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No. 958960
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
>>>/ot/940572 No. 959070
>>959051wave at them. start a convo. bring them some fresh baked goods. free protection?
no but really anon im sorry u feel unsafe at home and your hesitance to go to the cops is warranted. i don't know the details of the situation but if communication with them or ur neighbors is not an option i'd invest in a good home security system and get a gun. probably good ideas regardless
No. 959161
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I was watching a youtube video on frogs and saw the comment in picrel. When i clicked on the account, this was the description. What the fuck?????????????????????????????
I guess my question is, is this person documented? I ask because
1) this is so batshit i can't even process it, and she leaves weird comments like this on random videos so it seems easy to discover
2) She talks like she has some sort of following but that could be just a schizo delusion.
No. 959166
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>>959161update, found a twitter account by searching "dahmer" and "crocodile hunter" in quotes. what level of schizo is this? the things she says are so funny that i'd be inclined to think it was a troll if not for the multiple videos she posts of herself acting insane (presumably, i can only see the thumbnails since she privated the vids)
No. 959171
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>>959167she gets very upset about animal rights violations. At this point I was starting to feel like "oh, okay, this is just some poor schizo lady who has a good heart" but then she posts pictures of Dahmer's
victims' bodies as a Halloween celebration and brags about the murders (I blurred the pics)
anyway im now realizing this isn't quite the right thread for this tangent but i had to make other people see this lest i wake up tomorrow and swear i dreamed it
No. 959215
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>>959166>>959161>>959188"Dahmer Stans" only started appearing after the release of the film My friend Dahmer, before that he wasn't talk about much compared to other killers
I mean who in their mind thought of casting former Disney-star Dreamboat Ross Lynch as fucking Jeffrey Dahmer, like of course dumbass teenage girls are gonna thirst for him, same with casting Zac Efron as Ted Bundy
No. 959229
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>>959226>>959215I actually read the graphic novel the film was based on and its way different, for starters Derf(the writer) only kinda knew Dahmer, just a guy who hung out with from time to time but never without his other group of friends and then there's way he draws and portrays Dahmer
everyone is drawn with this grossish style with exaggerated facial features but Dahmer especially is meant to look unappealing, he was very tall for his age and had a long face so that made him stand out
No. 959310
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Someone explain to me if 3x12, 10, 8 (and increase the weight) means I have to do 3 sets of 12 then 10 then 8 and then increase the weight
or do I have to do 1x12 (increase weight) 1x10 (increase weight) and 1x8 (increase weight)?
No. 959482
>>959475It attracted to many scrotes and retards. There was also no real milk
>>959476Both! Usually eggs, bread and a bowl of oatmeal with fruit as topping or a bit of chocolate
No. 959485
>>959215Pretty sure Dahmer Stans were a thing back in 2013, on Tumblr
>>959480I would never think that anyone would want to fuck Pennywise, yet here we are. He wasn't attractive at all
No. 959486
>>959476I actually prefer having sweet stuff for breakfast so I don’t feel as much need to have them in the afternoon, mostly because I can burn whatever I’ve eaten for breakfast in the afternoon.
But I usually have stuff like sandwiches with ham and cheese, maybe some scrambled eggs, oatmeal, those bakery stuff things they sell with ham or cheese or both of them.
If I can buy some bagels, I have bagels for the whole week with either eggs, salmon, ham, cured ham or cream cheese if I really feel like it.
No. 959551
>>959533That's a really interesting question anon. I didn't know that.
>We found no evidence that the romantic–sexual kiss is a human universal or even a near universal. The romantic–sexual kiss was present in a minority of cultures sampled (46%). Moreover, there is a strong correlation between the frequency of the romantic–sexual kiss and a society’s relative social complexity: the more socially complex the culture, the higher frequency of romantic–sexual kissing. >>959543Where are you from?
No. 959808
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What is it about Zooey Deschanel that is so… irksome? I think it is great she has found her style and niche, but sometimes I feel like she is really lacking in depth and development. She isn't remarkably funny nor talented at acting, yet she behaves undeservingly proud of only being able to portray one type of character despite being surrounded by much more skilled and passionate colleagues. Am I wrong? I hate being mean about these things and worry I am only seeing these things because one day it will apply to me? I don't want to bully her, so please do put me in my place if I am hallucinating my impression of her, aha. For the record, I think she is really cute and very lucky with the image she has created of herself. It works and isn't overly objectifying. It is fun and colorful and has inspired a lot of girls to also dress in this slightly modest and playful way. Besides, a lot of stylists dress actresses in a way that is completely unflattering to them and makes no sense. So, again, I commend her for having found a fun and playful, effective niche for herself. She seems to lead a comfortable life without having to have sacrificed herself in a way a lot of women unfortunately do, and she sets a good example for girls in doing so. Something just seems off, and I wonder if I am alone in this. For I say her impact on society and girls has been good, but I also feel like she sometimes kind of perpetuates the manic pixie dreamgirl trope, which isn't healthy at all… Sorry for the weird white knighting, I just don't want to seem like a mindless bully. I don't dislike her at all and see a lot of positives with her. There's just something… It doesn't seem entirely right and I don't know what it is.
No. 959875
>>959847The ED spergs are the worst because seeing so much of their shit fans the flames of my own disorder, I'm
>>959744. The age spergs are just showing how little life experience they have, who the fuck cares about ageing when you're a skeleton who looks 100 anyway?
No. 959901
>>959744Will they not accept you if your BMI is too high or..? I think it is justified to go, especially if your doctor recommends it. In addition, you should not worry about your BMI at all. Your body is far more adept at indicating the amount of food you need than a formula. However, I don't recommend eating pizza or other processed foods. Your body craves nutrition and this food lacks it. Eating processed food will only further deplete you and probably lead to disordered eating developing differently. You won't feel satiated and it will destroy your body in a different way than anorexia does. What you need is healthy fats and vitamins, especially from organic sources and animal-based. The human body can more easily digest animal-based foods (unless it is overly processed, for some) than plants. Since you have lost a lot of nutrition, it would be wise to look into this. Don't feel guilty if you do end up eating junkfood, though. I usually eat very healthily but ate two big cookies today because I craved it. It wasn't a smart decision and I should have eaten something else (like nut formula), but it can happen and we can recover from these "mistakes". Our bodies are stronger than we think they are and a future filled with opportunity awaits us. Finally, you will recover and overcome what you are facing now. Even when reading unpleasant posts on here, you will overcome it. You are strong and will heal. Have faith in yourself and the universe.
No. 959958
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Medical nonnies can stress really make you gain more weight than normal? Or should i get checked for hypothyroidism?
I have been through some horrible shit this year and struggling with mild PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, physical symptoms, the whole wazoo.
I have been eating slightly more than usual and not being active due to covid but i gained around 33 lbs, i have no eaten the amount of calories that would amount to this, not in a billion years, and now that im dieting the weight won't come off, im on a 400 cal deficit on most days and definitely not overeating, god i even have a food scale, I started to suspect hypothyroidism the last few days because my mom has it and I do have most of the symptoms like impaired memory, being more depressed than usual, skin gone to shit etc but they could ALSO be due to stress and said PTSD.
No. 960096
>>959744A good time to go is when you've been considering it, when you are sick of the shit you're putting yourself through.
There are usually a lot of people with BMIs in the normal range. Your electrolyte imbalance and whacky bloods are what kill you.
I'm rooting for you on your journey anon!
No. 960141
>>960110tbh i'm struggling with burnout too and i even cried to a friend when we were catching up because i was so stressed, but she gave me some pretty helpful advice. she said that it's really easy to get caught up in work/school to the point that it becomes the only thing in your life. and it isn't healthy to have anything be the sole focus on your life. that's why it's important to find things outside of school/work that you genuinely enjoy doing that give your life meaning. i thought it was really good advice and while it hasn't cured my burnout it helped me put things in perspective. it also made me realize that i have to distinguish between meaningful activities and not just stuff that makes me feel good in the moment (like talking to friends, eating yummy food, or playing vidya). doing things that feel good in the moment is important too, but it won't be enough to make you less burnt out because they're only temporary fixes to your mood (at least for me, but maybe those things might be really meaningful to you and that's fine!). i hope this makes sense. burnout is tough and i think different things work for different people so i wish you luck
No. 960173
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what would you do if you were gifted a sex doll like picrel?
No. 960206
>>960173Weird that someone would give me that but I'd change the wig to a black styled one and use it if I couldn't return it lmao
I live with my parents and siblings though so that would be weird, to say the least.
No. 960602
>>960594Either because they had a crush that rejected them when they were kids/teens, because of the whole wall meme, because teens are impresionable and easy to manipulate, the whole
>muh pure virgin waifu who has never seen a dick nor even masturbated in her whole ass life and who will eek and meeeewwwww while fucking my ugly ass with a 3 inches pencil dick, because she doesn’t know better.Which is usually the most common reason why, the whole forbidden aspect, how their brains are also underdeveloped in some areas so they can only related to younger women, since the personality of such moids is more shallow than the most shallow of puddles, the whole “fertile waifu” meme as if their disgusting, weak ass sperm could be of use at all.
But it’s basically “purity” “ignorance” and “forbidden” aspects the reason why they want to fuck children.
In my opinion, all moids who show attraction to female children should be working in dangerous mines with the hopes of them all dying suffocated by the
toxic fumes of their own disgusting bodies.
No. 960621
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>>960602> they had a crush that rejected them when they were kids/teensThat’s literally exactly how Humbert Humbert becomes a pedo in Lolita lmao
No. 960625
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>>960621Are you serious? I never read the book and I honestly don’t even want to read it, is that really the reason why he excuses his pedo behavior??
No. 960698
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Anyone else with PCOS tried Fenugreek?
Did you see any differences? For how long did you take it/are you taking it? And how much a day do you take it?
I bought the powdered version and I ate a spoonful (it wasn't very pleasant but alas), but I have no idea of what I am doing
No. 960710
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>>960672I will beat the pumpkin spice and emoticons out of you.
No. 960835
>>960710I bet achmed is considered
problematic nowadays (ecksdee)
No. 960885
>>960811I don't think that. Generally speaking, zoomers seem to be invested or at least more interested in human rights causes, environment, etc than previous generations and that could lead to better times. I mean, we've had "strong people bred by hard times" and the world they created is absolute shit, no good time for everyone except a few.
Also in all generations there are "weak" and "strong" people. A lot of 1st world zoomers are vapid, vain and terminally online but half of the worldwide zoomer population is growing up in poverty, discriminated, without healthcare/education and in violence ridden zones.
It's not so black and white imo, half of the world may know "good" times but the other half doesn't.
No. 960902
>>960888Women are endlessly grateful when a male deigns to appreciate something stereotypically feminine (and therefore inferior to stereotypically male) so they grovel and fawn in response to make sure the man feels special and welcomed.
The reverse just gets women told they aren't real fans and interrogated on their expertise on whatever masculine interest they have, really makes you think.
No. 961262
>>961111I'm doing the same for PS5, gotta play Demons Souls and Returnal. I already got money for Steam Deck so I want to fill up my piggy bank before emptying it again.
>>961116Seconding the other anon, if you're not in the usa, you're fucked in regards to prices and wages.
No. 961398
>>961391Idk I feel like this would give vegans a bad name because I always found it easy to get enough b12. But it's still a better reason than anything I could think of so I might say that.
>>961396I got a psychotic episode where I thought I had to starve myself to get rid of demonic possession and now I'm fine but I'm not sure if I can restrict my eating anymore without losing my marbles immediately
No. 961415
>>961401>>961400I'm not going to tell you my life story but I'm about 100% certain that this isn't what happened
>>961402I wouldn't want to tell stranger something personal like that especially if it isn't even true. Also I don't want to imply that being vegan caused my illness because that's not true in my case at all
No. 961494
>>961486Was gonna post exactly this
I would also watch the director's cut version of the anime.
No. 961719
>>961715Just keep it dark if you can, imo. Might depend where you live.
I had a lady come in a red checkered coat, flashy pants and bright orange hair to my fathers funeral and honestly no one gave a shit.
No. 961746
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When making homemade chili oil, can I put the chili flakes and then pour the hot oil on an aluminium pot? Or will this fuck up the flavor, for some reason?
I don't have heat resistant mason jars to directly pour the hot oil directly, so I was using a ceramic bowl, but since I plan on doing more, I only have big aluminium pots.
No. 961803
>>961794OP here, I get it sounds like an old cheesy joke but wouldn't it make more sense to prioritize cheapness? What's wrong with having a wedding while already pregnant?
>>961795I've definitely been looking at eBay but not many people are selling used maternity dresses, I know how to alternate myself so I'd probably just get a plus size and then alternate it since adding "wedding" to literally anything doubles the price
No. 961826
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Maybe this isn't a "stupid" question but it's a question nonetheless.
How do people who aren't filthy rich afford to study abroad for their entire time in university? It's my dream to study abroad and travel the world, I absolutely hate where I live and I want to spice up my life.
I honestly hate my life and am depressed purely because of my living situation. I'm attempting to get a job and may have finally gotten a job, albeit a shitty one, but I'd be forced to stay within my city which I HATE.
I could drop college and go get married for a visa but I want my degree and a career so badly, I never want to be dependent. But I'm so fucking burnt out. I have a 4.0 GPA but I'm not studying towards a "desirable" degree, it's just an English degree, but maybe a 4.0 is enough to be noticed by scholarship programs? I've looked everywhere though and can't find anything.
Are there some scholarship programs I'm just unaware of? How do people follow their dreams when they have no money?
No. 961831
>>961828It’s a moid baiting,
nonnie, don’t fall for it.
No. 961835
>>961826Maybe create a gofundme? There’s lots of them that have been created to help students go somewhere else to study.
Or maybe find a really rich person and get them to fund you, It’s complicated, a girl from my uni did that, she needed to have perfect scores on everything, then at the end of the course, all she had to do was put the name of the person as a thanks for helping her with her studies.
No. 961839
>>961835I always thought Gofundme was for people with social media presence (or people who are willing to e-beg), never considered that, I have no social media presence though.
I could look into that second option considering I do have essentially perfect scores across the board, not sure if it'd work for abroad though. Still something to check out, thank you!
>>961836I've heard Germany is easy to go to for studies, I just looked it up and I had no idea that it could be free or just a few thousand per year, I may look into that actually as living costs aren't the big problem, just tuition. Europe is my goal so this would be a really good choice. Thank you anon
No. 961858
>>961839Don’t worry,
nonnie, you could ask your family and friends to spread your Gofundme, maybe find some hashtags or something and in a while you might get some funds for your studies, it isn’t something that happens in a flash, but it could work.
And yeah, Gofundmes got bastardized by money hungry retards on the internet, but the real purpose of the website is to be able to help people who actually needs the money like those who want to study something and such.
No. 961890
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how come whenever it comes to race bending harry potter characters, ron is always a white ginger? harry always gets turned into an indian and hermione is always black, but ron is always canon it because people think ginger is different enough? not racebaiting, genuinely curious
No. 961896
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>>961890Gingers are always getting bullied around, so it’s okay to keep Ron as a ginger, i guess, like, there’s always been on the internet those jokes about gingers not having souls, being plain ugly or not being people. So I guess they could be considered a minority to the tumblr/twitter soldiers.
No. 961972
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Can you anons tell me the nationality of this model and outfit? I think it looks like a Hanbok (Korean) but I don't trust my own judgment.
No. 962017
>>962001This is really fucking funny.
Ask yourself where the concept of reducing yourself came from, and then question why you are repeating that abuse to yourself. There are workbooks you can get off of Amazon about self esteem and processing shame, honestly they’re so good and the act of making time for it and listening to yourself is you deliberately appreciating your value, and that’s what you need practice with. If you feel ashamed of yourself, there’s a part of you that struggles to be accepted by your psyche, and it will be a slow process of gaining that part’s trust. It will open up to you and you just have to make space for it and be compassionate. There is nothing but enjoyment of yourself and all the connections you’ll be able to make with the world and others in it, you’ve already survived the worst parts. Nothing external can ever effect your self esteem, that’s your safe space of acceptance including all your flaws. Life is short and it can be taken away at any moment, don’t let anything hold you back from enjoy what you have to it’s fullest capacity.
No. 962093
>>961890Because nobody cares about Ron and you won't get brownie points if you wokefy him.
>>961944What's the justification for Indian Harry? This one has always dumfounded me.
No. 962121
>>962026>>962111nta but I've been here for years and only just learned this this very minute
♥ ♥ ♥ (I hope this works)
No. 962124
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>>961890>>961944>>962093I googled the Indian Harry thing and instead run into a well-known fanartist drawing him like that (and a black Hermione). Sorry to be OT but God, this is so fucking pathetic. Be aware that she's been making money on Etsy from selling books with comics drawn based on HP scenes
No. 962174
>>961890>>962093>What's the justification for Indian Harry? This one has always dumfounded me.I think because Daniel Radcliffe's feautures could feasibly fit a South Asian type man, and light skinned South Asians can also have green eyes to match the character. So you can draw him darker skinned for woke points but also have the character look recognizable.
Also kek at being a freckled ginger = woke diversity. You'd think they'd try make Ron albino or something.
No. 962187
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My friends are doing an internet slap fight after a bad threeway ERP. Should I intervene?
I know two of the people involved and I can only guess the third party out of two possible people (unless it's a mystery person I'm unaware of), but I'm not sure who got jealous of whom. I want to pry but I also don't want to exhaust my pal.
No. 962188
>>962112It depends on where you live but churches are supposed to be judgment-free places for things like that. Supposed to be.
As long as you aren't waltzing in parading what a faggot you are or outright being offensive, you'll probably just be ignored or welcomed by nice old people.
No. 962213
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What month of the year would you consider to be the worst? I’m like 99% sure it’s November
No. 962222
>>962213I really hate December because the whole month is a reminder how I don't have family/friends, while having to watch acquaintances have fun, getting gifts and traveling.
Or are we talking weather? Because then July, it's hot as fuck every year
No. 962244
>>962213Summer. I know it's not a month, but in Harvest Moon and other farming sims it is one, so I'm going to say summer. If I
have to choose a month it's July, since it's the hottest one at with some days reaching 30°C. But May~August are almost as bad. The remaining eight months are fine, since we reach a comfortable 2~14°C depending on the time of the year.
No. 962272
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Farmers who frequent moid boards, do scrotes ever shamefully admit having a fetish for weird NEET girls with cellulite and nasolabial folds or whatever?
Not a day goes by on /g/ without some cursed heterosexual confessing her barely contained lust for crusty gas station men, I'm just curious if men do the same or if their "women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck" threads are just perfect bimbos with visible labia minora.
No. 962278
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>>962272They do, this pic used to be posted everywhere on 4chan in like 2012
No. 962279
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>>962272Yeah, I’ve seen it, but the idiots think even NEET girls won’t want them. Men are hopeless.
No. 962320
>>962313"People of color" is a new age bullshit term that shouldn't even be embraced, in 15 years it'll be considered racist and we will have to switch to "people of spices" or some other stupid shit
And to answer the question i thing of Argentinians as simply south American, their ethnicity varying
No. 962344
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No. 962352
>>962320>people of spices Kek
I’ve already seen some people say ditch the term
POC and say “people of global majority” instead. Who keeps coming up with these terms and how is their ego so overinflated that they think the whole world should use them kek
No. 962365
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Why is all of this on my laptop? Is it neccersary? It looks like I've got lots of old versions of the same thing or is that not what am I looking at? Can I just remove everything up to the 2015-2019 version?
No. 962385
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What kind of penalty would you face for successfully defacing the Mona Lisa?
No. 962396
>>962383there's also Unitarian churches where members follow & discuss any religious texts that speak to them regardless of origin, on the basis that they're all divinely inspired since god does everything. And therefore whichever text speaks most to you is god speaking to you. Not religious myself but it makes sense to me, since it isn't based on any kind of "no but we jist KNOW our one is right" type of thing.
I've known several people who liked the activity & community of a church growing up, but they aren't comfortable with a lot of church beliefs/teachings as an adult. So they take their kids to Unitarian churches, so they can have the experience & community without the bad stuff.
Plus unitarians are supposed to go to any other religious ceremonies they find interesting which seems fun. Pope's in town? Get blessed. In japan? Go to shrines. I kind of want to go to an Orthodox christian ceremony also, with all the incense & icons & big beards.
No. 962443
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>>962000>>961972To me it just looks like a Chinese taobao model wearing wa lolita or maybe qilolita. Picrel
No. 962496
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>>961972>>962443Samefag, this is the exact dress. Wa lolita dress called Kaiseki in Waves.
No. 962498
>>962447There's definitely some anons that go so far it makes them look cowish themselves. Like in the Lillee Jean thread for example, every so often the twitter "callouts" are discussed. A lot of people - myself included - are of the opinion that it's pretty pathetic to have a twitter account dedicated to "parodying" a cow and trying to goad them into reacting. No cow has ever interested me so much I thought
"damn I need to dedicate more time to this person, in fact, I should make a twitter account with a silly name and @ them and reply to them all the time lol that'll pwn them". This always causes a lot of butthurt anons to imply following and posting in the threads is the same thing though. It's definitely not, but whatever helps them sleep at night kek.
No. 962580
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>>962569I’m 23 and my twin sister died in september so yeah but idk anything abt astrology it just rly sucked even more bc of other stuff but mostly that
No. 962590
>>962569Not really, I was actually really happy, sure, I didn’t have any irl friends that I could meet, but I lost lots of weight by having fun doing exercise, going to yoga lessons, I got a job for a while too and I was feeling overall nicely, I also dropped my porn addiction that year and travelled two times.
I feel like being 13 is the real hellish age to me, it was the worst.
No. 962599
>>962589she had addiction issues specifically with alcohol and one day she drank too much, laid down to sleep, rolled into the wrong position, and asphyxiated. it was a complete accident and it was horrifying.
please be careful with your intake nonnies.
No. 962605
File: 1636323329352.png (548.34 KB, 485x700, meethos' bachelor.png)

this is going to be maybe a very specific question but does anyone have any idea if Meethos, (former?) concept artist of Ice-Pick Lodge, the studio behind Pathologic and The Void (among others), is trans? I keep reading on twitter that she's trans but I haven't seen any shared or circulated coming-out story. I scrolled through her instagram and it may be because my Russian is rusty after years of not practicing but I haven't found anything. Did she ever make some sort of announcements that some Russian anons know about? Or is everyone losing their minds because they cannot fathom a woman with short hair and enjoying hobbies.
Picrel is Meethos art that some may be familiar with, if it rings any bells.
No. 962647
>>962580>>962613>>962637i’m sorry to hear this. i hope things are or will get better for you all soon
♥>>962590thanks for the optimism, i’ll pray it’s good for me too. i’ve actually heard 12/13 are another one of those ‘12h’ things so that’s interesting!
No. 962699
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is it normal that pet rescuers want you to send a picture of the cat each month/week? and give them money for the cat + cat food or litter? and come to your house for an inspection? I wanted to adopt an old kitty but that threw me off
No. 962809
>>962766What sort of ED are they claiming to have? There's a few possible reasons, aside from being being a wannarexic who's faking it. Binge eating is an eating disorder, obviously that makes you fat. Bulimics don't always manage to puke up enough calories to lose weight effectively. If an extremely fat person starves themselves until they're less fat, they could have atypical anorexia. And anorexics can easily tip into overeating when they recover like
>>962775 said.
No. 962872
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What does nypa mean?
No. 962882
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Where would a thread about Kai the Hitchhiker, the Netflix movie, the case and appeal updates best fit? /ot/ or /m/?
No. 962934
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What do people rate mountains on on Google? "Cool slopes, shiny snow top, 4 outta 5"?
Why is this even an option? Like if a mountain gets enough bad reviews we can just level it or replace it or repurpose it as an island
No. 963010
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Is saying "genderbent" politically correct nowadays? Please I'm writing something (not a fanfic) for an official website.
No. 963015
>>962981Isn't aspirin super tame?
>>962712I watch anime but it isn't my entire personality, I also love reading (books), writing, and if I had more money I would be into playing musical instuments for sure (did it as a highschooler)
No. 963019
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What's the best pillow anons?
>used to love down feather pillows but now I'm allergic
>tried molded memory foam pillow but it made me hurt and didn't fit right, there was a gap between my neck and the pillow (I'm short with a big head so I guess standard sizes don't help)
>tired of buying cheap polyfill pillows that feel good for a week and then slowly deflate
>am side sleeper but trying to become a back sleeper for my spine health
I don't care if it's a crazy expensive pillow I just want to stop thinking about pillows
No. 963023
>>963017Thank you anon, I just submitted it with the word genderbent in it RIP
But if they let me edit it later I'll totally change it to gender swapped
No. 963059
>>963058Ah, that happens when they ban you forever. Just clean your history and cookies and try again
I thought you meant something more philosophycal like "lolcow is a reflection of my soul" or something
No. 963185
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What’s more expensive, depression showers or depression baths?
No. 963320
>>963307Somewhere in Europe
No. 963347
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>>963334Yeah, I assumed everyone chose this shower tub with the palm shower curtain and golden rim after motherloading twelve or thirteen times.
No. 963434
says google, I'm els and the more I repeated it the less it made sense
No. 963537
>>963467We all are, everyone has told him to stop hurting it as cackling is its nature, is just cruel but he won't listen, he's too unhinged and far gone. We can't call animal services on him because the chicken is "stock" and they don't count it, they will sell it eventually, i hope. The funniest thing is, that chicken is his mom's property, if he kills it he's going to get in
very serious problems, i'm praying that lady beats his ass honestly, fuck him. Its not even the first time he hurts someone, last time he hurt his little sister too and they had to get her away from him, now that he can't touch her he goes after animals, i always knew something was off with him.
>>963478>>963436He's always (loudly) singing about how he's a "sinner" and shit, maybe he's conscious he's trash to a certain level, no one in his family is obsessively religious but him, which is even weirder.
No. 963685
>>963668Yes, litter. Always litter.
>>963648Because you’re engaging your adrenal system to prepare for a fight which raises cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Do the fucking opposite and someone else’s nervous system will instinctively act more calm around you as well, or they’re wired and you need to learn social etiquette to excuse yourself from that. If you have repressed anger, work out or write it down so the body and mind integrate to release something with intent. Or play a bunch of violent video games and escalate like a real weirdo to prepare for the upcoming apocalypse.
No. 963721
>>962569im 23 right now and this is definitely the worst year of my life by far
my grandma died and i have a really bad painful hernia and my mental and physical health is declining faster than ever and started having auditory hallucinations again and i havent had them since i was 15 all while the entire world seems to be going to shit along with me
i don’t believe in astrology tho
No. 963787
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Has anyone here worked as a masseuse? My idea is to go to the clients home and give a massage. It is nothing sexual
Please help, I have no other money option right now.
No. 963967
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Does law of attraction actually work? I feel bonkers watching youtube videos and wondering if the person I’m watching is actually the mentalist they seem or just wants their monetisation pay check. Unsure if comments are authentic or if they are all attempting to manifest. Is this a ponzi scheme of hopes and dreams???
No. 964002
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what is the painting called and who painted it which is about some students watching their teacher doing something in some dark room idk it looks like this
No. 964006
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>>964002The anatomy lesson of dr Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt?
No. 964010
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>>964008oh i found it it's this, it wasn't a class or about students but anyway
No. 964167
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Can the anon who worked on improving her voice and speech share the corny “guru expert” looking guy again? I forgot which thread in /ot/ she posted him in a couple days ago. I need to sound strong and powerful lol.
No. 964190
>>963690It's called interpersonal intelligence. Some people can be empathetic enough to feel other's anxiety and bad mood and they react preemptively. Abuse
victims are particularly good at it. Also, even if you don't think you are showing your emotions, you are, especially anger and anxiety have an inherent "tension" that permeates an area.
No. 964204
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What are these clocks called? Any brand recs that aren't ebay/amazon?
No. 964451
Why does my body constantly feel warm despite being thin? It's not like a fever it just feels like it's always summer/springish unless it's in the early daytime. It's not related to my location because other people around me, even people who weigh more talk about feeling cold often. The only times I'm genuinely cold is early in the morning as stated, and between late November and mid-april.
>>964434That they do things without really thinking about it?
No. 964487
>>964475She thinks she’s a guy, but she knows that nobody buys it. The tranny cult and the gender fandom don’t even know what the hell they believe in, if a girl says she’s a transmasc lesbian today, she will be called a
terf in a week, because now the use of the word lesbian should be only for men in dresses who are into normal, non-brainwashed women.
No. 964489
>Borrowed from Finnish t., abbreviation of terveisin. Originally started on the Finnish imageboard Ylilauta.>(Internet slang, 4chan, abbreviation) Used as a way of signing off posts. Typically followed by an occupation, nationality, or field of expertise. These can sometimes be satirical, to imply said poster is being disingenuous.t. european
No. 964538
>>964513The risk is that the US military is not the safest place for women, mostly due to the type of fellow enlisted ppl you'll encounter. Incels with no social skills at the end of their rope for instance or first time offenders for violent crime enlisting instead of serving sentences.
Also instead of getting the job you want, you end up somewhere else. It's risky.
No. 964544
>>964543Can you make other plans (even if they're not real) and not include them? Repeat until there's a distance.
I get the impression that you dislike confrontation but you're going to have to be the bad guy to some extent.
No. 964576
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Which erasers do you think are the best erasers ever?
No. 964579
>>964576Any plastic one
Mono is a classic
No. 964842
>>964832I asked and they did but I lurked anyway so what's the point
If I could be banned from accessing the site however…
No. 964880
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if you hire task rabbit to mount a tv do they provide the mount too? Im only asking because yesterday i bought 2 $30 mounts and then was gonna schedule someone but my sister said they already have the mount. Is she wrong? Ugh im screwed cuz i can't find the receipt. woah is me.
No. 965021
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>>964982Maybe those interesting wooden puzzles that you can arrange in different ways, I think they look neat, she could use them as decoration and play with them whenever she’s bored.
No. 965067
>>965053Thank you nonna, rice is appetizing enough
>>965054>>965057Ty nonnas but I meant like when nothing is appealing but you still have to eat a meal.
No. 965110
>>965084Depends, if you say weird stuff, or act too fidgety to the point that the person talking with you looks extremely uncomfortable, It’s possible that they will ask wether you go out often or not.
But I feel like most people stutter and suddenly stay silent while talking, dunno why, I just notice such things.
No. 965321
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I know this is the worst place to ask, but how do you get better at literally picking up after yourself?
Everything in my house is a mess as usual, but I also have a terrible habit of leaving a mess wherever I go and not realizing. For example, when I clean I find little bits of garbage and candy wrappers everywhere, like I can’t believe I opened things up and just literally drop the garbage wherever I’m standing without realizing it
No. 965627
>>965623Maybe say that the phone never notified you of their messages? It happens to me a lot, specially with telegram, sometimes the messages just only appear when I open the app.
And you could also turn off the notifications so you don’t feel pressured to answer whenever you see a message popping on your screen.
You could tell them that you wanted to reduce your screen time too because it was causing you major headaches and making you feel dizzy, so you either stopped using your phone or your headaches would’ve gotten worse.
Those makes sense and I’m sure most people would understand that.
No. 965646
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Art anons - any recommendations for online resources on learning to draw better, preferably a guided course? Or should I try something in person? I just look up the occasional youtube video if I want to learn more about a technique but other than that, I usually just practice drawing from my reference board on pinterest. I really want to improve because I don't think I can progress by just aimlessly practicing.
No. 965667
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I need help with something embarrassingly basic.
How do I integrate myself into a new environment?
I'm joining a new sports team tomorrow, and it's not a school team anymore, so the women there are different ages. I will be less familiar with the rules, and I know nobody, and have less in common with them.
I'm literally begging right now, how do I integrate myself into the team when I know nobody? I'm scared I will just stand there like an autist and not talk to anyone, or try to ask questions and make introductions robotically and awkwardly. If anyone has advice, please help.
No. 965680
>>965670I think it's on the lower range of normal. People vary a little by ethnicity and muscle mass etc, so maybe focus on questions like
>is my period regular?>am i getting cold easily?>how are my energy levels>are my hair and nails healthy?If you are underweight these things will be affected. Make sure you're comfortable with food as a way to fuel and love your body, just like exercise. If you struggle to get extra food in due to low appetite, taking it in liquid form can help.
No. 965694
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Is 25 too old to own a backpack like this for regular use? I work in an office where jeans are okay and I'm using a solid pink backpack right now.
I'm probably going to buy it regardless because I think it's cute, but on a scale of one to cringing out of our skin where am I at with this?
No. 965754
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>>965750Yeah the text is a little try hard, but so am I.
>>965729Is this one better or worse? I really like the character lmao
No. 965757
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>>965694Buy and wear what you want,
nonnie, my backpack is pic related with fluffy pusheen shit and a pokemon keychain, nobody will mess with you as long as you wear your stuff with confidence. Who knows? Maybe you could even start a trend and other women will want to get cute shit to go to work as well.
No. 965770
>>965760All I bring with me is phone wallet and keys. Outside of water.
>>965759That's also a good idea, I wanna get charms anyways
No. 965804
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Should I buy a dayplanner? There is a sale until midnight and it a good price. However I do always get a free small dayplanner that says the date and holidays along with rules from my profession. I don't really use it as I have written down the shifts that I have on my phone and otherwise I don't really use besides checking when there is a holiday.
I don't want to buy something and not use it
No. 965808
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Sometimes i feel my bed shake at night. I know there isnt an earthquake or anything else but I just feel it? For no reason?? Do you guys also experience this? Shit got me crazy
No. 965816
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>>965808I get this too. I like to imagine there are tiny little bugs in my mattress rocking back and forth
No. 965822
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Can I manifest someone's breakup without being the side hoe? I just want it to happen and then try to hit on that person
No. 965874
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>>965822Let's trade manifestations, I will manifest them breaking up and you manifest my scholarship kek
No. 965907
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Can I manifest someone being obsessed with me? Is there any other method to make someone obsessed with you? A relationship can only function if the guy is more in love with her than she is with him. He has to be the one chasing not the one being chased.
No. 966036
>>965907Can confirm it's bad, had on obsessive moid ex once and it literally felt like I was in danger.
We had to be apart for a couple of DAYS and he would make me sleep with my Webcam on. He also gave me an ultimatum to end afriendship with one of my male friends.
He wouldn't even let my friend (another girl) sleep over with me even when she came to visit from the other side of the country.
And I work from home doing concept art, he would just sit next to me and stare for hours. I would tell him that it was weird but he insisted it wasn't. God i can tell you so many nightmare stories dude, glad I'm free from all of that, but I basically moved to another country. Be safe girls.
No. 966364
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Nonnies, I am batshit dumb about technology. I just bought a Nintendo Switch and I used to play my brother's. He moved out of state and I want to import my Animal Crossing data from his switch later. If I link my Nintendo account to this switch will something happen to my Animal Crossing data on the other switch? This feels so dumb to ask because it seems like it wouldn't, but I am nervous.
No. 966370
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Im genuinely curious. Is it normal to feel general discomfort in random parts of your body? They never last longer than a few seconds. Like, randomly my knee or head feels uncomfortable for a few moments and then i'm good as ever. Is that being alive or am I dying?
No. 966388
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>>966371I looked into it and it seems both devices have to be logged into the same account anyway to make the transfer which makes sense considering if you aren't linked you can't even purchase the game so I went ahead and took the risk and downloaded it. Hopefully it goes well.
No. 966515
>>966489she was mixed race and is "queer" so could be anything between straight and lesbian, she was also autistic
Not a great combination for finding dates
No. 966599
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What is the origin of these 20cm plush dolls? It seems like mainly a kpop thing but I've also seen dolls of characters from popular anime like JJK. Was there some company or artist that popularized the design?
No. 966659
>>966652Moids can only think in what makes them hard, they find sexy when women do this biting/licking their lips so "of course" we must feel the same way.
As for the rubbing their hands together, I have no clue, but probably just a behavior they themselves find "hot" for some reason.
No. 966724
>>966700this isn't something i can grow or cook myself sadly. also i hate weed
i did tell him not to sell me anything for two weeks bc im taking a t break so i hope he's just ignoring me for that reason lol…
No. 966806
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>>966779Maybe because the most well known lesbians are white? Even in fictional and mainstream media, most lesbians are white and thin. The only lesbian I can think of that wasn't white was the actress from the Mummy, picrel Patricia Velásquez. What you surround yourself with is what you tend to lean more towards generally speaking.
No. 966812
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>>966779my ideal woman looks like brandy Norwood or something but I like how a lot of women look
No. 966822
>>966806NTA but no way. Thanks for the info anon, now I feel a lot more comfortable about how I viewed her in that movie.
>"No other man was allowed to touch her">He didn't say woman so…>>966779I don't really have an ideal partner looks-wise. There are a lot of fine women and my head keeps spinning. I think with most women I can find something about them, which makes me really attracted to them. I'm already struggling with feeling predatory though and I'm also worried it comes across as fetishizing when a whitie like me is too enthusiastic about
No. 966938
>>966921For some reason, no. A little bit of blood drips afterwards, so I have to cover it up. This doesn’t happen in the bath though. Maybe I will try the dab and then pulling on pre padded undies
>>966933 It’s time to stop. Everything can be interpreted as ‘suspect’ but it’s like you guys think a woman can’t use the Internet and everything is a man scheming to impersonate a woman because why not? Mento illness.
No. 966957
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>>966933Definitely some tranny.
No. 966960
>>966910Some people bleed a lot, so you're not abnormal. Try kegeling most of the blood out
right before you stop showering. Personally, I do bleed onto my towel on my heavy days but just a little bit. If it happens, whatever. I'll throw it in the washer soon anyway.
No. 966971
Which one should I choose? know, Amazon, but I'll buy better quality later on if everything works out. I'm 5ft tall, and I'm going to have a bike shop assemble it so I don't fuck it up.
(this is an imageboard) No. 966973
>>966971I love these! I always wanted one!
I would chose the Slsy one based on looks
No. 966989
>>966985Keep me updated! I don't know how to ride a bike so I always considered buying one of those, they seem easier and very comfortable. Have fun
No. 967001
>>966992The best part about both of these bikes is they don’t look like tricycles they just look like bikes! Everyone who sees it will just assume the extra rear wheel is for stability while hauling cargo.
Warning: I’m drunk and I love bikes
No. 967171
>>967170Finding motivation and focus is the goal for sure. Just thought that having a proper diagnosis can goal me into a right direction to keep my life in balance.
I'm good at my current job right now despite constant distraction (can't stop having intrusive thoughts about past events and such), there are days I'd have to rely on alcohol to "mute" my brain. Otherwise nothing severed so far.
No. 967357
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Since so many nonnies seem to be white girls who geg seriously angry when white guys date black girls, I was wondering if any of you have black stepmothers.
100% serious question, I’m seriously wondering if some of you have some knee jerk reaction because it reminds you of your mom not being with your father anymore.(racebait)
No. 967367
>>967357Racebaiting white incel. You did this before, except you were insisting that white women were jealous/angry because white men like Asian women more. Hang yourself by your cock
Anyone dumb/insecure enough to reply to this in seriousness should also suffer for shitting up the thread
No. 967373
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If I mention person A on work chat (Teams) while in a private conversation with person B and person A messages me immediately - and this has happened numerous times - is it rational to assume that person A can read our chat? How difficult is it to set in Teams to have access to other people's chats?
No. 967491
>>967225I tried to have a private account with no followers for about a day, and somehow got impressions on it, more than could be made by me simply viewing my own Tweets, so I ditched that. I'm not sure if Twitter bots scour every post, Twitter staff?? seems unlikely. But something is up with so-called private accounts.
Also kinda want to know more about why you have private accounts following only one musician, if he's active on Twitter maybe he
is looking at your Tweets which are essentially a DM to him since you have no other followers.
No. 967567
>>967541Not just racebait but bait. Idk if the anons are autistic or if it's op samefagging to get the fight going
But you can always report idiots who take the bait
No. 967633
>>967584she was originally jsut a spoiled rich weeb with disastrous outfits and worse cosplays. most people knew her bc of old lolita/cosplay drama or followed her awful attempts at fashion
she took a sharp left turn into munchiedom recently and the nosedive has been very quick.
and getting a fucking custom cake to celebrate your DID diagnosis is… something.
No. 967696
>>967491>I tried to have a private account with no followers for about a day, and somehow got impressions on it, more than could be made by me simply viewing my own Tweets, so I ditched that. I'm not sure if Twitter bots scour every post, Twitter staff?? seems unlikely. But something is up with so-called private accounts.Thanks so much for even replying! My main acct was made in 2010, the 2nd in 2013 just to post outfits from darling Nikki for in game currency. The musician followed my main during a following blitz where all you had to do was @him, but I have no clue why he followed my 2nd acct. I never followed any accounts on my 2nd (even my main) except the musician. Here's the other thing: he follows a TON of his fans, to the tune of 850K followers. I have NO IDEA how I can make a post at 3am on my 2nd account and within the hour have SO MUCH activity on my post unless he maybe had notifications turned on for me? Also neither account has ever been public.
I send him a DM a few years ago on his birthday, he saw it and immediately posted a video thanking all his fans for the birthday wishes which was HELLA coincidental. There are soo many incidents over the years of this musician just popping up unexpectedly wherever I go like this for me to be like, okay, I'm just a paranoid conspirator… but I DO NOT use twitter, it's locked up like a diary so for me to be able to watch those interaction numbers climb by the literal minute… Like, I'm not that interesting??? Until recently when I noticed this I only posted once every few months at most. And on top of that, except for the bday DM which he never sent a reply to, I never tried to @ him or DM him (after the @ that got me the follow years ago). I will rarely post a selfie (like 2 per year rare), mostly I post snippets from my poetry or just little things like "delete ur FB" or "stop drinking soda". No matter what I post,
someone is immediately crawling all over it within minutes and the numbers don't stop climbing for hours. I posted a selfie last night to the main with 3 followers and as of right now it has:
>50 impressions>24 total engagements>12 media engagements>11 detail expands>2 profile clicks
>Also kinda want to know more about why you have private accounts following only one musician, if he's active on Twitter maybe he is looking at your Tweets which are essentially a DM to him since you have no other followers.I followed more accounts at one point, but as I stopped using Twitter for anything but myself I removed them, except the musician because… yeah. Been a fan since I was 11, and even if it's easy af to get a follow from him it just makes me smile I guess that he follows me. I followed him on my 2nd when I followed like 30 musicians, but ended up deleting the others when I started noticing all this, and that's why the 2nd account now ONLY has the musician follower.
No. 967802
>>967790Try it
nonny, the looks you get are amazing. Don't act like a tard, just like you genuinely don't understand what they want and keeo asking why.
No. 967856
>>967574If 1 sperm fertilizes 1 egg you get 1 baby.
If 2 sperm fertilize 1 egg you get 2 baby with identical DNA.
No. 967912
>>967904nta but she means husbando content as in hot anime boy/fictional boy content, they are her husbandos and she consumes illicit content about them thus horny all day.
>>967898To answer your question, men are not like husbandos so it probably won't help. But performing is more a male task so unless you're a lost male you should be ok.
No. 967918
>>967710ayrt, this bit is a clue
>Here's the other thing: he follows a TON of his fans, to the tune of 850K followers.Even though that's a lot of people, if you're posting at 3am probably not a lot of other people are so he could still have seen it. Plus he seems to have an interest in his fans to follow that many, and post the thank you video right after seeing your birthday DM. Musicians often have crushes on fans so I think it's more likely than not that he's seen your Tweets as your only follower kek.
I had a guy who stalked my Twitter and had notifs on for me and I'd have the same thing with the instantly rising activity and detail expands stuff, and activity only during certain times of day. So that is rather suggestive too. You posting infrequently and never talking to him just makes you more mysterious to him, even though it seems silly.
I'd try writing a few replies to his posts sometimes and seeing if he interacts with them.
No. 967942
>>967918>if you're posting at 3am probably not a lot of other people are so he could still have seen it. Oh, well I forgot to mention this but I'm also 3 hours ahead of him with timezones, so would that change anything? Also since I noticed all this I've been making sure to post at least something every 1.5-3 hours when I can, and as of checking before writing this reply the last 4 posts I made since my last post have gone back to having the #s shoot up quickly again. This musician is notorious for his insomnia as well, so a 3-4 hour gap in the interaction spikes could mean he was asleep then and it was an incredible coincidence, but… That's a goddamn lot of time specific "coincidences".
As for messaging him, idk about that, I really have no clue what use I could be to him as an average person. Gotta say though, it's kind of exciting?
No. 968013
File: 1636899273079.jpg (618.91 KB, 3464x2249, g8otumsf7w961.jpg)

Why are more often then not extreme weebs very right wing, while extreme koreaboos tend to very left wing
No. 968058
File: 1636904707187.jpg (32.57 KB, 500x370, jap nazi girls.jpg)

>>968013japan are honorary aryans
No. 968109
>>968095Well then, for that I would gently suggest a deep inner convo with yourself about what your
real end goal is in that case. Do you just want to get off and "get it over with"? if so, that's the start of the problem itself. If what you want is that feeling of intimate closeness, unfortunately masturbation doesn't usually supply that. The ability to give yourself a satisfying orgasm ultimately comes from your sense of self worth and stability, that's the huge "self" part of "self-love'.
Now from here, all I can suggest to you two based on MY personal experience with having this issue in the past is that (and I'm NOT trying to imply anything about you two anons, I'm speaking from me here) is to go a little easier on yourselves, don't stress out about it and just know you have all the time you want/need to get it right. In the meantime, though it might sound generic and stupid, try to work on building some non-sexual relationships with people that give you that sense of closeness. It's tricky and it takes time and trial & error, but it's very doable.
No. 968200
File: 1636918523836.jpeg (157.58 KB, 640x640, 016D7B98-B24D-4FC4-BE26-E04FAA…)

Do you guys think that there should be a menstruation thread that’s separated from the vagina general?
No. 968226
>>968222You need shorter sleep cycles when you're old, but more of it. Lots of naps like a baby.
They might go to bed at 8pm but they might then wake up at 4am.
No. 968292
anytime I am in a relationship men show way more interest. On top of that plenty of women I know got ghosted by men as soon as they started showing interest back
No. 968458
>>968411JSON is a data object text file formatted in a specific way that makes it both human-readable and machine-readable. You should be able to open it raw in Notepad on a PC.
A single object is surrounded by curly brackets, and then it’s “property”:”value”, separated by commas and line breaks. So if you have a black cat named Luna, it would look like:
“name”: “Luna”,
“species”: “cat”,
“color”: “black”
You can try converting it to CSV and opening it in Excel. That might make it easier to parse.
No. 968550
>>968493There are JSON to CSV converters online! should work.
>>968473Yes lol
No. 968707
>>968554I mean weird and immoral, just stick with fictional characters
>>968660that's the same logic lolicons use
No. 968708
>>968707Nta but it isn’t the same though, at worst, the whole ass adult famous person could think it’s weird, but at least nobody is sexualizing children like people who read manga about little girls fucking.
Unless anon is stalking the artist and trying to go to their home at night to take a picture with him/her, there’s nothing immoral about reading fanfiction with real famous people.
No. 968713
>>968710That a whole ass child will find it weird? That’s literally idiotic as a defense, what should be said to a faggot reading erotica about children is that you’re calling the police.
You could say the same about anything and a pedo could and has used it as a defense for their behavior. Oh, you like going to Disney? Well, pedos love going to Disney too, that makes going there amoral, because a pedo will say that he’s just having fun while stalking children, therefore, going to a park as an adult is overall wrong, how dare you have fun as an adult?
I don’t get why is it that anything a woman does, is always compared to pedophiles, it’s honestly annoying.
No. 968759
File: 1636980632162.jpg (79.59 KB, 880x587, oooooooooo.jpg)

>>962213August. Who needs that shit? July but again. Wow. Fuck off.
No. 968806
File: 1636986644531.jpeg (63.76 KB, 750x900, BD1D6A82-51A0-419A-90E6-1E1E36…)

What’s everyone’s favorite animal?I like moose
No. 968815
File: 1636987812858.jpg (265.77 KB, 1080x1080, 244664020_4415826258510506_532…)

>>968806wrong thread, this isnt a stupid question… its a very important one
also mine is probably pigs! i have always wanted a baby pig, theyre so cute.
No. 968819
File: 1636988158285.jpg (629.26 KB, 2048x1365, bebik.jpg)

>>968806Bears all the way
No. 968822
File: 1636988392951.jpeg (98.33 KB, 1254x836, C18C953F-333C-4350-BD87-243D67…)

>>968806Axolotls, they’re cute as fuck, my raison d’être is getting a great apartment where I can have a room dedicated to them and where they can live happily in a cozy aquarium crafted specifically for them. It will be soundproof so there aren’t any sounds to bother them, dark, just the right temperature, they will have everything they need, and I will be the only one who will be able to enter such place.
No. 968824
>>968550Thank you for helping so much, yu have no idea how important this chat history is to me!!
But the problem is, the takeout file saved as zip, I unzipped it online but the JSON file has the internet explorer logo and every JSON to CSV thing online I plug it into spits out gibberish, or saves another JSON file I can't open. I can open all the pics from the chat, but not the chats themselves.
No. 968966
File: 1637000078339.png (701.51 KB, 1080x1080, 0cf78339-6fce-45af-bd72-8c3d88…)

What do you guys use to keep yourselves safe on the computer?
I used to just have ublock on chrome but there must be more things to do to keeping yourselves safe, I tried an ip proxy and that just slowed things significantly down when I was browsing the internet and when I look for similar anwsers it there wasn't a lot that I could use as it was either out of date or more for Americans which I didn't really understand why I couldn't use it as a European since its just a region difference. keeping me safe. When downloading i lle gal ly
No. 969020
File: 1637002372764.jpg (36.94 KB, 640x412, wholesome-soft-meme-heart-meme…)

just bumping threads to hide the cp
No. 969077
>>968800I'm the opposite of this attachment. I'm in a spectrum of avoidant/dismissive attachment type, and as result I tend to attract hyperfixated anxious attachment people.
This is one of the reasons I avoid dating since I can't provide enough emotional labor to my partner, I enjoy physical contacts and reassurances, and I do want to be with someone I can fully trust. I just feel really shitty if my partner ended up developing an anxious attachment towards me just because I holed myself up playing mmo for 4 weeks straight or something.
Maybe try to pan out your activities whereas it doesn't have to be involved with socialization 24/7. Join a random debate club, DnD, get invested in some 2D husbando or something, give your brain some tasks to get distracted with.
No. 969133
>>968966You want a paid vpn and it will be slow, that’s the trade off.
Not for protection, but setting up network wide dns ad blocking is worth it for avoiding ads, especially if you go on shadier sites. Look into setting up a ‘pihole’.
No. 969224
File: 1637015766925.png (60.01 KB, 214x206, josei shock.PNG)

do i sound like a tranny? posted my voice in a thread on 4ch hoping to get (you)'s and while i DID get them, i got called a tranny. please help
No. 969245
File: 1637018474227.jpg (138.94 KB, 528x1023, choc01863.jpg)

>>969240Burger here and I absolutely love these
No. 969250
File: 1637018860687.jpeg (313.89 KB, 1200x1200, 974559E4-5458-4815-8A98-8D311E…)

>>969240Venezuela and this is the only
valid chocolate that has ever existed.
No. 969251
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>>969240germany and i like these more than anything haribo.
No. 969261
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>>969240I am from Croatia, my favorite candy is bronhi, I love it when it melts in my mouth and sticks to my teeth and I love the flavor
No. 969263
File: 1637020215364.png (65.55 KB, 400x400, freia-melkesjokolade-sjokolade…)

>>969240I feel sorry for all non-norwegians and your shitty chocolate
No. 969274
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>>969240Mother fucking timtams!!
No. 969276
File: 1637021361789.jpg (1.41 MB, 2480x960, Moon-Pie-Single.jpg)

>>969240I'm from the US and probably the most quintessential American sweet that I like is Moon Pies. I have one every couple years and it's gross but delicious at the same time.
No. 969278
File: 1637021493734.jpg (76.28 KB, 437x679, decadentcookies.jpg)

>>969240Canada, and definitely these things for packaged. Though if you are getting fresh baked goods you can't go wrong with butter tarts. A lot of people like nanaimo bars but personally I find those too sickly sweet.
No. 969289
File: 1637022204854.jpeg (10.83 KB, 316x160, images.jpeg)

>>969240Burgerland and i like these sugar free cookies since they're not too sweet. Everything prepackaged here is too sweet imo
No. 969294
File: 1637023207908.jpg (33.86 KB, 679x438, shortbread.jpg)

>>969240UK and for me it's got to be shortbread. It's not too sweet and has a delicious buttery flavour. It's nice on it's own or it can be used to make different types of biscuits with nuts and chocolate.
No. 969368
>>969290I've lived in two different suburbs, once in the south and other in the west. Southern suburb was more rural though
>>969322Usually at grocery stores, arcades, theatres, etc. Once at the bar
No. 969390
File: 1637038994743.jpg (305.28 KB, 429x692, 1637034027644[1].jpg)

Where did these pictures of monkeys and lions came from? I have seen them many times on posts making fun of NFTs, but I though that they came from a picrew and the joke is that furries are often rich and thereford pay for stuff like NFTs or closed species, but apparently they are actual NFTs that people have payed for? Can someone explain it to me?
No. 969393
File: 1637039626280.jpg (154.45 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0791-1024x768.jpg)

okay guys so I've got this 4ft paper tube, pic rel. any ideas on how to repurpose and reuse this thing? it's thick too so I can't cut it easily
It's a roller for a large fabric banner from my workplace and I saved it for jokes ("I can hit people with it") but now it's been in my house for a week kek. I'd rather not send it to a landfill if possible
No. 969406
>>969390nfts are useless and meaningless so people who want to make money from nfts need to convince people to buy ownership of an image. some people have said "you can use my art as your avatar if you buy it as an nft" but it rarely works very well. a group of guys took this a step further and made a collection of ape avatars and said that anyone who bought one and used it as their avatar would also have access to a discord. the group was called "bored ape yacht club" because it is a club for crypto investors and apes are a reference to a crypto investing term ("aping in"). they very well might have made a picrew because they just swap out details the way you do in picrews. everyone else doing this is trying to copy the first group's success. the big lion group is called lazy lions iirc.
people with these avatars are always talking up how investing in nfts will make you a millionaire because the goal of buying nfts isn't just to own nfts: it's to convince some other guy that nfts are such a good investment that he should buy your nfts for more than you paid. you might get additional free nfts for joining a club, so it also works as a pyramid scheme that relies on recruiting new investors.
No. 969408
>>969401maybe I can make it into an abnormally straight palm tree
>>969402that's a really good idea, thank you
>>969403pls take, I'm in Philly
No. 969418
File: 1637041743691.jpeg (218.97 KB, 768x667, 3F2F5C13-ADB3-4AF0-AB2E-9040C1…)

>>968806I like crocodiles and alligators
No. 969461
File: 1637046452156.png (1.74 MB, 1200x1527, imagen_2021-11-16_010733.png)

how are we going to teach the gen z kids that fiction includes bad people and bad things and makes you uncomfortable on purpose sometimes bc maybe the author is trying to tell you something?
No. 969597
File: 1637058617092.png (402.55 KB, 417x661, imagen_2021-11-16_043031.png)

why the FUCK is this being treated as normal?
No. 969716
>>969609I feel like men are bad at hiding it when they're pissed at something, if he was annoyed in any major way he likely would've at minumum made a passive aggressive comment. You're probably ok. I wonder how many weird dog encounters mailmen must have in their lifetimes anyway.
My neigbours dog that I've walked past a thousand times before randomly got a lil aggressive with me lately. I was walking past in the exact same way I have those other thousand times. I had to give him space by crossing the road to aboid it excalating. Another neighbour saw it and commented that it was odd, then he added that only the mailman gets that treatment everyday.. I'm in work at that time so I'd no idea. This is a dog that's left out in the front garden all day and night with an open gate and no attempts to keep him restrained or restricted to one area. I'd no idea he got aggressive with anyone before. My view of the dog has changed. I'm more aware of him now when I pass. Some people are real casual about that stuff. Most postmen must be used to way worse dog encounters than a jump.
No. 970030
I tried to overdose on whetever was in my house, did that twice, once when I was 12 and again at like 25. Puked for hours the first time, fainted the next day, looked noticeably green in the face the following day, nothing beyond that. No hospital, I didn't tell anyone. I took a load of my moms meds that time. She was a diabetic with high blood pressure and cancer so god knows what I actually took but it was quite a mixed cocktail. By the time she figured out hundreds of pills were missing I'd recovered from the ideal.
The one at 25 included alot of paracetemol and psych meds. Went to hospital, got put on drips, puked alot, more drips, was told the drips were to protect my liver and that paracetemol gives you a very slow and very painful death if you don't get that drip in time. I was in hospital for two weeks and had blood taken every morning to check for something. Not a death anyone would want apparently but I was ok.
Don't overdose if you're just taking any old thing you have around the house.
No. 970035
Do replies like
>>969466 with links but without pictures automatically get red texted or is it just jannies not reading posts before they drop a ban? I’ve seen it happen a lot recently.
No. 970039
>>970018>The only advice I have is to make sure you really exhausted all possible options for it to get betterActually yes, I think I did everything I could, which is why I think I feel so at ease with this decision.
>Best case scenario it works, "worst" case - nothing changes.In my case, even if something worked and/or my overall quality of life improved, I would fall back to this low level after a while.
>And yea, dying will suck, especially by hanging. So, like, don't.Well, like any method of suicide, right? Dying is painful, but I don't mind. Even if these are minutes of extreme pain, I can endure it. It's nothing compared to the pain of living honestly.
>>970030Whoa anon, you've been through a lot. As I realized, the death rate from tablet overdose is not that high.
Thank you for your response, I hope that at least for you, life will change for the better.
No. 970066
>>970055>>970046But this "suicide culture" and memes are one of the most integrated part of the imageboards. There are always conversations about suicide because most of the people who visit ib are depressed people.
Honestly, if you can't take discussion about suicide, then maybe imageboards aren't for you. There's even more
triggering content here. Let's not turn imageboards into a hugbox.
No. 970090
>>970074but what is the criteria for that?
trigger warnings got out of control because people keep wanting them for more and more things that don't
trigger the general public.
No. 970131
>>970066But it shouldn't be, the current generation is so fucking cringe and self condensending about suicide, it is almost pushed in a frivolous way.
Plus, a gossip website having posts that push for suicide is not a good look.
No. 970140
File: 1637114987970.jpg (96.92 KB, 1080x865, Tumblr_l_202403932132786.jpg)

>>970129This image is illegal in China
No. 970152
File: 1637115761567.jpg (67.47 KB, 640x496, dDCB8Xd.jpg)

Does anyone know why people keep making posts in /ot/ where they just copy and paste viral tumblr posts into random threads? I just saw picrel in the dumb shit thread but it's nowhere near the first time
No. 970154
>>970152Bet it's that anon who admitted to reposting a bunch of radfem confessions in random threads.
Doesn't seem to be trolling exactly, probably wants discussions to move faster because she needs the social interaction. Bit sad tbh.
No. 970189
File: 1637121427204.png (987.65 KB, 2048x1152, imagen_2021-11-16_215501.png)

>>970153>>970154>>970158Love these dumb tinfoils when in reality I just do it because I think those post are neat and I think some girls in here could appreciate them. It's not that deep and I could care less about backlash, I love sharing stuff with smart women on here. Most posters didn't even noticed until I confessed. I have done this multiple times.
>no fun allowed.jpg No. 970245
File: 1637130498075.png (7.76 KB, 280x155, ztvfcsd.PNG)

Is picrel true???
No. 970260
File: 1637132681037.png (352.72 KB, 2048x785, chrome_screenshot_163713258531…)

Let's play a game: man or woman?
No. 970296
I cut off the legs off of some tights so I can have shorts to wear under skirts, what should I do with the leftover fabric from the legs?
>>970260Definitely a woman, if a man cared enough to defend women watching porn he would instead say he finds it actually totally hot xd
No. 970342
File: 1637146518040.png (22.19 KB, 300x250, gLKF1b3oKZ.png)

Do you think it's possible to have doubts in long term relationship and recover, or is it a sign of inevitable end?
No. 970346
>>970342People have doubts all the time, if you're in a long term relationship for 40 years there are going to be times where you both need to communicate and work through things together
If you met a guy three months ago and already doubt that you are compatible then that's different, it's a red flag
No. 970579
File: 1637168048555.jpg (190.04 KB, 634x951, 881e966ef10ee4e7f19b93afba1628…)

>>970571No, why do you think so? Gardening isn't a women's hobby, have you never seen a gardening show on tv?
No. 970601
>>970578I had an ex lay out very early on that sex was suuper important. I was afraid when we got past the honeymoon point and had that usual slight slowing down of things.. we were still having sex like 3 times a week when he went ballistic and gave me an ultimatum. I kinda forced myself because we were otherwise good and planning a future but my god was it never good enough for him. He wanted sex multiple times a day..forever. Horrible experience in the end. The connection of sex is a beautiful thing when all the conditions are right but this wasn't about connection. It was the furthest thing from connecting and I don't think he knows it really fucked me up. He told me at one point that he had stayed in a very
toxic relationship before just because they fucked like rabbits so he was willing to put up with nearly anything. I think some people are just addicted to sex itself and the connection part isn't even there. For others it's more about real intimacy.
I honestly think I could date a man who had his dick cut off and I'd manage if I still had some form of non sexual intimacy. Touch is important and sex is great but it's not the be all and end all to me. I have hands. I have toys. I'm never going to be exactly deprived. Being cuddle deprived would kill me though. I'd be much quicker to leave over the loss of those smaller acts of affection.
No. 970617
File: 1637172088411.jpeg (77.82 KB, 640x634, 035964BB-E8BE-4CEC-BA49-B1819F…)

how can i rescue an exotic animal? is there a list or something that i can sign up? i’ve always wondered how people end up with super cool animals like this. No. 970619
>>970617They usually have experience, a degree or something similar that allows them to do this, doubt it's random people taking in wild animals.
Or they have a fuckton of moneyIdk if you're being serious or not, but you could always call or email a rescue and ask what the requirements are?
No. 970680
File: 1637176657991.png (3.04 MB, 2298x834, tfgkl.png)

Does this look like the same person??
No. 970744
File: 1637180581045.png (62.87 KB, 162x178, 2021-11-17 12_22_28-Window.png)

plz get the cp off the front page
No. 970806
File: 1637183384878.jpeg (30.15 KB, 718x554, quesadilla.jpeg)

is the cp gone?
No. 970808
>>970806It's been gone since
>>970744 posted, nothing on any of the boards. I'm a little confused honestly
No. 970871
File: 1637186678003.png (553.88 KB, 651x971, f44713121c842e88b258aa6dcfac64…)

How often do you give your opinion? Like, if a friend sends you a video of a comedian you don't like, what do you say? I feel like I am always saying "oh I'm not really a fan of this guy" and shutting people down and it feels kind of rude, but I also refuse to lie and say I like stuff I don't.
No. 970945
Does anyone know anything about phones? My phone has been shutting down or freezing from time to time and it's a bit slow when opening apps, especially messages. I don't mind it being slow but I am afraid it will die soon so I'm looking for a new one. I found a very cheap model online - Cubot Note 7, and I am not looking for a fast or fancy phone, I don't want to use it much, I would use my brick phone but I need facebook messenger and my bank app. But the phone has 2 gb ram, and my friend tells me that's too little for modern phones, but the phone I have now has 1 gb and it works well, I can even play games on a ds enulator. But she says the ram is going to degrade over time as it did with this phone and it will get slow too, and with more ram it will last longer probably. What do you think, should I get more ram? I am really a cheapskate and I don't care about performance, but I would like to have a phone that lasts more than 5 years, to reduce waste. If it is even possible to have a phone that lasts over 5 years nowadays
No. 970951
>>970260Daily porn is alot but I still think it's prob a pornsick woman.
In my past relationships I assumed that when we were apart for extended times there might've been some porn to get through the trips. I didn't ask, I never had a discussion banning it. It never came up and I was fine leaving the topic alone as long as nothing came up to bother me.
No. 970972
>>970945I've recommend this one here before, but the Motorola Moto G Fast is relatively affordable and has great specs for the price. There's other variants too in the same line.
>I don't care about performanceYou may think that but performance is what impacts whether it freezes and stutters, apps crash and whatnot. You don't have to want cutting edge but it sucks having the bottom of the pile in this particular regard.
No. 971042
File: 1637208888018.jpg (176.99 KB, 750x745, FEVqZjgXEAY_bQo.jpg)

Maybe it's my inexperience but what do people mean when they say that some people should remain friends instead of pursuing a relationship with eachother because it wouldn't be worth losing the friendship or something along those lines? How would that happen if you're compatible etc?
No. 971044
>>971042Relationships really change a lot of dynamics. When friends, you keep a modicum of yourself to yourself. In a relationship, you're expecting to share more of yourself than what you're willing to share with a friend. Now, if you have already shared those bad things and all of your bad habits with your friends, you might have an easier relationship.
That's the best way I can really explain it right now.
No. 971194
File: 1637232831267.jpg (65.21 KB, 1147x851, 5e1c7c02a85b33669a186d37c1512e…)

What is the name of the indie horror game genre where you're sent to websites and other things like unlisted youtube videos to gather clues? Sometimes you have to meddle with the game's files, I know the term "metafiction" but I swear there was some more specific term for it
No. 971212
File: 1637237312210.jpg (93.78 KB, 593x480, 1637236164058.jpg)

Can someone explain this to me, like some of the thing I get but others are just confusing and normal that it doesn't make any sense, is this a zoomer thing ?
No. 971225
>>971220I understand that but most of these things are so benign, like
>googling the cast of a TV show or filmdoesn't everybody do that
No. 971285
>>971212One on the right reminded me.. I saw some clip on youtube a while back where a man was being the 'flower girl' at his friends wedding. He was being all campy and just making the guests laugh. He wasn't wearing a dress or anything, just throwing some confetti around. Scrotes in the comment section were losing their minds. The world is about to end because a man acted campy. They were all convinced the marriage was doomed to fail too, that they somehow deserved it.
All it takes to ruin a mans image is him throwing some confetti around. The controversy of such an act lol
No. 971626
File: 1637268233281.webm (2.87 MB, 416x800, 1623540436582.webm)

This is for Amerifags:
How often is birth control used to treat irregular periods/ menstrual problems/ acne within kids/teens?
No. 971810
File: 1637275428247.jpeg (117.45 KB, 639x452, 7C668736-B22D-4C41-A6FA-50A5F7…)

Can people on ig know who’s seen their stories?
No. 972005
>>971961give it a shot nonna, dont sound desperate or anything but add something convincing like "I've been lacking in focus lately, a boost would be nice".
Though I've tried this before with my friend's fiance after learning that he's dealing drugs, got shot down immediately. (mostly because my friend already got this weird paranoia/jealousy when another female get in contact with him)
No. 972151
Can someone please go to and tell me if you can solve the captcha because I can't and I wonder if the problem is me or the site. Just don't open the site when you're in company because there's a small chance of raining cocks
No. 972306
File: 1637331213118.jpg (11.57 KB, 459x612, gettyimages-1172802518-612x612…)

Why is it that when hearing the word 'monochrome' people usually think of black and white even though it's supposed to mean one single color (or several shades of the same color)?
No. 972458
File: 1637337261980.jpg (101.27 KB, 1080x355, Screenshot_20211118-161423_Fir…)

Who is she and why does she look like that
No. 972492
toxic tears from the alt cows thread
No. 972667
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bump for cp
No. 972678
>>972657It’s like a threatening letter but instead of calling your beloved a motherfucker you say “my lovely dove”
>Hello, my lovely dove, I write this letter as a reminder of my love towards you, I wish you were here so I could hug you and kiss all of your enticing body.>hugs and kisses, your anon.Being the threatening letter example:
>Hello, my dear motherfucker, I write this threat to you as a reminder of the money you own me, I fucking wish you were here so I could stab you and spit on your corpse.>Fuck you, your debt collector.typos, avoid them while writing your love letter or threatening letter No. 972732
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What are some essential life skills that boomers grew up learning that most millennials and Zoomers didn’t. The most obvious ones are:
-changing a tyre (I don’t have a drivers license so idk if I need to know this yet
-changing a lightbulb (I admittedly don’t know how to do this)
-cook (This is very easy and I’m honestly baffled that some people, mostly moids, don’t know how to do this because I used to help my mom cook growing up)
-how to do laundry and basic cleaning (it’s easy. Again, I’m baffled at manchildren)
What are some more examples?
No. 972741
>>972732Unclogging a toilet but that's gross
Idk why I'm blanking right now when I usually think about this stuff
No. 972771
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>>972732Zoomer here: Writing a check is a big one. I had to write my first (and last, so far) check a few years ago and it was so embarrassing. I didn't know you had to write out all of the numbers in long hand. I pay all of my bills online.
This one will make people mad, but reading an analog clock. It's still taught in schools but only until kids are around 7 years old, and with analog clocks becoming obsolete (phones), kids just aren't getting any practice. I'm 23 and can barely read an analog clock (I know how to, but just not at a glance), so I can't imagine a 14 year old would know how. I didn't have much exposure to analog clocks since I got a phone when I was about 10. Anyone who is actually mad about this, I implore you, do you know how to read a sundial?
Also, people are upset about us zoomers not knowing how to do these things; why? It's literally never came up naturally in my life to send a letter, write a check, etc. Shouldn't you be more worried about old people who can't stop giving themselves computer viruses, falling for phishing scams and believing fake news instead of getting mad at young people for not knowing what a fax machine is?
No. 972776
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>>972768I shave up to the knee only. I was unironically inspired to try it bc of this scene, and I liked it kek
No. 972781
>>972776i was right there with you until i stopped shaving my legs completely. love bobs burgers ♥
>>972777same, anon, and i have patches on my legs that don’t even have hair at all
No. 972785
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>>972768Yes, but only to feel smoother since I don't grow much and it's not super visible. Pic rel is about where I'm at if I went months without shaving.
No. 972818
>>972810Exactly, analogue clocks are used in public places and are also sold as accessories. They're hardly obsolete. And even if you never have to send a letter, surely you will need to send a package to someone sometime.
In fact I think a lot of analogue things will have a revival, many of us are tired of everything being digital.
No. 972830
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>>972768My body hair ,including my leg hair, is very abundant and all over my body but wearing trousers has caused me to get some ‘bald spots’ on my legs and thighs. I don’t shave at all, aside from my armpits and hip flexors. I also cut my pubic hair with scissors. I only get rid of my body hair for practical purposes
No. 972866
>>972768It’s getting cold out so I’ve been shaving my legs once a week. Normally I shave whenever I plan to wear shorts or capris in public.
>>972830+1 to trimming pubes with scissors too
No. 972881
>>972768Never. I used to use a cream every so often but it's too annoying and the hair doesn't bother me anyway.
On the other hand I use a cordless mens electric shaver for my pubes because while they don't bother me either they just get gross during my period (yes despite showering) but razor shaving is too irritating and itchy and "womens" shavers are fucking useless pink junk
No. 972909
>>972898second anon, yeah i'm a burger. like i said there just wasn't a situation where i had to do it. i rarely return items (or buy anything to begin with) and have no one to send letters to. although one of my sibling needs to send info for their school sometimes but it's usually done online
>>972902letter and address writing were taught at my schools but not check writing
No. 972939
>>972925I smile too, I guess it just must be off
>>972931yep, joyful people uplift me so I wanna be more like them so I can uplift others instead of worrying them
No. 973012
>>972898I'm a burger, applied to a bunch of schools and never once had to send anything physical- it's all online. Sorry your country is stuck in the last century, anon And the only time I ever had to send a package was to myself when I moved, and I just googled how to do it. Amazing how you can just look things up and instantly have it explained more efficiently and with less judgement than having some old boomer teach you.
The lightbulb thing is funny though because I'm not sure how you could, 1: ever fuck that up, and 2: never encounter a lightbulb going out in your life. Do you anons live in darkness? Kek
No. 973065
>>973040The band's pretty good actually, I just don't do well with loud noise, but I assume there'll be some more quiet spot we hang out in. I was just worried I was being too.. enthusiastic maybe? Like showing that I'd go of my way to be with him, which then could mean he doesn't value me as much since he has such easy access to me, which could lead to a lack of boundaries over time.
Now that I'm typing this out, I can tell I was catastrophizing. You're right, it could either be a fun night there, or I could peace out. Thank you!
No. 973117
>>973065Don't worry about pulling away to be on your own, with the self-care non-chasing mindset until
after you've had a couple amazing dates together. Gotta have an emotional hook first, and then everything after goes at your pace. At the end of the day, just enjoy yourself.
No. 973124
>>972954It's the default one built into the app lol
The previous default was marginally better but the voice provider threatened to sue because tiktok licensed it from a company that bought it from a company she made a voicebank for or something
No. 973474
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What does these subtitles are supposed to be saying? google translate won’t tell me what.
No. 973538
>>973474I only know kanji, so all I could do was typing it over without being able to translate it, but google says "The action has changed Bai Shilong Si, who has come to Hui’s Bilingzhitong Station, has no news." after I typed in 行动有変白石龙司今都到惠
智无消息. I can't get anything out of it, but maybe it makes sense in context? Not sure if I deciphered the bold ones correctly though, so if it doesn't make sense maybe try it for yourself again lol.
No. 973555
>>972757, no I'm in West Euro. All government and education related things are dealt with online. They discourage you from receiving government-related things on paper instead of digitally too.
No. 973652
>>973646>>973624I used to process very important paperwork that many chose to fill in by hand. It really made me realize that the vast majority of people have nearly illegible handwriting and not only that, but they have so little consideration of whether other people can read it that they will mail in their paperwork, with their shit completely illegible, to the point that they delay receiving thousands of dollars for months because their address was filled in as a line of scribbles or their bank info looked like chicken scratch. It was really irritating, no awareness that others have to read their shit.
So if you even care to make your handwriting legible at all then you're already ahead of most people.
No. 973670
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Why are mods so unresponsive to the invasion? Usually they have it down in ,at most, an hour, but some of the stuff is still here.
No. 973761
>>973743I guess it’s because they have multiple, positive interactions with the same kind of people, either physically or personally.
Some people develop a type for women with short hair, because most of the women with short hair that they’ve talked to or been in a relationship with, have been really nice to them and has given them lots of good experiences.
Or someone would rather have an extrovert gf/bf rather than an introvert one because they’ve had better times with an extrovert than with an introvert.
You end up creating a stereotype based on your experiences with different kinds of people, it’s kind of why horoscopes are popular, because multiple people will share their personal stereotypes of a sign with others and lots of them will find similarities between the new stereotypes and the ones they created in their own.
No. 973792
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What the fuck is this shit??? RUSSIA, EXPLAIN. Or Ukraine, if this uggo is yours.
No. 973796
>>973761>I guess it’s because they have multiple, positive interactions with the same kind of people, either physically or personallyI wish i had regular interactions with beefy redheads kek
No. 973820
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>>973792Still not as weird as the undressable Gackt dakimakura (upper body only)
No. 973828
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I'm Polish and I demand an explanation. Why can't I buy a pillow with the Star Wars Bad Boy and yet this is produced in quantities big enough to end up on Aliexpress
>standard slavic zoomer humour
Yeah like that's partially what I'm asking, who is this ugly man and why is he a meme? I prefer not to think that Russian women are actually stanning him, though sadly that is also a possibility cuz ~silver fox~
No. 973858
>>973856I think some people especially men are so devoid of personality that they latched on very heavily to the doggo/pupper shit that was popular however many years ago
pet culture drives me insane in general; I have a dog and love her (also love cats) but would not consider myself a "dog person" and people think i'm weird for it.
No. 973860
>>973856Dog=good person
Dog=love with minimal effort
Legit witnessed multiple moids say they'd go John Wick if someone hurts their dog, then they never take their dogs for walk or feed it properly or give them stimulation in any way.
No. 973889
>>973828He's a musician and was a juror on Russian The Voice, probably is seen as a cringy starlet boomer trying hard to maintain his irrelevant 'fame' by Russian zoomers and that's why they're thirsting him as a joke just like the Polish ones did a while back with their own meme boomers, but besides that I can't give you a behind the meme on that one.
That being said I wonder how these boomers feel about being thirsted by teens, because no way they are self aware enough to understand that it's ironic
No. 973916
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>>973908Here's a simple post explaining it.
>>758559 No. 973918
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>>973907Anon don't let your dreams be dreams.
Have you looked into some of these print businesses where you can send in your own photo? I looked just now and found a couple that did dakis like picrel or even ones found on allegro for easier access.
I never ordered a custom-print product before so you'd have to invest some time into finding something that's decent quality, I can't recommend anything but if you do some fast research your custom husbando can become reality
No. 973935
>>973918I love you nona, I haven't looked into this! Then my problem is finding quality art, which is harder than it seems giving the popularity of the character (Kylo Ren)….
>full body shot, head to toes>best if lying down (probably unrealistic expectation)>high resolution so it doesn't look like shitI didn't even like that one Kylux daki some artist did lol. Where do I find good daki art? Maybe I should give pixiv a shot but cannot into Japanese lol
Sidenote, but I am super
triggered by shit like
>>973811 - I hate dakis that don't have human proportions, or cut at thighs or legs. That's not what dakis are supposed to be! Sorry for autism lol
No. 973939
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>>973928Fupa or skinny fat belly? Both are different.
No. 973960
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>>973928Do they mean something like this?
No. 973987
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>>973935I understand the amputee daki hate, I don't much like that either, anon
As for places to find good daki art I'm not sure… Seems like finding it without commissioning an artist for a fresh one would be tough. Maybe you can ask some anons in art centered threads? Pixiv does have some daki-ready art from what I've seen so it's worth giving it a shot too.
Good luck in your search daki anon, I wish you luck
No. 974045
>>974022Holy fucking shit, are you for real? That would be my luckiest day this year.
I don't want to take advantage of your kindness (too much!). I would love if he resembled himself
aka the forbidden man, but of course doesn't mean he has to be identical, just recognizable, I guess. Uh, so that means no mask (if that's okay with you). Clothes and hair from TFA are the best! I have no idea about a pose, except lying so that I can hug him. I guess a cute/sensual pose would be nice (interpret it how you like). If you would like to do a lewder side for some reason, not too lewd lol (maybe just naked chest? IDK).
I'm still not convinced this isn't a joke, but I will be eternally grateful if not and would love to pay you back somehow (if possible, why remaining anonymity). Sorry if I wrote too much, just do whatever you are comfortable with!
If for some reason you would like to hit me up, I have added my email into the field. Of course you can post anything in the forbidden thread!
BTW your friend sounds cool and I will be forever thankful to her too lol
No. 974058
>>974045NTA but I'm also a dr*verfag and now I'm tempted to try and make one
Kylo dakimakura too, but I'm such a shit artist kek
No. 974063
>>974045don't want to delete and if it even matters for the resolution/technical side, but I have 160x70cm daki.
Anyway I'm gonna shut up now and try to dream about my husbando. Sorry in case I'm being too much, I would never expect anyone to offer something like this
No. 974064
>>974045>>974063ayrt, I'm just feeling like a generous christmas goose. gonna email in a sec
>>974058is there an art thread we could collab on this shit in lmao
No. 974088
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>>974058feel free to expand on this, also pls email
>>974045 anon so we don't keep shitting up the thread
No. 974093
>>974088I'm so happy daki anon is so close to getting her kylo
Thank you art anons I'm happy to see people collab on this for no reason other than them being generous. As this will probably now move into private messages all I wanna say before you leave is good luck and have fun with the project!
No. 974110
>>974106I used to be a DVT admirer and she said that when she does burlesque shows her audience is like 90% women and a few much older men (probably ones who used to watch real burlesque dancing) so I have no idea. I guess they are just admirers.
I think some people probably go just to see a show, like how people watch belly dancing or magic shows or other performance acts, it's just a form of entertainment I guess.
No. 974355
>>974164I am a graphic designer, and it depends
What is your goal? To do stuff for yourself or work at a studio?
No. 974371
>>974164>>974355Samefagging but the most important thing to do graphic designer is to learn about it, not just use the software like a maniac.
I recommend getting used design books and reading them, specially about the very basic things. Just google "best basic books for graphic designers" and I'm sure you'll find good stuff. You could also learn on websites like domestika (I recommend it a lot).
Graphic design isn't just about making things flashy and aesthetically pleasing, form follow function. So yeah, I believe in you anon if you want to pursue this path
No. 974421
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Anyone know about statistics?
>If we are interested in the normality assumption int he context of regression, should we be evaluating the unconditional distributions of y and log(y)?
I would say no, because a large sample leads to asymptotic normality, but I'm not sure.
No. 974434
No. 974452
>>974437Yes. Why would your body have a bad reaction to something that will help it.
It's the same thing as products advertised as "Most people see results in 3-6 months." They have you on the hook for 6 months, and results aren't guaranteed. If you got the result you wanted, you'll keep buying the product..keep in mind that 6 months is a longish time and you may also have made some lifestyle changes that contributed to your result.
If you didn't get the results you wanted, you wasted your money on using this product for 6 months and the company "wins" out.
No. 974461
>>974456Maybe regularly exercising, a balanced diet and having a hobby that requires that you talk with other people could help you more than any drug.
But if you really want to do drugs, maybe do Xanax or some shit like that.
No. 974491
>>974456Honestly weed, tea, and exercise are the best things for you health-wise, speaking as someone who does shrooms, edibles, and mdma on the regular. If you don’t like high-intensity exercise, try yoga or an basics barre class. Endorphins are no joke! As for weed, try having snacks that you can gorge on without consequence, like hummus and carrots, or seaweed. I wouldn’t touch opioids as a regular thing, they can fuck you up, roofie-style. Mushrooms aren’t exactly relaxing either, they can give you fun times but can also drag you into a dark space just as easily.