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No. 943879
previous thread
>>>/ot/926946Obligatory disclaimers from farmhands:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 943948
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I actually prefer gloomy, cloudy days over sunny and clear ones. It's probably because I grew up in a very arid climate, but there's something refreshing about these types of skies. Some people think they're depressing but I feel happier on days like these.
No. 944148
>>943948Oh my god, same!!!! I have a friend in Netherlands who thinks cloudy days are sad, and I just don't get it. I love cloudy days too, and I also grew up in the desert. I even remember living in another city where it almost never rained so rain was a very special occurence that people would talk about the entire next day lol. Light sandstorms were common too, although one time I remember my mom was driving me somewhere and we couldnt see anything but the car in front of us.
Cloudy and foggy days are amazing. The sun doesn't burn you as much those days and that makes me feel more lively. I get more done and the slight cold feels comfy.
No. 944353
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>>943948Same (except I don't quite live in an arid climate, tho it's been very dry). I also love rain and fog. Tbh I probably love gloomy weather because I'm a gloomy bitch kek
No. 944415
>>944396I really loved the Paris infight too, it was actually more interesting than the usual topics of the celebcow thread lol. One thing that LC has taught me is that Euro anons are easily
No. 944448
>>944415Paris does indeed smell like piss, I've never been there but I have more
valid reason to believe this than I do for the existence of god.
No. 945229
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>>945047People meme the retarded hick names a lot, but they're really not that common in the US. You only get whole classes named like that in like mormon and white trash communities.
No. 945480
>>945470The problem with talking about "being visual" is that it's solely used to justify men being much uglier than their (preferred) partners, it says that women should not care about looks or else they're shallow and abnormal while men should feel entitled to demand supermodels.
I'm forever grateful that we aren't naturally coomerish like men but most of us still want a guy we're attracted to ffs that desire shouldn't be downplayed for men's benefit.
No. 945504
>>945489Physical attraction should be a baseline requirement for any relationship, it's not shallow to want to actually want your partner sexually. I want a man to be very much attracted to me if we're dating, it would not make me feel better to think he loves me for my personality but is lukewarm about my appearance. idc if it's shallow, that dynamic is for friendships.
It's crazy that I'd even need to say this but so many women feel obligated to ~give the nice guy a chance~ even if she isn't sexually attracted to him at all.
No. 945512
>>945489It's not shallow, your partner making himself or herself look good shows that they're putting in effort. And I'm not talking about being dolled up in full make up all the time, just basic hygene. Women are socialised to look past men's appeareances because most of them can't even bother to stay fit and fucking wash themselves.
Also as other anons say, physical attraction is essential in a relationship. How would you feel if your partner was disgusted by how you look? So yeah, as a woman it's essential that a man looks good and clean to me. And the sexual drive is the same, it's just that men are allowed to say when they're horny all the time.
No. 945520
>>945470It's been a while but I spent a year living with testosterone as my primary sex hormone. Wouldn't recommend but then at the same time… It's an eye opening experience when it comes to sex drive and why men are as fucked as they are when it comes to sex and porn and them sexualizing just about everything they see with a pulse and any curves.
I like having a type. I like that now in a crowd I might spot one person in my line of sight who stands out as someone I'd be into. I'm visual but picky about the visuals. For that year I was also visual… but not picky about it. Everyone looked better with a shitload of testosterone in me. That's why I don't buy when men pretend to be all picky and when they call women ugly or unfuckable.. no you still would. You'd fuck anything. I know because for a year I alomst did too. All it took was a hormone change.
Estrogen means lower drive and higher standards. Testosterone means higher drive and lower standards. just imo/ime lol
No. 945674
>>945659I feel like there is no good amount of sexual drive in a woman according to men. You're either frigid or a whore… or one man would argue you're a prude while another one calls you a slut. There's no winning.
It kills men that they can't snap their fingers and have some sort of godlike control of when you're sexual, how you're sexual, and who you're sexual for.
No. 945683
>>944131The breeding "kink" is more related to forced impregnation/motherhood and habinf as many kids as possible. What you described is simply enjoying a biological imperative, which your brain is designed to reward you for doing by making it feel good so that we, as a species, keep making more people.
Enjoying the "risk" of getting pregnant bc hormones is fine as long as it's fully consensual and nobody has to coerce the other into it, like those scrotes who intentionally pursue women who don't want kids, only to poke holes in condoms/tamper with BC pills until she gets pregnant & the scrote uses the "miracle" defense to guilt her into keeping it.
Most shitty "fathers" abandon their kids bc having them was all about controlling the mother in some way and they couldn't care less abt the kid, unless they get them money or leverage over the mother. The (forced) breeding kink is for men with little dick energy who tantrum after being told no.
No. 945684
>>945674Agreed. I used to lurk forums for Muslims and one poster was a woman who got scolded by her husband for initiating sex a lot and making "noise". Most of the replies were telling her to stop emulating whore behavior, that she's being masculine and that she should be passive and somewhat resistant.
Madonna/whore complex is a helluva drug.
No. 945686
>>945684>let me use you for sex whenever I like>but don't move around, make noise or look like you enjoy it at all!Literally what is the point?
Is the majority of the puritan/conservative/crazy religious world just dedicated to forcing eveeyone to pretend to hate sex while also trying to put their dicks in everyone and control who everyone else fucks? Like what is the end goal of this mindset?
No. 945693
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>>945673KEK no he definitely has a weird ass monkey mouth, and the beady eyes really put it over the top. Spoilered for uncommonly hideous man mug.
No. 945757
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>>945695It's definitely one of the least attractive features you can be dealt, but it can work on some faces. I personally think Lily Tomlin is pretty. But Stephen King is his own kind of ugly. It's the chimp eyes.
and the pedophilia No. 946034
>>945815The average life is, what, 70? 80?
25 isn't even half of that. What are you going to do once you turn that age? Or will you be a pussy and kill yourself before you reach it?
No. 946246
>>946230kek it's the exact same
nonny, I literally thought you were posting white collar stuff
No. 946345
>>946169It absolutely is. People do need to put what they went through in words, and be critical and self-reflect, and enact a plan to shed what weighs them down and live a virtuous healthy life. If you go to a therapist with that intent, that's great and effective. If you go just to cry and pay someone to have them commiserate your victimhood and say you were sealioned stonewalled and girlbossed, yeah that's not growth.
Also psychiatrists are good pill dealers when you need them, just like physicians are good technicians of the body, but they're entirely unequipped to assist people with deep existential or societal malaise, which is what ails people.
No. 946399
>>946230This is so true. I'm working part time at a drugstore and our manager is so burnt out. She has to visit the store outside of her work hours to do transfers or to check up on things and so on. She always comes with her kids. It must be so exhausting. She's doing a bad job at it too, but I can't really blame her.
Meanwhile our regional manager just comes in for a couple of hours and attends meetings kek
No. 946445
>>946384I honestly feel this way about anyone who complains about their life being over no matter their age. My grandmother beat diabetes and breast cancer and lost 60 lbs and became a fitness instructor all at 55 with no previous experience in fitness. What the fuck is everyone else's excuse? Calm the fuck down.
It's not a race. As long as you're alive, you will always have time, no one is beating you. We're in a world of 8 billion people, stop obsessively comparing yourselves to others, it really really
really doesn't matter. Please. Stop being so catastrophic. I will slap you silly.
This is mostly directed at my mother. No. 946450
>>946384They truly cannot comprehend how delusional and obnoxious they sound to anyone older than them. It's like they live in an alternate reality where ~50% of the population don't have any reason to exist or enjoy their lives, because god knows it's over when you can't be in the coolest demographic online.
I try to sympathize, I get it, youth is highly valued and women especially aren't allowed to forget that. But for fucks sake, get a grip and think before you post whiny nonsense.
No. 946514
>>946384The obsession with youth within zoomers is fucking unreal. Girls lamenting over their "lost youth" at fucking 22, seriously buying into the "your life is over at 25" meme. I'm in my 30's, never been happier. Sure I don't look like a teenager anymore but I'm not a wrinkled mummy anymore. It wasn't until past 30 when I realized
how young people in their 20's actually are, they still have their whole life ahead of them and so many opportunities. As do I. It's 2021, a woman can do more than birth babies and stay home cleaning the house. Enjoy your goddamn life and don't make excuses. You might get hit by a car tomorrow and then you only have vent posts about not looking like a neotenous e-girl ready to suck scrote cock to show from your last years.
No. 946741
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>>946714I want a bf just for sex and to split costs, sounds good to me.
No. 946804
>>946714I will never fucking ever live with a scrote unless he's paying all the bills. It's not hard to find either which is why it's retarded to offer to split them.
>>946741If you want to split costs, get a female roommate. If a man lets you pay half he's insulting you.
No. 946958
>>946909I have a friend that went to prison for murdering a pedophile. It was a girl that he babysat sometimes. She told him what was happening and he went into a furious rage and broke into the pedophile home during the night and stabbed him. He told me so when we were drunk together cause I asked him why he went to prison.
I did not believe him at first until I combed through the internet and found information that corroborated his story. It did not make any headlines so it was hard to find.
The girl found him on social media and sent him a message telling him how greatful she was for what he did.
No. 946962
>>946909It's so stupid and sad to me when I see those articles that are like "Parent Arrested for Assaulting Man who Molested Their Child".
Arrested for what? How is that not just defending one's own family? They should just let the rapist walk free?
>>946958He sounds based, I hope he never regrets it
No. 946992
>>946958Well done to your friend.
How much time did he get in prison?
No. 947011
>>947004>tell himYou don't tell them. They'll want to do it, if you pick them right.
A feminine man will never be drawn to being a provider. They want a mommy gf. It starts with the quality of your selection and then the type of affection you inspire. And the rest is innate for him.
No. 947026
>>947011When talking here
>>946741 about costs I was thinking more about rent, actual bills like electricity or gas, insurance, etc. I don't like feelin indebted to anyone because of how I was raised, my parents always tried to make me feel guilty because they fed me, gave me hand me down clothes and allowed me to take one shower a week when I was younger and they'd sperg about money all the time. I don't want to have that kind of conversation ever again with a potential bf or husband.
>They want a mommy gfThat's 99% of men based on the guys my sisters and their friends' dated. My little sister was dumped by her ex fiance who wanted her to buy ALL the furniture when moving to their own place and she refused. I want to split costs so I won't have to deal with this type of trash for 8 years like she did.
No. 947048
>>947037Nta but I'm entirely average looking, not the most feminine, I don't do alot to maximise how I look either. My last guy paid all rent for our 3 years living together. He just offered in the beginning because he wanted me there all the time and not going back and forth like I had been.
Right at the end he brought up changing our arrangement but.. we were on the way out and that's why he was suddenly unhappy with it. We split before he could ever rope me into suddenly paying for something I'd never been expected to pay before.
No. 947087
>>947048I don't remember all the details cause it's been a long time, but I think he got around 5 years and only did 2 or so.
He doesn't regret it at all. He said his freedom meant less to him than what this girl has to deal with for the rest of her life and that he chose to murder him, she did not choose to be abused by some twisted disgusting excuse of a man.
He said his time in prison was not rough and he was respected cause even the most depraved men don't respect pedophiles.
No. 947209
>>947136An immediate relative of mine raped a 4 year old when he was 16, got a slap on the wrist due to his young age. He raped again in his mid twenties and went away for as you said, seven years. Then he did it again just three years ago with a 10 year old, and only finally have they locked him away for good.
The thing is though, the "I'd feed all pedophiles to the woodchipper hurr hurr" thing coming from scrotes is almost always posturing bullshit. A lot of people just target pedos because they're desperate for a socially acceptable target, if it was any other demographic that had the greenlight, they'd target them too with sadistic glee. All the scrotes that were most vocal about going on about how they'd bash pedos, used to hang out with my relative after work and smoke weed with him.
No. 947240
>>946909My boyfriend told me a story about how a friend of his from a few years back was a cop, and received a report about how someone he knew tried to rape their own niece. I believe she was 14 at the time, and luckily she was able to fight back because from what he told me the man wasn't that strong and was like 5"1. When he arrested him he asked him if he really did it, and the pedo told him how he tried to do it and didn't seem remorseful at all. This made him go into a rage and he just beat the shit out of him. Unfortunately this led to him getting fired and a whole other series of events, but it made me so mad hearing about it. The pedo did end up getting locked away for a long time at a indian reservation prison (those prisons are notorious for their bad conditions, but it's what he deserves) and the community did side with the girl.
I think alongside being imprisoned, pedos should be castrated as well. Most of them go on to re-offend and can you imagine how horrible it'd be to get impregnated by one of these sickos? That would be another child on the line. I don't think encouraging vigilantism and murdering pedos is a good solution (that comes with a whole other host of problems), but they should definitely get much harsher penalties from the law. At the very least they should not be allowed to have children of their own.
No. 947637
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Even though I'm not the target audience at all, I actually enjoy some vtubers. I like watching Korone, she's a bit annoying but still cute to me and it makes me forget real life for a bit. It just feels like listening to a little bit retarded friend having fun and it can be comfy.
No. 947762
>>947750People will say "there were no signs" and ofc that's bullshit in most cases but what they mean is "I'm too retarded to have seen the signs" and that's not too unbelievable imo. The ones who did see the signs and were having none of it aren't attractive to abusers anyways so what is left in their dating pool is gullible people, probably suffering from very low esteem. Think of how much more likely autistic women are of falling
victim to domestic violence. Sure there were probably signs like you said but not everyone is equally as able to pick them up.
No. 947912
>>947750I've never been abused completely of the blue but my first major break up… I was so blind sided by that. That felt like such a sudden flick of a switch. And it was awkward trying to tell friends we were over because it was that sudden switch and it didn'tmake sense. Never experienced that again since. Hope it stays that way. When a relationship goes downhill for a while it's easier to processthe loss of it. There was nothing like that to help ease the shock.
Later in an actual
abusive situation.. I absolutely saw it coming and just hoped it somehow wouldn't come to be. He gave himself away very early on but given the timing of when we met, I was bound to dive in anyway. Lesson learnt the hard way. Weirdly still think the first relationship haunts me more because I'm still stumped lol
No. 947933
>>947821That's probably themselves, or biters, or other manipulators trying to poison the well. I always distrust those
trying to "explain" cow behaviour.
>>947870This. You don't want to feel humiliated so your ego tells you to lie and claim the guy who duped you was a master manipulator. Honestly, abusers choose their
victims carefully based on how likely they can bamboozle them.
No. 947967
>>947870A lot of times it’s because we’re told that the red flags we see aren’t a big deal. My friend’s ex was
abusive from the start, she asked her mom for advice and was told “it’s normal for men to get angry” and that she was making a big deal out of nothing, but of course it got worse as the relationship went on.
No. 948080
>>947637Korone is extremely likeable. She's a good girl.
I like her engrish.
No. 948193
>>948187Yeah, the show had lots of potential that got clouded by the huge need for making the characters emotional for no reason and the whole shoving how relationships work.
Like, yeah, Sugar wanted a gay space opera, but there was barely any space and it was mostly a soapy opera with barely gay characters.
It would be nice if Steven Universe got a remake in comic form aimed for adults so Sugar can be more serious.
No. 948235
>>948225Jennifer's body was such a letdown for the hype and I typically like campy movies with pretty girls.
The Love Witch is a much better alternative for a cheesy boy-killer film
No. 948272
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>>948262Kind of random but this is ot… Dita Von Teese did it the other day and wound up deleting the whole comment thread once more people started to call her out for being so cunty (some context: she’s been shilling Lashify really hard)
No. 948472
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Maybe not unpopular here, but apparently in my generation (z): getting old is not the end of the world, i think is a nice deal besides health problems. With so much pedophilia nowadays, imo being seen as "mature" is actually better, i will be the kind of lady that helps young women and gives them advice, scrotes wouldn't bother me anymore and i could rock a silver hair. I think that's pretty neat tbh. I'll always be the iconic bitch i am anyway, looks fade but drip and attitude stay.
>>948267That's why she's saying you should go back, learn to integrate
No. 948474
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>>948044>he’s very handsomethe handsome in question
No. 949115
>>949111Ah I see, I didn't think of it like that. Tbh this
>It does come across as wanting to be taken seriously as a couple despite not being married.seems reasonable to me personally, especially if it's registered partnership.
No. 949117
>>949105Even worse when a straight woman calls her boyfriend or husband her partner online because muh queer
valid identity. Never thought I'd live to see the day when stealth straights were a thing
No. 949137
>>949105Tbh, I always thought partner was for gay people so they could deflect the people asking if they had a girlfriend/boyfriend and to avoid getting criticized/ostracized by their family members/workplace.
So whenever someone says they got a “partner” I assume they’re gay.
No. 949139
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I would rather have an overrun jungle garden than have a man traipsing through the garden all the time. I live on the ground floor and every time the gardener/groundskeeper skulks around in my eyeline I feel like I'm in public and not my own home. He was gone for a few months and I felt so peaceful. I love this flat and it's definitely a first world problem but when I move again (years in the future) it'll be to a gardener-less existence.
Unpopular opinion in real life and not on lolcow obviously.
No. 949220
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>>949198>>949206I totally agree with you as well. Adding that when a cow comes on here and calls us all losers for wasting time screenshotting and discussing people we don't even like, honestly they're right. We are losers, we are BPD manic gutter queens ourselves because farming is BPD gutter behavior. Farmers always say
>I scroll this on the toilet kek bitch you don't matter But it's a cope. Normal people play Candy Crush on the toilet because they don't want to get riled up and upset by reading the antics of drug addicted, plastic surgery addicted, attention addicted morons.
No. 949224
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>>949220Stop telling the truth anon
No. 949229
>>949220Personally I don't look at cows to feel better, the very few I take a look at I find interesting. But not in a "haha look at this loser, glad I'm so much better" way. I love reading about fringe internet groups, cults, bizzare crimes etc. I guess I also find people slightly out of touch with reality relatable. Some of them I would like to be friends with if they weren't
toxic or shitty people.
I do feel bad about cows that get incredibly shitty, nitpicky and hateful comments. I hated the "how to euthanize a cow" picture of a Shayna thread. I instantly hidden the thread as I don't follow her, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
No. 949238
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No, you wouldn't look good because 1st you always pick the ugliest platinum-grayish shades instead of any other actual blonde shade, 2nd you match it with the most fake waves/roots/fringe/locks/whatever and 3rd you forget to acknowledge that it almost always looks bad on natural brunette white women so why would it look good on anyone with even less matching feautures or hair textures? If you intentionally bleach and dye (damaging a lot) your hair like this for it to look so artificial and unatended you might as well go to work with some lavender or orange eye contacts and call them blue or brown respectively.
No. 949246
>>949220Idk, this feels a bit too much like a counter-circlejerk to me. Normal people do all sorts of things to pass the time, including gossiping and following drama on twitter or in tabloids. I follow a lot of not-very-online people on twitter, and they have their own cows (most recently, the two women in that new york times kidney donor fiction story). They like salacious receipts and mean one-liners all the time - humans are social animals, and drama is just high-stakes social interaction sublimated into a form of entertainment.
> they don't want to get riled up and upset by reading the antics of drug addicted, plastic surgery addicted, attention addicted morons.I get what you’re saying, but isn’t that a perfect description of lindsay lohan, paris hilton, and anna nicole smith? They were in the mainstream news daily for like a whole decade.
No. 949276
>>949238ehh my unpopular opinion is that i like blonde hair on darker skin tones it always brings out their features. All you have to do is find the right shade of blonde for your skintone. I think any hair color can work on anyone, people just don't know how to match colors to their skintone and undertones. the only thing i hate is when people flat out dye and ruin their natural hair to achieve this. Wigs are way too realistic nowadays to ever tarnish your natural hair to achieve a blonde thats probably gonna fade into a diff blonde anyway. I think more nonblack
poc and white folk should look into getting their wig installed by a professional even once. When done right that shit is amazing. But actually don't go cuz prices are already ridiculous to purchase and then install a wig so i cant imagine how much more they'd be if white girls started doing it on the regular lol jk dont ban me t'was a joke!!!!!!!!!
No. 949309
>>949292nta but lolcow is free to anyone, retard. If you're this
triggered by someone, you should go back, faggot.
No. 949542
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>>949139based, it also attracts so much more diversity of insects and birds. on a similar note, I much prefer messier garden rather that very neat one (like French formal garden for exemple)
No. 949549
I think it's incredibly unfair that Facebook is taking heat for what basically amounts to hiring people to identify and solve complex problems while everyone else keeps getting away with heinous shit unnoticed.
>severe pedo and general sexual predator problem
>pushed back on banning "cub porn" i.e. drawn CP but with animal ears
>countless servers dedicated to grooming, white nationalism, self-harm, etc.
>associated with at least one murder, at least one missing teen, and a few live suicides
>major reason why ISIS spread
>rewards most extreme takes and purity-testing
>at one time the biggest source of qanon lore-creation/influencers
>content delivery system encourages witch-hunting and mass-bullying
>open-air pedo rings, some of the most extreme self-harm and anachan content on the internet, etc.
>hired someone with known connections to multiple pedos, then dragged their feet on firing them
>hosted subreddits that motivated multiple terrorists until basically a few weeks ago
>continues to host subreddits dedicated to abusing women
>doesn't vet moderators of subs for teens
>huge role in formalization of qanon movement
>mass glorification of depression and suicidal ideation
>spreads social contagion and dangerous 'challenges' among teens at a never-before-seen rate
>biggest source of qanon recruitment among teens
>massive amounts of harassment and cow-watching
>shit tons of pedobait
>extremely effective radicalizing force
>exposes children and boomers to an endless loop of brainrot
>hasn't even tried to meaningfully address its white nationalism problem
This media storm could have been turned into a mass reckoning or a catalyst for a conversation about the harmful effects of social media at large, but instead it feels like a cynical attempt at click-harvesting, using docs produced in an attempt to actually solve the problems that the company has. How is it fair that a company is getting absolutely dumped on in international news because it's actually trying to solve problems while a company like Discord doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about its pedo issues, let alone probably doesn't have any meaningful internal dialogue about them?
No. 949562
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>>949559Yep, so attractive, anon.
No. 949592
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>>949559When she was smaller she was far more attractive. I kind of found her hot when she was at the weight of picrel. She is far too heavy for my tastes now and her face looks weird.
No. 949723
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Jesus was actually white
No. 949795
>>949762Is this really this unpopular? I feel like it's common knowledge that the more chipper and cheery you are the more fake you must be.
>>949794>Gay men are totes worse than straight men who rape, beat, traffic and kill us because of muh drag kweensAt least you dropped the f-slur this time good old Homophobe-chan
No. 949806
>>949800>>949802>>949804I know you're a /pol/faggot baiting but I'll entertain you for a little while. I'm sorry but I'd much rather take a seething homo's fish smell cope through his tears than a straight incel who can and will slit my throat if I'm not complying to his sexual demands after he's done stalking me for 6 months. Gay men's misogyny is an entirely different thing than straight men's misogyny and they don't belong in the same sentence, trying to act like drag's womanfacing is exactly the same as a straight man's deeply ingrained, dangerous hate of women is ignorant and does reek of homophobia.
And other nonnies better listen up, you give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Once they've gotten comfortable bashing "faggots" under the guise of faux concern for misogyny they'll come after lesbians.
No. 949817
>>949794>>949802I agree, but I wouldn't say they're worse than straight men generally.
>>949806I believe they were trying to say that if a gay man is misogynistic, they can get away with it much more than a straight man and will call you homophobic if you ever try to call it out. But I think the original anon worded it badly.
No. 949819
>>949806> woman rightfully calls gay men's accepted misogyny THIS IS /POL/ BAIT!!11 HOW DARE A WOMAN NOT ACCEPT HATE FROM A MAN BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUALITY1!!1
Gay men want to slit your throat too. Sit at any bar counter where there are gay men in a room with women. They can be just as bad. Seethe harder fag hag.
No. 949828
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Cp simmer again bump
No. 949835
>>949806>they'll come after lesbiansAs if lesbians aren't already stigmatized more so than gay men.
> faux concern for misogyny Do you even know where you are?
No. 949860
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>>949795Gay men are the same as str8 men. They just beat, rape and abuse little boys. One of the worst rapists in modern history was this innocent little faggot right here. Gay men are scum just like straight men.
(bait) No. 949876
>>949863>>949870>Gay men can be worse than straight men"Gaslighting." Kek.
>>949865Mentioned because other anon said
>Once they've gotten comfortable bashing "faggots" under the guise of faux concern for misogyny they'll come after lesbians.And I know it's nowhere near 50% because of the male attracted ones seething.
No. 949882
>>949878anyone who's not beating off to women being raped is not worse. they can be as bad, though.
>>949877i honestly don't give a shit if i'm being real.
No. 949990
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Bump gore below
No. 950186
nonnie that was very interesting
No. 950210
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Impulse buys that you are constantly thinking of over a long period of time are still impulse buys, because you never leave that initial impulsive mindset in the first place. People say "well it's not an impulse buy because it's been three days/a week/a month and I still want it". No, that's just a prolonged impulse buy. It's no longer an impulse buy if you actually no longer think about it/forget it, then remember it in a mindset that's no longer impulsive and realize that it's still worth getting because you can more rationally think of why it's worth it.
No. 950211
>>950210you’re right, i got memed into buying a switch last year. i thought about it for months before i bought it, then bought it, played with it like twice, then it collected dust until i sold it for like 1/4 of what i payed for it. i don’t even like videogames and i never have
i seriously cannot trust myself with large purchases, i feel guilty as hell spending more than like $30, i really dont need anything that costs more than that, there’s absolutely no reason for me to spend a lot of money on anything
i’m retarded.
No. 950257
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Lady Eboshi was based, Calcifier isn’t as cute as people make him look, Totoro is creepy as fuck and not cute or funny, Marnie was there seemed more like the story of a girl in love with a fantasy girl until the plot tweest, and we almost reached the plot twist, it seemed like the failed love story of the painter lady and Marnie.
No. 950319
>>950272i sold it for super cheap because i live in a shithole state where everyone is broke as fuck and hillbillies, believe me i tried to sell it for more and it sat on marketplace for weeks
i was too lazy to ship it anywhere kek
No. 950419
>>950288I implore you to look into the massive online communities for DID and the things people report from their therapists.
Someone is convincing these people it's real and it's happening to them. Like that facilitated communication shit that used to get peddled. It may be rarely diagnosed, but I think it should never be diagnosed because it's got no basis in reality.
No. 950480
>>950425Why do men just suck in any job that's not manual labor? Every single woman I know who had a male pediatrician has had a shitty and creepy experience, men who work in mental health geared towards teens and children are especially creeps too. All men should be banned from being pediatricians IMO
Also men who work in other jobs like nail salons, hair salons, etc suck too and are usually coddled by other women who work there, male doctors tend to never take patient concerns seriously, male nurses tend to be misogynistic as fuck, men in the service industry suck too if their job requires customer service. They suck at cooking too
No. 950492
>>950431I had known one who was a nightmare (thing angry, aggressive troglodyte in a tracksuit - he was mostly teaching the boys, though there was a drama when he pushed an annoying girl into a glass door 'accidentally') and two really good ones. They were a father and a son, the father was elderly and super kind. The son was 30 at the most and always nice to us too (not in a creepy way). He understood when we had an important exam and let us study on part of the PE lesson. Made no problem when a girl could not exercise due to being on a period. Never creeped on us or did anything inappropriate. I guess I was lucky in that regard.
The female PE teachers that I had were awful, harsh and cruel to the "unworthy" (screaming at us like we were in military was normal) while endlessly cooing over the fit girls (one was obsessed with a certain student because someone from her family had a small role in a TV series).
I'm not saying male PE teachers aren't suspicious, but that's my personal experience that I wanted to share.
I agree with the other anon about only going to female gynos, why the fuck do male ones even exist?
No. 950816
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Cheese and turkey with stuff inside doesn't sound good to me. It always comes out dry
No. 950818
>>950722>thedirty.comHoly fuck what
And I thought lolcow was the devil lmaooo
No. 950839
>>950835Definitely yes as a pop artist, but not so much in general
She's this generation's big star pop diva, and she's good in that regard (big PR team, good shows, loved, sells millions, succesful music) but I can't stop thinking how she's just a consumerist product and how other celebs that have been huge pop stars in the past (like britney) had to make it to the top so she could go the same path as them as well. Like, this isn't new at all. Still very succesful though.
Also her music has always been made in such a way that it just fits "perfectly" with what women currently like. For example how she mentions in her song stuff about manifesting her future etc. Like why would she manifest anything if she already is famous and has a career thanks to DS?
No. 950867
>>950863Vent threads are to vent, it's like going to some random person who is having a bad day and start talking to them about how stupid they are
Like, even 4chan has vent threads where people let other people vent… and they're scrotes lol
No. 950869
>>950861No, what made you miserable is suggesting that anon go be a camwhore just because she committed the thought crime of liking attention.
You must be miserable for bringing that here, after all if it weren't true you just would have ignored it huh? Isn't that what you told her after she defended herself from your baseless bullshit? Gtfo you deserved it.
No. 950938
>>950038I think she ran a r/all or r/world/world news
And subs were/are pure propoganda
No. 951003
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Brown is the only pretty eye color. Icy blue is the worst
No. 951008
>>951003Hard disagree
Anything but brown. I hate my eye color
No. 951017
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I find it so weird when people talk about hating or liking certain specific eye colours. I don't really care about any eye colours, so I just find it strange to care about them
No. 951023
>>951003I like all eye colors except for blue tbh. I think dark brown and green are the prettiest.
Only semi-related since contacts are different, but people who wear blue contacts are the worst.
No. 951028
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>>951007I guess most of them have more of a gross day-old snow slush color with a slight hint of blue rather than icy but it's not completely unheard of where I'm from either and on the internet you see it a lot on shooped selfies. Paul Hollywood also unfortunately exists.
I’m really glad it’s not as prevalent irl.
No. 951034
>>951029Oh no I don't have any hang ups, I just think they're very obvious and usually have that scary "icy" color that doesn't look good
natural blue eyes can be icy too, but it's not that common ime, so I associate it with contacts the most. The "people who wear blue contacts are the worst" thing was just me being dramatic.
No. 951041
>>951035lol do you have blue eyes?
anyone with brown eyes has probably felt at some point like they’re ugly or wished they had a different eye color. i pay attention to the eye color of every single person i meet
when i was younger i wanted blue eyes so bad, felt like my brown eyes were ugly. but ive messed around with different eye colors, and blue looks absolutely hideous on me. green looks cool and pretty natural though on me
No. 951042
i believe that from young, males should have very, very limited access to the internet. just ignoring all the degenerate shit that they do that gets talked about every now and then, you can't even trust the younger ones to not fuck shit up, even for themselves. fucks sake close to where i live, every other week there's a major headline about how some 13 or 15 year old moid signed up for grindr or tinder knowing damn well that they're hookup apps, matched with someone significantly older, met up, had sex with them, got caught, and subsequently got themselves and the retarded adult charged in court. why are we wasting so much resources on them?
No. 951058
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>>951051I live in an area where most people have brown eyes and dark brown hair, even though most people in other parts of my country have the opposite so light eyes and hair are considered the beauty standard. However, I've changed my eye colour on photos and worn coloured contacts before, and I've got to say that it would make me look extremely weird.
I've got large, protruding eyes that look nice when brown but would be extremely creepy if they were any other colour. I looked like pic related with blue contacts in.
I don't think there's a most beautiful colour for everyone, some people just suit different things.
No. 951090
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>>951049Yeah i think that's quite the unpopular opinion. It's really easier to have a striking gaze when you have light eyes (even if sometimes it's in a creepy way like
>>951058). They might also be more expressive since you can see the dilation of the pupils better. I remember being jealous that my brother was the one with light eyes as a child when mine are plain brown but quickly stopped caring about mine, when on other people I prefer blue eyes.
>>951078Not shitting on you in particular but light eyed people can be insufferable, when you tell someone they have brown eyes they say yeah, but when you tell someone they have blue eyes they go AKSCHUALLY they are seafoam green with a dash of mid-cyan and they have violet undertones when there's thunder outside. When really people say blue eyes to mean light and brown eyes to say dark. Most people also don't closely inspect you to pinpoint the exact pantone shade of your irises.
Now that I think about it i did know a white girl in uni insisting her brown eyes were hazel or something, she must have been insecure about her eyes.
No. 951122
>>951118i noticed the same thing! why does this convo have to keep happening it exactly reminds me of that stupid tumblr post about how beautiful brown eyes are when they hit the sunlight and so on… just sounds like a cope
agreed, an eye colour is attached to a face, so the eye colour usually doesnt matter, more generally i take note if someone is attractive overall, im not going to rule someone out due to eye colour
No. 951152
>>951049I have brown eyes too, I've never wished for any other color - brown is fine. I think hazel eyes are very pretty. There's no eye colors I don't like though, it's not something I think about much
Ngl the "romanticize beautiful brown eyes" cope that started on Tumblr makes me feel bad for them. They must have been insecure about it for a long time. But there's no need to shit on other eyes colors to feel better about their own.
No. 951162
>>951133yeah, the few times I've talked about preferring other eye colors online (brown eyed men are the best) I've gotten a bunch of people rushing in to tell me I'm jealous and coping. I think it's because they're so used to people telling them they have pretty eyes that any tiny hint of dissent
triggers them lol
No. 951277
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>>951152"romanticize" anything is pure cringe. people have preferences and sometimes the way you are doesn't match most people's and it's okay. most people like colorful things and blue is a lot of people's favorite color, plus blue eyes are uncommon in most parts of the world, so yeah figures. but it's so superficial and stupid to want to equalize and redistribute people's attention or admiration like it's grain in a socialist state, even though it's impossible to get people to feel genuine aesthetic emotion towards something they normally wouldn't (disabled or disfigured people, people of a different race, quasi-objective ones like fat people and trannies, even something as trivial and arbitrary as eye color or facial features, etc).
the fact that those people encourage to "romanticize !!" really tells on the insecurity that motivates it, it's never genuine enjoyment of something that falls in line with a more uncommon preference, which would be more inviting and interesting (or maybe some people are like that but their voices are definitely drowned by the anxious people demanding asspats for their imperfections).
this kind of sensitivity to even the tiniest slight of not being part of the most popularly desired in body type or eye color etc that's promptly consoled by outcries of "give to me also the same attention that different people get to enjoy !!" is the reason why everybody stagnates in shallowness, immature self-indulgence and sometimes delusion (inifinifats anyone ?), instead of saying yeah i'm not perfect looking, but i do have control over working hard, taking care of myself, being loving and kind etc.
and the "normalize !!" crowd is obviously even worse but y'all know that lmao
No. 951316
>>951152>Ngl the "romanticize beautiful brown eyes" cope that started on Tumblr makes me feel bad for them. They must have been insecure about it for a long timeI don't, imagine being insecure about something as meaningless as eye colour lmfao. They did it to themselves.
>>951231at least eyebrows help you emote and look human. Perceived lack of eyebrows is uncanny valley
No. 951430
>>951277Don't really agree. There are certain features and colors that I wouldn't have found attractive if I'd never seen good examples of them. Also, pre-existing preferences aren't exactly as natural as you kind of make them out to be either. There was the medieval period where people thought having no eyebrows, zero lips and no hairline was a sign of high beauty lol
Everyone's just trying to push their shit, I don't see a problem with it. It's only cringe if you're too honest about it or try to make it a moralistic thing. Don't try to guilt people into liking brown eyes or like…women with big noses and no asses. Just draw attention to attractive people who do look that way, and don't order the audience to do or feel shit about it. Let it be. Eventually, they'll pick up on it themselves. Just like how no one is begged to consider blond hair and blue eyes attractive, but attractive people with those features are placed in a lot of media instead of fugly ones. It's not by mistake, it's a legacy of good PR lol
No. 951582
>>951003kek I love how
triggered this made anons. I don't think brown is the only pretty color (tbh I don't care
that much about eye color), but I find blue overrated
>>951127Ikr? Anons immediately jumped to accusations of jealousy and coping, and bringing up people on Tumblr saying "normalize"/"romanticize" brown eyes when the original post said nothing like that, just that she thinks brown eyes are prettier. It's funny how the reverse usually isn't questioned, but hell breaks loose if you dare say you prefer brown eyes.
>>951513>we're only insecure because the idea that brown eyes are inferior and ugly and blue/light eyes are superior is shoved on us 24/7 from an early ageThis is true and idk why anons are acting so obtuse. And it's especially true if you're a woman who also has brown hair, that oftentimes gets you labeled "plain", meanwhile I don't think I've seen men get called that for having the same eye and hair color combination. It's fucking retarded.
No. 951599
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>>951582>>951582My middle and high school had "best hair", "best fashion", and so on in the yearbook each year. For "best eyes" every single year it was always two random kids with freaky light blue eyes like
>>951589 with no limbal rings. I don't even dislike blue eyes, but it just annoyed me because there is so much more to eye beauty than color. Also pic rel is how big of a difference a limbal ring makes.
No. 951601
>>951582I don't bash people with blue eyes or anything but this is true, and now that most men and women are porn addicts if you have no fetishizable features you're boring, plain and ugly if you aren't blonde, asian, ginger, black or whatever the fuck porn hub is pedaling as hot now
Interesting enough, I've met plenty of men who find brown hair to be the most attractive hair color, I also have brown eyes but constantly men make comments on how sexy my eyes are since I have a nice eye shape, if something is nicely presented then having a different color something won't save you unless you are specifically catering to fetishists who don't care what you look like as long as if you have that feature they like
No. 951634
>>951599It's a weird thing in society, "x feature is good therefore anyone with x feature is attractive regardless of other attributes"
I'm not even jealous since I've seen it happen to both genders, the 2000s emos were bad with this since anyone with cool emo hair would be held up like they were a damn model even if they had the face of a gorilla all because of emo hair, now we're seeing this with all kinds of other features. At least back then you had to have nice emo hair, now you can have child-molesting priest eyes but ~uwu they're blue~
No. 951804
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bright unnatural colored lipsticks look really cool on dark skin I wish I saw it more
No. 951864
Student loan debt forgiveness or free university education shouldn't even be a point of discussion until we can get universities to cut down on unnecessary expenses.
I paid $6000 for my electrical course to get into the industry. During orientation they introduced us to religious chaplains, doctors, nurses, advisors, therapists, etc. I don't want to be paying for any of that, as a taxpayer or a student. Colleges should be forced to be solely about learning. If I wanted a therapist, I'd pay for a therapist. If I wanted a religious Chaplin, I'd go to a church.
No special events, no free giveaways, no gyms. It should be barebones about learning. If you want to go to a university that has all that superfluous stuff, you should have to pay the cost yourself and get a loan approved from the private sector (which needs collateral).
I really don't know where people want it to end. If it keeps on going the way it is you'll have Jacuzzis and therapeutic massages at colleges, all part of the "university experience".
No. 951869
>>951864my small town community college kept doing that and they're the only college within hours from here it's insane. They kept adding things to the college that most people didn't even use because they had weird hours where most people were in class, financial aid barely covered anything too. They also have massage chairs no even knows about or uses
most of the time it's not students asking for that it's just rando costs just to add to tuition and it kicks out lower class and puts everyone in debt, completely ruins the point of my little community college in buttfuck Montana which was bland and cheap and now runs up to 10k a semester as if rich people buying up houses and trying to kick locals out just to complain about how rough living in the mountains here isn't enough. Is there any place in America right now rich haven't and don't plan on moving?
No. 951901
>>951601pornsick men are disgusting but this has nothing to do with porn. people say brown hair is plain because an overwhelming majority of people on earth have brown hair, so it's objectively really common and not rare, as opposed to blonde or red hair, which are also brighter in colour and attract the human eye. being asian or black is also rarer in white-majority countries. IDK why rare = desirable (maybe it's different = desirable so that you don't risk having the kind of shitty offspring you could risk having with someone too close genetically ?), but it's way, way older than porn. Else how could there still be blonde people when the gene is really recessive ? People liked it and decided to reproduce with the few northern mutants who had it.
I still don't understand how color can override facial features and structure, that's the real mystery here.
No. 951904
>>951901I know this is going to
trigger a lot of anons but "Eurocentric beauty standards imposed and promoted by European colonization and western mass media".
No. 951929
>>951904it's about as
triggering as saying water is wet, thank you for your irreplaceable furthering of this conversation.
No. 951949
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i hate how they market alexa as a ‘member of the family’ like that’s SO fucking blatantly insidious and terrifying also if i wanted an untrustworthy/cold/emotionless machine in my life i’d just talk to my fuckin father
No. 951956
>>951951I have blue eyes myself.
Sorry, did it hurt your feelings finding out you're not speshul for having certain color hair or eyes. Is that the only thing you have going for you?
No. 952257
>>952030My parents are agoraphobic with folie-à-deux tendencies. They have no friends and don’t go out.
Two antisocial people procreating yet still being lifelong weird misanthropes who hate each other too happens
nonnie. I lived it.
No. 952263
>>952255obviously I mean men and women? We're on lolcow not in University
>>952246I'm not saying it is in all scenarios but porn really fucked everyone up as a generation, and there's no denying that, I mostly mean this for gay men but some women has definitely been influenced by porn
No. 952273
>>952263Nta, but the juxtaposition just sounds awkward to complaining anon.
Also I complained because you seemed to have implied that you can be turned gay by porn. Even if someone has a fetish if there in some way straight, they wouldn't really be able to have sex with the same sex ( or Well, more accurately have it be enjoyable)
No. 952351
>>952291I agree that if anything is flexible it's a man sexuality and I think there actually far more likely to be bi or experiment sexually then they admit to.
>>952312Idk anon sounds pretty gay to me still; though I suppose if you hated the nitty gritty of sex or a relantioship with a woman you are probably " straight"
No. 952838
Every fucking time I see some random video about deformed people popping up on my youtube I get reminded how much I fucking HATE people. Their egoism allows such atrocities to exist. Creatures whose short lives are filled with nothing but pain. This girl died at age 10 after like 30 surgeries. Yesterday someone sent me an article about a boy who was born without an anus. what the fuck. What drives those people? Because surely it's not fucking love. Allowing those children to live is sadistic. I fucking hate those parents and I hope their children will die as soon as possible. I want their suffering to end, their parents sure as hell don't want the same, because their fee fees about keeping the child alive are more important.
No. 952873
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>>952852I work in the restaurant industry so shit gets crazy but I worked at this restaurant in the Northwest and it was god fucking awful. I am an experienced pizza maker at high end restaurants and they put me as a mother fucking BUSER despite the fact they were desperate for a pizza chef and the entire kitchen was begging me to work in the back because of this reason after I made them pizza several times and I didn't get paid shit and the boss knew damn well I was an adult with bills to pay but kept promoting everyone else for no reason when the rest of employees including the owner was begging him to move me in the back. Boss also kept excusing shitty behaviors like the fact everyone was coked out or the crazy old bat housekeeper who kept attacking other employees and broke a girls phone but he kept her around and it was actually other people who got in trouble for reporting her behavior. Small businesses and Big businesses have their ups and downs unfortunately if you want your bills paid and half decent ethics you have to work at a big business since big businesses usually have more higher ups to report to when managers wanna be shit heads
No. 952888
>>952885>Referring to disabled people as foodWhat the fuck is wrong with you?
>>952886I don't know, I was a pretty smart 2 year old.
No. 952942
>>952888>never hearing disabled people being referred to as vegetables beforebitch what? even disabled people will joke about how they're veggies kek
>>952901this, if we have the modern day science to prevent people from living lives that just suck the life out of everyone around them why not? why shouldn't we further human kind? It's not evil to admit that a man who is wheelchair bound, can't wipe after pooping and can't form a sentence is going to be much more productive than a man who can read, write, and be athletic like normal. No one should be forced to sign up to be someones forever caretaker just because improving human evolution and everyone elses quality of life hurts your feefees
No. 953119
>>953104lol no not all countries have the same violent past. my people have never genocided, nuked and bombed anyone. settle down, missy
>I saw some tard say that Hitler basically got the idea for the Holocaust from the way America treated it’s native population.uh, yeah. that's true, anon. the nazis said so themselves…
No. 953130
>>953119not the same but every couyntry has some history of violence yeah.
violence and slavery etc has been around forever, everyone is a loser no one wins best history award
No. 953251
>>953104fucking thank you. all "great" countries and little ones back then (duchies counties etc) were in gruesome war most of the time. that was the fucking default, they disputed land and resources. even though between native people there also always was war, natives were unprepared and didn't stand a chance when europeans came so it resulted in bloodbath. that's just the way the world worked at the time, even though now we have hindsight and the empathy to see how tragic it really was. of course native people are still wounded and devastated, and they have a right to be. it doesn't mean murican retards on twitter enjoying the luxury of living in a first world country however imperfect it may be should clutch their pearls because history isn't the teletubbies.
No. 953527
>>951003I agree. brown eyes are so fucking beautiful, they're like slowly easing into a pool of warm chocolate. brown eyes don't get half as much love as they deserve
blue eyes can be beautiful too though!
No. 953539
>>953535Nta but if you give birth to the kid because the evaluations didn’t say anything about the kid being terribly disabled, there’s no other way but to raise the kid because you’re responsible for them wether you like it or not.
The important thing is that you don’t have anymore kids after having a heavily disabled child, because you could end up having a whole garden full of vegetables that will make everything difficult.
No. 953542
>>953532Let’s be honest, if you wanted to stop being monitored 24/7, you would also have stop using the internet and you would have a simple cellphone like an old Nokia.
Like, at this point everyone just gave up.
No. 953602
>>953542Here's the problem: most of us don't have the choice to not own a smartphone because it's required for our jobs and/or studies in education. I literally can't even log in onto the systems at my job if I didn't own a smartphone. and IF you can go without a smartphone, you most definitely can't go without some type of device that's connected with the internet. It's not a choice anymore.
>>953583>disable phone assistantsMine keeps turning on everything after I disable it. So fucking annoying, I wish there was a way to permanently remove it from my smartphone all together.
No. 953651
>>953602I'm sure you can find some tips on how to remove it permanently somewhere. If you're concerned about privacy, though, use Apple products because they're moderately more ethical wrt privacy than other tech companies. Or Blackberry if you're super autistic about privacy.
When it comes to data harvesting/privacy, though, the way that it works is that companies that sell ads will build a profile about you based on websites you've visited and things you've clicked on in the past (you can see your google profile here: When a business buys ads from the company, they'll target them by selecting the characteristics of the people they want to see the ads, e.g. '18-35, female, US and Canada, interested in sewing'. Unless you've caught the attention of an alphabet agency, no one person or company is accessing your particular internet habits, it's all done in aggregate to sell crap or personalize the user experience. You can also ostensibly turn off data harvesting for any given platform, though I wouldn't necessarily trust Amazon, Google, or Samsung to respect your wishes
No. 953663
Otherwise, you're right. America was the leader in eugenics research and policy in the early 20th century, and that output was highly influential on Nazi Germany. There's a great book on the American eugenics movement called War Against the Weak.
No. 953728
>>946311ehh twerking can be trashy but it also can be cute and just down right fun to do with friends in the club. Especially if you have a fat ass. If you are flat i can see why twerking would
trigger and gross you out so much.
Personally though as an american with Caribbean roots i prefer to wine over twerking just because its more sultry and involves gyrating your hips in a fun yet sexy way. Plus its easier to learn than twerking which i am not good at nor will i ever be. My big butt was wasted on me LMAO.
No. 953746
>>953716AWW anon im so proud of you for making it out and going back to school. im planning on going back to school next year too! I dont think society cares about or focuses on the youth that grew up in poor volatile environments so by the time they reach adulthood and can "get out and start fresh" they've already been so traumatized and lack any resources or help to even get started. So many kids have been shown the absolute worst shit that most adults just started experiencing or STILL havent even gone through yet. Yet they are expected to by 22 be on the same level as their peers who experienced normal healthy childhoods. Its fucked that adulthood has this one size fits all label when we all know one size rarely fits everybody. But im so glad that even though we did struggle, we were able to see the light and keep going. Like you said that is growth! I hope you have a lovely Halloween
No. 953805
>>953758kek i was thinking the same thing
& nah twerking is weird looking and the name of it is ugly i just think its all bad
No. 953821
>>953798I want to study people with really bad and weird fetishes. I'm kind of tired of the "accept vs not accept" debate because it'll never end, and those "hobbies" will exist regardless of how much they disgust anyone
It'd be interesting to learn about them, figure out what physical and inner traits they share, what made them the way they are, etc
No. 953833
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yves saint laurent black opium smells so nasty! i see this perfume recommended all the time by lots of people, it seems really popular. but i can’t stand the smell of it, it’s sickening!! i tried the neon version too and that one is also nasty IMO. lots of people like this one though, different strokes for different folks i guess
No. 953836
>>953821Me too. I've had a BDSM/submissive fetish before I knew what sex was. Seeing characters tied up made me "feel funny" and like I needed to pee. One of my first memories was trying to tie myself to a chair.
But why do I have it? Was I born with it, was I sexually abused as a baby? I wish I knew.
No. 953853
>>953836Holy shit same anon, except I tied up dolls. How are you dealing with it?
Yesterday I came to a realization of what this may have been started by, but I'm not 100% sure of that tbh
No. 953876
>>953853What's the realization? I remember Aladdin with my dad when I was like 3 or 4 and when the underwater scene came on I covered my eyes because it didn't feel appropriate kek.
>>953858I would have had to have been exposed by someone because the internet wasn't a thing yet and my parents were too cheap for cable TV kek.
No. 953881
>>953798That's popular everywhere except radfems spaces.
Strongly disagree, we should kinkshame with impunity to try and reverse the massively debilitating effects of porn on people's psyche. BDSM and anything age related especially need to go, it's almost always women who are harmed and degraded by kinks.
No. 953907
>>953876I may be totally wrong about this, but
when I was 5 or 6, my parents took me to eat out at a restaurant. We were sitting in a garden, on one of those benches with table in between them. I was reading a Disney magazine with short stories in it as we were waiting for the waiter/food. Suddenly a strange man was sitting next to me, he was a Gypsy or Arab. He started talking how pretty I am, where did my parents get me etc. It felt so wrong, but I didn't know why. I tried to brush him off. I was horrified and tried to focus on my Disney magazine, maybe even my dad told me to as he was trying to handle the situation. I was reading an illustrated story where Megara was tied to a post or something by Hades. Finally my parents have either managed to get the dude to fuck off or he did it on his own. In case you wanna ask why my parents weren't immediately aggressive, they were horrified he's gonna grab me and drive off in his presumed car. I doubt I became turned on right then - I was horrified by the attention of a pedo, but I did when I re-read the story at home, later on. I don't mean to say that the experience with a terrible man flirting with a 6 year old me was a turn-on or sexy, but it was my first experience that was sexually tense, if it makes sense. I blame it on the first sexual association. Or maybe I'm wrong, since the term (?) doesn't have a name outside of creepy Christian doctrine. Does anyone have a better source on that? No. 953928
>>953907Diff anon but I developed a bizarre fetish after being raised in a house where my parents were just really batshit about certain types of manners being important. I can pinpoint the lecture that my mom gave me that went on to create a fetish in me. I hate it but I've heard moments of intense frustration, fear, humiliation.. all that have the ability to do it. It somehow gets linked to arousal and once that link is there it's a bitch to try and ignore its existance. Heightened feelings do it.
I was one of those kids who was deathly scared of popping balloons.. I watched a whole documentary about people with balloon popping fetishes lately. It's kind of disturbing to think about all the ins and outs of how fetishes come to be.
No. 954025
>>953979To add to this
broke: "any woman can be a lesbian!"
woke: "bisexual and even straight women don't have to date men ever in their lives if they don't want to"
No. 954185
>>954053Is this really true or does it just seem like that because they're short?
I don't personally give manlets the time of day. But I've never gotten the vibes that they're overcompensating.
No. 954198
>>954185Insecure men come in all forms but short men tend to have it even more. If they tried compensating in better ways they would be more popular among women (being funny, working out, making lots of money and not being afraid to spend it, being sweet, etc)
most are stupid though and just get dumb cars and trucks no one cares about besides other men and then go work low-paying blue collar jobs or IT with no motive to go further and think insulting or negging women is going to help them
No. 954227
>>954203I get it from everyone, even other non-overweight people. And i'm healthy, promise. It's like the "look" of what's healthy has been skewed by how obese everyone is, except me somehow. I know what an unhealthily skinny person looks like, and it's not me.
I hate the low brow looks I get, I had someone dare tell me I am perpetuating dangerous beauty standards. In retrospect I wish i had slapped her across the face for trying to make me feel guilty over something I have no control over, as if i choose what beauty standards we get (plus skinny was only briefly the beauty standard, thick is in again, get over it). People also love to ignore that skinny shaming was the main thing going on before this obesity pandemic we live in. The more obese we get, even people on the high end of a healthy bmi are going to be seen as "unhealthily skinny".
No. 954233
can choose to be skinny though?
No. 954248
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>>954227>tell me I am perpetuating dangerous beauty standards. In retrospect I wish i had slapped her across the face Don't sweat it. Dangerous beauty standards? They're basically calling you dangerously beautiful.
No. 954351
>>954259Yeah. No one makes fun of fat girls because they are jealous of them. No one wants to be the fat girl.
On the other hand, being skinny is great. Clothes look better on you, you look better, and (unfortunately?) people are nicer to you.
No. 954383
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>>952282on balance, I think I am
nonnie. I do appreciate the concern. I moved out a long long time ago and live in another country after I finished college which I moved away for as well.
I was bullied at school and at home and at some of my jobs because I am a weird loner but I genuinely believe my life is happier and more free than most normies. I have never felt bound by social mores. Nobody has ever expected me to get married, have children, own a house etc.
I thoroughly enjoy solitary activities, have ties to no one, almost zero commitments except to myself. I do team sports so get a sense of community from that and that's all I need re: social interaction. I have a stable well-paying job that allows me fincancial security to be as strange as I want in my own time.
No. 954496
>>954451Domestic violence is a risk on an individual level but a large population of single men is dangerous on a societal level. Increase in trafficking, rape, harassment etc. Look at any country with a population imbalance - India or China for example.
The solution is obviously not that we should feel obligated to partner up with them for our own safety (because it seems like that's your interpretation…). Maybe men need to be shipped off to labour camps and kept away from women, shit goes wrong when they aren't used as cannon fodder to thin out their numbers. It's either that or they improve themselves but we know that won't happen.
No. 954515
>>954509You're being insanely obtuse. No shit being single is safer ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL in the current social climate, but that's because the vast majority of women are still in relationships and men aren't being denied access to our bodies en masse. If every woman decided to be single and celibate, that safety would be negated because you'd suddenly have a massive population of incels on your hands. It's just a fact that we can see in societies where there aren't enough women to go around.
Again, I am not suggesting that we're responsible for preventing this by partnering with men, and considering I've been a volcel for a decade I am the first to acknowledge how much I benefit from being single. I'd still be fucking terrified if there was a surplus of single men.
No. 954603
>>954524Nta but why bring up feminism of any kind?
Married or not scrotes will scrote. Were just grasping at straws by this point
No. 954635
>>954616It’s just retarded to say that just because someone, who might not even be a woman, comes here to say they hate men and that they want all male babies to get aborted, it means that all radfems are just like that.
I’m pretty sure that only like 10% of the board’s population has actually read and cares about radfem ideals.
And I’m pretty sure that real radfems are not even posting in anonymous imageboards.
You’re being retarded for assuming that this place is a radfem board.
No. 954666
>>954658>>954520forgot to add that I
already eat above maintenance, I don't have an active lifestyle, I work from home and sit on my ass inside most of the day.
No. 954889
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>>954856I hated pretty much the entirety of the Cartoon Network. I loved Nickelodeon, I loved the Disney Channel, I'd usually leave the room if Cartoon Network was on. Johnny Bravo was okay though I guess.
No. 954891
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>>954872Same. Why I loved SpongeBob
No. 954937
>>954935Sounds like bait, but on the off-chance that this genuine
>hairlessMost adult women have body hair. The only adult women without body hair are women who are unhealthy and women who shave their hair. This is implying that women in their natural state is inherently ‘masculine’
>paleThis is a race-based beauty standard, not a feminine beauty standard
>quiet or demureYou took the angry/sassy black women stereotype as a realistic depiction of black women, didn’t you?
No. 954940
>>954889agreed for the most part but courage the cowardly dog was great
>>954863totally spies was fine, the people who saw fetish shit everywhere in that cartoon and pointed it out are mentally disturbed coomer moids
No. 954971
>>954935I do think that black women masculinise by trying too hard to relate with black men when really gender rather then race makes a bigger impact on your lived experiences. They are forced into masculine roles because unlike women of other races, they are often the provider and have never been placed on any kind of pedestal or treated like flowers. In terms of looks, black women are only considered masculine when you force them into a Eurocentric standard of beauty.
>>954948>taller and more muscularThis part is not true at all. I personally associate height in women more strongly with Scandinavian women. Maybe stronger features as in wider noses and bigger lips, which are considered highly feminine, but not in a masculine way i.e being angular.
No. 955011
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>>954935Black women are as inherently feminine as any other group of women, euros and people from MENA have way more body hair on average than other racial groups, euros and people from MENA are taller on average than other racial groups, and the idea that shyness or thinness is feminine is completely culture-bound.
No. 955025
>>954937>The only adult women without body hair are women who are unhealthy and women who shave their hairOfftopic but not true at all. My amerindian grandmother has always been soft and hairless everywhere but her head. I'm mestiza and always envied it. It's very interesting to see really, the whiter you are, the hairier. For example my mom is hairier than my grandma but I'm hairier than my mom and it's the same for my cousins and aunts.
This actually reminds me of the european women and the long armpit hair stereotype, and makes me wonder if it's possible that europeans in america, having been exposed to indigenous american women and their hairless legs/arms/underarms/etc – unlike the ones that stayed in europe – took it upon themselves to incorporate it into their female grooming standards.
No. 955185
>>954935>>954948How did this awful racebait get so many replies and no redtext lol?
You just rehashed shit said by pathetic, racist trannies and put a fake radfem veneer on top ("Trans women are women the same way black women are women! Womanhood is a white social construct, black women face transphobia because they're basically men! Most masculine women btw!!"), and some people even agreed. Sad
I think this is actually good, though. Black women (and all non-white women) should know that even radical feminism is full of retarded, racist white people who will denigrate them and pretend it's #woke
I can't wait for the next hot feminist "totally-not-troon-and/or-bitter-racist" take saying "Asian women can't really be feminists, they are inherently submissive pick-mes and they literally look like little girls. They're basically naive children who don't know what they're doing, just like my japanese anime waifus. We need to protect them, they are like our children uwu". I'm sure some embarrassing weebs will agree with that too
No. 955219
>>955211honestly i've also seen this rhetoric even from some liberal black women, less feminine black women being complacent about it and blaming it on external factors. obviously not all women, black or otherwise, have to be feminine to have value, but
your own personal failure at femininity (i say failure because most of them have actively attempted and gave up) has nothing to do with your blackness and implying so hurts all black women.
No. 955255
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Forgiving actual bullies is not conducive to healing or healthy self-esteem. The trauma of being bullied and not being accepted by your peers for a long period will actually cause irreversible changes in the brain. Forgiveness won't undo what they did to you. Any apology they give is for their own ego, forgiving them is giving them one last dopamine rush at your expense. How humiliating.
No. 955301
>>955293Not that anon but what they're trying to say is most women have hetero (straight) romantic desires (as opposed to sexual) where their sexuality falls more towards asexual or homosexual (not sexually attracted to men/or attracted to women more)
Kinda agree and disagree, I think men as a gender are just markedly more disgusting (physically unkempt, dirty, addicted, bad personalities and so on) and if they all tried a little harder those heteroromantic women would be more sexually attracted to them.
Men tend to be sexually attracted to virtually anything thus their sexuality is sexual over romantic, hence the word being more applicable to males than females.
Inb4 someone appears to tell how much they love fucking their Nigel, still women are much less sexually attracted to men as a gender than men are to women/anything, which I think is anon's point.
No. 955302
>>955298>Meanwhile it is obvious that when females have actual sexual desires they are always oriented towards other females or even themselvesObvious how? What?
Do you even talk to straight people irl and have you seen the horny threads here?
No. 955306
>>955302>still women are much less sexually attracted to men as a gender than men are to women/anythingYeah men as a group are huge ugly sluts.
Doesn't mean all women are lesbians though. It's infamously a struggle to be an actually same-sex attracted woman.
>>955304I wonder if it's bait or if people actually believe these things.
No. 955317
>>955309So you're accusing farmers of being male kek.
I think you sound like on of those men who are bitter that women reject him so he calls them dyke.
No. 955336
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>>955304It's the same retarded tranny using the opposite bait now.
No. 955342
>>955255lmao ridiculous. you're on an imageboard made to bully and shit talk women and you feel entitled to make such a ridiculous claim like bullies should never deserve forgiveness? i swear farmers have zero self awareness. talk about throwing stones in glass houses.
people who identify as
victims need to get back down on earth and realise everyone experiences some form of abuse/bullying/exclusion at some point in life, and not everything is about them all the time. i say this as someone who was bullied a lot in school. it's so fucking excrutiating to socialise with people who have chronic
victim mentality and never shut up about themselves. it should be some kind of psychological condition in and of itself.
>>954856jesus fuck thank you. all kids cartoons were absolute trash and always seemed to pander to the most annoying ADHD/aspie boys.
No. 955349
>>955346Yeah exactly, it's certainly not a lesbian anon.
>>955336You could def be right.
No. 955351
>>955344you need to get some perspective and stop exaggerating. if you bully mentally ill girls online that's fine but if stacy called you fat in middle school once you've been subjected to torture and abuse? thanks for proving my point. real torture happens you know, and you need to consider that whatever petty grudges you have do not compare to actual real world problems.
>you disagree with me? i decide you're a bullyah, a perfect example of BPD black and white thinking.
No. 955442
>>955382They need to work more on their people skills and looks instead of assuming all women are lesbian or asexual.
But that would take effort! Oh no!
No. 955559
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>>955486I like it better this way bc the man hate can spill into every thread making it more inhospitable for wandering scrotes. In fact I haven't been manhateposting lately and look at the state, scrotes and twitterlibfems crawling everywhere. Post more manhate and yaoi!!!
No. 955564
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>>955559Nta but true. There shouldn't be a man-hate containment thread, manhate should be all over the entire site.
No. 955569
>>955561Let’s be honest, most people already barely speak their own language, which is why we have a bunch of new words that outside of some memes don’t make sense.
Might as well accelerate the process and keep the countries’ original languages as a cultural choice, only those who give a fuck about the culture of their country will know how to speak the language and those who don’t won’t have to worry about being always considered inferior for not learning a foreign language.
No. 955830
>>955817I can see your point anon, but this one is hilarious imo
>>955828ikr? and its always men who do this which makes it worse
No. 956027
>>955255I agree that "forgiving" people that abuse you is just weird and masochistic. But you (ideally) should be able to do a "yeah that happened". I don't think children have free will, teenagers yeah, but anyone under 11 is operating too much under instinct. Being bullied by someone at school at that age is comparable to being mauled by a pitbull, the fault should lie with the adults putting you in that situation.
Frankly even the worst case of bullying with heavy PTSD is little different to rolling schizophrenia or cerebral palsy in life. It feels different because you imagine that things could've been so much different if it just didn't happen, well, paranoid schizophrenics feel the same way about it with their genes. People that got in a car crash that paralyzed them feel the same way about driving to the shop that day.
Bullying naturally exists as pecking order bullshit and always kinda sucked, but I really don't think it debilitated people's lives before the public school system. I don't think people growing up on farms that hang out close to their relatives all day were at risk of being traumatized by other kids to the point of brain damage. He or she might be excluded by the other children, but they would not be forced in an environment around them.
The school system is 100% responsible for all cases of extreme bullying. What makes bullying inescapable for many people is the propaganda the public school system puts out about bullying. The most sickening thing is that children are taught in kids media and by the schools that bullies are all secretly weak and insecure, and that "one day they'll be pumping gas and you'll be successful :^)". It's literally an opiate cope that the school system pumps out to keep children complicit in their suffering so no violence happens. Teacher's and administrators jobs are safe if a kid gets bullied and kills himself years later, they're not safe if the bullied kid brings a knife to school and stabs his bully in the back. The latter results in their job loss, and that's what the system works to avoid, it's cynical but it is the truth.
A child being bullied to the point of damage is like a child being given junk food growing up to the point of diabetes. Bullying is a failure of the parents and the teachers. I say this as a child that was both a bully and bullied at different times, I know what it's like from both ends.
No. 956041
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Smiley fries taste like shit
No. 956082
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>>956081I like the shake shack fries with cheese and bacon
No. 956122
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I think Bart is more likely than Lisa to be successful at life.
While not as intelligent as Lisa, he often displays a keen wit, is highly competitive and is highly motivated when he gets involved in something he enjoys. He often rises to the top of hierarchies and has a strong "will to power". He is gregarious and extroverted, traits that help a lot in the real world.
Lisa is shown to be intelligent but there's always been a hint of pretentiousness and antisocial moralizing mixed in. Plus she suffers from depression and loses motivation for things once she comes across any significant hurdle or perceived unfairness.
I think all of Bart's apparent sloth would disappear as he aged. He'd be out from the shitty school system that he hates and he'd seek out opportunities he enjoys. All the future Simpsons episodes show him being a burnt out loser, which is a possibility if he becomes an addict, but not a likely. I can more see Lisa pittering out the second she steps out from academia, she doesn't really have a strive of her own and most of her hobbies and excessive studying comes from a desire for validation rather than sincere love.
No. 956166
>>956122I don’t think it’s right to read Lisa as wholly externally motivated. While it’s true that her tastes run a little pretentious, she doesn’t get any praise from the other residents of Springfield for her worldliness. If anything, her saxophone playing and academic interests only serve to isolate her from her community and mark her out as an object of derision. Even her teachers and family treat her intellectual passions with wry exhaustion at the best of times and open mockery at the worst.
The fact that she persists in pursuing her bookish interests in an environment that’s fundamentally hostile towards her way of life means that she’s more than a teacher’s pet. While she’s been shown to have spells of competition anxiety and self doubt, I think time spent in an adversarial Springfield will have hardened her against most of what the wider world can throw at her. A single taste of liberation from the uncomprehending cruelty of her hometown will furnish her with motivation for the future. Like the show predicts, I think she’ll do well.
Bart has a less consistent characterization in the show, which makes if hard to really nail down what he’ll be like as an adult. Sometimes he’s charismatic and popular, and other times he and Milhouse are dweeby losers. He occasionally throws himself wholeheartedly into schemes, but he’s also barely able to muster the motivation to prevent himself from getting held back a grade. I think Matt Groening intended Bart to be his self insert in a lot of ways, so it’s definitely true that be could end up successful. It’s also not unlikely that he ends up a bum though, if only because he doesn’t seem to really have any prejudice against living that way.
No. 956169
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>>956042I've reached enlightenment and moved on entirely to sweet potato fries. So many places make mediocre regular fries, but I've never been to a restaurant that fucked up sweet potato fries. And the sauce options tend to be much more delicious.
No. 956178
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>>956169I agree but they have to be fatties
No. 956214
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>>956184Awww anon, may your fries be ever salty and delicious at all sizes
No. 956216
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>>954948literally the exact opposite, the tallest(and hairiest) women in the world are from northern europe
if your gonna racebait, at least be consistent
No. 956227
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>>956221not hairiest overall but caucasoids(not just white people but MENA peoples and Indians) are the hairiest racial group in the world
No. 956234
>>956228yeah i never understood that, frosting is the best fucking part?
those same people will go and slather everything else they eat with ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise…
No. 956290
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(Reposting this into the unpopular opinion thread, figured out I should've posted this here instead)
I rewatched Elfen Lied and while I think it misses quite a few marks and that the themes suffered from the spaghetti tier writing, I disagree with a lot of the contemporary criticism on how it approaches mental illness and the experience of otherness in society. The main complaint seems to be that Elfen Lied portrays othered people as unhinged, edgy and violent, and it's being argued as something insensitive and harmful.
I disagree. It's an exceptionally honest angle in an otherwise immature anime. Elfen Lied might've failed spectacularly but at least it tried to reach out and sympathize with people who are not commonly sympathized with. Of course Elfen Lied struck a special cord with autists, proto bpd-chans, those with childhood conduct disorders and intrusive violent thoughts; it's about them, unapologetically so. The only reason why people nag on 'the diclonii being equated to neurodivergents' being offensive and inconsiderate is that they're uncomfy with the idea of losing the absolute hygienic distinction with their uwu innocent selves and the ostracized retard who snaps.
The difficult reality is that some neurodivergents, not limited by kind, occasionally struggle with misanthropy, bitterness and even violent revenge fantasies. Some of them become so fucked beyond repair that they act them out, many of them don't - but it's still there and has to be actively grown out of by the person experiencing it. It's not something to be proud of, but there it is.
From the perspective of a neurodivergent, Elfen Lied's diclonii are actually a somewhat relatable portrayal aside from the extreme urge to murder; neurodivergents often feel like they're just a confusing subspecies instead of being fully human. Looks human, tries to act like one, but can't really get into what it's like to actually blend in to the society. Even the male diclonii who are obsessed with continuing their race mirror the real life zealots who think their neurodivergence is the emergence of a new, stronger set of traits instead of a disability that sets them apart (like a next step in evolution, or alternatively, a valuable remnant from the hunter-gatherer genome).
Elfen Lied was mostly unnecessary coomerish bullshit but there was an honest grasp on how being the abused weirdo doesn't always end glamorously. The difficult side of being 'other' is possibly ending up as the villain, taking revenge and continuing the cycle of abuse. People complaining about the only thing that Elfen Lied came close to getting right are missing the point (most likely because they're somewhat average people who're pretending to be more nd than they are).
Elfen Lied was shit but at least it was honest.
No. 956359
>>956341It was the fanservice and retard moid shit that actually bothered me (like 85% of the whole thing lmao), as well as some scenes how they were written. It's a bit sad that the author was too dumb, horny and m*le for what he potentially could've created in the end.
If Elfen Lied was devoid of pandering to men, if the characters and their interactions were written a bit smarter, and if some scenes made more sense than they do now, it'd be a watch. Specifically leaving in the strained relationship between the diclonius race and human beings.
The manga is apparently a horrible cess of low quality art, weirdo rape shit. I never got into the manga and it's needless to go there to try to understand anything further. All I know is that the anime had one interesting thing going on, and that was the theme of otherness, the least palatable aspects of being the 'it' thing.
Elfen Lied would've been better if it was written by a woman. It would've been unpopular with the guro fan moids, but it would've dug deeper into the issues it tried to tackle.
No. 956410
>>956382I want to get rid of this incredibly embarrassing habit, it's worse than excessive swearing. When I say internet's ruined my sense of humor, I don't mean it in the 'haha my humor is broken' way, but as in it feels like my mind's polluted.
Wonder if anyone else feels this way.
No. 956445
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I truly believe that for those of us in the Muslim world for things to get better America should become isolationist, we aren't mature enough for Democracy, in Democratic periods Islamists gain power and commit horrific terror attacks, we'd probably need an authoritarian secular for at least 40 years for us to reduce the power of Islamism in general society
It was Jimmy Carter and his belief that Democracy should prevail no matter what, so he told the Shah not to send the army to shop Khomeini and the Islamists when he still could and we all know how it ended up
No. 956456
>>956445Kek at the image.
Not just the Muslim world, don't want to get into specifics but American/Zionist influence in my parents country led to one of the bloodies civil wars in recent history and when all was said and done, you go there now and all the old people say "yeah it was shitty then in communism, but we're worse off now".
No. 956986
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The literary lifestyle is best achieved outside of academia, working a series of menial jobs in many different towns and getting by frugally. You get to experience many different people and many different challenging situations that way.
The best painters I know work, and they work physically demanding jobs like carpentry. The best artist I know in town is a foreman. The worst artists I know are NEETs or perpetually staying in the university system, their work is too self masturbatory and shit and by the time they're in their 40s they're jaded hipsters envious at the incomes of people that didn't fuck around.
No. 956997
>>956986Love whenever one of these guys is forced to interact with a calloused worker in the flesh and you instantly see them rethinking their whole shtick ("are these boots gay? oh god I wish I wasn't wearing a cable knit sweater").
There are some people who are well suited to going the academic route (mostly artists who are content to work on their own stuff and don't necessarily have the highest ambitions), but I agree that it's mostly a bad idea. It's the same thing with writing programs, there's a ton of people who've only ever experienced being a student, so that's all they write about. Grad student writers writing about grad student writing, what a waste of time.
No. 957012
>>956986I hate that type of fuckers so much, they make studying literature a fucking pain in the ass.
Like, we get it, you want senpai to notice your 300 pages analysis work about his first story or book of poetry, but don’t fuck up my will to read and write.
I didn’t even want to be a writer, I wanted to edit books and translate, but literature as a career only works if you already got your head up your own ass.
No. 957041
>>956997>It's the same thing with writing programs, there's a ton of people who've only ever experienced being a student, so that's all they write about. Grad student writers writing about grad student writing, what a waste of time.Yeah same with film school with film school films. It's always the same film from some twenty something intellectual going through some existentialist crisis. On Redlettermedia when they had to review "The Jar", an existentialist student film, it's one of the few times on the show I've seen Mike and Jay get noticeably frustrated.
I made a thread about this on /lit/ and went into more detail about how even menial jobs change your perception on life. Working on a supermarket stacking shelves for a month or so will forever alter how you perceive supermarkets and the people that work in them. It's like what Heidegger said about how working jobs changes your perception of the world around you and your very being. A builder looks at houses different to how you see houses, and all these differing perceptions helps you with art. You become more intimate with people's lives and meet new characters doing different stuff.
If you always do the same shit, whether you're a NEET, a college student or some techbro rotating between the work computer and bibleogames computer, your perception on life is going to be narrow and more limited than the guy who has done lots of shit. All /lit/ could give me in response was "wagie is proud to work hard to make money for his jewish boss lol", that entire 4chan shithole is a giant bucket filled with crabs .
No. 957111
>>957059People should've started saying this a few years ago already. I wonder if back in 2017ish we were almost all asleep and exhausted lmao.
The next retard with money who tries to pull these gets the dunk. I can't give a fuck about being banned from social media platforms anymore. It's all a fucking joke.
No. 957156
>>957041>>956986Nta, but is something when this so called artists can't even begin to imagine let alone sympathize with menial job workers or regard their existence in the first place.
I thought writting is at the very least a process of putting yourself in ones shows and being willing to do the research for it to be as authentic as it can be ( and that includes sometimes doing field work yourself)
No. 957162
>>957104> more fucked up paraphilias than menI see way more men into diapers, bodily fluids, vore, beastiality, incest, lolishit, etc, and of course there are women into it too but men are far, far worse and there are more of them. Plus like you said, less likely to act on it and keep it in fantasy whether it’s disgusting as fuck or not. Also
No. 957221
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>>957156>>957041Great posts. Fuck
intellectuals, fuck anyone who's sole existence is in academia, most of the media available to consume is crafted by some faggot with limited life experience but who's in denial about it. That's entirely why anime is shit too, consider who makes it. There's so many interesting stories and perspectives that will go unsaid and unheard, in favor of some croaky voiced art school cunts sheltered thinkpiece. And when they do entertain the stories and plights of the little people in their media, they completely miss the point bastardize everything about it.
No. 957234
>>956986That's not an unpopular opinion
nonny. If see yourself as what you really are (a sand grain on the beach called life) then you know, that you know nothing.
You can only acquire a certain kind of perspective and knowledge when you experienced it first hand. You have to live it.
Hence why trannies will never be real women.
No. 957277
>>957156 anon and I wished I could more easily work the so called menial works; I'm physically disabled and autistic so I'm always self conscious about my employability and how well I would be able to do jobs that are seen as easy or even dirty work even if there important. I've never forgotten the best waiter I ever had because they actually took time to cut my piece of meat before delivering my plate winch is something no other server has ever done to me. I've never quite forgotten it and endeared me to food industry workers even more lol
I'm not quite out of the house yet and I have at least two to three ideas of how to work as I'm studying so I'm not as dependant on my dad's income nor the government and there's even an association in the country I'm moving that helps with disability employment.
So yeah fuck intellectualism that disregards the human in any way; I say this as a lover of writting and art who can be really critical of shit because of it.
No. 957307
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>>957298I'm about to do the thing, here I go… I'm autistic lol. I have a point though. I finally got diagnosed at like 30 and any time I've ever told anyone about it I've had them then argue with me about how I'm absolutely not autistic. I can't be autsistic because I look at peoples faces when they talk and tists don't do that?? Shit like that.
I don't know whether to be flattered or frustrated when people argue that I'm just not retarded enough to count as one.
No. 957412
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>>957298Not only by their behavior. They usually look fucked up too. Pic rel is my fav kind of Reddit autism.
If you go up to someone and admit you're retarded, of course they're gonna go ''omg noo you don't look retarded at all!''.
No. 957445
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>>957442 >Maybe you have autism too no afence.Nta but.. yes I do take afence
No. 957451
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>>957442I take afence as well and she just looks the least worse of the bunch not even a stunning beauty but I've seen worse looking speds as a sped myself
No. 957455
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Anti-sperg posts on a site full of sperges, likely written by undiagnosed tister sisters..
No. 957508
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>>957501Audrey truly did age gracefully. She was an Angel
No. 957541
>>957508Unfortunally (?) Most women aren't Audrey Hepburn though keep doing you regardless of what anyone has to say and regardless of how you age lol
>>957501She does look very nice! Barely changed at all
( I think Angela Basset aged well; I just love the woman's voice sorry lol)
No. 957549
>>957455what I hate is when anons who complain about "sperging" or "autism" in a thread, then you ask what they mean by that specifically and they ghost you.
it's clear that 99% of the time when anons complain about other anons sperging they just mean "those other anons are expressing opinions I don't like"
No. 957554
>>957548I'm A noob artist currently doing a small course on paper and this does encourage me to stick with a paper medium as I'm learning just a tad even though I want to do digital art as well
>>957549I just don't like how passive aggressive it sounds. At least be a woman and tag who you think is being an artist lol
No. 957571
>>957567what you call cope, I call hope
I hope you seethe forever
No. 957594
>>957587I grew with Disney mostly and even watched and have nostalgia over some of the cheesy live action sitcoms
And CN does look like it has the wacky cartoons so I can see why people would have more nostalgia over it
No. 957595
Please everyone it's fucking tiring when people are angry about age and stuff so could you guys just take it to your containtment thread?
>>>/ot/948738Please it's so boring and tiring for everyone
We all know the unpopular opinions thread is always being baited by scrotes anyways (there's a screenshot that proves it somewhere)
No. 957819
>>957808That has not been my experience. I agree they're not 'heroes' or any of that dumb shit though.
>>957809Monogamy's not forced on women, polygamy is. No one ever had to settle, they could choose not to marry. A minority had discrete affairs. The same is true today. Incels complain about female hypergamy but there's never been any evidence supporting it. No. 957847
>>957809A social caste system in which settling for garbage mates was forced upon us.
>>957808Sucks for you I guess. The best people I know were all raised far away from scrote and bpdfag influence. Those single mothers had strong support system of other women, that makes a lot of difference.
No. 957856
>>957837everyone forgets men take part in this too. Single mothers are always being blamed but no one stops to question why men just impregnate women and ditch the woman all alone to fend for herself and a child? and we're constantly pressured to stay with
abusive men because "we need to be loyal unlike the western roasties we are" but also blamed for having
abusive men in our lives
I also blame the culture that men need to constantly be with what ever "type" of woman is in at the moment and they will get in a relationship with that "type" until it bores them and they leave, or how people constantly convince men ~uwu it's just not meant to be! leave as soon as the tiniest wave of unhappiness comes to you!~ also really fucked up a lot of relationships and turned a lot of women into single moms since men don't even bother to communicate to make things work. People need to stop coddling men and we need to force them to step up and take the positions of fathers instead of running away like a pussy
No. 957857
>>957827>>957835wtf are these retarded takes. Isn't the most obvious reason that poor or unfit parents are more likely to get divorced or be unmarried in the first place? It's not single parenthood that causes issues, single parenthood is caused by issues that cause more issues.
There is absolutely no reason to think that a second parent is necessary to raise a good kid. There is no ying and yang in child rearing that would mean a lack of a father figure results in fucked up kids. But most people want to be partnered up, so if they aren't then you can assume things weren't great to begin with.
No. 957959
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95% of the USA and Canada is a cultural and infrastructural wasteland. In the overwhelming majority of towns the most interesting thing you can do is go to your newly opened Olive Garden or drive your car 16 miles to go purchase some potting soil at Lowes. You can't go on any walks because zoning laws have blasted your town down with pavement meant only for cars and no walkable paths. When there is a walkable path, it's alongside a road with noisy, polluting cars going 60 miles per hour. Not to mention that sidewalk path likely ends abruptly. Your local grocery store is an over 45 minute walk away for no good reason whatsoever. So many people don't even realize they loved their college years or their first time abroad hugely because it was the first time they experienced living in a walkable city. The overwhelming majority of spaces in America are not meant to be lived in, experienced, or enjoyed, they are simply places where you are not meant to spend time or give any thought to. You are simply buying something, parking your car, or in your car passing it by at 60 miles per hour.
No. 957962
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>>957959Also to clarify when I say cultural, I don't mean the US has no culture, far from it. I just mean on a physical level that the overwhelming majority of places the average American can go are just restaurant chains, retail spaces, parking lots, and those sad outdoor eating areas with cement picnic tables outside of Safeway.
No. 958030
>>958023Never, but to stay mildly on topic.
The six of crows duology should have never been linked to it's weakest link The shadow and bone trilogy. Anyone that supports that writting decision is stupid as shit
No. 958166
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>>958126Clown shit to send a scrote porn of yourself and then be surprised when the mercurial moid uses it against you.
Clown shit and I'd feel sorry for these dumb bitches if they weren't so busy grooming the next generation of women to do the same they did.
I want to love other women and unlearn internalized misogyny but it's things like these that obliterate my patience and alienate me from women my age (the other end of the spectrum, of things that send me, being a braindead uwu pickme who thinks men respect a woman if she commits, cleans, cooks, sucks and fucks enough (they don't, they barely respect their own goddamn mothers lmao)). Women who share private porn to scrotes around them make everything worse for the rest of us and I've just about had it with the backwards ass reasoning of how it's supposed to be 'sexual expression' or whatever.
Wish there were better pics of female clowns and jesters giving a middle finger.
No. 958184
>>958171Nah. I'd say they mostly hit the wall at 25. Especially emotionally and spiritually something absolutely horrible happens to moids when they turn 25. Not only will they start balding and gaining a belly from their shit drinking and eating habits, they start to bitch at literal 18 year olds for aging too. When a moid turns 25 he often just becomes a horrible angsty turd that hates everyone, tries to compensate his lack of character with material things, becomes obsessed with the idea of having an easily manipulable and controllable gf, furiously masturbates to rape porn and complains endlessly while expecting his dick to get sucked by copious women he doesn't even like. To top it off he's often very unspiritual, nihilistic, solipsistic and fake deep.
These males don't calm down until they're like 35 or older, and after that they either start being somewhat sympathetic old men or bitter ugly breathing corpses with no new shit to say.
Some of the moids about to hit their wall avoid this fate by either getting married to a woman they've fallen in love with or alternatively shooting up a school/library/cinema and then ending themselves.
It's possible to find a somewhat dateable moid that's over 25, but it's just so much luggage, bitterness and newfound malechildhood that it's wiser to keep your guard consistently up, if haven't managed to lock down a manageable man of the same age in your early 20's.
No. 958203
>>958189Yeah, you're probably not alone on that one. It's just rarely named as the 'wall' that men hit, and generally men aren't subjected to scrutiny about how they've spent their youth (acquiring connections and partnership vs. having trauma and addiction build up). Really obvious bullshit goes as if was unnoticed, because it's merely left unsaid.
And as for the attractiveness, like strictly attractiveness, it's unusual for a moid to be objectively good looking post 25. It's fine lines, balding, weight gain, excessive hairiness that really smacks their shit down. Yeah they can hit the gym but they'll still be bald, hairy, coarse and all volatile looking. It's been memed that this is attractive but on it's own, no it isn't. It's more like this type of aging moid is actually
endearing to a woman crushing on him if, and only if, he has a great personality and valuable life experience to make up for it.
Women expect men to have a good personality by default which is why so many ugly trash tier men get a free pass without having to actually improve themselves.
Good people age like wine. Men aren't good by default.
No. 958205
>>958201Tbh, I wouldn’t compare any teenager with a baby otter, teenagers are cute in the sense of
>I’m in front of a gravely deformed person and their parents, I should give them a compliment so nobody jumps at me for being mean.And while the average moid hits the wall at 25, it’s just because you’re not looking properly in places where people are not doing hard drugs 24/7.
It just takes lots of patience and disposing of defective moids to find a nice 25 years old dude who looks cute.
No. 958216
>>958210they probably are somewhat but they're horny so they don't give a fuck
other than that men raping each other incessantly in the absence of women is accurate and should be filed under realism
No. 958226
>>958210imo with a/b/o and mpreg in general, the characters cease being 2 males, the omeage becomes a woman in all but name
>>958216coping Fujo detected
No. 958304
File: 1635950527853.png (19.02 KB, 667x120, image_2021-11-03_153910.png)

i see so many posts like this and they just reeeek of male pandering. i own so many stupidly large toys that i keep on display. i do it partially because i like them and partially to make sure any male who i let near me feels shame about their size. nothing will ever compete with etsy monster dildos and every man should suffer with this knowledge. please ladies, do not tweet disingenuous pityposts like this to make scrotes feel better for lacking in the sack, shaming them is much more fun.
No. 958357
>>958304It is malepandering because the message she wants to give to the world is
>I-I totally don’t mind tribbing with a guy who’s got a 3 incher, I-It feels better even!Dicklets should just cope and seethe, and moids with huge dongs should learn how to fuck, even though, in the end, a nice dildo is superior to whatever some dumbass moid can offer.
Like, if you want some company just get a comfy pillow and some non utterly cringe ASMR video or some shit.
No. 958366
>>958304>reee she's a pandering pickme because she disagrees with meShut the entire fuck up, I'm tired of the overtime working meme that all women like large insertions and being torn apart by huge cock. If anything we need to break men down into prioritizing the clit and understanding that their dick literally comes last.
You pretending to be a bucketful of plastic objects is driving absolutely no points home.
No. 958386
>>958304>>958357I don't think she's saying that a 3 Inch cock makes her cum and size doesn't matter cause of course it matters, I probably don't know wtf I would do with a guy that size but different women have different needs and preferences
for me personally anything above 6.5 ish is too big and hurts too much(though there are some women who are into the pain) but I know anything below 5.6 ish would be too small
basically no one size fits all kek
No. 958391
>>958171This is true for pretty scrotes like Justin Bieber. I know many former pretty boys who started looking like alcoholic dads in their early 20s.
Nearly all kids are cute, a lot of teens are cute and few adults are cute. If you have good genetics you pass each stage.
No. 958575
>>958386I do think some women are deeper down there in regards to their vaginal canal so truly no size fits one lol.
A small dick shouldn't be an inherit deal breaker ( may even be easier to fellate depending on how small were talking) given if the man is willing to please their woman but men tend to not be like that so fuck em
No. 958576
>>958575I guess to an extent, I think I could deal with a guy If he was around 5 Inches if he knew how to please in other ways but as I said I don't know what to do if ever found myself with a legit micro dick, I guess it would be rare to encounter one
I'd maybe encourage them to get dick lengthening surgery
No. 958591
>>958576Micro is rare and ridiculous buy yes I would do the same and be surprised they haven't tried to before.
Regular small dicks and smaller then average are "fine" in a vacuum. Actually I think I care more about dick shape and girth then size at least as far as aesthetics are concerned.
No. 958646
>>958642While my Unpopular Opinion has nothing worth of value, its never been good and has always been fake shit created by marketing executives
even some of the "real OG conscious rappers" were liars putting on a persona, its all fake and bullshit and anyone who takes it seriously should not be allowed to breed so that their retard genres won spread
No. 958675
>>958366I agree with you 100%.
>>958402That would be me, but I still hate small dicks because they're ugly and pathetic looking.
No. 958872
>>958855 i think it depends on who cooks it. Maybe you havent met a good cook yet? Ironically my white bf cooks the best ramen and kungpao anybody has ever eaten because he has a talent for combining flavors and the various asian restaurants in my country can't comapre.
Now liver and kidney and things made out of them always taste like ass no matter who prepares it.
No. 959010
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/pol/jak is cute and I just wanna hug him until he stops seething.
No. 959013
>>959005I’ve never met anyone who hates curry
No. 959033
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>>959023Make This Normal Again
No. 959035
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I like the McRib. I don’t think it tastes terrible and I like McDonalds enough to begin with, but when the McRib comes back, my dad and I will go out and get it together and it just feels like a nice bonding moment. McDonalds is already a treat for me, so getting the McRib that only comes back every once in a while feels like a double treat kek
No. 959059
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>>959033Yes, I love clothes like those unironically. Also the long hair please (without wigs)
No. 959075
>>959059damn he looks good.
honestly if george washington was alive today i would smash. men back then were just built different. (ignoring the fact that they had no teeth)
No. 959111
>>959023I think males should wear what looks good on them but I think most female clothing would look horrible on them, like the way you described men wearing "lace" undergarments, thinking about it just groos and fetishy
I just want men to dress a little /alt/ and wear clothing that actually works well for them
No. 959256
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>>959035I feel the same way you do about the McRib about the McLobster even though it has a retarded amount of celery
No. 959257
>>959256What the fuck? I hate living in a place where we can’t get fucking McLobsters, pls send me one,
No. 959272
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>>959256I want one. it looks pretty healthy. I used to like the mcrib but I tried one again last week and it was disgusting. the quality of the meat was spongy and it tasted artificially flavored. the bbq was very much like bile. I'm probably not getting it again, but I'm excited for holiday pies to come back
No. 959345
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>>959256Where the fuck do you live that this is even a thing? I want it so bad.
>>959272Aw that sucks to hear nona! I think I might get one this weekend. The McDonalds closest to me is usually a hit, but there are some that can really be hit or miss. Or maybe the McRibs just really suck this time around.
I've never had the holiday pies! When I was in Japan I did get the red bean pie and it was
divine. I thought it'd be overtly sweet, but the crust wasn't like the regular apple pie crust, it was flaky and a bit salty which complimented the sweet red bean so well. I think about it all the time.
I was struggling with food very heavily when I lived in Japan when the anko pie came out, and I'm so sad I didn't just let myself have it more than once. It was so damn good and I regret not getting it more so much No. 959404
>>959345That looks so sugary
You should watch what you eat.
No. 959435
>>959412>>959411I'm not saying she will die, but I quite literally cut out pretty much anything sugary and (surprise surprise) my weight went down.
>>959409It's cute you think that!
No. 959539
>>959109I was with you until you said white women. I've seen many women of other races do this, especially Asians. Not to race-bait.
You're right though, this definitely applies for women who try to play up their traditionalism or even bash older women and then those women end up washed up because they dedicated a vast majority of their adult dating life to a man who was going to drop them at 30, shoe0nhead for example
No. 959598
>>959272It is really not healthy, it has a lot of mayo in it and definitely a high sodium content lol. But they do go to a lot of effort to make it look nice and healthier than the alternatives in the ads
>>959345It's a Canadian limited item, it might be regional too within Canada but I have noticed they tend to do the limited runs of them in early summer
No. 959829
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celebricows weight sperging is getting worse every thread and I'm tired of it. I've been lurking and posting in 10+ celebricow threads and it's never been this bad. did we get invaded by edtwitterfags
No. 959834
>>959832im reporting all of it at this point
there's literally quotes of Dakota Johnson trying to excuse
abusive pieces of shit like Armie Hammer and Shia and all bitches can argue about is weight
No. 960367
>>960343>>960337A handful of upper middle class white and Jewish women fucking off to a commune doesn't improve any woman's issues, In fact Im sure its what most men/mra would want
The real problem with feminism is that its been dominated by useless academics who are just as pretentious and unrealistic as their male counterparts, retards all of them mindlessly over analyzing every facet of human interactions which Ulitanmetly does nothing
Feminism without socialism is worthless
No. 960453
>>960367>Feminism without socialism is worthlessStop spamming this Jesus
And how is being financially independent/renting with other women and not coddling men reserved for upper class? The popular attention seekers and academics weren't the only women in the movement dumbass.
No. 960469
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>>960453cause the capitalism functions to oppress those on the bottom, it doesn't matter if the boss is a woman she or he will always find a means to earn more profit
No. 960481
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>>960298Comfortable ok, but they're not even a little cute lol. Disgusting
No. 960498
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>>960481I mean, if you dress like a hobo, of course nothing will look cute. Just look at this outfit, it’s nice and comfy, sure, I wouldn’t go to work at an office like this, nor I would go to a fancy restaurant with this outfit. But it’s a nice, casual outfit for going to something puntual or visiting someone’s house.
No. 960501
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This girl gets way too much shit. So fucking what if she owns a stupid macbook or is drinking starbucks, you can still recognize how shitty capitalism is.
No. 960506
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>>960298I think the whole
>ewwwww Ugg’s are like so basic bitch ugly shitHappened because of the memes that appeared about
>how dare college girls wear comfy clothes to go outWhich were made by seething pickmes and idiotic moids who hate seeing women happy and comfortable.
No. 960532
>>960501No one should be signalling shit like this unless they've actually taken some sort of action, or supported someone who does. Blow up your local big corporate business building when no one's inside. Fund someone who does with the money you would've used for your lattes. Harass grocers and/or restaurants to stop rejecting and discarding perfectly good food/produce until they start giving it to those in need. Just…Do something lol
If your work amounts to thinking occasionally about how bad some things are in society and just carrying on with your life, or arguing on the internet about it, things like that are just obnoxious and fake deep. It's just like those "this is what a feminist looks like" t-shirts made by exploited women in countries that aren't rich
No. 960548
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>>957443>flat and short midface >short philtrumthat's literally just the stereotypical ideal female face, at least according to one weird 'looksmaxxing stacy' subreddit I found. I thought that having a short midface and philtrum was supposed to be feminine or something
No. 960933
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>>960923It's aesthetic as fuck tho
No. 960952
>>960949I posted yesterday about Robert Maudsley. guy had a worse life then any of these men Robert had a childhood filled with physical and sexual abuse and worked as a teen callboy, he murdered a client who had a collection of child porn almost immediately after seeing it, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and so murdered 3 more human cockroaches in there(2 Pedophile rapists and a man who beat his wife to death) these "
victims" all knew there vile acts and this was what they deserved
No. 961010
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>>960883I know, I smoke weed and I am probably what you’d consider an addict, I hit my pen almost at least once a day. I don’t have a high tolerance, and I only smoke as a little “reward” after doing chores or going out and running errands, work, etc. I get sad when I see memes like this. These people must spend like $40 a week on carts..
No. 961137
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>>960933>aesthetic>that picnot even her thinness remedied the raggedy
No. 961147
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>>960635Now that you put it this way, it makes even more sense that it already did. The way otome male interests are written usually makes them not only insanely hot but also impressive as in they're supposed to be these interesting, skilled young men who intensely pay attention to the protagonist and overwhelms her with all kinds of personal info as they go on.
>>960633True. Those make women look harsh and lifeless. Android-likeness and cold futuristic appearance are close to men's hearts in a sense that that's what they themselves aspire to exude and look like. Wanting women to do that for them too is peak covert homosexuality.
They want the tranny pet for aesthetics but with a real vagina instead of the one that smells like poop. No. 961180
>>961157Obviously giving women rights is a wonderful idea, but feminism as a movement is doomed to failure
because it cannot afford to be "one size fits all". Unfortunately, many people all along the political spectrum have misinterpreted the "feminism is for every woman" claim to mean "literally anything a woman does is feminist". Frankly, I do not think any more actual progress can be achieved anymore, it's all the way downhill from here.
No. 961189
>>961147While I think it's somewhat realistic I think complains come from habitual otome players who want things to be shaken up a little bit and not have the same lead copy pasted. Or have different wish fulfilment type of power fantasies.
Also it's annoying when in Otome games the boy(s) are a bunch of asses and you can't kick their teeth in as a viable option.
No. 961370
>>961333But nona, she is a demon, how can you be so lenient with her? Let's conveniently ignore that she learns of this fact only pretty late in the game when they already trust her anyways. And even if she weren't, if
I were a woman in 1861 Japan, I'd just take my kodachi and slice down all those samurai men who have trained for the past decades that have taken me a hostage, simple as. Don't get why she was crying in her room. Bad protagonist.
No. 961425
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>>961420I still believe that someone else is her father
No. 961431
>>961339Tall men tend to have their egos overinflated for being tall even if said man is fat and ugly
Average sized and short men tend to be insecure and act like little shits around women as soon as they get any form of female attention and are more likely to body-shame women
All men suck
No. 961536
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It’s dumb when idiots get mad at others for buying brand stuff, unless you’re -idiotically- lending them your money and hoping for them to pay you back, it’s stupid to go apeshit over someone owning a purse or a shirt that they bought with their own money, specially if it isn’t offensive, with slurs and such.
And also, if that person prefers dying of hunger over not having a pair of luxury shoes, that’s not your issue, that’s theirs, stop trying to act like some savior, it could be 30 packs of whisky or 1 pound of cocaine, at least they like their shoes.
No. 962316
>>962282The reason why they don't–maybe can't–pull off centering pregnancy about bodily risk is because there would be an endless stream of assholes making appeals regarding pregnancy being "natural" and while the deaths of the birthmothers are unfortunate that it's better than allowing babies no chance to live.
After all we're here without considering the women suffering, so why start now?
Financial arguments are better because it's something everyone universally understands, including men. A female death here and there can be swept under the rug, but highlighting how unwanted babies hit everyone in their pocketbooks is a good way to get people to see the consequences. Societies in general don't tend to give a fuck about women in pain, and if they're religious, they tend to see our suffering as a sort of justified and divine punishment. The Bible for example outright says that a woman's painful childbirth is a punishment directly from god for original sin. Which religion tends to oppose abortion the most? You guessed it..Christianity.
Imagine that instead of trying to convince the majority of patriarchal religions that a woman's pain is worthy of consideration, we do this: Remove all benefit of the doubt that religious institutions are benign influences. Begin taxing and heavily fining those that politicize their beliefs and spread disinformation. Route the funds directly from the tithes of the religious leadership and funnel them straight into the charitable programs they preached to their comgregations to support ie. adoption agencies and shelters or universal healthcare for all.
Abortion would be lauded overnight all because only then would people realize the true communal cost of taking care of every unwanted pregnancy. People don't give a fuck until abortion (or lack of access to it thereof) impacts them in a tangible way. It's sad but true.
No. 962338
>>962282yeah, it's always been surprising that so many people don't seem to realize how cold and uncaring they sound when they imply that people should get abortions solely because they're too poor to comfortably support a baby. I actually kind of agree, but it's a bad angle because it makes pro-choicers come off exactly like shitty conservative caricatures - scaly and selfish, willing to sacrifice everything and everyone for the sake of their careers. It also give the appearance of a lack of moral conviction, because if you genuinely believe that there's nothing wrong with killing a fetus, why would you need to appeal to pragmatism as well? Unintentionally, people are giving off the impression that they secretly know that abortion is unethical but are willing to go through with it anyway for financial gain.
It ultimately depends on who you're talking to, but I agree that framing the issue in body autonomy terms is usually the most effective approach if you're talking to someone you have any chance of convincing (so not a die-hard southern baptist or something). The classic "If a random person is going to die without a kidney donor, do you believe that you're inherently obligated to let a surgeon cut you open and remove one of your kidneys?" question is a good way to get people thinking about their own body autonomy and the fundamental beliefs they have concerning it. It's especially effective when you limit the discussion to only medical abortion and not d&c, because the abortion pill ends pregnancies by
triggering the body to dissolve the uterine lining - it effectively kills the fetus by ending its access to the mother's bodily resources, the same way you'd "kill" someone who needs a kidney if you don't grant them access to your own organs.
No. 962409
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>>962366I wear skintight jeggings. If you're putting your hand in my pocket we may as well fuck.
No. 962856
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i no longer care about being called a snob or elitist or whatever.
gatekeeping is a good thing and we should be doing more of it.
No. 963421
>>963199I have the assburgers and have always worried that I have low empathy but hearing liveleak freaks talk about the disgusting shit they watch is a reassurance that I'm actually pretty normal. That site can't get shut down quick enough; absolutely amazed it's lasted as long as it has.
No. 963697
>>963693>>963696np i get you
scrotes have surface level knowledge of the topic but act like you can't possibly know/like it since you're a woman. insufferable