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No. 971568
Share your most intimate and sinful story
>>944826 No. 971680
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I still feel bad over that time i posted something and anons framed me as a scrote/coomer, i think it made some anons very unconformable. I know its all anonymous and it doesn't matter, but i cannot shake this feeling, i'm very ashamed
No. 972720
>>972189Me too,
nonnie, I could never bother and feel like I'd get dumber if I found out
No. 972943
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I honestly don’t like music in general. I like certain songs temporarily, but I don’t understand having it be your hobby. Do you jut sit there listening?
No. 972949
>>972943>do you just sit there listeningyes. while sitting on public transport, driving, browsing the internet,
autistically daydreaming, etc
No. 972956
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Men with big foreheads are so attractive, they've always treat me with kindness and dignity. And they're alright to talk to. Not overly big, you have to have a certain faceshape to pull it off, the boy at work is so attractive I can't deal
No. 973166
>>973078to be fair ive told him whenever its happened lol im a tard
>>973149nonny, theres no reason to feel like you arent worth it. i highly doubt that rejection would lead to a situation like that, though you are right that having feelings for people is tough and oftentimes an odd feeling (it definitely changed me a lot falling for my bf, getting rejected, then eventually winning him over etc which is all crazy looking back). it will happen someday and theres no reason to force anything, i know many people around the same age who havent been with anyone either. no matter what, you are #1 and worthy of love
nonny No. 973191
>>973174it was really rough mainly because i couldnt stop liking him but eventually he opened up to being in a relationship (he came out of an emotionally
abusive one prior) and he started going out of his way to see me and give me gifts, hug me and hold my hand, etc then it just became a thing lol.
i mean its not the most glamorous story but it is what it is. thats why love is weird imo, it makes you (at least me) crazy but it’s different for everyone and theres no clear rules on how things should go, thats why i dont think you should feel theres no chance or itll never happen or your not worth it because life is weird and things happen differently for everyone so you never know how itll happen for you, you have your own journey and you are amazing on your own even not in a relationship
No. 973371
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I just got my old laptop from when I was 13 working and I found all the degenerate fan fiction I wrote on there as a horny teenager. I used to get so butthurt as a kid when people said it was clear when a fic was written by a virgin but it’s so obvious that kid me had barely even spoken to a boy. I wonder what she’d say if I could go back in time and tell her all the things we’ve done in the years since. Her head would probably explode kek.
At least I can say for sure that my writing has improved since I was a kid. One of the things I wrote here actually has some good bones. Maybe I’ll make some edits and try and sell it on the Amazon book store
No. 973499
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I think I fell in love with a dream, he was this really pretty blonde knight with hair down to his knees.
No. 973531
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The only months I like are April and May
No. 973787
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Cheated on my boyfriend with the boy from work. Feel like such scum right now
No. 973871
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>>973787that's because you are.
No. 974243
>>974232He looks average I guess, not of my liking, but it really doesn't help how he carries himself.
He has good hygiene, but aside from that, his sideburns are way too long, his hair looks like a bush, and his nails are too long for my liking. Also he has something like a goatee but he can't pull it off since he has not enough facial hair. Finally, I don't like how he looks when he wears glasses, and as I said before, his lack of confidence is pretty obvious.
So basically I'm into preppy guys and you can easily tell he's an otaku.
>>974234We were actually talking about how his shortest relationship lasted 30 minutes and mine 3 weeks, so I think it would be extremely awkward to dump him so early. The earliest I can break up with him is on February after midterms, when we get a mini vacation of 1 week, so he can be depressed in private kek
No. 974250
Here’s my deep dark secret. I actually haven’t told anyone about this, it’s just been living in my head rent free.
This happened about five years ago - I am approaching 30 now and WAY less wild than I used to be. I’m bisexual and have dated women and men pretty equally before I settled down with my husband. (pls don’t come for me lesbian nonnies sorry lol)
Anyway, one night I went out with my best friend of ten odd years and got PLASTERED. She and I always had a kind of codependent, intense relationship and there was always some sexual tension, though at this point I was kind of past it.
My now-husband was asleep when we got home, so she and I stayed up and kept the party going. Liberal use of nose candy was involved. One thing led to another and I ended up having drunken strapon sex with her in the living room. We had been fucked up together before SO many times and other than making out once a few years prior, hooking up with her was not really on my radar. I only say this because it came out of left field.
I am prettttty sure I was her first chick (I topped) and tried really hard to show her a good time, or as well as I could in my state. I was super worried about not taking advantage of her but she was enthusiastic so I can’t really beat myself up over THAT part. We proceeded to clean up in the guest bathroom and passed the fuck out in our respective sleeping arrangements.
Woke up the next day with The Fear. Like oh my god, I hope I didn’t make her uncomfortable, I hope this won’t ruin our friendship, etc. Awkward brunch ensues. A few days pass, she reached out first to broach it, we agreed it was fun but felt incest-y and agreed to never speak of it again lmaoooo.
Still feel kind of guilty about it because I don’t like sneaking around. Hilariously, the incident did NOT lead to our toxic friendship’s downfall. That came when I took her to a four day camping music festival with disastrous consequences.
Thus ends my tale of my awkward drunken hookup. Back in the memory hole it goes. Don’t do drugs, kids. (Or do, I’m not your mom. )
No. 974340
>>974250My reading comprehension is kinda wack right now, so just to double check: you were dating your husband when this happened, right? Since you mentioned him being asleep when you got home.
Also seconding that other anon, please share the camping festival story with us if you're comfortable kek
No. 974362
>>974328Haha this reply cracked me up. I was suuuuch a hot mess. My only saving grace is I have never been big on personal social media (more of a forum person) so most of my shame was of the private variety.
Fortunately I got my shit together (mostly) and am now a respectable adult woman with a retirement account and shit.
>>974338>>974340Ha the people have spoken. I will have to take some time to get the festival story together because it was a doozy. I’ll try to remember to pop back in here when I have some time to sit down. I am a very slow writer and my first tale of woe took like 45 mins to compose.
Re: husband - we were living together but not married yet. So he was my bf. My syntax leaves something to be desired.
No. 974454
>>974116>>973186I think I remember you talking about it before anon and I'm still do angry on your behalf. I'm sure there was a reason that you didn't think you could expose him but if you can, either not enough evidence or because it will be so upsetting for you, but maybe you should if you can't go on without it getting to you every so often
t. a hypocrite that won't expose a past groomer either because of the same reasons
I see you anon and I care for you. We are more than those monsters will ever be
No. 974482
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someone call me retarded if i'm being retarded but whenever i see western feminists use the pain of women in other countries as a 'gotcha' against moids it makes me squint? it's like they're RIGHT, but at the same time i can't help but think "okay, well, you haven't experienced these issues either…" idk
No. 974499
>>974482Idk, it’s a matter of empathy. I haven’t personally experienced many things that women in other cultures have experienced, but I know women from other countries that are deemed inferior and mistreated by the people from their cultures just for being born.
Like, the issue is when the woman posting such things just then starts posting about loving how “attractive” are Muslim men or some shit like that.
It really isn’t virtue signaling if she doesn’t post stuff that could be seen as the opposite of what she’s expressing.
It’s not like when a troon posts about hating how le society enforces gender roles, but then posts about being depressed because it doesn’t “feel male/female enough” or posts about how “euphoric” it was to be sir’d/ma’md.
No. 974508
>>974482As someone who sadly see's this shit daily you are right it is super offensive
>>974499>Like, the issue is when the woman posting such things just then starts posting about loving how “attractive” are Muslim men or some shit like that.What ? I don't know how that's possible, like 4/5 ths of the men in my Muslim majority nations are all skinny fat and short, only Turkish guys, Persians, Berbers and Bosnians are considered the only attractive males in the Muslim world, every other Muslim group is as stated is skinny fat but also are short, pube beards and have no sense of grooming
No. 974663
>>974454Thanks anon. Yeah I’ve posted about it here a few times during very vulnerable times bc there’s not really anyone else I can open up to about it so you’ve probably seen it. I tried to talk to the police a few times but it never went anywhere significant and at this point I really don’t have much proof and I’m honestly afraid/distrustful of police. I tried to put in a report online and requested they didn’t contact me and they did anyway to tell me there wasn’t anything they could do without talking to me directly.
At this point I just want it to go away and for him to kill himself because every time I put energy into that situation I end up spiraling.
I really appreciate you expressing that you care and noticing me and letting me know that it affected you. Keeping things inside all the time makes it easy to feel like nobody would care about the pain I’ve went through. When my parents found out I’d been talking to him and sending pics (cops showed them the cropped CP) they seemed super embarrassed and it felt like they wanted to sweep it under the rug. We never spoke about it again after the cops came to my house and it’s been years. Idk I just want all groomers to feel even a fraction of the guilt they put on the people they groomed. We don’t deserve to be the ones holding this burden so heavily. I’m sorry you went through something similar, anon.
No. 974854
>>974763Tbh, vocaloids are whatever you want, there’s no real canon as far as I know, like, even the stuff made by crypton with Hatsune Miku can be taken as whatever you want because there’s no real development of the character or characters.
You could even say that vocaloids are like actors who are just waiting for you to hire them so they can perform in your stories.
No. 975190
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whenever i think about what will happen to my favorite stuffed animals after i die i get sad, there are no good options
>getting them buried with me
weird and also they would be horrified, imagine happy penguin plushies surrounded by BONES that is some tumblr hurtcore shit i refuse to subject my stuffed animals to
>donate them
they get more ragged the more i love them and they would probably end up being incinerated or something
>pass them on to a future generation
dependent on me having kids and said kids wanting them
i know this is incredibly maladjusted sounding but i love them, they were my only friends for years while i wasn’t getting enough parental attention, and although this sounds like copium every therapist i’ve been to said this kind of attachment is ok
i just have to accept the reality that they aren’t alive, don’t have feelings, and they’ll probably be dumpstered. but for as long as i’m alive, they’re alive to me
No. 975769
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i wish more women like jodi arias existed. it would be nice if men were constantly afraid of women killing them.
No. 975771
>>975769nah, jodi sucks. she chased after a boring ass mormon boy, followed all his weird fetishes like wearing little boy's underwear for him, and then only killed him after he was going to go on a work trip with another girl.
we should all wish for more women like alieen wuornos. killed rapists, was a lesbian, and had no regrets about any of it.
No. 975772
>>975769Sorry to blog pot but it's absolutely insane she got life without parole. That's the same sentence they were going to give Ted fucking Bundy and the only reason he's not alive now is because he refused to take the deal, pled not guilty, and acted as his own lawyer.
Reading the texts between Travis and Jodi changed my view on this case completely. He was an
abusive, religious little fuckboy that wanted to remain "pure" so insisted on anal. He dumped her but then would send her threatening texts warning her about talking to other guys.
I also watched documentry where Travis' friends were talking about how she stayed at their house and they took him into another room and left her alone to tell him they hated her. They all sat shit talking her in the bedroom while she sat alone in their house and when she knocked on the door to look for them they said it was "weird".
She prob deserves time but not life. I 100% believe he attacked her and she started defending herself and then just murdered him when he slipped in the shower. Based queen and reddit's absolute hate for her makes me lol eternally.
>>975771you don't know wtf you're talking about
No. 975777
>>975769jesus christ stop being cringe, if you wanna stan a female killer stan Aileen Wuornos, not some pickme who was obsssed with some random dude
>>975774Your a pickme who will literally change your entire identity over a scrote
No. 975778
>>975772>>975769Meh she slashed Travis gf at the time tires, girl was like 19 years old. She was a
victims too in this and then sent the gf an email that said
"You are a shameful whore. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time.
You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Is that what you want for yourself? Your future, your salvation and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions. You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don’t ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being."
Its sad how she treated her like that. Pick me behavior
No. 975813
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>>975793I think about that question a lot, most men are stronger then women and a fit man could potentially overpower you, a gun might be the best option but they are more traceable and can get caught
knives would be messy and again there's a chance of the male overpowering you and then there would be the trouble of disposing the body
I feel the best option would be to kill the male and make it seem like an accident, burn his house down, cut his car brakes or push him off a cliff
No. 975815
>>975769Eeew fuck no. Nobody should do all that for a fucking scrote.
>>975793I would rather energy be reserved for moids who actually fuck up society since it's more satisfying. If the legal system won't deal with them, might as well do it ourselves.
>>975813Pushing him off a height is the best option imo.
No. 975824
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>>975777i changed my entire identity for a woman…
:( No. 975897
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the disconnect between who i told him i am vs who i actually am is overwhelming me
i said i'm good at drawing, like to make music (i don't even own any instruments), i am good at karate (i hate exercise and forgot it all), i lied about having better friends, having more hobbies and talents and i do and i have trouble keeping up with all this shit since we got closer. i need to keep distance for catching up to this idea of a better me. i know it's pathetic to lie about this but i thought it's better than being an insecure pushover and admitting i spend most of my freetime scrolling lolcow and tiktok. i seriously even lied about playing video games more often than i do because that seemed more interesting than just scrolling. i also felt the need to do this because he is friends with so many talented people that he talks about all the time. if i am a homebody loser while he has so many interests and hobbies than we are not a good fit. i just don't want him to think i am a loser and an idiot. it is improving my life to have lied because at least it keeps me motivated but it makes me so anxious at the same time because what if my improvements still don't measure up to this interesting, active and fun woman i projected my image to be? what if i admitted from the beginning that i am going through a slum and actually have 0 real hobbies even though i am interested in so many. than my improvements could have been impressive no matter what. i don't know. can't change it anymore so i'll make do the best i can.
No. 975942
>>975893>>975902Why not make it seem like a mugging, get a male friend, kill him, steal some stuff and money and then leave
with the stuff you've stolen get read of quickly and effectively that it can't be traced back to you
(global rule 1) No. 976120
>>975793sadly some of the smart methods of body disposal involving moving a body around a lot/dismembering it and women are often not strong enough to do it as easily. i would say the safest method is what
>>975815 said. lure them on a hiking date and then push him off a cliff while telling him you're taking his picture. there's no way to prove he didn't slip.
No. 976138
>>976087jesus fucking christ, people like you are reasons why artists stop socializing online.
I'm one of the artists that have to deal with stalkers and obsessive fans for decade and I can never sympathize your kind, go get help and leave people alone.
No. 976211
I am torn between hoping my mom dies and hoping she will apologize (with a good gesture) to me for stealing my identity and making my teenage years such a living hell. Her and my old stepdad, she always chose him over us. He said many times that he doesn’t care about us only for us to go back and forth, he was a pervert towards us and she did not care. He cheated on her and she still kept going back. He would always berate us,for every little thing we did. She cut all my hair off as a punishment for trying to run away to my dads. I was so “fast” at the age of 15 (she forbid dating in the First place so I had to sneak around and I wasn’t even doing anything sexual til I was 17, just making out and over the pants stuff) but really I was just desperate for someone to love me and instead of getting me therapy or talking it out she just made me a target for bullying. It made me even more desperate and sad, ultimately. My mom doesn’t even love me. She only ever tried to reconcile with me when she saw I was doing ok and wanted to leech off of me
She’s just a drug addict who hasn’t had a job in years and is ruining my little siblings life with negligence. She sees a lot of men and I don’t like my little sisters being around it. I haven’t talked to her since July when I confronted her about getting unemployment in my name while I had a job, I’ve called so many places and tried to report it but most places were dismissive and told me to call another place. She called me a loser and said I was gonna be just like her when I got older, actually I just hope she dies she just leeches off of the government and regularly commits fraud, she is a literal meth mama. They haven’t had a place in years. She just couchsurfs with no intention of getting a job, but she carries my siblings around with her. When she did this with me it made me scared of people, because eventually they would kick us out and flip out at my mom for something she did. I hope she dies, I hope she dies. I just hate how she’s ruining her life and trying to drag everyone down with her. She let some man ruin her that much. Inb4 ~anon he was abusive~ fuuuuck that. We had many chances to get away from him but she just kept coming back to this psychopath and risking OUR safety too. Fuck that woman and fuck my stepdad, I hate how he just took up with another woman with kids after he finally split up with my mom. I told that woman that he’s abusive and a nonce and she said that I was jealous. Wtf fuck all of this I hate how unsatisfactory this shit has left me,
Some women are terrible ass moms who don’t even care about their kids and just want male attention, even if it’s from the lowest scummiest men. I hope these botches including my mom collectively drop dead. I also hope every perverted evil stepdad dies
No. 976231
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I'm really considering buying this shirt. Used to vaguely into Homestuck at its peak but mostly skimmed the story and then stopped keeping up during one of the gigapauses. Two years ago I picked it up from the beginning just so I could be done with thinking about one day finishing it. Turns out that as much as I shit on Homestuck like everyone else, I actually like the story and thought it was a fun read, and I really like all of the beta kids. I mostly want it as an at home shirt so I can relish in my love for Homestuck alone in my room lol.
No. 976499
>>976357I feel like it's a rite of passage at this point to do something incredibly cringey and cosplay related during high school kek. Better then than now!
>>976236Fuck yeah. Do you think the long sleeve or 3/4th sleeve would be better? I'm thinking the latter since Dave wears the 3/4th sleeve…
No. 976835
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these piss me off for some reason
No. 976941
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Whenever something on /ot/ starts with "my bf" I immediately skip it bc I know it'll just be sad pathetic and cringe. Most Nonas here are so desperate for their bf it's embarrassing.
No. 976949
>>976941Ngl this was me years ago because I was dating a very very
abusive groomer who make me be reliable on him but also start stupid shit like accusing me of cheating and ghosting me like he was about to abandon me all together, lolcow use to help calm me down since it was cause a very stressful panic that lead to a severe anxiety disorder that killed my immune system, he would do this once a week or so where he would just nitpick something I did and use it as a reason why I'm cheating and obviously fucking around behind his back over things like falling asleep after school and then when I wanted to talk it out he would just ghost me and have me freaking out, he also hated when I went online or vented to other people/asked for help even though he wanted to ditch me anytime the slightest thing happened, like he just wanted me to freak out for days on end until he decided he wanted to use me for sex or emotional support… Never again
I assume most girls here come here to vent about their boyfriends/ask for advice to help calm their nerves since their ghoul boyfriends are too childishly stupid and leave like an emotional teenager causing those women to freak out in confusion if what is going on
No. 977106
>>976231I have one of these shirts at the bottom of my drawer, I felt it was too cringe to wear outside so it's just been sitting there
>>976357I did this too!! I bought that pajama dream costume, I felt cool as hell kek. It's actually really comfortable and the cape is cute, I should probably donate it or something since it's just hanging in my closet
No. 977585
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I don’t like my boyfriend’s toddler nephew and I legitimately think he is a psycho. He’s always torturing my cats and he even tried putting all his weight on my pregnant cat. One time when I was lying down on the floor because my back was hurting and he was hopping around the couches he jumped right on my face, he did it on purpose.
Another time, when I was trying to get him to stop throwing a tantrum all I did was have him sit down in the room for a while and calm down while I was watching him, and he was fine… until his parents came by and then he screamed at me.. and cried around them pointing at me.
He always pretends he’s hurt when he’s not and I think he’s kind of evil seeming because his mom works a lot and doesn’t really spend time with him. His dad also spanks him.
He loves to yell and hurt babies that are smaller than him, he does the meanest things to our kid, who is a year younger than him. He is always taking his toys or soppy cups from him and making him cry, and randomly shoving or pushing him and hitting his head with objects. Whenever we say “do this” to our son he’ll repeat it and yell at him, I am so sick of this kid always yelling. I’m so done with this kid, I want him to never ever come around again. Some kids are sent from hell. He’s always around because we are forced to watch him, but I wish he wasn’t around so much he annoys the hell out of me. I get bad looming vibes whenever he’s around. He’s so mean and aggressive and the worst kid I’ve ever met, I won’t hit him or anything, I don’t believe in spanking but fuuuck aaaaaaa I hate being around him, Is it normal to feel like a 3 year old is a psycho??
No. 977751
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>>977585I can tell your family is white considering he's not getting an ass-whooping yet
i grew up getting disciplined by my aunts more often than my mom because they could see she was doting me lol No. 977763
>>977751Nah he’s
native American and he gets beaten like 3 times a week it’s not working kek
No. 977793
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>>977585>>977751>>977763You guys are weird for this, most kids don't act like that just because and imo this boy has something seriously wrong going on and should be addressed (or treated) asap, hell, his family could have caused this for all i know, as native Americans tend to have very high domestic abuse rates, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
inb4 "ur white" i'm brown, and I've seen tons of ND kids get massively fucked by inexperienced parents who want a easy route with beatings, it doesn't work, it never worked No. 977797
nonny I'm the anon with "i bet your family white" reply.
I meant to make a typical in-community asian deprecating joke about getting beaten as a kid was normalized, especially older millennials.I don't mean to glorify physical abuse as a "correct" way to discipline children. Hope this is clear. Sorry if it came off distasteful.
No. 977923
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I get too much enjoyment out of retarded moids. They're constantly doing or saying things I know I'm supposed to be annoyed at, but I just think it's fucking funny
Some scrote posted this, then got angry that the replies weren't going his way. Of course, he never posted a photo of himself (and he didn't explain how his financial situation would allow for this set-up). He did take the time to passionately argue that the average 18-25 year old woman is most attracted to a 50 year old man, though. If I made this person into an actual character for a book, readers would claim he's too stereotypical lmao. How are some men real
No. 977991
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>>977923>WriterMore like
>Navel gazing chronic masturbator No. 978167
I cried when Chris Chan's dad died, and I cried really hard too. I didn't think he was a bad guy, he didn't know what the fuck the internet was or the true impact it was having on his son. He's just one man trying to right his wrongs and be a father and husband for once, he really tried. He wanted help for Chris, but he had a hard time finding it. He wanted to connect with Chris, but Chris doesn't know how to connect. That Dream Studio makes me cry. It makes me cry that Chris sold all of the things that meant the most to his dad, that he used his Dad's knife so recklessly and broke it. It honestly disgusts me. He sounded like a cool guy. He invented shit, he was a builder, he liked collecting and listening to foreign music he wanted to share culture with his son. You could tell from the phone calls with trolls that Bob was in that he just wanted to share his life and passion with someone, to have a real conversation with someone who wasn't crazy or retarded. Nobody is perfect and I know Bob was far from it, but he didn't deserve to die rotting in Barb and Chris' hoard like a sick animal.
No. 978195
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>>978082if reading perfectly formulaic steve rogers/tony stark enemies to friends to lovers fix it fics ad nauseam is juvenile then I don't want to be mature
No. 978266
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>>977793In my original post I mentioned how his mom is always working and his dad spanks them. I really don’t know what’s wrong with him but he is almost always in a bad mood and you’ll be like “hi baby!” to him and he’ll yell “no!”! He is always yelling “no” over every little thing. It’s so grating, and no I won’t spank him, ever. I don’t believe in spanking but his dad does it to him, I personally think he’s too small to be spanked. He seems kind of evil to me, I know toddlers are usually kind of rough with animals but he’s always got scratches from punching, choking and kicking them. It’s like he doesn’t even care that he gets scratched he just wants to always hurt them. The other day when he was taking a bath with my son and I turned the knob on to rinse them off he flipped out and started screaming he pushed my son over and crawled out of the tub, which is another thing he always does is going out of his way to push other kids or hit them or knock them over. But my son fell down in the water and it was scary, he is so histrionic and screams so damn much. Also anytime my son is playing and walking around, he’ll go out of his way to block his path and yell at him. It’s so annoying I’m so tired of him bullying him. And the cats. I wish he wasn’t around, I feel bad for saying that but his parents are always working and even when they’re off they try to leave him around with us or his grandma, they don’t even like being around him. I feel bad for him and I try to be nice but it’s such a bad aura when he’s around because I know I have to watch him closely to see if he’ll choke a kitten or punch a dog or push over another kid. His older brother is a lot nicer, i try not to be presumptuous because he is so young, but sometimes I think he is evil and I get frustrated. He yells at me too. And he’ll flop over and hit himself or throw himself really hard to the point where he hurts himself if I tell him to stop yelling at me… I like kids and I never thought I’d meet one I hated being around
No. 978495
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I accidentally stayed up til like 3 on a work night talking to my ex and then just let him call me again after he’d hit the gym to chat some more before I went off to work. Ordinarily I’d be like, pissed and ashamed. Wasting time talking to a male! A male i’m not even dating! On paper. But that nigga goofy as hell and i laughed like the entire time, and plus i don’t do shit on Fridays, and my current situationship male has been a giant asshole lately. It was really nice with all that compounding, especially because he spent most of time centering the conversation on me/my feelings/my hobbies and what he’d learned that could enhance my immersion in them. More pleasant than a standard talk with a boyfriend because there wasn’t any pressure to be considerate, warm, or not annoying- we’re already split up on mutual misfortune-based terms and we’re too distant for it to feasibly be a booty call attempt. Way harder for him to benefit than me, especially given that I suuuck at providing emotional labor (reason that the other guy’s being a dick). No idea what that was other than him being bored but it was nice.
Also he autistically ruminated about his compound lifts and work on his fitness development when I started discussing my own attempts to get in shape. I got to bask in the memory of how jacked he was and add more serratus anterior because like, lat spreads or something i don’t fucking remember what he said he was doing for those lol. he just wanted to be helpful and i got to think about his pecs again. I love a gymbro, God bless.
This is in confession because i genuinely feel bad about like, kind of starting to emotionally cheat though. I know it’s platonic and i know the situationship dude is a dick. But like, christ, I do feel bad despite logically knowing it’s a good thing, talking to someone who at least pretends to care. I wish I was more shameless. Or ideally a better person. Or maybe just less autistic so I could better understand why people do the things they do.
No. 978517
>>978497She’s in a coma and is about to die. Of course I hope she’s not suffering and has a peaceful death. What else do you expect me to feel for her?
But I guess I wasn’t clear about my concerns, since other anons seem to be misreading my (non-bait) post, too. She drank herself to death. He got into recovery during the last year. I’m scared he’ll relapse and pull away from his sober support, which I’m currently the biggest part of. I’m a grown woman who can cope with it if the affair ends. I’m just worried about not knowing how to support him through his grief, given the circumstances, and about how badly he might self-destruct.
No. 978553
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>>978291I don't know who is more retarded, op or anons believing op
No. 978610
>>978552It's not enough were forced into xyz by society, they want to take everything and larp/act like they know better. I spent so much time researching heathy food but my dad reads one boomer article and thinks he's a genius for knowing brown bread is good for you. Then proceeds to buy the cheapest shit whole wheat flour and tell my mom to bake brown bread from now on. Or how he bought a cheap filter and still makes me and mom boil, freeze, and strain our drinking water so a small % of chlorine can be taken out. Living in first world doing third world chores.
It's always women doing the work, and it's usually useless work in the end.
No. 978736
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I NEVER patch test.
No. 978897
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(not race bait ok) Everytime a middle eastern man comes into my work I want tell him to fuck off. 99% of them treat me like I'm dirt on a shoe, or stare bugeyed with their souless eyes. If you can't even fucking contain your misogyny in public then don't go in public.
No. 978912
>>978907You should piss after you cum anyway, as a rule. Don’t want to get a UTI.
>>978902I didn’t think of it that way, to be honest. Imagine if the relationship was not based on that level of competition or fawning- my ideal would be three unique, concurrent relationships. I know it’s impossible, and pursuing it would be embarrassing.
No. 979951
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A fucking video game changed my life. I feel like such a giant autist but I can't deny it happened. It gave me enough motivation to start changing careers, investing into myself and actually give a shit about life. I'm a the bottom but never felt so much hope for my future.
No. 980258
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furries scare the everloving shit out of me, but i find "kemono" style fursuits extremely adorable. i feel like this is how western furries think they look, but instead they are these ugly mascot-y horrors.
No. 980273
>>980265it was classically abbys husbandThey're pretty boring people just with lots of money to spare, her husband is narcissistic as fuck and thinks he's hot shit and has patchy disgusting pubes, he also has terrible hygiene and I had to Lysol the room anytime he came. He also cums very fast so I have to pull my hands off just so he doesn't get pissy that he just spent hundreds for 5 minutes. I try to small talk clients but
abby is definitely just a basic rich girl who wanted to play housewife. From what I've heard he's actually quite tired of her since parents often pay for her to fuck around and be a failed opera singer which is the biggest reason why she relied on being a traditional/religious blogger. She's not even that trad either but it's mostly just attention grubbing to cater to masses since it's easy to get attention by claiming to have odd beliefs. from what I've heard she's more of a party girl than what she makes herself out to be and she does have plastic surgery which her parents paid for.
No. 980306
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I'm reading the Wikipedia page about Christine Chubbuck and I found her a bit too relatable for my own comfort, the only difference being that I'm not desperate for a relationship.
No. 980324
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>>980303western fursuits typically look like mascots, with large awkward heads on top of skinny bodies. kemono fursuits have an emphasis on the kawaii style, employing big round eyes, small faces, and rounder proportions. they are much less scary to look at imo.
No. 980359
>>980272>realisticlol it's more anime than realistic
>>980303besides what the other anon said, the western ones are also kind of disney-looking
No. 980459
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I didn’t play animal crossing until the pocket camp and new horizons were released because I always thought that the older games were ugly as fuck. And I honestly still think that the older games look like eyesores, I wish the newer games had the cute style but kept the personalities of the older games. I guess it’s a monkey paw kind of thing.
No. 980468
>>980459Fight me,
nonny. I love the green forest look of the gamecube version. It's also the first one I played when it came out 20 years ago.
No. 980482
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Been stalking @neginvaand on Instagram around 6 years now. I've spoken to her on the phone once and I was snapchat friends with her ex. I know the names of her parents, her sisters and her ex-boyfriends & friends. I find her to be really stunning and admit I am jealous. She's got a very unique beauty with hazel green eyes and dark curly hair. I've always felt very generic and average at best..
I know that I am a creep but I still wish I could skin walk her for a day.
No. 980497
>>980488why would someone who has 1 million followers on instagram need to self post on a forum of femcels to get attention ?
>>980484 I doubt she would even see this. She's too busy traveling the world and getting free stuff from her sponsors. I just wanted to show the ig model that im obsessed with.
No. 980569
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I’m so empty. I did everything I was supposed to. I broke up with my abusive ex, got sober, stopped being a mentally ill piece of shit, got my degree, got a six figure job, bought a house with my harmless idiot boyfriend who will eventually father my children if I decide to let him. From the outside my life is composed but I’m more empty than I ever was as a manic druggie punching bag.
We live to consoom and die, and even to “create” means just spending money, and for what? I could bake a pie that I won’t eat because it doesn’t taste like anything. I could paint a portrait that I hate because it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t want to keep spending money pretending it’s fulfilling. Honest to god I want to tear it all the fuck down because that’s the only thing that ever made me feel anything at all.
No. 980575
>>980569If you’re really wanting to destroy something, I would suggest breaking up with your boyfriend. It doesn’t sound like you like him very much and that would at least give you back some sense of control over your life without completely spiralling. Other than that I really recommend professional help if you’re not seeking it already. Being able to kick an addiction, leave and
abusive relationship and get a degree and a good job is no small feat. It sounds like you have PTSD
No. 980577
>>980555Whatever you say cunt, there are whole ass threads dedicated to camgirls on this website.
Many people on here are really not that mentally stable and you're on the same boat as all of us so quit thinking you're so much better.
No. 980621
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>>980580I’ve never had political fantasies but I’ve thought a lot about killing porn producers. They’re such fucking wastes of atoms and you know no one would miss them. Especially the ones where it’s just them the girl and the camera and they just pick up girls off CraigsList. They would make such easy targets kek.
The other day I spent a full afternoon daydreaming about finding by and killing the GirlsDoPorn rapist, all the way through to my in-prison 20/20 interview. He’s the only person I’ve ever thought I would enjoy torturing. If I found him I would annihilate him. It would be one of those cases where the lead homicide detective says in interviews that he’s never seen anything so brutal in all his years of policing. There wouldn’t be an identifiably human part of him left once I was done. I would go to jail for the rest of my life and I would be sentenced with a grin on my face. When Diane Sawyer came to my cell and asked me if there was anything I would do different, I would tell her that if I could go back I would do it all over again times 100.
Anons let us pray that God will deliver Michael Pratt to me so that justice may be done.
No. 980639
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>>980580Not political fantasies, but I want all men to die when I'm really mad. When it comes to murder, I fantasize about seeing my
abusive ex and pretending I didn't recognize him due to how horrendously he's aged compared to me and pointing out the irony that he was the one who said that women age worse than men. Whenever I hold an umbrella I tend to get these fantasies.
Earlier today it was overcast so I had an umbrella with me. I fantasized that I'd grab him by the shoulders, overpower him and throw him to the floor since he's not a very strong guy. I then beat him with the umbrella until the limbs start to break, so I have to fold it on itself and continue striking him. He's on the ground, trying to cover his face as he's in shock that the powerless girl he exploited is exacting her revenge. Eventually the umbrella is so disfigured but I pull out a metal cane and start beating him with that until it breaks and he's bruised, bloody and passed out. Then my boyfriend in this fantasy comes back into the room and sees that my abuser is on the ground in a pool of his own blood and I've fled the scene.
No. 980641
>>980621Huh, FBI International did a case like this on the latest episode, didn't realize it was based off a real thing.
In the show the girl got away with killing the guy, but only because the dad confessed instead.
No. 980818
>>980803She would deserve it and i want him.
>>980806Not a scrote. I just came to the realisation that men will dump you for a hotter, younger women once they've used you up and when that happens idk I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. This is the confession thread so I'm sorry I don't mean to cause offence. I doubt anyone on lolcow would be a homewrecker and cause pain like that.
No. 980820
>>980810NTA but yeah, it's either a scrote or someone so retarded that they cannot be saved from themselves.
However I do know women like this who exist. They guard their low value husband like a prize, not realizing that he's the one seeking out extramarital sex while pretending that he's separating from his psycho controlling wife and using her jealous behavior as the 'proof' to the other women.
Then when he gets caught he acts innocent like women sought him out, and gets an ego boost from watching his bitch wife fight over him when she should really just dump him. Sad.
No. 980841
>>980645Ooooooh you're
so cool
No. 980857
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>>980712Rinse your knife in cold water before and during cutting onions
No. 981005
>>977769But if you hate the men who hate men, you’re still technically a man hater yourself kek
Dying to know your position on incels, MRA autismo-chan. They hate women as much as you probably do, but they also other men almost as much as they hate themselves.
No. 981128
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>>981100I wish I had a black VOLKSWAGEN 1961 BEETLE DELUXE
No. 981450
>>980569TELL USSSS
No. 981700
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I take an unreasonable amount of joy in knowing other women who have wronged me are suffering or not leading the lives they set out to. A girl who started a nasty rumour about me in college has no friends in our cohort. A former friend who tried to get our mutual friends to kick me out of our apartment has fallen out with all of them and is living back at home spending her weekends getting high in her childhood bedroom. My high school bullies are both floundering through their masters in law and architecture and about to graduate into way over-saturated job markets. A high school friend who ditched me for said bullies dropped out of college and is dish washing at her parents restaurant in our home town. Meanwhile I just graduated and walked straight into the cushiest possible office job in my field, and networking with every connection possible to get my profile up when I’m ready for a change. I’m happy enough just living my life without even comparing myself to others, but knowing that I’m doing better than people I hate is such a guilty pleasure
No. 982725
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me and the admin are happily married and that’s why she’s quitting, she can’t get enough of my fat succulent juicy irresistible pussy <3
No. 982751
>>982733sounds like you need more lesbian friends nonna. I also shared the experience of being "open" lesbian and everyone perceived me differently (hell, amount of girls assumed that I'm targeting them after I outed to them, meh).
As for me and my lesbian friends, we do harmless flirting with each other and openly gush over 2D women, it's liberating as hell considering I have to shut my trap when I'm with my straight peers.
Best of luck
nonny, there are plenty of us out there.
No. 982769
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Not really sure if it belongs here but it is a bit of a confession to myself and it fits the theme, but I'm considering converting to Christianity but have a hard time really figuring out my relationship with Christ.
I grew up buddhist, but my family is pretty areligious aside from visiting the temple maybe once or twice a year. I attended Christian church service a few times as a kid (I think we went because we were going with family friends or something) and thinking it was boring as hell kek, but I went did some of the youth group stuff when I saw family abroad who were practicing Christians. I confided in a Christian friend of mine that I was considering converting at the time (around middle school) and she went from a normal chill girl to completely bonkers and telling me I had to convert SOON or I would be left behind when Christ came back to save everyone. I was scared of being baptised because I saw videos of people choosing to fall backwards into a huge body of water and I can't swim so the idea of that freaked me out and I decided not to go through with it lol.
After that, as I continued to grow up, I became bitter towards any and all religion, and then eventually stopped caring and felt more agnostic than anything. Religion's never been a big part of my life so whatever. But then I start watching youtube, as I always do, and watching a channel of two dudes who make good videos who happen to know a church pastor and I'm absolutely enamoured by his words. Yes, he's a good looking fellow, but whenever he speaks of Christ and his teachings, it really draws me in. I think of when I studied abroad in Japan and of all the host families I could've been placed with, I was with a single woman who was a church pastor. Like, every sunday I'd wake up to them singing hymns. I didn't want to participate and my host mom didn't force me to since she knew I wasn't Christian, but looking back on it, is it dumb to think that this was a sign? It feels like there's been a lot of signs in my life, but I guess you could force yourself to think that way about anything if you really looked hard enough.
I don't know if I could commit to it. It feels fake, y'know? I've gone most of my life not believing in anything or anyone and suddenly I'm expected to believe Jesus really walked this Earth? Wouldn't that just make me a bad Christain to practice but simultaneously not really believe in what I'm practicing? Also, I kinda don't like dealing with people preaching at me when I'm approached by pushy Christians on the street, and I'm really, really gay. Pic not related but sorta how I feel whenever I think about my relationship with faith.
No. 982951
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I let a "racist" white guy eat my brown p%ssy because he's attractive
No. 982954
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>>982822It's Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist hnng
No. 983032
>>982749Same nona, though lately I've been eyeing up 3dpd and it's annoying. I need to cleanse myself.
>>982773I admire this so much
No. 983345
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I love my scrote idc
No. 983350
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>>983345I want a lovable scrote
No. 983547
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The only real reason I give white men a chance is because the attractive ones tend to look more like anime characters (not always though obvs)
I'd be more open to non-white men if they looked more like Atsushi Sakurai, Prince, etc. But with the exception of some indigenous men, they just never will
No. 983563
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>>983547I feel some non-white ethnic groups have potential to look close to anime character i.e actually attractive but they ruin it
for e.g MENA men either their religious wierdos with ugly either ugly pube beards or they try to look like black guys and it always looks cringy
Ironically some of the most good looking males I've seen in my shithole nation were literal illiterate tribal peasants
>>983557I'm attracted to Asian guys as well but kpop boys degust me to no end
No. 983779
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>>983676I mean I know anime characters are supposed to be aracial but guys who look like picrel look way more like anime characters then guys like
>>983749 No. 983870
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>>983790tbh i disagree. i think he’s aged pretty well for a scrote (especially considering he’s in his mid 30s now). imo he was never the heartthrob he was shilled as, so him being less attractive as an adult isn’t jarring to me.
anyone here watch the masked singer? he was on season 2 and he was incredible!! he’s an amazing singer, too bad his music is so boring No. 984234
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>>983547White dudes are cute only when they’re young tho. The cutest dude I ever met was Mexican, he looked like an anime character, he was scrawny with emo hair and a beanie and glasses and a cute face, man I miss him. I really let that slip through my fingers,
i bet that cock was thangin tho No. 984236
>>984234I see a dime a dozen Mexican dweeb
>>984235And the batshit families. Much more likely to be mamas boys
No. 984243
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my piece of shit ex just told me he impulse bought a ton of things he didn't need (video games) and now he "literally has no money for food or rent" and begged me to give him money so I told him I don't give a shit and he can go homeless for all I care
I feel kinda bad because I try to help people in need but it's his fault for being a retarded scrote not being responsible over his finances. The dumb idiot makes me so angry and I haven't blocked him yet because I am also a dumb idiot even though I'm just mean to him any time he messages me
No. 984595
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>>984555You sound skeptical but they do have less sexual dimorphism in face. no other other race of women could I confuse for pubescent boys just for having short hair.
Cured me of my yellow fever. I'm bi. I know, I know, I'm sure they're just heartbroken! kek No. 984657
>>982951who cares? he is just an object to fuck and toss. it's rare to find an attractive guy that will do what it was made for: licking clits (or dicks if you enjoy watching faggots).
was it good tho?
No. 985046
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I thought I wasn't attracted to men since it never happened before, but I guess I was wrong.
I want to viciously sexually bully Trudeau.
I don't even care about the slimy politics he promotes. There's just something about his face, his voice and mannerisms that he puts on on videos that makes me want to things to him. And now I can't cope with the fact that I never will.
Someone please exorcise me.
No. 985053
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>>985046i feel the same way about young joe biden
and sometimes even current joe biden No. 985054
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>>985053What's it like being a degenerate heathen
No. 985057
>>985053I get the Trudeau thing(cause he is unique looking) but young Joe Biden looks so average
nothing about him stands out, his face is what Jason Bourne was described as, no distinct features, a face even if you bumped into you wouldn't remember for even an hour
I get fucked up attraction but what's the appeal of young Joe Biden ? I'm genuinely curious about this cause none of his features stand out
No. 985067
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>>985058so its not really a fucked up attraction other then its joe biden, I guess your into guys who look the guy in this meme
No. 985078
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>>984497>>984539I'm from an asian country(though not east or SEA) me and my brother are considered pretty tall by the standards of our country, In fact its something many people comment on with regards to my brother
He's 5'10 1/2/ and I'm 5'7 though by our country's standards my brother would be the equivalent of 6'2 and me 5'10
Kinda funny though, cause you'll have girls posting about liking tall men when for them being a guy tall is like 5'8 and it has actual impacts on state policy cause we still have British era colonial laws that only allow men who are 5'6 and above to join the armed forces and we have an ethnic group who make up around 20% of the population who are all around 5'5-ish
I'm not Indian but picrel is what the height disparity in my nation can be like with regards to different ethnic groups but even larger, we have an ethnic group who are about average German heights, while others are are as stated about 5'5 on average
No. 985233
>>985224that can happen???
(deleted the other one.. dont want to be associated with trannies even if it is anon. not a troon just dumb)
No. 985242
>>985233Of course, the ass is for shitting and farting, not for putting stuff in it for extended periods of time. Specially when you already have a vagina and a clitoris, it’s literally degenerate to be into anal as a woman because it’s something you get memed into. At least males got the excuse of having their prostate in their asses, it’s still degenerate though. I honestly can’t understand how can someone “coom” from their ass, specially if they’re not prepared properly, which is another annoyance.
Imagine having to fast for a day, clean your ass throughly and get an enema just for cooming, it’s retarded and pathetic.
No. 985312
>>985287she probably blocked you because she doesn’t want to interact with you or have your annoying ass refreshing her page constantly
get a life
No. 985427
>>985369>that video of politicians not shaking his hand and ignoring himGod bless you nonna, I didn't even know about those videos.
I think I'm having a stroke, look how lost he looks.
No. 985487
>>985449the only bisexual people who will tell you they are bisexual are attention whores in particular. people who aren't attention-seekers don't broadcast their identity.
if i'm dating a woman, i'm dating a woman, if a man, a man, and in neither situation do I go around explaining "no i'm not gay/straight, i'm bisexual!" that is attention-seeking behavior. i don't even answer anyone when they ask about orientation, i jist say "well i have a girlfriend/boyfriend" as the case may be, because those are the facts on the ground, and everything else is bullshit.
combined with the fact that so many wokestraights say they are bi for attention… i might even go so far as to say that if someone tells ypu they're bi put of the blue, they almost certainly aren't.
No. 985493
>>985474Attraction to both sexes (regardless of whether the person even identifies as bi) is too common nowadays for that. Seethe more.
>>985487>the only bisexual people who will tell you they are bisexual are attention whores in particularAlso this.
No. 985569
>>985523Loner anon here too, I can't stand holidays while I feel pretty normal for the rest of the years. I think develop a tradition to celebrate alone actually helps for me (watching the same christmas movies every year, trying new christmas cake, stuffs like that).
If you don't mind, feel free to join lolcow movie watch too (the thread is always bumped anyways). Watching anons chat over something being streamed does alleviate my loneliness a bit.
No. 986085
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>>985862I've never kept track of my period
No. 986095
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I'm on iron pills and numerous painkillers and have been for a long time. They cause chronic constipation and I often go a couple of weeks between opening my bowels. When they come out they're like thick, greenish-black, DENSE playdoh. The last few times I've had a poo it's actually formed something of a seal in the bowl/cistern, so when I go to flush, the bowl fills up and doesn't drain. The only way I can clear the toilet is then by getting the poo hanger (the wire clothes hanger I've started hiding under the bath) to break the suction and begin declogging the toilet with the toilet brush, which absolutely cakes it with slurry. It's often too dense to flush even after that, so I have to scrub and flush at least 3-4 times
Lately I've gotten really fed up with having to do this, so last time I felt one brewing, I decided to leave it in the toilets at my seasonal job and act clueless if anybody said something. Anyway nothing happened until my next shift, when they said they had had to get in an emergency plumber because somebody had destroyed one of the toilets in the girls' loos. The people I was working with that day were talking in awe about the girl who had apparently shat pure concrete and put the entire toilet block out of order. I had to keep taking breaks to go outside and laugh.
Fuck customers, fuck seasonal retail, and fuck your plumbing too.
No. 986118
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>>983033I don't even hate myself. I mean, I hate myself for liking him. But I don't hate my ethnicity and heritage
>>984657anon your take makes me feel so much better but realistically I couldn't toss him, I only want him to do it a million times again now, and maybe keep him too kek.
I spent a good amount during it inside my own head thinking "he's actually doing this" over and over again but it was great after I relaxed, although it was the first time so I had nothing to compare it to. The goal was to make me c%m and I did. I'm looking forward to seeing him again
No. 986119
>>986104I have to take two a day, every day! Prescribed.
>>986108Thank you for commiserating with me
The constipation isn't as bad as it was on morphine. At my lowest point I was crying on the toilet whilst trying to manually pull a rock-hard turd which was half-in, half-out of my body and was far too fossilized for my bumhole to cut through. This is a breeze in comparison lol
No. 986185
>>986130I go visit my grandma during holidays (at an all elderly community/residence) or whatever. I met him because his grandparents are her neighbors. His cousin came to visit them one time and told me about the stink he made about her dating this black man. I didn't wanna believe her because I knew him before her and he seemed pretty wholesome to me so far but then the closer friends we became the more comfortable he got in being racist in front of me and to me. Like he forgets I'm not white. It didn't happen overnight. I really couldn't tell you every single context he's been racist in and how because there have been too many times to keep track. Plus if I'm being honest I'm not one to hold grudges. He even admits to being racist, he has no shame. His family is like that too. To be fair, sometimes he does ask me if what he's said has crossed the line. I remember one time he said something that made me cry and the way he tried to console me was hilariously priceless.
>How does he feel fucking someone he supposedly hates?That's a good question and I don't wanna find out lol. He's clearly a hypocrite though, probably thinks white women shouldn't fuck non-white men but that it's perfectly fine for him to fuck non-white women.
No. 986380
>>986216ayrt, that is true but are any of them attractive and/or not expect you to reciprocate? at least he didn't ask me to return the favor. And idk I don't think he has murderous intentions, if that's what you were implying at, even towards non-white men. His words don't match his actions
>>986243it's okay anon lol. It probably sounds worse than it is tbh. I will stay safe either way, thank you
>>986248I looked up signs that someone might be a racial fetishizer and he doesn't seem to fit the bill. He also treats me like a normal person, though it might not sound like it from the limited context I gave. If anything he might not be racist at all? idk, i'm js, he might just be like that because of his family, it just seems alot more likely to me
No. 986391
>>986380Anon, you're ignoring a huge fucking red flag. Do you understand how
abusive relationships start and the many ways they can present? Lulz it's not like he's going to mordor me!! Quit being dumb. We don't understand you, it's not as if attractive white non-racist guys willing to lick puss are unicorns or something and even if they were, sorry, but where is your self-respect?
No. 987139
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I might have discovered that a coworker is alcoholic but not sure. I noticed that whenever they talk about cooking or baking (that they love to do) they exclusively talk about dishes that require either red wine or brandy or other type of alcohol. They also said goodbye on one occasion to me by saying that they need to stack up on alcohol because the stores are going to be flooded with people due to the upcoming holidays and they don't want to stand in queue. One occasion they also took a sudden sick leave on a Monday and then came back to work on Wednesday. When I inquired about it, they didn't reveal what the mystery illness was, only that they still feel 'groggy'. Another thing I noticed is that their mood fluctuates pretty often and it follows a pattern: they are always predictably super grumpy at least 3x a week (probably due to being hungover). I don't think they ever drink during work, but I also noted that they have days when they just can't type properly (shaky hands?)
No. 987213
>>986662Ugliness is a common pickme trait, it only makes them more desperate for male validation.
It sounds like what you have is dignity and self awareness, and the lack of those traits define a pickme.
No. 987231
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This is something I haven't revealed to anyone yet cause I'm scared people will judge me and frankly I myself think I'm a shitty person for thinking this, but here goes
I would be a little disappointed If my son didn't really tall, both me and his father come from tall families(pretty much every adult male in my husband's family is 6+) and I'm pretty tall myself(my mother's family is tall but my father's family is on the shorter side) now of course height shouldn't matter for a mother, what should matter is weather my son is a good human being and not a shithead and I do believe that but I want a tall and strong son mostly cause I like the Idea of being of knowing that such a big person came out of me, that I raised it and exists solely cause of my flesh and will
again I wouldn't hate or even dislike my son if he was average or even short, just be a little disappointed
No. 987273
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kek. i'm trash i know, but i hope the covid lockdown shit lasts through 2022. i'm almost done with my degree. two more semesters and i won't have to worry about school anymore. please let it happen in the low stress, low effort environment of online classes. like i even have a good excuse for not networking, our campus is empty as shit. who am i supposed to network with? the art students? kek-a-doodle-doo
No. 987306
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Sometimes I like to imagine I'm Double D and Kevin and Eddy are fighting with each other to win my affection usually I think I'd end up with Kevin but sometimes it's resolved with a threesome
No. 987309
>>987231Anon I’m average height and purposefully selected a man who was quite a bit taller because I have similar feelings, except for me it was seeing what my
manlet younger brother went through in terms of bullying and hardship growing up that really made me want to have at least tall-ish sons. Things like this shouldn’t matter but alas
No. 987321
>>987309I mean dad's sort of a manlet, he's 5'8(which I know is average but were from a very tall region) and he's one of the toughest men I know and I don't think anyone has ever doubted his masculinity
>>987312Fuck I wouldn't even mentioned that to him, I'd focus my attention on teaching my kid too being a good man first and foremost
No. 987392
>>987312I'm the same height as you anon and I also feel really bad for pointing out height negatively or making fun of it. It's one of the very few things that we can't change about ourselves so I think it should be off limits. I guess it's the confession thread, so I actually feel bad for manlets. Like 5'4 and below. People may also feel bad for tall women and idgaf about my height so idk why I feel bad for them.
I also refuse to go on a date with a man that is shorter than me. For me it's a big turn off and I have no physical attraction for it. If the right guy comes along I will..hasn't happened yet though. Physical attraction is extremely important to me in dating.
No. 987532
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I love my brother but I envy him, see my brother has a fairly average life, nothing about him is that special other then he's a bit odd but for me he could have done so much more, he's massive waste of potential
I have never known anyone who had gifted memory as he did, he could literally remember inconsequential shit from years ago and give exact details as well, he is smart asf, he was physically gifted, being tall and strong as well and despite all his god given gifts and potential he ended being just another body
If I were him and his gifts I'd be something important but not him, he's fine with his normie life and I hate myself for thinking like that, cause he's my older brother and he's never been awful to me or anyone else
No. 987555
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>>987536…I thought this was gonna be better tbh
No. 987563
>>987555Its a A/B/O where slutty harry potter gets railed by other characters
what did you expect
No. 987717
>>987714based. unconditional love is stupid. find you someone with a sexy sneeze,
No. 987807
>>987714I don't think unconditional love needs to be a thing. Obviously you're at one extreme end of things but I think it's healthy to have a point where you can disengage from people when they hit a limit on what you're willing to put up with.
I know some people see parental love as the exception but watching a stupid amount of true crime and seeing parents go out of their way to proect their scrote after he's killed or raped a bunch of people.. conditions are good. Nobody needs to love or be loved unconditionally. Decide what's a healthy and fair limit and stick to it.
No. 988342
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I have a huge bruise forming on my forehead and I just know it's gonna look ridiculous tomorrow and my family are gonna ask about it. If they ask is it better to say "I don't know" or make up some excuse for where it came from? Definitely not going to admit its from repeatedly bashing my head into my desk on purpose.
No. 988498
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I'm an almost 30 year old lesbian from a conservative family and stuck in a marriage with a guy. For the longest time I thought I was bi, but during the most recent years I've come to understand that I don't care for men and women equally. I'm still in closet for 99,99% of people in my life, including my husband. I've also fallen out of love with him as a person, because he's bad tempered, childish and not someone I'd want to raise a child with. I feel absolutely miserable with my situation and feels like there is no way out for me..
No. 988832
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Literally a few months ago I was like “got a new job offer, super excited and nervous but can’t wait to make bank!!!” and now here I am jobless
No. 988842
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>>988796I'm sorry anon but your post sounds like a dope song (with minor adjustments):
>Jump in the car and just drive >Or else you're gonna die >Before you were ever alive >Fuck a job, fuck a house >Throw your phone in the trash>Take ypur cards & your cash >Get the first job you can for now >Cause they be hiring everywhere>(everywhere be hiring, hiring) >who fuckin cares, oh!>(guitar solo) No. 989377
>>988830NTA but
>he's bad tempered, childish and not someone I'd want to raise a child withThis is a guy you want? On MY lolcow?
No. 989960
>>989393Do you mean you have sex 4 times a year or do you still have it more for the other persons sake?
I've struggled with this in all my relationships. In my last one I really tried and still got cheated on when we were having sex regularly. I resent that so fucking much. Universe, bring me a low libido man. Lost your dick in a freak accident?… I'll still take you lol
No. 990281
>>990029Well, he cooks for me, cleans for me, loves me. But even though it is done with the intent to love, I just feel like a kid. I have offered to fix my own lunches for work and such, but he won't hear of it. He likes to show love through servicing me, but I feel like a fuddy duddy wife. I want to feel attractive to him. I know I am attractive to others, I just wish he'd act like I am. I know it must be unattractive to actually Live with me because I'm insecure. At the very beginning, he did flirt with me and it seemed like he found me attractive a bit, but he's one of those guys that likes to stress how attracted he is to my personality and it just bums me out because guys on the street will tell me how lucky my boyfriend is, how gorgeous I look, blah, blah, and I want some of that action on my man's part. I asked him to stop complimenting me in the beginning because he said things that were meant as compliments but they just hurt my feelings. I was anorexic when we met and after we first had sex he said "your body isn't as ugly as I thought it would be" and that crushed me. He also mentioned without me ever commenting on my breasts how he was okay with small breasts. Just stuff like that which really hurt my feelings but he wasn't trying to hurt them, he was just dense. I just feel ugly ever since then to him and it's been nearly 3 years. He willing has sex, he loves me, I just feel like at this point I need to accept I'll never feel like I am good enough for my partner and it's my problem. It hurts but I am trying to accept and get over it.
No. 990387
>>990326You actually accidentally played that really well. That's the kind of moves people make when intentionally being Machiavellian in the business world kek, don't feel too bad. You dodged a hissy fit and made yourself look self-sacrificing at the end. Fuck it. He should learn to control himself and not be
No. 990502
>>990499Obviously it was a huge impulsive decision mistake which I regret.
She was cheating on her bf with me and every time I tried to break it off she would get scary violent. She had an obsession with filming sex and always did it on my phone. Her boyfriend was saying to people I knew how he wanted to beat me up. She made it out like I was pursuing her when in fact I wanted out. Sent the tapes to him. He never opened them but I guess not that it matters.
(moid) No. 990747
>>990327Yeah, it's hard because we are great friends and he's the first guy I fell in love with. I also am fucked because I find him to be the most attractive person in existence because my brain does that to me since I'm in love with him and when we have sex, it's good, but I am the type of girl who doesn't have use for a skilled guy in order to cum. I feel like shit because every guy I've been with is low libido. The only times I've felt desired are when I'm delusional because I'm drunk and/or high, but I am sober now so yeah. Either that or it was because he was high or drunk, I cannot tell which.
I really don't want to leave him, I love him dearly, and he has so many good qualities. He genuinely wants to make me happy. But it feels so fake in regards to the sex stuff. I don't think he understands that my need to have sex every day isn't equal to me feeling desired, for me that's just a physical desire being quenched. Desire is something that you have to cultivate. We are very sweet during sex, but it kind of turns me off that we laugh and act casual because although that's nice and fine, sometimes I would like things to feel more serious/sexual.
No. 990770
>>990502So you’re male
>>990554Absolutely cringe larp
No. 990801
>>990775Considering how my
abusive ex used to call me mommy during sex, this is… hahahaha fucking so true. Wow.
No. 990816
>>990775It's weird, I feel like when a straight woman has a bad/
abusive father she'll spend her life being a pushover with men who don't even deserve her kindness.. but when a straight man has a bad mother he spends his life raging out at women who don't deserve it but who pay the price anyway. Is it just me that sees that pattern?
No. 991207
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The ex deserved it.
Why’d you do it to the in laws?
No. 991215
>>991207Inlaws abandoned husband 3 times throughout his life and repeatedly insulted me because I worked full time and went to school full time. They were control freaks who would flip out and berate us for not doing exactly what they say and expected us to drop everything and do whatever they wanted right then in there. They wanted to adopt despite being shitheads towards my husband and his bro throughout their entire lives so I gathered evidence and sent all of it to all adoption agencies in the area, they were also fostering so they lost most of their income and had to downgrade so I found out the apartment they lived at and sent the owners all their dirty laundry, which can't get them kicked out however it does put them on the bad side of a lot of people meaning as soon as they fuck up they're out. His dad/my FIL tried to go back to school for 1 course for a language he wanted to learn to move out the country so I played major
victim to his teacher which ended up getting him blacklisted from the university in the area.
No. 991225
>>991224I use to photoshop conversations if someone really pissed me off but I don't do that anymore, instead I just have a DM conversation with them and since these people are obviously unstable, if I'm speaking like a calm and rational person I'm seen as more trustworthy but the outsiders, but I would just ask questions and explanations that led to them admitting their wrongs in the past, or I would act irrational or emotional first and then clean up so it's them who is acting crazy and screenshot all of that
Screenshots can definitely go along way and if you have verizon and people accuse you of photoshopping the conversation you can trace back actual convos from the phone company for several years. I'm also building a court case against another groomer ex in which our main communication was actually the line app, it was simple to get since I contacted line myself and explained to them the situation and provided identity.
No. 991282
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>>990549I hope to Allah(peace be upon her) that this is real
No. 991319
>>991301Do women with crippling body dysmorphia get public funded plastic surgery no matter how much they kill themselves? Nope they just get half assed speeches on loving yourself
Being a woman with severe body dysmorphia is worse anyway since you don't have the entire interwebs as a support system. Half the time they'll say "you look fine it's okay to be ugly" and then just continue to insult women's appearance, trannies seldomly get their appearance nitpicked
No. 991359
>>991349not in the spaces i frequent
nonnie, keep searching
No. 991367
>>991355I haven't spoken to my brother in years, like I don't hate him and I even have many fond of memories with him and remember being very close when we were younger, but I have no idea the type of person he is, we started drifting apart when we were teenagers and he left home to join the army and I went to university, we might as well be a distant cousin in some regards
I guess its both our faults for not keeping in touch
No. 992079
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Was watching something with friends and one of them brought up this one dude that follows him on Twitter that admitted to jacking off to Mike Wazowski. He then said this dude was an extra on Happy Death Day and I'm so curious as to who it is but I know he doesn't wanna name names and I respect that but still
No. 992525
>>992512Lately I was thinking about both my dad and an ex who was the worst thing to ever happen to me. In a weird way part of me wants to look up obituaries someday and see they're gone. It's not that I'd take pleasure from it, it's that I'm carrying trauma every day of my life while they're carrying on as normal and yeah sometimes attempting to contact me as if the past never happened. Abuse from my dad left me more vulnerable to accepting abuse within relationships too. It's all intertwined in my head.
Part of me wonders if in their (obviously natural) death some of the weight would be lifted off of me. Like closing a door that feels halfway open right now. Cutting contact only does so much. In my head it's not over. I'm in limbo as long as they're out there.
Those are thoughts some might not understand without a whole long sob story to spell it out. I don't think it's too uncommon to reach a point where you won't feel loss over someone. It usually takes alot to get there so if you feel that way then imo you're entitled to not weep for them.
No. 992685
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In like 2013 I wrote a shota yaoi fic and it was the worst shit my back-then fujocoomer shitbrain could've ever possibly come up with. I periodically remember the disgusting fuckery again and I shudder. I will forever hate myself for having done that. I even showed it to my mildly fujo friends, and they probably remember me for that and that alone lmao. Gross. I want to die every time I remember that I used to be okay with incesty, weirdo shota and loli shit. God what the fuck. How did I fail to make the connection between 'harmless' shota yaoi and literal pedomongering? What
No. 992698
>>992688Doesn't stop me from wanting to perish though. Mid typing I remembered it was a brother-brother incest fic… and the actual characters weren't even brothers canonically lol. Epic major league coomer moment.
I can no longer keep rejecting and dissociating from this memory, oh wow what the actual hell does one do with this type of shame/regret/feeling
No. 992704
>>992685I read a lot of posts like this specifically from women, but never from men. I wonder, why is it that so many women come out of things like this as a "phase", while men who get into it seem to like degenerate content forever?
I personally DGAF what people write as long as they don't try to normalize bad shit, but it feels like a pattern. It's always moids (and pick-mes) writing huge essays and arguing why we must accept their gross kinks, it's like their boners block them from any real sense of shame or understanding. Never seen a male post "I used to draw really degenerate coomer shit lolicon years ago, I want to end my life, those were dark days". They're either still like that, or the most they can say is "Eh, not my main kink these days" or the "Not my proudest fap" meme if it's extremely fucked up/weird
No. 992721
>>992704Without trying to justify anything I'll admit that back then during this "phase" I related to way too young characters rather than fully grown ones. I was horny and immature, self-inserting to immature characters wasn't difficult. Hell, maybe I was even pathologically afraid of growing old in a way. And as you said it's possible to grow out of it, at least I did (but the regret and cringe stayed) and I'm not the only one. Bold of me to judge, but it seems like a bunch of pedo lite coomers just never grow tf up and they just stay that way instead of evolving or seeing anything wrong with it.
I'm mortified of the prospect of my online past resurfacing for one reason or another, like it bothers me almost as much as the fact that I probably gave validation and fuel to literal pedos or ~the sugar-free variation~ on the internet
No. 992890
>>992871I just googled 'coat sex' looking for a memey pic to respond to this with,
No. 992944
>>992928Nta but they make you feel warm. You get like a rush of blood to the face, kinda tingly and buzzy for a few seconds, loose muscles and a bit of lightness from being loose. Fairly fleeting. If you're unlucky a killer headache then sets in right after.
Never touched a drug other than that (if that even counts) but they're not that great if you're not already getting your ass filled or in the middle of a sex act. My guy att was getting his ass filled so for him it was a whole other experience. He was on cloud 9, I'd a slight headache. He finished and then his headache was in proportion to how much he'd sniffed it so pretty bad. Sorry for the grossness. We repeated it other times and he casually mentioned the risk of blindness to me once?.. that was the end of that.
No. 993016
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I don't ask forgiveness, and I don't want it.
We're all girls on the internet here. If you know, you know.
Well, I found the guy who fucked me up when I was a kid. On a dating site. I was looking for a date, but I found that instead.
And I messaged it. And it messaged back.
And I've been pretending to be it's girlfriend ever since.
For the first year, he was so wrapped up in feeling good about getting me back, he never even bothered to wonder why everything was going so well.
This year, I've been turning up the heat , every single day. I've made every single day a little bit worse than the one before for him.
Like Jim putting a nickle in Dwight's telephone handset every day until he got used to the weight, and then one day, just took all of them out, and Dwight whopped himself in the face. It's a lot like that.
I know there's still 19 days until 2022, and it's still early to count my nickles.
Maybe part of me doesn't even want him to whop himself just yet.
But god damn, I have never been so fucking happy about New Year's Eve before in my life.
No. 993064
>>993060sounds to me like nona's gonna murder a kiddydiddler in minecraft
I hope she has a good time
No. 993287
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As a comicsfag all I want is just an accurate portrayal of Nightwing(Dick Grayson) I don't think I've seen a good adaptation of my boy
but I know for a fact that Hollywood would never cast a good looking young male actor for him
No. 993327
>>993307>or women that have scrote brains.Only scrotes have ""scrote brains"".
Women have ""women brains"".
Don't be retarded.
No. 993361
>>993327Women most definitely can have scrote brains.
The brain has a lot of plasticity maybe do a read or two about it.
For example, the R-word is a word that tends to be used by testosteron fueled foul mouthed beasts, yet even though you’re a woman, you just now used it unnecessarily even though I’ve done you no harm.
No. 993377
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>>993361it has nothing to do with plasticity or actual brain morphology and everything to do with bad and stupid behavior. it's not hormone driven, it's just psychological. learned bad/poor behavior. that's not to say learned behavior can't influence morphology, but it's not even worth nothing the actual brain structure here. women are capable of developing shitty and stupid habits if they're poisoned by too much male rhetoric
No. 993436
>>992847>father like>cradles my face and holds eye contact during sex>other basic kindness stuffu ok
nonny, this is not father like tf. Just a scrote not being an asshole like jesus how the fuck is this father like. Just shows how shit guys are these days that people think basic care from a partner is borderline kink.
No. 993443
>>976941Based post
But most of these bippies couldn't stand the loneliness that comes with taking time to curate a good partner.
No. 993569
>>993266Yeah, my boyfriend is like my best friend and I’m feeling really icky about the whole thing so I guess I sort of want to be able to tell him. I’ll probably tell him and omit the details… I wish I didn’t feel like I have to lie about my own incompetence/inability to confront people who are making me uncomfortable. I’m an adult and I should be able to not get myself into situations like this or at least and at the very least I should be able to shut them down easily…yet I frequently find myself living through them and cringing at how I got there.
I’m curious if any of you nonnies have good ways to shut off any unwanted advances immediately or if you just carry yourselves in a way that doesn’t invite them so often to begin with? This is going to sound a bit vain but I get approached by/hit on men that are so blatantly objectively not in my league (old, fat, literal manlets, 3/10 faces) so I feel like I must radiate a lack of confidence that attracts these people to me (at least when it comes to first time meeting people)
I guess because of my general insecurity, I’m often too accepting of any attention I get bc I’m lonely and don’t know how to connect with people. If I’m being honest with myself I might’ve even subconsciously ignored certain red flags in this “friendship” with my coworker (though come on… 2 kids? I’ve met his wife several times? yikes…I don’t think I could’ve really rationally see this coming)
Something to unpack with my dumb therapist I guess /endblog
No. 993778
>>993606Same here lmfao, I have to actively work on humanizing them in my mind, like recalling how my dad gets incredibly angry on my moms behalf when someone disrespects her, or how protective my uncle is of my cousins, how gentle my grandfather is with everyone of us and always laughing, or when my best friends ex boyfriend legitimatey cried and really seemed to step up when she first mentioned breaking up. Due to almost all men I use as an example being older than me by several decades, it sadly basically only transfers to older men though, so I still see pretty much all guys my age as bastards lol. I'm
trying to find good examples for guys my age, but only very few that don't blunder in some way or another come to mind.
No. 994257
>>994243People are pathetic simps. How is it even impressive that celebrities with all the resources and help in the world finally get an education!
It's infuriating that their fans asspat it so much when they objectively go through the least struggle.
No. 994455
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I really love my fiance and domestic life and where we are as a couple and friends, but sometimes I really miss flirting - covert flirting, to be more specific. Like, the initial stages where you feel and kinda know that there is an attraction in place for both parties, but neither of you say anything and mostly exchange smiles and stares before it escalates to actual touching and overt flirting, to finally something a bit more physical. It gives a rush like no other, and also knowing that someone likes you silently like that is a big ego booster.
I'd never cheat on him or even would do covert/mild flirting even if I didn't plan on going all the way through it because I just think it's scummy, so I just scratch that itch with media and some innocuous daydreams of an alternate timeline.
I know my fiance also reminisces about it as well, he told me before, which at least makes me feel less guilty about it.
No. 994597
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I just don't really like cats. I don't hate them, but I definitely would not get them or take them if given the option. I was catsitting for a friend all of last week and his cats were pretty chill. One was a lot more outgoing but also had a lot of energy and kept doing shit he wasn't supposed to (scratching the couch, climbing up on the stove, knocking shit off everywhere) and his sister was the opposite, shy and kept to herself (and actually used the scratching posts kek). They're pretty funny and goofy and I had a good time with them, but at the end of the day I can't help but think that I'm glad the week is over and I can go home to my dog now. I appreciate them sleeping in bed with me and the shy one rubbing her face on my hand accepting pats, but cats just don't speak to me the same way dogs do. Maybe I just need more than a week with cats, but meh.
I will admit that it's nice that they don't get stinky so easily, cleaning up a litter box is easy, and not having to walk them is nice though.
pic not related
No. 994709
I was my ex boyfriends second sexual partner when we started dating. Before we first had sex, though, we would talk about it and the stuff we wanted to in bed. A few days into talking more and more about it he confessed to me that, though he was excited about it, he actually found sex kind of gross in practice. When I asked him why he kind of beat around the bush and was like, "well, it's not at all like porn." I was still confused and pressed more, and then he finally said, "All the smells are so gross." All the smells? I was confused and asked for clarification, maybe he just meant the natural scent of sweat and skin? I found out that his last girlfriend didn't bathe very well and smelled like really musty and reeked of shit, so he wouldn't do certain positions with her where her ass would face him. When me and him eventually has sex he ruined it by saying stuff like, "Oh my god, you don't smell like poop." and then when eating my out, sniffing my butthole and saying "wow, there is really no smell at all!"
No. 994744
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>>994716It's a Stardew Valley OC because I'm feeling the itch to play it again. She's a former mafia captain (in my world women can get made in the mafia, fuck da moids) who got arrested and ended up ratting on her family so she goes into witness protection and is sent to Stardew Valley under the guise of inheriting her grandfathers farm. She's terrible at farming (convenient plot armour to fit in with me being bad at the game kek) and is quite anti-social at first. Eventually she grows to kinda enjoy farming (the money helps her warm up to it) and finds peace with her animals. She even makes a couple of genuine friends in town when she drops the tough guy act. Also she totally sweeps a few of the ladies off their feet too. In my head she looks and acts a lot like Silvio Dante from The Sopranos (picrel) except she's a hot butch.
No. 994783
>>994689>>994744i want an oc thread in /m/ so bad
nonny i want to know everything about your butch farmer. we could have drama in thread about copying ideas like the good old deviantart days
No. 994847
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>>994817Bad taste in anons
No. 994898
>>994783There is that draw my oc thread.
All mine are just self inserts so I don't really want to share them with anyone.
No. 996056
>>996026> Legitimately used to think everyone just had vaginasSame.
>>996043It was just a one time thing and I haven't cried since but I still think they are extremely ugly. No trauma as far as I'm aware of but maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I saw it going from limp to hard and it traumatized me because it looked like a dead fat worm coming to life. I was mortified to say the least.
No. 996119
>>995990because when she changes in the dressing room it also stinks and when she left for a few days the smell just goes away. There's febreeze in the bathroom but it just makes it smell like rotten fruity shit. I have sensitive smell and actually puked 3 times from using the restroom directly after her. It doesn't even smell like sewage or pluming issues, it smells like rotten, infected cooch. Like undeniably BV smell
Why is it hard to believe that someone stinks anon?
No. 996124
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>>996119Idk how you’d manage this situation socially but if you can get her to try poo-pourri it could help a lot. It has to be sprayed on the toilet water right before you go though so she would have to be actively participating in it.
No. 996130
>>996004I found out about penises when I walked in on my dad taking a piss aged around 3 or 4. Immediate response was to run around the house screaming "dad has a sausage! dad has a sausage!".
Since a sausage was the thing I'd seen that most closely resembled a penis, I jumped to the conclusion that all men just had a sausage attached to their body. You don't really question why things are the way they are as a kid, because nothing makes sense yet.
No. 996168
>>996156I know that feel, I just told them that I didn’t give a single fuck and started walking around the house shirtless because it was hot as fuck and I refused to sweat like a pig in an oven in my own fucking house.
They let me be shirtless but then I got cold and put on a shirt again. Nowadays I don’t care if I’m walking butt naked in my own house, whoever wants to look at me, through the windows, they’re my guests, I don’t give a fuck anymore, what are they going to do? Sue me for being naked in my house?
No. 996195
>>992685it could be worse anon. i knew someone back in the day who wrote child x adult
sonadow fics and justified it by saying "well uhhh theres no sexual content its just an exploration of taboo subject matters" kek, thats all i remember her by right now
No. 996469
>>996451Apparently I act like a baby when I'm drunk according to most people I know, like I whine and throw tantrums
odd cause most of the time I'm a very put together person
No. 996678
>>996610>>996596No I meant why I am writing this on lolcow, which is anonymous, as opposed to elsewhere. I wouldn't share this with anybody else
>>996597I'm not a tranny or man…
No. 996685
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While I'm attracted to most conventionally attractive males my Ideal "type" would be a type of male I've dubbed the beautiful ogres of beautiful cavemen
Its really hard to fully describe the look, A primoradial mundanity that this man could be a ancient warrior, a caveman or a modern accountant
Its the ideal human male form for me, I want to stare at these men for hours and when I gaze upon my beautiful ogres I see the entire history of humanity
No. 996785
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Does anyone else have something or someone they used to like but they now despise and when you see other people trashing it you absolutely agree with them but deep deep down you still feel this tiny twinge of hurt and strong sense of shame? And when you see people praising it even though you disagree you still feel this tiny twinge of happiness deep down because it makes you feel better about your shame? I hate it so much. Fuck my insecure self
No. 996799
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I have detailed fantasies about being an omnipotent dictator. With the power of my maladaptive daydreaming, as well as being on the spectrum, I have thought through numerous scenarios and how I would handle my people.
Crime and punishment, degeneracy (coomerism not trad shit), as well as the mental and physical well being of my people have all been thought through thoroughly. First off, I am saddened by the fact that most men are flabby and pretty ugly too. I would require all men that I allow to live to go to boot camp on the weekends instead of playing videogames. Both male and female obese would go too, and anyone stinky. They both need hygene training. I would control the media and imply that certain vices are feminine and for fags (anime and video games), as men are highly impressionable and this will likely be improve the content of such media as well.
Pedophiles and such should be subtly encouraged to kill themselves, as they scurry away like rats and are hard to exterminate. So I would invent and promote a religion; any man who kills himself by his own hand will go to anime Valhalla and be given 10,000 eternal loli virgins. This alone would weed out the worst of the male population without having to waste time prosecuting and electrocuting them, as they gleefully toss themselves off cliffs a la Ättestupa.
Then I would go on to destroy Facebook, Instagram and any social media causing mass psychosis and insecurity, as it holds back the true potential of millions. Especially girls and women. And is a huge waste of time, unlike imageboards. The only media would be anonymous and shitposting would be a recognized artform. There would be a government supported version of LiveLeak, to keep women aware of the latent savagery within men. As well as to shame shit drivers (drunk drivers will be killed on site and used as organ donors).
There would also be holidays where women would be allowed to commit any crime for 24 hours, except to children. This would make any scroties be wary of pulling a Jodi arias on their women and fucking them over for years, as she could legally take a meat tenderizer to your head every December 26th.
I would also encourage the male population to be farmers and blue collar workers, as lawyers and bankers are literally useless and better served raising free range chickens. There would be an independent currency and anyone who would seek to interfere with that and my country would be smited in a subtle way (this is where omnipotence comes in). Every time a foreign power would try to exert influence, their leaders would die of extremely unlikely but somewhat humorous, final destination type deaths. This would be reminiscent of The divine typhoons said to have saved Japan from two Mongol fleets under Kublai Khan, but with more stylistic flair.
No. 996827
>>996799Marry me,
nonnie, I will be your wife when you become a famous dictator, I give amazing massages, can cook delicious food and will keep you warm and happy with shitty pick up lines like
>Good morning, sunshine, the day is brighter now that you woke upAnd we could kill men on our free time.
No. 996872
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>>996828I forgot about the gulags. We wouldn't use those for meaningless suffering, as that's a very male desire. It would be a place of rehabilitation (if possible), training, and production. The gays would be kept here permanently (they'd enjoy it, we'd give them free reign of the place and put RuPaul on tv during their recreation time).
Just like how the virgin Mary exemplifies an impossible ideal of a woman, we would impose onto men an impossible ideal that they should strive to achieve, and be shunned as whores if they stray. This ideal would be a man who is mentally and physically pure (not a chronic masturbator). Maybe a bit of a himbo, and doesn't have opinions. We would put his holy image everywhere, and be would be subservient to our patron goddess. I have yet to determine if that should be Athena or maybe a Slavic goddess like Zorya. Maybe invent a new one altogether. I'll get to work on that.
>>996827Acceptable, although I don't like to have many subordinates. You could take the place of an Amazon Alexa and tell me the weather forecasts and today's public execution queue. And pick my outfits as I am too autistic to match things well.
>>996856Sterilization is a good focus point, as the dawn of civilization has ensured that mediocre male's genes thrive due to every male getting a wife and no more sabertooth tigers weeding out the weak poofters. This has thrown evolution off track and as such our society is fucked enough that only an omnipotent dictator could restore order. We might have to sterilize men by default and have a sperm bank of excellent caged males. Until then the social credit would definitely work. Those who would create discord would be sterilized but allowed one last wank. If they misbehave again, we shall defrost their last saved sperm sample in front of them, while a violinist plays the sad song like in the Titanic (when the ship was sinking).
I would do all this for the good of the people. Not just because it's really funny.
No. 996971
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I secretly love the look of some ~*sadgirl*~ cows like toopoor and ashley
No. 997200
>>997145>She’s extremely anti-religion, anti-racism, anti-war and a huge hippie punk kind of person. None of her side of the family has these same antisemitic feelings that she does. Whenever she would start to rant about Jewish people my grandma and aunt were quick to shut her down. I just don’t know why she’s like this and I’m too scared to ask her it seems pointless.damm my brother-in-law just like that, he's anti-racist, very progressive and tolerant of other religions and married to a black african woman but he and his wife are both incredibly anti-Semitic
They both blame Jews and Zionists for all the problems in the world and society and its really fucking odd cause he and his wife are super PC on almost every other issue, they're the types who think offensive jokes shouldn't be allowed and that racist films should be deleted and at the same time they think Jews are the one's responsible for racial animosity and the class divide
No. 997211
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Sometimes I wonder if I feel what troons describe as ~gender euphoria~ Not the dress go spinny way or the omg I have boobies way, but just by seeing how debilitated most men are by their own desires. Seeing how they can't even go outside without ogling women and going home and "sobering" themselves with self-abuse and pacifying their misery w/ porn. I see how soaking wet with sweat they get at the gym, how gross and red they become. Their hairlines retreating, their big weird hands, lol… Also seeing how their bodies are just like, a straight line, clearly built for toiling and manual labor and not the beautiful gift of child bearing (not saying all women are to bear children ofc). There is also just that secret understanding with women that is hard to describe.. where I feel like every woman, on some spiritual level, is my comrade. I am absolutely bursting with pride everyday that I am a woman, not just in ways that put down men lol, but also at how amazing and intelligent women are.
>Inb4 cringe, I know
No. 997228
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People can have their degenerate retarded fetishes but when I say that bloodied and bruised qts make me want to go into hysterics I’m the weirdo? It’s not that weird. People can be furries but I’m not allowed to say I want to take a guy’s virginity in a forest at night with a dagger at his neck and bruises all over his knuckles and dried blood over his chest as part of a rite that I just made up I’m weird? And worse, I’m never going to have that.
No. 997235
>>997228Anon you sound really sheltered, I had an ex who did MMA, sometimes he'd back home beaten up and bruised and sex was pretty difficult with him
he had no energy, he was slurring when he grunted and his face was hard to look at and let me tell you real life blood is disgusting to smell, its not like you animes or whatever and dried up blood on skin is like sticky coke on a man's body
No. 997330
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>>997145>>997200Lots of anti-racist progressive people can be anti-Semitic as well, I've known tons of them, lot of them in the hardcore punk scene, big indicator is a lot of them are pro-Palestinian
No. 997364
nonny, it's okay. i'm 25 and i can't drive, either. we'll get our licenses soon i'm sure of it!!
No. 997374
>>997365the worst is how dangerous it is and people gaslight the fuck out of you for rightfully recognizing that. fatal car crashes are ranked as the 8th leading cause of death.
i'm waiting until i can get a tank and move out of my area before i drive again regularly. i got t boned by a drunk driver, i got into car crashes because of my driving anxiety and the aggression of other drivers (i freeze and seize). for some people it's just really dangerous because we're overstimulated, in addition to the fact that because others DO NOT TAKE DRIVING SERIOUSLY ENOUGH, it causes us to have to worry constantly about their unpredictability. people treat driving like it's fucking fake.
No. 997419
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i don't care about any cows. i don't know who shayna is and what she did or who that lucinda is or that creep show drama or that weirdo who is proud of supposedly having DID or something. at most i scrolled through the corpse thread when anons apparently managed to dox him. i used to keep track of that ali girl from italy who faked being in ana recovery or momokun when she was escorted from a con but that stuff happened years ago. i come here because it's the only female only space left and i love how unapologetically terfy and full of manhate we can be on here.
No. 997821
>>997419Same, I pretty much never visit any of the cow boards. I wish there was another womens-only space like LC that didn’t revolve around stalking mentally ill people I’ve never heard of.
(Inb4 crystal cafe bc that place is somehow even more sad.)
No. 997823
>>997419Yeah pretty much same.
I came here for like two cows who I didn’t even hate, I just liked their YouTube and wanted to talk about and now I’m just here for the gorls and the shits and giggles.
No. 998053
>>997419Same. The only similar community I've ever been part of was a short lived fujo discord.
>>997821I could be wrong but cc strikes me as more underage than here
No. 998172
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>>998158Most of it wasn't. It was just pre-teen and teen girls that liked the pastel style that was around during that time. Nymphet was just a vague umbrella term that a lot of blogs got categorized under because there wasn't a term for every micro-aesthetic like there is now. Picrel is how most looked which is what I still think is cute. The ones that had a thread in /show were the real pedo-pandering problem but a good 70% were not like that.
No. 998385
>>997387Girltalk is fun, you should come, at least have a look at the catalog
I dont see how men could post in the knitting or in the retard husbandopost thread
No. 998853
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I've masturbated to this video before
No. 998949
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Every time I see a coomer meme on youtube I report it for sexual content and I think everyone should do the same
No. 999218
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I would literally die for Satan if he looked like picrel
No. 999506
>>999502Make sure you are using a razor with at least 5 blades and change them out often (once a week). Try using conditioner instead of shaving cream. Do not shave against the grain (I know it won't be 100% smooth this way, but you avoid bumps and ingrown hair). Also invest in some kind of aftershave lotion to soothe the skin. They sell them next to the razors.
I shave every other day and never have bumps anymore since doing all of this. I also have super sensitive skin.
No. 999507
>>999502so tell him you either want him to shave his balls and if he refuses you'll refuse too or quit all together. Removing hair at all for a man is debatable to begin with but ESPECIALLY when it hurts you and consumes a lot of time. Your scrote 10000% doesn't realize or value what you're sacrificing for him because men are never expected to shave well anything so he simply doesn't know what it's like.
Stand up for yourself.
No. 999517
Also I can't respect a man who can't handle pubic hair on women. He better want to feast on furburgers or he gets nothing.
No. 999546
>>999506NTA, is it safe to use conditioner near the private parts? Honestly asking. I had a long lasting BV this year so I'm paranoid.
My moid prefers himself hairless so he shaves all over too, the argument "make him do it too" doesn't stand in my case unfortunately. I'm in the same boat as
>>999489 and I'm this close to telling him I'm not scraping myself raw for him and he can either deal with it or not. Shall we do it together nona? I'll stop shaving for my guy and you stop for yours.
No. 999557
>>999547Agreed. I use it occasionally (not on my pubes), and I tend to get a bit of a rash. It goes away and it's not bad enough to stop entirely, but no way would I want that anywhere near my vagina.
I find shaving really easy tbh, you just go with the grain and use plenty of shaving cream. I don't have fancy razors or replace them super frequently, I think my skin is just used to it. I also leave a fairly big patch of hair in the middle, that's the area that's easiest to irritate ime so I just skip it entirely.
No. 999576
>>999570Semi-rural middle class living is peak, ngl. City or suburban living really does stale after awhile, and something about being in the kitschy little mountain towns - where everyone knows eachother, you have your little cabin and farm animals, and you get peace and quiet - is great.
I grew up in a cute dumb little community like that, and yearn for it all the time in my shitty city apartment. It's my life goal to get back to it.
No. 999660
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For the past few weeks I've been doing manifestations to make my crush break up with his gf. I did the lemon spell today kek. Two days ago I freaked out because someone who knew him said that they heard he broke up with his gf some time ago. I couldn't even verify that because I'm so shy and autistic I barely talk to the guy. But I did some math and I'm afraid that that person meant his old gf, not the current one. Nevertheless, I'm going to continue with my manifestations
No. 999750
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I wish I could block trannies from all social media
No. 999826
>>999765I’m betting that bird just bites anyone
>>999783I always low key thought that plasti was a tranny
No. 999929
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>>999881I also pronounce it sage but this is the origin of the word
No. 1000098
>>1000084Anon I'm 5'10 and I'm married to a guy whose exactly my height as well, he's not just an insecure loser
you'll find love one day too
No. 1000109
>>1000084Men always add a couple inches to their reported height so he's 5'6" and you're 5'10"
Men need to be more confident about the concept of a hot taller woman.
No. 1000150
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>>997145My dad's Muslim and he was pretty anti-Semitic, though he didn't bring it up that much and seemed to hate all non-Islamic religions. I remember when we went to visit a family member in a hospital, but as we left, we saw some orthodox jews. I didn't know they were jews, since I didn't live in an area with that many jewish people and I was roughly 7-years-old at the time, and I remember his kneeling down and saying to me 'You see those people over there? they're jews, and they're our enemy'. I was pretty confused and I kinda just wrote off my dad because I had a vague idea of what Judaism was (I knew thought it was one of the largest religions out there, so they couldn't be THAT bad)
Another time, was when I was drinking a Pepsi and my dad jokingly said that we should boycott Pespi because they're run by jews.
No. 1000309
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Sometimes i troll the farms looking for my ex's posts, mostly to see if theyre venting about me/our breakup, but i havent found anything yet…
No. 1000342
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This lil bitch pissed me off so damn much idek
No. 1000742
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i want to try seducing a man with full on bdp-chan like personality adjustments, but like an otome mc playing the heart of the love interest. i am curious how far i could go with convincing him that i am the love of his life and we are meant to be. we have been dating for a short while and i ordered new clothes i know he would like. i secretly listened to all his favorite music so when he comes over i can have some of those playing. i used to change styles a lot so when he wants pics from my past i simply pick those that are in his type's style. i don't feel bad about this because i had many boys string me along and basically settle for me as the second best option. but not this time. i will make this man my simpiest simp, he will be so obsessed with me. i have good intuition so i can almost predict what he will say sometimes and we end up saying it. i am starting to befriend people around his gym (i take classes there now). this is fun for me and i used to think girls that did this were evil. i don't know what it is anymore. i like this guy but i don't believe guys really like girls for their personality. if the personality is girly. i used to be a tomboy and edgy discord boys liked me then but i grew out of that. what mostly matters is looks and if you like the same things he likes. so i can make up and create parts of me that he would like. i will keep updating my progress on this game.
No. 1000749
>>1000744we all die eventually anon. let
>>1000742 go out in a beautiful blaze of glory kek, i adore her
No. 1000771
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>>1000742Looks and various media interests can only go so far. If anything, you might appear to be the one simping if he notices you're trying to match his tastes. Plus you should have more than one target, unless you want to develop oneitis.
If you want to actually play mens games back at them, read the art of seduction, and the laws of power. The former goes into detail about various women men lost their minds for, notably one intellectual yet mysterious woman who both inspired Nietzsche and drove him mad, Lou Andreas-Salomé.
A disconnected, self-serving mysteriousness along with appearing to "get" him (which is as easy as letting him rant about his narrow worldview for an hour) will usually start things off well.
No. 1000852
>>1000744better dead than second best
nonnie. i read the books. loved the 1st, find the 2nd a bit cringe but useful at work. right now i give him what he wants, bit by bit, always leaving more. i have to stay just slightly out of reach so he still feels competitive. feels bad because i am clingy, but makes it all the better when we finally get together. i thought he wanted to be rescued, but he is actually a charmer. playing the coquette seems to work the best. his love language is words of affirmation. i carefully craft compliments. his insecurity is his intelligence. i set up scenarios where he can feel smarter. i will give that story another read tonight. thank you.
No. 1000960
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i think consuming fujo shit for so long has infected my brain. I only find submissive guys attractive and keep thinking about pegging my husbandos. I've been a fujo since i was 14 and im turning 20 soon, 6 years of blcds, doujins and fanfiction might has fucked my brain up for the rest of my life.
No. 1000962
>>1000960>I only find submissive guys attractiveSame.
It just means you're a domme. Nothing to do with fujoism.
No. 1000968
>>1000960Have you ever even a kissed a guy though ?
>>1000962Dom or Sub shit doesn't exist, its cope created by kinksters
No. 1000970
>>1000960I was a lot like you but in the opposite end i.e I thought I was a "sub" and had consume porn and fantasies about being degraded, choked and beaten
I tried to stop multiple times and going cold turkey but I'd always relapse but what ended up working for me was mental conditioning and realigning my brain patterns
I'd quit watching for a period of 5 days, then once a day for 5 days I'd mastrubate to pre-downloaded Vanilla erotica for the next 5 days, I'd continue this cycle until I could give up porn in general forever
No. 1000985
>>1000980It did, but it requires some effort, when your into fucked up kinks you really can't just give up porn, you have to rewire your brain first to fix it
Download a lot of vanilla porn and erotica(its important you download it) delete any bookmarks you have related to porn sites and then take a 5 days abstinence, after that pleasure yourself once a day for the next 5 days to the vanilla erotica, repeat the process but also gradually increase the abstinence period, 5 to 10 days, 10 to 15(but the pleasure period remains the same) eventually at somewhere 30 or 90 days you'll have fixed years of bad porn influence done to your brain(that's what worked for me)
No. 1001040
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she's whipping them
No. 1001222
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It sucks being me, I hate men but goddam I can't tolerate most other women either
Everyone to me seems like an idiot and sadly that includes many other women, I want some pinkpilled radfem friends but so many self identified radfems are people I deem to be subhumans and honestly I can't even tolerate looking at them and sadly the few people that meet my standards are often racist rightwing tards who hate me for being black
Its so unfair that I have to deal with either subhumans, racists and degenerates
No. 1001226
>>1001222>so many self identified radfems are people I deem to be subhumansso true
>and honestly I can't even tolerate looking at themPlease tell me this isn't some superficial shit. There's plenty subhuman about most self-identified radfems before even touching on looks.
No. 1001230
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>>1001226nothing to do with facial appearance or not conforming to arbitrary standards of femininity, just their bodies are insulting, an insult to humanity and their own ancestors
to be doughy and obese is a sin, a sin against your self and against the human race and I do not forgive such a sin
No. 1001242
>>1001234>intellectual worktheir not advancing any sciences or healing the sick, a woman who changes probably advances society more then doughy "academics" who sniff each others farts and call it debate
>>1001235I know you'll find it to hard to believe but I'm not the least narcissistic, I love people and humanity more then you could comprehend, all I have is disdain against people who waste their potential and destroy their bodies
No. 1001250
>>1001242"I love people! Also"
>I deem to be subhumans and honestly I can't even tolerate looking at themYeah it does suck being you.
No. 1001304
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>>1001108anon…I don't think those 'mentally disturbed women' are actually women
No. 1001311
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Do anons think pic rel would make a good OP pic?
No. 1001490
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I'm fascinated by gay FTMs. I don't know why, I'm bi myself with a preference for women (and I suspect a lot of "gay" FTMs are also bi in denial). I know the ones who are really dicks only are truly just heterosexual women, but in a way I also feel this weird pull towards and I guess fascination for the idea of living life as a gay man. I don't really know why, I could never stop pursuing women and to be honest I probably know the least about the G of all the letters of the LGB(T). My mannerisms are also quite feminine although my appearance is androgynous. Can anyone else relate to this weird feeling? Is is AAP/autoandrophilia or just internalised biphobia and misogyny? Before anyone asks I've never had any interest in yaoi or anime Anyway picrel for attention and excuse the autism.
No. 1001606
>>1001222i am a radfem stacy and i'd like to be your friend. i tried being friends with "radical body positivity" women and behind that they were self-hating and jealous. anybody on the fit or skinny side to them was a self-hating ED-chan. it might just be america though. purposefully stick-thin women are not better though because they are pick-mes who are less unhealthy but still keep themselves weak and limit their strength. best place to find based women is sports. watch out for gymtards, ballerinas, gymnastics/cheerlading, pole dancers and cardio/marathon runners. they tend to be
toxic pickmes with body dysmorphia.
No. 1001665
>>1001630as I said mostly right-wingers, pretty much every woman I knew who did MMA had some brand of conservative views
>>1001662I want friends who are equals anon and its not my fault you are either fat or stupid
No. 1001803
>>1001490In my experience almost all """gay""" FTMs are only attracted to other FTMs and simply admire the concept of men (such as singers, actors etc.) instead of actual males so it's just butch4butch with extra steps. I find it extremely sad because GNC women are still being told that they can't be women and all lesbian representation is extremely femme-centric, so it's no wonder they troon out and become "gay males". As for the legitimately straight girls who have a cis boyfriend and call themselves a "gay couple" they obviously have some sort of a trauma (like most women do) and want to wear a male costume in order to feel equal in a relationship with a man.
Autoandrophilia is a meme and even admitted by Blanchard that it's extremely rare and barely exists. It's 99% more about women not being respected and fantasizing about wearing idealized manface to escape the sexualization, extreme standards and fetishization women experience regardless of how they present and to be free to express their sexuality without feeling like they're performing for male gaze only. Because what are scumbag straight men turned off by? Gay people and seeing them.
No. 1001863
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>>1001803> As for the legitimately straight girls who have a cis boyfriend and call themselves a "gay couple" they obviously have some sort of a trauma (like most women do) and want to wear a male costume in order to feel equal in a relationship with a man. come on now, we all know the real reason
Its brought over by too much Yaoi consumption and now they have be an idealized Yaoi relationship
No. 1001901
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Is it wrong I find middle aged Tobey Maguire attractive ?
No. 1001911
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>>1001901he looks bad but not because of aging but because of drugs, that's the beat up face of a druggie.
No. 1002070
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>>1002058are you a virgin ?
I appreciate the male body but but my attraction is towards most fit human males that have builds similar to their hunter gatherer ancestors
No. 1002078
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I can't stop cringing over the years I wasted stanning a kpop idol/idols
No. 1002111
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>>1002070Bad taste, you can't even see that moid's body
No. 1002116
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>>1002111I think we can both agree that every man should have the body of either a soldier, farmer, martial artist or a hunter gather
No. 1002130
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muscle chad from tinder i used solely for sex sent me this creepy drawing he made of us after knowing me for exactly 4 days. two days later he proposed to me and told me that i’m misguided for not being baptist and that i should convert otherwise that’s a dealbreaker cuz he wants his future wife to be baptist. notice how much work he put into drawing himself and how little he put into me. i look like hatchet face! also notice how he’s standing in front of me and i’m standing behind him… standing in the shadow of my noble man. during the week he kept telling me how much he thinks he resembles thor and anytime i would even lightly touch him on the arm he’d flex immediately and one time even said that he considers himself to be an “alpha male.” total chad stereotype. needless to say i told him he’s crazy if he thinks 6 days is long enough for me to know if i see myself “walking down the aisle” with him and blocked him.
No. 1002133
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>>1002116Based and topical
No. 1002138
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Tell him if he was a real man you wouldn't need the protection of armour and watch his alpha brain explode
No. 1002147
>>1002130Christ he drew you look like a fucking troll kek, that siad the guy probably is some mentally ill /fit/ user who gut buff but is still socially autistic and can't relate to other humans
probably needs therapy more then getting laid
also surprised he gave you practical armor and gave you an actual weapon
No. 1002151
>>1002130You look more like his sidekick than his fair maiden, he is friendzoning you kek
But seriously who draws this shit…after 4 days?!
No. 1002299
>>1002288I mean, probably your friends’ boyfriends’ friends don’t like you physically or your friends talked shit about you to them, so now they don’t want you to know what they did.
My friends used to have obviously single friends but the moids just thought I was fugly to their standards so they never considered me as a potential girlfriend or something like that.
Then again, I’m not a desperate kind of person and I thought they were quite ugly as fuck to my honestly high as fuck standards that my favorite crush made me gather over the time, so I never really told them to hook me up with them.
No. 1003185
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I can't be friends with guys. I don't know what it is with me, but if I get really close emotionally to a man, after a few months I just fucking shut down and feel anxious and sick even knowing that I'm friends with a man, and then I just want to cut him off from my life for no real reason. I'm exclusively homosexual so this feeling isn't linked to fear that I might one day have attraction to them. My close male friend has a crush on me but we're just very close friends and he respects that I'm lesbian and that I'll never date him, and he's NEVER been pushy or weird at ALL, he even goes so far as to date other women so that he can get over me quickly, so I don't know why I feel so fucking unsafe? I also felt this way with one of my gay male friends even though it was literally impossible for either of us to like each other, and he was also definitely weaker than I am so it's not like I fear that he could overpower me or anything like that. I don't really have trauma specific to men either, and men mostly ignored me throughout my life so I don't think I'm worried about being sexualized by them. Wtf is wrong with me?