give a shit if she hasn't watched/played/read any of the series or not. I don't care if she's had a titjob. Heck, I don't even care about the fact she's extorting desperate neckbeards for money. Literally the only reason I have such a great dislike of her is her chronic dishonesty when it comes to every single aspect of what she's "selling" (in this case, herself, as a "brand").
If she was just upfront about the fact she was just a booth-babe who wants to make money from people effectively selling sex appeal, I wouldn't really give a shit about her and leave her on her way. It's the fact that she tries to tap into people's personal interests and claim that she enjoys it as much as the fans, when clearly she doesn't know anything and wants to remain ignorant about it. I don't want normies to see her cosplaying a character from a series I like and reducing it to some tit-and-ass costume, then that person receiving a false impression of the character or series, because it is incredibly demeaning. The only obvious exception to this rule is if it's already a "sexed-up" character, that's free reign.
The very fact I can't even express this opinion calmly to someone without being called "jealous" also speaks for itself. I love cosplay and there is very little that has knocked my enjoyment of it, but anyone who tries and say that someone like JNig isn't causing detriment to the hobby is seriously deluded. It's not about a personal style, it's about the fact she's promoting an agenda that's bringing people into cosplay who are looking for nothing more than recognition at any cost.
No. 62183
I wish a lot of people could get this instead of going straight to, "ur just jealouz!"
No. 62502
>>60536She has a bigger impact than people give her credit for. A lot of cosplayers I know have started emulating her style of self-promotion as in cosplaying popular, scantily clad characters without knowing the source material because JNig shows them it's the thing to do to reach the appreciated cosplayer status.
>It's the fact that she tries to tap into people's personal interests and claim that she enjoys it as much as the fans, when clearly she doesn't know anything and wants to remain ignorant about it. Exactly. She doesn't even want to become more familiar with the source material. For her, it's all about the T&A, attention and money and therefore it's the example she's setting up for the normies and other cosplayers. She's reducing the hobby to a sexual fetish of sorts, dressing up as "nerdy" characters showing skin to appeal to the sex-hungry crowd. Everyone knows she doesn't do her costumes herself, but for more and more people it doesn't even matter because apparently cosplay is only about dressing up in eye-catching clothes like it's some kind of an alt fashion.
This is what really bugs me. Girls that are not good-looking, disciplined or charismatic enough to be real models are hopping on the cosplay bandwagon because it's popular, putting on a bra+skirt combo and making sexified versions of characters that are not known for their trashy sex appeal (like JNig's "feminine Link" cosplay) and then receiving tons of glory and attention with practically no effort. Before there wasn't much of a supply for skimpily clad cosplay girls so it's still a good, open market for people to use as a stepping stone towards fame. And that's what they're reducing cosplay as a hobby to - a cheap trick to turn everyone's eyes on them.
And yes, the old retort of "cosplayers are all attention whores, get over it UR JUST JELLY!!!11". There is a world of difference between getting attention for being a booth babe and getting attention for your amazing craftsmanship and representing the character well. One is a payoff for being a cheap hack, one is for getting recognition for putting actual effort in something.
Considering all these things it really pisses me off that disliking JNig for completely valid reasons is countered with a "wahhh ur sexist and a shamer" retort. Tits are not a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want and get away with it.
No. 65298
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Uh, since when did she have a nose piercing? Guess her new edgy bf is rubbing off on her then.
No. 65333
>>65320I'd say the game predates JNig. The concept of a "nerd" was turned on its head long before she was famous.
Liking "nerd culture" used to be a symptom of being a nerd/geek not a cause. So for example if you liked science then Star Trek appealed to you and then you were a Trekkie. It wasn't Star Trek that made you a "nerd" but the science interest that preceeded it.
But then probably almost ten years ago it got turned around and people started claiming to be nerds merely for liking the pop culture. If you tried to tell people that watching Star Wars on TV at Christmas doesn't make you a nerd then you were called out as some kind of misogynist like what is happening with GamerGate when they complain about mobile games being included in statistics.
Ultimately I gave up caring a long time ago because it's silly wasting time worrying about these things. But I do wonder where a genuinely nerdy 15 year old outcast goes these days because it seems like all the "safe places" I had as a teenager have been overrun.
No. 65477
>>65317Except that she, Yaya, and other whores created the game. That's a really retarded statement to make.
>"Don't hate the person doing shitty things, hate the notion of shitty things existing in general!1!!!"Pseudo existential pricks.
No. 65519
>>65491That doesn't mean that it's excusable. You sound like the type of moron who goes around telling people not to be upset about things like cancer or natural disasters because oh well bad shit happens idc XDDDDD
You're clearly a knight, you can fuck off of the thread now. You're just going to keep shitting it up with your irrelevant ego stroking.
No. 65959
>>65823Her knights are always newfags because no, it was NOT always like this. Never, ever to this degree and back in the 90s scantily clad cosplay was considered super fucking daring.
I don't even have a problem with such cosplay if it pertains to the fucking character, but I am annoyed that every single thing in the hobby now is about sexualizing characters who wouldn't be seen otherwise in order to just further ruin this hobby.
No. 66665
>>65320Naw. JNig just copied Miyu and took over where she left off when she quit. She's a cheap imitation of the original hotness.
Of course Miyu just took over where Alisachan left off. I guess there's no original, just a succession of attention whores.
No. 66900
>>65959I remember all the Oh my goddess and dirty pair cosplays. There were a lot of girls who cosplayed from accuracy and not to be an actual attention whore. I do miss the 90s cosplay scene quite a lot.
JNigger is neither original nor engaging.
No. 67084
>>66963Reminds me of two girls I know who both cosplay scantily clad girls but there is a world of difference between them.
Girl 1:
>Makes skimpy cosplays >Puts her best effort into the cosplays which are often quite elaborate and very cleanly done >Cosplays characters she knows and loves>Doesn't flaunt it, in fact she's very subtle and humble about it>Has a nice body she works for>Knows how to put on flattering and beautiful make up>Is very nice and polite, kind of shyGirl 2:
>Makes skimpy cosplays>Throws the costumes together in a few days and they look like messy piles of shit>Cosplays characters she barely knows, is super out of character and only picks them from random series depending on how little clothing they have>Flaunts her skimpy cosplays everywhere, keeps talking about how revealing they are and "teehee I just love this design I suppose I have a thing for tits and ass lol so funny!!!">Has the same shit makeup routine for all of her costumes>Manly body>Rude and self-centered, constantly puts herself above other people while trying to suck up to more successful cosplayersGuess who has a lot more facebook likes and enthusiastic fans? The latter one, of course. This is what we've come to. In the times before JNig and Yaya's hooker timeline people knew that there's no point in trying to be a sexified "cosplay model" because nobody's going to care unless your costume is really well made and imaginative. Skimpy cosplays weren't necessarily presented as sexual unless the character was explicitly sexual, in which case it's completely understandable. If you would've tried the same shit as JNig does today, everyone would see through your act and label you as an attention whore not worth acknowledging. But now that the hobby has been introduced to normies and dudebros who want a "hot cosplayer girlfriend", they suddenly have an audience with their mental wallets open. Just compare someone like Adella to JNig, Adella was one of the most controversial cosplayers who had a ton of brainless followers, but she know how to make a fucking costume and I don't think she had one skimpy cosplay despite being the attention whore of our time.
No. 71561
>>71396She still does her mail videos, though. Not too long ago, she even spammed her P.O. box address on all of her social media accounts so that her fans could send her free shit. So I don't think she is completely tired of neckbeard attention. It might just solely be her current "boyfriend's" (someone said they were just friends-with-benefits?) hand in this. If they broke up, she would probably go right back to coswhoring. The easy money from just showing tits is too alluring for a lazy ass whore like her.
On a side note, her "boyfriend" is now selling prints, after dating Nigri for a while. She posted about it on her Instagram and Facebook. Which makes me believe he is probably just another cosplayer using Nigri for publicity/cosfame.
No. 71723
>>71708Jess definitely seems like one of those people who's always better in photos. If she could exist only in photoshoots/scripted booth events, she'd be golden. Her OOC personality is probably just a series of references/"nerdy" idioms stringing a conversation along.
She's like a female version of those NEETs whose only social interaction involves quoting cartoons or referencing things they've read online.
No. 73627
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>>70613Jnig making her cosplay. Kek
No. 73971
File: 1427957705960.jpg (14.47 KB, 183x275, images.jpg) how long until people relies she has no talent and doesn't get booked for anything ever again???
I personally dont like the anime cause its trash but will watch to see her fail.
No. 75038
>>75019apologies if this has been discussed before.
she had a small voice acting part in that RWBY series, I found a clip on YouTube by searching 'RWBY Jessica nigri'or something. the characters name was cinder…. something?
she had almost no lines and what she did do was god awful.
I really think the people who chose her as a VA did not give a single shit how she would sound, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even care to see what little she did in RWBY. seems like purely a publicity stunt…. how else are they going to get people on board with such a shitty anime that would inevitably have a terrible dub whether they chose her or someone else?
No. 75046
>>75038I think Monty chose her because she has a name for herself and subtly said she always wanted to do voice acting so he gave her a role. She'd go to record with them and the writers would cream all over themselves with anything she said.
Her voice was not good for Cinder at all. Attempting way too hard to be husky and low seemed like a bad choice for her.
She tried to appease more to RWBY Fans by donating I think, 4,000$ to Sheena after Monty died but she never really shows any care or love for her character like the other VA's do.
No. 75065
>>75046uhh my bad :x I should've made it clear i was referring to the sonico anime in the second part of my post.
I can totally see why the little rooster people would choose her as a VA, I'd literally never heard of RWBY or rooster teeth until I heard about jnig dubbing sonico and was looking into if she had actually done some voice acting before. on a side note RWBY looks like utter garbage.
if she sounds that bad trying to do a husky, low voice imagine how horribly cringey her ~kawaii moe oppai uguuu~ voice will be
No. 80163
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>>75042God,shes got some creepy ass fans
No. 80255
>>80165She has been stalked before funny enough. A crazy guy showed up to her home claiming to be her fiancé sometime last year, LMAO
I fucking hate the bitch.
No. 80442
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>>80257>>80370The details how she hooked up with her current boyfriend are pretty pathetic. Starting out as FWB and she changed her look to get him to go steady with her. Bitch has no self-respect.
No. 80797
>>34186>>80442if i had a stalker there is no way in hell i would write about him like that. more than anything it sounds like she's bragging.
i don't care about the "culture" she's "exploiting" (bc really if you're community was that strong they can collectively ignore her, and if not why not go after the idiots worshipping her), i just loathe her personality. it's cool for her to cosplay things she has merely a casual interest in, but she can't even research her characters properly and seems like she has to permanently act like DUMB DITZY NERD GURL all the time.
i know that's her like schtick and how she manipulates people into paying for her shit, but she needs to balance it out because obviously the people who see through it hate her. a lot.
No. 80815
>>80813well yeah. she's not going to stop her bullshit until she stops getting money and attention for it- why would anybody give that up? if you can block out how objectifying it would be, it probably feels awesome.
until people feel embarrassed, as they should be, for supporting her for acting like a dumb female for money she will stay popular.
it's so stupid how "feminists" support her though. inclusion is not equality, and it's really fucking insulting people don't namedrop actually talented women cosplayers.
No. 81020
>>80815>it's so stupid how "feminists" support her though. inclusion is not equality, and it's really fucking insulting people don't namedrop actually talented women cosplayers.Fucking this. I have seen so many "feminists" crying about how Nigri gets hate only because she's "a wommyn in the male-dominated nerd culture hurr". No, she gets hate for being a lying, manipulative, untalented fake bitch. Every time I try to explain just why I hate her and how it's not only because she's showing skin, I get bashed for being "jelly" and even worse, a spoilsport. So some people know she's a hack of the worst kind but they still adore her just because she's famous. These same "feminists" never promote actually talented and hard-working female cosplayers because they're not controversial so they can't stroke their own clits to the moral policing they can do at their expense.
Even worse is how she's basically the stereotype of a dumb ditzy bimbo who has her tits out and the same "feminists" look the other way even though they would be thrown into full blown rage if something like a movie main character would be like this.
No. 81212
>>81025I literally have the same body type as Nigri, minus the huge tits and I agree with
>>81020. Sorry, but please try again faggot.
No. 81704
File: 1429024240222.jpg (54.67 KB, 1680x881, izgHqxR.jpg)

Here we have it folks, she's truly hit the bottom of the barrel! I want to try and not care, but this is really what the "top end" of my hobby has come to?
Also, her blog name is heavily dubious.
I'm fucking out of here.
No. 81725
File: 1429029087924.png (443.32 KB, 932x510, jn.PNG)

>>81722oops forgot to add the text, this is the clip
No. 84132
>>81704Speaking of her vlog, does anyone know the song that's playing when that Meagan chick is on the screen like 10 secs in. It's really paining me.
>>81726>>81732Of course she doesn't have time to tidy, she's too busy extorting neckbeards.
No. 84147
File: 1429326857723.jpg (56.95 KB, 423x434, 1371321651028.jpg)

>>84137The one thing she has is a great body. Orange to hell and back, but a slamming body. (ugh I hate having anything nice to say about her)
>>84134Her fucking hairline is already close to the middle of her fucking head. you think she would get the clue to stop bleaching it.
No. 84345
>>84313I hate slut-shaming just as much as the next person, but there's a difference between wearing skimpy outfits or being something like a lingerie model and actually oversexualizing something that isn't sexual in the first place, i.e. fictional characters in cosplay. She treats herself as a piece of fap material so that's what other people are also beginning to see her as.
Her cosplays are literally sexy version of this and sexy version of that and she keeps up the ~silly ditzy-witzy~ act because she WANTS the neckbeard attention. She lives off of it. It brings her money and validation. She doesn't call them out or tell them to stop because she doesn't want them to. She doesn't stop sexualizing characters because she wants to be a sex object. She got fake tits because she wants to be worshiped as a sex symbol.
If she didn't get the creepy attention, she probably wouldn't be doing this because creepy neckbeards and fedoras make up for like 90% of her fanbase. She doesn't do her costumes herself so she wouldn't be in it for the praise of her costuming skills, she doesn't care about geeky things so she's not in it for the enjoyment of the fandom. She just wants to be a sex object, and cosplay happened to offer her that chance.
No. 84422
>>84345"she just wants to be a sex object, and cosplay happened to offer her that chance."
That's exactly why I wouldn't be able to hate her if she was more upfront about using sex appeal to hustle people. She's clearly happy doing it, I can't hate on that, but I will always hate her for not calling out the dumb ass neckbeards she deals with.
Even if she were upfront about doing erotic cosplay, and these men are giving her money, you're showing younger girls/man that it's "part of the job" to deal with sexual harassment. That you have to lie to people to have a fan base, because as a female cosplayer you're not good enough as the men doing it.
I couldn't care less about her fake tits or the fake "dumb girl" thing she does for money, I give a shit that she has so much power to make it easier for young girls and doesn't. She's a weak bitch.
No. 84668
>>84345>>84422She laughs off creepy guys and sexual harrassment like it's normal and she sells herself as a sexual object by sexualizing non sexual character. IE: that one cute mascot type character from LoL.
She's really shameless and honestly, I just want her to go away already.
No. 86546
File: 1429652105843.jpg (41.88 KB, 540x720, garbage.jpg)

She's really done it again. Should I really be surprised that she's managed to make ANOTHER character look terrible? I know the whole point of Officer Vi is to be a joke based on slutty halloween costumes, but without the gloves this just screams bad cop outfit. Even the fact it's well crafted (by someone else) doesn't redeem any part of it.
Her body does not compliment this outfit at all either imo. As
>>86152, she legit looks like she's fucking skin and bone. And was it really difficult to get the right style of wig or even modify one? Of course, the cherry on the cake is the racoon eyes as usual. Oh yeah, lets completely forget the fact that the skin has fucking sunglasses.
But don't worry guys. Her fuckbuddy will maybe make her some gloves and it'll all be better guize!!!!
No. 86549
>>86546But you're implying she has even played cop tits to know that she wears gloves, and that those are also the wrong boots.
But you know small stuff.
No. 86550
File: 1429652598530.jpg (109.64 KB, 699x1144, officer_vi_concept_art_by_zero…)

>>86549Dropped my picture.
No. 86751
>>86546Wow, her face looks absolutely caked in makeup in this one to the point she doesn't even look like she has lips.
I thing one of the things that always annoys me about her cosplay is she's never cosplaying the character. It's always Character as portrayed by Jessica Nigri.
At conventions it's never "Oh look at that pretty Sailor Mars." it's always "Oh look, there's Jessica Nigri in a Sailor Mars outfit of her own invention."
No. 88683
File: 1430019546414.jpg (99.74 KB, 509x810, tumblr_nndbolFjKP1rgdjn8o4_540…)

>>86546This popped up on my feed and she might have a bit inaccuracies but it for sure comes off loads better than JNigs. I guess she's just the hot character to cosplay this month?
No. 89410
>>88781it's hard to hold breasts up without straps. I guess she could've made it (bra cups)
out of a solid material instead
No. 89957
File: 1430240168876.png (432.93 KB, 1077x1336, 2015-04-28 12.52.35.png)

I think even here neckbeards are starting to notice her bullshit. These were some comments on her subreddit on one of the mankini pics that was posted there.
No. 89987
File: 1430243067713.jpg (46.03 KB, 500x356, 1345936776580.jpg)

>>89973These guys thought Jnig was some pure anime wifu they could after lust after cause she wasnt some slut.
But thats all shes ever been.
No. 90179
>>89957Wait, she has a fucking subreddit?
>wears sluttified shitty costumes only to showcase her tits and has a fake WOOZY-DOOZY-SILLY-WILLY nerrdd gurrll persona>"my beautiful pure waifu, she is so talented and amazing I will protect her forever">Wears a mankini >"WOW CALM DOWN HO NOW YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR GOD WHAT A BIMBO"neckbeards never change
No. 90318
File: 1430272780866.png (175.22 KB, 725x767, FakeNerdBoy.png)

>>90270Speaking of Ryan, he liked a post revealing JNig's history, which I thought was interesting.
Their whole relationshit feels so forced. Wouldn't surprise me if they both cheat on each other. Aren't they just FWB anyway?
No. 90321
>>90309Yes, I'm not sure if he still does but around when they started dating he would try to sext with other girls from instagram and the like.
>>90318Is that Vaan guy the person she was dating before Ryan? If so he probably liked it because Jnig was cheating on Vaan with Ryan towards the end. She even flew out to see him in secret.
No. 90326
>>90321Jason was the person she was dating before Ryan. Ryan used to be friends with Jason, but then Jessica dumped Jason for Ryan.
Vann was her ex-fiance from high school that she cheated on with Jason.
No. 90331
>>90326Oh well, in that case she cheated on Jason with Ryan then, lmao.
Damn, has this chick ever just broken up with a guy and not just cheat on them with someone else?
No. 91366
>>91340I discovered one of my male work colleagues actually can't stand her. I told him more info on how much of a fraud she is and that she rarely makes her own costumes, that just pissed him off even more.
Never thought I'd see the day I could have a civil Jnig discussion and not an argument as we're both huge on cosplay. Most other guys I know are like "we don't care, she just has great tits". There's no hope for them.
No. 91506
>>91366>>91340Yeah, I can't even begin to add up all the discussions I've had about JNig with males who try the "but she's not hurting anyone, you're just jealous" shtick. The only thing I'm jealous about is her getting everything a motivated cosplayer dreams of by putting in absolutely no effort at all. I'm not jealous of her fame and admiration in general if she was openly a model or a booth babe, but the fact these dudebros think she's the epitome of cosplaying skill drives me insane. It'd be just as disgusting if she was a man cosplaying all my husbandos.
But I'm glad some men have the decency to call her out for her bullshit or ignore her instead of masturbating to her super sonico photos and cementing the popular belief that cosplay is all about showcasing t&a and catering to neckbeards.
No. 97316
File: 1431232793760.jpg (62.8 KB, 1024x573, image.jpg)

>>97265>>97313Dunno what happened to my reply but here's the pic. Her breasts actually look so painful to have…
No. 97319
>>97316JESUS. It looks like the implants are about to bust upward out of her skin. This does
not look good. She needs to stop the "For the last time, my boobs are real! XD" bullshit lie.
No. 97703
File: 1431271354018.png (851.86 KB, 841x480, Expectation vs. Reality.png)

>>97313>>97316>>97319>>97375>>97384She likes to push up her already comically large plastic tits and makes them look inflated ass cheeks just to get likes and thirsty comments from neckbeards. In the photos her fans took of her, her boobs are not showing as much. She also looks much older and much worse than what you are led to believe from her selfies.
No. 97704
File: 1431271406461.jpg (95.53 KB, 640x640, JNig.jpg)

This one is also pretty recent. I wonder if she still tans. She can pass for someone in their 40's.
No. 100077
File: 1431438174634.jpg (56.86 KB, 540x720, shit.jpg)

She looks retarded as fuck. The red eye makeup is not flattering in the slightest, also not even an attempt at trying to blend it.
No. 100150
Same shitty eye make up and bleached fried hair as always.
I honestly wish she'd try a new make-up look. Most of it is just eyeliner + black eye shadow + mascara and maybe another color for ~fun~
>>97316I really hope she's wearing some sort of "push up" bra, otherwise if that is what her boobs hold up like naturally, then I'm so sorry…
No. 100194
File: 1431452073059.gif (2.79 MB, 360x202, ZHJ7h6p.gif)

>>97316It's funny to me how there are dumbasses who still think her boobs are real when photos like this exist. Her boobs look as hard as rocks.
They also look stiff in motion.
No. 100198
>>100197At least you'd admit it?
That's half JNiggers problem
No. 101292
File: 1431558940160.jpg (1021.44 KB, 2241x3984, image.jpg)

Holy shit, a "cosplay" pic without tits?!
No. 101368
>>101354If they want to get a breast surgery that's their choice and I'm sure they'll know the risks and dedication that comes with. Natural breasts are great but if someone wants big old fake tits that's cool too.
What's not cool is them lying and denying that they had it done.
Wear those tits proudly, anons.
No. 106983
File: 1432320134119.png (322.64 KB, 487x399, 1231312.png)

I'm sad that Lisa Lou Who has basically sold herself out by constantly offering JNig a loan of her costumes in return for free advertisement. I thought she was far better than having to resort to asking for favours from this dumbass, bimbo, piece of white trash.
No. 115320
File: 1433193526933.png (715.9 KB, 609x601, instagram.png)

So, who's this new social ladder climber that's hanging off her arm now?
No. 122610
>>34404>>43252 kek'd
> clumpy mascara> parentheses faceShe looks like she's at least 40
No. 123781
>>123683Speaking of a spot on tv I wonder if maybe she would get the smallest spot on Big bang.
I really hope not though.
No. 123795
>>123791Speak for yourself.
There are plenty of cosplayers who do it for their craft/having fun, and don't care or want the attention.
No. 124551
File: 1434784210610.jpg (113.53 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

She has zero ass and became so self-conscious about people laughing at her for it that she's claiming its Ryan's. Nice try, JNigger but we all know you have fried hair with a blue ombré.
No. 125316
>>125173tbf hes close to the spacebar meaning he could've paused it
No. 125478
File: 1434943124526.jpg (143.9 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

She shaved part of her head. Lol
No. 125641
>>125478She is not ageing gracefully, at all.
Also why doesn't she just get but implants? Why stop at the titties? Or would that just be too obvious since there's no real trick to make asses look naturally bigger besides genetic luck, gaining weight and working out?
No. 125997
>>125731A lot of them hate it. If you go on her subreddit, you'll occasionally see neckbeards bitching about it, and sperging over her fuck buddy for changing her lol.
>>125758A good chunk of them probably wouldn't care. Most of them don't care about her lies/shitty personality. They are only there for the tits. But the other portion that care about her cosplay (a few weebs and teens here and there) probably would be pissed off. Jessica still pretends to be something she is not so she can the maximum amount of exposure for being a "nerd," than what she can get if she was just an ordinary sex worker.
And I'm sure there's the shit with living her parents. They don't want their daughter to be classified as something involving sex work, but they are okay with her being naked and claiming that as "cosplay."
No. 126001
>>125997Wait, this bitch still lives with her parents?
No. 126041
>>126038You're the one being defensive. I state one thing about her, then you come in trying to start something. If living with your parents bugs you so much, move the fuck out bitch.
Anyways, JNig is a tryhard with bad skin and no personality, who leeches off of fandoms for money. Everyone here hates her. Fuck off.
No. 126103
I'm this anon:
>>126001I was just asking if she was living with her parents still because she seems to "successful" and I figured she was making bank with her "career." I was surprised she's still at home, because if I were her I'd get out as soon as possible if I could afford to support myself.
No. 127726
File: 1435330753281.jpg (155.92 KB, 640x984, image.jpg)

She's desperate.
No. 128293
>>127726>Even the edges of the iron on vinyl/glued paper are cut crooked and messyYou had one fucking job, Jessica.
>>128239B-but anon, it's just a push-up bra and contouring, even though it's just a flat bikini top without padding at all! My pure nerd gurl waifu wouldn't get fake tits! They just magically stay in a firm balloon shape without support!
No. 131352
File: 1435908537663.jpg (116.59 KB, 640x995, image.jpg)

When ur boyfriend doesn't give u enough attention
No. 133913
File: 1436303224691.png (735.79 KB, 720x716, tumblr_ngx0rnS9oP1tu9r0eo3_128…)

>>131352Is she gonna do that in all of her pics now?
It's like her boobs have become the scrotum of her chest.
No. 133918
>>125997I really don't understand the fascination with Jnigga's tits. Hell there's other chicks that have better boobs than her, fake AND real. And a good handful of them aren't even porn stars.
And then there are those porn stars who are legit gamers that have a passion for it, like Mia Rose (although she did leave porn).
Yet Jnigger gets all the (undeserved) attention.
No. 133923
File: 1436304091237.jpg (158.69 KB, 729x1097, jack-mass-effect-cosplay.jpg)

>>34402>>125478>>125637>>65298She wishes she were as 'alt' and cool as an actual punk girl. Because if she was, she'd actually make a pretty decent Jack cosplay from Mass Effect TBQH. She's got the high hairline and shaved head. All she gotta do is shave it more or completely.
>>125997>>133918But try as she might, Jnig will never be a Suicide Girl. She's still too bimbo to be one.
No. 133965
File: 1436307221764.gif (377.48 KB, 500x250, mBlu9U4.gif)

>>133923God that hairstyle is so fucking hot.
Total sploosh.
No. 134082
>>133965>>133923Ugh no J-nig will never be able to pull off Jack
As usual she'll know jack (pun intended) about the game and make her act all 'sexy'
Jack is the complete opposite of Jnigger
Even if she does manage to pull of a halfway decent cosplay
No. 134097
>>134082What the hell are you talking about.
I only said the girl in
>>133923 has cute hair, nothing about JNigger.
No. 134562
>>134547idk if America has a different name for it but she does a shit load of hiking.
Hiking here usually refers to woodland areas or fields but she does it up those dusty mountain/hills in the baking sun that you guys seem to have lots of.
No. 134563
>>134547Her body is the only think she has got going for her (like how Yaya only has the fact that's she Asian…) but I know that JNig said years ago she was doing the Insanity workouts… so super HIIT workouts even now. Not sure about her diet but I'd assume normal in calorie intake but low in carbs.
>>134562Where does Jnig live again? That sounds more like the West (Cali, Texas and the states in between) and Mid-west then the East coast, which is more forest-y.
No. 134687
>>134547>>134562I remember her posting years ago that she did mainly Insanity, and ran a lot. She seemed like the total cardio bunny, but she does have some definition. So I think she does more than just cardio. Maybe she lifts some weights? I mean if you wanna follow the BeachBody workout like she did, you should incorporate Chalean EXTREME along with Insanity. That's what I'm currently doing, except I substituted Insanity with Focus T25 due to having crappy knees. It's made by the same guy.
>>134563Jnig lives in Arizona, (so Southwestern US) in the Phoenix metro area (not really sure if the actual city itself). She gives AZ cosplayers a hard time and a bad name, but last time I heard from a friend that lives there, they're trying their best to fight back (I remember a few years ago about how someone posted here that it was pretty much the AZ cosplayer's fault that they let her get away with this. I don't think I can really blame them because I don't know the full details, but I do know of Jnig's documented theft of photography/sewing skills credit, and along with all the other fraud she's committed).
And yeah, Jnig's looks is all that she has going for her. It's like she's nothing without it, and that's really sad. I'd almost feel sorry for her if it weren't for her annoying personality (guess that's what she uses her looks for…to cover up her inner ugliness).
No. 134772
>>134687Things is now it's only really her body that can be worth anything since she's already going through the shit aging process that tends to happen to most white women her age (and the tanning did not help with that either).
I wish you could give more deets anon, because that all sucks.
No. 135558
>>135009faceless midget wizards are totally sexy, anon.
>>134772>>135053Holy shit her skin looks so terrible. I'm her age (white Eastern European) and my skin looks nothing like that. I don't even take especially good care of it other than applying your basic moisturizer.
I'm still pretty sure that JNig knows she's not pretty. Her skin is shit and she's aging horribly, she has a hook nose, her hair is fried and falling apart, a lazy eye, shapeless body, thin lips and eyes that are wide apart which is why she never stops with the raccoon eyes since they help hide it. Which is why she got the fake tits and started being a coswhore since she'd never pass as a real model/sex symbol but cosplay is such a niche hobby that it offers her a chance to be admired for her looks. There aren't a lot of skimpily-clad cosluts with huge tits and the fact that she's wearing a costume of some neckbeard's wet dream takes the focus away from her glaring flaws. In the real modeling/entertainment business she would have nothing to hide her bad looks. Except the balloon tits.
No. 136065
File: 1436593766219.jpg (38.08 KB, 412x303, joosecanegree.JPG)

u ok jnig
No. 137981
>>137924I'm not sure who I hate more, SJWs or "nigri" lmao
also if you were going to choose a name for yourself why "nigri"??
No. 138141
Truth in advertising.
No. 138168
>>137924I saw this show up on my dash ages ago and rolled my eyes.
I don't like jnig anymore than most folks here, but holy shit was this post dumb. Her post was so obviously ironic (if you know anything about the character she's dressing up as, she's pretty outside of her usual type, tits aside) and what that rant turned into about making Asian women a fetish…jesus christ.
Curious, the source of her cosplay is Queen's Blade, a very Japanese made series. Is it possible for Asians to make a fetish of themselves?
No. 138320
File: 1437016718263.jpg (43.92 KB, 450x674, 2ee[1].jpg)

>>137981Nigri isn't her real last name?
Also it's sad she truly peaked when she started. What happened to her face?
No. 138426
>>138168well…Asian women are very fetished in western culture. They are often seen as 'delicate soft submisive' etc
It was kinda weird when she said 'creamy asian' but it got bad when she also imitated a shitty asian accent.
You can dress up as an asian character, or wear japanese clothing without seeing weird/creepy things.
No. 138470
File: 1437061658495.png (1.79 MB, 895x1001, Tomoe.png)

>>138426I never said Asian women weren't made a fetish in Western media, but guess what? The Japanese make fetishes of white women, and so do some black folks. Lots of groups are guilty of this, it isn't just the magical "white devil" tumblr likes to go on about.
You also didn't really address my question. You're talking about Western media, but the source of her cosplay is JAPANESE. So again, are the Japanese just absolved of making a fetish out of their own culture because they aren't white or…? Sailor Fukus have been and still very much are a huge fetish in Japan, and even Japanese bloomers have been banned from most schools because of creepers. You still see them show up all the time in Japanese porn though and anime.
And while all those stories were informative and the like, what in the hell did any of those incidents have to do with Jnig dressing up as pic related? Did she directly cause any of those? By cosplaying very accurately to what the source material embodies?
Her dressing up with a cheap party city Kimono and tape on her eyes with her tits spilling out would definitely rub me the wrong way, and would be extremely offensive and contribute to this idea of Asian women as a fetish. But she wasn't, she was cosplaying one of the many very sexualized characters from Queen's Blade. Maybe tumblr should go shit all over Japan for creating it.
No. 138496
>>138470Bloody hell calm down-the fuss made in that link appeared to be more the caption for the photo than what she was wearing. Had she just posted that pic without the stupid caption no one would have batted an eyelid.
Its funny you going even more batshit than those in the link, sorry for attacking your waifu hunty. Hows that neckbeard holding up?
No. 138523
>>138496>>138505The tumblr post called her out on yellow facing and sexualizing Asian women. You should read the full comment next time, it wasn't just about what she said. This was literally just as retarded as when the Game Grumps dressed up in Japan and got told they were "yellow facing".
I'm not a jnig fan in the slightest, nor am I male. But to say someone is yellowfacing by dressing up as a Japanese character…I guess cosplay is dead then with some 99% of characters being Japanese, no one outside Japan can do it.
No. 139544
>>135009>>135450This is how a lot of people feel about her (those that aren't her stupid neckbeard fans). To be quite honest, I think she would make a great Lucrezia Borgia cosplay (Assassin's Creed version) or a Cersei Lannister cosplay.
I mean, she's got the blonde hair and boobs. Lucrezia in AC Brotherhood shows off her cleavage. Jnig also has the sour attitude of both toxic blondes…
It would make for the perfect irony, except nope. Jnig instead chose to sexualize Connor, whose Native people have already been sexualize by the media enough. And then she did the same thing for Edward and Arno…I'm surprised that she didn't sexualize Elise. Although if she did, I'd been highly pissed off because that is completely opposite of Elise's personality.
No. 139546
>>135053>>100150Yeah, I remember someone saying a while back that the make-up she does (thick black raccoon eyes with ghost lips) was so last decade, and I have to agree.
You don't see that crappy style as much these days, except on trashy women like the ones on Mob Wives or whatever.
I don't understand why certain women like that look, it's hideous and looks like the smokey eye gone wrong.
I same black eye that Jnig does is a little too much for daytime as well.
No. 139549
>>135558Ah, never mind. So that explains her constant use of the raccoon eye look. I have to admit that is a bit clever for her to hide her flaws that way (I mean look at Kan von D for example. she's the opposite; her eyes are too close together but she's always trying to make them look wide apart).
But what makes her different from Kat is that she's still talent-less when it comes to make-up. Same damn look everyday. At least Kat knows variety in how to hide flaws.
Speaking of which, this also ties into what you also said. The bar for her to become an actual model is way too high, so she goes low by attracting the neckbeards. There's no way she'd be on the same level as…say…Miranda Kerr, or a Miss Universe winner, or even someone who's an actual geek. Like MissMiaRose or even Miyu.
No. 139560
>>138340The only reason I can think of is that she has the sort of conventional beauty that dudebros like.
Toned, tanned and fit woman with heavy eye make-up and ghost lips. The trashy types you see on Jersey Shore and all that. Rarely do you see those kinds cosplay, and Jnig was the first. A lot of neckbeards fell for it, especially her pretending to be a real geek until she got smashed by an anon who wrote a pastebin about her real activities.
Oh, and of course her new boyfriend giving a thumbs up to that validity LMAO
No. 139561
>>139556She lost my respect a long time ago when that whole thing went down with Masamunue Photography or something like that, and she stole credit by cropping out the watermark on her photos and trying to sell them.
All of this other fake stuff that she's been doing just adds to that.
No. 139563
File: 1437189664269.jpg (173.37 KB, 1350x1038, Snooki-Poof-Elvira.jpg)

>>139560I just had this image in my head of what would Snooki look like if she cosplayed as Elvira…..
No. 139566
File: 1437190626911.jpg (164.31 KB, 747x372, marbles wannabe.jpg)

>>138340>>139560I think Jnig is really just trying to cosplay as Jenna Marbles.
No. 139567
>>138470 LMAO
Did you not read what I said? She can wear whatever she wants,cosplaying as some jap character isn't fetishising or racist. that is not the problem. it's the creepy ass caption…
>>138496>>138505Also, thank you for being sane…
No. 139818
>>139624It was suggested earlier that her intended audience was lonely nerds and other low-hanging social fruit. I believe it.
What I can't believe it how well it worked. She is obviously insulting the intelligence of those people and they lap it up.
It kind of reminds me of the old AXE bodyspray commercials that basically said, 'If you buy this, you WILL have fivesomes every night for the rest of your life.' You would think no one is stupid enough to buy into that, but then Chris-chan comes along…
No. 139957
>>138523The yellowfacing was brought up AFTER discussion about her comment as the term also refers to a type of behaviour not just how someone looks. You did make some valid points about how these characters are designed but then ruin it by moaning about how we are saying westerners are not allowed to cosplay. No one is saying westerners cannot cosplay, stop with the fucking dramatics, you sound like a butthurt neckbearded weeaboo whether you are one or not.
>>139567No problem bb, I know the fantards can be rabid. As a mixed white/asian girl I get pretty fucked up stuff said to me also, I know its not the same as someone who's full Asian tho
No. 140118
>>139563Omg wtf did I just see
Also I am thoroughly convinced that Jnig got her make-up tricks from Jersey Shore.
>>139566No kidding, they even have the same bikini top. Except Jnig is more orange than Jenna.
No. 142394
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I can't believe the number of people who have been talking about how she's "stepped up her construction game". Funny how she's been making more ambitious costumes since she started dating someone who quite obviously has some talent. I know her fanbase is retarded, but this is some high level of special needs which leads to them shitting on Ryan whilst praising her "costuming skills" as if she's doing all the work herself.
No. 144467
>>139549>MiyuOh lord I had forgotten all about her. That bitch was as gorgeous as she was crazy.
She made Jnig look like absolute shit.
No. 149153
>>142465They're going to be like,
"Oh no, there's nothing wrong with Jnig's skills! She just wants to do some throwbacks by going retro with her costume skills!"
>eyeroll No. 149157
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>>137976But…her last name IS Nigri. Her high school yearbook picture says so, unless someone shooped her last name.
>>142369As much as I hate to say it, I do think that she looked decent in high school, perhaps even cute. She probably could've even been a Disney Channel star instead of going the route she's gone. But then again, like typical gingers, she descended into the downward spiral a la Lindsay Lohan.
No. 149159
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>>144467All hail the glorious Miyu
No. 149177
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>>137976Nigri is a real last name. Pic related
>>149157Oh wow she actually looks really cute! I could see her being a Disney star or a girl in a Target commercial.
No. 151231
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>>149162For me it's not so far as her looks, but that she was just a train wreck waiting to happen, and when it did it was a beautiful disaster.
Last time I heard, she completely turned her life around, became a /fit/ness instructor and taught figure skating to kids.
She also became insanely /fit/. If she were to come back to cosplay, she would tear Jnig apart with her cheese-grater abs. Jnig's pales in comparison.
No. 151239
>>149177This explains Jnigger
I actually wouldn't mind if she became Disney Channel famous. Although, I also wouldn't be surprised if she went the route that Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan did.
No. 153762
>>153758Videos like this make me totally want to quit cosplay forever and never look back.
Fuck this socialite media whoring wave of cosplay.
No. 153783
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No. 153905
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>>153762The fact she has inspired others to copy her "sexy versions" cosplay is annoying because now pictures of anyone in a half assed costume is now labled coslay-some girl in the hooters shirt and orange skirt had her pic labled cosplay.
No. 154642
>>153783I was about to applaud this person for calling out these attention whores' BS, until I saw the last 3 names listed in his post.
What a hypocrite.
No. 154912
>>153762I know. I hate tumblr feminism and I consider myself anything but a feminist, but women like her are the reason that men find it hard to take women seriously. These are the type of women that are popular and loved, even though behind the scenes she doesn't make her costumes, blows off her fans, and is a cheating whore.
No. 157183
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>>157163This. I doubt JNig makes the bedazzled rave bras either. On PULL, they though she ordered them from Electric Laundry, which does take custom orders. Just take a look at their Instagram, it looks similar to her cosplays. photo is a comparison of her Eeveelution cosplays with some past work Electric Laundry has done. They are so similar. JNig is known to like EDM and go to raves, so I wouldn't put it past her to buy bra ravewear and pretend it's cosplay she handmade.
No. 157221
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>>157208This was all shit that was stated on PULL. The image comparison was from there too. Can't really vouch for it being solid evidence, but I do have my doubts as far as JNig creating the bras. Not because they are good, but because she's a lazy cosplayer.
Was pic related ever posted? Can't be assed to check the thread. Someone dug this up a long time ago, but JNig never officially gave credit when she posted herself wearing them.
No. 158456
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Following on from the lazy cosplay angle-I have noticed many copying jnigs version look as opposed to the actual characters look which is why i am starting to understand why people are calling some cosplayers posers
No. 158458
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I mean this "version" of "vegeta" is the most obvious-from the hair to the swimsuit pelvis-it does specifically look like they all just looked at her pic and decided to cosplay her as opposed to the character or even their own "sexy" version as there is hardly any variation. There are also many more of these but i couldnt be bothered to cap em all.
No. 159487
>>159329She does it so that she doesn't have to get a 'real job' anymore lmaO
Maybe she's doing it to save it for retirement, kek
No. 159916
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How many here wanna bet that she actually made this costume?
No. 159919
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>>156514This is one of the few costumes that she wears where here boobs aren't all hanging. But like the Gears of War armor she wore, I doubt she made all of this herself.
No. 159920
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>scrolls thru comments to see what neckbeards have to say
>they teach her how to say thirsty comments to them
I'm waiting for someone to teach her something stupid to say so that she'd embarrass herself in Chile.
No. 160485
>>160477"This might get me a lot of shit but I have to talk about it…
Today at Festigame in Chile, we had a cosplay contest. This particular contest was the first of two and it was group-based. I had decided to change out of my blood elf cosplay as the last time I went up on stage in my Super Sonico costume, the crowd chanted "TOO MUCH CLOTHES" repeatedly in Spanish. This time around, I judged the contest in a hoodie and jeans. The chants continued to come as we judged the contest and I felt pretty upset, but shrugged it off.
There was an awesome Borderlands group, complete with Mad Moxxi, Captain Scarlett, Handsome Jack and claptrap. As soon as the Moxxi stepped out, the crowd hooted and whistled. After that, a fantastic group of gender-bent League of Legends boys, that ended up winning 1st place, came out in their incredible costumes, but the crowd fell silent. I felt angry because when the women were on the stage, they whistled and yelled but I was particularly upset with the fact that because they weren't scantily clad the crowd didn't want anything to do with them. There was barely any applause.
I just want people to know that although I am "well known" in the scene, the way I cosplay is not the only way to cosplay. I don't represent cosplay as a whole; I represent a part of it. Cosplay is costume play, the creative, the inspired, the amazing. I cosplay the way I do for fun and because honestly I don't know if I could tackle 1/4 of the amazing things that people make. I emphasize on the good time and feel good as well as being yourself and being kind. With that being said, I felt angry at the crowd for their lack of enthusiasm for these boys' costumes. They were phenomenally crafted and they all did an amazing job portraying the character from female to male.
I want to emphasize, cosplay is not all about tits and ass. It's about fun, creative magic with your friends. It's about spending weeks on something to wear for one day. It's about feeling good about yourself in a costume to share with the world. These boys did an amazing job and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated their costumes.
With all this being said… I am going to try much harder than I have been. I've been letting you guys down with my style of cosplay(some boobies is okay but not every damn costume Nigri).
I love you. That's all.
TLDR; boys won contest, crowd lacked enthusiasm, I cosplay with boobs but I'm not the meta for cosplay. Cosplay how you want. Cosplay is about the craft and having fun. I AM GOING TO BETTER MYSELF.
No. 160506
File: 1439687944396.gif (496.25 KB, 500x297, tumblr_lhbemprfkg1qa1id2o1_500…)

>>160485Jnig really just posted this?
>ermagerdThe little respect I had left for her might be regained. Now if she can just own up to stealing photographers' credit, 'borrowing credit' from others who helped made her costumes, lying about being a gamer and all that shit (hey if she really only does this hobby just to play dress up then fine, as long as you don't fake what fandoms you like), take the millions pounds of make-up off, and God knows how many other atrocious things that J-nig has done, then yeah…I might end up being a fan of hers again.
No. 160543
>>160485I never had any respect for this cunt to begin with but she's acting like she gives a shit about the cosplay community when her whole persona is built up on a lie.
>I want to emphasize, cosplay is not all about tits and ass. It's about fun, creative magic with your friends. It's about spending weeks on something to wear for one day. It's about feeling good about yourself in a costume to share with the world. These boys did an amazing job and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated their costumes.Maybe people would respect you if you respected yourself in the first place? She built her image around tits and ass and wants respect suddenly? she has no right to talk about anything when she's presented herself as nothing but a person who sells her body for money.
Cosplay used to be a fan showing their love for their fandom through costumes, but people like Yaya and Jnig turned into a 'business' about showing the most skin. It's awful.
No. 160610
>>160448Yeah I saw that earlier and was debating about posting it…she had another one done way back where she spilled a ton of Swedish Fish down bed cleavage, as if to subtly make the euphemism of getting the jizz shot on there.
Then of course she goes on and does that whole "omg displaying is not just T&A guyz!1!!!!11" spiel. I'll never get this chick.
No. 160703
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I just recently found out about this chick and I can't even
He'd name is Kay Victoria and she literally wants to be Jnig, right down to the bone of copying her cosplay renditions 100%
No. 160710
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>>160703>*Her name>sorry, typo. Stupid tablet autocorrectHere's more Kay Victoria. It's like Jnig cloned herself, except Kay is younger and probably has better skin. But still… Damn creepy and I hope this chick doesn't become the next lolcow' we have to deal with.
No. 160718
Full disclosure; I fucking love JNig. I jumped ship on cosplay a long long time ago, so I don't really care about her representation of the hobby (plus, y'all are wearing rose tinted glasses or just weren't around before her time if you think cosplay wasn't already headed in the T&A>craftsmanship direction before JNig). I like her videos. Usually I'm annoyed by randomness and retardation being the primary elements of someone's sense of humor, but I find it really funny coming from her for some reason. I think it's because she looks like a sorority girl (or at least used to, not so much since her haircut) so watching her act like she ate half a tray of pot brownies while opening anime figures is amusingly out of place to me. Plus, I'm fascinated with her from a psychological perspective, which I'm not with any other cosplayer.
>>160710Oh hey, I made that.
She's not that much younger, not enough of an age gap for her to be her successor or whatever. I'm pretty sure I remember reading that she's 23 a few months ago.
I feel like this could have been some pretty legendary drama if it weren't for JNig being disturbingly chill with how obsessed her fans can get. If it were pretty much any other cosplayer, they would have called her out by now.
No. 160870
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>>160867I don't think she really quite got how much people see her as a representation of cosply, and the influence she has on the mainstream perception of it. This seemed to be her wake up call that her brand isn't just about her and what she has fun doing anymore, but that she has actual real responsibility to represent the community well.
After her Orendi, I have faith she'll turn things around.
No. 161395
>>161329They were screenshot and posted onto PULL (which funny enough, was one of the only relevant threads on that shit site) but since the old site is gone, they're lost.
To make a long story short, she'd often get butthurt about people calling her cosplay shitty, rant about her haters, get booty blasted when people pointed out that all she does is boob-play, how she has no talent yet is a stuck up bitch and how she
never discourages neckbeards or tells them not to harass women that wear skimpy cosplays. She's a fucking enabler and now all of a sudden because she's gaining more and more haters, she tries to claim, "It's not okay!!!"
No. 161547
>>159488Super Saiyan Goku is blonde.
But I still get your point.
No. 161569
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No. 161585
>>161569>>161568Not until someone tells me what PULL is
I didn't realize none of you have ever had a first or second day and take offense to people who do
No. 161588
>>161585Pretty Ugly Little Liars
Christ, you guys can be pathetically mad over the stupidest shit.
No. 161618
>>161329You can see them on her Facebook and Instagram if you go far back enough.
Here's one of them
>>51088Where she said she had enough money to retire but still cosplays to piss haters off. Haters are anyone who calls her out on her bullshit.
>>160485Eh… I do commend her now for realizing the effect she is having on cosplay. She isn't entirely to blame (perverted assholes will always be around), but she is a factor in it.
Actions speak louder than words, though. We will see if she follows through with what she says. People have a right to be skeptical when it has been made abundantly clear, by both her actions and words, that she is only in this for the money and attention she gets.
Now if she could also be consistent about giving credit to photographers and people who make her cosplays. That would be swell.
No. 161741
>>161618>Eh… I do commend her now for realizing the effect she is having on cosplay. She isn't entirely to blame (perverted assholes will always be around), but she is a factor in it. Are people mad at her because others imitate her and cosplay sexy outfits and those are the popular ones?
To be quite frank: what's the issue? So long as everyone who's involved is not a hypocrite, I don't care. If you have a prettier face, people are more likely to like your pictures; if you craft amazing costumes people are more likely to appreciate your skill. So long as she doesn't pretend she goes around with her tits up her throat in everyday life, I don't see the issue. I find it irritating when cosplayers like ai-honey have a go at Sky for expressing his opinions on those who prey on the Twitch audience for subscriptions and donations up and over 2K and how she said that she doesn't do it for the money or that she always dresses up like she does in her streams; but I also think that if there's a market where people are willing to pay to see some girl with an entire haberdashery of products stuffed in her bra, so be it.
I always saw Jessica Nigri as someone who knows how to market herself and doesn't pretend her appeal is anywhere other than in her body. For me that's fine.
No. 167484
File: 1440316352875.png (4.36 MB, 1281x3065, ACB_Lucrezia_render.png)

>>166280Well to be fair, she didn't say that she'll completely stop doing titty cosplays; just that she'll do less.
I'd like to see her do Lucrezia Borgia (AssCreed version), but given her track record of titty male protagonist AC Cosplays ( when there is a plethora of multilayer female characters who show their cleavage), I doubt she'd ever do it. She hardly seems to play AC or know anything about it at all.
No. 167499
>>160485>People actually believe she's serious about thisBullshit. She knows how to play her audience like a bunch of fools. She's never encouraged her neckbeard audience to stop being sexist dicks, she's been basking in their adoration for years and now suddenly some cosplay contest makes her change her mind? Not likely. Especially since she continued posting T&A after the whole post.
>>160702>>160959She still selfposts and samefags on boards so I wouldn't be surprised if it was her pulling that "YOU KNOW GUYS I THINK SHE HAS REALLY CHANGED" stunt. Her neckbeards got butthurt at her for getting a boyfriend and they bitch and moan about her becoming a slut so she needs to reach a new audience.
>>160718>(plus, y'all are wearing rose tinted glasses or just weren't around before her time if you think cosplay wasn't already headed in the T&A>craftsmanship direction before JNig).No, it wasn't. When JNig's pikachu costume first surfaced, it was considered ridiculously stupid and embarrassing. It wasn't the cosplayers who helped her rise to fame, it was the dudebros and neckbeards who hadn't seen a sexy, flirtatious nerd gurrlll before.
The RANDUMXDDD style of her videos is so obviously fake and forced you need to be blind not to notice it. Many accounts have said that she's actually a normal person in real life, but keeps the ditzy nerd girl persona up for her fans because that's what sells. She's just a product.
No. 167913
File: 1440367386609.jpg (79.57 KB, 653x960, 11887939_10153592674232533_444…)

Just saw this.
Crossplaying and doesn't even fucking bind.
No. 167924
>>167913I wonder if she's even played the game. I wonder if she knows it's gay porn. I wonder if she knows the character she's cosplaying fucks his dog.
So many mysteries.
No. 167947
>>167913I'm guessing that it's a genderbent version of Aoba
Of course she has to make the shirt short so she can show her stomach
No. 168105
>>167949not that anon but Nobody is obsessed and hateful.
you're very naive to think she's going to change lmao
No. 168144
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>>167913Im not much of a yaoi fangirl compared to when I was a teen but this really makes me mad. Just fucking why?
No. 168185
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I can't help but think that she looks like a mom trying to fit in with the younger crowd. Her face is too mature looking for Ryuko imo.
No. 168195
>>167949Because she is a liar and she has really messed up cosplay for a lot of people by dragging into her boothbabe ways and make it more like a wet dream for male losers rather than dress up and fandom and nothing more.
She is the type of woman who makes her cleavage videos and moans online but then cries when boys 'objectify' her. fuck that slut. There is nothing to defend and she will never change.
No. 168214
>>168209I do not understand how this bitch has legit fans. Dudebros and fedoras wanking off to her? sure.. she's that kind of slut. But legit people who think her cosplay is good?? Why?
She's so vapid and stale. It's almost sad.
No. 168243
>>168223I'd pass up on her lifestyle. She's expected to pump out new costumes literally every month, travels to cons by the dozens each year selling the same generic prints, her neckbeard fans are pure filth and the female ones are arrogant feminists who think she's a powerful sexy cosplayer, she's had stalkers find her actual address, she gets send some weird shit in the post no doubt from thirsty fanboys and gets thrown under a bus load of vile comments if she doesn't show tits.
Fuck that. Having all that money wouldn't even make it better.
No. 168886
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Idk if this pic is legit or not?
No. 168900
>>168886The only time my foundation ever looked this blotchy is after a 11 hour shift one time, and I didn't wear primer.
Does she wear primer? I wonder what her makeup collection looks like.. Probably drug store garbage that she applies with her fingers.
No. 169997
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I don't know what it is, but there is something really off about this cosplay. For once, I don't think it's the tits, because MF has big knockers. I think shes suffering from the same problem as Yaya when she did this, which is they both look FAR too old in the face to be doing this character. The severe eye makeup does not fucking help at all. Also, I thought she'd be able to afford a wig that doesn't look ratchet as fuck.
No. 170392
>>170385found the jnig fan
>>169997her facial expression reminds me of pastel-cutie or angelic-emoji. whatever she goes by now.
No. 170530
>>170392I follow her on Tumblr for the aesthetic :o
What makes her lolcow? Now I'm curious bc I'm a nosy fag
No. 170542
>>170530oh here we go.
prepare for impact tumblrite.
No. 170603
>>170542Her personality irks me ngl but I like the pastel shit she reblogs :s
Is there a thread about her that I missed?
No. 170707
>>169997It's like two giant water balloons are under her skin. Oh, wait…
Her tits are gross.
No. 171033
>>169997>made by VensyWhat is with all this buying costumes from other people bullshit? I know 90% of the cosplays/props are quite obviously not made by her anyway, but this is maybe the third name i've seen her credit in the last week alone. Not a great look for someone who is meant to be a
professional and talking about how hard she's working.
No. 171197
>>171033She's been called out before, so she knows it's not smart to keep up the pattern in an obvious manner. Also Vensy is a legit pro and streams her work so it would be dumb to try to play her. Arcade Miss Fortune is so trendy it outweighs any cred that she would lose for not making it anyow…
Pfft, like her fans even care, if you read the comments on some of the pics even thought she clearly credits Vensy they still compliment her craftsmanship because they were too busy looking at tits to read.
No. 171199
>>171067Honestly a lot of friendships in the Yaya/Nigri circles seem super fake to me, but that's just my opinion.
She does do stuff with Yaya from time to time, I haven't seen Kelly Jean mentioned in a while. I thought she was mainly a streamer because of all the shit she got after the whole Volpin affair. Is she still cosplaying?
No. 171452
>>160485You know, this is all well and good (I'd even like to say better late than never), but when she has already spawned (intentionally or not) dumbass clones like
>>160710 who are willing to carry on the flame of T&Aplay, what does it matter?
Closing the door after the horse has bolted, so to speak.
No. 171860
>>168215Yeah that's what I've been saying for a while, especially since Jnig has the same awful personality as Lucrezia in the game does.
Although even if I do ass-kiss, Jnig probably won't care to do Lucrezia unless someone makes the costume for her.
No. 171909
>>171808It's more that people took issue with her publicly making fun of his wife and spreading the info in the first place.
I'm not sure whether the picture with her sticking a dildo in her vag was originally sent to Volpin or not. It was from when she had pink hair.
No. 173255
>>172915They both got vapid personalities, albeit in their own ways. I'd go on a limb here and say that Jnig can also do a Cersei Lannister cosplay, since she's as vain as that vile woman and knows how to manipulate her audience, although in a less sinister way.
Although for something less extreme, I'd say that Jnig is the typical dumb blonde-type of girl, so maybe something like…Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls would be something she could pull off, too. But then I don't want her ruining childhood cartoons by putting T & A in them. >:\
No. 173300
>>172933>>173274It could also be that she was tired, considering that she's so famous it wouldn't surprise me if she had to sit down a lot signing prints.
I'm not saying she shouldn't strive to be better, but I know that I've had colleagues who'd ask me if they'd done something to slight me because I didn't wave at them on the stairs and all it was is I was half asleep after weeks of 12 hours shifts. I did feel pretty shit about it, but I couldn't remember even seeing them in the morning, so I must have been in a coma.
Mind, if she consistently does this, it's one thing, but there's got to be a continuous pattern. We all have shitty days.
No. 173485
>>173429Sure, she could be entertaining all the time but shit happens and people get tired or ill.
First it's "she has a shitty personality because once or twice she was bored"; then it's "she should be always cheerful because it's her job".
It would do you good to be as charitable with others as you'd like others to be to you: are you always at your best at work? Are you never tired? Never worried or preoccupied about other things?
Keep in mind that on your job you can afford to be even a bit downcast because your main skill is most likely not mainly being sociable, while keeping that kind of façade can be quite tiring. And sometimes people are going to be arses to her as well.
No. 173500
>>173429If you've ever worked a service job, you should be aware of how ridiculously unreasonable the "it's your job to constantly smile and fake being happy at any given moment" mentality is. She's constantly pandering to her fans whether she's at cons or not, it's not a huge deal for her to be a little off every now and then as long as she's not a bitch to people.
>>173432There are months where she goes to cons every single weekend. Kind of impossible not to get tired from that.
>>173485People like to nitpick at every little thing JNig does. It gets pretty sad.
No. 173710
>>173500Right? Its a bit ridiculous to expect her to be bubbly and excited all the time. She's still a human just like the rest of us.
Plus, cons are exhausting af.
No. 173728
>>173727I find it pretty exhausting to travel abroad when I go to visit my family, I imagine that having to be entertaining and talking to a lot of people might be pretty tiring, at the end of the day.
It's not mining, but if your whole complaint is "she looked less than elated to see me", it stands to reason that having to be out and about all day and signing prints and whatnot would make one a bit tired now and then.
No. 173750
>>173727I think you're making her life seem a bit more glamorous than it probably is lol.
Realistically though, what woman (even if she was into anime, games, cosplay) would want to sit in an autograph hall for hours, signing prints for drooling neckbeards and creepy fangirls? They're all lined up to oogle her and buy fap material, not because she's talented or respected, and JNigs knows it.
I'm sure that shit gets old real quick, no matter how much $$ you're making.
No. 173925
>>173750>They're all lined up to oogle her and buy fap materialThis is the thing I'm curious about: do people really buy prints so much? I've seen Kelly jean sell hers and apparently she makes enough money off of them and being a guest at conventions and whatnot to make a living.
1) Isn't it easier to download porn on the Internet than buying the prints or ogling at pictures of only half naked cosplayers?
2) How much do you think this kind of living can last? Yaya Han seems to be going on, still, but can anyone else just keep on showing their tits and streaming on Twitch as a job for years?
No. 173941
>>173928My take on it is that Jenni was being a huge bitch, Jessica called her out, then Jenni pulled the race card and brought up ancient unrelated SJW bullshit in a shit attempt to justify her behavior. The best part is that she's doing it on the Twitter she uses for her business.
Also, Jenni's 25 or 26. Let that sink in for a moment.
No. 174190
>>174113It's not necessarily that: there seems to be an ever increasing group of people who just lives to lash out at others on social media and to a lesser extent online for the most trivial of shit.
You include someone who's transgender in a joke? You're transphobic. You stereotype some group in the most innocuous way? You're racist. You argue with someone else? You're mansplaining or harassing or you should shut up because you're clearly white and therefore you are the evil of this Earth.
Some of these people might have stuff that went wrong with them in the past, but so do most people. Most of them, I think, are just way too coddled and don't know what real hardships are. If they did, they couldn't possibly spend so much time getting outraged and trying to raise lynch mobs at people for the most spurious reasons.
No. 174246
>>173928I don't like MF and a lot of what she's saying (esp. the "racial" comments) is bullshit, but at the same time I can't help but feel that it's refreshing that someone "high-profile" has had the balls to say something negative about Nigri in public. I hope we're not forgetting that Nigri is full of
just as much shit as MF.
No. 174291
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>>174288The thirst is truly pathetic
No. 174747
>>174658It's kinda dumb for Jess to post such petty drama, but under the circumstances, I actually think she did the right thing. MF is trying to run a business (or businesses) and JNig was kind enough to support her by buying something, give her a shout out, and praise her highly. I'm sure MF got some more followers and probably even some business out of it, but like an immature bitch she goes and posts some passive aggressive shit on instagram calling Jess "some girl" and then shit talks her publicly.
If she had kept her stupid mouth shut or just talked shit about her privately, then it wouldn't have been a big deal. But I guess this girl is way too immature to act like a rational adult, even if it's just for appearances.
She deserved to get put on blast publicly and I hope she loses business and followers because of this. She's showing her true colors and hopefully more people will realize what a psycho she is.
What goes around, comes around.
No. 174762
>>174747Yeah, if you can't take getting called out publicly, don't talk shit publicly.
Not to mention, MF used to talk shit about JJ on form spring pretty much daily for years.
No. 174864
>>174789ok so i read through it. what a fucking idiot she is.
like a lot of anons before me i gotta say this really only helps putting jessica in a better light.
i personally cringed a little at her dericato frower pic when she posted it, but i still don't think she could have handled this any better. MF flinging that "her boobs are FAKE!!!!" shit. i honestly hope Jnig just comes clean about it. she came clean about not making all, or most of her costumes, she started talking about sexualisation and her contribution to it, and keeps her calm when being called out. people are saying how "oh it's just jess manipulating her crowd"
yeah, or maybe it's jessica finally growing up. idk. i like this situation.
No. 175040
>>100199>>101189Please take mine!
They're average sized, but I actually want mine to be smaller. I cosplay dudes and it would be easier, but even aside from that I just don't really like boobs on myself even though I'm not trans either. Small boobs are cuter, in my own opinion and I would like to have that.
No. 175046
>>126103Not having to pay rent and other misc things while keeping all that ca$$h she's making, I'd do the same.
Then again there's probably also the spoiled thing.
No. 175127
>>174868I'm one of the people who said they're both at fault, but I think I didn't get my point across well: I don't think they're
equally at fault at all; I think that JN's first reaction was counter productive, though: while I don't think that people with huge followers lists should be held accountable for everything their followers do, it's to be expected that people would go and give MF a piece of their mind. More importantly, I don't think there's much of a point in washing your laundry in public. Then again, it was a pretty mild comment on a screencap.
MF, on the other hand, has nothing to legitimately complain about as she was shit talking Nigri in public herself and did so after she got promoted for selling her a costume. When found out she took something from months ago and made a huge deal out of it when there was nothing to it. When called out about her doing the same or worse, she bumped the hypocrite-o-meter to 1000 and started doing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to discount any criticism.
Plus, she's really creamy and that rubs me off the wrong way.
In the end, I'm just not sure what purpose it serves to make this kind of thing so public - the kind of person who agrees with MF and think lattes are racist because they symbolise the oppression of the coffee by the evil milk are going to think the same as before, while those who think this is idiotic will keep thinking the same. Twitter is a pretty bad medium to discuss this sort of thing, it's only going to be people throwing snappy retorts at each other without finding any common ground.
I also kind of disagree with Jessica on the whole "be kind, these people are hurting" sort of message: it's true, in principle, but that kind of bully can do a lot of damage to people who are less confident than her; explaining why being hysterical about any mention of race or trying to make a pariah of someone for a generalisation they made years ago (or yesterday, for that matter) would do a lot more than just preaching Love & Peace. I don't think these people should be excoriated like they do to others, but those who have some influence would do good if they tried to use it to lead by example instead of trying to get out of an argument saying something pretty vacuous and without taking a decisive stance on this kind of crazyness.
Mind, it doesn't have to be her. It just would have been nice if she did, is all.
No. 177945
>>177849I'm not sure she wants to change her life that dramatically and I doubt she sees anything wrong with objectifying herself, especially since she makes a living off of it. Miyu thought that seeking attention for her looks in general was bad for her mental health. She stopped posting fitness pics even though her body was at it's peak. I have a hard time imagining Jnig just quitting the internet like that. She doesn't seem to share the viewpoint that it's bad for her. I think it also had a lot to do with Miyu's converstion to Christianity.
To be the next Miyu she would have to:
- stop cosplaying
- close her facebook account and remove herself from social media
- completely stop posting revealing photos of herself
- go to college
- get a regular job
No. 178088
>>177849She reminds me of someone else who is also a cosplayer who I know personally and has been constantly putting on a facade of someone who doesn't care about the trolls and isn't fazed by anyone or who is forgiving but actually always runs to her "friends" on Skype to complain about everything she pretends she's not bothered by.
I get the impression she's like that and just figured out what behaviour to fake to look superior and does it for brownie points.
No. 178193
>>178088I think if we're honest with ourselves, most everyone in this world is going to have their feelings hurt when someone criticizes the things they invest their self-esteem in - whether it be the way they look or their costumes or how intelligent they are. In Jessica's case it's the way she looks and how she presents her personality. It's only human for people to feel like their sense of self-worth is attacked when someone says something negative about traits we invest our self-worth in. In this case, girls who objectify themselves to solicit attention from men tend to associate their value with their physical appearance.
In practice I don't think that's any different from a person who's a really good lawyer attaching their sense of self-worth to how many cases they win. If we set our preconceived ideas of merit aside that's still a false sense of self-worth because it can be taken away. In the end they'll never be able to take criticism personally unless they find value in themselves at a much deeper and more personal level.
No. 178334
>>178193I agree, but I don't think everyone makes such an effort to pretend they're absolutely unfazed by criticism and then spend so much time complaining about everything.
Though I'm still thinking of a particular person, it's just that Jessica reminds me of her a lot.
I think the difference with your lawyer example is that the lawyer will keep functioning alright so long as they keep doing their job the way they have, while I get the impression that these girls will just be happy while they're popular in some way and only a few of them will last longer.
I mean, have you heard of Ginny or Fran Dan much lately? People like Yaya and maybe even JN might last longer because they have a huge fanbase (and costumes in Yaya's case), but all the others are just cannon fodder.
No. 178397
>>178334I completely agree. My lawyer scenerio was of limited relevance here. It just served as an example of self-worth only being ultimately sustainable if it's rooted in an internal permanence - purely philosophical commentary. On the practical end of things you're absolutely right about how someone who has invested in their skills will do far better than someone who has been using their physical appearance to get by. Yaya and Jnig have not chosen an avenue where they're investing their time into something sustainable. I sincerely hope they both realize this and have been putting most all of their earnings into savings accounts so that they can use the money to go back to school for a career later and find a legitimate way to provide for themselves in the future.
I'm not sure about Fran Dan but I know Ginny's current situation is a fantastic example of how these things will end up for girls like Jnig. They should look at her as a cautionary tale. Their career options will be severely limited once they get out of this lifestyle because they never developed that side of their lives.
No. 178467
>>178403Jnig never went to college afaik
>>178435Wtf is a 'social media consultant'? Did she just slap that title on herself like she did with "model" back in the day? Also: If it implies getting paid to consult people on how to use social media to become popular, then why would anyone hire her when she failed so miserably at using it to promote herself? She actually lost her popularity during the same timeframe that social media became a thing, it obviously didn't help her success as a cosplayer at all.
No. 178473
>>178403>>178427I didn't think Nigri went to college at all but I could be wrong.
However if she did go she didn't go for long and never got an associates degree, so she's now in her late 20's with only a highschool education.
That's not smart. She can only live off of the money she's made now for so long before it runs out. Trying to find a way to support herself with only a highschool-level education and no practical skill set is gonna be tough.
Sure she can keep living with her parents (or move back in with them when she's in her 40's and her fanboy/sugardaddy money runs out) but when they're gone will the inheritance money they leave her last her the rest of her life? Is their house 100% paid off? Does she have enough "adult skills" to square away their finances and her own once they pass? Doubt it.
Because of the way she's spent her 20's she lacks basic life experience. She's lucky enough to have siblings to help her out, but as it is now she'll always be relying on other people to survive.
The question is how will she still have the means to support herself when she's 50 if she doesn't go back to school and get a real career. Her best option at this point is to do what most women like her do: marry a rich guy and hope for the best.
No. 178476
>>178474I was on /cgl/ for the 2009-2010 JNig infestation and I don't remember seeing anything about her being in college. I certainly don't recall any photos of her at college being posted. The only school photo anyone has of her is her high school yearbook pic. The thing everyone made fun of her for was working at Trader Joe's and NOT having gone to college.
If I'm wrong and she was actually a student at University of Phoenix it should be easy to prove. But I'm 99.9% sure my memory about this is accurate and she didn't go to college.
No. 178479
>>178474If that's true it still wouldn't make a difference. "Took a few classes and dropped out" doesn't count on a resume.
She never got an associates degree.
She still only has a highschool education.
No. 178608
>>178596>>178478>being this newfagRBT and the other archives don't go back that far, they only go back to 2012.
Also, I don't think it was University of Phoenix. It was in Arizona, though. I think she only did a year. Anon is right that she dropped out, though.
No. 178655
>>178572So basically this
>Did she just slap that title on herself like she did with "model" back in the day? Would be a yes
Ginny: no real job, takes donations (in the form of "giving social media advice" fanboys, patreon)
Jnig: no real job, takes donations (in the form of fanboys giving her money, showing up at cons, signed prints)
So once Jnig hits her expiration date she'll end up like Ginny, having to find new ways to get people to give her money because she never got an education or developed any skills beyond attention whoring in a niche internet subculture
Seems smart
No. 179827
>>179769>>179799I'm all about the importance of a college degree, but if I could take a break for a few years and make enough for retirement dressing up as my favorite chinese cartoons, I'd do it in a heartbeat(didn't Jnig say this at one point? Let's assume she is telling the truth, and that's a ton of money).
I probably wouldn't do it forever, but I'd use my earnings to pay for the rest of school and go for my master's. Doing all that without loans (and no need to work a fulltime job immediately on the side) would be awesome.
No. 179989
>>179980I remember playing Cowcaizer when I was in middle school, I think she's a bit young for that.
I know the Gainax video, but I'm shit at names, so I wouldn't blink either, if you mentioned it to me (this inability to remember names and dates made it all the much harder to remember stuff in school, damnit).
Are we talking about the RPG for Saturn when you say Lunar? I played it a lot of years ago, so I don't claim to remember all the characters, but I think her features are too rough for those characters, I'm not surprised she doesn't go anywhere near them.
I think she's just one of those people that is only into mainstream stuff: it's a bit like saying that someone who watches a shitton of action movies isn't a real movie fan because they care nothing for David Lynch, Kurosawa or Aronofsky - it's a matter of tastes.
Mind, I don't give half a damn about Pokemon or LOL, but I can't say for sure that she's fake just because she supposedly enjoys stuff that millions of people also enjoyed. Statistically speaking, it's quite likely she does.
That said, I find myself in the middle where I don't worship people like her like her fans do and believe she's into every so called geeky thing ever (nor do I think it should be a badge of honour, as much as liking chocolate isn't) but I also can't say for certain whether she is putting on a facade to sell more prints.
The more you talk about these people, the more people hear about them and the more likely they are to sell the next batch of prints.
No. 183795
>>179907She was on her high school's rowing team, not college.
>>179857No, the reason employers wouldn't hire her is because she has no education beyond high school, no training of any sort in any job field, no certifications of any kind, and no job experience at all aside from working at Trader Joe's. Being a cosplayer and doing voiceover work won't help her get a job out in the real world. She's severely limited her future options.
>>179906That's the same logic that porn stars and strippers have. Objectifying themselves for money gives them mental health issues. Mental illness: That's the ultimate price. No thanks.
No. 183801
>>183795Jnig already has problems because she's been earning a living by objectifying herself. How can you have self worth for anything other than how you look if that's all you've been focusing on for over 6 years? She hasn't developed any other part of herself.
>>178430I don't believe that she's intelligent. Why? Because nothing about her reflects intelligence. She doesn't speak intelligently, act intelligently, or invest any time or effort to developing her mind. If she took an IQ test right now I would bet my entire last paycheck on her scoring below average.
She did a good job capitalizing on social media and manipulating her way into internet fame, but that doesn't make her smart.
No. 184050
>>183795Only she's not a porn star or a stripper. I understand what you mean by she willingly objectifies herself and sells sex, but I wouldn't put wearing skimpy cartoon costumes on the same level as the type of work the previous two do. She puts on a costume, takes some photos, does autographs at cons. I think that's fairly tame and I doubt it would mess with her mental health much.
You could argue things like creepy fanboys and the like might be draining, but even those factors wouldn't seem like such a big deal after awhile. If those things did get to her, she would have been gone ages ago.
No. 184520
>>183795I think Jnig is on the lowest end of average on the IQ scale. Now if she were smarter, she'd find a way to put down her hobby-career as something more practical on her resume– like say she did 'modeling', 'costume design', and 'acting' for a few years. This could perhaps land her a job in the performing arts.
Otherwise, she'd be wiser to save up all the money she's made from coswhoring and use it to go back to college.
No. 184576
>>184527Voice acting doesn't pay well. Famous VAs have day jobs.
The only one I can think of that makes a living without doing regular work on the side is Vic Mangina, and he does it the same way Jnig does - all his $ comes from con appearances. He's in his 50's. So the absolute best-case-scenario for Jnig is to be able to keep milking the con scene for guest appearances well into her 50's.
Unfortunately for her women don't seem to be able to remain sex symbols past a certain age, with very few exceptions. When she's over the age of 30 I doubt it'll be long before she's replaced by other con whores. Maybe a little longer if she's lucky. Yaya's been able to keep it up and she's currently 36 or 37, but people have a harder time determining how old she is because she's asian.
>>183925This is probably her best option unless she dedicates the next decade of her life to going back to school and starting from scratch. Kind of late for that now.
No. 184892
>>184527She was scheduled to do Super Sonico but there has yet to be a hint of any English dub release yet and it's been over a year now. I don't think it's happening any more imo.
RWBY was total garbage; I wouldn't put that on my CV.
No. 185811
>>185796it was fanexpo, not anime north. there are screencaps on her ed page. she ditched a panel, went to a nearby aquarium, and posted photos on instagram while she claimed she was too tired to attend.
i wonder if the con ever got their money back.
No. 185861
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Why does she always add this caption every time she posts a picture with her boyfriend?
No. 185951
>>185861Probably because her idiot fans start comment wars on 98% of her pictures. It's annoying though. No one cares if you have a bf, JNig.
She types like a 12 year old.
No. 186790
>>186272Yes and no. I have a lot of fine lines under my eyes also, but if you apply the right kind of concealer and set it it shouldn't enhance them. Sometimes I just don't put any make up there at all, just so that the make up doesn't settle in.
JNig just has general skin care problems and should take care of it better. I still get mistaken for at least 5 years younger then I actually am.
No. 186879
>>186878Ah, thanks for correcting my info, anon.
Also booth babes are outdated and disgusting. I'm glad Pax had that rule. It's really sexist.
No. 187603
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Check out Nigri's thunder thighs
> inb4 "GO AWAY YOU PRO ANA!!11"
No. 187624
>>135053I asked some girls at work how old they though jnig was, they don't know who she is, they said 50
No. 187972
>>187764>>187773I've noticed that she's been looking a lot less toned lately, and I think she's gained a bit of weight tbh.
I'm too lazy to get caps, but I found it interesting to see her and Monika in a picture together (on JNigs insta), for the first time in like a year or two. Also her ex Jason was in a couple pictures with her and Ryan lmao.
No. 188034
>>187958Yes, it really is her real name.
This gets asked every Jess thread. This gets debunked every Jess thread. There are even images of her in primary and high school with her yearbook and her name written down. No. 188037
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>>188034 >>187958Nigri is an italian name.
Onigiri is the sushi.
No. 188133
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>>188092She looks super Italian actually.
No. 188135
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>>188133She really doesn't.
Italians tend to have very heavy, angular, seductive features.
Jessica is doughy as fuck.
No. 188143
>>188092>>188132>>187958>>188034Yes, Jnigger's last name is Italian as proven in this previous post:
>>149177So feel free to call her Jnigger all you want.
No. 188155
>>188142She really does look 50 in that photo lol. I think the thing that annoys people so much about the way jnig looks is that she wont let go of all the terrible trends from the early 2000's.
>Orange skin>ratcoon eye makeup >layered sideways hair>stupid hair poof thing>Bleached hair with visibly dark roots>powdery face from makeup with no natural shine Everyone is sick of seeing this shit and everyone who partook in it is not horribly embarrassed by it. Jnig is a combination of scene kid and Jersey Shore faggot in her looks.
No. 188156
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>>188155She'll look like Pamela Anderson in a few years.
No. 188158
>>188156Poor Pam, she's really stuck in the 80's.
I used to wear my eye makeup a bit similar to this, and I recently started going eye makeup free, just putting on a little foundation to cover some blemishes and doing my eyebrows and it's amazing how youthful you look without any ey emakeup, even mascara.
I really hope no eye makeup becomes a trend because it looks great.
No. 188160
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>>188158Heavy black eyeliner paired with dark shadow will always make someone look older.
Eye makeup can be done in a way where you still look young; just stick to light neutrals on the lid and nude eyeliner in the waterline.
Pam just doesn't know how to wear make-up for her age; it's like she wants to stay young and does it in a way where she hasn't aged gracefully.
She should probably take some tips from Dita.
No. 188180
>>188179stay ignorant, anon.
also keep your faces on tumblr pls.
No. 188215
>>188205aw bb did someone tell you to go back to tumblr before?
either contribute to the thread or do not post at all.
No. 188280
>>188156Poor Pamela. She could clean up nicely with a good haircut and style and less eye makeup.
Jessica will be really trashy in 5 years. She's already fucked up her skin big time.
No. 188307
>>188220No I don't mean light eye makeup, I mean, like, none. No eyeliner, no eyeshadow, no mascara.
I'm blonde so my eyelashes are pretty invisible without mascara and I've got a pretty mature face, but idk what it is the foundation to even out my tone plus perfected eyebrows make me look weirdly youthful.
Nobody else found this yet?
No. 188308
>>188215Obviously, dozens of times.
Of somebody on this board hasn't told you personally to go back to Tumblr yet then you obviously haven't been here that long.
Also don't lie, I know you have an account.
No. 188342
>>188132Its funny how hostile and angry some people get over a neutral post. Calm down pls.
>>188135Yes that's why i think she doesn't look italian. Maybe she is a little bit but the rest of her is probably irish or som shit
No. 188409
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>>188342Yeah, gotta say, I'm a Britfag and there's this horrendous aesthetic here where around their mid-20's the girls, likely from their poor diet and excessive drinking/smoking, turn off flabby, doughy and develop jowls for days.
When I see hi-res candid pics of Nigri she really does look like the standard British chick you'd see stumbling around and bumping down some gross, takeaway-lined road in Liverpool, screeching like a harpy and off her face on Buckfast.
No. 188427
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>>188420Liverpool is a city in the UK located on the west side and it's famed for a large percentage of it's female dwellers all effectively looking like clones of each other. The people there are nicknamed "Scousers" and speak with a very distinctive accent.
One of things popularised within Liverpool is something called the "scouse brow", a harsh, dark, angular tattooed eyebrow.
Don't ask. I can't even explain it myself.
Basically the women are super vain and if you go around Liverpool you'll frequently see them walking around with their hair full of rollers, but despite the vanity they look like absolute shit.
Jessica belongs there.
No. 188432
>>188427>"Haha, I just like being all girly and glam innit ;)"Jfc. What kind of disgusting aesthetics are these people putting together? The only one in this picture who doesn't look horrible is the girl on the bottom rightmost wearing the blue/white bow.
Why is this a trend? Are they blind? Do they look so fucking awful that this is an improvement (I can't even imagine)?
No. 188451
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>>188432They're trying to imitate the WAG lifestyle and women like Cheryl Cole.
No. 188453
>>188427Spot on.
This is your average british girl and if not that then some scabby spotty mosher
No. 188598
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Guys, I'm fucking terrified, wtf is this meant to be? She legit looks like a creepy as fuck clown or something…
No. 188602
>>188598Wtf is this?! You'd think with how long she's been wearing makeup that she'd get better at it, not
No. 188611
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>>188598Looks like bianca del rio
No. 188615
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>>188598I like her lipstick but it's just too much with the heavy eye make-up. One of the cardinal rules of beauty: play up your eyes or lips, not both or else you just look like a drag queen.
The heavy make-up only belongs on stage and in photo shoots.
>Jnig looks like the Joker with that makeup, or Kefka Palazzo No. 189156
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>>188598>>188615>>188828I think Jnig can pull off the vamp look; she just needs to apply make-up better.
No. 190480
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>>190439The shot of her ass at 0:38
No. 190512
>>190480>>190504Fuck that is awkward to watch.
She tweeted about doing more squats to get an ass or something recently, so she'll probably sneak in some butt plastic surgery in the future.
No. 190514
>>190439I'm fucking dying. My sides!!!
I don't think anon
>>190512 is too far off. She didn't have any tits so she bought some. She doesn't have an ass so she'll buy that too and go overboard with it.
No. 191138
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>>191127in her defense i think she's the bishoujo Freddy statue, which are fucking stupid anyways. They're really nicely made figs but damn i don't like the concept. There's Jason too
No. 191169
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>>191138The Jason is way cooler imo.
I mean, if they didn't have her jeans ripped so you can see her inner thighs and ass cheeks.
Still better than the Freddy though.
No. 191211
>>191130 It's isn't anything to write home about, but I feel like she made it a lot worse because of her posing in the video. She's so used to posing/shading her tits that when they asked for ass shots she was too awkward and didn't know what to do, but a better pose and maybe a bit of makeup (not as much as she has on her abs) would have really helped.
But ass job inc anyways, so whatever.
No. 191617
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>>191138All the other Kotobukiya version cosplayers are better than Jnig. I think Jnig's bra shows too much, and didn't even know it was part of the costume until I saw the figurine. I thought Jnig randomly showed cleavage again.
She overdoes it so much that it takes away from the cosplay. The other girls got it right; the shirt is supposed too cover half of the bra, not look like someone was trying to rip your shirt off.
No. 191624
>>191617Tbh anyone who cosplays these crappy figurines is a attention whore who needs to be hanged.
I know I sound salty and maybe I am over the fact that cosplay people spend weeks making and look fucking amazing will never get as much attention and appreciation as some whore in a bra and animal ears. Yeah yeah I know, Im a slutshaming mysognist. Women reducing themselves to nothing but fap material is toats empowering, yo.
Cosplay is shit now. Fuck craftsmanship and actually knowing what the hell you are dressed up as, it's all about who has the biggest, fakest tits.
No. 191634
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>>191617You'd hate her cosplay of it then
No. 191658
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Saw this on my instagram feed. Apparently Jnigg was at nycc. Looking tired and worn out there, bitch.
No. 191662
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>>191658Why is she cosplaying Rikku?? Rikku is the most petite character in FF10. She's almost small busted.
No. 191680
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Someone in the comment section gets it.
No. 191721
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>>191665>>191662>>191675>>191676>>191680>>191682Didn't she cosplay as Rikku before though? She was actually Rikku's age, if not at least near it, at that time.
I hated her first Rikku cosplay, too. But her face and hair did see better days back then. It's like the older that Jnig gets, the more caked-on her make-up is and the blonder/more fried her hair is.
No. 191725
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>>191665>>191663Tbqh, that one stunt Anna Nicole Smith back then as Rikku didn't really suit her well, either. Makes Jnig's looks decent in comparison.
No. 191781
>>191721>>191680She just had to wear wired bras on both occasions instead of a bikini top.
What would she do without her enormous cleavage and her tits pushed up into everyone's face?
No. 191865
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>>191725Why the fuck was this allowed to happen.
No. 191871
>>191869Even though I hate twilight, I do agree with your point. Guys talk about waifus and hentai all the time, but if you bring up liking BL stuff, they're like 'they're so gay. that's disgusting'
double standards. Not to mention actual BL and yaoi makes up a tiny percentage in Japan sales compared to hentai and harem shit.
No. 191880
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>>191725Ugh god, I remember this… They had her bouncing around trying to be in character for the worst game promotion ever. Thank
god G-phoria is now defunct.
>>191870She was just a promo model for them, not a gamer. Imo, her Ivy looks a little better since Ivy is already old.
No. 191892
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>>191884What the fuck is this? Is this supposed to be Kida from Atlantis? She literally already had a "Warrior"/armored design in the movie.
Also why is her armor design always the same and always terrible? It's always tits and abdomen exposed and legs completely covered up with terrible cumbersome armor. How the fuck would that be efficient as armor? Why would you leave your most vulnerable/soft body parts exposed and then weigh down your legs, i.e. your best escape mechanism and otherwise important movement oriented body part down? I know it's just for cosplay but the stupidity of the design pisses me off,
No. 191917
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>>191892She makes a horrible Kida no matter how I look at it. Another dumb thing about the impractical armor is how in the
fuck would Kida even swim in this shit?! Kida is the princess of Atlantis, an underwater princess. Wearing all that heavy ass shit on just her arms and legs is hella impractical. I bet she's never even watched the movie to know about her already existing armor. And lol JNig has such thin lips. Kida's are full and sexy.
No. 192356
>>192065This is also another problem-cosplays based off other cosplays instead of the actual source as shown here:
>>158458I think this is partly the reason theres a lot of accusations of "fake geek girls" going round-as it appears some have gone into cosplay to milk the neckbeards as opposed to being fans. Of course the other reason is neckbeards being assholes too.
No. 192380
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>>192356I was looking up cosplay and happened upon that site-like just read that, its screencapped right before an explicit sailor moon tentacle rape picture. This is peak "gamer girl" the whole site is, but I dont think the neackbeards would complain about this type.
I dont like jnig but she doesn't appear to be as bad as this?
No. 193163
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>Le edgy
No. 193278
>>193226Ah, I get you, anon
Fuck, it's annoying. Grown women shouldn't be acting like ~soopur unique~ mallgoth teens.
>>193273Yes, and bishoujo Jason is a kinda SJW looking soccer mom
No. 193294
>>193278Tbh I think they are 10x annoying then mallgoth teens, the internet seems to bring out the worst traits in adults and these 20 somethings who whine on about "people hate me because i'm not a girly girl i'm awkward and i'm such a geeeekkkk" online-well their facade is fucking paper thin, being a geek is kinda mainstream now. There's nothing wrong with being not girly but girls who are genuinely like that and are awkward dont post a million boobalicious selfies online and post about being ~so alone and misunderstood~ every 5 seconds.
Guys are just as bad on okcupid i always get messages from "i'm such a sarcastic geek society isn't ready for me i have unique tastes in films" and then list all the marvel films as their favs. Like they really think their attention seeking is not fucking obvious and that the rest of us are fucking stupid. Give me a break. Sorry for the rant, I've become a cynical git partly because of all this.
No. 193309
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Her face says it all.
No. 193557
>>193402You're being ana.
Jnig has a lot of faults, being overweight is not one of them.
No. 193625
>>193624By Japan standards she is huge.
But then, so is anyone over 5'4" and 115lbs.
No. 194046
>>194009>>194010Now that you pointed it out it's obvious, but I didn't notice it before because of the boobs. I mean I know sometimes girls pull their neckline down to take a selfie but those nipples are a sneeze away from freedom.
I am also surprised she'd post a picture with so much exposed outer boob in that exact spot and position, considering she's still denying those boob pictures that leaked were of her. They were taken in a similar looking spot/position.
No. 194268
>>194246i believe they mean these
>>174288it honestly wouldn't suprise me if they are her and she's denying it. she has denied her boob jobs for years.
No. 194284
>>194009It.. Doesn't say that she's not wearing any makeup though? Or am i blind?
Anyway it's still hilarious how her neck beard brigade STILL think those bobbies were home grown.
No. 194294
>>192806>>194268Those boobs with the piercing are without doubt not her. It came from and the girl from there is actually a bit pissed that people are saying her tits are Nigri.
>>192836They are. After Nigri cheated and fucked around on a bunch of other guys, she didn't try to pretend with Ryan. She picked up a fucktoy when she went to the UK and he was screwing while she was gone, according to her BFFs.
No. 194399
>>194397An Anon citing themselves as the only source may be plausible when you're talking about word of mouth rumors but it doesn't hold up when you're talking about photos. There are a hundred different Anon sites you could post pictures to. If any Anon had pictures of Nigri taking a pounding, they'd be posted by now.
You can't claim to have seen such photos and not post them. If you don't want them on here you could even take them to another Anon site. Anon-IB would gladly host them. Shit or get off the pot.
No. 195991
If you wanna cringe No. 196026
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>>192380Girls like this have no chill
Being a stealth-mode dork is underrated these days. If my appreciation for subtlety makes me "basic", that makes you desperate.
And tbh, that's what made J.Nigri hotter 2 years ago than her swag-fagging today,
No. 196032
>>196026being stealth-mode anything is underrated these days
yes I get it, you're unique, that doesn't mean you to be obnoxious about it
No. 196047
>>196032>>196032Subtlety doesn't exist anymore. Every single one of your interests and beliefs needs to be splayed out across your chest, lest you want to be labelled a ~le fake gaemer grill xDDDDDDddd!!~
My rooomate is one of these people. I don't think she owns a shirt that isn't a graphic tee. And every shirt needs to have Harry Potter, Supernatural or Rooster Teeth all over because otherwise "how would people know about my interests xDDDDD!!!" kill me.
No. 196088
>>195991Yes, along with the website and the neckbeards congratulating "her" for being
so brave for having sex
>>196012Top kek
>>196026Not even sure if it is a girl tbh. I know some are probably that bad but as its the internet, wouldnt surprise me if it was another neckbeard forfilling his fetish for being a "super hot geek girl" online
And I am totes wit you on "stealth-mode" I'm a huge geek but I dont feel the need to proclaim it, especially everyday on the street.
>>196047Ironically the "fake geek girls" these neckbeard are apparently angry with are the same cosplayers who copy j-nigs cosplays and write obnoxious articles like that one I posted. But they suddenly dont care about that when TITS! are involved.
No. 196144
>>196026>>196032>>196047>>196088A little OT but,
I have all types of "weird-artsy-doctorwho-pikachu-gamer-girl" women that I see at my work all the time.
They act obnoxious and proud of how immature and dependent they are on their families. Some of them 30+ having their parents take them to their fucking appointments… and paying for them of course.
It drives me nuts. I had one 24 year old woman tell me over and over how she looked like she was 12 and everyone says so.
On two fucking separate occasions.
Wearing a fucking doctorwho/disney shirt then a toothless/pokemon one.
I just wanted to tell her no you don't. You look too fucking old to be acting this way WE ARE THE SAME GODDAMN AGE.
But all I could do was laugh awkwardly every time she said it. sighhope spoilers work here…
No. 196312
>>196144>>196047>>195991I can't help but think that people like this are incredibly self centered and childish. Just like the ones who feel the need to make a big deal about their sexuality.
They need to just sit down and stfu already. When will people realize that one gives a shit about your "individuality" but you lol.
No. 196333
>>196144WTF would an adult be proud of looking 12? Or even want to look 12? Thats creepy.
>>196312I believe the well versed term for those people is "attention seekers" or "special snowflakes". A lot of celebs strike me as this too-wanting a fucking grammy for being sexually active.
No. 196603
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>>196088>>And I am totes wit you on "stealth-mode" I'm a huge geek but I dont feel the need to proclaim it, especially everyday on the street. I feel ya.
I like my hidden-power level accessories. Small things only a fan of the show/game would like. Eg. I have a Future Gadget Lab pin on my messenger bag for college that, unless you knew it was from a VN, just looks like a pin tbh.Spoiler and sage for OT
No. 196694
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>>196603Again same with me-I have a few accessories as opposed to things that scream my geekdom. I have nothing against people who do actually, its just people who act like they are unique and special for liking stuff which, nowadays is mainstream is whats annoying.
Now-sorry to ask a silly question but is this nigiri or a lookalike, because it appears she has at least one doppleganger.
No. 196839
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>>196747The creepiest Jnig lookalike is definitely that KayVictoria chick. She much cosplays the exact same characters that Nigri does and styles herself just like her.
She's even managed to find a bf that looks similar to Ryan. Tattoos and everything.
No. 196900
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>>196848>Why can't people find their own niche rather than copying someone $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ching ching ching
No. 197289
>>196047Man…it just annoys me, seriously. It's like, what makes them so special? A lot of girls I hung out with in school were into the same things, and they dressed like any other girl. Granted, I didn't really come across the fat, smelly ones until college and that's when I ninja'd outta the weeb crap. I still like vidya, though. But seriously…
There are times when I'm still uncomfortable sharing my interests to tards who won't understand. So I don't get how these snowflakes BAAW about it like it's a big problem when it isn't for them at all.
Speaking of subtlety, I still get funny looks or remarks from people about my music interests. Friend and I wanted to go to this Dream Theater concert back then,
>went with my mom to buy tickets>we both were dressed 'normal'>rocker chick at the ticket counter looks at me funny for wanting to buy a metal concert ticket>I just think, "bitch just because I don't look the part doesn't mean I can't like the music" No. 197290
File: 1445972346827.jpg (99.09 KB, 1024x576, qJ6GVOjh.jpg)

Jnig looking like the real 40-something year-old housewife of Phoenix here, kek
No. 197291
>>196839Dafuq. How old is this girl, 18? All that heavy make-up is gonna ruin her skin like Jnig's. Don't know why ANYONE would wanna copy Jnig's heavy-handed make-up.
It's also too much for daytime.
No. 197293
>>197291Makeup didn't ruin Jnig's skin. Tanning did. Her heavy makeup just emphasizes how bad her skin really is.
>>197290Ok, this girl has money, right? So why does her hair always look like she just bleached it herself at home? Surely she can afford a decent stylist and products so her hair doesn't look so…crispy.
No. 197315
>>197293She might be back combing for volume (she looks like she'd be a white girl who doesn't have a whole lot of hair that grows on her head) and that can destroy your hair as well, especially if you don't deep condition on a regular basis. Couple that with the bleaching and probably just regular conditioning… she's probably going to need to cut it short and let her virgin hair grow out soon.
>>197291Make up ruins your skin IF it has a lot of carcinogens (some brands have more then others, though most are pretty OK if you don't have overly sensitive skin) AND you don't have a decent skin care routine. Having a good skin care routine is more important to maintaining good skin then almost anything else, other then diet and drinking water.
No. 197452
>>197289>Dream TheaterMy nigga
Yeah, I like to be dressed comfortable at concerts too. I learned people will always judge you for liking a hobby and not looking like an exact stereotype. Just gotta do you, anon.
No. 197663
>>197452The irony is astounding when you have walking stereotypes who are obnoxious about broadcasting their interests (like the gamer gurlz), and not once ever being shunned for it.
Granted, I probably could've shown my power level by wearing a Blind Guardian shirt or some other band shirt, but damn I was just getting tickets. I go all out at concerts, not when I'm stopping by the box office for 5 minutes several days before the concert.
Same thing happened again in this job interview where the employer and I role-played a situation (was a job for dealing with autists). Ended up being about concerts, and I ended up staying that the Misfits were gonna be in town and I wanna see them. Psychologist guy interveiwing me tells everyone in our group days later after I got hired, "now I know she doesn't look the part but she likes heavy music."
Kek, if only they knew… I do "dress the part" every now and then, but obviously I won't do it in a work environment.
No. 197665
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>>197453>>197335The fried, overly straight, auper layered bleached hair, super pale lips and racoon eyes, plus her fake tits and constant showing of skin (that's horribly tanned) reminds me of the California "bro hoes" all too much. They're just as vapid as Jnig and looks like she'll fit right in…all she needs is a bro truck lifted to ridiculous heights, or some girly ass dirt bike and wear a crap ton of Tapout shirts. Of course, the bros would like her, especially since she's one of the few that plays games that dudebros like (so she not only has neckbeards, but those asshat meatheads that come into the community and ruin cosplay because "10/10 would hulk smash dem teddies" "10/10 would slam a girl that lifts", ugh).
I never understood why such look is popular, especially the frosty lips. I mean it can be done right, but I'd they are lighter than your skin tone, you just look like a ghost. Or a clown, even.
No. 197680
>>197663>The misfitsFuck, you have good taste anon.
And yeah, as far as the entire stereotypes thing goes, it's annoying no matter what. I met gamur guyz too and comic book guys are just as creepily bad.
No. 197689
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>>197680I could take this over to /mu/ on 4chan, or just here on /g/ and talk about all dem favorite bands all day.
No. 197692
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>>197689We could start a music thread on /g/ or /b/
No. 197694
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>>197682>>197665Tacky AF ugh. I used to see these white trash hoes infest the Inland Empire, or the "909" area code as they call it (I hate it when people "rep" area codes WTF, what's so hard about saying that you're from San Bernardino?)
The style is dated these days, and I think Jnig forgot that trendy styles she saw been in high school don't carry well over to the next decade.
No. 197696
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>>197692I am excited at this prospect.
>brb gonna start music thread No. 199563
>>197290I like to shit on Jnig as much as anyone, but if you honestly think she looks like a 40-year-old trophy wife there, either you don't have a clue what 40yo trophy wives actually look like or you know you're talking bullshit. As bad as her hairline is, as basic bitch as her make up is and as much as her skin has been destroyed by tanning, she ain't a middle aged housewife.
Ragging on people isn't funny when you're just plain pulling shit outta your ass.
>>197335Eyes or lips. Never do both. Eyes are what she's gone for which is fine. If she put any color to her lips she'd look like a drag queen. If she only did her lips you'd be complaining that she does nothing to her eyes. FWIW I think she'd look better with color on her lips and natural eyes but what she does now is acceptable.
The real crimes with her styling are her foundation, her over-worked brows and her shameful roots.
No. 199571
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Jess has such good friends around her
No. 199589
>>199584Nah she's in my con scene and she's just an orange wreck tbh I don't think she looks like jnig either and her boobs irl are just her fat pushed up into her top, she's need to start using wigs too.
This sounds like a self post though, she only have like 800 likes I find it odd she was posted here. Chloe just stop you're not jnig
No. 199997
>>199563Yeah, no. She needs to put color on her lips. It doesn't have to be something like 1940s red. A neutral pink would make a world of difference. When they say to never do both eyes and lips just means don't make them
both extreme, not go with one color bland and the other overdone. That nude color looks horrible with her eye makeup and washes her out.
No. 201244
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Ok, i love this.
No. 201266
>>201244Sad thing is that she
blatantly didn't make hardly any of it and will get credit for making a "great" costume. In my opinion, I think a lot of the quality is really ruined by the fact that whoever chose the design went for the stupid armored thing again instead of going for the full armor.
No. 201278
>>201244So it /is/ Deathwing…
Considering the character has pretty interesting lore behind him (like the fact that dark iron dwarfs used some metal plating to seal his chest) this costume is quite unimaginative.
No. 201287
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>>201244I like it a lot too. A huge improvement over her porn tier costumes.
Though it's still that dumb tiddy armor design that all the basic bitches love. It's not that hard to have a realistic looking breast plate/suit of armor and still look badass.
No. 201295
>>201244This is actually well designed and even though I usually flail over dumb fantasy armor, it actually looks like it has the whole 'magical protection' clause, unlike
>>201287 examples.
No. 201298
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>>201287 said, it's still not hard to make chest armor that's not overdone shit
No. 201315
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>>201310Definitely. Stupid breastplate aside, the costume looks epic ngl. There's a video on her insta of her blowing smoke while in costume and it's pretty awesome.
If she truly built it herself then I am very impressed and glad that she's stepped up her game. Bravo Nigri. Keep it up.
No. 201363
>>201324Pretty much this.
I don't understand why so many of you are suddenly fawning over this because of the quality of a costume that she didn't even make. It's the exact same shit she always wears for the most part, it's pretty much just
>>52734 with different details and a helmet. Same stupid breastplate, shitty greaves as always, and pointless overly detailed shoulder plating and vambraces. I mean it does look nicer than normal since it's more detailed and has a helmet and stuff but it doesn't change her not crediting people, or having her tits out for no reason, or just being a piece of shit in general.
No. 201378
>>201363Look it's on a shitty person. Doesn't mean it's not good. Glitter on a turd is still glitter.
Besides, JNig does YT vids now. She could easily record herself making costumes if she made costumes. She's not fooling anyone besides those who want to be.
No. 201443
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I still like the costume, but looking at the actual character it's based off of, the design is pretty weak.
I'm not into WoW, so I'm not sure how recognizable it is, but there's some pretty cool details on Deathwing that could be incorporated into the armor. For example, his melting chest thingy would make an awesome breastplate, wings instead of a cape, and maybe a headpiece or helmet that looks like a dragon's head, instead of the horns.
Also, what's with the weird chains on her costume? I didn't see anything like that in the pics of him on google.
No. 201465
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For those not familiar with WoW, this is the armor set her cosplay is partially based off of (which is based off of deathwing).
No. 201578
>>201467I was going to say…I think it's a great cosplay, and certainly better than what's she brought to other Blizzcons in the past, but the influx of people going, "Oh, Nigri's really done it! She's the comeback queen!" is pathetic.
It's got her boyfriend's handiwork written all over it. I'm sure she had a hand in some things, but you can tell that his direction, much like with a lot of their previous cosplays, is led by him. How else honestly is there a huge gap between nice armor cosplays and really sad, polyester cosplays she purchases and uses the same makeup with?
I think it's great if people want to admire her cosplay on FB but making elaborate posts about how she's "so so talented" makes it even more obvious that they have to try to hard to stay on her good side and keep up an appearance we all know is fake. They assume they everyone's that oblivious to not realize the truth.
No. 201582
>>201578Anyone who thinks it's actually made by her own two hands is delirious. It's obviously made by her boyfriend/fuckbuddy because like you said, it's got her boyfriend's handiwork written all over it. It looks exactly like his armors.
I just can't quite understand the mindset of a person who thinks Nigri can fart an elaborate armor cosplay out of nowhere. Once again no WIPs, the quality is amazing compared to the stuff she's been making for the past months, the old routine. Nigri might do stuff like cut out worbla according to Ryan's directions and maybe sand or prime things but that patterning, building and painting is not done by Nigri herself.
Remember her post a few months back where she wrote about feeling bad for making cosplay about tits and ass? She's still blatantly doing the sexified bikini armors and flaunting her tits. She doesn't feel bad about influencing people to make cosplay only about tits. She never did. Yet I saw so many people on /cgl/ going WOW I WAS SO WRONG ABOUT HER SHE'S A SWEETHEART and making a total 180dg because of one facebook post.
No. 201603
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>>201443>>201465I think in Cataclysm cinematic trailer Deathwing is being held down by chains when they operate on him. Anyhow her costumes really bring up the question on how far you can improvise when making a costume.
Dropping a pic of Deathwing's humanoid in-game form. The jaw is probably like that because if they had made it a collar, it would probably cover her asserts.
If I'm quite honest I first thought she's cosplaying one of those weird snake-like fire elementals (google Gehennas or Lucifron for example) and I had to check her instagram for what it actually was. Been to Wow since 2005 so uh, that should explain how off it is. :/
No. 201629
>>201603Yeah, I knew what her costume was at first glance, and I liked it ok, but the more I looked at the details the more I hated it. I don't like the jaw-collar, because it doesn't really look like a jaw. And I
really don't like the crown/tiara thing she opted for, either. The boots are like the same boots she always uses, and of course, tits. But I guess the tits are her signature at this point. They probably aren't going away. Her fanboys would complain.
No. 201719
>>201244 Honestly, I was able to tell what she was cosplaying as very easily. If she wasn't wearing it to blizzcon, I'd be confused. But the iron jaw made me realize it was deathwing.
I personally like the design (but the pieces could look more like
>>201603 )
. Iron plates on her midriff would be nice, but oh well. No surprise her midriff is showing.
No. 201767
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The original design
No. 201877
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>>199563Nah, but she is a (fake) geeky version of a bro-hoe.
No. 201880
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>>199563>>199805>>199997There's a good way of doing a black smokey eye/nude lip combo and there's a bad way. Going frosty nude that's 5 shades lighter than your skin tone is not good, unless you're deliberately going for the ganguro look.
No. 201883
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>>201882It's the same reason why she hardly ever cosplays as any of the female Assassin's Creed multiplayer characters who show off their cleavage or midriff; she knows jack shit about the series she's displaying, instead defaulting to gender-bending male protagonists and slutting them up just to get neckbeard and tumblrina femtard SJW whiner points.
No. 202033
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Is it just me or does Ryan's armor look a bit, meh, in quality? There's just something about this that doesn't look as polished as usual, maybe he's not wanting to "take" JNig's "limelight". I'm not saying it looks bad by any means, but I just expected it to be better quality than this…
Also, has anyone else noticed that his likes on his FB page haven't even changed that significantly since he started seeing her? Seems a bit weird. All that says to me is that she's trying to limit the amount of exposure she's getting because more people are likely to call her out.
No. 202060
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>>202054Kek Jnigger has turned into yaya now.
She has a slave just like her.
No. 202212
hey kids, for anyone that doesnt have it, here's jnigs personal commented on one of zach fischer's posts so I thought it'd be relevant
also check that dude's page, he is delusional
No. 202507
>>202038I think she was sponsored by Jinx or someshit. I remember reading one of their promotional e-mails and they said something along the lines of, "Come see us at booth x with celebrities like Jessica Nigri!" I almost threw up in my mouth.
It kinda rubs me the wrong way because she has zero knowledge of Blizzard games, and tickets to Blizzcon can be difficult to secure.
No. 203304
>>202749It's up! evidence that she did work on the costume. Looks like her boyfriend is actually teaching her some stuff.
Good for her, I say.
No. 203327
>>203304I still don't buy it.
Her bf could have made most of it ,and she could have just been filmed putting a piece here and there. It doesn't prove anything.
No. 203363
>>203347Don't you have anything better to do than whiteknight yourself on any forum that mentions you? It is so obvious too, because it is always one spergtastic anon that randomly pops up in this thread and does it.
For fucks sake, why don't you go work on one of those cosplays you supposedly made everything on? Lots of free time you fucking have for such a hardworker.
No. 203517
>>203493It is not that farfetched, anon. She seems to care a lot about what people say about her. She used to rant about haters all of the time. She lurks /cgl/, and used to lurk PULL before it was taken down.
Not like she has a real job or anything where she is so busy that it is impossible.
No. 204500
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>>204492so. much. makeup.
No. 204503
>>204500Jesus fuck I can't believe she's only 2 years older than me, she's starting to look like the crypt keeper.
I'm paranoid as fuck about my skin maintenance and will not go out without slathering myself in SPF.
How can a person subject themselves to this kind of damage daily and not care?
No. 204559
>>203546lolcow admin has checked IPs before and outed selfposters and the like. /cgl/ mods have done the same many times. This is why Annie can't post anywhere anymore and KJ is forced to trip or she is outed every time regardless. Nigri's in the same boat.
End of the story is when Nigri's posting either here or on /cgl/, staff highlight it. They're not, so she's not. It's really that simple.
I like ragging on her as much as anybody, but blindly screaming selfpost at any random anon doesn't achieve anything other than making everybody look like total jackasses. Let board staff handle the selfposters.
No. 204560
>>204500fucking titty christ
can you imagine what she looks like fresh out of the shower???? gross AZ face and receding hairline on full display???
No. 204575
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>>204563Some women look a lot better with zero to minimal makeup. Her hairline is pretty unfortunate, but her smile lines would look a lot better without all of the foundation and bronzer. I think her face is a lot prettier/more interesting looking without a ton of makeup (although obviously there is a lot of phone filter shooping going on here).
No. 204641
>>204625I think it's the lighting in the arcade.
Those tits look ridiculous.
No. 204655
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So do you think she will eventually do porn? 90% of the comments on her videos are asking.
No. 204657
>>204654Usually it's way worse and she's yelling and eating glitter while dumping Sweedish Fish on her tits.
Ryan seems a bit disillusioned with her in this vid.
No. 204830
>>204655Depends, really. It really up to her post-cosfame plan, if she even has one. If she can make enough doing just what she's doing now before the whole bubble bursts, school or a career training course could be an option.
If she does go to porn route she'll probably start off with tease pics, strip game streams, and no pink CosDev type photos and videos. Then she'd likely go from there to normal porn if she wants to keep the eFame up. Of course she'd have initial success since it would be giving her fans want they've wanted to see for a while. How long it would last, whose to say.
No. 204838
>>59787i dont see something wrong with sexualizing characters to be honest
if someone want to change the character's look and make it cuter or sexier then it's up to them
No. 204877
>>204830She needs to get into fart porno or selling shit twinkies
then she'll be efamous forever
No. 204883
>>204877Maybe. I think the big claim to efame would be weird Asain porn featuring JNig dressed as your waifu. Put Goro in there, and it'll just be magical.
>>204880So innocent, Anon.
No. 205228
>>205142that host liana whatever seems like typical sjw tumblr trash. of course she would whiteknight nigri without getting her shit right. people hate jnig because she thinks people are idiots and lies about the dumbest of shit, not because she shows skin.
and i love how jnig still plays up that "shy nerdy gurl" persona and says she "hates cameras." yet has a youtube channel/instagram where she attention whores constantly, and has constant photoshoots with cosplays someone else made.
so basically tl;dw- typical no name clickbait "news" reporting that doesn't do their research with sjw-y undertones and unfunny collegehumor tier bs
>>205207>has to deal with a lot of horrible bullshit from creepers and assholes because of her chosen profession.that's funny, because it was jnig herself that chose to deal with this. she is tolerant of creeper and asshole comments, to the point where inept idiots think all female cosplayers would be okay with comments about their breasts.
it has nothing to do with profession; being a cosplayer didn't always mean having creepy comments be a given. it has to do with the way jnig portrays herself.
No. 205234
>>205142I hate it when SJWs and tumblr feminists whine that women are constantly objectified and shit like that but PRAISE and DEFEND women who objectify themselves to nothing else than a sex object.
it's fucking insulting.
No. 205238
>>204575I think its more than just filter. I know they say make up can make your flaws more noticeable but its hard to believe she looks like that with very little make up and like
>>135053 with make upespecially as i would imagine the people who took the later photo would have shooped her a bit anyway. Something is amiss, reminds me of that video felice did where she apparently was "barefaced apart from foundation".
No. 205242
>>205240well she does complain. remember
>MUCHO ROPA!but then she continues to sexualize characters needlessly and caters to fans in the way
>>205230 describes. just like giving credit and her craftsmanship skills, she is full of inconsistencies.
No. 205260
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>>204839Bros and neckbeards alike really like that brohoe/Jersey Shore look, it seems. And both camps never thought that their wildest dreams would come true when they came across an Arizona brohoe who's (supposedly) into video games, anime, comic books, fantasy, science fiction, and cosplaying.
No. 205261
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>>202074Obviously. I mean hell, of all the AC games she had to choose, she chose one that actually had a somewhat main female character for her to tag along with. But nope, instead she chose to tittify Arno because somehow Elise isn't titties enough.
That or she just doesn't know jack about the series at all and only cosplays to appeal to the neckbeards and dudebros.
>otherwise, I honestly think she would have made a great Lucrezia Borgia, considering she's blonde, wears make-up, and shows off her tit cleavage in the games.>if she only actually played AC Brotherhood and knew about her being in the games, of course.>seems like Jnig only jumped on the AC bandwagon when people thought AC3 was gonna be the last game, then she decided to milk the rest for all they're worth.>Ubisoft had the nerve to post her stupid pictures on their facebook No. 205401
>>205239im 18 and
>you dont agree with mee?? You souns like a neckbeardIts only a character. Who gives a shit. People can sexualize any characters they want. Plus, a lot of underage characters look like adults so idk why it would bother you
No. 205604
>>205261Lots of people would not be comfortable cosplaying a character like her. She's based off an infamous historical figure known for poising people and fucking her brother and not really anything else. Plus, maybe she just didn't like the outfit?
Not trying to whiteknight, I just get annoyed when people rip on her for not knowing what she cosplays when that's actually not really a thing she does besides when she's paid by companies or participating in a group with friends. The more we say shit like that, the more we look like petty jellies with nothing valid to complain about to the unaware.
No. 205711
>>205699>4kHer rate is actually over 10k now
The only thing keeping my jelly at bay is that you couldn't wear burando lolita with those tits and that would be the main thing I'd want to spend that money on.
No. 205722
>>205699She made +£20K at London Mcm over 3 days where the queue to see her was constantly 3 and half hours long. She completely sold out of prints and in the last day and half put her prints up from £15 to £20. And that profit was from her own sales, not the con paying her.
People might dislike her and moan about her and what she does but damn if I'm not jealous of how much money she makes.
No. 205747
>>205699I couldn't.
It's not so much a matter of morals either, I just can't be in such crowds and having to talk and be sociable to so many people for several hours a day, several days a year, would probably kill me.
No. 205947
>>205880A lot of parents won't kick out working adult children even if they could easily afford to live on their own. Parents like having their kids around, and if they aren't complete freeloaders, they don't really have a reason to want to kick them out.
My brother is 25 and makes $65k a year, and still lives at home. I get annoyed by it sometimes because I make barely a third of that and live on my own, and pay rent/ car payments/food/insurance/etc. He pays none of that when he could easily afford to. But I would also go utterly insane if I had to live with my family, and he doesn't seem to mind it. My mom likes having him there so she doesn't have an "empty nest" and hasn't pushed him to leave.
No. 206146
>>205722I hate her to death and what she has done to this hobby that means a world to me, but I'm also so very fucking jealous of the money she makes. If I could cash in on 100-150k a year just for cosplaying I would quit my day job in a second. But pride and self-respect isn't measured in money.
And it's not just that she has a hot body that she "worked on". Plenty of people have fake tiddies and a fit body with tons of makeup. That's nothing special. The reason she became such a star is because she just knew the right people and receives a lot of advice. She would be nothing if it wasn't for all the people working for her behind the scenes. Even the infamous Pikachu costume was her boyfriend's idea, not hers. She is just a vessel for them to get more fame. They live in a symbiotic relationship. That's the thing I'm not jealous about. Her looks and fame fill fade over time, she can't be the kawaii big-tittied nerd gurrl forever and after that she'll be left with nothing.
No. 206275
>>197290She doesnt have any waist and she has a flat ass.
damn, her body is unfortunate
No. 206323
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>>205604I don't know; it just doesn't make sense at all for Jnig to tittify male protagonists when there are already female characters who have revealing outfits in the games, or female main characters that she can 'make sexy' if she wanted to. Instead she always chooses the guys, so it bears to be suspicious that she's even played the games at all.
No. 206324
File: 1448099267501.jpg (39.19 KB, 400x601, l_1d431c10-4ddc-11e2-b058-db25…)

>>205260>>205568>>205598Apparently Jnig still thinks it's trendy; she hasn't gotten out of that mentality of 'oh I saw this being trendy among older people when I was in high school. Now that I'm the same age as them, I'm gonna do it!' even though what was trendy back then does not always look good right now, even if you've reached the age of when that trend was…well, trendy.
Although to be fair, that look did kind of stretch into the early 2010s. The black smokey eye w/nude lip has become a timeless look, but it's one that has to be done right (and not paired with overly straight, choppy, skunk-dyed hair).
Half of the time, it's done terribly with the brows being too thin, eyes becoming like raccoon eyes and the lips being too frosty. And sadly Jnig falls into this camp.
No. 206862
File: 1448237155141.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.01 KB, 586x640, synmastia-implants.jpg)

>>206444Here you go Anon. I left the nipples uncensored, hence the spoiler.
No. 206944
>>206862I think anon wanted an example of jnig that showed it more clearly.
Honestly, I think her boobs would look more normal without push-up bras. She gets that uniboob from smooshing them together.
No. 207107
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>>206436Not to wake up the Nigri defense force or anything, but this is completely wrong. You don't have to look past one row of Google image results to see you're talking total garbage.
her boob job is as standard and as proportionate as cosmetic implants get.
No. 207156
>>207107Is it weird that I like Jnig's boobs because they represent aesthetically what I see in my shows plus on some characters I've come to recognize and like, yet basically the realism kicks in and I can never get past their fakeness because real human boobs simply don't look that way? As if there's always something uncanny about them?
Idk, when JNig did Lollipop Chainsaw I thought it was good because she was in her niche and the fakey boobs fit the part. However I always roll my eyes at characters who were unnecessarily titified (i.e. her Pokémon costumes).
No. 207186
>>207156>"boobs simply don't look that way"your boobs simply don't look that way.
there are plenty of natural boobs out there that are full, round, perky, and large (with small nipples).
No. 207202
>>207186what is gravity?
I have plenty of friends who have really pretty, full, big boobs and when they take of their bras, the boobs sag a little, it's just natural, little to no huge boobs can stay perfectly in place like fake ones.
No. 207255
>>207251She tweeted calling him best buddy. A lot of her neckbeards fans went crazy with that.
Kids, never tattoo anything relationship related to your body, it is sure it will jinx your relationship.
Now she will live with that WiFi stupid tattoo.
No. 207273
>>207255Whilst I'm not disagreeing that this is the bad news she's referring too, she also stated in that tweet that all selfies are sent to her, which seems to be more of a personal want than just being best buddy's
Waiting for one of them to just confirm. Not sure why it has to be vague and why either of them can't just come out and say it instead of creating all this speculation
No. 207294
>>207273Just think about it, they breaking up would mean for her bye-bye to better quality cosplays (let's be honest her cosplays are much better now, armors with boobs, not only skinny bikini variation characters, thanks to Ryan).
Him, probably because supposedly he has some of her nudes and pictures of them having sex, which probably is scaring the crap of her, if they go public (if they are true!), the internet will explode, as probably her fame will implode.I think, Ryan could give a crap about her, he doesn't depend of her for his efame, but Jnig's totally depends or the truth about of her cosplay in armor skills will come out.
Let's wait and see…
No. 210810
It's for sure nothing to do with Ryan, they cancelled everything through Europe. No drama to see here, folks, just perfectly legit reasons to not want to stop over in Paris right now.
>>207156She didn't have the implants when she did Lollipop Chainsaw. She was just padding like crazy back then. The implants came a little before Killer Is Dead, doing Lollipop Chainsaw is what paid for them.
No. 212547
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Soon now she wants to meet Markiplier? Who wants to bet she starts budding up with Sheena again as a means to attempt this.
No. 214565
>>207107>>207107Definitely partial symmnastia. Her breasts are separated and pointing in 2 opposite directions, without a push-up bra forcing the implants together, so the middle gap should be at it's widest here and yet you see hardly any gap between them. The implants are breaking down the muscle wall that keeps the 2 pockets separate, and when it breaks all the way through there will just be 1 big pocket the implants are sitting in which gives the 'mono-boob' effect, although the exact effect would be slightly different for each individual.
Even if she's not fully at that point yet, with implants this size and a chest frame as small as hers, without treatment, it will happen in time, and you will see the separation gap decrease in size as the condition progresses. The use of push-up bras will also aggravate this condition further, due to the pressure from the squashed-together implants on the muscle in the center of the chest.
This is why it's very risky to get implants that, together, exceed the width of the chest cavity (which is very apparently the case here). Over time the implants will push against the muscle and break down the separating muscles.
Only some surgeons will refuse to install implants that exceed the width of the chest due to such complications, but every single surgeon should explain the risks from the outset. Sometimes the condition is also caused by the original surgeon needing to dissect the muscle tissue for the implants to fit in the initial procedure.
You can get various treatments to help the condition, one of which includes using pig skin (or a synthetic alternative) in that area to reinforce it, and allow the patients own tissue to grow there to keep the implants in place. Another option is to downsize the implants or remove them completely, and to stitch the muscle back and let it heal.
No. 214585
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>>214565>mono-boob>breaking down the muscle tissue>pig skin skin grafts It's a bit sad that all these bitches are turning themselves into Frankenstein, just for some fleeting attention. Get some self esteem ffs.
No. 215197
>>215191… what? Google "breast augmentation risks" and the stuff
>>214565 talks about is all there, and much more. There's a ton different articles and studies on the topic.
Lots of surgeons try to discourage women from getting freakishly large implants, precisely because of the harm it can do to your body. Anon's not talking out of their ass, most of this is common knowledge about breast implants.
>>215104Dump him. His waifu is shit.
No. 215202
>>215191Seemed pretty reasonable to me..
Are you talking out of your tits, Nigri-san?
No. 215208
>>214565 says is true except they're greatly exaggerating how severe Nigri's case is. You look at any neutral photo of her i.e. where she's not also pushing them up or is in some weird angle, you can see they're not actually all that big. Her implants are very standard as far as breast implants go. They only look dangerously large when she smashes them together in corsets and push-ups. Reality is they're totally standard fake breasts and she's not more at risk than the vast majority of other women with breast implants.
Her frame looks smaller than it really is too. If you see her in person you'll see her breasts are more in proportion with the rest of her body than in photos she promotes. She's got even less butt and hips than she portrays in photos but she's broader across the shoulder than photos show.
Nigri's boobs are overexposed and tiresome but they're not actually anything particularly freaky. If you want to see cosplayers with breast implants so large for their frame they are seriously risking their health, look up Yaya Han and Kelly Jean. That is some negligent malpractice shit right there.
No. 215542
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>>215499According to her ex-fiance, she did get two boob jobs though.
Maybe that would also explain what is going on in photos like
>>34399 ?
No. 215575
>>215542>I WOULD BE THE QUEEN OF COSPLAYidgi, is he salty that fat neckbeards don't fawn over him as fap material? does he want nerds to jerk off to him? i'm not a JNig fan at all, but the xD gaemer grills are all faek! thing is circlejerky and tired.
as a side note, someone should make a new JN thread. this one takes forever to load because of it's length and makes replying a bitch.
No. 219251
>>215208Finally someone said it. When i saw her in real life i was expected to be slapped in the face with titties. But they are suited to her frame quite well.
I saw her in Mad Moxxi so i expected huge head sized boobs, her pictures promote herself on a completely different way to how her body actually looks in real life. I
When i saw Yaya, i got what i expected from jniggs. Way too big and look so dumb.