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No. 944706
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>>944702Nta, but it's some kind of British thing. I asked about it before here, and a an anon said they don't actually eat those, but I don't believe that for one second.
No. 944732
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>>944706the article said they maybe add a little pulled meat and I was sold when I saw the veggies
No. 944780
>>944735I’m not a Euro-
nonny myself but my mom is from Spain and she frequently goes on tangents about how much she hates the English and the French. Her tangents usually quickly devolve into her saying how awful their food is kek
No. 944865
>>944684The "snooty snobs who think they're better than everyone else when they're all just uneducated assholes" is hundred percent true.
>>944735No, but everyone laughs at them for brexit.
>>944790This, it's mostly about jealousy. In my opinion Sweden should be the most hated euro country, hands down.
No. 944900
>>944753Yesterday lol. It was around 20C in northern Croatia
>>944735I don't exactly hate them, but Germany a bit. Some Germans are incredibly xenophobic towards us slavs but then again which eu country isn't xenophobic
No. 944908
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Thanks starting for the thread! Swede here.
There is a Scandi thread but it's sadly not very active.
>>944753Last month, now it's proper autumn with pretty colours everywhere instead.
>>944735No, solidarity with based
Terf Island.
Shouldn't the Netherlands be Bongland btw?
No. 944911
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Czech anons, what the fuck is your PM doing?
No. 944915
>>944684Krautfag here, and I can confirm not liking the frogs. I’ve never been in baguetteland but so far most of my encounters with french have been very exausting. Mostly because of the language barrier but also for attitude reason.
Love the dutch they’re the most sweet and polish people! Danes are absolutely strange.
No. 944926
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>>944753A little while ago, couldn't be more than a week or two. I didn't spend a lot of time in nature except for picking apples in my grandma's garden. Also Croatia, so many croatian anons!
No. 944927
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As swedebrit I can confirm bringbongs and swedes are different kinds of shitty turbo autism. UK is like Europe’s America, while Sweden is Scandinavia’s America if that makes sense.
No. 944935
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>>944930it makes perfect sense
No. 944949
>>944927>England is UK's AmericaI think what you meant was the south and middle of England is UK's America
Fuck I hate this island, it's a joke that one side of a country can make all the political choices
No. 944957
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>tfw everyone hates your country but you're also so small and irrelevant that most people forget you exist in the first place
I don't know what's worse, explaining to people that I don't live in Siberia or getting nasty looks when people actually know which country I'm talking about
No. 944965
>>944957People confuse Serbia with Siberia? How?
Anyway I'd be interested in hearing how it's like there too, please tell us Serbia-chan
No. 944980
>>944965nta, but the same way people confuse Austria and Australia. Wish I was kidding
>>944957I feel like you guys are well known? Especially thanks to gta lol and you have a somewhat big internet presence. Or maybe I think that because we're neighbours and mostly visit eu spaces
No. 945016
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Germany always had our backs
>It used to be all about French Culture VS German Kultur (and yes German was and still remains the superior one to this day, but we successfully gaslit the world into thinking /ours/ is better)
>WW1, then WW2
>Axis bad stinky bois, especially Germany obviously
>France gaslighting king back at it again #FranceDidNothingWrong >NAZISM?? In our country??? no, we would NEVER! France = Cowards afterall, immaright honhon
>Damn burger chan, you know you were kinda hot on Normandy beaches?
>USA is blushing and the Allies believe us, we even get a piece of the winning cake (Berlin)
>Nuremberg Trials; Germany keeps quiet about French collaborationism, the Vichy Regimen and Pétain
>Germany had our backs during the 2003 ONU meeting and said fuck you to the USA
Take notes britbongs. That's how a proper rivalry romance is build
No. 945030
>new thread about Europe>it looks like a shitty Hetalia yaoi fanfictionAmazing.
>>944914She probably thinks that California and New York having different weathers is the same as the differences between all the European countries.
No. 945033
>>945021>>945032I'm not fond of this, like this is fucking offensive
like this is both retarded and degenerate and I hope to god you stop this bullshit, It makes a mockery out of history and international political, all cause of your Yaoi brain rot
No. 945041
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Danish people are insane and I love it. Most underrated country in the whole world too, I feel like the smaller the country is, the weirder its people are. Following Paludan's sperging outbursts was entertaining as fuck, Danish Eric Zemmour tier. I've heard he got banned from entering France not so long ago too kek. I like your language too, it sounds funny. It's like swedish but while sucking a big fat cock
No. 945043
>>945021France and UK hate each other in the way that two grown male bronies who compete in the same speedruns hate each other. They hate themselves but have no critical thinking so it spills out into hating the person most like then.
Most of the rivalries of European countries with monarchies are so stupid considering the royal families are so incestuously connected. Imagine hating a whole country because some man who used to own your people fell out with a man that owned some other people.
No. 945065
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I love this eurotard screeching thread already. Europa stronk!
No. 945108
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μητσοτακη γαμιεσαι
No. 945142
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>>945134Metalheads and other vikang fags aside, it's common among rich parisians and other upper class people here to be scandinaboos. The scandi aesthetic sells well and goes hand in hand with the organic trend
No. 945149
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>>945148I thought it’s fitting since it got established we’re the assholes of the north.
No. 945163
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Damn, Portugal and Endora. Pretty sure the collosal amount of French retirees living there made your alcohol rate go brrr
>>945160Meh, France is either really performative or absolutely based radfem, no in-between really. The most special pronoun people I ever saw was in Sweden
No. 945167
>>945150Damn, what's going on with South Korea?
>>945163It's true there are a lot of special pronoun people here and it makes me despair.There is like only Ekis Ekman who dares to be a famous gc radfem. We need some based immigrants from terve islands.
No. 945173
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>>945165I thought you guys only hated the french, then a german friend told me that she had the worst time ever in Zurich. I asked her why and she explained to me that swiss-germans hated germans kek.
>>945167Same as Japan, aka crazy social pressure. Also, I love you sweden, but if one of your people tries to force feed me picrel ever again I'm pulling out the guillotine
No. 945174
>>945134As a nordiboo from south europe, i think it's because northern countries are the richest and with the best QoL, with socialist policies that work.
Honestly, southern europe is really fucking great (good climate with lots of sun, good natural resources, great food, mostly peaceful and nice people), that's why lots of retired people spend their last years around here.
But they are also extremely poor and have serious corruption problems at all levels, and making a honest living here is asking to be poor and miserable forever. I think other nordiboos envy the nordic's richness, organization and socialist state that actually seems to protect it's people.
but i'm mostly a nordiboo for the nature, like
>>945146>>945160i think it's good to be a woman in my country. feminism is fucking dead (if it ever existed), and it's just libfem bullshit imported directly from america. but the country is overall safe for women, and girls are mostly pushed towards education and financial independence.
There's creeps, mysoginy, domestic violence, workplace harassment, and shitty dating/marriage prospects for hets, all the wonders of being female, but it's bearable.
No. 945183
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>>945173a family member brought me picrel a couple of years ago and I almost threw up when I tried it. why are Swedish candies so disgusting?
No. 945192
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>>945188And some seem to think we're satan, it's bizarre.
No. 945193
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>>945175I don't know anything about Hungary but I know that Japan has a tendency to manipulate their stats by conveniently "forgetting some" or ruling some suicides or murders as accidents or disappearances. Fuck, do I find Japan annoying. The fact that it is the most over-glamourized country in the world doesn't help either
>>945183>>945178Oh yeah, I love salmiak though. Not for everyone but imo it was good shit. I miss it, same for snus, it's impossible to find in france
>>945179don't kill yourself lavinia
No. 945195
>>945184the family member gave me a bunch of other Swedish ones and that was in there. i don't remember the others but they were equally as disgusting. i think one of them was similar to the one
>>945173 posted, but it was black and had some weird salty dust on it. ugh so disgusting
No. 945198
>>945026No jobs, all we've got left is shitposting
>>944965>>944963It's pretty shit. Imagine Hungary except worse, and we can't even move to any other EU country for work like they can. Big cities are pretty fun if you have money, though. But I'm guessing that's the case anywhere else too.
No. 945203
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to my fellow eastern euro nonnettes - this is our future
No. 945214
>>945206Yes they do. They also rule obvious murders as disappearances if they don't have a body. So for exemple, if they find an inhumane amount of blood from a
victim on a crime scene but don't have a corpse, they'll just go "oh well shikata nai I guess" and rule it as a disappearance kek, wtf
No. 945234
Probably a national crime to admit it but standard British English accent sends me to the moon and is my fav ngl.
I like scandi (even danebong), German even tho comically aggro and Italian. Romanian sounds exactly like Italian sometimes. Dutch sounds weird to my ears too but the only one that I don't like is Portuguese
No. 945251
>>945190lol yes
(ok not everything is this horrible but there used to be a legendary dubbing company known for their shitty dubs)
No. 945265
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>>945250Denmeme always based
No. 945267
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want to fuck him so bad…
No. 945292
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>>945288shut the fuck up
nonnie i fucking LOVE greek food, stop this self-hate
No. 945295
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What do you consider your countries’ “nation branding” to be? (Meaning the way your country has branded itself in relation to the world).
As a Swede I feel like Sweden has branded itself as a “humanitarian country” for decades. That’s also how I feel like Americans see us. I feel like our nation branding is trying to portray us as always taking in refugees when others didn’t and always acting neutral in conflict. While in reality we take in refugees without the general public wanting them (resulting in shitty integration), we’re never really neutral and have never been properly neutral but pretend we are.
Pic unrelated but if you don’t like djungelvrål you have shit taste
No. 945307
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>>945295>What do you consider your countries’ “nation branding” to be?this
No. 945309
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What the hell theres so many Swedes here why couldn’t we make the Scandi thread work? This is why everyone says we’re socially retarded smfh
No. 945315
>>945309Maybe it's just two of us who knows. But try to revive it if you got something to discuss.
Ironic how active the Finnish thread is compared to the scandi thread.
No. 945326
>>945312I ship it.
>>945316English completely dominates, I wish more countries would dare to send a song in their own language. Ukraine were amazing this year. The winners in my heart.
No. 945329
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>>945060Arte shares a lot from their stuff on youtube. Absolute adore their documentaries. See here: also used to watch the channel on free internet TV websites, so maybe it is a way for you to continue to watch it too.
No. 945330
>>945319..? there is? I've watched Eurovision for many years and never heard a French host? Does my country's commentator just speak over it? What I'm so confused
>>945326God Shum's amazing, and the singer is so awesome
No. 945369
>>945219I like Hungarian but I'm not fucking attempting to learn it in this lifetime. Czech is also cute.
Finnish sounds very silly to me, and not in a good way. Dutch just sounds like gagging noises.
No. 945377
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>>945245Oh wow, I didn't realize Fazer was Finnish. I always assumed they were from my country based on the name "Dumle" sounding vaguely like something a Polish person might've come up with lmao. One of my top favorite childhood sweets, yum!
Also, unpopular opinion but I love German language. 19th century German poetry is so beautiful.
No. 945406
>>945203Not if covid gets them first!
Seriously tho I don't think it's that bad in bigger towns?
No. 945466
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>>945160fellow italianon! tbh I think it could be much worse here. Most normies still are ignorant on or against gender theory, and mainstream feminism is still mostly about serious issues like domestic violence equal opportunity etc. We have it better than most other western countries imo. Also there are many relatively normie left wing and lesbian/feminist associations that are openly gender critical, like arcilesbica. Outside of niche lgbt groups made up of very online teens and young adults, no one really knows or cares about trans stuff. We aren't as based as
terf island but also not as fucked as the US and canada is what I mean lol
>Picrel is a based gc flyer I got handed at a cringe kweer event (was supposed to be a rally for ddl zan but there were like 3 actual gay speakers, everyone else was cringe and talked about shit like sex work and asexual erasure that had nothing to do with the law) that filled me with hopium No. 945490
>>945190As a general rule nothing gets dubbed here unless it's for children (I remember watching Fairly odd parents as a child and being really weirded out that the teacher would yell "You get a ZERO" but the animation showed an F instead lol) As a kid/teen watching Nickelodeon, they'd air shows around and after schooltime dubbed and then after 8pm or so they'd air the same shows but subbed instead for the older teen audience.
Personally I don't mind it because I'm pretty sure we'd end up with the same pool of voice actors on roulation anyway. And I don't think dub looks or sounds that good.
No. 945491
>>945466I guess we're in very different circles then. I posted on italy thread but as someone who is in university pretty much everyone I know is a lib and a lot of them are enbies.. its kinda embarrassing tbh.
I went to my first pride parade and felt uneasy as fuck.
idk if anyone else relates, but I felt like it wasn't the place for some of them. I felt like their presence with the enby flags was lowkey a hate crime on me lol (im a lesbian) "why are those straight girls here??" was something on my mind a lot that day. not to speak about the BSDM gear and puppy masks : )) I wish i could forget that sight.
thanks for telling me about arcilesbica. the lesbian communities here are much more lib (look up alfi lune)
(: ))) No. 945515
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nonnie, certain things are unforgivable
No. 945622
No. 945646
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I wish us bongs could have our own thread like the krauts
No. 945649
>>945646Wait… other counties don't have Greggs?
Holy shit they're missing out on the best pastries.
No. 945667
>>945650Simple. As.>>945657Only watched a few minutes and can confirm it's true to life. Majority of the working class are exactly like that. They have more soul than the middle class though.
These videos are very reflective of student culture No. 945668
>>945491I did read the Italian thread, I'm in uni too but the people in my course don't lean super lib. I'm sorry your first pride experience was like that
nonnie, when I went this summer I mostly tuned the genderspecial flags out kek but there were a couple mtfs in thongs w their whole asses out that were hard to ignore. it's a shame that pride parades get a bad reputation because of these people when 99.9% of people act normal
No. 945676
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What's your country's equivalent of white trash called and how would you define it?
No. 945682
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Są tu baby polskie?
No. 945689
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>>945676in roman slang
>boro/coattoPeople who are loud, tacky, clearly undecuated. they probably have slightly different meanings from each other but I cba to google it. I think it's closer to the British chav than to white trash because it's more about attitude/behavior than social class (though those two usually go together)
No. 945692
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>>945192ffs if they're going to draw two stickmen buttfucking with word fag plastered over it they should at least give the top stickman a lil stick dick too. This could be a doctor just checking out the other man to see if has scoliosis. Do better sign makers.
No. 945694
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>>945676We're all "white trash" in Serbia
No. 945702
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What are the moids like in your country? Any unique characteristics? And where in Europe are they the absolute worst, so I know which countries to avoid.
Picrel is the average British moid.
No. 945902
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swedefag here, i wish the rest of europe would stop believing the ~bootiful nordic nature~ illusion when most of sweden's (and finland's) "forests" look like this.
>>945134i mean the fact that rich swedes are basically occupying whole villages in spain probably has something to do with the scandiboos in southern europe. that's just my theory though
No. 946166
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>>945676>Beauf [pronounced /bof/] is a French term describing a person thought to be a combination of vulgar, unsophisticated, unintelligent, arrogant, uncaring, and chauvinistic, without any taste for etiquette or good manners. The word "beauf" usually corresponds to a right wing-leaning, working class/lower middle class male individual driven by basic instincts and reasoning. Thought to very much enjoy French diesel cars, girls, having a drink with his male friends, and have strong views on how his preferred soccer team/the national soccer team should play. No. 946233
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grrek media can't seem to get enough of this guy, I don't even feel sorry for his ass, he should have known better
No. 946326
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>>945134nordiboo LMAO. I went to Sweden a bunch of times and liked it there because I felt the way of life was more casual and relaxed. To make an analogy other than Sweden = America I feel like Europe is Earth and Scandinavia is the moon, because they are so different from the rest of Europe (probably because special northern climate + the Church didn't have as strong a hold on them as it does on anglo/german/romance language countries). They have a different history, different customs, different cultural imagination.
also this bread is the BEST.
No. 946367
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so i just found out mcdonalds here is offering a truffle burger
i am perplexed
No. 946377
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>>945702Swedeburgers has stekare aka brats, the evolution of fjortisar. I’d say it’s a spin on chavs but more faggot moid energy.
No. 946406
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>>946166I use "cassos" more than beauf
>>945702A good exemple of cassos, 10/10 proper lads, probably enjoy football a lot
No. 946481
>>946377Stekare/brats are upperclass though. The irritating spoiled upperclass young moid type.
The guys in your second pic looks like Partille-Johnny kek
No. 946541
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>>946539Could be worse, imagine living in a banana republic
No. 946775
>>946685My paranoid scared ass would probably pack her bags and move to Iceland if it were part of the EU, since it's so out of reach and removed from everything else.
>>946377Why are they orange. I thought that was a Sussex Brit thing to be spray tan orange.
No. 946807
>>946748I think that technically, scandinavia = Denmark, Sweden and Norway only
>>946775Not swedish but when I went there the women were all fake tan orange as fuck kek. When I went to Denmark, they were less orange but all had bad dark dye jobs with a really strong middle part
No. 946853
>>946748No, but like Finland they belong to the Nordic countries. Scandinavia is just Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
>>946775>Why are they orangeBecause chavvy bad taste grooming is international.
No. 946865
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No. 946954
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>French scrotes are big liars
No. 946959
>>946865i feel like a lot of these are close to truth but 3 has italy very wrong
>>946954doesn't france have big immigration from africa?
No. 946983
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How is the COVID situation in your country? How did the government handle the lockdowns? (image is covid deaths in the last 7 days)
No. 946996
>>946954>Czech Republic, Slovakia and HungaryDamn, do dicks grow better in the West Carpathians?
>>946983Interesting that Romania has the smallest dicks and the largest number of covid deaths. Proof that getting vaccinated is big dick energy.
No. 947033
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do you believe his attempts on appearing relatable to the youth by making pop culture references will grant SYRIZA new voters?
No. 947079
>>947055Like pic related more or less.
>>947056Glad you could escape from that. What is wrong with german boys? Some germans have been staying in my appartment (which is mostly rented by girls) and they would go around in underwear. Yes, it wasn't cold yet but have some decency, you are a guest and women who actually pay the rent to be here don't need to see your hairless skinnyfat body! Graffiti is another fucking level, my whole neighbourhood is graffiti'd by other european ''hip'' young tourists that skate around trashing the streets. I hope those fences were repainted withe those students' money, residential homes have a lot of cameras around them and spotting retards is usually not difficult.
No. 947117
>>947079Yes, the idiots got caught on CCTV in multiple areas, including their own dorm, that's how we knew it was them. I don't know if they got any real punishment though, the police in my country can't be assed to deal with foreigners, they'd rather write tickets lol.
>Glad you could escape from that.Thanks anon, it was terrifying. I don't have anything against Germans in particular though, I can think of multiple men from my own coutry who think "foreign girls are easy" and would act exactly the same. It's just that foreign exchange programs seem to attract all sorts of scum who mainly want to get drunk and party, regardless of nationality. It was only when I did my second degree at an art school that I met nice exchange students who actually wanted to learn.
No. 947140
>>947079>>947117Yeah sorry nonnies, that sucks.
I was a french exchange in sweden, partying, fucking and getting wasted is prioritized over everything. We had a good share of exchange students party rape stories too, ew. You even get weirdly pressured to attend to parties and night outs/get wasted. But yeah, as already mentioned, nothing to do with nationality, it's just caused by the general frat and douchebag atmosphere
No. 947499
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>>945466>>945160Porcoddio per fortuna sono neet e non ho modo di incontrare queste persone. Hi fellow nonITAs
No. 947565
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nonny here, literally so tired of it, the neoliberal government in charge of the vaccine rollout and COVID policy in this country got too lazy and/or just acted too late, now we have a THIRD lockdown, with curfew from 8pm. The vaccination rate amongst adults is 52%. Everyone is so angry at eachother and divided, taking the public transport like the train or bus is so tense and everyone seems to be in such a horrible mood. I'm vaccinated but not even to protect myself, but to comply and attend uni/get work/etc. But I am still sceptical of the restrictions, and what it means for the future (dividing people into second-class citizens). The most anti-vax people in this country are the elderly and the large Russian minority, and the rhetoric they spread on social media like FB and Telegram groups seems to be working. I'm angry at our government, but have also lost faith in the common sense of most people, either those who repeat the news rhetoric and call skeptics idiots and stupid, or the large amount of people who support populist politicians and claim that COVID just "doesn't exist". I honestly have lost any faith or patriotism in my people, and do not blame the Latvian people who have decided to leave in droves to greener pastures.
No. 947619
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I always hear stories about scandis being super pearl clutchy when someone even brings up weed. Is that true? Are drugs laws especially strict up there? Losers.
Love from Spain
No. 947638
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>>946481kek that anon's second pic is the first google result for partille-johnny. I'm hoping that now that all this Y2K stuff is back someone will bring PJ back so I can laugh myself to pieces on my commute
No. 947642
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How do Swedish anons feel about drain gang/drainers? Do you see them on the street? Are they annoying alt kids or do you just not notice them? In Latvia our slang for LGBT flag wearing "alt" teens who have greasy dyed hair and hang out at the local park is "dreineri" kek
No. 947643
>>947638Yes lol. They look like orange anime characters with hairbands around their legs.
>>947642I don't recognize this term, is it "queer" kids?
No. 947652
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>>947643it's like new emo kids, mostly zoomers I guess. but you can spot them quite easily. maybe similar to fjortisar but with reverse colorscheme. it's funny since bladee came out with a clothing collaboration with GANT, which is in this prep style, but with an ""ironic"" twist
No. 947671
>>947663Just saying that drug use in general is frowned upon although there are social circles were it's ok.
>>947652I'll be on a lookout for Swedish Super Saiyan zoomers next time I'm in town.
No. 947718
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>>947610Tbh a lot of European film studios that don't have giant fuck-off money a'la Hollywood make those retarded sex comedies because it's cheap and it's safe to assume the average viewer will pay to see it. It's not just an Italy problem, Poland is exactly the same.
Picrel is an example of some of the shit that gets made here.
No. 947745
EU anons what do you think of this
>Sign this European citizens’ initiative, and ensure that the European Commission does everything in its power to make anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments a global public good, freely accessible to everyone. browser won't let me take a screenshot, don't ban me because I didn't attach an image farmhands)
No. 947758
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Slav anons, how true is the gopnik stereotype?
No. 947809
>>947727I don't really feel any specific way about them
t. from central italy
No. 947839
>>947769-Come to Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Poznań or the 3 City area (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot). The last option is best imo, because it's by the sea and has the happiest, most chilled out atmosphere. I might be biased though, because that's where I grew up lol. Warsaw on the other hand is the best place to find work
-you have to be willing to learn at least a bit of basic Polish. You'll need it in case you have to deal with people in public institutions (like taxes, insurance, hospital etc.) because not everybody speaks english, even in bigger cities
-if you have a degree, experience and professional skills it should be easy to find a good job. What kind of job would you prefer?
-gross monthly minimal wage is going to be 3010PLN starting from January 1st 2022 and will likely increase in following years.
-You can rent a decent room in Warsaw city center for around 1000-1500PLN, apartments start at 2000PLN
-food in grocery stores is unfortunately getting more expensive but is still way cheaper than in Western Europe (and way better imo, especially stuff like vegetables and meat)
-we have great restaurants and good craft beers if you're into that sort of thing
-people from urban areas are friendly and open minded, especially younger ones. Altough unfortunately conservative government is gaining more and more traction in recent years
-public health services can be disappointing, it's better to be prepared to pay for private
-our police is far from the best but overall the streets are safe and crime rate is pretty low
-plenty of interesting historical sites and lovely places to visit if you love nature. Overall I'd say Poland is a beautiful country
-it gets cold so get some winter clothes and a good pair of boots (we suck at shoveling snow from our pavements lol)
That's about all I can think of for now. Come visit us anon! Can I ask where are you from?
No. 948030
>>948021Thanks for the article,
nonnie. Bath and York seem like they're worth checking out.
No. 948046
>>948030We do have some very beautiful places outside of the capital and big cities too anon. Little old villages and towns in places like Oxfordshire and other countryside places.
Another cute rel article: No. 948220
finnanons, how long did it take you to realize something was off with people online using t.
it took me months before i was like "wait a minute i am reading posts in english why are people ending their posts with terveisin"
>>948118move to sweden and don't come here
No. 948252
>>945702we got κλαρινογαμπρούς (preppy/normie guys), κάγκουρες/επαλιωτες (chavs) and
φασαίους (faux-alt)
κάγκουρες are associated with vocational high schools, are into motorcycles and can often be seen tweaking junk they got from landfills
though φασαίοι are always the butt of jokes on tiktok, I feel like many zoomers fit this demographic
I could practically write a whole thesis on κλαρινογαμπρούς and how they, as a subculture, grew as a result of eurozone's early years
No. 948289
>>947940>>947949I said "people"
(jk I'm not racist I just have a special resentment for ME and Indian moids bc they're some of the most evil)
No. 948324
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>>948289Hope you're not french
nonny kek.
Is there any french muslim browsing? I don't know how you guys manage to cope with the muslim scrotes roleplaying as imams (haram, but they're huge hypocrites so yeah) and telling you what you should and shouldn't do. No wonder muslim women turn into proper pickmes, I would too if it would let them leave me alone.
No. 948612
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Motherhood. General attitudes, aspirations etc. Ands specifics, what's maternity leave like? Childcare costs? How many women work? How many stay home? etc. Let's discuss.
No. 948636
>>948612Single mother benefits are pretty generous in my country and most of the girls I went to school with became full time single mothers to really milk that. Got pregnant the moment they were out of school. Perfectly timed to avoid having to seek employment.
It's created this mess of unfit mothers, women starting families too young, kids not knowing their dads, women never going to college or getting jobs. Kids being raised in that environment leads to more of the same and tbh they're often scummy people and the worst neighbours to have. Working women are holding back on having kids for longer and longer and lazy 16 to 18 year olds are having them just to get handed free housing.
No. 948665
>>947974Come to Liverpool
nonny, it’s the Stacy choice
>old style architectural beauty >fun things to do everywhere, modern>people treat you like family even though it’s a city>connected by mersey train line to other towns>fresh air in nearby towns>decent housing prices>you can go to the beach>multiple Greggs No. 948713
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>be swede
>live in peaceful neighborhood
>hostel in area gets sold & turned into a immigration housing facility
>suddenly rape, robberies, shooting & even explosions runs rampant
>can’t voice concerns about this in any way because you’ll be labeled a bigoted racist
>”what do you mean taking in these men with deeply misogynist backgrounds & severe ptsd is problematic”
If I get raped and shot tomorrow while walking my dog, the blood is on your hands you coward politician fucks. I’m just tired.
No. 948920
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Anyone else have these stupid fucking inside door windows? Mine doesn't open like picrel but it drives me mad seeing light come from outside my room. I cannot for the life of me figure out what purpose they serve. Windows are enough sunlight.
No. 949003
>>947140That’s my experience with foreign exchange students too, even ones with prestigious scholarships who you’d expect to take their studies at least a little bit seriously.
Mediterranean anons, is it true that your work days are super short and relaxed? The foreign students from Spain, Italy etc. that I’ve worked with always said it was “their culture” to show up at 10 or 11 in the morning, take an hour+ long lunch break and then leave around 4 pm for drinks. I always assumed they were bullshitting me but it was a very consistent claim. Whenever we had more than a few Southern European students in our department we’d have to rearrange our meeting schedule because they would simply not show up earlier than 10 am.
No. 949021
>>949009Do PhD students get TAs too? Those were always the most egregious ones, especially because they get paid for fulltime work. I think they relied on department leaders and other colleagues just not knowing anything about their countries and not wanting to appear ignorant or intolerant or whatever.
Meanwhile students from China and some Eastern European countries like the Ukraine all seem to work ridiculous hours. Sometimes I’d come in on the weekends to check something in the lab and all the Chinese and Ukrainian people would be there, working like it was any normal weekday. I guess it evened out that way.
No. 949041
No. 949042
>>949026I went to one of the oldest if not THE oldest high school in my country. It's kinda prestigious so a lot of people want to send their kids there but it's old and it's downtown so it's a very small building, we'd be 35 or 40 per class. It was impossible to focus so even if the teachers were mostly competent I feel like high school was a huge waste of my time and made me regress. I went to a private middle school and we had the same problem there, not a lot of classes per grade so we were way too many, it was impossible to focus on anything and kids there wouldn't stfu.
In a more general way some teacchers have a stick up their asses and will tell the kids to study their way and no other way. If you talked in English during English class and dared making a normal mistake you'd have some teachers making fun of you instead of correcting you normally and helping you. That's the case for a lot of subjects but in foreign languages it's especially retarded since practice makes perfect applies even more here. Don't get me started on German teachers not teaching you anything and making you watch the same football movie every year. When you see normal competent and nice teachers they can be eaten alive by the students if they're spoiled and entitled enough, it's crazy.
On the other side, almost every students in uni I knew who went abroad thanks to exchange programs told me studying in other countries was like being on vacations because of how easy it was. Especially prestigious Japanese, English, American, etc. unis that are crazy expensive.
No. 949052
>>945676In Finnish they're just called "WT" the acronym of "white trash". They're loud, aggressive, uneducated, low IQ, spend money on tacky things they don't need, have no manners or concern for others etc. Finland hasn't traditionally been a classist society so as far as I know there isn't a native word for them except the direct translation "valkoroska", literally "white garbage/trash".
>>945702Finnish moids:
>Silent, never speaks a word unless it's to whine about something>Either a borderline alcoholic who goes out to drink with the boys whenever he can, or a loser who stays home all the time without any friends, depending on you for all his social needs>Would be attractive facial-wise if he had any sense of style, but he firmly believes that getting a nice haircut is for faggots>Probably has daddy issues because his dad was just as much of an asshole as he is>>947800That's because of the culture of medicating your depression and mental illness with drinking and intergenerational trauma caused by it.
>>945694kek this is literally every balkan/slav couple I've seen in my life
No. 949076
>>949059I can't tell you right now because I've been living in WE for 10+ years but it was awful. You can't dismiss the corruption just as "eh, it's everywhere". Free healthcare my ass, you either give the doctors/nurses those sweet euros or they'll let you die in those awful hospitals with rats and roaches running around you. Police officers will try to give you shit for anything but showing them the money will brighten their eyes and all charges will be dropped. Good luck trying to be a career woman, everyone will harass you to get married and pop 3-5 kids because at 21 you're already an "old girl". Life isn't that cheap either, last time I visited I went to a few supermarkets and shit cost the same as where I live now, people have to rely on farmers markets to get food. Housing is increasing its price as well, my cousin was living in a 1 dorm apartment which cost her 200€ a month and had to share it because it was half her nurse wage, and not in a particularly good area.
Can't really talk about school because I left when I was still underage. Public schooling is good and free (they lend you the books and if you're piss poor they give you notebooks and other materials as well) but rich fucks shove their way into the best schools getting good grades by bribing. Idk anything past highschool but I do think there are a lot of scholarships.
Maybe it's different in the capital but I come from a small shitty city in the NE and what I told you is everyday life.
No. 949082
>>949059Not Romanian, but my best friend is. The amount of depressing stories she told me about Romania is insane. She hates it so much that when her grandparents (who still live there) will die, she will never return nor visit again.
She brought a dumbass BPD friend with her one time, who absolutely wanted to experience Romanian night life and go to clubs, despite my friend telling her that it was an awful idea. BPD fag forced her hand and they went to different clubs. Turns out this retard almost got her drunk ass trafficked and sent to Moldavia kek
No. 949099
>>949086One of the top country in Europe when it comes to human trafficking, yes
>>949076>but rich fucks shove their way into the best schools getting good grades by bribingHeard a lot about that too, friend who's prodigy tier school wise was shoved to the side by her teacher who favoured her bribing rich classmates. That was in elementary school, mind you
No. 949120
>>949098Yup, that's something DHL has managed to flag through a few months ago. You can't opt out of it either and it doesn't matter how much the item value is, we now always pay 6 euros by default if it's delivered by DHL (even if the actual carrier is for example fedex, ems etc). And they raised their shipping prices around the same time.
They're getting so cocky with basically being a monopoly, that I just always use Hermes and dpd whenever I can.
No. 949215
>>949130Cheap house stuff from ali, lenses and makeup from korea
It's been a long time since I last ordered from Etsy. If the shop is non-EU, I think Etsy includes the VAT in its checkout price though
No. 949250
>>949081Spain. I didn't want to come but I was a kid and my parents brought me here, eventually stayed. It has its whole set of issues but life is easier here and you get more opportunities than in that backwards shithole I came from.
>>949086Yikes true, I forgot about this but I was forbidden from leaving the house alone past sunset and was instructed to be very careful with who I related with because of it. A lot of scrotes buy cheap shiny stuff for easy to impress teenage girls then ship them away to be trafficked once they get their trust.
No. 950123
>>950115NTA, why are you angry when someone vents about increased violent crime in her area?! WTF. How do you know she is middle-class and if she is, is she not allowed to fear for her safety? in an area full of criminal immigrant moids who need to fuck off
No. 950184
>>949419Look into hard and soft water. Hard water has more naturally occurring minerals that soft water. It doesn't impact the drinking quality and ingesting extra minerals such as calcium through tap water is actually good for your bones but hard water can cause issues with skin and hair.
>>950115Choke on a dick. The level of projection in your post is outstanding. You are the rich little white girl who has been privileged enough to live in an area where you don't have to deal with the ever present threat of being raped if your still outside after dark. I wish I had that luxury growing up.
No. 950208
>>949419I've never ever heard of our water ruining hair, skin or teeth. All I can think of is maybe you're effected by hard water? I do know for a fact that hard water in general isn't great for certain hairtypes. Maybe your skin and hair has a severe reaction to it because you're not used to it life-long like the rest of us? That's just a guess though. You can check your local water hardness here (or similiar websites, just google it) it is, I frankly wouldn't be concerned about the water ruining your teeth, we'd all have bad teeth if that were the case. If you're really concerned, you can get hard water filters on your taps and showers (but I think that's quite expensive).
No. 950216
>>950184>you're a privileged little white girl!!!>also my skin is allergic to tap waterironic. nice of you to assume i'm white and from a safe and suburban area. if you had any idea of what life is like in truly rough neighborhoods in sweden you'd know white girls are unaffected by the issues therein because of the simple reason that they don't live there.
>>950176unsurprising that a eurofag thread would bring all the moronic /pol/tards and tradthots. also yeah sweden did do it to themselves, if we didn't want refugees from the misogynist middle east maybe we shouldn't have sent 9000 soldiers and spent 27,5 billion SEK on war in afghanistan.
No. 950221
>>950115I don't get you. You're right that it's (naturally) mostly affecting those same immigrants and refugees, and that's really bad and fucked up, but you seem more bothered by anon acknowledging that it happens at all. What should be done? Should it all just be ignored because "Oh it's mostly the browns killing themselves. If a white dies, it's because they got themselves involved where they shouldn't have"? Because that's what your post is sounds like
Fascism is a problem, but why can't violence in these communities also be addressed (and it does bleed out of their group too, like it or not)? Why are scrotes with no wife, no kids, no family to take care of, allowed to immigrate freely? Why don't the government or hardcore leftist groups who claim to care so much ever try to do shit about the problem of violence?
People are literally becoming fascists because all the silence around crime isn't screaming tolerance and kindness, it's actually screaming "This is just the natural state of those different from you, deal with it". A minority of immigrants making each other unsafe in your country means that wherever they live automatically becomes unsafe, even people outside their ingroup will inevitably get hit by proxy, and the more come in and expand, the worse it'll get, especially for less affluent local people who can't afford to move to wealthier places
No. 950243
>>950240>There's a huge difference between western and eastern europeEven that's a massive overgeneralisation.
I don't know how anons can come in here and ask "How is X thing in Europe?" When Europe has 40+ countries with 40+ governments ranging from extremely poor to very rich and everything in between, what are you doing asking about the quality of education iN eUrOpE? It's like asking "What's the climate like on planet earth?"
No. 950248
>>950241stop being ridiculous t another finn. getting raped and killed is not a proper payback for good will.
>>950216so because of things that common people actually don't have any say in the common people deserve to get killed and raped? why don't these bitter assholes go and attack politicians and soldiers if what they do is the problem
No. 950316
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>>950115I’d like to apologize for the intense sweden sperging to all eurononnies
No. 950336
>>950304Doesn't make sense yet happens everywhere. lol Immigration nets the system a bigger consumer base for the industrial output and weight in foreign policy, bigger underclass that suppresses the wages (hence central banks all over the world openly postulate it as policy to increase economy competitiveness). Real estate balloons in prices. The social safety nets will keep everyone consuming anyway and double as a feudal relation to the state and some political options. Indeed clientism unerringly develops in any widely varied society with representative democracy and incapacitates the population's ability to decide anything, since sections of it are now going to vote 90% on the single big daddy party anyway, basically waiting for scraps, happy to get ahead in a zero sum game vs the rest. This way the democratic process is partially deadened.
This isn't some grand conspiracy, just a matter of course for an elite managing the democracy who's institutions they captured or grew out of or both. People use words like magic spells. "OOOOH, a conspiracy, anon!" is all it takes for you to allow yourself to shut off your brain. Some thing aren't said out loud, because they dispel useful pretense, doesn't mean they don't happen in the background, that whole systems aren't functioning around them. There are lobbies and symbiotic relationships between various top sections of society like media and politicians. Systems sometimes require bullshit as grease, people need to assume that feudal lords are looking out for the peasant or the gods anointed the new god-king. We haven't progressed at all since those times, same monkey brains as ever, but now the propaganda tubes are SO much bigger.
Big newspapers aren't bringing in profits for decades now… but someone owns them, right? Example: why did Bezos buy Washington Post? Occam's razor, anon. These aren't the times every town had 20 self-owned newspapers. You live in more of an oligarchy than you think. Some of it is made out sheer money, some of even bigger institutional power (finance is half-fused to the state, with any newcomers regulated out of the picture and an oligopoly in some areas - payment processors - a flat out monopoly in others, like everyone having to use SWIFT), some from very strategic adoptive in-groups like established politician de facto communities etc. All those groups are small and go to the same parties and charity events, their activities often interlock. Need I say more?
There was a great study done at some prestigious college: no correlation between passed policy and what is popular with the public in America. You only get mild correlation when you narrow it down to 1 or 0.1% of the most affluent, since their bubble is the only place culture and financial incentive actually matters in influencing the "democratic" process of the tweedist US plutocracy. That is reality, not some platitudes by a hired clown staring at you from the idiot box. The democratic infrastructure is there, but neutralized and coopted.
No. 950371
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Please stop sperging.
Anyway, what cultural foods did you mainly eat as a kid? For me, I proudly displayed the main British cuisine of my childhood- ketchup and fish finger sandwiches without the crust
No. 950383
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>>950372>>950375>>950378>>950380Don't be mean on the internet. That's not nice
No. 950395
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The Great British Bake Off is such a comfy show. I miss you Mary Berry though. She was so cute and wholesome
No. 950396
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>>950371Don't forget dessert
No. 950407
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these are the best
No. 950411
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>>950371Kalaspuffar with filmjölk just hit different
No. 950415
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>>950371So simple but so good
No. 950422
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Behold, the tastiest chocolate in the world
No. 950423
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>>950409British do have the best baked goods, sweet treats, desserts and cakes. Afternoon tea was introduced here after all.
No. 950429
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>>950371Based. Pay no heed to the tastelets replying to you, nona.
I recall eating many similar stereotypically British dishes - ones that you can only ever appreciate if you ate them in your childhood. Here are a few:
>Chip butty (Chip sandwich)>Bacon butty >Crisp sandwich>Cucumber sandwich>Pickle and cheese sandwich>Beans on toast>Cheese on toast >Jacket potato>Cheese and apple>Crumpets No. 950433
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>>950423Afternoon tea and cute scones, cakes and sandwiches with no crusts.
>>950429Kek I still love and eat chip buttys.
No. 950438
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>>950429You are turning me catholic again, I started crossing myself when I saw that disgusting picture
No. 950440
the only strong opinion I have on British cuisine is that baked beans are a crime against God and the very concept of taste
>>950429I agree with the anon above, that looks like a good home cooked meal. amerifat hands wrote that tweet
No. 950442
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>>950433Speaking of cakes, these are my favourite. Angel slices.
No. 950444
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>>950440What is wrong with you?? It looks like shit poured on a plate.
No. 950450
>>950444Does it matter what it looks like if it tastes good and is healthy? I for one think meat in all possible forms looks revolting on the inside but I still eat it because it's good. I honestly find "it looks like puke therefore it s bad" a bit of a childish take.
t. not even british so don't accuse me of it.
No. 950451
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>they eat toast bread
>they don't see what's wrong with the image
Absolutely disgusting. Buy some real bread, britbongs.
No. 950460
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>>950449I'm literally italian
No. 950465
>>949620It's a combination of huge virtue signaling by the normal folk (that probably don't like the LGBT that much) and a huge americanization of our culture. Catholic practising people are motly elders and the Spanish youth makes so much noise compared to them. Even our socialist party is a big liberal pile of shit. After the repression of 40 years of dictatorship, in the late 70s took place the ''Destape'', a pseudo-sexual liberation on film and other media. Generations that grew with normalized nudity and a increasing american influence on culture are now between 45 and 65. They are very liberal compared to their parents and their children are the actual spanish youth. These kids, like their parents, are all about rebelling towards ''authoroty'' (parents themselves, traditions, common sense) and embracing the so-called freedom that comes with following any damn trend from the USA. People here will literaly acctept anything that is preached as progressive by the americans, that's why the troon phenomenon and drag queen shit have become so popular so easily, that's why people virtue signal for BLM when we never had any historical meaningful black minority, while they turn their heads off from the impoverished gipsy communities that have been here for ages. Spanish teens and youngsters want to be cool and progressive. Spaniards are very self-conscious about their own culture because they don't feel it as their own, mainly probably because for ages culture and literacy were really only part of a very small group of aristocrats (Spain's iliteracy was about 94% of the population by the year 1900). It's much more easy to binge on Netflix crap than to feel any interest towards spanish writers (the golden age of the spanish literatures were the XVII century for the castillian literature and the XV century for the catalan/valencian literature, imagine the literacy back then) because it's not like our grandparents actually held any patriotic feeling that wasn't based only on xenophobic ideas rather than admiration for spanish artists. When given a chance to educate itself, a country so used to bread and circus will look for more entertainment somewhere else rather than embrace its unknown historical traditions.
No. 950474
>>950225Why do they act like swedish women are all in parliament voting in misogynistic immigrant men? There's huge censorship for talking anything bad about misogynistic immigrants, and rapey scrotes are using that to their advantage, both the men in parliament and the misogynistic immigrant men. Misogynistic immigrants "keep women in check", ie keep them at home after dark, make them afraid and insecure, and make women more likely to settle with a shit euro man to try to gain some protection.
>>950304ME scrotes took over the UN and now are trying to colonize everything. Simple. "Allah willing we will conquer".
No. 950476
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>>950463people who actually cook every day at home know that presentation doesn't matter bc this isn't a Michelin star restaurant, no one cares if the mince looks weird or the carrots are too big, what matters is taste. also I'll have you know i am born and raised in italy and part irish and DESPITE all that I am able to give a more objective opinion on British cuisine than you seething amerifats
No. 950478
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>>950371It was the best day whenever we had boiled potatoes and smoked mackerel
No. 950482
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swede anons, I've always wondered; what do you guys think of her?
No. 950511
>>950498She's autistic and vegan, horrible combo since not getting enough nutrients really takes a toll on autists.
>>950482>young girl who gets social influence about actually important mattersIdk but definitely being used for someones agenda.
No. 950519
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Hey, eurofriends, it’s your bedtime. That’s enough shitposting today, it’s time to sleep
No. 950584
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>>950371many people hate it for the way it looks but this stuff is so good, really cheap too.
No. 950975
>>949120We can cheat the 6€ extra vat cost by just using Hermes or DPD?!
Damn, now I hate DHL even more those scammers.
Do you have any more tips on how to still order from outside EU?
No. 950990
>>950895yes, my grandma used to make it a lot because she hates cooking and it’s easy.
>>950716It’s red beets with mashed potatoes and corned beef
No. 950996
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lohikeitto/salmon soup is the best cold weather food (of course paired with rye bread)
(toasted/warm rye bread is the superior ultimate god tier of all breads)
No. 950999
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>>950996also reindeer tastes good, i have eaten moose too. i would like to taste bear some day honestly
No. 951100
>>948663Dutch? Our daycare recently announced that they basically can’t offer the amount of days that people are registered for and that parents should be looking into alternatives/expect some days to be cancelled in the coming months. Unsubsidised daycare in my area costs more than minimum wage, too, and before COVID the waiting lists were over a year long and I assume they’ve only gotten worse. I know multiple people (all women, of course) who are in the position that they can’t find work because they don’t have childcare but can’t afford childcare because they don’t have paid work. These are all well-educated women, too.
The housing market is also exactly as you described. Rent is insane unless you can get into social housing, for which you have to be registered for years and years before you’re eligible. Housing prices are rising fast, too, like 10% in the past year in the area my husband and I are searching. I don’t know anyone under the age of 40 who’s managed to buy a house without half of it being financed by their parents, and even then everyone’s moving further and further away from their places of work because most people work in the cities but no one can actually afford to
live in the cities. Food and energy prices are rising fast as well. It’s a mess.
No. 951250
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Any norge anons around? I miss Lefse so much I’d sell my soul for one.
No. 951263
>>949406Geen probleem, we zijn misschien niet met veel maar als je ooit over Nederlandse dingen wilt praten/klagen voel vrij om zo te doen. Ik ben nu 20 en zit nog te studeren dus ik heb niet heel veel te klagen, hopelijk is de huizenmarkt beter wanneer ik klaar ben met studeren anders ben ik echt fucked.
>>949667Echt waar? Ik lees nooit de altcows thread, zie je daar nederlanders omdat er ook gepraat wordt over een nederlandse koe?
>>949419I never heard about tap water damaging hair, skin and teeth. The teeth part is especially weird because the water here is very clean and has a bit of fluoride which is good for your teeth. Stupid question but if you notice your teeth getting worse, could it maybe be that you changed your diet and eat more sugary stuff? Also about the hair and skin part, I have pretty dry skin and during the winter when I take a hot shower it especially gets bad. So if it's something similar to what I'm describing try to not take a very hot shower and use some creams. Can you maybe give some more details when you say your skin and hair is "ruined", like did it get dry ect.
No. 951281
>>951263>hopelijk is de huizenmarkt beter wanneer ik klaar ben met studeren anders ben ik echt fucked. Misschien als ze die 1 miljoen huizen voor starters gaan bouwen. Zo niet wordt NL echt onleefbaar en onbetaalbaar voor de gemiddelde jonge Nederlander met een normaal inkomen. Ik ken een jong stel dat naar Duitsland is ge-emigreert vanwege het woningtekort hier, het staat er echt treurig voor.
No. 951299
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>>947798Ook Nederlands hier. Wellicht dat het er toch een handje vol zijn? Haha. Ik huur ook sociaal. Ziet er niet naar uit dat ik ooit een huis kan aanschaffen, zelfs niet samen met mijn vriend. En ook geen welvarende ouders die kunnen voorschieten, helaas.
Vooral in oudere threads zie ik soms wat Nederlandse koeien… De grootse is mss NickiTuts, maar dat viel nog wel mee met de melk.
Zonet heb ik friet, kroket en een gehaktbal speciaal gegeten en ik voel me nu ook een koe.
No. 951310
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best choco, hands down
No. 951327
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>>950371eurofags coping so hard about their shit cuisine! go seethe and bake some pastries you weak ass pussies this is rancid
No. 951333
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your catfood is so heccin delicioso and cultured
No. 951347
>>951308It’s annoying though?
Ich kann auch einfach auf deutsch schreiben ihr Idioten. Oder wie wäre es, jeder eurofag schreibt in seiner Landessprache und wir übersetzen jeden scheiß post?
No. 951356
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>>951308>>951347Calm down, we weren't planning on having lengthy ongoing conversations in Dutch. It's not like Italy anons and others haven't exhanged a few posts in their respective native languages earlier in this thread. It shouldn't be that big of a deal in a Eurofag thread of all places.
>>951299picrel kek sorry (ik zal het hier maar bij laten)
No. 951387
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>>951310it's okay, but i prefer my basic bitch chocolate though
best in europe imo
No. 951398
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>>951387brazilian lacta also exists lmao
No. 951399
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>>951392in british accent nomnomnom i love a good ol borger
No. 951402
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No. 951405
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No. 951678
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>>951402I'm sorry anon but this is objectively the worst chocolate. Marabou barely even tastes like real chocolate, however the only acceptable one is picrel on Christmas
No. 952020
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>>951476That's exactly what we've been doing for like 10 years, kek. When I was in highschool, you could go to the administration office and buy a croissant, but then these sugar health regulations were put into place and they fucking banned croissant selling, wtf. Still mad about it ngl. I don't know how useful these regulations really were but it's pretty funny that they literally banned croissants because muuh health but our underage asses could still smoke 10 fags a day in the school courtyard
No. 952022
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>>952018 oh really? They are delicious especially if you cut them into mush and mix with sugar
>>952021 that's nuts!
No. 952120
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Did you guys know that American chocolate tasted like puke (specifically Hershey's)? They purposefully make it with spoiled milk for a slightly rotten flavour. It's actually so wide spread that for many Americans that's how your average milk chocolate should taste like
No. 952125
>>952121for me the language of the internet is english and i never browse my country's internet (it's too close to real life).
and not everybody speaks everybody else's language.
No. 952154
>>951678De där askarna smakar mer fett och socker än choklad.
>>952105Mums, jag håller med, men den är ju så dyr.
>>952121Kek do you think we should all understand each other then itt?
No. 952174
>>952167Burger who grew up in Europe here, many Americans have shot taste buds. Most people think more sugar/salt= taste better. Without consideration to what flavor really is. Also, many Americans don't savor chocolate, they chew it and scarf it down hence the weird waxy tangy flavor of Hershey's is unnoticed.
I've been to expensive restaurants here where the tab for 2 people was a couple hundred and
still the food was just a sodium bomb and no real depth of flavor. Burger King whopper was the worst burger I've ever had in my life. IHOP crepes were completely dry and bland. Starbucks is shit too. All these foods sell well not because they're good but because they feed a sugar or sodium addiction.
No. 952199
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>>952105That was my go-to until I discovered pic related. So expensive, though.
No. 952211
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>>952195That’s definitely not a thing lmao. American supermarkets generally have massive chocolate selections, and even drug stores always carry some lindt, godiva, ritter, and cadbury products. Only poors/really old people eat hershey’s bars tbh.
Sorry for burger sperg, but the other anon was straight up lying.
No. 952231
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>>952211huh, strange
they had a monopoly where I stayed
No. 952319
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Britbongs, when Elizabeth kicks the bucket who will become king/queen?
Other eurobongs feel free to share your royal family memes
No. 952337
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>>952319The succession has been decided since 1958, the heir apparent is prince Charles, the 72 year old man
No. 952418
>>952406I'm not even British but I love how she just keeps on trucking.
The throne should be matrilinear. All the cool English monarchs were queens. Elizabeth 1, Victoria and current one.
No. 952460
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>>951281Oke de situatie ziet er dan niet zo goed uit voor mij. Bij mij in de buurt zijn ze ook echt alleen maar bezig met het bouwen van super grote gezinswoningen dus misschien is het geen gek idee om naar Duitsland te verhuizen.
>>951636Heb nog nooit van Psychara gehoord maar ben zelf ook niet zo bezig met alternatieve influencers. En ja naar een andere provincie verhuizen is ook een optie maar ik ben bang dat als ik naar een provincie zoals Friesland ga verhuizen dat het ook moeilijk is om een baan te vinden.
>>952429Willem is so fucking ugly and the dutch monarchy isn't as entertaining as the british imo. I'm kinda hoping that the dutch monarchy will end because they don't seem to be doing shit tbh.
No. 952470
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>>952167I bought whoopers thinking it would taste like malteasers and it was the most vile shit i have ever eaten, worse than hersheys. Threw it straight in the bin. At least the cookies and creme hersheys is nice imo. tootsie rolls can fuck off too. American's should never be allowed near cocoa.
No. 952481
>>952470Whoppers are made by Hershey’s,
nonnie. What were you expecting?
No. 952751
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>>952337Bruh this absolute cockhead and his Rottweiler wife are taking the throne after based queen E? I’m disgusted.
No. 953427
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>>953071I hope so too.
Posting my fave anecdote about her
No. 953458
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>>953454No, that's tinfoiling but look into your heart, you know it's true.
No. 953464
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I won't be sad when the Swedish king dies. What is he good for other than looking slightly insane and cheating on his wife?
No. 953473
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norwegian monarchs seem cool tbh
No. 953482
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>>952167Every time I eat these (or Ritter Sport), I pity Americans. But they'd probably just get even fatter if they had good snacks so
No. 953494
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Speaking of Monarchs and Monarchy I am reminded of story of the between the Spanish crown prince and Francisco Franco
see despite being an all powerful military dictator Franco was still ideologically committed to traditional monarchism and truly wanted to reestablish the Spanish monarchy in his very warped idealized view, but he didn't trust any of the members of the royal family members as they were too "liberal" for his liking, so he basically skipped over a generation and choose the previous crown prince's son Carlos I and choose him to be his heir, he mentored him in his own ideology and basically raised him throughout his life
when death was near Franco he gave full power of state to Juan Carlos and the monarchy, everyone expected that the new king would continue Franco's ideoglical rule as he had been almost like a son to Franco and yet he went the extreme opposite direction, he pulled out troops from all Spanish colonial holdings and peacefully transitioned the country away from centralized authoritarian rule to a proper democracy
No. 953500
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Has anyone here had the actual willy Wonka bars? I saw some when I went to the centre of London for a trip, but I didn't buy them because they were £15
No. 953513
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face of a manchild
No. 953520
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Queen Margerethe II of Denmark is a LotR superfan and made illustrations of it that she sent to Tolkien. There was an edition of the books with her illustrations, published under a pseudonym
No. 953529
>>953427A giga rich out-of-touch person who's the literal embodiement of an archaic and bigoted West ebic trolling her equally shitty brown counter part
>a-and then, everybody stood up and clappedWhat's the source
nonny? This unironically reads like a Tumblr story, I know British news sucks but come on
No. 953541
>>953529Google it.
Powerful Saudi scrotes deserve to be trolled by women.
No. 953555
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>>953523No idea, the rest are normal figurative illustrations
No. 953634
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>>953523Immediately made me think of one of LOTR books editions from Poland, what is this cover about, your guess is as good as mine really
No. 953638
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what is this,a crossover episode??
No. 953639
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>>953638this brought some good memes(imagine where im from)
No. 953643
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>>953634Jesus Christ, this looks like the cover of an encyclopedia.
No. 953646
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>>953482milka sucks. kinder, however.
No. 953666
>>953646You don't have to pit bad bitches against each other,
nonnie. Kinder and Milka can both destroy my teeth anytime they want!!
No. 953673
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Posting the superior Elizabeth
No. 953690
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Imo Queen Victoria is underappreciated. She ruled the largest empire in history to that point when she died in 1901 (only exceeded by Britain under her successors), and she also preferred that portraits & photographs of her such as this one be "realistic" and unedited. If she felt a portrait was unrealistically flattering she would have it redone.
No. 953749
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>>953646I eat low carb but pic rel is my kryptonite. It only has 10g of carbs so it's a boderline case where it's ok to have one but one is never enough and I usually scoff all four bars.
No. 953756
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>>953690i love her because she invented pomeranians
No. 953837
>>953671>"I'm not so emotionally invested">Is obviously emotionally invested in the royal family like a posh middle-aged woman from Sussex???
>>953690Was Queen Victoria the one who kept her husband body because she didn't want to accept the fact that he died?
No. 953901
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>>953837No he was buried normally but damn look at this babe, no wonder she grieved so hard.
No. 953912
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This is an actual letter that Cromwell wrote to a Catholic Irish priest.
No. 953915
>>953908Yes, but sadly invented 100 years after he died.
>>953913Apparantly Queen Vic wrote so much horny shit about him and other men in her diaries that her daughter censored them after her death.
No. 953919
Don't forget to vote for Sinn Féin, ginger-chans.
xoxo, France.
No. 953921
>>953915A part that survived the censorship:
>My dear Albert came in today from the rain; he looked so handsome in his white cashmere britches, with nothing on underneath.Dude must have looked like he was wearing nothing at all.
No. 953954

>>945190Answering kinda late because I just found this thread now but my country used to have a lot of anime dubs, but unfortunatly nowadays the only anime dubs we have are My hero Academia and some few anime that you can show to little children, like Inazuma Eleven, Pokemon, Beyblade, and I'm not sure if the recent Captain Tsubasa is still running…
That I am aware of, other than MHA, the most recent animes to get dubbed without being for toddlers in Portugal were Haikyuu, Fairy Tail and maybe you could count Saint Seya Omega too (idk much about it's plot). Shinshan had some reruns recently too, dubbed and un-dubbed.
Anyway going back to the old anime, I just wanna share that somehow we got an official Neon Genesis Evangelion dub lol. The production value is kinda questionable, some of the characters changed voice actor literally every other episode. I think Toji and Kensuke had like five different voice actors at different times. Dragon ball sometimes had that but at least they made fun of that in the dub, so some people watched it on purpose just for the funny dub.
I'm containing myself real hard from talking about the magical girls animes from when I was a kid cuz I don't wanna sperg up the whole thread by myself with Jewelpet and Twin Princesses of Wonder Planet dubs No. 954079
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Finns eat this
No. 954124
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can't wait for the day this cunt dies
No. 954171
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No. 954368
>>954079that's not true
there's fruit in it
No. 954936
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Italianfags, I’ve been wanting Italian for a while, and I was wondering what are some good Italian books/authors out there?
No. 954966
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>>952511You have some weird taste buds.
>>952519Twizzlers literally taste like plastic. Feels like i am eating picrel. I don't understand how that's the most popular candy. I have family who grew up in the us and they only have negative things to say about them.
No. 955227
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>>954966Before I read your post I thought pic were those plastic strings you knot keychains with lol, those were a massive hype for a short time sometime in the 2000's. Did anyone else make these? I never ever see anyone talk about them in the internet ever and it honestly surprises me since it was so big here.
No. 955248
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Anons is mushroom hunting popular in your country? Did you pick anything good this Fall? My mushroom season was disappointing to say the least, even the less popular species were sparse where I live and 40% of what I found was full of worms. It's a shame because the weather has been really lovely and warm most of the time. I guess it's too dry for mushrooms though.
No. 955269
>>955227God, that's dark. A lot of girls were using cheap chinese bootlegs that stank to high hell and probably were dangerous for your health.
Maybe filofuns were only an European phenomenon. Nobody mentions them because of most of internet's nostalgia is generated by amerifags (like a lot of other things)
No. 955285
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>>955272You and me were the same age! I didn't get into them, though. "Stank to hell and back" is what I wanted to write too, but somehow stopped myself. It's the only way of describing. I think the originals didn't smell (as much?), it's just that parents didn't or couldn't shell out on them and instead bought cheap Chinese garbage.
No. 955337
>>950164Nonita, check out Honest Guide on youtube. Dude recommends cute places to visit that aren't tourist traps, I'm not a Praguefag so I haven't been to most of them, but it looks like he knows his shit. Hope I wasn't too late to reply, have fun!
>>951979Pretty much, lmao
No. 955447
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>>955227>>955289They were huge in the uk too at one point, we called them scoobies too. We used to make them as presents at school and I remember making one for my nan as a key ring and she kept it for years
No. 956348
What actually happened:
>Wow, that's a lot of food! Is that just one portion?>"Yeah, hope you enjoy!">Oh I couldn't finish it! It's so much. Too much for me! These portion sizes are insane haha.>"Uh, ok. Sorry to hear that. Anyway…" No. 956640
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Scandinona here tbh I’m fucking sick of people be like “wow I love hyggelife, socialism and billy bookshelf I’m gonna move there”. Fuck outta here, you’ll never fit in, let us be miserable in peace without having to explain what “fika” is for the 900th time.
No. 956698
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How innovative…
No. 956718
>>956338Finns have a huge inferiority complex. They are taught since birth to think of themselves as lower beings and always hang their head in shame, especially when it comes to their country. I'm not being extreme, being proud is considered the worst sin you could commit in Finland while being humble is the greatest virtue. It's a cultural thing. But never shit on Finland as a foreigner kek that will get your ass kicked
Sans the weather I think Finland is the greatest place you could be in to be honest. No natural disasters, no disease, no predatory animals, the crime rate is low, people speak English quite well, cheap health care, free universities, very high hygiene standards, everywhere is quiet and peaceful since Finns want to mind their own business. The thing that foreigners often find hard is the language and how the Finns are so shy and autistic it takes a long time for them to open up. And naturally it depends on where you live, the capital city is much more international than the rest of the cities.
No. 956721
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>>956640>>956692Our afternoon tea is the best. we have tea, mini sandwiches, scones and small cakes!
No. 956735
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>>956721Let’s fika euro comrade. You bring the tea, I’ll bring the Swedish baked goods.
No. 956738
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I know what Fika is because it's pronounced exactly the same as pussy (fica) in Italian. Imagine going into the ikea food court and seeing a giant sign on the wall that says "PUSSY: a Swedish tradition"
No. 956758
>>956735What is this bullshit, dammsugare should be A or S tier.
>>956753Delicious, just remove a bit of the cream if it's too much.
No. 956806
>>956753I think marzipan i disgusting so honestly it’s not for me. Mud cake all the way.
>>956758You shut your marzipan whore mouth
No. 956907
>>956718also i think our language is very good for singing like to be real
here's example from bambi since so many would know it
No. 956910
>>956907like personally i think finnish isn't as good as speaken as it can be when singing with long vocals and everything
might be offtopic because i am drunk, in finnish fashion
No. 957093
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>>956692>I don't get why other countries don't have fikaMost countries do. In France it's called goûter
No. 957117
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>>957110my only association is picrel even though the spelling is different lmfao
No. 957123
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>>957109Which country are you from? Just asking to judge the culture shock level.It can be hard depending on your situation, it's easier if you're a student for example. But at least we're not ultra level hard mode to befriend like the Finns apparantly are.
>>956806How dare you, marzipan is the best.
No. 957173
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How connected do you generally feel to your culture and people?
Like, do you feel at home with the type of people, social norms and atmosphere your country typically has?
Personally I used to never feel particularly connected to my country but lately that's been changing. I've been interacting with a lot more people from different countries and while the cultural differences aren't that big, there's still some social subtleties that make communicating with people from my own country easier. I feel more natural and at ease with them, like I can be straightforward without accidentally being rude because of some social faux pas.
Also I definitely appreciate humor and comedy from my own country more, even if some of it is objectively not that great.
No. 957219
>>957109It can be hard to make friends, especially if you're from a poorer country. Swedes, especially big city ones do not like to interact with the poor.
Some places are nicer to immigrants like Göteborg and Helsingborg, though Göteborg is pretty expensive.
Stockholm is horrible to live in and especially bad for feeling alienated, most people there have no grip on reality and behave really weird around immigrants.
Being a foreigner alone is hardmode, but you're extra fucked if you're not white- I'm eastern euro, so swedes are half-nice, until they realise I'm not from a wealthy country and then they treat me like a retard or use me for sjw points.
TLDR It was shocking moving here, the stereotype is that they love immigrants, but the reality is much different.
No. 957225
>>949026In Germany, it's all about your status. If you're a wealthy white kid, you'll probably get a good education in a higher school form where the new teaching plans encourage you to actually ponder and think about things. I grew up in poverty, but since there is some kind of academic strive and (thankfully) intelligent genetics in my family, I could actually profit from school, and there are many things I have learned, especially in the last school years, that still give me food for thoughts today.
However, most migrant and working class kids get sent to lower school forms by racist teachers. A lot of people told me that they were told that they are dumb and will never achieve anything when they were young. The only thing you learn there is how to defend yourself.
If you have a Hauptschule degree and nothing else, you are scum in society's eyes, and you will end up unemployed. Since those schools are so bad, you are likely to already have developped a drug addiction and get used to a life in violence, so prison as an adult is a real threat.
No. 957429
>>957173The older i get the more connected i feel. But not the stereotypical cringe things. Fuck beer and fuck the alcohol culture! I feel connected to history. I grew up in a town that was habited since the stone age and it feels epic to me. I'm deffinitley connceted to the land and nature.
People…i'm not sure. Maybe i like 20% of people here. There's too many dumb people and people who want to complicate life in all kinds of ways and i just can't understand why. But i bet it's the same everywhere.
No. 957447
>>957429glad i’m not the only one who feels that way about alcohol culture! i think it’s sad and disgusting seeing people everywhere falling over, throwing up, drinking in public.
when i try to socialize i get offered alcohol multiple times, people just don’t understand that i don’t like drinking.
honestly the worst thing about my country is all the drunks, so, so, so many drunks.
wish alcohol had the same stigma as weed.
it’s totally okay to drink yourself to death, but you better not smoke pot or you’re a druggie loser!
No. 957575
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>>956692Late but also in Germany we have a tradition like that. It’s just called “drinking coffee”. I remember my mom preparing cake every week so we always had something for Kaffeetrinken. Idk why the swedes getting so autistic about having an afternoon break. In german it sounds close to fucking kek
No. 958209
>>957575>komm kaffeetrinkenThanks, I'm learning useful phrases here.
With fika it's not just an afteroon break, it's a social institution/social glue and usually obligatory in work places. I suppose the people in the original anon's comments weren't from Europe since they didn't understand the concept at all.
No. 958380
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>>958209>With fika it's not just an afteroon break, it's a social institution/social glue and usually obligatory in work places. Same in France and it was the same in Germany when I went working there? It's just a coffee break, kek. The only unique thing about fika is picrel, which I fucking dispise. I don't know if that's the case in swedish workplaces but at my uni it was distributed for free
>>957123Princess cake is the best, I also love the danish frog thingy
No. 958387
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>>958383Kajkage, they're basically uwu and mini princess cakes
No. 958655
>>958610I'm in a city with great public transport but my parents moved to that one very specific shithole where you have to walk 20 minutes to have the subway, or you can take two buses that are full or batshit crazy people and they NEVER come in time. But if you want to work a little bit outside of said city you need a car. Getting a license is expensive so I could do it before and now I'd rather pay expensive rent and monthly public transport cards than live further away for cheaper and pay insane prices for a driver license, a car, necessary repair and maintenance, insurance, and fuel. Fuel is the worst, prices keep increasing everyday.
The real thing I feel like I'm losing here is that I'm very close to the beach and the Alps and a few touristic countries and towns, if I want to travel there I need to get plane tickets, or train tickets which are even more expensive.
No. 958658
>>958610 I live in a small mountain village with no shop. The public transport into the town goes about every 2,5 hours but not so much in the evening. So i could possibly live witout a car but it would be time wasting to wait for the transport home everytime i want to shop and i would have to carry some heavy shopping for the whole week or waste money on going to shop more often. So i think car is pretty esential in my case. (i am scared to drive everytime though, wish there were less cars)
Czech people who live in towns however can easily live wihout a car, the trains and buses are alright for long distances, they are usually late but they come often.
No. 958674
>>958610In Vienna it's really easy to get by without a car, in fact 47% of Viennese households do not own a car. Public transport gets you pretty much anywhere in the inner city quickly and you even see respectable looking people in suits getting on to public transport with their fold up scooters.
I'm from a more rural part of Austria through and there it's a completely different story, every familiy I know there has at least a car, most have two. The speed of public transport really depends on the route, but going by car is usually significantly faster. The busses are really clean and comfy through and there are quite a few projects trying to make things better. Most notably you can now buy a year card for all public transport in Austria for 1000€.
No. 958722
>>958499>The truth is, an ordinary white person living in Europe will never first hand witness the destructiveness that absurdly strict religions haveMuslim men never rape white women or anything, Cologne never happened and neither did Rotherham.
>it's not like any of you actually give a shit about them because you are not affected and find it annoying at most.Because white people aren't poor and don't live in bad areas, only brown people are poor and live in shitholes, right?
No. 959244
>>958610i live in a big city in eastern germany (not berlin but in the area) and i haven't had a car for the past 3+ years. cycling is very popular, but i'm terrified of getting caught up in traffic because i have a friend who only goes by bike and she has near accident experiences every other week. i only use public transport (tram and bus) and the only time i wish i had a car is when i go to ikea.
in my hometown where my parents still live, you definitely need a car. you can go from A to B within 10-15 minutes by car, but by bus it'll take about an hour because of all the stops and the nonsense bus routes. also there's no proper public transport after like 8 pm, so you can't even go out at night without worrying how you'll get home.
No. 959481
>>958722Of course they do rape white women, nowhere as much as they do their own women and children. What i am saying is that you as white women are not raised in islam. How hard is it to understand white women are not the biggest
victims of these men, their own women and children are, but you overplay your own victimhood meaning these men will never be accountable for most of the crimes they commit. Literally all you have to do is cry even if you are in the wrong and everyone will come with a cape coming to save you.
No. 959628
>>959481>white women are not the biggest victims of these menWhy does it need to be a competition? The fact that it happens to anyone regardless of race or religion is horrific enough.
>you overplay your own victimhood meaning these men will never be accountable for most of the crimes they commitI'm sure the girls that were raped, tortured and murdered are playing up their
victim status.
>Literally all you have to do is cry even if you are in the wrong and everyone will come with a cape coming to save you.The establishment actively tries to hide what is really happening and does nothing about it.
No. 959690
>>959474>>959679I was being sarcastic. The post I was replying to claimed
>an ordinary white person living in Europe will never first hand witness the destructiveness that absurdly strict religions haveThis is a statement that isn't congruent with current reality. I sarcastically agreed with her to prove the point that she was denying something that was widely known to have actually happened.
No. 959721
>>959244>you can go from A to B within 10-15 minutes by car, but by bus it'll take about an hour because of all the stops and the nonsense bus routes. also there's no proper public transport after like 8 pm, so you can't even go out at night without worrying how you'll get home.Similar in much of the UK. My area in particular is awful. I can catch the bus out five times a day two hours apart. The earliest I can leave is 8am and the latest is 4pm and it takes forever to get anywhere here too because of the meandering route and stops. If I want to get back to my immediate area I have to catch the bus at 5pm at the latest or be left stranded.
Before driving, if I wanted to do anything further afield (bigger city 20 miles away) I would have to travel to the nearest, small city first (10 miles away requiring a stop at a town 6 miles away first, new bus after 20 mins wait); arrive at small city, wait 40 mins for my new bus, then sit on it for over an hour and 15 mins because it loops round the county lol. This big city has a Saturday night bus leaving at 11pm latest and it will only go to the smaller city which has no buses out that late. Until very recently that bigger city didn't have buses running until Sunday afternoon either. So for a Saturday night party I used to have leave early afternoon and sleep at a friend's house in the small city, or stay with someone in the big city and not get home until late Sunday afternoon. I stopped going out altogether when I got a weekend shop job because it was literally impossible to get back in time for work. Pretty much everyone drives.
No. 959897
>>959763I don't know why it's a division game either. Ask the original dumbfuck anon who accused us of claiming up thread that white women are the primary
victims, something not said. She then had the gall to say all we had to do was cry about it (even lie about it!) and white men would swoop in and save us. That's why I submitted that link, it nicely explains the motivations and thinking of muslim men toward us and how "white men" (authorities) actually responded to white
>>959877More info has come out since but it's still not clear to me whether Asian girls were abused in the same way or not. You can't read the original report. Why not? It says most nation-wide
victims of Pakistani males are Pakistani females. Well, duh. Everyone knows perps and
victims are often of the same ethnic background, were they targeted for the same reasons and the same scale as white girls in Rotherham?
Regardless, white males have not been torturing and raping little asian girls en masse, so much so that a significant proportion of girls in the area are permanently missing. Have they been sex trafficked? Are they dead? No one the fuck knows. Can you imagine if this happened white on asian? They are still trying to get us to shut up about it.
No. 959988
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>>959897>They are still trying to get us to shut up about it.It was discussed in the House of Commons again recently. A Tory MP is campaigning for an inquiry into what happened in Bradford. Unsurprisingly the Labour MPs for Bradford didn't even bother to show up.
No. 960475
>>956698>>958311Let the Swedes have this, their culture and food is so very bland otherwise that they have to get their daily dose of smugness by thinking taking a fucking coffee break is somehow unique to them kek
>>956812Germans can certainly be cool, but a lot of them turn incredibly uptight and snobby when abroad, and behave like they're the masters of Europe, which… a bit unfortunate and ironic, given their history. Good workmates, though, I've found, once they get through their heads that they don't always know best simply by the virtue of being German.
No. 960911
>>960832>>960424Nta and I think the original nonna worded it very poorly, but lets not act like one crime erases the other. This isn't a competition, and they are both absolutely heinous crimes where the perpetrators should be taken out back and lined up against a wall.
Maybe you're not familiar with the situation. Throughout grooming gang cases in the UK, mostly white girls have been targeted by mostly south asian moids. Girls were raped, beaten, and abused for decades. Authorities across the country chose to ignore it; some officers admitted that they knew about everything, but weren't allowed to approach the situation for fears of the police force seeming racist, and of causing racial tensions if people knew the truth. They chose OPTICS over those little girls.
Despite all of this, most of the media hates talking about it and you'll be labelled a skinhead crazy if you mention it yourself. Meanwhile these types of gangs CONTINUE TO OPERATE.
This isn't a case of 'well, white men are bad too', because obviously they fucking are. How many girls could have been saved if the white police officers made ANY effort to stop it all? Nonna's point (which although poorly articulated, was pretty obvious if you read her whole sentence) was that if the races were reversed in this situation then the UK's media and societal response would be different. It shouldn't be considered "slowly creeping pick-me shit" (wtf is wrong with you with that comment? we are talking about the mass rape of thousands of children here) to admit the facts.
Sorry for my massive sperg-out, but I read the testimonies of some of those girls years ago and they were absolutely harrowing, from the horrific abuse they survived to the awful treatment from the police afterwards. And now their stories can't even be discussed without people trying to deflect discussion because 'uhh white men bad too'. Maybe you should ask yourself why you feel the to make equivalences when we're talking about mass child rape. As if two bad things cannot exist at once.
No. 961229
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Any suggestions for gym clothes that are cute but not crazy expensive?
Most of the stuff I see advertised is from the US and I don't want to pay more for shipping than the one pair of leggings
No. 961731
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Nonnie! To answer your question: If you mean people normally walking through the city then no. People only really wear masks if they have to like in stores or on public transportation. The covid tests are not free anymore and you have to pay them (I think it was like 12€? for one?) In restaurants you have to show your covid vaccination via Corona-WarnApp or vaccination book, a negative test result or that you are one of the people that used to have corona but is now cured of it. Hope I could somehow help you
No. 962231
>>961733That would be nice, are some political parties vocal about legalization in Britain?
I was hoping we will move just a little step closer to it in Czechia but it failed miserably. But if more countries around us legalize we might have a chance in a couple of years. But i know we just need that heard mentality push so bigger countries in europe have to do it first.
No. 962295
>>961733>>962231Hope they will never legalise it in Germany, I just can't deal with that fucking smell and I'm done with everyone around me smoking normal stuff, I don't need everyone to smoke weed (what people where I live already do).
But I don't think that legalisation will be a topic for the next 4 years in Germany, the alcohol lobby is way to strong and our future government won't do shit on any important topics. And no, I'm not against medical cannabis, would be nice if people could get it easier and for less money. I'm just a friend of people doing drugs that I don't have to smell.
No. 963407
>>963170Don't think so, the people around me will start smoking 24/7, this way they have breaks in between, because sometimes they are afraid they could get caught.
I'd like a concept like the liquor stores in Sweden/Norway for every drug. Everything should be legal, but with regulations and a background of knowledge for every drug available and if something turns out to be dangerous not only to your own body but to other people (like smoking cigarettes), it will be more expensive than other stuff and there would be precautions to protect the people that aren't addicted.
But like I said, I don't have to worry, Germany will have another 4 years of doing or changing nothing.
No. 963942
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>>963177On top of the usual touristic spots you could go to the Harry Potter studio tour? You can also visit historical schools, I know that you can visit Harrow for sure. If you get bored of London you can always take a bus to Oxford or Brighton.
Speaking of which, am I the only one who remembers the britishaboo phase of Tumblr back in 2012-2013? Because of british medias like Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock and later Skins, everyone wanted to be britbong. It also translated irl because I remember the Union Jack being plastered on everything in France.
No. 964068
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London and most British cities are shitholes that should be avoided. If you actually want to have a nice time with unique experiences in a beautiful location, visit a rural area.
No. 964099
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>>964039>man I wish I was British so I could eat greasy slob and meet Ed Sheeran Love yourself nona
No. 964230
>>964039>and use degrees celciusthat's just basic human rights
>>964018kek a shit ton of frenchfags here majored in language (either English or Japanese), we talked about that kind of people a lot in the france thread. They all wanna larp as brits but their sjw ways are pure burger tier. English studies turned me into a full fledged Irishaboo though
No. 964283
If I had €0,50 for every time DHL says I wasn’t home even though I was, would I have enough to pay them to actually come to the door for once?
>>964018Dutch anon here and you just described my SIL and her entire circle of friends. Even though all of them are Dutch their conversation are largely held in English (complete with bad accent) and I think half the time they communicate in quotes and references, though I’m not sure because unlike them I haven’t memorised every single episode of Sherlock or Dr Who. They also latched on to The Hobbit because the Sherlock actors were in it and one of them tried to argue with me that Legolas was in the book. But I digress.
No. 964286
>>963995>>963177It's not that dangerous if you're staying around central london and keeping away from council estates. I feel like the best thing to do in london is to find cool restaurants to eat in but i will leave it to you to do the research on it but personally i would considering looking around in convent gardens and going anywhere that looks appealing.
>>961733I would rather they keep designated indoor places for people to smoke weed so I don't have to suffer with the smell.
No. 964296
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God bless the UK
No. 964317
>>964039you will only be accepted if you start using the metric system, no more measuring in stones and feet
>>964283kek, I would be rich if DHL would ever decide to just drive into my road and not deliver the packages to a store 2 km away because, according to them, I wasn't home. I've been home, they just can't be bothered to drive here.
I find it somehow sad that people decide to only speak English, yes, I'm glade I'm able to, but Dutch is a nice language and it should be spoken and kept alive. Wish my school would have taught me Dutch, but no, we had the choice between French and Latin, what a waste of time if you live close to the Netherlands.
No. 964910
>>964899Latvia(population: less than 2 million).
Absolutely not, we have the same problem, only to a lesser extent(for now). Those are not refugees, they are Lukashenko's weapon and source of income. People trafficking and illegal boarder crossing is wrong. I see no rational reason why they should be allowed in just because they want to, if they'll get allowed in it would never stop, but if Germany wants them they can have them.
No. 965122
>>964899I’m gonna sound dumb now(probably cuz I am) but why don’t these Muslim moids go to some other country that share their beliefs?
Is the only reason “get free shit”?
No. 965183
>>965176I'm a germanfag and I live near cologne. Before that I felt pretty much safe to go into the city and such even during the night but after the refugee crisis things changed to the worse. Never forget the one time my friend and I were followed by a group of 6+ guys for a while until we escaped and went straight home.
I also had some families living not so far away from my place in some decent houses, when they moved in it turned into a huge trash dump because they just threw everything away right on the street or garden. At some point they disappeared from one day to another and left behind all the trash and the now run-down houses that need to be renovated. Just my personal experience.
No. 965547
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This whole story is sketchy as fuck and full of inconsistencies from the victim, but here goes my rant anyway
>17 yo girl gets kidnapped by scrotes while she was doing her jogging in the streets
>Miraculously escapes scrotes 1 day later and seeks help in a restaurant
>After finding her, a gendarmerie general says that it is "careless for young women to go running alone"
>After that statement, father of the victim feels obliged to clarify to the press that his daughter wasn't running in the woods (like they had previously claimed) when she was abducted
I see where the gendarme was coming from in a way but what a careless thing to say, wtf. Don't do anything alone in France nonas I guess, or you'll get what you deserve, you filthy whores
No. 965558
>>965547From what I've seen in the news the girl was always running in the exact same itinerary, but it looks like she lives in a small town so I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to avoid the woods but wasn't too far away from the woods anyway. As for the general, he said something like "don't do that alone, at least be a group of two, cases like this are multiplying" or whatever. I don't disagree with the guy, in theory it's men who should stop committing crimes, but in practice that's just not going to happen. And let's be real, when you live in a small town like that there are way less witnesses or ways to escape predators if anything happens than in big cities like Paris or Lyon.
Apparently when the girl went to the restaurant she was covered in blood and probably jumped off the car the kidnappers used to bring her somewhere else. And she was found 10km away from her house. I wonder if we'll find the kidnappers.
No. 965563
>>965122That, and other Muslim countries don't want them either. Getting into rich Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia or UAE would be a lot harder; here, Lukashenko organized for them to be flown into Belarus, promising them that somehow they could get to Germany through Poland without a visa. And now he has sent them to the Polish-Belarus border, as well as the Lithuanian-Belarus border. Well to that I say, they can go the long way around Poland, through Ukraine, Slovakia and Czechia if they truly want to reach Germany that badly, if Germany will have them.
>>965176They're not fleeing from war, though. And even if they were, and I may sound cruel by saying this but young military-aged men shouldn't get to flee war at all. And most migrants on the Belarus border are in fact men, even if the media goes out of its way to make it look like it's majority women and children there. And if you were fleeing war, you'd go to another European country for help, not the Middle East, right? Other Arabic countries should be obliged to help them too, not just Europe; they're much closer, and we have enough shit on our platters already.
No. 965564
>>965176I live in one one of the big german cities and go out alone a lot and the only difference I noticed is that there has been an increase in opiate addicts on the streets who look like they might be from one of those countries, which is no big surprise really. The many times I got harassed were by native scrotes and immigrant scrotes alike. I work in a place where I have contact with a lot who are mainly from african countries, and tbh I don’t know why so many people believe illegal immigrants get cushioned by the state, yeah some might be lucky to get a flat and some support but most of them absolutely fall though the grid because they’re from the ‘wrong’ country and have to sell drugs on the streets for gangs or shit like that because they can’t get a working license and realize they won’t make good money to send it home but can’t go back because they feel ashamed in front of their families. There even are efforts by some who try to warn the people in their homeland to not come here because it’s shit.
>>965087> there is no reason to take another hundreds of people in if you don't care to integrate them and give them a chance for a normal lifepretty much this, too many fall through the grid while the state brags with heroic deeds and the successful cases are often made possibly by community effort from the local people, not the state.
But when it’s the case that they flee from a war/famine or armed conflict ravaging their homeland then every country that can afford basics should absolutely take them in until the conflict is over, no one should have to be exposed to that and living in a tent near a border far away from your home isn’t a fun camping trip.
No. 965567
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>>965558>"cases like this are multiplying"Tragic statement, especially coming from law enforcements aka people who are meant to protect you. You can't even legally carry an efficient self-defense weapon here, however I know that some policemen who aren't complete tools are lenient about it (especially regarding pepper sprays, but once again it really depends). Justice keeps failing women, I'm actually shocked that there hasn't been a gender reversed Elliot Rodger yet.
No. 965577
>>965571is that you, pakistan anon? autistic as ever i see
i'm not denying that the muslim scrotes are terrible, but our non-muslim moids are pretty bad too. my country has two government ministers who openly hate women, including one who was accused of rape twice. muslim or no, scrotes ain't shit.
No. 965578
>>965577I don't wanna get into this conversation again, I know All Moids are Bastards but to pretend that living in a Muslim country is even comparable to Europe is insulting to those that suffer under the religion of the Arab pedophile
I would rather live in Japan or Poland or any shit hole East European country rather then my own, that's how bad it is over here
You don't have to fear a literal a state death penalty like I do
No. 965581
>>965578(nayrt) Yeah, at least the moids here where I live can somewhat regulate their behavior and aren't backed by a tradition that entirely guarantees their reproductive success no matter how shit they are.
Different types of moids are different types of hell. I trust paki
nonnie knows what she's talking about; calling her autistic or delusional for essentially expressing what it's like to live under imminent y-tard wrath is some top tier stupid dismissive shit
No. 965584
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Based bbc
No. 965586
>>965567I mean, the minister of justice here is a rapist and the cops commit rape and other crimes on a regular basis so at least this one specific guy didn't mean to blame
victims for once and just gave a really shitty advice.
No. 965604
>>965577>>965571Pakistani anon is right. No need to shit on her just because you don't agree with her other takes.
>>965578While things have never been the best and are progressively getting worse (the total ban on abortion being a living nightmare that already has claimed life of one woman in order to 'save' a fetus that was DOA), Poland is still far from the worst places to live in (even as a woman or a minority). I would welcome you with open arms. I'm sorry that you, or any woman, has to live in such a country.
No. 965616
>>965607I was attacked by gypsies when i was 15 in front of the police station and they did nothing and i'm pretty sure they saw it because there were cameras everywhere… and windows.
Overall policework attracts the type of man that i hate. Man obsesed with rules that he doesn't follow himself and is just waiting for an excuse to attack you, like i've seen on the news them hurting people for not wearing a mask o stupid shit like that. They also smoke the weed hey take from people. They pretend like they don't but they do and i know that from a policeman who is in the fandom i'm in as well. Another bad experience is that my friend who was raped got laughed at by the cops which is horrible.
I never needed the police for some problem so i can't really say any good experiences. They just aren't were they're needed and appear wherever they make the situation worse in my opinion.
No. 965618
>>965600Are you retarded? They can absolutely do that and pretend you know each other and you just had a small argument and you had an exaggerated reaction or some shit and then it's over, the cops won't even listen to you. The cops don't give a fuck here, they just get paid to beat up people legally for fun and yell at
victims of crimes, and yes I'm speaking from personal experience.
No. 965621
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>>964899Women should be absolutely let in. No men though. I think most people here agree and want to organize help for families wanting to cross the border, but 90% of them are young single men. Seeing pics locals take of physically aggressive men trying to fight soliders, throwing their shit around, those are animals. Men should all fuck right off.
No. 965631
>>965616The type of man who goes onto work as a cop seems to be the same everywhere. They want power and the ability to do whatever they want to whoever they want, and they want to be treated as heroes for it. Very authoritarian and rigid in their thinking, and suprise surprise, prone to violence when they don't get their way. Fuck cops, but also never, ever fuck a cop. There's no nightmare ex like one that's in law enforcement.
If I ever have kids, I'm warning them about dating cops, soldiers, and surgeons. Those professions attract people who are horrible in relationships, and who are overrepresented in a lot of ugly statistics (DV, alcohol abuse, anger management issues taken out on family).
>>965587Pepper spray (and actually usable knives) tends to be illegal or restricted throughout Europe… but you know what's the same exact thing and easily available? Wasp spray. Full of capsaicin, and very affordable. Just practise using it outdoors before you really need it.
No. 965632
>>965618are YOU retarded? so because there is a tiny chance that a rapist who is lurking in parks or woods (who is very likely to be a homeless person or immigrant who can't even speak the language, or a criminal who's already in trouble with the law) will:
>remember my face>bother to go all the way to the police station to report me>somehow convince the police that we know each other even though he doesnt know my name or who I am, and that I pepper sprayed him out of nowhere>and they will find me without knowing anything about me, and arrest me without an investigationI'm just supposed to go out with no means of defending myself at all and just pray to God that no one will hurt me? You hate cops but are against breaking one small retarded law, for our safety?
No. 965633
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>>965621Ah yes, definitely future doctors and engineers
No. 965642
>>965632You like putting words in my mouth, I just said that yes, rapists can and will pretend to be poor little
victims because you used self-defence if possible. I didn't say you shouldn't have pepper spray on you though, and I added that most women in my uni had it with them illegally because nobody wants to be raped at all. And the situation you described is very specific and not applicable to every rape and assault cases at all, there are a shit ton of cases where when the cops are called after people witnessed an assault in public they will ask the guy if he's ok and if he and the
victim knows each other and they advice that they should just make up and be friends again. Not even joking I've seen this shit way too often. The good cops tend to quit or get just straight up murdered, like Myriam Sakhri.
>>965631That reminds me of a coworker whose neighbor is a soldier. He won't stop inviting way too many people at his apartment at night and making noise in the entire building, will start shit with people in the entire neighborhood, will have loud sex right next to the wall that separates his room and my coworker's 5yo son room on purpose and if anyone calls him out on it he will always answer with "well, I can do what I want because I'm serving my country"
No. 965645
>>965642"Make up and be friends again" is also what cops tell people when they get called in on a domestic violence situation. They're known for making the
victim apologise to her attacker for "upsetting him", and pressure the
victim to "make peace and not cause a fuss". This is so that they can call the situation as having been resolved quickly and conclusively; they don't care if the
victim is bleeding, crying, obviously hurt or terrified.
No. 965650
>>965643I thought this too. Women only immigration= much less crime.
One thing that would scare me though is that some women would stay in their country, or be the last ones to escape their country. Then, there would be a high population of men, and few women. Those few women who are left behind are those that I would fear for. Countries with a male majority don't often treat women well- india, for example. And I'm afraid that the male anger at women leaving would be taken out on the women who stayed. It's an unfair world.
No. 965657
>>965645OT but the redtexting of "
victim" is so fucking annoying.
valid triggered victim nonny No. 965659
>>965645The thing is, even when the
victims says they don't know each other the cops will still try to tell them that shit sometimes. They truly are retarded.
>>965648She's going to move closer to our workplace soon so she'll get rid of him in just a few months.
No. 965661
Very this - and with the way family reunification is being pushed, a lot of countries are now wary of taking in women and children, as that would create an anchor for "bearded babies" (sons, brothers, nephews, cousins, fathers…) flooding in. It'll also very likely lead to a whole sector of society that has little intention of integrating properly while expecting to reap the benefits of modern Western European welfare states; why bother when there's no incentive? Then we get large families that contribute little to nothing but reap tax-funded benefits, and who also send money abroad. My northern European country already has migrant families who have been here a while but who are reluctant to learn the language or to find employment; they don't want to integrate, they don't respect the locals (especially women and girls, which is galling in a fairly equal country!), and don't think their own women and girls need an education or employment outside the home.
I hate the idea of letting innocents suffer because they've got toxic moids that come part and parcel with them. If we could just let the women and kids in, without needing to take in the men too by extension, I'd be down with it. As it is, we're mostly getting tons and tons of yound men as the majority of refugees and immigrants - and you guessed it, they are not integrating at all, or adjusting to the local way of life.
No. 965662
when the refugee crisis started in 2015 i was so glad, i thought so many girls could be saved and live a modern life now…boy was i naive
i'm training to be a teacher and it breaks my hears seeing 8yo girls do everything to not participate in physical education, hiding the sports clothes social workers bought them, just because they're so fucking scared of their father who's been living since years in Germany. Why come here if you're unwilling to change a single thing? Those girls are much slower in studying German than the other foreign (mostly eastern euro) kids, they will never be able to integrate, never be able to change their life around, they're doomed from the start and you aren't allowed to do anything to change that.
I'm not denying that german men aren't awful criminals too, but what's different is that them or other europeans usually walk around on their own, while in muslim culutre I guess it's normal to always be surrounded by all your brothers, cousins, friends, and that's why you suddenly here about all those gangrapes happening. If one moid attacks you, you might stand a chance, but if it's 10…I'd rather die immediately.
No. 965666
>>965662Another teacher nona here. Wait til you graduate and get to working for real, and get to meet the parents of these Muslim kids. The father will refuse to shake your hand, or speak to you, or to listen to a thing you say because you're a dirty female and a heathen to boot. They will make it expressly clear that they see no value in teaching girls anything. And god help you if you try to give their sons consequences; they're the apple of their parents' eyes, and the next coming of whatever Ajatollah they like. Rules apply to other kids, not Muslim boys, and they learn that early at home.
Expect a lot of meetings with other teachers and the head over this, all of which amounts to a lot of hand-wringing and nothing concrete. Oh, but maybe the head will tell you that the boy would do better under a male teacher, as "men have more natural authority" - and you will have to grin and bear it. Because you can't be a good enough teacher or a stern enough authority figure for kids from Muslim families, just because you're a woman and as such they'll never see you as an equal human being worthy of respect.
And the thing is, accepting this shit means failing those kids and families in the long run. They won't integrate, and they won't evolve beyond their desert religion bullshit, and sooner or later they will run into unkind people who will not let that shit slide… and it'll stop their family from breaking out of poverty. It's infuriating and heartbreaking, especially for the girls.
No. 965685
>>965681Gods save us from this inbred scrote patriarchy.
>>965666There is a huge problem with muslim boys in schools were i live too, they don't even know why they're there and won't listen or show basic respect towards the female teachers. And if they get angry they can always threaten the staff with their criminal cousins.
It's a well-known problem but media won't report that the ones behind all the increasing violence and threats against teachers are immigrant moids.
No. 965725
>>965564I'm also living in one of the big German cities and live very close to different places where immigrants and homeless people live and what I've noticed so far is that most of the immigrants I see at least once a week for over 3 years now can't speak a single word German, one woman already has her third child, still not speaking or understanding anything. The homeless people are mostly people from Eastern Europe and they are drunk 24/7 and very intrusive. The immigrants from different African countries are not a problem at all, yes, they mostly stay in their group, but in the end I can understand it, it's not like the Germans in my part of the city are very educated or welcoming. What I'm just so done with is that the government let anyone in (mostly young males in my city) and they do nothing, in those more than 3 years living here nothing has changed and no one even tries. Wouldn't be so hard to make basic language lessons one of the things you have to take when you want to stay and then providing these lessons, payed by the state.
I agree that no one has to stay in a tent at the border of a country that's been destroyed or while a war is going on, still, I don't see a way how we could handle more.
>>965607German anon here, they are okay, some are shit, some not, and then we have Pimmelgate. It's very different and can depend on where you live, where I live now I would say most cops are nice and chilled, where I lived before they were racist and of no use.
No. 965731
>>965666>>965662not a teacher, but that is one thing I've noticed while outside. The women are covered from head to toe, only eyes visible (don't understand why that's still allowed), you never see a man while the women are outside taking care of the children, but you always notice how different the treat their boys and girls. They boys are allowed to run and have fun and be loud, the girls are always very close to their mothers, don't look at anyone and appear as if they try everything to just disappear from the world.
The only thing possible would be to separate the women from the men, but that would mostly mean horrible things for the women. And sadly I've met some younger Muslim women that are just as horrible as the males, telling every not Muslim woman that she is a slut and that she will suffer for eternity. I don't know if they developed that way to please their men, but I'm annoyed by all that religious bullshit that is ruining millions of lives.
>>965682I'm okay with everyone thinking that we are Nazis, kek. I stopped caring because I don't care about my country. Hope I will see our next Chancellor on foreign newspapers with a Hitlerbart (Hitler-moustache) some time soon.
No. 965854
>>965682We're always the antagonists.
One time my mom and me saw a movie where we weren't, and instead worked together with the heroes. In the end we were so confused, because we expected some betrayal of some sorts, but when nothing came we thought we both understood some plotpoint wrong kek.
No. 965873
>>965740I smoked on and off for about a year in 2019-2020. I started doing it socially almost every day that winter bc it was my first year of uni, the only good thing I got from the pandemic was that I stopped smoking because I wasn't seeing my new smoker friends anymore lol. I stopped completely this year
made an exception on my birthday though, sue me. I kind of miss it but eh
>>965682>italyidk it can be stereotypical/exaggerated but not really offensive imo. Italian-American characters in American media are so removed from actual italian reality that I consider them a separate category so idc. The only time I remember being genuinely annoyed is that scene in inglorious basterds where the guy kept doing the "italian hand gesture" for no reason, so retarded lol
No. 965880
>>965682Americans still use slavs as the evil commies. The men are aaalways criminals,evil scientists or drunk meatheads and the women are usually prostitutes. It's annoying as shit and I'm not sure if I'm being over sensitive.
The netflix witcher is one of the things where I was hoping to see some representation (not the actors, but music and details) but nope.
No. 965917
>>965880Up until recently, Germans and Japanese used to be always portrayed as stereotypical baddies in their movies. Then it was Slavs, then middle eastern muslims.
Each one of those was/is stupid and irritating. How could it not be? It's brazen dehumanizing propaganda.
And worst of all, you pay for it. You don't even need to be politically or emotionally engaged to be a target of such propaganda, you just need to be bored. You pay someone to put something interesting in your head for an hour or two, and they put this shit.
No. 965964
>>965945This reminds me of animated cartoons like The Humpbacked Horse and The Snow Queen I watched as a kid.
I really don't need Disney versions of them, they are perfect as they are. Hollywood can fuck off.
No. 965965
>>965945Not exactly related but somehow it reminded me of how there was supposed to be a Metro 2033 movie. The book was written by Dimitry Glukhovsky, the polt happens in the russian metro. Americans (hollywood?) offered to make the movie/buy the idea from him, something like that but they wanted to americanize it and he said no.
I'm just glad he declined because I just can't watch any more american actors with fake accents and shit.
No. 965972
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>>965964I was thinking more like an original story inspired by slvaic things, not a remake. Like Frozen has a northern esthetic, Raya has an asian esthetic. Something like Vsevolod Ivanovs hyperborea paintings. Flowers and nature, wooden buildings, pagan statues and stuff like that and a storyline based on some myth or a mix of them. Probably gonna have to animate it myslef though id like to see it in crisp 3d
No. 966051
>>965924I find that interesting, I'm German and I've experienced the same thing. Smoking is seen as relaxing and socialising and if you don't smoke, you are just not part of the group. There aren't any laws for smoking breaks here in Germany, but most bosses accept that you smoke, but if you don't smoke and just go for a walk for maybe 5 minutes while other people smoke, that's not okay.
I also hate that I don't have any rights for my own health. I'm waiting for the bus, people next to me smoke, I'm going into a store, people stand in the entrance and smoke, my neighbours are chain smokers, I can't open my window, no rights for me, it's about their freedom. And we still have advertisements for cigarettes in Germany, I just don't understand it, it's proved that smoking is a danger for everyone, not only the person that decides to be an idiot.
What I've read is that you have a smoking ban for parks in France, is that true? Does anyone care for it?
No. 966366
>>966051It's been so long since I went to a park I have no idea if that's an actual thing and if that's reinforced. Whenever I see people smoke right next to me at a bus stop or in a queue outside I start coughing super loud on purpose and act like a poor little
victim to make them stop or I straight up move away in the most blatant way possible while coughing. Fuck them.
No. 966387
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>>965972I’d love this idea! Doesn’t need to be Disney though imo. As a german i grew up with watching lots of slavic movies and fairytales and have beautiful memories of them! The traditional slavic/russian aesthetic is very beautiful to me too
No. 966436
>>966387That's actually Iranian aesthetic.
Btw vodka comes from Poland and samovar comes from Byzantine.
No. 966475
>>965725ata and this is an off-topic anecdote, but a friend of mine was asked by another woman if she could house this male refugee dude at her flat since she has a free room (she lives alone and he was described as super nice, yeah maybe he was who knows). Anyway she said no because of multiple reasons one of them being the understandable one of not wanting to live alone together with a man you don’t know. She was then privately accused of being racist towards him and using her white privilege against him by the other woman. (I’m in the leftosphere) seriously what the fuck this shit isn’t pc anymore.
Anyway I totally agree on the basic language courses, learning the language of the place you live in is a vital part in knowing your way around and getting out of social isolation. It probably really wouldn’t be so hard, you could create new jobs and gain some long-term benefits on the way. I don’t need anyone to ‘adapt to a culture’ other than the culture of don’t be an asshole and leave me the fuck alone if I’m minding my business but at least trying to learn the language is what literally anyone who moves places should do, me included. Idealism aside, we have to work within the given frameworks of our time.
No. 966477
>>965740on and off here too, sometimes I don’t smoke at all for several months sometimes I smoke every day, only in the evening tho.
Smoking can be fun but in the end it’s just super addictive and unhealthy as fuck.
No. 966507
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>>965682we're mostly on sitcoms, soap operas and comedies and depicted as people with disproportionate family sizes
picrel is the best female lead I could find
No. 966538
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>>965682We're always criminals lol. Either communist war criminals, drug smugglers, murderers or otherwise shifty people. Obviously I'm not a big fan.
No. 966699
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>>965740Heavy smoker, quitted for 2 years and retook it. Used to only smoke Lucky Strikes and now it's only Marlboro gold. Super annoyed at other french smokers throwing their cig butts everywhere. I do not understand it at all, neither me or my smoker friends do it, so sometimes I wonder if it's a generational thing?
Also I'm a social tard and smoking helped me making friends in highschool and at uni. It sucks that it's almost a French institution. We're probably the only country in the West where hs teachers will give you one if you ask
No. 966818
>>966442I was talking about aesthetics, i didn't say that iranians produced russian fairy tale characters. And to answer your question, no, you haven't said that russians invented slavic culture, no one said or implied that or the opposite of that in this whole thread, what an absurd question to ask.
>>966513Patterns, designs and color themes of russian folk clothes actually originate from Byzantine culture which in turn got wrecked by persians this is why russian folk clothes doesn't look like those of other european peoples who actually came up with their own styles.
No. 966895
>>966366I like the idea to start coughing very loud. I'm already always walking away while rolling my eyes, in the future I will include the coughing. Wish I would be an extrovert, that would make it easier calling them out for their behaviour.
>>966434when my next workplace will have such an attitude I will be the slowest and laziest employee they've ever seen. I don't accept being punished for a healthy decision and I won't start smoking to have more breaks. Wish we would get more protection, but the cigarette lobby still is quite strong in Germany.
No. 967414
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why tf is this trending in the UK? Are we really brained damaged or something?
No. 967415
>>967380Because they don't know shit about us and think that the word comes from the word "slave" (not true since it comes from slovo, and some other theories about it) so they think that we were super oppressed. Oppressed =
pocI wish I made that up but I saw a few tumblr posts like that from, of course, not slavic people
No. 967426
>>967380>>967405>>967419tbf using whiteness is a retarded american way to view race, I think using phenotypes as descriptors would complicate things less
"Northern European Phenotype" "mediterranean phenotype" e.t.c
No. 967888
>>967570>>967585I used to be a student coordinator for my uni while I was a student, and it involved a lot of failed attempts to get the exchange students to mingle with the local students (and a surprising amount of conflict resolution work). I'd say 80% of exchange students treat the whole experience like an extended theme park trip, and don't really want to interact with locals or make friends with them; they only go to exchange student parties, hang out with other exchange students, don't take part in student organisations or clubs, and usually won't even do coursework or group projects with local students unless absolutely forced. It's really, really sad.
The slobbiness and slovenly, I-don't-care-about-cleanliness attitude is something I noticed too; it causes a lot of friction in shared housing when local students (and this includes native students and international students who are here for a longer stay) rightly feel disgusted by people who leave shared kitchens etc in an absolute state; no one likes having all their clothes and belongings smelling of rancid grease because the Erasmus guy/girl in your apartment unit fries everything in fat and then won't clean up, or food rotting in the fridge, or literal shit all over the shared bathroom… A lot of Erasmus students have this "party holiday" mentality where they don't see the locals as real people, I guess, and don't think anything of acting like absolute asses in the progress. It's a real shame, a lot of people would kill for that kind of an opportunity.
No. 967983
>>967570 and yeah, this
>A lot of Erasmus students have this "party holiday" mentality where they don't see the locals as real people, I guess, and don't think anything of acting like absolute asses in the absolutely true. we have a small park behind the dorms, but it's across the street so it's public/city property and not dorm property. every semester, without fail, the dorm heads send around emails and hang up signs and maybe even put notices in people's mailboxes to remind them that the end of the semester is exam season in this country and that they should remember to be quiet at night and, you know, act like civilized people. every semester, without fail, the erasmus students ignore this. lately they even titled the signs with "DEAR ERASMUS STUDENTS" so they are specifically called out, but it doesn't work. if they are told that they have to party elsewhere, they go to the park behind the dorm and then they get extra loud. they give not a single fuck that people here have to study to get good grades, because they only do baby course work like handing in summaries of the weekly reading material or other garbage like that. 99% of erasmus students are just trash.
No. 968032
>>967436I did Erasmus in Dublin and it was a great experience, mostly just because Dublin is a lovely city and the other exchange students are kind of an automatic friend group
it was pretty impossible to get to know the local students though
No. 968067
>>967436Had a good stay, hang out with locals and erasmus students alike. It was tiring for my introverted ass, but at the end it helped my social anxiety quite a bit. I wouldn't recommend it to antisocial people who aren't willing to try putting their antisocial ways to the side, obviously. However, you shouldn't feel pressured to attend every Erasmus students outtings, I didn't and I was fine. When I was there, I lurked my local ESN facebook page once and saw a post from a german girl who asked if anyone wanted to go on hikes with her, she alongside 6 other people became my weekly hiking buds; there's many ways to make friends other than attending binge drinking parties.
OT from the Erasmus talk, but does anyone else here uses Vinted on a regular basis? Have you ever had weird convos with Vinted scrotes? I just bought a jumper from one and he seemed really weirded out with me buying his fucking jumper
No. 968085
I couldn't go on any exchange program because I was way too poor to go anywhere, and that's taking scholarships into account. I really wanted to go to Japan because I was studying the language and wanted to improve, since my Japanese teachers were pretty incompetent and taught most classes in just French besides the translations classes and we barely had enough free time to study the language by ourselves.
The students in my classes who went abroad either went to Ireland and loved it for a lot of reasons, they said things were less expensive there than in our French city even though most of them studied in Dublin, some went to the same university in Sweden and the opinions can be very different but nobody was hanging out with local students, or went to Japan but it's not part of the Erasmus program, half of these students really used this opportunity to improve their level in Japanese very fast, the other half just acted like tourists and picked courses in English only to have better grades while making no efforts so their best memories was hanging out with other foreign students, having sex with Japanese guys and eating way too much. Only the best students could go to England, no idea what's so special about it, and it's so weird to me that the students applying to go abroad to English speaking countries because of their English courses/credits were forced by the university staff to go to fucking Sweden of all places.
No. 968129
>>967888 and probably a little bit biased due to my experiences with most Erasmus students I met and assisted, but I would say that it is overall an incredible opportunity, and also what you make of it.
A lot of the Erasmus students I coordinated treated it like Amish do "rumspringa", almost; partying, fucking, not really making any effort to get to know the location or the locals beyond sightseeing trips organised by the ESN or the student org… I got the impression that they were living it up like there was no tomorrow because they didn't really know what to do with their time here? Like it was both a lack of foresight and initiative. Obviously an extended exchange stay is not going to be a trip through a travel brochure and some magical experience, but there's more to life than partying and fucking (both which I personally enjoy too, but in addition to other shit, too, you know?). We'd work our asses off to be inclusive to both int'l students and exchange students, but by and large, the Erasmus kids stuck to themselves, and when they did attend local events by local orgs, they weren't really interested in meeting local students, learning and partaking in local student activities and traditions, etc. I don't know what we could have done more to make it all more interesting to them or to get them away from their little ESN circlejerk. The international students that would attend local events etc would by and large enjoy themselves, though, and actively try to make friends.
This isn't an uniform experience/model for Erasmus that applies everywhere, obviously. I know there are plenty of open-minded, adventurous Erasmus students out there… but they're a minority when compared to both the hikikomori Erasmus students (mostly stick to their flats, never take part in events) and the party animal Erasmus students.
No. 968203
>>968173Tbh sometimes I wonder why even bother purchasing second hand. The asking price initially sounds good until after service fees and shipping, you end up with a second hand item that's not that much more cheaper than the new thing, except you can't try it on and can't return it.
Btw you can't (directly) offer more than 40% off through vinted, so you could always adjust your asking price so it's never less than what you want for it minimum after the 40% reduction.
I also think vinted's clothing categories are a mess.
No. 968657
>>968128For longer-term international students yes, absolutely. In my experience international students were more likely to mix with locals in their own major/department/dorms than with other international students studying different things or living elsewhere. It probably helps that the locals here practically all speak good English and the university made a point of spreading international students out throughout the dorms rather than letting them cluster. I have encountered some international students who kept to themselves, but they were super introverted and didn’t really mingle with anyone, including other people from the same country.
>>968158My student organisation was supposed to be the same way but alcohol and partying still became a huge part of every activity. The organisation itself would show up with a crate of beer and get drunk during the course of the activity, even if that activity was a nature hike or a lecture. There was always an afterparty and often people would walk out halfway through the activity and start partying early because they couldn’t wait and were already drunk anyway. Sometimes the guest lecturer or guide would even join in and rush through or outright cancel the end of the activity. As someone who doesn’t like to get drunk or be around drunk people, it was honestly the most lonely time of my life.
No. 970610
It's European theatre night on 20.11.2021., in case some anons want to go for free
The countries participating: Croatia, Slovakia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Belgium
No. 970631
>>970610How did I not know about this?? Thanks for the info!
t. Hunganon
No. 970635
>>944677HELLO my beautiful euros I have a question
How are restrictions in your countries right now?
I am in bongland and I have never taken a coronavirus test nor injection, and haven't worn a mask since May.
According to family in Bulgaria, vaccination is very unpopular over there, but things keep getting locked down a lot. I heard from a relative that he wasn't allowed in the park when restrictions started, and they still keep closing stuff down.
Also, Austrianons, how do they enforce lockdown only for those who are unvaccinated? Do they check you just to go into a store? How do you guys feel about it?
No. 970640
What stereotypes have you guys heard about people from European counties? This is just for fun so let’s not squabble or racebait. Here’s what I’ve heard
England: ugly, alcoholic, shit food, morally bankrupt, entitled, self important and arrogant. Sex tourists. Loud mouthed. Basically Europe’s USA.
Scotland: aggressive, smackheads
Ireland: alcoholic wife beaters
Wales: sheep shaggers
France:rude, smelly, dumb and arrogant. Rubbish sense of humour. The women don’t shave and the men are creeps
Italy: fiery and passionate. Great lovers. The men are sexually aggressive.
Russia: very good looking, blue eyed and tall. stern, racist. Either alcoholic drug addict or KGB secret agent.
Romania: basically thieves and gypsies. The men are all rapists. The women are beautiful
Belgium: ugly
Germany: racist. When they go on holiday they steal peoples towels and beach chairs. They have no sense of humour and a stiff upper lip. However they still manage to be sexual deviants at the same time, and love to be naked whenever possible. Especially if they’re very old and ugly.
Ukraine: beautiful. Also scammers and fraudsters.
Poland: plumbers and builders. Hard workers. Xenophobes hate them because they steal all the jobs.
Scandinavia: beautiful
Portugal: the police are fucking evil and morally bankrupt. That’s all I’ve heard
Norway: Woke af
Spain: very relaxed, laid back and nice. However, if you are a tourist the police will beat you to a bloody pulp for the smallest offence
Sweden: beautiful, tall and blonde.
Netherlands: really nice people. Very liberal.
Finland: weird af
That’s all I can think of for now.
No. 970659
>>970640Brits are polite
Italians have big families
The French are stuck up
Poles (who work here) are thieves
Scandis/Nordic countries are rich and liberal
I don't have any more than this lmao I don't know how you have a stereotype for like everyone
No. 970685
>>970640spain: spicy italy
germany: severe italy
switzerland: rich italy
france: cringe italy
greece: chill italy
romania: poor italy
austria: german italy
slovenia: slavic italy
ireland: english italy
scandinavia: cold italy
russia: alcoholic italy
portugal: wrong spain
netherlands: wrong germany
belgium: wrong france
easter euope: wrong russia
england: england
scotland, wales: funny england
t. italian
No. 970690
>>970640I'm wondering, what kind of stereotypes exist about Hungary (if there are any)? Other than there being a lot of pornstars and people being depressed and rude in general
As for other countries:
England: everyone's either ridiculously polite and reserved or stuck-up and bitingly sarcastic
Italy: people are unable to talk to each other other than by shouting and vigorously gesticulating, men are horndogs and will fuck anything with a pulse, noone has ever heard of personal space
France: men are horndogs and will fuck anything with a pulse, women are fiercely independent, smoke like chimneys and everyone dresses according to the latest trend
Germany: everyone is on time, always, without exception
Netherlands: everyone is high, always, without exception
Spain: everyone is horny, always, without exception
Romania: everyone believes in magic and superstitions. People dress very colorfully and live in caravans
Ireland: drunk, aggressive redheads who frequently get into bar fights and swear a lot
No. 970698
>>970640>>970690Hungarians are fucking weird, just plain odd (and a bit dim), but nice enough people. Also weird language.
Italy: stylish, know how to live well, but lazy, arrogant and dishonest as fuck; whores
Poland: hard working, proud, brutally honest
British: overrated due to past conquests and cultural hegemony, inbred violent retards
Irish: easygoing, a bit dim, lots of gays, a bit sluty
Spain: loud, arrogant, dishonest and dirty, also whores
Portugal: cucks
Germans: arrogant and deparved
Greeks: know how to live well, dishonest, but easygoing
No. 970717
>>970640 BUCKLE UP because I'm very judgy ♥
>England: (to me bc I'm a stacy englishwoman) alcoholic, supreme humour (as a cover for depression), bad teeth, quiet in south, loud and kind in north, sometimes arrogant and bad savoury food but nice desserts. Also, Southerners have better genes in terms of looks but worse personalities, Southerners are more fake and judgy than Northerners. Also class divide between north and south is prominent.>Scotland: England but more fat, also funny, love hate relationship, loud people who can be nice, ginger>Ireland: More religious, cute people, short, wife beaters sometimes, potato obsessed>Wales: The middle child of the UK, everyone ignores her but she's actually beautiful and also it's cheaper to live there. Bad education system
>France: Either nice people or arrogant people. They smell (obvs) but they can make good food, and French girls can be really cute. Brought the world some of the best culture, music and inventions, but are chainsmokers who may go on strike if asked to clean their rooms
>Italy: Quite nice and genuine people, lazy, loves food but still skinny legends, don't know what quiet means and loves family
>Russia: Corruption, people will sell each other out for money, love status. Either model tier or bog trolls, NO inbetween. Soulful culture and literature, tough people, ruin their looks with alcohol. Women are glamorous and will not take a dump without touching up their chanel lipstick in deep rouge #5
>Romania: Gypsies everywhere I guess, some hard workers, best gymnasts in the world, and awesome fruit and veg. Full of vampires.
>Belgium: Epic country because they made chocolate and chips and beer. If you're belgian I will give you a kiss on the cheek with my toothless english mouth ♥. French but more autistic, nice people, really tall, funny accent
>Germany: Bad sense of humour but genuine people who have honour and stick to their word. Might be hard to befriend but they have big hearts really. (probs biased bc I know a german girl) really hot accents (only for girls) nice desserts, loud when they go on holiday and racist but they don't say out loud.
>Ukraine: The Mexico of Europe, if you're in Ukraine, get out now. Crime happens, but it's ok because if you're a Ukrainian girl you're probably pretty enough to green card anywhere in the world. Cool architecture (not ugly commie style), status obsessed.
>Poland: Plumbers, quite nice, religious, will be looking 17 telling you they're 47 with three kids, strict parents, hard to find a job, and nice food. Abominable language.
>Albania: Poor, smelly, doesn't matter if I talk shit about them because they can't access a computer due to being Albanian. Crazy hamborgar.
>Scandinavia: Norway is unfriendly, Sweden are good looking but snobby and smoke a lot, nobody wants to know what a Finnish person is, there are rumours they exist but they have a deterrent level of autism. Also Sweden will let ten mohammads move into their home because of guilt. Danish people are apparently happy but I imagine they're kind of autistic too and sad because of the cold. Also, I have a bee in my bonnet about how they couldn't STAY OUT of England and how they got to name our villages and tell us what to do. Sorry but good riddance scabby scandos, please play with your legos and keep to yourselves.
>Portugal: Idek, I think it is to Spain what Wales is to England. Their language sounds like Russian Spanish and is cool. Nice cuisine, my favourite architecture, actually maybe they're cool. Part arab but they won't admit it.
>Spain: Laid back because hot country, skinny and beautiful, lesbo (my ex gf is from spain), but good cuisine, very good cuisine. Significant weeb population.
>Netherlands: I think they're nice, I like how they like cheese because I like cheese. Also they're tall, and not fake
>Latvia: Pretty, alcoholic, Russia but not Russia (sorry Latvia).
>Belarus: Backwards to some, conservative government, cold, pretty people
>Bulgaria: Love status, terrible traditional music, people in cities can be mean spirited for no reason, have a beautiful countryside, people congregate outside a lot, epic tomatoes and produce, school system is madness and corruption is rife. Epic teen pregnancy rates but maybe that can be blamed on gypsies.
>Switzerland: beautiful until the age of thirty, and then horrific. Nice food, clean ordered people, hates foreigners. Polyglots.
>Greece: POOR, good food, funny, smoking a lot
>Moldova: I don't know much about Moldova but I assume it's like Bulgaria but inferior
>Bosnia: Muslim but Christian, terrible history, poor, hard workers but also some gangsters
>Serbia: Wishes it was Stacygaria, bad history
>Lichtenstein: Rich, German France, introverted
>Hungary: Weird language, baby faced, nice food, no longer friends with Austria, now Poland is my best friend
>Austria: Snobby people, epic food, angry art students and nice countryside. Has Vienna, the most beautiful city in the world
>Malta: Desert island, nice weather, arabs but pretend not to be arabs
>Sicily: You didn't see nothing. Good food, mafia, fishing, friendly people
>Monaco: I'm rich bich (but french)
>Lithuania: Dairy appreciators, baby faced but depressed
>Iceland: Everyone plays instruments, appreciates the outdoors, family values, smelly food, people can be really nice, and nobody seems to be a nobody if you know what I'm saying. Probably gets bogged down by the ridiculous price of food and the crazy seasons of all day or all night. First went there to see my mum's family and they seem really kind, even if their language gives me a seizure and I cannot read their Facebook posts.
>Czech republic: Does rude stuff for money, nice architecture, idk much else
>Slovenia: Every woman is Melania Trump and every man is a Slavic gangster. Stunning natural landscapes and pretty cities.
>Estonia: Finland but Slavic. I don't know much else but I think they have a decent sense of humour.
>Turkey: Muslims but less strict. Doesn't deserve to be touching Stacygaria but it does anyway. Forgiven because I like kebabs.
>Croatia: Beautiful but I don't know what the people are like.
>Slovakia: In between West and East Europe. Epic castles and folklore
>North Macedonia: Poor, pretends not to be Bulgaria
>Montenegro: Funny name hehe that's all I know
>Georgia: Birthplace of a terrible person, gorgeous country, pretty women, dramatic countryside, in between continents, Tbilisi has both ugly and stunning parts, weird script, Christian but a little Muslim, good produce and crazy awesome traditional dance. One of the oldest Christian countries
>Luxembourg: I thought it was like Liechtenstein, but maybe it's different. I'm guessing it's rich with both French and German influences
>Andorra: Another rich people hide out, so I guess rich people with tans'nuff said
No. 970785
>>970635In czechia soon unvaccinated people cant go to restaurants and services but you can shop with mask on. No traveling in the country restrictions yet, hopefully never. We have record numbers of ill people and we have 60% vaccinated. I have no idea how gonna get out of this.
What is a bongland? land of bongs?
No. 970828
>>970785Wtf that’s terrible. Just know that minorities are easier to abuse because there are less of them to stand up for themselves, so they will only wait for unvaccinated to be more of a minority to start restricting them more.
Also Bongland means Britain. I know this as image board slang because I’m just so cool jejeje
No. 971164
>>970635In Spain I think the only one atm is the goddamn mask enforcement. I don't even know why they enforce it when 70% of the people still wear their dirty lucky charms outdoors (only enforced indoors). We also say you can 100% tell who's vaxxed because they're the only ones double masked kek.
>>970640Kek I wish the police would beat drunk tourists, they coddle them. They only beat brown/black people.
No. 971181
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>>970717>I'm a stacy englishwoman>France: Either nice people or arrogant people. They smell (obvs) but they can make good food, and French girls can be really cute. Brought the world some of the best culture, music and inventions, but are chainsmokers who may go on strike if asked to clean their roomsIn a sea of non brit European countries, you've decided to put MINE first. I saw you through your window typing your post with a smile on your face, am I that intriguing to you? I need to know more. I need to know what you’re thinking. Are you often thinking of me? Does that mean… wait… Are you… flirting with me?
No. 971253
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>>971238French bashing is real and I love it
No. 971619
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these candies are soooo fucking good
No. 971628
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>>971619You should try picrel if you ever get the chance
No. 971644
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>>971321You just reminded me, you know what I wish we had in france? Fucking Max. I swear this is the best fast food chain I've ever tried in my entire life, holy shit. Not german-kebabs god level, but close
No. 971699
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Bumping because scrote is spamming Porn
No. 971858
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>>971181Wow France-chan…you blow my teeth away…♥ I chose yours first because I think of France everyday…everyday from Dover, I can see Calais is a little visible and I think that the English channel is not enough between us ♥
Also, I make sure to leave a come on bear cheese on my windowsill everyday in the hope that a French girl will smell it with her big beautiful nez and find me, and stand outside my window and it will be just like Twilight (but with french people). I am not worthy of flirting with such a beautiful creature as a French girl. I only wish to mount your grand, elegant nose and ride off into the night whilst my teeth flutter away in the wind…
p.s. please review this drawing I did of us
No. 971949
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>>970717I woke up my partner by cackling so hard from reading your post. As a depressed ugly toothed scandi-brit I tip my viking helmet to you, I’ll be back soon to steal chippies & sausage rolls.
No. 972083
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>>971628we have a similar one in Hungary but it's filled with jam
No. 972119
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>>971619I used to buy them for my dad every Christmas but since last year I haven't been able to find them anywhere, so I just buy picrel instead.
No. 972155
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Any spanish anons have travel tips for a sheltered ozfag? I’m taking an unpaid internship in Barcelona next year through a travel agency and I’m going to there for 3 months. Basically how much do you think rent + commute + eating out + partying is going to cost me? I’m working full time and living at home rn so saving isn’t a problem.
No. 972160
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>>971619Ok so what do they taste like? I tried googling them and they are just called green balls and all reviews are about how exquisite and good they are and there is ice cream of it and even jam? What the fuck
No. 2244286
>>2243517I'm an American living in the UK, if you count that as Europe.
You make tradeoffs when you move across the pond, but to me, given my situation, the tradeoffs are well worth it.
No. 2244375
>>2244362The far right wing sentiment has been festering for long nonna, we didn’t really need America’s election for it to start.
People are fed up with the fact that the economy is not doing well, salaries are low, cost of living is high, migrants’s the perfect environment for that kind of sentiment to fester, it’s not really surprising, it has happened many times throughout history.
No. 2244717
>>2244578Nayrt. I feel bad for the women who didn't vote for that fat pig. I don't want to watch women and girls suffer when they get their rights stripped away if/when Project2025 is being implemented. I don't want little girls and innocent women dying when they can't get abortion or help when they go into sepsis or are murdered by men who don't want to pay child support because half of that country is retarded. I don't want women to be forced to stay in a marriage to worthless
abusive moids when/if they ban no-fault divorce. I don't want women to lose the right to vote. There's a bunch of other shit too, and some of that shit also affects European countries.
No. 2244767
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>>971253wait till you hear about Italian bashing, nonna… the culture of our meme frog country was literally invented by Italians… it's so unfair…
No. 2244903
>>2244578The circus acts that I don't feel sorry for are
> Hi I'm 'insert cringy troon name' and with what's going on in the US atm I need to leave. Our lives are in danger! We might be rounded up any day now in camps. I don't know the first thing about your country but I am interested in moving there asap. What is your healthcare like? what is your trans healthcare like? I haven't started hormones yet so will I get stared at in the street? what is 'insert every basic thing you might wanna go do your own research on first' As if we don't have enough of our own genderclowns, or a housing shortage, or a healthcare shortage. Come on over and be a mentally ill, physically ill, surgery seeking, housing needing troon all on a whim! We'll rescue you. And they act so shocked that other coutries have their own issues going on too. It's like they randomly pick out any old country on a map and imagine it's their haven of troondom.
Women who didn't ask for this shit.. I feel for.
No. 2245805
>>2245320Germany is full of sex trafficking though, they don't call it Europe's brothel for anything. But I agree with you, my country sucks when it comes to politics but at least there has been some improvement over our rights (far-right is getting popularity though, so I wonder how how long it will last)
>>2245596God same, they even get angry when you try your best to explain in English (because they didn't bother to learn our language) and then get angry when your pronunciation isn't perfect. Go back to your shithole, we aren't your servants. Plus they're always the most violent because they drink a lot, we have several problems due that…
No. 2253821
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Yes!!!! Yes! Amazing! I hope other euro countries follow suit.
No. 2253850
>>2253827This is such a fucking retarded take. Going by your logic, we shouldn't ban or prohibit anything. Don't prohibit abuse against women, because that just means they'll hit them in private. Don't prohibit beating kids, that just means they'll do it in private.
The point of these laws is to show your garbage religion is not compatible with the country's morals and values. They are saying you can either adapt, or leave. Yes it's sad that some of these women don't actually want to be submitted to this religion, but you can't allow this horrible thing to persevere in your country because of them. These women are in a country where they can get help if they try, so they can either use that help to become free and independent, or they can continue to subject themselves to Islamic slavery. But they have to be the ones to set this in motion, nobody will do that for them.