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No. 977666
Take out your matches and burn what left of what have been weighting you down.
>>>/ot/969847 No. 977680
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>>977672Thank you anon the superior thread pic I can now vent without bad vibes
No. 977683
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>>977678Im always reminded of waiting to exhale when I see a burning car.
I’m mad that I didn’t braid my hair. I washed it and everything but I couldn’t be bothered to braid it down. Now my hair shrunk and it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to de tangle. But I wanted to be a lazy bum and now look at me bald headed and on lolcow
No. 977698
File: 1637827761332.jpg (72.16 KB, 752x600, 752px-Hell,_California.jpg) the Supreme Court's ruling on this. "Prohibits imposing the death penalty for the rape of a child in cases where the
victim did not die and death was not intended." Not allowed to kill child rapists. FUCK THE SUPREME COURT FOR THIS SELFISH RULING. I bet not a single one of them has ever been through child abuse, or been molested (or worse). I can't even fathom why they thought the child rapist deserved to have his rights upheld. The world would be a much less hellish place for children if these stains on society were wiped out. But no, according to the court, "[t]he death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child." Fuck all of them.
No. 977709
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>>977701Happy to see anons like this gif!
This is from the video / short film "Sweet William" From Brooks Reynolds
Vimeo link: No. 977713
>>977698Isn't it related to pedos just killing their
victims more if being found out means the electric chair? I've seen an argument like this, I think for a similar case (not 100% sure though)
No. 977774
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I just remembered that I filled a maths test paper enterily with nonsensical doodles and variations of "I don't know"/"I don't get it" and then gave it to my maths teacher. This was about 11th class, around a year before my A-Level/high school graduation. Back then I barely gave a shit because I was a desperate and depressed mess.
But thinking about it now I can't stop cringing, he must've felt so disrespected and probably told the entire teacher staff about it. I don't know why my memory is bad but when it comes to The Cringe, I always end up remembering.
Kill me
No. 977820
>>977774i think
>>977788 is right, the teacher should have talked to you anout it.
and really, it' s normal to be cringe at that age. i shudder to think of how insufferable i was aged 14-17, and i didn't even have mental health as an excuse.
you were a depressed kid, you did thigs kids do whe they're crying out for help, there's no shame in it.
No. 977826
I’m annoyed, I really want to write those stories I got in my mind, but it’s always wrong and shit, or nobody even understands what I was trying to say. Hell, nobody understands what the fuck I’m trying to say on my daily life. I feel like I’m speaking in a weird language and like nobody will ever want to read whatever I’m writing. And sometimes I’m like, okay, I will write and just hope for it to be translated in fucking human in the future, but I feel discouraged because I’m retarded and I will never be able to be good at anything.
I just wish I was like those bigbrained authors who wrote some cool shit and are adored nowadays, and who just wrote whatever they wanted and that’s it. Maybe I’m not the right kind of privileged person, I never had any particular struggles that I could use as inspiration to write something groundbreaking, I also have a shit memory and a weird way to process shit that everyone makes fun of, so it’s not like I can write about my travels or be properly inspired by them like other authors because again, I’m a fucking retard.
Seriously, I wish I didn’t want to do art shit because I’m shit at it, and I wish I could just transfer my ideas to someone else’s brain so they could just do it and so I didn’t have to think about them anymore, I want to be a normie who only cares about paying taxes and going on funny vacations to some funky malls or nightclubs, and who doesn’t give a fuck about art or cultural bullshit or history.
I wish I was an extreme ignorant and not some soft ignorant.
No. 977925
>>977690Do they play video games, FF14 in particular?
>>977576I'm in a similar situation, except without therapy and with a soul crushing dead end job. I hate it and I don't know what to do about it. Working is the worst thing, it saps all my energy and I can't deal with all the other things I should do to become less isolated, but without a job I can't sustain myself.
No. 977951
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I finally acknowledged that I have an Internet addiction and been trying to take steps to get over it and I didn't expect it to be this hard. I have been trying to form habits other than just mindlessly scrolling but even if I force myself to go for a walk, I can only think of what I would Google and the pages I'd visit. The hardest thing is just to decide what to do in a way…? Like it's always been an automatic reflex to just browse the Internet and now I actually have to decide and take responsibility for my time and what I'm going to do with it and it's just fucking scary in a way. Also trying to figure out what exactly have I been substituting with it
No. 978045
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Recent talk about teachers in here and another thread made me remember when my history teacher asked specifically for me to read my essay explaining the feudal system in front of the entire class. When I refused she asked another girl to read my fucking essay. For context, I was known not only by this teacher but also by others to bullshit my assignments or never even start them and I had really bad grades in her classes (she also taught geography), so this made me think that she did it on purpose to humiliate me in front of the entire class, because I remember after the girl finished reading the teacher didn't even hid her surprise when she went like "huh, that's entirely correct." She probably thought I didn't want to read it because it was wrong.. which she is right, I actually thought it was wrong kek because I did as usual bullshit that assignment, just writing shit I thought I might have heard her saying in class instead of getting the book and reading it before writing that crap, but damn, 10+ years later I still fucking hate her for trying to pull that.
No. 978050
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>>978045I still don't get that LoK post.
No. 978058
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>>977666some toothless crackhead stole my e scooter and is enjoying my hours of labour that paid for it, probably
literally fuck all addicts, subhumans with no morals. they are an underclass who are incompatible with civilised society
No. 978061
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i hate aesthetics.
No. 978197
>>978179Doesn’t sound like covid. Your teeth can fuck you up a lot more than expected and if your tooth broke, there
could be an infection and that’s why you’re feeling this way. Nausea isn’t really a huge factor in covid.
No. 978199
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>>977650are you okay nonna?
No. 978218
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I wish I were more of 'unique' looking beauty. I get told a lot everywhere I go that I look like someone they've seen/known and it makes me feel like I'm very generic? I guess I should just be grateful that I'm at least average and not ugly..
No. 978233
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I feel like I've downgraded since 2017. I haven't been in school consistently, I lost contact with all my friends, no degree, and I'm a borderline NEET. I've never been in a relationship nor have I lost my virginity and I'm 25 in a few months. I always thought my 20s would be fun but they've been my most miserable period in my life. Therapy hasn't been much help for me, either.
I think it started when I got kicked out of the IB program in high school, and then I had to repeat the 12th grade. I managed to get to university but never made any friends or got an internship but my mom pulled me out in a failed attempt to get an American visa. I returned in late 2019 and then had serious trouble adjusting to school. I work retail and I hate it. I feel stuck mentally as a teenager while life passes me by.
I want real honest advice.
No. 978241
>>978233Romantic relationships aren't as important as people make it to be.
Also when you're desperate to find someone to be with while you're down in the dumps you tend to settle for less or it attracts a lot of predatory people.
Early 20s is a transition period for a lot of us. I'd say just focus on your savings and network with as many people as you can. I've started joining local Facebook groups to try and find people who aren't into the same activities as me (hiking, sports, skating etc.) Bumble has a friend making section too where I've met 3 people that I've hung out with in person. There's also Meet-up.
No. 978242
>>978233Forget the whole Meet-Up and Bumble suggestion since you don't live in America. But I'm sure there are still other ways you can meet new people where you live. I totally understand how you feel, I'm almost the same age as you but I still feel mentally a teenager. I wasted most of my year when I was 21 being a NEET and it was one of the worst times of my life.
Then I moved to a big city all by myself and things have been steadily getting better. I have no degree but managed to get a job that paid $18 per hour and worked full time. Went on a few hikes and roadtrips with coworkers and people I've met through the internet.
No. 978269
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I'm trying to look up images for a project but google is down and duckduckgo won't display the image tab? What the fuck is going on?
No. 978317
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had a long vent typed up about the woes of being broke (or rather, having a little over 7k in my bank account, tons of shit i need to buy, and no inward cash flow atm) but i will sum it all out with this: please let me win the fucking lottery
No. 978323
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Had a visit by a nutritionist yesterday and the outcome wasn't what I expected it to be, despite I was weighing every gram of food I ate for a month. Yes I was on my period and my weight can fluctuate like the doctor said and yes, body recomposition is a matter of patience and being constant, but the more I approach myself to healthy lifestyles the more I am disappointed wth my old self for my poor life choices. I am angry because I may have destroyed my thyroid with 10 years of eating disorders, or maybe it's unlucky genetics too since my mom has slow metabolism and early menopause. I'm not even in my 30s, I can't even imagine what would happen after.
Can't stand the fact I have to struggle more in these fields than an average person, it's frustrating.
Apologies for my broken english
No. 978325
Depression fucking sucks.
I haven't been sleeping well, whenever I sleep I have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the dawn, I don't eat well either because food tastes bland, at school I can't concentrate at all and I feel so restless. I often think that I'm gonna die soon. I don't want to die, but I feel like a burden to people around me.
I've told my boyfriend couple times that I've been feeling depressed, and he tries to be supportive but I am certain he doesn't understand at all and just thinks I'm a bum. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I feel like he secretly judges me and compares me to this other blue hair bipolar chick that used to emotional dump on him.
I can't really express my feelings to my therapist either, because when I tell her I'm depressed she either: a) recommend that I talk to the nurse practitioner (the one in charge of prescribing medications), or b) ask what I'm doing to improve the situation.
Fucking hell. I probably am a bum.
I don't want to go on medication because I don't want to raise any concerns with my parents who probably think my depression magically disappeared after a year. Plus I just feel iffy about antidepressants in general because I've heard horror stories about people experiencing extreme side effects from long term antidepressant use.
I'm almost at 1 year mark with my boyfriend and I feel the urge to run away and start fresh new with someone who doesn't know about my depression and won't think of me as some whiny and emotionally unstable bitch, but I know running away won't solve anything and a good guy like him is hard to come by.
Welp, I'll just keep distracting myself with weed and pretend to be happy till weather gets warmer and I actually start to feel okay.
No. 978337
>>978283i don't know
nonny but my shits have been pretty frequent today.
No. 978354
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I just witnessed my neighbors abusing their dog, and it's not even the first time. They have a tiny Labrador puppy and three young daughters that keep abusing the shit out of it. Just before writing this I saw one of them yanking it's leash really hard, picked it up and dropped it and then proceeded to fucking slap it. Either the parents are oblivious to this or just don't care. What can I do? It feels a little wrong to call the police on like a six year old girl.
No. 978423
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Nonnies, have any of you had to stop playing a game because even though you enjoy it, you just couldn't suppress your rage once you keep losing? I agree, This is severely immature and childish. I haven't played this game for years and I now have it once again. I played it, and my rage hasn't went away. Is it really better if I don't play it ever again? My day was going so great and it got fucking ruined by some pixels.
No. 978429
>>978427You're not controlling the horse, you're controlling Wander riding the horse. Once you realize that and act accordingly the horse riding becomes much less infuriating. Also what
>>978428 said.
No. 978430
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>>978423When I played Suikoden V I really wanted to recruit Shigure but at some point I missed a required interaction. I wound up quitting after I found out he couldn’t join my party and I had already sunk so much time in the game I didn’t want to replay it either.
No. 978432
>>978428I actually didn't go far, the horse took all my anger
My mom played the game after I gave up, she finished it (she loved it, wouldn't shut up about how amazing and fun it was for months). I'll buy a ps4 next year hopefully and might buy this game and try again.
>>978429Ok.. so there goes my hopes they fixed it in the remake lmao
No. 978450
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Can an anon kick my ass and help give me the motivation to sort my finances out? I'm in debt and keep spending money to fill a void right now. I keep using afterpay and klarna as well, which is just proving expensive. Can an anon basically just tell me to do get my shit together cause I won't listen to my bf
No. 978462
I'm just going to complain here.
Since regular sex with a new guy I keep getting infections. We're sexually exclusive, he's been STD tested, he washes, disinfects, uses mouthwash and showers immediately before sex, along with always using condoms and limiting sex to 2x a day at most. You'd think he's dirty or something, but all my previous partners never caused infections, and they didn't take those preventative measures. I'm sad that I need to consider stopping seeing him due to this. I also got my first UTI I guess from sex with him.
Also, my days are too busy. I work standard hours, no big commute, yet I finish with my days business at around 10pm. I'm not sure if it's because I'm an immigrant dealing with general beaurocracy or because I don't have a dishwasher and need to hand wash everything, but my days after work are taken up. I don't know what I'm doing wrong that my evenings are like this and everyone else seems to watch Netflix shows and be lazy after work. It's taking me 2-3 days to do very basic stuff like shower, simply because the time window isn't there. Everything needing to be done is always overdue and I'm not sure how it got to be like this. The only real voluntary thing is 30 minutes of exercise, even that's cut into my 8 hours of sleep this whole week.
Its all kind of sent me over the edge because I got my second ever UTI today. Not because of sex, I havent had the time for 2 weeks now, but I guess because I had food poisoning last weekend and the diarrhea maybe. So now I'll also be sick this weekend.
I just feel like such a broken person these days, like I can't catch a break.
I'm getting my whining done and out of the way while on my commute back, writing this has made me cry in public kek. I need to book Christmas flights ASAP because I meant to do it last week and they've already increased 200 euros.
No. 978482
>>978462i'm sorry you're going through this but
>Since regular sex with a new guy I keep getting infections. We're sexually exclusive, he's been STD tested, he washes, disinfects, uses mouthwash and showers immediately before sex, along with always using condoms and limiting sex to 2x a day at most.makes me glad that i'm a nun. sex with men really should be outlawed. m/m or f/f sex only.
No. 978525
>>978354Animal abuse is not something normal children do, and it's not wrong to call animal protective services or something when you see an animal being abused. This is messed up and indicative of severe psychological deviance. Most violent criminals start out abusing animals.
The personality structure that abuses animals can also be the result of the child being abused, which wouldn't surprise me considering that no sane adult would let their child abuse a puppy.
No. 978529
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Ughhhh 1 hour left of work why did I pick up another shift ughhhhhhhhhh… at least it’s only 1 he left but fuuuuuuuuuck
No. 978606
>>978538>if you want YOUR dishes handwashed, maybe do those>fix your own damn t-shirt>do your own laundryyou know what to do nonna. i just went through this with my bf too. now he does all the dishes ♥ (we worked other chores out too but for the sake of brevity i'll just leave it at that)
best of luck, it really is maddening and demeaning to feel the way you do rn.
No. 978646
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haven’t been on for a few days honestly probably for weeks. great, now I’m back to a bunch of crusty bitches complaining about their coworkers, boyfriends, and passive aggressive reginas being like “UM ANON YOU MIGHT BE A HORRIBLE PERSON” if you don’t shut your fatass up
No. 978661
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>>978513close your legs, open your heart, sister nonnita.
No. 978705
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I wish a moid would talk about me like this
No. 978720
>>978679I think almost everyone feels like they wasted time or they’re running out of time in their early 20s. You still have your whole life ahead of you
nonnie, relax!
No. 978741
>>978462Hi, Anon. You sound a lot like myself when I was in my late teens/early 20s. What you're going through is nothing that self-control and time management can't fix, you just need to put the work into it and be honest with yourself. It's really hard to break a slob routine but you can absolutely do it, and it'll change your quality of life.
Personally, 10-15 minutes of meditation after I woke up helped me out immensely to help put me in the headspace to manage the rest of my day. For you, this might be exercise. Since you work 'til evening, try going to bed earlier in the day so you have more daytime to do your errands and chores. When you wake up, exercise then and shower right after. If you struggle with depression or laziness, brushing your teeth in the shower will cut down half your time. If you struggle with presenting yourself, getting a shorter razored/feathery/shake-and-go haircut will help you look more put-together with little work.
tldr: generic advice. However, you might find yourself feeling a lot better with a routine – it'll take a lot of work and self-control, but you can do it.
No. 978799
>>978749based lmfao
>>978768Lost my shit
No. 978825
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Nightmare fuel I can’t get out of my head: the forensic recreations of peoples appearances after their remains are found
This isn’t even the creepiest one
Why am I doing this to myself
No. 978827
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>>978825Looks like an ooccoo, kind of.
No. 978834
Hello anons
Shit dad, bullied at school, autistic overachiever, cheated on, no friends, had problems with drugs, depression and anxiety etc blahblah blah: In conclusion I don't know how to act normal at all.
im currently miserable as fuck at my university despite getting high grades, I decided to go stay with my nigel bf for a week or so to take a break and feel bettter but it made me feel even worse having to pretend to be happy everyday to not upset him.
Tonight I was feeling really shit and crying but I knew he wanted to go out and drink so I went with but felt awful the whole time and when we got back he put on a film I hate without asking me and it was all just really grating on me. I was falling off the bed and asked him to move over which devolved into him tickling me (I'm extremely ticklish) and I was begging him to stop and ended up slapping him to get him off me.
I don't remember how hard I slapped him because it was instinctual to get him to stop but he left the room and when he came back he was a bit upset and asked me not to slap him again and there was a scratch on his arm because I have long nails.
I was in tears apologising to him non stop and I feel so awful for hurting him I don't know how to deal with it, I have no self esteem in my relationship after being bullied by my 'friends' through all of school and cheated on. Hes asleep next to me now and I can't stop looking at him face and crying because he's the only person who's ever treated me well and I can't believe I hurt him, I was planning on killing myself before meeting him but he made me feel as if I deserved to be alive. And now I can't stop thinking I have to kill myself because of what I did to him, and that he would be better off without me
Feel free to call me a bpd bitch, I know i'm unwell
But i dont know how to rationalise these thoughts and I thought typing it might help
No. 978837
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tfw critical of the rampant consumerism pushed by our hyper capitalist society but still just as much of a consumer whore as anyone else
No. 978849
>>978847That’s just cruel to say people with aids can have kids etc…
But jokes aside why won’t you tell them to keep it down civilly instead of posting it on here? Don’t use the same style you’ve been venting on here of vourse.
No. 978850
File: 1637982819718.jpeg (25.62 KB, 612x353, guess i'll take it anyway.jpeg)

>>978844so that one, single lesbian molester made you hate all lesbians but the male rapist didn't make you hate all men?
No. 978856
>>978850Because non bishit men will never be able to sexualize me, like straight women. Of course I’d like them, they could never do me harm, unlike creatures that can sexualize women.
It’s not that hard to understand, ewy.
No. 978857
>>978856Because gay men*
And nah I wish I posted bait, I still have nightmares about that ugly ass fishy smelling bitch that touched me.
No. 978863
>>978860Le bait le bait, keep on dreaming the ironic radfem dream that a lesbian utopia will salvage us all, or that women can’t be seriously hurt and disappointed by lesbians/bishitters. I was, and most of you lot are just as bad as straight/bishit men.
Gay men and straight women are the answer.
No. 978876
>>978868Oh you are most definitely suffering from a personality disorder for being so heartless. I don’t care what you are you bitch. I hate fish to eat and to smell.
Now, fuck off from my vent.
>>978869I don’t know anon, I’m immensely disappointed and my body’s full of rage, it happens usually at night like now. You may say that but all of her gay friends said the same things you said, and they told me that they will scold her etc and that they are done with her. Next day? They’re friends with her and analyze the situation as: “it’s not completely your fault totes but u cuda have avoided it hun”. Meanwhile a gay man taught me so much more about how people are. I have few friends so I can’t help but to not hate a group of people who never sexualized me.
No. 978877
>>978875ESL baiter here that was just now venting about her lesbian rapist at 5 am haha
>I don’t know where the little assholes came fromThey’re your family don’t just shoo them away like that
No. 978879
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I think I have BPD and until now I've thought ignoring it would make it go away. No one wants to be friends with me and I know rationally it's because I keep to myself and expect others to come to me. I never make the first move because I'm terrified of rejection and being made fun of. Today I was on the verge of a breakdown and I had to go hide in the bathroom and try to not cry but nothing came out anyway. I couldn't stand everyone having fun while I was alone. What scares me is that I was in such a bad mood I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore and if anyone had bothered to ask me if I was ok before I calmed down I would have said something really stupid I couldn't take back. Maybe part of the reason it gets this way is that I never show people my true feelings, I always act emotionless until I can't handle it anymore and have a meltdown. I want to talk about this to a therapist but I'm scared they'll tell me that I really do have BPD kek I'd rather be any other type of crazy. The only reasonable doubt I've had up to this point is that I don't attention-whore, I don't make big impulsive decisions and when I feel like killing or hurting myself I never tell anyone. I'm just very emotionally unstable and I take rejection very badly(and everything feels like rejection to me) and I isolate myself because I'm afraid people are going to hurt me
No. 978893
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Minor vent: every period I get this (pic) specific type of bloating and it makes me hate myself. No matter how much I rationally know that it's just my period and that it happens every month without fail, I still panic and think I'm gaining weight or I'm going to one day just get stuck like that. Sometimes it's even worse than the pic related and I'll look like a cartoon character swallowed a bowling ball, I seriously can't find pics on the internet that are as bad as it is. I wish I could at least have that normal looking, full, 'pregnant' bloating, that at least isn't all centered at the bottom of your abdomen.
No. 978948
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I am so fucking sick of people suicide baiting in my Discord chat. Everyone is depressed as fuck, do you think you're special? Do you think we want to see you talk about waiting to mutilate your body and then killing yourself? What the fuck am I supposed to say? I don't know you. I can't help you. Now I have to fucking ignore that section of the chat when I just want to post >tfw my cat cats bites me when I'm petting her. You fucking loathsome human being. Repress your anguish and get a stomach ulcer like the rest of us. You left for like the fifth time from the server and this time I hope you never come back. Be someone else's problem.
No. 978954
>>978450just don't spend money
it's that easy
just don't do it
when you're about to spend money think and say no
just don't
it's like when you're addicted to drinking gasoline
just stop
No. 978960
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>>978688this is really intersting
nonnie ( nunnie kek ? ), can you talk more about it? what happenned ?!
No. 978982
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don't know if i should attend in person courses or not next semester. my major is computer science, so i really don't need to – but fuck, i don't know.
i keep hearing about covid mutations though.
i'm also worried my family may think less of me for doing so, fuck fuck fuck. i'll talk it over with my advisor next week (we're on thanksgiving break right now) and see what they say.
No. 978986
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>>978836>There really isn't one, hetrosexuality in women is just a diseaseI think it's a you problem
No. 979000
>>978995>you obviously already know it's not "right"They clearly don't care based off of their other posts.
>>978862Obviously no one is going to give anon sympathy when she starts with shit like "I hate fishy lesbians and bisexuals because they can sexualize me (unlike men)".
No. 979001
>>978834tickling is genuinely painful if not downright terrifying though especially if they don’t stop when you tell them to. i agree with
>>978838 but you need to tell him if he doesn’t want you to slap him (which you shouldn’t) he shouldn’t keep tickling you even after you BEG him to stop. don’t let him push your boundaries like that.
No. 979012
>>978991>you sound mentally illAnd? You’re probably mentally ill too. considering you’re replying to a vent I posted at 5 am or something. Maybe egocentric, like all men are. And no thanks, I don’t want to be in a relationship, I just don’t want to get raped.
I guess the way it manifests in my sexuality is by doing not a single human bean harm, I’m so mentally ill and horrible.
>>979000Lol I don’t want your online pity, I wanted them in real life. I guess the real mentally ill people are the heartless anons here after all haha. When I was not angry at my lesbo rapist’s friends they fucking screwed me over by
victim blaming me. This happened irl, the hell I care about your online feefees. Just let me be. You’re just
triggering me and continue to feed the “bait”.
No. 979018
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Sometimes I just want to be a trashy mean bitch, is that really so bad nonitas?
A celebrity youtuber in Japan got cheated on by his idol girlfriend and their messages got leaked, she was a total pickme and had an affair with a sex friend and said how the youtuber has a tiny dick and can't satisfy her. Now the youtuber is streaming and fishing for pity and I just want to say how he's schlubby, small dicked and got cucked in front of the whole nation. But nooooooo, that's so mean anon!
The moment I make a slightly mean joke my twitter friend jumps on my neck how she's disappointed. Bitch, this is online shittalking that the guy will literally never see. I can only show my trashy side on lolcow and in front of my bf and sister who find it funny because at work I have to be absolutely prim and proper.
No. 979020
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>>979018Absolutely same, Nonita. I love being
toxic and saying stupid, dumb, shit that has absolutely zero real life implications and yet everyone goes apeshit as soon as I open mouth. I just want to let my bitch side out way more.
No. 979022
>>978844It's not that there aren't any good lesbians out there but I was molested and made uncomfortable by a few predatory ones to know that they're just as capable of violating me as scrotes are.
But please don't go to the other extreme and root your tongue in hairy man ass either, dear anon.
No. 979025
>>979012Clearly you do care. No one is saying what happened to you is ok, but obviously anons will call you out for thinking that only women can sexualize other women and that men do no harm. Also,
>Human beanShut the fuck up.
No. 979026
No. 979027
>>979022Every single rapist can still stick their tongue in a shit smelling hairy male’s ass.
And I feel sorry that happened to you..
No. 979030
>>979018Yet men can make countless small boobie and large vagina jokes and use their wife's or girlfriend's lack of features as grounds to cheat. Also while society superficially condones men cheating they tacitly accept it because apparently only men are the "visual" creatures who need to have their sexual needs met at all costs. Meanwhile women are expected to pretend that small dicks get us off or we're slutty bitches if we ask for toys or oral to make up for what men lack.
More women should be cheating and more tiny dicks should be made fun of. There, I said it.
No. 979058
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Bruh I wanna get over my ex. He just genuinely stopped trying or putting effort into everything (including me). He cut off all his friends and dropped out of college. And then he broke up with me when I confronted him about how he didn’t wanna do anything or spend time with me. Now, we don’t even talk or acknowledge each other and I find it so ugly that a year ago we were so close and now we’re nothing. When I confronted him I was so angry about it. I remember I said shit like I deserve better and that he’s never gonna get anywhere in life if he never does anything with it. And honestly it was all just built up anger and frustration from how he just stopped giving a fuck about himself and everyone around him. And he begged me not to leave and that he would change, but ultimately just broke up with me the next day. I still think about how I could’ve worded it differently, and how maybe I was little too hard on him. I just wish I could’ve helped or done something to fix the situation he was in., but it was like he didn’t want help or would purposely fuck himself over. Whatever it’s not my problem to fix him. How do I get over him?
No. 979065
>>979058Nonie you don't deserve to be some guy's fixer or nurse him back from his depression. Just be grateful you got out of there before you were working full time to support his loser ass.
Focus on yourself, work on your hobbies or get new ones! You're free!!!
No. 979078
>>978844>>978856>>978862>men that can’t sexually like womenIt doesn't take sexual attraction for men to be unempathetic and callous towards women,
nonnie. Gay men do the absolute most to commodify and diminish femininity and speak over women every day. They're not your 'precious safe haven gayzz', they're perfectly capable of tossing you aside like trash after you're not useful to them.
>>978863Kick vampiric gay scrotes to the curb. Only trust other straight women.
No. 979111
>>979071I literally had this conversation with my boyfriend the other day and what I landed on is I’m probably insane and paranoid because it’s like… not abnormal for men to want to be teachers or youth pastors or camp counselors and help children. It just sucks because the molesters ARE teachers and youth pastors and camp counselors, and it IS the men you would never suspect.
Basically what I told him, without accusing him, is if he ever hurt a kid I’d have to kill him and bury him in the backyard.
No. 979134
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>”go back to the Twitter if you’re offended”
>gets reports for offending multiple anons
No. 979141
>>979134WTF did you do? What's the offending post?
>>979138or 'autism'
>>979137>Straight women have given me more shit and cause me more mental stress than any other group on the planetEven more than scrotes? Hmm
No. 979177
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>>979137Both are shit tbh. I was in male dominated and female dominated places. Scrotes of all ages would gaslight and steal ideas and be disdainful. Women would be constantly down your throat trying to "get to know you" (aka find out info about you to use against you) and play mind games and try to get you fired.
No. 979213
>>977863>>977863Same boat here
nonnie. At this point I'm so desperate I'm thinking of contacting the other
victims of my abuser and doing a collective denounce or something. His life's gonna get ruined? Good
No. 979218
>>978427Once you learn to love Aggro theres no turning back bonita. I understand the feeling, but as the other
nonnie said, just need to understand you're not controlling Aggro per se, and get used to it
No. 979223
>>978847Same here
nonnie, I can hear my neighbours screaming at each other all night. They also make running noises at 4 am. I've been this close to call the police, cause I swear at some point it sounded like domestic abuse. I'm so tired of hearing their retarted bullshit. If isn't the kids yelling, is the teenager yelling and hearing some cringe tiktok music. If isnt that, is the parents screaming at them, or at each other. Who the hell cramps so much people in a department anyways.
No. 979225
>>978893Don't know about you
nonnie, but I'm hoping I get an hysterectomy soon. My hormones are so unbalanced, and it is killing me, and I got tired of scrote doctors ignoring me. I don't want to have kids either, and I hate having to go trough the pain of despairing every moth for my period (I'm iregular) they said that having your uterus removed changes you, but honestly I'm totally tired of dealing with this.
No. 979226
>>979141>Even more than scrotes? HmmI have no social life and work in a female dominated field. Most of my coworkers and bosses are women. I have many male and female online friends who are perfectly normal people, but I've met maybe hand full of women IRL who weren't gaslighting mind gaming backstabbing spiteful lunatics. I feel like I'm going insane trying to figure out what their current plan is, I just want to have a pleasant time and do my job and not second guess everything everyone says and get passed over for a promotion because someone pretended to be my friend while telling my boss I'm a lazy retard even though I do half of her work because I thought we were close and I like to help my friends out. I just can't deal with that shit anymore. It makes me so paranoid about everyone.
It's insane, I go to the male department and the scrotes sit there and read books and listen to music and banter and I go back to my department and it's Lord of the Flies and if you don't keep up appearances you can be sure someone's filing a report behind your back and you'll never KNOW which of the smiling faces it was.
>>979177The scrotes I work with are mostly in a different hierarchy in the same organisation, so there's no competition with them, it's actually really comfy. You walk in and people smile at you and are helpful and you get things done and are on your way again. I know they're gross goblins when no women are around but whatever who cares.
No. 979228
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>>979209Anon, psych wards are not fun places but it might be medically necessary right now for you. There will be people there who can help you. Have you felt like this before?
Try these Crisis Survival Skills from DBT too.
No. 979234
>>979226Thanks for elaborating! I'm sorry for the shit you go through, it's true that women can be incredibly
toxic to each other.
No. 979247
>>979235I'm the one who vented about similar issues earlier. I'm sorry you're going through a similar thing. It's really the best to look for a different job.
I thought I could just stay neutral too, but nope, if you don't join any faction that just means you have no allies at all and everyone will fuck with you on a whim.
There's also this "if you don't support me that means you're with those other people who are against me". I earned the undying hatred of one coworker by not narcing on people she doesn't like but ofc she never said anything, just raised an eyebrow and a couple weeks later I hear that she started to manipulate things behind my back after I get closer to some other coworker who also doesn't like her, which explains some things.
>>979234Truly, thank you.
I was already bullied by some girls in school because I didn't understand social things, and only hung out with girls open about having sex with their boyfriends and those who smoked weed and did other drugs (very conservative place, so those were outcasts), even though I'm a bookish autist myself, which is funny in retrospect.
No. 979268
>>979258I was about to ask you how in the hell they even know this, but then I realize my rapist used my toilet and I could smell the smell of even in my bathroom…It’s not that weird for a female rapist to smell. And just because she was a lesbian doesn’t mean she hasn’t molested little boys.
I’ve noticed that men smell like feces when they’re unhygienic, which isn’t any better, I know, but when I get raped by a man I promise I’ll vent in the same style here.
No. 979276
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There's this girl I was thinking I was on friendly terms with and we got on the same class project mainly so that I could avoid being paired with any of the annoying guys still remaining. But she's a terrible project partner, she leaves everything for the last second. In the beginning she'd at least usually do the public speaking since she doesn't have stagefright like I do. She gets equal credit even though she does basically none of the data gathering, studying or editing (or just something very minimal like adding visual flare to a .ppt while I did 99% of the work), and she didn't even do the public presentation on that last one because she couldn't even be bothered to look through my notes. Now we're in a group of three and I just communicated that I'm ready with a really early draft for our assignment, and asked what else should we add and she just said "I don't know" and left it at that. I'm already a bit late to work on this because of other stuff and this bitch hasn't even looked up what our topic covers, I bet. I'm getting tired of this shit, I thought I was finally making a friend and I just got someone who's using me.
No. 979311
>>979268Wait, is this the same anon that made
>>978844 ?
No. 979313
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just got back from urgent care and it turns out i have the flu. can't go back into work until thursday which also means i'm going to miss the caroline polachek show that i've been looking forward to for literally months. perfect timing
No. 979318
Girl what the fuck is this entire post
>And just because she was a lesbian doesn’t mean she hasn’t molested little boys. And where did this even come from
No. 979327
>>979316The fuck, the post you're replying to is about 'vaginas smell like fish' meme. How do female-female relations, perception of reality and imageboard addiction plays into it.
So much schizoposting here today.
No. 979328
>>979318I’m merely just quoting stuff some of the replies I’ve gotten.
>>979047>>>or right after having sex with a man without condom (and she was allegedly a lesbian, so…). You would know that if you were a woman.>>979294And?
No. 979339
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>>979336Oh you try to sound so smart, but I’ve done so many times at 4 am in these threads. It’s just that my last rapist was a chick (though she barely looked like one lmfao).
Here your cookies, you’re such a phoenix wright!
No. 979343
>>979339I'm not trying to sound smart dumbass, it's just confusing. Other anons referenced that part of your post too, so if you weren't raped by a man I don't get why you wouldn't correct that.
>I’ve done so many times at 4 am in these threadsWhat does this even mean
No. 979347
>>979343I’m confused by your post. I probably meant to post “when I get raped by a man again I’ll sperg about it here in the vent thread”.
I’m just rambling about men and women because I’ve been raped multiple times by men and even very recently by a woman. Because they aren’t in prison I am fueled by rage and I unleash it here in the vent threads every once in a while. Therapy won’t help. I don’t get why everyone takes me so seriously and I don’t get why it upsets anyone that a loony rape
victim/loser is whining about it here. Let me just hate everyone in peace.
No. 979498
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pic says it all really since I don't want to elaborate. scam and burn
No. 979549
I so tired already, why the fuck are people hosting some stupid ass parties nowadays? It’s so fucking tiresome. Bitch, we’re already having issues with money in the whole ass country and you do a fucking 100 guests’ party? With a pandemic? Are you fucking retarded?
I hate having to go somewhere and be utterly disappointed with whatever I find.
>wants to buy dress
>nobody has the right size
>has to buy literally whatever
>looks like shit
>ok, let’s focus on the makeup, nails and hairstyle
>makeup is some basic bullshit that costed me fucking 35 dollars
>nails are okay
>hairstyle looks nothing like what I wanted
Seriously, why even try? I’m so mad that the covid test was negative, I would’ve had the perfect excuse to not go to a boring ass party where I’m going to be sitting there, eating from time to time and drinking whatever the fuck is around.
I honestly feel particularly more suicidal today than any other days, going to parties is always the same bullshit and now even my stupid ass game isn’t fucking updating because my retarded brother has to play his fucking stupid ass games when he can just come here whenever he wants when I can’t, because I can’t drive, because I’m never allowed to go outside on my own as if I’m going to jump off a bridge.
And while I would do so, I’m not doing so yet.
No. 979600
>>978863>Gay men and straight women are the answer.i know compartmentalizing might be easy but the reality is there are shits of all sexualities, genders, and so on. That's like me saying
>redheads and 5'5" women with 2 previous ex partners are the answerJust because one gay man helped you doesn't mean they're all good, same as one gay woman attacking you doesn't mean they're all bad. That one specific man is good, that one specific woman is bad. You can't reduce people to labels for the simple reason that things aren't that simple.
No. 979666
>>979647> these are the same people telling you to “go take your meds” “go outside”They’re not telling
me that kek.
No. 979733
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>>977666Abandoned paintings intrigue me. I imagine the hours dedicated to that work; time that could’ve been better spent on family or friends. I lose myself in those canvases. It’s a comedic tragedy to think of the likely dead men and women who made them. I laugh at their stupidity. They’re dead, yet I’m still here with the immortalized hours of their life. When I was younger, my grandmother had this beautiful painting of a flowered trail framed by trees. We didn’t have much, most days we didn’t even have food or water, but we had that painting. Needless to say, I burned it. I loved every second of it. I hope the artist rots in his damned grave. His time is gone.
No. 979736
>>979729What does this even mean? Torrenting was popular
before zoomers.
No. 979797
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insanely terminally online issue but: i like pretending to be a femboy in mmo games. ff14 most recently. what i generally do, is use the female model but call it a dude…and usually, i have no issues outside of the occasional weird dm that's like, someone desperately wanting erp, or a trans person trying to recruit me to an lgbtqagfx+ group. one guy tried to debate gender shit (?) with me but i just ignored it. moving on though.
this gay dude i met in game, let's call him j.f., went from speaking to me every day to not talking to me at all after we voice chatted and he found out i was actually a woman. on one hand it's like, okay. i'm not that concerned. on the other i'm seriously trying to figure out why it even matters? we made it clear neither of us were looking for some weird digital relationship. he's playing a female character himself. so what the hell.
i guess i'm thinking about it now because this is the second time this has happened to me, and idk, i feel a little bad?
but at the same time though it's like i'm living through irl bullshit all over again, as a gnc woman. it's kind of funny but it also makes me ???
No. 979813
>>979797this sucks
nonnie, its literally them losing interest because now that they know youre a woman they cant see you as a complete or interesting person anymore. theres no other way i can rationalize that, especially if he was RPing as a female character himself
No. 979840
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shitty sister is bringing her bf with her when she comes back from uni. how am I going to ignore both of these scumfucks at the same time
No. 979849
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>suddenly became extremely sensitive to alcohol
>haha I must be getting old (I'm 23)
>finds out liver enzymes is abnormal
Honestly fuck my life I want reroll
No. 979854
>>979814>the stupidest shit when people say "Pete Davidson has a big dick do that's why women get with him."What sane women would ever get with a man simply because he has a big penis? If the sex is good, then the penis isn't actually big - it's probably above average.
There is nothing worse than having sex with a man who has a big penis. It hurts and he has to be careful to not get too into it or else he'll thrust too hard and bang into your cervix.
we are just not built the same, you do you
No. 979855
>>979839stop fucking trying to evade the main point of what they said you’re insufferable
>TEHEE HOPE YOU FIND POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS you’re pretty much proving their point go fuck yourself
No. 979861
>>977694>and even condition women to become manipulative.i know men condition us into being a lot of things but how do they do this specifically?
sorry for autism, i'm sitll unlearning male influence
No. 979869
I wasn't really coerced into sex, at least I feel like what I went through can't really be called that. My first sexual experience was shit, my partner did not stop when I asked him and even tried to constrain me once. I cried and we went for a walk. Yet I kept dating him hoping it'd get better. A d it was usually decent, but he demanded it at least two times every time he or I visited each other. Needless to say I never got off. After a while whenever we slept in one bed, I'd just wake up and pace around crying for an hour or so, and I still don't know what I was feeling then. We had another incident later where he was forcing something very porn-like on me and I absolutely hated it and refused, so he screamed "wtf is your problem, were you raped or something??" at me. Our relationship fell apart soon, but I can't even say the highs were that high, I was just clinging to him because he was a lot ofmy firsts.
I thought I was mostly past it, but then I started talking to a guy on the internet, and the chats got a bit sexual,which was fine by me. But yesterday as we were writing ERP, he wrote some kinda disgusting porn-y thing that reminded me of that one act my ex pestered about not doing and I broke down crying in the middle of the chat. I don't know why it affected me so deeply, it was 8 years ago now.
No. 979874
>>979855Ok dud anger is
valid uwu
No. 979911
>>979894>>979898It's okay
nonny I want to sewerslide too
No. 979914
>>979905If you're looking for reality in girl from nowhere you're watching the wrong thing
But also hysteria is a crazy thing anon groups of teenagers are especially susceptible
No. 979952
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>>979898>>979899keep the retarded slang to tiktok, integrated adults are talking here
No. 980123
>>979250I don't have any advice anon, but I just wanted to say that I am going through something similar. I've experienced a degree of social anxiety since I was in middle school. I've been isolated from my peers and never fully learned how to develop close relationships. Will be 21 next year but don't know how to drive, don't know how to talk to people, and have only really spent time focusing on school since I've been too afraid to get a job.
Maybe you can start by writing down all the things in your life that you'd like to change? Then you can write out a sentence of how you can accomplish that. Then you can just start to tackle each thing one by one to make it more bearable. Maybe something as simple as cleaning your room or getting a haircut, making a doctor's appointment, or whatever. Whatever helps you feel more put together.
I wish you the best!
No. 980155
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I know you will probably think this is nothing serious to vent about, but for me it is. I'm 26 but I look much younger and people usually assume I'm 18-21. The only men than hit on me are 20-21. It's like I don't exist for older men. Last 4 months I've had three guys seriously hitting on me, and two of them were 21 and one was 20, and all three were sure I was their age or younger. Every guy that tries to smalltalk me is the same age. I have literally one 30 year old guy talking to me, and he's my coworker and it's just a friendly talk, he's taken anyway. Like, maybe I wouldn't have anything against being with a guy 5-6 years younger than me, if he was mature enough and financially stable, but I've yet to meet such man. They either jump from town to town from one shitty job to another shitty job while not having any savings and their own apartment, or they have a stable job but they smoke weed like crazy and aren't that serious. Meanwhile, I have my own apartment and around 50k of savings, yes; I didn't achieve it by myself because I was "lucky" because I inherited the place after my mom died, and a certain part of my savings is insurance money, but I still earned a big chunk of it through my hard work in a blue collar tier job, and I had to seriously focus on that job, so I never had the time to go to uni, even though I wanted to. I sacrificed myself for that job. I was quite poor as a kid and I really respect money, I would never spend in on useless crap like weed. I don't want someone who doesn't have anything to offer in terms of financial stability. Sure, if a guy had money and his own place, but didn't impress me intellectually, didn't have the sense of humor I dig, I wasn't physically attracted to him enough etc., I also wouldn't want him. But a young guy who's funny and charming but totally irresponsible, doesn't take saving money seriously, smokes weed, doesn't read, doesn't have any interests or hobbies, will never ever pass because he simply doesn't have enough to offer me. Besides, I'm very, very inexperienced when it comes to dating men, I was never in a relationship, pretty autistic and isolated myself. Now I feel mature enough to start dating but I can't fucking imagine my first time with a fucking unstable 20 year old. Men my age are usually taken, and men around 30 don't even take me seriously, are either protective or patronizing. What am I supposed to do? Sometimes I want to scream at them "I'm actually 26 years old, fucking go out on a date with me", but I just can't. I'm too shy to talk to them. Honestly I'm afriad that because of my lack of experience, long term isolation from society, autism that sometimes causes my very emotional responses to stimuli like noise or sudden touch, lack of organization skills (except saving money), doing paper work and formalities, inability to express my needs and communicate like an adult should, and other things, I simply wouldn't be mature enough to be with one of those guys. I feel trapped, like I have no options.
No. 980175
>>980155I've got a similar problem, 27 soon but last three guys interested in me were all 20, but I don't think I look that young. Mostly guys seem to not care you're older as long as they find you attractive.
I'm not against dating younger guys because they tend to look better than guys my age. But I just know it's not gonna last. I want to marry soon and feel stable and those guys, even if they think they're mature and would commit, they will absolutely eventually feel the need to explore the dating world more and break up with me. I don't wanna waste my time on them.
Guys my age aren't any more responsible than the young ones like you think though. They're all struggling financially and still act like children. At least they're ready to settle down, but yeah most are taken. On the contrary older guys want their partners to immediately birth them seven children. What a shitty age to date.
No. 980181
>>980155I'm not reading this entire thing because you don't understand the concept of "paragraphs" but I relate to the whole "looking younger than I am" thing
because of health problems and I feel like this is one of the biggest things that prevents me from having a normal social life. I'm a 27 years old virgin because the very few times men hit on me they're either pedos, they're younger than I am and think I'm their age, or they guess my age correctly based on specific context. It affected me during previous jobs as well but right now I'm working with women around my age and they've never treated me like a little kid so that's great. I kind of gave up on even thinking about having a boyfriend, I feel like I'll never be treated correctly by a man because all of them judge others based on looks first and they all think they're hot shit. Good luck to you if you're actively looking fora stable relationship, stay strong anon.
No. 980229
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>>980219Nta but how did this happen? I'm 26 and I stopped dating men (and in general, girls don't like me kek) because of exactly what you wrote. What surprises me that this is happening all over the world and on all apps. Like wtf
No. 980240
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After seeing an indecisive moid for a year, I had to break it off with him. Officially we're on a break, (no contact). Giving it another chance isn't a good idea considering he has too much bs to sort for himself. His insecurities just ruin the whole thing. He's not even that great, but that was comforting in it's own way since I could feel superior in a way lol. Rip good dick. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to find another one… not gonna bother for a long time probably.
No. 980242
>>977666Pain and death
The longer I live the bigger the shadow they cast.
And I too, and all whom I love will succumb.
Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck.
No. 980250
>>980229Men realized they could try to game the system and fucked it up for themselves, as usual. Now they complain there's nothing but single moms on Tinder when they chased off all the normal women. It was very different a few years ago, there were lots of guys with normal shitty selfies talking about their hobbies and interests. Now it's the same photos, same copypasted jokes and same tricks they
all use.
No. 980264
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i can find people sexy, and i enjoy sex as a means to get an orgasm, but i find the actual act of sex really gross. the noises, the smells, the cleanup, the awkward moments. maybe it's because i have never had a partner i've been in love with and could look past any flaws? idk. i'm not asexual for sure but some parts of sex really gross me out.
No. 980266
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>scrote wanted to play with me
>conversation is going awful
>im mostly monologuing
>im done and go silent
>"why arent you talking"
why am i forced to make the effort when its you who wanted to play in the first place? blocked
No. 980377
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I’m so scared of being “average” or even just bad at things in life. I can’t let go of the need to be “special.” I’m just a loser and I should accept it.
No. 980392
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I ordered something from this store, had to e-mail the owner to ship out my order after 8 days of nothing. I noticed there was no tracking number though I paid for shipping that had tracking, so I waited a day or two. Still nothing, so I asked him to add the tracking number, and there's been no response after 4 days
I don't what to do. Is this seller trying to scam me? Should I email him one more time tomorrow, or say nothing and get a refund? I'm sad and pissed because I thought the clothes were cute but the owner seems like a flake
No. 980396
>>980264I feel sort of similar, anon! I like romance media, erotica, etc. but I fucking hate the idea of sex. I don't even like porn with real people. Penetration makes me feel physically sick and I get no pleasure from it, and the idea of sex with a man makes me nauseous. I have no interest in having sex with women either. I'm pretty sure I'm asexual or at the very least sex-repulsed, but i have no interest in "fixing" it. It's not because of trauma or anything, either.
I don't necessarily find people "sexy" but I do have a deep aesthetic appreciation for people, generally women. I just don't desire sex at all. I hope you are able to sort things out,
No. 980398
>>980396i feel pretty content with just masturbating but i also have to wonder if i'm missing out on something or if society just places way too much value on sex when it's… just another activity. again i've never been in love so maybe that changes it but. the human body just kinda grosses me out despite me def not being sex repulsed. just like, some aspects of sex are such a turnoff lol. dudes have it easier.
i hope you are also content.
No. 980426
>>980398Yeah, I have a somewhat low sex drive so masturbation is all I need (as lame as that sounds lol). I see it as more of a technical thing. I just do it to satisfy any urges that crop up and that's it.
I don't think you're missing out as long as you find other things that fulfill you in life! I personally have lots of hobbies that occupy my time, plus I'm a student and I'm pretty content with where I'm at. I've never had an interest in relationships, even when I was younger so I guess I'm just used to it all at this point. Wherever you're at, I'm sure you'll figure things out.
>>980401Ooh yeah I think bodily fluids have to be one the biggest eugh-factors for me. I find even tongue kissing to be gross. I'm so sorry you've had such shit experiences with men. I wish we as a society hadn't normalized porn, because with it we've normalized so many gross and dangerous sex acts as well. It's sickening, and I feel for women who are attracted solely to men. You guys have it rough.
>>980405NTAYRT but true! Probably why I prefer fictional men over real life ones lmao. They are in every way much more appealing to me. They feel a lot safer, too. I rarely feel comfortable around actual men anymore. Too much normalized misogyny, and they always try to call you crazy when you call them out on it.
No. 980493
>>980446Anon you deserve to be loved, and you don't owe it to anyone to stay broken for them.
Don't try to take the blame for what someone else did to you, but it's time to start looking out for yourself. You can start and restart at any time, you will always have yourself if you will just accept yourself
No. 980510
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Husband proves time and again he isn't ready for actual children because he can barely handle the new puppy we have.
He's willing to buy the right necessities to make sure the puppy is really cared for like expensive dog food, but he's really bad at planning the entire picture and certainly hates when the puppy imposes on his time.
He threw a hissy fit tonight and whined about having a headache because I was trying to tire the puppy out with his new squeak plushies that he LOVES! He yelled "You're the type of parent who buys those annoying horns and noisemakers for their kids!!" All because I was playing with the puppy and not watching his pretentious documentary on The Velvet Undeground. Give me a break! He got up to go watch upstairs in the bedroom. You know it's actually really fun to play with the puppy but husband's so geriatric that he wants nothing to do with the horseplay. It's weird because guys usually love dogs, I'm starting to think he was a "cat person" because they were independent and can be ignored (although that certainly showed in their antisocial behavior). I felt like snapping at him for being so low energy and never doing shit besides watching tv. He blames his job but honestly I'm tired of him taking out his job on me, he should be more ahead in life for his age than he is yet he's got no one to blame for himself. Anyways.
It's not like I'm riling up the puppy for no reason, unless he expends some energy he'll be stressed out in his crate and not sleep well.
So, husband wants babies–although I think he is in denial about his fertility cause it should have happened naturally by now and I've been pregnant before sadly. This is probably a blessing in disguise as much as it saddens me. Doesn't he realize babies make way more noise than a few squeaker toys 1-2 hours a day? Baby cries are even fucking worse because they're incessant and we're biologically programmed to find them super distressing, and babies will require so much more attention. He's not ready. He's older than me yet it's so sad he's still this immature. Idk fam, it's saying a lot to me.
No. 980517
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>Be me
>Found a song by a female singer
>Began to listen more of her songs
>Look at what other people are saying about the songs
>Full of theylets
>Look deeper into the singer's social media
>She is a they/them
No. 980518
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>>980416me too. it hurts the same whenever it happens; keep trying to get used to it these breakups but it never, ever gets easier lol.
No. 980519
>>980510I’m very sorry
nonny but it sounds like you’re just looking to pick a fight with him. He may very well deserve it but it sounds like you have a lot of resentment and insecurity and are being a bit critical where it may not be needed. Perhaps having kids is just very important to you and you’re worried he’s infertile and can’t have them
No. 980547
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>four day holiday time off is over and it's back to work in ~8 hours
I'm not ready and nothing makes this okay.
No. 980553
nonnie, I hope you find your place in the world and some love.
No. 980563
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God, I can't stop feeling lonely and wanting a relationship again. I'm trying to super "based" and pinkpilled and remember how marriage is where fun goes to die and men are shit, people are shit but I can't stop myself! I keep wanting someone to love. I need to break free from the shackles of society
No. 980568
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I hate working so fucking much, every attempt gets shorter and shorter and I just want to go back to being a neet. "High Functioning" autism is hell. This pandemic has sucked out my soul and there's nothing left, I can't feel my emotions and I don't have any will left. Please just let me sleep forever I'm so tired of everything and everyone.
No. 980587
My heart keeps beating fast. It's been going on for days and it's making me miserable. What the fuck is wrong with me, I feel panicked all the time and I can't be sure that what I feel is serious or not.
>>980567I've been there anon, it'll be over soon. Don't overdo it with the prep drink, you can slow down once you see that you shit clear enough.
No. 980615
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I fucking hate myself so much. I slack during lecture time and then I have to cram everything in the week before an exam because I can't get over myself and just do it while I have time. I feel so jealous of everyone that had the entire week to do extra exercises while I'm stuck trying to get through the basic material before the exam tomorrow. Even today I spent two hours in bed before getting up because I don't want to do anything. Why can't I just get over it already, it doesn't fucking matter what I want to do, I have to do this. I'm glad there's no one else forcing me, but being alone like this just shows that I'm totally incapable of living like a normal person. I wish there was a career or even major I was actually interested in, it's like there's nothing for me in this world. I'm just going with something that's supposed to get me money, at this point I can't even imagine doing something I enjoy. I just want to be a shut in neet and focus on my hobbies.
No. 980648
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>>980499>I dress in a vaguely alternative way and get shit for trying to be what people perceive as "quirky" and get told that I should just learn to embrace being feminine. I can't just fucking exist, can I? And yet, if you did dress hyper feminine, you would still be cussed out and berated. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you're a faithful amish housewife, a turbo bimbo stacy, or the most average jane smith ever to walk this earth, the world will constantly criticise your existence. That's one of the many, many reasons feminism is actually needed in the real world
> I just need to start taking care of myself.Please do. you really need to stop thinking twitter "sexworker" she/theys are the forefront of feminism. or that literally anyone on twitter affects you irl. Trust me, if you stop taking random social media retards' opinions so seriously and just do/dress however the fuck you want (the point of feminism) you will be much happier
No. 980654
>>980640by my definition, an on the fence twitterfag is a twitterfag who is on the fence about various political issues like gender identities who thinks twitter's "correct" opinions are too extreme and yet think lolcow's general attitude on the same issues are "
problematic". They stick around lolcow anyway because at least they won't get cancelled for speaking their mind here and enjoy gossip. Usually unironically have pronouns in their bios and have difficulty integrating because of their reluctance to use words like fag, retard, autism, etc
No. 980710
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I keep forgetting about assignments for this stupid student development class and I don't know why. I don't forget assignments for my other classes, just this boring unnecessary shit.
No. 980729
>>980703I am sorry nobody wants to watch extreme decapitation gore with you, maybe go ask on 4chan or kiwitards?
>>980715LMFAO you and me, anon. IDK if it's truly menarepigs or not, but some anon (or anons) is seriously pressed by the streams.
>>980720>Ngl but the discords, friendfinders, movie nights, gift exchanges, etc on lolcow always felt like honeypots and opportunities to collect dox by scrotes and mentally unhinged bpd chans. As someone who first proposed movie nights during the townhall, it's weird to see conspiracy takes on what is purely harmless fun to me. You may be right in some way — but contrary to discords and gift exchanges, movie nights are anonymous.
of course, you don't have to believe me This isn't against you, but I fucking hate the idea of farmer honeypots like we are some pedophiles to be hunted. Or more precisely, the community in the shadow of constant surveillance by an imaginary scrote. Oh no, don't share a personal experience with other women cause a scrote may get off to it. Don't talk with other farmers off site cause it may be a scrote gayops… etc. JFC this kind of life isn't fun!
No. 980743
>>980742>Nothing has happenedExcept that now there's this new Boogeyman that you call me are pigs or whatever
It's always a Boogeyman on lolcow
No. 980748
>>980746It literally is a boogeyman if you are blaming everything on one single person like always. It's a cycle on lolcow
>Bpdchans>Fujos>HusbandofagsIt never ends.
No. 980754
>>980748What are you talking about? The only time they were even around was in the chat
during the movie and then they were gone. If you're saying that I'm accusing them of that shit, then you're being hypocritical. I'm not every LC user itt and I didn't say any of that.
No. 980781
>>980775They said the movie was scrotey? That isn't accusing another user of being a pedo. This discussion is causing more of an issue than menarepigs did during the entire movie.
>>980776Why are you? Are you really surprised people act differently offsite? Why does it bother anyone that users are being friendly with each other while they watch a movie? It's so bizarre to me. The discord has been a thing for ages, people communicate offsite all the time. What pissed you off?
No. 980782
"There's no boogeyman"
>>980780>they were probably right. YOU ARE MEN ARE PIGS!literally what.
No. 980786
>>980775We didn't like the panty shots in the movie. We still had a good time and enjoyed watching the film together. Get over it. Your posts itt are obvious, same as in the previous movie thread.
Your bait is obvious and weak.
No. 980787
>>980780This was my only comment on this whole discussion
>>980765 and I was trying to convey that the most that might happen is lukewarm at best but maybe still annoying. I would join too, but I can't watch a whole movie at once lol.
No. 980805
>>980762I don't know what to tell you, it is running joke before anything else. It's true that there is someone sperging about movie nights with a distinct writing style, but who cares honestly
>>980763JFC it was a discussion/movie criticism. Aren't we allowed to have that? Anons disliking a streamed movie is a community-ending drama now? LMFAO.
>>980772If you don't want to participate than don't and maybe wait with the bitching untill the streams are shut down due to ~horrible boogeyman drama~. Until then shut up and keep your shizo fears to yourself.
>>980776>reee why are anons having fun streaming movies and not tearing each other down every second reeee stop that i'm uncomfortablePure projection
>>980777>Go watch movies with the other retards who want to namefag/personalityfag thenWow thank you, can you shut up now?
>Pretend to be "YASSQUEEENS LETS WATCH CUTE MOVIES TOGEHTER UWUUUUUUUU" while turning around and saying shit behind your backs on threads.Why do you have problem understanding that anons on site aren't interacting with each other but with pieces of text available at the moment? It isn't that personal. I am not interacting with you, I'm replying to some bullshit argument ATM. I don't know you. I don't hate or like you. If you write a post I agree with or something funny, I will write a nice reply instead. I don't know anything about anons on the movie chat beyond the opinions and comments they drop at any given moment. If one anon is nice to me during the movie chat and calls me a retard here for my opinion, I would never hold it against them LMFAO
>>980790You had to be there, participate next time
>>980793IDK but I remember the 'you fucking whores are insufferable' comment (made by another noname, mind you). Someone was bothered by the stream as it happened, very likely the same person posted 'do people really enjoy movie nights???' post 20 minutes after it ended
>>980801Seems like a you problem
No. 980808
>>980805Lmao you must be very pressed about your stupid movie night hypocrisy and drama if you felt like replying this much. The autism of this post is on another level entirely
This is why we can't have nice things on lolcow.
No. 980816
>>980805>It isn't that personal. I am not interacting with youCalling someone a pedo/scrote is a big accusation though, just because of some dumb movie lmao
>>980809Sorry that your entire family is hypocrital then, must suck to be you. But again, some people get uncomfortable by being nice to each other on chat and then calling someone a pedo or retard on another place at the same time.
No. 980821
>>980813>no more supporting each other in vent postsIf you go to past vent threads a lot of people in distress who come and vent are called retards instead of being helped. This is something we all know, and something everyone complains about. Again this is hypocrital
>RETARDS ONLY CLUBAnd you're club member #1 it seems
>>980817Wow what happened with the positivity and niceness? I suppose that's over now.
No. 980844
>>980805>>Go watch movies with the other retards who want to namefag/personalityfag then>Wow thank you, can you shut up now?That's literally against the rules though
maybe those threads were a mistake? idk
No. 980853
>>980827How many people would see this as hypocrisy, though? I, for one, don't. Hypocrisy would be if I called your very same post genius here and retarded in another thread. The closest to your example would be if I enjoyed movie nights while trying to to shut them down here. If someone cannot handle the way anonymous interactions work, then they need to avoid them. This isn't tumblr or twitter. It isn't about building personal connections, but about having fun with like-minded individuals. It's about reacting to each other as strangers caught in the moment. What happens at movie nights, stays at movie nights.
>>980844I genuinely don't know what you mean. Nobody is namefagging (or 'personalityfagging') on the farms. The movie chats are offsite and we could namefag as much as we want, but it's been decided against that i.e. because most anons specifically like anonymity and the freshness that comes with it.
No. 980861
>>979213Sorry about that
nonnie, this sucks so much. If you know any of his
victims it could help you to also have someone to talk to. I feel so lonely about this. People who know about it tell me it's better to just let it go, but I still feel angry. I lost hope of ever getting justice and there is nothing I can do, anything I could try would most likely harm me more than heal me. But I hope you the best, that your abuser gets what he deserves.
No. 980870
>>980853>but it's been decided against that i.e. because most anons specifically like anonymity and the freshness that comes with it.then who is menarepigs and why does everyone keep mentioning them?
Again if you can tell who that is by personality alone, you will be able to tell the personality and typing styles of everyone else who becomes a regular on movie nights.
No. 980884
>>980864Because people bitch at movie nights happening. Nothing was seeping before those autistic posts lol
>>980870>then who is menarepigs and why does everyone keep mentioning them?A meme
>>980883this is fucking hysterical
No. 980904
>>980899Oh wait I can get one night stands and I’m able to be a man’s side chick so I can technically have sex, but I can’t wait true love I guess because I’m unloved forever alone etc…
I know this is pathetic to read, but with the fact I’m considering suicide as a definite option when things get too rough what do you even expect?
It just sucks to be me it just sucks
No. 980906
>>980899I'm only replying so
>>980900 this retarded reply isn't the only one you get. Go get therapy or meds or both, anon. Drink some water and get some sleep.
No. 980912
>>980909I know I don’t need it I just want to be somebody else.
>>980906No therapist likes me so I can’t successfully, I can function better off meds.
I don’t know what to do, I’m just feeling worse and worse as years go by.
No. 980916
>>980904why are you risking your safety to let moids use you? All of you need to learn to love yourelf a little bit. Would you let your sister do this shit? So why are you doing it to yourself, dumbass? You're making excuses
>>980912 because you dont like yourself so obviously no therapist does etc. It's a cycle and you're doing it all to yourself.
No. 980926
>>980916Therapists run away from me without explanation. I have slow processing disorder so they don’t have the patience for me. Also have feral child brain like symptoms due to severe negligence.
I dont have one night stands. I just know I can get them because men ask for sex and when I flirt I realize they’re taken etc…but I don’t care about it it’s just a small fraction of the bigger problem. I think you’re projecting tbh. No offense. I am crying because I’m a tard, mosty.
I have no sister btw only a brother and mother and they both hate me.
No. 980929
>>980915Yeah gaming and isolating myself helps a bit. I just deleted my whatsapp account because of my adhd it just distracts me and rereading the logs and my friend begging kind of hurts.
I’ll be selectively mostly mute again (also online or else i wouldnt have deleted whatsapp) everyone misunderstands me anyways.
No. 980988
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>>980929It's ok to take a break, I'm similar and I just get tired after a while of trying to larp as a full human and not some neglected unsocialized creature.
No. 981064
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I was over the moon a few days ago from having gotten a certain license that would allow me to work in a not so shitty job and even increase my chances of working somewhere not shitty at all after having worked only shitty jobs for the last few years since high school. I was feeling stuck since I'm still in college and thought if i'm going to be a wageslave in the meantime I might as well do something i don't hate as much/enjoy a little more along with slightly getting better pay. It felt like a small step ahead in the right direction and like my only accomplishment so far, because I still only have a high school diploma, so I was happy about that, my only regret was not having thought of getting it sooner. I don't remember the reason but I looked at the requirements to apply a litte ago today and saw a highschool diploma is not required at all……….. I feel really demoralized and alot of things make sense now, like why people are condescending (not excusing them) or why some of the license holders i've encountered in the past don't seem all the way there. I'm still going to work in the field because i need to but i don't seem able to override this train of thought that i'm useless and I still haven't accomplished anything worthy, I think I would have been able to enjoy my job before but now I'm not so sure. I guess I'll have to wait and see. It just sucks because this was about the only thing that made me happy in a while now and now I'm back to square one.
No. 981088
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>when people ask me why I'm kicking out my roommate
No. 981152
>>981104This is real. My roommate is a scrote who is low-key an alcoholic and every weekend I walk downstairs to be greeted with this. He's like, "I'll clean it up don't worry" but it just sits there until Tuesday or when I clean it up. I've blown up at him multiple times over this, it gets better for a week, then back to this. I've had the talk with him to leave and now he's looking for apartments.
>>981107My roommate blows his nose in the bathroom sink and halfheartedly washes it away. In the kitchen sink, he piles up the dishes because he uses 10 dishes/pans/pots to cook one meal. There's a dishwasher right next to the sink.
No. 981208
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I came to the realization that the person whom I thought liked me was actually just being a friendly coworker, nothing more and my socially retarded and sheltered womanchild ass mistook it for romantic interest. I want to bash my head against a wall a million times. I am dumb dumb dumb
I also pondered on whether this is something that I took after my mother, who also has a weird sense of attachment. Like she will cut off a family member in a minute without warning but she will randomly confess to a person working at a clothing store how much she likes them and how they are the reason she goes to that store after meeting that person for the second time
No. 981252
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The cost of living just keeps getting worse and worse every month, at what point does this shit stop?
No. 981297
part of me wants to stay with my bf forever, have a child, move back to my hometown, have a bit of a career and live this small, cosy life. and then part of me wants to break up with the bf, move to Ireland, work shitty jobs, never have kids and just read books in my free time until I die a happy hermit. the shittiest thing is, I feel like regardless of which option I end up choosing, I'll still regret not choosing the other one, from time to time at least. sucks to want your life to go in two separate directions simultaneously.
No. 981311
>>981289Same anon. Every designer/status item is either 100% polyester or rarely silk, which isn’t a practical everyday garment. It pisses me off to see a $1200-$1800 dress and it’s literally made of plastic. What the fuck am I paying for? Aside from some male designer’s ego.
Madewell has more natural fabrics like cotton linen hemp tencel and wools than your average brand and their sales are rly good (70% off sale today for cyber Monday.)
No. 981322

Had a rough week at work last week, got through it but cried from exhaustion more or less all Friday evening, weekend was not enough time to recover, period kicks in Monday morning with the shits and nausea whole shebang, called in sick relieved to have another day to myself to regroup. Monday evening now, still feel like shit, randomly gets this song in my head, listens to it and just cries and cries and cries. I don't even know what the song is about it just hits me right in the PMS.
I want to change my life, I hate having a job that i love for many reasons but management issues and the constant unforeseen changes that happen daily just keeps draining the life out of me. I'm killing my brain with stress and anxiety on the daily and I'm not even well paid. There is no great reward. I recently learned that my annual pay increase is barely higher than the inflation rate. It's all such a scam. Work hard, get paid more NO. NO ONE KNOWS HOW HARD YOU WORK. NO ONE CARES. Put in the bare minimum of work that you are paid to do, do it well and that's it. Working harder than you are paid for will never make you more well paid. I'm so sick of keeping it together during the work week, only to fall apart at home. I hate that I was just recently diagnosed with autism at 30+ because all my life I thought I just wasn't trying hard enough. I spent my youth completely burning myself out trying and trying and trying and I'm scared for the damage it might have caused my brain.
Maybe I should just quit my job and try to learn photography or something. I just want to be happy and enjoy my life rather than endure it. Fuck I wish I was born rich.
No. 981342
>>981319Add onto that, most are just fear porn inducing tards who stock up on shit not learn skills. What happens if their base gets flooded? Raided? They'll have nothing. They act like they're going to be a one man show, when the only ppl who survive big events are the ones in groups.
>>981321Unless the whole world gets nuked then it's possible, you only need to survive long enough to get to a better place/establish connection and trading with a better place. I don't think they plan for the forever apocalypse.
No. 981345
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>>981289i would love to own a sandra mansour dress all beauty and threat
No. 981421
>>981359She’s actually very sweet and normal irl! We only have a handful of common interests but our personalities mesh together really well. I can depend on her emotionally, and while I try to offer the same to her, she doesn’t really lean on me that much for emotional support. It’s very rare that she mentions gender stuff when we hang out, I just see it on her twitter a lot. Her negativity does bog me down but since we no longer are around each other constantly (used to work together, that’s how we became friends), when we see each other it’s usually very light and happy. I know it seems really weird that we’re good friends but she’s just one of those friends where you just get along so well with each other naturally, it’s effortless to have a good conversation when we’re with each other in person. I try to take it as just one of those “annoying habit your friend has that makes you fucking loathe their existence even though you actually love them” things even though it’s a nasty rabbit hole and probably really doesn’t help her mentally.
>>981364I’m sorry about your friend nonna! I hope they’ll snap out of it. I’m not a confrontational person so I usually redirect the conversation or avoid it altogether to avoid conflict or voicing my real concerns so we can stay friends.
No. 981422
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I'm so tired of this covid ordeal. I hope next year gets better. This year was worse than the last. At least last year we were able to buy food for the entire month. This year my family even had to get new clothes from the trash which ok, I don't mind, they're just clothes, and they fit which is more than I could've asked for, and I also stayed an entire year without shampoo nor anything to use on my hair and had to cut it short so it would be more bearable, no biggie, but I'm tired that even without spending a dime on superfluous shit like clothes and basic hair products we don't ever have enough to make ends meet. Food never lasts till the end of the month, and when we get something special to eat, I'm always afraid of eating too much and having nothing by the end of the month, so I never eat enough to be completely full. I feel like this mindset might fuck me up for good in the long run and I'll end up like the people that were poor when they were younger and got obese due to being afraid of never having food again or be one of those crazies that spend money on absolutely nothing and live miserable because they're afraid of experiencing poverty again.
Then I see cows like luna crying they're so hungry and poor while never losing even a bit of weight and taking pics with their new videogames, phone, clothing, makeup and whatever, other retarded useless expensive crap like tats and piercings. Like wtf. I'm so angry. At least this month is soon over, so I'll be eating well again and hopefully for the entire month. Fuck this, fuck the "poor" cows, fuck luna, fuck covid, fuck this new variant, fuck the president, fuck 2021, fuck me.
No. 981446
>>981356>>981364I feel this. My best girl friend IRL became "nonbinary" the last few years and is extremely online on Twitter. She's normal when we hang out and I love her but its sad. I feel like I have no girl friends left. All my geeky girl friends are opting out of womanhood. Or trying to.
Trans shit is so cruel to autistic girls. I find it really hard to use they/them but try to humour her because she is a good friend. But they/them always indicates a lack of information when used as a pronoun. Feels clunky as fuck to use constantly. I don't bring this up to her because she's very attached to these ideas and rigid in her thinking.
I feel like I can't talk politics with her either because she just drinks all the Twitter Queer Theory Kool Aid and doesn't actually read any theory; or she is familiar with only hacks like Judith Butler. Bleh. This wave of feminism has become such a disgusting, unfunny joke. I don't believe in any "gender identity" shit. It's all fucking made of queer theory bull fucking shit that has leeched in psychology - the quackiest, most useless soft science - and now into our actual medical institutions and public discourse at large.
So fucking depressing. I don't know where to find other cool lesbians anymore. Everyone is so fucking insane from this queer theory shit. I feel like everyone around me is smoking crack. I used to be like them too. Feels like fucking Plato's Allegory.
No. 981449
>>981446Why is it her thinking and ideas are rigid and unchangeable, but yours are? I understand you want to do right by your friend, but where is her understanding for you?
I see these stories a lot and I don't understand it. I've had friends drink the koolaid and I've just told them it's sexist trash and I'm not going to respect it and they've left me alone about it. It's only when you let these people lecture you and talk down to you they will. The best thing you can do is shut them down.
It's cool that your friend thinks she can opt-out of womanhood, but point out to her that's an incredibly bougie and first-world thing to be able to do. I bet the girls in Afghanistan wish they could just opt out.
No. 981462
>>981449It's because of the strange victimhood rhetoric tied up in trans shit. If I tell her I don't believe in gender identities, and that they're sexist trash, I'm an evil transphobe. You have to keep in mind she's in DEEP with the online discourse. "Cut off people you misgender you, question you" blah blah blah. There's no room for healthy discussion there. I don't want her to put me in the out group because gender disagreements aside, we are good friends aside from this one annoying thing.
Somehow this ideology has latched itself onto the LGB community - so not believing in it is basically me being the equivalent to a homophobe, or some shit. Which is a real gag as a lesbian. She isn't gay, so I wonder if that's why she hasn't figured it out sooner. She has a boyfriend but considers herself "queer" because of the gender shit that no one can see at first glance. I try not to roll my eyes. I began to question all this when "genital preferences" were posed to me. So maybe that's why she's slow on the uptake. She really is great this BS aside so I feel like a cunt talking behind her back, but I needed to vent. Bleh…
Essentially, in her mind, she is the morally righteous, correct one. This gender stuff, especially the NB crap, reminds me of being raised Christian, where ignoring logical inconsistencies that would make the house of cards tumble was a good, pious thing because it spoke to one's ability to be have "faith." I'm supposed to have "faith" in this gender BS and ignore what my eyes see. That my friend is female and that internal gender IDs don't exist in a meaningful way. It's all made up.
I guess what I'm saying is navigating her belief feels like on my end, like I'm navigating interactions with someone who is devoutly religious & does not want to be challenged. If you get what I'm saying. Come to think of it, we met another NB at a mutual friends place and the way they started talking about gender stuff sounded like they were reciting scripture at each other. It's all so odd.
No. 981545
>>981537My grandma is in her 90's and has been getting progressively worse over the past few years. It has gotten so bad that she doesn't really recognize most of us anymore. They finally put her in assisted living which she hates, but it was getting too hard to take care of her at her home anymore. Her son, my uncle, took her over to his house for a visit. She thought he was her husband (who died 10 years ago and was also very senile) and that he was cheating on her with his wife. She gave them a really hard time over it and said they were going to hell and stuff. My mom (her daughter in law) and my siblings were just laughing about it. Personally I find it horrifying and sad, tragic even. I seriously kind of hope she just passes away soon because she clearly doesn't get any joy or fulfillment out of life anymore.
It's fucking painful and sad to watch. My parents are already in their 60's. It fucking scares me that that might happen to them too. It makes me really fucking sad actually and want to kms.
No. 981552
>>981462> This gender stuff, especially the NB crap, reminds me of being raised Christian, where ignoring logical inconsistencies that would make the house of cards tumble was a good, pious thing because it spoke to one's ability to be have "faith."Hit the nail right on the head! I don’t bother to fight with them. I’m very fortunate that I have a lot of women friends who are not nb/trans even if they do support it. My best friend is a lot more supportive of it than me but we will agree on how ridiculous and performative some of this shit can get between ourselves. Honestly, I don’t even know how I didn’t fall into the fakeboi hole because I used to buy into a lot of that shit. A close friend came out as nonbinary and for a few days I did genuinely question my gender but I came to the conclusion of “my clothes don’t define me, I love and enjoy being a woman and celebrating my femininity, wearing men’s clothes when I want to doesn’t mean shit” and that was that. It also feels like a really top tier stupid first world problem sometimes too.
I will admit that I am kind of dumb and I tend to never argue with my nb friend about anything because they’ll go on and on about stuff and my slow brain really needs time to process a well thought out response.
No. 981568
>>981526I started having chest pains abt 3 years ago that turned out to actually be really bad surges of acid reflux/GERD. Didn't feel like that at all, like normally with acid reflux it feels kind of like you just vomited, but this was just like stabbing chest pains.
I went to the hospital and made them xray & cat scan me but they didn't find anything and told me it was probably acid reflux/GERD. I didn't believe it at first but I started eating a milder diet and it did go away over time. Later I talked to my mom and she was like "oh yeah GERD but it feels like you're having a heart attack, I get that now and then" like thanks for the warning mom, would've saved me a lot of hospital money.
In my case changing my diet was easy because I was working at a waffle restaurant and eating waffles 3x a day. So I just stopped doing that and it went away. But as my mom has it and eats reasonably healthily it may be in my future. She is quite prone to stress though which also contributes to it.
As regards stress also, my partner developed tinnitus last year during a crunch period at work, and it did go away slowly after stress was reduced. A big thing that helped was turning off all sources of droney noise - heater, A/C, fans, etc - and wearing earplugs when that wasn't possible. Took several months of that to go away totally. Kind of like the ear equivalent of having a strained muscle in a brace.
No. 981585
>>981526I used to drink chlorophyll water and it would get rid of my BO and made my poop not smell. I'm not sure how it works, so it might not help with the fish smell but it's something you could try. I switched to chlorophyll capsules instead of the liquid concentrate and took too many one day and it fucked up my stomach for a while, so I'd suggest sticking to the concentrate (you mix it with water, it doesn't have much of a taste depending on how much you water it down).
Idk about the tinnitus or the other things though. I hope you can find a cure.
No. 981602
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I want to be beautiful so badly. Or at least: pretty. I have complained on this before, but I will never understand how my parents were so gorgeous at my age but I am ugly. Do I not have their genes? Maybe not, for I am not pleasant to the eye. Lopsided face. Terrible skin. Ugly profile. Been teased for being bad-looking all my life.
So dramatic, I know, but if for one day I could experience what being lovely is like I would be happy.
No. 981629
>>981617its lower left abdominal pain that never goes away and worsens with food and the worst diarrhea ive ever had, no intense nausea but thinking of food can make me feel sick to my stomach sometimes but i havent thrown up at all. ive also had a few episodes of cold sweats and a fever that comes and goes. complete lack of energy any time the cramps get really bad. CT scan with contrast came back with nothing and i am suppose to see a gastroenterologist soon
i was also misdiagnosed with a hernia in the beginning by a doctor that didnt even physically look at me because i mentioned i had seen a bulge in my lower left abdomen a few times that warped the appearance of an old scar on my abdomen but who knows what that was about, it's obviously related to whatever is wrong with me but the CT obviously showed no hernia. if it were colon cancer would also be visible in the CT i believe? no idea wtf is wrong
No. 981650
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I started a new job last month and I can't stop thinking about one of the security guards there.
He's super tall and his shoulders are so broad and he keeps smiling at me. Honestly, I think I'm a bit out of his league but I'm hoping I can use that to my advantage and get him to talk to me.
I stood behind him in line for coffee the other day. He smelled really nice and my heart was beating so fast.
I've been in a relationship for 12 years and I think I'm just bored with my life.
But he looks cute in that stupid uniform and he has a stupid motorcycle fml
No. 981662
>>981625you're supposed to just eat steak because keto is an excuse for moids to just eat steak like they already wanted to.
i assume you're referring to cauliflower rice which is indeed bad but if you're looking at recipes that are subbing rice for cauliflower rice you're miles from anything sensible.
consider perhaps, eat half as much rice, instead of trying to sub it for weird stuff. also consider, eat half as much meat, which will reduce the expense, as you noted.
also consider, eat green vegetables. even if you only shop at walmart/$store this means frozen broccoli, frozen peas and frozen spinach. do not say some dumb shit to me like "but vegetables have carbs" or I will come at you like a spider monkey.
repeat: keto is not a real diet, it's an excuse for moids to gobble meat
No. 981677
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I keep getting stupidly mad irritated at small things online. Like anything someone posts ticks me off. For some reason, this doesn't happen on lc at all, even the pure underage retard tier posts don't irritate me but on another imageboard or another website something innocous gets me angry and ticked off. And it's happening much often now. I can control the urge to reply very rudely but I still seethe on the inside over incredibly minor things like someone coming across a little young or sheltered. I need to touch some grass lmao
No. 981682
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all I feel is just primordial feelings. i can no longer laugh or enjoy things, sleeping on my bed fucking hurts and is so uncomfortable, pretty sure my thyroid is about ready to burst and i always have some kind of weird infection feeling in my chest and swelling of my neck and i’m super lonely and detached to the point where i can’t even distract my rage anymore my brain refuses to put up a fake wall anymore. i’m going to rip god from his holy fucking balls out of the fuckjngsky and tear his heart apart for making me suffer like this
No. 981683
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Started taking antidepressants and actually have a lot of energy from them. I'm still feeling lazy but hopefully it goes away soon, I've only taken 2 doses so far.
No. 981707
>>981701Consider moving states.. or maybe even a different country.
I'm really over American culture and politics at this point. I know there's no place that exists without problems, but it would be a breath of fresh air to travel or live somewhere else for a while.
No. 981720
>>981701I too left the tumblr-minded people and pretty much just make internet friends from other hobby-focused forums. Finding new hobbies are great too, the one I'm especially fond of right now is the trekking community in my local area. People blogged about their routes and gave tips on their favorite stops and such. Even geeky community like gunpla or game restoration projects are filled with older millennials as well.
I think my initial problems with them were that they might have set rules to weed out troublemakers and resource beggars. They may seem strict and intimidating at first too, but they have more patience than the younger generation when it comes to drama. (At least that's what I think).
No. 981735
>>981707>>981703Yeah, even my IRL friends are pretty unbearable. They keeping coming out as enbies or troons one after the other, and then bitch non-stop about getting misgendered by randos.
>>981720That sounds like a good idea. I'm primatily an artist and unfortunately all online art communities are very brainrotted. I hope exploring my other interests more could help me find new friends.
No. 981752
>>981751Meant to say
*NOT a chronic coomer
No. 981772
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my painting hand is so fucking raw from dehairing all these dolls that i was gonna make for christmas gifts but now i cant paint them for like another week because my hand is so fucking sore from spending hours tweezing hair out of these god damn dolls
No. 981778
>>981751Glad you turned out okay for it anon, but Catholic sexual repression and guilt did me and others absolutely dirty–namely women.
I'm not sure if I buy that religion causes less instances of kink and sexual deviance. How effective could religion really be for this when its tenet states that one can be forgiven on Sundays for literally anything if one asks for it? Even Catholic priests can't resist temptations well. I'd predict that religious shame causes more people to develop sexual complexes because they don't know how to process what they're feeling and develop weird philias around it. There's no one they can talk with to work out what's genuinely normal and what isn't until they stumble upon other deviants looking to keep secrets. Any belief system that causes people to not be forthright with themselves–not to say the extreme of cooming is the answer–isn't a good thing for personal development.
No. 981811
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A spoiled rich guy that kept sexually assaulting me throughout the entire HS and almost raped me works as a teacher now. I hate it so much. I hope the staff and students will be okay. It's horrible.
No. 981877
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Hell. A friend and I had a bit of an argument weeks ago and since then, we didn't really contact one another. I think it was mostly to let things cool off a bit but in not talking to him, I realized over that time just how good I felt not being around him. I feel so awful saying that but I mean it even after serious contemplation, and I could simply do without him at this point in time. He changed my life for the better and I'm definitely glad I met him but like… idk. We hung out so much (every day type shit for months) that I actually don't think there's much more to gain on either end if we were to continue being "besties" and all. He reached out to me a couple days ago and I think he only did so because he's trying to get himself in my good graces since I'm hosting an event soon w/ some other friends and fuuuck I just don't want to invite him. In my ideal world we'd naturally drift apart (while still being friends loosely) but he's a clingy person so I know it won't be like that. Ughhhhhh.
No. 981909
>>981897Ohh no. Sounds like a disaster.
Are you into the actual gross balding skinnyfat coomers, or just the mental image of a 'successfully feminine' (for the lack of a better way to express it) male? Does he have to have a straight up troony weeaboo scrote vibe or do you just want a soft pretty boy nerd?
No. 981938
>>981909> soft pretty boy nerd?This would be a better description but with a strong emphasis on being very feminine and submissive. Like long hair (even wigs would be okay, I'm that desperate), makeup, cute outfits, the whole package. So a femboy or a crossdresser, even a troon would do.
>>981926Yeah, me too. I'm really not attracted to manly men. It makes me want to vomit. Beards, body hair on men, guts, muscles. It's all yuck to me. The problem is I'm well into my mid 20s and my taste hasn't changed and I fear it won't and it will prove to be disasterous for my love life. Feminine men are rare and it's even rarer to find decent feminine men.
No. 981979
>>981712since you didnt say "rec'd by a doctor" I'm going to assume ypu meant rec'd by some rando, in which case as another rando I rec that you do not do that.
if you need things to have a name, so you can be on "the x diet" instead of just eating well like a normal person, I hereby prescribe you "the green diet" which is as follows: eat green vegetables. if you don't like them, go find recipes that you do like. you dont have to like every vegetable (i hate string beans and brussels sprouts) but you have to find a couple that you do like (i like kale, arugula, broccoli rabe).
yes you have to keep trying. it's literally part of growing up. prior to the age of 22 i didnt eat shit for green vegetables and now that I do, I wish I always had because the health, digestive & skincare improvements are insane.
No. 982006
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me coming back into this thread hoping I would get a lukewarm “it’s gonna be okay anon!” with a generic cute animal that’s clearly bred to fuck all where it’s eyes are bulging out but it’s just bitches replying to each other like why!!! why!! WHYY!!! where is that anon when you need them?
No. 982010
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>>982006Whatever is your problem, it's gonna be ok anon
No. 982012
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>>982006I got you, based TP babe. I hope you feel better soon!
No. 982016
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>>982006That happens to me, too. It's because you're a bad bitch and everyone in the thread is intimidated by your aura
I'm jk. Everything will be okay anon, no matter waht No. 982034
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I had a schizo episode the other day. Nothing really too bad but I still have that underlying feeling that everyone hates me & shit, I'm crying constantly and can barely function, but I'll eventually get over it. To make things even better, my mother got a call today saying we're getting kicked out & to be out by February. I literally feel like killing myself. My mothers a hoarder so it's going to be so hard to pack, I don't even know where we'll move, prices have only been going up. We have some friends that can help us find a place and move, I'm really hoping they pull through. I just feel so hopeless, I was hoping for something good to happen this Christmas since my mother been sober for awhile but I don't think she'll continue. Everything's just so disappointing, an endless cycle.
No. 982079
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I know that this same vent is repeated every day ad nauseum and it's basically a dead horse, but I get so annoyed whenever I read or watch something that boils down gender relations to "if ony women just stopped worrying and learned to enjoy the game that is love and sex", the positivity would just mend every problem. I don't want to hear men comment on sexual relations ever again. You're not worried about physical harm, you're not worried about pregnancy (apart from being "forced" to pay for your own child). Anything sexual I say to a man he'd basically agree to, because they can't imagine a scenario where I do actual harm to them, and when they suggest something really off-putting and dangerous, they'll call you frigid for getting uncomfortable and pulling out of the situation. They do not depend on the hope that the woman is "reasonable" whenever things start to get unpleasant. And I only had "mild" bad experiences compared to other women, and yet there isn't an "epidemic" of female shooters.
No. 982102
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lc, please PLEASE give me advice. just quick advice, i need to know if i'm justified in my feelings or not or not.
anyway: one of my professors this semester does NOT tell us what we need to do for class outside of his lectures. at best, we get the title of the assignment on blackboard, something vague like "make food."
am i wrong for being annoyed by this? for not being enthused to do the work when i barely know what's going on? i've never had a professor this lazy with assignments, usually we at least get a short summary: e.g. "make cake in oven."
now the course is abuzz with a project we were supposed to have done over thanksgiving break, and it seems most everyone else has at least started on it, whereas i haven't because i flew out of state that week to see my relatives and just assumed this teacher would toss a notice up on site, but he didn't. i did not attend the lectures. i haven't yet bothered to watch the recordings online, either, so i take responsibility for that.
i can take the late penalty but holy shit i'm annoyed right now. trying to figure out how to tell this guy, "hey, was focused on break and i'm a little foggy on the details of this project; do you mind telling me what we're meant to do? i know it's due today xD but lol haha"
No. 982107
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I got a true crime video recommended to me and it sounded like an interesting story, so I put it on but the first few seconds put me in a ruined mood. I stopped watching them for like a year because it just started being depressing listening to every video be about scrotes hurting women and children in worst ways possible over and over again. I think I'm too aware of the pattern to ever go back to watching them. I thought I got over it but I guess not. Now I gotta find something else to watch, maybe I'll go back to dollmaking youtube…
No. 982114
>>982102You’re not in the wrong to be annoyed by it, but ultimately all you can change is your own behavior. Make a point to check all assignments ahead of time (if he posts them ahead of time), or as soon as they get posted and ask for clarification whenever you need it.
I’ve worked with one particular teacher like this for years and I’ve just learned that you have to be diligent about sticking up for yourself when it comes to assignments, and don’t wait for the prof to connect the dots for you.
No. 982151
I love my boyfriend… The silliest part of all of this is that he is extremely obsessed with me, I simply don't allow myself to accept it. Just yesterday we were lying in bed and he was playing with my hair, saying: "I love you, [my name]… You're such a special girl, I'm so lucky to have found you. You're the girl I choose." He really does love and cherish me. He has supported me when I was sick and emotionally distressed. He has seen me cry so much, and of course he does not mind. He does not think I am ugly or bad or crazy. I know that is the bare minimum, but he genuinely thinks I am beautiful and knows how lucky he is to have me. He wants me around, he always says how happy he is to see me again, how I take his breath away whenever I open the door to let him in, how it fills him with warmth and happiness when I smile and look up at him. He says he loves me and he loves me so much. Yesterday before bed we were brushing our teeth together and he said that I looked so cute, and he held my face like a doll's, and when we returned to his bedroom he held my face again and looked at me and he was clearly emotional but composed, and he smiled and said that he will really miss me when I leave (I am moving and we have to break up), that it all suddenly hit him at once in that moment. He really loves me… He loves me! I can feel it, I can tell, I just know it in my heart. He loves me
No. 982152
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being skinny is stupid and a scam. It seems like every time I have a depressive episode where Im too sad to eat and thus lose weight is when i receive the MOST compliments on my body. I lowkey noticed this when i was younger and really depressed, customers would compliment my body unprovoked when i was clearly underweight. It triggered me because they always did it while shitting on their own bodies which doubled my uncomfortable feeling. It also sucks that when I gain weight I tend to gain it in my face first so i always lose the bone structure of my face. But the fucked up thing is im so used to my emaciated face that when i see it sort of plump it triggers me. I dont even have an ED i just grew up really poor so i subconsciously view food as a luxury and not a necessity. Ive gone to bed hungry so much growing up that its second nature to me in my adulthood. Thats fucked up. I just want to be healthy and build muscle. Im tired of looking like a fragile bird. I fucking weigh 98 lbs at 27 years old thats fucking embarrassing> im lucky that i dont lose weight in my boobs or butt for some reason. But honestly i wish i did because then i'd feel more pressure to maintain a healthy weight so i dont lose my booty or butt. But because they remain relatively the same that pressure just isnt there because i barely notice when i lose weight until i feel weak as shit OR PEOPLE START COMPLIMENTING ME. Anyway this sounds like a humblebrag post but i can assure you its not. If you want to look like a clamp character in real life then be my guest and switch bodies with me LOL.
No. 982178
>>982107 > every video be about scrotes hurting women and children in worst ways possible over and over again. I think I'm too aware of the patternOne of my main pet peeves with comment sections or true crime boards is how men will never stop being offended if you point out how yes males are obviously the vast majority of people committing the absolute worst criminal acts in terms of violence and sexual violence.. but then men also love to act oh so shocked when women are involved in a particularly violent crime.
>Um women are just as bad as men when it comes to the disgusting crimes they commit, some people are assholes and it has nothing to do with sex >Omg it's so much worse because she's a woman and you'd never expect a woman to harm someone!! It's so extra shocking!!So they're constantly admitting that extreme violence is mainly some scrote shit and that when women join in it's the exception.. it's stands out as rare and blows their minds. But then they also just deny that fact whenever it suits them.
No. 982208
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I can’t do this, anonettes. I can not spend the next 50+ years slaving away at a job I hate just to be barely able to afford the basics. I don’t want to be famous and I am willing to work but fuck. this. shit. I don’t know how but I’m going to positively change things for myself. I have to.
No. 982245
>>982209Because you don't know how to format posts on an imageboard
>skinny fatew
No. 982271
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>>982266And the fact that I mentioned I grew up in poverty aka having to go to sleep with air and spit to hold me over. and you stupid bitches want to compare me to privileged girls who CHOOSE to not eat fuck off
No. 982277
>>982261Thank you for the message anon, I know that what we have is special. But it isn't an abnormality. Anybody would be lucky to have me, and I'm sure the same is the case for you. I love him so much, and it does break my heart to have to leave him. I love holding and being held by him. I love his scent and his skin and his hair and his eyes and nose and mouth and hands and arms. I love his entire body and being. I love who he is and I love what we have. But life has something else in mind for me and I know it. I have to make decisions and I won't become who I was meant to be if I don't take these leaps. I don't regret one bit of what I have with him either, even if I know it won't last forever. He told me I'm the girl he wants to marry. That he's always been looking for me. He knew he could stop looking when he met me. He told me this, and I know he means it. He fought to have me and keeps fighting. He knows what he has to lose. Maybe one day we will indeed meet again, and perhaps I am mistaken in believing we are destined to be together only now. But for now this love is serving its purpose and soon will have to end for me to blossom further and progress in life. You completely deserve to feel certain of your significant other's love for you and it isn't a high demand or rarity whatsoever. I have value, I see why he loves me the way that he does. You have this value too. I'm going to miss him so much. I hug him extra tightly each time I see him. We only have two weeks left… I cherish each moment with him and I know we both feel the horrid tension leading up to our inevitable separation. He holds me so tightly, he holds me so often. He always greets me, turns to me, asks me how I am, sees me, hears me, waits for me, comes to me. He loves me. He truly, fully loves me. It is magnificent to feel and know this and to have this. It is bittersweet we are meant to separate, but I know that is how life is meant to be right now. I have a life to lead elsewhere.
No. 982282
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My sister’s a bitch for stealing my Pokémon socks. Like, bitch; fuck your “lesson” gimme my fucking socks back!
No. 982291
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i get that 'not all men' are bad, yeah, and i also get that things like depression and social isolation and mental scars from bullying are not restricted to women ONLY, so i want to abandon my man-hating mindset. dgmw i am not going the pickme route. i will always distrust men.
i am just going to try and stop silently seething at the men that happen to join my like, obscure niche hobbies on the internet, because it's silly. we're all nerds here. even if one of them is a moid
No. 982324
>>982304It's literally addiction, modern moids are broken.
But please break up with him. Sticking to your guns like that is something to be proud of, but it's good for the part of you that wants to stay as well- if he accepts it, he well and truly chose porn over you. That makes him pathetic and unworthy. But, if he's not total shit, it will be a wake-up call and he will choose you. You have to show that you're really willing to end it or he won't take you seriously
No. 982340
>>982015no one else had a good reply so, assuming you're non-US but speak english, here is something:
Find some things that are locally made near you and sell them on Etsy (scroll around Etsy frontpage and top selling until you find something that's close to something you can also get & sell).
Dried herbs & plants are good for this - target the spirituality/witchcraft markets. They will buy basically anything that has a good story. I have sold literal beans on Etsy by making up a story about how they were used for fortunetelling. It's not hard.
Local woodcrafts & antiquities & handmade objects are also good to sell on Etsy.
There are also a lot of Indonesian sellers who (I assume) go through the clothing that gets donated to 3rd world countries (there's a lot of it) and sell it back to the US on Etsy. LMK if you have any questions about these enterprises as I can assist.
No. 982346
Why is my mom such a retarded handmaiden? I can explain clearly and concisely why transgenderism is retarded, and harmful to women, children, and gay rights, but she doesn't want to hear it. Every time I talk to her about it, she tells me to shut up once she realizes she can't refute beyond "but aren't their feelings valid". I get that she's concussed and autistic, but she gets actually passive aggressive with me and refuses to hear me out when I tell her how harmful the movement has already been, even just to me, personally. And then she has the audacity to turn around and tell other people I "can only think in black and white" because I'm autistic. I'm not the one completely refusing to have a conversation here, she just doesn't want to hear the truth. And she won't even tell me why! I show her statistics, I tell her my personal experience, I show her documented evidence of the insanity, the treatment of women and children, the degradation and abuse towards gay people, the immoral medical practices, and she just doesn't care. She sees it, and hears it, and tells me to shut up, because it's easier pretending nothing is wrong and that she's being totally open minded and "based".
No. 982348
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>>982304Give him here, anon.
No. 982362
>>982352I just don't get it! She insists that I should treat them with "decency" because they "truly feel the way they say they do, even if they're not actually what they say they are", but gets pissed and stops talking to me when I tell her that that's just an unhealthy indulgence of delusion snd mental illness. One time she even compared it to her own mental issues. It's making me wonder if her mental health has tanked, and tgat she thinks people who fall into narcissistic and paranoid tendencies should be responded to with absolutely no scrutiny and never be stopped from doing what they want to do, even if it's dangerous to them and others. Maybe she feels like she wants that treatment, too. Maybe she's always wanted it. She's always been terrible with communication, even before she hit her head, and the ways she responded to my mental health when I was young were always either super indulgent of overly strict. Early in childhood she forced me to take ADHD medicine I didn't need (I have never had ADHD), even when I became moody and depressed while medicated and begged her to stop making me take them (she didn't), and in my teens she would just let me hole up and not do anything for weeks. Neither approach was beneficial, and was ironically super black and white treatment.
No. 982377
>>982304Don't listen to his words, listen to his actions. It's not even hard to not look at porn, he's just being selfish.
Definitely set the ultimatum, guys who watch porn regularly just aren't worth it. The effect compounds over time. Guys who don't watch porn often don't have any of the effects and it's instantly recognizable, even just in the way they talk.
No. 982388
>>982304it's genuinely like a drug addiction. in the sense that there may well be someone worth saving, underneath it all, buried in the slime. but they have to want to be free of it as well or there's no point. and in any case it's not your responsibility to save them, but if you can't make yourself leave, it is possible.
i think one inportant step is that it's not "ok so from now on never watch porn ever again." But rather just every time ypu decide to do something else instead of watching porn, that's good. Like instead of watching porn drink a beer, instead of watching porn call me, instead of watching porn smoke a blunt, instead of watching porn go to the store and buy snacks or a video game or whatever tf small indulgence you want. Get slapped drunk and go to the movies.
Anything else, just to break the habit of "ok about to go to bed, time to open pornhub". The habit has to be bucked.
No. 982411
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I hate makeup
I don't want to buy it
I don't want to waste a bunch of product finding the "right" ones
I can't apply it correctly
I hate that at my age I probably look really childish for going without it
I'm starting to show signs of aging making me self conscious about my appearance, but I still don't want to wear makeup
I'm half convinced I'll never not have acne and I should just suck it up and wear thick foundation everywhere, but I don't want to
No. 982469
>>982441If it makes you feel any better, taking microeconomics from the worlds easiest retard online school tanked my perfect 4.0
I think it’s mostly about being proactive and making connections with people in the job sphere you want to enter. Waiting until you’re done with school, have no safety net or regular peer interaction, and just blindly applying to places online is what’s going to get you stuck in a shitty retail position for 10 years while you’re “looking for something better”.
No. 982475
C's get degrees
She could also have personal issues you aren't privy to
No. 982493
>>982475I don't think she would be the type to cheat, Chegg didn't exist back then, and I also have C's. (My GPA is like a 2.7 right now) I guess it helps that I have some work experience.
>>982469I lucked my way into some work experience before the end of college. But I felt like I worked really hard at my major too and I had to take an extra semester to graduate. I just feel like that diminishes the worth of what I studied. But I also studied Economics abroad and the classes were way easier there and didn't even use calculus.
No. 982533
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I want to get out either my seven iron or pitching wedge and beat the shit out of something. I'm angry and on edge with so much pent up anger. The problem is I have neither club near me and it's too late to get them from the storage unit. Fuck. I was forced to play golf when I was younger. I hated it except for using the driving range. kek
No. 982550
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I have always enthusiastically supported my friend in talking about her interests and not censoring herself on twitter, even though I know JACK SHIT about japanese rappers I would join her in listening and like her giddy outbursts of joy.
Today this bitch makes a huge "apology" to her followers how she will never ramble about that stuff again and bitches how no one cares about her favourite rapper so she should just stick to talking about art and anime. Seems like some other person she is trying to suck up to called her boring and annoying so she's bending over backwards. Uuuh, ok, your loss sweetie if you want to bend over backwards instead of talking about stuff that brings you joy and having friends that care about your interests?
The kicker is that she's not even some huge online personality to be making an apology like that, it's just a small circle of friends.
No. 982562
>>982543love, you did not nothing wrong. men are idiots and if he is breaking plans with you and wasting your time, he's not worth it. no one who cares about someone does that unless they have the shits or something comes up.
he might be scared of his feelings for you, he might be a dick, he might just have had IBS but who cares. i know it seems super important right now, and it is because your feelings are important. but i want you to know that if it doesn't work out the fact that you care so much about things means you will find someone who cares about you even more.
walking helps with the caged in feeling
No. 982578
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I love my bf but Jesus Christ he says such stupid shit sometimes that makes me wonder how anyone can be so ignorant or unaware of the realities of life. We were watching Arcane and I commented on how intricate and detailed the animation was and said it must have taken such a long time to animate. He responds "they release 3 a week so it clearly doesn't take that long." WHAT. How could you ever think that and not call yourself out on the stupidity before saying it? And I had to explain and convince him of how wrong that statement was. Sounds like a stupid example sure but this extends to many other real life situations like him thinking he was going to earn literally 10x the average starting salary at his first job with a low level science degree, or that pharmacists write your prescriptions not your doctor and many many others that are more relevant but I can't remember. I just hope he doesn't say shit like this in front of my friends and family or god forbid his work colleagues/supervisors and it affects how they view his competency.
No. 982602
>>982502The sunoco nearest me had a sign on the door that was like "hiring anybody" basically. And they really are.
The guy at the register was talking really loudly on his airpods about whether or not the person on the other end should sell nudes on onlyfans or w/e. Like not subtly. "Yeah but theres gonna be naked pictures of your boobs out there for all time!" Oh and he had a face tattoo. So I asked what they were paying to starr and he said $13. Like damn five years ago I was working for $8, and if I worked at a chain place that drugtested I wouldve made like $9. And I doubt this guy is peeing clean.
The disparity you point out is actually really funny. A lot of people would rather have an unpaid internship in an office than deign to work a service job tbqh, especially a more gritty one at a drugstore/grocery. Understandable if it's career oriented but a lot of office jobs aren't even.
No. 982611
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~perfect pretty stacy~ cousin graduated magna cum laude + is married, at 22, and my parents won't shut the fuck up about it. she's going on to graduate school too.
i'm happy for her, and i don't mean to devalue her accomplishments, but she majored in like…social work and i'm going for mech engineering. okay i'm sorry but i think her 3.7 was easier won when put against the like, 3.3 i have now?
can't even say this because it's gonna make me look like a bitch but holy hell, leave me alone. i am not going to get married i do not like men and while i regret taking a few semesters off (one during the start of covid, one immediately after graduating highschool) i do not feel that bad about taking five years to graduate. get off my back already
No. 982613
>>982595i have unmedicated and half-diagnosed ADHD. my hyperactivity makes it so that i constantly get up from my chair and pace around my room and drift off into daydreaming about dumbass shit even though i have work to do. during the first lockdowns it was especially bad and i cried every day because i thought i had brain damage or was mentally stunted or something, until i went to a therapist who confirmed that she's 99% sure that i have adhd. due to lockdown regulations i could never complete the second part of my assessment which consisted of having to talk to another therapist about my issues and have him say as well 'oh yeah, that sounds like ADHD.'
so here's what i did (all of these):
-go on a walk, walk briskly, listen to music, tire yourself out, you should think 'i wanna go home already, i'm EXHAUSTED' towards the end of your walk
-wear outside clothes including outside shoes. basically pretend to be going to the office or to campus and that you have to look presentable
-set a timer for 20 minutes and start working. tell yourself that you'll only work for 20 minutes and if it sucks you can take a 5 minute break. do take your 5 minute break after your 20 minutes. then get back to work for 20 minutes, take a 5 minute break, work for another 20 minutes.
-put in earplugs or listen to something like rain sounds. something that's just white noise, but not music - that shit only makes me pace and daydream again.
-take a longer break after you did this for 2-3 hours.
idk if this will help you for today, but maybe it will in the future for other projects. when i wrote my BA thesis i did the same thing, only that i forced myself to adhere to a strict schedule of morning walks, working until lunch, and then relaxing for the rest of the day. since my brain moves so fast i can get away with only working half of the time that other people need for their stuff. so i still had the rest of the day to dick around and i even felt good about myself because i already worked the first half of the day. good luck, anon!
No. 982642
>>982638Listen, I get that your wounds are fresh, but can you not take it out on the "other woman"? It's really not about you or her. It's his fault, and he's the only reason that he cheated. It's not about who's better or worse, he just has no sense of commitment and is probably seeking the "high" of a new partner. He'll probably cheat on her, too. And he'll cheat on the next woman. And the next. It's not a good look to blame the next
victim in line when a scrote acts up, especially if you're going to judge her worth by her appearance.
No. 982643
>>982611Similar thing happened to me except my cousins are losers who couldn't even graduate from a community college or have healthy relationships. They were just always liked for being more "normal" and social than me because they were extroverted bar flies. One in particular knows especially how to manipulate my narc mother by kissing her ass because she just wants the bitch's will money when she croaks lmao.
My point is that there's very little you probably could have done differently to sway opinions in your favor, dear anon. People choose favorites. Just make sure you're always doing your best since that's exactly what you owe yourself.
No. 982647
>>982209>How??Short answer: Because men can when the opportunities present themselves.
You sound so pathetic making it about the other woman's looks, you don't know men at all lmao.
No. 982650
>>982644Why does it even matter? OP wouldn't feel better if the woman he cheated with was hot and accomplished. She'd still be here venting all the same about what a terrible liar her ex fiance is while insisting hot bitch is somehow ugly or flawed anyway.
You people let the actions of men define your value so much that you forget who you're supposed to be angry at. I'd imagine OP's ex fiance is some insecure and desperate loser that she could be plenty angry at, but that won't happen because then she'd have to reflect on her choice of husband and not dunk on another woman's looks to feel better.
No. 982656
>>982651She sounds no different than other pickmes getting wrapped up in blaming the "other woman." It doesn't make a difference.
It didn't help that the original post played the pronoun game by using "they" and using "fiancé" instead of fiancée. Not a gotcha, sorry.
No. 982666
>>982660>they used she pronouns the entire time!They definitely didn't in their OP which is what people read into.
Fiancé means you're engaged to a man. This must be bait.
No. 982667
>>982441Let me hit with you a few reality checks:
You should not be paying thousands of dollars to get a degree just so you can make gay ass connections with people you don’t want to associate with just in order to get a job and be able to survive. It’s almost ridiculous to me that people have to “earn” the right to not be fucking homeless and dying on the street. Second, a college degree does not guarantee someone getting a good job into the field they chose, that is sadly not how this big sim simulator life goes, the economy does whatever the fuck it wants and in burgerland especially they lowball wages for people who have a degree or don’t even hire them because they’re afraid they will want to move on to something better. If you would open your stupid fucking trifling ass ignorant ass eyes and notice what the fuck is going on with the state of labor, you would realize what is going on.
No. 982692
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I just found out that one of my professors got their graduate education from a diploma mill. The school he got that degree from folded because it could not comply with the state's standards. Apparently that institute has been regarded with scrutiny for a while because it's just so questionable. He currently instructs courses which have almost nothing to do with either of his degrees (he is not a PhD). This is especially questionable because I've had other courses where the TAs (not even the profs) were masters and PhD candidates. All of the other profs I've had were pretty much experts in their respective fields, which makes for a very glaring contrast between them and him. I've also found his pages on a website for rating profs and it lead me to believe that he's writing his own reviews. All the reviews were 5/5 stars and had the same recognizable typing style. It's honestly so strange. Who the fuck is this guy?
No. 982815
>>982753I know this is morbid but I'm glad in a way you've done that and wrote it, because I think it's good for others to conceptualise that time really does heal. My uncle committed suicide and I know of others that have and its such a sad thing. It solves nothing and it's one mistake you can't come back from
When you end it that's it. Even in 9 months you've noticed so many different changes and self growth. Hope others read and take it in too
No. 982821
>>982753Glad you didn't do it anon and this is why I reserve suicide for a legitimately "no way out" type situations. Like a progressively worsening terminal diseases with no cure and no hope, alzheimer's, etc.
I even tell myself that if my debt keeps climbing and I continue to not have work willing to pay me my worth, then I'm just gonna say "fuck it" declare bankruptcy on everything and bug out to go live in the woods or on some hippie commune where they won't ask questions. If I felt uncared for then I'd just go off to live on my own like a proper hermit, I've learned to enjoy my own company. I'm convinced that society is what makes a lot of people miserable with imaginary problems, or at least making mountains out of molehills for not performing in certain ways.
No. 982829
>>982715no, he just bought and resold a few.
man I'm really pro-environment but I can't see how nfts are any worse than cattle farming energy costs.
No. 982830
>>982765Please anon, you just want him to watch porn to vindicate how you feel so you don't have to work on it. Men like what they like and you don't need to overcomplicate it. If you want to believe you're ugly then you're within your rights but it's pretty shitty to drag others in on it so you don't have to feel as guilty or face your emotions. If you were hideous he'd already be cheating, watching porn, and fixing to leave.
>>982825I can see why SHE cheated on you, you're a raging bitch who blames others for your own mistakes kek.
No. 982918
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I feel like shit, i'm having headaches, my boobs hurt, i'm also having cramps and i feel very dizzy, i barely can write this post, i just want to sleep and rest but I've to finish this fucking essay
No. 982997
>>982985lolcow is going mainstream and it's awful.
On the bright side soon I will be able to use the word scrote in normal conversation without people tracing it back to an obscure transphobic drama forum
No. 983016
>>982562thank you
nonnie ily
No. 983078
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>>983029Fuck him and his retard pedo "allies", viva la resistance
No. 983102
>>983094there's a tlc show called My 600 lb Life that airs on wednesday night and a bunch of people watch it together on 4chan and reddit. lots of funny comments and talking about food, personal habits, weird stories
>>983098last week there was a good one on 4chan, it even stayed playing on my phone while I was switching tabs. I don't remember its name but maybe they will post it again tonight.
No. 983103
>>983029Over a decade ago I worked these events where kinky people had a monthly night arranged in a nightclub. People would connect there and then whatever afterparties they had were the wilder part of the night. But I remember people would get upset if someone left the club and didn't cover up their kink gear well enough. It was pretty frowned upon.
Some dickhead lead a woman down the street on a leash and people wanted him banned from events for it. He did it at 4am and his audience was a bunch of drunk adults who jeered him anyway. Good ole days lol
No. 983142
>>983126Yep I did, waiting for someone to check on it. Hope my post history is visible despite cleaning my cookies recently due to a virus hijacking my browser (I know IP + cookies help identify posters, but the exact details are secret to me). I got a 7 days ban which would be a fair thing for a twitterfag, but infuriating when you got confused for one. I feel like nobody would suspect me normally if not for the invasion. I wanted to make fun of the retard milking oppression points but I guess it looked like I was an sjw twitterfag. Really regret making it now, but I had no idea it would come off wrong.
>>983135What were you banned for in MTF? Infighting? Sorry, I just have no idea what else could be a frequent offence (unless lack of sage, but you aren't a newfag).
I agree that the ban times vary, it's probably different for each farmhand and also depends on their mood beyond the gravity of the offence.
No. 983154
>>983142I got banned more than once in the mtf threads but I don't remember why except this time when I was making too many posts one after another laughing of some farmer's tranny nigel. The reason they gave me was "lack of self control" lmao, which ok, fair. I got more worked up for the emoticon joke ban in ot
I think it was easier to get banned in the mtf threads months ago than it is now
No. 983207
>>983198I'm a sex worker but people just think money = job and that's all. Unfortunately one of the only industries I've been in that didn't just fire me or very needed workers "because I just didn't like their vibe!"
I know my experiences are different but here's some of the reasons why I did it (I was a stripper, not all sex work = prostitution and ik that's the biggest strawman for most anons to use)
>lots of money in a short amount of time, for the first time in a while I was able to pay for my medications, pay for my little sisters insulin, and help out with my family including helping with their senior dogs medical bills, while finding financial independence from my abusive ex boyfriend (this is the main reason)>financially secure, I was flipping from restaurant industries to hospitals where I would have the door closed on my face during interviews over stupid nitpicky things like "you look too young and it scares patients!" or the hospital that fired me because "I was too nice". I was a medical screener for COVID. Restaurants have fired me because I wasn't a chatterbox (literally their wording) and because "I wasn't enthusiastic enough" during training. >this is probably exclusive to me but anytime I get sexually harassed by a man he's immediately thrown out, when I got sexually harassed at restaurants the managers would blow it off or I would be the one punished for customers being rude to me>the girls are generally nicer, you get a shitty one here and there but a big issue in restaurants/hospitals is that nobody tells you what you do wrong, they just go behind your back and tell the person in charge for them to grill you days later over every little thing, where as girls here will actively tell me to my face if I do something wrong>No long list of requirements to work anywhere other than just be physically attractive and somewhat sociable, I don't have to spend 2000k every two years to go to EMT class, I don't need to spend 100+ each on like 10 different licenses >I can sit down and rest if I need to, not stand up hours on end in those uncomfy bistro shoesOf course these are just my reasons, everyone's experience differs
No. 983217
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Got dumped this morning, got ripped a new one by my boss this afternoon, only looking forward to the Always Sunny premier which so far looks absolutely retarded too.
Good to know you’re not sorry about being racist/literal black face but you’re going to bend over backwards sucking off trannies because the “bad group of bad middle aged people who do bad things” are totally caught up on troon lingo and shit.
They’re all cringe and I’m glad none of them (excluding Danny) ever made it any further than Sunny or second rate sitcoms.
No. 983230
>>983207so basically everyone hated you at your jobs, you got fired constantly, but you think the problem was normal jobs/normal girls, because "sex workers"/the industry are so much nicer to you. Did you stop to ask why?
Sex work is absolutely rife with mentally ill women and your post screams "I couldn't make it in the real world with my shitty attitude so I slipped into prostitution and that's SOCIETIES FAULT". Grow up. Like in what world are you living in where sex workers won't be fired if men don't like their vibe?
No. 983237
>>983235because "sex workers" harm all women with their dumb, self-centered bullshit. It's pretty obvious you're
>>983207 so let me just say again: your shitty attitude meant you failed in the real world so now you sell your pussy for a couple dollars. You really showed 'em.
No. 983242
>>983155I'm glad you got started on the way to getting help,
nonnie, intrusive thoughts and the distress they cause can be treated and things will get better. You're a lesbian with OCD, not a delusional straight person.
No. 983245
>>983241NTA, but if you do cluster B personality disorder things here, you will get an unfiltered response, and considering that you wrote all that bullshit to get back at that Anon, it must have hit a nerve.
Die mad.
No. 983260
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Have any of you watched the movie "as good as it gets"? The main character is an insufferable asshole whit mad OCD and extreme prejudice for anyone who deviates ever so slightly from him. I am exactly like him, I am an insufferable asshole with extreme prejudge for others who are different than me. And I love it.
No. 983261
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>>983250>You privileged cunts know nothing about the horrors of sex work wow very feminist of you to call other women cunts! seethe moar
No. 983262
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I hate myself. And I feel inferior to every woman on this planet. When I see a video of a pretty, lively woman, I feel like crying. And it's not only because of appearance, but mainly because of personality. I'm young, yet I already am so bitter and tired, and I have no energy to pretend I don't feel like that. I feel isolated and lonely, I can't connect with people. I wish I could hide myself, that I could run away and never face people again.
No. 983264
>>983230>Like in what world are you living in where sex workers won't be fired if men don't like their vibe?Even worse: If you work at places like strip clubs you can be fired for anything.
Body or overall look that doesn't vibe with the men? Fired.
Not vibing with the managers and owner? Fired.
Anon only agrees with this system because something finally worked out in her favor! Acting like all the other jobs she tried are worse because they fired her for her attitude is an absolute joke.
No. 983276
>>983269To your second question: a little yeah. As a general suggestion don’t take hormonal birth control if you don’t need it as prophylaxis or to manage endo/PCOS/whatever. There are side effects, some of them awful like extreme mood swings and some of them deadly.
If Burger you can get Plan B for free from a doctor with insurance, otherwise it’s $30 with a coupon. If you’re over 155 lbs you can get the copper IUD as an emergency contraceptive as well. I have the copper IUD for anti-baby-making purposes and it’s pretty great, but seems like you may have some anxieties and Idk if things like perforation would be a bigger anxiety than the fear of assault.
No. 983328
>>983262Don't have any comfort to offer than I feel the same way. I'm jealous of women who had family and school who didn't break their spirit and actually invested in them. I almost feel like an inkel when I think "these b
are so lucky they breeze through life, opportunities left and right from social networks". If you aren't sociable as a woman its done. Over. Even if you're very pretty if you don't have social skills you'll end up dead in a ditch, or wishing you were dead in a ditch. Try to scramble to improve, yet still petrified about getting older, because people's patience with my shitty social skills will become even shorter. It seems only older women want to humor my stumbling attempts, I'm grateful. But still terrified that I won't be able to catch up on time.
No. 983339
>>983243First four minutes were painfully cringe
Last four minutes were gross
They’re supposed to be “horrible people” (that’s their whole stupid schtick) but at the end of the day they’re not going to be gross about trannies or people of color because that would be going over the line (no problem being gross about women though of course)
Wasn’t really very funny at all, either, but at least they didn’t have a retarded take / excuse for the black face episodes.
No. 983371
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>>983366I secretly kind of think they’re all a bit sore about trapping themselves in those roles, none of them has had a bigger role than Sunny, maybe Charlie with PacRim but even that’s pretty minor.
They’re really softening the Gang up (of course the Gang isn’t twansphobic! That’s icky! Of course they wouldn’t vote for Twump, not even Frank) because they want to play heartfelt and sympathetic now.
Apparently next week they’re going to explain why Dennis is so evil. Like I give a fuck, dudes a rapist, you’re just trying to make your big gay love story more palatable.
Again excluding Danny from this, he’s a legend.
No. 983374
>>983371Dear god. I hate the sanitization of these bastards. Even the gay dance episode was lame because they tried to make it less of a running joke that Mac's super religious and a tough manly man who's gay but doesn't realise/want to admit it. That was the whole point of the Carmen troon in the earlier seasons, he was gay pretending to be straight. Even the gang pointed out it was gay.
It's really not looking up for the show.
No. 983394
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>>983339>>983371I've noticed this a lot on twitter/tumblr spaces, they despise characters who are "boring straight cis white normies" they are interested in characters who are "edgy and alternative" i.e violent, rude and rejecting society but at the same time they can't handle them being racist or homophonic or twansphobic
No. 983395
>>983230I think you need to grow up, these are just my personal reasons. I never said anything about myself, I've also had none sex worker friends give similar experiences so it's not that I'm just unlikable
>>983237I'm required to wear panties and not a single person has touched my vagina outside of my boyfriend so your "selling pussy" comment makes no sense. I also like how you assume it's because I'm just unlikable without knowing anything about me when plenty of people out there admit the world, specifically employers is a cold judgemental place. Tell me, what do you think is so wrong with me that "you're too nice", "you look to young" and "you're not enthusiastic enough" is hiding behind?
>>983250I didn't know privileged girls work a controversial and objectifying job to help their poor family and their sister not die. The biggest issue with people like you is that you get so offended at me being a sex worker you never bothered to read how I mostly do it to help my family, and this is why you will never be taken seriously because instead of discussing the real issues you just freak out because I'm a stripper
No. 983398
>>983374I cannot believe I hear stupid shit like “assigned male at birth” or “gender fluid” come out of the Gangs mouth completely unironically, it’s really pathetic. They’re supposed to be south Philly white trash.
The whole dance was just Rob Macelhenny jerking himself off in a last ditch Emmy attempt, his coming out in HoHC was actually in character and still a fairly sweet moment, there was literally no need for this.
I think the cast has been huffing their own farts for too long and they’re starting to buy into their own bullshit
and they should pay for my therapy because Glenn Howertons freaky facelift sex face gave me nausea, kek, lay off the Botox No. 983410
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>>983394Twitter/tumblr will let white gays get away with literally anything, Sunny fandom revolves around pic related and their “romance” — dude who’s character revolves around being a literal rapist and dude who also became a creep as soon as he came out, making custom fuckdolls of said rapist and other gross shit. so kawaii!!
Then again I guess twans phobia is a line the Sunny cast won’t cross but male on female rape is still funny and totally a-ok.
No. 983419
>>983410I don't completely agree, Twitter has a hierarchy and white gay males are above white people in general but still below black people in general and sometimes you can be "privileged" by twitter logic and go lower
for e.g if your a stable black woman who maybe married to a white man and doesn't completely agree with woke agenda then your no better then a white man
No. 983424
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>>983421Rob forgot the whole satire aspect and they all started using the characters as their actual mouthpieces instead
No. 983427
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I really want to break up with my bf but every time I try to they tell me I don't and promise so much and get me to stay. plz anons tell me what to do I'm just so tired of being treated like trash
No. 983429
>>982151You sound so cute
nonnie. I know long distance relationships can be demanding and go south fast but I'd suggest you keep in touch. But even if it doesn't work out (I hope it does), be glad you've shared such a special thing together.
No. 983441
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>>983438Thank you! I'm gonna try my best!
No. 983481
>>983399I think some people instinctively want to shame sex workers for two reasons; 1) because they think that refraining from doing so is somehow equivalent to condoning, normalizing, or even glamorizing it, and 2) Because just like addicts, "whores" (all women who engage in all kinds of sex work) are the ideal scapegoat/punching bag for a frustrated but otherwise relatively economically secure middle-class person to take out their own feelings of stress, shame, fear and inadequacy on, because on the surface, it's very easy to look at a person who's stripping or selling themselves and ask why they aren't making smarter decisions, why they aren't investing in themselves, etc.. I have that same urge (i.e. to aggressively and unfairly judge people in very shitty situations I know nothing of) when I feel like shit. It's called displaced aggression, and you can observe that same behavior in other primates as well (some primates reactively pick on targets whose social rank is lower than their own when they're stressed), and it's believed to be the explanation for behaviors such as child abuse and road rage.
No. 983500
>>983399>If my sister stripped to pay my medical bills I'd think she has the heart of fucking gold not that she's evilNobody called her evil, they said it's not the empowering job that she was boasting it is. I'd be mortified if my sister did that for my behalf.
>she paid for her sister's insulin!If she had any job that offered health insurance she could have added her sister to that plan and paid for it that way too. Stripping wasn't the only option, she even cited that her main reason for doing it was quicker money.
How can you say with a straight face that stripping for men for medical care for your personal and loved one's medical needs is empowerment? That's literal sex slavery.
Most people would rather push buttons at a comfy desk than deal with sex work for the most basic of human needs.
>America does have an issue with firing people and there's actually countless articles about this. Nobody has yet to explain why being fired over "attitude" at a day job is actually worse than potentially being fired over looks as a sex worker. And it's not like strippers aren't fired over attitude either (I guess OP never stuck around long enough at her day jobs for performance reviews, where they tell you what you need to improve).
This argument would only work in your favor if men literally wanted anyone to be a sex worker but we all know that isn't the case. Potentially being fired for your looks and because men don't like you isn't better! If a day job had those conditions you'd find it horrifying, but because it's sex work you ignore it. Why?
>I cannot even believe an anon has come her to share her experiences on how she helps her family just to be shot down and repeatedly insulted.Maybe it's the part where she repeatedly came back to argue about how sex work is a good thing when a good majority of sex working women don't get to have such experience with levity. Hence they called it a privileged take.
No. 983506
>>983482Don't put your fling up too much on a romantic pedestal anon. The fact is you still don't know him much beyond a superficial and lustful event at a party, it isn't worth risking ending your current relationship especially when there's so much to lose. And by "lose" I mean your current bf sounds like a co-dependent and you have no idea how he'd react to finding out about it.
Tread carefully, you have no idea if this guy can actually be discrete while you have a cozy affair or if he'll get insanely jealous and taddle while wanting you for himself. Leave no receipts nor evidence. Never tell a soul.
No. 983541
>>983500well she didn't say it is empowering she just said she's a
victim of socio economical pressure and misfortune which most sex workers are not willing to admit. Most sex workers don't talk about how their life is troubled or how they've been coerced into it by circumstance and just present themselves as it being totally a choice they made because they have agency over their body which is harmful and perpetuates the idea that women willingfully go into sex work which they don't. It is very brave for someone to open up and make themselves vulnerable in a world that expects you to own up to your actions and act as if you are confident and as if there are no other reasons to why you made the choices you made but your own free will. What anon said is that she doesn't support sex work but has been coreced into it by her circumstances, she is not some Twitter woke tard tweeting about how sex work is totally a choice and empowering. She is not Cardi B that talks about how empowering prostitution has been through her songs and glamorizes it. She's a girl that ended up being a stripper because she had to take care of her sister which is very sad. Nothing will change socially if we don't accept the
victims of sex work and Don't let them speak out and constantly inferiorize them or make people afraid of communicating their true hardships, most sex workers hide behind a wall of fake confidence and lie but only by allowing ourselves and others to become vulnerable and share the truth even if it puts them at a disadvantage can we overcome the conditions of our current society and even the social issue that prostitution/sex work represents. All sides will demonize you either way. Letting
victims speak out and accepting them is not the same as promoting sex work or normalizing it.
Other than that yes I agree that sex work isn't better than any other job you could take but even with retail jobs or average jobs you still experience not only misogyny but degradation as a woman and you are expected to be pretty and perform, it's sad that most retail jobs can be stressful enough for someone to end up into sex work or consider that path.
>potentially being fired for your looks and because men don't like you isn't better!that stands for most jobs as a woman especially low income jobs such as retail or working in a call center even in a corporation.
Isn't it sad when you live in a reality in which women become mentally ill and desperate enough to do that? She didn't even do the things that you said she did. She didn't promote or encourage anyone into sex work. She said she did it because her life was so bad and she was so desperate that she ended up doing it.
No. 983572
>>983531>speak every 2 days >she abandoned me for her boyfriend! Anon I'm not gonna tell you how to feel, but if my friends would bother to talk to me every two days I'd be in heaven. I'm lucky that some of them say something in our group chat a few times a week. Haven't hung out with anyone since Halloween and only because of the parties where everyone is invited.
That's really not bad and above average communication for adults.
No. 983588
>>983545>>983541My personal problem with the stripper post is that is sounds like a lie.
It's constructed in a very manipulative way, by starting out with buying meds for the uwu little sister and the oh no old sick family dog, and she even threw in an
abusive ex for good measure. Then she lists how everyone who knew her IRL absolutely hated her, but it was never her fault and the reasons given are completely contradictory to make sure you understand that! But her stripper colleagues are sooo nice to her, we all know the most mentally ill and downtrodden are the kindest people around, especially when in direct competition with each other! She heaps praise on the stripper job and mentions not a single one of the many downsides it has. She even has the gall of claiming it is steady and safe work, which is absurd.
Oh and of course she also has mental illness, but doesn't say which (because we all know which kind it would be and what knowing people would deduce about the veracity of her account).
It's red flag after red flag, convenience after convenience. If you know people like that you know how to read it and the hostile replies are that because those Nonnies see right through the bullshit.
No. 983589
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I'm so fucking tired. I hate school, I legit have 2 more classes to due and I don't wanna do them. I wish I had more money overall so I can just do crypto/stocks for life.
Wish I could inherit money like the rest of my peers, but my mum and dad are from a third world country and worked like crazy to make it.
Thanks for listening,
No. 983600
>>983541>well she didn't say it is empowering Define empowerment.
She said sex work gave her financial security and that she feels less harassed and more in control as a stripper. What do you think empowerment means?
Lots of sex workers say they found financial stability and a sense of control via sex work, only to later admit they were coping and probably could have found the equivalent at a normal job where they didn't have to appease men and take off their clothes. Of course there's also the other side of sex work where the women never hit true financial stability and take a lot of harassment including rape from men.
>Most sex workers don't talk about how their life is troubled or how they've been coerced into it by circumstance and just present themselves as it being totally a choice they made because they have agency over their body which is harmful and perpetuates the idea that women willingfully go into sex work which they don't. It is very brave. So because she's honest about her choices, we can't criticize them?
Also as other anons pointed out, it doesn't sound like she eas coerced into it. It sounds like she wanted a job that offered her quick money for showing up for men with less accountability for behavior.
The harmful lie here is that women have no other choice and have to resort to sex work for money.
>What anon said is that she doesn't support sex workHer OP defended it as a better choice than working any other job she tried and gave reasons why it worked out better for her.
You're just trying to change the narrative now because you know it's bullshit to act like the only choices for women are working fast food or being a sex worker, and that sex work is necessarily the more profitable of the two.
>even with retail jobs or average jobs you still experience not only misogyny but degradation as a woman and you are expected to be pretty and performNobody expects you to be pretty while working fast food and retail, unless you're talking about Hooters or some uppity designer chain–and with either you'd know exactly what you'd be signing up for.
All jobs are a "performance" and that's the reality of matters.
>misogyny and degradationWorkplace harassment and discrimination is taken pretty seriously in most developed countries. I'd rather the chance to defend myself from misogyny rather than play into it by being a sex worker. Nothing is more degrading than being forced to show tits for a living.
>Other than that yes I agree that sex work isn't better than any other job you could takeThen I wish you'd leave it at this rather than trying to minimize it by arguing bullshit about misogyny or this imaginary requirement that you have to be pretty to work at Wal Mart.
>that stands for most jobs as a woman especially low income jobs such as retail or working in a call center even in a corporationQuit your bullshit. I've worked retail and call centers next to uggos and deathfats. They were not fired for their looks.
>Isn't it sad when you live in a reality in which women become mentally ill and desperate enough to do that? Yes, but you won't see me making excuses and arguing as if retail and fast food are anywhere in the same leagues of problems. Normalizing that retail and fast food are death sentences are part of the problem and what trick mentally ill people into thinking there's no other way.
>>983588Lots of women have sick family members and
abusive partners, they don't all go to sex work and it's such a bullshit cop out even if it is true. We all know the majority of young sex workers aren't supporting sick family members with their incomes lmao. But don't worry, you don't even have to touch on how blatantly manipulative this is to recognize it as a bad argument.
No. 983614
>>983600Where did anyone claim that "women don't have any choice to do sex work"? In the post she repeated several times about these are just her experiences and not going to be everyone else's, how in the world is that manipulative at all? You guys just seem to be villianizing her for just being a sex worker in the first place and when she gives reasons as to why she does it, not even trying to manipulate other girls into doing it, she's immediately bashes and mock
Seriously I got sick to my stomach when I saw the post mocking her for paying her sisters medical bills
>>983613She never said it was the norm for sex workers, she said it was the norm for her. Seriously how many times did she have to mention these are her experiences and not everyone else's? If your biggest argument is something she didn't even say at all and that "well she's probably lying and she's probably saying this will be everyone else's experience" then you got nothing
No. 983619
>>983614>Where did anyone claim that "women don't have any choice to do sex work"? Whether you'll admit it or not, posters in defense of stripperchan have made negative comparisons about fast food and retail that are responsible for manipulating impressionable or mentally ill women into thinking they don't have a choice if they don't want to be miserable.
This is the point. Are we forgetting this all started because an anon blatantly said she thought McDonald's was worse than sex work? Here's that reminder.
>In the post she repeated several times about these are just her experiences and not going to be everyone else'sShe still replied to the post that said objectively that McDonald's is worse than sex work.
Prefacing posts with weasel words like "I know my experience is different, buuuut…" is just smoke and mirrors. You're not stupid and you know what this does.
If she truly thought her experience was different and unusual then she wouldn't have replied to a post speaking in absolutes like that. Just because it worked out for her doesn't mean squat, and the jury is still out as to whether the sister-insulin is an exaggeration–I guess the sister literally died without insulin while stripperchan was getting fired from restaurants before her big break.
No. 983626
>>983613>This is probably exclusive to me>Of course these are just my reasons, everyone's experience differsYeah, sure not making it clear that her experiences are totally the norm for her and not all sex workers. I know you guys will probably crucify me for this but some sex workers, specifically strippers, can make a lot of money, and lots of clubs do throw out men who touch or harass them girls, a lot even have policies about how all girls need to be walked to their cars by security. As for other girls not being petty like usual sex workers, if you're not working in a trashy club then girls are usually respected towards each other and a lot of girls become good friends with others through this business. And no, not saying she's a dirty liar and that this absolutely never happens isn't me trying to manipulate girls into sex work.
Anyway, the sex workers you seem to be referring to don't have anyone in charge and are doing it illegally without having to follow government guidelines, the government strictly regulates a lot of strip clubs, so no prostitution, sexual harassment, etc. She's not a villain because she got lucky and found a side of sex work that works for her and doesn't harm her, her biggest problem it seems it's that from her post she seems overly subservient which is why she's unable to hold down jobs since jobs are more likely to fire employees who seem extremely subservient and weak and won't try to get them in trouble if they fire over bullshit reasons. I also don't think she's lying since, assuming she's American, there's definitely an issue with people being fired over any small thing and she goes more into detail as to why she was fired where as someone who is lying most likely wouldn't have gone into detail at all. I'll link you more information about the issue with firing in America
>Inb4 these sites aren't reputable!Neither is this argument, I was using these sites as an example of the fact that it's an observation made by many
>Inb4 it was only a couple of sitesIn the couple of sites a ton of people agreed Americans get fired way too easily, not that it was a single person stating their opinion
>Inb4 you were a stripperNope, I was a bartender which is how I know these things.
>>983619Okay anon, apparently if mentally ill women become strippers somehow it's her fault? She's not responsible for other people's choices, if you become a stripper because one anon listed reasons as to why she strips on the internet you're way too impressionable and shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. This is a stretch.
>If she truly thought her experience was different she would do thisIt's not her responsibility to make it absolutely clear to you that this is only her experience and no one else's and this will probably not happen to a lot of people, if you can't read 2 lines of her making it clear that this is her experience and need an entire novel of her explaining that this is only her experience then that's on you
>The sister must of died before she became a stripperYou guys are so unreasonable. She never said that, plenty of people struggle to scrape by for insulin and medical bills and ration insulin. Are they lying too anon?
>She thought McDonald's was worse than sex workShe listed her experience and made it clear they were her experiences and not other people's. Worker conditions in America can be absolutely horrible. If what the anon is saying is true and she does work in a good club then it's perfectly reasonable to think that dancing in a g-string and that's literally it for even more money is better than working in a minimum wage fast food joint for 330 a week to get screamed at by middle aged white people all day with little to no breaks. Fast food jobs are awful anon, everyone knows this. Are teenagers who complain about their burger king shift also wrong?
No. 983633
>>983626complaining about working in fast food, getting fired easily, struggling with medical bills just makes stripperchan seem like an average american tbh, the only thing that threw her off is the "fuck this I'll become a stripper" attitude, anons claiming she is lying is a bit over the top though since problems she's listed and common problems for most people living in the country, it just seems like guilt by association and you are literally retarded if you drop your career and become a stripper because of an lolcow poster, I love no one is responsible for what other anons do based on what's posted here but one anon is magically responsible is mentally ill women go into sex work and get hurt just because she said sex work is what works for her
I'm honestly just still shocked people mock her for paying for her sisters medical bills, whether you think she's lying or not that's just plain cruel especially to other women who might have to do sex work to help support other family members
No. 983638
>>983600She posted it on lolcow in the vent thread you are allowed to disagree with her since we are on an imageboard but so are people allowed to agree with her.
>define empoweringYou have given the definition of the word empowering but have not actually talked about how empowering in the context of sex work is entirely different in our current political climate. You are reacting to her post as if it is some sex worker Tweet that says wow sex work is so good and empowering when it is not like that at all. Anon has posted about what made her get into it in the vent thread and didn't present it as empowering but more as a choice she had to make and that she was conditioned to make due to her circumstances. She's only given her reasons to why she's done it and what short time benefits it had compared to other jobs. She didn't say or imply it was empowering but that it only worked for her (her own experience). That doesn't make her less of a
victim and if she's a
victim it doesn't mean she should be dehumanized. It's not "le empowering sex work tweet" she is writing about how our world is so shitty that she found an escape in such a dehumanizing work, her life was so bad that she ended up in a work field that is dehumanizing because in comparison the better alternatives she had were as bad.
>Most sex workers don't talk about how their life is troubled or how they've been coerced into it by circumstance and just present themselves as it being totally a choice they made because they have agency over their body which is harmful and perpetuates the idea that women willingfully go into sex work which they don't. It is very brave. You have chosen this part of my post strategically to put me at a disadvantage and cropped out the part where I say "it is brave" without continuing what I actually wrote to make me appear like a Twitter tard. It's brave to stand up for yourself and not let others further dehumanize you under the pretext of feminism. She's given her reasons to why she ended up there if you believe they are good enough or not that is on you. I believe they are good enough and I honestly think the anons claiming that she's lying are nitpicking.
You are further dehumanizing her and taking her right of speking away under the sick disguise of feminist activism. She doesn't glamorize sex work. She says that her life was so bad she ended up doing that. If not all women go into sex work it doesn't mean that
those that do should be demonized or stripped of their right to speak up like animals or mere objects.
She showed us a sad reality. A life so miserable that being in one of the possibly most degrading and stigmatized jobs is better than any other opportunities she's had and even according to her own words less dehumanizing than retail and you are just disconsidering everything because it does not fit your agenda. Again you are doubting the veridicity of her post so I don't know why I am still going and you will again if you reply to me you will use some chess game argumentation tactics completely ignoring my point while you are still very aware of it.
I honestly can safely assume that you are someone privileged one way or another. You think she's privileged but yet the particularities of her life have been so bad she ended up in sex work…which you think is bad and dehumanizing and
I do agree with you on the point you make about retail jobs being demonized, they are but some people simply don't have the opportunity to evolve beyond retail work, they are stressed and so on and people end up in places they don't even want to because when your environment is bad enough you lose control. A lot of people don't have the privilege to go beyond a dehumanizing job and it is a sad reality and it is not because they have been brain washed by twitter.
women don't go into sex work because it is fun, fast money, they go into sex work because they have suffered enough abuse and their life is so bad or they become mentally ill enough to. I do agree though that not all women are
victims of sex work, although with anon's post it seemed like she was a
It's not ideas that turn women to sex work and you are retarded if you think it is ideas that turn women to sex work. What turns women to sex work is grooming and lack of economical alternatives. Women have been pushed into this for centuries before twitter or pro sex work propaganda existed. Let women talk freely for themselves and their experience and dont silence them only because their arguments do not fit your agenda. You are all privileged sociopaths that have never suffered one day in your lives and you cannot show empathy just like scrotes cannot show empathy when something doesn't exactly fit their political agenda.
Harassing a girl on an imageboard while you have feminist pretentions because her life was so bad she ended up doing sex work In fact is very anti feminist. I Don't care if you think she's a whore or if you think that her reasons are not enough. She didn't even say she enjoys it or wants to do it forever. Everything she said was that her life was SO BAD this was her best alternative which is fucking sad
(enough sex work derailing. take it to the sw thread) No. 983644
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>>983638I agree with this so much. It's just so odd to me that someone talks about how strip clubs handled them getting sexually harassed better than restaurants have handled it and their immediate reaction was that something is wrong with the anon, and not with the economy.
No. 983667
>>983644Maybe for the fact that sexual violence in the workplace is less common and is often addressed by HR or lawsuits whereas being a sex worker mostly offers little protections and no remedy for the harassment?
Notice that she didn't say she isn't treated poorly by Johns, just that they're thrown out of the establishment for having done it. So men still get away with mistreating sex workers even at these establishments, they're just tossed out as a consequence to go harass up a different sex worker at another establishment.
I'm sure the restaurants would at least call the police for grabbing at a waitress's breasts and making her uncomfortable, not just tossing the fuck outside.
No. 983684
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I gave in to gacha event today and upgraded my VIP level to VIP5 in the game. This is so fucking pathetic, I am studying in the best STEM uni in my country and here I am instead of preparing for an exam, i spend all my scholarship money on a stupid video game. What the fuck am I doing with my life. I know this is not the thread for this but anons is it better to give up playing gachas completely? Has anyone's life improved by doing this? I am just to invested both in game, the meta and the fandom rn that giving it up feels like failure. Not sure what to do.
No. 983703
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>>983684Cut your losses and free yourself from addiction
No. 983704
>>983684Nice humblebrag.
Invest in gacha if it makes you happy, why not
No. 983708
>>983638>You have given the definition of the word empowering but have not actually talked about how empowering in the context of sex work is entirely different in our current political climate.So then elaborate on what empowerment in this political climate means? You're dodging the question.
>You are reacting to her post as if it is some sex worker Tweet that says wow sex work is so good and empowering when it is not like that at all. I'm responding to her post as the sex worker who chimed in with a face value positive narrative about sex work that was in response to the statement that "McDonald's is worse than sex work." I never called her a wokey or implied she's from Twitter, you're bringing that up as if you've got something to confess. I'm not even one of the anons who called her a whore or anything like that.
>She didn't say or imply it was empoweringShe blatantly explained why and how it gave her more financial and personal security than any of her other gigs ever offered. Again, I'm waiting on your definition of what "empowerment" is but I think you know empowerment was defined here not in name and are avoiding this.
>That doesn't make her less of a victim and if she's a victim it doesn't mean she should be dehumanized. She's not a
victim. She didn't have success at the jobs she tried and experienced success as a sex worker when she made the choice to be one. Is everyone who got fired from multiple jobs a
victim? If sex work turned out so good for her, and retail and fast food are actually the doom jobs you say they are, then why argue this?
By your logic, fast food and retail workers are also
victims. But you know deep down that fast food and retail have their problems but are not in the same realm of risk as sex work.
>It's brave to stand up for yourself and not let others further dehumanize you under the pretext of feminism.Kek you didn't say this! Here's what you said: "It is very brave for someone to open up and make themselves vulnerable in a world that expects you to own up to your actions and act as if you are confident and as if there are no other reasons to why you made the choices you made but your own free will." You said it was brave of her to have made herself vulnerable by having made an anonymous post on here about her sex work. An anonymous post that has no weight and can't even serve to testify towards anything because no one here knows who the hell anyone is and if they're not making shit up.
You're so dramatic and wanting to expose so-called feminist boogeymen.
Well guess what
nonnie? Even if anons here presented as feminists, no feminist has to be nice to sex workers just because they gave emotional reasons that drove their choices.
>She's given her reasons to why she ended up there if you believe they are good enough or not that is on you. So quit arguing with anons who said it wasn't a good choice, what's it to you?
>You are further dehumanizing her and taking her right of speking away under the sick disguise of feminist activism.I've said nothing about feminism. Why are you villainizing feminism?
Sex work isn't good for women and you don't need to be feminist to agree with that stance.
Who even told her she can't post? Lol. You just want anons disagreeing with you to shut up because you don't like what we're typing and treating it like "censorship" because we're not singing her praises for her brave narrative…that she posted anonymously with no stake whatsoever.
>A life so miserable that being in one of the possibly most degrading and stigmatized jobs is better than any other opportunities she's had and even according to her own words less dehumanizing than retail.Then why aren't most people in retail and restaurant business resorting to stripping? Maybe her negative experience is just on her or maybe it isn't. You're talking so defensively like you know the truth more than anyone else here.
>women don't go into sex work because it is fun, fast moneyShe literally said she went into it for the money. Many sex workers who are cam girls think it's fun and fast money. Why are you denying the reality that women go into sex work because they think it will be fun fast money??? You're lying to yourself.
>Again you are doubting the veridicity of her post so I don't know why I am still going I don't know either but you're certainly defensive.
>Harassing a girl on an imageboardResponding to her posts and yours counts as harassment? Sure. You can stop harassing me too, I never called her a whore or said anything remotely dehumanizing. Die seething.
>>983704>humblebragSorry, haven't thought it would be perceived that way. The point is that I am studying at this uni but I am also actively neglecting my studies for the joys of gaming so currently I am shitting my pants with the prospects of being dropped out from it soon. But thanks for the advice. I don't think anything else makes me as excited as this game does.
>>983703I think I will try to not donate in it impulsively like I did today anymore… It makes me feel bad. Seems like I can't give up it completely. I don't have anything else to spend money on anyway, so no big deal.
No. 983717
>>983708If you truly wanted to stop sex work you wouldn't freak out and accuse the anon of all kinds of things she never said, you would've empathized with her and gave her suggestions to solutions that were why she get involved with sex work such as poor job security, not enough pay for medical bills and not being respected (which is sad that a stripper gets more respected than fast food workers)
My immediate reaction was that I was going to suggest that she go back into the normal work force and join a union that would protect her from random firings, no benefits, etc and get a job that has insurance she can put her folks on as well as getting pet insurance for the dog, then we could've escalated the conversation that actually HELPED her and instead of just insulted her and used a ton of strawmans, literally kicking someone while they're already down. Now not only do you make an ass of yourself but you also made people who are anti sex work look like shitheads who just hate sex workers regardless of their situation, congratulations
>>983333That's how I feel too which is part of why I asked. I genuinely think it might be because women are so sexualized. I don't want to see my body as a sexual thing, but I feel like I'm forced to and that's how I was raised to see myself. I honestly don't even like touching them most of the time. Sometimes I'm okay, but other times I get this deep feeling of dread and get this weird almost out of body experience when I remember that they're there. Idfk what's going on there.
But I also hear you on the wearing a bra around family members thing…Like, can't even be fucking comfortable in my own house yet they can walk around the house shirtless???
>>983276Oh, this is good to know. I heard that copper IUD has some pretty shit side effects as well, but I guess it does depend on the person. I'll just have to look into it.
I will admit I do have a degree of anxiety because I'm planning on doing study abroad soon and I'm a little worried. In case of assault, I'm just worried I won't have proper support or something.
>>983334This is a fair option. Will look into this.
No. 983775
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My therapist asked me what I thought my "fatal flaw" was that I believed no one could care about me and I told her I suspected autism or neurodivergence but she rejected that outright. Now I don't have an excuse for being a sperg with no social skills. I just have intense social anxiety. Fuck I just want a friend or two, and maybe even a partner. I wish I wasn't like this. It all feels hopeless.
No. 983824
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There's this older guy at my job that I used to have a pretty decent professional relationship with, I'd ask him for help when I first started the job, etc.
Then we all joined this group chat for fantasy football, and all he does is continuously "dunk on" me. He makes fun of me for literally everything, even if I haven't even talked in the chat for a few days. It's all "friendly" teasing but it's almost in a Dom-y way. And my boyfriend absolutely dislikes it, but I never ask for it and barely respond to the guy. I just react like anyone would when getting trash talked. Reply with a stupid gif or react with an annoyed emoji , he just mentions my name often. Boyfriend says this guy likes me…. I find that hard to believe. The guy is like tall, handsome, Korean, an older guy too. I'm absolutely not his type I'm short fat and not that cute. I bring all this up to say, I'm quite literally not his type and he's married.
Can a reasonable anon try to help me decipher what is going on? I have so many screenshots of him particularly going after me (again, usually it's poking fun) but it's ONLY me and at random times even when I wasn't involved in the current discussion. Is this some sort of hazing or does this guy genuinely hate my guts? Today I randomly messaged him picrel and I'm actually a little embarrassed that he hasn't responded. If he doesn't respond, dude genuinely must dislike me right? I've always been afraid that I'm being shit talked outside of the main group chat at work, but I can never be sure.
No. 983829
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>>983824It's negging. Men do it to women even if they don't find them attractive, as he's getting his mental rocks off socially dominating someone who won't do shit back. (Teehee + sad emoji doesn't count). Don't DM him, you have no reason to. Next time he talks shit, embarrass him. You know you did a good job when the scrote goes "woah woah I was just joking lol…"
No. 983837
>>983826SJWs telling people their natural facial features are
problematic, top kek honestly
No. 983958
>>983589Finishing school was like pulling teeth but I did it and even tho I have a shitty job I managed to move away from home and now I'm working on an online certificate that will guarantee a better paying job so I can eventually fuck off and do crypto/stocks. My parent is an immigrant too it's possible you just gotta do ur time suffering until you get it right I believe in you anon!
Every day when I feel lazy I just remind myself of my evil genius future investing and trading and traveling wherever I want. Yeah, some people get it easy but wheres the fun in that plus they're inept at life, and nothing is guaranteed for anyone.
No. 984054
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I don't know what to do with this or where to post it… It just makes me feel sick… This is why children shouldn't be allowed to have public profiles online. And this man with a child talking about presumably having extremely criminal content? Why did I have to see this, I was just scrolling on my explore page…
No. 984058
>>983982good for you anon, I went through the same thing 2 years ago, except he was the one who broke up with me for it because I didn't have enough of a spine. anyway I hope you find a higher quality man.
>>983826this is why I could never have a public instagram account, I have high/flat cheekbones and almond-ish shaped eyes, despite being white. when I put eyeliner on they look even more asian. would get accused of "asianfishing" in a heartbeat.
No. 984068
>>984038>>984048Thank you so much. It feels weird to take such a stance IRL lmao. I explained my stance to him a few times, I explained it to my best friend today, she didn't really get it. I also told my mom, and she gets it 100% and told me she was proud of me for standing my ground and that it was a mature decision. I feel better knowing I have her support and that I wasn't wrong to uphold a boundary for something that was an near-universal dealbreaker barely 30 years ago.
>>984057 I already feel better in some ways. If I had been honest with myself it was nagging me each time I came accross something talking about porn. Surfing the farm was unpleasant kek
>>984058I tried to eat my words back the day after and desperately try to go for a compromise lmao but he helped me pull through it by saying he wouldn't change for me and that I was right that there was no possible future for us. I liked his honesty, even though it stung horribly that he would choose porn over me.
No. 984090
not a vent as such, idk. about a year ago i posted a vent on here about how my bpdfag boyfriend was fingering me in my sleep, cutting himself when i got upset about it, making me miserable etc.. i doubt anyone remembers, it was only a few posts in vague detail. i only disclosed it on lolcow though, didnt tell anyone irl.all you anons told me to break up with him etc, that it wouldnt get any better and i couldnt fix him, i had to put myself first. it took a few months but i broke up with him, things ended up being horrific at the end and i still feel scared when i smell his cologne on someone else or hear his accent in a stranger or when i walk alone at night and i can't get him out of my head.
i have a different perspective on dating and men and mental illnesses now. im a very different person and its not all together a bad thing probably.
i think about the messages and replies i recieved here though and it overwhelms me. my mum doesn't believe me when i try to talk to her about it, she said she doesnt like talking about it and wont throw out presents he bought me even though i hate seeing them because she likes them. my friends laugh it off or roll their eyes like im crazy, or they suggest that i asked for it by giving him my virginity and ignoring the red flags. they say "i always thought it was kind of a red flag!". there's no point even attempting to talk about it with my dad. i guess this is turning into a vent, i just wanted to say that anons who helped me, you are appreciated. thank you.
No. 984091
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>>983982He chose pixels on a screen over a real, breathing woman. What a skinner box, burnt out dopamine receptors, chronic masturbator faggot.
No. 984098
I've posted before about being sexually abused as a child, but my memories of it are just memories and I never thought that it had any profound effect on my life. An anon told me that that is just one way of dealing with the trauma. I guess I could link a lot of my depression and issues with body image and sex as an adult to it. Now when I think back on it, I definitely struggled as a kid too and I remember regularly getting taken out of class to speak with a guidance counselor (for what, I don't remember) and it's like… holy shit did the csa I experience actually fuck me up a lot more than I previously thought? Maybe I should have told my parents, but I never did because all my life it never really bothered me. All my life I just viewed them as life events that happened. I don't feel shame about it, but I also never felt they were important enough events to talk about.
What would my life had been like if I had gotten actual help for it? My parents and everyone around me didn't know what was wrong, what might have been the real root of my issues. I don't think I acted out super crazy, but there was something going on for me to have regularly seen guidance counselors throughout my early schooling years. I found old report cards where teachers constantly commented on my lack of interest and how I could have tried harder.
I'm significantly less mentally fucked as an adult and have become quite the happy optimist, but looking back on all of this… holy shit. There's no point in telling my parents, or really anyone now. But as I process all of this… I do feel a tiny bit of regret. I can't dwell on it for too long, because at the end of the day what's done is done and I'm in a place where I'm happy and living everyday joyfully, but man. It sucks to sit down and think about it and realize all of it. I'm not really bitter. How could my parents have even known? How could anyone have known?
No. 984166
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I hate how selfish people are. The Covid thread is a prime example of that. Imagine believing that a vaccine is causing psychological disorders. Just say you don’t want to get vaccinated instead of clinging to information that sounds fucking stupid.
No. 984187
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Why doesn't anyone talk about how fucking hard crocheting is? I'm genuinely so frustrated right now.
No. 984196
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Why am I such a retarded loudmouth? I nearly spoiled my sisters bachelorette party for her by leading with “omg I’m so excited for (place we’re staying for the party)!” Expecting her to understand what I was talking about. I was two seconds away from spoiling the games and stripper her friends had organised for her. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, I’ve started fights within my friend group just by mentioning parties one of them is throwing that the other hasn’t been invited to because I’m too retarded to remember who is and isn’t going. I genuinely want to die why can I never remember who is supposed to know what?
No. 984207
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>>984179Shut the fuck up and cry about it you moron. I can post whatever I want in the vent thread and her article? Is from a pro life site that is trying to scare women out of having abortions. Just because someone linked a so called article doesn’t make it legitimate when it’s an obvious piece of propaganda. For fucks sakes you sound like you never made it past a sixth grade english class. Critical thinking is hard but I know you can do it dumb bitch.
No. 984241
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>>984225Wrong, the article is full of absolute shit. Cope harder before you reply to me. None of this sounds scientific, doesn’t have any linked reliable sources from real doctors or testimonies that don’t sound phony. That entire website is full of right wing evangelical bullshit. And again, quit trying to fucking mini mod and tell me what I can post in the vent thread. Sometimes I don’t want to deal with asinine Anons who refuse to use their remaining three brain cells.
No. 984284
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Something i really struggle with is maintaining friendships. it's weird i feel comfortable talking to strangers and often my friendships can start off somewhat intense, like we get close really quickly. but then they fizzle out