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No. 963701
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/943879Obligatory disclaimers from farmhands:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 963744
>>963738honestly i have found that a lot of cute korean products work well!
>>963735me too and maybe its my shitty hipster tendencies, but i hate that its one of the main things normies talk about and how people will all watch the same shows
>>963736yes to this all
No. 963776
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>>963729so true. i used to have the worst milia on my forehead - at least i think that's what it was. like tiny hard bumps all over my forehead and it looked like i had the entire hp series in braille on there. i used face wash with fruit acid for a few months and then it finally went away.
aside from that using one of these facial brushes with some face wash (any works) does wonders. i use it every time i shower and for morning/evening i use a konjac sponge and some cheap foamy face wash. i still get pimples especially around my period or when i eat too much candy, but my skin is just fine without bullshit 20 step skincare routines. picrel is the brush i use, it was like 20 bucks.
No. 963779
That fact that women's education and liberation causes an extensive, straight up dysgenic collapse in fertility is actually a problem, and one that needs to be addressed. The fact that the average intelligent woman is only having one or two children, at best, while welfare queens are often pumping out 8-9, disgusts me to no end.
I've found all the apologetics on the issue to be weak. People seem to operate under the delusion that more welfare and support for mothers is needed, when it was the expansion of the welfare state in the first place that caused this issue. Going by Europe, there seems to be little evidence that more benes help, people trot out Sweden and Norway as statistics but when you look at it more extensively, they have a poorly functioning lower class that's mostly doing the reproducing, it's them that enjoy the benefits, even there it's fueling dysgenics.
I'm heavily autistic myself so I'm destined to be a handmaiden, and I know it's a bit of a trope with sterile handmaiden tradthots being the ones to goad other women into being pick mes. But am I wrong about dysgenics and the problem at hand? It honestly seems like there's a large portion of college educated, western white women that think icky things like reproduction are for white trash and brown people.
Does anyone else just feel their inner Nazi coming out when they see some disgusting, fat white trash at a supermarket loading up her cart with soda and junkfood with several kids in tow, paying for it with welfare? I fully understand the nazi concerns about dysgenics when I see idiocracy playing out in front of me.
No. 963786
>>963717All her songs sound the same to me. I only like the savage song, but only the version with Beyonce with it because she improves the song immensely.
>>963779I just think you are a scrote.
No. 963833
>I am heavily autistic myself so I'm destined to be a handmaidenbitch do you hear yourself? I cannot tell if you are shitposting. Autistic women are quite independent and have male like personality traits, usually they are the opposite of handmaidens. Like seriously are you shitposting? Because it makes no sense??? Welfare queens don't have 8 children.What?? Just shut the fuck up and stop posting here and pop up 10 children to make up for the dysgenic collapse in fertility.
Everything aside, I do understand your main point which is "dysgenic collapse in fertility is real" there's no real answer here. There isn't a "collapse" because people in poverty that are poorly educated always have had the most children, it's not a phenomenon that is specific to the present. The "dysgenic collapse" is also not real because the kids born in those situations are not inherently genetically inferior or born to be dumb, they turn out dumb due to lack of proper socialization or education since they are born in poor families and have parents with issues. The problem is with society. Our genes make us differ a bit, but ultimately all humans if properly socialized and educated can turn out to be decent as adults. Those kids are unfortunately abused so they repeat the cycle of generational abuse.
No. 963846
>>963779Addressing the problems of the lower classes (solving their abysmal standards of living) fixes this "welfare queens pumping out 8-9" issue real quick, autismo-kun.
Instead of entertaining nazi and tradthot discourse, ask yourself why this solution is rarely applied and why the elites choose to maintain poorfags reliant on their "help".
No. 963857
>>963779I mean what are you trying to say? Lower class people pumping out tons of kids is due to the fact people like you enforce fertility so much and constantly drill into women's head that a more fertile woman is of higher value therefore she needs to have a ton of kids to "prove" herself, on top of that education on healthy foods and cooking (home ect) was kicked off the curriculum because everyone wanted to focus on college.
Minus racism, stereotyping, and cringeyness I see what you're saying, but you have to understand that we as a society taught them this
>Normie or smart women have to go to school, have their career established, and then have babies at 35+ (increasing risks during pregnancy and losing the fertility window) just to throw their kids in daycare, there are some exceptions but plenty of women in these cases can easily just put their career on hold or just budget better but they choose not to>Poor women are often not taught importance of birth control and healthy eating, food that is bad for you is often cheaper but constant brainwashing in society has convinced even lower class women they need to spend a ton of money on outer appearance instead of focusing on their health. These women are birthing babies a lot and traditional men are praising them for staying home and being a baby machineIt's all ingrained in society and their constant contradictory teachings towards women
No. 963862
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>>963845I never understood why so many female characters catered towards kids need to have extreme bodies. After the 90s Disney just got weirdly sexual with their characters and costumes, especially during live actions. Like why the fuck do you need to push up Disney princesses boobs in a movie that's catered towards kids? Why the fuck would children care if a princess has tig ol bitties or not? And if they do there's a bigger problem rooted into America's boob size culture than there is with a princess not wearing a push up bra and corset
No. 963868
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>>963862>>963862Samefag but they did this to Keira Knightley too. She literally have to arrive hours early so they can out her in a corset, stuff her bra, push her tits together and contour them in a movie made by Disney and for a movie that's pg-13
No. 963885
>>963779>read the first two sentencesHuh. You know, you can really tell when a woman's not intelligent, even if she tries to be. Unintelligent women are always just repeating what men say. I feel like it happens because their genetic line has consistently been so low quality for generations that they had to go above and beyond to be able to reproduce with men. It's like being nice and giving coochie was not enough. They had to become doormats or they'd get cuckqueaned, and now we have swathes of pick-mes and tradtho-
>I'm heavily autistic myself so I'm destined to be a handmaidenKEK I typed all that shit as bait, can't believe I was right. I hate this planet
No. 963914
>>963780“Why hoes hate on my pictures on the gram bitch you better hope I never come across yo man”
“ Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating, Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating”;
True profound feminist lyrics that scrotes don’t like because they’re threatened by such a powerful woman who doesn’t base her entire persona around men “wanting to buss to her”
this applies to most female rappers tho.
Also, it’s very annoying music in general. Music that whenever I hear it okayed on the radio, someone immediately gets up to change it, music that is only tolerable for a 15 second tiktok.
Doja cat is garbage too and shuts out a popular song every 2 weeks that is processed to hell and back and still annoying
No. 964034
>>964013Most of Cali is over priced and over populated. I think it’s pretty, sure- but that doesn’t make up for the shit you put up with in places like LA.
My friend from cali visited my country southern hometown and was shocked at how wonderful my state’s nature is, then I told her my rent, kek. I wish cali wasn’t so expensive though. It burned me out after a few years living there.
No. 964138
>>964113Downtown LA can be a little shitty between the moments where they try to sweep the homeless population away.
This was something I always kept in mind whenever Dasha would post endless pictures of herself walking the five steps from her apartment lobby to the coffee shop.
No. 964211
>>964159 But on the other hand most retarded rainbowhaired zoomers are "autistic" too. I don't think being based and autism connects."
I think the word autism has been misused and now everybody who's brain is just a little different is called autistic. I think it should have been kept for people who you can obviously tell they are autistic when you interact, not just for anybody like it is now. I see youtubers or influencers talk about their autism and it's just about being a social potato and having a consuming hobby opr something. It's just normal stuff.
No. 964254
>>964229hyper super ultra mega plus cringe
No. 964255
>>964229You can show empathy without being a doormat which is what 90% of women regardless of race, culture or sexuality seem to do and it's very
problematic. I just hate when women over do it when they show men empathy in particular because often times men don't really give much of a shit or need to be coddled by us.
No. 964273
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>>964127The fact that you’re too dumb to understand that shit complaints track with population is embarrassing tbh
No. 964347
>>964290The point is that no major first world cities are "caked in feces". Larger populations does mean more homeless and crazy people, and fewer green spaces means that some number of them will inevitably shit on the pavement. It's still not common enough that any given resident is likely to ever see human shit on the sidewalk, and the whole point of the complaints system is so that any shit that does exist gets dealt with.
As an aside, how do they differentiate between calls about dog and human feces anyway? I've lived in a couple different states and I've never seen a person take a dump on the street, but I have witnessed people not picking up after their dogs pretty much everywhere.
No. 964388
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I don't really understand when historical Youtubers (like Karolina Zebrowska) say 'corsets were made to support the breasts, it's basically a bra'….because I don't wear a bra. I find them uncomfortable and don't need any support. I don't understand why forcing women, even women and teenagers with small breasts, to wear a 'supportive' garment that they don't need, resulting in social exclusion if they don't conform
No. 964394
>>964388I mean if you are blessed with small tits and don't mind nipples poking out or use band aids you can kinda Yolo.
For a lot of big chested women they need support as even just walking can hurt their chest let alone running.
No. 964429
>>964394ayrt. I normally just wear a camisole and I'm okay. I was made to wear a bra when I was like 9 because my school made girls and boys change in the same room, and I only stopped when I was 14 and felt more confident going outside without a bra. I honestly feel lucky whenever I hear about women with large boobs talking about the pain
>>964398that must really suck, anon
>>964426I thought that corsets corrected posture, but I didn't really consider that it may weaken back muscles
No. 964486
>>964323but risks with energy levels and your body just not working like it use to anymore is going to be shitty especially while raising teenagers, retirement =/= health, I've seen plenty of boomers working at the grocery store who can't do their job at all but technically aren't retired, should they be raising teens?
>>964371 is right, although you still shouldn't have kids in your late 30s due to risk and likeliness to have energy levels fucked up, more injuries, sick more, etc. This applies to carrying a pregnancy 35+ as well
No. 964997
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People who can't do 'small talk' are social retards
No. 965011
>>964993Sorry for using twigewing language,
nonnie, have a hug or something.
>>964995That’s why I think self-harmers need help, and not just some books about being happy or smile because it’s what everyone does, but real help with doctors and maybe surveillance so the person doesn’t kill themselves or something. I don’t think just a hug from a friend or a pat on the back from a family member can make someone feel better when they’re so distraught or depressed that makes them hurt themselves. In the end, I just pity them because, as a regular person, I just can’t help all of the people with deep-rooted misery/trauma/anxiety.
No. 965045
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I honestly wouldn’t mind if lolcow really did die and the site got shut down, it’s gotten too big.
Too many autists who cowtip and then post it in the thread. As soon as someone gets mentioned on here, they feel the need to mention LC on their social media thus sending more tards this direction. The infighting is insane, and Twitterfags coming with a moral crusade over the dumbest shit that doesn’t matter in real life.
I’m not saying that it should be a super seekrit mean girls club, but it just feels like it’s gotten too big for it’s own good.
No. 965085
>>965017I think the weather counts, yeah, but who talks about the weather for more than a second? small talk to me is anything that doesn't get deep or heavy. just sharing little things you were thinking about or doing.
>>965026I find it nice to hear about other people's lives, even if they're strangers. Makes me realize how big the world is and how everyone is trying their best to be the hero in their story
No. 965541
>>965146Girl that's what small talk is. Compliments, talking about surface common interests. Getting to know someone as a person.
Weather shit is just an opener or an excuse to approach someone.
No. 965640
>>965622I think both of them are difficult on their own ways, writing essays and analyzing paintings or books is tiresome as fuck, sometimes it even depends on the teacher and sometimes even if what you write makes sense to you and other 5 people, it doesn’t make any sense to the teacher, who is the one grading you.
The issue with STEM stuff is when you put someone who just wanted to memorize shit, to analyze what the fuck is the meaning of those numbers and the rules/laws surrounding them, so while their analysis makes sense to themselves and the 5 other people who read the analysis of their timeline for the profits of some company, the teacher will spit on them and say that it doesn’t make any sense.
The issue is that both branches of studies are made for extremely autistic people, getting graded by utterly autistic people, where you need to be precise and concise or you will inevitably fail.
No. 965693
>>964970It’s so fucking embarrassing I have scars that will never go away, it’s been 10 years fml reeeee why did I fall for the meme. Never do it in visible places ever.
>>964997I am socially retarded and ESL wtf is small talk exactly??? Seems like everything that isn’t oversharing and traumadumping is small talk right? I straight up just say yeah haha to every question, I get so uncomfortable when strangers ask my plan for the day is or where I go to school and shit.
No. 965702
>>965622Definitely disagree, at least for my college/major. I'm studying engineering but took a fair share of humanities/social science courses. The amount of work you put in is so much less to get a good grade. It might be more boring, but definitely not as hard as actually having to understand the abstract and complex math in STEM.
Also STEM has labs and projects, no essay compares to a project imo. In an essay, you can kinda write something. But with a project, if it doesn't work - it doesn't work. There is no way of finishing it if there is a problem in just one place.
No. 965789
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Picrel memes like this are shit and people who use them are always insufferable
>>963717>>963735These are just true
No. 965803
>>965779a lot of my friends went to law school and now work for big corporate firms and literally have no lives, sure they are making six figures but they work 100-hour week and effectively earn like $40/hr. might be better if you're at a small firm but the pay will not be as good. you would think it would get better as you become more senior in the firm, but from what they've told me it doesn't get any better even decades into your career
not to mention the market if way oversaturated rn, it's super competitive and corporate firms can get away with abusing these people and demanding these insane hours because there are so many young people willing to do it
No. 965829
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I always thought wind turbines and wind farms look really beautiful.
I couldn't believe when I found out people think they're ugly?!? What? Those are genuinely aesthetically pleasing objects, and they look majestic in the environment.
I'm sure big oil is happily pushing this "ugliness" narrative in the press, but it seems enough people do actually think it's ugly. They all need glasses.
No. 965833
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>>965829I think they'd be way cuter if they had little designs like this
No. 966074
>>965834lived in germany for four years. Granted, walking by them you def heard them, but from my house? absolutely nothing. They weren't in my backyard or anything but def sizeable and in view from my trampoline.
I used to think they were widespread and got disappointed once I returned to Canada and saw that there weren't many. Had a big green energy phase as a teen that has since died down because now im bitter and given up, by I think they look cute as well.
No. 966100
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>>966023To be fair to birds, the tips of the blades are moving way faster than you’d think
No. 966183
>>966170I was
just watching a video about brushing ragdolls and thinking how tiring purebreds must be kek
No. 966193
>>966156Go to the dog love thread.
>>966159Go to the dog hate thread.
No. 966285
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Britney doesn't deserve any pity. She got to be princess of the entire planet for nearly ten years. A pampered doll worshipped by literally everyone. That shit doesn't come for free. Even as a fan of her I don't see how people have room in their hearts to pity such extremely fortunate people.
No. 966494
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>>966487Hell yeah, transphobes better watch their backs, hashtag trans women will never be women hashtag it’s a fetish btw.
No. 966688
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>>966487Rip sorry about your Y chromosome hope you get better
(responding to bait) No. 966841
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>>966839Women aren't predatory sexpats
No. 966859
>>966846> yet support white and black women perving over Asian men who will never be attracted to them either.Caps?
I don’t think it’s such a big deal, at least all women/teenage girls do is thirst over idols/actors and maybe create a Stan account with idiotic edits. Which happens with literally any guy, have you seen the people that has Harry styles shrines in their houses? Or Justin Bieber’s? The race aspect just showcases your huge need to unnecessarily racebait, just say that you hate the idea of a woman interested in a random guy that will always be more attractive than you and leave.
No. 966861
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>>966846>Asian men are generally repulsed by Western womenOkay white moid.
Google "cum worms' while you're here visiting, it's this cool new Asian kink. You'll love it.
No. 966886
>>966880And white weeb girls are likely to get with asian men for fetish reasons too same as he asian males
Usually worse
No. 966908
>>966900check the amount of sugar, and then check the amount of suger for the flips.
The fda needs to be torn down
No. 967042
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Avatar is completely average and the reason why it's so popular is because it's Babys First Shounen Shit, as there isn't anything really comparable to it in the west. They even had a beach episode.
No. 967318
>>967265they should at least be evaluated and trained to be a normal human with basic sympathy if not empathy and minimum basic hygiene.
>>967271 because:
>But since moids are usually coddled regardless of their environment, they just choose to be asshats.>>967308last age where 99% look better than as an adult because they lose all their hair from masturbating too much, their skin sags because of 0 skincare and they still wear the clothes their mother bought them when they were 16 but now with a huge saggy beer belly. at least as teens they are kinda cute, optimistic, maybe have some fashion sense and are not fat from eating like a pig
>>967315 yeah they are retarded though and i am glad i never dated in high school or below. they don't even have a personality yet.
No. 967812
>>967764Glad it helps! I'm tired of the tumblr crowd taking any offense toward/memeing on mentioning exercise and lifestyle toward a depressed person. It really does matter.
At the same time, I had a doctor who lectured me for 15 minutes on the importance of exercise with depression, when I could have told him I run and lift weights regularly if he just asked.
No. 967823
>>967099tried therapy when I was in high school at the worst point in my life, and I honestly can't remember any meaningful moment from it. I eventually stopped spiraling because of my own efforts and trial-and-error, not because of the therapy. What bull. Incoming rant.
A lot of what I remember is me side-stepping and asking questions to the therapist about her life and she totally let the sessions be sidetracked LIKE A DUMBASS. High schooler me was totally uncomfortable with talking about my social problems and looking back on it, I can't believe that the therapist didn't push me more. Instead, she let the sessions run on as we talked about inane crap, and then only got to issues during maybe the last 10 minutes of the hour session. Now I see it for the avoidant behavior that it was, but I'm still mad that a professional either didn't see it or didn't care enough to address it.
I'm mad for young-me because I think she needed a good kick to the pants and actual solutions to try, instead of merely talking. But I remember so many times I asked the therapist for help or advice and she was like, "weLl WhaT Do YoU ThInK?" Bitch, if I knew how to solve crippling social anxiety back then, do you think I wouldn't have?? That's what's infuriating. I know on some level therapists aren't supposed to tell patients what to do for fear of litigation, but IDK, are therapists completely not allowed to give opinions?
Eh, maybe therapy works for people who don't understand what they're feeling, but for someone who knows themselves well and understands their problems but not how to solve them, it didn't help at all. Or maybe I just had a bad/ill-fitting therapist.
No. 967894
>>966881What a beautiful family
>>966884>>966883What beautiful couples
Anyone who has a problem with interracial relationships in general is a fucking loser who can’t stand to see others happy.
No. 967909
>>967065This, you can't open up about suicidalness because then youll get a 5k hospital bill and be a paycheck behind (this is even more fucked if you're in college since you'll be held behind on work)
if you're a teenager then the therapist can tell your parents things like if you got raped or if you report their abuse which has put a lot of people I know in situations that harmed them. Some therapists are just baffling idiots and don't know what to do other than refer you to a psychiatrist that will dope you up yet none of them will even try to help fix the root of issues such as financial issues, relationship issues, etc. Therapy would actually work if therapists referred patients to things that help with finances or relationships
No. 967915
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Here are my unpopular opinions, video game edition:
>handhelds are better than consoles
>mainline SMT is better than Persona because the social links are mostly badly written or uninteresting. If the new team that will be in charge of the next Persona games will be able to write better cutscenes and social links I'll change my opinion
>Dangan Ronpa 1 is better than Dangan Ronpa 2. I couldn't finish DR2 because it felt like a parody of itself instead of a parody of the genre in general like the first game and the twists felt like they were just repeating the ones from the first game
>Apollo Justice is a flawed game but it's way better than the two next games and had a lot of potential and I'm sick of everyone grouping it with Dual Destinies not bad but it feels like someone rewrote Ghost Trick and Spirit of Justice the last case is literally the Fey family drama from the trilogy but in India, wtf do people praise it so much
>console wars are retarded, you should decide which consoles you want based on their games and not based on how powerful the consoles themselves are
>Bayonetta 1 is better than the second game, I never get bored of replaying it but the second one feels only really fun during your first playthrough
>I'm glad Final Fantasy lost its popularity from like 10 years ago, I feel like it used to be THE JRPG franchise back then in the West literally just because other franchises weren't localized or they were barely advertised
>the reason why the Fire Emblem games on the GBA are inferior to the ones on the 3DS aren't just because of the permadeath feature but also because they rely too much on RNG and it makes the permadeath thing feel very unfair, especially on a first playthrough. The mere fact that the RNG can fuck your units' stats and you can't do anything about it prevents the games from being actually about strategy/tactics. At least in the 3DS games your units can come back for the next chapters so you can experiment a little and take risks and learn from your mistakes
>the Pokemon devs should find a way to completely remove evolutions that rely on trading only in the next games. Maybe add a late-game NPC that can make your Pokemon evolve for a fee or whatever although, that would require efforts and they don't like that lol
>If a game looks ugly I won't buy and play it. I have way too much choice and I own games I've barely had the opportunity to play so I'm not going to choose to look at something ugly, especially when the game looks ugly on purpose
>gatekeeping hobbies is a good thing, play games as much as you want but don't call yourself an Atlus fan when you have literally just heard of and played Persona 5 and you think they've developed Resonance of Fate based on an actual conversation with a guy I know irl
>the state of the retro game market as been completely fuck over by consoomers who just want to buy old games to expose them on their shelves and never touch them. A GBA game should NOT cost 200€ just because it's in its box and it was rated by "experts", whoever the fuck they are
No. 967941
>>967915>Dangan Ronpa 1 is better than Dangan Ronpa 2. I couldn't finish DR2 because it felt like a parody of itself instead of a parody of the genre in general like the first game and the twists felt like they were just repeating the ones from the first gameAgree about Danganronpa, what's your opinion about the 3rd one and the Ultra Despair Girls spin-off? Haven't yet played V3 (or however it's called) and for now gave up on UDG…
>I'm glad Final Fantasy lost its popularity from like 10 years ago, I feel like it used to be THE JRPG franchise back then in the West literally just because other franchises weren't localized or they were barely advertisedYep, especially since FF wasn't perfect since the PSX era. Overhyped trash. I did enjoy FFVIIR, but at the same time it was ruined by SE's typical bullshit.
>gatekeeping hobbies is a good thing, play games as much as you want but don't call yourself an Atlus fan when you have literally just heard of and played Persona 5 and you think they've developed Resonance of Fate based on an actual conversation with a guy I know irlYep, that's retarded.
>the state of the retro game market as been completely fuck over by consoomers who just want to buy old games to expose them on their shelves and never touch them. A GBA game should NOT cost 200€ just because it's in its box and it was rated by "experts", whoever the fuck they areNot agreeing or disagreeing, it's how things are and have been for a long time — not only with games, with everything. People want to cash in on rarity and preservation. That's normal, even though it sucks for people who just want to play the game on an original hardware. On the other hand, most of the time you don't really need the original cartridge, cd or whatever. Just mod your console, usually it isn't that hard. Therefore it could be argued that wanting the game is consoomerish for that reason. I don't really have a strong opinion, though.
>>967938I don't frequent there, but I get why it exists. Kinda annoys me when people are like 'they are psychopaths!!!' because of terms like crotchfruit and general rudness. I don't agree with it, but it has to be understood that it comes from being fed the child propaganda their whole life, being pestered by aunties and grandpas etc. They are venting in their space, as long as they aren't mean outside of it for no reason or getting over the line, I don't see a problem. Though breeder is a super gross term, NGL. Ew. Also not supporting any misogyny under the guise of being childfree.
No. 967957
>>967302i agree. waiting on
triggered anachans
No. 967962
>>967941Dangan Ronpa 2 disappointed me so much I haven't played the next games. On top of that I was super busy with university and my part time job so I could barely play video games back then so I wasn't going to force myself to finish DR2. Maybe I will try someday DR3, since the entire series will be released on the Switch, and maybe I'll change my mind too, but this series rely a lot of surprising the players with plot twists and I've seen too much spoilers about the recent games.
As for my last point, I know the current retro game market is based on supply and demand but for some reason it feels way too forced and sudden. It wasn't that long ago when I bought copies of popular GBA games for like 25€ or 50€ at the very most, but all of a sudden the prices tripled and I wouldn't be surprised if it were because of some trend or influencer online or something similar. For example I bought a copy of Boktai in my usual retro game store for like 50€ in 2017 or 2018, tried to play it long after that and the UV lamp thing wasn't working so I couldn't even finish the tutorial. I sold it a few months ago to the same shop and it's new price is now 250€because it's in a box with the booklet in perfect condition. It was graded by an expert but you still can't play this shit.
I don't play on emulators because I like playing on handhelds, but I'm considering doing it for games that weren't officially released in Europe or that had only a tiny amount of copies released like the Raidou Kuzunoha games or more obscure PS2 JRPGs, or games that had horrible official localizations like the PS1 Final Fantasy games if they have mods and better translations.
No. 967967
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>>967302You literally just described the idoldecay girl kek
No. 967970
>>967968My sister is ten years apart from me and she might as well be on another planet
funny thing is when I was a teen I found out she actually is my aunt, wacky family drama but my husbands brother is ten years apart from him and they are like best buddies. All of his favorite games and bands were all shown to him by his brother, so they bonded a lot over that, plus his brother is a really light hearted goofy kind of person who's easy to get along with. My sister is rigid as fuck.
No. 968112
>>968074You would know through how clothes fit and comparing yourself to others. It helps to compare people to each other so you can see more examples. You'll see that some people are wider than others.
I agree with OP's take. But as someone with a wide frame, I think this is a positive. It's easier to look skinnier with a wide frame. So as long you're not anachan, you can carry weight better.
No. 968351
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>>968339They need to get a Wreck This Journal
No. 968373
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>>968339especially when they're paperbacks. i get why you wouldn't want to ruin expensive special editions but paperbacks which are printed on the cheapest paper anyways? nerds. if someone owns paperbacks and they have no creases in the spine, i just assume they don't read them.
No. 968643
>>967938Personally don't understand the hate towards it, i decided to go on it daily for a while to see if it genuinely was as bad as people say and only once or twice did I come across a post that made me go ew no too much. Most of the posts were based for reddit, they were about how misogynistic people get about women who don't want children. Most of the subreddit is women so that's probably why it isn't actually a cesspool.
I saw mostly hatred of bad parents not children. Most of the people who seethe about the subreddit anyway are men so I don't know why people don't trust go on the reddit and see what it's actually like.
Bonus points when they defend that many mothers are just burnt out because their lazy husbands don't child mind.
No. 968661
>>968643nta, I'm a woman who is still on the fence about wanting kids (but still leaning towards not wanting them) the few times I have been to that subreddit it just reeks of mental illness, especially narcissism. they like to call people who have kids "breeders" which I find really cringey. "breeders" are the only reason you're even alive. they also like to refer to kids as crotch goblins, crotch demons, semen demons, fuck trophies etc. I really don't get the gross sexual names for kids. I remember one post of this bitch whining about how her and her boyfriend went to the incredibles (a literal kid's movie) and complained about annoying kids being there, as well as a shit ton of other posts complaining about kids being at marvel movies. tinfoil, but I seriously think a lot of people who hate kids with a passion for no apparent reason are just overgrown children themselves, salty that they have to be adults.
I can relate to some posts on that subreddit but there's enough to make me understand why people hate it.
No. 968668
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I believe that large chunk of successful right-wing media figures (Candance Owens, Ben Shapiro, Paul Joseph Watson) don't actually believe in any of the shit they spout
They know what their target audience is and they know exactly what they have to say for approval and clout, in another reality they could have easily been CNN commentators if it meant the same level of fame
I've actually read PJW's book on terrorism and surprisingly the guy had a good understanding on how US and UK meddlings in the middle east during the cold war, nonsensical colonial=era borders that ignored ethnic lines and actively funding and training Jihadist groups are responsible for the current predicament were in, I mean you don't expect that nuisance and research from a dumbass right winger
No. 968679
>>968676I mean graduated highschool at 16 and Graduated both Harvard and UCLA by 20, you'd have to be Smart guy to do that
Its why I think its an act
No. 969065
>>968661I don't love the names they call kids (I'm ok with what they call shitty parents) but I just never see a bunch of whiny posts and I used to read all the posts on my morning bus journey just to see if I could find stuff like that, like I'd sort by new. I think I saw one person complain about kids in a kids film but the comments were kinda like nah you can't expect kids not to be in a kids film.
I don't know why I just never see many bad posts on that subreddit just a lot of "my partner wants kids now" "I can't get my tubes tied" "my mother called me useless for not wanting kids" like a lot of understandable vents, I don't know I just don't see a lot of bad.
No. 969124
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>>968661I'm a childless spinster myself but I really am put off by the wierd, culty and hostile energy of child free subreddits and such. I adore my nieces and don't see children as parasites any more than the average career politician. I believe that the majority of unpleasant-ness with rearing children comes from issues such as financial stress, unaccommodating work-life balance, and the acceptance of men being mediocre, unhelpful side-role in parenting.
On that note, I've come to the conclusion that any community that is built on actively shunning and disregarding a very normal and common life decision or process is bound to get
toxic. From atheism to child free, these choices should not require constant affirmation and validation in the form of derision and sneering at others. All of that is simply cope, to 1-up parents or society who may have mentally scarred you, or maybe as you said, unleash anger at a world that expects them to be adults and step aside for the next generation.
No. 969189
>>968661I'm childfree too and yeah the 2 things that I don't get are.. people obsessing over the fact that yes children are the result of a sexual encounter. Those people who always have to refer to the baby by some sexual reference and it sits weird with me that they do that. Creepy shit, all the references to jizz and crotches. Just say baby. The use of stand in terms for just the word baby.. as if it's a bad word, is kinda nutty to me. Excuse the pun! lol. Like we all come from sex but would you refer to me as a 30 year old jizz stain then? kek
The other thing is how many adults have 'childish' hobbies (which in itself is fine, idc personally) but they resent the presence of children when they go to a toy store to buy themseves lego or when they go to Build a Bear. Like come on.
No. 969217
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>>968661I used to be one of these overtly angry childfree people (although I was alone in that, I always thought that the "childfree communities" were cringy) and at least for me, it wasn't so much about being salty that I was am an adult or being a womanchild, I actually always prefer being an adult even with all its downsides.
The thing for me, at least, it's that it was so expected and demanded for women to have children, even women that barely have left their teenage years themselves (I've asked about having children since I was a child myself, as young as 8, wtf is that) that you just wanna distance yourself as much as possible from that idea and even become aggressive towards it. Like, the only way you can get the idea that you really,
really don't want children is to insult children themselves, even if they don't have anything to do with it. Kinda like an NLOG that have been fed since childhood that she should conform to femininity and because of that forcefulness she goes absolutely 180° and just becomes sexist.
I've obviously outgrown that child hatred I had, and I believe a lot will do the same once they understand there's no reason to actually hate the children instead of the patriarchal expectations of motherhood and fight that status quo. One of the things that made me "snap out of it", among other things, was the fact that this kind of normalization of the hatred for children can lead to some really grim stuff, since they are an easily exploitable part of our society, unfortunately.
Children can be annoying and loud as fuck, but so can be underdeveloped adults and we still have to deal with them on a daily basis because that's what living in a society means.
No. 969326
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>>968668shaprio seems legit, its just that he is a basic bitch neocon/zionist.
If you want an actual crazy right wing philosopher check out nick land
No. 969358
>>969350Yeah like there are people who should definitely not have kids, but limiting their right to do so is a massive violation of bodily autonomy. Inevitably it would involve forced abstinence, birth control, abortions and/or adoption, there's no ethical way to ensure someone who wants a kid doesn't have a kid.
There are so many better ways to deal with the issue of unfit parents that are a net positive for society and not heinously immoral. Better sex ed, full reproductive rights, more education for women, more support for parents (financial and otherwise), fighting the stigma of being childfree, improving birth control and access to it, etc etc. Never gonna happen because men in power are always invested in women being broodmares for whatever nefarious reasons.
No. 969373
>>969315that's the thing I'm trying to say, you want to dom PJW the character while Candance Owens, Ben Shapiro and Paul Joseph Watson aren't real people, their elaborate personas
IRL their probably normal sensible people
No. 969415
>>969411I thought the same thing when I read
>>969377, how joyless are you to have a problem with people baby talking at pets lmao. It's so normal and inoffensive…
No. 969419
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>>969369Fido isn't exactly a child but it's entirely dependent on you and completely vulnerable like one. That's why people want to protect the dog (or a cat). Also dogs actually treat us as their parent – they run for emotional comfort to us. are also said to possess emotions on the level of a 2-3 years old child. They aren't human, but are incredibly bonded to us. A lot of people reciprocate.
>>969376She probably couldn't live with herself letting her dog die for above reasons. I'm not judging her decision. Endangering yourself for any reason can turn sour quickly. I don't really feel your argument about animal living only 10~15 years. It's
valid on logical reason, but completely misses out on the emotional side of the equation.
No. 969436
>>969433If your argument is that the dog won't live long then it can be applied to anything or anyone that doesn't live long. That's my point, it's that "they don't live long" isn't a
valid argument. Just because you don't understand why some pet owners love and care for their animals the same way a parent would do for an ill child then just shut up and move on. I'm sorry dogs offend you
No. 969453
>>969433>I don't understand risking all your possible life experiences on an animal which will likely pass then be replaced by another oneYou are doing the same thing again lol. People feel that they have a duty to protect their family animals, it's rooted in their ethics and emotions. But I guess it's fine and not traumatic cause you can always buy a next "Fido" which will be the same as the previous one. Your lack of understanding/empathy in this case is off-putting, though I am aware that it comes from an emotional place of potentially losing your friend (assuming you are that anon and not OP). You can disagree personally while understanding why people would make different choices than you.
To you a dog's life isn't worth as much as a human's, but a dog can be the only close friend and a guide. How can you not place an insanely high value on that, especially knowing that it's an innocent creature that sees you as the big protector?
No. 969553
>>969551Here's an adjacent bi woman's opinion: Straight women who catfish for bi femme "unicorns" on dating apps and sites (by pretending to be into a woman and chatting her up, then producing a boyfriend/husband and trying to get a third for a threesome) deserve a chafed vag and exactly zero orgasms for the rest of their lives.
Just leave us the fuck alone, straight couples.
No. 969583
>>969560if it was literally anyone else maybe but
> She talks to her animals the same wayI should have said her pet babble is normal for her no matter the pet or owner. Though her daddy usage is way more prevalent than mommy kek maybe you're right
No. 969759
>>969661As much as I don't want to claim that you need to 'act on' your orientation in order for it to be real.. I do think that if we purely went by that then we'd see bisexual women are nowhere near as common as online bios would make you believe. There's whatever underlying pressures now making women claim these labels.
I'm a closet case, have slept with multiple women but kept it mostly sceret as I've only dated 2 people over the years and both were men. If I were born 15 years earlier I'd be even stricter of a closet case and if I were born 15 years later I'm sure I'd be out about it. It's strange to think about.
No. 969784
>>969775This whole post is dumb
no one is obligated to stay in a relationship they are unhappy in. You don't need the excuse of cheating or abuse. People fall out of love, it sucks but that's life., but this part
>We just coddle the feelings of divorced adults by saying kids are worse off in ‘unhappy’ homes.So I guess this is just ignoring all of the people who say they wished their parents got divorced (or divorced sooner) because they were obviously unhappy with each other.
No. 969790
>>969775I came from a home where I wish my parents had split, my mom died a miserable woman and she can't get all those years back now.
But then I've also dated someone who had a kid from a previous marriage and yeah I could see how the dad and his lets say.. unstable dating life had affected the kid and given him issues that were plain as day to me but the dad denied them. Seen both cause plenty of damage. Parents being in denial seems to be a shared issue on both sides of that.
No. 969792
>>969775Disagree. I got to see my mum happy after the divorce finally ended. She bought herself nice clothes and stylish haircuts and had friends
Before that she was sad and friendless, the same way a lot of my friend's mums stayed forever
I understand that might have been harder if we lived somewhere with no government child support and there were times where we lived on soup but I got to see it was possible for a woman to be a complete whole person without a man, and now I get to see that her dating life is going fine so I KNOW "the wall" isn't real
No. 969862
>>969775my actually unpopular opinion (unlike yours) is that your parents divorcing/separating shouldn't affect you at all unless you're a complete pissbaby and don't have enough real problems at your hands. people who whine about divorce are either spoiled little shits and/or tradthots with family values more similar to sharia law than those of modern equal societies.
furthermore i think people who call their parents (usually their mom) narcissists are fucked in the head and need to check themselves. literal cow behavior.
>>969620this reads like such weird misogynist propaganda. going from "pedophiles and trannies should be ashamed" to "women who reproduce with 'any random man that'll leave them' should be ashamed" makes no fucking sense. one is obviously worse than the other, and also illegal. the other is also not reasonable as it's impossible to know if you'll be left by your particular scrote or not. anyone who thinks otherwise is a naive dumbass and probably a pickme.
No. 969898
>>969862Pretty spot on.
I think one exception is, I've seen men who will go crazy with all the impulsive dating after a divorce. They consistantly pick the wrong women, introduce the kid to every gf within a week of meeting her (to get back at mom I suspect) and the kid has a string of strangers moving into their house and taking priority over them every time. Dad ain't picky… any woman will do. I know a shithead guy who does that and every relationship turns
toxic. Having a whole string of partners come and go in your early years can fuck you up I'd say. Sometimes your mother escapes a shithead dad… only for a series of other women to get the pleasure of experiencing him.. while you're stuck along for the ride. Fathers rights! lol
No. 969936
>>969925The whole concept of buying NFT's is just buying an imagine online, right?
If so, that's the fucking stupidest idea ever. Who the hell would spend money on that shit? Buy an actual painting at least.
No. 969944
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As a person who only speaks English, french doesn't sound sexy, and Italian sounds infinitely better. I also don't understand romanticising france since it basically feels like Britain, but the alcholism has been replaced by smoking
No. 969948
>>969925I'm angry, but not at "people making money"
I'm angry that anyone has that kind of money to spend on a digital image, and I'm also angry that a lot of people making money from NFTs are well connected and successful artists that easily made big money from irl art before. The stories about nobodies making it are few and far between to feed the pyramid scheme, those of us that don't have money continue to not have money and those that do continue to spunk it away on pointless things
No. 969970
>>969898I actually think the opposite happens more stupidly frequently. A woman escapes a shit head husband only for their kids to experience the mother's shit head boyfriends/ new husband.
If the divorce was amicable and the step parents if any are pretty good it does make it weird to make it into a tragedy.
No. 969982
>>969970As I was typing up my post I thought of how I'm always hearing that women do it. In my life I've just seen men do it more tho.. that revolving door of new partners coming and going every 6 months. There's no staying power. They're 30 and have the relationships of teens but with this added baggage.
I think women can obviously choose poorly too but are more likely to keep those partners around longer. The issues of picking bad partners is still a thing there. Much of a muchness I guess. Lots of shitty strangers or one persistant shitty step-parent. Neither are great.
No. 970022
>>969862My parents divorcing didn't really affect me because they had a shitty marriage all my life and it really showed, but I feel like most of the damage comes from leaving the kids completely unsupervised and on their own, making them lack a feeling of security a family brings. Especially if you're a young child at a tender age or your parents start using you as a weapon against each other.
>>969993Parents who introduce their dates to their kids very early on in the relationships are garbage. Like at least wait for around six months to see if they stick around and are worth bringing in front of your children. When my parents got divorced I didn't even want to meet their new partners for a long while.
No. 970450
No. 970460
>>970452I only respect whores who openly say they'd rather suck cock than scrub toilets. That's mental illness, not my problem. No country or city that has legalized prostitution piuts the legal whores on top of the money pile: the best you get is HALF at most of what the scrote pays you to suck his dick or fuck him. HALF! Some other faggot scrote gets to just scalp the money you made with your body.
That's why sex works isn't real work- because it's ONLY EVER a means to an ends for MEN to legally monetize women's bodies for THEIR gain, not ours. Being a whore will never give you power over men, the only way to EVER hsve power over a man is to have the ability to 1000% say no and walk away from him without any kind of blowback. The kind of women who volunteer for sex work do not fit into that category, they're willingly making themselves vulnerable to predatory men for less than half of what THEY say you're worth. How can that ever be empowering?
No. 970468
>>970457You can't "liberate" a woman who is brainwashed, anon. There are 2 kinds of vulnerable women that sex work targets:
>brainwashed, mentally ill insecure women who think they're powerful girlbosses for being whores and do so willingly>vulnerable women with no other option who legitimately have no other choice, or who were forced into itThe former exists to make sure the latter is ALWAYS grouped in with them. Sex work is THE most male-oriented, exploitative, destructive called "industry" women can be a part of,, and it's not new by any means- it's just that these days society is trying to brainwash women into volunteering themselves to it so that they don't have to be given a fair, living wage and equal opportunities.
>why would you wanna go to college and work for years to have a career when you could just fuck for as much money as you want!I have NEVER heard of a legal whore being her own woman, because it's not possible for a woman to be in control in sex work.
No. 970484
>>970475It's not an option and never should be offered as such. IF its an option for women, it needs to be a legal option for men, too.
NO WOMAN WANTS THE """OPTION""" OF SUCKING DICK FOR MONEY. Why is this hard for you to get? The only 2 kinds of women taking that deal are the ones who don't want help, and the ones who are desperate to do ANYTHING else but have NO other option left.
Only scrotes, handmaids and fat shitstack egirls advocate for any kind of "legitimate" sex work.
No. 970489
>>970457But how do you liberate someone who chooses to be a slave?
>>970460Even if they made a shitload of money, it still wouldn't be empowering because sex work is the most dehumanizing thing out there. The one who pays is ALWAYS in control, he gets a custom-tailored fantasy sexual experience while the prostitute just does it no matter how objectifying, degrading, and mentally damaging it is.
No. 970494
>>970488Just dismantle the sex work industry and build another non-sex based female-driven industry that allows women to be independent.
STOP trying to act like there's a safe, legal, PC way to legalize or normalize sex work. There is not and never will be because sex work is an industry that only vulnerable and brainwashed women will ever have to encounter. That alone is the reason it shouldn't exist.
No. 970498
>>970488>>970489>>970494I want to see a normal, happy, well adjusted woman from a rich family with a good background who one day decided to turn to sex work, and her family was 100% okay with it and supportive of her and of spreading awareness for sex worker safety.
Oh right, that's never happened and it never will, because it cannot. Sex work is degrading bc only certain kinds of women will ever have to face it as an "option".
No. 970507
>>970505Nice nitpicking deflection. The distinction needs to be made between the vulnerable women who have no other choice and the brainwashed handmaids who keep trying to force the industry to be allowed to ensnare more vulnerable women.
Only whores choose sex work when they have another option. Only whores advocate for it. If you have an issue with them being called whores, eliminate the industry and bam, problem solved. Don't try to make me personally responsible for how English works.
No. 970511
>>970510Cope harder, Stacy. You can't logically explain your scrote-tier logic so you resort to this.
Have fun defending sex work bc you know you'll never have to do it, and bc you enjoy watching vulnerable women who are prettier than you having to degrade themselves for men you feel better than. THAT is the real reason sex work gets the push that it does- the girls who float though life wishing they had the imaginary privileges they think pretty girls have but really don't.
No. 970532
>>970524>samefaggingKEK I wasn't even, I was replying to posts quoting me?? But ofc who isn't gonna believe the admin I guess.
I hope this site really does die soon, it's rapidly turning into a coomer censorship dome. Nothing of actual interest can be discusses and the site functions only to send views and clicks to the trainwrecks who keep performing just to be posted here.
(ban-evasion) No. 970536
>>970532Do you understand that samefagging is also replying multiple times to the same post without indicating that you're the same person?
>>>/meta/1706> Samefagging> - Making multiple posts back-to-back, without obvious indication they were all made by you. This is not always deceptive, though is often the very least you could've put "samefag" like a normal person
No. 970537
see it's not that hard, but you also say "Yah" and it sounds like you're just someone else agreeing with the post above.
No. 970547
>>970521Nta, but that anon is right
aside from the other dumb posts above. It is kind of hypocritical, reminds me of that one Pakistani anon.
No. 971196
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Sometimes farmers are really out of touch with memes by taking certain posts from cows seriously (for instance the last filtered picture June posted: it's part of the "yassification" meme trend) and I think it is very childish. I find it makes the thread look stupid and lose some of its integrity, especially when multiple posts are nitpicking an obvious joke. It makes lolcow look like pull.
No. 971416
>>971386Idk, it’s awkward and men being polite doesn’t happen. Most of the times they will just shout obscenities and get over it and I think that the whole
>I-I want to receive compliments from strangers uwuIs retarded, you don’t want to receive compliments from random people because It’s weird as fuck, even if a really hot guy or woman decided to compliment me, I would feel uncomfortable as fuck because I don’t know what are their true intentions, like, lots of pickpocketers approaches you just like that, being friendly and such, so it’s only sane to be wary of such things.
I think everyone should just mind their own business while outside, without forgetting to be human, like not being an asshole and helping someone when they fall or something like that. But you don’t really need to start a whole conversation or tell them that they’re hot while helping them, it only makes things weird.
No. 971434
>>971416Different anon but I can see how it varies quite a bit by country. Where I live you don't compliment strangers. You compliment people you already know reasonably well and that's the general unspoken social rule.
Only today I spotted that a guy working in a nearby store (I don't 'know' him but I see him all the time) he got a new tattoo on his forearm. It was really well done and I had a moment where I considered just saying I like it.. and that moment passed because compliments can be kinda seen as awkward and creepy here. You have to be drunk here to break down that stiff barrier.
I've been crushing on a guy lately and listening out for compliments is a good indicator of interest because they're that rare here.. I'm still waiting on a compliment though, one of these days kek
No. 971436
>>971424Of course, are you dumb? I’ve almost got my stuff stolen by a man who asked for directions on the street, and my mom also almost got her purse stolen by a woman who asked for her help. It’s only normal to be paranoid after that happens to you, while there’s some nice people out there, it’s hard to know whether someone is being genuinely nice or is just trying to distract you to steal your stuff.
Okay. How about you compliment someone but not approaching them too much? You get to voice your opinion about a literal who’s shoes and you’re not too close to them to be threatening, it’s better that way.
No. 971465
>>971453Where are you from? I agree with that
nonny, just going up to strangers complimenting them is weird as hell. I might smile when it happens, but it's only ever to get them off my back à la just smile and wave.
No. 971683
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bumping because of a scrote posting porn (at least it isn't cp)
No. 971829
>>971808It’s funny because first you dolts say
>omg do you live in a slumBut then they say
>you’re sheltered and privileged So, I guess most nonnies who don’t like getting complimented by strangers are privileged, sheltered girls who come from slums. Cool.
No. 971839
>>971836It’s still dumb, I just think that compliments from complete strangers is basically unwelcomed by most people regardless of where they live.
I don’t understand how is that so difficult to get, it has been hours and it’s the same thing over and over again. Just bring another unpopular opinion into the unpopular opinions thread because at this point this is honestly autistic.
No. 972031
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nonnie, I get it, here you go, a big smile just for you.
No. 972130
>>971808I'm not western, I'm slav and it's not normal to go up to strangers and compliment them where I'm from, at least not in the bigger cities. Friends/coworkers give out compliments all the time but strangers? Maybe if you're stuck together on a long bus ride or during a social event, that would be normal.
Only creepy aunties who want to initiate some random hours-long small talk and scrotes give out compliments when you're walking out on a street.
No. 972294
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Porn is being spammed
No. 972307
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Unpopular opinion is that scrotes should be blasted into the sun if their dick isn't above 7 inches
No. 972311
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Good nite sleep tite
No. 972445
nonnie, it would be better to pay them with cigarettes to reduce the male population.
No. 973313
>>971494 Cashiers especially don't care about what you have to say to them. They are tired and not well paid and just want to finnish your shopping and see you leave. I think it's ok to compliment someone you see regulary and remember eachother. Probaby a waiter in a pub you go to everyday, or something like that comes to mind.
>>971506I don't know where you saw me saing that i'm worried about compliments. I'm not worried, i'm annoyed that random people are talking to me when i don't care and don't have time or energy to talk to them. Luckily i live in nation full of pople like me so it doesn't happen very often.
>>972396indeed i am
No. 973334
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Life for Eastern European women was better during the Soviet Union than how it is now.
No. 973345
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>>973342It's way more common for women and girls to back stab their friends than it is for guys. Stop acting like women are perfect angels who only commit crimes cuz "the patriarchy made me do it".
You're gonna have to decide whether you think women are competent people who are capable of thinking for themselves or naive easily manipulated children.. It can't be both.
No. 973347
>>968661>they also like to refer to kids as crotch goblins, crotch demons, semen demons, fuck trophies etc. I really don't get the gross sexual names for kids. The one that really gave me whiplash was the term cum pet. It was in… child free animal crossing on fb, a group I joined because the general groups could have me reported for having 18 plus themes on my island. It was going rapidly downhill from that premise (which was its initial aim), and along with bashing any post from another group mentioning children playing animal crossing, there were threads starting up just hating on baby announcements, not even related to acnh in any way with lots of comments ripping the shit out of a pretty standard announcement, saying nobody cares etc. It was some really hateful shit. But the term cum pet made me grimace, then seeing it used somewhat frequently, I left the group.
No. 973354
>>964034>>964021>>964013>>964013Yes everyone is jealous of constant wildfires and homes burned down every summer and high cost of living just to be near some street shitting meth-heads. And the cheap areas like Northern California and Central California are cheap for a reason; because no one wants to live there.
Try living in Fresno or some hick place like Red Bluff, you think it's all LA avocado toasts and surfing lmao.
No. 973363
>>973335These women you are talking about would never compare to the amount of rapists, killers and corrupt rulers who are almost always a male. It's retarded to compare whining women "ruining LIvEs" by trying to cancel someone over twitter (and there are absolute faggots who deserve it).
And mental games aren't predominantly a woman's field, many lives have been ruined by revenge porn, doxxing and death threats. Who does it? typically a male.
Males are the most potent corrupters both physically and mentally. Deal with it. And try to write normally, you sound either retarded or someone trying to emulate women by thinking that's how they write. cUz!1!
No. 973370
>>973335are you fucking stupid? No shit women aren't as violent as men. And no "too much testosterone" doesn't make you more violent you absolute moron. If that was true we would see similar violence/rape rates in male animals but we don't. Males like you will do anything to shift blame for your violence onto something else rather than admit it's a combination of entitlement, a power grab, and being unable to control basic emotions.
Anyway whatever woman fucked your life up did good to get yout this mad
No. 973391
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>>973378>you don't know nothing about the chimp worldkek,ntayrt and infighting aside, this sentence made me chuckle.
No. 973413
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i think
>>973409 and >>973411 should kiss already.
No. 973415
>>973413I'm not his dad so I think he would reject me,
No. 974565
>>974416I think the exact opposite, if it's about anime. Most anime deliberately put out fanservice and sexualization of their underage characters. IMO it's weird that western fans pretend they don't see it happening, but then get mad at other fans for doing exactly what the creators banked on them doing. It'd make more sense to cancel the whole series, but they usually just let it slide if it's canon, it seems strange and performative
I think it's actually kind of refreshing if "horny fans" rather age up the characters to reconcile what's happening on screen with what they know to be right in their own minds. In the end, I guess it's all just fiction anyway, but eh. That's my own opinion, idk if it's unpopular or not
No. 974905
>>974894sex should always start with the woman orgasming before the man even penetrates her, preferably from oral sex, literally a perfect method and makes penetration super easy with no lube required
it should be more common than it is, that's the only way my bf and i have sex and thinking how other people do it differently just seems stupid, and sometimes i get to cum twice but even if i don't it's no big deal because 1 time is enough
No. 974956
>>974919They don't. They just take their pussy being ripped to shreds and bleeding regularly since most women who date coomers are desperate for any sort of dick.
I use to date a coomer and I thought I just hated sex since he wouldn't foreplay and would just pound me for 30+ minutes with a dick that he would have to bounce on my stomach or ass to make hard again. Now I'm married to a guy who does foreplay and lasts less than 10 minutes and he's the only man to ever make me be able to cum. I also hate women who enable men to last long by pretending they like long sex and media keeps lying to young folk thinking that longer sex = better when in reality it's just miserable
No. 975056
>>974957I've also seen the reverse where lesbians have a weird superiority complex over straight women for feminist reasons lol
Though tbf I feel like lesbians who do that are either secretly polilez or bisexuals coping. If you can only really think of your sexuality in terms of its political meaning, or if you only find yourself attracted to one group because you resent another, red flag
No. 975209
>>975206You got a point, though I was wonder the impression the anon was speaking about the debacle of bisexuals vs lesbians rather then those two vs straight women too, winch is just a even bigger set of canned worms.
One can become sick of making sexuality a political or moralistic point when it's effectively a natural neutral thing. At least I got tired of it quick and try to create some space when I get too sick of it all ( I just want to be with a woman dank it leave me be
grumble grumble)
No. 975210
nonnie, but homosexuality
is a "secret cool club" and we need that club to feel stronger and have a space where the participants can relate to our personal struggles. Straight people and straight-aligned bisexuals will never understand what it is like to be gay and pretending like they do only showcases it.
>>975206 is absolutely correct, it's retarded deflection and refusing to acknowledge the issue instead of accepting it as what it is. Straight women experience misogyny like all women but they don't experience homophobia and can be guilty of cultivating it. It's not more complex than that.
No. 975213
>>975206>>975210>>975206>>975210See this is what i'm talking about ffs, where i mentioned feminism/straight women? i'm talking about political larpers infiltrating
your community and people being immature about homosexuality
No. 975218
>>975216What that has to do with my post? not everyone that sees through your bs is dating a man
>>975211They're the biggest hypocrites i swear
No. 975222
>>975211>bihetsOh, it's you. Listen, I'm sure you understand the concept of the difference between an oppressed group making comments or jokes about an oppressive group vs and oppressive group making comments or jokes about an oppressed group under other circumstances, so you should understand how it applies here.
>>975213We can read subtext. The timing of the original post being right after the posts from lesbians acknowledging how uncomfortably straight women can treat lesbians was too uncanny, and everyone noticed.
No. 975229
>>975218>>975216Typical defensive bs, just admit that you can be cunts. That's all I'm asking for.
Some of you
victim blame straight women for getting abused by men.
No. 975295
>>975287It was poorly timed, didn't exclusively criticize fake gays (the start of the post was about thinking that lesbians being mad at straight women is stupid, you can't pretend it wasn't), and probably wouldn't have gotten as severe of a reception as it did if not for the posts made shortly before it, and the insensitive or retarded replies like
>>975226 or
>>975229 No. 975318
>>975295>the start of the post was about thinking that lesbians being mad at straight women is stupid>I can't believe these sexuality wars between women keep happening despite all these yearsThat's what i said, the rest is about fake lesbians and polilez, and i said this in a more pitiful way, as is kinda sad to see so many infighting between women, specially if said women aren't even gay to begin with
>975300I'm the original poster, wtf are you doing?
No. 975374
>>966170>purebreads easier to raise>pugs existWe've pure bred dogs into having multiple health issues, back issues, leading to expensive medical bills to desperately keep a dog alive so that it can continue to live deformed and a lesser quality life.
Plently of sweet, loving animals come from pounds. Breeding is capitalising on live animals and they're being put in puppy farms just to be given to owners who most of the time will dump them straight back in the pound after they're too difficult to keep.
Sorry to go off
nonnie, but I'm sick of people thinking there's an ethical way to breed animals when really it's an unethical industry.
No. 975381
>>975374I would agree with you but I've seen so many shit heads treating pound dogs with behavioral issues from past trauma and not being able to handle them that I've also grown disillusioned about adopt don't shop people.
We don't deserve dogs of any kind sometimes tbh
No. 975437
>>975380Well I know that, but that's not going to happen because pets will continue to be bred, this is just wishful thinking
>>975381I know, it's pretty awful. Do you not think purebreads are abused either though?
No. 975960
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>>975945I'm honestly convinced most people who use the term pickme are just retards who think it means "woman who says something I disagree with" because I keep seeing it used where it makes no fucking sense and/or is contradictory to what a pickme is.
FYI, pickmes argue the exact opposite of this. no pickme would ever be saying "men should have to do more than just nut in me to make me orgasm". seriously, learn what words mean before you use them.
No. 975961
>>975960t. someone who has never had a real dick in her life
cope harder
No. 975972
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>>975945statistically its always been known that most women dont get orgasms during sex. like not even half of them do and we are ""sex positive"" as it gets now. this is an old statistic but i doubt theres much difference its always these numbers. i dont live in the us where i live the number of women who have orgasm from vaginal sex is even lower than in the states.
its literally easy to find that men just fucking suck at sex cause they are coomers. nonitas arent weird for getting "small" dicks. it has always been like this and to blame the women and not the men for being terrible is the biggest pick me shit ive seen. congrats i guess?
No. 976010
>>975977nta, I mean Its obvious that size matters and I think its stupid to pretend its not a factor but not all sizes fit, what might work for me might not work for you
I think anything above 6.5 Inches is too much for me, but I know I'd be left unsatisfied with anything below 5.5
so between that range the rest will be up to how much the effort the male is willing to give
No. 976038
>>975977>>975945I am all for shaming small dicks but your logic doesn't hold up, men aren't required for PIV. Dildos exist in all sizes but I've never seen women reporting that they suddenly develop the ability to orgasm from PIV with one. On the other hand, vibrators and detachable showerheads have a well deserved reputation as miracle workers.
It's annoying that people put PIV orgasms on a pedestal. Superficially it's meant to be for women's pleasure, sure, but lbr deep down it's seen as important because moids want to think their magic dicks are the cause of orgasms. Clitoral orgasms are more than good enough and we should focus on ensuring men know how to give them.
No. 976044
>>976038PIV with a man with a good dick and knows what he's doing is pretty great, and I guess the appeal of it is for me that it requires labor on my part
having a male partner whose willing to pleasure first nice and I guess there's also the human aspect of it, being able to touch and feel a man's body
but that's just me, I know not everyone is into that
I think in general we should stop trying to generalize all women like men do
No. 976080
>>976069This is like someone winning the lottery advising others to keep buying tickets because oneday they will win just like you. Get a grip on reality
nonnie lmao
No. 976083
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>>976069stop deflecting you clown
No. 976105
>>976083>>976026NTA you might be a virgin hence why you don't realize this (and that's okay, virgin…) but "good sex" =/= cumming vaginally.
Do you think lesbians all claim to have bad sex because their partners don't make them orgasm from dildo-in-vag? That statistic you posted includes dildos FYI.You don't necessarily need to cum PIV to have great sex with your partner. Men can be great at sex and not make you cum PIV and men can be shit at sex and make you cum (clitorally or otherwise). With my boyfriend, some days we have fantastic sex and sometimes we have bad sex. Neither times do I orgasm from PIV. Does it still feel phenomenal? Absolutely, and it's great.
Find better men to fuck and stop suffering.
No. 976157
>>976154so fucking true and i hate “squirt” as well, it’s literally piss
men don’t believe that squirt is piss though, they think it’s “cum” so ladies go ahead and piss all over your dude if you feel like it
No. 976299
>>976266i get the same thing
truly not sure what to think because for me, most times i've finished i've "squirted" and it's been colourless with no smell or anything. it's never been something i've tried to do, it just happens. i even remember that when i was younger i just thought every woman had that happen when they finished lol
No. 976312
>>976266I've posted about this several times before but I've had weak orgasms when pissing before.
Only when it's a trickle though. I have no fucking idea why.
No. 976588
>>976223It literally squirts out, definitely wasn't discharge
>>976266Well I squirt and in my experience it's hard to tell what hole it's coming from but it just comes out clear and usually just smells and taste sweet-ish and like a faint taste and smell of milk, I've had it come out whitish clear too, and then I go pee after anyway and it's a typical yellow and obviously pee
Anyway, I feel like a lot of anons who get offended over squirting or are militantly squirt is pee are just scared that their partner will expect them to do it, there's definitely girls who pee instead of squirt but actual squirters also exist
No. 977447
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Gender and racial discrimination pale in comparison to cognitive discrimination, they're not even in the same league.
Modern society discriminates heavily against stupid people like me and glorifies intelligence. I don't think it was always this way, back before society became so cognitively orientated, being a little slow was like having less upper body strength or having a slightly below average height, your life wasn't significantly impaired and you weren't making 1/3rd of the money of the farmer next to you.
Why are sub 89 IQ people like me seen as subhuman animals to be mocked and made fun of? To be laughed as being dumb hicks, to be laughed at when our menial jobs are automated? With all the recognition of racial and gendered discrimination, why is cognitive discrimination not only widespread but glorified as just?
I hate making minimum wage and being dumb. People say that menial jobs are entertaining and enjoyable for stupid people, but they're not, we find them just as boring.
No. 977501
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>>977447I thought I was in the shitposting thread. Thanks for the pasta, anon
No. 977522
>>977447Cause most stupid people are capable of being smarter and just don’t want to. People still feel sorry for tards who can’t help it.
If you’re trying you’re still valuable but it’s not like there’s any positives to being stupid either. Slow minds are just not as good or useful.
No. 977530
>>977447the thing is, if you can write reasonably coherently, as you have here, you're at least average and probably well above it.
I remember getting handed back someone else's history paper by mistake in 10th gtade. It was graded a B and I was like oh why'd I get a B? But then the essay starts like "Napoleon was important for many reasons. For one thing he was a good leader. And he stopped them from doing guillotines so much." Like every sentence was less than ten words. I was like damn if this gets a B I've been trying too hard.
I think you took an IQ test and went into it with an "I'm gonna fail" approach or were very anxious about it, so you got a bad score, and now you're leaning on that as "proof" that you're stupid and as an excuse to not try to improve or study.
No. 977564
>>977555this was an honors class so no one should have been that bad. tbh, the teacher was the football coach, and he was on the team. so obviously he probably wasn't trying too hard, and the teacher didn't gaf either, but like I couldn't believe how bad it was. It was grug tier. As you said, "Poor kid" level.
There's an episode of king of the hill where this guy who's on the high school football team pretends to be retarded so he doesn't have to go to classes. And he gives this tard-heartfelt "Me try real hard 2 learn" speech at one point which is like clearly way more tardy than he actually is. The essay was like that, like I couldn't believe anyone over the age of 7 would write like that.
No. 977573
the post is very much "i was a gifted kid whos a loser adult pity me" grow up. you can always get smarter you cant stop being your race or sexual identity unless of course you are poot lovato
No. 977638
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Fruitcake tastes good and holiday memes about it being bad are stupid.
No. 979034
>>977259It's not just Tik Tok. The younger people are, the more used to the internet they are. I was raised being told that the internet could be dangerous and used against you in many ways so keep personal info to yourself, like real life and the internet were two distinct "places", but now real life and the internet are basically too linked together to be fully separated. So now that everyone uses it most people interacts with people they know irl most of the time so they don't think showing their private life publicly is different from telling you friends and family irl about your personal life or showing them your pictures. Linkedin is even worse in a way.
Keep in mind that they're the same people who think it's creepy or
abusive when you see their public posts from months or years ago that they never deleted and that they forgot about.
No. 979075
>>979074Gay men don't objectify or rape women.
>"b-but one time one gay man called me a bitch!!"That's nowhere near as bad as the shit female attracted individuals are capable of, grow up.
No. 979081
>>979075Was I defending 'female attracted individuals' anywhere, dipshit?
Gay men objectify women alright, not as sexual objects but as ATMs for validation and clout. They thrive off of women's insecurities and make it a point to never shut the fuck up how femininity and womanhood itself is about superficial 'flamboyant' mannerisms and certain consumer behavior. Most of the unreasonable, body dysmorphic beauty ideals in our society are heavily influenced by men who prefer men to the point where they hate how women look and are built naturally.
Gay men hate women. They're not your dad lmao they hate your guts.
The only reason you aren't explicitly allying yourself with straight women only is that you're convinced that straight women are the basic evil becky bitches, just like your faggot masters want you to view your entire own sex.
No. 979083
>>979075Bitch, gay males objectify women all the time, they touch us without our consent and then go "tee hee but its all right cus I'm not attracted to you"
No way you're a woman and you're not baiting
They make plain disgusting comments about our bodies, and when they are a bit more sensible it's a backhanded compliment made to drag your self steem to the ground. They exploit us like we own something to them, they treat us just like a straight man would but they have the excuse "I ain't attracted to you so I can do that". Some of them let it clear they would wear our skin if they could. They hate us and if you're really a woman, they hate you too. You're just too dumb to realize.
No. 979086
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motorcycles are cool everyone should ride at least once
No. 979149
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>>979088dont have to be cool or lame, just need a love for bikes.
>>979133if you live in the united states, look up the motorcycle safety foundation and find a basic rider course near you
>>979143yes, motorcycles come in all shapes and sizes. most people go out of their way to make their bike louder, but you can of course keep yours quiet. if you want to know more i got all day.
No. 979233
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>>979189Alright so basically, different bikes come with different engine types and engine sizes and the engine is what gives the bike a lot of its character. The size of the engine is termed "displacement" and is measured in cubic centimeters. Bikes can be anywhere from 50cc to 2000cc and beyond. GENERALLY the low displacement bikes will be on the slow and quiet side and the high displacement bikes will be fast and loud (there are exceptions). The red bike i posted is 125cc for example, tops out at 60mph(97kph) with the wind to your back going downhill, and sounds like a lawnmower but quieter because it has mufflers and catalytic converters. That leads me to my next point, many motorcycle riders remove their mufflers and catalytic converters and replace them with something less restrictive and it ends up making the bike really loud. To put it simply, pretty much any bike that isnt a Harley-Davidson or looks like pic related* is actually going to be pretty quiet especially if its a newer bike. If you have any questions on the nuances of bike types, bike engines, bikes ideal for new riders or whatever let me know.
*Not all bikes are as fast as they look, some are made to imitate the look of a fast bike while actually being something slower and easier to ride
No. 979264
The Zoomer 'when A said B and when C said D and when X said Y'. Yes, and? What's your point? Am I supposed to be impressed that you found some vague similarities in the written word that you have consumed? Provide some commentary or shut the fuck up
>>979236You can't stop children sneaking on anonymous imageboards, but nobody wants them here. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt that there are a lot of underages here
No. 979270
>>979236So these must be the retards that go "im glad lolcow is dying, it ruined my life and is very
toxic" like bitch you come to a gossip site to gossip what did you expect?? At least post in /ot/ or /m/ then
No. 979277
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>>979086Agreed. I learnt to ride a motorcycle as soon as I was legally allowed and I've owned one since. Once I got my full license my sister would ride pillion and we'd go green laning together. She enjoyed it so much, she got her own motorbike when she was old enough.
Pic was my first bike. It was great for weaving in and out of city traffic as I traveled to college and university. I own a 250cc bike now but I rarely get to ride it anymore. As much as it made sense when I was single, now that I'm married with children I'm stuck using a car.
No. 979482
>>979399>>979340I think there's a significant portion of underage but it's not that high, maybe 1/10. But yeah, teenagers are naturally attracted to cynical people, they confuse crab-in-the-bucket cynicism with intelligence and badassery. I think the average age here is 3-
4chan circa 03 to 10 was without a doubt majority underage, it's well recorded that the orginal users were underage (Moot was 15 when he started the website) but I think that a lot of the users started to move on as they grew up.
However, there's a significant amount like me that just never move on. We've been on chan sites for over a decade now and we probably will never fully leave. Every year more people like me accumulate and chan sites more and more become an old person thing. I remember talking to some zoomers on omegle and they just thought imageboards were some old person thing.
No. 979537
>>979271yeah I don't get the appeal either. I actually remember stumbling into the lolcow onision threads as a teenager in 2016-2017
and I'm pretty sure i posted some dumb comment with my email and everything kek but it was very confusing because I'd never used an imageboard so I didn't come back until years later
>>9793994chan is definitely full of teenagers. I don't get the same feeling about lolcow but i might be wrong
No. 979542
>>979399On 4chan I can't really tell apart teenagers screeching and taking things to seriously and older people ironically shitposting as an emotional teenager. On LC the only thread I sometimes "smell" teenagers is in the relationship advice and similiar /g/ boards since they obviously read as teen relationships or things only a young woman who's still growing is concerned about regarding her body.
But then again, here I am, someone who never had a serious relationship in her late twenties, and there are married anons posting here, so who knows.
No. 979857
>>979542>young woman who's still growing is concerned about regarding her body.I don't think it's age it's that younger and younger women are expected to meet ridiculous body standards and it's become increasingly acceptable for men to compare women's bodies and expect shape shifters to look like whatever porn tells them to like that week. On top of that many women are often taught that they need to just laugh off weird/concerning or even
abusive comments from their partners like "ooo your sisters tits are so much bigger than yours" and it's actually the women who are crazy and insecure if they get offended. It doesn't stop at 21, I've met women well into their 30s who deal with this immature bullshit from men
No. 979933
>>979927This. So fucking cruel how understanding and empathetic the average woman is compared to some moid.
Also the fact that moids are the overwhelming majority of pedos, rapists and murderers. I will never understand why so many men have no qualms about being perverted around children. They are definitely 100% more prone to mental illness too.
No. 979975
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>>979923Men are literally missing a chunk of DNA and act like they're gods so screw feeling bad. I mean, just look at the y chromosome in comparson to the X if you want a laugh.
No. 980057
>>980010Same. There are definitely some exceptions and while men are more limited by nature, they can be taught empathy through socialization. Me and my older brother were always into the same games and cartoons, and like
>>980020 I was into Mermaid Melody at some point and he was interested as well (even if he was shy about it kek). We used to discuss bl ships and talk about favourite male and female characters in games all the time. I have a friend who also doesn't mind shoujo and bl, and that also reminds me that in kindergarten there was a boy who liked to sing the dubbed opening of Tokyo Mew Mew with me (we also roleplayed power rangers and digimons). So yeah, I think it's mostly a socialization thing, and men retardedly thinking that liking anything that isn't about monsters or cars is gay.
No. 980247
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I feel like the idealistic traditional male of the 1950s would actually be WAY less sexist than the average 'male feminist' scrote of today. I also think that, if he would be transported to the modern-day, he wouldn't be an alt-right incel. Unlike /pol/tards and some conservatives, who seem to have a more left-wing disposition (want to be seen as provocative, against the status quo), he'd have a more right-wing disposition (build around gratitude and cautiousness about change). He'd probably understand why women would want to be in the workplace and be okay with some socialist economic policies due to his religious background (though he'd definitely be racist)
No. 980259
>>980233I personally don't hate sex workers so much as pity them; although the ones that try to make it empowering annoy me/ frustate me more then anything but the baseline is still pity.
Though the last part of your argument puzzled me. For every women that uses her charms knowingly there's a ton who don't go out of their way to be palatable to anyone but still get both the good and the bad of being conventionally attractive. I think too much bank is put on a woman's attractiveness and tendency to be genuinely unassuming (ence why shitty behaviour done by pretty women can slide; they bank of the friendly tendencies of our own sex) for someone to be genuinely divorced from it 100% unlesa there unconventional/ plain/ unnactrive but a woman who's like this and us confident enough to rise to the top or do real changes are hard to come by do to the shackles of beauty standards
No. 980286
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>>980247Maybe, but not out of any respect for women, just social pressure. People were far more repressed about discussing the nastier sides of life. Women knew their husbands cheated, but they wouldn’t talk about it openly and divorce was a taboo, and very hard to get if you couldn’t prove infidelity. Because of that, men were more likely to stay quiet about their affairs.
Now, in part due to social media, people are more open and men are more sloppy.
Don’t look at the 50s with rose colored glasses. Domestic abuse was normal and accepted. Marital rape was inevitable. White collar men were high functioning alcoholics visiting high class brothels and topless bars as “business expenses”, and blue collar men were open alcoholics who usually still needed their wives to work low paying pink collar jobs to afford their families and homes.
No. 980329
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People who verbally abuse and bully fat people under the guise of 'looking out for their health' are just looking for an excuse to assert their egos. They barely even hide it most of the time, really. They probably know that that'll just exacerbate the problem ,but they don't care. I wouldn't mind as much if they just admitted that they enjoyed bullying easy targets, but I hate the fact that they pretend they are 'caring', and I enjoy seeing these sorts of people getting called out in recent years
>t. bullied my little brother for being vaguely fat-looking as a kid to the point where he became obese
No. 980407
>>980010>>979945Yeah I have seen first hand both cases. A lot of the boy classmates in elementary middle school liked Card captor Sakura, Fruits basket and read shoujo. I think the selection of media for children that came into our country was quite unisex or evenly spaced between masculine feminine appeals. There were only like 2 channels that aired them so kids are rather forced to consume the same things.
A few were exclusively super sentai transformer narutofags ofc, they were the mean aggressive boys. I suspect boys instinctively develop bias like that when they absorb covert or overt misogyny in their immediate environment.
Buuut that’s not to say that boys who liked “girly” cartoons were any more evolved. They never defended or included girls on the playground either. The media consumption factor is negligible in easing Y-chromosome retardation.
No. 980515
>>979841You are making the right choice. Croissants are bland.
>>979236It is pretty obvious with the amount of temper issues and lack of respecting other anons opinions. And it's not a mental illness thing, it's blatant 14-19 year old immaturity. Plus the way they type is retarded and not growing out of being obsessed with anime is very telling. Besides, a lot of oldfags end up getting bored and leaving. I want to know who's making tiktoks about this fuckfest though lmfao
>>979259Probably by replying to other mentally ill underage anons.
No. 980546
>>980329People have known 'concern trolling' for years. Tbh I like it when people irl sperg about health because I know it's a dogwhistle to let me know who's really insecure so I can avoid.
I like the movements where fat people ask for respect and fun clothes that fit them, that pisses them off the most kek.
No. 980588
>>980570Ausfag here. I feel the same about South African accents.
I dont find our accents ugly, but I don't understand when people say Aussie accents are sexy. Like people froth over Chris Hemsworth but he sounds like any regular voiced bloke from here.
No. 980594
You shouldn't "trust the experts". The experts can be right, and you can and should sometimes follow what they say, but you should absolutely never trust them.
If you actually read about the tenured intellectuals through history, you'll find that the intellectuals rooted in higher education, especially the ones in tenure, are the most spineless people around. Their first concern is to not be ousted from their comfy upper middle class job, they like not being the ones that have to pump gas. So when the push comes to shove, they'll say whatever has to be said to ensure that. Just look at how much graduates that don't make it in the job market crybaby, it's like the most horrific thing to them, to have to work a job they consider lowly.
Dumbass students you can sometimes trust because they're dumbass students and will spew on sincerely about whatever new ideas they filled their heads with. The worst you'll get is insincere posturing for social clout. But anyone that's beyond that level still in the university system, regard with caution.
Bernard Russel was disappointed at how pathetically the German intellectuals rolled over and accepted Nazi schizo bullshit. The dumbass roofer going on about tinfoil shit might be wrong and stupid, but he's not pathetically lying to preserve his job and he won't knowingly fuck you over out of moral cowardice.
No. 980633
>>980607even americans can't tell tho so you're fine
I have a very obvious australian accent and been mistaken as scottish, irish, british and south african exclusively by people from america
No. 980764
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it's easier to crack walnuts by hand than with picrel
No. 980778
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>>980764You can crack them open with your bare hands?
No. 980953
>>963701Libfem women of color who whiteknight for moids that treat them like shit are some of the worst handmaidens out there.
They give their own scrotes a free pass on blatant misogyny across the board, but will foam at the mouth for even the flimsiest excuse to publicly humiliate and destroy a white woman ally. They project their internalized misogyny onto other women in the name of woke intersectionality and just generally lack any kind of basic self-esteem.
I’ll take a basic girlboss white feminist over one of these pickme nightmares any day.
No. 981587
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These people annoy me so much. They all seem shady and fake and they've milked their meet cute on social media for years now. It feels like a dumb hallmark movie, fake-deep, stunt. It's fine if the story is true and they did actually meet via wrong number and formed a real bond, but the fact it's all posted on social media and has its own little story arcs makes it feel glib.
No. 981733
>>981726Agree. Autistic women can be cringy with their Sonic the Hedgehog OC obsession but they'll never be as outright dangerous as autistic males who have been coddled all their lives and have had their male aggression enabled by everyone around them because of muh autism. Most of the autistic men that I know are actually fucking threatening and often hyperfixated on a sexual fetish while autistic women are extremely awkward but harmless.
>>981732Peeing on clothes is weird and disturbing but it's still not physical assault.
No. 981863
>>981858Boku no Pico
is made for men though
nonnie, scrotes are literally the ones who like prepubescent boys while the "shota" women enjoy is more akin to effeminate teenage or young adult males. Otherwise agree though, moids who coom to literal toddler porn have some severe double standards.
No. 981898
>>981857do women really? i've never had a girlfriend but i've gone on dates and had sex with women and it felt more like we were friends than anything. hell, if it really is true, i might need to go out into the dating world again. a tense, dramatic, hot-and-cold relationship with a woman? please.
sage for wanton sperg
No. 981931
>>981911This is unironically true. So many people have fooled themselves into thinking that being a bitter/jealous person is "
valid". Just because you don't have all the same opportunities or privileges as someone else doesn't mean you have to be a dick to them
No. 981949
>>981911There's definitely something wrong with being coddled (see: all of the NEETs with threads) but yeah, there's nothing wrong with having a stable upbringing.
>>981945Aww anon that really sucks.
No. 981951
>>981937Obviously, if someone is an asshole themselves, it's fine, anon. I'm talking about the people who automatically seethe and act like someone must be some horrible person if they find out they come from a well-off background
>>981945You're not alone on this, anon. It's ridiculous how isolating and lonely it can be just because people have bad assumptions. I find it easier to make friends online, they just meme about it and move on, but I can't really go see them, so everything kind of sucks
No. 981959
>>981911This. A bit of blogging but I have a story I want to vent.
I often to give off impression of being sheltered/coddled when I'm social awkward as hell. My childhood friend berated me a lot when we were younger just because I had a loving mother (she's a single parent too), while her complained a lot about her big household and that my family
was richer than hers… which I didn't get it and I was just a naive kid with very few friends.
When we finally separated and I had new friends in high school which I finally learned that my existence to her was just being a measurement ruler of her own insecurities.
We stopped talking until several years later, her mother showed up at my mother's funeral, and I learned that her mother funded her study aboard trip and has been moving up on life without me. I felt like all her complaining about her family "didn't care to provide" for her was all a lie and just made me to feel bad for living comfortably.
Anons, be happy, don't let the bucket crabs pull you down.
No. 981984
>>981947You are right in the money Anon. But I would add one more reason, my pink pilled tin foil hat is telling me that obesity is being shilled so much on women because TPTWB don't want strong women because then we wouldn't be so much at the mercy of scrotes. Yeah, I know that a 5'2 woman who lifts can't stop the attack of 5 testoroids moid, but at least she could defend herself and run away better than a fatty or a skeleton. Look how women are being discouraged from lifting by moids and other females because of muh real women have curves shit or women are uwu small cinnamon role beings.
And another reason is that, at least in Murica, fatties and anachans spend a lot of money on their healthcare when they are at their death's doorstep, big health don't profit on a healthy and strong population. Thus obesity and anachanism are so rampant.
No. 982022
>>981904thinking that fujo is an insult lmao, pitiful
>>981850>>981854Nobody honest to god thinks that a shounen series is going to end up with the two male rivals getting married, that's some chris chan shit. It's just that people who throw a fit over fans ditching the one dimensional childhood friend waifu for the more interesting pairing that would make much more sense are being ridiculously autistic especially when they take it so seriously they pull that "99% of the world are straight!!!!" card kek. Imagine seething so hard over a bunch of women making the cartoon boys smooch and not giving a shit about the moid-written imaginary woman and thinking you're being the reasonable one
No. 982038
>>981846found the
triggered fujo. Cope and seethe, your delusional headcanon will never be a reality kek
No. 982089
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>>981911Lol anon I was just thinking about this re women and work because of picrel from a KM fashion blog, the article was about earrings. wtf is this rant? Cope. SEETHE Vonnie!
No. 982207
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>>981911Is seething about coddled daddy's girls even a thing? I've only seen people speak ill of women like that if they're too old to larp as a pampered princess. Most people have a natural aversion to adults acting overly babyish, there's something grotesque and sad about it.
No. 982234
>>982207It is very much a thing and those girls generally aren't acting 'babyish', they usually just have high standards. You're telling me you've never heard anyone call a woman too high maintenance like she's some car?
I'm not a spoiled princess by any means but I have a loving family and have always had healthy relationships with men. I don't date crazy and am only attracted to 'good boys' I know very well. My husband is one of them. He also loves to spoil me with presents, which makes some women seethe
Before we moved in together, I lived with two other girls and they were sooooo jealous lol. One of them called me Her Majesty with a mocking tone whenever she thought I couldn't hear. Sorry for not dating crackheads I guess lol. I look very average and don't come from a rich family so I really don't get these reactions, just get your own nice boyfriend?
No. 982594
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>>982042Bs. The sign in which Venus has its exaltation and which is the night house of Jupiter can't be bad. It has one of the best influences possible.
>>982046You know nothing about astrology, scrub.
Anyway, unpopular opinion: star signs shouldn't be defined as solar signs - they're always less accurate than moon signs, because sun defines persons tendencies and direction of growth, whereas moon defines the very essence of ones existence. I am not the first one to notice that jsyk, a pretty common observation. 100% that the reason that sun is defined as the main light nowadays is because people apply scientific truth to astrology, ie define sun as the centre of our system. But when astrology was created people simply didn't know it, so the static sun obviously was viewed as a lesser light to the everchanging moon, that appeared to be the primal light of creation. Picrelated is one of the systems astrologists have used ffs. Don't apply modern knowledge to ancient one, it never works.
No. 982795
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>>982787>>982779Anon is right, to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand BHNA and Bakugou's very gay and very
valid relationship with Deku
No. 982806
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>>982795Thank you, finally somebody gets it. Maybe not high IQ but at least high reading comprehension and a willingness to think about what you read. Nice pic, Gaara a cute. Narusasu walked so Bakudeku could run and that's the tea
No. 982811
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>>982807No I dont but a bakudeku tattoo is actually a great idea so thanks for a bucket list inspo
No. 982895
>>982747>If only scrotes didn't stop him from making his intended ship canonThis excuse is still being used even tho Ao No Flag happened? Ok.
>>982855The tourism argument doesn't even make sense because no one remembers or cares about the monarchies other than the british one
No. 982996
>>982970To be fair, memeing that older women are spiteful and jealous
is a grooming technique and not to mention found as tropes in most mainstream media. It's not a conclusion they themselves reached from nothing. Tbh if they knew you got glee from their relationship failures I don't think it would convince them to trust women even if scrotes were the ones who fucked them over. It's better to say that some people have to learn their lessons firsthand.
No. 983170
>>983156Nta, but I don't think so anon. I can't blame girls for being
victims of predatory/pedophile men.
No. 983177
>>983170Especially since grooming is designed to override
victim's doubts and concerns
No. 983199
>>983170What makes an 18 yr old completely different from a 19 yr old? Most people at 19 have the same exact mindsets they did even at 16, you can't just choose one simply because of the random age the government decides they're adults, developmentally, a 17 yr old is not much different from a 19 yr old
That being said a lot of young girls who get involved with older men don't have good influences in their life and often have very low self esteem since people often bring young girls down like there's no tomorrow, that doesn't mean 15-18 yr old girls are complete morons who don't know not to get involved with older men, especially since schools, parents, even other friends constantly tell young girls the dangers of getting involved with older men at that age. I know you will immediately say that I'm siding with the pedophiles but nope, the men should still be held accountable, but teenagers, especially older teenagers, aren't just mindless pets who can't be held accountable for getting themselves in situations where they are hurt, just like teenage boys who do stupid shit or go into areas they know are dangerous and get hurt. But there should be some sort of accountability if a girl knows very well that older men do not want them for the right reasons and actively goes for them
>>983177then how would this not apply for women 19-22ish?
No. 983294
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>>983199In the UK and some states the age of consent is 16.
>>983228 It depends on the individual. I feel like I was more aware of right and wrong by the time I was 16.
I started talking to older guys (19+) when I was 13 on the Internet. I was never groomed into taking nudes or doing any sexual acts for them but the way they treated me was definitely inappropriate. One 24 year old (if he was actually even 24 God knows he could've been older) told me he was jerking off to pictures of me on my mom's Facebook. The police notified my parents I was talking to this older creep and they pretty much still enabled me to have access to the internet. I have 0 relationship with my father and my mom was always busy working, my stepfather was a bit of a creep on me as well.
Two of the grown men who bullied me actually have Kiwifarms threads about them. One was named Chris Gillon aka Autphag was a North Korean Kim Jong Il supporter who eventually trooned out, he doxxed me on YouTube to people on YouTube. Another was named Ryan aka Indispensablepeaguy who would make passive aggressive and blatant racist remarks to me, he was friends with Chris. Ryan's new channel is <••• all of that happening while I was in freaking middle school.
No. 983297
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>>983294Same person here. I guess I should post about these people on the personal cows thread but this story is semi related to the discussion because by the time I hit 16 I distanced myself from these people and knew they're whack asf. I confronted Ryan years later and the dumbfuck NEET turned MGTOW how his comments affected me, he claims that he didn't remember and didn't even give me an apology.
No. 983332
Go back to Twitter. You do not belong here.
No. 983439
>>983402Pics are graphic but over exaggerated (most women just take the abortion pill during the first trimester which just looks like a clotty period)
I'm pregnant and there's abortion protesters in my neighborhood who hold up these grotesque signs of fetuses that were obviously like 20 ish weeks and not 5-12 weeks which is the usual time abortion is performed and I swear to god i feel like I'm going to have a miscarriage just by looking at this shit. It's gross for sure but I'd rather some nasty pics in the world then people running around being forced to have babies in situations even they know they shouldn't be in , this especially applies for people who get abortions due to situations of incest
No. 983549
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>>983538Oh my God, I hate it when this conversation comes up
no one here stated that white western men are perfect of even good for that matter but a lot of us come from communities of countries where there is a level of misogyny you can't even comprehend
You don't have to worry about getting stoned to death, or getting honor killed by your own brother for holding hands with a boy, or getting hanged by the state for coitizing the state religion, tell me would you really rather live in Sindh or Sweden and you know the worst part, its offensive and insulting, you don't have any what's its like in our nations
you don't get marriage proposals when your 16 to your 23 year old first cousin, I do
seriously I don't want us to fight but please just don't say shit like this, your oppression will not disappear just by acknowledging that other regions in the world are worst then the west
No. 983564
>>983549I see both sides tbh. White guy won't honor kill you or try to marry off your daughters while underage (and this is because the extremist ones like that all stay within their race, like Church of the Latter Day Saints and stuff). But he is more likely to treat you as some kind of mail order bride and that can be dangerous in itself
Don't forget white men are the ones vacationing to poorer countries so they can rape vulnerable women and little children
I'd still take a Swedish guy over an Arab though
No. 983578
>>983569The church is overwhelmingly white lol, not sure what's confusing you
>>983571All I'm saying is that scrotes are shit, most white scrotes aren't against those things. Some are more tolerable than others for sure (and I'm not white, and I don't think they're the same. I said I'd date a Swede over an Arab for a reason), but I'm also under no delusion that they're great so I get where
>>983538 is coming from
The worst thing is when the guy you're with seems so normal and sane, then you find out he's some actual serial killer mentality fuckhead, or he wants to recreate sharia or some shit with you and thinks you'll accept it because you were raised that way
No. 983581
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>>983564I don't want to say that white men are good or great cause I've only had brief acquittances some German dudes and I wasn't allowed to have real conversations with them, my parents had my brother come with me to "take care of me" but as I stated I don't think you really understand how awful it is for women outside the west
even the most regressive right wing american man would be considered too liberal here and probably get killed, here's an example a politician once just suggested that maybe we should remove the blasphemy law(the one that orders death for any insult or criticism towards Islam or Muhammad) and you know what happened, he was murdered by his own bodyguard
again he wasn't campaigning to change it
people didn't mourn the politician's death, over 2 million celebrated his death around the country and 3 Mosques were built in the name of the killer, this is the killer's funeral btw
imagine if this was the reaction towards the Christchurch Shooter, that over 2 million people celebrated what he did
Its as anon said here
>>983571 there is a fundamental problem with our civilizations that need to forced to be fixed otherwise were stuck like this
No. 983601

>>983550>>983578and also if you are a non-Muslim woman Muslim men in general will believe they have a right to rape you, its not considered a sin to rape a non-Muslim woman, as long as said rapist make her one of their concubines
you see to "take" kafir women is considered a form of Jihad and it's been a driving factor in Islamic slavery, to capture non-Muslim women not for economics but for "pleasure"
Moro Muslims used to raid the Philippines for slavery to capture non-Muslim women, the Sokoto Caliphate with Nigeria, the Barbary pirates, the Turkic raiders towards India and many other examples
basically to raid and steal the possessions of kafirs including women and children is not just allowed its considered a righteous form of Jihad, cause Muhammad(the greatest human being who will ever exist according to Islam) and his companions did this in their war against the Quraysh and their tribes, they raided their cravens and took money and women
I think the worst story is that of Safiyya bint Huyayy, she was one of Muhammad's wives
she belonged to a Jewish tribe whose great sin was supporting the Quraysh, before they could be a threat Muhammad and his followers attacked, her tribe was mascaraed and her husband was tortured and killed for refusing to give up the location of their finances
Muhammad married her and raped her after 3 days
these are the actions of the greatest human being in the world according to Islam, this is why Islamic morality cannot exist, this is why basic human concepts like equality, feminism or basic human rights could not ever come out of the Islamic world cause Islamic morality will always revert to 7th century Arabia
No. 983617
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>>983599Ah yes the "3rd world women have it worse so western women stop complaining!!1!" MRA rhetoric
No. 983640
>>983538I live in a 98% white area and can go jogging at night without worrying about being raped. When I lived in an area with a 77% white population I could not go jogging at night because of the high number of rapes. When I was a teenager I had white men intervene in a situation where I could have possibly been raped had they ignored what was happening.
All men are shit, we get it. It's said here everyday and anons can back that up with real world experience. The reality is that some men are worse than others. Some men are indoctrinated by religion, online bullshit and culture to see women as not human. Think of it like this, men are born with an innate level of being shit, this is either left at baseline or it is increased by exposure to religion, online bullshit, mental health issues and culture.
(racesperging) No. 983647
>>983617>3rd world women have it worseYou don't have to be a MRA to understand that's a fact, there shouldn't be retards here trying to convince disadvantaged women to believe the opposite like
>>983538, white men from 1st world countries aren't
shit compared to the common scrote in the 3rd world, you don't know what is like to be constantly around people who could kill you right there and nobody would bat an eye, your life is worth
something in your country, those women are considered even lesser than trash.
(racesperging) No. 983665
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>>983661>>983662we know that alright, all were saying is that living in a nation were one will get hanged for criticizing Muhammad is "probably" worse then living in a western nation
if you knew what its like to suffer here you'd understand as well, its Inescapable
would you really think living in a country where scrotes act like this
>>983581 is really on par as living in any western nation
No. 983666
>>983656>As if white 1st world men don't go to 3rd world countries to commit the shit they can't at home.You say this like every white man alive does this and it's openly condoned. They don't and it isn't. The number of white men that do this is small compared to the overall white male population. Pedophilia is illegal in the west, even if the elites, politicians and leftists think it shouldn't be, the majority of the population in the west disagrees and finds it abhorrent.
>>983662Let go of the
victim complex. Being a woman anywhere in the world is worse than being a man, yet some women have more rights and freedoms than others. A woman stating this is not attacking you, she's lamenting her situation.
(racesperging) No. 983677
>>983662There's been a whole lot of
>Especially white guys >Especially in the westThrown around randomly in other threads too. Every few months there's a pattern of it popping up and seeping into everything.
No. 983695
>>983678with Islam its different though, all moids maybe shit but certain cultures make men worse then even caveman
Islamism is a comprehensive belief system, every question regarding morality and law is already is answered with the actions and sayings of Muhammad or his companions, you can't simply talk out an Islamist or a Jihadist
he's completely secure with his beliefs and he has no questions that he's following his religion cause he is, violence, kidnappings, raiding and slavery are all allowed
If you disagree with him he'll just claim that Muhammad greatest human being who will ever exist allowed all this, if you disagree with him your against Islam and thus against God and so your opinion doesn't matter to him
you can't compare to any strain of Chrisantiy or Buddhism
Islam unlike other Abrahamic religions is not just a religion but also a political and social ideology; from banking, shariah to literally how you should pee and treat non believers.
No. 983696
>>983402I live somewhere where we only got abortion here recently enough. There was a whole dramatic thing in the lead up to it being voted on. As a twenty-something year old woman I was harrassed by old men wanting to know what way I was voting. The walk to work every day was infuriating because of it. There was posters of 'aborted fetuses' plastered all over the place in public for everyone to see.
Tbh the images didn't bother me but I did think it's weird that kids walked past this every day and women who've lost babies would be seeing it too.. it was kinda graphic. Anyway it turns out a good deal of the images were not what they claimed to be. The votes had already come in and we already got legal abortion so it didn't stop that. The posters were making claims that weren't true. Some of the fetuses were just fake and others were full term byt deformed babies that died after birth. That's low. Having to do that and try to frighten people and shove it in their faces every day as they walk to school or work when it's not even real.. I hate those tactics.
No. 983710
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>>983695samefag, It's impossible to talk any Islamist down on moral grounds, he doesn't about "human rights" developed during the enlightenment, he wouldn't care about progress or killing people cause for him the messenger of God allowed all of this, the only way to stop an Islamists is with force
They have to be crushed under either Colonialism or Communist forced state atheism, yes it sound awful but it is the one and only solution with regards to Islam, liberal just creates a system where every politician has to out Islam the other and not talk about the real issues in our nation
picrel is the only solution
No. 983823
>>983822cause it means nothing, sneed is just a meaningless word that they can apply any bit of meaning too
also the mods of /tv/ would ban sneed memes which made 4channers really love it
No. 983986
>>980247I actually feel that way about contemporary religious men, the more fanatical ones at least.
I've never experienced incel vibes from a traditional catholic or an orthodox jew. They have their views on gender, and they know what they want out of a relationship. It's not my thing but I'm not religious anyway so I don't care. But on a personal level, in everyday society, they've been super polite and respectful when working with them. Your local boomer at some mainline church is just as deprecating as any other moid though, it has to be the serious religious guys.
No. 983999
Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Ariana, Nicki Minaj, Madonna and pretty much 90% of pop divas are all uninteresting and uncreative hacks
GG allin had some talent in his left pinkie then all of them combined, then again so does some mediocre rocker teenger from the midwest
Vidrel is a real fucking Idol
No. 984053
>>984042>>984041not a proper response to how GG allin is somehow less then pop-Idols
he's better cause he was real, flesh, blood and shit
his humanity was always present, he was better then these monsters with fake personas and personalities
No. 984134
>>984081Stan twitter really, seriously a bunch of homosexuals degenerate sense of humor, with pick-me's going along with it
Stan Twitter proves that Gay scrotes are even some unfunnier then straight scrtoes
No. 984890
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I liked Gwen Stefani better when she was punk rock. Don’t really care for her solo stuff, wish she’d go back.
No. 984893
>>983999It takes absolutely zero (0) talent and creativity to take a shit in front of a live audience. Literally
anybody can do that, we just don't because we have a sense of dignity and shame. Aimless shock value is a cheap and easy way to drum up attention and controversy, it is probably the lowest form of art I can possibly think of. If GG wasn't such a giant attention whore his music would have been entirely forgotten.
No. 984906
>>984897This is a total pick-me anthem but it’s such a bop!
I won’t cap on her Harajuku era (though I personally found it retarded and gay) too much but I did notice she’s and her band mates had weeb tendencies as seen in their music videos prior to the release of LAMB.
No. 985066
>>984898The thing i'll never understand is, why did trump do any god damn thing the republicans wanted? He demolished their whole party in the primaries. He owned their balls. Why did he let them stop him from actually doing infrastructure stuff.
Like I dont get it, trump loves to spend money, he was balls deep to the russian mob because he lives to spend so much. But he had the whole federal budget of america and the republicans stop him from spending anything crazy? Wtf?
Like why didnt he try to outdo obamaphones with trumpphones? Why didnt he make a bunch of trump highways, trump park, trump stadium shit? He love putting his name on things and he could have made the republicans padd anything. I'll necer understand, unless the R's were basically like "do what we say or we'll give you up for the russia thing" but if they did that they would be fucked too. So i think he should have called their bluff. Coward tbh.
No. 985236
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I wanna clarify that I don't intend this as a racial comment and I don't wish for this to turn into a pointless racial spergfest we had a couple days, ASAB-all scrotes are bastards
This is specifically and only about physical appearance, women in the west(not just white but black and hispanic) do not realize how awful looking men are from non-western nations can be, you see men here scrotes are 100% guaranteed to find a virgin, submissive housewife, this guarantee basically means that men don't even bother
They do not exercise(like their is no even concept of recreation exercise here), they do not groom themselves, they do not bathe, they only sports they play do not burn any calories and they lay about mostly
This isn't racial of course, its just a combination of high birth rates and extreme misogamy that views daughters as worthless
If a similar set of cultural factors were in the west they'd be just as bad in terms of appearance
Just imagine 9/10 of the males you meet being skinny-fat i.e small pot belly's that wobble when they walk, spindly arms and legs and almost no muscle tone, most can't grow proper beards but they try anyway without proper grooming and 90% of them wear polo shirts will ill fitting pants, that is the situation here, most you have no Idea how awful looking scrotes on a civilization level can truly be
No. 985253
>>985249that's not the point, I've been to Germany and you no Idea how ugly scrotes can be
you have no Idea what's its like seeing 9/10 of males with bellies that look pregnant, man tits, puffy nipples and no muscles at all
but that's my reality, seeing men with flat stomachs is a privilege for me
No. 985264
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>>985236Men exist to exercise and labor. I know most can't help being facially hideous, but it is a waste of testosterone when they're weak and skinnyfat. Combined with disgusting attitudes, those "men" deserve to be put in labor/re-education camps (and thats generous).
This is all due to "civilization" granting each and every scrote a wife. They've halted natural selection that made us this advanced on the first place. Our primal ancestors mated with 30% of men and they were mammoth hunting beasts who brought home the primal bacon. Now men don't even have to put any effort whatsoever. Their lives need to be in perpetual danger for them to act right and teach their true potential.
No. 985278
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>>985256I'm attracted to males, the only good looking males in my country are illiterate mountain peasants though
>>985264Yes, there are accounts of how the males in ethnic group' used to be considered tough but humble who were known for their straight long hair but now this is what they look, mind you this is considered attractive and tall in my country
>>985264well at least in the west the assurances that men won't get a wife causes them to improve a little bit, in my country have a 100% assurance that they will get a submissive virgin wife
No. 985303
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>>985283>>985269I agree to an extent, but I don't think it has much to do with genes though(that absolves males imo and they use it as excuse) the tribals in my country are average looking but their considered suuuuper good looking compared to the average urban male in nation
their bellies are flat and hard, they stand straight with no slouch and their hands are muscular and strong due to hard labor
For e.g men in picrel wouldn't be considered anything special in the west but in our nations these men are basically dreamboats mostly cause of how horrible looking the average urban male in our nation is
The reason men look like
>>985236 is cause they don't exercise, eat horrible oiled up desi foods and don't groom themselves, without hard labor and a steady healthy diet this is what they turn into
concepts like recreational exercise for health or appearance don't exist outside western or extremely westernized nations and from the male perspective what reason is there to exercise or dress well, for them it's a waste of time and they don't need to attract women cause again they are 100% guaranteed a virgin housewife
even if you had the most genetically blessed males on the planet, if you gave them the cultural factors of modern south asia they would turn out more or less like
>>985236 No. 985320

>>985309>>985282I don't think Matriarchy the way its often presented in fiction is possible, you can't flip the dynamic of patriarchy not cause of morality but due to plausibility, for e.g in some Idealized matriarchal cultures in fiction go basically “women fight, hunt and do traditionally male jobs, men stay home and care for the babies” and world-building-wise, it makes no sense, think about it, men would still be larger and stronger then women and they wouldn’t be the ones to make the babies, you can't replicate or reverse the patriarchal roles
See a lot of actual matriarchal societies in pre-colonial America, regions of Europe, Africa and Asia weren't at all matriarchal the way in fiction, men were still the one's who fought, hunted and did physical labor jobs but that's all they did, that's all a man was good for, In matrilineal societies women usually tended to be the ones who handled the property, finance and administration work while did manual labor and hunting, g there are certain historical examples in various Nordic regions where all the adult men would spend days or weeks hunting or fishing as a matter of survival for the community so the women were left to run things, Its not a perfect system but its better then what most women have historically have had to deal with
No. 985335
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>>985320>Nordic regions where all the adult men would spend days or weeks hunting or fishing as a matter of survival for the community so the women were left to run thingsthats not so bad. The ancient Minoans had a similar setup and they had much more prominence in their community than other countries women at the time who were homebound broodmares. It was basically a small golden age of peace and craft, and women contributed much to that. (book recommendation: Women's Work).
But it wouldnt translate to today's capitalist wage slavery.
No. 985350
>>985309What a dedicated and talented little fish!
Look at the sheer effort of this male bird as well, and the female is still going hmmm IDK yet…
No. 985371
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>>985335>>985320I would totally prefer that type of system over traditional patriarchy but it would have some problems, I'd imagine a woman whose not fond of book learning would be considered inferior in such a civilianization and certain "masculine" interests might also be looked down even worse then traditional patriarchy, It would also lead to relationships where you'd be with and male partner who would likely be kept illiterate and likely wouldn't have any intelligent discussions with him, it would likely being with a 2nd grader with the body of a fit adult man
of course these problems aren't even 1/100th as awful as what patriarchy has lead us
ask yourselves would a society majority of males would have bodies like picrel but be morons be worth it ?
No. 985380
>>985373I mean their stupid yes but I'd imagine a society where the only thing men do is labor jobs and fight wars and women be the only one's in intelligentsia and arts the males would have no need for an education, so they'd probably only have basic reading ability and rudimentary counting,
2nd graders basically
No. 985647
>>984053The world is not as black and white as Taylor Swift vs. GG Alin.. it’s like comparing manufactured processed McDonald’s food to an heaping pile of dog shit .
DGD is way better than both; beautiful harmonic vocals that make me want to cry, I can feel my stomach get fluttery when Tillian goes “aaaaaa” an amazing discography with a creative story, see:the robot story. The visuals remind me of Where the Wild things are, or adventure time. Jon Mess’ vocals to give it a little edge and passion and thrash, the instrumentals make me feel so energized and invested in this beautiful, amazing song. Not everything that is artistic has to be edgy and gross to be bold. This is just an example of what I consider to be amazing music.You should also stop defending him, he’s kind of an asshole.
No. 985710
>>985678A little while ago I saw some anon post something in the Confessions thread about how she felt like a man for being excited about a superhero movie, and I just didn't get why. I think some of that mentality is because of farmers saying that other anons have scrote taste depending on what media they like
which I actually don't think happens that often these days, but still. Sometimes it's understandable, but I think it's better to just let women enjoy what they enjoy.
No. 1286706
>>964486Debatable, overly dramatic to drive the point home, plus you're moving the goalpost.
The post economy was to make or people in general (but it's the woman of the couple's age it's gonna be looked, ultimately) to have children after 30.