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No. 940572

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

previous thread: >>>/ot/928754

No. 940584

IDK why but the OP image gave me a gore scare in the first milisecond of perceiving it. Maybe because of those ????, it has that traumacore gore tumblr vibe.
Not saying it's a bad image, I like it now that I know it's just a cat!

No. 940586

I honestly want to know who thinks this is funny? Making threads super early? Do you need some money for your meds anon because you clearly need some

No. 940591

Are there any men on onlyfans filming degrading shit of themselves for the sake of women or are there only women doing it for men?

No. 940593

>or are there only women doing it for men?
You already know the awnser

and nikadoavocado doesn't count.

No. 940597

there are men doing it for other men

No. 940607

OP here, my dumbass thought the 1100 post notice was the 1200 post otice. sorry

No. 940611

if you were short on time (i have maybe 3 hours) how would you make a jester costume for a party that's also not too feminine

No. 940612

I wondered if there were any doing it for women.
I keep hearing "onlyfans is empowering" - bitch how? Unless I can pay a hunk to punch himself in the dick or something it's not empowering.

No. 940622

Are the elder penguins in happy feet really jews?
My mom said that when I was small, I am watching it again and they have Yiddish accents, but I am not sure if they really are.

No. 940624

Pay a gay hunk, they won't care. Money is money.

No. 940631

It's actually really weird. Why do women enjoy this type of attention but moids don't feel the urge to get on camera and film themselves similarly? I'm sure there are retarded women who would throw cash at some scrote for porn equally

No. 940634

Nope, only straight men will do.
I'm not seriously considering signing up. I'm just wondering just how worthless this site is, despite the retard empowering propaganda.

No. 940643

men are so degenerate you can probably find one who is willing to pay you to make him do it, but I imagine it'd take some effort

No. 940706

this is the first long term boyfriend ive actually lived with and he burps and farts so much and when he does them it is so nasty it makes me want to throw up. obviously everyone does these things but this is too much and too intense. is this just something guys do when theyre comfortable or is he a slob?

No. 940707

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Is it normal and good to date or go out with multiple people at once so you can be objective about who's the best match for you? How come I seem unable to do that? Even if I'm simply just starting to get to know someone, I can't get to know others with the intention of dating them at the same time. I feel this is some sort of hindrance. But at the same time, It's like I have a short attention span and can only focus on one person, if I were to focus on alot then the relationships would be very superficial because I wouldnt get to know them as deeply as i'd like.

Another question that I'm not sure if is related with the one above, but I just can't make friends……….unless i'm romantically interested in the person
at most i can make acquitances, but never close friends…. is this weird?

No. 940710

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>Is it normal and good to date or go out with multiple people at once

Absolutely. Men do it to you. Hell this is how girls dated in the 50s. You go out on dates and hold off on fucking any of them until they take you seriously. Having a roster also ensures you don't get oneitis and become a pickme for anybody, as well as lessens the sting of ghosting. "Focusing on one person" …yeah just don't focus on anybody outside of the date. If they want your full "focusing" theyll earn it with commitment.

No. 940714

Do any anons like being single/alone most of the time, but also feel like they are missing important social connections and relationships?

No. 940716

it's hard for me to come across anybody that i feel putting effort into trying to pay attention and listen to to begin with though so I don't think I could ever find enough people to put in a roster :\ is it just a matter of forcing myself? maybe if i force myself to talk to someone i have no initial interest in i'll end up finding that they are actually more interesting than they seem, i can see that
It's sooooo hard though
literally me

No. 940718

Yeah I was the same way. I'd date a guy, fall quickly, automatically make myself exclusive to him with NO hint of reciprocity, get in my own head with stupid fantasizes and feel overwhelmed by thinking about seeing others. But you should do it anyway, even if you don't like the others as much. It keeps you grounded and you will have an air of busy-ness as well as the knowledge that you have options. That alone can prevent many ladies from getting stuck in unfulfilling situationships. Even if you're not down for rosters, at least mentally be available until they commit. Stay on apps and communicate or do calls. You're young and it's okay to just flirt when you have every right to.

No. 940727

Absolutely. I'm completely alone but trying to change it gradually because fomo

No. 940739

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I just made homemade dalgona and uuuhhhh are you sure this is supposed to taste good? It tastes awful, like medicine or soap, very bitter and yucky. Is it the baking soda? Did I burn it? What a waste of perfectly good sugar. Its so gross

No. 940741

post a screenshot

No. 940746

Maybe you burnt it or added too much baking soda. I made it a few days ago and it tasted like butterscotch/toffee to me. In my experience, you should take the sugar off the stove as soon as it turns amber (so pretty much as soon as the sugar completely melts), because it'll keep getting darker off the stove. That might depend on what kind of stove you have though. Also, you only need a pinch of baking soda.

No. 940748

This makes sense. Thanks anon! I don't think I'll attempt this ever again but if I ever see it somewhere I'll try it out.

No. 940779

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No. 940781

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No. 940785

If you attach a file you don't need an imgur link, leave that part blank

No. 940793

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What a cute mistake, no worries.

No. 940798

Are there any master degrees that are 100% online but worth the same as a 'normal' offline one?

No. 940810

I had an ex who always farted around me nonnie and it was the most putrid thing. Sometimes he'd rip one right after sex and it made me gag and want to break up with him he ended up being abusive but that's beside the point

It's not normal, and even though my ex blamed it on IBS I used to have a whole heap of digestive issues yet could still hold it in when I was around him. It's just a stupid double standard that moids reap the benefits of. I would bring it up with him.

No. 940817

did your parents make you feel ashamed for farting and burping around them? i dunno, he could be comfortable and that's his way of expressing it, but if they smell like absolute shit, tell him he needs to do it somewhere else or learn to eat properly. i fart and burp around my boyfriend, but when i know the farts are gonna smell like ass, i do it away from him out of politeness and he does the same. it sounds like some boundaries need to be placed.

No. 940886

How do I bypass the age verification on google play? NOT youtube

I want to download bumble and it keeps asking me to verify my age via credit card or ID, as if I'm going to give them that info wtf . I have my age set on the account, I'm 26 ffs, no restrictions on and it still keeps asking

No. 940898

Try Coursera anon, not sure they have the widest scope but here's what came up on Google https://www.coursera.org/degrees/masters

No. 940900

Download the app from another source

No. 940907

There's alternative appstores/sources to get apps from. Google it (I don't know them on top of my head) and see if you can find Bumble there.

No. 940909

Gross, I never fart or burp around my partners. I never did it in a family setting either, just like my siblings and parents didn't.

No. 940911

you weirdos can communicate. if it makes you that uncomfortable then just let them know please dont brap around me.

youre gonna fart around them eventually and theyll here it, get over it. shame in a relationship is a hurdle that will make it harder to work out

No. 940912

Get a visa gift card and try that

No. 940933

Do Zara perfumes scream 'cheap'?

No. 940963

should i sell my pkmn games, nonnitas? i have all the ds games starting pearl edition and they're just rotting away in a box. i keep telling myself that i'll replay them but ofc that hasn't happened, ever. i guess if i wanted to replay them i could just get one of those cheap game collections that have like all games on one cartridge… or an old-fashioned rom.

No. 940968

Don't sell them. I sold mines and regretted it. Also there's no "all in one" pokemon games as of now, and playing roms is just not the same you know? just keep them as collection items

No. 940973

Unless they have some value that could increase in the future, I would get rid of them. It's just extra stuff taking up space in your living space, in your head and that requires energy to keep organized and clean.

No. 941072

Not if it smells nice

No. 941120

When should you start having sex with your boyfriend? Is it true that you should stretch it out as long as you can? We are eachothers first and started having some kind of sexual interaction but have taken things slowly and are both understanding of each other and don't want to rush it.

No. 941154

My last bf cheated on me towards the end of our relationship. That was 3 years ago and I haven't been sexually active since so I never coughed up the few hundred euros it will cost me to get tested here. I definitely will if I think my spell is about to end but my question is..

Is it likely that after 3 years of celibacy and no symptoms you could still have something. I know it's possible but has anyone here had an experience like that?

No. 941181

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If I still can't pick up on social cues even after being bullied does it mean i'm extra retarded? Apparently some people who get bullied eventually learn to blend in or hide their weirder traits but I've never been able to figure out what I'm doing wrong, even when people get downright pissed at me because they never tell me or explain what I did wrong. So I'm left confused and don't learn anything. There were a few times I tried to attempt copying behavior I thought would look normal but it ended up backfiring

No. 941183

Yep. Same boat nonny, we're extra retarded and it's possibly terminal.
Yes. Go get yourself tested even if you don't have any symptoms and even if you aren't planning to be sexually active anytime soon. It's your health on the line too you know, not just whoever you have sex with next.

No. 941185

Is life better in Europe?

I am a burger and I fucking hate it here. I can't see anything getting better. I always wondered what my life would be like it I was born in a less shithole country.

No. 941186

Which country? They're not all the same.

No. 941190

yes, but europeans don’t know how good they have it. i’m a burger being deported from europe soon and really not looking forward to being back in the US

No. 941193

Lolcow and KF were down yesterday, but why?

No. 941194

nta but my mom would hit me if i burped near her. so fucking weird IMO, burping is natural like ??? if i just ate a bunch ofc i’m gonna burp

No. 941195

I heard Greece has amazing economy and Scotland lovely sunny weather.

No. 941197

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Found this list where they rated countries based on the quality of life

No. 941200

My mom would fart around me all the time. We shared a room and even a bed but had this one sided thing going on. One time she could smell a fart and blamed it on me, I swore it wasn't me (to this day I don't know if I could've farted and just not felt it) but she got so upset it was unreal. So upset that I still clearly remember it 20 years later lol. The shaming I got off her.

She farted in front of me like 10 times a day and not to be gross but she was a big woman and shit just sounds nastier when there's more cheek for it to escape through. I'll never understand it.

No. 941201

And how did they measure this? Access to saunas?

No. 941204


Am a scotch egg and the answer is no. To quote trainspotting.

It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference

No. 941205

>The rankings measure global perceptions of 165 nations chosen because they contribute most to the world’s GDP. More than 258,000 people around the world are asked to evaluate the countries based on 10 metrics ranging from stability to transparency to equality. Overall, among the top 10 best countries in the world for the best quality of life, the eighth, ninth, and tenth positions are held by France, Germany, and Japan.

>Being safe, politically stable, and having a well-developed public health system drove Finland’s quality of life ranking to the top of the Best Countries 2021 list.

No. 941206

Sauna is life

No. 941209

fr fr, people underestimate the sauna experience

No. 941211

Oh yeah because America wasn’t colonized by the English.

No. 941219

If #1 is pee and #2 is poo, then what makes #3?

Is it an almagamation of #1 and #2, or is it something else?

No. 941220

this is not the retarded shitpost thread

No. 941223

Yes you'll love life in Bosnia & Herzegovina or Slovakia, hands on my heart I swear.

No. 941224

are you poor? life’s gonna mostly suck in every country if you have no money.

No. 941225

im not a prude, i dont mind if he farts in front of me sometimes. his farts and burps are just next level disgusting. sometimes i do it too but its respectable. i dont know why you cant do it in a way that isnt as gross as possible

No. 941231

Am from a top 10 country, knowing Americans you probably won't still wanna move here when you discover how high our taxes are kek.

No. 941236

uh DUH it's DISCHARGE, nonnie

No. 941238

Please learn your own history. It wasn't just the English you fucking embarrassment.

No. 941241


No. 941244

taxes are high in America too but we get literally nothing for it soooo….???? i would gladly pay high taxes if it meant i have access to healthcare, education, & clean water

No. 941245

When burgers post things like "I want to travel to Europe" or "is life better in Europe", are they thinking that Europe is just one big single country with the same culture and climate?

No. 941247

no, they just dont want to say the specific country since we’re supposed to be anonymous. i know it’s unlikely but i don’t want to be recognized by my plans to visit a specific country or fuck up my chance of moving there

No. 941249

yes they act like europe is a singular entity and don’t bother educating themselves on why those from certain european countries want to immigrate to the US en masse

No. 941250

>i don’t want to be recognized by my plans to visit a specific country
kek are you being gangstalked or something? how would anyone be able to piece that together?

No. 941252

you never know man, i’m not taking any chances

No. 941253

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No. 941257

let's be honest even if you wanted you couldn't name most countries in Europe without looking up internet sources nor do you know the differences between countries. Last time I talked to an American about Europe I had her tell me the UK isn't in Europe since they left kek

No. 941259

anon… the EU isn't the same thing as the continent of europe kek

No. 941261

>UK isn't in Europe since they left kek
Kek indeed

No. 941262

you sound retarded, why would i name most countries in the EU? can you name most states in the US? who the fuck even cares? like oh yeah let me just spout off the names of several countries for you

No. 941263

I know that's the point lmao

No. 941264

you sound retarded for drawing a comparison between the states of one country and tens of countries in a continent, classic American.

No. 941265

you're right, i misread it and thought you said YOU had to tell HER the uk isn't in europe lmao

No. 941267

what else would i compare it to?

No. 941268

>you sound retarded, why would i name most countries in the EU? can you name most states in the US?

There it is - comparing states within a country to actual seperate countries with different languages and cultures

No. 941271

why are you so mad?

No. 941272

You shouldn't.

No. 941273

nta but why not? is it really that serious an issue?

No. 941275

No. 941277

It appears you answered my original question. Good luck on your Europe travels.

No. 941278

were you expecting me to name every european country? you bitter cunt, i’m literally in Estonia right now, I am enjoying my travels thank you

No. 941281

shhhh you're going to spoil their superiority complex

No. 941285

i dont get it, eurofags literally have healthcare and education but thats not enough to feel superior to americans.
>hurr hurr you can’t name every european country, retarded americans!!!

No. 941287

Original question >>941245
Why so angry burger-chan?

No. 941290

Should I braid my hair when I go to sleep or just put it in a bun?

No. 941291

recently i've been seeing people say putting it in a bun is damaging, so i would do a loose braid. i hate the way it makes my hair look crimpy when i take it out though.

No. 941295

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Personally I feel like trying a braid the past few months has actually snapped off some hair by my neck and now for once in my life I have shitty baby hairs. When I used pic related in a bun I didn't have this issue so I'm going back to it. Specifically these fluffy fake fur scrunchies seem to have just enough slip to not break my strands and still enough grip for sleep or work.

No. 941296

Some euros are so dramatic about how supposedly bad their countries are and the ones I've met who act as if they lived in a decadent third world country aren't even europoor, it's like belgium or norway. But that somehow doesn't stop them from feeling superior to the rest of the world.

No. 941297

Honestly, kind of what I was looking for. I guess I always wonder if there is a just a better standard of living other places. Like could my life be better or allow me to contribute to a better society somewhere else if I where to immigrate there? Or do they sweep the working class under the rug too?

Also Europeans keep pissing your pants because I put France and Germany in the same bag when wondering about quality of life. Didn't ask about refugee policy or what's the best 'European' food is? It's not that deep that prison might ask about the general consensus amongst countries that have co existed together for centuries.

No. 941300

That scrunchie is so cute! I’ll look for one

No. 941301

wait these are actually really cute for fall/winter, why have i never seen them before?

No. 941302

Well, not everyone can be as calm and humble as americans.
Anon, it would have been recieved better if you asked about France and Germany specifically. There are drastic differences between other European countries - like Romania and Iceland for example.

No. 941303

Very loose braid so hairs don't get pulled when you move in your sleep.
>Like could my life be better or allow me to contribute to a better society somewhere else if I where to immigrate there? Or do they sweep the working class under the rug too?
You really don't get it do you, it depends on the country.

No. 941306

I'm not a burger lol, I'm from a banana republic so I can struggle a bit relating with literal first world problems

No. 941307

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They carry them at ulta but not Sally's beauty or Sephora I think. These ones are cute too but they do pull out 1-3 strands compared to the fur ones.

No. 941308

ty anon, i’m going to check them out

No. 941311

Didn't want to leave any country out just because they aren't a world player. No one says a word about Austria but for all I know life could be amazing for individuals

Thank you! As a poor burger it's hard to tell how people's lives are actually affected between people's governments and the EU. Also with all the propoganda from my own government.
And putting it this way makes more sense than reee-ing about terminology.

No. 941314

burgerland I guess

No. 941320

It's like thinking the only difference between Canada and Mexico is the food.

No. 941324

It was an example the diversities, retard.

No. 941331

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according to reverend putty:
>Number One, gold like God made the sun. Number Two, good Lord help me go poo. Number Three, the devil sets my sperm free

No. 941336

>Also Europeans keep pissing your pants because I put France and Germany in the same bag when wondering about quality of life
First off all bagging all of Europe together when asking about quality of life is also bagging Germany and, say, Kosovo together, wildy different qualities of life and wildly different goverments. And it's not just about when wondering about quality of life, it's pretty much always. Surely Americans wouldn't appreciate having their country constantly bagged with everything else on the NA continent.

Here's essentially what you're doing when you're asking about Europe: "What's the quality of life in North-America?" "Should I move to North-America? Do people dislike foreigners there?" "Do people in North-America really do x thing?" "Do North Americans speak Spanish well?" You can see how that's completely nonsensical when you know the US is wildy different from Haiti, Canada is wildy different from Porto Rico, Mexico is different from Honduras.

No. 941337

Americans love to throw around the english colonised us, lets hate bandwagon the english uwu, yet have a day dedicated to Christopher Colombus

No. 941338

What level of scatter-brained behavior and forgetfulness is normal?

No. 941339

it was established almost 100 years ago, american citizens don’t actually give a fuck about columbus or have any control over what is considered a national holiday lol

No. 941340

kek anon, this is a female imageboard that revolves around discussing milk on e-celebs, are you confusing simply being anonymous with the hacker group anonymous..

No. 941341

Europeans group up the Caribbean and central america with north america?

No. 941345

that isnt my point, so what if it was established 100 years ago? it is the fact it was established in the first place. the british colonisation of the americans began in 1607, yet plenty of times on here and other places that is used as an insult against brits lmao

No. 941354

nta but you’re not the only person on the board that wants to visit france, germany, italy, malta, etc. it’s just a bit of an ott concern.

No. 941355

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no, i just don’t want to post anything that’s too specific or too personal in case someone i know also browses lolcow…

No. 941357

that wasn’t me, i’m paranoia anon

No. 941359

i was responding to >>941355 which was deleted and reposted with an image and is also a bit paranoid

No. 941360

So does pop equal popular music whatever genre it is or not?

No. 941364

to my understanding “pop” is a separate genre of popular music as a whole

No. 941366

british people had a massive empire that influenced not justthe americas but also in india, africa and even arguably china, this is the time where you go and enroll yourself back into school fuckedteeth-chan, brits look like water buffalos fr

No. 941370

sometimes i think about how if king george or whatever wasnt such a dick, america wouldnt have happened.
america is englands fault… fuckers

No. 941372

seethe harder fatty

No. 941378

Colonizer is such a tame insult, why are you bothered?

No. 941383

inbred says what?

No. 941385

you are so cute nonny lmao

No. 941393

this. plus it’s really only twitterfags and kids on tiktok that try to throw it around as an actual insult.

No. 941409

Kek burgers are so retarded

No. 941437

How often do you guys change your underwear? Please be honest

No. 941442

every day at the least. sometimes twice in one day if the outfit warrants, if i leak through a pad on my period, or if i go to the gym.

No. 941447

Does that mean you guys own a shitton of underwear? I wouldn't be able to afford that unless they're the cheap multipack ones that eventually change color on the inside… also how often do you do your laundry? Is once a week too infrequent?

No. 941451

ayrt and yes i literally have so many pairs lmao it might be overkill but it’s my reality

No. 941453

also i usually do laundry once a week but i’m probably lazy by most anon’s standard

No. 941455

Are you retarded or simply talking out of your ass, fatty-chan?

No. 941456

Everyday. Even when I skip a day of showering don't judge me, I don't like to either I change my underwear. Just like the anon above I'll change twice if I get really wet, sweaty, or after masturbating.
Sorry for reposting this twice, I'm a retard. Anyway I actually don't own that much underwear. I wash my clothes like, idk, every week and a half. 2 weeks if I'm being lazy.

No. 941461

Samefag, but I think doing laundry once a week is fine.

No. 941462

How do I know if I have a short or long torso? How short is a short torso? How long is a long torso?

No. 941466

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this is what i’ve done

No. 941477

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What's the dumbest reason you got called a scrote here? For me it was saying that the Genshin Impact dudes were boring af.

No. 941478

If you aren’t stereotypically feminine you will always be called a scrote here. Feminine women are always threatened by other women who will unapologetically assertive.

No. 941480

I see my friend gush on those men and all I'll think is… man I've really outgrown this kind of anime kek (and mostly anime but the bishounen extremely skinny type especially)

No. 941484

>Feminine women are always threatened by other women

No. 941492

Laughing at wagies

No. 941493


No. 941499

Other anons were saying they spend alot on their appearance before a date so they want an expensive dinner in return. I said I'm not into going anywhere too formal. I prefer more casual dates where I don't have to dress up anyway.

No. 941506

I got called a scrote here because I said I like to shave, including my pubic area.

No. 941508

Is having unshaved pussy unhygienic

No. 941509

Posted in lesbian thread, said I wanted to wear cute feminine matching outfits with a girl, got called a tranny
Also got called a tranny for preferring the girls in genshin impact

No. 941511

So long as you shower daily, no.

No. 941512

I regret selling mine, especially heart gold, that shit is expensive now. I don't like playing on emulators because I prefer handheld.

No. 941513

As long as you clean it regularly like anything else I don't see why it would be.

No. 941515

I think I have autism. What are the benefits of getting an official diagnosis?

No. 941540

>Genshin Impact dudes were boring af
>preferring the girls in genshin impact
Even more based

No. 941557

I was venting about how I am starting to belive I was sexualy harassed by another girl when we were really young. Tbf, I was panicking when I was writing it so I didn't word it correctly, my bad.

No. 941562

i said i liked how my pussy smelled and wanted to eat myself out

No. 941769

If you’re an adult already, virtually none.

No. 941788

i'm a lesbian who far prefers the genshin girls over the males because i don't want men in my fantasy content. it's supposed to be fantasy. nothing scrotey about that

No. 941862


No. 941866

They shit brix when they see a gay girl enjoying feminine coded things kek

No. 941870

They do, and it makes no sense to me.
Do some anons here just stop liking typically feminine things because of trannies?

No. 941959

I'm trying to dodge my usual number of subject preparations (I seem to always get a subject I've never taught before) and told my boss I'm taking up programming (truth) to prepare for a doctorate (lie) so that he'll have mercy.

I'm taking up a 5-month teacher's certification course for additional insurance too. In Udemy I'm enrolled in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python in order to help manage my shit, but it's 9 hours long and my boss might take that at face value. Can I actually justify a Udemy course? I'll use the "distance learning" meme in the letter he's asked me to write but if it's actually useful I'm going to add more Python stuff and R (I know a bit of this) just so I can make my plans seem more impressive.

No. 941960

I think that was the tranny’s mission to make feminine things seem as grotesque and tacky as possible because it’s a moid touching it’s filthy fingers on it

No. 941961

i've been here for years but for some reason i never understood the 'mongolian basket weaving forum' joke. someone please explain it to me, i'm fucking stupid.

No. 941968

It’s to make fun of retards who are like
>hurr durr, is this a gossip forum??????
>Hurr durr, is this a female 44chins?1?1?1?!!
So anons will say
>pfft no, this is a Mongolian basket weaving forum
And you can add and change other stuff.
It would be fun to have an actual basket weaving thread to send newfags there.

No. 941969

Some of us are just tired of having performative femininity forced down our throats since childhood. Not saying it's fine to call women trannies for enjoying things at all but I personally can't see myself enjoying things like that after being forced by my family to be traditionally feminine until I moved out. I can understand why a gender nonconforming woman would feel iffy about other women gleefully conforming to gender roles.

No. 941971

Recommendations for where I can read manga online for free?

No. 941979

how do I get rid of a keloid at home? It’s in my cartiledge ring. I dont have access to a doctor rn

No. 941981

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Its comes from people calling 4chan a Japanese cartoons (anime) forum.
There are lots of variations on the joke, you just change the Japanese part to another country and the cartoons part to another interest. Mongolian basket weaving is probably the most prevalent version though.
Personally I've always found it absolutely hilarious, something about it just tickles me

No. 941982

No, it's way older than that. I saw it on 4chan prior to 2010, started with

>Hating anime on a Chinese cartoon forum

Which eventually became
>Mongolian basket weaving forum

And etc.

No. 941998

archive.org has a bunch

No. 942003

I use mangadex tho their new interface is kinda shit
>board for Norwegian cheesecake factory workers
That is kinda cute and kinda commie

No. 942006

are you sure its a keloid and not just a piercing bump? For piercing bumps just continue doing saline soaks twice a day and it should go away eventually

No. 942028

Does anyone else here suffer from hypopituitary? If yes, did your medical treatment(s) work or not?

No. 942030

>feminine coded
Go back to Twitter faggot. Genshin girls aren't designed for women but for scrotes gaze so I can't blame anons when you retards sperg about how the girls are just soooo much better than the boys!

No. 942035

Is there some violent war going on in the GI thread?

No. 942036

Yes. Basically some anons can't handle the female characters and het shipping.
GI is shit in general though, why obsess about it at all.

No. 942040

I remember that lol

No. 942041

To be fair, I think the girls look better in that shitty generic art style than the boys. The boys have girly faces and fridge proportions, not attractive at all.

No. 942061

Yeah, people can't handle other people disliking their favorite ship or coomer characters.

No. 942076

Ok, so someone was asking about autistic people’s behavior before and got answers, and it reminded me of my own questions.

I know an autist who is extremely sensitive, if you don’t practically use baby words about things she will disappear, cry, and become “scared” of you. If you give her nice criticism when she asked for it, the same. But then this bitch will turn around and lecture some random person with the same criticism very bluntly/rudely.

So is this level of retardation legit, or is it more than the ‘tism? What thought process makes her think it’s ok?

No. 942098

Spotted this in another thread and didn't want to shit it up by asking there
> like he wanted to compare hand size and arm size
Why do guys do this?? I've had this a couple times too and I just don't play along cos it creeps me out

No. 942104

oh wow i kind of love that, thanks anons for not calling me a newfag over unknown board lingo.

No. 942105

A way to build body contact, and my friends (all women) do it for the oh wow you're so much bigger than me, that's so cool uwu appeal, so I'm guessing men do their own male look at me how strong and manly i am, i will look after you because you're so tiny compared to me thing??

No. 942129

It creeps me out too. Maybe I'm overly paranoid but it scares me when men enjoy emphasizing how much bigger and stronger they are than me, that's all strength that can be used against me.

No. 942132

That's exactly what I think of too. Not the least bit endearing to me that a guy has to point that out. That and I like small guys anyway.

No. 942133

Its true that the girls designs are more varied and intricate than the males, thats probably because most 'mixed' gacha games like GI still prioritize male players over female players because they know the latter slurp up whatever shit they're give. I seriously can't imagine whaling willingly on a game that sees you as a second class citizen.

No. 942150

Nonas, what's the reason my microwave food keeps spilling over when heating it up? I have to add 500ml water and heat it on 750w for 5 minutes, mix again, and heat it up again. I don't have a 700w option, so I do 600w for 7 minutes. Do I put it in for too long? I tried it with both, a normal deep plate and a microwavable plastic bowl, covered and uncovered (not closed ofc), but the water always spills over on the first time round and then I have to clean my microwave.

No. 942154

who’s komaeda? who’s aiden? who’s kikomi-chan? who’s pickme? like huh?

No. 942167

komaeda is a character from the vn danganronpa which several nonnies are kinning, aiden is the catch-all term for a fakeboi (female to male tranny), kikomi-chan is a comic character made by another nona in the mtf thread and represents a biological woman who wants to become a male to female tranny, a pickme is a woman who regularly degrades herself for male approval.

No. 942168

Exactly this. Love yourselves.

No. 942172

>who’s aiden?
Um, excuse me… it's ayyyden. Get it right.

No. 942178

Is it common for men to develop the madonna-whore-complex while in a relationship?

No. 942194

I do that with small dudes to assert my dominance because I have large hands kek

No. 942204

very well could be closet troons. the only guy who seemed to enjoy me initiating the comparison (to assert dominance like another anon said) was one who became obsessed with becoming me. also yeah, to "break the touch barrier" but they're more likely to do it in less faggy ways than bringing themselves to compare their physicality to a woman's

No. 942210

Anons who swim, do you wear a bra (not a regular one ofc) under your swim suit? It's been some years since I haven't swim and trying on the swim suit I just feel like wanting more support on my chest, even if I don't have much. Idk if that's common

No. 942213

I've never worn a bra with a one piece, although there's probably suits with built in support. I've b cups and all my suits seem to squish them into a flattering shape.

No. 942217

I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before. Racing suits usually have more compression (they basically make my c cups disappear), so that could be an option for you.

No. 942232

i have huge boobs that need support and i've never worn a bra under my swimsuit, i bought swimsuits that have built-in support.
i go to old lady stores buy swimsuits from lingerie brands that cater to boobzillas like me lol
arena also has some good swimwear

No. 942241

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I swear there was an "impossible dream/goal" thread but I just can't find it anymore. Could someone link it?

No. 942243

No. 942247

Does support mean pre-formed cups in the bathing suit

No. 942249

thank you nonnita

No. 942290

Got diagnosed at 19 and no, it doesn't help shit unless you want "closure" for being officially recognized as a tard

No. 942361

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Back in my super empowered SWer days in the midwest, a john took me to a place that was like a "love hotel" in the boonies on the side of the highway, made up of a bunch of portable buildings. On the inside they were decorated like some kind of porn set, with a big hot tub and mirrors everywhere and colored lights and a fountain and a heart-shaped bed and shit. I want to reserve a place like that for an actual romantic time with my actual BF now, but have no idea what the fuck to search to find a place like that (like, specifically with the portable buildings).

No. 942369

well shit I wonder if I'm thinking of the same place. did the barn burn down a few years ago? the place I know of advertised "theme rooms" maybe try that

No. 942408

What is a simple definition of 'probatio diabolica'?

No. 942458

idk whats that but sounds like anal sex with satan

No. 942466

this sounds weird but maybe try DMing @aprettycoolhoteltour on insta? she and her bf go to tons of themed-hotels and seem to do a lot of research, she might know of some. or she might have covered one on her page!

No. 942486

probatio diabolica refers to a situation where proving something is very difficult or problematic, or impossible.
eg - you are claiming to be the legitimate owner of someone else's property. To prove this you would have to find every sales document from every previous owner going back to the last undisputed owner. thus could have been several decades ago and it may be virtually impossible to find all those documents

No. 942497

Why is this dumb game about raising cats telling me that Macchiato has a forbidden term and that I can’t name one of my cats like that?
Does the word have some hidden slur that I don’t know of?

No. 942519

Thank you anon!

No. 942591

this is probably a dumb question but im somewhat of a newfag (been lurking for a year but have only posted a handful of times) and i cannot for the love of god figure out if the majority of lc is racist. im not talking about being critical of any race activism but a true hatred for a certain race. i know the posts i see that make me question it are trolls but…

No. 942658

They're not even farmers, they're trolls trying (and failing) to get threads locked. They are more often than not somehow related to the subject of the thread (friends, simps, the subject themselves)

No. 942674

Some have pre-formed cups, some have underwire

No. 942691

Racism is straight up banned and anons aren't constantly trying to circumvent the rule like we do with gc/manhate… so I'd say the legit racists are a minority, most anons clearly aren't passionate about race discussion in general let alone hating a specific race.

No. 942695

Racebait/racesperging/racism is a bannable offense, but unfortunately I've seen an increase of that kind of stuff these past few months. I honestly don't know if it's trolls or just racist farmers, but usually anons will call it out and it gets banned, so just report it.

No. 942705

Is it just inevitable to find a bug or two each week in your room?
I dust once a month, keep all doors and windows locked, close my blinds for less light attraction, vacuum once a week, take out the trash almost daily, do the dishes almost daily, take out period trash quickly, put dirty dishes away if I ate in my room, and do laundry twice a week or so. I even stopped lighting candles because it seemed like bugs were attracted to the scent. I don't know what the hell to do anymore or if more rain this year might have created a larger bug population.

No. 942709

I think it’s an autumn thing. They’re coming in from the cold and as someone with a rigid cleaning routine they still pop up sometimes. Hoover under your mattress and put some peppermint essential oil, or a smell bugs don’t usually like, underneath.

No. 942714

There's a way to change back to the default wallpaper on BlueStacks 5?

No. 942715

i guess most of us are okay, there's one sjw-adjacent sperg in the celebricows thread who pops up once in a blue moon and sees racism against black people when there's none and write provocative shit about white people. else nothing too noticeable no.

No. 942716

What's going on in /meta/? All I've seen the last weeks is schizo posting and someone going on about an "Elaine".

No. 942736

Go into snow and you'll see Elaine's thread pinned to the top

No. 942745

Why do I pee more in cold weather?

No. 942763

I don't think the majority is but some anons are. and there is that one schizo who wishes death on any women with lighter skin than her in the celebricows thread but idk if that's racism or juts severe mental illness

No. 942781

how do you go about complimenting the body of a partner that needs to lose weight? do you ever feel that you shouldn't (compliment) even if it's genuine because it might encourage them to not lose weight?

No. 942786

I think it would be good to point the compliment toward the encouragement of weight loss? Otherwise you're just being a liar anyway. But even that just feels awkward. People need to have responsibility for their own bodies, and even if someone with good intentions says something about it, they'll more than likely feel attacked or defensive. I don't blame people for reacting that way, I think it's a pretty normal response to what comes down to soft shaming. But I do think that the energy they put toward being angry at others for being concerned about their health could be put toward actually taking care of themselves. I kind of have the opposite problem where a family member has lost too much weight.

No. 942788

Any time big asses or curvy figures come up there's anons who'll go nuts about how anyone who doesn't like big butts is jealous because they're lets just say.. not genetically inclined to have one. I think it was only a couple days ago someone was losing it at the thought of anyone not liking bigger bums. Turned into them assuming everyones race (my fave thing to witness on an anon board lol) and going in on them for it. Seen that happen on repeat when it never needs to go there. Here's the thing though.. I don't know if that's someone larping? It's a lil too intense and sassy and it gives me that vibe tbh

On the opposite side of things I used to always think it was scrotes just baiting us but then if there's full on lesbo hating anons that never shut up then there probably are crazy race hating anons too. I feel naive for ever assuming it couldn't be female posters. There's definitely some and maybe it goes both ways (depending on whether that first example is larping or not) but I wouldn't say it's anything like the majority.

No. 942802

what should i wear to a job interview for a blue collar job? (cleaning)
would it be appropriate to wear a dress?

No. 942804

Okay, I didn’t read properly because I’m retarded, of course! Dressing with formal clothes is always a good thing, better be overdressed than underdressed.

No. 942805

>blue collar cleaning job
Honey they don’t give a fuck what you wear. They’re probably already planning on hiring you and are just going through the formality. Just wear the stupid dress.

No. 942836

Compliment the things that are not directly related to weight/weightloss. So things like smoothnes of the skin, attractive facial features, the smell, the way their hands feel like etc etc; there's more to bodies than just fat.

No. 942848

thank you, anons!

No. 942867

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Baked as fuck so hang in there.
Other nonnies say that "Lolcow isn't 4chan" but lolcow still is an imageboard spawned from cgl; racism is almost a given on any anonymous platform but it's even more of a given if its spawned from 4chan itself and retains a lot of its og imageboard culture. Race spergs are inevitable. It happens way less here nowadays though, the last one that come into mind is a black nonny ranting about white girl turtle lips and white nonny responding with gorilla pics

No. 942982

some cow (elaine) has a grudge against admin and keeps threatening to dox her

No. 942990

Idk shit about credit. I can probably clear my overdraft next month. I've never owned a credit card, would it be a good idea to get one once my overdraft is clear and rely on my overdraft amount to pay it off every month while actually aiming to never go into my overdraft? What's a quick way to build credit lol

No. 943030

What? To build credit you can just use a credit card for some purchases, don't keep max it out and pay it on time. You shouldn't use a credit card for purchases you won't be able to afford or juggling your budgeting failures. That's like the easiest way to fuck up your credit.

No. 943102

get a beginner's credit card, use it for SMALL purchases, pay em off immediately, rinse and repeat forever.

my credit score is like 720 and i started w a beginners card (with capital one, which was already my bank) and in 6 months of on time payments they upgraded me to a regular card with a bigger limit. seriously though, do not have bad finances with a credit card, use it only for shit you can afford and you'll be perfectly fine.

No. 943120

Do lesbians still refer to their girlfriend/wife as their partner? I always assumed it was an old-fashioned thing.

No. 943201

maybe losing less water through sweat?

No. 943238

I made friends with a moid who I overestimated his attractiveness initially and now I’m kinda grossed out especially as he’s getting more ballsy and being flirty with me. Is there a way to curve him without directly doing it?

No. 943271

I'd say just fully ghost him if you can. And if you do bump into him, just keep making up excuses. Even if they don't make sense, you don't owe him an explanation.

No. 943330

how can i stop my nose being runny anytime the weather gets under 20ºc? it’s so annoying and gross

No. 943334

Yeah I intend to use it for purchases I can afford but the overdraft would be insurance in case I do something mental like lose my job.

No. 943339

Is Madoka scrotebait? About to go watch it. Just worried since I noticed a pattern of popular anime being average and are elevated in fame because fanservice or pedoscrotes watching for the female cast

No. 943342

Has anyone found a way to consistently make studying cozy/enjoyable? I love the subject so I go through periods where I will gladly study 24/7, but then I switch to unmotivated, almost depressed mode and I just can’t get myself to focus for one second.

I’m trying to make it feel cozy in my imagination, with the cute notes and and a warm drink all by bundled up, making new connections in my brain… but it’s not working atm

No. 943346

I mean scrotes love it and will sexualize the hell out of it, but I watched the original series and I don't remember it feeling scrotey, at least not any more than your average anime. I've heard some of the newer additions are scrote pandering but I haven't watched them so can't confirm.

No. 943355

The game is scrote shit, but the anime isn’t.

No. 943359

Maybe you're burnt out or something else is stressing you out/on your mind?

Try to study for at least 15 min per day then slowly increase it, might help

No. 943362

What do childless people who make over $50k/year in America/Western Europe do with the money?

I think I could be making that amount of money soon (or not) after I graduate college. Last year I took some time off due to COVID, and I probably spent about $25k with another $5k going to savings. I still lived pretty well - ate out a ton, went to the bar, spent money on hobbies, etc. The only thing I didn't do was go on vacation but that really wasn't an option due to COVID.

Do people just save it or what? I just couldn't imagine having that much money right now.

No. 943366

Excluding coomsoomers, save or invest their excess so they can retire early.

No. 943372

This. It's super popular in my country to buy an apartment (or more if you can) and then rent it to people so you have additional income

No. 943383

After expenses and hobbies, I split my money between retirement savings, investing into my property (living in and slowly renovating a fixer-upper) and putting aside special savings for travel. Next year I want to start doing real investments instead of keeping cash in the bank (inb4 401k, I'm not a burger)

No. 943403

>inb4 401k
What's 401k

No. 943425

Nta but I think that's something like a retirement plan or something in the us

No. 943445

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No. 943446

Why can I go anywhere else on Pacsun's site but have to switch to incognito to view the sweaters category? What causes this? I don't currently use any VPN that would put me outside the states or anything

No. 943448

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No. 943449

It had that crossover because shaft is the animation studio for both. If you watch the original madoka and monogatari, you'll see how different they actually are. A piece of merch proves nothing

No. 943450

>watches the OP

No. 943451

The OP song was made as bait for the series, ys, but if you actually watch it, there's no madoka in lingerine anywhere. In fact she just wears pajamas.

No. 943452

>this question again
Time to bring again the "things that label you as a scrote on lolcow.farm" thread. I'm fucking tired.

No. 943455

pls no. that thread became an absolute disaster and someone started posting their jerk off material

No. 943460

Sure, Monogatari still is scrote shit so there is audience crossover. Don't get me started on the figures of 13 years old in skimpy bikinis

No. 943466

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Look I agree with you and I hate those figures too. But I honestly think the marketing that people do out of some shows like madoka (aka, trying to sell it to degenerate scrotes) should be separated from the actual anime. The anime is pretty inoffensive. Thing is, they LOOOVE selling inoffensive things to scrotoids so they can pollute it with their cum-hands. Because they're the ones who spend the money on figures and figures make money. Back in the day there was merch for women too, like handbags, makeup bags, shoes, and other random cute stuff. Madoka had a strong female fanbase too. But after the Rebellion movie (which was supposed to be the end of the series), Shaft just saw Madoka as a golden cow that they wanted to keep milking. So now you have a stupid as shit gaccha game with sexualized designs and other crap.

No. 943499

What is lite mode for and does anyone use it

No. 943514

I screwed up by being super friendly and texting him nonstop, so if I ghost him he'll notice something is off. Technically he didn't do anything wrong but I just get vibes from him that he wants more than being friends and I'm not attracted to him.

No. 943518

Lite mode makes you start counting calories, it will make you lose weight and then you will get a notification on your computer saying that you’ve been added to the anachan thread as a proana cow.

No. 943575

Why are there so many single dads/men with babies in commercials lately? For wokeness signaling purposes? Do the ad guys at these companies really watch each others' ads and go "ah fuck, our competitor showed a man caring for a baby, we have to hurry and do it now to show we are open minded with gender roles"? Is that how it works? It's funny to see the same logic of tumblr sjw art with every possible token being played out in the mainstream now but it's also weird and annoying.

No. 943577

how did the no wimminz on the internet meme even start? I grew up on the internet, with female online friends, in female dominated communities where I almost exclusively interacted with other girls. Not once did stop and think "I never interact with males on this website so it must be literally impossible for them to use it, and anyone who claims to be male must be lying" like what the fuck

No. 943585

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anons i stupidly got a speeding ticket earlir this year and chose to attend traffic school. somehow i got it into my stupid, STUPID brain that i had until november to actually take care of it, turns out it was due in september. what the fuck do i do now, is there something i can do or am i fucked

No. 943601

It's just a shitty decade old joke

No. 943602

Just tell them you went if they ask. Government is notoriously inefficient and ineffective so who cares.

No. 943611

idk how it works so this is freaking me out, this is what the letter said

"When you complete traffic school, the school will electronically send your certificate of completion to the DMV…

…If you sign up for traffic school and the court does not receive the completion certificate by the Due Date, the amount paid will be forfeited and DMV will be notified of the conviction.


If you are eligible and decide not to attend traffic school, your automobile insurance may be adversely affected. For drivers with a non-commercial driver's license, one conviction in any 18-month period will be held confidential and will not show up on your driving record if you complete a traffic violator school program."

No. 943616

File: 1634696704074.gif (1.26 MB, 480x270, 67025E0E-5205-4E75-8E77-2B3E4E…)

guess this is your jail era nonna

No. 943623

Call them and tell them you had a miscarriage so you need the deadline extended. That's the excuse I always used.

No. 943663

Get one of those cheap smarphones and stick it inside your ass so you can visit lolcow.farm and update us on your situation from inside jail nonny

No. 943868

How do I stop assuming ill intent where there is (probably) none?

Whenever someone for example texts me and it's not full of smiley emojis I always assume that it's because they are mad at me or hate me. Same with facial expressions and voice tones. If their voice is flat and or they don't have a smile on their face I assume that it is because they hate me/angry at me.

No. 943873

Accept the fact that text is just a terrible means of communication for conveying intent and emotions properly. Like put it outside of yourself and the person you're communicating with, it's not you two, it's the medium of communication that's bad.

No. 943979

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I've been thinking about this scenario for awhile. Imagine someone is an honest-to-god psychopath. As they actually have antisocial pd. How would they deal with something really traumatic happening to them? For example, if they are sexually assaulted in a severe way, how would they process it? Would it be different from a person that doesn't have that disorder?

No. 943981

yes but you're not going to get anything other than quora tier answers about it

No. 943986

File: 1634739442879.gif (293.52 KB, 200x133, 56f.gif)

That's fuckin' tragic. I'm really curious about it.

No. 943993

File: 1634739998535.gif (970.16 KB, 320x240, he whippin.gif)

Ayy, fly whipping daddy cringe gif comp lesssgoo

No. 943998

Will I lose much of my boobs if I mainly workout my arms and stomach/abs? Is there any way to ''preserve'' or hold onto my boobs as much as possible? (I am pear-shaped and BMI 19/20)

No. 943999

Guys do you think I can become really good at drawing again? It used to give me so much confidence cause people thought I was talented and I loved drawing but my mental health got progressively worse and now I’m 24 and haven’t drawn properly in years. I wonder if I can draw like my 16 year old self again and get even better than that…

No. 944002

All I can think is extreme rage. Like highly egotistical rage that someone could get one over on them like that and violate them.
I think most "normal" people have a baseline of trust for others that would be shattered, but someone with ASPD wouldn't really have that. They wouldn't get that feeling of "How could someone do this?", more like "That piece of shit got me". They'd probably still show PTSD symptoms after the fact, though. Idk I'm not a psychologist but it's interesting to think about

No. 944003

Yes! Watch some art youtube vids and draw/paint along with them. Don't worry about how bad you may be. You will be a bit rusty but it'll be fun. Draw something you like.

No. 944004

Yes, anon! It's definitely worth getting back into it, you have nothing to lose and you'll only get even better with practice and time

No. 944005

You probably can. It's not like you're starting from scratch.

No. 944007

I think where you lose or gain fat depends mostly on genetics, but unless you're starting out on the heavier side, or quickly lose a lot of your body fat, they should look pretty much the same!

No. 944008

.. of course.. it's just a matter of proper, consistent practice and dedication. I'm sure you know that.

No. 944009

Isn't it? I'm not really well-versed in psych at all either so I can't come to any hypothesis myself. They are vulnerable humans like us who people can hurt like that. How would PTSD manifest in them? How would their sense of self and self worth be impacted?
I agree with you there would be a lot of rage. Maybe they'd externalize it more? Revenge?

No. 944010

You can't spot reduce and you can't predict where you lose weight first or most, it differs for everyone. It doesn't matter you're just working out your arms and abs, you're still creating a deficit (which I assume you are) for your whole body.

No. 944065

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Why do you think Harry potter is so often presented as the "bottom/uke" in most slash fics ?
Its a weird thing I started to notice. I mean its not on par with Deku but I'd still say like in 70% of slash fics Harry is the bottom regardless of whose being paired with and with Deku is makes some sense in a sexist sorta way in how sensitive, gentle, meek and well "submissive' Deku is interacting with the rest of the characters, but Harry is fairly normal, nothing he does is either overly meek or overly aggressive
just find it odd

No. 944071

Probably cause any character has a stronger personality than his or because he's already the plain mc made for readers to easily self insert making it easy for authors who project as the uke

No. 944073

most of them are pairing him up with an older/more macho guy/draco that bullies him, while harry's your typical unsure of himself YA mc

No. 944100

The question is, why would anyone want to imagine Harry Potter in a sex position at all.

No. 944102

The protagonist of whatever mainstream/shounen or shounenish property is always designated the bottom
Guessing maybe because these fics are written by the younger kids they’re targeted at, who are more likely to self insert into yaoi ships with a strong heterosexual veneer

No. 944109

Thank you everyone for the encouragement! Feel much more motivated now.

No. 944110

Guys I was working out since the beginning of september, I know do 2 hours of cardio a day and I keep my calories under 1300 and sometimes slight above it (like 1304 but only a few times), I'm finally noticing some weight lost but it's all in my legs and butt.
I have a big ass and huge legs, but I feel the weight lost is making my top look bigger, my question is will my top catch up? Do you loose weight in your legs when you use them more?
Before I gained weight, I was small at the top, with big hips, thighs and ass. Should I change my workout to target my top half more?

No. 944126

No, you can't target weight loss. It's just genetics.

No. 944139

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Is RedBubble a good way to make money? I believe I can make some nice looking desings, but is the store itself trustworthy?

No. 944147

>Do you loose weight in your legs when you use them more?
No, you create a calorific deficit all over your body, not just at the parts you work out. Like >>944126 said, it's genetics in what places you lose weight.

No. 944155

It's alright. Redbubble itself is trustworthy, I've had no problems with it. But they don't give you a lot of money per sale. If you have a ton of designs or a ton of people buying one thing it's decent enough passive income though

No. 944157

Trustworthy kinda, they have no QC though so people could easily rip your designs. There's also not much in the way of natural discovery so you will need to market your stuff aggressively. Like any print on demand service, they take a hefty cut. If you market yourself well you can make some money, but if you don't have a big following it'll probably be a slow grind. It's difficult to make it steady or substantial source of income. If you have a following and/or are great at marketing, you'd do better to invest in setting up a shop of your own rather than doing print on demand. If you've got the marketing/following down and can't put any money down, you could always calculate your costs and desired profits, throw together a kickstarter, and market the hell out of that.

No. 944214

Is it common for French people to dislike Italians? Asking as a burgerfag

No. 944220

not particularly? it's more common to dislike germans if anything

No. 944249

are there any other anons who would like to talk about minimalist life? or decluttering/low buy/idk. i thought we had a minimalism thread on here but i can't find it and when i googled i only found a completely dead one with like three posts.

No. 944254

I've heard aspd types say that when something that would usually be traumatic happens to them it sucks at the time but when it's over it's like it happened to a different person and doesn't change their behavoir, like their empathy problems extend to their past and future selves, which is probably why punishment works less on them and they make impulsive decisions that fuck their life up, it feels like it concerns someone else
of course a lot of cluster b PDs are caused by childhood trauma, so it might just be a case of they've probably already been through worse

No. 944255

Anyone have a “natural”/non-aluminum/sustainable deodorant that they actually like? I’ve been using Schmidt’s which is fine I guess, but it gets pretty annoying in the summer or at the end of the stick. Luckily I don’t smell that much because when I eat bad, I smell a bit worse and it doesn’t really hold up.

Tried native but that shit’s nasty. It’s paste-like on application and smells like BO!

No. 944267

no, but the opposite is. Many Italians believe in an imaginary azealia-banks-vs-grimes tier schizo rivalry with France. It's very embarrassing and I apologize on their behalf
t. italianon

No. 944273

Why did she wash the cat and then shave it? If you're going to shave off the fur why wash it first, I don't get it

No. 944276

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I've been using pic rel for years. It's the best I've ever found, pleasant smell and keeps you fresh for HOURS.

No. 944281

That thumbnail is hideous

No. 944282

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What the fuck are undertale and deltarun about? Why are these games attracting so much autism?

No. 944287

Thank you anon!

Maybe, what would you talk about though? Any examples?

No. 944289

You could also use a salt crystal as deodorant but your armpits have to be really clean for it to work and its not an antiperspirant. There is a whole hygiene thread on /g/ btw.

No. 944339

Should I even bother dating women if I don't have a place of my own, a car, degree?

I just feel like I have nothing to offer, even if I know it's not the only thing people look for. I'm also 26 so that makes me feel like an extra big loser

No. 944342

And the sperg is here.
Because something is designed for men, women can't enjoy it?

No. 944349

I dont know shit about dating despite being 27 years old and I'm straight but I don't see why you should try to get yourself a gf. Are a total neet? If that's the case and it's a deliberate choice I could see why you'd be seen as "undateable" but some anons here talk about their wonderful husbands or bfs supporting them while they're neet so nothing is impossible.

No. 944350

I like these games anon. A lot of the fanbase is children, too. We all know games like that attract autistic adults. However, they are well written and fun to play and the soundtracks slap.

No. 944356

>they are well written

No. 944359

Assuming you have a job, poor people date all the time, it shouldn't be too big of a problem

No. 944363

I mean for a fuckin kids game come on. It’s good fun.

No. 944493

What’s the difference between a “manly-man” and a scrote?

No. 944502

How do I stop feeling so lethargic and lazy? I legitimately feel like a sloth sometimes my limbs just feels so heavy and weak.

No. 944510

I would like to know too

No. 944516

for me at least i imagine "manly-man" as a stable adult dude that knows how to build and fix shit, has his work/life priorities straight, and has generic but unharmful man hobbies like golf or making baseboards or something.
a scrote is a waste of air male that provides nothing of use to anyone else around him, just plays video games, jerks off 24/7, and has a twitter account.

No. 944526

Whenever I feel lazy and lethargic, I take a nap if possible, if it’s not possible, I find a way to stress myself so I snap out of the lethargic state, like
>if I don’t clean this up now I won’t be able to do something I want to do
>I have 5 minutes to do this or I will never finish it
Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s something.

No. 944536

stress is what makes me feel lethargic though, and I end up masturbating to release the stress. Not kidding, I have a problem

No. 944544

Eat a better diet maybe? Not saying you don't but eating properly always helps.

No. 944564

Maybe you are mentally under-stimulated?

No. 944571

What do you mean anon? Like I don't have anything interesting to do in a day?
Any foods in particular that would help with this or do you mean just in general?
My lethargy is less about my thoughts imo, it's like my body is rejecting me moving too much

No. 944616

what's so wrong with dating a racist? isn't everyone a bit racist anyways?(bait)

No. 944621

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Did you even try?

No. 944622

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Is it rude to ask my parents for money? I moved out years ago and pay my own rent and bills, but I realize that a lot of people my age (very early 20s) are heavily supported by their parents. Since I don't go to school it's not like they are using a college fund on me or anything. I feel like if they sent me just like, $150 a month it would just ease up on how frugal I have to be with buying groceries. They haven't ever talked about it but they also never offered. Is it weird that I feel a little bit entitled to some help? They're middle class Americans btw so they're not like living paycheck to paycheck or anything. They live comfortably. Bonus question if you're feeling open: did you get money from your parents when you moved out, assuming you had a good relationship with them? How much did you rely on them financially when you moved away, if at all? Pic unrelated

No. 944627

It’s because it’s exhausting to be with someone who will go full retard that will be rude, annoying, ignorant and paranoid because of the color of the skin of some random people.
It’s the same as dating and overly-religious retard, it’s tiresome to always talk about the same shit and about how -insert opposite religious group- is bad because reasons.
Like, living with some paranoid asshat that will think about you “cucking” them with whatever color gives them phobia, who will be rude at other people making everything awkward and who will try to make everything about race is tiresome.
And everyone is mildly racist because of the way everyone has been raised, which is why it’s better to clean up the psychological baggage by making sure the spergs never feel welcomed in any normal spaces.

No. 944637

It depends on the exact relationship you have with your parents, but I’d say it’s fine so long as you’re going to feel ok taking it (like it’s not going to make you feel guilty or overly indebted) and you have an end date in mind. I think receiving smallish amounts of money from your parents usually only gets weird when people are still doing it in their late 20s/30s because they never settled on when to stop.

No. 944729

I mean with sasunaru fics its 50/50

No. 944830

On Teams, when someone has a red dot meaning they are in a meeting, is it possible to find out with whom are they having a meeting with?

No. 944850

idts. i guess you can check their calendar and hope they made it public, my old boss was too daft to hide hers

No. 944934

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Anyone have any Audible recs? Preferably fiction. I'm flexible on genre so just go hogwild

No. 944989

How do you check someone being catty towards you without seeming like you are oversensitive?

No. 945007

Can someone get the delta variant from a person who had it before but recovered from it?

No. 945011

You should be asking a health care worker that question, not randoms in an image board.

No. 945017

what do you guys like to make/eat for dinner? i’m running out of ideas, i don’t have an oven though bc poorfag

No. 945019

Make some kind of well seasoned rice with an egg.

No. 945024

seconding this! a nice crispy bottomed egg with a runny yolk is always good, but so are boiled eggs with jammy yolks. easy pasta dishes with simple sauces (easy tomato sauces, pesto and grated cheese, tuna pasta with baby tomatoes and green onion etc) are really good too.

No. 945082

Check out Siddhartha

No. 945200

Anons who have double beds but are single, do you keep two pillows on your bed? Or just one?

No. 945204

i used to sleep with 3 pillows, one for my head, one between my legs, and one to cuddle with. when i made the bed i would put two pillows side by side and the third one on top in the middle.
i have a small bed now so i only sleep with 2 pillows kek, i just stack them on top of each other to make the bed. i like super flat squishy pillows though

No. 945205

I keep two because I like to put a pillow between my knees when I sleep.
It also makes my room feel like a hotel room, so it’s nice.

No. 945207

This is the shittiest scrote book on the planet.

No. 945231

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I can't access to internet on my pc, I restored and configured my pc several times bit nothing works, it just say "the computer is configured correctly but the device (www.microsoft.com) does not respond" I think is time to buy a new pc.

No. 945299

how do you open links in a new tab on iPhone now?? ever since i updated to ios 15.whateverthefuck when i press and hold on links it just picks the link up and lets me drag it around the screen, but no option to open in a new tab.
plz help a retarded anon

No. 945324

ground beef for pastas, meatballs, patties
noodles with egg, veggie soup, cheesy veggie soup, sweet potatoes or soup, pan cooked fish, home cooked fried chicken, salad kits, the kfc bowl of chicken corn and potatoes, tuna sandwich, deviled eggs, potato pancake mix thing, gnocchi noodles with some sauce

No. 945327

Try restarting your router? Unless you already did that. My old PC did that when my network adapter died

No. 945356

Two pillows
I put my laptop/switch/glasses/cat on the other one usually

No. 945432

How do I make my text here bold or italic

No. 945444

One asterix on each side for italic and two on each side for bold. Three for both.

No. 945446

thank you nonnie

No. 945449

File: 1634842480111.png (119.67 KB, 660x448, Untitled.png)

But my text did not become italic

No. 945453

No. 945465

Does everyone around the world get spam voice calls of fake shit and silent messages or is it a burger thing?

No. 945477

yeah, just not in the frequency you guys do.

I'm a euro with relatives abroad and had to visit burgerland a while back, was actually scared shitless whenever the phone rang.

No. 945488

I know right! Like, what the fuck? I visited the US a while ago and got a temp American number, that shit was ringing all of the fucking time and even if I blocked the number, I would still get new calls from other scam numbers.
I hate USA’s mobile services, this shit doesn’t happen in my country, and Venezuela is a shit country.

No. 945492

I do too, not in america either

No. 945501

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Who's the cow in that banner?

No. 945517

i pick up the phone every time i get one of those calls and turn on my very loud, beeping personal alarm until they hang up. it works, i don't get them often anymore but i think the neighbors below me may have moved out because of it

No. 945525

OrangeCitrus, an old PULL attention whore

No. 945562

try twisting your hair in two or three strands and then instead of braiding it just sort of twist it all together, like bakers twine. instead of crimps you'll be left with big beautiful waves.

No. 945574

My mother used to do this when I was a kid lol I hated it back then because I couldn't sleep on my head but you're right that it gives you some nice waves. Shame I always mess up the sizing or the mini buns when I try it myself.

No. 945577

NTA but it keeps coming apart for me

No. 945596

IDK if something like that is available for your countries, but I have an app that autorejects bullshit calls. Maybe look into it!

No. 945603

Oh fuck, I always wondered who that is

No. 945614

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Are wonton wrappers and dumpling wrappers the same thing? Specifically picrel

No. 945640

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I don't know where to post this and I might get hate for this but it's a genuine question. Is ADHD nowadays just a scapegoat for people to blame all their bad/lazy habits on? I especially see a lot of self-diagnosed people post shit like this, and stuff like "ADHD is having 100 things to do but instead just stare at the wall all day". Like, I really don't understand ADHD. I have autism and there are a million things that I could blame my autism for, but I don't. I actually get shit done because I have very clear goals. I also cringe when I see zoomers on tiktok "stimming" (aka flapping their hands like a tard) because I've been around more autists than I can count and I have literally never seen anyone do that irl. That's why I'm kinda suspicious about this ADHD "trend"

No. 945643

>Is mental disorder nowadays just a scapegoat for people to blame all their bad/lazy habits on?
yes it is. there are people with these disorders, but there are also a bunch of self-id dumbasses that use them to justify their stupidity. like your pic, it's just normal shit normal people do when stress or tired.

No. 945672

Depends of what kind of dumplings you're cooking, some of them have thicker wrapping than wonton

No. 945696

Many ‘Adhd’ diagnosises may just be the result of scrolling five second tik toks whilst listening to spotify and watching a stream for hours everyday. Constant overstimulation and dopamine obviously makes it hard to concentrate. But many doctors would rather shill medication to 12 year olds and give them the special, quirky diagnosis they want instead of helping them consider a lifestyle change.
On the ‘stimming’, I’ve known an autistic girl for a very long time. She indeed flapped her hands under stress or excitement, had extensive knowledge on computer hardware from a young age (her obsession ), forgets normal facial expressions, and forgets to speak at a normal volume very often. I know flapping/stimming is a thing for some true and honest autists like her, but these kids are just looking for an identity.

No. 945727

Will reading my books out loud help me speak more eloquently in day-to-day life? Or should I just stick to mental reading?

English is my first language but I swear I speak like I dropped out of HS after 1 year. Probably due to socmed brainrot.

No. 945745

>there are people with these disorders, but there are also a bunch of self-id dumbasses that use them to justify their stupidity
nta but this is what sucks the most, because it makes you doubt your own issues at least for me. thankfully I have the tired old depression n anxiety combo that kids are bored with, but still this whole progression of people faking or excusing their faults has made me beat myself up and worry even harder that I do the same. nevermind getting diagnosed before any of this took off and before I knew what these things meant lol. god, I hate it so much cause now the rest of us have to live with the constant self doubt if you are already mentally shaky and self critical. and then seeing others get fed up with the fakers and declare legit conditions a total scam. but I know I have it since trying to pull up my bootstraps and live as if I don't only caused more chaos fml

anyway op, yeah you are right to observe that and it sucks so much I wish the internet would disappear

No. 945755

>She indeed flapped her hands under stress or excitement
is this inherently an autism/adhd thing? i've done that ever since i was a kid

No. 945768


Four. I arrange them differently depending on what I'm doing (reading, sitting up doing something, sleeping, etc.)

No. 945770

So is QE II about to pop her clogs or what?

No. 945773

How do you know about her diagnosis? Did she tell you? Just curious because idk how these things come up in conversation.

No. 945805

NTA but depends I guess, I'm sure among women it could be a thing that's socially acceptable and not so autistic if it's like, clapping or jumping up and down the way some women (younger) do when excited. But it's definitely a real thing with autism, I can attest due to my family member except theirs is severe in addition to another disability, and every other hand flapper I encountered also had severe enough autism to be called "low functioning". Paradoxically I'm sure most of the fake autists have never even met someone low functioning yet they are happy to tell the world to do away with the term.

No. 945818

adding that with my relative they also hand flap when they're by themselves, it's not a social signal afaik and sometimes has seemed random though likely is most often due to stress/excitement as anon said. But for low functioning it may be different. They hand flap and do all kinds of stimming in any environment, stressed or not but it goes up with stress for sure

No. 945853

Probably just taking a break considering how active she is for her age. I doubt she'll keel over before charles does

No. 945906

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I have (had?) this vaper but no idea what to put inside of it. I went looking for juices and stuff but it had so many definitions, I was completely lost.
Does anyone knows what are the configs (??) of the juices that can go inside this vaper? If not, any cheap, reasonable-to-find-chocolate-or-vanilla-juices-for vaper you recommend? I just want to keep my mind and hands occupied while I study and stuff like that instead of eating or just getting easily distracted

No. 945951

Download the .apk file. Just search "app + apk". Careful where you download.

No. 946257

Washing my hair twice a week:
Okay or gross?

No. 946270

People always argue over this. There’s no specific frequency imo just do what keeps your hair feeling most clean and healthiest.

No. 946286

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Oh yay my time has come! That vape will work best with regular or technically “freebase” nicotine, as opposed to salt nicotine (like the stuff in the juul, all those disposable vapes, which tl:dc the difference is they hit like cigarettes but are kind of harsh). The One is a vape juice brand I am super partial to the marshmallow flavor of, tastes like vanilla marshmallowy custardy goodness. Or, if thats a bit too sweet for your taste, vapetasia makes killer custard which is a less dense custard vanilla flavor, and there are strawberry and other fruit + custard varieties from that brand. If you dont smoke nicotine, good and keep it that way, get the 0 nicotine. If you are using it to try and quit, I’d recommend using 6%, it’s a difficult adjustment period but I believe in you anon! Chocolate in a vape is always disgusting in my experience (please take my word), but if you are so determined, my recommendation would be Candy King’s Cookie King flavor chocolate cream, it’s the most tolerable I’ve found. I havent seen one of those devices in years, you may want to look into picrel. A bit of an investment but it’s user friendly and easy to operate for a beginner. It’s called the freemax twister. The tank that comes with it has easy to find replacement coils, and it tastes better than that (no offense) dino-vape. I have a big version on my tank and a cactus fruit flavor in right now, happy vaping!

No. 946309

Depends on how much of a greaseball your scalp is, some people need to wash it every day but some (especially curly haired) find washing once or twice a week works for them

No. 946348

Is there a way to learn about the internet and computers from the most beginner level possible? I never spent a lot of time on computers, and never really understood them, leading me to avoid them even more. Like for example, if a school project required me to use a flash drive for a ppt project, I would always pick or plead with the teacher for a physical paper option. I never did anything during computer lab. I just have had an ipad for years now, so I still have no contact with computers. Makes me feel like a grandma and really left behind. I’m not even talking about coding, just all the other aspects of the worldwide web.

No. 946365

If it doesn't get greasy then it's fine, probably better actually. I washed my hair only once a week for a very long time and it didn't get greasy.

No. 946369

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Can't you just get on your computer and spend time on it? I feel like that would be the best way to learn. Otherwise, there are simple books/digital courses that go to the basics for elderly who have next to no understanding of computers, maybe that's something to look at? https://www.amazon.com/Windows-Seniors-Beginning-Computer-User/dp/905905461X

No. 946510

Why are men so bad at satisfying women? I have only been with two men so far and have been able to make them cum easily even with things I had never done before, whereas both have tried fingering and going down on me. I don't know why it doesn't feel good, lol. People say oral sex is amazing but I haven't had that experience. Why am I good at giving head but men aren't…

No. 946545

It’s involuntary for her, so if it is for you also maybe you’re autistic (because look which website we’re on), or just wired differently. But I associate it with autism.
>>945773 her mother explained to me, to explain why she acts differently or stops talking or isn’t very self aware

No. 946550

Because men learn everything about sex from porn and dont care to learn what women like

No. 946665

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Is this coworker just being friendly or might he have feelings for me? Help an autist out…

He always randomly tells me things about himself and recently he has started doing this thing where he calls me for a work related issue, then halfway through the call the conversation shifts to informal things (books we like, movies we have seen, etc) and we talk for more than an hour. Yesterday he did this thing where he walked me through step-by-step how a certain software works and he deliberately made me freeze it (to show that a certain combination of steps triggers the freeze) and used this time to have a chit chat. He also constantly reassures me that even if I make a mistake, it's perfectly okay and no one's going to hang me for it. We usually take calls but one time we had a video chat and he noted that he tidied and cleaned up the mess he had behind him just for this video call
Important note: we don't work in the same office, the only contact we have is through calls and video chats

No. 946668

same, i have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and he never made me have an orgasm ONCE. i only ever did it myself because he is bad at oral and fingering no matter what i try to teach him. i do love him but he is totally useless sex wise. the only reason to have piv sex is if you want to make babies because men wont get you off anyways so the risk is really not worth it

No. 946673

>i have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and he never made me have an orgasm ONCE
nonita there's no easy way to say this but kill your bf

No. 946675

no offense but why the fuck do you put up with him? is loving a man worth 5 years of shitty sex?

No. 946678

Have you never stopped and asked yourself: Everything can be taught, so why can my bf still not make me orgasm?

No. 946683

Make him use a toy if it'll get you off. Sometimes if my husband can't finish he'll use my clit vibe on me a few times. Better than his arthritic cashier fingers and useless tongue flailing aimlessly over my labia. Sometimes him getting me off like that excites him again anyway.
No excuses anon, make that man WORK.

No. 946693

I can sorta relate. My bf has never made me orgasm, he's been real close though. He is surprisingly good at getting me off, but it's me. I feel so exposed. I can't bring myself to orgasm, not even if it's forced. I don't know why, but my brain has never let me enjoy sex or anything sexual with others. Maybe other women can relate? It's not like my bf isn't prioritizing my needs, it's just that mentally I cannot allow myself to orgasm by anything other than myself. Toys have also never worked on me.

No. 946695

How great a guy can he be if in 5 years of being together he couldn't take simple directions and make you come?

No. 946697

same. I also have this problem.

No. 946711

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No. 946716

I think there is a 90% chance that he likes you. He goes out of his way to chat to you about private stuff and tries to look good in front of you. You could try dropping hints about what kind of places you like to go to in your free time if you like him too

No. 946751

Is it wrong to wash your face with bodywash/shower gel?

No. 946755

I think it's harsher on the skin than products that were specifically made for the face, yeah

No. 946769

Good chance that'll break you out majorly

No. 946772

Ngl anon, that sounds cute. From the small info, he sounds into you. It's usually easy to tell when a guy is into a girl. Most guys don't give girls they're not at least attracted to that much attention unless he was actually instructed to help you out. What's got you doubting it?

No. 946777

>unless he was actually instructed to help you out
Well, it's actually part of his job to train me. Also, I think it's a natural desire for people who work together to want to know each other better, so it might also be just that. I like him (and he might actually know it, because I had some embarrassing Freudian slips during one of our conversations) and want to believe that he likes me as well, but I was wondering if I might be just projecting my feelings onto him and wanted to know what this sounds like to you guys

No. 946789

How do Copic markers compare to the Faber Castell Pitt Artist brush pens?

No. 946795

It could honestly go either way, anon. It could be how he treats all his coworkers on 1 on 1s, it could be that you two clicked better than most but he will still only ever see you as a work friend, or it could be that he finds you attractive and is flirting with you and would be interested in getting to know you more. I know this isn't very helpful but I can't see any of those scenarios being more likely than the others. Some people are friendly with their coworkers and like making cute banter, others only reserve that for people they really like, and there's just not enough info here to know for sure. You should just ask him. I don't think it would be too weird because if he's not flirting and that's how he treats everyone then he's probably used to people making that assumption.

No. 946835

Fair answer, yeah, I agree. Other thing that popped into mind: there's two other (male) coworkers he's supposed to train and as far as I know so far he hasn't done these informal one-on-one chitchats with them other than one where all of the three of us were there (we're new to the company). He also seems pretty introverted and actually seemed sort of…misanthropic at first then ever since that first informal chat he's been like that, super warm, joking around and very curious. I think what I'll do is I will start flirt with him in a subtle way and see how he responds. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts!

No. 946969

If you HAD to switch lives a cow (who has her own thread on here) who would you pick and why? And you can’t say none or that you would kys instead

No. 946974

a rich one. maybe alythuh, she seems to have cash out the wazoo

No. 946981

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Belle if I could re-do her choices/start earlier in the timeline. She could have dumped the scrote and gotten big YouTube and twitch money a la Ssniperwolf without the mediocre porn. And I'd do some exercise instead of being skinnyfat.

No. 946991

Charlotte Charms if I could start before she got the shit tattoos and botched surgery. Or maybe Kaya/ToxicTears since she could fix most of her problems by ditching her scrote.

No. 946994

Moo. I'd love to be a rich autist with fake friends who sniff my farts because I buy them things. I would have loved to have been Moo before botched surgery but assuming we must take them as they are today I'd still be ok with it.

No. 947006

>(and he might actually know it, because I had some embarrassing Freudian slips during one of our conversations)
Spill lol what did you say

No. 947008

kek never

No. 947016

Fine lmao GL with the guy though hopefully he turns out to be alright and likes you back too

No. 947049

I wanna try yoga but I'm overwhelmed with the options on youtube. There also seem to be a lot of one-off "beginner routines" but I'm not sure how useful it is to repeat the same video a lot but I also don't really wanna change a lot between creators. Does anyone know of a source for complete beginners that has like a series of videos building up?

No. 947053

late but wonton wrappers usually have egg while dumpling wrappers do not

No. 947058

Are you open to in-person classes? Google "free" or "community" yoga classes, those are usually cheap with the purpose of making yoga accessible to all and thus very beginner friendly.

No. 947062

Ah I would be but I live in a rural area right now with nothing nearby. I'll keep it in mind though for when I move, I didn't know this at all, thanks!

No. 947063

Dakota in her heydays, before the karaokegate (I guess 2014-2015 ish). I'd be less entitled and try to establish myself as a real token polite gaijin-san personality on TV and just do random lolita modeling on the side. Also I would learn howtomakeup better, especially larme make up cause I think that would suit her very well.
Living that weeaboo dream.

No. 947100

why did you post this in like 5 threads

No. 947106

Three actually

No. 947113

what's the correct pronunciation of the name Deovrat?

No. 947123

Lori because it'd be really funny to see just how bad her relationship and life is

No. 947126

What are men's worst fears and insecurities?

No. 947130

No one's going to write your autistic manifesto anon, just go grab that tranny copypasta and tweak it for your needs.

No. 947158

That nobody will have sex with them.

No. 947169

Is there a name for the effect that happens on your eyes if you acidentally look into light or the sun and there seems to be some kind of "filer" over your vision for a few moments?

No. 947175

being rejected

No. 947178

Don't encourage her.
Also sage goes in the email field not Anonymous, dating app-chan.

No. 947183

AYRT, damn… What kind of instructions did you give him? Mine likes it when I teach/explain to him, but I find it a little bit retarded. "Okay so this part? that's the LABIA, you don't rub it, it just feels irritating. Now THIS part, that's where the clitoris is." god I hate it. it was less cringy and explicit irl but essentially came down to the same thing. But I hate how oral sex doesn't feel good apparently. It was hyped up so much by people and now… I feel really lucky to actually enjoy PiV-sex. It feels so good. Also nipple stimulation and tickling. it gets me off more. maybe something is wrong with me. i wonder…

No. 947214

Does anyone else only ever have bad dreams? I swear every time I can remember my dreams, it's something terrible.

No. 947224

For as long as I can remember the vast majority of mine are negative. Often about feeling anxious or disrespected by people

I did have some horny dreams lastnight though, a rare treat lol

No. 947332

Do we have any Icelandic farmers?

No. 947368

ask in nordic / eurofag thread

No. 947445

Which tags does one use on twitch to find chill women streamers with a audience of mainly women? Right now I feel like it’s 99% men everywhere but stats say 1/3 of the users are women.

No. 947447

Who is Elaine Gertler and why is her thread pinned? It seems so empty and I have to look at her picture every time i open lc

No. 947449

1/3 of the 1/3 are probably men thinking that twanswimmin are women

No. 947453

Yes (I am not but yes)

No. 947457

how many of those users actually stream though?

No. 947462

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How do I learn to respect spoods?
I love jumping spiders/picrel but I hate the others. I have a ton of big tegenarias and I hate them. When I see one I legit scream and can't move anymore. I want to let them live because they're useful, but they're just so creepy and disgusting I just can't get myself to leave them be

No. 947468

Perhaps exposure therapy if it is really something you want to work on? Tegenarias are the worst tbh. One night I was constantly hearing a weird scratching sound and thought I had a mouse in my room or something. After a while I realized it came from the wall, took my phone and used the flashlight and there was a huge tegenaria right next to my head, the scratching sound were its legs on the wall. Another time one jumped down (okay, it probably fell, kek) from the ceiling onto me. They only come out in autumn though. My fear of spiders never got better, but I don’t really care, if I find one I will try to catch it and put it outside. I am glad that I don’t live in Australia where people apparently have Huntsman spiders in their houses occasionally,

No. 947471

I bought an open box samsung s10 on ebay. despite doing research before I bought it the phone is much smaller than I thought it would be, even though it's a really nice phone in a lot of ways it's also somewhat outdated (it won't let me update to the latest version of chrome which is annoying). would it be shitty of me to return it?

No. 947473

No it's not shitty anon, it's not what you wanted or expected so you send it back. no biggie

No. 947509

People in aus will keep huntsman spiders in their house knowing they're there because they want them to eat the other bugs. I find it wild tbh because those are decent sized spiders.

No. 947606

Where can I learn more about ideologies and what they mean? I'm thinking like marxism, socialism, communism, etc.

No. 947726

Does anyone have a uk ubereats discount code they're not using

No. 947754

I tried exposure therapy at the beginning of the year, particularly with tegeneria and wolf spiders. It kind of worked? Just realising that they're always there, it's more of a case of out of sight, out of mind. The best my arachnophobia got though was seeing a medium sized wolf spider in a room I rarely went to, and I told it it can stay there so long as it hides.

In my current apartment which is in a 200 year old townhouse, I actually have at least 8 not very scary spiders that sit in little corners around the window/heater, and I can directly see their effectiveness because my plants have fngus gnats so there are tiny fly corpses scatter underneath their webs, like 50 each.

Still, Tegenaria terrify me and I just hope I have a strong enough other species of spider ecosystem in here that they stay away.

No. 947760

What does this mean? English is not my first language. I understand it's talking about taking action, but I don't understand what "if the vibe was suicide" means. It's Rage Against the Machine lyrics.
"If the vibe was suicide, then you would push the button, but if you're bowing down, then let me do the cuttin'!"

No. 947765

I'm not a native english speaker either but what I can understand from that phrase is
"If you feel like killing yourself, then do it. But if not, I'll be the one cutting you!"
the word "vibe" is like having a feeling. Example, someone looking at a picture of a cat and being like "oh I vibe with this!" (I feel like how this cat feels in this picture).

No. 947777

Thank you, I thought it was something completely different, like "if (something) then you would take action against the injustice, but if you're a chicken then let me do it". But I see now it's more literal. Actually I think maybe "but if you're bowing down" means bowing down without a question to those in power

No. 947827

how many credit cards do you have? i have 4

No. 947837

I only have one.

No. 947838

0. It's like spending invisible money to me. I have a visa debit.

No. 947850

Is it weird I enjoy shampooing and conditioning my pubic hair and pit hair?

No. 947861

0, they're not commonly used where I am.

No. 947862

What do people need multiple cards for? A rich people thing?

No. 947900

Nta, but some cards allow you to buy stuff instantly but pay it off later via a monthly fee. Some cards allow more amount to be spent than others. It's also how people often fall into pretty bad debt

No. 947904

No anon, you're taking care of yourself, givin yourself that spa treatment, suds it up, smellin fresh babyyyyyy

No. 947968

Is it normal to feel like your life is kind of stuck in a certain point of time?

Like I still feel like I'm 22, which was when my fiance broke up with me. I moved on and all that but I don't feel like 4 years have passed at all.

No. 947980

i still feel like i'm in highschool even though i finished 7 years ago

No. 947984

I'm 22 but my brain still feels like when I was 17. Haven't grown up at all.

No. 947988

I feel like time stopped when I became a NEET

No. 947989

File: 1635021317428.gif (3.44 MB, 192x340, 3B3E98D0-0159-444A-8DAF-182328…)

Why do so many women gain weight when they turn 25? Tiktok calls it a second puberty but I don’t want it to happen to me . Shayna is a good example. Is it birth control and bad amerifat diet? Drinking? How does one prevent this

No. 947995

I never gained weight at 25, I think I even lost 1 to 5 kg at that age. I did gain last year (15 kg and I'm 35 years old now and not using birth control), but that was because of bad eating habits and too much alcohol. I think it's the drinking and bad food decisions. If you don't change anything in your way of living, you won't gain weight at 25. Avoid too much alcohol, too much junk food and go for a walk one or two more time than before, that will work.

No. 947998

Get off tiktok and just work out several times a week. Shayna is fat because she eats garbage.

No. 947999

I've never heard of this or seen it but if you've got this info on tiktok maybe you should be skeptical lol. Anyway, staying skinny is really easy: eat healthy in moderate portions and get enough excersise. Or more technically: don't eat and drink more than you need to sustain your current body weight. It's not rocket science.

No. 948001

>less active lifestyle
>drinking a lot of alcohol and sugary coffees
>eating too much (I’ve noticed some people my age eat out a lot and most restaurants serve gigantic portions)
That’s pretty much it

No. 948002

I feel like this comes from the idea that by 25 you are "supposed to have your shit together" and already be married with kids. Usually once you have kids you tend to gain weight. It's bullshit however you twist and turn it tho

No. 948005

Same, I feel the same as when I got out of highschool at 18. Now I'm nearly 23 and also a neet.

No. 948007

I think it differs from person to person. Many people also have children and get more stressed by their careers when they age. Also if you compare the weight gain of women and men after 25 you will see that the men are way fatter and uglier and they even achieve the weight gain without the help of birthcontrol and pregnancies and yet you wont see people discussing it on whatever platform. The couple from h3h3 is a great example for this. As long as you don't binge like a landwhale and get some exercise you will be fine.

No. 948010

I feel the same way, I'm 27 and I still feel 19 maturity wise (both emotional maturity and my ability to live as an adult). I'm not a NEET but I was for most of my adult life.

No. 948014

Is it hard for a (relatively small) woman to gain a bit of arm muscles? Which excercises should I do?

No. 948015

No. Arm exercises. You need to be in a surplus and eat more protein.

No. 948028

I do very rudimentary wall pushups along with yoga and it's enough to stay slim and keep a bit of muscle, however my friend is very intense with workouts and lifts weights and her arms are noticably fit but not at all what one would consider muscular. They resemble Chloe Ting's build. I don't think it's hard to gain muscle there from a zero starting point but even if you train really hard it may not be very obvious. Unless you roid. Still a good way to look less flabby though.

No. 948033

She's trying to take lolcow down and doxx admin, she kept spamming cp and gore to hide her thread and that's why it is pinned

No. 948045

File: 1635025575542.jpg (35.48 KB, 356x356, Lydia2_400x400.jpg)

Admin must be protected at all costs. I am you sword and your shield.

No. 948048

ayrt, nah i’m actually poor as fuck, i just keep making the minimum payments on my cards to survive.
in burgerland you can get a bunch of credit cards if you have any job, (or have had one in the past) and the highest limit card i have is $4,200.

No. 948049

you do know there’s a “hide thread” feature, right?

No. 948050

>making minimum payments on a $4k credit card
are you retarded?

No. 948051

No. 948067

File: 1635028014966.jpg (117.27 KB, 960x1280, lovehotel.jpg)

Found the only pic I got of the place, no reply yet from aprettycoolhoteltour but thanks for the tip!

No. 948071

What's a free, cheap alternative to Photoshop?

No. 948075

i really enjoy picsart, i find it easy to use and the premium version is like $50 a year. it works on a computer or phone

No. 948076

Nonnies who know about foreign politics please help me (burgerfag) out.
My friend and I got into a minor argument over what the most corrupt country is. She said it is obviously America but she is also a huge communist manifesto fan. I asked her to name a government that she thought was the least corrupt and the most she could come up with was in her opinion Canada. I wasn’t trying to have a gotcha moment I just really wanted to know as someone who knows little about politics and I asked her how Canada is less corrupt than America and she just kinda sat there stammering to herself and then got super defensive and said she admittedly knows little about Canadian politics but they have better social programs than us so they must be less corrupt. I was too scared to ask her specifically why she thought America was UBER corrupt because she was already acting so defensive so my question is: Is America really THE most corrupt country (at least of big power countries)?

No. 948078

File: 1635028758863.png (188.78 KB, 629x610, BF7E387E-A302-4061-BBC1-133A9A…)

Free? Cheap? Well you didn’t say good so I’m suggesting GIMP

No. 948085

You can get PS for free if you pirate it.

No. 948088

Thanks guys
Do you have a safe link? I think I haven't pirated anything since tumblr's heydays

No. 948094

Oh, understandable then. Thank you for the answer!

Yes, I remembered it right after asking kek

No. 948106

This image is not fair. If you say A is your final answer you may unknowingly suggest the first answer is your final answer due to the typical multiple test alphabetical answer format. If I lost a shot at a million dollars due to this, I would poop on the stage.

No. 948127

Photopea, it’s a website. If you make graphics/PNGs, PowerPoint of all things is good for that

No. 948135

Damn it looks like a clone of csp, thanks!

No. 948185

really late, but with scrotes, it's all about garnering negative attention and humiliating themselves.

No. 948296

"It's choice C, the first letter of the English alphabet is A"

No. 948352

I cut one of my nails way too short. Do I have to be worried about having permanently shortened my nail bed or something?

No. 948354

No I do this all the time and they’re fine

No. 948470

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I have one of these, a type of tradescantia. Let's just say I haven't been taken good care of it and it has a lot of dried, brown leaves now. How should I go about reinvigorating it? Should I remove the dead leaves?

No. 948473

Awww it's a tricolor! I'd like some answers too cause I have one. The sad part is when you forget to keep the soil most with water spray or over water the pink and striped ones immediately die first because the regular green-purple leaves are the main plant. I feel like tradescantia outside tradescantia zebrina is fucking hard to care for unless you live in a naturally cold-moist environment. I personally do remove the dried up leaves and right now about to propagate some of the vines that seem to have suffocated it's own ends off.

No. 948490


No. 948500

What’s your favorite workouts to do at the gym? Tbh i spend wayyyy too much time on the treadmill, I just like to zone out and walk for a long time. I also enjoy abs exercises

No. 948505

PHUL and the gains by brains gym shred guide are my fave, as for exercises bulgarian split squatsand over head press. I hate both so much but finishing a set feels really good

No. 948516

Yoga, treadmill and elliptical, they’re amazing, I always get lost in the music and forget about everything.

No. 948519

why are people turning childhood trauma into an annoying ass trend?

No. 948550

I hate to break it to you but it's been around since at least Myspace, got even worse during Tumblr's hayday and spiraled out of control on Twitter, this isn't a new trend at all. Attention whores gotta get their attention somehow. Plus considering the woe is me schtick seems to be a get out of jail free card on social media, and a means for that deadbeats to e-beg from the comfort of their homes, it probably isn't going to stop until social media dies, if that ever happens.

No. 948569

Is it a thing where people get irritated/jealous at a woman who looks better wearing makeup whereas when she's natural she's less attractive? I just wonder why people feel the need to point it out, I don't give two shits tbh.

No. 948589

It's actually their generic name rather than scientific one. Specifically is the green one with purple stripe and purple back though. Tradescantia is essentially the family of all the variations.

No. 948592

How can I get my shit together when I have to speak to or stand in front of good looking, very attractive men? Everytime I see one I can't look him into the eyes, my whole face gets red and my brain freezes. How do I stop this so they won't bother me anymore?

No. 948607

Realize they're not shit just because they are attractive, of course. Just remember that most have the same thought process of the standard male + extra entitlement and you should be good.

No. 948623

File: 1635102869807.png (5.65 KB, 104x133, CELSYS.png)

For those who has Clip Studio (or any software, really) can I safely delete this file? I have this on my documents folder but it's also present on my local disk > programs files.

I'm just confused as to why there 2 of them, and I'd like to delete the useless one.

No. 948630

Is there any benefit to downloading the discord app on desktop as opposed to use it in browser?

No. 948651

You could try moving it somewhere else and see if it affects anything when starting CSP? If it doesn't it's probably safe to delete, but I think I did that to my CELSYS folder once and it basically reset everything, like custom brushes, the workspace and downloads. Very scary I must say

No. 948728

Is it literally the hormone testosterone that makes males so fucking mental like they are so angry especially when they were teenagers like every ex boyfriend that lost his shit and got physical with me always said it was because I'm childish but literally when they freak out it's reminiscent of how mental my brother was during puberty.

No. 948730

Probably a combination of testosterone and that type of guy, I don't mean it in the mra way but not all men get like that in my experience

No. 948731

They probably have a better handle of their emotions but at puberty I guess most people are more emotional and its like a throwback. Some men have restraint but they're still aggressive in speech or basically warn you that you're close to causing them to snap.

No. 948734

how much time is too much time to take off work? I haven't been there for very long. it's a shitty job and I don't particularly care about looking bad for taking time off so soon, but I'd still like to not be fired for it.

No. 948745

Recommend me some good male yanderes

No. 948751

There's no way we could really say for your specific job, it's best to chat with your manager first and say you're sorry to inconvenience them but you have no choice and need the time off for whatever reason. That way you can gauge how likely they are to fire you if you really take the time off but hopefully also suck up to them enough that they don't fire you at all.

No. 948770

What is the "stigma" surrounding hickeys based on? I wish I understood, I just don't see why you should be ashamed of it. I understand covering it up in a professional setting or when meeting people for the first time, but only because you do not want to immediately reveal something so personal to them. However, overall, it is just a result of intimacy. Nearly all humans are intimate with a lover, so I don't see why it is weird. I loved giving my boyfriend hickeys and absolutely covering his neck in them, especially because people would tease him. But still, I don't actually understand WHY they tease him. What is embarrassing about having a cute girl kissing and licking you willingly? One time we were buying food late at night at a fast food joint and the worker teased my boyfriend relentlessly. I enjoyed it of course, since he was clearly embarrassed yet attempting to act cool. However, I don't see why one would be embarrassed… I hope I do not sound narcissistic saying this, but me holding his hand and leaning against him should imply I was the one who gave the hickeys, and I am an attractive girl. So what is embarrassing? This will sound cocky, but we all know how men are… That worker would love to have a girl like me kiss him like I kissed my boyfriend. So where is the embarrassing or awkward part?? Where is the cause for shame?? I don't get it. Am I autistic? Sorry if I sound egotistical, I am just trying to reason through the eyes of a scrote.

No. 948776

Well as an ugly chick that doesnt get laid ever, it can feel annoying when people kinda rub their relationship/sex life in your face.

No. 948787

I also like hickeys but the general public views them as trashy/immature. I've heard multiple people say that's something high school and college kids do.

No. 948793

they aren't rubbing it in your face though. it's not like they're going "hey nonnie look at my hickey"

No. 948807

File: 1635120649555.jpg (98.05 KB, 1080x1080, cute japanese cake.jpg)

If you were trying to gain weight without binging, what would you eat?

No. 948810

Butter, cheese, eggs, maybe avocado.

No. 948813

How do hickeys even happen do you have to bite like my fanfictions told me (sounds painful) or is it just sucking skin long/hard enough?

Turbovirgin btw will probably never end up having sex

No. 948815

ice cream. 1 pint is ~1200 calories

No. 948816

Hickeys can be surprisingly easy to leave. Just like some people bruise more easily than others, some people hickey more easiy.

No. 948817

AYRT, it is essentially a very severe kiss. You can try it on your arm, although I don't think it will have the same effect because the tension on the skin is so different (I think). You just make a kissing face, basically a duckface but with parted lips, and stick your tongue out to the same extent. Then you latch onto the skin with your lips, press against it with your tongue and suck really hard. The suction will rupture blood vessels or something and leave a bruise. It is like if someone kept a vacuum or so against your skin haha. And you can indeed bite if you want! Also, OT, but I still feel like a turbovirgin, it is really weird to have made out…

No. 948836

One time when I was 13 I left a hickey around my mouth by sucking on a plastic pudding cup bc I didn’t have a spoon. My friend said it was a hickey and I immediately called my mom crying and confessed to her that I had given myself a hickejt

No. 948846

I'm a grunt that's been working there for a little over a month. They really like and need me so I don't think it'll be that big of a deal, but it's looking like I'll be taking a little under 2 weeks off. I'm planning on saying I really need to see some family for personal reasons. Still, it seems a little too long a little too soon. I was wondering if I should cut my trip to just a week.

No. 948849

How do you deal with a narcissist bipolar male (family friend wise)?

No. 948850

hey nonnies. how do i stop blacking out when i drink?

No. 948854

Drink less, wtf are you doing drinking enough to regularly black out? And eat a lot, before and during.

No. 948855

…Stop drinking so much?

No. 948856

Is You actually worth watching? I'll literally start watching it right now if it is.
I would ask in the tv show thread, but it's kind of hard to ctrl f the word "You"

No. 948860

What would you give to a NEET that doesn't even help their family around the house?

I thought of gifting slippers or some bathing set (in worst case), but then I remembered she said she hates showering.

No. 948861

A list of local hiring jobs
A rope

No. 948862

>she hates showering.

No. 948864

I enjoyed the first two seasons, the last one is boring. It's entertaining.

No. 948866

Yeah I just started binging it recently and I don't know if I'll bother finishing s3. I just don't like or care about any of the characters, the plot feels repetitive and lacks tension.

I really got hooked in the first season though, I raced through it so I'd still say it's worth watching. I'm glad I know what the fuss is about since it's pretty popular.

No. 948870

The only thing I really liked about the last one was Sherry and Cary. They were both hilarious characters.

No. 948873

Sounds good to me, I'll watch it! Once I start watching a show I try to stick by it, so the last season probably won't bother me that much.

No. 948874

Ending was my both fave and least fave part. Love carried this whole seasons for me Tbh. It was also interesting to see more of Joe's past. They wanted to show the scenes that would involve him being adopted by a library owner, but the actor died.

I am hoping that S4 interview spoilers are not true One of the writers claims that he will keep chasing that library woman which did not give a shit about him being married and having a kid.

No. 948887

I hope not, she was such a boring character.

No. 948983

Are there any female characters like Sephiroth

No. 949039

do you think it'd be better to get an extraction over a root canal? i'm retarded when it comes to these things

No. 949050

No. 949057

A gratitude journal and/or a planner alongside a nice new pen.

No. 949066

No, you want to do a root canal if it's possible. You will still have something there at least, and somewhat of a tooth. If you extract it, you take out everything and kill all the nerves along with it since that's part of the process. And you will just have empty space there unless you end up getting an implant put in, which is more expensive than a root canal. So just get the root canal.

No. 949070

depends on where the tooth is, if you wan't to try and save it or if you can afford an implant.

No. 949113

How aboutnice pyjamas or a set of lounge wear? Seems fitting for her lifestyle. If she's a gamer like a lot of neets, a steam giftcard?

No. 949123

Get her something useful but embarrassing like a journal with stickers of her husbando if she has one, and print that spongebob meme about getting a job to paste it on the first and last pages.

No. 949132

Neets don't deserve presents. Most neets are completely supported and the government income/allowance they collect is purely for recreation. Theyre out there paying for amiibos and sushi delivery while we're in cubicles, sleep deprived, working towards early onset dementia. I'm not getting any neet fucker anything.

Good answer

No. 949135

File: 1635159913534.jpeg (39.77 KB, 400x247, Mega-brzydka-ramka-udajaca-jea…)

Some smart seller on a local eBay/Amazon is selling picrel under name "An ugly photo frame for an aunt/a grandchild that you hate". It costs less than 1$ and the description says to buy it as an obligatory gift that will make your feelings crystal clear, kek. Maybe give her something like this?

No. 949138

BASED a lot of NEETs come from good families but are too lazy to work too and besides their government bux they also get their wealthy parents support. I know a lot of NEETs that are like Lucinda. They pretend to be very mentally ill like having schizophrenia just because they're too afraid to face life and become part of the work force like real adults.

No. 949150

IMHO only the first book/series should exist. Everything else is pointless and doesn't belong. It's just dragging the series beyond the finished story because it ended up being successful (and if the author immediately planned You to be a trilogy, it was a poor move). Doesn't help that the Netflix adaptation made a few retarded changes to be more SJW. The second book was exhausting and out of place with the Hollywood setting (what?), don't care about the third one at all.

No. 949152

Why birth a baby if you aren't willing to support it forever?

No. 949153

That’s not a baby. That’s a leech.

No. 949157

you're not a baby at 25

No. 949159

You are grown.

No. 949160

Shouldn't make a difference if it's retarded or a neet you should care for your kid

No. 949162

you're not a kid at 25

No. 949167

Forever doesn't exist, a child should become independent into adulthood because it's parents won't be around forever to support it. The world wouldn't function if we remained all fully dependent on our parents, and they on theirs etc.

Are you just confusing helping each other when needed and possible, which is a good thing, with full dependency or what?

No. 949168

Go have a shit?

No. 949174

sometimes… farting and shitting… are unrelated

No. 949176

onegai anons, I'm asking for the time off today and I'm so nervous

No. 949177

Not if you've been carting all day, your shit is travelling down to be deposited. Do your body a favour lol

No. 949180

ok fair enough, I did not know that

No. 949181

LOL what did you think farts are

No. 949184

Lots of employers are strapped for employees because of corona. What's your field like? If there's a shortage they'll probably tolerate it if it means not losing you in the long run.

No. 949186

they'd be fine without me but they do need more employees and have straight up told me that they hope I stay with the company a long time

No. 949207

Good luck, you can do it! I bet you'll get the time you need off.

No. 949236

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Where do you go for nice mindless scrolling? Since I deleted instagram I come to lolcow and it's too disjointed/negative for me. I miss having my RSS feed full of blog posts to peruse in my down time (yes I am ancient)

No. 949239

I also come to lolcow for my mindless scrolling and I hate it. But I also want to stop mindlessly scrolling in general and do something slightly more productive with my time, like drawing

No. 949240


No. 949251

Do men really think they're going to pick up a woman by bothering them walking/at their stop and asking them if they need a ride? I can't imagine any woman would willingly hop into a stranger's car unless she was a prostitute.

No. 949259

Fanfiction or stalk random twitter accounts with better lives than me to motivate me ig

No. 949270

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Just follow the right blogs and tags

No. 949281

Is laser eye surgery worth it? Anyone regret it or was it great?

No. 949282

i’ve known a couple people who had it and they seem satisfied with the results, but they still need glasses. my dad got it and it switched him from near sighted to far sighted, and they put a plug (??) in his tear ducts, so his eyes can get really watery sometimes. but his eyesight is much better than it was.
i’m also considering laser eye surgery or surgery to fix my gnarly astigmatism

No. 949284

My grandma was happy with her eye surgery, she still had to use glasses but her eyesight didn’t get worse.

No. 949285

I had it this year and is great, I have almost perfect vision now and my doc was very proud of his job. Hurt like hell tho and the procedure was pretty scary.

No. 949329

I think it really varies from person to person. For example I read that it an make dry eyes worse and in cases such as astigamtism it can come back gradually.

If I had the money and would leave the house more often (or had a non 8 hours staring at the screen job) I'd do it.

No. 949378

How do I stop being accidentally condescending?

I noticed people tend to interpret what I sometimes say as either bragging or condescending even though it is not my intention. For example, I was talking to someone I said things like 'Oh I used to listen to that band too when I was younger' and I could feel that the person I was talking to felt like I was talking down to them, as if listening to that band was immature or something even though I was just sharing information. Or another instance was when I was talking about literature and I mentioned loving a book so much that I read it in three languages and then realized that this could have been interpreted as bragging or something, and sure enough the person I was talking to suddenly started talking about how many language he spoke as a sort of compensational tactic. How do I stop doing this?

No. 949384

Is it tacky to get a tattoo of something from a manga? I've been entertaining the idea of getting a Berserk tattoo for a while, and while it's probably not as cringy as getting a Pickle Rick or something, but I still want some opinions
>inb4 all tattoos are tacky

No. 949385

Maybe you are more condescending than you'd like to admit. Maybe that guy found it interesting that you knew 3 languages and wanted to share how he knew some, as well, not to show off but to relate, like how you relate.

No. 949386

berserk fandom is pretty cringe right now so don't do it if the thought of someone associating you with that puts you off. in general though I think getting a picture of a thing you like buying permanently etched on your arm is incredibly tacky

No. 949388

Maybe, but anytime I see someone with a brand of sacrifice, I immediately smile and compliment it. You might get that. I love seeing that. I might get one too the one where Casca had hers. I’d say it isn’t tacky at all but I am very biased

No. 949390

Am I a hypocrite for disliking facial hair on guys but not shaving my own body hair?

No. 949391

You just have common sense.

No. 949392

Berserk has some really nice artwork, so don't worry about it, it would look pretty cool!

No. 949399

It's more so cringe than tacky

No. 949401

If you're looking to get the brand, go for it anon! I think it's a really cool design and it's subtle enough if it's not too big.

No. 949407

Are the non-English threads moderated?

No. 949409

Yeah I wondered about both of these possibilities. Ultimately everything is a possibility. What I could do I guess, is think about how the things I say could make other people feel before I say them

No. 949416

why do i keep getting added to creepy spam text message groups when i don't even share my number with anyone?

No. 949421

samefag got another (unrelated) question: can other burger anons give the rundown on the supply shortage issue in the U.S.?

No. 949447

just look up us supply shortage. theres way too much shit happening

No. 949469

Ben Shapiro gives a good rundown, considering he speaks 1000 words a minute

No. 949482

How long of a break in a relationship is when it turns from just a break to you're just both basically broken up?

No. 949485

Immediately. A break is a cute way for him to keep you emotionally tethered while exploring his options guilt free

No. 949496

I am lookin for new hobbies and I want to try out writing short stories. I dont really know what to write about though. Does anyone have a few ideas or just some keywords that I can play around with?

No. 949501

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There is some tumblr page with ideas to make stories. Most seem like rubbish to me but i found a few interesting. https://writing-prompt-s.tumblr.com/

No. 949505

not today, Satan

No. 949522

The same thing has been happening to me and I have no idea why

No. 949540

What is NLOG

No. 949541

Not like other girls.

No. 949547

Thanks. I thought it may have been Narcissist Logic kek

No. 949577

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how do i stop myself from going blackpill

No. 949584

Don't stop yourself, just make sure to channel it into something positive. A peaceful, woman focused existence with no moids to spoil it is a blessing - they can't cope without female energy the way we thrive without theirs.

No. 949590

Just take it. Make a life plan that doesn't involve interaction with moids beyond family and the work place.

No. 949610

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simple don't seek out shit like that, also interact with men irl and you'll find out they are not all horrible monsters
I don't have good experiences with men, and regardless there is a good chance I will die alone because of autism and mental illness, but still I won't make myself even more hopeless and depressed by giving up on love entirely. I believe there are good men because it's good for my mental sanity and if that makes me dumb or a bad feminist in the eyes of other terminally online women, I don't really care tbh

No. 949622

Hahahaha anon what a funny joke! you can stop joking now

No. 949632

What does tofu taste like? Would mapo tofu be a risky first dish for someone who has never had it?

I'm feeding the rest of the family too so if its too polarizing I'll just have to hold off

No. 949635

The tofu I have honestly doesn't taste like much. It's a soft kind that I put in soup when I don't want to bother chewing meat. The firm tofu I've had tasted kind of bitter. Why do you want to have tofu as a family dish? Is someone vegan or have a jaw problem in the family? I'd honestly just recommend chicken as a cheap meat with some rub. Tofu definitely needs something else to add any flavor.

No. 949636

Eggy texture, light bready taste imo.

No. 949637

have you tried smoked tofu? It's so much more tasty!!

No. 949638

I love (mapo) tofu but I'm also vegan and love central Chinese food. It tends to be numbing hot and spicy, which might not be the best for people who haven't forayed much into that cuisine imo. Does your family like spicy/numbing foods? Otherwise, hold off from mapo tofu imo, and go for a baked tofu with a nice sweet and sour sauce.

No. 949642

Don't be a fucking idiot. Problem solved.

No. 949644

Why do my nails grow so fast but the hair on my head doesn't

No. 949645

I'll have to look around or try to make some since there's not much of it here. The spicy one I spent more money on tasted bitter-spicy than bbq-spicey and I regretted buying it.

No. 949647

Keratin which our hair and nails are made of grow more with circulation so while you use your hands all day your scalp isn't getting the same treatment
Genetics play a role too so I'm sure a ton of people wish a daily head message would give them a nice full head of hair faster

No. 949649

Why do so many druggie youtubers call themselves "recovering addicts" when they've been clean for years? I get that it's a journey or whatever but people like Jessica Kent say they're in recovery when they've been sober for years and years

No. 949651

>Why do you want to have tofu as a family dish?
Just trying out new dishes, with some healthier alternatives ideally. Dinner has gotten stale and repetitive. I've got some picky eaters so mapo tofu seemed like a good start since it doesn't have many veggies

Spicy food is always good! Everyone loves it here.

No. 949659

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Do these retarded numbers sound right to you all? Really? 100 out of every 1000 trannies experienced violence as opposed to 23 out of every 1000 women?? TWENTY THREE WOMEN??? No fucking way, somebody is lying.


No. 949662

File: 1635215049896.jpg (175.67 KB, 1030x697, SmartSelect_20211025-222319_Ch…)

Because troons are the ones being murdered and raped every day… right…

44 trannies were murdered, globally, in 2020.

207 women were murdered, IN GREAR BRITAIN ALONE, in 2020. Somebody lied.

No. 949665

A moid got banned in the german thread once

No. 949666

probably because even though you could not take drugs for that long, you can still struggle with cravings maybe.

No. 949669

Sounds like a load of shit.

Anyone who has devoted a substantial amount of time to learning statistics, especially as pertaining to marketing, understands that lying with data is incredibly easy. Selection, estimation, alteration, dirty data and misuse of qualitative questions… Give me a statement and I can make it come true. For example, I ask trannies if they've ever witnessed or felt threatened with violence, even a threatening tweet. Then I ask women if they've ever filed a police report due to being a victim of violence. That's the kind of shit these law school cunts do because they've already made up their mind about what conclusion they need in order to hit headlines.

No. 949680

Another thing is that there really is no solid guideline to who gets to be considered trans and who doesn't. A lot of transvestites get slapped with the trans label. A lot of trannies work as prostitutes which is a dangerous industry for anyone regardless of gender which probably is where 99% of all violence against troons come from. Average privileged middle class trannies are never going to come into contact with that kind of danger.

No. 949688

Awesome! If you get decent tofu brand, it won't have a weird taste and instead will be soft and custardy. It's such a nice, soft texture which goes really well with the strong, numbing spices. Have a good dinner!

No. 949971

Is it normal to just feel unfit and tired on your period despite not really having pain? I never used to feel like this before and I've heard friends only ever about like cramps or back pain, not general feeling of unfitness. Is there anything I can do to feel better? I need to do so much but I've been in my bed all morning instead.

No. 949995

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Bump gore below

No. 950023

Yes it's normal, along with my cramps comes a feeling of being bloated and a heavy fatigue.

No. 950050

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How do I stop or refrain myself from being insufferable due to my aspergers and ADHD? I don't need a thorough analysis or anything, I've pretty much done what's mine to do in order to improve my functionality.
What I'm asking is how do I know when/if to leave someone alone and when to approach them etc. or if I should give up on trying to always know things I can't really know. Perspective from someone who's had to deal with others like these is valuable to me. After figuring out the bigger picture instead of being perpetually confused by everything, I think I'm finally ready to hear about the unfiltered specifics of what I shouldn't do in a social situation or a personal one on one encounter.
Anything make-or-breakish I need to specifically watch out for? What kind of things or emotional/social skills do some of you value in a person?

No. 950125

how do you keep yourself awake after work??? i work 6-12, on my feet running around cleaning shit for hours, and when i get home i crash so hard. i get home and decide to sit for a minute and rest before i start doing housework and i fall the fuck asleep.

i try to go to bed pretty early but it doesn’t really help

No. 950133

You must have to get up early if you’re starting at 6. Do you consistently get 8+ hours of sleep a night? Like I often get tired midday if I’m not doing a consistent 9 hours. I don’t like it but that’s how my body is.

No. 950138

i get up at 4:45, it sucks kek. i dont get 8 hours of sleep but maybe 5-7

No. 950147

If you're struggling, be honest and say you have autism, people tend to be more understanding of your fuckups.
Limit yourself to 3 short sentences on a topic you fixate on. This reduces the chances that you'll bore someone to death without realizing it. When someone is talking to you, nod every so often, and make eye contact/look in their direction every so often, it shows that you're listening to them. 9/10 times when someone says they want advice what they really want is to rant, so let them rant and then say something bland like 'Wow, that sounds intense. Have you tried _ ?' Even if you can give them a step by step guide on how to fix their issues, don't. You'll come across as an insufferable bitch and seeing people repeatedly make retarded decisions that you've warned them about will stress you out. Just let them make their mistakes in peace. A lot of the time, people don't mean what they say. Learn what kinds of social niceties and small talk is common in your area so you don't embarrass yourself. For example, if someone says 'Oh, we should go for coffee soon!' it's more of a polite conversation filler than an actual invitation. If in doubt, shut up. Learn to control the volume and tone of your voice, it's easy to come across as bitchy if you say things in the wrong tone.
There are resources online that cover this in much more detail, these are just the things that I've learnt through being a cringe ADHD retard. In general, learning to be more self aware helps a lot, as does apologizing when you fuck up.

No. 950148

I think the insufferable behavior of aspies is at least amplified by them not thinking about other perspectives and lacking awareness of their shortcomings. The fact that you're concerning yourself with how you come across and what others think is already an advantage.
As for concrete tips: when people seem unresponsive and don't return the same enthousiasm in interactions, that's probably a sign to leave them alone (provided it's not because they're struggling with something emotional). You might want to figure out what's up but pushing when the other person is reluctant to open up will make them feel uncomfortable. The opposite is also true; if they seem excited to talk about something, the best thing you can do is ask questions and show interest.
>What kind of things or emotional/social skills do some of you value in a person?
Generally, things I value are listening skills, ability to be optimistic, and showing interest in talking about a broad range of topics instead of just a few specific hyperfixations. I don't know if you tend to do this at all, but something to watch out for could be oversharing. Especially with not so positive topics, it can put the other person in an awkward position. Of course being open is generally a good thing, but it should never be one sided.

>if I should give up on trying to always know things I can't really know

To some extent I think it's good to come to terms with never really knowing for sure how people feel about you. Worrying about it too much is only going to make you insecure and anxious. Easier said than done of course, but still.

No. 950172

Thanks, these make sense. I think I'll advance into broadening my horizons a bit when it comes to interesting topics and unfamiliar constructs. If patient, intent listening truly makes people happy I'm ready to improve that skill. It's probably more about how our counterparts 'feel' heard that helps them understand that they're actually appreciated.
I think I'll also give up on trying to exactly know what's going to happen in a social situation, or life in general. Everybody seems to have a clue but nobody actually 'knows' knows if it makes sense. We're all basically deciphering the same clues, it's just that I'm slower on the commonly made connections and keener on the details. I might be in the minority but I need to remember that I'm not alone.
Man I just really like people. People are so interesting to me. Can't point out the line between a natural gravitation and a special fixation/interest, but damn, I'm just really into people and wanting to be prosocial is an intrinsic part of it. Like at the same time it's a positive energy I want to share with others but on the other hand it's a whole history of autisticly inclined research on how humans are and why. Anyway thanks nonnies.

No. 950187

Is there a way to dye acid wash jeans so they're all a solid color?

No. 950203

Are british grey short hairs nice? what about rag doll or fluffy orange cats? Have any anons been able to adopt a flat-face cat without prior experience too? I'm asking for years ahead in the future. I think flat-face cats are cute but I'm aware they're fucked and would only adopt from a shelter.

No. 950212

i had a ragdoll and he was such a sweetheart, a smart, loving lap cat. super cute too.

No. 950224

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>this will be formatted in NTFS, Mac can only read these drives. You will need to format it to either MacOS APFS or FAT32 for universal support so the drive can be used both on Mac and Windows. However FAT32 Limits the file size to only 4GB.
Anons familiar with hard drives, should I still buy this for a 2018 macbook pro or will it be useless (read only, 1tb reduced to 4gb)? Is the conversion process too complicated? I'm trying to buy one before my laptop dies on me

No. 950227

Is kendall jenner dyslexic or illiterate??

No. 950233

A random brown spot has appeared on my thigh. Imagine using a soft airbrush tool in photoshop, that's how it looks. It's not a bruise, it's not an ingrown hair, I wear long pants so it can't be sun damage.

Any guesses? I think it could be melasma because I take birth control but the edges are too soft. Also I'm just 25 and I use almond oil on my skin.

No. 950254

Am I on the antisocial spectrum if I don't feel anything but annoyance and frustration in regards to other people's emotions about miscarriages, infertility, animal/pet deaths, or my relatives' deaths?

No. 950273

I'd say yes, that's a big lack of emphaty. With pets I can understand it since in poorer countries people are raised to not care about them much, but feeling annoyed at other humans is weird.

No. 950285


You can format a drive to any file system, both Windows and macs have formatters built into the OS.

No. 950331

go to a doctor

No. 950394

File: 1635278311018.jpg (132.77 KB, 537x800, 537px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_d…)

Why does Mona Lisa look jaundiced?

No. 950400

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Effective way to attract and kill spiders and any insect hiding?

No. 950403

She accidentally picked the wrong Instagram filter before posting.

No. 950430

If you have siblings who are quite a bit older than you, was there much of an adjustment in your home when they moved out? Especially if you went on to become the only child in your house?

No. 950447

none of mine moved out yet despite already having jobs lol

No. 950481

the varnish and the pigemnts used for painting can degrade with age and change colours

No. 950501

Same, I wish they would get the fuck out already

No. 950509

Does five years of difference count? He moved out a year ago and now I'm the only child at home. There isn't much difference tbh, my parents are barely home so both of us used cook, do the chores and take care of the dogs. Now I do it myself and don't really mind it, my parents also help when possible. So, not big adjustments but I have to say I really miss his presence, we used to talk and joke all the time and now I spend most of the day alone

No. 950515

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the student copy is much better preserved

No. 950516

My brother is 13 years older and took care of me like a father when my dad was gone and my mom was going through mental issues and working all the time. He just moved out and the home still feels empty.

No. 950518

Why would you kill spiders? If you're looking to kill other insects, that's counterproductive. Leave spiders alone and they're a natural pest control. Other than that, there's mini traps you can buy. They do help.

No. 950524

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I poured almost boiling water all over my hand. currently keeping it under cold running water. anyone have any more advice?

No. 950527

File: 1635284800897.jpg (19.58 KB, 292x219, 1354635370744.jpg)

Is there any website with a collection of job applications that ended up successfull?

No. 950541

no just keep it under the cold water or dunk it in a bucket full of ice water if you can, I've done that before and it saved me from developing a burn

No. 950547

Idk, are you talking about cover letters or resumes?

No. 950551

I hope someday our restoration technology gets sophisticated enough that we can remove the varnish on the real Mona Lisa without damaging the glaze. The idea that those colors and definition are hiding under the varnish kinda bums me out.
Vidrel, I like restoration videos.

No. 950552

Yes! But a place for resumes would also be helpful.

No. 950601

Is there a way to get an even skin tone?

No. 950602

Exfoliation and chemical peels (I think).

No. 950635

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Anons, how long can you walk for? Assuming you're wearing comfortable shoes, no incline, good weather, etc, how long until you will feel tired and really need to sit down?

No. 950658

As long as I have music, about 1.5hrs? I feel really tired after it though

No. 950704

When I’m traveling during winter, I can walk for a whole day without feeling tired.

No. 950725

My boyfriend called Chris Chan "she" do I break up with him nonnies?

No. 950728

Should I make pumpkin scones or pumpkin muffins with a streusel topping?

No. 950732

The muffins sound so good

No. 950740

probably like 2 hours but I might dawdle a little along the way to rest

No. 950752

Imagine you are forced to work in either retail (Walmart or similar) or food service (McDonald's, Burger King etc) until you retire aged 65. There are no opportunities for progression outside of your entry level position. Which career path do you choose and why?

No. 950753

Probably retail, but what's the point of this question?

No. 950755

If you work at Walmart and manage to not get fired your salary automatically increases every year or so, that being said I would probably still choose food service

No. 950756

I feel like working in food could teach you some life skills with cooking but retail would be less monotonous

No. 950758

NEET or death

No. 950761

All you need to do is browse the Walmart subreddit to see the kind of BS they put up with. Tbh both prospects sound like hell. Is Costco an option instead

No. 950763

Retail for sure. Food industry is a massive no from me because of all the cleaning involved, it actively grosses me out to work with food and garbage.

I'm not American so idk about Walmart specifically, I don't know if retail in my country is that bad. I've never actually witnessed any horrible customers or situations and my friends/family generally seem ok with it, but I don't have any experience so who knows.

No. 950771

So like, the "FKA" part of FKA Twigs is not pronounces as fukua but more like "Formerly Known As"??

No. 950772

It's pronounced F K A

No. 950778

File: 1635304487509.jpg (109.94 KB, 960x720, c6979442af4d739201ada47306428d…)

You already know

No. 950813

No. 950885

I made the muffins. They taste amazing!

No. 950889

Can somebody explain to me what these lyrics mean? Especially what does coasting mean.

No. 950890

File: 1635314120005.png (166.63 KB, 720x1181, lyrics.png)

(forgot pic)

No. 950894

i choose food service, a coffee shop or back of house kitchen.
back of house kitchen work is pretty chill, you can fuck around a lot, and you dont deal with the general public. working at a coffee shop is cool because you get coffee and snacks, but you also get smelly bitch ass customers screaming in your face over a cup of coffee.

No. 950943

I had no idea, this one looks so much better!

No. 951106

No. 951116

One thing I never understood about hook up culture is why dont these men just get prostitutes?
>They always acted like they were some what grossed out by me or annoyed but usually would come back after a few days or weeks
>seemed like they didnt care if I enjoyed the experince or not or even if I wanted it
>didnt want to do the bare minimum to even make me feel comfortable or attractive

I dont get it. If they dont care if I enjoy it and they seem to be barely attracted to me but are willing to waste gas mo eyes and money on food/alochol…why dont they just pay for women? Then they dont have to worry about her catching feelings etc
Also, I live in a country where escorting is legal.

No. 951120

It hurts their pride to outright pay for women, and its cheaper to hookup. What guy nowadays even pays for your food/goes to anything pricier than McD's?

No. 951121

Gas/dinner is still cheaper than a prostitute. You're less likely to have STDs. Also scrotes have this thing where they get off on meeting normal women and reducing them to easy, desperate fucks like in porn. Sorry anon

No. 951125

Probably something psychological too, like the final confimation that pretty much no one would voluntarily touch his dirty dick without financial coercion if this is his last realistic resort.

No. 951129

I dont think my question belongs in the skincare or hair threads and the advice one in /g/ moves slow so I'm asking here: can someone recommend a good epilator especially for the bikini line? I thought they were all bullshit but plucking takes forever and shaving razors burn me.

No. 951135

I hope you're a teen or something, guys old enough to have jobs love to try to impress by spending money. If anything they try to get leverage over you by spending a lot on dinners & gifts so you feel guilty & will sleep with them. Assuming they make above minwage. If that's not your experience all I can say is try dating someone who isnt unemployed

No. 951138

Not a hundred percent sure about your exact circumstances but have you discussed any of these concerns with them? They may be blissfully unaware of your frustrations. People can sometimes be clueless even about things that seem obvious to everyone else. Communication is usually key in most sorts of relationships romantic or otherwise. Best of luck anon.

No. 951140

Until this I didn't even realize that it's been a really long time since I last had to read the "did you try communicating?" advice.

No. 951147

Are bidets good?

No. 951149

I actually mind insect way less than spiders. I can catch those little thingies with my fingers and release them through the windows, spiders? can't touch them.

No. 951179

I'm biased because I've been using one my whole life, but yes

No. 951210

Bidets have done more for me than any man ever has or will.

No. 951211

how can i stop stalking people on social media?? it’s like a compulsion
i’ve tried deleting my lurking accounts but i always end up making more or finding a way around it

No. 951224

The only way out of this is to truly stop caring about the people you stalk. I did this with a friend who I had a really bad falling out with but realized I need to fucking move on with my life and it's pathetic. Unironically get a hobby or something else that's positive to invest your time in, getting better at a craft or instrument or something will be a much better investment of your time and energy and makes you feel good and productive about yourself.

No. 951256

File: 1635354874356.jpeg (71.45 KB, 640x763, fish.jpeg)

why is fish breeding considered okay in the fish community, whilst puppy mills and other pet mills are detested in other pet communities? Don't most fish mills eventually kill all of their 'ugly' or 'deformed fish and keep all of their fish in tiny, cramped tanks?

No. 951257

I heard bidets give you UTIs because they spray back to front, did Big Toilet Paper lie to me?

No. 951260

idk but cool fish

No. 951261

thats no beta fish… its an ALPHA fish!

No. 951264

Most fish owners (not all) consider their fish to be more like decorations than pets. I mean there are a huge amount of people who think fish are not sentient at all and are just water meat that the Lord Jesus shitted into the ocean. They're not the kind of people who care about the ethical treatment of animals.

No. 951273

People consider any breeder to be a puppy mill. If we really do the whole "adopt don't shop!!!!" thing then in 100 years the only dogs that will exist will be the ugly as fuck lab-pit mixes that already clog up every shelter.

No. 951341

I'm 30 and dating men who are literally doctors who act like they deserve a blow job on the spot because they took you to chillis. Dont blame it on age lol

No. 951348

Ok girls I dont have insurance or money but I need a doctors note so I dont get fired. Any tips on faking a doctors note or any other options?

No. 951355

maybe ask anon above you for the number of that chillis doctor?

No. 951359

I have a ragdoll and he's the best.

No. 951360

Scan in an old sick note, blank out the text dates in a picture editor, print out in color, cut very carefully to size with craft knife, write in new dates. Fold and shove in your bag for good measure, maybe staple the corner as if you got it with a prescription.
When you come back from sick leave, say you forgot the note at home and you'll bring it asap. Then that evening, take a photo of the new note and send it to HR via email saying you didn't want to forget again blah blah. They will 99% likely not bug you for the hard copy because they digitize them anyway.
The main difference from fake and real notes is the flimsy weight of the paper they use for those big pads of doctors notes. Normal printer paper is thicker.

No. 951429

The fans of my laptop don't work properly. The "Always on" setting in BIOS is enabled but they aren't actually always on, hardly in fact and it overheats a lot. Is there a way to force the fans on with some type of program or something?

No. 951515

Is it true that Japan has lots of cheap, microwaveable yet healthy meals in convenience stores? If so, why don't western counties try to get them in their convenience stores? I know I've oversimplified the obesity epidemic, but it seems like it would help a fair bit

No. 951528

A better question is why hasn't the Japanese model for convenience stores been exported to other countries in general? They have cheap healthy food, true, but also tonnes of cheap delicious junk food and cheap drinks and cheap toiletries and miscellaneous things you might need.

I already know the answer is that Japan's population density can support a massive number of stores and that's how they can be so cheap. In my country people mostly go to convenience stores attached to petrol stations, so everything is overpriced af and you only buy from there because there's nothing else around. But I'm still mad about how shit it is compared to Japan.

No. 951535

There has been a lot of progress in the frozen food aisle actually. Tons more selection for healthy meals than a decade or so before. Sadly it's nothing like Japan but it's different for us.

Despite the health craze some people have here, a lot of it is misguided (fad diets, low fat everything, etc) and the ones that do it right and put forth the effort to stay fit usually cook their own healthy food and/or meal prep. Then like 40% of Americans are obese and even more overweight so they wouldn't care. We need the market for it to be right and a company to step forward and do it well. Plus it's honestly just so cheap to manufature unhealthy shit and thats never gonna change

No. 951543

I always wonder what the first ever /ot/ thread was on here? Or the first ever cow to have a /snow/ thread

No. 951545

me too

No. 951547

Isn't this the first thread? I just scrolled down until it stopped


No. 951552

Frozen meals are a lifesaver when I'm dieting, honestly. I have a good selection of meals that are like 200-400 cal, cheap enough when they're on sale and actually pretty yum. The sodium is the only real drawback, otherwise it's a super convenient way to have a variety of low cal meals to take to work.

No. 951560

i'm on my period and i've been stupidly fumbling around with tampons since yesterday. like for some reason i can't put them in smoothly today (and yesterday), it feels like i'm hitting a wall or something and no amount of adjusting helps. now i'm wearing a bigger size even though my flow isn't that heavy anymore because the regular size just won't go in. wtf? i've been using tampons for 15 years so experience isn't the issue. my tampon brand has had a design overhaul (both packaging and tampons themselves) 2 cycles ago though, but this is the first time i'm struggling with every single tampon. wtf is going on with my pussy?? inb4 use menstrual cups - no. tried them, hated them, next.

No. 951561

what kind of meals do you buy? The ones in my country are shit, a bunch of random vegetables isn't a meal

No. 951564

I like these a lot too. It was kind of overwhelming when I first started calorie counting, it can be difficult at first to estimate the calories in homemade or take out food. Nowadays I have a scale and it’s become a lot easier, but I still keep some Healthy Choice meals in the freezer.

No. 951565

I'm going to out myself as a mega retard but this happened to me and it was because I didn't realize I had already put a tampon in… I only realized it when I pulled the one out and a second string dropped down. Yeah I know, gross.

No. 951570

I mostly get Lean Cuisine, idk if they have the same range everywhere. But I've found that pasta is usually a good choice, noodles or mashed potato based meals are decent, and rice dishes are awful.

That said my standards for a good meal are pretty low, I'm sure they'd be bleh for a lot of people.

No. 951583

Do you guys wear your house slippers (fuzzy comfy kind) to the bathroom or do you take them off and wear bathroom slippers (rubbery kind)?

No. 951584

Retail, especially if I could be stocking stuff and be walking around. Food service really grosses me out, especially if I have to be cleaning shit and dealing with meat. I would also hate coming home smelling like fast food. I'd only do food service if it was something like starbucks.

No. 951585

I don't wear any shoes or slippers in my house. Just curious whereabouts in the world do you live that you have all these different kinds of house shoes nonita? No judgment I just like learning about other places.

No. 951587

You didn't have to insult the dogs appearance, anon. I do agree though. Truly responsible breeders will breed for excellent health and temperament in addition to ( though less importantly) breed preservation. It's sad people want to live in a world where every dog was an unwanted rescue riddled with trauma from being dumped somewhere. I remember when I told my mom I was in contact with a breeder and she got super upset with me, assuming I was talking with some shady craigslist breeder.

No. 951595

I live in the UK kek but my background is East Africa if that helps. My mother gets really autistic about toilet slippers especially, something something the toilet is the devils bedroom

No. 951605

I've never heard of bathroom slippers for your own home. It's normal for public/communal bathrooms but that's to avoid getting athletes foot from strangers. What's the purpose at home? Avoid slipping?

No. 951608

Thanks for answering nona, that is really interesting! If I were in your shoes I would probably say I'd put rubber ones on in the bathroom, since the floor might be wet with something after someone has bathed or washed their face and I wouldn't want that on my soft comfy clothes.

No. 951613

Pretty much what >>951608 said
Regular ones are fabric right? So it feels weird getting them wet after a shower or if the floor is wet

No. 951786

Why does Shadow the Hedgehog smells like lavender?

No. 951787

He peddles essential oils to middle-aged housewives

No. 951819

Why do lesbians like to involve themselves in heterosexual women's affairs?

No. 951821

Please don’t start this argument again. And you idiots better not fall for this bait.

No. 951824


No. 951879

you must be new here

No. 951881

Nope. She knows me.

No. 952042

Did we get posted on some mainstream-er site again?

No. 952044

Why do you think that?

No. 952045

Blacks smell

No. 952046

Just saw some self-admitted tranny in snow, several themlet defenders in the vent thread, actual emoji use, and more than usual male whiteknighting.

No. 952047

Sorry I used an emoji I was feeling insecure tonight

No. 952102

I think I know where the retards are coming from, It’s some dumbass “aesthetic” article in some stupid ass aesthetic wiki, so it’s possible that the constant but certainly slow influx of retards read the “oh so cool lowcorn.frame” and come here to complete their stupid ass aesthetic bullshit.
It seems it got deleted now, though, so maybe someone finally fixed that, who know for how long the site was posted there.

No. 952109

I know which wiki you're talking about, and I don't get why anons think it has to be talking about this site? Lolcow is not a term specific to us

No. 952112

It's one poster ya drama queens

No. 952113

No. 952114

Huh? You want a name or something?

No. 952147

There's also weird /pol/ posts in multiple threads

No. 952175

Who the fuck are the game grumps and why are they so popular
And what's the deal with Dasha from the leftcows threads

No. 952179

They seem to go by 'Anonymous'

No. 952194

Game grumps are two faggots who crack shitty jokes as they play videogames and they’re famous because of that.

No. 952218

Why did the Canada hate thread get deleted?

No. 952222

Fuck I have deleted my post to fix a typo without copying it.
>got a place in outpatient therapy group starting 8th of Nov
>Will pick up a 3 months sick leave once I start
>my work contract ends 30th of Nov
>Nov is high season
>IDK how to tell my superiors, especially since they may fire me asap
>Feel bad for the small team I worked with, though I absolutely suck at the job

What do I do?

No. 952313

Having a notebook and pens I really cherish and only use for studying helps. Making sure my desk and room are clean. I strongly perfer studying in the evening and at night so I can feel cozy with my desk lamp. Fuzzy socks, heater on, candles lit, and then use an extention that blocks distracting websites. Sometimes even after all that it will still be hard to focus so I will sometimes eat snacks while I study and that solves a lot. Also I know its kind of cringe but looking at studycore pictures on pinterest can get me in the mood.

No. 952331

The they/them defenders are so annoying to back to twitter I want to doxx and alog these fucks.
Inb4 “whoa I guess that makes you the snowflake then huh?” These bitches will threaten suicide if someone doesn’t buy into their “identity” which is just a consumerism ploy to get trannies to pay for hormones and makeup and clothes. I wish it would all go away, it’s like a nightmare clown world that everyone enables these trooners

No. 952334

Should I have spicy noodle stir fry or chickpea curry for dinner?

No. 952347

File: 1635439270544.jpg (40.28 KB, 526x525, Tumblr_l_540811561565362.jpg)

Long answer: It was causing tension between the Canadian provinces and inciting a civil meme war

Short answer: Quebec

No. 952363


No. 952370

I am so happy that everyone who says things like "meme civil war" unironically will die miserable and alone

No. 952407

No. 952431

hey nonas, if a moid reveals that he likes harem anime and has waifu shit as his wallpaper, does it indicate that he’s a degenerate?

No. 952432

I want to start dating again, but I don't know what label to put in my profile/tell people. In short, I I'm bi with a very strong preference for women. I don't date men and I can't develop romantic feelings for men. Though I'm still attracted to them, sometimes. I don't want to come off as a political lesbian or fake gay or something. I don't like labels but I feel like other people find that suspicious.

No. 952434

No. 952437

You knew this already, back yourself girl

No. 952442


No. 952447

Is that term well known? I first saw it on here.

No. 952472

I'm pretty sure I have ADHD and although I implemented some lifestyle changes (having checklists, keeping hotspots in my apartment for items I lose often) I still struggle with just staying present and focusing. Does anyone have tips to overcome for this?

No. 952514

How do I stop making assumptions?

No. 952521

ayrt, it happens to the best of us, nonnita. i did some digging yesterday but nothing… i'm starting to think that the overhauled design of my tampons doesn't work for me anymore so i'll try a new brand for my next period and hope for the best since i really hate pads with a passion.

No. 952598

File: 1635451435417.png (53.95 KB, 749x213, Screenshot_20211028-202757~2.p…)

Is this what a relationship actually entails? It sounds exhausting.

No. 952602

maybe if you're thirteen. Certainly no adult relationship.

No. 952603

Sounds exhausting and won't last in the long run. During honeymoon phase, sure. I think people who build their whole existence around their s/o are pathetic. It's okay to have interests seperated from your s/o and have personal space.

No. 952618

that's not possible kek, assumptions are normal

No. 952657

I want a relationship like this, but I think it's pretty rare.

No. 952662

Some people are like this. I personally could never, just text me twice a week x

No. 952671

I’m the same way. I just tell people that I’m a lesbian to make it easier because I don’t feel like explaining what febfem is, and I don’t want any moids ever finding out through word of mouth because you know their little monkey brains will still think “well maybe I do have a chance.” Putting febfem is my bio also makes me feel like I’m getting on the same level as people who put demiromantic or whatever the other labels there are out there now, and I have no interest in attracting those sorts of people. If there’s no room for men in your life and you will never make room for them in your life, then I don’t see what’s the problem with just saying you’re a lesbian.

inb4 some lesbian comes at me for not being a ~*~*true*~*~ lesbian

No. 952777

Sorry but how can I upload a video? I’m too feverish to figure it out myself thanks

No. 952779

ayrt, you get me completely. Bi gives the wrong impression to people and microlabels do too. Meanwhile putting something vague leads to inevitably having to explain the details of my sexuality which is annoying for me and the other person. And I don't feel like I should have to explain myself. Trauma is a big part of it and that's not really tinder bio material. I just want to attract based wlw and live my best life.

No. 952789

I unironcally agree with alot that's written in the scum manifesto, but i've heard people say it's satire, is that true?

No. 952793

File: 1635462613428.jpg (46.19 KB, 500x425, tumblr_791eda8fc6a33915748c561…)

The writer had good reason to be serious, it's not satire she just really hated men

No. 952801

I think the best thing to do is say exactly that, that you're bisexual, but have a preference for women and only considering relationships with women. Febfem doesn't work since it's not a popular term and only associated with radfems.

No. 952834

according to Buddha, women can't reach enlightenment unless they become a male mentally. what is the process of mental transition?

No. 952887

Does freezing fruit remove the health benefits from eating it?

No. 952896

Dissociating from your body and deadening feelings? It's funny how men created dissociation & no feelings as enlightenment. Really shows they know they're spiritual dead ends with no worth.

No. 952968

My eye is bruised but I don’t feel any pain. Should I be concerned or will it clear up on its own with no problem? dropped my phone on my face… there’s also a bruise forming under my eye kek im fucking retarded

No. 952970

Also maybe I should clarify it’s not visible on the skin around my eye (though I do have a small bruise forming under my eye), but there is a red splotch literally on my eyeball.

No. 952971

how do you bruise urself with a phone lmfao do you own a nokia

No. 952995

I was laying on my bedroom floor and reached to grab my phone off my desk with the charger. I grabbed the bit of the charger close to where it was plugged it and knew it would swing but I didn’t think it would unplug itself since I pulled it off slow and was close to the phone but it did and hit me square in the eye kek.

No. 953048

What does .t mean?

No. 953061

you mean t. ? i won't tell you.

No. 953063

I guess. I just saw some anons using it, thanks for nothing.

No. 953069

No. 953070

Thanks queen

No. 953073

It means tiddies

t. t. t.

No. 953177

Is it like, normal to take sexual pictures with a partner?
I genuinely do not know; I am 26

No. 953184

if you're ok with other people seeing em

No. 953192

yeah, that's pretty much what I thought, fuck

No. 953328

what's with the weird race sperging in multiple threads lately? like completely random, unprompted shit. in some cases not even responding to anything

No. 953334

i like to call her emoji-chan

No. 953374

They all sound like retarded newfags who don't understand that you're not supposed to post or respond to racebait.

No. 953377

i am convinced these LA racebaiters are also the same anons who wrote a blogpost-y thread on PT about peeing fetish

No. 953417

No. 953418

No. 953419

File: 1635496578355.jpeg (370.01 KB, 750x792, ink-skull.jpeg)

Anons who use Krita, where do you get brushes? I really want to find a good one for pic related style but I don't know where to search for.

No. 953451

should i have my sexual orientation in my tinder profile? (lesbian)

i’m not sure if it helps or hurts me, i mostly want to make friends on there but i don’t know if people are gonna skip me because they’re afraid of me being a horrible evil lesbian or some shit idk

No. 953453

Do you want to make friends with other lesbians/LGB people? If so, I would put it there.

No. 953518

Making friends via Tinder? Is that even a thing?

No. 953519

NTA, but that's pretty much the only reason my friends (that I have made in real life) use tinder for.

No. 953531

which threads are for halloween

No. 953775

Anyone here have wireless earbuds with a really long lasting battery? Like 12+ hours without charging?

No. 953780

i've never heard of using tinder for that purpose but bumble has a friend finder option i think

No. 953922

Do guys even send unsolicited dick pics anymore? It seems like it died bcos i never come across these men anymore which is good, but was it a fad?

No. 953924

I sure hope so.

No. 953927

Yes they do, you're just smart enough to avoid those men plus many of those who do that are more cautious due to call out culture (one of the best things to come of it kek). I mean we've had retards post their ugly dicks to lolcow in the past year so it's not completely gone away but men were much bolder about sending them when they thought there would never be consequences.

No. 953958

Where do I get hats for large heads? My head never fits any hats and it's uncomfortable. Even tried men's sizes and it's still uncomfortable. Do I have to knit them myself?

No. 953960

i usually order custom hats off of etsy if i want one but i've been learning to knit my own
t. fellow big head anon

No. 954061

Which social media is a good normie cloak? The only thing I have is a locked 0 follower twitter account to keep up-to-date with certain accounts.

Starting college again, meeting a lot of new people and they're asking for socials. It makes getting to know each other a bit awkward when I say I don't have any. Too ugly/boring for Instagram, I cringedelete all my tweets so definitely no public Twitter. Do I have any other options?

No. 954063

You don’t have to be good looking for Instagram unless you want to be a baddie persona. I only have a few followers of my family and friends. It’s fun to follow cute animal accounts or other things.

No. 954072

File: 1635550414037.png (238.93 KB, 680x552, 0B0261BC-1B2D-4DC3-8526-C0D602…)


No. 954249

What's the beef with poly

No. 954254

File: 1635565367150.jpeg (76.41 KB, 807x935, i6qxqby3mdb61.jpeg)

Not my fault that my skull has to be bigger to accommodate my exceptionally large brain.

No. 954270

Is it not normal to remember things people tell you? Small details and stuff. I can always remember things about people like their birthdays, favorite things, how many siblings they have and their names, stories they've told me, etc. I have noticed that people get a little weirded out when I remember some minor anecdote they told me months ago, or remember things about them after only meeting them once prior. So a lot of times I just pretend like I don't remember stuff so I don't come off as creepy.

No. 954289

I know that feel, nonnie, I usually prefer just acting like I’m retarded and like I have a pathetic excuse of a memory, so whenever someone asks you something, just be like
>haha What do you mean? I don’t remember at all!
Even if you do remember, the whole thing of
>omg It’s so cool when people remember the little stuff
Is only reserved to the people that person likes.

No. 954299

Yeah that is pretty much what I do most of the time now for people who I don't know very well. But even with my closest friends they'll tell me something that they already told me last week or something and I'm like … do you not care about me enough to remember telling me this? It probably isn't that but I feel like I have a very good social memory and maybe other people don't. I do remember pretty much every person I meet, even in brief passing, but have realized that no one ever remembers me kek. I don't even know why I can remember these things so vividly but can never remember actual important things. I probably have autism!

No. 954306

Where did the thread posters for the cows in snow and w find the cows???? That’s a deep dive…

No. 954310

> But even with my closest friends they'll tell me something that they already told me last week or something and I'm like … do you not care about me enough to remember telling me this?
Jesus, i hate when this happens, and tbh, sometimes I’ve dropped people because of that because like, How can you have such a shit memory and go out every day without forgetting where the hell you live? It’s kind of funny tbh.
Well, I’m an autist, so I do tend to focus on random ass details, maybe you are just very good at noticing details, so it really isn’t creepy or a bad thing, just something that the average person isn’t capable of doing so or of admitting to doing because of the same insecurity that surrounds a decent memory.

No. 954315

You mean the OPs? Most of the times, threads are made because multiple anons follow a cow, they request to open the thread if there’s lots of milk, then other anons join in and start digging in for more milk.
They’re often from the same communities as the cows, sometimes it’s just a coincidence that some anons stumble upon a weird ass cow at the same time.

No. 954375

How many lolcow on rn

No. 954384

do you ever wonder how many mf’s are on the internet at this very moment?

No. 954386

There’s more Indians online at any moment than anyone else online atm

No. 954387

do you ever have a thought you believed completely original to your own brain only to see someone else already phrased it more concisely thirteen minutes ago?

No. 954389

Ig it’s peak hours over there. do you think any are on lolcow rn?

No. 954390

Of course. If any of you Indian anons see this than say hi to this post. (I went to believe I’m talking to the most populated people on the planet. I can’t imagine an Indian American female on lolcow maybe males.

No. 954407

Does listening to white noise really helps focusing? Has anyone tried it?

No. 954414

Is it cheating if I read fanfic. I can’t wait till I’m old and can read all the fanfic I want. It’s crazy to think some old people know it

No. 954416

The fuck? No? Read all the fanfic you want right now.

No. 954417

lol no

No. 954425

You have to be 18 and older to post here.

No. 954436

Wtf so you mean by old? Is fanfic only allowed for 65 and up seniors now?

No. 954441

The mention of cheating makes me think she plans to wait until she's a widow to read fic in order to stay loyal. Like her bf is gonna get mad she read some slow burn enemies to lovers coffee shop au or w/e lmao.

No. 954445

I don’t want my bf to know I like anime fanfiction of niche characters

No. 954446

So don't tell him? How's he gonna know unless he stalks your internet history? Even then most people won't even recognize an ao3 url, letalone understand what the content of a specific story is without actually taking the time to read it. It's not immediately visually obvious like real porn is.

No. 954447

I just realized he saw me download those love game with the characters so I’m good. I just don’t want my bumble b x reader fanfic being exposed

No. 954449

your bf watches porn, probably some hardcore stuff you'd rather not know about too, why are you worried about reading fiction about fictional characters being "cheating"?

No. 954450

X reader means the character and you

No. 954456

Yes, so? It's still a fictional character, as in non existent, while your bf is out there looking at real, existing women through his screen. If you don't think your bf watching porn is cheating then there's simply no way your silly fanfics is cheating either.

No. 954462

NAYRT, but its still not cheating. I get the embarrassment (even though what >>954449 said is true)
but do not feel any amount of guilt.

No. 954549

is it normal for your parents to hit you? does everyone’s parents hit them?

i don’t live with my parents anymore, but sometimes i feel like i’m being dramatic when i talk about how they would hit me, if that’s a normal thing or not idk.

No. 954550

I got smacked all the time and hit with objects and would take panic attacks during the beatings and that slapped about for breathing weird and getting hysterical. It's not normal.

No. 954552

I think it depends a bit on your culture. I mean studies have shown us that punishing kids physically isn't good but that doesn't mean that it isn't still common or "normal" in some places/cultures. But where I'm from it's definitely not the norm to hit kids as a punishment, no.

No. 954553

It’s not normal. I got spanked a few times when I was young which I think is stupid and ineffective but different than being “hit,” which is completely different and abnormal. As a teen/older adult my mom would throw things at us but not hit us kek anyways yeah it’s not a “normal” family dynamic to casually hit your child no matter what age.

No. 954557

Whether it's normal in your country or not, it's definitely not healthy. I think it stunts your development.
Verbal communication is what sets us apart from animals and when people can't use their words to teach kids to behave, it's no different to a dog nipping at her puppies when they're being annoying. People I know who were physically disciplined as kids are always the ones who want to fight instead of think things through or disengage in stressful situations. Like why teach your kids to behave like animals.

No. 954565

File: 1635596085661.jpeg (218.56 KB, 1944x1714, 629FC6DD-9A7F-4D70-BC26-E15ED8…)

Therapist is useless so I’m gonna ask here: what should I have for dinner tonight? My BMI is a high 13 and I’ve been told I’ll be hospitalised if I don’t make it better but I feel so spoiled for choice. I feel like I’m not “allowed” to eat portions that aren’t tiny or fun foods like junk.

No. 954568

Can I break my anus if I hold onto my shit for too long?

No. 954569

Did you try cooking something from base freshingredients yourself? Find a youtube recipe video that inspires you

No. 954570

In the nicest possible way I’m about as likely to cook as hell is to freeze over

No. 954572

Maybe this could work? It seems easy and quick enough

No. 954580

maybe a filling soup like lentil or chickpea? it might be easier to "eat" liquid foods

No. 954581

I’ve thought about soup but the problem is I only eat once a day currently because eating more often is too hard. If I only had soup once a day I’d lose more weight

No. 954585

Sorry for the samefag but I’m not really looking for healthy food recommendations. I need something pre-portioned (because my anorexia makes me so retarded that I don’t know how to portion things) that will help me not be hospitalised and have the energy to work a 12 hour shift this week. I wouldn’t be asking lc anons for help if I wasn’t literally desperate

No. 954586

did you try growing your own food?

No. 954587

not to be rude but how can you work at 13 bmi

No. 954588

It’s hard but the alternative is becoming a NEET again

No. 954590

how did they even hire you

No. 954595

I interviewed on Zoom when my BMI was still about 15-16

No. 954596


No. 954597

at your bmi if you don't want to lose weight (let alone gain it) you have to eat like 1000-1200 calories a day minimum. its hard to eat a whole 1000 cal meal in one setting. one round pizza can be around that depending on the toppings. fast food meals with lots of dressing and fried food like mcdonalds will be around that too. if big portions are a problem for you concentrate on adding calorie dense foods (fats - oil, heavy dressings, butter, nuts, cheese, fried food etc). maybe look up keto meals? they're verry dense in calories. Or have one normal meal and try drinking your calories throughout the day through smoothies milk etc

No. 954598

How about a premade meal from the greengrocer?

No. 954601

maybe you can get pre-made meals from websites like hello fresh? I wouldn't recommend it for most people, since you can just get the ingredients yourself, but it might work for you and convince you to start eating 2 times per day if you can afford the service. Idk if vid rel helps (though you might need to put it on 1.25x or1.5x speed)

No. 954619

Is Notion actually good? Seen it being shilled everywhere lately. I still use listography but I'm willing to switch for something better

No. 954624

What about liquid calories? That's what I did, even when it meant having to go take a piss every five minutes. Some juices have +40kcal/100ml.

No. 954629

Start with healthy fruit juices nonnie then try to slowly eat more food, it's a process and it takes practice. Go for small high calorie food like nuts, dates especially, they're small and u can snack on them all day without feeling full and disgusted. Maybe some chocolate or small cookies from time to time but don't rely on them if you actually want to recover properly and feel better and more energized. I wish u the best

No. 954634

What is the origin of drag queen dance moves? All it seems like is them flailing their arms around and making sharp turns.
I saw a video in the MTF thread and the moves seriously make you look like a retarded person.

No. 954636

File: 1635605470855.jpeg (317.83 KB, 1242x1427, 6AE71010-908F-429A-AB92-EE1679…)

Vogue dance. It doesn’t look as retarded when it’s done by someone who is actually good looking and who knows what the fuck they’re doing.

No. 954641

It's a bit limited editing wose but I like it. It's also free so you can always just delete if you don't like it

No. 954654

How long does flossing take you?

No. 954660

Living in a country where flossing is seen as a fancy extra step that nobody takes.. no minutes and no seconds.

I probably should though.

No. 954662

Usually less than a minute.

No. 954683

How old is Link supposed to be? I always thought he was like a preteen character but now anons are lusting after him on /g/ so is he just a manlet? I'm confuse

No. 954684

his age varies from game to game. Sometimes he looks like a kid, other times he looks like an adult

No. 954688

Just as pokegirls serve as a gateway to loli for men, link serves as a gateway to shota for women.

No. 954689

But nonnies are talking about Adult Link, not young Link.

No. 954693

He’s an adult you tards

No. 954707

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Fuck the FUCK off scrote

No. 954714

File: 1635613586707.jpeg (43.96 KB, 640x412, C3327195-0560-40CA-802A-2878EC…)

My beautiful husband.

No. 954719

I never cared about Link but I guess I will now

No. 954722

U cute

No. 954723

Menstrual cup anons, what do you do when you're on the last few days of your period? Keep it in or switch to something else?

No. 954728

I use cloth pads

No. 954737

anon where do you get them from? do you make them?
i’m really interested in trying those, i dont trust the disposable products, they’re full of chemicals

No. 954747

Keep it in (regular empyting ofc), why not?

No. 954755

Don't you feel more dry down there towards the end? Like there isn't enough coming out either, the blood becomes brown and thicker

No. 954762

No, not really. I mean yeah there's little coming out towards the end and it starts becoming more brown=ish but that doesn't cause problems for me. Do you have problems inserting it towards the end, is that it?

No. 954792

Yeah, that's it. Maybe I'm not wetting the cup enough?

No. 954831

why are all butch lesbians femlets

No. 954845

Because all the most based women are femlets

No. 954868

File: 1635626716693.png (24.04 KB, 822x519, 6t488.png)

How come on tumblr when I'm looking through someone's archive, there are still sections to look at previous months/years even though the user deleted everything from those months/years? like if I go to those specific time periods it will say "no posts yet" and the user herself mentioned deleting things on a whim, so I'm wondering why are the months and years even listed there when there's nothing there to begin with? Shouldn't it be greyed out if nothing's there?

No. 954873


No. 954899

how do you know if someone blocked you number on iphone? my ex messaged me on tiktok to get ahold of me bc i blocked her lmao. i just wanna know what she experienced

No. 954900

Because it's tumblr with its only 411 tumblr employees.

No. 954902

Message undeliverable or something, i believe

The same thing you'd see if someone's phone is disconnected form the network and text won't go through

No. 954918

Probably just an oversight on the part of the programmers.

No. 954965

why are only certain bans redtexted? and how do mods decide which bans deserve redtext?

No. 955024

Is Davinci’s Resolve ACTUALLY free or will I be annoyed into paying for the extra useful editing features?

No. 955097

do you think most nerdy guys would be willing to do roleplaying during sex (like vampires or other stuff)?

No. 955125

Black tea drinkers, do you like assam or ceylon tea more? My friend likes both but I forgot which one she likes more. We bought one of them randomly in Japan and she said it was sweet without any added sugar. Do you have any specific assam or ceylon recommendations that would make a good gift?

No. 955171

Why does cold bread dough need to warm up before being baked? I keep seeing that you have to wait for refrigerated dough to be room temperature before it can be baked.

No. 955172

Otherwise it'll bake unevenly and the dough will still be cold and raw in the middle while the outside is overcooked.

No. 955184

File: 1635664039845.jpg (134.39 KB, 1300x1132, Lines_In_Air.jpg)

Does anyone else sometimes get these lines/patterns/colors that stay in your vision for a while? Like they will literally obstruct your field of view. Here's kinda what I saw

No. 955186

I see, thanks anon. I just put mine on the stove to heat up, I really don't have the patience to wait for it to become room temperature considering that'll probably take an hour or more.

No. 955195

What is your go to diner order?

No. 955201

Some kind of public humiliation I guess? It can serve as a warning for other users not to do that or when there's infighting and everybody needs to calm down.

No. 955203

she's resorted to messaging me on tiktok

No. 955217

minegraineless aurora

No. 955220

If I dont know what to get I just order kebab, mostly I eat curry from Asian places or spicy tofu.

No. 955221

Like classic diner? Home fries, fried eggs, toast and orange juice

No. 955294

anons who speak russian, how do you know which vowel is pronounced as 'a' despite being spelled as 'o'? For example, доброе утро is pronounced as dobroye utrah while окно is prounounced as aknoh. And I also struggle with remembering which nouns have ы and ь as it's so hard to pick it up. Are there any rules regarding that or do I just need to train my ears?

No. 955334

does anyone have a dl link for scary of 61st

No. 955355

The stressed O's are pronounced O, whereas the unstressed ones are further towards A because there's less emphasis on them.
Seconding the question about ы and ь if anyone has tips.

No. 955358

> The stressed O's are pronounced O, whereas the unstressed ones are further towards A because there's less emphasis on them.
Ah, that makes sense now. большое спасибо анон!

No. 955448

my vision will white out in spots and I'll have to deal with basically having holes poked out of my vision until it goes back to normal. maybe the same as what you're describing?

No. 955492

Do you mean which nouns have ы and ь at the end? ы at the end is for plural nouns. Or did you mean ы vs. и at the end for plural nouns?

No. 955726

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yesss anon i get these too, i’ve heard them called aura or ocular migraines. mine kinda look like zigzags, and last usually 20~ minutes. luckily i tend to only get them in one eye, so it doesn’t completely obscure my vision but it is really annoying. i’ve heard these can be caused by stress or anxiety but idk for sure

No. 955851

How do I make myself a tougher person? I feel like if I were to spend one night as a New York police officer I would kill myself from being so scared. If I went camping and encountered a bear I would just have a panic attack, faint, and get mauled. I'm one of those people that can't even smoke weed because I become a paranoid nervous wreck. I am so easily scared and so easily brought to tears. I would do anything to be able to conquer fear. I always repeat that Litany Against Fear Dune quote to myself but in reality when I'm in a mildly spooky situation I just break down (emotionally at least, maybe not so much on the surface)

No. 955860

I get these often, coupled with a migraine. from what I've read they are stress/hormone related. I'll get them if I am PMSing or if I'm v stressed. sometimes they are so bad that I throw up. usually an Advil helps tho

No. 955865

How do I know if someone is abusive or just has anger issues? are the steps you have to take different? the same?

I have anger issues and can say cruel stuff i genuinely don't mean at all, it's like i explode, but the cruel stuff I say doesn't come from a place of wanting to exert control or power over the person i lash out over or come from a place of fear of abandonment, it's just plain anger. There's no motive behind it. I suppose anger issues can lead someone to be abusive (like in my case) but how do you know someone is being abusive because of anger issues or not? for example someone recently lashed out at me, it was all of a sudden. It was similar to how i've lashed out before in the way that the reaction far exceeded the stressor and that their words were very cruel (If i'm being fair when i'm abusive i never actually direct the cruel words at them, i always leave and say them elsewhere, where they cant hear, and then after i've cooled down i apologize and tell them what i held back from saying because I feel so bad from having felt that way), but it was also different because they still haven't apologized. After it happened they just seemed to calm down, acted like nothing happened ie didn't acknowledge the incident, and just went to sleep. But maybe that was only because I didn't react at all, because I was in shock. I looked it up later and that's apparently the best way to respond in a situation like that. I did it unintentionally. That's also something that was different in how i've reacted after exploding, they didn't ask how I felt, and they couldn't have assumed fine because I wasn't talking, didn't even say goodnight back. I know there is a need to normalize the fact that once there is abuse the relationship is over, so they didn't wake up to find i was still there in the morning, and i'm very proud of myself for that. Maybe I would have stayed if they had apologized immediately after they said what they did. They have been calling me since, wanting to "talk", but never apologizing or mentioning intention of that being what they want the topic of conversation to be around. Part of me wishes they would just apologize. But then what? is leaving also the answer for someone that has anger issues?

No. 955875

>they still haven't apologized
>acted like nothing happened ie didn't acknowledge the incident, and just went to sleep.
it was abuse.

also tbh this is my biggest pet peeve, and it's a good enough reason to cut sb off, but talk to them first and see what they have to say.

No. 955883

thanks anon
i'm scared theyre just going to say something fucked up again, plus if they explain themselves and/or apologize i will probably want to go back with them which is not going to help either of us

No. 955885

There's nothing wrong with feeling a bit of fear. It sounds more like your problem is how your body physically reacts to it. A 'fear of fear' that makes the situation bigger. That's something the quote you mentioned relates to, I will let the fear pass over and through me, I dont remember exactly what it says, but the idea is not that you don't feel any fear. You accept that you feel fear, acknowledge it's there. You don't have to have a breakdown OR deny the fear. Fear is uncontrollable but your response to it isnt. I would also recommend reading The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker, it's a quick read and explores how fear saves our lives and how we should be incredibly grateful for fear. At the same time, it emphasizes why we should not keep our anxiety ratcheted up to 11 at all times, because then we wont understand when we are truly in danger. Really calm and straightforward book with some interesting stories.

No. 956009

Why do Americans lump people from the entire continent of Asia and all the islands in the Pacific together as a supposedly coherent racial group? That never made any sense to me.

No. 956016

americans are not long term thinkers

No. 956022

I agree that it doesn’t really make sense, but I think it’s just an appearance thing. There are a number of southeast asians who can pass for pacific islanders, and vice versa. There’s also the fact that the pacific islanders americans have the most contact with are hawaiians, who are often some percentage east asian.

No. 956024

What the hell happened with the mods/admin? Is there new mods? Did admin hand over admin title?

No. 956029

does anyone else do this thing where you start watching a series and you get really into it, sometimes even binge watching a lot of episodes, but after going away for a bit and coming back youre unable to finish watching even though you really really want to?
theres like 3 shows at least which i started and fell in love with but its like i have a mental block about going back to watch the rest of it. i dont know maybe its executive dysfunction, its just weird

No. 956035

Then why are South Asians also included in the same category even though they don't look like East Asians for the most part? "Everyone from the (actually gigantic and extremely diverse) continent of Asia as well as people who clueless whites often mistake for (South East) Asian" is such a messy classification

No. 956057

Do you mean indians? Americans generally don’t call indian people asian in my experience, that’s more of a british thing. It’s definitely a messy categorization, but these types of broad groupings always are (it’s not uncommon to see people lump the maghreb region in with the middle east, for example). There are more granular terms for when people are speaking with a greater degree of accuracy. Don’t most languages have more/less specific terms for different regions?

No. 956066

burgers being dumb isn't a meme

No. 956107

why does wearing a hoodie/beanie bring a sense of safety? there's just something bout something being on your head

No. 956137

The back of your head is very vulnerable so you feel secure when something's covering it

No. 956167

What are some Instagram accounts that make you learn something new?
Could be anything-related, history, art, etc

No. 956381

I have this too, and it's only ever the very last episode. Between the second to last and actually last episode of Breaking Bad was about a year, I never watched the last episodes of Angel Beats, Clannad or Sailor Moon even though I watched them over a decade ago, I still haven't watched the last episode of Lost, I almost didn't watch the last episodes of KnY, JJK or House but then forced myself because around the time I watched those I realized I have a problem with finishing shows… This could go on forever lmao.

No. 956392

I follow some various travel/foreign city accounts which give me a lot of history and new knowledge ab the world

No. 956406


No. 956412

Are Dr. Bronner's products actually good?

No. 956415

the got damn library of books, jesus christ zoomer.

looking for learning on social media is like going to a pigsty to hunt pearls. anything valuable those hogs do happen by chance to pass along to you is still going to be covered in pig shit.

No. 956416

yes! i love the lip balm and a bottle of their liquid soap lasts forever and can be used for literally anything, i just get the unscented. the soap bars are good too but they don’t last too long

No. 956417

Yes, I use the soap for my body & for washing my clothes and it's great (I have sensitive skin & it doesn't make me break out in hives lol) but also their toothpaste & chapsticks are awesome

No. 956420

depends on what you mean by "good", they're simple liquid soaps with no other ingredients, just soap - plant oils saponified with potassium hydroxide. clean ya floors, clean ya feet, dilute to use on your face.

No. 956431

Thanks nonnies! I actually bought their lip balm recently because it was on sale and I was wondering if I got gypped or if it was worth it since I was also eyeing a 3 pack from Blistex that was 1/4th of the price kek. I'm excited to try it out!

No. 956457

lmfao i love you nonna, zoomers' brain are 100% rotten

No. 956466

God, do NOT use on your face or hair, from someone who learned the hard way.

No. 956472

"Dilute to use on your face." The good doctor says on the bottle to add like 5 drops of his soap to a gallon of water, wet a towel in that and gently pat your face with it, then rinse clean. Dilute is a word with meaning nona.

No. 956482


NTA but social media is a good way of spreading information. I wouldn't take Instagram or Twitter seriously for the hard sciences or politics, but you can definitely learn about history (non political/war related) art, and different cultures from Instagram accounts.

They're good for dropping interesting factoids.

No. 956486

You can learn a million "interesting factoids" and still not know a fucking thing because you're not seeing things with context. It is not a substitute for reading a book. Sorry. People who don't do the reading for their college classes don't learn jack shit either.

Can't believe there are really people who defend "learning" from social media jesus christ. Read a book read a book read a book you gross illiterate zoomers

No. 956493

Calm the fuck down I just said you could learn interesting little facts, which seems to be what OP was after. You're not gonna be able to complete your PhD off Twitter posts and no one suggested that. We get it, you're a angry librarian

No. 956495

File: 1635786055616.png (624.88 KB, 770x405, 770x405.png)

Chickens eat roaches, poop, and worms and grains. Pigs eat rotting vegetables and fruits and poop. Cows eat grass that grows from poop.
How can eating poultry, beef, and pork really be healthy?

No. 956497

you're gonna be really mad when you learn what manure is anon

No. 956501

Don't forget the hormones to make them big and antibiotics to keep them "healthy"!

No. 956503

would it be rude to wear dr martens style boots to a wedding? my mom is already freaking out about it but i like how dresses look with boots. also the only shoes i have are sneakers and boots anyways and really don't want to buy ugly formal shoes just for a wedding.

No. 956504

yeah but even if i got my meats from a farm that doesn't use hormones, they all still eat poop

No. 956508

Lots of animals eat poop to survive, some even need it to live and be healthy , like rabbits. Nature’s weird like that

No. 956510

How many tabs can you keep open at once until your computer freaks out? I always thought my laptop was just getting old, but taking a look at the amount of tabs I have, I worry I might just ask for too much.

No. 956511

Just don't eat meat if eating poop via animals is so gross to you

No. 956512

It isn’t rude but it would definitely stick out like a sore thumb.
Tbh, it also honestly depends on how is the bride like, if she doesn’t mind, it shouldn’t be a big deal, maybe you could talk with the bride and ask if the dress code is strict.

No. 956513

That's the point of livestock. They take things we can't eat and turn it into something we can and produce natural fertiliser so we can grow vegetables to eat.

Having lots of tabs open uses a lot of RAM. If it's causing you issues you can always install more of it.

No. 956516

i just can't seem to get over it the more i think about it.
I guess fish don't eat poop

No. 956521

Fish absolutely eat poop. Heck sometimes they eat their own poop before they're done pooping.

No. 956547

What is a good floss for someone who has never flossed before? Something to get that hidden gunk out.

I bought a random Oral B one a while ago and it was so trash, just kept falling apart.

No. 956551

Get a deep clean from the dentist first and then any floss should work. The only reason you'd need a special floss is if you have tight teeth, where you'd want a thinner floss to wiggle between your teeth. If you've never flossed you undoubtedly have a disgusting amount of build up, some that you can't see or remove without a full deep clean into your gums.

No. 956554

You can do that? Is that something I should be doing with every denist checkup or just for now before I start flossing regularly? TY for letting me know anon

No. 956562

You don't need to do it every time, but how often you should have it done will vary depending on the state of your teeth and your overall oral health. Ask to have a deep clean added to your next appointment, and then follow up with your dentist to see how often they recommend it. Once a year or longer might be often enough for some, or they might recommend you do it more often, like every 6 months if you have crooked teeth or deep pockets in your gums.

No. 956565

I know it's worse for the environment but I've always preferred the thicker plastic floss. The wax coated thread often tear on my teeth and hurt my gums. At minimum don't go for the cheapest option. And don't saw back and forth on your gums, no matter what type you use. Pull the floss between your gums and teeth and scrape down the side of your tooth. Think of it as pulling debris from your teeth and not rubbing it away like a toothbrush. And you don't have to go to the dentist before you start flossing. Your gums will bleed at first but strengthen quickly, and when you do get them cleaned your dentist will appreciate the lack of blood, it makes their job easier.

No. 956567

fixed a missing critical word but forgot to quote, I give up lmao but I'm glad you're starting to floss it's the best thing you can do on your own for your oral hygiene >>956547

No. 956580

why do men/old people monologue constantly? i literally have NO IDEA what my uncle is talking about and i do not try to hide my confusion, yet he carries on like i've been looking forward to his rambling all day. yes uncle please tell me the same story you told me two days ago. there's nothing i would rather do. tbh i don't really mind it because it saves me from having to talk about myself (and i'm a very private person) but jfc it's so boring and annoying. i just wonder like… what do people gain from having "conversations" like this? just enjoying the sound of their own voice??

No. 956588

COCOFLOSS. I started flossing with it because it was easier to use than the cheap shit, plus it works a lot better. it's extremely durable and works to scrub your teeth. will never use anything else. have tried, was disappointed

No. 956594

how do you know if the information is true though? what if the accounts exaggerate or make shit up?

No. 956616

File: 1635794569438.jpg (53.54 KB, 1000x1000, 7rhwc8-i.jpg)

Any anons have any recs for decently cute, inexpensive, and well made underwear?
>inb4 Victoria's Secret
Their underwear is okay but the quality seems cheap, imo.

No. 956620

Do you live by any stores like Marshall’s and TJ max? They have cute underwear at an affordable price. They’re is different brands so it will vary but quality is good

No. 956621

Don't worry that anons a breatharian

No. 956625

Victoria’s Secret’s underwear’s quality went to shit in 2018 and it has been shit since then.
I honestly buy Amazon’s brand and it has been okay so far, some of them are flimsy but I feel like the patterned ones seem to last longer for some reason.
Some of them are cute but not the kind of cute like your pic related ones.

No. 956626

Maybe he's high

No. 956635

No one ever tells then to shut up

No. 956636

I tried looking up cocofloss online but it seems sold out everywhere… do you buy yours from a local store? I might have to check around town if they have some in-store
Tysm for the advice! I appreciate it

No. 956660

Are men with beards any chiller when it comes to their attitudes on women having body hair?

No. 956665

No. 956699

Heh absolutely not

No. 956734

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What makes elderly people adorable? what's the evolutionary advantage? are they even adorable? or is it pure cope? have they always been seen as cute or is it recent? to me they bring out my nurturing instinct just like babies, maybe even more than babies, but it makes no sense, and objectibvely babies are cuter, and it makes sense they have to be cute. why do old people seem cute?

No. 956745

File: 1635802543099.jpg (59.59 KB, 500x561, ELVoMlPU0AESq13.jpg)

I live in an area where the average age is older. Young people tend to move away and the old stick around. Me moving here (a younger person moving in instead of out of the area) really highlighted to me how old people are either super nice friendly people or utter cunts that think they're owed something just for having lived so long. Two extremes.

No. 956766

Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, but I'd guess it's to make sure to keep them around to help looking after children initially like the grandma theory or something like that.

No. 956772

When the world was dependent on crafts and skills passed down generation by generation, old people were seen as experienced resources and as key parts of a generational household. I guess being inclined to keep them safe is advantageous in that way, so kind of like babies, weak but ultimately useful and one of ours so we wanna protect them.

Now that I think about it, old people being bad at technology and such is a relatively recent thing. For innumerable generations, they'd be the ones who know the intricacies of key skills.

No. 956814

Never had a smart phone before, no joke
what should I buy? An android? Or an iPhone? What model? Help

No. 956815

Entirely depends on your budget. If you need something cheap but not used then the Motorola Moto G Fast is good.
If you want to drop slot more cash, check out Marques Brownlee's reviews

No. 956823

I wish I were you.

No. 956830

File: 1635808954234.jpg (159.56 KB, 1080x1080, 2b45c6-78s90a22.jpg)

if a cat was turned into a human, what hobbies would it have?

No. 956834

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No. 956835

I've used both and they each have their pros and cons. Depends on your personal preferences and what you want to use your phone for. Androids are nice since they're generally more customizable, will allow you to sideload APKs and access "unofficial" apps (pirated versions of paid apps, or things like game emulators), and a lot of them have expandable storage, although I don't know if that's changed in recent years.
Tbh if you live somewhere where the majority of people use Android phones I'd just go with that. A nice plus to iPhones is the imessage system which makes texting/video calling people with other iPhones (or Apple devices in general) is so convenient, but it won't matter if everybody else is on an Android. Also, if you're outside the USA, I'd automatically say go with Android since Apple products will be even more expensive.
As far as specific models, I can't really offer any useful recommendations. I liked my Samsung Galaxy a lot, maybe check out their latest models? I wouldn't overthink it too much though. Honestly, if you've never had one before, I think any 2021 flagship smartphone would be pretty cool even if it's not necessarily the one with the greatest camera or fastest processor or whatever.

No. 956836

Serial killing

No. 956837

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Getting their nails done and scratching bitches

No. 956849

How many of you are actually ugly

No. 956850

Who on lolcow rn

No. 956852

What percentage of gay of here

No. 956853

Is there a way to taste my own fart it seems like McDonald’s cheeseburger xtra pickle

No. 956854

Only 2. Me and u nonna

No. 956855

I cute sorry

No. 956857

not me nonny. the girl reading this, on the other hand…

No. 956858

Have you ever traded Nintendo Switch games with someone else? How did it go? Is it worth the hassle?

No. 956864

Nooo anon don't fry your brain

No. 956865


Thank you! I might go with android then

impossible. not many thoughts flow through my mind. tbh I'm only getting a phone cuz after years of "you NEED a smartphone" I decided to see what it's like

No. 956885

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Where do I find a drawing buddy and a language learning partner? Do apps like tandem or hellotalk really work or are they just for horny foreigners looking for hookups? I want a genuine learning experience where I can stay motivated to learn and draw. Is there even a chance at genuine friendship at distance cultural exchanges?

No. 956889

never heard of either of these apps but I draw and enjoy languages, what language/s are you trying to learn nona?

No. 956892

Is there a way to see all the information, posts, accounts, etc connected to your IP?

No. 956917

Why is popular music so shit now? I don't mean I'm born in le wrong generation because while I like older music it's liked by many people and was popular then, doesn't make us special or superior, but objectively it seems like there has been a massive downgrade. I want my generation to have decent music, but everything that's pushed on us is so vapid and boring sounding (sometimes just plain awful on my ears). It doesn't mean I want it to sound the same as the mainstream stuff used to, but why does the new style have to be this. I guess I can't complain since I'm not someone who makes my own music to counter it, but wow it's depressing and I feel like our culture is on a downgrade, wasn't super amazing before but wtf is this shit now with soundcloud rappers billie eilish and kpop etc? How did it come to this?

No. 956918

Grovel to admin and beg

No. 956923

Popular music isn't meant to be good it's purpose is to show who's rich and can lick superiors ass enough to get featured. Also the constant sexualization and lurvv songs (80% of radio) is a last ditch attempt to keep women from punting men off the earth.

No. 956933

it's all about money and connections rather than actual talent

No. 956964

Kek but I mean in the whole interweb stratosphere. I think that's too ambitious tho, but I'd like to see what is tied to my IP

No. 956966

admin-chan can you wipe my history before handing over the site? I'll buy you some lip balm or something

No. 956989

How do you think parents that gave birth to ugly kids feel? Imagine not looking like the thing you created.

No. 956992

don't do it anon! i'm begging you

No. 956993

Happens to good looking parents often. The features that make a hot guy and a pretty girl dont always mix well and produce good results, especially on the opposite sex

No. 957002

My parents are both very attractive and I'm somewhere in the ugly to meh range. I think there's a lot of denial on my mom's part. Someone will say something like "You're such a gorgeous couple! And your daughter looks…good too" and all she'll hear is the last part.

No. 957010

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i always find it insane when two ghouls make an extremely attractive child like zendaya’s parents

No. 957016

If someone blocks another person on Facebook, will the comments the blocked person left on their public posts still be visible by other people even if it isn't visible to the blockee anymore?

My dad is upset that his fling may have blocked his stupid ass. I checked her Facebook after he urged me but I still see his last comment and likes that he gave her on her profile. It seems she didn't delete them, but went straight to blocking him if so. She's denying it obviously.

No. 957018

Why do some people use violence to get whatever they want?

No. 957021

Why lolcow rude

No. 957024

No. 957025

They look like really sweet people. Maybe it's the kindness they put into raising their daughter.

No. 957026

When you see an ugly person in a photo just say they look sweet to cope

No. 957029

I agree anon! They look nice, it's calling them ghouls feels a little over the top.

No. 957076

do you wear insoles in your work shoes?

i put some in mine and i can’t tell if they’re helping or making my feet hurt more. my shoes were already comfortable to begin with.

No. 957078

What's the best youtube to mp4 downloader nowadays? I feel like whenever I google for one I get a bunch of fishy websites I've never seen before

No. 957088

Get jdownloader, it does youtube to mp4 but also parses links for pretty much anything else you might wanna download. No ads or dodgy shit so that's why I'm shilling it.

No. 957122

why do men fetishize long hair? i get that they’re disgusting and will fetishize anything but why long hair specifically?

No. 957128

I just got my ears cleaned at a doctor and everything sounds way too sharp. Like, turning on the sink is too loud, and touching the hair near my ears makes this tissue-paper-like sound. Will this go away? Should I be worried?

No. 957140

I think historically it's like
>long hair is impractical and hard to keep looking clean and good
>hair loss and brittle hair are a symptom of many diseases and nutritional deficiencies
>therefore decently thick long hair shows you're wealthy enough to have time/resources to take care of it and healthy enough to not have it fall out
Nowadays these aren't really relevant so who knows what kind of arbitrary societal factors have influenced the fetishizing of long hair since, but I'm pretty sure this is how it started. I guess long hair is still often seen as impractical -> not suitable for a rough physical lifestyle that is considered 'manly' -> therefore long hair = feminine

No. 957144

Wasn't long hair on women seen as extremely childish until the 50s or 60s in Europe and the US though?

No. 957161

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Please can someone explain this image?

No. 957166

Long hair was generally the desired style for women in the west until about the start of WWI. So it's true that long hair fell out of fashion for a while in the 20th century, but by then hairstyle already didn't say as much about health or wealth as it did before. For most of western history, including the ancient Greeks, Vikings, medieval times, etc, long hair was seen as ideal. The same goes for many Asian cultures. I'm not so sure about African cultures though, African hair types tend to respond differently to grooming and length so their historical ideals may differ too.
In any case it's a stupid beauty standard for sure but long hair seems to have been the norm for women up until the last 100 years or so.

No. 957170

Does anyone else prefer dim lighting or dark to bright lighting? Like in the summer and spring I always draw the curtains because the sunshine was too bright for me. It just feels more comfortable

No. 957178

pretty sure it just refers to one single particular individual, it's way too specific

No. 957189

I have met roughly 1000 women that act exactly like this in my life, you must not live in a college town.

No. 957204

explain the picture then? wtf is it supposed to mean? i don’t even know what most of the shit on there is

No. 957206

How much money do you need to keep saved in a savings account in a bank for it to generate an important amount of interests?

No. 957209

idk but i have to keep at least $5 in my savings account or my bank will close the account kek

No. 957210

A ridiculous amount. It will never keep up with inflation

No. 957242

Are there any threads focused on scumbag Comedians in /snow or /ot? I tried searching to no avail. There are so many scummy comedians existing, I want to discuss or have theories about but not necessarily in the celebricow thread because there's no such thing as an intelligent convo in that thread.

No. 957257

Use the catalog. If you can't find a thread for a specific topic you want to discuss then make one.

No. 957259

I just got an email from Google that they confirmed deleting a hotmail address for violating terms of service. Is that a scam? The email is connected to the outlook app and it all works fine so what's going on?

No. 957260

what the fuck is the literary lifestyle, a writer?

No. 957264

>from Google

BS. Google wouldn't have anything to do with that and the message sounds ridiculous too

No. 957268

Too much. Assuming you are a burger, pretty much no banks have even a 1% interest rate for savings (though someone can correct me if I'm wrong and I'd be glad to move my savings elsewhere). Ally used to have one of the highest rates and they have a high yield interest rate, but right now that's still a measly 0.50%. If you are very risk averse and do not need the money immediately/that is not your emergency fund, you'd be better off buying US bonds which still have a very low interest rate at around ~2%. Otherwise, buy into an index fund that seeks market average returns that is about ~8%. A savings account is just for savings or emergency money, you don't put money into a savings account hoping for it to grow anything meaningful. Like >>957210 said, you honestly lose more money by keeping it in there than actually investing it because of inflation.

Sorry for the money sperg. I am not a financial guru or anything so take my word with a gain of salt but I heavily implore you to look into basic investing/index funds/etc so your money doesn't just waste away. You do not have to take high risk and invest only in stocks to grow your money. Also someone please correct me if I'm wrong lol

No. 957270

Sorry I don't get what connected to the outlook app means, what is the actual domain of the email?

No. 957272

sensitive asses

No. 957293

Yea, I kind of thought the same and changed the password just in case

Outlook offers an app on your computer that allows you to use your email without having to use a browser.

The email in question? hotmail
The domain of the email that I recieved? accounts.google.com, it's the no-reply one and so far I didn't find any spelling errors etc which is why I made the post in the first place.

I'm just mega pissed about the whole thing because it's my fathers email address and he died a year ago today. Fucking shit timing

No. 957340

When I put youtube in split screen it either shows only a small thumbnail of the video or not at all, depending on how small I make the screen. It's like it's trying to force me out of using YT in split screen. Is it my phone or does it do this for everyone?

No. 957348

Literary lifestyle is basically the kind of lifestyle that bookworms have, so all they do is because of the influence of books, often the kind that are sooper important and like totally necessary for you to understand anything, they’re not like other readers and not like other writers.

No. 957356

What do the special snowflake kids mean when they say "I want his gender" about some male person.
I want his style? Personality? His…sex?

No. 957358

Style, personality, ethos, etc. It's basically just an aesthetic thing.

No. 957360

You're just not used to it anon, you'll adjust. Either that or some air is going to find its way in eventually lol

No. 957361

It could mean
>physical appearance
>freedom as a male in a misogynistic era
>to fuck him

No. 957406

why are my teeth deteriorating so quickly? i brush them every day. all of my molars hurt now when i drink anything hot/cold or eat sugary foods

No. 957415

Go to the dentist anon

No. 957431

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Is the difference between a romantic relationship and friendship really just sexual attraction?

No. 957440

i would if i could afford it

No. 957536

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What are you gonna gift your significant other for christmas? I am really struggling to find something I can gift to him because typical gift ideas don't really match him.

No. 957537

I oscillate between being extremely clingy, yearning for the affection of my lover and being cold and wanting them to stay away. I don't actually want them to stay away then, though. I want them to come closer and give me affection. I don't have BPD, I have CPSTD and attachment issues. What is it called again this specific type of behavior?

No. 957538

No. 957542

if you're not sure, handmade gifts are always a good way to go

No. 957547

i don't think so because a lot of people have fwb type friendships without wanting to date the other person

No. 957568

exclusive sexual attraction combined with daily commitment that exceeds a normal friendship

No. 957602

there's no such thing as exclusive sexual attraction

No. 957606

I don't really want to post it in the relationship thread since there isn't really a relationship to be talked about, but I started exchanging really frequent messages with a dude, this has been going on for almost over a month now. He's hinting at more, but I am very weirded out because he never asked my name. I'd have probably brought it up if he didn't accidentally "doxx" himself so I do know his name, but he never even asked what my first name was and yet he wants to arrange a date. I don't know why I'm so weirdly bothered by this, I guess it shows a lack of genuine interest? Even disrespect maybe? I really don't think he knows it as I haven't shared any stories or images that'd make it known, and at this point I sort of just want to ask "why are you not bothered you don't know what I'm called?". Am I making a mountain out of an anthill or is this actually weird.

No. 957616

He doesn’t care about your name, dumbass. He just wants to fuck

No. 957617


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 957626

I feel like he could've had that without putting in as much effort as he consistently has, except for this one weird thing which might just me be looking for something to be distrusting about. It's not like I don't want to fuck him, but I wouldn't even fuck someone without at least knowing their name first.

No. 957647

>might just be me looking for something to be distrusting about
you’ve been talking to this man for a month and he hasn’t once asked you for your name, of course you shouldn’t trust that he has good intentions. i would stop talking to him if i were you.
>at this point i sort of just want to ask “why are you not bothered you don’t know what i’m called?”
selfishly i want you to ask, too, because i’m just curious what excuse he’ll come up with, but realistically we both know the real reason– he just wants to use you for sex, like the other anon pointed out– so “closure” (for lack of a better word) isn’t necessary. but yes, you should cut contact in my opinion.

No. 957743

why do i get spasms when i pee

No. 957756

You just got that turbo pussy

No. 957890

I heard my housemate cry in the bathroom from my bedroom (we live in different units). Should I leave a little gift, like a chocolate bar, with a little note or would that be considered snooping?

No. 957895

I feel that way so I would never bring it up to my flatmate but I'm pretty sure she's also heard me crying and not said anything either.

No. 957896

She might be embarrassed, but I think it would be sweet.

No. 957897

I think it depends on how well you know them, if you're on friendly enough terms then I think it's a really sweet little gesture and you should go for it!

No. 957901

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if dr was a movie who would play spamton?

No. 957903

I think that’s a really kind gesture nonny

No. 957905

That would be cute as fuck

No. 957930

I don't know her at all really… I said hi and introduced myself when I moved in a few months ago, but nothing after that… yeah I have no idea what to do heh

No. 957941

If you don't know her very well and think that it might come off as snooping then maybe it's best not to bring up the crying at all, perhaps write in your note that you bought a bunch of chocolate and thought she might like some too or something along those lines!!

No. 957988

use a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth and a soft toothbrush

No. 958012

Where is everyone

No. 958013

fucking dead

No. 958014

No. 958029

We're dead and lolcow is hell bitch

No. 958033

Do u kiss ur mother with that mouth
Sailor slut

No. 958086

What’s a better and busier site like lolcow?

No. 958093

Walmart parking lot at 3 AM

No. 958149

What advice would you give to your younger self? Can be anything.

No. 958157

Draw more and don't attempt suicide because you will fail

No. 958168

Cut your mother off. NEVER experiment with opiates, and invest in property as early as possible.

No. 958174

don't starve yourself, think about your future, stand up for yourself, don't spend so much time online, get real hobbies, don't be scared of your parents, get a less retarded haircut

No. 958185

Are there any decently active imageboards that have all three
>no gratuitous coomerism
>no "tits or gtfo" derailing
>no social media faggotry

No. 958188

Kill yourself, do it now, it doesn’t get better

No. 958190


No. 958193

> don't attempt suicide because you will fail
> Kill yourself, do it now, it doesn’t get better
Nice replies kek

>>958149 Do what makes you happy

No. 958199

I don’t know, bible study lessons tend to be spicier than church.

No. 958204

stay away from boys, they will just use and abuse you.
save some money!!! please!!!
watch makeup tutorials

No. 958215

kill him, you would probably get away with it

No. 958238

Change schools in 4th grade, nobody likes you. Try killing yourself more proactively, things get better but you need to stop hating yourself some way or another. Tell that bitch to fuck herself, she’s never in your classrooms and you’re on your own regardless. Never admit to any guy that you like him, they hate you because of your skin color. Be a little bitch, cry, stop breathing until you turn purple, stop eating and get out of the house when they tell you that you can’t stay in your flamenco lessons because your brother has to go to his stupid ass soccer lessons, you deserve to dance.

No. 958249

I feel like you are probably thread-worthy yourself nonnie with this very specific advice, I don't even want to know what [redacted] is.


This, men should all be treated like they have cooties and given the cold shoulder at all times. Give them nothing. The less you give them the more they will adore you so it's win-win, energy conserved and better treatment.
Find your passion (especially creative stuff) and make sure you spend time on it every day. Music, art, whatever it is that's productive and gives you something you can be proud of.
Don't compare yourself to others. Appreciate those who are kind to you and pay no heed to strangers and those who aren't. You aren't responsible for what happens in other people's heads. Don't take nudes and don't send them to anyone or post them if you do. See above about giving men nothing.
Retain your privacy as much as you can in our surveillance capitalist world. Do nor invest in bitcoin or take part in anything that has an army of cult members attached to it (TRA and Bitcoin/NFTs being two good examples)
Ignore trends. Everything popular now will be considered mad trash ten years from now, just do whatever you feel like that is safe and makes you happy. Internet numbers mean nothing.
Eat and drink as well (fresh, high quality) as you can afford, your energy and mental health are inmediately affected by the freshness and quality of food and drink. Don't take any one thing you see or read too seriously.
There's money, bias, and many other factors affecting both media and people's opinions. There is no ultimate truth, just create a healthy, happy path for yourself within the limitations (health, gender, location, opportunity) you are given.
Don't get cosmetic surgery. There's nothing wrong with you. Listen to your instincts, you are right about most things.
Surround yourself with things and people you love. Love yourself.

No. 958290

does anyone else get uncomfortable when someone you know asks you what you have bought when they see you holding a package. it may be a bit autistic but i hate it

No. 958295

I hate that a lot, and I especially hate when anyone watches me open a package too. Doing the walk back into your own area with a package somehow attracts the most attention for like no reason. Awful.

No. 958303

hit the gym instead of this stupid tumblr ED crap, don't date or fuck anyone before your 20's, keep out of men's line of sight, and remember, if 85% of the things your 'friends' do with you is drinking/getting fucked up after school, lmao they're not your friends get better friends or get no friends at all.

don't ever watch porn. if you have to resort into erotica go full husbando devotion mode, or nun yourself. men ain't shit.

No. 958306

File: 1635950589546.jpeg (15.69 KB, 612x612, whitethighs.jpeg)

is there any outift, in a more neutral/classic style, that goes well with white thighs? all i can think of is a black under the knee dress
i have so many compression socks

No. 958308

File: 1635950732242.jpeg (29.13 KB, 640x409, 1614024851492.jpeg)

Why can't I do things I want to do while procrastinating? I've spent 6 hours at my desk staring at my work with no intention of doing it. I could have been playing my bass, taking a nap or at least listening to some good music. But no, I'm like a mouse sitting perfectly still because I'm afraid my bosses will sense me having fun on the other side of the country.

No. 958316

I don't think white tights are ever neutral or classic..

No. 958320

I’ve just turned 20 a few days ago. Weirdly enough I don’t have any advice to give, and I have a lot of regret and have fantasised about all the other roads I could’ve taken.

Oo, I like this.

No. 958322

Not really neutral or classic, but: >>958306
Preppy 90s stuff. Plaid skirts and jackets with sweaters and turtlenecks, tennis-y outfits, and 60s mod dresses. Also short black dresses with white frills and collars. And definitely look into J-fashion, you’ll find a lot of inspo there.

No. 958328

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My boyfriends little brothers (late teens) are going to be taking care of our pets while we're away so I suggested to that we lock away our liquor cabinet or send it to a friends place, but bf says we don't need to because they don't drink.
Is this a normal thing or is my bf just trusting them too much? It feels like a bad idea to leave liquor around teen boys. I did not grow up around alcohol so I don't know the rules around this stuff.

No. 958330

when i tell people i haven't done anything productive when i should have, i always add "but i didn't have fun either" because it's so miserable. i can spend a quarter of my day on my hobbies at best when i'm procrastinating

No. 958332

They're going to either raid it and trash the house or just take a little and replace it with water if you don't lock it up

No. 958336

Some teenagers would have the common sense to feel bad about using up your expensive liquor or would at least realize they could get in trouble… but a lot will steal at least a bottle hoping you never notice. Lock it up.

No. 958340

Which US state is the best to live in?

No. 958356

Today is my first day starting on Citalopram to help manage CPTSD symptoms (10mg for the first week, and then increasing to 20mg). Does anyone else have experience with this? I’ve been on Effexor in the past and it was OK for my depression, but it didn’t do anything for anxiety.

No. 958370


No. 958397

Citalopram was okay for me but not great, but every person is different anon. Just because a medication may work for 99% of people doesn't mean that it will work for you. I'd give it a try for a month-6 weeks and see if it helps.

No. 958426

File: 1635957897696.png (188.75 KB, 453x440, concern.png)

Did I seriously underestimate the number of British men who have raped escorts/prostitutes? I assumed that not many men did, but I went on a site that is mainly filled with British people, and they all seemed okay with the idea of paying for a prostitue, with some saying that paying a woman for a drink is basically the same as paying for a prostitute, men saying that it's perfectly normal, and even a pickme saying that if a guy has gone to a prostitute in the past, and eventually gets a gf, it's 'none of her business' to know

No. 958431

ESL question: does the word 'pleasantries' have a negative connotation? Like is there an implication that it's just a necessary nuisance before you discuss something actually important?

No. 958460

here's my thoery that has not evidence to support it: 'pleasantries' sounds like it would be used in the victorian period or something, which was a time where you couldn't just be blunt, so you'd have to say things in a round-about way e.g. if you didn't want to dance with a guy because he was annoying and ugly, you'd have to say 'sorry, I'm feeling too unwell to dance' or 'sorry, I don't intend to dance tonight' instead of saying what you really mean. I guess this became annoying and eventually the idea of 'exchanging pleasantries' became synonymous for 'have to make small talk with a person I hate because you don't want to be rude'

No. 958462

I know you have no passion for anything but logically speaking, you should choose what your grades reflect you're good at, not what everyone else is doing. You'll save yourself so many useless wasted fucking years. DO NOT listen to anyone– take Maths, Further Maths, Econ and maybe a writing-based AS if you must. Have more confidence in your intelligence, you wouldn't be there if you weren't capable of it. You think it's okay to chill and vibe because you can always "just retake" lmao dumbass mentality. Go fucking STUDY. Don't forget how rewarding EFFORT can be. Move out first year when you go to university.

Stop wasting time on kpop nigs. Waste of time, money and you're killing your own social skills. Use that energy towards building yourself. You'll probably still be a depressed piece of shit knowing you, but at least on the surface level you'll look like you have some things together and you wont be such a pathetic disappointment. I can't stress how much you cannot let that small confidence you have left in you disappear. Take the risk.

I truly wish I could go back in time.

No. 958469

Ah, that makes sense. I asked a coworker how he was before talking about work to which he responded 'Ah yes, let's exchange pleasantries first' which sounded sort of a…dickish thing to say, but I wasn't sure. Your answer clarifies it, it was a dickish thing to say and he intended it

No. 958484

What do you think of scent sensitive people who bitch about others wearing perfume or using nice smelling soap? I love scented stuff especially perfume, it can really boost your mood or bring you back to another time/place. If I had a friend who struggled with it I would probably not wear anything around them, but otherwise? Fuck you I have to deal with my disability you can deal with yours!

No. 958492

No, that poster is wrong. "Exchange pleasantries" is neutral and means the same thing as making small talk more or less, but usually in a more professional context. It just means that you're asking something normal like "hi how's your family" because you don't know the person very well. When two businesspeople have a meeting they exchange pleasantries as a matter of course, it doesn't mean they hate the other person.

Your coworker was just being kind of sarcastic/glib, implying you both know you're only "exchanging pleasantries" to be professional and are both aware of it - him saying that is actually treating you more familiarly/in a friendly way, while with someone he actually didn't like he would just be like "yes and the weather is nice". Like, he's kind of saying you don't need to have a professional facade around him and can just chill.

Now there are also some socially awkward redditor types who will be like "yes let's exchange pleasantries" to ameliorate their own anxiety about having a normal social interaction. But they don't really mean any harm by it, usually, even though it comes off as such.

No. 958494

Having to listen to the way gross old British men talk about prostitutes and e-whores was enough to convince me that sex work should be banned and that those who solicit sex should be locked away forever. It's absolutely vile, and I don't think these 'people' will stop seeing women as objects until we stop allowing women to sell access to their bodies, consensually or not.
I used to think that most men wouldn't be sleazy enough to pay for prostitutes, let alone rape them, but after hearing how some of them talk about women when they're alone I honestly don't know anymore. Men, especially British men, are disgusting on the whole. I would certainly never trust a man who has gone anywhere near prostitution.

No. 958495

Some people bathe in a scent, they leave a miasma that lingers wherever they go. I consider that rude as fuck, similar to somebody that walks around smelling like shit and dirty clothes. Perfume works so that people should smell you within a couple feet or when you swish your hair, it shouldn't dominate the space. That's so obnoxious. When I come across a guy with really strong cologne I assume he is insecure and probably has a dirty asshole

No. 958498

That’s not what we’re talking about, sped

No. 958500

Always had a bitch in my huge office complain about that in meetings. Go work from home if you're requesting people used completely scent free SHAMPOO and body wash (the FUCK, good luck finding such a thing) because of her wee-wee ass olfactory functions. She'd also harp on me for wearing lashes and stuff.

No. 958503

nta anon but i would imagine that's how it feels like for those people. I am not particularly scent sensitive but i absolutely can't stand the smell of strong men's cologne. I remember almost knocked out by some man's cologne, idk why people feel the need to use the whole bottle.

No. 958507

Uh, yes we are. Different people have different sensitivities. In my opinion 90% people don't apply their scents correctly, they go overboard. I'm not a smoker and have a strong sense of smell

No. 958509

My cousin smells like ass and got sent home from work for it. He complained that people at his work were too smell sensitive and that he smells fine and had showered. That's pretty much what this reminded me of kek. Maybe you just stink even with perfume on.

No. 958512

> muh sensitivity diversity

No. 958513

>When I come across a guy with really strong cologne I assume he is insecure and probably has a dirty asshole

No. 958518

File: 1635961984226.jpg (26.08 KB, 472x590, Tumblr_l_111529544493964.jpg)

>Implying all men don't have dirty assholes

No. 958521

i'm one of those people who gets lightheaded over strong perfume AND cologne, how do i fix this?

No. 958530

File: 1635962656735.png (140.2 KB, 813x712, killalljohns.PNG)

Less than other countries but still a disgusting amount of socially acceptable rapists.

No. 958532

That anon is wrong lmao. This anon >>958492 is actually right. Him saying that is actually more friendly than engaging in the "pleasantries" and moving on. He's basically saying you're acquainted enough that there's no need for professional small talk and made a little joke about it.

No. 958537

File: 1635963148531.jpeg (35.59 KB, 800x652, F9E703A6-6209-43B1-AFF6-E51996…)

No. 958541

I see, thank you for your answers!!

No. 958542

You don't. Anon whinging about it is a cunt.

No. 958550

Anyone who wants to enjoy their sense of smell and use things on their own body is a CUNT!!1!

No. 958553

And you smell like one too (jk pussy smell nice)

No. 958605

Is it normal for some orange juice to have a weird creamy taste even though it doesn't say so on the cover? not the texture like the flavor, tastes like a creamsicle popsicle. but the other orange juices I had aren't like this. It's not expired either.

No. 958661

close your nostrils

No. 958812

How do you tell a scrote you don't want to hang out? I'm an awkward fucking doormat but I feel like I need a good reason to say no

No. 958814

Tell him you have explosive diarrhea

No. 958815

Just say it. You have time on lolcow but it’s an easy text to send that you don’t want to hang.

No. 958816

Nta but I’m pooping rn and have diarrhea

No. 958818

Tell him your frienemy has diarrhea

No. 958820

This dude approached me irl after class and I have to see him multiple times a week though.

No. 958821

Sorry got something planned already should suffice, no?

No. 958823

Don’t interact with him then?

No. 958830

I wish but he follows me around and talks to me regardless. I don't know why I'm agonizing over how I'm going to turn him down but it's so fucking awkward.

No. 958851

Just say "No I can't" and switch the subject or move away from him, offer no further explanation

No. 958860

Probably not. But just because its not expired doesnt mean its not spoiled. Anything could have happened in the packaging of the juice, any bacteria could have gotten in there and made it their creamy home.

No. 958863

How do you reduce dark circles? It dark on my eyelid too. I don't know if I should trust these youtubers

No. 958871

Sometimes it's just genetics

No. 958874

I haven't attempted to reduce them yet so I'll resign to that after if I fail lmao, hopefully it isn't

No. 958893

Does weight loss effect libido?

No. 958899

I'm one of those scent sensitive bitches and I wouldn't become friends with someone who doused themselves in scents anyway. Plus atleast where I am most workplaces don't allow heavy scents.

No. 958902

I know with men being overweight can interfere with them having erections and losing weight can improve their sex drive, Idk about women though

No. 958903

>I don't know if I should trust these youtubers
truer words never spoken. don't ever believe a word a tuber says

No. 958904

I've heard losing weight makes you more horny bc you're more healthy.

No. 958933

Really? I've learned that the more overweight you are, the higher testosterone you have because of hormonal disruption (the opposite effect in males like >>958902 said)
, so you're hornier. Thus the whole "horny fat girl" stereotype

No. 958948

I've never even heard of that stereotype. but from googling it it would seem that it's the opposite (being overweight decreases testosterone) which makes sense imo. also the more overweight you are the harder your heart/body has to work to pump blood, you will be more tired and out of breath etc.

No. 958949


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No. 958963

No. 959026

idk but personally my libido went way up when i lost weight, when i was fat i only had the urge to masturbate or have sex about once every six months

No. 959548

This morning there was a gas leak outside my house at the main line by the meter. The gas company fixed it and then they purged the water heater line which filled my garage with gas that smells so unholy bad. They assured me the furnace and water heater were both fine and the meter + pressure test showed no signs of a leak but I still smell gas… my nerves are so shot, am I just imagining it? The plumbers and contractors all left and I’m just laying on the floor next to an open window with a CO detector because I’m paranoid.

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